#when usopp turns to yell at him he makes sure to wipe the smile off his face
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camels-pen · 1 month ago
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you never know what might bite you in the ass later
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annievrse · 5 months ago
the sled problem
roronoa zoro x fem!reader —ᥣ𐭩 fic summary: thinking about alabasta where there's no room for matsuge to carry you, so zoro puts you on the sled with chopper (feat. a lot of reader x crew too!). w/c: 1.1k c/w: zoro refers to reader as 'my girl' & 'girlfriend', she/her pronouns, established relationship, reader is shorter than zoro. a/n: thanks everyone for voting! here is bf!zoro.
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"My turn!" Luffy exclaims, feet dragging through the sand. You eye him wearily as it seems he used the last of his energy to make it known that he was to take your place on the sled. You wince when he stumbles, the last of the water hanging by a rope around his neck.
"No way, moron," Zoro grunts behind you. "My girl and Chopper only."
Next to Luffy, Usopp lets out a noise of disagreement, his body weight relying on the walking stick in his hand. "Surely she can walk— Ouch!"
Chopper's weak giggle cuts the thick air beside you, and you look to where the sharpshooter lays motionless in the orange sand. Glancing back, you see Zoro's fist lowering back to his side.
"Stop complaining," Nami says, adjusting the scarf on her head. "We'll be there soon."
"You're on the back of a camel," Usopp splutters as he gets to his feet. Matsuge grunts in dismissal, and Nami pretends not to hear her crewmate and turns to face the horizon.
"Let me on!" Luffy attempts to yell, staggering toward the swordsman. "C'mon, Chopper, you're an animal fit for the desert."
The reindeer shakes his head and clasps his arms around your bicep. "No way, you try having a fur coat in his heat."
Usopp giggles, though he eyes the waterskin that hangs against Luffy's chest instead of the medic. "I'll cut it off you if you'd like—"
A collective gasp sounds through the group; this time, you kick your leg out to trip him over, realising too late that he was speaking about the water and not Chopper.
Zoro chokes out a cackle at the thump of his crewmate against the sand. "Atta girl."
Usopp makes no move to get up. He lays there, delirious, until Sanji grips the back of his shirt and tugs him along. "Idiot."
The only sound is the wind and the crunch of shoes in the desert. Sighing, you start to feel bad for the others when you see them struggling to stay upright, so, you shuffle Chopper over so you can get up.
"'Ro," You say, turning to face his back. Zoro stops and looks at you with his brows furrowed. "Here, Luffy—"
The group groans as you stand, dusting the sand from your clothes.
Zoro shakes his head and scoffs. "I'm not pulling that moron. Sit back down."
With pleading eyes, you shove your captain toward the sled, carefully avoiding Chopper. "Just pull him; I'll walk with you for a while."
Zoro grumbles and suddenly jolts the sled, so Luffy slides off. "Oops."
"Please, Ro," You say, touching his forearm. "Just until I get tired."
"Yeah, just until she gets tired," Luffy mumbles, heaving himself onto the sled. "Which will be never."
Zoro glares at you, but the look is too familiar for you to take it harshly. Then, he starts walking again, purposefully making a face of discomfort.
"Thanks, baby," you smile, wiping the sweat from your forehead.
"Aw, baby, that's so cute," Usopp mumbles, his face just inches off the ground thanks to Sanji's grip. "Zoro, baby, my baby—"
Sanji rolls his eyes, drops him, and keeps walking. "Do you ever shut up?"
You glance back at him, but Zoro nudges you with his shoulder. "He'll catch up."
Sighing, you stop and walk back to Usopp. Zoro knows what you'll make him do, but god knows he’ll always do what you tell him.
You try your best to help the sniper to his feet, muttering that he won't have to walk anymore, giving Usopp the energy to run to the sled. So much for feeling bad for him...
"You need to learn to ignore them," Sanji says, plucking the cigarette between his lips. "Let the moss head drag you through the dunes. He clearly wants to."
You look back and slow down to match his steps, smiling at Sanji's attempt at being nice to your boyfriend. "It's the least I can do."
The cook begins to counter your lame argument but stops short when he sees Zoro waiting for you ahead: his captain, the sharpshooter, and the reindeer piled on the wooden sand sled.
"I'm doing all this for you, and you ditch me for the cook."
You can feel Sanji roll his eyes beside you. Laughing, you quicken your steps to catch up to the swordsman.
Zoro scoffs and readjusts his grip on the ropes. "Of him? I'd rather die."
There's a sigh behind you, and then Sanji speeds past you, hands clasped before him as he asks Nami if she needs anything.
Zoro knocks your shoulder with his bicep, bringing you back to the man beside you. He's a man of very few words, but you know what he's trying to say. Quit teasing me.
Rolling your eyes, you giggle. "Stop flirting, we're in the desert."
You shrug and glance at the boys on the sled, your sweet expression turning to irritation when you see them sitting cross-legged, whispering animatedly while Chopper lies half-delirious from heat stroke. “Seriously?”
“Yeah? I just asked that—“
You stop walking and hit an oblivious Luffy upside the head when he passes. Your captain tumbles onto the sand, Usopp following soon after with expletives falling from his lips.
Huffing, you reclaim your place next to Chopper. "Manipulative idiots."
“You got that right,” Chopper mumbles. You shake your head and watch as the pair stumble back to their feet and start complaining again.
"Why?" Usopp cries. "Zoro control your girlfriend; she's mean."
Zoro laughs deeply, like a warning. "Usopp, I swear to god, if I hear your voice one more time, I won't hesitate to kick your ass."
"Sorry," Usopp mumbles to you. "Sorry, Zoro."
"Damn right," your boyfriend states. "And Luffy?"
Your captain's head raises, face screwed in anticipation of what the swordsman had for him.
"Give her the water."
"Now, moron!"
You go to counter Zoro's demand, insisting that it is fine, but Luffy hastily rips the rope from his neck and stretches his rubber arm to drop the waterskin in your lap.
"Thanks, Luffy."
His only response is a whiny grumble.
"Here, Chop," You unscrew the lid and push the bottle towards the reindeer. "Drink."
Chopper lifts his head weakly. "No, that's yours."
Rolling your eyes, you shove it further into his tiny chest. "Zoro won't curse you for drinking it, I promise."
Nodding, Chopper takes the waterskin between his hooves and sips.
"Hey, no fair! Why do she and the reindeer get water, and we don't?"
Zoro stops dead in his tracks and drops the rope to the sled. "Usopp."
A terrified scream echoes through the barren desert, and then Zoro rounds the sled and tackles the sharpshooter to the ground.
Nami groans from the front of the group. "Can't we have a normal trip for once?"
Vivi's soft voice follows. "Doesn't look like it."
"Please! Please, I'm sorry! Zoro, please! I'm not meant for combat!"
"Shut it, asshole," Zoro sighs. "You speak to my girl like that again? See what happens." 
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bluegalaxygirl · 1 year ago
Hi, may I request a oneshot or whichever you feel comfortable writing with Zosan x reader reacting to their new bounties. Reader, who has one of the highest bounties, tries to cheer up Chopper and Sanji about theirs and Zoro just teases Sanji about his. Poor Chopper still has a very low one and Sanji still got that ugly picture of him on it, extra kudos if you make a smal mention about Luffy’s situation at the end!! Here’s the link if you’re interested watching the clip. Thank you soooooo~ much hun and hope you’re having a beautiful day!! ❀❀❀
I'm happy too do this its so fun and i hope you like it. Also how can i not mention Luffy in a cage and Nami going super nova on him and Jinbe for trying to help the boy.
Zoro X Sanji X Reader, Poly relationship, Established relationship, reader is Female and has the ability to control the snake tattoos on her arms that come alive when she commands, they are also connected to her emotions.
Warning: Spoilers, Bad language, Violence and Fluff.
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Nami clung to you as she cried, her bounty went up but all she could think of was having that kind of money "Nami thats amazing, you did so well to get such a high bounty" You smile a little as you rub her hair "Its not fair i want that kind of money, do you know what i could do with 366 million?" The orange haired girl looks up at you her eyes streaming with tears, with a sigh you use your sleeve to wipe away her tears and run a hand through her hair to get it out of her face "I'm sorry" A mumble catches your attention looking over to see Luffy locked in a cage, his face beaten up and puffy thanks to the navigator "Please let me out" The captain holds onto the bars as you grab Nami who tries to hit him again and yell at him, you soon manage to calm Nami down and pull her to face you "Sit down and relax ok. I'll check on you later" You state patting her head and helping her sit on the railing of the Sunny, she does some breathing exercises as you walk away only to stop when you hear a whimper form Luffy "Sorry Captain but i don't want my ass beat" You sigh walking over and patting him on the head "I'm sorry" He states again but you only nod before walking away, you wanted to help him but you were scared of Nami's wrath. You hadn't had a chance to look at your own wanted poster yet since your main job now was to calm those who took their bounty's hard, you managed help calm Usopp before, who was scared about being a target because of his high bounty. The poor sniper was now sitting against the wall still staring into space but at least his eyes weren't bulging out of his face anymore.
Robin managed to calm Chopper down by giving him some cotton candy, the poor reindeer's bounty went up but it was still the lowest on the crew and the poster also called him a pet. "You ok now?" You ask walking over to the doctor who's sitting on Robin's lap and eating his cotton candy "They still called me a pet" Chopper whimpers shoving the candy into his mouth, with a small sad sigh you bed down and pat his head as Robin rubs his back "It went up a lot so don't worry too much, the government is stupid and often doesn't bother to get their facts straight, I mean poor Franky's poster just shows the Sunny" Your comment seems to make the deer cheer up a bit as Robin giggles behind him "So i'm guessing yours went up too? How much?" You ask turning your attention to the black haired woman. Robin looks up at you with a closed eye'd smile "930 million" Your eyes widen at it since its much higher than your old bounty but you soon snap out of your shock and stand up straight with a smile "Nice one robin" You cheer for her as she lets out a small laugh before reaching to grab something and handing it to you "Oh by the way i think this one is supposed to be yours but i'm not sure" With a confused look you hesitantly take the wanted poster off her and look it over, your even more confused now than you were before. The image was of your two snakes destroying a building with just the simple name of "2 snakes". You gasp a little at the bounty feeling your heart drop "What's wrong?" Chopper asks looking up form his now empty stick while Robin gives you a sad look.
You try to hide how your feelings with a small smile "It's ok... like is said the government get things wrong all the time but at least your not the lowest anymore" You smile down at the reindeer showing him the bounty poster with the price of 500 berries. The doctor jumps up in shock about to yell when someone crashes behind you, the three of you look behind you to see Zoro getting up with a growl "Bastard" Sanji yells kicking down to the floor but Zoro moves out of the way and blocks another kick with his sword. With a sigh you roll the paper up and put it in your pocket and pinch the bridge of your nose. Jinbe walks over trying to calm the two down but you place your hand on the fish-mans shoulder "What are they fighting about now?" You ask watching your two loves continue to fight, you knew it wouldn't last too long but Sanji seemed way more pissed this time. Jinbe simply hands you the two wanted posters, looking them over you smile proud of your two boys but you notice a few problems right away. The first thing that you noticed was Sanji's old image that he hates more than anything is back on his wanted poster and even though his bounty went up a lot to 1 billion, 32 million, the cook was now bellow Zoro, the swordsman's being 1 Billion, 111 million. "I'll take care of this don't worry" You hand the wanted posters back to the fish-man earning a concerned look only for Brook to walk over and place his hand on Jinbe's shoulder "Yoohoo, don't worry, she'll calm them down" The skeleton smile being very happy about his own bounty going up.
Walking over you manage to catch what their yelling at each other as they fight across the deck of the Sunny "It's not my fault your a 4th placer" Zoro laughs with a wide grin seeing the Cook glare at him and kick at his chest "I'm gonna kick your ass" Sanji yells only for you to grab his leg as he tries to kick Zoro while your other hand grabs Zoro's wrist which is holding his swords. The two look at you with a gulp knowing their in trouble with the unamused look your giving them "Shouldn't you both be happy not fighting" You glare at the two letting go of them, so they can back away form each other and rub the back of their heads "Sorry Love but" Sanji goes to say only for you to place a finger on his lips and take the unlit cigarette out of his mouth "No But's... now kiss and make up already" You sigh putting the cigarette in his pocket and patting his chest not really wanting to deal with the two's bickering, its normally very playful but you could tell the two really pissed each other off, Zoro sighs and steps closer placing his sword back on his hip "Sorry... I was just messing around... i didn't mean to upset you" Zoro rubs the back of his head looking over at Sanji who suddenly hugs the swordsman while lightly crying "They changed my picture back" The cook cry's, Zoro hugs the blonde back and rubs his back trying to sooth the man "I know honey, their assholes" You step closer rubbing Sanji's arm as Zoro nods in agreement not really knowing what to say to cheer the cook up. "But i'm proud of you two.... your bounties went up so much" You giggle hearing Sanji sniffle and pull away to wipe his eyes trying to stop himself from crying.
You reach up and wipe his cheek as he turns to look at you then Zoro "Thanks love... I'm sorry I was just so mad about my bounty picture that when you made a comment i just blew up" The cook explains looking at his hands that are resting on Zoro's shoulders. The swordsman sighs placing a small kiss on the cooks head before pulling the blonde into another hug wrapping his other arm around you and pulling you into them "It's ok" His simple words make Sanji calm down a bit nuzzling his head into Zoro's neck while putting his arm around your shoulder and running a hand through your hair "So did you see yours yet?" Zoro asks smirking down at you only for your body to stiffen feeling embarrassed by your new low bounty, the two notice turning their attention to you "Oh Love it's ok if its not as high as ours, we still love you" Sanji smiles cupping your face and kissing around your face making you giggle and try and pull away, Zoro on the other hand is very concerned looking you over soon spotting the rolled up wanted poster in your back pocket. The Swordsman grabs it and opens it before you can stop him "No wait" You yell trying to grab it as his eyes widen but the green haired man lifts it up out of your reach "Give it Zoro" You panic a little hoping to tell them in privet in case they cause a scene again, Sanji raises an eyebrow and looks at the poster his eyes going as wide as Zoro's both shocked.
You sigh giving up and put your face in your hands "The Fuck?" Zoro finally speaks his hand tightening around the paper, you were worried he would destroy it "This has to be a mistake right?" Sanji asks looking form the wanted poster to you pulling your hands away form your face "Their gonna pay for this. Those bastards" Zoro yells throwing the wanted poster aside trying not to tare it up into tiny piece "It's ok really" You state trying to calm the two down but it doesn't seem to work the angry looks are still on their faces. Zoro pulls you into him holding you close to his chest "We'll get it fixed i promise you" The swordsman had no idea how to change the bounty but that didn't matter, if he had to destroy a marine base for you he would. Sanji places a kiss on your head getting you to look up at him "Don't worry love" The cook could tell you were sad even though your trying to hide it, their comfort made you feel much better but you did hate how you did so much work and fought so hard only to end up with your bounty going way down and your name and picture not even on it. You kept thinking it must be some big mistake but you didn't find any other wanted poster around. Foot steps get your attention, looking over you see Robin carrying chopper in her arms both of them giving you a sad look "We're sorry" Chopper holds out cotton candy on a stick making you smile wide and take it "Thank you Chopper, your so sweet" You giggle as he wiggles in the Robins arms making the back haired woman giggle.
Seeing the situation seeming much calmer the new member of the crew decides to head over "I'm glad you've calmed down, nice work Y/N" Jinbe walks over with a smile bowing a little at you, rubbing the back of your head you nervously laugh not used to this kind of formality. "Is something wrong?" The fish-man asks noticing the others around you either angry or sad you jump a little and shake your head "No, no its nothing" You didn't want anymore trouble or fuss but your boys seemed to have other ideas, with his hands still on your waist Zoro growls "Y/n's bounty went down" Sanji nods placing a hand on your lower back "Those idiots got everything wrong too." The cook yells catching the other's attention wondering what all the yelling is about "Their gonna pay for this, how dare they" Zoro growls making you sigh and hand the cotton candy back to chopper so you can try and stop the two form yelling "boys please, lets not make a big deal out of this" you turn trying to calm the two down placing your hands on their chests but that doesn't stop them as they yell about how their going to tare the government apart. Jinbe tried to help you out only to get yelled at soon being pulled away by Robin and Chopper who know better than to mess with the two when their like this. Nami and Usopp look at each other hearing about your low bounty getting upset at their own reactions, both of them were upset for different reasons but at least their bounty's went up. The two nodded to each other heading off in different directions while Brook and Franky stayed well out of the way not wanting the two's anger to be turned on them.
You managed to calm the two down as best you could but Zoro was still mad "Babe, they lowered your bounty aren't you mad?" Zoro asks looking down at you his hands gripping your hips tight, it hurt a little but you just wanted them to stop so you stayed put "I am but yelling and screaming isn't going to solve anything" you calmly tell the two making them both groan in annoyance "You did so much, its just wrong" Sanji growls but you place you hand on his cheek and give him a soft smile "I know" you whisper leaning up and placing a kiss on his lips, the cook kisses back running his hand up and down your back before you pull away and turn to Zoro who leans closer "You calm?" You ask leaning back, so he can't kiss you, the swordsman sighs taking a second before nodding, leaning in you place your other hand on his check and place your lips on his rubbing your thumb over his cheek. "Urm... Y/N?" Usopp calls out standing close to the caged up Luffy holding a wanted poster in his hands. You pull away and turn to the sniper with a hum, you pause though once you see his eyes, their wide, and he's panting slightly "Usopp?" You ask concerned for your friend, Franky walks over placing a hand on the snipers shoulder to try and snap him out of what ever trance he's in while looking down at the wanted poster. A huge smile grows on the cyborgs face as he starts laughing wiping tears form his eyes in joy "What?" you yell out slightly annoyed at what Franky is laughing at.
Sanji raises an eyebrow and places a hand on your shoulder to try and calm you down as Zoro looks around wondering if they got their hands on the wanted poster he threw away but it was still on the floor. "Sorry.... i can't believe it" Franky manages to calm down as Usopp starts to shake "Your wanted poster was in the tree" The sniper manages to finally looking over at you in slight fear "My wanted poster? so that isn't mine?" You ask looking over at the paper on the floor "Dam girl, your bounty went way up..... It's 2 billion" Franky smiles wide giving you a thumb up, you gasp running over and snatching the wanted poster out of Usopp's hands. It was true, your picture was on there and your name along with the price of 2 billion berries. "What?" Nami gasps clinging onto Chopper who hugs her back shocked at the amount while the others cheer or laugh. You smile wide and hug the poster to your chest relief and joy washing over you only for two body's to tackle you, you squeak a little as Zoro and Sanji pull you into a hug the both of them smiling wide "No way... your is the second highest" Sanji laughs kissing your head as Zoro burys his head in your neck "Well done baby" The swordsman whispers hearing you laugh and cry slightly with joy, you can't believe it but its right there on paper. Sanji kisses your cheek making his way over to your lips which you gladly lean into kissing him back even with a big smile on your face. Zoro kisses your neck and once you've stopped kissing Sanji he garbs your cheek and crashes his lips onto yours.
Luffy mumbles something behind you that you can't make out while attempting to smile and give you a thumbs up "Shut it" Nami yells hitting him on the hand he reached out before turning to you "This is awesome" she states once the two boys have finally let you go. You let the two look over your wanted poster as you hug Nami "Super" Franky cheers doing his stance making you laugh and thank him "Imagine what i can do with that kind of money" Nami evilly smirks holding you tighter, you knew she was joking but there's always room for doubt so you pull away with ease and pat her head "You gonna hand me in for the money Nam? Too bad, i guess no more spar days" You turn only for the girl to grab your waist "I would never" you laugh and turn patting her head. Looking over your wanted poster Zoro smirks turning to look at Sanji who's eyes look almost heart like as he looks over your picture "I was wrong for calling you fourth place" The swordsman's words get Sanji to look up with a small smile "I know it's ok" The cook's smile fades though when seeing Zoro's cocky grin "It should be fifth place" letting go of the wanted poster he grabs his sword pulling it out to block Sanji's kick "Oh you wanna play three swords?" Sanji yells shoving your wanted poster into Usopp who's still frozen before starting to fight with the green haired man again but with a cocky smile no longer fueled by anger. Jinbe try's to clam the two down but as he gets closer you place a hand on his shoulder "Don't worry their just messing around now. no harm" You calmly state making the fish-man look form you back at the the boys "How can you tell?" He asks only hearing you giggle and walk away "You'll get used to it, just look at their faces"
Making your way back over you take the wanted poster off Usopp and pat his shoulder "You ok their bud?" You ask managing to snap him out of his own head "Y-Yea, its just..... we're gonna have so many people after us now" The sniper gulps as you pat his shoulder "Don't worry we'll protect you" You reassure him before pushing him over to the men's quarters "Why don't you go and lay down, put your feet up" The sniper nods at your words and walks into the room leaving you to close the door for him, you couldn't help but shake your head at him taking a seat on the mast bench and watching the rest of your crew before looking down at your wanted poster. "Y/n?" Chopper runs over holding a wanted poster in one hand while the other holds the cotton candy before jumping up to sit next to you and holding the paper out to you, taking it you look it over seeing it's the one you thought was yours but it makes sense now, this wanted poster is for your snakes not you. "I don't get it... if the snakes are a part of you then why do they have their own bounty?" The Doctor asks looking over the wanted posters in your hands while eating some of the candy "Like i said before the Government gets things wrong, maybe they don't know" You shrug rolling up the posters and putting them to your side before patting Choppers head "You feeling better now? your bounty's not the lowest now, my snakes are" you giggle getting the reindeer to smile up at you and nod offering you some of the candy.
