#when the eds are great but models are way too happy
venusimleder · 7 months
Me choosing editorial/runway pics: “aaaargejvajaka stop smiling you bitch!!!!! What’s so funny you privileged white ass cunt ttnsmajajanajahahahgrrrrrrrere”
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A Guide for Writing Ed's Top Surgery!
I'm getting my top surgery on July 3 (whoo!!!) and I'm using this as an opportunity to gather info for fic purposes. I love writing Ed as a trans man, and I love everyone else who writes and draws him as trans, so I wanted to share the notes I'm taking to help others who want to draw or write Ed's top surgery experiences! I'll update this as we go in sections (pre-op, the surgery itself, and initial recovery).
This is all just my experience with getting a double-incision with free nipple grafts surgery, and it's from a US perspective. Your mileage may vary and this definitely isn't meant as a medical guide. If you're having your own top surgery listen to your surgeon, not me.
Pre-op guide below the cut!
In the months before his surgery:
Getting insurance approval for top surgery in the US, depending on where you live, can be incredibly frustrating, dehumanizing, and painful. Ed will need at least one letter from a therapist or other mental health provider, and he'll probably feel very frustrated about being treated like a child who is unable to make his own medical decisions. I had several insurance denials, needed to switch insurance companies (currently having to settle for one that's more expensive in every other way but will at least approve this surgery), and needed three (fucking 3!!) letters from mental health professionals to get my approval. Hard to overstate how much it sucked and how much it makes you feel like the people writing state and insurance laws see you as a stupid child. Ed will very likely have Lingering Issues about this experience.
Ed will need an initial consultation to confirm he's a good candidate for surgery. Mine was quick and easy!
Once he gets his approval, or once he decides to pay out-of-pocket, he'll get his surgery date! Depending on his clinic, this could be years away or it could be as soon as a couple months out, so anything is realistic for your story. You could lean into the joy of a date that's sooner than he'd expected or he could be frustrated by the whole process grinding to a halt.
His pre-op appointment:
The pre-op appointment is when Ed will meet his surgeon and get the details for his surgery date. Mine was almost two weeks before my surgery. He'll also receive packets of information and his post-op check-up dates. If he smokes, he should be tobacco-free by this date.
This is when Ed and Stede will be able to ask any last-minute questions. Ed can ask here if the surgeon will be willing to give him heart-shaped nipples, but they'll probably say no
This appointment is also when Ed will be struck by the reality of having post-operative drains and not being able to shower for a week. This will be deeply upsetting for him
Ed will probably be very nervous for this appointment (what if something goes wrong and he can't get his surgery?) but he'll be relieved and comforted by the whole experience. The mood in the whole plastic surgery center, for me, was downright fucking jubilant, all the nurses who saw my name on the chart were congratulating me and telling me how happy they were for me! This WILL make Ed cry
The week before his surgery:
It begins to sink in that Ed is about to have major surgery. He's excited, of course, but he'll be a little nervous too! Stede will need to give him lots of cuddles and promise to take good care of him
They'll need to make lots of Ed's favorite comfort foods to freeze so he has something to eat when he can't raise his arms well enough to cook
Ed should practice doing things without lifting his arms above his shoulders. He'll have a great time stomping around and pretending to be a dinosaur
He'll want to prepare a selection of comfy clothes he can wear without raising his arms. Stede's robes will be perfect
The biggest struggle for Ed during his recovery will be the boredom. Stede should help him build up a stock of video games, books, Lego sets, sketchbooks, and model building kits to keep his hands and brain busy!
They should prepare Ed's sickbed. He might be more comfortable sleeping upright on the couch or in an armchair propped up by pillows. He'll have to see how he feels after surgery and what positions are most comfortable, so getting both the couch and their bed ready is a good idea!
At some hospitals, including mine, you won't know what time to arrive at the hospital for your surgery until the day before, when they'll call you to let you know (they do this based on surgery room flow to ensure you arrive at the right time). Ed will find this stressful; Stede will HATE it.
Ed may need to shower with a special antiseptic skin wash the night before and the morning of his surgery. He will not enjoy having to get up at the asscrack of dawn to shower
The night before Ed's surgery, he and Stede should pack bags, just in case. Top surgery is an outpatient procedure, but just in case anything goes wrong and Ed has to stay overnight, it's good to be prepared. A change of comfy clothes, a book, and Ed's Nintendo Switch are good things to pack. Ed will also love taking a stuffed animal to keep him company after Stede can't go any further with him (and he can use the plushie to cushion the seatbelt on the car ride home).
Ed's super excited and everything's set for him! Good luck, Ed! 🥳
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pineappleciders · 2 years
HEY DUDE ‼️‼️ can i pls request. Uhh sunny, hero and basil witha reader in recovery for atypical anorexia? Ik thats kinda vague but like, just them being supportive and trying to help is fine. ik u got a request like this before but hopefully they arent too similar? ANYWAYS yeah thank you 😁😁
SUNNY, HERO, and BASIL with a reader who is in atypical anorexia recovery
A/N: hii! don't worry about it, i've never gotten to write about recovery so this is cool for me!!! also i'm really sorry if anything in this is triggering or insensitive!!
TRIGGER WARNING: eating disorders, anorexia
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sunny isn't the definition of a healthy lifestyle,,, to say the least. so he probably isn't amazing at being a good role model and stuff like that
but he's great at being there for you emotionally. he may not understand everything about your ED but he listens very closely and he's very open to talking about private or personal matters!
if he notices you're having a hard time at the dinner table or while eating, he might look at you and just. blink. like he doesn't say anything but he's non-verbally checking on you
and he might come up to you after eating and stare at you to see if there's anything you wanna talk about,,, he gives your hand a squeeze under the table to encourage you
whenever you just need a break or are feeling faint, he's all for just lounging on the couch and playing games or sleeping. he is never one to judge if you're feeling tired or lazy
again, he isn't amazing at helping you physically with your recovery, but he's glad to stick with you!!!! he wishes he could help a little more though, but honestly his company is more than enough : )
hero is great at reminding you to do things to take care of yourself. like he'll always text you like 'Hey, did you eat yet?' and if you don't respond he comes to your house and immediately starts making pancakes
and he's all like "oh hey Y/N yeah i let myself in i figured you'd like me to make you some breakfast!!! :D"
he also reminds you to drink water and brush your teeth!!!! it can get a little annoying sometimes but he really wants to be sure that you're taking care
100% makes you meals if you can't or aren't feeling like it. he'll make you sandwiches, lasagna, literally anything. you're kinda disappointed that he gave up being a chef because he's REALLY good at it
he understands if you don't finish everything he makes,,, he knows it's hard so he doesn't force it and puts it in the fridge for later, always asking if you want him to heat it up or want the rest
he'll sit down and be very serious and listen intently if you need to talk about something. and he just genuinely tries to give you honest advice and lets you know he cares and wants to see you as the best person you can be
he tries to research a lot about recovery and EDs to try to help you, like he always searches up how to help someone in recovery and tries to memorize it
basil is always very nice. like he never points anything out that may be rude, so you never have to worry about like. getting insecure or anxious that he may be judging you. he genuinely doesn't care what other people do and supports you in everything
he feels really bad that you have to go through everything on your own, so he generally tries to help you with things, especially if it puts strain on your body or you're feeling weak. he's very happy to help!!
amazing at listening, and appreciates it deeply when you open up to him about stuff. he knows it can be hard more than anyone
tries to get you into hobbies to take your mind off of bad thoughts, like gardening and drawing. anytime you come over he takes you to the garden to water and weed the plants while chatting about your day
gives you drawings and notes, even in class!! they read little encouraging quotes or just compliments in hopes of making your day a little better :)
he knows he can't help you in every way, but he's very open with you and tries his best to be there and be the best friend he can be!!!
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rockanroller · 9 months
The animation was pretty good, the one thing that bugged me to no end were charlie and vaggies bangs they were really distracting and just off character models but the animators put their all, the camera and editing isn’t good. BG/props/color keys were great but too great like it eat the characters up so much, not even Scott pilgrim or castlevania nocturne had this problem Voice acting was ok. Erika is the best thus far Alastor and nifty are alright, Vaggie Angel and husk were rough, Vaggie just sounds dead, Angel goes from sounding like a nasally teenager to trying to sound like Michael, and Keith doesn’t fit husk. They dropped a new clip of husk and Angel. You can hear Kieth David more and he drops the gruff and sticks with his smooth voice and it doesn’t work with Husk. I know people are tired of hearing this but Keith voice doesn’t fit Husk.
Vox and Vel were really good. I thought adam was bad (he is he’s really bad) but man Valentino is terrible, he’s not menacing, he’s keeping changing accents and he’s voices cracks so much it’s funny but also sad I can’t take him seriously he’s such a joke. This was the guy everyone was hyping up on the crew and fanart? People were saying the dialogue sheets they got leaked were old, they were not old, some of the stuff that was on that sheet made to the Final Cut except worse somehow.
people were saying sir pent new va was good and I heavily disagree he sounds worse than the pilot VA. I couldn’t stand his voice.
agreed on the animation/bg/props/color remarks. especially how Charlie & Vaggie's bangs were distracting, they really were especially when it seems like it was such a struggle keeping them on-model making it even more distracting. for the voice acting it's really interesting to me seeing so many different takes on the VA's various performances.
i do think having many of the fans so enthralled with the pilot, hearing voices that are different is jarring, especially if they don't feel like they add up to or match the previous voices' performances or tones. replacing the cast was a really iffy decision and many are insistent it never should've happened while others feel there "had" to have been *some* reason for it. and of course replacing pilots casts isn't unheard of--Billy West voiced Zim in the IZ Pilot episode and we all know that changed, and Richard Horvitz knocked it out of the park and made Zim into an extremely memorable character for many.
but i won't deny there are some obvious weaknesses. these are my personal takes on the voice acting, and you may disagree:
-Charlie was fine, in some points very good, fun execution. the only thing i wasn't a fan of was the "voice breaking about to cry bc this story i'm reading is just so sad" moments she had while reading the "creation story" at the beginning of the first episode, made me cringe. and i do agree with others who've said her cussing felt out of place. (some were fine/ok enough, but others weren't) -Vaggie was...weird, it felt like her voice didn't match, but i got used to it. tho i agree with what some have said how her voice was "too" low-emotion to the point it was bland. i felt her saying "fuck" in her "what the *FUCK* was that" at Alastor felt forced--later swears were ok--and her duetted line in Charlie's Happy Day In Hell song sounded so off that it startled me. -Angel Dust was in and out--his first few lines were *very* rough. voice was all over and cracked in a way that wasn't natural or charming, felt more to me of an "I'm trying too hard to do a specific voice" type of crack/strain. tho i think it either smoothed out or i got used to it bc i didn't notice it the rest of ep 1 or all of ep 2. -Alastor was fine to me. many say they prefer Ed's performance but i haven't seen the pilot since it came out so i'd have to rewatch to say for sure if i feel it's any sort of "downgrade". but i *did* notice, twice, there were lines where they just suddenly dropped his radio filter? that was really weird. it felt like it was supposed to be for...idk...emphasis? like "oh he meant that the filter turned off" but it was just jarring. i also know some feel that they toned down the radio filter too far, but i thought it was okay, and as someone who has a hard time hearing words if they aren't crystal clear, i had a much easier time understanding Alastor in these first 2 episodes than i did in the pilot. -Husk didn't jar me, Keith seemed fine, but again having not seen the pilot in years and Husk having less lines (i think?) i can't remember what Husk originally sounded like. but you're probably right about the gruff getting lost in his lines later. overall it kinda sounded like Keith really enjoyed the cussing and i'm kinda solidly divided on if that made it feel more forced or more natural. -Nifty i *think* was good/decent? she had fewer lines and very brief moments so they went by quickly. -Vox was good, no complaints -Vel was also good, no complaints -Val, like you say, was a mess. right from the get-go his accent was all over the place. it was there, then it wasn't, then another accent was, then it wasn't, then finally several lines later he slipped into this deeper "sexy" accent and i finally was like "oh *that's* what accent it's supposed to be"--he literally would flip-flop between "saucy/menacing voice with an accent" to "flat American voice that's literally just some guy" and it was bewildering. -Adam i loved and i personally feel Alex nailed the lines, i think if anyone else did it he would've been insufferable to me--but i can see how some felt Adam came off badly / too strong. he made me laugh, altho i kinda expect as a character he's going to get worse, it was only his initial appearance that amused me and to reiterate from my last post i lowkey suspect it only made me laugh so much bc the episode so far had already worn me down. -Lute i wanna say was fine but i kinda frankly don't remember. -Sir Pentious was fine to me--really silly--but i again am gonna say i barely remember his pilot voice so i can't say if it's a downgrade to me or not. hearing it w/o remembering what Stamper's performance was like had me feeling like it was a good voice, and he had good moments that made me chuckle. -Katie Killjoy i already mentioned in a previous post but i *really* don't know what they were thinking having Brandon not only voice her but not even do anything unique with it? it was jarring and felt super out-of-place to me. i honestly think his execution was pretty mid as well. i think that's everyone? lmk if i forgot any or you wanna know anything else. and ty for giving me your two cents in the ask!
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xbreezymeadowsx · 2 years
New Jeans
I started writing this damn thing months ago and then hit a massive brain block for all of my writing and haven't written anything since. Except for yesterday when I finally found the dang time to atleast finish this piece. Thanks to @madametesla for unknowingly giving me the motivation to finish it. And thanks, of course, to @drizztydragon because... well, you know why.
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“Hey, Eds?” Bri called from her room down the hall. She stood in front of her full length mirror twisting and turning in frustration. In the reflection, Eddie appeared in her doorway.
“Yeah, babe.” He leaned a shoulder on the door frame, hands in his pockets, an easy smile on his face. Bri turned to look at him.
“I need a belt.” She frowned, looking over her shoulder into the mirror again.
“A belt? So go��� to the store?”
“Baby, I need one just to go to the store. Look,” She stretched her arms up and jumped around. Sure enough, Eddie soon caught sight of her cotton panties as her jeans slipped lower down her hips. She held her arms out in exasperation. “See? Must’ve lost more weight than I thought. These were my favorite jeans, too.” She huffed, readjusting them.
“Only belt I have is the one I’m wearing.” Eddie lifted his shirt to reveal the belt through his own jeans’ loops, as well as some of his happy trail that made Bri bite the inside of her cheek.
‘Not the time, Bri. Quit thinkin’ about it. You already did it twice today!’ She mentally scolded herself for being such a slut for Eddie. “That’s fine. Your pants stay up. The belt is just decoration. I only need it long enough to go shopping for new jeans.” Bri didn’t wait for Eddie’s response. She skipped up to him and began unfastening the studded belt. Eddie watched her face closely and she grinned sinfully, keeping eye contact as she expertly yanked the belt from all the loops in one go. Eddie’s hips swiveled from the action and she saw him bite back a soft moan. “Thanks, baby.” She kissed his cheek and moved back to the mirror, sliding the belt in place. Eddie remained in the doorway and grinned as Bri struggled with the now-baggy denim.
A half hour… and some road head later, the couple arrived at a mall a bit out of the way since Starcourt was gone. Eddie was barely out of his van door when Bri grabbed his hand to pull him along. He managed to kick his door shut with a chuckle before making it to her side and wrapping his arm around her waist to reign her in. He knew she’d make a beeline for the pretzel kiosk or comic shop if he didn’t steer her where she needed first. And first, she needed a clothing store.
Eddie was flopped in a fancy, plush chair in the dressing room area of the third store they’d been to. The first held no options that interested Bri and the second only carried uncomfortably small-sized jeans that looked like they were designed to give women low self esteem. This department store seemed like the best option. So, as Bri modeled pair after pair for him, Eddie lounged in his seat until she opened her stall door and with each look he wolf-whistled, cat-called, and offered an honest opinion on how they looked on her.
After eight tries, Bri was growing sick of it. Eddie had a compliment for every style and while Bri was sure he wasn’t just saying it, she knew she hadn’t found the right pair yet. She huffed, grumbling as she looked at the last one to try on.
“Baby, I can hear you in there.” Eddie mused from his spot a few feet away. “I know I’m not much help, but you really do look great in everything here. Just pick what you feel good in. I’ll love you in any of it.”
“Ugh.” Bri groaned. Eddie knew she was smiling behind that fake sound of displeasure and sat back in self satisfaction.
After a couple minutes, Eddie looked up from playing with his rings as the dressing room door opened and Bri stepped out. She worried her bottom lip between her teeth as she twisted her middle from side to side, did a slow twirl, and shrugged. Her hands slapped her thighs as she dropped her arms.
“Well?” She asked Eddie who was staring at her with his mouth open. “What do you think, honey?” He blinked a couple times before slowly rising to his feet. Bri watched him curiously as he stalked closer.
“I think,” he started as he took one of her hands and held it over her head signaling her to spin again. “You look fucking great.” He finished when she’d made it back to facing him.
“Really?” Yup, this had been the reaction she was waiting for. “They don’t make my ass look too big or anything?” She just had to be sure, ya know? Eddie glanced around her again with a slow exhale.
“Ass looks great.” He assured looking into her eyes. “I like these. A lot. I think I’d like them better on the floor, though.” He grinned mischievously at her. Bri blushed, giggling with glee and grabbed the front of his shirt, yanking him into the dressing room with her.
As soon as the door was shut and locked, Eddie pushed Bri against the wall and kissed her desperately. Bri couldn’t stop the moan that escaped and Eddie pulled away.
“Sshhh, sweetheart,” he teased. “Have to be quiet.” He leaned down and kissed her softly as he let his hands wander down her sides to her waist and then hips, he squeezed lightly. “Angel, you look amazing. You feel amazing.” He punctuated his point by reaching behind her to grab her ass. Bri rubbed her hands up his clothed chest appreciatively.
“Thank you for the compliments. I think this is the right pair. I do feel sexy in them.” She admitted shyly. Eddie nudged his nose along her cheek as he squeezed her ass roughly.
“You should, you look sexy in them.” He gruffed in her ear before nipping at the lobe. He moved down along her jaw as she moaned softly and thumped her head against the wall.
“Careful,” she warned on a groan. “Don’t bite too hard. You know how loud I get when you do that shit.” She couldn’t see it, but Eddie grinned wickedly at that.
“I almost forgot,” he mumbled against her skin before nipping purposefully hard at her neck.
“Shit!” Bri whined as she clutched his shirt and pulled his body in closer. Eddie let out a dark chuckle.
“Louder, princess. I don’t think the employees at Radio Shack could hear you in the other wing.” He pulled his head back to smirk teasingly at her. Bri half growled, half whined at him.
“Shut the fuck up.” She rolled her hips against his seeking friction. Eddie frowned.
“Such a mouth on you, angel. Does it need washing out?” When he only received a scowl in return, he tut her. “Open up for Daddy, then.” He commanded softly. Bri shook her head.
“Make. Me.” She sassed keeping her lips in a thin line. Eddie sighed and pushed two fingers past her lips easily.
“Open. Up.” He demanded more sternly and gently pushed down on her jaw. Bri let out a bratty little huff but opened her mouth like he wanted. She even stuck her tongue out for good measure. “Ah, there you go.” Eddie lightly grabbed her throat and tilted her head up before spitting into her awaiting mouth. “Swallow.” Bri did as told and grinned crookedly up at him. “That’s a good girl.” He praised before pressing his lips to hers.
