#when she called mimi a little punk i died
dianessunflower · 2 years
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Stephanie Hsu for Vogue Singapore, March 2023
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ae0nx · 4 years
I’m not gonna do a blacktober/drawtober today, but I willlll rant about Digimon, because nothing ever really changes. Ok, I’m tipsy and I feel like everyone and their mum has watched Kizuna now so I wanna finally express my feelfeels on it. Let’s goooo
Ok, so I love how this movie opens especially as an old school fan.
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It’s perfect. I love the solid feeling of ‘finality’ to the series that we never got to see in Tri... (I’ll try not talk shit about Tri in this recap but it’s gonna be difficult, I’m sorry)
- We got that call back to the original soundtrack! The only time in life I will tear up at hearing Bolero.
- I adoreee the animation and designs in this movie. It feels so much more diverse (in terms of facial features) than Tri did without even trying really. The facial expressions are so much characteristic and there’s less awkward spacey moments. It’s nice! (Ooops, mentioned Tri: Count 2 haha)
- While I was a bit disappointed with the digidestined outfits when they were first released as still images, they do look a lot better in action and they fit in well with the world that is built. But Taichi swapping sneakers for sandals? Seems false lol
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Taichi’s anxiety about the destruction. Nice to see continuation and character development. We love him~~~
- The Parrotmon vs Greymon + Angemon + Angewomon fight looked dope and was a nice call back/development. The electricity and fire looked amazing and honestly had me hyped. A lot of fight scenes in this movie did.
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Haha, of course Yamato had to come in looking unnecessarily cool on his fancy new bike only to talk shit about Taichi. We love him too, goddammit lol
- It totally makes sense that the two pairs of siblings and Koushirou would be the most actively involved out of all of the digidestined tbh
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The movie opening theme being set to the original ‘Butterfly’ was great, and in a weird way reminded me a little of the Cowboy Bebop Movie opening theme - except very much in the style and world of Digimon Adventure
- The digidestined are public superheroes now? Makes sense, I don’t hate it~~~
- I love the montage of Taichi and Yamato going about their lives as people in their early 20s. Taichi mostly dealing with the pressures of adulthood. Yamato feeling nostalgic about the things he left behind in childhood (playing harmonica, being in a band)
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Ahhh, they can drink now! So weird, yet so fun haha
- It’s also really nice for my shipper heart to see Taichi and Yamato sit down and have a meal together without totally biting each other’s heads off. Shows how much they’ve matured!
- Yolei straight up was like ‘I don’t have time for this shit, Koushirou you deal with it’ 😂Mimi has taught you well, young padawan
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I was really hoping these two would be a better addition than Maki and Daigo (RIP) and they were! It’s almost like the writers saw Tri and was like... let’s do better. (Ooops mentioned Tri: Count 3)
- I reallyyyyy really sadistically like the concept of the Digimon and Digidestined’s connection to each other dying slowly the older they get and with the less necessary the Digimon become in the human partner’s life. Yeahhhhh, it doesn’t match up with the 02 ending but I’m personally not too attached to that ending so I don’t mind. A) it’s actually a plot point that makes me give a shit and B) it’s very much a reflection of life which Digimon Adventure has always been and C) it makes sense of the reason as to why Digimon gravitate to children
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DAISUKE! We stan a kinggg, with his dope sunglasses. I’m so happy the 02 kids are involved in this, even if it is kinda minimal.
- I love that they included the fact that the digital gates are basically like a free airplane ticket to anywhere in the world with a computer. It’s such a useful and cool concept
- ‘Burger Queen’ ahaha
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AHHHHHHHHH HAHAAHHAHA I can’t. It feel so wrong yet so... correct? Hahaha
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I’m sorry, my love for Gennai died with Tri. If it was old Gennai from Adventure maybe I would’ve felt a bit more nostalgic and loving. (Oops mentioned Tri: Count 4)
- I love the 02 kids basically being a smaller detective team that Chief Detective Yamato sent forth to do some investigating. It makes so much sense and we shoulda got this in triiiiii (I just wish we got this movie instead of Tri, I’m sorry Oops mentioned Tri: Count 5)
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Spy movie? I don’t hate it~~~~
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OK, DETECTIVE ISHIDA! (enter theme music which is most likely very dark and edgy and gothic with a hint of pop punk)
- Sora staying at home when Mimi is in the hospital seems... off... very off... but ok... ... ... I hate how they sidelined Sora in this movie. Why does every Digimon writer since Adventure hate Sora?!?!
