#which is so easy in new games and jsut takes all the fun out for me
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owenmodeste · 1 month ago
Day 23: Getting a Presentation a Day is Simple But What is Simple To Do Is.........
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Mr. Serious.
It's not that serious.
Have fun.
How many times does my mentor have to say "HAVE FUN!"
And yet I'm still out there being miserable.
Whoa is me.
"I don't want to be out here doing this."
I could be doing something else.
I could be reading.
If I was on my death bed right now and I looked back at my life and all I did was consume knowledge and information, I'm no better than someone that watched TV their whole life.
It's just consumption without action.
"I read a lot of changing the world."
But did you take action?
Then what was the point?
Owen the spoiled brat thinks he shouldn't have to subject himself to such harship.
It's not hard.
You're just making it hard so that you can use that as an excuse to justify quitting.
All you're doing is sharing an amazing product that WILL make their better, there is no question of that.
Now whether they have the money for it or not is irrevelant because some people will and some won't, maybe they get it down the road.
Just share.
Share with enthusiasm because it changed my life for the better in a lot of ways.
Well worth the investment.
Let that awesome personality shine through.
Stop letting the ego sabotage you.
Which is just you sabotaging you.
Just focus on enjoying the moment and having fun with a fellow human being and then when they finally ask what you are doing knocking on your door, the pitch will come out nice and smooth and they will respond appropriately.
"I don't have kids."
"My child is gifted."
"We already have a tutor."
I've done it before, I can do it again, it's easy.
What is simple to do is simple not to do.
It is simple to get at least one presentation daily.
I'm just being a negative nelson.
I'm throwing an internal tantrum and wanting others to feel sorry for me.
Nobody cares, that's the harsh truth, jsut be awesome, be influential, be someone people want to invite into their home because you're amazing and it sounds like a tall order but it's really not, you just have to get out of your own way and be yourself, be a human being, stop being an automaton just spitting out a script that was given to you.
A script that you think you have to say, you do but you don't have to deliver it right away and in such a robotic way.
Stop being lazy.
You're being lazy.
Lazy > self-pity > resentfulness > frustration > misery > anger > blame > does this sound like a train you want to be on?
What if there was a train and every single person was like those words above?
Would you want to be social?
Now different words;
Happy > Enthusiastic > Excited > Authentic > Funny > Down-to earth > authoritative > witty >
If you were on a train with a bunch of people like this, wouldn't you have a blast socializing and making new friends?
Success is a decision away.
Stopping thinking that door knocking is different from chatting someone up at a networking event or a party or a social gathering or a board game night, etc.
People want to enjoy life and you knocking on their door and delivering a lame montone pitch as soon as they open their door is not cool.
Just put out yourself in their shoes.
What is something you enjoy spending your free time with?
You just got home from from work in shitty traffic and you're snuggled in your lay-z boy couch, reclined, with a blanket and your reading your book that you've looking forward to reading since you woke up - and then - you get a knock on the door - you begrudgingly get up and go open the door to see who it is - you get slammed with this monotone lame ass pitch by this automaton of a person and you say "fuck off" in a nice way "not interested," so that you can once again get comfortable with your book, relaxing from a hard days work, knowing you have to go back to work the next day.
Instead of being greeted by a cool person that makes your day with a compliment, for example.
You as a human being in the flesh in the physical has the potential and can be more "entertaining" than anything anyone is doing, expecially if they're alone.
My favorite time of year is November because the entire company gets together in Texas and I do not shoot guns, I do not drive the ATVs, I do not play sports - 99% of the time I'm there I'm simply having amazing conversations with my friends/co-workers, we're being creative with each other in our words, how we use our words depends on the moment, perhaps we play a word game or maybe we share a story or we ask each other questions but a simple one-on-one conversation is highly underrated and that is why door-to-door can be powerful under the right usage.
Loneliness is an epidemic right now, take advantage of that because I'm not lonely and I could gift someone with not being alone anymore, at least for that hour or two and if they buy, potentially forever.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to go into self-pity while I'm knocking doors.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be mister serious while knocking.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to self-sabotage while on the doors.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not put my defenses down which causes them to do the same.
I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to see, realize and understand that it is not that hard to accomplish what I'm trying to accomplish but I'm making it hard in my mind.
I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to let Owen shone through because I know I'm awesome but I'm depriving others of my awesome-ness due to laziness and resentfulness.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be a lazy resentful spoiled brat who throws (internal) tantrums, living the word; self-interest only.
"I have all this money, I shouldn't have to be out here busting my ass!"
Negative spiral leading to evil.
Let's change that to;
Positive spiral leading to life.
Because then everyone wins, instead everyone losing.
Self-Commitment as Self-Corrective Application (Practical Action)
I commit myself to have fun today.
I commit myself to forget about "business" today and experiment with only having fun.
I commit myself to simply have great conversations with my fellow human being.
I commit myself to not go in cold with the usual monotone boring pitch as soon as they open the door.
I commit myself to utilize the ice breaker technique.
I commit myself to prioritize winning friends and influencing people.
I commit myself to stop seeing people as numbers to get through to that one person that is an "easy sale."
I commit myself to take my time and enjoy the moment.
I commit myself to stop resonating desperation for a sale and start resonating abundance, not lack.
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enbyfication · 2 years ago
Whats your thoughts on the Pokemon scarlet and violet i feel like it kinda peels away from what pokémon is at its core and kinda changes the game up entirely
ok i wanna preface this by saying ive only played like half an hour so my opinion doesn't rlly mean shit but !!
imo i think pokemon games have been super weak since sun n moon, pokemon has adapted badly to the 3d shift n theyve failed to release good titles for the switch, legends arceus was a total shot in the dark n seemed very unpolished and unfinished but ppl still rlly liked it & it's regarded as one of the best pokemon games so i like that thye haven't just stuck their head back in the sand and have tried to carry that over to scarvi for a more polished game ! that said graphics r still terrible performance issues r still annoying n there are a lot of balance issues (e.g. no scaling despite open world format) that i rlly rlly hope they fix in the next title bc ffs gamefreak really have no excuse by this point, but in general i think they're doing the right thing and trying out changes to a p stale formula!!
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teeterarting · 4 years ago
here's a list of things i love about PSMD for no reason other than i think it deserves appreciation (spoilers)
the hero gets adopted by a nuzleaf. Hero, a young child that doesn't know why they were brought into this world, attacked by beheeyem, scared and alone, finds someone that takes them under his wing and gives them a home. it's really sweet that once Nuzleaf brings them to the Village, Hero's not alone anymore.
yes it was all a trick, he deceived you. but being betrayed by your father figure hits so much harder. it's much more personal, especially when both Hero and Partner are kids. and when Nuzleaf goes through all that ordeal in the post game, then gets accepted back into the village?? And his little speech to Hero????? it's heartbreaking and incredibly touching at the same time
everything is just so cute!!!! you go to school with your new friendo and you're friends with the schoolkids, and you make the trip to school every morning taking in the scenery, the smell of dew and fresh grass, and the sun on your face... and you take classes about Mystery Dungeon mechanics, and principal Simipour is a big BRO, the school nurse Audino is super kind and helpful... and you get to play with your pokemon friendos in summer vacation, and explore a dungeon with 'em... AND your bond with your Partner begins to form, getting stronger and stronger from then on. PSMD's beginning arc is so warm and pleasant, it's like reliving childhood memories all over again, when things were happier and you didn't have to worry about how cruel the world is. this story section's one purpose is to get the player used to the game's mechanics, as well as foreshadowing. unfortunately most of the school kids get forgotten later on, but I still love this part for everything it is, even if unintentional.
it's not just the beginning that's cute. PSMD'S ENTIRE WORLD IS ADORABLE. It's just filled with life every town you go. there are a bunch of pokemon locals and they all have interesting things to say, in the main story and the post-game. there's a point where their comments get repetitive, but that's bound to happen in any PMD game. Even then, the days are never the same. one morning you wake up and the Lively Town locals are exercising, then the next they're having singing lessons, and then they're practicing martial arts. and you get to connect with (or recruit) some of them just by.... chatting!!! Sitting next to that big ol' venusaur and sharing stories, laughing and having fun. it's good stuff.
Sometimes you find travelling pokemon in dungeons and it's jsut the coolest thing. Imagine you're exploring a dungeon, then your Connection Orb notifies you there's a fellow explorer in the floor. First thing you do is try to find them, and when you do - oh dang a travelling Archeops!!!! And then they just,,,, exchange their experiences and thoughts on exploration and how hard it is to fend off those enemies and the cool treasure they found the other day (the game calls it "[Team Name] and [Traveller pokemon] compared notes"). then the traveller heals you, fills your belly and restores your PP. and they go on their way. idk man it's such a cute interaction. explorers chatting, empathizing and helping each other, bc their job is not an easy one...
PSMD Partner is the most developed Partner in any PMD game yet. They start off as this naive, hyperactive kiddo, then stuff happens, and worse stuff happens, and you get to see how they grow and change and by the end they're a different person than they were before (in more than one way ...). It's just so nice to be by their side, from the beginning to the bitter end, and watch their growth. in contrast, Hero is a little unbalanced in that their backstory is not explored as much, and their personality is kind of a blank - probs meant to be vague so the player can be in their shoes. to me this just gives you the opportunity to shape their character however you want, so you can have tons of different hero/pardner dynamics.
