#which is like dogs wolves foxes cats etc
marc--chilton · 1 month
i saw your house-would-be-not-happy-to-have-a-tail-that-uncontrollably-wags-around-wilson post and i feel the need to share with you what animals i think the PPTH losers would be if they were furries. i'm not a furry but in this case i have Thoughts about their animal counterparts.
House: if he's a dog, he's a beat-up-looking shelter-dog, a rottweiler or a doberman or an american bully or a pit bull (bullies are like if pit bulls were bred to be built even more like tanks). but i think he'd be a cat (either a nonspecific longish-haired tabby with some matting issues or a maine coon also with matting issues) or a coyote.
Wilson: golden retriever. easy.
Chase: dingo. also easy.
Cameron: long-furred dachshund.
Masters: chihuahua. small but opinionated.
Foreman: he's like House, but if House was better cared for (not a coyote though). so instead of being a scarred and hunched rottweiler/doberman/pit bull/american bully, he's the type of those breeds who would win a dog show. he's polished.
Taub: a little yippy terrier-mix mutt
Thirteen: a gorbeiakoa basque shepherd dog
Cuddy: an american water spaniel
please share more of your furrymd headcanons! :) and also pleasssseee tell me if you agree with my analysis.
i've had similar discussions before about house md animals in the past but never thought of them as furries but as actual feral critters so my opinions vary depending on Vibe
bc like i will always and forever advocate for less popular species being explored so in this case, less dogs/cats
house - goat or sheep, evokes imagery of wolf in sheep's clothing or lucifer; mockery of religious imagery he is both compared to and challenging (see: house vs god, the entire 'god doesn't limp' scene)
wilson - bear. like a teddy bear, obviously. makes you think he's more a stuffed toy than the actual animal. but he most certainly still is an animal.
cuddy - horse. beautiful hair, gorgeous beast so sleek and dark she shines rosy, a perfect white diamond on her nose, and horseshoes to stomp you to death with
chase - honestly a dingo's pretty alright for him but just to be different, a bilby!! they're charismatic and beloved by australians. in new jersey though most people are like "what's a bilby??"
foreman - rat, they have bad reputations that foreman still has to endure even as a doctor.
cameron - rabbit, usually associated with life though cameron is more accustomed to death (her widowing)
taub - burrowing owl. just look at how taublike. or a bat.
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thirteen - tbh she's soooo a wolf she's like the grown up version of your first wolfsona, that's just her Vibe, but again to be different..... opossum. kind of scary at first but turns out she's really cool. did you know opossums' body temperatures are too low for them to actually carry rabies. they can still get it, it's just super rare
kutner - ferret!! excitable, fun, so so sillay, does best in a group
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blimbo-buddy · 2 months
at least from what I’ve seen, I feel as though many aspiring xenofiction writers severely limit themselves to realistic, real world animal stories.
of course there isn’t anything wrong with such stories but it’s cool to see absolutely balls to the walls stories and setting. I think we forget that xenofiction applies to anything that is non-human which includes things like robots, aliens, objects, etc. Hell you can even add in any sort of furry story and it could count as xenofiction since we’re following the stories of non-human characters
and then with those realistic xenofiction stories following real world animals , we come to another roadblock where it seems that there’s a noticeable lack of diversity in which animals these stories follow. Again I can’t stress enough that it doesn’t matter if your xenofiction follows a commonly used animal (cats, dogs, rabbits, foxes, wolves, etc.), if that’s an area you’re knowledgeable in and you got a good premise for it that only works with that species, go for it! These are my own personal thoughts and not a game of “Deciding who is unoriginal”
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talkingattumble · 1 year
Another quick poll before I go
Reblog with the specific kind of tail and/or why! These pills are super fun to run and I always love seeing peoples different reasons behind their choices.
For clarification:
All dog breed apply under dogs, and all canines apply under that also. For example, coyotes, wolves, wild dogs, and jackals all belong under that option
Same goes for cats. All cat breeds apply, and so do animals like tigers, lions, and Pallas cats.
The stinger can sting people.
By supports your weight, I mean you can hang from the monkey tail the same way monkeys do, it’s basically like another hand
Things like alligators, Komodo dragons, and even salamanders go under the lizard option (I know salamanders aren’t lizards but I didn’t have enough options for a salamander option)
The horse tail does not have to match your hair color
I know that giraffe donkey elephant etc option seems super random, but really I just meant any tail that’s thin with a tuft on the end. Excluding lions, which go under the cat option
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seeraphina · 8 months
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for context:
i was discussing with my sister about how odd i think bears are (as i am prone to do) and how i find it difficult to sort them into one of the main subgroups of mammals that first come to mind, like are they more catlike? doglike? i feel like i can sort most mammals into one of these categories but bears are just so odd idk where they go. and she (my sister) looks me dead in the eye and goes, "wtf are you talking about? they're so obviously most similar to gorillas." ????????????????????????????????? i haven't stopped thinking about this reply since then cause it is sooo very wrong and honestly just fucking shocking lmao i need to know how other people think about this
(also turns out bears are just from the 'ursidae' family which literally only contain bears and a bunch of extinct animals so i was technically right in thinking that they're odd and separate)
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popfizzles · 1 year
We're looking to add another reference base to our Etsy and would love some feedback!
