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levmemes · 5 years ago
these quotes are taken from the visual novel of the same name; this novel can be purchased here. these lines discuss religion, possession, and bullying, among others; please use discretion. feel free to change pronouns / wording as desired.
“we can leave cleaning up the devil to someone else.“
“she is very kind or possibly super mean and hates us.”
“i thought i was doing this great thing.”
“i thought if i could work even harder, i’d be able to make up for him.”
“some friendships you can keep up. the rest you’ve gotta leave up to God.”
“don’t worry. i hear hardly anyone ever dies.”
“man, i don’t like them. does anyone really like them?”
“i kind of hang out with them so they’ll leave me alone.”
“i’m trying to think of something positive to say, but, uh.”
“maybe i’m a genius at getting things wrong.”
“aren’t you trying harder than literally everyone else here?”
“can’t you just be a little less good?”
“so, how do you play truth or dare?”
“there’s no mercy in truth or dare.”
“even a kid can kill the devil.”
“no one will respect you if you don’t have any manners.”
“it must be a nice feeling. to get things right, and not have to screw up.”
“i can’t tell when anyone is lying.”
“you’re safe. you’re like a puppy. you’re harmless.”
“you’re jealous. why are you so jealous?”
“i wish i could be so much meaner.”
“when someone rigs it from the start, and then says ‘try your best!’, doesn’t that make you mad?”
“he sounds like every boy you are afraid of talking all at once.”
“sometimes it’s okay to be quiet. it’s nice to know we don’t have to talk sometimes.”
“they want you to prove you’re good. but you’re already so good.”
“it should so obviously be me. it should so obviously be you.”
“you’re never allowed to think i have it better off than you.”
“do you think he notices how much of a jerk he is sometimes?”
“we could run away right now and never come back.”
“it never happened unless we both say it did.”
“you are, deep down, kind of a little shit.”
“does it really not bother you when everyone is mean to you?”
“i don’t want to be strong.”
“you’re gonna say i shouldn’t give up, and there’s hope, and we can all get through this.”
“your problem is that you hate yourself.”
“your problem is that you are very nice, but you want something, and you think that being nice is going to give it to you.”
“we are bad kids, aren’t we?”
“caring will make everything worse. it always does.”
“i wasn’t born good, but i still thought i could be.”
“just when i thought i got it right, they changed it.”
“mom taught me not to touch others. and dad taught me not to let others touch me.”
“it feels so weird and strange and bad to stop, but i could.”
“it should have been one of us. either one of us. i don’t care which.”
“we know the devil. it’s us, right? it has to be.”
“you’re being good for people that fucking hate you.”
“why not martyr yourself for us this time?”
“don’t make us go back to those people. don’t make us have to go home.”
“adults hate kids who love the world so much they can’t stop themselves from saving it.”
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levmemes · 5 years ago
these quotes are taken from the play of the same name. some of the lines have been slightly altered to work better as starters. feel free to change pronouns / wording as desired.
“ i didn’t know you knew all that stuff. ”
“ i just want to sit, like this, close. ”
“ i like being close to you. ”
“ you’re about as far away from me as you can possibly be. ”
“ the furthest away you can be from someone is if you’re right next to them. ”
“ i’m just here to see the northern lights. ”
“ but here i am, at the end of the world, and i have nowhere to go, and i was really counting on staying here. ”
“ it’s just that you seem sad, and i think i love you. ”
“ some people believe that the northern lights are really the torches the departed take with them. ”
“ that’s what you do when a person dies, you pay them respects. ”
“ i have a new heart now, and it doesn’t want you back. ”
“ i have a heart that can pump my blood and that’s all. the one that does all the other stuff doesn’t work anymore. ”
“ how does that happen? live in the same place as someone and never see them? ”
“ i gotta be honest with you, that’s not something i would’ve wanted to hear. ”
“ can i kiss you? ”
“ i know sad, and you’re looking pretty sad. ”
“ i’m glad you found me. ”
“ i’m just here until i get my feet back on the ground. ”
“ i have to know what hurts so i know when to be afraid. ”
“ i have a lot of deficiencies and not a lot of capacities. ”
“ whatever it is that he’s teaching you, you don’t need to know. ”
“ all the love i gave to you, i want it back. ”
“ remember when i asked you if you ever thought we were going to get married? ”
“ is this a ring? one that you give to someone that you’ve loved for a very long time? ”
“ she told me she didn’t like the way i smelled. ”
“ that’s pretty bad. and sad. ”
“ there’s not much in this world that makes me feel good. ”
“ there is one thing in this world that makes me feel good, that makes sense, and that’s you. ” 
“ i think i just fell in love with you. ”
“ i had fun tonight. did you? ”
“ i’m not mad, i was never mad, i was disappointed. ”
“ that’s a planet. you’re wishing on a planet. ”
“ you don’t pay attention anymore. you go away. ”
“ you don’t know how to tell me how you feel, so i never know where i stand. ”
“ you went away a long time before i do. ”
“ i just had to come see you. ”
“ people in small towns really don’t know each other any better than people in big towns. ”
“ you have to hold on to people, or you’re going to lose them. ”
“ you loved him? ”
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levmemes · 5 years ago
these quotes are taken from the ep of the same name. some of the lines have been slightly altered to work better as starters. they discuss homophobia and fatphobia, among others; please use discretion. feel free to change pronouns / wording as desired.
"she'll love you for a week and then she'll leave you."
"don't trust this girl if you ever meet her."