The music is rlly flippin' good. Some of the tracks are recycled from previous entries, but when they go original??? it's a blast!!! "Echoes of the Mystical Forest" is one of my favorites in all four entries, it has no right being so amazing for a random dungeon. "Time to Set Out" makes me cry immediately (also i think it would be a better fit for the parting ways scene at the end...). Don't even get me started on "Second Dark Matter Battle", it has everything an epic climax needs and MORE. the Partner remix????? absolute genius
speaking of which, Dark Matter ITSELF,, is freaking amazing. Its actions were foreshadowed in the very beginning, though they were not blatant through the game. i do think they could have done a better job at showing the pokemon's negativity raising in the world, as well as negative feelings in the characters... but it's not like Gates did a good job at it, either (outside of cutscenes, all the locals in Post Town are incredibly nice to you and fights didn't "break out often". it's like the game tells you the world is a dark place, but what it shows in gameplay doesn't add up). so i'll cut them some slack. Still, I find Dark Matter a more compelling villain than the Bittercold for several reasons. it is sentient. its speech is a jumbled amount of voices all talking at the same time - the anguished voices of the world. It actually concocted a plan to hurl the planet into the Sun, using pawns like Nuzleaf and Yveltal to do its dirty job. in the Voidlands, Hero and Partner discover its past, and how it'll come back after defeat, like a cycle. when Partner accepts Dark Matter, they accept negative feelings as something everyone has within themselves. Most of all, the fact that Dark Matter is a manifestation of negative feelings doesn't make it just a generic threat, a final obstacle to be defeated so the world can be saved. It makes Dark Matter - negativity itself - a natural part of the world, the yin to its yang. and that's why I LOVE IT SO MUCH DANG IT EVEN THANKS PARTNER FOR THEIR ACCEPTANCE
The fact that Dark Matter can possess pokemon that have "even the smallest amount of darkness in their hearts". it makes me think of Mr. Nuzleaf and what he might have gone through in the past to make him so easy to be controlled. Did he hold a grudge against someone?? Did he commit a crime?? Had Nuzleaf always been malicious???? And if so, is this why he shows so much remorse in the post-game??????? because he had always been this vile fiend and then he met this small kid and got attached, but still carried on with his evil actions because his malice was still stronger than the positive feelings and Dark Matter's hold on him intensified?????? I don't know!!!! and as much as i wish the game could have given us that sweet mr. Nuzleaf backstory, it's pretty fun to have freedom to come up with your own version.
Everything about Super's climax is just phenomenal. Every single flippin' legendary is there to help you. Arceus is in the game. MEWTWO IS THERE. and when things are looking hopeless, they really seem hopeless. First the Tree of Life is dying, then your allies get turned into stone and sent to hell The Voidlands, Arceus gets turned into stone, the entire world is stone (except for several mon' that are still safe and holding onto hope, but they're so few). Your Harmony Scarves stop working and you and your Partner are back to your feeble, basic stage forms. You are bordering exhaustion, you have no Emeras, it's just you and your Partner against an eldritch abomination that's killing the life on the entire planet like a parasite, devouring all hope. but you still fight back. Given how adults in the game always discourage the village children from going adventuring, that they cannot do this or that because they're so little and fragile, it's awesome how Hero and Partner beat Dark Matter as tiny kids.
PSMD is not a flawless game. in fact there's plenty of things that hold it back and i even mentioned some... but it's still full of love put into it and it resonates w me more than PMD Explorers of T/D/S and Gates to Infinity (Rescue Team is a close second). its my all-time favorite PMD game.
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silversupremacy · 3 years ago
ii s3 cabana house
This is the weirdest thing to focus on- but here’s my floor plan in my brain for a cabana in ii s3. A few things got swapped (in the bedroom part there were so many spots I realized it wouldn’t work w/ my idea of each room when they’re right next to each other >.> ) but it’s fine it works now.
This house plan is specifically New Pinker’s in mind because that’s where most of my writing and drawing has been for, but I’d imagine that all cabanas have roughly the same stuff, just slightly different floor plans depending on who’s in what room.
Pls excuse the messy sketches
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Everything is ‘wheelchair’ accessible for Cabby and Goo (though Goo can go up stairs it takes so long to do it it’s just easier to not have stairs.) The only exception is that I put a porch on the front of the cabana so that character’s can look out wistfully while sitting on the steps BUT there’s a ramp that’s easy access and not too long that it’s annoying.
The living room is a step down into a couch pit- like this
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Note nothing I am drawing is to scale so if you’re like “wow that’s not a lot of space for cabby to get around” I’m doing this quick man I’m not measuring anything it’s just the rough visuals.
The TV didn’t come with too much but they have the equivalent of a netflix subscription and some people brought dvds and their gaming consoles. Paintbrush brought their equivalent of a Switch console and the group plays mario kart like every night. Plus the tv can connect to laptop if you want to jsut pirate content Mephone literally does not care.
There’s a large dining table in the main room equipped w/ stools (fun fact there is not a single chair in any of these houses! It’s just easier since every one is a different size and has different tails and shit it just gets annoying to get custom fitted chairs :I ). Most food is gotten fresh from the pic-nix table, but they have a fridge in the kitchen to store things longer term (Not gonna go to magic table at like 2am).
Contestants are free to bring/get brought their own stuff if they want to, which is why they have an electric tea kettle in the kitchen that does exact temperature water because silver spoon is not going to drink green tea with boiling water now is he??
The kitchen is equipped with a fridge, oven/stove, sink, and counters/cabinets. There is a smaller dining table in the kitchen as well. There is also a door to outside from the kitchen, there isn’t a porch or anything on that side.
Everyone has like, their own little corner of a shelf in the cabinets in the kitchen where they store whatever they want. Balloon has a collection of stuff his family sent him from the ii-verse equivalent of Mexico (Hispanic/Mexican balloon headcanon my beloved... Also side note I’m not hispanic so my entire experiences of “family sends you shit from home country” is cause my family in france does that.) Silver spoon has jsut like so much tea, way too much tea, his side of the cabinet is just tea. Paintbrush has snack packages that they got sent from Lightbulb. I’d imagine bow just having like chocolate cake mix boxes and frosting tins that she jsut eats the frosting from w/ a spoon.
Ok ok uh next quick run down of the bedrooms. Two beds per room, they each get their own dresser where they can store things but they also get a small closet. Are the closets here just so I can write abt people kissing in them? Maybe so... The bathrooms are equipped with a sink and a shower. Random ginger objectkind anatomy fact they do not go to the bathroom, because ginger doesn’t like unsanitary >:(((((( but I excuse it as; objectkind creatures are optimized for using all aspects of food and drink they consume, turning all of it into pure energy. So like at worst they sweat out anything they don’t use.
Uuh otherwise the roommate pair ups in my stories for New Pinkers is Test Tube and Paintbrush, Bowbot and Silver, and Cabby and Balloon. Now technically Cabby wouldn’t have lived in the New Pinker’s cabana because the ep where they merge teams she also gets eliminated so there wouldn’t have been time for her to do anything BUT *waves arms wildly* leave me alone I want objects living their lives :(((
Misc note abt the Cabby and Balloon room, it has a slightly larger bathroom so it’s easier for Cabby to move around in it, as well as a larger closet cause I didn’t just wanna have a random bit of closet coming off the wall for no reason so like- longer one it is...
THATS IT that’s the whole post that was literally all I had to say abt this. Hopefully I didn’t forget anything??
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Heya. I'm not sure if you still do this? If you don't jsut ignore this. But, uh...
How do you think Dethklok would react if they catch the reader humming/whistling/singing a dethklok song? Thank you.
(your scenarios have inspired my to wirte one shots, heh.)
Yesss I just tend to take really long breaks!! (Also I work in front of a computer all day long so most of the time I just rather not go on my laptop at home) Also I’ve read all of your oneshots :) they’re great!! Keep up the awesome work! Maybe I’ll request you one someday ;) 
Nathan: The two of you were hanging out in the recording room. Nathan was working on the last song on the new album as you were just chilling with him on the couch, looking over a magazine. It was in content silence before you had a song in your head. You began humming impeach god as you mindless read over whatever article had your attention. Nathan who was focusing on lyrics, suddenly did a double take at what you were humming to. It made him swell with pride as you were humming one of his songs he wrote for. (And practically everything else in his opinion) You notice him staring at you with a goofy grin. 
“What are you looking at?” you said with a smirk. 
“Oh uhhh. Nothing. Just.. you were being cute.. and all.” 
Pickles: You were hanging out with Pickles in the main living room of Mordhaus. Both of you were kinda out of it as you were smoking weeding to pass the time. Pickles was munching on chips while you starting singing hatredcopter out of no where. He was very impress you can sing so well! It would be cool to do a side collab project with ya. But when you sluggishly sang his part of the song he was swooned. 
“Hey Y/N.. We should.. like music together.”
“You mean sex?” 
“Noooo, Actual music!!” 
Skwisgaar: You laid your head on his chest after what seemed like hours of.. messing around. Skwissgaar was catching his breath as he crossed his arms behind his head. Both of you laid there in silence for awhile before you started to mindlessly hummed Skyhunter as your finger traced his skin. With his eyes already closes, he opened one to look down at you. Skwisgaar felt something stir in him. It was something he wasn’t familiar with but it felt... nice. Welcoming almost. Pride but not in his usual way. He let out a small chuckle. 
