#when they actually showed her on the table and training she looked like a teenager
sweetnans · 4 months
"I just hope that one day, we both can laugh about it, when it's not in our face, won't have to dance around it. Don't drive yourself insane. It won't always be this way" - Skin. Sabrina Carpenter (quote inspo)
Bakugo knew nothing about love. Well, that's what you thought when you first met him.
At the tender age of six years old, he had this habit of pulling you by your arm to drag you around when he wanted to show you something, his little fingers leaving marks in your skin.
When you were ten years old, he started putting his feet in your way so you would stumble and sometimes kiss the floor while he parted himself from laughter.
In the beginning of teenagers' age, thirteen, he used to put his arm on top of your head to make fun of you because he was actually getting tall while you were stuck in your pre-adolescence height.
At sixteen, he ghosted you.
Yep, that's what you read. He ghosted you because he felt this funny feeling growing in his tummy every time he saw you.
Katsuki never knew about love. You thought crying in your dorm because your best friend wasn't acting like your best friend anymore.
You actually believed it.
It all began when you two got into UA. He was excited, having someone to actually compete with? You learned a lot from him (almost against your own will), but after a few years, he considered you a fair opponent.
The feeling inside his guts happened instantly. One day, both of you were returning home from classes, in the train he was behind you, protecting you from all the people that were squeezing into their spots. A baby caught your attention immediately. She was smiling at you, and you couldn't help but make her faces, smile, and bat your eyes at that little baby, gaining a few giggles in return.
Katsuki found that amusing.
He started to see you with other eyes. Helpless eyes. That feeling that woke up one day to another got him desperate, pacing around, fighting with his own thoughts in a manic state.
He had never felt that before. He knew nothing about love.
So he did what he knew best. Ignore.
But we all know him, he isn't the kind of guy who can just let something (someone in this case) go...
He watches you from afar. He has studied your antics, your movements, how you express yourself with other people, with your classmates, with the teachers. He learned about you just by observing, and now he could easily read you. That was something that kept his mind at ease. Without talking to you, at least he could know what happened in your mind by just looking at you.
A few days later, you came down from your dorm with puffy eyes. He knew something was off. No one noticed because you made a pretty good job hiding it behind makeup, but he could tell, and he was about to figure out what happened.
You were preparing your breakfast. Something quiet shitty, Bakugo thought, but it wasn't his priority in that moment.
"What's wrong?" He asked directly.
He hasn't talked to you in months, so you were impressed that he decided to share space and air with you, let alone ask something so private.
"What do you care?" No one could blame you for your response. The bastard has ignored you after spending every day with you since you both were six years old. You didn't need his sympathy.
"I care," he said, leaning in the kitchen table, looking at your eyes. They were red and swollen but beautiful too. He had forgotten how you looked like up close. The butterflies in his stomach woke up instantly, but he didn't fight them this time.
"I'm not having a good week, that's all" you explained pouring some artificial cereal on your bowl.
He took that from you and exchanged for granola and oatmeal.
"I hate seeing your face like that. After class, I'm taking you to that ice cream shop you like, " he said nonchalantly like it wasn't one of the biggest gestures that he had done since you came to UA.
You couldn't help but smile. Maybe you could fix your relationship after all.
"It's winter, Katsuki," you stated, testing boundaries.
"Yeah, as if that had stopped you before" he rolled his eyes and flicked your forehead.
In the end, after he grabbed you by the arm and tossed you all the way to the ice cream shop, you came with the conclusion that Bakugo Katsuki knew about love in his own way and you were more than ready to explore that path alongside him.
Do not edit or reupload my works elsewhere! All rights reserved.
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bimrwolf · 6 months
Let's Meet in the Middle
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steve harrington x afab!reader words: 8,603 warnings: ermmm for once no smoot and not edited LMAO im lazy anyways summary: Secretly yearning for your friend and no one notices is a blessing and curse at the same time. a/n: oh boyyyyyyy i havent wrote in ages. im a lil rusty lmao
The twinkling milky stars stretched across the deep pool of midnight, casting an illuminating glow over Sugar Maple Park. It was the only park nestled in the small town of Hawkins. Four swings, a merry-go-round, and a jungle gym. In the corner there was a soon-to-be skateboard ramp under construction. 
You were laying on top of a wooden table, legs dangling over the edge, arms crossed over your stomach, and eyes closed. The crickets sang their summer song and from a distance you could hear an owl hooting. The sweet smells of maple and pine made you feel at peace.
There was the sound of tires dragging against the loose gravel, pulling into the small parking area, headlights glaring. And although your eyes were closed, the bright light made you squint. The car turned off and the doors opened. The engine running had been replaced with arguing voices. 
“I’m telling you, Michaelangelo is far superior than Leonardo. His abilities are out of this world.” 
“Dude, not only is Leonardo smart but he is the most disciplined and trained. Thus, making him the best.” 
Their footsteps made a crunch sound, getting louder as they approached you. You sat up, a little sad that the peace was over, but that didn’t stop you from greeting the two strangers– who were not really strangers– with a big smile. Steve and Robin continued their argument as Robin hopped on top of the table next to you, throwing her arm over your shoulder. Steve stood in front of you two, hands on his hips. 
“Are we seriously arguing over Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, again?” You had rolled your eyes, but couldn’t deny that you were intrigued with what they both had to say. You nudged your foot against Steve’s leg. “I would think that nerd shit wouldn’t interest you.” 
Steve huffed. “Mutant Ninja Turtles is not nerdy. It’s badass.” 
You and Robin shared a laugh. You knew she didn’t actually care for the show, but she loved to piss off Steve as much as she could. “Did you bring it or did I sit out here for ten minutes for nothing?”
Steve looked over at Robin, giving her a pointed look, letting her know that the conversation was not over. Robin rummaged into the breast pocket on her shirt, pulling out a nicely packed joint. “Eddie promised us it isn’t the cheap shit this time.”
Steve threw a lighter towards you to light it. Robin was the one to take the first hit, then you, and finally Steve. “When will I ever get to meet this Eddie Munson?” 
They gave each other another look. The same look you had seen them give each other for five months since you had moved to Hawkins. The look full of secrets, too afraid to put you on it. Because what if it was too much? Or maybe because you wouldn’t understand. Either way you respected their decisions not to share whatever it was. 
You had met Robin and Steve your second day in Hawkins. Your father had been hired to help rebuild the town after a massive earthquake. Everything about the town seemed shady. It wasn’t just Steve and Robin who hid the secrets of the town. It was everyone. 
You should be upset. Agitated. Furious. But you weren’t. Well, to be honest, at first you were a bit irritated with the hushed whispers, but the more you got to know the duo, you realized it wasn’t to exclude you or to be mean. It was to protect you. 
And maybe the secret that bubbled inside you made up for it. 
You tried not to stare too long at Steve’s pink lips as he took a drag of the joint. The way he licked his bottom lip after he blew the trail of smoke out, sighing loudly. “Tough day?” You didn’t mean to make it aware that you were watching him. That you were paying attention. But like always, no one seemed to notice that your question was deeper than just a check-in. You quickly averted your gaze to the joint that had found its way back to you. 
“He’s had to work doubles all week because this guy Martin has mono.” Robin answered for him. 
“He’s lucky.” Steve grumbled. “The time off part, not the mono.” 
Robin elbowed you. “He’s lying. He’s so touched starved. He complained for an hour that he wished he had mono because it meant that he was actually–” 
“Okay, Robin. I think she gets it.” Steve grabbed the joint from your hand, fingers brushing against yours. Did you just imagine him pausing, looking at you endearingly? Must have because he turned away and walked to the swing sets. 
“Aw man, he could have at least left the jay with us.” Robin frowned, leaning back, elbows holding herself up. “Don’t mind him. He’s been in a pissy mood since Esther Clark called him a geek when he asked her out last week.”
“I didn’t know he was crushing on anyone.” You hoped you didn’t sound jealous. “I mean, because he doesn’t really talk to me about that sort of thing.” Nice save, you thought. 
But Robin didn’t seem to notice the waver in your voice. “Steve likes anyone with long hair and boobs.” She looked over at you, eyeing you from top to bottom. “Surprised he hasn’t made a pass at you yet.” 
You awkwardly laughed, eyes wide, and looked over to make sure Steve was still moping on the swingset. “Yeah, like that would ever happen. Me and him would… ha… it’s hilarious just thinking about it. He’s totally not my type.” 
Robin shrugged. “That’s what I love about you. The one girl who isn’t my friend to get to Steve.” 
You smiled weakly, looking at your fidgeting hands, something you always did when you weren’t exactly telling the truth. You had only lived in Hawkins for eight months, but it only took three for you to wake up in the middle of the night and realize you felt more for the brown haired boy. No one had caught onto you either, keeping it quiet, going on dates with random boys you didn’t care about. 
Robin grabbed your hand and dragged you towards the swing sets, letting go to plop in the one right next to Steve. She leaned over to lay her head on his shoulder. You felt a pang of jealousy on how easy it was for them to be friends. How they could put an arm around the other without it being weird or romantic. 
Whenever Steve even looked in your direction your whole world spun. 
You kicked the mulch, hugging yourself, softly laughing at a joke that Robin and Steve really only understood. Pretending was so much easier.  
Eddie Munson was erratic, eccentric, obnoxious, but probably the most real and down to earth guy you had met. He was hilarious, making your friends laugh more than you had ever seen them laugh. 
Robin and Steve finally orchestrated a get together that involved Eddie Munson. Steve picked Robin and you up, and drove about ten minutes out of city limits, pulling up to a small cabin in the middle of nowhere. You couldn’t help but feel your heart race. This was Robin and Steve’s evil plan all along. They spent these past months getting you comfortable when really they were trying to kill you. 
But then a man burst through. His hair was short and curly. You could see scars run up his face. It was clear he had a story, but that didn’t seem to matter from the huge, cheesy grin on his face. “My my my. Thought you guys weren’t gonna come.” 
Steve had his window rolled down, and you could see him roll his eyes when you glanced at him in the rearview mirror. “Can you just get in? Don’t want to get you back past your curfew.” 
It confused you. By the look of Eddie, he looked well past the age to still have a curfew. 
Eddie blew out a raspberry, picked up a bag on the ground and strode over to the car. He must have not realized you were there until he approached the back door, brows furrowed when he saw you. You quickly scooted to the other side, thinking you were most likely in his usual spot. 
Eddie didn’t say anything as he opened the door and got in, throwing his bag on the floorboard. Or at least, never said anything to question your existence. He threw his head back and sighed. “Thank god you guys called me. My uncle was trying to convince me to help him with what to wear to his date tonight.” He rubbed his face. 
“No way, Wayne has a hot date tonight?” Robin turned to face him, a big smile on her face. “Is it JoAnn from Dolli’s? I’ve been telling him for months he should ask her out.” 
Eddie chuckled. “Yeah, he stayed with her until the diner closed one night, and she calls him almost every day.” Eddie leaned over and patted Steve on his shoulder. “Sorry man. I bet it’s hard hearing that my fifty-something-year-old Uncle is getting more action than you.”
Steve let out a sarcastic laugh. You swore he glanced into the rearview mirror and looked at you. But his gaze left as quick as it came. You couldn’t help but look away, flustered. 
It was then Eddie finally acknowledged you. “And you must be the fair maiden that my friends have been spending so much time with.” He had a warm smile across his face. 
You told him your name, holding out your hand. He took it. “Name’s Eddie Munson. You can just call me Eds, or even good-looking if you want.” 
You let out a laugh that sounded more like a cackle. 
Robin reached over and his leg. “Put your dick back in your pants, dude. This is why we don’t introduce you to strangers.” 
Eddie seemed to have a permanent cheesy grin on his face. “Can you blame me? I’ve been on house arrest for almost a year. When I see a pretty girl, it’s pretty much an insult not to make a move.” He looked over at you. “Don’t worry, won’t do it again. I just didn’t realize when Steve said you were pretty he actually meant it.” 
You felt that flustered heat rise up again. Pretty. Steve thought you were pretty? You couldn’t react. You couldn’t let anyone know that your stomach was burning with butterflies. “House arrest?” You took the changing the subject route. 
Eddie sighed, shrugged, and pulled up his pant leg to reveal an ankle monitor. “You guys didn’t tell her she’d be hangin’ with a criminal?” 
Steve spoke up. “He’s not even a criminal… well… not the way people thought he was.” 
You should probably start thinking about how this was all a plan to kill you. But when you looked over at Eddie, the sincerity that gleamed in his eyes made you give him a small smile. 
The rest of the car ride was mostly filled with Robin and Eddie bickering back and forth. You would join in the conversation if needed. And once in a while you swore you would catch Steve’s eyes in the mirror, both of you quickly looking away. 
You had always been scared of heights. Something with the anticipation of potentially falling, landing with a thud. It made your knees wobble. You looked down at the creek beneath you, Steve looking up at you as you clutched the rope tightly tied to a branch above you. 
“C’mon, we’re not getting any younger.” Robin said behind you. 
You gave her a helpless look. “I shouldn’t have come up here. I can just climb back down.” Actually, the thought of you climbing down the steep hill of rocks made your stomach churn. 
You heard Steve call your name. “What’s wrong?” 
You couldn’t help but scoff. “Are you kidding? I am facing death right now. I can’t believe you and Rob convinced me to get up here.” 
You felt Robin slightly pull you back. “Here. I’ll show you how easy it is.” With no hesitation, Robin grabbed the rope, ran forward, and swung into the air. She let go and her arms flapped until she wrapped them around her knees. Her, Steve, and Eddie who was sitting on dry land reading a book, all laughed as she crashed into the water. 
Steve ran his hands through his hair, a playful smirk on his face when he looked back up to you. He took a moment as if thinking about something before he began to swim back to land. You watched as he quickly jogged to the edge of the hill. He joined you at the top. 
“This is so embarrassing,” you mumbled. 
He chuckled. “Don’t be embarrassed. It took me months to get over my fear of swimming places like this.” He motioned for you to grab the rope again. 
You did as you were told, giving him another pitiful look. “I’m going to die.”
“You’re not gonna die. I’m gonna jump with you.” He grabbed the rope, his hands beneath yours. 
“Are you crazy? The rope is going to snap in two!” Your heart started to beat fast when his bare chest touched your arm as he scooted closer. 
He rolled his eyes. “Me and Rob do it all the time. Do you trust me?” His eyelashes fanned over his cheeks. His deep pools were probably the only thing you wanted to jump into. 
You bit your lip, giving him a nod of approval. He grinned from ear to ear, backing up to get the momentum to run. “Why were you afraid of the water?” 
Steve looked at the ground. “That story isn’t ready to be told.” 
You had never really talked to Steve like this before. In fact, you never spoke to him alone. You leaned into him, bumping your shoulder into his. “Well, I’ll be here when that time comes.” 
He looked up, a glint in his eyes. “You ready? I’ll tell you when to let go.” 
The two of you ran forward. You shouted in fear as you swung over the edge. Steve then shouted for you to let go and you did. Your screams turned into laughter when you felt the wind kiss your cheeks. You felt like you were flying. 
Steve met the water first and you joined in not long after. When you resurfaced, Steve’s face was the first thing you saw. It was out of instinct. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. Steve’s hands grabbed you by your waist, lifting you up into the air, making you squeal. “Look at her now. Facing her fears.” 
You laughed as he threw you back into the water. You splashed him before swimming back to land. The sudden brave act made your stomach rumble, and you decided to eat one of the sandwiches Robin made. 
Once you got your sandwich, you made yourself comfortable on a blanket right next to Eddie. He still had his jeans on but no shirt. You tried not to focus on his tattoos and many scars on his pale skin. You wondered if the story behind them had to do with the earthquake in Hawkins. If it had to do with Steve afraid of water. You leaned forward to see what book he was reading. 
You hummed, taking a bite out of your sandwich, watching Steve and Robin arguing about Ninja Turtles again. You did a lot of that, watching. 
“So, you ever gonna tell him?” Eddie broke your concentration on a water bug spinning around, making tiny ripples in the creek. 
You swallowed, furrowing your brows. “Hm?” 
Eddie wasn’t looking at you, his eyes still in his book. “You ever gonna tell Stevie boy you like him?”
You guffawed at the remark. “I- I don’t like Steve.” Panic washed over you. You wondered if maybe you were more obvious than you thought. “He’s like totally not my type.”
Eddie snorted. “Yeah. Okay.” 
You opened your mouth, but whatever was going to be said stayed on your tongue because Robin and Steve walked over to the two of you. Robin sat down next to you and laid down with her arms behind her head. “You guys, I’m so ready to get out of here.” 
Robin was going to college in a few months. She rarely brought it up knowing Steve was upset at the idea of his best friend leaving. You smiled, happy for your new friend. “I feel like I still have so much to learn about the place.”
Robin puckered her bottom lip. “Aw babe, it’s okay. At least you’ll still have Steve, and Eddie if he ever gets off house arrest.” 
You glanced over at the freckled boy, noticing a mole on his stomach which was right next to similar scars that Eddie had. Steve kicked the dirt a little, pouting. “Rob, why do you have to be such a buzzkill?” 
Robin had her eyes shut from the glare of the sun, but you could see her roll them beneath her lids. “You act like you don’t have other friends, dingus.” She smirked at a new thought that crossed her mind. “Can’t the girls in town keep you busy while I’m gone?” 
Your stomach knotted, and you felt Eddie look over at you, wiggling his brows. “Harrington has gotten older and wiser. He’s looking for a fair maiden to settle down with.” 
You knew if you reacted, Eddie would figure out you had a crush on Steve. Well, he already knew, but it would only confirm his suspicions. No one could know. 
Robin snorted, “At his rate I’ll graduate before Steve goes steady with anybody.” 
“Must you speak about me like I’m not here?” Steve put his hands on his hips. It was kind of cute when he got irritated, a small wrinkle appeared between his brows. “I’ll have you know I’m going out with Carol on Tuesday.”
Robin’s nose scrunched. “Didn’t you already go out with her? Said her breath smelt like tuna?” 
Steve shook his head. “No, that was Carol Dill, I’m talking about Carol Fists.” 
“Fists? I know what she can fist.” Robin and Eddie burst out laughing as Steve groaned in disgust, saying something about how Robin always ruins things. You pretended to smile at the joke. However, your stomach twisted. You knew Steve dated, but you never took into account the amount of girls he had gone out with.
Robin once told you he had only been in one serious relationship, but it ended badly. You didn’t know her name or what she looked like. A part of you wished you did so you could see what it took to stand out from the pool of girls. Were you that uninteresting? 
Robin and Steve asked if you wanted to join them in one last jump, but you opted out, saying you were tired. They both shrugged and made a bet who could get to the top first. You waited until they were far enough before you brought your knees to your chest, biting your bottom lip. “Is it that obvious?” You didn’t look at Eddie but you directed the question to him. 
It took him a moment to figure out what you meant. “Mm, only if you are one who observes the smallest of details.”
You let out a sigh. “Please don’t tell him.”
