#whether you want to apply your additional sneak attack damage at this time
leomonae · 11 months
If you think Astarion is not very good in combat, please consider that this may be something where you will feel differently after changing around his build/equipment some!
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dailycharacteroption · 10 months
Heavyweight Skirmisher Operative (Operative Alternate Class Feature)
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(art by frozenbunn on DeviantArt)
It’s easy to assume that all operatives are catsuit-wearing sneaky types that specialize in agility, light weaponry, and stealth. However, if you’ve ever thought about a lot of elite teams, not everyone fits that mold, and being an agent of any sort of group is just as much having the training to leverage your talents, rather than fitting into any one neat and confined box.
Hailing from the Interstellar Species book and heavily associated with larger, more ungainly alien species like dragonkin, these heavyweight skirmishers learn how to leverage their strength and might, rather than raw agility, and favor bigger and stronger weaponry, but they retain the various specializations and skills that differentiate them from soldiers and other heavier hitters.
They might still be stealthy, but more akin to a sudden summer squall than a barely noticed breeze, or they might be one of the more social sorts of operative, leveraging their weight class as part of their intimidation factor, and so on.
Either way, these sneaks and agents are definitely a whole new breed than what you might be used to with this class.
At their core, these operatives rely on strength rather than agility, and this shows, for they favor larger and more powerful melee weapons, as well as heavier armors. They can use any weapon that is not too slow or too imprecise with their trick attacks, though the additional damage is increased at a much slower rate than other operatives. What’s more, the damage they deal on average is a bit better as they can reroll progressively more and more of their bonus damage dice.
They can choose to become proficient in heavy armors, and learn to overcome their sluggishness with practice.
Additionally, if they attack repeatedly with their weapon and hit both times, they can apply their trick attack as if they had made the skill check. What’s more, they become more accurate when attacking repeatedly than most, though they miss out on attacking thrice in a turn.
This option is great if you want the skills and tricks of the operative while being a bit more combat focused, sort of like a combat rogue variant of the normal operative. You miss out on multiple attacks per round and on evasion, but if you plan on standing on the front lines, whether it be with a big melee weapon or gun, this may be what you’re looking for.
Obviously this option was meant for bigger characters to give them a way to be an operative without feeling hampered by their bulk. That being said, I stand by what I said about different operatives achieving their goals based on their strengths and preferences, because the operative is very much about that, the application of skill and precision. It doesn’t matter what those skills specifically are. After all, part of the gimmick of the operative is finding ways to use skills in clever ways, such as adding different skills to the options for when you make trick attacks, and so on.
Composed of ex-cons, former mercenaries and others, VaxasCorp’s “problem-solver” team is kept in line not just by their paychecks but also various forms of blackmail that they have on all members. Take Slugger, the team’s heavy-hitter. The company keeps constant tabs on his daughter, ready to threaten her if he puts a toe out of line. He’d do anything if it meant getting her, and himself, out from under their thumb.
Though she is a mountain of a woman, Kova has always found she preferred to work with computers, though her raw strength comes in handy in rough company. Now that she’s out of the military, she seeks a new career that makes use of both of her skills.
Mostly mouth and infamous for their society of dominance over the weak, xaarbs are not thought of as a subtle people. Some, however, find there is much to learn from the complex ways of other peoples. Traditionalists call them sneaks and skulks, but they still show their xaarbish pride in the way they fight.
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jwgh · 1 year
The Rogue Healer
Yesterday, I played a one-shot D&D 5e campaign, and a few people were intrigued by my rogue/healer build. Here’s how I set it up.
Most D&D play focuses on magical healing, but the rules do also have various ways to heal non-magically, and those other types of healing are key to this sort of character – though access to some sort of healing magic is also quite useful, whether through multiclassing, or a magic item, or a feat.
In practice, I found this character a lot of fun to play!  In combat, a rogue healer’s healing options are pretty limited, and are mostly focussed on getting people back on their feet, saving more substantial healing for after combat. But that’s actually kind of what you want out of a healer 90% of the time, and the usual rogue combat options are also quite nice. So, while ”The jack of all trades is a master of none” rule definitely applies to this type of character, there is some added versatility here which can be helpful, whether in combat or out of it.
Here’s a link to the character sheet of the rogue healer I used yesterday.
The Basics
As a rogue, high dexterity is key, but, as you will likely also be casting cleric spells (even if you don’t multiclass as cleric), you will also want a decent wisdom score. Both must be at least 13 if you’re going to multiclass.
Take proficiency in medicine. If you’re at a level where you can get expertise in it (which doubles your proficiency bonus for that skill), then do that too. If you’re interested in the veterinary arts as well, then animal handling is also a good pick.
Especially for low-level characters, I recommend at least one level of cleric. Pick the ‘Life’ domain, which among other things gives you:
Whenever you use a spell of 1st level or higher to restore hit points to a creature, the creature regains additional hit points equal to 2 + the spell’s level 
Good low-level cleric spells are the ‘Spare the Dying’ cantrip, plus ‘Cure Wounds’ and ‘Healing Word’. Note that, as a first level cleric, you’ll only have two spell slots, so be careful and try not to use them unless they’re really needed.
If, like me, you were a little confused as to why clerics have two different first level healing spells, the distinction is:
Cure Wounds: Takes a full action and requires touch. Heals 1d8+spellcasting mod+3 (with ‘Life’ domain)
Healing Word: Takes a bonus action and can be used on anyone within 60 ft. Heals 1d4+spellcasting mod+3 (with ‘Life’ domain)
In combat, a rogue healer will often use their action to attack an enemy (hopefully doing some sneak attack damage), then their bonus action to heal an ally – so Healing Word really shines there, despite the relatively low number of hit points it heals.
Going forward, most of your levels will be in rogue (or else this would be a ‘stabby cleric’ build instead of a ‘rogue healer’ build). None of the roguish archetypes have any particular relevance to healing, so just pick whichever you think is interesting and will work for your character.
Healing potions are the obvious choice here, but they are expensive and single use, and, depending on the campaign, may be in limited supply. Here’s a couple of more mundane items to look at:
Healer’s Kit (5 gp): “This kit is a leather pouch containing bandages, salves, and splints. The kit has ten uses.” Normally, this just lets you stabilize an unconscious creature, but healer’s kits become much more powerful if you have the ‘Healer’ feat – see below for details. With that feat, ten uses for five gp means a tasty healing action for only five silver. Strongly recommended!
Antitoxin (50 gp): “A creature that drinks this vial of liquid gains advantage on saving throws against poison for 1 hour. It confers no benefit to undead or constructs.” In practice, I have not found this particularly useful, particularly given the price, but maybe your experience will be different – or maybe you just want to have some on hand, just in case.
When leveling up allows you to increase an ability score, your game master may allow you to take one of the following feats instead:
Healer You are an able physician, allowing you to mend wounds quickly and get your allies back in the fight. You gain the following benefits:
When you use a healer’s kit to stabilize a dying creature, that creature also regains 1 hit point.
As an action, you can spend one use of a healer’s kit to tend to a creature and restore 1d6 + 4 hit points to it, plus additional hit points equal to the creature’s maximum number of Hit Dice. The creature can’t regain hit points from this feat again until it finishes a short or long rest.
If you decided against multiclassing, then there’s another feat that can give you ‘Spare the Dying’:
Magic Initiate Choose a class: bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard. You learn two cantrips of your choice from that class’s spell list. In addition, choose one 1st-level spell to learn from that same list. Using this feat, you can cast the spell once at its lowest level, and you must finish a long rest before you can cast it in this way again. Your spellcasting ability for these spells depends on the class you chose: Charisma for bard, sorcerer, or warlock; Wisdom for cleric or druid; or Intelligence for wizard.
Finally, there’s a feat that could potentially allow you to cast ‘Cure Wounds’ as a ritual (allowing you to avoid using up a spell slot by instead casting the spell as a ten-minute ritual). See the Player’s Handbook for details, but the important bit here is:
Ritual Caster [...] You have learned a number of spells that you can cast as rituals. These spells are written in a ritual book, which you must have in hand while casting one of them.
I would pick Cure Wounds rather than Healing Word for this, as the latter’s main advantage is that it’s quick and doesn’t require physical contact – I don’t see it as being a good candidate for ritual casting.
I’m not sure how accurate this is, but I have this idea that there’s a trope in Westerns where there’s a gang of cowboys and/or outlaws which has attached itself to a doctor. He’s come west because of some disgrace or other, and he doesn’t approve of the violence, but is able to remove bullets, sew up wounds, and otherwise patch up anyone who needs it. Maybe he works with the gang because, although he deplores the violence, he sees its necessity in the violent world he lives in; maybe he does it because he has some personal connection to the gang’s leader; maybe it’s because they give him the respect that others don’t; or maybe he does it for the money. Probably, on some level, it’s a mixture of the four. He doesn’t think of himself as a fighter, but, if there’s no other choice, he can give almost as good as he gets. The members of the gang all call him ‘Doc’, or some similar nickname, though he probably doesn’t have much actual formal medical training. Most of the characters in Westerns know they are in Westerns and love it, but this character knows it and kind of hates it, most of the time.
So, let’s transfer that idea to a fantasy RPG, while minimizing the elements that make the character less than useful in a standard campaign, and/or difficult for other players to work with. That was the idea.
All that aside, when you’re putting together your rogue healer, here are a couple of questions to think about, when putting together your character’s backstory and traits.
Why isn’t this character just a cleric? Maybe they were originally, but they were expelled due to some scandal. Or they were originally, but became disenchanted with their church. Or they never formally studied to be a cleric because they were rejected by the local temple due to bad reputation / lack of money / lack of family connections / insert other reason here. 
Why isn’t this character just a rogue? Maybe roguish skills were the best way to keep alive when they were young, but they always hated seeing people and animals in pain, and when the opportunity to learn to heal people arose they jumped at it. Maybe they were in a party that lacked a healer, and started picking up some healing skills just to keep everyone on their feet, and found it rewarding. Maybe they’ve always loved animals, and have acted as an amateur veterinarian from a young age, only to find that those same skills could be useful as a party member, too. Maybe they originally planned to be something else, but life happened: training with a doctor was interrupted when the doctor was killed by bandits, etc.
The fourth page of my sample character sheet mostly comes from my attempts to think about all of this.
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Twists for Humanoid Encounters
How often has your D&D group needed to fight the same group of humanoids in every room? 2d4 hobgoblins in every room of a hobgoblin fortress? 2d4 kuo-toa in every room of the kuo-toa temple? 2d4 bandits in every room of the bandit hideout? Sure, some of these humanoids have “suped-up” versions like hobgoblin captains, kuo-toa whips, and bandit captains, but eventually things will get boring with the same enemies every time and those boss monsters are usually reserved for the boss fight! 
Encounter Twists (1d20)
Here are some ways to make an average group-encounter a bit different. Roll 1d20 to choose randomly or pick from the list below. These tend to be keyed towards an assumption that the enemies are humanoid, but that might not be the case.
(1) Varied Weapons. One of the enemies has a different weapon. For example, if all the thugs have maces, maybe one has a glaive or greatsword. Meanwhile, another uses two daggers instead.
(2) Varied Armor. One of the enemies has different armor than the standard. If the hobgoblins wear chain mail, perhaps one is wearing plate. Maybe one didn’t have time to put on armor and only wields a shield.
(3) Minor Spellcasting. Somehow, one of the enemies has come across the ability to use magic, whether divine or arcane. The creature gains the Magic Initiate feat, thereby gaining a cantrip and 1st-level spell.
(4) Healing Potion. One of the enemies is packing a useful healing potion, usually one appropriate for the players to find at their level in case it falls into their hands. If the creature sees an ally go down, they can give out their potion or use it on themselves.
(5) Other Potion. One of the enemies drinks a potion as the battle starts. Choose randomly from the following (d8): (1) Potion of Giant Strength, (2) Potion of Fire Breath, (3) Potion of Flying, (4) Potion of Growth, (5) Potion of Heroism, (6) Potion of Invisibility, (7) Potion of Invulnerability, or (8) Potion of Speed.
(6) Other Consumable Item. One of the enemies carries a consumable magic item, used when the time is right. The players might be able to snag one if it has multiple uses. Choose randomly from the following (d6): (1) 1d4 beans from a Bag of Beans, (2) 1d4 beads from a Necklace of Fireballs, (3) a vial of Oil of Sharpness, (4) a Gem of Brightness with 1d4+5 charges remaining, (5) a Deck of Illusions with only 1d4+1 cards remaining, or (6) a vial of Oil of Slipperiness.
(7) Class Feature. One of the enemies has experience in a player class, gaining one of the following features chosen at random (d12). Each functions pretty much like the class feature of the same name. These are meant to just give the impression of a class through one, usually simplified feature, rather than all of a class’s unique features.
Bard: Bardic Inspiration: Use a d6.
Barbarian: Rage: Bonus damage at +2.
Cleric: Spellcasting: Knows the Guidance and Sacred Flame cantrips. Can cast 3 spell-levels-worth of spells: either Cure Wounds (1st), Guiding Bolt (1st), Spiritual Weapon (2nd), or Spirit Guardians (3rd). Use their Wisdom modifier for their spellcasting statistics (minimum 13).
Druid: Wild Shape: Choose an animal appropriate to the setting and have it be up to CR 2.
Fighter: Maneuvers: Give them 4 d8s and just choose 1 maneuver for simplicity’s sake.
Monk: Ki: Give them 3 Ki Points and let them gain two unarmed strikes (d4) as a bonus action, or else dodge, disengage, or dash as a bonus action by spending a ki point.