“Mmph.” She made a surprised sound before kissing him back desperately and tugging his hips closer. Eddie hummed his approval and ran his hands down her back to grab handfuls of her ass again. Bri whimpered against his lips and palmed his bulge through his jeans. He groaned and moved one hand to caress her breast over her shirt. “Mm, baby, need, more,” she mumbled between kisses. “Please.” She started fumbling with the button and zipper of his jeans.
“So desperate for me, sweetheart.” Eddie teased before snapping the button on Bri’s jeans open.
“Always, Eds. Always.” She sighed wantonly and stepped back to strip the jeans and her panties off, tossing them aside. Eddie looked her up and down shamelessly.
“Perfect, Bri.” He boasted making her blush.
“You always say the sweetest things, handsome.” She complimented back as Eddie stepped forward once again. His hands went roaming her thighs and hips.
“I’m just telling you the truth.” He bit and sucked a bruise on her neck as she worked his pants open. Bri shoved her hand in and palmed his bulge over his boxers.
“Speaking of perfect things and telling truths,” she whispered in his ear. “You’re pretty perfect yourself, babe.” She gave him a squeeze and tugged his earlobe between her teeth.
“Think so, huh?” Eddie groaned lightly and gave a sharp smack to her backside.
“Oh, yeah. I also think you’re wearing entirely too much clothes.” She breathed out. Eddie chuckled lustfully.
“Wanna do something about that, sweetheart?” He countered. Bri chewed her bottom lip as she nodded and made quick work of pushing his pants and boxers down to reveal his hard-on. “This better?” He smirked watching her stare at his cock bobbing between them. Bri’s mind went blank for a moment as she could only nod dumbly. “Cat got your tongue?”
“Shit, something’s got it.” She mumbled and reached out, lightly stroking him.
“M’not gonna break, princess. Don’t have to be gentle.” He asserted with a wink. Bri raised an eyebrow at him before squeezing him tighter, her thumb brushing over his tip.
“Jesus, babe. You’re a rod of steel.” She breathed out shakily. Eddie sighed, enjoying the praise.
“I guess those jeans did their job, then, don’t you?” His voice trembled as he leaned down to kiss any exposed skin he could find.
“I’ll say.” Bri nudged the side of his head with hers making him pull back to look at her. She grinned impishly as she licked a sloppy stripe across her hand before resuming stroking his member. Eddie groaned, dropping his forehead on her shoulder.
“Shit, sweetheart.” He kneaded his fingertips into the soft flesh of her hips.
“Such a beautiful cock, baby.” She spread the leaking precum down his shaft as she stroked him faster. “I love touching it.” Eddie slipped a hand between her thighs.
“I love touching your pretty pussy, angel.” He rumbled in her ear. Bri whimpered, feeling a rush of desire sink straight to her core.
“Eddie, please.”
“Please, what? Use your big girl words.” He urged as he teased a finger at her entrance.
“Please, baby,” Bri whined. “Need your fingers in me.” A split second later, Eddie’s hand was gone from between her legs, a finger pushing into her mouth once again. The smirk on the metalhead’s face earned a scowl from his girlfriend. She gave his cock a hard squeeze and sucked his finger harshly.
“Don’t scowl at me. You should’ve specified where you wanted my fingers inside.” He winked and added a second digit. Bri used her free hand to grab his wrist, directing his fingers in and out as she sucked and licked at them. Eddie groaned loudly. “You’re gonna get us caught if you keep that up.” Bri grinned wickedly before slowly pulling his fingers from her mouth, nipping at the tips.
“Better fuck me soon then, huh? Wouldn’t want you to get blue balls.”
“You’re a brat, you know that?” Eddie rolled his eyes as he turned her to face the wall. Bri gasped at the manhandling and pressed her palms flat to the painted surface.
“You love it.” She glanced over her shoulder at him.
“Maybe, maybe not.” Eddie scoffed as he used his heavy boots to kick her legs apart.
“Maybe you don’t want blue balls.” Bri giggled slyly. She whimpered wantonly when he grabbed the back of her neck and faced her head forward again.
“Maybe you’re right.” He smirked as he stroked himself through her slick. “Say the word, princess.”
“Fuck me, Eddie. Please!”
“There it is.” He lined himself up and thrust roughly inside her.
“Fuck!” Bri snapped, her forehead hit the wall and Eddie could feel her clench around him.
“Mmm,” He moaned, his free hand now holding onto her hip. His thumb rubbed soothing circles into her skin. “Y’okay, Bri?” He checked in on her. She let out a shuddering sigh.
“Y-yeah, yes. Fuck. You’re just so big, baby.” She explained having had no preparation. Eddie remained still to allow her to adjust. His thumb kept circulating and he gently massaged her neck where he held on. When Bri pushed back against him, the action gave him the green light he could move. Eddie quickly set a steady pace rutting into her with long, deep strokes.
“Fuck, this pussy was made for me.” Eddie groaned as her walls hugged him just right. He shifted just so and hit that perfect spot making Bri moan out loudly.
“Eddie! You feel so good.” She pushed her hands firmly against the wall, rocking back to match his thrusts. Eddie grunted and reached around to between her legs, rubbing circles over her clit.
“Gonna get us caught, angel.” He reiterated with a salacious smirk before biting at her shoulder. Bri felt her knees get weak as she trembled and panted.
“Don’t be so good at this and maybe I’d be quieter.” She sassed. A shiver ran down her spine when she heard a growl rumble from Eddie. He yanked her body upright and sandwiched her between him and the wall as he picked up the pace of his hips and fingers.
“What was that?” He huffed in her ear. Bri could only call out expletives as she dropped her head back on his shoulder. Eddie snaked his free hand up her torso and wrapped his slender fingers around her throat with a deep groan. “Cum for me, angel.”
“Please, please! S’close, Eddie!” Her moans turned to screams as she came, feeling herself clench Eddie’s cock and practically gush around it as he fucked her through wave after wave of euphoria.
“Good girl. So good for me, Bri.” Eddie felt his own end nearing, hips thrusting in a sloppy rhythm as he chased release. “Shit, m’cumming, angel.” He barely managed to get the words out before he stilled deep inside her cunt and came, grinding against her ass.
“Eddie,” Bri whimpered, one hand reaching back to stroke his hair and scratch his scalp. The two stayed pressed against the wall together as they caught their breath. The comfortable silence was broken when there was a knock on the dressing room door.
“This is Mall Security,” the deep voice called through the door. “I’m giving you two minutes to get dressed. Then, I have to ask you to leave the premises.” The pair stared at the door with wide eyes until they heard footsteps receding. Bri looked over her shoulder to Eddie who choked out a giggle.
“Told you, you’d get us caught.” He blamed her jokingly as he carefully slipped his softening member from her with a sigh. He picked up her panties, handing them to her as he fixed his boxers and jeans. Bri slipped her panties back on before grabbing the new jeans, ripping the tag off them before putting them back on. As she buttoned them, she saw Eddie giving her a raised eyebrow.
“What, like they’re gonna give me the chance to check out?” She sassed, shaking her head. “I spent way too long finding the right pair to have to leave them behind.” Eddie rolled his eyes.
“You’re horrible.” He teased, opening the stall door and gesturing Bri out first.
“Worth it.”
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novankenn · 1 year
"Ozpin's Fault AU"
Birth of GoldenKitsunneGoddess (1/2) (913 Words)
Jaune spent the bullhead ride to Vale holding her hands to her mouth, fighting her motion sickness, while still draped over Coco's shoulder. The situation was not helped with Coco pacing back and forth, full of excited nervous energy.
"Jaune this is going to be so EPIC! You're the perfect model, cute alluring and innocent looking... my followers are going to eat you up!"
Jaune whimpered. Images of past times growing up being turned into a living fashion doll by his older sisters, floating through her mind.
"Stop that Jaune. This is going to be great, and nothing like how it was when you were growing up."
Of course Coco would say that, she was just as much a part of those embarrassing comments as any of her older sisters. It did not fill Jaune with confidence, or reassure her, and if her motion sickness wasn't acting up so badly she would be terrified.
Once the bullhead landed, Coco placed Jaune back on her own two feet, but before the terrified Blonde vixen could bolt, Coco grabbed her around the wist, and caused her to stumble behind her as Coco started walking.
Velvet was on the next bullhead to land. A bag over her shoulder holding several cameras, plus a couple of tripods under her arm. She knew where Coco was headed, and sighed, understanding the trouble they would be in... skipping their last classes and kidnapping a fellow student were definitely going to raise Professor Goodwitch's ire.
Taking off in a jog, Velvet hoped to get to the boutique in question before Coco could get too carried away. She had almost caught up to the duo, with them entering the destination of Coco's choosing. Velvet paused outside and looked up. "Adel's Alluring Attire". Velvet shook her head, sighed and then walked inside.
In that short period of time, between Velvet reading the sign, and then stepping inside, Coco had already loaded Jaune's arms with choices. So many that Jaune's slim arms were trembling to hold them up.
"That's a good for a start."
"A start?" Jaune whined, her adorable ears flattening against her head. "Please, no?"
"None of that, Jaune. You'll love this. Now hurry up and change while Bun-Bun sets up the cameras."
"Cameras?" Jaune felted like crying, but held the tears back, as she was unwilling to stain the possible expensive clothing that filled her straining arms.
"Hey, Bun-Bun! Lock the door. We're going to be here for a while."
"Where's the staff?"
"I gave them the rest of the day off." Coco beamed as she began to go through the clothing filled racks, and displays, preparing a second series of wardrobe changes.
"I don't think this is a good idea."
"It's fine. Jaune's my cousin, we used to do this all the time growing up." Coco countered. "Jet get setup. By the way, what did you bring?"
"My still camera, my scroll and the video camera."
"Perfect. How's it coming, Jaune? Did you get the first one on yet?"
"Please, Coco. Don't do this too me."
"TOO late. Now come out here and let's see."
"I can't." Jaune replied.
"Yes, you can. Now hurry up."
"No, I really can't!" Jaune called out.
"Don't make me go in there..."
"I can't get the bra to work! How do you guys do this day in and day out? It's impossible!"
Coco chuckled, and Velvet snorted, as they relived their own embarrassing times needing assistance with their own first times with bras. Without any further delay, Coco strode over and slipped through the privacy curtain.
"Coco!" velvet heard Jaune squeal, the high-pitched sound making her wince slightly.
"Hush now. You don't have anything I don't have." Velvet heard what almost sounded like a struggle from within the small changing room. "Brothers, you've got a big set of milkers on you, Jaune! Wait, are you lactating?"
"Who defiled you?" Coco's voice went instantly from happy and exciting to ominous and menacing, totally forgetting her sex-ed classes and the fact that normally most women only start producing milk in their second trimester.
"Then why?"
"Hormone imbalance, or that's what the nurse at the infirmary said."
"Yes Coco?"
"Maternity section, grab a box of nursing pads. Please and thank you."
Velvet did as she was asked, and returned a few moments later to hand the box through the privacy curtain.
"So slid one of these pads into each cup. They'll absorb the leakage, and keep your clothes from being stained and soaked through."
Velvet moved back to wear she had set up her various cameras, and opened her scroll. With a few keystrokes she opened an app and linked the camera directly to her scroll, in preparation to start uploading shots to Coco's Duster (Twitter) Account, along with Coco's Dumblr (Tumblr) blog.
"I'm up and running, Coco." Velvet called out.
"Perfect." Coco responded as she stepped out of the changing room. "This is going to be epic! Ready Jaune?"
"I am NOT coming out!"
"Jaune, do not make me."
"Y... you wouldn't. I'll tell Saph!"
"DO you really think Saphron, or any of your sister, will disagree to this after they see you?"
"Think again. Now come out here."
After whimpering for a minute, Jaune slowly stepped through the curtain. Velvet reflexively hit the record button on the video camera, and the burst function on her still camera. Before her was the absolute definition of cute and seductive.
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ss-aquarium · 2 years
SDV Bachelors + Fatherhood >--)))°< (PT.1)
●☆○°☆ How the Bachelors are as Fathers ☆°○☆● || Paring : {Alex, Harvey, Shane x reader} || Wordcount : [918] || Tags : (Fluff, slight Angst, Headcannons, Established Relationship) || Warnings : *Diets & Food, Sobriety & Relapsing in Shane’s section*
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Enrolls your child in every available physical extra-curricular, specifically gridball 
Probably asked Haley to take baby pics with your kid holding a gridball or draped in his varsity jacket 
Basically wants to create a mini-Alex to fulfill his dreams (will most likely have some difficulty accepting his kid might not share his passion for gridball or sports in general)
If your kid isn’t physically gifted or doesn’t have an inclination toward physical activity, he’ll go out of his way to ensure they get at least an hour of outdoors time and is more likely to care about their grades 
If your kid is as enthusiastic about sports as him, he’s over the moon, I’m talking coaching all their little league games, training them at home, basically becoming your kid’s #1 fan
Occasionally asks Haley to babysit if you two want a date night or just a break from the kid, it takes a lot of convincing / payment and most likely ends in something broken  
Tries to educate himself alongside your kid as they grow up and enter high school, if your kid is in AP or honors classes good luck because the most he can confidently help with is Phys. Ed. or Health & Nutrition
He’s extremely thankful if your kid is born/adopted before his grandparents pass and frequently visits them with child in tow (Evelyn sneaks your kid cookies and teaches them her botany skills, George is giving them non-stop lessons and criticizing your kid’s TV shows- lovingly)
Monitors your child’s nutrition and keeps junk food/sugar to a minimum in the house (unless it’s a special occasion like a birthday or other holidays)
Makes a conscious effort to love and support your child no matter their life path, the last thing he ever wants is to do is treat your child how he was treated as a kid
Most likely read several parenting guides before your child was born/adopted, possibly owned a few before the topic of children was even brought up
He isn’t as fussy as you’d think about your kid’s activities, as long as they slap on some sunscreen and hydrate properly he lets them run around to their heart’s content (light scolding if they injure themselves)
Monitors your child’s nutrition and eating habits, makes sure they receive their daily vitamins and minerals with a healthy diet
Teaches your kid the importance of mental health and wellness, encourages lots of open communication
Your kid will rarely struggle in the sciences or geography, Harvey is happy to tutor your kid and finds the process of teaching to be a great bonding experience (also really enjoys the awed expression your kid makes at his knowledge)
He might ask Maru to keep an eye on your kid when you’re both busy and it’s either really awkward or she becomes “Aunty Maru,” if your kid is a little nerd then good luck keeping them away from the clinic on her scheduled days because they’re going to geek out 
(Your kid is probably going to be valedictorian with all this brainpower surrounding them) 
If your kid ever showed interest in planes or aeronautics, he is immediately showing them how to work his radio, teaching them aviator lingo, and describing the make and model of all his planes- probably buys a new set to build with your kid
Imagine you two swaying to the jazz Harvey put on and your kid is tugging at your legs asking to dance too, he probably puts them on top of his feet or lifts them up and wraps them around his torso taking their tiny hand like they’re waltzing 
He is definitely fighting to name your kid child “Charlie” or something chicken-related like “Henrietta”
Makes the corniest dad jokes known to man, your kid is probably eye-rolling 50% of the time they’re with him
If your kid is into sports, specifically gridball, Shane is deeply invested in their team and them as a player (those varsity days may be over but your kid’s days are just beginning)
Encourages your kid to do well in school, he doesn’t want them working a  Joja job like him because Yoba knows how much he hated working at the store
Teaches your kid how important it is to respect the farm animals and how to properly retrieve chicken eggs, it wouldn’t take a lot of begging if your kid wanted their own chicken- it’d make Shane really proud to know his kids loves the birds as much as he does
May or may not tell Jas and your kid where to find all the eggs for the egg hunt
Jas takes a lot of pride in being the older cousin and practically puffs her chest out every time she mentions it, she’s actually really helpful with calming down the fussy baby or entertaining them (Vincent is an honorary cousin and he’s the “cooler” of the two, meaning he’s not trying to teach your kid anything except how cool bugs are)
Your kid probably won’t touch a vegetable unless you serve it to them or it comes in the form of frozen convenience food so take charge with meal time unless you don’t mind another pizza and pepper popper-lover in the house
He might start drinking again if the stress of parenting gets to him but he recognizes that relapsing would be bad for the kid and him, help him out and keep him honest because the last thing he wants to do is hurt his family
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redheadconfections · 2 years
AOT College Headcanons
(Characters: Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Sasha, Connie) Was gonna write it for more characters but it’s really long already and I got lazzyyy
Writing these purely out of boredom and trying to think of as many headcanons I can for each character in university. Some characters I don’t even think would go to university. This is assuming everyone that does go is going to the same university, although I’m not sure how likely that would be.
Eren attends university only because he’s unsure of what else he’s supposed to do. But he takes a gap year or two before he actually goes to try and “find himself”. Realizes he wants to go into politics and so he goes to college to study that. 
Chooses to room with Armin (obviously). 
Doesn’t really break any dorm rules because he doesn’t see a reason to. Is relatively clean. Obviously talks to Armin sometimes as his friend and roommate, but he’s not extremely chatty. 
Goes to bed pretty late because he procrastinates on the assignments for his boring gen ed classes.
Is often daydreaming in class and has trouble paying attention, especially in classes he doesn’t find interesting, which causes his grades to slack.
Actually generally pretty likable around campus and gets along with most other students, but still keeps to himself a lot. He knows a lot of people but doesn’t have a lot of close friends. 
Often talking on the phone with Mikasa late into the night.
Ends up changing his major multiple times because he has trouble figuring out what he wants to do. Experiments by taking art classes.
Tries joining a bunch of clubs but doesn’t find any of them very interesting.
Has the worst diet and probably eats way too much pizza. Sometimes he waits until midnight to eat dinner when everything is closed, so he just heats something up in the microwave like mac and cheese.
Has been to a few parties. Tends to have a good time but doesn’t go to parties super often. Has gotten high multiple times. 
Ends up dropping out of college in his second year because he feels like it isn’t for him.
Goes to college because she’s also unsure of what she wants to do. All she knows is that she’s good of taking care of other people. Initially considers going into politics with Eren, but reconsiders after a while.
Didn’t have anyone to room with, so she chose a random roommate assignment and got roomed with a girl named Annie Leonhart.
She and Annie never really speak to each other, but they don’t hate each other.
Is a model student; gets good grades on everything and is very well-liked by professors.
Isn’t extremely social, but most men on campus think she’s pretty. She notices and usually ignores anyone that tries to flirt with her.
Is on the wrestling team and is great at it.
Considered being an RA but decided against it given how quiet she is. 
Has band posters on her wall in her dorm.
Tries to encourage Eren to eat better than he does. Eren always says “okay, okay” and then completely forgets about it later.
Often asks to study with Eren even though she is already doing well in her classes just because she wants to spend with him.
Sometimes gets disappointed when she goes to ask Eren to study with her to see that he is already studying with Armin.
Always goes to bed on time, but on certain occasions, she’ll let Eren talk to her for a little past her bedtime.
Overachiever, is usually seen studying.
Joins a poetry club to try and make some friends but is still pretty quiet. The people in the club like her anyway, though.
Only chooses to go to parties sometimes when Eren goes to them but doesn’t really enjoy them. She doesn’t hate them, but they’re not particularly her thing.
Goes to college to get a higher education and also because he doesn’t really know what he wants to do yet.
With Armin’s curious nature about the world, he decides to major in Geography.
Is very good at following the rules the RA sets and tries to make sure he and Eren are both happy in their living space. Pretty easygoing roommate.