Eddie let out a laugh. “Sweetheart, I don’t kiss and tell. He probably wouldn’t believe me, anyway. He never thinks girls out of his league like him.”
There was an involuntary scoff that came out of you. “Don’t bullshit me. I am not out of his league.” You heard Robin scream, arms flailing as she fell off the cliff. Steve was bent over laughing which made you assume he had pushed her. He then ran and jumped off, making you smile as he cackled. 
“If you don’t want people to figure it out, maybe you should stop staring at him with that stupid smile.” You realized if this was the birth of a new friendship, Eddie was going to give you hell. He must be bored being under house arrest and all. 
Fourth of July at the Harrington’s was a big deal. The front door was adorned in red, white, and blue streamers. It looked like Uncle Sam had thrown up walking up the steps. 
Robin kept slapping Eddie, who had recently gotten off of house arrest, because he kept trying to unbutton his polo that Steve had let him borrow. It was the only way Steve’s parents would allow him for the festivities. If he looked presentable. 
But even looking presentable did not take his personality, eyeing all the wives and widows that walked past him. 
You on the other hand were secretly sulking because Steve was across the living room, his arm wrapped around the new girl he had been seeing. You think her name was Lacy? You didn’t talk to her too long because it was like talking to a brick wall with breasts. 
Robin scoffed when she heard Lacy laugh, clutching onto Steve. “Dear Lord, he’s really lowering his standards every day.”  
You cracked a smile, hiding it behind your cup of punch, catching Eddie looking at you with a smirk. You prayed he wouldn’t say anything. “I’m pretty sure I heard her ask if Rome existed during the Roman Empire while Mrs. Harrington was showing some painting.” 
You and Robin had to look away from one another, knowing you’d cause a scene if you laughed. It was like word vomit, jealousy had taken over you. “I don’t know what he sees in any of these girls. He’s like attracted to these non-spectacular bimbos just because they have big boobs.” 
You heard Robin whisper your name, and her elbow into your ribs. You laughed when you looked up at your friend but her eyes were full of panic, glancing at something in front of you. 
You turned your gaze to see Steve and Lacy in front of you. Lacy didn’t seem to realize who you were talking about. However, Steve’s jaw ticked. Lacy tried to get closer to him and he reacted by removing his arm from her and walking away. 
“Uh hello? You’re going to leave without saying anything?” She called after him. He didn’t reply as he made his way to the staircase that you knew led up to his bedroom. Lacy huffed, “Whatever.” She crossed her arms and stomped elsewhere. You kind of felt bed for speaking badly about a girl who had no clue about your feelings. But it felt worse knowing you had hurt Steve. 
You looked at your feet, ashamed of what you had said. “Didn’t Steve say his dad had a gun cabinet?” 
Robin smacked your arm. “Not funny.” 
“I thought the clueless look on non-spectacular bimbo was funny.” Eddie’s grin went from ear to ear. You and Robin looked at him with narrowed eyes. He put his hands up in defense. “Too soon?” 
You groaned, turning around, laying your forehead on the wall behind you. “I’m such an idiot.” 
“Jesus Christ. You like him,” Robin proclaimed. 
Eddie laughed. “Wait, you didn’t know?” 
You felt Robin roll her eyes. “She has literally never said or done anything that made me think… ugh this ruins everything. I thought you were different.” 
You snapped your head to face her, brows furrowed. “How does this ruin everything?” You noticed people looking over at you, listening to the commotion. 
“Maybe we should lower our voices,” Eddie mumbled. 
The scoff that Robin made sounded like Are you kidding me? “Girls never want to be my friend unless they want to get closer to him. Then you came along and didn’t immediately start drooling. I thought I had hope.” 
You opened your mouth to defend yourself but you snapped it back shut. Your lips pursed together and you swallowed a large lump down your throat. You didn’t mean to start liking Steve. She was overreacting. “You don’t know anything Robin. And what does it matter? You’re leaving in like three weeks.”
“Not the point,” Robin said through bared teeth. 
Eddie awkwardly steered some bystanders away, convincing them everything was okay. 
You shook your head, laughing in disbelief. “I get it now. This whole time you’ve been jealous.” 
“Excuse me?” Robin was fuming, almost nose to nose. 
“Admit it, you’re in love with Steve and can’t stand that he chooses all these boring girls over you.” 
You must have touched a sore spot that even Eddie was aware of because before Robin could do anything, he stepped between the two of you. He looked at Robin, giving her an assuring look before back at you. Immediately you felt desolate and little. You didn’t belong, because in only one look you knew Eddie was going to back up his friend. “Maybe you should…” he shrugged, motioning to the door. 
You looked between the two of them, Robin faced away from you, but you could see her glassy eyes, brimmed with tears. Your heart sank, wanting to take everything you said in only ten minutes back in your mouth. But you were too stubborn to admit you might have been in the wrong. “Screw you both.” You pivoted, and suddenly the picture of Lacy looked familiar as you stormed out of the Harrington’s house. 
It took you three days to find yourself at the front door of Robin’s house. You knew she would be home because she talked about it a few days ago. She would be packing for her move. When she answered the door, her face was expressionless. You held up a basket of banana muffins, her favorite. You smiled awkwardly. “Can I come in?” 
You could tell by the grip she had on the door that she wanted to slam in your face. Nonetheless, she sighed and opened it wider for you to walk through. “Sorry about the mess. Packing and all.” Her voice was quiet as she led you to her bedroom. Sure enough, clothes, boxes, and other items were scattered all over her bed and floor. “Just got done packing my voodoo doll of Steve,” she joked. 
You winced. One thing about Robin, she wasn’t beating around the bush on any confrontation. “Look, Rob. I didn’t mean what I said. LIke truly. I was the one that was jealous and always have been of your relationship with Steve. You two have all this history and I can’t compete with that.” 
Robin ran her fingers through her hair. “Steve and I have been through a lot of shit… like a lot. But it’s not like that.” 
You couldn’t help but perk up at the last part. 
She continued, “I just don’t understand why you never said anything to me. That you thought you had to keep it a secret.” She plopped down on the ground, her arms hanging off her knees. 
You followed the lead by also sitting on the ground, legs crossed. “I just didn’t want to be like every other girl I guess. I knew it wasn’t going to happen so I never said anything.” 
Robin thought carefully of her next words. “I can’t deny that you were right.” She started to mess with a loose string on her shirt. “I was sort of jealous.” 
Your face softened. “Rob, listen, I can get over him. It’s like a schoolgirl crush.” 
The brunette put her face into her hands and groaned loudly. “No… I didn’t mean I was jealous of you.”
“Of Lacy?” 
Robin bit her lip, looking away from you. Tears started to form at the corner of her eyes and she wiped one with the back of her hand. She sniffled and shook her head. “No.” She faced you again, “I was jealous of Steve.” 
Your brows furrowed. Why was she jealous of him? Your eyes widened. “Oh.” You tried your best not to react extravagantly. It was mostly a reaction of guilt and understanding why Eddie jumped to her defense so quickly. You swallowed something hard. Your cheeks started to heat up. “So the person you like…” 
Robin let out a breathy laugh, wiping her nose. “Not like where it consumes me but I can’t deny the idea crosses my mind once in a while.” 
You couldn’t help but leap and hug her. “Rob, I value your friendship so much. Thank you for being so vulnerable.” 
“I guess we both are good at keeping secrets, huh?” Robin asked once you broke apart. 
You smiled. “Eddie too. He figured it out the first day I met him.” 
She burst out laughing. “He figured out I’m a lesbian in like two days. For a man who won’t ever shut up he somehow sees things we don’t in a matter of minutes.” 
There was a beat. 
“Have you spoken to Steve?” You looked away shyly. 
Robin smirked, rolling her eyes playfully. “He’s fine. You just hurt his ego a little bit. I think he misses you.” 
You blew a raspberry. “Whatever.”
“Why do you think I was jealous? He definitely likes you and that moment I found out you liked him too, I knew it would be a matter of time.” Robin no longer looked sad, in fact she looked ecstatic. She blushed. “I think I only had feelings because you were the first girl who didn’t express feelings for him. That wasn’t fair to you. I’m sorry.” 
Your mind had so many things to address. “No, I’m sorry for not being truthful. There were many reasons I never said anything. Number one being I valued our friendship more than anything.” 
Robin reached over, placing her hand on your knee. “I don’t want to be the middleman. I’ve done that for him for almost two years. All I will say, he dates these uninteresting bimbos because he thinks those are the only girls who will ever like him. You should talk to him.”
You left Robin’s house two hours later. You both spent time packing, laughing about the summer, and telling her when you started having feelings for Steve. You both also cried because Robin was leaving. You had to convince her out of staying that college was meant for her. 
The next day Robin asked you to go bowling. What she didn’t care to mention was that Steve and Eddie would be there. However it didn’t surprise you. You were tempted with running out the door, however; but Robin grabbed your arm quickly as if she knew your plan and walked you to the lane. 
Eddie was facing you both, a childlike grin plastered on his face. 
“Well well well. Isn’t it the two fighting pussycats?” Eddie stuck his tongue out of the corner of his mouth. 
You could only see the back of Steve’s head. He had chosen to wear a baseball cap to hide his hair. He didn’t turn around, but he peeked over his shoulder, quickly averting his gaze to the ground as he put on his bowling shoes. 
Robin walked up to Eddie, smacking him on the back of his head. “That was a gross comment, Munson.”
He rubbed the spot she had just hit. “Geez. Twas just a joke.” He then looked up at her, grinning. “I could’ve said it was kind of hot. But did I?”
Robin thumped his forehead this time. 
“You make me want to scream sometimes.” She pinched the bridge of her nose. 
“That’s funny, your mom said the same thing to me last night.” Eddie and Steve burst out laughing. Robin looked like she wanted to strangle Eddie. Yet, she didn’t react. She plopped in the seat next to him and put her shoes on. 
You followed by sitting next to Steve, avoiding any type of eye contact. You noticed Eddie and Robin giving one another look. The awkwardness between you and Steve was too suffocating not to notice. 
Your mind raced if he knew your feelings or did Robin and Eddie not say anything? Robin did say she wasn’t meddling but nosey is Eddie’s middle name. 
You opened your mouth to say something, anything, to Steve, but he had already gone up to enter names and take his turn. You looked at your hands, defeated. 
And so it was like a tug-of-war. When Steve talked, he only spoke to Robin and Eddie. He wasn’t excluding you on purpose but whenever he spoke he never looked at you. Whenever you tried to enter the conversation or talked he’d act uninterested. 
You even tried to flirt, going up to him personally and saying what a good bowler he was and if he could give you any tips. He glanced over at the scoreboard, noticing you were in second place. “M’think you have the hang of it.” 
You could hear Eddie wince audibly for you. You shit daggers his way before turning around and rolling the ball down your lane. This bowling alley was not on your side because you somehow made a strike. 
“Good job! I guess the trick is to make you pissed off.” Eddie laughed at his own comment. Robin elbowed him in his side, whispering that now was not the time. 
“I’m not pissed off,” you defended, feeling your cheats heat up with embarrassment. “I’m fine, perfectly fine!” 
Steve still was not looking at you, rather the ground.
You stormed up to him. “Are you just going to ignore me the whole night? You won’t give me a chance to even apologize because you’re acting like a child.” 
He didn’t flinch. 
You threw your hands up. “I’m so sorry I hurt your feelings the other day. I can own up that I shouldn’t have said it. But dude, it freaking sucks when I see you wasting your time on people who don’t care about you.” You regretted speaking up now, mostly because of other people looking over in your direction. You pursed your lips, trying not to cry. “Thanks for inviting me, Rob, but I think it’s time for me to go.” You stopped her and Eddie before they tried to argue. 
You walked out of the building and sat in your car processing everything. Robin was moving away and now you had lost one of the only friends you had in this stupid town. 
You contemplated knocking on the front door to the Harrington household for nearly fifteen minutes before committing. You let out a sigh of relief when it had been Robin who answered the door. Almost immediately you wrapped your arms around her. 
“Hey, no crying. I told you that yesterday.” Her hug didn’t reflect her words as she pulled you in tighter. “Thank you for coming.” 
She knew you almost didn’t. 
Everyone was in Steve’s backyard, Robin told you, explaining that was the only way his parents allowed Robin’s going away party to happen if all the activities were not in the house. She even made a joke that his mom probably didn’t want them using the bathrooms. 
You felt nervous when you heard all the voices walking to the backyard. You didn’t recognize anyone. It didn’t seem to phase anyone when you appeared with Robin. Eddie was lounging on a chair, talking to a dark-haired scrawny boy. He called out your name, greeting you. It brought the attention of others, including Steve. 
He was in the pool, laughing with a girl you thought looked familiar but had no idea who she was. She was petite and shiny brown hair. This was the first time in weeks you had seen him, and he had actually acknowledged your presence. He smiled half-heartedly and gave you a small wave. 
Robin grabbed your hand, dragging you towards the pair. “Rob, I don’t think–” 
“Nance! I want you to finally meet who I’ve been telling you about.” Robin laid her arm on top of your shoulders. 
Nance smiled. It was warm and inviting. “Steve said you were pretty.” 
You peered at Steve who had begun to submerge himself into the water, his face still poking out. “It’s nice to meet you Nance.” 
She chuckled. “Actually, it’s Nancy. Nancy Wheeler.” 
You smiled at her. You normally found it hard to talk to new people, but she somehow seemed to make everyone around her comfortable. “How do you know Robin and Steve?” 
Everyone gave each other a look, silently saying something that you didn’t understand. It was the same look Eddie would also give them whenever you asked a too personal question that no one knew how to answer. It was like they all were hiding something. 
“We were close when the earthquake hit.” Nancy answered, smiling warmly. You felt not everything was being said but it didn’t matter. You knew you could trust there was a reason they didn’t say. 
The afternoon consisted of conversations with all of Steve and Robin’s friends. Most of them were in college or had moved off. Your favorite was a curly haired boy named Dustin who seemed to have a special connection with Steve. It was like they were complete opposites but also shared the same mind. 
Steve had spoken little to you, but it was a step up from ignoring you. It hurt knowing that you two were no longer friends. Yet, you accepted it. Even when you had gone to grab a drink out of the cooler outside, and Steve’s hand touched yours when he went to grab it at the same time. Or when you had found yourself sitting next to him, his shoulder still damp from pool water, brushing your bare arm. You swore when he laughed he leaned into you. 
It wasn’t until you had gone inside to use the restroom, finding yourself in one of the hallways looking at all the pictures on the wall. They consisted of wedding photos of his parents, family portraits, and a lot of pictures of Steve. That’s when you caught the picture of Steve and Nancy on the wall. Your heart plummeted a little as you realized why you recognized her. Granted, it was only from what you assumed to be their prom, but she must be the girl Robin had talked about. 
“That seems so long ago.” You jumped at the voice that came from behind you. Your shoulders relaxed when you peered behind your shoulder to see it was Steve. “Sorry,” he mumbled. 
“No, it’s okay. I didn’t know you were there, that’s all.” You looked away from him, still embarrassed from everything that had been going on these past few weeks. You had made your apologies, and although you felt like he should apologize too, you just wanted your friend back. 
He stepped forward so he’d be shoulder to shoulder with you, but he didn’t say anything. At first. “Isn’t it weird we think we meet everyone we’re gonna meet when we’re young?” 
You looked back at the prom picture. “I wouldn’t have wanted you to meet me in high school.” 
He laughed. “I wouldn’t want you to meet me either. I was a true asshole.”
“What changed? A girl?” You motioned to the picture on the wall. 
Steve took a moment. You could tell he was thinking about what he would say next. “No. I was still a pretty big asshole. It was more of the break-up part that I decided I needed to grow up.” He looked down at you, but you avoided eye contact. “I guess I’m still not doing a great job.” 
Your face softened, finally catching his gaze. “You are. We all have moments when we're assholes.” 
“Yeah, but I never apologized for giving you the cold shoulder. After hearing what you said I had a lot of… self-evaluation.” Steve licked his lips. “I haven’t gone on a date in weeks.” 
You took a second to process. “How is that going?” 
He smiled, nodding his head. “It’s been good. I guess I was a serial dater because I was afraid of being alone.” His shoulder brushed yours. “I think I took my friendships for granted.” 
The warmth of his hand made your stomach flip. You needed to tell him. “Steve.” Your tongue felt dry. 
“Thank you for being patient with me. It’s nice knowing that even though Robin won’t be here I’ll still have a good friend around.” He patted you on the shoulder. You tried not to feel the disappointment in you. Of course he only saw you as a friend. 
Did you need to say something? Maybe you could grab him by the shoulders and kiss him. You didn’t, praying it would go away in due time. 
You understood why Robin was relieved when she had made a girl friend. Between the burps and jokes you started to miss her more and more. What was worse, you realized you were spending a lot more time with Steve. You began to notice he was getting older and stronger. The shirts he wore started to hug him. Mostly because he started going on runs again. He had told you and Eddie anytime he felt lonely, he’d just put on his sneakers and sprint out the door. He must have been running a lot. 
School had technically started in Hawkins. You felt lame because you didn’t apply to the community college like you said you would. Work at the museum was boring. However, you found yourself at Steve’s house trying to get in as much swimming before it got cold. Steve didn’t seem to mind. 
There was one particular day you, Eddie, and Steve were meant to go to the pond you had gone too with Robin. However, when you got to Steve’s house so he could drive, a downpour of rain began. You sat on his couch while he was on the phone with Eddie, saying that the three of you could go next weekend. Your eyes followed him as he walked over, plopping right next to you. He smelt like a mix between coconuts and bourbon. He put his arms behind his head, his bicep flexing. 
Your crush had definitely not gotten any better. “I guess I’ll head back home then.” 
Steve furrowed his brows. “What? Are you crazy it’s like a tropical storm out there” 
You kicked his leg. “I’m not defenseless, you know? I know how to drive.” 
“Defenseless, no. A good driver? Not according to those curbs you hit.” Steve’s eyes were closed, but his mouth broke out into the biggest smile. 
 When he had made that comment you had poked him. He poked you back. You returned by poking a sensitive spot under his armpit. He was then on top of you, tickling your ribs, making you cry of laughter. 
You both cooled down, the heat from his body more noticeable when you noticed how close his face was to yours. He hadn’t shaved in a few days, his rough stubbles poking around his face. You couldn’t help drag your finger across his jaw to feel them. You were unsure how it happened. Who kissed who first was the dilemma going through your mind as your lips melted together. 
He supported himself by having one hand by your head, the other hand cupping your face. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss. Your fingers played with his hair. He hated people touching it, but good friends don’t kiss one another. 
Your eyes shot wide. Steve made a grunt as you pushed him off of you, standing up quickly, feeling a little light headed from the blood rushing through you. Steve sat up on the couch, lips red and swollen. His hair disheveled. You saw him run his tongue behind his bottom lip. 
You held yourself, feeling so vulnerable. “I think the rain let up. Safe to drive.” Your voice was weak. 
