#which helped a lot. and it's funny to think about now bc i . FORGOT
frecklystars · 5 months
Ahhh I’m so glad you enjoyed the Oscars performance of I’m Just Ken, I was wondering what you thought of it! This may be obvious and I’m just not picking up on it, but what were the implications you mentioned in the notes of Ken mimicking a knife stabbing him in the original performance versus shattering a glass and stabbing himself with that in the Oscars version? Did you mean that the difference is meaningful? I am interested to hear your thoughts! Apologies if it was something obvs tho lol 🐢
OHH I just meant in a literal sense that he's implying/mimicking he's stabbing himself in the chest with something pointy bc he's in THAT much pain when I went "the implications!!" hehe. this isn't the first time I phrased something in a weird way, and it shall not be my last :) sdlkfhdsfhdklsf I do want to say I like when there's that kind of thing in choreography! Mimicking you're stabbing yourself in the heart when you're emotionally wounded... ugh I eat that shit up. The Jabbawockeez (my favorite dance group) do that move all the time and it's-- UGH IT'S SO GOOD. Implying that you're so wounded from someone's words/actions that you feel as if you are physically bleeding to death from a stab wound piercing your heart is mmmmMMMYYYYY FAAAAAAVORITE!!!!!!!! 💘💘💘💘💘💘 I've actually been meaning to do Ken fanart of him stabbing himself with a glowing cupid's arrow ever since the movie was released in theaters. On opening night I was like "oh. I am drawing that at some point" and it's been, what, three quarters of a year? Haven't drawn it?!! I gotta get ON that
BUT ANYWAY AHH THAT'S MY FAVORITE PART!!!!! I like the difference between them too now that you mention it I DO wanna say something about that :3c I feel like........ Ken stabbing himself in the heart with a knife in the movie version showing how hurt he is dealing w/ his unrequited feelings/disrespect from the doll he was Made For, how it's a very slow feeling that festered within him for 60 crotchless, slutty years... his expression isn't an enraged sort of anger but it's just. bitter! he's tired and bitter and heartbroken! WAIT I made gifs hold on--
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VS the Oscars version when Ken (we'll pretend it's Ken taking possession of Ryan Gosling's body for 3 minutes and 14 seconds) takes a champagne glass, is so hurt that it just feels like... an intense depression from a heartache that won't go away,,, total, utter desperation within the moment,,,,,, not something building up over time, but rather all of his resentment kind of simmers until it feels like it's breaking him, like his sadness is burning like acid eating him up from the inside out. You see all of that rage and anger put into every Ken that mimics smashing the glass on the staircase, and that anger melts into total despair when they're stabbing themselves. Taking a champagne glass, something that is not meant to cause harm, shattering it with such force until it becomes a weapon, and stabbing himself in the heart with the jagged shards -- and not even just stabbing himself with it, but the way he curls his body a little, then taking a pause, a breath -- OOGH. GOD it just!!! really accentuates his pain. Movie!Ken is in a dream ballet dance number, all of his feelings are in every move he makes. His bitterness and resentment is all in his expression as he keeps walking forward and continuing the choreography.
Since the Oscars version of this Ken is doing a performance based more on feeling (and, well, something built for live TV rather than a movie with a million camera shots and multiple takes), him sitting on the steps to pierce himself in the heart with his own champagne glass just seems so much more... what's the word i'm looking for. somber? just so utterly depressed and disconsolate... the way a movie version of just this one single line can be so different from a live TV version bc the choreography is different, the Feeling is different, the expressions and urgency within his movements are different!!!! ughhh so good!!!!!! It's my favorite part in the dance number, so seeing him not just mimic stabbing himself with a knife, but rather SHATTERING a GLASS to stab himself with the jagged shards??? UGHHH THAT WAS INCREDIBLE. That was Just For Me. I can't stop thinking about it....... I'm utterly obsessed.............
I'm really bad at phrasing things but hopefully I made SOME sense here heheh///// thank you for asking btw :D
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sky--phantom · 1 month
Trespasser! 🫡
btw, pls don't hold the hair clipping against me 😅 this is her hairstyle, and I liked the outfit too much to change it because of the neck.
Also, warning, I ended up rambling at the end 😅
Lavellan when she spots Solas and the Viddasala
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I don't know why but this one just seems so funny to me out of context 😂 like, "honey, you know that thing you told me not to do?"
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Solas as Lavellan talks about how she discovered he's the Dread Wolf. I don't know how to describe this expression, sad, fond, proud? I think there would be a "Solas approves" here tho 🥲
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"What is the old Dalish curse? “May the Dread Wolf take you”?"
"And so he did" (this is the other line that kills me)
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They closed their eyes and lowered their heads at the same second during the "I would not have you see what I become". These two angsty mfs
(Though judging by how Solas' bags in DAV + that bit told in the GI article, she wasn’t exactly wrong to say "I cannot bear to think of you alone")
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The Anchor flares up
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"Solas, var lath vir suledin"
"I wish it could, vhenan."
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the kiss 😢
It kills me how he brushes her hair back, and then holds her face. He also holds her hand with his other one.
They both just look so fking wrecked during this kiss.
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And then he leaves 😞
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now to wait for their next meeting in DAV 🥲
I still can't believe that, besides his visits to her dreams (which I think is probably a whole other post), this is the last time they meet. Pretty sure DAV is 8 years after this.
This was devastating. Both of them are wrecked, this is not what they want, but it's the path Solas has chosen to walk through. It hurts because falling in love with Lavellan is probably one of the few times in a while that Solas has done something just for himself, not for the cause, not for the people, but Solas
("The blame is mine, not yours. It was irresponsible and selfish of me") ("Because I made a selfish mistake. Because you deserve better"),
and he has to break it off. No matter how Lavellan and the other members of the Inquisition have helped him see people as, you know, people, this is a mission he has set for himself, something he believes he has to do, his duty.
(Also, I forgot to mention it during the Crestwood post, but it hurts when he stops saying vhenan and changes to Inquisitor)
So, Solas drags his feet, walking slowly, but still walks away from Lavellan and towards the eluvian. He walks away from the person who fell in love with him when he was just Solas, and walks towards the path where he is Fen'Harel, the god of rebellion who has tried to help his people, even if it doesn't turn out well.
He leaves behind a Lavellan whose heart is breaking for the 3rd time because of the same man, who has to deal with what happens with the Inquisition (mine disbanded with the angry option), and the loss of an arm. Also, you know, dealing with the fact that he is an elven god and wants to destroy the veil.
So, yeah...
Sorry that this got a bit very rambly 😅 I just finished the game a little over 2 weeks ago, and there are a lot of thoughts running around my head.