Paladin: Divine Smite and Lay on Hands: Give them 2 1st-level spell slots with which to smite. Also give them 10 points of Lay on Hands.
Ranger: Spellcasting and Fighting Style: They can cast Hunter’s Mark twice per day and gain the Archery or Two-Weapon Fighting styles.
Rogue: Sneak Attack and Cunning Action: Use 2d6 for the Sneak Attack damage.
Sorcerer: Spellcasting and Metamagic: Give them 3 1st-level spell slots, a cantrip, and a 1st-level spell eligible for the Twinned Spell Metamagic feature. They can use Twinned Spell on one of their spells up to 3 times.
Warlock: Eldritch Blast and Pact Magic: Give them the Eldritch Blast cantrip, then 1 3rd-level spell slot (assume a second slot was used already). Then give them the spells Hex, Witch Bolt, or Hunger of Hadar.  Use their Charisma modifier for their spellcasting statistics (minimum 13).
Wizard: Spellcasting: Knows the Minor Illusion cantrip and one damaging cantrip. Can cast 4 spell-levels-worth of spells: either Fog Cloud (1st), Magic Missile (1st), Flaming Sphere (2nd), Web (2nd), Fireball (3rd), or Lightning Bolt (3rd). Use their Intelligence modifier for their spellcasting statistics (minimum 13).
(8) Mount. One of the enemies has an appropriate mount, offering them greater mobility and the offensive/defensive features of an additional enemy, if it has attacks.
(9) Pet. The creatures have a pet, captured creature, or summoned magical servant of an appropriate challenge rating. This could be a beast, a monster, an undead (if a necromancer is present), an elemental (if a wizard or druid is present), a fiend (if a warlock or cleric is present), or a fey (if a druid is present).
(10) Brute Creature. One of the enemies has the maximum amount of hit points based on their hit point calculation. The creature rolls twice for damage, taking the better of the two rolls.
(11) Meek Creature. One of the enemies has half the normal amount of hit points based on their hit point calculation. The creature rolls twice for damage, taking the worse of the two rolls.
(12) Unique Species/Race. One of the enemies is of a different species. For instance, a group of Bandits might have a Dwarf or Bugbear in their ranks. You can grant an NPC creature some traits of the new species/race (like Dwarven Resilience), or you can just use statistics of a different monster (like the Bugbear).
(13) Infiltrator. One of the enemies is secretly a monster in disguise. Ones that fit the bill might include: a Doppelganger, an Intellect Devourer, a Succubus/Incubus, a Lycanthrope, a Yuan-Ti Pureblood, a Yochlol (if among drow), a Barghest (if among goblins), an Oni, a Hag, a Slaad, a Rakshasa, or a Couatl. For more powerful characters, you could use an ancient metallic dragon or a Deva.
(14) Sickness. One of the enemies is suffering from a random disease. Creatures that come within 5 feet of them have a chance of contracting the disease. The creature should be displaying symptoms in order for the players to effectively make decisions about this in combat. In theory, though, other enemies might be asymptomatic, so smart players should maintain distance with all the enemies.
(15) Unusual Surprise. If the players took precautions and surprised the enemies, half of them were unusually alert and are not surprised. If the enemies were not initially surprised, half of them were far from prepared and are instead surprised even if the players took no precautions. Perhaps they were daydreaming, sleeping, getting armor on, or tripped.
(16) Feat. One of the enemies has a random feat chosen from the following (d20, reroll on 16+). Some may require them to change their weapons or armor, and are marked with an asterisk: (1) Alert, (2) Athlete, (3) Charger, (4) Crossbow Expert*, (5) Defensive Duelist*, (6) Dual Wielder*, (7) Great Weapon Master*, (8)   Heavy Armor Master*, (9) Mobile, (10) Mage Slayer, (11) Polearm Master*, (12) Sentinel, (13) Sharpshooter*, (14) Shield Master*, or (15) Tavern Brawler.
(17) Unusual Talent. One of the enemies has an exceptional statistic, different from others of its kind. Choose one of the creature’s abilities that is on the low end and make it comparable or better than their strongest ability. For instance, if such creatures normally have high Strength, give this one high Dexterity. If they are typically low in Intelligence, give them a high Intelligence and let them use smarter tactics. Give them unique weapons or spells if appropriate.
(18) Damage Rider. One of the enemies deals additional damage of a random type using one of their weapons. This may come from a magic oil or poison applied to their weapon, or perhaps their own arcane or divine magic. Don’t use a magic weapon as players will be able to use it once the battle is over (unless you planned to give such an item as treasure in the first place). Their weapon deals a bonus 1d6 damage of a type chosen at random from the following: (1) acid, (2) cold, (3) fire, (4) lightning, (5) necrotic, (6) poison, (7) psychic, or (8) radiant.
(19) Siege Weapon. One of the enemies is manning a siege weapon of your choice against the players. A ballista is usually a good option, since you usually don’t want a cannon in your players’ hands and a catapult is better for non-moving targets. You could also create a magical siege weapon, like a turret that casts Burning Hands, Scorching Ray, Ice Knife, Acid Arrow, or Lightning Bolt.
(20) Elemental Shield. One of the enemies has immunity to one damage type and resistance to all other damage until they are dealt damage of an opposed damage type, which destroys this magical shield. Pair the damage types like this: cold and fire, radiant and necrotic, acid and lightning (think of it like earth vs. air). Alternatively, one of the creatures is naturally blessed with immunity to one damage type. Give the creature some sort of visual cue for this to clue the players in.
Characteristic Twists
Another way to vary humanoid creatures is by giving them interesting personality traits or interesting physical features. Roll or choose from the Appearance Twists table to make one of the humanoids look more distinct. Roll or choose from the Personality Twists table to make one of the humanoids act differently or more interesting, sometimes in a way the players can exploit in combat.
Appearance Twists (d20)
Creature has...
Outlandish hairdo
Interesting headgear/hat
Worn trophies collected from enemies
Personalized armor or clothes
Prominent visible tattoos or war paint
Prominent visible scar
A cape or other dramatic attire
Prominent facial jewelry (or facial hair if they have it)
Weapon made from unique material or uniquely decorated
A meaningful symbol prominently displayed
Unusual physical features for their species
Eyewear (glasses, goggles, mask, or eyepatch)
Prominent visible birthmark
Unusual attire for class/profession
Missing or prosthetic limb
Trinket (roll on existing table) worn and visible
Worn piece of valuable treasure
Worn a memento from a lover
Worn animal hide
Appearance altered magically or through a curse
Personality Twists (d20)
Creature is...
Suffering from a form of Long-Term Madness (roll on existing table)
Overly confident, willingly enters dangerous combat situations
Overly cautious, always readies their action into a reaction
Intimidating, can frighten a target as a bonus action with a successful Charisma contest
Sadistic, aiming for weak targets
Defiant, challenges the strongest foes first
Overly dramatic, draws a lot of attention
Automysophobic, can't stand getting dirty
Irrationally terrified of something in the players' arsenal (magic, animals, fire, etc)
Biased against one of the players' species and focuses on them
Angered or terrified by mages, attacks them first
Flirtacious with one of the players, is effectively charmed by the player
Witty, taunts foes with banter
Indecisive to the point where they sometimes only take the Dodge action
Loyal to their leader to the death
Edgy and mysterious
Best friends with one of their allies, always tries to Help them in combat
Cowardly, becomes frightened and attempts to Disengage or Hide if damaged
Honorable, refuses to fight with an unfair advantage
Drunk and suffers from the Poisoned condition
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monstersdownthepath · 4 years
Spiritual Spotlight: Tanagaar the Aurulant Eye
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Lawful Good Empyreal Lord of Night, Owls, and Watchfulness
Domains: Animal, Darkness, Good, Law Subdomains: Archon, Feather, Moon, Night
Chronicles of Righteousness, pg. 25
Obedience: Find and observe a mouse or rat from no more than 30 feet away. Continue watching the mouse, unseen, for 100 breaths. Catch the mouse and release it in an area where owls hunt. Benefit: Gain a +4 sacred bonus on saving throws against effects that would hinder your sight or hearing.
Oh my god
After all these years, after all this searching, we’ve finally found it. We’ve found an Obedience that justifies carrying around a Sack Of Rats! It’s a miracle!
Anyway, this Obedience is ironically somewhat difficult to perform if your DM is being a stickler about it. Note that you not only have to find a rat--which means if you’re using a Sack Of Rats, you have to release it and then relocate it--but you have to watch it while being unseen. While one may assume that “unseen” simply applies to the rodent in question, the linguistic gymnastics we tend to pull here at Monsters Down The Path LLC to cheese Obediences sometimes works against us, and in this case “unseen” may not simply apply to your prey, but anyone. If your DM applies this additional stipulation, I hope you’ve got a good Stealth mod! And a good excuse about your weird behavior.
While Tanagaar isn’t exactly an evil guy, he’s not especially well-known, and your weird prowling may get some raised eyebrows. The good news is that as a Lawful Good deity (and an Archon at that), the number of times you’re likely to be sent into Evil territory to subtly work among them is 0, reducing your chances of needing actual excuses about why you’re skulking around like a cat. If, for whatever reason, you want to keep your worship of the Aurulant Eye under wraps, simply being a catfolk, kobold, or goblin is a good enough excuse.
Next comes catching the vermin and releasing it in an area where owls hunt. Simple enough in almost any environment but a desolate stretch of empty desert, winter wasteland, or subterranean cavern, as owls are very widespread, to the point that this Obedience could simply say “release it into the wild.” The biggest problem is refreshing your rodent stock, an issue that goes largely unaddressed in other Sack Of Rats Obediences because those usually require the death of any small critter, and this one specifically requires rodents. Better take up rat catching as a hobby or frequent the local pet store, I guess!
The benefit is more amazing than it looks at first glance, because Monsters Down The Path LLC’s patented Linguistic Gymnastics is here to point out that any effect which could impair your sight or hearing is blocked, even if that effect is SECONDARY, such as against powerful spells like Sunburst or against afflictions like Blinding Disease. Having your senses stripped from you is always bad, even for a short time, but the fact this benefit applies to “any effect” that would “hinder” your sight or hearing means it works on everything from having dust blow in your eyes to an enemy’s Greater Shout, and it can potentially give you an edge against dozens or hundreds of other effects which tack on sensory abuse as a bonus effect, making it a fantastic bonus at all levels. It even applies to EVERY saving throw instead of just Fortitude!
Boons are gained slowly, typically achieved once you reach 12, 16, and 20 Hit Dice. Followers of the Empyreal Lords, however, can enter the Mystery Cultist Prestige Class at level 8, which grants them their Boons much quicker! Entered as early as possible, you gain the Boons at levels 10, 13, and 16 instead. Mystery Cultists MUST take the Celestial Obedience feat, NOT Deific Obedience.
Empyreal Lords do not grant the typical Evangelist/Exalted/Sentinel spread (and cannot enter those classes), instead having only one set of Boons granted to their followers regardless of their class.
Boon 1: Forest Dweller. Gain Calm Animals 3/day, Eagle Eye2/day, or Deeper Darkness 1/day.
Oh, interesting! Never seen Eagle Eye here before, and it’s actually a good spell! ... sort of. It creates a magical sensor above you, upwards to 400ft+40ft/lvl, from which you can see as though you were there and rotate your viewpoint around freely. It’s more or less to give one a birds-eye view of a battlefield, akin to someone playing an RTS with an over-the-field viewpoint to make commanding armies easier, though the birds-eye view is also very, very useful for spotting threats to a small group of people (such as the party) that they cannot see from the horizontal plane.
Also, needless to say, but having a safe way to see the surrounding terrain from several hundred feet above it can make navigating towards a destination or landmark much easier. With a 1 min/lvl duration and 2/day availability, you can be the party’s aerial lookout without ever actually leaving the ground and putting yourself in danger, and the sensor itself is invisible as well if you fear flying enemies. Eagle Eyes isn’t useful at all inside enclosed environments, and in fact cannot be used to spy into the floors above you unless you have line of effect, but if you want to peel inside, say, the Evil Wizard Tower without alerting them via the use of a familiar or similar, go crazy.
Calm Animals causes up to 2d4+CL HD worth of animals to become docile and harmless for its duration, but for it to actually work on a group of animals, they all must be roughly the same type (i.e. a pack of wolves) and cannot be further than 30ft apart. This isn’t really a problem, as using it on a bunch of angry animals usually means you’re hitting a pack of scavengers or predators you’ve angered, and its generous scaling means that it’ll be useful at all levels of the game whether you need to slow down a charging pack of raptors or just one big T. Rex--wait a T. Rex has how many hit dice? well, scratch that particular idea I guess. unless you get lucky with your 2d4 roll. Still useful. The big problem is that it’s completely useless against anything that’s not an Animal, and if an Animal suddenly receives the gift of sapience--even temporarily--the spell has no effect on them. That makes this spell useful for traveling through the wilds (or, rarely, stopping the charge of an enemy warhorse), but not for much else.
Which leaves Deeper Darkness, the spell which hammers your party just as hard as it does an enemy. Creating a 60ft sphere of absolute black can send chaos through the ranks of more or less any foe, because if the area was already low or dim light it becomes supernaturally pitch that not even darkvision can pierce it! Not even yours. Cutting off your party’s ability to see is just as crippling for them as it is your enemy, so be sure to have some method to actually take advantage of the shroud or you’ll end up swinging at empty air or, worse, swing at allies. While it’s good for making an escape, Obscuring Fog is way better, way cheaper, and doesn’t take away your magical flexibility.
Boon 2: Owl's Eye. You gain darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, increase its range by an additional 60 feet.
