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Well, I do certainly have a lot on my mind...
Like how do I restore my faith
How do I restore our house
How can I live the life I've ever dreamed and say I'm not too late?
Like how can I prioritize myself and still be generous to others and still end up having enough to buy my dream blouse.
How can I indulge my daydreams and not worry of ending up with nightmares in the middle of the night.
How do I become my own person
How do I win this fight?
If life is an endless battle, I am still fighting with this armor of paper and pen as a sword.
It's so worn down, but, Lord why does it feels new?
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system names: the solar system, the abyssal dwellers, those that rove around on mars, the satellite system, the wormhole weirdos, the milky way, the universe, the supernova collective, the space invaders, the astronauts, team rocket, extraterrestrials, the space crew, the system that was taken by aliens, the collapsing galaxy, the nebula, the alien system, the binary stars, the collapsing stars, the chaotic cosmos, the globular cluster, the rocky orbit, the blustering asteroid, the astronomer collective, the royals of the universe, the dwarf planets, the runaway ship, the intergalactic committee, comet children, solar satellites, the [ number ] planets, the fallen rocket, stargazers, nasa, the remnants of a nebula, the stuck-in-space system, the crashed rocket ship, the shadow of a blackhole, those blinded by the stars, the nasa engineers, the infinite system, those that are lost in the void, the cosmic crusaders, the astral adventurers, the meteor shower, the [ planet ] collective, those on the moon, the rocket scientist system, blasting off, the astro-nots, those in awe of the stars, the aurora borealis, the earthlings, the constellations, the children of the moon, the telescope lurkers, the organisms in space, specs of stardust, drifting through the void, the silence of space
usernames: cryingcosmos, driftingdust, crateronthemoon, nogrxvity, lunarlove, astronomyyy, iamastar, cxsmiccrater, galaxygal, junipiter, kissedbystars, m00ndust, grrnantennae, beepbooop, totalatomizer, thebinarystar, inaufobeam, takenbyaliens, spaceismyplace, astrological, striinights, lostinthevoid, starsrfriends, cxsmicdxath, whereaminow, stuckinspace, lostintheship, 321blastoff, leftbehindinspace, cometchiild, nomorenova, leftoverspacedust, madeofstardust, eyesofstars, princeofthemoon, queenofmars, shootingstxrs, cloudofdust, moonpriints, solareclxpse, milkywaykid, galaxygaze, lostastronaut, astron0t, sweetstarrr, hesmadeofstars, earthtome, downtoearth, www.nasa.com, nasa_nyx, nasadevotee, httpsmooncords, tuneonthemoon, jarofstarrrs, farawaygalaxy, starringmytea, planetsinmytea, starryb0ba, spacekween13, qonstellat1ons, galactea, splinteredstarlight, lunarcloud, plutoprincess, marsr0cks, satellitesweeper, gleepgloorp, theinfinitevoid, worrrmhole, st4rg4zer, blackholebxtch, poppopplanet, fieryblazingsun, br1ghtsunrays, lasergunnn, keypadcodee, solarfl4re, stardustinmyveins, collapsinggalaxy, chaoticcosmos, andromedaaa, orbitingyyou, biiigdipper, liiittledipper, uursamajor, uursaminor, scalyscorpiio, gemeniiiii, totesatauras, capricornnn, slayggitarius, crabbycancer, aaacutius, actuallyaries, litrlyleo, vivaciousvirgooo, mystarchartsays, lusciousleo, princesspisces, mmaybemercury, vvixievenus, eeeeitsearth, eccentricearthling, imanearthling, themoonchild, memoriesofmars, jupiterstupider, joypiter, jupiiiit3r, putaringonit, ssoooossaturn, sillysaturn, ringsringsrings, uuuuranus, neptuning, neptwo, cuteopluto, ubersupernova, atomsplitter, microscopic, studyingstars, actuallyintheabyss, throughthetelescope, astroaroundus, lunarlunatic, solarspotsss, starsinmyheart, swirlsinspace
names: abyss, aloea, altair, andromeda, atlas, archer, arian, aster, asterion, asterix, astra, astraea, astrophel, atom, aurora, aquila, bael, bellatrix, blaze, burst, caelum, carina, celeste, celestia, comet, comette, constellation, cosmos, crater, dai, dawn, dipper, dorian, draco, dusk, dust, elio, eris, eclipse, estelle, estrella, etherea, flare, galaxy, galaxae, gamma, gem, grim, haumea, indus, ixion, janus, kepler, knox, lepus, leo, lucien, luna, lunar, lyra, lynx, merak, meteor, mira, moon, nebula, nebulae, nix, nocturne, noire, nova, orbit, orcus, pandora, pavo, phobos, phoenix, procyon, pulsar, pyxis, quark, quasar, ray, reid, rho, rigel, rinn, sawyer, sedna, sirius, skye, solar, solaria, star, stardust, starla, stella, steren, supernoca, tucana, uni, universe, ursa, void, vela, volans, zade, zaire, zenith, zeta
