#when they know first handedly how scary that kind of love and trust can be
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tommygotwrittenoff · 3 months ago
i am obsessed with hen and chim referring to buck or eddie as loverboy
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gamma-gal-24 · 3 years ago
More Bradley and Tank Headcanons? College edition?
As you wish!!! Here are your...
(I'm starting with Tank because he deserves to be first for a change. ^^)
Alrighty, starting with the sweet boi!
Everyone’s favorite 9-ish foot tall frat guy is studying to work in the wonderful field of mechanics! I believe he’d be the type to have grown up REALLY into cars, and so he decided to use this passion to help choose his career! 
He knows he can’t be a skateboarder forever, and actually has his future planned out surprisingly well! 
He drives a tiny red Volkswagen Beetle and I will die on that hill. He got it from his dad when he turned 16 and it’s his absolute pride and joy. He’ll kill anyone (Bradley included) if they so much as THINK about scratching his baby.
When he isn’t studying or skating around campus, there’s a pretty good chance he and Bradley are kicking back at the nearest party.
Now, he isn’t sure how, but SOMEHOW he became the designated drink holder around his second year. Let’s face it, nobody’s going to mess with your beer if it's in TANK’S hands. 
And he isn’t complaining, either! Holding and protecting other peoples’ drinks has scored him a date many a time.
And if any of his friends were to ever start a fight at any of these parties, you’d better believe he’s the one ending it for them. Without him, half of the Gammas would be dead at this point. He knows this and reminds them of this constantly.
So many other fraternities have tried to steal Tank from the Gammas. But Tank’s nothing if not loyal, and never pays their offers any mind. He’s a Gamma Mu Mu, through and through!
Speaking of, he has actually been in the Gammas LONGER than Bradley has, if only by a few months. Before he came along, TANK was set up to be the next president. He accepted his defeat gracefully, though, and was more than happy taking the role as Brad’s left hand.
Back to the fun stuff now; Tank’s only been to any of the college big dances ONCE. The poor baby LOVES to dance, but is NOT a fan of dressing up in tuxes and things like that. He’s most comfortable in his muscle-shirts and converses. 
He only goes to the “fancy,” dances if someone specifically ASKS him to go. Otherwise he stays at the Gamma house and works out all by himself.
He spends a LOT of time working out, actually. 
NEVER takes notes in class. It’s a problem he’s slowly working on, but still very much a problem. He puts way too much trust in memory alone.His professors get onto him for it all the time. But, he’s never failed a class, so he can’t be doing too horrible!
He’s studying Business and Marketing! Have you ever noticed he sounds like a car salesman when he talks? That’s why.
Unlike Tank, Bradley DOES take notes in class. His notes are all very detailed and precise, leaving no room for him to forget anything of importance. 
He’s the teacher’s pet in MOST of his classes and it drives certain people NUTS. 
He’s a perfect little angel when the professors are looking. 
He is a MASTER at getting his homework and assignments done in a timely, neat fashion. Everything is organized and typed out perfectly. This ALSO angers his classmates.
He’s a huge fan of studying outside. It’s not uncommon to find him skateboarding towards the campus park with a bag full of textbooks, notepads, and highlighters. He spends HOURS at a time out there some days. People like Max know to steer clear of him when he’s studying because he can get downright MEAN if he’s disturbed. 
Major chihuahua vibes there. XD
Idk why, he just strikes me as the kind to like being outside as much as possible while he’s still young and free.
SPEAKING OF YOUNG AND FREE- This man single handedly throws the BEST frat parties. He’s got the best music, food, and drinks around every corner. 
Scary good at all of the games. He plays a MEAN game of darts and an even MEANER game of billiards.
I can’t see him being a huge drinker either, so while his opponents are ready to fall flat on their faces, he’s just the slightest bit tipsy and smiling like a champ as he DESTROYS them.
When he isn’t partying, skating, or studying, THAT’S when Max and his friends are in trouble. He isn’t the SOLE instigator, but 70-ish% of all fights between his crew and Max’s were started by him. This includes probably the biggest prank-war the campus had ever seen. (They ended up calling a truce after Bobby’s eyebrows got singed off and Bradley nearly broke his neck falling down the library steps.)
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write-orflight · 5 years ago
Like Real People Do. (Spencer x Reader)
Chapter 1
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*Gif not mine*
Prologue Chapter 2
Rating: M, eventually will be smut.
Words: 2.5k
Warnings: regular CM crime stuff. brief mentions of previous assault. vomit. 
A.N Thanks for the love on the Prologue, message to be added to taglist. much love Cia
        Chapter 1: However scary 
You start to follow Hotch outside his office, barely containing the smile on your face. You couldn’t help it, the job you’ve been dreaming about for a decade was yours now. As you left the office, you couldn’t help but notice the short Italian man exiting his. 
“Rossi?” You smiled. The man in question turned and grinned upon seeing you. 
“Bella!” He opened his arms to hug you which you automatically accepted. 
“I thought you retired, old man.” 
Rossi scoffed. “You know me, can’t stay away for long.” Hotch stepped up, joining you guys. “So am I correct in assuming you’ve taken the job?” Rossi asks. 
“You would be correct.” You smile. “And now, since I have a big girl job and can take care of myself. I’m hoping those mysterious money drops into my bank account will stop.” You gave him a knowing look. Though you and Rossi were not as close as you and Hotch, you still revered him as a father figure as much as he did you a daughter.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He says holding up his hands. 
“Sure you don’t, old man.” You laughed. “How’s… Krystal?” You say trying to remember which wife Rossi was on now. 
“Divorced.” Rossi smirks. 
“Aw, I’m sorry, Dave. I thought 3 would be the lucky number.” 
“So did I.” Rossi smiled. “How’s Persephone?” David smiles widely at the mention of your adoptive mother's name. 
“Still not interested in becoming number 4.” You laughed, inducing a boisterous laugh from Dave and a small chuckle from Hotch. “She’s currently backpacking through India and building eco houses along the way.” 
“Sounds like Persephone.” David smiles. You guys continue to catch up for a couple of more minutes not noticing the team staring up at you from the bullpen.
“Do you guys know who she is?” Emily asks 
“No but Rossi and Hotch know her by the looks of it.” Derek replies. 
“I met her in the elevator.” Spencer speaks up. “Her name’s Y/N.” 
“Wonder what she's doing here.” Derek says as Penelope walks up with a tin of her famous cookies that Spencer is already reaching for. She pulls back so it’s out of reach from his perch on his desk. 
“Well, if she took the job then that is your newest team member.” Penelope smiled. “Hotch asked me to do a background check last week so I assume he’s hiring her. Which means these cookies are for her.” She says pulling even more back as Spencer continues to make grabby hands at the tin. 
“Why does she get cookies her first day? I didn’t get any on my first day.” Spencer points out, not caring how much he sounds like a child. 
“I’m not really allowed to talk about it, but let’s just say I think she could really use the kindness.” 
“What did you find out about her, Baby girl?” Derek asked. 
Penelope frowns slightly, she never liked keeping secrets, especially from the team. “I’m really not allowed to say, but what I can tell you is that she’s smart, like really smart. Maybe not Reid’s level but smart enough to make dean's list at an Ivy League every year.” 
“Which school?” Spencer asks. 
Spencer nods. That would make her pretty smart, that or just good at school. As he’s exiting his thoughts, JJ walks past them, throwing a “We have a case.” Over her shoulder before heading to Rossi, Hotch and the new girl. 
We all begin filing into the conference room, Rossi, Hotch and Y/N walking in last. Hotch clears his throat. “This is Agent Y/L/N.” He says gesturing at you. “She will be joining us this case. I’m sure you guys will get around to formal introductions later.” Hotch says before taking a seat nodding at JJ to start. You hold up your hand in a small wave before taking a seat next to Hotch. Everyone else regards you with a small nod except a brightly dressed blonde woman who excitedly waves back at you. 
“We’re heading to Nashville.” A blonde woman, you assume, is JJ says pulling up images of victims on the screen. You swallowed the lump in your throat, you were used to crime scene photos, you studied several in the FBI academy but kids would always get to you. “3 boys ages 10-13 all have gone missing on their way home from school, all found 5 days later buried arms across chest, heads shaved.” 
“Signs of remorse are obviously there but the hair...is something different.” A dark haired woman pointed out. 
“Could be trichophilia.” You pointed out. Everyone looked at you, you cleared your throat under the scrutiny. “Trichophilia. It’s the fetishzation of hair.” You provide. Everyone nods and JJ continues to provide information on the case before Hotch announces wheels up in 30. You go to grab your files and notebook when the brightly dressed blonde woman ambushes you a tin fully extended to you. 
“Hi, I’m Penelope Garcia, and these are for you!” practically shoving the tin into your hands. 
“Thank you, I’m Y/N.” You smiled, you weren’t really a sweets person but you weren’t going to turn down the kindness. A brown skinned man and the dark haired woman from before walked up to you both. 
“I’m Emily Prentiss, this is Derek Morgan” she says both holding their hands out for you to shake. You shuffle the cookies and files into one arm to shake hands with them.
“Y/N Y/L/N.” You say back. 
“So you seemed to already know Hotch?” Derek pointed out. 
You had been prepared for someone to ask about that so you rattled off your prepared speech. “Yes, Hotch is a family friend.” That seemed like the easiest way to explain your relationship. 
“So that’s how you were able to steamroll in here, huh? Friends with the boss?” The man laughs. 
“No, I think it might’ve been one of my several degrees, merits or letters of recommendation, one of which from the director himself.” You point out. “Though I suppose knowing Aaron didn’t necessarily hurt things.” 
Derek holds up his hands in surrender. “That could be true too. I guess we’ll see out on the field.” He says before him and Prentiss walk out. 
You sigh heavily and start heading out the same way before a small voice pipes up behind you. 
“They’ll come around.” 
You turn your eyes onto the man you had met in the elevator before. “Sorry?” 
“Morgan and Prentiss. They’ll come around, they acted like that towards me when I first started too. It’s-uh because you’re young.” 
You nodded. He had a point and so did Morgan in a sense. You were very young, seemingly too young to be starting in a field like this. You knew it’d be hard to believe Hotch didn’t pull some strings for you. 
“I knew my age would probably raise some questions. But I worked really hard, and it sucks I have to prove myself 10x over just because of my age.” 
“I understand.” He says, following you out of the conference room. 
“I felt like you would. You introduced yourself as Dr. Reid before but we look around the same age.” 
“Yes, I hold 3 doctorates.” 
“Three?!” You said incredulously. “What were you like, eleven starting college?” 
“12, actually.” He smiles. He has a nice smile, instantly crosses your brain. You dash that thought immediately. 
“That would have to make you some sort of genius.” 
“I believe there’s not quantifiable way to measure intelligence but I suppose by societal standards, I am. I have an IQ of 187.” 
You let out a deep whistle. “And here I thought I’d be the smart one.” You laugh. 
He fumbles a bit over his words. “I-I mean you still could be. L-Like I said, there’s no way to accurately measure intelligence.” 
You laugh before rounding your new desk grabbing your go bag underneath it. “Thanks for the vote of confidence but we both know that’s not true.” You smile before turning to head towards the jet. 
You and the team had been in Madison county for 4 days now and you were hitting a wall. The day you arrived there had been a 4th body found, same cause of death, same shaved head only this time the word HELP was carved into the boy’s back. You knew this was a part of the job, going to crime scenes and having to see bodies but you couldn’t stop the thoughts. His hands were on your neck again, his knife grazing your sides. You felt the bile rise up. 
“Pull over.” You all but scream to Morgan he nods, zipping the car to the side of the road. You instantly hop out and release your lunch. 
Morgan steps out and pats your back. “It’s alright, kid. First one’s never easy. Especially when it’s children.” 
He thinks you’re sick from the crime scene You think. That’s probably for the best.
“Thanks.” You mumble.  He nods as you guys wordlessly walk back to the SUV. 
Since then you’ve been at the police station working on the geographical profile with Spencer. You know Morgan had probably said something to Hotch about your upchuck and that was why you were stuck here. But still, you couldn’t think to complain. Spencer was incredibly smart and great to work with. 
“There’s something we’re missing.” He says off handedly. You nod agreeing. You take in the circle like pattern the unsub seemed to be going in. It didn’t make sense. You had profiled him as a socially awkward loner with an overbearing parent. He wasn’t good with adults but could somehow get kids to trust him. Enough to get into the car with him late at night. It hit you a second later. 
“Oh my god.” You said scrambling for your phone to call Garcia. Spencer looks over at you, raising an eyebrow questioningly. 
“You’ve reached your high priestess.” You hear Penelope’s voice come through the speaker. 
“Hey Garcia, it’s Y/N.” You say. “Can you tell me what business is near the first dump site? I have an idea.” 
You hear the faint sound of clacking as she finds the information for you. “Looks to be a bus lot.” You fought the urge to pump your fist in the air. You were right. 
“Alright Garcia. I need a background check on all school bus drivers in Madison county, cross check it with anything that would fit the profile so minor stalking charges, assault…” you train off. “How long do you think that’ll take?” You ask. 
“If I get started now, a couple hours.” She says. “Penelope out.” She says, hanging up. 
You look up to see Spencer looking right back at you. “A bus driver.” You say smiling. “Think about it, everyday you ride the bus home from school and play outside with your friends until late. And when you're heading home your bus driver approaches you in his car offering to take you back. You have no reason not to trust him because he’s brought you home safely so many times before.” You explain, a brief frown grazing your lips. These children met an untimely demise all for trusting someone they were supposed to trust. 
Spencer nods, taking in your words. “Good work,” he says. “You figured it out.” 
You flushed under the high praise. “I’m sure you would’ve come to the same conclusion given more time.” You say. 
“But I didn’t.” He says. “You did, and you probably saved another kid's life in the meantime.” He smiled and patted your shoulder before turning back to the board. 
You looked at his back for a while. You knew since you stepped on the elevator that first time you were attracted to Spencer Reid. He was tall with a lean build and a nice set jaw and incredibly smart. You’d be lying to yourself if that wasn’t your exact type. But on top of all that, he was nice. Almost sickeningly so. 
Suddenly you felt a lot more at risk than before. 
William Davison was arrested September 7th. You were right,  he was a bus driver for Madison county. Police caught him in his car full of things that pointed him directly to the abductions. 
You and the team were now back on the jet heading home. While the rest team was playing cards you opted to sit in the back. Textbooks laid out on the table as you tried to take notes from them. You were so engrossed. You didn’t see Spencer come take the seat in front of you. 
“What’re you studying?” He asked. 
You look up. “Uh, I’m in my doctoral program for psychology right now.” You say. “Right now, I’m working on an essay about nature vs. nurture effects on the killer's mind.” 
“And what is your theory?” He asks.
“That while I do believe nurture plays a role somewhat, if someone has a predisposition to kill, hurt or maim that is something they are born with. Primates and to some effects humans are naturally empathetic creatures so I think people with the desire for violence are defects. Now even though that’s the case it’s still your own conscious decision to kill.” You say pausing. “Some people are born with natural predispositions they don’t follow all the time. Like your hands for instance.”  
“What about my hands?” He inquired. 
You swallow, clearing your throat. “Well you have fairly large hands, with l-long fingers.” You stutter. Nice going, Y/N. You think. Way to tell the guy you’re starting to develop a crush on that you’ve been staring at his hands. “In the primitive stage, that would’ve made you good at hunting and gathering. In a more modern sense, you’d be good at piano. Though I imagine, you don’t do either.” You say, already knowing the answer. You were a profiler now after all. 
“No, I do not.” He smiled widely at you, he always appreciated intelligent conversation when it came by. “I disagree with your theory though.” 