- The act of Taichi literally shunning his future by switching off his phone to once again reach for his old goggles and old digivice is... poetic cinema
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Saw the switch coming but whoa 😳
- You know the whole concept of her creating an eternal Digital world was a cool concept until she called it Neverland
- While I really like Menoa and her being the villain, this isn’t exactly a new motivation. How many times have we seen human partners turn into villains after losing their Digimon, man?!?! Just more motivation into making me think this film is just fixing the mistakes of Tri (Oops mentioned Tri: Count 6)
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I really like this design! It might make my top 3 Digimon designs.
- You know... only in the Digimon fandom would a goddamn whistle make us all emotional 😭😂
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This movie is so pretty!!!!
- Wait... did Biyomon vanish and that’s why Sora wasn’t involved? 😢
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Wow. WOW. That goodbye... between Taichi and Agumon... and Yamato and Gabumon... was... ALL I WANTED/DIDN’T WANT. Seriously. As I said before, I really like the fact that this movie feels... final. Honestly, I don’t want grown up adventures with the Digimon - regardless of how mean that sounds. What’s unique about Digimon is how childlike it is and the separation between the Digimon’s childlike nature and the Digidestined was growing the older the humans got and it wouldn’t make full sense for the relationship between the two to go from friends and almost equals to parent and child. 
I guess I would’ve been more accepting of the Digimon staying a constant in the Digidestined lives if the writers touched on the theme of the Digimon being adult or baby whenever they like (or whenever they eat) and relating it to humans still looking after their inner child of curiosity and creativity as they get older. But that’s a pretty difficult concept, I’m still working my head around that haha
Also, Digimon has always specifically been a metaphor/real example for the joys and hardships of childhood. While it’s super sad, I’m glad we got such a nice send off!
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johns-prince · 5 years
John was human. Sometimes wonderful and sometimes an asshole, like all humans, like Paul, Ringo and George. The only difference is that John had mental heatlh issues, not treated because mental health was ( and still is) a hush hush aspect of society in many ways. He deserved so much better than he had.
HONESTLY, okay look, I am SO fucking passionate about trying to explain that John didn’t exactly have the same sort of upbringing as the others[not saying the others didn’t have it tough at times too, okay, I’m not]. That isn’t to excuse his behavior or actions, never excuse or justifies-- but it’s important we try to understand people as individuals, try to at least be empathetic and compassionate before throwing the first stone. 
John didn’t have a good father figure growing up, like, at all. It’s EXTREMELY important for boys to have some sort of fatherly figure in their life, a good one. Even his uncle was absent due to passing away. Then his mother wasn’t really around, left him for his aunt to take care of-- which, c’mon, had to fuck him up a bit? Young John wondering why his mom isn’t the one taking care of him, why she doesn’t want him. It really hurts a person’s growth as a person when they don’t have either parents around, or good parents [I would know, my sister is a bad/neglectful/not really there parent for her three kids] and THEN when his mother was finally starting to come around, and maybe there was some hope of a relationship of some sort starting between John and her, she fucking dies. 
John is essentially, in his mind, abandoned by his parents, purposefully or not. That’ll do some damage to one’s psyche. 
And Mimi, well, she tried, you know? She did her best, I believe she did, and that she loved John-- but she didn’t offer John the emotional support and affection that he desperately needed. And maybe that was due to Mimi’s upbringing, who knows. 
THEN, everyone around John basically thought him to be a loser, or to turn out to be a loser, a nobody, a waste. He was expected to be a failure, to be a punk with no future. I couldn’t imagine being treated like that, especially since I already feel like a failure, a loser, a screw up [again, insecurity and self hatred talking here] I think one of the VERY FEW people who supported John, or believed he had any sort of talent and future, was an art teacher of his. 