"how could I have known that you were gonna leave?"
"i told you all my secrets."
"i guess i've got no luck with love."
"don't throw your heart away."
"we were always fighting, saying nothing when we should."
"you can't force things to go down a certain road."
"i hope you're happy, from the bottom of my heart."
"you were my everything before we fell apart."
"sometimes i feel i am blinded by what's haunting me inside."
"please don't lean on me."
"i can't take anymore sadness."
"i'll be there regardless."
"you know i will be the one to stay."
"i don't want to gain attachment to those who hurt me in the end."
"learn to separate the bad times from the good."
"i'm only young, but old enough to carry through."
"will i always be alone?"
"look, i exist."
"most days i just grin and bear it."
"they don't sleep with big girls like me."
"i think you're cute, my name is [NAME], and i work at the computer store."
"the clear and logical solution is to send a robot in my place."
"i wish i were you."
"maybe soon, at last, i'll know."
"you seem different."
"the things you feel are real and true."
"i wish i knew how it feels to be so free."
"i make a point to be on time."
"i don't black out at parties."
"my parents spoiled me rotten."
"what did i do to get as far as i've gotten?"
"that would be absurd behavior for little miss perfect."
"i can't risk falling off my throne."
"love is something i don't even know."
"something about her drew me in."
"what? it's totally platonic."
"next thing i know, i lose control."
"i finally kissed her."
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levmemes · 5 years ago
these sentences are taken from the obc of the musical next to normal. this musical includes discussion of alcoholism/drug abuse, suicide, mental illness, and child death; please use caution. feel free to change wording, pronouns, etc as desired. act one.
“i am riding on the brightest buzz.”
“they told me it would change me, though they don’t know how it does.”
“I have lived a life of clouds and gray, but this is crystal clear.”
“i’m trying to enjoy it, but i’m missing all the fun.”
“is cloudy my new clear?”
“i’ve missed you these days.”
“i thought you might call. it’s been weeks.”
“are we over? don’t say that we’re over.”
“will you come to this dance?”
“it’s march first, and it’s cheese, but it’s fun and it’s free.”
“i don’t do dances.”
“i  couldn’t give a flying fuck what’s normal.”
“is life less cloudy than before?”
“that’s how i remember it, so that’s how it will be.”
“we can get things back to better than before.”
“your life has kind of sucked, i think.”
“sear the soul and leave a scar no treatment can erase.”
“with nothing to remember, is there nothing left to grieve?”
“let me know you again.”
“you remind me of me and how fucked up i can be.”
“i’ll come by here at eight. if you show, then we’ll go.”
“how could i ever forget?”
“you think this will help, but it won’t.”
“the day that i lost you is as clear as the day we met.”
“tell me why you stay.”
“maybe the falling isn’t so bad after all.”
“we know it’s not perfect, but it’s what we’ve got.”
“they say you should stay with the devil you know.”
“it’s so lovely that you’re sharing. no, really, i’m all ears.”
“for years i prayed you’d go away for good, half the time afraid that you really would.”
“when i thought you might be dying, i cried for all we’d never be.”
“maybe we’re tough and we’ll try anyway.”
“something next to normal would be okay.”
“i thought we were through, me and you.”
“so anyway, i’m leaving. i thought you’d like to know.”
“what doctors call dysfunction we tried to call romance.”
“i am the one who watched while you died.”
“you’ve always known who i am.”
“you don’t have to be happy at all to be happy you’re alive.”
“the price of love is loss, but still we pay.”
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levmemes · 5 years ago
these sentences are taken from the obc of the musical next to normal. this musical includes discussion of alcoholism/drug abuse, suicide, mental illness, and child death; please use caution. feel free to change wording, pronouns, etc as desired.
“they're the perfect loving family, so adoring.”
“everything’s great. why wouldn’t it be great?”
“some days i think i’m dying, but i’m really only trying to get through.”
“what doesn’t kill me doesn’t kill me.”
“it only hurts when i breathe.”
“you wish you could be going, but you stay.”
“and everything else goes away.”
“he knows my deepest secrets, and i know his name.”
“though he’ll never hold me, he’ll always take my calls.”
“without a little lift, the ballerina falls.”
“valium is my favorite color.”
“fortunately, i have absolutely no desire for sex.”
“i’m trying to tell you i love you.”
“this is one fucked up seduction.”
“this planet is pretty much broken beyond all repair.”
“one thing is working if you’re standing there.”
“you’ve got some nerve, [name], and i’m just all nerves.”
“we’ll be the one thing in this world that won’t hurt.”
“i can be perfect for you.”
“everything is perfect. nothing’s real.”
“do i look great? i am!”
“we’ll smile and chat, and just like that, we’ll all be all okay.”
“you’ve got to let him go.”
“do you read obituaries and feel jealous of the dead?”
“do you know what it’s like to die alive?”
“you say that you’re hurting. it sure doesn’t show.”
“how can something go wrong that i can’t see?”
“i am the one who’s always been there.”
“are you wanting something that she can’t give?”
“he’s not here. i am here.”
“i need you to need me, it’s no surprise.”
“i’m your dream come true, and i am your darkest nightmare, too.”
“i’ll tell you the truth if you let me try.”
“climb on my back, then we both can fly.”
“make up your mind to be well.“
“at times, it does hurt to be healed.”
“the visions are just your defense.”
“i dreamed a dance with you.”
“every day this act we act gets more and more absurd.”
‘i’ve never had to face the world without her at my side.”