I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with Solas in DAV, and how the Inquisitor will be integrated into the game as well. (side note, I'm so curious about that, bc they haven't even mentioned if the Inky CC will have the same options as Rook) (I just want to know if there are prosthetics and if they can have body tattoos)
These are more general, just thought they were pretty
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hostilemuppet · 7 months
you think it would’ve been better if creek did get eaten in the first movie? At least legacy wise. Everyone would mourn him as the last victim of trollstice, and the few who did know what an ass he was couldn’t really mess with that memory. Like my man would be better dead than alive
i think thats why i find "creek somehow survives" aus so funny. bc him surviving is literally the worst case scenario with him no matter which route you take.
did he save himself from the monster the same way poppy did while chef died, so he had to wander the woods for ages until coming back to troll civilisation, like presumably happened in the cartoon? even if he is genuinely accepted with open arms he was still LIVING in the WOODS. he probably ate MANY poisonous berries. he probably also ate special mushrooms and had the worst trip of his life several times over. he could only wash himself in lakes/puddles, and convenient rainfall, and MAYBE if hes a quick thinker and finds a pointy stick he could make a shower out of dew on leaves like branch does in the cartoon. even if after returning to the village everything is back to normal he still HAD that experience. plus, yknow, bergens are friends now. and hes one of two trolls alive who have the experience of being in a bergens mouth. he probably has to relive that whenever hes forced to be nice to a bergen. i think its awesome hes traumatised
did he save himself, wander the woods, come back to pop troll village, only to be met with disgust at his betrayal? sure, they let him stay, but its mostly because he cant sell them out anymore. hes harmless. but that doesnt mean they like him. they hate him. they might go to his yoga classes, its his one contribution to society, but no ones friends with him anymore. dj suki only invited him out because he forgot it was prank day, and he REALLY thought they were hitting it off! i mean, POPPY only even acknowledges his existence when hes annoying branch and cries to poppy like shes a preschool teacher. POPPY! the happiest troll of all, and they used to be so inseparable, and even if they werent "official" poppy at LEAST had a crush on him and he KNEW ABOUT IT! but now its nothing! he has no one. he was willing to kill everyone he ever knew and loved, and as a result, he is dead to all of them.
did he and chef NOT get eaten by the monster, and were just banished from bergentown, and chef used creek to wash her dishes like in the books? he cant escape her, shes on top of everything! like, literally, she towers over him. hes a tiny little rodent and she is studying him like a labrat. maybe she doesnt even keep him in a cage, because she knows he knows theres no way hes even getting out of the RV, let alone getting back home alive! which adds insult to injury, doesnt it. he has walking room but it doesnt help him at all. he may be freeroam but shes still his captor. hes held prisoner and borderline tortured for the rest of his life
did the previous happen, BUT he somehow got away from chef? whether he escaped, or she died, or maybe she gave up and let him go but i dont think that ones likely. he would, again, have to wander the woods before returning to civilisation. he no longer has the trauma of being eaten by a monster 500x his size, but he DOES have the trauma of being tortured by a monster 20x his size, on top of being almost eaten by a monster 10x his size. hes been through a lot, and he deserves every last bit of it
did any of the others happen, except instead of being allowed back into the village (whether they actually wanted him back, or they tolerated him because hes no longer dangerous) hes still banished? they dont let him back into the village, into his old pod. maybe they give him a tent, theyre not heartless, but they send him back on his way. maybe branch gives him an old book of safe forageables, not out of the goodness of his heart but to gloat, that now CREEK is the lonely ostracised hermit and BRANCH is beloved by the community and the queen. HIS queen. good luck, buddy. from the looks of how youre faring after one month, youre gonna need it!
and theres probably OTHER options i havent even THOUGHT about! that are even WORSE. and he brought it on himself! because he valued himself more than his entire species! his massive ego, the way he fancied himself the next stage in troll evolution. i know its hard to accept your death, but if youre to the point you think you are worth more than everyone you have ever known, ever loved, you deserve what happens
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strawbubbysugar · 8 months
Happy birthday Bubby!
Couple more questions!
-Are you able to say everyone’s ages in So(u)l, including the animatronics?
-Does June ever play his guitar and sing in public or at bars or anything or does he only do that at home now?
-Soulmate question, kinda regarding Rush and Morgan’s bond, does that imply that if you don’t have a soulmate due to your previous one passing away, you can get a new bond later even if your future soulmate already exists? Like the string will “wait” kinda until they’re ready? Or was Morgan and Rush’s string there right when Rush woke up?
-What are June, Hello, and Goodbye’s main fidgets/stims?
-Okay this might be weird lol but I’m curious, what are Hello and Goodbye’s favorite little things that June does in his sleep? Does he talk, twitch, unconsciously cling to them like a koala, anything like that?
-What kind of odd jobs does June do on the side?
Thank you!!
i wanna keep it vague, but June is roughly in his mid 20's matt is roughly in his mid-late 30's Marlow is roughly one year younger than June Morgan is two years older than June Hello is a year old (his AI is somewhere around June's age) Goodbye was a year older than June (now the same age as Hello) Rush is around 8 years old (his ai is early 30's) Wibble is around 6 years old (his ai is the same as Rush) Cammie is 4 around years old (her ai is the same as wibble and rush) Octavia is around 2 years old, but was technically never completed (her size makes it much easier to fit a more complex system in her, so her mental age is around 40) The skrittles have the same AI age as toddlers, but theyre a few months old Astro Cadet has been worked on off and on for about six years, and his ai is about the same age. It grows much slower than the WOW branded animatronics
Absolutely no in public things. He's gotten a lot more shy about performing since his band days. He only ever plays for hello/goodbye and piper
Soulmate marks are all about right time, right place. if you arent the version of yourself that would be soulmates with someone, no markings will show up. Morgan was a very different person with their last soulmate, and their life experiences changed who they are. it happens! people change, especially as they get older. its why a lot of people are told not to be upset if they dont get any markings until later on (SPOILERS BELOW) Its why samir and june didnt have any soul marks until samir was goodbye. he wasnt the person that wouldve been soulmates with june yet, he needed to experience and change and grow before that would happen. So did june!
June chews his lip a lot, and sighs. Sometimes he sighs for no reason just because he forgot to breathe. I think his favourite fidget toy would be one of those fidget cubes Hello stims by waving/flapping his arms, or playing with his hands. I think he'd enjoy fidget spinners or rubix cubes! Goodbye stims with squeezing/pressure. He'd enjoy weighted blankets, and I think he'd enjoy stress balls. Ones with thick stuff inside so he can really squeeze down
Hello likes it when June sighs in his sleep, or mumbles. Goodbye thinks its funny when he snores on occasion, and records it to play it back while pretending to nap. (taking inspiration from my roommate bc its hilarious, sometimes june will make the saddest, softest little sigh in his sleep and hello will wake him up like "WERE YOU HAVING A BAD DREAM ARE YOU OKAY" & june will be entirely confused)
June does a lil of everything. people in town come to him for a lot of stuff like yard work, painting houses/fences, cleaning houses. He occasionally comes into bryn's office and helps with anything they might need too, like fixing the chairs, etc. He's known as a jack of all trades around town (which makes him feel nostalgic, since that used to be what he called his childhood best friend)
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smolcinnamonchipmunk · 8 months
Adding on to the info dump that you have kindly graced me with, my first though when I heard that Abyss can make drugs out of their venom when diluted and then after reading what relations they would have, or lack of, was that is angel just so happens to stumble upon them making a batch to sell off. Angel could be like peeking into their room (oh yeah this is when they become a member of the hotel officially) and so when Abyss decided that they had enough to sell and goes on break, leaving their room unguarded, I think angel would be the curious soul that he is would check out what bro was cooking.
