#when the nightmares came and shaking from memories. there was someone to know and comfort
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dardinan-ingellvar · 2 days ago
Scars and Revelations
The first night, after the gods fell, and Solas left willingly at Gale and Mythal's behest, Emmrich found himself able to truly explore Dardin'an's body for the first time. They'd shared a couple sweet, but quick couplings in the stone coffin in the Necropolis before that final fight, but they both had other things on their minds, and were more focused on the distraction and comfort of the other, so didn't really take the time to take in smaller details. But now, with no imminent threats of world-ending abominations looming overhead, they could do just that. And finally, Emmrich found the chance to ask about the strange scars on Dardin'an's body. They're heavily obscured by the paint they wear, but they're noticeably raised, so the shape is still there.
"Might I ask about your scars? The ones on your body in particular...They look like they must have come from a magic weapon, or...maybe a drake? They're clearly some kind of burns, but...they don't seem like a normal blaze...and the pattern of them...Like claw marks..." Emmrich can't help trying to parse it for himself, but it's clear he can't quite figure it out.
Dardin'an blushes as Emmrich's fingers caress each one, more trying to figure out what caused them than anything, but it is still gentle and intimate. "Yeah...I was...around fifteen? I never actually learned what happened exactly...I was in the city, just getting a few trinkets and things...Next thing I knew, there was a commotion in the market. I turned, and a rage demon had been let loose. Someone summoned it, but...no idea who. I was cocky, but I knew how to fight at least a little. I took it upon myself to try. A few other mages helped, or I'd have died for sure...I...remember it locked eyes with me, charged me....I tried to dodge, but I only remember claws and teeth in my skin I woke up a week later..."
Emmrich starts, a memory sparking in the back of his mind. "Wait...You were the child who fought a rage demon?! I was called in to heal them. It really was quite dire...I never actually heard if my efforts saved them. I actually assumed the worst when I'd gotten no updates after a few weeks. I never have forgotten the smell of burned...No...cooked flesh...and the sight...! It's one thing to see such damage on a proper adult, but on a child? I had nightmares for years...What I could have done...How I was at fault somehow..."
Dardin'an is dead silent, eyes blank for a few moments "You-...That was you? I was only told one of the professors came to my aid. I didn't really have a mind to ask which one. It didn't matter much to me at the time. I was alive, and just had to focus on learning to move again. They thought I was going to lose my right arm for a little while...But obviously, it's fine now..."
Emmrich winces "I'm glad you made it through...To think...It was you all this time..."
Dardin'an laughs "In all fairness, I was very early in my transition then...and I hadn't gotten much of my vitiligo. In fact...I think most of it was clawed and burned at the time. So, it makes sense you didn't catch on until now."
Emmrich sighs, half relieved, half horrified. "I suppose. I'm just glad to have that closure. Even more so, knowing I didn't lose you before I could find you...And your wounds were so extensive...I am amazed they healed so well! And they do suit you..."
Dardin'an eyes him "...I sense a 'but' coming..."
"...But..." Emmrich says with a small smirk "It does make me wonder...what about the scars on your face? Those weren't from that attack..."
Dardin'an shakes "No, they were from less interesting fights. Training mishaps mostly. Debris or the like from magic or knife work with rogues I sparred against. None were ever serious. But I was horrible with picking at the cross scar around my right eye. It's why that one stands out so badly."
Emmrich rubs his thumb over the cross scar, particularly the main X of it, under the eye. "And here I am without a scar to speak of, even with all we faced. You've lived such a storied life...While I don't envy the pain you've suffered to earn those scars, I do envy that you have stories like that to tell. Not that my life is uninteresting...But it does feel less...romantic and intriguing than yours. Even before your temporary departure from the Mourn Watch..."
Dardin'an chuckles and brushes his fingers over Emmrich's body, tracing his tattoos and nipple piercings "I don't think you have much reason to worry about a lack of romance or intrigue, Emm...You made your own. Better that than suffering what I did. My scars tell stories, but the suffering that led to most of them isn't worth it. If not for you, I likely would be dead now. I only have scars because of you. If not for your help, I would be back in a tomb far too soon. And now, you even have adventures under your belt. You don't need scars to tell those stories."
Emmrich sighs "I suppose you're right. I just hate that you've suffered so...and I've endured so little."
Dardin'an shakes their head with a sigh. "Emm, you lost your parents...I never knew mine...True, Varric was like a father to me, but....I only knew him for a couple years. I wasn't raised by him. I'll never know what you felt. And everything you went through with Hezenkoss? And..." They look off in the distance, seeming to know more than they let on. "...I'm sure you've dealt with more...You've gone through plenty of trials and suffering. So what if it wasn't physical? Scars exist deeper than flesh. You know that. Mental and emotional wounds count too."
Emmrich opens his mouth, as if to add to his painful memories, but stops himself. "I know...Thank you. I'm not sure if it's survivor's guilt, or if I truly have just romanticized survival against the odds to a...less than favorable point...Perhaps both. But I have always found scars especially attractive. Even envied them. But hearing you put it in this perspective has helped me rethink that. You're right. I have my own scars. They're just less visible."
Dardin'an chuckles "Exactly...Now...Tell me about your tattoos..."
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writer-room · 11 months ago
Isn't it fun how everyone saw what terrified them most, but Nya's was so "unbelievable" that she broke out instantly? She was shown the one thing that was supposed to terrify her, make her spiral. But of course it wasn't real. It's Jay. If there's one thing she never once doubted, its that Jay is absolutely smitten, so of course he'd never forget her. What a silly thing to think, to be afraid of. She went through so damn much for this boy, and him for her, and we know how she is. Wouldn't it be petrifying if all that work, all that emotional turmoil, that clawing for love, could be forgotten just like that? Its quite a feat, really, that she can finally be confident in knowing such a fear is irrational.
It was easy to break free from such a place. It was only ever meant to scare her, and she has nothing to be afraid of. Right?
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anonymityisfunwriter · 6 months ago
Once Upon A December
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Summary: Of all the things your heart used to know, things it years to remember, Bucky Barnes is at the top of that list.
A.N. - I feel like you guys just haven't been made aware, but one thing about me, I love a good musical.
Bucky Barnes Masterlist | Anon's Birthday Celebration
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Bucky softly swallows the air that seems to get more sparse as he thinks, truly thinks, about his latest conclusion. "I just - I think it's time."
His hands fold together, he hunches over, barely able to tear his eyes off the ground.
"I can't tell you what to do here, Buck."
"I know."
"Do what you think is best."
"Best?" He bitterly chuckles. "There is no best. I just - I'm hurtin' the both of us by holding on. And I don't want to hurt her anymore."
"You don't have to explain yourself to me."
"I feel so guilty every time I look at her." Bucky lightly gasps for air. "And God, I - Sometimes, I think that maybe that's the reason I'm the only one she doesn't remember."
Steve grips Bucky's shoulder, "Buck... it wasn't your fault."
"How do I let her go?" Bucky brokenly whispers. "How do I mourn the love of my life when I know she's right there, she's alive?"
Steve finds himself at a loss for words. There was no answer. Nothing he could say. It was a truly impossible situation. "I'm so sorry."
He shakes his head, clearing his throat, "I should go talk to her."
"I think she was in your - in her room."
Bucky winces at the correction. It wasn't their room anymore. Now, it was your room. He'd given you the space to try to regain that void in your memory.
And yet, it's all so painfully familiar. It's muscle memory. Walking to your room. Knocking on your door. The only difference is now, it doesn't feel like coming home, it feels more like the procession to his own funeral.
"James..." Your tone is flat, unsure as you open the door. He hates the guilt glistening in your eyes. He sees it every time you look at him. He hates that he's the one that made you feel that way.
When it first happened, when he first realized that he was nothing but a blurry figure dancing through your memory, he tried telling you.
He tried filling every detail of your epic love story in your mind. He tried forcing himself back into your memories. Nothing brought back the look of love and adoration in your eyes.
He offers a heavy smile, "Hi. Can I come in?"
You nod, stepping away from the door to allow him into his former home. The place looks the same, with the notable exception of the traces of him.
You settle on the couch. He sits on the small loveseat, perpendicular to you. "How are you?"
He licks his lips, offering a small shrug, "I start therapy in a few days again."
"What about you?"
Your voice is far more curt than you intend, "I didn't remember anything if that's what you're asking."
His heart stammers, "No. That's not what I meant."
"Sorry, I didn't sleep very well. Not that it's an excuse."
"Just the same one." You're not sure how much detail he cares to hear, but the way he waits for you to continue is almost a comfort. Your eyes squeeze shut as the memory plays on a loop. "I - I don't remember the mission. Just bits and pieces. I was alone. On the rooftop. And then I see the HYDRA agent's face. When they push me. That's where the nightmare starts... I fall. It's dark. I can hear someone screaming my name. And it's over."
"You weren't alone on the roof."
"I was on the roof with you. We were scoping out the area. They came out of nowhere."
Your eyes widen. It clicks. The sound of the voice screaming after you. It almost perfectly matches the timbre of his voice. Only now, his voice sounded strained, tried. "You were screaming my name."
Bucky nods, "I jumped after you. I didn't make it in time. I found you laying in your own blood."
"I'm sorry, James."
He hates the sound of his name so formal leaving your mouth. He can't help himself as he speaks, "You never used to call me that."
A sad smile tugs at the corner of Bucky's mouth, "You only called me James when you were upset. Or when I was annoying you."
A light chuckle leaves your lips, "What did I call you when you weren't annoying me?"
"Bucky. Buck." He shrugs. He swallows the knot forming in his throat, his voice wavering, "A lot of pet names. I pretended to hate it, but I didn't."
You look up to see tears shining in his eyes. His voice breaks as he continues on, "You called me Sarge when you were joking or being flirty."
You reach forward, squeezing his hand. A tight knot forms in your throat, "I'm sorry I can't be the girl you remember."
He looks down at the warmth of your hand resting on his. He's acutely aware that this is the first time you've initiated contact with him since you forgot him.
He swallows back his tears, "You didn't take off your ring."
"It didn't feel right to." You start sliding the ring off, "I should probably give it back."
He immediately stops you, "Keep the ring."
"Steve said it was your mother's. I couldn't."
He shakes his head, his heart clenching with pain, "I won't need it."
You rest your hand on your chest. Your heart yearns to remember him, to remember his place in your life. It was right there. Like a word on the tip of your tongue. You could feel the memory of him glowing in the recesses of your memory, glowing as dim as an ember.
You were so close, and yet, it wasn't enough. "I want to remember. I so badly do."
He stroke a stray hair out of your face. Sitting this close to you, he takes a long moment to memorize every detail. The slope of your nose. Your eyes. Your lips. He knows he'll never be this close to you again.
He had to stop hurting you. He had to stop hurting himself.
"I know."
You rest your forehead against him. It feels both so foreign and so familiar all at once.
"Can I - Can I kiss you?" he asks. "Just one last time."
You nod, your heart shattering at the sound of the hurt in his wavering voice.
His flesh hand rests against your cheek. Your breath shudders, dancing across his lips. His nose brushes against yours. Once. Twice. You find yourself leaning forward, closing the distance. His lips brush against yours hesitantly at first. You can't help but notice the way they mold against yours perfectly.
The song that vaguely echoed in the back of your mind gets louder and louder, echoing with thoughts of him. The memory of him rattles against your skull, begging you to remember.
Your hand moves from its place on the cushion to his shoulder. Slowly, it creeps down to rest just above his racing heart. You hum against his lips, pulling yourself away from him.
You look up at him, your eyes shining up at him like they once used to. "Bucky?"
Bucky Barnes Masterlist Anon's Birthday Celebration
Taglist: @marianita195 @meli18gonzalez @ludicbouquetfromearth @matchat3a @famousbreadcherryblossomsstuff @valoraxx @blue786sworld @buckyandgeraltsupremacy @geminigengar @ansaturn @ecolle @lexhalstead3 @ybflkmj @mediocre-daydreams@shanye1112 @thegirlnextdoorssister @toomanyfanficsbruh @moonlightreader649 @breathtaking-cynthia @mirikusashes @beans-and-toast @niyahcoca @katiechikin @elxvrr @antiheroxsblog @infamouslyclumsy @krissydclayton93 @buckysbarne @deadheadwbedhead @qualitygiantshoepsychic @whitexwolfxx310 @getosprettyboy @matchat3a @weallhaveadestiny @mostlymarvelgirl @honeydew3064 @michealharrypotter @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @withyoutilltheendoftheline @the-photo-hoe @rae-nna @sarachabeans1@double-shot-of-tequila @spookyparadisesheep @lunaalovesyouu @daisy-loves-bucky@roseproseposts @theoraekenslover@king814318 @maybesomedaytho @carlie-babes99 @sunshinechikin @as-white-as-snow-love @melala1030 @badasswlthafatass @armystay89 @multiversefanfics @cherrysscinema @breathlesspieceofdeath @ravenn-darkholme @bxckybxrnes24 @guiltyasreid @bellabarnes1378 @blithecapricorn @mrsnikstan
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misspelledwordswizard · 2 months ago
Chapter 22 - It's good to be able to sleep again
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I woke up with the sun on my face, bothering me enough to wake me from my previously desired sleep. Opening my eyes, I was blinded by the direct light and blamed myself for my stupidity. I ran my hands over my face, trying to shake off the sleep that was haunting me, as I sat up in bed. I looked around the room, it took me a while to start processing the information, where I was and what had happened, so intense was my nap.  
It was then that I saw Time, sitting in an armchair, not far from me, calmly reading a book. Suddenly the memories of the previous night came flooding back, making me want to bury my face in a hole in shame. I feel humiliated, I cried like a baby and revealed such personal things, and yet he stayed by my side and welcomed me. I am very grateful for that, but I can’t help but think that it was a little strange to talk to him, now that he knows my secrets. 
— Good morning, did you sleep well? – The older man’s voice caught my attention again. – You seemed calm while you were sleeping, even smiling, so I guess there wasn’t a nightmare, huh? 
I felt my cheeks heat up as the blond gave me a smug smile. Bastard, he’s making fun of me this morning after all the things I told him, that's evil, Time! Sometimes I forget that behind that older man’s posture he’s still that brat who likes to tease. The mangas were right. 
— Yes, I slept well. – His soft laughter at my answer only fueled my sullen face, which was probably the reason for the joke. – Thank you, Link. I don’t know what I would have done without you. 
The sudden seriousness in my voice, along with a certain melancholy, made a striking contrast with the previous mood of the room. When I looked back at the hero, I could see him with a sincere and comforting smile that calmed my nerves. 
— Sure, dear, I’m here for you, anytime. – He said and then stood up, putting the book aside and stretching after having spent so much time in the same position. – Now, you don’t have to worry about that, okay? I’ll be downstairs, come down when you feel ready. 
I watched him as he left my room, leaving me alone with my intrusive thoughts, which I blocked as quickly as I could. Time is an incredible man. He’s loving, caring, strong and protective, whoever his beloved is, she’s a very lucky woman. 
I sighed, feeling more relaxed than I had in a long time, all that accumulated fatigue had had certain effects, I can see, and this rest was more than welcome. Opening the window and letting more light in, I was graced by the warmth of the sun that reached me, I could also see that it was high in the sky. Damn, I slept too much, it must be about ten 'clock in the morning.  I left the room, after checking my appearance and fixing my hair, and went down the stairs of the academy, only to bump into Wind on the way. Literally, because he came out of the room just as I was passing by and we ended up bumping into each other. 
