#mb tea
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reineydraws · 2 years ago
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jason is a grandpa's boy and u cant take this away from me!!! they cook together, they discuss literature together, and when jay comes back, they clean their guns together haha. ofc they celebrate their birthday together too! 😌
✨️🎂 hbd jay & alfie 🎂✨️
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mischas · 4 months ago
re: current obx discourse, throwback to the idea of mischa and ben filming this scene separately and how much that makes sense
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applelitas · 7 months ago
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🥛⠀⠀⠀─⠀⠀⠀⠀有一种莫名的忧郁感⠀•°❀ ׂׂૢ་
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jimzittos · 7 months ago
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 ⠲⣄  its    always    tea    time    somewhere  ⬤̵ᰯ̵̵ུ⠀      🐩古的茶會  
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mscherub · 13 days ago
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Witchy Ways 🕸️
The long awaited part 3?
Reader is gender neutral, referred to as Prefect, Y/N,
Henchhuman(by Grim)
Half proof read
Part 3: “Impending Warnings.”
Previous part here <3
Next part here <3
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Part 3: Impending Warnings
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After having a reasonable and very justifiable crash out session before getting into bed, caused by all that happened within one days time, all because you were just trying to be nice to your friends and help them out and now it’s started up this whole ordeal you don’t even know if you can reverse because the loquacious guys won’t leave you the hell alone and it’s really just eating away at you because they won’t stop asking for the stupid little fucking jar that’s filled with answers to all their problems and hopes and dreams apparently— ok, ok, calm down. You’re fine. Everything is fine. TOTALLY FINE, YESSSS!! As if you weren’t already stressed enough!
You sigh and you roll over on your side, dreading the day ahead as you look at the clock.
2:27 AM
Yesterday was…Monday, and you had to do this for four more days, well, most likely more if the idea stayed around long enough? Interacting with people all because they heard the little birdies(first years) chirp about how they passed the exams and the others didn’t because of the little object. If you could do a freezer spell to stop all this chit chat about you and what you did, you would, it’s sadly, and annoyingly, getting to that point. The game plan is to just ignore it until the thought of it around the school desiccates into just a little something that, hopefully, will be considered a coincidence by most. After all, if the others knew about what you did, about this otherworldly concept of magic, how the hell would they begin to perceive you then?
You didn’t exactly want to out yourself, you were used to keeping it a secret, hidden away from others in fear of, say, ridiculing from some religious groups, hence why not everyone freely admits they do whitchcraft back home. Plus, you were already viewed as awkward and weird anyways for your title of “Magicless Prefect,” and of course, being the “non-magic” user, at least to their standards, in a school specifically for mages is just a completely ironic situation on its own. Anyways, you didn’t need a new label… “Half Magic Prefect that Practices in Weird Magic and is Still not at our Level, Thereofre Still Weird and Not truly a Magic User so is Still Magicless.” You could see it happening…or it could take an opposite turn and they can end up exalting your alien abilities and deem you more powerful, which would be interesting to see happen, but you don’t want to think about that or deal with it. It just sounds like more stress, and you definitely don’t want that. Only fate can really tell at this point.
One thing you do know is that your intentions here are awkwardly much stronger and quicker to act. It’s different, and in all honestly, just slightly concerning. More than just slightly, actually. What, your magic acting effectively and efficiently being concerning? Yes. Yes, 100 times, and that’s for some obvious reasons. What if you mess up a spell and then it happens to backfire on you and now you’re stuck with negative effects of whatever you were trying to do! Now you had to be cautious, extremely cautious, like walking on eggshells around your own practice type of cautious, which keep in mind, you shouldn’t be doing! it’s frightening to think about, and just how much would you have to up your game here?
Grim lays on his back, his belly up as he continues to snooze away, not greatly affected by the increase of attention and popularity, in fact he was eating it up! In his mind people were seeing you and him as powerful now, and damn does that feed his ego. How lucky he is to just…worry about nothing. And that’s exactly what he’s doing, and thankfully so. At least he’s not trying to look too much into what you’re doing.