If Angel found out that it was a drug they made form their venom by just a small test, personally—and you are free to correct me if you want—I believe that Angel would basically try to ask for drugs off of Abyss for free since it’s a nice thing and that’s what the hotel is aiming for and if that doesn’t work he’ll try to pester them (which wouldn’t last long I bet) and if he still gets ‘no’ for an answer, he would try to steal them which made abyss start hiding their batches, getting a lock on their room door or just making the batches outside the hotel and an instant delivery. That’s my personal take tho and I thought it would make for something funny but could be used for some slight bonding or something? However way you wanna go with this.
Secondly, Alistor just picking up Abyss from seemingly out of nowhere was just funny and the image I saw in my head was like him pinching the “scruff” of Abyss as they freeze up, cuz y’know, bro was just picked up no warning. Oh yeah forgot to mention that I can see this happening in both normal sizes as well as their shrunken state which would probably be the most obvious choice hehe. Okay onto what I was not here for cuz I just thought of this right before I was inches away from sending! >:p.
You said that you would be unsure of what could lead to any Vore scenarios because he is chill with Abyss and such, unless he was PISSED. (Based off memory so could be wrong but Anygay-) now I’m not one who knows what abyss is like, like the back of my hand, but form what I do know and a half awake brain the only scenario I see working is that maybe Abyss could be in an annoyed mood from like one buyer that asked for drugs didn’t exactly have any plan to pay in the first place and made it seem like they would pose a threat to their life which they had no intentions to but it was a way to avoid paying and getting a lot of free drugs. This would couse their panic mode to activate slightly and they would shrink (causing rumours to go around about abyss and harming their business since demons can now use that to their advantage) so when they return maybe a little shrunken and in a little pissy mood they could retaliate if Alistor was to like do his usual thing of spooking them or something of the sort which wasn’t too much appreciated and thus the final straw was snapped and maybe an insult or two slipped out, voice slightly raised. Abyss heads back to their room and flopping down onto their bed to just cool off and not even 5 minutes later Alistor comes back to be a bother but something seems a lil off with him (bc bro took that one personally).
Leaving the rest to you (mostly cuz my lesson is gonna start rn. Woo, college ) Anygay hope this helps you at least, go wild with it.
Have a happy day and always stay gay!! That’s my new motto now, Sue me.
- 🌽 anon
Alright, everyone, buckle up for another long response!
I was thinking more like Abyss sold their pure venom to drug makers and dealers rather than making the drug themself, but I'll give them a small drug setup themself for extra cash
As for your Angel Dust idea, the most logical trail in my mind was to have him trying to find a drug stash since he's left them scattered all over the hotel, hoping that the furniture he used to hide his own drugs were still there. Of course, they're not, but he comes across their dilution station (WIP page below)
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Abyss honestly wouldn't care if Angel Dust wanted to try some of the drug and would probably offer him a batch for free. They're not super in it for the money and just do it as a way to pass time and stuff. They could probably use their network of buyers to figure out information on people if they ever felt interested in trying to start gathering their own territory. But, given that they were kind of depressed in life, you can imagine the amount of motivation they have, lmao
They're definitely getting a new lock for their room though
Also, the Alastor scruffing them and presenting Abyss to everyone was the idea. But, in my head, he uses his shadow abilities/tentacles to snatch them from wherever they are and just materialize them in front of everyone else. I also have the headcanon that he can nullify other demons abilities somewhat, so they wouldn't be presented shrunk. This also mitigates them trying to calm themself and regrow inside of Alastor, soooo, you know. I feel like he’d occasionally scruff Abyss like he does Nifty 
And, your big paragraph is the paragraph that brought up an animatic idea of the potential drug deal. I’m gonna be honest, I’ve thought way too much about everything, haha
Abyss has almost definitely been killed a couple times since falling into Hell. I imagine the majority of demons have been killed at least once since falling, and since we hear Velvette literally say that she “can’t wait for that unlucky bitch to put herself together”, I’m thinking they either regenerate/stitch back together or re-fall depending on how pulverized the body ends up being. As such, they’re not unused to threats. They’re small and have been considered an easy target since first showing up
In the animatic, if I get to it, will be a stand off between a bunch of shark demons (I just like their designs in the show) and Abyss. In it, the sharks are more than happy to try and kill them to get the goods, but it’s basically just a show of how agile/quick Abyss can be on their feet while also using their shrinking to their advantage with part of a banger song in the background. Sort of, like, the stress apathy takes over, you know? They would definitely need to spend a few days in the hotel to destress though, I imagine you never QUITE get used to being killed over and over again
Also, I can’t imagine rumors really holding much stock on their rep? They don’t really have one and try to remain low-key anyways to try not to appear like a threat, and they don’t tell anyone they sell to where they get the ‘pure stuff’ to avoid the potential of other demons attempting to capture them just to use them as a literal cash cow for their venom concentrate. If people want to think of them as weak and an easy pushover because they can shrink, they’re fine with that because that usually means they get left alone unless someone feels like kicking the demon equivalent of a puppy. I also feel like they’re likely to be overlooked a lot despite being bioluminescent
And, I still don’t even know what kind of comment Abyss would realistically make to piss Alastor off (I know he hates being told about or thought of as having less control than he exudes, but Abyss would definitely not really see him as not having a full deck, so to speak), but that won’t stop me from drawing them together. Maybe they asked a bit too much about him because he’s a contradictory fuck who loves people wondering about his deal, but refuses to talk about it to drum up the mystery. Abyss would definitely feed his ego a bit with curious questions
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Anyways, that’s all for now! I have a bunch to do if I don’t want more to pile up and leave me in a stressed paralysis
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LITA Ep 1 rewatch thoughts
Taking it from the top! Why is Phayu literally the nicest person ever? Like he just saw someone's car stalling near the road in the rain and he just stopped to help? I love that this is their official intro to each other bc it gives us viewers a clear impression of their dynamic from the very beginning. The music selection in this scene is so funny though bc it's intense and dangerous and Phayu is literally just telling Rain to turn his hazard lights on lmao.
I also love that every time Phayu helps Rain, he does so with encouragement for Rain to be more self-sufficient. The tire-changing is example one.
"You're so handsome" RAIN pls control yourself... I mean we all agree and Phayu's already looking interested but danggg
Ah Sky, the long-suffering (affectionate) BFF. Did we ever find out when they met? Was it just in college or before, bc it looks like Sky's Rain-related-nonsense-tolerance meter is constantly maxed out and that usually comes from long-term friendships.
I LOVE HIM there is not a single thought behind these eyes
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Yassss department god Phayu for the win!! Love how this montage makes Phayu seem like a highly elegant and smart guy (which he is) but then we just watch him be a dork over Rain the rest of the series.
Fast forward a bit to the restaurant scene bc I forgot to keep typing...
Ok yeah sure you don't remember Rain, Phayu. Please, you made a beeline directly to him as soon as you walked in. Also, this scene makes my heart beat faster even though they do a lot more later on (where are those eyes looking, eh Phayu?).