— Ah, you’re finally awake! – He said excitedly. – Everyone has already eaten, but I can keep you company in the kitchen if you want, I have nothing to do anyway. 
The boy said and shrugged, he spent the last few days exploring Skyloft, but I think this place is a bit small for someone with his adventurous spirit, he must be dying of boredom. I couldn’t help but laugh lightly at the thought of it, and also since he was proposing to spend time with me instead of his brothers, that’s cute, so I don’t feel so alone either. 
Heading to the aforementioned place, I was surprised to see that one of the boys was still there. In one of the corners, distracted by something he was reading, was Legend. I thought he hadn’t even noticed our presence, so I was taken aback when I heard him talking to us, still without looking away from the book. God, is this place boring enough that Links would suddenly become interested in reading? 
— Sky has already taken Warriors to the surface, the next one to go when he returns will be Rancher. 
My attention turned to him, more focused on the information itself than on the boy himself. So, they’ve already started going down, huh? I can’t help but feel a little strange about all this, I think I was already getting used to the calm of Skyloft, to think that now we’ll have to go back to walking for hours without stopping, dealing with monsters and whatever else comes, it’s kind of distressing. 
I mean, I was learning to deal with all this before, but this time of peace ended up unaccustoming me and I went back to square one of the whole thing. Suddenly, an anxiety at the thought of others ending up discovering my secret also hit me, especially if it happens during a moment of tension down there. I hope Time really is right, and knows the best way to do this. 
— You... – The Veteran’s voice caught my attention again, while Wind went to the kitchen to look for food, oblivious to the conversation. – Time stayed in your room all night, and only came out a little while ago... 
As soon as he spoke, I could notice a certain irritation in his voice, my brain worked to process this statement, and I finally understood what he was really asking, blushing like a tomato and completely indignant at this suggestion. 
— What!? I was having trouble sleeping, okay? The old man just helped me with that. – I felt myself getting sulky about it, and the blond just snorted and turned his face away at my answer. 
— If that was all, you should have asked for my help, I know what it’s like not to be able to sleep, it would have been much more useful. 
— If you want to know, I didn’t even ask for his help either, he offered it himself and didn’t let me refuse... 
I found myself saying this, a little quieter and calmer than before. Why the hell am I trying to explain myself? I just snorted and walked away from him, it’s too early for this. I mean, not that early, but I just woke up so I don’t feel like it either. 
I just gave up on talking to this complicated boy and went to the kitchen, looking for something that could satisfy my hunger and end Wind’s munchies, who even after breakfast still wanted to eat something else. 
 The sun was shining high in the sky, and it felt warm on my skin as I walked around the lake with the Sailor. I had seen some of the boys walking along the path, apparently, they were just as bored as we were, so it was no surprise when I saw the Champion and the Traveler approaching where we were. 
— Good morning, did you get any rest? I saw that you seemed tired yesterday. – Rulie, who I hadn’t seen yet today, said with an empathetic smile. 
— Oh, yes, I had the best night’s sleep in ages! – I found myself saying with a silly smile. It’s amazing how being rested puts me in a good mood. 
— That’s good, because soon we won’t have the opportunity to rest so well for a while. – Wild commented, kind of complaining about what was coming next. 
I laughed a little, hiding how disappointed I was about it too, and turned to see what the child was doing, only to find him poking around in the dirt looking for bugs. I’m sure it was Sky’s influence. What am I going to do with this kid? Early in the morning and he’s already getting dirty. 
— Wind, take your hand off the floor, you’re going to get all dirty! – I complained, like a nagging mother, making him startle a little at my sudden call and get up, wiping his hands on his clothes. 
— Oh, it’s okay, I’m not even clean, I’ll take a bath when we get back to the academy – The blond answered me, as he came back to me. 
— What? When was the last time you took a bath?! 
— Hm, yesterday... no, it was the day before yesterday! – He answered while thinking, trying to remember, leaving me completely indignant. 
I pulled him by the arm closer to me and smelled his hair, which just by looking at it I could tell how dirty it was. The smell was terrible, worse than I had imagined. I know that children in general tend to be lazy about taking showers and such, but who in their right mind can stay dirty and smelling like that for so long? Oh dear, these heroes of the past are unaware of the importance of good hygiene. 
— Ew, boy, you look disgusting! – I complained and he even had the audacity to laugh at my reaction. – Lord, have mercy... 
Before he could react, I grabbed him under the arms, lifting him into the air momentarily and then threw him into the lake next to me, making him let out a cry of surprise. Proud of my attitude, I held my hands, as if I were cleaning the dust, with a sense of job done, at least until I heard laughter coming from beside me. 
I turned to look at the two boys who were laughing at the youngest, that is until I pulled Wild closer too and sniffed his hair, making him stop laughing when he noticed my disgusted face. 
— Look, we can do this for better or for worse, the choice is all yours... 
Before I could finish, the boy was already taking off his boots and jumping into the lake too, along with the third of them who followed his brother’s wise example. Good. Very good, I’m not going to spend time around smelly people. These heroes, now just because you have a world to save doesn’t mean you can do it smelling bad! 
The sound of laughter ended up catching the attention of Four, who was passing by at the time. He stopped next to me while judging his brothers without understanding the reason for all this. In order not to break character, I pulled the short boy closer and smelled his hair just like I did with the others. It was no surprise to me that he smelled super good. The Blacksmith is very clean and organized, when he’s not all sweaty after working in the forge, but I didn’t want to miss the opportunity.  Before he could question my strange actions, I repeated what I had done with Wind, grabbing him by the arms and quickly throwing him into the lake, making him let out a surprised little scream while I laughed immaturely. 
Well, since we’re in this situation anyway, I guess there’s no harm in participating. Following the example of the last three, I took off my shoes and threw myself into the lake, being graced by the cold water that hit my skin, bringing great relief on this hot sunny day. 
The three started to take it more as a joke. Well, this wouldn’t be much of a bath considering it’s a lake, they went in fully clothed and will probably only come out smelling like wet dogs – no offense to Wolfie – but at least it will force them to take a full bath as soon as they leave here. In a short time, this game in the lake ended up turning into a mess of water being splashed everywhere, fun attacks, swimming competitions or even who splashed the most water when jumping back into the lake, between the Champion and the Sailor, while I and the other two acted as judges.  The rest of the afternoon was spent like this, before I decided it was time to leave and force everyone to go back to take a hot shower and avoid a collective cold. 
— Rupee for your thoughts? – I said as I approached Time, outside the academy.  
It was night, I had gone out to get some air before dinner, it was then that I came across the hero of time outside, observing the night landscape with a thoughtful and worried expression. I hadn’t seen him since morning, I was really getting worried, worried if something had happened, or maybe that the reason for his distance was everything that happened yesterday.  
His blue eyes turned to me. He didn’t seem surprised, nor uncomfortable with my presence, but that didn’t make him seem any less thoughtful than before. I don’t know how, but he seemed to read my thoughts and worries, giving me a reassuring smile as I got closer. 
— Hm, there are a lot of them, are you sure you want to hear them? 
— Don’t think you can get rid of me so easily, old man. 
— Hm, right. That’s the last thing I’d want. 
— So, what’s bothering you? 
Silence prevailed for a moment, the older man’s expression hardening, followed by a tired sigh. 
— You know, that night I had time to think about everything, with all the things you told me, there was a lot to fit in and process, luckily, I had plenty of time for that. 
— Thank my heavy sleep then. – I heard him laugh at my unfunny joke, and that alone made it worth it. 
— Yeah, it was really welcome at the time. A lot of things started to make sense after that, the fact that the Shadow was so interested in you, the attacks, maybe that was even the reason why we met. But there’s still something there. I feel like there’s something big behind this. I can’t imagine that the only reason you’re involved in this is because you know us, especially because, from what you told me, a lot of other people do the same, right? 
I nodded, confirming the information. He’s right, I’ve caught myself thinking about it several times, since I reincarnated, actually. Why me? Of all the people, of all the big Zelda fans, what makes me different from them?  When I saw that I wouldn’t get any answers, I just gave up, but thinking about it now, maybe I’m closer than ever to those much-acclaimed answers. And even so, I’m still very far from them. 
— Well, trust me, don’t rack your brains trying to find logic in this, I’ve spent my whole life doing this and haven’t gotten any results. But, from what I’ve seen recently, the best thing to do is keep going, eventually things will start to fall into place. 
— Yes... I think you’re right. But I can’t help but worry, especially when it could mean you’re in danger. – He sighed, straightening his tense posture. – Well, I guess I’ll just have to double the amount of care I have for you then. Get ready for at least two of us to keep an eye on you at all times! 
— Oh, Noooo! – I dramatized, earning a sincere laugh from the man. 
— Just kidding, dear. I’m not going to invade your privacy. Well, I can’t say the same about the others, they can be quite nosy when they want to be. 
— Well, then I think it’s best to keep all this as confidential as possible, hm? 
— Yeah, it’ll be our little secret. – I felt shy with the wink Time sent me. Unfortunately for me, this guy is a natural born tease, and I have a weakness for handsome men. 
— Now, since you mentioned last night, shouldn’t you be sleeping now, sir? 
— Nah, I slept the whole afternoon. 
— Ah 
That explains why I haven’t seen you all day. Come to think of it, I’m not going to sleep any time soon either, considering how late I woke up. Although the day was tiring, after swimming for so long it’s no surprise that I fell right to sleep the moment my head hit the pillow. Oh, who would have thought, I guess it actually worked. 
— Time, I don’t think I’ve been able to thank you enough yet. – He shook his head in denial, as if it were no big deal. – No, seriously. I hadn’t noticed until now, but all that irrational fear of sleeping and dreaming that was haunting me has gone away, I don’t feel anxious when I think about going to sleep anymore, thanks to you... Thank you, really. 
— That was nothing, I didn’t even do anything. And don’t minimize your pain like that, your fear was completely fair. Know that if something like that happens again, you can come straight to me, I’ll take care of you. – I could feel the sincerity in his voice, which only made me even more grateful. – And besides, the experience wasn’t bad at all, you look cute dreaming, you know? 
I playfully patted his shoulder, reprimanding him for all his teasing, while he just laughed at my reaction. Yeah, it really is great to get to know this side of Time.  He acts like we’ve been friends for a long time, and that’s nice, it’s comforting. I found myself caught in his gaze, his beautiful blue eyes staring at me so intensely, there under the moonlight, he seemed so ethereal. Suddenly he was no longer Time, the leader of the group, an imposing man, a strong and serious hero. He was Link, a friend, a confidant to whom I could reveal my secrets and who I knew would help me, not as a hero who helps everyone, but as someone I care about and who is there for me when I need it. I hope he can see me that way too. 
Both of our attention was cut off by the sound of the door opening right behind us, making us pull away and look back in surprise. There, standing in the doorway, was the Veteran, he looked at us for a moment, his lips parted, as if he was going to say something, but nothing came out, instead he just scowled sullenly as he looked at us, getting irritated for some reason. 
— The Cook said to let you know that the food is ready, hurry up! – He said, entering again and slamming the door behind him. 
— Geez, what’s gotten into him? – I commented and Time just sighed tiredly. 
— Sometimes I don’t even understand. We better go in quickly, before he comes back even angrier. 
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virescent-v · 1 year ago
I’ve always wanted to see a fic surrounding this: the aftermath of Emily’s rescue from Mr Scratch. Maybe a fluffy bath moment at home or sweet smut vibes?
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A/N: Bestie! I loved this idea. Tbh, I had to watch that ep first because I had no idea who Mr Scratch was. I'm only on s5 of my watch through hahaha. But I watched it, and wrote this! I hope it does it some justice. I think this is really my first take at a hurt/comfort fic.
Word Count: 1.6k (I broke my less than 1k word challenge, oops) Warnings: honeslty, not too much. There is some slight smut tho.
You were told to wait at home. But the wait was excruciating. 
You hadn’t gotten many details from Penelope other than Emily had been kidnapped, drugged, and had gotten rescued. She was otherwise unharmed. You only knew that she was chasing a high profile psychopath; someone that had even Hotchner running into WITSEC. 
So, you were waiting. Impatiently. For your girlfriend to come home. So you could check her over yourself, especially since you knew she wasn’t going to be responsible and go to the hospital. 
You were broken out of your inner anxious ramblings by Emily stumbling through the front door, all but dropping her bags at her feet and practically running right to you. 
“Em,” you whispered, gathering her in your arms. You could feel her slightly shaking, the adrenaline of everything finally crashing on her. “You’re home, baby, and safe. You’re safe now,” you said, continuing to whisper sweet words to her, rubbing your hands on her back, helping to wear off some of the epinephrine coursing through her. 
You tried to pull away, so you could look at her, really look at her, but her arms shot out and grabbed you around your waist, pulling you even closer to her. Like she was trying to burrow into you. 
“Not yet,” she whispered, her nose dragging up the side of your neck, breathing in your perfume. 
“Okay, okay.” 
It takes a couple of minutes; you can feel Emily mouthing something against your skin, as if she’s trying to ground herself, reminding herself that she’s not with him anymore. Eventually, though, she loosens her grip on you, allowing you to look at her face for the first real time since she got home. 
When your eyes connect, you can see the tears shining in hers. You can feel the weight of her stare, silently communicating between the two of you. 
I almost died. 
But you didn’t, love. You’re home. 
You trail your hand up her arm, across her shoulder, and over her heart. 
You’re alive. You’re safe. 
As you tap your pointer finger on her chest in time with her heartbeat, she takes a shuddering breath, a few tears finally making their way down her cheek. She blinks a few times, not trying to hide the emotion escaping her, before taking a deep breath that seems to use all of her remaining energy. 
“Can- can we take a bath?” She asks, timidly. As if you would ever deny her anything. 
You don’t say anything. You just grasp her hand in yours and lead her to your bathroom. You sit her on the toilet, tucking some of her stray hair behind her ears. You reach over to your oversized tub, turning the water to just on the side of scalding. The temperature Emily prefers. 
As the tub fills, you watch Emily, rubbing your hands on her knees. She’s still occasionally shaking, but not as badly as when she came in. Her gaze isn’t focused on anything, worrying you that she might start receding back to memories from earlier. You know she’ll be hit with nightmares later, something you’ve dealt with before and know how to handle. You just want to prevent that for right now. 
Once the tub is full, you add some bath water oils, a eucalyptus smell. You’ve found that it’s better for keeping Emily calm over lavender or vanilla smells. 
You start to strip, placing your clothes in the hamper. Emily still isn’t focusing on anything, her eyes settled on her hands on her lap. She isn’t even registering that the bath is ready, so you approach her quietly. 
“Em, baby, the bath is ready. You need to get undressed.” 
Her eyes tracked up your body, but there wasn’t her normal heat in her gaze. Only as if she was making sure that it was really you. 
When your eyes connected, you had to stop yourself from gasping. Her eyes were turning red from trying not to cry, almost overflowing with unshed tears. 
You crouched down in front of her, your nude form not even a worry. You rubbed your thumbs across her cheeks, trying to get her to release her emotions. You’d take them from her if you could. 
Emily feels your thumbs rubbing back and forth, letting your love for her ground her to this moment. Eventually, she closes her eyes tight, all of the tears breaking free, and she starts to sob. She collapses into you, burrowing into your neck again. This time, you can hear her mumbling, wheels up, I’m home, wheels up, I’m home over and over again. A mantra. 