Is a pretty good student and excels in most of his classes but gets stressed easily. Sometimes has breakdowns when thinks he’s gonna fail and jumps to conclusions that failing a test means he’s a complete failure.
Not super popular, but the people that do know him like him (mostly because of how smart he is; people often ask him for help on studying for tests). He’s had multiple occasions where people have asked him to help them study, but then after he helped them, they realized he was a pretty nice person and started talking to him more. Because of this, he knows a fair amount of people. But, he’s definitely also had people take advantage of this kindness and only talk to him when they need help on an assignment, which kind of irks him, but he’s too shy to defend himself.
Is president of the anime and manga club, which Mikasa occasionally attends.
Has never been to a college party.
Usually studies in the library.
Is such an overachiever in his studies, but not in the sense that he wants to impress his professors or anything. Rather, he’s just really curious about not only geography, but also conservation biology and takes a bit of an interest in political science after learning more about it from Eren. He’ll read ahead in the textbooks in these classes just because he wants to. 
Hangs out with Mikasa pretty often in his free time.
Sometimes loses sleep because Eren is talking to Mikasa late at night which causes him to be sleepy during his morning classes. He has almost drifted off during classes a few times. Luckily, he tends to make up for it with all the work he does outside of class.
Goes to college to get a higher-paying job for when he graduates, but doesn’t know exactly what he wants to do.
Eventually decides to go to law school after studying philosophy for a while.
Rooms with Marco but can be kind of a messy roommate and doesn’t like being told to vacuum or take out the trash or anything like that because he’s not used to doing it (he grew up spoiled). 
Doesn’t make terrible grades because he is naturally smart, but doesn’t take it super seriously so he’s definitely not a straight-A student. 
Sometimes when he’s struggling he asks Armin to help him in his classes.
Actually takes an interest when Armin starts talking to him about biology, which sparks a small friendship between the two.
Goes to bed really late for the first few weeks of school, but then realizes it’s affecting his performance in his classes, so he tries to stop (keyword: tries).
Is constantly tapping his pencil on the desk in class and it annoys anyone within 15 feet of him like oh my god someone needs to snap his pencil in half.
Has trouble getting used to the dining hall food.
Has been to a few parties, but he doesn’t get invited very often. Has gotten high at least once.
Is usually seen hanging out with Marco. 
Despite what some may think, doesn’t really try to get in Mikasa’s space too much. He gives her space to herself and really only approaches her first on a day when she seems upset. It’s only from there that they start talking a little more often, but they’re never super close friends.
Mikasa kinda brings out Jean’s soft side, so when he sees her at a party (that she only agreed to go to ‘cause of Eren) trying to ignore a creep oogling at her, he becomes kind of protective and tells him to piss off, sparking a fight which Mikasa ends up breaking up herself, saying that fighting is for children.
Is actually pretty good at keeping group projects going smoothly, even if he is a bit bossy.
Doesn’t originally like the idea of attending university, but decides to go after her Dad encourages her.
Doesn’t go to the same school as Eren and the rest because she decides to go to culinary school.
Abuses the dining hall privileges and uses up her meal passes early on in the semester.
Can be kind of a loud roommate and can be heard laughing at memes on her phone late into the night.
Gets so excited talking about the material in class just because she’s so passionate about food.
Has a few friends, but also often has her head in the clouds and doesn’t really mind being by herself too much. People often find her very quirky which can make her feel a bit lonely sometimes. She often misses her friends back home, though. Sometimes Connie comes to visit her on campus.
Doesn’t get invited to a ton of parties but loves to go to the ones she is invited to. Steals a lot of the refreshments.
Meets an upperclassman named Niccolo later on and they instantly form a connection.
Goes to college to make his family proud, as he would be a first-generation student.
Doesn’t really know what he wants to do but believes he’ll eventually figure it out.
Eventually becomes a theatre major. Makes friends in the theatre department.
Since Jean is already rooming with Marco, I’m guessing Connie gets paired up with some random side character (maybe Samuel (if you know you know 👀))
Isn’t the messiest roommate, but is lazy and doesn’t like being asked to pick stuff up or take out the trash.
Has fallen asleep in class a few times.
Has a lot of close friends.
Joins Armin’s anime club out of curiosity; doesn’t pay a lot of attention to what’s going on in it.
Asks Armin for help on assignments; sometimes he, Jean, and Armin have study sessions.
Tried to throw a big dorm party but only his closest friends showed up (Armin, Ymir, Reiner and Bertholdt) and Eren. Had fun but was secretly disappointed on the inside. 
Often wishes Sasha was there whenever he cries.
Is kind of a class clown, but not as loud as he was in high school due to being a bit more insecure. Is generally liked among his classmates.
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Oh also I can’t remember if I asked, but maybe an Oonagh playlist if you’d like? (Lmk if I’m requesting too many of these haha)
Not at all! Love getting these asks :D And this one was waaaaay too fun, I could have kept adding things forever. Managed to wrestle it down to 15 tracks...
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Hard-wrought with Unleashed Storms - a playlist for Oonagh O'Dwyer in the band AU (link to Spotify)
The Dubliners - Óró Sé Do Bheatha' Bhaile
David Bowie - Oh! You Pretty Things
Gang of Four - We Live As We Dream, Alone
Grace Jones - Nipple to the Bottle
Cocteau Twins - The Spangle Maker
Carpenters - Ticket to Ride
Horslips - Hall of Mirrors
David Sylvian - When Poets Dreamed of Angels
Shriekback - The Big Hush
The Cure - Pictures of You
The Velvet Underground & Nico - All Tomorrow's Parties
Shakespeares Sister - Red Rocket
PJ Harvey - Sheela-na-gig
Kraftwerk - Das Model
Melissa Etheridge - Come to My Window
Comments below the cut. CW for discussion of domestic violence, EDs, you know...Oonagh stuff.
We begin with an Irish rebel song, of course. When you can also translate the opening lines as 'Welcome oh woman who was so afflicted, / It was our ruin that you were in bondage, / Our fine land in the possession of thieves… / And you sold to the foreigners!' I think we can safely call this an Oonagh song on every level.
Oh! You Pretty Things is early Bowie from Oonagh's modelling days, having a blast with her friends, living a life her family thoroughly disapproves of, and doing her bit to arm the nationalists on the side.
The Gang of Four track just makes me think of Oonagh's spikiness and cynicism, the way she throws herself into making money from her career and Cormac just doesn't believe she can really be doing that well from such a silly job - though he's happy to spend her earnings just the same. Then Nipple to the Bottle is another song about her and Cormac, alcoholism and dv, her defiance, plus Grace Jones has the kind of career Oonagh thinks she would love. And yes, I realise the song is actually about the breast vs bottle-feeding debate. But I suppose Oonagh probably has strong feelings about not being able to feed Cai herself given how unwell she becomes under Gabriel's care on the ashram, so it fits either way.
The Cocteau Twins track is just so sinister, very Berlin (QP) Oonagh, about both Cormac and Gabriel (though she doesn't know it about the latter yet). Ticket to Ride is her escape to the ashram (and yes I am deeply annoyed Karen Carpenter changed the pronouns, because it's Oonagh leaving, not Cormac), sad but at peace, and Oonagh is doubtless well aware that Karen Carpenter is battling with severe ed just like her. Horslips are another Irish band Oonagh would be fond of, and Hall of Mirrors covers everything from modelling and dysmorphia to the gas-lighting of Cormac and Gabriel. Eerily, the carnival music in the background reminds me a lot of Ticket to Ride, too.
The David Sylvian track is another one that covers her relationship with Cormac, her aunt Therese's deliberate ignoring of Cormac's violence because he's a poet and a 'great man' and the fact she puts up with him for so long for 'the cause' as well. Just imagine Francis playing a cover of this (it's a bit late, really, '88 I think, but go with it) and Oonagh raging in the audience at his audacity, but also being kind of moved that he's noticed and cares.
Softly explore each hallway and room
Like a thief in a haunted house
You never know what you will meet next
A monster or a mouse?
It's time to face up to yourself
Come and watch your head distort
This one's interesting
Shows a crack right through your heart
Then the Shriekback song is one I chose first because of the sound - it's exactly the sound Oonagh wants to cultivate in her break-through, and when she and Thady Boy sing it's precisely this kind of thing. The lyrics don't hurt either, mind:
She rises early from bed
Runs to the mirror
The bruises inflicted in moments of fury
He kneels beside her once more
Whispers a promise
"Next time I'll break every bone in your body"
And the well-wishers let the devil in
And if the river ran dry they'd deny it happening
Pictures of You is for Oonagh reflecting on her modelling career, reclaiming her identity and what she likes about herself. Musically I think she's really into early goth like The Cure.
Is there a flame in the dark?
Is there a bright hard star?
These creatures look the same now
We freeze wherever we are
We wake alone in the blackness
We sleep wherever we fall
One dream all around us
This big hush infects us all
All Tomorrow's Parties is one I had on the mini-playlist for Oonagh ages ago and it's just too her not to put it on here (see also Kraftwerk, Das Model). Definite Nico vibes to her brief attempt to get into pop-stardom, and she, too, has a quirky voice rather than a, uh, good one for singing.
Shakespeares Sister - Red Rocket is a bit of fun from a great Irish artist, but it's also a bit about the ashram:
And then oh, if I could draw, I would draw Oonagh and Marthe going absolutely ape-shit in the crowd as PJ Harvey sings Sheela-na-gig - reclaiming sexuality and Irishness and autonomy and just 'washing that man right outta my hair'. Finally, Come to My Window is also for Them - early '90s lesbian chart domination!! They deserve it.
Life's a bitch then you die
No more dancing in the sky
Part on another star
You can't get there in a car
Find a new religion
Going on a mission
Making a decision
To face my soul
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philip-ks-dick · 3 years
Philip K. Dick, For Dummies.
I’ve been researching PK.D for a few years now, as he’s my father’s favourite author and I’ve been watching movie and show adaptations of his work for the longest time. I have personally only read the books listed, here’s the order (I think) you should read them in, based on difficulty level and the knowledge you need of the PKD canon to understand the books that follow. This is purely my opinion based on knowledge of the author. by philip-k’s-dick (lol)
Beginner. (These books and stories allow readers to explore Dick’s pet themes and stylistic quirks without falling too far down the rabbit hole)
The Short Stories: Over the course of his life, PKD wrote somewhere in the range of 150 short stories. Naturally, it would be silly of me to dump all of them on you at once, but undeniably, the shorter format allows the big ideas of Dick’s work to come through more clearly, and even the screwier stories conform to relatively coherent shape, making them an excellent jumping off point, especially for an author who wrote almost nonstop throughout his life.
My Favourites:
In The Days of Perky Pat - In this novel, survivors of a global thermonuclear war live in isolated enclaves in California, surviving off what they can scrounge from the wastes and supplies delivered from Mars. The older generation spend their leisure time playing with the eponymous doll in an escapist role-playing game that recalls life before the apocalypse — a way of life that is being quickly forgotten. At the story's climax, a couple from one isolated outpost of humanity plays a game against the dwellers of another outpost (who play the game with a doll similar to Perky Pat dubbed "Connie Companion") in deadly earnest. The survivors' shared enthusiasm for the Perky Pat doll and the creation of her accessories from vital supplies is a sort of mass delusion that prevents meaningful re-building of the shattered society. In stark contrast, the children of the survivors show absolutely no interest in the delusion and have begun adapting to their new life.
(Elements of the story were later incorporated into Dick's novel The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch, written in 1964 and published in 1965, in which a Perky Pat simulation game is induced by drugs and miniature models instead. Palmer Eldritch is not a continuation or sequel however.)
What the Dead Men Say - Death is followed by a period of 'half-life', a short amount of time which can be rationed out over long periods in which the dead can be revived—so that, potentially, they can 'live' on for a long time. When attempts to bring back important businessman Louis Sarapis fail, it's clearly more than mere negligence. Sure enough, Sarapis starts speaking from beyond the grave. From outer space, in fact. Yet no-one seems terribly bothered, other than those directly concerned in the plot mechanics. Eventually entire communications networks (phones, TV, radio) are blocked by Sarapis' broadcasts
(Philip's later novel Ubik is a continuation of What the Dead Men Say)
Autofac - Three men wait outside their settlement for an automated delivery truck. Five years earlier, during the Total Global Conflict, a network of hardened automatic factories ("autofacs") had been set up with cybernetic controls that determine what food and consumer goods to manufacture and deliver. Human input had been lost, and the men planned disruption to try to establish communication and take over control. They destroy the delivery, but the truck radios the autofac and unloads an identical replacement, then prevents them from reloading items. They act out being disgusted with the milk delivery and are given a complaints checklist. In a blank space, they write improvised semantic garble—"the product is thoroughly pizzled". The autofac sends a humanoid data collector that communicates on an oral basis, but is not capable of conceptual thought, and they are unable to persuade the network to shut down before it consumes all resources. Their next strategy sets neighbouring autofacs in competition with each other for rare resources and seemingly succeeds, but there is a hidden level
Beyond Lies The Wub - Peterson, a crew member of a spaceship loading up with food animals on Mars, buys an enormous pig-like creature known as a "wub" from a native just before departure. Franco, his captain, is worried about the extra weight but seems more concerned about its taste, as his ship is short of food. However, after takeoff, the crew realizes that the wub is a very intelligent creature, capable of telepathy and maybe even mind control.
Peterson and the wub spend time discussing mythological figures and the travels of Odysseus. Captain Franco, paranoid after an earlier confrontation with the Wub which left him temporarily paralyzed, bursts in and insists on killing and eating the wub. The crew becomes very much opposed to killing the sensitive creature after it makes a plea for understanding, but Franco still makes a meal out of him. At the dinner table, Captain Franco apologises for the "interruption" and resumes the earlier conversation between Peterson and the Wub - which now has apparently taken over the Captain's body
Human Is - Jill Herrick and her husband Lester are in the middle of an argument. Lester deflects his wife’s claim that he is “hideous” with cold indifference. He tells her that he will not allow their child in the house and will have him removed to government custody because he is interfering with his research. Before the distraught Jill can pass this onto their son Gus, Lester gets news that he will be taking a trip to Rexor IV. Despite Jill’s desire to go there and see the planet, Lester insists that he will go alone.
Later Jill tells her brother Frank and she is going to leave Lester. She explains how happy she has been with Lester gone and how he seems to be getting worse every year of their marriage. More cold and more “ruthless,” not to mention the incessant working.
Lester comes home a very different man. He praises Jill’s cooking and expresses disgust with his work on Rexor IV studying toxins. He says he prefers Terra and being home with his wife.
Jill reports these changes to Frank, while Lester is playing in the room with Gus. Frank has Lester brought to a lab for more studies under the guidance of the Federal Clearance agency. Before long they realize that Lester has had his body taken over by a Rexorian.
The Hanging Stranger - The protagonist, Ed Loyce, is a store owner who is disturbed when he sees a stranger hanging from a lamppost, but finds that other people consider the apparent lynching unremarkable.
He finds evidence that alien insects have taken over, manages to get out of town, talks to the police commissioner, who believes him, and after getting all the information about what Ed knows, explains that the body was hung to see if anyone reacted to it, anyone they didn't have control over. He then takes Ed outside and hangs him from a lamppost.
The Commuter - Ed Jacobson is a railway worker at Woking station. His life takes a turn for the worse when his son, Sam, begins experiencing psychotic episodes. When he is selling rail tickets at work, a young woman named Linda asks for a ticket to a destination called Macon Heights that is not listed on any map.
The Minority Report - In a future society, three mutants foresee all crime before it occurs. Plugged into a great machine, these "precogs" allow a division of the police called Precrime to arrest suspects before they can commit any actual crimes. When the head of Precrime, John Anderton, is himself predicted to murder a man whom he has never met, Anderton is convinced a great conspiracy is afoot
Full Books:
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? - Rick Deckard, a bounty hunter for the San Francisco Police Department, is assigned to "retire" (kill) six androids of the new and highly intelligent Nexus-6 model which have recently escaped from Mars and traveled to Earth. These androids are made of organic matter so similar to a human's that only a posthumous "bone marrow analysis" can independently prove the difference, making them almost impossible to distinguish from real people. Deckard hopes this mission will earn him enough bounty money to buy a live animal to replace his lone electric sheep to comfort his depressed wife Iran. Deckard visits the Rosen Association's headquarters in Seattle to confirm the accuracy of the latest empathy test meant to identify incognito androids. Deckard suspects the test may not be capable of distinguishing the latest Nexus-6 models from genuine human beings, and it appears to give a false positive on his host in Seattle, Rachael Rosen, meaning the police have potentially been executing human beings. The Rosen Association attempts to blackmail Deckard to get him to drop the case, but Deckard retests Rachael and determines that Rachael is, indeed, an android, which she ultimately admits.
Clans of the Alphane Moon - War between Earth and insectoid-dominated Alpha III ended over a decade ago. (According to the novel, "Alphane" refers to the nearest star to our own system, Alpha Centauri). Some years after the end of hostilities, Earth intends to secure its now independent colony in the Alphane system, Alpha III M2. As a former satellite-based global psychiatric institution for colonists on other Alphane system worlds unable to cope with the stresses of colonisation, the inhabitants of Alpha III M2 have lived peacefully for years. But, under the pretence of a medical mission, Earth intends to take their colony back.
Against this background, Chuck Rittersdorf and his wife Mary are separating. Although they think they are going their separate ways, they soon find themselves together again on Alpha III M2. Mary travels there through government work, Chuck sees it as a chance to kill Mary using his remote control simulacrum. Along the way he is guided by his Ganymedean slime mould neighbour Lord Running Clam and Mary finds herself manipulated by the Alphane sympathiser, comedian Bunny Hentman.
The Man in the High Castle - In 1962, 15 years after Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany have won World War II, Robert "Bob" Childan owns an Americana antique shop in San Francisco, California (located in the Japanese-occupied Pacific States of America), which is most commonly frequented by the Japanese, who make a fetish of romanticized American cultural artifacts. Childan is contacted by Nobusuke Tagomi, a high-ranking Japanese trade official, who is seeking a gift to impress a visiting Swedish industrialist named Baynes. Childan's store is stocked in part with counterfeit antiques from the Wyndam-Matson Corporation, a metalworking company. Frank Frink (formerly Fink), a secretly Jewish-American veteran of World War II, has just been fired from the Wyndam-Matson factory, when he agrees to join a former co-worker to begin a handcrafted jewellery business. Meanwhile, Frink's ex-wife, Juliana, works as a judo instructor in Canon City, Colorado (in the neutral buffer zone of Mountain States), where she begins a sexual relationship with an Italian truck driver and ex-soldier, Joe Cinnadella. Throughout the book, many of these characters frequently make important decisions using prophetic messages they interpret from the I Ching, a Chinese cultural import. Many characters are also reading a widely banned yet extremely popular new novel, The Grasshopper Lies Heavy, which depicts an alternate history in which the Allies won World War II in 1945, a concept that amazes and intrigues its readers.
Frink reveals that the Wyndam-Matson Corporation has been supplying Childan with counterfeit antiques, which works to blackmail Wyndam-Matson for money to finance Frink's new jewelry venture. Tagomi and Baynes meet, but Baynes repeatedly delays any real business as they await an expected third party from Japan. Suddenly, the public receives news of the death of the Chancellor of Germany, Martin Bormann, after a short illness. Childan tentatively, on consignment, takes some of Frink's "authentic" new metalwork and attempts to curry favour with a Japanese client, who surprisingly considers Frink's jewelry immensely spiritually alive. Juliana and Joe take a road trip to Denver, Colorado and Joe impulsively decides they should go on a side-trip to meet the mysterious Hawthorne Abendsen, author of The Grasshopper Lies Heavy, who supposedly lives in a guarded fortress-like estate called the "High Castle" in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Soon, Joseph Goebbels is announced as the new German Chancellor.
