#where is Sloane??
frozenwafflesagain · 4 months
I am:
1. Alive
2. Crying about the S4 trailer
3. More excited about Dad Diego than I can possibly express
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you're laughing. The umbrella academy's final season destroyed every character's personal growth and semi-healed traumas, left huge plot-holes, completely abandoned some of it's most beloved side characters that were crucial in previous seasons and you're laugh-oh. You're crying. My bad. Go ahead. Let it out. Understandable.
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asterlocke · 3 months
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*tattoos your venture*
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mehh141 · 2 years
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Compilation of Barry Sloane with tattoos
Ahhhh don’t mind if I tag you here guys? @yeyinde @irnbru32 🫢
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gojonanami · 10 months
thinking about college fuckboi! gojo who is paired up reader on a class project. so he flirts with her, but she doesn’t notice and continues working. throughout the entire project he flirts with her and it does nothing to her until he finally is like, “don’t you know I’m flirting with you?” and she just stares at him and laughs, shaking her head before walking away.
and he decides he just has to have her.
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the-carlos-cow-eyes · 2 months
Also, we went through this whole season not knowing what the fuck happened to Sloane. Just letting y'all know now
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fanartist666 · 16 days
Scouse as fuck Price but this is him:
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stardusttealeaves · 1 month
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"Aww shucks, havin' fun without me?"
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pcktknife · 26 days
Wtf this is my first time seeing a picture of actual in game sloan they’re literally so cute. I understand everything now
such a cute creature
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venture4treasure · 3 months
“And I, well I found what’s best for me”
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Words: 2817
Premise: A non-canon fan continuation of @archangelsarchway fics: part one and part two. Struggling with learning to move on from Venture after their amnesia and newfound affection for Mei, Reader feels like something isn’t quite right. Someone is pulling the strings and nobody has realized. 
Warnings: Implied major character death, Memory loss, Kidnapping, Drugging, Blood, they/them pronouns for Reader, Implied body modification, Unhappy ending
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“What did you say?” Your eyes widen in alarm, turning to face the trio.
“Rein,” you demand, half begging, as your heart rate picks up, “what did you say”. 
“I… didn’t say anything,” Reinhardt answers, confused. 
Sojourn affirms that nothing was said. 
You stand up suddenly, slamming your hands on the table a little harder than you had meant. Everyone was looking at you now. Mei crowds behind Venture at your sudden action. You duly note that you never did apologize to her for that. 
“Are you alright?” Lifeweaver offers to let you lean your weight on him as you grow dizzy and unbalanced. 
“I’m fine,” you grit out, “head’s just hurting out of nowhere”. 
“I’m going to go wash up and maybe take some painkillers, be back in a moment,” you say to the group, pushing yourself off Lifeweaver, “sorry about the scare. Congratulations on your marriage” you add with a pained smile. 
You hurry off to the washroom, splashing water on your face. You must look like a mess, but the pain behind your eyes is unbearable and almost blinding. Hunched over the sink, the water still running, a violent cough overtakes you. 
There’s blood in the sink now. It’s yours. Something is wrong. You should’ve known, you berate yourself. You should’ve trusted your gut. Kiriko was here, right? You’re pretty sure she can heal you without her gear. And then you’d report your concerns of some kind of poisoning to Winston, and the scientists at Overwatch would figure it out. It was a simple plan, you could manage. 
You look up at the mirror to try and compose yourself, a feeling of dread falls over you when you see a reflection of someone behind you. You’re about to turn around when a hand settles on your back, a burning pain knocks you out. 
Lifeweaver nudges Sojourn, calling out to the table that they’re going to check on you. The two of them head towards the building the garden is attached to. 
“Do you think they’re doing okay?” Lifeweaver asks, “maybe seeing a wedding is still a bit much”.
“They’ve been doing fine moving on from what I’ve seen,” Sojourn replies, “I think something isn’t right. They’ve been really confused with events regarding Sloan recently. They keep asking me to confirm if certain things really happened, and some of the things they’ve been coming up with… I don’t remember anything remotely similar happening. Things that are completely made up”.
“Seeing and hearing things, and mistaking them for memories? They’re not on any medication that would cause hallucinations that bad from what I recall,” Lifeweaver brows furrow in concern. 
“We’ll get an answer if we ask, I’m sure,” Sojourn says.
She knocks on the door to the washroom. 
“Hello?” No response, she flashes a worried look at Lifeweaver. 
“Are you okay? If you want to head out, Niran and I will keep you company, we’re about done with the excitement anyways”. It’s still met with silence. 
