#when my son gets mad when i tell him no for the 100th time
frankterranella · 1 year
Today we celebrate an unlikely grandfather born 100 years ago
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He was known variously as Merc, Mert, Rick, and God knows what else. Despite not being a blood relative, he was a very important member of my family beginning when I was 30, until his death when I was 65. Today, Americo Consolatore would have been 100 years old. He was a widower who married a widow, my mother, in 1984 and became a beloved grandfather to my children and grandchildren. In fact, my granddaughter Caroline, who was only three when he died, said at the time that she was “mad at God” for taking him (at the age of 95). Who was this man who had such an impact on just about everyone he met? If you asked him to describe himself, he would probably tell you he was a ne’er-do-well kid who grew up in Paterson, New Jersey during the Depression. He spoke only Italian until kindergarten. His immigrant parents loved their adopted country so much they named their only child Americo. Although he never graduated from high school, like many members of the Greatest Generation who had been through hard times, he was a hard worker. Through hard work he managed to make a living as a machinist and buy a house in a new development in North Haledon, New Jersey in 1959, where he lived for the next 60 years. He took such pride in how his house looked and his yard was always the most beautiful on the block. He lived the American Dream. Sadly, he and his first wife were unable to have children, so when my children were born, he was anxious to be their grandfather. He would do anything for those two. First, although a lifelong smoker, as soon as my son was born, he gave up smoking because he didn’t want the baby inhaling smoke. Later, he arranged for swimming lessons for my kids at the local North Haledon lake.  He accompanied me and the kids to baseball games, came to see all their school shows, and regularly took the kids to all his favorite parks (always ending up with ice cream). Watching him with my children, I often felt sad that he didn’t have the chance to experience fatherhood himself. He loved children and would have been a great father. Although he never got a chance to play father to me, he taught me a lot about how to handle getting old. Unlike many of his generation, he shared the details of what it was like to wake up with new aches and pains all the time. I mourned with him when his back pain required him to give up golfing at age 80. I don’t think there was anywhere in the world where he was happier than on a golf course. Merc reported to me all the deterioration of his body through his 80s and 90s, but he didn’t do it to complain; he wasn’t looking for sympathy. He was teaching me what to expect and how to handle it. Merc loved my mother and they were a great couple together. They were married more than 30 years. (By contrast my mother was married to my father for only 19 years.) But then, when he was 92, Merc became a widower a second time when my mother died. I don’t think he ever really got over that blow. Slowly, he retreated from the world, preferring to spend his days watching television. While he had made the long trek to Vermont to see my son married when my mother was alive, once she was gone, he no longer felt up to being in large family gatherings. He even skipped my daughter’s wedding. He apologized to them and to me, saying he just was not up to it. I think the last three years of his life were very lonely. He often told me that he was “ready to check out” anytime. And mercifully, his time came shortly after his 95th birthday. Although I told him more than once, I don’t think he ever appreciated just how much of an impact he had on all of us. Just last week we took my grandson Gio to see the grave where Merc and my mother are buried. And true to Merc’s wishes, we went for ice cream afterwards. His memory will live on. And speaking of memories, I think it’s appropriate to close this 100th anniversary celebration with a song that Merc always told me was his favorite. You can listen to his favorite rendition by Benny Goodman and Rosemary Clooney at https://youtu.be/26EVJzc0m8g. Thanks for the memories, Merc!
Waking skies at sunrise Every sunset too Seems to be bringing me Memories of you
Here and there, everywhere Scenes that we once knew And they all just recall Memories of you
How I wish I could forget those Those happy yesteryears That have left a rosary of tears
Your face beams in my dreams 'Spite of all I do Everything seems to bring Memories of you
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avungerthatgotaway · 3 years
It all started when...
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A/N: hey guys!! i'm back with new oneshot. this one includes mentions of bullying too. i have a lot of ideas about bullied reader, prolly cuz i was bullied myself, and i kinda find inspiration of it now😂
Summary: Russo brothers "host a show" for avengers cast, and they see beginings of cast in MCU.
Warnings: my broken humor (this is a HUGE warning), mention of bullying but not angsty way
Set anytime between Age of ultron and Infinity war.
You were at the show Russo brothers "hosted". It was basically occasional game between avengers cast they would post on youtube, but oh well.
There were: Evans, Mackie, Sebastian, Tom Hiddleston, Scar, RDJ, Renner, Hemsworth and you. As only teen actress on the team, everyone wanted to sit next to you. This time, however, you were between Seb and Tom. Evans was next to Seb, while Renner and Hemsworth were still bickering about who will sit next to Tom.
There was also a huge monitor across from huge sofa you were on.
Joe and Antony were yet to tell you what's going on.
"Soooo" Joe started after introducing everyone to camera. "tonight we are going to go to the beginnings of the avengers cast. Specifically events between employing them, and telling the world about their roles."
All of you looked confused, so Anthony continiued.
"MCU has a certain policy, where we do not allow actors to immidiately talk about their roles. So to ensure this for the lead role actors, we hire some kind of, let's say private detectives. They basically film you in public places, for evidence if you break the contract."
Everyone was staring at them in shock. You were shocked, how did you never notice?
"So, tonight we are gonna see a few funny incidents. Of course none of you told anything, you wouldn't be here tonight if you did."
"So let's start. Chris, you had hard time hiding your role from your brother Scott, didn't you?"
and the madness began
|||||||timeskip cuz why not|||||||
You just finished watching a particulary funny video, where Sebastian had to tell him mum he didn't get the role. She was threatening to beat up Russo brothers with a broomstick, claiming that "MY SEBBY IS THE BEST ONE THEY WILL EVER GET!".
The laughter died down, and they moved on.
"Y/N." Joe began. Ah, it was your time. You couldn't wait to see what do they have in store for you.
"You are the youngest of the avengers cast. You were 1st year of high school when you got this role, correct?"
"Yes." you said with a smile.
"We know that only you and one more girl from your town auditioned, and both got roles. Her role wasn't big, crossing the street in Spider Man movie. But yours is one of the most important. How did your friends find out you were both accepted?"
"Well, you posted actors statistics. And you wrote there were 2 kids from (your/hometown). You said one was the lead role, and other was not. They knew it was only us 2 on auditions, so it was pretty obvious. I didn't tell anything tho." you said. It wasn't easy speaking about other girl, since she was your biggest bully. But you didn't want to talk about that, so you went on with the story.
"We know you didn't. The other girl was very hard to cope with, from what we saw." on this Tom Hiddleston, Seb and 2 Chrises turned their heads towards you, faces laced with concern. You didn't look at them, hoping video wouldn't show too much. You never told your castmates about bullying, thinking you'd annoy them or something.
"Let's watch it, then." your train of toughts was stopped when Anthony turned on the big screen again, video starting to play.
You were in school, sitting on a bench with your friends, who were bothering you to admit that you got the lead role in MCU.
"But I didn't! I told you. I'm just an extra, what is so hard to believe in that?" you answered for 100th time that day. You couldn't tell them the truth, out of fear of getting fired before anything even started.
"Oh, nothing except that (your/bullys/name) got the lead role then." your b/f/n retorted.
"Cmon, Y/N, you really want us to believe that? That they would choose mindless, dumb bully instead if you." other friend of yours asked.
"How would they know she is bullying me? Why would they care after all, that's of none importance out there. But maybe she is better actress? Or they just like her better? There's nothing wrong with that."
Your friends didn't even get to answer that when (your/bully's/name) walked by, bragging about her lead mcu role (she didn't get) to anyone who wanted to listen. And there were plenty of people who wanted to. She knew you couldn't say anything, so she lied to everyone, saying she got the lead role. You and your friends cought a little bit of her "filming adventures". (filming wasn't even started then)
"...and then after Sebby showed up in my trailer, he kissed me so passionately. You see my make up is smeared, right? It was him."
"But didn't you say you got home yesterday afternoon?" one girl questioned.
"Oh, but he was just so passionate, I couldn't take it off. He texted me this morning, saying he couldn't take my lipstick off either. Tomorrow I have a kissing scene with Tom Hiddleston to shoot. And oh my God, that Chris Evans was just starring at me the WHOLE time. I think he likes me..." and their conversation faded away as they went on.
Your friends were giving you pointed looks.
"Okay can you now see why we don't believe you?" one of them asked.
You just stared helplessly at them,trying to think of an excuse.
"I'm just gonna. Go. Homework and some other stuff that I'm totally not using to get out of this conversation." you said, now half joking, knowing that if there was a hope of them believing you, it was now gone.
The video ended, everyone laughing their heads off at the stupidity of that girl.
"I just want to declare that I kissed no minors in anyone's trailer." Sebastian said seriously, after laughing.
"And I didn't ogle anyone." Evans added.
"And I most definately didn't shoot a kissing scene with minor, ever." Hiddleston piped up.
"I think that is pretty clear. We found out later on, that her family payed, just so she could pass by in movie since she was so untalented. Since then, we have to watch over every cast member's audition, no matter how small their role is." Joe said.
You laughed some more, and then watched RDJ's oldest son and his reaction.
|||||||timeskip again cuz me lazy|||||||
You and other cast members went for drinks afterwards. They all took some cocktails, and you were sipping your orange juice. Suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder. It was Evans, looking kinda serious.
"In that videk your friends mentioned bullying. Why didn't you tell anyone that you were getting bullied?" he asked. Suddenly all eyes were on you.
"Well, it just didn't seem like a big thing. I didn't want to bother anyone with my petty problems." you said and smiled a little.
"Kiddo, you ain't bothering us. we are family here, we talk aboyt everything. Please ask for help if you ever need it." Jeremy said.
Everyone else voiced their agreement. You talked a little more about it, but then started joking around, talking about random stuff. The night was great, and you were happy to have them there with you.
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bts-reveries · 4 years
daddy duties | 13
“What is it that you wanted to talk about?” You ask, Mingyu was in your arms as you fed him before his nap.
“It’s about what’s been going on.” Jimin says, walking over and sitting in front of you. You were sitting on your bed, caressing little Mingyu’s head as his eyes started to close. 
“And what’s been going on?”
“Us,” he says, catching your attention and looking up at him. 
“Why what’s wrong with us?...” 
“Us, like us three. It isn’t just us two anymore, we have to be together more, you’re always gone and it’s always just me taking care of Gyu.” Jimin says, looking sternly at you. You rarely saw him like this, it was weird. You scrunch your eyebrows together as you listened to what he had said.
“Jimin, I’m only gone like… once a week. Every day I’m with you guys. Mingyu spends more time with me actually since you’re working. Don’t you want to create a father-son bond?” You say, Mingyu stops eating, so you turn him around, on your chest and start burping him.
“I do! But like… I don’t know. Everything’s fine when you’re around, or when the guys’ around. But when it’s just me, he’s not as behaved as you think he is. I really do think he doesn’t like me that much, or he just likes all of you way more than me.”
You were tapping Mingyu’s back, listening intently to what Jimin was saying, confused at what he was trying to get at. 
“Honey, Gyu loves you. You’re just having a hard time adjusting. It’s okay, it’s normal. You may not see it, but I don’t know what I’m doing either-”
“But he doesn’t act up with you. He’s always crying with me, I don’t know if it’s just the wrong timing that it happens whenever you’re gone but it would be better if we experienced it together.”
“Jimin, sweetie, I don’t know why he acts up when I’m gone but don’t you think you’re going to learn one day why? If he doesn’t act up when I’m here, then you’ll never know why he acts up because he’s not going to act up because I’m here!” 
Jimin groans, burying his face into his hands. Mingyu finally burps, making you laugh. Jimin looks over at you from behind his hands, giving you a glare.
“Don’t look at me like that,” you say, turning Mingyu around, facing him to Jimin. 
“Daddy how can you get mad at me when I’m this cute,” you say in a baby voice, talking for Mingyu. You move his arms around and he laughs sleepily, his eyes drooping shut, making Jimin smile. 
“I’m not mad at you,” he says, picking Mingyu up and holding him to his chest. Jimin turns around and scoots back to sit next to you, laying down comfortably on the pillows. You smile at them both, sliding down and turning to your side. 
“I’m sorry I’m gone a lot for the wedding. I don’t know why Mingyu acts up with you when he’s so well behaved with me. Or that I’m just better at dealing with his crying. He cries a lot when you’re in your office you know. I don’t know if he’s worse when I’m not around, but if you didn’t have sound proof walls, you would’ve known that.” Jimin looks over at you.
“He cries with you too?” You scoff.
“Duh, do you think he’s quiet ALL the time? He cries when you’re gone too.”
“Okay, but he stops crying faster with you.”
“You’re right. Maybe it’s the mother-son bond thing.” 
“I tried talking about this to Yoongi hyung. Since he has a lot of experience taking care of a baby alone.”
“Yeah? What’d you say?”
“Well I told him how I’m having a hard time with taking care of Gyu alone since you’re gone a lot--”
“Honey, I’m not gone for that much--”
“Well it really feels like forever when your son doesn’t stop crying the entire day and it makes you want to pull your hair out because you try everything to make him feel better when really the only thing that’ll make him feel better is his mom.” Jimin’s tone changed and he sounded a bit annoyed now. He looks away from you and down at Mingyu, who was already asleep on his chest.
