#which 90% of the weightlifting gyms here are
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i joined a new gym late last year and it’s been good, but i just found one literally across the highway from my apartment that’s more powerlifting-focused. i will sit with this information for at least week before i make any decisions but eeeeee!!!
#they have deadlift platforms and i want to cry#and it’s a small local gym#my favorite kind of gym#and it doesn’t look toxically gym bro#which 90% of the weightlifting gyms here are#maria blabs#my current gym membership through my health insurance is a good deal but this would be perfect for where i want to take my lifting
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Blood, Sweat, and Tears (Javier Peña x f!Reader)- Chapter One
Summary: You live in Bogotá in the ‘90s, and work odd hours. No, you’re not a DEA agent, but a nurse. These odd hours prompt odd habits, like working out at 2:03 A.M. after a shift. Odd hours attract odd people, and you have a chance encounter with one DEA agent by the name of Javier Peña. Warnings: language, blood and violence (both graphic), descriptions of death and gun violence Chapter 1 W/C: 2.3K A/N: you guys! I am so in love with this fic. I already have quite a bit more written and can’t wait for you to read it! I hope you love it as much as I do! Javi deserves some softness... but not too much. this can’t all be fluff when you’re Javier Peña. Okay, this is not super canon-fitting of Narcos, I’m just gonna be honest with y’all. This is between the time of Escobar’s escape from La Catedral and his final capture and death, but also… Connie’s still in Colombia. Additionally, I don’t really have a year in mind, it’s just somewhere in that period. Please note that this is not a very lighthearted story- it begins with a death, though not of a significant character. Javier and reader both have some trauma, so please check the warnings of each chapter before you start reading. If you’re continuing on, I hope you like it! For the most part, if I use italics here when someone is speaking, it’s indicating that it’s in Spanish. I’m okay at the language, but I don’t want to butcher anything, so… just imagine it. Otherwise, it’s just the way anyone would use italics I guess.
next chapter
Chapter One
You watched a woman you didn’t know die in your arms tonight.
She was beautiful, all dressed up to go out and party, her makeup running down her face with tears. Her lips were the painted the color of the blood that trickled from the side of them, eyes glazing over as she coughed and coughed and ruined the beautiful dress she wore. The nurses had asked what happened, and she had told them, through gurgles of blood: she had slept with one of Escobar’s men. She got too close, learned too much, and they tracked her down.
She flatlined not long after telling the nurses around you. You had stood in the corner, paralyzed at first. You were an experienced ER nurse, nothing was new. You had seen patients die, but something about her was different. Maybe it was the way she reached out to you right before her body went limp. You didn’t make it to her bedside in time to calm her, the panic holding you down, but you finally took her hand right as she took her last breath.
After she passed, you threw up in the bathroom, shaking and clutching the toilet. The night air had grown unbearably hot and humid, causing your scrubs to cling to your skin, and the sweat from the heaving of your stomach didn’t make things easier on you. Lorena, a fellow nurse and your best friend at work, had found you and comforted you, rubbing your back and bringing you water. It didn’t matter. It couldn’t reverse what had happened.
Now, you sit on a bench in the staff’s locker room, redoing the ponytail holding your hair from your damp face. Your shift ended a few minutes ago, but you don’t know what to do now. You don’t feel like drinking; that would only make the visions swimming in your head worse. You know you can’t go home, can’t attempt to find sleep tonight. You look up and spot a bag with tennis shoes and spare clothing and settle your mind on at least one thing: the gym could do you some good. You change into the clothes and put the blood-spattered scrubs in the laundry pile.
As you leave, you give Lorena a little wave goodbye and exit the building. You’re hyper-aware of your surroundings tonight, and you groan as you look at your watch and notice that it’s precisely 2:09 A.M. here in Bogotá. The walk to your fitness club is short, but your step is slightly extra hurried and your hand is on your pepper spray the entire time, extra vigilant to the fact that a hit went down somewhere around here just a few hours earlier. Surprisingly enough, no one catcalls or bugs you tonight.
The little gym is run-down and dilapidated, and there’s no working air conditioning, but it’s the only one near you. You paid the small monthly membership fee to gain access, and you were going to use it to get in shape, you’d decided. As you swipe in and enter, the tiny fitness center looks more depressing in the fluorescent lights, no daylight to sugarcoat the atrocities of the center. There are two of every machine, a punching bag and a speed bag, two weightlifting racks, and a couple of benches.
It’s nice that you get to work out alone tonight, you tell yourself. Even better is the fact that you now get to control the music. Desperate for a taste of home, you flip the large boombox in the corner on and begin scanning the airwaves with the dial. There’s a station in town that plays American music, and you need it more than anything tonight. You listen carefully and nearly start sobbing again as you hear Billy Joel’s voice through the speakers. With a sigh of relief, you lock your bag in the rusty lockers in the corner and head to the treadmill. It’s a beat up old thing, but this is the one you always use. It provides a little bit of comfort tonight, the familiarity of it. You turn it on low and start walking. A few moments later, you up it to a jog, mouthing along to the words of the familiar song.
As the song ends, you push the buttons enough to enter a running speed. Your feet slam into the treadmill harder than normal tonight, feeling as overwhelmed as when you left the hospital. Your body finally works up a sweat, the physical stress overwhelming the mental stress.
As the events of tonight replay in your head to some other song from the late 80’s, your eyes start to water. Everything was so overwhelming, and your mind is just starting to process it. You finally allow the tears to fall, mixing with the sweat coating your cheeks. It’s hard to tell which is causing more of the mess, but you let yourself cry it out as you run for the next few minutes.
The next song that comes on is Venus by Bananarama. You almost chuckle at the fact that it’s a few years old by now, but the song is comforting. It reminds you of home, of a time before you had issues like these. You slow down the treadmill a little, singing to the words aloud once you catch your breath enough. Daring to do a little spin on the rolling surface, you groove along to the music, chuckling a little
After the first chorus, you hear a creaking noise and whip around to find a man standing in the doorway. “Jesus fucking Christ!” You shout before you can stop yourself, hopping off the treadmill and onto the non-moving one before you get flung off. Your heart is pounding from the running, only intensifying the adrenaline rush from the scare.
The man chuckles a little, but the smile on his face doesn’t reach his eyes. He’s tired- of course he is, it’s now 2:30 in the morning. “Lo siento,” you offer in Spanish, cringing at yourself and your reaction just now. “I wasn’t expecting anyone else to be here this late,” you stutter, still panting from the running. He shakes his head lightly. “You’re American,” he says simply. In English, in a beautifully American accented voice.
Your sweaty brow furrows, a glimmer of hope sparking inside your chest as you notice that he speaks like an American himself. “So are you.”
He nods at that. “That I am,” he says as he puts his things in a locker, snapping it shut behind him. He looks at you for a moment. You’re not working at the Embassy, or he’d know you. It was rare to find an American down here that wasn’t working for the government somehow. He shakes his head and runs a hand through his hair, looking at how tired he appears in the big mirrored wall. He’s curious, but he’s exhausted.
You look at him for a moment. “You going to explain anything, like, tell me about yourself? Or do I have to go first?” You ask, hands on your waist as you hop back on the slowly moving treadmill, back into moving. He doesn’t respond. “Fine. I know you’re government. I’m not an idiot.”
He chuckles and tugs on his t-shirt, moving to the treadmill next to you and getting on. It’s been ages since you’ve held a conversation in English, and you missed this, missed how easily your first language flows from your mouth. “And you’re not.”
“Correct,” you nod, turning up the speed a little on the machine until you’re at a light jog. “My bigger concern was going to be why you’re here at 2-fucking-30, but I’m guessing I know the answer. You get called in around here for the hit?” He nods, starting the treadmill up and walking on it.
“You don’t have to be so guarded, Jesus. I fucking hate Escobar, I’m on your side,” you scoff before turning up the machine until you’re running once more.
Javier shrugs. “Makes sense. How did you know-”
“She died,” you say quickly and firmly, keeping your eyes straight ahead and looking at the room around you. “Add that to your file.”
He nods, understanding a little more now. You knew her somehow. He doesn’t say a word either, cranking up the machine and heading into a jog too.
A few more minutes pass of the two of you silently running next to each other, the American music still playing throughout the gym. It’s a comfort to Javier too. Tonight was shit for the DEA- they had known Escobar’s men would be around here. They had the intel, they had everything ready, but the men somehow had escaped and left a victim in their wake.
The frustration of everything, of the man being something close to home for you yet being a brick wall, threatens your eyes with welling tears again. “I just wanted to talk with an American,” you sigh and cross your arms, moving back into the walking stage of a treadmill.
The man next to you gives a similar sigh, stopping his treadmill completely and offering you a hand. “Javier Peña.” You take it reluctantly, feeling the sweat of both of your hands mix, and tell him your name before retracting it and stopping the treadmill too. “So, what brings you to the gym at 2:30?” He asks, crossing his arms and leaning against the center part of the treadmill.
“I’m a nurse. I work the graveyard shift. Bad night, a patient died because she got fucking shot for having a boyfriend and not knowing he was a narco, I need to get something out, I come here,” you shrug, unconsciously mimicking him by folding your arms as well.
He nods at that. “I’m here for the same. Shitty stakeout, I’m pissed off, I come here.” He leaves out the part about his favorite call girl being taken, and how he needed another way to get the rage inside of him out. He walks off of the treadmill and to the weight rack, pulling a bench beneath the bar.
You turn again and turn the machine back on, slowly jogging. “I see. Odd hours to be here, that’s why I asked,” you say simply. “And to see another American at such a time. I haven’t interacted with one since I came here.”
Javier nods, adjusting the weights on the bar. “Yeah. Weird,” he nods. “And that you’re an American who isn’t working for the government and you’re down here. What, you got a husband who works for us?”
You shake your head, swallowing hard for a moment. “No, don’t have a husband in the first place,” you admit, adjusting the ponytail holding your hair up. “It’s a long story.”
“We got time,” he shrugs as he gets on the bench beneath the rack, looking at you in the mirrored wall. Even with the sweat and the stress of working out, he notices that you’re gorgeous. You have a nice body, and even your face is pretty while you’re working out.
You shake your head. “Fine, if you really want to hear it.”
“Might as well. It’s that or more of this fucking Wham! music, and I’m sick of George Michael.”
“First of all, first person here gets the music, so mind your manners.” This finally earns a chuckle from the man, and you want to smile but it just can’t come. “I came down here with a man. He’s a citizen here. We were going to get married, but he left me. That was a couple of months ago now,” you admit, the tears beading in the corner of your eye again. “My work visa was still valid, and I renewed it so I can keep working at the hospital. I don’t really have anyone down here except the girls I work with, but I like helping out. They need me.” He nods a little as he listens, breaking his focus as he starts his reps with the bar.
“And you’re government, so that explains everything I need to know about you,” you continue to babble. “One of the girls I work with has a husband who’s at the Embassy. Murphy,” you say offhandedly.
Javier’s attention is caught, and he sets the bar on the rack. “Murphy?” He asks, and you turn your head to look at him and give him a nod. “No shit. That’s my partner.”
You chuckle slightly and look back at him, stopping the treadmill. “So you know Connie?”
Javi nods. “Yeah, great gal. She could do better than Steve,” he says, sitting up.
You laugh softly at that. “From what I’ve heard of him, I agree. She’s a really great girl, you’re right,” you nod in agreement, looking back at him. “She’s never mentioned you. She says her husband’s in janitorial, but we all know that’s not true. What, you guys CIA? DEA?”
Javier nods again. “DEA.”
“I see,” you say, folding your arms and leaning against the machine. “Can’t make you many friends around here. I learned pretty quickly to keep my mouth shut about being a gringa. They can usually tell though.”
“You’re right,” he chuckles and cracks his back.
You bite your lip as you look at him, your voice watery when you can finally speak again, suddenly overwhelmed by emotion again. “It’s nice to talk to someone in English again,” you admit with a forced smile.
He can read your eyes easily. You’re a nurse, and you told him that the victim died. You saw it. “It is,” he nods, reading your pain and trying to show you he empathizes with it. Your eyes are beautiful, he notices as he looks into them. So much more hope and trust than anyone else he works with, but the pain in them is unbearable. He looks away, leaning back on the bench to lift again.
“So where you from in the States?” You finally ask when the silence is too long.
“Laredo, Texas,” he chuckles. “Yourself?”
#javier peña x reader#javi peña x reader#javier peña#javi peña#pedro pascal#pedro pascal x reader#jose pedro balmaceda pascal#pedro pascal fanfiction#pascalpanic#narcos#narcos fanfic#blood sweat and tears
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Toss a Coin to Your Spin Class
I did a Fandom Trumps Hate and had a great time. Witcher gym au, fuck it. 3.3k [Ao3]
Yennefer collapsed in the wrong direction on the weights bench next to him and Geralt didn’t even turn his head.
She let loose a huge dramatic groan of agony, her usual lead-in to gym-time conversation. Geralt grunted in response. His usual response to everything.
“I despise the double standard of conventional beauty requirements more than I could possibly say,” she started. “For you it’s completely fine to bulk up like some barely sentient mountain but for me I must add cardio and endurance training to my weightlifting regimen if I’m to maintain any kind of toned physique as is required of me by our terrible misogynistic society.”
Geralt grunted in response.
Yennefer sighed and flipped over, back to the weightlifting bench so she could at least look as if she would be using the equipment properly. “I took that spinning class they keep advertising on the front bulletin board. It kicked my arse.”
Geralt raised an eyebrow but paid her no attention beyond that, continuing with his reps.
Yennefer generously waited for him to place his bar back on the rack, letting him take his time to respond to that clearly outrageous statement.
“I have seen your arse, Yen.” Geralt responded, finally. “I have to imagine you’re exaggerating.”
Yennefer preened a bit at the compliment but let loose another sigh. “I’m not. The relentless twink who teaches is a vicious tyrant. He picked on me immediately.”
Geralt’s attention had already been caught by Yennefer’s specific mention of a twink but the last bit about being picked on compelled him to respond with words. “Picked on you? How?”
Yennefer groaned again, theatrically flipping her hair over her shoulder in a respectable display of defeat. “He called me out as a weightlifter straight away and wouldn’t leave me alone all class, telling me that I wouldn’t last a day in his world and yelling at me to keep up. He was more than lovely by the end when I had actually managed to hold on for the whole class but I was so exhausted I couldn’t move. He laughed at me even as he helped me out of his room.”
There was far too much in that to unpack, Geralt just latched on to the first part. “He thinks weightlifters are weak?”
Yennefer shrugged. “It’s not like he’s wrong. Look at me.”
“Yes, but you’re…” Geralt trailed off, Yennefer’s expression working like a spell to dry his words right up.
“Yes?” She prompted, poisonously.
Geralt grunted in a way that would have sounded like someone clearing their throat in embarrassment if Geralt ever did anything as pedestrian as that.
“I’m not weak,” he answered, simply.
Yennefer hummed. A dangerous sound. The rattle of a snake before it lunges.
“Well,” she said, flipping her hair the other way, to punctuate her ‘well’. “Care to place a bet on that?”
Geralt found himself scanning his gym pass that next Wednesday at 6 o'clock in the morning.
This wasn’t unprecedented: Geralt worked from home, so most of his self-appointed socialization came from visiting the gym. And he often went early in the morning because, even if the gym was mostly empty, it still counted as socialization to be in a place other people were.
The difference was, instead of heading straight to the rowing machine to warm up or the weightlifting benches for his daily reps, he waited, glumly, outside the dark, glass-encased studio where the spin class was supposed to take place.
He took Yennefer up on her bet. He hadn’t wanted money: he was mostly doing this for pride (and bragging rights), but if Yen won, she got to pick Geralt’s outfits for the week.
Geralt’s outfits usually defaulted to the gym clothes he worked out in, seeing as that was his only reason to get dressed, and that consisted mostly of black cutoff sweats and a black muscle tank. Which is what he wore now.
The assembled crowd seemed to be mostly chattering moms, here for an early morning workout before they had to get their kids to school. Or there were some professional looking women, getting their class in before a day at the office. Mostly women.
There were at least two other men, speaking to each other, but from what Geralt could guess, they were likely here to ogle the twink spin instructor Yennefer had mentioned rather than any desire to ride a stationary bike to music for an hour.
All of them gave him a wide berth.
The doors opened at exactly 6:15, a mousy looking brunette guy peeking his head out with a grin. “Okay, true believers, who’s ready to sweat?”
Some of the moms sent up a practiced sounding “Whoo!” but the professional looking women just offered the guy a smile and made their way past him through the door, beelining toward the bikes in the middle.
Geralt hung toward the back, letting everyone head in before him, sure there would be a bike in the back corner he could claim when he got in there.
The mousy guy stopped him at the door with a hand on his chest.
“You’re new,” the guy said, looking up at Geralt with a teasing curiosity.
Geralt didn’t bother to reply. What he’d said hadn’t been a question.
The guy grinned, taking a step back and crossing his arms, blocking Geralt’s entrance to the studio. His frame was slight but muscled, his outfit a neon-hooded but sleeveless crop-top and a pair of running shorts like something out of postcard from South Beach from the 90’s. This was definitely the twink Yennefer had mentioned.
“And not very friendly,” the guy observed, looking Geralt up and down. “What, were you planning on sitting in the back of the room to brood?”
Geralt grunted. It was close enough to what he’d come to do.
The guy grinned wider. “I’m afraid that won’t do. You see we like to welcome every new student to my class of spin with a featured front row seat. That way I can best review your performance and decide what best to focus on in upcoming classes.”
Geralt grunted again, showing his teeth in a way that was more sneer than smile. “I just came to finish one class.” he growled.
The guy’s eyebrows hitched up and he actually let out a surprised little scoff. “Oh, you think you’re going to finish class today?”
Geralt grunted in a way that couldn’t have more clearly conveyed ‘Obviously’ if he’d said the word aloud.
Mr. Twink Spin Instructor clicked his tongue sceptically, again looking Geralt over, his eyes lingering on his shoulders and neck. “We’ll see about that.”
Geralt felt like he was going to die.
“That’s right everyone! We’re feeling it, we’re loving it, and now get ready to kick it up! Here we go! Everyone off your seat!”
Geralt attempted to stand in his stirrups but his legs gave out immediately. His tailbone connected painfully with the seat of the stationary bike.
The instructor had been perfectly accommodating at the start, leading Geralt to a bike at the front and helping him adjust his settings. He showed Geralt how to adjust the bike’s resistance and helped strap his feet into the stirrups that were in place of pedals. For safety.
Or just to keep him as a prisoner as he struggled and was verbally abused for it.
“Everyone is doing so wonderfully except our lovely blond mountain up front. Come on Mr. Grumpy, where’s your spirit?”
Geralt didn’t even have enough breath to grunt. He had no idea how this man could talk so much.
“Couple more pushes and then we have our decline. Then we’re onto sprints!”
Geralt huffed in a way that only vaguely resembled the word ‘fuck’.
He finished the pushes but couldn’t physically sit up in his seat for the decline. He was collapsed on the handlebars and couldn’t move.
He’s not sure when his legs stopped, only that the instructor was very loudly making fun of him.
“And it looks like our big strong muscle man is down for the count. Now, friends, let’s not mock him. It’s unkind to lambaste someone’s weaknesses.”
Geralt couldn’t pick up his head, but he curled four of his fingers down in a very weak approximation of the bird. The instructor laughed, jovially.
Geralt’s breath evened out in time, but his limbs would not cooperate with him as he tried to pick up with the workout. He managed to undo his feet from the stirrups, his arse slipping off the seat, slick from his sweat. He got his feet on the ground and stumbled out from the dark and loud room to spare himself the second half of the class. And his torment.
The instructor did take a parting shot as he left: “Excellent work finishing class, Mr. Muscles! Please do come back soon.”
Yennefer was extremely smug.
Geralt was nothing if not a man of his word so he arrived at the gym the next day and took her proffered garments without comment, ducking into the locker room to change.
It was the loudest leopard print jumpsuit he had ever seen. Geralt was disgruntled and impressed: where had she even found something like this in his size?
He did his workout as normal. He noted the extra stares he got from surrounding lifters but they said nothing so neither did he.
Yennefer talked a mile a minute, her breath not even stuttering with her reps, and all Geralt could think about was that damn twink who’d made fun of him. How had he instructed that whole class and still had the energy and breath to talk and cheer everyone on the entire time? He’d never even paused in his litany: constant encouragements and critiques and instructions and, in Geralt’s case, cheerful insults. It would have been admirable if it hadn’t been so annoying.
Perhaps there was value in such high intensity cardio.
Geralt scanned his gym card at the same time the next week, back for the spin class.
This time he had brought a 32 oz water bottle, a sweat towel so he wouldn't slip off the seat (again) and even more resolve.
He was also wearing an obscenely tight and tiny crop top and booty shorts with “Are u Nasty?” printed across the arse. This was the last day of Yennefer’s punishment and of course she’d saved the most ludicrous outfit for last.
The outfit did make him more interesting to the assembled crowd, it seemed, but all it took was a sneer from Geralt and they were minding their own business again. Or they weren’t outwardly gawping, at least, which was something.
When the instructor peeked his head out to welcome them to class that week his eyes instantly caught on Geralt and he positively lit up.
“You’re back!” he said, not even bothering to greet the other students. “I did not think you would be! Much less dressed like this.”
“Lost a bet,” Geralt volunteered for no reason he could discern. He didn’t need to explain himself to this guy. Nor justify what he was wearing. What business was Geralt of his?
“I’ll have to thank the bet commissioner should I ever meet them.” the guy mumbled, his eyes lingering on Geralt's exposed sternum. It really was an extremely short crop top.
Geralt just grunted, watching the instructor watch him.
“I didn’t properly introduce myself last time,” the instructor said, dragging his eyes up from Geralt’s navel to his face. “I’m Jaskier.”
Geralt grunted again but, after a moment of consideration, answered “Geralt.”
Jaskier grinned. “Glad to be acquainted,” he said. “Shall we begin class?”
Geralt was able to grab a bike in the back this time for which he could only be grateful: he knew his arse was falling out of these shorts and he was reluctant to subject the others to it.
He did better in this class. He drank water when they had a moment, though the guzzling of it did serve to make him feel ill. He wiped his sweat at intervals but dropped his towel halfway through and had to do without it for the rest of class. He couldn’t bend far enough to the floor to pick it up.
Even if Geralt was doing better, Jaskier still picked on him, even in the back of the class. Jaskier seemed to have decided he liked him. He told Geralt to lift his knees higher or try to hold his core and not bounce as much or “Do this bit without holding the handle bars”.Geralt followed his instructions, because he wasn’t a quitter, but he was sure each time he tried he embarrassed himself more.
He made it longer this time but still found himself collapsed over the handlebars before the end of class, unable to move. He didn’t bother dismounting his bike and making his way out this time, knowing he’d have to walk all the way through the other bikes to get there: the door was at the front of the room. And Geralt was happier to wait out the class than suffer that humiliation again.
So Jaskier teased him for his useless vanity muscles again (and, seriously, why were all of the insults about his muscles?) but by the time Geralt was officially spent, Jaskier didn’t linger on his presence for long.
By the time class was over, Geralt was feeling relatively back to normal if not completely sore all over. He undid his stirrups and bent to retrieve his towel, coming face to face with Jaskier when he stood back up.
He was grinning, of course. “You did better today.”
Geralt grunted, ignoring the dirt and grime from the towel’s time on the floor and using it to wipe his neck. “I always aim to improve.”
Jaskier smiled wider. “An admirable quality in a man.” he winked.
Geralt grunted again, turning his attention to his water bottle, unscrewing and re-screwing the top. “Any tips?”
Jaskier hummed, leaning against the front of Geralt’s bike. He was dressed similarly to last week, but this time with a blue-purple color palette, more berry look than the lemon-lime of last week.
“Try doing cardio between classes, too,” he answered, his eyebrows arched in a superior looking way. “Build up your endurance.”
Geralt grunted in a way that could have been construed as a ‘thanks’ before pushing off the bike and making his way out.
He heard Jaskier call out behind him: “See you back next week!”
Jaskier did see him back next week. And the next week, and the week after that.
After those first two classes, Jaskier got extremely, weirdly supportive. Every minute longer Geralt made it in class from the week before, Jaskier would praise him and give him compliments. Geralt was equally put off and flattered by it. Once, Jaskier said "Look at this white-haired Hercules, moving his muscle around. He's struggling but he's getting there!” when he’d had them do a lot of increased resistance sprints. And another time, during a speed run, he’d said “How do you move your huge body so fast? You're doing amazing!" Which was at once patronizing and nice to hear. He did not need to be babied, to be treated like a toddler just learning to ride a bike. But the way the spin instructor smiled at him did make him feel as if he’d achieved something.
Whether that something was an achievement with spin classes or something else was hard to say and no one’s business.
Yennefer had not been keeping up with Geralt’s continued attendance of the spin class. She was not usually at the gym that early and didn't catch Geralt until he was well into his workout, so she didn’t even know he’d been practicing cardio. She herself had been weighing the merits of taking up lap swimming which, while with the unfortunate side effect of making her feel like she’s drowning, also meant she could show off her fabulous physique and look sexy coming out of a pool, which were both extremely important to her.
Geralt, as someone who was fond of watching Yennefer get out of a pool, supported this. He also supported this as a way to steer her away from the spin classes, but one ulterior motive was enough. Yen wouldn’t go looking for another.
It wasn’t until the fourth class – a full month of failure and doing cardio as a warm-up before he lifted in the days between classes – that he could make it through a full class, not only having completed the exercise, but not feeling as if he wanted to die.
Jaskier made the whole class clap for him. Geralt gave them an awkward wave in acknowledgement.
His goal was to make it through an entire class. And now he had. He could give up the secrecy: there was no reason to come back.
Except Jaskier was skipping over to him after the class, smile wide in congratulations.
“Well done Mr. Muscle Man!” Jaskier said, clapping Geralt on each shoulder, shaking him a bit with his enthusiasm. “Oh what a journey it’s been! And now here you are!”
“Here I am,” Geralt growled, but in a fonder way than he’d thought himself capable of.
This instructor was extremely annoying. But somewhere along the way Geralt had become incredibly endeared to him.
“You really have done great,” Jaskier told him, his face less bright and more soft. He stood with his hands on his hips, swaying a bit as if the loud music from the class were still affecting him. His outfit was softer today as well: a forest green rather than neon monstrosity. It matched closer to Geralt’s usual black. “I do hope you come back.”
Geralt grunted. He didn’t have any reason to come back. He’d proven he could make it a whole class. He’d done what he’d gone there to do.
“It’s not like I have anything else going on at this time,” he admitted, voice low.
Jaskier’s answering grin was loud.
“Excellent! Now I don’t have to do something stupid like ask you on a date just to see you again.”
Geralt blinked, fumbling his water bottle, the lid of which he’d been carefully unscrewing and rescrewing.
“Why would you do something like that?”
“Haven’t I just said?” Jaskier answered, his eyes glittering with the same mischief Geralt had seen when they’d first met. “To see you again.”
Geralt grunted, his eyebrows furrowing in frustration. “But now I’ve said I’ll come back to class you’re not interested in a date?”
Jaskier cocked his head, his sweaty hair falling past his eyes. “Are you asking?”
Geralt blinked again, biting his lip. He felt like he had been tricked, but he wasn’t completely angry about that.
“If I did,” he started, his already deep voice going deeper as he took half a step closer. “What would be your answer?”
Jaskier looked up at him, his neck stretching back the further he had to look up. “Why don’t you ask and find out.”
Geralt growled and Jaskier just continued to grin at him. The spark in his eye had become a smoldering fire and Geralt was becoming more and more interested in being consumed.
“Let’s go for a drink.” He said, his voice getting even lower, stepping even closer.
It wasn’t a question but Jaskier grinned and answered anyway.
“Yeah, okay.”
Jaskier didn’t take a single step back. He didn’t lean away. He stiffened his chin and met Geralt’s eye.
Yennefer was going to be so smug.
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FMLS 90, day 2: My fitness journey
For the most part, I was an average child with regard to fitness, I think - slightly chubby, not very gifted athletically, but I did enjoy moving my body, running around outside and climbing trees. My parents enrolled me in a gym club, and I later followed my sibling to the water polo club. We didn’t have a car as my parents were “Ökos” (they were very active in the 80′s ecological movement), so wherever I didn’t go by public transport, I went by foot or by bike.
Things started to get rough when I entered my teens as I was bullied at school and found comfort in food - which would be diagnosed many years later as binge eating disorder. I gained weight and lost confidence, and both impacted my fitness. I was still active outside school, doing aikido (again, I followed my sibling) and a lot of ice skating, walking and cycling as much as before, but PE was hell. The only times I managed to get good grades was whenever swimming was on the schedule (which wasn’t often). It was during this time that I started to think of myself as unathletic. I also tried to lose weight all the time but was mostly unsuccessful.
I got a bit less active during uni as I didn’t do any sports regularly, just went swimming here and there and did a Nordic walking course once, and it didn’t get much better when I entered the workforce - actually on the contrary as I was desperately unhappy during my first year in my job which I spent abroad in France, so the BED was controlling most of my life, and exercise was pretty much non-existent. I returned to Germany after almost a year, and I then decided it was time to tackle my eating disorder (especially since I had been diagnosed with diabetes a few years prior). So I started therapy which helped a lot, and then I joined Weight Watchers and started losing weight. This also led to me getting active again, and at one point while I was out walking, I decided I wanted to try out running, so I did! (I basically did something like C25k, just without a training plan, just running short intervals and walking in-between, slowly increasing the amount I was running.)
I lost about 30kg with Weight Watchers and was running a lot (my greatest accomplishment was running a 10k in Berlin - in hindsight, I was not ready to do it but I did it anyway!) when depression hit me hard in 2014. It caused my BED to flare up again, so I regained most of the weight I lost, and it affected my fitness a lot - it’s really noticeable how much my pace suffered during this time. I recommitted to my fitness journey in 2016 when I made this blog, and I’ve been trying out new things and working on myself since then. I’ve lost about 10-15kg, I’ve been branching out into weightlifting and yoga (and occasionally bouldering/climbing, despite my fear of heights!), and I’m also still running and swimming. As I mentioned yesterday, I’m trying to focus less on weight and more on general fitness but due to the BED and diabetes, I can’t completely disregard it. I’ll admit this year has been rough for me since I was hampered by injuries a lot - bursitis in my left hip and impingement syndrome in my shoulders - and I haven’t been doing too well in my eating either. Hopefully, this challenge will bring some fresh wind for the rest of the year and a good start into the next!
(If you made it this far, thank you! That got a lot longer than I had thought ...)
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What Does Cardiovascular Fitness Mean?
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What are the different types of workout classes Atlanta?