We currently already have a very customizable Domestic Cat base which you can purchase and download which you can find [here] if you're interested! Here's a visual of the reference with the most basic options;
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Reblogging helps us reach a larger audience, and spreads the link to our Etsy!! Thank you!!
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
What if Jack,Hercules, Hermes, Thor, Hlokk, and any other characters you want got sucked through a portal and meet there au dog counterparts and there owner who is a single mom and her daughters one is in her teens and the other is a toddler who just learned how to walk steady on her feet.
•Dog Jack and dog Hercules like to walk the older daughter to and from the bus stop, they live on a farm in the country so the bus stop (which is basically a tree with a bench underneath it) is a long,long way from the house.
•Dog Jack has his own puppy a little female who is the runt of the litter. His owner breed him with a Great Dane female who belonged to an acquaintance and then when the pups were sold they went there separate ways. All the other puppies got sold but they let Jack keep this one since they became so attached to each other,Hlokk is pretty much her big sister (or should I say small sister, even a runt from a half Great Dane litter would be kinda tall.).
•Hlokk can tell it’s them cuz of her keen nose,Jack made a comment in an extra chapter that she has a keen nose. And if that wasn’t enough to convince them the dogs even have the same names as them and look exactly like them lol.
•Each dog has there own role to play on the farm like for example:
•guarding the house and the barn at night.
•rounding up the hens if they get loose.
•chasing foxes and or raccoons out of the hen house.
•herding the sheep.
•keeping predators like wolves and cougars out of the horse corral and barn.
•making sure the cats doing it’s job as pest control eating rats,mice,snakes,etc
.•babysitting (yes Jack and or Hercules babysit BOTH daughters even if the older says she doesn’t need it. They know she likes the company.).
•being escorts for the girls is one of them (a self assigned role) they both get a hug a kiss and an I love you before she says goodbye and gets on the bus and when she gets of the bus.
This was fun, but reading your posts on the dogs to use, I couldn't help but wonder what a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier and a Great Dane mutt would look like. Great Danes are short, coated breeds, so I'm curious if it would have longer fur or not. Great thinking question and an interesting idea for a post. Thank you.
-It started with an accident, a magic spell gone wrong, spiriting away 2 gods, 2 demi-gods, and 1 human, dropping them in front of a large farmhouse.
-A young teen girl had been on the porch, and she ran inside, calling for her mother who quickly ran out, the teen holding a toddler in her arms, peeking out from behind her mother.
-The magic seal that brought them to you was still glowing as you put your hands on your hips, eyes narrowing, “What magic brought you here?”
-Hermes and Thor were a bit surprised you knew about magic, as you were a human, but Hermes was the one to speak, “A magic spell gone wrong. We overestimated the power needed to teleport across Valhalla and wound up here. How is it that you know of magic?”
-You smiled, almost mysteriously, “It’s not the first time I’ve had guests like you lot.”
-Loud barking filled the air and attention turned to two large dogs charging towards the group, with a third, smaller dog running behind them.
-The dogs put themselves in between your new guests and your family, growling darkly until you told them to stand down, as they were distrustful of strangers.
-You grinned at the guests, “Sorry about that, Hercules, Jack, and little Hlokk here aren’t too fond of strangers.”
-Eyes went wide and jaws dropped, looking at the three massive dogs, a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, who’s long facial fur looked strangely similar to Jack’s mustache, and a Carpathian Shepard, who was massive, but once you told him to stand down, he was sitting down with his tail wagging a million miles per hour, reminding them all of a certain Greek demigod. Hlokk was a mutt, half Wheaten Terrier, half Great Dane, she was smaller than her father, Jack, but was still a large dog, wearing a bright pink collar around her neck.
-You were surprised to learn the names of your guests, a giggle bubbling out of you before Hermes surmised that they were in an alternate dimension, where they were all animals instead of being gods or a human in Jack’s case.
-Hercules initially was unsure of this idea, until Glokk spoke, pointing at her nose, “No, Hermes is right, your scents are both very similar, plus they look like you.”
-Hercules was quick to accept it, quickly bonding with Hercules while your Jack trotted over to their Jack and sat beside him, looking up at him as if he was expecting pats, which he quickly got, looking content.
-You introduced yourself before your two daughters, Michelle, or Mickey as she prefers, and your toddler, Poppy.
-Mickey was a bit uneasy with these guests, being a bit distrustful, while Poppy was giggling brightly, waving her arms out towards Thor who was a bit surprised that the toddler didn’t look afraid of him at all.
-Hermes was able to calculate that he could get them all back to their own dimension, but it would take a day or two, and you didn’t hesitate to welcome them into your home.
-Hercules teased Hermes when Poppy saw your black cat that you kept on the farm for pest control, carrying him over, the cat looking calm and wasn’t fighting, “Hermy!”
-Hermes was amused that he was a cat, the two quickly liking each other, as they were so similar in personality.
-Mickey was a bit wary around the men, as they were strangers, until Jack saw her reading Shakespeare and her eyes lit up with sparkles as she was finally able to have someone to talk to!!
-Mickey also bonded with Hlokk, who, while shorter, became like a big sister, talking about clothes.
-Poppy on the other hand adored both Thor and Hercules, hugging their legs, beaming up at them when she managed to toddle over to them.
-The next day Jack and Hercules watched as your Jack and Hercules walked Mickey off of the farm, taking her to the school bus stop about a half a mile up the road, the two men following after, speaking with Mickey, curious about where she was going.
