#which ISN'T GREAT I ADMIT. but the changes to our game mean that i'm not really worried about her safety
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frenchy-and-the-sea · 19 days ago
Well, we managed to avoid Vallaki burning down and the festival is finally fucking over so there's that!! But my DM did say that the fallout of this is that we're now definitely gonna have to be more reactive to things as opposed to being ahead of the game which 😬 awful. hate that. really wish I had done a thing when I thought about it but OH WELL. CHARACTER MOMENT I GUESS.
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imperfectnothing · 5 months ago
Thought of Fai and Yume for no reason a moment ago, and now it won't leave my head the connection I have made of them (+ ciaran & murrelet) with other characters in Danganronpa: Another Despair/DRA.............
!!!!!!!!! Incoming nerd ramblings but keeping them way shorter because I don't want to . Spoil the game. It's so good. So not nearly as ramblings but just me talking about aus tbh w/ the 4 Musketeers (this is just as long as my other asks on your main. Dear God I should mute myself)
First I had them as "Yuki" and Akane, but it would only work in chap6 when the masterminds are revealed (the boredness that MM1 has while Taira is just ecstatic and all about "hes so great, he saved me and I'll forever follow him"). But then I thought of it more and Fai is very Kinjo Tsurugi. Kinjo is so cold, a straight forward guy and such, (tho if in SDRA2, he would most definitely be Syobai. No doubts, only in DRA I see him being Kinjo, for the small things..). — but he's so open to 'Yuki'. He's only ever vulnerable around him (Ciaran can be "Yuki" in this context, but along with Murrelet)- the free time events you can have with him show that.
The memorable thing in my head of Kinjo and Akane is a similar slap scene to Togami and Aoi, and then the mastermind reveal (a bit too early in the chapters but DRA is FUN like that). And honestly the funny thing about Akane is that she is also, honestly a generic girl. So like- that ties well with Yume, and the switch up also ties up with him. The obsession, the devotion. Again, the whole he's so great, he saved me and I'll forever follow him.
With having Fai, Cia and Yume already figured out, I then I had to fill up the space of Murrelet, and I went with Haruhiko (might change if plip decides to do anything with murr). But for now, it's just because I see Murr as just some silly guy caught up in this square with three unhinged guys (again might change, and so he might also be... Shuts up before I say the name and spoil it all)
The thing that's super interesting to me about Fai and Yume's relationship is how utterly incomprehensible it is. Like obviously, from an outside glance, it doesn't really seem that way, it seems pretty straightforward, Fai is the person who is kind of gruff and mean towards Yume and seems not to like him and Yume actually kind of acts like himself around Fai but only because there isn't any expectation of Fai judging him for that. Maybe I'm misremembering, if I am, I'm so sorry but the thing about Fai, when it comes to Yume, is Fai actually cares about him a lot more than he lets on. When Yume dies, that is a catalyst in a downward spiral for Fai which ends up with him lashing out at the other two musketeers and isolating himself (commitment issues) because he views himself as someone who only makes other people's lives worse.
As much as Faisal is unsettled by Yume's obsession and his uncanny "generic" personality, Fai sees parts of himself in Yume (which is why he initially despises Yume so much) but what he sees that's different, he loves. He loves Yume in his own fucked up way and when Yume dies and is brought back as some echo of himself, Faisal is extremely not okay about it.
So yeah thank you for sending me a Faiyume ask this was very fun to mull over and while I'll admit, I've not played Danganronpa, the way you articulate it and connect our characters to it is very very fun
(I'm gonna tag Starry and Plip just in case they want to be tagged, since Ciaran and Murr are mentioned- @starry-skiez and @pwippy)
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leggerefiore · 1 year ago
Back in your inbox to discuss Cyrus bullshit again lmfao. I am normal. Totally normal.
So media literacy decline aside (no really, the reports are scary, less people can interpret nuance and hints), I blame 1) how young most of us were when we first played the games, 2) the OG Diamond and Pearl characterization (because it was a little different than Platinum's) and 3) the Pokemon Anime.
Largely skipping over the age thing because it speaks for itself. A good number of players were probably too young to catch all of the hints or grasp how irrational and emotionally driven Cyrus really was. Like, a legit Trauma Meter for our age group (20s) would be to ask if Cyrus freaked them out, or if they thought he had a point. Whatever the collective's first impression was would've colored YEARS of discussion and content. And I'm pretty sure I remember his reception being negative. Of course, the theory that he wrote the old notebook and that the old man was his Grandpa (meaning Cyrus was an abuse/neglect survivor) always existed. But before USUM and PokeMas added more implications, they were treated as "Just Theories" or after Platinum, retcons. Likewise, I think a good number of the older players WANTED Cyrus to be evil, so they kinda ignored it. Though there was an equal faction WISHING for a well written Sympathetic Villian. They missed Giovanni and had little hope GameFreak could write a worthwhile sympathetic villian because while Maxie and Archie weren't evil, their plan was just so stupid? Maybe it's because I grew up in a rural area at the start of the Going Green era, but I can remember being taught basic ecosystems in like 3rd or 4th Grade Science and learning that major changes to the environment were bad? And they were supposed to be super smart scientists?
On to game characterization, D/P Cyrus and Platinum Cyrus were portrayed slightly differently and I don't know if it was intentional or not, given how subtle the changes in the overall story were. But it boils down to a matter of A Means to an End, where D/P Cyrus seemed like he was changing the world to become a God, while Platinum Cyrus wanted to change the world and has to become a God to do so. Likewise, I don't think the implications that Cyrus was the abused/neglected grandson of that Old Man and the author of the old notebook were as strong. Also every scene with Cyrus in the Distortion World didn't exist in D/P so you didn't witness his breakdown or him admitting to his own faults. Charon/Pluto also wasn't in D/P, nor was the Rotom Room which was the first thing to give the "Cyrus wrote the Old Notebook Theory" any credibility.
My last reason was the Poke Anime and I talked a bit about it in a comment the other day. I have since looked it up and the D/P Anime aired the same day as the D/P Game Release, in Japan at least. So the 2nd most prevalent and remembered version of Cyrus is an ASS. The Anime did a great job of showing us the double life he was living, smiling and dressing/acting normal, albiet hammy, in front of Cynthia and that one old lady. But for a cold, stoic villian, he was super agressive, loud, short-tempered and dismissive in the anime. In that clip you shared, he wasn't calmly explaining why fighting was useless, he was about to snap on his admins. He yelled at someone else to (Ash I think). So it didn't even do a good job of portraying him as the kind of villian he was supposed to be, though this may have been because the series ended in 2011, so it may have been affected by the Platinum retcons.
But yeah, I'm also kinda sad about how people see Cyrus, but it isn't surprising. For everyone who "grew out of" pokemon or just never played Platinum, USUM, PokeMas or BDSP, they have to go back and relearn everything and not everyone does that. Nor will everyone want to because again, some people wanted Cyrus to be genuinely evil. And even if they do want to learn what changed and are open to it, they have to sift through years of content saying he was actually that bad.
It was a nightmare explaining to two of my homies why I was suddenly trying to write fanfic and draw fanart of him because they didn't get the memo.
Quick correction - It is not a theory that the old man is Cyrus's grandpa. It's confirmed from my understanding. Which it means Cyrus is likely an abuse victim (though, what Cyrus was going through was never entirely specified. Just that it was bad enough to concern his grandfather.)
I will note that his characterisation did change between Diamond-Pearl and Platinum (and now BDSP has introduced younger people to the pre-Platinum story), so I will give them that. But specifically, I was on the USUM battle theme still seeing it. (Interestingly, not at all on the BDSP rendition, though. Maybe because it's just Sinnoh fans who already know everything.) One of the top comments was ironically a joke about him seeing the Rotom Dex and wanting to kill everyone.
I think his character is really just generally misunderstood because of how subtle everything was is what I was originally trying to say. Like you said, some of it is general literacy issues. It just makes me sad to see him so misunderstood... I think Game Freak did a really good job writing him. Though, he does clearly read as emotional in both Diamond-Pearl and Platinum. At least, seeing his little chibi march up to you in BDSP after you ruin his plans really shows how emotional he truly is. While the Rotom Room journal is clearly only a theory, I do truly think he is the only logical character who fills that role so well. (Charon 100% would use Cyrus's childhood trauma journal for its precious Rotom research without a doubt seeing how quick he was to try to take over Team Galactic.)
I am glad that they gave him depth rather than just making him a generic bad guy... Actually, considering that Platinum was just before BW (well, a few years but development wise, I mean), I think it might have been their first steps into more character driven plots. I do hope people end up looking more into Cyrus, but I know he isn't the most popular villain at all. (I believe that crown goes to either Archie or Guzma. Or. Well. Lusamine, actually, probably.)
I convinced my friend by telling her about the Rotom Room stuff, actually. She already liked Cyrus since she is super into Sinnoh, but apparently, learning that he was besties with Rotom when he was a child sold her. Now she bravely helps me write for him sometimes lmao. My other friend, however... She still doesn't believe that he's actually 27.
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Granted. Youtube comment section opinions should probably always be discarded.
Except maybe... This one. This is the only good and acceptable one lmao
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clairelsonao3 · 2 years ago
AITA for being suspicious of my boss/ brother's new protege? (Tag Game)
Another awesome open tag I haven't seen anywhere else, and I had to jump on from @smzeszikorova. This one was hilarious and gave me an opportunity to do the unreliable narrator thing and get into the POV of one of the villains from Good Slaves Never Break the Rules, although, for the maximum fun factor, I wrote it as if it could be a real letter from someone in our world.
Instructions: Write an AITA question from the POV of one your OCs.
This one's kind of involved, I know, but if anyone wants to try it, it's a good character-building exercise! Gently tagging:
@romanceandshenanigans @mysticstarlightduck @tabswrites
Anyway, for anyone who hasn't read the story and doesn't care about spoilers (or even if you have), I'm curious, based just on this, who do you think is the asshole here:
My half-brother (45M) and I (41F) are the most important people in each other's lives.
Below the cut are possible spoilers for Ch. 22 onward and mentions of noncon, trauma, and child abuse:
We were subject to severe abuse as children and our bond was the only reason we survived. Although we lost touch for a few years as kids, we eventually reconnected after he became financially successful. He's been a mentor to me ever since and even paid for my entire education, and now I work for him in his multimillion-dollar business as his head of research and development. I'm leading up a project that means a lot to both of us personally, a project so important it could disrupt the entire economy and change people's lives for the better all over the world. Achieving it is our lifelong dream!
The problem is, he's recently hired this new guy (19M) -- who has no formal education and has never even held a job, by the way -- who he seems convinced is scientifically gifted and that he is determined to make his protege in the business. They're hanging out together all the time and seem to be becoming BFFs. Plus, he's paying this guy almost as much as he pays me, gave him money for a brand-new designer wardrobe, and even a Porsche! And he's always talking about how great this new guy is; it's like he thinks he's the son he never had or something.
But I'm convinced the new guy is a complete fraud who must have somehow conned my brother into hiring him. First of all, he's telling my brother that I'm mentally unstable and I threatened and assaulted him (okay I admit it, I did, but it wasn't my fault! I'm traumatized from a childhood full of abuse and have trouble controlling my impulses sometimes. I'm working on it in therapy -- or at least I was before I got thrown out for allegedly trying to grope my therapist, but it was all just a misunderstanding.)
Even worse, the new guy is always snooping around the office and going places he shouldn't. He claims he's looking for his missing sister (17F), who used to work here, but I don't know anything about that! He's even gone so far as to claim that I'm defrauding the company and exploiting and harming the young women who work for me, which is ridiculous. In exchange for them helping me with my research, I'm giving them money, housing, support, and a better life than they ever dreamed of, which is more than I got as a child!
Bottom line, I think he's a liar, a con artist, and is trying to alienate my brother from me so he can take over the business and destroy everything we're building.
I told my brother everything, but he doesn't believe me! He claims I'm just jealous and paranoid and that I must just want to bang this guy (okay, maybe, but that's beside the point, and besides, I feel that way about pretty much everyone. What can I say, I have a healthy sex drive). And also that I'm just trying to distract my brother from the fact that my project is stalled and making no headway -- even though everyone knows groundbreaking research takes time and can't be rushed!
I can't believe my brother isn't supporting me in this. He knows how fragile and traumatized I am, but he sometimes forgets, which is why I try to remind him of it as much as I can. AITA for being afraid of losing my brother and everything we've worked so hard for?
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lupon · 3 years ago
Rewatching season 3 and I just wanted to talk about this scene because I think it actually gave us a lot more insight into Mike's mentality than I initially thought. This ended up getting pretty long and being a lot more about Mike and Hoppers similarities with their relationship with El as I went lol
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"Lately I guess I've been feeling distant from you. Like you're pulling away from me or something"
M: "I don't know, maybe I feel like I lost you or something"
M: "Maybe you should have reached out more"
W: "If she was mean to you or if it seemed like she was pushing you away it's probably because she's scared of losing you, just like you're scared of losing her"
Not only were Will and El literally moving away, but Will started to metaphorically move away, which is what Hopper is referring to in his letter. In his last conversation with Will, he expressed his fear of Will finding a new party and moving on, while in his last conversation with El, they talked about plans to see each other again. Will was the one he was feeling distant from, not El. After they moved, Mike was upset because Will didn't call him or pay any attention to him when he arrived in California. Will later admits to pushing Mike away because he was scared of losing him.
Hopper then starts reminiscing on a time before she started dating Mike, when is was just the two of them playing playing games, eating junk food and watching westerns.
"But I know you're getting older. Growing. Changing"
It switches back to Mike at the word changing
"And I guess, if I'm being really honest, that's what scares me. I don't want things to change"
This is when Mike is looking back at the Byers house and turns to bike away. Then it switches to Will at the word change
M: "Maybe I was a little upset in the moment, but it doesn't matter, it doesn't change anything"
W: "You know, staring at that isn't going to change anything"
W: "I think it's just scary to open up like that, to say how you really feel. Especially to people we care about the most, because what if they don't like the truth?"
M: "What if you wanna join another party?"
M: "What if after all this is over, she doesn't need my anymore?"