There are so many different types of workout classes Atlanta out there these days. It can be hard to decide which one is right for you. Do you want to sweat it out in a high-intensity interval training class? Or maybe you're looking for a more relaxed yoga class.
Here's a quick rundown of some of the most popular workout classes Atlanta:
High-intensity interval training (HIIT): These classes are all about getting your heart rate up and pushing your limits. They're usually pretty short, around 30 minutes, but they're intense. You can expect to do a lot of sprinting, jumping, and lifting in HIIT classes.
Yoga: Yoga is a great way to stretch and strengthen your muscles. There are lots of different types of yoga, so you can find a class that's right for your fitness level.
Pilates: Pilates is a great workout for toning your muscles and improving your posture. It's a low-impact workout, so it's perfect for people looking for a gentler workout.
Barre: Barre classes mix ballet, Pilates, and yoga. They're great for toning your whole body and usually have awesome music to keep you motivated.
Cycling: Cycling classes are a great cardio workout. They're usually set to fun, upbeat music, and you can go at your own pace.
Zumba: Zumba is a fun, high-energy workout that combines dance and aerobics. It's a great way to get your heart rate up and burn some calories.
There are so many different types of midtown gyms Atlanta, so it's easy to find one that's right for you. Whether you're looking for a high-intensity workout or a more relaxed class, there's something for everyone. So get out there and try some new workout classes!
Most challenging workout classes Atlanta
Some challenging classes are:
CrossFit is a high-intensity, functional fitness program that combines weightlifting and calisthenics with gymnastics and endurance exercises. It's been around since 2000 and has grown in popularity. The program includes deadlifts, squats, pull-ups and other exercises performed at high intensity with short rest periods between exercises (as little as 10 seconds).
P90X is a 90-day workout program developed by Tony Horton that uses resistance bands, weights and body-weight exercises to get you in shape fast.
The program consists of 12 DVDs that can be used individually or together for maximum results. If you want to try P90X but need some guidance, several resources are available for beginners' workouts based on specific goals like fat loss or muscle gain.
Insanity MAX:30 is another popular Beachbody workout program requiring participants to do 60 minutes of cardio and resistance training with little rest between each set of exercises.
The program includes six different workouts that focus on different body areas, including chest/back/shoulders, legs/abs/buttocks, arms/shoulders/back/core and full-body blast with cardio finisher sections mixed into each one so there's no break from the action!
Final words
If you like to workout at home or in the gym, then you should consider taking a class. Most of the time a class has a focus that is designed to target your specific goals.
Having someone designing and leading the workout with you will increase your motivation to follow along and also provide some accountability. You'll build new friendships, meet people and participate in the journey together. Midtown gyms Atlanta is fun and can really help you push yourself to your own limits.
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Stretch Mark Removal Treatment In Kalyani Nagar Pune
Stretch Marks is a very common skin condition seen in 9 out of 10 people. It is not a disorder but the most neglected one. Yes, at times stretch marks are itchy too and frequent rubbing skin can cause rashes. As face with acne marks are embracing stretch marks are also embracing. Not anymore as we can treat them with minimum time and its pain-free procedure at the Best Skin Specialist in Kalyani Nagar Pune with Dr. Arshi’s Skin Story Clinic.
Stretch marks and Striae mean one and the same in medical terms. In this procedure of stretch marks are removed via laser resurfacing. Here it works by removing the outer layer of skin to help restructure the overlying skin on your body. In this process of laser stretch mark removal we use beams of light that has a concentrated amount to encourage to get new skin growth. Striae smoother reduce its appearance when treated with laser and make you stretch mark free.
What is a stretch mark?
Stretch marks are not caused due to any disease but it can be because of pregnancy, sudden weight gain in obesity, growth spurts in teenagers, medication side effects, the rapid increase in muscle size, or heavy weightlifting. So basically, your skin develops a scar when your skin stretches or shrinks quickly. This change causes collagen and elastin that helps skin to rupture and when the skin heals your stretch marks are seen more clearly. Need not to worry as we have a solution at both of our branches I Pune, and you can get it treated by the best dermatologist.
Who can get stretch marks?
There is no specific age group for stretch mark it can happen to any age group person who suddenly gain weight or stretches skin like when you start with gym or u start a diet. Treatment for such skin conditions should be taken only from experts of best skin specialists only as most of the time stretch marks are on sensitive areas.
Can a stretch marks be treated with laser treatment?
We in the skin story clinic use 2 type of lasers ablative and non-ablative laser for skin resurfacing treatment. The ablative laser helps in destroying the upper layer of skin to treat stretch marks. That helps in generating new skin tissues which will have a soft and smoother skin appearance.
Whereas non-ablative lasers don’t destroy the upper layer of skin. It targets the underlying areas of skin to promote collagen growth from inside. Best thing is that time for each procedure is less and done quickly. Ablative laser takes minimum 90 min whereas, non-ablative takes only 30 min.
What is laser stretch mark removal recovery time?
We use Laser therapy that is a non-invasive treatment means no surgical incisions are used which is why the recovery time is lesser and quicker when compared with traditional surgery. Even if its quick and consumes less time of yours we suggest you to take a day break after treatment.
As we said Ablative lasers are the most effective in treating striae, in some cases you include raw skin and mild discomfort depending on skin sensitivity. You may notice slightly pink or red tone in your skin after each session of treatment which goes within few weeks. Your skin may start itching over before revealing new tissues around the stretch marks areas that is normal. It may take several months to see the full results, especially with non-ablative lasers but we guarantee you as best dermatologist result will be satisfied.
How long does stretch mark treatment lasts?
Generally, skin resurfacing treatment lasts for years when followed doctors’ instructions and how you take care of yourself. We know as best skin specialist doctor in Pune city the estimated time you’ll need between one and six non-ablative laser treatments on average, and you may need to wait three or four weeks between each session. When you are finally done with all sessions and completely healed, this treatment last for years.
Be it ablative or non-ablative laser treatment for you and your skin type. It’s important to follow your doctor’s instructions for laser treatment aftercare. so we suggest let your skin heal completely than you can start with any vigorous activities. Doctor shall inform you post treatment does and don’ts once you are done with your treatment.
Consult today with Pune Best Skin Specialist for any skin treatment at Skin Story Clinic
Visit our page for more details www.skinstoryclinic.com
Kalyani Nagar Clinic :-
Address: Ground floor, Krishnakunj Building, plot no. 17, lane no.7, next to hotel Sudarshan, opp. lunkad sky lounge, Kalyani Nagar, Pune-411014
Phone Numbers: +91 96738 58066 / +91 97685 55421
Clinic Timings: 10:00 am – 08:00 pm
Find us here: (Get Direction)
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Does Yoga Help Lose Weight
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Does Yoga Help Lose Weight