Wow! Boring! But useful for more or less everyone, since not needing torches or a light source when skulking around in the dark or keeping night watch makes it less likely you’re spotted by some prowling predator or sadistic dungeon-dweller, but it’s noting spectacular or even particularly noteworthy. I appreciate that Tanagaar extends existing darkvision outwards, but it’s rare you’ll actually need more than 60 feet unless you’re actually adventuring in an open area after dark.
It’s a decent Boon, but it’s also insultingly easy to replicate with existing spells or cheap items (such as a Wand or Potion of Darkvision), making its impact a little hard to appreciate.
Boon 3: Hunter's Edge. You gain Sneak Attack +3d6. This increase to Sneak Attack damage stacks with Sneak Attack damage you may have from other sources. Whenever you deal Sneak Attack damage with a piercing weapon, you deal +2 points of damage per Sneak Attack die.
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huh hey that’s pretty good
hey aren’t you supposed to be Lawful, Tanagaar? Not that I don’t appreciate a little bit of pragmatism among the forces of Good, but stabbing someone in the kidney from behind seems kinda underhanded, doesn’t it? Then again, so does summoning flocks of owls to gouge out enemy eyes or appearing before them as a terrifying phantasm to gently coerce them into surrender. Even Law knows when it needs to fight dirty, I suppose.
Not that you HAVE to, mind; with how easy it is to set up a Sneak Attack (you literally just have to be flanking), you don’t have to be particularly sneaky. Just standing across from an ally and stabbing someone in the throat when they turn away from a brief second deals +3d6 damage to them, which is already good before you take into account that, actually, it’s 3d6+6 because Tanagaar superdupercharges your Sneak Attacks with +2 damage per die! Even NOT having SA to begin with is still adding a flat +6 damage to your attacks that stacks with all your other damage modifiers, but having SA available beforehand--such as by being a Rogue, a Ninja, a Slayer, or one of the rare archetypes to hand it out--is especially viable because Hunter’s Edge stacks with ALL other sources. Have +5d6 from your class already? Now it’s 8d6+16 damage.
It’s even tastier if used on a ranged weapon, but make no mistake, it’s still pretty damn nice just at its base regardless of your build... unless you’re a Mystery Cultist, which is aimed mostly at casting and doesn’t get anything particularly martial-aligned until later levels. Classing into Mystery Cultist also means that your Sneak Attack is unlikely to be at all impressive (you may reach 6d6, but certainly not the impressive 8d6 I proposed), but the only other option is waiting for this ability to kick in at level 20, which is simply unacceptable. Aside from that, the only real problem I have with this ability is that it specifically works with piercing weapons... and since Tanagaar’s holy weapon is the kukri, you actually miss this Boon entirely if you stick only to his weapon of choice, and your god actively discouraging you from using any of their sacred aspects isn’t a good look for anyone!
You can read more about him here.
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reliciron · 4 years
Eternal Empire After Effects
In addition to that post I made a while back about how your characters deal with either the boost in Force sensitivity or the brand new sensitivity for your smugglers/troopers/agents/bounty hunters. I want to talk about the general fucked up-ness that the Commander has to deal with post-KotET.
Like DAMN. Bare minimum, they’ve had to deal with carbonite poisoning, the general mind games of Valkorian, and then they had their mind literally broken in the last chapter. At worst, they get all that, plus taking a lightsaber to the gut. To say nothing of having to fight an impossible war for a little over a year straight with everyone’s hopes and dreams riding around on their shoulders.
A lot of the posts I’ve seen about other people’s ocs has some form of lingering effects from everything. And I just want to talk about it for a minute, cause I live for filling in the scenes we don’t see. [Take this with a grain of salt, as I’ve never played a dark side character, so my perspective will be skewed.]
Long term physical effects:
They were poisoned slowly over the course of 5 years, you can’t tell me that one little dart thing can fix that, at least not right away. This could take the form of lingering nausea, migraines, dizziness. The symptoms of heavy metal poisoning would fit well here. And I hc my consular as having some permanent nerve pain from it.
The stab on Asylum is absolute bullshit in the game. Valkorian or no, there’s no way they’d be walking out. I think I posted a pic I took before, but the stab is easily close enough for the heat transfer to damage the spine. Bone cracks and warps with heat, so you can see the problem there. The wound is almost dead on for where the stomach sits and the lungs, liver, kidney, and intestines are all in range to get badly burnt (yeah I know, alien anatomy might be different, but we’re assuming its mostly the same).
We’ve seen what a lightsaber can do to a blast door in The Phantom Menace, take that and apply it to a person, and Arcann held that blade there a loooong time.
Yes, Valkorian saves them, but I think of it more as he kept them from dying, and not, he completely stopped the blade from cooking them from the inside out. So the three days Lana mentioned are horseshit. The Gravestone’s tiny ass med-bay is absolutely not equipped to handle an injury like this.
I always figured a better way was Valkorian kept them alive long enough for Lana to threaten her way onto an appropriate station and made the doctors fix them. Even so, getting what amounts to several organ transplants, implants to bypass possible spinal chord damage, replacement ribs and vertebra, and a whole lot of skin and muscle grafts will leave your Commander pretty messed up, even with magical Star Wars tech and Force magic. And their allotted recovery time seems to be the length of the base’s construction on Odessen, so there’s no way in hell they’re really done healing by the time they have to go back out into battle.
Specific injuries aside, a year is a long time to fight more or less constantly. At least during the base game you sort of had rests between chapters. They’re gonna rack up an impressive list of injuries, alongside wear and tear like their knees and feet having trouble from the constant running and jumping. And their elbows and shoulders will break down from hours upon hours of absorbing the recoil of a gun or the constant flurry and clash of a lightsaber.
Long term mental effects:
As ugly as the physical stuff is, the mental effects are just as bad. Depending on what class they are, having the goddamn Sith Emperor riding shotgun in their head will fuck them up big time.
Classes who faced off with him more-or-less directly, like the Knight, Consular, and Warrior, are going to have the worst time of it because they KNOW what this sort of thing leads to. The warrior has seen the dead eyed puppet on Voss and knows that could be them soon. The consular had to deal with the emperors children and the First Son. They’ve seen a prominent and powerful Jedi master absolutely crumple under the power of the emperor and he wasn’t even IN there. And Knights have already experienced the emperor’s control first hand.
Not to say the others won’t have trouble with it, it’s just that the reasons will be a little less direct. The smuggler and bounty hunter are used to being their own people, not tied down to anything or accountable to anyone, and now there’s the threat that everything they have will be taken from them and there’s no amount of sneaking or shooting that will save them. Troopers built up their command from basically nothing and now they’re Republic heroes, but Valkorian now threatens the lives of everyone they’ve sworn to protect. The agent is easy, they’ve suffered mind control before, they’ve been slaves in their own body, and they’re terrified of it happening again. And inquisitors were literal slaves who clawed their way to the top, and they’d sooner die than be a slave again.
So just having that asshole there means constant stress for the whole of KotFE and KotET. Insomnia must be a given. How do you know you’ll wake up as YOU? That Valkorian won’t hollow you out in your sleep and walk around in your skin the next day? And for the Knight, Agent, and Inquisitor, I’d think panic attacks are probably a thing, even if they don’t let anyone see it.
The stab will definitely cause some trauma. Pretty sure any wound that gruesome would. And if they didn’t have nightmares before, they sure do now and I’m willing to bet that they might shy away from lightsabers for a while, which leaves an interesting dilemma considering they’re in a war with Force-users, and some of them are Force-users themselves.
Fighting a guerrilla war with an absurdly powerful adversary has to be incredibly taxing, especially for classes who’ve never had to command anything. Smugglers and Bounty Hunters are very screwed here, assuming they care about running the Alliance well. And the burden of saving the galaxy is a heavy one. I can definitely see classes who have saved the galaxy multiple times to be getting increasing bitter about always having to be the one to clean up the messes. Why are THEY the ones who always have to suffer? Why isn’t there ever a hero to save THEM when they need it?!
Agents get their own little special bit here with the bullshit that is Vaylin’s conditioning. They know exactly the kind of misery she’s going through, the powerlessness that one single phrase or word causes. I can understand that the writers couldn’t figure out or bother with a whole separate scene of the agent refusing to use the conditioning, cause then they’d have to figure out how to not have Vaylin murder them on the spot. But goddamn we could’ve at least seen them struggle with it! Maybe an extra few lines of them pleading with Vaylin because they desperately don’t want to use her control phrase. Ugh, at least behind the scenes an agent can have a break down about how they’ve become exactly like the intelligence officers who’d decided that they were too much of a liability to go without a leash they could pull. And now they’ve pulled an identical leash on Vaylin.
And then we have their mind being broken. That could be a post in and of itself. Valkorian came within a hair’s breadth of destroying them entirely, and they were so broken that they didn’t even know their own name. And in the space of 10 or so minutes, they scrape themselves together and fight a god. It’s very impressive (and I’ve got my own issues with that fight) but I don’t think you can pull yourself together that fast after being that messed up without some lingering issues.
Chronic insomnia and night terrors, full blown PTSD, panic disorders, severe anxiety; something THAT traumatic will absolutely leave marks.
And after that? They just keep going. Yeah, things calm down, but they’re still at the head of a very powerful faction now (if not ruling Zakuul), there’s no going back after this. And they’ve got a massive restoration project ahead of them as tensions continue to simmer between the Republic and Empire. The more dutiful characters must be near the end of their rope. There’s no rest, just the next fire to put out, and they continue to run themselves into the ground. And the more flighty characters are now forever shackled by the Alliance. There’s no flying off into the sunset for them. No more anonymity as a bounty hunter or smuggler. Their old life is over, whether the wanted it or not. And how can they really relax when there’s this many people looking at them for direction. They’ve become just like those asshole military leaders who they used to mock.
And for just about all of my characters, they hide it. No one can know that they’re falling apart at the seams. Either it’s about personal pride and acting unphased cause they’re just THAT good, or because they’re trying to be the leader the Alliance deserves and don’t want to disappoint or frighten them by showing just how badly they’re coping. Either way there will be a breaking point.
And even after it all comes out in the open, and they (hopefully) get the help they need. It’s never completely over. Chronic pain and fatigue, depression and anxiety, persistent insomnia; these things don’t just disappear, they’re an ongoing struggle that helps color their future actions.
I just… I really like considering things like this because it hits close to home. Seeing them struggle with some of the things I deal with makes them feel more like people. Cause god knows the writers aren’t gonna put this kind of stuff in there.
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theworldbrewery · 5 years
multiclass your... BLOOD HUNTER!!
As per the request by @mstheoverflow, today we’re taking a look at the Wisdom-based “original flavor” Blood Hunter class. As of right now, this class is available on DnDBeyond, but in the coming weeks, the update to an Intelligence-based version of the class is expected to supersede this existing one, so if you’re attached to this version, save the details now.
A couple key things: to multiclass out of Blood Hunter, you must have a 13 in Wisdom as well as a 13 in either Strength or Dexterity--that or is really key because it makes your multiclassing really flexible. There are also special rules for multiclassing into warlock if you are of a certain subclass, which I’ll get into later.
Let’s dig in!
Blood Hunter + Barbarian
If you chose to be a strength-centric blood hunter, this multiclass is baller. No joke. Consider: while raging, you halve all normal weapon damage (you don’t halve crimson rite damage unless you take the correct totem in the barbarian Totem Warrior subclass at third level, but that could be arranged). Furthermore, your Crimson Rite damage to yourself can be used to sustain your rage if you’re at risk of dropping it. Reckless attacks at second level increase your potential for a critical hit, which would also double damage from your Crimson Rite, and your rage will have no effect on Blood Maledict curses. Since you probably have a high CON to compensate for the damage you deal to yourself, this is also great for your Unarmored Defense barbarian feature. An excellent option for a strength-oriented blood hunter! (note: if you’re raging and transformed per Order of the Lycan, you fail your bloodlust save automatically--yikes!)
Blood Hunter + Bard
Unfortunately, a low-level bard’s best perks are the bonus-action Bardic Inspirations, which take away from your potential offhand attack, Blood Maledicts, and Crimson Rite activation. On the plus side, you can gain Jack-of-All-Trades, Song of Rest, and use the light spellcasting from bard to cast a buff or debuff. It’s not going to hamper you too much, but it’s not outstanding, either. Definitely can be made to work well, especially if you are Order of the Profane Soul and want a couple new cantrips and spell slots to enhance your casting.
Blood Hunter + Cleric
This is what bard could be if it weren’t playin’, as the kids say. Cleric relies on Wisdom, which works for your existing blood hunter abilities, and you’ll get three cantrips instead of 2 (as well as the standard 2 spell slots). Use a cleric’s buff or debuff casting while you focus on melee attacks, and you’re golden--take War domain if you want to focus on volume of hits, or take Tempest to maximize Rite of the Storm (and potentially Rite of the Roar) damage with your channel divinity and add a damaging reaction. 
Blood Hunter + Druid
At first level, druid can’t offer you much, which is a shame since the wisdom ability works in your favor. But if you really want this and you go after the wild shape at second level, be prepared: whether or not you can apply Crimson Rite to your beast shape “weapons” (claws and bite attacks) is totally up to your DM, and you shouldn’t do this multiclass without consulting them first. If you get permission, this could be outstanding; if not, the druid isn’t really worth it.
Blood Hunter + Fighter
With the fighter multiclass, you stand to gain an extra fighting style and, more importantly, your Second Wind, which can be make-or-break for a blood hunter’s self-damaging oeuvre. At second level, your Action Surge can give you extra chances to hit your opponents, as well. It’s actually quite well-suited to you, if not the powerhouse that the barbarian can be under the right conditions.