-Thor got to meet his animal, a large reddish colored bull, who looked calm, but Thor could easily sense the power and the two had a stare off for what felt like forever.
-Your Hermes had a job of pest control, keeping rats and other rodents away from the crops, as well as handling any intruders in the chicken coop, while your beloved canines handled with security, letting you know of any trespassers, humans or animals.
-You enjoyed having the few extra helping hands on the farm, as Hercules and Thor got into a competition over who could haul the most hay bales to the barns, while both of the Hlokk’s looked after Poppy.
-Jack tended to your vegetable garden, finding weeding it quite relaxing and Hermes was inside your home, with your permission, preparing lunch for everyone, while you were walking your cows out to their pasture to graze.
-When Mickey got off the bus she beamed, “Where’s my favorite boys?! Where’s my kisses?!” she instantly flushed, seeing both sets of Hercules and Jack there as the two dogs ran over while Jack chuckled warmly at her.
-You had to admit they were good company to keep, seeing the healthy appetites all around the room, including your own girls, was refreshing, but it was fun to keep feeding them until most were in food comas.
-Hermes was the only one who remained awake, sitting beside you on the porch swing, his head on your shoulder as he tried to stay awake, “May I ask, why weren’t you freaked out by seeing us?” you chuckled softly, rocking the swing lightly, “As I said, you’re not the first visitors I’ve had. The first one showed up when I was still pregnant with Poppy, right after my husband abandoned us and the farm. He was a funny man, but Mickey liked him, and he was kind enough to help me around the farm for a while after I gave birth.”
-Hermes was a bit curious, tilting his head up, “Oh? May I ask who that was?”
-You smiled softly, remembering your friend fondly, as he was funny but also mischievous, “His name was Loki.”
-Hermes snorted into his hand, laughing out loud while you smiled lightly as he thought it was hysterical that Loki came here first and helped you out.
-You leaned back, “Don’t mention that I told you about him, he was quite shy when he would talk about his family, like they didn’t want him finding out about where he had been. But if you see him, I have a Billy goat that’s a little shit just like him.”
-Cue round two of laughter.
-The following morning you, Mickey, and Poppy all wished your new friends well as you saw them off.
-They each said goodbye to their animal counterparts, except for Thor, who lifted his hand to his face, pointing two fingers at his eyes before he pointed them at the bull and only Thor saw the bull lift his hoof to his face before pointing back at Thor.
-Poppy was crying, not wanting to say goodbye, the same with Mickey, who didn’t want to lose her big sister and the first father figure she’s had in years.
-You were the only calm one, as your farm was a hot spot for events like this. You had a feeling this wouldn’t be the last you see of them.
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shopcat · 9 months
see feline hybridisation is weird bc as much as it interests me on a surface level bc it's like a video game species come to life it's also just like WEIRD. like there was a time in the 1800s or whatever where everyone was just seeing if a lion and a tiger could produce offspring and it's like i understand the scientific curiosity but at this point in time we Know and now they're just created in labs to be sideshow attractions... and combined with the health complications that come with it it's just ridiculous to see it as anything other than bad people trying to play god.
and like, natural hybridisation is different by being like, technically ethically sound bc they're just well doing it themselves but it also calls into question first of all Why are they interbreeding across species and does this indicate an issue with their environment/safety/the number of individuals of the same species being able to co-exist in the wild without human interference/etc. like it implies some sort of possible desperation/the cat had no other choice especially when even if it's been documented most cats will not find an animal outside their species viable/consider them a threat. like it being naturally occurring doesn't mean it's naturally ... engineered? necessarily. but obv it can also just happen for no reason as well animals breed and such. hybrids in the wild are usually found and the offspring are typically culled (or sometimes taken into captivity but over-all removed in one way or the other) because it taints the gene pool and could quickly become an ecological disaster like you don't actually want wolves and coyotes or dogs and coyotes breeding bc if that keeps happening there just won't be anymore damn coyotes you know. along with the health risks like it's Bad.
and we're at the point now where like for felines specifically they seem to have a high rate of possible genetic crossings and you will inevitably get someone being like "but could a CHEETAH and a HOUSE CAT have a BABY" and it's like okay. say that's technically possible but why the fuck would anyone do that... it would never occur in the wild it would never be able to be ethically produced in captivity (not that there is any ethical production of hybrids in capitivity but this goes even more so with just like. the logistics. a female domestic cat will always be used as the carrier of the larger wild cat's offspring and they are LARGER. if the offspring even survive and are healthy the mother wouldn't be able to even deliver them safely. it's the same reason people don't breed a female chihuahua with a male great dane. like it's literally not possible even if it's "possible").
and then there's also like the sensationalisation of it all which is where i usually get into most of my arguments about it online where every cunt in every hemisphere goes "yeah this is definitely possible i know from personal experience that my aunt's husband had a cougar crossed with a house cat here's a picture" (normal brown tabby cat) and it's like oh my god i want to actually crush you under a heavy and sharp object. people act like the scientific documentation of these things don't have to go through a certain set of perimeters that is literally the entire point of science it's all well and good to go "we're trying to see/prove if this is possible" "here's my anecdotal evidence" but you still need the burden of proof. like how that domestic dog and false fox hybrid case was "known about" for years but could only be officially documented and recorded once actual genetic testing occured and even then its just the closest guess people could make and isn't entirely certain (though it was confirmed to BE a hybrid of something at the very least). Because you can't just SAY THINGS. but in a way i guess that's technically sort of beautiful and is in itself the nature of science and discovery even if it's fucking annoying.
