#which I understand why they wouldn't yk
milolovesbmc · 5 months
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The "I do too" from Marvin after "Do you take this man to be your husband?" in In Trousers absolutely destroyed me so here's this!!!
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indi-glo-archive · 4 months
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larentslovechaos · 2 years
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gildeddlily · 3 months
absolutely losing my mind because of these two!!!
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are these two actually toxic, or are they just kids who don't know how to communicate? easy, they're just kids! (this was fast)
reading the manga will not make you understand that (or im just stupid), and this is why I'm thanking the author on.my.knees for the spin-off!
after watching the anime I fled to ao3, of course. read some works about Rin and Isagi, managed to not spoil myself anything.
then i read the U20 arc. after reading every ryusae I could find (writing one myself rn, doing god's work) I finished to read the manga cause, yk, I wanted to know what would happen with my babies and then boom! Reo and Nagi!!!
I didn't particularly care about them at first: Nagi was strong ofc, but kind of boring? he's not my favourite archetype, and while I loved Reo I hated their fight and wanted nothing to do with them. key word(s), at first.
then, then! I randomly read some fics about them cause they'd started to grow on me, and boom, tons of fics about their breakup/makeup. stunning works, ofc, but I started to see so many "Reo's fault" "Nagi's fault" "toxic relationship" that I kind of started to get uncomfortable (sometimes people throw around the word toxic when it's nothing like that), so what's to do? read the spin off ofc.
that I did, and now not only I love them both with all of my heart, but I'm Reo's number one fan (and kinnie)!
and I developed a deep hatred for those "toxic x" theories and takes. SO. let me blabber and rant.
they love each other so much!!
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this is Nagi.
he thinks "damn, soccer/football is a pain, I hate sweating and running, but I don't hate Reo" even though most of the time he spends with Reo is spent playing soccer/football (I won't choose one english is so confusing- in italian it's literally called kick).
he doesn't feel forced to be Reo's friend, he likes it.
because Reo loves him, it's as simple as that.
he wants to be Nagi's friend "despite" Nagi's personality: this is something he currently says through the spin-off, which made me cry- Reo truly is the first person who ever accepted Nagi as someone who is lazy and unmotivated, who complains a lot, who doesn't put any effort in what he does, who doesn't offer much.
Or at least he thinks that he doesn't have anything special to offer, until Reo arrives.
he still has those terribly self-deprecating thoughts, but now he has something to offer, his talent.
(and after a period of happiness, their honeymoon phase one could call it, he starts to doubt the sincerity of Reo's care. from thinking "i'm not his slave, i'm his partner" he starts to doubt Reo's honesty: "maybe he only wanted to be my friend because of my talent, a talent he knows how to use"- since he still thinks that he's got nothing to offer! but we will talk about this later.)
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this is Reo!
he thinks "I wanted to be the one who could make you love soccer/football, the one able to light up something in you" but he also thinks "seeing you like that, even if it wasn't me who'd done that, made me happy".
he's so jealous he's almost funny, and isn't that the most teenager thing ever?
who wouldn't be jealous after working so hard to be special to someone, just for someone else to take the place you're working so hard for?
it's terrible, but still, it doesn't stop Reo from being happy that Nagi found something exciting.
something that made Nagi as happy as the combo Nagi-soccer/football made Reo happy.
the thing is, Nagi thinks he's Reo's friend because of his talent, which maybe it's true. maybe, hadn't Nagi been a genius, they wouldn't have become friends, but his talent was the sparkle that made him become Reo's treasure.
Reo is someone who has everything, who gets everything he wants, or as he says everything except what he really wants.
for that, he has to work.
so, what he wants is to play soccer/football, and to play it with Nagi.
(in order to be Nagi's friend, he needs to work hard, because he needs to be honest and gain Nagi's trust- this is how friendship works: even when it seems flawless and easy, there's so much work behind it, and knowing it is important. most of the times we only realise it once we lost that bond- for example, Nagi. Reo already knew it, and this is why he tried so hard to not leave Nagi's side)
at one point, the two things became linked to one another, and his dream turns into "winning with Nagi, my partner". Because Nagi is talented, is special, and Reo saw his talent, and how Nagi was unable to do the same. He wants to show Nagi that soccer/football is fun, that his talent isn't a pain, that he is special, because Nagi doesn't know it, and for Reo a star that doesn't see his its own light? is just preposterous.
He cares for Nagi and loves everything about him, even all the "bad" things, and he doesn't think that Nagi has to change, and this is what, for me, makes their break-up way more serious and relatable for a lot of people.
it triggers a "I'll change to be better" "for me you never had to change" "I need to change for myself" dynamic.
2. changing and longing is way more fun when you're doing it together!!!
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so they split up.
Nagi doesn't do it because he likes Isagi more, or because his style of play is more interesting, he does it because Isagi was stronger than Nagi and Reo: entering Blue Lock, Nagi had trust in Reo's ability to use his talent to win, he didn't even think about failing, and while Barou came close to making him feel like he could loose, Nagi overpowered him at the end- but then Isagi beats Nagi, and Reo with him.
Nagi understands that Reo's dream can't become reality if they aren't the strongest, and if being together doesn't work, maybe they should split up, part ways, become stronger and then join forces again, and win everything. win the world cup.
while his friendship with Isagi is sweet and I love them, for Nagi Isagi is like a cyclette.
he'll use the cyclette to get get fit and make his bf swoon over his legs, he won't stay with the cyclette once he doesn't need the training anymore. and even if he will, it will always be just the cyclette he uses to get fit "for" his bf.
(metaphor isn't metaphoring)
Reo doesn't know that.
he knows he's strong, but he knows that Isagi and Nagi are on a whole other level and he feels threatened. he fears that Nagi will choose Isagi instead of him, and he tries desperately to not loose Nagi.
Nagi is his dream. Slowly, day after day, Nagi became part of his dream, and now he's losing not only his best friend but the dream that made him free.
Reo says it himself- he knows that Nagi did the smartest thing by leaving, but he's young and scared and sees it as Nagi leaving him.
He feels abandoned, and he thinks that Nagi is abandoning his dream to go with the bigger fish, the apex predator, in order to become the best striker, by forgetting the promises they made at the start of Blue Lock, to stay together til the end.
Neither of them forgets the other.
Nagi leaves, and all he thinks about it "I need Reo to see this" "I can't wait to let him see how much I've improved", and he misses Reo, just as much as Reo misses him.
the only difference?
Reo is oblivious about Nagi's real feelings and thought process, and his thinking of Nagi turns into spiraling into depression and self-hatred.
so Nagi changes.
he starts to see the beauty in soccer/football, he finally sees what Reo had tried to make him see for months, and he's thrilled. he's having fun. he's grateful that Reo convinced him to not discard Blue Lock immediately. he's different.
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different why? because Isagi beat him? because Blue Lock happened?
he changed not when Isagi beat them, but the moment he became Reo's friend, and found a reason to do something.
because Reo was the first person to ever tell him that his laziness, boredom, his oh so troublesome antics were alright, that he was what he was, and he was enough not only for Reo, but for the whole world.
Reo accepted him even when he was set on being static, made him want to change, and now that he's changing he feels worthy of being loved so much.
"you saw something in me back then, you forced to me work hard, and now thanks to you I ('m on my way to) realised my own worth, now I found something exciting"
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he changes.
Reo sees him after what, a few days, and he's already improved so much.
and he thinks that he was Nagi's cage, his personal dead weight, that Nagi may have been his treasure but he wasn't Nagi's. that Nagi doesn't need him anymore. if Nagi doesn't need him, what will be of his dream?
(we could start a long-ass post ab mental health and recovering but I won't for my own sanity)
what's his worth then, since he got into Blue Lock just to stay with Nagi till the end- especially when he can't even be number two, with Isagi there- and Nagi won't be with him anymore?
he needs to change too.
3. destroying yourself in order to change (no fun)
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Reo says that he isn't brave enough to destroy himself like the others do.
Isagi, Barou, Nagi, Chigiri, they all destroy themselves in order to become stronger and change, evolve, but Reo can't. he's scared, he's confused, the whole arc is just him looking like that. then what does he do?
he lets Nagi destroy him. "If I can't do it, Nagi will" don't you understand you're doing exactly what you say you're unable to do? the fact that you're not the one pulling the trigger doesn't mean that you're not killing yourself
he pushes Nagi until he snaps and tells Reo to fuck off, that he's a pain, that he's weak and someone Nagi doesn't want anything to do with, because that's what Reo thinks.
He thinks Nagi doesn't want to be with him anymore, he's feeling guilty for what he thought (later later), he's insecure- and instead of being reasonable, he founds a way to confirm his "irrational" fears.
"I'm not being insecure since Nagi confirmed it"
he sabotages himself. that's the nail in the coffin.
instead of destroying himself with football/soccer, by learning from a lost match, he destroys himself with life, by putting on the line his relationship with the person he (not exaggerating) loves most in the world.
he's unable to distinguish life from soccer/football (and this will be the aspect that makes him so different from most of the other characters), because since meeting Nagi they've become one thing. soccer/football is his life, Nagi is his life, because they're his only chance at being happy.