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The next scene where Phayu wipes Rain's hair gives me mixed feelings bc on the one hand, I don't like how Rain literally had to hit Phayu with a pillow before he'd let go, but on the other I didn't actually get a sense of danger from Phayu. I also did like that Phayu threw out "actually I'm bisexual" so casually - love that for us. I also think it's hilarious how fast Rain falls into the "I'm so into Phayu" headspace. I've heard some people call it subspace and from what I know I'm inclined to agree but I don't know enough to comment on that further. Also here begins the saga of Rain having a death-grip on Phayu's neck during intimate moments. We stan <3
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Somehow I didn't notice the thermostat being set so low during every rewatch of this episode until now - I was always confused as to why Rain had to go under the covers but I get it.
When they wake up and Rain calls Phayu a bunch of names I couldn't stop laughing - it's even funnier when you know what's coming in the next few eps. Also my son really went "no thoughts head empty" after a single cheek kiss from Phayu. What a cutie
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Rain cursing at the storm is so cute!!! Also we love our logical bestie Sky as always.
I LOVE P'Aon!! Also he's the first person to call Rain Phayu's boy and for some reason I think that's v v cute
I accidentally paused and can't stop laughing at Phayu's face here PLSSSS
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And we've made it to the ending scene!! Ahhhh this makes me SO SOFT! I love it when characters tuck their face into their partner's neck when they're sleeping - there's something about the trust and comfort needed to do that which makes me so happy to see it play out. And Phayu's little "I'm really starting to like you, Rain" with the SOFTEST little smile on his face URGH I'M EXPERIENCING EMOTIONS
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This is one of my favorite opening episodes of a series! We got introduced to all the main players as well as the key side-characters, and we got a good understanding of who Rain and Phayu are as individuals (less so on Phayu's side for now) and their dynamic together. I was so hyped to finish the rest of the series as soon as I finished this episode the first time
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bumofthewild · 7 months
hi ive been following for a bit and noticed ur playing ffxiv and are in heavensward! i just wanted to stop by to say i recommend playing dark knight; the quests are fun and i think u would like the characters in there. as a heavensward job, the quests from 50-60 help round out the setting a bit more (wrt the dragonsong war, the systems in place in ishgard, those w power vs the victims, etc) which i think makes it a good job to pick up while progressing. it helps that theres some p funny shit that happens too. i <3 moogles
omg thankyou i appreciate it! :] i actually did pick up the quest bc i like tanking but have been postponing it bc the main story has really grabbed a hold of me but you are right. ishgard is probably the most interesting thing in the entire game to me rn so i will get back to it this weekend then o7 fray seems so cute lol T___T feel like i genuinely forgot about this quest until now help
iwill use this ask as an opportunity to say i am actually pretty particular about being told things before i get to them myself (unfortunately for my friends who have to deal w me getting angry at them about this often) but i understand i can be an outlier when it comes to wanting to know absolutely zero about something. curating my online exprience and all that. just a heads up for ppl who might message me in the future but i think it's best for me to say this now!
anyways, ty for following me for a bit and sharing your ffxiv excitement with me! i've really been enjoying it except for the vault and i have a lot of ffxiv stuff i want to draw soon (i actually hopped onto tumblr to post about it lol) so i hope you can look forward to some ffxiv fanart from me soon hopefully crycry. in the meanwhile have a haurchefant i drew on the weekend bc he's all i have drawn from this game so far
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mischas · 7 months
thoughts as i rewatched mischa on the oc pod
these are mostly the thoughts i sent to my friend in real time lol i cannot help the stream of consciousness when it comes to this podcast episode apparently (here's my original thoughts pre-revelations)
funny how she says 17.5/18 at the top
seems that’s the age range she’s really latched onto, especially as she was 16 when the talks with McG really started and they filmed the pilot not even two months after she turned 17 (aka she's still aging herself up which is... interesting)
i'm reminded of peter gallagher on the podcast saying he was scared for mischa right from the beginning and how they all had a duty to protect her. and rachel saying mischa was "seasoned" because she'd been in movies and knew how to order a latte. and peter was like "she was still 16"
they keep referring to the hermosa party as manhattan beach (unless i’m the one messing up)
i forgot she mentioned josh’s name
“as with everything with like josh and them back then, it was like ‘maybe she should be drunker’” omg??
oh she did notttt wanna complete that thought
“that whole exchange behind……… ben”
this reads so different now
i feel like rachel is so scared to talk in this ep
mischa with the tight lipped smile when rachel says it’s fun to see ben squirm on the ferris wheel
calling herself a baby/fetus in the ferris wheel scene... interesting
i cannot believe the gall of these women to make her watch this scene
the way mindy immediately says the bullshit patrick rush line of they had to cast people way older than her to make it believable on camera bc boys mature later? wtf. i bet she thought that was bullshit too
i love her so much for criticizing the 201 writing
the mount st mary’s thing... i wanna know what she means!!!
i can see mischa dissociating as melinda talks about the model home scene “there was so much that was real”
cannot believe mindy referenced this scene to her face
i’m so in shock how quickly mischa's tears came at the crash scene. quicker than rachel's
her not wanting to see him cry she’s so real
i think she hates seeing his face full stop
thank fucking god mindy tells her and the audience that the ratings went down bc she wasn’t there
i love that that’s on the record
that guy who called in about the 207 bagel scene should be our friend
i think mischa was getting overwhelmed by the time the final calls were coming in
i think a lot of memories good and bad were flooding in
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td-frog · 5 months
thoughts on dcas e7:
god this season is doing such a good job with jake. after last episode it'd make so much sense for him to just be jealous and upset, but instead he's genuinely trying to communicate. and literally saying "you always wanted me to do this, so i'm trying, please talk to me" is like. really good.
idk for sure but it does feel like tom's lying about the boyfriend. at the very least, not giving any more information (valid choice if it's true given they're on tv and that ruined his life in s1) makes it seem like he's lying, which sucks for jake because at this point he is doing everything right.
not really surprised that aiden's mad at jake about it given he and tom are friends and he and jake don't know each other, but it is a little disappointing given how clearly (to the audience) jake is Trying His Best
also i do kind of love that this very much could have been the end of it if it weren't for ellie intentionally fucking it up.
villains alliance
i fully forgot that alec didn't know about the letters. of course he didn't, he would absolutely have taken it seriously because he's the only person in the alliance trying to make it work. i do think it's funny that he and riya had a conversation about it without even checking if anyone was listening tho.
gabby finding out was inevitable, ever since the "ellie would've told me line" but i do feel bad for her. i'm worried this is going to backfire on tess tho, since she offered to talk to ellie first. their relationship is really sweet and it makes sense for the game to mess it up, but yeah :(
magenta team
prediction from last time: "if it's magenta team it's probably fiore, which makes me think it won't be magenta team." well i was half right!
i love fiore so much and i'm sad to see her go, but honestly i really really love what they're doing with jake here.
like the theme of his character is Trust Issues, and in s1 that was a lot more lashing out at people over tiny slights which was not the most likable trait. but now he's learned that that's not healthy and is trying to correct it, but the core issue is still there. the fear and worry at being hurt or abandoned hasn't gone away, he's just not externalizing it as much.
like i genuinely don't think ashley is wrong for hanging out with ally, not eliminating ally, not picking up on the severity of jake's anxieties, etc. in fact i think kicking ally out would've made it worse, bc what he needs more than immediate reassurance that he's her ultimate bestie is to build up resistance to the fear of abandonment- being able to experience the worry and have it turn out okay without needing ashley to do something dramatic will help demonstrate that it doesn't have to be as big of a deal as his relationship trauma is telling him.
