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Just a place where I can make fanfics and reblog Eddsworld content. My writings are tagged #my work.
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eddswrold-fandicc · 2 years ago
"Sir? Sir, wake up! Wake up!" Tom held Red Leader in his arms, shaking him, hoping he'll wake up.
He hugged him closer, "Please.. Tord... Wake up.. I love you.."
It's been years since he said that to Tord.
Tom quietly sobbed as medics arrived, ripping an unconscious Tord from his arms. He immediately felt cold and alone.
"C'mon, get up. You need medical attention too," One of the medics helped Tom off the ground, putting him in a wheelchair and taking him away to the hospital on base. All Tom could do was cry and look for Tord.
"Where is he?" He looked around and couldn't find him.
"Sir, you need to settle down," The medic pushed the wheelchair faster, finally arriving at the entrance and taking Tom to an empty bed. It looked like a regular emergency room.
Two nurses started assessing Tom: putting in an IV, taking blood, and hooking him to the vital machine. As soon as they finished, they quickly left to join the chaos next door, only separated by a curtain. Tom tried listening, hoping it was Tord, and that he was okay.
"Start chest compressions! I'll grab the AED!"
Tom's eyes widened. The machine started to beep as his vitals went up. Tears started streaming down his face, "No..." He whispered.
The same two nurses heard the beeping, excusing themselves from next door. The look on Tom's face told them everything, "Oh, honey.. That's not him."
"W-What?" Tom wiped the tears running down his face.
"That's a soldier who blew himself up, Sir." The other nurse turned the machine off, and unlatched the bed brakes.
"What are you doing?"
"Taking him to Red Leader," The other nurse wheeled Tom out of the chaotic room, and into a much more calm environment. She hooked his bed to the back wall and plugged in his vital machine.
"He's completely fine, maybe a concussion."
Tom looked to his left, where he saw Tord. He was beaten up pretty bad. There were bruises and cuts all over his face and upper body. His arm was disconnected from his body, and set aside. But he was peacefully asleep. Tord didn't seem to be in any pain.
Tom sighed in relief, finally sitting back and relaxing into the pillow.
"You told me you loved me." Tord's voice cut through the silence.
Tom looked over to him, seeing a smile on his face, but his eyes still closed.
Tord's smile grew, "While you though I was dying in you arms."
Tom glared at him, "Yes."
Tord finally opened his eyes, connecting them with Tom's, "Well, I'm still alive Thomas. Care to repeat that?"
Tom glared at Tord's shit eating grin before turning himself over to rest on his side, facing away from Tord, "Nope."
Prompt #1025
"You told me you loved me."
"While you thought I was dying in your arms."
"Well, I'm still alive. Care to repeat that?"
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eddswrold-fandicc · 2 years ago
Yeah, so here's a small life update.
I got married August 26th. My husband is going into the army, and we'd rather have the married benefits.
I had surgery on Friday. They removed a lump in my abdomen. Results aren't in yet.
Got the flea infestation gone! Thank fucking god.
You still taking fic requests?
So honestly, I've been so busy with life and I'll just post when I can. I just got married, working full time, and trying to fight a flea infestation in my house. I've been wanting to write, but I have no motivation or ideas. I'm sorry. I'll post when I can.
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eddswrold-fandicc · 2 years ago
You still taking fic requests?
So honestly, I've been so busy with life and I'll just post when I can. I just got married, working full time, and trying to fight a flea infestation in my house. I've been wanting to write, but I have no motivation or ideas. I'm sorry. I'll post when I can.
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eddswrold-fandicc · 2 years ago
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(Super Average concept art by Jesse Zhang aka @iamprikle)
Hey you, so I recently had a pretty lengthy ramble about Eddsworld Legacy and a lot of the decisions that we/I made in my vlog. This was in response to the criticisms I’ve faced since (and even more so after) show running the series. I know most people won’t dedicate 12 minutes of their life to my on-camera mumblings so I figured I’d sum up one of the most important points in a blog post (since it was largely a blog post that spawned those criticisms). I want to talk about the character of Tord, why he was brought back, and what it meant. I’ll try (and likely fail) to keep this brief.
