obsiidians · 6 months
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it was the bond of need, but it wasn't all the two women had to tie them together. amirra respected zehra, she had for some time and the tow had been able to trust and depend on one another, even from afar. it was one of the most valuable relationships amirra had but beyond zehra's weight in gold as a friend she was a truly lovely person and amirra counted herself lucky to be in zehra's good graces. the value of a relationship in that crowded room could not be undersold and in that aspect amirra felt a bit more secure, even though she couldn't name more than a few without masks obscuring identities.
"we are indeed, my friend." she places her own hand over zehra's, a squeeze and a nod of encouragement. "my sisters remain my number one priority, but i feel that finding a spouse would lessen the burden laying squarely on my shoulders. we are perhaps in the same situation, and time passes still." she mirros the sigh, the salt air cleansing her sea born heart. she didn't feel terrified, that wasn't the right word for it. she loved her home, she was skilled at running it well, but there were moments where sharing it would be welcomed. and it would help her sisters, she thought, if she married well. perhaps it didn't really matter, their society did not paint women poorly and her sisters could be just fine. but amirra worried anyway, could she not give them a better opportunity?
a smile graces her lips at the affirmation, she cherishes zehra's demonstration of emotion, it feels even more rare in this crowd. "we indeed have one another, and we're here in the thrall, in the music, we surely have as good of a chance as anyone else in there." she laughed lightly, hoping that sounded more nonchalant than it felt. "ah well, longing is different. i won't lie and say i haven't considered the additional benefits of having a spouse beyond the daily burdens of running a house. it's still difficult to feel it though, to crave it perhaps? i so value my independence and the quiet at the end of every day, my routine. but everything must change, just as we do." she lets her own gaze return to the dark waters for a moment. "we should get back inside, dance even, certainly we will not find spouses if we remain out here on this balcony. and wouldn't it be nice to make more dear friends?"
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"that  makes  two  of  us."  zehra  murmured  at  the  mention  of  the  crowd  inside.  even  accompanying  her  mother  around  the  different  regions  and  places  zehra  didn't  know  many  people.  she  was  like  a  wallflower,  paying  attention  to  her  surroundings,  assessing  the  situations,  and  being  quiet  -  she  preferred  it  much  like  that.  Her  eyes  followed  her  closest  friend,  the  one  she  would  escape  to  when  Storm's  End  didn't  feel  like  the  haven  it  usually  was. 
Listening  with  all  her  heart  to  her  companion's  emotions  and  confessions.  letting  her  fingers  touch  the  stone  surface  of  the  balcony  railing  zehra  let  her  eyes  drift  out  to  the  waters,  unknown  and  mysterious.  amirra  was  very  right  -  the  thought  of  a  spouse,  a  loved  one,  and  a  lifelong  companion  was  something  everyone  wished  for,  was  it  not?  "I  believe  we  are  both  burdened  with  responsibilities  to  our  houses."  zehra  said  with  her  eyes  drowning  in  the  darkness  below.  "we  have  duties  and  tasks  which  others  do  not  so  of  course  the  trouble  of  completing  them  alone  is  terrifying-"  zehra  let  her  eyes  turn  back  to  amirra.  "but  I  don't  feel  completely  alone,"  she  confessed  and  tried  to  smile  at  her  friend.  "For  now,  we  have  our  friendship  and  I  believe  or  I  hope  -"  a  sigh  escaped  her  lips,  her  shoulders  sagging  slightly.  "that  we  find  companions  in  life  which  makes  our  tasks  easier  to  complete."  turning  herself  around  she  let  her  eyes  glide  back  into  the  ballroom.  "even  if  neither  of  us  has  longed  for  it  at  least  no  yet."
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obsiidians · 6 months
it was harder than she thought to sustain feigned interest, as if clothing material had any bearing on her life beyond the basic linen shifts and simple utilitarian dresses she was used to wearing. she was of the mind that each item a person adorned should have a purpose, a practicality, but the nobles ideas of decoration as clothing while truly beautiful was still difficult to become accustomed to. even now, the pink gown she wore had been chosen carefully, and yes it was lovely, the color dyed bright to catch eyes, to compliment her skin tone, but more thought had gone into it. maybe sanaa had even enjoyed helping to design it, it had to be loose in the skirt but not too heavy in case she needed to move more freely than a dance required, the sleeves were not too tight or lose, allowing free movement without being in the way, the bodice was light and flexible while the mask was minimal and did not obscure her vision in any way. it all had purpose and thought, maybe she could grant some grace to the real ladies and lieges here that just as much thought went into their ensembles even if the reasons were different.
