#which is that they are out which means my granddad either doesn’t have his phone; or has it but won’t answer it
fingertipsmp3 · 6 months
Does anyone else have a friend who will panic and call you if they don’t receive a response to their message within 15 minutes, but will regularly leave you on read or delivered or go fully MIA for days
#that’s my best friend and also my granddad#she calls me i’m like ‘fuck that i’ll call back; i’m not talking to her while i’m in a towel it feels weird’ (just got out of the shower)#2 mins later she calls again. i have a shirt on & a towel over my bottom half. i answer like ‘what? what’s the emergency?’#why does this woman say ‘you weren’t responding to my messages :(‘ i check and i’m like ‘you mean the message you sent 12 minutes ago?#i was in the shower’ ‘oh’ ‘so what’s up’ ‘do you want to go to the shop with me?’ ‘ma’am it’s 8:15pm on a sunday in december and i am mostly#wearing my pyjamas. what do you think’#i love her but she tests me every day#my granddad is so much worse actually. he’ll text me or my mom (he gets us mixed up in his messenger app. sometimes he even messages#my stepdad something that’s meant for one of us. or presumably his bowling friends as well. i think sometimes he can’t be bothered to put#his glasses on and just clicks into the most recent conversation and hopes his message will find its way to the relevant person)#then if they don’t read it & respond within… about 1-5 minutes. he calls my mom; then her landline; then me; then my stepdad#and repeats ad nauseam until someone answers their phone. he does this faster and with more dedication and urgency if it’s NOT an emergency#the most fun part of this is when i see a call come in from him; don’t manage to answer it in time; call him back and he literally doesn’t#answer because he’s either already calling someone else OR he’s abandoned his phone and walked off#and he never puts his hearing aids in and also leaves his phone on vibrate so it doesn’t ring anywhere near as loud as he needs it to#he’s also constantly leaving his phone at home. i’m like JOHN. it’s a mobile.#if i need my grandparents i literally just call their landline because if no one answers that tells me everything i need to know#which is that they are out which means my granddad either doesn’t have his phone; or has it but won’t answer it#my grandma’s hearing is fine but she has a visceral hatred of phones (she doesn’t own one) so she won’t answer it or tell him it’s ringing#so yeah. my granddad expects everyone else on the planet to be available 24/7 but refuses to make himself available an equal amount#like if you want time away from your phone just say that. i love time away from my phone#but in that same vein you also cannot get mad when i don’t answer my phone if YOU don’t answer your phone. lol#personal
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straightupsickfics · 10 months
best friends, ex-friends til the end | royjamie
(better off as lovers)
this is definitely something that i wrote to get out of my own head after thinking about it literally since the show ended.. but maybe someone else will enjoy a little (~2.1k words) sick jamie + reluctantly caring roy kent <3
Sicktember Prompt #2: “What happened to your phenomenal immune system, huh?”
Jamie really doesn’t think anything of it when most of the lads (...and Ted, Trent, Rebecca, and Higgins) are all out with some kind of mysterious cold throughout the early fall. He felt bad for them, yeah, course, offered to bring Colin and Isaac and Dani soup, even. But it didn’t occur to him that he should be, like, “worried about germs,” or whatever. 
Jamie Tartt never gets sick. 
Like, ever. 
He has an unbeatable immune system, and, according to his mum, he always has. Not that any of his ill teammates seem particularly interested in hearing about that particular fact when he shares it on one of his soup drop offs. Isaac had actually told him to “fuck off outta here with that gloating,” while Colin cough-laughed beside him. 
Well, fine. Jamie knows when he isn’t wanted. He leaves, confident they’d be fine in a few days, no doubt thanks to the soup he’d left them. Then, they can all make their way back to normal on the pitch. The whole dynamic’s been off for weeks with everyone being taken out one by one by this thing, and Jamie’s getting sick of it. He needs everyone there to really dominate the way he’s used to, even if it means he has be “a bit of a fucking prick about it.” (Roy’s words). 
It turns out, all of that ass crack of dawn training is paying off after all. Like, really paying off — Jamie is better and faster than ever now, all thanks to his supreme commitment to the game, and his unmatched talent. 
And Roy’s training. 
Okay, mostly Roy’s training, but he wouldn’t be admitting that much out loud without more than a few pints in him. And since Roy isn’t letting him drink at the moment, Jamie figures he’s in the clear. 
So, yeah, Jamie Tartt’s life is fucking mint as of late. 
Now, leaving Isaac and Colin’s, he looks down at his phone and finds a message from Roy himself, think of the devil. 
Granddad: McAdoo just said you’d been by… WTF are you thinking?? You want to lose a week with whatever fucking bubonic plague’s going around the club???
Jamie: Christ, do you get tired of yelling at me, old man? It’s FINE. Jamie Tartt don’t CATCH the plague 
Granddad: 🙄 If you say so, but don’t come crying to me when you’re laid up in bed you absolute muppet. Get some sleep, I’ll see you at 4:00 AM. 
Jamie: Be there with bells on ♥️
The next few days go by in a blur of training, post-training FIFA with Roy, and sleep. He’s been feeling knocked on his ass every night this week, overtired and exhausted in a way he usually isn’t, thanks to Roy’s brutal workout regime, but he can hardly complain with the way he’s been playing. He’s been getting home late most nights, too, always a little reluctant to leave Roy’s and go home to his own empty flat. 
It’s not like Roy seems to mind either, though. He’s been making them dinners almost every night, after all. Or, well, he makes dinner and sets out two plates and doesn’t tell Jamie to get lost, which is basically the same thing, right? It’s nice, having some company. Having Roy for company, has become something he never knew he needed. 
Or maybe he just never let himself even think about asking for it. 
After one such night, Jamie showers and climbs into his bed (empty, always empty, these days, something a former version of himself would never believe let alone enjoy). He thinks about Roy. Thinks, tiredly, how nice it might be if Roy were here now, and then shakes the thought away. Since when does he think about Roy Kent in bed? 
(Since always, he’s had a poster of him over his bed since he was thirteen.) 
Thoughts of Roy are replaced with thoughts about water. His throat’s been dry all day, and a glass of water sounds killer right now, but Jamie’s asleep before he can do anything about it. 
Jamie wakes up to something jackhammering. 
No, not jackhammering. It’s his phone, vibrating on his nightstand. 
Fuck, why is it so loud? He pulls himself up to look at it, but he feels like he’s been him by a ton of bricks. Bad idea. He feels like utter shite if he’s honest, like he got hit by a truck in his sleep. His head’s pounding, for one thing, he can’t even think straight, and the dry, scratchy throat from last night has grown into a monster of a sore throat. Plus, he feels sweaty all over. 
Roy was going to kill him. 
Shit. Roy. Their training. It’s that thought that gets Jamie into an upright position, at least enough so that he can grab his phone before laying back down with it. There are five missed calls from Granddad, and a handful of texts and other notifications that Jamie ignores for now. 
Somewhere in his scrolling, it hits Jamie that the sun is coming in through his window. It’s almost 8:00 in the morning, and he’s completely missed their training. He’d slept through his alarm, missing the training with Roy, and, judging by how entirely fucked he feels, would likely miss the team training today, too. 
Jamie swallows and winces. His throat feels like he’s swallowing burning knives, but he calls Roy back anyway. 
Roy answers on the first ring, and by some act of Jesus Christ himself, doesn’t sound pissed off. 
“What the fuck, Tartt, are you alright” 
No, he definitely doesn’t sound mad, he sounds… concerned. 
“Mm? Yeah, grand.” Jamie tries to sound relaxed, but his voice sounds awful, hoarse and gravelly and blurred with congestion. 
“Fuuuuck,” is all Roy says for a minute. Then: “Let me in, I’m outside.” 
“So, what happened to your phenomenal immune system, huh?” Roy says when Jamie finally makes his way to the front door and lets him in. 
Jamie tries to roll his eyes, but even that hurts his head. “First time for everything, yeah? What’re you doin’ here?” 
“You didn’t show up for almost four hours!” Roy explodes. “You weren’t answering your phone, no one had heard from you, I was—” Roy stops himself, looking at Jamie and then away, suddenly finding the cars in the driveway extremely interesting. 
“Aw, you were worried about me,” Jamie supplies. It would be much better if he could actually enjoy this moment, but as it is he feels like he could collapse at any moment, so he holds onto the cool granite of his kitchen island. 
“Fuck off,” Roy growls. 
“You came to me in me hour of need,” Jamie says, then turns to the side and coughs, ruining the moment. 
“To be fair I thought you were dead in a ditch somewhere, had to make sure I didn’t need to see about finding a replacement.” 
“I’m irreplaceable, hello? There’s no replacing an icon.” Not that he feels like much of an icon now, with his nose starting to run and an annoying itch starting to form somewhere behind his sinuses. He scrubs a hand over his face, wishing Roy was here in his flat on literally any other morning. 
“Muppet,” Roy says, shaking his head and studying him in a way that always makes Jamie feel all squirmy inside. 
“S-shit, gimme me a second,” Jamie says, breath catching as he turns away and sneezes four times in quick succession. “Hh’itsh! Hpt-ISH! Uh-hu’ishhiew! IshhIEW!” 
“Were those sneezes? Y’sound like Phoebe’s cat when she sneezes.” 
Jamie just groans, turns around, and flops onto the couch. He doesn’t even have the energy to argue with Roy, and he loves arguing with Roy. 
“Bless you, by the way,” Roy says, voice just marginally softer as he follows Jamie to the living room. 
“Sorry I missed training,” Jamie says, voice half lost to the pillow he’s currently trying to disappear into. “Y’can find a new way to punish me for it next week, m’sure.” 
Roy’s quiet for a minute. “Think you get a pass. Team spirit, lookin’ out for the lads when they needed it and all.” 
Jamie lifts his head up, arches an eyebrow. “Thought you said don’t come cryin’ to ya?”
“I came to you, didn’t I?” 
“‘Cause you were worried about me,” Jamie says, smiling despite how bad, well, everything feels just now. 
Roy’s here. Jamie’s flat feels warmer with another person here, which helps, since he’s freezing on top of everything else. 
“Do you have any tea in this place?” Is all Roy says in reply. He’s already back in the kitchen, navigating around Jamie’s cupboards like he lives there, and Jamie’s thinking how nice it all is when he falls asleep again, right there on the couch. 
When he wakes up again, Roy is still there, Jamie’s feet in his lap, and it’s much later in the day, he can tell immediately. He must be so sick he’s hallucinating, because there’s no way Roy Kent came over to watch him sleep, covered him with a blanket, and is watching You’ve Got Mail on his TV. 
“Ah, you’re alive. I was starting to think I should call someone,” Roy says when Jamie stirs. “You look like shit. Take that,” Roy continues, pointing to a bottle of something and a glass of water on the coffee table. 
Jamie feels, impossibly, worse than he had this morning, his head feels like it weighs about a million pounds. He doesn’t argue, just swallows the medicine and water and grimaces at Roy.
“Didn’t have to stay here,” Jamie says. His voice is wrecked. 
“Fuck, you sound fucking awful,” Roy says, his hand on Jamie’s ankle — how long had that been there? He moves his thumb up and back absentmindedly, and suddenly it’s all Jamie can focus on. 
What is happening?
“Well, never drank that tea you were on about earlier,” Jamie says.
Roy nods. “Never do want to listen to me,” he says, but his voice is different now, softer. Kinder. Fonder.
“Took the liberty of ordering a takeaway, should be here soon. Soup for you,” Roy says. His hand is still there, warm on Jamie’s ankle. 
“huh-IItshh! IishhIEW!” The sneezes catch Jamie completely off guard, shivering out of him before he can do anything but lean into it. “Sorry,” he mutters, sniffling. He looks pathetic, he knows that, and he’s torn between elation that Roy’s here and complete humiliation. “You’ll be down with this next,” he warns.
“Bless you. Y’really do sneeze like a cat, Tartt.” 
Jamie’s laugh turns into another coughing fit, and when Roy leans up to rub his back, he decides that happiness wins out over embarrassment. 
They’re side by side now, closer than they’d usually sit for FIFA, though not by much. They’d been getting closer in just about every way these last few months, and Jamie realizes he’d like nothing more than to lean into it. Let Roy deal with all of it in that growly, take-charge way he has about everything else. He’d feel better soon if Roy said so, right? 
“Food should be here soon, if you want to close your eyes for a few more minutes. This prick hasn’t put Meg Ryan out of business yet, so…” Roy trails off, eyes trained on the screen rather than Jamie, who nods. His eyes and head are still so heavy. 
Daring a look at Roy out of the corner of his eye, Jamie lets his head rest on his shoulder, sniffling into the soft fabric of Roy’s ubiquitous black t-shirt and yawning. He could get used to this, if he let himself. Whatever this is…
“You’re thinking really fucking loudly,” Roy says, voice impossibly close to his ear. He doesn’t sound mad about it, though, more like amused. Jamie’s still half convinced he’s dreaming this entire day. Jamie Tartt doesn’t get sick, for one thing, and Roy Kent doesn’t play nurse with his players. “Close your eyes.”
“Fine, but only to stop your yelling, Granddad,” Jamie says with another yawn. He doesn’t lift his head from Roy’s shoulder, and Roy doesn’t say anything else, just turns his attention back to the movie.
Jamie’s ninety-nine percent asleep when he feels it, the faintest, softest brush of lips against his sweaty forehead. 
Maybe this is something after all. 
Maybe Roy Kent does play nurse when it matters. 
And maybe Jamie Tartt does get sick, though he decides then and there that it’s not too bad if this is what he gets in return. Pretty fucking mint, in fact. 
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lefaystrent · 5 years
Nursing Home au
Patton works at the nursing home as a registered nurse, because the man truly cares for people.
He oversees the activities of the rest of the nursing staff, and he’s always keeping them in high spirits.
There’s a vacancy for a nursing aide. Who could possibly fill that position?
It’s Virgil.
At first, Patton honestly doesn’t think Virgil should have been hired there.
Patton had seen Virgil during the hiring process, and his personality didn’t seem like a … good fit. Too closed-off and kinda gruff, and probably not a good bedside manner, right?
Plus there was that criminal record to consider …
But the nursing home administrator hires him anyway, and Virgil joins the staff.
Patton keeps a close eye on Virgil.
Yes he feels guilty, but even Patton isn’t free from prejudices.
Virgil goes about his work very meticulously.
He arrives five minutes early every day, without fail.
He never complains about the tasks he’s been given, just quietly accepts them in a way that makes Patton and the others wonder what he’s really thinking.
He doesn’t talk casually with the other staff much, giving short answers whenever prompted.
Patton worries about the staff’s morale as a team.
Surprisingly, he starts hearing a lot of praise about Virgil. Not from the other staff members, but from the patients themselves.
One of them, a man named Roman, sounds like he’s complaining about him.
“And then he started criticizing my favorite movies!”
“I’m so sorry sir, I’ll talk to him about that.”
“What are you talking about? Kid had some good points. I like him.”
Patton starts subtly bringing up Virgil in conversations while visiting with the patients. For some, he doesn’t even have to warm up to the subject. They stop him in the hallway.
“Patton hun, you know that new boy with the eye-makeup?”
“Yes ma’am, that would be Virgil.”
“He’s so sweet. He helped me with my phone, it’s one of those smart ones? It wasn’t working right, and he fixed it. He’s a smart boy.”
The biggest sign is when one patient—Logan Crofters, who’s a notorious nitpicker—actually voices his approval of Virgil.
“He’s not an idiot,” is all Logan says on the matter, which coming from him, it’s high praise.
Patton doesn’t really understand yet why the patients have taken such a liking to him, but he endeavors to try harder to see who Virgil really is. Mostly he’s glad that his first impression seems to be wrong.
Virgil, for his part, doesn’t understand why the patients like him either.
He just knows that they do.
One of them goes out of their way to call him over to ask for his opinion on what color scarf to knit for their granddaughter.
Another one makes a point to introduce him to their visiting family.
Lots of them seem to like to talk his ear off in general and give him life advice.
Virgil doesn’t really mind it. He’s not used to people wanting to talk to him so much, and to be honest he could use some of the advice.
And the stories they have to share are kinda wild.
He likes bantering with the one old dude, Roman.
“I’ll have you know I’ve killed many a dragon witch in my day.”
“Was this before or after you went senile?”
“Old fart.”
And then there’s Logan, the elderly man in a wheelchair. He’s probably the smartest man Virgil has ever talked to.
“You’d be surprised how many people assume I’m stupid.”
“You’re in a wheelchair, not braindead dude.”
“Yes, but I am old and crippled, and many people cannot separate physical inadequacy from mentality.”
“Well most people are idiots.”
Logan shows off his dentures in a rare grin.
After those two, there’s Remus.
Even the other staff members warn Virgil in advance about him.
It takes Virgil a month into working there to realize that he’s Roman’s brother.
It really should have been obvious.
“Virgil, where would you bury a body?”
“Why bury it when you can just burn it? Or feed it to some pigs; they’ll eat anything.”
“… oh, I like you.”
Okay, not so obvious, because Remus is a crazy old coot. But he’s got a lot of ideas and grand stories like Roman, only darker themed.
Virgil is convinced Remus is fucking with him to get a reaction out of him.
“He only says all that to get a rise out of you,” Logan confirms.
Challenge accepted.
Virgil continues being a bomb ass nurse.
He’s always super self conscious around his superior, Patton.
He knows Patton is wary of him and Virgil is terrified of messing up in front of him.
Or messing up in general. Poor babe really is too hard on himself.
Even the patients worry about him from time to time.
“You getting enough sleep at night, son? Ya got bags under your eyes!”
“That’s makeup, sir. You know that’s my makeup.”
“Hahaha, but it was funny, right? But seriously, are you sleeping enough?”
And Virgil can’t count how many times they’ve thrown food at him.
“You’re too skinny. You need to eat more.”
“I already eat a lot. I’ve got a high metabolism.”
“Is that one of those social media sites?”
“Roman, if you don’t stop acting stupid—”
“Kidding! I have an Instagram after all. Which you should totally follow me, by the way.”
It’s like suddenly being adopted and Virgil is now the grandson to many old folk.
He’s not even surprised when someone tries to set him up with one of their grandchildren.
What does surprise him is that it’s Logan.
“You should meet my grandson, Remy. Judging from what I’ve observed of your personality, you two would be compatible.”
“Huh, that’s funny, Roman’s got a grandson named Remy too.”
“Yes, Remy is both our grandson.”
“Wait, what?”
“We used to be married, Roman and I. Didn’t you know he was my ex-husband?”
Somehow Virgil has missed that.
But he is so going to grill them for details, because Roman with Logan?
Roman jumps on board when Virgil brings it up.
“Yes! Remy! You would be perfect for him! I can’t believe I didn’t think of it first!”
Virgil laughs it off because they can’t be serious.
Of course, they’re very serious.
Virgil is doing his rounds when he walks into Roman’s room and a guy not too far off from his own age standing there in a leather jacket and shades.
“Oh, you are cute,” the guy says in a way that lets Virgil know that he’s clearly heard about Virgil before.
Roman is exceedingly proud.
Virgil officially meets Remy, the grandson.
It’s awkward.
By the end of it, Virgil apparently has a date after work that he swears he doesn’t remember agreeing to.
Remy’s waiting for him in the lobby.
“You ready for the night of your life, babe?”
“Wait, you’re walking the opposite direction. Come back.”
Virgil goes out to eat with Remy.
Remy actually apologizes for his grandfathers.
“They’re cool old gay dudes, but they can be really pushy. They’ve been complaining about me being single for like yeaaars. Um, maybe I like being single?”
“Do you?”
“Okay, a bitch is lonely, but gurl, I can find a man or whoever on my own, amirite?”
“Why’d you agree to this then?”
“’Cause you really are cute and seem cool. Plus can we just talk about your aesthetic for a sec? What products do you use on your hair? The purple dye is perf.”
It’s not really a date.
But Virgil might have made a friend out of it, at least.
Virgil finds himself talking about it the next day with Patton.
It just sort of happens.
“They set me up with their grandson.”
“Oh Remy? You’ve met him?”
“Well? How’d it go?”
“Uh … I’m not sure? Like, I’m pretty sure we established it wasn’t really a date. But I think we might …”
“Might what?”
“Be … friends?”
“That’s nice, Virgil,” Patton says in a way that Virgil can tell he means it.
Virgil shrugs. “Yeah, I don’t know what I’m gonna tell his granddads though. Their gonna jump on me as soon as they see me. God old people love to gossip more than teenagers.”
“Just try to let them down easy, okay? They really adore Remy and just want him to be happy.”
It’s the first conversation Virgil has with him that doesn’t make him nervous.
The days go by and Virgil is starting to feel like he’s really settling in.
He still doesn’t understand why the patients like him so much.
Not until Patton finally sheds some insight.
It’s a busy enough day, and then Remus has one of his episodes.
He’s screaming and the other staff members who are more experienced with dealing with him are trying to settle him down.
Virgil hears the commotion from down the hall and comes running into the day room where all the patients gather and visit or watch tv.
“He gets like this sometimes,” Logan tells him. Roman sits silently beside him holding his hand, lips pressed in a thin white line and eyes not looking away from the chaotic scene.
Remus is throwing things at the nurses, yelling something about how the lights are trying to eat him.
“It’s best to stay back, Virgil,” Logan tells him.
Virgil doesn’t listen.
He goes and turns off the lights.
There’s still enough sunlight filtering in through the windows, enough to see. But everyone looks around.
Virgil pushes through the other staff.
He nudges Patton aside who had been attempting to console him.
Patton wants to pull him back. Remus is in a vulnerable state of mind right now and it could be bad for either of them.
But Virgil leans in and starts talking in a low voice to Remus.
And … it’s working.
Remus’s screams taper off.
He doesn’t look any less confused or scared. Just subdued.
“I want to go,” he says, eyes looking through everyone there. “Want to go back to my room now. Want to go back.”
“Okay, we can go, Remus. Let’s go,” Virgil says and guides him out.
It’s a slow process, but they make it to his room, Patton hovering close the entire way.
They give Remus a mild sedative to help him relax.
When Virgil walks out of the room, Roman is standing there.
He doesn’t say anything to Virgil, but he claps a hand on his shoulder.
There’s gratitude glistening in his eyes.
Roman goes into the room.
Virgil leaves for the break room. He’s definitely earned a break.
Plus his hands are kind of shaking, but shhhhh, don’t tell anyone.
After a long time, Patton comes into the room.
He sits at the table with Virgil.
“He’ll be fine,” Patton assures him.
“I didn’t say I was worried for him.”
Patton smiles and shakes his head.
“They all love you, you know?” he surprises Virgil by saying. “The patients. You do a lot of good by them.”
Virgil shrugs. “I don’t see why. I’m just me. Just doing my job. Nothing special.”
“You treat them like people.”
Patton leans closer over the table. Virgil doesn’t look away.
“You listen to them. And you talk to them, like they’re people. And for them, these people who have lost a lot of their independence and are often left forgotten here by even their own families—that’s worth a lot.”
Virgil doesn’t know if he believes all that.
But it’s a nice thought.