Things had calmed down a lot but your poor captain was still in the cage hanging form the tree, Nami was still mad but you and Sanji deiced to sneak him some food while Zoro kept watch in case the navigator showed up. Luffy was grateful although you and Sanji had to tell him to shut up multiple times when he was talking about how good the food was "Sorry Captain" You whisper as you follow Sanji to the kitchen with the empty plates, you wished you could just let him out but again you were scared of Nami's wrath if she found out it was you. Zoro entered the kitchen soon after wrapping his arms around you as you washed the last of the dishes and handed them to Sanji to dry, the swordsman hummed into your neck before kissing it, you could feel the smile on his face. "What?" You ask knowing he's either thinking of something or is up to something, either way you know it's gonna affect your night "Nothing, just thinking about the bounties, thats all" Zoro chuckles moving to the other side of your neck kissing up that one too, Sanji rolls his eyes and takes the last plate you hand him and drying it "You sure thats all?" The cook asks watching as the swordsman lets you go to grab his waits pulling Sanji's back into Zoro's chest "Maybe" the green haired man reaches up to pull the cooks shirt collar down before kissing his neck. Emptying the sink of water and drying your hand you lean against the counter watching the two wondering what the swordsman's up too, he hasn't had too much to drink, so he's not touchy because of that so it has to be something else.
Your brought out of your thoughts by Zoro grabbing your waist and pulling you into him "Stop thinking so much" The swordsman leans down crashing his lips onto yours, you hum relaxing into him and kissing back feeling his tongue work its way into your mouth, he's being more gentle than normal but you ignore it for the time being. Sanji puts the towel down and runs his hand through your hair watching with love filled eyes, he's also been wondering what Zoro is up too, but he doesn't want to stop all the love and attention he's getting. Zoro soon pulls away leaving you breathless as your hand grips his shoulder feeling slightly light-headed but the swordsman just smirks turning to Sanji who runs his hand up Zoro's arm and too his cheek. The swordsman grips the cook's waist tighter as he crashes his lips onto the blonde, Zoro moans slightly when Sanji opens his mouth before the green haired man can even move his tongue feeling the eagerness to be loved. The two make out as you catch your breath, you couldn't take your eyes off them, handsome, strong, supportive and loving, how did you get so lucky? Zoro soon pulls away panting slightly but with a big smile as Sanji moves his hand to your chin getting you to look at him before leaning in to place his lips on yours. It was light and sweet at first but soon deepened as you open your mouth wanting more, the cook obliges his tongue meeting yours as your lips move together. You hum into it letting him know its good to which he hums back getting a little rougher and harder starting to get really into it.
You have no chose but to pull away when you need air, looking up at Sanji as you both pant you notice a little bit of blood running his nose, you reach up and rub it away. "Gods your both so sexy" The swordsman mutters making the cook blush and you giggle lightly and wipe the blood on your thumb on a napkin "Zo.... what do you want?" Sanji asks his cheeks red as the swordsman leans closer just to tease him "Just you two" Zoro chuckles placing kisses along Sanji's neck before going to yours and doing the same. You now know why he's acting like this, he's a very proud man and with all the excitement and bounties being very high he must be overjoyed. "Just say your proud of us hunk" running your hand through his hair the swordsman looks up at you and Sanji placing his hands on your cheeks pulling your faces closer to his "I'm proud of you two" Those words fill you with so much joy you can't help but kiss the two, all three of your lips meeting at the same time. A three-way kiss is very rare and for special occasions but all three of you enjoy it trying to make it last as your tongues meet and lips touch. Unfortunately when air is needed you all have to pull away but you keep close while trying to catch your breaths, you couldn't be more happy with today, your bounty sky-rocketed and your snakes got their own bounty. You also couldn't be prouder and happier for the two you love, not only are their bounties much higher now, but they tried to defend you when you thought your bounty was so low. "I love you two" You smile at them as you all hold each other with your foreheads pressed together "I love you both too" Sanji gives you a loving smile before looking at Zoro who closes his eye feeling relaxed "Love you both."
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bunni-bino · 4 years ago
Straw Hats With A Suicidal! Shipmate
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message @pixelkittycomet » Hi, I love your stories/scenarios. I has an idea for my one piece fan character, (this is a bit touchy so idk) but I was curious how do you think luffy and the straw hats would react if their y/n crew mate tried to take their own life? Like they caught them just in time or something? Sorry if it's too serious.
Hello! First of all, thank you. And second, I wasn’t sure if this was a request, I don’t think it is- and I also took a look at your character and I think it’s really good. Also, wasn’t sure if you wanted together or separate.
I won’t dwell too much into this topic, since it’s very sensitive. I also changed it up a little bit. I did do something similar to this before though.
WARNING : mentions of suicide, suicidal thoughts, methods of suicide, self-harm, etc.
LUFFY wouldn’t quite understand. He’s never had to lose a loved one like this before..
“[Name]?.. what are you doing?”
The loud gasp that escapes your lips is heard as you snap up with wide eyes and turn around to face your Captain, who’s staring at you with eyes just as wide as yours.
“Why are your hands bleeding? Did you get hurt?” His clueless tone and the tilt of his head makes your heart pound against your chest, quickly shifting to hide your hands from his sight.
“Luffy!- blood? I, I don’t see any blood. I’m fine, really. Why are you here again?”
“I.. came to see what the noise of crying was coming from.” He mutters out almost inaudibly, his eyes widening by the second at the slow realization.
You, hiding your hands with teary, puffy red eyes and the bloody water filled sink.
The first thing Luffy felt was rage.
You, of all people, were thinking of doing something like this? What could be so horrible to take it this far and deliberately hurting yourself?
And why didn’t he see this sooner, so he could stop it?
But instead of lashing out at you, he lowers his head to hide his face, and slowly walks towards you, before eventually jumping at you, and lunging to wrap his arms around your body, forcing the two of you onto the floor.
With his tight embrace around you, Luffy leans into your ear and you were able to hear his weak voice to you.
“I’m sorry..for not noticing sooner.. so please..” his voice cracks and you sensed he was crying with his frail, trembling voice.
“Please don’t hurt yourself anymore..”
Nami wouldn’t even know how to react, she’s just stunned but once realization hits, genuine fear and panic flashes in her eyes and she’s yelling at you desperately.
The navigator was simply hoping to rest and relax in the aquarium lounge.
So when she walks through the door, she’s not expecting the sight of you trying to take your own life.
“W-What are you doing...?!”
Quick to react, Nami pulls out her Clima-Tact and fires a lightning bolt towards the suspended tied rope before you could even stick your head through the loop, successfully burning the rope.
“Nami! What are you doing here? Why’d you do that?!”
Hearing you made her scoff in disbelief, glaring at you through her quick teary eyes.
“You’re asking me why I did that?! Are you listening to yourself?!”
If you still didn’t listen and insisted on arguing, Nami doesn’t hesitate to slap some sense into you.
It would be silent as soon as she slapped you.
“I can’t believe you’d even think about this!”
Her voice is weak and she’s trembling, yet her cries and glares didn’t falter for a second.
Tears continue to stream down her face as she wipes them away, before she lunges herself at you.
“Are you trying to make us suffer by doing this?! Did you even care to think how we feel? How I’d feel?..”
Her lectures didn’t stop, even through her sobs.
“Don’t you.. EVER, think about doing this again! Okay?!.. just.. just come talk to me.. you idiot..”
Zoro tends to yell because he doesn’t know how else to comfort or cope, and it’s just the stress he’s feeling from almost losing you.
The swordsman let out a heavy sigh as he climbs up to the crows nest after taking a quick break for a drink.
As soon as his head pops up through the little door to enter, he’s startled to find you, playing with one of his swords.
Specifically, the Wado Ichimonji.
Though, perhaps “playing” wasn’t the correct term. Either way, the sight of you angling it towards your neck to slice was something that instilled pure paralyzation and shock into him.
“What..-“ Zoro sprung into action, immediately jumping to push the sword away from you, shoving you away and onto the couch of the crows nest.
The impact forced into you from the shove made you grunt, knocking the air out of your lungs as you peer up at your assailant.
“Zoro? What are you doing?!”
“That’s my line, dumbass! What the hell was that just now?! Huh?! Were you really planning on taking your own damn life here?!”
“Shut it! You have no idea what I was planning!” You retort and Zoro scoffs. “I think I had a pretty good idea.”
“Tch. Even then, it’s not your problem!-”
“Of course it’s my fucking problem, [Name]!” That shut you up.
Zoro let out a deep breath and stared at you with his piercing eyes.
“Did you even think about how the people on this ship would feel? If they saw you doing something like this?.. what about Luffy? Did you give a damn about how our dear captain would react if his precious crew member, that he took the time to know and recruit to his crew, took their own life without an explanation?”
You didn’t say anything. You felt the tears brimming your eyes at him but you couldn’t say anything.
“Damn it, [Name]..” The swordsman looks down, shadow casted over his eyes and the clenched fists he had made his nails dig into his skin, veins forming.
Eventually, he slowly relaxes and walks to you, seeing your teary eyes and knelt down in front of you.
“Don’t fucking do this again, okay?.. please.. please don’t leave me alone like this...”
Sanji would burst into tears the instant he realized it, all the regret and pain burying itself into him for not noticing your pain. He’ll beg you to stop. But he’ll definitely be yelling / comforting too.
The chef who wakes early to get started on breakfast for the day, whistles a quiet tune while brushing away the morning drowsiness.
And due to his exhaustion, when he opens the kitchen door, he doesn’t believe his eyes at first, but a quick second glance lets him know it’s real.
Seeing you, standing over the sink with a common kitchen knife ready to cut. Definitely not vegetables.
“[N-Name]-chan... what..”
The panicked expression you held while you snapped your head up towards him made his heart break.
“Sanji! You’re up early..” Sanji watches as you frantically move to hide the knife and rinse your hands, as if you were merely washing up.
“I just thought I’d help you out a little bit is all! Since you’re here, let’s get started, yeah?” You let out a awkward, nervous laugh and turn off the water.
Sanji felt tears brimming his eyes when he realized just what you were about to do. “[Name]-chan.. were you.. just..”
He’s in utter shock and disbelief, the pained look his eyes held made your heart sink to your stomach at the sight.
“How can you do this? What happened? What made you even think of doing this?”
Sanji didn’t hesitate to rush to you, grabbing you by your shoulders and tightening his grip. “Tell me, [Name]! How can you go so far as to attempt to do this?!”
Tears are cascading down his cheeks rapidly, before he pulls you into his chest in a tight embrace.
“Please don’t lose value in your life like this, [Name]-chan.. you deserve to live.. don’t take this for granted..”
Sanji can feel his shirt start to get wet but he didn’t care, rubbing your back and hiding his teary face. “Whatever it is you’re suffering from, i will help you through it. I promise.”
Usopp would be frozen and panicking in the spot, before shouting at you with pleas and blabbers, before forcing you by tackling you to the ground.
Seeing you standing on the edge of the railing catches the sniper off guard. He was simply leaving his room to go to the bathroom when he sees you.
The moonlight is shining down on your form, and if Usopp wasn’t so concerned and didn’t have a sinking feeling at the sight of you, he might’ve thought you were a goddess.
“[Name]? What are you doing up? Get down before you fall!”
Upon being deeply lost in thought, you barely heard Usopp’s voice but managed to catch it.
You turn around to face the sniper and you offer a weak, teary smile which startles the poor guy. “..Usopp.. I should ask you that.”
Instead of responding, he widens his eyes and runs over. “Hey, were you crying?.. why? What’s wrong, [Name]? Should I go wake the others? Or chopper?” He was internally panicking.
“I’m fine.” You cut him off and turn back to the sea, shifting your weight as your smile fades and you stare at the water below you solemnly.
“Can I ask you a question?”
Usopp, surprised, nonetheless nods and leans against the railing beside you, still hoping you’d come down.
“Usopp... will you.. let me die?.. will you kill me?”
His body froze. His mind blanked. His blood stopped circulating. Nothing could be heard but the ocean waves washing around the sea.
Immediately, Usopp did the first thing that came to mind and ran at you, wrapping his arms tightly around your legs to prevent you from what he assumed was jumping.
Loud sobs were quick to escape the sniper’s mouth as snot and tears cascades down his face, roughly pulling you and tackling you down to the ship’s deck so you weren’t on the railing anymore.
“Agh- Usopp—“
“PLEASE DON’T EVER THINK THIS WAY AGAIN! I...” Usopp stares down at you before shutting his eyes tightly, tears flowing nonstops, his grip around you unmoving, as if he was afraid you’d disappear if he let go.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you..”
Chopper would be screaming and sobbing endlessly, hugging your leg as his desperate pleas reach your ears.
Humming a sweet tune, with a carton of milk in his hoofs, the little doctor steps into his medical office and instantly, his once bright smile drops into a look of horror.
Milk tossed aside, Chopper is quick to come bouncing by you slouched over, a half-empty flask of a green liquid in hand and your shallow breathing behind heard.
“Ch..Chopper.. hi..”
The little reindeer has pure fear lit in his eyes as he takes the flask from your hands and looks to see what’s in it.
“Why did you touch this?! This is a dangerous chemical, [Name]!” Chopper panics, fumbling through his book to find a quick antidote, ignoring your weak protests.
How could you go through his things and drink the deadly chemical?!
“Chopper, stop..”
The little doctor wasn’t listening, tears blocking his vision as he tried to read the words and began mixing some of his liquids together to begin working.
“This,.. and this.. no, this isn’t right-! Where’s Traffy when I need him!?” Chopper cries as he frantically mixes the liquid, eyes flashing towards you in worry.
You didn’t say anything, closing your eyes and felt sweat forming on your forehead and felt your temperature raising.
Weakly, you manage to wrap your arms around Chopper’s little body and hugged him like a stuffed animal.
“Thank you, Chopper... I appreciate it.. but.. I’m fine.”
Choked sobs slipped from his mouth as he grips the flask tightly, persistent in finding the cure for you.
The chemical you took wasn’t completely unknown but it was still foreign enough to Chopper that he didn’t know how long you had or how deadly it even was.
“I’m not giving up. I don’t want you to die! I don’t know or care what brought you to do something as drastic as this. But YOU’RE MY FRIEND! and I don’t want you to leave me alone!”
“So please... don’t die, [Name]..”
The silence Franky has is painful, he’s feeling mixed emotions at the thought of losing someone dear to him again. He’s angry, clearly but he doesn’t yell at you. Instead, he shares his thoughts.
The cyborg stare solemnly, his sharp eyes boring right into your slouched, teary, and sobbing figure.
The blade that was once in your hands was now discarded, unused and forgotten. Franky made sure of that last second.
He walks up to you, looming over you from behind as he pulls out a tissue with his mini hand and holds it out for you to take, still keeping silent since he came in.
You eased your sobs a bit and muttered a quiet gratitude before taking the tissue. You weren’t sure what Franky was thinking and honestly, you weren’t sure if you wanted to know.
“..feeling better?”
A startled pause came from you as you froze for a second before relaxing and nodding. “..yeah.”
“Franky.. I-“
“I don’t need to know.”
Interrupting you, Franky continues to look at you before going around and sitting on the ground in front of your form so you would face him.
“I don’t know why you did this. I don’t need to know either, but if you want to tell me, I’ll listen. However, I won’t apologize for what I did just now, I won’t ever let you hurt yourself like that when I’m here.”
You stay quiet, letting Franky continue but his words are enough to make you start tearing up again.
“A life is not a choice. You should value it and keep living for the ones you love and for the ones that love you. Everyone on this ship is a loved one that cares about you and I’m sure you’re aware of that, but you must’ve forgotten. It’s okay to forget that though, because I’ll be here to remind you. Understand? No one on this ship wants you to do this ever. We love you more than you know.”
Wiping the shedding tears that continue to escape, you peer up at Franky and see him offering a genuine, assuring smile.
“So don’t do this again and live. You got an amazingly crafted and you are part of this SUPER~ pirate crew, the Straw Hats!”
Even if this has nothing to do with her whatsoever, Robin will never forget nor live down the guilt and regret of letting you even thinking about doing something like this.
Unable to sleep, the archaeologists was simply resting on her lawn chair on the upper deck, where her beautiful flowers laid.
Robin, resting her eyes as the sunset settles in the bay of the ocean, slowly disappearing. However, the quiet patter of footsteps creaking onto the upper deck made her open her eyes.
With one glance, Robin was able to see your figure quietly heading to a particular area of the garden, which was Usopp’s large plants, and also a view blocker.
Robin furrows her brows and quietly sat up, crossing her arms and shut her eyes, quickly forming a pair of eyes near you.
The sight of you hunched over, plucking at one of Usopp’s plants makes her eyes widen as she quickly sprouts arms.
“Cinco Fleur!”
Instantly, two pairs of arms formed and forcefully grabbed your wrists apart, a third pulling Usopp’s plant away from you and two more forcing you to back up.
“What the hell?!” You curse and struggled in the movement. “Robin?!”
“[Name]! What are you doing messing with Usopp’s poisonous plants?”
The historian shows herself to you as she continues to hold you in a bind, so you wouldn’t move. The pained and confused expression on her face almost makes you feel guilty, for you withheld.
“Poisonous? O-Oh, I had no idea. I thought they were vegetables!— Anyways why are you awake at this time??”
“I should be asking you that, picking vegetables at this hour?..” Robin mutters skeptically, tilting her head as her expression saddens.
“Don’t tell me you were...”
The turn of your head and avoidance of her gaze let her know your true intentions and she can almost hear her heart breaking.
You didn’t say anything and clenched your fists tightly, shutting your eyes and ignored the fact that she had released you.
“I’m sorry, Robin.. I can’t do this anymore..”
“To go this far? I didn’t think..” she continues to trail off, her eyes quickly becoming glassy and lost, painful memories of her own suicidal thoughts arising.
Robin sinks down to her knees and brings her hands to her face, tears brimming her eyes. “I don’t want you to do this, [Name].. you deserve so much and.. I want to keep seeing you on this ship.. I’m sorry.. I want you to keep living but I caused you to..”
Guilt became overbearing and you ran to her aside, engulfing her in a tight embrace, sniffling your own tears.
“Don’t, I’m sorry. For doing something so stupid with my life...”
Robin exhales gently and wipes her tears, looking up at you. “Say it.. please?”
You offer a small, genuine smile and nod.
“I want to live... I mean it.”
Brook feels great pain and sorrowful memories run through his mind, the thought of losing more precious people to him breaks his nonexistent heart.
The undead musician exits the bath, a towel wrapped around his hip bone to cover his lower regions and a towel tied around his hair at the top.
“Ah~ another refreshing wash from the bath.. I wonder how it’ll feel to bathe in a tub of milk.”
Brook’s walk was cut short as he notices you, attempting something quite dangerous that not even Luffy would try. Yet, something about it was familiar.
His eye sockets widen as he runs over. “[Name]-san!” Hearing the familiar voice, your startled self drops the object and it shatters instantly.
“Brook! You scared me!”
“Apologies... may I ask you what you were doing with that?..” Brook carefully asks, taking note of every action you made. He could feel how serious this seemed.
You bit your lip and turn away, kneeling down to pick up the pieces. “Nothing.. I just...”
‘Ah... I see.’
Distracted, you nearly jump when a few phalanges grab a hold of your wrist.
Brook’s tight grip forced your hold on the shattered pieces to release as he pulls it away and pulled you away from the mess.
“...” Even if you didn’t tell him, Brook already had a pretty good idea. He wasn’t stupid after all, his own crewmates often did similar things and it costed them their lives.
However, he could tell yours was intentional.
“Your life means more than you think.”
The skeleton spoke this as he begins to lead you to Chopper’s office, noticing you had cut your hand a bit.
“I don’t understand why anyone would take their own life deliberately like so.. no matter what the possible reason could be.. nothing is worth the attempt to take a life so precious, that you only have one of..”
Silence overtook you as you take in his words, feeling a swarm of emotions filling you inside.
“I won’t ask what’s going on but know that I and everyone else is always willing to listen...”
Outside Chopper’s office, Brook stops and turns to look down at you.
“[Name]-san. I’m sure you remember my backstory, right?”
You weakly nod, avoiding his gaze which he didn’t mind.
“Then you know that I am actually dead. However, I didn’t choose to die. Life chose for me.. and even with this devil fruit, I am given another chance at life, but at a cost.”
Tears were finally escaping you, silent sniffles being heard here and there as you continue to listen to him.
“Lives are not something to be taken lightly, and even if I am actually dead, I don’t regret this chance and am taking this opportunity to do better and I’m happier too. I’m with a new crew and family who I will protect and take care of, even if I die again to do so. You are one of them I will die for, if I have to.”
By then, you were a teary mess but that didn’t stop you from looking up at the tall musician as he offers his teethy smile.
“Remember. Your life means so much more than you think, hold more value for it. If you want to talk, I’m always here to listen and if you want a little song, I’m always happy to oblige.”
You muster up a weak smile through your tears as you nod and wrapped your arms around him tightly and gratefully.
“Thank you, Brook..”
His arms wrap around your smaller figure as he leans down more, smile softening as he chuckles.
“Yohohoho~! of course, any time.”
A/N : sorry this took so long, hun. Hope you still can see this when it posted it. I’m also sorry if it’s not great or what you expected.
I think the best one is Brook or Zoro.
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justasillyoldfox · 3 years ago
♡Jinbei x Fishman!Male!Reader {Part II}
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WARNINGS: Cursing, slight angst
♡You stirred in your sleep, you were having a nightmare. It was about Jinbei leaving you because he realised he didn't need you anymore, a nightmare for sure. You had woken up in a cold sweat, your breathing was slightly unsteady as your eyes were watering up. You quickly wiped away the tears and steadied your breathing when you realised it was nothing but a nightmare.
♡You laid back down, you didn't sleep for the rest of night, how could you? Doubts of if Jinbei loved you filled your mind. You got on your side and propped your head on the palm of your hand, you were so lost in thought that you didn't realise it was morning and that Sanji had left the quarters, it was until Luffy yelled "Breakfast!" and ran out of the room that you realised you hadn't slept. You felt a lil bit bad for lying to Jinbei last night but you don't need him to help you with this, you can you it on your own.
♡You glanced around and saw you were in the men's quarters since all you saw were the boys fast asleep, you don't remember much about the day before. "Hmm {Y/N}, what are you doing awake?" You perked up and turned your head to see Jinbei laying on his back looking at you, "Oh I just woke up, I think I'll stay up a lil bit longer before I go back to sleep, you should get some rest," You said with a closed eyed smile. "If something is bothering you, you needn't hesitate to wake me up," He said before closing his eyes. "Oh uh sure, I will," You said before turning back around and frowning.
♡You got up and saw Jinbei yawn and smiled, "Have a good night sleep my good sir?" You said as you crouched down next to him, he grumbled a bit about how loud it was. You chuckled, "Come on you got this starfish," You said as you helped him sit up, he groaned at the nickname, "I am not a starfish," He said as he balled up his fist and gently hit you on the head, you laughed at him and helped him up, "I know," you stuck you tongue out at him and left the room with him. You didn't eat breakfast since you weren't hungry, and decided to lay out in the sun on the large patch of grass on the Sunny.