His jaw ticked. “Oh.” As if on cue a roar of thunder shook his house, the windows lit up from a lightning bolt. He gave you a look that he didn’t need to say anything for you to understand. He didn’t want you to go, but he knew you weren’t going to stay. 
You walked out of the living room and to the front door. Your hand was on the door knob, ready to open it and run out. There was an urge to turn around and so you did. Steve had followed you to the entryway. 
“Why do you tell your friends that I’m pretty?” You asked him. 
Steve’s chest expanded and fell back to normal. “What do you want me to say?”
You raised your hands into the air. Your voice rose. “It’s not a complicated question, Steve. Why do you tell all these people that I’m pretty?” 
Steve’s tone matched yours. “Because you are?” He said it so simply. Like it was easy. 
Your arms fell to your sides. “Then why have you never told me?”
Steve was taken aback. The silence between you was full of palpable tension. “Haven’t I?” 
You scoffed. “No, Steve. You haven’t.” 
He swallowed hard, looking off to the side. 
“Listen, we don’t have to talk about this. I know you’re lonely since you haven’t been going on dates and we just got caught up in the moment. It’s fine really.” You were looking at your feet, your shoelaces loose, dragging on the floor. You thought about how last week they did the same thing and Steve had kneeled down and tied them for you. 
He said your name but he didn’t move to stop you as you bolted out the door. 
The next weekend you debated telling Eddie you were sick when he had called to ask if you were still down to go to the pond with him and Steve. If Eddie knew about the kiss, he didn’t say anything. 
Steve must have begged to pick up Eddie first or they were already together when they came and picked you up. You sat in the back of the car, arms crossed, staring purposefully at the rearview mirror. Eddie kept going on and on about how everyone from his old band, Corroded Coffin, had either left town or started a family. Eddie told you about after the earthquake he had lost everything, including his most prized possession— his guitar. 
When you arrived at the pond there was an awkward silence as everyone carried blankets and the ice chest to a spot that seemed suitable to sit on. Fortunately, the ground was dry from the few days of rain Hawkins had received over the past week. You could see trees beginning to brown, and wildflowers wilting, telling you that summer was slipping away. 
You looked over at Steve arguing with Eddie about forgetting to pack sandwiches. He had gone ahead and taken off his shirt. His muscles poked out and the hair on his chest was dark and unruly. Steve walked away from Eddie, mumbling that Robin never forgot to bring food. He caught you in the act of watching him, his face turning red. 
This was ridiculous. You spent weeks being mad that he was avoiding you. “You wanna race to the top?” 
Steve looked over at the hill where you could see the tan rope swaying side to side. He smirked. “I’ll give you a head start.” 
You didn’t take a beat to think before you pivoted and started to sprint towards the hill. It didn’t take long for Steve to catch up with you. He was going easy, keeping a steady pace slightly in front of you. You might have gone slower because you were distracted by how his butt looked in his swim trunks. 
You both climbed the hill, giggling as you almost slipped. His hand on the small of your back to hold you steady. You suddenly cried out, looking at your hand. Steve immediately went into action, eyes wide with concern. “What happened?” 
He adjusted himself to look at the problem. You went to show him your hand, but then you stuck your tongue out and quickly climbed faster to reach the top. Steve called out your name, calling you a cheater as you pulled yourself to the top of the hill. You laid on your back, catching your breath, laughing once you saw Steve dragging himself on the top. “That was not fair.”  He was on his arms and knees laughing almost as hard as you. 
It wasn’t even that funny but it felt nice to just laugh. With Steve. You sat up, your face hurt from smiling so hard. Steve’s eyes softened. They were hazy and he looked stupidly drunk. You nudged him. “Why are you looking at me like that?” 
He blinked a few times. He sat up, taking his finger and brushing your cheek. “I couldn’t help but think how pretty you are when the sun shines on you.”  
Your heart raced. Your words were struggling to form. You looked over at the pond, glistening underneath the sun. “I like you Steve but I can’t just be a fling to you.” 
He looked sad. You heard your name said under his breath. “I like you so much. All this time I didn’t know what I wanted and when I met you it just got harder to click with anyone or feel the way I do about you. It was hard to avoid those feelings. I never said anything because Robin was so happy to have a girl as a friend and I couldn’t ruin that for her.”
Your cheeks were hot and you covered your face with your knees. You weren’t sure how to react hearing the boy you’ve had a crush on likes you back. The end of summer breeze kissed your nose. 
His tanned skin was starting to fade, but you could still see all his freckles covering his shoulders. You leaned forward, placing your lips softly on his shoulder blade. 
“Have you been to Enzo’s yet?” Steve leaned his forehead on yours, a cheesy smile painted on his face. 
You messed with a loose string hanging off your swimsuit bottoms. You were almost too afraid to look him in the eyes. “Are you asking me on a date?” You had never been there. Someone told you it used to be the only nice restaurant before the earthquake. Most of the new residents didn’t go, leaving it to be a sacred place for the natives of Hawkins. 
“Didn’t I just confess I like you?” Steve chuckled and you could feel the vibrations from how close he was to you. 
You ducked your head, feeling flustered. “It’s intimidating to know I’m not the only person you’ve taken out on a date.” 
Steve was silent for a moment, hopefully thinking carefully over a valid concern. He placed his hand on yours, trailing his fingers over yours. He then used the same hand to lift your chin up. “I don’t take just anyone to Enzo’s.” 
Your heart fluttered. He was smooth. You tried to say something that Eddie was probably concerned the two of you had died or got lost. Steve disregarded it because his lips found yours. 
It was soft and slow. It felt just as nice as the first time you kissed. Except now, you knew how he felt. You felt kaleidoscopic. It was overwhelming and sexy. 
You hoped it would always feel like this. That anytime you felt the last moments of summer, you always remembered the beginning of a new season you had never felt before.
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woso-dreamzzz · 9 months
Rival V
Hardersson x Teen!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Gooner to Gunner
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Arsenal coming calling for you a few weeks after your seventeenth birthday. You've been playing professionally for Linköping since you were fifteen, following the under-seventeen Euros, as their second choice goalkeeper.
You always knew, much like your mothers, that you didn't want to stay in Sweden your whole career. It's off the back of completing your final matches as the Under-seventeen team's captain in a round of friendlies that you get the email.
You're mucking around on your laptop, aimlessly typing something out for one of your classes when you switch tabs to your Momma's emails.
It had been terribly easy to crack the password (your and Morsa's birthdays put together) and you made sure that she didn't know you were logged in. It's not like you had been planning anything malicious but it was Momma's email that was connected to the Amazon account and you were just too impatient to wait to see what surprise she had ordered to celebrate your tenure as captain for the youth team.
You had been tracking the package for days now and just so happened to spy this new email at the top of the list.
You frown. It's got your name on it. You're not eighteen yet so all of your professional stuff comes through either Momma and Morsa and-yes, Morsa was cc'ed into the email too.
You click on it. There's nothing wrong with that, you think to yourself, because it's about you anyway. There's no harm in finding out what it was a bit early.
Your eyes skim through the email, your heart stuttering in your chest.
It was a contract proposal.
The same position, second goalkeeper, but for a hell of a lot more money.
At Arsenal.
You glance behind you.
Everywhere you've ever moved, your framed Leah Williamson shirt ends up over your bed.
Even when you gained so many more world class player's jerseys (Tia Tana, Alexia, Keira Walsh, just to name a few), Leah's one always ended up over your bed.
Your door swings open and your hurriedly close the tab, writing more nonsense for your schoolwork.
"Morsa!" You exclaim," Knock!"
Morsa laughs. "Sorry, princesse, I don't realise I was raising such a moody teenager."
"I could have been naked," You scoff.
"This early? No chance. I just came up here to say that dinner's ready."
"Dinners ready or it's nearly ready and you're using me to set the table?" You're wise to Morsa's tricks.
"We ordered in. Dinner is actually ready."
By the time that you've washed your hands and made it downstairs, Momma and Morsa have made space for you to slot between them.
You try to keep quiet for a little bit but the email you've just read makes you antsy and anxious.
"So..." You say finally as the show you're watching finishes and your Morsa starts flicking through the channels to find something new. "How was work?"
Momma frowns at you suspiciously. "Good. Why?"
You try to be casual. "No reason. So...no funny email chains? Nothing interesting?"
Momma turns to look at you fully. "What's going on with you? What have you heard?"
You shrug. "Me? Nothing."
She watches you with narrowed eyes. "Magda, what have you told her?"
"Me?" Morsa's got a slice of pizza hanging from her mouth. "Why do you think I've told her something?"
"She's acting suspicious. Just like you do when you know something you shouldn't."
"I haven't told her anything. I've barely seen her all day. She came straight home from training and shacked up in her room to do schoolwork."
Momma is still staring at you as she fishes her phone out of her pocket and flicks through her emails. Like you, it doesn't take her long to find it.
She sighs - long and drawn out and she rubs her temple with her fingers. "I don't know how you found out about this before me but-"
"Please! Please! Please! Please, Momma!" You're kneeling on the ground in front of her, hands clasped together. "I'm nearly out of the contract with Linköping. Please! It'd be such a good opportunity!"
"Whoa, whoa," Morsa says quickly," Slow down. What's going on? Pernille, huh?"
Momma sighs again, turning her phone over to Morsa. "Arsenal is interested in her."
Morsa skims through the email, her eye twitching slightly. She looks at you and says," No. If you want to go to England, we can see if Chelsea will take you."
You sigh just like Momma did. "Morsa, please! I don't even like Not-Wolfsburg! I'll play so good at Arsenal, I promise!"
"First of all," Morsa says," You're seventeen. You have got to stop calling Chelsea Not-Wolfsburg. Second of all, you're seventeen. In what world is moving to England a good idea at the moment?"
"For football!" You exclaim, standing on your feet and grabbing at her hands. You know Momma will support you in anything you want to do, including this. So it's just Morsa (who would probably prefer it if you joined fucking Spurs than Arsenal) that you have to convince. "Morsa, please! I...I'll give it my all! Please! Arsenal's the goal!"
"I thought Wolfsburg was the goal."
"It is!" You say," But that's the long term goal! Wolfsburg will be sure to watch me if I play in the WSL!"
"Wolfsburg was watching your Momma when she was still at Linköping," Morsa points out," Why can't you stay at Linköping?"
"Morsa!" You're getting a bit annoyed now. "Wolfsburg the club I want to retire at! Arsenal for Leah and Aunt Lina and Aunt Stina. Barcelona or Lyon, maybe, for Tia Tana or Daan. And then Wolfsburg!"
That causes a small smile to tug at Morsa's lips. "No Bayern on your list?"
"It's in the maybe category like Barca and Lyon! Don't change the subject! Who knows when an opportunity like this will come up again? The national teams will be sure to watch me properly too, if I'm playing in England!"
Momma laughs. "Magda," She says," Just put her out of her misery, already."
You look between them. "Huh?"
Morsa stands up, drawing you up into a hug. "Of course you can sign for Arsenal, princesse."
You end up back in London for the first time in years within the month.
A picture goes up on social media on the day you come in to officially sign. You shake hands with the manager and pose for the photo, holding onto your new jersey.
It's probably your most prized possession now with your favourite number on the back - you're challenging yourself to clinch the first keeper position within two years.
At Linköping, your last name was on your shirt.
At Arsenal, it's your first name.
Abruptly, you're brought back to a blurry memory of sitting on the floor of your house before the move to Bayern, when you ran your fingers over Alexia's name, when your Momma explained that some of the best had only their first names on their jerseys.
"There she is."
You look up and then back down bashfully.
Leah Williamson walks up to you. She's older now, than when you first met her all those years ago. She's retired from football - just like your mothers - but she still works in the sector, one of the coaches for the women's team.
"You look good in an Arsenal shirt," She says," Even better now that it's not mine."
You don't know why you say it but you do," I still have the first shirt you gave me. Momma and Morsa got it framed for me."
She grins at you, clapping you on the back. "I had you pegged for a Gunner the moment you wandered into our dressing room." She breathes in deeply. "Let me just take a moment. This is a nice full circle moment for me."
You laugh. "Me too."
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gojoidyll · 5 months
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Yandere ! Gojo Satoru x Female ! Reader
Part 12 | another simple beginning
Summary | And I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you.
Warnings | short chapter, grammatical errors, etc.
Infinity Masterlist
“You think you’re funny, you damned Gojo?”
The sorcerer grinned at Sukuna whose mouth appeared on Itadori’s cheek, “very much so. Here we are in a new time and you’re stuck in a teenager’s body. She won’t ever look your way.”
He smiled when Itadori questioned him as to what he and Sukuna were possibly going on about, but the sorcerer merely shrugged with an aloof expression etching across his face, “who knows? I’m just entertaining him is all. Curses like Sukuna need to be entertained every once and awhile, you know?”
“Is that why you fought him when we first met?”
“Yeah … something like that.”
“You both did wonderful! Congrats on a mission well done!”
Gojo brought his attention forward, both him and Itadori went on a sort of solo training mission while Y/n took Fushiguro and Kugisaki on another. And afterwards, they all had agreed to meet at a particular restaurant in both in celebration for a job well done and for welcoming Y/n as a new teacher.
“Gojo, Itadori! I’m glad to see you both made it here safely.”
Gojo could feel how his heart swooned at the sight of her smile. His grin infectious as he reached for her, his hand gently patting her head, “please, a mission like that is but a simple one.”
“That so? Are all missions easy for you, Gojo?”
He found it adorable with how curious she was about him, it made him want to squish her cute cheeks. But he managed to refrain himself as they all entered the restaurant with him making sure that she stood right next to him.
“Of course they are, I am the strongest after all.”
“The strongest? Stronger than anyone then?”
“Anyone and everyone.”
“Even Sukuna?”
“Him too.”
She laughed as the waitress showed them there table, “it must be tiring, huh?”
As the three students sat on one side, he was sure to pull her to him so she would be sitting next to him. Though, he didn’t like how Itadori unconsciously sat in front of y/n on the other side. Must have been Sukuna’s doing.
“Tiring,” he questioned.
“Well… since you’re the strongest, you must always be called on missions, right? Isn’t that tiring?”
“Not at all.”
“Well, if you want, if you ever need a break or a vacation, then I would be happy to take on your missions for you,” she happily exclaimed while digging into her pocket and pulling out her jujutsu sorcerer card, “I am a special rank sorcerer after all!”
Marry me.
He shook his thoughts out before he could utter those words to her, and just as he opened his mouth to thank her, Itadori cut right into the conversation.
“A special grade?! But you look our age! How did you get to that rank already?!”
She laughed at that too, “I’m not that young, I’m actually 22.”
“That’s still young!”
She grinned and Gojo pouted while pointing to himself, “hey, I’m a special grade sorcerer too.”
“Oh, youre like what? 40?”
Gojo huffed at Itadori, “I’ll have you know I’m 28!”
“Close enough.”
“I thought he was 50 when I first met him.”
“Not you too, Megumi!”
It was a good day. Everyone was laughing and poking fun at one another. No one would expect anything was wrong or that Gojo was planning to get rid of Sukuna in some way, shape, or form.
No one noticed how Sukuna kept his eyes on you either. A special grade sorcerer? A young woman trying to make it in the jujutsu world?
Seems like he’ll be able to keep an eye on you way easier than he originally thought.
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Infinity Taglist | pls note that some i could not tag due to "no blogs found"
@whore-for-hawks @esthelily @huicitawrites @flaming-vulpix @zeniiis @rin1802 @mrowwww @kenstarsworld @bubera974 @littleplantofdeath @fangirl-332 @thaliadoesthings @hellsingalucard18 @tamaki-simp @obsessedwithfanfiction @babygivertyrant @carvelcakes
@itzmeme @nervouschocolatecat @aspiring-bookworm @babyorphanstastegood @lilacskyly @ilovethegold @mythicalsongbird
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flemingsfreckles · 4 months
Pretend We’re Good
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Niamh Charles x Reader
Synopsis: based off this request!
Warnings: toxic behavior from both Niamh and Reader, suggestive at the end, fighting, angsty
WC: 3.3k
A/N: this is the first time I’ve written for someone other than Jessie, but I follow Niamh as a player so idk thought I’d give it a go.
Also shout out to whoever this anon was, this song is a banger and has found its way onto my driving to work playlist which I am extremely picky about, so thanks for the indirect song suggestion! 🫶
Seeing the match announcement was one thing, actually showing up and playing it was another.
Playing England was good preparation for the Olympics, they were a quality team, you knew that, but that meant you’d have to see Niamh. That meant you’d have to mark Niamh on the pitch. It meant you’d have to give her a silly handshake before the game and wish her good luck.
You and Niamh had a complicated history. You played at Liverpool together for a season before she left for Chelsea. You had always had a flirty friendship as teenagers but it never amounted to anything.
Then when she left for Chelsea, it broke your heart. Which made you realize how strong your feelings were for the girl, bawling when she said goodbye and then again at home in bed. For hours at a time you would remain motionless on your mattress, wishing she’d come back. You had been a mess for a couple weeks not knowing how to handle losing your best friend and the girl you had seemingly fallen in love with. The two of you kept in touch but it wasn’t comparable to seeing her everyday, to being her travel roommate, to being her bus buddy.
Then you got a call a season later. A call offering you a spot at Chelsea, you barely thought about it, the club's reputation, plus being back with Niamh, you easily said yes, signing your name on the line to become a blue.
Niamh was your first call, she was ecstatic about you joining the club. It didn’t take long for the two of you to fall back into your friendship and with the friendship came the oblivious flirting.
“You two are insufferable. Will you just admit you want to makeout.” Erin had teased the two of you. Her teasing, while not appreciating in the moment, had forced you and Niamh to actually sit down and talk about your feelings. You both admitted to wanting more than just a friendship and you went on your first official date after.
The next two years with Niamh were pure bliss. You played well together, you’d spend your holidays together, you met her family and she met yours.
Everything was good, until you became unhappy at Chelsea. You were progressively losing playing time to new signings, only seeing the pitch as a sub, it was impacting you heavily mentally and hurting your playing time internationally as well.
So when you got the offer to move to the NWSL, you took it. You took it and you didn’t tell Niamh until the day you confirmed the transfer.
You had broken the news at dinner in your apartment and an argument had quickly unfollowed.
“I can’t believe you’d just leave like that!” Niamh stood from the table grabbing her plate, not offering to clear yours like she typically would.
“I’m not happy here Niamh!” Niamh would be lying to herself if she said she didn’t know you were unhappy. She’d heard you rant and complain about your playing time, your struggles in training, and she had been supportive thought it all. She just never imagined you’d go as far as to leave her, to leave her and leave the country, the continent behind.
“What? I don’t make you happy?” She screamed across the room at you.
“You do! You’re the best thing I have here!” It was all you could yell back.
The defender grew quiet, looking at you with hurt eyes. “But I’m not enough, am I?” She asked quietly.