(Nagi is able to distinguish between the court and Reo: this way, Reo is just as special as Isagi is, since Isagi may have made him see the fun in soccer/football, but Reo made him get angry. Nagi who thinks that his strong quality is the fact he never gets angry, that he's a pacifist. Isagi is his soccer/football revolution, Reo is his life revolution.
Reo can't. they all insult each other on the field, but they're all friends afterwards. not Reo. not yet)
now he's lost Nagi, and his dream, and he has to pick himself up from the ground.
this is how Reo changes.
4. miscommunication is a beast
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As I said before, Nagi starts to think that Reo only cared about him because of his talent. he's angry at Reo. he doesn't understand why Reo said those things, why he was so stupid, why he didn't understand Nagi.
he says "I'm not his toy" and he isn't, but really, try to get into his shoes.
he thinks his partner, his best friend, doesn't believe in them as a duo anymore, doesn't want to believe in them like he used to now that Nagi has changed, now that he's more "independent" from Reo.
"what, now that I know how to fight alone, he doesn't want me anymore?" that would be anyone's first thought.
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and he doubts Reo's trust in their dream.
when did Reo start to have so little faith in them, in Nagi? when did he give up on them? he thinks that, after spending weeks trying to improve just to make Reo's dream true.
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and he's angry, but he still hopes to play with Reo again.
he still want to, because him and Reo are partners and Nagi still believes in their dream. because he remembers Reo's passion, and he believes in him.
+) 5. being relatable as fuck
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(what kid with absent/abusive parents never thought back on their action and went anxiously all "Am I just like them?")
Reo begs Nagi to stop being so strong, stop improving so quickly, stop running towards a place Reo can't reach yet, and isn't this a human thing to do? He desperately wants to be with Nagi, and thinks that he'd rather stop him from improving rather than lose him. He thinks "Please, give up on your dream, your ego"- and isn't that familiar?
he just thought the same thing his father, a man he hates and despises and who doesn't believe in Reo, told him. and he said that to Nagi. Nagi who gave him a ticket to the top by being at his side, who let him see hope.
he panics. am I just like him? Am I cruel enough to wish for someone to give up on their dreams, just to get something out of their failure?
he's different from his father, because he's seventeen, he's scared to lose his best friend, and we can be irrational in situations like this one. does he know it? no, the same way he doesn't understand that Nagi didn't left because of him.
so yes, he's in the worst head-space ever.
isn't he relatable? this is what that made reo my favourite character in a second, probably. he's so human and he makes so many mistakes and he's so stupid sometimes, but I can see myself in him very clearly.
and now.
in what way is their relationship not balanced? their love and care not mutual? in what way one used or manipulated the other?
I think they're flawed, and they made mistakes, and they hurt each other, but I also think that we throw in the word "toxic" the moment a relationship isn't perfect.
they're friends and they're teens, they will make mistakes and they will hurt each other, and their friendship (and they were roommates) won't be perfect- this doesn't make it less genuine or beautiful.
don't get me started on what happens in the manga (really don't do it) (all of this was just nagi's spin off!!!)
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killuintense · 10 months
❝ tell me you are mine ❞
stepdad!leon x fem!reader.
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summary: you just wanted he to be yours, one more night, one last night... just one last one, right?
content: 3.9k words, angst and little comfort, porn with plot, p in v, unprotected sex, doggy style, oral (m receiving), reader rides Leon, breeding kink, size kink, stepcest, age gap (reader ALWAYS +18), real daddy kink yk (not only in the sexual way)
note: i bring the third part because i see that you like it a lot uwu, i hope you enjoy it even though i'm a dramatic as fuck. all your reblogs and comments are well received !! ily'all. ♡
THE CHAPTER IS BEING CORRECTED AND EDITED TO AVOID GRAMMATICAL ERRORS, so i'm sorry if there are parts that are not very understandable uwu.
"Thank you for accompany me..." you said in a soft voice, and your eyes slipped out the window, blonde hair peeking out made you smile in a mischievous way.
"It's okey... I wouldn't want to let you walk around alone" said Mike, your college mate, with whom you had finished a project that very day and, therefore, the hours had passed so fast that when you wanted to realize it the sun had already said goodbye. And, ever the gentleman, he offered to accompany you to your place of residence.
You knew that Leon was looking out the window, attentive to how his little daughter took the boy's arm with her hands and caressed him with feigned innocence. Your companion immediately tensed, laughing softly with you, and before you could even get any closer than you were the door opened with a swiftness worthy of your stepfather. Come on, he wasn't a government agent just for the hell of it.
"Inside" his voice was low and he didn't bother to greet the young man in front of him, who with an uncomfortable look said goodbye to you as best he could and took off, rather uneasily. And he was no less, a man of 6'4", with large arms and breasts that drew a menacing stance. That is until you looked at his eyes, his furrowed brows and the sharpness of his gaze that made you shiver. But, even though Mike flew away in fear, you could only feel your panties getting wet, making you sigh.
You didn't let him notice, at least not that much, and just walked in gently pushing the older man's shoulder in annoyance "Thanks for scaring the fuck out of my partner" you grumbled, arms crossed and the tantrum tone made Leon snort, closing the door behind him. Yes, you were his lovely girl but you could also be fucking capricious a lot of the time, going so far as to disobey. He blamed your mother for that behavior, anyway.
"We already talked about how dangerous being late is, and you keep doing the same thing" his tone was harsh and impatience was starting to show, which deep down made you stir because, well, pissing Leon off was a hard thing to do and you were pulling it off without trying very hard.
"Mike walked me here!" you argued with him, stomping your foot on the floor and feeling your hormones flutter in your stomach. You just wanted him to shut the fuck up and stop talking to you with that worry and demand in his tone of voice, all it accomplished was to send your body into a state of confusion. Where you were fighting with yourself about whether that discomfort in him made you feel worried or... horny.
"I don't like that boy walking around after you, you know I can't leave you in the hands of just anyone..." his tone softened and he tried to move closer to you, wanting to rest his hand on your waist, but you were exalted enough to let him touch you. You were too weak before him, holy shit.
"Leon" you emphasized, moving away only a few slight steps. His blond eyebrows rose in surprise "It's my life, you know that, don't you?" you crossed your arms over your chest and sighed "I'm not a child...or why can you have a normal life with my mother and I have to be left waiting for you?" your words seemed to sink deep into Leon. His gaze contracted and he sighed, causing him to take a full upright posture.
"Your mother or I will pick you up at the university, no more delays... and NO more classmates escorting you to the front door, got it?" his tone of voice rose and you felt the lump in your throat tighten, causing you to step forward, desperate, trapped. You wanted to hit him, you wanted to ruin him and make him regret his stupid words. But at the same time you wanted everything to go back to the way it was a few hours before; just to have him to yourself and to take care of you the way only he knew how.
But this was getting out of hand. Both of them.
"Fuck you, Leon" you uttered, not a word more, not a word less. Your posture remained the same, both of you staring at each other in a battle of who had more pride. But you were competing with Leon Stubborn Kennedy, that was going to be fucked up.
"What did you say, brat?" he raised an eyebrow and took a step forward but you got ahead by walking up the stairs, leaving him with the words in his mouth "Who the hell do you think you are for-"
"Fuck you! That's what I mean!" you shouted, almost unintentionally but... you broke free, you could almost feel the tears threatening to explode in your eyes.
"If you think you can do what you want you are wrong, it's my fucking house and you will do what I tell you" his voice was hard, you had never, seriously, never heard him talk to you like that. In his posture, look, presence there were no traces of the loving and caring father that Leon was, but rather of a hard and strict father... almost like your biological father, let's say "If you think you can bring any asshole to the door of my house and make little scenes throwing yourself on him, get those ideas out of your fucking head!" he seemed exasperated, but those last words ended up spilling the glass, leaving you with your heart in your hand. But you could only squeeze it and put it aside, but fuck your heart.
"And you get it out of your fucking head that you can fuck me and then go on with your life normally!" you ran up the stairs as fast as you could and with a loud bang you slammed the door. Your heart was pounding and tears were already inevitable, streaming down your red cheeks even though you were trying to be strong and not fall.
Leon downstairs was trying to understand how everything had escalated into such a fight. What was going on in your mind that suddenly things had become so distorted; with him and you saying hurtful things to each other that didn't even make sense.
However, that situation from the night before had been going around in your mind all day long. You had gone out in the middle of the night to get a glass of water, thinking that Leon and your mother were already sleeping, but the dim light and sound of the television made you you will go down slowly to the stairs and you saw them both comfortably on the sofa. Leon lying on her chest while she gently stroked his hair. You felt your heart being pierced by a painful pang that left you breathless for a few seconds. You felt envy, hatred, and sorrow that made you feel guilt and desire at the same time. Envy of your mother, for not being the one who would be in her place, and that hatred mixed with sadness for knowing that, even if you tried, you would never be the most important woman in Leon's life. You would not be the one bound to him with vows of loyalty and love. You were simply that morbid sensation that probably excited him, but you couldn't blame him because even if you tried to push him away and ignore him, the addiction to the sensations that being with him generated in you were simply... desperate, overwhelming but beautiful.