Yoga Instructors Are Tailoring Specific Programmes To Aid Weight Loss While Promoting Healthy Habits Amongst Young Indians

Fashion strategist Jasleen Chopra, 41, used to lead a hectic life, had made poor lifestyle choices and didn’t have the best of eating habits back in 2017. That was the year when she walked up to Mumbai-based celebrity yoga instructor Abhishek Sharma with the goal of weight loss. Chopra, who now lives in Chandigarh, used to go to the gym but no matter what she did, she found it very difficult to lose weight.
Yoga Is Not Just About A Few Poses That Strengthen You It Has More Benefits To Offer Such As:
Increased flexibility
Weight reduction
Stress management
Stress can have a devastating effect on your body and mind. It can reveal itself in the form of pain, anxiety, insomnia, and the inability to concentrate. Most times, stress is the main cause of weight gain. Yoga can help you cope with . Physical benefits of Yoga, combined with stress management, help a person to lose weight and maintain good physical and mental health.
Experts Agree: Yoga Can Help You Lose Weight Especially If You Do This Type Of Practice Maggie Ryan
Losing weight through yoga sounds almost too good to be true. On the surface, yoga seems like the polar opposite of a fast-paced high-intensity interval training circuit or a weightlifting workout, the two kinds of exercise usually recommended for weight loss. A yoga class leaves your body feeling totally different: refreshed instead of wiped out, loose and flexible instead of tight. It’s even good for your mental health, helping you deal with stress and anxiety.
HIIT, weightlifting, and cardio are fun and effective for weight loss, but they’re also not for everyone. If yoga sounds more appealing and weight loss is your goal, it’s natural to wonder if your daily practice can help you shed pounds.
Yoga To Lose Weight In 10 Days: Nothing But A Yoga Mat And Your Own Body Weight
Are you thinking of starting yoga to lose weight in 10 days? Here is a scoop on the best tips to help you attain your weight loss goals with yoga in such a short space of time.
Yoga is an ancient art that has taken the fitness industry by storm. Its numerous benefits drive more and more people to give this mind-body practice a try. Additionally, it is also loved due to its relaxing effect. It is one of the best forms of exercise to engage in when you are stressed, anxious, or restless. Another reason why yoga is gaining so much momentum is due to its link to weight loss.
There have been numerous debates about if and how yoga can help with weight loss. The truth is that yoga is considered an effective weight-loss tool. However, the problem lies in the pace of weight loss. More often than not, people want to see incredible results in too little time. For example, one may want to lose 10 pounds in 10 days or less. Is it possible with yoga? We have compiled the latest research in this post. Read on as we explore how you can use yoga to lose weight in 10 days.
How Many Calories Should You Expect To Burn After An Ashtanga Yoga Practice

The number of calories you burn during the yoga practice depends on the intensity of your workout.
And your weight also matters to some extent…
If you are willing to drastically decrease your weight, it is advised to practice strenuous Ashtanga yoga thrice or four times a week.
Remember that the quantity of calories you can expect to burn in a ashtanga yoga session depends on several factors like your sex, your age, your weight and morphology, and the duration of your practice.
In this table, you will find how many calories you can burn on average during an ashtanga workout:
How Does Yoga Help In Weight Loss 10 Yoga Poses That Burn Fat And Calories
Yoga has gradually become a lifestyle trend. In a chaotic world dominated by tech-leveraged rat races, peace of mind is an absolute requirement. Yoga studios around the country provides about 60-90 minutes of mental and physical balance which is essential for achieving peace of mind. But the question that riddles us day and night is, can yoga help with weight loss and toning? Research shows that a minute of yoga helps you lose about 3-6 calories. So a 90 minute session will help you lose about 80-360 calories only. But compared to other forms of exercises yoga has a higher success rate for keeping off the extra pounds while strengthening your core muscles.
Today we will extensively discuss about the benefits of weight loss through yoga. Globalization of yoga has helped it to evolve according to the different needs of people. In the past years we have seen the rising trend of hot yoga, power yoga and vinyasa which combine a number of other styles with yoga to increase the intensity of the activities per session which stimulate rapid weight loss.
Indirect ways in which yoga helps in weight management-
1. Practicing yoga regularly helps in lowering stress levels, this in turn reduces binge eating, over eating and stress eating which are the major reasons people put on weight in modern society.
2. Research also shows that people who practice yoga are more tuned to the necessities of their bodies and are better able to manage hunger.
Weight loss through yoga-
1. Power yoga
I Lost 85 Pounds With Nothing But A Yoga Mathere’s How It Happened I Lost 85 Pounds With Nothing But A Yoga Mat—Here’s How It Happened
The debate over whether yoga is an effective tool for weight loss has been discussed for years. Many believe that yoga is not fast-paced enough to burn the number of calories required for true weight loss. Others swear by yoga and say it’s an extremely effective way to shed pounds.
While everyone is different, I believe yoga is effective when it comes to lasting weight loss.
When I first rolled out the mat seven years ago, I was 85 pounds overweight. I was unhealthy, unhappy, and fueled by a passion for binge-drinking and pizza. When I first announced my mission to lose weight through yoga, I remember people laughing at me. “Yoga doesn’t help with weight loss! You have to bust your butt in the gym to get results,” people told me.
Less than one year after practicing yoga six to seven days per week, I lost those 85 pounds. Here’s how it happened.
The Best Power Yoga Poses For Weight Loss Include The Following:
Pawanmuktasana or the Wind releasing pose help you drop those extra fat from the stomach and the stomach region.
Trikonasana or the Intense side stretch pose helps to reduce the fat from the sides. It raises your heartbeat and burns calories.
Dhanurasana or the Bow pose helps you drop the excess fat from the arms and legs. It is very helpful to tone your body.
Garudasana or the Eagle pose is a perfect weight loss choice for those who want thinner thighs, legs, arms, and hands.
Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana or One-legged downward facing dog- when combined with breathing, helps you tone your arms, hands, legs, thighs, and your abdominal muscles.
Bhujangasana or the Cobra pose is a great choice if you want to solidify your buttocks and to tone your abdominal muscles.
Navasana or the boat pose is the simplest Power Yoga pose for weight loss. It concentrates all the major muscles of your body.
Savasana or Corpse pose is the most important pose to end your Power Yoga workout session. Savasana helps your muscles relax and prevents muscle damage.
There are several other Power Yoga asanas that are very important for weight loss such as the Uttanpadasana or the Raised feet pose, Veerbhadrasana, the warrior pose, Ardha Chandrasana or the Half-moon pose, Paschimottasana or the Seated forward bend among others. Power Yoga is considered an appropriate intervention for weight loss and to prevent obesity.
Tips For Those Who Want To Transform Their Bodies With Hot Yoga
• Practice regularly, at least 3-5 times a week if you want to see noticeable results, especially in a shorter span of time.• Try not to eat anything 2-3 hours before hot yoga practice, or at least keep it to something light. If I’m feeling a little hungry before practice, I’ll eat some crackers or a handful of almonds to avoid feeling lightheaded in the hot room.• Drink lots of water – before, during and after practice.• Listen to your body. If you need a break, rest in child’s pose until you feel ready to continue . Obviously this will vary from studio to studio, so ask at yours to see what facilities they have and products/services they provide.
Overall, I’ve found hot yoga to be an exercise I enjoy and one that has surprised me with its swiftness in helping me reach my body goals. While I cannot say how effective it will be for everyone in terms of weight loss, with consistent practice I think it would be hard not to undergo at least some kind of body transformation and to experience many of the positive benefits I’ve listed in this post.
Have you tried hot yoga? What has your experience been like? Do/have you struggled with your weight and/or body image? What has helped you?
Power Yoga Gives You The Benefit Of Yoga And More Including:
Helps burn calories, a little more than yoga for beginners
It boosts your metabolism
It boosts your general well-being
Useful to build strength, stamina, flexibility, and tone your body.
It helps increase your concentration
It helps you relax as tension and stress are considerably reduced.
The most reliable form of Power Yoga begins with Surya Namaskara or Sun Salutation. You can perform the Surya Namaskara as a warm-up before you start your Power Yoga workout session, or Surya Namaskara in itself can be done as Power Yoga. Surya Namaskara has immense benefits as it concentrates on all the core muscles of your body.
Restorative Yoga Practices Have A Place In Weight Loss Too
Yoga can help you open up, stretch and recover from intense workouts, which is also an important part of reaching your fitness goals and losing weight. “Even the less intense, more stretch-focused yoga practices can help promote active recovery if done to counteract a more strenuous other forms of movement such as running or weight lifting,” Turner says. For yoga classes with a restorative approach, Turner recommends looking for classes labeled “deep stretch,” “restorative” or Hatha yoga.
Another, often overlooked, factor in weight loss is sleep and stress. Research shows that lack of quality sleep can sabotage your weight loss goals. Yoga can help you sleep better by helping you relax, reduce tension and keep stress in check. Not to mention that reducing stress and anxiety makes it easier to follow through with your healthy commitments.
“Yoga can have a profound impact on a person’s mental state by reducing stress and anxiety. That peace of mind can lead to making better decisions when it comes to food choices and diet, which can obviously affect your success,” Turner says.
The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.
Yoga To Lose Weight In 10 Days: Evaluating The Best Poses
There are several poses you can try to fast-track weight loss. To make sure that you lose at least several pounds within 10 days, it is best if you try the poses described below. Additionally, it is best if you incorporate these poses into a workout routine. But always remember that diet is 90% of weight loss. Without further ado, here are the best yoga poses to consider for weight loss within 10 days:
How Often Should I Practice Yoga In Order To Lose Weight

Yoga should be practiced just like any other conventional weight loss exercise.
Normally, you perform between 45 minutes to one hour of physical training with cardiovascular exercises, abdominal exercises, push-ups, among others. The same should be done with the practice of yoga.
meditationweightlossyoga poses
Last update:25 January, 2020
Can I Combine Other Types Of Exercise With Ashtanga Yoga
Combining Ashtanga yoga with other exercises and making a comprehensive plan to target your weight is essential in achieving desired results.
Mixing alternative fitness training with Ashtanga can give a quicker result in terms of weight loss.
If you are practicing Ashtanga yoga twice a week, then keep one day for cardio, and experience the miraculous outcome yourself.
You can also add a Yin yoga practice to your weekly routine, another great yoga style that can help you in your weight loss journey.
Still curious? ? Here we discuss whether or not exercise is more effective for weight loss than eating healthy. Check it out!
The Right Kind Of Yoga Gives You A Great Cardio Workout
Put simply, in order to burn fat, you need to be in a calorie deficit, and adding cardio into your routine can help you achieve this. But, the key here is the right of yoga. There are multiple types of yoga, but not all are the most beneficial for weight loss or building lean muscle.
In order to achieve a great cardio workout from yoga, you need to practice fast flowing types of yoga such as Vinyasa or Ashtanga that involve strength building poses. Below I will break down which types of yoga are best for weight loss.
Yoga For Weight Loss: 9 Asanas To Help You Lose Weight
A five-thousand-year-old transcription by the Indus valley civilization on fragile palm leaves has paved the way to an innovative weight loss therapy. Yoga was mentioned in the Indian collection of Vedic Sanskrit hymns, the Rigveda. Researchers have traced yoga to over a thousand years ago, and its rich history is divided into periods of innovation, practice, and development. Yoga was refined and developed by the Rishis and Brahmans who documented their training in the Upanishads. This practice was later developed over several years to what now is practiced as Yoga. The discipline has 5 basic principles:
Frequently Asked Questions
Yoga For Weight Loss Can Actually Be An Effective Tool