“Really? Why’s that?” You question. He begins to go on a long winded explanation why he thinks Nature vs. Nurture is outdated, taking several detours to talk about some other theories he’s found interesting. You watch him intensely taking in the words. You try to pay attention, you really do. But your eyes keep going back to the mouth the rapid words are coming out of and the hands that are also gesturing widely. You just had tuned back in when he suddenly stopped. You tilted your head at him. 
“What’s wrong?” you asked. 
“Nothing.” he says, looking mildly uncomfortable. “It’s just… no one lets me talk for this long.” 
“Really?” You question, he nods. “Well, I was listening, I find it interesting. Actually…” you trail off picking up your pen, flipping to a new page in your notebook. “Do you mind if I write some of this down, might come in handy when I write my paper later.” 
He nods enthusiastically as he continues his thoughts from before. You start writing fast now to keep up, interjecting here and there to ask him to expand on some stuff. Eventually the rest of the team drifts off until it's only the sound of his soft voice and the scratch of your pen filling the plane.     
Taglist: @haylaansmi​ 
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carewyncromwell · 5 years ago
[As Carewyn headed out to the Courtyard, she couldn’t help but feel her resolve slipping away.
When Penny had first explained her problem with Beatrice, Carewyn had been rather sympathetic -- after all, she adored Jacob, and being separated from him was still an open wound for her. And to a degree, the Haywood sisters’ situation was almost worse -- even when Jacob had started keeping more secrets when Carewyn was younger or, hell, when Jacob and she didn’t see eye-to-eye in the Portrait Vault, Carewyn never once thought that Jacob didn’t want to be around her or disliked her for some reason.
But on the other hand...Carewyn couldn’t help but feel a little bitter, too.]
At least your sister’s here, Penny. Even if she’s not talking to you, at least she’s here and at least you know she’s alive and safe. I know you miss her, but...at least she’s not throwing herself into danger and you’re helpless to stop it...
[Pushing those meaner, more selfish thoughts down as best she could, Carewyn took a deep breath and strolled across the Courtyard. As she glanced around, she heard a familiar voice call her name.]
Andre: “Carewyn!”
[It was her ex-boyfriend (and still rather good friend), Andre Egwu. He beckoned her over, his body language visibly urgent.
Carewyn strode over to him.]
“What’s going on? I’m supposed to be looking for Beatrice...”
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[With a nod of his head, he indicated a corner of the Courtyard, where Ismelda and another girl were chatting.
It took Carewyn a minute to realize -- ]
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[Carewyn blinked, visibly taken aback.]
“...Wow...Penny wasn’t kidding. She is unrecognizable.”
Andre: “I know, right? She’s been...’Ismelda-fied!’”
[Andre glanced over at the two, frowning in thought.]
Andre: “Gotta say, though -- I’ve never understood the ‘hair-over-one-eye’ look. It has to make it hard to see much of anything...”
[Carewyn crossed her arms.]
“I guess it’s supposed to evoke ‘mystique.’ Though I would think you could evoke that better with a fashionable cloak.”
Andre: “(with a grin) Or a nice smoky eye -- diggin’ the new make-up, by the way.”
[Carewyn smiled off-handedly.]
“Just thought I’d try something different.”
It helps hide the bags under my eyes a little better...
[Carewyn turned her focus back over to Beatrice and Ismelda.
Honestly, the situation didn’t look as bad as she’d envisioned, from Penny’s description. Beatrice and Ismelda were both smiling as they talked, clearly engaged in conversation. It didn’t look like Beatrice was acting angry like Merula or reckless like Ben. Carewyn had never really gotten on with Ismelda, of course, and she didn’t really love the thought of Penny’s little sister finding enjoyment in other people’s pain the way Ismelda did...but on the face of things, the two looked to be in a rather pleasant mood.]
I hope they are...after what happened last year...after taking so long to get Beatrice out of that Portrait...I want her to be happy.
[Andre watched Carewyn out the side of his eye as she watched Ismelda and Beatrice.]
Andre: “You all right?”
I told Penny I would talk to Beatrice, so I suppose I jolly well have to. I just wish I knew what to say...
[She glanced at Andre.]
“I’ll be right back.”
[Putting her courage to the sticking place, Carewyn uneasily walked over to Ismelda and Beatrice.
As she approached, Beatrice looked up at her, her expression visibly confrontational. It made Carewyn falter, suddenly unsure of what to say. All of her thoughts just kept cycling back to regret and apologies -- but she knew full well that was no start to a conversation.
Carewyn was yanked out of her trance by Ismelda’s cold voice.]
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[Carewyn’s expression instantly hardened, gaining its usual perfect, level attitude.]
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[The irritation and disdain in Beatrice’s voice startled Carewyn.]
Beatrice: “I know you’re close friends with my sister, Carewyn. I’m sure she’s told you all about how disappointed she is that I’m not walking around like a ‘Mini-Penny’ again...”
[Carewyn’s eyebrows knit together in confusion.]
“No. She never said anything like that.”
[Carewyn didn’t love that Ismelda was standing right there listening to this conversation. She could feel her dormmate’s black eyes boring into her face even if Carewyn wasn’t looking at her.]
“...She just said that...you went through a dramatic change over the summer...”
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[Ismelda cut Carewyn off very abruptly, and it made Carewyn shoot her a very cold look despite herself.]
“(Mama-Bear-mode activate!) Beatrice was trapped for an entire year thanks to the Portrait Curse -- I think I’m well within my rights to worry, Ismelda. Anyone would have trouble coping with something like that...”
[The image of Jacob trapped in a portrait in the Cursed Vault rippled over her mind.]
Ismelda: “(scoffs) Well, I’m not here to help anyone ‘cope.’“
Then maybe you should back off.
[Carewyn bit that nastier, growling thought back.]
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Beatrice: “Penny is the most popular witch at school. Doesn’t she have enough people trailing after her, without me?”
[Beatrice’s sentiment made Carewyn’s heart ache.
Really, she had to admit -- there was nothing that wrong with how Beatrice was acting, as far as she could see. The Hufflepuff second-year had gone through a really traumatic event, and Carewyn knew first hand how much something that abrupt and scary could change a person. Jacob’s disappearance had shattered who she had been completely, and it’d taken her a while to rebuild from that. She knew it had to be frustrating for Penny, not to be able to interact with Beatrice the way she used to...but from the sound of things, there seemed to be some baggage between the two sisters that wasn’t being properly addressed.]
There’ve been times I resented Jacob, for getting so in over his head and making me put things on hold to try to help him -- but even then, I never avoided him. I never took out my feelings on him. How can Penny and Beatrice ever make up if Beatrice won’t talk to Penny?
[The image of Jacob Disapparating before she could stop him from leaving played again in her mind.
The Haywood sisters didn’t know what they had...]
“(primly) ...I...don’t have any problem with how you look, Beatrice. It’s not my style, but...well, I’m not wearing it, am I? And honestly...I don’t even care if you’re spending time with Ismelda. We may have our differences -- but you’re more than entitled to make your own friends.”
[Carewyn purposefully refused to look at Ismelda at all as she said this.]
“But...I know for a fact that Penny wouldn’t have a problem with either of those things either, if you’d just talk to her. You’re her sister, Beatrice -- of course she’s going to miss you. I daresay Penny could care less how many admirers she’s got, as long as she knows you’re there.”
I know I would. If Jacob was here with me and safe again...it wouldn’t matter if the whole world hated me...
[Beatrice gave a low scoff.]
Beatrice: “Sorry, Carewyn -- but the only way Penny wants me there is if I go back to the way I was, and that’s not going to happen.”
[Carewyn once again felt a sympathetic pang in her chest as Ben’s words echoed back in her ears.
“What Rakepick did to us in the Cursed Vault...that kind of cruelty and betrayal from an adult we trusted...it changed me. It’s changed you too, whether you’ll admit it or not.”
Despite herself, some emotion showed through on her face, and Carewyn bowed her head in an attempt to obscure it.]
“(softly) ...I know.”
I know you can’t go back. None of us can. Nothing...nothing can go back to the way it was...nothing can ever be the same...
[Both Ismelda and Beatrice seemed a little surprised by Carewyn’s reaction. Even though her gaze had shifted, the Slytherin Prefect, when she spoke again, sounded more like her usual self -- self-assured, stoic, and paragon.]
“I know you’re not going to change -- but that doesn’t mean that your relationship with Penny has to be over. Whatever problem you’re having, I know Penny -- “
Beatrice: “(interrupting more harshly) I don’t have a problem! I’m just...trying something new -- and I wish everyone would just let me be.”
Ismelda: “(dryly) You’d think students at a wizarding school would be more open-minded.”
[Carewyn felt the urge to hex Ismelda’s mouth shut, but she refused to fancy acting on it.]
Beatrice: “(cynically) I totally agree with Ismelda.”
Beatrice: “(tiredly) Carewyn...just stop. I’m done, okay? I don’t want to talk to Penny. And you can tell her I said that.”
[Carewyn looked at Beatrice with concern. She struggled to think of something to say, but before she could, Ismelda cut in again.]
Ismelda: “She said she’s done, Cromwell. So run along.”
[Carewyn shot Ismelda another sharp glare.]
"Don’t prod me.”
[She glanced at Beatrice with a much sadder expression, before exhaling through her nose heavily, turning on her heel, and walking away, leaving the two alone.
Andre met up with Carewyn again as she passed the fountain.]
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“Like a trainwreck.”
[Carewyn sighed heavily.]
“This whole thing is more twisted than I thought. I thought the issue was just about Beatrice struggling with what happened to her last year, but...there’s a lot more baggage there...and I don’t think all of it’s unjustified. And I hate to say that, given that it’s targeted at Penny...”
[Carewyn’s eyes drifted away, landing on a cobblestone to the left of Andre.]
“...It’s wrong for Beatrice to just shut Penny out like this -- I mean, you can’t expect anyone to make amends after a fight if you don’t give them the chance to try. But at the same time, I don’t really know if Penny’s accepted how much things have changed.”
[Andre considered Carewyn, his black eyes rippling with sympathy despite his grim expression.]
Andre: “Something you know from experience, I suppose?”
[Carewyn looked up at Andre, surprised. He gave her a weak smile.]
Andre: “Well, I mean...I reckon when your brother disappeared, it had to have changed a lot, right?”
[Carewyn’s lips came together tightly.]
“A lot”...no...it changed everything. Both times...it changed everything...
[Her eyes once again drifted down to the ground, but she determinedly kept her voice offhand and strong.]
“Mm, yeah, but...this is different. Regardless...I can’t go back to Penny having made no progress.”
Andre: “So what do you plan to do?”
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[Her red lips spread into a wry smile.]
“...and I know just the person to talk to about how to do that.”
[Andre raised his eyebrows.]
Andre: “Does his name rhyme with ‘Farnaby Dee?’”
[Carewyn giggled lowly as she strolled past Andre out of the Courtyard, waving backhandedly to him and humming a little ditty to herself.]
“Time to see Barnaby Lee~...”
    ((OOC: XDDD Goddamn it, Andre, now I want to write a whole version of “Sandra Dee” all about Barnaby. Your fault, Andre -- your fault!!))
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illustratethestars · 6 years ago
Rain and Sun to Every Rainbow
Chapter 2: Rain and Sun to Every Rainbow
Penn unrolls a tattered green blanket on a trestle table, snapped together in moments with the help of their girlfriend Inq.
“Psst. Stranger. I’ve got another one for you. Remember how Cyan and Yellow make green? N-hey now! Don’t leave, this one’s complete! I didn’t have any trouble smuggling out the words to this one. It’s not near as sad as that last one. But it’s also not over yet. The first one was free, but I’m gonna need something from you, too.
“A drawing? Well now, that’s as good as gold to us. 2404 words for one chapter. What, you want the whole thing? I’ve got to risk my hide every time I go looking for words for this one! We’ll see how the smuggling business goes before we can go making deals like that.
“Oh yeah, uh, what’s in it? Some light entertainment, that jerkface Dial, listen it’s all fluff this time ‘round. Don’t even worry about it. Just enjoy while I go find the rest of those words from chapter 3. Ah crap, the Guardians are coming. I gotta go!”
Like that, they snap up their table and wares, and are off in an instant, leaving you with another chapter.
Chapter 1 is here.
Ch. 2 Rain and Sun to Every Rainbow
The walk was long and quiet, but Hero couldn’t get the sound out of her ears. The high-pitched whine she had only ever really heard covered in static, when RGB freaked out and that scary-eyeball version of him showed up. Without the static, she knew it could only mean pain. A sound like that couldn’t mean anything else.
She wasn’t paying attention to the walk. She was too busy crying. She cried because RGB was gone, she cried because she hated Hate, but most of all she cried because she knew RGB was in pain-- if he was even still feeling anything at all.
She was grateful at least that Dial hadn’t said anything. She hated him, too. She hated him for not helping his own cousin, his own family! If they were even truly related at all, that is.
Dial held her hand, and if she gripped back, it was only because she hoped it would hurt if she squeezed hard enough.
The tears stopped after a bit. Not the sadness or the anger, just the tears. By that point, they were trekking through what looked like a strange white hall, with familiar silhouettes cast on the walls from seemingly nowhere. Maybe the back side of the forest? This weird world seemed to have a ‘back’ side. It sort of made sense, she thought.
“Feelin’ better, princess?” Dial asked sweetly.
Hero grit her teeth and glared down at her boots. “I hate you.” She answered, finally.
“Aww, you’re just sayin’ that.” Dial cooed as if it were a compliment. He waved a hand affectionately. “I made a promise to get you safe to the market tunnel, and I’m gonna do that.” He reached over with his free hand to ruffle her hair. She ducked and gritted her teeth even harder, until her jaw ached even more than it did from crying.
They stepped out through whatever strange door Dial decided upon, and he escorted her along to one of the many marketplace entrances. There were trees everywhere, there, with violet flowers dripping from their branches. It reminded her very much of when the piece of the sun was revived.
“You’re not going to win.” She said, as they walked.
“Oh?” Dial didn’t sound surprised, nor did he sound bothered.
“Heroes always win.” She assured, looking down at her green shorts and green wellies. Heroes wore green. ‘Cyan and yellow make green. Do please try to be happy.’ She closed her eyes and tried not to cry again.
“Y’know, I never said they didn’t. The thing is, I was a Hero once, too. Now I’m a monster. So, y’know. Maybe heroes win, but who says you’re The Hero?”
For once, Dial didn’t sound so upbeat or impossibly cheery. It wasn’t a threat, nor a promise of something bad. It was more like… a sound that never should have been there. The sound of scratching in an empty home.
She thought about it.
“I do.” She said quietly, to herself. She had no doubt he heard, but she said it for herself. She said it because she knew in her heart it was true. It had to be.
“He really must love you, y’know that?” Dial mused. In the distance, Hero could see the sea. They were getting close to the Market. “I know.” Hero agreed.
“I’ve never seen him so… self-sacrificing.” Dial’s tone and body language was cheerful, but something about the strain in his tone leaked that hate that he never let out while RGB was in trouble.
“You hate him, don’t you?”
He just laughed a little.
Of course he did. How else would he have been able to sound so happy all the time? He must have loved seeing RGB suffer.
“Well, I hate you, too.”
“You sure Hate a lot for a Hero.” Dial seemed unbothered. Hero felt like she’d been slapped. She could almost feel the capital letter ‘H’. ‘You’re no better than she is.’ Maybe he was right.
They continued to walk in silence. Dial started humming at some point. Hero tried to force herself not to hate quite so much, but it wasn’t working.
She brightened as they got close to the hall. Maybe it was her youth that gave her better vision, but she saw something before Dial did-- a familiar glimmer.
Hero snatched her hand away from Dial and started running for the opening. The night was beginning to fall and the light beginning to ebb, but she would make it to that familiar glimmer, and get herself away from Dial.
“Hey-hey, wait!” Dial called after, running as well. For once, he actually sounded concerned. He had promised that she would make it to the market safely, after all. This world was many things, but there was no ‘safe’. Only ‘safer’.