You had no choice but to go to bed with tears in your eyes and waking up the next morning with the news that your mother would be absent that weekend, and then it made more sense for you to be together that night. And you couldn't believe that you were more attentive to how much time Leon decided to spend with his wife than you were to the thought that you would miss your mother in her absence.
And the guilt returned.
And it lingered and distressed you. Making you feel alone, without the arms of someone to shelter you. Looking to any foolish boy you came across for some of that warmth that Leon was able to give you. And really... no one was able to love you as much as he did.
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Sometimes you hated yourself and the habit of needing a cool glass of water very late at night. But there you were again praying to God that he wasn't in the room. However, it seemed that day was not a lucky one, and Leon's blond hair was illuminated by the dim warm light of the lamp, matching the low sound of the TV. As soon as you came downstairs with the greatest care of all, you saw how he stirred on the couch, probably waking up from his soft reverie.
You ignored him, you were just looking for water and that was it, you didn't have to see each other and he didn't have to get up. You opened the fridge, took a glass and poured the water gently so as not to make too much noise. And there it was again. That soft scent of expensive whiskey, his stubble a few days old against your neck and his arms wrapped around. There was the reason for your lack of compromise, you couldn't resist him and you were sure he felt you leaning your back against his chest, closing your eyes slowly.
"I don't want to talk to you if you're drunk..." you murmured, the sigh was inevitable, but you didn't move an inch away. You could feel Leon's arms squeeze you tighter and his soft lips leave a trail of wet kisses down the curve of your neck. As if you were going to run away again and that alone was enough to make you stay. And it was.
"I'm not... I barely tasted a sip" his voice drowned out by the kisses he was leaving you, his citrus yet sweet scent intruding on your skin to mark you and leave his scent on you "but i really need to talk to you, baby, I didn't mean to sound that way and I don't want you to feel that way about this either" contradictory to his words, you turned around without leaving his arms, and rested your tired head on his chest. You were his little girl and he was going to take care of you, right? You just wanted to ignore reality for one night.
"It's impossible for me not to feel that way, Leon" your hands clutched the fabric of his shirt, shortening the space between you even more "I just... I don't want to think, I don't want to concentrate on that anymore... I just want to be yours for one more night and for you to be mine. But only mine, you know what I mean?" your face lifted gently and you stopped holding back, seeking his lips with a thirst to taste him.
"I'm yours..." he murmured, their mouths brushing inches away from colliding and sinking into a kiss "but it's just that despair me that anyone else is near you, that anyone can smell you, feel you, hurt you" you licked his lower lip and sucked the spot gently, without it turning into a kiss "I'll be yours as many times as it takes" he moaned in desperation, opening his mouth as soon as you initiated a kiss just as desperate as the first time.
The disorder, the chaos, the whirlwind of sensations, on the contrary, calmed your mind. You stopped putting pressure on yourself wondering if it was right, if the two of you could maybe at some point be something more, or if it was just the thrill of the moment and he would leave you like everyone else who had passed through your life. You only wanted him for you, you wanted there to be no other woman in his life but you, you would give him reasons so he couldn't forget you. Yes, maybe that night or the next night would be the last, but you would be so marked in him that he would never be able to erase you.
Your kisses were his addiction, the endless missions where he didn't have you like at that moment made him go crazy; that he thought about leaving everything that at some point meant something just for you. He lived to have you on him like that moment. Both of you on the soft couch, his hands massaging the soft flesh of your ass while you ate his mouth like your favorite dessert. You felt small on top of him, but you didn't stop pushing him to the limit for it; you wanted in a way to punish him, to ruin him for making you feel so displaced from his life, and Leon just wanted you to stay close to him, to stick like gum to his shoe and chase him to hell if possible. That's where you both belonged, he thought.
"Fuck, just let me touch you more" he moaned, your tongues caressing each other slowly now, as if savoring that thing about both of you that you hadn't been able to taste in days. Your hands caressed his cheeks and traveled to Leon's hair, massaging the trails left by those golden but opaque strands. Your kisses moved slowly and wetly down their neck, you heard them gasp low even and could feel the inside of your thighs collide with the hardness of his cock. You were both wet but your kisses stopped when one of his long, thick fingers wanted to intrude into your shorts, brushing against your entrance.
"If you keep going, I'm leaving" the stiffness of his body was instantly felt, and like a dumb hound he searched your eyes trying to understand what he did wrong, but you weren't going to let him go so easily "You know, dad..." you began, moving his hands away leaving them at the sides of his body while your right took his fat piece and squeezed it gently above the fabric "I like everything about you, really.... down to the smallest detail, but I have to admit... God, your cock is one of my favorite things" your tone of voice interspersed with a moan made Leon sigh, the sound was heavy and husky, and you even saw his length startle gently. Your mouth watered, you felt your body go into desperation from the desire to drown with him.
"You're going to fucking make me explode..." Leon moaned, throwing your head back, bumping against the back of the couch as he lifted your hips in desperation and impatience. Your soft and playful giggle made him curse under his breath, your fingers running along his veins that bulged through the stain on his boxers which you soon undid, and he helped you as fast as he had the chance. You licked from his base to his glans, red, wet and dripping. You gave soft kisses, loving that part of him that always made you feel full, complete. It was that part of Leon that reminded you that he was a man, that he could protect you, but that he could make you tremble until you couldn't stand it anymore.
"Do you want me to squeeze you, daddy?" you sucked on his tip like your favorite popsicle, moaning as your hands cradled his balls and fondled them, they felt hot and heavy, and your insides contracted into nothingness itself imagining the amount of milk you would have to milk for him later. "This dick is only mine, isn't it? Only your pretty daughter's" the saliva barely let you speak, because your head bobbed up and down on the hot, wet flesh, blessing it with your tight throat.
"Only yours, baby, no one else's" Leon moaned, his hands itching from not being able to grab you by the head and plunge you deeper onto his fucking cock, to make it even clearer to you "My cock only cums for you, love, fuck, I just want to fuck you until you pass out" he gave a gentle lunge as his tone of voice shook as if he had run a marathon for hours, and the throbbing of his cock in the hollowness of your cheeks only made you smile wider.
You pulled away and wiped the saliva and precum from the corner of your lips savoring your stepfather's arousal "Sometimes you act like I'm not the only one, and that makes me feel bad" a soft pout played on your lips as you looked at them with sorrow, real sorrow. Ruined and sweaty with his bangs sticking to his forehead as he struggled not to send everything to shit and masturbate looking at your pretty body in front of him. "C'mon, Leon, show me that your cock is only mine and nothing else" you whispered, a secret between the two of you, and before you could finish the sentence your shorts disappeared from your legs and your chest stuck to the couch. You moaned as Leon's hands didn't know where to start, they didn't know whether to rip your shirt off, whether to touch your tits, he didn't know what the fuck to do. He was an animal desperate to make you his in a thousand possible ways.
Before your head could understand what had happened because of that sudden change, the martyrizing emptiness of just a few moments ago disappeared. The silence and tension was immediately cut off with a moan from Leon and you in unison and a thrust caused your legs to falter. He had to hold you from your waist to keep you from collapsing, causing your back to crash against his chest, tearing your throat into a moan as he pulled out completely and thrust back in "My cock is made to go in your fucking pussy” he growled from deep in his chest “Damn, you always let me fuck you so good, brat" his words sounded harsh against your ear as he buried his face in the crook of your neck sinking into your messy falling hair, breathing in that sweet scent that warmed him so much.
Lunge after lunge your body bounced, your shirt was gone from your body and his hands squeezed your tits as you gasped heavily “Dad-... Fuck! Yes!" slammed against your spot, against that button that gave him the power to fuck you any way he wanted. And there you were, on all fours like a fucking bitch in heat moaning so loud that anyone passing in front of the house would worry about what was going on inside.
Before he could increase the speed of his onslaught, you broke free of his grip and, much to your dismay, pulled his cock out of you. The sticky sound stopped for a few seconds but Leon didn't even have a moment to ask what was going on, before you spoke "Just... sit..." you could almost hear him object to this, but you were so high on his scent that you still felt his hands squeezing your hips and the sensation of your empty entrance was driving you crazy "Just, sit, please" you whimpered and turned around, trying not to fall. He closed his mouth and sat down.
Oh, for the love of God.
He looked so... you didn't know what, but him, with his thighs open, his shirt off revealing his chest rising and falling in the frenzy of the moment and his cock jerking desperate for a place to bury itself. So desperate to bury itself in you. And you were in no position to deny him; it was easy for you to climb on top of him -who was quick to hold your body in his hands- and line his cock up at your entrance, gently penetrating yourself. Leon's eyes narrowed and his mouth stretched into a grimace as he hissed, and you in your disconnected state couldn't help but melt at that image, the lines of expression at the side of his mouth, his jaw contracting and relaxing as the two of you became connected once more.