Intermediate. (These are the books to pick up once you have the basics of what makes a PKD novel down. They’re obtuse enough to hit a little heavier, but don’t provide the full dose of surrealism Dick was capable of serving up. This is also good spot to jump in if you’ve experienced weird fiction before.)
Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said - The novel is set in a dystopian version of 1988, following a Second Civil War which led to the collapse of the United States' democratic institutions. The National Guard ("nats") and US police force ("pols") reestablished social order through instituting a dictatorship, with a "Director" at the apex, and police marshals and generals as operational commanders in the field. Resistance to the regime is largely confined to university campuses, where radicalized former university students eke out a desperate existence in subterranean kibbutzim. Recreational drug use is widespread, and the age of consent has been lowered to twelve. The black population has almost been rendered extinct. Most commuting is undertaken by personal aircraft, allowing great distances to be covered in little time.
The novel begins with the protagonist, Jason Taverner, a singer, hosting his weekly TV show which has an audience of 30 million viewers. His special guest is his girlfriend Heather Hart, also a singer. Both Hart and Taverner are "Sixes", members of an elite class of genetically engineered humans. While leaving the studio, Taverner is telephoned by a former lover, who asks him to pay her a visit. When Taverner arrives at her apartment, the former lover attacks him by throwing a parasitic life-form at him. Although he manages to remove most of the life-form, parts of it are left inside him. After being rescued by Hart, he is taken to a medical facility.
Waking up the following day in a seedy hotel with no identification, Taverner becomes worried, as failure to produce identification at one of the numerous police checkpoints would lead to imprisonment in a forced labor camp. Through a succession of phone calls made from the hotel to colleagues and friends who now claim not to know him, Taverner establishes that he is no longer recognized by the outside world. He soon manages to bribe the hotel's clerk into taking him to Kathy Nelson, a forger of government documents. However, Kathy reveals that both she and the clerk are police informants, and that the lobby clerk has placed a microscopic tracking device on him. She promises not to turn Taverner over to the police on the condition that he spend the night with her. Although he attempts to escape, Kathy confronts him again after he has successfully passed a police checkpoint using the forged identity cards. Feeling in her debt, he accompanies Kathy to her apartment block, where Inspector McNulty, Kathy's police handler, is waiting. McNulty has located Taverner via the tracking device the hotel lobby clerk placed on him, and instructs Taverner to come with him to the 469th Precinct police station so that further biometric identity checks can be performed.
Time out of Joint - Ragle Gumm lives in the year 1959 in a quiet American suburb. His unusual profession consists of repeatedly winning the cash prize in a local newspaper contest called "Where Will The Little Green Man Be Next?". Gumm's 1959 has some differences from ours: the Tucker car is in production, AM/FM radios are scarce to non-existent, and Marilyn Monroe is a complete unknown. As the novel opens, strange things begin to happen to Gumm. A soft-drink stand disappears, replaced by a small slip of paper with the words "SOFT-DRINK STAND" printed on it in block letters. Intriguing little pieces of the real 1959 turn up: a magazine article on Marilyn Monroe, a telephone book with non-operational exchanges listed and radios hidden away in someone else's house. People with no apparent connection to Gumm, including military pilots using aircraft transceivers, refer to him by name. Few other characters notice these or experience similar anomalies; the sole exception is Gumm's supposed brother-in-law, Victor "Vic" Nielson, in whom he confides. A neighborhood woman, Mrs. Keitelbein, invites him to a civil defense class where he sees a model of a futuristic underground military factory. He has the unshakeable feeling he's been inside that building many times before.
Confusion gradually mounts for Gumm. His neighbor Bill Black knows far more about these events than he admits, and, observing this, begins worrying: "Suppose Ragle [Gumm] is becoming sane again?" In fact, Gumm does become sane, and the deception surrounding him (erected to protect and exploit him) begins to unravel
Ubik - By the year 1992, humanity has colonized the Moon and psychic powers are common. The protagonist, Joe Chip, is a debt-ridden technician working for Runciter Associates, a "prudence organization" employing "inertials"—people with the ability to negate the powers of telepaths and "precogs"—to enforce the privacy of clients. The company is run by Glen Runciter, assisted by his deceased wife Ella who is kept in a state of "half-life", a form of cryonic suspension that allows the deceased limited consciousness and ability to communicate. While consulting with Ella, Runciter discovers that her consciousness is being invaded by another half-lifer named Jory Miller
Difficult. (This section comes with a caveat: within these novels you will encounter numerous hallucinations, drug trips, an entire trilogy about gnostic spirituality and mental illness, and more than a little unabashed nightmare fuel. It’s normal to get tangled up in what goes on in these books. It’s also normal to be weirded out. But with proper grounding, you’ll make it though with your faculties intact. Probably.)
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch - The story begins in a future world where global temperatures have risen so high that in most of the world it is unsafe to be outside without special cooling gear during daylight hours. In a desperate bid to preserve humanity and ease population burdens on Earth, the UN has initiated a "draft" for colonizing the nearby planets, where conditions are so horrific and primitive that the unwilling colonists have fallen prey to a form of escapism involving the use of an illegal drug (Can-D) in concert with "layouts." Layouts are physical props intended to simulate a sort of alternative reality where life is easier than either the grim existence of the colonists in their marginal off-world colonies, or even Earth, where global warming has progressed to the point that Antarctica is prime vacation resort territory. The illegal drug Can-D allows people to "share" their experience of the "Perky Pat" (the name of the main female character in the simulated world) layouts. This "sharing" has caused a pseudo-religious cult or series of cults to grow up around the layouts and the use of the drug.
Up to the point where the novel begins, New York City-based Perky Pat (or P.P.) Layouts, Inc., has held a monopoly on this product, as well as on the illegal trade in the drug Can-D which makes the shared hallucinations possible.
The novel opens shortly after Barney Mayerson, P.P. Layouts' top precog, has received a "draft notice" from the UN for involuntary resettlement as a colonist on Mars. Mayerson is sleeping with his assistant, Roni Fugate, but remains conflicted about the divorce, which he himself initiated, from his first wife Emily, a ceramic pot artist. Meanwhile, Emily's second husband tries to sell her pot designs to P.P. Layouts as possible accessories for the Perky Pat virtual worlds—but Barney, recognizing them as Emily's, rejects them out of spite.
A Scanner Darkly - When performing his work as an undercover agent, Arctor goes by the name "Fred" and wears a "scramble suit" that conceals his identity from other officers. Then he is able to sit in a police facility and observe his housemates through "holo-scanners", audio-visual surveillance devices that are placed throughout the house. Arctor's use of the drug causes the two hemispheres of his brain to function independently or "compete". When Arctor sees himself in the videos saved by the scanners, he does not realize that it is him. Through a series of drug and psychological tests, Arctor's superiors at work discover that his addiction has made him incapable of performing his job as a narcotics agent. They do not know his identity because he wears the scramble suit, but when his police supervisor suggests to him that he might be Bob Arctor, he is confused and thinks it cannot be possible.
Donna takes Arctor to "New-Path", a rehabilitation clinic, just as Arctor begins to experience the symptoms of Substance D withdrawal. It is revealed that Donna has been a narcotics agent all along, working as part of a police operation to infiltrate New-Path and determine its funding source. Without his knowledge, Arctor has been selected to penetrate the organization. As part of the rehab program, Arctor is renamed "Bruce" and forced to participate in cruel group-dynamic games, intended to break the will of the patients
(If this one seems difficult to wrap your mind around, that's because its a fictionalized account of real events, and you may need to read about Philip's life at the time to understand the autobiographical nature of the book.)
The VALIS Trilogy
(Fictionalized account of religious experiences in PKD’s life.)
VALIS - In March, 1974, Horselover Fat (the alter-personality of Philip K. Dick) experiences visions of a pink beam of light that he calls Zebra and interprets as a theophany exposing hidden facts about the reality of our universe, and a group of others join him in researching these matters. One of their theories is that there is some kind of alien space probe in orbit around Earth, and that it is aiding them in their quest; it also aided the United States in disclosing the Watergate scandal and the resignation of Richard Nixon in August, 1974. Kevin turns his friends onto a film called Valis that contains obvious references to revelations identical to those that Horselover Fat has experienced, including what appears to be time dysfunction. The film is itself a fictional account of an alternative-universe version of Nixon ("Ferris F. Fremount") and his fall, engineered by a satellite called valis. (The plot of the fictitious film Valis was that of Dick's then-unpublished novel Radio Free Albemuth.) In seeking the film's makers, Kevin, Phil, Fat, and David—now calling themselves the Rhipidon Society—head to an estate owned by popular musician Eric Lampton and his wife Linda. They decide the goal that they have been led toward is Sophia Lampton, who is two-years old and the Messiah or incarnation of Holy Wisdom (Pistis Sophia) anticipated by some variants of Gnostic Christianity. In addition to healing Phil's schizophrenic personality split, she tells them that their conclusions about valis (which Fat had previously termed "Zebra") and reality are correct, and more importantly, that we should worship, not gods, but humanity. She dies two days later due to a laser accident caused by Brent Mini. Undeterred, Fat (who has now resurged) goes on a global search for the next incarnation of Sophia.
Dick also offers a rationalist explanation of his apparent theophany, acknowledging that it might have been visual and auditory hallucinations from either schizophrenia or drug addiction sequelae.
Phil (Philip K. Dick): Narrator (first person), science fiction writer, author of Man in the High Castle, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, and Three Stigmata.
Horselover Fat: Narrator (third person), a schizophrenic modality of Phil himself. (Philip in Greek means "fond of horses"; dick is German for "fat".)
Gloria Knudson: Suicidal friend of Fat's who Fat is unable to save.
Kevin: Cynical friend of Fat's whose cat died running across the street, based on K. W. Jeter.
Sherri Solvig: Church-going friend of Fat's, eventually dies from lymphatic cancer.
David: Catholic friend of Fat's, based on Tim Powers.
Eric Lampton: Rock star, screenwriter, actor, a. k. a. "Mother Goose"; a fictionalised version of David Bowie.
Linda Lampton: Actress, wife of Eric Lampton.
Brent Mini: Electronic composer, a fictionalised version of Brian Eno.
Sophia Lampton: Two-year-old child (personalised incarnation of Holy Wisdom within some variants of Gnosticism), said to be the daughter of Linda Lampton and valis and the "Fifth Savior".
The Divine Invasion - After a fatal car accident on Earth, Herb Asher is placed into cryonic suspension as he waits for a spleen replacement. Clinically dead, Herb experiences lucid dreams while in suspended animation and relives the last six years of his life.
In the past, Herb lived as a recluse in an isolated dome on a remote planet in the binary star system, CY30-CY30B. Yah, a local divinity of the planet in exile from Earth, appears to Herb in a vision as a burning flame, and forces him to contact his sick female neighbor, Rybys Rommey, who happens to be terminally ill with multiple sclerosis and pregnant with Yah's child.
With the help of the immortal soul of Elijah, who takes the form of a wild beggar named Elias Tate, Herb agrees to become Rybys's legal husband and father of the unborn "savior". Together they plan to smuggle the six-month pregnant Rybys back to Earth, under the pretext of seeking help for Rybys' medical condition at a medical research facility. After being born in human form, Yah plans to confront the fallen angel Belial, who has ruled the Earth for 2000 years since the fall of Masada in the first century CE. Yah's powers, however, are limited by Belial's dominion on Earth, and the four of them must take extra precautions to avoid being detected by the forces of darkness.
Things do not go as planned. "Big Noodle", Earth's A.I. system, warns the ecclesiastical authorities in the Christian-Islamic church and Scientific Legate about the divine "invasion" and countermeasures are prepared. A number of failed attempts are made to destroy the unborn child, all of them thwarted by Elijah and Yah. After successfully making the interstellar journey back to Earth and narrowly avoiding a forced abortion, Rybys and Herb escape in the nick of time, only to be involved in a fatal taxi crash, probably due to the machinations of Belial. Rybys dies from her injuries sustained in the crash, and her unborn son Emmanuel (Yah in human form) suffers brain damage from the trauma but survives. Herb is critically injured and put into cryonic suspension until a spleen replacement can be found. Baby Emmanuel is placed into a synthetic womb, but Elias Tate manages to sneak Emmanuel out of the hospital before the church is able to kill him.
Six years pass. In a school for special children, Emmanuel meets Zina, a girl who also seems to have similar skills and talents, but acts as a surrogate teacher to Emmanuel. For four years, Zina helps Emmanuel regain his memory (the brain damage caused amnesia) and discover his true identity as Yah, creator of the universe.
When he's ready, Zina shows Emmanuel her own parallel universe. In this peaceful world, organized religion has little influence, Rybys Rommey is still alive and married to Herb Asher, and Belial is only a goat kid living in a petting zoo.
In an act of kindness, Zina and Emmanuel liberate the goat-creature from his cage, momentarily forgetting that the animal is Belial. The goat-creature finds Herb Asher and attempts to retain control of the world by possessing him and convincing him that Yahweh's creation is an ugly thing that should be shown for what it really is. Eventually Herb is saved by Linda Fox, a young singer whom he loves and who is his own personal Savior; she and the goat-creature meet and she kills it, defeating Belial. He finally discovers that this meeting happens over again for everyone in the world, and whether they choose Belial or their Savior decides if they find salvation.
Herb Asher: audio engineer
Rybys Rommey: mother of Emmanuel, sick with MS
Yah: Yahweh
Elias Tate: Incarnation of Elijah
Emmanuel (Manny): Yah incarnated in human form
Zina Pallas: Shekhinah
Linda Fox: singer, songwriter, Yetzer Hatov
Belial: Yetzer Hara
Fulton Statler Harms: Chief prelate of the Christian-Islamic Church (C.I.C), Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church
Nicholas Bulkowsky: Communist Party Chairman, Procurator maximus of the Scientific Legate
VALIS: agent of Yahweh, disinhibiting stimulus
The Transmigration of Timothy Archer - Set in the late 1960s and 1970s, the story describes the efforts of Episcopal Bishop Timothy Archer, who must cope with the theological and philosophical implications of the newly discovered Gnostic Zadokite scroll fragments. The character of Bishop Archer is loosely based on the controversial, iconoclastic Episcopal Bishop James Pike, who in 1969 died of exposure while exploring the Judean Desert near the Dead Sea in the West Bank.
As the novel opens, it is 1980. On the day that John Lennon is shot and killed, Angel Archer visits the houseboat of Edgar Barefoot, (a guru based on Alan Watts), and reflects on the lives of her deceased relatives. During the sixties, she was married to Jeff Archer, son of the Episcopal Bishop of California Timothy Archer. She introduced Kirsten Lundborg, a friend, to her father-in law, and the two began an affair. Kirsten has a son, Bill, from a previous relationship, who has schizophrenia, although he is knowledgeable as an automobile mechanic. Tim is already being investigated for his allegedly heretical views about the Holy Ghost.
Jeff commits suicide due to his romantic obsession with Kirsten. However, after poltergeist activity, he manifests to Tim and Kirsten at a seance, also attended by Angel. Angel is skeptical about the efficacy of astrology, and believes that the unfolding existential situation of Tim and Kirsten is akin to Friedrich Schiller's German Romanticism era masterpiece, the Wallenstein trilogy (insofar as their credulity reflects the loss of rational belief in contemporary consensual reality).
The three are told that Kirsten and Tim will die. As predicted, Kirsten loses her remission from cancer, and also commits suicide after a barbiturate overdose. Tim travels to Israel to investigate whether or not a psychotropic mushroom was associated with the resurrection, but his car stalls, he becomes disoriented, falls from a cliff, and dies in the desert.
On the houseboat, Angel is reunited with Bill, Kirsten's son who has schizophrenia. He claims to have Tim's reincarnated spirit within him, but is soon institutionalized. Angel agrees to care for Bill, in return for a rare record (Koto Music by Kimio Eto) that Edgar offers her.
The Transmigration of Timothy Archer is one of Dick's most overtly philosophical and intellectual works. While Dick's novels usually employ multiple narrators or an omniscient perspective, this story is told in the first person by a single narrator: Angel Archer, Bishop Archer's daughter-in-law.
Angel Archer: Narrator, manager of a Berkeley record store, widow of Jeff Archer.
Timothy Archer: Bishop of California; father of the late Jeff Archer and father-in-law of Angel. Dies in Israel, searching for psychotropic mushroom connected with Zadokite sect. Based on James Albert Pike, Dick's personal friend, who was an American Episcopalian bishop.
Kirsten Lundborg: Timothy Archer's secretary and lover. Dies from barbiturate overdose after loss of remission from cancer.
Bill Lundborg: Kirsten's son who has schizophrenia, and who is obsessed with cars.
Edgar Barefoot: Houseboat guru, radio personality, lecturer. Based on Alan Watts.
Jeff Archer: Son of Timothy Archer, and deceased husband of Angel. A professional student who was romantically obsessed with Kirsten.
Thank you, if you read all of this. it took me six hours today to write this all 
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venushasvixens · 3 years
Ch. 7 Hound Dog - Life is but a Dream (Spike Spiegel x Reader)
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The biggest thanks to @tebdundy for the amazing editing, I was literally jumping out of my seat, it was amazing. Thank you for everyone for pushing me to get this chapter out! Next chapter will be one step further. Enjoy!
WARNING: 18 + NSFW including masturbation, fantasies and angst
You’d been on the Bebop for two weeks. You had only bagged a couple of minor bounties, making much less of a contribution than you had hoped for, but a contribution nonetheless. The crew had gotten used to you. All except one.
And he wasn’t planning on getting used to you anytime soon.
Spike lay on the couch in the living room, meditating on the cigarette dangling out of his mouth. Music played softly through his headset, a sultry, meandering jazz melody. He had the ship to himself for the day. Jet and (y/n) were running some errands, Faye had gone shopping, and Ed and Ein were doing their own thing, probably leaving a trail of chaos and destruction.
(Y/n) and Faye had tried to convince Ed and Ein to stay on the Bebop, but Jet came to their defense. He argued that they needed to get out now and then, or else they would go crazy. Spike didn’t have the heart to tell Jet it was far too late for that. Spike stayed behind to “watch the ship”. Privacy and solitude were rare on the Bebop, so he jumped at the opportunity for a relaxing day alone.
He had been spending most of his time in his room since you had been living on the ship, so he was happy to spend some time in the common areas. Once you got back, he thought, it’s back to my room I go.
It was nice to have a change in scenery. He was getting tired of taking his meals and smoke breaks in parts of the ship that you didn’t inhabit. He knew it was childish, but Spike didn't want to interact with you. He had decided to avoid you, counting down the days until you left the ship for good.
Spike tried to justify why he didn’t want to be around you, but in reality, he didn’t know. He kept thinking back to the night of the fire. You were only supposed to be a short fling, a one-night stand and nothing more. It seemed like you both understood that and were happy with that arrangement. You had both been egging it on. He didn’t care about you hunting the bounty on Faye, that was hers to worry about.
With something that’s only supposed to last for a night, there’s no point in getting attached. There’s barely any room to get attached anyway. But now, you were near him, a whole ship filled with lots of literal room to get attached. He had to push you away before anything could start.