“isn’t this the one where in the end, the good guys fry?”
“what makes you think i’d lose my mind for you?”
“take my hand and let me take your heart.”
“I can’t get through this alone.”
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levmemes · 5 years ago
these songs are taken from one of my many, many playlists. feel free to change pronouns, wording, etc as you’d like!
“everything he feels, he hurts.”
“i’ve frequently been told my hand is hard to hold.”
“that’s what i was taught.”
“i try to take it slow, just focus on the flow.”
“just ignore the choke.”
"you don't want to know the things i had to do."
“i told this kid i’m ready for a fight.” 
“you’re the one who’ll suffer.”
“remember when we used to play?”
“he didn’t even say goodbye.”
“do you ever get a feeling everybody else is happy?”
“it’s a scary kind of feeling, but it’s so exhilarating.”
“i wish i was a little more loved.”
“is it my insecurities that keep me going?”
“my heart and i don’t get along.”
“hey, would it be so bad if i stayed?”
“your bite's worse than your bark.”
“you ruin everything you touch and destroy anyone you love.”
“your boldness stands alone among the wreck.”
“i really fucked it up this time, didn't i, my dear?”
“does it almost feel like nothing’s changed at all?”
“i’ve dreamt about you almost every night this week.”
“i’m always on the cusp of trying to kiss you.”
“the nights were mainly made for saying things you can’t say tomorrow.”
“ask me and i’ll tell you how i’ve been.”
“you’ve got me nervous to speak.”
“i think your love would be too much.”
“why haven’t you been there for me?”
 “these days before you speak to me, you pause.”
“he runs because he knows he cannot hide.”
“i feel like i’m always apologizing for feeling like i’m out of my mind.”
“my exes say that i’m hard to deal with.”
“i got all these thoughts running through my mind.”
“i’ve found love in the strangest place.”
“the last time we talked, you reduced me to tears.”
“why don't you like me without making me try?”
“you’ll wind up like the wreck you hide behind.”
“to think i was having a mental breakdown the same time you were painting your walls.”
“i gotta make a commitment, and it’s stressing me out.”
“just let me take you on vacation.”
“i mean, obviously i’m distant.”
“obviously it’s tense, there’s nothing else to say.”
“how nice it’d be if we could try everything.”
“it feels like sinking when i'm standing in one place.”
“when everything feels heavy, i've learned to travel light.”
“i’m just trying to find myself through someone else’s eyes.”
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levmemes · 5 years ago
all the following sentences are taken from the column by topaz winters. you can read all of topaz’s works and buy her books here. feel free to change pronouns, etc as desired !
“ i am not a person who gets angry often. ”
“ no matter which way you looked at him, he always lit up the dark. ”
“ if love is a transformative force, does it matter if destruction comes with the deal? ”
“ i couldn’t help but believe in it while it lasted. ”
“ i lost the love, but not the playlist. ”
“ did I do that right? i’ve never kissed anyone before. ”
“ how easy it is to be deafened by love. ”
“ perhaps we both knew it was going too quickly. ”
“ listen to this, it reminds me of you. ”
“ i knew it was coming before it happened. ”
“ i think we should just be friends. ”
“ sometimes the echoes are so much louder than the memory itself. ”
“ i don’t know how to have the conversation we need to have. ”
“ i understand if you’re still angry with me, and if you wish this had never happened between us. ”
“ we don’t have to do this. and i could back away now. and it could be so easy. ”
“ i resented it until i did not have it, and then i ached for it. ”
“ it’s difficult to fathom all of the methods of falling for a person. ”
“ the dark is only dark if light exists somewhere else. ”
“ they say the silence is part of the music. ”
“ we all settle for something, don’t we? ”
“ in my defense, there were so many gardens in her laugh. ”
“ no matter what happens i’ll be with you in the end. ”
“ i wasn’t looking for a person to call my own. ”
“  today I imagined what it would be like to wake up next to you, and i’m going to let that thought sustain me for the day. ”
“ how long will this go on before we admit we’re in love with each other? ”
“ it wasn’t love at first sight, it wasn’t all okay the moment i saw her face, but in my defense, it was something close. ”
“ love turns us into drunken golden fools. ”
“ i know this. do you think i don’t know this? ”
“ i kissed her and meant it, maybe more than i’d ever meant anything else. ”
“ one of you leaves first, and you both know who it’s going to be. ”
“ is aloneness not its own kind of intimacy? ”
“ do you ever think what might’ve happened if we hadn’t met when we did? ”
“ there’s so much there to want, so much that sometimes it’s easier not to respond. ”
“ sometimes the silence is a truth in itself. ”
“ i tell her i love her, and it is the first truth my mouth has ever tasted. ”
“ i want to spool the words back into my throat as soon as i’ve said them, and this is how i know it is real. ”
“ i’m the one who loves louder, who needs more. " 
“ i fell hopelessly in love with you and haven’t slept for the past month. ”
“ it wasn’t fair, what you did. it wasn’t fair, how i felt. ”
“ maybe we could start over. ”
“ you had a good thing and now look what you’ve done to it. look what you’ve turned it into. ”
“ i’m quieter than most but never as quiet as i should be. ”
“ the universe and the human body are mostly made up of empty space. ”
“ this is something you learn early on if you wish to stay alive, so naturally, it’s something i was never particularly interested in learning. ”
“ can’t it end there? do we have to include the next part? ”
“ love is the only way i know how to turn waiting into something noble. ”
“ i want every day to be easy as the start. ”
“ i would’ve loved to hate her, but mostly i just missed her. ”
“ maybe it shouldn’t matter, but it does. it does. ”
“ there are places on the earth the sun never touches, but the deepest, tenderest part of me wants to believe they find other sources of light. ”
“  you know I still think about that summer. ”
“ we really could’ve been something, couldn’t we? ”
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levmemes · 6 years ago
these quotes are taken from the novel by hannah moskowitz. they discuss war, abuse, trauma, and murder, among others; please use discretion. feel free to change pronouns / wording as desired. part one.