About halfway to her goal, she heard his footsteps falter behind her, and a sound of static and feedback as he changed his mind abruptly.
Hero wasn’t running toward danger. Well, not a danger to her anyway.
“Hero.” said a calm, welcoming, familiar voice. “A moment, please.” and it passed by.
That voice wasn’t leaving Hero alone, oh no. It was just handling her nearest problem for her.
Dial was already retreating. He was fast, but Magnus had a long stride even at his calmest, when he deigned to walk.
This was not his calmest.
Magnus raised dial up by the front of his coat, single-handedly.
“May I ask,” he said, with the calmest and glassiest of tones, “where her guardian is?”
While his voice seemed level, if with a crystalline edge, his prism radiated heat and clouded over, as if threatening to explode into shards at any moment.
Hero followed along behind and smiled. She knew Magnus, at least, she could trust. Magnus was good and kind. She suspected that was why RGB loved him (even if he would never say that in front of her).
“N-now Magsie, we don’t want to do anything that’d muss ‘yer suit.” Dial suggested, for once sounding very nervous. He anxiously fidgeted with Magnus’ lapel to try and smooth over the situation. It did not work.
“I know a very good tailor.” Magnus replied, tone flat and disdainful. “I do wonder… how do you feel about flying? I have heard you old radios have such a difficult time with wind.” Magnus floated a few inches above the ground, gradually raising, watching Dial panic.
Hero attached herself to Magnus’ leg, somewhat surprising him as he had been rather preoccupied with threatening RGB’s cousin.
“How are you faring, Hero?” He asked, suddenly remembering she was there.
“He betrayed us to Hate and- and Hate has RGB! He made a deal to spare me and asked Dial to bring me here so I’d be safe.” Hero tattled like a small child, but in this case she felt he deserved it. RGB was suffering and she couldn’t save him. She needed to do something.
“Did he now.” Magnus clenched his fist. “How serendipitous, then, that we should be so near the sea.”
He turned toward the darkness of the Marketplace, and the sea writhing slowly over it.
“No.” Hero tugged on Magnus’ coat. Both Magnus and Dial looked at her quizzically, incredulously. She couldn’t read their faces, but it was easy enough to see. What else would they be feeling at that moment? “We’re better than Hate. We’re better than him. He kept his part of the deal. Even if he’s still a… a…”
“...Gutterberk?” Magnus proposed, slowly. Hero giggled, and Magnus settled his feet back on the ground. “A pestiwit?” More giggling.
“A Blighterpoop!” Hero agreed, cackling. Magnus flashed a little rainbow, but it was dim. The light was going down. They would have to stay the night outside.
“Ah. Very well. You’ve been spared by a most gracious Hero.” Magnus decided, and dropped Dial with all the grace and ceremony that came with realizing the rubber rat you were holding was not, in fact, made of rubber. “Now leave.”
Dial didn’t need telling twice.
“Your little sock friend is very amusing. It was nice to have them in the market.” Assok was probably out and looking for them, somewhere.
Magnus took off his coat and gently wrapped Hero up into it, then picked her up into his arms while he found a tree to sleep under.
“Don’t you… don’t you live in the market?” Hero asked warily.
“I do, largely.” Magnus agreed, looking up. “But I do like a bit of sunlight now and then. And to visit the birds.” A few fluttered down to settle in the tree above them as Magnus found a spot to sleep. Birds in red and yellow and blue.
“Can ...I-?”
“Sleep next to me? Absolutely. Unlike RGB, I don’t have any issues with dreams.” Magnus held a flicker of a rainbow at his corners, while he held Hero tight. “You’re warm.” Hero hummed softly, curling up inside his comparatively massive coat. “Mm. It’s because I’m angry, still.” Magnus admitted softly. He played idly with Hero’s hair.
“Oh, ok.” Hero was, too. But she was more relieved, knowing Magnus was there. “RGB told me not to come back. To stay in the market and live there, safely.”
“And you don’t plan to do that at all, do you?”
“Good girl.” Magnus petted her hair. “No. We will go to save him. In the morning, when it’s safe.”
Hero nodded firmly, glad they were together on that.
“Tell me about him?” Hero requested softly. She was tired, but she didn’t want to sleep. Not when she still had so many feelings.
“About RGB?”
Magnus thought about it a bit, prism clearing and temperature dropping just a bit. “He always was a soft-hearted fool, even if he pretends otherwise. I love him for it.”
“You do?”
“Oh yes. Just because we aren’t together doesn’t mean we don’t love each-other.” He sounded like a parent explaining a divorce, but he seemed content. “He was afraid I would leave, and I think he was afraid he would miss me when I got realized.” He looked up into the sky, where there was no moon and there were no stars, yet the trees illuminated the night gently, like fairy lights somewhere far off.
“Oh. ...Then… it must be really hard for him.”
“He keeps bringing new Heroes here, and then something happens and they stop being heroes, and now… a lot of them don’t seem to like him very much.” Hero admitted thoughtfully. “It sounds lonely.”
Magnus thought on it a bit.
“I suppose you are right about that.” He sounded somewhat amused, and held Hero tight to his chest. Hero felt she could trust Magnus, maybe even more than she trusted RGB. Magnus had never scared her so much as RGB had, and Magnus told her things. RGB always made her guess and figure things out. She still cared a lot about RGB, but she didn’t have to worry about the unexpected with Magnus. At least, not that she’d seen yet.
His heavy coat smelled like some kind of exotic tea, rain, and some thick, sweet smell she couldn’t quite place. Though it was crisp like her father’s church clothes, it was warm and soft, too. Magnus’ chest didn’t have as much give as RGB’s did, but in spite of all his sharp corners, she felt comfortable there.
“Tell me about him?” Hero requested, softly. Magnus seemed perplexed at first, but thought about it.
“For all he complains about other people sleeping on him, when we were together here, he spent most of my waking hours trying to sleep on me. I dream, so he couldn’t do the same for me. I often teased him for that.”
Hero giggled a little. Magnus flashed a little rainbow smile, and continued on, telling her soft little stories. Silly things, tea times and walks in the park, held hands and rainy afternoons. Songs and songbirds, the two of them dancing, and RGB just trying to make Magnus laugh.
Hero slept, dreaming about a sunny park full of flowers and chirping crickets to chase, and RGB and Magnus dancing under a tree some ways off. It was a nice, warm dream. A safe dream.
Hero woke first, when the sun was rising early. The three birds she had seen the night before started flitting around, chirping merrily.
She pressed her ear to Magnus’ chest, curiously. She couldn’t hear anything like RGB’s white-noise heartbeat, but every time Magnus breathed it sounded like glass vials gently clinking in a pocket. Or maybe glass bottles. Were those the same thing? Nah, she was pretty sure it was vials he sounded like.
He shifted in his sleep and pressed her a little closer to his chest, protectively.
She couldn’t help but think of her dad. She couldn’t remember anymore what he looked like, but she remembered being sleepily held on the couch while her favorite cartoons were on, up way too early on Saturday morning with a bowl of overly-sugary breakfast cereal.
She tried not to cry, but she failed at that, too. Tears stained Magnus’ tie, and she hoped it wouldn’t do anything like it would to RGB with his static shocks.
He shifted his hand over her head and toyed with a messy lock of her hair with his thumb.
“It will be alright.” He assured groggily, pushing himself up at the base of the tree. “We’ll save him.”
“N-no, it’s not that, it’s just…” Hero thought about it a moment. Maybe it was, a little, about that.
“A lot of things?” Magnus proposed, tilting his head curiously.
“Yeah.” Hero looked down.
Magnus wiped her eye gently with his thumb and raised his hand up. A droplet hung from his glove, threatening to fall. Before it did, it flashed a tiny, sparkling rainbow.
“There’s rain and sun to every rainbow.” He explained. He shook his hand a little to get any excess water off, and leaned forward to start picking at Hero’s hair, taking out the little knots and straighten it out a bit. Hero huffed a little at the fussing, but sat still and let him work until he seemed satisfied.
“Now then. Shall we be off?” Magnus carefully picked Hero up, since she was still bundled in his coat, and began walking.
“Yeah. We’re gonna go save the monster!” Hero chirped excitedly.
“That’s right. We most certainly are.”
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manabingu · 6 years ago
Haruka Nanami = soft girl
This has been sitting in my inbox since yesterday MY BAD! I wanted to answer this earlier but got distracted by deadlines of some stuff ANYWAY. Thanks for sending me an ask about Nanami CUZ I BEEN WANTIN TO TALK ABOUT MY HOME GIRL FOR AWHILE BUT NEVER GET THE CHANCE TO! So thanks~*~*~*
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Honestly, I’m that one person in every fandom that tends to fall in love with characters who I feel get undeserved hate or are either a minor character who gets glossed over. And be like….YALL??? Why you so mean to such adorable, innocent,sweet, hardworking, wouldn’t hurt a fly characters and then say that characters who are LITERAL murderers and criminals are the “precious cinnamon rolls who can do no wrong” only cuz you attracted to them??? yall thas sad. Listen…I’m honestly tired of people who bash on the anime and only play the games cuz they think it’s boring. Yes, you can have your opinion & I respect that, but I’ve seen some people whom have a pretty steadily growing following just bash on Nanami or some of their “not best boys” for reasons that make no sense to me & I been bottling this for awhile but Imma just SPEAK today cuz I’m on fire. ANYWAY BACK TO MY QUEEN.
Complaint I’ve heard: She’s boring
She’s FAR from boring. She kind of reminds me of one of my other favorite lead heroines of all time. Tohru Honda from Fruits Basket. Both are humble & haven’t really had much in their life. Let’s talk about her story, she is a girl who was born with with bad health so much so that her parents sent her to grow up and live with her grandma in the countryside where the air was cleaner & less polluted than the city where they live. While she stayed with grandma, she learned to play piano by ear & she really didn’t grow up with much technology. She states in episode one that she didn’t even have a TV so anytime anyone in her class makes a reference to a famous celebrity she doesn’t know who they are. If I had to guess she only probably had books, toys, & a record player at grandma’s house AND I think she was home-schooled? Which means that that her only other friend besides her grandma & possibly the local neighborhood kids was grandma’s piano.
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 I think she’s highly relateable too. I sure have had similar experience (trust me, my immune system is TerRibLe XD so I feel home girl) But I knew the moment I saw that part in episode 1 where she describes how music LITERALLY saved her life, THAT is when I knew I would protect this girl for the rest of my life cuz I just yelled at my screen SAME GURL! SAAAAAAME TTuTT/ In Nanami’s case, she went by herself to the city to visit her parents, she thought since she no longer was a kid, her health wouldn’t be too endangered but she she got there she got REALLY lost & the noise pollution was so overwhelming that her anxiety gave her a panic attack. AND THIS IS WHY I REALLY LIKE UTAPRI. BECAUSE THEY GET HELLA REAL HELLA FAST. THIS KIND OF THING IS NOT SOME KINDA MADE UP THING. LET ME SIT YALL DOWN AND TELL YOU A STORY.
Listen- I remember when I was like 16ish I went to New York with a cousin & as a person who comes from a small town- being in the city BY YOURSELF for the first time, it’s SO SCARY to someone who has anxiety. I was dropped off in Manhattan while she ran a work errand she gave me money for food & encouraged me to explore. As soon as they left, I looked around thinking OH GOD WHAT NOW?? I saw a cathedral close by and I RAN for it. I was so scared being alone I went to a small corner of the cathedral and started crying & tweeting, which got some comforting responses from native NY people that followed me & I texted the friend that was closest to me (if you count Virginia close lol) But he called me & just talked to me & helped me feel better. He encouraged me to not stay in one place & to go find a place I like & perhaps if I was too anxious, to go stay there till I was picked up. IT TOOK ME 30 MINUTES to get courage enough to walk to the Barnes & Noble/Starbucks that was close & I stayed there texting him the rest of the time. So ANYTIME people talk crap about Nanami’s panic attack in the city I’m gonna politely tell them to get out of my face cuz that’s a VERY real emotion. The thing that saved Nanami was hearing a singer in a giant screen singing a soothing song. THE MUSIC HELPED CALM DOWN HER ANXIETY. EXCUSE ME. YALL CAN’T SAY THAT YOU’VE NEVER BEEN SOOTHED BY A SONG IN YOUR LIFE. WE ALL BEEN THERE. WHEN WE WERE SO DOWN THAT LISTENING TO A SONG MADE US FEEL BETTER. I know that happened with me. Just like Nanami, I had a time in my life where I was just ready for death, I had lost hope to live but hearing ONE. SONG by my favorite singer, literally stopped me. So I can relate how she felt about HAYATO in the city. And how afterwards she was so inspired by it that she wanted to try to have a career dealing with music. HER REASON FOR WANTING TO BECOME A COMPOSER IS BECAUSE SHE KNOWS WHAT IT’S LIKE TO FEEL SAD AND SCARED. SO SHE WANTS TO MAKE MUSIC THAT CAN TOUCH PEOPLE’S HEARTS & IF THEY’RE HAVING A BAD DAY, SHE CAN CHEER THEM UP WITH A SONG. IF THAT ISN’T THE GREATEST REASONING TO GO FIGHT FOR A DREAM, I DUNNO WHAT IS.
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Once she was of age, she applied for THE most prestigious music academy in her area. She was nearly late to the entrance exam cuz she helped a lost child find their mom while she was running in a snowstorm to the school. And because she was noticed to have that high moral compass by the principal, she was allowed to take the exam and made it in. And even when she DID get in, she was bullied by all the rich kids for not being able to read sheet music & not being taught by a private piano teacher when she was asked to play in front of everyone. She KNEW that she can play piano but she was self taught & played by ear. ((THIS STRUCK ME HARD TOO. Because I am self taught too- as a singer, I thought that if I didn’t have access to all these things & I didn’t know how to sight read I’d never be taken seriously or that I was less worthy to be called a musician than my peers)) But did she give up??? NO. HOME GIRL RAN TO THE LIBRARY and she studied her ass off to not let her first assignment project partner down. I COULD GO ON FOR HOURS ABOUT THE FIRST SEASON ALONE. SHE WAS THROWN SO MANY CURVE BALLS TO CRUSH HER SPIRIT AND DESPITE HER ANXIETY KEPT FIGHTING FOR HER DREAM.
But you know what? She also showed me THAT IT’S OK TO FALL DOWN TO ROCK BOTTOM. It’s OK to feel like giving up especially when your confidence has been crushed to a pulp by everyone. YALL, I FREAKING BAWLED MY EYES OUT WHEN SHE FOUND OUT THAT STARISH - THE BAND SHE SINGLE-HANDEDLY  (and with some magical fate strings pulled by Cecil)) CREATED WAS GONNA DEBUT WITHOUT HER. She was asked by the principal if she thought HER music could compete with pros already established and household names already in the business. She didn’t want her friends to give up their dreams of debuting so she agreed to step down as STARISH’s composer AGAINST their demands for her to not give up. She went home and cried to her grandmother that she felt SO outclassed. And you know what? I’m GLAD Utapri shared this kind of story because I’m sure it has happened to a lot of people.
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Nanami is a really kind, compassionate, selfless human being. She does anything and everything so that all her family & friends can be happy at the expense of her own happiness. She takes it to the extreme that she is PUSHED and forced to FOR ONCE think selfishly and do something for herself. Her purity & kindness won the respect of her classmates & teachers so much so that they always want to support her dream of  becoming a songwriter. When STARISH came to her house cuz they heard she ran away- she openly admitted  IN TEARS that SHE wanted to be STARISH’s composer, she didn’t want anyone else to write for them because she had fun with her friends and she didn’t want that to stop. ((The principal overheard her and said FINALLY! SOMETIMES ITS OK TO BE SELFISH WHEN IT COMES TO YOUR DREAM! Its ok to be kind but also think of your own feelings sometimes too. I think young, budding artists need to hear this. )) SHE GIVES ME HOPE CUZ I BE THE SAME WAY SOMETIMES WITH MY STUFF SO YEAH ;~~~~~;/
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SOMETIMES When I watch a show that has harem elements to it, I really judge the protag that everyone is falling for and I think about if the harem people’s feelings are justified enough for them to actually fall in love with the protag. And you know what? In Nanami’s case?? ITS A BIG OL HELL YEAH IT’S JUSTIFIED.