M: "The truth is, when I stumbled on her in the woods, she just needed someone. It's not fate it's not destiny, it's just simple dumb luck, and one day she's gonna realize that I'm just some random nerd who got lucky that Superman landed on his doorstep"
W: "You're scared of losing her"
M: "I can't lose you"
M: "I should have explained myself, then maybe Eleven would have taken me with her and things would be different, but I don't know. I didn't know what to say"
M: "The truth is El, I don't know how to live without you"
M: "The truth is, the last year has been weird. I mean Max and Dustin and Lucas are great, they're great, but it's Hawkins it's not the same without you"
M: "It felt like a fight you can't come back from"
M: "I mean what did you think really? That we were never gonna get girlfriends? That we were just gonna sit in my basement and play games for the rest of our lives?"
W: "We could just play D&D and Nintendo for the rest of our lives"
The truth is, Mike is scared of change. He's scared of things being different from how they were before, just like Hopper. S2 Hopper also admitted "The back hole, it got her, and I've just been scared it would take you too. I think that's why I get so mad" We see him getting angry at Mike in s3 because he felt like Mike was "corrupting" (changing) El. Mike also claimed Max was "corrupting" El in s3. When writing the heart-to-heart letter though, Hopper acknowledges that El was growing and changing as a person, and that scares him. Mike was likely feeling the same, as he told El at the grocery store "I like that you and Max are friends now. It's just, I was jealous at first, and angry, and that's why I said all that stupid stuff"
Similarly, Mike became angry at Will is s4 because he felt like Will had completely changed and didn't care about him anymore. "You're mad that I didn't talk to you?" Once he got confirmation from Will that he still cared "That was you guys that saved me. That was you guys" he went on to explain how he felt like he lost Will, and how Hawkins "wasn't the same" without him and that he was being "a total self-piting idiot" After their fight in s3 when he told Will that times were different and they were growing up, he ran after him and said "I was being a total asshole" he's scared of losing Will and things "not being the same" similar to Hopper saying how he "can be so stupid" when he made up with El and apologized in S2.
El was shown during the lines "I know you're getting older" "life is always moving, wheather you like it or not" "remember the hurt. The hurt is good" El is moving forward with her life, getting older and moving on, while Mike is associated with the "I don't want things to change" "trying to stop that change" "turn back the clock" "make things go back to how they were" lines. The only thing Hopper said when Will was focused on was the word "change" Will is the change Mike is so scared of in this scene. Mike doesn't want things to change, because during this change, he feels like he's losing Will. He was afraid of Will joining a different party and moving on from him.
But he's also afraid of losing El, he's terrified of her not needing him anymore. He's scared she'll move on and he'll lose her from his life, and of who he is if he doesn't have her to rely on. When she isn't there, he's "just some random nerd" When she needed him in s1, he felt important Now that she's "beginning to understand she doesn't need him" he's terrified. He's scared because she's changing. Hopper is scared of the exact same thing "I left some eggos out in the woods and you came into my life. I started to feel things again. I started to feel happy" "I feel like my life started that day we found you in the woods"
They're both sacred of losing El. El made Hopper feel happy for the first time in years, and he came to accept that El was growing up and changing. He acknowledges how it was "naive, that's just not how life works." to think things could "go back to how they were" when El needed him.
"The truth is, when I stumbled on her in the woods, she just needed someone" "I feel like my life started that day we found you in the woods" parallels Hoppers "And then people started coming into my life, and I told myself they needed me. That wasn't true. That's a lie, they didn't need me, I needed them" which is EXACTLY what Mike is going through. Mike doesn't realize how much he depends on El and ties his relationship with her with his sense of self-worth. He feels like all he'll be is "some random nerd" if she doesn't need him anymore.
Hopper then encouraged El to "keep on growing up kid, don't let me stop you" While Mike was the total opposite; "I am scared that one day, you'll realize you don't need me anymore" "The truth is El, I don't know how to live without you" He is terrified of El changing and not needing him. He doesn't want her to change. He wants everything to stay the way that it was. Just. Like. Hopper. Only Hopper was able to break free of that mindset and accept that El had to drift away from him in order to grow and learn. "Keep on growing up kid, don't let me stop you" vs "I can't lose you. Do you hear me? I can't lose you"
Another interesting parallel to his monologue: "and yeah, sometimes it painful, sometimes it's sad. And sometimes, it's surprising. Happy. So you know what, keep on growing up kid. Don't let me stop you. Make mistakes, learn from em' and when life hurts you, because it will, remember the hurt. The hurt is good, it means you're out of that cave" Hopper talks about how hurt is a good thing, while Mike tries to avoid it at all costs. He hid himself and his intrests from her because he was scared her knowing would make her realize she didn't need him. "One day she's gonna realize that I'm just some random nerd" "I am scared that one day you'll realize you don't need me anymore. I thought that if I said how I felt, it would somehow make that day hurt more"
"So I think maybe that's why I came in here today, to try and maybe stop that change. To turn back the clock. To make things go back to how they were"
This is when Mike walks into his house and his mom comes to hug him, a parallel to s1 after they found Will's body. Mike wanted all the changes in his life to stop. So, he started playing D&D again and reconnecting with his friends to try and "turn back the clock" to a time when he was happy. To make things go back to how they were.
El on the other hand, was trying to progress. She tried making new friends, started new hobbies, and said how she used to miss Hawkins flowers, but she started to like Lenora's flowers too. El was trying to go forward with life, while Mike was trying to recapture a part of himself that he lost, hence "I hate high school"
They want different thing out of life. El wants to fit in and try new things, while Mike doesn't. The pineapple on pizza symbolized this, where El was quick to try it while Mike claimed it was bad without even having any. He then said it was good once he tried some. Mike is scared of change, but sometimes change can be surprising. Happy, even.
I think s4 will be focusing on Mike coming to terms with change, and realizing it isn't always such a bad thing. He'll need to learn how to let El go and allow her to live how she pleases, just like Hopper. He needs to learn that change can make him happy, even if it hurts.
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magnus-the-maqnificent · 3 years ago
So i think i have an answer as to why you can't find the quote about freedom. I mean the whole point of Mirai Nikki is that yuno and yuki DON'T have a stable and healthy relationship. So the reason you can't find that line is because it isn't real. It's actually romantic and lovely while the actual relationship between the two is completely toxic.
For yuki it's borderline Stockholm syndrome after being kidnapped by yuno while for yuno it is just an obsession. And honestly it's not even just them. One of the biggest points of tlh the anime is toxic relationships. The only relationship that is ok is maybe kurusu and his wife. And yuki and yuno's is the most unstable.
Her obsession with yuki is more of Yuki's concept than even the person he actually is.Yukki on the other hand sees her as useful and only accepts her affection while not trying to lighten Yuno's burdens.
Obsession, dependence and protection doesn't equal love but because of circumstances that need to stick together and that's when people may argue that they did fall in love but there is still no doubting the fact that they have a toxic relationship and rarely resolve their problems
There are redemptions during the series (mostly in the 3rd world) but even the fact that yuno's redemption was committing s*icide and that this is the thing that makes yuki the God to actually save the world proves that they were never meant to be and that together they are worse than separated
Of course people may disagree with what I'm saying but fore the anime was wayyy more a psychological view into toxicity of people in general with a marker that shows us how every one of our actions no matter how small have significance isln one way or another for good or bad
I get what you mean but there’s still the matter that I saw this line SOMEWHERE and it’s gnawing away at me 😭😭😭
I do disagree with you on some points tho - not about yunoteru being toxic, ofc, I do love a toxic shitfest of a ship, hand in unlovable hand and all. but mostly the point about Yuki’s Stockholm syndrome cause I’d say the kidnapping had the opposite effect on Yuki. Bitch literally slapped her in the face and ran as fast as he could. Yuki’s feelings imo gradually develop over the series but it’s hard to see cause it’s kinda inconsistent, especially in the early episodes when one episode ends with Yuki giving Yuno a kiss and in the very next he’s scared shitless at the very sight of Yuno 🤦‍♀️
And I kinda do agree with what you said about Yuno being in love with the idea of Yuki, and Yuki only using Yuno for protection, but that’s how they started out. Sure, they started out using each other but along the way they did come to love each other. And the dream world + redial just goes to prove that. They were both given the chance to step away from their circumstances, given the option to leave and lead peaceful, untraumatising lives and they still chose each other. That’s what makes their love solid, imo.
I don’t think that they’re worse together than separated, but I may be biased 😁 and yeah, technically they’re not meant to be together. Because futures never aligned for a happy ending, not in the survival game where only one of them can live on (which is what happens by the end of the show) and not in the third world, where the future changes so drastically that they never even met in the first place. But… they still overcome that??? And still find a way to be together??? *sniffs* anyways. Yeah.
I do agree with that last point. But at the same time, you gotta admit that yunoteru have a great love story despite the nature of their relationship and the themes of the show.
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athys-obelia · 4 years ago
character/s: claude de alger obelia, diana of siodonna, felix robane
synopsis: it's...uhm....an empress!diana x concubine!claude crackfic 😭😭
warning/s: uhh a sprinkle of politics, the robane duchy is now siodonnan and not obelian screw canon, diana is lowkey mean to rogrog
a/n: i'm so sorry this is so bad
part one
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felix's foot taps against the tiles of the empress' room impatiently. "you stayed up finalising the agreement all night, your majesty, perhaps some rest is due?"
diana spares him glance, turning sideways from her position on her bed. "what was his name again?"
  "the painter," she elaborates, pointing towards the painting on the ceiling above the bed. "i keep...i don't know, i keep finding new things the more i look at it."
  "is that so?"
the painting itself, a coronation gift from felix, depicts the goddess diana reaching out to the children of the world and vice versa. "if you look at the sky closely - remember our old siodonann classes?- 'for the people' is hidden in the stars. isn't that cool?"
the knight squints at the painting. "oh, i see it! i wonder why it's in old siodonann, though?"
  "i would guess it's because the imperial family wasn't worshipped in the old days," diana explains, "for example - right now, in some parts of the empire, my late father - bless him - and i may actually have shrines because people believe the imperial family's descent is from the gods. when the kingdom was just formed, though, kings and queens weren't allowed to ride alone in carriages as they greeted their subjects- they needed to have a slave with them at all times, who kept on repeating 'you are human' to them. 'you are human', 'we are all the same in the eyes of the true gods."
the sound of the army of maids behind the door is enough to pull felix out of his trance. "er...horatius calvus, your majesty."
  "the artist, that's his name."
  "ah." diana turns to the painting once more, eyes staring at the goddess' hair that melted into the night sky. "would you be able to get in contact with him? i'd like to commission a piece."
felix bows gracefully. "as your majesty commands. oh, and - for the obelian delegates' farewell celebration tonight...has your majesty decided on an escort?"
she groans, falling back on the bed. "i've had so much free time lately, the harem is all i think about!"
  "very funny, ma'am. then...shall i prepare the usual?"
diana shakes her head. "i'll visit viscaria palace later and see for myself. the obelians brought some concubines with them as presents, it's be nice to weed through the bunch."
felix's eyes nearly pop out. "you're visiting the harem?! your majesty! did you find someone you like??"
she chucks a pillow at him before he can continue. "you weren't loud enough just now, fe, i don't think all of siodonna heard you."
  "...apologies, ma'am."
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three years ago, when she had only just come into power, diana remembers being afraid of the large, gold doors between her and the council room. she remembers pausing before entering, regaining her breath, preparing her mind. projecting an image.
if there is one thing she has learnt, though, it's that only fools can be afraid of their own property. their assets. the larger-than-life doors swing at her command, allow or deny entrance with solely her permission. confidence comes easy when you act like you own the place - nevermind the fact that she did own most places.
but i have no reason to be afraid.
the obelian delegates stand at her arrival and bow like good little lords should before an empress. one of the more prominent ones stands to address her as soon as the meeting commences.
  "blessings and glory upon the sun of the great siodonnan empire," he says.
diana raises an amused eyebrow. this game, hm? "is that an obelian greeting, duke? how interesting. here, one would usually wish 'a long life to the protector of the siodonnan people'. that's all i am, after all - how could i be the sun?"
duke alpheus sputters. "er...i failed to acquaint myself with siodonnan culture appropriately, my apologies, your majesty. i shall do better next time."
how arrogant. still, she smiles, "i must confess, duke alpheus - i am slightly susceptible to praise, so i'll let you off this time."
  "thank you, ma'am."
  "although making the assumption that there will be a next time at all was quite courageous of you." diana signals the guards, who open the door to let the final participant of the meeting inside. "however -courage and bravery are traits best suited for kings and queens, duke. not lords."
the obelian delegates pale as they watch their - former - emperor, wrists bound, enter the hall with an entourage of knights.
diana glances at the newcomer. "although i suppose even for an emperor, too much of a bravado may cost a war."
anastacius de alger obelia glowers at her.
she frowns at the knights. "how come such a precious friend of mine is tied up like this? is this how we siodonnans treat our guests?"
felix bows deeply. "i apologise, ma'am - he was resisting far too much."
  "whatever the case. get a seat set up right here, beside me - after all," diana smiles at the fuming obelian, "we were dining together just a few months ago, weren't we?"
  "three months ago, to be precise," anastacius spits out, "after which you decided to switch tides and invade us like a coward."
she watches one of the knights set down a fancy chair to the left of hers, reaching out to untie the bindings on anastacius' wrist. diana frowns suddenly, waving over felix, "ah, is this the leash my brother used when he tamed his dragon?"
the former emperor flinches, staring down at it. "someone here tamed a dragon?" a light pink dusts his cheeks - did he really touch the actual leash of a dragon?
felix shakes his head with a small smirk. "this is the leash her majesty the late dowager empress used, ma'am. for her dog."
  "-ah, right, i remember now! all the ones marked with this little purple line are used for tying down senseless animals, aren't they?"
  "yes, your majesty." felix returns to his spot behind her, clear amusement swimming in his grey eyes as he watches the obelians try and maintain their composure.
diana gently lets the leash loose, a hand on the stunned anastacius' shoulder to lightly push him into the seat. "you aren't wrong - i did betray your hospitality, didn't i?"
roger alpheus winces at the sudden authority in her tone as the knights pass out a document to each of the obelian lords.
