#which if you think lmk is ninjago. Understandable.
imminent-danger-came · 6 months
The " I think we're gonna have to kill this guy" meme also includes drawing your two favorite characters together right. Whatever, that's not important
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abcwordsurge · 1 month
concept! now hear me out here. pixal and kai... in an arranged marriage.
why I think this would be a good idea:
they have one of the funniest dynamics in the show
I love the idea of royalty, and how the two of them would interact with it differently (I think pixal would understand the system more, and would try to work around it to change things for the better, while kai would be loud and obnoxious about things he wants to change and it would attract attention that could either be helpful or massively backfire)
ninjago AUs make my brain go bzzz
and there are SO MANY ideas in my mind for, like, sideplots. the main plot would be, of course, pixal and kai getting to know each other, navigating their relationship (which would be PLATONIC, of course, just to be clear), and balancing their different styles of being royalty.
potential side plots!
jay and cole working in the palace (perhaps cole as a cook and jay as a waiter- that's the first thing that comes to mind at least) and being, like, the comedic side duo, as well as two of kai's buddies
pixal getting to know nya as well as kai, and nya admitting that she LOATHES the idea of an arranged marriage, although pixal's happy for the opportunity and is rather enjoying the change
kai trying to figure out how to ask whether pixal would mind if he goes on dates with other girls, and then once she says it's fine (they are friends, after all), he also has to figure out whether he actually WANTS to go on dates with other girls (aromantic kai? yes please)
zane is a frequenter of the palace, to visit kai and nya, though he doesn't work there. anyway, he's delighted to meet pixal, and they get to talking, and they turn out to have a lot in common, and THEY'RE SO SWEET AND IN LOVE YOU GUYS
I have. more thoughts. lmk if y'all wanna hear more about this AU
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littlelegoman · 1 year
Tang (possibly Pigsy, too): Wow, that sounds like a lot to go through as a child. And you bodily became 18 when you were 12? I'm so sorry, they shouldn't have done that to you..
Lloyd: Well-- it was to save the city--
Tang: What did that city ever do for you? I mean, your whole life is just one tragedy after another; your mother abandons you, your father is locked away, you get sent to a boarding school to make you evil and you still get bullied there. You're manipulated multiple times by adults, and sure, you tried to do that once to them, but you were a child. They were adults. That's not fair.
Lloyd: It was destiny, I had to because of the prophesy...
Tang: No, you had a choice. You didn't have to do all that, and even if you wanted to, you could've waited till you were mature enough to understand the severity of it. Your uncle trains you-- actually, he forcibly takes you, which legally would happen anyways as your only relative, but the law was never involved, not to mention you were under the impression you'd be hurt.
Tang: It's not your fault either. You were coerced into it. The prophesy never said when you had to defeat your father, right?
Lloyd: Well, I don't entirely remember....
Tang: You needed an adult who wasn't going to use you, and you never got that. You never got a childhood, and that's terrible. I'm so upset that this happened to you because no kid deserves this. I'm not completely okay with MK being the Monkie Kid; I mean, look at all the danger it's put him through - but at least he was an adult, old enough to make his own conscious choice.
Lloyd: I...
Lloyd: Thanks, mom.
Tang: It's no pro-- wait what?
MK: And you have elemental powers?! Oh, that's so cool! I don't have any of those, really. I mean, I can do a lot of things that the Monkey King can do, but I don't think controlling elements was one of them.
Zane: It is awesome, of course, but we have years of years of unpacked trauma.
MK: Same!! :D
Red Son: Your father... was okay with you becoming a hero?
Lloyd: He wasn't the best, but it's not completely his fault. The whole venom and oni thing really messed him up. He knew what he was, and he... deep down, he wanted a safe world for me, and fhst meant a world without him.
Red Son:.... I see.
Lloyd: So, uh, you want to be like your father?
Red Son: Well, of course I do! I'm not some a simple-minded peasant like Noodle Boy or Dragon Girl! My father's legacy is one to behold with pride.
Lloyd:... but?
Red Son, sighing: but my father barely recognizes my greatness; and Noodle Boy and his peasant friends do....