Connection intermingled with a constant back and forth of sensations, you jumped on top of him as you sought his lips, dizzy from the constant twinges that swirled in your belly down to your throbbing core "Mhm, mine, you're mine" you moaned into his mouth, you held his chin in your left hand as the sound of your ass slapping against his thighs echoed through the house joining his grunts and his saliva as he sucked on your tits, sucking on your nipples with no thought of the marks he would leave on you later.
"Yours, ‘m fuckin’ yours" his pelvis lifted and penetrated even harder, you could feel the head of his cock give into your stomach, he ravaged your womb each time his hips lifted and ground against your sweet spot, stealing moans from you uncontrollably. His hand squeezed your hip and as you felt the frenetic thrusts you could feel how he was only a few more strokes away from exploding in you. He looked like a child clinging to his favorite stuffed animal, hugging you tightly as he buried his face in your tits but at the same time fucking you with a force that you knew sooner or later would make it difficult for you to walk.
You wanted to go on, you needed to go on, but you didn't know at what moment -nor how, without needing to touch yourself- you were spilling all over the cock of your stepfather, of the man who opened his arms to you in a brotherly way every time you needed him. But there you were, getting him all wet as drops trickled down your thighs and stained the couch a little. The overstimulation was getting too much, you felt ruined and before you could moan again Leon filled you with his creamy seed without being able to help it. He didn't come out and cum on your face, tits or abdomen, no, he let all that tension and despair fill you. He didn't want to fight you again, he wanted to be inside you more than anything else, and filling you, letting you squeeze him until he squeezed out the last drop, was a sign of his desperation "I..." he gasped and crushed himself more and more slowly against your entrance already without strength, just to not let anything escape -which was impossible, he really had a lot to get out- "I really love you" he sighed, without stopping hugging you. You wanted to respond and say that you too, that you loved him madly, that you would give up everything to be able to wake up next to him every morning. But your body could only lie down on the couch and open your arms, offering him your warmth. You needed to give him your warmth before you became conscious again.
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It was probably very late at night, and both Leon and you were on the couch resting your devastated bodies. You had that man, as intimidating as he could often be, lying on your chest sleeping peacefully. His heavy breathing made you understand that he was in a deep and undisturbed sleep, and that only made your heart squeeze. You knew he could be very stiff and tense, always alert, but having him asleep between your legs while allowing you to caress him and stroke his hair so naturally, made you feel love.
It was specific to feel that. You loved loving Leon, in all his ways. You loved when he put aside the paperwork to take you to your favorite coffee shop, when on his missions he remembered you and brought you a present -you loved that brown teddy bear he brought you from San Francisco-, or when you felt overwhelmed by college and he helped you study by sitting for hours to listen to you tell him everything you knew. Maybe it was your silly, lovesick girl imagination, but you saw that love in his eyes, a mixture of brotherly pride and... maybe something else. Something else you could feel it when they have sex, when just sleepily fuck in the mornings when your mother is not around, and you feel how he penetrates you as if you were going to break and he just wants to stay there, inside you, just to make sure everything is all right.
You closed your eyes and sighed. That would be the last night.
Sure, you had said that two nights ago, maybe a month ago... maybe two... but you couldn't help it. You couldn't help it if the hugs weren't enough, if his kisses left you wanting more. You were weak, weak before him. And he didn't have the strength to say no to you, he had tried a thousand times, but he would melt for you, he would kill himself for you.
You closed your eyes.
You would just forget that feeling for one more night and sink into his warmth. You didn't want to have to decide, not so soon. You just wanted to keep loving him. Just wanted to keep feeling his love.
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cvnt4him · 22 days
Maybe Izuku’s first kiss? And how adorablely awkward he is after.
— ˗ˋ ୨ our first... ୧ ˊ˗ —
˗ˋ Kiss! ˊ˗
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You guys were at a school dance n went together as friends since some of your schoolmates/classmates had dates. You weren't alone together necessarily as you had a whole group of people w no dates, but you and izuku personally wanted to go together yk as "friends". You end up feeling down watching everyone make cute n cool memories together and it js dawns on you that you aren't out there making those memories. You're standing on the sidelines watching people have fun. You leave out of the gym and js go sit by some lockers, it hurt your heart so much that you hadn't managed to find someone to go with. You looked pretty, you smelled nice, you even tried your hardest to stand out to others yk be social. But it didn't work. No date, you were stuck with your friends. Izuku being izuku he ran after you, he wanted to assure you were alright.
“ y/n..? y/n! are you... okay? you ran out before I could as you.”
“ I'm fine.. just thinking I'm wasting my time, I mean look at us izuku. we're sitting here instead of dancing, d’yknow how lame that is?!”
Izuku snickered under his breath, making you shoot a glance to him. He cleared his throat trying to contain his giggles and took a deep breath. He was nervous for what was going to come next but he didn't want you to feel bad anymore, he just hoped you'd hear him out.
“ well.. if that's all you're worried about, why don't you just come dance with.. me?”
The look you gave him absolutely terrified him, he was afraid you'd say no so being the guy he is he was quick to try and excuse himself.
“ w- well it's just that, y'know I don't want you to be lonely! it can just go as friends, y'know we don't have to do anything you're uncomfortable with, I completely understand if ive overstep bounderies, I'll see myself ou-”
“ no no wait! I actually wouldn't mind that.”
“ really!? ahem- I mean err.. really?”
You giggled at how excited he sounded, grabbing him by the hand and pulling him up. He had a wide smile on his face as you pulled him back into the gym. The two of you danced together, stepping on each other's feet occasionally bumping into people, and even almost falling over, but no matter how embarrassing that all was or how bad you two were at dancing, you were having fun and that's all that mattered to you. You were making silly memories with one of your dearest friends.
You hadn't realized it but this meant so much to izuku, poor guy had been crushing on you for so long he couldn't even believe that he asked you to dance. It's like he was possessed by some spirit who just craved you deeply. The songs started to get slower which meant it was time for slow dances, with a quick smile you laid your head on his shoulder lightly swaying your hips as you moved closer to him. Izuku swore he could smell all of you, your shampoo your perfume even your lotion! It was so terrifying yet so sweet. He couldn't believe he got to have you this close.
He looked down at you, a smile still present on your face as you slightly giggled. This was so much fun, neither of you wanted it to end but before you knew it, the song was over, the DJ was saying something that neither of you bothered to listen to. You looked up at him pulling away slightly, he nervously chuckled trying hard not to embarrass himself.
You hadn't even realized that this entire time you two had been staring at each other, just looking longingly into each other's eyes. Izuku was literally shaking, he was sweating in his blazer, he couldn't believe you were this close. His hands were shaking on your hips as he brought one of his calloused and rough hands up to your cheek gently caressing it. It shocked you but you welcomed it, slowly moving closer to each other.
Your eyes trailed down to his lips and he instantly knew you wanted to kiss him. He had actually learned how to do all of this from searching it up, he has no game at all so he resorted to the internet, who knew it could actually provide. Your nose bumped against izukus making him jolt and a small noise leave him, his breath was shaky and stuttering and you could smell the mint lingering on it. He was scared but he wanted this to be enjoyable, with a deep breath he placed both of his hands on either side of your face and pulled you into a gentle kiss.
His lips were slightly chapped and kind of rough, unsurprisingly. Izuku is the kind of guy to pick at his lips or bite them when he's thinking in class, you noticed that. Despite it all though, it was a nice kiss. He was gentle and it seemed like he knew what he was doing, his lips were slowly moving against yours a deep fire igniting between you two. He gained some random type of boldness and pulled you into him, your chests together as your lips moved in a cute synchronization.
The kiss lasted for quite some time, you both losing your breath and trying hard to breathe in through your need to not let the kiss end, alas all good things must come to an end. You pull away to catch your breath, breathing heavily trying not to cough from the sudden invasion of air. Izuku mindlessly tried to follow your lips, desperate to feel you close again. He whined lowly, not going unheard to you of course, making you giggle. He leaned his forehead against yours and caught his breath as well, he couldn't believe this actually happened.
You two just sat there for a moment, in each other's arms in silence besides the music and other kids chatting in the background. It was comfortable despite you two being in a huge public space. It's like the entire world drowned out, well, emphasis on "it's like". You heard girls squeal so loudly making you both jump and shoot your heads over to the direction, along with other people staring at the girls.
Mina had squealed so loudly that people were practically staring daggers into her and your other girl friends. She was pointing at the two of you and jumping up and down making others look at you, this is the type of attention you didn't know if you wanted. Izuku slowly turned his head back to you with a nervous smile.
“ hehe... hi..”
“ hello, izuku.”
The once beautiful moment you two had was now incredibly awkward. You both cleared your throats and came up with some lame excuse to leave each other. You were so embarrassed you buried your face in jirou's neck you couldn't believe that just happened, mins was so quick to shut your self loathing down, making you look at the same green haired boy you'd just kissed. He was so nervous n awkward, all the guys playfully teasing and punching him.
He was a red mess, he literally looked like a strawberry. Poor thing was being eaten alive, his eyes ended up trailing to your group he tried to give you a polite smile and wave before bakugou walked up n whispered something in his ear making him get even more red, as if that were even possible. You couldnt help but giggle at the adorable mess you wanted to call yours.