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moths-wc-aus · 1 year
HF - Writing System
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The Sects have a rudimentary writing system made up of symbols. It's used primarily to warn each other of dangers and to mark their territory. The River Sect has a larger system, which they use to carve stories into their clay pots.
Symbols can be combined to create more meaning. For example, "Moon" and "Bird" placed next to each other means "Owl". "Death" and "Holy Place" next to each other signifies a burial ground. Symbols for predators are often found next to "Danger" or "Caution", to really drive the point home.
Numbers 1 through 9
Nine, five, and four are deeply important numbers in Sect culture. There are four Sects, a cat has five claws on their front paws, and a leader gets nine lives. Since nine is the highest of these numbers, that's the highest the Sects' numerical system goes.
When a number goes past nine, you will find another number added to it (Ex; "Nine" and "Four", meaning thirteen).
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Used when the number of something is too high to count.
"Sun / Day" and "Moon / Night"
Not found often on its own, these symbols are typically paired with another one to alter its meaning (Ex; "Moon" and "Bird" mean owl, "Sun" and "Wolf" mean dog).
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Sect Symbols
Used to mark territory. It's not uncommon to see different Sect symbols in the same place; it means that the area has traded paws throughout history.
The "River Sect" symbol is occasionally used in Thunder Sect to mark the existence of water!
The "Sky Sect" symbol, however, is only found in one place- the Deadpines- and only if you go deep enough. Modern cats are unaware of its existence- and if they've somehow happened to see it, they won't know what it means.
Not usually found on its own, this symbol is typically paired with a predator symbol, "Poison", or "Sick". In Wind Sect, you may also find it alongside "Tunnel", to mark that a tunnel is dangerous and may collapse.
Marks that a snake (or several, when paired with a number) has made a home there. Snakestones on Thunder Sect territory has this symbol carved into the trees surrounding it, alongside "Many", "Poison", and "Danger".
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"Wolf / Hound"
When alone, it marks that a single wolf has made a home nearby. Alongside the symbol "Many", it means that a pack of wolves live nearby.
As stated under "Sun / Day" and "Moon / Night", adding the sun symbol changes wolf to dog.
On its own, this symbol most often means hawk or eagle. When paired with "Moon", the meaning changes to owl. Adding "Prey" to "Bird" means that this is a place where smaller birds (thrushes, sparrows, etc) like to hang out.
"Alligator / Crocodile"
This is a symbol found only on Shadow Sect territory, but it's an important one. It warns that an alligator or crocodile lives nearby.
"Moose / Elk"
A pissed off moose is no way to lose your life. This symbol warns that moose or elk like to stop by the area, so be alert!
Surprisingly, this symbol is uncommon even in River Sect. It's really only used when paired with "Danger", warning that there's a pike or other such fish in the area.
"Fox", "Bear", "Badger", "Bobcat", "Cougar", and "Coyote"
Used to mark the fact that a den or hunting ground of one of these predators is nearby.
Most often found in River Sect and Shadow Sect, this symbol doesn't represent your nice cute box turtle. Instead, this means a snapping turtle lives nearby.
"Stoat / Weasel"
Often paired with "Tunnel", this is a symbol seen almost solely in Wind Sect.
Used to mark that an area is rich with prey and has good hunting.
Most often found by plants like yew and hemlock. These are typically left by healers, warning those who aren't as knowledgeable of plants that these aren't something to mess with.
May also be found near the "Snake" symbol!
Often found near the "Holy Place" symbol, this marks the fact that an area is meant to be safe. There's no fighting here.
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A less severe version of "Danger". Often found alongside predator signs, "Poison", or "Sick".
"Dead / Death"
Never found on its own, this symbol is seen alongside signs like "Sick" and "Holy Place". "Dead" and "Sick" paired together warns that whatever sickness is nearby is deadly, while "Death" and "Holy Place" means that a burial ground is nearby.
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Warns that there's sickness nearby. Often paired with "Death", "Caution", or "Danger".
Marks that a tunnel opening is nearby. Most often seen on Wind Sect territory.
"Garden / Farm"
Marks that an area is farmland or a garden, so please do not rip things up or kill the prey here!
"Holy Place"
Found on its own at places like the Fourtrees and Mothermouth, and paired with another symbol for places like burial grounds.
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caxyanalysis · 10 months
so I recall someone being very touchy on the subject of furies and anthropomorphic animals, that is, one not being another. Perhaps it's something you know more about, a particular distinction you would make between the two or none at all, anyway, something you perhaps would like to analyse, no pressure ofc
^imagine its a racoon, for happy points, anyhow have a lovey day!
So if they're touchy on the subject of furries vs anthros, they don't quite understand it.
Furries, depending on context, are either the creature or the real world person. A Furry, the real world person is an individual who admires, desires, or otherwise enjoys the concept of anthropomorphic beings (anthro animals, mythical creatures, etc). A Furry, the creature, is an anthropomorphic animal, mythical creature, etc. Some narrow it down even further to say a furry is specifically anthro animals that have fur (foxes, bears, wolves, cats, most mammals yknow?) while anthro animals that have scales are called scalies, anthro birds are avians, etc, but ultimately "furry" refers to ALL of these things as it is also a catch-all for any anthropomorphic animal.