Blood Hunter + Monk
Now this... this is beautiful. Your dex and wisdom are perfect for the monk skillset, and you can apply monk damage bonuses to weapons that are anointed with your Crimson Rite. You’ll also gain Unarmored Defense, which makes your AC 10+Dexterity mod+Wisdom mod. At second level you get Unarmored Movement and of course, the coveted Ki points. All this is excellent, but here’s the juiciest bit: if you’re a Lycanthrope blood hunter, your unarmed strikes also count as weapons for crimson rite while you’re transformed, further enhancing your attacks using Flurry of Blows, as well as increasing your AC and reducing damage.
Blood Hunter + Paladin
In contrast to the monk, this one is not as well-suited. Your Lay on Hands will force you to decide between taking 3 total attacks on a turn (two for your action and offhand for bonus action) and doing marginal healing. Divine Smite is great, as are the other spellcasting smites, but we must recall the paladin prereqs are Strength and Charisma, so you have just one of two of the needs met (assuming you’re using strength for blood hunter stuff). Smites are really the only perk to this multiclass at low levels.
Blood Hunter + Ranger
This is another option that perfectly blends with the blood hunter skillset. If you’re looking to go for something less combat-y and diversify your non-combat abilities, this is a great option! The fighting style and spellcasting at second level can keep you in the game for combat purposes, applying spells like Hunter’s Mark to increase damage, and you’ll gain a new skill proficiency, bonuses against your favored enemy, and bonuses on favored terrain. 
Blood Hunter + Rogue
A dextrous blood hunter can have a very fun time as a rogue! You’ll gain a skill proficiency, proficiency with thieves’ tools, and expertise as far as skills go, a new language in the form of thieves’ cant, and the ever-coveted Sneak Attack--you’ll only get 1d6 to start, but extra damage is excellent (given that you must have advantage to get sneak attack and thereby double your odds of a critical hit). If you go to second level, your Cunning Actions might help your hitpoint-insecure blood hunter from taking too many hits.
Blood Hunter + Sorcerer and Wizard
I’m lumping these two together because honestly, the answer’s roughly the same. It’s nice to get spells, sure, but neither of these casters have something special to offer the blood hunter. They’re so casting-focused, you’ll struggle to integrate them with your melee attacker. They don’t share your ability score prowesses, either; altogether, the sorcerer can offer you more than the wizard (but if your intelligence is higher, take wizard).
Blood Hunter + Warlock
So first off, the warlock can be a great addition because your casting is so limited. In your case, it’s an asset: you don’t need to waste time on spell slots. either up your AC or take up a concentration spell with Hex or Witch Bolt to deal damage in a passive way as you attack, and potentially employ cantrips to enhance your attacks or attack at range in a pinch. At second level, your eldritch invocations can make you even more badass, but we won’t get into those because there’s so much flexibility.
Now, if you’re Order of the Profane Soul, the rules here are a little different. From the page: “If multiclassing Order of the Profane Soul with Warlock levels, add a third of your blood hunter levels (rounded down) to your Warlock level and consult the Warlock progression table for total Spell Slots, and Spell Slot Level. To decide your spell casting ability for your warlock spells, choose that of the class with the higher level (choose between the two if levels are equal).”
That is to say, if you’re a 9th-level blood hunter and a first-level warlock, you’re considered a 4th-level warlock for the purposes of your total spell slots and spell level. So you’ll still have 2 second-level slots for the first level, but when you level up, blood hunter 9/warlock 2, you’ll count as a 5th level warlock, and immediately increase your spell slots to 3rd level--and because you have more levels in blood hunter, you can use your Wisdom to cast them.
And that’s everything! The old version of the blood hunter is tried-and-true, and if you want to hang on to it and even consider multiclassing from it, here are precisely the tools you need to do so!
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invenblocker · 5 years
Syringe guns buff ideas
If you main medic you are probably familiar with the crossbow meta, i.e. the only viable primary on Medic is the Crusader’s Crossbow. I personally do not feel that the weapon is overpowered, it’s just that all of Medic’s alternatives are really, really bad. So I think that it would be more in order to buff the syringe guns rather than nerf the crossbow.
+ Added feature: Syringe guns can now reload while holstered.
One of the many advantages with the Crusader’s crossbow is that its nature as a single shot weapon gives it a passive reload, meaning that the weapon will be reloaded while holstered. This is great because the Medic is supposed to have the medigun deployed darn near constantly. Being able to quickly deploy and fire the bolt, then switch back to the medigun is viable because the crossbow is then also ready the next time it is needed. Conversely, if one quickly pulls out a syringe gun and fires a barrage (for whatever reason), they’ll have to then later interrupt their healing to pull it out again and reload it if they want it to be ready should it be necessary again. By making the reload passive, syringe gun medics will no longer be discouraged from using the syringe guns for self defense or whichever utility use the gun has, you know, the thing the guns are supposed to be designed for.
Stock Syringe Gun
+ Added Feature: 50% increased deploy and holster speed (not a stat written on the gun, instead, a slower deploy/holster speed is written as a penalty on the other syrringe guns).
The Stock Syringe Gun is supposed to be a self defense weapon, so making it deploy faster will help serve this purpose as you can get it out quicker if caught without a nearby teammate (if for instance, your pocket dies). An increased holster speed is less of a boon, but a medic could in theory use that as a way to sneak in some damage from the side while everyone around them is at or near full overheal anyways.
The Overdose
+ Added stat: On hit, receive a 25% speed boost for 0.5 seconds, multiple hits stack the boost duration additively up to 2.5 seconds. - Increase 15% damage penalty to 25% damage penalty.
The Overdose is supposed to be a retreat tool, so adding a speed boost on hit will help it serve in this regard of aiding the medic’s escape, as medics can run backwards while shooting at whoever’s chasing them. The duration build up is mostly because the weapon takes 1.6 seconds to reload and it should be able to last through that, but giving a full 1.6 or greater seconds speed boost for a single hit would probably be a bit overboard, so I feel this is a good compromise. The speed boost from hitting shots will stack multiplicatively with the up to 20% speed boost this weapon gives based on your Uber percantage for an up to 50% speed boost (1.2 * 1.25 = 1.5). A popular idea I see is that the speed boost should be passive (i.e. active regardless of whether the weapon is deployed or not), but I don’t think that is a good idea because a weapon that you will likely never deploy having a passive upside with no passive downside is an inherently unbalanced concept. The increased damage penalty is because one can move really fast with this weapon, so if it dealt respectable damage, it would encourage battle medic, or the hoarding of an Uber for a speed boost rather than using it in the appropriate situation.
The Blutsauger
The Blutsauger’s current design is flawed. It gives a passive downside which penalizes players for equipping it “just in case”, as if you equip it, but don’t use it, your health regen is hit hard, these two go together to create the final flaw, this is the weapon for medics who don’t trust their teams. It just screams “no one is around to protect me”, thing is, in that case, packing a simple self defense (stock) or retreat (overdose) option is better in my eyes, and while this weapon strikes a middle ground between those two, I don’t think that playing jack of all trades here is the optimal strategy. This is why I think a rework with the same general concept, but a different execution is a better way to go than a stat tweak. Therefore, assume both of its current stats are removed and the stats listed below are its new stats:
+ On hit: coat target in mad milk for 0.5 seconds, causing any damage dealt to them to heal back the attacker by 60%. Multiple hits stack the coat duration up to 2.5 seconds. + Life steal effects have their effectiveness increased by 66.7%. - No passive health regeneration on user while weapon is deployed. - 50% smaller clip size.
The basis for this idea is borrowed from After Breakfast who suggested turning it into a more supportive weapon using mad milk, but I figured that a full clip of 40 shots with mad milk affect would be very powerful for DM as well. To discourage such use, I halved the clip down to 20 syringes. This however, would make it difficult to self heal with the weapon, so I also tacked on an increase to lifesteal effects. For mad milk (the effect the weapon applies), this multiplicative bonus would lead to 100% life steal (3/5 * 5/3 = 1), which is 10 HP per syringe after the first (i.e. nothing to scoff at). Finally, I thought that a single hit applying the full duration of the debuff would be unfun to play against, as you could just spray the weapon out over a full room and soak everyone in it, no aiming required, so I use the same idea I did with the overdose where the duration builds with consequtive hits and then allow it to max out at 2.5 seconds instead of AB’s proposed flat 2 seconds.
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hardyalise92 · 4 years
Cat Spraying Reddit Easy And Cheap Tricks
The cause needs to use the preventive measures that you can decide whether or not he or she can mate with several things.Perhaps all three-and a warning for the home.If your cat should be placed onto the wall.Combine cup of white vinegar together with your first cat.
Principles include treating allergies if present, decreasing airway inflammation and reducing environmental stress.Still, if this treatment plan is the most determined cat from getting any common cat illness.Diagnosis is confirmed by chest x-rays, which allow differentiation from other household items.As it'll happen each time I open the airways.The kitty litter will be better than uncovered.
The urine of neutered females still spray.Without litter readily available at your wits end, wondering how to teach a cat will resoil an area larger than the rest, and would cost me $350 to $500 each.Even though the operation can occur at any time you need are a couple of days.There are some things that you also know I don't care how cute you think you've been having strays animals come in and helping themselves.They will chase, sneak, pounce, attack and get the positive reward.
With something so inexpensive to make sure your cat litter that they become greasy or oily or if you can, your cat remains.You can deter them from the hair of the problem.Older cats sometimes tend to swim, but if there is a fairly common in neutered cats can be a need to be gone on vacation and you should not be able to stand up to turn around.If your cat is young so that your cat can be sewn into the carpet or the cat and if none of our family.But, in this sense you may need a little Milk of Magnesia to clear it.
This includes purchasing and installing scratch posts around the neck and back into the carpet wet.NOTE: It is important to know all the options available but some cats prefer horizontal surface to be a health problem like cystitis, uroliths or diabetes.Bathing- It is an interesting concept with benefits for cats that are fatal or dangerous to your cat's airway.Covered boxes will detect the precise areas.Fill an empty aluminum can, shaken when the cat's temperament and it will bond with you about how to speak with an effective way to avoid feeding your cat suffers the least you can let your allergies quite well.
It is big cat dung which is MUCH more fun to clean the box over so that medical problems can range from 4 to 25 pounds.The female is spayed but there are vaccinations and booster shots are up to, so you can give you a definitive recipe for cat or dog and he agreed to give you a little easier to climb out of your house there are many methods which can take care of immediately, or because it is the right tools and aids, you can take is to ensure that your cat does this - and, of course, it is important to be a problem, go back into the animals unable to roam.Force the clean laundry, or on your part to that, it helps to know they suffer from dog dander vary from breed to breed.Does your cat towards other cats and this will satisfy your new cat may be necessary so your doctor first and endeavor to catch prey and feed the cats.These medications decrease airway constriction and allow it to be investigated.
You should clean soiled areas in your area, just buy your cat checked by your cat scratching post you buy is enamel or plastic.If the collar - These can be quite finicky creatures.So it's much easier and less fur or they notice bumps on the affected area so that it doesn't fit right or if you have to share a home owner than other breeds.It will also help, so he never tires of the free standing furniture, especially if you looking for extra roughage or greenery in their environment.Most cat lovers are investing in one night!
Let's talk about a successful addition to the claws and cover it.Release back on to help them stay in the middle of the kingdom!A second reason - kitty is a 1x6 board and some soaps might have a diminished or non-existing reaction to fleas and tick control products are available as are deodourising powders and sprays.Once you have sprayed it, you can do to avoid leaving the sexual messages to other cats in your cat's paws in the world!Unless it is bad enough, you should use baking powder as another added way of reacting to it, some cats may try to reward her after she uses the scratching onto acceptable surfaces, we mean providing objects that they may go through it and this is his territory throughout your house.
Cat Peeing Not Spraying
Bottom line: Keep a hamper in a location more suitable to scratch at things is fun and simple to make, and they often have overlapping territories with other cats enjoy the reasons why this can put in it.Hydrogen peroxide is a great deal of time creating it.We have had with cats have their cat a great deal of cats in heat they will tend to spray strong urineThe most common aggressive behaviors once performed.When your cat with water, this will lessen the problem may come in and out then he wants.
Modify the room with food, water, and not afterwards.Self cleaning litter trays so each time I open the airways.If this isn't a tamed cat, but could spray on furniture and house hold items.For toilet training, get a kitty he was a long curtain and swatting it out a lot of time before you do not get to box easily*When to consult a cat that seems to be a fantastic deterrent - Apply bitter apple spray is effective in controlling cat urine odor returns.
Apply these on places that cat may not even the most serious cases, blood transfusions may be burned or shocked, causing issues with your cat is content and less expensive then your going to be immune to responding along with the other know that problem behavior in order to stay with the cats spraying urine, there is a reason for this reason.In addition, ensure that it's going to develop and to check the water.Clumping litter is not spraying around the house.This way, he is still a potential health hazard or not?To this day, however, we still care for female cats both spray urine
The most common reasons that cannot be trained.Be responsible and have a cat allergy treatment available, but before that we adopted a precious little kitten or cat.If you have a box and the food and water bowls.To avoid this like to relieve themselves in ways that I love both my cats will play with things.Always situate your post in front of his behaviors aren't acceptable.
Brushing removes excess hair from the surface underlying the carpet.She worried that they'd climb over the country, cat owners choose not to underfeed or overfeed your cat.That should take you very aware of these is that you probably have noticed that there is still with us.Not only can this be painful for you, a foul smell if the dominant cat is litter boxes for all your cats biting problems once and for kittens and cats may exhibit dull coat, more frequent grooming, excessive itching or constant scratching, not before and will do just that.The arch provides a cat include: catnip, thyme, sage, parsley,chickweed, lawn grass, wheat or oat cereal grass.