MK: Why is... why.. (MK, trying to talk about Garmadon)
Wu: Ah... My brother and I share Oni and Dragon blood... when he was bitten by The Great Devourer, it caused his blood to turn cold.
MK: Does that mean you can become evil too?
Wu, caught off guard: Oh. I..
Wu, sighing: Yes. That is a possibility. I trained my students the best way I knew how... I.. admit I wasn't the best
MK, smiling brightly: HAHA, yeah, you weren't!
Wu, offended:
MK: Wait-- you ABANDONED your son to an evil school?!
Misako: I-- I did.
MK: Why not send him to a normal school?! Or with Mister Wu?! If you knew he was gonna beat up his dad, wouldn't it have helped if he grew up with morals???
Lloyd: I mean no offense, Sun Wukong, but I don't know why MK still likes you.
Wukong: Honestly, I don't either
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nic-liveblogs · 6 months
So happy to see someone else in this fandom who thinks all the fan characters are…. a lot? Mary sue is definitely a great word for a pretty large handful lol. I can imagine how crazy jumping into this fandom must be I jumped in around season two completely alone and honestly still don’t really understand everything. I came up with the alternate universe thing when I was doing research and realized how much journey to the west stuff there was and I thought a multiverse thing would be a funny way to think about it. I probably made a post about it at some point rambling but idk. Honestly it was really wild seeing someone else’s reaction to this wild Lego crack I’ve sent comments and asks throughout both anon and not that was fun. The next season will probably drop randomly in the next few months so get ready to buckle up and suffer with the rest of us
im glad youve enjoyed my reactions aka me being confused 50% of the time and someone having to tell me like "this is actually someone something from jttw!" 😭 anyway yess looking forward to season 5! lmk s5 AND ninjago dr s2 will probably lead to brainrot x10..
to be completely honest, ive removed lego monkie kid from tags that im following (shocking i know) its just that a lot of weird things seem to pop up on my dash when im following #lego monkie kid so im going to rely on people im following and my for you 💀 i'll probably add it back 1 day but i need to emotionally ready myself
anyway yeah joining this fandom was really strange because i fully expected it to be similar to the ninjago tumblr community since its the only tumblr community ive ever known (i joined almost 3 months ago ha..) but uh yeah no it wasnt which is why i wasnt ready
but nevertheless! i am excited! i might just stick to watching the show and posting fanart occasionally but not fully diving into all those fandom, hcs and stuff like that because my brain isnt big enough to comprehend lmk lore :')
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makoto-lmk-love · 1 year
▲Hi ! I have a question! What do you think about lego ninjago? I wonder if you know them because you know lmk. I hope you understand what I mean!▲
This is the cartoon of my childhood! KAI X LLOYD JAY X COLE SHIPS!! It was the first cartoon at which I did not fall asleep! Generally until now I have so that at some of them I fall asleep. Generally the storyline itself captivated me ( and gay ships on wattpad) Most people who used to watch ninjago now watch lego Monkey King.
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nic-liveblogs · 6 months
so what was that a few posts ago about Mei and Lloyd interactions? I mean, now with the samadhi fire thing, got any more thoughts, or do you wanna wait till after the special?
ok i gotchu i gotchu ive finished the special!
mei having this dark potentially-could-destroy-the-world power kinda reminds me of lloyd's oni power how it doesn't control you and such except crystallized completely ruined everything so. mhm.
mei learnt to embrace it, to learn how to control it since its part of her now, lloyd just repressed it deep deep deep deep inside (he got scared and just chose to reject his oni side completely) which is something that red son taught mei to specifically not do!
i think mei would teach lloyd to embrace his oni side, train together maybe (with red son??), because lloyd is just the king of repression he needs help from people that understand i feel. all crystallized did was show that yes oni = bad and they cannot change and if you use your oni side youre going to hurt everyone which is what mei thought the samadhi fire was!!!!!! but its not!!!!!!!
anyway im probably not the best person to go to with this because my tiny brain cannot begin to comprehend the complex themes of lmk and ninjago i just like silly found family guys.. theres probably people who understand it better than me and im just spouting nonsense but nevertheless i hope this was okay!
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