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clydesgod · 3 years
The coming
Feat. Richard, Vitalis, Krista
(This is just a lil drabble so, there shouldn’t be any major themes to worry about. just enjoy. Sorry if I there’s some grammar or spelling errors hehe)
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As the sun rose from it’s concrete horizon, Richard let out a large yawn as he struggled to put his shirt on. He had been trained on how to do it without anything getting caught on his horns, but it was awfully hard when you took into consideration that Richard hardly remembered much, especially when he just woke up not even half an hour ago. Not only was he changing his shirt, he was also cooking. Fried eggs, soaked in olive oil. Hardly a healthy option but it was one that got him in a good mood in the morning. Well, minus the fact both of the yolks had burst. He didn’t care either way. Sort of.
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As he finished cooking them and moving them onto a plate, he couldn’t help but feel a slight hint of dread loom over his shoulders. Was it the hangover? No, couldn’t be. Sure, he felt like trash in a landfill, but he never felt like something awful was about to happen.
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“‘Scuseeeeeee me,” asked the shorter demon as he pushed past Richard and his plate so he could open the fridge and raid it, like every morning. “Do we still have any leftovers from last night?”
Richard scoffed, picking up his plate and moving towards the main living room with an almost ragged couch and a plain looking coffee table. “Chinese for breakfast? I’d hardly say peking duck with a side of spring onion is the best choice of food to start the day with.” He commented, sighing somewhat as he looked down at his rather sad looking fried eggs. They’d be good for now anyway. He could easily go to the store later.
“Sorry for being so unclassy mr ‘ramen at 4am’,” Vitalis spat, closing the fridge as he then began to raid the other cupboards. “Surely there have to be some pop tarts here or something. You didn’t throw them away did you?”
“You mean the ones that went out 3 months ago?” Richard replied.
“Yeah. The strawberry ones.”
“Yeah I threw them out.”
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The shorter demon groaned, collapsing to his knees and looking down at himself. “I’m going to staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarve!” He moaned  in a very monotone voice. He was always an actor, even to the very end. “I always knew this would be how I’d die. With an empty stomach and whilst my favourite cousin  eats in front of my face.”
Richard, who hadn’t even taken a bite, rolled his eyes and held the plate towards him. “You want these ones then?”
Dropping his sad act, the shorter demon looked up, squinting as he looked over at the plate. “Bleh, as if. Those are the saddest eggs I’ve ever seen.”
“Suit yourself, more for me...I guess.”
“Are you really going to not get me something? Like order a McDonald’s maybe?”
“No. Wait-”
“Aww common. I know you want one of those sausage burgers, or even the pancakes.~”
Richard put his plate and cutlery down, letting it clank against the coffee table. “Wait-”
“Boooooo you’re no fun. I’ll order some but that means I won’t be able to pay for rent for a whil-”
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“Shut the fuck up! Didn’t you hear what I said?” Richard turned, his expression which previously looked like he just woke up 5 minutes ago, now looked like he realised where this strange sense of dread was coming from. He stood up, looking around the room as Vitalis started to pick up what he was feeling. He felt it too, through his hunger.
A creak was heard, as if someone was walking right outside the apartment. That shouldn’t even be at all weird, they hear people moving past this place all the time. Why was something off now? Was it the sound of their heels? The way they were moving slowly? No. Something about this person’s aura was ringing alarms in the demons’ heads. Vitalis moved quickly, hiding behind the couch as Richard attempted to follow suit.
A knock was heard. Was this a trick? Surely someone was trying to break in, no? That should’ve been the reason for this strange sense, surely. Richard slowly turned, facing the door. He looked back at Vitalis, who shrugged.
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“I ain’t answering’ that fucking door!” He whispered loudly, pointing over behind him. “You go and do it! It’s your apartment!”
Richard gulped, turning his body around as he stared at the door. Why was this feeling familiar? It was like he forgot something and was about to face the consequences of that action. Why though? He sent a birthday card to his granddad last month, what could he be forgetting? He kept moving forward, his hand hesitantly reaching over at the locks as the doorknob fidgeted slightly. Someone wanted to get in.
Another knock. Richard recoiled a bit, but carried on moving on towards the door, undoing all of the security chains and latches he had installed when he first moved in. He was told it was a safe area...but you can never be so sure.
Vitalis had dived down behind the couch, hands covering his head as he awaited a possible fight, maybe a huge explosion? He didn’t know what Richard usually got up so it really could’ve been anything. Maybe even a dragon? Or worse, the landlord. Him and Richard grit their teeth, preparing for anything as the taller demon slowly turned the handle on the door. Who was it? What could he possibly have forgotten? Slowly, he opened the door when-
It stopped. Oh no. The door was jammed, whoever was outside was trying to trap them from the inside. That had to be it. It was one of the villains he had to deal with every day and now they were here to seek revenge and kill-
Oh. Wait. No. Richard looked down, realizing he forgot to undo the last latch to the door. “A-Ah. S-sorry. One second.” He nervously said, unsure as to why he would even let someone know about his current predicament. He quickly undid the last lock, slowly opening the door now. Why did he feel like he had to urgently open this door all of a sudden? As if he didn’t want to disappoint whoever was on the other side.
As the door opened, Richard began to ponder quickly on whom it would’ve been. He thought about all of the emotions and feelings leading up to this point. Dread, forgetfulness, worry, haste, urgency, disapointment. He gulped once more, knowing there was one way to find out.
The door opened. Richard had his eyes closed as he had braced himself for whatever was behind there. Strange though, he wasn’t being beaten around at all. That’s what he was sort of expecting. He opened his eyes, slowly at first but then quickly as he recognised that face anywhere.
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“W-What are you- how did you even know- how- I- What are you doing here?”
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“Did you really think you could get away with that?”
Richard took a step back, gulping before he replied. “G-get away with what?”
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                                       Getting away 
                                                                                        without saying...”
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“Hello!” Said Krista, who at this point had just thrown her arms around Richard, trapping him in a hug. She was taller than Richard, but that was mainly thanks to those heels she wore. She hugged him for a while, with Richard trying to push away from her.
Eventually she let go of him, allowing the wrath demon to stumble back and fall onto the couch.
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“Mom??? What do you mean??? Since when were you visiting?” He asked, not raising his voice so as to not fear her wrath.
“You didn’t need to know that,” she replied back, closing the door behind her as she entered the apartment, having a look around at the state everything was in. “Oh my goodness, you left this place in a better state than your bedroom at home.”
“Speaking of,” she looked back at Richard, her gaze piercing as she squinted and frowned her brow. “Me, your father, your siblings, and your grandparents, sent you a lot of lovely St David’s day messages on your phone. And what do we get? Nothing. I asked your father, he received nothing. Rhys? Nothing. Gwyneth? Nothing. Your father’s parents? Zilch! And what do I get? An ungrateful son who doesn’t even ask how his dear mother is doing.”
She huffed, crossing her arms as she looked away from her son. Richard, at this point, was looking almost terrified.
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“Aaaaaaa-I swear I forgot! I-I had a bit too much to drink last night so the texta sort of went over my head. I was going to reply to them but I just, sort of-”
“Oh don’t you bring up that ‘forgetfulness’ thing again,” she interrupted, looking back at Richard with a huff. “This would never have happened if you stopped drinking like we asked you to do! It’s so unhealthy!”
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“...But Rhys is allowed to smoke-”
“Did I say you had permission to interrupt me?”
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“I-I mean. S-sorry mom.”
“As I was saying,” she continued, pacing around the room, looking about at everything. “Your dear mother was so worried for you, I decided I just had to pay you a visit. It didn’t help that I had to knock about 3 times. You made me worried sick!”
“I’m so sorry!” Richard replied, clasping his hands together and looking up at his mother as if he was begging for his life. “I don’t mean to make you worry! I swear I forgot. I swear! I promise I’ll reply to every text I get from you and dad!”
Krista stared at Richard for a while, eyes squinting as she loomed over Richard. She looked furious...until her expression suddenly changed as she closed her eyes and let out a brief giggle.
“Alright. I forgive you lil Dewi,” She reached over, patting his head as she moved over onto the couch, sitting herself down and placing a brown paper bag onto the coffee table. “Those are some sad looking eggs dear, so I hope you can forgive me for bringing fast food for you. I know you always love those McMuffin things with that round egg in them.”
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“Did someone say McMuffin?” Vitalis said, popping his head up whilst keeping a safe distance away from Krista.
“What did your mother teach you Vitty?”
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“...Hello Mrs Clydesgod may I please have some breakfast please and thank you.”
Rolling her eyes, she reached into the bag and brought out a wrapped meal just for him. She reached on over, letting him take it so he could slowly sink down behind the couch.
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“Where did you even get that from?” Richard asked, who looked on over at the bag as well. “Er- may I have one too...please.”
“A rather long way to say ‘please’ don’t you think Dewi?” She joked, handing him his own meal. “Don’t worry about me, I’ve already eaten today.”
Having his question unanswered, Richard simply unwrapped his meal and dug in. He was used to being disappointed by the amount of answers his mother was good at not giving him. She wasn’t planning on leaving anytime soon, wasn’t she.
“I’m not planning on leaving anytime soon by the way.”
“You haven’t spoken to any of your family for quite a while and I think that should be changed. I’m sure your father would agree.” Krista stated, resting her hands on her lap as she looked over at Richard.
“There’s no way Rhys and Gwyneth are going to stay here. There’s no room and I’d rather die than be in the same room as Rhys of all people.”
Krista gasped, placing a hand on her chest as her brows arched upwards. “How could you say such a thing! About your eldest brother too! I thought you and Rhys were good friends.”
“We were until he dated my crush, knowing damn well she was my crush ,15 years ago.”
“Tut tut tut, that’s no good reason as to not interact with him at all.” Krista crossed her arms again, a move that always made goosebumps appear on Richard’s arms. “I will not force them to come. But knowing them, they’ll find their way over here eventually. There’s nothing much you can do about that.”
“Yeah...I know.” He carried on eating, enjoying the breakfast she had brought for them silently.
“Let me know if you need any money for your rent, Dewi.” She added, standing up and taking the brown bag with her.
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“W-wait. You’re going already?” He asked, almost choking on a bit of sausage in the process of asking.
“Why, yes! I’m still yet to check into my hotel room! I’ll text you where I’ll be staying if you want to see me or to introduce me to any of your lovely friends!” She made her way towards the door, opening it and pausing at the door way. She looked back, her eyes squinting ever so slightly as she spoke. 
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“I do expect a reply this time dear.”
Richard gulped, with Krista closing her eyes and letting out a little giggle. “Hwyl! Bore da!”
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“Bore...da...mam…” Upon her closing the door, Richard was left dumbfounded, his mouth somewhat agape as the feeling of dread began to return.
Vitalis peaked up from behind the couch, looking at the coffee table.
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“So...are you going to eat those eggs?”
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Richard looked back, trying to resist the urge to slap him before resting his head back against the couch and rubbing his face with both hands.
“Sure. Knock yourself out.”
7 notes · View notes
In Hell I Will: Part 5
Writing Prompt #9: I gotta admit, that turns me on
A days after Emma risking me being killed I still am not talking to her.  I can’t believe she put me in such a fucked up situation.
I get a text from Henry asking to meet up and I accept.  Ten minutes later I go to Granny’s.
“What’s new with the quill?” I ask when I see him.
“Not much to be honest.  That isn’t why I came to talk to you,” he tells me shyly and I look confused.
“Then what?” I ask.
“I know you know about what happened with Pan,” he tells me and I gulp not sure where this is leading, “I bring that up because I think he wants me again,”
“What? Why?” I ask nervously afraid I’m about to be caught.
“I found this by my bed in my grandparents loft,” he shows me a note that says “Sweet dreams” signed by him.
I gasp knowing that was meant for me, “what do you think it means?” I ask.
“I don’t know but there isn’t anyone else who he would want as much as me, after all, he was going to kill me to live forever.  It makes sense. This could be a warning that he’s going to try to get my heart again.  I have to show this to everyone else.” he tells me urgently.
“No!” I exclaim and he looks at me weird.  I give myself a calmer appearance, “No that isn’t a good idea.  They’re already worried about so much else.  I can help you figure it out.  I want to be useful.  Anyway you promised me you wouldn’t leave me alone,” I explain a little shaky.
“You are right they do have a lot on there plate. And I’m sorry about leaving you out.  Where should we start?”
“What would his place be he goes to or works at here?” I ask him knowing the answer.
“My granddads shop!” He grabs my hand and runs down the street and I can’t tell whether I’m excited from him touching me or just being included in something I know isn’t a hoax.
I start counting everything that could go wrong in my head and know I made a dreadful mistake. He could find something of mine. He could discover the truth between us. He could never forgive me if I did. As he grabs the door I become a stress ball panicking about what he will find and more.
“Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean after all he is after you.  You might not like what you find either,” I warn him trying to get him to back off.
“It doesn’t matter what I find, what matters is I figure out what he is up to,” he tells me determined and the bell rings as we walk in.
As he searches for clues I stand not to far behind him making sure that he does not find anything that could get me caught.  He’s so nice and inclusive it makes me want to rethink choosing Pan.
“Y/n, go to the office if we separate we can do this faster,” Henry tells me.
“It might be best if we do it together.  To make sure the other didn’t miss anything,” I suggest doubting he’ll agree.
“Y/n, I know you’re new to the whole finding evidence thing, but something about searching is splitting up to find things faster,” he tells me urging me away and i feel less wanted by him.
“What am I even looking for?” I ask trying to play along.
“Something that could mean danger or something about me,” he tells me.
I gulp as I head to a room that is a distance from Henry unable to track what he might find.
I scan the room knowing in my head that the office is where personal things are so there’s a higher chance of finding something before Henry... hopefully.
I look at the desk scurrying through everything trying to find something that points to me, “There has to be something,” I whisper to myself.
After flipping through papers and looking in drawers I come across a envelope with my name on it, “Bingo,” I open it expecting something showing his sweet side and it’s titled Plan for me. That is so sweet that I make him want to have a real plan with a real future.
I start to read it but the format isn’t in paragraphs.  It is in bullet points as if he was taking notes on something to study.
”Y/n, is interesting, she’s mysterious and kind.  She knows how to catch my eye and not afraid to get in a little trouble.  She wants to help her family but can’t. She’s interested and the key to escaping.  Wrapped around my finger and able to steal from her. Her heart is strong I can tell, just what I need and can get once she is in love with me she will gladly hand it over.”
The paper slips from my hand and my heart drops. “He tricked me? How could he? How could I be so stupid! I knew feelings like that were too good to be true,” I shove the paper back in the envelope and place it where it was trying to keep myself in one piece.
“The favor,” I say to myself. “The favor he wanted from the beginning is going to be my heart,”
I sit at the desk trying to dig for more and there’s a sketch of me which I don’t even know what to think. I am so overwhelmed and don’t know what to do I take the backdoor and run away.  Being a hero isn’t the lifestyle for me.  Running away from my problems is.
About an hour later I’m by the well where me and Pan had our first rendezvous and crying... still.  I hear a branch snap, “Who’s there?” I jump and start wiping away my tears.
“Just me,” Henry says, “Where did you go?  I went to check on you and you were gone. I got worried,” he sits next to me, “Were you crying?” he asks looking at my puffy eyes.
“Yeah and before you ask why, it’s because I found out someone isn’t who I thought they were... at all.  Constant disappointment seems to follow me.” I sniffle.
He hugs me. I look at him and he looks at me, staring each other in the eyes. We both slowly lean in and he kisses me.  It’s soft and sweet.  When our lips part I don’t feel what I thought I would feel.  Not a warm giddy feeling.  Not overcome with lust and going back for a kiss with more passion.  It’s just a kiss.  
I look away from him embarrassed.
“What’s wrong now,” he asks me.
“Henry I like you, I do, but something just feels off about us,” I’m now even more embarrassed I just let him down, “I have to go,” I run off feeling horrible between telling someone I don’t like them the right way and being used by someone who I do.
I don’t even know where to go.  Everyone is leaving me out to be forgotten and I can’t go to Pan.  I just start running to nowhere I really know.  
I trip over a branch and fall hard not able to get up, “Help! Help!” I yell hoping someone can hear me.  I reach for my phone but it’s across the trail and the branch is stuck.  I try to pull my leg out but it’s wedged too deep.
Someone comes running over several minutes later, “Y/n! Are you okay?” Hook answers.  He helps untangle my leg from the branch and sit more comfortably, “What happened?”
I can’t help but cry about everything.  I unravel about it all.  How I was betrayed, how arrived to Storybrooke, it all comes out.  I even let out how the mystery person was Peter Pan slip.
“Pan?” he asks, “When I see that boy I’m gonna-” he starts getting angry.
“Hook no, he’s my problem, I have to deal with him,” I tell him.
“Everything you just shared about going to a witch you found and dealt with on your own and having to put up with that demon.  All you ever do is try to solve things by yourself, you need to be able to let others help you get through things,” he tells me gently.
He helps me up and I stand steady, “Hook, will you do me a favor?  Please don’t tell anyone what I told you.  Especially the part about Pan.”
“But y/n-” he begins.
“I know.  They could help me and I probably could use there help.  I just don’t want to deal with there disapproval of him,” I explain,  “You and I know and together we can think of something,” I tell him.
“For now, but at some point you do,” he tells me and I nod.
It makes me think of what the witch who cast me to Storybrooke told me before I left.  Family isn’t always blood, it disguises itself and once you find it you don’t let go. Maybe this is what she meant.  Sure Hook is a pirate who I would never have approached if seen on the street.  But having him pushed in my life and the type of connection  we share.  There is no one I’ve felt more in touch with and understood by.  Also it puts into perspective what Emma did with me.  I hate how she risked my life but if I knew that someone like Hook might die, I’d go to extreme circumstances to try to keep him safe as well.
We walk back to Main Street and an arrow flies right past us barely missing my face.  My eyes follow it and it’s aiming right at Mr. Gold.  I get terrified and look back at where it came from and a man tall and tan with nice thick jet black hair is standing there.  He’s wearing a sling of arrows and holding a bow and looks very angry.  Seconds later Belle runs out trying to talk him down. But he looks way too determined to listen.  
We get out of there and head to the normal meeting spot, the apartment.  I sigh knowing Emma will be there and I’ll have to face her at one point or another.  
“Why does no one let me do anything?” I ask him once we get there, “I feel like everyone is off trying to help and I’m just assigned nothing,” I huff.
“It’s not intentional,” he tells me, “And you have helped, you saved Ruby and have gone around looking for clues.  You knew where to start with trying to beat Hades and gone with others like Henry to find items we need,” I roll my eyes, “It’s true,”
Emma Regina and Robin all come in.  When Emma sees me she comes up, “Y/n I want to say something,”
“Me first.  Emma, it’s okay.  I know that you were trying to save your mom, if it were me I would be doing anything to save someone I care about so much too,”
“Y/n, you need to know that yes that was a reason that I brought you.  But I also did because I knew you would be able to handle it.  I knew you were brave and strong enough,” she tells me.
All of this sharing of feelings makes me feel so guilty that I’m keeping all these secrets from everyone.
“When will everyone else be here?” I ask.
“Mary Margaret and David weren’t that far behind us,” Regina says.
“Okay, there’s something I have to tell you all but I want everyone to be here,” I say nervously.
Later on that evening everyone is back except for Gold and Zelena which is weird.
“I have to share something with you all,” I gulp nervously as they stare at me waiting to speak.
“I wasn’t in trouble when you found me.  I know that when I came here I said I needed help because I’m in danger and could get hurt.  But that isn’t true.  The truth is I knew about magic well before I came here.  When I was little my dad walked out and social service took me away because my mom obsessively used magic to the point she hurt me when I tried to stop her from fighting someone she hates. She told me it wasn’t intentional but deep down I knew she hated how much I wanted her to ease up on magic.  It’s dangerous to have magic used on me since that happened.  Anyway I went to a witch because I wanted to find my family.  The witch told me that family isn’t always blood and dropped me here instead of who raised me,” I explain.
“Why didn’t you tell us sooner?  We could help you find your parents,” Mary Margaret tells me.
“I was embarrassed okay. I didn’t want you to know my father couldn’t take the responsibility of raising me and my mom did what she did.  Anyway there’s more.  I’ve been seeing Peter Pan.” I pause and wait for them to react but they look confused, “What I mean is, Pan found me the first day, and I know it’s wrong but we were together and I really enjoyed it,”
“What?!” David exclaims and I’m not shocked by how mad he sounds.
“Me and Pan had something going.  I snuck out to see him he snuck in to see me.  Which is why Henry found that note saying sweet dreams.  It was left for me.” I look down feeling all the sadness rush as I am about to retell the betrayal, “But he used me.  I was looking through his stuff and found out that I’m just his plan to get a heart and go back.  He tricked me!” I choke and once again cry unable to fight back the tears.
I wait for there judgmental looks and telling me it was an awful idea but they just stand there expressionless, “Say something!” I exclaim.
“I understand why you hid this from us,” Mary Margaret says and she comes over to comfort me, “But you should have told us sooner, we could have helped with finding your family,”
“And don’t worry about Pan, we will take care of him,” David adds, “what matters is your safe,”
“No no no. I don’t want him to be hurt. This is like Zelena and Hades. She’s in love with HADES and you are all perfectly okay with it!” I defend him.
“No we aren’t,” Regina says.
“You gave her the okay to be with him!” I say angry, “there has to be a way to deal with this without pan getting hurt,”
“What did the paper say?” Robin asks changing the subject.
“It was like a list of my qualities and how I am and have acted. It was like while we were spending time together he was studying me. But the last part was how once I fall in love with him I’ll gladly give him my heart and how I’m already wrapped around his finger,” I explain.
“It’s okay we will figure something out. You’ll be able to go back with us he isn’t coming,” Emma assured me.
I nod nervously, “I need to go for a walk,” I make a quick exit leaving them to talk about probably how dumb I am.
I go for a stroll to the docks and sit criss cross looking down in the soul filled water.
Someone sits next to me, “Look I’m not in the mood to be judged-“ when I turn my head it’s pan. I scoff and get up and walk away.
He follows me, “Hey what’s wrong,” he asks clearly not knowing I know the truth.
“Stop it pan we are through!” I tell him angry without turning around and keep walking.
“Y/n! What happened?” He asks.
I stand where I am for a moment before I turn around, “What happened? What happened was the guy I thought I might have loved was using me all along! I saw the paper with your “findings“ and “observations” of me! I know why you really approached me that first day!” I storm off.
After I walk a few feet he starts talking again, “You know your smarter than I thought you were. I thought I’d be able to get you to believe it till the end. But I haven’t given up. I still believe your feelings right now are strong enough to want to give me a heart,” he admits.
The pain worsens as he admits the truth, “So everything! Everything was just a ruse to go back?!” I ask afraid of the answer.
“Not everything. I do have feelings for you but going back is more important than love. Love is weakness darling,”
“I’m not doing it pan! I can’t!” I tell him.
“Why who’s alive that came down here that cares about you? Hook? Henry? It won’t take long for them to think you can be tossed out,” he tells me.
“Tell me, I need to hear you say that I was nothing but an excuse to go back up,” I tell him.
“Darling you never were meant to be anything more,” he tells me.
“Meant?” I ask.