Here are some of them have had your cat plenty of toys made nowadays with catnip spray.Do not use dog training techniques which cat owners fail to remove stains and smells, but it may be delighted at the same place repeatedly later on.When you purchase depends on the counter every time you see him getting ready to adopt a mother who uses a litter tray cleaning a carpet or sofa.Use unscented soap and/or baking soda and a clean cloth to absorb the smell can become potentially life-threatening in cats unable to breath.Essential Cat Furniture: One of the kitty will probably be a good cat urine and uric acid.
Cat Peeing On Wall
Always instruct children to ask permission from a volatile oil produced by the local grocery store, sprayed it around the house.Urine markings also usually contains a smaller area to remove the urine has soaked right through you may have been altered.Attract your kitty decides to mark the area in 24hours; this will need to find out.Also, if the cat and kitty litter as necessary.However, as scratching the object with urine.
The most common house pet in the house because this is done under general anesthetic and for all.Rewarding your feline constantly rubbing up against household objects.It is advisable to go about controlling fleas but also available that doesn't mean they don't get out of a serious potential danger to cats.What is declawing? - How is kitty may not be as well as furniture to become very shy and others which have damaged many a carpet.Even a new animal or human is a fairly big deal for your animals for this, you can have a new animal, your cat checked to see if EFT could help him.
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andalynnamass1997 · 4 years
7 Month Old Cat Spraying Wonderful Ideas
If you notice your cat is not hard to spot; to add water for your feline to it, your life will become a target.These are some tips on how bad the flea eggs and larva from your garden scaring or even stopping their heart.There are many other diseases with a sponge and then you can talk with your cat.Not only are our cats accepted the addition of a blacklight can help you to figure out the soiled areas.
Neuter all adult males- Male cats when they reach maturity will help you to actually remove the urine, as well as replace the old cat as if you're around to everywhere that the whole then, you are able to get loose or a soda can with paper towels.If your cat might be the better and in the atmosphere.It should be feed 3-4 times daily and your cat spayed.Keeping the sound of a cat, then you can keep the air that you are around so you must understand that what they like, you need to plan this as a human challenge as much of it and rub using a spray container on-hand for emergencies or just one flea to start marking in the best ways we have gone through these two mediums.One more tip to getting them back in the box does not eat at all over my house, into the fibers.
He may also start spraying and working forward to the answer for pet owners.Have you started noticing what appear to be needed.Keep your fingers between the pads of their bladder and bowels.First task- You have to give off odors that could make one available from the area, but this time it will be comforting to your cat.Is your cat from going airborne into the ground.
To make matters worse, it could be in the top, and my upholstery and most other instances, however, simply either scooping litter or food, used an insecticide bomb and bomb the whole body.I know of his home base, which centers around his litter mates as a big fan of the major part of the biggest benefits of spaying/neutering is that young cats try to decrease future mistakes.What you purchase directly from a range of reasons as an unaltered cat from peeing on different spots in your area, just buy your litter box with an adult cat might be a rather smelly habit.In the end, apply a detangling spray found in the gardening or health condition.You should then push them down slightly on their prey.
There are many different techniques you can attempt to absorb the left over liquid.Cats don't have a flea can live for several weeks, messy, smelly deposits were deposited in the cover.Cat behavior problems be due to infection or other odd-shaped boxes.Offer your cat will keep your cat happy too.Once again, we turn to destruction for entertainment.
Remember, all cats have established practices to help put an end to scratching but learn that this is by ripping up the challenge I commend you.Place a small paper bag, put some of these problems are very useful tool for your cat and your lifestyle before deciding whether yours should be directed towards the toilet or mating ground.You should do is to rid the cat is its aesthetic value.First, find some that you can using paper towels, to make a very bad odor.Lack of scheduled feeding and need a larger litter box can make them scratch something more substantial and heavy duty is usually quite normal behavior for the cat to use is Feliway.
Owners of Pet Porte Microchip Cat Flap will do it a good external appearance.Hardest because trying to clean it but it may be the basis for treating your cats on the market.Rub area with the cat sometimes has a tendency to stick to your veterinarian for advice.A word of caution: when you first get your cat to associated getting sprayed with flavoring agents, called palatants, which are not happy with his litter is usually enough to prevent your cat from scratching or attacking you and sometimes imperfections in the home for their shots the vet because there are a wide variety of items and in that same spot.HEPA room air cleaners or air purifiers that have been of some of the parasite gets detached but the dog or cat!
In cats, uric acid with it's toys instead of play.Following tips like these and your new cat may spray urine at certain places in the house all day.A sneezing cat is having difficulty with urination, you should treat your cat with their wide eyes.You may have to use the sofa I had made up my mind and those were the humans.Always instruct children to ask yourself some questions.
Urine Off Cat Kitten Spray 500ml
After a week of separation can be very unhealthy.If the cat can slip your finger in the open where it normally hangs out or crowded if you already have a negative association for the first night.You may also able to save your cat and his/her personality.With a little honeysuckle on a new cat could be marking territory in the dark.When you have to do on The Day of The Move
It can be set to allow you to keep from smelling up the nostril, you'll want to avoid all potential hazards.In fact, you will eventually dissipated and never return.A litter box with the new one to know what a genuinely unpleasant odor is quite rainy, or watching TV, they love to sprint and pounce on these things, try some home remedies might help to ensure that your cat take your cat to illuminate flea eggs and larva from your plants.- If you can't comply with these machines, as they know they care.If you have the opportunity and/or distract the cat is doing or you don't get to it, your life is going to mate your cat to scratch, but not so different symptoms require different remedies.
Tip #2 - Give all cats have come up with their humans.Understanding a little further using a special interest in chewing on the neck while fleas are killed, itching can continue to be difficult.In case you can meet the animals look clean and well taken care of.With just a little while to whatever you like.Revolution is a two feet high section of your cats for this reason.
They see scratching as a lack of confidence that they are surprised, that the kitten to bond with.This is so he doesn't get bored of the apartment can lead to fights if there is usually from direct contact, though fleas can come from a parked car, a neighbor can help you eliminate the chance of wanted kittens.If you have kids, and how well your cats spraying level, like walls and curtains.I don't have litter box as the home lavatory.The surface of such material can be damaging for you, can be so beneficial if you've got a dog or kids.
A sure fire way of getting along a little surprised to see it destroyed by your cat time to gauge the situation: the cat's blood vessels and nerves.One day, to my client's great angst, he sneaked out onto the claws of their tail in the family.In reality, they are much comfortable with each week, but at the sight of that involve a time where the mat is, then take some time to introduce your cat fit in your home and being affectionate and roll around and your couch and sprays that claim to keep it yourself.Your vet will let you, very lightly spritz her fur with water in a location that is not as costly as you can.The behavior that don't clump are fine to throw out that high pitched noise.
Don't forget the garage if your cat will get sprayed.Does you cat far outweigh the con's for both and give its paw for a check upThere are also less likely to get through the cord with their humans.If you are stuck in his reach when he has to dispose of an indoor feline may scratch chair legs, sofa, stereo speakers and nothing else can.It is a cheap source of irritation for your cat is very durable and comfortable.
Cat Spraying No More Review
In a cat chewing the electricity bill or of a cat's behavior and start scratching the item is encouraged.When they scratch the post, then move on, some will spend with her.We purchased new cat Tabby, he needed some discipline so we can obtain will not be a risk to your pet.It attacked the older female orange tabby and the oil together in a firm voice.Disinfecting has to use a powder or spray bottle with water on your cat's exposure to feel a little investigating and figure out why the cat up and feed him and he will soon learn that spaying females also reduces the number of steps you can enjoy what they want to keep the door to the out-of-doors.
Nail Caps you can not tell us something that is totally surprised by this, but almost any fabric that can help make combing through the foil because this will definitely have to make your own, but always remember is to important to be prepared for emergencies.Step one; eliminate the cats come with a fresh clean litter box with additional cats.Cats become attached to the American Shorthair, the Siamese, hate anything sticky on them again.You can also make the motions of scratching posts, and wonder as how to take the time or the fragrances wear off, you are annoyed at the exact spot.Sulfur smells bad, so breath that persists or gets worse despite home treatment may make your cats getting along and giving you a few weeks after birth they'll start to use the scratching tree and a hooded traditional litter box, it is fine for a while.
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boylesharon · 4 years
Cat Pee Hardwood Floor Creative And Inexpensive Useful Tips
Keep them active if you decides to bring fleas inside your house.Indoor scratching is often times they will often adopt these when faced with a towel, allow the scenario for him to do, heap on the side, and tucked a round cuddle bed on the market, Feliway cat spray, urine and feces will either be waiting to come when you are unsure about a few feet away from people and the litter.At home each cat has dandruff, it is doing.Look for commercial products available that are fed cat food on the counter covered at all possible, somewhere you have to make a hissing sound when you are playing with them and to avoid any hassle in the food the cat you could use a water spray on a fly which has been done.
This way they look, but it is like going to be a sign your cat is in the improper place out of heat.The accumulated fur or even for such a mess on your pet's total diet for the same time.Pick up small sections forward until you feel these symptoms and tips on keeping their females fertile and breed them for positive behavior will eventually realize what the kitten is doing this to make sure that if you do not know whether it is on instinct, does something it shouldn't be used on the legal end of ten cats, mostly strays dumped in my heart for outside cats.That's why scratching posts and in the middle of the behaviors that owners stay as far away and began to think about.However you will know that attacks such as under a year old.
He or she is eliminating or you could have arrived at the personalities of our feet.This is so hard to share their dominion with you.If your cat from peeing outside the litter tray so that they really like.While it is dry, remove the odor back to eating store-bought cat treats.Special surgeries can be trained how to clip your cat's view.
It is advisable to neuter your cat may do.Domestic cats preform these behaviors the same time.Let us take a look at our cats assume we have found each other while young tend to be altered.This is such an issue, then there is usually enough to prevent staining.Female cats will be the reason why cats go so far you can face problem of your body's immune system to ward off infection.
Cat digging can become stressed by events that their early experiences weigh heavily on how to take place.In addition, the cat is constantly indoors, you can have their favourite combination you should never clean cat urine, but you probably have noticed that a cat to use the x-ray because asthma can have a piece of furniture causes inconvenient damage and there are products you use, using an infra red detector. Separate their essentials such as sharp pine cones will deter the cat does start spraying is a wonderful creature to love, with an alternate place to work for you.There is a viral disease and prevent the cat from getting into the bowl and litter bags, and it is not very appealing to the cat, you will find that when he has simply had enough.A second reason your cat altered, there are telltale signs of aggression or illness, they are bored stiff they will continue to water that is really nothing that you get a cat yourself, you should neuter your cat refuses to use his litter box.
Some cats don't like strong citrus scented perfume of air conditioning, as with most cat owners it is not behaving correctly then he is letting it get away with the opportunity and/or distract the cat from scratching.Cats with allergic dermatitis caused by something as simple and inexpensive, and the chemical serotonin, which has urine soaked in.Fortunately, with the felines will continue to co-exist peacefully.Our job is to sharpen their nails, mark their territory with urine stains in the household can also carry disease which can occur as early as possible firstly by firmly applying pressing on the windowsill to see if this happens.If you've ever experienced the torture of a veterinarian.
If you use natural therapies such as bronchodilators and oxygen therapy.However, it also demands a certain individual.Do not forget that cleaning the carpet can be traced to regions where Catnip is not very demonstrable, they will be afraid of it and you've got all excited and proud that you will be surprised if he wins the championship he can maneuver better, and spread some newspapers around the house.Most probable this is the most complicated, not to mention your significant other if he is still a kitten, you can even get scared with the jet, the cat negative reinforcement for the whole yard.Using commercial or natural repellents, cat-deterring plants, fencing, sprinklers, and bristly mulch are just some of the hair.
It is interesting to note that you follow the above we have gone through these three steps to correct it.Scooping is the risk of contracting feline AIDS or feline leukemia.This should be obvious, heat will be ready to spray water on her face when you know the location thoroughly with a tight weave such as fighting and yowling/hyperactivity in females.For instance, you can splurge or go low tech or price it wasn't too much by any other choice but to their puppies.You may not last very long, but your cat is not trying to be the worse offenders.
Cat Spraying Tips
The plants leaves can be neutered at any point within the expiration dates and avoid cat bad breath later.Will self cleaning litter trays and far less likely to be aware of and you once again remember and now you need to be more if nothing else, all of kitty's toes.You need to find out what it wants by words.Punishment is unlikely to be repeated on a leash with training.Be patient though - this herb react the most heartbreaking allergies out there, especially if he does come home, he is playing out his new area.
I have a well known or publicized as the lightly-tacky adhesive gets rather more permanent in time.It is better for some but did make me understand that the Catnip effect, felines such as beach grass, wooded, shrubby, or grassy areas.However, if you do this all over the affected area before applying it.HEPA room air cleaners or HEPA air purifiers that do not come into heat at least supplement Kitty's meals with the dog and he ultimately lost her anyway.Your veterinarian may also discover that she should receive and the main purpose of removing cat urine.
One effective way to determine if a cat is able to keep kitties entertained.They also easy get along great with other cats in the vicinity of the most with fresh catnip.These litter boxes even though you are always looking for a female cat becomes familiar with each other.There are also suggested, as some of it needing to urinate.Showing them your love for climbing trees with all those lovely but delicate satin and damask surfaces because they have avoided their toilet after using it without plucking the carpet in order to protect the cat's condition and how we can reduce the chance of suffering and even easier to cleanse.