She’s a wonderful, compassionate, gifted person who just needs love and support and you know she’ll be there for you too and it’s mutual. She works SUPER hard at her job, she’s endearing, she makes you wanna just protect her cuz if she is sad lord I will probably go on a rampage. This girl doesn’t deserve to go through more than she already has. I love and respect Nanami. A female protagonist doesn’t need to be bitchy, slutty, or badass to be considered “interesting”. 
HECK, one time I heard someone say “This show would be 10x if Nanami was a guy. UMMMM???? WTF??? Ok, listen, I’m in the lgbt spectrum, & I’m sick of people saying that Utapri would be better if Nanami was a boy. Why is it so bad that she’s a girl?? Like- I would like ONE reasonable explanation that doesn’t involve fetishizing your personal fantasies. When people fetishize an lgbt relationship- you’re causing that type of relationship to not be taken seriously irl. If we wanna make this the norm, we gotta treat it like it’s a natural occurrence. Not force something for the sake of fanservice. There are barely any well written female protags like Nanami out there in the world and if we change her, we are taking out one of the best from the list. I want more shows to write good, memorable  female protags like Nanami. I wouldn’t be against her being a boy. But only if the reason was for good reasons and to explore character development dynamics. Cuz I enjoy content that has actual substance. SERIOUSLY- If Utapri was ONLY fanservice, I would despise it. BUT IT’S NOT. It tackles real issues & speaks about people in the industry and they don’t sugarcoat ANYTHING. They show you the harsh realities but they also give you hope to keep doing what you love even if you gotta work extra harder than your peers who might be more experienced than you.
And THAT is what I learned from Nanami Haruka. And I will defend my songwriting princess till I die. Thank you.
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levmemes · 7 years ago
these quotes are taken from the musical it’s kind of a funny story, written by drew gasparini. warnings for sexual abuse, suicide, transphobia, and self harm. all songs beside where i’m at are under the cut; feel free to change pronouns / wording as desired!  note: edited to add new lines, different lyric versions, etc.
where i’m at.
“it’s so hard to talk when you want to kill yourself.”
“the paint on the walls of my brain is all flaky and peeling away.”
“the true definition of real understanding falls flat.”
“it’s like i hear this relentless buzzing.”
“too bad you can’t escape the mental thunderstorm.”
“seems like what doctors might do when they’re guessing.”
“numbing the pain is just dumbing me down, nothing’s changing.”
“it’s the last thing i did that i felt control of.”
“places escaped and my mind would expand.”
“and just like that, i quit.”
“getting older just means more responsibilities and less help.”
“no one seems to bother asking if we might need a little middle of the road.”
“he’s single-handedly keeping the marijuana industry alive.”
“i like girls. well, actually, i like girl.”
“i’ve known her for exactly five years, she’s known me for exactly one.”
“i like her. a lot.”
“look at where i’m at.”
“my family loves me. well, they put up with me. well, we put up with each other.”
“on paper, we’re perfect, but paper is thin.”
“no one dreads dinners at home like i do.”
“fine is bad.”
“i think fine is just fine!”
“i want to be like her when i grow up.”
“english, got a hundred, science, got a hundred, math was a struggle, but i got a 97!”
“i have no problem eating, keeping it down is the hard part.”
“fasting today makes the food good tomorrow. german proverb.”
“they think they know what’s best for me, but they don’t know where i’m at.”
“i am a literal piece of wallpaper. a cog in a machine that’s irrelevant.”
“i’m running out of options. or maybe i’ve already run out.”
“that’s just life, thrown in the middle of a losing fight.”
“i always look like i’m about to cry.”
six north.
“no one here is sick. everybody here is looking for the same thing.”
“time to start to question who you are and what life is.”
“they’re a colorful crew.”
“i’m drawing a beaver.”
“you look like a danny.”
“everyone deserves a chance to feel like they are understood.”
“has anyone ever told you that you have an interesting energy?”
“you’re new, what’s your name?”
“let me guess, you have depression?”
“she’s bi-lots of things.”
“every day you’ll find a reason not to stay here.”
“everybody has a secret that they don’t let out to play.”
“she’s like a stephen king novel wrapped in a robert frost poem.”
“there is nothing like the fear of living so misunderstood.”
did you know?
“why do people always remind me how old i am?”
“did you know that your brain changes every time someone pays you a compliment?”
“someone can trigger the part of your brain where happiness lives.”
“everyone around you seems to see the things you can’t.”
“you are capable of having an impact.”
“the pressure seems absurd.”
“it’s easy to feel alone when you aren’t feeling heard.”
“did you know that being creative helps depression stop in its tracks?”
“seeing you happy, sitting there drawing, is something i’ve started to miss.”
“you have a gift, so when it’s restricted, life gets pretty hard.”
“it’s a scary path through self-exploration.”
“did you know that you don’t have to be the hero?”
“i promise to hang on every single word.”
“no one deserves to feel alone, we all want to feel heard.”
figure me out.
“sometimes, i sympathize with salmon.”
“i try to live, but it isn’t coming easy, because i don’t know how.”
“i think in circles like a broken record.”
“restricted by the pressure -- it’s like you’re wrapped up in tentacles.”
“don’t look down, the view is something permanent.”
“don’t break down a bridge before connecting to what might be on the other side.”
“i avoid the city skyline or the looming clouds.”
“you’re always looking down.”
“i just see the roots, all twisted, strange and tangled.”
“that’s the only me i know.”
“i want to figure me out.”
“i’m just putting a pin in it until the thought is gone.”
“i owe it to myself to go achieve understanding and leave with some upper hand.”
“i’m scared to death.”
“it sounds to me like you’re depressed.”
“you can’t go until you know.”
question game.
“just ask me a question.”
“why are you here?”
“i’m depressed, i guess. i mean, depressed or suicidal, i think.”
“you mentioned suicide all on your own.”
“i used to really love drawing when i was a kid. i don’t know why i stopped.”
“generic life excuses when the truth is, drawing makes me happy.”
“what makes you happy?”
“isn’t it sad how nobody takes the time to make a first impression?”
“your turn to ask a question.”
“what’s your middle name?”
“seinfeld or friends?”
“kind of hard to craft it up over here with all the flirting.”
“isn’t it weird how learning about someone becomes a new obsession?”
“isn’t it cool how much we learn if we only ask a question?”
“do you think i’m gross looking?”
“you’re cool. and cute. we should hang out more.”
little things.
“constantly, my brain is on repeat, it says ‘you’re the reason that you’re here.’“
“they say that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, but they never tell you how long the tunnel is.”
“she thinks it’s best for me that i stay here.”
“i always wanted to be a guy that people celebrated quietly in their heads.”
“we did everything together our whole lives. i told him all my secrets.”
“when i told him who i knew i was, like, on the inside, things just got weird.”
“i thought he’d come around.”
“i just kept holding out, because that’s what friends are all about.”
“that’s who i am, and i love everything about me.”
“she prefers the word ‘imbalanced’, so that’s what we say.”
“she asked me when i might come home. i told her maybe soon.”
“lying’s not okay, i know that, but keeping the truth from someone who could never handle the reality? i don’t know.”
“the truth hurts sometimes, and i don’t want to hurt anybody.”
“it’s so easy to be afraid of a loose grenade you hold in your hand.”
“when you came here, it’s like you tracked in part of the outside world with you.”
“you remind me that there’s something to get back to.”
“don’t dwell on the little things.”
noelle’s cuts (tw: sexual abuse, self harm).
“sleeping beauty was my favorite, so we’d read it on repeat.”
“night after night, the prince arrived to say good night with just a kiss.”
“all the stories helped me make believe a place where i could blend into the background.”
“i wish that i still had my stories.”
“it’s good for girls to learn there’s no such things as happy endings.”
“so one day i grabbed some scissors.”
“so i waited for prince charming.”
“then he looked at me and left without a kiss.”
“one small kiss, and you trust him. you think it must be okay.”
“i may have won that battle, but the war is never ending.”
“so i guess what i’m saying is, i’m used to it by now.”
in the atmosphere.
“a kid spends five days in the psych ward and suddenly he’s cured.”
“we hide from understanding why we’re even here.”
“we work to build our walls up.”
“the mountain we all crawl up you think was made for someone else.”
“you can’t ask for directions if everybody’s lost.”
“survive the fire to burn as bright.”
“if no one’s right, then we’re all alright.”
“it’s hard to shake it off and start to heal.”
“even if they’re hidden, everyone has scars.”
“runner up giving up on your whole life.”
“crack the shell around your fear.”
“take a look around you. everybody’s here.”
“wrong or right, no one seems to bother asking.”
“i’m happier than i’ve ever been, and i’ve only just begun to live.”
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the-energon-hole · 7 years ago
Can you do a drabble of megatron being very possessive and lovey to his cybertronian s/o. Thanks love you!!!!!
((A/N a little thing here, not a big one, as someone who is in a relationship with someone whom has been abused by a lover- I don’t condone “possessive and lovely” existing in harmony because the abuse my partner went through was awful to the point they still don’t like sharing it with me and it has been well over 7 years. I will write something more along the lines of Megs getting jealous and confronting S/O about it and they work something out because successful relationships rely heavily on compromise and understanding..
Also you didn’t specify continuity so I am going to do Megatron from Tfp and Tfa))
Transformers Animated
There were so many conflicting feelings flowing and growing inside his processor and his spark, he almost wished he could shut off his emotions and just be done with it- because even though he is a warlord who rules most of the galaxy, he still feels things rather deeply comparative to those organic species, a staple and hold over from his pure cybertronian energon and upbringing. He wanted so badly to be this emotionless leader that could topple empires and rule over all his subjects with an iron fist and have a sparkless existence without feeling any remorse or regrets. He hated, with all the fire and flames that the pit had to offer, that you were able to drive him so crazy with simple gestures of kindness that were directed to any other bot or human that wasn’t him.
You shouldn’t be having this kind of effect on him, and it was almost scary to think that you single handedly had the power to topple him over when so many before you have failed to do so.
Romantically, or otherwise.
He liked to rationally think you would never be attracted to any other bot, as he was the supreme specimen that the entire cybertronian race had to offer. He was strong and very masculine in appearance, he was smart and tactical and knew much about science and battle, and he had all the power that any bot in his given position could posse. Certainly he knew that he was not the most forthcoming and honest lover, and yes maybe he can be very distant emotionally and had a very hard time fulfilling his own emotional needs much less that of a devote cybertronian- he knew you felt just as deeply with your spark as he did, and maybe that was the problem with this whole escapade.It was to be expected, his distance from you, when he had so many enemies and so few allies that he could trust and rely on. Maybe it was an excuse, but he would not get too close to you and let slip his weaknesses so that you may be exploited and they be used against him. It was already bad enough you could be considered a weakness that could be used against hi should nay Autobot think themselves brave enough to cross through your path.
This was war, and anything could and would happen in such a struggle or power.
He confronts this situation with a little bit more anger and malice than he would have liked, but it was in his right to be upset in his processor, as you should not be showing affection to anyone else but him. You had no right to be kind and gentle to any other bot but him, and you belonged to him and you were not allowed to speak to anyone else but him- his words spoke that of years holding back all of these strong emotions he felt. You were a little blindsided by his accusations of you sleeping with almost everyone you had to interact with everyday- and you saw past his anger and saw a few insecurities shining through his bright red optics. You listened to him rant and rave about how you were a temptation, and how sharing yourself with others is hurting his cause, and how this cannot work unless you submit to him fully and wholly.
You scoffed.
How dare he accuse you of such outlandish things, and then demand he be the only person you interact with on a daily basis. How can he be so brash to ask that you dedicate yourself wholly to him, while he refused to simply even share one small speck of feelings he had about anything to you. That was such an imbalance of power in a relationship that it almost made you gag up the oil you had for lunch that day- you knew this had to be from all that pent up anger you felt in his fields, it was just surprising he actually had the courage to share what he was thinking. Still, you felt yourself fill up with rage as he continued to accuse you of all of these things.
This behavior had to stop, he had to learn to trust, he had to learn to let this petty jealousy go if he wanted to be an effective leader over so many kingdoms- and you weren’t afraid to tell him.
You weren’t afraid of him at all- and that was the key to your relationship.He took in your words, as you fearfully told him exactly what you thought and how he should be approaching this situation,  and he thought for a long while as you two stared at each other with refusal to back down.
In that moment he remembered why he liked you in the first place.
No one ever stood up to him before, and you being such a small things- it only made you that much more attractive to him. He liked how feisty you can be and how fearless you were in the face of danger.
He will play your game for now, but he will stubbornly hold onto the idea that you will be his wholly- and he will hope you will fight back and struggle against him with this ideology he knows to be flawed. Be the check in his system, be tha balance he needs, and be the question in the back of his processor on whether or not he is doing the right things in his decisions to be supreme ruler of the galaxy. He needed someone to be there to question his motives, to keep him ure in a sense, and there was no better bot in the galaxy beyond you to do that.
Transformers Prime
He was not an easy bot to get along with, he knew that from all of the past relationships he has had that fell through because of his own insecurities and anger, from all the distrust and contempt he had for so many around him. He has always tried to be a better lover and a good listener than he used to be, but sometimes that ego of his seems to seep through all of those walls he has put up around it, and he goes on tyraids that are dangerous to both you and him. He sometimes doesn’t look past beyond his blind fury and his jealous tendencies to see that he is hurting his partners more than he has ever helped them.
You can see his side of the argument very well, but it doesn’t make it right.He is jealous of the red doctor for being so young and attractive, and seeing as you two work very closely together it was easy to see that your exalted leader was not happy about it, as Megatron was once the pick of the crop when he was younger and not covered in scars and marks from his time in the gruesome and unforgiving fighting rings. Those physical scars might heal and fade a little over time, but the emotional damage he received from all of the fighting he had to do not only on his behalf but for those whom did not have the strength to fight physically. He was good at fighting, it was all he knew, so relationships that didn’t have conflict were enigmatic to him- he created conflicts just to feel vindicated and valid if something went sour.He wasn’t really jealous of Knockout, but he feigned it so well that he even had himself convinced of his anger.
He was so manipulative he didn’t even realise he manipulated himself.You won’t give up on him though.
Not like the others before you who broke his spark and refused to fight for the good a love he had still locked up in him. He started this war out of his love for his fellow bots- the need to be the voice for those who did not have one in a society run by the elite and the proper.
You scolded him for his accusation of you and Knockout, as the good doctor already has optics for someone else and was already bonded to that another. You also scolded him for creating and inventing problems to simply put their own growing bond on the rocks so that he has an excuse to hurt and mangle you emotionally- he was being absolutely silly in his insecurities about his frame and his age, even if it was just an excuse to push your buttons and make you feel angry at yourself for being a type of shallow. You weren’t going anywhere, and the fact that he tried so hard to make you not wish to love him, you could see past that hard facade and anger, you weren’t going anywhere.He knew that, but he needed to test you sometimes.
You knew that, and you would never fail those tests.
It has nothing to do with jealousy, and everything to do with power play and control over who has the most say in what goes on between the two of you. It’s a constant power shift between the two of you, and he absolutely love that you could keep up with his mind games so easily- truly there is no one better suited for him in this life than you, and if you can prove you can keep up with him, well maybe he can stop creating made up problems and actually face his own insecurities and become a better bonded partner to you.