You roll on to your back again and stare up at the ceiling, your arms crossed as you chew on the inside of your cheek thoughtfully. Bringing back the subject of good luck, you definitely needed some. What was the symbol for that? Horseshoes…
With the question answered and no other subject for your brain to overthink on at the moment, your mind can finally shut off for the night.
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Morning rolls around sooner than what you had wanted, the sun not even up to greet you as you sit up, rubbing your eyes and rolling your shoulders to alleviate the stiffness you gained over the night of tossing and turning.
You do your usual routine again, having to pry Grim off of the sheets this time, him mumbling obscenities as he’s still in a half dazed and asleep state. Great, now there’s claw marks on your sheets, thanks, Grim!
Breakfast is an easy feat and soon enough you’re out the door, walking along the path again up to the school.
“Henchhuman…” Grim looks over at you, his eyes narrowed in on you as you two walk up.
“Huh?” You spare him a quick glance before your eyes go back to looking at the patterns of the tiles along the path.
“Im glad you didn’t sell off whatever you did to Azul, now we can keep that for ourselves.” He sneers happily at the air, imagining it was Azul their himself.
“I’m glad you think that…” you nod.
“Since I’m like…family, you should let me in on the secret on whatever are in those little jar thingys.” He adds on, putting emphasis on the family part to sway your favor.
You didn’t exactly see why you shouldn’t give it to him, it wasn’t that big of a deal, again, however, the thought and fear of people finding out about what you do still gnawed away at the back of your mind. Right, it’s not that big of deal, who cares if they find out! No…actually, you don’t want them to. What if they try and abuse these powers out of you. It’s better just to ignore it at this point and maybe double down on how often you practice…that seems the better option. Too many negative things can come out of the positive thing you posses. It’s not worth the risk!
“Henchhuman!” Grim snaps as he continues to eye you.
“Sorry, got lost in thought. I guess I could, I’ll write it down when we get to class and you can try and make one yourself…don’t use all of our money to buy ingredients, Grim.”
“You spoil fun…” he mutters as he pouts and looks up ahead, his ears flattening and his tail lazily swishing behind him.
“I’m just trying to be the reasonable one, here. If your intention is to create and sell them, then we might as well have handed over the whole thing to Azul. And, making them to sell isn’t the purpose, at that point your just being greedy”
“Exactly, Grim. Now, we should have what you need, anyways. Now don’t talk about it anymore, it’s starting to get too repetitive.” You sigh and adjust the books in your arms.
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So, the thought didn’t leave you the rest of the day, the thought of spells gone wrong and their heightened effects, thoughts of what could happen to you if this little secret you were withholding got out. Yea…you’re not in a great mindset, and the idea of anything wrong or going wrong won’t ease up.
You drop Grim off at Heartslabyul, leaving him with Ace and telling him some half-assed reason about needing to go do this and then go do that and some other things and that Grim just couldn’t come, which had some truth behind it, but most of it was a conjured up lie on the spot to get rid of him for a bit.
You walk around campus, deep in thought as your shoes click against the ground.
Protection spells needed to be doubled, but wait! Didn’t you just say you’d stop practicing as much so people wouldn’t suspect anything and to draw less of a gaze from everyone. Shit, you did, ok…well you can’t just not practice, cause what if negative energy fills up again and really fucks things over? Ok, you have to practice then, protection spells, warding items, you needed it— but you can’t draw attention! This is proving to be more difficult than you had ever even intended. Protection, luck, you just needed it all at this moment.
You shouldn’t be scared anyways, but you didn’t quite know social standards here besides just inside of NRC. Luckily the guys here liked you to a certain extent so you were accepted in enough ways. Say they find out and it does happen to be socially acceptable here, then you have nothing to worry about. But what if your version of magic isn’t socially acceptable, and it’s maybe even against the law? What if they like…execute you or something for it? Great, get your mind off of the Salem Witch Trial thought here. That wouldn’t happen. Magic, in any type of way, shouldn’t be illegal since they’re quite literally practicing their own versions freely at a damn school.