  "obelia's greeting and offer for peace was kind to me, so i must return this generosity. your country is now part of the siodonnan empire, so we should be parting on a good note. will a little present suffice?"
a brunette diana remembers to be a count speaks up, "...a gift, your majesty?"
felix moves closer to the table, watching the detailed map of siodonna carved into its centre. as he raises his hand, almost as if it were a chess piece, a small island moves to the left. its color flickers between a siodonnan purple and the obelian teal.
diana sighs. "i was planning on the island of delphine, since it not only contains a relatively large gold mine, but also much tourist attraction."
oh, she can see the stars in alpheus' eyes already. "thank you, your ma-"
  "but." he shrivels under her piercing gaze, "but, obelia doesn't need gold, does it? what you need is better foreign relations. and what better way to form an alliance..."
she eyes the map, and with a flick of felix's wrist, a small stretch of land connecting two continents switches from its original purple to a hue of blue.
diana looks up now, meeting even anastacius' shocked eyes. he eyes her suspiciously, "do you really-?"
she nods. "...consider it a gift from your sovereign. it is enough, yes?"
  "i- uh," duke alpheus blinks twice, "the isthmus of erven is...an adequate present, yes, your majesty. the people of obelia shall thrive due to your generosity."
  "it is not generosity, duke. your people are my subjects now. however, i hope you realise the isthmus isn't obelian property for obvious reasons. there is no trust between us. despite this, what i will allow is some access." diana stands, watching the foreign nobles mirror the action. "the terms and conditions of our relationship from this point onwards are in the papers before you and are, obviously, subject to change. feel free to approach me with concerns, should you have any."
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  "you were firmer than i'd expected with the obelians, your majesty," felix comments.
diana recoils as his eyes light up at the sight of viscaria palace. "remember when i visited obelia for anastacius' coronation? i was only seventeen, but two years into my studies as heir - and they were all over duke renauld's son! poor cousin ronnie couldn't stop apologising."
felix snorts. "the renaulds wouldn't have dared challenge your majesty's claim, not while the late empress dowager was behind you."
  "ha! that's right, everyone was scared of mama." she grins fondly, "papa most of all."
the knight nods, murmuring a prayer.
  "i want them gone as soon as possible," diana admits, "but there's much to settle before that. i need to fix up anastacius before we can let him back, the second prince is still...what was his name, again?"
  "claude de alger obelia, ma'am."
she winces. "yes, he's an impo-"
a commotion sounds from within viscaria. felix raises an eyebrow at the shouts echoing from the beautiful building, a hand already atop his sheathed sword. "ma'am, stay back, i'll have a look- your majesty! where are you going-?!"
navigating through the decorated halls, diana halts before the entrance of the garden. the argument is between two men she doesn't recognise, as the older concubines gather to the side, amusing twinkling in their eyes.
  "attention!" felix roars, "her imperial majesty, empress diana celeste!"
the two freeze in fear.
  "disrupting my peace. how dare you?" diana demands.
one of them, dressed too finely for someone she hadn't even seen yet, steps forward. "your majesty, my name is xerre, i was only-"
she raises a hand, effectively shutting him up. tone softening, diana turns to the group crowding around the desert table. "lex?"
the group shuffles to let a young, silver haired young man forward. lex bows gracefully, laugh lines around his eyes crinkling. "yes, my lady?"
  "do you know what happened here?"
lex nods. "the monthly salary was being distributed, your majesty, and xerre - being a present from the kingdom of masur - had some trouble believing his amount was the same as a former obelian slave's. verhan stepped in to argue that your majesty was the one to decide this, and they began fighting."
  "shall i prepare for his voyage back to masur, majesty?" felix asks, as the rest of the concubines roll their eyes at his antics.
diana studies the masurian concubine, beckoning him closer. "it is common knowledge i do not generally accept gifted concubines from territories out of my own."
she watches his adam's apple rise and fall, tracing a nail over the well defined jawline. xerre shivers.
  "however, your king is new to his throne, and his queen one of my dearest friends. do you realise how our alliance will look were i to send you back?"
he nods cautiously.
  "i do not wish to withdraw support from someone i consider a brother, xerre. especially when he is engaged in armed conflict on two fronts."
  "i- i am prepared for any punishment your majesty deems appropriate."
diana sighs softly. "i would send you to work for me in the capitol, but the rules state every concubine entering must reside here for a certain amount of time. until then, bear with it. this palace, and a life of luxury, is only meant for my favorites. clear?"
  "yes, your majesty."
  "my apologies, ma'am," felix says once the crowd disperses, his head hanging. "i should've prepared for your arrival with more care."
she waves off the apology, heading to the guest hall to take a look at the new obelian  concubines.
  "vera leaves for her son's wedding for a week and we've already had an incident. honestly, felix."
  "...who's vera?"
diana pauses at the unfamiliar voice. her gaze falls on the figure sitting on the window seat, entirely immersed in the book in his hands. she blinks, stunned, watching the colourful window's filtered light paint the brilliant blonde of his hair.
felix is the first to address him, scoffing, "i believe your majesty's beauty has enchanted one of the gods - who else would dare address the empress of our nation so casually?"
diana chuckles, watching as the man stands, intrigued. she stays silent, breath hitched, as he towers over her, studying her with a curiosity that rivals hers from a moment ago. and only when he finally lowers himself to a knee does his hair part, and diana flushes at the red tinting his ears.
  "greetings to her imperial majesty, may the gods grant the protector of the siodonnan people a life long and blessed."
she offers him her hand. "rise. and tell me your name."
a beat of silence passes as he stares at her outstretched hand before hesitantly accepting. "claude, your majesty."
  "claude," diana tries, finding it rolls of her tongue deliciously.
he raises an eyebrow as she regards him. "your majesty...?"
diana smiles, her hand moving to touch the various jewellery adorning his fingers. gently, she slides off the gold ring off of his ring finger. "you must have a good reason to be donning an unauthorized magical item in my palace."
he doesn't answer, head lowered.
her hand lets go of his, raising to grip the blonde's jaw. diana tilts up his face, meeting his gaze. the dull grey eyes from before have vanished, replaced by glittering blues.
she inhales sharply. "you're...the obelian pr...the second prince of obelia."
he nods.
diana turns, more puzzled than angry. "why is he in my harem?"
  "... didn't your majesty wish for it?" felix tilts his head in confusion.
  "what? no?"
the knight frowns. "but i was so sure...your majesty said you didn't have an heir because you wanted a concubine as beautiful as me...when we took over the imperial palace, as the army swore their allegiance...your majesty said the prince was the prettiest you’ve ever seen?"
  "i- felix, i was kidding!"
she turns to the prince then, "and you! you're a prince! how come you just went along with this??"
  "well...it was the most peaceful part of the palace..."
diana gapes at the two men, before finally sighing in defeat. "you're telling me i was scouring the lands for you, while you were right...?" she raises a hand to massage her temple, "...gods grant me patience."
felix cautiously steps forward, "your majesty...i understand this is shocking, but... tonight's escort..."
she glances up at the obelian prince. "allow them all to retire. i've found the perfect escort."
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a/n: hmmm this was a bit empty claudiana wise, wasn't it? their development is coming though, i had to give empress!diana an intro :) also !! the situation may seem a bit confusing rn, but next chapter will clear things up! or you can just ask me for clarification <3
💕 felix is dying to find a concubine diana likes bc he really really really wants to be an uncle
💕 in siodonna, emperors/empresses are referred to by their first(diana) + middle name(celeste) and not a last name bc they technically can't belong to a house, they belong to the empire. but the middle name is important bc you have to ask for it (from someone you love and respect usually), you're never just born with one (so you could ask a parent / friend / mentor yada yada and they give you a name they believe fits best)
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wendystales · 4 years ago
Memories - lrh (Chapter Fourteen)
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Memories (also on Wattpad)
Chapter Thirteen ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ Chapter Fifteen
We stopped in front of the new location of The Art of Taste, where a group of people were waiting to enter. The entire facade was lit with small bulbs wrapped around the bushes, which framed the outside.
My mom is the first out of the car, excited, barely expecting Luke and me. She takes the lead, going straight to security and showing us our invitations.
“She's very excited”. Hemmo comments from beside me, offering me his arm.
“You have no idea.” I open a smile.
We followed my mother as she led the way, looking for Mr. Marshall. I appreciate the decor of the place and fall in love with the small wooden bridge that leads into the restaurant, passing by a pond with koi.
"Debra! You came!” Mr. Marshall approaches as excited as my mother. “You’re stunning.” her cheeks blush.
“Oh, not that much. It's an old little dress I had in the back of the closet.” she lowers her head shyly.
"Didn't she say she bought the dress today?" Luke whispered confusedly to me, almost making me laugh. I watch the two lovebirds praising and flirting like two teenagers.
"Marnie! I'm happy for your presence too.” he hugs me. “You must be Luke! Debra talks about you a lot.” he opens a sympathetic smile.
Subtly, I widen my eyes at my mom, wanting to scold her, but she just shrugged, ignoring me. Luke smiles sympathetically and handles the situation perfectly.
Mr. Marshall takes us to a more private table and away from the window for more privacy. I sit next to Luke, having a full view of whoever enters the restaurant.
“I'm going to have the menu degustations served, and if you don't mind, I'm going to steal Debra for a while.” he smiles at my mother.
“Be my guest!” I open a tight smile, very happy for them.
"Is there something I should know?" Luke asks me after the two walk away arm in arm.
“They're in love, but they don't know what to do.” Summary, still watching the them.
"I can't believe you didn't tell me about it." Luke repeats the same thing I said yesterday. I let out a laugh, disbelieving his audacity.
“Sorry, there was no time.” I raise my eyebrows, like he does.
Yesterday was a special night with Luke. After Urban Light, we went to Santa Monica, to sit on the sand and watch the sea, illuminated by the lights from the pier. It was fun to have this time with him without anyone looking at us like fools for whatever move we made.
It was nice to meet him and know everything he likes and dislikes, as well as getting to know the band's history better. For moments like this, just the two of us, I could let him get closer, totally letting my guard down and creating a better relationship.
Of course because of this endless conversation we had and cause we got super late back home, today I woke up looking like a zombie and only managed to get out of bed by a miracle. But even tired, I would do everything exactly the same, just to be able to spend this time with him.
"Should we wait for the girls?" I question, seeing a board of small toast and various types of sauces and pates being served to us.
“I believe not!” he's the first to take the toast and dip it in a red sauce.
I follow him, quickly taking two and sinking into the same sauce. Tomato and basil. I let out an exclamation when I taste it. I start to eat more, after all, I didn't even have time to have lunch today and I didn't even want to, because I knew I would eat here.
I had invited everyone to come to the opening today, but only Luke, Leah, and Kyleen agreed right away. Calum, Ash and Noah had other commitments and Michael also tried to use this one, but Ashton soon revealed the lie, saying that he was actually going on a date, with that Sophie.
"You didn't have lunch today, did you?" I stop the toast in the air, mouth open, watching Luke look me curious.
“I didn’t have time.” I answer a little embarrassed.
“Well, if we run out of those toast, just ask for more.” he takes one more, sinking now into a green pate. I watch his face, trying to guess what that would be.
“Pesto?” I ask, looking at the pot. Luke denies it. I smell the content not identifying much.
"A bitter taste." he make a face. “No! It's a good bitter.” he adds quickly.
When I least notice, Hemmings and I are playing russian roulette with sauce and pates. We just don't know how to just eat quietly, we have to play.
"Bad?" I ask, watching him close his eyes and wrinkle his nose. Luke nodded, swallowing and eating another toast with the tuna pate, which was what we liked best.
"A taste of… I can't explain it. Eats!” he offers me the toast with the white pate and small green bits.
“No! Don't you know what it is and want to push it to me?” I drop the toast on my plate, wanting distance.
Interrupting our little discussion, Leah and Kyleen arrive.
“Sorry we’re late. There was an accident on the expressway. Have you started eating yet?” Leah glances across the table sulkily.
"M&Ms didn't have lunch." Luke hands it to me. I slap his arm.
“Great, there are two of us.” Kiki smiles, already eating some toast. "What is this one?" she points to the weird pate.
“We haven't eaten yet, but try it there.” Hemmings encourages, surprising me with his performance. I stare at him laughing.
Like Luke, Kiki grimaces, disapproving of the pate. I offer my glass of juice to her, which she drinks in one gulp.
“This is horrible. What is that?” she whispers disgustedly.
Luke steals the menu from the next table, looking for the pate. I squint at the ingredients: ricotta, gorgonzola and pickles. I understand why it's horrible.
It doesn't take long and more stuff arrives at our table. Once again, we started our russian roulette, trying everything out and grading, as if we were at MasterChef. We really don't have maturity for anything.
Looking at the restaurant entrance, I start nudging Luke, flustered, discreetly asking him and the girls to look too. Surprised and excited, we watched Michael approach our table, hand in hand with a girl shorter than him.
“Is it her?” I try to contain my excited voice.
“It's her!” Hemmo confirms.
“Okay! But who is she?” Kyleen asks, lost.
“They met at a game match and now Michael is in love.” I almost run over my words, trying to deliver the information before they arrived.
"I didn't tell you." Luke already takes his off the line.
“Hey!” Michael sighs standing next to the table.
“Hey!” aside from Luke, the girls and I were all smiles.
“This is Sophie! My friend.” Mike introduces. The girl with dark hair and two streaks white, like Narcissa in Harry Potter, smiles shyly.
“Sorry for the delay, we got lost.” her voice is low.
“Actually, I didn't want to come.” Michael doesn't even bother to lie. If it wasn't a public place, I'd throw a shoe on him.
Sophie excuses herself and heads to the bathroom as we pull another table for them. Michael sits across from Luke, leaving Sophie in mine and Leah beside her.
“Please, I'll pay you whatever you want, but don't embarrass me.” Mike begs. “I like her a lot.” he admits it quietly.
"Awn!" me and the girls hold hands, dying of love.
“I hate you.” he declares.
“To show that we are willing to help, do not eat the white pate. It’s not from this world. And not in the good way.” Leah warns him.