In 2008 I came up with the idea for a series called Super Average, a show I still plan on making one day. The dream was to write it with Edd and have him lead the animation. For obvious reasons, we never got the chance to work on it together. We had however planned on fusing it with Eddsworld, setting it in the same universe, and having the big, bad villain be a fellow named Red Leader. Hell, he’s even name-dropped in WTFuture (2010). While we were never going to reveal the identify of this villain, it wouldn’t have taken a rocket scientist to figure it out.
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With Edd gone, development on Super Average was put on pause while I/we worked on Eddsworld Legacy. However, I always knew that Red Leader would one day live on in Super Average so we kept throwing little hints to the greater narrative into the Legacy episodes. The Red Army, the Red Leader ‘R’ logo, etc.
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That brings us to the finale of Eddsworld Legacy: The End. Tord was brought back largely because we thought it would be a cool episode that would give the fans what they’d been begging for for years. We also thought it could provide a payoff for all the foreshadowing in case Super Average never came to pass. Part 1 was planned to have Tord showing up, destroying the house to retrieve a super weapon, and leaving. Part 2 was going to be a house hunt episode (and also a musical). Obviously this changed during writing into more of a rivalry story (playing on the Tom/Tord rivalry of earlier eddisodes). As for the musical eddisode, we put Trick or Threat together instead.
After The End was released I stupidly said that the episode, and subsequently Tord, was a metaphor for the return of Edd’s cancer. Eddie, my writing partner, doesn’t even recall me mentioning this as we wrote the episode. In reality, the only way I worked this metaphor into The End was with the destruction of the gang’s house and the need to get a new one.
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Tord wasn’t a metaphor for cancer, I just wanted to seem like a smart writer.
With Eddsworld Legacy over, I’ve picked up work on Super Average again. The characters have been designed (including Red Leader), a pitch has been made, and a pilot script is currently in production. However, with consideration of criticisms and hindsight from Eddsworld, I’ve decided to scrap the character of Red Leader. The design and character will no doubt be repurposed if the series begins but Red Leader will never be seen again. This is to not only distance myself from Eddsworld as it’s time for me to do but also to relieve the character of Tord from my control. I’ll leave ol’ Red’s designs here for the memory.
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(Super Average concept art by Sophie Fletcher aka @tomee-bear)
If you want to know more about my motivations behind Eddsworld Legacy, my issues with budgeting, and the writing choices, feel free to watch my vlog.
Thanks for reading.
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eddswrold-fandicc · 2 years ago
Edd doodles (and Ringo!!!)
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Also a monster Tom scribble
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The duality of an art style
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eddswrold-fandicc · 2 years ago
mark werewolf
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eddswrold-fandicc · 2 years ago
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Do you know what happens when a Reject Splits?
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eddswrold-fandicc · 2 years ago
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Hanging out with friends
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eddswrold-fandicc · 2 years ago
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Teehee i loved the new episode sm you guys 😎
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eddswrold-fandicc · 2 years ago
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Here's a pic of my cat
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eddswrold-fandicc · 2 years ago
What are they up to..
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eddswrold-fandicc · 2 years ago
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eddswrold-fandicc · 2 years ago
Ok just for curiosity reasons
I genuinely hate to say this but please reblog if you hit the like button for a larger sample size thank you <3
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eddswrold-fandicc · 2 years ago
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my au doodles !!! last doodle is 4 mal’s au 💕
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eddswrold-fandicc · 2 years ago
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Todos lo hacían yo solo quería ser popular.
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eddswrold-fandicc · 2 years ago
Tomtord, anyone? Idk what this is xD
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eddswrold-fandicc · 2 years ago
Jon’s lil smile 
side profile practice
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