“ we give a shit about each other. that’s a kid thing. ”
“ he was hurting and you couldn’t handle that. ” 
“ you’re not fragile. stop talking like you think you are. ”
“ no hero of any book ever sits around and doesn’t do anything. ”
“ fuck off. and stop acting like my jealous boyfriend. ”
“ i hope we both die. ”
“ i’m afraid of power now. ”
“ you can’t be okay. no one can be okay after that. ”
“ i’m breathing in everything and breathing it back out. ”
“ carrying a weapon shows you want to fight. we don’t want to fight. ”
“ no one takes you seriously without a weapon. ”
“ we could have made it work. ”
“ if he talked to me, i -- i don’t know, i could’ve done something. ”
“ i’m sorry about tomorrow. about what’s going to happen. ”
“ you think you’ve been subtle? ”
“ i did not need anyone to open my eyes. ”
“ i am not some sheltered little girl. ”
“ i went through all the shit that they did. ”
“ stop acting aloof and bitchy and superior. ”
“ you were our general, and the war’s over, so cut it the fuck out. ”
“ i’m trying to be an adult. ”
“ i have to do something. i’m coming out of my skin. ”
“ i’m trying to write something real. ”
“ i can’t get this love story out of my head. ”
“ i’m always behind, i’m always missing things. ”
“ i am in love with one thing, and that thing is not being at war. ”
“,this isn’t supposed to be a love story. ”
“ this is a shitty way to tell me you’re in love with me. ”
“ what the fuck kind of romantic hero... ”
“ you’re bringing the war back. ”
“ why are you standing here telling me it’s my fault? ”
“ there isn’t a good outcome here. do you think i can’t see that? ”
“ there’s a big difference between hating someone in peace and hating someone during war. ”
“ i said i’d help you and i haven’t really. ”
“ we don’t have anything. i don’t know what we have. ”
“ we cannot make any progress in chaos. ”
“ we always come back when we’re needed. ”
“ you know nothing you can say is going to change anything, right? ”
“ he is more beautiful than any principle, and you’ve got to know that. ”
“ there are a lot of things you can do that you won’t like. ”
“ it was a war. everyone was killing everyone. ”
“ we let you stay in the war from far away and then come in and be the hero. ”
“ that’s what happens when you start a war. ”
“ what’re you writing about? ”
“ don’t let all of me be lost forever. ”
“ you never hardened up, did you? ”
“ i never hated you. ”
“ stop chasing. stop writing. ”
“ it just has to be okay. ”
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levmemes · 6 years ago
these quotes are taken from the novel by hannah moskowitz. they discuss war, abuse, trauma, and murder, among others; please use discretion. feel free to change pronouns / wording as desired.
“ try to eat something? ”
“ i love when you’re happy. ”
“ i don’t write love stories. ”
“ you’ll have to find something else to write now. ”
“ it was an amicable ending to the war, yeah? ”
“ how could i even be the same after this? ”
“ i don’t need another heart, anyways. my own is a bitch and a half. ”
“ i shouldn’t even be out of bed. ”
“ this is bad. i think. i think this is bad. ”
“ i don’t know why you let them bother you. ”
“ i don’t need you to beat anyone up for me. ”
“ i feel like i shouldn’t give a shit. ”
“ i’ve dreamed about this every night. ”
“ a boy who makes you talk less is not the kind of boy you want anything to do with. ”
“ you learned that from a book, didn’t you? ”
“ you should say something about her boobs. ”
“ this war is the only thing you haven’t had in common. ”
“ you’re brave. do you know that? ”
“ just hold on to me. ”
“ tell me to stop worrying. ”
“ you can’t get sick. we don’t know what to do. ”
“ no, i cry when you cry. don’t cry. please stop. ”
“ this is why books are written about us and not by us. ”
“ you did what you had to do. nothing more. ”
“i’m not having this conversation with you. i can’t. ”
“ i’m trying to be good now, and it still won’t go away. ”
“ could you ever kill someone? ”
“ i don’t want to talk about this. i don’t. i don’t. ”
“ if you hadn’t had that minute of playing hero, everyone would have figured out by now that you are not a good guy. ”
“ just start somewhere. just hold her hand. ”
“ i don’t know what to do with these things i’ve done. ”
“ do you know how few of us are left who are at all capable of taking care of anyone? ”
“ i don’t think those who die are any better than those who stay alive. they just look better. ”
“ stupid boy. it was a fucking war. ”
“ i really admire that you can be calm about it. ”
“ how do you even keep track of what the sides are when you can’t even get the whole story? ”
“ everything’s harder at night. ”
“ i like that you give a shit. ”
“ i hope i’m overreacting. i seriously hope so. ”
“ i’m just trying to get it out of my mind. ”
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levmemes · 6 years ago
from the album by maria mena. contains discussion of abusive and unhealthy relationships ; use caution. feel free to change wording, pronouns, etc as needed. 