pronouns: space/spaces, planet/planets, universe/universes, nebula/nebulas, star/stars, shine/shines, shimmer/shimmers, sun/suns, gas/gas', heat/heats, burn/burns, void/voids, cosmo/cosmos, explode/explodes, float/floats, drift/drifts, dust/dusts, comet/comets, asteroid/asteroids, moon/moons, eclipse/eclipses, orbit/orbits, galaxy/galaxys, andromeda/andromedas, solar/solars, lunar/lunars, shootingstar/shootingstars, constellation/constellations, planet/planets, mercury/mercurys, venus/venus’, earth/earths, mars/mars', jupiter/jupiters, saturn/saturns, uranus/uranus', neptune/neptunes, pluto/plutos, supernova/supernovas, quasar/quasars, ufo/ufos, alien/aliens, rocket/rockets, fuse/fuses, spacedust/spacedusts, abyss/abyss’, nova/novas, lune/lunes, astro/astros, scope/scopes, void/voids, ray/rays, pulse/pulses, neutron/neutrons, atom/atoms, glow/glows, vortex/vortexs, wormhole/wormholes, celestial/celestials, telescope/telescopes, see/sees, vision/visions, swirl/swirls, beam/beams, infinite/infinites, eternal/eternals, silent/silents, forever/forevers, vast/vasts, gravity/gravitys, interstellar/interstellars, sunspot/sunspots
titles: the infinite, prn who shines in the night, prn of stars, whats left of a supernova, the big dipper, the little dipper, prn who walks on stardust, the comet, drowning in stardust, prn who made the prints on the moon, the astronomer, prns stardust, the lunar eclipse, the cosmos, bathed in the glow, dancing through saturn’s rings, the ursa major, the ursa minor, mesmerized by mars, the ship’s brightest laser, the shooting star, prn who is made of stars, the alien on the ship, drifting through space, the creator of constellations, the astronaut, prn who floats through space, a blazing sun, prn who explores the galaxy, the thing in the galaxy, prn that created stars, the one who made the milky way, the aurora borealis, the one in space, the endless, prn who floats, the big bang, prn who waits in the wormhole, prn who walks amongst stars, the dimmest star, the curious, the beautiful stars, prn who fixes the ship, a new star, prn who encounters an alien, the atomsplitter, the one who found a new planet, the stargazer, the one who landed on the moon, lack of gravity, a meteor shower, prn who searches in the stars, prn who looks through the telescope, the admirer of stars, a new constellation, the glow of a star, the exploration of space, the explosion of nebulae, the spark of stars, prn made of matter, the burning sun, a fiery meteor, the moons reflection, a planet orbiting, the cosmic collision, the light in the sky, the flash of a ufo, prn who gets captured by the beam, prn who meets the aliens, the brightest star in the sky, the center of the universe, the interstellar traveler, prn that studies the stars
#𖤐 . kwyrandhyre#npt#npt blog#npt ideas#npt list#npt pack#names pronouns titles#name ideas#neopronouns#neopronoun list#title help#title suggestions#mogai blog#id pack#snpt#snpt list#nput
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1947 INTERNATIONAL WC-3042 L with a 220 HP Cummins Diesel * 1 of 116 International WC-3042 Ls produced in 1947 * Rare 3 man wide cab * 220 HP Cummins diesel engine * Brown-Lipe/Spicer 4x3 * Restored in the late 1970s and Stored in a warehouse for the last 30 years * Never shown or seen * Sold new to Yellowstone County * Documentation back to 1956 * sold at Mecum January 2015 and is now 🤷♂️ #whereami #whereaminow #1947international #internationalwc #wc3042 #IH #internationalcabover #international #Ihharvester #ihtruck #ihtrucks #internationaltrucks #internationaltruck #internationalharvester #IH #truckerslife #truckdrivers #diesel #trucksofinstagram #largecar #cdljob #cdljobs #cdlhunter Follow @cdlhunter (at Mecum Auctions) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVsY3-rLRJS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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In my defense, The moon was full and I was left unsupervised. 🌚 🌕 🌝 #fullmoonweekend #lazysunday #wakinguptothis #whereaminow #funnystuff #goodquote #ChaoszSays (bij Amsterdam, Netherlands) https://www.instagram.com/p/BruprhKhV8B/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3nt514vd86xl
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SAIL THOU FORTH... Saltana Sunset #whereaminow #delmarva #maryland #sultana #tallships #sunset #oxfordmaryland #chesapeakebay #tidewatertales #assemblage333 #robertpenningtonpricedesign https://www.instagram.com/p/qsSgf7jkJg/?igshid=1vvwmkzb2bhkb
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Where #oldandnew come together #palace #highrise #Korea #travel #travelingram #traveladdict #travelkorea #plussizefashion #travelphotography #wherewillyougonext #whereaminow https://www.instagram.com/p/BzAJruyBKdD/?igshid=1ntl0c1ft5vfy