You give her a few minutes, letting her get out most of the current wave of emotion. You know it’ll hit her again later, likely many times, and you know you’ll take them all in stride. Anything for her. 
Another deep breath, another slow release from you. You reach over and grab some toilet paper, wiping at her teary, snotty face. You can tell she almost cracks a smile at the noise her nose makes when she blows it into the tissue; she’s slowly coming back to herself. 
After you toss the tissue in the trash, you grab the hem of her shirt. Tugging on it, Emily raises her arms, allowing you to undress her. There’s no sexual charge to your movements; this is purely emotional, intimate connection between you and your girl. 
You get in the tub first, spreading your legs so Emily can settle between them. Usually, she’s behind you, always pampering you. It’s only on rare occasions do you get to be the one caring for her, so you take pride in your movements, your ability to calm her when she most needs it. 
As she settles in front of you, you feel the last of her energy leave her. The hot water around you soothing sore muscles, easing her overworked nervous system. Her heart rate starts to slow, her breaths becoming deeper, slower, longer. 
While you know that her body is physically relaxing, you know that her mind is not. 
You never get the details of the case. She never wants to burden you with the gruesomeness of her job, doesn’t want you to worry more than you already do. Emily’s a profiler, can read anyone in the room and pinpoint their motives. But you’ve become an expert in Emily. 
You help her through the aftermath as best as you can, providing her with the space to unwind in whatever what she deems necessary - or whatever way her body deems necessary. Sometimes it’s a hot bath and a good meal, sometimes it’s body-wracking sobs on the couch, and sometimes it’s taking her to the local gym to spar with someone and let her anger out. 
You see sides of your girlfriend that you know no one else has or ever will. She’s a strong, independent person with walls taller than Everest. Somehow, you’ve managed to climb them, repel down them, and settle in. Emily let you settle in, let you unwind the barb wire around her heart. You’d protect it with your life. 
You start rubbing a soft cloth with your body wash across Emily’s body; she’s always taken comfort in your smell after a bad case. You make sure to go slow, not knowing what happened to her, not wanting to trigger anything unknowingly. 
As you reach her bent knees, you feel her flinch a little. You stop immediately, trying to check in with her again. She’s mouthing the same mantra: Wheels up, I’m home, wheels up…
“Em? Do your legs hurt?” 
A slight shake of her head. No pain, which likely means it’s something mentally. 
You continue slowly, letting her feel the cloth on her legs. “Open your eyes, Em. Your legs are okay.” 
You watch the side of her face, watch as her eyes blink open, watch as her eyes track your hands up and down her leg. 
Another deep, shuddering breath as you feel her relax back into you. She continues to watch your movements, her eyes growing more focused as they move back up her torso. 
“I need,” a whisper, caught in the dryness of her throat; she clears it before trying again. “I need you to touch me.” 
You release the cloth, notice it float away to the end of the tub. Your hands wrap around her, settling lower on her belly, resting there. You watch the side of her face again. “You sure?” 
You would never take advantage of her, not while she’s vulnerable. You’ve had this conversation before, about how sometimes after certain cases she just needs to feel connected to you, feel intertwined with something that is real.  
She turns to look at you, her nose brushing against yours as she whispers a strong, steady, “love me,” against your lips.  
She trails her hand to yours, interlocks your fingers, before bringing both of them down to her core. Interconnected, simultaneously, you start rubbing slow, steady circles on her clit, working her up easily, lovingly. 
Each brush of your fingers against her has her twitching, rolling her hips into your hands. Her head thrown back against your shoulder, you can see her feeling you, feeling your love for her. The only thing on her mind now is her, you, and the way that you make her feel. Each stroke of your fingers is a promise, a vow to protect her, keep her safe, love her. It’s a love letter of all of the things you wish you could voice, of all of the ways you care for her. 
As she nears her peak, your lips find her ear as you whisper over and over I love you, you’re home, I love you… 
Her back arches against you, her hips pressing more fully into your hand. You help her ride through the waves, gathering her in your arms as she settles back down. Your lips brush light kisses around her temple and cheek as she catches her breath. 
“I love you,” she says. “I’m home.”
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gurlwhaaa · 19 days ago
"and I still talk to you, when I'm screaming at the sky". pt.3 Geto Suguru x reader
read the first 2 parts before this if you haven't! <3 ______________________________________________________________
you reached home soaked in your tears and rain water. you wanted to forgive him but, how could you? he was unforgivable. he chose to be unforgivable.
you got out of your wet clothes and replaced them with the softest pajamas you could find. Suguru really liked them, you thought. you weren't going to let the memory of someone ruin your favorite things.
you replayed your interaction with Suguru. you couldn't stop. there was a feeling in your chest. the kind of feeling when you're missing someone. a kind of emptiness where you feel something sucking in.
was he trying to fix things? did he realize that this was unfixable? you wish it was. you wish you didn't hate him. you wish you didn't love him. you wish you hadn't loved him.
you got in bed. mind full with unorganized thoughts. he never let you sleep with something in your mind, you thought wistfully. you closed your eyes making the tears spill out once more. ______________________________________________________________
12:12 read the watch sitting on your bedside table. you had suddenly opened your eyes due to a sound that's source you couldn't figure out the first time until you heard it again. RING
it was your doorbell. who could it be at this time of the night? Satoru? you didn't think it was likely for him to come especially this late, when he had Suguru's company.
you got up drowsily and, unlocked the door. as you opened, you saw a very familiar figure. Suguru. "what are you doing here?!" you about screamed. you stood there in disbelief, waiting for him to answer. he parted his mouth but, no words came out.
"well- uhh-" he started. he didn't need to finish his sentence. you already knew. but, you wanted to hear it from him. "c-can I-" your expression softened. "are you having nightmares again?" you asked, this time softly. he nodded.
"please?" he pleaded. you opened the door wider to let him in. "this doesn't mean we're friends." you clarified. "wouldn't mistake it" he replied. you led him to your bedroom. you got in and he followed. it was nothing sexual.
you let him sleep the night for, it was you who consoled him when he had nightmares only a few years back.
you faced your back at him. you knew he wanted to hug you tight. you knew he wanted you to hug him. you hated him but, you still had a heart. so, reluctantly, you turned around and wrapped your arms around him. "thank you" he mumbled as he wrapped his shaking arms around you.
you ran your hand through his hair as a gesture of comforting him. "do you think you'll ever forgive me?" he asked, breaking the silence. you let out a sigh, "no, I don't know."
"I'll still keep trying." he assured. "you know what you did was unforgivable, Suguru." "you know that I still love you, and why would I give up on someone I love?" he questioned.
"you already gave me up. you clearly didn't love me enough to stay." your voice raised slightly. "I did what I had to do." he'd already lost the argument. "are you here to sleep or to try lure me back because I'm wrapped around your fingers huh?" you asked.
"I wouldn't stoop that low." he replied. "I think you would." you turned around facing your back to him, again as your arms left him. his hands were still clutched around your waist.
after a while, you felt his grip loosen. he probably had fallen asleep. you felt his face against your back. you turned around and distanced yourself. he had his hair down and free which was unlikely of him, as he would never sleep with his hair down.
you got up a got a rubber band. you gently pulled his hair back and lightly tied it. the pale moonlight fell on his face. he looked.. beautiful. you weren't thinking as you caressed his face, his hair, your finger dropped to his lips.
you weren't thinking as you leaned in, to kiss his lips. it was all you wanted to do, until, you felt him kiss back. he was awake?! you broke it off. embarrassed, you scattered back as you saw his eyes opening. he looked innocent, like a child. but he wasn't innocent, you remembered.
"s-sorry" you apologized. "I didn't mind it." he reassured. he sat up. "were you pretending to sleep?" you asked. "no. I woke up when you tied my hair." shit. you forgot that he sleeps light. "I'm sorry." you apologized again. "got carried away with my pretty face?" he smirked.
"oh shut up" you said as you lied down again with your blanket covering your face and, once again, your back facing him. you could feel him lie down too.
minutes passed, you couldn't sleep.
"you aren't asleep." he guessed. "I'm not." you replied. "do you still love me?" he asked. "I'm not answering that", was your reply. "you still do. you still think of me. you still want to kiss me." he said, this time with all seriousness.
"it was one time. I got carried away." you wanted to cry. "what if you could get carried away more than one time without having to say sorry?" "but, that would mean forgiving you Suguru and, I'm not doing that anytime soon."
"you don't have to forgive me, you just have to try me again." he corrected. you had turned towards him. "but, what if, I forgive you if I try you once again?" you questioned. "then I will be forgiven."
you stared into him for a while and he did the same. you gave in. you leaned in and met his lips with yours. he reciprocated. hands entangled on each other.
"thank you" he murmured between kisses. "I hate you" you replied. the future may be unknown but, if you didn't give it a shot, you will never know how it ends.
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vibratingskull · 3 months ago
Yandere Thrawn x F!reader chapter 14
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Yandere AU - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13
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Tags : Yandere behaviors (duh), gaslighting, delusions, nightmare, manipulation, drug use
You wake up with a gasp. You tremble on the bed as you struggle to breathe. Your heart pounds in your chest like it would burst through. You rise on your elbow to help stabilize your erratic breathing, tears behind your eyes. 
They were here! Circling you with hunger in their eyes... Hunger to kill. Hunger for blood... Hunger to hurt. They stood taller than you, baring their teeth to you until one threw the first punch to your face. 
And now you are on the verge of a panic attack. 
You sniff, realizing nothing came to pull you back on the mattress and press itself against your back. Thrawn isn’t in bed with you. He must have left when you were deeply sleeping, someone must have called him on the bridge. 
You do not know if that comforts you or distraught you more... 
You look around the dark room. It is always so cold in here, but Thrawn’s body is so warm... You shake your head. You still have so much difficulty processing what is happening in your life lately. 
Your assaults, Thrawn unpredictable reactions, his... “treatment” for your problem, his soft caresses and terrifying red eyes... You feel on the verge of a precipice all the time. 
Your mind also always seems so... cloudy, so cluttered. It feels hard just to think with a clear head, you only hear white noises in your head, preventing you from thinking straight. 
You snigger. You remember Thrawn planning to use a drug with those effects to weaken enemies by infiltrating their air vents with small droid modules. He even bought stocks, and put them in the hangars, ready to be sent to the enemies. But it never happened in the end, they crumbled way before he had the occasion to test the drug...
Now that you think about it, you don’t even know what happened to this immense stock of tangerine powder on the Chimaera. He bought it a little fortune and didn't even get to witness his plan into action. You almost expected him to pout a little with disappointment. 
But he kept his expression cold and stern, as always. 
On your hand, this inconvenience is due to the hits you received to your head and skull. Thrawn gave you a rundown of your symptoms and medical consequences, your brain wasn’t damaged, simply... shaken. 
Not only your brain was shaken but your mind as well! Because... 
Since that day in the bath, since the day he touched you so... intimately you are plagued with dreams. 
Sinful dreams. 
You hate to admit it but you dreamed several times of his touch on you, of his long and skillful fingers dancing on your skin, entering you deep and well and... 
You shake your head, chasing the lewd thoughts away, you are so confused lately. No need to add pining and sexual tension to all that mess... Especially since you can’t decide if they are dreams or nightmares, everything is so confusing... 
You sigh, your head in your hand. Slowly, sneakily, the memories of your nightmare push forward to the forefront of your mind, making you shiver. 
You turn to your bedside table to light the bedside lamp. Your hand falls on the naked furniture, empty under the light. Where is your sketchbook? You are confident you left it on the bedside table... 
Did you leave it in the living room? You grumble, leaving the bed clumsily and inelegantly jumping towards the door. Damned cast! 
The door slides open, revealing Thrawn slouching on the sofa, sipping a cup of caff and leafing through your sketchbook under a little light, leaving the rest of the room in complete darkness. He raises his head at the sound of the door, his eyes catching your form on precarious balance, leaning against the doorframe. 
You look back at him, your conflicted emotions and sentiments washing over you once again as you lay your eyes on him. Each time he enters your field of vision, lewd memories come swarming you, drying your mouth, putting you on edge. 
Terrifying you and exciting you at the same time. 
“Is there a problem, Ch’acah?” Thrawn asks softly, setting your book on the tea table to stand on his feet, ready to access any of your demands. “I was searching for my sketchbook.” You explain. “At this hour?” He tilts his head with a light grin. 
You purse your lips. Until now he always asked permission to look into your book. He never just took it while your back was turned. It displeases you... 
“I want it.” You curtly respond. 
You think you see his hands rolling into fists for a split second before seizing the book and coming to you. He hands it to you and you harshly take it from him, pressing it against your chest in a soothing manner. 
He doesn’t formalize himself, his red eyes narrowing slightly. “What is wrong, Ch’acah?” He asks low and gently, “Why are you awake at this hour of the night?”, “Why are YOU awake?” you respond deadpan, “I am not in remission.” He counters, “Speak to me.” 
You gulp, your nightmare is still vivid in your head, and the memory of his caresses is still on your skin. You dig your nails into the cover of the book, lowering your head, “I just had a nightmare.” 
Thrawn unclasps his hands behind his back, one of them coming to gently tilt your head up, forcing you to look at him, “Tell me about it.” He invites. “There is nothing to say, really. Do not bother with it.” you try to cut the conversation short. 
He inhales deeply, detailing your face with his blazing gaze. “You can tell me everything, Ch’acah.”, “Its... It’s stupid. You have more important matters to take care of.”, “Not at all. Whatever you might have weighing on your heart, I can bear it. You can confide in me.” His hold on your chin releases to cup your cheek in his warm palm. You remain silent. 
Before your mutism, he suddenly grabs your hips and lifts you up bridal style. For a split second you are terrified he will bring you to bed with him for another... “treatment” session. But he heads toward the couch. Instead of making you sit on the sofa, he sits down and places you on his lap. You shudder once, slightly on edge. 
He caresses a strand of hair behind your ear with the tip of his fingers and presses you against himself, “Tell me everything.” He reiterates, caressing your hair tenderly. 
You dig your nails in your shorts. Words disappear in your throat, getting lost before reaching your lips. He patiently awaits, caressing you softly, pressing his cheek against the top of your head, holding you tight but also delicately, like he was afraid you would explode if he squeezed too much... 
“I dreamed about... my assault.” You start, “They were all around me, I had nowhere to escape.” He hums in response, signaling that he is listening to you, letting you speak at your own pace. 
You are so confused, by everything. By Thrawn, by your own mind, by your entire life that seemed to have completely derailed... You gasp, a single tremor shaking your body. “I am so afraid...”, “It is perfectly natural.” Thrawn validates you, “You lived through a very traumatic moment, it is not at all surprising. You need time and isolation to build yourself back up. You need protection and care.” 
“Did you find the culprits?” you ask with a little voice, “I did.” he confirms, kissing the top of your head. “What was their sentence?”, “There was none.” He lets you know. 
You part from him, incredulity in your eyes, “What...?” 
Thrawn’s knuckles come grazing your cheek as he devours you with his gaze. “They think I did not bust them.” He says, “They think they escaped my watch and are off the hook. I am simply awaiting the best moment to strike.” He grins tightly. 
“Why not just get done with it?” you inquire confused, “They hurt you. They dared to lay their hands on you. They deserve an explementary punishment. I will make them pay, every one of them. One by one.” He promises lowly, his blazing eyes deep into yours, hypnotizing you, “They will not escape justice, Ch’acah. You will be avenged.” 