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A couple of weeks later you two were so awkward around each other, not even bringing up the kiss you shared. It literally took denki yelling “ask her out!” for him to confess to you. It was because he was on the spot, you're both sure he probably wouldn't have asked you out if he hadn't been.
But it's okay, because the kisses and cuddles that came from being his girlfriend meant everything to you<3
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AN: he's such a cutie y'all, him being embarrassingly n awkwardly bold is my favorite
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pumpkinbxtch · 4 months
I need to say here: I think a "Leo x time traveler from the 40's" (like nico and hazel) dynamic would be cute If demigods could use cellphones, because Leo is a yk technology genius and the other person would be a grandparent who always says something like "help me how do I get out of this app" or "how do I install Google"
the god of 'app store'
— leo valdez x 40's time traveler!reader
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warnings; none, maybe shitty writing
a/n; yes. period, i mean- that's a kind of relationship like he used to had with calypso and hazel but kinda fits? thank you, idk if you were asking but I had an idea tho.
— Give me that! — Leo said, bursting into the apartment, kicking off his shoes, and staggering toward you. You didn't know what to do; you were watching something on TV, and his entrance had scared you. His eyes were fixed on something next to you, and when you realized what it was, you cursed under your breath.
— Leo.
— You didn't activate it? — He asked, seeing the phone turned off, just a pretty paperweight on the table next to you. You shook your head, resting your head on one hand while stealing glances at the TV. Honestly, it didn't interest you much. You had lived your life without it, and you didn't think it was so necessary, but the worried look on your boyfriend's face made you rethink that idea.
— Honey, — He sighed as he sat on the biggest couch and turned on the phone. — I wanted to know if you were okay, and you didn't answer. I thought something might have happened to you, and...
— So you ended up here — You said as you got up and sat next to him. He nodded as he checked the device in his hands. It looked like a normal phone, but the technology he had implemented made it so that monsters couldn't detect it, and thus your life was no longer at risk.
— It's like new — He said, confused.
— You gave it to me at the beginning of the week.
— No, I mean... You haven't turned it on since then.
You looked at your boyfriend and then at the phone, discovering a picture of the two of you on it. You raised an eyebrow.
— Why are we there? — Your question made him laugh, and he gave you a kiss on the cheek.
You understood; he had put it there. You didn't know how, but he had surely done it and probably expected a comment from you, which of course never came because you were too scared to use it. Suddenly, a wave of curiosity washed over you, and you clung to Leo's shirt sleeve. He glanced at you.
— Can you show me again? — His eyes lit up, and you had never felt better about asking for help.
After the lessons, you were a bit confused, but you seemed to have understood something: everything came from a place called the App Store.
You took the phone in your hands and went into that app to see what else you could download. However, you realized that at least the essentials were already installed. You looked at your boyfriend, who was distracted with his own 'latest tech gadget,' as he called it to buyers, or just a phone as he usually shortened it. He was watching a cat video, something you never understood but didn't intend to. Still, you felt like you had the best boyfriend. Very understanding and sweet in explaining things.
— Thanks, great Leo, god of the App Store — You said, giggling. He raised an eyebrow playfully and shook his head, amused.
— I wouldn't say that, sweetie, or the real gods might hear us.
— Are you saying I haven't been with one this whole time?
Your question made him blush, and he clicked his tongue, trying to pretend to be calm, but it wasn't easy when you set aside your phone, leaving it forgotten to climb into his lap and kiss him. Sometimes you were the one who dragged him into the present life, one he was delighted to share with you.
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darylsfavoritegirl · 8 months
HEYYYY IM HONESTLY SO FUCKING EXCITED WHAT DO YOU THINK ABT THESE HEADCANONS bc i wanted to do smth like for a while i just never could come up with anything but its easy in a sense sooo here you gooou
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• I don't think his mommy issues are necessarily sexual, sometimes you would do something that would invoke that "motherly" "safe" or "warm" feeling inside of him. He would never be able to understand what it was or would tell anyone about it. It'd be one of the reasons why he'd care for you as much as he did. You'd make him feel safe by saying something or embracing your arms around him in a certain way which would make him commemorate his mother, though because his mom died when he was young, he wouldn't be able to understand it at all bc he doesn't consciously remember those moments with her. This man fr would think you'd cast a spell on him :D
• I just know this man is a feminist in the core. Growing up, he'd always hear Merle running his mouth about women and how they were like this and they were like that, overall his ignorant, blunt, dumb thoughts about women. He would witness his dad going off on benders with different women each time and how he'd vulgarly talk about them later. And hell maybe he's disrespected women or been really cruel to them but he still regrets it to this time and yeah we all know this man suffers in redemption, always trying to make up for his past mistakes and wrongs. Yet I'm %100 sure he loves seeing women thrive, turning into their best selves or just witness them be real badass and it might even give him some kind of arousal 👀👀. He is into that shit. I said what I said.
• One of his love languages is definitely showing you the places he'd used to spend his time in. Could be a special spot in the woods, could be a small cabin he'd used to get lit with people. Hell it could be random corner in town whenever you'd have to be in downtown for various reasons. He wouldn't even mind if those places brought him bad memories or unpleasant ones. He'd just like being there with you, doing whole ass story times and watch you react them with a wide-eyed expression. He did have a weird and a "crazy" life before the fall that'd make him feel like he was on mushrooms everytime just thinking about it. He'd love letting you know more and more about his past. It would just give him a reassuring feeling deep down. He would feel like it would bound you two together.
• That.man.has.a.sweet.tooth. He loves anything that has sugar. He'd always snack on candies or cookies or chocolates after a hangover. Or when he'd be on drugs. Sugar wakes him the fuck up and he loves the energy boost. He'd carry some candies in his pocket back in the day, eating them throughout the day when he'd feel his blood sugar dropping.
• He is definitely a car-date type of guy. He got more into it after the apocalpyse started and he met you. Sometimes you'd go on runs and you could sit in the car for hours, smoking, eating, talking or yk👀👀 if supplies you found weren't an emergency need. He absolutely savored those moments. You could sit for hours without speaking, in a complete silence. He appreciates quietude.
• I know him having a breeding kink is well known and acknowledged but he's insane about it that it hurts. He loves seeing you all squirmed and whiny underneath him with all his cum inside of you, some of it dripping down your thighs. You couldn't always find the right pills for unplanned pregnancy risk and it WOULD drive him crazy to not be able to it.
• He just loves to see you messy beneath him. Hair all tangled, thighs shaking uncontrollably. Your fingers digging so deep on his shoulders that you'd cause his broad shoulders to bleed sometimes, he loved it. Your eyes are all glossy with pleasure. You both would love to go wild and leave sloppy kisses on eachother's bodies and wouldn't mind them drying on your bodies at all, leaving it all sticky.
• He loves being submissive as much as he loves being dominant. You can't convince me otherwise. If you gained his trust, he will be all yours, all needy beneath you while you ride his soul out of his damn body. Again, he adores a badass woman, a woman to take the lead. You would place your hands on his chest and sometimes hold his strong large biceps and he wouldn't dare to move an inch. He liked being vulnerable like that.
• He is just so patient it physically throws you over the edge. He'd get so close making you cum and he'd stop, teasing you with his tip or fingers or sometimes his tongue. He'd smirk at you and even make fun of you in a taunting way to overstimulate you and don't worry he'd make up for it with better ways. He knows what he is doing. It's just come natural to him.
• It's safe to say you are the one who teases him in the public most of the time, your feet tracing his legs up until it stops on his bulge under the table and he'd give a stern stare, trying to shrug and look indifferent as others would notice his suddenly-changing demenour. However, there'd be boring Alexandria dinners that Deanna would host and if you sat next to eachother, he'd place his large hand on your thigh and even dare to slip a finger on the fabric of your panties, starting to rub his middle finger harshly in circles while having full ass conversations with people and try to hide his subtle smirk bearing his face. He would do it rarely yet he'd be so good at it because no one would suspect a thing, he'd always make it look like he was resting his arm on your lap. You'd squirm under his warm touch and heat waves would wash all over you while trying to look normal as ever. And believe me, after those nights, when you'd confront about him about what he did at a dinner with 20 people, he'd act as if he doesn't understand a thing you're saying or would say "Don' kno' what yer talkin' 'bout." while shrugging his shoulders and turning to his side with a wicked grin.
well this actually took shorter than i thought idk why i believed it would take me couple of days to finish one lmao i deadass wrote this in like an hour max ???? anyway i wish there were more but idc i was so impatient to post one of theseeee :)))
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sh0tanzz · 8 months
eunseok as a bf pls!! 🫶🏻
imma try to be as unbiased as I can since he's my literal bias 😭
euseok as your boyfriend based on astrology
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(reminder that this for fun and astrology is something I study for a hobby, these are all inferences based off of observations and not exact fact unless I knew him myself !!)
warnings: small mention of sexual innuendo but nothing extremely graphic I'll only do NSFW asks if requested.