“I’m going to come in, okay?” Sojourn calls out. 
Turning the handle reveals it’s unlocked. Both Sojourn and Lifeweaver share a concerned glance. 
“Oh my god”. Lifeweaver breathes at the scene before them. 
The faucet is still running water. Blood splattered the edges of the sink and ran down the mirror. A trail of red smeared across porcelain and streaked the floor – like a body had been dragged. 
Lifeweaver closes the door to preserve any evidence. A feeling of regret washes over him, he should’ve gone with you. Sojourn calls in a missing person, her voice calmer than her anxious pacing would have you think. 
Overwatch had passed the case off to the authorities, which fell cold after some months. Everyone was forced to move on with their work without their fellow agent, but not everybody was content with the idea of giving up. So when an anonymous tip – sealed with a purple skull – was handed off to Venture; Sojourn and Lifeweaver pushed for an investigation.
A small, but capable group was sent out. With Sojourn leading the team, Lifeweaver, Reinhardt, Venture, and Mei arrived at Eichenwalde. 
An eerie silence greets them. No bird songs or stray animals scurrying about. They start their search by clearing out any danger from the main roads. At the foot of the castle, a rock drops to their location, clattering noisily. Venture kneels to pick it up, checking in the direction it came from – its trajectory indicates that it was thrown and not from crumbling buildings, besides it’s not a rock common to this area. They don’t get far in their thoughts when a monstrous howl interrupts the silence. The team instinctively points their weapons toward the sound. 
A creature prowls on the top of abandoned buildings, roof tiles fall with each step it takes. It looks like a griffin – eagle’s head and lion’s body, but even that’s not quite right. Its hind legs change from fur to scales, and where lion paws should’ve been are a set of reptilian claws. Its snake-like tail whips behind it, sounding a frightening cracking noise. 
It flares its feathers, jumping at the group. Reinhardt is quick to throw up his shield. The force of the pounce has his shield cracking and pushes him back as he tries to dig his feet into the ground. Large talons slam and scratch at the shield. Like this, they can truly see how large the beast is. On all fours it matches Reinhardt’s height. 
“My shield won’t last!”
“What is THAT?”
The sound of a shield shatter is the group’s signal to scatter. Lifeweaver throws a petal for Mei, Reinhardt, and himself. Venture burrows away and Sojourn slides out of the beast’s line of attack. It snaps its beak angrily, its sight locked onto Sojourn. 
Sojourn aims a railgun shot and it moves out of the way. It dodged. It understands the concept of guns, Sojourn notes with alarm. She’s not able to slide away a second time before the creature is on top of her, caging her under its body. Between the feathers of its neck and torso, there’s hair peeking out between the plumage. It’s not dissimilar to human hair and even more similar to someone who went missing months ago. A cold despair freezes her in place.
Lifeweaver throws out his life grip to try and pull Sojourn away, it’s caught midway through its recall by the beak of the monster. A strong jerk pulls him off the platform, he catches himself, but his gear is broken – and probably his wrist too. Sojourn regroups with him, throwing out some covering fire to stall time as Mei and Venture try to flank it. 
“Niran, you don’t think this is…” Sojourn asks, hoping for a different opinion. 
Lifeweaver squints at the beast in front of it, noting down details. Its fur colour is horribly familiar and its eyes…
Tearing his gaze away, he hisses out a swear.
“I thought so,” Sojourn remarks bitterly. 
“Mei! Can you get us some cover? Just some time to regroup with a plan,” Sojourn yells over the fighting. 
“S-sure,” Mei calls back, throwing up an ice wall. The creature pounds against it, the cry of ice giving away reminds the group that they’re on a timer.
They take cover in a buried storage room, banking on the idea that birds have a weak sense of smell. 
“Venture,” Sojourn says, placing a hand on their shoulder, “did you figure out who that is?” 
“Yeah,” Venture swallows, “yeah, I think so”.
“Then I’m sure you know that they loved you dearly. Even after you moved on to another, they never stopped loving you,” Sojourn pauses, “even if it was to a fault”. 
“And I’m not saying this just to slander them while they’re like this, that first year for them was rough. But every day after, they worked hard to learn to move on, so you could move on,” Sojourn continues, “I think you should try and talk to them, maybe it’ll snap some sense into them and give us the opening we need to win”. 
Mei tries to argue and is cut off by Sojourn before she can speak a word, “I’m not asking you to get back together or to pretend like you love them still, just talk to them. Your voice is enough, trust me”. 