Sophie returns to the table, taking a seat across from me. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice how Michael's posture becomes tense. He's so into her. Without needing much, we start a conversation and Sophie slowly walks in, forming a group.
“This gaming field must be shit, right? I mean, for who is a woman, isn't it?” Kyleen asks.
“Yea! No man likes to lose to a woman. They never accept that I play better than they do. Cause of this, when Michael called me, I thought he was going to argue with me.” she gives a shy smile.
"Actually, I was going to ask for my shield back." he gives an ashamed laugh.
"And complain to me how you lost." she completes, making him laugh. The way they look at each other makes my heart melt.
The four of them get carried away on a subject as I approach Luke.
“They're really cute.” I whisper.
"I think we're both a lot cuter." he snaps, smiling. I open a smile, denying the way he's sassy.
“You were not like this.” I comment with a smile. I take my gaze to the hall, finding my mother walking with Mr. Marshall, still arm in arm. "I think they're cuter than us." Luke follows my gaze.
“All right! She's your mother, I'll give you my arm. Do you think they'll be together?”
“I hope!”
“Are you gossiping about Debra?” I am startled by Kyleen approaching me and joining in our conversation.
"What's the gossip with Debra?" Leah already turns her attention to us.
"Is there gossip about Debra?" Michael leans against the table, moving closer.
I look at the curious faces trying to identify how my mom became the subject of the table. If she knows this, she will kill me!
"Don't let her know that." I declare before I lean against the table and tell her about my mother and Mr. Marshall.
I feel terrible, not only for the cramps and indisposition, but mainly for having to cancel with Luke. I've waited so long for this date and now I'm here, lying on the couch, suffering for being born a woman.
“Here.” Leah hands me a pain killer and a hot water bottle. I lay my head on her lap, wanting to cry. “It's OK.” she repeats calmly as she cuddles me. She knows why. “You can go out next week, he won't change his mind until then.”
“I know he won’t, but…” I catch my throat, not wanting to accept that I would cry about this, but I can't control it, letting a few tears fall. Damn hormones. “I don't know if I can make it another week, I was so excited.” my voice crack it. “Stop laughing!” I scream when I feel her body move.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! But you look so funny like this. Sorry.” she hugs me, holding back her laughter.
Before I can complain, the doorbell rings and I'm grateful that Kiki has finally arrived with food and a lap where I can cry more. Leah runs to open the door and I feel my heartbeat stop for seconds when his voice reaches me. I lift my head, seeing him come in full of bags and a Petunia on a leash.
“What are you doing here?” I quickly dry my face and try to fix my hair. I look awful. Luke looks at me confused and opens his arms, as if the answer is wide open there.
“I came to take care of you, of course.” he laughs. Leah is behind him, smiling like hell.
I sink my face into the pillow, wanting to cry more. I don't deserve him. I don’t deserve. Luke lets go of Petunia, who runs off to try to climb onto the couch and lick me. Leah helps Luke empty the bags in the kitchen.
While they straighten everything out in the kitchen, I go back to tidying up my appearance, trying to look at least presentable.
"I brought some soup that Calum made. Pain killers, sweets and some facial masks, This always helps you relax and get better.” he comes closer and I just want to bury myself. I look awful.
“I can't believe you came here and still brought all this.” my heart melts at the attitude and smile he gives.
"I'm sorry if you thought you were going to get rid of me." he sits beside me with a bowl of soup, pleasant smell by the way. I move closer, almost getting under his arms and snuggling into his chest. However, I still keep a safe distance and control my urges to cling to him.
“Well, since you’re very well cared for and accompanied. I think I'm on my way.” Leah still has the smile. “Get well.” she kisses my cheek. "Anything, call me. And you, take good care of her.” she orders Luke.
“Promise!” he raises his right hand.
Leah left, leaving us alone. Petunia lying on my lap, curious about the hot water bottle. Luke beside me, holding the bowl and spoonful of broth toward me.
"You know you don't have to spoon-feed me, don't you?" I ask before opening my mouth.
"Can you let me take care of you?" he counters, falsely sulking.
“You can, just don't need…”
“Sh-sh! Eat the soup.” he advances another spoonful into my mouth. I roll my eyes, silent.
"Calum who did it?" I ask impressed, after a few spoonfuls.
“He's been taking some cooking lessons, especially now that he's turned vegetarian.”
"You should do it too, to stop making eggs in the microwave." I let a fake smile in the end.
"Worried about me?" he asks smiling.
"Shut up and give me the soup." I ignored him, taking a deep breath and not smiling under his amused gaze.
Between spoonfuls, I play with Petunia, already feeling much better. At least the urge to cry has passed.
"You said you brought candy." I knelt on the couch, watching him carry the bowl of soup to the sink. Luke laughs, grabbing some white and pink boxes from the fridge.
“Yes, I believe sugar can help.” he puts the boxes on the table and pulls Petunia onto the rug. “You don’t!” she barks. “You can’t!” she barks louder. “Hey! Come! I'll give you your food.” I watch her follow him into the kitchen.
I open the first white box seeing a generous piece of Red Velvet. I pick up the fork he brought and already steal a piece. In the second box, I find four cupcakes and four donuts. My eyes widen as I open the third box.
"Did you go to Mr. Marshall's restaurant?" I question shocked.
“Yea! You said you liked his chocolate cake. He made this one especially for you.” I look at the smaller size cake.
“I don't remember him decorating with M&Ms.” I comment, stealing a piece already.
“Oh, I asked him to do it.”
I close my eyes, letting my body react to that information any way it wants to. He asked them to put M&Ms on my cake because he knows I like it.
Luke returns to sit beside me, picking up a white chocolate cupcake. I hold the box of Red Velvet in my lap, recklessly eating the cake.
"Argh! I feel so guilty. I'm going to get fat like this.” I complain, but without stopping eating.
“You are indisposed, you can eat what you want. Tomorrow we worry about our weight.” Luke speaks with his mouth full.
"I thought you didn't like red desserts." I comment, watching him take a full fork of my cake.
“How do you know that?” he looks at me curiously. Then I realize I've been cornered.
“In an interview last year.” then I fill my mouth, making it impossible for me to continue the conversation.
"Are you still googling me?" he puts again that amused/satisfied smile on his face.
“Of course, you were my boyfriend. I need to know what kind of people I'm getting involved with.” I shrug.
“I understood. Well, I really don't like it. I don't understand the need to make it red.”
“It's to be more aesthetically beautiful. It's like wearing makeup. You use it and looks more beautiful, it enhances your beauty.” Luke stares at me, holding back his laughter. I've seen this same expression when I defended my M&M’s organizer.
“Well, I know you're crazy about this cake, so I brought it.” he shrugs, like it's no big deal. But for me it's something. If Luke still has any intentions of winning me back, he's doing great.
“Thanks.” I advance toward him, kissing his cheek in shyly. I notice Luke is ashamed too, but maintains his pose.
After we stuff ourselves with candy. Luke and I were in the bathroom, trying to put on those face masks. At first I thought he brought it just for me, but when I saw him putting it on, I understood that he would participate body and soul in that night with me.
“This isn't right.” he comments still struggling with that piece of material.
"You didn't put it upside down, did you?" I approach trying to help.
“No! The eyes are here. So why don't stay?” I see the mask slip off his face. I hold back a laugh, taking the material from his hands.
"If you take the cape off, it stays." I pull out the plastic that holds the oils and put it on his face.
“Makes more sense.” he comments, watching me massage his face. “I need to shave.” he says as I massage his cheeks.
“No!” the answer comes out faster than I can think.
Luke stares at me in surprise at the revelation. With my hands still on his face, I notice the mood and walk away, drying my hands.
“And now?” I stare at him behind me in the mirror. Luke just raises his hands and shakes his fingers, demonstrating that we're going to get our nails done. The scene itself is so funny it makes me laugh. He's the best boyfriend anyone could have. "I think we'd better wait the twenty minutes for the mask, so as not to blur our work."
“Truth. Let's get back to the series then.” he turns around, his back to me, crouching down a little. I grab his shoulders and push off, climbing on his back. And like this, we go back to the room, on piggyback.
I go back under the covers, grateful that I'm sitting down because my legs are killing me. How can something that stays in the womb fuck my entire body? I shift uncomfortably, not finding a position that would make my legs stop hurting.
“Is it everything OK?” he asks, hitting play on The Office.
“My legs.” I answer softly, lying down on the couch with my head next to him.
“Turn. Put your legs here.” he pats his lap. I roll over on the couch, leaving my legs in his lap, where within seconds Luke starts massaging my legs.
I roll my eyes, feeling my body soften. A moan wants to escape, but I hold it with all the strength in the world, along with the treacherous declaration that explodes in my chest. They were three dangerous words that could mess with him more than anything else.
“You are incredible!” I exchange the words, feeling more secure in that expression. The blonde chuckles, shaking his head as he squeezes my foot.
I can't focus for a minute on TV. The feel of him touching my skin so gently and stiffly steals all my attention. I shift my gaze between him and the screen so I don't get so in the face that I'm staring at him.
After twenty minutes of the mask, we went back to the bathroom, washing our faces and then starting to do our nails. I'm sitting, glued to Luke, my hand propped up on a pillow in his lap as he applies the black nail polish. Once again I shift my gaze between him and the new episode, but I don't care if he catches me staring in the meantime.
"Did we do that a lot?" I inquire softly. Luke doesn't answer me with words, too focused on his work, just nodding his head positively.
“Especially when you were feeling bad, or when I was really tired and stressed out.” he complements after finishing a hand. “Tv shows, candies, beauty treatments and massage. Once you wanted to invent climbing on my back, massaging me with your feet.” he starts to smile, still focused.
“I'm sorry.” I lay my head against his shoulder. Let out a low laugh, focused on him.
“It wasn't one of our best ideas. But I can't deny that it wasn't good.”
"Were you happy with me? I mean, we had a good relationship, didn't we?” I question after a while.
Luke stops and stares at the wall, maybe thinking. I analyze your profile apprehensive about the delay. Then his eyes connect to mine. It's like a screen, I don't need the answer anymore, it's there, explicit in the glow of his eyes.
“Yes. I believe we had a great relationship.” he goes back to painting my nails, putting the last coat on.
“Itn't was those weird, honeyed types, was it?” curiosity takes me more every second. Luke holds back a laugh, denying it.
“No! I tried once, but you hit me with the pillow. But that's not our style either. It's like wanting Leah to be cute.” he shrugs. "Don't let her know that." he looked at me in alarm.
“I won’t! Honestly, I'm glad it's you here.” he stops and looks at me curiously. “You know…not that she's not amazing. Even because she was taking really good care of me, but…” I swallow with his gaze so fixed on me. Oh Lord, where are the words?! “You are you!” I shrug. "Don't let her know that." I ask in an alarmed way, as well as he.
“I'm me?” he turns more to me.
“Yeah!” I take a deep breath, trying to find myself in the mess I decided to make. “You seem to know how to handle this whole situation and cause…" Why is it so hard for me to say that I enjoy his company? “You know…I like being with you.” I whisper, wanting to crumble into thin air and disappear.
I lower my gaze, not holding that moment. I've known Luke for a month. I know that he only has size and age in his identity, that inside he is as child and silly as the guys. But there's something about him, so subtle and unobtrusive, that intimidates me so much.
“I like being with you too… but something tells me you already know.” the playful tone breaks the pit of shame I was in. I open a shy smile, going back to watching him finish painting my nails.
“Can I ask you something?” I question fearfully, after he finishes. Luke nodded. "How was that day? The one from the accident.”
He just stops. His jaw locks and that glint in his eyes fades. He leans back against the sofa, snorting. I feel bad for causing this discomfort. I'm even thinking about withdrawing the question, however, Luke is already starting to speak.
“You had gone to rehearse for Vogue and then we were supposed to go to lunch cause I turned off your alarm, and then you were late and we can't have breakfast together.” he narrates quietly and with a lost look.
"Why did you turned off my alarm?" I frown, confused.
"Cause I thought that way you'd stay home with me." I pick up my lips, pressing them together so I don't laugh at his pout. “Well, I was at the restaurant when it happened. The manager came to me and told me what happened, apparently was already on the news.” he takes a deep breath before continuing. “I was the first to arrive, but you were already in attendance, so I only saw you in your room a couple hours later.”
"The nurse said you slept there." I comment quietly, letting my mind wander to that day. Your cheeks are easily pink.
"I wasn't leaving your side." he answers in the same tone.
“Sorry I got you into this. And for being stupid the first time we met…again.” I add.
“It's OK! I mean, it was kind of good.” I widen my eyes, not understanding. “By making you fall in love with me again, I also ended up falling in love with you all over again.”
My heart races. The revelation takes me by surprise, not giving me time to hide the stupid grin gaping at my face. I roll my eyes, looking at the TV, which is currently playing with Jim asking Pam on a date. Ironically, she had the same stupid smile as mine.
"I never said I'm in love with you." I try to maintain my dignity, or whatever I'm supposed to maintain at a time like this.
“It's just a matter of time.” Out of the corner of my eye, I see him shrug. “You've already admitted that you like being with me. For those who hated me in that hospital, enjoying my presence is already a big step forward.”
I bite my lip, closing my eyes. He can’t be serious.
"I never said I hated you." I look at him, who was focused on the TV.
"And you never said you're not in love with me either." he blinks, smiling in amusement.
“I hate you!” I say loud enough.
“In seventh grade, when a girl said she hated a boy, it's because she liked him.” Luke comments, leaving me speechless, my mouth hanging open. "I will take your silence as a yes."
I kneel down on the couch, taking the pillow from my lap and hitting it. Hemmings starts to laugh as he shields himself from the flurry of beatings I give him. My God, how I hate him.
I return to sit on the couch more relieved, but still with my heart pounding. It's a mixture of very random feelings. I want to hit him at the same time I want to kiss him as I sink his head into the coffee table, telling him how much I like him.
The desire to let these feelings take over me fascinates me. But that's not how I wanted everything to happen between us. Expected to be a little more romantic, with me more tidy and less messy.
"You made me smudge my nail." Finally, I accuse him, sulking.