Along with helping you lose weight, yoga raises your awareness and the way you relate to your body.
There are many factors that contribute to maintaining a healthy weight. When people practice yoga regularly, they become more in tune with themselves on a mental and physical level, which often results in a positive ripple effect in every aspect of their lives.
This includes making healthier food and lifestyle choices to ultimately reach their goal of weight loss.
Does nothing work for you? 3 Surprising Reasons Why You May Be Having A Hard Time Losing Weight
So to answer the question does yoga help you lose weight? you have to consider all the evidence. Yoga certainly help you lose weight and if you practice effectively and train your mind along with your body, yoga can be a powerful tool in your weight-loss journey.
All included information is not intended to treat or diagnose. The views expressed are those of the author and should be attributed solely to the author. For medical questions, please consult your healthcare provider.
Know The Difference Between Weight Loss And Inch Loss:
Keeping your best friend’s wedding in your sights, you start working out a month in advance so that you are picture-perfect on the wedding day. You are happy that you lost an inch here and there and are now ready to go. Once the wedding is over, you notice that those inches are back, thanks to all the binging at the wedding.
Those looking at weight loss should chalk out a proper plan and set small achievable goals for themselves. When achieved, these goals give a lot of confidence and act as fuel to achieve the next set of goals.
Key Factors That Play A Role In Weight Loss With Yoga
So regardless of all this information you have just learned, in order to lose weight, it really comes down to 5 things:
Consistency: In order to see any type of results practicing yoga, whether it be muscle gain or weight loss, you need to be consistent. You cannot decide to practice 5 days one week then skip two weeks and expect to see results. You need to consistently train your muscles and burn calories in order to create a deficit and lose fat.
A good starting point is practicing 3 times a week. Try to get in at least 30 minutes every time you practice and build up from there.
This in my opinion is one of the most important factors. Even if you practicing consistently, if you are barely putting in any effort, it’s as if you aren’t practicing at all. When you practice yoga, need need to put your all into it. If you aren’t feeling your muscles activating, your heart rate increasing, or breaking a sweat, you either are
not practicing the right type of yoga
not trying hard enough
No matter what you may have heard, yoga is not easy, but it is effective if you push yourself to put the work in.
Eating Habits: That whole “80% of weight loss happens in the kitchen” is actually true. You cannot decide to eat 2,000 calories worth of junk food while practicing yoga consistently and still be surprised you are not seeing results.
For some more needed motivation and information on losing weight with yoga, check out these articles:
It Helped Me Burn Calories While Gaining Lean Muscle
Although all types of yoga are effective when it comes to burning calories, improving flexibility and muscle tone, calming the mind, and providing a feeling of inner peace, if your goal is to lose weight, certain practices are more effective than others.
In order to burn fat and keep it off, I focused on power yoga and vinyasa flow.
These are both fast-paced flows that provide the perfect mixture of cardio and strength-training. The dual combination is a potent cocktail geared toward effective fat burning and increased lean muscle mass. These two types of yoga enable the body to burn anywhere from 400 to 600 calories per hour. This is equivalent to the number of calories burned during a typical hour in the gym!
Is Ashtanga Yoga Enough Exercise To Shed Some Weight

To get the right answer, we need to understand what exactly we need to lose weight.
Ashtanga yoga offers numerous physical, spiritual, and mental benefits.
But here we will focus on Ashtanga Yoga’s role in shedding weight:
Ashtanga yoga poses create internal heat and burns a lot of calories, sufficient enough to lose weight.
Ashtanga Yoga emphasizes muscle training and helps in proper weight management.
It relieves tension and reduces stress. Thus stops you from overeating.
It balances hormone production.
Best Yoga Poses For Weight Loss According To A Yogi
Although an ancient practice, yoga has many modern applications.
In the last century, the physical practice of yoga evolved into a popular form of exercise that benefits the body, mind, and spirit .
When practiced regularly, yoga may be an effective tool to help you lose weight, especially its more active style.
However, even the gentler forms of yoga help to reduce stress and increase mindfulness– both important factors in weight loss.
No matter the style, it is well known that yoga offers many health benefits.
Below we will explore how yoga can help you achieve and maintain a healthy body weight.
Does Yoga Help You Lose Weight Types Poses And More
For many years, people have used yoga as an effective tool to enhance their mental, physical, and spiritual development to obtain the best version of themselves.
No doubt, it has many health benefits. But, does yoga help you lose weight?
Fortunately, if you’re a yoga lover, we’ve got good news for you. Yoga can be an effective weight-loss strategy.
The more active forms of yoga have been found to help people shed weight, and have been backed by many experts as well.
So, it is totally possible to slim down with yoga, based on the ways that it strengthens, stretches, and calms your body.
Without further ado, let’s break down how it can help you achieve your body goals and what are the best yoga poses for weight loss.
What Happens To Your Body When You Start Doing Yoga
A lot of things happen to your body when you start doing yoga, including:
1. You Will Become Mindful of The Type of Food You Eat.
When you start your weight loss journey, you need to make some adjustments in your diet plan.
The newfound awareness of your body as well as the detoxing exercise of yoga, you will suddenly realize you don’t want to fill up your body with junk foods.
And, this is the first step to a healthy weight loss.
2. You Will Get in Shape.
As we have already covered, yoga can help you lose weight. The moment you start stretching you will start burning calories.
Doing it daily will make you lose weight faster and get that toned body you always desire.
Unlike other types of exercises, yoga helps and allows you to manage your weight easily.
Daily yoga improves your metabolic system, which will increase the rate of fat burning. Thus, resulting in significant weight loss.
Yoga also promotes hormonal balance, making it easier to maintain a healthy body weight.
3. You Will Reduce Your Stress Level.
Aside from the physical benefits, one of the best benefits of yoga is how it helps a person manage stress that has many negative effects on the body and mind.
The incorporation of meditation and breathing can help improve a person’s mental well-being.
Yoga Can Help Improve Your Flexibility And Mobility

And in addition to the mental health benefits with yoga, you can also increase your flexibility, strengthen your muscles, and enhance your mobility.
“Many regular exercisers also don’t take adequate time to stretch so adding yoga can be a great way to increase flexibility while improving balance and strengthening those smaller muscles that you are likely not focusing on in typical workouts,” says Wilson.
What Were My Results After Three Months Of Hot Yoga
I only measured and weighed myself twice during this three-month experiment – on day 1 and on day 90. The reason being that I didn’t want to obsess over numbers, but focus on my physical and mental transformation as I was experiencing it.
My goal was to feel better about the way I looked and improve my own self-confidence, and this was never tied to a number for me. However, I did want to be able to track my progress in some way, and to be able to share my results with you in a measurable way.
The numbers ended up telling a very dramatic story.
In 3 months, I lost 4.3cm off the widest part of my waist and 6.2cm off the smallest part of my waist.
I lost 1.7cm off the widest part of my hips and a whopping 8.4cm off the smallest part.
My arms stayed exactly the same numerically, but they look totally different. They are more toned and muscular, and I feel so much stronger.
To tell the truth, I am actually no lighter now than I was when I started. However, my shape has completely changed.
I have burned a lot of fat into muscle and its distribution is now more flattering and in proportion to the rest of my body. As muscle is heavier than fat and I’m still the same weight as when I started, we can conclude that I actually did “lose weight” in the process.
I have also observed a number of other benefits from doing hot yoga:
• Overall strength – not just in my arms• Better balance• No pain or stiffness the day after
What Kind Of Muscle Can Be Built With Ashtanga Yoga
Ashtanga poses are generally performed in a flow, and your whole body, individual body parts, start taking shape with time.
A yogi needs to be clear about his or her goal, and depending on that, a yoga teacher can recommend the Ashtanga poses.
Poses like tree pose, warrior pose, chair pose, and bridge pose are well known for toning the muscles.
Ashtanga yoga helps you gain lean muscles and evenly distribute weight.
But if your role model is Arnold Schwarzenegger, then practicing Ashtanga will not be enough for you…
How Soon Did I Start Seeing Results With Hot Yoga
I started seeing noticeable results, including a significant decrease in my belly bulge, more toned arms and general improved strength, within 1-2 weeks of starting hot yoga. This was at a pace of 5 lessons a week and doing no other exercise or making any dietary changes.
Motivated by my quick results and how much better I felt about myself, I started to crave hot yoga. I found myself checking the time just to see if it was time for class yet.
The results just got better from there – my husband noticed it and my instructors noticed it – my recently purchased yoga tops already fitting more loosely around my middle.
Towards the end of my three-month experiment, I felt that changes to the naked eye had plateaued or at least slowed down, but I think this is only natural in any weight loss or body transformation journey. And despite my belly looking basically the same for a few weeks, it felt very different. When I touched it, I could feel the hardening muscles underneath and I knew they would show themselves with some more time and hard work.
In 12 weeks, I did a total of 45 lessons . That’s an average of 3.75 lessons a week.
How Much Weight Can You Lose In A Month With Yoga

You will lose around 3-4 kgs per month with yoga. Yoga is holistic affair. You need to do it long term but that does not mean that the results you will achieve will be late. The results are very fast. Also, you do not need to do all of this exercise in one day in order to learn how Yoga helps in weight loss. You can do this type of exercise every day . You can spend 30 -40 mins per day but make sure that you are consistent in the practice.And, if you do this, you will find that you will be very excited about being able to enjoy the new changes in your life and that you will not feel like you are starving yourself.
Yoga Can Help You Burn Calories And Build Muscle
One common misconception about yoga is that it’s not a “real” workout. While yoga has a reputation for helping reduce stress and tension, certain forms of yoga can be an intense workout that helps challenge your muscles and get your heart rate up.
“Yoga can be an incredible complement in a person’s quest to lose weight. From a physiological standpoint, yoga is exercise, and certain types of yoga can have an excellent cardiovascular and strength building effect in the body,” says Turner.
Yoga can challenge your muscles and help you build strength.
If you’re looking for yoga classes that can help you get your heart rate up to burn calories and help strengthen your muscles, look out for specific types of yoga that focus on those areas.
Some examples include:
Hot yoga classes are practiced in a heated room or studio. The actual temperature varies, but typically the room is heated to at least 90 degrees or more.
Power yoga:Power yoga is a fitness-based approach to practicing yoga. These classes will focus on strength and flexibility.
Yoga sculpt, or any yoga class that includes “sculpt” in its description can vary in the exact technique, but will often include light handheld dumbbells or other tools to add resistance. Some yoga sculpt classes will also add bursts of intense cardio.
: This style of yoga follows the same set of poses in the same order. The class is usually fast-paced and physically challenging.
Weight Loss With Yoga Starts From The Mind First
When a yoga journey begins, everything begins to appear in a different light, from a different perspective. Yoga starts by transforming you from the inside out. Thanks to yoga, we become more conscious about the environment, actions, and habits, and eating habits change. Realizing how they feel after eating certain foods, the individual wonders about the effects of nutrition on the body and tends to a more plant-based diet and reduce processed foods. So, it causes a healthier lifestyle and directs you to choose healthier food options. Thus, the answer to the question of whether yoga weakens begins to emerge.
Can Yoga Help Trim My Waist And Reduce Belly Fat Alyssa DodsonTeacher and Writer
Yoga teacher, world explorer, writer, recent San Franciscan, and part of the DoYou Editorial Team
Ever wonder if yoga can help trim your waist and reduce belly fat? One of our readers was curious on the topic, and she’s not alone.
Lots of yogis take their first yoga class as a compliment to their regular exercise routine, only to find out later what an amazing addition yoga is to every facet of their life.
Yoga is a great way to change things up, tone your entire body, and lose weight. If you are looking to focus on your waist and belly, even better! Yoga is the perfect way to trim down.
Here are my best tips for using yoga to reduce belly fat and trim your waist, including a few practice tips.
How Often Should I Practice Yoga To Lose Weight
Last update:25 January, 2020
Many who want to achieve an ideal weight search for the perfect physical activity to help. Of that sounds like you, we recommend that you practice yoga in order to try to lose weight in a different way.
To see results, the important thing is perseverance and discipline. All physical activities require a minimum daily or weekly commitment in order for the body to change and the person to begin to look and feel better. Yoga is not the exception; it also requires perseverance and effort.
However, don’t think that this discipline is only good for meditation and stretching the muscles; in fact, it also helps you lose weight.
But Which Type Of Yoga Is Best For Weight Loss
If weight loss is the overall goal, then the type of yoga you’re doing is super important.
“A more relaxing type, such as one of the forms of Hatha, may not crank up the internal furnace that much,” says Jonathan Amato, C.S.C.S. “In comparison, Bikram or could lead to a great calorie burn over a single class.”
17 Yoga Moves That Will Help You Sculpt Abs
Bikram and hot yoga involve increasingly difficult positions that cause your heart rate to soar. Add that to the stress of a heated room, and class-goers will burn more calories. In comparison, Hatha yoga—gentle poses and stretching exercises—requires much less physical exertion, making it great for all fitness levels. Hatha is also done in a non-heated room.
You also want to look for a class that incorporates “poses that focus on large muscle groups,” Pacheco says, in order to up the calorie burn. Think: lunge-like poses such as warriors one and two.
Yoga To Lose Weight By Strengthening Your Body
Yoga offers lots of asanas in countless flows or sequences. All poses provide different benefits both physical and mental. Also, more or less each poses provide a level of detoxification. While detoxification promotes body and mind gets purified, it directly causes weight loss. Although there are different types of yoga that are very effective when it comes to purifying, losing weight, enhancing flexibility, improving muscular posture, providing peace of mind, there are some other poses that do much better than others if your goal is burning calories losing weight.
Vinyasa yoga and power yoga flow movements, which burn more amount of fat and are referred to as slimming yoga in some sources, are known as the most effective yoga movements that lose weight. These two yoga streams provide a great mixture of both cardio exercise and strength exercises. This combination acts as a powerful cocktail for fat burning and gaining muscle. They keep the body burning up to 400 to 600 calories in every region of it. This equates to a typical hour exercise.
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana/ Upward Facing Dog Pose
This asana is also usually a part of Surya Namaskar. Begin with lying down on the floor on your stomach. Stretch your legs backward and keep your elbows beside your waist. The front of your feet and the inside of your hand shall touch the floor. Then slowly raise your upper body, higher by balancing it over your palm, up to the waist.
Stretch your forelimbs completely by putting the pressure on your palm and hold your pose. This posture helps to strengthen your spine and tone your arms. It is because, during this exercise, your upper body rests over your arms.
Running Routine To Lose Weight
Experts Answer: Can Yoga Help You Lose Weight