Also, what of bullying? John obviously had a personal issue with wearing his glasses [Liverpool boys can’t wear glasses, it was considered a weakness, something to pick on] and John didn’t like himself, didn’t like his nose [I would pay to kiss his nose how dare he] didn’t like his voice [hoW DARE HE] and apparently the dude had issues with bulimia too [I still wanna rip into that reporter who called him the “fat” Beatle] 
So, with all this, this being John’s childhood and upbringing and environment [not touching on the nature of this, as I can’t really speak for what John’s mental illnesses were to be exact, if they were innate or formulated by environment, or both] this created an EXTREMELY insecure little boy, a scared little boy, sensitive and self hating, little boy. A boy who had abandonment issues, paranoid of people who he ended up liking, even loving, would leave him, so he’d push away, put up challenges, tests, consciously or subconsciously who knows, probably both. John would prove to be unhealthily codependent on those he loved, and I agree that would he found mostly in Yoko was a mother figure, not a lover. Someone who could be strong for him, could do for him, would agree to hide away with him, away from the world, and just give, give and give-- even if what was taken from him, what he gave up or sold away, was his very being, what made John John. 
John was self destructive, using drugs and alcohol [primarily drugs though, hard ones too] and yeah, John was probably mentally ill as well. I can’t speak for the other Beatles [Paul did suffer from bouts of depression, so I believe he may suffer from depression] but John probably was mentally ill, and I doubt he knew that, which only made things worse as he probably didn’t know what the fuck when it came to his certain behaviors or actions. it’s disgusting that it’s even still kept as a taboo subject to touch. 
It kills me knowing he never really got the help he needed, he deserved. There’s lots to blame for that. 
John deserved SO much better, John deserved the fucking world and a bag of chips. 
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acehotel · 7 years
Deep Look: The Stacks Art & Design Bookstore
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New Orleans
In another life, we’d own a bookstore. Spend our waking hours knee-deep in dog-eared paperbacks, biceps toned from lugging heavy art books, black coffee on tap and a shop cat asleep on last week’s paper (this part we’ve daydreamed about the most). This dream has been on our mind forever, but it came into a sharper, technicolor focus last week, when we sat down with a friend and neighbor who happens to be living our alter ego life (minus the cat).
Emilie Lamy is founder and owner of The Stacks Art & Design Bookstore, located in the Contemporary Arts Center just a book’s throw from Ace New Orleans (PSA, don’t throw books). Wholly dedicated to contemporary art books, the shelves at The Stacks cover every corner from Bob Ross coloring books and optimistic stationary by People I've Loved to the A-B-Cs of graphic design and cookbooks for artists.
Emilie grew up in Burgundy, France, a few hours from Paris, born to a fashion photographer father and an American artist mother. After living and working in Paris and Marseilles for ten years as a publisher, curator and teacher, she met New Orleans for the first time during a trip around the states. After only one month in the city, she decided to stay.
Ace: What was it about New Orleans?
Emilie Lamy: One of the things I love about this city it that people are who they truly are and give you the space to do the same. It's a pretty vulnerable place too, we are located below sea level, in a ever growing threatened geographic location. I feel that this vulnerability sparks a lot of creativity and extravagance. As if the craziness of Mardi Gras was constantly flowing through the year!
Why make the move to America?
As a European, I’m pretty conflicted about living in the US, especially in this political climate..though living in New Orleans feels like you’re not quite in America. I feel very strongly connected to the local creative community; it keeps me going, as well as the beautiful friendships I’ve built here.
How was The Stacks born? Where did you start?
I opened a pop-up shop in Sterling Provisions in the Marigny during Prospect 3. There was a lot of excitement around it and it quickly outgrew the space. From there, I moved to the Zeitgeist in Central City above Church Alley Coffee.
Was opening a bookstore always in the cards?
No! Not at all. I opened the shop pretty impulsively, thinking it would only stay open for the duration of Prospect. There is a great network of Fiction and Nonfiction bookstores in the city, but none where you could find art, architecture, photography, design books and creative source material.
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A win from a whim. Where did the CAC come in?
I approached them with the idea that they should have a bookstore or gift shop, but more with the thought that I could help them find someone to do it. I didn't intend on being that person, but of course, when they asked me to move in I was thrilled, obviously.
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The partnership feels tailor-fit.
It really is. The shop works in harmony with The CAC, bouncing people, programming and ideas off of each other. They are supportive partners.
You're fighting the good fight by owning a bookstore in a digital age. What's that like?