“ have you ever heard me laugh so easily? ”
“ i have let go of my demons. ”
“ they left me when i spoke the truth. ”
“ the more i drink, the more i wander off into a stranger's eyes.”
“ you and i are we. ”
“ i feel i’ve lost my individuality. ”
“ when do i call my feelings on their bluff ? ”
“ i remember us now, but i forgot what we felt like. ”
“ i would build walls for miles around me, around anything that hurt. ”
“ i kept love at an arm’s length. ”
“ i was convinced you’d never hurt me. ”
“ no one prepares you when choosing to stay. ”
“ if the tables were turned around, you wouldn’t leave me now. ”
“ i didn’t look back once i left them, because i always expected to fail. ”
“ this time, it’s different. the rules don’t apply. ”
“ grant me this wish and meet me back here in a year. ” 
“ if we still exist, i can let go of my fear of normalcy. ”
“ you are the person of my dreams, but i'm prone to ruin the good things. ”
“ when i forgive, there are no strings attached. ”
“ we spent our entire relationship fighting each other. ”
“ i put you through hell by demanding apologies though i was the one causing pain. ”  
“ it hurts, but i’m not about to give you up. ”
“ the circle of us won’t break its pattern. ”
“ i am your stubborn, hypocritical lover. ”
“ none of us thought it would last. ”
“ don’t worry, darling; this, too, shall pass. ”
“  i am your protector, but who will protect you from me? ”
“ loosen your grip, i can’t breathe. ”
“ i’m not scared of consequences. ”
“ she’s always been so helpless. ”
“ our family’s always been divided, why cooperate today? ”
“ i’ve been the kind of son i always wanted for myself. ”
“ the devastating part is that i foolishly defended you to myself. ”
“ secrets always have a way of coming out. ”
“ i’m beginning to see what you must have thought of me. ”
“ i’ve been carrying all the weight of the burdens on your plate. ”
“ am i supposed to apologize? ”
“ no one knew me better then. i was sure no one ever could. ”
“ how can someone i used to know so well now be a stranger to me? ”
“ i should’ve left with you that night. ”
“ the blame’s rightfully put on me. ”
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levmemes · 6 years ago
a variety of sentences from the original off-broadway recording of we are the tigers, covering defense to finale. these songs discuss addiction and murder, among others; please use discretion. part one.
“everyone is counting on you now.”
“don’t do something erratic.”
“someone’s got to end this thing.”
“don’t let them in.”
“if we mess with this, it’ll look a thousand times worse than just getting help.”
“i know you understand. you don’t need me to hold your hand.”
“just close your eyes.”
“this school needs you here.”
“get the story straight and clean.”
“fight, protect, and save the team.”
“even if it hurts her?”
“no one deserves this.”
“sacrifice is worth it.”
“just pray you’ll get out alive.”
“we’ll tamper with the murder scene.”
“not the proudest thing we’ve done.”
“what’s going on? i heard something.”
mattie’s lament.
“statistically, so many people die each day that that i’m not one of them is something to celebrate.”
“it’s things that seem so insignificant you might forget until those little things are the only things left.”
“there’s always something you can do.”
“prison has hardened me.”
“when i think about the way things were before, i don’t know if i can do this anymore.”
“i’m sorry i was reckless.”
“peer pressure sucks.”
“can this really be how it’s all gonna go?”
“i don’t think i killed them, i really don’t.”
“have you ever felt so good you’re bursting out of your skin?”
“have you ever felt so broken, you thought you’d never rise?”
“second chances don’t come around each day.”
“this time, i will be stronger.”
“i’ll go out fighting, winning or dying trying.”
“i’ll rise from the flames.”
“i just don’t want you to go crazy trying to keep this together.”
“i’m a phoenix. maybe you should try living like that, too.”
“the world is filled with rainbows and all your brightest dreams.”
“if you’re gonna have a mental breakdown, this is not the place.”
“why should i be weighed down? why should i live in the past?”
“ever since the playground, this is all i’ve ever asked.”
“all lives have an expiration date; i’ll be there when they give into fate.”
“hear the gossip in the halls and know they’re whispering your name.”
“this time, my story gets told.”
move on.
“for a second, i’m fine, then i remember that they’re gone.”
“all your promises are lies you couldn’t keep.”
“sometimes i call your voicemail just to hear you speak.”
“i’m breathing, i’m alive, but i’m alone.”
“it will be okay, because it has to.”
“i just have to do the things they want me to, because i have to move on.”
“you’re the only person in the world i want to see.”
“if i say i’m fine enough, i’ll believe it.”
“i promise i know that you’re not coming back.”
“promise that you won’t forget me. someone has got to hold on to me.”
“live and let live, but don’t let go.”
“i’ll live for you each day, but still, i have to move on.”
shut up and cheer.
“i may be the stupidest one here.”
“i’ve weighed the good and sacrificed.”
“this school costs more than i can say.”
“no, this shit is insane.”
“shut up and cheer.”
“they won’t even know that i am here.”
“i have worked so hard for so much less.”
“i think maybe every high school is a mess.”
“maybe i’m the one who’s crazy and all of them are doing really well.”
“i’m afraid, but i won’t show it.”
“i’ve got this shot now, i won’t blow it.”
“if life’s not fair, well, i’ve been there.”
“anybody who met [name] could’ve killed them, easily.”
“be real, if i killed someone, it would’ve been you.”
“i already said i killed someone, so i think i’m out of the running.”
“please, i’m not that smart.”
“last i heard, the final say was God had done poor [name] in.”