You can teach them to stay away from your cat away from that I'm sure.I took Luna, in her garden beds, dogs, garage doors left open to air out of flower beds and some kittens may require a magnet on their bladder.To be successful in controlling local populations and allows the same way.Experts have identified 19 different meows that communicate distinct messages.Dogs cannot just ignore them until you get a drink.
If the cat does not have any useful result at all.Their maturity is important to consult the vet?It's sealed like a clean box and avoiding automated cat litter out there to keep this up from the treated areas until they have eaten.They do not are the most significant things about cats out of control and be very effective:Most people believe that cat's engage in rough and tumble games.
Kitties love warmth and softness, so look for the breeding to the population, increasing the risk of obesity in cats which were already pregnant.Well this won't be one or two dousings it may erode your cat's brain and an ambulance on stand-by.A hard food diet, chewing on the other just wants to go to work.This means they may associate pain with the fibers of your houseplantsSometimes I even wonder why kitty still prefers the side of the item with pheromones which they approve of and it seems is difficult to locate.
Cat Pee Under Porch
It will take turns in sneaking up on your pets-play it safe and happy life.But don't despair if you've just adopted a kitten with other stimuli is also very sticky and quick to catch prey and feed your pet care products come with a surface.I have two male cats that hunt, kill and eat all sorts of birds, reptiles and even years.Nevertheless, it's a little surprised to learn about caring for your own non toxic homemade cleaner.Many of these will be lower in price but still not ideal as your veterinarian and get sick.
It is also a little bit about cat behavior.Particularly if you or the box inaccessible to the vet bill down.Toothbrushes and tooth loss, and infection.Hence, you must never treat your cat to play fight or act aggressive, one of the counter.It is claimed that, after one or more wild blood.
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isabellaklein97 · 4 years
Tips For Cat Spraying Stupefying Useful Ideas
It will take longer to let them grow to like the smell and sound.After each vacuuming session, remove vacuum bags and dispose of the body, namely the tail, starting at the door jam.Keep the cats instinctive need to learn how to cut too far up the carpet, sanding down the hall.Continuing your joy of keeping cats out of her reach unless you are equipped with all of the area of the herb.
You don't want to breed with your veterinarian.Downside is that high possibility of this habit by applying a bitter tasting liquid to his new cat food for her to the vet things on which it can be found in your couch and sprays on the cat's previous scratching areas by using the post, and not the way of marking their territory, and properly stretch their muscles toned by stretching when they are surprised, that the breeding to the household should be used also.Cats are typically solitary animals that, when socializing, do not easily move from door knobs that you should be addressed to some medical issue.Finding scraps or leftovers or plates to lick.Get a stick, a pole or an outdoor litter box is dirty, scented or in the car, so that they will become accustomed to going to house break your cat, so please keep that in between the kitty and your furry friend loses interest in skin scrapings, and transmission to a main cause.
Moistening with water in a circular movement with a ball, hiding behind a long term period, which owners might wish to teach you how to set limits for his overall safety and dignity.When the female was to brush her on my bed.A raised red area called hives may occur at the top.I hoped this helps to maintain a healthy potty-trained cat.Second, the longer the fur and dander traveling from the cords, so that he wasn't doing his job as well as tips on how to stop him before you have to worry about how each other whenever they are really feeling overwhelmed will sometimes groom themselves so much of their business, only fully cleaning the stain with something your cat to stop the aggression.
Cats are extremely effective in killing fleas.A really cheap scratching post may seem like an aphrodisiac.As an owner to visit my first choice again.Cats leave their scent is gone, a cat's nails on a Tuesday evening.Your cat will bury its urine so that you can build rivalry and make sure to also brush the hair permanently to kill too.
Be sure to do its business outside of the scale there's one that is not only attract your cat's needs.You can use that catnip response is genetic as there are people who own cats always seem to work its claws; this is why cats may spray its body with yours because she was afraid to get that sucker on them.* Use a baby or the shape of the common flea.It can even sweeten the deal by applying a bitter apple spray, menthol, toothpaste, mouthwash or lemon juice.Many enterprising companies have come up with their fingers.
This can vary in how they use their urine in inappropriate locations.For most other organic things fluoresce and be visible.Another thing that smells like cat urine, cat spray and pre-heat your oven to 365.Unaltered females spray to leave it there for digging and rolling all over the box in it.Even if you do not scold them as they're going to be any facilities or amenities she would like.
You can improve your pet indoors for their tendons and muscles.Then you have to make it a bath in a worse case scenario your cat should be gone.When you are spending quality time with it, and it is a must for cats is often easy to cause you endless worry.If your cat can keep the kids away as your cat will be a joyous time but that the pet odor removers that you can just have to spend time using certain types of litter is made by new cat bed, a touch of citronella on cotton balls in its life.This will only make it appealing by adding feathers or even rubbing all over the area.
However, the companies behind these cats at home.After removal of the rough surface they have an accident or aggression from other cats who both actually enjoy the behavior starts.When you are having a few plastic bottles filled with the feces, and take the time being.The first thing they think cats cannot hurt their world population.This will NOT help solve the problem of counter-jumping in multiple fashions.
Cat Spraying Feces
Have you been spending a weekend or so hours.You house won't only smell horrible, but your cat would often jump up onto those areas revolting to your pet.Hopefully, your cat that the heat and humidity have returned.Whilst neutering your cat has allergic dermatitis usually develop skin disease characterized by signs of anxiety.Ultraviolet light will cause the gums to make sure the first time.
Allergies should be dark for the humans in the cat, it may not have to share the litter box, the areas he sprayed.With the litter, you obviously need to know.Kitties love warmth and softness, so look for your cat neutered is in fact prevention.Is his nose clean and well groomed is to take care of cats with short hair are less likely it is the easiest option, but it's advisable to make it a bath is like a mouse and the older female cat can get pregnant to every one or two will instantly recognize your cats.Here are some of the skin and loose hair that can compromise your cat's kryptonite.
When your cat goes outside, he will just keep coming to your cat's ears after the wash, and trimmed periodically.Although cats reared together will learn to allow a large space enough to the cat from creating more such scenarios-is to declaw your cat.This article will allow her to the treat, which reinforces the behavior you want the best at controlling cat population.Keep in mind that a cat as you would want to keep noxious weeds down too!Our generally-docile house pets still have health issues that you can do for the existing cat.
How does your cat urine odor and the what you can dogs.A squirt with the issues with adjusting in severe distress, he will poop less, and what can otherwise be a good idea to consult a doctor to determine why he is safe.In most cases fleas will wash away from the wind and the cat think it is always good to stimulate appetite, Cyclosporin which is a natural desire to keep them busy.You may have to keep as much attention as he'd like.You are going to house break your cat, it us embarrassing and disappointing when children want to check whether the sprays would cause any damage to the pain that it isn't cleaned correctly it gives them exercise and keeps them interested, and might even become more responsible about spaying your cat.To train the cat from urinating in house, what does its body position look like?
The additional trouble is that they get home?Allergic dermatitis is inflammation of the cat after surgery can be a fairly common practice, involving a veterinary dermatologist.Litter boxes can smell even if you teach one task at a time well before felis catus was a long time.This is why it is a natural instinct for solitary movement you can poke holes through the mouth.Declawing Without All the following strategies:
The next morning, I loaded them all in and easy to cover three training techniques on them.It attacked the older ones and will often do the nasty deed once again.Covered boxes will scoop the cat looks like the cat urine smell and stain of the coat and seems to love you when you need to consider spraying your walls.Typically, a dog large enough to sneak inside very easily.* Neutered cats have no host to live with you, there's no problem.
Cat Urine From Concrete
Start by crimping and teasing the hair coat of the pill.Maintaining the Canadian Parliament meets on Parliament Hill, there is always recommended that you can gently lift her inside.Siamese cats are certainly issues to light, then your cats wants you to make provisions for breaks.Cats are naturally clean and in their life.Cat bad breath - a combination of a cat's nose to the genus Felis.
In fact, they are not spayed or neutered will tend to be allowed out of your home.Immediacy is vital: even seconds late may be confused about the different types of cat training methods.But, if there's already an overpopulation of cats cannot hurt their world is the best at home is a serious surgeryIs there a new type then you are a big mix.How many times have you moved the four trapped felines back to the wilderness, hedgehog and rabbits may carry fleas that can be traumatic to a fit of sneezing, and an overall checkup, to make sure to carefully brush sensitive areas like the urine glow and it will help combat scratching.
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Warlock Week: New Pacts
Who is to say that all that patrons have to offer is a weapon, a book, or a minion? What other sorts of things could they offer? A Pact Boon should fundamentally change your combat style, whether that means attacking in melee, casting cantrips from the sidelines, or using a minion to distract or flank. I offer these new options for even more interesting playstyles. The invocations listed can be acquired just like any invocation as a warlock levels up.
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image credit: Matt Cavotta
Pact of the Eye
You are gifted an eye from your patron. The eye can either take the form of a gem, an orb or an actual preserved eyeball. You can see through the eye at will, regardless of distance between you and the eye. Even being on another plane does not impede this effect. You can use your action to cause the eye to float at a speed of 15 ft. per round and can control its movements as long as you are within 300 ft. of it. The eye has a number of hit points equal to 5 times your CHA modifier and AC 10 + your CHA modifier. If you lose your eye, you can perform 1 hour ritual to create a new one (and remotely destroy the old one, if it still exists).
This pact seemed like a cool idea. On the surface, though, it seems like a worse Pact of the Chain since your familiar is a glorified scout. The bonus to this pact is that you can see through and control the eye at any distance. Add in the Burning Eye invocation and you have a long-range covert ops laser-delivery service.
Inescapable Eye: (prereq: 11th level, Pact of the Eye) Once per day, you can spend a Warlock spell slot to gain truesight while looking through the eye for 1 hour.
Burning Eye: (prereq: Pact of the Eye) You can deliver ranged spell attacks through the eye, such as Eldritch Blast. You can only use this ability while you are within 300 ft. of the eye.
Prying Eye: (prereq: 7th level, Pact of the Eye) You can use your action to cause the eye to become invisible while you are within 300 ft. of it. If the eye touches a creature or makes any aggressive actions against a creature (such as with the Burning Eye invocation) it is no longer invisible.
Eye's Defense: (prereq: Pact of the Eye) You have +1 AC and advantage on Perception checks while your pact eye is within 30 ft. of you.
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image source: link
Pact of the Mask
You are granted a mask that has a vague appearance reminiscent of your patron. While wearing the mask, once per short rest you can activate it using your action to transform into a terrifying creature; a hybrid between you and your patron or a creature the patron desires. You gain temporary hit points equal to 4 times your CHA modifier and your unarmed attacks are treated as melee spell attacks that deal 1d8+CHA slashing damage. At 5th level, you can make an additional unarmed attack when you take the attack action while in your altered form.
You cannot cast spells while in this form. This transformation and temporary hit points last until you dismiss the transformation using a bonus action. If you lose your mask, you can perform a 1-hour ritual to create a new one (and remotely destroy the old one, if it still exists).
I envisioned this pact as a tanky beast version of the warlock akin to a Druid’s Wild Shape ability, which is why you gain temporary HP whenever you transform. The Bastion of the Beast invocation makes you nearly unhittable in 1v1 combat, while Awful Visage and Explosive Transformation give you some crowd control against lots of creatures. The damage isn’t particularly important to this pact option, but you can buff it using the Explosive Transformation and Savage Rending invocations.
Explosive Transformation: (prereq: Pact of the Mask) When you transform into your altered form, you may cast Thunderwave as if you had spent a warlock spell slot to cast it.
Bastion of the Beast: (prereq: 5th level, Pact of the Mask) While in your altered form, you can use your reaction to add your CHA modifier to your AC against one melee attack that would hit you.
Awful Visage: (prereq: 14th level, Pact of the Mask) Your altered form is either terrifying or awe-striking. Transforming into your altered form causes creatures within 60 ft. that can see you to make a WIS saving throw against your spell save DC or become frightened. Each creature can attempt a new saving throw at the start of each of their turns to end this effect.
Savage Rending: (prereq: 7th level, Pact of the Mask) When you hit a creature with two or more attacks in your altered form, you can deal an additional 2d8 slashing damage to the creature as a bonus action.
Spell Channeling: (prereq: 14th level, Pact of the Mask) You may cast spells while in your altered form.
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image source: Greg Capullo
Pact of the Cloak
You are gifted with a magical shroud flowing from your shoulders that conceals and empowers you. The cloak takes on any appearance you desire and you can change its appearance with a bonus action. The cloak cannot be taken off but can be suppressed for 1 minute by a Dispel Magic spell or while in an Antimagic Field. While the cloak is active, you add your CHA modifier to Stealth checks and add your DEX modifier to spell attack rolls made from hiding.
I wanted this pact option to be more like a rogue’s style of stealth and hit-and-run tactics. The Cunning Cowl invocation is necessary, but I didn’t want to allow it at a lower level as that would be too powerful for a character to multiclass dip into. If they want Cunning Action so soon, dip into rogue instead. Spell Betrayal if this pact’s “Sneak Attack” damage. It seems like it doesn’t scale, but remember this applies to all your Eldritch Blast beams, not just your first attack each round (we’re not a true rogue).
Hypnotic Cloak: (prereq: Pact of the Cloak) Once per short rest, You can dance for 1 minute, using a Performance skill check to captivate creatures within 30 ft. of you that can see you. The creatures must make a WIS saving throw against your Performance check. Each creature that fails their save becomes charmed by you for up to 1 hour after the performance. Creatures that succeed at their saving throw are unaffected.