"oh, i have never travelled so far." this was actually true, she had not made it to lys just yet, she wasn't sure she even cared to travel so much anymore after this appointment. she thought about flattering him with a compliment about how well he looked to have a child old enough to dress him, but left it be. his comment of almost recognition was startling, she did hope the flash of it in her eyes had passed quietly as she turned her head to watch a cupbearer go by, a believable enough distraction as she stood there with an empty goblet in her hands. "oh, now you must forgive me. i have met so many people, and with these lovely masks shrouding us all in mystery, how could i begin to tell?" her heart was racing as she worked to place his face in her memories though.
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in  deep  conversation  with  a  fellow  crownland  lord  aerion  found  the  conversation  rather  dull.  he  understood  the  duties  of  being  a  ruling  lord  to  keep  friendships  and  ties  to  the  others  -  but  at  a  certain  point  of  the  celebrations  even  he  would  rather  spend  time  in  solitude.  however,  as  the  lord  began  to  speak  about  the  hunting  grounds  near  Rosby,  aerion  could  hear  a  voice  behind  him,  complimenting  the  fabric  of  his  attire.  ignoring  the  lord  in  front  of  him  aerion  turned  around  to  find  a  masked  beauty  with  eyes  he  was  certain  he  had  seen  before.  "why  thank  you."  he  mused  and  ignored  the  lord  who  grumbled  behind  him,  leaving  aerion  with  his  newfound  company. 
"if  I'm  not  mistaken  the  material  comes  from  lys  -  my  daughter  has  a  sense  of  fashion."  in  truth  he  spoiled  her  too  much,  giving  her  free  reign  to  clothe  both  him  and  her  brother.   a  frown  was  created  however  on  aerion's  brows  as  he  looked  at  the  beauty  in  front  of  him.  flashes  of  armor  came  forth  and  he  wondered  if  he'd  seen  them  before,  even  though  all  he  could  see  were  their  eyes.  "forgive  me  if  I  am  mistaken,  but  have  we  met  before  my  lady?"
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obsiidians · 6 months
as the reasoning for the sudden proximity washes over her, nose wrinkling at the scent of wine in the large jug the cupbearer was carrying, sanaa attempts a neutral glazed expression but is pretty certain she simply looks bored. what her features arrange into is more a look of annoyance that she had never intended but likely is more believable. "are you quite alright, my lady?" the incessant use of titles always bothered sanaa, she liked her name and never cared for all the formalities and possible offenses and slights that could overcome people who did not follow silly rules of decorum. but as a fake lady she had to cling to those rules, obey them, it was terrible but she'd do anything for the lannisters, that would not change. "here, take my arm, we'll seek less crowded air for a moment." she was supposed to be mingling, she could keep her charge in her line of sight even if she moved herself and this lady to the outer ring of the crowded room.
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CLOSED  STARTER     ⋆     fated for @obsiidians  ,   the casterly rock masquerade ball, in the main ballroom with up to player .
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aemma  attempted  to  enjoy  herself.  they  had  always  loved  parties,  when  their  fathers  were  alive.  they  would  cart  her  out  at  each  feast  or  ball,  imploring  her  to  sing.  and  she  had  loved  it.  she  missed  waking  up  each  morning  with  hours  laid  out  before  her  begging  to  be  filled  with  her  hobbies.  now,  as  ruling  lady,  things  were  vastly  different.  there  were  day  to  day  operations  that  could  not  be  neglected  —  not  even  when  they  were  not  present  in  gulltown.  arriving  in  the  westerland  for  the  ruling  lady's  birthday  celebrations  had  not  ceased  those  duties.  they  did  not  normally  indulge  in  wine,  but  had  nursed  a  small  goblet  for  most  of  the  night  nonetheless.  "  pardon  me,  "  she  begs  their  forgiveness  as  she  sidles  past,  looking  to  a  cupbearer  to  refill  it.  "  it's  quite  stuffy  in  here.  "
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obsiidians · 6 months
closed starter ; for alyssa @forcrowning
the gathering was quite crowded but it was no different from the previous events of the last several days, and there was plenty of food and music, and gossip to keep everyone occupied. sanaa was not good at the politics of all of this, and thankfully that was not her purpose. pretending to be a lady in waiting was not as simple as she'd have liked but she was managing just fine she thought. she hovered near her princess at first, waiting until it would be more appropriate for some distance. until then she was comfortable in the presence of alyssa, sanaa had had many charges she had not been at all fond of but princess alyssa was not insufferable at all, an added positive in all of this. "how many dances would be reasonable for me to participate in?" she asked quietly of the golden blonde, wondering just how detached she could act before it became suspicious.