but also i get it. and i'm not worried about ashley turning on him, but i do think he's not going to handle it well bc he needs to be liked so bad and is not having a good time.
other thoughts
yellow team took more of a backseat this episode (besides the villains alliance thing, but that was a bit more ellie focused), but yul continues to be the world's shittiest boyfriend. grett has grown so so much since s1 and it's gonna hurt so bad when this gets exposed i know it :(
#trevek confirmed ig, still kind of largely ignoring it for personal reasons.
cyan team should be high focus next episode, mainly bc of the villains thing. i think it's likely ellie will react badly to being confronted about it, and i can see it causing team tension esp with gabby. if they end up having elimination i don't really see ellie surviving at this point? mostly because tom and aiden are already biased against her and while i can see gabby sticking with her i don't think she could convince tess.
i don't think magenta will be up for elimination again, mainly because i think their current drama needs some time to marinate. ashley won't turn on jake unless he gives her a Really Good reason, and i don't see that happening in a single episode. and if they take ally out that kills the tension of jake not knowing how it'll go. so that (along with them having the smallest team) has me leaning against them.
if it's yellow, it's probably yul. riya and alec have not been subtle about their dislike, and there's no longer a non-villain option. i guess if grett hasn't figured out his act by then it could be a tie (in which case i think yulgrett would vote for riya, and yul would win the tiebreaker for narrative purposes (it not making sense for him to go home before being exposed to grett)), but it could go differently. i think it's more likely to be cyan tho.
i should note i have no idea when to expect the merge. it feels too soon right now though.
also! i don't really think tess is in danger (although as team mediator and the tiebreaker between gabellie and tomaiden, she is the obvious candidate for getting out via trickery), but i do think she might be out soon- mainly, i'm expecting ally to be the one from her trio that lasts the longest, and i'm really interested to see how she reacts to tess elimination vs hunter. i also think it'd be interesting if tess gets out before they get much of a chance to catch up, and how that would affect things. anyways not likely to be next episode but i can maybe see that coming up at some point.
also also! i will very much enjoy seeing alec's response to fiore's elimination :3c (not that there will be one, of course, because he does not care :3c)
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time-is-restored · 1 year
oh shit i forgot here's another one, this time its an old neal caffrey analysis rant (this one fueled by insomnia, and written much earlier into my first watch of white collar - i think early season 3??):
im gonna be weird about white collar but the thing is so many people are weird about white collar in the wrong direction
like woobifying neal to hell and back or inventing whole new personalities for el or . i don’t even know how to describe what they do to peter
like the thing about neal is he Is a magpie he’s just a surprisingly loyal one, he flits from shiny thing to person to ideal, sure, but certain classes of ppl can fully hold his attention
peter holds his attention bc he is good as in skilled (it’s borderline canon that no one else can catch him, or even really come close), and extremely principled w a cunning streak which neal basically approaches as like. a puzzle box, bc like none of their principles line up so he’s curious how the apparent closed system rube goldberg machine of his morals work LOL
then it becomes a dedication through loyalty, in that peter sticks his neck out multiple times due to faith in neal, and neal is EXTREMELY weak to loyalty/consistency (gestures at the mess of his childhood)
and due to generally low self image (morals wise, he kind of thinks he sucks? like he’s competent and cool and charming and everything, but he also tends to consider himself a nuisance, w how he’s disruptive to ‘normal’ / ‘good’ people) that dedication can become disproportionate
we see through kate (and later, adler) that the easiest way to con neal/get him acting against his own self interest IS to cultivate that loyalty
there’s an easy archetype to it, even, in that u present him with a competent, smart individual (bonus points if they’re a conventionally attractive woman), but have her off limits in some way (uninterested, taken, stand off ish, whatever), activate his thief urge to ‘take’ what he wants, then when they are friends/partners whatever, his inadvertent guilt over like. corrupting/endangering this person/tricking them about who he ‘really’ is will loop around into VERY strong loyalty, and a commitment to being whatever they want him to be x2, bc he Cannot handle being left behind LMAO
peter simultaneously feeds into + challenges this framework, bc he clearly has the least biased opinion about who neal is, even though he’s still wrong about a lot of things. and beyond that, he REALLY likes neal, thinks he’s interesting and funny, but at the start of the show can’t deal with even 0.01% of his chaotic neutral methods
WHICH IN TURN!! actually breaks through some of Neal’s shit bc:
peter picked him out of prison before neal had changed at all
he essentially sees his role, from as early as ep 1, as tactically breaking the law where peter can’t/won’t, in ways that help them close the case faster
after peter (more or less) gives a thumbs up the first time he does this, neals puzzle box brain goes ‘oh?? morally grey bestie??? CRIME BESTIE????’ and now he’s trying to ‘solve’ peter’s moral code
this is actually almost in complete opposition to elizabeth, who is compete open and clear about her affection and friendship w him basically since they meet, and apparently has no prerequisites for it. which, again, pointing to the low self esteem, triggers the ‘oh god what have i done to deserve this i haven’t even CONNED her yet’ so he’s low key more invested in + comitted to elizabeth in a specific. 'i want to be on good terms w this person' targeted way than he initially was w peter (since their mutual obsession manifests so fucking frequently as 'what, you're gonna hit me? you're gonna hit me with that big bat? better make it hurt. better kill me in one shot!' style antagonism)
HENCE the constant check ins w their relationship, reminding peter about anniversaries and dinner times etc, though that’s also due to a general fascination he has w stability + permanence
we learn in s2 he was seriously considering proposing to kate, and that he genuinely wanted to take the ‘true love’ way out of the conman life, even though he wasn’t quite sure whether it would stick, hence we see a lot in s2 his fascination w peter + els marriage, along with june (crime aunty <3)‘s relationship w her passed husband
a lot of his dedication to peter circa s2 is, by my reckoning, explicitly because peter is so determined to stick with Neal, and doesn’t give up on him/their deal even when it would be entirely reasonable (neal admits to crimes, gets put back in prison, constantly breaks rules and goes looking for kate) which is like. neal HATES being trapped, but he also REALLY values consistency + competency
hence the complexes, y'know?