“I just feel,” he starts, “that we went too fast. I don’t know. We got pregnant before our wedding and we had a baby before we reached our 1st year anniversary and we were so caught up with his 100th day, which took place on our wedding anniversary month, that we didn’t even get to celebrate. I know our son is more important than a wedding anniversary but I can’t help but feel like we aren’t how we used to be.” Jimin confesses. 
“What are you saying?” You asked. You obviously listened to all that he had to say but you didn’t know where this was all going.
“I just feel so unprepared, you know? We didn’t have time to plan anything. It all just happened. I don’t know if I was ever ready to be a father,” he turns to look at you. “I thought this was going to be easy but it’s not Yn.” You started to get emotional at what he was saying. Tears were welling up in your eyes. You reach out to take Mingyu from him. 
“Give me him,” you say quietly.
“Look, I’m not saying I don’t or didn’t want him,” he tells you, and a single tear falls onto your cheek. He sighs. “Babe, Mingyu is the second best thing that’s ever happened to me,” he says. “You being the first.”
You looked down at your baby, softly petting his head. You leaned down to kiss his little head.
“Yn. Please look at me,” he says. You lay your cheek on Mingyu’s head, looking at Jimin with watery eyes.
“I love you, and I love Mingyu. Don’t ever think of anything else. I don’t know, I’m just… lost right now. Okay?”
daddy duties
☔︎part thirteen: i don’t know, i’m just lost☔︎
pairings: newdad!jimin x wife!reader
a/n: honestly don’t know how to feel about this one but i don’t think i executed it well. i’m just as confused and lost as jimin is
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hockeylvr59 · 5 years
Secrets & Surprises || Kevin Hayes
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Requested: [ ] yes [x] no
Authors Note: So this is 100% based on the bardown Haysie video. I was soft the first time I watched it and the 100th and I just couldn’t not write this when it popped into my head. 
Warnings: minor cursing 
Word Count: 1,995
Tonight’s surprise was going to be epic. You and Kevin had been planning it for weeks and as you got ready for your brother to pick you up for the game, you were practically bouncing in excitement. 
See, you’d been dating Kevin for almost five months when you’d found out that you were pregnant. It was unexpected but certainly not unwelcome. You loved him and the way he looked at you with pure adoration (plus his teammates' frequent chirping of him) told you that he loved you too. 
Your parents had adored Kevin from the first time they’d met him so when you broke the news to them about the baby they were also ecstatic. Kevin’s parents and siblings had been much the same, teasing you for finally tying Kevin down and how you were going to have two kids to take care of because Kevin was himself still very much a kid. You had the support of all of Kevin’s teammates and their partners, the wives and girlfriends of the team taking Kevin’s place at doctor’s appointments when the team was on the road and your parents were unavailable. 
Now at 14 weeks, you were definitely starting to show, though your bump was still easily covered by a sweatshirt or hockey jersey. 
Despite all of the support surrounding you, there was still one person you hadn’t broken the news to yet. 
Your big brother. 
Ethan was in the Air Force and had been deployed for the past nine months, only returning home last week. You had talked to him almost weekly while he was away, as had your parents, but while he knew that you’d been seeing someone and that it was getting serious, he didn’t know that that someone was a hockey player on his favorite team, nor did he know that he was going to be an uncle in 5-6 months. That news was just too good to spill over a phone call or facetime after all. 
So, when you’d found out your brother was coming home a few weeks ago, you and Kevin had talked about planning something and he’d roped his team into helping the two of you out. The Flyers organization had called your brother a few days ago telling him that he’d been nominated to be their military guest for the next home game. Of course, your brother was pumped and with his set of four tickets to the game, he’d quickly invited you and your parents. It had been years since the four of you had gone to a game together and it brought back so many good memories you had as a child. 
You’d looped your parents in on the plan before your brother had even gotten the call so they played along, looking forward to the reveal of this well-kept secret as well. Now, after being picked up by your brother you were walking through the halls of Wells Fargo, draped in an orange Hayes jersey, your parents in front of you and your brother beside you as you headed to your seats. As you watched warmups, your brother rambled on about how you all were going to get to meet some of the players after the game and his excitement for all of this made you even more giddy to watch it all play out. 
When your dad and brother had gone for beers, you’d shared a knowing look with your mom along with whispers about how excited your brother was and how much he was going to freak out when all was revealed. 
The game was a good one, the team was full of energy like they were riding off the high of the impending surprise as well. Kevin had scored early in the second period and when he did he sent you a wink from the pileup with his teammates, one that no one else would likely notice but you certainly did. It made your heart flutter, though Kevin had been making your heart flutter from the day you met and for a moment you dazed off thinking about how in a year's time you could do this with your family and son or daughter. 
By the end of the game, Kevin had added an assist onto the scoresheet as well and the way he was buzzing around the ice told you he was as ready for this as you were. You’d hung around at your seats for a few minutes as the arena started to clear out before one of the Flyer’s staffers appeared, introducing himself to your brother before leading the four of you down to the hallway outside the locker room. 
Since Kevin had had such a good game you knew it would be a few minutes before he was free from the media and able to make an appearance. In the meantime, a few of the other guys popped out to introduce themselves to your brother, thanking him for his service. Each sent you a subtle wink or smirk as they left, looks that your brother was too hyped up to notice. This was a childhood dream of his coming true and seeing him so happy made you happy. 
When Kevin finally did appear, it was clear that he had yet to hit the showers because he was dressed in a pair of shorts and a sweatshirt, ball cap pulled over his sweaty hair. As he introduced himself to Ethan, your mom placed a hand on your lower back her smile growing. This was the first time that the love of your life was meeting your hero and seeing them already laughing and joking had you smiling from ear to ear. 
Kevin had immediately thanked your brother for his service and your brother had in return commented on how thrilled he was as a Flyers fan to have Kevin join the team. You knew that was genuine because as soon as the trade had happened your brother had called you geeking out. 
As their conversation dulled just a bit, an anxious feeling spread within you knowing that you were mere moments away from your brother’s reaction to your news. Your mom asked for a picture of the two of them together and since this was the signal the three of you had planned you let out a shaky breath unconsciously. As Kevin pulled his arm away from your brother’s shoulder he spoke the magic words and instantly your heart soared. 
“Congrats on being an uncle by the way too.” The comment fell out so naturally that you knew it was going to throw your brother off for a moment and it did just that. 
“Oh man...wha….?” You were torn between watching your brother and watching Kevin. The former had this look of amazement from the experience lingering, growing confusion on his face and Kevin had this secretive smile on his and you mentally tried to memorize both. 
“Wait.” Your brother said looking back and forth between Kevin and your parents like his brain was just now catching up with everything. You were the only two children so neither of you had any previous nieces or nephews and all at once that connection made its way into your brother's mind. It was only then that Kevin pointed at you and when your brother turned his attention to you, you felt tears pooling in your eyes. 
“Yeah. Dead serious.” You declared and then within a second, Ethan was rushing over to you. 
“Really? Holy!” He exclaimed, his arms wrapping around you in a tight hug. “You’re having a baby?” He questioned and you quickly nodded, laughing softly. It was clear that he was excited but he was still very confused. 
With his arm still draped around you, he looked at your parents and seeing no surprise on their faces he paused. 
“Wait...mom and dad know?” He questioned. 
“Of course they know...I am 14 weeks along.” You stated as if that should be obvious even though you knew that none of this was obvious to him. 
“14 weeks...That’s like 3 months.” He deduced, his expression causing you to fight back a laugh. “And you’re just now telling me?!” He exclaimed. 
“Well, it’s not exactly over the phone news bud.” You stated, shrugging. While he was attempting to process that piece of news, the question of how Kevin Hayes had known must have come into his head because suddenly another very perplexed look crossed his face. 
“Wait...did you set all of this up just to tell me?” He questioned. 
“Eh...kinda sorta.” You admitted, rubbing a hand up and down your brother’s back gently. You were aware that this was all a lot to process because you were kind of throwing it at him all at once. 
“And you recruited Haysie to tell me because of our phone call when he was traded?” Ethan guessed hesitantly. 
“Well, I know you’re a fan…” You started. “And Haysie is pretty well known for being a great uncle….” Taking a breath you peeked over at Kevin for just a moment, seeing him leaning against the wall just watching this all play out. “So those would both be good reasons for requesting he tell you.” 
Your brother nodded, seeming to think that was the end of it, accepting your consent to those being good reasons as an affirmative answer. Your dad let out a soft snort off to your left and your smile grew as you pondered just how to phrase this. 
“Those would both be good reasons, but I don’t know...I thought maybe you’d like to hear the news from the man who knocked me up instead.” The arm around your shoulder stiffened and Kevin let out a boisterous laugh at your phrasing. Glancing up you saw that Ethan’s eyes were wide and after a second he stepped back, looking back and forth between you and Kevin. 
“Wait?” Once again his eyes traveled back and forth. “No fucking way!” He declared, his tone excited but disbelieving. Taking two steps forward, you met Kevin in the middle of the hallway, his lips dropping to yours for a gentle kiss as you quickly pulled the cap off his head, spinning it around backward so that it didn’t hit you in the face. It was a smooth movement, one made with the ease of considerable practice and when you turned to look at your brother again, Ethan’s jaw was on the floor. 
“Yes, fucking way.” You finally responded, laughing once more because this reaction was everything you could have hoped for. Almost tripping over his own feet, Ethan spilled forward again and reached out his hand for Kevin. 
“I’ve heard so much about you...I can’t believe I didn’t put the pieces together.” You were relieved to know that Ethan wasn’t mad at you for keeping this whole thing a secret, though you knew you were sure to hear about it later. “Thanks for taking care of her while I’m away.” Ethan eventually mused, clearly okay with your choice of a boyfriend and baby daddy. 
In return, Kevin took the offered hand, shaking it back before pulling your brother in for the typical manly hug. 
“Thanks for taking care of her for the past 26 and a half years.” Kevin had previously thanked your parents for raising such an incredible woman but he knew that your brother had always been your protector and best friend and had played just as important of a role in making you who you were today. 
Standing in the hallway, you couldn’t help but feel blessed to be surrounded by so many people you loved. You couldn’t wait for Ethan and Kevin to get to spend some more time together and you couldn’t wait to bring this baby into the world...to show them what it meant to be part of a family. 
You were one lucky woman and you weren’t ever going to forget that. 
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champagne-bucky · 5 years
Rainy October
Summary: It’s Halloween time and Steve won't get dressed up
Warnings: some fighting, but fluff :) 
Notes: Here’s a Halloween image as the 31st is slowing creeping up on us. Enjoy this little one shot everyone!! Make sure to like, reblog, comment, and follow for more! :) 
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“But Steve!” 
“Nope. I already told you 100 times no.” 
“But it’s Halloween!” 
You’ve been fighting with Steve for weeks about participating in a family costume. The idea was cute and your little one-year old, James, was so excited for his daddy to dress up. However, Steve wasn’t too fond of the idea.
“Baby, I love you and I love James, but costumes aren’t my thing.” He’d tried to reason with you, but you just rolled your eyes.
“Costumes aren’t your “thing”,” you rolled your eyes, “Steve, you literally wear a costume everyday to work!” The whole team was starting to get annoyed by the constant arguing over a stupid Halloween costume.
“Okay, first of all, that’s a uniform. Second, I don’t really like Halloween-“
“Did I marry a crazy person? Who doesn’t like Halloween?” You looked at your loving husband with crazy eyes.
“Me. Halloween was never my thing, just ask Bucky. Every year he’d try to get me to go out and I just didn’t want to. You and James can go ahead and do the costume without me.” Steve smiled but you were still upset.
“But James has been looking forward to dressing up with you all month.” You complained for what it felt like the 100th time.
“Just tell him my costume never came in, he’ll understand.”
“How could he understand? He’s one!” 
“Will you both shut the fuck up? I swear to god if I have to hear this damn costume fiasco again I’ll wear the damn thing myself!” Sam walks into the common room pissed.
“See Steve, Sam is willing to dress up for James.” You were quick to point out.
“That wasn’t my poi-.” 
“Fine, Sam you dress up with Y/N and James for the party tonight. I’m staying in our room.” Steve began to stomp off.
“You can sleep on the couch tonight, Steve. That way when James is up crying all night over his father not wanting to spend time with him you’ll have all night to calm him down!” You yelled.
“Well that was intense.” Tony looked up from his book.
“It’s just a Halloween costume, Y/N. If Steve doesn’t want to dress up then don’t let him.” Sam chimed in.
“It’s not just about him dressing up. Ever since October started he’s been moping around acting all miserable. When I suggested that me, him, and James should do a family costume he shut down the idea entirely.”
“But you still bought him a costume even though he said no?” Tony raised his brow.
“Yes,” you sighed, “it’s just that no one in my family or even my friends ever got to do something fun for Halloween. Now that we have a family together, I just wanted to do something fun.” You moped as Sam and Tony shared a sympathetic look.
“Y/N, I think you should talk to Bucky.” Tony spoke.
“Bucky? What’s he got to do with all this?”
“Trust Tony, just talk to him.” Sam ushered you out of the room to go find Bucky.
“Hey Buck.”
“Hey Y/N, what brings you around?” Bucky stood in the doorway of his room looking down at you.
“It’s about Steve. We got into a huge argument about this stupid Halloween costume I want to do with James, but he won’t do it.” You explain the cause of your distress for the last month.
“Ahh, it’s that time of year again huh? Come in.” Bucky stepped aside and motioned you into his room.