“Niamh.” You wanted to scream at her that this had nothing to do with her, she was the only reason you had stayed at this team so long. You had been given other offers but you thought maybe, somehow you’d end up with more playing time again and you’d go back to being happy where you were but that day never came.
“No, you should go, enjoy New York. Go where someone or something is enough for you.” She slammed the door behind her leaving you alone in your apartment.
The next day, your final day at Chelsea, you showed up, puffy eyed from crying instead of sleeping all night. It was quickly picked up on by the other girls, especially when Niamh didn’t come in with you, and she didn’t show up to training.
You gathered everyone in the conference room before film review. You stood up, explaining that while you loved the friendships and connections you’ve made here, to better yourself as a player it was time to move on. As you spoke you noticed Niamh slip in through the door, she looked just as rough if not worse than you did. Red cheeks, bloodshot eyes, her hair was a mess, she wasn’t dressed for training. You finished your speech before quickly saying goodbye to everyone all the girls lining up to hug you and wish you well, all the girls except Niamh who remained seated in the back of the room.
You left the facility shortly after, taking all your belongings with you before hurrying home. You were set to leave early the next morning, your belongings to be packed up by hired movers, anything you shared to be left with Niamh. You packed up just the essentials, enough to get you through the first week of your move before you could get settled.
You sent Niamh a text, asking if she wanted to come over for a bit, thinking you could talk it out, but you got no response. The next morning you hopped on a plane, having no idea if you were even still in a relationship with the girl.
It took a few weeks until you heard from her. A drunken phone call after they had won the league. A phone call that part of you wishes never came. You could tell from her first words that she must’ve been hammered, standing outside a loud nightclub or bar. Her voice brought back all of the feelings you had managed to push down for the past few weeks. Her proclamation of love over the phone, begging and pleading with you to forgive her for her stupid behavior. She begged to have you back in her bed, saying she missed the intimacy with you, the connection. She begged for a chance at long distance, to still be the one you wanted.
You never called her back. You weren’t even sure if she remembered calling.
And now here you were, standing less than an arms length away from her as you both stood waiting to enter the pitch. When you had stopped next to her, she had looked at you, when you made eye contact she gave you a small “hello” with a look of guilt across her face.
The game was easier, it was easy to forget she was there. She just looked like any other England player. You were able to push her from your mind, putting you more at ease than you had expected to be being this close to the woman after all that had happened.
It was after the game where you found yourself in uncomfortable waters with her. You had shaken her hand last, avoiding all eye contact. When Niamh tried to speak to you, you quickly dropped her hand and then made a b-line for the locker room.
“Please wait.” Her voice pleading with you as you heard her follow you down the tunnel.
“Niamh, no.” You don’t even turn back to look at her. You couldn’t, if you looked at her your body might convince you to hear her out.
“I don’t need you back, I just want closure, you deserve closure, I didn’t give you that.”
“Do you want closure or do you just want to feel less guilty for what you did to me?” You spit back at her, turning around you watch as her already guilty looking face twists into one of anger.
“You left the country with one days notice! Don’t blame this all on me!” She shouts back at you.
You sigh, you couldn’t believe this was happening. You and Niamh, standing less than three feet from each other, face to face for the first time since she left your apartment. You couldn’t determine your feeling, half of you wanted to grab her, kiss her hard and make up for all the time you two had missed out on. The other half of you was ready to shove her out of the way, leave here and hope you’d never have to play the Lionesses again. “And you walked out! You didn’t even try Niamh!”
“I didn’t know how. I didn’t even know where to start! It was such late notice. I didn’t know what to do, I loved you, I still love you.” She’s making eye contact so intense you can’t look away. This is exactly what you feared. Unable to hold back from the girl you start rambling.
“I still love you too Niamh, you think I don’t? You’re the only reason I stayed Niamh, because I loved you so fucking much, I couldn’t leave you, until playing for Chelsea became so unbearable, I had to leave to save myself, I was ready to quit.” You feel the tears on your face, suddenly very aware that you were crying.
You had only expressed how miserable you were to Niamh on the day you told her your contract was signed. She didn’t know you were on the verge of quitting, giving up on your love for the game.
You notice some of your teammates starting to filter into the tunnel. You and Niamh both stop talking as they pass by. Catarina slows down as she walks by, you try and duck your face to hide the tears. She looks between you and Niamh, giving you both a sympathetic smile before she moves on.
“Quit?” Niamh's face matches the look of your empathetic teammates in the tunnel.
You nod, avoiding making eye contact with Niamh, not wanting her to see right through you. She could always read you, she knew, you expressed your emotions too well through your eyes.
“I didn’t know it was that bad. Why didn’t you tell me?” Niamh grabs your hand, you start to pull it away but the feeling of her hand in yours again makes your stomach flutter so you leave it. “I don’t know what I can do. But,” you feel her squeeze your hand. “I want you back, or I want you again, I’m not sure I lost you, ever I don’t know what we were doing for those few months. Please?”
“We weren’t together during those months.” Sure you never confirmed a break up but you had decided not hearing from her meant you were no longer a couple. But you also hadn’t started seeing other people, the feelings of Niamh still too fresh.
“No, I know, it’s just we never broke up.”
“Niamh, I don’t know.”
“Please don’t make me beg. Even if it’s just a night? Just dinner or drinks, I’ll pay, or we can go to my place and I’ll let you yell at me, or tell me everything I did wrong, or we can just sit, whatever, just one night, me and you can we pretend we’re good? Pretend we’re something again? Go back to how it was?”
“Niamh.” You breathed out. You knew you shouldn’t. You knew both of your behaviors were toxic, you leaving with little notice and her storming out and drunkenly calling you begging for you back. You two shouldn’t be doing this. You shouldn’t, but you wanted to. You loved her still.
You wanted to have a night with her, a date, an afternoon, something! In reality you wanted her for the rest of your life. You missed her hugs, you missed the way she kissed you, you missed the way you’d sing in the car together despite both having less than excellent voices. You missed falling asleep next to her. You missed her body on yours. You missed getting up early to make her coffee or tea and bringing it to her in bed, the way she’d sit up to sip it with crazy bed head. You missed everything about her.
You missed her and this was your chance to have her again. Even if it was just to pretend, for a night.
Niamh must’ve been able to tell you were pondering. She didn’t plea with you anymore, she didn’t beg again. She just waited patiently, studying your face, the face she’s been longing for.
“Okay. One night, like we used to be.” You finally give in.
“Really?” Niamh’s face lights up at your answer. A smile across her lips. “Okay, I’ll pick you up from your hotel? Can we have dinner? Or just drinks? Or I don’t know.”
“That sounds good.” Drinks and dinner would be harmless, a good way for the two of you to talk, in public, keep it civil.
When Niamh picked you up she was dressed up. You thankfully had dressed up as well. Subconsciously when you packed, you threw in a nice matching lace set, which you had put on underneath a simple shirt and nice pants. She had gotten out of the car to open the passenger side door, something she did when you were together.
“Thank you. Thank you for agreeing to this.” She said one back in the driver’s seat.
“Yeah.” You clasped your hands in your lap, when you were together you’d have your hand on her thigh or her hand in yours, today you kept them to yourself.
“I was thinking dinner?”
“Yeah that sounds good, I haven't eaten yet.”
Niamh nods before starting to drive to dinner. She pulls into an Italian restaurant, one the two of you had frequented while together.
When you sat down Niamh ordered a glass of wine, before looking at you. “Would you like one?”
“Yeah that'd be great.” you order the same wine as Niamh. When the glasses come Niamh holds hers up, tapping it to yours before you both take a sip and fall into silence.
You break the silence first.
You apologize for leaving on such short notice. You apologize for not telling her that you were considering leaving. You apologize for not expressing how you were feeling, truly upset at Chelsea. You apologize for never calling her, for never reaching out. You apologize for everything.
Niamh just sits, listening to you, really listening. She doesn’t interrupt, she just sits, making eye contact when you look at her. You find yourself looking away most of the time, feeling embarrassed as you list all the poor behavior, all the places you went wrong.
When you’re done, you sit back looking across the table at Niamh. Thankfully your food had arrived just as you finished apologizing and you were able to occupy the silence by eating. As you start to eat, Niamh begins to speak. She hasn’t started to eat and she’s hardly looked at the pasta in front of her.
“Niamh.” You interrupt, it was rude but you wanted to ensure she knew she could eat. “Please eat, we can talk after, don’t let it get cold.”
She nods, picking up her fork and swirling it into her meal. You eat for the most part in silence. Niamh asks a few questions about your new place in New York, your new team. When you tell her it’s going well, you’re playing more, you are often in the starting IX she replies with “I know.” When you told her you scored in your first game with them, she replies the same “I know.”
You look at her. “You keep up with me?”
“Of course I do.” She says. “I watch your games, I keep up with you, you have me rooting for you all the way across the pond. I, uh, I have your jersey.”
“Really?” You definitely didn’t expect her to own a jersey of yours. You had a couple of her Chelsea jerseys and you knew she had a couple of your old Chelsea ones as well, you just didn’t expect her to buy a new one, for your new team after what happened.
“Yeah.” She sighs.
She then begins an apology list of her own. She apologizes first for the drunken call. She had remembered doing it. She apologized for storming out on you, she apologized for ignoring you when you said your goodbyes to the team. She apologized for not reaching out, something you were both guilty of.
“I do still love you.” She ends her apology with those words.
“I still love you Niamh.” You can’t help it, you loved this woman, everything about her.
You don’t get to follow up on what that meant for either of you as the waiter comes with the bill, Niamh grabbing it before you can, when you let out a pouting huff, she just gives you a glance.
“Please it’s the least I can do, plus I asked you to this.”
“Fine.” You cross your arms. “But I get the next one.”
“The next one?” Niamh’s face breaks into a small smile, just creeping on her lips. “As in, another time?”
“If that’s something you want to do?”
“Yeah.” She says. “Does that mean, we’re…” she points a finger between the two of you.
You knew it was maybe too soon to let her back in, too soon for both of you but you really didn’t care. Sitting here being able to see her, hear her, admire her, made you miss every inch of her. You wanted her back, you needed her back. Long distance would be something to figure out, but not right now, right now you had her in front of you, within reach.
You’re not sure what to call yourselves yet, so you nod. “If that’s something you want too.”
“Yeah.” The waiter comes back to the table to give Niamh her card back. You both thank him before leaving the restaurant and heading to her car. Niamh goes to open your car door, just just barely cracks it when you push it closed.
“Hey!” She turns back to scold you, coming face to face with each other.
“Hi.” You breath out practically whispering, this was the closest you two had been in a non-match situation in months. Your faces inches from each other. You look at her eyes, temporarily getting lost in their beautiful blue color. Your trance is broke by her blinking a few times. Your eyes fall to her lips and then back to her eyes. Niamh gets the hint and brings her hands up around your shoulders, pulling you slightly closer.
“Is this okay?” She asks, looking up at you with wide eyes.
You find yourself leaning in, pressing your lips to hers, they feel better than you remember, you can feel your love for her flooding through your body, your hairs standing on edge, its electric and soft and it feels safe. You were kissing Niamh. Your Niamh. The love of your life, the girl you had waited for, the girl who was with you through your teenage years and into young adulthood. This was your girl, she was yours, you promised to never let her go again.
You kiss for a second, your front gently pressed to hers as her back is leaned up against the car. It’s a passionate kiss, both of you pouring months of built up feelings into it. When you break away you can’t hide the smile across your face and by the looks of it neither can Niamh.
“I love you.” You say.
“I love you.” She then turns opening the door again, you let her this time and you get into the car. When she climbs in the drivers seat she asks where to.
“Yours?” You suggest. “I can think of a few more ways we can make up for lost time.” You give her a wink and Niamh gets the hint, quickly starting the car in the direction of her apartment. It only takes a few turns before her hand finds its way to your upper thigh, giving it a hard squeeze.
Sure it wasn’t the healthiest way of working out your problems together, but it worked, you both got your frustrations out, you were able to express your emotions, show how much you missed each other, how much you loved each other, and by the time morning came the two of you had decided you were back together.
Girlfriends, just long distance ones.
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AITA for not wanting to play DnD with a teenager?
So I (22F) am in college and after classes I like to play DnD with four of my friends, Ricky (21M), Tara (21F) Lola (22F) and Julie (20F)
Well recently Tara's little sister Ashley (15F) has been hanging out at Tara's apartment, where we usually have our game sessions, after school. Like for about two weeks now. Tara says its because her mother got a new job and doesnt get off work until 7pm so Ashley stays at the apartment from 4pm till about 7:30pm when her mother comes to pick her up.
4 pm is when our game sessions start most of the time (depending on if any of us have night classes that day or not) which means we now have a literal child watching us play. And because of that Tara has asked that we tone down the game sessions to be more "appropriate" and we also cant get drunk until Ashley leaves (which is stupid because Julie is under 21 and we can drink around her just fine but whatever) frankly I didnt mind the constant audience since Ashley was far more interested in watching us play than watching TV or playing on Tara's switch.
Well apparently just watching wasnt good enough for the brat because when i got to Tara's apartment for a game, Ashley was sitting at our table, excitedly filling out a character sheet while chattering nonstop with Ricky and Lola (Julie wasn't coming this time she had the stomach flu)
I naturally asked what she was doing because she normally just watched. Ashley gave me a confused look and said that she was joining our game like we had apparently talked about in our groupchat the night prior. Ricky and Lola both backed her up and showed the groupchat.
I had seen the messages but I thought Tara was joking about adding a literal child that doesnt even have a learners permit to our game that we had been continuing for three months now. I naturally went to go confront Tara.
She said that I agreed to let Ashley join in and if I didn't want to play with her I could've just not come.
Is she fucking serious?
What kind of sane person would want to play with a literal child and its edgy as fuck character (like the character was a wolf necromancer dressed in all black with two random scars across its chest. You could smell the hot topic radiating from this cringefest)
Tara refused to listen to reason and instead insisted that Ashley can play just for tonight and if i didnt like it I could leave.
I had no choice to stay and play
It was so fucking miserable.
The brat was constantly making stupid mistakes and dragging the whole party down with her. We constantly had to stop so Ricky (our DM) could explain things that should've been obvious because Ashley was too stupid to actually figure it out. My character was having to bail her's out near constantly. It was getting to the point where I just wanted to legitimately slap Ashley. I didnt because Tara would absolutely murder me but oh the temptation was strong.
And the worst part? I was the only one who seemed to be upset that our game was being completely thrown off course. Ricky, Lola and Tara took all of Ashley's many many fuck ups in stride and actually seemed to be enjoying it.
I have no idea why, that game was a train wreck
After an hour of hell Ricky called it quits for the day.
Which was weird because we usually go well into the night most of the time. Once the game was over Tara grabbed me by the arm and led me to the kitchen.
She asked me what the hell my problem was because it was apparently MY fault the game went so poorly and not the literal child's.
So I let her have it.
I told her it was a stupid idea to let her dumbass sister play with us, that Ashley shouldnt be playing with adults and its stupid to expect us to bow to the whims of a fifteen year old. I told her I never wanted to play with stupid bitch ass of a sister ever again.
I left the apartment after that.
This morning I was removed from the groupchat and all my friends have blocked me
Except for Lola, who has been going off on me in dms all day, calling me a horrible person, transphobic, a bully and a bitch. Every name in the book. None of them are talking to me and Julie, who wasn't even there keeps calling me an asshole and says i should apologize
AITA? I dont think i did anything wrong but everyone else thinks I did
What are these acronyms?
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meguemii · 10 months
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Throwing Rocks at Your Window.
Synopsis- in which you and your boyfriend satoru gojo and you have a silly argument but you have to go home quickly before saying goodbye to him and you end up getting your phone taken away for a week. Satoru shows up at your window because you haven’t been responding to his texts and calls.
Warnings- A very small cut in your forehead, nothing crazy. FLUFF AND SILLY CRY BABY GOJO.
word count- 1.8k
navigation station🚉.
gojo satoru’s playlist🎧. (kinda angsty LOL)
Emi’s notes- you guys know i literally never proofread my works. this is such an american romcom LOL.
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You had been hanging out with everyone on a friday afternoon after school grabbing food and doing some shopping. It was pretty hot for a spring day and you had been talking with Shoko and Haibara about a show you guys watch. The other two were teasing Nanami about stupid stuff. After stuffing your face for 10 minutes and laughing you ass off, your throat started to get dry. Asking your oh so sweet and loving boyfriend to grab you a drink so you could keep talking with your friends. “Get it yourself you rat” he replied in a sassy tone because of course you HAD to date a sassy man. “Satoru Gojo, i’m literally be parched don’t be a jerk!” you retorted as crossed your arms with a ‘hmph’ “Yes Satoru, go get the love and light of your life a soda” Suguru mocked him. Nanami also chimed in telling Gojonto be a gentleman.Gojo rolled his eyes telling nanami to shut up and once again told you to get it yourself “stop being a lazy mole rat and get yourself a drink” he stuck his tongue out at you like a child and you rolled your eyes. “Screw you Satoru” you said slumping in your chair. “I can get you something to drink” Haibara offered and you turned him down with a smile saying it was okay.
Checking your phone as it buzzed notifying you that you had gotten a text. ‘Get your butt home!’ from your mother. “Oh here we go.” you huffed as you collected your things saying your goodbyes and that you had to go, quickly scurrying off to get home and see what your mom was mad at you for.
“Where’s she going?” Gojo asked as he watched you leave. “She’s pissed and said she didn’t want to be near you” Shoko chuckled evilly as she stirred the pot, out of love of course. Any chance to scare Gojo she would take in a heartbeat. He started to feel bad about it and texted you an apology quickly after.
You arrived home to find your parents at the kitchen table seeing a pack of smokes and a lighter laying on the table, mumbling a small “shit” under your breathe. “Y/N M/N L/N, Care to explain?” Your mother asked with a ticked off look on her face. Trying to find a million excuses in a matter of milliseconds, “They’re Ieri’s, she left them here the other day when she spent the night. I swear.” Crossing your heart hoping she’d believe your lie, as well as to try and prove your false innocence. “Grounded. Hand me your phone.” your father said flatly. “But I told you they weren’t mine!”you protested just as any teenager in trouble would. “Even if they are Ieri’s why would you let her leave them here?” your mother asked as she pinched the bridge of her nose in disappointment. “She was literally supposed to sleepover this weekend and said she’d grab them then!” another excuse, you were on a roll! “Give them back on monday. I never want to see another cigarette in this home unless it’s your father’s.” you grumbled in anger handing over your phone and retreating to your room. “I’m calling Ieri and tellingnl her your sleepover is canceled! You’re not going anywhere for a week!” you heard your mother shout from the kitchen. “Whatever!” you shouted back.
Great. Now you’d be bored all weekend without any human interaction besides speaking to your parents. Maybe you’d catch up on your actual schoolwork since you couldn’t train.
Entertaining yourself with music from your ipod, and reading all weekend. You couldn’t help but snort to yourself recalling friday afternoon and that stupid argument you had with Satoru, you wondered if he missed you or if he wondered where you’ve been all weekend as it was a sunday night.
