#when talking about tomedd
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cherrysmokesaconha · 11 months ago
Bitches be like: "please respect my opinion!!!"
Their opinion:
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baconcolacan · 1 year ago
TomEdd is a very slow burn, but it has always been warm. Do you remember what it’s like to have a crush on someone you thought was very cool? You become friends and that warm feeling has always been constant when you’re together. It’s soft and gradual, it’s light touches and years of smiling at each other, you start to feel like you’re home.
EddMatt is a really Fun and Funny ship for me. It’s two main characters coming together in a crossover, except one is from a slice of life show and the other is from a fantasy. It’s a very high energy relationship, it’s exciting and bursting at the seams with ideas and passion. Have you ever had someone who’s basically your favorite caffeinated drink personified? They come into the room and suddenly your deep bone tiredness goes away like it was never there, and they smile at you and you feel as though you’re never going to get tired again.
TordMatt for me is a relationship that started off on the wrong foot. Their egos don’t match and they might have said or done somethings that rubbed the other the wrong way, but part of them holds some kind of respect for the other. I always thought that Tord thought Matt was so cool for being so unapologetically himself, that he could openly like himself when Tord seemed to always hate who he was. Matt on the other hand thinks the same except that Tord seemingly doesn’t care about what other people think of him, when Matt cares a whole lot. I think they could help each other heal. They’re the relationship that talks in whispers together in the dead of night, when everyone else is asleep, and they spend their restless night together, fingers laced, looking up at the ceiling, saying things they wouldn’t in the morning.
EddTord is the bestfriends to lovers to enemies to friends and MAYBE lovers ship. I always thought that they would fit a passionate doomed romance narrative. They start out so great, it’s love and passion and laughter, running off on adventures together, hands held tight, eyes on each other at all times. Then it’s tears and screamed words, betrayal and regret, history cast aside and hands reaching out to nothing. Then it’s quiet, a lingering look, words unsaid, unsteady peace and a longing to hold again. ‘Hey, do you remember when I smiled at you for the first time?’
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lubotomies · 1 year ago
Can you pleasey squeezy rate as many eddsworld ships as you can think of (like from 0-10)
lets give it a whirl
tordedd: i wonder if thisll be a 10 from me yes it will be i love tordedd thats no secret 10s 10s 10s across the board this is my favourite forever i could talk about tordedd for a millennium
tomatt: tordedd and tomatt go hand in hand id be personally castrated by my friends if i didnt rate it the equal amount
tomedd: this is also a 10 sorry theyre always together and tom loves him and edd lvoes him and they love each other lots its kind of obvious
tordmatt: this is another 10 from me sorry. theyre both so autistic but on opposite ends of the spectrum. every symptom one of them has is the opposite of the other. one talks the other goes mute, one doesnt know squat about the intricacies of their interest the other knows all of it. gorjus.
eddmatt: im certain it has potential but ive not seen anyone genuinely like this ship yet like for real every piece of art ive seen of them they act so ooc because the only people drawing them are tomtorders who dont care about edd and matt and only like them together because theyre the leftovers of tomtord i think purely because of that its a 3
tomtord: im being nice and giving it a.. 3. i dont like tomtord at the best of times, i think enemies to lovers is a tired trope people hype up too much because they think being enemies is the only way youre allowed to have couple banter. theyre not really that interesting of a dynamic to me because they dont even really hate each other that much in the series they just dont get along.
^ these apply to ellsworld as well
polyworld: i respect the grind its just not for me but ive seen some really cute art. cant really rate it objectively totally fine that people like it i just personally am monogamous and therefore prefer monogamous pairs
paultryk: 10 i think its so funny and awesome i cant see them as anything but divorced. really awesome.
paultord: solid like 6 or 7 i think it has potential to be cute
pattord: i dont know how i feel bro i cant even rate this
kim and katya: Give me an episode thats just these 2 and ill decide my rating. i think kim is awesome though she really does serve her purpose as a girl next door shes giving hot blonde babysitter so she automatically gets a high score i just dont know what it is
bing and larry: i really like their dynamic however when i see them i dont think of them making out so this is like a 3 from me i really think its just frank n furter and riff raff but i love them as .. ... . .whatever they are
cola losers: i think its really cute i give it like an 8 edd needs to make out with everyone though to be fair
idk i cant think of any other noteworthy ones
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elovna · 3 years ago
Okay but why is NOBODY talking about the fact TomEdd is basically canon now like come on , Edd called Tom hot two times in the first MINUTE and when that guy was talking to him he said ‘ and we get your girl ‘ and pointed to Tom wearing a coconut bra , yall cannot tell me it isn’t canon
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eddswrold-fandicc · 4 years ago
TomEdd Shmut
It was a normal day in the Edd house. Birds were singing, the bees were buzzing, the sun was out. What a nice day.