“So that’s why he hates Halloween?” You were so upset after learning what Bucky had told you. You felt like a complete asshole for yelling at Steve the way you did.
“Yeah, ever year I tried to get him to come out to a party or take my sister around the neighborhood for candy, but he just wanted to mope. Ever since his mom died, Steve stays in every Halloween. He refuses to do anything for the whole month.”
“But why wouldn’t he tell me?” You were upset for the way you’ve been treating Steve and even more upset that he wouldn’t share the anniversary of his mother’s death had passed.
“Because it’s Steve, he doesn’t like talking about the past, especially the morbid parts.” Bucky remembers that day like it was yesterday. A rainy October 15th morning, Bucky’s Ma got the call that Sarah Rogers passed away. Bucky ran over to Steve’s, the poor skinny kid was lost, hurt, angry at the world. Steve was never the same after that.
“I think you should talk to him.” Bucky spoke once more, noting the tear that slipped down your cheek.
“Yeah,” you sniffled, “I think I will.” You slowly got up and walked out of Bucky’s room.
The walk back to the apartment was a long one. You were afraid to face Steve after what Bucky had told you. You really did feel like an asshole for putting Steve through some meaningless fight while you should’ve been supporting him in his time of need.
“Hey,” you opened the door and saw Steve laying lazily on the couch, “James is down for a nap. Wanna make sure he’s all energized for the party tonight.” He was absentmindedly sipping from his beer while he watched some football game.
“I’m sorry I was an asshole.” You finally spoke.
“What?” Steve sat up to look at you. “Were you crying? Baby, what’s wrong?” 
There he was again, your Steve. Sweet, compassionate Steve, the man you fell in love with. You couldn’t believe how selfishly you behaved. Instead of saying something, a fresh wave of tears streamed down your face.
“Hey, hey, hey, what’s wrong? It’s okay baby, I’m not mad at you.” He hugged you and kissed your head.
“But you should be Steve! I shouldn’t have been treating you this way this past month.” Steve looked at you quizzically. “I didn’t know.” Your voice broke, he understood what you meant.
“So I’m guessing Bucky told you? Y/N, the reason why I didn’t tell you is because I don’t like talking about it much. Losing my mother was the worst thing that ever happened to me. I just wanted to move on.” 
“Sometimes moving on isn’t the best thing to do.” You found your voice admit all the tears.
“What do you mean?” Your husband asked.
“You shouldn’t have to move on from important parts of you past Steve. Your mother meant the world to you, what would she want you to do?” Steve chuckled.
“Well, she would want me to get up off my sorry ass and join my beautiful wife and amazing son at the party tonight.” Steve smiled down at you.
“Really?” You looked up at him as he leaned down to kiss you.
“Yes, really. You’re right, I shouldn’t forget the past and I’ve should’ve told you about my mom. I’ll talk to you more about it after the party, honey.” He kissed you once more. There was a small whimper coming from the other room. 
“I guess our little guy is up and ready for a party. You get washed up, I’ll get him ready.” He pecked your lips and walked into the baby’s room.
“Am I tripping on something, or is that Steve Rogers with cat ears?” Sam hollered as you, Steve, and James walked into the Halloween party.
“They aren’t cat ears, dumbass, it’s bear ears.” Bucky slapped Sam’s back.
“Aren’t you three the most adorable thing I’ve seen all day, besides Morgan and Pepper of course.” Tony walked up to you both and smiled.
“Cute costume isn’t it?” You gestured to the bear ears on your heads.
“See Rogers, wasn’t so bad not was it?” Tony joked as you shot him a glare.
“Maybe I should add some ears to my costume, what do you think?” He joked with Tony. Tony laughed and walked off shaking his head.
“Hey,” you turned to face him, “thanks for doing this. It means a lot, not just to me, but to James.” James peered up at you both at the mention of his name.
“You know I can’t let my mama bear and baby bear down. I love you both.” He kissed James’s head and then your lips.
“We love you too papa bear.” You smiled and kissed him back.
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mvssmallow · 5 years
BeatBox is really beating Jiwon’s ass to the ground. He’s not on a light stroll into his music career, instead he finds himself sucked into a dizzying whirlpool of meeting schedules, training contracts, fitness appointments and recording the same lines until management arbitrarily deems them good enough. It’s hard but he’s no quitter, no complainer, no ungrateful diva, even when he’s exhausted and spread so thin, he ends up falling asleep in meetings. 
He’s no complainer until one day, 2 months in, they push for a fall album release and then it’s double the meetings, double the training, triple the recording and all that leaves minus zero time for sleep, him mental health and spending any meaningful time with Hanbin. He complains then. He rants and fumes and internalises his frustrations until it explodes spectacularly onto inanimate objects. 
Hanbin steps in when he finds Jiwon swearing at their coffee machine on more days then not. Jiwon snaps at him then regrets it immediately but is too tired to apologise. They argue and argue, over the most inconsequential of things (the brand of laundry detergent, how thick their toast slices are, how sweet the honey is) and Hanbin takes it on the chin because he knows this is HARD and Jiwon needs his understanding and support more than ever. 
But he’s still human. And a human with anxiety problems that waxes and wanes. When Jiwon has to fly away for a company music festival, he felt fine, maybe even a little relieved somehow. The time apart might be good for them after weeks of being at each other’s throats in the confined space of their apartment. It was fine. Until photos emerge on the internet of Jiwon interacting with the female BeatBox trainee that Hanbin has been hearing about. He wasn’t worried until he sees what she looks like (hint: she’s gorgeous and nothing like Hanbin in any way). It should mean nothing but he’s still got trust issues and those things don’t just change overnight. His anxiety gets worse and worse and until one day, Yun comes to visit and realises: Hanbin’s relapsed.
The psychotherapy was a secret at first. Hanbin doesn’t feel the need to disclose that to anyone else yet. Yun keeps his secret and supports him unconditionally. Jiwon returns, happier and lighter and whatever tense frustrations he had before the festival had now seemed to disappear. Jiwon asks of course, he’s always been quietly perceptive, and after days of evading the question and lying, Hanbin gives in and tells him the truth. It’s deja vu. To that first argument they had over Jiwon’s girlfriend rumours. History repeats itself. The argument plays out exactly like it did the first time round until Hanbin pulls at his hair and yells at Jiwon to stop talking. 
“I’m going to therapy for this, okay! I am TRYING!” Hanbin shouts defensively. “You knew I was like this so why are you even surprised?! How did you think I’d react to the photos?”
And because Jiwon takes two steps forward and one step back, the wrong thing comes out of his mouth again. “Like an adult in an adult relationship?! I don’t cheat! Just admit that you still don’t trust me!”
“I don’t trust you!” Hanbin snaps back. “And thanks for just ignoring the fact that I had to go back into therapy over this!”
Jiwon just stares at him for what seems like a whole minute before shaking his head in resignation. “Maybe this isn’t working.”
Well. Because history repeats itself again and again, they go on another break. They don’t exactly break up because neither even had the energy to say those words out loud. Jiwon spends more time at the studio and sometimes sleeps there. Hanbin goes home to his parents under the guise of being a good son who just wanted to reconnect with his family. His mother suspects something, of course, but she doesn’t bring it up.
Therapy is hard. Hanbin thinks about quitting and cancelling every single appointment. He tells his therapist that, which is met with a warm knowing chuckle and a change in tactics. It continues to be hard, he feels he isn’t getting anywhere until his therapist hits a nerve so exposed and raw, that Hanbin breaks down in the room. 
“Where do you see yourself one year from now?”
“Nowhere? Okay. Well, tell me more about what this ‘Nowhere’ looks like.”
The tears surprise him. He’s not much of a crier but he does manage a hiccup and pause, if only to mutter, “Goddamn apple orchard.”
Because even when he hates Jiwon, he still loves him. 
Hanbin drives to the BeatBox studios after that, sitting in his car to call Jiwon on his phone. 
“You and your goddamn apples!”
“Hanbin? What the hell....”
“We need to talk. I’m in the car park.”
“What? Where?”
“The car park. Can you come down?”
“Hanbin, I’m literally looking at our car park and there’s only my car and Mr. Lee’s bike there.”
“You’re at home?”
“Yeah.....where are you?”
“At BeatBox.”
They’re a mess, both eagerly wanting to drive to the other’s location before Hanbin has to shout over it all again, “God! Stop! This is ridiculous. Let’s just meet at the cafe okay? It’s half way. If you’re ready to move on from this then come. If you’re not, well, I’ll order a coffee and tell my therapist that I tried.”
Hanbin gets there first. He waits anxiously. 
And Jiwon. He does come. 
This isn’t a romance novel. Their talk isn’t cute or full of mushy sentiments that dissolve into soft apologies and promises to be forgotten tomorrow. No, it’s raw, honest, realistic to the point where Hanbin is wondering, for the 100th time, why Jiwon is still even wanting to be a part of this whole Us thing. 
“I’m....sorry I over-reacted to the photos.” Hanbin starts shakily but forces himself to look Jiwon in the eye. “I guess I still just....worry that you’re going to wake up one day and realise-”
“-that I’m straight?”
“I never said my thoughts were rational.” Hanbin says quietly and maybe a little defensively. “You always ask for honesty and my therapist threatened to increase our sessions if I didn’t man up and tell you all this.”
“So you’re doing this because your therapist told you to?”
“I’m doing it because my therapist is right. Even when I’m mad at you, I still want to be with you. Not always physically or in the same apartment but the dreams we talked about, I still want it but we really really need to communicate better.”
Their cups of tea go cold as Jiwon lets the words sink in. 
“Did it ever occur to you that I worry about the same thing? I’m sorry for taking out my stress on you.”
“Technically you took it out on the coffee machine. And toaster.”
“I know.” Jiwon smiles apologetically. “I’m still sorry. I think....we just need time to adjust to all this. Too much shit has happened too fast. Give me time to process all this. I’m trying too, okay? You know how hard it is to read books about this? I’m still scarred from Life of Pi.”
“You read books on how to deal with me?”
“I read books to understand you and us.”
Hanbin tears up for the second time that day. “Why would you even do that?”
Jiwon rolls his eyes but smiles softly across the table. “Maybe you should get it in that thick pretty head of yours that maybe, just maybe, this guy wants to be with you for the long haul? Ever think of that?”
“No.” Hanbin says, just to be contrary and okay, because Jiwon is so cute when he’s pretending to be annoyed.
“Oh my god.”
It makes him laugh, how Jiwon can reach out to grab all their problems and squash them into the palm of his hand. Just like that, a million big problems reduced to a small one. Sometimes life is hard but sometimes it is that easy too. 
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It’s Always Been Me and You: Part 1
You were at your best friend, (c/n)’s house having your weekly sleep over like you two had been doing since you were 13. After soon to be 5 years it had become ritual and it was hard to picture life without him. A few months ago you’d had a slight crush on him, but you seemed to have gotten those feelings under wraps since then.
“… (y/n)? Hello? Earth to (y/n)? Were you even listening?”
“Uhh, yeah. O-of course I was,” you stumble, lying right through your teeth.
“So that’s a no,” he huffed. “Am I that boring that even my own best friend won’t listen to me?”
“You’re not boring you just don’t have the most interesting stories to tell. Literally no one wants to hear a story about some cute girl you saw at the cafe that you didn’t even talk to. That’s like reading a novel where all the main character does is go to school, get good grades and goes home to a perfect family with little to no other human contact.”
“Well, what was I supposed to do?” he shrugged, looking at you confused.
“Talk to her. Tell her you thought she was cute, something.”
“And risk embarrassing myself?”
“Yes,” you breathed out exasperatedly. This guy is completely hopeless. “You know what your problem is? You go about life playing everything so safe. Take a risk every once in a while.“
"And do what?”
“I don’t know. Talk to someone you like or go skinny dipping, but as your best friend I’m requiring you to do something,” you said only half joking. Seriously, if he doesn’t do something with himself soon you think he might die of boredom. You can’t have that, he still owes you for all the times you lied and pretended to be his girlfriend. He can’t die before you cash in.
“Aww, (Y/N) if you wanted me to strip all you have to do is say so, you know that.” he teased, quirking up an eyebrow suggestively causing you to roll your eyes.
“Very funny. If I saw something I hadn’t seen before I’ll throw a dollar at it. You seem to forget we’ve been friends since we were 13. There couldn’t possibly be anything I haven’t seen, especially since the amount of times you walked into my stark naked claiming that’s ‘just what you usually did.’ I still have the nightmares by the way.”
“And you seem to forget exactly how much I changed in the past few years. For starters I don’t do that anymore, sadly for you.” He pouted at you mockingly, his hand coming up to graze the side of your face, resting on the spot where your neck and jaw meet.
"Yes because seeing a guy she’s been friends with forever stark naked is on every girls bucket list. How silly of me to forget,” you aid sarcastically, a small laugh escaping your lips as you flicked his hand away.
“Oh shut up,” he laughs. “You want me, love. It’s okay to admit it,” he teases having nothing else to say.
“Only in your dreams, babe.” You let out a loud laugh and he gives you a soft gaze and a smile.
“Alright. Let’s say I do risk it, what happens then?”
“Well you might just get the girls number.”
“Or get horribly burned. Girls can be cruel when rejecting guys, I’ve seen you do it before,” he countered, recalling your rejecting of other guys in his head. He imagined you saying those things to him and surprisingly it hurt more than he’d thought it would.