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barnesandrogersfanfics · 5 years ago
Ocean Eyes - Part 10
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A/N- Another update??? What is going on??! hope you all enjoy this part 💕 Please like/share/reblog.
Within days of being back home from our weekend at Chris's the lockdown was announced and I spent a day packing up some of mine and Masons belongings that we might need while staying with Chris. While i was feeling very nervous about having to spend this time with Chris, Mason was over the moon! He was so excited that we had to go stay with Chris and Dodger.
Chris arrived early with Scott and they loaded our things into Chris's car.
"This is gonna be so much fun!" Scott said happily.
"Are you staying at Chris's too?"
"I am!"
"Oh god that means you're gonna be trying to get me drunk!"
"Well duh!" He laughed shrugging like it should have been a given.
"God help me you two are gonna be trouble" Chris said shaking his head as he helped Mason into his carseat.
"You knew what you were getting yourself into".
While Chris and Scott started bickering i turned and saw Brian coming out of his house, he stood and watched us and then started to walk towards us.
"Oh shit.... quick lets go, Brians coming over!"
"This guy!" Chris said through gritted teeth shaking his head and looking a little pissed off.
"Morning neighbour!" Brian called out, i turned and gave a quick wave.
"You and Mason leaving?"
"Yep, we're gonna ride this out with family" i nodded and felt Chris wrap his arm around my waist and pull me closer to him.
"Come on sweetheart we should go"
"Yeah sure, take care Brian"
"Wait, you look so familiar...." Brian suddenly said looking more closely at Chris "where have i seen you before?"
"I just have one of those faces, i get that a lot" Chris shrugged casually opening my door for me.
"Yeah maybe..... hey Y/N, i was thinking after this lockdown is over maybe you and i can get dinner...."
Was he serious right now??
"Dude really??!....." Chris snapped looking at Brian shaking his head.
Chris closed my door and stood towering over Brian as they exchanged words i could no longer hear. Chris was soon strutting round to the driver side of the car while Brian stood there looking pissed. I turned to look at Chris as he got into the car, he was fuming. He started the car and pulled away onto the road, his grip on the steering wheel so tight his knuckles went white.
"Hey, you okay?" I asked him quietly.
"I will be knowing you and Mason are away from that creep"
"What did you say to him?"
"We'll talk about it later, i don't want Mace to hear"
"Okay, but can you please try and calm down....."
"Im Fine"
"Tell your face that, plus you're kinda white knuckling the steering wheel there....."
"Sorry.... sorry. Im fine really...." he loosened his grip and gave me a tight lipped smile.
"Always so protective" Scott chuckled from the back seat earning him a glare in the rear view mirror.
"Scott i swear to god...."
"Come on boys behave, this lockdown hasn't even started yet and you're bickering"
"You sure you don't wanna go stay with Ma....." Chris muttered at Scott making us all laugh.
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The first week of lockdown quickly passed, there was no news on when the lockdown would let up so we were all just enjoying our time together.....It was just like old times. I called my mom and Hannah everyday just to check in and have some female conversation but other than that it was just me and the Evan's boys in our little quarantine bubble.
I was in the kitchen making breakfast when Chris walked in sporting a new haircut..... the buzzcut was back!
"Wow...... you've shaved your hair...."
"Yeah" he run his hand over his head blushing a little "fancied a change, its been a long time since i can just cut my hair when i want"
"Right, Marvel owned it before"
"You know i'm right" i shrugged "i always did like the buzzcut look though"
"Yeah i remember....." he smirked.
"Morning family!" Scott said loudly walking into the kitchen "What happened to your hair??"
"Fancied a change, plus now i haven't gotta worry about my hair everyday"
"You know that actually sounds kinda smart..... have you seen my bed head??"
"Kinda hard to miss Scotty" i snickered behind my hand looking at his hair that was sticking up left, right and centre.
"Maybe i should do it too"
"And me!" Mason said smiling big at us "i want hair like dads too!"
"Oh my god Chris what have you started..."
"No its fine, its only hair. It'll grow back right.... i guess now is as good a time as any for a haircut".
After breakfast Chris took Mason for his hair cut while i showered and dressed for the day. The next time i saw them all three were sporting buzzcuts and i had to admit it was very cute!
"Let me get a photo of you three, this is just too cute to pass up" i smiled grabbing my phone. I snapped a few photo's and forwarded them to Chris and Scott before setting one as my lock screen and slipping my phone back into my pocket.
"Oh my god i love this.... i'm gonna get this blown up and framed on my wall" Chris smiled looking at the photo.
"Let me get one of you three" Scott jumped up and pulled me towards the sofa where Chris and Mason still sat.
"Oh.... we dont have to do that....."
"Come on, it'll be nice to have at least one photo of the three of us" Chris said looking up at me with those damn ocean eyes of his that always made me week.
"Okay, sure" i nodded taking the seat next to Mason.
"Move in a bit closer....." Scott said trying to get us all in frame, we both leaned in closer to Mason and smiled while Scott took the photo.
"Oh i'm good..... this is great you guys" Scott said before both our phones were receiving photo's from Scott. I couldn't help the smile on my face when i saw how lovely the photo had come out.
"Okay you did good, i love this"
"This ones going up too by the way" Chris looked at me with a huge smile.
"You don't have to do that...."
"You kidding me? I want to"
"Fair enough, its your house. I just don't think your girlfriend will appreciate it much".
"Okay..... who wants lunch??" Scott asked loudly interrupting, it had suddenly got a bit awkward at the mention of Lindsey so i just got up quickly and followed Scott into the kitchen.
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Once Mason was in bed for the night the alcohol came out. We watched some old movie (that Chris found hilarious) played some card games which somehow led to childish drinking games and before we knew it we were all pretty wasted!
"Right you guys i'm going to bed, i physically can not drink anymore" Scott said getting to his feet and stumbling making Chris and I laugh.
"Dude you're such a lightweight" Chris rolled his eyes at his brother.
"Shut up. Goodnight.... love you both"
"Night Scotty, love you" i smiled up at him from where i was laying on sofa.
"Night bro, love ya".
Chris and I sat in silence for a few minutes, just the sounds on the TV playing in the background.
"You want another beer?" He asked getting up from the armchair he had been occupying all night.
"Sure, i'll have one more before bed".
While Chris went to grab the beers i sat and reached for my phone to make sure i hadn't missed any messages from my mom or Hannah. There was a photo from Hannah that made me laugh just as Chris walked back in with the beers.
"Hannah just sent me this photo..." i said to him turning my phone to show him a photo of Lucas who now had a buzzcut.
"Haha! Oh god i really started something didn't i?" He laughed looking a bit guilty.
"I sent her a photo of Mason's new haircut earlier, she said Lucas wouldn't shut up about wanting the same.... looks like he got his way"
"You gotta admit it looks cute though?"
"Yeah okay i'll give you that. Mason is like your little mini me, even more so than usual"
"He’s just missing the beard"
"I think we've still got some time until that happens" i laughed "you definitely have strong genes Evans.....that boy literally inherited none of my looks"
"No but he's got your attitude and sass"
"Im kidding.... mostly"
"Ass" i muttered shaking my head at him before taking a mouthful of my beer.
"He might look like me but his personality is all you sweetheart... he's an amazing kid"
"Yeah he is, id be lost without him"
"I kinda love having you both here" Chris added avoiding eye contact with me.
"Its been nice, just remember its not permanent...."
"I know, i know" he nodded quickly "you know when i came in and saw you laughing at your phone, my first thought was that it might've been Derek.... i hate that guy and i don't even know him" he scoffed "how sad is that?"
"I know, its none of my business who you date or whatever"
"You're right it is none of your business. But just for the record, there's nothing going on with Derek, we were gonna go for dinner before this lockdown stuff but i haven't spoken to him since"
"Can i ask you something?" I turned to face him, he looked up and nodded finally looking at me.
"Why isn't Lindsey here?"
"Why isn't Lindsey staying with you? I mean you guys are obviously serious if you came looking for that divorce but she isn't here....."
Chris looked away again coughing to clear his throat.... was he nervous??
"Lindsey isn't here because i ended it"
"What?... when?"
"When i found out i had a son. When i saw you again and realised anything i thought i felt for her was a lie"
"Are you fucking with me right now?"
"No. Im just being honest. Y/N, i know i fucked up when i ended things with us.... it was the biggest mistake of my life and i regret it everyday.... but i never stopped loving you. Not for one god damn second...."
I suddenly felt very sober, my heart pounding in my chest.
“You’re just saying this because you’ve had too much to drink...” i muttered shaking my head.
“You’re probably right, doesn’t mean its not true. Ive just been keeping it to myself” Chris suddenly got up and came to sit next me taking hold of my hand “i know my timings sucks but i just needed you to know..... and i just need to know if there is any chance at all that you’d give me another chance.....”
“Chris i really don’t think now is a good time to talk about this.... we’ve both had too much to drink..... if you’re serious about this i think we need to have this conversation sober”
“But you’re willing to have that conversation?”
“We’ll talk about it tomorrow” i nodded pulling my hand free and standing up “i’m gonna go to bed.... goodnight”.
I had to put some distance between us before i did something id regret in the morning.
It was safe to say i wouldn’t be getting much sleep tonight.
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit @rynabarnesrogers-reading @rainbowkisses31 @rororo06 @supernaturalwintersoldier @fairlightswiftly @hiddelstannerbarnes
Ocean eyes: @supraveng @michelehansel @melissaglenn5 @denisemarieangelina
@mrsjeffwittek @mery-be @marvelfansworld @cmalass @capstopavenger @fallenoutofrose @kelbabyblue @biebsmylife95 @loser-alert @traceyaudette @w3lissax @jennmurawski13 @ford66steal @saiyanprincessswanie @christocrave
@jakiki94 @torntaltos @buchanansebba
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infestation survivor stories aimbot download work H1X+
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Infestation Survivor Stories Hacks You must register an account before you can post, download, and use advanced features - New releases are posted on a. Free access to tutorials, resources, information, tools, trainers, cheats and hacks. Interact with our great community, and make new friends with our members. Infestation: Survivor Stories > 综合讨论 > 主题详情 banned me for a hack i had downloaded for the alpha version i didn't even know how to use. Infestation is a Survival Horror MMO that immerses players in a zombie-infested, post-apocalyptic world in which a viral outbreak has decimated the human. 9 Okay, so this is how it went, logged on to a private server not knowing it would scan my computer, banned me for a hack i had downloaded for the alpha version i didn't even know how to use. And now, I can't play because of a hack that is months old. Just to be sure, you know how that sounds, right? I swear to you, the hack was a txt file, never used. If there is anyway I can show you it was never used, please, tell me, if not, then shutup about it. Wow, someone is nasty. I'm just pointing out you're unlikely to find anyone to take your side or believe you here. You admitted to downloading a hack with the intent to use it and are now upset that you were banned because you say you didn't actually use it. Far be it for me to warn you of the comments you're going to get though. Like I said in the above, the hack was never used, I couldn't figure out how to use it, you get banned for hacking in the game, you shouldn't get banned for downloading a hack and not using it, for example, thats like saying purchasing a weapon, and getting arrested for hurting someone when you didn't even use the weapon. Like i said "I don't know how to use the file, it was a. That means you are the type of player that they don't want playing there game. If it was my game I would have banned you Serves you right. It's more getting arrested for purchasing a bomb with the intent to hurt someone with it, but changed your mind only when you couldn't figure out how to trigger it. It still is what it is. Either way though, the forum is going to get you a lot more nasty comments than my tame ones and isn't the place for a kind of 'ban appeal' anyway. Submit a ban appeal to Steam and Zendesk, but don't hold your breath because of your own admissions here. It might had not even been a hack at all. Also, there is no other "hack" I even attempted to download since I couldn't figure out how to use it, so I didn't even bother trying to download another. I'm afraid it's all just your word on any of it, though. Like I said, submit an actual ban appeal. Posting on the forum will literally have no effect. I understand that, but I submitted, no contact after a while, and A LOT of people state that " the services that are supposed to review the bans never contact them back" so im just sitting here really pissed off that I purchased and help support the game in it's alpha, donated to it, and even recommenced to many of my friends, and I get banned, and they will not even state why I was, sure they said for hacking, but like I said , I didn't.
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"I can't say goodbye", among other things...
I feel that I should start things off with a minor rant about how nobody has seemed to make a joke about "pawn chips" on the publicly accessible Internet so far. I'd like to think this blog, of all places, is the catalyst for such change. Do you know that feeling when you're breaking off the chains of some morally dubious stranglehold and finding something to fill that deep, empty void? Me neither, or at least not to the extent where it's painfully obvious to everyone that this would be the case.
Change: The one thing that we can never escape, regardless of how successful or failing we might be. It's all a constant game of stayin' alive, feeling the city breaking and everybody shaking. But every time, there's always that pivot point - the stage in which change takes place, with or without you on board. For those times, I'd like to think I've been on the winning end, even if it means short term loss. On the other extreme, we have an unchanging heart. One which not only refuses to acknowledge the times, but doubles down on the existing ways. After all, why adjust what's worked for so long all this time?
Which I suppose brings us to the idea of the goals in a given stage of life. For those that know, I'm getting to that age where we have to decide for ourselves which wars will be worth fighting for. Not for money, not for oil and not for what we're told is right. This is to say, at least for the first time with some level of seriousness, we have to find something we believe in and pursue it. What worse tragedy is a life lived without a sense of purpose, of just bumbling around and following the signs of the times? A naturalist might say that it's always been human tendency for such a simple way of things. Sadly, it wouldn't be entirely correct to still think that's the way things are in this economy.
Of course, this is not even considering the fact that said pursuits will even hold for the next few years. Goals change, with some accordance with one's personal views and experiences as well as input from the powers that be. Perhaps even something novel you might have eaten (not necessarily a literal novel) could change your outlook on things. The point being that one may need to start assessing the things in life like a business. What are the operating costs? Is there enough cash flow to provide sustainable profits? Any new opportunities and threats in the market? While this is a very mechanical way of thinking things through, one has never been the kind of person to take kindly to the grey areas of life.
Surely, we would also need to consider regressions too? After all, the past more often than not dies harder than we'd like to prefer. And perhaps that's the sort of mindset we too must take on for things to move forward: Get on board or get out of the way. Maybe this is why "he" has barely changed even after 20 years?