Tom and Tord had gotten into a fist fight. Matt had tried to break them up, but got roughly pushed out of the way and his mirror broken. Edd was out of the house, taking Ringo to a pet store for a halloween costume.
Tord had thrown Tom onto the coffee table, breaking it in half.
"NOW LOOK WHAT YOU DID, ASSHOLE!" Tom got up, pointing to the broken table.
"It would've been fine if it wasn't for your fat ass, jehovah." Tord wiped the blood running from his nose.
Matt was crying in the corner, holding the shards of his broken mirror like it was his child, "You two better clean this up before Edd comes ho-home," he sniffled.
Tom and Tord looked at each other, panicked.
Suddenly they were friends now, quickly cleaning the house like they had just had a party and their parents were coming home.
God forbid Edd gets mad. He usually had a lot of patience, but piss him off and you're a dead man.
The two bloodied boys were about halfway through with cleaning when they heard keys jingling outside. They rushed in a panic. They haven't even gotten to the living room yet, and it was the worst out of all the rooms.
They hurried to the living room, picking up the broken table, but it was too late.
Edd had walked through the door, holding Ringo in a pumpkin outfit. He stopped mid tracks when he saw the table smashed in two. He gently set down his little pumpkin, letting her walk away before slamming the front door closed.
"What. The hell." Calm as can be. Oh no.
Tom looked to the side, avoiding eye contact. Tord started stuttering, trying to explain what had happened.
"They were fighting. Tord threw Tom on the table," Matt broke through, walking to the kitchen.
Tord glared at him.
"What? I'm not gonna lie to him." Matt shot his hands up in defense.
"Thank you Matt," Edd said calmly. He looked back at the two standing in the living room, "After you two clean this up, go to your rooms and I'll have a word with both of you."
The two nodded, slowly starting to clean up the pieces of wood scattered on the carpet.
Tom tried bending down to pick up a half of the table, but realized he couldn't. His back was in pain.
He quickly stood up, finding another way to pick up their mess. He chose to squat down, but it still hurt. Not as much as bending, but it still hurt.
His face pinched in pain every time he squat down. And Edd had noticed.
Once the two were done with their mess, Tord had dismissed Tom so he can vacuum.
Tom painfully walked up the stairs and into his room, quietly closing the door behind him.
He layed on his bed, on his stomach, waiting for Papa Edd to come punish him.
He heard Edd already talking to Tord downstairs. He couldn't make out what they were saying, but he knew what was happening.
After a few minutes, everything got quiet. That's when Tom knew that he was next. He felt like a child, waiting in their room to be punished by their parent.
He heard Edd's heavy footsteps getting closer to his door. He quietly embraced himself for what might happen next.
Edd opened his door, closing it behind him.
Tom kept his head down, staying quiet and still. Maybe if Edd thought he was sleeping-
A harsh slap was delivered to Tom's ass. His head jumped up, looking back at Edd, who stood with his arms crossed and a glare.
"Ow! What the fu-"
"Sit up and face me." Edd's voice was deep and stern. It honestly made Tom blush.
His gay ass.
Tom sat on the edge of his bed, facing Edd. He looked down, avoiding eye contact with the man towering over him.
"Look at me, Tom."
Tom's blush became a deeper red when Edd said his name. He looked up at him, softly biting his lip.
Edd crouched down so they were face to face, "If you two break any of the furniture over something so stupid again, I'll have your ass on my wall. Do I make myself clear?"
Tom felt his pants getting tighter. Edd smelled so... sexy.
Tom nodded, moving his hands between his thighs so Edd wouldn't see his erection.
Edd retreated back to his normal, happy self, "Great! Take off your shirt and let me see your back."
Tom's black eyes widened, "What? No!"
Edd's voice got low again, "Did I fucking stutter? Take your shirt off, Tom."
Tom still hesitated.