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obsiidians · 6 months
closed starter ; for drystan @gcldenblades
sanaa was not fond of such large and lavish celebrations, the noise and tension was at times suffocating but she was adherent to her duties and so remained in the main room, absorbing the politics and honeyed words floating through the air just below the laughter and scents of fine food. there were still a few things she did not wish to complain about in regards to her new position and its complicated nature, one was the food and the second was the bed she was enjoying, the third was how often she was able to bathe now as she sat in the lap of luxury that surrounded the family she now served. but this ball was not something that brought delight to her face, and the pink gown she had been generously given to wear tonight to appear like a true lady was uncomfortable, the only security being the two knives strapped to her thigh. she spotted something curious as she played her role and made her way over to comment on it. "it shouldn't surprise me that you have slipped your guard, or perhaps they overindulged in the free flowing wine of the evening. whatever the reason i am still allowing myself to be both disappointed and somewhat conceited all at once." very few knew her true purpose, in fact she was almost certain it was limited to the queen herself, the princess she served and the prince before her, which was a testament to queen joanna's shrewd cleverness that sanaa so admired, the less who knew, the safer princess alyssa was. but it was satisfying to be able to get in an insult to prince drystans own guard, the only thing that could have been better was saying it to said guards face.
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obsiidians · 6 months
open starter ; night 14 ; the masquerade : sanaa plumm
there had been no intentions for sanaa to do more than remain near her young lady and observe, but unfortunately for the knight the duties of a lady in waiting and the appearances of one were outside her realm of comfort. to convince a room full of royals and nobles that she was no more than a minor lady herself she had to try and enjoy herself, or look like it at the very least. that meant smiling, giggling even though she hoped her age excused her more reserved behavior, but it also meant dancing and even though sanaa remembered the steps to a few songs she had not spent a lot of time in those particular lessons and despite her knightly grace and light foot she felt awkward moving her body to the music. she had been reminded she needed to put on a better show after hugging the wall for too long now, moving back into the crowd and attempting a show of shy naivety. "would you mind terribly telling me where you found the material for your clothes? it is so lovely, i find myself almost envious, i couldn't possibly blame you if you'd prefer to keep it a secret." she offered a demure smile to the person she'd chosen to speak to, hoping for a bit of polite comraderie at best.
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obsiidians · 6 months
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"my, that is quite a bit farther than i've had the privilege of going." she knew one of her sisters wanted to see the world, but amirra had never had the luxury of such a dream. in tarth the world often came to her, she delighted in the tales told by sailors and merchants and visiting lords, ladies and lieges but it had not sparked a desire in her to leave her home. none of her sisters were going to describe her as adventurous and that was for the best. let them leave and see and experience, she was content to learn in the comfort of evenfall hall where the sound of waves lulled her to sleep each night. his pause leaves her uneasy, how had she seemed? in her moment of believing she was alone, a stolen moment that had not been so solitary in the end. she releases a held breath that is mixed with the beginnings of a laugh and it comes out sounding a bit like a bark. the sound makes her blush but not the accusation as she determines to reassure the gentleman. "i believe frustrated is likely a more appropriate word for what i'm feeling." she admits, because anything she says feels free when she is standing with a complete unknown, a stranger in every sense of the word. what could he hold against or over her when he did not know her face or her name? "but you weren't too far off the mark, my lord. i am not accustomed to gatherings this large, it is accompanied by so much noise and body heat." she isn't sure that was the most appropriate wording, but she doesn't take it back, she lets it go into the dark night that even out here is full of music and laughter. "are you overwhelmed then, my lord? perhaps we should sit, at least then i could get a better look at you, mask and all." she laughs now, it sounded somehow quite forward but she didn't mean much by it.