“Let’s make a deal. If you can take a risk that I deem worthy within the next month then I’ll do any one thing you want,” You offered, shifting to sit Indian-style. The strap on the tank-top you were wearing falling down. His eyes glanced at it, staying there a beat too long before returning his focus to you.
You had a sneaking suspicion you might end up regretting this deal the second it left your mouth and that mischievous glint in his eye came. Whenever you saw it you know one thing for sure— he was gonna cause some trouble.
“Anything? Anything at all?”
“Anything,” You assured. “So, do we have a deal?” You offered your hand to him and he took it with a smirk.
“Fabulous, so when I make you be my personal maid for 2 months don’t say anything. I might even throw in one of those cute little maid outfits, you’ve got the legs for it,” (c/n) teased. You reached out and shoved him.
“Shut up, you actually have to do it first, so don’t go picking out sizes just yet.”
The next weekend…
“Can you stop being so difficult?” You groaned, letting your head fall in your hands.
(C/n) was proving to be the most difficult person in your life. All you were asking was for him to go with you to this business party your parents were making you go to. He was already staying over your house for the rest of the weekend, so you didn’t see what the big deal was.
“Do you not remember the last time I went with you to one of these things?!” he hollered, throwing his hands in the air. “Let me jog your memory. A guy, hitting on you— me trying to be your protector. Me ending up in the fountain.”
“We were 14, for Christ’s sake! How long are you gonna hold on to that one?” Your eyes widened as you stared at him in awe.
Being this difficult must be painful.
“As long as I live,” he said, flopping down on your bed dramatically. Shaking your head you rolled your eyes for what felt like the 100th time today.
“Fine,” you said while positioning yourself so you were lying next to him, you staring at the ceiling while he looked at you from the corner of his eye. “Leave me there. Alone. With no one to talk to. I guess I’ll have to just have to talk to one of my parents semi interesting good looking 20 year old coworker’s son. I won’t really be paying attention though, I’ll be too busy imagining what he’d be like in bed.”
“You’re still a minor, in case you forgot,” he snapped at you, clenching his jaw as you spoke.
“Only for a little while longer,” you shrugged. “I wonder if he could make me cu-”
“Alright!” He cut you off abruptly. “I’ll go, just no more talk of you sleeping with a 20 year old. I’m still shocked you slept with Blake.” He rolled his eyes hard as he said my ex’s name. Blake was your first real boyfriend, you were together for a year and a half and he was with Monica for a year of that. Needless to say, you weren’t down with being just one of his girlfriends. (C/N) got so mad when you told him about it— you don’t know what he did to Blake, all you know is he never bothered you again and still cowers at the sight of (C/N.)
“Aye, that was a mistake. I didn’t know he had a whole other girlfriend at the time,” you defended, knowing you really didn’t have to. (C/N) understood what happened as well as you did.
“I told you from the jump something was off about that guy,” he started as his voice trailed off and a faint scowl appeared on his face. “He was always too perfect for you.”
“Ouch,” you winced, shifting onto your side to look at him. “Do I not deserve perfect?”
“Hey,” he drawled, turning to match my position so we were now facing each other, only a few inches apart. “I didn’t mean it like that. You deserve every good and beautiful thing in the world. Blake wanted to prove that he was capable of being the guy who deserved you. He never realized that you don’t need someone deserve someone who’s always perfect. You’d be bored out of your mind. You deserve to be loved by someone who’s genuine and means it. You deserve to be happy with someone who’s just as happy, if not more happy with you.” Reaching out, he dragged a finger lazily behind you ear and down your jaw where he caressed the skin.
“You deserve to be desired and wanted and loved.”
Your lips parted slightly as he finished his mini speech. What on earth were you supposed to say to that? Maybe you could’ve come up with a proper response if he wasn’t look at you like that. You didn’t know how to describe it, but what you did know is that it made your whole body heat up. The air around the two of you got hotter as the seconds went by.
Not sure what else to do, you laugh nervously, grabbing his hand from your face and holding it in your own. “Someone’s been doing their lit homework.” You swallowed hard. “We should uh… we should go let my folks know that you’re coming with us.”
He nodded his head, still not taking his eyes off you— clearly lost in whatever tension was in the air between you two.
You sat up on the bed, pulling him up with you, letting go of his hand that felt uncharacteristically warmer than usual.
Next day…
“Can you hurry up please? Your parents are waiting for us in the car,” (C/N) called out to you through the bathroom door. You were applying lipstick as he spoke and you rolled your eyes. “Jesus, (Y/N), wha-“
He had every intention of asking you what you were doing that was taking so long, but when you opened the door, the words died on his tongue and his jaw dropped as he took you in.
The dress was all black and sleeveless. The collar coming all the way to the base of your neck. It hugged you in all the right places, accentuating your small waist. His eyes trailed down your stunning legs to see you had on a pair of simple black pumps. Looking up at your face he saw that your hair was pinned up beautifully with a few pieces of hair falling in front of your face. You had on a minimal makeup since you didn’t feel like having to worry about maintaining a full face. Just a light coverage foundation, liner, falsies and highlighter. You also had on a striking red lipstick that caught his eye almost immediately.
“Wow, um..” His hand shot up to rub the back of his neck as he looked you up and down again, still reeling over the sight of you. “You- you look amazing.”
“You don’t clean up too bad either,” you joked, reaching out to fix the collar of his shirt. He had on a crisp white button down and black slacks, looking very polished and put together. You had to admit, it was a very sexy look for him, although something was slightly off. Eyeing him closely your thought you might know something to help. You undid his top button and his hand came up to cover yours.
“Wha-what are you doing?” He stuttered, looking at you with a bit of panic in his eyes.
“The top button makes you look stuffy. Unbuttoned you look more… relaxed,” you explained. “More…” you searched your brain for the right word. “Sexy.” Your fingertips lightly grazed the now exposed skin unconsciously. It took a moment for him to comprehend what you were saying— your light touch distracting him but, the second it did sink in a smirk appeared on his face.
“You think I look sexy?” He teased, taking the hand he was covering and using it to pull you up against him. His free arm wrapped itself around your waist. You shook your head and laughed lightly, trying to calm your heartbeat. This was the type of stuff that made you start to like him before. The boy was such a goddamn tease— the worst part was that you loved it.
“Ha ha,” you drawled. “You’re really funny y’know that?” You patted his chest and pushed him back, needing the cloudiness you were starting to feel to go away. “C’mon, hot stuff. We’ve got a party to go to.”
You moved around him, reaching into your closet to pull out your floor length beige trench coat before putting it on and tying the belt on it snug. From the corner of your eye you saw him put on his black overcoat and gray scarf.
Turning to you he offered his arm to you. “Shall we m’lady?”
Slinging your arm into his you smiled at him. “We shall.”
“Y/N! Oh my gosh, hey!” An all too familiar voice shrieked. You tensed as you internally groaned, turning at the sound of her heels clicking on the floor coming towards you rapidly.
You were dragged into a suffocating hug with the girl and it took everything in you not to roll your eyes.
“Hello, Jacqueline,” you said, plastering on a fake smile as you pulled back. Jacqueline was the daughter of your parents boss, meaning that no matter how irritating you found her you still had to play nice. It wasn’t anything personal, she was just extremely spoiled and whenever you were around her it felt like she was bossing you around. “How are you?”
“Absolutely splendid!” She gushed. “Mother just bought me these…”
Her words started to sound fuzzy as you quickly tuned her out. You’d become a master at hold a conversation where you didn’t know or care about what was going on. That girl can talk for hours. She doesn’t really need a response. She just loves to hear herself talk.
You found yourself wondering where (C/N) was. He said he was going to the bathroom a few minutes ago, but now he was no where to be seen.
You let your eyes wander briefly before finding him talking to a girl, you think her name is Lilith. You didn’t know her too well just yet since she was new to coming to these events, but she was 17 like you and absolutely gorgeous. She was wearing a simple white dress that flared out at the waist. She had a body that any man— or woman for that matter would kill to get their hands on. More importantly she was smiling at (C/N) hard. She laughed at something he said and let her hand “casually” fall on his arm.
(C/N) looked just as amused and entertained by her as she did by him. Something about watching the two of them together made you picture them as a proper couple and you felt your heart sink.
You must’ve been frowning because Jacqueline snapped her fingers in front of your face, drawing your attention to her.
“(Y/N)? Have you been listening to me? Do you want to go get something to drink?”
“Oh uh,” you shook your head, as if clearing away your thoughts, “sure.”
She promptly wrapped her hand around your wrist and dragged you to the bar where (C/N) and Lilith were standing. The bartender asked you what you wanted and Jacqueline ordered a glass of champagne while you stuck with a Shirley Temple. You’re a light weight when it comes to alcohol, so unless you wanted your parents to see their daughter cut loose while intoxicated, you were gonna steer clear of the alcohol tonight.
“How ‘bout you handsome?” Jacqueline flirted, placing a hand delicately on (C/N)’s shoulder. Finally turning around he saw Jacqueline and removed her hand before he saw you and smiled.
“There you are, love, I was wondering where you were.” He watched as the bartender placed a glass of champagne in front of Jacqueline who took it and left, clearly not liking the response she’d gotten from (C/N). The bartender placed your drink in front of you and (C/N) quirked an eyebrow. “You’re drinking tonight? With your parents here?”
“Of course not, it’s a Shirley Temple. Do I look like I belong in a crazy house?” You asked absurdly.
“Too bad, I was looking forward to seeing you get on the bar and start dancing.” He grinned down at you.
“Sorry to disappoint.” You rolled your eyes as he bumped his hip with yours.
“Oh by the way,” he started, putting his hand at the small of your back to push you forward. You came face to face with Lilith, who was watching you and (C/N) curiously. “This is Lilith. She said the two of you hadn’t really met so, I figured I should help change that.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” she said pleasantly, offering a hand to you. God, even her voice was gorgeous.
“Likewise,” you said politely, giving her a slight smile and shaking her hand, although you doubt she noticed. She was too busy watching (C/N) talk to the bartender about who knows what. You felt a spark of anger in your stomach as you quickly dropped her hand. “Well I didn’t mean to intrude on your evening-“
“Oh you didn’t!” She exclaimed. “I was just talking to (C/N) most of the night. Sorry if I seem a bit distracted. Are the two of you close?”
“Who? Me and Jacqueline?” You scrunched up your nose at the thought.
Laughing, she shook her head at you. “No, I mean you and (C/N), you two seem awfully comfortable with each other.”
“Oh, well we’ve been friends for about 5 years now. He’s my best friend, I don’t know what I’d do without him,” you said honestly. A small smile appearing on your face as you spoke.
“That so sweet,” she beamed as you took a sip of your drink. “This might seem a bit forward, but does he have a girlfriend?”
You choked on your drink as the words left her mouth. “I’m sorry- what?”
“Oh c’mon,” she begged. “You’re his best friend, you have to know if he’s seeing anyone.”
“If you want to know if he’s single so badly then ask him,” you snipped at her like it was obvious. Clenching your jaw, your body tensed up as you tried desperately to keep anything rude or snarky from leaving your lips.
“Please,” she grabbed your hand and took it in both of her. “I’d be mortified if I asked him that and he said he had one. I know he’s your friend and all, but please. Help me out here?”
You looked at her and she was giving you puppy dog eyes. For a brief second you weren’t upset that she wanted (C/N), you were upset that she didn’t want you. She’s gorgeous and clearly willing to put in effort.
You got rid of that thought as quickly as it came before you sighed. “He’s very single at the moment.”
She let out a squeal before mouthing the words thank you and giving you a big hug. She then promptly left to go talk to (C/N) again. You watched for a moment and saw that he was putting his number in her phone and vice versa. That’s when you decided you’d had quite enough of tonight and wanted to go home. You ended up sitting with Jacqueline for the rest of the night listening to her talk about some guy who accidentally spilled his drink and it almost got on her new designer shoes and handbag. You watched Lilith and (C/N) talk and laugh and felt a deep sense of sadness in the pit of your stomach.
You’d been a bit off for the past few days and it didn’t go unnoticed by (C/N), who tried to figure out what was wrong, but ultimately decided that you would come to him when you were ready.
“How long are you gonna be mad at this poor guy? He’s been walking around like a lost puppy for the past few days,” your friend Angel asked you, laughing as she took a sip of her water bottle. The two of you were sitting in the library during your lunch period. You were supposed to be studying but that quickly turned into talking about anything but academics.
“I’m not mad at him,” you argued. You honestly weren’t. You just couldn’t shake the feeling you’d had since the party. Being around him was weird at the moment since you didn’t know what it was nor how to get rid of it.
“Then can you tell that to him? He’s super out of wack.” You laughed lightly and shook your head. “Y’know I actually think that he likes you.”
“As if.” You ignored the little spur of hope that gathered in your chest.
“I’m serious!” Angel said, holding her hands up in innocence as you shot her a look tell her to stop. “Believe what you want, girlie. I think the boy has it bad for you.”
“If he has it bad for me then why did he get a girl’s number at my parents business party on Saturday,” you snapped back at her. She looked taken aback for a second before a look of realization dawned on her.
“You like him,” she whispered excitedly. “That’s why you’re avoiding him, because you’re jealous.”
“I am not jealous and I don’t like him,” you hissed at her, trying your best to defend yourself. But honestly hearing her say exactly what you were thinking was a tough pill to swallow.