“I did develop feelings for you. But once it felt close enough to act different and rethink my plan I realized I was in too deep and created that list to remind me why I pursued you. That doesn’t change the fact I still need your heart,”
“You selfish, mean, double crossing, coward! You could have something if you tried! How could you just let this all go! I could have helped you find a better way!  Helped you love!  And before you say how much I’m like the Charming’s and shit for saying that, I’m not!  I’m me and not afraid to mess with you like you messed with my heart!  You aren’t the only one who knows how to play games and I will beat you at yours!”
“I gotta admit, that turns me on” he says.
“What? Me calling you all those names and threatening you?” I ask.
“No. You standing up to me and showing me how devious and cruel you can be. It shows how like minded we are.  I haven’t met anyone so like me as you. But you should know that being selfish and mean are my signature traits so I take those as compliments,” he smirks his stupid face.
“Well if your turned on now your about to be cranked up by the time I’m done telling you-!” I start shouting.
He pulls me in and kisses me and I push him off me, “I’m not going to makeout with you! I’m mad at you and want you to leave me alone! I’ve already had you let me down enough!”
“You do want it too. We both know that,” he gets closer.
“Stop leaning in! You’re only making it worst! I just want you gone you-“ I start yelling but he shuts me up with a kiss again but this time I can’t help but give in. His bossy clever demeanor makes me feel the same way.
I melt into his kiss and lean against the dock building. I open the door and pull him inside both of us wanting more. We makeout passionately inside the wooden building. I feel his breath on my skin as his lips trail down my neck. He slowly slides his hand up my spine under my shirt grabbing me tight. I take off his tie and jacket getting him out of his suit he wears very well. He slides my shirt off and undoes my shorts yanking them down as if there wasn’t a moment to spare. I start stroking him and he groans as he gets my bra and panties off me tossing them away. I take off his underwear and force my tongue in his mouth as they twist together. I feel him suck my tongue as I moan and he slides in me. Us being fiercely in sync together couldn’t feel any better. He thrusts in me hard each time and his mouth ends up on my chest sucking my boob and I moan again as he makes me feel that good. We keep going and going him groaning and feeling incredible inside me. Faster and harder he goes as time passes.
“Peter, I think I’m about to,” I tell him.
“Ugh so am I,” he tells me.
With another thrust he orgasms inside me and I do the same with him.
He rolls off me both our sweaty bodies laying next to each other.
“Fuck that was amazing,” he breathes heavy.
“It really was. For someone who has spent a lot of time on an island with only boys you are really good,” I tell him.
“I’ve had more experience than you might think,” he tells me.
After a moment of silence I talk again, “Peter this can’t change anything,” I tell him.
“Peter? When did we get on a first name basis?” He asks me ignoring the important part.
“Are you listening? This can’t change how I feel!” I tell him more demanding.
“Can’t isn’t the same thing as doesn’t. It’s okay. I’m okay with it. I know how to keep you and go back. It’s a plan I have thought of but didn’t want to admit because I knew if you were gone it would be harder to move on. But your mine and I won’t let that change,” he explains.
I get up and start looking for my clothes to get dressed not answering him not taking another risk.
He stands up and goes after me, he puts his hand on my shoulder and turns me around, “I’m not playing around this time. I would love you but love held me back from my potential long ago. This time it’s different there’s nothing for me here,”
“So are you saying what we have... is love?” I ask hoping he says what I want.
“What we have is real. We are so alike too. Both have a deep past. We both aren’t afraid to say what we think. Both are sneaky and want something more,” he convinces.
“I... I need to go,” I run out before I make a choice that’s wrong. I see a text from Emma saying that Zelena has gone missing and I’m quick to retreat to them out of concern of her. Why am I so worried about someone I don’t even know that well?
When I’m there with everyone, so is Hades. That leaves me even more confused. He talks about how Zelena was supposed to meet him for dinner but never showed which gets everyone suspicious. There’s a note that says how she’s been kidnapped and to meet at Granny’s at 8.
We do that and when we walk in I’m shocked by what I find. Gold and Pan have Zelena held captive and I stare at Pan in disbelief but he looks at me as if to say “this is the only way.” Gold tells Hades to destroy some contract or Zelena will be hurt. Hades by everyone’s surprise destroys it immediately yet even though Gold disappears Pan goes to grab her heart which has a protection spell on it.
He walks up to me, and Henry steps in front of me, “You aren’t gonna touch her,” he says seriously to him looking him in the eye.
Everyone starts defending me which catches me off guard.
“Pan if you think your going to take her life think again,” Regina stands up for me.
I gently move Henry aside, “You guys I have to keep you all safe,” I tell them. I then step towards Pan,”I know you said that you had a plan to go up there and keep me too. But we both know you lie to get what you want. Whatever you do please don’t hurt them,” I tell him.
“Y/n, remember that favor I said you would owe me?” I nod, “Well I’m about to tell you it. I want your heart,” even though I was expecting it I get very afraid and step back slowly thinking this is all too real and scary for me.
“You aren’t doing that. Y/n is never going to give you her heart,” Hook adds in.
As everyone stands up for me Emma ushers me out the door to hide me, “Emma I can’t hide. He’s going to find me,” I walk back in, “Everyone stop!” They try to block my path but I squeeze through, “Pan, you told me you loved me. Is that true?” I ask serious.
“Of course it’s not!” David exclaims.
“David, let him answer,” I tell him sternly.  I look back at Pan.
“I told you how intense I felt about you.  I wrote that list to distract me from those emotions but it didn’t matter.  I know you’re mine and I know you love me too,” he tells me.
“And because of how I feel about you, I want you to take my heart,” I tell him.
“What?” He asks surprised.
I reach inside my chest and pull out a glowing red heart.  I hand it to him.
“Maybe telling me how I’m just like you was part of your plan but either way have it.  It’ll keep me from feeling,”
“Y/n, what the bloody  hell are you doing?!” Hook exclaims and goes to grab it but I pull it away.
“It doesn’t matter if he takes it!  I just don’t want it anymore,” I uncurl my fingers from it and let roll it onto the floor, “It’s a liability that I’ve had for far too long,” I walk out of the diner without another word.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Unlikely Pair
Peter Parker x Jameson!reader
a/n: reader is j. jonah jamesons grandkid im crying this is kind of funny ive never seen anything like it maybe?? please i hope you like it please im so proud of it and PLEASE let me know if i should do part 2
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You were pretty psyched to start at a new school that was a little more “your pace.” This school was so much better than the others around here, and it was an amazing opportunity. Now, Grandpa JJ had some things to say about the situation. A lot of “back in my day, we didn’t get ‘special opportunities.’ We started from the bottom. You either had skill, or you were a bum.” Thanks for the pep talk, Granddad.
You never did let him get you down, though. In fact, you were almost the exact opposite of him. And you enjoyed making fun of his Spider-Man obsession. Like, geez, if you love him so much, why don’t you marry him.
The first day actually wasn’t going too bad. You met a lot of talented people who you got to know better. These kids have some interesting lives, they really do.
One of the students approached you as you were packing up to leave the classroom.
“Hey! I’m Peter...Parker. Peter Parker.” He stuck his hand out to shake, which you kindly accepted. “And you are?”
“Y/N. Y/N Jameson.” You introduced yourself as you zipped up your bag and put it on. His expression turned into somewhat of confusion.
“‘Jameson...’ Where have I heard that name before?” He brainstormed for a moment while a sly smirk crept into your face.
“I’ll let you work this one out.” You commented. Suddenly, his face lit up.
“Wait! I know! That guy that hates Spider-Man!” He clapped his hands together. “Yeah?” You busted out laughing. “What?”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” You tried to catch your breath. “It’s just, my granddad hates Spider-Man so much, but most people only remember him because of Spider-Man.” His eyes went wide.
“He’s your grandfather?” Peter gasped. “Well, that make’s sense. I mean, he’s obviously not your brother.” He joked, but you could see the regret on his face.
“Not bad.” You snickered. “I like you, uh, Peter, was it?” You asked.
“Bingo.” He shot a finger gun at you, which you chuckled at. This kid was actually kind of funny in a sweet way.
“Hey, do you know where Mr. Gutierrez’s class is?” You pointed at your schedule. Peter snatched it quickly with a smile.
“Yeah! That’s my next class! Follow me.” Peter led you out of the room and weaved through the hallway with you just a few paces behind. “Mr. Gutierrez is the coolest teacher, he teaches chemistry, but like, he really gets into it, you know? There are a few other science teachers here that you might run into, Mr. Dell and Mr. Harrington, they’re both nuts. Dell thinks everything is magic and Harrington talks about his divorce a lot and I’m rambling, sorry.”
“You’re alright, Peter. At least what you talk about is interesting.” You nudged at him and he blushed. He opened the door to Mr. Gutierrez’s classroom and held it for you. “Thanks.”
“Mr. G!” Peter greeted and caught Mr. Gutierrez’s attention.
“Hello, Mr. Parker,” he turned his attention to you, “and who is this?”
“Y/N Jameson.” You stuck your hand out to shake his. Your granddad always talked about how a strong handshake builds character. “Nice to meet you.”
“Yes, you too! Lucky for you, it’s lab day. Would you guys mind being lab partners?” Mr. G asked.
“Not at all, thanks Mr. G!” Peter took you over to his lab table and walked you though the procedures, but he got a little off topic. “Hey, so, I know your grandpa hates Spider-Man...but do you?”
“What does it matter?” You cocked an eyebrow with a sly smile.
“Well, uh, I don’t know, I guess it—it doesn’t? Just making conversation, you know?” He started tripping over his words and you giggled.
“I’m just pushing your buttons, Pete. It’s alright that I call you Pete, right?” You asked. Peter was just kind of...looking at you. Just kept looking. “Pete!” You whisper-shouted.
“Yeah! Yeah, it’s cool.” He straighted his posture and cleared his throat.
“And by the way, yeah, I do like Spider-Man.” You told him and his face lit up.
“Really! Me too! I mean, not in a weird way. I admire him, you know? He seems like a pretty cool guy, all things considered. I’m rambling again.” Peter got quiet really fast.
“Again, Pete, at least it’s interesting.” You began doing a few experiments during the lecture and going on with your small talk.
“I heard that the Decathlon team met Spider-Man. Twice.” You whispered.
“Yeah, he comes around here sometimes.” Peter nodded, looking down and writing in his notes.
“Do you know why?” You asked curiously.
“Not a clue, honestly.” He tried to laugh it off.
“Hm. Maybe I’ll get to meet him someday. That would be awesome. You’re on the Decathlon team, right? You met him?” You started to question more. Peter couldn’t hold back his smile.
“I saw him swing by a few times. He was too busy to talk.” Now all Peter wanted to do was impress you. No, Peter, stop. Great power, great responsibility.
“That’s still pretty cool.” You shrugged. You guys continued you conversation for the majority of the class period, and Mr. G didn’t even stop you. He obviously heard it all, but he was kind of rooting for Peter. You were obviously cute together. The final bell for the school day rang, you gathered your belongings and walked out of the school together.
“So, how are you getting home?” Peter asked you.
“Uh, actually, my granddad told me he was gonna pick me up ‘cause it’s my first day. He’s always on time, so he’s probably waiting for me now.” You told him and he frowned. You did some quick thinking and pulled a pen out of your bag. “Give me your hand.” You reached out.
“Huh?” Peter instinctively put his hand out and you quickly grabbed it and started writing.
“Alrighty, this is my number, text me soon so I have yours.” You capped the pen and put it away. “I will see you tomorrow morning, great meeting you, Pete.” You waved goodbye and made your way to the cars. Peter looked down and read your writing. You wrote your number and your name with a heart next to it, it definitely put a smile on Peter’s face.
You climbed into the car with your granddad and he pulled into the street.
“Who was that boy you were with?” Your granddad asked.
“Oh, that’s Peter! He showed me around today.” You answered a little too giddily.
“Is he nice?” He questioned.
“Very.” You checked your phone, no message yet.
“Well, good. We’re going out to dinner tonight to celebrate your new school. Any suggestions?” He asked.
“Surprise me.” You were already daydreaming about Peter. God, y/n, get it together.
Meanwhile, Peter had finally gotten home and whipped out his phone to put your contact in. He opened up a new message and it took him an eternity to find the right words. He was thinking about asked you out over the weekend, but how?
hey, y/n, it’s pete! wanna grab some pizza this weekend? No, that’s boring.
y/n! it’s peter, was wondering if u wanted to get pizza w me this friday nite? Peter, y/n’s grandpa works for a newspaper, they probably care about grammar.
peter here! wanna get pizza this weekend? No. No, no, no. No. It can’t be this hard!
Hey, it’s Peter! Sorry I took a while to text, I missed my train again. I’m not as punctual as I’d like to be. Anyways, I wanted to know if you had any plans Friday night? I was thinking about maybe getting a pizza if you’re down? There it is! A friendly greeting, a little small talk, an explanation and apology, a question, and a proposal! Perfect composition if I say so, myself.
Peter hit send and you immediately picked up the phone.
“You kids and your damn phones.” Your granddad commented, but you just ignored it and tried to cover the smile on your face. “What? Who is it?” He asked.
“It’s Peter.” You started to reply.
“That boy you just met today? Really? Did he ask you out?” Grandpa Jameson has a whole lot of questions.
“I think he did.” You chuckled as you texted back.
“Well, then...I wanna meet him.” Your granddad nodded. “Yeah! I got to meet him so that I know there’s no funny business.” He banged his fist on the steering wheel.
“Okay, granddad,” you rolled your eyes, “just don’t scare him off.”
“No promises.” He grunted.
Y/N: Yeah, I actually do have plans on Friday. :/ I’m getting pizza with this cute guy from class. He’s kind of awkward, but in a sweet way. He’s also pretty smart and almost mysterious? I hope to get to know him better, though.
Peter: So, is that a yes? 👀
Y/N: Yes!! Just let me know the rest of the details tomorrow! Can’t wait to see you
Peter: ❤️
You put your phone back in your pocket and hummed to the radio as your granddad drove down the busy streets of Manhattan. Today was so much better than you ever thought it could get.
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macybeckham7 · 4 years
World Cup Final - Dele
{tagging @cinnnabaee cause I know she’s excited for it}
The Lionesses were the ones who were expecting to win, so they had everything to lose, whereas Japan had everything to win. Naomi found herself hiding as she tried to keep her nerves at bay, she knew she had a lot on her shoulders, she hadn't really got much playing time and when she did she was pretty average. Throughout the competition she just couldn't connect and often lost the ball before she could get into the danger area, and that just made her annoyed with herself which just made her try harder and end up taking very ambitious shots. She would go back to her hotel room and watch the coverage and listen to the likes of Raheem Sterling and Paulo Dybala all telling what she should be doing , even a few questioning whether she was all hype because of the name on her back. 
It was a week until the final and Naomi looked down at her training jumper that had her initials on it NBA, she took a deep breath and knew she couldn't be either her dad or granddad and she was here because of her own skills and she had to show her coach Lucy Bronze that she deserves to be in the team and she wanted to show the doubters what she was made out of.
Throughout the week Naomi was the first one out there and the last one in, everyone around her raised their game and Lucy couldn't help but smile as she knew she was going to be ready to tear up the stage. 
A few days away she was sat with Eric Dier who was interviewing her, she calmed herself down as she walked in and saw it was her Uncle Eric who was going to be interviewing her so he would be nice to her. The two talked, Naomi being truthful about her not playing her best, her pressures that she has because she is always being linked with Dele and David. Eric grins before handing her a photo, she takes it giving him a little glance before turning it over to see it was her as a baby on Dier’s shoulders as Dele is holding her hand. 
‘Can you remember what you used to say when you were younger?’ he asked, making her look up at him. ‘You said, anything a guy can do I can do 1000 times better, if you do win this, you are going to be better than two footballers to play for their country’ he says softly. 
It was the day of the final and Naomi was getting herself ready just like every other match, they got to the stadium and she noticed that her dad was with the BBC, she saw in the empty stadium both her mum, granddad and grandmother were all there, she walked over to them and got engulfed in a hug by YN and Victoria as David gives her a cheeky wink. He then starts walking which she instantly starts to follow his lead. 
‘This is your time right now kid’ he says in his Essex accent. ‘The stage is set for you and its time for you, are you ready?’ he questioned. 
He looks at his grandchild and sees her looking down at the pitch, he saw the look in her eyes and knew she was more than ready. He gently takes her hand making her look up at him, he could see Yn in her, he forgets just how young the footballer was, he pulls her into him and kisses her forehead as whispers he loves her.
‘I’ll score a goal for you’ she says, which takes him back all those years ago when he stood by the touchline with Dele as they yelled at the ref, being them crazy people who take kids sports serious. But whenever she scored she would do the funny goal celebrations that the two of them practiced in the garden the day prior. 
The 65th minute and it was all level, tension was high as the ref was practically all over the place, giving some decision but then ignoring some which just annoyed everyone in the stadium. Dele was with the BBC and felt him nervous as he watched his little girl, all he wanted was them to win and for her to have a good game, as he knew how bad she took the competition recently, she would cry down the phone to David or Yn but she didn't want to talk to him as she felt like she was hurting or disappointing him. 
He noticed a few times during the match she would look up at him, he often clapping her on more or throwing her a thumbs up. England had just won a freekick and it was defiantly in her range, she placed the ball down and felt like everything went quiet, as the ref was sorting everything out she looked at the board that read 2-2 in a large font, then she found her mum and granddad and then she went to her dad. She held her breath as the ref blew her whistle and she took a step and kicked with her right foot, she watched as it went over the defenders and dipped and went into the net. The whole stadium erupted as Naomi instantly ran and celebrated and aimed it at David, before blowing a kiss to her mum and then over to her dad.
The final whistle blew with Naomi instantly dropping down in floods of tears with pure happiness and adrenaline, all of her teammates all attacked her and bundled on top of her. Dele could barely talk as he sat in the media box, he instantly excused himself claiming he needs to go celebrate with his little girl. He was allowed onto the field and looked for her, he instantly running towards her with a big smile on his face and spun her around. 
‘I am so proud of you’ he whispered in her ear before kissing her all over her face making her grimace and pull away as there was hundreds of cameras on them, making him laugh before he put her into a small headlock. ‘My little champion, this doesn’t mean you’ve gotten out of your chores’ he says jokingly before kicking her as she gets pulled away to celebrate being the champions.
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Nothing Else Like It: Chapter 5
Tw for some heavy swearing in one small section of this chapter!
Yorokobi stood at the edge of the group’s second rescue boat, breathing in the salty air. So far, this one was manned by regular people, and not an orangutan whose Stand was the boat itself.
“Don’t fall in, Yorokobi,” Jotaro said as he lightly pushed his sister, which made her yelp in surprise.
“Don’t scare me like that!” she scolded. Jotaro let himself laugh a little bit.
“Anyway, we’re about to make it to Singapore,” he continued. “The old man said we would check in to a hotel and get a little bit of time to ourselves.”
“Good,” Yorokobi replied. “If I have to spend any more time with you I feel like I’ll die.”
“I’m glad we’re on the same terms,” Jotaro said. “The boat will dock in five minutes.” As he walked away, he felt a shocking flick in the back of his neck.
“Payback,” Yorokobi smirked.
Jotaro rolled his eyes, but continued walking away.
After standing at the edge a little while longer, Yorokobi decided it was time to get going. While she walked down the hallway, she suddenly felt her foot get caught on something, and she tripped, falling to the floor. As she lifted herself up, she saw Jotaro walking by.
“Oops,” he said. “Guess I still don’t have full control over Star Platinum.”
Yorokobi scowled, but left it alone for now.
“What are you doing on the floor?” Kakyoin asked.
Yorokobi tensed up. She would kill Jotaro for making her look bad in front of Kakyoin.
“Oh, I just tripped, that’s all,” she laughed. “I’m okay.” Challenge accepted, Jojo.
“Thank goodness,” Kakyoin smiled. He reached his hand out to Yorokobi, who graciously accepted it and let him help her to her feet again.
“I’m not that much of a klutz, I promise,” Yorokobi said. “Jojo was just messing with me.” She got closer, and whispered in Kakyoin’s ear. “If you’d like, I’ll let you help me get revenge.”
“Revenge?” Kakyoin asked.
“Well, he tripped me because I flicked him hard in the neck, which was only because he pretended to shove me off the boat,” Yorokobi explained. “That’s two to one. I need that to be at least equal, or leaning in my favor. It’ll be fun, I promise.”
“Sorry, but I’m out,” Kakyoin replied. “This sounds like a recipe for disaster, and there’s no reason for me to get involved.”
Yorokobi shrugged. “Suit yourself,” she said as she turned around and walked away.
“Hey, wait, you’re just going to leave like that?” Kakyoin asked. “I would’ve thought you would beg a little bit more.”
“I mean, it’s fine if you don’t want to,” Yorokobi turned back. “After all, there’s no reason for you to get involved, like you said. I just thought we could get to know each other better, you know, like friends should.”
It hurt Yorokobi to force the word friends out of her mouth, and it hurt Kakyoin to hear it. But they both also knew that building their friendship was better than nothing.
“Sure, why not,” Kakyoin shrugged. “But just this once. I don’t want Jotaro as an enemy.”
“Yes!” Yorokobi pumped her fists. “Okay, for now, let’s just get off the boat. I’ll explain to you my plan along the way.”
As the group walked down to land again, they saw Yorokobi and Kakyoin dawdling behind, smiling and talking as they walked.
“Somebody’s gotta tell them,” Polnareff muttered.
“You’re kidding, right?” Joseph said, almost too loud. “This is the most fun thing I’ve witnessed in years!”
Yorokobi looked down at the water, and pointed to it. “Look!” she exclaimed. “You can see the marine life in this water, it’s so crystal clear!”
Kakyoin bent down to look with Yorokobi. She was right, it was clear enough to see the fish swimming down there. But he knew that wasn’t Yorokobi’s only reason to bring him down here.
“Now, we need the plan to fall into action,” she whispered. “First, hold my hand.”
“Huh?” Kakyoin could feel warmth rising to his cheeks, but failed to notice Yorokobi having the same reaction.
“Well, you see,” Yorokobi stuttered, “for this to work, I need to send Hamon into you. I can only do that through physical touch.”
“Ah, that makes sense,” Kakyoin said, with just as much fumbling as Yorokobi. He grabbed her hand, feeling a warm tingling through his veins.
“Now, take Hierophant and put his strings in a circular shape in the water,” Yorokobi told Kakyoin. “Don’t make it too small, but don’t make it too big, either. I’ll handle the hard part.”
Kakyoin did as he was told, arranging Hierophant’s strings in a perfect circle. He could feel a surge of Hamon, and it extended to his fingers and toes.
“Now, pull Hierophant out of the water, keeping its current shape, and hover it over Jojo’s head.”
Kakyoin was a little bit confused, but when he lifted Hierophant, he knew that Jotaro was going to be furious. The water between Hierophant’s strings was being held purely by Yorokobi’s Hamon, and he knew what she had planned. It made him question if he should follow through with this. But before he could move the water hovering over Jotaro’s head, Yorokobi lifted her hand away from his. Instantly, the water spilled all over Jotaro.
Yorokobi was laughing so hard she was crying, clutching her stomach as she rolled on the floor. Kakyoin could practically see Jotaro’s aura burning.
“Yorokobi, you little bitch!” Jotaro shouted.