Each week, MyHealthNewsDaily asks the experts to answer questions about your health.
This week, we asked exercise researchers and nutrition specialists: Does yoga help with weight loss?
Beth A. Lewis, Associate Professor at the University of Minnesota School of Kinesiology in Minneapolis
“Regular yoga practice can influence weight loss, but not in the “traditional” sense of how we link physical activity to weight loss. Typically, weight loss occurs when a person’s calorie intake .
“Most individuals need to change both their energy intake and energy expenditure to lose weight.
Many yoga practices burn fewer calories than traditional exercise ; however, yoga can increase one’s mindfulness and the way one relates to their body. So, individuals will become more aware of what they are eating and make better food choices.
“Individuals may avoid foods that make them feel sluggish and lethargic . Instead,individuals will seek out foods that are healthier, which then may lead to weight loss.
“Additionally, many individuals eat more when they are feeling stressed and yoga can help combat stress, which can influence one’s energy intake.”
Dr. Lewis Maharam, fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine:
“Yes, and actually it’s become in vogue with a lot of celebrities like Madonna, Halle Berry and Jennifer Aniston. Yoga is a sophisticated tradition with physical, relaxation and breathing exercises. aerobic exercise is what helps you lose weight.
How Many Calories Does Each Type Of Yoga Burn
So of course there is no way to tell exactly, as it all depends on the amount of effort you are putting in. But as a reference, below are the general calories burned from Health Status per 60 minutes of practice based on a 150 pound person:
Vinyasa Yoga: 594 calories
Bikram/ Hot Yoga: 477 calories
Ashtanga/ Power Yoga: 351 calories
Hatha Yoga: 189 calories
Please keep in mind this if if you are using your MAX EFFORT. I know there are definitely times when I go to hot vinyasa yoga and not putting my all in that day, or the class is just slower, and I definitely do not burn anywhere near this amount of calories.
Also keep in mind your weight plays a huge role on how many calories you burn per hour. I suggest checking out healthstatus.com to use their calculator with your specific weight to check.
How Often Should You Do Yoga To Lose Weight
Practice yoga as often as possible in order to lose weight. You can do a more active, intense practice at least three to five times per week for at least one hour.
On the other days, balance out your practice with a more relaxing, gentle class. Hatha, yin, and restorative yoga classes are great options.
If you’re a beginner, start slowly and gradually build up your practice. This allows you to build up your strength and flexibility and prevent injuries. If you don’t have time for a full class on certain days, do a self-practice for at least 20 minutes. Allow yourself one full day of rest each week.
Combine your yoga practice with activities such as walking, cycling, or swimming for added cardiovascular benefits.
As part of your routine, avoid weighing yourself directly after a yoga class, especially if it’s a hot yoga class, since you may lose water weight during the class. Instead, weigh yourself at the same time each day.
Here are a few yoga poses you can do at home if you don’t have time for a full session.
Control Your Weight Before It Controls You:
Age plays an important role in weight loss too. If you are young, then the chances of you getting into the shape with minimal efforts are high, but it is tougher for those who are on the other side of thirty. Once you cross your thirties, special attention needs to be given to eating habits. Fats, carbohydrates, and proteins are the main contents of any meal.
Choosing them wisely over the different meals of the day will help you go a long way in achieving your goals. Complex carbohydrates and healthy fats can be a part of your breakfast but including the same for your supper might not be a great idea.
Also, tracking your diet can give you an idea of where your macronutrients are coming from. Remember to track each and everything that goes in. This will make you aware of what you are having throughout the day and will make you think twice the next time you reach out for your favorite cupcake. The more you educate yourself with food labels, the more you become cautious and make healthier choices. It’s all about awareness.
Surprising Ways Yoga Helps You Lose Weight
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The practice of yoga being an effective use for weight loss has been questioned for years. Can you really lose weight with yoga? The answer is YES, and with a lot less effort than you think. In this article we will discuss the science backed effects yoga has on the body that will help you meet your weight loss goals.
V The Posture Of Liberation From The Winds
This posture helps cure lower back pain while controlling the acidity level of the stomach. It helps tone the abdomen and hips.
Lie down on your back,
Curve your knees and bring them back to your chest while breathing out,
Apply pressure to the abdomen with your thighs,
On an exhale, raise your head to try to touch your knees with your chin, without straining the cervical, it is the upper back that works,
Breathe deeply and maintain the pose for two full breaths,
Back to the original position on an exhalation,
Repeat 5 times with a 15-second pause between each repetition.
With a regular practice of these five postures, the results should not be long in being felt!
Which Type Of Yoga Is Best For Weight Loss
Almost all form help in weight loss but power yoga is best. Yoga helps in many ways, but one of the things that can be used to help with weight loss is the practice of yoga poses.While the physical benefits of yoga are quite amazing, there are also mental benefits that can help a person lose weight and feel healthier. This is why yoga is often used to help people lose weight. can yoga help you lose weight ?Yes,with yoga, it’s much easier to achieve these goals.
In order to lose weight, it is important that a person is able to burn more calories than they take in each day. By using different types of exercises and other yoga poses, a person can burn calories and learn to manage their diet better. This can then help a person to lose weight and feel healthier.
Yoga is a way of life for many people and they have a passion for it. Yoga can help to strengthen muscles, reduce stress, and helps to keep you fit, it is a holistic approach to health.
can yoga help you lose weight and tone? If you want to lose weight, yoga can be the answer. This type of workout is an all around good thing to do. It can be done by everyone at anytime of the day and will not interfere with your daily schedule.
Can Yoga Help In Weightloss1500×2250
What Type Of Yoga Is Best For Weight Loss
There are various types of yoga—and some are relaxing while others are pretty intense. if you’re looking for more of a calorie-burning experience, Young recommends Vinyasa because it’s more athletic.
“It’s strenuous. It’s cardio-based. It’s literally moving constantly,” says instructor Olivia Young, founder of Box + Flow in New York.
You may have also heard this referred to as “flow” because the movements run together. Within Vinyasa, there are various other subsets, like power yoga.
In comparison, Hatha focuses on one pose at a time and includes breaks between movements.
You should become acquainted with movements like the downward dog, high plank, and low push up, commonly found in a flow sequence, says Young.
How Often Should I Do Yoga To Lose Weight
For the best weight-loss results, Liza recommended doing yoga three times a week. Continue to stay active and get your heart rate up on the other three to four days as well, whether through , weightlifting, or HIIT workouts of 45 minutes to an hour. And keep your nutrition in mind, too. “Exercise alone without dieting makes losing weight hard,” Jorianne said. “Weight loss occurs when you burn more calories than you consume.”
If you eat healthy and burn calories, though, the results will come, and yoga has a place in the process. Start with this 30-minute power flow to relax, rejuvenate, and work up a sweat.
Image Source: Getty / Thomas Barwick
/8setu Bandha Sarvangasana Or Bridge Pose
Step 1: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet placed firmly on the ground. Your legs should be slightly apart and arms resting by your side.
Step 2: Press the feet into the floor, inhale and lift your hips up rolling the spine off the floor.
Step 4: Press your shoulders and arms on the ground to lift your chest.
Step 5: Engage your legs and butt muscles to lift your hips higher.
Step 6: Hold this position for 4-8 breaths, then return to the starting position.
How Much Yoga Do You Need For Weight Loss
You cannot expect a huge amount of weight loss from Yoga as soon as you begin doing it. Many people start doing Yoga and expect to achieve results within a week. They get disappointed and quit doing it just after one or two weeks. It doesn’t work like that. Yoga needs as much time and effort as any other exercise. It requires regular practice.
It would be best if you were patient to achieve visible results. For weight loss, you need to practice Yoga as much as you can. But that doesn’t mean you will keep doing excessive Yoga. It needs to be in a limited and balanced amount. Excessive Yoga can lead to physical or muscular injuries.
You might experience pain in your joints. Perform gentle and relaxing exercises for your daily routine. You can try longer sessions and intense exercises 2-3 times a week. A regular practice can give you the answer to Can I Lose Weight With Yoga after a certain period.
Can Yoga Help You Lose Weight Answer Here
Yoga is an ancient practice that can amplify the positive connection between your mind and body. While there are many yoga styles, some focus more on strenuous movements and strength, and others focus on meditation and mental preparedness.
As part of a workout routine, yoga for weight loss is a no-brainer because it burns calories. And potentially, the most significant benefit of yoga is the opportunity to reinforce mental stability, which can relieve stress, especially in this pandemic, and introduce you to a better and healthier lifestyle.
Bottom Line
Which Practices Are Best For Weight Loss

If you’re looking for pure calorie burn, our experts agreed that fast-paced Vinyasa yoga is the practice to choose. “A good Vinyasa class will take you through a variety of movements, with a focus on integrating your core and weight-bearing on your hands and feet,” Lara explained. Imagine a classic flow from plank to triceps push-up to Upward Facing Dog — you’re getting a core burn, working your triceps, then using your arms to hold up your bodyweight as you stretch. This kind of weight-bearing move “increases heart rate and builds muscle,” Liza told POPSUGAR. The more muscle you build, the more calories you’ll burn even after you’re done exercising.
Power yoga is another good choice, Jorianne told POPSUGAR, though it’s more intense and better suited for people who are already in good shape. “In power yoga, there is less meditation and more of a focus on standing poses and faster-paced movement,” she explained. Your heart will pump even harder than in a Vinyasa class, which is good news for losing weight; Liza recommended aiming for a heart rate that’s 55 to 85 percent of your maximum to get the most calories burned out of a class.
I Teach Yoga and Do CrossFit, and These Are the 18 Core-Carving Yoga Poses I’m Obsessed With
A more gentle yoga class, such as Hatha, won’t burn as many calories. But it can benefit your mental health and decrease stress levels while helping you be more mindful, all of which have weight-loss benefits as well.
What Kind Of Yoga Helps With Weight Loss
If you’ve never done yoga before, be sure to start with beginner-level classes. You’ll burn the most calories in athletic classes.?? These styles usually start with a fast-paced series of poses called sun salutations, followed by a flow of standing poses which will keep you moving. Once you are warmed up, deeper stretches and backbends are introduced. Vinyasa includes many popular, sweaty yoga styles, such as:
: Ashtanga yoga is a very vigorous style of practice and its practitioners are among the most dedicated of yogis. Beginners are often encouraged to sign up for a series of classes, which will help with motivation. Since Ashtanga follows the same series of poses each time, once you learn the sequence, you can practice anytime at home or join a Mysore-style group, in which there is a teacher present but each student goes at their own pace.
Power Yoga: Power yoga is extremely popular at gyms and health clubs, though it is widely available at dedicated yoga studios as well.?? Power yoga is based on building the heat and intensity of Ashtanga while dispensing with a fixed series of poses.
: Vinyasa yoga done in a hot room ups the ante by guaranteeing you’ll sweat buckets. Be aware that Bikram and hot yoga are not synonymous. Bikram is a pioneering style of hot yoga, which includes a set series of poses and, indeed, a script developed by founder Bikram Choudhury.?? These days, there are many other styles of hot yoga that make use of the hot room but not the Bikram series.
How Much Weight Can You Lose Doing Yoga
Weight loss varies by person and is dependent on a variety of factors including your beginning weight, overall activity level, and diet. The number of calories burned doing it also depends on what type of yoga you do, for how long, and what your current weight is. To have yoga help you lose weight, Young recommends practicing yoga four times a week and pairing it with extra cardio, like shadow boxing or running.
How Men Can Get Started Doing Yoga
It’s natural to want fast results, but the most successful dieters lose weight slowly. recommends losing no more than one to two pounds per week.
Thinking Of Trying Yoga For Weight Loss
If you are serious about losing weight and getting fit, you might want to implement a 60-minute power yoga and/or vinyasa flow practice at least five to six days per week. If you want to follow my example, think about coupling your practice with a whole foods diet for optimal results.
So roll out the mat. Connect with your breath. Detach from that destructive inner voice. Tune in to your spiritual nature that connects every cell of your body to the universe. Liberate the soul. And get ready to bask in the glory of all the positive changes that are coming.
Adho Mukha Svanasana Downward Dog Pose

Adho Mukha Svanasana tones your whole body with a little extra attention to specific muscles. It helps to strengthen your arms, thighs, hamstring and back. Holding this pose and concentrating on your breathing engages your muscles and tones them, as well as improves your concentration and blood circulation.
Chaturanga Dandasana/ Limbed Staff Pose
Chaturanga Dandasana is one of the exercises performed during Surya Namaskar. To perform this asana, start with your legs and arms stretched in a plank position. Keep your spine and hip in a straight line. Now, tighten your core by sucking your belly inside.
Bring your body towards the floor without losing the straight posture. Balance your body with the engaged core and hold the pose. This pose helps to strengthen your core and maintain your balance. It can be beneficial to reduce and tone your belly. Chaturanga Dandasana helps to build your muscle strength.
Can Beginners Yoga Help You Lose Weight
The question of how can you loose weight with the help of yoga might arise if you are just beginning your weight loss or trying to keep it off.
If you are planning to go on a very strict weight loss program, then it might be a good idea to join a yoga class to learn more about the benefits of yoga and how to maintain a good weight loss program.
Yoga is also a great way to maintain your new weight and will help you get into better shape so that you can lose weight and look great.
If you do decide to join a class, make sure that you find a teacher that you will get along well with and who will make you feel comfortable with. Yoga is also a good way to learn new skills so that you will feel more in control of your body and can enjoy what you are doing.
If you do decide to join a class, make sure that you find a teacher that you will get along well with and who will make you feel comfortable with. Yoga is also a good way to learn new skills so that you will feel more in control of your body and can enjoy what you are doing.
Things To Take Care Of While Doing Yoga
Your should also be considered, because you need to make sure that it is healthy and balanced. If you aren’t, then you may want to talk to your doctor or dietitian to make sure that you are following a proper diet.
·2. If you’re going to start doing yoga, make sure that you choose a yoga class that is going to suit your level of physical ability. If you have a lot of experience, you might want to try classes that are a little more advanced, so that you can get the most out of the workout.
When you have lost weight with yoga, you’ll notice that your energy levels are up and your confidence is higher. Your weight will probably decrease as well, because you are burning more calories than you normally do. But, you still want to make sure that you keep up your weight loss. Even though you may have lost a few pounds, you should keep at it and never quit.
The thing to remember is that you have to maintain your weight loss. If you stop your weight loss after a few weeks, you may find yourself gaining all of the weight back. You need to continue working on it, and staying motivated.
Once you have lost weight with yoga, you can always get back on it by doing another class or trying another one. This is a great form of exercise for anyone and it really does have a lot of benefits. It has proven to be beneficial to a lot of people.
If So How Does Yoga Help To Lose Weight

There are many therapeutic to intensive yoga styles, reinforcing your central cores, including your overall muscle groups, increasing your flexibility, stability, and mobility.
Each yoga style offers unique benefits, so if your goal is to lose weight, concentrating on a fast-paced strength-based exercise is best. Yoga done in this manner has four main benefits that you should know.
Yoga strengthens your core and self-awareness.
While there is no cheat to lose weight in a day, strengthening your core is one major step to help you shed weight in the long run.
Your core is the home of all muscle groups necessary to stabilize your spine, keep your posture in the best shape, and improve your balance.
Therefore, by reinforcing your core, you are increasing your movements’ foundation to be more concise, which, in turn, makes you exercise more effectively without the risk of bodily discomforts.
Yoga is also useful in this matter because it also increases your self-awareness. You’ll learn how to use your muscles to precisely regulate your movements to achieve safer body fitness.
Yoga can help cut cravings for unhealthy foods and sugar.
One of the fantastic benefits of yoga is installing a sense of mindfulness. More mindful people are less stressed and less likely to seek comfort in food to binge eat.
Yoga can help protect yourself from stress, more-so, manage stress.
Yoga introduces you to a healthy lifestyle with better decisions.
Guest Post By Marilyn From Ink & Coffee
I’m very happy to collaborate with Marilyn from Ink & Coffee and share her blog post about yoga and weight loss. Marilyn is training to be a yoga teacher and health and wellness coach so she knows her stuff. As a self-confessed yogi I find it really helps me to tone, stay fit and improve flexibility. But does it really help us to lose weight? Here’s Marilyn to answer that for you ?.
Does Ashtanga Yoga Help You Lose Weight
Ashtanga yoga has been gaining popularity for the last few decades. Here in this article, we will help you answer one of the most asked questions: Does Ashtanga yoga help lose weight?
Last month I met Suzanne for the first time at a house-warming party. We started talking and liked each other’s company.
Amid a conversation, I passed her a compliment about her physique. She noticed how intrigued I was, so she took me to the side and showed me an old photograph of her.
Looking at the picture, I was astounded. In the photo, she was barely recognizable.
I quickly asked her the secret recipe of the drastic transformation, and she answered- Ashtanga Yoga.
Ashtanga yoga, also known as eight-limbed yoga, is mentioned in the Yoga Sutras by the sage Patanjali. It includes various asanas, which should be practiced with utmost patience and dedication.
Ashtanga Yoga includes a full-body workout. Intense asanas are done in this yoga practice that covers all your muscle areas, and therefore it makes for a great partner in the weight loss journey. You can expect to burn on average around 450 to 550 calories per 1h Ashtanga yoga session.
The vigorous workout improves your strength, flexibility, tones, endurance, and overall health, besides contributing to weight loss. It is a fast-paced yoga practice that enhances energy levels and overall physique.
But, how does Ashtanga yoga help in weight loss? Read further to find out.
Yoga Stimulates And Improves Digestion
Even though yoga has a positive and stimulating effect on all of the different systems within your body, including your cardiovascular, respiratory, lymphatic and endocrine systems, it has a very strong focus on the stimulation of your digestive system.
Your digestive system plays a key role in the breakdown, absorption and elimination of food and waste from your body. A sluggish and slow digestive system will hinder your weight loss goals by reducing your body’s ability to appropriately absorb nutrients and discard unwanted waste.
Sethu Bandha Sarvangasana Bridge Pose