You blink several times at his words. “Why go so far? Why not just apply the Empire’s sentence?”. He lowly chuckles, amused, as he shakes his head lightly, “Their offense is way too grave. And the sentences will be as dire as their acts.”  
You frown “Are you going to beat them into a pulp?” you investigate, slightly curious, slightly sarcastic. “Would it please you?” he asks seriously. 
You consider him, at a loss for words. What kind of question is that? He presses his forehead against yours, his rubies clear with absolute determination like you always knew him, “Does the idea of me beating them up as they did to you appease you?” he inquires. 
“Thrawn...” You finally utter after several seconds of shock “I was joking. Of course, I do not want that !’’, ‘’Then what do you want?’’ he breathes deeply, red haunting eyes fixed on yours, ‘’I can give you everything.’’ 
‘’I… I just want justice to be executed properly ! I am sure the Empire’s sentences are more than adequate !’’ You explain. He isn’t seriously proposing to catch them all and beat them til he breaks their bones? Is he ?! 
Thrawn considers you in silence, squinting slightly before he pulls your head back in the crook of his muscular neck, “You are too sweet, Ch’acah, too forgiving.’’, ‘’ I did not forgive anything,” you growl “But senseless beating is not justice !’’ 
You feel him brush his cheek on the top of your head with a pleased sigh ‘’Do not worry, Ch’acah. Everything is under my control. Soon, I will serve them justice, do not fret.”, “All right...” you mumble, a little shaken. 
He kisses your head again, caressing your back and naked arm soothingly. 
You prefer him like that... You are still not used to being intimate with him despite his best efforts. Since that time in the tub two weeks ago he didn’t try anything more but he held you tighter at night, giving you kisses freely on your cheeks and forehead while purring subtly.
He kept offering chocolate cake, massaging your sore body, and carrying you around in his arms as he used to. And yes... He kept bathing you... 
He keeps being gentle with you but do not hesitate to kiss your palm and arm when he lathers it up with shower gel and body cream. He tresses your hair in intricate braids, files your nails expertly, and even insists on helping you put on some nail polish. You only let him do your valid hand and you are quite sore to admit he did a better job applying the colorful paint than you did... Ever. 
He keeps helping you to eat sometimes, but you are getting better every day! He keeps dressing you and even helps you brush your teeth when you suddenly get too tired at night. He likes to keep you awake late at night, speaking of everything and absolutely nothing, and wakes you up very early when he has to go to the bridge. In fact, you feel like you are a bit sleep-deprived and have to sleep through the day, only awakening when Thrawn comes back to the suite. 
His stern face illuminates with a tight grin when he sees you after a long day of work, and his eyes shine brighter than usual. You have difficulty seeing his pupils when they shine like that and it illuminates his... gorgeous face beautifully. 
And when he gets... cuddly, you feel more at ease, or at least less tense. He holds you tight in his arms to hug you, peppering kisses on your face or hair, cradling you gently, sharing his body's warmth with you. 
Are you slowly accepting your circumstances? It appears you are... Very slowly, but it is apparently the path you took. 
“You wished to sketch your worries away?” He inquires in a whisper. “Yes.” You admit, “It helps me calm down.”, “Art is a powerful therapeutic tool.” He approves, “Numerous studies proved the benefits of art for patients.” 
He gently lays you down on the sofa and stands up. He lights up the living room with a dim but intimate light and puts on some soft music. You raise an eyebrow, “Is that...?”, “Your favorite band? Indeed. Music helps the creative process.”  
You look at him preparing something in a mug before laying your eyes on your sketchbook...  
What did he see in it? 
You yawn, closing your eyes and making your spine pop satisfyingly. When you reopen your eyes Thrawn lays a fuming cup of hot cocoa with a generous amount of orange whipped cream floating at the surface and a plate of biscuits, each more appetizing than the other. He takes a stylus out of his pocket to hand it to you. 
He sits down next to you, lays a small pillow on his lap, and pats it, looking at you with a small lopsided grin, “Make yourself comfortable.” He invites. 
“On your laps?” you investigate with an embarrassed chuckle. “Why not? We are both awake, you want to draw and I need to look some files up, why not make the most of it?” 
It’s all right... You guess. 
You lay your head on the pillow and Thrawn’s hand comes caressing your cheeks and forehead gently. He looks at you sternly, but his knuckles graze your smooth skin so delicately. You smile a bit, or at least you try, feeling embarrassed to be scrutinized like that. He tilts his head slightly with a short snigger, his thumb fondling your cheekbone. “Are you good?” He asks. You nod hurriedly, “Wonderful.”  
And his eyes leave your face to turn to the screen of his datapad. His hand, however, remains around your face to give it sweet attention. 
You fold your valid leg up to give support to your sketchbook and start doodling. It is still difficult with only one hand if only to keep the book open. 
You both remain silent for 15 minutes, focused on your respective tasks, but Thrawn never ceases to caress your skin. “Doesn’t the music trouble you?” you ask out of the blue, raising your eyes to him. 
“No, it is all right.” He turns his head down towards you, “I thank you for your concerns, Ch’acah.”  
“Ch’acah?” You ask. He hums in response, drawing sweet circles in your skin, “Yes, ch’eo Ch’acah?”, “Do you like it? When I refer to you as such?”  
His eyes lay on you, and for a split second his glance is deadly cold, scrutinizing you like you were a culprit on a crime scene, tenderness in his gaze nowhere to be found. Your eyes round up in surprise and you feel your heart beating faster. 
And as quick as they appeared, the coldness and dark intents disappeared in a warm and comforting red glow, a single chuckle coming to shake his chest, ‘’I love it.’’ He responds, booping your nose playfully.
‘’A-all right…’’ you gulp, unsure of what you just witnessed. He keeps his glance on you, gauging you up and down but keeps on with the soft caresses, ‘’You should drink your chocolate before it gets cold, (Y/n), I added a bit of spice to help you sleep.’’, ‘’You added what ?’’ 
He looks down at you, ‘’It is a therapeutic spice. It helps to soothe and calm down anxiety. It is a perfectly legal spice you can find in any Imperial pharmacy.’’, ‘’Oh… okay.’’ You relax, ‘’I did not know you had therapeutic spices in your suite, are you anxious ?’’ You ask, taking his large hand in yours to gently squeeze it. ‘’Not at all, Ch’acah. I ordered the spice for you, to help you relax and sleep peacefully for your recovery. No need to worry for me.” He brings your hand to his lips to gently kiss it, ‘’Drink and eat a little bit, you will feel better.’’ 
You put your sketchbook down on the tea table to take the fuming cup, full to the brim with whipped cream, you take a sip, only for your nose to dip in the cream with the angle, ‘’Oh !’’ you laugh, ‘’It is snowing !’’ 
Thrawn shakes his head with a snarky smile ‘’Are you not a bit clumsy ?’’. You stick your tongue at him, ‘’Hey ! I only have one hand.’’, ‘’Indeed, I’ll help you eat the cream before your entire face is covered.”  
“No.” You decide, raising in a sitting position with some difficulties, “I will do it myself, admire my technique” You put the cup on the coffee table and take a spoonful of cream to eat it... Only for it to fall on the ground. 
“Maker.” You grouse, “I swear this is a conspiracy!” You try to detach a sheet of paper towel with only one hand and obviously do not succeed. Thrawn seizes the paper towel and swipes the cream himself. 
“I am sorry...” You finally admit after he stood up to throw the paper away. “What for?” He asks coming back to you, “Dirtying up my floor?” He grins. You wince, “Yes.”. He shakes his head, taking the cup full of cream with the spoon, he takes a new spoonful, blows the steam away, and looks back at you with his satisfied little grin. 
“I said no.” You bloke him. He tilts his head squinting, “I think you just prove you could not do it yourself.” You snarl, flashing your teeth, “Can you understand how humiliating it is?” 
“There is absolutely no need to feel humiliated. You simply need a bit of help.”,” Then lets switch places!” You insolently propose. He squints at you, his smile dying, “What do you mean?”, “If there is nothing humiliating you will not object to me feeding you a bit?” You insist.  
See how he likes it when he is on the receiving hand of that treatment! 
He details your face in silence with his signature stern expression... Before chuckling.  
“But of course, Ch’acah. If it eases your dispositions next time I help you eat, I have no objection to eating from your delicate hand.” He seizes the biscuit platter and hands it to you for you to choose one. You gauge him, at a loss for words. Is he serious right now? 
You take one biscuit with some marmalade between two fingers and approach it from his mouth, he very gently takes your hand in his and bites down at its middle, cracking it in two. You gulp at the sight of his long white teeth, longer than human teeth... You feel a weird tension in your neck at their sight, a strange burning sensation spreads from a precise point at the crook of your neck. You roll your shoulder, trying to get rid of the sensation. 
“Do you need a massage?” Thrawn asks, swiping some crumbs off his lips with his thumb. “No... It's just a weird sensation, but it already disappeared.” You reassure him, he looks at you as his lips wrap around your fingers to get the remaining biscuit. 
You gasp in surprise and try to take your hand away but his grip tightens, keeping you there. He sucks on your finger and laps at them, “You are a messy girl, putting marmalade on your fingers like that.” He purrs. He thoroughly licks them clean, keeping you locked in his iron grip. He licks his lips with a satiated expression when he finally releases your hand free. 
You are absolutely boiling from embarrassment while he looks pretty satisfied. He gestures to the plate, “Another one, Ch’acah?” He teases. “...No.” You shake your head, pressing your valid hand on your chest. “A pity.” He lays the plate on the table and takes the cup again, “You have a medicinal hot cocoa to drink, cheo visit.” He remembers you. 
You purse your lips, your taunt failed and he is about to have his way again! You grumble silently before seizing the spoon with cream and lifting it to his mouth. By reflex he moves back, frowning at the creamy treat before relaxing, “This is for you, (Y/n).”, “I know. Just one! To please me.” You coo. His burning gaze travels from the spoon to your honeyed expression before shaking his head too, “The medicine is in the cream.” he explains, “Oh? That’s why it is orange and not white.” you exclaim before pushing it to him again. 
This time you hear a low growl emanating from him. You raise an eyebrow, refusing to back down. “This is to help you sleep.” He explains, “Well, I think you should take some...” You turn your bust toward the chrono of the counter, “It is 2:30, sir. Why were you awake at that hour?” You bite back. 
His nostril flares. “In that case...” and without warning he grabs the back of your head and pulls you to him. You yelp, almost falling on him, as he licks the cream off the tip of your nose with a loud kiss. He gives a taunting lick before releasing you. “Delectable.” and before you can protest at this outrageous gesture he takes the spoon and eats the cream before looking at you with fire in his eyes, “Satisfied my dear?” 
“You..! What was that?!” You fume, beyond embarrassed now. He flashes his canine to you as he boops your nose, “I simply acceded your childish demand on my own terms.” he says with contempt and amusement, “Now, are you willing to drink your medicinal treat and let me help?” 
You fulminate in silence. Once again he turned the table to his advantage!  
You let him feed you again, rationalizing that the less fussy you are, the quicker it will end. Once all the cream is finished he delicately gives you the cup to drink the hot cocoa at your pace. “Your face is red hot.” He notes, “Do you have a fever?” 
‘No, it’s your fault!’ you want to respond but keep quiet. You are not about to reveal such a thing. 
“It’s the cocoa...” You mumble between your teeth, sipping your drink. He contemplates you before sadly smiling, his knuckles coming to gently brush your cheek, “I know it displeases you, Ch’acah. But it is a necessary evil for now. I am trying to help you, do you understand?”
You want to bite back, but... His eyes look at you with such fondness... He disarms you so easily... 
You swallow back your ire and tiredly nod, “Yes, I do... Ch’acah...” 
His smile stretches ever so slightly and he leans forward to kiss your forehead, his thumb brushing your cheekbone, “Drink, cheo visit. Sleep will embrace you soon enough.” 
Thrawn refocuses on his datapad, patiently awaiting for it to take effect. You silently sip your hot drink before you do something that he did not anticipate, at least not so soon! You shyly come to press yourself against him, nudging at his side, looking up at him with a sorry expression, “I am a bit cold.” You explain. He nods, his arm circling your shoulders to keep you there, “Make yourself comfortable, Ch’acah.” He invites, his heart beating furiously while his expression is perfectly controlled. 
You yawn a big time before pressing your mouth shut, “Sorry, it is impolite.”, “Do not bother with that.” He speaks softly, his hand brushing your shoulder tenderly, “But I am so... sleepy, suddenly...”, ”It is the medication, do not fight it, Ch’acah. Welcome it.” 
It takes very little time to take effect and Thrawn has just the reflex to take the cup from you when you fully lose consciousness, falling on his lap. He remains still, contemplating your vulnerable form; brushing a strand of hair behind your cute ear. He cups your form in his strong arms and lifts you up, carrying you to his large bed where he lays you down carefully. You weakly moan as he parts from you, depriving you of his warmth. He takes your hand that he kisses reverently, admiring your peaceful face with love constricting his heart so much he feels physical pain. 
“Sleep, my love. I am here to watch over you.” He whispers lowly. He heads toward the bathroom and lifts the lid of the toilet, putting two fingers deep down his throat and making himself puke, eliminating the little quantity of drug in his system. Not that what he ate would drastically affect his organism, but he prefers to not take any risk. He brushes his teeth clean with your stolen brush and comes to lean against the doorframe, crossing his arms as he looks at you, on top of the covers in your little pajama that he specially chose... 
Warrior, you are so beautiful... If he isn’t careful you invade his entire mind making him forget the reasons he came all the way here, in this Empire. He wished he had more time to discuss with you, about anything, he wants to hear your opinion on every subject as grave or inconsequential as they might be! Your judgment has always been a source of inspiration for him, even when you disagree he tries his best to see things from your point of view, to understand you better...
He perks his ears, listening to the feeble breath escaping your delicious mouth that he wishes to kiss every day... 
He silently praises his self-control.  
You almost interrupted a very private moment between him, your sketchbook, and his hand, but he ultimately decided against it. But now, it comes titillating him back, and your vulnerable and defenseless form is not helping... 
He sniggers at himself. Look at him, his muscles rolling under his skin and his breath deepening at the simple thought of grazing your soft skin... 
He loves looking at you sleeping, when you are in slumbers he can do anything his heart so desires... 
But he remained reasonable. After this delicious bathing session, he did not touch you inappropriately once, despite the cries of his burning flesh. He found solace in hugging you tight at night to share his higher body temperature with your trembling self. 
But tonight, he feels like being selfish. After all, you tempt him everyday, days and nights and take advantage of his good care. He can take a slice of the cake too... 
He approaches the bed again, letting the tip of his fingers caress the smooth skin of your naked leg. He opens a drawer to take out his personal imager, where he stores his latest pics of you. 
He has several backups on different flash drives and hard drives. He scrolls through his collection, admiring you from every angle. Your body was terribly wounded and wrapped in bandages, but now he took some off of you, he has more... access. 
He smiles tightly and leans over you to unbutton your top, already bursting with ideas for new delectable pictures...
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haveyouseenthisskeleton · 2 months ago
Heyy happy new year! hope you're doing well! i've recently saw a reel of movie clip about a kid who was kidnapped and had his tougue cut. He tried to ask a couple of people for help but hey didn't understand and the kidnapper came and took him away. (in the end he had to do scissor motion infront of his mouth) how long would the main skeletons take to understand what the kid mean and how would they react when they do? (if this makes you uncomfortable please just ignore, take care!)