Yes. Bookstores are not exactly booming businesses... I say that a lot! Sometimes it's a little solitary, but then a crowd of people will come in and love a book or there will be a perfect afternoon where there is music playing, people browsing and the light is just right. That's a nice reminder that things are as they should be.
Trust Me books. What's the story there?
Yes! The name is an homage to Mimi's in the Marigny. On their menu they have the "trust me" dish. It's whatever the cook decides it’s going to be. I really love that idea!  I really love Mimi's too. It's one of the first bars where I spent time when I moved here. It helped me fall in love with the city and the people that make it.
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What was your first favorite book?
As a child? So many! The first one that comes to my mind are Charlotte's Web and Charlie & The Chocolate Factory. Very original I know!
What are you reading right now?
Funnily enough, right now I'm reading The Culture Industry and the Propaganda Factory, a spoof of Charlie! Everyone is hooked, not on chocolate, but on propaganda. It's hysterical.
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We asked Emilie to share some of her favorites in the shop (they’re available now, too):
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1. Dan Starling: The Culture Industry and the Propaganda Factory
This book is basically a bootleg of Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It is a crazy fairytale where the 5 lucky children visit the Culture Industry’s (Willy Wonka) “Propaganda Factory.” The 5 children are: Modern Art, a gross boy who eats and appropriate anything he can get his hands and teeth on; Cynical Reason, a spoiled little rich girl; Teenage Schizophrenia, the world’s champion antidepressant eater; Barackula Ozombie, an undead politician addicted to TV; and Jeune Fille, the Hero.
2/ Men Explain Things To Me
I discovered Rebecca Solnit’s work through her book A Paradise Built in Hell, and have tried to keep up with reading all her books since, which isn’t easy, she is such a prolific writer! In this ferocious essay, Solnit dives deep into the awfulness of mansplaining, a term she coined. The many ways things can go very wrong in conversations between men and women… It’s an essential reading!
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3/ Sophie Calle: Rachel Monique
This art book from French artist Sophie Calle narrates through diary excerpts and photographs the story of Monique Szyndler, Sophie Calle’s mother who died in 2007. This book is very emotional to me. I remember seeing the show at the Palais de Tokyo a while back and was extremely moved by it. It is also a beautifully designed and printed book, with the precious embroidery on the cover for example.
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4/ Maria Kalman: The Principles of Uncertainty
I absolutely adore Maira Kalman’s work, it is so sweet, whimsical and witty! The Principles of Uncertainty is the result of a year-long compilation of her New York Times columns. What seems like randomness at first slowly turns into an interconnected worldview that takes you to very personal places, a mix of documentary, travelogue and chapbook.
5/ Carson Ellis: Home
This children’s book is a delicate meditation on the idea of a home, a wonderful tale about all the different places where people live, real or imaginary. From a house in the country, an apartment in the city, or even a shoe.
6/ The Last Interview Series, Melville House
This series is a great way to discover through collected interviews (as well as the very last interview given, hence the title) the creative process, the struggles, doubts and inspirations of writers, musicians, politicians, scientists, intellectuals… I always really like to read interviews and biographies, I feel that it’s a very intimate way to understand someone’s practice and train of thoughts, so I really enjoy this series.
7/ Picturing America’s National Parks, by Aperture
This photography book is interesting in so many ways! First, it relays through stunning photographs the beauties of America’s National Park. It also helps you understand how America slowly started carrying and creating systems to preserve the natural beauty of those lands. Then, the other aspect that I love about this book is that it shows all at once the technical evolution of photography, and the conceptual shifts photography has taken in the past century.
8/ Unpacking My Library series, Yale University Press
Inspired by Walter Benjamin’s 1931 essay “Unpacking My Library,” this series of 3 books spotlight the personal libraries of architects, novelists and artists (the latest one in the series) who share their collections with readers.
9/ Atak: Topsy Turvy World
I love the work on the German artist Atak, and I pretty much always carry the books published by Flying Eye Books, the children’s imprint of Nobrow Press. They have the most beautiful illustration and children's books! In Topsy Turvy World the world in turned upside down, and every general assumption is turned on its head: mice chase cats, firemen douse water with flames, a punk throws change to a business man sitting on the sidewalk…   
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10/ The Moth: All These Wonders
I’m an avid listener of The Moth’s podcast so I was very excited about this book. It compiles 45 stories that people have shared on stage. It gives you a very different experience to slow down and read those stories. It brings you to so many difference places and waves of emotions, from tears to laughter. It’s a beautiful compilation, people sharing their very personal stories and allowing themselves to be vulnerable. It’s inspiring.   