“You knows.. If you wants I cans shows you how to play those chords.” He teased.
“Really?!” You perked up
He scoffed/ “Let’s see if you cans keeps up withs me first.” 
Toki: He loved spending time with you. Especially mundane relationship stuff. The two of you were at the local mall followed by several Klokateers. The mall was a bit empty but that was to be expected. The two of you held hands are you walked down the pathways that lead to various stories. Toki wanted to go to the Lego story so you both were heading that way. You had Gears stuck in you head for some reasons and so you decided to whistle the tune. You didn’t get very far with the song as Toki stopped in his tacks, causing him to tug you a bit. He stared at you in awe and wonder. 
“Wowee, hows you dos that?” 
“Do what?” 
“That whistlings sounds...”
“You don’t know how to whistle?” 
Murderface: He invited you over for a game night since Toki was gone and the rest of the band were doing their own thing. So Sweets galore and fun to be had. You were sitting on the couch playing UNO. So far he was winning but you know the next few turns you will have the upper hand. Trying to play your best poker face, you started to whistle I Tamper with the Evidence At the Murder Site of Odin. As you laid down your card, you noticed him staring at you with concern. It look like he wasn’t sure how he was feeling. 
“What?” You asked
“Why are you whistling that?” 
“That? I happened to like that song thank you.” 
“Yeah but its.. not one of our best songs?” 
Magnus: Since he doesn’t have that much to do for him, Magnus tends to bum around your house. Not that you mind. You did offer him to stay with you and it also is easy to keep an eye on him so he stays out of trouble. Magnus was relaxing in the comfy sectional, minding his own business when he heard you singing in the other room. He doesn’t believe he has heard you sing before so he got curious. Getting up and making his way to where you were, which was the laundry room he was able to hear what you were singing more clearly. It was the Hammer. Guilt and embarrassment tugged at his heart strings, even though you sounded beautiful.
“What do you doing?” He barked. Making you jump and drop the laundry in your hands. 
“What does it look like what I’m doing?” You snapped. 
“Why are you singing that of all song!?” 
“I was listing to some of your old demo songs earlier and it just got stuck in my head.”
Still embarrassed by it all, he scoffed, crossing his arms as he left. 
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popculturebuffet · 4 years ago
Ducktales Reviews: The Phantom and the Sorceress
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Ducktales returns! The Phantom Blot returns to animation after too damn long with a neat backstory, an infnity guantlet and a hate boner for anything magic related. And since Lena is magic related she’s forced to go to her worst enemy and local close up magician Magica De Spell for help. Also Gladstone is here because we missed him and for no other reason. But we missed him so it’s okay. Friendship Is Magic, under the cut. 
Woo-ooo! We’re back! Months later and in a new room, with new things to be depressed about because this year is groundhog day and everyone is bill murray, which isn’t as fun as it should be, Ducktales is finally back on screens and in my heart. And my galbladder.. he really likes ducktales.  But yeah with the recent cancelation of the venture bros, it’s nice to get it’s spirtual littlte brother back just a few weeks later to help fill the void, and while a comparison to it now I know frank’s a fan and noticed the simlarties between rusty and gyro thanks to a tumblr post, the same post for both things inf act, I might just do that one day. But tha’ts not what your here, for , iv’e had to rewrite this intro enough times, Pitter Patter, let’s get at er. 
This episodes opens with Scrooge sitting down for his morning tea when the kids pop out of the tv and hte bored way he figures it out is really hilarious. David Tennat is really good at selling just how Scrooge has both seen it all and has the deductive skills of Barbra Gordon. What eveyrone syaing “Of batman” gets old after a while and she’s just as smart as he is, especially as oracle. Point is it’s a good bit. As he correclty guesses the kids were playing Legends of Nerverquest or whatever that game Huey and Della played last season is called, one of them wished it was real, presumibly Dewey, and Lena’s magic accidently made it happen.  And since it’s her first spotlight episode of the season, and possibly only one since this season is kind of packed, it’s time to talk about Lena! Admitely I PLANNED to do at least her first episode and her two season 2 episodes before this, but life got in the way so here we are. Lena.. is easily one of my faviortes, the number of weblena chats have made that clear. She’sd got a compelling arc, the show tackles abuse well in her narrative, and she and webby have really sweet chemstiry. Plus she brought us Violet and i’ll always be greatful for that and she’s voiced by Kimiko Glenn in her first major voice acting role so that helps too. SHe’s a great addition to the cast and the canon. Same, as the previous comment made obvious, goes for Violet, and the three togther have a great dynamic and i’ts nice to finally see an episode with JUST the three of them post “Friendship Hates Magic.”. 
But yeah Lena’s magic’s been going haywire and I do feel the setups abit rushed.. hilarious but rushed. While Night on Kilmotor hill did establish her magic can run wild, it was also vauge if it was because of her, or it was because magica was messing with her head. IT’s still a plausable setup since we haven’t really SEEN her use her magic or have any intrest and doing so and she’s only done so either while working for magica, to undo something magica did, or to give her sister a mace so she could literally go midevil on some alien ass, it just feels a bit abrubt. And while Night on Kilmotor hill also set up a problem we hadn’t seen on screen, it felt like it gave us more time to ease into it and Lena’s issues, and made it clear SOMETHING was up instead of just telling us that. The rest of hte episode is still good i’ve just seen the show be way better at setup than this. 
But yeah Lena’s magic keeps runing their fun and she feels bad about it, while Scrooge ends up putting his foot and spats in his mouth by voicing his hatred of magic, with all his nephews giving him a “Grandpa no look” and Webby glaring at him.. and whiel I didn’t realize it while watching it.. whiel sh’es given him a disaporving look, the equilvent of shooting bambi in the face emtoinally, she’s only been THIS angry with him one other time.. and it was the time he said “Your not family”. Thankfully this time he’s not in defnstive arrogant bastard mode, so he meekly walks it back to exclude her and she shrugs it off: She hates magic too. And really.. it’s not hard to see WHY given that most times it’s enterted her life, it’s nearly got everyone she loves killed, and that the only spellcaster she knows personally is the absuive aunt whose gaslighted her on multiple occasions, most recently to try and renslave her.  Thankfully before Webby can make an old man bleed for his insesntivity, Della reveals some magical creature is there and Scrooge, while annoyed it’s more magic, is happy for another adventure and invites everyone along. And I jsut love that he dosen’t even show the slightest hesitation bringing Violet and Lena along. As far as he’s concerned probably their family too, maybe not as much as Webby but their still welcome. I mean granted i’m sure della and donald had an awkard conversation with Ty and Indy over all this to make sure it was cool, but still, it’s a nice gesture on his part and show’s his personality: He really dosen’t care who comes along as long as they can pull their weight and share his love for adventure, their welcome.  It’s also nice ot see him and Lena interact since the two really haven’t since the shadow war: Sure he’s been in the same room with her twice, btu they haven’t really spoken. Though my honest guess is they could’ve genuinely meant for Scrooge to adopt her into the family.. but when coming up with Violet found her family adopting her and them becoming sisters to be a better idea and went with that. And to be fair it is, and not just for  shipping purposes, I just wish we got some closure on that line, but i’m also aware the show has a LOT of ground to cover each season, so I understand it probably got squeezed out by all the other stuff going on and don’t really sweat it since we got something better anyway, her getting two gay dads and a sister, it just felt worth talking about.  And in universe.. I feel he didn’t simply because he didn’t either know she was back or have a chance to, though i’m also damn certain, at least in my own headcanon, he helped those men formally adopt her. I mean he owns most of the city, and they probably also had to make Lena legally exist in the first place since I doubt Magica bothered to put her on any offical records that weren’t signed in blood and written on paper made of avian flesh, which given SCrooge’s experince is probably not the first time he had to get a person into official records who came into being by way of magic or some other weirdness. 
Anyways, Lena opts out of the adventure because she’s worried about it going haywire and Webby opts out out of sympathy and while Violet is clearly keen to go, she gladly does so for her sister.. though this just makes Lena feel worse since now her girlfriend and her sister are missing out on stuff because of her, and suggests just going to sleep before she whoopsie daisy magics them to death.  The girls end up woken from their sleep however by a bang at the door. It’s Gladstone!
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Yup it’s time to talk about another character I haven’t talked about yet. Gladstone is easily one of the show’s best overhauls. See in the comics while Gladstone is just as lucky and lazy.. he’s also just.. 
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Okay i’m amazed it’s taken this long for me to refrence jean ralphio in one of these reviews but i’m glad it was for this.  Back on topic, while I know Gladstone in the comics has his fans, and is softend a bit in european comics, but in most stories i’ve read with him he’s an insufferably arrogant dick. Even BEFORE getting his luck, his first apperance, which I own in trade and read earlier this year, has him trying to take Donald’s house and kick him and the nephews out on the street over a drunken wager to take a polar dive, which Donald fials because life hates him and he’s a coward. Thankfully Daisy rushed in and saved the day because she’s great sometimes ,and turned things on him wiht his own drunken crap, but still, it says something when your first apperance is trying to force three ten year olds and your own cousin out into the cold. 