A doubtful silence falls over the group, broken by the crumbling of wood and stone as the creature lets out a growl. It’s looking for them, and they all know they’re running out of time. 
“I have one Tree of Life I can use,” Lifeweaver shouts over the sound, “if we’re going to try this, we’re going. Now”.
The team hurries out of the storage room they were taking cover in. The creature immediately turns towards them with a deafening roar.
“Life protects life!”
The pink tree pulses brightly, stunning the beast. It approaches the offending structure with malicious curiosity. 
Venture shouts their name – the name of someone gone missing months ago. 
The beast snaps towards the sound, growling lowly as it approaches Venture. 
“Hey,” Venture says as if striking up a conversation, “I’ve heard a lot about you. And I should know a lot about you if what I’ve been told is true. I’m sorry that I don’t”.
It stops in its approach, the growling doesn’t cease, but quiets to a noise that doesn't make their body tremble with fear. It blinks at them, as if to tell them to continue.
“I’m sorry that I didn’t ever reach out and I’m sorry that I treated you the way I did,” Venture’s voice shakes, they hadn’t meant to get emotional over this, “I should’ve done better, especially when I saw that you were trying to do right by me. If you’ll give me a chance, I’d like to try to do right by you this time”. 
It lowers its bird-like head to Venture’s eye level. It stops growling and seems to be observing Venture. It makes a couple clicking sounds, the latter half of noises starting to sound like vowels. 
It’s trying to talk to me, Venture realizes in shock.
They hastily turn to rummage something out of their bag, they can hear their team yelling at them through comms to not turn their back to it, but this felt like the right thing to do.
Venture looks back to the creature, a silver ring cupped in their hands, “look! You gave this to me, didn’t you? I know I stopped wearing it, but I couldn’t just throw it away because it felt like it was something special. Too special to throw away, you know?” They rambled. 
It shifts its body, tilting its head so it can better look at the ring. Venture moves the ring in their hand, holding it between two fingers so if it wants to grab it from them, it can. For a moment, it seems like it does want to take it, it moves its head closer, emitting a soft audible vibration.  
The rumble of an engine makes both of them turn to the sound. The beast turns faster, but it’s too late. Reinhardt’s hammer slams into the side of it, sending it through brick railing and off the edge. It screeches in pain, it’s an ear piercing noise that makes everyone flinch. 
“NO,” Venture breathes in panic, racing to the ledge. 
Your head hurts and your body has been moving on its own accord. Every time you try to think or remember, your brain feels like it’s going to explode. So, you’ve just followed exactly what you’ve been told. And maybe it’s not so bad like this. When you do as told, you get to eat tasty food and sleep on a soft bed. And like this, you’re not hurting. You were hurting before, you think. At least that’s what she tells you. Plus, this form makes you powerful. Strong enough that no one can hurt you again, strong enough to protect- 
Protect what? You don’t remember. 
Through the fog of your brain that you left on autopilot, you can hear a name. One you should know. 
It’s your name, isn’t it? Then who’s saying it? 
You try to squint to see better, but this body doesn’t have the muscle to do so. Instead you blink, the sudden darkness stuns you for a second. The voice starts talking again, and it makes you feel. The emotions make you recoil, but you have to know. You lean down towards them to see better. 
‘Sloan’ you try to say. Your body doesn’t have vocal cords, so it comes out as a series of meaningless chirps. Frustrated, you try again, ‘Sloan! Venture! Help me! Save me! I’m sorry.’ None of it comes out right. 
You’re prepared to keep trying when they cut you off by searching their bag. You can hear the rustle of items better than you can understand the mess of colours in your vision – you guess your vision changed with your body, you just never noticed until now.
They bring a small trinket into your vision. It sparkles in the sun and artificial tree’s light. 
“You… me… special…”
Special… you guys were something special, weren’t you? You think it’s a ring they’re holding, but you can’t really make out an item so small. Maybe if you get closer, you’ll be able to see better.
A motorized noise makes your body’s instincts kick in, you spin towards the direction it’s coming from, snapping your beak in aggression. You barely register what’s happening when something heavy smashes into you, you can feel your bones break from the impact. Your mind blacks out. 
The ground beneath you disappears and your claws scrabble against stone to find something to keep you from falling. You manage to hook your talons into something to keep you up. 
When you regain a sense of self again, your memories come back to you in complete clarity. You almost let go of your grip because of it. You’re in full control of your body now, you realize. There’s no barrier to your thinking, it’s just you. And you're scared. You try to stretch your wings to get back up. They’re broken, you realize. You peer up desperately, Venture’s looking down at you equally as panicked. 