A more common distinction to make is furry vs feral, which depending on the context it's happening in is either an innocent difference between the two, or a point of massive contention and debate.
A feral is any animal as we know it. Think real world dogs, cats, bulls, etc, those fall under the banner of feral. In furry culture there exists a subculture of those who, while they enjoy aspects of anthropomorphism, they prefer the aesthetic of feral, and have created their own category of "furry" which is "feral furs". Ferals, in the furry context, are sentient, intelligent beings with human-or-greater intelligence (depending on OC lore) that simply exist within an animal body. The best example of this is found in things like the movies Balto, or Bolt, where the completely normal animals are capable of the same level of thought and mental capacity as humans.
To touch on the debate without getting too deeply into it, due to the nsfw side of the furry culture, there is also an nsfw side of the feral furs culture, which leads to debate as to whether they are morally wrong or not. Ultimately, it's down to personal interpretation as to whether they are (some argue for the Harkness test of "is it of physical maturity, is it human-level or greater intelligence, and can it consent and express non-consent in a way you can understand", while others argue that the physiology inherently makes it wrong)
If the person you're referring to got touchy over furry vs anthro, they may be misunderstanding furry as feral, or they may simply not understand that, if the "anthro" in question is animals of some kind (mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish, mythical animals, etc) then it counts as furry.
However, furries are not the only anthropomorphic beings. Death from Discworld (along with all other beings like him such as Death of Rats, The Hogfather, The Tooth Fairy, etc) is by definition an anthro. He is an anthropomorphic personification, which means he falls under the banner of anthro.
So if their issue was "anthro doesn't mean furry", they are ever-so-technically correct as "anthro" does not inherently mean "furry", and neither does furry inherently mean anthro.
But ultimately, furry and anthro CAN be used interchangeably, and doing so is not cause for contention in any sane circle.
Thank you for the raccoon <3 I love the little critters ^-^
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monmuses · 2 months
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with various kinds of demons and devils, i wanna cover what kind of powers that the children of Satan would have. all of them would have unique powers depending on how old they are and how experienced they are
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Jilaiyah is the daughter of a known powerful witch and is one of the older children. with her, she has powers based on mind control and based around having a hivemind. her blood has a rich potency to humans and other mortal creatures, being able to seduce them into her bidding via weakening their mental and psychological strength (much like Lady Tamayo's Demon Blood Art, but with more of a drunken effect that lasts much longer). much of her powers relate to blood; she has a power with Blood Magic and Blood Manipulation.
like many witches, she has abilities to cast curses and blessings. she has her own spellbook and is able to recite her own spells via memory and create her own spells on command. on top of this, she has more control over reptilia animals and has a recurring theme around snakes and lizards.
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Damien is born of a mortal mother, which has him only being half-immortal, but is able to conduct similar powers like the Devil Himself. he has most general powers, such as like general manipulation of physiology of inanimate objects and living beings, fire manipulation, etc. he has powers to open portals and ability to teleport and fly! shapeshifting is an easy power of his as well, and can mimic his father's form pretty closely, but is more like Akira's from Devilman Crybaby.
he has closer relations to various canidae animals, like wolves, domesticated dogs, coyotes, foxes, etc. he has more control and influence among those animals.
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Isaac on the other hand is one of the middle children of Satan's flock, and has more unique powers that are not akin to the common demon. with being related to Lucius, he has more familiarity in the Dark Arts & Necromancy. his powers relate to the human psyche and has a lot of skill in madness and driving humans insane to weaken them under his control. aside from being able to manipulate darkness and summon the dead, he has more powers that are closely related to Lucius's abilities.
he has closer relations to to felidae animals, like domesticated cats, tigers, cheetahs, and other types of Big & Small Cats.
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yesterday05 · 6 months
run by a system mostly for littles
hi, pinned post, please like if you read, tysm❤️
no nsfw / kink interaction here, please, and in addition we personally avoid pacifiers + diapers the latter of which is usually triggering, thanks*
*we are OK with regressors or syskids who find comfort in pacifiers or d*apers, we just personally dislike them
playlist for your troubles
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main is @b0xspring, sys specific blog is @boxspringz. other littles w/o blogs listed might reblog things as well but we try to keep the general stuff here. he/it collectively, age ranges are pretty varied but typically the littles here posting are around 6. non traumagen systems please dni, no syscourse etc we’re too tired to get into anything
might try to tag some posts? writing this very blurry and possibly overall regressed rn but here are some emoji tags for some frequent posters & their blogs (if they feel comfortable enough to share)
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🌈 izzy: she/they @izzyshy
🦊 ren: he/him @sleepingkitsune
🦋 girl/alice(?): she/her @liddellgirl (cw?)*
🎀 girl/princess(?): she/it (yes thrs 2 girls, dwbi)
🐈 kitty/riley: she/her [this blog! also izzy’s]
🐶 lulu: she/they @oupylulu
⏱️ link: he/him @lullabyboy (not very active)
🕯️ wax: she/any @waxwormwood
📦 box: she/he [this blog!]
🐺 hunter: he/him @huntergrave (cw/tw)*
work in progress, more below the cut if you’re interested
*could have potentially upsetting content reblogged/not entirely just regression posts
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some more interests / identities . . .
🌈 izzy !