Yet another asana with multiple benefits is the Sethu Bandha Sarvangasana or Bridge pose. It is excellent for glutes, thyroid as well as weight loss. The Bridge pose improves muscle tone, digestion, regulates hormones, and improves thyroid levels. It also strengthens your back muscles and reduces back pain.
/8here Are 7 Yoga Asanas You Should Do
When it comes to weight loss, yoga is not favoured by many as an effective workout to shed kilos. The low-impact exercise has undoubtedly gained popularity across the globe but is known mostly to increase flexibility and calm your mind. Contrary to popular belief, yoga can help to burn tons of calories and drop a considerable amount of weight. All you need to do is choose the right kind of yoga asanas and perform it correctly. Here are 7 yoga asanas that may help you lose more weight than any intense workout.
Proper Technique Is The Key To Success
It would be best if you were very careful while doing any of these yoga poses or any other exercises. Please give enough time to know how to perform these yoga postures and learn them properly. Before trying, know all the techniques of performing any exercise.
It would be best if you were very precise while doing these poses, or else you might end up hurting yourself. Many of the yoga poses require specific timings like morning or evening. Some of them must be done with an empty stomach. Everybody cannot do many postures. They are prohibited to people having any muscle injury or spinal problem.
An example being the Dhanurasana mentioned above. So please make sure to check all of the techniques to perform the yoga posture. Otherwise, you might end up hurting yourself, or you might not see visible results even after efforts. Once you grasp the technique, it can be a piece of cake for you.
Learn More About Weight Loss Fitness
Can Yoga Help You Lose Weight And Tone
In order to start using yoga for weight loss, you need to make sure that you are healthy enough to do it. You should always keep in mind to eat a balanced diet, get plenty of exercise and use a positive attitude.
can yoga help you lose weight and tone?YesYoga can help you get the results that you are looking for. It is an easy way to get into shape and get in good form so that you do not feel stressed out when you take your next step.
There are many things that go into learning how to lose weight. Yoga can give you the knowledge and skills that you need to have sure to lose weight. You will not feel depressed or stressed about how you look or what you feel about yourself.
can yoga help you lose weight? Weight loss is a big concern and one that many people have. The best way to lose weight is to start the right exercise.
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Home Front, Mission 13: Good Morning New Canton!
The Sky's the Limit!
NADIA AL HANAKI: Good morning, New Canton. This is Nadia Al Hanaki, broadcasting from the comms room to all New Canton runners and anyone else who can hear me right now. I'll be blathering on for a while, so why don't you start doing a bit of warm-up while I talk? Jogging on the spot, shaking out your arms, anything to get the blood flowing.
Anyway, I'm here with your daily update on the massive zombie mob that's been all anyone can talk about for approximately the last hundred years. Short version, we’re still surrounded by zombies on all sides and your instructions are still to stay inside for your own safety and for the safety of others.
I know some of you will be thinking oh, I could just make a run for it. I bet I could get through that mob and safely home in no time. I'm looking at you, Runner Seventy-One. But literally the last thing any of us need right now is another zombie shambling round out there, or worse still, you getting bitten and bringing the infection home with you, so it's really important you stay put.
So now all that stuff's out the way, my job is to try and keep all you guys healthy and entertained while you wait. And I thought today I'll take you through a workout I learned when I just started working as an air traffic controller. I was working in this airport just outside Paisley, spending a lot of time behind a desk, you know, so these are all exercises you can do completely seated.
So first things first, you're going to need a nice sturdy chair you can sit upright in. Ideally with no armrest, but any port in a storm, right? Make sure you're on solid ground with a bit of space to stretch out in all directions and that the chair won't fall over if you shoogle it.
We'll start with some seated jumping jacks, which are just like the standing version except you keep your bum on the chair. Fling your arms and legs out into a star shape as far out as you can, then bring them back in again. We'll go for a minute, starting now.
Now don't go too wild on your first few. Make sure your chair is not going to topple over. That's it. Brilliant. That's 15 seconds. If it's feeling too tough, you can do arms only or legs only, or you can alternate. 30 seconds. Keep going, you can do it. If you want to build the intensity, tuck your knees right into your chest each time. That'll work your abs. Nearly there, just 15 seconds left.
And that's you, that's your minute done. Hopefully you're feeling nice and warm, so keep moving while I play some music. You can do another set of your jumping jacks, a chair dance, or whatever works for you. I'll be right back after this.
NADIA AL HANAKI: Right then, runners. I hope you're feeling nice and warm, ready for your next exercise. This one's called 49s. It's one Lem taught me and it's really good for building your grip strength. What we're going to do is open both your hands really wide and then close them tightly into fists and that's one rep. Have you got that?
So you're going to repeat that movement seven times, then move your arms into a different position and do it again. Don't worry, I'll talk you through it start to finish. We'll do seven repeats in seven different positions until you've opened and closed your hands 49 times in total, and that's why the name, right?
So start with your arms straight out in front of you like Supergirl. Open your hands wide as you can, clench them into fists, and repeat. Seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. That's great. Now lift your arms above your head and hold them there, straight up to the sky. Open and close your hands again for seven more repeats. Six, five, four, three, two, one. Brilliant. Arms straight out to either side now, palms pointing down to the floor. Seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.
That's three sets done. You should be starting to feel that in your forearms now. Okay, now keep your arms out to the sides, but bend your elbows to 90 degrees so your forearms are vertical, like you're a bodybuilder showing off your mighty biceps, yeah? Same again, hands open and closed. Seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. That's four sets done.
If you've got to stop, that's totally fine. Rest out for a sec and come back in when you can. It's a marathon, not a sprint. This next one's my favorite. Keep your elbows where they are and bring your hands in towards your chest like you're about to start doing a funky chicken dance. Don't actually do a funky chicken dance, by the way. And that applies especially to you, Sam Yao, if you're listening over there in Abel. And another set. Seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Five sets done.
I bet you're feeling the burn by now. Second to last one, put your arms straight out on either side again, this time palms facing up to the sky. And seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. And last one, arms dangling straight down to the floor, backs of your hands facing forward. Seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, and that's you, that's your 49 done.
Do that every day and you'll get forearms like Lem’s. He had lovely arms, just like the rest of him. Yep, Lem was pretty special. Okay, shake your hands out a bit and get the muscles loosening up again. I'm gonna play you some music. You keep moving. Do another set of 49s if you're feeling hardcore, or more jumping jacks, or that funky chicken dance if you want, and I'll be right back after this song.
NADIA AL HANAKI: We're going to do some torso twists now. It's a great exercise for your core. First things first, you're going to need a couple of weights. Some of you might have the luck to be holed up in an abandoned gym with a rack of dumbbells to choose from, but the rest of us will just have to make do with whatever is to hand.
You'll need something that's got a decent weight to it, something you can grip securely. A couple of tins should do it. Sticking each one into a bag with a decent handle works pretty well. It makes them much easier to hold onto and you can always add more tins to the bags if you want a heavier weight.
So just hold the tins or the weights in close to your chest, really close like they were the last tins of condensed milk in the world, okay? And bend forward from the hips, rotating your body so you're bringing your right shoulder towards your left hip, then sit back up and repeat the movement the other way, left shoulder to right hip. You can do it without the weights if you like. If you're doing that, just clasp your hands behind your head. The movement's the same, otherwise.
Okay, you got it? We're gonna do a one minute set, starting now. You should be feeling a lovely stretch down your side as you do this one. You can do it nice and slow and really enjoy the stretching, or go faster for a harder workout. That's lovely. That's 15 seconds, keep going. The further you hold your weights away from yourself, the harder a workout this will be. Keep that pace going. Fantastic.
Halfway. This is a great exercise to do in a chair because your hips are fixed in position, so all the twist comes from your waist. Try and keep your back straight. Don't let it curve forward. Brilliant. That's you three quarters of the way through now. Make the most of those last few reps. Take it all the way to the end. Push through. Three, two, one, and relax.
Put your weights down, if you're using them, and spend a few seconds stretching out those hard-working oblique muscles. Keep moving through this next song as much or as little as you like and I'll see you in a bit.
NADIA AL HANAKI: [laughs] That song is a total classic. I always used to put it on at the end of my air traffic control shift to mark the end of another busy day. It always means hope to me. The end of a hard time is going to come, however long it takes.
Okay, okay, so on with the workout. You're gonna need your weights again. Remember the trick of putting tin cans into bags to create a weight? You could try that here. You don't want whatever it is flying off and smashing through a window or a fellow survivor. We're doing a minute of bicep curls.
So press your elbows tight into your sides with your hands down by your sides, palms facing forward, holding your weights. And all you're gonna do is bend your elbows to bring those weights up to our shoulders, then lower them back down again to your sides, simple as that.
And your minute starts now. Keep your movement nice and slow and controlled, particularly when you're straightening your arms. You don't want to jerk your elbows. Steady does it. That's nice. 15 seconds done. Imagine there's an invisible bar between your two weights. Keep your hands at the same height all the way through the movement. Keep going.
Brilliant, that's halfway. You're doing really well. If you're using tin cans in bags, be extra careful not to whack yourself in the knees. 45 seconds done. This exercise always makes me feel like a proper weightlifter. Turns out you don't need expensive gear or a fancy gym after all! Just a bit longer. And that's your minute, runners. You can put your weights down now. It's time for another song, and the usual rules apply. You can repeat your bicep curls, or keep moving any other way you like, or relax and recover before the next exercise. It's up to you.
NADIA AL HANAKI: Okay runners, we're going to move on to some seated leg raises now, but if you don't have room for this one or you're not using your legs, you can swap out for one of the upper body exercises we've already done instead. Sit upright in your chair with your back nice and straight and your hands on the seat beside you. Plant your left foot on the floor and straighten your right leg out so it's sticking straight out in front of you with your hip flexed and your knee straight. Hold it there for a few seconds, then lower it back down. We'll do 30 seconds with your right leg, then swap and do 30 seconds with your left. Got it? Okay, let's go.
Lift that leg up straight, hold it, and back down again. Find a rhythm that works for you and if it hurts, then stop, yeah? Find your rhythm. Do what works for you. This is a great workout for your quads, those big muscles at the front of your thigh that you use for jumping and kicking. Not that I advise kicking any zombies, of course.
Time to swap legs, runners. If you need to hold on to the side of the chair, that's absolutely fine. Just try and keep your back straight and don't let yourself lean back. Nice. Good form. Keep that back nice and straight. Three quarters done now. Hopefully you're getting a nice stretch down your hamstrings as well. Home straight. Keep it going, keep it going, and that's your minute up. Nice going, guys.
I used to do this one a lot when I was on night shift and in the control tower, something to keep me going in the long gaps between planes. When I'd been there about a year, I got this new watch manager and he really hated me for some reason. He was always giving me grief. Maybe it was because he didn't like the way I was dressed. Who knows. Anyway, every time I did these leg lifts, I imagined I was giving him a solid boot up the backside. Not that you lovely runners would ever think things like that, would you?
He got his comeuppance though, in the end. There are these migratory Canada geese that used to nest right outside the perimeter fence and they got really territorial during breeding season. Turns out someone... forgot to warn him to keep out of their way. So one day, right, he came into the control tower looking like, well, like he'd just escaped from a massive mob of huge, furious geese.
Turns out he'd gotten too close to their nest, and they'd started flapping and honking and chasing him. And in the end, he'd had to throw his sandwiches so he could make a run for it! And no matter how much bother he gave me after that, I could always think of him fleeing for his life, pursued by geese. Good times. I'm going to play you a song now. You can keep going with your leg lifts or another exercise or just use the time to recover, and I'll be back soon.
NADIA AL HANAKI: Okay runners, it's time to get those weights again for another set of bicep curls. Dry your hands off, make sure you've got a really good grip on your tins or bags. Get your elbows in close to your sides, arms straight down with your palms pointing forward, and let's go. Remember, keep lifting at the same time, pretending you've got that invisible barbell. Keep them level. Up and down. Don't push yourself too hard. This is such a good exercise for building arm strength. You never know what you're going to need to lift in future.
That's halfway, runners. Nice going. If it's feeling too tough, you can put the weights down and close your hands into fists instead. Keep it going. Keep moving. 15 seconds left. Keep going, last few reps. Nearly there. And relax. You can put your weights down now. Well done.
It's funny, all this talking about my time as an ATC, it's got me thinking about planes, how they were another one of those things we just took for granted. I mean, there was always a plane up there with one of those vapor trails behind it. Like... like the sky was one big blue wall that a kid had been scribbling on with chalk.
When I was little, I used to think about all the people on board, wondering where they were going, who was setting off on an adventure, who was coming home to their families. I mean, they were terrible for the environment, so it was always going to have to change, but it was so quick the way it all went from a sky full of planes to just nothing at all.
I know the Ministry have still got one, that wee Lockheed McDonnell 312, but it's just one plane. It's not the same, is it? Sometimes I look up at the sky and I expect to see a 737 up there, taking people off on their holidays. One day, I know we'll have that again, heading off to a strange place just for fun. In the meantime, you listen to this song and do some more bicep curls or something different if you fancy, and I'll be back in a bit.
NADIA AL HANAKI: Nice work, runners. That's your workout done for the day. I hope you're getting a warm glow from all those endorphins, you've certainly earned them. Take a few minutes to stretch and cool down and hopefully that'll give you a bit of help to get through the day. This isn't going to be forever, even though it feels like it right now.
If you've got a window where you are, look outside, look up. Even when the ground's covered in zombies, there's still a sky up there. There's still trees and clouds and birds.
Speaking of birds, I met this guy a couple of months ago who'd come down from a settlement at Linwood just by the airport where I used to work. He said they send runners in on a fuel run now and again and if you go at the wrong time of year, the main hazard is apparently a big gaggle of territorial Canada geese mugging you for your sandwiches. It's nice to know that some things never really change.
The world is still out there, runners, and when it's safe, we'll get you back out in it. Until then, you lot all stay safe in there, all right? And I'll speak to you soon.
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Synapse XTTrainers Reveal 10 Exercises You Can Do From Your Bed
Exercise can be defined as performing any movement to increase heart rate, strengthen muscles, and promote flexibility. If you have mobility restrictions or
love naps, we have good news, you can even exercise from your bed or a mat if the mattress is not very new.
There are numerous types of exercises that can increase flexibility, strengthen your cardiovascular system, and tone your muscles. Swimming, recreational sports, running, weight lifting, stretching exercises, and HIIT workouts are for you. Now it seems that the only difficult decision will be deciding which one you want to implement to improve your health.
Unfortunately, due to the recent restrictions imposed by the global situation, many of us have been forced to suspend our gym memberships. Now we take our pets for walks more times than they would like.
And we stay in bed longer than we should to avoid being overwhelmed by the constant barrage of news from our social networks. How can we tackle the goal of getting fit and staying healthy during these strange times?
It is nothing to worry about! Even if you don't feel like getting out of bed until noon, there are exercises you can do right there in your bed. So you can move towards your goals and improve your physical condition while you are semi-curled up on your pillow.
Now you really have no excuses; It's time to implement a training regimen from the comfort of your bed and bedroom. Why is exercise so vital to good health?
The top five benefits of exercising
Exercise benefits both your body and your mind; Studies show that people who exercise are happier and live longer. Here are some other reasons why you need to start moving that body right away:
1. Exercise can make you feel happier
Exercise is a natural mood booster. Science has confirmed that people who exercise regularly experience less anxiety, stress, and depression. The powerful endorphins, or happiness hormones, are released in the brain when you exercise, flooding the body with signals from the nervous system that promote happiness and pleasure.
Interestingly, the intensity of physical exercise has no influence on the release of endorphins. What's more, it appears that any moderate activity will serve this purpose.
2. Exercise helps you lose weight
It's obvious: exercise helps you lose weight. When you're just dieting, your body responds by lowering your metabolic rate, which ultimately causes you to not even lose weight or even put on a few pounds.
On the contrary, exercise increases muscle mass and allows you to burn off your fat deposits, even when you are at rest. Start moving right now and increase your metabolic rate exponentially!
3. Exercise is good for your muscles and bones
Exercise is a crucial factor in the development of healthy muscles and bones. When you exercise, your body signals your muscles to use protein amino acids to repair and increase muscle tissue.
Exercise also helps promote bone density; Both muscle tone and bone density are essential as we age, as we tend to lose strength little by little. We can combat the effects of aging by exercising with weights a couple of times a week.
4. Exercise increases your energy levels
Exercise provides extra energy for healthy people, as well as for those with health conditions. Recent studies show that exercising for as little as six weeks can dramatically reduce the feeling of chronic fatigue and other aches and pains.
One theory behind this is the ability of exercise to more efficiently circulate oxygen and vital nutrients throughout the body, improving the function of almost every system in the body.
5. Exercise keeps you healthier!
Lack of physical activity is a major contributor to the development of chronic diseases. In contrast, lack of physical exercise is known to increase abdominal fat, which is a factor in the development of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Start moving that body now and you will see all aspects of your health improve.
Exercises you can do from bed
Some of us have fewer obligations right now, and it might be tempting to spend more time in bed than usual. But rest assured, staying in bed all day will not help you advance toward your health and fitness goals!
Getting in shape doesn't have to be hard work though, did you know that there are exercises you can do while still in your favorite reclined position?
Try these weightlifting exercises the next time you're tempted to spend the whole day in bed sleeping or watching Netflix, and see if they don't motivate you to get up all the way and try something else.
1. Marching hip raises
Lie on your back. The knees bent with the heels close to the buttocks. Press down on the mattress and heels as you lift your buttocks off the floor, so that your hips rise in a straight line from your knees to your shoulders.
Raise your right knee as if you were marching, keeping your left leg and hip elevated to strengthen your belly and rear.
Place the right foot down with the knee bent and use it to stabilize your body as you lift the left leg with the knee bent, your hips should not touch the mattress. Alternate sides several times, or until you experience muscle fatigue.
2. Side table with twist
If you have a firm surface, this movement will be more efficient. Lie on your right side with your hips, knees, and ankles on top of each other, leaning on your right elbow. Press down and lift your hips off the mattress, extending your left arm toward the ceiling.
As you continue to lift your hips, turn your body from your abdomen and bring your left arm down into the space between your body and the bed. Extend your left hand to the ceiling, lower your hips, and switch sides. Alternate several times to get shapely shoulders and a strong core.
3. Bent knee leg raises
Lie on your right side with your head resting on your hand and your right knee bent at a 90-degree angle. Extend your left leg straight out from your abdomen. Raise your left leg toward the ceiling, then flex your leg bringing your left knee toward your abdomen.
Raise your left leg back toward the ceiling, extending it straight, and lower it back to your original position. Do several reps and lifts on each side. Increase the difficulty by turning your body toward the opposite knee as you gain strength.
4. Reverse Diamond Crunch
Lie on your back with your arms down, the soles of your feet together, and your knees bent so that your legs form a diamond. Press your lower back against the mattress while holding the soles of your feet together and lift your feet toward the ceiling, performing a Reverse Crunch.
Slowly lower your feet onto the bed. Perform several reps, or until you feel a noticeable contraction in your abdomen.
5. Split jack
Although you will start in a relaxed position, this exercise is anything but easy. Lie on your back with your arms and legs extended so that your body forms a straight line. In a "graceful" movement, lift your legs toward your abdomen and out in a V shape as you move your arms toward the ceiling and through your spread legs.
Return to your mattress with control, repositioning yourself in a straight line. But don't relax yet; Do several repetitions of this exercise to get a strong abs, shapely legs, and toned arms.
6. Scissors exercises
Lie on your back with your hands under your hips, legs extended. Bring your feet up to point toward the ceiling, keeping your toes stretched out as best you can.
Alternate bringing one leg straight toward the bed and back to the ceiling while keeping the other leg extended toward the ceiling. Keep your lower back pressed against the mattress and your legs stretched out as much as possible as you continue to alternate legs.
7. Dolphin board
Many of us put extra stress on our upper back and shoulders, particularly as we sit for long hours at the computer. The dolphin board is the perfect solution for toning and stretching the upper back and shoulders.
To do this, lie on your stomach with your upper back resting on your bent elbows and your forearms stretched out along your mattress. First, get into a plank position by lifting your hips so your body forms a straight line from hips to feet.
As far as your body allows, bend your buttocks in an inverted V toward the ceiling while lowering your head toward the mattress; hold for several seconds, then lower back to plank position. Repeat several times to get a good stretch and gain some upper body strength.
8. Arabesque uprisings
This exercise works the back and outside of your hips, giving your legs a long, slim appearance. Begin by positioning yourself on all fours on your mattress, with your knees bent and perpendicular to your hips. Stick your toes off your left foot, then extend your left leg straight out back and up toward the ceiling.
Lower your leg and return it to a flexed position next to your right leg. You can do multiple reps on each side, or you can alternate leg lifts for balance and control.
9. Sit-ups around the world (around the world)
Abs aren't the muscle group people train the most, but once you start to see them take shape, you can't help but want to see more results. To perform this exercise, start by lying on the floor on your back. Stretch both arms out to the sides.
Then move both legs to one side and lift them from the bottom up at the same time in a semicircle and back down, repeat the same now on the other side. Do several repetitions of this exercise.
10. Arm Extension / Shoulder Tapping
This incredible multi-functional movement works the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and arms. To begin, get into a fully extended plank position on your mattress, lifting one arm up and out.
Bring your extended hand back to strike your opposite shoulder before returning it to its original position; repeat on the other side while staying straight from shoulder to toe.
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Sled push workout for building muscle mass and strength💪💪: You should treat it as you would any other weight-based exercise for the same purpose. Load it up heavy. It’s called a weighted sled for a reason, and you want it to be a heavily weighted sled if you’re to make gains. TIPS: If you’re focusing on upper body mass, try a higher grip If it’s leg day, go for a low grip and attack your calves Go as heavy as you can, and don’t worry too much about your speed (as long as you’re moving fast enough for it to be a challenge, which it should be by default if it’s the maximum load you can take!). To give you some guidance for creating a push workout to improve your muscle mass and strength, here’s an example. Sled push workout for mass and strength: #1 - Load up the prowler gym sled with around 70-90% of the maximum weight you can take #2 - Perform a push of around 10-40 yards (working up to 40 if you can’t get there straight away), at a slow/medium speed, however fast you can manage at a constant pace #3 - Take a 1-2 minute rest #4 - Perform the push again (to the other end of the track) Repeat this for about 4-6 sets at either the beginning or the end of a workout, and it’ll be a great addition! For more info on the Sled follow the below link: 👇👇👇 origympersonaltrainercourses.co.uk/blog/sled-push * * #sledpush #fitness #training #sledpull #fitnessmotivation #functionaltraining #workout #gym #prowlerpush #sled #weightlifting #legday #powerlifting #gains #deadlifts #fitnessaddicted #gritchallenge #functionalfitness #biggerstrongerfaster #rippedabs #sledcarry https://www.instagram.com/p/CH6yxu9HlV_/?igshid=eu6yyzlzhc6n
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How To...Lift Weights
Question: Weightlifting- I’m not joking. I was younger, and the local gyms didn’t have trainers.
I think this happens more often than some of us may realize. I don’t know your specific goals, so here’s some general information. To start off with, here’s some terminology:
muscle group - we “chunk” the body up into six major groups when we’re talking about weight lifting: shoulders (also called “delts” for “deltoids”, back, biceps, chest, triceps, legs (including glutes...the butt muscles)
exercise - a specific movement done for a specific muscle group
rep - short for “repetition”, this means one full movement of the exercise from start to finish
set - a grouping of reps, after which you take a short break
rest - a short period where you don’t lift, usually between 30 and 90 seconds, to give your muscles a quick break before you start a new set
spot - spotting someone is when another person stands with you to stop the weight from crashing down. This is most useful with bench press. Your spotter will see that you’re having trouble (or you can just say “grab it”) and they will help you put the bar back safely
I’ve worked as a personal trainer and started lifting since 2004. Here is a recent photo:
1. Figure out your goal.
“I want to make my muscles bigger” isn’t exactly a goal. Be more specific. Are you looking for size, strength, endurance, or improvement in another sport? The goal you choose determines how you lift. In the most generalized terms, use fewer reps per set at a higher weight for gaining size, and more reps per set with a lower weight for endurance. For even better endurance, add in a cardiovascular exercise that works the muscles you’re most concerned with. For example, if you want to build more of your upper body, a good cardio exercise would be rowing or swimming. For all-over benefit, yoga is a great option.
“But can’t I use low or high reps for any set? What does this actually mean?” you might be asking. Low or high reps mean this is your max rep range for any set. Once you hit this maximum number, you add more weight next time. If you’re doing lower reps for more explosive strength, you may set your max reps to 5 per set. That means if you are able to do 5 reps per set during this gym session, you’ll add weight next time you do this exercise at a future gym session. A higher rep range is usually 15, with 8-12 being a more middle-ground rep range that is good for size.
If you have medical issues or a previous injury, please talk to a physical therapist first about how to work out. There may be exercises to avoid.
2. Figure out your split.
A “split” is how you’re going to work out different muscles during different times of the week. Will you work one muscle group each time (for a total of 6 gym sessions per week to work the full body) or will you do two or more muscle groups at a time? This all depends on your goals and your body. For me, I have medical problems so I typically do not work out more than one muscle group at a time.
My training looks like this: biceps, triceps, shoulders, back, chest, legs, rest day. On days that I work more than one muscle group at a time, I typically do complementary muscle groups (”opposite” muscle groups), such as biceps and triceps or back and chest. This is not typical; usually, people do back and biceps or chest and triceps. I don’t like doing this because chest exercises require triceps (and back exercises engage biceps), so I feel I am pre-exhausting myself for the supporting exercises, and therefore can’t push myself as much as I want to. If you are looking to do more endurance training, however, I absolutely would recommend doing back-biceps, chest-triceps, legs-delts.
3. Figure out your exercise options.
You’ll need to figure out how often you’re in the gym during the week, whether you want to work out from home, and which exercises you’d like to do. You’ll also need to familiarize yourself with the exercises prior to doing them. My recommendation for exercises is https://dumbbell-exercises.com/ This is a super simple, no nonsense website, and you can easily see that from the “vintage” 1995 web design. Check out the “Exercises” tab to choose from different muscle groups. If you work out from home, you can use two-liter bottles of water (or a bottle filled with dirt/sand and then add water for more weight) or a backpack filled with books, or a resistance band. The good thing about this site is they have simple animated gifs to show the basic movement. Practice this movement before using any weight.
For the most general use, you’ll want to choose 5 different exercises per muscle group. 2-4 sets per exercise, and the reps per set are what we discussed in point 1.
4. Start slowly.
The 5 different exercises with up to 4 sets per exercise I mentioned in point 3 is what you’ll work up to. Start off with either 5 exercises at 1 set per exercise, or 3 exercises with 2 sets per exercise. Don’t overdo it. While a lot of us love the motivating mental pump from concepts like “Go big or go home”, the reality is that our bodies kind of suck and they need a while to get used to training. This is especially true if you’re like me and have medical problems.
5. You’re in competition with yourself, that’s it.
Another “slow” start is to start with lighter weights than you think you need. While we all fantasize about stacking multiple plates onto a bar and pushing all that weight like it’s nothing, the reality is that reaching that point takes time and dedication. Part of that dedication is consistency in the gym, part of it is eating to fuel your workouts, and part of it is doing the exercise correctly. Yes, you can “lift” a lot more weight if you do the exercise incorrectly...that doesn’t look impressive to anyone in the gym, though. We know that your poor form is the only reason you’re lifting that much weight, meaning you’re not nearly as strong as you think you are.
Plus, you’re not supposed to be impressing us. We’re irrelevant. You should only care about other gym-goers if you need to ask one of them to spot you.
6. Keep a journal and be specific.
How much weight did I do last time I did this exercise? How many reps? Using your workout journal will prevent you from guessing and straining your brain to remember. Your workout journal (which can be physical or digital) should include the following:
which muscle groups you’re working out that day
exercise name, weight used, sets, and reps
how you felt that day (for example, I have chronic migraines so if I’m feeling poorly, I write something in there to note that I’m using less weight to compensate for this; that way, I know to use more weight next time)
Your workout journal should be with you during your workout. While you might think you can just do it once you return home, you typically won’t (or won’t remmeber fully). There’s no special journal or app you need. You can use a Notepad app on your phone or a small lined notebook. Special “workout journals” can be purchased but are unnecessarily expensive, so I don’t recommend them.
7. Be consistent.
Of all the tips, this is probably the one most people have issues with. Anyone can easily learn how to lift weights by looking at a few websites, but the real issue is returning to the gym most days. One of the most common fitness/diet questions I’m asked is “How do I stay motivated?”
Short answer: you don’t
Motivation is short-lived. You can feel motivated from time to time, but it’s not nearly enough to sustain the type of day-to-day stuff you need to be doing. Instead of motivation, I recommend logic. Here are my most commonly-used mantras for when I’m not feeling like exercising:
“If I don’t do it, it won’t get done.” It’s simple, but it’s effective.
“I can’t meet my goals if I’m not doing anything to meet my goals.” Similar to the first one, this specific phrasing reminds me that this is my goal, my choice, my ideal. It’s something I personally decided to pursue. This isn’t a chore, this is a decision.
“A bad workout is better than no workout.” I find myself using this more and more because of my migraines. I’m not sure how much you know about migraines, but they’re more than “really bad headaches”. Without getting too much into this neurological disorder, you end up really exhausted and achy. This, of course, doesn’t lend itself to an excellent workout, but it’s better to do a slow, lower-weight workout than it is for me to stay at home.
“Just leave the house now.” If you work out from home, you can change this to “Just start now”. The idea is that we sometimes get sidetracked and make excuses for delaying our workouts, so reminding myself to exercise and get it out of the way is sometimes needed. This is used often when the weather is bad.
If you have specific questions, feel free to ask.
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12 free online workouts to try while you’re stuck at home