Little did you know that he was panicked and distraught all weekend thinking you were ignoring him because you were actually mad. You guys had ‘fought’ and then you ran off and started ignoring his text messages and calls all going straight to voicemail. “C’mon Y/N pick up” he whined as he dragged out the ‘p’. “Hi this is Y/N! Can’t talk right now! Leave a message but only if it’s worth listening to!” That was literally the only thing he’s heard you say all weekend. A prerecorded message, he even called your house phone and your dad picked up saying to leave her alone which really scared him. Did you tell your parents you hated him?
He quicking dialled Suguru’s number, waiting forever for him to pick up. A groggy voice picked up the phone “Satoru it’s 11:45pm on a sunday night. what could you possibly need?” He said while yawning making it clear that he had been woken up. “Have you heard from
Y/N?” he frantically asked. “No? We never text or call, I don’t even think I have her number saved. Is that all you need? Because if so I am going back to sleep. Do not disturb my slumber again.” Satoru scoffed at Suguru’s attitude. “Okay for starters don’t be rude. Secondly she hasn’t been answering me at all this weekend and I called her home phone and her dad told me to leave her alone!” He whined, god he was such a baby. “She hates you man. Maybe you should have gotten her that drink.” he teased his crybaby friend. “Dude I’m being serious. What if she hates me and wants to break up? What do I do?” He cried out clearly scared his girlfriend *does* hate him. “I don’t know man, maybe she wants you to apologize in person. Girl’s like that romantic shit.” Gojo threw himself backwards into his bed as he sighed in frustration with himself. How could he be so stupid? All she wanted was a drink and he couldn’t even get that for her? what a joke. he thought to himself and thanked Suguru saying that was a good idea and saying a quick goodnight before hanging up and getting ready to leave.
It was around midnight and you were so close to falling asleep, to the point your music would cut out as you drifted only to snap back awake and started hearing it again and something else, sounded like something got knocked over in your room. Freaking out and sitting up while reaching to turn your lamp on, you heard it again. Something was hitting your window. Was it a curse?? Was there a curse outside of your house? You groaned in annoyance as you got up, tossing your ipod and headphones somewhere and scuffled over to check your window while pretty much tripping over your feet to see what was outside, pulling your curtains. Without actually checked you whipped your window open and yelled “are you serious right n-“ SMACK. A rock flew straight at your face and collided with your forehead. Stumbling backwards and rubbing your poor forehead, positive you had the indent of a rock there. An “Oh shit!” could be heard from outside. Of course It was your idiot boyfriend throwing rocks at your window.
Marching right back to where you were previously standing at your window. “Are you kidding me right now?!” Looking down to see the white haired teen looking up sheepishly at you. Staring down in disbelief, had he really walked to your house in the middle of the night to throw rocks at your face? “Can we talk?” he shouted up you, his face full of concern. “I wanted to apologize!” You laughed at him “You wanted to show up at my house in the middle of the night to throw a rock at my face only so you could say sorry?” you joked with him. You weren’t mad, more so amused.
“What? No! I wanted to apologize for making you hate me! I don’t want you to dump me! I should have gotten you a soda the other day, and I clearly upset you because you’re mad at me!” You paused and tried to stifle your laughter. He did this because he thought you were actually mad at him about that? ‘He’s such a poor soul’ you thought to yourself. He looked like he rushed over here, his hair was disheveled, his shoes were unlaced and he was wearing weird halloween pyjama pants. What a sight to see, if you had your phone, you’d take a photo.
“I don’t hate you and I don’t want to break up!— hold on let me come down and explain!” Quickly and quietly creeping through the halls of your home to get outside, passing your parents room you closed their door quietly. Throwing on your shoes and running outside to greet the boy, you were immediately met with a bear hug as he buried his head into the crook of your neck thanking you for not breaking up with him. You smiled and patted the back of his head while giggling. This was so funny to you.
He finally pulled away as you playfully smiled at him. “I got grounded and my parents took away my phone, that’s why I haven’t been answering you.” His mouth immediately falling into the shape of an ‘O’. “And I left because I got a text from my mom telling me to come home.” you finished your story, wasn’t a very long one but it cleared up the misunderstanding. “How long are you grounded for?” he asked, hoping you’d say only for the weekend. “A week” you sighed and hung your head low in a dramatic shame. Satoru groaned in annoyance and flicked your head. “Moron. Try not to get in trouble anymore.”
And that was that, the two of you talked as you sat in the front yard just talking and staring up at the stars. Satoru explained how he had been worried all weekend and what mental torture he had been going through. It was probably around 2am now and you had said your good nights and that you’d see each other in a few hours. “I love you Satoru.” You said as you hugged him goodnight, he kissed your forehead and said goodnight as well, adding a ‘rat’ at the end teasing you, and you stuck your tongue out watching him as he walked away waving bye to you. Smiling to yourself as you walked back into your house. Kicking your shoes off and quietly creeping back to your room, unaware your parent’s door was now open. Opening your own door to see your mother sitting on your bed with her arms crossed. “Make that 3 weeks.” you groaned and through your head back.
You walked into school late as you had gotten no sleep as you had gotten a lecture from your mom about sneaking out especially when you were already in trouble. The bags under your eyes looked like a literal black hole. You opened the classroom door being greeted by Yaga with a “you’re late L/N. Go sit down.” shuffling over to your seat and leaning over to Satoru’s desk you whispered “make that 3 weeks” which resulted in him standing up and frantically yelling about how that’s not fair.
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Silly gojo, what a meanie. (¬_¬) we stan him either way. I always hope my fics are good, i haven’t written anything for gojo in a long time and i crave silly blue eyes man constantly. lmk if you wanna see more of him >w<
reblogs and comments are vv appreciated ٩( 'ω' )و
much love, emi!🩷
tags- feel free to ask to be added ! :3
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tachiharastanacc · 4 months
More Tachi angst ig
Tachihara groaned, rolling over.
“Past, Tachihara!”
Squeezing his eyes shut tighter, he pulled the pillow over his head.
There was blissful silence for a moment. Before…
“Tachihara, you idiot! I’m talking to you! Get up, get up, get up!”
The teenager let out an oof as he was jumped on. He covered his face with his arms as the small girl snatched his pillow and started whacking him with it.
With another dramatic groan, he sat up, picking Teruko up and depositing her on the ground next to his bed.
“I’m bored! Play with me!”
Yeah. That was about what he expected.
“Can’t it wait until morning? I was training with Tecchou all day. And it’s like three in the morning.”
This information didn’t seem to phase the pink-haired girl, who was already climbing back onto his bed to harass him.
“No! We have to go now!”
She was already tugging on his arm again, trying to drag him out of bed. With one final pull, she managed, accidentally flinging him to the floor.
“You’ll get over it! Now c’mon!”
With a deep, suffering sigh, he very slowly stood up.
“Gah, you’re taking forever!”
She morphed into her adult form, easily scooping him up.
“Shhh! We gotta be sneaky! This is a stealth mission!”
“Somehow I doubt this is an actual mission.”
“Lighten up! You’re no fun!”
Teruko continued to carry him until they emerged from the base.
“Seriously, what are we doing? I don’t wanna get in trouble.”
“We’re not gonna get in trouble unless your whining gives us away! And stop pouting!”
“I’m not pouting. And I definitely don’t whine,” he mumbled, clearly whining.
“Just pipe down! I have to show you something!”
She set him down on the ground, morphing back to her usual age. Tachihara begrudgingly followed her. The sight of two young kids, one of whom was dressed in a military uniform, walking through the city at night unattended probably would’ve been concerning if it were anywhere but Yokohama.
The two trekked across the city streets. Though he wouldn’t admit it, Tachihara was enjoying feeling the warm night breeze in his hair. It’d been a while since he’d actually left the base. Ever since he’d started pestering the higher ups to let him overtake the mafia infiltration mission, he’d been busier than ever with training.
Finally, they arrived at…
“An abandoned shed?”
Teruko shoved him. “Nuh-uh. It’s your surprise.”
“I didn’t know I was getting a surprise.”
“That’s what makes it a surprise, dummy.”
She gestured for him to unlock it with his ability, which he did, though not without a roll of his eyes.
The girl was practically vibrating with excitement as she shoved him inside.
“I don’t get it, what’s…”
He trailed off, looking around. The interior of the shed was decorated with string lights. A few posters hung on the walls. Two deflated bean bag chairs were placed on the dusty floor in front of a small table, on which sat a vase of hyacinths.
“This is…”
“Ta-da! The Teruko and Tachihara secret base! So that way we can meet up, even when you’re away with the mafia!”
Tachihara was silent for a moment, taking it in. It was a bit of a mess, and definitely assembled from random piece of furniture Teruko had found lying around, but…
He felt his eyes starting to water.
Teruko practically deflates.
“You could just say you don’t like it…”
He kneels down, pulling her into a tight hug. After a confused moment, she hugs him back.
“I’m gonna miss you so much…”
“Tachihara, you dolt. That’s why we have this place! Didn’t you listen to a word I said!?”
“Yeah…and we can hang out plenty when I come back for my surgeries.”
“And we can go on missions and save the world together.”
“Yeah. And save Jouno from dealing with the captain’s stench.”
“I like his stench!”
“You would.”
Passersby that night would see a small shed, a bit worn down and broken, but still cozy and full of love on the inside. Curled up inside were two kids, siblings in this cruel world, peacefully sleeping. Looking at them, it was almost possible to believe everything would turn out alright.
“You could just say you don’t like it.”
“I don’t dislike it. It’s just…”
Tecchou looked around, taking in the clutter amassed over the past six years. He glanced down at the pile of stale chips his foot was buried in.
“We didn’t really have time to clean it before everything went down.”
Tachihara was sitting on one of the beanbags, knees tucked up to his chest. He was poking at one of the lights that was dangling from where the tape had fallen off.
“…I’m sorry. If I was there…”
“I said I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“…right. I just mean that-“
One of the nails ripped out of the wall, curling and bending unnaturally as Tachihara clenched his fists. He glared at Tecchou with those cloudy eyes that reminded the older hunting dog so much of Jouno.
Unsure of how to respond, Tecchou awkwardly ducked past a few handmade decorations and plopped down on the other beanbag chair. He did his best to ignore the cloud of dust that flew up as he sat.
“I know you don’t want to talk. We don’t have to.”
He looked down at his once-shiny boots, now smeared with crumbs and dust.
“…I miss them.”
“Me too.”
“…I wish I was there. I wish it was me who died instead.”
Tecchou closed his eyes. The words hurt to hear, but…
“I understand. I feel the same way.”
If he had listened to Tachihara that day. If he had followed Jouno in the airport. If he hadn’t been so blinded that he’d left Teruko and the captain alone…
Tecchou shuffled a bit closer, wincing at the sound of the beanbag squelching under his weight. He wrapped one arm around the younger hunting dog’s shoulders, pulling him into a half hug.
“…what are you doing?”
“Comforting you. Is it working?”
After a moment, Tachihara nodded, leaning into the hug.
“…I wanna fix this place up. Not that I’d be able to see it, but…it’s what Teruko would’ve wanted.”
“I’ll help you. But not now. Right now, you should rest.”
Tachihara curled closer, pulling Tecchou’s cloak around himself.
They stayed like that for a while, the last remaining soldiers of a unit doomed and almost forgotten by the rest of the world.
Still, despite how it seemed on the outside, inside the small shed, it was possible that people could heal. And things would be alright.
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jesslockwood · 4 months
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Detecting the Haunted Masterlist 
Chapter Three
Word Count: 3.2k
Pairing(s): Anthony Lockwood x Detective!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Angst
A/n: hello friends! I'm sorry I haven't posted in forever!!! its going to be a busy summer for me as its my last year in my acting program, and I have professional Shakespeare shows coming up (auditions and rehearsals) soon. I really hope to be active but im not sure how active I will be but I hope you enjoy this chapter!
Add yourself to the Taglist
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In all of Anthony’s life, he wanted people to love him. He wasn’t sure why but the praise of others and the showering of adoration towards him just gave him the feeling of being loved. Maybe it was because that’s what his life was missing, love. 
The current problem with wanting to be even just admired, was that you wouldn’t speak to him, unless absolutely necessary or with someone else in the room. He couldn’t pin point what had changed, but it put him in a grouchy mood. 
He had even snapped at George and Lucy at one point, because of it, which he felt bad about.
He just couldn’t understand why you would all of a sudden you just seem to loathe the mere presence of him. 
That was until he saw you having a conversation with none other than Quill Kipps in the library. That made Lockwood want to explode. He did his best to keep his composure, but how could he? Especially when someone he cared for was talking to his rival. 
You had laughed at something he said, before Anthony made his way over. 
“Tony! I see you have a new agent in training on your hands.” Kipps seemingly tries to antagonize him, “I thought you had enough troubles trying to keep your agency afloat, Being such a small and insignificant one.” 
Lockwood grits his teeth, and his fist goes into a ball, clenching it so tightly. 
“Anyway, my offer still stands.” He says directed towards Y/n in a overly confident tone before making his leave.
Anthony tightens his jaw even more if that was even possible to do so.
You shake your head while smiling, as Kipps leaves and Anthony notices. 
“When’d you get so chummy with Kipps?” He asks with an intensity that you can only describe as uncomfortable.
You ignore his prompted stare down, and shift over a book, and open it to start your next reading.
He keeps staring waiting for you answer.
“When did you get so controlling with who I talk to? Last time I checked you were my boss, not my boyfriend.” You say not even meeting his gaze, ignoring the way saying boyfriend made your body tingle.
He looks genuinely shocked, and hurt, when you spew the words with venom at him, wth a fiery anger, but you had to hate him, or else you’d hate everyone else around you. The problem was that hating everyone wasn't an option you wanted to explore, so your anger had to be directed towards Anthony Lockwood. That was or else it would consume you.
George walks towards the two, carefully, as if he could be the detonator to explode one of the two colleges of his on each other.
“I uh, found the paper in the archives we were looking for, Y/n.” He says before carefully setting it down on the table the two of you were working at.
George had noticed the tension in the house between Lockwood and Y/n, he knew Lucy could feel it too, as she kept trying to get Lockwood and Y/n to avoid each other as much as possible as she tried to figure out what triggered all this, for lack of a better term, teenage angst in the house. 
Well it felt like more than just teenage angst. It felt like a rage radiating off of the two directed towards each other, as if they were two old miserable manifestations bickering like an old couple while trying to murder everyone in the way that ticked them off.
Yeah that was more of the level of tension that was going on, especially when Lucy or himself got caught in the crossfire of the two. He actually didn’t hate Y/n, he had gotten to tolerate her during their times in the archives, but he couldn’t get a good reading of why she acted the way she did towards them, but mostly Lockwood. He was so curious of what was making her tick, or ticked off, pun intended.
Even Lockwood was making things feel off. He had been pissed almost every single day these past couple of weeks, and had even bursted with anger towards himself and Lucy.
George started to think of all the ways he could figure out what was wrong, and deiced to let Lucy in on his plot when he got home, to figure out what the hell these two had tasted to be so bitter to everyone.
George had come out of dreamland to find Y/n and Lockwood bickering.
“At least I talked to someone who wasn’t a stuck up prick for once!” Y/n almost yells.
“I think you’ve got it all wrong, love, you did talk to the stuck up prick, he just left with what’s left of his dignity, from the last time he was here!” Lockwood raises her one.
“Guys, Guys!” Lucy comes rushing In to break it up, “Maybe let’s try to not get kicked out of the archives? Y/n let’s uh, go get lunch, there’s this place I've been meaning to take you to.” 
Y/n gives Anthony one last glare before, picking up her jacket and heading out with Lucy.
“Well, that was awkward…” George mumbles faintly, before giving Lockwood a disappointed look before getting back to work.
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“Urgh! He such a pompous ass!” You rant to Lucy, in between shoving pizza in your mouth. 
“Lockwood can be… selfish. But it’s really more because he wants the us and the whole agency to benefit… trust me I know it all too well.” She tries to console you, and you can see the genuine hurt in her eyes from it. 
If he could hurt Lucy, and get others hurt, even killed… who knows what the guy could do to you. Maybe the Job Kipps offered you wasn’t such a bad idea. 
It especially felt good to know it would make Lockwood infuriated. Maybe this was a chance to get a back at Lockwood a bit. Not to the degree you wanted, but it was something.
You make small talk with Lucy while eating, coming up with a plan in your head of how to piss him off the most.
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To say Lockwood was pissed was a total understatement. He was enraged.
George and Lucy even seemed to tiptoed around Lockwood as of recently, and Lockwood felt nothing but isolated, and that led him to be able to sit and stew in his anger even longer. 
The both of you seemed to avoid each other physically, which made Lockwood all the more furious. The only time you’d see each other was for training, which George and Lucy had taken over most of that, and cases.
Today you had to train with your rapier again, and that was the main thing Lockwood oversaw.
“C’mon again!” He yells, as you missed one of the practice targets. 
You glare daggers into his direction, as he seemly does the same. 
“I would be a lot better if I didn’t have the constant screaming in my ear.” You mumble sarcastically.
“Sorry, I didn’t get that? Maybe you could actually try this time?” He says before smirking and leaning back to where he was sitting seeming satisfied with ticking you off.
“I’d like to see you do better.” You taunt stalking towards him, “The best I’ve seen in action was the Fittes team at a case I was working.”
He clenches his jaw, looking at you with an intense fire behind his eyes. 
“You’re more show than skill.” You smirk as his face turns even more sour. He gets up and moves right into your personal space. 
“Really? If you think I’m all show, then lets put it to the test, Love.” He pulls his rapier out and backs you into the wall.
You visibly gulp, not because of his challenge, but the sheer proximity of how close his face was to yours. 
He stares into your eyes, with his full of an emotion you couldn’t quite pinpoint. He had a anger but there was something else behind it. 
He shakes his head and scoffs, turning around walking away.
That made your whole body burn with fury. You knew he was one of the best from stories you had heard, but boy did that make you want to try harder to be better. 
“Like I said, all show.” You mumble loud enough for him to hear. 
He stops on the spot, turning around about to say something, and before he can Lucy is running down the stairs with a small stack of letters in her hand. 
“Hey, Y/n You’ve got mail.” 
You give Lockwood a victory smirk, and he gives you a glare saying ‘this isn’t over’.
“Thanks, Lucy.” You take the mail form her, before looking it over, until stopping on one letter in particular. 
“Crap…” you mumble to yourself, opening it quickly. 
Lockwood and Lucy seem intrigued to know what had gotten the rise out of you.
You skim over the letter, or well, the invitation. Your grandparents wanted to see you, and you knew that they rarely did unless it had to do with their agenda. 
You started to feel ill, hoping it was you actually getting sick to get out of it, instead of the idea of visiting them. 
“What is it?” Lockwood asks slightly worried as you lean to grab the wall. 
You want to throw the letter out, but you hand it to Lucy, “You can read it amongst yourselves, if you wish, Especially since I think I’m going to need you to accompany me.”