- mlp (esp. fluttershy), wolves, twilight princess, rainbows, iridescence & opalite, animal jam, coraline, nintendo wii + gamecube, sesame street (esp. elmo & julia), geese, cats, ferrets, namine (kingdom hearts), eevee
🦊 ren !
- madoka magica / magical girls, pokémon (esp. fox pokémon), animal jam, futaba sakura, huohuo (hsr), qiqi (genshin), star guardian ahri + soraka (league of legends), the fox & the hound, clovers, studio ghibli (esp. spirited away & ponyo)
🦋 girl / alice !
- alice liddell (alice: madness returns), mourning doves, mlp (esp. princess luna), lavenza (persona 5), coraline, the color blue
🎀 girl / princess !
- mangle (fnaf), natsuki (ddlc), the color pink, parties
🐈 kitty / riley / anne-marie !
- animal jam, inside out, tangled, pokémon, webkinz, wolf children, animal crossing (esp. population growing/gcn), peewee’s playhouse, spongebob squarepants, super mario games, dragonball, mlp (esp. twilight sparkle), pound puppies, littlest pet shop, tmnt 2012, all dogs go to heaven, land before time, cats
🐶 lulu !
- blues clues, bluey, littlest pet shop, pound puppies, scooby doo, dog with a blog
⏱️ link / boy / hero !
- ocarina of time + majora’s mask, cows, horses, chickens, minecraft, princess zelda & navi, koroks
🕯️ wax / marcy / briar !
- candles, spirals, pink + white + black, vocaloid (esp. hatsune miku), opossums, cookie run (esp. milky way cookie), little white kitties, draculaura, adventure time (esp. marceline)
📦 box / angel !
- general early 2000-2010’s nostalgia, most of everyone’s interests combined, twilight princess, rain, blankets + stuffed animals, nighttime, animal jam, red pandas + wolves, calico cats, tales of symphonia, adventure time, the owl house, amphibia, gravity falls, sleepovers / pillow forts / safe places
🐺 hunter !
- the owl house, any & all halloween nostalgia, autumn, red cardinals + other birds, wolves, twilight princess, plants, gladion (pokémon usum)
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qwizzers · 1 year
Do you have tips for drawing good animal anatomy?
for anthro, i usually draw similarly to human anatomy, and add fur in some places. for my style, the face is where i add the most animal traits.
there are two types of ways to draw anthro characters - digitigrade and plantigrade. i'd google some references of both to see which you like better! i like plantigrade, where the legs are more humanlike, and digitigrade is more animallike! for feral, shapes are really helpful! i start with a circle for the head, and an "action line" for the general shape of the body (just a swoopy line of what direction/shape i'd like the body to be in) and then i start filling in the shapes of the other body parts! definitely will help you to look up images of wolves/cats/dogs/foxes etc. and just finding shapes in the body and figuring out which ones you feel are most important to sketch out! it's easier to build a pose around said shapes than to just draw it from your head (same goes for anthro!)
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audiovisualrecall · 2 months
I love when I'm trying to write a comment to argue against an idiot insisting pet cats need to free-roam (unique to pet cats, since dogs don't need this!) But then Facebook decided to just glitch out in the middle and go to the next fucking video instead. I'm ANGRY. People are so enamored with this misconception that it's GOOD for pet cats to free-roam. They were like 'if you don't live somewhere your cat can free roam then you shouldn't have a cat' that's the most fucked up bullshit I've ever heard. It's bad for the pet, it's bad for other animals, it's bad for their people because they bring home diseases like toxoplasmosis, it's bad for the environment, it's bad for other people with other pets. Pet cats kill for fun, lots of birds are endangered or even extinct because of pet cats free roaming. Rosming cats fight, spreading diseases and resulting in injuries as well. Pet cats are a prey species as much as predator and are also at risk from hawks and eagles, wolves, coyotes, mountain lions, foxes, and/or raccoons, gators, crocs, stray dogs, etc etc etc like no matter where you live there is Something that wants to eat your cat. Most areas cars and trucks are also a threat to cats' safety/lives, as are things like poison set out for rats or mice (directly or by eating a poisoned rodent!), deliberate harm from other humans who dislike cats or otherwise want to harm them, and various other dangers to the cat's health. Roaming cats are in constant potential danger they should Not have to be in because they are PETS. they also cause harm to the health of other cats, people, birds, and the environment in other ways becasue they are PETS and thus invasive tbh.
People walking around believing that bullshit that PET cats need to free roam pisses me off and stresses me out. Like. This is something which NO other PET animal NEEDS or is like. magically entitled to - dogs are not allowed to free roam, they get walked on a fucking leash, or you install a garden fence that can keep them contained in your garden (preferably while supervised, for cats at least), or for cats you can also make a Catio. Dogs can be off leash outdoors in dog parks, they can also be off leash in other safe spaces if recall-trained, and even that is a topic with a lot of bickering over it. But people also train their dogs, or at least used to, if they wanted to have them off-leash anyway elsewhere. Because the threat to the dog and to others is not worth it. Like, a sheepdog is not on a leash because they are trained and they are doing a job. A free-roaming cat is not comparable. A dog that trots alongside its owner leash less, or a dog that goes and picks up your order at the deli for you (had a neighbor who did this. that dog was on a mission and did not even look at a single squirrel or anything) or a dog that runs in an enclosed park, or on your property while you are nearby able to recall it, is not in any way remotely comparable to allowing a pet cat to free-roam.