He .. did not get any better once his super luck came into play. Instead he just flautned it all the time and tried to constnatly win Daisy over from donald.. which had varying sucess based on how much of a shallow dick she was being that story, and in general was just unplesant. He really only works for me in comic in those aformetioned softer times: when a writer makes his luck ruin his love life or add actual depth instead of him just being the raincloud on donal’ds parade. The original ducktales and the going quackers game are the only places I can think of he showed up otherwise, prototype in the old disney shorts nonwithstanding, and Ducktales Classic made him a nice guy from what i’ve heard. Thankfully frank and crew knew exactly what to do to adapt him perfectly: He still retains some aspects from the comics: Donald and Scrooge still hate him, Donald for Gladstone always winning and always having it easy while Donald.. is donald and thus utterly miserable half the time and on fire the other half, and Scrooge because he’s a lazy asshole who gets whatever he wants with the least effort, which didn’t change. What did change was his attitude. While he still is proud of getting whatever he wants in life with no effort and being “the best at getting something for nothing” he dosen’t lord it over everyone else. Sure he’s proud of it but he dosen’t rub Donald’s nose in how much better off he is on purpose, and genuinely loves his family, something I really coudln’t say about most versions of comic Gladstone. While he’s self serving he’s perfectly happy to share his luck with whoever else: He can always get more money whenever he needs it because of course he will. The other factor helping is , as with this entire reboot, the voice acting, in this case the marvelous Paul F Thompkins of Bojack and so much other stuff fame, who really sells the “Sleazy vegas layabout” vibe this series gives him, updating his old aristocratic asshole vibe to something more fun to watch and really being a treat anytime gladstone comes up. Gladstone singing in season 2 was entirely something Paul Improvised during his first apperance they made sure to use eventually. He’s a delight any time he shows up and a total 180 from his utterly agrviating original version. 
As for why he’s here.. said luck. is gone. After being hit by some weird energy, Gladstone suddenly, since he didn’t see it hit him, finds himself living normally: going to a restraunt offers no free meal for being 100th custmoer or anything, his wallet dosen’t magically have 20 dollars in it, and the atm gives him 20 dollars.. which would seem normal except it’s actually usually a sack of rubys.  Naturally Gladstone having coasted his entire life on his magical luck, has no idea how to function as a normal human being and is utterly hilarious as he breaks down. Admitely he’s not the biggest part of the plot, he’s mostly here for comic relief and COULD have been eaisly cut.. but he’s so hilarious and seeing him utterly fail at being a normal person and whine about things as simple as walking or going up stairs is just groovy.  As for what weird magical bolt took it, Violet being violet figures it out quick: The Phantom Blot! For those unfamiliar, he’s a charcter from the mickey mouse comics, though I know him from one episode of house and mouse that adapted those comics that I need to read more of, a master schemer and old school villian par excellence and Mickey’s greatest foe. I was ecastic to see him come here and in the capable hands of Giancarlo Espisto. While I haven’t watched brekaing bad i’ve heard nothing but good thigns and he does his best with what little he’s given. But here instead of a master schemer he’s an infamous magic theif and is obviously the one who drained gladstone.. and unforutntely for scrooge the boys and presumibly everyone else... we see him in action using his fancy infnity guantlet esque magic draining gauntlet to drain the portal they took. Ruh Roh.  It gets worse when he mistakes Lena for magica, and charges after her, though Webby is able to hold him off with the axe she grabbed on the way to the door earlier, and damages his gauntlet. he retreats.. but it’s obvious he’ll be back and both Webby and Violet come to the conclusion Lena needs to grasp her magic in order to survive.. and both have the same unfortunate relization: They only know one person who can do it and Lena, once she realizes what hteir thinking, wnats nothing to do with her, and neither do they. But they have no options: they have to go to magica.  So they journey to her house on Dagobah, with Gladstone tagging along because they need a wacky comedic sidekick to help lighten the mood what with the serious, grim hunter wanting to murder a teenage girl inf nront of her tweenage girlfriend and kid sister, and their only resort being going back to her abuser for help.  Magica however isn’t all that helpful at first. Being Magica her first move is to make a grab for the Amulet to get her power back, which her running crew thwart quickly but naturally Lena still wants nothing to do with her and Magica just insults her for not using magic and because she’s a terrible person. SHe does however end up changing her tune when she hears the blot’s involved. She whisks them inside while we get a cutaway to FOWL headquarters where blot is working on his guantlet more on him in a minute.  We soon get the Blot’s backstory which is actually really inttresting and invovled even if it’s not a lot like who he is in the comcis or house of mouse: A long ass time ago before meddling kids got in her way, Magica took over a small vililage with the threat of destroying it and eveyrone in it outright unless they gave her tributes.. and when those got boring she just did it anyway. Problem was, as happens a lot when evil sorecerers calously destroy hometowns, one of them survivied. It’s even lampshaded by Magica as she points out Blot wasn’t the first. The problem was.. he was persitant. The blot never gave up, coming up with better tech to fight her magic each time and coming back stronger and likely more determined. I like this verson: While he’s not the bwahahah mastermindk, he’s still an utter threat, a force with an unyielding hatred and a burning mission to take out the target of his hate and anything like her. He reminds me a lot of toffee from star vs but if htey actually gave his backstory on screen. A meancing, somehwat quite, or mostly silent in the blot’s case, immortal menace who’s deterimiend to wipe out those who wronged him and anything related to them and has warped from what was once probably a decen tperson into a human engine of destruction with one goal and one goal only. He’s a good enoguh villian for the episode, I just hope if he comes back they give him better lines. his dialouge is really what dosen’t work for me as whiel his backstory and aura of meance work, Giancarlo is given nothing to work with line wise. He dosen’t need to be a chatty cathy or anything, just give him one or too really cool lines. Sometimes tha’ts all you need. Watch how the pros do it. 
I do like this verison, I jsut think they could do more, but given the show has a good track record for only getting better with their villians with every use, I have no worries about that and he’s still a cool enough threat. I also wish we got more of fowl or why he’s working with them. just a small scene with one of them was all I asked, because we’ve barely gotten fowl this season. It’s really one of the season’s only real problems so far: 8 episodes in and while FOWL agents have shown up twice, adn one of the episodes did advance that plot by showing off heron and steelbeak, we really haven’t seen any progress on their plans to both take the missing mysteries or kill the Clan McDuck. HOpefully this changes as we go and again, it dosen’t ditract from the episode itself, jsut the season as a whole.  Anyways, Lena is still relucntant because Magica is terrible and keeps slipping in how much she wants to take the amulet every five minutes. I love the show and catherine tate’s take on magica: just as hammy and nuts as before but when she does have magic, she’s the utter threat she was before too times ten.  But yeah while Lena’s relunctant.. neither of htem really has a choice> Magica needs her amulet secure to get her magic back, and Lena needs to not die. So they relucntantly agree to work together among more hilarous sniping.  Cue a training montage set to a hell of an 80′s tune. The show really has a good habit of making good incdental music to use in bits like this. Lena trains, uses gladstone as the training dummy, and it’s funny as it is creative and we even get some karate kids bit and the obvious star wars refrences. Meanwhile the blot approaches ever closer..  We also find out something important from Magica as she chastises Lena for having fun with her friends while training after Lena uses blue magic instead of purple: Turns out much like spellcasters in say owl house or my little pony each caster has a specific color to their magic, a Colur of magic if you will. Magica’s, and lena using hers is purple while the blue magic we’ve seen from her is her own powered by friendship and love. It’s a nice advancement of what we’ve seen so far: We’ve seen her magic powered by webby is stronger than her other stuff, and we’ve seen it come out during times their bond, or in the case of kilmotor hill her bond with everyone, is strongest. We knew something was diffrent with the magics and it’s now given a though and clearly well thought out explination why: Magica’s magic is hers and Lena was just borrowing it.. the blue stuff is hers and hers alone.  Magica does try to get her to master it by having one of her friends shoot her.. Webby of course strongly objects so Violet takes it up since it is for study after all and her sister can take a hit. Lena also wonders how she can even do magic without the amulet, but as Magica makes clear, and as I outlined above, the amulet is just help. The blue magic is her. Lena fails to use it though to deflect in time.. and to make matters worse the blot shows up after plopping gladstone down and wants to kill them  both.  We then get easily the best laugh of the episode.. as Magica tries stage magic and the blot wonders what the hell he’s looknig at. I mean this is his mortal enemy, the monster who killed everyone he’d ever known or loved... pulling out a bunch of colored rags and asking him to pick a card. It’s amazing. Lena attacks from the side and Webby and Violet quickly asist, with Magica joining in to use the rope to bind him and Lena’s magic kicking in, turning the rope into chain and summoning a snake.. but in a show of badassery the blot easily shrugs it off: he absorbs the magic, escapes and knocks them around while Webby asks the snake for help.. can she speak snake? She hopes so. 
Then things get dire as The Blot starts absorbing the magic.. and killing lena as she starts to fade away. Magica of course can’t even feign dispaointment in anything but loosing her magic. And that’s also something I really love here: The show makes no attempt to make magica better or turn around because it just isn’t who she is and even if she did after all the abuse she did, Lena would have zero reason to forgive her. It’s nice that they DON’T try redemeing her or shoing a brighter side: she’s a bad person, a worse caregiver and they only came to her because they had no choice. 