Undertale Sans - As soon as he sees the kid is panicked as another man is getting close, Sans puts a hand on the child's shoulder and just stares at the kidnapper. Clearly, the child doesn't want to go with that guy. He trusts his instinct, so he teleports away with them. That's only now that they're in a quiet place that Sans notices the kid is missing their tongue and is clearly in extreme pain. He's no doctor, but the cut organ shouldn't have blackened like this. He calls Undyne to explain the situation as he gently leads the child to the hospital to have someone check on them. Sans is calm and manages to keep them relaxed the whole time. He waits with the child until Undyne finds the parents and keeps them entertained while waiting. He feels terrible for that kid and he hopes they will get better.
Undertale Papyrus - He didn't understand what was going on until that guy came out of nowhere and snatched the child violently from him, making them whimper in distress. Papyrus stomps behind him and grabs his arm, asking what's wrong with the child. The man immediately gets aggressive, so Papyrus gently pushes the child behind him and stands guard. He summons big bones to show he can defend himself, and stares silently as the man decides to run away because everyone is staring at them. When he notices what the man did to the kid, Papyrus is horrified. He promises his new friend that nothing bad will happen to them again and takes them to the police station to talk to Undyne. He is kinda panicking too, not knowing what to do. He never thought humans could do something like this and that's going to haunt me for a while. He's glad he was there though and he's asking regularly for news about the kid since.
Underswap Sans - Blue doesn't understand what's wrong with the child until they notice that guy hesitating to get closer in the background. He has his police suit on, so it has to mean the kid needs him specifically. When the kid makes scissor movements pointing his mouth, Blue freezes, and then makes them open their mouth, confirming it. He looks at the man, who quickly realizes something is wrong, but that's too late, Blue is already chasing him. He tries to flee but a huge bone suddenly pierces his leg. As he's screaming in agony, Blue calls for some help and focuses back on the child, trying to comfort them and assuring them their nightmare is over. He just did his job.
Underswap Papyrus - Well that terror is an expression you don't want to see on any child's face. Honey doesn't need words and understands quickly what's going on. As the man grabs the child, he doesn't let go and then pull the kid against him, telling the man to stay away or he's going to call the cops. Honey is completely bluffing right now as he's quite terrified himself, but he still tries to look as convincing as possible. Eventually, the man gives up and flees. Honey asks the child if they need help, and freezes when he notices they don't have a tongue. Honey is disgusted someone could do that to a child, and he's so angry he's shaking. Luckily, he has an extremely good memory and can describe the guy to his brother very precisely. Honey keeps the kid home for a few days, while Blue looks for their parents. He's glad he was there on time, he doesn't even want to know what would have happened otherwise.
Underfell Sans - It takes a few minutes for Red to realize the kid is struggling to get free from the guy who dragged him away. Red whistles to the kid and asks if they're in danger. As soon as the kid says yes, a blaster is flying towards the kidnapper and hits him in the face at full speed. Red snatches the child out of his hand and he teleports away. He's not surprised about the cut tongue, as it happened quite often Underground as well. Sadly, you can't grow one back though. He brings the kid to the police station, has to justify for an hour that no, he didn't kidnap the child, and wishes the kid good luck for their future.
Underfell Papyrus - He's triggered. Edge quickly understood what was going on. He's captain of the royal guard, and he saw dozens of kids get kidnapped to become slaves. It almost happened to him as well when he was barely six years old. Edge picks up the child and leaves. If the man tries to follow him, he's stabbing him without any remorse. Edge asks the child where they're living and only realize there they can't talk anymore. He's even madder now. He takes them to the hospital for a check up and stands guard until the parents are found and come to pick up their child.
Horrortale Sans - When the man grabs the child, Oak growls menacingly. His pupil grows small as he holds firmly the kid's shoulder. That's the only warning he will get. If the guy still tries his chance, he's getting an axe across his chest. Oak takes the child to the farm. He's not too sure what to do from there, but he's sure his brother seeing he randomly picked up a child outside will freak him out enough for him to find what to do lol.
Horrortale Papyrus - Willow is not too sure what's going on, so he lets the child goes with the man and call the police. He follows them from a safe distance until the police arrive and check on him and the child. Willow is a bit shocked to learn the kid has no tongue and that he probably saved them from a horrible fate, but he's glad he could help a little. He hopes the kid will be ok now.
Swapfell Sans - Like Edge, Nox is used to these situations, but he knows these people work in networks. He lets the man take the child and he follows them at a safe distance for three hours, until the guy drag the kid in a building. Nox enters and kills the seven slave sellers in the room at once, before calling the cops. He saved 15 kids that day. He apologizes to the kid for not intervening earlier, but promises them nothing bad will happen to them anymore.
Swapfell Papyrus - Rus hesitates, but he feels bad for the kid, especially since they can't defend themselves. He then grabs the kid under the arms and runs, chased by the kidnapper. Rus knows he is in trouble if the guy manages to catch him, so he runs back home, screaming after his brother for help. Rus and the kid cheer at the window as a pissed off Nox is beating the guy up. Nox then takes the kid to the police station so they can explain to the officers what happened.
Fellswap Gold Sans - Wine was about to push the filthy child away before the kid pointed he had no tongue. Uh. When the kidnapper shows up, Wine asks the child if the man kidnapped him. As soon as the child says yes, Wine knocks the kidnapper's knees over, forces his mouth open, cuts his tongue, kicks him in the balls, takes the kid's hand and leaves, asking them to show where they live.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Coffee doesn't know what to do, so he follows the man. Eventually, the kidnapper notices and decides to keep him as an ostage so he doesn't tell the cops. That's fine though. Coffee knows that as soon his brother notices he's not home on time, he's going to search the city entirely, kill anyone on the way and free him. So for now he sympathizes with the child and tries to keep them calm. He even teach them a bit of sign language so they can communicate together.
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 5 months ago
𓅨 Love in the Dark: Chapter Nine
Love in the Dark: You discover an intense connection with a dream lover, yearning for a love beyond physical appearances. As your encounters blur the lines between the waking world and the Dreaming, your grapple with the complexities of desire, friendship, and mortality. Can you truly love in the dark?
Warnings: Angst, Heartbreak.
To Note: Morpheus/Dream x NAMEDFem!Reader.
Word Count: ~6.6k
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The warmth of the palace sitting room envelops you, the familiar scent of old books and tea a comforting presence you’ve long since come to adore. You settle into one of the plush armchairs, your body sinking into the soft cushions as Fēlix busies himself with the tea.
"You've been spending quite some time in the waking world," Fēlix comments, pouring a cup of steaming tea for you. His eyes are curious, almost mischievous as they meet yours.
"I'm from there, remember?" You point out with a small chuckle. Fēlix pouts.
"Well I know that," he says with a tone of 'duh' in his voice. "But you clearly enjoy being in the Dreaming more. So why don't you tell me more about what you've been up to that I am not already aware of."
"I went on a date." You state softly, your eyes flickering to one of the windows to enjoy the view. Fēlix's eyes grow wide as saucers and the cardinal compass on his chest glows with excitement.
"Well, don't keep me in suspense," Fēlix leans forward, eyes glimmering with curiosity. "How was it?"
"Disastrous," you admit, setting your cup down with a sigh. "He ordered everything for me, talked about himself non-stop. When I made it clear it wasn't going to work, he blew up. Called me all sorts of names."
Fēlix's eyes widen in shock. "No! What a cad. How did you manage to sit through the entire evening?"
"I didn't," you say, leaning back into the chair. "I left before dessert arrived and a nice sense of accomplishment after I dumped my wine on his head. Waste of a surprisingly good vino but I was at my wits end listening to him insult me and women in general."
Fēlix's face distorts into a grimace as if he's just tasted something sour. "Sounds like a complete nightmare," he says, shaking his head in disbelief. "I know actual nightmares that would grovel at the feet of any woman they find remotely attractive. I mean, how dare he? Ordering everything for you as if you're incapable of deciding for yourself and a salad? That's like mean girl's dating manual for men, bad."
You snort your next sip of tea and it burns in your nose as you cough, but that doesn't stop Fēlix from continuing his tirade.
"And don't get me started on his ego," he continues, clearly on a roll. "Sounds like he's got enough hot air to inflate a parade float and then some. I'd rather listen to Matthew crow about his shiny feathers all day than endure a dinner with such a boor."
You chuckle, feeling lighter at Fēlix's animated ranting. He always knows how to lighten the mood, one of the many things you appreciate about him.
"So what did you do after your grand exit?" Fēlix asks, looking at you expectantly. His gaze is soft and understanding, like he already knows you've had a tough time.
"I went home," you admit, the memory of your lonely apartment filling your mind. "I didn't even bother with a glass." You add, recalling the cool touch of the wine bottle against your lips. "Drank the entire bottle."
"Gods, babe," Fēlix winced, knowing when you went that far it had to be bad. "Tell me your dream man rescued you that night."
"He was... agitated," you start, trying to find the right words to describe his reaction. "When I came back to the Dreaming that night, he snuck up on me and made some accusations… which weren't entirely false."
Fēlix leans forward, hanging on your every word to a point that even his floating hair was standing on end in anticipation. You take a deep breath and continue.
"He asked me if I really sought out love from someone else," you explain, feeling a familiar ache in your chest. "He sounded hurt, almost betrayed. Also somewhat pissed." You take a deep breath, feeling your chest tighten with the memory. "I reminded him of what he'd said to me about not belonging in the Dreaming."
Fēlix's eyes are soft with understanding as he reaches across the table, offering his hand for you to take. You do, squeezing it lightly as you continue.
"I told him that no one has made me feel the way he does," you confess, your voice barely above a whisper. "That he's the only one who makes me happy."
"And?" Fēlix prompts gently, his grip on your hand firm and reassuring.
"He... he apologized," you say, the memory bringing a soft smile to your lips. "He told me he only meant that he didn't want me to miss out on opportunities in the real world. That he wants me to be happy, wherever I am."
"And?" Fēlix prompted yet again, perched on the edge of his seat.
"And then we had smoking hot make up sex right after I greedily sucked his cock." You tell him with a frank expression on your face. Like Fēlix expects any other result after an argument between you and your dream man? As you sit there in the plush armchair, Fēlix's infectious laughter fills the room, bouncing off the tall bookshelves and high ceiling. His eyes twinkle with mirth, and you can't help but join in, his laughter contagious. The sound of your combined laughter echoes in the sitting room, filling it with a sense of warmth opposed to the almost somber atmosphere it had started with.
"You really know how to live your best life in the Dreaming, don't you?" Fēlix chuckles, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "I must say, I never thought I'd see the day when a human would be the one teaching me about drama."
Your cheeks flush with warmth at his words. "Well, I'm glad I could be of service," you respond playfully. "Just don't go spreading my sexcapade tales around the Dreaming."
"Your secret's safe with me," he assures you with a wink.
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Walking alongside Fēlix and his nymph girlfriend, Petunia, the halls of the palace echo with their light-hearted chatter, a stark contrast to the usual somber atmosphere. Petunia's lilting laughter fills the air, her hand resting lightly on Fēlix's arm. Every now and then, she glances up at him with such adoration that it makes your heart swell. Fēlix looks at her with a softness in his eyes that you rarely see, a stark contrast to his usual mischief, and it’s like witnessing a different side of him—one that feels almost sacred.
You feel a happy warmth spreading through your chest at the sight of them, a happiness that seeps into your very bones. It’s infectious, soothing the edges of your own worries and making you forget your own troubles. The way they move in harmony, effortlessly attuned to each other, fills you with a sense of peace. For a moment, you allow yourself to be swept away by their infectious happiness, letting it envelop you like a cozy blanket against the chill of your uncertainties.
"You look like you've got something on your mind," Petunia says, her voice gentle as a summer breeze. Her eyes meet yours, filled with genuine concern.
"I'm fine," you reply, offering a small smile. "Just... thinking about everything."
"Everything?" Fēlix chimes in, raising an eyebrow. "Or someone?"
Your cheeks heat up at his insinuation, but you don't dignify it with a response. Instead, you focus on the intricate patterns of the marble floor beneath your feet.
"Leave her alone," Petunia scolds Fēlix playfully, nudging him with her elbow. "She's allowed to have her thoughts without your constant teasing."
Fēlix feigns hurt, clutching his chest dramatically. "Oh, how you wound me! But fine, I'll be good... for now."
You chuckle at their antics, grateful for the distraction. The truth is, your mind keeps drifting back to him and the confusing whirlwind of emotions he stirs within you. Your relationship is getting to be more hot and cold, and that worried you. As you turn a corner, you nearly collide with Matthew. He flaps his wings in surprise, cawing indignantly.
"Watch where you're going!" he squawks, ruffling his feathers. "Almost made me drop this book!" Your eyes drop to his feet to find a leather bound book dangling from a strap.
"Sorry, Matthew," you apologize quickly, trying to suppress a laugh at his flustered state.
"What's got you in such a rush?" Matthew eyes you suspiciously before his gaze shifts to Fēlix and Petunia. "Ah, I see. The gossip trio is on the move."
"We're not gossiping," you protest with a sniff, knowing full well that Fēlix's curiosity about your dream lover has been a hot topic lately.
"Right," Matthew drawls sarcastically before hopping onto Petunia's shoulder. "And I'm not a raven."
"No, you're just jealous that you aren't with us to listen in." You shoot back in correction. Matthew sputtered and puffs his feathers in indignation. Petunia giggles softly as she strokes Matthew's feathers soothingly.
"Come on now, let's not gang up on Kora." Matthew sighs dramatically but relents, settling comfortably on Petunia's shoulder.
"So," Fēlix starts again as you resume walking down the corridor. "Any plans for tonight?"
You hesitate for a moment to think, before answering. "I was thinking of going to the swamp to participate in the mud fight with the kelpies"
Petunia's eyes light up with excitement. "Oh! That sounds like so much fun! Do you have an outfit planned?"
"An outfit for a mud fight? Uh, that would be a firm no," you admit sheepishly.
"Well," Fēlix interjects with a mischievous grin. "You'd better find something stunning because I have a feeling someone special might like to indulge in a mud bath." Fēlix's words spark a laugh from Petunia and even Matthew lets out a caw that sounds suspiciously like a chuckle. You roll your eyes at their amusement, your cheeks flushing with warmth.
"Can we please stop talking about my love life?" you groan, only to have your words drowned out by a shockingly familiar voice floating down the hall from the throne room up ahead.
The voice, smooth as silk and soft as the nights caress, sends a shiver down your spine. It’s like a ghost of a memory, too elusive to catch but too persistent to ignore. Your heart stutters in your chest as you freeze in place.
"Who is that?" you ask, your voice barely above a whisper. Fēlix and Petunia share a confused glance before Fēlix turns to you with an expression that's hard to read.
"That's Morpheus," he answers, his usual light tone taking on a more serious note. "You know, Lord of Dreams? You've met him before, Kora."
You feel your heart pound against your ribcage at his words. Morpheus? The same Morpheus who rules the Dreaming? The same one who you've barely interacted with? Who is so untouchable?
"Are you sure?" you question, struggling to keep your voice steady. The name rolls off your tongue like it belongs there, like it’s always been there. You can’t help but feel an inexplicable pull towards the sound of that voice, the allure of the mystery that is Morpheus.