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clownsgobeepbeep · 7 years ago
If I’ve spammed this I’m sorry, tumblr was on the fritz for me 33
You haven't, it's all good ^^
Pirate drama as always
Stellar was quite upset. He disliked it when things didn't go his way of course and throughout these entire days, nothing went how he planned. He learned that his sister was not killed but instead romanced by his enemy and that she had his child. Very nice, his niece was related to that bastard. And that bastard happened to have kidnapped because he apparently didn't die. Oh no, some foolish story about magic was brought up and it was said somebody brought him back, after his sister killed him? Stars, he didn't understand her sometimes. Nothing was going his way, especially now! 
He knitted his eyebrows together as he recalled what had happened in the last few days. The only one who supported his decisions was his first mate, his brother who he could actually consider a sibling that was not betraying him! Meanwhile, the rest of his crew was against him, especially Maggie. Why did she have to grow so fond of that child!?
And then, there was the damned siren...why hadn't he left the ship already? It was annoying him having him around already, but now it was worse because not even Abraham was going to drag Vespers away.
"My sister and I would help each other, and we hate each other! Is this a human thing? Because dang.” Stellar spoke to himself as he mimicked Vespers' voice in a goofy manner. Damn Abraham! Damn Coraline! Damn that siren with the awfully good voice and eyes! Damn Maggie!
Stellar shook his head, then looking up in front of him when he heard footsteps. Speak of the devil...
"What do ye want now?"he asked, and Maggie sat down on a barrel next to him with a blank expression.
"Nothin',just waiting till we find the Bloody Saint."she replied, skimming her eyes around the water which looked completely calm. It was beautiful, sparkling, underneath a wonderful blue sky and shining sun. Not what they needed.
"Well trust me when I say we aren't gonna find the damn ship any time soon."Stellar spat out, remembering the hell she made him go through before she finally convinced him to save poor Lily. He could stand the pleading, the insane ideas she provided, the attempts at sneaking off of the ship late at night. But once he heard the pirates speak of mutiny, he drew the line and gave in. He didn't work so hard to find his grandfather's ship for nothing.
"I know, any ideas you got?"Maggie said, and he gave no response but instead a silent glare at the ocean. "Look, I'm sorry about the whole-"
"Stop talking and sing."
"You said the girl was taken because she was singing, so sing if you want to find her."he demanded, and Maggie bit her lip for a moment before she turned around and closed her eyes with a sigh as she tried to remember the song Lily sang.
“Hear as I sing out to thee. Oh, my darling sailor please stay safe.Cruel and harsh waters, I beg them to ease and bring back my loving prince." she started, Stellar then shutting his eyes while he thought of the song his sister made, for...why even think of it."So daring is he. He sails every sea. See how my soul longs for him, day and night."
He then opened his eyes, noticing that a fog started to appear as Maggie continued singing to herself. His eyes widened for a moment as the sun practically faded out and the sky turned gray.
”My love for thee my sailor grows strongly. I keep all thee in my thoughts, and my dreams. In my arms I wish to have thee again. Dear hear as I si-" 
"Maggie, look."Stellar interrupted, and so Maggie opened her eyes to see that the entire atmosphere had grown to be quite dark. That was fast, and quite scary. She squinted her eyes to see through the thick fog, then hearing footsteps that belonged to the crew members, but some sounded as if they had landed meaning that there were others boarding the ship uninvited. 
Stellar stepped from behind his wheel and neared the top of the deck's stairs as he saw a figure fly through the fog on a rope before it got close to him. Too close.
Maggie's eyes widened before she heard Stellar let out an 'oof' as he felt harshly to the ground and looked up at the figure holding him down with a dagger against his throat. 
"Where is she!? Where have you locked her up!?"
"Shut it ye eunuch!"Stellar yelled out, then kicking the person on top of him off before he scrambled up to his feet and pulled out his sword in a fighting stance.
"Seven years, and that is still your sorry excuse of an insult!?"the other man shouted, drawing his sword out as well before Maggie drew her sword out which she pointed at the other man.
"You two better not start-"
Soon enough, the two pirates charged at each other and clashed swords, Maggie groaning to herself loudly before she stepped in and made her sword break both of theirs' apart. She struggled for a moment, then pulling her sword back so that both of the men were easily disarmed. They looked at each other in surprise before they looked at Maggie who placed her sword back and crossed her arms.
"If you two keep these silly fights up, I'll make sure my aunt wrecks both of yer arses without mercy!"she exclaimed, and the enemy pirate scoffed as he rolled his eyes.
"Nothing can kill me, I'm-"
"I don't care if you're dead or alive Mendax, she'll do it and you'll regret never having seen your daughter again!"Maggie yelled out, making the pirate furrow his eyebrows as he now remembered his purpose there.
"Where is she?"
"Who else could I possibly be speaking of? Of course Lily! Where is my child!?"he questioned, making both Stellar and Maggie grow confused as they turned to each other.
"Isn't the girl...with you?"Stellar spoke up, James turning to him with a glare that deepened.
"I am here for one purpose and only one purpose alone, which is to retrieve my daughter and take my leave."he responded with clenched fists."Or are you not an ally of the sea witch?"
"Sea witch? Which one?"
"Katrina."James stated, and Stellar made his face scrunch up before James sighed to himself in disappointment."That signifies no."
The pirate turned around and picked up his sword, ready to leave while Stellar shot Maggie a glare. Although, she ignored him and instead turned to James.
"James, wait. We were trying to save Lily from you beca-"
"Because you believed me to be the kind of man to harm my own daughter? Of course you would."
"Are you sure you aren't a eunuch Jamie? Me and Roger real-"
"As I was saying, we wanted to save Lily and now so do you."Maggie interrupted Stellar who rolled his eyes and muttered to himself, James turned around to give her a look.
"What are you implying now?"
"That we work together to find Lily."
James' eyes widened before he turned around again, then walking down the stairway as Maggie followed behind.
"I would much rather slaughter this entire crew single handedly than ally my own with it."
"Well said."
"Stellar!"Maggie said through grit teeth, then running over to James as he fixed his coat and grabbed a rope while telling his men to return to his ship."James, don't you want to save your daughter?"
"I do, but I would prefer to do it alone."
"You need our help."
"I do not. I will never ally myself with anybody pertaining to a union with the D'Vitts."
"James, we care about her too! Lily is Stellar and Roger's niece!"
"Lily is of no relation to those imbeciles."
"Be a man, and step it up for your daughter! They are brothers to Coraline who is her mother!"
The ship was then silent, the only sounds being the wood creaking and the waves of the ocean as James looked down at the water.
"If you won't do it for any of us, do it for Lily and Coraline."Maggie whispered before James quietly sighed to himself. He lifted his head and turned around to walk over to Stellar who gave him a smirk. James in turn glared at him before he reached up to his right arm and pinched the fingertip of his black glove. Stellar watched as he removed the glove, and the pirates that surrounded them let out a few disgusted sounds as they saw James' arm looking a bit too boney...and meaty in a way it shouldn't have.
"Captain Stellar D'Vitt,"he started, obviously trying to conceal a smirk and snicker as he saw Stellar's disgusted face looking at his arm that he offered."Do we have a compromise to rescue Lily?"
"Not if you expect me to shake hands with that!"
"Oooh....alright Jamie the eunuch, we have a...compromise..."Stellar choked out, then turning away as he hesitantly grabbed and shook James' hand while he gave a small smirk. "Ugh...oh stars...it feels awful, worse than Calypso's tendril..."
"You can thank you sister for this, the woman is so talented. Did quite the number on me."
"Oh stars...I hate her even more now."
Maggie sighed to herself as she watched Stellar gagging to himself after James let go of him, feeling a sense of relief. At least she had these two on..."better" terms, and there was the certain plan of saving tiny Lily.
"Ugh! Oh stars, eunuch plague!"
Oh goodness...
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Sometimes You Need A Little Magic in Your Life Chapter 21
Here is chapter 21 of my trueblood fanfic I know it has been forever and a day i hope you all enjoy it.... link to the whole story so far at the bottom for fanfiction
I sat on the toilet of Sam’s bathroom as I waited for the shower to warm up; it was a man’s bathroom though clean it was messy with clothes, cans of shaving cream, and bottles of shampoo.  An involuntary shiver racked through my body as the events of the past few days replayed in my head Eric’s blood had healed me, but it hadn’t healed everything, I was still sore from being trapped in the cage.  I carefully removed my grimy clothes discarding them into the waste bin not wanting any remembrance of the ordeal.   I stuck my hand into the shower testing the water before stepping under the warm pellets.  I sighed feeling the filth leave my body and go down the drain in a dark swirl.
I’m not sure how long I was in the bathroom for, but Sam was back laying on the couch with a beer in his hand flipping through the channels on his TV. He looked down the hall at me and gave a small half wave with the hand holding the beer which I returned before turning down the hall and heading to the bedroom.  I shut the bedroom door before turning off the overhead light leaving only the lamp on the side table by the bed.  I dropped my bag on the floor by the foot of the bed then flopped on the bed. Sam’s bed was nowhere near as comfortable as Eric’s, but it was better than the cage I had been in for the past few nights.  I somehow wiggled my way under the warm blanket of Sam’s bed: I don’t know how long I was asleep for, but the sun was shining through the partially drawn curtains of the bedroom.  I stretched my still sore muscles before getting out of the bed.  I checked my phone as I pulled articles of clothing out of my bag, frowning that I got nothing from Eric.
After I changed I ambled out to Sam’s living room to find him in his kitchen. “Morning darlin’ did you sleep well?”
“Yes, thanks.  I’m sorry about all this; Eric is just-” Sam cut me off with a raised hand.
“Eric is Eric, and he has a right to be worried.  I don’t mind helping out at least with things like this.”  He gestured around the room.  “Now take a seat breakfast is almost done.  Then we have to go to the bar, Arlene and Terry opened earlier I need to check on them.” I took a seat at one of the stools in front of the breakfast bar.  “Hope you like eggs and pancakes.”  Sam smiled putting a plate full of food in front of me. I smiled at him before picking up a fork and digging in.  
After eating we made are way to Merlotte’s.  “So, while we are here you need to stay in the bar; either at a table or you can hang in my office.  I doubt anyone will try anything at a public place, but I do not need Eric on my ass because I let you out of my sight.”  
“I got it.”  I answered before gazing out the window.  As we moved down the road I could feel the onset of a vision coming, my nails dug into the arm rest.  I inhaled deeply as the greenery of the roadside began to disappear into flickers.  The last flicker took me into darkness.
When my vision returned I was standing face to face with Godric, but it wasn’t the Godric I knew he looked feral wearing nothing but a loincloth and necklace with some sort of charm or amulet, hair mussed and dirty hanging in his eyes.  He was staring behind me a smirk on his face I turned to see what he was looking at. There in a circle of torches was a funeral pyre, two men looked to be lowering another man on to the bed of wood while talking to him in a language I didn’t understand but it sounded familiar.   I saw one of the men lift a torch from the circle and began to walk closer to the pyre that’s when I heard the whooshing of Godric’s vampire speed go past me to quickly dispatch the men before kneeling over the body on the pyre.  I slowly walked closer to Godric and the dying man and that’s when I recognized it was a human Eric.  ‘This is when he must have been turned.’ I thought.  My vision abruptly blackened and brightened as I came back to present day. I looked around trying to get my bearings; Sam and I had arrived at the bar.
“Hey you ok?  You kinda spaced out there for a bit.”  Sam asked me.
“Uh yeah, just worried about Eric.”  I answered getting out of the car, but Sam stopped me.
“I’m sure this will all blow over soon.  And you two can go back to whatever it is that you two do.”  Sam put a reassuring hand on my shoulder before stepping out himself.   Sam’s words did nothing to quell the overwhelming feeling of dread that started to sink in the pit of my stomach.
 “Do you need any help cleaning up?”  I asked as Sam was placing chairs on tables.
“Nah darling, you keep doing what you’re doing.  I’m almost done anyway.”  Sam answered wiping down the last chair before flipping the chairs up.  
I looked around and saw Terry had already left with Arlene, so I decided it was okay to ask a question that had been plaguing the back of my mind.  “So,” I started getting Sam’s attention. “What’s it like being a shifter?” I noticed Sam visibly tense at my words.  “You don’t have to answer I’m just curious is all.  This world vampires, shifters, whatever I am it’s all so new.”
“Uh its different that’s for sure.  I turned for the first time when I was about thirteen.” Sam answered.
“Does it hurt?”
“The first time yeah, scary as shit too.  Now not so much, if it’s a new animal I’m shifting into its sore for the first few times but after a bit it doesn’t hurt at all.  Most of the time it’s like a high especially running at night.”
“Do you have a favorite animal to transform into?” I asked.
“A dog.  It was the first animal I shifted into.  I hate birds though trying to fly is a bitch.”  He chuckled.  “So, what are you?”  Sam asked while moving behind the bar wiping it down.  “Eric has mentioned somethings off handedly but nothing really clear. And there is the fact that you smell different.  I mean all Sups smell different from humans but yours is something I have never come across.”
“Uhmmm.”  I thought for a moment on whether I should tell him.  I knew I could trust him, but I wasn’t sure Eric would be alright with me talking about it.  “I’m not sure exactly, I have visions and Godric had mentioned something about me being like the Fae.”
“Fae, like fairies and elves and shit?”  Sam scoffed a little and I just shrugged.
“I don’t know for sure? It’s just a theory that has Godric galivanting across the world trying to find answers.  I’ve been meaning to do research on my own buuuuut this shit storm has put a damper on that idea for now.”  I mumbled the last bit, flashes playing across my vision of the last few days.
“Hey, are you doing okay?”  Sam asked concern across his face.  “It’s okay if you’re not okay you know?  Eric told some of the shit that happened to you and Pam.  If you want to talk about it, I’m here or I can see if I can track Sookie down.”  
“No.  I- I know I’m not a hundred percent alright.  But the asshole is dead, and Eric is surprisingly comforting despite his normally ‘I hate everything, and I will eat you’ attitude.”  I chuckled a little and saw a small smile grace Sam at my little joke.  “I just know something bad is going to happen.  I just don’t know what and trying to force a vision from the feeling is not giving me anything.”
“Sometimes that is the worst thing to do.  I know for me trying to force a shift can be painful and sometimes result in broken bones.  So maybe try not to think about it and it will come to you.  But then again, I could be wrong, I’ve never met anyone who could see the future without some sort of spell.”
“Spell? Does that mean witches are real too?” I asked curiously.
“Yeah, I’ve met a few but most of them are just wiccans they fell the power and energy, but nothing really comes of it.”  Sam explained turning off the neon Budweiser sign.  “Come, time to head out.”
“I wonder what else is out there?” I asked to myself.
“Probably more than we can handle.”  He answered as he ushered me out the door.  
It was late when I finally curled up in Sam’s bed still feeling off.  I hated not knowing what was going on and I knew Eric was in trouble, just not sure what kind of trouble.   I placed my phone on the nightstand and turned off the lamp.  Rolling on to my side I focused on the thin light that shinned on the wall from the moon.  Then I felt it, the start of a vision.  
Eric was standing next to Bill in what looked like a construction site.  I could hear a thick wet plopping sound and I looked down to see myself ankle deep in concrete that was filling a three-foot-deep hole.  I looked back up to Eric and Bill seeing them stare down at something to my left, looking down I saw the prone groaning body of Russel.  
*Buzz Buzz* I heard my phone vibrate repeatedly on side table ripped me from my vision and I quickly turned to look at it, Eric’s name flashed across the screen, he was calling me.  I quickly swiped the answer button. “Hello?”
“How are you, min lilla kattuge?”  Eric purred threw the phone.  
“I’m fine.”  I answered quickly “I just had a vision.  You and Bill were entombing Russel in concrete at some construction site.”
“That’s going to be happening shortly.  We have Russel under control; slivered and burned to pretty much a burnt crisp.  We are just waiting on Alcide to get back with his truck.”  Eric answered.  