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From Barry’s Bootcamp to yoga to HIIT, here are some workouts that can get you through social distancing, and won’t break the bank.
To combat coronavirus, or Covid-19, health experts are recommending social distancing to “flatten the curve” and save lives. But your gym or fitness studio’s closure doesn’t mean you can’t still make healthy choices. Here’s a list of 12 free online workouts you can access via a smartphone app, YouTube, or live streams on social media — specifically leaving off workouts that require equipment, cost money, or have brief free trials.
Total Body Workouts
Crossfit: Kicking off this list is the famous HIIT and weightlifting brand, which surprisingly has a lot of free beginner-friendly workouts on their website. The best part? Instead of using personal trainers, Crossfit used normal people or older folks to demonstrate that anybody can do these exercises.
Planet Fitness: One of the country’s largest gym chains, Planet Fitness, has been live-streaming free online workout classes on its Facebook page on weekdays at 7 p.m. ET. These 30-minute, equipment-free workouts are also available on demand on their YouTube channel.
Nike Training Club: This app lets you download free 15-, 30-, and 45-minute workouts designed by Nike trainers. Most of the workouts are equipment-free and use GIFs to demonstrate how to do each exercise — from squats, to walkouts, to lunges. There’s a premium version, too, that includes nutrition advice.
Barry’s Bootcamp: The boutique studio popular among celebrities will stream 20-minute equipment-free workouts on Instagram live. They’ll also save workouts onto their IGTV the next day. Here’s a sample class.
Blogilates: One of the biggest fitness YouTube accounts is offering free 10- to 20-minute pilates and bootcamp sculpting workouts for a decade. You can also get free monthly calendars like this 14-day quarantine workout plan on the Blogilates website.
P.volve: The total-body fitness streaming service is offering free 10- to 20-minute classes on their Instagram live. You can also get a 30-day free trial to their hundreds of other classes using the code ONEPVOLVE and create custom workout calendars.
Corepower Yoga: The national yoga chain is offering free 30- and 60-minute classes while studios are closed. Special livestreams of classes will be available for members only starting March 19, and you can pay the $19.99 monthly fee for unlimited access to all Yoga On Demand classes.
YogaWorks: Have a little more time? You can find plenty of 60-, 75-, and 90-minute classes on various studios’ YouTube accounts. Full schedule here.
Downward Dog: This company is offering its suite of fitness apps — from the seven-minute workout, to Barre, to Yoga for Beginners — for free, with no subscription required.
305 Fitness: Do you enjoy Zumba or other types of dancing? The dance cardio studio is offering free 10- to 45-minute classes on their YouTube page.
Free trials
Peloton: The fitness company is offering a 90-day free trial to its digital membership, up from its usual 30-day trial. With the trial, you can access 20-plus live classes per day and thousands of on-demand classes, from meditation, to walking, to strength-training, to indoor cycling. After that, a digital membership is $12.99/month.
Beach Body on Demand: Two free weeks, and then various monthly contracts after that.
Editor’s Note: The writer is a studio experience team member at CorePower Yoga.
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How an Attorney Shed 110 Pounds