“Whatever you say, Doll.” She winked at you and returned her attention to her book. Letting out a frustrated sigh, you did the same, knowing there was no talking her out of this. Also knowing that she was entirely right.
So much for getting control of that little crush.
“What do you mean I can’t come over?” You asked (C/N) through the phone. You’d texted him letting him know that you had packed you bag for the weekend and we’re gonna shower and be over in half an hour. You were prepared to get over yourself and your feelings for the sake of your friendship with him.
He was way too important to you for you to lose him over a silly crush.
“I’m sorry, love. But Lilith wants to come over and see me and I don’t think it’s a good look if she sees that you stay the night at my house every other weekend. Besides, I…” his voice trailed off and got quiet. “I don’t know, I just don’t think it’s a good idea.”
“So I can’t come over because you wanna boo love with your new girlfriend?” You said sarcastically through the phone.
“Hey, that’s not fair. You know it’s not like that. What are you so mad about anyways? Can’t you just do something else this weekend?” He offered and it only infuriated you further.
“I didn’t want to do anything else this weekend. Weekends are our thing. They have been for 5 years. I’ve never made plans on a weekend that didn’t involve you. Hell, not even when I had a boyfriend!”
“I don’t know what you expect me to do here, (Y/N)! Lilith wants to come over and you can’t be here when she does. Weren’t you the one telling me to live a little? What? Now that I’m trying to, you’re mad at me?” He seethed at you and before you could even open your mouth to respond he was speaking again. “God, you’re so clingy.”
You were gonna back down. You were gonna apologize. You were gonna cool off. Then this bastard went and called you clingy.
“I’m clingy?!” You hollered, now on your feet, pacing the length of your room.
“Yes! Always hanging around me—attached to my leg like a toddler. Can you just grow up and get a life of your own already? God, I don’t even know why I’m friends with you, anymore.” He huffed angrily.
You held your breath, mouth hung open. “You don’t know why you’re friends with me anymore?” Your voice was calm and level compared to the yelling you were just doing. You didn’t sound angry or upset. You sounded calm, cool and collected. The drastic change of tone made his blood go cold, realizing just how badly he messed up.
The line was silent for a minute. He didn’t dare to even breathe out of fear of making this worse.
“Have fun with Lilith, (C/N).”
You ended the call.
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feelingsinwinter · 5 years
Bucky’s 100th Birthday
This one was made for Bucky’s birthday ;)
The restaurant they chose had an old history with the wonder boys of the Avengers. Back in 1937, Steve and a few friends had had enough money to eat there all together with Bucky to celebrate his twentieth birthday. The place was owned by a charming couple and it was one of the first memories Bucky had retrieved after… well, when he started remembering.
The original owners had passed away some time ago and the restaurant was now managed by their granddaughters and if the place didn’t look as exactly as it was before, it was a close thing. Steve had been mesmerized when Tony had led him there, showing it to him and asking if it was a good idea. The smile the soldier had turn his way, that day, had been fond and so sweet, Tony hadn’t know what to do with it nor react to the hug Steve had given him – almost crushing his bones for fuck sake.
Luckily enough, Steve didn’t give voice to the speech Tony knew was lurking behind his teeth about all the sweetness he thought right at the moment, and rather they started talking practical things. Like organization and invitations. That was way easier.
A few days later, when Tony called the owners, he had the surprise to know the party was already scheduled, the number of guests a little bit higher than expected but it wasn’t something Tony couldn’t have handled.
“I see Rogers already took the initiative, great, good. I think that will be all, then. I hope you’ll have a great day, see you there on the tenth!”
The lady on the other side of the phone agreed and that was all. He should have known something was up.
“Come on, doll, you can tell me. I can act surprised pretty well, you know that.”
The arms around Tony’s waist were warm, well, one of them was at least. He leaned in the embrace with a small smile and tipped his head back to look at Bucky. The bastard was wearing that pleading expression that granted him everything he was asking for. Usually, at least.
“Nope. No. No way. I’d know you wouldn’t be as much as you should. Fuck you,” Tony added when Bucky pulled up the puppy eyes.
“Is that my birthday gift? You gonna fuck me in the mattress, Tony?” Bucky literally purred in the genius’s ear.
“Holy shit,” Tony breathed before elbowing Bucky in the ribs. “Get off of me, you little shit.” He shook his head while Bucky was snickering.
Bucky scraped his hair back into a bun and fastened it with an elastic.
Leaning against the furniture, Tony couldn’t help the smile as he gazed at the soldier’s body, so well displayed in his suit. Tony knew Bucky’d wear it wonderfully. The thing was, Tony had to keep himself from peeling him from his cloths, they couldn’t be late for this one.
They were supposed to meet the rest of the Avengers at the restaurant so Tony wasn’t surprised when they drew closer and heard a lot of noise. What was a surprise, though, were the whole families and children scattered around the place, among balloons, cakes, gifts and the mass of decorations. Everything was in Bucky’s name and yet Tony couldn’t remember inviting a dozen unknown adults and almost as many kids who were actually crowding the Avengers, screaming and yelling and laughing so loud it was almost as annoying as it was endearing.
Of course Clint was the first to spot them. He quickly made his way toward them, frowning slightly despite the sparkle in his eyes that occurred each time he had to spend time with kids. He had such an easy way with them, it was always a small wonder to watch.
“Who scheduled this party?” Clint inquired, a two year old perched on his hip.
“I believe Steve did? When I called, they told me it was already done. I thought Rogers took charge, as usual.”
The grin that was actually starting to eat the blonde’s face was ominous at best. Clint bounced up on his toes and peered inside the room until he made eye contact with Natasha. She was chatting with an unknown woman. She ended her conversation and came quickly, a gleam in her eyes betraying her amusement.
“So, I was talking with that charming woman,” Natasha said, with a wry smile, “and it appear that Ms. Dolores Rogers reserved the place for her son, Bucky Rogers, who’s celebrating his eighth birthday today.”
“You gotta be kidding me.” huffed Tony.
“Absolutely not,” deadpanned Clint.
“If you laugh, Bucky, I swear to god I’m going to punch you.”
Beside Tony, Bucky was almost vibrating from laughter, keeping it discreet and silent but it looked painful to keep it in.
“So… we do have a reservation but it’s not for us.”
“Yup,” confirmed Natasha.
“But I did paid for a part of it, right?”
“Well, then…”
Straightening his tie and adjusting his suit, Tony made his way toward the birthday boy, stopping from time to time to chat with kids jumping almost on him, bouncing on their feet in excitation. Arriving near the young mother, they talked for a while, Tony gesturing wildly in his own way to illustrate whatever he was saying.
At some point, the mother called her son and they chatted for a few more seconds before the boy started jumping like mad, yelling in delight before jumping and hugging Tony. He then jumped off and ran toward Bucky, skidding to a halt in front of them.
“Happy Birthday, Mr. Barnes! Mr. Stark asked me if I was ok to share my birthday with you and, like, wow, of course I am! Do you like chocolate cake? Ma’ took chocolate cake because I love chocolate. And strawberries. You like strawberries?”
Dealing with the kid was easier than Bucky thought it would be and by the end of it, everything had settled and the Avengers were scattered around the room, talking easily with the Rogers’s family and wrangling all the kids.
After a whole round through the room, chatting with probably everyone and having all those people wishing him a happy birthday, Bucky finally found the time to be with Tony. They settled up against the wall near the exit, champagne in hand and smiling despite the tiredness starting to rear its head.
“… We still can do something else tomorrow, if you prefer. It will be a bit late but I’m pretty sure we can make it happen…”
Bucky slung an arm around his shoulder and shut him up with a soft kiss.
“Nah, doll. This is perfect. Look,” he said with a small nod toward Natasha.
In front of her, a small girl was showing Natasha the latest dance move she learned at her lesson. Near her, Clint was diverting the kids with some tricks he learned at the circus, juggling and pulling some small magic tricks. Thor was waiting his turn to tell some stories of his own he loved to tell. Involving lots of adventures, and probably more blood and guts than the moms would think good for them, the kids loved it. They probably enjoyed the easy smile of the god, too, the way his whole face lit up when he was talking. Bruce was discussing quietly with the boy’s mother, smiling softly at her.
Leaning against Bucky’s warm side, he smiled and let his head lean on his shoulder.
“Yeah, this is great.”
The kids were amazed, laughing, and Bucky had that sweet smile of his, fond and so soft it was a wonder in itself.
“Still in shape, old man? Because what’s waiting in our room isn’t for the weak.”
“Hmm,” purred the soldier, “can’t wait.”
Huddled together, warm and surrounded by the voice of their friends and the giggling of delighted children, it was probably better than what Tony had prepared for the party. His left hand found its way into Bucky’s back pocket and he raised on his toes to plant a kiss on Bucky’s cheek.
“Happy birthday, James.”
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This is a rant written while on the toilet on my phone. I am assuming there will be many typos.
Things that happened todayvthat pissed me off:
1- i have been released from hospital after a colonoscopy and endoscopy and may have had a wrong diagnosis for an entire year. The ramifications of all the meds i was on remain unknown.
2- i have my period while i had my colo. and it made me lose my mind with pain a little bit, as well as being on very little sleep.
3- my brother needs my card to pay off his school shit. he refuses to use his laptop in front of my parents or anyone (dude they can’t tell if you watch porn and I don’t give a shit) so we brought his laptop and mine to do ONE (1) thing
4- my brother this afternoon “jokingly” said that my parents allow my to yell at them. the three of us said “um what?” And my mom said “yakil khara illy izifny ana w obook”. I’m not offended — I agree. I just think its important that my brother placed this seed this afternoon.
5- brother asks for my bank card 5 hours later even tho we told him let’s get it done this afternoon. Whatever, i say, bring your laptop and my wallet.
6- I haven’t been paid from my University scholarship for 3 months because its the beginning of the semester and everything is fucked. Mom gave me 100KD and said she’d speak to my dad about sending me some money too. That was 5 days ago, she reminded him twice and so did I (once) and he never sent it. I hate this because my dad enjoys basically making someone beg.
7- my dad says bring your laptop because my online banking app doesn’t work even though i just changed his password and reworked it this summer. so i am pissed off because what was the point of my reworking everything and making you do it in front of me and writing all the information down for you if you’re just going to, for the 100th time, say: “just do it for me”.
8- i say we only need one laptop, abdullah is bringing his laptop and so everything can just be done on one laptop.
9- abdullah brings my laptop and says you do your thing on your laptop and i’ll do my things on mine. AGAIN, this is entirely for HIS benefit. My dad is literally transferring MY money and adding extra for my BRO so it’s all just sent once and taken from my account because my bank card is the only one which this works for.
10- i say you didn’t bring my router so i can’t use my laptop lets use yours. My brother says i’ll bring your router down. I say that this is fucking ridiculous and a joke (not swearing) - let’s either use my brothers laptop and HIS ROUTER since he won’t give me his password or just use my dad’s phone. “Dad, we wrote your password down a month ago. Why can’t you use your phone!?”
11- MY DAD GETS PISSY and says “ishfeech itzifeen?”. He says it to my mother. Again. When i try to explain WHY i am frustrated, he interrupts me. Fucking christ. Hell on a cracker. What the fuck is this. Are you shitting me? We’re playing musical chairs with YOUR son. We’re accomodating HIS whims. He doesn’t want anyone touching his laptop which my mother bought for him? Fine, Farah go get yours! He doesn’t want anyone using his router that my dad pays the bills for? Fine, Farah use yours (which i pay for but that’s besides the point). This is madness. The level of fucking disrespect in this house, I swear.
12- my mother is a silent bystander as per usual. Just 9anam, a statue, waiting for things to be resolved. Now apparently my dad thinks i’m a disrespectful fuck, but immediately after i tell my dad to login to his bank info [he gets up and sits on the couch far away from me] my brother says something to the effect of “as if Dad knows where to add his password” and when i tell him to mind his own business, because even if my dad is being a dick to me, my brother is also being a dick to him, my mom gives me a dirty look.
13- i am tense for the end of the evening, have diarrhea and cry from frustration.
In conclusion, I repeat, fuck everyone in my family.
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goffilolo · 6 years
Revival of Midoriya Izuku Part 1
Alright you fuckin gremlins yall have been waiting months for this and so was I, so without further ado, heres new isntallment of demise!au fic
you can also find it on ao3 under the same title
The interrogation room at Musutafu’s police station has long become a familiar sight for Izuku. Whether or not it was a good thing was a completely different issue. Let’s just say that the past 9 months of Izuku’s hospital free life were just an extended shitshow of t-posing at the legal system.
And in the middle of it all sat the boy himself, handcuffed to the table for probably a 100th time (‘kinky’ he said to the officer who cuffed him, and the man fled the room looking more uncomfortable than Kacchan during the ‘Bakugou shitshow’). With his mom sitting on a chair next to him, looking far too bored for a woman whose son gets arrested on a weekly basis and Trash Bandit occupying the rest of the table Izuku looks to his left, eyes meeting his own reflection in the two way mirror.
He might be handcuffed, but that’s not going to stop him from flipping off whichever officer was currently standing behind that mirror. And if he happened to be checking himself out while at it then, well it’s not really anybody’s business. Izuku’s green hair has grown out quite a lot over the past months, now reaching his shoulders and being even more unkept than usual. The brown coat from the hospital’s lost-and-found box became his second skin, and definitely needed a wash. All in all the boy would describe his look as ‘straight-outta-trash’, which also happens to be the only type of straight he is.