“That’s good.  So, I will see you soon?  I’ve been worried about this whole thing.   I’ve had a nagging feeling something bad is going to happen.”
“All will be fine soon enough.”  Eric tried to reassure me.  I could hear a knock-on Eric’s end of the phone before giving an affirmative response.   “I have to go.  I will see you soon love.”   There was the distinct sound of the call ending before I could even respond.  Letting out an exuberated sigh before plugging my phone, I pulled the blankets around up around me and tried to get some sleep.
 I woke up with a jolt when I felt a hand on my shoulder my eyes quickly landed on a dimly lit Eric.  “Eric?” I quickly reached for the bedside lamp to turn it on.   When my eyes adjusted to the light I took in Eric’s disheveled appearance, covered in crusty gray dirt.  “What is?” I touched his arm feeling a chunk of it finding it having a muddy texture.  “Is this cement?”  I inquired.
“Your instincts were right, Bill tried to silence me for what I found out about Sookie.  She is like you not quite the same but close.”  
“Why’d he want to silence you because of that?”  I asked.
“Because he was sent by the Queen of Louisiana to procure for her collection of peculiar things.”  He paused for a moment “As far as I know she knows nothing of what you are.  But instead of procuring her he became attached.   He also orchestrated the attack on her the first night they met so he could feed her his blood.”  I furrowed my brow remember that vampire blood builds a sexual attraction.  
“Jesus.” I frowned.  “Is she okay?”
“She will be, she rescinded his invitation to her home and told him he never wanted to see him again.”  Eric answered.   “Come I want to take you home.”  
“Are you okay?”  I asked as he started to collect my things.
“I’m out an assassin, Pam is not happy, and I have to get a new phone; but I’m fine.”  He answered irritated.
“Wait assassin?”  I asked getting out of bed to get dressed.
“Yes, Ruben.  Bill called him mimicking me, ordering him to kill Pam.  She’s fine but pissed that she had to com dig me out of cement, it got in her hair.  I owe her a shopping trip now which she would most likely take you on.”  
“Great.”  Not a 100% looking forward to that.
“Are you ready?” I could tell he was tired.
I nodded “I want to say bye to Sam first.”  Eric gestured for me to head out of the room.  I walked down the hall to Sam’s living room finding him enjoying a beer and watching some late-night show.
“You out of here?”  Sam asked sitting up.
“Yeah, I’m sorry for hogging your bed.”
“Don’t worry about it.  It was nice getting to know you a little better.”  Sam looked to Eric over my shoulder and gave him a questioning look. “We good?”
“We are good.  Come Emilia it is late.”  Eric held his hand out to me.
“Have a good night Sam.  I’ll see you later.”  I gave a small wave before grabbing Eric’s hand.
 I was laying on Eric’s bed playing mindless matching game on my phone while Eric showered off the drying cement.   I was just about to beat the level I had been stuck on for the past ten minutes when I felt cold arms wrap around my waist “What are you playing?” Eric whispered in my ear triggering me to let out a scream and him to emit a throaty snicker.
“Jesus! You scared me.  It’s called candy crush and you made me lose.”   I stated after realizing I was out of lives.
“Well in that case.  Let me make it up to you.”  Eric grabbed my phone placing it on the nightstand before his icy lips descended. His large hand grasping at my ebony locks initiated a gasp from me.   Tugging my head back slightly he was able to gain better access to my neck which he peppered with pecks and nips focusing on the spot behind my ear.   I let my hands caress Eric’s shirtless chest before making my way down to the waist band of his pants.   “You’re playing with fire.”  Eric gave a light nip before murmuring in my ear his breath surprisingly warm.
“I know.”  I bit down on his shoulder playfully.  Eric straddled me and in one quick movement had removed my shirt.  My fingers nestled into his now clean golden mane as his mouth descended on my breast.   “God… that feels amazing.”  Breathlessly came out as Eric gave me expert attention; sucking, flicking, nibbling, and tweaking my hard nipples.  My head shot back when he cupped my womanhood that was slowly beginning to quiver.
“Låt mig höra att du purrar min lilla kattunge.”   I could hear his fangs click and felt the points graze my pale skin.  I mewled when I felt one of his fingers tease my entrance; my hips raising slightly to seek out his touch.  “Eger?”  I gave a breathy affirmative response as I worked to slide he pants down freeing his pulsing cock.   My fingers teased his firming member before fully grasping it in my petite hand.  I was dwarfed by him in all aspects it seemed. I let out trembling mumbles of want the second that his long fingers began to make quick work to find the spot that makes me see stars.   “Unravel for me.”  He whispered as I heard a ripping sound.
“Did you just?”
“I’ll buy you a new pair.  Besides I like this view better.”  
“Cocky ass.” I chastised him as I continued to move my hand up and down his lengthy cock feeling it firm.
“You ready for me min kårlek.” I barely had given an affirmative answer when he removed his now dripping fingers before he took the hand that was giving him attention in his own lacing our fingers and he entered me with one smooth thrust.
“Bite me.  Bite me please.”   I asked exposing my neck.
“Your wish is my command.”  His nose ghosted my neck before plunging his fangs into the juncture of my shoulder and neck.  I felt the warmth of my blood begin to trickle out.  With every pulse he thrusted, and I bucked to his thrust.   Eric let out a feral growl when we came undone together.  Eric braced himself on his elbows over me before he bit into his wrist “We will become one.”  I saw the desire and need in his eyes as I latched on to his wrist.
Min lilla kattunge = My little kitten
Låt mig höra att du purrar min lilla kattunge= let me hear you purr my little kitten
min kårlek = my love
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loki-hargreeves · 7 years ago
Loki Imagine, Illusions - Chapter 5
(chapter 4)
Your P.O.V.
Loki was right in front of me. It was such an intense moment, us only being inches apart from each other. His cold hands were holding mine and his gorgeous blue-green eyes were locked with mine. The mysterious night forest around us as all forgotten because I focused so hard on what we were doing, practising magic.
''Think about someplace you know really well'' Loki told me with a slow, deep voice. I took a deep breath and nodded, feeling how my fingertips felt static but not in a painful way. My mind went to my childhood bedroom. Loki smiled and nodded as I kept focusing. ''Think about details, Y/N. Imagine you're there right now'' He kept encouraging me. My heart was beating harder in my chest because the image in my head began to feel real. The tingly sensation spread from my fingertips to the rest of my body.
I felt light as a feather. Loki looked around proudly and then he let go of my hands, taking a step back. ''Look around'' He instructed and I obeyed. I took my eyes off of him and then looked to his right, almost gasping in shock. The forest around us was gone. We were in my childhood bedroom! At least, everything looked like it. Loki walked around curiously, looking at the things I had laying around. I turned around and saw my favourite teddy bear sitting on my childhood bed. It warmed my heart.
As I reached out to touch it, my hand went straight through it. It was so strange that my focus died and the room vanished, revealing the misty forest around us. It was a bit disappointing but I was really happy that with Loki's help I did that. A big smile plastered on my face and I turned to look at Loki. ''Not bad for you first time'' He let me know casually but he couldn't hold back a small, proud smile. My cheeks heat up a little bit but I didn't really mind.
''If this is just the beginning, I can't wait to see what else you can teach me'' I admitted in awe, suddenly feeling way more comfortable. I had been so tense ever since the attack in New York that felt like it was months ago. In reality, it was just a couple of days ago now. ''Well, dear I think there's one thing we must do'' He sighed which didn't sound like such a good thing. I nodded and followed his traces with my eyes. Loki looked up at the moon and he put his hands behind his back.
''Now that you've heard the truth and it has probably been running marathons in your head, I think it's time I prove it to you'' Loki admitted and met my eyes. He looked dead serious. A shiver ran down my spine because something about the way he looked at me was really cold. ''What do you mean?'' I nearly stuttered as I held myself, getting a little chill since we had been outside for so long.
''I know this can shock you but I must say I believe you're ready to see it for yourself'' He explained and got back in front of me. For some reason, my eyes felt dry and I looked down, almost afraid for what was going to happen. ''It's going to be okay'' He whispered softly. ''What are you doing, Loki?'' I dared to ask him and even face the handsome, tall man in front of me. He clenched his jaw and then raised his hand.
''Trust me'' Was all he said before placing his palm flat on my forehead. My entire body got numb and my eyes widened. Everything around me vanished and turned dark. I was confused and scared. The darkness turned into a dim room. I was lying down in something warm. That's when I heard loud screaming and the roasting flames. Panic took over me.
I couldn't move properly. It's like I was super weak like I couldn't stand. Truly, I felt like a baby. A woman stood in front of me with her arms in the air. A bright light exploded in the room, causing her to fall down. I managed to catch a glimpse of the woman with green eyes and dark brown hair. She seemed so familiar. But then she fell down, revealing the creature that attacked her. It walked closer to me and soon I saw a disgustingly terrifying face right above me. It had a light beige face that looked like a mask and perfectly round black eyes. The creature had white hair in a ponytail and pointy, black ears. I was crying out loud as it reached down for me, picking me up.
The next time I opened my eyes, the village around me was on fire. I saw women and men fighting against the same kind of creatures as the one who held me. Strange yet fascinating houses were on fire and they were getting destroyed. I couldn't escape. I was almost forced to watch as the place that felt dear to me got ruined. People were on the street, dead or suffering.
I wasn't sure how long this kept going. The creature took me to a scary ship. A desperate agony screamed inside of me. I wanted my mom but I was surrounded by these creepy creatures that just screamed evil. They put me on a table, leaving me alone to cry out in pure fear. They were speaking but I couldn't make sense of their weird language. A bigger one of them stepped forward. Its arms were moving and a big, white crystal floated in mid-air. It came closer and closer until I just merged with it.
My eyes were wide open but I couldn't move anymore. My crying stopped and my entire body felt numb, like a puddle. The creature cast out more weird words which didn't make any sense to me. Then my eyelids began to feel heavy. Before I closed my eyes, everything started shaking madly. The creatures fell down, probably injured from whatever caused the shaking. The one who had put me inside the crystal shot me with a beam that sent me flying somewhere, God knows where.
I saw the place that felt like home grow distant. I passed a bright bridge and then the sky around me got dark. My eyes were focused on the beautiful stars until everything turned pitch black. That's where the flashback ended.
Loki pulled back his hand and I stared at him in shock, all kinds of emotions mixing inside my heart and it hurt. The look on his face made it clear that he had seen it too. I was so shocked that I didn't even breathe. Damn, it was strange I managed to stand. All Loki had told me was 110% clearly true now. He just showed me what I had seen as a baby. It was Asgard!
''I saw her'' I managed to choke out before I gasped, covering my mouth with my trembling hands. Loki nodded as he placed his hands on my shoulders, not hugging me but he was comforting me. I stared at the golden piece on his chest and then attempted to breathe calmly. My body was trembling but I didn't feel like crying. I was truly astonished of what I had experienced.
I had also seen my real mother. She had tried to protect me from those monstrous creatures. It pained my heart that I would never see her again because she was dead. But now I had a face in my mind. ''Step by step, you'll be back home where you belong'' Loki promised me sincerely. I believed in his words.
I nodded and then closed my eyes, getting tired. This day had been so long as well that it felt like a week had passed. Loki patted my shoulder gently and cleared his throat. ''Do you want to go to sleep in the car? It's getting late'' He asked me kindly. I just nodded, ready to walk out of the deep woods and return to our car. But obviously, things didn't go so smoothly.
The relaxing sounds of nature got drowned underneath a yell. ''Loki!'' A familiar man yelled out madly. It took me about half a second to realize it was Thor. Loki's eyes widened and he looked up. ''Play along'' He whispered to me quietly just before Thor landed on the ground a few feet away. Loki turned me around and wrapped his arms around my waist protectively. I just did as told, played along.
''Hello, brother'' Loki greeted him a bit mockingly. Thor looked dead serious. His long blonde hair was messy, he looked exhausted and his red cape had been torn. His muscles were sweaty and his hammer was dirty, covered in blood and dirt. Seeing Thor was a little frightening. I had no idea how these brothers would let the situation escalate.
''Have you gone mad? The entirety of Midgard knows about this madness!'' Thor yelled loudly and I swear, his anger made the clouds above us cover up the stars. It got even darker. ''Madness? I'm here for Y/N, not Midgard. Did you really believe I cared about ruling this place?'' Loki laughed and then stood beside me, his right arm never leaving my waist. It was sudden but I didn't really mind his touch.
''That doesn't give you the right to drag the chitauri here. You almost destroyed New York single-handedly!'' Thor fought back with fire in his voice. A deep blue thunder cloud roared and Loki looked up. It was obvious it was Thor's doing. ''I would love to explain but your arrogance wouldn't allow you to listen to me'' Loki shrugged casually. I wasn't sure if it was right.
Thor raised his hammer angrily. ''Ah ah, you know you can't hurt me. It will hurt her'' Loki reminded his brother. I was a little confused, so I looked at Loki. He just nodded and I decided to keep quiet. Thor groaned in annoyance and decided to think for once. ''Y/N, listen to me-'' Thor decided to talk to me. ''I don't recommend it'' Loki coughed which made Thor take a deep breath. ''Loki is not in his best state of mind. He's done some terrible things and-'' Thor attempted to speak to me again but he was interrupted.
''How dare you speak of me like I'm a child?! Do you not remember what happened back home? Huh?'' Loki roared angrily and forgot about me. He let go of my waist and walked towards his brother. ''You didn't have to do any of those things either. We could've talked things through, Loki, like a family'' Thor answered to his outburst. I wasn't sure whether I should tell him to stop or not. Before I got a chance to act, someone tapped my back. I turned around and I saw Loki with a mischievous grin on his face. He grabbed my wrist and dragged me away from the situation.
As he took me away from this, I turned to look at Thor. He was yelling to fake Loki. As we reached the car, the fake-Loki vanished into thin air as Thor hit it. I fished the car-keys from my pocket and we both got into the car. Hopefully, Thor didn't see which way we took. Loki jumped into the car and he laughed as I started the engine and took us on the bumpy road. ''Holy fuck'' I breathed out and felt the adrenaline pumping through my system. I was terrified but I freaking loved it!
''He never learns'' Loki chuckled as he looked out of the window. Luckily, we didn't see any signs of his thunder brother. ''That was fun'' I admitted and then leant against the car seat. Loki smiled at my words and did the same. Finally, we got on the main road and I decided to follow the red car in front of us. We didn't have any destinations in mind so we were just driving around.
''We'll meet him again. He's like a detective when it comes to finding me'' Loki reminded me and then he looked out of the window. I wasn't afraid to meet Thor again, but I was excited. Who knew what would happen then?
We had been driving for a few hours in the middle of the night. That's when we found a small village called Pier Village. Pier Village looked really fancy and cool so we decided to stay. It was new to both me and Loki but after driving around, we found a hotel. Loki had changed our appearance so we could go inside, book a room and finally get some sleep.
The room was small but we didn't care. We didn't have too much money to blow so it was pretty good. The bed was for two which neither one of us minded. Then we went to bed. I didn't know about Loki but I buzzed out immediately.
In the morning, I woke up close to the God of Mischief once again. He was asleep with one of the hotel books on his chest. In my sleep, I had snuggled up to him but I pulled myself away as I woke up. A yawn escaped my lips and I rubbed my face. My tired eyes looked around the bright room until I saw a clock. It was ten in the morning.
Once again Loki seemed so peaceful in his sleep. Yesterday morning he had a nightmare but now he looked like he was in a deep slumber, something he probably needed. Something told me that he had been through a lot and I wanted to ask him about it the second I felt comfortable enough to do so. I crawled out of bed, this time feeling better. I didn't sleep with pants on my legs. I was in my underwear and the sweater. Today we would have to wash out clothes and I would make Loki wash his as well. He could make himself magic clothes for so long.