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u3pxx · 6 months
yooo i didn’t know you were playing dgs2! how far are you and what do you think so far? :o
oh god, it's been such a long time! i was playing it with some of my friends long ago and i'm afraid we're stuck somewhere in the middle of the first case and we haven't been able to continue bc of our wildly different schedules 😔
i am enjoying the first case a LOT though, i love the immediate focus on susato (i love the ryutaro disguise I LOVE HER it's such a funny contrast to see someone like her who's usually calm and knowledgeable about the law as co-counsel be as much of a nervous wreck like ryuunoske was when she's the one leading lolll [ALSO HER SPRITES! her eyes darting everywhere is so charming and funny])
i think it's a clever way to ease us in a tutorial again without like having ryuunosuke or susato be like oh no! i have amnesia! and/or i forgot how the law works for no reason! she needs help because she's so NERVOUS her mind blanks and man, isn't that real pfttt
and i also really like who the victim was in this case (which did make me gasp out loud when i saw the opening cutscene bc i did not expect that frankly.) i feel like they're building up to a bigger reveal/story and i'm excited bc ohhh that person killed an important character in the first case and now that they're dead we're never gonna know their true motives... for now! (it's actually also been a while since i played the first game and i can't remember if there was any mention of the victim of 2-1's motive on that one ASKSKS)
I LOVE REI I LOVE HERRRR such a strong personality, best friend energy off the charts, unashamedly in love with her best friend what more could you ask for
ok the things i want to say are escaping me bc im pretty sleepy FDGHD but i just remembered when i finally got what the pun was in rei membami (it wasn't even in our own let's play i was watching an lp on youtube lol) i had to get up and leave bc fuck off localization team don't ever speak to me again /lh ASKSKDGHJD
dont know much about menimemo yet bc i think we stopped in his 2nd testimony maybe but also fuck off with his name pun DFGHJD
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k0k1ch1111 · 7 months
Plsss tell us about ur oc Hoshiko!
Alr alr lemme copy the info I just edited into the previous post and then I can add extra !!!
This is a dice insert oc so main part IA about her and ouma ♡♡
Tgey met when they were both 8, hoshiko was making a mad dash away from her old orphanage and she jumped a wall and her dress got caught on a point part of the fence and when she ran she fell face first into his back and knocked him over onto the floor and almost got trampled by the other dice members She literally looks up from the ground and sees herself surrounded by a bunch of 7-12 year Olds in creepy clown masks and basically clutches her purse thinking she's gonna be robbed amd starts freaking the fuck out like "DONT TELL THEM I RAN AWAY PLEAXE DONT TAKE ME BACK I DONT WANNA GO!" ans starts spiraling into oblivion while ouma (8) is like stomping his feet throwing a hissy fit over her knocking her over and knocking his mask offMeanwhile some of the older (12 yr old) members are helping separate them hoshiko looks at him and is like oh my GOD he's so cool!?!??! (He isnt) she makes an attempt to ask who they are and gets a response of like "were a SECRET EVIL CRIME GROUP and were SUUUPER BAD so you CANT JOIN US 😡😡" and he makes them all run away, but forgets his silly little mask. Which she grabs and stashes in her bag, then runs after them Once she catches up she basically has been yelling after them for like 10 minutes so her voice is honestly kinda shot and she like whisper screams "you forgot ur scary mask thing!!!!" To which she gets a like begrudging "ugh... thanks :///" because In my opinion ouma is very picky when it comes to friends, it's either love or hate and she hasn't made it on the good list yet so all she was is a stranger who PUSHED HIM!! (Faceplanted)She she looks around at this group of people and suddenly tye urge to join them.hits her like a brick and she immediately asks if she can be their friend (which earns her a few smiles) and ouma kinda just... glares at her like :/// what do you add to the group ://///Little does anyone rlly know she's a very talented little pickpocket and she does a little rudimentary trick and steals something outta his pocket and that's her ticket in :>
Ok now onto more
Her first true friends in dice were 2 of the girls from the dice portrait in v3 (brown hair girl and blonde twintail girl. I named them Mika and Yui.)
She rlly wanted to get along with ouma but he made an effort t9 avoid her for a few days after she joined bc he was still annoyed that she made him trip and look stupid
He kinda started seeing her as a talented liar and a good person to be around when she started showing admiration for him
Like when she was designing her little uniform she decided to wear her scarf like he does because "it's suuuuper cool :]"
she proved herself to be a good thief and a pretty good liar so she ended up being the go to for schemes when her and ouma became friends
She has a very codependent personality so she puts like all her trust in him (mistake)
Other members warn her about it but she's already too deep in and starts mirroring his personality until it sets in and they're super similar to each other
Some silly little details I think about with her and ouma specifically
After they get close and hoshi becomes more of his like. Right hand man / second in command they end up talking a lot
Ik it's cliche as hell but they don't rlly lie that much to each other bc they can see through eachothwts bullshiy there's no point
As more group members join they try and split responsibility over like. Group chores.
They both have a commanding presence so whenever they like. Sneak into an abandoned apartment complex for shelter they kinda split responsibility with how to organize it
Theyre kinda sibling like but they aren't rlly related they just look similar
She has an insane amount of shit on him it's not even funny
Id love to write more silly hcs or stuff about her in her respective KG at a later point ♡♡
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kozykricket · 4 months
ANIMAL WELL THOUGHTS (+ bigmode dunkey publishing thoughts)
so, animal well came out, and... i remember hearing about it sometime around february or march, but i hadnt realized bigmode was publishing it lol i havent played it yet, but i definitely plan to heres what i know: its a very funky and mysterious game, surreal kinda vibes. if you liked rain world for being a metroidvania but then also deciding to do weird shit with its world and go founky, but you maybe wished it was more about weird funky stuff, then... maybe you'll be interested! ive heard from furyforged, a yter i watch, that through following its development it has given him noita vibes in terms of the mysteries afoot in the world, and how there were even ARGs for stuff like the release date... but its supposedly all meant to be reasonably solvable without the internet? its supposedly quite surreal, and ive heard nothing but "oh my god this is literally one of the best games ever" even from people who i... really thought wouldnt give a darn about a quirky indie game which helps with the segue into the bigmode in the room
so, i honestly forgot dunkey did that whole thing with starting a game publishing thing... and now everyones talking about "wow, the first game that he publishes comes out and its a 10/10 GOTY contender according to most outlets. after we all laughed at him for saying i will only publish good videogames" and i think that no matter how you spin it, that is definitely quite hilarious, and huge congrats to the devs of animal well for having such positive reception. but it got me thinking about ... well, a game being published by someone well known for their career before publishing. by an influencer, content creator, whatever you'd call dunkey, and... like yeah, i suppose the duty of a publisher IS to help spread the word of the game and do the marketing and stuff, so the devs themselves dont have to, but it must be kinda strange to have people not just talking about your game for its pure contents, but talking a lot about DUNKEY and like. HIS achievements. i guess i just... don't want that to overshadow the game itself? i mean, it probably wont since... yknow, people separate publishers and games pretty darn easily. its what publishers do: they give games attention. dunkey said what he wanted to do with bigmode was to like, invest in games that he BELIEVES in and that he thinks SHOULD get more attention instead of just being yet another indie swept under the rug... which is great, because theres too many good indie games that go underappreciated just bc they dont get enough good marketing. it just kinda feels sad being reminded of that though but like, i just hope it isnt confined to being "the dunkey owned publisher, no way funny haha man" out of... yknow. well. i dont want games published by bigmode to be overshadowed by him. ...probably a silly worry though. again people dont say stuff like "oh yeah i really love [game publisher] they did so great" they talk about the devs when it comes to the contents of the game. the reason people are talkin about dunkey is probably because this is the FIRST game for bigmode to publish, and ... that he proved himself right, at least so far i mainly just ... think its a bit of a unique experience, and it makes me simultaneously happy for animal well, and bummed out for other small indie games, knowing that ultimately there are games of this quality coming out and flying under peoples radar just bc they dont get the resources and marketing of a good publisher
edit: cleaned up post
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gr1evance · 3 months
villian mentioooooon. can you tell me more about him I love the funny bunny
YEEEES ID LOVE TO. ok so like i've talked about in long posts about starb, his introduction in starb's story was interrupting one of him and russian roulette's spats and saving starb, leading to the two of them talking more and forming a connection. they kind of got romantic first and then did the weird business partners stuff? but it generally all happened around the same time. i've explained the whole stuff with that, he has a big ego and was using starb who already has a history as a decently well known hero to boost his image, starb was unhappy with just being his sidekick and eventually things came to a head and they actually talked abt it yada yada.