He jumped at Edd's voice being so stern, but boy did it turn him on even more. Now he wanted to argue to keep Edd in his room, then maybe he can jack off later to Edd's voice.
"I don't think so, Edd." Tom smirked.
Edd quietly glared at the smaller man below him.
"Fine then."
Edd quickly gripped the bottom of Tom's hoodie, pulling it over his head.
Tom shrieked from the sudden attack. He covered his arms from the chill in the room.
"Give that back!"
Edd shook his head, tossing the hoodie aside and going for Tom's shirt next.
Tom curled himself into a ball on his bed, swatting away Edd's hands.
Edd pushed him back, but tom uncurled himself and tried to crawl away.
That's when Edd did the unthinkable. He gripped Tom by his waist, pulling him towards him. His crotch smashed into Tom's ass, causing Tom to gasp.
He tried again to squirm away from Edd.
"You better be still before I pull your pants down and smack your bare ass."
Tom stilled, blushing immensely at Edd's words.
There he was, staying still in a doggy style position, his whole face red, letting Edd slide his hands up his shirt and take it off. Did I mention that Tom was incredibly horny?
Edd tossed his shirt on his hoodie, looking at his back. It was bruised straight down the spine and going onto his tailbone.
He ran his fingers on Tom's spine, pushing down and feeling for any bumps.
Tom jerked and whined, trying to move away from Edd.
"What did I say, Tom?"
Tom went still again, remembering what Edd had said earlier. He didn't want him to see his erection. Or know that he turned Tom on.
Edd's hands went lower down the bruised spine, stopping at the tailbone. He used both hands, wrapping his fingers around Tom's waist and pushing his thumbs into the bruising.
"Ah- ow, Edd!" Tom sprang forward.
"Alright, that's it." Edd pulled Tom's pants down to his knees, leaving his ass bare for him to see.
He noted how soft and plush Tom's ass looked.
"Wait, Edd-" Edd gave Tom a harsh smack across his ass, making Tom jump and cover his mouth.
He smacked again, making Tom jump again. He noticed Tom closing his eyes and his facial features softening.
Before Edd could deliver a third hit, he noticed something. Tom was hard and dripping precum.
"You're not supposed to like this, Tom." Edd delivered the third smack, watching Tom's cock twitch in excitement.
"S-Sorry..." Tom was completely embarrassed.
Edd sighed, thinking of a way for Tom to not enjoy it. That horny fucker.
"What if I..." Edd gently slid his finger over Tom's puckering hole.
Tom gasped, looking back at Edd, "Wh-what are you doing- ah~!"
Edd slid his finger into Tom, gently fingering him before adding another.
"You like this, don't you?"
Tom bit his lip, looking down in shame. Of course he liked it, why wouldn't he?
"Answer me, Tom." Edd smacked Tom's ass again, moving his fingers around inside him.
"Y... yes.. I like this."
"Do you want more~?" Edd's voice was starting to become seductive.
Tom thought for a moment. Did he want more? Well, it was better than having a lonely jack off session later. But he hasn't slept with Edd before. He's only hooked up with Tord.
Edd's fingers hit Tom's prostate, making him gasp, throw his face into the bed, and moan.
Edd smirked, hitting it again, making Tom moan more.
"God, Edd please fuck me~!" Tom moaned into the sheets.
Edd took his fingers out of Tom and took off his own pants. He teased Tom's hole with the tip of his dick, causing Tom to whimper and moan.
"Got any lube?"
Tom quickly pointed to his bedside table. Edd slid the drawer open, pulling out a bottle of lube. He put a droplet onto his finger and rubbed it around Tom's entrance. Then he coated his cock in the lube, making sure to get it slippery.
He set the lube aside, taking his cock into his hand and teasing Tom's entrance again.
"Edd, please~"
Edd slowly pushed his dick in, causing the smaller man moan and grip the sheets.
Once he was fully inside of Tom, he didn't give him time to adjust to his size. He started ramming into Tom, hitting his prostate with each thrust.
Tom's mouth gaped open, tears welling in his eyes. It was painful, but felt so good, and he was loving it.
Edd leaned forward, wrapping his hand around Tom's neck and pulling him back a little.
"You like wrecking the furniture? I'll make sure you don't walk for a few days."
Tom moaned at Edd's threat. He never knew Edd could be so rough.
He grabbed his own cock, jerking himself off, overstimulated by the pleasure from both ends.