The Stacks lives inside The Contemporary Arts Center at 900 Camp Street, just around the corner from Ace. Their doors are open Monday-Friday from 10am-6pm Saturday and Sunday 11am-5pm. Visit Emilie anytime and cash in on our fantasy black coffee thanks to the cafe (open in tandem with the shop), serving breads and bagels, coffee and a selection of wine and beer.
Buy a book and cozy up. Winter deals are happening now at Ace Hotel New Orleans, here.  
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flyonmylovee · 7 years
Chosen Children // Adventure Song List
Take It All Back 2.0 by Judah and the Lion
Hey, my life is real great, feel I'm well on my way to my dreams coming true and I'm getting to do it with you
Don’t Look Back in Anger by Oasis
So I start a revolution from my bed 'Cause you said the brains I had went to my head. Step outside, summertime's in bloom Stand up beside the fireplace Take that look from off your face You ain't ever gonna burn my heart out
The Background by Third Eye Blind
And the plans I make still have you in them, Cause you come swimming into view, And I'm hanging on your words like I always used to do, The words they use so lightly, I only feel for you
When You Were Young by The Killers
We're burning down the highway skyline On the back of a hurricane that started turning When you were young
All My Friends by LCD Soundsystem
I wouldn't trade one stupid decision For another five years of life
Stamp of Origin: Take a Look Around by Dredg
A piercing sound so loud, takes over the crowd Watch them run away Objects in the sky, blacken all the light Total disarray What a show What a show
Hysteria by Muse
It's bugging me, grating me And twisting me around Yeah I'm endlessly caving in And turning inside out 
All These Things That I Have Done by The Killers
Another head aches, another heart breaks I am so much older than I can take And my affection, well it comes and goes I need direction to perfection, no no no no, help me out
Lay Low by Shovels & Rope
Well I probably should be drug out to sea Where I can't hurt no one and no one can hurt me At least I'd be free, and probably I'd see What caused me to be so detached completely
Love Bite by Kato Kazuki
In Transit by Albert Hammond Jr
Free from it all I'm not gonna change till I want to
Do I Wanna Know? by The Arctic Monkeys
Have you no idea that you're in deep? I dreamt about you nearly every night this week How many secrets can you keep? 'Cause there's this tune I found that makes me think of you somehow When I play it on repeat
Reptilia by The Strokes
Yeah, the night's not over You're not trying hard enough, Our lives are changing lanes You ran me off the road
Dirty Paws by Of Monsters and Men
Jumping up and down the floor, My head is an animal.
The Dog Days are Over by Florence and the Machine
Happiness hit her like a bullet in the back Struck from a great height By someone who should know better than that
From Eden by Hozier
Babe, there's something broken about this But I might be hoping about this Oh, what a sin
Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap
Ransom notes keep falling out your mouth. Mid-sweet talk, newspaper word cut-outs. Speak no feeling, no I don't believe you. You don't care a bit. You don't care a bit.
Love Will Save Your Soul by Grouplove
Love will save your soul I'm feeling so alone and growing old Love will make no sense But lose control Lost my train of thought and now control
Maps by The Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Wait, they don’t love you like I love you
Edge of Town by Middle Kids
I got all muddled up and journeyed to the edge of town And then the road cracked open, sucked me in and I went down We're standing face to face with the king of the underground Some things just don't add up, I'm upside down I'm inside out
Broken Horse by Freelance Whales
But, oh god, that look in your eye; trouble that does not search words. It sprung from the biblical vine and awaiting to return to the dirt
Stay Home by American Football
Don't leave home again If empathy takes energy Cause everyone feels just like you
A New Error by Moderat
The Wall by Yuck
And I know that I'm in space And I know that it's not real It's just the way that I feel
Instant Crush by Daft Punk ft. Julian Casablancas
It didn't matter what they wanted to see He thought he saw someone that looked just like me The summer memory that just never dies We worked too long and hard to give it no time
Losing Touch by Albert Hammond Jr
What you call wisdom, I call pain Stepped out of line, I missed my train In time you'll say, I'm just losing touch
Love is Mystical by Cold War Kids
Love is mystical, love will break the chains! You might feel invincible and you might be afraid Light in darkness will show you the way Give you the power to believe again 
Suzy by Caravan Palace
Suzy, flashes the dance floor and sings, And she's expecting more swinging dreams.