But as the magic’s absorbed magica does tell her to find the source of the power and we get a great scene: She first thinks of all the abuse magica’s done to her and it’s a harrowing montage to watch. But webby, breaks through that, since that obviouslyf ails and reminds her of where HER magic comes from: Her and webby. and we get an adorable,a nd shiptastic montage as we see more clips from past episodes.. but this time we see their adorable fistbump from “Beagle BOy Birthday Massacre”, their hug from “Jaw$!” and Lena’s return to the world and hug with her lady and future sister from “Friendship hates magic”. IT’s her friends, her sister and the love of her life who are her real source of power, and her magic connects to htem as lena ccccchanges.  And I mean entirely, her outfit changes and she gets these.. weird bright blue eyes. Like I like the rest of her outfits, a white and blue attire to show her change with a badass cape, looks like a superhero so naturally I love it.. her eyes just look really off. Like when Milo Muprhy’s law tried to give characters colored irses. Because no one else in ducktales has them it just loosk.. weird.. Otherwise though I like it. We then get a beam struggle, but with adde dhelp from her friends and her new power, Lena eventually beats the blot, as her sheer power overloads the guantlet and sends him running. However in the confusion the amulet was lost.. and Magica gets it back. Lena whollops her easily, pointing out her magic’s purpose is to protect the world from people like her. It’s a nice development too: Lena realizes MAGIC isn’t inherently evil... it’s how it’s used. Star Vs could’ve maybe taken this lesson, but regardless, it’s a nice bit of character development realizing that magic is a part of her IS Her, and she shoudln’t have to give up something in her nature because of her abuser. Magica, while repowered, is force dto lookf or her staff while Lena gladly floats team magic home. Also with the guantlet broken gladstone is back, as a rain of 20 dolalr bills he uses as tissues confims, and the portal returns, and with Lena you know, havin ga whole superhero outfit, glowing blue eyes and her hair streak now blue, they know something clearly happend and the episode just kind of ends. Still a good one.  Final Thoughts: This was a good one as I just said. While I had my nitpicks here and there as I also said, Lena’s strong character, and the game performances of Espisito, Thompkins, and Tate really add to our usual trlo, and as I mentioned before it’s nice ot see team magic get their own episode now their a full team. IT’s just a good romp and a good way back. I”ve made my complaints clear but their drowned out by good jokes, good character stuff, and good worldbuilding that makes this an utter thrill and a great one to come back to and i’tll also be intresting to see where Lena goes from here.  But wherever she goes she’ll have webby. They can be whot hey are, independent together, if theyt ry. And yes that’s my shiping song for htem and yes I have one. 
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Quick bit before I go I dind’t get to, Gladstone flirts with magica when she lands in his arms, a little something for the shippers and a nice gesture on frakn’s part. Whle she rejects him and he dumps her in the sludge with a shrug. I mean.. their probably going to bang at some point. Gladstone’s powers mean he’ll likely find her when sh’es super horny and more than willing, and he’ll be like “eh why not boobs”. I mean I thought about this: I figure his powers allow him to find a willing partner, any gender or none at all I see him as pansexual, who happens to probablyb e loaded and diseased free, whenever he happens to be into it who naturallyw orks out perfectly because if he gets money whenever he wants it, why not sex? It’s not even a concious thing as we’ve seen things just work out for him so of course he probably gets laid, and as we see here it’s only if the other person consets. Good for him. Hope to see him again sooner. I want to see more of him and della interacting and see what she thinks of him. Freshe eys andall that. 
But yeah this was great to come back to. If you liked this i’ve reviewed the rest of the season up to this point and will be reviewing each episdoe every monday till they stop again, so keep an eye out for that.  You can check the tabs on my blogs for more reviews, come back this weekend for regular loud house coverag,e follow for more reviews or shoot me a pm if you’d like to comission me to do an episode. For just 5 bucks i’ll review any episode of any animated show of your choosing, and as i’ve only covered one season 2 episode of ducktales, there’s over 40 left ot choose from if you have any you want to hear my thoughts on. Until then stay safe, quack hard, and Go Team Venture! Play us out Steg .. and Co. 
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xx4353 · 4 years ago
One of my least favorite things has to be when people in Star Wars fandom go all out and say that the Jedi Order is purely evil and its all their fault with what happened in the prequals. But I also don’t like if someone says “well the jedi aren’t to be blamed whatsoever” cause I also feels that this a wrong way of thinking about it.  I think alot of this stems with Anakin and his time in the order. I mean the whole prequals are based on his expreinces with the Jedi. And to be honest, it does at times  feel like it he might be in thr right. But he also commits genocide, and doesn’t tell anyone about it besides Palpatine. Which is one of Anakin’s main faults as acharacter, is the fact that he doesn’t really talk about whats boterhing him. He just kinda sits on it and lets it fester instead and only talks to Palpatine who feeds into his bad thoughts that “yeah the jedi are against, they don’t realize how speical you are”. But in the Jedi defense, its Anakin, he’s reckless, hot-headed, and acts before he thinks. They never baby him but they do try to restrain him. So is it then Palptine fault, ehn he is a big part about it but there also Anakin is the one listen so it also his fault. So a kinda half and half deal. In truth, Anakin really should have jeft left the order as nothing was stoppng him. He’s got a wife and it would have really ben the best for him
There also talks about how the Jedi are a cult, probably becase of the younglings but in the shows it clearly shows that this must be false because the parents have to agree that they can take them and train them. I see people talk about how this like the First Order but the First Order is making childrern in warriors and want no free thinking, while The Jedi want new ideas, they want to be challenged, they want to see people grow and learn from their experiences and get closer to the universe itself. But not everyone can appect and learn what they are being taught and in truth, the Jedi know this and anyone can leave at any time
Then there the whole “Jedi suppress emotions”, which is why Anakin went crazy. Now I do kinda blame this on George Lucas because sometimes he is not the best at explaining stuff and I do truly think he meant to say “Obsessives love leads to the dark side” instead of just love, because clearly the Jedi are immune to love, they love their soldiers, they love teaching, they love experiences, the world, the clones. I do think it is wrong of them to say “you can’t get married” and that is a very valid point against the Jedi, that sometimes they are stuck in their older ways as nothing has really challenged them before. But of course, you can just leave the Order if you disagree so its an ehn area right there
There also, just bad writting. I mean come on we can’t act like every single star wars media should be taken as face value, its huge and expansive. Even if its in the same cannon they don’t always do the same thing wrong. For instance, The Jedi Master  Ki-Adi-Mundi was seen in the Clone Wars talking about his number as kill as a game, a game Tano and Skywalker were doingit. Is it weird that Jedi are counting kills and using it as a game? Yes of course it is, but hoesntly I think its just better characternaztion to make the scene in the epsiode (which has Genoshians being burned and shot down) a bit humors but really they shouldn’t. But if you want to be cannon, have that as cannon because yes it does appear in cannon, I just personally think its out of character of everyone. But yeah differnt stories are gonna have differnt ways of expressing their chracters and sometimes it jsut get them wrong. But this one is more subjective so I can understand why people think he is an asshole 
I think alot of the issues come up with the Senate/Repulic, because in the end they are kinda on a sort of leash with them. They don’t like the Senate infering with Jedi business but they also can’t interfere with the Senate’s either unless it harming the Republic.  There would be no Seraprtist movment if it wasn’t for the fact that the Outer Rim’s voices weren’t be heard by the Core Worlds. I get why they want to side with the Republic, its a huge democracy   and the Jedi want people to choose and have freedom. But the Sentae at the time, wasn’t for the people and just cared about themselves, They did vote on having a Clone army and didn’t even bother thinking about the moraliatly of that sitatution. Maybe it would have been better fo the Jedi to be as far away from the Republic and just been its own origination but even if they wanted to, they were ingrained with the Republic and for long time and its not easy to break away from that.
So I don’t think the Jedi are evil and deserved what happend. I think they did their best with what they had and made mistakes like we all do. Should they have done more? Yes they should have, I can’t disagree with that. But they don;t deserve to be villainized. THough if anyone disagrees, well then hey. We all got our opinons and thats good, and I am not purely right. So keep debating what this weird world of Star Wars means and all the its and bits of it. Just have fun with it.
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rickylafleurs · 6 years ago
now listen to me young man. i am speaking directly in your ear now. i need you to do me a favor. you will do this to me. i need you to go your ask box and ask the bastard behind the counter to answer the questions 12,16,18, 21,23, 27, 31, 45, 46. you will answer these questions for me. if you come back empty handed you will be in big trouble mister. you will never see the light of day.
12. What is their favourite food?
16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it?
he likes to collect little knickknacks, like the dinos from the gift shop in novac. theyre just fun 2 him and it lets him remember where he’s been since the objects are attached to specific memories. when he meets boone he starts collecting different pairs of sunglasses because he thinks its fun to try and get boone to put them on. he has a messenger bag he keeps on his shoulder that he keeps his stuff in
18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else
he’s not much of a reader, since he cant sit still long enough to really read anything and if he does his eyes skip over way too much of the pages to take in any information but if its got pictures he can do that. he mostly enjoys old stuff about cars and other pre-war tech. as for music he likes whatever plays on the radio, as there isn’t much anything else. and the wasteland doesnt rly have the rest of those in easy access so... *shrug*
21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?
he’s fairly patient, but if someones making fun of his intelligence because he’s not “smart” by most other peoples standards he gets that quiet cold anger and picks out something of them that he’s noticed. but when he’s mad mad he yells and gets self destructive, either almost breaking something or pulling at his hair so hard it almost comes out in his hand.