"Oh yeah," Matthew caws from Petunia's shoulder, his beady eyes blinking at yours. "I'd recognize that voice anywhere, being his raven and all. Come on, let's go see who he's talking to. He only uses that voice when he's talking to kid dreamers or baby dream and nightmares. Ya know, being super nice for once…"
Your heart is in your throat as you numbly take a step forwards, and then another, and another. You do so, following your friends down the hall and to the archway of the throne room.
Stepping through the archway into the throne room, you see Morpheus. He's seated on his throne, talking to a small group of children who are hanging onto his every word. His voice washes over you, a soothing lullaby that pulls at your heartstrings in a way that feels achingly familiar.
Suddenly, it clicks.
Morpheus, the Lord of Dreams, Prince of Stories, Shaper of Forms, Dream of the Endless. Him.
The realization hits you like a freight train. The man you've been seeing in your dreams, the one who makes you feel loved and cherished like no one else ever has, the one who makes such passionate love to you, who kisses you with such devoted adoration, who holds you ever so close... it's him. It's always been him.
The room spins as you take in his ethereal beauty. His dark hair frames a face that is both handsome and gentle, his eyes sparkling with a softness that makes your heart ache. The cheeks and jaw you love to trace your fingers along, your eyes unseeing. He's even more beautiful than you could have ever imagined.
His gaze lifts from the children and finds yours across the room. Sparkling silver blue eyes glide over your group of friends before settling on you. Your heart stops in your chest as Morpheus' gaze locks onto yours and something within you cracks, radiating sharp pains from your chest. You know that gaze, have felt it upon your being thousands of times before, basked in it unseeing.
Reality sets in and you're turning around to bolt out of the throne room, not a word leaving your lips as you flee from the truth. You run blindly through the palace corridors, ignoring the confused calls of Fēlix, Petunia, and Matthew. You need to get away before your tears start rushing down your cheeks.
Your feet carry you through the sprawling corridors of the palace, each step echoing off the stone walls. Your mind is a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, your heart pounding in your chest. The palace gardens are ahead, a haven of tranquility amidst the chaos. You stumble into the garden, gasping for breath as you lean against a nearby tree for support.
Tears prick at the corners of your eyes, threatening to spill over. You blink them back, your hands clenched into fists at your sides. It feels like your heart is being ripped out of your chest, a painful realization sinking in. Morpheus, Dream of the Endless, is your lover. The man you've been seeing in your dreams, who makes you feel cherished and loved like no one else ever has, is the son of Night and Time.
You slide down against the tree trunk, pulling your knees to your chest. You wrap your arms around them, burying your face in the folds of your dress. Your tears fall freely now, dampening the fabric.
Why him? Of all the dreams and nightmares in this realm, why did it have to be him? A simple dream or nightmare you could have enjoyed while living out your life, but Dream of the Endless? It's too much. It's overwhelming.
You feel a profound sense of loss and despair wash over you. It's not just about him being unattainable, it's about the fact that this love you've found is so much bigger than anything you've ever known. It's too big for you to handle. Your sobs echo through the garden, a haunting melody to accompany the rustling leaves and chirping birds. It feels like a piece of your soul is being torn away from you with each passing second.
A warm breeze caresses your face as if trying to comfort you in its own way. You let out a shuddering breath, feeling your tears slowly subside. You remain huddled against the tree, your mind still reeling from the revelation. He was right, he was always right. Your love didn't belong in the Dreaming. Because in the end, mortal love doesn't thrive within dreams, it flourishes in the sun and moon light of the Waking World. Perhaps it is time for you to go home. And right now, that's all you can do. So you do, your huddled form fading to ash in the gentle light of the Dreaming.
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Date Published: 10/14/24
Last Edit: 10/14/24
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hayakawalove · 1 year ago
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Summary: How do you comfort the strongest man alive? Even though Suguru had passed on, Satoru was still haunted by the memories of him. A/N: Hello! This is just something I've thought about before. I feel like Gojo probably thinks about Suguru often. TW: Angst with happy ending, nightmares
W/C: 1,584
Satoru never came home early. He was always out on missions into the late hours of the night. His version of coming home early was coming home at 11 pm, but you weren’t complaining. As long as he came home safe, that was all that mattered. 
You were in a deep sleep in your shared bed when you felt the mattress dip. You didn’t need to open your eyes to know Satoru’s lithe body crawled up beside you, sparing you a kiss on the cheek, and sliding under the blankets. He pulled your body close to his and you were once again plunged into sleep. 
You hear it before you feel it. Quick heavy breaths to your right fill the quiet room. You emerge from your sleep hearing Satoru panting. Quick, rapid breaths fill your ears. Next, you feel his body tense up beside yours. Your eyes squint as you look past him towards your beside clock. 
4 am. 
Reaching up, you brush a hand against his cheek. Satoru’s eyebrows pull together tightly, his full lips dipping down slightly into a frown. Anyone could tell he was having a nightmare. Everyone glorifies Satoru, and for good reason. But it can be hard to imagine someone as strong as him suffering from nightmares just like anyone else. But Satoru got them quite frequently, even though he would never admit it. 
“Satoru.” you whisper, gliding your hand back and forth over his cheek. 
He breathes in a sharp inhale before mumbling something. You wouldn’t be able to understand it even if you tried. You sit up beside him and brush his hair away from his sweaty forehead. Sticky strands slide up his pale skin, moonlight flooding in from behind you, illuminating his bright lashes. 
“Satoru, wake up. You’re dreaming.” You talk louder this time. 
He mumbles another word before his eyes bolt open. Beautiful blues stare blankly at the ceiling before landing on your face and focusing. 
While you couldn’t understand most of what he said, you did understand the last part. 
His best friends name fell from his lips before he was harshly awoken. 
“Hey.” Your hand caresses his face once more before landing on his chest. 
You can feel the pounding underneath his rib cage. It thumped in his chest so hard you were surprised it didn’t burst from it. 
Satoru never failed to mention how he was the strongest, but in moments like this you were reminded just how human he was. Your heart ached to do something, to fix something for him. 
Satoru’s lips form as if he was about to speak, but nothing comes out. Now that his eyes were open, you could see the tears that lined his lashes. Salt water clings to the white hair, desperate to fall. 
“It was just a dream.” You lay down beside him, pulling his body close to your chest. 
He shivers under your grasp. His large hands cling at your body for dear life as he tries to ground himself. 
“Do you wanna talk about it? What did you dream?” You ask. 
You know the answer. Satoru fought many monsters, but he never had nightmares about them. 
No, there was only one person that plagued his sleeping brain. 
“I saw him…” You wait for him to continue, but several minutes pass by before he does. 
“I saw Suguru.” His voice sounds clipped. Hurt. Broken. 
You remain quiet as you hear Satoru attempt at breathing deep. His heart slows, but you can still feel him tremble beside you. 
“He was at the school… he was right there.” Satoru speaks your name so softly you feel your heart shatter in two. 
“I kept calling his name but he wouldn’t look at me. I couldn’t… I couldn’t get to him.” Satoru’s voice cracks at that. 
You feel him begin to shake like a leaf as his tears finally fall. He makes no noise as he cries, and you don’t see his face. But you’ve been together long enough to know. You run your fingers through his hair while he cries into your neck. Tears spill down your throat, causing a sharp chill to run up your spine. 
You want to tell him that it’ll be okay, but you don’t know that. You don’t know the pain he’s going through, you’ve never lost a friend in the same way he has. So you don’t say anything. You stay quiet as the powerful sorcerer breaks in front of you. 
Satoru, oh Satoru. Your Satoru. Outside these four walls he belonged to everyone else. But here, in your house, he belonged to you. Here, he could fall apart.  
The two of you stayed like that for a long time. You knew tears weren’t falling anymore as your neck had dried, but he kept crying. Satoru cried for his lost best friend until his tears ran dry. He cried for what could’ve, should've been, but wasn’t. 
He pulls back and peers up at your face. Your chest twists at the distraught expression that lined his features. Brows tightly knit together with worry lines donning his forehead. You weren’t used to seeing him in so much pain, it felt wrong. It was a crime against nature to not see joy radiate from him. Usually his smile and laughter filled the room. Just as much as you could feel his happiness, you could also feel the absence of it. 
“It wasn’t your fault.” You gently say. 
Satoru pulls back, and lays on his back. You hear him swallow audibly, his throat raw. 
“Do you know what it’s like to see everything? To have the ability for nothing to go unseen? But somehow I missed him right in front of me.” 
Your eyes scan his face. His face is twisted almost in thought. 
“I see everything. But I couldn’t see him.” 
If you didn’t have to be strong for him you were sure you would’ve lost it. 
“No, that’s not right. Maybe I did see him. I saw all the warning signs, but I couldn’t do anything. I didn’t do anything.” 
You listen as he pours his heart out to you. In quiet moments like this you are reminded at just how human Satoru really is. He laughs when he experiences joy, but he also cries when his heart aches for his lost friend. 
“It wasn’t on you Satoru. You were just a kid.” 
You know your words are useless, but you feel the urge to say them anyway. You know Satoru blames himself for it, and probably will for the rest of his life. 
“He’s my best friend. I didn’t want to think that he felt like that. I wanted him to be okay. I wanted us to be okay.” 
His blue eyes flick over to you. You never saw Satoru break a sweat before, but right now you saw perspiration lay across his forehead in a thin sheen. 
“I don’t think he blamed you. He didn’t leave because of you Satoru. You cared for him. That must have meant the world to him.” 
“It wasn’t enough though, was it?” Satoru says, his voice trailed off. 
You clench your fists under the blankets as you will yourself not to cry. How bad was Satoru hurting all this time? How heavy was the weight on his shoulders? 
“He should blame me.” Satoru whispers before sliding his palm against his forehead, pulling a face when he realizes how sweaty he is. 
“You can’t save everyone Satoru. It shouldn’t rest on you to fix the world. He loved the time you shared, you did way more good for him than you credit yourself for.” You sit up again and pull his hand away from his face. 
You press a kiss to his palm, and then his head and pull back to look down at him again. His eyes search yours for answers but all you can do is stare back with love. His eyes look less empty as love begins to fill them. 
“I love you.” He whispers to you. 
“I love you too.” 
You smile down at him before pulling the blankets down his body. 
“Let’s get in the shower real quick.” You say, grabbing his hand. 
He slowly rises from the comfort of the bed and follows behind you. 
The light of the bathroom flicks on once you enter. You make quick work of removing your clothes, and peeling Satoru’s off. His eyes look tired as he watches you. You couldn’t change the past, but you could help with this. 
The water turns on and you and Satoru slide in. You focus more on cleaning his body as you showered right before bed. He had to bend over so you could lather his hair, careful not to let any of the soap drip into his face. His muscles spanned underneath your finger tips as you coated him with soap, washing away every remnant of the lingering dream. 
He allowed you to dry him off as well. You would dress him if he needed it, but he was able to slide on new clothes. You tear away the sweat drenched covers, grabbing fresh ones. You couldn’t change Satoru’s life, but you could help with the small menial tasks. 
The bed was way more welcoming once you laid down in it again. Satoru’s body felt heavy beside yours as the two of you drew nearer to sleep. 
“Thank you.” You hear him murmur. 
You rest a hand against him before going back to sleep.
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sourcherryandsprinkles · 2 years ago
Comforting Chad through his PTSD after he hears about Ghostface’s return
Warnings: mention of stabbing/injuries (past), ptsd,
my taglists are here (I added one for SCREAM) + you can requests here at any time
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Despite moving across the country, the masked killer had followed the four survivors to New York. This time, the killer — or killers, since they rarely came alone — had for goal to frame Sam for their murders.
It started with Jason and Greg, two students from Film Studies, who got killed in their apartment. When the police got there, a ghostface mask — likely worn by the killer — had been left behind in their apartment along with Sam’s driver's license.
Then, Sam got a special call from six feet under from her ex-boyfriend, Richie. That call led her and Tara getting ambushed from an alley and attacked at the bodega where multiple customers were murdered.
Another mask was left behind the scene — the one of past ghostfaces Jill Roberts and Charlie Walker.
After the attack at the bodega, everyone — except Ethan — was forcely gathered at the apartment you shared with the Carpenter sisters because safety is better in numbers. Sam made sure everyone was in and triple locked the apartment door and shut and locked all windows for ultimate safety. No one could come in.
Anika and Mindy were talking on the couch while you, Chad, Sam and Tara were in the kitchen cleaning up the mess dinner left behind. Tara shared her worries as she was drying a glass, and Sam was quick to reassure her that whoever was behind the mast wont hurt her this time. She was talking through her ass, but as a big sister, she'd do and say anything to make Tara feel safe.
Her words seemed to have triggered old memories for Chad, who excused himself to the bathroom after putting down the plates.
Last year’s attack had landed him in the hospital and left him with PTSD.
When you got together, Chad didn’t want to unpack the Woodsboro baggage to you. He didn’t want you to burden you with the horrors he went through that night. But after you had woken him from occasional nightmares and coached him out of a few panic attacks, he felt like you needed to know about the real-life nightmare that plagued him.
You waited a minute or two, but when Chad didn’t return from the bathroom, you went to check on him. Maybe he was still peeing…or maybe he was sitting on the edge of your bed with his head in his hands. He took in a shaky breath, trying to chase away the flashing images in his head.
It pained you to see him suffer. All because two lunatic Stab fans wanted to shoot their own remake. People are nuts.
‘’Hey,’’ you muttered when you walked in, not wanting to scare him.
Chad didn’t look up. He knew it was you before you opened your mouth. Mindy only had eyes for Anika, and Tara was going through her own trauma. Sam cared about him, but not the way you did.
‘’I don’t want to go through this shit again.’’
You didn’t know what to say to that. Due to being related to one of the originals, Chad will always be a target.
You sat on the bed beside him and kissed his shoulder over his Blackmore University hoodie.
‘’We came all the way here to leave that night behind, but it served nothing. Someone managed to find us.’’ Chad’s shoulder began to shake and he started struggling to breathe.
Recognizing the signs, you got down on your knees before him and attempted to look in his eyes, but he had his head bowed firmly. ‘’Chad? Hey, look at me,’’ you said in a gentle but clear voice.
He couldn’t hear you, his thoughts clouded with flashes of running in Amber’s backyard with ghostface behind him and the feeling of the knife stabbing him seven times. He could still feel the excruciating pain of the knife, each stab marked on his body forever.
‘’That night is over. You’re not in Woodsboro anymore,’’ you continued telling him, placing your hands on his arms, trying to use physical contact.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t working. His breathing was getting worse and your brain was running out of ideas.
The last time Chad had a nightmare, he mentioned something his old therapist had taught him. Since his nightmares were about the attack, he was advised to place his hand over his heart to hear his own heartbeat. Hearing the thumping of his heart would remind him that he's alive and not bleeding out to death in a backyard.
‘’Come back to me, baby. Chad,’’ you pleaded, attempting to take his hands in yours and place one of them on his chest.
A breath of relief left your lips when his shaking shoulders began to calm and Chad’s head lifted, veiled with fear.
You placed your hands on either side of his face. ‘’You’re gonna get through this, okay? You’ve survived once, you can do it twice.’’
Chad shook his head. ‘’I barely made it—’’
‘’But you’re here, right in front of me — alive,’’ you reminded him. ‘’We can get through this again, okay?’’
It took a few seconds before Chad moved his head into a nod. He pulled you up from the floor and onto his lap, then leaned his forehead against yours. ‘’We’ll get through this,’’ he whispered.