Even after all these years trying to be completely numb to everything, especially human emotion, it pained Spike to hurt you. It got even worse when he would catch you staring at him. It was the same look you had when you lost your ship. Confused, but full of longing. He never acknowledged you. He just turned his head the other way.
After he closed the door to his room, he could live in his thoughts, feel his emotions. If he thought about you around others, he’d imagine they could peek into his head and see how much you were on his mind. The memory he spent the most time on was the first day you were on the Bebop.
You came down the stairs wearing his shirt and old shorts, asking about lunch. A few buttons were undone, revealing your collarbones and just a tantalizing sliver of your chest. The shorts showed off your alluring legs, which looked supple and soft to the touch. Your hair was messy, sticking out in all directions, and you were rubbing your eyes sleepily. Spike was so grateful that he was alone in the living room, that he got this memory all to himself. You were truly a sight, both elegant and adorable at the same time.
He craved to see you like that again. You were always attractive, but this one specific memory was one he loved. He imagined you sleeping next to him looking like that, with your arms wrapped around his torso and lost in pleasant dreams.
Stop it.
Opening his eyes, Spike stared at the ceiling. Feelings that were so hated, so feared, were coming back. He had succeeded at repressing them for a while after his departure from the Red Dragon Syndicate. Freedom came at a cost. Spike learned that people would do anything to save themselves, even if it meant cutting and running from the person that “mattered” most to them. It was a memory he tried to forget, but a lesson to be carried for a lifetime.
That was it. Why he pushed you away. He had no trust in you. You would be gone soon anyway, so there was no reason to put effort into getting close.
Spike put out his cigarette and grabbed his radio. He trudged up the stairs to his room, wishing he could avoid the inevitable emo self-therapy session. He was so used to bottling up his emotions that thinking about his dilemmas out in the open felt like a crime. If he didn’t get it out now, it would bother the hell out of him until he blew up at some poor, unsuspecting victim.
Letting the door close behind him, Spike plopped his radio on his desk. Shrugging off his jacket, he laid back on his bed to think.
He had been hurt before, so many times. It happened to him so often in the past that another heartbreak felt overdue. Spike knew that but kept thinking that it would be different with you.
You were already different from the others. You kept to yourself, didn’t argue with Jet or Faye. You were a model crew member. You wished everyone, including Spike, good morning and good night. You followed the rules and did as you were told. After a hunt, you still brought home food to everyone, even when you had lost the bounty. You were kind and caring and great to be around and beautiful...
Spike sighed in frustration. It was getting harder to deny how much he wanted you. He groaned into his pillow. Sitting up, he realized that just laying there wasn’t going to help anything.
I need relief, he thought. Even if it was only for a second.
Reluctantly, Spike indulged in fantasies about you. It was a nice pastime in moments of stress, though he realized it was going to be hard to get rid of this habit after you left.
Spike saved his fantasies for himself, like a treat. He wanted to savor every sweet, delicious, moment all to himself. Oh god, he was desperate for more. Everything about you, your voice, your body, even the way you walked, turned him on.
You seem stressed, Spike could hear you say. I can help with that, you whispered.
Spike knew what he needed to do to ease this tension. He glanced at the clock. You and the crew wouldn’t be back for another hour. Plenty of time to do what he needed to do.
What could’ve happened if your ship hadn’t caught fire? Spike thought.
The memories of that night kept coming back. Your hands trailing down Spike’s chest were constantly on his mind. The pressure of your fingertips, the hazy look in your eyes, your flushed cheeks, and your wet, intoxicating lips begging for his... Too much to bear while laying completely still.
A haze settled into Spike’s head, blurring his thoughts. He needed more.
What could happen if no one was on the Bebop when you came down wearing his clothes?
Spike would pick you up, tossing you over his shoulder like you weighed nothing. Marching to his room, he would throw you on the bed, slamming the door behind him. Prying your legs apart, he would want to taste every drop from your aching, wet pussy. Your sweet, soft moans would bounce off the walls, his name dribbling out of your mouth like honey. He could only imagine how you would beg for him to pound into you, your tight walls clenching over his rock-hard cock. Gripping onto your hips, he would spank your ass, listening to you cry out for him to let you cum.
Cheeks hot from his lustful thoughts, Spike lifted his hips to wiggle down his pants to his ankles. He palmed himself through his underwear, imagining that it was your hands instead. He could already feel his cock throbbing, begging to be played with.
He tugged his underwear down, letting his cock spring free. Spitting into his hand, he lathered his saliva all over himself, from the base to the head. Pumping himself, Spike dove deeper into his imagination. He would love to see you riding him, the thought of your pussy moving up and down on his cock and the sight of your tits bouncing sent ripples through Spike.
Huffing softly, he winced and groaned, his hand never tiring to find his orgasm. God, if you were here, the number of positions and rounds he could go. If given the chance, Spike would fuck you until the end of time. He desperately wanted to touch you. He wanted to feel the softness of your tits, to feel your nipples harden at his touch. Or his fingers rubbing your sensitive clit, your pussy desperate to cum on his cock.
“I-I just wanna..” Spike moaned softly, letting his daydreaming slip into reality. He imagined his pleasure as your own, the thought of your head bobbing up and down on his dick brought him closer to cumming. He rubbed his thumb over the tip of his cock, precum already spilling out.
He imagined the feeling of your tongue flattening to lick and swirl around him, licking from the base to the tip and taking all of him to the back of your throat. He would watch you take him, while your hazy eyes gazed up at him. With his fingers tangled in your hair, he would guide your head to the speed and pressure he wanted.
You would look so pretty with his cum spilling out of your mouth. Watching as you tried to catch your breath, he wouldn’t be able to resist tasting himself on you. God, that was hot to think about. He surprised himself with thoughts like that. Spike hadn’t felt like this in a long time and certainly had never thought like this before. You awoke new fantasies and kinks inside him, and he wanted to see what else you could do.
He imagined running his tongue over your sensitive clit, pinning your shaking legs to the bed. Flipping over so you could ride his face, smothering him in your wet pussy. Running his hands down your sides feeling the heat of your body against his.
Picking up the pace, Spike sucked his breath in through his teeth, warmth slowly building inside of him. All he could think of was falling right over the edge, losing himself in his pleasure.
He was getting so close, the height of his bliss sky high.
“Oh yes, (y/n)...” Spike moaned. Fuck holding all of it in, he thought. Every single room on this ship is going to hear and know who was making him feel good. He winced, unable to stop loudly repeating your name over and over.
He was so close. Every scene, fantasy, and memory came crashing down, flashing behind his eyes all at once. A ball of ecstasy rolled down Spike’s spine, through his stomach, and into his cock. He wanted you to feel this with him, for this feeling to last forever. You both reaching orgasm, the crescendo of intensity reaching its peak.
“G-god, (y/n) I-I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna-“
“What the fuck?”
Spike had been so focused on his fantasy, he hadn’t heard the door opening. He didn’t notice you standing in the doorway, shocked to see him playing with himself while moaning your name. Your jaw was slack and your cheeks were bright red, embarrassed, and trying to make sense of the scene in front of you. Stunned, you incredulously repeated yourself.
“What the fuck?!”
“Shit, shit, shit,” Spike fumbled with his belt, desperately trying to pull his pants back up. “(Y/N), I-I’m so sorry, I didn’t know you were-“
When he looked back up, you had disappeared from his doorway. The heavy door to your room slammed shut, the clank echoing through the hallway.
This was definitely not a daydream.
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ava-candide · 3 years
Poldark’s Aidan Turner on playing Leonardo da Vinci
The newly married heart-throb actor learnt to paint left-handed for his new role, and he’s still daubing now, he tells Ed Potton
Aidan Turner takes on the role of Renaissance polymath Leonardo
I’m trying to work out where Aidan Turner is Zooming from. Is it London, where he moved to in 2017 after his Ross Poldark became the drooled-over king of Sunday-night television? Dublin, where he grew up, trained as an actor and returned to spend the first lockdown with his parents? Or Rome, where he shot his new series, Leonardo, in which he plays a young Leonardo da Vinci?
“None of the above!” Turner says. “I’m in Toronto.” The enigmatic charm, feline eyes and gleaming locks that he deployed so mercilessly in Poldark, The Hobbit films and Being Human are all there. “My missus is working here,” he explains, and so is he. That’s the American actress Caitlin FitzGerald, his partner of three years, whom he met when they starred in the 2018 film The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then the Bigfoot. At first I assume the “missus” is laddish affectation but it turns out that it’s official: Turner and FitzGerald, both 37, got married in secret in Italy in August after filming finished on Leonardo. You can almost hear the sighs of disappointment ripple around the world.
Turner won’t say any more — he is famously guarded about his personal life — but he looks insanely happy in the couple’s rented apartment. FitzGerald — whose grandfather Desmond was a CIA agent and organised several plots to assassinate Fidel Castro — is shooting a series, Station Eleven, in Toronto while her husband works on another project that he’s not allowed to talk about. In their downtime they’ve been watching I’ll Be Gone in the Dark, an HBO documentary series about the Golden State Killer, and, on a lighter note, Ottolenghi and the Cakes of Versailles. They share the apartment with Charlie, an ebullient Norfolk terrier that Turner has to eject from the room halfway through our interview when he starts yapping. “I’m surprised he behaved for so long,” he says
Eight-part series Leonardo has been criticised for warping history
Like many of his fellow thesps, Turner has been doing a great deal of lockdown painting. “We have a roof garden here and the light has been really good,” he says. “I probably shouldn’t be saying this because I don’t know if the landlord knows. It’s not messy work anyway!” Unlike some of his peers — I’m looking at you, Pierce Brosnan — he has yet to unleash his daubings on the world. How would he describe his style? “I struggle to say abstract, but I haven’t quite figured out what it is yet.” Did it help with playing Leonardo? “I don’t know. If you saw my paintings, you’d assume very much not,” Turner says. He has a studied line in self-effacement, honed after years of “sexiest man on TV” questions.
Leonardo premiered in Italy last month and was watched by seven million, many of them doubtless keen to see Turner brooding in a succession of smocks. The eight-part series has been criticised for warping history, having the artist accused of murder and featuring an apparently fictional muse, Caterina da Cremona, played by Matilda De Angelis from The Undoing. Luca Bernabei, the chief executive of Lux Vide who produced the series, defended it stoutly. “Matilda De Angelis’s character did exist. She was a model Leonardo asked to paint,” he said. “We have been really careful in our research. But this is not a documentary, we are not historians and this is not a university history lecture.”
And if the history pedants are spluttering, the art pedants should be happier — the series goes to considerable lengths to make the painting look authentic. Each episode is themed around a different masterpiece, from the portrait of Ginevra de’ Benci to The Last Supper to the Mona Lisa, and the candlelit cinematography is often sumptuous. Turner’s research included a private view of a Leonardo exhibition. “I spent some time alone with the actual paintings, which was brilliant,” he says. “They’re just like high-definition photographs. I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that a human had done this.”
Aidan Turner attended an artist’s boot camp before filming started
The series opens in Florence in the 1460s, with Leonardo a pupil of Verrocchio, played by the veteran Italian actor Giancarlo Giannini. Before the shoot Turner and his co-stars went on an artists’ boot camp (brush camp?) supervised by professionals. He says the hardest part was learning to paint, as Leonardo did, with his left hand. He compares it to learning to ride a horse for Poldark, which he pretended he knew how to do before going on a crash course when he got the part.
Brushwork was the same, he says. “I realised I had to get good quite quickly and look like I knew what I was doing with my left hand, which is more difficult than you would think. It’s keeping it steady — you find it just moves around a lot. Leonardo was very slow and precise — I think I got it down. After a few weeks you start picking up the brush with your left hand, it becomes natural.”
Leonardo was a vegetarian, Turner tells me, “and apparently later in life opened some sort of vegetarian restaurant”. He was also gay, something that, despite reports, the series does not shy away from. Was this Turner’s first time kissing a man on screen? He laughs. “Of all the things I was expecting you to ask next, that wasn’t one of them! In a lot of ways it was just another love scene. The fact that the gender was different — that was never a thing. No, it felt right. It didn’t feel any different at all. But yeah, to answer your question, that was the first time, which I’d never really thought of until now.”
What did feel weird, he says, were the Covid protocols. “Suddenly people are wearing masks and shields and hazmat suits. We had a big sanitisation machine as we walked in that would spray us. You take off the mask when you shoot the scene and it’s a bit strange for a second. Then you realise it’s the first time you’ve seen your co-star’s face that day. It’s not conducive to a very creative environment, for sure. But we made it work and nobody got sick.”
Turner spends a chunk of the first episode painting De Angelis, and both actors know what it’s like to be ogled. She has been asked endlessly about her naked locker-room sequence in The Undoing, just as he has been reminded of his shirtless scything scene in Poldark. Before that there was his lusted-after vampire in Being Human and his sexy dwarf in The Hobbit — branded a “dwilf” in some quarters — although that “definitely wasn’t the intention”, he says. “I think I just had less prosthetics on my face. My make-up call was 20 minutes and everyone else was sitting in the chair in the morning for three and a half hours. It wasn’t good to be around the other dwarfs in the mornings, that’s for sure.
“I get why people are interested,” he says of the ogling. “It’s just when it keeps coming up.”
We move on. According to a recent survey Cornwall has overtaken London as the most desirable place to live in Britain. Does he think Poldark played a part in that? He laughs. “Maybe we nudged a few people in the right direction. I think people forgot how beautiful that side of the world is. One of the first reviews of Poldark we read was like: ‘We can’t believe that this is our country, it looks like the south of France.’”
Could Poldark return, and would Turner be in it? If they stuck to the chronology of Winston Graham’s books they would have to leap ahead a few years. Maybe he could play an aged-up Ross Poldark in latex and fake paunch? “I don’t know if I’d be keen on the ageing-up thing,” he says. “It never really works. I don’t know whether they need to be too strict with that gap anyway. There’s the possibility someday, maybe. I enjoyed working with everybody on Poldark, from the writers right down to all the cast and crew. It really is like a family. So I’d be open to chat about it. But not for a while.”
Before that he will appear as the apostle Andrew in The Last Planet, the forthcoming biblical epic from Terrence Malick, revered creator of The Thin Red Line and The Tree of Life. Well, he doesn’t know for sure if he will appear. Actors of the calibre of Rachel Weisz, Mickey Rourke and Jessica Chastain have seen their performances in Malick films vanish during editing.
“You want what’s best for the film. And if you don’t fit into it, you don’t fit into it,” Turner says in the tone of hair-shirt devotion that actors tend to use when talking about Malick. With a cast including Ben Kingsley and Mark Rylance as Satan, the movie is meant to tell the story of Jesus through a series of parables. Turner doesn’t really have a clue, though.
“You don’t necessarily know what you’re signing up to. You’re signing up to Terrence Malick,” he says. The director has “a great way of working. Everything is around ‘where is the sun’ at this particular time. That’s our natural light and it’s all we use. So things happen fast. There’s no trailers, hair, make-up, we’re just all together. You don’t know from day to day what you’ll be doing. It’s quite renegade stuff. That’s the way I always wanted to work.”
It’s closer to the immediacy of the theatre, which is where Turner started out. The son of an electrician, Pearse, and an accountant, Eileen, he represented Ireland at ballroom dancing before falling into acting. After studying at the Gaiety School of Acting in Dublin he acted in plays for five years and in 2018 he returned to the stage to rave reviews in Martin McDonagh’s The Lieutenant of Inishmore in the West End. Rave being the operative word — his performance was bracingly unhinged. “I can’t wait to get back to the theatre,” he says. “That’s what we’re looking at probably next.”
Turner’s character in The Lieutenant of Inishmore was an Irish freedom fighter, but he is reluctant to talk about the prospect of Irish reunification (“So I don’t get shot when I get home,” he told one interviewer). Culture is safer ground, and his native country is going through a purple patch with Sally Rooney in literature, Fontaines DC in music and the likes of McDonagh, Jessie Buckley and Denise Gough in drama. “It tends to happen in waves,” Turner says. “Coming out of drama school, Colin Farrell was such a big thing. When these actors really make it you can feel some of their light begin to shine on the industry back home.”
Like Farrell, Turner is an international star, although it has mainly been in period roles: Poldark, Leonardo, Andrew and his breakout turn as the 19th-century poet Dante Gabriel Rossetti in the 2009 series Desperate Romantics. It must be something about the hair.
That could be about to change, though. Toronto often stands in for New York, which suggests that his current mystery project has a contemporary setting. Does he yearn to act in jeans? “Yeah, you’re right,” he says with a laugh. “After Leonardo, I think tights and knee-length boots are out for a while.” Many would beg him to reconsider.
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Poldark’s Aidan Turner on playing Leonardo da Vinci
Ed Potton
Friday 2 April 2021
Aidan Turner takes on the role of Renaissance polymath LeonardoJUSTIN SUTCLIFFE/EYEVIN
I’m trying to work out where Aidan Turner is Zooming from. Is it London, where he moved to in 2017 after his Ross Poldark became the drooled-over king of Sunday-night television? Dublin, where he grew up, trained as an actor and returned to spend the first lockdown with his parents? Or Rome, where he shot his new series, Leonardo, in which he plays a young Leonardo da Vinci?
“None of the above!” Turner says. “I’m in Toronto.” The enigmatic charm, feline eyes and gleaming locks that he deployed so mercilessly in Poldark, The Hobbit films and Being Human are all there. “My missus is working here,” he explains, and so is he. That’s the American actress Caitlin FitzGerald, his partner of three years, whom he met when they starred in the 2018 film The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then the Bigfoot. At first I assume the “missus” is laddish affectation but it turns out that it’s official: Turner and FitzGerald, both 37, got married in secret in Italy in August after filming finished on Leonardo. You can almost hear the sighs of disappointment ripple around the world.
Turner won’t say any more — he is famously guarded about his personal life — but he looks insanely happy in the couple’s rented apartment. FitzGerald — whose grandfather Desmond was a CIA agent and organised several plots to assassinate Fidel Castro — is shooting a series, Station Eleven, in Toronto while her husband works on another project that he’s not allowed to talk about. In their downtime they’ve been watching I’ll Be Gone in the Dark, an HBO documentary series about the Golden State Killer, and, on a lighter note, Ottolenghi and the Cakes of Versailles. They share the apartment with Charlie, an ebullient Norfolk terrier that Turner has to eject from the room halfway through our interview when he starts yapping. “I’m surprised he behaved for so long,” he says.
Eight-part series Leonardo has been criticised for warping historyPA
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Like many of his fellow thesps, Turner has been doing a great deal of lockdown painting. “We have a roof garden here and the light has been really good,” he says. “I probably shouldn’t be saying this because I don’t know if the landlord knows. It’s not messy work anyway!” Unlike some of his peers — I’m looking at you, Pierce Brosnan — he has yet to unleash his daubings on the world. How would he describe his style? “I struggle to say abstract, but I haven’t quite figured out what it is yet.” Did it help with playing Leonardo? “I don’t know. If you saw my paintings, you’d assume very much not,” Turner says. He has a studied line in self-effacement, honed after years of “sexiest man on TV” questions.
Leonardo premiered in Italy last month and was watched by seven million, many of them doubtless keen to see Turner brooding in a succession of smocks. The eight-part series has been criticised for warping history, having the artist accused of murder and featuring an apparently fictional muse, Caterina da Cremona, played by Matilda De Angelis from The Undoing. Luca Bernabei, the chief executive of Lux Vide who produced the series, defended it stoutly. “Matilda De Angelis’s character did exist. She was a model Leonardo asked to paint,” he said. “We have been really careful in our research. But this is not a documentary, we are not historians and this is not a university history lecture.”