Pisces Sun: Briize have questioned how Eunseok and Wonbin are both pisces but are sooo different personality wise, this is why it's important to take other placements and aspects into account !! His other placements lead to his sun sign manifesting/presenting differently. He will be super intuitive about how you feel, will tell if you're uncomfortable, excited, scared without having to ask or you telling him. differently. Very willing to accomodate things for you, would be very willing to share and would even have a plan right away if you needed anything. Would want to help you feel better if you were upset IMMEDIATELY especially since his capricorn moon would want to search for solutions over letting you ruminate. Would compare experiences he's had with yours so you never feel isolated.
Capricorn Moon: The moon is uncomfy in capricorn leading to being very restrictive with their emotions, this causes people to stereotype Eunseok as "cold". However Eunseok having a capricorn moon whilst having a pisces sun and mercury (&his moon/saturn is well aspected rather than harshly) could make him have good emotional regulation. He would be more reserved and closed off with his feelings but wouldn't leave you completely in the dark, however he might have a hard time expressing himself but wouldn't lash out his suppressed emotions at you. He'd want to be your rock..like literally. His pisces placements makes him understand your emotional standpoint and cap moon will help aid you with logic. Extreme gentleman type, he'd even want to essentially protect you in a way. Eunseok would be quietly protective, very protective of your emotions/well being and would help you address your feelings. Would tell you what you need to hear not what you want to hear and would have very good advice when you were in emotional dilemmas. Would be very grateful that you can understand him better than others.
Pisces Mercury: yk how nobody ever knows what he's gonna say next. This is why LMAO. His handwriting might be a bit messy or his text would be lowkey vague or random..like he'd randomly tell you he's 5 mins from your house when the convo was a completely diff subject. Or instead of just texting back he'd call ? However he'd be sort of stuck on how to express himself (literally said if he accidentally liked his crush's post on insta he'd delete the account.) When pursuing you he'd be shy to let you know he likes you until he found a fun lighthearted moment to fully confess to you with. He'd surprisingly know what you mean when you aren't making sense at all like you could be spewing nonsense and he'd...get it ? Makes you laugh to the point you tear up a little bit. Would laugh/joke you out of your panties I fear. LOl
Aries Venus: I feel like this (+his mars) is the fuel for the "Eunseok fwb/player/sneaky link" fanfics tbh 😭😭. I've dated an aries venus so I have a personal understanding of the placement. He'd mess with you, A LOTTT omg if you had no haters Eunseok would be dead, but it all comes from him being unable to be sappy with you and only can express his complete fondness for you through teasing you. Wouldn't let people that weren't him mess with you however LOL He'd want to take the lead of the relationship. Would flirt at random 😭 which would leave you so flustered because whereee did that come from ??? the compliments and flirting would be DEEP. Might be into a little push and pull dynamic as long as you understood each others feelings. Would value his independence however and would want/let you indulge in your independence and own time as well. Now there's an observation that aries venus can fall out of love fast once they feel like the spark and energy is gone which can be true but his venus is in retrograde..based on other aspects in his chart it seems like the venus in retrograde neutralizes the flaky energy of his venus in aries making him less likely to just ditch you. Would want lots of passion and exponential energy in the relationship.
Sagittarius Mars: I have this placement HA. I doubt severe arguments would happen or he'd at least not be quick to anger/he wouldn't be mad for that long like aries mars. Would use physical action to exert built up energy (that time he was super excited and started dancing too hard). Super forward and blunt which once again make his flirting so jaw dropping. Is secure the majority of the time but will just have random moments of being jealous. Loves winning like yea you're his s/o but he still loves the taste of sweet victory. Sag rules the hips and thighs (wink wink) so he might be attracted to how your hips look or like when you wear clothes that accentuates yours. Might hold you by your hips or lower waist. May sit you on his lap or would lay his head across your lap. Keeps a hand on your upper leg.
Other Aspects:
Sun/Saturn Sextile: Very responsible and reasonable. When a serious situation unfolds it'll be easier to rely on him with support and trusting him with certain task won't be regrettable.
Mercury/Saturn Square: Even when being honest he might censor some of his feelings for your sake, like if he was upset he'd let you know he was upset but wouldn't go into that much detail.
Potential Toxicity: (reminder that any/everyone is capable of having toxic or negative traits, these could be POTENTIALLY true)
Aries Venus+Sag Mars: Isn't negative or toxic by itself ofc but if expressed negatively he might be super dismissive about his romantic past and carry past worries into the new relationship without fully acknowledging/processing it, can also be a bit too nonchalant to where he can be unintentionally harmful.
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hxrukii · 2 months
hi ^▽^ requesting again giggles. but AHEM
riddle x knight / guard ! reader ?!?!?
mayhaps the QoH sends a knight for riddle for …… reasons !!! why not yk …. i like those kind of tropes…
the personality of the knight!reader is completely up to you, i dont mind anyrhing!! , but i was thinking of like a sebek 2.0 but not so loud ….. liek they take their job VERY seriously and does NOT condone to ANY shenanigans. (probably due to the fact they were ordered by the QoH, and the card soldiers r said they are veru loyal to her, out of fear.)
hcs please!!! thanksies!!! gn too!!!
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❝Love and loyalty work hand-in-hand.❞
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╭・๑ 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲︰ʚ Riddle with a knight!reader who was sent to him by the Queen of Hearts..‧₊˚✦
‧₊˚↷ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫(𝐬)┊❝ Riddle Rosehearts ❞ ⸜⸜*
↷︰ʚ 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞 ‧₊˚✦ Reader is gender neutral and can be read as Yuu. Thank you for the request for Riddle once again!! Gosh I love that teeny tiny little guy. This was actually less hard than I expected since I'm not used to writing knights, but than again I had to read so much chivalric romance back in school that most of the chivalric code is practically ingrained in my brain.
╰・𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠(𝐬) ‧₊˚꒰ None that I can think of. ɞ‧✦
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At first, Riddle would most definitely be surprised by your sudden appearance.
The Queen of Hearts? One of the Great Sevens? Sent him a knight? Why is that?
But he wouldn't dare question the Queen's decision so remained silent.
Would be slightly flustered if he was required to do an accolade though.
Riddle was incredibly surprised and impressed by knight!Reader's loyalty. Would definitely be happy that they also remain loyal to the Queen of Hearts.
Riddle would most definitely swoon if knight!Reader makes him tea as per the Laws of the Queen of Hearts, like herbal tea at night and lemon-tea with two sugar-cubes after a meal.
Since knight!Reader worked under the Queen of Hearts, Riddle would definitely ask questions about the Queen of Hearts rule and all the exploits she accomplished, he would expect them to be able to answer his every question without hesitation, they are extremely loyal to their Queen after all.
Riddle would 100% be impressed if you were to punish any rule breakers who broke one of the 810 Laws of the Queen of Hearts.
If he was to learn that most of the Card Soldiers are only loyal to the Queen of Hearts out of fear, his reaction would be different depending on when he learns it. If it was before his overblot, he would absolutely be furious! Face rivaling the Queen of Hearts when she's angry with how red it was. But if it was after his overblot, I think he would be slightly more understanding, after all, they are at risque of getting their head literally cut off at any given mistake, which is far more gruesome than his unique magic.
He would get worried if knight!Reader got injured while protecting, especially if it is a grave injury. And would insist on dressing the wound while reassuring them that he knows what he is doing. He is the son of two doctors after all.
Wouk be extremely flustered if knight!Reader did any act of courtly love such as showering him with compliments, gifts, and care or swearing to protect and serve him. Wouldn't hate it though, on the contrary, he would definitely appreciate it.
"You don't need to keep on protecting me at any given moment, I can protect myself just fine. Besides, I couldn't bare to imagine how my life would be like if you were to die because of me."
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꒰ ◁ ꒱┊❝Back to Riddle's Masterlist❞
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elliessession · 6 months
"I need you right now."
an: IM SO SORRY IVE BEEN BUSY BECAUSE OF SCHOOL UGHHH, ANYWAYS HERE YALL GOO💗 I HOPE YALL LIKE THIS! And ofc as alwayss this one shot is inspired by "Coming Down" by the weeknd!
summary: you were done doing the chores in your apartment and ellie is still not home, shes at work but you decided to text her some things that you know would drive her crazy and immediately regret it.
-> smut! d!ellie, s!reader, pet names: princess, baby, good girl, slight degrading!, cursing! And i guess thats all?
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After hours of cleaning your apartment you're finally done with everything. 'The bedroom? Clean! The dishes? Yep already cleaned, and im pretty sure i already vacuumed the whole apartment' you thought to yourself. Now theres nothing to do. You're on your school break right now and you've already did all the things you're supposed to do.
You tried to watch a movie which never really entertained you. You've also tried this tiktok trends just to really get out of your boredom, yet nothing really helped. You miss ellie, you miss being in her arms. "Yes! Why did i not think of this earlier!' you screamed getting your phone and plopping on your bed and opening your phone to text ellie.
me: els? When are you coming homeee, imyy! :(
no reponse.
"awe, she's probably busy" you said in a upset tone, really missing ellie closing your phone, then getting a 'bright idea' that is not so bright. 'why not send risky texts to ellie? She probably wouldn't even read it since shes at work, then ill probably just remove my text when her break is near'you thought to yourself
me: els, fuckkk i need you right now baby.
no response.