Your hands moved up and you wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders, pulling him against your chest as he held you back. ‘’We’ll get through this.’’ 
Scream taglist: @misfityanii @beautybyfire @iluvscream191 @mariposa555 @bella7866 @o638 @lulubelle14 @luvvtxinityy @frasersgf
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn
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byizoyas · 2 years ago
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SFW | soft hcs when you’re having a nightmare while sleeping with them with albedo, kaeya, xiao
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› you were not used to have nightmares, it barely happened but when it did it usually was really awful
› you told albedo already about it and how it could stop you from going back to sleep because of how traumatizing it could be
› and as much as he liked to think he was ready to face it, he quite panicked when you had one while sleeping at his place
albedo couldn’t find sleep that night so instead of taking useless space in the bed, he decided to let you enjoy it alone and went back to his desk to work on some drawings.
he had put some music into his headphones to relax but in between two songs he heard noises coming from the bed; so he decided to stop it to check if you were okay.
he thought he might woke you up unintentionally.
‘y/n ? you’re okay?’ he called out for you, whispering.
the noises you made just before had stopped and you seemed peaceful which is why albedo decided to go back on his stuff.
but your scream took him out of his revelry. he clearly didn’t expect to have you screaming so loudly. it genuinely scared him.
he got closer to you, kneeling next to the bed and shaking your body gently, trying to wake you up not too brutally as he feared it might have a bad impact on you.
‘y/n ! y/n wake up it’s a nightmare it is not real !’ he said. he repeated it again and again and by the time you opened your eyes you managed to calm yourself a bit.
some tears were streaming down your face. the worst part of it was that you had no memories of it. you had no idea what you dreamed of and you couldn’t tell albedo that it would be fine because you never knew when these dreams would occur.
but you didn’t try to think about it, instead only throwing yourself into his arms. his eyes widened. he didn’t know which words to say to comfort you.
but to be honest, nothing he would say would help.
your body was shaking. albedo rubbed your arms gently as if trying to warm you up, but you were not cold. you were only scared and he quickly got it when his eyes met yours again.
he kept you into his arms, caressing your back gently. he was repeating mechanical phrases such as ‘it’s okay’ or even ‘i’m here’.
the type of phrases that usually made you mad to hear but right now you needed to hear these. and perhaps it was because albedo was always a sincere person; but when he repeated to you that it would be okay you wanted to believe him so bad.
it would not be okay. but perhaps it could be better as long as you were into his arms. and in the end, he joined you on the bed, cuddling you, hoping you’d manage to forget about it for a little moment.
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› kaeya was a good boyfriend. he was someone you could say everything to, he would always stand by your side
› so when you two got closer to the point of sharing a bed several nights a week, you thought you could tell him about these nightmares
› you explained how uncomfortable you could get and he listened. he even promised he wouldn’t let you down if it ever happened with him, and you got to see how kaeya kept his promise when it happened that night
you guys had came back quite late from a party to your common friend’s apartment and you were kinda wasted.
no words were spoken as you both threw yourselves on kaeya’s bed. you could feel your exhaustion into your bones, so you didn’t take long to fall asleep.
kaeya had fallen asleep before you even. and his snores were louder with all the alcohol he drank tonight but it didn’t stop you from falling down into a sleeping state.
time passed by quickly when your first nightmare of the month happened. you gripped the sheets in your sleep, and started moving uncontrollably as if desperately trying to run away from something.
so of course, it woke kaeya up.
‘hey..’ he started saying, holding you into his arms.
‘wake up.’ he was still half asleep, but still understood the situation. after all; you had talked about it enough for him to remember and understand right away.
he planted several kisses on your face, while his fingers were running on your spine.
you slowly regained consciousness only to find yourself into your boyfriends loving arms.
he had not let you go. not once, despite your body moving to try to escape. she kept on talking calmly to you and at some point you heard his words. he didn’t say that it would be okay, he simply said he loved you.
he comforted you the way he would have if you were sad, and it did work well, allowing you a short moment of peace before fully waking up.
‘where did you learn to handle that situation so well ?’ you asked.
you had calmed yourself really quickly compared to some days where you were half conscious, half asleep.
you felt his lips curling up to form a smile against your burning skin. ‘i’ve had nightmares for a pretty long time too, and my mother would often repeat these things to me to calm down my crisis.’ he confessed.
it was pretty rare to have kaeya talking about his past, especially to say such personal things which made you believe you’ve reached a new point in your relationship.
you loved kaeya and the way he was vulnerable with you, allowing you to know these intimate things about him.
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› xiao knew nightmares. he had a lot as a kid so he totally understood you when you talked about your own nightmares to him
› he didn’t really say a lot of things, instead only caressing your hair as you were telling him more details about it and how it truly troubled you
› he thought he could handle it but xiao was really sensitive to loud noises and seeing you having a nightmare looking like a panic crisis got him completely losing his means
xiao joined you at your place for the week end and after such a stressful week it felt good for both of you to sleep together again.
you remembered being clinging to his warm body, both of you embracing each other while trying to fall asleep. and after a moment you managed. xiao however, was still looking at the ceiling.
he didn’t feel tired, he liked the feeling of having you relaxing into his arms, while he had all the time to think about various things.
his mind got lost in thousands of ideas; ending up with his eyes closing themselves while he was slowly falling unconscious.
the atmosphere was super peaceful, and you were finally both in your dreams. xiao had a light sleep though so of course even a low noise could wake him up right away.
so when you moved away from him, he felt it. he sat up on the bed, rubbing his face with his two hands. you had slept for two hours perhaps before he woke up.
he was still tired but chose to not try to fall back asleep and he knew he took the right decision when you screamed into his ears some things that had no sense.
‘it was awful they were trying to kill you !’ you cried into his arms. you didn’t add any more details, especially since the more you thought about it the more it made you cry.
‘i’m sorry, i’m sorry’ he kept on saying. xiao didn’t really know why he was apologizing but he felt so bad he couldn’t do anything to help you get one night of peaceful sleep.
your head felt dizzy and your skin was burning as if you were having a fever so of course xiao worried. he touched your forehead but it didn’t seem to prove you were sick.
so he deduced that whatever happened in that dream, got you in that panic state. and he read somewhere that the best thing to do in that type of moments is to let a person some space to breathe correctly.
xiao stood up from the bed but didn’t leave you alone. he still had your hand intertwined with his, drawing circles on the back of it gently. ‘i love you y/n. i won’t move, i won’t leave okay ?’ ‘nod yes if you hear what im saying’
of course you heard him. you were a sobbing mess but his calm voice was helping soothing your soul. he made you do some breathing exercises he learnt from his father, alternating between these exercises that were genuinely helping you, and soft words that were making you feel better.
you knew you couldn’t control the nightmares but you wished it happened more while you were with xiao, since he took good care of you.
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lunatic-pudge · 2 years ago
Hello!! I'm new~ I can order 2d headcanons and noddles (noddles kid, but she sees o/s as her older sister) with her o/s comforting them by making them lay their head on her lap while o/s hugs, caresses, kisses and tells them everything will be okay
Here you go! I kinda died, but I'm back and ready to cause chaos! :D
Comforting Noodle
• It started off as a nightmare
• A weird blur of fuzzy memories that Noodle couldn't quite describe
• Scientist, weapons, other children, and the screams
• Oh how the screams echoed deep within her
• It was so hard to make out the full details of everything
• It was going by so quick
• But it also felt like it was going by so agonizingly slow
• It all just seemed so overwhelming
• But then something started changing
• A comforting shake, a gentle warmth was near
• Noodle woke in a cold sweat, tears welling in her eyes
• Looking up she saw them, eyes filled with concern and a frown adorning their face
• "Are you okay, Noodle?"
• Those words brought Noodle to tears, sobbing gentle as they pull her into a hug
• One hand on the back of her head and the other rubbed up and down on her back, they let Noodle get everything out
• Incoherent words that were interrupted by her sobs
• Noodle felt safe in their arms
• She always did when they held her
• Noodle had always looked up to them as an older sister
• They were the one who went above and beyond to understand and help Noodle when she came to Kong Studios
• They were the one who would protect Noodle from dealing with Murdoc's druken rage
• Or seeing the constant drug and alcohol abuse that was rampant between Murdoc and 2D
• They were the one who always made sure Noodle had clean clothes to wear, fresh food to eat, a room to feel safe in, and someone there to comfort her when things weren't great
• With a gentle kiss to the top of her head, Noodle looked up at them
• Tears now finished flowing
• "Thank you (y/n). I just don't understand why I keep having these nightmares. They won't go away"
• "Oh, Noodle, it's going to be okay. We'll work through this together."
• They hugged Noodle a little tighter, making sure she was okay
• Noodle smiled, no matter how bad the nightmares got, she knew they were there to keep her safe
• Her dear older sister
(More) 2D Headcanons
• Man has the COOLEST horror movie-esque collection EVER
• We're talking about rare copies of movies, signatures, actual horror movie props, ect.
• He's always going to horror cons to meet his favorite actors
• Is always looking for horror recommendations
• I can also seeing him being an urbex (urban exploration) type of person
• He has albums from his explorations
• It probably gives him horror movie vibes
• If he has an S/O, he'd want them to go with him
• If they say no, he'd be sad but very accepting of their decisions
• I know that all virtual singers live in the same universe but HYPOTHETICALLY (plz hear me out) let's say that Vocaloid was also same for them as it is for us (the cds with the voicebanks instead of them being actual idols/people). I can see 2D having a copy of Vocaloid and Miku's voicebank. He wouldn't publish any songs with her but he def has fun using her to sing his favorite songs and Gorillaz songs
• BUT NOW IF WE MAKE THE VOCALOIDS ACTUAL PEOPLE, he's gone to a bunch of concerts, has met the Legend herself, got her autograph on his forehead, and def kept in contact with her. Murdoc aggressivley refuses to let Miku collab with them (he just doesn't wanna admit that he's a Miku fan)
• Don't know if I said it before, but he has def tried to play all sorts of instruments. Let's just say he's forbidden to be even in the same room with a violin
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mj-iza-writer · 11 months ago
Sp Special Containment Part 15
If you are new to this story or just need a reminder please use the hashtag, Sp Special Containment to get caught up. -MJ
Aramais had spent most of the day wrapped in his blanket. His room remained quiet except several visits from Andy to do checkups and to see if anything was needed.
Even dinner was painfully quiet.
Andy tried hard not to mention anything about Aramais's puffy eyes.
That night Aramais was haunted by nightmares... the same faces that haunted his afternoon now haunted his dreams.
His mission.... infiltrate a prison. A person being held there was going to speak out against the human weapon society. They believed the prison was strong enough to protect the witness.
Aramais had gotten in easily. He felt annoyed that they hadn't tried harder to keep the weapon out.
"If this is high security, I wonder what minimal security is like", Aramais walked the hall like he owned it.
Anyone he came across was killed instantly. Fifteen people were killed before Aramais found the target.
The witness had backed up against the wall and was staring fearfully at Aramais.
"Please... you don't have...have to do this. I'm trying to help you. You have to let me help you", the witness pleaded.
"There is no help for me", Aramais frowned as they stepped closer.
Another guard came behind Aramais and shot a tazer at him. The witness tried to run past as Aramais struggled through the electrical currents.
Aramais quickly kicked their legs out and tripped the witness.
He weakly reached up and ripped the tazer prongs from his skin.
"Hmph", he groaned.
Aramais strangled the guard with the tazer cords.
He lost sight of the witness for a few minutes before catching up with them.
"Just make this easier on yourself and let me finish my mission", Aramais sighed, "I'll make it quick and painless. I promise. I don't make my targets struggle like others do....."
"No please", the person begged with tears streaming down their face.
"I'm sorry, but if my mission isn't successful, I'll be punished, I don't like this as much as you don't", Aramais started to walk to the witness, "I'm sorry."
He did as he said he would. The witness was destroyed in seconds.
Aramais jolted awake screaming as the face of his last kill came back to him.
"Aramais", a guard came over the speaker, "you okay?"
"No", Aramais lifted his knees to his chest and buried his face. "I need Andy and the Director right now", Aramais started to rock.
"Okay we are working on it right now. We're calling them in. Do you need someone in there with you?", the guard asked.
"No I need to calm down... don't come in here", Aramais thought for a second, "second thought put me in the wheel chair", Aramais shook, "I don't have control."
The Director and Andy got to the holding room at the same time and was updated by the guards on what had happened.
Andy thought back to the day before and reminded the Director.
"He must have triggered memories to the front of his mind and caused a nightmare", the Director sighed, "it's two in morning."
Aramais sighed when the buzzer went off.
"Good morning", the Director came in with Andy following.
"Not a good morning at all", Aramais frowned.
"Okay I need you to come clean. I heard about yesterday. I know you don't want to talk about it, but you need to", the Director sat down and Andy grabbed Aramais's water and offered a drink to Aramais.
"M-my last kill before the facility was raided", Aramais was still shaky, "I'm sorrt Andy, that last shake I was talking about.... I got that after my last kill. I killed a witness who was being protected there. They were going to out the Human Weapon facility. I was sent in....", Aramais started to hyperventilate, "I should be destroyed for doing it."
"Hey, hey", Andy tried to comfort and rub Aramais's shoulder, "we don't need you to go into survival mode."
"Aramais, I know that was you who was in the prison that night", the Director sighed, "I've watched the video several times."
"What... you.... watched", Aramais frowned, "but."
"Aramais can I be honest with you?", the Director sighed.
Aramais nodded.
"When they were dividing the weapons to these holding facilities I was given the option of having you come here", the Director looked at Aramais calmly, "they said they offered you to several sights already. Everyone was able to watch the video before making their choice."
Aramais looked down now realizing no one had wanted him.
"To be honest, they said if no one took you on, you would be destroyed. They were giving you a chance because you were only following orders and had no control", the Director also watched Andy, who was listening with interest, "I knew you needed saving. I also knew that person wasn't truly who Aramais was. You apologized to the person and gave most of those targets an easy death by finishing them off quickly. You didn't enjoy their pain."
"You wanted to give me a chance... but what if you were wrong", Aramais frowned.
"I would have dealt with it as needed", the Director grinned, "exactly how I am giving Mitch a chance. This facility was working on being prepared to house you, I was having the room Mitch is in prepared for you, two caregivers, the works. Then you came here and you gave us a few issues in the beginning, but you were nothing like I thought I was getting."
Aramais looked over to Andy, "I'm sorry Andy."
"Why are you apologizing?", Andy frowned.
"Did you know about any of this?"
"No", Andy looked at the Director, "I never watched the video."
"The only ones who knew about this was me, the guards as they needed to know what you were capable of, Caretaker read about you over my shoulder and agreed that we needed to bring you here and give you a place to be", the Director nodded, "we understood when you three came here how dangerous you all could be. We took a chance on you three to give you all a chance. I didn't show Andy because I wasn't sure he was ready, but I also forgot to. You both got long quickly, which I was thankful for."
"That witness was supposed to be protected to save us...and I killed them", Aramais frowned.
"They still helped. Just in a different way unfortunately. Why do you think the organization was raided soon after", the Director stood and stepped closer to Aramais, "those behind the organization were punished for the deaths they forced all of you to do. Because of the circumstances, all of you were given a second chance."
The Director yawned, "I'm sorry you are having nightmares about it though."
Aramais yawned, then Andy.
"I'm sorry for waking you both up", Aramais frowned.