♡You didn't do much the rest of the day and had a frown on your face as you slept through the next 2 days. It was worrying Jinbei, he knew you were upset about something but decided to not pry until he saw you burst awake in the middle of the day in a slight panic. You quickly got up and rushed to get off the boat, which startled Usopp that was working near a sleeping Zoro. Jinbei decided to follow you into the ocean, when he saw you swimming towards a small cave if rocks he slowly swam near the entrance, hearing you sobbing and telling yourself to stop crying and that you were weak, it made Jinbei frown.
♡You sniffled and wiped your face, "{Y/N} it doesn't make you weak to cry," Jinbei said to which you froze, wide-eyed. You gritted your teeth, you didn't want to face him. "{Y/N} I didn't want to pry into your personal life but now I feel like I must-" "No you don't, you don't want to know what's wrong with me, you just think that you can make up for the what you didn't do the last few months" you cut him off, words laced with anger. You got up and walked to him, grabbing his kimono and shoving him up against the rock wall, "What the hell do you think will make me forgive you for not sending me any kind of hint that you were doing well, I was scared that you died or maybe forgot about me, jinbei!" You yelled at him, he was shocked as tears fell from your eyes and your angered expression turned into one of sadness, "Do you not love me anymore?" You asked in a broken tone, shaking.
♡He quickly grabbed your face and smashed his lips into yours, pulling away just as fast as he did it, "Listen to me, I love you {Y/N}, more than anything, don't let the voices in your head or your nightmares tell you otherwise, alright?" He said with a serious tone, you nodded as more tears fell. He wiped your tears away, "And I'm sorry for not sending you letters about my whereabouts or conditions," you sniffles again, "It-It's alright, as long as your well now I don't mind," You looked each other in the eyes and leaned each others foreheads against each other, "I love you {Y/N},", "I love you too Jinbei," You said before tilting your head and closing your eyes. He closed his eyes as well before your lips touched.
♡You kissed a few more times, each kiss lingering longer before you both pulled away. You smiled at him as his face was flushed purple from the intimacy. You caressed his face as he leaned into your touch, "I...missed this, y'know" You said, "I did too," You let him go before realizing you had pushed him up against a rock wall, your face flushed at the position but you quickly felt guilty, "Fuck, jinbei, I'm sorry I didn't mean to push you against the rocks like that," You said in a slightly panicked state.
♡He waved you off, "It didn't hurt so I'm fine," he said nonchalantly. You looked at him with sad eyes, "Can I check your back when we get back on the ship, for scratches of course," you said quietly, he nodded. "We should head back now," You nodded as you both left the rock cave, you both swam back as you hopped onto the ship, scaring Usopp yet again. "Did everything go alright?" Robin asked, you looked at each other, Jinbei covered his mouth as he blushed slightly and you gave her a closed eyed, toothy grin, "Yep, everything went well," She smiled, "That's good," He said before going back to drinking his tea.
♡You both walking to the front of the ship to where Franky was, Jinbei went the wheel and just stayed there, to which you sat next to him and you both stayed there for the rest of the day, until Dinner was ready of course. You haven't eaten anything in the last 3 days, you were famished, maybe not only for food though.
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lawslessons · 4 years ago
So I read your rules and saw your requests were open 😊 can I ask for Sanji X Reader oneshot/HC where they are having one sided feelings for that cook from a long time but this person doesn't even notice. Angst with happy ending please. Im a sucker for angst and happy endings. Please ignore this if you are not interested. 💜 take care!
Sanji x Reader: Just a Glance
Yes! I am so happy you requested this! I had an amazing time writing this and I hope you enjoyed this!
Warnings: Minor Angst
Synopsis: Thrown away looks and sympathetic smiles, that was all the chef wad able to offer them for the longest time. The longer they were forgotten by the chef, the more desperate and fearful they became and the harder they seemed to fall for the oblivious, love sick man. But through a twist of fate and a simple glance, will their destiny being to not look so bleak?
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They sat across the table from him and watched as he doted on the women that were there. The hearts in his eyes thumped rhythmically as he served the women who didn’t even acknowledge the chef’s existence. Nami and Robin didn’t seem to notice the chef’s affections, but they did. And god, they wished that were them. If Sanji were to approach them like that, they knew that would melt, combust, explode. Their heart would swell up and they knew they would be no better than the chef in front of them. But that wasn’t how things worked now, was it? The chef turned over his shoulder and shared a small glance at the person who was staring at him from across the room. They sighed dreamily and watched as the chef turned away, he seemed to not notice their affliction. Or was it because he didn’t care? If that was the case, they didn’t blame him. After all, he was a powerful man, someone who could get whatever he wanted very easily, and that was something that upset them sometimes. Why would he want to settle for someone like them when he could have any other woman or person in the world? This had been going on for quite some time. They would always try and do their best to get Sanji to look over at them, acknowledge them in the same way he did the girls. Were they so different from them?
They remembered their first encounter with the chef. When they were recruited by the boisterous captain, a party was held in their honor. While everyone was talking and playing games, they had noticed that someone was missing from the group, yet all this food was appearing constantly. After putting two and two together, they decided to venture away from the party and over to the second floor of the ship where they saw the chef preparing food for everyone. They lingered at the door and took in the breathtaking sight. The blonde chef took in a deep breathe of his cigarette and looked down at the pans in front of him. While there was a lot there, nothing seemed to be messy. His swift and dexterous hands moved efficiently around the stove and mixed, stirred, flipped and turned the food. There was a small bead of sweat that dripped down the side of his forehead and onto his cheek but he was quick to wipe it away. He didn’t seem to notice the wide, impressed stare he was being given across the room. The chef rolled his sleeves up and used a hand to brush part of his hair up before he continued with his cooking, he was focused, nothing seemed to be distracting him and he looked like the type of man who would get disturbed by any disruption. So out of respect for his craft, they left the kitchen with a red face. They leaned back against the kitchen door and felt their heart beginning to thump rather sporadically against their chest. When they placed their hand on their chest and felt the poor organ struggling to relax, they smiled. This was the start of something wonderful, wasn’t it?
Wrong. Completely wrong.
The look Sanji was giving the other women who were there was making that painfully obvious for them. It took all inside of them to resist saying anything, doing anything. What would it take for him to finally notice them? The women seemed to notice their friend’s affliction quite some time ago and had a plan for it in place. The women saw it as a perfect plan which could get the love-sick cook off their back and give their friend the attention they so craved from their crush.
“Oi, Luffy? Sanji? Why don’t we all play a game?” Nami suggested as she gently traced her finger along the lip of her glass. Sanji grinned and bounced over to Nami’s side before he clasped his hand into one of her’s.
“Yes! Anything for you,” Sanji said with a large grin on their face. Perfect. Nami smirked over at Robin who looked over at their confused friend. What were they all plotting? No matter what it was, they had to admit that they were curious and wanted to be a part of it. So they reluctantly moved over to the table and watched as Nami clapped her friends when the group all gathered.
“These are the rules, we all have to sit in a circle and we will spin a bottle. Whoever the bottle lands on has to go into the closet and read off a question assigned to them by the group,” Nami explained.
“Isn’t that just seven minutes in heaven without the heaven?” Franky asked, Robin kicked his leg under the table with a small smile on her face. “Yow! Why did you do that?” Franky frowned to which Robin chuckled and gently brushed her dark hair over her tan shoulder.
“Anyways, like I was saying, that’s the game we’re playing and if any of you have a problem with that, I don’t wanna hear it,” Nami stated before she went to lead the way over to the main deck so they could all sit in a comfortable circle. Once everyone was situated, Sanji brought out an empty sake bottle and placed it in the middle of the circle before he went ti sit next to Franky. Excited about getting this started, Franky grabbed the bottle and spun it. Much to his surprise, it landed on Zoro. Zoro looked at the bottle in some concern but stood up and went to go into the cramped closet with Franky. Some yelling was heard, but when both of the men came out they didn’t look angry at one another, in fact they both looked rather pleased with each other.
“We are never talking about that again though, ok?” Franky frowned at the swordsman who just rolled his eyes with a small smirk on his face. The whole crew was left wondering what had happened in the closet. The other rounds were uneventful. Robin went with Usopp and Chopper went with Nami while Brook went with their captain. All that seemed to be left was them and Sanji. And Robin knew this. The cunning woman watched as the spun the bottle and used his devil fruit abilities to make the bottle stop on the chef. She watched with a pleased expression on her face as her friend looked shocked and then terrified.
“Look’s like you two are up,” Nami grinned as she watched the confused chef and their friend stand up and slowly make their way to the closet. When they were both inside, they both finally realized just how cramped the space was, neither of them knew how Zoro and Franky were even able to sit in here.
“What’s the question?” They asked Sanji. The chef looked down into his suit’s pocket and pulled out a small slip of paper before he began to read over it.
“What’s your biggest fear?” Sanji asked with a small frown, “How are we supposed to answer this in seven minutes?” He asked, they couldn’t help but smile a bit at that. He never understood, did he? Perhaps that was their biggest fear.
“I know mine,” They shared as they rested their back against the wall and sighed. Sanji lit a cigarette and watched them in some curiosity, “But I want to hear yours first,” They said with a small grin.
“You drive a hard bargain,” Sanji dryly laughed as he blew out the toxic smoke into the communal air and sighed. “Never being good enough for someone,” he shared, that came as a surprise to them for sure.
“What do you mean?” They found themselves asking him.
“Relationships and stuff I suppose, I guess I always go around to other women and people because I guess I never expect myself to be good enough for one single person. Sound’s pretty shitty, doesn’t it?” Sanji asked them.
“It kinda does,” They admitted which made the chef laugh. They smiled when they heard the sweet music of Sanji’s voice reach their ears. “Now I guess I should say mine, right?” They asked Sanji to which the chef nodded. He seemed to be a lot more relaxed now that his secret was out of the way. “Having the person I love never loving me back,” they explained with a sad smile on their face. Sanji once again looked confused, it shocked them how dense he actually could be in moments like this.
“Love? You love someone?” Sanji asked just as the door was being opened by Robin’s hand.
“It doesn’t matter I suppose, I know he’ll never love me back,” They said before they left the closet and looked at all of their friends sitting in the circle still. “I’m feeling tired, I think I’m going to sleep early,” They announced as they went to leave. And unbeknownst to them, Sanji looked over at them with a concerned look. 
He was up for the rest of the night, pacing round the kitchen and saying goodnight to the rest of the crew. It was quiet for the whole night, but there was one thing that broke the silence. He heard a door opening somewhere on the ship, and when he poked his head out of the kitchen, he caught sight of them standing by the railing of the ship and looking out into the night sky with a small smile on their face. Sanji was now the one who found himself staring at them and taking in their features. He supposed the thing that surprised him the most, made him the most worried was the sad look in their eyes. Those bright, beautiful eyes were illuminated by the stream of tears that flowed onto equally beautiful cheeks. The chef couldn’t bear to watch them stand out in the cold air with such a despairing look on their face. He stepped out of the kitchen and removed his suit jacket and went up behind them. He blew out some of the smoke in his mouth as he dropped the fabric over their shoulders and watched as they turned to face him.
“I can’t sleep because of you,” Sanji shared, he watched as their face suddenly pinked and Sanji slowly began to put the pieces together. But he needed to be sure about this before he did anything. “I guess you’re awake for the same reason too, right?“ Sanji asked as he crossed his arms over his chest to keep himself warm for as long as possible. They hugged the jacket closer to themself and looked away from the chef. Sanji reached his hand forward and gently touched their chin with his finger and led their face to look him in his exposed eye. “You can be honest with me,” He assured them.
“Yes,” They found themselves saying without even realizing what was coming out of their mouth.
“Yes?” Sanji asked as his hand moved to cup their cheek. He felt his heart skip when they relaxed under his touch. Was this happening? He just talked about his fear with them a couple of hours ago, and now here they were, so close to dissipating their fears. “I’m scared of you, what you’re doing to me,” Sanji admitted as he pulled his hand away and stuffed his hands rather ungracefully in his dress pant’s pockets.
“What am I doing to you?” They asked with a sudden frown. They removed the jacket from their shoulders and shoved it back into Sanji’s arms. “You’re acting as if this is all my fault, do you realize what all you’ve done to me? How much I’ve suffered because of you?” They asked as they stepped back, their hands and feet practically hugging onto the rail. “You’re so blind, Sanji! You are everything I want and everything I’m scared of at the same time! I can’t take it!” They snapped as they dug their nails into the wood and looked up at Sanji with pitiful eyes. Sanji was in shock, his cigarette fell against the deck as he watched them cry and break down in front of him. Sanji didn’t know how to handle this, them. He never had to deal with something like this and it caught him off guard, he was shocked and felt as if he was punched when he finally came to a serious realization.
“I’m your fear?” Sanji suddenly asked.
“Yes! You Id—“ They were quickly cut off when Sanji pulled them into a hug and held them close and tight to himself. They stopped talking and looked at the chef with wide eyes as they were suddenly being kissed. Sparks flew and they both knew that what they were feeling was real and raw and powerful.
“I don’t want you to have to fear me,” Sanji said as he pulled them closer and hid his face against their hair and sighed. “You don’t need to fear me anymore, I’m yours, I want to be yours. I was so blind until now,” Sanji confessed as he looked down at the person in front of him. They wiped their tears away and felt their jaw drop just a bit, Sanji confessed to them, was this a dream?
“Yes! You, only you,” Sanji assured them with a small smile. “Only you
“Only me.” They mumbled, “What changed your mind?” They asked, they were genuinely confused, they didn’t understand how he could be so certain about all of this.
“I just had to open my eyes and look at what was in front of me
 it took a glance.” Sanji smiled. They found themselves smiling at what the chef had said and dryly laughed at the irony of the situation, that was how they knew they liked Sanji. Loved him. Fell for him. And god, they were falling even harder now. As the sea breeze blew Sanji’s hair out of his face, they instantly knew that what they were feeling was safe and good. They no longer had to worry about their biggest fear, they had someone to protect their heart, and all it took was a glance.
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santouryuuu · 6 years ago
pairing : luffy x reader
requested by : @akutagawahakuryuunosuke
Hello, can i request a high school au with Luffy please? the plot is what if he was a soccer team captain, he met her when he accidentally kicking the ball to far and knocking her off from the bench, she was the art student who lost her muse because her must got a girlfriend and meeting Luffy bring her back to painting after that is up to you hehehe thank you very much
hellooo~ here's your request! i hope that it's what you envisioned! this is actually my first time writing for Luffy so, i'm sorry if he seems out of character đŸ™‡â€â™€ïž but anyways enjoy~
"Blank again, huh?"
You felt your hands freeze and your heart drop as you heard Usopp's comment. You tore your gaze away from the blank canvas to face your art teacher. You looked at the ground in shame and gave a slight nod in response.
He sighed and patted your shoulder, "It's fine Y/n. I understand that you're going through a rather rough art block. You'll get back on your feet one day."
You could feel him send a reassuring smile your way as you watched your hand tighten around the charcoal.
As if on cue, the bell rang to signal the end of the day.
"Pack up everyone! I expect to see drafts by the end of the week!" Usopp announced as he made his way around the room.
You carefully placed the charcoal back where it belonged and took out a wet wipe to clean your dirtied hands. As you were wiping your hands, you couldn't help but stare at the canvas in front of you. You wrinkled your face in distaste and felt a strong urge to just punch a rather unsightly hole through it. You resisted the urge and finished up packing.
You slung your bag around your shoulder and quietly headed to the soccer field.
In all honesty, you weren't a big fan of sports. You were far more interested in any activities that didn't involve sweating up a storm. However, you had discovered that sitting on the bleachers and watching the soccer team practice always cured your art block.
For some reason, it couldn't cure your current art block. Nevertheless, you still persisted.
You found an empty seat on the bleachers and sat down. You attentively watched as the soccer team kicked the ball around and performed a few trick shots here and there.
"Hey captain! I bet I can kick this ball farther than you can!"
"No you can't!"
"Yes I can!"
You watched as Luffy, the captain of the soccer team, made his way towards his teammate. They had a quick game of rock paper scissors to decide who would kick the ball first, Luffy won.
As the ball was set down, Luffy made running start and kicked the ball with all his might.
"Hey! Watch out!"
It was too late. The next thing you knew, a soccer ball flew straight into your face and had knocked you unconcious.
"You're in trouble now captain."
"Hey! This is your fault! Back me up Sabo!"
"Yeah no, I'm with Ace on this one."
The voices seemed to be distant but you knew it was coming from your right. As your eyes opened and adjusted to the bright flourescent lights, you groaned and sat up—instantly regretting it.
A pang of pain coursed throughout your body and you cursed as you slouched your body against the headrest of the bed.
"Oh you're lucky she's not dead."
You watched with a puzzled expression as an energetic brunette runs towards you and grabs your hand, "Hey! Are you okay?! I'm really really sorry for kicking that ball into your face!"
"Sorry what?"
"Uh oh, you gave her amnesia," the blonde sighed, "Good luck with this one Luffy."
"What are we gonna tell the old man?" the other brunette sighed.
The two men waltzed out of the clinic whilst sending mischievous glances towards the younger male. The boy next to you, Luffy, seemed amazed at their behavior, "Weirdos. "
"Sorry, what happened exactly?"
He turned to you and sent you a sheepish smile, "Ah...well you see... I may or may not have accidentally kicked a soccer ball into your face..."
You nodded, "Oh..."
"Oh? That's all? You're not mad or anything?"
You shrugged and started to look around, "It's an accident right? What could I have done? And you're sorry anyways so it's fine."
He started to laugh out of the blue, "S-Sorry, you're so weird! I just kicked a ball into your face and—Sorry."
He continued to laugh and soon you joined in his laughing, "Y-You're contagious!"
It went on like that for nearly five minutes before the nurse got annoyed and sent the both of you out.
You did argue that you were injured and unfit to leave, until she stated that you were passed out for five hours and that the only reason for your aches all over was because of your extremely poor posture, that she so generously decided to fix.
Both of you stumbled out of the clinic, still slightly giggly.
"Hey, I didn't introduce myself. I'm Luffy, the soccer team's captain. And you are?"
"Y/n, nice to meet you."
"Oh! You're that prodigal art student right? Usopp never stops talking about you!"
You felt your stomach sink and a slight blush rise to your cheeks, "H-He talks about me?"
Luffy nods his head, "I'm really sorry about your art block. But if you ask me, I think you could always just you know grab a hammer and smash it?"
You laughed, "What?"
"Isn't an art block like a big block of art?"
"No Luffy!" you laughed even harder, "It's not like that!"
He shrugged, "I don't know much about fancy art terms. I just know that you're really good at drawing!"
"Oh? How would you know?"
"I went to see your exhibit! I really really liked it—no I loved it! Everything you drew was so cool! I can't believe you drew them! Your art is really awesome!"
"You really liked it?"
He nodded, "Yeah! Hey next time do you think you could draw me? I'd love to see you draw me!"
"I'll think about it," you smiled cheekily as he looked at you with pleading eyes, "Hmm... It's getting dark already. We should probably head home."
"Oh you're right... Hey! I'll walk you home!" he beamed and trapped your hand in his own.
"N-No that's—"
"Let's go!"
You yelped as he dragged you into the street and strung you along. You weren't sure if he knew where you lived, but you just decided to follow him, because maybe the nurse had told him or something along those lines.
After hours of aimlessly wandering around, your legs began to feel numb and you were tired of being dragged around, so you spoke up, "Luffy do you know where we're going?"
"Nope," he confidently replied.
"You're kidding right?"
"Oh my lord," you murmured a silent prayer and stopped in your tracks, "Luffy, I really appreciate the effort, but—"
He shushes you, "Trust me!"
"No Luffy listen—"
"Y/n! I've got this!"
"Luffy we've passed my house four times already!"
"No we didn't?"
You sighed and gently tugged your hand out of his grip. You pointed to a house parallel to you and gave the most patient smile you could muster, "That's my house..."
"Oh... Well why didn't you say so?!" he chuckled and grabbed your hand again. You couldn't help but scoff and slightly smile at his airheadedness.
Once the both of you reached the front door Luffy let go of your hand.
"Oh! We're neighbors!" the brunette from before exclaimed from the second floor window of the neighboring house. He smiled brightly at the both of you and continued, "I'm Ace! That's Luffy! What's your name?!"
"She's Y/n!" Luffy yelled back, "I walked her home!"
"Luffy brought a girl home?!" a blonde had then squished his way into the window, "Luffy! Do you remember what I told you about bringing—Oh! It's you!"
He waved energetically, "I'm Sabo!"
"—You damn kids are too noisy!"
"Uh oh," Ace and Sabo exchanged frightened looks before closing the window and making a run for god knows where.
"Sounds like they woke gramps up," Luffy giggled, "They're in sooo much trouble now."
"You guys seem really close," you commented.
"Of course! We're brothers!"
"Really?! You guys don't look alike. At all."
Luffy hummed and placed his arms behind his head, "Not by blood anyways, we basically drank gramps's sake when we were little and swore an oath."
"Wait wait wait wait," you shook your head and chuckled, "so you guys are like an exclusive cult or something along those lines?"
"I guess?" he shrugged, "I don't really know either."
You laughed and pinched Luffy's cheek, "You're really cute... Thank you for trying to walk me home. I appreciate it."
You noticed a small blush creep up his cheeks before he sent you his signature beaming smile and a thumbs up, "No problem! Good night Y/n!"
"Good night Luffy."
As you both went your seperate ways, you couldnt help but feel more than inspired to grab a pencil and sketch.
Your hands wouldn't stop working and it seemed as though your inspiration was unending. Despite all the sketches laid out messily on your desk, the one that stood out the most was Luffy's portrait.
Maybe a muse was all it took to get out of an art block...
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eirist · 6 years ago
A Taste of Summer
One-shot #: 3
Disclaimer: One Piece (and its characters) belongs to Eiichiro Oda-sensei. Goldiggers are solely mine though.
Reminder: I have no beta-reader. Any grammatical and spelling errors are solely mine.
Warning: OOC possible. One shot.