Edd took his hands off of Tom's throat and gripped his cock. He started pumping his fist at the same pace he was thrusting, making Tom go nuts.
He could tell that he was close.
Edd gripped the base of Tom's cock, not allowing him to cum.
"Eeedddd~ plea-asEee~!"
"Uh-uh. Little Tommy isn't cumming today." Edd started panting as he was ramming into Tom.
He started getting close himself. He was panting and becoming sloppier with his thrusting. He made sure his grip didn't leave Tom's cock though.
Edd rested his head on Tom's bruised back, breathing heavily and lightly kissing it.
His thrusts became slower as he came inside Tom, filling him with his warm juices.
Tom moaned at the warmth that invaded his rear. He felt Edd pull out, but his hand didn't leave his base.
"Edd, please~! Let me cum."
Tom begged and whined, earning a harsh slap from Edd again.
"No. Bad boys don't get to cum."
Well, shit. Looks like Tom was going to have a lonely jerk off session after all.
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spippyskip · 5 years ago
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TomEdd week Day 3: Elemental/Fantasy
I mixed both themes and made Edd and elemental elf. Also chance to make and au so i took it😳
So basically, Edd is an lunar elemental elf prince and Tom is a hunter. Humans and elves have been at war for 100's of years. Tom has been trained to hunt and kill any elf he see's. One day Tom was patrolling in the forest and heard talking, Tom immediately draws his bow and tries to sneak in the bushes and get a clean shot. But when he took a peek to see who was talking, It was Edd. Tom was captivated by him because he's never seen an elf before. But he snaps out of it and aims his bow at Edd. Edd heard this and immediately gets startled, his eyes turn a bright green and his ears catch into an elemental flame. Tom froze and was almost hypnotized by his beauty. After a few seconds of silence- Edd finally speaks "A-are you going to kill me or not?" Tom gets startled and doesn't know what to do or say so all he manages to get out of his mouth is "I- uhm.." Edd raises his eyebrow and says "We'll if you're not gonna kill me I'll just be on my way then." And runs off. Tom felt so stupid because he couldn't do the one job he trained almost his whole life for. So the next day he buckled down and went to the forest again to finish the job. And as he thought Edd was in the same spot. He aimed his bow at Edd but for some reason, he just couldn't do it. "Can't do it can you" Edd said. Tom startled by this, accidentally shoots the arrow but misses miserabley. Edd snickers and says "so if you can't kill me, would you like to join me? Gets kinda lonely just sitting here talking to myself." Tom sits there surprised by Edd request, and after thinking for a bit he accepts the request. "So what's your name Hunter?" Tom hesitated to speak but eventually did "Thomas." "Thomas, I kinda like it- Im Edward, prince of the lunar elves. Its a pleasure to OFFICIALLY meet you." After chatting for bit Tom has to leave but before he does Edd asks him to come everyday so they can talk. And Tom accepts his requests. So after more meetings with the prince Tom eventually falls in love with Edd. And that basically it lol, I can't keep talking about this au xd
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kaiokentimesten · 5 years ago
PLEASE give me all your TordMatt hcs ❤🔫
Oh LORD idk if I can give you ALL of them but I'll give you the ones off the top of my head
-Matt didn't like Tord at first because Edd was friends with Tord first and he gets jealous easily. Essentially, he was overly aggressive to Tord at first because he didn't want him to take his best friend
-Eventually tho it got better. Matt began to actually Talk to Tord and found out he was actually pretty smart behind the broken English and whatnot. Tord helped him with his math homework a lot
-They watched a lot of anime together in highschool. Tord liked to ramble about it a lot and Matt couldn't keep up but he thought Tord looked cute while he rambled so it was fine
-this one is more jokey but. Tord used to have an emo swoop but then when Matt saw it he said it looked ugly so Tord cried and cut it
-Tord looked up to Matt in highschool to the point of idolization. Matt was everything he wanted to be, and he was honestly shocked that Matt wanted to hang out with a lone wolf like him. The idolization stopped after highschool tho
-skipping to the present, Tord likes to make little gadgets for Matt. Even though everything else gets lost in the various piles in Matt's room, Tord's gifts for him are somehow intact
-Tord is a huge simp for Matt, end of story.