“Help me,” you say, expecting it to come out incomprehensible, but Venture jolts.
“Hang on,” they answer back, they’re looking around to find a way to save you. 
You feel your front claw slip from its hold as stone falls away under it. You swing your hind legs to find some kind of purchase, but there's nothing, you’re kicking at air. You take a moment to look around you, it’s all stone bridges. There’s a castle, old and adorn with moss. Familiar worn orange roofs come into sight. It’s Eichenwalde. Finally, you peek below you – you already know what you’re going to see – a seemingly endless fall. There’s a river down there, or so you’ve been told, not that you can see it through the dense fog. 
“Sloan,” you look back up and they’re moving to face you again. 
“Do you have an idea?” They ask, frazzled, a hand in their hair, “Mei’s ice wall and Niran’s petal platform don’t have any ground to work on, and his life grip was destroyed by…” 
“I’m sorry,” you try to smile, you’re not sure this body can but you try, “I’m sorry,” you repeat a couple more times. 
“I hope you’re happy,” you say. You’re concerned it came across as passive-aggressive, so you correct yourself, “be happy”.
The wall crumbles underneath your grip again, you strain to keep a hold on what’s left. You’re tired and your strength is wearing away with your adrenaline. 
“Talon… purple doctor! She!” You rattle off what you can remember, “poison, medicine, made me forget… made you forget? Hallucinations!”
“Sorry Mei…” you add. 
You let out a surprised shriek when your claws slide against stone, you’re going to fall. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you squawk. 
You think you see Mei and Sojourn silhouette besides Venture now.
“I love you. Live your life doing what makes you happy”.
You fall. 
The noises sound more like words now, but they’re still horribly animalistic, especially when you got more panicked. 
“I love you. Live… happy,” they had managed to make out from your last words. Venture’s heart sinks.
Venture watches you fall in horror. They can feel Sojourn and Mei’s grip on them, keeping them from doing something stupid. They scramble away from the edge as a sharp pain stabs through their head. Hazy memories returned to them. Memories of their time with you. 
Venture covers their mouth with their hands as if to keep themselves from speaking, but the guilt falls out anyways. 
“It’s my fault”.
A figure muses at the scene beneath her from a shadowed ledge out of Overwatch’s sight.
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Author’s Note: YOU. @archangelsarchway. YOU BETTER START RUNNING, CAUSE WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU. /pos
This is something super self-indulgent. A little treat for me, if you will 😋
I re-explained the motive behind this story to myself. And yeah, I guess I did kill Reader to save Reinhardt and Mei from being the bad guys. Sorry Moira…
Because I care too much about this world; the reason why Reader was able to become what they did is probably due to their body composition, as in, they’re not completely human to begin with – this is also probably related to their abilities that got them into Overwatch. What I’m trying to say is, Talon wouldn’t be able to create more creatures, their world is not doomed.
Quote is from Little Pistol by Mother Mother.
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hellomagicalsouls · 8 months
no curlies tho:(
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"one last shot"
maybe one last attempt to getting things back to normal??
is Rob wearing gloves outta safety reasons or so we can't see the tattoos?
babies are back tho 🥺🩷
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I like that the universal agreement of the umbrella academy's fandom seems to be "season 4 sucked and therefore it's not canon"
(spoilers for S4 in the tags)
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keyblack · 2 years
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Something I really find interesting about Don E is that he a) seems relatively squeamish about too much blood and violence happening in front of him considering the line of work he is in, like that's an acting choice that comes up on several occasions b) he also seems really into watching Blaine torment and generally mess with people (especially psychologically) and it makes him so weird.
like, Don in the "zombies tearing up a prison bus" scene:
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Drake's gutshot scene
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Chief's death
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but also:
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you even have that scene where he specifically drags Tanner back to Blaine's office in hopes of ganging up on the poor guy
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also I'm going to argue that this scene - also an example of this dynamic between them
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I don't really have a conclusion to any of this other than -
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but also you get scene like the one where they're torturing Gabriel for the utopium recipe where he's clearly having a good time but also is visibly wincing everytime they beat Gabriel -
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bayeis · 5 months
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Haunted by this image of Barry Sloane and Richard Short's faces photoshopped over John and Paul's faces. Uncanny valley. Absolutely unsettling. Weirdest promo ever
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the-last-dillpickle · 5 months
horrible comedy where Julian exposes Sloan and Section 31 and they go to jail, but some friends of Sloan's take offense and so Julian gets accused of something and also ends up in prison, and they end up roommates
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