23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces?
he’s got a fairly poor short term memory, and most of his long term memories are faded or just fragments of something that’s happened that he’s not even sure if its real or made up, due to his adhd. he’s way better with faces than with names though, and it can sometimes take a couple of repeatings before he can finally get down someones name
24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?
his sleeping pattern is pretty whack, sometimes he can’t get to sleep til nearly dawn which then only allows him a few hours rest if that or sometimes he’ll be so exhausted in the middle of the day he has to lay down and nap for a bit. he’ll sleep on jsut about anything he can get but he prefers softer mattresses/materials. he kinda snores but its not loud, its that kinda quiet snoring that doesnt rly bother anyone.
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad?
when he starts thinking about his mom and his brother he gets sad or if something reminds him of them, either something he finds that sparks a memory or otherwise. he doesn’t like to openly cry but sometimes he cant help a tear or two from forming, though he quickly brushes it away and acts as if its nothing though some nights it and all the stress of his situation gets to him and he stays up and just has a cry about it. he always says hes fine the next day though
31. Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing?
he does drink, yes but he doesnt like to make a habit of it. he tends to be an emotional/touchy feely/lovey drunk though, and he laughs... A Lot. when he’s hungover its almost like he’s dead on his feet, and he makes sure to keep his sunglasses on or else it’ll feel like his heads been shot all over agian. when others are drunk though he likes to tease, though if theyre really shitfaced he becomes concerned and makes sure they don’t over do it.
45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves?
others tend to see him either as a kind stranger or an idiot, depending on what kind of first impression he’s made. he likes when people see him as kind and helping as thats what he most often is. but its not really how he sees himself. he sees himself as someone who always keeps having to prove his worth in order for anyone to give a damn about him.
46. Do they make a good first impression? Does their first impression reflect them accurately? How do they introduce themselves?
oh wow uh. i think i accidentally answered this 1 already in 45 aioshfjisdt. he tries to make good first impressions
virgil: im gay and im new in town
AHSDGJD anways if he’s heard someone needs some help he tends to go to that person first and introduces himself by letting them know what he’s heard and then giving his name afterwards.
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grammaticalmustaches · 4 years ago
under a read more due to length oops
suddenly overcome with love for my players. its a constant emotion but im feeling it so big right now. 
theyre just so invested in the world! and their characters! and theyre so kind!?! truly i think dnd brings out the best in people.
i gave them some kenku that are having trouble integrating with a community because of the language barrier and now my players are out of game diving into esl education to make a communication book to help them get basic ideas across.
it is an ongoing joke that they adopt every npc i give them and its not much of a joke bc no lie i think there are just as many npcs who travel with the party as there are actual pcs. actually i just counted there are exactly as many party npcs as there are pcs. three of those npcs are kind of just one npc who at one point shared a consciousness but are now separate(-ish) beings and one of those npcs is just a small horde of dust bunnies that occasionally either makes or cleans up messes so you could argue the numbers dont actually line up but it is still an absurd number of npcs to have adopted. i have to plan reasons npcs cant or dont want to go on adventures as one of the first character points i make otherwise their party would be triple its size. i am constantly forgetting how many npcs they have with them at all times but they Dont forget and make points to include them in conversations and decision making.
i just think dnd brings out the best in people!!!
also i lowkey hate making maps but maps are important for understanding the world so iv been doing research and shit and trying to get better at it but! my players literally help with that? not just in making it fun and rewarding but like literally help with the task of it? 
as in we just came from a city that one of my players spent a few years at so he drew a map of the city and wrote me out a Huge world building document about the city and its culture and like, climate and neighborhoods and what was important to his character while living there and everything! and another player gave me a six page document that included maps about the territory their character grew up in like, almost at the very beginning of our campaign! i havn’t even had a chance to use any of that information yet because they come from a very far away place! they dont care they Had Fun making me this big old document! and now we’re visiting a player’s childhood home and They’ve offered to make the map for the area! that would be three whole maps all player made!!! 
theyre just so invested and make things so easy on me!!! it is so easy to dm a group that is constantly focused on Working With the world and moving their characters forward!
and its a super homebrewed campaign partially bc i honestly think thats not only more fun but how dnd is Meant to be played, with some creativity and making shit up on the spot, but also my players are so good!!! about shit being homebrew!!! when something comes up we dont know the rules for or which rules dont exist for we work together to decide what happens!!! if someone knows a rule i dont they let me know and i can ask them what they think happens given the rules that do apply and we make decisions together on how it works with a focus on what makes the most compelling story! 
its just so truly OUR game!!! my beloved comrades!!!
Also like, its been off and on and we’ve taken breaks but we’ve been playing since March 2019? and people have added and left and like i said we’ve had to take breaks but in the end this is not a campaign i can imagine not being in anymore. i cannot imagine this campaign ending just because, like, there’s just so many of them who are so invested!!! and Im so invested! to be honest this campaign is one of the most fun and rewarding things in my life and one of my favorite things about it is how confident i am that it is going to be a constant in my life for a long time. like im really able to just Revel in this campaign and sink hours of work into weird bullshit and plan out arcs and enemies and friends and plot hooks and aesthetic bullshit i dont expect our party to meet for Quite a while because i just! i have no fear that this is going to end!
One of my players got a symbol from our campaign tattooed onto their flesh body? art that i made for dungeons and dragons? it will be on their human body for the rest of their life? and another got a tattoo that (partially) represents what this campaign means to them? another has told me they would love to get a campaign related tattoo with me someday? there is a tattoo in game that binds (most of) the pcs to each other and there has been talk about us getting that tattoo together?
i cannot think about this for too long or i go insane. i made some shapes on canva and spent the whole time wishing i had ms paint because ms paint is my level of art and these are designs that are being added to bodies because we have collectively installed so much emotion and meaning into them. 
i am losin gmy mind.
and like, iv already sunk lowkey a kind of unreasonable amount of time (esp for someone who just went back to school and has homework!) into making my kenku soundboard and mixtape but its been such a passion project already and the whole time iv been working on it iv had Zero fear of the reception because i Know and Trust that my players will think my first attempt at using garageband is sick as hell even if its kind of not because they are just crazy supportive and love our world like i cant even really call it my world its truly Our world and! we all love and contribute to it!!!???!!!
I just love my party so much!!!
i just!!! truly think!!! dnd brings out the best in people!!!
at the end of every session we do a rose/bud/thorn (thing we liked/thing we’re looking forward to/thing that could be improved or issue wed like to bring up) to check in with how the session went!!! we discuss things we didnt like and how wed change them!!! 
they challenge me Constantly not just in pushing my capabilities as a growing dm but they also speak up and challenge my decisions when they disagree! 
i jsut cannot get over how truly we are Working Together in all aspects to make this campaign what it is. 
i have a tendency to move dnd at a crawling pace where every hour of every day is meticulously role played. and they told me they didnt like that and now we work together to make things move faster! and it doesnt always work and we still dont move that fast but weve brainstormed several options and tried a few new things to make it easier for me to go faster!
dnd! brings out! the best in people!
and also also also theres like, Multiple players who really hate using technology and sometimes esp video chatting. and most sessions currently people’s thorns have been tech issues/being on video. but wer still all (mostly) show up every session! we still submit to the mortifying ordeal of being seen/heard on discord!
some of my players have an accented character voice and i love them So So So Much for this and it makes me feel confident and comfortable enough to try my best at (when i remember to) doing character voices for npcs but we are not critical role and we are certainly not voice actors so none of our voices are very good or consistent! and my players with accents get self conscious about this pretty often but like!!! they are TRYING!!! they are GIVING IT THEIR ALL!!!
what more could anyone possibly ask of them?
multiple players have come to me concerned and looking for advice/help because they dont think theyre very good at role play/staying in character. we’ve got people who so dedicated theyre stepping Way outside their comfort zone and then turning around and apologizing for how far a walk it was??? they are giving it Their All and their biggest concern is how to give MORE?
i had a moment last session where i realized that our current arc is literally exactly the kind of arc i Dreamed of dming when i was first starting out. like, not to toot my own horn but its legitimately open world and they have a mystery that they need to get to know a small community and find out what everyone knows and put all the pieces together to figure out what happened. i used to scroll through dm forums Endlessly looking for Any advice on how to plan a good mystery and i didnt think id ever be at the point where i could actually pull a mystery Or an open world arc off. but like, here i am. its going pretty great so far.
also this current arc is one of the First i ever thought up for this campaign. obviously it’s changed and evolved a lot since original concept but like. just a Bit emotional over, ya know. finally getting here and having it be even better than i imagined. how far we’ve all come, in and out of game. the fact that my players had so much fun talking to my prize npc kenku whom i have been developing for literal years now and adore beyond reason that they are learning about esl studies to help them integrate into the coven they are trying to join.