he comes from a wealthy white family.. his parents and all other family members are actually entirely human, he just has some weird recessive rabbit genes LMAO. the collaborative universe he's from is of course about people living in a world with superheroes and superpowers and the like so weird genetic shit like that can just happen. mostly he's a rabbit in a human family because i think it's really funny. his father was a semi famous hero before he was born, and he shares the exact same powerset as him. he REALLY really wants to live up to his father's image and puts a lot of pressure on himself for it.. at a pretty young age he developed this kind of walled off ego that he has, a lack of regard for how other people feel, as a result of being spoiled by his family and also a little bit as a way to deal with insecurities stemming from him being a rabbit and also figuring out that he's gay while being surrounded by similarly rich and petty peers.
so back to him and starb- his bad habits of taking advantage of people and disregarding others' feelings has him ending up in a relationship with someone he is actively using... almost like a dress up doll? i mean he literally changed starb's outfit (very integral to his character, mostly he's autistic and doesnt like wearing other clothes) to fit in more with his own and took him from being his own sustained hero to now his sidekick. he doesn't act totally maliciously, often i don't think he realizes he's doing things that hurt people just because he doesn't really think about it. he just acts in his own interest and then faces the consequences later and because of the environment he was in for most of his life he's never really been told No or that what he's doing is wrong. and it takes starb- who usually avoids confrontation as much as possible because he wants to be the most polite person in the room- actually kind of snapping at him to get him to realize what he's doing. i actually have written things about this storyline i may share someday! i've just never been sure how bc its like almost 7000 words and in all my privated stuff on toyhouse.. but i do still think it's good writing.
it's been almost two years since the big stuff with him and starb. starb is incredibly forgiving and also just has weird things in his brain about love and romance and didnt want to break up with villian, so the two of them ended up staying together and it's definitely better and good for both of them. starb is very much trying to like. teach villian how to be a better person and to give others more thought and sympathy and i find their relationship in that way very amusing. villian has a lot of repressed guilt about all the kind of stupid and rude shit he's done in the past and it's built itself up into that old insecurity he was originally trying to run from. it doesn't really help that he's the boyfriend of a man who's already married, which wouldn't really be a problem, but he's kind of like tesla's chewtoy a little bit and it makes him embarrassed. i enjoy examining why he acts the way that he does and how he's going about that guilt and insecurity in ways that aren't using other people to make himself feel better. and also having him examine his own personal like. biases and privileges now that he's dating someone with a weird gender who's openly a communist and known by a lot of people. it's just interesting to me!
i also like playing with his gender mostly in aus, i find him transitioning to be more of a show of confidence and getting over that insecurity than actually him like. Needing to be trans necessarily. he could be happy as anything i just view him transitioning as just him playing around because he actually feels comfortable with who he is enough to do so. i don't really have anything concrete about this there's no real place i'm actually doing it in i just like to rotate it
there's also an au of him in a minecraft roleplay campaign where he's infected with sculk and he's just really depressed and desperate to get back to starb and stuff. fun to play with him in a scenario where he hasn't had the chance to fix himself before being pried away from the one thing motivating him to do so and to watch him try to cling to anything he can
here's some images of him i like also :3
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art by apotheoseity, pbjpuppy, sixofheartz, and lame-4-u!!
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hella1975 · 9 months
Hella something incredibly traumatic just happened to me.  I cannot find the original list thingy i have for chapter 42.  (i was like half way through and then stopped i dont remember why) so i have to start over which isnt a bad thing because i get to reread ittt
Your getting 42 and 43 in one thing 
“It had been one day and one night since they left the Western Air Temple and Zuko had a headache.” sme one get this poor boy some tylenol
Bros extremely overstimulated
“Nanook expected they’d arrive at the White Lotus camp-”  i forgot theyre going to the white lotus camp again and if irohs there still thats going to be really fun.  (probably not for zuko though)
I love your sokka so much its insane.  
It always takes me so long to read your chapters and write these and stuff not because of the length of your chapters (i love long chapters) but because i always try to process every single little thing because its so good and a lot of the stuff doesnt even make it into the list because i dont know how to put it into words and thats how i feel about the dynamic youve created around zuko and sokka.  Like how you took Sokkas canon traits and magnified them to accommodate the traits zuko got threw taob perfectly and theres something so artistic about it and i wish i had the words to better explain how in awe of you i am every time i read a new chapter.
“If he spoke them, if he let them out, his friends would snatch these birds from the sky and beat them to death, and they would call it salvation.” oh my fucking god hella what the fuck
Zi Se <3
Oh jeez now he’s hallucinating
I love Zi Se.  Having Zuko take care of a small child is such a unique thing to have in a fic and you make it work so well.  Every scene between them is immaculate
The way you portray trauma is incredible.  The ‘two steps forwards one step back’ ness of it, and the way different peoples traumas rub against eachother and the lashing out and guilt and stuff its really so good.  
I think its funny to think about external zuko in taob.  Like a wet dog growling at everyone and pushing itself into a corner.  A little tragic, a little pathetic.  And then in his head he’s having some of the most profound, angsty thoughts.  And the transition between those scenes is also entertaining.  
I also really like the dynamic Zuko has with the entirety of the gang.  Like it’s not just sokka going ‘i can fix him’ and doing it, its a group effort and the different peoples individual traits work well with helping different parts of zuko heal.  When he needs sternness and bluntness, theres sokka, when he needs something more gentle, theres tomnook, and when he needs something in between theres katara.  
I saw your authors notes that was like ‘i’m writing another zukka fic!’ and i was so confused for a moment and i was like ‘wtf is she talking about’ and then it was like ‘you can read it here!’  and i was like ;holy shit its already posted!?  Why didnt she tell tumblr about this and then i was like ‘oh shes talking about tams.’  i forgot it was a zukka fic.  
That took me 3 hours.  
Chapter 43:  : )
“Gradually, things got easier and they fell into a routine.” well thats a relief i hope nothing bad will happen ever again : )
“Suki wasn’t far from him, dipping her water flask into the current,”  of topic but i dont get how people didnt just drop dead from drinking random ass water like how is suki not going to get dysentary.  Sokka needs to invent these people a water filter.
Im carefully treading ocross this chapterbecause of the stuff ive seen from tumblr and discord and while i guess i trust you not to kill tomnook *this chapter* im still very weary and terrified.  