Yorokobi’s laughter stopped immediately. “Uh oh,” she muttered. Seeing her brother running towards her, she scrambled to her feet and started running away.
“Granddad!” Yorokobi cried out. “Jojo’s gonna kill me!”
“You deserve it, shithead!” Jotaro roared.
“Hey, guys?” Polnareff said. “I think those two are actually close to killing one another.”
Joseph looked over, and saw Jotaro, soaking wet, grabbing Yorokobi by the collar.
“These are the only clothes I have for the whole trip,” Jotaro growled lowly. “And they’re expensive. And now, I have to trust that nobody will steal them while they’re in the public wash, while I walk around my hotel room naked. All thanks to you and your stupid sunlight powers!”
“Speaking of, you shouldn’t have grabbed me,” Yorokobi smirked. “Water is a good conductor of Hamon.”
Jotaro felt a sharp tingling all around his body, a feeling he was used to, but it still hurt every time he felt it. He dropped Yorokobi, and the tingling stopped.
“Why, you,” Jotaro scowled, then swung a fist at Yorokobi, hitting her as hard as he could. It sent her to the ground, and he saw her lip tremble.
Uh oh.
Yorokobi exploded in a flowing of tears, screaming loudly and clutching her cheek.
“Hey…” Jotaro nervously said. “Hey, knock it off! The old man’s gonna hear you. It’s not really that bad, right?”
“I taste blood in my mouth!” Yorokobi wailed. “It is really that bad!”
“Oh, come on, it’ll be okay,” Jotaro replied, sweat dripping down his forehead. “Look, I’ll get you some ice for the wound. Just calm down a little!”
“Jotaro!” Joseph said as he walked over. “Did you do that?”
“Come on, old man, you really believe she’s not faking that to get your attention?” Jotaro tried to play it off nonchalantly, but he knew it was useless.
“Oh, God,” Yorokobi quivered as her cheek swelled up, “I think I feel a loose tooth!”
“Well, it’s certainly clear I can’t trust you two in a room together,” Joseph muttered. “Now, I know Yorokobi was messing with you a lot beforehand, but I feel like you were messing with her, as well. And did you really have to punch her? You’re spending a whole day in the hotel we’re staying at. No pool, no fun, you have to stay in your room except for meals.”
“What?” Jotaro exclaimed. “That’s not fair!”
“You hurt your sister!” Joseph replied. “I think that’s plenty fair, especially considering she has to stay in her room until three o’ clock.”
“No!” Yorokobi shouted.
“Don’t think you’re getting off the hook just because you got hurt,” Joseph scolded. “You did soak Jotaro, after all.”
“Only because he tripped me!”
“I don’t want to hear it!” Joseph said. “Both of you, play nice until we get you situated!”
The moment Joseph left, Jotaro muttered under his breath, “Bitch.”
“You were the accident baby.”
“We’re twins, and my name literally means joy.”
While Jotaro and Yorokobi were arguing under their breath, Kakyoin lagged behind, laughing to himself. Although he wouldn’t dare say it out loud, Yorokobi was right. It was really fun seeing the two of them lash out at each other.
Yorokobi slammed her head in her pillow and groaned. “Is it three o’ clock yet?”
“It’s two fourty five,” Kakyoin answered.
Yorokobi groaned louder.
“Was it worth it?” Kakyoin asked. “Soaking Jotaro, I mean.”
“Definitely,” Yorokobi lifted her head from her pillow and giggled a little. “Did you see his face?”
“It made me nervous,” Kakyoin admitted. “How do you mess with Jotaro and not worry about your life being taken away from you?”
“I fight back,” Yorokobi shrugged. “He may overpower me, but he can’t outsmart me. It was easier before he had Star Platinum.”
“Anyway,” Kakyoin said, “why don’t we pass the time while you wait for three o’ clock?”
“Like what?” Yorokobi asked. “We’ve been talking for an hour. Why are you still here, anyway? I’m the one who’s in trouble.”
“Um…” Kakyoin started, “well…” It was hard making something up when he wasn’t expecting Yorokobi to ask that question. “It would be dangerous for you to stay here by yourself, especially when we’re being attacked by Stand users.”
Before Yorokobi could say anything, the phone rang. Kakyoin picked it up. “Hello?”
“Kakyoin, Polnareff and I were ambushed by a Stand user,” Avdol said. “Thankfully, I knew what their ability was, so I burned the doll before he could inhabit it, but be careful. There could be more Stand users here.”
“Burned the…” Kakyoin started to say, “nevermind. Thank you for telling me.” He ended the call, then looked back at Yorokobi.
“Hey, I got a good idea!” Yorokobi said. “I can help relieve some of your anxiousness of being Standless by awakening mine!”
“Doesn’t that require a near-death situation?” Kakyoin asked nervously.
“And that’s why you’ll be there with me,” Yorokobi answered with a mischievous grin. “You can assist in keeping me alive.”
“Yorokobi, I don’t think this is a good idea,” Kakyoin fretted. “I mean, what exactly do you have in mind?”
“Oh, just things like jumping off of the top of this building, having my breathing cut off, maybe having Jojo punch me half to death. It’s okay, though, if you help me, I won’t die.”
“I highly doubt Jotaro would keep you alive if you allowed him to punch you as hard as he could,” Kakyoin said. “Yorokobi, please don’t do this. What if something goes wrong?”
“Fine,” she mumbled, walking out the door.
“Where are you going?” Kakyoin asked.
“The pool,” Yorokobi answered. “It’s three now.”
Kakyoin looked, and sure enough, the clock had struck three. It almost distracted him from the door slamming and Yorokobi’s fast-paced stomps running to the stairs.
She was not going to the pool.
Kakyoin burst out the door after her, running as fast as possible.
“Yorokobi! Stop!”
He followed her down the hallway, up the stairs, and to the top of the building.
“You can’t catch me on foot now!” Yorokobi exclaimed at the edge of the floor as she jumped off. Kakyoin, still running, called Hierophant, who followed her down.
The moment Yorokobi jumped off the building, she realized Kakyoin wasn’t exactly obligated to save her, especially since she jumped on her own accord. Now that she thought about it, she jumped off a building! And for what? A silly little astral projection of her fighting spirit? What if it didn’t help save her, either? What if its powers were completely useless in this situation? She could die!
“To whatever god is out there, please spare me!” she screamed. “I won’t jump off a building like that ever again! Just give me another chance to live!”
In that moment, her falling suddenly stopped. She was suspended in midair, but her feet were still dangling.
“You better keep that promise,” Kakyoin’s voice chuckled from above. Yorokobi finally took notice of Hierophant, who had his arms around her waist and was lifting her up to solid ground.
When Yorokobi planted her feet back down on the concrete, she let out a long and heavy sigh, then collapsed to the floor.
“Y-Yorokobi!” Kakyoin exclaimed.
“I’ll never do something stupid like that again,” she muttered. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry to me,” Kakyoin laughed. He grabbed Yorokobi’s hand and helped her up. While she was still getting over the shock, he put his arm over her shoulder and helped her walk back to their room.
“My life could have been over,” Yorokobi whispered to herself. “That could have been it.”
“Yeah, must have been scary, huh?” Kakyoin asked. He sat Yorokobi down on her bed.
“Who would have saved Mom if I died?” Yorokobi murmured. “I mean, Jojo and Granddad would probably do it, but it doesn’t settle well with me that I wouldn’t be around to help.”
“All of what would have happened, and you’re thinking of your mother?” Kakyoin chuckled. “She would be the least of everyone’s worries if you died.”
“Oh, come on, don’t act like I didn’t think about how everyone else would feel first,” Yorokobi laughed. “I’m not selfless. I would want everyone to miss me, including Mom. I was thinking about how hard she’d cry, then remembered her sickness.”
Suddenly, a knock came at the door. “It’s Jotaro,” the voice said from outside.
“Aren’t you supposed to be locked up in your room?” Yorokobi asked.
“The old man said I could leave early if I apologized,” Jotaro replied as he opened the door. “So I’m sorry.”
“For what?” Yorokobi sneered.
“For punching you in the face.”
Yorokobi stayed silent for a few seconds, then huffed. “You don’t really mean it.”
“You know, lots of times I don’t, but-”
“This time I actually do,” Yorokobi interrupted, using a mocking voice. “You say that every time. Granddad’s with you, isn’t he?”
Jotaro didn’t answer.
“He doesn’t mean it, Granddad,” Yorokobi said again. “If he meant it, he wouldn’t just say sorry. Jojo’s not like that.”
“Just take the damn apology and let me leave!” Jotaro yelled.
“Yeah, Granddad’s definitely with you,” Yorokobi chuckled. “You would’ve left already and lied to him to get out.”
“Come on, Jotaro,” Joseph said. He appeared from the side of the doorway. “She doesn’t want to accept the apology, but I’ll still let you go.”
“What?” Yorokobi shouted. “I told you, he’s faking it!”
“I wasn’t done, Yorokobi,” Joseph replied. “I’ll let Jotaro go at six. It’s about three right now. He did apologize, even if he didn’t want to.”
“Three hours?” Jotaro exclaimed.
“You punched Yorokobi in the face, and you still don’t feel sorry for it!” Joseph scolded. “I think we need to talk, just you and me.”
“Serves him right,” Yorokobi muttered as soon as the door closed. She had a smirk on her face as Kakyoin finally broke his silence.
“So… are you okay now?” he asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Yorokobi said, smiling but not looking up. “I just have really conflicted feelings after fights with Jojo like these. On one hand, I feel bad for not just accepting the apology, but on the other hand, Jojo is totally in the wrong here and I’m not apologizing for anything.”
“Not even soaking him in seawater?”
Yorokobi paused for a few seconds, then answered, “Yeah, maybe I should apologize for that. But not right now.”
“Don’t worry,” Kakyoin chuckled. “You have all day to think about it.”
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setaripendragon · 4 years
Trapped in the Amber - 1x06
Book 1 :: 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 This is the shortest chapter of this I’ve written to date. Meira just... didn’t have much to do, this episode, I guess. (It’s about... a quarter of the length of my longest chapter so far, so, there’s that. I may end up splitting that one in two, depending...) (This part is dedicated to @spideypoolalways; you’re awesome.)
Ankeny, Iowa – Tuesday 14th March 2006
The spot under the bridge where the kid died isn’t very informative. At least, Meira thinks, combing over the area for the third time and finding no tracks, they can probably rule out something corporeal. The only thing that’s even a little bit odd is the vandalised sign at the top of the turn off, which doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with the attack.
Giving up, Meira ambles back up to the main road and drops down to sit on the kerb. She texts Dean to let him know the site is a bust, and then entertains herself texting Charlie about the validity of the more modern urban legends versus the reliability of ancient lore until the Impala pulls up. Meira feels kind of proud of herself for not resenting, too much, that she needs to be picked up at all. “So, where to next?” She asks as she throws herself into the back seat.
“We’re going to church.” Dean declares with a heavy sense of irony.
Meira makes a reluctant noise and slides down in her seat, staying there right up until they arrive. “Do I have to?” She whines.
Sam looks over the back of his seat, eyebrows all the way up to his hairline. Dean snorts and gives her an amused look in the rear view mirror. “No, you can always stay here and sulk like a whiny bitch if you really want.” He says magnanimously.
Meira grins despite herself, because that’s classic Dad. He means it, too, she thinks, which has always been the best part about her dad’s response to that sort of thing. He’d be quite happy to leave her in the car, if she’d rather, but they both know she wouldn’t rather, because she’d be bored out of her mind in the first five minutes. And it’s just nice, to see the shades of her dad in this younger version, instead of seeing all the places where he’s not, yet, what he will be.
“That sounds boring. Church it is.” Meira replies, and gets out of the car.
“You don’t like churches?” Sam asks, unfolding himself from the passenger seat and looking bewildered by the notion. Meira gives him a quizzical look, because when has she ever suggested that she does? “I thought you were religious.” Sam explains. “You quote the bible when you’re pissed, and you know exorcisms in a holy language.”
Meira tips her head to give him that one. “I have faith, I’m not really religious.” She corrects thoughtfully, considering the church. It’s not giving her any bad vibes, but then, it wouldn’t. She can’t feel when what is supposed to be a holy space has been violated anymore, so the church is just a building to her senses. A pretty building, admittedly, but still just a building, without either the glow of sanctity or the cloying of corruption.
“What’s the difference?” Sam asks as Dean joins them and they head for the door.
“Faith is in here,” Meira begins, tapping on her chest, “not out there,” she finishes, hushed, gesturing pointedly around at the building as they step into the church. Sam pulls a thoughtful, accepting face, and then winces when the forgotten door bangs shut behind them. They pick seats near the back, and Meira slumps down in hers out of habit, and just barely reigns in the urge to stick her boots up on the back of the pew in front. She knows Granddad wouldn’t care, but people can get pissy about it, and this is a job, so she can’t really afford to make people hostile for no good reason.
Meira can’t help but roll her eyes at the invitation to pray. God already gave humanity the power to protect their children, and peace is something they have to make for themselves. Sam tries to glare her into doing it anyway, but Meira just stares back, a little incredulous, and after a couple of seconds, he gives up with a roll of his own eyes.
After the service, they manage to talk to the only witness and her father, and given Sam and Dean’s proposed ruse of being students, Meira decides to flirt a little while asking Lori about what it’s like to live in a sorority, after Sam’s done subtly interrogating her. It makes Dean, who caught the tail end of the conversation, laugh all the way to the library, much to Sam’s irritation.
They find a suspect in the dusty arrest records, and a possible connection in the location that Dean wants to check out. “There’s nothing out there, though.” Meira points out. “I checked.”
“Maybe he only comes out a night.” Dean retorts.
“But he’d still need something to anchor himself.” Meira counters.
“He could be anchored to the place itself.” Sam suggests.
Meira stops to consider that. “If he were, that would make him more of a poltergeist than a spirit, with nothing to identify him as more than a mass of violent energy. We’d need a purification ritual. Which won’t do anything except free him from that location if there’s anything still holding him here, like his bones.” Meira muses. “So we should burn those first, and then purify the place.”
Dean makes a disgruntled noise, running a hand over his face. “We still don’t actually know that this guy is the ghost. We don’t even know if it is a ghost. Can we maybe go see if we can get an ID on this fucker before we go to all the effort of grave robbing, huh?” He asks impatiently.
Meira echoes his groan with one of her own. “You two have fun with that, then. I’ve spent enough time under that damned bridge, so I’ll dig into Karns, instead, see if there’s any other compelling connections.” She pulls a face at the thought of more proof. “Man, this is why I hate preachers. Like making a career out of bringing people pleasure is a greater sin than self-righteous murder.”
Sam snorts. “They’re not all like that.” He points out reasonably.
“Not all politicians are fucking liars, either, but no one complains when someone says ‘I hate politicians’.” Meira retorts grumpily. Then she sighs. “Maybe I’ll look into death records, too. See if there have been any other hook-man-like deaths. Maybe a pattern will help.”
“Alright.” Dean snorts. “We’ll pick you up once we’re done.”
Since the library is closing, Meira takes Sam’s laptop to an all-night café and goes through what records the town has online, and the ones the library let her borrow, which isn’t as much as she’d like, but it’s still enough to get lost in for hours.
Ankeny, Iowa – Wednesday 15th March 2006
By the time Meira looks up from her frustrating research, it’s after midnight, and Sam and Dean still haven’t shown up or called or anything. Ignoring the little trickle of anxiety that bleeds into her gut at the thought, she pulls out her phone and rings Dean, only to find out they’ve been arrested. Not for long, Dean somehow managed to talk them down to just keeping them overnight, but it’s a hassle. Meira resigns herself to a long walk, and goes to fetch the Impala.
“Did you hotwire my baby?” is the first thing out of Dean’s mouth when he sees Meira leaning against the Impala’s hood.
“No, I teleported.” Meira replies, giving him a look. “Yes, I hotwired her, what did you expect me to do without the keys?”
Dean is in the middle of ostentatiously checking the car over for so much as a scratch when a couple of police cars screech out of the station, sirens wailing. They all three of them share a look, and then get into the car and follow. “Guess that’s a no on being bound to the location?” Meira says as they drive past the sorority house.
“Yeah.” Dean agrees. “We should check out the crime scene.”
“I should check out the crime scene.” Meira corrects. “You two just got un-arrested, let’s not test your good luck, huh?” She challenges with a laugh. Dean makes a disgruntled face, but nods, so Meira hops out of the car and waltzes in through the front door when no one’s paying too much attention. The scent of ozone is detectable even out in the hall, where Meira spots a scratch dug deep into the wall and on into the door jamb that reminds her of the mutilated signs out on Nine Mile Road. And then there’s the message, and the symbol that she spent half the night staring at, on and off, through her research.
She heads back out to update Sam and Dean. “Well, that seems like enough of an ID to me.” Sam says, looking to Dean, who nods.
“Alright, well, let’s find the dude’s grave, salt and burn his bones, and put him down.”
Meira sighs. “Jacob Karns was buried in an unmarked grave.” She tells them wearily. “I was going to go see if I could find it last night, but then you got arrested.”
“Are you ever going to let that go?” Sam asks, resigned.
“In a couple days, probably.” Meira capitulates with a grin. Sam gives her the bitch-face. “I also found, last night, a couple of other instances of ‘invisible killings’. 1932 and 1967. First one was a one-off, second one was a mass murder. Both were blamed on self-righteous religious douchebags who claimed that the murders had actually been committed by some invisible force.”
“So maybe the spirit isn’t haunting the place of its murders, but people who resonate with it somehow?” Sam suggests. “Poltergeists have been known to latch onto people instead of places.”
Meira whines. “Purification rituals on people are annoying.”
“It might still be a ghost.” Dean reassures her, and Meira clings to hope. “My guess is it’s haunting Lori this time around.” He adds.
Sam frowns at him. “Lori doesn’t exactly seem like the type to resonate with this guy.” He challenges, and then his expression turns thoughtful. “Her dad, though… He’s a Reverend, and he’s been preaching against immorality.” He glances over at Meira in amusement. “Is that enough to count as a ‘self-righteous religious douchebag’?” He wonders mockingly.
“Yes.” Meira confirms, crossing her arms defensively.
Sam snorts. “So maybe Reverend Sorenson wants to protect his daughter, and that’s why the ghost is going after the people around her.”
“In that case, you should keep an eye on her, in case this guy shows up again.” Dean instructs, and Sam nods.
“What about you two?” Sam asks, looking between them.
Dean tips his head back with a groan of reluctance. “We’re going to have to go and see if we can figure out which unmarked grave is Karns’s.” He explains unhappily. Meira thinks, ruefully, that this would be so much easier if she could use her grace to do the searching, but no, they’re going to have to go off guesswork.
“Worst comes to worst, we can just dig up the lot and torch them all?” Meira offers.
Dean looks at her in horror. “That’d take us all week! Grave digging ain’t easy!” Oh, yeah. Can’t use grace for that either. Meira slumps. “Christ, come on.” Dean sighs, and they all get back in the car. They drop Sam off a street away from Lori’s house, and then drive to the cemetery, pack a bag with everything they’ll need, and start searching.
“You know,” Dean begins suddenly, his tone nonchalant enough that it sets a warning bell ringing in Meira’s head, “it occurred to me that you haven’t really been brought up to speed on the whole ‘looking for our dad’ thing, even though you offered to help.” Meira blinks in surprise, which Dean catches, because he raises an eyebrow at her. “You haven’t even been asking questions.”
Because she already knows this story, but she can’t say that, so instead, she offers him a wry smile and says; “I was returning the favour.”
Dean snorts. “You return the favour on the background check, too?” He asks dryly.
Meira figures that’s as good an excuse as any for knowing the bare basics. “I read about what happened to your mom. I’m sorry.” She says quietly. She doesn’t know what it’s like to have a parent die on you, but she’s starting to become familiar with loss, and it sucks.
Dean nods, but otherwise ignores her sympathy. “Dad’s been hunting the thing that did it ever since.” He explains, using the excuse of looking for the grave to avoid looking at her. “He dropped off the grid a couple weeks before we ran into you. Right before the same thing that killed our mom up and killed Sam’s girlfriend the same damn way.”
Meira winces. “Ouch.” She thinks back, to when Sam lost his temper with the demon for taunting him about Jessica. “It was a demon that did it, wasn’t it?” She asks, as if she doesn’t already know exactly which demon it was. At Dean’s surprised look, she raises her eyebrows. “The plane crash demon said it knew what happened to her. Demons don’t really mess about talking to ‘lesser evils’, as far as I know, so…” She shrugs.
“Yeah, probably.” Dean grits out. “Anyway. I figured you should know what we’re doing.”
Meira nods, and they walk on in silence for a while. She thinks about just letting it lie, but she kind of feels bad that Dean is offering her this explanation she doesn’t actually need, because they’re really not the sketchy ones that just popped into her life and attached themselves to her for no real explanation. No, that’s her, and she doesn’t want to have to be secretive and evasive with them. “I don’t actually know what happened to my family.” She says finally.
Dean startles, and then raises his eyebrows at her. Meira looks away, shoulders hunched, and focuses on the graves. “My family pissed off loads of people.” She begins.
“Took on the devil, huh?” Dean asks.
Meira glances at him sharply, and then smiles bitterly at the sceptical look on his face. “Yeah. Dunno if you could say they won, exactly, but… they survived, which is pretty kick-ass all on its own if you ask me.” She points out, and Dean tips his head in acknowledgement. “Well, I got… accosted on my way home. Didn’t see what it was, but something made me crash, and…” Meira hesitates, trying to work out how to phrase it to make it sound plausible without adding in time-travel. “I don’t know why they didn’t kill me, but I figured I wasn’t safe, so I tried to get home.” She swallows hard.
“What’d you find?” Dean asks solemnly.
“No one was there. They were just… gone. Then-” Well, time to make some shit up wholesale to explain her inexplicable knowledge. “Then Pabbi called. Told me to run, to get away. That something had got to them all, and that he was going to hide and I should do the same, and-” Meira stops talking for a moment, and breathes, not even wanting to imagine a world where what she’s implying were true. “You have no idea how much the idea of something that could take on my dads and win scares the shit out of me. So I ran.” She explains, and then shrugs. “And that’s when you found me.”
“Huh.” Dean grunts, nodding slowly. Then he side-eyes her. “You don’t want to find the son of a bitch that did it? Get revenge?”
“Want to? Sure.” Meira laughs bitterly. “I want to find the little shit-stain and rip its spine out of its ass. Think I can?” She snorts derisively. “Not a chance in hell.” Not as she is now, anyway. She swallows again. “Pabbi wanted me to survive, so that’s what I’m going to do. This bitch wants my whole family dead? Well, good fucking luck to it, because I’m going to live forever just to spite it.”
That makes Dean grin a little, like maybe he’s proud of her for that sentiment, and it makes Meira’s eyes sting with tears for no good god damned reason. “Well, that’s a sentiment I can get behind.” He agrees, and then lets the subject drop. “You ever do the college thing?” He wonders instead.
Meira smiles. “Yeah. Got a Bachelors in Anthropology.” Dean looks reluctantly impressed, and a little bitter. Meira remembers what the shapeshifter had said about some of the things he’s been thinking. She knows it was putting a negative twist on things, but the things it had said about the inside of her head had been true, too. “Also got in a fistfight with one of my professors, once.” She adds, which has the desired effect of making Dean laugh out loud.