And where to from here, once we've boarded the "change train"? As much as I don't like to admit it, we'll have to start being more vigilant for things that could go wrong as well as hops one may need to make to stay on the train. I suppose the fact that we're not so heavily engaged in video games and social media is a but of a tip-off in that direction, although this is not to dismiss either of the two as being necessarily harmful in the overall sense. But rather, have we already been making the shift without us knowing it ourselves? As we navigate this strange time, of unloading and taking up the burdens of the mighty (I would like to think), our intuition might just be our saving grace in a stage when the only thing that makes sense is that nothing makes sense.
The next time we are reminded of the "good old days" or the times when we "felt alive", we should also be reminded that we can't always stay in the stage of life that we've grown so fondly accustomed to. After all, if life were really that simple, then why isn't the road to greatness any smoother? So for my esteemed colleagues(?) reading this, get out there and make some noise. Metaphorically speaking. Do the thing you wanted to do, and find out what has to be done in this next stage of life. Because everyone enters the New World at some point, and things once more will be disorienting, scary and disappointing... At least, until we think we can make sense of the madness before us.
'Til next time, young padawan.
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Maybe there's something out there that brings greater joy than a well-baked cookie?
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thescarhead · 4 years ago
Chapter 3: Grammar and Power
"Hagrid, I'm wondering, can you tell me more about the Professors?" Harry said after getting himself comfortable around Hagrid, although he didn't have the ability to eat Hagrid's cooking, while Ron enjoyed himself with pampering 'Fang,' Hagrid's hound dog.
"Well ain' 'hat a good question. Known mos' of 'hem back when I was in school. Of course, 'he Dark Arts 'eacher keeps changin' for a while now and 'he potion masters are fairly new, been aroun' for ten years give or 'ake," Hagrid said pouring more tea.
"But isn't that strange?," Ron said with mild skepticism, "why have two potion masters? Why not one?"
"Well ain' 'hat a funny story. When Professor Snape became 'he potions master, people were worried if he could handle it; given his past an' all, but 'hen Dumbledore wen' off to France one day an' came back with Professor Black, draggin' him by 'he collar; it was quiet 'he show," Hagrid said laughing at the memory.
"Of course, 'he other professors seemed even more cautious to him 'eaching, given his family matters, Black himself 'ried runnin' away whenever he got the chance, yet Dumbledore always dragged him back in 'ime for dinner. I'm not sure wha' convinced Black to stay 'hough, you'll have to ask him or Dumbledore, maybe even Snape if your lucky. 'hen pretty soon things jus' started to work out well and it's been like 'hat ever since." Hagrid said and looked at the clock.
"Blimey, it's getting late, I wouldn't wan' you two gettin' into 'rouble on your second day, now off with you, careful not to get Flinch to fin' you." Hagrid said as he ushered them out.
As much as Hagrid explained, it still left Harry in questions.
What was Professor Snape's past? Why was Dumbledore at France? Why was Professor Black so reluctant in teaching? How did Dumbledore convince Professor Black to stay?
But Harry supposed that could be a answered for another time.
Classes went by for the next two weeks as perfect as Harry could imagine.
Well; they went just about exactly as how Harry have imagined it.
In Transfigurations, they wrote down difficult anagrams and translations to which made knickknacks change into other knickknacks.
In Charms, they learned to use basic charms as well as learn when they were invented and why.
In History of Magic, they slept through an explanation of Greek and Roman wizards which brought muggles to reason that there were gods.
In Herbology, they learned about soil properties and there reaction to certain plants.
In Flying Class, they learned what makes a broom fly and the parts of a broom as well.
In Astronomy, they learn how to track star movements and tracing the lunar cycle.
In Defense Against the Dark Arts, they learned that Professor Quirrell was scared of just about everything.
And then there was Potions...
Don't get Harry wrong, it wasn't a strange class compared to his other courses, but it was strange in its teaching style.
The first thing he does in class is place a potion in front and have the students write down what potion it is using only three clues hidden around the room.
As far as Harry was concern, only Hermione seem to like it. Then Professor Black would go off in demonstrating making a potion while the class followed along which was the normal part of class; then does something completely unexpected.
It could be anything.
One time the professor just decided that, to check if are potions worked properly, dropped eggs into the steaming cauldron which out popped a fully grown chicken, or geese and turkey if you messed up which was found out by Neville, that only lead to the school being overrun with foul of all kind. This lead to Professor McGonagall having plenty of practice trials for her class in making chickens to pillows and Professor Sprout feeding her carnivorous plants fresh meat. Not to mention, to no ones surprise, there were a lot of chicken based meals serve the next day.
Another time the Professor handle the students clay dolls to use as containers for the potion which only proceeded to make it come to life and keep trying to untie shoelaces. On course, Professor Flitwick took most dolls and used them to teach the fourth year how to use the cutting charm on moving objects while Professor Kettleburn who teaches Care of Magical Creatures took just enough to keep the bowtruckles at bay from attacking students.
It turned out that whatever potion was made was then explained after the potion was created to make sure everyone was fair game in brewing so not one knew what to expect as the final result. Then the school takes use of it and make it a never ending cycle of 'learning productivity.' At least that's what the other teachers call it.
The good that Professor Blacks tactics brought was an easing environment for the students to learn, so not anything any student, especially the Slytherin, could hate about. It came to the point that no one could ever truly hate his classes.
Of course, that is if Harry could manage to get his potions right the first time around.
"Not bad, not bad, but you can do better, I'll make a potioneer out of you yet; Miss Ganger if you could do so the pleasure in helping Mister Potter with his potion I would be oh so great full," Professor Black said as he hurried over to Seamus's cauldron which seem to be bubbling uncontrollably and quite ready to explode.
But this left Harry vulnerable.
Just as class was about to end, Draco smirked and wrote on a piece of parchment to which he soon crumbled up and threw it at Harry.
But before any piece of crumped up parchment could when get anywhere near Harry, Professor Black appeared, or in this case apparated right on time to catch it.
"Mister Malfoy, bulling will not be permitted in any house and even more so in class," Professor Black said in a calming elegant tone as he opened the crumped paper, walking to an empty chalkboard. "As wizards and witches, by stooping to such means we become nothing more then primitive creatures. If one decide to prove themselves as superior; we show this though are abilities and are skills."
Harry saw Draco's face redden with embarrassment and anger. "This does bring into account that grammar is important when writing a message, there are proper words per proper means. For example Y-O-U-R is used when describing something that belongs to you while Y-O-U-'-R-E is used is phrasing "you are." Professor Black explained as he wrote it down on the board.
"With this being said I will expect an essay 10 inches long on the potion that cures boils which can be found in your books on page 43," Professor Black said as the student started to put their items away to go to their next class.
"AND MISTER MALFOY," Professor Black said louder then needed, "If I catch you bulling or using improper grammar, after school classes will be put into order which I'll make sure, your father will find out about. Class dismiss."
By the time school ended, the Gryffindors in the common room were spreading their daily gossip on the Notorious Professor Black.
"Is apparation truly that difficult?" Harry said, not really sure why everyone was making a fuss about apparation.
"It is, witches and wizards that fail in it can end up appearing to one place missing a leg or hand. Not to mention that you need a license to by allowed to use apparation," Ron explained, "But to think, he would apparate just for show?"
"He didn't just do it for show, didn't you hear any word of his lecture? He was making a statement against bulling and the truth behind power. Yet I will admit, he was able to do advanced magic without a wand and quite effortlessly if I might add, being the fact the if you read Hogwarts: A History, the schools barriers make it difficult to preform such magic, and near impossible to apparate outside or inside Hogwarts. He must be extremely powerful to be able to apparate on school grounds so freely," Hermione inputted from her little corner of books as the other first years sat in the common room next to the fireplace as they continued on in discussion.
But of course, the Weasley twins took it upon themselves to bring trouble to the conversation.
"Don't be to surprised."
"Apparatation isn't the only thing his good at."
"Every year during winter break"
"Dumbledore and Black have a duel just outside of Hogwarts grounds."
"You can see it from the great hall if you like."
"Last year, they got a little overboard and knocked down the astronomy tower!"
"No one got hurt though."
"Then they went off for ice cream."
"After an hour, they came back."
"McGonagall, sent them to the corner and made them clean up their mess."
Fred and George started laughing just thinking of what would happen this year but this did not help the first years imagination and worry of their teacher accidentally crushing them with a tower.
Percy took a moment to think of what to say to calm the situation down and took in a breath, "All the Professors at Hogwarts exceeds in their teaching fields but then we have Headmaster Dumbledore and Professor Black who've excelled in multiple fields. But unlike Headmaster Dumbledore, Professor Black does everything in his power to excel all forms of magical knowledge which is why his called in to teach a class when a professor is not able to make it."
"So his a bloody genius," Ron said as he slinked down into his chair.
"No Ron, his studious which is something you should be doing as well, if you end up failing a single class, mother might just turn you into a cow," Percy warned.
"Then we can name you Ro-Moo," the twins said simultaneously which got Percy to chase them around which only proceeded to give the twins a good laugh.
•Regulus is a grammer god and no one can prove me wrong.
•Bold of you to assume that Regulus wouldn't train hard in magic knowing Voldemort is still alive.
•Every winter break, Regulus duels Dumbledore to see if he could hold his ground against him.
•The last duel held for 40 minutes, with Dumbledore toying with Regulus for the last 20 minutes to see how long the boy would last.
•They destroyed the astronomy tower and then went out for ice cream and McGonagall grounded both of them.
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chrislee797 · 7 years ago
Ah, now this I gotta answer!
For this, I'll go ahead and let my OC, Leopold, answer the questions himself! For introductions, Leopold is primarily found in the Pathfinder universe, and is a Tiefling Paladin/Bard of Shelyn, or at least was when he was living.
1. "How long can I sit still? Well, sometimes my job requires that I stay still for long periods and wait. Personally, I find those times great for meditation. I don't think I have ever really counted, but I'd say I probably can't stay still for more than a day."
2. "Laughter comes easily most times, though I feel we all have those times where it's hard to laugh."
3. "It depends really. Sometimes I can sing myself to sleep, sometimes I'm so exhausted that I crash the moment I lay my head down. Other times... It's easier to sleep when there is someone there."
4. "Unfortunately, it's rather easy to earn my trust. It's led to sorrow in the past, but I can't bring myself to change or feel guilty over trusting easily. After all, I do believe that there is good in everyone-my gods, did I seriously just sound *THAT* cliché?"
5. "As with the last question, it is equally hard to earn my mistrust. It's possible though. If you prove you're willing to seriously hurt people again and again without any real reason."
6. "This is where I often get accused of not being a "Good Paladin", actually. From my perspective: The laws are there to help and protect everyone, and are usually created for a reason. However, if the laws are not helping or protecting everyone, or are even leading to harm to specific people, then the laws are unjust and need to be abolished or changed to better protect everyone. If they are so rigid as to punish someone for doing something wrong for the right reasons, then one needs to step back and examine how they define right and wrong. Needless to say, this doesn't always go over well at Paladinic Dinners."
7. "...The smell of my Uncle's War-coat. It's a mixed bag."
8. "As a child... Hmm. That's difficult to say, that was half a century ago...(clarification from me as the creator: usually I have Leopold, when he was alive, at around 120 years old, as Tieflings are long-lived, capable of outliving Elves even, though they age faster than them. Even so, Tieflings don't reach adulthood until they're 60 years old ^^; ) I would have to say that one thing I was told to do was to pay more attention. The only thing I really wanted to pay attention to was either the games my brother and I played with our friends, or the stories my Uncle would tell when visiting."
9. "I will admit, I don't swear often. Not because I'm a Paladin, I've known plenty who could make a sailor blush. I just don't usually feel the need to. Unlike some who swear every other word. -Gives me a "You know exactly who I'm talking about look-"
10. "I don't lie often, again though, that isn't because of being a Paladin. It's simply that it ends up hurting others. Still, before I became a Paladin, I'd say the lie I told most often was telling those who cared that I was fine, when I was anything but. And yes, I do regret it."
11. "I... Do get confused. Often. Usually I ask for clarification."
12. "Well, the thing is, I don't really get itches I can't scratch. This is entirely because I do have a very dextrous tail, so I can reach must anywhere on my body really."
13. "Well, I do enjoy wearing black, though I don't wear it often. Coming from the edge of a desert climate, wearing black is not exactly the best idea. More often than not, I tend to wear lighter blues, which seems to be what people like me in."
14. "Spiders. I really dislike spiders."
15. "How do I talk? Well.. I've been told I have somewhere between a British and Egyptian accent? Is that what you mean? As for what I say... I think about what I say, but I wouldn't say I practice it?"
16. "Several things, but I'd rather not talk about that."
17. "...No comment."(answer: yes, very)
18. "I said no comment, dammit!"(answer: Everything! XD Especially compliments or being flirted with, gets him flustered like hell!)
19. "...I haven't really given it thought. Probably 88."
20. "Hmmm... Romantic love is... A soft tune. A soft tune in a warm room, where even if you're half asleep and humming it, it fills the entire space and you lose yourself in it as you drift to sleep. Platonic love is a symphony played by an orchestra. There are many parts that play, and it can go from beautiful and calm in one moment to violently loud and frightening within a beat. Not all of them have a happy ending. But they are all beautiful in their own way. Familial love should be be a song from your childhood. It should be silly, and make you roll your eyes, but every time you hear it you end up giggling and singing along with it anyway."
21. "Why do I get up? Because... Because if I stay in bed, I won't get anything accomplished. I wouldn't be living my life to the fullest and best that I could. I wouldn't be working to make the world a better place. And I don't think I could look the person I looked up to most in the eyes if I didn't."
22. "Well... I withdraw. I think, 'oh, this person deserves better,' or 'clearly x is more important than me to them,' and I pull away."
23. "I don't get envious often. I am, or was, largely satisfied with my life and what I had. At best... I get a little wishful. I think... Well, that's not important, really."
24. "I... Well.. Hah, that is.. I can talk about sex. It's a perfectly natural, beautiful thing, or it should be at least, for those who enjoy it and are willing participants! ...I get flustered, admittedly. So I usually only talk about it with those I'm more comfortable or intimate with."