They give each other a look, as you head upstairs and They both follow you up quickly, if not seconds later. 
George seems intrigued to what is going on, and comes out of the sitting room area, with his usual cleaning gear on, and duster in his hand. 
Lucy starts reading aloud, “Y/n Y/l/n and Lockwood & co, You are formally invited to The Saunders Ball, this Friday. Please wear formal wear and please arrive early to meet and dine with The Saunders.”
“How in the bloody hell do you know the Saunders?!” Lockwood almost yells.
George pipes up, “And why would one of the oldest of richest families in London want dinner with with us?”
“Blood Relation, to me, unfortunately.” You say, wishing this wasn’t their reaction. 
Lucy and Lockwood sit there with their mouths ajar, while George looks like he’s going through every probability in his mind.
“Look, there’s no need to come. I can face my grandparents myself-“
“There’s no way were passing this up. It’s an opportunity for the company to find more clients.” Lockwood pipes up.
Your jaw clenches as try you to smile to pretend to be pleased that he wants to come. 
“Great. does everyone have formal wear? Or do we have to go shopping?”
Lucy shakes her head no, and you give a light smile, before grabbing her hand.
“Let’s go then, my treat.” You say before running out the door with Lucy. 
Lockwood gives one last glance at the door, before standing up.
“C’mon George, Lets go find out all we can about the Saunders.”
Lockwood wouldn’t try to dive into your history if he could help it, but he needed to know anything he could about who’s doors he was about to step into and how to best be prepared to gain new clients. 
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Lucy had told you a bit about her past life, how she didn’t come from much, and her old employer, and briefly what happened to her best friend Norrie.
“Hey Lu?” You grab her attention with the nickname you called her in your nightly talks, “Im sorry.”
“What do you mean?” She asks, looking directly at you as you walked down the street of the shops. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about all this. It’s something my Mum left in the past when she left home from my grandparents. I’ve never really lived rich my mother just came from money.” You sigh as you continue to explain, “We really lived off of my Dad’s pay, and my mother worked part time in a flower shop. It- it’s not really important what they did. But my grandparents- well they only ever summon me if they want something.”
Lucy gives a sympathetic look, with almost an understanding. 
“My grandparents hated my dad, because the took their only daughter away, to live a ‘life of poverty’ and my dad, ‘he couldn’t provide’. Ah, it’s so messed up! Then my parents had me, and all they ever wanted was me to become their ‘Perfect grandchild of the Saunders’ but I never was that, or could be that.” You ramble it all out.
“I’m sorry y/n” she replies, “For all that family rubbish. I- I know the struggle of family too well.” She mentions with an understanding you’ve never felt. 
You felt so heard. You felt so seen even though your pasts couldn’t have been more different. It was so touching.
“Thank you. For being my friend.” You blurt out, as she gives you a genuine smile. 
“C’mon let's check out this shop!” You say while dragging her in and you both giggle. 
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Lockwood was tapping his fingers against the table. He was getting George to pull article after article about your grandparents. After Fairfax, Lockwood couldn’t just walk into this blindly, especially at the reaction that Y/n had at the mere invitation of dinner with them. 
The archives seemed to have little to no information so far, other than that they were old money for being a huge lavender supply over the years and that they had a similar social circle to Fairfax; rich and socialites. Their only link to each other was Marissa Fittes and Penelope Fittes.
Lockwood sighed, as he hoped this wouldn’t turn into another Fairfax situation. At this point in time, he didn’t think he could really trust y/n anymore. 
But maybe that was the problem between himself and y/n, that she couldn’t trust him. He never had thought about it that way. He had told Lucy and George about his past, but not y/n, so maybe that’s why she didn’t share much about herself. 
Maybe it was time Lockwood let himself go of this rampant disease of the feeling of resentment. At least to a small degree, just so they all could survive dinner and the ball with one of London's most powerful and influential families. 
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It was finally the day to head to dinner and the ball with your grandparents, and you were just pretending to have it all together, but underneath you were an earthquake of nerves waiting to start to rumble. 
You were curling Lucy’s hair with an curling iron, trying to distract yourself from the whole situation. 
“That’s a beautiful necklace you have on.” You mention breaking the almost silence as the record player played a soft tune in the back of the room.
She grabs it, fiddling with it, “Thanks, Lockwood gave it to me, for the Fittes ball.” You freeze for a second, trying to hold your face still in the same way it was. 
You were partly shocked she even mentioned it, because that was the night your father had died at the hands of him.  You were Devastated but wasn’t the only emotion you were feeling, you couldn’t help but feel a pang in your chest when she said Lockwood gave it to her. You hated yourself even more for falling into this trap of his charms. 
You were trying to hold a small smile, ads you finished Lucy’s hair. Your eyes started to water slightly, and as you tried to hold your tears in, there was a knock at the door. 
“Luce, Y/n, are you two ready yet?” Lockwood asks from the other side.
“You’re done Lu.” You say before turning around before the tears started to come out and started to go get your dress on. 
“I’m coming out, Y/n just has to put her dress on.” Lucy explains.
“Okay.” He repsonds.
Lucy slips out, and you here her shoes click against the stairs as she walks down. 
You wipe away your tears and start to pull your dress on before hearing your name being called.
“Yes Lockwood?” You reply.
You start to struggled with he zipper on your dress, as Lockwood starts to speak, “I just wanted to say that I’m- Y/n/n are you okay?” He asks as you made a loud sound as you crashed into the vanity. 
“Uh yeah I just can’t- I can’t get this stupid zipper.” You sigh in defeat, “Can you come in and help me?”
“Yeah, of course.” He says as he opens the door. His breath is taken away as If his lungs were ghost touched. You were leaning against the vanity, with a beautiful red dress on. 
“I know it’s pathetic but that the last case we had this week hurt my shoulder, so you don’t have to say it.” You mention looking away, before meeting his gaze. 
Was he… admiring you? You couldn’t tell for the few seconds he looked at you, before his expression changed as he moved towards you.
“It was my fault, on that case. I should have prepared you more so don’t worry about it. I’m just glad the dresser that hit you in the shoulder didn’t hurt you more.” He said, “That was quick moving, your getting out of the way before it squashed you.“ 
That was almost a compliment and an admittance of fault. What was going on with him? He motions for you to turn around and you do. As he moves your hair out of the way, a shiver runs down your spine, and goose bumps arise on your skin. 
You try to distract yourself at the feeling of his close proximity to you by cracking a joke, “Yeah well, now I can’t zip myself up, or get out of this stupid gown. Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for this choice of attire I truly adore feeling trapped.” 
He laughs a small almost silent laugh, as he grabs the zipper and slowly zips it up. It was agonizingly slow. You couldn’t tell if he was doing this to spite you, or because he was feeling the same weird feelings that you were. 
You shook off the second thought, it had to be to make you uncomfortable. You couldn’t have second thoughts on this no matter how warm it made your body feel. 
You swear you heard him take a shaky breath in before he finished and you turned to face him. You were really close to his face, and you could see the way his eyes looked almost puppy dog like. His eyes trailed your whole face for a few seconds before he took a small step back.
“Shall we?” He extended his arm, before you both descended the stairs, heading out to the car to take you to the infamous Saunders ball. You only hoped that your grandparents didn’t pull some bullshit like they usually did with you. 
You had no idea what was in store for you and your team, and that’s what was killing you. The not knowing.
@waitingforthesunrise @sleep-i-ness @rinisfruity14 @uku-lelevillain
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hello! can I ask if you have any head canons for Peeta getting to do normal, typical teenage boy things once he returns to 12 after the war? things he didn’t really get to do while he was fearing and fighting for his life? Like annoying and irritating Haymitch, finding cool looking rocks and junk to excitedly bring home to show Katniss, and other similar dumb but adorably endearing things? Also maybe some HSc of Everlark just generally getting to be free and fun teenagers together post-war? 🥹❤️
Oh ho ho, Anon. You have come to the right place. *cracks knuckles* Currently raising two teenage boys, so I am ready for this ask like you would not believe. Some of these are pure fluff and some of them have a little more spice to them (which are NOT inspired by my boys lmao).
Corny jokes. Like all the damn time. His goal becomes to make Katniss roll her eyes or groan. He comes up with an elaborate point system. A "Joke Score" as a play on a training score. Getting a soft, inanimate object such as a napkin or a pillow thrown at him in combination with a verbal response earns him a perfect 12 for that joke. Examples! When they are going through everything in their Victor's Village house(s), deciding what goes and what stays, Katniss starts labeling everything with pinned/taped on notes. They say things like Donate or Give to Delly or BURN/TAKE AN AXE TO in the case of the giant desk that Snow once sat behind. And one day, Katniss goes to ask Peeta a question, and when he turns around, he's got one of the notes, in her handwriting, that says Keep taped to his forehead.
He gets perverse joy out of tickling Katniss until she can't breathe and/or is about to pee her pants.
He helps Haymitch give the geese absolutely ridiculous names
Katniss is the one who brings him pretty things from the woods. A blossom, a freshly fallen autumn leaf (look at the colors! this one's almost your favorite color), a neat looking rock. He keeps them on the kitchen table for a day or two before returning them to nature.
The cloud game, where they lay in the meadow and give names to the shapes of clouds, the more ridiculous the better, which Peeta usually wins (an alligator swallowing a garbage truck... no it is, look!)
"IT WAS A FISH I SWEAR!" in the lake... It was not a fish swimming up her shirt Peeta, you naughty boy. That was your hand.
Sitting upside down on the sofa to watch Plutarch's ridiculous new show that he won't shut up about so they watch it once. "Why are you sitting like that?" "Just getting the proper perspective."
Everything is a competition. Like... everything. Who can hold their breath longer (Katniss), who can toss their clothes across the room into the laundry hamper during sexy times and actually make it into the hamper (Peeta, which Katniss is MAD about btw and totally starts cheating by um... kissing or grabbing sensitive areas), who can kiss better (a tie but we need to try again to be sure), who can toast their bread faster in the fire (Katniss, but now it's burned, can I have yours, Peeta? *pouty face* only if you marry me, Katniss. Psssh we're literally already married, you goob), who can shovel snow off the walkway faster (Peeta but he does a sloppy job of it and Katniss makes him do his half of the walkway again and no it is totally not so she can check out his ass (narrator voice: it was totally so she could check out his ass)), who can eat the most *insert food item here* (Katniss, every time), who can make the most ridiculous silly faces (tie again unless there's alcohol involved and then it's Katniss), who can wash the dishes faster (...undecided, Katniss thinks Peeta is cheating by putting extra dishes in the sink or moving ones she's already washed back into the dirty pile. Once, when she accused him of cheating, he grabbed a dirty plate and licked it like he did in the cave scene. "All clean! See! I helped!")
Pillow fights, food fights, water fights, snowball fights, paint slinging fights... pretty much ALL instigated by Peeta, many of them because...
Whenever Peeta tries to teach Katniss how to bake something new and she gets frustrated, his go to method of getting her out of her head and to relax is to smear frosting/batter/dough/flour/whatever is closest on her face.
Singing very loud and off key in the shower to get Katniss out of bed when it's not really a bad day, but not a great day either.
Dunking food in milk. Like all of it, to try it out. Dropping candy into different beverages to see how it changes the flavor. "I'm experimenting for the bakery, Katniss!"
Dramatically flopping on the bed when he's had a long day and whining that he's not moving until Katniss *insert whatever kind of affection and or bribe he wants to glean out of her such as kisses, cuddles, foot rub (ew Peeta, I've smelled your dirty socks and that's not happening -- what if I wash my foot first? or here *presents her with his prosthetic foot* rub this one! but you might have to put some oomph in it before I can feel it)*.
So many one leg/amputee jokes
Pretending to be asleep when he's definitely not and Katniss is clearly horny... just to see how far she'll go.
Both anti-depressants and depression call kill sex drive, but when they're in the mood... they're not seen for at least a day and a half so Peeta has to work up a discreet signal to let Haymitch know not to come a knockin' because the first time it he didn't know, Katniss screamed bloody murder and Haymitch dropped a bottle of "perfectly good wine what is wrong with you two? Is that the chair I sit in for dinner?!?!?" It was not, but Katniss was mortified. And other smutty shenanigans happen on occasion, despite how carefully both Katniss and Peeta guard their privacy and intimacy.
"Hey Katniss, remember when I called you 'pure?' ... I take it back." *pillow to the face*
"Hey, Katniss, watch this..." *does something ridiculous like getting a ball of dough to stick to the ceiling.*
"Hey Katniss, remember when you broke your butt and I had to carry you around?" "I bruised my tailbone, Peeta.. And you had to carry me because I twisted my ankle too." *said with great exasperation right before he hoists her off the ground and carries her somewhere because he can. The shorter and more ridiculous the distance, the better. "We have to move the laundry!" *carries her to the fancy new machines Effie sent them as a toasting gift.* She tries not to laugh or snuggle in close. She fails.
Tucking silly notes everywhere. In her game bag, under her pillow, on her plate at the table, on the window sill where she likes to sit and read/watch the rain, in her shirt when he's feeling extra naughty.
*with the most serious expression ever* "Real or not real, Katniss... this cheese is the stinkiest cheese that ever cheesed?" *shoves some seriously stinky cheese under her nose before she can react* "UGH! GROSS, PEETA!"
Over the top dramatics when he asks her to dance. Only every now and then, though because Katniss also loves to slow dance with him and act stupidly romantic with him, but you didn't hear that from me.
Ice cream for dinner
Blanket forts
Raspberries. You know, when you put your mouth on someone's bare skin and blow out air really hard and it makes a sound like someone is farting? Yeah, those.
"You sleep with the windows open! Of course I'm going to hog the blankets!" Katniss shouts. Peeta solves this by laying on top of her and saying "I'm a blanket!" until she's laughing and agrees to share the actual blankets.
Smearing literal cinnamon and dill all over his body after she confesses that she liked that smell on him.
Attempting to build a catapult to launch cheese buns from the kitchen to where Katniss is sitting on the couch when she's pregnant. Okay, let's be real. It happens BEFORE she gets pregnant with toastbaby the first, but he perfects it during that first pregnancy.
Peeta can't shoot an arrow, but they start making a list of everything he's hit that he WASN'T aiming for... the ground, that patch of violets, the tree next to the tree you were aiming for, the stream, that giant rock, that thankfully unoccupied bird's nest ("thankfully? I would've called it a good shot if you'd hit something we could eat," Katniss says).
"I'm a fluffy bunny." If you don't know what that means, I cannot help you.
"Real or not real, you are the most beautiful woman in the entire world." "No more cough syrup, Peeta--" *LOUD BUZZER NOISE* "WRONG! The correct answer is REAL, Katniss."
“Who ate the last *insert food item here*?!?!” Peeta from the other room around a full mouth “Not me!”
And if you think any of this stops when they have kids, oh boy are you wrong. The kids just get to get in on the fun (of the not spicy variety, of course.)
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Shadows Entwined: Part 4
BatmanVsTmnt!Leonardo x sidekick!reader
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 / Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Bonus (18+)
Donnie and Batgirl makes an anti mutagen, you and Robin are ready to throw each other’s heads around, and Batman has a talk with Leonardo.
Warnings: Spelling.
The reader and the turtles are 19.
The look on Alfred’s face when he saw four mutant turtles in the Batcave was priceless. But Alfred being Alfred took a calming breath, mumbling about how he should have known at this point, before asking if Master Wayne wanted dinner for his guests. Alfred offered to cook a gourmet meal, but to his surprise, all four of the turtles wanted pizza. Take out pizza to be preferred. Alfred would never show it on his face, but you knew, he was disgusted.
Alfred left the Batcave to make a phone call to the nearest pizzeria, mumbling something about teenagers.
Michelangelo - who you learned was the youngest out of the turtle brothers - took the opportunity to take a look around Wayne Manor. It didn’t ease you one bit that he took his skateboard along for that tour.
That left you, Batman, Batgirl, Robin and the three remaining turtle brothers in the Batcave. You, Robin and the angry turtle, Raphael, was looking through the computer, teaching the red turtle more about the League Of Assassins. Or at least Robin was doing that. You were too busy, standing off to the side, acting as if you had a lot in your mind. In actuality, you would every now and again throw glances towards Batman and Leonardo as they were training together. But whenever someone looked your way, you would throw your gaze somewhere random, as if you had been looking there the whole time.
That was how you noticed Batgirl and Donatello working at the chemical table, smiling with a few laughs ever once in a while. You couldn’t help but smile. Looks like you weren’t the only one that had a thing for turtle eyes.
“Impressive form”, you heard Batman’s voice, causing you to look in the direction of him and the blue turtle one more time. You had to admit, Leonardo did know how to fight. It was almost irritating how good he was at it. Because somehow he also made it look good. And just the thought of Leonardo looking good fighting was enough to get mildly frustrated at him. Why did he had to have such pretty eyes?!
“Your father taught you well”, Batman said, giving Leo a rare Batman smile. And to your surprise, Leonardo smiled back.
You wanted to scream. You did not expect Leonardo’s smile to catch you off guard like that. Especially not in the middle of the Batcave. But as much as your heart was beating inside your chest, no one could see it on your face. Sometimes you actually learned something from Batman’s stoic nature.
You listened as Robin told Raph about his grandfather, Ra’s al Ghul, the Demon’s Head, and as Batgirl told them about the mutagen, forcing your attention away from the turtle, who’s eyes had been invading your thoughts.
“Yeah, Ra’s obviously has plans for the mutagen your Shredder brought into the city”, Batgirl said out loud, still with half of her attention directed towards Donatello.
“Ooze”, the purple turtle corrected her, not moving his eyes from the glass he held in his hands. But upon Batgirl’s silence he looked up. “We call it ooze”.
“Really?” She sounded almost sad. “Argh, I do not like that word. Ooze, gross”.
“Stop whining”, you laughed. “It’s just a word”.
“It may just be a word to you, but to me it makes me want to vomit”. Upon hearing that from Batgirl, Donatello took a small step away from her.
“Right. Shredder gives Ghully the ooze, they build some kind of gizmo, and in return - let me get this straight - Shredder gets… a pit?” Raphael did not seem convinced one bit. You did not blame him. It did sound strange.
“The Lazarus Pit”, Robin said before turning back towards the computer. “It’s how Ra’a al Ghul has survived for centuries. Its magic grants immortality to any who bathe in it”.
You did not expect the look on Raphael’s face. He almost looked scared. Angry, but scared.
“An immortal Shredder?” He thought for a moment. “That would… suck”.
“As much as the words “immortal Shredder” freaks me out, I think Batgirl and I have solved one of our problems”, Donatello said, handing a cylinder of thick yellow liquid to Batgril.
“Yup! With the info Donnie - I can call you that right?”
“By all means”, Donatello said, seemingly as calm as before. You did not buy it. You bet that just like when you looked at Leonardo, his heart was pounding like crazy when Batgirl called him that.
“Cool - that Donnie had on his T-phone, I’ve whipped up a retro mutagen-”.