But what if— drop the idea now, it’s not worth it to overthink it. It’s just not! You’ll be fine, everyone will be fine…you just needed some luck here, and look where you ended up.
The stables on campus.
You walk over to one of the fenced off areas, some horses grazing within the grassy fields, their soft neighs and trills moving across the small plain. One comes over to the edge and looks at you, tilting its head curiously as you gaze right back. You walk over to the edge of the fence and you lean against it.
“You animals have it easy sometimes…I wonder what you guys even think of.” You sigh as you put your hand out to the horse. Its coat was in perfect condition and its tail flicked behind it with interest.
It took a big sniff of your hand before it let out a small grunt and pushed its muzzle against your hand, giving you the go ahead to pet away. You do just that and sigh again.
“And you don’t have to pay any taxes…I think that’s a win on its own—“
“HUAMN!” Someone screeches from behind you, causing the horse to get spooked and bolt away. You turn around to the culprit, already suspecting who it was since only one person you were close with refereed to you with that choice of name.
“Do not touch those animals! That one especially, its attitude is not one of kindness, that’s why he is separated into the outer pens.” Sebek states sternly.
“It didn’t seem mean—“
“It is indeed!” His eyes widen and he shakes his head.
“I think you only say that, Sebek, is because the horses don’t like you that much.” Silver also approaches you two, a small smile on his face which is directed to you only. Sebek crosses his arms and lets out an annoyed puff of air before he narrows back in on you.
“Why are you here? Last time I recalled you’re not apart of this club. You should go before Riddle—“
“He wouldn’t kick me out.”
“You say that with too much confidence, Human…”
“Me and him are chill.” You nod.
“You…’chill?’ Odd words to use. Be formal when addressing someone in a higher class than you.” He gripes.
“We’re on good terms…” you correct yourself
“What are you here for, Prefect?” Silver chimes in, taking over the situation.
“I…I have an odd request, I suppose. I mean, it may seem odd.” You shrug.
“Nothing is too odd.” Silver gently reassures, moving his hair out of his face, nodding as to encourage you to speak.
“I need a horseshoe.”
“Come again?” He questions.
“A horseshoe.” You say again, prolonging the vowels and looking at him like he was the one to say something wrong.
“Um…You know…erm…aesthetic reasons.”
“Human, you are quite weird.” Sebek interjects, the words sounding judging enough—
“But I suppose we shall not pry into your decorative matters…we may have some old ones.” He sighs
“Oh! No, that’s perfect, actually! Thanks Sebby!” You beam overjoyed…maybe a little too much. He grimaces at the nickname and looks about ready to correct you yet again, but he refrains just this once. You got…lucky.
They go quiet at your excitement for the object and they look back at each other, conveying some sort of silent message between the two before Sebek nods and motions for you to follow him over to the barn.
The barn is well kept but it does have that natural barn smell of wood and of the animal inhabitants. Dried hay is scattered around on the ground and it crunches beneath both of your feet as you walk to, presumably, the tack room of the stable, which holds all of the materials they could need for proper animal care.
“We tend to change out our horses horseshoes every five or six weeks. We just changed some out this past week so we should have a few extra…though I can’t guarantee they’d be in the condition you’re hoping for.”
“That’s fine…it doesn’t matter to me. I just want one, no matter the, uh…appearance. The older the look the better, you know? Adds character?” You awkwardly carry on the conversation.
“I…see. Anyhow, here,” Sebek peers into a rack on the wall and pulls out the item you’ve been looking for. “This one should do…if it meets your standards.”
It’s not exactly pretty, but you are getting it for free, so there’s no real reason to complain. “It’s perfect. Thank you, again…really. Helps me out some”
He crosses his arms and nods. “Off now, Human.”
“Yea, yea, later Sebek. Thanks.” You give a small wave before you walk out and back along the path.
You scored what you wanted to get, so it worked out. All you had to do was red it up a bit, maybe clean it then polish it if you could find any stuff to do that, then it’ll look basically brand new. Voilà!And the most important thing, it should bring some luck in when you hang it above your door with the ends facing up. It’s a small detail, barely noticeable, and could only be deciphered if you really focused your eyes above the door.