-Tord's got a huge sweet tooth. Whenever Matt bakes, he absolutely steals a few pastries to go eat in his room while he works
-they have a lot of movie nights together! They make popcorn, put on a shitty movie, and cuddle
-in an au where there's tomedd, I'd like to imagine Tord and Matt REALLY got to know each other because their closest friends are too busy with each other to pay attention to them. So, begrudgingly, they began to hang out before actually realizing "hey, this person's actually cool"
-while Tord actually makes the cool machines, Matt likes to design them and make them look pretty
-they aren't a SUPER affectionate couple like Tom and Edd, but they will hold hands and cuddle every once in a while. A personal favorite thing of mine is Tord hugging Matt from behind while he's baking
-Matt is the only thing keeping Tord from working for two weeks straight without sleeping, eating, or showering
-after Matt lost his eye and before he got the robotic one, he and Tord had matching eyepatches! Also, Matt designed the uniforms for the Red Army.
-Tordmatt good
I'll shut up now, lol. I think you guys have had enough Tordmatt from me
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spanimator · 7 years ago
What are your favorite ships besides TordEdd?
tomatt and tomedd are nice
there’s a few more but i’m shy when i talk about this stuff 
thank u for the ask!
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r-az · 7 years ago
gay meme 1-30
1. describe your idea of a perfect date
going on an adventure with them! and making memories…. discovering new things! and something to do with a pond or a creek or something because water is really important to me and i associate it with life and beauty and peace
2. whats your “type”
usually? messes. recently? puppy parker fangedpuppy warmpinks morningstar the first.
3. do you want kids?
nope! i think that bringing a child into a world thats on the brink of destruction both politically and literally is uh. not good!
4. if you do, will you adopt or use some other form of child birth?
oh i would def adopt! im against putting more children into the world but i would love to take one that was given up. more people should adopt
5. describe the cutest date you’ve ever been on
ive only been on one so. i GUESS when chris and i went to see the illumination entertainment film and we sat in the back of the theatre and i just talked about wanting to fuck the koala the whole time
6. describe your experience having sex for the first time (were you nervous? or was it easy peasy?) 
im a virgo!
7. are you a morning time gay or night time gay?
night time. im a vampire i. Thrive in the night
8. opinion on nap dates?
god hell yes
9. opinion on brown eyes?
the only good eyes. light eyes like green and blue just. creep me out. in my opinion like, the darkness of the eyes shows the trustability and love in a person
10. dog gay or cat gay?
11. would you ever date someone who owned rodents or reptiles?
FUCK YES i fucking love animals like that so much oh my god i trust them so much
12. whats a turn off you look for before you start officially dating someone
honestly? honest to god? swear on my life? them liking shit like. steven univerase and like, not having an opinion on ace discourse. 
13. what is a misconception you had about lgb people before you realized you were one?
14. what is a piece of advice you would give to your younger self
delete ur blog dumb faggot lol go outside steven pooniverse discuorse isnt a good way to spend your time. also please play literally any game other than undertale.
15. (if attracted to more than one gender) do you have different “types” for different genders? 
16. who is an ex you regret?
sam my abuser xD 
17. night club gay or cafe gay?
hgghhghghghtghghhhhh night club. unfortunately
18. who is one person you would “go straight” for
hm… no one
19. video game gay, book gay, or movie gay?
movie gay because im gay and cant read
20. favourite gay ship (canon or not)
ghghghhghghh tommat or tomedd. its canon in me heart.
21. favourite gay youtuber
youtubers are bastards tyler oakley spit in my face and called me a fake gay so none
22. have you ever unknowingly asked out a straight person?
no bc i dont ask people out they ask me out
23. have you ever been in love?
24. have you ever been heartbroken?
yea xD
25. how do you determine if you want to be them or be with someone
well. if we’re talking sexey times then its always both. but for actual love its usually having like. the polar opposite personality of me. like puppy!
26. favourite lgb musician/band
me moaning with dread into the sewers at 4 am, alone and in a devil onesie
27. what is a piece of advice you have for young / baby gays
if you see a mogai or a transphobe? beat their ass then run
28. are you out? if so how did you come out
yeah but ive come out so many times idk man
29. what is the most uncomfortable / strange coming out experience you have
my mom outing me to my home the phobic brother el oh el
30. what is a piece of advice for people who may not be in a safe place to express their sexuality
try just not being gay! :^) [SARCASM]
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cherrysmokesaconha · 1 year ago
Me following a cool artist: 😊
They ship TomEdd...: 😐
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