#whether that is positive or negative is TBD
leafsboys · 1 year
I want to share a hot take. I love Knies, but if the Leafs season lives or dies by a 19 year old, who has only played a few games for them, not being in games then the Leafs have a bigger problems then I already knew they have.
Agreed 1000%. 34 and 16 deserve all the heat they get because they should be like McDavid/Draisaitl in the playoffs and COMPLETELY TAKE OVER EACH GAME ESPECIALLY SINCE THEY GET PAID THE MOST (other than Tavares)! It makes me shake my head because how does this team play so well in the regular season YET absolutely fall apart in the playoffs?? THIS IS YEAR 7 OF THEM PLAYING IN THE LEAGUE AND THEY HAVE ONLY ONE WON ROUND!!!
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cindernet-explorer · 6 months
U'nia Redfeather
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Name: U'nia Redfeather Vairemont
Nicknames: Nia (following the same as Seeker names), "babygirl" (from A'vyra), "cutie" (from her sister)
Age: 27 (as of the end of EW)
Nameday: 32nd Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon
Race: Mixed Duskwight/Xaela
Gender: Woman (she/her)
Orientation: Demi Lesbian
Profession: Chef, Wandering Adventurer, Lifter of Women
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C  T S
Hair: Shock white, dyed black. Usually kept extremely long, but has been cut and kept short recently.
Eyes: Bright red with star pupils. Glowing.
Skin: Greyish-Blue, coated in scales (where some are permanently light-scarred).
Tattoos/scars: Coated in blade scars. A paw print tattoo on her ass.
Parents: Ameline Vairemont (mama) and [REDACTED] Ino Ahkiba (step-mom)
Siblings: Nabette!! (older sister)
Grandparents: None that deserve to be in her life nor mentioned.
In-laws and Other: No in-laws yet but eventually Alphinaud/Ameliance/Fourchenault (<-that's how you spell his name??)
Pets: I waffle around on whether to make her whittret canon or not, but if so his name is Miso!
Abilities: Swordsmanship, throwing punches hard enough to crack skulls, weapon summoning and imbuement, generally strong aetheric control, soulsight
Hobbies: Fishing, Cooking, Reading, Photography, Volleyball, Cuddling
Most Positive Trait: Patience
Most Negative Trait: Self-sacrificing
Colors: Reds and blues! black as well as some darker greens.
Smells: Bergamot, old tomes, sea air
Textures: Engravings (whether in wood or metal), the subtle smoothness of a deck of cards, the warm hands of her partners
Drinks: Mint tea, water, tsai tou vounou, whiskey
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: Nope!
Drinks: Socially
Drugs: Nope!
Mount Issuance: A red draught chocobo named Plantain (because she's too big for a standard one), and a black Yol [Name TBD] (who coincidentally happened to be her sister's. It came to her when she called after completing Bardam's Mettle, as it recognized her.)
Been Arrested: Not officially, because she's escaped arrest each time.
Tagged by: @hazelkjt (ty!)
Tagging: @bunnyboybosom @prudentfolly @ahollowgrave @verysmallcyborg @nhaneh @hinganskies @selnyam
(no pressure to do these as per usual)
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lighthandcd · 3 months
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here ye, hear ye, for lord luken of house hawitt, the hand of the king of dele has just arrived. they are thirty-six, and look a great deal like jonathan bailey. their vassals have described them as farsighted and meticulous but they also claim that they can be a bit deceitful and critical.
House Hawitt has been faithfully serving the Crown of Dele for generations, since its inception. Like his father before him, Luken had been trained for the role of Hand of the King since his birth. From a young age, he had been trained to speak, read and write as many languages as he could all in preparation for his role as Hand. Etiquette classes, history classes, diplomacy classes were just some of the many he had to attend in order to be able to perform his duty.
An unfortunate incident in his youth left the Hawitt heir partially deaf, which resulted in him learning yet another language, sign language; one he occasionally uses when words weren't enough or he wanted to communicate without them.
Luken took over the role of Hand from his father when the head of house Hawitt became too old in age and had to retire. For his service, the elder Hawitt could live the rest of his days rewarded and comfortably, with the knowledge that his son had taken to the job well.
Because of his upbringing, Lord Luken was wise beyond his years and even before he had officially served as hand to the recently deceased King Morris, they had a friendly and healthy relationship. Upon taking up his role, he became a close confidant and friend to the Dele Monarch, advising him in all matters, whether royal, military, personal or otherwise.
As a result of being so involved in King Morris' life, as a result of his own being so intertwined with the Monarch, Luken couldn't help but also fall prey to baser emotions and desires. It was a closely guarded secret of his that he started to yearn for the Queen, and not just an object of his desire but as something more. It felt like betrayal to his friend and to the Crown every time the thought did cross his mind.
And now that friend, his King, was murdered...
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succiducus · 4 months
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{ranveer singh, 35, non-binary, they/them} We are so glad to see you safe, RULER MUNJAL BHATI of THE MUGHAL EMPIRE! It’s dangerous out in the world these days, but I hear that you are SARCASTIC and ADAPTABLE enough to handle it. Just don’t let your NONCHALANCE bring you down! Stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out you idolize the person responsible for the death of the previous monarchs.
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b a s i c s //
birth name: munjal hassan bhati
birthday: tbd
occupation: ruler of the mughal empire
orientation: asexual / demiromantic
status: betrothed to parvati sharma
languages: gujarati, hindi, english, persian
character influences: ganondorf (tloz), gellert grindelwald (hp/fb), saruman the white (lotr), suguru geto (jjk), shimura danzo (naruto).
tarot card: the emperor
p e r s o n a l i t y //
The confidence that a childhood of love and ease under the rule of the Sharma's made them fearless and cocky. They've never needed affirmations of their worth nor did they worry about needing to protect themselves from negative forces; they had all the necessary tools to prevail in their belt and in their mind. Highly intelligent and well-trained in combat and strategy, Munjal used these traits to gain whatever they wanted, whenever they wished it. However, corrupt wasn't a word to describe them. They have morales, even if a bit a crooked and selfish, and hurting the empire they grew up in isn't a thought in their mind. Regardless of thirst for power or influence, Munjal has a gentleness about them. As the older Bhati twin, Munjal loves attention and praise whether it's negative or positive; they love their younger sibling with everything they have and will go great lengths to protect them, especially now that they've secured the throne of the empire. They're a bit of a nuisance; they've turned down every betrothal, their sarcastic tongue gets them in trouble, and can be a bit flighty and mean when necessary (or when hungry). Their softer side is a rarity, protected by sarcasm, politics, and nonchalance but they're not unlevelled in thought - they know when to quit.
p r e s e n t d a y //
The death of the Sharma's didn't quite come as the surprise they were hoping for; they had made a terrible decision to gather the grieving and non-grieving nations from around the world under the guise of a grand memoriam that turned out to be a party. Munjal knew that it had placed a bitter taste in the mouths of the bereaved yet they figured that if there were to be an attack, the might and power of their military would push them back. They were wrong, of course. Usually one to gather gossip with wide eyes and an amused smile, Munjal stopped laughing when the empire was sent into chaos. They grew anxious, awaiting the day when the remaining sharmas took the throne and brought peace to the land; but it never came. Day after day, the yelling and fighting in the streets worsened - and every day, Munjal grew angrier. Angry until they could stand it no longer. Once idolizing the Sharma's, inheriting their empire wasn't exactly what they thought it would be either; chaos had not only erupted in the streets of Delhi, chaos was also written behind the scenes of their empire as well. And now it was their job to gain the respect and support of an empire torn by death. Only two questions remained, however, who had done in their empresses? And when could they meet them?
c o n n e c t i o n s //
akshay chaudhari (valet) - to be written
parvati sharma (betrothed) - to be written
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bittcrglcryfm · 4 months
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࣪𓏲ּ ֶָ 𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑠𝒕𝒗 ⁝ katie mcgrath, thirty four, cis woman, she/her. announcing the arrival of NYX of house MALLISTER, the LADY of SEAGARD. whispers among the court name them to be both CHARMING and CALCULATING in disposition, and those closest to them speak to their interests in the fine arts. if we bards could compose a song for them, it might tell stories of the cold siren of seagard, dangling on the leash of another's longing ; shedding skins like second-nature, going for the throat of those who question ; words are weapons, and weapons don't weep ; pulling the light from a dark soul to create a facsimile of a mother's love. the seven whisper to their most devout queen as she sleeps, making her question where their loyalties truly lie. are they right to whisper? for their loyalties truly lie with THEMSELVES / HOUSE MALLISTER.