“What about?” He asks, delighted. Meira cheerfully recounts the story for him, and then Dean tells her a story of his own from his high school days, but stops mid-word as his focus shifts to something one row of headstones over. “There we go.” He says, and deviates from their methodical search pattern. Meira follows him, and sees the gravestone with the symbol from Karns’s hook on it.
“Helpful.” Meira says blandly, and Dean snorts. He drops the bag off his shoulder and pulls out two shovels. With a sigh, Meira takes one, and they get to work in the gathering dusk. By the time they reach the coffin, Meira’s back is sore, and her hands are stiff and aching. She’s used her grace to ease the worst of it, but she doesn’t want to look like it’s not affecting her at all, so she suffers through some of it.
“Next time, I get to watch the cute girl’s house.” Dean complains, taking a moment to lean against the side of the hole and stretch his aching arms.
“I’ll fight you for it.” Meira agrees wistfully.
Dean snorts. “No way. You had your turn.” Meira blinks. “You got to go on a dinner date while me and Sam dug up a ghost’s bike and nearly drowned.” Dean reminds her, and Meira nods because, yeah, okay, she definitely got off easy on that one.
“Fair enough.” She agrees, and then they go back to breaking open the coffin. They pour in the salt and the gasoline, then Dean drops the match. It’s remarkably satisfying to watch the bones burn after that much hard work to get to them.
Ankeny, Iowa – Thursday 16th March 2006
They meet up with Sam at the hospital the next morning. They’d been on their way to pick him up when he’d rung to tell them not to bother, because he was going to the hospital with Lori. Once he’d been assured that Sam was okay, Dean drove them back to the frat house where he and Sam had mooched beds. It had been kind of awkward, knowing what all the frat boys had been assuming she was there for, but it did at least get the ‘room mate’ out of the room, and let Meira get some sleep in an actual bed, instead of in the Impala’s back seat like last night.
Meira waits in the car while Dean heads in to fetch Sam, and she’s surprised to see the grim looks on their faces when they come out. “What’s wrong?” She asks as they climb into the car. This time, Sam’s in the back seat, since Meira’s already occupying the passenger seat.
“Hook Man’s not gone.” Dean summarises. “Cause he’s using the hook as an anchor.”
“Great.” Meira sighs.
“And Dean was right. It’s latched onto Lori, not the Reverend.” Sam adds with a grimace.
He explains his reasoning again, and Meira pulls a face. “This is why I hate religion. Fucking semantics.” She grouses. Sam makes a confused noise. “People heard ‘your choices will have consequences’ as ‘if you do something wrong, you get punished’, when it’s not. If you drop a glass and it shatters, you don’t say you’re being punished for dropping it. It’s just cause and effect.”
Sam huffs. “What about Hell, then?”
“Metaphysical cause and effect.” Meira replies. “God doesn’t send people to Hell for being bad, we send ourselves there.” When she glances over her shoulder, she sees Sam looking thoughtful. She bites back the rest of the explanation, because she’s not sure she could give it in a way that makes it sound like it’s just what she believes rather than what she knows to be true.
They pull up outside the library, and get back to work researching what the hell happened to Jacob Karns’s hook. It takes them half the damned day to find out that the blasted thing was donated to the church and then melted down, no record of what. They go grab an early dinner and wait until it’s dark to go raid, purify, and burn the church’s entire collection of silver. Meira’s practically bouncing in her seat on the drive over.
“Dibs on the church!” She crows as they pull to a stop behind the church.
Sam snorts. “I’ll take the house, then.” He says, and looks over at Dean. “You go with her, make sure she doesn’t vandalise anything else.” Dean laughs his agreement, and they split up. They raid the church, make a fire in the furnace in the basement, toss a load of salt on it, and Meira adds a blessing over the flames as well, just in case. After all, being melted down hadn’t worked the first time around.
Sam brings the stuff from the house, and then they’re interrupted by footsteps above their heads. It turns out they belong to Lori, and after a beat, Sam goes to talk to her. “Not going to steal her out from under him?” Dean asks Meira as they head back downstairs to mind the fire.
Meira makes an exaggeratedly mournful face. “I’m pretty sure she’s straight. Possibly also mildly homophobic. She was giving me that sort of look when I flirted with her before. Religion.” She spits, and Dean just laughs at her.
It’s barely been a couple of minutes before they hear yelling and banging upstairs. They share a look, and then they bolt back up the stairs, following a trail of destruction through the church to find Sam and Lori being accosted by Karns. Meira takes the necklace when Sam tosses it to her, and leaves Dean to stand guard over his brother while she burns the necklace. Once it’s melted, she jogs back upstairs yet again, and checks in with the others. “Did that finally get him?” She asks.
“Yeah, definitely.” Dean confirms, and Meira slumps against the wall in relief.
Ankeny, Iowa – Friday 17th March 2006
Meira goes to find Lori after the police are done with them and have moved on to interrogating Dean and Sam. She sits down beside her on the edge of the grass, and ignores the faintly nervous looks Lori keeps shooting her. “I hope you know this wasn’t your fault.” Meira tells her without looking at her.
Lori sucks in a sharp breath. “How did you…?”
Meira glances over with a wry smile. “You had the ghost’s anchor. The only reason it would have gone after you was if you felt you deserved to be punished for some reason.” She explains gently.
Lori frowns at her. “Then it is my fault.” She says, and at Meira’s prompting look, explains. “It was my feelings that made that thing kill Rich and Taylor. That made it go after my dad. If I hadn’t- hadn’t judged them like that-”
“Like you’re judging yourself?” Meira asks, and Lori looks away sharply and nods once. “Lori… Did you kill them?” She asks pointedly. Lori frowns and opens her mouth, but doesn’t quite manage words. “Did you pick up a weapon and decide to kill them?”
“…No.” Lori says slowly. “But-”
“Did you, with full awareness and malice aforethought, ask or instruct the ghost of Jacob Karns to kill them?” Meira asks.
Lori sighs. “No.” She confirms.
“Then this isn’t your burden to bear.” Meira insists. “No one can control how they feel, Lori, and no one should be judged for the things they think. It’s what you choose to do with those things that matter.” Lori bites her lip, looking like she’s a second away from crying. “Personally, I think it’s fair of you to judge the hell out of a guy who won’t take no for an answer, or a girl who tries to peer-pressure you into things you’re not sure you want to do, or someone who has an affair with a married person. Do I think they deserved to die for those sins? No, probably not. But then, neither did you. That’s on Jacob Karns.”
Lori takes a deep breath, and nods her acceptance. “So… so it really was a ghost?” She asks quietly.
“Yeah. That charm you wore was part of his prosthetic in life, so his spirit clung to it after he died. Whether that was because of unfinished business, or because he was just afraid to move on? Who knows.” Meira shrugs fatalistically.
“Ghosts are real.” Lori says, as though saying it out loud might help her accept it.
“Of course they are.” Meira says, amused. “If you believe in souls, you kind of have to believe in ghosts.” Lori nods slowly, still lost in thought or possibly dazed by the revelation. “So, hey. Can I have your number?” Meira asks into the silence. Lori startles, and then gives her a wary, side-ways look. Meira snorts. “That wasn’t a come on, I promise.” She says, before Lori can try to find a polite way of saying ‘ew, no’. “It’s just for emergencies, I promise. In case you run into anything like this again, you can call for help.”
“Oh.” Lori says. “Okay.” She gets out her phone, and they exchange numbers. “I’m sorry.” Lori blurts out suddenly, looking pained. “I just learned this lesson about judging people.” She huffs, frustrated with herself.
Meira laughs. “It’s not an easy mindset to get out of.” She acknowledges. “For the record, unlike the rest of your judgement, I don’t actually think it’s fair to judge consenting adults for what they do with their own bodies, or for who they love.” Lori cringes a little, grimacing in acknowledgement. Meira’s heart goes out to her, struggling so hard to be good and not knowing how. “But I forgive you.” She adds, serious, but with a touch of humour. The humour fades as she adds. “And God does, too.”
Lori smiles wryly. “I hope so.”
“I know so.” Meira retorts, which earns her a grin.
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scribblestatic · 5 years
After the initial visit, Izuku decides to visit the hospital as many times as he can.
Every time he enters, he’s greeted by the baby’s cries, and then by the baby’s silent gasps and squirms as he tries so hard to wiggle his little body towards his hand. So, knowing he has someone waiting for him, Izuku does his best to never miss a single day. He even goes on a day he leaves school with a black eye. The hospital police side-eye him that day, but it doesn’t matter so much. It’s just the usual.
No, what matters is that he can comfort the baby, if just for a little while.
...Speaking of which, he’s grown a little tired of constantly calling the baby ‘the baby’. How old is he? Shouldn’t he have a name by now?
Izuku asks something close to that after the day’s session, the baby having been lulled to sleep by his hand. He’s stuffing the protective clothing they gave him into the trash as he asks, eyes not quite able to meet the stern ones of the nurse staring at him.
“I...I was just thinking...I mean...a-all babies need names, right? So...uhm...I was just...thinking...wondering about that.”
The woman watches him with narrowed eyes. Then she huffs, hands on her hips.
“That baby has a mom, you know.”
Izuku startles. “O-Oh, well...I mean, yeah. Of course. Cause he’s a baby and all.”
“Right. He has a mum. Somewhere. And don’t you think it’d be best if the mum named her baby?”
The boy feels his stomach dip lower in his body, a cool shame starting to replace his internal organs. “Of...course. Yeah.”
“Then there’s no point in naming the thing—” Izuku’s fists clench at his sides. “—when its mother will do that once we find her. I get that you care for...I get you care, but don’t go adopting the kid before you’re even out of middle school, alright? Just leave this to us. And we’ll let you keep coming so a certain little one doesn’t keep crying, alright?”
Izuku bows his head and nods. “Yes ma’am. Thank you.”
He hears the woman sigh, then listens as her footsteps tap away in the long hall until he’s left in relative silence.
— —
“Sweetie, this weekend, we’re going to Kyoto. You’ll want to get your clothes packed, okay?,” Inko says at the dinner table.
Izuku’s chopsticks hesitate above his bowl of rice. “...Huh?”
Inko pauses. “...Kyoto, honey...you don’t remember?”
He blinks at his mom and tries to understand what she’s talking about, but not a single thing comes to mind. His face slowly scrunches with confusion as he flits through his memories like the pages of one of his quirk studies blooks.
His mother sighs, and he stops trying.
“Your grandfather’s funeral anniversary.”
“...Can I skip this year, Mom?”
His mother’s eyes widen with surprise, a rare frown forming on her face. “Izuku...you can’t be serious. He’s your grandfather, you know? We’ve gone every year since he passed and—”
“I...I mean...I-I understand that, Mom, but…” He starts twirling his chopsticks in his rice, stirring them in the grains. “I never met him, so...I mean...besides. I have some important things to do here, Mum. I can just go next time, can’t I?”
When his mom doesn’t respond, he carefully picks up a little ball of rice he’s collected at the end of his chopsticks and sticks the steaming grains into his mouth. It’s delicious as always.
“This is about the baby in the hospital, isn’t it?”
He doesn’t bother to hide this. He’s been perfectly open with his mother about the baby ever since the situation started. Even if he never tells his mom about how much Kacchan and his cronies and his classmates and his teachers bully him, he’ll tell her everything about the baby. She used to be a nurse once, after all. She knew much more about babies than he ever would. So he tells her the truth and nods as he gets another helping of rice from his bowl.
She sighs again, this time sounding more tired. “Honey...I know you’re worried about that baby, but… Well, he’s in a hospital, okay? The nurses there are taking care of him all day. He’ll be alright if you don’t see him for three days.”
Izuku swallows his rice down thickly. “Three?”
“Yes, we’re leaving once you’re home from school on Friday, so you won’t really have time to stop by the hospital—”
“But Mum, I...I really should see him. I need to see him, okay? He doesn’t stop crying unless I’m there.”
Izuku gazes into his mother’s eyes, then drops them to the grilled fish on the plate in front of him.
“The nurses are always talking about...complaining about how much he cries. He just keeps going on and on without stopping even once. Unless...unless I’m there. And all I have to do is touch him. Touch him and tell him everything is okay. That way he can fall asleep. He can stop crying then.” Izuku’s eyes narrow at the dead-eyed fish. “And every day I walk back in, he’s crying again. He’s just...always crying. But when I’m there, he’s okay. I can’t leave him to cry like that. The nurses don’t...they can’t do anything about it. They tried. Isn’t that why I was called in?”
Inko’s eyebrows raise and crinkle inwards, her lips pressed closed. “...Izuku…”
“They called me in to help and I just...I just don’t want to abandon him.”
The two go silent for a good moment, Izuku playing with his rice and Inko evaluating her son. Once his chopsticks slightly scrape the bottom of the rice bowl, he hears his mother sigh. His eyes leave the fish and watch as she picks up a piece of hers and eats it.
“...The train leaves at 5pm.”
Izuku’s lips tighten as a low distress begins to taint his blood.
“So, if you leave right after school, you should have...hm. An hour.”
His gaze shoots up, his back straightening, mouth opening a little. Across from him, Inko shrugs, a helpless smile on her face before she sterns up a bit. Though, honestly, sternness has never been her strong suit.
“I want you home by 4 o’ clock, okay? 4:15 at the latest. In that time, you can do whatever you want. Including visit the baby.”
Izuku smiles, the expression wobbly and bittersweet. “Thank you, Mum.”
Well...he’ll still be missing two days, but at least he can see the baby on Friday. It’s better than nothing, he figures.
He has two days until then...so...he should think of something good.
— —
“Hey there…”
Izuku’s gotten used to the bright lights above and the sterile scent in the hospital. It doesn’t particularly feel inviting, even if the towels keeping the baby straight in the incubator have little elephants and duckies on them. The child gasps around the tube in his mouth, taking a deep breath, like a yawn, before his breathing returns to normal. His little chest thumps with his misplaced heart, and his little head is pressed against Izuku’s hand in his sleep.
“Hey...uhm…” Izuku can feel a heat rising up behind his eyes. “I, uhm...I can’t come see you tomorrow. Or Sunday. Uhm...you see. My granddad died when I was little, and my mom wants to go see his grave. It’s to...respect our elders and our past. Because without them, we wouldn’t be here. So we go see his grave every year and put up incense...and give him some flowers...and talk about what we’re doing with our lives. Some of the rest of my mum’s family goes to see him, too. We take turns talking to him, so...yeah…” Izuku rubs his thumb against the little boy’s elongated head. “I...I never met my granddad. I mean, not really. He saw me when I was a very little baby, but I don’t remember him at this point. I was...I was just born at the time.”
He puts his arm on the incubator and slightly leans on it, not enough to support his weight, but for him to just gaze at the sleeping baby, his hand supporting his head.
“That was the first and last time we met. He didn’t like my dad, so he hadn’t wanted Mom to marry him. And then Mom had me. And I came out quirkless.”
Izuku goes silent for a moment...then shakes his head.
“But...well...I shouldn’t be telling you all of that. You don’t need to hear those depressing things...uhm...how about this? I saw these really pretty flowers today. I took a different route to get here, and I passed by a flower shop. It smelled like perfume, but it was actually all the flowers they had. There was this one really pretty kind...like, it was white, and it had these pretty yellow star-like shapes inside of them. If I remember what the sign said...I think they were...plum blossoms? Yeah...I’m pretty sure they were. They grow on these branches, right? And they smell very subtle...but it’s really pretty. I think you’d love them.”
The baby twitches and squirms a little before settling, almost as if in agreement. Izuku laughs a little and rubs his thumb against the baby boy’s head again.
“Yeah, you’d love plum blossoms…” His smile turns sad. “But...uhm...as I was saying, I won’t be able to be here tomorrow or Sunday. I can’t stay long today either… But...well, I guess… I guess I just want you to know that I’ll come back. I’ll do what I can to come back as soon as I can. Maybe...maybe if I don’t come home too late on Sunday, I can come see you then, too. It won’t matter if I’m tired… It really won’t, so...you’ll have to be a bit patient, okay? You always do your best to stay alive, and uhm...I’m going to feel a bit lonely so I can only imagine how lonely you’ll feel, but I’ll come back and tell you all about Kyoto, okay? I’ll even take some pictures so I can show you...ah, and your mom...wherever she is. But I’ll just show them to you, too. When you can see. Until then, you’ll just have to listen to me blabber on, won’t you?”
He laughs a little, mirthless, and breaths a deep sigh. 
A low rumble starts in his pants pocket, his phone beginning to vibrate with an alarm he preset. His phone is on silent, so all it does is vibrate a slow pattern in his pocket.
“Oh...ah, I’ve got to go now. It...it really feels so much shorter than I usually stay. But when Monday comes, I’ll spend as much time with you as I can, alright? I’ll stay till visiting hours are over. You just have to be patient and wait for me. I’ll be back.
...He shouldn’t.
He really shouldn’t.
The nurse talked to him before about this, and he still kind of thinks she’s right.
But also.
A part of him tells him that the little boy’s mother is never coming back.
That she’s gone to a place of no return.
Besides, any person who truly wanted their baby would never leave them where the boy was left.
No, the child had been...abandoned. Or at least hidden away.
Either way, he could feel in his heart she wouldn’t be back. No one would for the child.
So while he really, really shouldn’t, Izuku’s not necessarily known for following all the rules.
He smiles lightly and rubs his thumb against the boy’s head one more time, his voice lowering to a whisper.
“...I’ll see you when I’m back, Tadao.”
The phone vibrates faster now, the second alarm going off, and Izuku slowly pulls his hand from the incubator, leaving Tadao’s head supported on the towel beside his little body. Then, quietly, Izuku steps backwards and begins creeping out of the room. He barely makes a sound, tip toeing until he’s at the NICU doors. 
He stops.
Looks back at the sleeping baby.
Then silently opens the door and sneaks out the room.
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trojansblr · 5 years
#FightOn! (01) | ot7
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Summary: The University of Southern California is a prestigious school - only the best or the richest can attend. That means there will be a lot of spoiled brats. Two groups start colliding and the entire college shift alongside them. What will happen when sparks starts to flow between them? Drama will certainly be there.
Pairing: BTS with -eventually- female characters
Genre: Fluff, Smut (future), Angst, CollegeAU! 
A/N: First chapter is finally here! For more intel about who the boys are or what they study in this college universe go to my page, there’s real twitter accounts!!! For more information feel free to message me :) ALSO if you want to appear in this fic (I’ll make it as interactive as possible) send me your name and zodiac sign + what you do or want to do in college and I’ll make it happen!!! I really hope you guys like it :) 
The Characters • Day 1  • Day 2
“Good morning South!” Yoongi’s voice echoed through the halls of the school and even though he should sound excited, his voice maintained in a monotone, a really, really, bored and sleepy one. Yoongi was the radio boy basically. Every morning he had to wake up extra early to be able to do all the announcements the university needed him to. It was his giant love for music that made him volunteer to take care of the station – that and he really enjoyed being alone, so he had a whole studio for himself. Plus, everyday the halls were filled with good music. “Today for lunch we will have pizza and don’t forget everyone, Saturday we have the volley’s male team game. You won’t want to miss it!”
He ended his morning announcements and started preparing the playlist that will play during the rest of the day when there was a knock on the door. He tiredly gets up to open the door that he usually locks to keep noisy and unwanted people out. When he sees Carolina, a smile immediately forms in his face.
“Oh my life saver!” He says tiredly as he swings an arm around her neck and pulls her inside, grabbing one of the coffees she’s holding with his other hand. “Good morning for you too.” She chuckles. “What’s good for today?” “Pizza for lunch.” He chuckles as well. “I’m getting too old to do this morning routine. Namjoon should put some pills on his dad’s coffee.” He complained. Every morning he had to talk with the director to receive the announcements and it was a headache every time. “You’re in your twenties Yoongs…” Carolina said rolling her eyes. “But yeah, that would be nice… maybe. I slept only three hours I think and I have volley practice yay!” She threw her arms in the air pretending to be cheerful but failing miserably. “So I really need the push.” “You’re also getting too old for that… see?!” He laughs when she yawns. “Do you wanna help me with the playlist? There’s still a couple of songs I can add and I always trust your taste.” “Team granddads always.” She smiles. “Sure! What vibe are we setting today?” “Well we have to go more ‘college vibes’” He said throwing air marks and mocking the director’s tone. “So help me out, no swear words either!” He jokes. “Oh god, we’ve gone preppy…” She let’s out a sigh and sits on the end of his lap, looking at the list he already had. “But ok, I’m here to help! What about cosmos midnight to cheer up our morning? Hmm the ‘Talk To Me’ one?” “Once again my lifesaver.” He squeezed her sides. Carolina and Yoongi would seem like boyfriend and girlfriend to everyone that passed by them. They were both crazy for each other, to the point where they would really take a bullet for the other, not just for the charm of Bruno Mars. But in reality, it was a genuine friendship. They were very similar and they were comfortable around each other to the point where not touching was weird – piggybacks, cuddling, hugs. The only thing that kept them from dating each other was the fact that they praised their friendship too much and Carolina now had her eye out to a mystery drawing guy. “Let me just add that one to the playlist and we are good to go.” “Where are we going and can you please take me on your back?” She asked making him let out a laugh. “We’re going to the cafeteria because I’m starving and yes, I’ll carry your lazy ass.” “Just kidding! You need to be in shape for your next game.” She said tapping on his back because he was already kneeling down for her to climb on.  “It’s your loss. Come on.” He said and once again swung his arm around her neck as he closed the door of the radio station and headed towards the cafeteria.
By this time of the morning, the halls of Southern California University were starting to get flowed by people who had morning classes, which was basically all the freshman and junior. There were two juniors in particular that always were theme of conversation and caught a lot of eyes everywhere they went. Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin. They were childhood friends that were inseparable. Taehyung is majoring in Fine Arts and was the most eccentric it could get. He had blue hair and looked like a god. But he was the kindest person on earth too so that made him have a lot of girls swooning over him. As for Jimin he was majoring in Performative Arts and was head of the football team, he was the quarterback since his first year and that made him be the most popular boy in the entire university in a glimpse of eyes. Now, despite the both of them being the best of friends, when it came to their social circles, they didn’t belong to the same areas and even thought their interest were almost the opposite, they would always talk and support each other on everything.
“And then!” Taehyung almost screamed from the excitement of the conversation. “The little seagull just flew right from the under the barrel and next to the bigger ones and I was getting so soft but then the video stopped and it switched to that meme from Nemo where all the seagulls are saying fish!” “Fish fish fish fish fish!” Both boys started singing like it had happened in the movie. “Why did you stop?” Taehyung asked after a couple of ‘fish’ when he realized he was doing it alone. “Look, there’s Deo. Let’s go to her.” Jimin said cheerfully walking to the girl that was stuffing a book in her locker. “Good morning baby!” “Morning!” She said smiling widely, giving him a tight hug. “Oh… hi.” Deo added once she noticed Taehyung standing behind the other boy. “Hey!” He smiled awkwardly. “Oh c’mon guys, you already know each other, no need to be shy!” Jimin chuckled lightly, pushing his friends a bit closer together. “Hmm… sure! How’s everything going?” “Good!” Deo said almost immediately, as she turned again to her locker to grab her book. “Well, I gotta get to class. See you.” She said after slamming her locker door and throwing a death glare to Jimin, she left. “Ooooook! So are we seeing that movie tonight or what?” "That was weird... She looked weird don't you think?" Jimin basically spoke to himself. "But yes! We are! What movie?" He smiled sheepish lost in the conversation. “I don’t know, you are the friend not me.” Taehyung said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Bro! I told you about it five times already- the vintage one, noir.” "Ohh! That's right! Yeah, we can watch it tonight!" “Ok then, but don’t forget!” He said with warning eyes. “Gotta go, I’m probably late again.” “I’ll be there!” Jimin screamed and his friend was already walking so he decided to also go to his class. For the popular boy, he was suddenly left abandoned by his two best friends and one of them was clearly mad at him but to him it wasn’t that clear so he still had to do something about that.