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sambashua · 7 years ago
11 questions tag~
i was tagged by @achuu-nice @s-lay-ing and @maetaamong for the 11 questions game where you answer 11 q’s then write 11 new q’s! a good time! (y’all this is 33 questions bear w me)
nom’s q’s
how are you? :D I’M GREATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT i hope you are too:D
sad ballads or happy upbeat songs? okay so like.. both so much.. but if i rlly had to choose i’d go for ballads bc i’m rlly a soft binch at heart (but red flavor will never not get me lit)
fave anime movie? maybe ponyo? or howl’s moving castle? i also really liked the girl who lept through time! (all credited to wonhankwan movie squad)
dogs or cats? bOTH i refuse to choose (but i got dos gatos)
do you keep stuffed animals in your room? no:( i have some on a shelf at my dad’s house tho? and i have mr. troll in my apt living room!
someone you miss? @atshinee :(
favorite lore/myths? i’ve always been a percy jackson ho but i always thought persephone and that story was cool?? also the labyrinth 
eardbuds or headphones? earbuds bc headphones are real expensive
can I steal your heart? i actually don’t have one to steal bc you already took it nom:’(
favorite thing about your ult bias? uMMMMMMM prObABLy his smile♡ (i say smth different everytime but i feel like i neglect his visuals oops)
cloud’s q’s
Do you know a ksong by heart? (bc I don’t :x I can hum a trillion tho) haaaaaaa well i mean i can’t speak korean ofc but i can p much believably sing all of seventeen’s title tracks.. and i generally sing along to every song ever even if i don’t know it??? oH I LEARNED ALL THE WORDS TO IF IT IS YOU BY JUNG SEUNG HWAN BC I LOVE IT exhibit a b and  c for why!
When it comes to friendships, are you low or high maintenance? (As in your friends gotta talk everyday with you or you’ll feel like the friendship is dying OR if you can spend days without talking to them yet you still remain close) i like to think i’m a pretty low maintenance person! i’m easy-going by nature and i don’t mind silence at all and don’t even find it awkward usually. i have friends i don’t talk to for months on end and then we get together maybe once a year and we still remain close:) i like to think i’m easy to talk to so that could be part of it?
Do you have a secret that you will take to the grave? (Ofc I’m not asking you to reveal it)  ajhfdksl tbh i don’t think so??? i’m kind of a private person.. but if someone asked me smth specific i wouldn’t not tell them ? idk tho i used to be a bit of a pathological liar so~~~
Recommend me 5 songs (not necessarily kpop songs) i’ll rec some non kpop since i’m sure you would know anything i recced ajkdhfjdk
honey - kehlani
to build a home - the cinematic orchestra (aka chanhee’s all time favorite song which makes me really emo)
broken clocks - sza
waves - young the giant
window seat - thomston, wafia
bonus! flirt right back - backbear :)
What do you prefer?: first, second or third gen kpop songs? third gen! since that’s when i joined i’m really into it at this point! also i think the variety of music is sooo much wider than it used to be? i’m not super in tune w all the older groups but i think it’s insaneeee how many groups there are rn snd they all have a lot to offer!
What’s the cheeeeeeeeeesiest thing you’ve done? (one time a former friend of mine was telling me about a problem she had and at the end of our convo I kissed her in the forehead bYE) um legit cloud i am cheesy 25/8 catch me being a soft snuggly bean popping trash puns left and right every day of the week
If you were asked to participate in a variety show, which one of the following would you pick and why? (Pick two!): problematic men, master key, hello counselor, weekly idol, one fine day, law of the jungle i think i’d go on weekly idol! i would wanna go toe to toe w doni and coni bc they’re always so harsh to lil baby idols ahhaha i wanna take them on!
Your top 10 kpop songs of 2017? binchhhh i’ll just go by my top nine according to spotify and my number one for apple music:)
When You Love Someone - Day6
Heartbreaker - NCT 127
My First and Last - NCT DREAM (also dunk shot tho byeeee)
Baby Don’t Like It - NCT 127 (tbh don’t remember listening to it this much what)
BABE - Hyuna
Like This - Pentagon
A Supplementary Story: You Never Walk Alone - BTS
Rollin’ - Brave Girls !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eclipse - LOONA (Kim Lip)
Wake Me Up - B.A.P
bonus! Coloring Book - Oh My Girl :)
Would you rather live in a huge mansion or a compact studio house? definitely a studio house! for sooo many reasons: 1) i hate walking 2) cleaning a large house is the worst 3) if i had the option to spend that much i’d just get a smaller house and spend money on more important things!
Tell me a fun childhood story (I’ll start! One time an aunt gave me money to buy ‘papas’ (potatoes) at the grocery store so bc I’m obedient af I went and asked the counter lady how many of em could I buy with the money I had so she went ‘uhh, not many tbh’ so i ended up getting like two and when I returned to my aunt’s house she laughed her ass off and said: I meant ‘papas fritas’ (potato chips) Not those! - and uh yeah this is funnier in Spanish but it proves that I’m such an innocent angel I mean wow) gIRL I WISH I COULDA SEEN THAT SPANISH EXCHANGE I DEFINITELY LAUGHED um????????? yo idk i can’t think of anything help uhhhh okay so when my sister and i were little our house was two stories so we’d take our stuffed animals and tie plastic bags to them and make them skydive ahahha but it wasn’t too satisfying for obvious reasons so we just attached this one stretchy pink scarf to them and make them bungee jump from the railing ajfdhgfdls classic
If you were offered to start a band, would you accept? yEAH if someone offered i would assume i had the talent and ability so.. yes.. even if i didn’t and someone offered i’d still say yes bye
kiki’s q’s
Link your favourite playlist here if you can and if you can’t write out the first 10 songs on it! (Not a question but shh) here she isssss okay wait so she’s not my go to playlist tbh but she has a mix of western and kpop so.. enjoy!
Is your current ult bias your first ult bias? If not who was your first? yes :) my first ever bias was joon but i didn’t even know what an ult was for a long time and by the time i found out i knew all along wonu was my boy
Who is your ult bias? jeon wonwoo ofc
Who is more likely to hog the aux cord, you or your ult? um me.. i’m kinda a hoe w music like i always play it.. when i drive my friends i am in charge of music bc duh it’s my car but then when they drive me they usually ask if i wanna play music ahahhaha MAYEB THEY’RE JSUT SAYING I HAVE GOOD TASTE THO???? 
Who is more likely to forget an important date, you or your ult? def wonwoo.. that boy couldn’t remember his own birthday if he didn’t pay attention.. for some reason i have a steel trao mind for dates?
Who is more likely to ask the other to pick them up after work, you or your ult? i like driving so i’d say maybe wonwoo? but i feel like he might be the type to want to offer to drive you.. who am i kidding that boy is always tired
Who is more likely to write the other a hand written note expressing themselves rather than just saying it, you or your ult? i think wonwoo.. i get the vibe that we’re both a bit emotionally inept and we would both have trouble expressing ourselves but he might find comfort w writing things down he’s a romantic binch he reads too much not to be
Who is more likely to cry when a dog dies in a movie, you or your ult? me bc dat ho doesn’t like dogs smh.. his only fault (jk he a mess)
Who is more likely to almost burn the house down while cooking, you or your ult? wonu? just bc i’m not that clumsy? he could do it tho
Who is more likely to start a pillow fight, you or your ult? neither of us we’re too tired
Who is more likely to ask the other to come over to cuddle with them so that they can fall asleep better, you or your ult? meeeeee i’m a cuddly bitch and he isn’t rip.. but he would do it for me he better
my questions:D
If you could travel anywhere, but were completely by yourself, where would you go?
What inspires you?
How many pets would you have in your ideal future? Any specific names or types in mind?
What are you opinions on fedoras
how many spoons can you balance on your face at once (picture or video proof preferred (i’m trying to get someone to do it pls anyone))
What is your favorite type of tree?
If you could convince one person to like kpop who would you convert?
What are three things you are normally associated with and/or what are three things you want to be associated with?
If you were in a kpop group what position would you hold (ie. leader, main vocal, moodmaker, etc) feel free to tag your mutuals and who they would be!
If you could have any wild animal as a tame pet what would it be?? (i’m ocelot loyal all the way)
What is your opinion on mint chocolate chip ice cream? (for maj)
i’m going to tag @yongpal-i !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (are you happy sister) @strawberryboo @everyonesabiaswrecker @kiheehyunie @indiepoptime @jungnoir @hwallsgrl @lipstick-chathao @yongceo @undinefin @kihqun @definitelythis @g-te @justsomekpopstuff (tagged you back:D) and @jeonwoooo if you guys want to try it out!!
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viiixxviimmxvi · 8 years ago
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Part 1 :
Summary: My best friend and I are finally moving in together! We grew up dreaming about this. What could go wrong?
A/N: I am soooooo sorry guys. . I have been sooo busy. . I have jsut finish high school and now moving houses. . It’s been crazy. . I hope to be posting more. . I hope you enjoy. :)) xoxo Anais
Pairing: BTS Min Yoongi x Reader 
Word Count: 
Genre: Agust 
Part 1 // 
Let’s just start by saying you your best friend Min Yoongi, you two met in grade school, but it all started when you were a new kid and out of everyone the one person that talked to you was Yoongi. Ever since then the two of you have been best friends ever since.Yoongi and you would always talk about the future and the future was once the two of you graduated high school and college started Yoongi and you decided to move in together. It was always a childhood dream to live with your best friend until you realize you had feelings for him. . .
~ It’s moving day. ~
You stared at your empty room and you couldn’t help to feel depressed about leaving a place where you had so many good and bad memories that made you who you are today. As you grab the last box in your room you walked towards the door and looked at your empty room one last time. Goodbye. .
You headed downstairs towards the driveway where your parents and Yoongi was waiting for you. You placed the last box into the car and you couldn’t help but sigh out of sadness of moving from your childhood home.
You turned towards your parents and you could see a smile placed on their face but sadness in their eyes. You ran towards them and wrapped your arms around your parents as tight as you could.
“I’m going to to miss you guys so much!” you said.
“We are going to miss you too sweetie, you know we are always goona be here when you wanna come home.” your mom said as she was about to break down crying.