Basic Information
Name: Nyx of House Mallister Alias: The Cold Siren Title: Lady of Seagard Name Day: eighteenth day of the eleventh turn (November) Age: thirty and four (34) Gender & Pronouns: cis woman | she/her Romantic & Sexual Orientation: heterosexual | heteroromantic Languages: Common Tongue, some High Valyrian Religion: Faith of the Seven
Father: Former Ruling Lord Helios Mallister Mother: Ruling Lady Amphitrite Mallister Siblings: Lord Achilles Mallister, others tbd Issue: Aemma Rivers, age 2
Faceclaim: Katie McGrath Height: 5′ 5½″ (1.66 m) Build: Hourglass shape Eye Color: Heterochromatic (one blue eye, one green eye) Hair Color & Style: Wavy black tresses, worn up or down with the occassional adornments
Moral Alignment: Lawful Evil Positive Traits: charming, decisive, neat Neutral Traits: artful, political, reserved Negative Traits: calculating, cold, fatalistic Hobbies: the fine arts (harp, singing, painting, embroidery)
For every heir, there must be a spare. And whatever prayers Lord Helios Mallister sent screaming up to the heavens were apparently left unheard. Or perhaps were, but then twisted to suit the purposes of the Seven. No doubt the ruling lord Mallister thought it a curse, when yet another daughter came screaming into the world. And no doubt the midwife and the septa in service to House Mallister would agree.
Nyx Mallister was born dark of hair, with mismatched eyes that seemed to pierce the soul. Not that any of it mattered; the girl had been spurned by her father since birth, and left to the care of her septas by her mother until her first bleed. It was only then that Lady Amphitrite Mallister took any interest in the spare she had so meticulously planned.
Her instruction relentless, her drilling almost to the point of impossibility, Amphitrite Mallister would not stop until her daughter had reached perfection. There was no time or patience for tears, for motherly love. The heir would rule Seagard, but the spare would rule kingdoms. Whether true or not, that was the lesson that Nyx felt instilled into her very bones. The older she became, the colder she grew.
The Cold Siren of Seagard was full of grace and charm, a more treacherous snake than the vipers that adorned the sigil of House Lynderly. And she utilized that charm to great effect when sent to King's Landing, her mission plain - disrupt any talks of marriage between the Seven Kingdoms and the empire of Essos, and not to return home empty handed. Nyx did not secure a marriage - a paranoid queen makes for a difficult target - but she secured an important advantage.
Nyx had never known a mother's love, so that one thing is difficult to give. But for a little girl with golden curls and tyrian hues (a clear miniature of the father in question), it was important that a facsimile be created. All the better to keep a sweet dragonseed more embedded with her mother, until such a time the ace is played.
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lnterrobcng · 1 year
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[ ᴇᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʏᴏᴜɴɢ ]
FULL NAME: Dionne Lee Jones NICKNAME: Dee, Di Di, DJ, things like that BIRTHDATE: [ coming soon ] AGE: Sixty ZODIAC: [ coming soon ] GENDER: Cis Man PRONOUNS: He/Him SEXUAL/ROMANTIC ORENTATION: Mostly straight, but you get to be his age after everything he’s done, you end up a little open minded. ETHNICITY: African American LABLE: The Grim Reaper LOYALTY: neutral
[ tw for non graphic mentions of death, and parental death ]
OCCUPTATION: Co Owner of the Borderline Hotel OCCUPTATION HISTORY: Freelance Assassin LANGUAGES SPOKEN: English, Spanish, and some basics in quite a few other languages
SKILLS: king of keeping things organized / he’s good with most firearms but he is in particular an extremely skilled sniper / he’s become a good mediator, and good at keeping people in line after running the hotel business for a while, and how it’s become a neutral ground for everyone. / he’s a very good baker! / more to come ... WEAKNESSES: feeling at ease. like something bad is always going to happen / he can be a bit overly controlling, but he knows how things should be done. or how he wants them to be done anyway. / paranoid / he just doesn’t have the energy to keep up with everything going on anymore smh / more to come
POSITIVE TRAITS: level headed, knowledgeable, open minded, insightful, confident NEGATIVE TRAITS: paranoid, weary, over thinking, controlling, uncaring MBTI TYPE: tbd ENNEAGRAM TYPE: tbd MORAL ALIGNMENT: True Neutral TEMPRAMENT: Melancholic MENTAL ILLNESSES: ptsd, and probably some kind of anxiety disorder
TROPES: [ coming soon ] CHARACTER INSPIRATION: mike ehrmantraut (breaking bad), hutch mansell (nobody), waxillium ladrian (mistborn), more coming soon ...
Killing was in the family business before Dionne was even born. His father did this before him, and his father’s father before him. They were well known people to call no matter your loyalty or whoever you wanted to take out. They had no one but themselves that they were loyal to and had no problems doing other peoples dirty work.
He never knew his mother much. He was an accident between her and his father, and his mother knowing what his father was never wanted to have anything to do with the man. She barely wanted to have anything to do with her son, though she was responsible for him until he was about thirteen years old, eventually she moved on and got married and his father took over his ... “education” from there. As expected most of that education consisted in teaching his son how to use guns, and explosives. There was some other combat training in there, conditioning, and the like just to make sure he wouldn’t be out of his depth no matter the distance between him and his mark, but it was clear that like his father Dionne was most skilled at a far range.
From the age of fifteen onwards Dionne was one with the life of killing for money. Whether they were being hired for a simple hit, or something more personal Dionne and his father wouldn’t turn down a job. This made them quite a few enemies in the world. Whether it was the lack of loyalty to one group or another, or killing someone that someone powerful loved it was a dangerous life.
Michael Jones was found dead in his bed when Dionne was in his early thirties, and it was obvious the cause, though the reason could have been any number. There wasn’t much love loss between the two men, ending up more like partners than they ever were father and son, so Dionne moved on like anybody else who lived a life surrounding death would. Life moves on, and so must one.
There were decades between his father’s death and retiring, but every single thing seemed to just domino effect into another. Dionne grew tired, he couldn’t keep doing this and survive. Job after job seemed to bring him closer to his own grave and there was only one way he could really get out – and that was to turn the gun in. Well, not really, but at least step back from the job he had been performing since he was a teenager. The people who considered him an enemy would always be out there, until they weren’t, but the least he could do was make no more.
So, the idea of Borderline Hotel was born. Not the hotel itself, but creating a free and neutral ground for people to come. Whether it was to get away from things, or have an important meeting where both parties would be under no threat – it was a sanctuary for people like him. And he’s made it into his own sanctuary, his own safe haven. He'd rather just run his business and read these days, honestly. But does he feel safe? Not really, the idea is a nice one, at the very least.
PARENTS: Michael Jones [ father, deceased ], Patty Winslow [ mother, deceased ] OTHER FAMILY: Two younger half siblings he hasn’t been in contact with in decades Pets: he has two chow chows, Anastasia and Lando Calrissian - they're both rancid and only like him (and probably a few other people at the hotel). POSITIVE CONNECTIONS: [ coming soon ] ROMANTIC CONNECTIONS: [ coming soon ] NEGATIVE CONNECTIONS: [ coming soon ]
[ former colleagues ] He worked freelance as an assassin and had connections within many groups, whether they were good or bad. it would be interesting to explore that between them. older characters especially, but perhaps some younger characters were some upstart while he was a veteran. there are a good few options that could be great here.
[ current colleagues ] those in the borderline hotel.
[ mentor/mentee relationship ] it can be anybody from any walk of life, honestly. maybe they met at the hotel during some meet between your organization and some other one and hit it off. maybe you’re more keen on the idea of him mentoring than he is the other way around, or maybe you both just vibe with each other. can also be anyone from the borderline hotel as well. probably will limit to only a few of these, but for now open to whomever.
[ contention ] there could be so many reasons for this. maybe your character works in the government and doesn’t like how he runs his business, despite it being a safe place for all. maybe you had some bad past together, where dionne wronged you in some way. there are a lot of reasons, but anything negative I am down for it. he’s not always an easy person to be around, and he’s certainly not always been such a good person.
[ past mark ] this can go both ways. someone is responsible for the death of his father, and he doesn’t know who it is. but there is also the fact that perhaps he is responsible for the death of someone your character knew and loved, or even knew and hated. it doesn’t HAVE to be a bad thing lmao.
[ friends ] dionne is a well known and respected person in this life, but his actual friends he trusts are few and far between. but I would love for him to have some. new ones, and old ones who he’s known a long while.