And if the history pedants are spluttering, the art pedants should be happier — the series goes to considerable lengths to make the painting look authentic. Each episode is themed around a different masterpiece, from the portrait of Ginevra de’ Benci to The Last Supper to the Mona Lisa, and the candlelit cinematography is often sumptuous. Turner’s research included a private view of a Leonardo exhibition. “I spent some time alone with the actual paintings, which was brilliant,” he says. “They’re just like high-definition photographs. I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that a human had done this.”
Aidan Turner attended an artist’s boot camp before filming startedVITTORIA FENATI MORACE
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The series opens in Florence in the 1460s, with Leonardo a pupil of Verrocchio, played by the veteran Italian actor Giancarlo Giannini. Before the shoot Turner and his co-stars went on an artists’ boot camp (brush camp?) supervised by professionals. He says the hardest part was learning to paint, as Leonardo did, with his left hand. He compares it to learning to ride a horse for Poldark, which he pretended he knew how to do before going on a crash course when he got the part.
Brushwork was the same, he says. “I realised I had to get good quite quickly and look like I knew what I was doing with my left hand, which is more difficult than you would think. It’s keeping it steady — you find it just moves around a lot. Leonardo was very slow and precise — I think I got it down. After a few weeks you start picking up the brush with your left hand, it becomes natural.”
Leonardo was a vegetarian, Turner tells me, “and apparently later in life opened some sort of vegetarian restaurant”. He was also gay, something that, despite reports, the series does not shy away from. Was this Turner’s first time kissing a man on screen? He laughs. “Of all the things I was expecting you to ask next, that wasn’t one of them! In a lot of ways it was just another love scene. The fact that the gender was different — that was never a thing. No, it felt right. It didn’t feel any different at all. But yeah, to answer your question, that was the first time, which I’d never really thought of until now.”
What did feel weird, he says, were the Covid protocols. “Suddenly people are wearing masks and shields and hazmat suits. We had a big sanitisation machine as we walked in that would spray us. You take off the mask when you shoot the scene and it’s a bit strange for a second. Then you realise it’s the first time you’ve seen your co-star’s face that day. It’s not conducive to a very creative environment, for sure. But we made it work and nobody got sick.”
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With his wife, the American actress Caitlin FitzGeraldREX FEATURES
Turner spends a chunk of the first episode painting De Angelis, and both actors know what it’s like to be ogled. She has been asked endlessly about her naked locker-room sequence in The Undoing, just as he has been reminded of his shirtless scything scene in Poldark. Before that there was his lusted-after vampire in Being Human and his sexy dwarf in The Hobbit — branded a “dwilf” in some quarters — although that “definitely wasn’t the intention”, he says. “I think I just had less prosthetics on my face. My make-up call was 20 minutes and everyone else was sitting in the chair in the morning for three and a half hours. It wasn’t good to be around the other dwarfs in the mornings, that’s for sure.
“I get why people are interested,” he says of the ogling. “It’s just when it keeps coming up.”
We move on. According to a recent survey Cornwall has overtaken London as the most desirable place to live in Britain. Does he think Poldark played a part in that? He laughs. “Maybe we nudged a few people in the right direction. I think people forgot how beautiful that side of the world is. One of the first reviews of Poldark we read was like: ‘We can’t believe that this is our country, it looks like the south of France.’”
Could Poldark return, and would Turner be in it? If they stuck to the chronology of Winston Graham’s books they would have to leap ahead a few years. Maybe he could play an aged-up Ross Poldark in latex and fake paunch? “I don’t know if I’d be keen on the ageing-up thing,” he says. “It never really works. I don’t know whether they need to be too strict with that gap anyway. There’s the possibility someday, maybe. I enjoyed working with everybody on Poldark, from the writers right down to all the cast and crew. It really is like a family. So I’d be open to chat about it. But not for a while.”
Turner with Eleanor Tomlinson in PoldarkMIKE HOGAN
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Before that he will appear as the apostle Andrew in The Last Planet, the forthcoming biblical epic from Terrence Malick, revered creator ofThe Thin Red Line and The Tree of Life. Well, he doesn’t know for sure if he will appear. Actors of the calibre of Rachel Weisz, Mickey Rourke and Jessica Chastain have seen their performances in Malick films vanish during editing.
“You want what’s best for the film. And if you don’t fit into it, you don’t fit into it,” Turner says in the tone of hair-shirt devotion that actors tend to use when talking about Malick. With a cast including Ben Kingsley and Mark Rylance as Satan, the movie is meant to tell the story of Jesus through a series of parables. Turner doesn’t really have a clue, though.
“You don’t necessarily know what you’re signing up to. You’re signing up to Terrence Malick,” he says. The director has “a great way of working. Everything is around ‘where is the sun’ at this particular time. That’s our natural light and it’s all we use. So things happen fast. There’s no trailers, hair, make-up, we’re just all together. You don’t know from day to day what you’ll be doing. It’s quite renegade stuff. That’s the way I always wanted to work.”
It’s closer to the immediacy of the theatre, which is where Turner started out. The son of an electrician, Pearse, and an accountant, Eileen, he represented Ireland at ballroom dancing before falling into acting. After studying at the Gaiety School of Acting in Dublin he acted in plays for five years and in 2018 he returned to the stage to rave reviews in Martin McDonagh’s The Lieutenant of Inishmore in the West End. Rave being the operative word — his performance was bracingly unhinged. “I can’t wait to get back to the theatre,” he says. “That’s what we’re looking at probably next.”
Turner’s character in The Lieutenant of Inishmore was an Irish freedom fighter, but he is reluctant to talk about the prospect of Irish reunification (“So I don’t get shot when I get home,” he told one interviewer). Culture is safer ground, and his native country is going through a purple patch with Sally Rooney in literature, Fontaines DC in music and the likes of McDonagh, Jessie Buckley and Denise Gough in drama. “It tends to happen in waves,” Turner says. “Coming out of drama school, Colin Farrell was such a big thing. When these actors really make it you can feel some of their light begin to shine on the industry back home.”
Like Farrell, Turner is an international star, although it has mainly been in period roles: Poldark, Leonardo, Andrew and his breakout turn as the 19th-century poet Dante Gabriel Rossetti in the 2009 series Desperate Romantics. It must be something about the hair.
That could be about to change, though. Toronto often stands in for New York, which suggests that his current mystery project has a contemporary setting. Does he yearn to act in jeans? “Yeah, you’re right,” he says with a laugh. “After Leonardo, I think tights and knee-length boots are out for a while.” Many would beg him to reconsider.
All episodes of Leonardo will be on Amazon from April 16
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jjpmoans · 4 years
breakfast and macarons | pjy
↦ w.c : 5k+fluffs to kill you
↦ warnings : fluffs and i don’t know, tears? a bit of suggestive scene at the beginning but not too much.
↦ a/n :Happy belated birthday my fav girl @transparentweepingstudent​. Do you remember how we start talking to each other? You were on anon then we replied back and forth and we ended up talking regularly, torturing each other with jinyoung lol. I am so sorry that I took too much time to write this fic. A lot of things happened and I didn’t get to finish it. But I wish you had a blast birthday and hopefully you love this fic. It will probably be cliche but we all love cliches. Enjoyyy the fic!
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Waking up from sleep is forever a mystery to you. How you catch the first sound that penetrates your ears and like a switch, your body reacts to it and slowly you’ll come to consciousness. You will crack open one eyelid and start to search for some traces of which part of the day has you woken up to. Did you wake up at dawn? Or did you wake up to light rays escaping your curtain?
However today when you wake up, your eyes are met with darkness. The first thing that comes to your mind is you’re not in your apartment. A certain frame proves your point and calms you, knowing you’re not somewhere else. You stayed unmoved for what you feel like five minutes, trying to figure out what time it is before you feel the arms around your waist pull you closer to a sturdy chest, an unmistakable length has moved deeper inside you which in return, made you gasp and unintentionally squeezed his girth. 
A groan escapes him sleepily and he noses your neck, inhaling your scent. Sexy gruff voice greets you from behind, a sneaky palm brushes one of your breasts and swiftly palms it. “G’morning, sweetheart.”
Your mind flies to the night before, where blood rushes to your face as you remember the man behind you went wild with his birthday gift for you and kept you awake through all five consecutive orgasms which explains why he is still inside you, courtesy of this gentleman demanding to stay buried inside. 
Madness, you laugh.
“Good morning, Jinyoung.” his rough stubbles rub against your soft skin, creating goose bumps and redness. You don’t mind, you love this man the way he is. With facial hairs, he looks even more sexy, intriguing and hot. Uncontrolled, you squeeze him again, earning another groan. The palm on your breast has gone to two fingers rolling your taut bud instead. “Hm, your stubbles tickles.”
“Don’t shave your beard please.”
A disapproving noise comes, with a remark, “I’ll look like a homeless person.”
“Well, I’m sure you won’t because you can be a model with that handsome face.” you move away to face him, making him slip out of you, followed by a gush of mixture of your love making from the night before. “Oh- Jinyoung. That is a lot.”
He laughs when you whine about the mess you’re making on his bed sheet, ignoring your protest to get out of the bed and scoops you closer to him instead. “Jinyoung, this is so sticky!”
“You weren’t complaining last night.” he reminds you and you blush at his statement. He is so straight forward and it is so annoying.
“I was under your spell.”
Silence, a comforting one accompanies you as you stare at him. Like everything has come to a pause, your eyes trail down his forehead, his eyes, his nose, his lips. He’s perfect. You always wonder how you manage to wake up to this man every once and then. How have you scored a man this perfect?
“What are you thinking about?”
He smiles, pressing his lips to your forehead. “I can see you’re going to be an emotional baby on your birthday morning but I won’t let it spoil the mood.”
He taps your ass, gesturing you to get up. His side of the bed is warm as he leaves you, yanking the curtain open and walks around naked to pick up your scattered clothes all over the place. So you’ve woken up somewhere after eight in the morning, you figured after your eyes landed on the clock. You eventually get up after watching his bare back muscles interestingly and even if you wish to stay longer in bed since you’re still sore and your bones are begging you to rest, Jinyoung’s invitation for a shower together sounds more inviting. 
As much as your mind has imagined, the shower went without funny business because apparently Jinyoung has something else in his mind. You got teased a few times for trying to make him take you inside the glass bathroom however your man has great patience and self-control. He won’t be tempted when he is determined.
“Where are we going?” you ask as you stand in front of his wardrobe, contemplating your choice of clothing. You need to match the occasion and not look out of place just because your boyfriend wants to surprise you. “Jinyoung?”
“A breakfast date.” A casual style it is. 
“We’re not taking the car?” you ask when Jinyoung presses the ground floor instead of the basement. You start to wonder where he is going to bring you since he doesn’t bring the car with him. It must be a walking distance cafe, but which one? Jinyoung lives close to a lot of fancy cafes that serve breakfast, you can’t guess which cafe he is bringing you to. “Thank god I’m wearing sneakers.”
“I’ve told you okay.” he reminds you just as the elevator opens to a quiet lounge. “But what did you say? No, I want to wear something pretty.”
“Shut up.” you tell him, elbowing him slightly before leaving him behind. The roaring laughter behind you sounds so terribly annoying so you quicken your pace to walk out of the lounge. 
He catches up with you, still laughing but sounds softer and lovelier. “Okay okay, I’m sorry. Come let me shower my girlfriend with a lot of food for breakfast okay?”
“Only for breakfast?” you ask when Jinyoung pulls your hand in his, bringing you to the cafe direction. “What about lunch, tea, dinner and late night dinner?”
Jinyoung may look distracted but you know his ears are big for a reason. He is able to capture whatever you’ve said even without fully focusing on you, a trait he has trained himself since dating you to avoid you being mad at him for not concentrating. He got a point and that has successfully charmed you a few times when you thought he’s not listening but he proved it wrong instead. “I’ll feed you, don’t worry.” 
See? Talk about being imperfect. Jinyoung? Never.
While he guides you to the cafe, you take extra attention to his subconscious behaviour that he naturally activates when with you. He doesn’t notice this, he will never notice it. However these are those simple things that move you. His hand which holds yours securely, not too tight but never too loose. Every time he turns around a corner, he’ll make sure you’ll be on the inner side of the sidewalk, never too far from him. He keeps responding to you even if he is focusing on guiding you, something you will never get used to. Though you know these are just small traits that every man should possess, but it has been so rare that it takes a gem to be this well mannered.
Five minutes into the walk, you realise Jinyoung’s strides have slowed down, slowly coming to a halt and when he turns to you with a smile, you guess you’ve reached your breakfast place. 
“Wait- oh my god.” you exclaim when he opens the door for you, the chiming of the bell brings the chill to your spine. “Jinyoung! This is-”
You turn to him for him to answer you but he just nods, grinning at your priceless reaction. One thing that Jinyoung loves about you is the simplicity of your mind. You get excited over the smallest thing, granted it is done with sincerity and love. He knows bringing you to this cafe is a perfect plan, you will be over the moon for months.
It is definitely an exaggeration but you heard Ed Sheeran blasts from the speaker and you absent-mindedly made a little jump which causes Jinyoung to chuckle from your excitement. You are still gaping when you enter the exquisite cafe, your heart is full with excitement and you are just a second away from screaming. So when you stop to catch your breath after eyeing the interior design of the cafe, you turn to Jinyoung and hug him, screeching in his chest so your voice is muffled. You feel Jinyoung’s body shakes and you can picture him holding in his laugh because you’re too cute to handle.
“Hab i tod yu i wob yu?” you mumble against his chest. You’re not kidding when you say your heart is about to burst. You’ve been wanting to visit this cafe for a long time. It serves a buffet breakfast, the first thing that has caught your attention. Next it also has waiters to serve you fresh off the pan dishes like pancakes and scrambled eggs. Basically it is just like how hotel breakfast but you can dine in with reasonable price. 
When you told Jinyoung about the cafe, he was reading one of his books and you can’t blame him if he didn’t hear you because one of his rules is not to disturb him while he is reading. However you were so excited to tell him that it was a walking distance from his place so you ignored the fact that he was so engrossed with reading. After that as you both carry your routine, it slipped your mind until today.
See what you thought about Jinyoung being perfect?
“What is it sweetheart? I can’t hear you clearly.” he laughs, actually understood you but acts like he doesn’t. It’s just like Jinyoung to tease you. Usually you’ll reply with snarky remarks but today, you really love him. 
“I said I love you.” you grin, pulling him to the table. You’re excited to devour everything in the cafe. “I love LOVE you.”
“That’s all?”
“Yeap.” he shakes his head when he sees you being overly excited and waits patiently for him to pull the chair for you and starts sniffing the buffet like a starved puppy though it is literally a few metres away from your table.
“Hi. Here is the fresh-off pan menu.” the waiter greets you, placing two huge sized menus on the table. “Have you dined in here before?”
Jinyoung shakes his head, answering it on behalf of you. You have gone too far to listen to her explanation, the only things you have in mind are those delicious food waiting for you. You’re a big eater and Jinyoung is a dedicated boyfriend who loves to spoil you with food. A match made in heaven indeed. 
You let the explanation pass your ears as you hear a bit of ‘..drinks over there..’, ‘...charged for leftovers…’ and when she finishes with a smile, you quickly turn your attention to jinyoung, grinning eagerly.
Jinyoung laughs as he realised you’re just an inch away from lunging towards the buffet but waits patiently for his approval. He closes the menu and tips his head as an approval, causing you to spring from your seat to the buffet section. Jinyoung’s laughter fills the cafe again, luckily it is less packed with customers since it is still early. 
“Wow.” Jinyoung whistles when you placed another three plates of pancakes, rolled omelette, and toasts. Already on the table are your sausages, your muffins, waffles, your cereal bowl with a glass of milk, your fresh orange and Jinyoung’s black coffee. Oh yes you’ll get the fruits later. “Is the sex last night really good that you are starving?”
He eyes the amount of plates on your shared table and suddenly he thinks that they need an extension of the table. It is literally full with your food that he can’t even add his own. However that is the least of his concern, he knows he’s going to finish your food for you later so he doesn’t even bother to stand up and get his own food. “Are you sure you can eat all of these?”
You roll your eyes in annoyance and sit down, grabbing your utensils. “Shut up. I’m hungry.”
“Oh I wouldn’t have guessed.” he snorts, reaching for a piece of waffles and a chocolate spread by his side. “You don’t look starving in the slightest.”
“Oh shut up.” you scoop a spoonful of cereal, the one you always love since you were little, humming cheerfully to the delicious taste of the familiar childhood cereal. Your taste buds are now stimulated and you can’t stop moaning at how good it tastes. “Jinyoung this is really good!”
Jinyoung halts in his motion, giving you an incredulous look. His waffle is now gone and he’s reaching over a piece of sausages when you slap his hand away from your precious piece of meat. “Ow. That’s just cereals, baby. C'mon, share the sausages.”
You glare at him when the tip of his finger touches the firm sausages. Raising your fork to your eye level, you jab the thin air. “Don’t touch my food after you’ve insulted my childhood cereal.”
“You’re ridiculous.” he chuckles, aiming for the muffins instead. You took three instead of two, that means one of them is his. Jinyoung internally laughs at how petty you will become when it involves food. It’s just another random thing he loves about you. “Eat a lot, baby.”
While you practically inhale your food, Jinyoung acts as your butler, cutting the sausages into smaller pieces and spreads the jams on the bread for you. Once he finishes playing butler, he starts feeding you so much that your cheeks are about to burst from all the feeding. “Jinnyom-”
He coos, laughing while nodding to your incoherent mumble and stops feeding to let you swallow them first. “Are you trying to kill me?”
He flickers his eyes to you while he brings another piece of pancake dipped in maple syrup to your mouth. “Says the one who brings all the food to the table.”
“I brought it for you too!”
“Yeah? I thought the sausages are yours?”
“That’s mine. You eat something else.”
The amount of food on your table decreases shortly with Jinyoung’s help. You are full and now Jinyoung is left to eat the leftovers. This is why he doesn’t bother to order anything, he knows you can’t eat them all. He is always the trash can, his words not yours. 
“This cafe is so pretty, Jinyoung.” you blurt out your thoughts, your eyes roaming all over the places. The cafe is situated in the middle of the city which is busy with cars and public transport. However once you are inside, it literally blocks the noisy sound and you’re left with the peacefulness of the cafe and the song that blasts from the speaker. There are not a lot of customers at this time of the day hence it is even more quiet and reserved. 
The workers keep the food warm by lighting up candles under the buffet and honestly, it feels just like hotel breakfast. 
“You like it?” the background song starts to change, Paramore comes up with a fragment of your memory. “Oh, it’s our love song.”
You laugh when he tries to listen more carefully to Still Into You, bopping his head to the beats and swaying his body while feeling the music. 
“I should be over all the butterflies~” he raises his fork to his mouth level, pointing them towards you with overflowing adoration and playfulness in his eyes. “But i’m into you.”
“Oh lord.” still giggling, you are sure that both of you looks like you’re madly in love and have become hopelessly dumb. “How sure are you that after all this time you’re still into me?”
“Easy peasy.” Jinyoung answers, munching the half eaten pancake. “I’m having breakfast with you, the love of my life.”
“At the cafe that you told me when I was reading.” he wiggles his eyes smugly. “Doesn’t that already prove that I am still into you?”