Izuku’s musings got interrupted as the door to the interrogation room slammed open, the sound being followed by what can only be described as a middle aged sigh of resignation and disappointment.
“Well fuck me if it isn’t my favourite detective! What’s up Tsukauchi, did you miss me?” asked Izuku with a shit eating grin.
“Didn’t have the time to, since I literally saw you yesterday. Would it kill you to stay at home and not get yourself in trouble?” asked the detective in the same exasperated tone Izuku often hears Shin use on him. Huh, they would get along.
“Honestly detective, you and your unrealistic expectations. No wonder you’re still single” replied Izuku in only a half-joking manner.
Tsukauchi opened his mouth as if to retaliate, then looked down at the sheep standing on the table and back at Izuku. He closed his mouth promptly, his face morphing into a very accurate expression of ‘I don’t get paid enough for this’.
‘They would really get along’ thought Izuku.
The detective sat down on the chair on the opposite side of the table. He took out the evidence file and laid it down on the table, which wasn’t his smartest move given the sheep that occupied most of the surface. Izuku scoffed at the offending file. Upon noticing his owner’s reaction, Trash Bandit started to chew on the papers while looking Tsukauchi dead in the eye as the man tried to pry the evidence from the sheep’s mouth.
“Do we really have to go through this every single time?” asked Izuku, motioning to his handcuffs to make a point “It’s always the same old drill, I go and do my shit, you guys arrest me, the law doesn’t account for me being quirkless, you let me go. Honestly why do you even bother at this point?”
“Because-” stated Tsukauchi as he waved around a half eaten photograph from the evidence folder “-you really outdone yourself this time!”
“I did the right thing and YOU KNOW IT!” shouted Izuku as he stood up from his seat, the handcuffs being the only thing holding him back.
“Izuku that’s not up to you to decide-”
“Don’t! I get that you work in law enforcement, but if your sense of right and wrong is dictated by the legal system then you have a moral spine of a chocolate eclair!”
“Says the troublemaker who plays a hero-wannabe in his spare time” replied Tsukauchi.
Izuku scoffed at the man and sat down once again. He turned towards his mother who rather predictably had a worried look on her face at the mention of ‘heroes’. It was still a bit of a sore topic for Izuku, even after all these months and she knew it better than anyone else. The fact that it was Tsukauchi who rubbed at the wound only made it worse.
“A hero?! If you were any good of a detective you’d know that this statement couldn’t be further from the truth” sneered Izuku.
“Then HELP me get the truth. All I know is what they showed in the news and we both know that it’s not worth much, so why don’t you tell me what actually happened?”
Well, Izuku doesn’t really have much of a choice in that matter since this IS an interrogation and all of you noisy fuckers reading this are probably wondering how he got here in the first place.
The day started out rather peacefully. Now that Izuku was homeschooled he had a lot of free time, which was definitely not a good thing and led to a boredom driven shenanigans, but more on that later. Now all the teenager wanted was to get something to eat. Preferably at a place that won’t kick him out for going in with a sheep, but well, you can’t have everything.
Izuku was currently walking through the town centre with Shin, the doctor moving almost like a zombie after his night shift at the hospital. They agreed to meet up in the morning and have a breakfast together before the morning rush began. The two were heading to a cat cafe ‘ Nyanny ’, one of the very few establishments in the city that he’s yet to be kicked out of, mainly because the cats there got really attached to Trash Bandit. Afterwards Izuku plans on hanging around UA since a friend of his will be taking the entrance exam and Izuku, being a semi-decent friend that he was, wanted to be there for emotional support.
“Can you not?” asked Shin as he pulled a cigarette out of Izuku’s mouth, who in turn looked over dramatically “Don’t look at me like this! As your doctor I can’t let you ruin your health like this in my presence!”
“You’re my psychiatrist, you’re supposed to be fixing my mental problems, leave my physical problems out of this.”
“A single cigarette can take away a day off your life, is this what you want?”
The teenager looks at the doctor with a face expression that can only be described as ‘fuck yeah’ as he opens up his backpack, retreats a pack of cigarettes, takes all of them out of the box, puts them in his mouth and lights all of them while looking Shin dead in the eye to establish dominance.
The doctor sighed in resignation “I expected nothing and was still let down” he said.
“To be fair letting people down is like my main skill” is what Izuku would’ve said if it wasn’t for the 20 cigarettes in his mouth, but that didn’t stop him from trying.
The doctor eventually gave up on lecturing the teen and the two continued their walk. As they neared the intersection leading up to the train station the streets got much more crowded, although that is to be expected. What was unexpected however was the commotion that seemed to be taking place there. With the amount of people gathered at the street you’d think Beyonce is in town and she challenged All Might to a rap battle, and Izuku would pay good money to see that shit.
Unfortunately there was no Beyonce in sight, only a fuck ton of people blocking Izuku’s way and half a dozen of police cars.
“Hey Shin, wanna check it out?”
“I’m literally on a brink of exhaustion, but sure, why not”
As the two - or three if you count Trash Bandit - made their way through the crowd, Izuku realized that whatever was happening was far more serious than he originally thought. Heroes and police alike were scattered across the whole area, civilians were screaming and something was definitely on fire. He also noticed a camera crew trying to get good scope of the whole action. All in all it was Izuku’s dreams come true.
“I’m betting you all my money that it’s another villain attack”
“First of all, you have no money. Second of all, please don’t do anything rash” begs Shin.
“I would never” says Izuku as he pulls out an axe out of his backpack.
Events like these aren’t uncommon, Izuku has seen plenty of public hero displays as they detained villains on the streets and obnoxiously gained the favour of the public eye. He’d know, he used to be one of the morons staring at them in amazement. What was unusual however was that none of the heroes were closing in on the source of this whole chaos. From where he was standing the boy couldn’t even see the villain in question, but just form people’s reactions he could tell the damage was bad. The fire prevented most of them from getting close and Death Arms was trying to keep civilians away from the area. Mt. Lady couldn’t enter the area and she got stuck the narrow road due to her size and the rest of the heroes didn’t even attempt to get closer. Cowards, was what they were, running around like a bunch of mindless lemmings.
As Izuku pushed past the crowd, dragging his doctor along he finally saw what, or rather who was causing all the havoc.
It was a person captured by what Izuku thinks is a sludge villain. Boy does that give him some late night ideas-
“Get your mind out of the gutter, you weirdo!” exclaimed Shin.
- oh, he said it out loud, haven’t he?
“Kinda hard to do when this thing looks like it crawled straight out of the gutter itself” retorted Izuku.
He then separated from Shin to try and find a police officer and get a better idea of the whole situation. Although his relationship with the cops wa far from great, they were far too busy trying to contain the situation to argue with Izuku and so he managed to find out that the villain was originally captured by All Might last year and he escaped from jail seeking chaos and revenge. The entire situation was just as cliché as it sounded.
He went back to find Shin who was currently sheep sitting for him in this entire madness and using his height to get a better look than him “I know I haven’t been up to date with all the hero stuff, but I think even I would’ve heard of this sludge” he said to the doctor.
“I remember when they were reporting it on the news” he replied “It was the day you were admitted to the ward.”
“I think the sludge has Bakugou”
The bespectacled man pointed towards the sludge and as Izuku looked closer, sure enough, it was definitely Bakugou thrashing around and using his quirk to try and blow himself away from the villain with little success so far.
“Huh, so that’s where all the fire came from” mused Shin.
Izuku looked down at his axe and back up at Bakugou, whose eyes were screaming for help. He had a choice to make.
“Well this has just gotten personal” states Izuku.
As he moved forward through the remainder of the crowd, he realised once again that the choice has made itself without his brain’s input, but what else is new. His mind was blank as he ran past the police tape, evaded Death Arms and went straight into the fire.
He realised how ridiculous the situation was. Here he was; a quirkless loser running head first towards the danger with nothing but an axe like an IDIOT, because a bunch of pro heroes won’t do their fuckin job. This is absurd!
Keep running!
There’s so many people around who are much more qualified to save Bakugou-
Keep running!
And they’re doing NOTHING!-
“DEKU, what the fuck are you doing? GET AWAY!”
“FUCK THAT!” screamed Izuku as he threw his backpack at the sludge, temporarily distracting the villain “Today’s the entrance exam! I’m getting your ass out of this, whether you like it or not!”
Bakugou fought against the sludge trying to suffocate him as he took shallow breaths in between his pleas for Izuku to get away. Izuku tried clawing at the sludge without much success and the villain laughed at his incompetence.
“Silly boy~ Your efforts are useless, you might as well say goodbye to your friend now!” sneered the sludge “Look around you, all these heroes at the scene and none of them willing to get close enough to save you. Face it boy-”
Oh, shut the fuck up!
“-you’re going to die soon”
Suddenly, Izuku stopped fighting altogether. The screams of the crowd, the fire, the heroes and the cops surrounding him; they became nothing but a background noise. He stood eerily still and for a second, both the villain and Bakugou thought that he sobered up and decided that the fight wasn’t worth it, until they saw his hand; the one holding the axe shaking uncontrollably.
“You think you’re the one who gets to kill me?” asked Izuku, in a strangely calm voice laced with a drop of sarcasm.
Without any warning the boy held his axe high in the air, ready to strike. Although he looked like an embodiment of madness, his mind couldn’t have been clearer. He knew that he couldn’t inflict any damage to the sludge itself, but everyone had a weakness and Izuku was staring it right in the eye.
“You think YOU are strong enough to kill ME? Don’t kid yourself you slimefucker!!!” screamed Izuku as he swung his axe down right into the villain’s eye. The villain let out an ear-splitting screech and completely let go of Bakugou, who fell to the ground like a ragdoll trying to catch his breath. The heroes were speechless and the police was already calling for an ambulance, while the civilians screamed in surprise. Amongst the crowd stood a tall figure, who has seen more than enough and decided to step in.
As Izuku pulled his weapon out, his movements were followed by a sickening sound of wet flesh, blending in with the noises made by the movement of the sludge. He took another swing at the villain.
“Listen up you you gooey pile of shit!-”
“-If a fall from a four story building couldn’t kill me-”
Before Izuku could take another swing he was stopped by a gust of wind so strong that the villain went flying into the sky. Izuku lost his balance and promptly fell on his ass next to Bakugou. The attack was so powerful that the sludge started to fall down like rain, putting out any remaining fire in the area. It seemed like the whole atmosphere cooled down in an instant. Both teenagers were shocked beyond belief to say the least as they looked up to see the source of the powerful blast.
Lo and fuckin behold, it was All Might himself and the whole crowd clapped. Izuku was brought out of his shocked state as the Number 1 Hero leaned down and picked the boys up as if they weighted no more than a couple of grapes.
“My boy, what you did was certainly brave, but ought to be more careful in the-”
“Zip it He Man, I don’t have time for lectures” spat Izuku, with far more venom than he anticipated. Meeting a man who used to be his idol and a symbol of his long dead dreams was not as easy as Izuku would’ve thought. It’s been months since the hospital days, but it looks like time does not heal all the wounds, at least not the emotional ones.
As Izuku became fully aware of his surroundings he realised that how much of an uproar his arrival at the scene has caused. While most of the civilians were too busy admiring All Might, the police looked like they wanted nothing more than arrest him at the spot like usual. Bakugou was strangely quiet, though Izuku brushed it off as still being in the “I almost died” shock. Izuku knew something about that.
Since the fire was put out people could move more freely and soon enough Izuku was cornered by a reporter and her camera crew. As much as he hated being put on the spot like this and he was a bit short on time, Izuku couldn't help but think bitterly about how this whole situation wasn’t HIS fault at all. He wouldn’t have to intervene if these so called pros actually did their jobs. The fact that he couldn’t see Shin anywhere in the crowd only added to his irritation. In the corner of his eye he could see the police approaching, he needed to move fast. Although looking at the reporter, Izuku thinks he might have a little fun before their race to the UA began.
He grabbed the reporter’s microphone and faced the cameras, putting on his best shit eating grin.
“You people want some news? Well here it is! You see these fuckers over there?” he asks while waving his axe in the direction of the pro heroes “They’re full of shit. They call themselves heroes, yet they stood and did nothing when my friend needed to be saved. Is this what it means to be a hero? To stand around fighting small fries, but the moment something serious happens, unwilling to step in and help those who need it? Wake up people, because this is what your tax money pays for!”
Te reporter tried to pry the microphone from Izuku’s hands and the police was coming closer, he had to hurry it up.
“I’m Midoriya Izuku, a quirkless nobody and you are watching the NHK News!” he finished off before handing the microphone back to the distressed reporter.
He grabbed Bakugou’s hand, looking around in panic for any way to leave the area quickly enough. The villain attack was close to the train station, so he wouldn’t be surprised if the trains were temporarily down. There were people everywhere and the police officers looked like they were itching to arrest him. They were running out of time, he had to get Bakugou to the exam on time. Think, a way out. Quick, no time. No path, no way-
Suddenly, the crowd parted like the red fuckin sea itself, except instead of Moses a car drove through like it was speeding to get to the mall on a Black Friday. It made a sudden turn and stopped with a loud screech right in front of Izuku and Bakugou. Izuku should probably be surprised at this point, he really should, but life was already so goddamn weird, it might as well happen. The car’s windows rolled down and Bandit’s head poked out of the vehicle.