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benji-parker · 6 months
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[ jordan fisher, demiboy he/they ] Hey, isn’t that BENJI PARKER. I thought they went away for the summer? Did you hear they might be a WITCH, and have a connection to the HEL COVEN? What I do know for certain is that they’re 27, and they’re LOYAL and NAIVE. They’re originally from SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, and have been in FENRIRSWOOD for FIVE YEARS living in FORK’S ROAD. I wonder if they still work at SERVER as a WOLF BURGER. Best if they stay safe for now. 
full name: benjamin “benji” lee parker age: 27 date of birth: october 31st, 1996 zodiac: scorpio sun, virgo rising, scorpio moon gender & pronouns: demiboy, he/they species: witch spoken language(s): english and asl(american sign language) occupation: server at wolfburger sexuality: gay
face claim: jordan fisher height: 5'8"(172.72 cm) dominant hand: left hair color: black eye color: brown scars: tbd tattoos: none
positive traits: bubbly, loyal, intelligent, caring, optimistic  negative traits: naive, overly-trusting, stubborn, disorganized, gullible
phobias: n/a disorder: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder allergies: n/a
hometown: san francisco, california birthplace: los angeles, california education level: high school diploma familial connections: unnamed parents
benji was born with profound hearing loss, both of his parents are also deaf, so it seems to run in the family. they got a cochlear implant when they were 16 years old and can hear when using it, but greatly prefer using sign language when possible.
he first noticed that he was a spiritual medium when he realized that he can sense and talk to spirits in any location, with supernatural encounters beginning at the age of 14. since this discovery, they have become intensely passionate about helping spirits stuck in this world move to the afterlife and actively jump at any opportunity involving the paranormal.
they also offer tarot readings and refuse to accept payment for them. he carries tarot deck with him at all times just in case someone asks him for a reading. they have had it happen several different times where someone insists on paying him, which he always tries to deny but can’t always. he frequents occult stores when he can and likes spending his free time browsing them.
is naive to a bad degree, they generally know what to look out for when it comes to more obvious things, but there's almost no length benji won't go to if it means helping someone. a very bad habit of his is being altruistic, putting everyone else's needs before his own. has a tendency of getting into trouble by accident. whether this is from them wanting to help someone or just stumbling upon it, benji finds themself in questionable situations for too often. he's slowly but surely learning more self-preservation skills but it's a process.
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joaquinastacioyflores · 6 months
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is that DIEGO LUNA? oh, no, that’s JOAQUIN ASTACIO Y FLORES, a FORTY year old EMT AT VALAPARAISO CENTRO MEDICO who uses HE/HIM pronouns. they currently live in LAS VILLAS DORADAS in QUILPUE, and the character they identify with most is DR COX FROM SCRUBS. hopefully they find their own little paradise here in el país de los poetas!
full name: joaquin rafael astacio y flores age: 40 date of birth: december 28th, 1983 zodiac: capricorn sun, cancer rising, scorpio moon gender & pronouns: cisgender man, he/him relationship status: single sexuality: bisexual spoken languages: english, spanish occupation: emt at valaparaiso centro medico
face claim: diego luna height: 5'10"(117.8 cm) dominant hand: right hair color: brown eye color: brown distinguishing features: tbd tattoos: tbd
positive traits: hard-working, compassionate, intelligent, reliable, passionate negative traits: sarcastic, impatient, overworked, touchy, harsh
phobias: fear of failure disorders: n/a allergies: n/a
hometown: viña del mar, chile birthplace: valaparaiso, chile education level: bachelor's in emergency medical services
first became interested in emergency medicine as career by watching medical drama tv shows. once he got older and realized how unrealistic these shows are, his interest shifted more to the aspect of helping people. joaquin also really likes the fast-paced environment of working in emergency services, though it is sometimes overwhelming for him. his guilty pleasure is telenovelas and he doesn't tell anyone except his close friends. this probably started because his mom watched them and he got invested but is too embarrassed to admit it. when he's off the clock and he's not out he can be caught catching up on his favorites. enjoys going out to bars and browsing the street market in his free time. joaquin doesn't drink very much but he enjoys the atmosphere and talking to other people. new vendors pop up all the time in the street market so he always feels like there's something new to discover, whether it's food or someone's creation. is perpetually exhausted, from a combination of being on call a lot and insomnia. with the irregular hours of his job he has a hard time getting a manageable sleep schedule. he has tried melatonin, white noise, essential oils, you name it, they tend to just help him for a short period of time and then it goes back to him not being able to sleep. in-between trips he tends to powernap, though he's usually woken up before he gets any real rest.
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ofdieus · 7 months
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' poppy drayton, cis woman, she/her, 30 (300), cauldron made high fae ' — cauldron save you. it seems NESRI SESSONDAL has finally made it to the capital, the ARCHER/MERCENARY from the NIGHT COURT is said to be DAUNTLESS and is said to describe themselves with THE RAW INSTINCT TO SURVIVE, WELCOMING YOURSELF TO YOUR OWN CAGE, A LIFE SPENT UNDER THE COVER OF DARKNESS, YOU WEREN'T BORN WITH ALL THIS HORROR & UNTETHERING YOURSELF FROM EVERYTHING YOU RECOGNIZE and with all of this in mind their DECEITFUL nature always seems to get them into trouble. may the mother hold them as they navigate this unthinkable time.
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full name: nesri lesbeth sessondal nickname(s): nessie (only close friends) date of birth: august 14 zodiac: leo sun, scorpio moon, virgo rising gender & pronouns: cis woman ( she / her ) species: cauldron made high fae place of birth: winter court orientation: bisexual, biromantic occupation: archer & mercenary for the night court
faceclaim: poppy drayton hair colour & style: here clothing style: here distinguishing characteristics: scars across arms and back from battle piercing(s): lobes x3, helix x2
positive trait(s): dauntless, resourceful, charming negative trait(s): deceitful, volatile, pessimistic like(s): travelling, snow, cold weather, blankets, warm drinks dislike(s): repeating herself, being interrupted, bullies hobbie(s): reading, archery, hand-to-hand combat training, gardening character inspiration: nesta archeron (acotar), faith lehane (buffy the vampire slayer), clove & katniss (the hunger games), celaena sardothien (throne of glass)
mother: elle sessondal (deceased) father: alexi sessondal (deceased) sibling(s): twin (tbd), other sibling (tbd) significant other: koray aksakal
biography trigger(s): death, mention of abuse, murder
Nesri never knew a life without War. Whether it was in her own home or outside the town lines throughout the mortal lands, she was born into it and it followed her everywhere. 
Her father, once a man of great power and value, lost everything once the war was over and the wall was created. he never let her forget about it. Days where she was just trying to ensure their family was fed, he took the money and blew it all trying to get his fortunes back, no matter the cost or who he crossed. Her mother was long gone while her and her siblings blessed the stars she never had to see the man he became.
Nesri learned from her father though. He taught her how to use a bow, a sword and how to handle pain. So much pain. She was thankful for the first two, it was what kept her alive all these years.
When she turned seventeen, she did the unthinkable. She left. She wandered towards the faerie realm, desperate for a change. Desperate for something better for herself, regardless of what her family wanted. There was a chance for her in the Dawn Court, where she headed first. The journey was long and there were times where she didn’t think she would make it. 
For the first few years, Nesri hid there, amongst the other fae, planning what she wanted to do next. She kept her training up and started offering up her services to anyone who would pay. 
She caught food, liars and thieves and other horrible people…making use of the only things she knew. After a few years of being discrete, she was approached by a high fae. They told her that they would expose her to the ruling family of the Dawn Court if she didn’t come to do more interesting jobs for them, at least, that’s what the plan was. Nesri was promised protection, a large fee and safety. How could she deny it?
Years passed and the sense of protection faded. They loaned her out to the highest bidder and started setting their sights on higher levels of other courts. Nesri didn't want to kill them but she didn't have a choice. Finally, after years of working with the high fae, Nesri refused them. There was constant blood on her hands, including that of her own father.