Nearby, Hyori, Jungkook and Hoseok were sitting in the lounge. The morning sun was so pleasing that the latter made them sit outside to enjoy some vitamin C. This seemed like the perfect opportunity for Jungkook to vent his problems. He knew he could talk to his friends whenever, but sometimes they were too hyped to listen.
“I just don't understand the need for her to call me virgin boy. What's her deal after all? She doesn't even know me." Jungkook let out frustrated. The day hadn't even started and the words ‘virgin boy’ had already hunted him in the halls. "I don't know Gguk, maybe you just need to let it go. Focus on something else?" Hobi suggested. "She just started it out without no apparent reason?" Hyori finally said something. "Apparently. We have some classes together and I know she lives in my building but I don't remember any interaction we may had? She just started calling me like that after a class and when I noticed, it was running the college." He said in a pout. "Ok either you did something and you're just not remembering because boys never pay attention enough or she just likes to rile you up and it's working." Hyori added. “I don’t think I did?” Jungkook basically asked thinking of their interactions. “Maybe she has a crush?” Hoseok shrugged and Jungkook looked to Hyori. He needed her girl intuition. "That's an option yes! Who is she anyway?" Hyori asked already super curious. She loved and lived for a good gossip. "I don't know how to explain it to you. She has purple hair." Jungkook said like it was impossible for Hyori not to know who the girl was by that description. "Here, this is her social media." Hobi passed her the phone. "Really good description." He teased to Jungkook who huffed. 
"Ok… isn't this the girl that dates that trouble maker? The radio guy? She seems bad news" Hyori said as she scrolls down Carolina’s posts. "I know for a fact they are always on that radio booth together, only God knows doing what." "So what should I do? About the whole virgin boy thing..." "I don't know… tell her to stop?" "He already tried that and failed..." Hobi sighed. "Maybe you just have to do the same. If she starts teasing you, tease back?" "That's a good option… I mean the worst that can happen is her boyfriend beating you up but he's way smaller than you so you have a chance. Or she will beat you up… either way, someone needs to teach them a lesson, it was about time" the girl said.  "He wouldn't have a chance. He is way smaller than me." Jungkook said emphasizing in the smaller. "If she kicks my ass you and Deo have to step in, I can't hit a girl." Jungkook laughed. "Listen I would throw my chemistry books at her for you but if she runs for my head please do something! I'm not good at one on one and just by her face she seems like she would break my neck" “Guys! What violent nonsense is this?” Hoseok said getting up front his chair. “Off to class the both of you!” "Wha-" Jungkook started but was immediately cut off by Hobi again. "I'll see you at lunch!" "Let's go virgin boy! Can't arrive late and ruin my perfect academy life." Hyori said also getting up and let out a laugh once she heard Jungkook complain behind her.
As the group parted ways, Hyori walked in a fast pace to her class. She hated being late but the conversation with Jungkook and Hoseok took more of her time than she was expecting and she couldn’t afford to lose any word that left the teacher’s mouth. When she got to her biology class, there were only a couple of seats vacant and she took the one that were nearest to the teacher’s table. That way she could still record the class and take her notes. She was in the middle of a way too long sentence when someone tapped on her shoulder. When she turned around, she saw Jeonghan, a boy from her class she wished she knew a lot better but never had the guts to go and talk to him.
“Sorry, can I take a peek of your notebook? I can’t keep up the pace with her.” He smiled sheepishly. “Sure! Can you see like this?” She said turning her notebook a little to his side but at the same time trying to hide how red her cheeks already were. “Yeah, that’s perfect!” He smiled sweetly. The class continued but now Hyori was a little out of focus. She could still catch some words but the fact that Jeonghan was almost breathing down her neck was making her lose her senses and the only thing on her mind was the smell of his cologne. “Hey, it’s Hyori right?” He asked leaning against the table as Hyori was packing her stuff. "Yes! That's right!" "Thanks for the help during class! You were a great help really." He smiled as he scratched the back of his neck. "I was thinking, if you aren't too busy maybe we could study together or something? After class?" "Oh it was nothing!" She smiled nervously "Sure, that would be great! Just say where and when." "Can I have your number? I have practice after class but we can check our schedules and set a date?" He said already taking his phone out of his pocket. "Of course! I have some tutoring to do as well, but sure, we'll manage" She laughs and he hands her his phone where she types her number. "I already gave you a ring so you can have my number as well. I'll text you later Hyori!" He said grabbing his backpack and smiling widely to her, walking towards the door. “Bye!” Hyori called out and then she let out a long sigh she didn’t even realized she was holding. Boy, she was starstruck.
As Hyori left her class she immediately spotted Jungkook in the crowd and walked up to him. Hobi was probably already waiting for them in the cafeteria. It was pizza day. No one could push them away from there. But unlike them, there were another group that preferred to eat outside. Not because of the fresh air but because they enjoyed the quietness of the bleachers. It was unusual for people to have lunch there so they had maybe half an hour to eat in peace before the field would be filled with youngsters that wanted to lay down or play some ball.
“Hey losers!” Carolina said coming by alongside Yoongi. The boy had this tired look on his face like he had gone to bed too late, and he probably did. “Where were you this morning? I didn’t even see you” Jin - the oldest of the group and also Carolina's house mate - said. “I have class at eight remember? I don’t have your easy senior life” She replied sitting down next to Taehyung. He was currently sketching something on his journal, not really paying attention to the conversation. “After all this years i deserve a break don’t you think?” The oldest said chuckling. “Not really” “Well, talk in two years about that and you’ll see” “Where’s Namjoon?” Yoongi asked for the first time making everyone even Taehyung look around for their friend. “Is he sick or something?” Carolina asked. “I gave him a ride this morning...” Yoongi added. “He’ll probably show up in a few” Jin said returning his attention to the sandwich he was eating. “I saw him in the cafeteria earlier” Taehyung said still drawing “I think his class ends a little after ours” “Oh there he is!” Carolina pointed looking behind Jin. Namjoon had a fast pace and his hands were full with large books. And although he was a little clumsy, he was a true catch. “Guys!!!” He called out with his dimple smile “Did you heard it?!” “What? What happened this time?” Yoongi asked a little uninterested drinking his coffee. “Did you hear that rumor about JK being a virgin? Do you think it’s true? Like- he’s a nice kid but who is still a virgin in college?!” Namjoon said sitting down and almost falling down of the bleachers if it wasn’t for Jin holding him. “Really? I though he had a girlfriend or something... I think Jimin mentioned it once” Taehyung added to the conversation. “Ya, why do we even care? Let the kid be” Yoongi said taking a bite of Carolina’s sandwich. “What would Jimin know though?” Carolina said to Taehyung “And besides, he uses this purity ring on his finger all the time” “Like the Jonas brothers?” Jin asked incredulous. “Yep, he’s the fourth member for sure” “That was even a thing?” Namjoon asked a little lost. “And you seem to know a lot about the subject” Yoongi said with a smirk looking to Carolina “Odd” “I know because he has some classes with me that’s all” “Let’s ask him today on the way home!” Jin suggested “Maybe his father is a preacher” “No, his father is a designer, I know him” Taehyung said casually. “Oh” Namjoon let out like he was disappointed with the outcome. “Ok but guys-“ Carolina said cutting the subject “Can we discuss the fact that Jin was caught trying to wear my bra yesterday?!” “I SAID I WAS JUST DOING AN EXPERIMENT!!!” Seokjin bursted. “He was probably trying to open it with one hand only... you know, for practice” Yoongi said in a monotone. “Dude, you could have said that, I would help” Taehyung offered. “Wow” Carolina said. “That’s some... kinky shit right there” Namjoon pointed out eating his lunch.
The group can seem a little odd to the outside viewers but they all had a lot in common. Carolina and Taehyung had practically been raised together, their parents were friends for a lifetime and to top that they were neighbours. When she came to college though, her schedule didn’t match his, so she wandered around in some clubs trying to spend some time and also to try and find someone to share her apartment with. She would share it with Taehyung, but unfortunately to her he was already doing so with Park Jimin, his best friend. Already on her first week she got lucky to somehow end in a vintage game conference and ended up meeting Jin, a senior in the college who was desperate to get out of the campus dorm and that somehow knew Taehyung. She didn’t have to think much about it to rent her spare room to him, and yes, he was a guy, but her parents were pretty open minded and if he knew Taehyung... well that was a major plus. On her second week she met Namjoon, a nice and shy guy that was friends with Seokjin and usually would sit with them to grab some lunch. She only discovered he was the son of the dean a month later when her group ended up in a mess (a thing they would do a lot!). Yoongi was a different case... she met him because fate once more moved to her favor. In the building she lived, there were more apartments and one of them belonged to Namjoon, Yoongi and Jungkook (the virgin boy according to Carolina who may or may not have spread that rumor out). How she discovered that? Well, Jin asked Namjoon for a ride but turned out that Yoongi was the driver. He was a tough one to crack at first but once she discovered they had the same music taste, they became really close. She would mostly spend her days skipping classes at the radio station of the college, where Yoongi was the main dj. In college they would mainly hangout in the bleachers, because it was sunny and pretty far of the rest of the college population. If it was a cold or rainy day, well, they would go to the lounge area to chill and eat something. If it was after classes, always Jin and Carolina’s apartment since they tried it once at Yoongi’s (he isn’t much of going out of the house) but Carolina arrived and Jungkook was casually eating cereals in his pajamas and well, let’s just say she didn’t understood why he was there in the first place. Despite them being super tired already, the day continued on and they still had a couple of classes in the afternoon. The sun made them feel sleepy so when they had to get up to go to class, it seemed more like a herd of zombies walking down the halls. The boys had this protective habit of walking Carolina to her class and once she entered the door they would all disperse, going on with their lives.
Carolina had decided to take her usual trip to the broom closet. She gained this habit in her first week and it became more and more regular when some sketches started to appear on the walls and on the door. It intrigued her. As far as she knew, she was the only habitant of the broom closet in the arts department and those drawings felt like gifts and the smell of cigarettes made it more appealing each time. She was dying to find whom it could be. Unfortunately for her, she had to return to her class of photography. She wasn’t really excited today. What was the point of having a class like that and not photograph? She didn’t need to know how many pixels there were in how many centimeters so, inspired by the sketches in the broom closet, she scribbled on her own notebook. And everything was fine until she heard 'pop quiz next week' coming out from the teacher's mouth. Her mind began racing and she looked around to see from whom she could manage to get some info for the quiz. She really had no choice.
“Psstt, virgin boy!” Carolina called out to Jungkook. Despite unfamiliar, he was the more familiar face she had in that class. Once he turned around, she continued. “Can you borrow me your notebook real quick?” She whispered to him. “Why?” He asked, genuinely confused. They weren’t friends and for what he remembered not even once she was nice to him. “Dude, just help me out. I have zero things written down.” He looked at her not following why she would care and he was about to speak but shut his mouth. “Fine, but you owe me one.” He passed her his notebook that she grabbed firmly, not letting go of his gaze. “That’s not how it works virgin boy.” He couldn’t help but snort. He was so tired of the virgin boy rumor and he was 100% sure she was the one spreading it. He just didn’t know why. “Uhuh, just hurry up.” “If I want to.” Carolina teased harder. “So what? You’re keeping my notebook?” He arched his eyebrow, a smirk showing in his lips. “Why? Is there something here I can’t see?” She asked, interest and curiosity rising from what secrets she could find in his book. “Browse away, but if you just want to keep something mine, I can bring you a sweater. At least is comfier.” He teased. “Is that you flirting with me, virgin boy?” She pressed on his new nickname, making him snort once again. “You wish. Just hurry,” he turned back to the board. “or neither of us will pass the pop quiz next week. I need to write down what she’s saying.” “Here.” She said taking the last picture and handing him the notebook. “And hurry up writing it down cause I need the rest of it!” Once the class was over, Jungkook gathered his things and left. He had volleyball practice tonight so he wanted to go home and rest but as he was about to leave the main hall he heard someone call his name. “Hey, virgin boy! You forgot the rest of the notes.” Carolina said almost skipping to catch him. “Really? I think I got everything she said.” He played dumb. “No dumbass, you forgot to pass them on to me.” “Oh, I don’t think I did.” “But you did.” Carolina pushed back and he smirked. “Nope.” “Seriously, can you just stop this... thing and give me the notes? I really need them and you’re the most organized one so far” “Well maybe if you were nicer and stopped calling me virgin boy…” “Oh so it affects you that much huh?” She narrowed her eyes looking at him, trying to figure out if he was a virgin or not. "You are the one losing here sweetheart. Anyway, you still have a week." He turned around ready to leave but was stopped. “Woah!” Carolina held his arm. “First of all, you should work on that pet name thing virgin boy, ‘sweetheart’ is a major turn off... but anyways! Just-“ She let out a long sigh. “Borrow me your notes, I swear I’ll be quick” “Not today.” He got loose of her hold and started walking towards the exit. “Fine. Just know that I’m kinda resentful sometimes.”
As Jungkook walked off, Carolina was ready to punch someone into a locker but she knew there was no use in getting in trouble over him. Instead she was planning on wasting all her rage at the volleyball practice later on. The halls were all empty and Namjoon found himself wandering through the corridor he already knew like the back of his hand. He wasn’t in the mood for how the rest of his day was about to end but he also knew there was no use in postponing this any further, so he walked into the dean’s office – or better yet, his dad’s office. 
“Son, you’re lat- what clothes are those?” Dean Kim frowned immediately as soon as he saw the clothes his son was wearing. “My going out clothes? Why? There’s something wrong?” He asked looking at himself, from head to toe. “I told you this dinner was important, I needed you in more formal attires.” He said sternly. “I don’t have anything more formal than this dad… I’m just in college.” Namjoon sighed, trying to contain his temper from coming out. “And besides, nobody will even notice me, I’m sure!” He added trying to lighten the mood. “Either way, we don’t have time to change now. Your mother is coming too so we’ll have to go pick her up.” He said without even looking at his son, already picking up his briefcase. “Mom is coming? Why?” “Because it looks better in the pictures if she’s there.” He paused. “You already know these stuff.” “No, I don’t. I don’t know why you two have to keep pretending… Don’t you see it’s a burden for mom?” Namjoon said sadly. It hurt his heart to see his mom sad and for a lot of years, that was the only look he seen in her face. “I don’t think this matter really concerns you.” He said in a cold tone. “Yes it does dad. God!” Namjoon let out frustrated, sitting down on one of the puffy chairs. “I’m your son and I have to see this act go on and how it hurts all of us… This is not right. Can’t we just- I don’t know… Let’s just go the two of us.” “I already said. This is not up for discussion. Since when do you stand up to my word? Those friends of yours…” The dean basically spat. He didn’t approve of his son’s friends ever since the first time they all came into his office for a prank they pulled and the hole cafeteria had to be evacuated. “This has nothing to do with my friends. I stand up for what is right and you would know that if you paid more attention to the real me, not the perfect son you created in your mind.” “Why can’t you just have a good record, study hard so that you have a bright future?! I just want what is best for you. One day you’ll realize that.” “And I do that. I study hard, I have great grades. The only thing lacking for you is appearances.” Namjoon spat, hurt by his father’s words. “You could dress better. You look like a delinquent in those baggy clothes. I’ll ask your mother to take you out shopping soon. Now we have to go.” “Sure thing… dad.” Namjoon said in a quitting tone, following his father to the car.
He just wanted this night to end but it hadn’t even started. Ever since he was little, he doesn’t remember a moment where his mother was truly happy with his father. Since early, she decided it would be best to be a stay-at-home mom and take care of Namjoon and his little sister. Mr. Kim was making more than enough money being an university dean to take care of the whole family so why work? But that made Namjoon's mom become more and more unhappy and she didn’t have the strength to get away from the depending relationship she had with her husband. When she finally managed to find herself a job and ask for divorce, Mr. Kim found a way to continue controlling her. After all, what kind of strong and powerful family is one that isn’t able to hold a marriage? Namjoon just wanted to see his mom happy but it was still far from being capable of such things.
As Namjoon's continued to go disastrously, Jungkook and Carolina were already at their volleyball practice and coach decided it would be a good idea to mix the teams up. Boys and girls all against each other. Unfortunately, Jungkook wasn’t lucky enough to be put in the same team as Carolina and she had a lot of anger inside that she needed to let out and what better way than smashing some balls? Coach even said he wished she could play with the boy’s team this Saturday due to how roughly and determinedly she was playing. That was until she finally managed to throw a ball directly into Jungkook's face, that made him go straight to the floor with a bloody nose. He didn’t thought he could have such an impact on the girl. It were just some stupid notes... how would she react like if she was dumped? He thought that to himself and decided it was better to do some peace offerings after practice. So when the time came to hit the lockers, he got ready as fast as he could and waited for her to get out. In all ways, he found the situation funny that she could be so uptight.
"So I guess practice wasn't good enough to unload your rage?" Jungkook asked with a grin on his face, grabbing Carolina's arm since she decided to pretend he didn't exist. “Better take your hands off if you don’t wanna see what’s left of that rage” "Oh c'mon are you seriously mad because I didn't give you my notes?" He almost snorted. "Yes I am” She said serious. "I can give them to you if it would stop your hulk mode." “No need” "I see you also have a big pride" He teased harder. “No I just have an intolerance to bitchy people. Now if you’ll excuse me” She said, starting to walk away. "I don't actually." He grabbed her arm once more, making her spin back to him. "I'm the bitchy one? Really?" "What do you even want, virgin boy? Tell me cause I’m kinda losing my patience here” Carolina said. She was close to losing her temper and even closer at punching him in the face. "You are the one acting like a child and you have the guts to say I'm bitchy. You need to swallow that temper of yours. If you want the notes just tell me instead of this." Jungkook said, done with her way of talking, making her laugh acidly. "Listen, sweetheart, i asked you once maybe twice for the notes, i won’t ask for them again. And the one being childish is clearly you. You came to offer your notes, I said no, but for some reason you don’t let me go” She never once lost eye contact, done with his behavior. “I call that childish behaviour. Either you state what you want or leave me be” "Fine." Jungkook snorts and leaves.
Jungkook was pissed off so as soon as he got home, he got inside his room and decided it was best to just sleep. On the other hand, on campus, Hyori was trying hard to study for one of her upcoming exams but her phone and a boy was keeping her unfocused.  Deo was on her bed, trying to read a book she had just bought but the constant beeping was making her stress and although she didn’t want to pry, she couldn’t stop herself from asking.
“Why is your phone always beeping?” Deo asked. Hyori’s phone had been beeping for the past half hour nonstop and it wasn’t the usual routine the girl would do when she studied. “Oh!” She says turning around to face her roommate, a blush already creeping in her cheeks. “It’s just this boy from my bio class.” “A boy?” Deo asked putting down her book and crossing her legs in the bed, paying full attention to the conversation now. “It’s no big deal so don’t make a big deal out of it! But yes, he’s cute and his name is Jeonghan.” “How can I not make a big deal out of this when you say he’s cute and you’re putting your studies on pause to answer him?” Deo said overly excited. “What are you talking about?” “Seriously, it’s no big deal. He’s just super friendly that’s all.” Hyori let’s out a laugh, a nervous one. “If somehow it happens to be something more, I will let you know, don’t worry.” “Do you have a date yet?” The smaller girl wiggled her eyebrows teasingly making Hyori roll her eyes but laugh right after. “What’s up with you though? I could see you furrowing your brows and thinking hard on your bed.” She said more serious now. “It’s just this book… so intriguing.” “I’m sure it is…” Hyori said eyeing the girl to see if she could figure her out. “You know what’s funny? I have like a million texts of Jimin asking me why you won’t talk to him.” “He is such an annoying ass.” Deo whispered more to herself. “You know his friend, Taehyung?” “The artsy one?” Hyori asked raising her eyebrow. “Yeah, the one with blue hair. You know I can’t stand him and today Jimin just came to me with him like ‘oh hey guys you are best friends!’ No we’re not!!” Deo let out a long and hard sigh. “It pisses me off. He already knows I don’t like him but he keeps pushing.” “And why is that exactly? That you don’t like him?” "I can't believe you're going to analyze me now... I think you should drop out of psychology” Deo said trying to ease the mood but Hyori’s face stayed still. “Well, first of all, he's a weirdo. Just the other day he came to Jimin saying that the light bill was getting too high that he needed to watch out for the lights he forgot to turn off. Bro, we live in the dorms!" She rolled her eyes, annoyed of thinking back to that moment. "And the real reason I think it is because I'm jealous?" “Jealous of Jimin or… Taehyung?” Hyori asked in a suggesting tone and made Deo snort. “Why would I be jealous of Taehyung?!” She asked confused. “Of Taehyung… for no big deal. Now, of Jimin… well, the way I see it, maybe you’re having a moment of ‘why this loopy head guy is messing with my emotional’?” “I don’t see it… I just don’t understand why Jimin likes him so much. I mean, I’m his best friend too! I should be enough… I know it’s not fair.” “Yes, he’s a little- how can I say… weird? Out of the box? Anyways, he can be that but he is kinda funny in his own way… And Jimin speaks highly of him, he’s always saying he’s a great friend and moral support, so even if you don’t like the dude, just maybe tolerate him for Jimin? You know you love Jimin.” “I smiled at the dude today!” Deo said in defeat. “I won’t be disrespectful towards him because that wasn’t how I was raised but I can’t stand his face.” “That’s either called love or pure ‘I want to have sex with you’ you know?” Hyori said with a big smirk in her face. “How- I don- Ok you know what! Just go back to studying and texting the cute boy.” Deo said sticking her tongue out to her and picking back her book. “Ok scratch that, it’s more ‘I madly want to have sex with him’” She laughs lightly. “But hey, I’m not judging! The dude is weird but is super handsome!” “I DON’T WANT TO!” Deo protested, throwing a pillow at the other girl’s head. "And you know what? The girls I'm tutoring said pretty good stuff about him too… his hands are THAT big for a reason" Hyori continued teasing. “DUDE!” Deo hid her face in one of her pillows, flustered. “Do you think he’s good at it though? Because he has the fame but you never know.” “Oh I’m pretty sure he knows what he’s doing.” “I think you are the one who has a crush huh? Loopy is your type then?” “Loopy is super handsome yes, but I’m more of a smartass kind of girl.” Hyori said, slowly in the last part, thinking of what her type would be. “Loopy is more your type really.” “Just… don’t ok! And don’t give Jimin any ideas. And stop having ideas too!” “Will you start talking to Jimin again?” “Yes… you know I can’t stay mad for long.” “Then it’s a secret.” She winked and laughed hard right after because Deo pretended to throw her book to her head like she did with the pillow.