"Anti ooze”, Donatello said, almost teasingly.
“Not gonna call it that - that will reverse the effect of the… stuff”.
Raphael took a step back from Batgirl as she came closer with the cylinder. “You're gonna wanna get that anti mutagen away from this happily mutated turtle”.
“Don’t worry”, Donatello said, making his way over to the rest of you. “It’ll only work on someone that’s been mutated within the last twelve hours. After that the DNA changes are baked in”.
“Yeah but maybe worry a little ‘cause it’s untested. Right now there’s a - I’m gonna say 40% chance of lethal side effects”, Batgirl said with a strained smile.
“I agree with the turtle. Go stand over there”, Robin said, pointing in your direction. “She could use some anti mutagen anyway”. His annoying little grin showing on his face.
“Demon child”, you snarled. “Maybe you should drink it. With that size you could be a fully mutated bat”.
Raphael almost had to restrain Robin before he could jump on you.
While you and Robin was about to have a sibling brawl in the middle of the Batcave, none of you noticed Leonardo and Batman’s training continuing.
They jumped, punched and dodged, both showing strength and talent. Leonardo grabbed onto Batman’s arm, before rolling back, throwing Batman over him and into the ground. Batman slid across the ground, while Leonardo celebrated with a minor victory; “yes!”
Batman chuckled lightly from the ground. “Where were those moves when we fought before? If you’d focused like that you would have had a chance”.
“A chance?” Leonardo extended a hand to help Batman up. “I won just now”.
“Because you weren’t looking at her”, Batman said, staring directly down at the turtle in front of him.
Leonardo almost choked on his own spit at Batman’s words. Had he been human his face would had been red. Leo turned his gaze and saw you grinning with a small laugh at an angry Robin, who was being as far away from you as possible by Raph and Batgirl. Your laughter rang in his ears and for a second he dared to wonder, if he could get to hear your laugh one more time.
“Leonardo”. Batman’s deep voice almost shocked Leo back to reality. For a split second he had managed to forget where he was and who he was standing in front of. All because you said you liked his eyes…
“(H/N) is not just my sidekick. She is like a daughter to me, and I will not let anything harm her. She has not been trained from birth like her brother, and she is not as old as Batgirl. (H/N) is strong, but she still has a lot to learn in a fight”. Leonardo looked at you one more time, catching you as you were talking to Donnie, telling him something that made Batgirl let go of Robin, leaving Raph struggling to hold the boy still.
Batman rolled his shoulder, feeling the pain that had been there, ever since his fight with the Shredder. The fight that had happened, while you were outside of Wayne Enterprise, watching the turtles fight the Penguin. Leonardo noticed the light pain in Batman’s face, causing him a look of slight concern. “I’m still recovering from whatever Shredder did to me. I’ve never seen an attack like that”.
“It must have been the Sata Oshi strike”, Leonardo said. “It’s a powerful ninja technique that dates back hundreds of years, said to be created by the founders of the Foot Clan. It focuses all the body’s energy into a single blow, and can prove as fatal to its welder as it is to its opponent. Because of that, it’s been lost to history. Only two living ninja masters know how to utilize it to its full power; my father Splinter and the Shredder”.
“Good to know”, Batman said. “Shredder may have ancient ninja moves, but I’ve still got a utility belt”. Leonardo nodded in slight confusion, turning to look at you one more time. You were laughing behind Donatello, who you were using as an unwilling shield to cover you from an agitated Robin, who looked like he was ready to attack. Raphael was shaking his wrist, slightly hurting after Robin’s escape from his grip. Batgirl was looking like she had a great time, watching you with her arms crossed.
“(H/N)! Robin!”, Batman called out, causing the two of you to hold back the attacks you were preparing. “No fighting”.
“Sorry dad”, the two of you said in unisense. Donatello managed to get out of your grip, clutching his bow staff tightly as he walked to Batgril. You and Robin poked your tongues out at each other, before Robin went to Raphael, yelling something about how he hated sisters.
At the sight of you standing alone, looking at the others, Leonardo couldn’t stop himself before he had made his way over to you.
“Hey”, Leo said with a stoic and unreadable face. You almost jumped in surprise. You hadn’t expected Leo to be this close.
“Uh… hey”.
The two of you stood in silence. Leo wondered if it was Batman’s eyes he could feel in the back of his neck, or if he was just imagining it. Leo was searching his brain for words.
“I just wanted to say that you did pretty good back there in the alley”, he finally settled on.
“Pretty good?”, you asked with a crooked smile. “I kicked your butt”.
“Yeah, not a lot of people get to do that”, Leonardo said.
You chuckled lightly at his answer. Leo felt a warm spread inside his chest and a small tug at the side of his lip. It was your turn to feel the warmth inside your chest. Leonardo was giving you a small smile. Your eyes flickered from his lip to his eyes. Those damn eyes.
“You weren’t so bad yourself”, you said, looking away to avoid eye contact.
Leonardo felt something else grow in his chest. Was it pride? Or maybe even satisfaction? Now you were complimenting his fighting skills.
Leo really wanted to answer you. Say something that would make you chuckle again. But he also really wanted to ask you. Did you mean what you said back in the alley? Did you really like his eyes, or did you just try to distract him? The more Leo thought about it, the more he hoped that you meant it.
Leo was just about to ask you when Alfred came down the stairs with a skateboard in one hand and a tight grip on Michelangelo balancing a stack of pizza boxes with the other. Leonardo felt a slight embarrassment wash over him, when he heard Alfred tell Mikey that he was keeping the skateboard, until he learned not to use it in the house. Batman’s house. Your house. But you started laughing light heartedly at the scene of Alfred and Michelangelo coming down stairs. Leonardo felt all embarrassment wash away as he watched you laugh. Leo couldn’t deny that he really liked your laugh. Just as much as you liked his eyes.
A/N: The lack of Batman Vs TMNT gif's on the internet is giving me a headache.
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ghostboneswrites2 · 6 months
Doe Eyes || CH3 - Wait
See CH1 for warnings! || Chapter list || Masterlist
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Photo reference for how I imagine Brandy (your bestie):
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        The Governor had decided to start training every able bodied person over the age of thirteen for combat. Andrea had fought for a ceasefire, for some kind of 'live and let live' agreement, but the Governor was hellbent on retaliation and revenge. You didn't get it. A few of the Woodbury dwellers had fallen, but there was a sort of rage behind his good eye that told you that this was much deeper than that. Otherwise, the dude was just a psycho. Either way he had gone from leading everyone in a safe community to leading his community to war. A needless war, it seemed.
        Then Andrea left. The Governor seemed oddly content with it, given their previous 'arrangement'. It led you to believe he probably sent someone after her, too. The same way he sent you and Merle after Michonne. Merle, who, had also left with his brother, who you'd later learned was actually his brother. At least he got what he was searching for with all that violence, you guessed. 
        Then Sasha, Tyreese, and a guy named Alan and his son showed up. They negotiated for safety and shelter, offering their hand in the battle in exchange for such. You had managed to keep quiet, following along with whatever whacky plans the Governor spelled out. You were tasked with assisting in training people on basic gun management. You hated it, it made you sick to show teenagers and regular people how to kill. They were told it was to defend themselves but you knew better than that. Brandy was there too. She learned how to shoot before, but only BB guns. She had decent aim, but she was no killer. None of these people were. 
        When you were on guard one night, Andrea rolled up in a car. You guys let her in, but you didn't see her again after that. You wondered if she was turned out on her own, but you knew better. By then the Governor had strayed further and further from the man who had welcomed you there and showed his true self. There was no telling what he was capable of.
        "I still think we should go." You told Brandy, sitting at her table that night for dinner. It wasn't much, supplies had been scarce since all the efforts were focused on war instead of supply runs. 
        "I can't leave these people, (y/n)." She sighed. "They need me. We're a community."
        "I won't leave you. But I don't think it's safe to stay. I think he's leading us all to our deaths." You shook your head.
        "Whatever it is, we can get through it. As a community. You heard Andrea. One day the history books will talk about Woodbury. Even if part of our story includes mutiny."
        "Mutiny." You scoffed. "What, we overthrow him?"
        "If we need to." She nodded.
        "Please." You waved her off. "These people are too loyal. He's like their prophet or something."
        "No, these people are afraid, and they look tot he man who provides for him." She corrected. "They don't have anyone else to look to. We give them someone better, someone stronger, someone more convincing, they'll follow that person instead." 
        "Oh, you mean like you? Like me? Like Mr. Farris?" You rolled your eyes. "That's a bigger job than we're up for, Brandy. Our best bet is to go. Maybe others will follow. They were ready to leave when the barrier was breached, before Andrea gave her inaugural speech."
        "Yeah, maybe. But how would we keep them all safe out there?" She asked, rubbing her temples.
        "Not like we're doing much of that in here." You mumbled.
        "Look, the Governor's system works. How was he supposed to know there's be a group of rogue prisoners out there?" She argued.
        "You still don't get it, Brandy. They weren't just rogue prisoners. They were here to get their people that Merle kidnapped and beat! And the Governor let him! He stripped that girl's shirt off and did whatever with her!" You snapped. She just stared back at you, stunned. You let go of a breath and ran your hands over your face. "Look," you began, more calmly. "I'm telling you. I've seen some shit. All on his orders. He's not a good man. It's an act."
       "What would your daughter think? About what you are?"
        "She'd be afraid of me. If I'd been like this from the start, she'd be alive today."
        The conversation played in your mind. Milton and the Governor. You watched him beat his little scientist, then watched as he tried to force him to kill Andrea. You were sick to your stomach. This wasn't right, not any of it. How could you have let your loyalty to Brandy keep you here, working as one of his henchmen? Milton refused. In retaliation, the Governor stabbed him and left him to turn, and then he'd tear Andrea apart.         
        "In this world, you kill or you die."
        That was hours ago, and like the obedient little soldier you were, you left them there too. Andrea was on her own. You were just glad it wasn't Brandy. Now, you were preparing for war, a real war. You were loading trucks, counting ammo, fueling gas tanks, whatever needed to be done. Anything to numb your mind and keep the images of what was happening to Andrea at bay. You should have helped her, but you didn't. It wasn't like you to put someone's life before your own. You were a fighter, not a martyr. Although, the way things were headed, being martyred was probably in your near future. 
        "Let's roll!" He shouted as everyone piled into vehicles and readied themselves for a fight. 
        "Governor." You spoke up. "I'd like to stay and look after the children we're leaving here. With every able bodied adult out there fighting, they're a defenseless buffet." 
        He looked at you, an unsettling sort of calmness in his eye. 
        "Us too." Tyreese spoke up for himself and Sasha.
        "And the elderly, I've always cared for them." Brandy added. He looked around between the four of you, before he nodded. He handed a weapon to Tyreese. You already had one. 
        "Thank you." He finally said, before they all fired the engines and left.
        You exchanged glances with the other three, before you all spread out. Sasha and Tyreese took watch over the gates. You patrolled the street. Brandy cared for the children and the elderly inside the strongest building with the most supplies. All that was left to o was wait.
        By nightfall the troops still hadn't made it back, but some others did. Karen and the ones who the Governor had gone to attack. Karen said they saved her, after the Governor gunned down everyone that went with him. 
        "We were coming to finish this. Until we saw what the Governor did." A man told Tyreese.
        "He killed them?" Tyreese gasped.
        "No." Brandy shook her head. "That's insane." 
        "He did." The man confirmed. Karen nodded. Brandy wept. Those were her friends, her people. The very reason she didn't run with you when she had the chance.
        You all went to find Andrea. She was alive, but not for long. Milton had turned. She was a badass, so she too him down, but not without her own loss. She was bitten. Your stomach turned over and over as you watched them say their goodbyes. 
        "I can do it myself." She said. 
        "No." Michonne cried.
        "Oh, I have to. While I still can. Please. I know how the safety works." She argued. That last part was some kind of inside joke, you could tell. 
        "I'm not going anywhere." Michonne protested.
        Andrea shook her head. "I tried." She said.
        "Yeah," The leader agreed. "You did.... You did."
        With that, all of you except for Michonne filed out of the room where she was held. You waited, until that dreadful sound rang out. Andrea ended it. Just like she said she would. Like she said she had to, while she still could.
        By dawn you had loaded the surviving members of Woodbury unto a bus and their leader, who you'd come to know as Rick, led you all to safety at the prison and welcomed you with pen arms. You protested at first, but it was what Brandy wanted, and you'd go, because she was your only friend.
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oniku-niku · 2 years
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What a sight it was. Five teenagers crammed into a little booth at the back of the cafe. Kaminari called the corner spot, followed by Kirishima, and Mina. Sitting across from them is Bakugou and his new girlfriend, Fumi.
The slight tension between everyone was so palpable that the waitress hurriedly placed down all their drinks and scurried back to the kitchen. Kaminari was sipping from his drink in order to avoid speaking to anyone.
“Fumi, this is Mina, Kirishima, and Kaminari. Everyone, this is Fumi.” Bakugou introduced everyone, his face may seem uninterested but on the inside he was kind of nervous. Anyone would be if they were trying to get their close friends to like their new partner.
“It’s nice to finally meet everyone! Bakugou talks about you guys all the time-”
“No I don’t. They don’t need to know that.” Bakugou grumbled. Fumi let out a little chuckle. 
“Awww, you talk about us? So you do have a sweet spot for us.” Mina cooed, leaning into her words to giggle at Bakugou’s red cheeks. Kaminari didn’t miss the flicker of something in Fumi’s eyes at Mina. This entire time he has been eyeing the couple. Sure, he was rooting for Bakugou to get together with you but he was going to be open to meeting Fumi in person. And then Bakugou was being mean to him so he decided against it. 
“He does, and he talks about (Y/n) a lot too. Are they going to be joining us?” Fumi asked, looking around the cafe for any sign of someone else joining them.
“No. They’re not.” Katsuki immediately replied when he saw everyone’s eyebrows raise. Fumi noticed how everyone sat up in their seats when she said that and it made her even more curious as to who this “(Y/n)” was.
“And it’s not me talking, it’s me complaining about them. They haven’t been replying to any of my texts. I need to know when to pick up my gear and they’re not giving me anything!” Bakugou grumbled, and as if on cue, his phone pinged with a new message. The light up screen caught everyone’s attention and he could not have grabbed his phone faster to check who it was.
“It’s just my mom.” he rolled his eyes before placing the phone back down. 
Denki’s eyes flashed back to Fumi’s just to scan her reaction. Her eyebrows were furrowed as she watched him sigh in disappointment. He could hear her let out a low huff through her nose before pulling her lips into a smile when she looked back at the three of them across from her.
“So...Tell us about yourself. How did you and Bakugou meet?” Kirishima asked, wanting to make the best of the situation.
“Well, I’m a year younger than you guys. And it’s a funny story about how I met Bakugou. I actually noticed him during the sports festival two years ago when he won. His powerful quirk really amazed me and I just knew I had to meet him.” she looked over to Bakugou with a grin. He rolled his eyes, trying to hide the blush on his face at being complimented.
“I like to think it was fate that we met at the festival last week.” she shuffled closer to Bakugou. 
“Oh, how sweet. Can we ask what your quirk is?” Mina smiled, watching them interlace their hands on the table.
“Mine isn’t as powerful as his but I like to think it’s pretty cool. I can shoot and control spikes from my knuckles. There is a range limit to it though so I’m better at close range battles.” she explained, showing one of the spikes from her knuckles. 
“It’s not the worst quirk in the world. If you keep training, you’ll get better at it.” Bakugou looked over at her as he gave his support. The waitress returned to the table with all their lunches for the day and they all couldn’t wait to dig in.
During their meals, everyone went back and forth telling Fumi about themselves. She listened with a smile on her face, nodding along. But they could see there was no interest behind her eyes. 
Bakugou’s phone pinged again and the first person to look over was Bakugou. Followed by Fumi.
“Who was that? Was it (Y/n)?”
“It’s just my mom again.” Bakugou clicked his tongue and put the phone down once again.
“You know what, let me see if I can reach (Y/n). I know they’re really busy lately. What do you need, like, just to know when to pick up your gear?” Denki piped up for the first time in a while as he pulled out his phone. Bakugou’s head turned to him with a small glare which Denki received and returned.
“Yeah. And tell them to reply to my texts.” he grumbled as Denki started typing on the screen. 
“If (Y/n)’s busy then I doubt they’ll have the time to reply-” Kirishima’s sentence got cut off with a ding from Kaminari’s phone. 
“(Y/n) says you can come grab your gear by the end of today or sometime in the next two weeks because of the break.” Denki smirked as he read the message out loud, taking note of Bakugou’s clenched fist at the fact that you replied so quickly to Denki and not him.
“Oh! If Katsu can pick it up today then I can do it. I’ve been dying to see this (Y/n). Clearly you’re all really close to them?” Fumi suggested with a smile over to Bakugou.
“There is nothing to know about them. (Y/n)’s just someone I’m assigned to for gear maintenance. They’re weak and quirkless, and had an annoying little crush on me ever since we were little. But we’re becoming friends now or whatever.” Bakugou rolled his eyes and turned back to Kaminari, “Tell them we’re coming at the end of the day.” he said. 
“They have a crush on you?” Fumi asked with her eyebrow raised. Bakugou waved it off.
“Yeah, but don’t worry about it. I could never be interested in them.” he said.
And the conversation about you derailed after that, Denki deciding to remain quiet for the rest of lunch while everyone else tried to keep a conversation, but Fumi only had her attention directed at Bakugou. She was leaning on him and scooting closer every since he slightly leaned away. Even though she was getting in his personal space, Bakugou decided not to comment about it. 
When it was time to leave, the waitress came back with the checks for everyone, but Fumi quickly grabbed all of them before they could look at their amount due.
“Oh no no! Please, Katsu will take care of it since we were the ones who invited you guys out.” she said before placing all the receipts in front of him. The three sitting in front of them looked at each other before back at Bakugou who only smiled before pulling out his wallet.
When they all left the cafe, Bakugou said that he and Fumi were going to spend the rest of the day out and asked if they wanted to join, but Mina looked at her watch and shook her head.
“I actually gotta hurry back to campus. My ride’s here to pick me up and drive me back home. But! It was really nice meeting you, Fumi. Have a wonderful holiday to you both! I’ll see you guys in a few weeks!” She went in to hug Kaminari and Kirishima before turning to Bakugou. He held out his arms and she went in for a hug as well. It was short lived because Fumi quickly went to grab his hand to intertwine hers with, making the two let go. 
Mina didn’t miss the slight glares that were directed at her but decided to drop it for Bakugou’s sake. She said goodbye for the last time before rushing off.
Kaminari and Kirishima made their excuses to go back to campus as well, wanting to avoid the awkward silences that would have followed.
So, Bakugou and Fumi went about the rest of their day. Bakugou was a little more upbeat than usual at the thought of finally talking to you after a week of no responses. Fumi was also excited to be meeting the person who had been taking Bakugou’s attention away from her all week.