Instead of allowing her to be free of them, they sent her on an impossible mission where she would fail. She never failed and this cost her life. She was thrust into the cauldron and emerged as a high fae, stronger than she could imagine. Too scared to return, she sought refuge in the night court where she joined their forces and now resides. Nesri continued to plot her revenge on the high fae that ruined her life and knows that one day, she'll be allowed to act on it.
nesri prefers a bow & arrow over hand to hand combat (although she is highly trained in both)
she also does work under the table for other courts if the price and timing is right
she masks herself completely except her eyes when she is completing tasks to ensure her safety - only one person has seen her full face and she has a secret of theirs in return
she is fiercely loyal and once you consider her a friend, she is a friend until the end and will go to the ends of the earth for you
enjoys reading and gardening - has a small cottage in the night court that no one knows the location of
holds a grudge (small) towards a few of the courts regarding the war and lets them know it
has not seen her family since she was made a high fae and doesn't care if they are alive or dead
does not work well with others at first, she reads people very well and has a very good gut feeling if you are looking to trick / manipulate her ( although she doesn't really care if it involves money )
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obsiidians · 7 months
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 hear ye hear ye — the riverlands welcomes LADY AMIRRA TARTH of THE ISLE OF TARTH. king matthos baratheon is glad that the TWENTY EIGHT year old appears to be valiant and he shall overlook that it’s said they are also relentless, as long as they are glad to celebrate peace in the seven kingdoms. fortunately for them, matthos remains oblivious that they ARE happy with his reign.
basic information.
full name: amirra tarth. goes by: amirra, ami (ah me ) to her sisters. titles: lady of evenfall hall, lady of tarth, the evenstar. age: twenty-eight. birthplace: isle of tarth. gender: cis woman. pronouns: she / her. orientation: heterosexual, heteroromantic. religion: the old gods. spoken languages: common tongue, braavosi, pentoshi, volantene. status: unmarried. 
Positive: shrewd, diligent, decisive, observant, quick-witted, daring,  . Negative: ambitious, judgemental, arrogant, headstrong. moral alignment: neutral good. mbti: istj/isfj
faceclaim: adelaide kane. height: five feet , four inches. Build: shorter but with a regal bearing when required, rather strong with real core strength and upper body strength. hair: dark and rich in color, with a bit of a wave from the salt that comes off the sea that surrounds the isle. eye color: brown
family ties.
father: amias tarth ( deceased ). mother: corienne tarth nee tbd ( deceased ). siblings: three younger sisters ( wc ). spouse: none. Children: none. extended family: tbd
The eldest child of amias tarth, amirra had impossible standards to live up to from the moment she was born. To his credit her father adored her, he prepared her to be his heir and she worked hard to be worthy of the title, she wanted to make him proud
Several siblings followed amirra, three sisters which caused all kinds of fun and mayhem in their household, sisters who were both impossibly close but could fight just as viciously as any boy.
,Amirra felt responsible for all of her sisters, she knew she had to succeed and exceed expectations at all times so that they could have the best opportunities . If she were to rise so could they, she took this seriously 
Her father was a kind man, or perhaps just kinder than he should have been, amirra had to fix the problems his generosity and mercy caused, often without bringing any of it to his attention, not the issues he directly caused or that she had to fix them or how she managed that. What he did not know wouldn't hurt him and it served to force amirra to become secretive, resourceful and calculating
In her teenage years she was ruling tarth in all but title, her father was slowly losing his faculties and she did her best to keep that fact hidden and quiet. She was the one the advisors and servants came to for everything and her father not being all there made securing a betrothal difficult
amirra herself tried to make arrangements but many suitors were scared off by her father's eccentricities and her prickly nature, she was shrewd and direct and too many men of title and status wanted a simpering girl to manipulate, control and ignore and amirra was not that kind of potential wife, she felt being ignored to be the worst of a possible husbands sins. She knew she was much too capable and clever to accept a betrothal from a man who could not see or accept that about her
Years of rejections however, whether she made them or the suitors did, had become exhausting and running tarth was a full time job, along with caring for her siblings, their lives and betrothals and dowries needed attention, protecting her sweet father from his own mistakes and the fervent gossip around them was an added burden but she did it all with pride, she'd do anything for her family 
When she was 24 her father passed peacefully and she was declared the evenstar, ruling lady of tarth but nothing really changed besides her title and power becoming official. She planned to use her position for the good of herself and her sisters
Amirra is a respected and capable ruling lady, she is seen as almost a tragic figure as she continues to grow older with no husband or children. She is social but guarded and she is certainly lonely but she has found greater ambitions to be appealing than simply being ruling lady of tarth. Her position affords her the ability to aim higher with suitors and she intends to find the highest titled man she can, both for her own grab at power and for her sisters. 
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seraphinalcpz · 1 year
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BECKY G & SHE/HER/CIS FEMALE ⸻ i saw SERAPHINA LOPEZ coming through the trees. the TWENTY SIX year old was fleeing from MIAMI, FLORIDA when they came across novac, and have sought salvation within the motel of purgatory. SERAPHINA has been in town for FOUR YEARS and has been assigned as an/a STABLEHAND to keep society running smoothly. no matter what, they will find something to fight for.
NAME:  Seraphina Lopez
AGE / D.O.B.:   26  /   tbd
GENDER, PRONOUNS & SEXUALITY:  cisfemale.  she/her bisexual
HOMETOWN: Miami, Florida
JOB POSITION:  stablehand 
EDUCATION:  currently attempting to get an associate’s degree in computer science 
POSITIVE TRAITS:    alert ,   bold  ,  driven  ,  compassionate  ,  confident
NEGATIVE TRAITS:   discreet  ,   unforthcoming  ,   blunt  ,    irritable  ,  resentful
❝ 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞— 𝐈 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭. ❞
FULL NAME: Seraphina Carmen Lopez
NICKNAME: Seraphina or Sapphire
GENDER: female
HEIGHT/WEIGHT: 5′5″ and 115 lbs
OCCUPATION: stablehand
❝ 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞—𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐮𝐩, 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐦𝐞, 𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐧, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞. ❞
𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬  ,  𝐬𝐦𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐬  &  𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐠𝐬 : yes  /  yes  /  yes .
𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬 :   the  thrill  of  late   night  adventures  ,  the  smell  of  leather   ,  drive   in  movies  ,  high fashion trends,  beauty products , and red velvet lipstick.
𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬 :  liars , waiting in long lines , losing
𝐡𝐨𝐛𝐛𝐢𝐞𝐬 : collecting old vinyls, writing , listening to music , and taking long walks to clear her mind
𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 : n/a
𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞  𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬 : ambitious , careful , adventurous , honest , direct , open-minded , decisive , independent , spontaneous , passionate, loyal
𝐧𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞  𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬 : impulsive , indecisive , ruthless , reckless
𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝  𝐛𝐲 :    mabel mora (only murders in the building), cher (clueless) , elle woods (legally blonde) , caroline forbes (the vampire diaries) , ginny (ginny & georgia) and jackie burkhart (that 70s show)
♔ ——  Society says that girls can’t be pretty, smart, and funny all at once. Seraphina completely missed that memo. and not exactly in a girl power kind of way, more of an i’m better than everybody else kind of way. So Seraphina had an ego. So what? it’s true: she is pretty. she is smart. she is funny. her confidence in her god-given gifts grated some people, of course. but she was a magnetic force, whether you liked her or not.
♔ —— Seraphina is a tough girl who knows what she wants and how to get it.
♔ ——  Seraphina had a normal childhood. she was raised by his parents in Miami, Florida.
♔ ——  Seraphina can be described as “a girl that always gets her way, referring to how she tends get what she wants easier than other people might. Jasmine does have a dark side like everyone does. Seraphina is a bit of wild child and a rebel.
♔ —— She can be an emotional rollercoaster when it comes to her state of mind depending on the situation.
♔ —— Seraphina can be a bit fragile when it comes opening up to anyone emotionally or otherwise.
♔ —— Seraphina is a hopeless romantic but when it comes to someone she finds attractive she gets tongue-tied and stutters in front of them.
♔ —— Seraphina is very much a mess of contradictions. she loves the feeling of being wanted, but at the same time worries that people are looking at her for the wrong reasons. She loves the person she’s becoming, but deep down, she can’t quite overcome the self-hatred that has been ingrained in her.  She’s caught between who she really is and who she wants to be, and sometimes she gets a little lost in the midst of it. On the outside, however, Seraphina's is outspoken and opinionated. She won’t hesitate to tell you how she’s feeling, positive or negative. She’s fiercely protective of her friends, and extremely loyal. She’s passionate, fiery, and headstrong. those who really know her, however, might catch glimpses of her more vulnerable side. She treats those she holds dear like absolute gold and would go to the ends of the earth for them. On the flip side of that, though, she holds a grudge like no other, and finds  it hard to forgive those who have wronged her.
♔ —— more to be added
mutual crushes
friends with benefits
her ride or die
always open to more
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unfortunate-arrow · 2 years
𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐄𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 | hpma character profile
warnings: mentions of mysterious disappearances, death, a creature attack, & a stroke
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Full Name: Jack Edward Whitten 
Nicknames: Jackie, J
Name Meanings: Jack → English, “God is gracious” ; Edward → English, “wealthy guardian” ; Whitten → English or Scottish or Irish, “white farmstead.” 