Now, just time to get Grim—
Your phone buzzes in your pocket, you slip it out and see Aces profile picture and his caller ID. With a small click of the green button you put the phone up to your ear.
You wince and pull the phone away from your ear for a second to allow him to throw his little temper tantrum before you push it back against you
“Prefect! Come get Grim, he’s threatening to eat all the tarts that Trey’s making…say maybe I pissed Grim off and that’s why he’s doing that, BUT LISTEN, come get him! He’s gonna push the blame on me! Don’t you like me? Don’t let me suffer….” You could basically hear him pouting on the other side of the phone.
“I’m on my way…tell him he won’t get tuna if he does anything…”
“Awweee, you do care—“
“I only care enough for Grim’s sake.” You cut him off.
“You’re rude, really rude…anyways, Riddle wants to know if you wanna pop by for the unbirthday party.”
You consider and weigh the options in your head. For one, free food to satiate you and most importantly, Grim, and two, a much needed distraction, so the idea sounded plausible.
“I don’t see why not, I shouldn’t have much to do…”
“Niceeee, you help make Riddle a little less irritable so yea, saving me and Deuce here. K, later, and come get Grim.”
With that, he hangs up the phone.
Ok, then…it was a bit redundant to be told to get Grim then basically come back just a few minutes later, but whatever.
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“Hahaaaa! Tarts, tarts, tarts!” Grim chirps almost too enthusiastically. He dashes over to the table and pulls the plate up from his assigned seat, but he’s quickly stopped by Deuce who reminds him of tea party etiquette, which he manages to forget with each unbirthday party you two attend. He’s very disappointed to find out that there’s quite literally an order to everything. He’ll get over it.
You go take your seat next to Riddle, quietly watching as he goes about checking everything over one last time before he nod and welcomes everyone. He takes the tea pot and pours you a cup of tea first, then Grim’s, and then the rest around the table. The tea steamed and you added in whatever you wanted to your cup and stirred quietly, noticing it was loose leaf tea.
The unbirthday party began, and of course it wasn’t a true experience without the scolding of some other students who decided not to follow the rules, but it was all in good fun. You slowly drank your tea down, sipping quietly and enjoying the arrangements of food all meticulously prepared by Trey, and Grim did exactly the same with his usual fervor.
Your tea cup became empty, and you kindly refused another cup. Barely any eyes were on you so maybe you could pull off a tea reading, but was it really worth the risk?
It wouldn’t be such a bad idea to do one, it’d be useful and provide some insight on some things…fuck it, you’ll do it anyways. Let’s just hope it’s not against a rule or something…
Everyone chats away and you pick up your cup, swirling the small bit of tea and the leaves around before you place it back down and grab the saucer, placing it over the cup. What do you really want to know? Well, obviously what’s to happen in the near future…especially with the discovery of your high tented abilities…good or bad things, that mainly what you wanted, no, needed to know.
By now Riddle was side eyeing you and watching your every move, silently judging. This wasn’t proper…
“Riddle…” you smile bashfully, pausing in your movements.
“What are you doing?”
“Erm…something?” This is just amazing. You should have stuck with what you set earlier, not drawing attention. You can maybe twist the situation around, no? No, you can.
“I’m just doing something everyone does back in my world after drinking their tea, yeah…called tea reading! It’s really cool…if you’d want to try. You know, I’ve just been missing home and stuff so I decided I’d try to do it a little…but I get it if I can’t, I understand completely.” And perfect, guilt tripping at its finest there….
“No…that’s fine. It sounds peculiar, but I don’t have any disagreements to it, so long as you don’t damage the ceramics…” he sighs.
Ok! This is good…
“Ok…so, first you have to make sure you have a little bit of liquid in your cup, then you swirl it around a bit, place the saucer overtop the cup and then flip your cup over,” Riddle follows along simply out of curiosity, watching your every move to make sure he doesn’t mess up anything. “After that spin the cup clockwise three times…I mean, or counter clockwise, it doesn’t particularly matter, I do clockwise, then make sure the handle faces you again…”
You pivot the cup one last time to the handle is angled towards you, then you give three taps on the top of the cup.