“That’s so cheesy.”
“And you love me for that.”
“Thank you for dining here!” the cashier returns Jinyoung’s card with the bill, bowing to you before you leave the cafe with a full tummy. 
The noises from the street greet you again however you don’t care, you are happy and it takes nothing to spoil your mood. Jinyoung leads you back to his place again, holding your hand in his while you skip happily next to him. 
“Are you that happy?”
You nod, swinging his hand back and forth to show that you are indeed, very happy. “I had a great night and a great breakfast date. I don’t have anything more to ask for my birthday.”
Placing a quick peck on his cheek, you wrap your arms around him in appreciation. “Thank you, lover boy.”
Jinyoung scrunches his face at your endearment, bringing your intertwined hand and presses a kiss on the back of your hand. “You sure you don’t want anything else?”
You shake your head. There’s nothing you really want, Jinyoung has gone even beyond your expectations.
“But I still have one more thing for you.” his words left you puzzled, before you realise that you’re not walking home. Instead you are at the opposite direction of his place, even further than the cafe. 
Once you fall into step in front of a bakery shop, another bulb goes off your mind and you turn to Jinyoung in disbelief. “Wait- really?” 
In front of the bakery stands the most popular advertisement made by the shop, the macaron class. It is a bakery that makes the most delicious macaron and is very popular with the customized macaron which you can make by yourself by joining the 2 hours class at the shop. It was a waste of time, Jinyoung had once said because he knows both of you have better things to do than making macaron for two hours. You agreed with him, even though you really wanted to join the class. It’s kind of cringe, making a couple macaron but you can’t deny that it is intriguing.
“You said you don’t want to join the class.” 
Your eyes start to get watery and before you can even cry, Jinyoung brings you close to his side and presses a kiss on top of your head. “When did I never give you what you’ve wanted? Hm?”
“Now come on. The class is starting in 10 minutes.”
You knew making macaron is quite tedious but you never knew it is this tedious. Forty minutes into whisking the never ending meringue to get a stiff peak, you throw your whisk into the bowl. Jinyoung who is preparing the filling for your macaroon on your left jumps, startled by your action. Once he looks at your undone macaronage, he laughs, patting you softly.
“I’ll whisk it for you.” he then finishes his fillings and puts them into a piping bag and leaves it aside to take over your side of the station. “I have offered to whisk but look at you stubborn baby.”
Your hands are crossed as you watch him whisking the meringue, his muscles contract every time he whisks the blue meringue. His veins start to emerge on his skin, complimenting his muscular body. Something snaps inside you when you see him looking effortlessly hot while doing the most common thing as whisking. 
“Sweetheart if you’re done staring, we need to bake the macaron.” he brings you back to reality, nudging you to start doing your work. He is already working on his own meringue and just in ten minutes, he finished his pink batter and already placing the batter into the piping bag next to your.s You never know he can whisk that fast but apparently the baking teacher approves his meringue stiff peak and you can start baking after one hour of preparing.
“Remind me to not ask for any more baking class.” you groan after piping your batter on the parchment paper and wait patiently for it to grow a shell and then it’s ready to bake. Jinyoung, as always, smiles mockingly while he repeats for the n-th time that he only wants to give you what you have wanted. His own batter has dried and ready to bake.
Above everything, you’re the most excited when it comes to decorating the macaron. The blue macarons that you made are for Jinyoung while yours is the pink one that he did. So after the macarons are ready for decoration, you both sit further apart to surprise each other with your own decoration. The shop provides almost everything, different types of toppings and different colour papers for you to DIY your macaron box.
“Do you need more time?” Jinyoung asks after thirty minutes. You are still sticking the cute stickers all over the box when he comes closer to take a look at your decoration.
“Do not come close!” you warn, showing your palm to stop him. “Give me ten minutes.”
“It’s not that serious-”
“Shut. up.”
“So, who gets to open their box first?” you ask after Jinyoung places a tray of drinks and bread in front of you. 
“Me first since we have waited long enough for it to finish.” Jinyoung answers, giving you a judging look. “And we can decide who’s box is the best.”
You are so excited to see Jinyoung’s reaction. You worked hard to decorate the box with edible stickers, lining your name with his on top of each macarons and finishing it with sprinkles and other toppings. You were also torn to choose which colour compliments his blue macaron the best. You can only hope he loves them because really, as much as you give yourself credits, you are actually the worst when it comes to creativity.
“Oh!” your eyes are closed when he starts unboxing his macaron so when he gasps, you quickly open your eyes and watch the corner of his lips stretched into a wide smile, lips pressed and whiskers eyes showing up. “Oh god.”
Both of you fall into a fit of laughter, knowing how bad your skills are but still, it melts your heart to see Jinyoung appreciating your not-so-creative mind. Jinyoung is a transparent man, his face gives away his emotion. He can hardly mask his emotion when he’s with you, hence you usually are able to detect any slight changes in his mood based on his facial expression.
After staring at his macaron for a while, he looks up to you, offering another smile. “I think my box will win.”
“Is it my turn now?”
“Go ahead.”
You’re beyond excited. You know Jinyoung’s creativity is just like yours, he can never win this competition. Him and you are both helpless in art, so it is like a battle of non-creative decoration rather than the most creative decoration.
Jinyoung watches you intently as you start opening the box, greeted by nothing other than a piece of blue parchment paper as the base, the macarons arranged neatly and an envelope placed together in the box. 
“Jinyoung! You literally didn’t decorate it!” you laugh, picking the envelope nonchalantly and opening it without much thought. It must be a piece of card with ‘I love you’ inside it. Like you’ve said, both of you lack of creativity when it comes to art.
However when you unfold the paper, instead of a simple ‘I love you’, a whole neatly written love letter with Jinyoung’s penmanship greets you. 
Dear the woman I have loved my entire life,
I am always grateful to God when he gives me you. Do you remember the first time we talked to each other? I was fifteen and you were thirteen, we don’t even know each other that much. We were in the same club but we never talked. It’s just you and me when we both sit at the table in the library and suddenly I called your name and asked if you could pretend to be my girlfriend because of a certain girl that won’t leave me alone and was walking toward us. I know, it’s really cliche and it sounds like it jumped from a novel but you said yes and you don’t mind. After that my boys found out about us and decided to prank us by locking us in a room and we talked for hours. I still remember how you shook your head at my boys’ antics. hahahahaah. I remember I assured you that they will come to let us our after some time and to believe me. Sometimes I think I should thank that girl for bothering me non-stop and the boys because since then, my world has been colourful with you inside it.
Do you remember how we fought a year later over some ridiculous issue like jealousy? We were so immature that we broke up but we ended up together again after Yugyeom told me you were crying in the bathroom because of me? Yeah, I was stupid. But do you know what is ever more stupid? The fact that we broke up every time we were facing a big examination
Do you remember when I got offered a letter to extend my study overseas? You cried again as if you’re not clever enough to land a place overseas too? I remember that we kissed for hours because you couldn’t stop crying and wanted to stay in my arms. You even stole my hoodies and I ended up bringing only three hoodies to my A-Level study because you wanted to wear them. You don’t know how cute you were. Then two years later you got the same acceptance letter like mine and you were so happy that you talked to me for five hours even though it was midnight for you. 
Staying together with you in the UK was the best decision I ever made. Do you know how domestic we looked? I wake up to you, snuggling by my side and hugging me tight? You just don’t know how ecstatic I was. We were like a married couple, literally married just without the rings.  The adventures I had with you, travelling to every part of the world, I love every inch of them. People wonder how we got this far but I don’t really need to wonder at all. Like how Paramore said, I’m really into you. 
For eleven years, you have been by my side, staying with me through thick and thin. You were there for every step I made, whether it’s bad or it’s good. Remember when you were so nervous to meet my parents? Because we both went to boarding school and it was scary for parents to think we were busy dating and not studying. You were shaking from head to toe even when we already finished school and were already studying in university. 
It’s getting long and I was just reminiscing the old days right? I should get to my point by now.
I have been celebrating your birthday with you for eleven years and though it sounds too long, it feels too short for me. I want to keep celebrating your birthday with you until we’re grey and old. Let’s grow old together, baby. Let’s lay in each other’s arms and whisper good mornings and good nights every single day. Let’s make your twelfth birthday with me as Mrs Park instead.
Happy Birthday, sweetheart. I love you to the moon and beyond. Let’s get married next year, can we?
As you finish the letter, your cheeks are wet from the tears. You never knew it has been eleven years since you dated each other. You were too content living with Jinyoung that you’ve forgotten time passes too fast and your relationship will turn twelve next year. It makes your heart swell when you know that Jinyoung remembers each life event and almost all of it involves both of you. 
When you finally look at him, a gush of tears escapes again. He is holding a ring, a simple promise ring that his mother bought for him after he finished high school. He told you about it, his mom told him to put this on the woman he’s marrying only when he is sure of it. When you asked him why he didn’t want to put it on you, he explained that it’s not that he is not sure of marrying you, but he wanted to secure your future. He wanted a future for you and he will not put the ring on you until he is sure that he is able to provide you everything you deserve.
“When did you plan all of this?” you never saw him busy writing the letter and setting up your birthday plan. You have no idea when he planned these things. “Why are you making me cry, Jinyoung.”
“Am I the best boyfriend now?” he laughs, teasing you slightly. “I planned it when you’re asleep. I also got some help from the boys. Bambam and Yugyeom helped to book the cafe while Jackson helped to sign up for the macaron class.”
You are still overwhelmed by the letter, your tears don’t seem like it’s stopping anytime soon. You wanted to scream, to tell everyone how emotional you are. The man that you’ve loved just proposed to you on your birthday. Someone got to tell you what is better than all of these combined?
“Do you want to marry me?” he asks, suddenly not sure of your reaction. You’ve been crying, cupping your face and repeatedly asking him if he’s being serious about the proposal. “Do you want to celebrate your next birthday as Mrs Park instead?”
You stand up and reach over to his side to sit on his lap which catches Jinyoung off guard and his hands fly to hold your waist steadily. You give him no time to adjust when you press a kiss to his lips as a sign of approval.
“I do, Jinyoung.” his grip on your waist tightens, drowning his moan in as to be cautious not to attract people’s attention. “I do.”
Jinyoung then takes your hand, slipping the awaiting ring in his hand right on your ring finger. Like it is meant to be yours, the ring fits perfectly, now a mark that you’re officially Jinyoung’s.
“Let’s go home, sweetheart.” Jinyoung offers, already packing your macarons and your food. “I need to show you how happy I am.”
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Copyright © 2020 jjpmoans. All rights reserved
[ Writings ]
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tcheschirewrites · 4 years
Happy New Year!
Part of me wanted to do a Year In Review post, like I’ve seen a few other creators do, but instead of talking about myself (which I do for the entire rest of the year anyway lmao), I’m gonna do a reclist instead, of the best fics I’ve read this year. A lot of it is BNHA, because that’s been my main fandom for 2020, but I did spend a decent amount of time in other spaces. If you see a **, that means there’s boning at some point – if the fic is in bold, then there’s a lot of boning. I @ed their Tumblr if I knew it off the top of my head, but I may have missed some.
Don't Yuck Her Yum by rumblefish ( @rumbllefish) (League of Villains Gen)
Complete – A quick disclaimer, pia is a mutual and a friend. That being said, this is such a cute little snapshot into the LOV with everyone’s favorite Found Family trope. Now, I’ll admit to being additionally biased because pia gave me that sweet sweet Dadpress food, but her Spinner is also on point. Short and sweet.
the Issue of the Jeanist Corpse (the Jorpse) by Princeliest (Hawks & Jeanist Gen)
Complete – Witty and hilarious, a deleted scene when Hawks went to visit Best Jeanist before War Arc. I love how antsy Hawks is, and how fussy Jeanist. Also, I’m a sucker for putting a j at the beginning of everything for Jeaninst.
Queer Eye: We're In Japan! And There Are Pro Heroes Everywhere!! by night_of_the_living_trashcan (Background Erasermic Family)
Complete – I love a good Queer Eye fic, and this one is so spot on. The Fab Five couldn’t get a better candidate than Aizawa (well, almost; see below). And I’m a sucker for Erasermic family.
 **Yesterday's Gods by Karzai (All Might/Reader)
WIP - Reader character is an ex-military doctor who comes to work at UA. If you’re a fan of very well-developed backstories, and reader characters that are their own people, then this is the fic for you. This fic gives me huge Newsroom vibes - we’ve got a past romance, and the tension after years apart. We get present day when they are older and more jaded, and we get the backstory of the reader character and All Might when they were young and spry.
**surrender (whenever you're ready) by OfMermaids ( @ofmermaidstories) (Bakugou/Reader)
WIP - Bakugou accidentally destroys a florist’s shop. Bar none the best Bakugou fic out there - his characterization is so on point. He is grouchy but so vulnerable, he’s coarse and soft and insecure and such a perfectionist. The relationship with the reader character develops very naturally, and the chapters are long. Bonus, we get some bangin’ Kiri as well.
 **if i could keep cool by andypantsx3 ( @andypantsx3) (Todoroki/Reader)
Complete – I’m in love with the premise of the fic: a hired cleaner gets kidnapped due to a misunderstanding of the romantic variety. Andie’s Todo is well written, and the pacing of the story is nice and tight. An easy read.
 **Subject: RAPTOR by Tainted_Wine ( @tainted-wine)(Hawks/Reader)
Complete – The villains have turned Hawks into a Nomu, and reader works collecting semen for the facility for breeding purposes. Bigtime monster-fucking, but it’s very poignant and well-done. Very long, but well worth the time.
 **My Hero by HeroAssociation(Aizawa/Reader)
WIP – Reader character is a milf whose son enters a contest to meet his favorite hero and wins. The author’s Aizawa is really good, and the scenes with the reader’s son are very realistic for maternal love. And, I cannot emphasize this enough, reader character is a milf. It’s incomplete, and hasn’t updated in a while, but the premise is so cute I can’t not include it.
 suffer the signs by advantagetexas(Aizawa/Reader)
Complete – Baby’s first hanahaki. Honestly a very cute little hanahaki – no angst or sads, just two idiots in love. A nice quick read.
 But they're soft... by coffee_dessert (Aizawa/Reader)   
Complete – Aizawa gets turned into a cat by a villain’s quirk, and the reader character takes care of him until it wears off. I’ve heard this premise is popular? But I haven’t seen too too many, and this one is very well executed. Aizawa’s characterization is solid, and the pacing is very good. A very sweet read.
**no grave to hold my body down by Hawnks (supermintfluff) ( @hawnks)(Shinsou/Reader)
Complete – Pro Hero Shinsou saves the reader character, and they keep running into each other. This one is a good character study on adult Shinsou, and Hawnks’ writing is always very clean and lovely. I recommend going through their entire selection.
Love Like You by Queen_Kai (Shinsou/Reader)
Complete – Color Soulmate AU with a villain reader. Very cute, and I adore Shinsou’s characterization in this one. I honestly wish there was more, but it stands on its own very well.
**Maid with Benefits by awolangel (Akatsuki/Reader)
WIP – Reader is hired to be a live-in maid to the Akatsuki, and also have lots of sex. This fic is hilarious, and so well characterized. The pacing is actually really good, as well as the development of all of the relationships. There are some characters that get more attention than others, but we do get a nice spread. Very fun escapism fic.
Moonshine by Victopteryx ( @ancharan) (HashiMada)
Complete – Prohibition Era Bootlegging AU. Author’s handle on both Madara and Hashirama is incredible (and they draw their own fanart, and it’s also incredible). A whole-ass meal.
Tobirama Kicks Some Sense Into Konoha by allseer15 (Tobirama&Naruto Gen) 
Complete – Tobirama gets sent back in time due to an accidental jutsu, and is horrified at the way Konoha is run, and promptly Rampages over it. Wonderful catharsis for anyone who wondered why it was okay for a rich-ass old man to just leave an infant a welfare check and a shitty apartment and dip out on his development even though he has the equivalent of a nuclear warhead in his upper intestine.
**Clouds by moriamithril (Star Wars Rogue One, Cassian Andor/Reader)
Complete – Reader character is a handler/assistant type figure to Cassian over a series of missions. We get a lot of emotions in this one – we get the tenderness of caring for someone who is ill, we get devotion, we get yearning, we get delicious jealousy. Well written and lovely.
Fresh Coat by scrapmetal (The Mandalorian, Boba & Din Gen)
Complete – Fantastic Boba and Din, the Mando culture representation we deserve. I’m love.
**A Far Greater Sin (Reader version) by Yavannie (The Mandalorian, Din Djarin/Reader)
Complete – Reader is a healer, and builds a relationship with Mando over the course of a couple decades. Great pacing, great RC development, and the author’s Mando is quite good. The premise/setting gives me wicked fantasy vibes, even though it’s obviously In Space, but that’s definitely a draw.
who's gonna save us now (when the ashes hit the ground) by chancellor_valdez (Ready or Not, Grace/Daniel)
Complete – My favorite of the “Grace and Daniel Survive Together” subgenere, this one is very raw with its emotions. There’s a lot of hurt, and there’s a lot of self-harming coping mechanisms. Recovery is ugly, and the author did a very good job showing us that. And their ending was lovely.
not your garden variety demon lord by rizahawkaye (Inuyasha, SanSessh)
Complete – Sango takes care of Rin sometimes, and gets confused when Sesshoumaru brings her gifts. The author’s Sessh is so good, and it’s a great exploration of a relationship we don’t see much of.
Mine Enemy by Ayrith (Inuyasha, InuSan)
Complete – I love this fic, okay. Fantastic character study in Sango and a lot of the rougher parts of her that canon shied away from, and the author’s Inuyasha characterization is fucking great. Just go read this, yes.
Frozen Plus One by Meowzy (Frozen, HansAnna)
WIP – Troll AU, ie the trolls cursed Hans and that’s why he is That Way. Look, this author has done such a good job with all of the characters. Their voices are very distinct, and it’s not a reach at all to see how it could have gone differently. And we get some sweet HansAnnaKris action, and it is just as we deserve. Honestly, this fic is so well written, it deserves the world.
Knives In by anomalation (Knives Out, Marta/Ransom)
Complete – My favorite of the Pen Pals subgenre, this one is a fantastic slow burn. Ransom is really forced to face himself, and Marta is such a babe. Meg makes a few appearances, and her confusion over her place in the world is really well done. A great enemies-to-lovers.
It's Not Anxiety, It's a Parasite by squadrickchestopher (Venom, Queer Eye)
Complete – Look, I’ve mentioned before, but I love a good Queer Eye fic. Eddie gets what he deserves, and the symbiote couldn’t be more happy. So funny and clever.
You Find Yourself in a Maze by FloaromaMeadow ( @zombiekaiba) (S0 Atem Gen)
Complete – Very short and very poignant, the style is modeled after text-based command games. It fits super well with the Season 0 aesthetic, and there’s so much punch in each command.   
Gaud's Grinch x Tony Fix-it Fic by gaudy_writes ( @biggest-gaudiest-patronuses)
WIP – Look, I know, all right. Just read it.