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evilphrog · 1 year
Watching Wheel of Time without reading the books: Season 2, episode 1
I'm at it again! I know I never posted the season 1 finale review, and maybe I will go back and do that later. But for now, I just finished the season premiere, and I have to say, Perrin is 100% correct. The five of them are much more impressive together than apart. Which isn't to say I disliked it. They are all on the struggle bus, but that is where character development is at its peak, and where we get to see their true inner strength. Which is to say, I LOVED it. Bring on the angst!
The season opener with the round table of evil plotters was a fun and clever way to deliver some exposition without boring us. Having a little girl crawling under the table, disturbing the Very Important Shadowy Cloak Meeting really humanized every single one of them, and seeing the Fake Dark One be so gentle and patient with her gives some insight into how people can become dark friends. They are just concerned parents. I am now calling him Nancy Reagan, since he is their leader. I also definitely want to pet a trolloc. They look much cuter when they aren’t being ordered to kill everyone in sight. Are they tamable? Or...redeemable? I am still not sure of their level of free will/sentience, so I am not sure which word applies.
The first scene post-credits is Moiraine working hard to take her Very Sad Alone Time Depression Bath. Just one woman, chilling in a hot tub, cuz the water gets cold without magic. It was a very good idea to show the first hot tub scene in the recaps, so I could get the full emotional subtext here. Bathing is a communal activity in this culture, but she can’t handle having someone else see her in such a vulnerable position when she already feels so vulnerable all the time. But the longer she spends isolated, the more alone and vulnerable she will continue to feel.
She and Lan are hiding out with their friends, Sassy Twin, Serious Twin, and Tom. Tom is married to one of them, but I forget which one. Without the warder bond, Lan must have lost the rapid healing that allows him to withstand his severe clothing allergy. Good thing the Sassy Twin is there to helpfully point out additional clothes that might be hurting him, and to reassure him it would be fine to remove them in her home. She truly speaks for all of us. I’m glad Lan has these three friends around to support him as he supports Moiraine. This poor man is having to learn, at the tender age of forty-something, to use his words to describe how he feels. He is afraid for his best friend, he is hurt about being pushed away at a time when he would expect to be leaned on even harder, I am pretty sure he blames her for blocked bond because she had put the block up prior to being shielded, and he feels like he is losing his only purpose in life.
And in the face of all that, he has to exhibit so much patience as Moiraine acts like every insecure teenager ever and tries to push him away. His previous experience with teenagers taught him what this behavior is like, but not how to handle it. Her “I am so aloof and do not care at all about the feelings of others” routine was incredibly transparent to everyone except Lan. He really needed his friends to lovingly slap him in the ego and remind him that the only way to truly help her is to let himself be the vulnerable one, so she can see how it' it's done, and realize it's something she can live with.
But now he has to do it the old fashioned way, by walking upstairs to check on her. Good timing, too. Slightly worse timing for Serious Twin, but at least she could handle all the Eyeless. Hopefully one of the twins does healing.
Meanwhile, at Aes Sedai High, Nynaeve and Egwene are in novice training. Egwene is dealing with a bit of culture shock. She accidentally witnesses an actual, honest to Light, bisexual orgy on screen. She is going from being a big fish in a small pond to being a big fish in an ocean surrounded by other big fish, but she is handling it better than I expected. Nynaeve is handling the entire thing exactly as I hoped she would. While Egwene focuses on adding extra challenges by learning to weave with both hands tied behind her back, Nynaeve is semi-consciously stopping herself from doing any magic at all. Polly tries playing on her pride, by saying she is just scared, and Nynaeve responds by drinking dirty dishwater while making direct eye contact. Such a power move, there. Unfortunately, it leads directly to an unwanted face-to-face discussion with JK Rowling, which quickly turns into a surprise duel. I thought JK was torturing Nynaeve by hurting her, but my husband said she was only making the air too thick for Nynaeve to move through. And really, nothing could possibly torture Nynaeve more than placing an unwanted restriction on her. She did end up shielding her, temporarily, and that was described as one of the most brutal forms of assault. Pretty sick, but also pretty consistent with boarding school hazing rituals.
Later, Nynaeve and Egwene read the letter from Perrin, where he hopes they will all stick together. And JK Rowling goes down to her secret Man Dungeon For Men to read a heavily edited version of the letter to her prisoner, New Mat. And, to this I have to say, come on JK Rowling! Why do you go and pull a stunt that the actual JK Rowling also used in her own book? Your name is getting more and more accurate as time goes on, and that is not a compliment. Anyways, Mat responds in pretty much the same way Harry Potter did, by trying to break out of jail. I’m not sure how I feel about New Mat so far. He seems a bit like a soggy bed sheet, but he is also in the exact circumstances that would lead to soggy bed sheet behavior. His puckish attitude was mostly a mask he put on to lift the spirits of those around him, and his private moments were entirely spent dwelling on his own misery. Presumably the only person he has interacted with for months now is someone who actively feeds on that misery. JK Rowling is a cursed dagger unto herself.
We get a brief glimpse of Rand, with his new haircut. He is sad and has no lines. I assume he will be more present in future episodes. He lights a lantern, presumably for his mother, but maybe for the innocent version of himself that will never exist again. Maybe for his friends he thinks he can never see again. They light the lanterns for those they lost, which might not necessarily mean the ones who died.
Perrin, meanwhile, is on a quest to find Padan Fain and steal back the magic horn. He has found another Wolf guy, who seems to be teaching him how his wolf powers work. Apparently he can see the past? Maybe he is smelling the places where things used to be, like Angua does in Discworld? So then, is he a werewolf? This is a very confusing power that has still not been explained at all. I would have liked to see Perrin get a training sequence similar to Egwene and Nynaeve, but the defining trait of wolf guys is that they aren’t a chatty bunch. They find a bunch of bodies of the traitors from the final battle, presumably disposed of once they were no longer useful. The group holds a proper funeral for them, which confuses Perrin. He doesn’t understand how they can go to such effort for the people responsible for the deaths of hundreds. The prince guy responds that if his people spent their time seeking revenge on those who betray them, they wouldn't have time for anything else. It is more helpful to the ones left behind to let it go and focus on the mission. Sort of the way of the leaf, but with a more productive twist. Perrin is really on a quest for a moral philosophy that he can live with, and this one seems slightly more compatible with him.
At Bel Tine, he lights a lantern for his wife. The first time he has to do so. He places his wedding ring on the lantern, but takes it back at the last second. He isn’t ready to let go of his own guilt just yet, but at least he can move forward while carrying it now. Loial seems good for him. And Perrin is good for Loial. He’s way more likeable now that he has gotten used to the wonder of living in the human world, and stopped condescendingly and incorrectly explaining how it all works. They are both figuring that out together. I am not sure how he survived being stabbed with the cursed dagger. By all rights it makes no sense. So I guess… Loial returned somehow. And we are also moving on from it and focusing on the mission, even if we carry our confusion with us.
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lonesome-witching · 1 year
D&D Night
@allnewtpir gave me another prompt and this might have just been the hardest for me to write. I do apologize to anyone who actually knows D&D because my knowledge was limited to some internet pages and whatever they showed in Stranger Things but hey, I tried my best. Sorry for any typos in this one because I'm typing with a new keyboard I'm not used to. Also I do promise it has ronance elements in it.
You can read my old prompts or send me new ones.
“Miss Wheeler.” Eddie leaned forward in his chair.
“Yes?” Nancy responded, not looking up from her plate.
“A little birdie told me you used to DM for the kids.”
That caught her attention, her head snapping up. There was a smirk on Eddie’s face as he pushed his fork into his pancakes.
“You used to play D&D?” Robin asked, her smile audible in her question.
“I— Who— Mike! I’m gonna kill him.” Nancy was already getting up from her seat as if her brother might already be on the run.
Robin quickly grabbed Nancy’s wrist, pulling her back down, as Eddie held up his hand.
“The boy told it only to defend your honor, Miss Wheeler.”
Nancy cocked her eyebrows. “How so?”
“I may have suggested you wouldn’t dare be caught dead at a D&D night and well, your brother said you used to play, that you even DM’ed for them. Although I’m still having trouble imagining it, no offense, of course.”
“She’s full of surprises, isn’t she?” Robin quipped in with that bright smile that Nancy came to know and love. There was almost something magical about the way Robin smiled when she talked about Nancy.
“Yes, she is,” Eddie agreed, that smirk still in place.
“So, what is this? Your way of inviting me to your next game?”
“Not exactly… I was thinking more like, uhm, maybe you could DM again. Just for old times sake.”
“What? No.”
“I knew you wouldn’t dare,” Eddie laughed, falling back in his chair.
“You know what, fine. I’ll DM.” Nancy stabbed her pancakes viciously.
She had to admit she felt somewhat embarrassed as she pulled on the hellfire club. Eddie had made her an honorary member on the spot and it felt wrong. The only comfort she found was in Robin’s eyes as they took her in.
“How do I look?” Nancy asked, twirling around as if she was showing off a new dress.
“You look incredible.”
Nancy chuckled softly. She was still at awe of how her girlfriend could make her feel at peace. Like she wasn’t about to embarrass herself entirely in front of her brother and his friends. At least Robin would be sitting there and rooting for her. The girl had even come up with her own character. Anjelica Longshot, a level 1 cleric. Because Robin was set on playing if Nancy was going to DM.
A heavy knock disturbed the pleasant quiet in Nancy’s room. “Are you coming?” Mike yelled from the other side.
Nancy exhaled slowly. “Time to shine.”
“Hey, just remember it’s just a bunch of kids that you’ve known since they were in diapers. If any of them make fun of you, you just bring up their most embarrassing stories. And I’ll be there the entire time.” Robin stood up and put her arms around Nancy’s waist.
Nancy quickly leaned in to peck Robin’s lips. “Let’s go.”
They walked down the stairs in silence, holding hands, only to come face to face with a hoard of teenagers slamming the tabletop of Karen Wheeler’s dinner table, which was overcrowded with mismatched chairs from the basement. Eddie sat at one end, Mike and Dustin on either side of him, followed by Will and Lucas, respectively. Max had decided to join in, probably to watch the train wreck that was about to go down and across from her El was sitting waiting expectantly with her hands clasped around the table. Steve had dragged the chair next to El at a distance from the table and sat reading a magazine. He had refused to play, despite how often Robin had asked him over the past week. Robin squeezed Nancy’s hand one last time before letting go and walking to the seat next to Max. That only left the seat across from Eddie, at the other end of the table.
Nancy sat down, her paperwork falling to the table. “Max?” It was easier to direct herself toward one person at the table. “Did you prepare a character for tonight?”
“Lucas made me one, is that alright?”
Nancy nodded. “Of course. What about you, El? Do you have a character?”
El nodded excitedly.
“Oh, before I forget, Wheeler. You got lucky. Erica sends her regards, she had a sleepover she really couldn’t miss,” Eddie said. Nancy began to wonder what she had ever done to him to deserve this humiliation.
“Good, thank you for letting me know, Munson.” Nancy sported that tightlipped smile she couldn’t keep off her face when she was annoyed. “Should we start with some introductions?”
“I’ll start,” Robin chimed in, explaining the details of her character as she had scribbled them on the page in front of her. They went around the table. Max stayed brief while Mike and Dustin rambled about their own creations.
It was only after El had finished her speech that Nancy spoke up again. “So, are we ready to start this adventure?”
“More than ready,” Eddie replied.
“Our story begins in the city of Aranna, a once bright metropolis of life. When the sun was shining the people would be crowding the streets and market squares, when the night fell it was the brightest city you’d ever see. Lights would pop up everywhere making it stand out all the more against the dark desert nights that surrounded it. But as you enter the city there are no lights to welcome you, no sound to make you feel safe, no people to ask for directions. You reach The Nightfall, a tavern at the edge of the city and enter. But inside there is no one. All you notice are empty seats and tables in front of a bar. Behind the bar there is a small wooden door.”
They had been playing for nearly three hours. Each of the characters had met their troubles and won their fights. The teenagers around the table grew more and more excited at every new monster that Nancy threw their way. Even Eddie who had been pouting at first was drawn into the story, despite Nancy making it hardest for him specifically.
“You step onto the city square. The buildings surrounding it are covered in black dust. Yet you don’t see anything. No monsters await you. Or so you think.”
“Oh shit,” Dustin yelled. He had trouble sitting still.
Robin appeared to be just as energetic as she stared at her girlfriend with a bright smile. Perhaps there was a hint of pride hidden beneath it.
“A dragon screeches as he flies down, landing in front of your party.”
“Can I ask his name?” Robin interrupted quickly.
Nancy frowned with a smile on her face. A soft giggle escaped as she hid her face behind her hands. “Yes, you can?” she replied in a half question, “Roll for charisma.”
Robin pumped her fist in the air before throwing the dice even if Mike was already complaining.
“Why the hell would the dragon’s name be important?” he muttered under his breath.
The dice fell on the table and turned a few times before landing on the number 17. Robin once again celebrated, and Nancy couldn’t help but laugh. Robin had been doing similar things all game long to set Nancy at ease and it really worked.
“Anjelica takes a step forward and politely asks for the dragon’s name,” Nancy started, “The dragon huffs loudly. I am the great Loranau and these are my lands.” Nancy shifted her voice into something slightly deeper and definitely odd for the dragon’s voice.
“Foxine, what do you do?” Nancy asked, turning toward Max who groaned every time her character’s name was used.
“Can I attack the dragon?” Max asked in return.
“You do know you only have a strength of 6, right?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m aware.”
“Alright then.”
Max threw the dice and only received a 3 in return. After Max’s failed attack, Lucas and Dustin followed her example. Eddie’s character was the first to perish in his own attack. Mike and Will both did some damage. El threw a 16 and damaged the dragon heavily.
“Anjelica, how do you proceed?”
“Can I ask why the dragon is here?”
Mike groaned. “Robin, do you even know how to play this game?”
“Go ahead,” Nancy replied, talking over her brother.
Robin threw a 14 and celebrated accordingly.
“The knights of this city have stolen my younglings.”
Despite this new reveal, the rest of the party continued their vicious attacks. Max lost her characters in battle.
“I will retrieve the eggs from the city hall and give them to Loranau,” Robin said quickly.
Nancy motioned for the dice. Robin once again threw a high number and proceeded in her action.
“Loranau thanks you,” Nancy said before continuing in her dragon voice, “If I can repay you, dear girl, you must only call my name.”
“Wait, did I just become friends with the dragon? I totally just became friends with the dragon.”
“Kids, it’s getting late. You can continue your game tomorrow,” Karen shouted from the top of the stairs.
“To be continued,” Nancy whispered ominously.
 “Wait, the dragon wasn’t the end?” Dustin asked, excitedly.
“Not everyone you meet is an enemy,” Nancy replied, cleaning up her stuff.
“You killed me and it’s not even the end?” Eddie exclaimed.
“You don’t know what’s still going happen, assuming you guys want to know the rest of the story.”
“Yes!” Will and El responded.
“Then I’ll see you guys next week.”
Robin got up from her spot and leaned over Nancy. “You were absolutely amazing, Nance.”
Nancy bit on her bottom lip to hide her smile.
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Goth Boss (8)
Warning: Bit of Angst, Fluff
summary: Tony stark x daughter goth reader. The avengers find out that Tony has a secret teenage daughter and make tony ask her to visit. But when they meet her the avengers find out why she was kept secret. ( could Bucky and Steve he terrified of how y/n looks since they are from a different time and seeing a goth girl for the first time scares them) (tony has a strained relationship with y/n as she grew up without him and he kept her secret)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
Tony sighed as he basically melted into the couch, letting all the tension leave his body. She sat in her chair across from him watching him as he went through all his emotions and sunk further into his skin.
"What happened?"
"Why do you think something happened?"
"Because you called me for an emergency session at 9 a.m., and you look like you haven't slept. So tell me, what happened?" She said, clicking her pen.
"My daughter tried to commit suicide"
She couldn't help but flinch." Is she alright? Is she in the hospital?" she waited with bated breath for his answers.
"When she turned 14, she tried to hang herself, and on her 15 birthday, she overdosed, and at 16, she slit her wrist... Every year on her birthday, she tries to kill herself." As much as the scratching of her pen on her pad annoyed him, he ignored it. "I... Thought she would do it again this year. I was scared. So I went over there and I stayed outside just in case... This morning I watched her skip to school with her boyfriend."
Ms. Allen did all she could to not rub her hand over her face or sigh. This man was dumping a lot on her fortunately she was trained for this shit. So she put on her best face and got to work.
"You didn't know about any of this until recently, did you?"
"I'm about to ask that question you don't like"
"I know"
"How does all this make you feel?"
He groaned.
"We should do something," Peter said as he sat down joining the group with his lunch.
"Like what? And for what?" MJ asked looking at him suspiciously as she at her carrots.
"I don't know. Because (Y/n)'s 17, and we should celebrate that in some way." Now, everyone at the table was side-eyeing him. " Not a party, of course, but something. A dinner, a trip somewhere fun, anything you want to do. To celebrate you and have fun. I want to do something for you."
"Do we have to?" She groaned
"We should"
"Why do I feel like I don't actually get a say in if this happens or not?""
"You don't," MJ stated, already knowing Peter's intent.
"I just want you to have good memories about your 17th. Can we please make some?"
(Y/n) sighed she had given in to Peter long before he pleased. While she didn't want to parade herself, she did want to spend some time with her Boyfriend and their friends. She did wish to make some good memories. At least one good memory surrounds this time.
And if it was with Peter, the better.
"What should we do then? And not a party"
"You don't have enough friends for a party," MJ burnt her without looking up from her lunch.
"I need new friends"
"As long as you're dating him, you're stuck with us."
"Damn, " (Y/n) said, " It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make"
"What's got your interest?" Lilly asked as she watched May text away. They were sitting in a cafe. Lilly had taken the day off for ... reasons(although they survived the night, she was still worried), and May had joined her. They were running errands and taking care of themselves.
"Peter wants to do something for (y/n) but doesn't know what"
"Like a date?" Now Lilly was interested. What mother didn't meddle in their child's love life.
"No, he wants to do something for her ...day. But doesn't know what. He's asking for ideas"
"When she was younger she used to dance, she loved it... How about he takes her to a ballet show? I can get tickets and then afterward we can all go to dinner."
"Really, are you sure?"
Any other time, she'd say no. It was far too expensive and luxurious for her family but ... (Y/n) deserved luxury even if it was just this once. She deserved it. All of it.
"Of course"
"Ballet tickets and dinner. Sounds a bit expensive"
One thing Stark was good for was money. Despite not being around, that man never missed a payment and often gave extra, and that was saying something as Lilly never asked for payment, and they never went to court. Hell, Tony's name wasn't even on the birth certificate.
Lilly never used the money he set to them; she was tempted at moments, but she never actually used it. In saying that, she had more than enough money sitting in the back of her closet for this. And maybe some new dresses too.
It was time she put his money to use.
"She deserves it."
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