The tiny hotel room had a bathroom and a very small kitchen corner. It had a microwave, an electric kettle, a sink and a minifridge. I took a quick glance at Loki before I began thinking. We needed food. So I grabbed one of the pencils and a piece of paper, writing down that I would be shopping. Then I placed the paper on Loki's hand so he had to notice it once he got up.
I got dressed and I brushed my hair before I nervously got out of the hotel room. The lobby was quiet for the moment. It was good. As I walked towards the elevator, I couldn't help but to wonder. Could I change form? I stopped in my tracks and looked around. Loki hadn't taught me that yet but it was a worth a try.
I shut my eyes and focused hard on the person I wanted to look like. It couldn't be much different than making a room pop out of nowhere around me, right? So I thought of the first woman who popped in mind, my mother. My real mother. I thought of her green eyes, then I thought of her curly brown hair and her smooth skin. After a while, my skin got covered in the strange, tingly sensation. It made goosebumps appear on me. At that moment, I didn't remember that I could be filmed by the security cameras.
As I opened my eyes, I gasped. It fucking worked! Yes, it made me a little tired but it didn't matter. I was wearing a purple dress and I saw the tips of my brown hair. I hurried into the elevator so I could see my reflection. I looked exactly like the woman in my memory! My eyes stung and I was taken back for a while. I had to touch my face and then my hair just to feel it.
This was my mother.
''Miss, are you alright?'' A man asked me, making me flinch. I hadn't been alone in the elevator! I looked at the man on the other end of the elevator. He had a very familiar face. His short hair was dark brown and it matched his beard and even his eyes. He had a light tan and a blue suit. That's when the pieces fit together in my head. It was Tony Stark! And he was Iron Man.
He must've known somehow that Loki was here. My heart jumped to my throat and I felt rushed. ''Uh, I-I..no'' I answered him sternly, planning something in mind. I couldn't let him go up and hurt Loki. Tony raised his eyebrow and glanced at the door and then he looked back at me. ''What's wrong?'' He wanted to know. This situation was so wrong. If I screwed up, he'd do his weird things and he'd get his suit. Then it would be game over.
''I..well it's a long story'' I pretended to be sad. In the back of my head, I worked hard to keep focused on the magic. If I lost focus, he'd see my true self. ''Wanna talk?'' Tony asked me kindly. I looked at him silently as I tried to think straight. ''Sorry, I should introduce myself. I'm Tony Stark. You?'' He asked me which was another thing that caused stress. Now I had to think of a fake story!
''I'm Hannah Havana'' I lied, mentally hitting myself. What was that name? The elevator made a ding sound and the doors opened. I couldn't let Tony out of sight. ''Hannah Havana, I like it'' He admitted in a friendly matter. ''Um- are you staying here?'' I asked him and looked around nervously. Tony looked directly at the door to our hotel room. ''Yeah. Are you?'' He wanted to know. It's like he knew but he couldn't, right? I looked like a completely different person.
''I'' I tried to speak but the words turned into flour in my mouth. Tony obviously noticed my weird behaviour and I could tell I screwed up. My skin felt the tingly sensation again and I looked at my fingers, noticing how I literally glitched. A few seconds later, my fake self vanished into thin air and I stood there as myself. It filled me with fear and anxiety.
Tony's eyes widened and he looked genuinely surprised. ''I knew you were friends with Loki but I didn't take you as a witch'' He admitted like this was funny. ''I'm not a witch!'' I yelled and ran out of the elevator. I grabbed the keys and nervously tried opened the door with trembling hands. I took a glance at Tony who dropped his suitcase and it turned into his Iron man costume.
Foolishly, I dropped the keys on the floor so I hit it repeatedly, hoping Loki would wake up. ''Run! Loki run away!'' I screamed loudly, sad that I didn't manage to control my powers. If only I had more time! ''Y/N, he's a bad guy. You don't want to protect him'' Iron Man sighed and stepped beside me. I turned to look at him and I felt really small. It was intimidating up close.
''Move'' He demanded but I didn't budge. No, I couldn't. Loki had shown me a whole new world so the least I could do was buy him some time. ''No'' I replied sternly although I was afraid. What if he'd be violent? ''Don't make me do this Y/N'' He sighed and pointed at me with his arm. It turned into a gun but I still didn't move. He wouldn't kill me, right?
''For fuck's sake-'' Iron Man cursed but he was interrupted. The door between us flew and smashed into the opposite wall. It revealed Loki who seemed really angry. ''I see we've got company'' Loki smiled but his voice was full of fire. Just as Iron Man tried to shoot him, Loki attacked first. I watched from the side as Loki sent him smashing into a wall.
''Y/N, do you remember when I proved you had powers by shooting you with my spear?'' Loki asked me in a hurry as Iron Man tried to get up. I nodded as quickly as he had spoken. He raised his hand and the spear appeared out of nowhere. ''Have fun with it'' He told me as I grabbed it. The spear was lighter than what it looked like. I had no idea what to do but at least I looked like I was armed.
Iron Man attempted to shoot at us but I pointed at his arm with the spear. My eyes opened wide and I felt a warm flowing energy moving from my head to my heart and then to my hands. It caused the light on the spear to grow and a beam flew out of it, meeting with Iron Man's shot. The energy that met caused a huge boom, sending all of us down. The tight hotel corridors got filled with smoke and we decided to use that opportunity.
Loki helped me up and although I was scared, the adrenaline helped me escape with him. Quickly, before we ran way, Loki created fake versions of us to distract Iron Man. I had no idea where we were going now but I was pretty sure the hotel didn't want us back..
(chapter 6)
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bxebxee · 8 years ago
Before I pass out, here’s the werewolf jimin i was supposed to write and never finished.
You never thought you’d actually enjoy attending Yoongi’s wedding.
When the invitation first came in the mail notifying you of his impending marriage to some human girl, you weren’t exactly jumping with joy to congratulate your ex, but at least you didn’t feel that weird, empty anger that had plagued you for months. And since Yoongi was pack you had to go… There was no way out of this.
You had steeled yourself for a mental breakdown at worst, and boredom at best. But nowhere did you factor in Park Jimin, one of Yoongi’s groomsmen and the current reason for your sanity.
“Are you hitting on me?” you ask, more stating a fact than really trying to get an answer out of him.
Jimin smiles and takes a sip of champagne. “Took you long enough,” he mutters.
And you try not to blush; you try your damnedest to manage the palpitations in your heart, but it has been so long since another wolf looked at you like the way Jimin is looking at you right now.
Like he wants to eat you.
“Don’t pout,” you reply, “It’s not a common thing.” Full werewolves generally don’t come onto you…. Something about scary, annoying alpha females apparently turned them off.
Jimin raises his eyebrows. “I would have thought that when I told you to ’come join my table when your feet hurt too much from standing in those sexy heels’ it would have been obvious…” That was about an hour ago, and you decided to approach Jimin when his friends vacated the table.
“Why?” you blurt out, giving up on controlling your emotions. “Why would you…”
“Have you seen you?” he asks, shaking his head in disbelief at the way you second guess yourself. “You’re ridiculous.” Jimin’s gaze is purposefully obscene as he runs his tongue over his lower lip while eyeing you up and down.
“Stop,” you hiss, and it’s a lie. You don’t want him to stop looking, and you don’t actually know why you’re so embarrassed.
“You know…I’ve fucked a human girl exactly once in my life,” Jimin suddenly says, switching topics like it was no big deal. “Just the once.”
“Why are you telling me this?” Keep going, you want to say instead.
“Because you need to know that while human girls may be soft and cute, and they may even listen and obey… they’ll never get it.”
“Get what?” you swallow, aware of where this was going.
“What it means to really submit.”
Your mouth goes dry as you swallow a few times. Jimin’s nostrils flare the slightest bit as he tries to get a whiff of your scent as discreetly as possible.
“You’re talking to an alpha,” you remind him.
Jimin smiles, and your heartbeat quickens when you see the mischievous twinkle of his eyes and the smallest hint of pearly, white fangs peeking out from the corner of his mouth.
“Oh, I know,” he chuckles, “I can’t stop picturing you riding the hell out of me. I’d so get on my back for you.” You suppress a shiver and cross your legs, toes shifting uncomfortably in your heels at the stirring feelings of excitement. “Bet you’re really good at pulling hair…”
Your eyes scan the crowd to see if anyone is looking or listening.
“I’m very, very happy for Yoongi,” Jimin smirks, “And I’m even more grateful that he’s off married to his human wife. Hope you feel the same way.”
So he knows. Jimin knows about the brief history between the two of you.
“I do now,” you concede shyly, not knowing why a beta wolf was currently making you act like a giggly schoolgirl.
Jimin stands up and moves to leave the table. He pushes his chair in with a wink in your direction.
“I need to use the restroom,” he mentions off-handedly.
“Oh, okay-”
“You should join me,” he cuts you off.
“I can’t believe I’m letting a Beta do this to me,” you sigh, eyes crossing as Jimin fingers you deep. Your tattered panties lay on the floor, ruined beyond repair. You pant against the stall door as quietly as you can while Jimin drags his fangs over your neck. He can bite down at any time, and the knowledge fills you with no small amount of excitement.
The satiny fabric of your dress slips down your hips, partially obscuring Jimin’s view of your ass. It’s a shame, and Jimin longs to rip the flimsy dress off of you, but he knows he can’t do that – not in the middle of Yoongi’s wedding reception. He lets himself indulge in a few minutes of imagination as you coat his fingers with your arousal, his mind running wild with all the things he would do when he could truly Have you.
(The first thing he’d do is bend you over on the bed and lick you until you couldn’t see straight. And then he’d tease and tease and tease even more until you presented to him properly like a good bitch.)
Hearing you comment about his beta status makes him smirk because you’re so transparent.
“You’ve never fucked a wolf, have you?” Jimin asks softly, removing his fingers from inside you to rub wet circles over your clit. “Of course you haven’t. Because they’re all idiots.”
“Are you sure you’re a Beta?” you croak, not believing that Jimin (sweet, kind, shy Jimin) was actually saying these things to you.
“Trust me, you’d know if I was an Alpha,” Jimin chuckles into your ear before taking your earlobe into his mouth. “We wouldn’t be here if I was an Alpha. We would be at home – naked – and my dick wouldn’t come out of you until I got you good and pregnant with my pups.”
“Jimin,” you moan, resting your head on his shoulder as he continues to pleasure you with his fingers. “Please…”
“You want it?”
A thrill races through your body because yes, you desperately want him inside. Your voice is stuck somewhere, so you can only nod and hum in assent. And that’s all he really needs to shove you against the stall door, pulling your hips out and pushing the dress up once more. You adjust your footing to accommodate him.
“Say it,” Jimin orders.
You close your eyes at the demand, your face hot with arousal and excitement.
“I want you,” you parrot in a clear voice. “I want to get fucked by your dick.” It feels like something abstract and new to be in a position where you are the one being ordered around for a change.
Jimin squeezes your ass as he smells your pheromones and arousal fill the space with its thick scent. And there it was – the reason he could never be with human women again. Human women never smelled this good. Jimin rubs his dick over your entrance, nearly whining at how you dribble over his dick with your wetness. And when he finally pushes in, it’s heaven.
Your legs shake as Jimin eases into you. He’s pressed flush against your back, and you can feel and hear him breathing hard as he goes still. You want to cry at his thickness and the overwhelming feeling of belonging as he holds you tight.
“Jimin…” It’s barely a moan but more than a whimper.
It’s different. He’s different. And then he moves.
You let out a nasally, keening whine when Jimin rotates his hips without thrusting, letting his dick rub against your inner walls in a slow, circular motion. A hand drifts over to the back of your neck, and Jimin squeezes gently, letting his thumb press soothing indentations on your skin.
“M-mmore…” you groan, unable to enunciate clearly when he’s wrecking you without even thrusting.
“I don’t think you could take it,” Jimin chuckles, barely twisting his hips to keep you far away from the precipice of pleasure.
You grind your ass back against him, but he puts an end to that quickly by pinning you fully against the stall door.
“Jimin please,” you beg, “Please, please, please, please…..”
Your shameless begging is rewarded by Jimin pressing a kiss to your cheek and then eventually moving over to your lips. You engage him frantically, hoping that he’d let up and do you Both a favor by screwing you until you couldn’t walk.
And Jimin is also close to giving up the pretense of having any self-control, having wanted to fuck you for some time now. Except right as Jimin begins to rock against you in shallow thrusts, the door to the bathroom bangs open.
Feminine giggles from two women sound off as you hear the deep chuckle of a one Kim Taehyung.
“Ladies, no fighting… There’s enough of me to share.”
You swallow in surprise from Taehyung’s abrupt entrance, but you yelp when Jimin does the unexpected and thrusts into your roughly from behind.
There is a pause in the giggles and confused, hushed voices, but Taehyung laughs it off. “Looks like everyone’s having a little slutty wedding sex.”
And that’s the rest of Taehyung you could bother to think about because yes, slutty wedding sex is driving you mad with horniness.
“Fuck off, Tae,” Jimin finally mutters, exhaling loudly as he bottoms out inside you, not holding back this time. Jimin’s thrusts are even and smooth, and if you weren’t so distracted by the obscene sucking noises coming from outside, you’d probably be into this more.
As retaliation for the semi-interruption and mood killer, you let your voice join in with Jimin’s.
“Yes, baby I love it,” you moan theatrically. It’s rooted in sincerity, but you’re normally a quiet lover. Jimin straight up laughs as he grabs your hips for torque. You scowl at his reaction. “Just for that I’m gonna ride you at home and not let you cum.”
Jimin loses his rhythm as he jostles his hips faster.
“Fuck,” comes Taehyung’s voice.
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mercy-thompson-fanfiction · 8 years ago
Better Than
“Tell me.”  She spoke softly.  She wasn’t delicate, as much as her father liked to pretend she was.  Ben knew that, but it didn’t make this any easier for him.  “Everyone says that you’re the one who has to do it.  Tell me why I should be scared of you.”
“You know what I did.”  He snapped at her, but he didn’t mean it.  Porsche Hauptman was smart enough to know he was trying to scare her off.  She had also been in the presence of an angry Adam Hauptman and it took a little more to make her run with her tail between her legs.  He did succeed in making her wince, but it was because she was hurt he’d try to frighten her off instead of speak to her.  
“I don’t.”  She said smartly.  “You won’t tell me.”
“Your father, your mother, and your grandfather have all spoken to you about me.”  He reminded her.  She knew he was scared of whatever it was he was hiding.  He lashed out when he was scared.  Ben’s wolf was scary, but he was also better at playing the defensive.  “You know enough.”
“I know you were accused of more than a dozen rapes in London when you were in your twenties—so maybe three decades ago?”  Something else he had noticed about Porsche in the past year, she had picked up dangerous habits from her time living with the Marrok.  She deliberately placed herself on the floor in front of him, she was playing the weaker.
She had been partially raised by her parents and partially raised by the Marrok himself.  The only other born-wolf in existence was entirely raised by the Marrok and he was trained to be a well-oiled machine.
Porsche was no Charles, but she had grown up in this game.  She spoke it like a second language and she was good at playing her part.
She was more dangerous than she looked and Ben knew she was going to get what she wanted from him, something even her father had only brushed the surface of.
“You killed another wolf.”  She said off-handedly.  “Your second.”
“You did your research.”  She smiled at him, but it wasn’t something that met her eyes nor did it suit her face.  
“I don’t want to interrogate you.”
“So why are you trying?”  He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.  “Don’t interrogate me if you don’t want to.”
She shrugged and it irritated him more.  She was pushing his buttons because if he wouldn’t tell her gently, he would tell her if she challenged him and made him explode.  She played dangerously, something that had gotten her into trouble when she had lived in New York.
She had clearly learned her hard limits.
“Did you do it?”  She asked suddenly.  It caught him off guard, he hadn’t expected her to be so blunt.  She gauged his reaction carefully.  “Were you responsible?”