You giggled at the text you sent knowing she wont really read it.But the thought of her actually reading your texts and knowing what can happen. "Err.. lets go send another one!" You said.
me: els, baby please i really need you right now.
me: els, please. I miss you, can you text me back baby please. Fuck i need you so baddd
me: ;)
"holy shit!, Shit she saw it, im doomed for fucks sake" you say with a slight panic in your voice.
els💞: hey baby, missed me that much hm?
me: fuck yes i do.
"shit, just go with it lets just end what i have started" you say to yourself.
els💞: baby yk you're really turning me on rn.
me: oh? thats a good thing then.
els💞: babe stop.
me: whyy? do you not like it when im bold hm?
els💞: fuck this.
me: hm? Im all alone baby. I need you.
"shit is it her break right now?" You asked yourself looking at the time in your phone "3:58pm" "its not her break yet, her breaks are in 4pm since i know shes in her night shift right now." you asked your self.
what do you not know is ellie actually left early to buy you gifts, she was buying you your favorite food at the time you texted her.
els💞: pick up your phone.
"shit im in trouble" you say to yourself picking up the phone.
"im on my way home."
"d-dont you have work?"
"shit, you'll understand later baby."
"what do you mean?"
"your messages. Shit you've been driving me crazy."
"wheres your boldness now? Hm?"
"fuck you els."
"you'll be fucking me later princess dont worry."
"ugh i hate you."
"pretty sure you dont baby"
*hangs up*
you can imagine ellies stupid smirk on her face, knowing you're literally folder right now.
A few minutes later your door opened and guess whos there. Ellie, you tried to play it cool like you didn't just drive your girlfriend crazy. "Heyy baby! I missed you!" You hugged her, ellie well.. was not playing with you. She took off her shoe and placed the things she bought for you and kissed you.
"you dont know how much you.. fuck youre driving me crazy all day."
ellies kiss deepen as her hands moves up and down from your shoulder to your waist, you tried your best not to moan from her touch.
a moment after there you guys were. Your laying at the bed and ellies there, between your legs..
"f-fuck.. els.."
and there she was. Coming down, right now.
infront of you.
"you're such a slut for me baby. I love it."
you closed your legs as she said this
"no need to be shy now princess, be a good girl for me hm? Show me your boldness."
"els please.. just.. fuck me please."
"eat up now baby"
"els i.. im tired okay"
"shh, you were begging me for more earlier." She laughs
"ugh i hate you so much."
"thats not what you were saying earlier when i made you cum, hm?"
"shuuutttt upp"
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mommahughes19-23 · 4 months
CEO of being a DICK - Q.H
REQUEST : For the written idea I was thinking about quinn being kinda mad cuz he learned that maybe a reader's ex from high school is now working at the same company as her and they have been kinda catching up cuz their families used to be friends and he is like sp smart and bbyQ feels like she is spending way too much time with her ex (but they just hang out at working hours yk). So one time she's telling q about her day and he's looking kinda bored and she ask him about his attitude so everything explodes. I let their make up to you😘
"Have the best day at work and I will see you when I get home." you began as you grab your work bag, coffee mug, and the Stanley cup you have filled with ice water all for your long day at work. You worked at a law firm for your high school ex's dad ironically enough you were just thankful your ex didn't care much for the art of law so you had yet to run into him. Things ended on ok terms with both of you understanding that it just wasn't right and neither of you were invested fully into the relationship. "Thank you my love, I think I might go over to Petey's place with some of the guys after morning skate, but I'll text you and I cant wait to hear about your day." Quinn replies. You give him a kiss and a hug and head on your way, on your way to the parking garage of your building you hear your phone go off and you check it to make sure its nothing serious. Hey there, just wanted to give you a quick heads up we have a new part time hire starting today. Since office space is limited we gave him the empty desk in your office for now. Hope that's ok! -xx Tammy. Tammy was your bosses assistant and handled all his client meetings and you always had a sweet spot for her because she was always giving you the heads up for things.
You pull up to work and collect your belongings and head into the office building. It wasn't a big one about 5 offices in total and a lobby with a waiting room for clients and a receptionist named Lanie who had been there for about 7 years. "Hi there Lacey how's it going?" you say greeting the older lady. She waved to you and you continue into your office and are greeted by a familiar voice. "No way YOU are my office buddy?" Your ex exclaimed as you walk in to your little office. "Oh hey there been a while, last time I saw you I thought you didn't care for law" "Yeah but my dad said he would pay me to work a little and answer some calls and I am back in town for a few months so why not.
You went about your day and return home and set your stuff down on the dining room table. As youhead into your shared room with Quinn he's fast asleep and you assume that's why he hasn't responded to any of your texts today. Practice must have been intense and you're sure that the guys still convinced him to go to Petey's place. You take off your heels and start to get changed to go take a shower. "If this is what I knew I would wake up to I would have slept naked." you hear Quinn say. You giggle, pause what you're doing and walk over to him in your skirt and bra. You give him a kiss as he pulls you into his chest, and kisses you all over your head.
"Tell me about your day lover." he says in-between kisses. You tell him the little you can about your day due to privacy laws and mention your ex to which you feel Quinn stiffen under you. Quinn knew about your history with your ex and to be honest the thought of you being with anyone but him made him very angry, it is just how much he truly loved you. You pick your head up and look at him, "Everything ok?" you ask. "Yeah mhm." Quinn replies rolling his eyes. "If I knew my ex would cause you to go mute I wouldn't have brought him up." you say giggling. "Are you actually serious right now?" he replies. You sit up and look at him confused "what do you mean"
"You're literally telling me about how a guy you used to date is working with you in your office and may I mention again you had feelings for this guy??" "Q you cannot seriously be getting mad right now." you say getting the rest of the way undressed getting annoyed with his tone. "Ok so let me fucking call up my ex and go get coffee with her. Then I'll let you know everything we talk about." "Fuck you Quinn Hughes." you replied walking into the bathroom and shutting the door.
You turn on the speaker you have in the bathroom and get in the shower. Glad you have the music on you let the tears flow, you know that Quinn doesn't like the idea of you having shared your self with anyone else but you can't believe he just said that. Could you though... you began thinking and decided that you did in fact owe him an apology and you should have been more considerate in the way you broke the news rather than being casual.
You hear the door open and feel him step in the shower and wrap his arms around you. "I'm really sorry for being a dick like that out there. You don't deserve to be spoken to like that." "No Quinn I'm sorry, I shouldn't have just brought up my ex like that in causal conversation. I know how you feel about that and it was wrong of me." "Then I guess we are both sorry." he says looking down at you. You stand on your tippy toes and press a kiss to his lips. "Well if that offer of sex is still on the table I'm down." he says smiling at you.
AN : Ok hi. my ex is letting my daughter spend the night with him woot woot. Here's my first ever written request. Idk how I feel about it or if I would wanna do another one but yeah.
Hope ya like and lots of luv
xoxoxox, M
tags : @lukey-pookie-hughes43 and @skylershines
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infamous-if · 1 year
Heyyy so sorry if I missed this but does Seven know that (if the player made the choice) MC actually voted against them being demoted? Because if then, I struggle to understand why, in the present, Seven hates MC that much? :') thanks for answering my ask if you do!!
So I got this question A LOT since the last update dropped and at first I was going to answer with a funny line like: 'Seven isn't logical hehehohoho' but I think explaining it better will curb a lot of the confusion. I think I explained this a few times before but I'll do it one last time haha and then I'll ban this conversation (/j) until the Party Chapter...which is a ways away but yk!
A lot of people seem to struggle with the idea of an angry Seven when it comes to MCs who voted to keep them in the band and I totally get it but I think people forget that the vote isn't the only reason why Seven is angry? The ultra mysterious party still happened and still hangs over their heads, and while the core of Seven's anger is rooted in that fated vote, the party still adds a lot of animosity between MC and Seven.
It wasn't just the vote that ruined MC and Seven, but that was definitely the thing that really started it. Not only did the party reveal a lot of nasty feelings between MC and Seven, but Seven wouldn't have stayed in the band if the roles were reversed. The vote was one betrayal, but MC staying in a band who voted them out was a whole other betrayal. Seven would've left if it was up to them, or just downright refused to continue on in the band if they even brought it up. Seven didn't feel important to MC the way MC was important to them. To them, it definitely felt like "I loved them more than they loved me" cases (both platonically and romantically).
Anger and Seven go together like salt and pepper and it's the most logical of emotions to turn to in that situation. Seven didn't feel wanted or needed and didn't feel like MC was there for them. On top of that, after everything was said and done, they hardly interacted so everything feels fresh on this tour, it's like opening a wound that has hardly scabbed over (wink). It doesn't help that Seven is a naturally emotional person.
It's not logical or reasonable, I don't think, and their anger is definitely disproportionate to the crime but I think we all agree Seven has never really been advertised as a logical or emotionally stable character.