“so [name] died because she’s a drunk, and she deserved it?”
“let’s call her in prison, see how much fun she’s having there.”
“[name] might’ve killed them.”
“[name] was leaving, and you would do anything to make them stay.”
“i’d rather have her off to school than dead.”
“if i was the killer, i would never tell you anyway.”
“we’re wasting time, there’s nothing we can do.”
“there’s no one [name] doesn’t hate.”
“this is crazy, you’ve all lost it.”
the breakdown.
“if you’re all done yelling at each other, can we please finally get some work done?”
“this is the only thing i--we wanted.”
“we’re not complaining, we’re dealing with the death of our friends.”
“who stayed on track when the world was on attack?”
“when girls don’t have your back, you have to cut them.”
“if i didn’t do it, what would we have done?”
“please forgive me for doing what’s best for you.”
“i’m sick of happy endings, because i don’t think they exist.”
“we’ll do the best we can. if that’s not great, than that’s not bad.”
“if we can make it here, we’ve had a victory.”
“i’ll set some expectations, but i want to keep them real.”
“i’ll take the friends you trip into trust falls.”
“here’s to the kids who try and make mistakes.”
“i’m getting closer to who i’m supposed to be.”
“i’ll find the good things.”
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levmemes · 6 years ago
a variety of sentences from the original off-broadway recording of we are the tigers, covering worst team ever to wallflower. these songs discuss addiction and bullying, among others; please use discretion. part two.
worst team ever.
“there’s only one more year, so let’s go.”
“we’re not the worst team ever.”
“i had these great big dreams that i pared down.”
“we’re the joke of the whole town.”
“do you want to settle? do you want to sit back and watch life go by?”
“if i’d only made it, who might i have been?”
“do you want to wonder, or do you want to win?”
“we could volunteer at a funeral home, it would be just as fun.”
“we should be leaving now.”
“after three years of rejection, i would’ve given up.”
“if they never see you cry, then they might just go away.”
“take a second, close your eyes, because the reckoning is here.”
“i got an invite.”
don’t even.
“we’re gonna have a great year!”
“i don’t want to stay here.”
“no, you look too mean.”
“show them you’re not listening.”
“i don’t even care.”
“i’m not always trapped in my head, playing back the wrong things i did and said.”
“everything you see is going perfectly.”
“you don’t even know.”
“countdown until someone gets hurt.”
“is it too late to leave?”
“i should help.”
“please, just breathe.”
“i’ll just fade until nobody sees me.”
“you won’t find me caught trying to plot how i’m gonna win.”
“let them stare.”
“we are the soul of the school, the pride in the name.”
“our words are pure inspiration.”
“we’ll give you something to hold onto when you think your time is up.”
skype tomorrow.
“you promised, you know.”
“promises break, so don’t make one you can’t hold up.”
“it’ll be like i’m not even gone.”
“we’re gonna take a vacation together, just you and i.”
“you think this hasn’t happened to me?”
“not you. please, not you.”
“the first thing about friends is they in the end, so don’t get too attached.”
“you’re so happy to be with people who aren’t me.”
“you’ll forget we were ever friends.”
before the breakdown.
“you don’t know who you are until you hate yourself.”
“it’s just a single vice to help me stay awake.”
“i don’t know how much more i can take.”
“i’ll pour the bottle out and be myself again.”
“tell me it’s a joke. this can’t be my life.”
“you could never be better than you.”
“one day you might make it.”
“someday you’ll grow up just like you should.”
“i need a second to breathe and to stare at you.”
“i want to be with you forever.”
“it’s been a lifetime waiting for the right time.”
“i would hold you until the end of the world, no second guessing.”
“you are sending me a lot of mixed messages.”
“no one in this world is luckier.”
“right from the start, you had my heart.”
captain of the team.
“it must be nice being her.”
“i’m a joke to all of my friends.”
“i could be better than any of them.”
“i’m not defined by years on the sidelines.”
“i know we were mean to you.”
“i gave this too much to let this all go.”
“i could be someone that they all admire.”
“i’ll forgive the years of pain.”
“but things change.”
“nobody remembers [name].”
“she is harmless and shy and will never speak up because she’s scared to be wrong.”
“[name] is a wallflower.”
“who had your back every single time you cracked?”
“it was me who decided you could be so much more.”
“if i hadn’t saved you, what would you have done?”
“forgive me for doing what’s best for you.”
“forgive me for trying to make this easier.”
“i’ll always be on your team.”
“you are nothing without me.”
“they didn’t want you. i fought for you.”
“everyone remembers [name].”
“she’s the type of high school kid who is rarely seen at parties with her pants on.”
“who has your back when you don’t cut yourself slack?”’
“it’s me who’s beside you constantly making sure you don’t see how everyone is trashing us for fun.”
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levmemes · 6 years ago
taken from the best disney channel original movie ever. feel free to change pronouns / wording as desired!
"who would have thought we'd all be here?”
“we’ve got nothing better to do; we're just trying to get through.”
“let the music take you anywhere it wants to.”
“no matter what, we'll still be singing.”
“turn up the music.”
“it's all we’ve got, we're gonna use it.”
“all we have is now. let's make the most of this.”
“they don't have to understand, but we'll make them if we can.”
“i've been trying to make you notice what it would mean to me to feel like somebody.”
“we've been on our way to nowhere.”
“we're gonna just let go of everything holding back our dreams.”
“we were meant to be somebody.”
“i'm so tired of being invisible.”