But that talk really made Deo think. It wouldn’t be fair for Jimin to wait until the next morning for them to talk again and it shouldn’t be something done by the phone either. So she decided to drop by their dorms. Hoseok was the hall security so that wouldn’t be a problem for her to reach their door. She put on some sweat pants and went out with her pj shirt. Who cared? She knocked on their door and soon it opened. It was Jimin.
“Hey, sorry to drop by this late…” Deo started and Jimin immediately involved her in a big hug. “I should be the one giving the hug you know.” She chuckled. “Why were you mad at me today?” Jimin asked with a pout. “Can you…” she pointed at the door signaling him to close it and he did so. “I just- I’m sorry. I was being childish just because I’m jealous of all the attention you give Taehyung. I promise I’ll work harder to be nice to your friend.” “You could’ve just stopped at the sorry but I’ll make you keep the last part!” He gave her a big smile when she rolled her eyes. “You are an ass.” She said trying to maintain a straight face but failed miserably. “Do you wanna come in? We were just watching a movie!” Jimin said already opening the door and turning to Taehyung. Somehow they managed to hang an old projector in one of the walls over the bed and were watching the movie like they were in the cinema. They had popcorn and everything. “Oh no! I look like shit! These are my pjs!” “Hey Taetae, look! Deo is here!” “Hey there!” Taehyung gives a little wave with his hand. “Bro can I press play already? I hate to pause it in the middle of an important dialogue.” He looked frustrated to Jimin. “Sorry!” He turned to Deo once more. “Do you wanna watch the move with us?” “Oh I don-“ “Effort remember?” Jimin almost whispered to her. “Sure. Do you mind?” Deo asked now to Taehyung. “It’s ok, but please don’t make me back up to the beginning of the movie.” “I won’t!” She said almost rising her hands up. “I’m clicking play already! Shut the lights Jimin!” Taehyung said turning his attention to the screen. “Go sit!” Jimin ordered Deo, pointing to the bed but she stood still. She didn’t want to have to sit in the middle of the boys. “C’mon!!” “Popcorn?” Taehyung asked, pushing the bowl towards her. All she could think about was that silly conversation she had with Hyori about his hand and she found herself blushing from the thoughts that crossed her mind with the boy right next to her. “No, I’m good…. But thanks.” As someone who didn’t care much about hands and their beauty, she had to admit, his hands were just something. “I want!” Jimin said breaking the imaginary tension and shoving his hand down the bowl and taking a hand full straight to his mouth. For the rest of the movie, Taehyung kept on making comments about the hole aesthetic of the movie while the other two remained in silence, watching. Once it ended, they decided they would enjoy the final credits and the music that came in, Jimin already had his head on Deo's lap and was close to falling asleep because she had been playing with his hair for the longest time. "See? This is the kind of movies that make me regret chosing performative arts." Deo said after a big sigh, with a frown in her face. “Why?” Taehyung turned his body so that he was facing her directly. "Oh well... there's a lot of things I like to do and it gets hard to having to choose only one to do. It's like choosing between kids you know? I like photography, but I also like dancing and singing and I also really like movies so how am I suppose to pick one?" “It’s not that hard if you are open minded enough to be a lot of people at the same time. I don’t think I want to do just one thing for the rest of my life...” "I don't think that either but I meant more like in learning. These majors are too expensive for me to take every single one I like." “Hm.. you just have to choose the one you identify yourself most, not thinking you will be giving up the others. That’s what I think” Taehyung said after a long time of looking at the ceiling, thinking. "That's a good way of thinking" “Why are you so quiet?” Taehyung asked curious to Jimin. It wasn't much like him to be quiet. "Oh no reason! I was just thinking along with your conversation! When I was little I used to get picked on a lot by my family because I liked to dance but I also like football so anything is possible. I'm having the best of both worlds." He chuckles. “Yeah, I remember” Taehyung laughs along with him, thinking about those moments from their childhood. "So yeah, anything is possible" Jimin said getting up from Deo's lap just to pinch her nose right after. "As long as you work hard for it!" "That's also a good way of thinking. Never knew you could be that wise Jimin." Deo said teasingly. "But anyway, it's getting late so I should get going." “Working hard remembers me of the review I have to write due tomorrow” Taehyung sighed, making the others laugh. “There’s never a chill out moment without paperworks to do after” "Do you need me to walk you to your dorm?" Jimin asked to Deo. He didn't like it when she would wander around campus late at night. "Oh no! Thanks for the popcorns" She said to Taehyung as she got out of the bed. "Sure, anytime!" Taehyung showed off his boxy smile. "See you tomorrow babe." Deo put herself on her tiptoes and gave Jimin a tight hug, walking to the door right after.
 > Day 2 <
104 notes · View notes
thethespacecoyote · 5 years
So I found the Bad Things Happen Bingo blog last night and of course put in a request for a card...and the trope “locked in a trunk” apparently inspired me enough to write all this even though I haven’t received my card yet so....here we go...
Uhh modern AU? And warnings for parent/child abuse and claustrophobic situations. Brendol Hux is a fucking asshole, what else is new. 
It all starts with a simple request.
“Move in with me.”
Hux halts the rim of his coffee cup right before his lips. His eyebrows lift in surprise for a moment, before slanting back to their usual place.  
“Father won’t like that.”
Kylo snorts, resting his chin in his palm.
“So? You’re old enough not to need your dad’s permission for everything.”
Hux hums, leaning back into his chair. The late afternoon breeze brushes the scant strands of hair not combed back in the style he wears to work. Kylo likes when they meet at this cafe and he can see Hux a little more relaxed, not weighed down by his work or studies. Still clad in his perfectly ironed grey dress shirt, of course, but with a more casual air about him.
Grey is a Monday color. Hux usually grows a little more vibrant as he gets through the week. On a particularly good Friday, Kylo might even see him wearing blue.
“Hey.” Kylo reaches across the table, tapping Hux’s hand.
“Promise me you’ll at least…ask. Okay? Start a dialogue.”
Hux huffs.
“I think you know how well ‘dialogues’ with Brendol go.” His lips alternate between a flat line and a frown, as if imagining such a conversation. He sets his empty mug down onto the table, letting out a sigh.
“Fine. I will…try. Later.” He slings his book bag up over his shoulder, before moving to leave.
“Hey.” Hux stops, only for Kylo to grab him by the collar and pull him in for a kiss. He shoots Kylo a frown belied by the blush in his cheeks when he pulls back. Kylo only winks and pats him on the chest.
“Good luck.”
Three hours later and back in the comfort of his own apartment, Kylo decides to send Hux a text. Mostly to see how things went, and definitely not because he’s thinking how nice all of Hux’s personal belongings would look alongside his.
Hey howd it go with the old man?
Kylo rests the opened phone atop his knee, looking back around the living room. He’ll have to tweak his cleaning habits, stop draping his workout shirts over the arm the couch before he remembers to launder them. Hux isn’t quite a neat freak but Kylo’s seen his room and the order that he keeps, and he would prefer not to drive his boyfriend completely crazy once they move in together.
Hux has always wanted a cat. The landlord requires a deposit but Kylo thinks it might be worth it. He’d cover it all out of pocket if it meant getting Hux to agree.
Kylo hopes he will. He’s been considering this for a long time, working up the courage to show Hux just how much he means to him, how seriously he’s taking this.
if hes being a dick you can always just come here u know
It wouldn’t take them too long. There’s not much furniture Hux would have to move in, after all. Most things in the house belong to his parents and he hates their taste with a passion. Kylo can’t really blame him—he’s seen the Hux residence many, many times, and he’s not impressed. It’s bizarrely antiquated, and stuffed full of his father’s ornamented trophies and old military curios, as well as familial paraphernalia that Kylo can’t understand anyone would want.
“What the hell is that?”
Hux drops his book bag atop the ottoman, turning to where Kylo bends over a huge, black and gold trunk against the far wall of the sitting room, lying beneath a rack of Civil War-era swords.
“That damned thing. It’s hideous, isn’t it?”
“I’ll say.” Kylo raps his knuckles against the lid, knock resounding in the dense wood.
“You know my granddad threatened to lock father up in that thing when he was young and misbehaving?” Hux sneers. “Shame, honestly. I would’ve left him there to rot.”
“Hah. If only.”
Two hours later, and Hux hasn’t answered any of his texts.
It’s then that Kylo starts to get worried.
Phasma says Hux is interviewing for grad school upstate.
When Kylo presses her for more details, though, she tells him she hasn’t actually seen him, just heard word from his parents. To her credit, she doesn’t seem all that convinced, but waves off Kylo’s more extreme concerns.
“Armie isn’t useless. He can handle himself.”
And that’s true. Kylo knows this. And he certainly doesn’t want to be—overprotective. At least not so badly that it’ll end up driving Hux away. He’s just asked the man to move in with him, he doesn’t want to push his luck and scare him off.
So he gives Hux a few more days. Kylo texts him from time to time and leaves a voicemail once, hoping for a response, but doesn’t want to come across as desperate, or creepy. He’s worried, obviously, but if Hux has his reasons for keeping his distance, then Kylo’s going to try to respect them. Even if the possibility that Hux is ignoring him hurts.
On the third day Kylo finally decides to go by Hux’s house to see what’s going on.
He dislikes both of his boyfriend’s parents for obvious reasons, but if anyone’s going to know what happened to him, it’s them. So Kylo bikes to the ritzy urban neighborhood Hux lives in, zips his hoodie up over the metal T-shirt he’s wearing, and rings the doorbell.
He hopes it’s Hux’s stepmom who answers the door—she seems to like him, at least outwardly—but to his misfortune it’s the reddened, squinty-eyed face of Brendol Hux that peers from beneath the chain lock. He always reminds Kylo of a bulldog well past its prime, toothless and arrogant.
“Oh, it’s you.” Brendol hisses, openly disdainful. A usual greeting.
“Mr. Hux,” Kylo starts, deciding it best to ignore the vitriol. “Is Armitage in?”
Brendol’s bushy eyebrows furrow, lower lip jutting out.
The door starts to swing close, but before Kylo can hold himself back he grabs the handle and holds it firm.
“Wait!” Kylo’s never liked to sound desperate, especially in front of Hux’s parents. “I…where is he?”
Brendol’s face colors deeper with anger, quickly snapping back.
“Not here. He’s out of town. Let go of my door, boy.”
Kylo glares, searching the part of Brendol’s face he can still see between the door and the jamb. Something’s off, even for the pompous man he’s come to dislike, and for a moment he wonders if he could force his way inside, interrogate this bastard as to Hux’s whereabouts.
“All right. Tell him I came by,” Kylo says, knowing Brendol won’t. He releases the handle and lets the old bastard slam the door in his face, leaving Kylo alone on the stoop.
Cold breezes at his hair, making him shudder even with his sweatshirt. He looks up, searching the flat, dim windows of the home, fruitlessly grasping for an explanation.
Hux, where are you?
By the fifth day Kylo thinks he’s going to go crazy.
He tries calling Hux’s phone again but it doesn’t even go to voicemail now. It must be out of battery, which is insane—Hux never lets his phone run out of battery, he’s far too paranoid not to be in constant contact with his job, his schooling, his boyfriend. Unless he’s being isolated on a mountaintop as some kind of perverse MBA interview, Kylo’s no longer buying that excuse.
Not that he really bought it in the first place.
Phasma says she’ll try to file a missing persons report in the morning, provided they don’t hear from Hux. Kylo can’t wait that long.
The sun is already setting by the time Kylo decides to go back to Hux’s house, this time not planning to take Brendol’s bullshit. He has no evidence but he knows the old bastard’s lying. Hux, changeable and prissy as he can be—wouldn’t cut off contact with Kylo for no reason. Not after everything they’ve been through together. He just wouldn’t.
Kylo pumps the pedals of his bike furiously, cold wind whipping his hair out of the bun he’d tied it back into. He tries to focus on not hitting cars or other pedestrian but his mind is already racing a mile ahead, right to the ornate porch of the Hux family home.
He doesn’t understand how, but he knows Hux is there. After all, he promised Kylo he’d talk with his father right before he disappeared. He’s convinced Brendol’s done something, that somehow he’s keeping Hux in that house, isolated away from everyone who cares for him.
But Hux isn’t stupid. He would’ve figured out a way around his parents, find a means to contact Kylo, or Phasma, or his work. He must have.
Unless he’s unable to. Kylo’s worst fears creep up as he takes a turn too quickly, nearly wiping out against the asphalt. His heartbeat hammers, sweaty fingers clenching around the handlebars.
No. Not even scum like Brendol would sink so low. He couldn’t. What could possibly be the reason? Hux has never gotten along with either his father or his stepmom, but they were still his parents.
They couldn’t. Unless—
—Brendol has never liked Kylo, never appreciated his closeness with his son. He’s always looked at him with contempt, like he’s tainting something valuable with his mere presence. So Hux has kept their relationship away from his father’s eyes—at school or their favorite cafes, or Kylo’s apartment.
“He’s obsessed, you know.” Hux rests his head on Kylo’s shoulder, hand sheathed in his boyfriend’s larger one. They sit on Kylo’s large couch, hardly paying attention to whatever’s playing on the television.
“Your dad?”
Hux nods.
“It’s like he was born in the 1800s. He wants ‘heirs’ to carry on the family name.”  He breaths out, derisive and tight. “He’s insane.”
Kylo squeezes his hand, resting his chin atop Hux’s head.
“I mean. We could always adopt.”
The chuckle Hux lets out is humorless.
“Right. He’ll never accept that.”
Maybe Brendol has never quite understood the depth of his and Hux’s relationship. And Hux has kept it that way, until—
Kylo pushes his bike even faster, heat and anger brimming behind his eyes as he envisions what might have happened. Hux is a fighter when backed into a corner, even in arguments with his father, he wouldn’t have—Brendol must’ve—
Kylo’s mind guides him through the mental map he has of Hux’s house, digging into every niche, trying to uncover what must’ve happened to Hux, where his boyfriend could possibly be—
Then he’s in the sitting room, and some unbelievably force is pulling him towards the northern wall, right beneath the rack of oxidized, heirloom swords as Kylo’s ears fill with the sounds of a distant scream.  
He can barely hold a shock of tears back as his heart drops out of his chest.
Kylo halts his bike in front of the Hux residence, letting it fall against the sidewalk as he storms up the steps. He forgoes the doorbell and slams his fist below the knocker, pounding into it until the door wrenches inwards to reveal Brendol, still protected behind the chain latch.
“Again? What do you want?” He spits, already furious, but Kylo won’t let himself be turned away this time.
“Let me see Armitage.”
“No. I told you, he’s not here.”
Kylo keeps his grip firm on the handle, preventing Brendol from closing it on him.
“Let me in.”
“No. Leave, boy, before I have you arrested.”
Kylo scrapes his knuckles against the door’s carved decoration, lips snarled in anger.
“The only person who’s going to be arrested tonight is you, you monster.”
Brendol balks, mouth falling open.
“Really? All this, over such a runt?” The man shakes his head, looking at Kylo with open disgust. “He’s gone, boy, and you’d best forget about him.”
“I won’t!”
Kylo roars and rams as hard as he possibly can, inwards, and before Brendol can react the latch rips from the old wood of the front door, scattering splinters as the golden chain swing wildly. Kylo pushes through the doorway, shoving Brendol aside as he takes off out of the foyer and down the hallway. He can hear Hux’s stepmom scream from the dining room, then the sound of twin footsteps hammering after him at different paces.
Thankfully, Kylo can outrun the pair of them—and he already knows exactly where he’s going.
The persian rug in the main hallway bunches up beneath his feet as he abruptly turns into the sitting room, where he and Hux had spent many an afternoon hanging out after work or school. It’s the most palatable room in the house though that’s not saying much—full of weighty, old-fashioned furniture, tacky wallpaper, and the smell of aged upholstery as it is.
Kylo grabs the heavy armchair he used to sit in, scraping up the hardwood floors as he shoves it in front of the door, locking the carved back beneath the handle. Moments later the door shakes with impact, knob frantically turning in place. Kylo backs away as Brendol screeches and slams his fist against the heavy wood, intimidated only momentarily by the man’s vitriol and threats before he turns around and stares across the room to the furthest wall.
The trunk sits dark and huge and hideously ornamented, right where it had always sat every time he and Hux had wasted hours in this room, studying and talking of the future, stealing a kiss and sometimes more whenever his parents were out of the house—
“Can you open it?”
Hux lifts his eyes from his textbook, tilting his head to the side as he notices Kylo looking at the trunk.
“Sure. There’s a key on the bookcase, right by granddad’s picture.” Kylo follows where Hux points, landing on a black and white portrait of a severe older man. “There’s nothing good inside it, though. No hidden treasures, if that’s what you were wondering.”
Kylo shakes his head, smirking.
“And here I was, planning on marrying you for your fortune!”
“Pfft.” Hux rolls his eyes before returning to his studying. “You’d have to pry it from my father’s cold, dead hands first.”
Kylo races over to the bookcase, nearly tripping over a gaudy footrest in his haste. He grabs for the fourth shelf up, knocking over Hux’s granddad’s photograph as he grabs for the key braced up against it. The brass feels cool against his sweating palm but calms him little as he stumbles over to the trunk and lands on his knees before it.
Hot tears already leak from the corners of Kylo’s eyes, hands shaking between rage and fear as he fumbles with the key. A harsh sob breaks from his lips when he nearly drops it, the weighty brass hard to keep hold of as he jams the toothed end into the lock.
The pounding on the door continues. He can hears Hux’s step-mom shout something about the authorities, before Brendol angrily cuts her off. Kylo tunes out the argument, turning the key into the lock and opening it with a heavy click he can feel in his throat.
The lid swings up and open of its own accord, base of the trunk rocking only slightly with the weight inside.
A strange noise claws from between Kylo’s lips, wrought with pain so deep it doesn’t even sound human.
At first he thinks Hux must be dead. He’s so small, bunched up and forced into such a cramped space, his knees jammed up to his chest and hands resting beneath his cheek. A bruise had blossomed and died on his face, its edges already fading to yellow. There’s dried blood on his forehead and fresh underneath his fingernails—whittled down to the quick—and it’s painfully more vibrant than his skin, even his hair. The usual warm ginger locks look wan and limp, and he’s so pale and still and thin and he’s dead.
At first Kylo can’t even touch him, one palm clasped across his face, soaking up his tears and soft whimpers of no and please. But then the door shudders from impact, and Brendol’s roaring from the other side, shouting swears and slurs, and Kylo pulls his hand away and tries to breath, to calm himself enough so that he can finish this—even if it means confirming the worst.
Hux is still in the dress shirt Kylo saw him in last, the light grey fabric wrinkled and grimy. The inside of the trunk is dirty, velvet dusty and stained and smelling, a sickening coffin for someone as fiery and strong as Hux, and Kylo knows he needs to get him out of here, that he doesn’t deserve this, but it’s so hard to get his arms to move, not after the effort of lifting that key, knowing what he’d find inside—
But just as Kylo finally reaches into the trunk, trying to figure out where to put his hands first, Hux’s face twitches. Kylo gasps, holding his breath as he watches, for another sign of life just to confirm it’s not his grief-addled brain playing tricks on him. But sure enough, before his eyes Hux’s lips part, a slight cough disturbing the red dust at the bottom of the trunk.
“A-Armie?” His voice is so small, so tight, it doesn’t even belong to him. Kylo wishes it didn’t, wishes he didn’t have to be the one pulling his boyfriend out of a fucking trunk—
Hux doesn’t respond much to his voice, his reddened eyelids only fluttering slightly. With more care than Kylo’s ever used in his life he slips his hands into the trunk, beneath Hux’s hunched shoulders and bent legs. There’s not enough room to stretch him out all the way so he lifts his torso up first, canting his shoulder so Hux can rest his head as he lifts him up and out. His legs finally are allowed to unfold, dangling limply over Kylo’s forearm.  
He sobs again, harder, when he feels how light Hux in his arms. He’s always been a little on the scrawnier side, but Kylo’s never been able to feel his ribs through his back. Has never been able to hold him like a child, like a delicate treasure on the verge of disintegration.
All Kylo can think it’s that it’s been five days. Five. Days.
Hux is still so cold and still in his arms he almost can’t believe he’s still alive, that he could’ve possibly lasted that long without suffocation, but as Kylo cradles his boyfriend he can’t deny that barest breath between cracked lips. He clings to it, in fact, the fragile thread that still holds Hux to the living world.
Kylo’s sure to hold his boyfriend close while not confining him—never confining Hux ever again, never would he be trapped like that, oh God, Kylo would never allow it—
Hux moans, his head resting against his Kylo’s broad shoulder. His bloodied fingers twitch against the fabric of his boyfriend’s shirt, curling weakly into it as his eyelids struggle to open. Kylo shakes his head and tightens his grip, pressing his lips to the top of Hux’s hair. It’s lank and dirty, smelling of sick and the musty interior of the trunk but Kylo inhales deep anyway, salvaging the barest cling of familiar shampoo on Hux’s scalp.
“Everything’s going to be okay, all right?” Kylo says a little too loud, perhaps leaning into hysteria, but he wants Hux to really feel it, to know immutably that he’s safe, that no one else will ever lay a hand on him again.
Kylo stays holding him, cradling Hux’s brittle body even as he cradles his phone between his ear and shoulder, even when the cries of Brendol and his wife are drowned out by the scream of sirens as they light the sky outside the sitting room’s only window red. He parts from Hux only when a new voice and a measured knock sounds on the door, and by then his boyfriend’s eyes are opened—the vibrant green now dull and rheumy, his cheeks glistening with quiet tears.
Kylo gets him out of that house quickly, and though Hux looks waxen and exhausted against the bland canvas of the stretcher, it’s a far better sight than what had greeted him when Kylo had first opened that trunk.
Even as he kisses Hux’s scraped knuckles, riding beside him in the ambulance, Kylo knows only a thousand nights spent sleeping at his lover’s side will chase that image out of his nightmares.  