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Arik stands still as a statue, a habit of his whenever he simply existed in one spot, however his eyes were curious taking in the lady before him. the light was in his favor, he knew he could see more of her than she could see of him, and yet he did nothing to change it. "the farthest one can travel north without meeting the wall, my lady." he finally muses back to her, he knows just by the way she tries to take him apart that they had never crossed paths before. "it was only a common cortesy, you seemed," he pauses uncertain if she would take the comment wrong, "overwhelmed." he too had been moments before finding solace in the dark corner of the balcony. "which i would not blame you for, the celebration can weight on one. i personally am not very fond of them." he admits, hoping it will give her a bit more of peace.
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obsiidians · 6 months
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there were many moments where amirra thought herself too bold, too honest but she rarely expected it of others, everything here came with additional layers of deception and saccharine sentiments so it was welcome and refreshing to find a young lady so easily behaving as they pleased. she was certain her face betrayed her bemusement, but the mask would make sure no one would notice, least of all the mystery lady now seated beside her. "no need to move, the seat was unoccupied. would you like me to flag down some water or wine? your face is quite flushed." if the other was going to be bold then amirra felt more comfortable being honest. "but you're quite right, this room has become quite hot."
WHERE : the masquerade WHO : @rvdiivnce
               ❛ HOW ARE PEOPLE NOT BURNING IN here ? ❜ arsa snatched the mask off of her face and dropped it onto the table to fan herself with her hands. with the wine she'd had and the dancing that she'd done she had a healthy flush on her cheeks that she was grateful no one could see unless she took off the bloody thing.
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❛ my apologies if someone else was sitting here. i just need to rest for a moment and then i'll move. ❜ and hopefully it would be before anyone came to take their seat back.
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obsiidians · 6 months
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she laughs "was i so easy to recognize?" it takes her a moment to recognize the other as well, certainly a longer moment than her new balcony companion. "lady dayana? you look so lovely, but that is not a surprise." it's a true compliment, the lady is often quite breathtaking, amirra would have to lose her eyesight to not notice. it made her wonder what lady dayana thought of her, a trivial thought she did not usually entertain. she had formed this particular familiarity through a love of language, something she half wished her younger sisters had bothered to take an interest in. "i do believe this balcony is big enough for the both of us to enjoy, though i did not intend to spend too long out here." if she'd had more of a choice she'd have just gone back to her room, she was tired after all, being at court required an epic game of make believe. "i'm quite fine, thank you. do you ask because my face is flushed? i believe i am simply too warm from all the dancing."
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they  squint,  what  their  vision  does  not  offer  them  in  recognition  ears  do.  "  no,  i  was  not  in  search  of  you,  lady  tarth.  "  dayana  knew  her  only  in  passing  and  in  the  interest  that  they  knew  languages  of  across  the  seas  that  they  did  not.  high  valyrian,  low,  and  its  different  linguistics  in  lys  had  been  all  she  could  study  so  those  that  knew  more  from  across  the  sunset  sea  dayana  did  enjoy  to  listen  to.  "  i  was  in  search  of  a  quiet  place  that  was  less  crowded  to  enjoy  a  little  bit  of  wine.  "  where  less  likely  they  would  be  to  waste  it  on  themself  due  to  an  errant  elbow  or  misstep  in  the  revelry.  "  are  you  alright  ?  "
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obsiidians · 6 months
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the immediate accuracy of their guess is met with a momentary widened gaze, adorned dark eyes meeting his with a question in her own. likely he was only so accurate because he felt similarly, or so she hoped, surely she can't be that easy to read at a glance, in the dark. she almost laughed, but the amusement did split her painted lips open. "no, but that was simply a friendly excuse. the intent was not to confuse but to offer apology. i see now i should have employed a different ruse, as not many would even recognize my face were it not hidden anyway."
never usually one to leave the heart of the action, stepping away from it all was a rarity when he always thrived in social environments. but the announcement of a betrothal had reminded him of another that he was doing his best to forget, souring his usually buoyant mood and making him feel unlike himself as almost foreign negative emotions threatening to take hold. if there was one thing he refused to be it was a mood dampener and so the usual life of a party found himself searching for a brief escape to gather himself. balcony had been chosen for ease but perhaps luck hadn't completely abandoned him as the sea air soothed him more than words ever could. attention had been self absorbed, leaning elbows on the balcony wall before he even realised someone else was there. "finding it a little suffocating?" he squinted obviously in the dim light, playing as though he was trying to recognise her even though he was certain they'd never met and he says as much. "I can't claim my memory hasn't let me down before but I think I would remember if I was supposed to be looking for you."