Date of Birth: February 28, 1997 (at 10:59 pm)
Gender: Male ; he/him 
Sexuality: Heterosexual 
Blood Status: Muggleborn 
Nationality: Irish, English, British 
Residence: The Lotus Clover Bed & Breakfast, County Cork, Ireland (1 to 18) ; Various hotels & accommodations throughout Europe (18 to 28) ; TBD
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Faceclaim: Luke Newton
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Height: 6’0” 
Build: Lean and athletic physique 
Hair: Brown hair that is short and messy 
Eye Color: Blue 
Childhood & Hogwarts: Jack has a long and jagged scar that runs down his left arm as a result of falling out of a tree when he was seven. In addition, he has a small scar near his right eyebrow. 
Adulthood: Jack has multiple scars from doing foolish and reckless things, like the broom racing in the streets.
Modifications: (glasses, piercings, tattoos, etc.) None 
Other Distinguishing Marks: None 
Clothing Style: Simple ; jeans ; t-shirts ; jean jackets ; beat-up converse all-star sneakers ; trousers ; hoodies ; sweaters ; collared shirts ; bomber jackets ; boots ; fun socks 
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Accessories: A wrist watch 
What’s in His Pockets: His wand ; loose change 
What’s in His School Bag: Textbooks ; quills ; ink ; parchment ; notebooks ; pens ; pencils ; water bottle ; snacks ; tissues ; sunglasses ; chapstick ; miscellaneous scraps of paper and parchment that includes notes from friends and family 
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Voiceclaim: Luke Newton 
Accent: Irish 
Dialect: Cork English
Languages Spoken: English
Languages Understood: English 
Language Disorder: Dyslexia, but it’s a moderate case as it was mitigated early on with therapy
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MBTI Type: ESTP — the entrepreneur 
→ An Entrepreneur (ESTP) is someone with the Extraverted, Observant, Thinking, and Prospecting personality traits. They tend to be energetic and action-oriented, deftly navigating whatever is in front of them. They love uncovering life’s opportunities, whether socializing with others or in more personal pursuits.
Enneagram Type: 7 — the enthusiast 
→ Sevens are defined by their desire to experience everything life has to offer while avoiding pain and boredom. They appear to others to be lively, fun-loving and hedonistic. Sevens are often very busy people who bounce from one activity to another in their quest to squeeze every possible bit of enjoyment out of life.
Positive Traits: Bold, rational, practical, perceptive, original, sociable, gregarious, funny, adaptable, resourceful
Neutral Traits: Stubborn, competitive, private, direct, energetic, ambitious 
Negative Traits: Reckless, impulsive, occasionally insensitive, impatient, risk-prone, defiant, can get overly dramatic 
Common Stressors: Exams ; his abandonment issues ; quidditch ; people 
Comforting Things: Football/soccer ; music ; his brother ; rugby ; the outdoors (somewhat) 
Interests & Hobbies: Fishing, football/soccer, rugby, hiking (in a city, preferably), hurling
Description: If there’s one thing that people remember about Jack, it’s that he’s reckless. It’s true. Jack is reckless and impulsive, rarely thinking things through completely. However, Jack’s recklessness is usually used as a defense mechanism, to push people away when he feels that they are getting too close. Despite this and first impressions, Jack is intelligent and kind. He likes to be around people that he trusts and he’s a loyal friend.
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Wand: Jack’s wand is made of redwood with a dragon heartstring core and is 11 ½ inches with a supple flexibility.
→ Redwood wands were strongly attracted to witches and wizards who already possessed the admirable ability to fall on their feet, to make the right choice, to snatch advantage from catastrophe.
Other Magical Abilities: None
Patronus: Saint Bernard 
Patronus Memory: An afternoon of playing games with his family while they were stuck inside as it rained torrentially 
Boggart: Someone that he cares about disappearing into thin air without looking back at him
Riddikulus: The person reappears and begins doing a ridiculous jig 
Jack smells like ink, mint, pine, and sandalwood.
Jack smells freshly baked bread, the air after a storm, cedar, pear, and rose.
Mirror of Erised: Jack sees himself with his parents.
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House: Slytherin 
OWL Classes:
Astronomy — Acceptable 
Charms — Outstanding 
Defense Against the Dark Arts — Outstanding 
Flying — Exceeds Expectations 
Herbology — Acceptable 
History of Magic — Poor
Potions — Acceptable 
Transfiguration — Outstanding
OWL Electives:
Care of Magical Creatures — Outstanding
Study of Ancient Runes — Exceeds Expectations
NEWT Classes:
Care of Magical Creatures — Acceptable
Charms — Exceeds Expectations
Defense Against the Dark Arts — Outstanding
Study of Ancient Runes — Exceeds Expectations
Transfiguration — Acceptable 
Extracurriculars: Dueling club ; frog choir
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Affiliations: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry 
Age 18 to 26 - Paleontologist assistant
Age 26 to 87 - Paleontologist
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Father: Edward John Whitten [deceased, 1966-1997]
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Born on January 22, 1966, Edward was the second son of George and Mary Whitten, joining elder brother, Robert George (then 3). Edward had a good childhood, growing up in the city of Cork until the age of fifteen and spending his final years at home in the city of Cobh. His childhood, in general, could be described as idyllic as his family was well off and he had a good relationship with his older brother. At the age of 18, Edward decided to study at a university in Dublin, where he majored in history with a concentration in Irish and Celtic history. In his fourth year at university, Edward did a semester at a university in London where he met Eleanora Blythe and they became friends quickly. He also decided to get his PhD from the same London university, where he furthered his friendship with Eleanora.
Edward began dating Eleanora when he was twenty-five and they dated for two years before marrying in 1993, when he was twenty-seven. They agreed to wait to have children until their PhDs were completed and on February 28, 1997, their only children, Jack Edward and Benedict Jasper, were born. Edward adored his sons, doting on them the best he could. 
Unfortunately, Edward’s time with his sons was cut short in November of 1997. While researching an ancient Celtic settlement, Edward and his wife disappeared without a trace. Their twin sons were found alone, and an extensive search entailed but nothing was ever found. Eventually, in 2025, the Whittens were discovered to have become the victims of a Dobhar-chú, a blood-thirsty creature that resembles a cross between a hound and a giant otter (or fish) and haunts the waters (and the land) of Ireland. 
Jack doesn’t have any memories of his father, as he disappeared before Jack’s first birthday. He does wish that he could talk to his father, but Jack does hold some resentment towards his father’s disappearance which makes it difficult to talk about his father. 
Faceclaim: Chris Evans
Mother: Eleanora Susan Whitten née Blythe [deceased, 1967-1997]
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Born on May 30, 1967, Eleanora was the only child of Jasper and Nancy Blythe. Growing up on the outskirts of London, Eleanora had a good childhood, full of love. She had a good relationship with her parents, who did their best to provide her with the best possible childhood. At the age of 18, Eleanora began attending a university in London, studying history with a concentration in women’s history. She met Edward Whitten during her third year, when he was a sort of exchange student in his fourth year. They became friends quite quickly, sharing their love for different aspects of history. Eleanora was secretly quite pleased when Edward continued on with his PhD at her university. She also pursued a PhD.
Eleanora began dating Edward when she was twenty-four and they dated for two years before marrying in 1993. They waited until after they had achieved their PhDs to have children and on February 28, 1997, their twin sons, Jack Edward and Benedict Jasper, were born. Eleanora adored her sons and doted on them as well as she could. 
Unfortunately, Eleanora didn’t get to have as much time with her sons. Alongside her husband, Eleanora disappeared in November of 1997. It was discovered in 2025 that she was a victim of a Dobhar-cú.
Jack doesn’t have any memories of his mother, as she disappeared before his first birthday. He does have some photographs of her, but they aren’t the same. He struggles with resentment towards his mother for disappearing, but tends to ignore that and push it away. 
Faceclaim: Hayley Atwell
Brother: Benedict Jasper Whitten
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Born at 11:16 pm on February 28, 1997, Benedict was the second son of Edward and Eleanora Whitten, seventeen minutes younger than Jack, a Ravenclaw. Jack and Ben are quite close, although they tend to bicker a lot over meaningless things. However, Jack will always have Ben’s back as he knows that Ben will always have his back. Jack would do almost anything for his brother, and he’s pretty sure that Ben is the only reason that Jack never got himself killed. 