Being american means that you might not be able to afford to read taob bc of the inevitable therapy bill
If i get ptsd from this i quit
““Zuko, dude, buddy.” Sokka appeared from where he’d been washing his frankly disgusting tunic, now leaving it to drip around his neck, shirtless as he clapped a hand to Zuko’s shoulder. “If a girl calls you roguish, it’s a compliment.”” Bros projecting
“ this seemed to bother Sokka more than anyone. Hot stuff was one of her favourites, which Zuko thought made sense. He was a firebender, after all. It really didn’t warrant the spluttering and indignance Sokka met it with, stomping over to Suki and kicking water at her while she cackled.” Still projecting
If Tomnook becomes canon i will personally see to starting a movement across all social media platforms similar to the november 6th destiel thing
“He was still smiling. Always smiling. Nanook let him go.” THIS IS THE PART THAT DESTROYED ME????????????????????????????????????? IT WAS ABOUT HAIRR????????????????????/ im actually going to kms oh my god im suing
I experienced so much turmoil for it literally to just be tomkin walking away
Im so insulted
Also nanook definitely has a crush on him just in case you didnt know 👍
Now Kataras overstimulated
“Zuko had taken the carrots.” God dammit Zuko 
If Sokka or Katara find the carrots that wont be good
I dont trust you anymore
““There’s something you’re not telling me,” she said, staring out at the grass around them, the stars in the inky sky. It was the exact same as when they’d sat together the other day, hand in hand, when she’d first admitted to this anger.
Zuko was tense beside her, before sighing in defeat. “This is about the carrots, isn’t it?”  This is so funny for no reason 
““I could probably help you find those men, if you wanted,””  you fucking idiot i cant believe him
“He liked liked Zuko, with his stupid, roguish hair and his muscles and his gentle way of handling Zi Se and his stupid sense of humour and his sheer, stubborn will to keep going. How could Sokka ever talk to Bato again? This was the worst thing to happen ever,”  ITS HAPPENING 
The fact that he immediately thought of bato is so iconic i love that for him
The whiplash sokka must feel from coming to terms with his feelings for zuko and that he’s able to grieve his mom and then katara coming out like ‘yeah im going to murder him’ must be insane its like that cat in the hat meme where hes going to hit the dude with the bat
I dont think that conversation went like suki planned for it to
Zukkkaaa fight
“Katara wouldn’t kill those men.” oh thank fuck
“. local boy discovers the uno reverse card immediately makes it everyone else's problem.”  Lmfao 😂  💀
You have never written a bad anything hella lm tell you.  2 10/10 chapters good job, that was fabulous, i love it.  
Im in a class this semester that deals with analyzing literature and reading a lot of like ‘classic’ books.  And the entire time im reading these books some that are considered to be from some of the best authors of all time is that im comparing them to the things youve written and when ive said that your such a talented writer before, i dont know how much ground ive had to stand on but now that i have like a (very small) reference point for that stuff, holy shit you are such a talented writer.  
Like i know its not your major and that youve never studied it and stuff and the fact that you can produce all of that based on pure talent is honestly incredible.  Im constantly in awe every time i read anything of yours its insane.  I really do hope your as proud as you can be of yourself, you deserve it. 
~list anon~
list anon i get such a little smile on my face when i see ur asks come in like i get comfy and make sure i have time to go through the whole thing in one go and it just warms my heart that someone so consistently makes time for me and my silly stories. thank you x
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cerealmonster15 · 10 months
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a bit of both- I was too scared to go off anon cuz I would've been embarrassed if I was wrong 😭
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They INVENTED divorce. You get it.
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And I DONT MIND YOUR THOUGHRS ARE SO SILLY!! pls invitation to come back on stage and scream about the guys ever 🥺
ksjdlfdsklfj I Understand 🙏 i hope it is ok that i took this message as an excuse to Continue Going Wild
head empty only tiny guy doodles now
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while i was doodling i remembered ruggie and silver both have a vignette with jade where Food Is Involved... im obsessed w/the one where jade gives his mushrooms to the cafeteria bc azul and floyd banished them, and silver has them the next day and is like This Is The Best Risotto Ive Ever Had In My Life. and jades just watching him like 👁️👁️ and theres the one where ruggie accidentally takes jades ingredients and is like OH SHIT DONT KILL ME here i'll teach you a cool recipe!!!! i love how often these boys bond over food actually.... ruggie helped kalim cook in another vignette... jade and kalim talked about tea [and then jade died bc kalim uses too much sugar LOL]
more rambling and screen shots i have to go bonkers or i will die
oh my god and the second tsum event. theres the cutest little rythmatic of jamil kalim floyd and azul in the kitchen with tsums 😭😭😭 i want the second years to have a potluck........
ALSO i love in the first volume of the twst anthology, chapter 13 where it basically turns into the second years coming together and trying to help silver stay awake and hanging out EXCEPT THE FISH ARE NNNNOT INVITED!!! or like. theyre just not in that story fdslkjfds and jamil just shows up at the end..
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why did he do that. he was talking about riddle and they literally got riddle involved bc ruggie suggested it but here's the thing!!! silver is the one that needed notes bc he fell asleep. kalim joined up and was like lets study together and have a feast!! so ruggies like oh hell yea im in it for the food. why did he decide riddle needed to be there 🤔 i mean maybe he did actually want to study and/or didnt wanna be the one suckered into leading the study session LOL but. i think it kinda just looks like he wants to hang out with riddle jflsjeklkj like he literally later says "but im here for the feast" so WHY did you get RULES ABIDING RIDDLE involved HMMM??? watching you ruggie bucchi.
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theyre literally SO cute i LOVE the anthology mangas SO MUCH and i really wish they'd make a third one!!!
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god i actually. forgot a lot about this one LOL there's a lot of cute moments w/them 😭
ALSO now that im at my computer i could search better and i FOUND THE POST where i talked endlessly about riddle/floyd. i still stand by all of that. and theres cute anthology moments in there too.
third year divorce jumpscare while im in the anthologies
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i love them theyre so fucking funny. also why are there So Many Times in game where vil basically says "yeah leona is extremely physically attractive HOWEVER his personality sucks and i hate him." like okay. why do you have to keep telling us that leona has a "pretty face" or "only good for his looks" or whatever it is he says fjsdkljekl. that's nice vil.
pushing them back out of the way back to the second years
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and trey. im still trapped in the anthologies since thats whats in front of me klfjlewjsdfjkls god the way this one takes place after jamils meltdown and hes like "omg trey senpai....... and jade 😒........" Get His Ass sdfdsfg god i dont have a screenshot rn but another top 10 moments of twst for me that made me cry laughing was when i was reading cater's union bday card and jamil asks him that interview question "which dorm would you pick if you werent in heartslabyul" and god the TIMING with cater saying octavinelle INSTANTLY making jamil SCOWL IN DISAPPROVAL at the SHEER MENTION OF THE FISH BITCH DORM is SO funny to me. EW. GROSS. DISGUSTING!!! i so badly want riddle and jamil to bond over their mutual fish hading sjdklfe theyre SO FUNNYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
and yet in masquerade event. jamil bullies azul. azul buillies him back. they DANCE TOGETHER IN BOTH OF THE RHYTHM GAMES. theyre DUO PARTNERS to azuls ssr. riddle and jamil compliment [more or less LOL] azul's singing performance at the end. i think once or twice riddle and jamil also share a few 😑😑 moments over azul... being azul jdkslfjkdsljf and it's EVERYTHING TO ME it was so validating bc i think those three should hang out forever.
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