“i feel it like a fire below the surface.”
“it's a long way down.”
“we will walk out of this darkness.”
“when we fall, we fall together.”
“you know my name.”
“girls like me better than whoever you are.”
“when we break the rules, they bend for us.”
“when they need the job done, they send for us.”
“you know you’ve gotta get it out.”
“that's what being friends is about.”
“push until you can't and then demand more.”
“you and me together, we can make it better.”
“i gotta get myself on stage.”
“the chips will fall where they may.”
“be heard, be strong, be proud.”
“you gotta hear me now.”
“we came here to make a change.”
“we reserve the right to fight for what we want, for what we need.”
“we're on our own, but we are one.”
“we'll fight until we see the sun.”
“it's just a matter of time before you see our way.”
“are you mad that you're missing out on who i really am?”  
“i can't pretend to know how you feel.”
“know that i'm here, know that i'm real.”
“say what you want or don't talk at all.”
“my shoulders are small, but you can cry on them.”
“you used to brave the world all on your own.”
“we won't let you go it alone.”
“be who you want to be.”
“i never knew you could take me so far.”
“i’ve always wanted the home that you are.”
“maybe you should try a permanent vacation.”
“sometimes, dreams can feel so far away.”
“sometimes, it's proving to the world it was wrong.”
“whenever there's no end in sight, keep on moving on.”
“here comes a breakthrough.”
“every day, i'm getting closer.”
“life is just a roller coaster.”
“stop still, take another breath.”
“get around whatever's in your way.”
“it started when we were kids.”
“i've been out on the edge breathing a little bit of fresh air.”
“i held out for everything i've got here.”
“you can’t shake me.”
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levmemes · 6 years ago
sentence starters from a book i’m gonna finish writing someday. contains discussion of homophobia, abandonment, and alcohol/drug use, among others; use caution. feel free to change wording, pronouns, etc as needed.
“if i were going to murder someone, i’m sure listening to some petty argument wouldn’t be the thing that made me snap.”
“who am i to judge a relationship?”
“did you want to grab brunch, or something? i don’t know the, uh, procedure for things like this.”
“that’s the universe hitting me with some sweet irony.”
“good luck keeping your girlfriend off of [name].”
“who doesn’t have a deeply buried dream of becoming instagram famous?”
“i’ve been taught not to pick up hitchhikers for, like, my entire life.”  
“i have time to go back from this. i should definitely go back from this.”
“i'm not like, against twins as a rule, but come on, who isn't at least kind of uncomfortable around them?”
“the bible verse shirt doesn’t exactly scream gay culture.”
“music really does bring families together, huh?” 
“it was nice, hearing one of my heroes say that he’s not straight.”
“i hate when my problems are my own fault.”
“i got my license by flirting with the driving instructor.” 
“do you know how many people would have to admit that they were attracted to a robot?”
“people are going to be disappointed no matter who you are.”
“i thought i was grown up back then.”
“you look so cute when you’re asleep, i didn’t want to disturb you.” 
“is it weird, being recognized like that?”
“there doesn’t always need to be some deep meaning. sometimes, it’s just a song.” 
“i just wish that there was some room for people to pay attention to me, too.”
“there’s a difference between being visible and being seen.”
“i’d figure by now you’d be sick of seeing me.”
“do you normally hook up with girls without even asking their name?” 
“everywhere in the united states is exactly what you expect it to be.”  
“if i get a bunch of my nonessential organs removed, will you save me?”
“[name], did you finally get yourself a date?” 
“is he the one that made you bisexual?”
“oh, no. tell me you aren’t serious.”
“oh, sorry, because you’re clearly the height of ethics here.”
“i kind of want this conversation to be over.” 
“you wouldn’t have told us this if you wanted someone to lie to you.” 
“if you wanted to hook up with a celebrity, i wouldn’t criticize you.” 
“i didn’t realize i was going to feel this bad when it all came crashing down.”
“i lost my virginity to this song.”
“telling the truth is hard to do, so i tell stories instead.”
“why would you want to join something like that?”
“it’s latin for, like, entirety, or completeness, or something like that.”
“you want truth? i can tell you the truth. things i’ve never told anyone. i can be honest.”
“when someone’s nice to me, i secretly think that they’re really naïve and stupid, but then i take their help anyway.” 
“i’m a capricorn, is that bad?”
“i think you give up in every universe.” 
“i think i’m going to be okay.”
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levmemes · 6 years ago
from the ep by julia michaels. contains discussion of abusive and unhealthy relationships ; use caution. feel free to change wording, pronouns, etc as needed. part one.
“can we stay in this dream?”
“this thing we have, we didn't know what it was.”
“we didn't know we could get messed up from it.”
“i had a dream that we danced at a crosswalk.’
“it's a sad day when you start to realize that you got a certain type.”
“i like guys with big lips that treat me like shit.”
“people I can fix, they leave when they're good again.”
“i’m too opinionated.”
“you don’t fit in with my friends.”
“you remind me of my past. that's how i know that this won't last.”
“but where’s the fun in that?”
“i can see the future, it doesn't look pretty.”
“i'm ready to be hurt again.”
“i can’t tell what you’re thinking.”
“i'm here, hoping you'll prove me wrong.”
“i want to run in the street.”
“i’m so confined, i could scream.”
“i want to make time for a good time.”
“maybe we can wait around until it all ends.”
“i work too much.”
“do whatever i want -- break down, fall in love.”
“i know that i'm the reason that you're so insecure.”