Rating:  T (Just chill sappiness overload)
Note:  Entry for the #ZoNaSummerFestival event in Tumblr. Theme: Paradise.
Summary: Paradise is not the one they’re currently looking at. Paradise is the one that is just right beside him.
Zoro wiped the sweat off his brow for probably the hundredth time since he first entered the forest. Lifting the brim of his dark green hat, he looked up at sun, cursing as he trudged forward.
The heat was unbearable, even while in the midst of thick forest trees.
And even in a tank top he’d donned for this excursion, it still felt stifling.
Who in their right mind would go treasure hunting in a weather like this?
Definitely the crazy, money-loving, cat thief of the Straw Hat crew.
“Zoro! Are you still behind me?” Nami yelled, swiveling to check on him.
“I am witch! You don’t need to keep asking that every five seconds!” He growled at her.
“Damn right I don’t!” Nami huffed, placing both hands on her hips. “Knowing you, you’d get yourself lost in three!”
“I’ll shut you up in two if you don’t stop yapping!” He countered, glaring at her viciously. The temperature was making his temper sizzle.  
“Oh?” Nami mouthed. “My knees are shaking from fright!” She said sarcastically with a roll of her warm, brown eyes.
Zoro leveled his gaze on her. “I’ll give your knees another reason to shake if you don’t stop with the sarcasm.”
The corner of Nami’s mouth turned up at that and she laughed. She approached him sassily. Standing on tiptoes, she wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Just so you know my knees are still wobbly from last night
 not that I’m complaining
Zoro met her teasing with a stoic expression.
And she laughed again. “You are such a grouch.”
“Why so grumpy Zoro?”
Frowning, she released her hold on him and took a step back to scrutinize his face. “Is this about last night?” She asked, lifting an eyebrow at him.
When he didn’t answer, Nami sighed. “We already talked about this. I’m not drunk, alright?
"Whatever you say.” Zoro mumbled under his breath.
Nami looked at him disbelievingly. “For the last time, it was not a drunken decision!”
“That’s not it!” He answered. “Last night was
“A mistake?” Nami cut him off, folding her arms across her chest. "You’re having second thoughts and realized you don’t want it?"
"Well we can just forget what happened." She suggested flippantly, turning and walking away from him.
"The hell are you saying witch?!" Zoro thundered behind her. "Of course I wanted it. If I didn't then it wouldn't have happened!"
Nami stopped and whirled back to him. “So what’s with this temperament?
What are you being pouty about?"
“Because you just had to go and make us do this treasure hunt in this awful heat!" Zoro complained.
"Of course! What makes you think I'm gonna let this chance pass?”
"I'm thinking you'd pick spending the day in bed with me over treasure." He nonchalantly stated.
Nami’s eyes widened at that and she tried to fight off the smile pulling at the corners of her lips. She definitely did not think that that was an option.
She moved towards him again. "Don't make this hard Zoro," she whispered amusedly, gripping the front of his top and tugging him towards her. She slammed her lips against his.
He eagerly responded, snaking a hand behind her nape to push her closer. "You are the one making this hard,” Zoro mumbled between kisses.
“You know the rule,” Nami drew back to gaze at his face. “If I am happy then all of you will be happy. And treasures make me happy.”
Zoro scoffed at that.
Well she does have a point. A happy Nami actually makes life in the Sunny easy and pleasant.
“Come on Zoro,” This time she tugged at his hand. “I’m not gonna go back to the inn empty-handed. I absolutely refuse!”
Zoro scratched the back of his head in resignation. He had never been able to deny her her whims, even from the start.
And he wouldn’t be able to especially now.
He let her lead him, yawning loudly as he followed her again. Nami stole a glance at him and watched him yawn again. Something suddenly dawned into her.
“Are you being a grouch and sulking because you want to take your nap?” The navigator inquired in amazement.
Zoro grunted in response. He wouldn’t admit to the sulking. The nap, yes. Definitely.
“We’ve been up all night Nami!” He pointed out. “And now we are hiking through this forest, in this heat
“And you want to sleep?”
Nami exhaled loudly. To be honest, she was also feeling the same. Now the idea of spending the whole day in bed with the swordsman sounds really tempting.
But the call of treasure was a far stronger temptation.
“I’m also feeling stuffy and tired but hell if I pass this opportunity!” She stared at him with a determined look in her eyes. “Besides, I don’t complain when you or Luffy charge ahead and challenge all the powerful figures here in the New World. So no, you have no right to complain regarding my treasure hunt.”
“You do complain,” Zoro pointed out.
Nami narrowed her eyes at him. “But it the end I go along with it. That’s what matters!”
Zoro sighed. There’s no winning against her when it comes to treasure. “How sure are you that the treasure is still there?” He inquired, following her as they went further into the forest.
Nami flicked a glance to her left then her right. “Because the pirates who owned this map are idiots.” She motioned to Zoro to get the map from the rucksack behind her back.
He readily complied, opening her bag and handing her the parchment as he studied their surroundings, checking for anything out of the ordinary.
“I wonder if the others were able to find anything,” Nami murmured as she spread the map down the ground to peruse it more easily.
“They would’ve called your den den mushi if they have.”
The Straw Hats have decided to separate into small groups to explore the areas in the Goldiggers’ map and search for the treasure. Robin volunteered to go to and investigate the ruins in east, and both Chopper and Franky offered to accompany her. Luffy, Usopp and Brook decided to goof off in the opposite direction, with their captain slingshotting them towards nowhere much to Usopp’s and Brook’s terror.
Sanji, who was offering to accompany Nami to the woods of the northern area, fell victim to their captain’s antic and got included in Luffy’s group when the rubberman accidentally snagged the strap of the cook’s backpack, sending him catapulting along with the others.  
Nami and Zoro exchanged glances as the cook’s cries and curses carried through the air, all aimed at their captain. With a shrug, they both headed off to the forest.
The orange-haired girl pored over the map, brows furrowing in concentration. When she saw him moving from the corner of her eye, she yelled, “Zoro! Don’t stray too far!”
“I won’t woman! Stop screeching!”
She knew better than to trust his words. “Mou, I don’t want to search for you as well!”
Zoro pinned her with a glare which she ignored as she stood up, dusting off the dirt on her knees. She then grabbed his hand and yanked him towards the direction they were supposed to go.
The deeper they went into the forest, the thicker and the bigger the trees and the foliage are that the swordsman had to cut their way through.
Nami grinned at him. “No trails anywhere. It means this place hasn’t been explored.
Zoro nodded, hacking another tree limb blocking their way. “Wonder why those pirates didn’t bother. Thought they were looking for the treasure.”
“Because like I said, they are idiots.” Nami stated, motioning for him to stop. “They’ve been following this map alright but there’s more to it than what it seems.”
“What do you mean?”
She set her bag down on the ground. “I need to check something first,” she set the map carefully down on the ground, using stones to hold it in place.
Zoro watched her as she studied the parchment with a serious expression on her face. When she starts to look like that, it means this treasure hunting is a damn serious business.
“Zoro,” she suddenly called to him.
Cocking an eyebrow at her, he asked, “What?”
“I’m gonna need some time with this,” she smiled. “Why don’t you nap?” She motioned at the small, grassy clearing between the trees behind her.
Now both of his eyebrows shot up at that.
But he relented. Her offer sounds really good and he was not about to deny himself something he wanted to do since they started this expedition.
He set his own backpack beside hers, glancing as she continued scrutinizing the map, tracing it with her finger before pondering about something. He glanced around, making sure there’s no danger lurking anywhere and that he can take a few minutes shut eye.
Situating himself behind her, he surprised the navigator by planting a kiss on the edge of her exposed shoulder. “I like this, Zoro suddenly mumbled. “You are being nice.”
Nami blushed at the ministration. Teasing and squabbling at each other was one thing. It was easily done give their long bantering history.
But showing affection with each other is another thing. It was new and surprising. But she likes it nonetheless.
And from the smile gracing his lips, she could surely say he’s feeling the same.
In response, she kissed him on the nose.
“That means you also have to be nice too Zoro.”
“Aren’t I already? I’m here lugging my ass to treasure hunt with you instead of relaxing back at the inn and drinking.”
“How about we make a deal?” Nami suggested. “When we get back, I’ll let you do whatever you
 want?” She murmured, grazing his lips with hers teasingly.
A shark-like grin appeared on his face as he deliberately ignored the innuendo. “You’ll let me sleep in peace?”
“Yes,” Nami deadpanned. “And I’ll make sure nobody disturbs you.”
Zoro brushed his lips against hers. “I definitely like this together thing,” he admitted. “You rarely give me favors.”
They had come to an understanding last night that it was more than just sexual attraction. That they actually like each other and wanted to try and see where this is going.
“I bet you do,” Nami rolled her eyes at him while he laughed. “Let me remind you that you need to get me this treasure first.”
“Then find the easiest way to it, navigator.” Zoro said, lying down on the ground, head pillowed on his backpack as he settled to take his nap. “Then wake me up so we can get going and I can haul it back for you.”
“So dead end?”
Zoro shot her the question, along with an inquisitive look.
She frowned. That can’t be right.
“I can’t be wrong with this,” she mumbled.
“Unless there is a magical entrance here that appears once you utter a magic word, then there is no way we can go ahead in this direction.”
Nami groaned. “You! You are listening to Robin’s tall tales as well!”
“Can’t help it if she’s within my earshot!”
She tapped the rolled map onto her forehead. It was impossible. It stated that the mountain rock wall they’re seeing serves as the island boundary. And from what she figured out earlier, it also serves as a partition.
And behind it are supposedly the unexplored other half of the island where the treasure possible is.
It was what Robin had speculated when she called their den den mushi earlier. And she agreed with the possibility of it after reviewing the map.
So all the Straw Hats are making their way towards the rock wall.
But the problem is, there is no direct path towards it. Right before them is a dense cluster of trees that not even a single person can squeeze through.
Not even Chopper can make it without getting stuck between tree trunks or branches.
This is probably the reason why the Goldiggers weren’t able to get their hands on the treasure; they have met with a naturally made obstruction.
Zoro nudge her suddenly with his shoulder. “Are you sure that that wall has something on the other side of it?” He queried, watching her as she bit her inner cheek out of frustration.
“Positive,” Nami nodded. “That wall should give us a sort of access to go to the other side.” She took a small notebook from the back pocket of her shorts. Robin had given her some information regarding the island and its old inhabitants. There is no way in the seven seas that the people from the ancient times were not able to cross over to the other part. There is a way somehow and they have to find it.
She shoved the notebook back to her pocket and pouted. “The only problem is this thick, overgrowth in front of us that seems to be saying do not go further.”
The green-haired lad sighed. He lowered his backpack on the ground and grabbed Nami’s hand.
“Get behind me.” He ordered.
“Zoro?” Nami watched him unsheathed one of his swords and glanced around worriedly, expecting an enemy to suddenly spring out from the bushes.
“Ittoryu. Sanjuroku Pondo Ho!”
He swung his sword and an air slash appeared spiraling towards the trees, destroying them and turning them to smithereens.
Nami gasped. The slash reached far back until it hit the rock wall causing an explosion.
Zoro re-sheathed his sword and waited for the dust and wood debris to dissipate and settle. Leaves were flying everywhere. In the wake of his attack, they now have a path going straight to the wall.
“Zoro!” Nami squealed, glomping him. “Good job!”
“I’m surprised you didn’t think of that.” He frowned, wrapping an arm around her waist.
She laughed. “Lack of sleep. Makes it hard to think.” She gave him a quick peck on the lips. “Just so you know
 that makes me hot for you.”
He quirked a smile at her. “I know,” he lifted her just a bit so she ended up balanced on his swords-less side, her legs wrapped around his waist. He reached down to pick up his bag. “Come on; let’s see if yours and Robin’s theory about this place is right.”
She smiled brightly at him. Zoro was really handy to be with.
“Want me to just slice that wall in half?”
Nami was speechless at his offer. If it was any other person she would’ve laugh it off as a joke.
But this is Zoro and
 by Kami he can do it!
“Tempting. But that would totally ruin the whole island landscape and we wouldn’t want that.”
“That would make it much easier to go to the other side.”
“If Robin is right, you will earn her ire for destroying an archeological site!” Nami chastised
She saw him cringe, probably from recalling Franky’s Water 7 story. “Fair enough.” Zoro muttered. “Let’s just go.”
They found a stone staircase etched at the surface of the wall rock, strategically hidden so that when one gazes at the wall rock, it was not noticeable. It goes all the way up and when they arrived at the top Nami was out of breath, heart thudding on her chest, her legs tired and her knees shaking.
“Fuck,” she exhaled, breath coming out in puffs, fighting the urge to topple over the finally flat terrain.
Zoro was grinning behind her. “Out of shape Nami?”
“Shut up.”
He walked past her as she caught her breath. “Well, I guess you and Robin were right.”
Nami lifted her head to look at him. Zoro smiled and side stepped, letting her see the view.
She slowly straightened up and inhaled sharply. "This place is beautiful!" She gasped staring at the scene before her. The map hinted that another side of the island exists, but it didn’t reveal how magnificent that other side will be.
They stumbled upon a lost paradise! 
Zoro shifted slightly to gaze at the girl beside him and was about to say something.
But he stopped.
Nami had turned towards him and he felt his breath got caught in his throat.
The wind blew her orange tresses all around her; a serene smile was on her face as her brown eyes shone brilliantly at their discovery. She looked enthralled at what was in front of them.
It was exquisitely beautiful.
But her... even more so.
She opened her mouth to speak. “It’s a paradise Zoro!”
He begs to differ.
Paradise is not the one they’re currently looking at. Paradise is the one that is just right beside him.
The one that literally took his breath away.
Nami lifted an eyebrow as if to ask 'what?' when he didn’t answer her.
Zoro shook his head. Hell if he will tell her about it.
The suddenly Nami shuffled restlessly and pointed at something glinting eastward from where they stood.
She jumped and squealed in excitement.
And he snorted at her display.
Her grinned was huge as she cheekily commanded. "Let's go get my treasure!"  
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neverwatchedonepiece · 6 years ago
638-639: "A Deadly Blow! The Astonishing King Punch!" and "The Fighting Fish Strike! Across the Deadly Iron Bridge!"
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Franky offers to wipe Sol’s internet history.
I knew there was something up with that toy.
Never thought he’d be part of the Resistance, though. (May the force be with you, Sol.)
Once Block B’s Battle Royale concluded (more on that later), the action cut to Franky and Sol the Toy. Sol was suspicious and alarmed by Franky’s willingness to ask any random person he met about destroying a top secret local weapons factory. But Franky was unmoved. He needed intel. He followed Sol out into the stairwell.
At first, it seemed Sol wouldn’t talk. Franky threatened to leave and find someone else. “I said I need to beat up a Donquixote Family member and find out how to destroy the Smile factory!”
But Sol’s caginess stemmed from the fact that he was already involved in a similar plot! (Very cool.) “You keep talking about this radical plan, but why do you want to do such a thing? It seems like you know things ordinary people don’t. What is your true purpose?”
Franky kept his mouth shut. He’s streetwise enough to know not to let any old random in on the Strawheart Alliance’s Yonkou Stompin Plan.
But he was also smart enough to spot a potential ally. “Then you too!” he said. “Where is the factory? Tell me right now and I’ll destroy it.”
Sol refused. He was not against destroying the factory but first, “we want to save the workers.” The use of ‘we’ was a definite giveaway. Sol is not acting alone. He mentioned Rebecca earlier. Maybe she’s part of the Resistance too? I am also suspicious about this Ricky character. He also hates Doflamingo. I have a funny feeling he might be connected to Kyros too (maybe he is Kyros). After all, no one remembers seeing him fight, he just disappeared and it was only twenty years ago this happened.
Another issue Sol raised was that the fall of the factory could lead to the downfall of Dressrosa itself. (Hence Franky shouting about the factory in public not being a good idea.) Okay, I thought. That makes sense. It’d trash the local economy and bring upon the island the wrath of Kaidou. But in that case, why would Sol want that to happen? Well, maybe not *want* it to happen. It’s more like, why would Sol rather have Kaidou wreck the place rather than let the status quo run its course?
I felt like Sol almost gave it away when he said to Franky, “If you have the nerve and are determined to go against Doflamingo, I’m going to tell you everything about this tragic kingdom of Dressrosa!”
Yes, please! Please do tell us all about the tragic kingdom of Dressrosa!
But I was blueballed. The credits rolled and the plot hasn’t circled back to Sol and Franky.
I’ll make a mad prediction while I wait. I’m thinking all these invisible fairies hanging about might be the original inhabitants of Dressrosa and the Donquixote Family have enslaved them or are forcing them to work in the factory for practically nothing. 
And the Winner Is...?
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Meanwhile, in the Colosseum, Block B’s battle was about to conclude.
The twists and turns here were great. I guessed Bartolomeo would emerge the victor (laws of shounen: the fighter who is totally relaxed and barely lifts a finger always ends up winning (this only applies to battles that aren’t vital to the plot)). But how the fight played out was really entertaining and I never imagined it ending that way.
The mystery of Bartolomeo’s Devil Fruit power was kept until the very end of the fight. Even Bellamy’s speed and power couldn’t break Bartolomeo’s strange, deflective powers. At first I thought it was a rebound power. This was only because Bartolomeo seemed surprised by one of Bellamy’s attacks (like the power seemed to happen automatically - not controlled by Bartolomeo). Now I know Bartolomeo must have had his fingers crossed while Bellamy was attacking. The only thing that planted a seed of doubt? Bellamy did manage to grab Bartolomeo. How had that worked?
The scene of multiple betrayals was fun. Dagama urged the fodder fighters to regroup, muster their strength and focus attacks on Blue Gilly - only for Dagama to cut them down when their backs were turned and reveal he had really teamed up with Blue Gilly all along! That was a fun twist in itself. Then, when Gilly double-crossed Dagama.... ooooh, the intrigue! The fact the fodders were probably coerced into fighting because Dagama had poisoned them only upped the scumbag stakes.
I love that Dagama had the cheek to complain Blue Gilly double-crossed him. It’s like Gilly said, “Can’t believe people would trust a dubious guy like him in the first place!”
While everyone was double-crossing each other, Elizabello shadow-boxed and sweat-dropped. A bunch of chuckling, vengeful thugs surrounded him. Gilly decided to gloat. Called him a “helpless king without a court” who couldn’t do anything without Dagama.
When Liz ceased so shadow box... that should have been everyone’s clue to take him out. Instead, the other idiots in the ring let Liz power up. The guy stood there red-faced, yelling and popping veins like he was locked in the bathroom suffering through a difficult poop.
Even the audience knew something was wrong before they did. A group of worried randoms figured out their section of the Colosseum would be wrecked if they didn’t scarper.
By the time Gilly and the other fighters noticed something was seriously wrong, Gilly’s attempt to take Liz out was too late. KABOOM! Liz threw the King Punch. It was pretty spectacular. A golden-tinged impact that would have done Caesar proud. It took out almost everyone. Bellamy, Gilly, everyone who had been knocked out, was blown away into the moat.
Only a single-person remained in the ring.
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Yes, it was Bartolomeo! And the trick he had been using to job the entire fight was revealed by Liz’s King Punch. 
Bellamy was right: Bartolomeo was a Devil Fruit user. He has eaten the Barrier Barrier Fruit, which enables him to protect himself from (any?) attacks if he crosses his fingers. He also unwittingly used his powers to save a large section of the Colosseum and the crowd who would have been obliterated by the blast. Not sure if he’d like that. But a win was a win, right?
Interestingly, Bartolomeo also has a reason for fighting. After he told the audience to go to hell, he declared he would win the Mera Mera Fruit and dedicate it to “That Person.”
As yet, I have absolutely no clue who it could be. 
But Bartolomeo’s reaction to finding out Strawhat Luffy was in the mix was intriguing. Was that fear I saw on his face? I’m trying to remember if I’ve ever seen Bartolomeo before but am drawing a complete blank. The weirdest thing was that there was no confrontation between Luffy and Bartolomeo. Looking forward to seeing what is up with this guy later on.
Luffy cheering on Bellamy was a good twist too. Actually, it’s not really a twist. When it comes to most people Luffy doesn’t care much about the past (Teach and Akainu are probably on the shit list for good). If he can forgive you, then all is forgotten. Of course, Bellamy felt embarrassed being cheered on by the old enemy who gave him a pasting. Doubly so, since he has failed again and Luffy has become so much stronger (able to use Conqueror’s haki - like Doflamingo, I guess).
Now the focus is on Block C. The competitors here seem a bit fodderish, with the exception of Don Chinjao. We have Sai, Boo, Brutal Bull (lmao), Hajrudin a Giant pirate mercenary from Elbaf, some fighting champ called Ideo, the Funk Brothers (lmao) and some guy called Jean the Bandit. Rebecca should clean up here. Then, when Block D comes around, it’ll be Luffy vs Cabbage.
Unpopular Opinion Time
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I am beginning to like Caesar.
There must be something wrong with me.
Oda, I can’t believe you’ve done this. It is entirely your fault.
The action cut from Bartolomeo’s horrified Luffy realisation to the Caesar Handover Team out on the bridge.
My prediction that it would take them ages to cross the bridge was shot down in glorious flames. Thanks to Caesar, it didn’t even take them half an episode! Thank you, Oda.
It turned out the solid-looking iron bridge praised by Usopp was not especially robust. I think Caesar jinxed it, though. He was the one who said, “We’ll be fine if the fish don’t strike.”
Then a bubbling rumble in the depths announced itself. I lol’d heartily when a Vast Horned Abomination slammed itself into the barrier and stared at them with a grin stretched across its face and a look of murder in its mad, red eyes that said, “There will not be a second smash.” (I liked their design, by the way. The fighting fish look awesome.)
As Law wanted to reserve most of his strength for the return journey, he left Robin and Usopp to smack down the fighting fish (literally in Robin’s case). They were doing a fine job, but when Law asked Usopp to uncuff Caesar so he could fight...
Holy moly, Caesar is actually pretty strong. I keep forgetting, since he acts like such a highly-strung goofball diva a lot of the time, but damn... those Gastille beams fried those fish like it was cookout season!
Still, there were a lot of fish. And the bridge had collapsed in the middle. With nowhere to run, Law almost used Room, but the offending fish was speared, netted and dragged away along the other half of the bridge by freaked out, invisible people. (Interesting.)