25. "Marriage is.. not something you enter into lightly. It can be wonderful though. I was married, once..."
26. "Honestly, I prefer walking on my own two feet to anything else. I will admit, there is something exhilarating about riding on something's back through the sky though. Horses are fine creatures too, but... There's still something more at ease about being on foot."
27. "One of the benefits of being a Paladin, you get training to suppress your fears to a supernatural degree by focusing on your deities teachings. We still feel them though, and one of the things that fill me with dread more than anything else is losing someone else that I love."
28. "My policy is that I will not lie to you, no matter how hard the truth may be, so please don't lie to me either."
29. "I try, at least. Nobody is perfect. We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory we are striving for."
30. "...Ranvarak."
31. "Everyone I care for."
32. "Hmmm... Not particularly. Why, do you want me to tell a joke?"
33. "I doubt anyone would. I've been told that I try to do too much in fact. But I do have my off days.."
34. "I don't try to. There are lots of things I regret. But I don't let guilt control me or keep me from moving forward. It never leaves though."
35. "I try to treat it the same way I would want my friends to treat something I was excited about. I may not get it, or like it like they do, or at all even. But the point is that they are happy over it, and that's good enough for me."
36. "Goodness, such a lot of questions! You really do want to be thorough, haha! ...In all honesty, I don't usually look for romance, no. Honestly, I have almost always been the one asked out rather than the one asking someone else out."
37. "I actually keep a journal. Writing things helps me remember."
38. "...A moonlit garden, with a ring in my hand..."
39. "The thing I hate about telling people that I'm a Paladin, is that they immediately assume I'm a judgemental asshole with a sense of superiority and a "holier-than-thou" attitude. I'm not, and I do my best not to be. I'm mortal, just like anyone else. I make mistakes, I've done bad things. Just because I serve a deity directly, that's supposed to give me the right to judge? No, fuck that. Shelyn teaches that there is beauty and good in all things, and it is my job to help others beauty to grow, not to condemn for the flaws. There are obviously times where I cannot look past things, but that shouldn't be what defines me!
40. "Perhaps the reason I am so hesitant to judge others is because of how acutely aware of my own flaws I am. There are plenty of things about myself that I judge myself for. Plenty of things I've done in the past that I did because I had to, that I had to to survive, that I had to to protect others, because it had to be done. I'm not proud of them. But my mistakes do not define me. How I live with them does."
41. "As in do/did I want children of my own, or just in general? In general, children are what I work to protect the most. I face the evips of this world, the monsters, the sins.. I face them so that they don't. To do my part in keeping them safe. As for having children of my own... I would have, yes. But that was not my role in life."
42. "Well.. I think that's hard to answer without having an end goal. I simply lived."
43. "...Well, I'd say that I.. am unsure. I probably fall somewhere in the pansexual region, but I don't know."
Phew.. took a lot longer than I thought, but gave a lot if interesting insight! Now, for the questions for the creator part:
A: I am excited about Leopold because... Personally, I find him relatable. I find him absolutely adorable, and admittedly have a bias with him xD
B: What inspired me to create him? Honestly, he started off as a random thought of "What if a Paladin was into this?". But then I started to work with him as a character, and bit by bit he became more fleshed out, more than a random idea, but his own person.
C: Did I have trouble fitting him in his own story.. yes. When I first started looking over his life story, I viewed him as the central character in a story about him. This was the wrong way to view it, as it runs against how he is as a person. When I started looking at it as a collection of memories of how he fit into the lives of those he cared about, it made a lot more sense. Even then though, I've had a lot of difficulties, as his story isn't the happiest story ^^;
D: Has he always had the same physical appearance? No, lol. Originally, he was much different. He was a lot more muscular than he is now. Like.. Chris Hemsworth in Thor: Ragnarok level of built xD he also, while tanned, did not have the skintone he does now. Now, he's much lankier. He still has some muscle, but you wouldn't immediately guess it. The most recent changes are that his glasses, which were circular glasses before, are now rectangular. They look better on him.
E: Would we get along? Definitely. Granted, I would constantly question why he'd want a friend like me, but still.
F: What do I feel when thinking of him? Usually the almost irresistible urge to hug him tightly and apologize repeatedly ^^; but a lot of love too.
G: what trait of his bothers me the most? Probably his sense of guilt. He's the tye to shoulder the blame a lot more than he should.
H: what trait of his do I admire the most? Probably either his capacity for acceptance and encouragement, or his level of patience. I wish I could be as patient as him xD
I: Do I prefer to keep him in his home setting: Yes and no. I have my own head-verse where he interacts with my other OCs and sometimes other people's through RP(not as often anymore unfortunately).
J: Did I have to bend any rules to make him in his canon universe? Surprisingly, not really! Pathfinder's universe is varied and gives enough options that creating him was pretty easy!
Well, thanks anyone who reads this, and I hope you enjoy it!
Uncommon Questions for OCs and their creators:
Send me a # (questions for OCs) or a letter (questions for creators) and I’ll answer
What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
How easy is it for your character to laugh?
How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
How easy is it to earn their trust?
How easy is it to earn their mistrust?
Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable?
What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child
Do they swear? Do they remember their first swear word?
What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?
How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?
How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach?
What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color?
What animal do they fear most?
How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
What makes their stomach turn?
Are they easily embarrassed?
What embarrasses them?
What is their favorite number?
If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so?
Why do they get up in the morning? 
How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)? 
How does envy manifest itself in them (they take what they want, they become resentful, etc)? 
 Is sex something that they’re comfortable speaking about? To whom? 
 What are their thoughts on marriage? 
 What is their preferred mode of transportation? 
 What causes them to feel dread? 
 Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth? 
 Do they usually live up to their own ideals? 
 Who do they most regret meeting? 
 Who are they the most glad to have met? 
 Do they have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke? 
 Could they be considered lazy? 
 How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt? 
 How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive? 
Do they actively seek romance, or do they wait for it to fall into their lap? 
Do they have a system for remembering names, long lists of numbers, things that need to go in a certain order (like anagrams, putting things to melodies, etc)? 
What memory do they revisit the most often? 
How easy is it for them to ignore flaws in other people? 
How sensitive are they to their own flaws?
How do they feel about children? 
How badly do they want to reach their end goal? 
If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so? 
A) Why are you excited about this character? B) What inspired you to create them? C) Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story? D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look? E) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you? F) What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)? G) What trait of theirs bothers you the most? H) What trait do you admire most? I) Do you prefer to keep them in their canon universe? J) Did you have to manipulate or exclude canon factors to allow them to create their character?
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pamiedrawnic-acid · 7 years ago
Re:Zero Review
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Ola! It's been a while since I made a review and I think this is the 4th time that I'll be reviewing an anime. Oh well, me reviewing something means this show is really amazing cause I got a lot of beautiful things to say about it. Yes, I only want to review things I've found beautiful because it's really not in my nature to rant about something since it's really tiring and I hate negative thoughts! 😆
Well, let's get down to the business, first things first, what's with Re:zero?
Re:zero or starting life in another world is what exactly the title tells us about. It's a story of a typical shut in guy who suddenly got into another world, with this story a game-like world, set in a medieval era, where magics were not a very unusual thing and where humans and humanoids live together. Fortunately, our protagonist, Subaru, was very fond of playing games so he had already an idea on how to start or how to literally "play the game." Such a generic story isn't it? It's supposed to be but it's actually not.
Normally, in such stories, the protagonist is supposed to have an unknown ability that will only be released when the situation calls for it. Most of the time it would later on revealed that the protagonist in an important part of the world, either a part of the royal blood, a saviour, a god etc. Also in some stories, there would even have a character who would appear in front of the protagonist and explain whatever is happening. Likewise with how Subaru expected it, I was also expecting for the same thing. However, what happened was really unexpected.
[SPOILERS ALERT] He died but then he was reset to his last save point; literally like a game. The difference was, he would not know where or when was his save point unless he would die and be reset. Also, this ability of him do not allow him to have any choice. Once he died, he would automatically go back and complete his mission, which he still needed to figure out. The only rule is that, he would die over and over unless he could solve the mystery or found the "happy ending." Thus, "quitting" was not an option.
At first I thought that it was such a very convenient ability. At least you'll have another chance, not just once but as many as you want until you find the happy ending. But as I moved to each episodes and as the story goes deeper I've realized that NO it's not very convenient.
Subaru can reset from death thus, if there was something not good happening with his life, with his friends or even with the kingdom, which would result to their deaths, then he was the only one who could change it. Imagine the pressure and the burden that he was carrying?!
Subaru did not have any choice but to go over and over into an ugly situation not until he could find the solution
Have you tried solving a math problem that needed you to go over from the scratch because you know somehere in between you made a mistake but can't find it so you have to do it again? Or a science experiment that ended in a bad result so you need to go back to procedure 1? A project, a drawing, or anything~ anything that you were doing but did not go well so you have no other choice but to do it again, over and over, not to mention that your only option was to finish it. Frustrating isn't it? Imagine how frustrated, irritated, desperate and tired Subaru was? Not to mention all the time he needed to go back just to witness the death/s of the people around him.
Lastly, [SPOILERS ALERT] Subaru's ability was actually a cursed from some witch, which he couldn't tell to anyone because everytime he tried to, the witch would squeezed his heart to the point that he could almost die. Out of desperation, he actually tried to tell it to someone but that someone died. Imagine how difficult it was for Subaru to face everything alone? No one could understand him not because he didn't want them to but because he COULDN'T. (cursed that witch I definitely wanted to tear her apart! 👹)
I've read a lot of comments from somewhere on how people disliked Subaru because he was a helpless, hopeless, useless boy. Because he did not have any special power or because he was weak. Well, after all he had been through, is he still useless?
Yes, he showed us the time when he almost quit even resorting into running away because he had failed so many times and thought that there was no other choice but to leave. He showed us his frustrations, desperations, helplesness and weaknesses, that he actually admitted and you hated. Well, on the other side of the note, I commend the writer for doing a great job because I believed that, that really what he wanted you to feel. Congratulations! You've been his victim! 🙊 Going back, Subaru really became a hateful character those times but if you are going to watch the anime and try to put your feet into Subaru's you will understand me or perhaps him.
He was disheartened for who knows how many times. He was fighting all by himself. Despite of having his friends and allies who supported him with his actions and especially to those who gave him courage and moral supports, no one really knows what he was going through. He was all ALONE. But still at the end of the day he would always proved to us how strong he was; mentally and emotionally, and that, stories only ends once you've reached the happy ending so life's goes on until you became happy! Quitting was never an option!
The only downside I've seen with him is that [MAJOR SPOILER] when he did not choose Rem despite of all the things she had done for him and even asked her to help her save Emilia, the woman he trully love. He was such a cruel man, a fact that actually Rem accepted and even told him outloud which he actually agreed with. However, despite of that, I still believed that he only showed how faithful he was to the woman he love. For me he was a man of word who knows how to fulfill his promises.
I'm sorry for defending Subaru so much but I really like how his character was made in this story. Everything, including his downsides, just fell rightly into the plot and that was something you wouldn't find mostly in the animes now a days. Another thing is that, I really liked how he could accept his own flaws but would still do something to compensate with it and not to be a burden to all the powerful people around him. He was the weakest but he was also the embodiment of willpower and unending hope which made him the strongest!
Story wise, as I've said, it was a very typical but was also different at the same time. It actually gave me the feeling that it was something that I've seen before but actually I haven't. I think it's because of how the story was narrated by using the main character. The writer was actually succesful in making me experience what the main character is going through, as if I am Subaru himself. Both of us learned things about the realm at the same time. Both of us believed that some things will happen, like on a typical story, but then will hit us the least that we have expected, as if both Subaru and I were played by fate. For example is what I have said from above, when Subaru first arrived on the kingdom and he thought that since he was summoned in a different world he would definitely have a super power, which made me believed also, but he actually never had. He also remained as an outsider, someone who do not hold so much of a power, a weak human with no special fighting ability except for his naturally strong body and an incredible amount of willpower. He was not revealed as a saviour but he made himself as the saviour of the kingdom. In the end, his journey to the other world actually made him a better man; wiser and stronger mentally and emotionally.
Overall, this story was very unique on its own way. Every seconds of each 25 episodes was worth watching as you wouldn't want to missed any sudden heart attack moments and important information that will be necessary for the future. It was actually a dark story that gets a little bit of depressing but would lighten up in the end. It's a complete pack of action, drama, suspense, mystery, romance and comedy with a bonus of life lessons and words of encouragement. YOU DON'T QUIT, YOU ONLY CHANGE YOUR PLAN and STORIES ALWAYS ENDS WITH HAPPY ENDING; It's not yet the end if it's not happy.
I can actually give this series a 10/10 score if not because of the hanging questions they left after the last episode. I hope this would be answered on the next season (if there will be!). I've heard that there will be an OVA but I don't think it will be enough to tackle everything and give the story a solid conclusion. This is the kind of anime that worth having more season! Anyway whether they'll decide to give it a season 2 or not I will still recognize this anime as one of the best I've watch for being unique and unpredictable as well as for having a well constructed story and characters.