Faceclaim: Luke Newton
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Uncle: Robert George Whitten 
Born on July 19, 1962, Robert was the first son of George and Mary Whitten and the older brother of Jack’s father, Edward. Robert took in Jack and his twin brother, Benedict, after their parents disappeared. Robert is also the father of Jack’s cousins, Darcy, Thea, and Clary. Robert is a kind man with the patience of a saint.
Jack has a good relationship with his uncle, even though he keeps a lot of stuff to himself and doesn’t share a lot with his uncle. Despite all of this, Jack knows that he can count on his uncle for things that are important. 
Faceclaim: John Corbett
Aunt: Mai Louise Whitten née Daniels [deceased, 1965-2010]
Born on May 15, 1965, Mai is the adopted daughter of Clarence and Emily Daniels and the wife of Jack’s uncle Robert. Mai, along with her husband, took in her nephews when their parents disappeared. Mai is also the mother of Jack’s cousins, Darcy, Thea, and Clary. Mai had a good heart and a lot of patience. Unfortunately in 2010, Mai suffered a fatal stroke when an aneurysm that she had always had burst.
Jack had a good relationship with his aunt, but they were never very close. He knew that he could count on her, but always felt a bit disconnected and, anyways, they were different personalities. Jack was hurt and shocked by her death, though, and her sudden death fueled his reckless streak. 
Faceclaim: Ali Wong
Cousin: Darcy Mai Whitten 
Born on January 17, 1993, Darcy is the eldest daughter of Robert and Mai Whitten, four years older than Jack. Darcy is a muggle and has a very kind heart with a desire to help people. She enjoys being around others and was a fixture at the Lotus Clover’s check-in desk. 
Jack has a good relationship with his cousin, but they aren’t close. They just don’t click, although he does know that Darcy always has his back and is someone that he can count on. 
Faceclaim: Janel Parrish 
Cousin: Thea Vinh Whitten 
Born on May 29, 1997, Thea was the middle daughter of Mai and Robert Whitten, three months younger than Jack, and a Gryffindor. Jack has a good relationship with his cousin. They’re similar in personality and interests and just click. They do tend to get into a lot of trouble together and it’s often been said they would have gotten into even more trouble if Benedict wasn’t around. 
Faceclaim: Lana Condor 
Cousin: Clary Xuan Whitten 
Born on October 19, 2002, Clary is the youngest daughter of Robert and Mai Whitten, five years younger than Jack. Clary is a muggle and more similar in personality to Benedict than Jack or her sisters. She doesn’t love being surrounded by people, but she does love the Lotus Clover and is the one to continue running the bed and breakfast after Robert retires. 
Jack has a good relationship with his younger cousin. Clary is like a little sister to Jack and he can be protective over her, although Clary won’t hesitate to tell Jack to back off. He loves his little cousin and he knows that he can count on Clary for anything, 
Faceclaim: Anna Cathcart 
Childhood: An owl names Florence, a tabby cat named Mittsy, and a golden retriever named Wilbur 
Adulthood: TBD
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Love Interest: Sage Eloise Carridan @kc-and-co
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→ Jack first met Sage Carridan in his fifth year when she mistook him for his twin brother, Benedict. In a spur of impulsiveness, Jack immediately asked her out. They dated throughout the remainder of their time at Hogwarts, although nothing became official until their sixth year. In 2025, after a bad accident, Jack proposed to Sage, who eventually accepted. Jack married Sage on May 23, 2026.
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Son: Asher Declan Whitten
Ravenclaw | Prefect | b. August 21, 2028
Jack has a good relationship with his son. Asher is so much like Sage that Jack occasionally struggles to connect with the boy. He adores his son, though, and does everything that he can to support Asher in whatever the boy attempts to do. Jack adores his son and loves him dearly. 
Faceclaim: Skyler Gisondo 
Daughter: Hazel Eleanora Whitten
Slytherin | b. March 1, 2030
Jack has a good relationship with his daughter, although he does sometimes think that she’s too much like him for her own good. He is very proud of Hazel, though, and does his best to support her in everything that she tries to do.
Faceclaim: Emilia Jones
Son: Hugh Edward Whitten 
Slytherin | Chaser | Heterosexual | b. December 22, 2033
Jack has a good relationship with his youngest son. He may not get Hugh’s love for quidditch, but he does his best to support his son in everything. Plus, Jack is very happy to explain and play muggle sports with his son, as Hugh is a sports fanatic. Jack is very proud of his son and loves the boy dearly. 
Faceclaim: Jackson Robert Scott
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Best Friends: TBD
Close Friends: FBD
Noa March @thatravenpuffwitch
Esfesto and Levi Vecellio @nicos-oc-hell
Acquaintances: TBD
It’s Complicated: TBD
Hogwarts Dormmates:
Maxim Raeburn (@potionboy3)
Levi Vecellio (@nicos-oc-hell)
Isander Yaxley (@gaygryffindorgal)
Rivals: TBD
Enemies: TBD
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Place of Birth: London, England 
Hometown: County Cork, Ireland 
Born at 10:59 pm on February 28, 1997, Jack Edward Whitten was the first child born to Edward and Eleanora Whitten, joined seventeen minutes later by his twin brother, Benedict Jasper. The first nine months or so of Jack’s life were pretty happy and calm. Everything changed, though, in November of 1997 when his parents disappeared without a trace. From that point on, Jack and his brother were raised by their father’s older brother, Robert, and their aunt, Mai, alongside their cousins, Darcy (b. January 17, 1993), Thea (b. May 29, 1997), and Clary (b. October 19, 2002). 
Growing up at a bed and breakfast was an interesting experience and it gave Jack a good childhood, even though there weren’t always the vacations and such that his school friends went on. At the age of six, Jack was diagnosed with dyslexia and his case was fairly moderate, as he was given the support and patience that he needed to make strides. In general, his childhood held a lot of love and was quite stable. That didn’t stop Jack from feeling like something was missing and doing reckless and stupid things. His recklessness continued until he was nearly thirty. 
Hogwarts Years:
Upon starting Hogwarts, Jack was sorted into Slytherin, where he slowly carved out a niche for himself. He retained his recklessness, which only seemed to increase the older he got. During his time at Hogwarts, Jack discovered that he did not like quidditch, despite enjoying flying. He also managed to make a few good friends. In his sixth year, Jack began dating Ravenclaw Sage Carridan and began a slow descent into love. 
After graduating from Hogwarts, Jack began traveling throughout Europe mostly. He spent his first four years as an apprentice to a fellow wizarding paleontologist who was more established and was a respected professor. He was fascinated by all of this, and soaked all the information that he could. At 22, Jack was allowed to follow his own interests and was given his own opportunities to lead digs and investigations. All the while, Jack often participated in reckless broom racing and other stunts. Luckily, Jack was never seriously injured during any of his reckless actions… until he was twenty-eight.
By the year he turned twenty-eight, Jack had grown tired and weary of traveling. He wanted to finally have a home base and found a position that would allow him to focus on the ancient beasts of the British Isles. He also began to plan a proposal for his long-term girlfriend, Sage. However, Jack decided to take on a broom race through a dangerous area. The race went wrong and Jack landed in St. Mungo’s for a week. That scared the shit out of Jack, causing him to reevaluate his actions and finally address the root of his recklessness. With the support of Sage, Jack along with his brother and cousin decided to finally open an investigation into the disappearance of his parents. In late 2025, it was discovered that Edward and Eleanora Whitten had been the victims of a Dobhar-chú.
Jack married Sage on May 23, 2026 and they had three children together. Their eldest, Asher Declan, was born on August 21, 2028 with their second child, Hazel Eleanora, being born two years later on March 1, 2030. Their youngest child, Hugh Edward, was born on December 22, 2033. 
Old Age:
Jack retired at the age of 87 and devoted the rest of his life to his family. He also did some traveling, mostly to places that he had never visited before. He mourned the loss of family members as well.
Jack passed away in his sleep at the age of 121. He had lived a long and fulfilled life and he left behind three children, seven grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren, and two great-great-grandsons.
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Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Drink: Hot chocolate 
Favorite Weather: Sunny and warm 
Favorite Season: Summer
Favorite Music: Bastille, R.E.M., X Ambassadors, Tom Petty 
Dislikes: Flying ; quidditch ; oranges ; mashed potatoes ; bullies 
Jack’s abandonment issues manifest as reckless, the complete opposite of his twin brother. His recklessness is often used as a buffer to avoid getting too close to people. 