"It's alright", the Director stood, "I'd rather deal with things like this quickly. Just remember you are here because you deserved a second chance. All of those holding facilities that said no lost a chance at taking care of you, and that's on them. I for one am glad I got Whumpee, Jaimie and, you."
"What about Mitch?", Aramais grinned slightly.
"Give me a few days", the Director winked, "I am going to go back to my office and just sleep their for the rest of the night. It's not necessary for me to go back to my room.
Aramais turned to Andy.
"If it's okay I'll hang out here for a while and keep you company. You're a bit shaken up still", Andy smiled.
"That's fine", Aramais smiled, "thanks Director, I appreciate you. I'm sorry for the way I acted when I first came here, I definitely thought I was something."
"It's okay Aramais, you demanded respect, and put me in my place. In a way it was a lesson to me that everyone and everything deserves respect. Plus, you didn't just do that for yourself. You spoke up for Andy, Mcgee, Caretaker, Jaimie, and Whumpee, you demanded for me to respect all of them. I'll admit, before you did that, I thought I was something. It took you telling me that I wasn't to help me realize that", the Director smiled, "I'll check on you later today."
"Do you want to get out of the wheelchair and get into bed", Andy stood.
"Actually is there any rules against curfew?", Aramais grinned.
"You want a ride in the hall?", Andy grinned back.
Aramais nodded slightly.
"There is no rule on curfew", a guard came through the radio, "we can alert the night guards that one of the weapons is in the hall, so they will be at attendance."
"We can go", Andy yawned, "you'll have to forgive me tomorrow if I'm lacking though."
"I'm sure we will both be that way. This is my second night of messed up sleep", Aramais frowned, "you don't have to do this."
"No no we can definitely do this. Get your mind off of stuff", Andy checked the straps to make sure it was set before getting buzzed out.
"It feels different out here at night", Aramais looked around, "it's almost deafening how quiet it is."
"Yes, the lights are dimmed slightly, and fewer guards. There are still a few midnight researchers and caregivers out though", Andy waved at someone walking past.
"Are you going to watch the video if the Director let's you?", Aramais frowned and looked up at him.
"No", Andy smiled, "though i would like to, and maybe some point I will. For right now I will respect your wish that I don't. I would watch it out of curiosity honestly. I haven't lost any respect or became scared of you because of this. You know that right?"
"You can watch it if you like. I suppose you should know some things", Aramais grinned, "I appreciate you, and I appreciate being out of that room."
"Not a problem at all", Andy turned to a hall full of windows.
"Oh wow, I haven't seen the moon in a long time", Aramais shifted as forward as the chair straps would let him.
Andy pushed the chair as close to the window as possible so Aramais could see.
"You can see the stars to", Aramais grinned, "the moon use to keep me company on long missions. I'd talk to them all night so I wasn't lonely. The moon knows many of my secrets."
Andy listened, but also had thoughts on if they should watch the camera feed of Aramais.
Andy sat down on a bench near the window while Aramais was looking out of the window.
Their head started to sway.
Aramais turned his head when he heard Andy's heavy breathing.
Aramais quietly chuckled and watched a guard walk up.
"I won't say anything if you don't", the guard laughed with Aramais.
Andy's head shot up and saw the guard.
"I'm up, I'm up", Andy frowned.
"Don't worry, I know it's late. If this was anyone else, I'd report it, but for Aramais.... this is our secret", the guard laughed.
"Thanks", Andy stood, "I didn't know I'd do that."
Aramais laughed again, "we can go back to the holding cells, maybe you can get a few more hours of sleep. I probably won't be awake for breakfast either."
"I'll bring you something down from my apartment", Andy turned the wheelchair around.
Aramais grinned at the guard, "I needed a laugh like that."
"I'm sure you did after tonight", the guard smiled, "that's why I won't say anything, it was only a few seconds anyway... no big deal."
"Wow, news travels fast amongst the guards", Andy grinned, "I'll have to get one of your radios. I'm sure you guards gossip a lot... that might be entertaining."
"Yes, we do, and yes, it is very entertaining", the guard turned, "you both have a great night."
"You too", Andy and Aramais replied in unison.
Andy watched Aramais sit on his bed.
"Can I just ask? I guess I never thought about it before. Do you all live here as well?", Aramais watched Andy fill his water.
"Quite a few of us do. Mcgee lives off-site, Cass lives at their college in the dorms, but will be moving here when the semester is over", Andy looked around, "this facility is bigger than what some may think."
"I guess I never thought about it", Aramais sighed as they laid down, "lets hope for no more nightmares. If I see that face again....", Aramais looked down.
"Did all of your kills stick with you like that?", Andy sat down.
"No not really... some more than others", Aramais sighed, "I think that one did because they were the first person who said they wanted to help me, and was pleading to be able to help me."
"I mean they did kind of help you", Andy tried to point out the silver lining.
"They didn't want to die to do it though", Aramais frowned, "I'm reaping the benefits of what they did for me, but they were murdered in cold blood... by me."
Andy couldn't control themself as another yawn stretched their mouth.
"I'll be alright. You should go get some sleep", Aramais smiled weakly, "I'll put the guards to work if I need to talk to someone."
The radio clicked on, "you know we don't mind."
"Are you sure?", Andy stood, "I feel bad leaving you."
"I'll be okay. I feel bad you are awake. You need your beauty sleep", Aramais grinned more, "I'll be fine."
"Okay. If you need me at all just let the guards know okay", Andy went to the door, "goodnight Aramais."
"Goodnight", Aramais watched them leave.
Aramais had managed to go back to sleep.
He found himself stuck in another dream... it was different though. It almost seemed like the book Cass had allowed them to read. It's like they were standing there looking around.
Someone standing nearby caught their attention.
Aramais gulped when they realized the witness was there.
"No no, no please. I'm sorry", Aramais fell to their knees, "I didn't want to do it, I'm sorry. Please stop haunting me."
"Aramais", they heard a calm voice before they felt something touch them.
Aramais looked up.
"It's okay, I understand. In the end I wanted you all to be free, I knew I had a chance of being murdered for speaking out. You are forgiven", the witness gently smiled, "enjoy you freedom, it's okay."
"Aramais?!!!", a loud voice woke them up.
Aramais quickly wiped their face.... "why is my face wet?"
"I think you were crying", the guard spoke over the speaker, "I was trying to wake you up if you were having a nightmare again. I didn't want to come in in case you lost it. Sorry for yelling."
"It's okay, I-I think they forgave me for killing them", Aramais rubbed their head, "I think the witness forgave me."
"That's good Aramais I'm got closure", the guard still seemed worried, "are you okay? Should I call Andy?"
"No, I'm alright.. I feel relieved", Aramais looked at the camera, "don't bother Andy. I'll let him know later."
Aramais git ip and used the bathroom, then laid down again.
"I'm going to try to sleep a little more I guess", Aramais sighed, "I'm hoping for no more dreams though. I've had too many tonight."
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all. @villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13 @notpeppermint @cyborg0109 @idontreallyexistyet @thebejeweledwatercat @painfulplots @whumpbump @everythingsscary @skittles-the-whumpee @expressionless-fr @theforeverdyingperson @legendarydelusiongoatee @candleshopmenace @whumpanthems @lavndvrr @ivymyers
Sp Special Containment Taglist. @written-by-jayy @snakebites-and-ink @makemake22 @gr33nhour
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p0w3rslav3 · 3 months ago
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hurt/comfort Or read it here:https://archiveofourown.org/works/60966565/chapters/156349924 ╔══════════ஓ๑♡๑ஓ════════════╗
It had been a long time since Kirk had allowed himself to think about his father. He had buried that part of his life deep, too deep to confront in the light of day. But the nightmares… the tremors in his hands when he thought he saw a shadow in the corner of his eye… they were reminders that, no matter how far he ran, his past was never truly gone.
It started with a sound, something in the silence of the tour bus, when he thought he could finally catch a break. The hum of the engine. The faint clatter of someone moving in the hallway. Then, the sharp crack—like thunder—echoed through his mind.
*Don’t be weak. Don’t be weak.*
The words his father had hissed at him all those years ago resurfaced like a flood, and Kirk felt himself slipping into the dark place he never wanted to revisit. His father’s angry face. The belt. The shame. The helplessness.
He could barely breathe, the world suddenly too small, too hot. His chest tightened, heart pounding in erratic beats as his vision blurred. He was dizzy, unable to hold himself upright, and the floor seemed to tilt under him. He needed to escape, to run away from the feeling.
But his legs betrayed him.
Kirk staggered to the nearest corner of the bus, clutching at the upholstery for stability. He wanted to scream, but the words caught in his throat. His hands shook uncontrollably as memories consumed him—an overbearing figure, a harsh voice, a boy’s desperate cries for help.
A door clicked open from the back, and Kirk’s heart leapt in his throat. Footsteps approached him slowly. He looked up, eyes glassy and unfocused, and saw a familiar figure—Dave Mustaine, his bandmate and someone he had never expected to see in this situation.
Dave had seen a lot. He’d lived through his own demons—substance abuse, the loss of his band, the alienation of being a part of Metallica and then cast out. He wasn’t a stranger to pain. But seeing Kirk like this, trembling in the corner of the bus, something flickered behind Dave’s sharp eyes. A silent understanding.
“Hey,” Dave’s voice was soft, careful, like he was testing the air for danger. “You okay, man?”
Kirk’s lips parted, but no sound came out. He was paralyzed, caught in the trap of his own memories, a little boy again, alone and lost. He didn’t know how to explain what was happening, how to make the world stop spinning long enough to breathe.
Dave kneeled in front of him, his presence solid, reassuring. He didn’t push Kirk, didn’t try to force him to talk. Instead, he simply stayed there, quiet and patient, offering his support without words.
Kirk’s breaths were shallow, his chest heaving with the effort of trying to control the storm inside him. Dave’s hands came to rest gently on his knees, an anchor in the chaos.
“You don’t have to talk, man,” Dave said, his tone soft but firm. “I’m right here. Whatever you’re dealing with, you don’t have to do it alone.”
The words were like a lifeline thrown to someone drowning in the sea. Kirk’s vision cleared, just enough for him to see Dave's unwavering gaze, the compassion in his eyes. It wasn’t pity. It was understanding, an acknowledgment of something deep and unspoken.
“Can’t... can’t shake it, Dave,” Kirk rasped, the words escaping in broken gasps. “It’s like I’m still that kid, still… still…”
His voice trailed off, thick with emotion, but Dave didn’t need him to finish. He knew. He had his own scars, his own trauma to work through. But here, now, with Kirk, he didn’t have to be the strong one. He could just be present.
“You’re not that kid anymore,” Dave said firmly, his grip on Kirk’s shoulders steady and grounding. “You’re not that kid. You’ve got people who care about you now, who won’t let you go through this alone.”
Kirk’s eyes fluttered, a fragile tear threatening to fall, but he didn’t let it. He felt the weight of everything—the suffocating shame, the self-loathing, the terror—but in this moment, there was something else, too. He wasn’t alone. Not with Dave here.
“I don’t know if I can get past it, Dave,” Kirk whispered, his voice raw.
Dave didn’t answer immediately. Instead, he helped Kirk to his feet, his movements slow, deliberate. “You don’t have to get past it all at once. One step at a time, man. You don’t have to do this alone.”
They stood in the quiet of the bus, the dim light casting long shadows. Dave stayed with him, his hand on his shoulder, as steady as the music they both played. It wasn’t a solution, not a cure, but it was a start.
“I got you,” Dave said, finally. “You don’t have to face this by yourself.”
Kirk swallowed hard, his breath still unsteady. But for the first time in years, he felt a flicker of hope—a tiny spark that maybe, just maybe, he could survive this. He wasn’t that scared little boy anymore. He was Kirk Hammett, and he had someone in his corner.
And for now, that was enough.
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yupyor · 2 years ago
✦ Night Oaths✦
Summary - It's been 4 years since the whole Ghostface incident with you and your group. 4 years of peace, and vulnerability. Now you and Chad are both romantically committed, and living together. It's about to be Chad's birthday, and for some reason, your brain is hung up on the fact that you almost lost him.
Hurt | Comfort, GN Reader, 2:00 AM Writing, Slight angst?
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✦ .  ⁺  . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺  . ✦ .  ⁺  . ✦.
Labored breaths came out in short, shallow bursts, your pulse gradually heightening as your hazy mind tried processing what had just occurred. It was just a dream, you tried convincing yourself. But the memories lingered. You could still see the blood. The knife. Their mask.
A cold dread coils within you, and you can't help the sudden urge to shift in place and confirm Chad's previous position beside you. He was there, all in his shirtless glory, deep asleep.
A breath of fresh air washes over you, but the feeling of unease doesn't leave. You can't shake the feeling that something is off.
It started with simply just rounding the house and locking the windows—quickly shifting to you going over the door's lock several times and obsessing over whether the 3 you already had on it were enough.
The prequel to how you ended up in your current position on the floor with a drill and two more locks in hand. This was probably going to earn you a scolding from the neighbors and Chad on noise pollution, but it would be worth it if in the end doing so would satiate the overwhelming apprehension within you. Half an hour later, and you're done installing the first lock. The house once again settles into silence, and you feel a sense of relief wash over you.
"Jesus fucking Christ."
Your head snaps in the direction of the voice, your eyes tinted dangerously as you motion the drill out in front of you, putting up your guard. It's Chad, with a sour look on his features.
"You can't be serious. Are you serious?"
"I-" You make to apologize, however Chad's anger fuels him to upstage you.
"It's 2 am, [Y/n]! I know we talked about being productive, but this is just straight up insanity!"
You pout, releasing the tension in your shoulders and putting your arms at rest, setting the drill aside. Silence befalls the two of you, and his anger simmers. It's then that he really notices what you were doing. The new lock on the door, the lingering one on the floor, and the anxious jitteriness to you.
You avert your eyes from him, opting to pick at your fingers and stare at anything but his form before you. Chad sighs, his look dramatically softening.
"I'm sorry." He apologizes, closing the distance between the two of you and settling down on the spot to your right. "You kay?"
His presence sedates the anxious feeling coiling within, though it takes you a while before you're able to stare back at him and reply.
You smile, the action representing the complete opposite of the turmoil in your eyes. "Nightmare..."
Chad inhales deeply, the action causing the blemishing scars on his body to stretch. You can't help but fix your eyes on the way they dance with each of his movements. He notices your gaze, and his expression once again breaks.
"They're gone." He reassures. "We're safe now."
And you try your hardest to believe him, but when has that statement ever been true?
"Every time we settle down thinking that it's over, that we're safe, something-someone new and more dangerous appears to fuck our lives up. They took Mindy, okay! And I can't help but torment myself with the image of them nearly taking you too. I can't- I just can't. "
It was too much. Everything was just adding up to become something beyond that of you capable of handling. You just wanted a break from the past. From the future. You just wanted to live in the present with your boyfriend without having to worry about whether the next night or outing was going to end with him getting stabbed to death.
"Hey, hey." Chad scoots over to you, his hand finding his way to your lower back, comforting you. His voice breaks when he speaks up again, and you can see it in his eyes too, that overwhelming despair. "Were safe. No one is coming for me. And I don't ever plan on leaving you."
Your eyes water, and Chad smiles, easing you deeper into his hold before laying his head on top of yours. "Promise."
There's a promise in his eyes—a resolve to his words, and it grounds you.
"This is a bomb birthday surprise, by the way." He jests, bringing a fragile smirk to your face. "Could never be topped."
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