“Tap three times, then lift the cup up. What do you see in yours?”
He peers into the cup and inspects it.
“I see…tea leaves. I don’t understand, what’s the purpose of this.” He huffs.
“You have to…ok, think of it this way, you have to see what images are made with the tea leaves, for instance, mine—“
You look into your cup and see various little symbols, the few standing out the most being a wheel, knots, a cat, and an umbrella.
The wheel for inevitable change and progress, the knot for stress and anxiety…fucking fantastic, the cat for gossip, great because that’s exactly what you need, and, the more concerning one of the symbols, an umbrella, signifying difficulty. It’s a good thing you got the damn horseshoe earlier…with this info, your future could be something else you aren’t prepared for based on this reading.
“Well?” Riddles voice pulls you from your thoughts and you give him a small nod.
“Sorry…yea, so, you see this?” You move your cup and saucer in his direction. “The symbols closest to the handle should signify the things sooner to happen—“
“Most of your…’symbols,’ are near the handle.” He notes.
“Yea, this one here kinda looks like a cat, and this one a wheel…this one here looks like a knot and then that one looks like an umbrella.”
“I can vaguely see it. Do they all mean something?” He questions as he gazes even more at the leaves.
“Yea. They all have their own, but let’s look at yours…what shapes can you make out?”
He tilts his cup towards you and points at the symbols, you can make out some to look like stars and a few squares.
“Don’t overthink it…what do you see?”
“Those look like squares, what’s the meaning? Assuming you know…” he hums, interested in the whole thing now.
“They can mean comfort and peace…have you been feeling that more often?”
“In a way, I suppose…it has been a little less stressful around here for once. I see…this is quite interesting, Prefect, I like the idea…how does this work?”
“That’s a question for another time—“
“It has to work a certain way, correct?” He questions again. “It almost seems like something to be done with magic…”
“Yea, no…it’s just, uh, you know, I guess it’s just like, the tea leaves…resonate?” Good one…
“I…guess.” He nods along. “It’s still quite interesting. Thank you for showing me a ritual from your world.” He smiles softly.
“Of course…”
The Unbirthday party carries on, celebrating, then like all things, eventually coming to an end. You and Grim leave, Trey kindly giving you leftovers which will and can not be rationed around Grim, but you take them anyways.
That tea reading is gonna bug you even more…so much for the unbirthday party being a distraction like you had hoped…
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Hey…how yall doing…I JUST WANNA APOLOGIZE FOR HOW RUSHED THIS WAS, but I did it! Also, I’m doing a tag list on this now so if u want me to tag u on the next part just comment <3
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Please don’t steal or copy any of my work! You may, however, reblog if you’d want to!
Pictures belong to Disney Twisted Wonderland but are edited by me :)
Tag List <3:
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el-loy · 7 months ago
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I failed to finish Ptilopsis art, so back to clusterposting it is then...
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stargirlhysteria · 1 year ago
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autumn mood 🤎
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icedamericanowithmehr · 1 year ago
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'london fog' moodboard for @briarhips
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one-pissed-off-child · 5 months ago
Day 6 of posting Nevermore thoughts until S2 drops
I think Annabel and Duke are actually pretty alike. And I think they'd hate it
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almondelle · 9 months ago
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mischas · 1 year ago
Decided not to gatekeep this old Mischa interview with Kimmel from back in the day. It aired on September 8, 2003.
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hazy-daydreamer · 6 months ago
Cyn from murder drones inspired moodboard
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Self indulgent
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ceruleansoleil · 2 years ago
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Anybody have any tea recommendations for a first time tea drinker
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kirbyfigure · 6 months ago
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༘⋆𝓤𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒆 .ᐟ ༝༚༝༚
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kitchenutensilfamilyau · 11 months ago
Tea what do you like about your husband?
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