Hope that answers that! ^^
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phemiec · 6 months
Your robins suck :/ I know you're trying to diversify them and all that but like. You literally stripped them of everything that made them *them*. Your Dick is okay. I can see that face being young and cute and being a star, it's just not very... romani for me. Your Jason looks like a school bully who wouldn't know the difference between a coconut and an almond and I hate it. You ruined him the most for me and I don't even like the dude. You made him start balding, made him a huge hulk hunk and if he was like that in cannon I'd understand why he'd be bitchless. Your Tim gives off the vibe of a pretentious asshole. Which. Yeah ok Tim really is a pretentious asshole, but he's still popular in school. This creep looks like he'd be telling on you to his mommy and daddy for you punching his very deserved face in the nose. Your Damian looks like a dwarf. Why blue eyes. He just looks like he has anger at everything in the world when in truth he's even MORE pretentious than Tim. If you punch him in the nose he'd tell on you to his brothers his dad his mom and YOUR mom and dad in a fit of fuck you I will get back at you but make it so that I seem innocent and YOU get grounded. Your ugly damian looks like he'd bite you before you can even come close. Congrats, you ruined any depth the robins had. You didn't even include Steph, a CANNON robin. Yk. The one before Damian, if you knew :/ seems like you don't. You should boil some chicken liver and have it as a meal that way you can taste a hint of the bitterness you left me feeling.
probably the single best hate ask I've ever received, congrats
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I'm going through a really bad break up right now is it okay if you write slashers comforting reader during breakup? Maybe give some tips to move eon cause it hurts si bad I didn't know someone could feel this hirt
Aw poor you :( hope things get better!<3
Not proof read
Contains: brahms heelshire,OGMichael myers, RZmichael myers, Stu macher, Billy loomis.
Slashers when S/O is going through a breakup
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Brahms heelshire
I mean he would try to comfort you but in his head he's so happy because now he can have you too himself! But then his thoughts would be interrupted by your sobbing. 'Poor baby' he thinks
He'll let you cry into his chest while he rubs circles on your back whispering reassuring words. "Shhh it's ok y/n, don't let this break up bring you down"
After like a week and your still sobbing your eyes out in bed and brahms doesn't know what to do because he doesn't know how to care for himself he tries his best to think of an idea to try and make you feel better. He rummages in the kitchen cupboards to make you a nice snack, he goes through the bathrooms to get you tissues and gives you his pillows for extra and his duvet for more comfort. He knocks on your door and waddles in with all the items, you giggle a little before helping him with the stuff. "B-brahms what's all this?" You sniff but he pushes you over to the bed. He lays everything out and lies you down before he himself shuffles in. He hears you cry again and he thinks he failed. "Oh no brahms I'm just crying because this is so sweet" you mumbled as he relaxes and cuddles up to you.
After a week or two you settle down and try to move forward and he's by your side every second of the day. Not much of a change for him though lol.
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OG Michael myers
Even though this mans stiff as a board he'll still awkwardly wrap his arms around you.
He'll try his best to reassure you through expressions. As much as he would love to say something he just can't which you understand.
"M-mikey do you think they keft ne because i was clingy!?" You cry into his shoulder, he shakes his head violently and tightens his grip on you.
He tries to distract you after a while by giving you some candy he admits he 'bought' and just sits there when you need a cuddle buddy.
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RZ Michael myers
....do...do you want him to kill them for you??? Like what do you want. He just associates everything with murder, if you mention any name even he's asking you if you want the person dead. He's very comforting as you can tell.
He's a bit different to OG, he wouldn't be as tense like if you dive into his arms be sure to be scooped up.
He gives you real stern looks when you start blaming yourself like 'wtf?don't say that!'
Makes you a mask to take your mind off things and it surprisingly helps. After he gives it you become more interested in it and forget what you were crying about.
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Stu macher
"Aw damn dude....wanna like watch scary movies or something?" Why was he the first person you thought of telling? Nobody knows but hey if your looking for a good time,HEY! Not sex dipshit, than he's your man.
Would have to er.....go walk his goldfish for a bit so yk....don't look at the news.
"Woah don't worry man! It happens but don't go kicking yourself around about it" he says with a goofy grin while he harshly pats your back like the bro he is.
He would buy a cake mix so you two can just bake and cry cause after all that you'll have something sweet to eat. Think of it as a reward, you let all your problems come crying out and at the end you'll have something edible!
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Billy loomis
"Oh really? Who's the dick head who'd breakup with you?" He'd try to playfully flirt but at that moment you'd want nothing to do with love and just angrily stare at him for already hitting on you. He'd scold him self and gives you a well needed hug
"You know...breakups aren't that bad, sometimes they lead into a massive glow up" he'd say proudly thinking he's doing gods work but when you reply with a " Wait you think I need a glow up? Omg maybe that's why they left me I'm so ugly and they were jsut desperate and-" he covers your mouth gently and shakes his head violently realising that between him and stu neither of them and smart when it comes to comforting.
Decides that a nice stroll would clear you mind so he gets you a jacket and shoes and takes you out side. He offers his arm out so you could link arms which you did. Obvs, incase someone you know sees you and you need something to hide you puffed up face.
"Stay here ok?" He says as he walks into a shop and cones out with a slushee just for you and a bag full of goodies for when you get home.
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pathetichimbos · 11 months
can you write about how thomas would react when reader is on their period? like how would he take care of them and everything
pampering them with gifts or pushing the family away especially hoyt because he doesnt want them near in fears youll break yk?? anyways, ty! i love ur writing
(male or female reader im not picky!)
Honestly... I don't think it would happen that way.
See, the thing is, the Hewitt family is extremely self sufficient, which means that everyone has to pull their own weight to keep the farm running smoothly. That includes when you're on your period. They've got that "if you can walk you can work" mentality. And they really mean it. Unless your cramps or pms are literally debilitating (i.e. you are literally bed ridden and cannot walk due to the pain), you're going to be expected to work. Cramping and bleeding or not, the hogs still need to be fed and the eggs need to be collected. None of that's going to change, and Luda Mae, Hoyt, and even Monty aren't going to excuse you lacking off just because you're on your period. (Again, unless it's literally debilitating).
And as for Thomas, I've said it before, I'll say it again, Thomas will not stand up to his family for anyone. He's not going to pick fights with them, or argue with them, or anything really. He's not a confrontational person. And, again, this is a small southern town in the 1970s, Thomas doesn't even know what the hell a period is. Luda Mae is very obviously a proud woman, and even to this day, a lot of older women won't talk about their periods because they see it as a private and shameful matter, so I doubt Thomas has any idea of what a period is, except for maybe having heard of it in passing.
So, when you tell him you're on your period, he's not going to understand what that really means. And after you explain it to him, he'll be sympathetic, sure, but... If most women have a period and continue to function in their normal everyday lives, why can't you? (Again: unless it's LITERALLY debilitating)
He'll be happy to help in whatever way he can, whether that be through getting you medicine in the mornings, or being your personal heating pad at night, but I don't think he'd really pamper you. After all, he still has his chores and work to do, which take up a large part of his day (depending how recently the last batch of victims came through, but even then, he has regular chores as well), and if you are bed ridden due to your period, he'll have to pick up your chores as well.
He's not mean, or mad about it, he loves and cares about you, and he's happy to do things for you when you need them, but he can't throw his responsibilities away just because you're on your period. I mean, think about it, periods last for one week out of every month, that is a HUGE amount of work lost now not only on your end, but his as well. That wouldn't fly over with any of the Hewitts. Especially Hoyt.
And on the topic of Hoyt, I mentioned this in my post about what it would actually be like to start dating Thomas, but Hoyt is like a father figure to Thomas. Thomas looks up to him, and respects him, and actively seeks his approval, he isn't going to force Hoyt to avoid you in his own house. If you're really that afraid of Hoyt hurting your feelings while you're on your period, you're going to have to avoid him on your own terms. But Hoyt isn't going to become more of an asshole just because you're on your period. Maybe a few misogynistic jokes or comments, sure, but Hoyt is always like that. That's just something you're going to have to live with to be with Thomas, because I don't think Thomas would ever move out his family home. Not unless something dramatic happened like I wrote about in one post a long, long time ago, where in the drabble Hoyt had left the stove on while watching Thomas' baby, which led to them being severely burned and scarred to the point that Thomas' s/o told him they were leaving and taking the children and he went with them because, again, Hoyt literally almost killed his baby and gave them severe and traumatic scarring. But even then, I don't think he'd move much farther than down the road. And that's only because of his child's safety and well being.
(And just a quick side note while I think about it: Thomas is also like a son to Hoyt, and I don't genuinely believe he'd ever attempt to put his hands on Thomas' s/o for the pure fact that he respects Thomas and wants to see him happy just like Luda Mae does. Do I think he'd make the occasional flirtatious or sexual remark? Yes. But it's a different culture and time, those things are considered a lot more normal than they are now, but Hoyt wouldn't attempt to touch Thomas' s/o.)
So, yea, I think that just about sums up what it would be like. Life would continue on as normal unless you were bed ridden, in which Thomas would pick up the chores you could no longer do.
Thanks for sending in the ask! <3
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