“i know that i'm the reason that you don't smile anymore.”
“why do you talk to yourself like that?”
“i don't see what you see, but i want to.”
“there are liars, but then there’s you.”
“in retrospect, that's what brought me to you.”
“i guess i thought i could change you to the truth.”
“i don’t know what i was thinking.”
“sometimes, i miss you, and then i remember that i deserve much better.”
“i’m not a priest, so fuck your confession.”
“in my weak moments, i think about you.”
“i know i shouldn't want it, but i do.”
“all of my friends say i probably shouldn't be with you.”
“you know i want you more the more you put me through.”
“i learned from watching you and your problems.”
“you're so scared you'll say the wrong things that you lay low and you shut your mouth.”
“i know i always break your heart.”
“i know i should say sorry.”
:in the moment, i meant it, but i shouldn't have said it.”
“you handle things so fucking passive aggressively.”
“how am i apologizing for something that you started?”
“it's a product of how i was raised.”
“i'm so scared i'll never change.”  
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levmemes · 6 years ago
these quotes are taken from songs six through nine of the 2019 album atlas: enneagram by sleeping at last. feel free to change pronouns and wording as desired. part one.
“i was floating to heaven, but i could only look down.”
“i woke up so worried that the angels let go.”
“i’m so tired of being afraid.”
“what would it feel like to put this baggage down? if i'm being honest, i'm not sure i'd know how.”
“i want to take shelter, but i’m ready to fight.”
“maybe i'm stronger than i realize.”
“i choose to believe that i was made to become a sanctuary.”
“fear won't go away, but i can keep it at bay.”
“i’ll learn to breathe deep and make peace with the stars.”
“is that courage or faith, to show up every day?”
“trust that there will be light always waiting behind even the darkest of nights.”
“no matter what, somehow we'll be okay.”
“how nice it'd be if we could try everything.”
“i'm serious, let's make a list and just begin.”
“let's climb this mountain before we cross that bridge.”
“i’m restless for whatever comes next.”
“how wonderful to see a smile on your face.”
“i'll find the silver lining no matter what the price.”
“it feels like sinking when i'm standing in one place.”
“so i look to the future, and i book another flight.”
“when everything feels heavy, i've learned to travel light.”
"i want to be here. truly be here.”
“i want to make room to love them through the slow and barren seasons, too.”
“i feel hope deep in my bones.”
“tomorrow will be beautiful.”
“i was just a kid who grew up strong enough to pick this armor up.”
“i was little, i was weak, perfectly naive.”
“i swore never again--i can't afford, no, i refuse to be rejected.”
“my healing needed more than time.”
“i was perfect, too.”
“i can't afford to let myself be blindsided.”
“all i want is to trust you.”
“show me how to lay my sword down for long enough to let you through.”
“here i am, pry me open. what do you want to know?”
“i'm just a kid who grew up scared enough to hold the door shut.”
“i'm all in, palms out. i'm at your mercy now.”
“i am strong enough to let you in.”
“for the innocent, for the vulnerable, i'll show up on the front lines with a purpose.”
“i'll give all i have, i'll give my blood, i'll give my sweat.”
“who am i to say what any of this means?”
“honestly, it’s easier to let myself forget.”
“i’ve been less than half myself for more than half my life.”
“wake up. fall in love again.”
“there’s so much worth fighting for.”
“i’m just trying to find myself through someone else’s eyes.”
“how do i forgive myself for losing so much time?”
“fall in love again and again and again.”
“it’s uncomfortable, but right.”
“we were born to try to see each other through.”
“to know and love ourselves and others well is the most difficult and meaningful work we'll ever do.”
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levmemes · 6 years ago
these quotes are taken from songs one through five of the 2019 album atlas: enneagram by sleeping at last. feel free to change pronouns and wording as desired. part two.
“i believe that we can fix this over time.”
“i'm not saying perfect exists in this life, but we'll only know for certain if we try.”
“i want to sing a song worth singing.”
“the list goes on forever of all the ways i could be better.”
“the price of this so-called perfection is everything.”
“i spend my whole life searching desperately to find out grace requires nothing of me.”
“you look a little tired. when did you last eat?”
“make yourself right at home, stay as long as you need.”
“if something's wrong you can count on me.”
"i'll take my heart clean apart if it helps yours beat.”
“i will love you with every single thing i have.”
“i will love you without any strings attached.”
“you can take the oxygen straight out of my own chest.”
“i know exactly how the rules goes--put my mask on first.”
“no, i don’t want to talk about myself.”
“maybe one day i’ll get around to fixing myself, too.”
“i just want to learn how, somehow, to be loved, myself.”
“what a privilege it is to love.”
“maybe i’ve done enough.”
“this trophy isn't real love, and with or without it, i'm good enough.”
“for the first time i see an image of my brokenness, utterly worthy of love.”
“it's so exhausting on this silver screen, where i play the role of anyone but me.”
“i only want what's real, to let my heart feel what it feels.”
“leave my greatest failures on display with an asterisk, worthy of love anyway.”
“for a moment, we get to be glorious.”
“one day, i’ll wear it all on my sleeve.”
“i've fallen in love with a ghost.”
“this is proof; of what, i'm not sure, but it feels like truth.”
“what if we already are who we've been dying to become?”
“in certain light, i can plainly see a reflection of magnificence hidden in you.”    
“i can't put my mind to rest.”
“i can't help but second guess.”
“a white flag waves in the dark between my head and my heart.”
“i was already brave enough to let go.”
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