“Holy shit, Bandit did you steal a car?”
“Don’t be ridiculous” shouted Shin, who as Izuku just noticed sat in the driver’s seat “Hurry up and get in, you two caused quite a scene!”
Izuku and Bakugou looked at each other, then back at the car. Well, they literally had nothing to lose…
“Except our dignity” said Bakugou, because Izuku still hasn’t managed to get his shit together and fix his muttering problem.
“Bold of you to assume I have dignity” he answered instead.
The two teenagers entered the back of the car as quickly as possible, with Shin flooring the gas pedal before they even managed to get the door closed.
The car made a sharp turn as they drove away from the scene like a bunch of criminals on the run.
“I’m gonna be honest with you boys, I‘m not quite sure what just happened” exclaimed Shin as he drove past a red light like it was his second nature, although it was more likely due to his sleep deprivation.
“We’re in deep shit, that’s what happened” said Bakugou.
“What else is new?” said Izuku, before turning back to Shin “Anyway, less thinking, more driving, we have to be at UA in like 10 minutes if we want Kacchan to still have a chance at the entrance exam!”
“Deku are you crazy?!” shouted Bakugou “There’s no way we can get to UA on time! We barely escaped a villain attack just now, which by the way you should’ve stayed out of-”
The car fell silent as Shin tried to focus on not falling asleep behind the wheel, completely blocking out the teenage drama in the backseat. Bandit was having a time of their life sticking the head out of through the window, feeling the wind in the wool, completely oblivious to the tension. The two teenagers meanwhile were busy having a stare down.
“For fucks sake Deku, is this what it’s all about? Some fuckin promise I had my arm twisted into making because you dragged my ass in front of my parents?”
“The Kacchan I know is a rude, overambitious, self-centered bastard-”
“Are you looking for a fight!-”
“-a bastard that never breaks a promise!” exclaimed Izuku “That day at the hospital...you said you would get into UA and become ‘Number 1 Hero’ regardless of what I said.”
“And you said that I’m not a hero material...” pointed Bakugou “...but those heroes at the scene were pretty useless…”
“They sure were” mumbled Izuku.
“Maybe you were right” sneers Bakugou, humourlessly “maybe being hero isn’t worth shit if a quirkless ass like you can do a better job than them!”
“That’s like the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me, Thanks Kacchan!” relied Izuku in the most sarcastic tone he could utter.
Their little ‘moment’ was however quickly interrupted by the sudden turn that had them flying across their seats, which could’ve been avoided if they wore seatbelts has it not been for Izuku’s life philosophy of ‘No safety measures, we die like men’. The teenagers turned around to see what caused the sudden turn and noticed that they’re currently being chased by two police cars. And it’s not even noon yet! That’s a new accomplishment for Izuku.
At that point Shin just rolled down the window and started to flip off the police “I’M NOT GOING BACK TO JAIL!” he shouted while speeding past other cars on the road. There was something almost poetic about seeing your psychiatrist - the person whose job is to make you into a sane and functional human being- screaming at cops and accidentally admitting that he was in jail at some point in his life. The doctor then turns around and says “Don’t worry, I haven’t killed anyone” as if it was supposed to be reassuring to his patients in the middle of a police chase.
“Huh, at this point we might actually make it to UA on time” said Izuku in a rather nonchalant fashion, leaving Bakugou scandalised to say the least.
“Well how’s that any different than my usual day?”
“Can you two shut up? I’m trying to drive here!”
And with that, the car was overtaken by silence, the only thing interrupting it being the police sirens heard from the behind. For a situation as bizarre as this, Izuku felt strangely calm about the whole thing. It was almost nostalgic, getting to spend time with Kacchan in a civil manner, or as civil as they could get considering the circumstances and having Shin’s support in the strangest way possible. ‘I wouldn’t mind it if all my days were like this’ he thought while reluctantly putting on his seatbelt.
Soon enough they reached the gates of UA just as they were about to be closed. In a moment of panic, Izuku reached into the pocket of his jumper and pulled out a flask, unscrewing the cap and quickly handing it to Bakugou.
“Look we’re a bit short on time, so drink this and go kick some asses, you can process your near death experience trauma after the exam is over.”
“What is this?” asked Bakugou, rightfully suspicious of the mysterious flask that Izuku seems to casually carry around.
“The quil”
“What qui-” unfortunately Bakugou didn’t get to finish the sentence as Izuku forced the flask into his mouth and tilted his head back, making Bakugou drink all of the liquid.
“Ok, so this shit will make you see through time, but that’s normal, you can do it!” shouted Izuku as he clapped the blond on the back and pushed him out of the car.
Both Izuku and Shin watched him run up to the gate right before it closed and they simultaneously sighed in relief.
“You did the right thing” commented the doctor “Your method was questionable at best, but you did the right thing in the end. Not many people would have the strength to help someone like Bakugou.”
“I know”
“What you did was very heroic”
“Oh, fuck off!”
“...so after we parked the police cars caught up with us and they arrested us. Well, me for whatever the fuck that was and Shin for breaking some traffic laws” said Izuku as he recalled the events of this chaotic morning.
“What’s going to happen to him now detective?” asked Inko, because although she might not look like it, she was very much worried about her son, despite knowing that he wasn’t in the wrong for doing what he did.
The atmosphere in the interrogation room became tense as the Midoriyas stared at detective Tsukauchi expectedly. The man looked down at his notes, the evidence folder and sighed in defeat. They’ve been here for hours and it became clear that even the detective didn’t want to be a part of this.
“You’re a lucky kid Izuku” exclaimed Tsukauchi “The only thing we could technically charge you with would be a possession of a fixed blade longer than three inches, but even then it was used in defence of a civilian, and you better thank God that no one has bothered to fix the legal loopholes for the quirkless under the Citizen’s arrest law.”
“Does that mean I can just go?”
“Fortunately yes”
“Nice~” said Izuku “Alright then kinky bastards, uncuff me!”
Right after he said that the door to the interrogation room opened, followed by the entrance of Ignenium himself. Although the appearance of the hero was unexpected, it was definitely appreciated. You see, while Izuku does have a problem with heroes in general, Ignenium, both as a hero and the man behind the mask was one of the most kind and righteous people the boy has ever met and could never bring himself to dislike. And sure the way they met wasn’t the most favourable one, but that’s a story for another time.
“Tensei! What are you doing here?” asked Izuku excitedly.
“I came in here a while ago after making an arrest and an officer told me you got caught doing something stupid again. I couldn’t help my curiosity so I sat and listened to your story” explained the man as he pointed to the one-way mirror. He then closed in on the table and unlocked Izuku’s handcuffs from the surface “Alright let’s get you out of here.”
As Tensei took still handcuffed Izuku out of the room, Inko stayed behind to sign some paperwork that Tsukauchi tried and failed to stop the sheep from chewing on.
The hero and the teenager made their way into the main lobby where they had to wait for the keys to the handcuffs. As they stood around, Izuku with his hands behind his back they were approached by another teenager who looked vaguely familiar and very attractive, as in hot, beefy nerd with dark hair and square glasses that would help you with homework and carry you on his shoulders type of attractive. He stood tall with posture and confidence that the old Izuku could never dream of having, and one that the current Izuku had wet dreams about.
“Nii-san! Mother has informed me that you were at the station, so I came here to tell you about the entrance exam!” exclaimed the boy in the sheer volume of a person with ‘no inside voice’ while moving his hands in an almost robotic way.
“You sure look excited! Alright Tenya, tell me everything!” said Tensei and that’s when it dawned on Izuku…
“TENSEI WHAT THE HELL! Why didn’t you tell me you had a hot brother?!” he whined before quickly turning back to clearly confused Tenya.
“What’s up stud? You dropped something~” said Izuku in a clearly flirty tone as he checked the other one out.
Nevertheless Tenya still looked down in confusion at Izuku’s words, choosing to ignore the way he said it.
“What did I drop?” he asked.
“Your standards. Hi, I’m Izuku~” exclaimed the freckled boy with a shit eating grin as he brought his right hand forward that still had a pair of handcuffs hanging from it, awaiting a handshake.
The other was flustered beyond belief, while Tensei just groaned out in second hand embarrassment from watching awkward teenage flirting with his younger brother on the receiving side.
Wait a minute…
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marvelmymarvel · 6 years
Bill Guarnere x Medic!Reader
Synopsis: Bill was always protective of you, and you were always in love with him. When push comes to shove, how long will it take for you to cough up your love for him, and for him to explain his motivations to protect you?
A/N: This was requested and I was really excited to write for Guarnere as I have never written for him before! To whoever requested this, I really enjoyed this request and writing it was really fun. I hope you enjoy!
PS: My dad's name is Bill so this was also a lil weird, I think that explains the lack of ol’ Gonorrhea. But if you guys enjoy him I will certainly write more of him ;).  
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“That prick’s a son of Abraham” your head shot up at the comment from your best friend. You sat next to Liebgott who was also another one of your best friends, but you weren't in love with him like you were with Bill. “Bill” you hissed lowly but Liebgott questioned what he said “He’s a what,” Lieb said and you grabbed at his arm, trying to calm him down. Bills eyes glared into your hand placement but continued “He's a Jew” he stated plainly and your eyes widened at Bill. “Oh fuck” Lieb whispered before hopping down “Boys” you hissed but Lieb just ignored you.
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“I’m a Jew” Bill rolled his eyes at Josephs failed attempt of intimidation “Congratulations. Now get your nose out of my face” He hissed “BILL” you snapped but Joe threw his fist down hard onto Bills face. You hopped down pulling them apart as you pushed BIll back against the bed. His nose was bloody but he was still sneering at Joe. You grabbed Bill’s arm and yanked him out of there and towards the ship's bathroom. 
Cleaning up the bloody nose was easy, cleaning up the anger you held was not. “You can't just say that shit Bill” you scolded as you dabbed angrily below his nose. He hissed in pain but you barely paid attention as you kept ranting about how he was being inconsiderate but he just rolled his eyes at you. “You touched him” he growled lowly. You looked up at him slowly, the warm light in the bathroom of the ship made his features look deeper, darker, more haunted. Your fingers relaxed along his cheek and you sighed. “He's just my friend, Bill” you whispered quietly. It was an unspoken truth, you were Bills girl. While you never really kissed or hugged or anything like that, it just was a fact. You were his, and he was yours. “Why should you care anyway.” you stated simply packing up the first aid kit “It's not like I’m your-” you started to walk away but he grabbed your arm and pulled you back. He towered over you and held a look that challenged you to finish that sentence. “You're mine” he whispered lowly, “and I will always protect what's mine” he walked past you and out of the bathroom. Letting the door close you gripped onto the sink and looked into the mirror, Bill Guarnere had once again, taken your breath away. 
“Bill” you growled as he hounded above you. You were sick but there were no breaks during the war. “Y/n you're sicker than a dog. I mean look at you” he stated as he put his bare hand on your head and then your cheek, “Sweetheart you’re burning” he grumbled as he squatted down. You sighed looking over at the other 3 men that needed help but Bill waved them away “Go find Doc you imbecile, my girly here is sick.” You shook your head up at Bill and sighed as he helped you up and moved you over to another medic that wasn't bombarded by soldiers who needed everything from bandages to ointments, but they were all busy. You sighed as he sat you back down and rifled through your Medic bag. “Billy” you whispered and he shushed you as he grabbed some Aspirin from your personal first aid kit. It was a newer drug on the market, and it was branded as a fever reducer. “You seem to know what you are doing” you commented but he popped the two pills, that everyone had in their first aid kits, into your mouth and gave you his water. You gulped them down and groaned as your head pounded. You rubbed it and he sighed “I’m gonna get you some more water, stay here” he mumbled and left. Some men came to sit next to you as you all were trying to still round up everyone. You were with Bill since the jump and you landed together thankfully. You met up with Winters and now you were here. Sick, and still lost. You saw Malarkey walking towards you guys and you smiled. “Hi Mal” you cooed as he sat down shakily. Your eyebrows furrowed and you leaned into him “What's going on bud... You seem-” but he jumped before you could even tell him he was being jumpy. You looked up at what he was looking at and saw Speirs walking past. You turned back to Malarky and touched his arm “Hey buddy what's going-” “Y/n” you heard Bill call and you looked up at him, letting go of Malarkey as Bill motioned for you to come with him. “I”ll be around later okay” you whispered before pecking his cheek. Your cheeks heated up realizing what you just did and the boys went silent. “I'm sorry Mal” you whispered before Bill grabbed your hand and pulled you up and away. 