Once Caesar was convinced to fly them all over the broken bridge (Caesar is basically Law’s bitch now his heart’s in a box. He is hilariously bitter about it,) they discovered the netted fish drag marks led straight to Green Bit.
It’s a strange place, is Green Bit. It is supposedly deserted and is therefore overgrown, wild, full of animal life. Ships lie wrecked all round the coast. A single, huge rose towers over everything else (hence the name Dressrosa?) Usopp should be fine here. He’s used to hostile wilderness terrain. Unless the invisible fairy people attack them. Then all bets are off.
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I totally knew Sanji was being played.
Still, I’m glad the dumb charade has finally run its course. At least it only lasted for a couple of minutes each episode. I was getting tired of Sanji dropping all his Strawhat responsibilities for a random.
Got to admit, though, the brief skirmish with the thugs in the warehouse was cool. Sanji was so fast, the guy never knew what hit him. Sanji is always so stylish when he fights.
And look at what it’s got him into. Cuffed and likely hauled off to who-knows-what fate. Sanji’s reaction to Violet was interesting. It was almost like he recognised her face. (Either that or realisation hit that he was being played the entire time.) Whatever the case, this plot line has just become ten times more interesting and I’m looking forward to seeing where it leads.
If I can make another mad prediction? Violet is a member of CP0. Absolutely no basis for this other than she looks pretty dead behind the eyes, is kinda scary and her working with CP0 would tie them into the main plot nicely.
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“Excuse me, do you have a moment to talk about our lord and saviour, Donquixote Doflamingo?”
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pingo1387 · 7 years ago
A Little Bit Different
Zoro doesn’t see the world quite like most others do, but that’s okay. Autistic Zoro fic for @caffeinelemur. Happy bday!! 
FFN / AO3 
Usopp scratched his head, tapped his pen on the ground, and sighed, staring in frustration at the paper in front of him. He wrote something down and then crossed it out.
“Something wrong?” Zoro asked. He didn’t even open his eyes, still keeping the appearance of sleeping against the railing.
“Well, yeah, but nothing you can help with,” Usopp muttered.
“Why not?”
“It’s math.”
“Try me.” Zoro opened his eyes and sat up, watching Usopp expectantly.
Usopp squinted. “Okay. So, I’m trying to figure out how many projectiles I can possibly fire in an hour. Because I’m assuming any given battle won’t last more than an hour, so if I figure that out, I can save space in my bag by packing less ammunition. Though, I might pack more anyway, just to be safe.”
“I know I can fire about forty of them in thirty seconds, give or take,” Usopp continued. “And I forget where to go from here. I’m trying to add but I keep making mistakes.”
Zoro was silent for a moment, staring into space. Usopp rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I figured you couldn’t help. I’ll just keep trying and—”
“Four thousand and eight hundred.”
Usopp paused. “Huh?”
“Right?” Zoro said, frowning. “Did I get it wrong?”
“I dunno, that seems like a lot,” Usopp said, skeptical about Zoro’s apparently random answer. “Hey, Robin!”
Robin came up the stairs. “You called?”
Usopp explained the problem. Robin stared pensively at the paper, studying the numbers and tracing them.
“That’s four thousand and eight hundred,” she said at last. “Though, I don’t think you’ll need that many. You won’t be firing them non-stop for a full hour, will you?”
“Good point,” Usopp said sheepishly. “But, Zoro, you got that so fast!”
Zoro furrowed his brow. “That was the answer. I just saw it. Was that fast?”
“It was really cool,” Usopp said to Robin in excitement. “I asked him and he said what you said, like, right away!”
“Impressive,” Robin agreed, smiling at Zoro. “I didn’t know you were so savvy.”
“What, you guys didn’t know the answer?” Zoro said, surprised.
“Don’t be rude!” Usopp exclaimed.
“I’m not!”
Zoro slowed to a stop, glowering after Luffy, who had stolen his bandana while he was sleeping in order to play capture the flag with Usopp, Chopper, and Franky. He returned to his spot on the deck, but was unable to return to sleep, fidgeting and feeling the spot where his bandana should be.
“Something wrong?” Robin asked, having come up to the deck to water her plants. “Is your bandana missing?”
Zoro didn’t look at her, taking a moment to respond. “Luffy took it.”
Robin set down her watering can and left. She found Usopp desperately trying to explain the rules of the game to Luffy while Chopper and Franky waited.
“Guys,” she said. They looked over. “Zoro wants his bandana back.”
“But we need a flag,” Luffy protested.
“It’s just for a little bit,” Chopper added.
“He feels uncomfortable without it,” Robin explained. “Luffy, what if someone else took your hat for something like this? Or yours, Chopper?”
They frowned. “I wouldn’t like that,” Luffy agreed. Chopper nodded.
Robin held out her hand, and Luffy handed over the bandana.
“I’ll get you a new flag in a minute,” she promised. “In the meantime, learn the rules.”
“Right, Luffy, as I was saying,” Usopp continued.
Zoro stared at the bandana deposited into his lap. He looked up at Robin and then back down, muttering, “Thanks,” before brushing it off and retying it around his arm. He fell back asleep in no time.
“Breakfast?” Zoro asked, poking his head into the kitchen.
“Pain perdu,” Sanji replied, just getting his apron on. Zoro nodded and left, walking past Luffy, who was wide awake and ready to eat.
When the crew trickled in for food, Zoro stared at the pancakes and scrambled eggs on his plate as if waiting for them to turn into pain perdu. When they didn’t, he looked up at Sanji and glowered.
“What?” Sanji said. “Oh, right. Sorry, everyone, we were going to have pain perdu, but someone ate the last of the bread last night.”
He turned a pointed glare to Luffy, who shrugged. “Well, I was hungry, and what’m I supposed to do if the fridge is locked?”
“Ask me, dipshit!”
“You were sleeping! That would’ve been rude.”
“Since when do you care about manners?!”
The others had started on their food already. Zoro didn’t start until Luffy and Sanji had finished arguing, and even then he ate very slowly.
When Zoro finally came out to the deck for his after-breakfast nap, he found his usual spot taken by Usopp, who had sat down to tinker. He stood stock-still, staring at the spot, and was just about to move when Usopp saw him.
“Oh, shoot, this is your spot, isn’t it?” he exclaimed, standing. “Sorry, go on—”
Zoro looked away and left without a word.
“Well, geez, I was trying to be nice,” Usopp muttered, confused.
Zoro took his nap on the other side of the ship eventually, though it was a restless one. He woke up, ready to start training, and was on his way to the observatory when Franky interrupted him.
“Hey, bro,” he said with a grin. “You seen Usopp?”
Zoro pointed to Usopp.
“Oh, thanks!” Franky playfully drummed his fingers across Zoro’s shoulders and left, waving. “See you!”
Zoro was rooted to the spot, shuddering, before he managed to start moving again to get to the ropes.
He breathed slowly at the top, removed his shirt, and began training. But he hadn’t even finished his first rep when panicked shouts below alerted him of an approaching pirate ship—it was time to fight.
He set his weight down and pulled his shirt back on, too frazzled to fix it so it faced forward, and tied his bandana around his head, stumbling out of the room and down to the deck. The others were already fighting, and he joined them, his movements purely muscle memory.
“Zoro, help!”
He turned towards the sound and found Usopp cowering under a joint attack. With a slash, that was taken care of.
“Moss-hair, go help Nami-san!”
Zoro looked around, vision blurring, and spotted an orange head of hair. He ran over, but stumbled to a halt when Nami’s attackers were wiped out by her thunderbolt.
“I don’t need help, Sanji-kun!” she yelled, too close to Zoro’s face. Sanji cried an apology to her while Zoro swung his head around, searching for what to do next.
He had only just sliced down another enemy trying to board the ship when the enemy captain called for their ship to retreat. The conscious crew gathered their less-fortunate friends and headed off.
The Strawhats cheered all around Zoro as he stared into the distance, vision blurred, sheathing his swords and tying his bandana around his arm again. His hands shook; everything was too bright, and everyone’s voices were indistinct and far too loud, surrounding him on all sides, leaving no escape. His backwards shirt rested over his haramaki and brushed his skin in all the wrong ways. His eyelids fluttered as he blinked slowly. He needed to . . . needed to . . .
The voices became quieter, and blurry hands waved in front of his face, making him shut his eyes in pain. His legs wobbled, but someone took his hand in their large one, holding on firmly and slowly turning it to face him another way. He blindly followed, slowing when the hand moved downwards, indicating stairs.
He heard rhythmic splashing, and could barely see in the dim light of the room they were in.
“. . . Zoro? Squeeze my hand if you hear me.”
It took him a moment to respond, but he clenched his hand inside his companion’s. He recognized the voice as Chopper.
“Do you want to stay here? Squeeze if yes.”
He paused and squeezed.
“Alone? Squeeze if yes.”
Another pause, another clench.
“Want help sitting down? Squeeze if yes.”
“Okay.” Chopper released his hand slowly. “If you’re not back up already, someone’s gonna come down here and tell you when dinner’s ready. Okay?”
Zoro managed a tiny nod.
“Anything else?”
A small shake.
“Okay. Bye.”
Chopper left. Zoro lowered himself against the wall and wrestled with his arms, fixing his shirt. As soon as he’d finished, he collapsed, falling into a light sleep while the waves splashed.
Zoro didn’t speak for the rest of the day, but he exited the Mini-Merry Docking Room for dinner, and went to sleep in the men’s quarters with everyone, who made sure to keep their voices down for his sake.
Zoro tapped the uchiko ball along the blade of his sword and wiped the powder away with a cloth. Satisfied, he slid it back into his sheath and put away his cleaning supplies, standing to stow the case in his locker.
“I’m sure I’ve said this before, Zoro-san, but those are marvelous blades you have,” Brook remarked, falling into step with him.
“I know,” Zoro said, smiling. “I rely on them as much as I do you guys.”
“May I ask about them?”
“Yeah,” Zoro said, stopping outside the door to the men’s quarters. “This one was my first real sword. The person who gave it to me inspired me to learn the three-sword style, since before I received this I used the two-sword style, and I wanted to use this one as well. It’s my oldest and dearest sword. The ones I used before these two I received at the dojo I grew up in, but they broke when I fought Hawk-Eye.”
Brook leaned against the cabin wall, listening without ears.
“This one is called Kitetsu, technically Kitetsu III,” Zoro continued, smiling, “and I got this one in a test of luck. It’s a cursed sword, but it didn’t cut my arm off when I challenged it, so it’s mine now. The shopkeeper who gave me this also gave me Yubashiri, but that one broke at Enies Lobby thanks to a rusting ability one of the Marines had. After that I got Shusui from that zombie, Ryuma.” He paused for breath. “The three-sword style I developed by—”
The door opened, bumping into him and startling him out of his rambling. Sanji gave him an eye-roll before going to the kitchen.
“So . . . that’s it,” he finished, train of thought broken, and went inside.
The Marine pushed Sanji face-first up against the alley wall. “Blackleg Sanji, is it? Your eyebrow gives you away, you know.”
“Watch the face, please, ma’am,” Sanji said, unable to fight back.
“You’re under arrest for aiding and abetting,” she said as Zoro walked by the alley and stopped, looking at them, “as well as participating in various—”
She looked at Zoro and paled, releasing Sanji. “Uh, changed my mind,” she said, backing up. “You’re free to go.”
She ran away.
“Guess your face scared her off,” Sanji remarked, dusting himself off.
“Hey!” Zoro called after her. “Weren’t you gonna arrest him?”
Sanji kicked his calf. “Don’t fucking taunt her!”
“What? I was just asking.”
“This never happened,” Sanji said as they started heading away.
“Huh?” Sanji glared at him. “Oh. Right.”
“Learn to read a situation,” Sanji snapped. “Honestly, you—”
He stopped and looked back. Zoro had fallen behind, examining a market stall of trinkets.
“And quit wandering off!”
Zoro opened his eyes and stared at the person in the jail cell with him. They were a short redhead with glasses, and they stared at him expectantly.
“What?” he said when they didn’t continue.
“What’d you get arrested for?”
“Being a pirate.”
“Oh. I got arrested for homicide.” The person stared at Zoro’s swords, which the soldiers had foolishly left with him. “Hey, you’re that pirate hunter, Roronoa Zoro, aren’t you?”
“You’re really good with those swords, then?” the person said, voice growing high with excitement. “Can you break us out?”
The person waited. “So . . . are you going to?”
“Yeah. I was just resting.”
Zoro stood and faced the wall, preparing two swords.
“Hey!” the person exclaimed. “I have a bad sense of direction, too, but even I know the bars are over here!”
“Breaking the wall gets us out faster,” Zoro pointed out, cutting the wall open without another word.
“I guess, but . . .” The person approached the hole and stared down. “It’s a long way down . . .”
Zoro grabbed them around the waist and ignored the scream as he leapt from the building. He set them on the ground and wandered away.
“One hundred . . . one hundred one . . . one hundred two . . .”
“Hey, Zoro,” Luffy said, poking his head through the trapdoor. “Lunch! Sanji told me to come get you.”
“One hundred three . . . one hundred four . . .” Zoro didn’t look away from his weighted lunges.
Luffy frowned and disappeared. A minute later Franky showed up.
“One hundred eleven . . . one hundred twelve . . .” Zoro muttered.
“Hey!” Franky yelled. “Lunchtime!”
“One hundred thirteen . . . one hundred fourteen . . .”
Franky shook his head and left. It was Nami who showed up next.
“Zoro, get your butt down here or I’m charging you for every minute you’re late,” she snapped.
“One hundred twenty . . . one hundred twenty one . . .”
She climbed up into the crow’s nest and smacked the back of his head. He froze and turned to her, shocked.
“What?” he snapped.
“Lunch. Is ready,” she hissed. “It’s been ready.”
“Why didn’t anyone tell me?”
He toweled himself off and left, leaving Nami to stare after him, mouth agape.
Franky, knowing Zoro wasn’t asleep, sat next to him on the deck. “Hey, bro. Can I ask you something?”
“Yeah.” Zoro didn’t open his eyes, keeping his arms folded firmly against his chest.
“I messed up. I ruined one of her maps.”
“Yeah. It wasn’t finished, she’d hung it out to dry, and I was holding cola and I went to look at it and . . . tripped.”
“You spilled cola on her map?”
“Yeah. She grabbed it and stormed away. What do you think I should do?”
Zoro was silent for so long Franky worried he’d really fallen asleep, but then he spoke.
“If you messed up one of my swords somehow, and went to ask someone what to do while I tried to deal with the situation,” he said slowly, “I’d probably be pretty pissed if you didn’t even apologize.”
“What?” Franky said. “We’re not talking about you.”
“I know. I’m trying to make sense of the situation.” Zoro lifted his face to the sky but didn’t open his eyes. “Go say sorry to her.”
“Okay. What next?”
“Oh. Uh . . . I guess offer to help her or get new materials at some point. Let the cat out of the bag.”
“Excuse me?”
“Let the cat out of the bag? What do you mean?”
“It means use every tactic you have on hand. In this case, do whatever you can to apologize and make it up to her.”
“But that’s not what that . . . never mind. Got it. Thanks!” Franky grinned and stood. “You’ve got a weird way of going about things, but it works.”
Zoro opened his eyes as Franky walked away.
“What’s wrong?” Sanji asked.
Zoro’s face had only scrunched in disgust for a moment at the taste of his snack, so he was surprised that Sanji had caught it. “Uh . . . it’s sweet,” he said.
“Really? I thought it was plain enough. You want something else?”
“Dunno. You have anything else?”
“Bit of leftover ham,” Sanji said, taking the plate away. “I need most of it for the stew tonight, but if you want some of that . . . ?”
“Sounds good.”
Zoro rubbed his temples, wandering towards Chopper’s office. He opened the door and stared at Chopper until Chopper looked up. Zoro spread his arms out. Chopper trotted outside, bit down on a Rumble Ball, and transformed into Guard Point. Zoro fell against him, closing his eyes and rubbing his fur. Luffy found them and joined them for a minute before getting bored and heading away.
When Chopper turned back, Zoro hugged him before heading away to nap.
Zoro, worn-out from a stressful day, leaned against the railing but couldn’t seem to get comfortable. Chopper came upon him and Zoro looked up at him hopefully. Chopper turned big and grabbed Zoro, squeezing him in his lap. Zoro fell asleep in minutes.
“Zoro helped me with some calculations today,” Robin said at dinner, smiling at him. “You were very helpful. Thank you.”
“Well, since you helped Robin-chan,” Sanji said, setting an extra glass of booze in front of Zoro, who nodded and took it without a word. “Need anything else?”
He shook his head and started drinking his glass down. Luffy tugged at his bandana, but a look made him stop. Zoro fixed it and went back to drinking.
“Thanks for sharing your napping spot with me, Zoro,” Chopper said, waving his arms.
“I never knew you knew so much about your swords,” Usopp said, shaking his head. “You talked my ear off!”
Zoro stared in alarm at his ears.
“It’s a figure of speech,” Usopp added. Zoro relaxed.
“Surprised we could get you away from your training for dinner,” Franky said with a laugh. Zoro shrugged.
“Seconds, Sanji-san?” Brook said, holding out his plate in front of Zoro’s face. Zoro closed his eyes and moved back. “Ah, forgive me, Zoro-san.” Brook moved his arm out of the way. Zoro opened his eyes and slowly moved forward again.
“Zoro, we’re gonna have a party tonight,” Luffy announced, bouncing in his seat. “You gonna come or you gonna sleep?”
Zoro shrugged and gave him a thumbs-up. Luffy grinned. “Awesome!”
“Try not to hog all the alcohol,” Nami shot at him. Zoro made a point of rolling his eyes at her before returning to his dinner, carefully prepared without a hint of sweetness.
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lovelawactually · 7 years ago
Anyone Who Had A Heart
Tori wanted nothing more than get herself cleaned up, her skin was salted with dried sweat - the leather of her armor had been nearly soaked through from her training session with Zoro.  She also wanted to try to find Law and talk to him before she set out to accomplish the tasks she had laid out for herself for the day - she wondered where he had gone off to - he was no longer standing on the deck of his ship.  She sensed that something was troubling him - she wanted to find out what.  
A loud growl from her stomach reminded her that she had not eaten since dinner the night before, and she realized just how hungry she was.  She opted to stop in the Galley to grab something that she could eat on the go before heading to her ship to hit the shower.  Then she would start setting her plans in motion for the upcoming Halloween celebration.  She would have to find Law at some point afterward, it would probably be difficult to find him in a place that he would be willing - or able - to talk to her anyway.  Satisfied with her course of action, she hopped up onto the deck of the Polar Tang and darted toward the Galley.  
Tori slipped into the kitchen, to have a look in the industrial sized refrigerator - hoping to find something quick that she could snack on until the crew that was on galley duty had the evening’s meal ready.  Ikkaku poked her head around the corner, “Oi!  Get your mitts outta there, you -“  The sentence was cut short as Tori closed the door, two small containers in her hands.  Ikkaku smiled at her, “Oh, it’s you Tori.  Sorry about that - I thought you were Clione or Uni - they are always stealing food.”  Tori chucked, “No problem.  I hope it’s okay that I take these.  I will clean up after myself.”  Ikkaku waved her hands, “Don’t worry about it, you can just leave the empties in the sink - I will take care of them.”  Tori took a bite of the food that was in the container - leftovers from lunch.  Her eyes widened at how delicious it tasted, and she wondered if it was because she was so hungry - or it was just that good.  She yelled to get the attention of Ikkaku, who had gone back to prepping the ingredients for the next meal.  “Ikkaku?  Did you make this?  It’s amazing.”  
Ikakku stepped into the doorway, wiping her hands on a towel - she took a look at the container that Tori was holding, “The curry?  Yeah.  It’s kinda my specialty.”  Tori scooped another bite into her mouth, “It’s really, really good.”  She stopped chewing as a thought occurred to her, “You know - I was thinking of having Bepo, Penguin, and Shachi take charge of the menu for the Halloween party, but - how would you feel about doing it?  I mean, they could still help you - assuming you would be up for it.”  Ikkoku’s eyes lit up, “So - they would basically work - for me?”  Tori nodded, “Sure.  My only request is that you at least make some of this curry.”  Ikkaku rubbed her hands together, the thought of being slave-driver to Penguin and Shachi filled her with glee.  “I would be more than happy to do it.  Count me in.”
With her stomach full and fresh from the shower - Tori headed toward the workshop.  She suspected that she would find Usopp there - along with Franky and Robin.  She made a detour past Law’s office - poking her head in to see if he was there - she was surprised to find that he was not, but Robin was. She was replacing a book on one of the shelves.  “Oh - hello, Robin.”  A warm smile spread across Robin’s face as she faced Tori, “Hello there, Tori-kun.  How is the party planning coming along?”  Tori smiled, “So far, so good - although I’ve only managed to get started a bit ago.  The food situation seems to be in good hands with Ikkaku.”  Robin nodded her agreement, “A sound choice, for sure.  If there is anything I can do to help, please, do not hesitate to ask.”  
“I was actually heading to the workshop to speak to you about that.  I’ve heard that you can spin quite a scary tale.  I thought you might tell some of your favorites at the party - to really set the mood.”  Tori was excited to hear what spooky stories Robin would choose to tell, and it showed.  Robin smiled and nodded, “Of course.  It would be my pleasure.”  She turned to put the book that remained in her hand back into place on the shelf.  “Honestly, I was shocked to hear that Law was going to allow a party to take place - but then again, you’ve had quite an impact on him - so perhaps, it shouldn’t have surprised me at all.”  Tori’s cheeks pinked at Robin’s comment - she wondered just what Robin meant - she was aware of the ways that Law’s behavior toward her had changed, but Robin had been with him longer -  in some ways, she had a much broader frame of reference where he was concerned.  
“I don’t know, Robin - it definitely took some convincing, and he still seems to be uncertain about some aspects - but I am doing my best to ease any concerns he has.  I am hoping that all goes well, it should be a lot of fun - and well deserved by all.”  Robin gave Tori a knowing look, “I am sure - he is not one to be easily swayed, but you managed to do what no one else would - or could.  He is different now that you are here - for as much as he tries to hide it, he seems happy - as do you.”  She gently placed a hand on Tori’s shoulder, “It’s a wonderful thing when people, like he and I - can find someone who is unafraid of the darkness we carry - someone who understands and accepts us, whose mere presence roars louder than our demons.”  Robin smiled warmly, “I have a great deal of care and respect for Law - for your part in the change in him, you have my thanks.  I am glad you found each other.”