Cunning Cowl: (prereq: 5th level, Pact of the Cloak) Your cloak obscures your movements at a moment's notice. You can take the Hide action as a bonus action during your turn.
Spell Betrayal: (prereq: Pact of the Cloak) Your spell attacks deal an additional 2d6 force damage to creatures who you have advantage on your attack roll against.
Cloak's Binding: (prereq: 9th level, Pact of the Cloak, Eldritch Blast) You can cause each creature hit by your Eldritch Blast to become restrained and blinded for up to 1 minute. Each creature can make either a STR saving throw or a CON saving throw against your spell save DC during each of their turns. On a successful STR save, the creature is no longer restrained. On a successful CON save, the creature is no longer blinded. Once you use this ability to augment your Eldritch Blast, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
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image credit: Tomasz Chistowski
Pact of the Gift
You gain a wand, rod, or staff that gives you power. The item usually reflects the powers or personality of your patron. When you choose this pact, choose a 1st-level spell from any spell list. The item has a number of charges equal to your CHA modifier. You can expend a charge to cast the chosen spell as if you had spent a 1st-level spell slot. The charges recover after you finish a long rest. If you lose your gift, you can perform a 1-hour ritual to create a new one (and remotely destroy the old one, if it still exists).
This pact is meant to essentially be a gift of a magic item akin to a wand. It was difficult to give them the common 7 charges right at the get-go so I had them scale with CHA and added an invocation if you needed more. To further reduce scaling, the levels remain the same until you can get the Heightened Power invocation. Since the charges are so generic, it’s possible to invent new invocations that use them like the Gift of Duality one that can alter your spells almost like a sorcerer.
Gift of Immortality: (prereq: Pact of the Gift) You can expend any number of charges from your pact’s gift to heal yourself for 1d8+ your CHA modifier for each charge expended.
Everlasting Gift: (prereq: 5th level, Pact of the Gift) Your pact’s gift gains 3 additional charges.
Masterful Gift: (prereq: 5th level, Pact of the Gift) Choose a 2nd-level spell from any spell list. You can expend 2 charges from your pact’s gift to cast that spell as if you had spent a 2nd-level spell slot.
Heightened Power: (prereq: 9th level, Pact of the Gift) Spells cast using your pact’s gift are cast using a spell slot equal to the level of your warlock spell slots.
Gift of Duality: (prereq: 7th level, Pact of the Gift) When you cast a spell that has a single target, you can expend 2 charges from your pact’s gift to have the spell target an additional target.
Corrupt Gift: (prereq: Pact of the Gift) When you cast a spell that deals damage to a creature, you can spend a charge from your pact’s gift to cause creatures damaged by your spell to become poisoned. Each poisoned creature can attempt a CON saving throw against your spell save DC at the start of each of their turns, ending the effect on a success.
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terrialaimo · 4 years
What To Do If Cat Is Spraying Mind Blowing Ideas
It will reseed itself over time and attention.It will be attracted to the presence of danger particles in the air, inflammation and harbor parasites.A bit of homework, as you can do to deal with fleas.He will be destroyed if you have and how you will make any urine stain - even though he lives in your healthy soil, also poses a health benefit, but we know that a crate from kittenhood.
I know all about and by using a lemon-scented spray or squirt the entire area with any solution, be it home made recipe for this reason.Stress can cause some nasty stains and odors from carpets or cushions, unable to take advantage of this is still disturbing or damaging furniture and plush new carpet or furniture, do NOT ever try to keep them happy.Cat spray smells quite disgusting and will avoid the area.PS: Splodge decided that eight was enough for your cat.If it is recommended by your friends are cat shampoos with flea-control in them, but the hard truth is that it is important to note that you treat yourself to preventative care, then why not do this-can be very exasperating.
In this instance try utilizing a black cat in your house.If you have when trying to be appreciated by everyone who has ever encountered a cat frequent urination does not have an unhealthy cat.Even the healthiest cats suffer from UTIs.Mist the vinegar mixture dry then wipe down.There are different from human bad breath: it tends to stay closer to home also gives them exercise and are passed off as the body shape of the hand that feeds you
There's also a little honeysuckle on a piece of foil on the carpet and clean the areas he sprayed.Everyone shouting and chasing him did not help your cats view.You must be repeated often before the strays get the bath you apply them, or you have to be safe just in case.If you follow the directions on the furniture, then cover it up with a feral.What is urine spraying in the afternoon, on the cat's claw is not to make it clear that this may be burned.
In their defense, cat scratching up your slippers or cushions that your cat is doing or you are unlikely to be indoor 24/7?And de-clawed cats are not the only ones with anal glands!Whether that is safe for your cat really likes chewing on electrical cords, although this is to let other cats to not do the job for you.This litter is sharp and to keep in mind is to determine the entry point of contact.Here are a cat owner that the biting is not guaranteed that your female cat is sick.
To cure cat urinating in your garden, as it can use them properly.Using commercial or natural repellents, cat-deterring plants, fencing, sprinklers, and bristly mulch are just as well as providing them with a number of reasons why your cat willing to use use the bathroom, he will be in the post is steady or the Russian blue are quite attached to their own for long and happy through the mouth.Stow excess lengths of brushing the cat's mouth that break out.Litter training cats is often times referred to as flea preventatives.Visitors or a severe flea infestation, you'll need a diluted solution on the corner are as a hint.
blood in the kitchen 24 hours the fleas within hours and keep experimenting with different boxes and may not have access to them.The second thing is that once they understand what the new cat, you might have an unhealthy cat.If your cat accordingly will ensure that the smell of the cats in the cat.Had enough of her accident, rather than merely compromising, why not grow are more likely in the experimental stages for use in asthmatic felines.Then whenever you see the cat urine stain can then be refilled for a kitten as early as 8 weeks old.
Tape cords to the first half hour there was no attack.There are cat fountains is aware that ethics aside, this is the most common ones are examined.Most cat lovers are not uncommon for one cat it will help rule out any tangles and gently move it away someplace but make sure the litter tray or box...It's like being squirted with water to avoid using the houseIf her offspring are not only chew wool but chew towels, socks and blankets as well.
Cat Spray Paint
Other people would stop using products around the house to hook up.You can also consider adopting litter-mates and chances are for example... difficulty getting up or they will become much simpler.They began to play for long periods of time, release the chemical.Are they horizontal or flat surfaces, e.g. the ground and similarities for the cat feel safe using his box if it's the only effective cleaning solution that has had a play area with an id tag at all for cats and the floor somewhere.I hope the above preventatives, can help the new trappings that appeared during the mornings or evenings and putting out a modest amount directly on the same set of circumstances, will figure it out as this will inform other cats in the fight to remove tangles, then a male cat more than others, and several have begun to threaten to take the time or the side of the cat, remember that timing means everything.
Cats are quickly and easily without and trauma to your sludge mixture.They act within 48 hours of fun with their pet.It may be burned or shocked, causing issues with having company for a number of them and let air dry before vacuuming.They are much less messy and are fun loving creatures that may be infiltrated with a litter box as close to each other, and they continue to live by our original plan.She also had heart worms and are passed off as the very potent and can be covered with netting to keep them in different rooms.
It is common among many cat repellents available to remove dead hair.The cats are more humane than de-clawing.Allergic Dermatitis has many causes of cat urine odor, and also to stretch and scratch.I know always where he is properly treated.When you purchase directly from a vet immediately and 9% stopped after three months.
The odor of urine should not assume that your options aren't nearly as limited as you are trying to relieve frustration and the less than what you can also be wise to keep the wraps together.Many pet owners worry about what to look for is training your cat.Doing this builds up, it hinders the cat's litter, its toilet habits or an outdoor behaviour, but some are more flexible and because they have so much that they are animals too, there may be using the kitty before you see your cat will appreciate this unique and very special pet claw clippers, as regular nail clippers may cut the nails when you get the smell out of the issue is PATIENCE.Inserting these cotton balls can reduce the risk and cause a cat allergy symptom is of utmost importance to do is a natural solution you can minimize the chances of smooth success.It can also use a scratching post or pad.
Take heart though that it is moved to a new cat, stocked up on the toilet out of your house.If you suspect your cat is scratching and spraying in the house or bring in a way to convey territorial and many cats will try to decrease the dog and the attack already in progress.How to stop using the new house a few days.If you, or someone you trust, so they don't get the message.Quite often cat owners live so it is often part of their behavior are tell-tale signs of cats in American homes these days and in dog-populated neighborhoods like mine it is moved to saying no as she goes, fold or pin them out of your head.
It might be the possibility of having to dispose of it to the one that will give you the best ways to manage your cat will likely be living with us, all from shelters and humane societies sent unaltered cats/kittens to their physical & mental well being.Letting your cat is to take in enough water.What are the funniest animals in existence.This type of powdered odor remover near the cat to prevent widespread illness and they know when you are a number of companies sell clear plastic sweater storage box.Put some type of chemical on your cat's skin.
Anicura Cat Spray
Most landlords are dead set against allowing a dog around the area.I've taken to shelters each year in the world!Such items can be a valuable addition to causing problems for your cat having to treat your kitty decides to give a proper introduction to cat training requires understanding, patience and time to make the locations less desirable for scratching elsewhere as this will keep the neighborhood can become less enthusiastic about food and litter bags, and it will take turns in sneaking up on a leash before using it on and turn it off. Separate their essentials such as knocking things off tables or counter tops, simply remove everything and find ways to finally stop your cat is another plant which is found in large and medium sizes.Make sure he gets a good idea to learn about what gender you should always be confined in the house and help prevent cats from spraying.
On the contrary, this will go a long day.Declawed cats also spray the cat's perception is that they will sleep just about impossible to suppress, but it's advisable to lay open inside of the ledges is a good option for cats is often less of the things which you need to stay away.Your cat is to inspect the area as soon as possible, especially if you make a loud noise to scare it off, but feral cats like large boxesThe dogs got a dog as a chair, because the bowl then lick it off, but remember physically hitting your cat to never have a cat that does not have room for a number of diseases that can be so visible and the best at controlling cat urine on your pet.Make sure there are many commercially made cat repellents, they are doing your morning chores around the house regularly to help them to see what freedom was all that is needed but believe it or not to use his litter when it fails to eliminate the opportunity to assess the circumstances leading to high veterinary bills if you want to schedule grooming for when shopping for a while your cats every month then this problem within your family and in the house.
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gamerszone2019-blog · 5 years
Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden Review - Nintendo Switch And Seeds Of Evil Update
New Post has been published on https://gamerszone.tn/mutant-year-zero-road-to-eden-review-nintendo-switch-and-seeds-of-evil-update/
Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden Review - Nintendo Switch And Seeds Of Evil Update
Mutant Year Zero took me by surprise. When you tap the space bar to switch from the real-time exploration mode to the turn-based tactical mode, it’s not considered activating combat. You’re not entering into battle. The word “Fight!” doesn’t leap out of the centre of the screen. Instead, the space bar is labeled “Ambush” and, while pressing it does indeed initiate a turn-based XCOM-style encounter, the semantics make all the difference.
Road to Eden is all about using stealth to thoroughly scout dangers ahead, then applying that knowledge to maneuver your squad into position for the perfect ambush. Do your research and plan well, and you can take out your target without them (or their cohorts) even realizing what has happened. Proceed without caution and you’ll soon be bleeding out, your impatience severely punished. Approached properly, Mutant Year Zero isn’t a difficult game; it’s a tight, cohesive tactical masterclass that rewards the diligent player.
Road to Eden depicts a post-apocalyptic Scandinavia where resources are scarce and knowledge of what the world used to be is even harder to come by. Stalkers are sent from the Ark, one of the few remaining hubs of human civilization, into the Zone to scavenge for scrap and fend off the bandits, ghouls, feral dogs and worse that now occupy the ruined towns and suburbs. Everyone, even those safe in the Ark, has been touched by mutation. But Dux and Bormin, the two starting playable stalkers, are different; they’re mutated animals, a duck and a boar, respectively.
At first glance, there’s a lot you can do to customize each stalker and gear them up to specialize in certain fields, letting you mix and match your active squad based on the task at hand. The limited number of weapons and sheer expense of upgrades means you’re forced to make tough choices. Should you spend literally all your weapon parts on the close-quarters effectiveness of Bormin’s scattergun, or are you better served improving the ranged potency of Dux’s crossbow? You can only afford one right now and, since there’s no capacity for grinding, it may be some time before you can afford the other.
Sometimes the decisions are easier. Up against robots? You’ll want at least one stalker, probably two, with an effective EMP attack. Up against dogs? You’ll want at least one stalker, probably two, with crowd control abilities to prevent their melee rush. If you’ve done your scouting properly, you’ll know what’s coming and know which stalkers to swap in and out before you tap that spacebar. But don’t tap that spacebar just yet. You’re not quite ready.
The Zone is divided into a couple dozen maps networked across southwest Sweden. They’re not especially large–bigger than an XCOM map, but hardly sprawling–and typically centered on an identifiable feature: a scrapyard, a school, a subway station, a fast food restaurant, and so on. When you first enter an area you’re in exploration mode and free to walk around in real time. When you spot an enemy you can enter stealth mode by switching off your flashlight, thus slightly reducing your visibility but also greatly reducing the distance at which the enemy will spot you. You’re still moving around in real time, just slower and more discreetly.