Rating: 9/10 - highly recommended
0 notes
existentialstatesofmind · 8 years ago
Opening Up
Clare: thought that made sense so she nodded. “Do you think I’d like this manga? Some of the adult books I read have mature content but it’s less of an issue with books than it would be with magna.” Pictures were harder to skip over. She didn’t want to be caught reading anything like that. Clare’s blush could be dead give away. “Yeah on second thought, maybe not. They probably save that for advanced cooking classes. I’d like to learn how to use one for stir frying….eventually. I need to start out with simple recipes for food such as egg rolls, wontons, potsticker dumplings.” Clare listened to Kota’s description of a host club and tried not to be put off by the wording. He wasn’t going to be an escort, not exactly, and the game sounded great! ���So it’s similar to auctioning off bachelor's for a date? Only on a bigger scale.” She doubled checked. “A little harmless flirting isn’t going to make me go into a jealous rage.” Clare rolled her eyes. “Kissing other girls on the mouth, I make no such promises about.” She smirked at Kota. “Okay. I know I get carried away making big plans before I hear all the rules. Next time just stop me.” Her face flushed in embarrassment. “Whatever they come up with will be just as fun. I’m sure there’s plenty of things I can participate in. I’ve got drama experience.” Clare shrugged at the mention of boys with long hair. “I figured there would be. Making me look masculine might be more challenging without a drastic change, that’s all.” Sure her hair was only shoulder length but she had curves. Drawing people’s attention towards a made up face seemed best. “A ponytail isn’t going to make you look girly. You have muscles and your facial features aren’t soft.” She explained, reassuring him she didn’t think it was weird for an everyday look. “Most of the kids coming with us from Degrassi are my friends and would be hard to convince.” Clare finally admitted. “They’d only believe you’d had sex...not me. Of course people change during a semester abroad. Away from their controlling parents.” She wouldn’t tell them anything. Except Alli. “It could be years before I’m ready. I don’t believe so strongly in waiting for marriage anymore, however, I wouldn't have sex unless it was under the right circumstances. We’d have to be together a long time with no breakup on the horizon. If I have sex with you, it will be because we’ve really gotten to know each other and still love each other very much.” Clare knew everything came down to timing. “Right, and that’s all the more reason to wait. I’m not going to be happy if I have to change my plans for college.” She said honestly. “I couldn’t ask you to follow me to New York either. With Emi and a baby? And no one to help us out?” Clare shook her head, laughing. “Emi deserves your full attention for as long as possible. You know if she stays with you until she’s 18...that’s not a deal breaker for me. Either way, I’d want to wait until we finished college before having our own baby. At the absolute soonest. We’d have to try to be super careful.” Clare nodded seriously. “Not if I’m 18. Though I’m not sure how that works with insurance. If she’d be notified. She couldn’t do much about it. She’d still be a nightmare.” She smiled at Kota and gave him a kiss. “I’m good with cuddling and making out for as long as you are.” Clare murmured happily. “Then there’s other stuff. We can save going all the way for much later.” She giggled and kissed him again. “No I definitely couldn’t recognize California since I’ve never been. Kota, I’d consider having the same fictitious taste as Melanie Martinez a major compliment.” Clare felt floored. What had Kota gotten mixed up in now? Not that she was complaining and just going along with him today had worked out well. “Next Saturday? As in our second to last day here? This better be epic. I’m booked up through Friday night, don’t forget we have a secret bon voyage party to attend. Which is only going to leave Sunday for my parents.” They were supposed to leave the following Monday so they actually had a long weekend, no classes on Friday or Monday. Clare laughed a little realizing everyone was expecting her to show up for things no one wanted her to ask questions about. It was like a fun conspiracy. Of course Kota didn’t know everything either. “You have more famous friends than Kota, right Melanie? I’m beginning to wonder. Does he go to Hollywood premieres?” She teased Kota in the elevator. Clare curiously looked out into the lab and smiled at Yohio. She didn’t do anything to further disturb him from his work. But she silently watched Yohio through the window for a couple of minutes to see how perfume was made. “I don’t have a preference, everything here is interesting to me.” This was nothing like visiting her dad’s office.
Kota: looked at Clare when she asked about the manga. "My Lovely Ghost Kana? No, I don't think you'd like it. If anything I'd think you'd get uncomfortable reading it. It's like watching a soft porn in my eyes. I mean I don't know if they show the genitals or not on soft porn, but that's the only thing they hide in the manga. Kana's breasts are fully drawn even when she's topless." he explained the best he could. A soft chuckle fell from Kota's lips when Clare mentioned egg rolls being a simple recipe. "Sorry, but you'll need to learn how to make sushi before you make an egg roll. While they're entirely different, making them is exactly the same aside from one getting deep fried. If you deep fry your egg roll and it's not rolled tight enough it comes apart when you take it out of the fryer due to the juices being able to get inside of it. Hearing Clare mention auctioning them off made Kota shake his head. "Not exactly. I mean there's no auction at all. It's mainly a first come first serve basis and girls there can be vexing. A girl tricked Yohio into kissing her. She pretended to drop her napkin and knowing that he was going to look at her when he gave it back, she inched her face closer that way when he turned towards her their lips would meet and that's exactly what happened." he explained and nodded. "I'll try to stop you next time. No promises." he smirked at her. "They really don't make you look that masculine. I mean they just put you in a male uniform, matching shoes, tie back your hair, and you're done. With us my chest will still be flat. They just dress us in dresses, put wigs on us, do our make up, and we're done." he shrugged. "You being able to do multiple things, isn't really why you'd be a cashier. It's the fact that other schools will be coming to our school when we do the Cultural Festival. We'll be getting students from local schools and not all of them know English." he explained honestly and listened to her mention sex and kids. "I feel the same way, though I'd follow you to New York if you did get pregnant without having you to ask me. If we did decide to take that step before college and you did get pregnant, I'd follow you without even needing you to ask. It'd be easier that way. I'm actually going to apply to several colleges all over America, here, and a few in Japan. I already promised Jimmy Fallon that I'd stop in New York to see him when I'm in college along with a few other friends of mine. They'd kill me if I told them I wouldn't visit. Some of them are already mad at me for keeping Emi away from them. I really don't want to make it worse and I already promised Luca that I will bring Emi to see him in the near future." he assured. "I'm also happy Emi isn't a deal breaker and if we're in America and you get pregnant there, they just send the bill here and Canada takes care of it." he smiled and kissed her back. "I like that." he smiled against her lips and opened his eyes when she spoke. "When we get to that step, we'll talk first." he smiled and kissed back. He nodded when she mentioned never being to Cali and smiled when she did. "It's going to be epic. You'll love the concert and trust me if you don't go you'll regret it. I have no choice but to go since I got us epic tickets and if you don't go I'll take Alli. I'm sure she wouldn't mind back stage passes." he shrugged. When Clare asked Mel the questions she looked at him, then her. "Well, I'd like to say I know more famous people than Kota, but I don't. Some how he gets into all the good shows, he's been to what was it, two premiers?" she asked. "No one, I couldn't make it to the second premier. The first one was only because Betsey needed a date." he shrugged and smiled as both girls watched through the window. "Well, there's not too many places I can actually take you." he said honestly and lead them to the elevator. "I mainly stay in my office when I'm here." he added. "Can we eat? I'm starving." Mel asked and he laughed. "Are you hungry Clare?" he asked.
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existentialstatesofmind · 8 years ago
Weekend Fun
Clare: smiled encouragingly at Stacy too. Song writing might not be easy but she didn't think it would take much for Dakota and Stacy to impress Peter. She giggled when Dakota kissed the side of her head. She was going to get spoiled with all of this affection. "I know but Josephine's not really your sister and you're not dating her. I just don't want my mom jumping to crazy conclusions. Especially since I am going to tell her the truth eventually. So not the kind of false first impression I want her to have of my boyfriend." Clare crinkled up her nose. "You really don't mind? I feel bad about dragging you and Josephine into this." Clare told Stacy. She barely knew Stacy and hadn't even met Josephine yet and here she was insisting she had to introduce them to her mom to keep a cover story going. "I'll make sure Dad isn't home when Josephine comes over. He's at work ninety percent of the time anyway and doesn't really care about meeting my friends as long as Mom knows who they are." Clare sighed. "Yeah, they believe teen parents who keep their kids are selfish. So I doubt they're going to be too thrilled with your situation either, at first. They'll come around." She knew kids with more rigid parents than hers. Her mom and dad just needed to learn how to stop making broad (untrue) generalizations. "Okay it would be better to wait until we're serious." Clare agreed. They'd just started dating. She finally quieted down when Kelly mentioned putting it off until they got engaged and everyone agreed that Kelly was good at predicting these things. Clare smiled a bit and went back to eating her salad, blushing a little. She nodded about Josephine. "It's really good she has you for a friend." She'd just finished her salad and started eating her coconut shrimp when she realized everyone else was closer to being done than her. Clare listened to Dakota talk without commenting much until she was through eating. "Emi will be a huge help, we can read the signs out loud and ask her what they mean." She grinned at the mention of summer festivals. "Do they have fireworks, or singing and dancing at them?" Clare asked excitedly. She'd love going to a festival. She was sure they had food booths and souvenirs to buy too. "Those are the really pretty colorful dress-like robes with the bows right?" Clare had seen pictures of Japanese women and children wearing them. Men too, just a different version. She listened Dakota describe who in his family had gone where. "I'd love to hear all about New York later. I dream about moving there sometimes but I've never been." Clare smiled at Dakota. "Uh-huh." She agreed not wanting to expose Emi to her mom anymore than he did. "We will have to set up. My own cheering section, yay!" Clare said pleased. "Perfect. Exactly what I was thinking." She leaned over and kissed Dakota's cheek. "I'd love to go on a date to the aquarium. True but it won't be a problem." She watched Dakota interact with Emi. When the chocolate cake arrived boxed up to go, the waiter brought the check too.
Kota: listened as Clare mentioned her parents and them lying to them too much and nodded. "I agree we shouldn't do more damage than we have to and we'll tell them about Emi when the time comes." he smiled and looked at Stacy. "I'm not really dragged into this. Kota is like my brother so to me I'm helping him. I really don't mind at all as long as it's beneficial in the long run and I don't think Jose will mind as long as your dad isn't around." Stacy assured and Kota smiled at Clare. "See no worries." he added. "You can say Jos is your sister. I'm going to adopt her one day." his mom said grabbing his attention. "What?" he asked. "I am, I've been trying to and I finally got an answer. They'll talk to Jos tomorrow night and see. I know she said no last time, but I think that's because she was here and less exposed to her dad. I mean I know more than you do, Kota, her mom is just afraid to tell you and Jos is too scared to. Don't worry she's alright. It's just the school can't keep her dad from calling and often makes her talk to him which is why she calls you at weird hours." she explained. "Yea I have my phone off during school because of that." he nodded. "Is that why the guest room is blocked off?" Ash asked. "Well the guest room needs to be built. I guess guests can sleep in my mom's room." their mom trailed off. "Clare, you're sleeping in my room when you stay, Emi will sleep in with Kelly." Kota stated. "Same with Stacy." Dallas said. "Grandmother's room is one place I'm not setting foot in. I like her and all, but she kind of creeps me out now." Stacy stated. "She creeps us all out like we'll go in there, water her plants and boom there she is demanding we do something about her cold feet." Dallas said and Kota laughed. "Yes, lets plan to exhume her and cover her feet up. Right up on the top of my to-do list along for going to jail for breaking and entering." Kota laughed sarcastically. "Not to mention, her TV works. I walked by the door was open for a change, Jeopardy was on and her rocking chair was moving. I said good night, heard her tell me she loves me and closed the door for her. I'm pretty sure if I can see her rocking chair move from her sitting in it, she can pick up a shoe. Beware of pissing her off. And I'm pretty sure Clare doesn't want to get woken up in the middle of the night by anyone let alone an old lady who haunts her bedroom." he added. "She gives me candy." Emi said softly. "Ew, Emi don't eat that." Kota stated. "You could get sick." he added. "No the candy's fresh. I refill it when it runs out." Ash added. "Right, like you have extra money to splurge on candy for a candy dish owned by a woman who died a few years ago and haunts her own room?" Kota asked. "I don't look at it like extra money, I look at is as helping the dead. Besides, she gets pissed when you lay in her bed and sleep without leaving her room. I fell asleep in there." Ash stated. "Me, too by accident. I went to dust and fell asleep on the chair. Grandmother woke me up though by running her hands through my hair." Kota shrugged and listened to Clare mention them reading the signs. "We can't read Kanji." everyone said at the same time and Kota looked at what Emi was drawing with a crayon the waiter left and the activity page for her. "Thank you." he whispered to her and took the page. "See this.." he said pointing to symbols that Emi drew on the page. "That's Emi's name in Kanji. I know because when I get her papers back from school, her name is at the top of the page in Kanji. They're fine with it because none of the other kids know how to write their name yet and since Emi likes to write her name they allow it. Besides no one else knows what that means. I didn't know it was called Kanji until Emi told me it was in Kanji." he chuckled a bit. "And I only know the sounds. I was learning the sounds in school back home. We don't get to learn how to write until second grade. Preschool is where we learn how to read sounds because they're our alphabet. I'm only able to write my name because it's in the alphabet, e and mi. I just put them together to get my name. It's written with about 30 strokes in Kanji." she explained and Kota looked at her, then to Clare. "Believe it or not the Japanese alphabet is 40ish letters and based off the vowels since they're the only thing in the alphabet by themselves." he shrugged and listened as Clare mentioned the festivals. "I want to go to the Fireworks Festival. They have games, booths, and food. Emi said during the festivals they have grilled octopus which I'm not eating." he said honestly. "But they do have other foods, grilled octopus seems to be a delicacy." he added. "There's no dancing at the Fireworks Festival, but I'll look up other ones tomorrow." he promised knowing he was curious about them too and listened when she asked about the Yukata. "Yes, they're the ones with the bows. I like wearing them too." Emi answered for Kota, she knew more about the clothing than he did. Hearing Clare ask about New York caused Kota to bite his lip. "I really don't remember it much, I was ten. What I do remember is going to Time Square and going to the massive Toys R Us, Disney Store, and bookstore and getting lost in them." he admitted. "They had to call my name over the speaker in each store." he added. Hearing Clare mention the robot wars caused him to chuckle a bit. "I'm not using pom-poms." he chuckled out. "But yes, essentially we will be your cheering section, minus the pom-poms, but we'll hold up a big banner with your name on it." he smiled and looked at her when she agreed to go on the date with him. "Great, I already have the tickets." he said honestly and kissed her chastely. Once the waiters walked out with desserts in boxes located inside bags, Kota took his bag along with Emi's and Clare's and put them inside his bag. Once the check was paid, Kota helped Clare up and watched Emi jump off the chair. "Off to home." he smiled and picked Emi up as she yawned. "Someone's tired." he said and kissed the top of her head as she rested it against his shoulder and wrapped her arms around him. Once everyone filed in the van, Kota put Emi in her car seat and looked at Clare. "Can you carry our desserts inside when we get home?" he asked curiously.
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