Anna Sun by Walk The Moon
Screen falling off the door door hanging off the hinges My feet are still sore, my back is on the fringes We tore up the walls we slept on couches We lifted this house we lifted this house
Baby Come Home by Scissor Sisters
But I’m too cool to lose my control You’re too cool to call Maybe I just don’t want to know You’re out there having it all
Sight of the Sun by Fun.
Do you remember when we stayed up till the sun stretched through the room? I used to blame it on the queens walking down 7th Avenue It's been years now since we moved I've gotten through with an excuse You know I try not to speak superlatives But it's impossible to you
Wannabe by The Spice Girls
Now don't go wasting my precious time Get your act together we could be just fine
You Don’t Own Me by Grace
Don't tell me what to do And don't tell me what to say
Sigh No More by Mumford and Sons
Love, it will not betray you Dismay or enslave you, it will set you free Be more like the man you were made to be
Need You By My Side by The Sun Parade
I feel it collapsing inside me, my life while i struggle inside. Could you please be my constant? Cause i have fifty thoughts at a time
Cough Syrup by Young The Giant
Life's too short to even care at all, oh, oh I'm losing my mind losing my mind losing control If I could find a way to see this straight I'd run away To some fortune that I, I should have found by now So I run now to the things they said could restore me Restore life the way it should be
Stressed Out by Twenty One Pilots
Sometimes a certain smell will take me back to when I was young How come I'm never able to identify where it's coming from I'd make a candle out of it if I ever found it Try to sell it, never sell out of it, I'd probably only sell one It'd be to my brother, 'cause we have the same nose Same clothes homegrown a stone's throw from a creek we used to roam But it would remind us of when nothing really mattered Out of student loans and treehouse homes we all would take the latter
On Your Porch by The Format
What's left to lose? You've done enough. And if you fail, well, then you fail, but not to us.
Spirits by The Strumbellas 
And I don't want a never ending life I just want to be alive while I'm here
Cigarette Daydreams by Cage The Elephant
You sigh, look away I can see it clear as day Close your eyes, so afraid Hide behind that baby face
The Cave by Mumford & Sons
I will hold on hope and I won't let you choke On the noose around your neck And I'll find strength in pain And I will change my ways I'll know my name as it's called again
Generator ^ First Floor by Freelance Whales
We keep on churning and the lights inside the house turn on And in our native language we are chanting ancient songs And when we quiet down, the house chants on without us
House of Gold by Twenty One Pilots
I will make you queen of everything you see I’ll put you on the map I’ll cure you of disease
Youth by Glass Animals
Fly high Feel your mother at your side Don't you know you got my eyes I'll make you fly high You'll be happy all the time I know you can make it right
Boy With a Coin by Iron & Wine
A boy with a coin he crammed in his jeans Then making a wish he tossed in the sea Walked to a town that all of us burn When God left the ground to circle the world
Shake it Out by Florence and the Machine
And I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't So here's to drinks in the dark at the end of my road And I'm ready to suffer and I'm ready to hope It's a shot in the dark aimed right at my throat 'Cause looking for heaven, found the devil in me
Jesus Christ by Brand New
Well, Jesus Christ, I'm not scared to die, I'm a little bit scared of what comes after Do I get the gold chariot? Do I float through the ceiling? Do I divide and pull apart? 'Cause my bright is too slight to hold back all my dark
Baby, Come On by +44
Isn't there something familiar about me? The past is only the future with the lights on
White Blank Page by Mumford & Songs
But tell me now, where was my fault In loving you with my whole heart
I Can Feel Your Pain by Manchester Orchestra
And hallelujah to the one in our bones And hallelujah to the one that we love
Boats & Birds by Gregory and the Hawk
If you'll be my star, I’ll be your sky You can hide underneath me and come out at night When I turn jet black, and you show off your light I live to let you shine
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