The Guy: John Bauer Age: 50 Home: St. Charles, MO Occupation: Asst. Prosecuting Attorney Height: 6’ 4” Starting weight: 345 lbs. Current weight: 235 lbs. Total weight misplaced: 110 lbs. Outside of an unsuccessful stint on his tennis staff, in regards to the closest John Bauer received to being a high-school athlete at Mendota (Ill.) High School was being a mathlete. Throw in the truth that he was obese, was in French Club, sang within the choir, performed clarinet within the band—effectively, it doesn’t take a highschool diploma to determine that the jocks weren’t particularly variety to him again then. PE courses had been particularly unhealthy. “It was horrible,” Bauer says. “I hated gym class. The gym locker was the worst place in the building. I was teased more behind my back than to my face, but I know it went on.” Related: How a 330-pound Dad Overcame Obesity and Achieved an Ironman Dream Bauer continued to pack on the kilos in faculty and regulation college. He took some journeys to the pool and health middle, however not sufficient to come back near offsetting the unhealthy consuming habits. “My college diet was awful,” Bauer says. “I did exercise some, but never did anything high-energy or aerobic. It was never something that I made a focus, and that continued through law school. I started a habit of drinking insane amounts of Diet Coke, and I remember making bowls of cookie batter and eating that in law school. It was almost useless to work out.” After getting married and having a toddler, he had reached 345 lbs. When he noticed an image of himself together with his first daughter in 2002, he lastly woke as much as his weight drawback. How a Texas Businessman Dropped 250 Pounds and Conquered the Houston Marathon “I remember seeing pictures of me holding her and seeing how small she was and how huge I was,” Bauer says. “That was the impetus—seeing how out-of-shape I was.” For the following decade, although, his weight reduction got here in matches and begins—dropping 80 lbs. on Weight Watchers, after which bouncing round between about 250-290 lbs. But, in 2011, he tackled his first 5K run—“jog” is the extra correct time period. Then he received into weightlifting to repair a again drawback. In 2013, did his first 10Ok and received critical about diet. His first guidelines? “I cut back on Coke Zero to two per week, quit eating after 7 p.m., and tried to eat clean 90% of the time. I went super-high protein. The diet stuff just clicked.” He ended up ditching the weight-reduction plan soda and dropped 60 kilos, all the way down to 208 kilos. Then, he was launched to triathlons. And so, in his late 40s, the previous band geek began to really feel like an athlete for the primary time. Related: How a Former Michigan Lineman Tackled the Supreme Fitness Challenge “My trainer gave me a training plan, and all of a sudden, I had this challenge, and I loved it,” Bauer says. “It was something never in my wildest dreams did I think I could do. My first triathlon was a 500-meter swim, a 22-mile bike and a 5K run. It was the hardest thing I had ever done. I almost passed out. I was so proud.”
Bauer’s Triathlon Workout Plan
That dash triathlon was only the start. Bauer employed a triathlon coach and in 2015 completed two half-Ironman (70.Three complete miles) races, finishing his transformation from highschool nerd to a badass assistant prosecuting legal professional and jock. His exercises for the triathlon through the spring/summer time/fall are a mixture of the three disciplines, with three days every of swimming, biking and operating, together with a weekend-long day of “brick” work, following a motorcycle trip instantly with a run to imitate the triathlon race day. Monday: Swim Tuesday: Weights (morning) Ride (noon) Wednesday: Swim (morning) Run (noon) Thursday: Weights (morning) Ride (noon) Friday: Run (morning) Saturday: “Brick Work” Open-water Swim (if obtainable) Ride/Run (often 3-Four hours complete) Sunday: Rest day
Bauer’s Weight-room Workout Plan
When triathlon coaching goes on hiatus through the winter, Bauer returns to the health club to deal with lifting. Five to 6 days per week, Bauer will get up at 3:30 a.m. and heads to the health club by 4:30. He’s bulked again as much as about 235 kilos, however he thinks the burden exercises will assist his triathlon occasions. “I’d never done heavy weightlifting. Never done deadlifts. Never done a squat before,” Bauer says. “What has amazed me is my endurance has truly improved. I’ve gone swimming and operating and really feel like I've rather more endurance than earlier than. Related: How an Overweight Professor Transformed Himself Into an Ultramarathon-running Badass “Right now I’m focused on perfecting the form, not being focused on comparing myself with others. I can’t squat nearly as much as my friends. But I’ve found a real enjoyment in learning about it and how to do it right to avoid injury. A lot of people say triathletes shouldn’t lift heavy, and I will back down in the spring, but my running and cycling will really benefit from my work in the weight room.” Monday: Chest (bench and auxiliaries) Tuesday: Legs (hamstring-dominant)—again squats and auxiliaries Wednesday: Back and traps (deadlifts and auxiliaries) Thursday: Arms Friday: Legs (quad-dominant) together with entrance squats Saturday: Back/chest Sunday: Always off (household time)
Weight Loss: Beyond the Triathlon
In the spring, Bauer plans to return to triathlons. He’s additionally been stepping into mountain biking, path runs, impediment races, and rucking. He’s now working towards turning into an authorized private coach to tackle a couple of on-line purchasers. “I think my wife gets whiplash every time I come up with something new,” Bauer says. “She’ll look at me and say, ‘You’re not the man I married.’ She’s joking, but it’s true.” At some level, he wish to sort out the total Ironman, however proper now he’s selecting to spend extra time together with his household attending college athletic and fantastic arts occasions of his two daughters and son as a substitute of placing within the time and miles needed to complete an Ironman.

Bauer hits the health club six days every week. Courtesy John Bauer Still, with a pair of half-Ironmans below his belt and a buff physique, Bauer confesses to feeling a little bit of schadenfreude in going again to Mendota for sophistication reunions and seeing a few of these jocks who teased him in highschool now obese and off form. “I admit I’ve had those moments, but you’re not going to stay motivated on revenge,” Bauer says. “And, I don’t consider in motivation—I consider in self-discipline. Motivation is fleeting. There are quite a lot of days I’m not motivated to go to the health club, to eat effectively. It takes self-discipline. “And, you don’t want to wish bad on other people who have let themselves go. Plus, nobody is themself when they’re in high school. A lot of people have changed, physically or personally, over 30 years. One of the things that motivates me is that I get messages on Facebook from people back in high school who tell me that I inspire them. I never dreamed that I could inspire anybody.” Related: How a 500-pound Man Lost Weight, Found Himself, and Finished an Ironman Read the full article
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Super Bowl 2020: The NFL Academy & its first students on new path to US game
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Super Bowl 2020: The NFL Academy & its first students on new path to US game



The first intake of students started at the academy in September
It’s 5am and an alarm clock goes off in Milton Keynes. Fraser Holden has to get up and out in time to catch the 05:53 to London Euston.
From there he takes the tube to Southgate, north London, and is down to work by 7.30am. He might not leave until five in the afternoon.
Unlike the other commuters, Fraser travels kitted out in sportswear. He’s 16 and is going to college to learn how to play American football. Today. the aspiring linebacker will meet Jerry Rice, one of the greatest players of all time.
Yet this is not a one-off, it’s a regular day at the NFL Academy. Backed by the NFL, Nike and some superstar mentors, the programme is the first of its kind in Britain.
The aim? To transform the perception of American football in the UK and Europe.
The NFL said nothing until a surprise social media campaign announced the details last May. Within two weeks, over 1,500 had applied for the 90 places on offer.
In September, the first intake started at Barnet & Southgate College. Here, 16-to-18-year-olds study for regular qualifications alongside elite American football training.
Fraser was one of those who applied. He grew up playing rugby but had started playing small-sided American football games too. He was lured by the ‘We Can, We Do’ campaign, aimed at British youngsters dreaming of following Efe Obada and Jay Ajayi into the NFL.
The first try-outs were held in June. Cleveland Browns’ wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr was there – as well as BBC pundits Osi Umenyiora and Jason Bell.
From the outset, the message was clear. Academy hopefuls would be judged on their attitude and character as much as their athletic ability. And the programme would be very demanding.
Jerry Rice is widely regarded as the greatest wide receiver in NFL history
“It’s dedication, it’s commitment,” says Will Bryce, NFL UK’s head of player development. “It’s prioritising studying, managing your time, getting to bed early, getting off social media when you don’t need to be on it. It gives the kids structure, they’re part of a team, plus there are some pretty cool opportunities too.”
Selfies with OBJ was just the start. After the try-outs, 150 hopefuls were called back to a stadium showcase in the first NFL event at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium in July. There they met Obada himself and did drills with Pittsburgh Steelers receiver Juju Smith-Schuster.
Fraser was among the 90 eventually accepted. He admits the first few weeks of the programme were “a big shake-up – especially after going to school five minutes away”. Now he is proud to wear his NFL-branded kit, to be one of those who stands out on campus.
In pride of place is the academy gym, which was converted from the college’s theatre and now features NFL branding inside and out. Jerry Rice came for the official opening.
The 57-year-old, who won three Super Bowls with the San Francisco 49ers, tells students that at their age he was a “diamond in the rough”, that he never thought he would play professional football, that he wasn’t the greatest athlete and didn’t have the best skills but refused to let anybody “out-work him”.
The legendary receiver speaks with the ‘inspiration wall’ as backdrop. It features quotes from NFL players, each one almost always featuring the same word – work. Three more are prominent too: Responsibility, integrity, respect.
The students are often here lifting weights at 7.30am. For linebacker Fraser and defensive end Tyrese Peters-Tovey, 19, the strength and conditioning work has been the toughest part. But the shared experience quickly saw the group bond.
“You kind of have to when you’re running 110-yard sprints together and running into each other for three hours a day!” Fraser says.
Each week they have three field sessions, four classroom sessions and four weightlifting sessions. On Wednesdays, the focus is on character development. Staff and external speakers talk about life skills, wellbeing, and issues such as social media safety and domestic violence.
They have 10 hours of classes in their chosen subjects – the same as all the college’s students – plus 15 hours of training on top. And if anybody wants extra video footage to review in their own time – an essential part of life in the NFL – staff are happy to oblige.
“If they’re willing to put the work in, we’ll match it and then some,” says Bryce. “It’s going to produce a type of American football player which this country has not produced before. They’re going to be much better prepared to compete in the NFL, mentally and physically.”
Only 90 could be accepted for the academy’s first intake in September
Head coach is Tony Allen – the long-serving London Warriors coach. He and his staff have had to tailor sessions to accommodate a range of skillsets.
Some signed up having already broken into Great Britain’s Under-19s, some had never played a snap. Many have come across from rugby, others have switched from sports like athletics, tennis, judo and swimming. In total, 32 of the 90 students are considered ‘crossover athletes’.
While American youngsters grow up with the game, British players like Umenyiora and Obada have proved you can pick it up late and still succeed.
Umenyiora was born in London and hadn’t even heard of American football until he moved to Alabama at the age of 14. He went on to win two Super Bowls. Obada didn’t play until he was 22 and, five years on, has just signed for a third year with the Carolina Panthers.
“We always said that if we’re going to help develop European talent we need to get them earlier and here we are working with 16-year-olds,” says Allen.
Students come from very different backgrounds, too. Three are involved with the Big Kid Foundationwhich seeks to help “young people at risk of social exclusion and youth violence”. Another is a former pupil at Charterhouse boarding school in Surrey.
Thirty-five have left home to be here – 30 from further afield in the UK, five from Europe. Because they’re under 18 they aren’t permitted to live on their own, so the college has partnered with a homestay programme to place them with local families, with extra pastoral and welfare staff on hand to support them.
The dream for many is to earn a scholarship and join the American collegiate system, from which NFL players are drafted. The academy has therefore had to find centres in London where they can sit the SAT test, for college admissions in the US.
That’s true of George Reynolds. He wants to be the NFL’s first British quarterback and has just been out in Florida. He was one of eight from the academy, selected by fellow students, to take part in a High School skills showdownbefore Sunday’s Pro Bowl all-star game in Orlando.
Fraser has recently joined George in the British U19 squad, and although he also hopes to play in the US too, he feels his academic choices could help him pursue an alternative career in politics.
Tyrese chose to put off university for a year, moving from Hackney to his dad’s in Enfield so he could be closer to campus. While his parents backed the decision, he initially faced opposition from his grandparents, who are lawyers and dentists in Trinidad.
“They made it sound like I wasn’t being productive,” Tyrese says. “But I’m not just getting better at football, I have a chance to get a qualification and get something in life.
“Whatever happens after this, I’ll be a better player and a better person. I think I made the right choice.”
Fraser Holden grew up playing rugby but switched over to American Football
With the NFL’s regular season already over, British players Christian Scotland-Williamson and Jamie Gillan recently dropped by. Obada is also set to pay another visit.
He and Scotland-Williamson are products of the International Player Pathway, which started in 2017. And the success of that programme, for over-20s, gave Alistair Kirkwood the inspiration to revisit an idea he first presented early in his 20-year tenure as NFL UK’s managing director.
Back then, things were focused solely on producing more elite, international players. But after helping bring regular season games to London, Kirkwood realised an academy could do much more.
“We wanted something from a community perspective in north London that was more year-round and impactful than just playing the London Games,” he says.
“Now education is as important in the academy as the athletic side, if not more so. An elite few will go to the States but success for us is 100% of kids having some form of defined success, be it going on to further education, becoming more employable or being role models who can influence younger kids.
“We’ve had lots of little landmarks where we’ve confounded ourselves and gone on to greater things but of all of these, I’d say the academy has the potential to be truly transformational. It could be something we look back on and say it changed the shape of the sport.”
As the students watch Super Bowl 54 this Sunday, it will be with a clear path of how one day they could get there too. Realistically, few will make it. Only 1.6% of US college players were drafted in 2018.
But even if they don’t, the experience will last a lifetime, wherever their future lies.
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Oooh 😯, tummy ache. I ate breakfast 🥞 this morning. I have been very good since Saturday. Sometimes it’s not so much as what you need to do but allowing it to happen on it’s own without given too much attribution. I was happy 😃 to be at the place Saturday. I am not sure 🤔 about others but I didn’t feel loss or overwhelmed or that unsure 😐 of my footing. Actually, I noted 📝 that I was in fact all there and recognize that I am doing splendidly. I was paying attention at what my Mom was doing cardio kick ����🏾 🥊 boxing. I didn’t know she gave me money 💵 the night 🌛before. When I texted 📱 BFF, oh my gawd, I have a prompt from my bank 🏦. I survived Elizabeth’s class and I didn’t give it my all but what I feel I can regarding because it wasn’t my only exercise of the day and think 💭 about it I am coming from a point of weakness. I took Friday off because I think 🤔 I was feeling sickly 🤒. It’s my new normal so I am just tending it as I go. I was telling my Mom and Dad that the beauty 💄 of it is I am not spending days in bed 🛌 with a full pledge illness. Basically, I am nippingit in the bud.
Laura has mentioned that not every can survive the gym. Yeah, I know. It’s brutal, competitive and too much overwhelming I feel that what gets me going day in and day out without help from outside me is that sense of purpose. I have to work on my fitness 💪🏾. It’s my weakness and make the boys rock rock 🎶 🎤 .
No, really, it’s my grasp of some psychology. I say this because graduate 🎓 school I am focusing on computer 👩🏼💻 and not so much mental processes and behaviors. I mean I still discover nuggets of wisdom. However, I am not getting technical stuff and that’s ok. You can crack my brain 🧠. But if you actually don’t know what’s going on inside, you can make speculations on how you view the world 🌍 and your assessment is still incomplete even if you don’t have a PsyD and you are making trouble for yourself for an agenda. Really, you have a contract at the Cleveland Clinic. You have a degree from Notre Dame. Amazon is offering you like $51 per hour. You actually work out 💪🏾 🏃🏼♀️ not working for a living. And your don’t have like student loans 💰. Your parents got you two cars 🚘. Ugh 😑, you can’t stay on my beach 🏝 house.
I said hi 👋🏾 to Conti. I should get going in 15 minutes and prep. I did what I was supposed to do Friyay, I did 90 minutes of cardio ♥️ and no metabolic conditioning. In between, I went downstaits to get my credit card 💳 and pay for my Nordstrom shopping 🛍 spree. I spend like $250 which trust me for the wealthy that is like picking one item and I got like 10 items. I get stuff that they need to sell 🏷 and I love 💕 it because I get to enjoy 😊 these brands that are great and items that I actually like. Even, when I was working the most expensive purse 👜 I was getting was $300. My sister who is like a teacher 👩🏻🏫 earning what $30k wants me to get Louis Vuitton. No, thanks. Regardless of my decline, it shall end up in your closet ✨. I got five pants 👖 for myself and I was happy 😃. I didn’t feel bad spending 150% more or 1.5% on holiday 🎄 presents. Apparently, I didn’t get stuff for everyone because I have to make purchases on December 🗓. I remem Angela from Strong by Zumba saying that she was doing a class at 945a Saturday. I checked it out, it was Warrior Sculpt. It’s like weightlifting 🏋🏼♀️ yoga 🧘🏼♀️. I wasn’t in the mood to throttle. I was more take it easy. I said hi 👋🏾 to Katie.
Lunch 🍴 I saw Jaze and told him how much I liked Laura and Lindsey and I still have one free session and I would like to use it. I sat on the couch 🛋 and everyone was watching the football 🏈 game between Penn State and Ohio State. I was listening 👂🏾 to French radio 📻. I saw Mark Consuelo. He seemed pissed 😡. I focused on what I needed to do. When I knocked off my water 💦 bottle spilling and stop 🛑 by the café I said hi 👋🏾 to Laura but decided not to again make conversation. Again, I was on a mission and processing that he’s a little pugilistic I decided to keep the read and be cautious. I actually went to Zumba 💃🏼. I finished eating 🍽 fast 💨 and I had time to be on my phone 📱 although I didn’t do work. I was just passing time. I didn’t have time to acknowledge my friends but I made a quick hello 👋🏾 to Rose and her daughter whose here from a Chicago. It was fun 🎊. I had a favorite song. I don’t recall it now and I have two minutes before I wrap this up. All I can remember is I accelerated on the drills, tons of leg 🦵🏾 shaping moves 👣 and L’tan changed a lot of the dances to the music 🎼. Yeah, I noticed. It was packed as usual.
I did Surrender and 🙆🏼♀️ it was very disorienting to face a different direction. I mean I was following the instructions right however, it was weird to know where you are in space and know where others are. I saw Jessica who was next to me. I made sure I didn’t hit her hip opener and Lindsey my trainer 👟 was there too. I told the instructor, Stephanie how I am practicing on my own and liked that she pointed out the changes when we do a pose and that she gives us new things. She said there are only 25 yin poses and she tries to vary it. Spa 🧖🏼♀️ wasn’t so relaxing 😌. But I scrubbed and sauna and ah, I was hurried getting dress 👗 only to wait for my Dad another hour and I had no book 📚. I loaded up on tea 🍵 and Americano ☕️.
You are wealthy? Don’t make an excuse. Stop 🛑 making money 💵 and enjoy 😊. That’s nuts—
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