#which is CRAZY
industrations · 1 month
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I maybe did a thing and got matching tattoos with my sirius when i was in england visiting fen this week
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thebirdandhersong · 2 months
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lordystrange · 6 months
A year ago, when Noah Schnapp came out to us, I posted this picture and said that this is the only acceptable reaction to that.
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One year later, this is still accurate. Because no matter what he or any other gay person does, it doesn’t give us the right to be homophobic. The reason we dislike him has nothing to do with him being gay.
I’m still very happy that he felt safe enough to come out. And especially happy that his coming out inspired so many others to come out too.
Happy coming out anniversary Noah! I hope the only reason for people to dislike you is because you have not condemned the genocide of palestinians.
(And I hope in the future you’ll do that, publically. Your family and friends’ political views and your PR team shouldn’t stop you.)
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starry-eyed-adam · 4 months
E Vola, Vola Con Me
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the colors keep getting fucked up eugh.
@pinetreevillain ‘s Timatello and my favorite Italian song
Donnie only knows the lyrics to the song because Tim likes it and Donnie wanted to show off (he doesn’t know what any of the lyrics mean)
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ambeauty · 2 months
The victimization of Claire is getting out of hand now….
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needylittlegirl · 2 months
theres a new trend (?) where you ask a woman if she’d rather be alone in the woods with a man shes never met before OR a bear. so many girls are saying bear, i’m sayin bear and if i think about our reasoning for too long i’ll cry
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fella-lovin-fella · 11 months
taking a nap with your lover then waking up and telling each other about your dreams >>>>
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go-to-the-mirror · 26 days
Anyway I could be salty about how ToTK reused the ancient technology thing again OR i could think thoughts about how Hyrule's history is very cyclical and very stagnant. They have these old civilisations and yet invariably they turn to rubble and we get medieval fantasy land again. probably something to do with The Curse
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mifithemuffin · 6 months
i swear seeing the same 5 nicknames in the kudos list of every ao3 fic you read must be the modern day equivalent of noticing the same names in the library book cards. yeah we've never talked. you're probably only partially aware i exist and yet i'd recognize you anywhere. our sense of shared camaraderie is as deep as if we've known each other in previous lives. you were there at every turn i took.
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duckiemimi · 1 year
jjk 226 leaks!
with gojo being the little shit he was as a student, i wouldn’t be surprised if he pulled this exact move while sparring with geto, trying to catch him off guard. haha. back when he was still figuring out his infinity. hahaha.
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mariluvvs · 9 months
okay but can we just appreciate the acswy writers. like 3 amazing writers came together and decided to write this marvellous fanfic.
they write so so many words (idk i have no idea how many words are there per chapter) and it must take so much dedication to continue writing and not lose motivation i literally write like 1k words in like one day and then i don’t write for like 2 months it is truly mind boggling how they manage to write all that
and on top of that they answer so many asks and their inbox is probably flooded 😭😭
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Hey everybody!! So sorry for my long haitus, life has been a lot lately. But now that the school year's over and things have finally calmed down a bit, I just wanted to give y'all a heads up that the semifinals and finals will be happening this month!!! I'll post a more detailed announcement with the exact dates the polls will be posted soon, so keep an eye out for that.
Anyways, yeah that's about it. Just wanted to let y'all know that I am not, in fact, dead, and that I'm stoked to see how the FINAL BARD BATTLES will turn out :)
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skyward-floored · 5 months
My kids are watching The Incredibles and I cannot help but superimpose your IAU over the whole. entire. movie. XD
But it got me wondering. Which (if any) minor villain would be Mr. Huph?
I knowwwww the movie is forever changed in my mind I can’t watch it normally at all anymore XD
Mr. Huph was one of the first people I decided, he iiiiiiis.... Vaati 😂 Mostly because he’s short and angry, and the idea of Vaati being Time’s boss was just too funny to pass up on.
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goingferalapparently · 10 months
actually animatics are so good for practicing because i get to force myself to draw things i normally wouldnt draw.
like trains or house interiors!! (i am now, however, intentionally avoiding scenes that involve the inside of houses or any other complicated mechanisms like that of trains)
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oh wait! or tiny qforever!! would not have drawn him otherwise. have drawn qbags, i have a notebook page as i attempt to give her a design
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and while we're on the topic of people, qphilza (though i couldnt be bothered to draw the potato farm/machine)
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anyway on to frames i actually like now. like this one.
this one.
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its kinda dramatic.
i like it.
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0wllight · 4 months
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ceniwen · 5 months
did you see the new lny short that they uploaded....... the dragon and lion????? like yes theyre both traditional new years animals for good luck but . jh??!???
YES I'VE BEEN SCREAMING ABT IT ON TWITTER THE WHOLE DAY its so crazy a whole jinghengjing anishort 😭 'the one without the other, half as fair' and 'burning bright' ???
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