Tori lowered her head, eyes closed.  The sentiment of Robin’s words echoed how Tori felt about Law - how she sensed, or had maybe just hoped that he felt about her as well - until now.   She raised her head, her voice barely a whisper, “Is he really that different?”  Robin leaned closer, looking Tori in the eyes.  “He is - and it is obvious, to those of us that can recognize it.”
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onepieceimagines · 8 years ago
(This is an emergency request about molestation/sexual abuse from a mother. Due to some things that came up, I deleted the original request. This may help those who have been through this so I hope this helps someone out there at least.)
They had given you the chance to leave everything behind. The abuse, the ridicule, the judgement, everything... and you took it. They brought you along with them and you finally felt free. One thing that was heavy on your mind was the fact that your (now) crew were so accepting and looked out for each other, you felt down that you hid a part of your life from them. A very difficult part of your life but nonetheless you kept it to yourself. After building up your courage, you went to your crew members and told them, hoping that it didn’t change their view on you. You told them about your mother and how she had assaulted you for years, how you seeked help but were dismissed and called a liar, how your town basically shunned you and shamed you for it.
Monkey D. Luffy: Luffy’s an amazing captain. Completely reckless and sometimes a menace to himself but he had a big heart and loved all the members of his crew. He was pretty out of touch with serious things that didn’t interest him so you were nervous on how he was going to react when you dropped such important information on him. He had been sitting on the railing with Usopp and Chopper, fishing, when you walked over. You lightly tapped his shoulder and he grinned when he turned to look at you. 
“Hey!” A small smile lifted on your lips, his grins were always contagious. You gestured your head to the side, feeling your palms starting to sweat.
“I want to talk to you about something.” He blinked, already noticing how nervous you were. 
“Oh. Sure.” He gave his fishing pole to Usopp and hopped down, following you to somewhere more private on the ship. He plopped down on the cushions, his legs crossing on top and gripping his ankles, leaning forward as you sat across from him. “What’s up?”
“I...” You let out a breathless chuckle and ran a hand though your hair. “This... It’s kind of hard to talk about...” The rubber man just stared at you, patiently waiting for you to continue (probably understanding the severity of the situation).
You began from the very beginning, only sharing what you felt comfortable with sharing. Throughout your recollection, he was unnervingly quiet with his attention entirely on you. It was almost scary how your usually energetic captain hadn’t said a word. You took a breath, your body losing its stiffness once you let everything out. You shut your eyes and waited patiently for his response. When none came, you glanced up at him. 
You noticed that his fists where clenched against his ankles and his face was scrunched up. You could have sworn you saw smoke coming out of his ears from his face reddening.
“L-Luffy?” You murmured, hesitantly. A puff of air left through his nostrils as he declared proudly to you.
“It’s a damn good thing that we brought you with us! If we were still on your island, I would have- I would- Uh- I don’t know what I would have done but those idiots deserve it!” He exclaimed, fumbling for his words as his nostrils flared slightly. He puffed his cheeks and you could see how his whole body moved as he took a deep breath. A crooked smile lifted your lips.
“I didn’t want you to do anything about it, captain. I just wanted to tell you.” You confessed, watching him take another breath. His cheeks stayed puffed for a while until he grinned broadly.
“Well, you’ve got nothing to worry about from now on! I’ve got your back from now on! So does the crew! We’re your friends!” You felt another sting at your eyes and it took all you had in you to smile instead of crying from the relief.
“Thanks, Luffy... That’s what I needed to hear right now...”
Roronoa Zoro: Zoro was a bit more complicated. What seemed to peak his interest, on the surface, was booze, the occasional nap, training, and more booze. Looking closer, however, he did genuinely care for his crew but, for the sake of his pride, he wouldn’t show it. He was very observant as well. He knew there was something that you kept hidden but he must’ve deemed you harmless as he didn’t push you to tell him or the crew. 
He wasn’t surprised when you came up to him. He must have been waiting for you to be ready enough to tell everyone else on your own accord. He was surprised that you wanted to tell everyone privately, including him. He was training when you came up to him and he raised an eyebrow, his arms still swinging the weights. You went over and plopped down on the bench by the side, wringing your hands as he finished up his training, He grabbed a towel and plopped down next to you on the bench. A small smile twitched on your lips as you noticed that he cut his training short to hear what you had to say.
“Sorry for interrupting.” You muttered as he shrugged and wiped the sweat off his face.
“Must be important.” He was right. You weren’t the one to interrupt his training unless you had something important to say. You nodded and took a breath.
“It is. I would appreciate it if you would listen.” He grunted but you could see that he put his towel down and you knew that he had his full attention on you. 
You told him everything. Your voice shaking at some difficult parts when you spoke about your mother or the town. You could feel that his eyes were on you but, at the moment, your hands seemed to be more fascinating. When your voice wavered, he would put a hand on your shoulder until you found some strength in you to keep talking. When you were done, you could hear him take a breath.
“Must’ve been hard.” He said after a moment of silence. You nodded, mutely. You were more focused on trying to keep yourself from crying in front of him. He must have noticed because his next words surprised you. Look, you went through something that no one should, alright? I’m not gonna find you weak or anything if you cry or yell or scream. That’s the opposite of weak. That was a brave thing to just tell me.” He muttered, feigning annoyance but you could tell the undertone of admiration. You cleared your throat and rubbed your eyes, feeling a couple tears leak out.
“I just... I just want to thank you. You actually listened to me.” He put his hand on top of your head and ruffled your hair, a slight smile on his lips.
“That’s nothing you should be thanking me for.” You shook your head.
“I’m serious. I feel... safe here with you all...”
“You won’t have to be ridiculed anymore or hurt by someone that cares about you anymore, (Y/N). You’ve got us. If anyone does, you bet that we’ll beat some serious ass for you.” 
Cat Burglar Nami: Nami had her ups and downs. It did seem like she cared more for money over anything but you still found the good qualities in her. Due to your past, however, you kept your distance from her and Robin. She was the more direct one of the two and you felt a bit more intimidated when you were around her, leading to you avoiding her when you could. It wasn’t fair to the two of you so she was really surprised when you came up to her one day.
She was enjoying a cup of tea out on the deck at the small table. She thanked Sanji and watched as he literally skipped away. She was surprised when she saw you step her way, your hand rubbing your arm and your eyes glancing at anywhere but at her. She tried to hide how giddy she felt that you approached her.
“Hi there, (Y/N).” She chirped, making you smile slightly.
“Um... Hey, Nami. C-Can I join you?” She nodded and gestured to the chair across from him. 
“Of course!” You could see how she was buzzing in her seat as you sat down. This was a bit odd for you to do but you wanted to let everything out into the air. Especially to her. It wasn’t fair to her that you avoided her even though you were both on the same crew. She noticed how you bit your lip and how you tugged on the sleeves of your shirt. “Is... something on your mind?”
You let out a breathless chuckle and raised your head to timidly meet your eyes with her.
“I know that you’ve noticed that I’ve been avoiding you...” She nodded solemnly.
“I have. I... Did I do something wrong? Was it a bad first impression or something?” You shook your head and went back to playing with your fingers. You weren’t used to speaking with her for so long.
“It’s nothing like that... It really isn’t fair to you but the truth is...” You began your story. Your mother’s assault, the torment from your town, and your current confusion about your sexuality. All of it came tumbling out of your lips and it took everything in you to keep the tears from falling. You felt so vulnerable at the moment. You were putting all your pent up nerves on the table and you were far too nervous to hear her response. 
When she didn’t say anything, you urged yourself to look up. Your eyes widened as she had a tight grip on her cup of tea and there were tears falling from her eyes.
“Nami...?” A choked sob left her lips before she responded.
“What a poor excuse of a woman- I- What kind of people would do that instead of helping?!” She let out before taking breaths to calm down. She put her teacup down and rubbed at her eyes to urge herself to stop crying. She looked at you with determination in her eyes. “You won’t feel that way anymore! I swear it! If you need me to give you space, I will. If you need our support from now on, you’ve got it.” A small smile lifted on her lips as she took a napkin, handing it to you so you could wipe your tears away as well. “I promise. We’ll protect you.”
Sniper King Usopp: Usopp was one of the members that you connected easily with, that group included Luffy and Chopper. The innocence that all three of them held was something that you had the need to protect. Usopp wasn’t as brave as Luffy or as fluffy as Chopper but you admired the bravery he had when he squashed his fear. You hoped that he would be empathic and, even if he was a bit awkward at times, still accept you. You found him planting some seeds, possibly for an attack he’s working on, and you plopped down next to him. He jumped slightly at the unexpected company but smiled nonetheless.
“Hey, (Y/N). What’s up?” A small smile lifted your lips and you looked at where his hands where digging another hole.
“I wanted to talk to you. You look busy though...” He shook his head, putting a small seed into the new spot he just made.
“I can do two things at the same time. Go for it.” He said as he shuffled to the side and made another small plot. You took a breath and glanced over at him.
“You know how I don’t say anything about my past?”
“Yeah? I figured it was something you didn’t want to talk about.”
“... Well, I do now.” Without waiting for him to answer, you looked at the dirt in front of you and began the difficult story. All the bad memories came back up but you willed yourself to continue. You told him about your mother, the abuse you endured, how you reached for help yet no one believed you, and how your confused about your own sexuality. 
At some point in your story, you saw that his hands had stopped working on the garden and that he had turned fully to focus in on you. You could feel his eyes on you but you couldn’t bring yourself to meet his gaze. After a shuddering breath,, you waited for how he would respond. You could see how he had raised his hand but he must have thought against it because his hand retracted to his lap again.
“That’s what’s been hanging over you this whole time?” He asked once he was sure that you were done telling your story. You took yet another shuddering breath and nodded.
“Yeah... I’m healing... Especially since I have you all now.” This time he raised his hand and placed it on your shoulder, making you look up into his eyes and smiling slightly at seeing the small grin on his face.
“Exactly. I may not be the bravest, let alone the strongest on the crew, but believe it when I say that I’m on your side.”
“I know. That’s why I’m comfortable enough to know that telling you guys will help me heal.” He nodded and patted your shoulder. 
“The fact that you trust us enough with something so personal and traumatic... Well, I’m sure that the crew will feel the same way as I do. Thank you for telling me something so difficult. You have anything else on your mind, you can come to me.” He smiled and held out some seeds to you. “Wanna help?” You smiled and nodded, helping him plant as well. You were just glad that he wasn’t treating you any differently.
Black Leg Sanji: Now, the blonde cook was a reaction you were afraid/nervous for. You knew his love for women and you were nervous at the fact that he would be like your town and think that you were in the wrong. You knew that Sanji was much more than what he led on but there was still that thought in the back of your head that he wouldn’t believe you either.
It was early in the morning and Sanji was already cleaning up the kitchen whiile also getting ingredients out for breakfast. You knew that that would be the only time you could catch him by himself. He turned to look at you when the door creaked open and he blinked, the smoke from his cigarette floating up to the ceiling.
“(Y/N)? Morning. What are you doing up already?” You took a seat on one of the benches and smiled slightly. 
“I wanted to uh talk to you in private.” You got out hesitantly. He must have noticed something from your voice, either the shakiness or the seriousness behind it. He went over and sat down on the bench across from you, bringing his ash tray along with him.
“Is that so? What about?” Your eyes glanced at the counter and looked back at him. He raised his eyebrow before looking at the counter. “Ah. I’ll work on breakfast in a couple of minutes. What you want to talk about seems serious.” You nodded slightly.
“It’s... It’s about my past...” You mumbled before you started the whole story from the beginning. You were hesitant when you came to the part of your mother abusing. From the corner of your eye, you could see how he took the cigarette out of his mouth and smothered the butt of it on the ashtray. You also noticed that he didn’t light another cigarette.
You told him about the ignorance of your town and how your claims were discarded from even the officials of your home. You also confessed to him about how you believed that your experience may be why you’re not sure of your sexuality. You also decided to tell him the worries that you had for telling him.
“You deserve honesty... I-I’m still nervous that you won’t believe me and that you’ll just disregard what I said just like my town...” You mumbled, your eyes glancing up to meet his visible one. He let out a soft sigh before running a hand through his hair.
“If I’d have known...” He shook his head and looked you straight in your eyes. “First off, I wouldn’t purposefully try to make you feel like you couldn’t tell me something so serious. Second, just like anyone on this ship, I’m on your side and I believe you.”
“You’re not mad at me?” You questioned. He shook his head, lighting another cigarette.
“There are evil people out there, women are included in that. I’ll take your side no matter what.” You felt a weight come off your shoulders as he said that, rubbing at your eyes as he smiled slightly and handing you a tissue that was on the counter.
Tony Tony Chopper: This little ball of sunshine brought the biggest smile on your face even when you had the darkest of days. The two of you were close as he was always finding a way to cling onto your leg or sit on your shoulders. You were the closest to him and you wanted to finally open up to him. 
You found him in the infirmary, working on some knew vaccines or medicines. You knocked on the door to catch his attention and he spun around in the chair that was way too big for someone his size but it made him even cuter. He smiled at you as he put a test tube down.
“(Y/N)! It’s rare to see you in here!” You smiled slightly and nodded, going over to sit in a chair by him but you stopped yourself from sitting. 
“Yeah. I could come back later if you’re busy?” You questioned but he shook his head and gestured to the chair.
“It’s okay. You can sit down. Something on your mind?” You nodded as you fiddled with your thumbs, feeling the nervousness bubble back up at what you were going to say.
“It’s important and I wanted to tell you...” He turned fully in his chair to face you. 
“What is it?” 
“It’s about my past...” He suddenly became quiet as his eyes trained on you.
“Are you sure?” His question made you smile slightly at the concern laced in his voice. 
“I’m sure...” You started from the very beginning. Even if Chopper had a childish air around him, you knew that if you censored yourself, he would just figure it out on his own. You told him about your mother, your town, and your own confusion right now about your sexuality. 
In the middle of your story, when you glanced up at him, he was biting his lip and holding back from outright sobbing. You could see that his eyes were filled with tears. Once you were done, Chopper slid down from his chair and went over to you, hugging your legs tightly. You were surprised at the sudden affection but, before you could say anything, 
“You don’t have to worry anymore, (Y/N)! You have friends that care for you a-and that will protect you! Like me! You won’t have to be afraid anymore!” He sniffled and a small smile made its way onto your lips.
“That’s all I needed to hear... Thank you, Chopper.” He looked up at you and the tears in his eyes contradicted the smile on his face.
“You’ve got us now! You don’t have to worry anymore! Okay?” You put your hand on top of his hand pet through his fur. 
Nico Robin: Robin was the calmer one of the two ladies but you were still hesitant on approaching her due to your past. After a rather tough fight with the marines, everyone was resting but you could see that there was a light coming out from the aquarium room. You stepped over and peaked in through the porthole to see Robin sitting on the seats and reading with a candle on the table in front of her, keeping her alit through the dark. 
You took a deep breath and nudged the door open so you could slip in. She must have heard you because she looked up and a polite smile crossed her face.
“It’s late, isn’t it, (Y/N)?” You nodded and went over to take a seat by her, giving enough space so that your anxiety wouldn’t build up.
“It is but I could say the same thing to you.” Her soft giggle filled the room and she moved the blanket on her lap to you. You were grateful that she didn’t touch you, your nerves calming down. You grasped the blanket and covered some of your own lap, realizing the fact that it was kind of chilly. 
“You have a good point.” The two of you stayed in silence for a little while. “Was there something on your mind?” You nodded. You knew from the beginning that she was observant so you wanted to tell her this and maybe with her help, you can be more comfortable around her and Nami. 
“I wanted to tell you... About my past...” She closed her book and laid it down on the table, smoothing out the blanket on her lap.
“I’m predicting that it’ll explain why you avoid Nami and I?” You nodded slightly. 
“Yeah... Something like that.” You started from the beginning about your mother and how she abused you, the help you looked for yet never got, how your town ridiculed and disregarded you, and how you weren’t sure about your own sexuality. She had stayed quiet for your whole story waited until you got everything out. You sniffled, not used to being so vulnerable in front of her. You felt a couple tears slip from your eyes. 
With her devil fruit, a hand grabbed the tissue box from across the room and placed it on the table. With her actual hand, she took a tissue and held it out to you. You took it and rubbed at your eyes.
“Sorry... I didn’t want to cry.” She shook her head and a soft smile was what she answered with.
“You don’t have to be ashamed of letting your feelings out. Especially with us. We’re your friends, (Y/N).” You sniffled and nodded. 
“I understand... I’m sor-”
“Don’t apologize. You did nothing wrong. That goes for your past as well. No one deserves what you went through and I know that the crew and I will support you.” You smiled slightly and nodded, taking another tissue from her.
Cyborg Franky: The usually positive robot always brought a smile to your face and he was especially empathetic to everyone. He might be a bit over the top but you knew that he would try to understand you the best he can. You made your way to below deck and looked for the cyborg. He had been working for a while on a new way of transporting small groups instead of taking the Sunny everywhere. A very secret project that he only mentioned to you. 
You stepped down the ladder to where he was covering his face with a metal plate as to not get any sparks flying from where his torch was hitting the metal. You kept your distance as to not get hurt from the sparks and cupped your hands around your mouth.
“Hey! Franky!” He must have heard you because he turned the torch off and moved the plate off his head. He looked in your direction and grinned.
“Hey! Sorry! Were you waiting long?” You shook your head and, once you deemed it safe to walk over, you sat down next to him.
“I just got here. How’s it going?” You asked, looking at the contraption in front of him that looked like a bunch of metal parts put together.
“It’s a work in progress.” He placed the torch and mask down, tinkering the screws with his hands. “You wanted to talk about something?” He turned to look at you when you stayed quiet. “Hmm?”
You took a breath before facing him, “I did. It’s rather important to me for you to know.” He nodded and fully turned to look at you, obviously sensing the seriousness in your voice and the stiffness of your body.
You started telling him from the beginning, unable to meet his gaze from the nervousness building up in your stomach. The words came out of your mouth hesitant and unclear but you wanted to put your trust in him and the crew. You went through each of your memories, no matter how painful, telling him how you were treated by your mother and the town. How your past still affects you and even has made you confused about your sexuality now. 
You heard sniffles above you and turned to look at the cyborg. There were tears going down his cheeks and, when he realized that you were done, sobs started coming out of his mouth. A slight smile lifted on your lips and you gently rubbed his arm.
“You okay?” You mumbled. He shook his head and rubbed at his eyes furiously.
“I-I should be asking y-you that!” Through his cries, his hand brought out the smaller hand installed in it and wiped his eyes with a tissue (unbeknownst to you how he got those tissues anyway). “Don’t worry now, (Y/N)! You’re safe now and you don’t have to worry about anything like that anymore!” 
“Thank you, Franky...” You mumbled, patting his arm again to try and calm him down from crying. He really was empathetic.
Dead Bones Brook: The happy-go-lucky skeleton wasn’t in the crew as long as everyone else but he still treated you and the others like he’s been a part of the crew for years. You treated him the same. With his musical talent, his melodies and joyful personality always managed to cheer you up. Once he relied his past to the crew, you knew that moment that you could trust him.
When the ship stopped for supplies, you volunteered to stay on the ship with Brook while everyone else went to get missing stock (or just explore, in Luffy’s case). You saw this as a good time to tell him after keeping it to yourself all this time. You stepped over to him as he was tuning his violin, the bow letting music out whenever it brushed against the stings. He spotted you and tipped his hat in your direction.
“Afternoon, (Y/N)-san.” You smiled at him and sat down on the railing next to where he was standing. 
“Afternoon, Brook.” He strummed a line of melody before looking at you, seemingly satisfied at the tune that came out from his, now, tuned violin. 
“Did you want to tell me something?” You blinked and looked up at him as he was smiling at you.
“How did you-?”
“We are friends but there must have been a reason as to why you wanted to be with me on the ship to keep watch.” You smiled slightly and changed your view to your shoes.
“Very observant.” You complimented while he chuckled softly, placing his violin down to let it lean against the railing. “There is something rather important that I wanted to talk to you about.”
That’s how you started your recollection, going from the beginning. About your mother, the mistreatment, the ridicule, and the confusion you feel right now. He showed you that he was listening with small hums and rubbing your shoulder when you had to pause for a breath or something. His soft mumbling of ‘it’s okay’ and ‘you’re in a safe place’ helped you get through it and you sighed softly once you were done. 
“Thank you for telling me.” He said, gently patting his bony fingers against your head. “I know it’s hard to deal with right now but just know that we won’t treat you any differently. You’re still our friend and we care deeply about you.” You breathed through your nose and smiled slightly, willing for the tears to not slip out. 
“Thank you, Brook...” He smiled and picked up the violin by his feet. 
“I can see that you’re still upset. How about a song?” You mutely nodded, looking up at him as he started playing at the sign of your nod. The melody immediately soothed your stiffness.
Trafalgar Law: At first glance, your captain seemed ruthless and uninterested in anything but personal gain. When you joined, however, you found that that wasn’t the case. He showed that he cared in very subtle ways but those small gestures spoke volumes to you. The crew treated you like family and you finally felt like you belonged. 
You were laying in the infirmary, eyes closed as you tried to fall asleep. You had caught a rather harsh fever after an incident where it lead to you falling into the ocean. You were scolded by your captain for doing something so reckless which led to him confining you to the infirmary until you got better. You heard the click of the door and you opened your eyes to look at that direction.
Law walked in, closing the door behind him and a glass of water in his hand. He went over and put the glass down next to you, glaring at you slightly.
“Didn’t I tell you to rest?”
“I can’t sleep.” He grunted before pulling a chair over to the side of the bed.
“Something’s bothering you. From previous experiences, when the crew gets sick, they’re happy to get rest.” He stated, taking the cold pack off your forehead and tossing it over to the side to refrigerate later. You smiled slightly and turned your gaze to the ceiling. Maybe it was time for you to get the weight off your shoulders. 
“You’re very observant... There is something.” You murmured. His gaze never left your face.
“If it’s important, just wait until you’re done with this fever.” You shook your head and took a breath.
“Might as well, right? I’d like to sleep...” You said before taking another deep breath to collect your thoughts.  It was now or you would lose your nerve.