“I don’t know, was I?”  He asked back.
“I wasn’t there.”  She fiddled with the hem of her shirt.  She wasn’t making eye contact, but he knew nothing was bothering her yet because he knew right now the only thing on her mind was finding out the truth.  “You would have to tell me.  Why should I think you did it?”
“It’s becoming of me.”  He replied sharply.
“Becoming how?”  
“It’s a walking stereotype.”  He would play her game a little.  “Those exist for reasons, don’t they, stereotypes?  Someone had to do it first for it to become the generalized expectation.”
“You were abused.”  He hadn’t expected her to get that. Ben ran his hand through his hair, he was losing this battle.
“I didn’t say that.”
“Yes you did.”  She insisted.  “What other stereotype is there?  Someone who is abused will abuse.”  He waited for her question but it didn’t come.
“She didn’t stop it.”   He had already walked into her trap, now she was just going to pull ahead by a mile.
“Obviously.”  Porsche agreed.  “You said you were a stereotype.  If she stopped it, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.  You were abused and you went through the Change.  Perfect circumstances, perfect stressor.  You’re upset, your sex drive is way higher but you can’t do anything about it.  You resort to the obvious solution for someone who was raised the way you were, love and sex are all about some sort of violence.  You get a second chance and come to the United States.  You know you can’t fuck this one up, you learn to keep better control but even today those first few years get to you.”
Ben didn’t speak.  His jaw was aching because his teeth were clenched so tightly.
“There you go, you got it.”  He growled, and his eyes weren’t entirely his.  She finally stopped fiddling with her hands and looked up at him with sad eyes.
“Except I didn’t.”  She whispered.  “I didn’t factor in your second, because that would ruin the stereotype.  You didn’t know how to handle your wolf perfectly, no one does when they’re that young.  You’re now in another situation where you have to listen to what someone else says.”  He didn’t want to listen to her because he knew she was about to dig up a skeleton he had thought he buried.  “You felt sick because you think you were no better than she was.  You watched, you didn’t stop him, and maybe you liked it.  That scared you more than anything, the satisfaction you got from watching, from knowing.
“You tried to commit suicide.  You didn’t think you could stop him.”  She brushed hair out of her face.  When had she stood up?  “You killed him.”
“You’re emphasizing the wrong part.”  His mouth was dry, his voice cracked.
“You didn’t rape them.”
“I didn’t save them.”  His eyes were shut tight.  He wouldn’t look at her.
“No, you didn’t.”  She agreed.  He felt her hand squeeze his reassuringly.  “And that’s something I can’t take away from your conscience.  That is something you can come to peace with or that can drive you for the rest of your life.  Think of how much worse this all would have been if you had let it continue.”
“I let it happen.”
“You aren’t her.”  She promised him and he wasn’t sure how she could promise anything like that.  He wasn’t sure how she could be so certain of it.  It made him feel sick.  “You held me.”  And now her voice sounded hurt.  “You never told me.”
“It isn’t something I address.”  He opened his eyes and looked at her for a moment before he dropped his gaze to the floor.  “It had nothing to do with you.  You can’t fix it.”
She wrapped her arms around him and he wasn’t sure what to do.  Porsche confused him, he suspected that would never change.  She was full of strange surprises.  
“No, I can’t.”  She agreed.  “I don’t want to.”  She caught his gaze and slowly planted a light kiss on his lips for only a moment.  “I love you.  I don’t love what happened to you.  Right or wrong, I don’t love you for what you’ve done.  I love you and I love you for who you are right now.
I would love you more if you could grow to trust me with something like this.”  
Ben nodded.
“It gives you nightmares.”  She looked into his eyes and he had to look away again.  “I hear you, in the middle of the night.  I wish you had told me.  You know about mine.”
“I know.”  He apologized.  “I’m sorry.”
“A lot of what happened with me,”  She said carefully, moving to the side to force him to look at her again.  “It bothered you because of this.  You started having nightmares again because of me.”
He couldn’t say anything this time, not without hurting her more.  His wolf had found her interesting when she was still significantly underage.  He was her senior and someone she had grown up trusting.  He had been a caretaker on several occasions.
A caretaker didn’t sleep with their charge, nor should they be lusting after them.
“It was fine when it was only my wolf.”  He admitted, his stomach churning.  “I could reason that.  Wolves don’t always understand human societal standards.  I could control that.  It was another thing when it was me.”
He knew she was going to ask him if she should leave.  She cared too much, she would put him first.  If it made him feel better to have her leave and never come back, she would.
“I love you, too.”  He said finally.  “I’ll tell you about it one day, ok?  If you still want to know it all.  Not right now.”
She could accept that for now.
A/N - 
He’s technically not innocent.  I don’t think he’s innocent entirely in canon, maybe the unpopular opinion?  I’m not sure what the popular opinion is on that.  I think enough hints have been dropped that he certainly did something, it’s just a matter of what it was.
Working on the one where Adam meets Anna.  Kind of hard to do, there’s so much Omega stuffs that I’m drowning in it a little.  Also have another Roy request to work on.  I have another Anna one that I think just came in. 
Ok, let’s be honest I think I have quite a few requests to write.  I’m sorry, I got swept away in my longer fic (this might be a part of that now that it’s written tbh...but idk where it’d fit).  
I almost made this Mercy and Ben because I have like three requests for that...(imagine me whining here) I have a really hard time with that pairing, guys.  I love Mercy x Adam way too much.
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tlk4dawnofanewera · 5 years ago
The Lion King 4: Dawn of A New Era Chapter 10
Chapter 10
"Hey, no problem. It's my job to help Pride Land animals."
Nala's ears perked up at these words. Pride Land Animals. She shivered a bit, but tried to hide it.
Kiara frowned. "Are you okay, mom?"
Nala was tempted to say 'yes' and just let it go, but the knot in her stomach tightened. She couldn't hide her feelings forever. "Listen … Scar's region … was tough on all of us … I just don't like thinking about it too much …"
Nala looked away from her daughter and son in law, trying to think of how to explain it to them. "... I might need to talk about it, and get it out of my system … if you're willing to listen, I'll tell you all about Scar's region tonight …" She looked at Kovu. "... There's some things you and Vitani should know before I take my place in The Circle of Life ..."
Kovu blinked. "Like what?"
Nala sighed again. "I'll explain … tonight …"
With that, Nala went back into the den of Pride Rock.
Vitani and her Guard neared the southern border of The Pride Lands.
"Are you sure about this sweetheart?" Tazama asked, nuzzling into Vitani's neck.
Vitani gave her a gentle nuzzle and a lick back. "Yes, I'm sure. I don't think they'll be a threat either."
"Pppft! Even if they do, we can take them!" Shabaha said.
Vitani sighed. "We're not going to fight them. We've done enough fighting already." Her tone alluded to the war with The Pride Lands, only months prior.
For once Shabaha blacked down. "Right … right …" The war was still fresh in her mind too. At the time she'd been proud of all the lions she'd taken on, how many she'd run off. Now it just seemed like a stark contrast to how things were now, especially being part of the guard.
"Besides, that hyena said they ran away to avoid fighting. I don't think they're going to want to fight us." Vitani stopped when they neared the swamp near the border. She looked carefully for any movement in the water before heading down.
She and her guard nearly hugged the shoreline, trying to get passed.
A bubbling in the water alerted all of them.
"Well, well, well." A crocodile laughed as he emerged from the water.
A small snarl escaped Vitani's lips as she glared him down.
"What do we have here?" He grinned, inching towards the shoreline. 'I haven't seen you Outsiders in ages."
"We're not Outsiders anymore, we're Pride Landers now." She said, sternly.
"Right, right." He said, still grinning. "I forgot. You're living in those fancy Pride Lands, with an abundance of food. Meanwhile, we're still stuck here, still scavenging for food."
Vitani felt her stomach churn with guilt, remembering her own life in The Outlands, scrounging for food herself, nearly starving. They have it just as bad as we did, don't they? No wonder they were so hostile, they were hungry. No wonder they went after us!
Vitani frowned. "I …" She sighed. "Why don't you join us in The Pride Lands?"
The crocodile looked surprised. "Really? You'd let us in?"
The guard looked at each other, also confused.
"Well, I don't have the power to let you in, but the king and queen do, and they want their pride to be united. They believe, We are one."
"We are what?" The crocodile asked.
"We are one." Vitani repeated. "We're all part of The Circle of Life."
"Should we do something?" Tazama whispered to the rest of the guard.
"Why? Vitani knows what she's doing." Kasi said. "You think you'd trust your girlfriend a bit more."
"I do trust her!" Tazama protested. "But that doesn't mean I can't be worried about her."
"Again! If anyone causes us any problems, I can take 'em!" Shabaha boasted. "Bila hofu!"
Vitani and the crocodile both looked over at the lioness. In response she let out a laugh. Vitani just shrugged it off and finished her conversation with the crocodile. "We'll be back with the rest of the hyenas, and then we can all head there together."
"All right." The crocodile's tone had softened since the start of the conversation. "Hey uh … thanks …"
Vitani smiled warmly. "No problem. I'm the leader of the Lion Guard, it's my job to protect The Circle of Life." She turned away, looking over her shoulder back at him. "We'll be back."
She headed over to her guard, and they went to the termite mounds.
Stepping foot there again sent a shiver down Vitani's spine. Looking at the rest of her team, she could sense the same uneasiness within them.
Spending your formative years in such a place wasn't good mentally for, well … anyone, let alone a cub who was trained as a second in command to a ruthless leader bloodthirsty for revenge under false pretenses of murder.
Looking down, she saw a bunch of termites scurry past. She lifted her paw slightly, allowing them to pass by in a single line.
Vitani looked around, for any sign of the other hyenas.
"Where is she?"
"She's been gone for quite a while …"
"Do you think she's okay?"
Vitani's ears perked up when she heard the conversation nearby. She headed towards the termite mounds and looked around.
"I sure hope so."
"I'm worried about her …"
"We're all worried about her!"
As Vitani got closer, her paw snagged on a root, causing it to snap. The talking stopped and Vitani groaned. Crap. Well I might as well just go in.
Vitani turned the corner and was face to face with a group of four hyenas. When they saw her they froze.
Sensing their fright, Vitani softened her voice. "Hey, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you."
The hyenas looked at each other, unsure. One of the hyenas stepped forward and let out a warning growl. "Who are you?"
"I'm Vitani." She said, still keeping her tone calm. "Leader of The Lion Guard."
The hyena's look of anger turned into one of confusion. "The Lion Guard?"
Vitani nodded. "We're the protectors of The Circle of Life."
The hyena's eyes widened and he took a step back. "We're? There's …. More of you?" He gulped, folding his ears back.
"Yes." Vitani took a step towards them. "But, we're not going to harm you. I promise."
Another hyena took a step forward, tilting his head to the side. "Okay, if you're not here to fight, then why are you here?"
"We found your cackle leader injured in The Pride Lands." Vitani explained.
"Aiube!" The group gasped.
"She's safe." Vitani reassured them. "But she was worried about you and I offered to take you back to The Pride Lands for her."
The hyenas looked at each other skeptically.
"We … we need to talk about this." One of the hyenas squeaked out.
"I understand. Take your time."
The hyenas gathered in a circle, whispering amongst themselves.
"What if she's lying?"
"Well what if she's not?" The anxious hyena asked/
"Well what if she is!" The one who had first approached Vitani said.
"Well, she knew our leader was missing …."
"Or she was just eavesdropping!" The first one continued.
"Don't you think she would have attacked us by now if she was going to?" The anxious one asked again.
"Well … maybe she wants to lead us to that group of lion … lackeys …. Or whatever they're called."
"I think they were called The Lion Guard!" The smallest hyena squeaked out.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." He rolled his eyes. "That "lion guard" might just see us as a free meal. How do we know they didn't eat Aiube already."
"Please don't say that!" One of the female hyenas whimpered.
"Right. I'm sorry Utii." The hyena that had first approached Vitani softened his tone. "I'm sure she's fine …"
"Why don't we just give her a chance then?" She asked. "What if Aiube really is hurt? We need to be there for her, Jeuri!"
Jeuri let out a sigh of defeat. "All right, all right, fine! But at the first sign of trouble, we're gone, all right?"
"Sounds good to me!" The anxious one said.
"All right, I suppose …" Utii said.
"Great, Hofu and Utti are on board with the plan." Jeuri looked at the smallest hyena. "And what about you Kidogo?"
She shifted a bit and anxiously looked between Vitani and her cackle. Seeing her look, Vitani exchanged her look of blank contemplation to a small grin.
Kidogo looked back at the others. "O .. okay … sounds good …"
The cackle made their way over to Vitani. Hofu took a step forward. "We'll follow you."
"All right. We're going to have some others coming with us too." Vitani said as she started to lead them.
"Wait, who else?" Jeuri demanded.
"The crocodiles in the swamp nearby." Vitani said. "The Outlands have been rough for them too."
"I imagine so." Hofu said, trying to keep up pace with her. "There's no food or water nearby."
"Trust me, I know." Vitani let out a dry chuckle. "I grew up here."
"Oh." Hofu frowned. "Really?"
"Yeah .." Vitani let out a wistful sigh. "It's been awhile since I've been back here, it's kind of … scary …"
"What made you leave?" Kidogo asked curiously. Her voice sounded like that of a cub.
"It's … kind of complicated." Vitani bit her lip. "But in short, my Pride learned to put the past behind them, and united with our once enemy Pride."
She shook a bit thinking of the war.
Where's your pretty daughter, Nala?
I don't even feel like the same lion that said that … She felt the chills multiply, and looked at the hyenas, trying to forget about it. Forcing a smile she continued, "But it's all fine now. We are one."
"We are one … I like that …" Hofu smiled.
"Kinda cheesy, but I get the sentiment." Jeuri said.
"That's really sweet." Utii added.
"We are one! We are one! I love it!" Kidogo said, bounding forward. "We are one! We are one!"
Vitani laughed a bit. "I'm glad we've got some fans."
They all paused when they came into view of the other lionesses.
"This is my guard." Vitani said. "Sabaha, Kasi, Imara, and Tazma."
"I'm Hofu. I'm Aiube's mate." He said with a warm smile. "Nice to meet you."
"Jeuri." He said simply.
"I'm Kidogo!" She said, bouncing up and down.
"And I'm Utii. I'm kinda like Aiube's majordomo."
"Hey, Vitani, are we still gonna take those crocs with us?" Shabaha asked.
"Yeah, of course. Why?"
Shabaha let out a snort like laugh and looked at the hyenas. "You better be careful. Those things could take down a wildebeest single handedly. Imagine what they could do to small fries like you four!"
Hofu, Kidogo, and Utii looked startled. Jeuri rolled his eyes and grumbled under his breath, "I'd like to see them try …"
"Shabaha!" Vitani scolded.
"What?" She asked, still laughing a bit. "It's true!"
Vitani groaned and rolled her eyes. "You're scaring them."
She stopped laughing and looked at them. Even Jeuri under his rough exterior seemed unnerved by her comment. Frowning a bit, she quickly apologized, "Oh uh, sorry about that …"
"Don't take it too personally." Vitani said. "She has a kind of morbid sense of humor, but she's working on it."
"Yeah, I sure am." Shabaha laughed more. "Like a crocodile about to strike its prey and …"
This was met with more looks from the guard and she backed down.
"Let's just head back." Vitani said.
Her guard and the four hyenas stayed close behind her as they approached the swamp.
Vitani knelt by the swamp. "Hey, I'm back!"
The crocodile popped out of the water and was face to face with Vitani, causing her to stumble back in surprise.
"Hello." The crocodile said.
"Are you and your bask ready to go?" Vitani asked.
He nodded and got out of the water, followed closely by a dozen other crocodiles.
Vitani took the lead again, and took them all to The Pride Lands.
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