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Surveys #447-448
(one from yesterday, one from v early this morning)
How did you and the last person you kissed start talking? By both being meerkat RPers on YT back in the day. Do you think someone is falling in love with you? Definitely not. Do you have a bad temper? Nah. What was the last song you listened to? SOBS "Suteki Da Ne" from FFX. If your mom was a teacher, would you want to be in her class? Hell yeah. She actually has been my substitute teacher before, as she worked at my elementary school with the special ed kids. Are you comfortable with people going through your phone? No. I have nothing to hide on there at all, but still... I just don't like it. Do you really care about what toothpaste you use? So long as it's mint-flavored, no, I don't care. Would you like it if the whole world spoke one language? I mean, I think it's pretty inarguable that that would be a beneficial thing. For all humans to understand each other, like in dire situations where information needs to be brought across. However, I don't believe we should actually try to change that now with so many languages already developed. That would be way, way too big a task and not that important. Would mind-reading really be a blessing or a curse? I'd find it more to be a curse. Would you ever get a pet turtle? Why or why not? Nah. They just don't interest me as pets. Do you tend to daydream a lot? If so, about what? Yeah. .-. About a lot of stuff... How I want my future to be, things I wish would happen, how I'd change past errors... What shop/store/brand would you model for, if given the choice? I would 110% model for Cloak if for whatever miraculous reason they wanted me to because a bitch supports her favorite human asdkfajkwle. I'd totally do some goth modelling for Rebel's Market, too. Do you actually read your friend’s surveys, or do you just copy and paste them and fill them out yourself? I read my friends' answers, yes. I like learning obscure things about them. Which is your favorite episode of I Love Lucy? Bar none, the "Vitameatavegamin" one. It's fucking hilarious, man. I love that show. Do you consider yourself a deep thinker? WAY too deep. Name two people who you are closest with? My mom and Sara. Which one of those two people would you eat first, if you were starving? Neither. I would absolutely rather die. No one cares whether or not you believe in love at first sight… but, do you believe in hate at first sight? Well, let's be real. If you witnessed someone being abused or raped or something like that, wouldn't YOU hate the villain immediately? I sure as hell would. When you were a kid, which comic strip was your favorite? I didn't care for those. How do you feel about fake plants? They can look good, they can look tacky, and they make great additions to some animal enclosures, like reptiles and bugs, for cover and new textures. Does it make you uncomfortable when people ask you your shoe size? Er, no? Would you feel guilty about cheating on your taxes if you got away with it? Yes. I tend to have a guilty conscience. Are you happy with your weight? NO. Do you go to church? If so, do you actually pay attention? No. When I was forced to go as a kid, I never paid attention. As a very young adult when I super rarely went, I would try to, but my attention definitely wavered. Would you rather have your nose or tongue pierced? Tongue, if it just didn't damage my damn teeth. :( I miss my snake eyes. Ever peed in your pants after the age of 10? It's very embarrassing, but yes. A few years ago, I had this very strange period of premature incontinence when I slept. I had to be put on some medication and a schedule to wake up in the night to use the bathroom. It oddly just... vanished as randomly as it started. Had any surgeries? What kind? I had tubes put in my ears as a baby, and then at the start of 2017 (I think), I had to have a cyst removed from my butt. :^) Ever told your parents you hated them? I've told Dad that, yes. Are you sober? Yeah. Do you have a crazy side? Not really, no. I'm boring. Do you have siblings over the age of 18? All of my siblings are. Do you think that downloading music illegally is immoral? Yes, and yet... I do it anyway. :x Have you ever sworn at a policeman/woman/cop? No. How far do you agree that the mother is more important in a child’s life than the father? I Don't agree with that. Would you ever let one of your children enter a beauty pageant? If they were old enough to make their own decisions, I'd have no say. But as a little kid, no. I do not support those damn things. What was your favorite Pokemon as a child? Charmander! :') Do you have a favorite name? What is it? Alessandra. It's so beautiful. What was the topic of the last assignment/essay you wrote? Toxic masculinity. I got SO into that essay. What’s your favorite type of juice? Probably peach mango. What was the hardest language you’ve ever tried to learn? LATIN. Like holy shit. What’s your younger sibling’s name? Nicole. What kind of cookie is your favorite? Chocolate chip. What would you do if your ex contacted you? I would just be... so happy. But also scared of where it would lead. What age would you like to have a child? No age, because I never want any. Are your parents wealthy? Definitely not. My dad SEEMS decently well-off, but he is most certainly not rich. Have you ever asked someone out? Yes. Your ex tells you they want you back, what do you say/do? I know I'd say yes, very quickly. -_- Do you know anyone that smokes weed? More like she's addicted to it. Is there one person you look at and automatically smile? Oh, that's Mark for sure, ha ha. Especially if he's laughing. It's game over for me if he's laughing. What’s your favorite hairstyle on a guy? Don't even fucking @ me, I love the emo hair swoop alskdfjalkwje;kjrwklejarwe Do you know anyone who’s won the lottery? No. What’s the name of the last cat you pet? Roman. What have you been up to today? Anything interesting? The only thing I've done today that deviates from my normal routine is I had to get blood drawn for some tests for my upcoming check-up. I don't know what was up with that needle, but it hurt this time. Are you the type of person to dwell on the past? I live there. Did your grandparents teach you anything? Not really, no... besides being old-fashioned is not an excuse for being an uptight... er... this answer is so mean, given the grandmother I'm talking about is dead, oof. Do you want/have a Bachelor’s degree? I wanted one... but I don't have one and never will. Are you a fan of penguins? Yeah, they're mega cute. Who do you think about most constantly? Why? Anyone who reads these can answer that very, very easily. Have you ever considered yourself to be something other than heterosexual? Yeah; I'm either bi or pan. I think pansexual as of very recently, but for simplicity's sake and also for almost all of my family to not think I'm crazy, I really just say bisexual. Have you ever been in love? With who? Yes; Jason and Sara. Dolphins, whales, sharks, or narwhals? Dolphins or whales. Have you ever gotten anything amputated? No. Have you ever tied your tooth to a door to lose it? No. What do you do on the computer? Oh jeez... I'm pretty much, well, always on the computer, so I do a whole lot. I watch/listen to YouTube, write, clean out my dA notifications and browse artwork, scroll through Facebook, play World of Warcraft, edit the Silent Hill wiki, do way too many surveys, talk to Sara on Discord... Anything your parents should know about? No. Do you have a life? It sure as hell doesn't feel like it. I do nothing noteworthy. Do you have a microphone on your computer? It's built-in, but it doesn't work. Does your mouse light up? Yeah; red normally, blue when it's charging. Then it's also purple sometimes??? I have no idea what it means. Were you ever physically abused? No. Verbally? No. Sexually? No. Do your teachers like you? Not to brag or anything, but all my teachers loved me. Do your parents like you? I know they love me. Do your siblings like you? I don't feel like they do half the time. :/ It's my own fault for not knowing how the fuck to interact with them. Did you have a tail when you were born? At first I saw this question and was confused as shit, but then I remembered this was actually a thing, ha ha. But no, I wasn't. Do you enjoy school? I hated it. Are you shallow? No. Greedy? I don't think so, no. It feels good to share. Do you have a piercing in an inappropriate spot on your body? No. A tattoo? Well, I have a tattoo over my heart, so it's on my breast, if you wanna count that? Are you stubborn? God, am I. Are you incestuous? Fuck no. Do you respect your body? Meh... Yes in some ways, in other ways no. Have you ever been to therapy? Did you like it? I've been in therapy for most of my life, and yes, I find it helpful. Have you ever used Duolingo to learn another language? No. Are you unhappy at the moment? Yes. I usually am. Do you have any gay friends? Yes. Have you ever watched iCarly? Yeah, I used to enjoy it. Who’s your favorite Disney character? Probably Dory. What was the last thing you wrote in a word document? This survey, actually. It's how I format it and save my progress. What did you last take painkillers for? A headache. Are there any hobbies you want to get back into? Drawing. :/ Have you ever been on a date with someone you met online? How was it? Yeah; when Sara and I were together and I went up to visit her, we had a breakfast date once. :') Do you find it difficult to get rid of material possessions? Yeah. I hold a lot of nostalgia in many items. What sort of games do you like to play? Horror and fantasy, mainly. They need a story, too, and I ESPECIALLY enjoy games with multiple endings. Then I also play WoW, which is an MMORPG. Do you know anyone who is deaf? No. Have you ever been married? Nope. What is your favorite thing to dip fries in? Ketchup. Do you still talk to anyone you went to high school with? Just Girt, really. Have you ever had to dispute a charge on your credit card? I've never had my own credit card. Quick! Choose pink or purple. Pink, duh. What's your favorite book genre? Fantasy. Would you say you’re generally fit and healthy? Why/why not? No. :/ I'm trying to change that though by going to the gym. Would you ever want a job working with animals? My main aspiration is to be a wildlife photographer, if that counts? Sara also wants to be a ball python breeder, and we talk all the time about it and how I'd love to be like an assistant and help with my own future snakes. Most recently, I will definitely have to have experience with them as pets first and see if I can handle it, but I've considered breeding tarantulas on the side. The hobby could ALWAYS use more breeders to prevent wild-caught specimens being taken from the wild, and it would help lower their prices. I've gotten so passionate about those furry bastards that I would really enjoy helping out with that. Do you believe in your horoscope? Even if you don’t, do you still read it? Not at all. I don't, because it feels like a waste of time if I don't even believe in it. If a couple is married, do you think there should be any legal punishment if one person cheats? No... I am firmly against cheating, but that sounds extreme. Do you enjoy Tim Burton films? Which one is your favorite? Of course! My favorite is Corpse Bride.
Was the last book you read for fun, or was it for some type of assignment? It was for fun. Do you think you would be a good match for your celebrity crush(es) assuming you have one? Why? If you don’t have one, who was the last person you saw that you found attractive? No, honestly. He really doesn't like seeing people not pursuing their utmost potential, and, uhhhh, look at me, lol. I'm in no way good enough for that god of a human being lmao. How old were you when you had your wisdom teeth removed? I still have them. I only have two, and my mouth has enough room for them. Do you wish you were taller or shorter? My height's fine. Where was the last job application you filled out sent to? Food Lion. Have you ever been fired from a job? No. I quit way too early for that to ever happen. .-. What poster is hanging closest to you? My big Metallica one. Which cuisine do you like the least? I honestly haven't experimented enough with foreign foods to decide on one specific cuisine I really don't like as a whole. Are there any foods you dislike because of the texture? There are A LOT. I am very, very sensitive to textures. Which type of chocolate do you like best? Milk chocolate. Do you let your pets sleep in your bed? Absolutely. Well, obviously not my snake Venus, but Roman? Yes. This is his house, too, and he deserves a comfy space to sleep. If you wear makeup, what are your preferred brands? I don't have one. Have you ever made sun tea? I have no idea what that is. Do you prefer powdered or liquid coffee creamer? I don't like coffee. Did your school have somewhere for girls to get emergency pads/tampons? Yes. Do you think they should make a movie about Hatshepsut? Now here's a question I haven't heard before, ha ha. I actually think that would be quite interesting and certainly empowering to women. Do you like to go to the movies alone? I actually did that for the Warcraft movie, and it was pretty chill. I prefer going with others, though. Have you ever dried down any flowers to keep them? No. What is your favorite thing that you have made by yourself? Probably my Pyramid Head/Halo of the Sun drawing. I worked my ass off on that, and I love how it came out. Do you like using clay and/or peel-off masks for skincare? I don't use those specifically, no. Have you ever made a pillow out of an old T-shirt? No. If you want to be cremated, do you want your ashes scattered anywhere? I haven't really thought of this, but I know I want them to be scattered somewhere. I don't wanna be cremated and have no lineage to cherish the ashes so I just end up thrown away or scattered in someone's backyard or something like that. I guess the desert would be pretty cool, if it was one with meerkats. Would you ever have a deceased pet stuffed? No. I have mixed feelings on taxidermy, but doing that to your pet just... seems wrong somehow. Like I feel that there'd be an unhealthy attachment to a dead body, and it feels like you're not allowing your beloved pet to truly, fully rest. Even if there is nothing beyond death, it's just a respect thing to me. Would you ever have a pet cremated? Teddy was cremated, yes. I WANTED to cremate my first ball python and Chinese water dragon, and both were in the freezer for a long time, but it just... never happened. It's not cheap. Mom also had Cali (her dog) cremated, but didn't keep the ashes herself because of it, once again, being expensive. Personal cremation costs more than a group one. Do you believe in the existence of parallel universes? Nah. How many times a day do you brush your teeth? Once. Collect anything? Any and all meerkat stuff and Silent Hill merchandise. Can you stick your fist in your mouth? ... I'm not about to try that. When was the last time you were high on anything? Never. Ever had a bloody nose? Yes. Have you ever caught a fish? Yes. Ever been up a mountain? Ugh, I wish! What are you listening to right now? I'm watching Gab Smolders play Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Do you have any birthmarks? Yeah; it's on my right forearm, near the elbow. Have you ever been slapped? I've been spanked and slapped on the arm by my mother when I was younger. And sometimes not so young. What do you want pierced? My collarbones, nostril, way more in my ears, and possibly my back dimples if I shrink down to a size where you can actually SEE them clearly... Do you like taking pictures? Of nature and animals. Sometimes people. Do you like getting your picture taken? Hell no. Have you ever started a rumor? No. Do you have your own pool? No. What do you want a tattoo of? You're asking someone who wants to be COVERED in tats, ha ha. I have a billion ideas. Have you ever been skinny dipping? Nah. Have you ever been chased by cops? No. Do you ever wear shirts do show your belly? OH FUCK NO. What about cleavage? I wear tank tops more than anything, so some. What theme does your room have? It doesn't have one. Do you like cows? Awwww, I love cows. :') <3 Which slow animal is your favorite? Sloth, turtle, or snail? Turtles aren't that slow; it's tortoises you're thinking about, so I'll consider them instead. Regardless, I think I find snails the cutest. If you had to create an app, what would it be for? I have zero clue. What is one television finale where you were upset with how it ended? I don't know. Other than mandatory lockdowns, have you had to quarantine at all for CoVid? No. What steps would you take in order to track down a thief? ... Not many, tbh, given JUST how afraid of confrontation I am, ha ha. What is something that one of your family member collects? Dad collects Cleveland Browns and Carolina Hurricanes sports stuff. What are some questions that you would ask your favorite celebrity? I've... never thought of this, believe it or not. I'd be too busy blubbering about how important he is to me and thanking him for everything he's ever done alskdjfkla;wje Have you ever legitimately forgotten to do homework? Yes. That was very, very rare, though. Depending on where you live, why might a day of school get canceled? If there was a 1% chance of half an inch of snow. :^) Everyone flips their shit here when that happens. Also, hurricanes. What types of transportation do you think we will see in the future? Besides possibly flying cars, idk. Which freaks you out more - clowns or porcelain dolls? aklsdjflajdsALSKDFJA;LWJE D O L L S. Porcelain dolls creep me out, man. Do you like salami? Yeah. Do you know your mum's first pet's name? I actually don't, no. Do you like car racing? No. I think it's stupid, honestly. People can get and have gotten seriously hurt, or worse. Who hugs you the most often? My niece and nephew, probably. Has your favorite actor ever been stuck to a project you dreaded watching (e.g., stuck on a bad TV show for years)? No. When you were a child did you wish you were named something else? What sort of fantasy life did you imagine for yourself if you’d only had this other better name? Bro I shit you not, I wanted to change my name to "Dory" because of Finding Nemo, lmao. I never thought about how my life would be different, though. Are you a plant person? How do you feel about the trend of owning many, many houseplants? Nah, plant maintenance isn't for me. I don't care how many plants you own so long as you care for them. It seems pointless to buy plants and just neglect them. What are you sick of hearing about? Anti-vax bullshit. Do you wish that you had more followers on any platform? Do you even pay attention to how many likes/comments/followers you have? The only places I really care about that are my photography Facebook page and deviantART because ffs I TRY to make progress as a photographer lasdkfj;lawe but neither move very fast at all. Are you currently working on an art project? No. :/ I need to draw something for once. If applicable, what color are you planning to dye your hair next? I have three in mind: lilac, pastel pink, or silver. Do you have a sibling who looks like your twin? No. My older and younger sister look remarkably similar, though. People have confused them a lot. Do you think you'd make a good actor or actress? God no, I'd feel far too awkward. Do you believe you have a lot of potential? Ugh, I don't know, dude. Would you like to be rich and own a vacation home? Who wouldn't? Have you ever walked through a labyrinth? No. What eyeshadow color do you think looks best on you? Black. I only wear black. Do you shop in the girls, juniors, or women's section at the store? Women's. Do you play video games? I haven't played a game other than WoW in a long time. :/ I only have a PS2 and Wii, and most of the games I want to play are for newer generation consoles. Is your house more than two stories tall? It's not even two stories. Have you ever had the flu? No. *knocks on wood* Have you ever been unfaithful in a serious relationship? Nope. Would you ever get a lip tattoo? No. I want tons of tats, but that sure isn't one of 'em. Has any place hired you underage for a job? No. Have you ever carried a concealed weapon? No. Does eating breakfast make you sick? No. I'm one of those people that wants to eat right when I wake up. What four states in the USA would you most like to visit? Which four countries would you most like to visit? States: Alaska, Utah, Wyoming, and some southwestern state where I can visit the desert and maybe see wild tarantulas. Countries: South Africa, Germany, Canada, and uhhhh idk. Would it bother you if your boyfriend hugged other females (think hypothetically if you don’t have one)? Why or why not? No? Hugs can just be a friendly gesture. They don't have to have underlying romantic implications. If you had snow-days as a kid, how did you spend them? Do you like the snow, in general? Oh man, snowy days were the epitome of joy when I was a kid. The #1 thing I wanted to do was make a snowman with Dad and my sisters if the snow was the right texture to pack. We loved snowball fights, making snow angels, watching the cats play... and you CAN'T forget making sugary snow cream. Do you know anyone who does hard drugs? Would you ever befriend someone that did? No one that does hard drugs now, no. I honestly don't know how I'd respond to wanting to befriend a hardcore druggie... Like I'm totally aware drug addicts are not innately bad people, but it can be dangerous to associate with them. So idk. Do hospitals make you nervous? Why or why not? Do you have any bad hospital experiences? Yes. I do NOT like being in hospitals. I've never been treated badly in one or anything, but I just have way, way too many ER memories from being suicidal and just stripped of everything that could somehow be interpreted as a "danger." Even books had to be approved. Technology of all kinds, forbidden. All I did was sleep on that godawful bed and wish I was dead. But I'm rambling; point is, I really don't like any health care establishment just because of negative memories. Do you still talk to the first person you ever dated? If not, would you want to? Why or why not? No. We just don't. I wouldn't be opposed to knowing what he's up to. What do you like most about your favorite animal? Their loyalty and bravery are purely astonishing. Do you need a job? Yes. I'm a leech in my house. I serve no financial purpose to assist my mom in paying bills and all of that. I'm a full-grown adult that should be benefiting humanity. Who do you love the most in your life? My mom, cat, and best friend probably top the list. What is your mom doing right now? I hope she's asleep, but she tends to sleep very badly and is frequently tossing and turning around this time. Where does she work? She's on disability. For the type of cancer she had, she automatically got it with her diagnosis. It's recently been a year since her last chemo session, but let me tell you from witnessing it: It takes A LOT out of you. It was actually torturous for her. She's still regaining her strength and healing before she can wisely get another job. Do you have Netflix? Yeah. What was the last thing you quit doing? I don't know. Have you ever read a book that changed your life? No. Who did you last talk to before you went to bed last night? Sara, if through text counts. Have you ever taken Xanax before? Yes; I was prescribed it for quite a while. Have you ever suffered from anxiety or depression? Try both, buddy.
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