Before you even realized it, the words tumbled out of your mouth from the very beginning. From your parents to just your mother, to the abuse, to the town that you live in, and how they turned what happened to you against you. You didn’t realize that the tears were slipping from your eyes from the pain behind the memories. Your captain was quiet through the whole story, getting up halfway to get a towel and wipe not only the tears but the sweat from your fever from your face. When you were done, he placed another fresh cold pack on your forehead.
“Don’t put stress on yourself.” He muttered. His usually narrowed eyes were softened and had a hint of kindness in them. “You can rest easy now. You won’t have to go through that ever again while I’m around. From now on, just rest and focus on getting this fever over with.”
Red Hair Shanks: You almost let out a yelp when an arm was swung around your shoulders and there was a weight against your side. You immediately relaxed once you heard the familiar laugh of your captain. It was already late in the night and most of the crew was already sleeping out passed out from the drinks. You glanced at your captain and took the beer mug out of his hand, after he almost spilled it all over you. 
“Why don’t you drink with me, (Y/N)?!” He chirped, pouting out when you put the mug down.
“You’ve had enough, Shanks. You should rest like everyone else.” He let out a puff of air and plopped down next to you.
“I guess.” He looked at your expression and raised an eyebrow. “Something bothering you?” Your body stiffened and you turned your attention to dumping the beer from the mug down on the ground. He was always so damn observant.
Nights when the crew would go drink or have rowdiness reminded you of a family and it only led to you thinking to your past which always made you down in the dumps. You tended to stay out of the way, eventually appearing to help those who had a little too much to drink some water or finding them somewhere to rest. 
“You could say that.” You murmured, grabbing a mug and filling it up with water. When he took the mug in his hand, he still looked over at you with a raised eyebrow.
“Did something happen?” You could see how his eyes suddenly darkened and narrowed. “Did someone do something to you from town?” You quickly shook your head and put your hand lightly on top of his shoulder.
“No, no. I was just thinking about the past. You don’t have to get all protective.” He seemed to relax before downing the water in his mug.
“That’s good. You’re family now. No one will mess with you while we’re around.” He stated after he was done with the mugful of water. You felt a familiar sting to your eyes and brought your gaze away from him.
“I... I understand.” He noticed your gaze and gently wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close to his side and pointing at the crew, some were passed out and others were enjoying even more drinks. 
“Look. I trust these guys with my life.” He lightly pointed his finger where your heart was and grinned at you. “And now, you’re a part of this crew so that goes for you too. With what happened to you in your past, doesn’t change the fact that we all care about you and that we’ll protect you.” He moved his hand to ruffle your hair, not pointing out the tears in your eyes. “You’re safe now.”
Benn Beckman: Benn was surprised when you looked at him for comfort to your distress. Usually, Shanks was the one that everyone went to for advice or comfort since he was much more approachable. But just because this was a first for him, it didn’t mean that he would toss you aside. He found you crying to yourself in the supply room. He ushered you out and led you to one of the cabins that was empty and somewhere you could have some privacy.
You rubbed at your eyes, urging yourself to stop crying. You didn’t want to burden anyone with your inner turmoil but it looked as if your luck wasn’t with you today. You found yourself sitting on Benn’s bed, looking at your lap as he had went to go do something. You stiffened and raised your head when you heard the door to the cabin open and close with a click. It was Benn and he was holding a tray with two cups of tea. He placed it down on the nightstand and handed you a cup. You took it and your hands immediately felt warmed from the glass. The bed dipped when he sat down next to you and took his own cup. The two of you sat in silence while you drank the tea from your glass.
“Looks like it worked.” You jumped slightly, a bit startled at his sudden comment and you looked at him, your eyebrows furrowing slightly.
“Worked?” You winced at your own voice cracking slightly. He either didn’t notice or he wasn’t going to bring it up. 
“Tea usually helps to calm down the body while also adding health benefits. That’s what people say anyway.” He stated, taking another sip of it. “It worked for you, technically. You’re not crying anymore.” You suddenly did realize that he was right and rubbed at your eyes, noticing how puffy they felt and how tired you suddenly were.
“Right... Can you not say anything to everyone about me crying?” He raised an eyebrow at this and took your empty cup away to put back on the tray.
“If that’s what you want, but there’s nothing wrong with crying. You’ve seen Shanks cry over booze when he’s drunk before.” He cracked a small smile when you let out a breathless chuckle. He suddenly turned to look at you and there was a sense of seriousness behind his gaze. “If I’m not intruding... Why were you crying?”
You rested your hands on your knees and shut your eyes. Benn was nice and he didn’t have anything that made your guard up so maybe you could rely on him. That’s what you were thinking before starting from the beginning. Your voice cracked at some parts and you wanted to curse yourself for feeling the tears coming back up. He was quiet, like always, during your retelling and, from just him listening, you already felt better. He didn’t even say anything else once you were done, just rubbing your back and letting you cry it out like you needed. He was there to listen to you.
Eustass Kid: You actually didn’t tell Kid on your own terms and that’s what frightened you the most. He asked you to join his crew after being impressed by your fighting ability and you were more than happy to leave the town you were currently residing in. Too many bad memories. You walked along with the crew through your town, your head ducked down at hearing all the whispering comments about you. It must have started to annoy your new captain because he scowled and grabbed the nearest citizen by their collar and held them up.
“The hell you all whispering about?!” He growled out, the person paling at the demand. Your eyes widened as you recognized that the person was a police official and knowing what was about to come from that person’s mouth.
“Uh, Kid, shouldn’t we get going? You did say we were in a rush, after all.” You wanted to congratulate yourself for getting through your sentence and not stuttering, even though your fear was starting to show itself. He only spared you a glance before looking at the person.
“I’m going to get answers. What the hell was that about?” He glared at the person in his hand and said person let out a slight whimper at the intimidating men behind Kid as well. 
You wanted to cover your ears and curl up somewhere as the person spewed insults and condemned you for what happened with your mother. You chose to look down and willed yourself to not listen. You didn’t want Kid to question your strength or think of you as weak. From the short amount of time you’ve met him, you knew that he hated weak people and you hoped that he wouldn’t see you weak even after he knew the truth. What you didn’t notice was that while the townsperson continued rambling on, Kid was getting much angrier. 
You jumped slightly as you felt a hand on your shoulder and turned to look at the owner of it. Killer motioned with his head for you to look up. You turned to look at Kid and your eyes widened at how angry he looked.
“Shut up!” He finally shouted, startling the man in his grip. “Quit spewing this crap!” 
“But he-” Before he could finish his own sentence, Kid tossed him away, not caring where he landed. The townspeople that were witnessing cowered in fear at Kid fuming in front of him. Killer must have sensed the murderous intent his captain was leaking as he stepped forward.
“Captain, let’s get going.” The red head grumbled under his breath before reluctantly agreeing and starting his path back to the ship.
“(Y/N)!” You jumped at the sound of your name and caught up to him, yelping in surprise when he threw his arm around you.
“This is why I hate officials the most. Justice my ass. They failed you but we won’t, got that?” He uttered, making you look at him in surprise. After a second of thinking, you nodded and let him lead you.
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bunni-bino · 4 years ago
How ASL Bros React To Getting Married To You
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A/N : well, I reallyyy want to write a nice long fic but like.. life man. I’m on spring break and have work all week and with my sleep problems 😭 just enjoy this please c:
Summary : what the asl brothers wedding would be like.
“Woah! You look awesome, [Name]!”
So cheery and wholesome.
Zoro is his best man, ( much to Sanji’s dismay )
EVERYONE is there, every single person he’s ever met is there so it’s crowded and you basically had it outside, in Foosha Village, though he wanted it to be on the ship.
All of the girls Luffy’s met is responsible for your appearance, they all helped you on your big day.
Some of the marines were invited, of course.
Luffy’s best mans/groom mans ( idk) ( other than Zoro ) consists of Sabo, Ace, Sanji, Usopp, Franky, Brook, Law, Shanks and Koby.
Your bridesmaids consist of Nami, Robin ( maid of honor ), Perona, Tashigi, Vivi and Makino. ( shirahoshi and others didn’t have too much room to stand by you because of the guests so they just sat in their respective seats.)
Before it officially started, there was a lot of tension so separation in seats were needed. Big Mom’s crew is sitting on the left back, Marines in the front right, Law’s, Kid’s and Shanks and other pirates are put in the right back, and everyone else Luffy knows is in the front right.
Few are still in shock because of the fact that LUFFY is getting married before them.
A lot of yelling and laughter from everyone is around but as soon as the classic music is playing in the background, everyone shuts up and turns to face the back, where you’re walking with Garp.
Old man Garp is the one taking you, and even he is full of tears from the fact that his own grandson is getting married.
“You take care of my dumb ole’ grandson, you hear? If he ever becomes too much of an annoyance, just knock him a few times in the head.”
And when you finally reach him, everyone is quiet and has the proudest smiles on their faces. Their Luffy is all grown up.
His bright, radiating grin is plastered and he is pretty overwhelmed but right now, you’re distracted by his handsome look in his suit.
Of course, he has shorts instead of long dress pants but he still looked handsome regardless.
Vows are said, rings are given and you smile at Luffy as the minister ( Sengoku ) questions your commitment.
“Do you, [ Name LastName ] take this complete fool, Monkey D. Luffy, as your everlasting husband and, future pirate king?”
Chuckles are heard, and you couldn’t suppress a giggle either. “I do.”
“I see. I wish you luck on this journey. Luffy, you may now kiss the bride.”
Claps are heard around as Luffy grins. “About time!” He cheers and pulls you by your hands, quickly smashing your lips together in a kiss.
“Congrats, Luffy!”
“Not bad, Straw Hat.”
“Where’s the beer? Time to party!”
“Alright, Luffy! Woo!”
Music is quick to break out as everyone is celebrating and cheering.
You and Luffy already cut the cake, ( it took you a lot of force to make Luffy not shove his face in the cake and just CUT IT. )
The giant cake made by Sanji and the Big Mom family, was shared for everyone and there was still plenty left.
And it was just a fun time with everyone. You even threw your bouquet(?) behind you already and it seems the next to be wed was Tama!
Clearly some of the women weren’t too happy to see the little grow becoming married before them but it was a nice laugh.
The night goes on and it’s getting late. Guests are leaving after wishing the two of you well and you two head in for your suite that Nami booked as her present.
“It feels normal. I thought this was some big special thing, why is it such a big deal again?” Luffy questions, forgetting what the girls had told him the several nights before about weddings.
You smile gently and set the last wrapped gift to the side with the others, taking a glance at the shimmering ring on your left hand.
“Because,” you spin around and face your husband, reaching over and taking off his straw hat that he kept on.
“It swears our connection and commitment to each other. Why do you think Shanks married Makino, despite their long distance relationship?”
Luffy offers his gentle smile, seemingly more relaxed at the mention of the two of the most important people in his life, out of many.
“Because they love each other?” He guesses calmly, tilting his head and you nod, giggling at his black hair that swayed.
“And I love you.” You whisper, leaning closer and felt Luffy’s arms enveloping you in a tight hug, his face nuzzling into your neck.
“I love you, [Name].”
And he leans back, connecting his lips on yours.
Oh boy, did the Whitebeard crew go BIG.
I have a feeling that Ace would want something a little normal or smaller perhaps, just inviting his personal friends and family, and maybe a few people he met along the way of his journey.
He’s a friendly, outgoing person but for a personal occasion, it’s best to stick with the people you’re closest to.
But he wasn’t complaining when he saw the large Ă€ss party, feast and the important people in his life showing up.
Sabo, Luffy and his crew, Shanks, Makino, all of his brothers, members of his old crew, Garp, he was thrilled to see everyone!
The wedding was held on Whitebeard’s ship, of course. It wasn’t too fancy or grand but still pretty large and the ship was right in the middle of the sea.
Ace is all dressed up handsomely in his suit, with the help of Marco, Vista and Izo. His hair isn’t too messy and just styled neatly.
You were dressed beautifully in your gown/suit, with the help of the nurses, Nami, Robin and Izo.
There was a bit of trouble with seating but naturally, many people stood up anyways and were quite busy throwing confetti and other things at you, even if it was a wedding.
Whitebeard is taking you down the aisle, it’s a little bit difficult but he still did, and you can bet he’s excited to have a daughter/son that will help watch over Ace’s dumbass self.
“Rough him up real good, take good care of my stupid son. And call me Pops!”
When Ace sees you walking down, he’ll admit, he’s teary. He’s actually found love, someone like him.. and he’s about to be married to you, the most amazing, attractive, and sweetest person he’s met.
You look so amazing in your outfit, he’s in tears. He’s so lucky.. Marco has a hand on his shoulder and patting his back. “Congratulations, Ace. You deserve this.”
Wiping his tears with his finger, he nods and exhales, holding the widest, warmest smile he could muster.
He was going to love you and protect you all of his damn life, that’s for sure.
The minister is actually Vista! Ace’s best man is Marco and his groomsmans all include Thatch, Luffy, Jozu, Izo, and Haruta!
“Do you, [Name Lastname] take this young kid as your loyal, lawful and everlasting husband?”
“Really?” Ace pouts at Vista’s joke and chuckles are heard, even yours.
“I do, Vista. I’ll make sure he grows.” You giggle as Ace sighs in exasperation.
“Very well. I now pronounce you husband and wife, Ace, kiss your damn bride already.”
“My pleasure.” Ace grins and he’s quick in pulling your wrist towards him, and spinning you into a dipping motion before connecting your lips together in a kiss.
Whistles and catcalls are heard as loud cheers and applause are made.
“Go Ace!”
“Alright, Fire Fist!”
“Better not lose her, Ace!”
Ace rolls his eyes at the comments from his brothers and pulls you back up with a smile. He’s a little glad he didn’t fall asleep midway because of his narcolepsy.
Party immediately breaks out, Sanji aids Thatch in the kitchen to bring out everything and it’s a long night of dancing, boozing and more.
Ace is just off with the guys, having fun and celebrating while you are off with the women, talking about experiences and such.
And when Ace finally finds you and pulls you two away to his room for some alone time, he pulls you close.
“Well, Mrs. Fire Fist, what do you want to do first?~”
His arms are around your waist as he secures you towards him, a cheeky smile on display on his face.
“Not sure, what did you have in mind?” Playing coy, you shrug and tilt your head, turning away from his face which he pouts and uses his hand to force his back to him.
Pecking your lips, Ace smiles again and leads you to his bed. “I have an idea, if you’re up to it?” He wiggles his brows, making you laugh.
He jumps onto the bed, pulling you with him so you were on top. “Well?”
“Oh! Cuddles, I get it! Sure, I’m tired anyways.”
Ace groans at you, heaving a sigh and he whines. “Come on, [Naaamee]!”
You just giggle and sit up, repositioning yourself on his lap and straddled him. “Fine, fine. You’re lucky it’s our special day today.” You hum.
“Oh? So you don’t want to do this after today is over?” Ace muses, smirking a bit since he knew the answer.
You puff your cheeks out at the thought of not having sex with Ace anymore, but you weren’t going to back down. “..Nope!”
Knowing the truth, Ace chuckles and begins to grind upwards into you.
“Alright, I guess I better make this a special memory to remember.”
“You look incredible, [Name]..”
The most average, normal one. It’s traditional, smaller than most would be, and it’s for personal guests only.
So close members of the revolutionary army, his brothers, Garp and Makino were the only ones invited. If Luffy wanted, he could bring his crew but that’s it!
It’s traditional, so it was held inside a chapel, of course. It wasn’t anything special, everything was set up already and prepared for a small group so it was great.
Sabo is in a dashing, handsome suit like Ace was, but somehow has a much more charming, princely appearance. He helped himself in the appearance, with smallest help of Inazuma.
Your dress too! Somehow it’s more Royal appearing and your veil resembles a crown in a way. Koala and Iva helped you out in this!
Sabo’s best man is actually Ace! The strongest brotherly bond overpowered the thought of having Kuma, Iva or Luffy as a best man, but fortunately, they didn’t seem to mind, since they were groomsmans anyways. Iva being both bridesmaid and groomsman.
Ace was pretty teary and honored, and felt so excited.
The one who takes you down the aisle is Dragon. He’s a little awkward about it at first but he is quite proud of Sabo, even if he doesn’t openly show it.
“Take good care of him, alright?”
“I will.” You assure, thanking him when you finally reach the point of Sabo’s side.
The whole time, Sabo is staring at you in awe, feeling speechless. How did he manage to get someone as beautiful and wholehearted as you?
He can’t contain his wide grin and excitement, his hands just a hint clammy from the nervousness of possible rejection. But he knew you loved him. Because he loves you.
“Someone looks handsome.” You whisper in a giggle and Sabo chuckles. “Not compared to the beauty you have right now.” He winks.
The minister is actually Kuma, of course. Kuma was the obvious choice. Kuma took the position with gratitude.
“[Name Lastname]. Do you take Chief of Staff Sabo, as your lawful, loyal and everlasting husband?”
“I do.”
“Congratulations. I now pronounce you husband and wife, Sabo, please do the honor of kissing your bride.”
Sabo is the most natural approach, taking a step forward and cupping your cheeks in his hands and pulling you forward, for a kiss.
Cheers and applause are made and heard, and Luffy, being the brother he is, pulls out a loud confetti popper and pulls it, it shooting it out everywhere like fireworks.
“Congratulations, you two!”
“Alright, time to get drinking!”
“Better not let this get in the way of your missions..”
“Luffy, how’d you even get that?!” Sabo widens his eyes and he laughs. “Franky made it for me! He said it’ll be super, for the wedding!”
You can’t help the laugh that escapes your lips and Sabo finds himself laughing alongside you and the whole place is soon filled with laughter and cheer.
It’s a small family party but it was still pretty chaotic regardless, and Sabo makes sure to take you outside for some fresh air when it becomes nighttime.
“Hey, feeling okay?”
Taking a seat on the bench nearly, Sabo sits beside you and you nod, immediately leaning into his shoulder.
“It’s overwhelming, I guess..” the warm smile that spreads your lips is contagious as he does the same when he sees it. “But,”
You take a look at your ring finger, that held the beautiful silver ring and diamond. “I couldn’t be happier with today. I’m married to the love of my life.”
Sabo smiles gently and closed his eyes, leaning against the backrest and let the moonlight light against his face.
“I am, as well. I couldn’t be any luckier to be married to you now..” taking your hand in his, he intertwines your fingers and brings your hand up to kiss.
He kisses your ring finger specifically and hums.
“Thank you.. for being with me.. I love you, [Name].”
“Of course. Thank you for being with me. I love you, Sabo.”
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A/N : well! This was sweet~ I feel bad for Luffy’s part because it’s not the greatest. :/ but I hope you enjoyed! :D
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bunni-bino · 4 years ago
Okay okay okay so hear me out, Ik ik there a lot of dad propmts out there but I have never ever ever seen a Luffy one. I need dad Luffy đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș thank you so much for doing this request 😘😘😘😘
Monkey D. Luffy As A Dad
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A/N : this was absolutely so adorable and I hope you liked it! Sorry for the delay, though. But thank you for requesting!
Both scenario + headcannons—
Summary : just a typical day of Luffy as a father.
Luffy would be one chaotic father.
I believe Luffy would want his first child to be a boy. He wants him to be just like his father after all, and having a son would allow him to make him into a man!
When you tell him you’re pregnant, he’s a little confused because he’s not too smart on that. But then when you explain to him that you’re going to have his kid, hems ecstatic.
Immediately throws a huge feast in celebration and you receive many congratulatory words from your crewmates, and even other pirates that Luffy calls up to tell the news.
When you start showing more and becoming weaker, Luffy is extremely protective. He never leaves your side, no matter what.
He orders Usopp, Zoro and Sanji to bring in his food and keep careful on you as well when he can’t, and if you even move an inch and he hears the slightest sound of discomfort from you, he lectures you for not telling him if you want anything and forces you to stay still and in bed.
When you’re in the middle of giving birth, Luffy wouldn’t quite know what to do. He’d be so unprepared and hearing your screams of agony and pain fills him with so much pain as well and he feels helpless. Almost as if he’s having an anxiety attack.
He wishes he can be there with you but he’s too worried now. But eventually he does make it there and sits by your side until you’re done, holding your hand tightly and just allows you to scream into his ear.
He wouldn’t know what to say but his presence is there enough for you, and his comforting and assuring grin to you is even better to help ease the process.
When it finally happens, Luffy’s a bit emotional. After the waterworks go which is somewhat quick, he has an never ending wide grin on his face as he sees your tired form cradling his new born.
He becomes extremely soft and spends the whole day by your side, making sure your comforted and watches as you take care of his son closely, like treasure.
It’s one of his happiest days and memories, and he couldn’t contain his excitement as he tells everyone once more and just shows you and your son off to everyone they meet while on the seas.
Luffy isn’t one to help out with the many chores that comes with having a kid, like changing the diapers and feeding them, but fortunately Nami and Robin are willing to help out. Even Chopper when he can.
But Luffy makes up for it by spending a ton of time with the baby while you rest. Which can be both good and bad.
It does take Luffy and LONG time to understand that the many things he used to do and play around with can be dangerous for [ Son Name ], and slowly learns to be much more slower and careful when he’s around.
It takes a couple rounds of ‘convincing’ from you, but you manage to get it into his head.
Luffy can be occasionally careless, or perhaps it because you were raising a child on the ocean, but with the support and help of the crew, you two managed and it was a pleasant experience. It was pretty fun.
And Luffy was always full of smiles whenever he saw you and his son together, reminding him of just how you two met and honestly,
He couldn’t love you two more than he already did. Every time he saw you both, his heart was filled with so much warmth and love.
“Stop worrying so much and being so lame, [Name]! [ Son Name ] is perfectly- AH HE’S ON FIRE!”
Sprinting into the kitchen, you slam the door open in a panicked state, just to find Luffy on the ground with Nami standing beside him with a fist out, and your son perfectly fine on the desk with Chopper and Brook watching him.
Heaving a heavy sigh of relief, flames suddenly bursted from you and a heavy dark aura enveloped you.
Clenching your jaw and fists tightly, you calmly and slowly made your way to the Captain, even Nami and Brook sweatdropping at your aura as you stopped in front of the collapsed male.