Jack has a lot of internal strife regarding his parents and their fates. He really struggles to understand all of it and is afraid of the people he loves disappearing on him without a trace. 
Jack doesn’t have a congenital heart defect. His twin brother does, but Jack was monitored as an infant and wasn’t found to have a defect. He does, though, have dyslexia which his twin doesn’t. 
Jack doesn’t like quidditch. He just doesn’t get it. Rugby, football/soccer, and hurling are so much more interesting. 
Important Links:
Jack’s tag
More information about Jack’s children, Asher, Hazel, & Hugh
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soulsuckrrs · 2 years
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Basic Information
Full Name: Rutherford Marlow Gray Nickname: Ruth, Ruthie Age: 29-33 | actually 94 Date of Birth: May 15th Species: Witch Powers: energy manipulation, shield projection, telekinesis, pyro & hydrokinetic, medical/healing magic, defensive magics, potions, enhancing spells (to improve his physical  & magical abilities).  Hometown: Massachusetts  Current Location: States | Thread dependent Nationality: American Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him/His Orientation: Biromantic & Bisexual Religion: polytheist  Occupation: works as security detail & a bodyguard for his family’s security company. Also “moves” people or items for the sketchy people his parents associate/work with. Living Arrangements: Ruth has an apartment that is one of many properties his family owns, his parents assigned it to him and it is in New Orleans but he stays wherever his jobs & clients take him.  Language(s) Spoken: English, Latin, Italian & French. Is learning German & Mandarin. 
Physical Appearance
Face Claim: Aaron Taylor-Johnson Hair Color: Brunette Eye Color: Blue. A glowing silvery-blue when using powers. Height: 6′0 Weight: 183 lbs Build: muscular, toned, athletic. Tattoos: tbd Piercings: ear lobes, stud piercing on right ear. Clothing Style: Whatever is in style, Ruth likes to maintain a nice look, perhaps a bit lazy for a professional setting but enough to pass in his line of work. Blacks, blues & whites, some red here & there. Usual Expression: a bit arrogant & certainly mischievous when he isn’t on a job, in that case it depends on the client or job & can range from expressionless professional to bored rich boy.
Sleeping Habits: he usually crashes for a few hours, 2 to 6 hours a night if he can get it. Struggles with insomnia sometimes due to restlessness or nightmares. Eating Habits: he loves food & will eat whenever he gets the chance. If you really want the guy on your side, feed him & bring him snacks or treats all the time. Exercise Habits: Ruth loves working out, in the gym, running, lifting weights, & boxing or mixed martial arts. He prides himself on staying active, athletic, & agile.  Emotional Stability: he’s a bit brash about his feelings & emotions, has a hard time really keeping them to himself even if it puts the other person in an awkward or uncomfortable positions, he doesn’t always process his emotions before acting on them & they very much control him more-so than he controls them.  Sociability: Ruth doesn’t have a filter & very much will talk to anyone whether they want to talk with him or not. He prefers being around other people & being in social places, it’s easier to ignore the dark thoughts when he’s doing anything but being alone. Body Temperature: hot, he’s always hot & hates wearing clothes. Drug Use: he typically tries to stay away from the harder drugs but does enjoy participating in some, mostly uppers & weed, a big stoner. Alcohol Use: Ruth certainly enjoys his alcohol & a good binger, though he wouldn’t say that it is a problem nor keeps him from doing his job. Scent: cigarettes, smoke & french cologne.
Label: The Wildcard Positive Traits: loyal, determined, witty, sensual & open-minded. Negative Traits: reckless, stubborn, hot-headed, impulsive, & unfiltered. Fears: fucking up & being the cause of someone’s death or critical injury. Hobbies: boxing/mma, running/working out, drawing/sketching/painting, playing guitar & drums, playing video & arcade games, rolling skating, dancing/partying, making potions & studying magic (though he doesn’t let this be known as much). Habits: paces or fidgets a lot (has a hard time staying still). Talks mad shit.
Weather: summer, hot, sunny. Color: blue. black. purple. Music: rock, metal, hip-hop. Movies: action, adventure, fantasy. Sport: basketball, parkour, boxing. Beverage: liquor, beer, coffee. Food: Indian, Mediterranean, Mexican. He just loves food. Give him all the food. Animal: giraffe. sloth. dog.
Father: Henry Gray, alive. Mother: Karina Gray (Higgins), alive. Greta Gray (Matthews), step-mother, alive. Sibling(s): Ruth has 11 siblings & he is the 4th oldest of them, the second boy of his family. His two older sisters are Rae & Ariel & his older brother is Lewis. Children: none Pet(s): none Financial Status: his family is rather wealthy with decades of working in the field all members find themselves working & contributing to the familial wealth but on his own, Ruth doesn’t entirely worry about money unless there is an issue where he has to.
Zodiac Sign: Taurus MBTI: ENTP-T (the Debater) Enneagram: the Enthusiast Temperament: Choleric Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Primary Vice: Lust Primary Virtue: Chastity Element: Earth Kinks: biting/scratching/marking, oral/cunninglingus, bondage, grinding, being handsy, hand jobs/fingering, public, passion/desperation, hair pulling/grabbing, multiple partners, breath play/choking, fingers in the mouth, anal/ass play, being pegged, pain play, wax play. Position: Switch, verse.
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ofwrxth · 9 months
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Name: Vidar Jansen 
Age & Birthday: 36, August 17, 1987
Gender/Pronouns: cis man he/him
Birthplace: White River, Colorado 
Time in Hollow Cove: tbd
Species: Werewolf / Visser Pack
Role in Hollow Cove: Runner / Soldier 
Positive personality traits: innovative, passionate, spontaneous
Negative personality traits: arrogant, irreverent, sly, vengeful
Vidar was born third of the Jansen sons and named after one of the gods of vengeance. A warning to any who’d cross the Jansens or the Visser pack that there’d be hell to pay. Thoroughly the middle son, Vidar grew up with mischief in his bones, a sly smile at the ready, he was always coming up with ways to get into, and out of, trouble.
Training was second nature to him and his brothers, an accepted part of life that never went away. Still, he always preferred to make a game of the fight. With an irreverent attitude towards most things, Vidar can be easily mistaken as not caring about anything. But anyone who knows him knows that if he’s passionate about something, or if he believes he’s been slighted, he’ll take what he wants by force, whether that’s victory or vengeance. 
When the war came to their doorstep, it lit another fire in Vidar, once again pursuing his namesake. He was captured with his three brothers, Hati, Skoll and Egil at the beginning of the war and when they escaped from a transport in 2021, he continued on with them. They’ve spent the better part of two years searching for members of their pack, and Skoll’s wife in particular. So long as he can wet his blade with the blood of their enemies, Vidar is content with their journey
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choaticbtxh · 1 year
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BECKY G & SHE/HER/CIS FEMALE ⸻ i saw SERAPHINA LOPEZ coming through the trees. the TWENTY SIX year old was fleeing from MIAMI, FLORIDA when they came across novac, and have sought salvation within the motel of purgatory. SERAPHINA has been in town for FOUR YEARS and has been assigned as an/a STABLEHAND to keep society running smoothly. no matter what, they will find something to fight for.
NAME:  Seraphina Lopez
AGE / D.O.B.:   26  /   tbd
GENDER, PRONOUNS & SEXUALITY:  cisfemale.  she/her bisexual
HOMETOWN: Miami, Florida
JOB POSITION:  stablehand 
EDUCATION:  currently attempting to get an associate’s degree in computer science 
POSITIVE TRAITS:    alert ,   bold  ,  driven  ,  compassionate  ,  confident
NEGATIVE TRAITS:   discreet  ,   unforthcoming  ,   blunt  ,    irritable  ,  resentful
❝ 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞— 𝐈 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭. ❞
FULL NAME: Seraphina Carmen Lopez
NICKNAME: Seraphina or Sapphire
GENDER: female
HEIGHT/WEIGHT: 5′5″ and 115 lbs
OCCUPATION: stablehand
❝ 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞—𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐮𝐩, 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐦𝐞, 𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐧, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞. ❞
𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬  ,  𝐬𝐦𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐬  &  𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐠𝐬 : yes  /  yes  /  yes .
𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬 :   the  thrill  of  late   night  adventures  ,  the  smell  of  leather   ,  drive   in  movies  ,  high fashion trends,  beauty products , and red velvet lipstick.
𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬 :  liars , waiting in long lines , losing
𝐡𝐨𝐛𝐛𝐢𝐞𝐬 : collecting old vinyls, writing , listening to music , and taking long walks to clear her mind
𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 : n/a
𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞  𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬 : ambitious , careful , adventurous , honest , direct , open-minded , decisive , independent , spontaneous , passionate, loyal
𝐧𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞  𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬 : impulsive , indecisive , ruthless , reckless
𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝  𝐛𝐲 :    mabel mora (only murders in the building), cher (clueless) , elle woods (legally blonde) , caroline forbes (the vampire diaries) , ginny (ginny & georgia) and jackie burkhart (that 70s show)
♔ ——  Society says that girls can’t be pretty, smart, and funny all at once. Seraphina completely missed that memo. and not exactly in a girl power kind of way, more of an i’m better than everybody else kind of way. So Seraphina had an ego. So what? it’s true: she is pretty. she is smart. she is funny. her confidence in her god-given gifts grated some people, of course. but she was a magnetic force, whether you liked her or not.
♔ —— Seraphina is a tough girl who knows what she wants and how to get it.
♔ ——  Seraphina had a normal childhood. she was raised by his parents in Miami, Florida.
♔ ——  Seraphina can be described as “a girl that always gets her way, referring to how she tends get what she wants easier than other people might. Jasmine does have a dark side like everyone does. Seraphina is a bit of wild child and a rebel.
♔ —— She can be an emotional rollercoaster when it comes to her state of mind depending on the situation.
♔ —— Seraphina can be a bit fragile when it comes opening up to anyone emotionally or otherwise.
♔ —— Seraphina is a hopeless romantic but when it comes to someone she finds attractive she gets tongue-tied and stutters in front of them.
♔ —— Seraphina is very much a mess of contradictions. she loves the feeling of being wanted, but at the same time worries that people are looking at her for the wrong reasons. She loves the person she’s becoming, but deep down, she can’t quite overcome the self-hatred that has been ingrained in her.  She’s caught between who she really is and who she wants to be, and sometimes she gets a little lost in the midst of it. On the outside, however, Seraphina's is outspoken and opinionated. She won’t hesitate to tell you how she’s feeling, positive or negative. She’s fiercely protective of her friends, and extremely loyal. She’s passionate, fiery, and headstrong. those who really know her, however, might catch glimpses of her more vulnerable side. She treats those she holds dear like absolute gold and would go to the ends of the earth for them. On the flip side of that, though, she holds a grudge like no other, and finds  it hard to forgive those who have wronged her.
♔ —— more to be added
mutual crushes
friends with benefits
her ride or die
always open to more
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tuncayacelik · 1 year
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thread count: 3 | drafted: 3 | posted: 0/3 | replies: thursday
The Basics ~
name: tuncay ‘cay’ aslan çelik 
dob: august 21st, 1987
sun&moon: leo&cancer
occupation: interior architect / celik design CEO
birthplace: adana, turkey
legal residence: east haven, vermont
gender identity: cisgender
pronouns: he/him
orientation: bisexual / biromantic
status: openly married
family: mehmet çelik (father), sevda çelik (mother), amman ulusoy (ex-partner - deceased), tbd çelik (husband), mehtap çelik (daughter - 12), ayah çelik (daughter - 3), minnoş (german shepherd).
Possible Connections~
business partners ~ while his best friend is his main business partner, Tuncay likes to dip his toes into promising adventures in many areas of the business world. He mainly focuses on architecture but enjoys the idea of providing affordable and sustainable housing to people. Your character could be a fellow architect, they could be currently working together on a build, they could work for or with him in any capacity. Perhaps, they only know of each other in the business world.
friends ~ Tuncay is career focused and likes to surround himself with like-minded people but he also loves meeting people with different perspectives and opinions than he has. He tends to listen more than speak and grows protective over the people that he harbours fondness for. Most of his friendships have been surface level up until this point in his life, whether they are old friends or new budding ones, your character may find it difficult to delve deeper into a friendship with him or very easy depending on the situation.
childhood friends
ex-partners / current partners
pet-sitters / walkers
live-in nanny
Personality ~
positive traits: driven, philanthropic, kind, respectful, honest, family oriented, open-minded, critical, quick witted, playful.
negative traits: apathetic, blunt, sarcastic, noncommittal, over-protective, judgemental, critical, reckless, closed off, difficult, aggressive.
likes: learning, traveling, reading, music, exercise, health and nutrition, psychology, language, working, dark chocolate.
dislikes: disrespect (towards himself and others), feeling suffocated, itchy fabric, boredom, slow movement, small spaces, dull knives, disorganization, sleep.
hobbies: cooking, writing, pottery, volunteering, drawing, painting.
The biography ~
tw: transmissible disease (hiv), medical issues, partner death, brief mentions of internalized homophobia/toxic masculinity, fertility issues, infidelity, pregnancy/surrogacy, PTSD, Grief, and abandonment issues.
   Affluence by default was the expectation for the first-born and only son of Mehmet and Sevda Çelik, a power couple of the Turkish high society. Mehmet, the heir of a chain of international hotels and Sevda, a fierce fashion designer held preconceived notions about the little boy who had changed their eternity of fertility issues. For a while after his birth, these preconceived notions were their reality, however, the undertone of Sevda’s concern for her son’s late blooming clouded some of the joy that she felt in being a mother. Tuncay didn’t crawl until 10 months, couldn’t stand for long periods of time until 22 months, and when he finally walked, his gait was wobbly and abnormal. Physicians assured them that their son was perfectly healthy, that he was simply a strong-willed boy who didn’t want to follow traditional standards. 
It was late in the afternoon when he was three that things went awry. He had gone to bed early, had slept through the night and into the early hours of the morning but he was difficult to wake, lethargic, his fever so high that after refusing to eat his breakfast, he had start convulsing in the middle of the garden, attended to by one of the landscapers. It was at this moment that all of Sevda’s worries became reality. Her healthy baby boy was reduced to nothing, a consistent patient of the pediatric ward for two more years before her own medical emergency made them understand exactly what was going on with her child. 
She had passed HIV to her son unknowingly. 
Although putting a name to the reason that her son had gotten so sick in a rapid manner was a relief, the guilt that she felt for being the cause of it made it difficult for her to truly enjoy her son’s health when it finally came. After a couple of years of medication therapy and when Tuncay was old enough to understand his condition, Sevda was happy to learn that Tuncay, instead of hating her, started to open up to her more. They became closer than ever, made a routine of their medical upkeep, and in his teenage years, didn’t quite fall out as often as most teenagers and their parents did. 
Moving abroad to Germany for university was harder than he thought. Although he saw his parents more often than most kids, being away from his parents affected him more than he supposed it affected his parents. As difficult as the change in culture, language, and society was, he found it fun and interesting and studying made it easy. What wasn’t easy, however, was meeting Amman Ulusoy, a Turkish-born student from Canada. Their ideas clashed, their cultural morals were vastly different, but their opinions on business, life, and art was where chemistry was born. Tuncay didn’t make it easy, his attitude toward his sexuality screamed internalized homophobia and Amman called him out every time that it came up. 
He worked through it for years before he finally accepted him as a partner. By that time, they had spent so much time together that they decided not to wait - they got married in Canada, moved to Vancouver after graduation, and talked about children. Sevda was glad despite her apprehension, Mehmet became distant so as not to offend his son with his ignorance and even though he struggled, even though in the present day, he still made comments that made the architect internally cringe, his effort in acceptance was the most important thing for Tuncay. 
Mehtap, their first daughter, was the consequence of a slight misalignment between Amman and Tuncay. His infidelity weighed heavily on him for a long time after Amman passed away from an accident on the scene of one of their new constructions. Mehtap’s mother decided that it would be best for their daughter to live with her father, her intention being that having an infant to focus on would help him through the grief that came with the loss of Amman and it worked for the most part; the only issue was the distraction of tending to his daughter kept the grief away. 
He moved back to Istanbul very quickly afterward, hoping that being near his family would help ease some of the pain, he started treating life as if it was normal but once again, he used the distraction of building his own architecture company as a way to prolong dealing with the grief of losing his partner. 
There was something about grief that made his art better.
He gained notoriety, his designs were admired, his opinions were sought after, and when an opportunity to take his work to the U.S came up, he decided that he was ready to face his demons head on; they had always talked about living in the mountains and raising their children there, whether those mountains were in Canada, Turkey, or anywhere else on the planet they felt drawn toward.
And as if the universe was playing with him, while designing the project that he'd been brought in specifically for - he met a man who saw his demons and still took his hand with the excuse that they would face all of them together. The unfortunate bit was that losing his first husband created a lot of problems for him; he'd grown over-protective, anxious, and when their daughter came into the picture, it got even worse.
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