Grrrrr I wish I could have just posted that damn comment. I wish I could shake these people by the shoulders and change their minds !!!!!! How many cats have they killed with their attitude? How many birds have their pet cats killed for fun?
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hedoughnism · 5 months
I just found out about “littermate syndrome” and I’m annoyed
Ok, lets back up for a second, in canids, the default social model is a nuclear family, a male and female bonded pair that work together ( rare in mammals!) to raise a different litter of kits/pups every year that leave when they are mature. Foxes, coyotes, jackals, ethiopian wolves, raccoon dogs etc. they all follow this model.
In Gray wolves, the pups stay around longer, how long depends but most often 2-3 years , these young adults form the rest of the pack, the male and female breeding pair are the “ alphas” .
“ Littermate syndrome” is the Idea ( might not even be true?) that when two pups from the same litter are raised together, they have social problems like developing separation anxiety ( in other words they are bonded to the other dog and care about being near them) or are more difficult to train ( in other-words, they are more interested in canine companionship and aren’t desperate for human attention/ pay as much attention to them)
( the context was a “ ethical breeder” on tiktok , talking about two older boxer puppies up for adoption at a shelter, and saying littermates should never be labeled “bonded-pairs”, which brings up the question how it would be different if they weren’t littermates)
This is a species who in its natural state , spends well into physical adulthood living alongside its littermates, and even when they strike out on their own, if successful, would still be in a highly social environment
I get dogs are not wolves. Dogs can have two litters a year, male dogs don’t play a role in child rearing ( If I could find more data on village-dogs social structure I would mention it), and most relevantly, dogs are generally more interested in affection from humans than their own species.
But I want to highlight how unique that last point is, no other animal has been domesticated anywhere near as long as dogs, any other domestic animal ( except maybe cats? Their wild ancestors arent social though ) values social contact with members of its own species over humans , goats, pigs, guinea pigs, rats, cows, rabbits, sheep, horses, donkeys etc.
Despite this , people live with these animals! ( look at farm animal sanctuaries) They train them as much as necessary, care for There wellbeing, and handle them, including the ones much larger and more dangerous than any dog.
It is entirely feasible to bond with, care for, and train, an animal that doesn’t consider you the most important thing/person in the world, who has companionship of other animals its own species in its life, that it may value more than you, and if you can’t manage that, you aren’t as good with managing animals as you think you are.
This isn’t me saying it’s wrong to separate pups from There litters/mothers, they adjust well eventually, and these dogs need desperate homes, people can’t just take packs of dogs, but its ridiculous if we recognize “ bonded pairs” as a thing the shelter system should pay attention to, to disqualify dogs just because they were littermates ( and admit it, are you equally bonded to all your siblings?).
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huntersmoon1 · 1 year
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If Jack was a dog.
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If Hercules was a dog.
Ok I just gave myself an idea for a request.
What if Jack,Hercules, Hermes, Thor, Hlokk, and any other characters you want got sucked through a portal and meet there au dog counterparts and there owner who is a single mom and her daughters one is in her teens and the other is a toddler who just learned how to walk steady on her feet.
Dog Jack and dog Hercules like to walk the older daughter to and from the bus stop, they live on a farm in the country so the bus stop (which is basically a tree with a bench underneath it) is a long way from the house.
Dog Jack has his own puppy a little female who is the runt of the litter. His owner breed him with a Great Dane female all the other puppies got sold but they let him keep this one since they became so attached to each other,Hlokk is pretty much her big sister (or should I say small sister, even a runt from a half Great Dane litter would be kinda tall.).
Hlokk can tell it’s them cuz of her keen nose,Jack made a comment in the recent extra chapter that she has a keen nose. And if that wasn’t enough to convince them the dogs even have the same names as them and look exactly like them lol.
Each dog has there own role to play on the farm like for example:
•guarding the house and the barn at night.
•rounding up the hens if they get loose.
•chasing foxes and or raccoons out of the hen house.
•herding the sheep.
•keeping predators like wolves and cougars out of the horse corral and barn.
•making sure the cats doing it’s job as pest control eating rats,mice,snakes,etc.
•babysitting (yes Jack and or Hercules babysit BOTH daughters even if the older says she doesn’t need it. They know she likes the company.).
•being escorts for the girls is one of them (a self assigned role) they both get a hug a kiss and an I love you before she says goodbye and gets on the bus and when she gets of the bus.
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russellsportfolio · 2 years
The High-Status Symbol of Exotic Animals
About 45 minutes away from my old house, there is an animal sanctuary called Black Pines. It specializes in taking care of exotic animals who were imprisoned, mistreated, or neglected in some way, and ensuring recovery, safety, and peace “for the rest of their lives.” A notable addition to the sanctuary is a couple of tigers who starred on the Netflix documentary “Tiger King.” Other inhabitants have been circus animals, primates and wildcats from personal zoos, birds who had been neglected by their owners, and an especially horrible case of a bear who was used to train dogs to be malicious for dog fighting rings and was blinded in the process. While not all animals were unfairly treated in their lives, the majority of animals in Black Pines were previously owned by someone with money who either didn’t understand how to properly take care of an exotic animal, or grew disinterested or afraid of the animal once it grew up. The infatuation with owning exotic animals is an especially horrible example of conspicuous consumption, as the “object” in question is a sentient creature who can’t truly recognize the situation it’s in.