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obsiidians · 6 months
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amirra felt as if she'd been polite enough for awhile, she was truly longing for some peace and quiet outside the exhaustion of socializing. it was part of what she disliked about meeting suitors, that she had to infuse every word and gesture with so much energy and she'd not even made it yet to the actual courting part of the process. eventually she stopped pretending to be someone she wasn't and so she remained unmarried and unbetrothed at eight and twenty years. she felt even more emboldened by the mask obscuring her identity, as if she was so known anyone would recognize her anyhow, she spoke her mind. "if you are so apologetic for your intrusion you could find another balcony to satisfy your own needs. it is rather difficult for either of us to enjoy the solitude if it does not exist, my lord."
Desmond's sunny smile oft hid a mind full of dark thoughts, often only kept at bay by sheer force of will. But at the end of these weeks in Casterly Rock, he was utterly depleted; so many compliments given, hands shaken, subtle meanings hidden...He was in dire need of his dark office back in Highgarden, but a lonesome balcony would have to do. Just a momentary reprieve from the facade. Of course, that was too much to ask, as he cursed under his breath to see it was already occupied. "No, my Lady, the apologies are all mine. I did not mean to intrude upon you solitude. I was simply looking for some myself."
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obsiidians · 6 months
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the festivities were lively, warm even and it would take a truly miserly individual to not enjoy it, amirra was no such grouch but she had stood off to the side for the last dance, catching her breath from the one just before it. it was easier to laugh freely with a stranger in a mask than with assorted nobles, even though they were one and the same. who knew a simple mask could elicit such freedom and gaiety from the gathered crowd. keeping her eyes on the individuals leaving the dancing area as she reaches for the tray of glasses she was sure was just passing her, it was a surprise to meet another's hand instead and she turned to see who before remembering, she would not know. the apology came quickly but her dark orbs took in the appearance of the other offending party in a quick glance. "you were just dancing were you not? it would seem you are in more immediate need than i am. you're very polite with your patience but really, it is unnecessary, please accept the glass. normally i'd be happy to take it myself, but i can be known to be generous when it is warranted." she meant it as a joke, mostly and she was parched but she was not perspiring as the goblet rival was.
w. amirra tarth, the carnivale ball, @rvdiivnce
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though she is not one to overindulge in alcohol, crinkling her nose as the beer is passed amongst the ones in her family’s halls and always adding water and honey to her own glasses of wine, it seemed water is an elixir in lacking — and not nearly as cool as the glass of bubbly gold drink. after so many rounds of dancing, she dabs at transpiration trickling down her neck with a hand, while the other reaches for a glass of the champagne, only to have the digits meet another’s instead. “oh, my apologies,” she can not tell if the other lady had been faster at reaching out for the drink, but lynara is quick to dip her head. “you may have it. i don’t mind waiting for them to replenish it — with the pace of perfection they have set around here, i am certain that it will be sooner rather than later.” anyone could try to find a reason to complain of the lannisters, but the ruling ladies have been nothing short of excellent as hosts.
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obsiidians · 6 months
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the knight posing as a lady in waiting had to choose a gown that was easy to move in, that was not restrictive but was supportive. there could not be loose elements or flowing sleeves, no capes of any kind, not too tight. sanaa felt she had to consider hiding a knife or three on herself as well so no high slits or low cut necklines. she had wanted red to show her lannister loyalty but she felt she'd stand out too much, she wanted to disappear in the crowd, to go unnoticed. she was talked into a jeweled mask to match the color of her gown and similar stones were placed into her hair which she insisted on putting up and keeping simple. she thought the effect was actually flattering, she had never really had the opportunity to dress like this, it wasn't as bad as she thought it would be, but she missed her leathers and boots all the same.