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Ahora sí: FAVORITOS 2018. Hubo otras lecturas (y relecturas) que marcaron este año: Nimona, How to Suppress Women's Writing, La princess prometida, Los girasoles ciegos... Pero me quedo con estos libros, que me dejaron con una sensación muy cálida y que me dio muchísima pena terminar. Son los libros "en los que me quedaría a vivir". - Las cien noches de Hero, de Isabel Greenberg. Fue la primera lectura del 2018 y ya supe entonces que sería un favorito para siempre. - Trece cuentos, de Luisa Carnés. Maravillosamente escritos, por supuesto, y encima hay DOS cuentos sobre presas políticas. Es un tema terrible pero del que hay que saber más. - Where Am I Now?, de Mara Wilson. Mi vida no podría ser más diferente de la de Mara Wilson pero, no sé cómo, consigue que todo parezca super natural. - Oculi arboris, de Sofía Rhei. Una gozada de principio a fin. Lo leí muy despacio aposta para que me durara más. - The Stone Sky, de NK Jemisin. Maravillosa conclusión para una trilogía genial. Voy llevando mejor lo de haberla terminado porque voy a releerla entera en cuanto tenga vacaciones. - The End of the Day, de Claire North. Tuvimos un comienzo un poco difícil pero enseguida me reconicilié con la historia, con sus voces, con el estilo de North. El protagonista, Charlie, se ha convertido en uno de mis personajes favoritos de todos los tiempos. Todas las croquetas del mundo para él. - Nubosidad variable, de Carmen Martín Gaite. Lectura conjunta con una amiga a la que quiero mucho. Aún no me puedo creer que sea tan nosotras. Bonus: Los libros luciérnaga, de Leticia Sánchez Ruiz (prestado de la biblioteca). Me enseñó una nueva cara de mi ciudad de siempre. Una experiencia así no tiene precio. . . #books #fav2018 #thestonesky #oculiarboris #whereaminow? #trececuentos #nubosidadvariable #theendoftheday #lasciennochesdehero https://www.instagram.com/p/BsIhtgTnbWN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=w0z1yq4jahjn
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Can you guess where this is? #whereami #whereaminow #architectlovers #travelbloggers #nanoblog #discoverunder5k #discoverunder1k #nanobloggers #localbloggers #blackmentravel #poctravel #nerds #nerdsthattravel #newplaces #blacktravelnerds #blacknerds #dontforgettolookup #lessonslearnedinlife https://www.instagram.com/p/B87QDqpDNc6/?igshid=vf5f82r2cr9u
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I forgot to post this earlier in the week - my #bookhaul (plus a few movies) from the friends of @stmaryspl book sale. Has anyone read or watched any of these? ��🎥 #librarysale #bookhaul #lagom #nikibrantmark #intransit #mavisgallant #arthurandgeorge #julianbarnes #theinconvenientindian #thomasking #justanotherminute #marshaboulton #whereaminow #marawilson #careofthesoul #thomasmoore #adifferentkindofnormal #cathylamb #justaftersunset #stephenking #theassassinationofmargaretthatcher #hilarymantel #ishallnotbemoved #mayaangelou #thedanishgirl #feverpitch #themanfromuncle https://www.instagram.com/p/BrLt8ikHiZb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ibwqv1ibhjlz
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#behindthescenes GoPro #photo of Hiroshi Sato from the #photoshoot we did over the past weekend. Finally now experiencing big #love for #goprohero5 photos & video. The camera itself and the mobile app have finally reached their golden age (for me at least). @gopro @goprojp . . . #photography #erickgibsonproductions #erickgibson #erickgibsonphotographer #photographer #blackandwhite #bts #instagold #instagood #dailies #goprosession #whereaminow #whereami #photographyeveryday #bw_photooftheday #musicphoto #musicphotography #musiclover #postthepeople #makeportraits (at Kisarazu, Chiba)
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Woah! #lightdesign #fogandshadows #gaffer #gripelectric #between #treefort2018 #oldgods #macabre #earlymorningsunshine #whereaminow (at Boise, Idaho)
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In my defense, The moon was full and I was left unsupervised. 🌚 🌕 🌝 #fullmoonweekend #lazysunday #wakinguptothis #whereaminow #funnystuff #goodquote #ChaoszSays (bij Amsterdam, Netherlands) https://www.instagram.com/p/BruprhKhV8B/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10fmpco42hcz0
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Where am I now? #oldhomeweek #assemblage333 #hometown #wishiwasthere #whereaminow (at Rehoboth Beach, Delaware) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6ZR9rJp7_R/?igshid=oz07g27dq046
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Book haul I got today. Posted an unboxing on my stories and got the puppers in the picture. #theburialhour #jefferydeaver #whereaminow #marawilson #americansignlanguage #spanishvocabulary #sparknotes #bookhaul #bookmail #bibliophile #bookstagram #booknerd #bookworm #booklove #bookhoarder
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那是一個再平凡不過的一天 什麼事都慢慢的 直到我真的忍不住跟妳說 連自己都很感動 還好 有人告訴我 妳怎麼追到她的 她也會怎樣被人追走 也還好 妳真的不好追 #Pingtung #Kenting #Chateau #ChateauBeachResort #Beach #Story #AboutLove #Love #SaySomeLove #Life #Ready #Waiting #Mood #Mother #WhereAmINow #伴家家久 #家庭日 #夏都(在 墾丁夏都沙灘酒店)
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