You guys stood there in silence until Yoongi spoke.
“Y/n we were get going before it hits traffic.” he said while walking towards us.
Your parents hugged you tighter then slowly let you go.
“Yoongi, you better take care of my Y/N. I’m trusting you son.” your dad said as he gave Yoongi a hug
“I will sir.” Yoongi said.
Your mom walked towards Yoongi, placed her hands on his cheeks, “Yoongi I will miss you very much, but you take care of my Y/N alright.” your mom said as she hugged Yoongi.
Your parents were a second family to Yoongi, since he was at your house taking naps and eating dinner with your family all the time.  
You gave your parents one last hugged then said your goodbyes then walked towards the passenger seat of the car. Yoongi walked toward the driver seat.
Once he turned on the engine of the car, you rolled down the window and stuck your head out and began waving at your parents as you guys were pulling out of the driveway.
“I will miss you guys!” you yelled out.
As the car got farther away from your house, you sat back into the seat then placed your head on Yoongi shoulder as you looked at the road where you about start your new life with your best friend by your side.
Then two played your road trip playlist and the two of you were off.
The two of you were a few minutes aways from the apartment building and you were getting excited that you couldn’t sleep any longer.
You then wrapped your arm around Yoongi’s arm then you leaned your head against his shoulder, “You know you are my best friend right.”
“Am I really?”
You were shocked that you lifted your head, “Yes dumbass.” you slapped his arm.
“Hey I'm driving over here.” he chuckled. “Okay yes I know I'm your best friend.”
You smiled, “I’m just so happy right now it's like I'm dreaming. We are going to the same university and we are finally living together like we always talk about when we were younger.” you said as you leaned your head on his shoulder then you look up at him then place a kiss on his cheek.
Yoongi smiled, “I know. Our dream is finally happening.”
After what felt like we made it to the apartment building, there were six dorks waiting in front of the building for the two of you.
You rolled down the window and stick out half your body out and waved at them.
Hoseok, Jimin, and V were waving at you guys like crazy people.
You began laughing while Yoongi just had a little grin on his face.
Yoongi parked in front the apartment building, so we can unload all the boxes. Once he parked you unbuckled your seatbelt then ran outside of the car. You ran towards the group of boys. The first one you hugged was V, “Hi guys.” you smiled then hugged each of them individually.
“Hi Y/N.” they replied.
Yoongi got out of the car and greeted his friends, “You know this whole reunion is fun and all, but we have so much to unpack then we can party.” Yoongi said.
“Yeah let’s do it.” Namjoon yelled.
Everyone grabbed a box from the car then began heading up the stairs of the building. As you walked inside it was a modern apartment, you walk in and see the living room and on the left see the kitchen which was brand new, there are two bedrooms which were next to each other, one bathroom that by in the hallway of the bedrooms and a balcony that connects the two bedrooms.
After two hours of moving the boxes up to the apartment, all the boys helped Yoongi and you build your bed, dresser and arranged the living room furniture. The boys were so helpful that you guys were finished building and arranging the furniture.
“Thanks, guys, for helping us move in.” You were so thankful for them.
“No problem Y/n. It’s not a hassle.” Jin said.
“Um so as a thank you from Yoongi and me, I have five cases of beer for us to celebrate.” you smiled.
They all had giant smiles on their faces and hugged you.
“Wow, thanks, Y/N.”
“Thanks, Hyung.”
They all said.
We all gather in the living room with beers in our hands, “Let’s play Truth or Dare,” Taehyung said.
“That’s a dangerous game.” Hoseok said nervously.
“Let’s do it!” Namjoon yelled.
“Okay everyone who agrees raise your hand.” you said.
Taehyung, Namjoon, Jimin, Yoongi, and Jungkook raised their hands.
“Okay the game is on.” you said.
We all played rock, paper, scissors to see who goes first, Jimin won.
“Jungkookie truth or dare?” Jimin said.
“I dare you to take Yoongi’s underwear and wear it.” Jimin said.
“Okay that sounds easy.”
“BUT, you have to run around us wearing only his underwear.” Jimin had a smirk on his face.
“What!?” Jungkook eyes went wide, “But nonna here. .”
“Do it Kookie!” Taehyung yelled.
“It’s okay kookie I won’t judge.” you flashed a smile, “Plus you have seen the worst part of me before.” you laughed at the stupid memory.
“Okay I will do it.” Jungkook agreed.
Jungkook got up and went into Yoongi’s room to find a pair of Yoongi’s underwear. After a few minutes, Jungkook ran outside of the room running in circles around us then ran back inside Yoongi’s room. We all had a good laugh.
Each dare got intense and each truth got personal.
“Y/N truth or dare?” Taehyung said.
“Dare,” You giggle a bit tipsy.
“Um. . I dare you. . I dare you to tell us who you had a crush on between us.” Taehyung said.
“Umm I actually thought Jungkookie was a cutie, but I had a little crush on Namjoon.” You confessed.
“Dam Namjoon and Y/N” Taehyung smirked.
Namjoon began to get red.
We all laughed.
After a long game, it was getting late so the boys went home.
You began to stumble in your room to put on pj’s which was Yoongi’s old tee shirt and shorts. Then you tried to go to bed but for some reason, you didn’t feel comfortable sleeping by yourself yet. You got out of bed then made your way into Yoongi’s room.
“Yoongi are you still up?” you questioned.
“Hmm,” he mumbled.
You walked towards Yoongi’s bed and crawled right next to him.
“You can’t sleep?” Yoongi said as he scooted towards you and wrapped his around your figure.
“No. . I’m not used to the place yet.” you cuddled next to him.
“It’s alright, you can sleep here till you are comfortable.”
You went to the same position you always are when you sleep with Yoongi, you lay your head in between his chest and his arm that wrapped around your body.
Flashback. . . 
Yoongi and you were in fourth grade.
You planned a sleepover with Yoongi for weeks now and you were so excited.
It was Friday after school, you ran out of your classroom to find Yoongi. Once you found Yoongi, you began waving your small little arm as hard as you can to get his attention. When Yoongi saw you a huge smile was place on his face. He ran towards you.
“Y/N!” he yelled.
“Yoongi! Do you have your clothes for tonight?” you asked as you grabbed Yoongi’s hand.
“Yes.” he smiled.
The two waited in the front of the school for your parents to come and pick you guys up. Once they came, Yoongi and you ran towards the car.
When we arrived at the house your mom already made lunch for the two of you guys, so Yoongi and you ran towards the kitchen and ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
“Thank mommy,��� you took Yoongi’s and yours dishes to the sink then tippy toe to give your mom a kiss on the cheek.
Yoongi then did the same.
“Thanks mom,” Yoongi said has he walked towards your mother and hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“Your welcome sweeties,” your mother said.
After eating Yoongi and you ran upstairs to play in your room.
“What should we do?” you questioned.
“I don’t know what should we do?” Yoongi questioned.
You began thinking. . then something popped up in your head.
“How we build a . . . FORT!” you yelled out of excitement.
“Yeah let’s do it.” Yoongi agreed.
The two of you grabbed all the blankets from your bed and some from the hallway closet to the make the most epic fort ever. Yoongi and you laughed at the blankets falling because of it either too short or we didn’t place it in the right place. After an hour of building the two you step back and looked at it with amazement. (The Fort)
The two of you crawled inside and began making puppet shadow figures and creating a show. We both cracked up laughing at how bad the puppets were turning out.
“Wanna hear a scary story?” Yoongi said.
“Umm Okay.” you nervously said.
“Okay,” Yoongi then sat up and walked towards the door where the light shift was to turn off the light then came back and had a flashlight on towards his face, “Once an upon a time there was this princess and she was loved by so many people, but there was this evil lady that didn’t how the princess was always so happy so one day the old lady snuck up to the princess room and once she got into her room she fed her poison and killed her. . but they say that they can hear the princess crying and she haunts people that are very happy.”
You flinch the whole time he explains the story then flashlight turned off.
“Omg the flashlight turned off,” Yoongi yelled.
“WHAT!?” you were about to piss yourself.
The light turned on, “BOO!” Yoongi yelled.
You screamed then took a pillow and hit Yoongi with it, he began laughing at you.
“I hate you! It’s not funny.” You yelled.
Yoongi continued laughing, “It was funny.”
It was getting dark, so you mother comes in to tell to get ready for bed. Yoongi and you walked into the bathroom and brushed your teeth together. He had a power ranger toothbrush while you had a pink princess one then the two of you began getting dressed for bed. Your mom tucked the two of into bed, you were laying on your bed and Yoongi was laying on the floor.
“Goodnight sweeties,” then places kisses on our foreheads.
“Goodnight mom,” The two of said insic.
After a thirty minute since your mom left, you couldn’t sleep. . You kept thinking about the story Yoongi talked about. . It really scared you.
“Yoongi are you still up?” You crawled out of bed.
He grunted, “Yeah what up Y/N?”
“I’m scared can you come and sleep with me. .” You said.
Yoongi then got up from the bed and crawled onto your bed with you then laid right next to you. “What’s wrong?” Yoongi said.
“The story scared me,” You confessed.
“Don’t worry Y/N I will protect you. I will always be by your side no matter what.” he said.
You then reach out to grab Yoongi’s hand, “Always and forever?”
“Always and forever.” he repeated.
The two of you dozed off to sleep. .
To Be Continued. . . 
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