“Hey.. [Name]..” Luffy weakly mutters out and you glared daggers at him as you crouched down. “What. Did. I. Tell. You?”
Silence filled the air, other than Chopper’s soft pats on your son’s head and his little noises and giggles.
“Not to carry and take him to dangerous areas of the ship.” He responds, it a bit muffled due to the various bumps on his head from Nami.
“And what is included in those areas?”
“..Sanji’s kitchen..”
“And why?”
“.. because of fire.”
Like a child being reprimanded and lectured, Luffy slowly sat up and looked down at his lap quietly and you placed your hands on your hips, exhaling.
“That’s right. Yet, you still brought him into Sanji’s kitchen. And I specifically and literally just heard you yell, ‘AHH HE’S ON FIRE!’, just before I came in.” A very quiet and stifled laugh can be heard from him at the sound of your imitation of himself.
You scowl, raising your fists, ready to hit him once more before you heard cries, and your motherly instincts immediately kicked in.
Turning over to your son, you rush over to Chopper and picked him up, pulling him into your arms and smile softly, a complete 180 from earlier.
Kissing your son’s head, you sway softly back and forth, bringing the little toddler in your arms into a soothing quiet state.
Nami, Chopper and Brook smile at the sight.
“Yohohoho~ you really are indeed a great mother, [Name]-san!”
“How cute.~”
“Look how peaceful he looks!”
Luffy looks up from his lap and smiles softly to himself at the sight of his beautiful wife with his amazing child.
He then thought back to when you first gave birth. You were in so much pain, even Luffy started to tear up and he felt so bad because he didn’t know what to do nor help you.
Luckily, Robin and Nami were there to support the both of you when it happened and assured him that it was alright.
And after a couple years with your new son, and having to deal with Luffy’s crazy excitement and cheeriness of playing and spending time with his child, he couldn’t believe you were still able to handle and deal with him.
Much less, the two of them, since your 2 year old son seemed to be acquiring all of Luffy’s qualities.
Luffy stands up from the ground and dusts his pants before walking over to you. Going up behind you, Luffy places a hand on your shoulder and peers over, seeing the sleeping look of his own kid.
“Do you want me to take him in for you?”
Glancing at Luffy with a soft expression, you peck his cheek gently. “Sure, I have to clean up his mess here anyways.”
“No need. Already done.” Nami grins as she finishes wiping off the table whilst Brook and Chopper worked together to clean up the toys on the ground.
You smile at the three of them and chuckle. “Thank you, you guys.” You whisper, to not wake your son up and Nami gives a thumbs up.
“Go rest, you two. Sleep in. If you need anything, we’ll be here. We’ll keep the others down too.”
Nodding, you turn to Luffy and motion him to follow in which he does, heading over to the door first and opens it wide for you to exit.
And so, you both walk back to your bedroom in silence, allowing your son to sleep peacefully during this.
Gently setting down your son into the center of your bed, you sit on the edge and tucked him in, making sure he was safe and secure.
Luffy closes the door and takes off his straw hat, placing it onto the nightstand beside the bed.
Smiling softly at you, he walks over to you and sits beside you, placing a hand onto your knee and watches you.
“He looks just like you.”
Both of you turn to each other and blink a bit before sharing a laugh.
“No, seriously. He has the looks of his handsome father.” You smile gently, pulling away from your son to let him sleep and lean into Luffy a bit. The said male only chuckles softly and leans in to peck your nose. 
“He has your cute eyes and smile though. He may take after me but his kindness sure comes from you.” He reaches to hold your hand and grips it tightly, intertwining your fingers with his.
“I’m lucky to have given birth to your child..” You murmur, laying on his shoulder and Luffy pulls you hand to his lips to kiss gently. “..I’m lucky to have met you.”
Even though Luffy was still the crazy, reckless and weird captain that you knew so well, Luffy certainly has also matured over the years. It still surprises you but you loved him regardless.
“Thank you for being in my life, Luffy.”
“Of course. I love you, [Name].”
A/N: I apologize this took so long but I absolutely loved writing it! :DD thank you and hoped you enjoyed! I love dad! Luffy. đŸ„°đŸ„ș❀
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bunni-bino · 4 years ago
Luffy With A S/O Who Has A Tattoo Of The Jolly Roger
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A/N : this is a request from my sister so I’m excited to post this! This was actually really cute so I hope you enjoy! :)
Summary : In which, one day, Luffy finds out about his female significant other’s hidden tattoo of the crew’s Jolly Roger.
note : if you all would like a post of where the crewmates might have their Jolly Roger, or have any ideas or thoughts yourselves, please share! I’d love to hear it.
“The crew is rather lively today, aren’t they?”
You smile at the sight of Luffy running around with a water gun, chasing after Usopp and Chopper and spraying them with it.
Nami and Robin sat on the lawn chairs beside you, the shade of the umbrella taking over your bodies to protect from the heat of the sun.
Nami was wearing a white bikini, Robin wearing a black bikini top with a white skirt that reached her knees, while you settled in a white tank top and some light blue denim shorts.
Sanji was coming down from the upper deck, having just exited the kitchen with a silver plate of beverages on top.
Brook and Franky sat off to the side, Brook drinking his tea and enjoying the sight of the trio, while Franky watches in amusement as well, whilst tinkering with his torso.
Zoro laid by the railing, swords at his side and arms crossed with his body leaned back. His eyes were closed and he was resting, but you could tell he was listening in to everything.
“They always are.. it seems we can never get just ten minutes of peace.” Nami exhales heavily, shaking her head disappointedly as the sound of yells and laughter filled the air.
Nami’s comment caused Robin to giggle as she turns the page in her book, that was resting on her lap.
“It’s always fun with them around.” She points out, keeping her eyes trained on her book.
You laugh along as well, Nami only sulking for a brief moment before seeing Sanji returning with fresh drinks for them.
“Nami-swan~, Robin-dear~, [Name]-chan!~ here are your freshly made beverages!~” Sanji sang, lowering his hand with the plate down, setting down the drinks onto the table for the three of you.
“Thank you, Sanji.” You and Robin thank the blonde in unison, Nami immediately grabbing the glass and smiling brightly. “Thanks, Sanji.”
As Sanji swoons at the three of you, you turn back to your captain and lover and call out to him with a grin.
“Luffy! Are you thirsty? Come here, Sanji made drinks!”
Ignoring Sanji’s small protests that it was only meant for the ladies, Luffy’s eyes lit up and he grins brightly right at you. “Ooh, yeah!”
He quickly runs over, still dodging Usopp’s and Chopper’s water attacks with ease before landing right in front of you.
His straw hat hung around his neck, resting on his upper back and wore nothing but his red shorts. Water glistened against his skin in the sun from the splashes of water from Usopp’s shot.
“Seems like you’re having fun.” You sit up from your chair and held out the fresh glass that Sanji had placed down for you, holding it out for Luffy, who took it after thanking you.
Luffy stands in front of you and brings the glass to his lips, taking a long sip before exhaling in satisfaction.
Luffy smugly grins. “Shishishi~, Yeah, I keep hitting Usopp and Chopper easily! They kind of suck at aiming.” He mindlessly states aloud with a laugh, Usopp’s brow twitching at his words.
“Oh yeah?..” Usopp began fiercely pumping his water gun before smirking and pointing it at Luffy’s back. “I’ll show you the skills of Mighty God Usopp! Sniper King!” He shouts and pulls the trigger instantly.
Luffy only grins cheekily and moves aside before the water made impact.
Unfortunately, you became the target.
With Luffy having moved aside, you were shot in the face which resulted in your clothes and body to become wet and completely soaked.
“Haha! You missed again!” Luffy laughs wholeheartedly at the sight of your wet form, pointing at Usopp as he doubled over from laughter.
Nami and Sanji gasps at the sight, Sanji’s anger building up as he shouts at Usopp. “USOPP! YOU BETTER GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES AND APOLOGIZE RIGHT NOW! HOW DARE YOU SHOOT [NAME]-CHAN!?”
Usopp sweatdrops at Sanji as Brook’s laughter fills the air. “Yohohoho~ that was quite unexpected!” Franky joins in the laughter as well. “That was definitely a suupperr~ shot!”
Robin giggles and smiles. “That was certainly quite the aim. Are you alright, [Name]-san?” She hums, turning over to you, who was recovering from the shock and wiping your wet face.
You couldn’t surpress the smile forming as you chuckle lightly yourself. “Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just water.”
Seeing Chopper walk over with a hand towel, you smile gratefully to the little reindeer who was currently in his monster point.
“Sorry, [Name]! We didn’t mean to get you involved.” He apologetically smiles, you taking the towel from his hands and began wiping your face.
“No worries, Chopper.” You assure him, standing up straight to go change when Nami audibly gasp at the sight of your back, her eyes widening.
“Huh? What’s that on your back, [Name]?”
Since you got wet, your shirt was wet as well and the water expanded towards the back of your shirt, so it exposed your skin.
You hum questioningly and turn around to see her eyeing your back, the others widening their eyes at the sight of it, besides Zoro and Luffy.
“Woah! Is that what I think it is, [Name]?!” Usopp gasp in awe at the sight.
“When did you get that done, [Name]-san?” Robin asks, sitting up and setting her book onto the table.
“My, that’s quite a magnificent sight.” Brook hums, nodding at it.
“YA-OW! That looks great, [Name]!” Franky grins, giving a thumbs up towards you.
“It’s really cute! When did you do it?” Nami smiles, leaning closer to inspect it properly.
“No matter what it is, even if it was something else, it sure looks amazing on you, [Name]-chan~!” Sanji swoons, admiring it.
“Ah, it looks amazing, [Name]!” Chopper compliments, returning to his smaller usual form.
You bring the towel down from your face and smile at the others. “Thanks! I got it done in the last island we visited.”
“Got what done?” Luffy tilts his head in confusion, crossing his arms at the others’ awe of your back.
He didn’t understand. You didn’t look different. “Did you get a haircut or something?”
You laugh softly at him and shake your head at his question. “Nothing like that. Here.”
You turned around and moved your hair and towel down. You then lifted the hem of your shirt to expose your lower back.
Zoro, who was listening in, opens his eye to see what the crew was so excited about. His eye widens before a small smirk took over his lips. “I see, not bad.” He hums, approving of it.
Luffy just blinks a bit, staring at your back blankly before his eyes widens in surprise, completely shocked from the sight.
Right on your back, similar to the place Ace had his tattoo, was your own tattoo of the ship’s Jolly Roger, just a bit lower.
A skull with crossbones, as well as a straw hat, printed cleanly across your skin and matched well, as if it was always there from the beginning.
“Cute, right?” You grin at Luffy’s reaction, pulling down your wet shirt again and faced your captain.
“I thought it’d be nice to have the mark of the Straw Hats. What better than the Jolly Roger?”
The others smiled at your response and hum. “The tattoo looks great, [Name]. I wish you could have told us, maybe we could have had one with you.” Nami sighs and you giggle softly.
“Don’t worry yourselves about having to get one. If you guys want one too, be my guest, but this was just my own choice is all.” You say, waving your hand dismissively towards her with a gentle smile.
“Man, that’s so cool! Why didn’t you tell me about this before?!” Luffy eagerly shouts, eyes turning into stars for a moment before he looks up at you excitedly.
“I guess I must’ve forgot.” You sheepishly hum, rubbing the back of your neck with your hand. “Anyways, at least you guys saw it now.”
Before the others could question you any further, you pick up your stuff left on the lawn chair and smile at the crew. “Well, since I’m soaking wet and I’m getting cold, I’m going to go ahead and shower first.”
With that, you began walking off with a small hum of a tune, making your way over towards the bedroom to grab your change of clothes first.
Luffy watches as you go, a small grin still across his face as he chuckles heartily. “Shishishi, I didn’t know [Name] had a tattoo of the Jolly Roger. That’s really cool!”
“It is unexpected of her to suddenly get a tattoo or mark out of the blue.. but that’s our [Name]-san! Yohohoho!~” Brook joyfully laughs, Usopp smiling and nodding in agreement. “It’s definitely the real thing, it looks just like it too.”
“I wonder why she chose her back of all places though.” Chopper innocently hums, glancing down at his water gun and shook it to see if there was still water in it.
“In any case, it looks great and that’s all that matters. For now, I’ll get started on dinner.” Sanji smiles, taking a cigarette out of his carton and lit it up with his lighter.
You let out a satisfied and pleased breath, letting the towel rest around your shoulders and hair air dry. You wore a t-shirt and shorts this time, feeling comfortable from your shower.
Going into your bedroom, you became startled at the sight of Luffy sprawled across your bed with his eyes closed.
“Oh, Luffy.”
Hearing your voice, Luffy snaps awake and sits straight up. His body was still wet from earlier so it did dampen your sheets a bit, but you didn’t mind.
“[Name]. Took you long enough!” Luffy hums, crossing his arms with a pout forming on his lips. “I was waiting for you.”
Your eyes soften at his action and you smile lightly. “Sorry, Luffy. I lost track of time while I was in there.” You explain, making your way over to the dresser, picking up the hairbrush.
Luffy nods, signaling he understood as he watched you began heading towards him and took a seat at the edge of the bed, where it wasn’t wet.
You began brushing your hair, noticing that Luffy was staring at you and you glance over. “Something wrong?”
“Can I see it again?”
Knowing what he meant, you turn so your back faced him and lifted the back of your shirt to expose the skin.
Luffy stares blankly for a few seconds before giving a small smile.
“..you chose that spot for Ace, didn’t you?”
Your eyes widen at his question before a gentle smile appeared on your lips. Nodding, you spoke. “Yes, I did.”
Luffy looks down, his smile widening slowly before he eventually looks back up with a cheerful grin and closed eyes.
“I see. Shishishi! Well, it looks great!”
Luffy reaches his hand over and carefully glided his fingers across your tattoo-covered skin, admiring the sight of his mark on your back.
A warm smile casted over his face as he then pulls your body back into his chest and hugs you tight.
“On the next island, I’ll get the same as you, but I’ll get it on my chest! Sound good?” Luffy hums, arms wrapping around you as you leaned into him.
You chuckle heartily at him and nod. “Sounds good, Luffy.” You turn your head and peck his cheek lightly, causing Luffy to smile wider.
Luffy returns a kiss onto your head and smiles lovingly with pink-tinted cheeks.
“I love you, [Name]!” Despite his voice sounding so cheerful and childish, it was the most sincere tone you’ve heard from him.
You smile back at him with closed eyes, hands placing themselves onto Luffy’s arms around you as you curled into him more. “I love you, Luffy.”
“Oi, dinner’s ready!” Sanji’s voice calls from the kitchen, and you hum. “Mmh, it seems Sanji has finished cooking.”
“Yeah, Sanji made lots of meat! Let’s go already, [Name]!” He quickly lets go of his hold on you, leaping off the bed as you sat up straight and fixed your shirt.
“Okay.” Luffy grabs your hand and began pulling you up and out of the room, quickly heading to the kitchen to feast on the delicious dinner awaiting you both.
“Time to eat!”
A/N : heyyy, hope you guys liked this and enjoyed! :D I thought it was cute.
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bunni-bino · 4 years ago
hi!! i love ur writing could i request for #12 with Luffy? i lov how you write luffy. u could come up with anything! like reader is insecure or etc, it’s all up to you!! no matter what i know i will love it!!
Prompt #12 With Luffy
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A/N : ah, this is also a lyric prompt from Locked Away. Hope you enjoy this! :) đŸ„°đŸ€ thank you, Luffy is kind of a spontaneous character so he’s really random and unique to do, so thank you for the compliment.
Prompt #12 : “would you still love me the same?..”
Summary : When Luffy finds you alone, with your hidden scars and marks exposed. Luffy reminds you of his love for you and your self.
Note : if you ever feel insecure about anything and having some sad times, let’s talk. I understand how you feel because I feel the same often. Everything will be okay though. :)
“I haven’t seen [Name] in a while.”
Luffy pouts and grumbles a bit, when he didn’t receive the answer he was looking for, having asked his crew members where you’ve been.
He hadn’t seen you all day, and last night, you didn’t even come into the room to cuddle and sleep with him like usual.
He was feeling pretty grumpy today because of that.
“[Naaaameee]!” He calls, looking around and exhaled. He knows the crew didn’t forget you on the island they just got off of, so where could you be?
You didn’t attend breakfast and you didn’t immediately come out to Luffy’s side to spend the day with either. He was growing irritated.
“[Naaameeee]! I order you to come out now, as your captain!” He demands, crossing his arms childishly and looks around.
He stood in the center of the ship on the main deck, waiting patiently for your arrival into his arms.
“Luffy, did you even look for them?” Usopp sighs at Luffy’s immaturity of just sitting with his arms crossed.
“Of course I did! I looked in the kitchen, in the room and all over the ship!” Luffy argues, groaning out with impatience when you’ve yet to come into his side.
He starts to pout and wonder if you’re missing. You wouldn’t just disappear or avoid him without a good reason, right?
“Luffy, what are you going on about now?” Nami sighs, having enough of Luffy’s yells and finally emerged from her personal navigation room.
She stares pointedly at Luffy with narrowed eyes and sees him standing in the center of the deck, looking around.
“I can’t find [Name]!” Luffy whines to Nami, making her furrow her brows. “[Name]? You’ve looked everywhere?”
Luffy nods silently and sits down with his arms and legs crossed. “Are they avoiding me?” He frowns a bit.
Usually, you would be out with him and playing games with each other and just sharing laughs.
But recently, you’ve been gone and haven’t been around him as much.
Nami exhales and looks around as well. “If they’re not anywhere on the ship.. have you tried looking in the bathroom?”
Luffy hums and tilts his head confusedly. “Bathroom? Why would they be in there?” Nami shrugs. “Worth a look.”
Luffy grumbles a bit at Nami as he sighs and scratches his head. He looks around with a frown once more before standing up and dusting his clothes.
Securing his hat onto his head, he began making his way over to the bathroom, waiting to go ask you why you’re avoiding him.
What he wouldn’t expect to see, is you on the ground, in front of a mirror with your shirt raised and your back and abdomen exposed.
Much less, with you in tears. You, his special significant other, someone he would sacrifice himself for, crying with your face covered.
You gasp and snap your head up when you heard a voice. “L-Luffy!”
Instinctively, you turned away from the mirror to face Luffy, letting your back be shown in the mirror which caused Luffy’s own eyes to widen at the sight.
He was so focused on your form in the mirror and the fact that you were crying, that he completely missed the vast amount of scars and marks that ran across your skin.
“H-Hey.. are those..”
Your breath hitched as you quickly pulled down your shirt and stood up, shaking your head. “It’s nothing, Luffy. What are you doing here?”
Luffy didn’t say anything as he stares at your form, you wiping your tears away.
He takes a step towards you, you slowly taking a step back which made him frown. “.. is this where you’ve been these past couple days? Were you avoiding me?”
You smile weakly and shake your head. “Of course not, Luffy. Why would I avoid you?” You went to walk to the exit. “Come on, Luffy-“
Luffy looks down and let a shadow cast over his eyes. “.. were those scars?..” he asks quietly and slowly.
Pausing, you felt a few tears brimming your eyes at his question. ‘He saw them.. he.. saw.. them..’ you thought, biting your lip hard and clenched your fists.
“I have.. no idea what you’re talking about..”
Luffy didn’t respond as he turns to face you behind him.
“Show them to me, [Name].”
Reluctance and fear washed over you.
You felt shame, embarrassment, humiliation and more all running through out your mind and body.
“...Would you still love me the same?..”
Hearing your question, to say Luffy was shocked might’ve been an understatement, but he still didn’t respond, nor did he express his shock.
Hesitantly, you look away to hide your shame as you slowly pulled up the back of your shirt, exposing all of misery and humiliation.
Luffy stares intently at your scars, observing your back and all your marks silently.
Finally, after what felt like hours, you pull down your shirt again and gripped the hem of it tightly.
“...well?” You felt so much shame and embarrassment that you couldn’t help the small teardrops dripping down your cheeks.
Instead of answering, Luffy reacted in his own way.
He stretched out his arms and wrapped it around your torso tightly, and within seconds, had you curled into his chest, back against his.
Your eyes widen at this, startled. “L-Luff-“
“Of course I still love you the same.”
That shut you up immediately.
“..I always have, and I always will.” Luffy firmly states, hugging you tighter into his hold and sat down so you sat on his lap.
“I will never think of you different. I will never not love you. You’re mine, [Name]. I don’t care what you look like, what marks you have, or any other insecurities you’re ashamed of.” Luffy says into your ear, his voice softening at the end.
“I love you, [Name].”
Speechless. You didn’t know what to say. So many emotions were thrown at you but all you could feel was your tears streaming down your cheeks faster at his words.
You reach your hands up to cover your face as you cried silently, leaning into him. “I.. I’m so ashamed of them, Luffy..”
“.. we all have scars on our bodies, [Name]. It’s normal.” He mumbles, frowning as he leans his forehead into the back of your head, taking in the scent of your hair.
He gently grabs your hand and brings up to let your fingers touch against his scar under his eye and then turned you to face him.
He pulls your hand down to his own chest and let your fingers touch his scar on his chest from Akainu. “I have scars too, [Name].. it shows we’re strong and human.”
He then smiled softly and gently kissed your head.
“Your scars don’t define you. It doesn’t matter if you have them or not, you’re still you. That’s all that matters.”
Luffy then plasters on a small close-eyed grin.
“So don’t cry anymore, okay? Don’t be ashamed of your marks. I love them, and I love you. I don’t care what you look like so you shouldn’t either!” He chuckles a bit as he stands up with you still in his arms.
“Come on, I’m getting tired and I haven’t seen you all day. Let’s go cuddle!”
With that, he began carrying you out of the bathroom and to your room, holding you close towards him while planting kisses all over your face and shoulders that he could reach.
You feel a small shy smile forming on your own lips as you wipe your tears dry. “..sure.”
You were still feeling insecure of your scars but right now, you felt a bit confident with them, Luffy reminding you that you were still the same person, whether people knew of it or not.
A/N : okay, obviously not my best work, I kind of rushed this and I’m so sorry anon :( if you want me to re-do it, I will. I just wanted this out as quickly as possible.
I’m not feeling too good, this seasonal sickness is probably catching up with me or maybe I’m just feeling really tired and sad of Sanji in Whole Cake right now and I’m feeling too heartbroken :<
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