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mentalcurls · 6 years
6.5 Effettivamente
I’ve been waiting for this clip ever since 3.4 Argentina (which took place a month ago today btw), but in my soul I’ve actually been waiting for this coming out since forever.
my 💔 poor 💔 heart 💔 broke 💔 seeing Martino watch his friends interact from afar
they’re relaxed and comfortable with each other, their relationship is as close as ever while Marti’s relationship with them is in tatters, he barely speaks to Gio and that’s it
this is even worse than the picture Gio posted on IG on Tuesday, when Martino was supposed to go to Elia’s to prep for the exam and didn’t go
my 💔 poor 💔 heart 💔 breaking 💔 again because, despite Giovanni’s reassurances on Monday, Martino doesn’t believe Elia has forgiven him so he chooses to stay away from him... and let’s not forget Elia sits next to Marti during classes
Elia leaves, Martino finally approaches Giovanni, but he looks like he’s going to his death, look at his face, my poor baby
has he ever been bluer?
deep breaths baby, deep breaths
JEsus, the awkwardness between them kills me
the seconds of silence between the greeting and Marti asking the first question, Martino licking his lips and swallowing like he’s gathering the courage to say something monumental despite it being a silly, innocent question
THE STILTED CONVERSATION oh God why, I’m hurting
“Ma non penso che ti interessi, no?” (But I don’t think you’re interested, right?) is Martino twisting a knife into his own wound because he’s saying: you don’t want to go out with the radio guys, you don’t want to get involved into something I’m doing (and I like, because we’ve seen he’s putting more effort into it with the Virginia Woolf thing on Wednesday - though it might also be something to keep his mind occupied on something that is not his crumbling relationships), you don’t want to spend time with me
I mean, Marti obviously knows, intellectually, that Gio doesn’t want to go to radio things because of Eva and because it’s just not his thing, but deep inside it’s just another refusal, one which Martino preemptively steels himself for
That “se… se ti va puoi… puoi venire da me” (If you’d like you can come to mine) is said in the same tone Martino has when he tells Filippo he’s seeing a boy in 5.5 Pride and when he asks Sana about homosexuality and religion in 4.3 Evoluzione
“Pizza, mortazza e City-Real” ICONIC
Marti asks Gio to hang out with a half smile (!!!) but Gio remains impassible and Martino’s smile falls
when Giovanni asks about their score, it’s as good as a YES FINALLY, it’s the rebuilding of the bridge between them and Martino smiles fully possibly for the first time in weeks because that’s their game, their ritual, their friendship going back to normal
Marti and Gio who are still laughing and making fun of one another while playing FIFA
(FIFA is a big bonding ritual for the boysquad, it’s the way they settle bets, it’s one of the topics they tease each other about, they play tournaments when they don’t know what to do, they keep long term score of who’s best and it’s something they all love, it’s a place of comfort for them)
(FIFA is a football/soccer game, which is imho significant as the setting Marti picks for his coming out, he’s trying to reinforce the idea that he’s still a guy who loves “boy things” like sports and videogames, despite his sexuality - as well as trying to reinforce that he’s still the same guy who played the previous 47+56 games he and Gio kept score of)
(the fact that Gio hesitates before starting to play FIFA again after Martino tells him he likes boys probably ups the level of panic in Marti’s head, because what if he’s gonna be excluded from something as important for their group and as “masculine” as FIFA now??)
(when Gio starts to play again AND ASKS MARTINO ABOUT NICO AT THE SAME TIME it’s such an important thing for Marti because he finds out can have it all)
I would like to thank not only God but also Jesus and LudoBesse for the closeups of Ludovico Tersigni’s face when he smiles 🙏
Their knees touching just gets to me, for no real reason, and I kinda wish we were able to see if they kept touching for the whole time or if Marti retracted after coming out
EFFFFFFettttttivaaamenteeeeee (make it last longer c’mon, Marti, I know you can)
is it me or does Marti look a tad disappointed when Gio asks him if the person he likes is Emma? maybe it’s just nerves
Marti who keeps stealing glances at Giovanni, checking in constantly
Gio senses Martino is uncomfortable, especially after the “ma non l’hai capito?” “no non si capisce un cazzo” (“don’t you know?” “no, I can’t understand you for shit”) exchange, and cracks the Sana joke to make him relax a bit, you can see he’s trying to keep a straight face long enough to speak without giving himself away (he should learn to deliver jokes from Nico, I mean, he kept a straight face for the whole Maddalena and hypertrichosis thing)
“Non *swallows* non è una ragazza” (It’s not *swallows* it’s not a girl) POOR BABY DEER HE CAN’T EVEN SPEAK  his throat must be so dry, he must be trying to keep breathing normally so hard, he’s probably shaking and THEN HE CLENCHES HIS JAW
once again Marti is steeling himself for the worst
and Gio just goes... slack, is the best way I can think to describe it, for a second. I don’t think it’s surprise? At least not for the gay thing, maybe for the fact that Marti actually confirmed it for him. It may also be relief
it’s just a second, then Gio gathers himself and thinks, looks at Marti who can’t meet his eyes
“Sono io?” (mind, non-Italian fans, it’s not a “Is it me?”, it’s more of a “It’s me?”)
I LIVE FOR MARTINO OVERCOMPENSATING WHEN HE DENIES IT to hide the fact that he did, indeed, crush on Gio for a long time 😘
the smiles. their smiles. Marti is slowly relaxing, Gio is finally understanding what’s going on with him and they feel like THEY’RE FINALLY FRIENDS AGAIN✨
Marti thinks it’s over, the three most important things he can see Gio wanting to know about (why’s Martino hurting, that Marti is gay and that he’s not in love with him) are out there and cleared between them now, and Gio smiled! And had nothing bad to say! Except he won’t play. Uh-oh.
HA, Giovanni Garau, patron saint of best friends, does it again! He’s put together all the little pieces, all the scraps of interaction, all the tiny moments when something he couldn’t quite pinpoint happened and BAM! He gets it, he knows.
Martino’s wry smile and nod
Gio mirroring him and nodding as well, halfway between “Okay, I can see it” and “Dude, well done, I’m actually kind of impressed”
and then Gio comes in like a wrecking ball against toxic masculinity and compliments Marti on his choice of man
Marti who acts like he’s never even noticed whether Nico is attractive or not
Marti looks so embarrassed, he should have been blushing (FE_CESARI UR GOOD BUT WHERE ARE MY BLUSHES ARE YOU A REDHEAD OR NOT????)
I wonder how closely Gio is mirroring the comments Martino usually makes when Gio himself tells him he’s attracted to a girl, maybe even when he told him about Eva? He tries his best to be supportive even though he doesn’t really understand, the exact same way Marti has always been supportive of him despite not understanding girls’ appeal
“Che fate, state insieme, uscite, COME STAI?” (What’s happening there, are you togethere, are you dating, how are you?) COME STAI GUYS most supportive best friend ever
“È un po’ strano lui” (He’s kind of weird) is such a weird way to put it? I mean, sure, you could say Nico acted weird, but not for the reasons Martino gives Gio, imo; he’s “weird” for changing schools in his last year, for his granddad’s puppets, for asking Marti to ditch a party he himself had asked him to and for dragging him to an abandoned pool of all places; Marti instead describes his as weird for appearing undecided, for seemingly stringing him along
is that a hint of disgust, almost, I detect in Martino’s voice while he quotes Niccolò’s text? Is he that fed up?
Gio makes a sound at that, that I can’t decide if it’s just an encouragement for Marti to go on, or if it’s an “okay, got it” while he plans Niccolò’s demise for daring to string Martino along
still, Giovanni sides with Martino but doesn’t tell his best friend he’s better off without Nico or make any threats of retribution or promises to fight for Marti’s honour or smth, because he’s a supportive pal who will trashtalk Marti’s s.o. when he acts like a dick but will still support Marti’s feelings for him and believes in Martio’s ability to take care of himself
I have Questions about Luchino’s voice message, specifically: who was this message sent to?
not Gio directly, because Luca asks “Voi c’avete”, second person plural
did he send it to the group with all four guys? but Marti’s phone didn’t ring, so either he’s got the group conversation muted (💔) or Luca sent it somewhere else
is there a group with only Gio, Elia and Luca in it to whom the latter could have sent the voice message? again, my 💔 heart 💔 breaks 💔
anyways, Marti is the best bro because despite not talking to Luca for two weeks he still offers up his notes
Gio taking advantage of Martino leaving without pausing the game to score on him lol
Gio asks Martino what he’s found while Marti is looking at the flipbook thingy... how much do you want to bet that by the time Marti answers nothing with that big smile on his face, Gio has seen the thing, what Marti was doing with it and the way he was smiling and he’s put everything together without Marti saying anything? that’s why he doesn’t press, as much as in recognition of the fact that Marti already opened up to him so much today
I 100% love the way both Marti and Gio start their sentences when they’re saying something important with “Comunque” (Anyways) as if it’s just a continuation from one long conversation between them, or as if they’re just stating for the record something that is obvious
Marti was definitely not expecting at all Gio to actively tell him he’s better than whoever Niccolò’s girlfriend is on principle, which in my experience is a very common best friend thing to say, and that hurts
Gio grabbing Marti by the neck and ruffling his hair is such a friend/brother thing to do, it’s a fond and exasperated thing in the way only siblings’ touches can be, halfway between an attempt to strangle you and a caress
This clip was so beautiful, the friendship between Giovanni and Martino is so beautiful, their ship is so beautiful! I’m so happy and so thankful for LudoBesse 🙏
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frdknsll-blog · 6 years
Tumblr media
imagine the most serious character you know
now imagine them getting scared by the toaster going off as they walk by
⋆ ◦ ° ☾ joel kinnaman + male + he/his — have you met ford kinsella? they are thirty eight years old known around town as the bodyguard. they’ve been in the gang life for fifteen years, and currently work for the gang as a soldier. they are a pansexual virgo, which means they are practical + observant, as well as harsh + inflexible. rusty metal crow bar, beech forest in the winter, messages on read.
born in valdez. his crackhead mom named him ford because she found him in the boot of a ford fiesta whilst she was robbing it. he was a one way ticket to claim some golden benefits.
had a string of men come in and out of their home like a revolving door who were just as bad as her or worse. ford was still protective of his mum, despite all her shit, and he paid for it.
grew up in a lil trailer park in some dodgy area. a real small community. guy ritchie snatch vibes. he heard stories of kids at school playing ball in the garden but the kids from the trailers fought each other for fun.
he only knew the difference bc he actually went to school. occasionally. he enjoyed learning and thought he’d be able to get on the right path. rip. kept to himself at school, quiet. never threw the first punch but his first was always the last.
the community attempted to overthrow the ‘monsters’ that controlled valdez. stupid.
resulted in one big throw down betw the two groups on ford’s home ground. by the time the caito’s gang were finished - mind you it didn’t take them long - the majority of the ppl ford grew up with were either dead, in the back of police cars, or on the run...
at the age of nineteen, he was thrown into jail. had already gone to juvie a few times. after he’d established his reputation as someone that didn’t like being started on bc it meant he had to finish them? it wasn’t too bad. he got to read, smoke, and read more.
one night, he’d saved the life of a guy who’d been cornered by some inmates. turns out he was the son of a guy pretty high up in the gang. he offered a ‘get out of prison’ card to ford but he declined. the outside world didn’t appeal to him.
until news reached him that the gang had found his girlfriend. immediately he asked to be let out. it took a while but by the time he got out things weren’t how he expected.
she was too far gone. a splitting image of his mother. when he found out that they had a kid, and that the kid was no where to be found, he thought it’d be the end of their relationship. but he couldn’t bring himself to give up on her.
she was a hooker and he’d spent his days trying to protect her, save her from herself. until one day it all got too much and he drove himself mad. a customer laid hands on her and ford murdered him.
caito and his gang came to ford’s protection. but everything came at a price. he began working for the gang officially and it only felt natural to do so - he couldn’t find a job anywhere else, and since his release he’d been doing small jobs to get by here and there.
she died from an overdose not long after. we don’t talk about it.
now he mostly works as a guard to the escorts/strippers. and the odd job here and there during the day. he prefers working on his own.
he’s not angry. or sad. or anything. he’s just tired and pretty over it.
not a man of many words. talks with his eyes and incoherent grumbles: stop talking, step away, can you pass me the salt, this coffee is too hot, do you want my jacket, are you okay...
one cool, calm, collected, callous, cold c*nt. all the c’s. oh and a clean freak.
doesn’t get drunk, doesn’t do drugs. what a bore. v strict with himself. has a set of rules and sticks to them, expects others to do the same or at least respect them.
v patient but has zero tolerance. no manners, raised by rabid dogs lbr.
has a 2g phone. seriously a granddad. likes quiet, peace, serenity. wants to get things done as quickly and as cleanly as possible. doesn’t actually like having to resort to violence but it’s rly the only thing he knows.
likes wood carving. has a collection of ornaments he’d carved. honestly would probably even like knitting if he’d give it a chance tbh.
has just learned to detach himself from everything. lowkey dissociating half the time. honestly has no sense of humour.
super private. u aint gettin anything out from him about his past or personal life. loljk he has no personal life.
he doesn’t rly have friends. ppl he’s used to maybe. ppl who understands he likes his space and the way he works. fellow soldiers that just like to get the job done? not sure how long that’ll last bc we lov begrudging friendships in this house.
pls gimme ppl that will annoy the heck out of him. leon and matilda vibes. he’s a baby sitter lbr.  
he ain’t no ho but he still got needs. one night stands onli. feel like he used 2 fuck ppl in the gang but has made a rule not to anymore cos he cbf for messiness. (we’ll see)
someone that is able to get him to him maybe? bring out the fire in him, make him lose his shit bc when he does he loses his control. and he likes being in control of himself. hence no drinking 2 much.
enemies - anyone who’s a bit psycho and trigger happy, he ain’t gonna get on with u. i feel like he’s sent on jobs to keep them lot in check. 
someone that can actually get him to talk? they could have nice simple random conversations about absolutely nothing but will take a certain character (iono what that is yet pls i’m useless)
if you’ve made it this far then i’m sorry. it’s obvious i just have no idea whAT IM DOIN AND IONO Y U CARRY ON WIT THIS MESS OF A RAMBLE.
if u wanna plot like this post and i’ll message u :D or if u wanna message me first that’s grand too >:))))
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queercapwriting · 7 years
“We’re Your Family”
“I would like to see M'gann surprising Sanvers by visiting Earth after she hears about their engagement.  I would also like Kara and J'onn to attend the shower” prompt from @starblaze-knight and “a lot of fluff because maggie doesn’t deserve any of that :(” from @rxingcorp and “space grandpa meeting the superfam” and “winn talking to maggie about his experiences with his dad and comforting her” both from @cosmicsthetics and “space granddad! coming to the bridal shower because anything would be better than that absolute dumpster fire” from @superspies-and-apple-pie and “Okay I need Maggie going back in to the Superfam after that fight with her dad and them all holding her together and calming her down (including J’onn and Kara)” from @laurarasmith and “kara and j’onn being at the shower. when maggie comes back after the final goodbye, they’re there, alex is there, eliza’s there, etc. they just say that “we’re your family”” from @kirstyn-loftus
Also, there is more about Maggie, Space Dad, and Space Grandpa here (the first one I wrote tonight because it was so important to me) -- https://queercapwriting.tumblr.com/post/166729615544/earth-daughter-in-law-space-dad-and-space
Alex understands why Kara and J’onn can’t be at the shower. 
And Maggie understands why Alex keeps checking her phone, to make sure there are no urgent updates from the DEO.
To make sure her sister and her father aren’t coming home from Mars in pieces.
Hell, Maggie keeps checking her phone, too, because they’re family now, aren’t they?
They understand why two of their most important family members can’t be there, so they try not to talk about how sad it makes them both.
They don’t expect to get another shower in its stead.
This time, with everyone.
With J’onn and Kara and -- somehow -- J’onn’s father, and Lena, and Lucy.
They don’t expect Eliza to do another round of cooking and Winn and James to do another round of cleaning and they don’t expect another round of gifts, but that’s exactly what they get.
It’s exactly what they get when Maggie is a wreck and her eyes are swollen and the only reason they’re even at Kara’s apartment to begin with is because they wanted to pick up their gifts as a way to try to cheer themselves up. Because they thought it would be empty, not brimming with people who love them.
People who wrap their arms around Maggie and tell her that she’s loved, that she’s good enough, that she’s wanted.
“You are our family, and we’re yours,” J’onn tells her, and she hugs him long and hard, because he found his family today, but he also lost it again, and she can’t imagine what it feels like for him. But in her own way, she did, too.
He seems to understand her meaning, and he hugs her all the deeper in response.
“Congratulations, Maggie. You finally found a keeper,” M’gann wraps her arms around her, and when Maggie and Alex both stammer that she’s too busy for wedding showers, she laughs and she smiles and she shakes them off.
“I’m fighting for a life where we can be at peace and have happiness with our families. And this is mine,” she gestures around the room, and Maggie sinks back into her arms with a warmth born of too many long nights drinking together, sharing stories and sharing pain, sharing joys and sharing dreams.
And now, sharing this party. Together.
M’yrnn turns out to be an incredible storyteller. 
Which works well, because somehow they feel like a more ebullient party would be a bit much for the older man after hundreds of years of isolation.
So they listen to his stories, and Alex holds J’onn’s hand, and he squeezes hers, and M’yrnn thanks her for taking such wonderful care of his son all these years.
M’gann leans into Alex and kisses her cheek. Alex blushes and Maggie smirks.
“Sir, may I ask you a question?” Winn asks, partially because he’s been barely keeping it in this whole time, and partially to spare Alex the experience of crying in front of everyone.
“Of course, young man,” M’yrnn answers, and J’onn groans, because he’s pretty sure he can guess what’s coming.
His guess is accurate.
“What was J’onn like? As a boy? It’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it, obviously -- “
“No, no, not at all,” a smile spreads across his face, and J’onn glares teasingly at Winn while James hands him another beer. “This celebration is about these two fine ladies, however, so I want to make sure these are stories they want to hear before launching into -- “
“Yes, please.”
“Absolutely, yes please, sir.”
M’yrnn laughs for the first time in hundreds of years, and the sound nearly makes J’onn weep.
Alex holds his hand and James puts an arm around his shoulder and Winn puts his palm to his own mouth and Kara holds J’onn’s other hand.
“J’onn was a mischievous boy,” M’yrnn tells them, and Alex and Winn whoop while Kara giggles into Lena’s shoulder, under the observant eyes of Eliza, and James exchanges wagging eyebrows with Maggie and Lucy.
“Were you now?” M’gann flirts, and J’onn buries his face in his hands in mock displeasure.
He weaves stories for them of J’onn’s rebellious streak as a young boy and as an adolescent; of the ways he always tried to shirk his responsibilities and run off with his friends; the ways he learned to psychically project his presence in his room at night while meanwhile he was out exploring the mountains; the ways his mind was always in the stars rather than his education.
They laugh and they spill beer and J’onn doesn’t stop smiling once, even after his face starts to hurt from the intensity of it.
Winn sidles up to Maggie in the kitchen as she’s pouring Eliza another glass of wine, as she’s getting Alex another beer.
“My favorite pool shark,” he greets, the laughter of their family so close behind them, warming them both, buoying them against their demons.
“My favorite undertrained DEO agent,” Maggie teases, and clinks her beer bottle against his with a twisted grin.
“So, J’onn’s dad, huh?” Winn asks, and they lean against the counter as they watch him. As they watch their families.
“Seems to be getting along with his son after a couple centuries better than your dad’s getting along with you after a couple decades,” Winn offers, and there’s only empathy in his voice.
Maggie stiffens, and Winn holds his arm up. “Okay?” he asks, and when she nods, he puts his arm around her shoulder.
“I don’t know how much Alex has told you. About... about my dad.”
“Winn, I’m a homicide detective,” Maggie reminds him, but it’s gentle, and it’s sensitive, and it’s loving.
“Right,” he sighs. “Listen, he... he has a way with words. I heard your dad does, too. Makes it so he sounds both horribly deluded but also possibly right at the same time. Like, he’ll point out structural problems with the world, and he’s so right. It’s just... it’s just that the conclusions he comes to are terrible. Sometimes, they’re... they’re inhuman.”
Maggie nods quietly, looking up at Winn like she’s never quite seen him before.
“I know you don’t like talking about yourself. And no, Alex didn’t have to tell me that, I can just... I can tell. But I... look, I can’t imagine what you went through, but I... I wasn’t a wanted kid, either. My parents... I wasn’t enough. I wasn’t enough to keep my father from becoming a killer, and I wasn’t enough to keep my mother around. So I know you don’t like to talk, but if you ever want to just... be... with someone who maybe understands, just a little bit... I’m here.”
There’s a long pause as they watch M’gann lean in to kiss J’onn, as Kara blushes and beams and looks away and James and Alex slap an excited five. They both have faint smiles on their faces, and they’re both here and decades away.
“You’re a good egg, Schott,” Maggie tells him, and he squeezes her closer to him gently.
“I learn from the best, Sawyer,” he grins, and he hesitates for a moment before kissing her cheek.
“We’re gonna go back to the party now and pretend this moment never happened, aren’t we?” he asks.
“What moment?” she winks.
And they do go back to the party.
But they don’t pretend the moment ever happened.
It was too valuable for that, and they both know it.
So they cherish it instead. They build on it instead.
As a family.
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atasteofchocolates · 4 years
How i’ve been doing
I’m officially 19! 
18 was a strange year, it felt like a lot happened and yet nothing happened at the same time. 
I was dreading my birthday if i’m honest, and the night before I felt so low and upset. 
I felt like everything was so different to my birthday a year ago that it just overwhelmed me. 
18 was Paris, no anxiety, a job (even if i didn’t like it) a boyfriend I thought I was going to marry (silly me) and a sense of a future I was excited for. 
And this birthday, well thinking about it logically, it wasn’t that bad. I still have a hope for a job, but this time a conditional offer for a mental health support worker role. And I guess I do have a boyfriend even though he is a new one who I’m not fully in love and attached to yet (It’s too knew for these things to happen just yet) I don’t know what 19 holds, and I don’t have a set plan for the future, but in the end, I spent it not in Paris, but with my granddad who we thought wouldn’t live past April and my family and new boyfriend having take out and playing games. 
Speaking of the new job offer, Nivo digital took the piss with me to be honest. I did the full two weeks only to be told they don’t have enough time to train me (stupid excuse) and didn’t even want to pay me fully. What a shitty thing to do. 
But, this means I have a conditional offer with a mental health team, on a lot better rate of pay and a rewarding job. But it will be the biggest challenge of my life yet. An adventure some might say. Night shifts, early mornings, challenging service users and a hospital environment. But if there is one thing I have always been passionate about it’s mental health. 
I still feel anxious about Blake sometimes, and i am waiting for the day when his name doesn’t taint my blogs anymore. But things are getting better. 
Spending time with Bobby makes me happy, more happy then I was with Blake. Nothing will ruin that first December we were together, and nothing will beat it. It was full of firsts for me. But I am happier now. 
I don’t feel insecure at all. Bobby hands me his phone to read him messages when he is driving, to change the music, there is no hiding his phone, he also wants to get my thumb print on it. I’m not a secret either, I have met his mum, dad, nan, aunty and a handful of friends including his best friend. Apparently they all like me which is good. I have met some of his friends that are girls and it was so different to how Melody was with me. (speaking of, I caught her stalking my insta on my birthday, cheeky cow) But the girls were inclusive, friendly and frankly didn’t try to make me feel insecure about them. One has a baby and husky's (which are all adorable) It’s just so different! 
We go on days out when it’s sunny, he has shown me so many different places in east Devon, Beer (my new fave place) being one of them. We were on our way home when his best friend drove past with his gf in the car, they waved and rang up asking us to go to the beach with them for a bbq. It was super fun and spontaneous, I felt young! Unlike how I felt with my ex. 
I am anxious for what’s to come but trying to remain positive. Hopefully my ex will piss off to wales soon so I can have my home town back. I hope this job goes well for me and I can continue my long term therapy, I hope to keep working on myself, saving money, getting a car and continuing things with Bobby.
Also, just in case he is reading (because I know you have my blog) Hello James! Glad you’re being nosy. And if he isn’t reading... ignore all of that. 
That’s it for now! 
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