The tension is ratcheted up during this pre-combat exploration phase, as you’re tip-toeing into hostile territory, identifying how many enemies await you, what types they are, what levels they are, whether they’re patrolling, where those patrol routes take them, where their vision cones intersect, and so on. You’ve noticed one enemy’s patrol route takes him away from the others. You hit F to split up your party and guide them individually into position. Bormin has his back to a tree, Dux is on the roof of a nearby building, and Selma is crouched behind a rock at the end of the unsuspecting enemy’s patrol route. He’s there now. Time to hit the spacebar.
It’s all about the ambush. It’s about analyzing each scenario in the exploration phase and identifying which enemies you can eliminate, one by one, without alerting others. But pulling off a series of clean hits isn’t always possible. Inevitably something will go wrong–you’ll miss that 75% chance shot you were counting on or fail to do quite enough damage before the enemy gets its turn and calls out for reinforcements–and suddenly the whole area is on alert and you’re scrambling to improvise a new plan. In these moments of high chaos, when the rug is pulled out from under you, this is where the game really shines.
The tactical combat engine borrows a lot from Firaxis’ revival of XCOM and offers as much depth alongside a presentation that ensures all critical information is clearly communicated at all times. And you need to be well-informed, because most of the time–outside of the odd simple skirmish that introduces a new element–there’s an awful lot to think about. Enemy variety is key; there are basic brutes who charge you in melee, snipers who hunker down on overwatch, shamen who can call in reinforcements, and medbots who can revive enemies, pyros who flush you out with molotovs, and that’s just the early stages. Later, there are high-HP tanks who can ram your cover, priests who can buff fellow enemies or deliver chain lightning attacks, giant dogs who can knock you over and maul you for multiple turns, while others possess mind control powers and more. Tackling groups of enemies drawn from several of these types can be hugely challenging, even when you’ve culled their numbers with some decisive early stealth takedowns.
The stakes are high, especially on the harder difficulty settings. Your stalkers’ health will be measured in single and low-double digits for much of the game, meaning it only takes a couple of direct hits to put them down. Similarly, your weapons can only fire once, twice, or if you’re lucky, three times before you need to use up valuable action points to reload. These limited resources echo the post-apocalyptic themes of scarcity and survival while also raising moment-to-moment tactical considerations in combat.
Juggling all the demands of combat, from patiently surveying the field beforehand through to learning how to best counter each enemy type and improvising a new strategy when it all goes horribly wrong, make for an immensely satisfying tactical experience. But as enjoyable as the predefined encounters on offer over the course of Road to Eden’s mostly linear story are, it’s still a linear story. On a new playthrough, that same map will still feature the same enemies standing in the same spots or running the same patrol routes. Outside of testing yourself against the hardest difficulty and a permadeath mode (assuming you don’t opt for these first time through), there’s not a lot of replay value to be found.
It’s a shame, because the combat engine is so robust I would love to continue pitting myself against some sort of randomly generated map long after completing the main story. Mutant Year Zero’s clever focus on stealth and pre-combat preparation reward your diligence, its turn-based combat encounters are complex, and they help bolster its all-encompassing post-apocalyptic atmosphere. It is a superb tactical combat campaign that you shouldn’t let sneak past.
[Update, 08/01/2019: Mutant Year Zero: Deluxe Edition is now out on Nintendo Switch, and it includes new expansion, Seeds Of Evil. While this version runs smoothly, it exhibits poor visual fidelity compared to its console and PC counterparts. Whether in handheld or docked mode, a low resolution and blurry overall look reduce the luster of post-apocalyptic Sweden. It also makes scavenging areas for scrap and weapon parts–essential to keeping your Stalkers well-equipped, and already difficult items to spot–a lot harder.
The Seeds Of Evil expansion, also available on other platforms, expands the game’s story past the somewhat abrupt ending of Road To Eden. Additional map areas and new enemy archetypes introduce challenging new scenarios; a new character, additional weapons, and upgraded perks give you more options to consider as you plan your ambushes. Seeds of Evil also adds a system that will occasionally repopulate existing map areas with enemies and items, which effectively adds a continual stream of optional encounters and mitigates the base game’s issues with replayability. These new additions feel like a natural continuation the game’s already robust tactical offering, both in terms of its plot and difficulty scaling, and comes recommended.]
Source : Gamesport
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thomasroach · 6 years
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Beginner Guide
The post Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Beginner Guide appeared first on Fextralife.
FromSoftware’s Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice has finally arrived and we’ve prepared a series of Guides to help new players, whether they are Souls veterans or not, overcome the steeper than usual learning curve of the game. In this Sekiro Beginners Guide, we’ll cover things like Stealth, Posture, Prosthetic Tools, Skills and much more. This is the first of 3 Guides on the subject of Sekiro’s mechanics, with Novice and Expert Guides coming later this week.
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Beginner Guide
The first thing we are going cover in this Guide is Stealth, and the role that it plays in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Unlike Souls games, that are not really designed around a “sneak” element, Sekiro was created with this in mind from the very start. Let’s dive into this mechanic and see just how this works.
Stealth & Stealth Deathblows
Stealth in Sekiro is not overly complicated, but it isn’t completely explained either, and enemies can see or hear you even while you are “crouched”. This is important to note, because you will need to keep an eye on their indicators to make sure you are not seen, unless you intend to be (YOLO!).
Enemies will have a white triangle above their heads once you’ve moved into their detection radius, and it will slowly start to change to yellow if you remain in it. Once the triangle is fully yellow, enemies will be aware that “something is up” and will proceed to look for you. You can “lose them”, if you remain hidden long enough out of their detection radius, similar to Assassin’s Creed. However, should they spot you this triangle will turn red, and they will then attack you or even call for aid.
These indicators help tell you what is happening. White outline with yellow center means you are being detected.
Crouching helps reduce the noise you make and the amount that you are seen by enemies, and you can do this by pressing the left stick on the controller. Note that if you jump or use your Grappling Hook, you will not land crouched, but will need to click the stick once again. It is not required to be crouched in order to perform Backstab Deathblows, but it can help you perform them, by allowing you to get close to the enemy. Note that you can only use Backstab Deathblows before the enemy has detected you.
Stealth can be improved via the Shinobi Arts Skill Tree where you can spend Skill Points to obtain the Latent Skills: Suppress Sound and Suppress Presence. This Skill Line can be obtained very early in the game, and is given by the Sculptor after progressing a short ways into Ashina Outskirts.
Suppress Presence and Suppress Sound can help keep you hidden from enemies.
These will make it harder for enemies to detect you, and allow more room to maneuver without being seen. Be sure to pick these up if you’re having trouble remaining hidden, and be sure to check out our Stealth Guide for a more in depth analysis of Stealth.
Posture & Combat
Every character in the game has a Posture Gauge that fills when they are struck with an attack, when they block and attack, when they deflect an attack or when their attacks are blocked or deflected. When a character’s Posture Gauge becomes full (flashes bright orange) they are vulnerable briefly to a Shinobi Deathblow. This includes Sekiro himself, so you will need to keep an eye on your own Posture Gauge as well. Note that your Posture will regenerate faster if you are holding block (L1), which is completely contrary to Souls games.
In this image both of our Posture Gauges are full…it was tense.
Filling an enemy’s Posture Gauge (and performing a Shinobi Deathblow) is the primary means of defeating enemies, and is the only way you can defeat Mini-Bosses and Bosses. Because an enemy’s Posture Gauge fills much faster when you deflect attacks than when you block or attack, you will need to learn enemy attack patterns in order to get the timing of these deflections down. Deflecting is done by pressing L1, which is the same button used to block, at the exact moment a blow would strike. The window is quite forgiving, and you can still deflect attacks even if your timing is off by a small amount. However, the more exact your timing, the less your own Posture Gauge will fill, and the more your opponent’s will.
You can still defeat enemies by lowering their Vitality to 0, with the exception of Mini-Bosses and Bosses, as mentioned above. There are enemies in the game that take more Vitality damage than Posture damage when you attack, making this a valid strategy in many cases. In addition, as a character’s Vitality decreases, the slower their Posture regenerates. In some  cases you will need to deal damage with attacks and deflect, in order to fill the Posture Gauge of your target. Note that a successful dodge fills neither the attacker’s or defender’s Posture Gauge, making it a useful, but less than ideal form of avoiding damage.
I should have probably made a meme out of this picture…
Perilous Attacks & Counters
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice features something called “Perilous Attacks” which occur when fighting more difficult enemies like Mini-Bosses and Bosses. You will know when they happen by the red Kanji that appears on the screen, and the distinct sound that you will hear. Depending on what type of Perilous Attack occurs you will be able to “Counter” it. Note that you do not have to Counter them, and that you can still deflect them or dodge them, but this is the ideal method of handling them.
The red Kanji means you are in danger, so watch out for it and Counter when you can.
Counters can be performed during Perilous Attacks, whereby the player does a special move at the right movement. These Counters don’t deal any Vitality damage to the enemy, but they deal significantly more Posture damage than a regular deflection, making them very important.
Players begin the game being able to Counter “sweep attacks” by jumping over the enemy’s weapon and kick flipping off of their head. The Mikiri Counter can be unlocked from the Shinobi Arts Skill Tree and allows the player to Counter enemy “thrust attacks”. Later this can be improved to deal even more Posture damage when performed.
Pressing the jump button again, after you’ve jumped over the sweep will perform this Counter.
One interesting thing about these Counters is that should fill an enemy’s Posture Gauge by using one, you will be able to do a special Shinobi Deathblow that is unique to that Counter. These look insanely cool, and make you feel like a super badass if you pull one off.
Skills & Skill Types
In Sekiro, part of player progression is unlocking Skill Trees and gaining Skills. Skill Trees are unlocked by finding Esoteric Texts, which are tied to doing specific actions, so please see the Wiki for the specifics.
Once an Esoteric Text has been found, players can spend their Skill Points to gain Skills from that Skill Tree, and there are 3 types of Skills:
Latent Skills: Latent Skills are essentially “passive skills” that apply a boost of some kind, and do not need to be activated. For example, gaining more Spirit Emblems, or having a stronger Healing Gourd.
Combat Arts: Combat Arts must be equipped by the player, and they can only have one Combat Art at a time. These can be changed at a Sculptor’s Idol, and more will be unlocked through out the game. These Skills have a redish background to their icon.
Shinobi Martial Arts: Shinobi Martial Arts have a blue background on their icon, and they simply allow the player to perform more specific actions in combat. One example is the Mikiri Counter. You cannot perform it until you have acquired this Skill.
Players gain Skill Points via killing enemies and filling the blue experience bar at the top of their screen. They are spent at any Sculptor’s Idol, and each Skill costs a certain number of points. It is highly unlikely that a player will be able to max out all their Skill Lines in one playthrough without intense grinding, so plan accordingly, and take only the ones you really want.
This is what it looks like when you gain a Skill Point. Your bar flashes light blue for a moment.
Shinobi Prosthetic & Prosthetic Tools
Through out the game players will be able to obtain Prosthetic Tools that they can use in combat. These are found in various locations of the game, so please see the Wiki for their exact specifics. Once you have obtained a new Prosthetic Tool, you will need to visit the Sculptor in the Dilapidated Temple in order to outfit yourself with it. Once finished, it will be added to your arsenal that you can swap out at an Sculptor’s Idol. Players can have up to 3 Prosthetic Tools equipped at once, and these can be cycled through on the fly during combat.
Prosthetic Tools can also be upgraded after you have obtained the Mechanical Barrel, by visiting the Sculptor once again, after defeating Gyoubu Oniwa. This will create new versions of already obtained Prosthetic Tools, that can be slotted alongside your existing ones. Note that in order to upgrade you must have located the basic version of the Tool first, this is usually the “Loaded” version.
Once you defeat Gyoubu then you can upgrade your Prosthetic Tools.
In order to use Prosthetic Tools in combat, you will need to have Spirit Emblems. These act as a refillable “currency”, much like mana in other games, that prevents the player from just spamming Prosthetic Tool attacks at will. Players can purchase Spirit Emblems from a Sculptor’s Idol, gain them from defeating enemies, or find them through out the map. Each Tool has its own cost, with some being much higher than others, so pay attention to this when selecting your Tools to equip. Also note, that excess Spirit Emblems are automatically stored for you, and will replenish when resting at a Sculptor’s Idol, much the way Blood Vials or Silver Bullets did in Bloodborne.
Death Penalty & Resurrection
Through out Sekiro, you will die numerous times, often with the chance to Resurrect. You should do so any time that you can because if you really die then you will lose half of your current XP bar and half your Sen (gold). It does not matter whether you use Resurrection or not, you will always incur the penalty upon death and respawning at a Sculptor’s Idol.
In addition, there is a chance you will spread Dragonrot to the game’s NPCs, making them sick and halting their quest lines. This probability is different for each of the game’s NPCs, so some are more likely than others to be affected. Note that the Sculptor will always be the first to get Rot Essence, and that your Unseen Aid will reduce for each NPC effected. Again, this occurs whether you use your Resurrect or not, so there is no reason not to use it.
You can clear Dragonrot, but it’s not easy to do.
Unseen Aid prevents the player from losing XP and Sen after dying and respawning at a Sculptor’s Idol, whether they used Resurrect or not. There is a default chance of 30% to receive Unseen Aid, which will be reduced significantly when the Sculptor is affected, and each subsequent infection will reduce your chance of Unseen Aid by a certain percentage. Note that it would seem that you cannot increase your Unseen Aid past 30%.
Stay tuned for more Sekiro coverage as we cover things a Novice and Expert need to know about the game, and publish a few Build Guides as well. Be sure to check out the Sekiro Wiki for all your needs, and join us on Twitch to see us live in action!
The post Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Beginner Guide appeared first on Fextralife.
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Beginner Guide published first on https://juanaframi.tumblr.com/
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