Most exotic animals chosen to be flaunted are brightly colored and compact as babies. A rhino, while an exotic animal, is not one sought after by the rich as it has few attractive physical attributes and is much too large to hide away. Better examples include wildcats (tigers, leopards, bobcats, etc.), bears and bear relatives (black, brown, panda), wolves, foxes, certain reptiles, and certain birds. All of these animals have pleasing physical features (such as fur or cute eyes), are quite small at a young age, and are considered “wild” regardless of containment, as they were never bred to be tamed and are all significantly more dangerous than the average house pet. Smallness is encouraged to keep outsiders from becoming aware during the transportation process. Some animals will be considered legally endangered or even extinct in the wild, and this “rare” status makes them even more sought after. Exotic animals will have their entire lifestyle tailored to the habitat they are supposed to live in, from diet to necessary workout to required entertainment, and buying a creature requires removing it from that required maintenance. In many states, the private buying and owning of wild animals is completely prohibited.
One of the beliefs that could potentially explain such thinking is that exotic animals are the next step up. Conspicuous consumption is the ability to brag about having luxury, after all. Anyone could own a dog or a cat, but only the rich can afford a smuggled lion cub or wolf pup. There is also no “use” for an exotic animal like there might be for an expensive car or watch. The only reason why someone might own an exotic animal is purely to show it off as a sign of high status or to enjoy it as entertainment. There is no other reason to own an exotic animal. As such, it is a large sign of wealthiness to create the space, diet, and entertainment needed, put up with the less cute actions of the growing animal (which may be costly), as well as spend the money required for handlers, cleaners, specific food, potential medical injuries and lawsuits, and others, all just to own a creature who has no feasible method of “repaying” the efforts made.
In a basic context, the demand of exotic animals can cause issues with illegal smuggling. It isn’t a thing that happens much anymore with the implementation of the Endangerment Species Act, but it still occurs in other countries and under closed legal eyes. Along with this, the general need to create a proper habitat and diet is much more expensive and wasteful (when considering traveling expenses and pollution) than if the animal was just left in its proper habitat. On the uncommon (but not rare) chance that the owner is unable to contain the animal, the nearby ecosystem can be seriously damaged from the introduction of a new unnatural predator, which could possibly result in permanent changes. Oh, and also innocent human bystanders could potentially be mauled or killed due to the negligence of the owner.
In a more specific context, to personally own exotic animals is to abuse them, regardless of the context but especially within the context of conspicuous consumption. Once an exotic animal has reached its location, the naivety of its owners will make the whole situation into a ticking time bomb. While some owners may legitimately adore their new “pets,” and try to take care of it properly, many others are focused mostly on the status it provides. Regardless, the animal will still be experiencing an unhealthy diet, unsatisfying walking space, little entertainment, and heavy isolation in comparison to its natural habitat. Occasionally the abuse can reach further than neglect. Some owners may be aware of the inherent danger of their animals, and request to mutilate them in an attempt to remove that danger. For example, Wild cats can be declawed (an issue prominent with domestic cats as well, where the finger bone of the cat is removed up to the first joint) which can cause severe arthritis and pain while walking. Most animals mentioned can have their teeth removed, which prevents them from properly eating their natural food. Examples like these prevent the animal from ever being able to be released, and forcing them to become dependent on outside help to survive.
It is inevitable that the ineptitude of the owners and the frustration of the animal will devolve into an accident. And. depending on the owners, the animal may be euthanized or the injuries may go without medical attention. Due to the regulations against unlawful possession, many exotic animals will not have the ability to get medical attention without being found out, and as such may suffer from injuries and illnesses, some of which may even be contagious to humans.
Because there is a demand in this topic, there are businesses dedicated to the capture, breeding, and peddling of exotic animals. Many of the tigers in Black Pines spent their entire lives in such places, and lived in cramped, concrete cages, malnourished and unhealthy.
This type of consumption is one that has a large range of opinions attached to it. Owning exotic animals is especially and vehemently opposed by a lot of the lower classes for the reasons stated above. Work is being actively done by multiple corporations to continue the banning and regulation of privately owned wild animals. However, there are always people who support the high-status symbol and fantasize about owning an exotic animal themselves, or else this would be a non-issue. National laws only ban the regulation of bringing exotic animals across national borders, and don’t have any regulations towards the direct owning of such animals. State laws often are required to pick up the slack, but let certain species slip through in many states, and completely fail to regulate anything in four states.
The owning of exotic animals is an issue that is often paired with the similar issue of the hunting of exotic animals. Both problems have poorly run businesses attached to them, are ethically immoral, and are superfluous signs of high wealth. They often support each other’s work ethic, with people aiming to kill the adults and capture the children of a foreign species. Regardless, the concept of owning a wild animal for purely materialistic purposes is a morally bankrupt one. When exotic animals are bought and owned like pets, they are objectified when they have actual sentience, are treated like pets which can be potentially dangerous to multiple parties, are often mutilated to try to remove the danger, are neglected, mistreated, and isolated from their own kind, and are often thrown to overflowing animal sanctuaries once grown and can develop mental issues from being disowned. And any form of injury towards a human caused by lashing out from all the stressors listed will result in euthanasia. This is a case in which conspicuous consumption does far more harm in the process of showing off.
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