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obsiidians · 6 months
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lady amirra tarth considered several options for her look for the masquerade, something to represent her house, her home but it all began to get too complicated. in the end she chose simple elegance, a gown that was bright white and deep black, covered in shining crystals. her mask was a beautiful and matching in color creation of butterflies with black satin ribbons. she pulled back some of her hair to make sure the mask was snug and adorned the dark locks with the same crystals dotting the gown. she felt as if she looked quite lovely, without running the risk of upstaging anyone but enough to attract a little bit of attention at the same time. the most important part was that she was comfortable, her slippers had black satin ribbons that laced up around her ankles and she had insisted on extra padding for the dancing she planned to engage in. maybe, just maybe she'd catch the eye of someone that would finally be the right match.
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obsiidians · 6 months
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the relief as she understood just who had found her out here washed over like the crashing waves below. just zehra's presence was a balm but her voice was so lovely as well, the familiarity provided some form of safety amongst all the secrecy of the celebration tonight. "lady zehra.." she breathed out a sigh, she'd rather hug her friend but refrained for the moment. "no, that's quite true. the mystery of who is who tonight has me choosing my words more carefully than i otherwise might." she admitted, she preferred honesty, rarely resorting to lying, but that didn't mean she didn't know how. "i scarcely recognize a soul in there, it likely does not help that i haven't ever met a fair amount of them." she lets out a laugh that is swallowed by a gust of salty wind. she turned her hidden eyes on her friend then, a look of bemusement beneath the plaster and butterflies. "i am quite alright zehra, you worry too much. i was excited to witness a new match made, but i was also the smallest bit envious i suppose. which is so funny, i've never longed for a spouse but it seems quite important with each passing year."
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the  announcement  came  as  news  to  zehra,  but  she  gave  nothing  away  as  she  clapped  and  smiled  at  the  news.  she  still  felt  rather  foreign  here,  even  with  family  all  around  her.  zehra  let  a  small  sigh  escape  her  lips  before  she  continued  her  search  for  the  one  individual  who  would  make  most  of  her  worries  disappear.  amidst  the  chaos  of  people,  she  could  see  the  dress  her  closest  friend  had  spoken  about  in  the  letter  zehra  had  received  this  morning  -  a  grin  present  as  she  walked  out  on  the  balcony  to  greet  Amirra. 
"it  isn't  like  you  to  apologize  for  escaping  unwanted  attention-"  she  said  with  surprise  covering  her  every  word.  a  smile  upon  her  lips  as  she  accompanied  Amirra  by  the  railing,  letting  her  palms  grace  the  stone.  "I'm  glad  I  found  you,  the  crowd  is  filled  with  known  faces  but  there  are  too  many  unknown  as  well,"  she  confessed  before  looking  at  Amirra.  childhood  friends,  companions  in  arms  -  at  least  that's  what  she  was  to  her.  "how  are  you  feeling?"  concern  lapping  around  her  words.
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obsiidians · 6 months
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there was no disappointment to be found in her body language, the mask on her face and the dim light enough to obscure any signs of annoyance at the lack of privacy she now had. she had no expectation of it really, the balcony was not somehow reserved only for the tarth family but the thought did bring a smile to her lips, how funny to think such a thing. "i see we had the same idea." she didn't know to whom she was speaking, she had no intention of revealing her own identity, it would be more fun that way wouldn't it? "if you wish for it to remain quiet i can excuse myself, though i would vouch for the good this night air does for ones demeanor."
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they  would  be  in  search  of  a  stranger  for  what  reason  ?  a  mask  couldn't  hide  a  familiar  gait  or  way  someone  held  their  stature.  asha  didn't  care  about  the  betrothal  of  yet  another  lion  and  had  already  picked  at  offered  foods  that  she  couldn't  find  fault  in  aside  from  not  being  certain  the  lannisters  and  baratheons  wouldn't  poison  them  all.  “  no  i  wasn't  looking  for  you.  ”   just  as  the  lady  may  have  been  annoyed  to  be  disturbed  (  but  it  was  public  after  all  )  asha  was  annoyed  that  someone  else  had  the  same  idea.  “  just  somewhere  more  quiet.  ”   
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obsiidians · 6 months
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