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You didn't speak about the kiss. Even after the Battle at Bloody Gulch... You never brought it up. He seemed hurt, but you ignored it. It wasn't until Eidenhoven when things happened. You were walking through the streets with Bill at your side. The crowds were beautiful, but at the same time scared you as you gripped onto Bill as hard as you could. “Loosen up sweetheart” he purred in your ear but you just grabbed onto his waist harder. “I’m scared” you whimpered softly. Not many people knew this, but you were afraid of crowds, especially in unknown places. He didn't want to admit it, but the way you held him made him feel all warm inside like he was the only one that made you feel safe and protected. He gripped onto your side as he pulled you out of the street. While he loved having you hold onto him like he was the most important thing to you, he hated seeing the panic on your face. You walked on the sidewalk, feeling much better but you stopped moving once you saw the circle, more importantly, what was happening inside. “Bill” you whispered and he looked at where you were looking. He gripped onto your waist and pulled you against him, keeping you close as you two watched the women being sheered like sheep. One man grabbed your upper waist area, close to your bust, insisting for you to dance with him as he tried to pull you out of Bill’s grasp. But Bill yanked you back snarling at the man. “Back off” he snapped and the man backed away as you watched from behind Bill’s shoulder, where he pulled you. “Get me out of here” you whispered and he swiftly walked you away. “I hate when men touch you” he whispered and you looked up at him, “Even more, I hate when you touch men.... or kiss them” he growled and you sighed. “These men are just my boys Bill” you whispered as you stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. Bill swiftly turned on his heel and glared at you, but it felt displaced. “Then what am I to you” he started stomping over and towering over you. You felt your breath being taken away again, for what felt like the 100th time since you met him. You could have said how you felt those 99 times, but you never did. This time, was different. You grabbed his neck, in the hustle and bustle of the madness, you felt alone with him. “You’re my everything” you whispered, his eyes softened and he ducked down kissing you softly. You deepened the kiss and some of the Easy Company men handed cigarettes and money over to each other. They made bets to see how long it would take, and who would make the first move. You didn't care though, because this felt... perfect.
The elbow collided into your face. Two men started a fight and you were trying to break it up, that was, of course, before one guys' elbow slammed into your face at full speed. Blood flooded down your mouth as your ass hit the ground painfully hard. You gripped onto your nose as you heard Liebgott scream out your name, seeing you go down. “I’m fine I’m fine” you hissed as the two men stopped fighting and began to apologize. Liebgott tried to stop the bleeding but you rolled your eyes at the two replacements arguing about who hit you. “HEY” Liebgott screamed as he tipped your head back. “It doesn't matter who hit her, because once Guarnere finds out who the fuck was fighting that caused this to happen to his girl, you both are dead.” You sighed at Joseph but knew he was right. Bill wanted you to stay out of as much danger as possible. If he could wrap you in bubble wrap he would, but of course, in war, you can't do that. “Lieb” you hissed as the two replacements scurried away, “Can we hide this from Bill” you whispered and he hesitated. If Bill found out that his girl got a black eye, bloody nose, and broken lip from two replacements fighting, they would have hell to pay for. If they successfully hid it from him, everyone would be happy. But if Bill found out that you and Joe hid it, Joe would be a dead man as well. The look on your face made him forget that though. He nodded, knowing that you could handle him somehow. 
Bastogne was the next stop. You kept your head low and you stayed far from Bill, trying to hide the large bruise that littered your cheekbone. You arrived outside of the forest and you hopped out of the truck, following Liebgott closely. You felt an arm grab you as you were spun around. In the moonlight, Bill saw your face. You sighed as you saw his face harden, “Who did this” he snarled as he grabbed your face softly. His words held anger, but his touch held love. “It doesn't matter Bill” you whispered but he glared at your words, you sighed and began walking, deciding to explain “Two replacements were fighting, I tried to break it up, one of the elbows slammed into my face. Boom, bruised cheekbone.” He stopped you and you turned softly to him “Is this why you’ve been avoiding me” he said softly like he was hurt. You tilted your head at him in confusion, “Yeah.... why.” He scratched his head and sighed “I thought I did something wrong...” your heart dropped at his vulnerability and you cupped his cheeks, looking up at him with pure love and adoration, everything that he deserved. “You could never do anything wrong Billy” you whispered leaning up and pressing your lips to his. He smirked as some men walked by, glaring at the two of you “You’re all fucking mine” he snarkily replied while kissing you deeply. You giggled into the kiss and he pulled away, getting serious. “Now... tell me who hit my girl.”
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Bastogne was cold. The only thing keeping you warm and sane was Bill himself. When you were cold, you’d cuddle in deeper into his warm neck. When you were hungry, you stole some food off his plate without him knowing (or so you thought). And when you lost someone in your own two hands, he was there to pick up the pieces of your broken and shattered soul. That was until he tried to help Toye. You were out in that mix, trying to pull Toye into a foxhole, “Y/N” You heard Bill scream as bombs went off around you, “GET INTO A FOXHOLE GOD DAMNIT” he screamed into your face as he pushed you away. You stumbled back and fell into a nearby foxhole, just in time to miss that bomb. Just in time to miss it all. You popped your head up and saw Joe and Bill on the ground. “No” you whispered. You scrambled out of the hole and over to Bill and Toye. “Bill” you whimpered as you gripped onto his face. You looked down his body and saw his foot just barely hanging on. “DOC!” your scream echoed through the woods, sadness, and pain evident in the cry for help, as you gripped onto your lifeline like your life depended on it. 
You watched Bill’s chest go up and down. Winters pulled you off the line to look after Bill and Toye, you didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse. Bill’s inhale of breath followed with his eyes opening made you jump out of your seat. Your uniform was still bloody from him but you didn't care. “Bill” you whispered as you cupped his cheek sitting on the bedside. He smiled at you and grabbed your hand “Hey sweetheart” he whispered hoarsely. He didn't really look at you, only at where his leg used to be. It was silent for a minute as you let him adjust a little to seeing it gone. “Do you still love me” he whispered thickly. His eyes welled with tears as he finally looked at you brokenly. “Bill” you sighed out as you leaned down and kissed his nose. You gripped onto his hand, warming it as you wiped his tears. You laid your head on his and smiled softly at him, “I will always love you.” You kissed him again, he was your everything, and you were his girl.
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thehiddensemicolon · 7 years
Kacchako fanfic: New Prey Chapter 30
I just want to apologize for the readers that read this fanfic on Tumblr. I just updated two chapters before this post.. but I still haven't caught up updating the other chapters I've posted in my other accounts on watt pad and fan fiction.net. I update those accounts more often than Tumblr unfortunately. I will update the rest of the chapters right now on this account. thank you all (to the readers that messaged me) for reminding me that I wasn't updating on this account!
~~~enjoy chapter 30!~~~
The young couple walked inside the place of there soon to be apartment. First came the tour.
Bakugou knocked at the leasing office door and out came the landlord.
"Good morning Mr. ?" The woman questioned him.
"Bakugou." He replied.
"And this is Uraraka." He pointed to his left.
"Um Uraraka who?" She asked confused.
"Um Uraraka my fiancée?!" He said like it was obvious.
"Oh no, am asking where is Uraraka?" She said.
Bakugou looked left. Only to not see the girl in question. He could have sworn that she was right there.
He slightly cursed to himself and began looking for her.
"I'll be right back!" He yelled to the woman behind him.
He sped walked around the apartment complexes and saw Uraraka outside on her phone.
Who was she talking too? She looked worried.
He could hear what she was saying from a distance.
"Am sorry. I didn't read the email correctly I guess....... huh there was a mistake with the dates in the email...... Uh huh. So am not in trouble? Thank goodness!....... today? Am kinda getting an apartment today....... I don't want to disappoint my boss even before work started, it's just the train that would take me there already left....... oh someone could pick me up?........ you guys are picking people up because you guys got the dates mixed up, that's so nice of you......okay I'll go in today, someone is coming to get me in two hours? Okay that's fine.....I'll send you my address..... oh you already have it?......how I didn't move in here yet..........oh you tracked my cell phone.....neat I guess haha. Okay bye." Uraraka turned off her cell phone.
She turned towards the apartment complex and load her eyes on the blonde in front of her.
"What happened at work?" He questioned.
"Oh um. The email I got the other day told me that my newbie evaluation was tomorrow, but endeavors secretary told me it was a mistake and it is today. So someone is coming to pick me up in about two hours. Am sorry. I guess I won't be able to help you move in today." She looked down at the ground.
"No it's okay. It's work. Even though someone fucked up on the email, doesn't mean you should miss it or be late. You don't want to be known as the late girl before you even start working. It's cool. I'll just call someone to help me out here." He said.
"You're not mad?" She looked up.
"No am mad at that damn person that fucked up on the dates for the evaluation. Not you. But it's work. Gotta do what you gotta do." He told her.
She hugged him and gave him a kiss.
"Well since we are limited to time. Lets go see that fucking apartment right now." He said.
"Okay!" She followed him.
~~~ At Endeavor's office~~~~
"Do you understand! After you get a hold of that zombie boy and get him and gravity girl to this building you are fired! It is no excuse for a well respected hero agency to get the dates wrong for the newbies! A wrong schedule only inflicts trouble and unnecessary problems. This is not acceptable. This is embarrassing! Those are newbies! They now have an impression that this office is a joke and has poor management that don't even know what they are doing! Get them over here! Right when I see them walking into these doors. Pack your stuff and get out of my face!" Endeavor yelled at his secretary.
"Yes sir... I understand." She quietly responded.
He kept yelling that he specifically said that evaluations was on Friday. And he kept questioning his other staff management if they heard him speaking about Saturday at the last meeting they were at.
The employees said no and said he told everyone it was Friday. It was even on the electronic board to remind everyone.
Endeavor kept rambling on how someone could possibly made such a dumb mistake.
"Yes I am sorry for the mistake. We will have someone to pick you up... you will also be stoping to pick up the other new hero on your way over here. Again sorry for the trouble I have made for you today." The secretary got off the phone and sighed.
"Sir both of the new recruits got the call and transportation has been taken cared of. Both will be on there ways within two hours." The secretary said.
"Finally good news. Well what are you waiting for? A promotion or a raise for fixing your mistakes? Pack your stuff and get out!" Endeavor demanded.
"Yes sir." She responded.
"Shouto! Get in the car that is picking up the other recruits! I can't have them thinking this agency is a joke! Go and welcome them! Also since this is so rushed, tell them what I am looking for at the evaluation. And here!" He tossed his son three bags.
"Tell then once they get here they have ten minutes to change into this gear. Also tell them that I am giving them an extra bonus in their paychecks. That should fix the mockery we showed them today with the date mistake. Go!" Endeavor told his son.
Shouto agreed and was about to walk out of the office.
But he stopped by at the old secretary.
"I hope you will give me a call for a job, once I take over this office. It will be a different respectable hero agency. " He told the secretary.
She silently thanked him.
And Shouto left.
~~~back to the apartments~~~ The two just finished the walk through of the the apartment.
Bakugou is obviously complaining about wood floors and he saying how he wants carpet.
But Uraraka fell in love with the apartment. It was perfect for them!
"Oh please please please please! Can we get it! Just wear socks if your feet get cold!" She begged.
She put her hands on his shoulders and started shake him.
"Please please please please!!! I'll let you claim what side of the bed you want! Only if you say yes!" She offered.
The two have been fighting over what side of the bed they wanted when they were at Bakugou's parents house. So naturally they both wanted to claim the best side.
"Argh Fine! You better not cry and whine about the deal later!" He said.
"No I won't I promise! Thank you so much! I just love it here so much you know!" She smiled.
He looked over at the landlord that was behind them this whole time.
"We will take it." He said.
"Alright! Lets go back to the office for we can finish your application." She said.
After awhile the papers were done and the money was paid. The two were allowed to move in immediately.
Soon Bakugou's parent came to drop off some of the boxes the young couple has packed. And... Kirishima came too!
"Ohh how nice. So you still care about your friends." She mocked Bakugou.
"Oh shut up! I can't do all the unpacking myself. The beds, tables, and couches can't be lifted by one person. And I don't want to hear my mom bitch and moan about how old she is to be doing that kind of lifting and shit." He said.
"Okay." She smiled.
"Argh not this again!" He said. Clearly she didn't believe his reasoning.
"Hey Kirishima! Thank you for coming today." Uraraka waved at him.
"It's no problem! Sero, kaminari, and I got a three bedroom apartment three blocks that way." He pointed at the direction.
"No way! That's so close to us! I bet Katsuki is glad his friends live so close!" She said.
Bakugou mentally punched himself. He knew the three of them were moving into an apartment together. They all kept texting him about it! But he didn't even bother to look at the address of their apartment. If he would have known....
"You better not be knocking at my door 24/7." Is all he said.
"Well I take it that he is glad too." Kirishima agreed with Uraraka.
"The fuck? No I just said don't be bothering me!" Bakugou said.
"No you said don't be bothering you 24/7. So that means we get to bother you as long as it isn't everyday!" Kirishima joked.
"Hey brat! Start unloading!" Mitsuki told her son.
He grunted and started walking to the trailer full of their furniture and stuff.
He didn't hear anybody walking behind him. So he looked back and saw that his mother was talking to Uraraka and Kirishima.
Mitsuki was hugging Uraraka again... for the 100th time. Ever since she found out about the confirmed engagement. She kept babbling on about finally having a good daughter. And that she can't believe someone like her would want to marry someone like her son.
And Kirishima was caught off guard in confusion.
"Engaged!" Kirishima stepped back in confused and hurt... hurt that Bakugou didn't even tell him and his friends.
But nonetheless he was happy for his friends.
He gave Uraraka a hug congratulating her and started to ask when she said yes to Bakugou.
"Hey we don't have all day! The trailer is a rental! Come on!" Bakugou yelled.
"Hey man! Why didn't you tell us you proposed to Uraraka? That's not manly bro." Kirishima said.
"It's none of your business, that's why." Bakugou said as he unlocked the trailer.
"It's okay don't worry about it. The guys and I will throw you a bachelors party anyways whether you want one or not." Kirishima said.
"I don't want a party." Bakugou said.
Kirishima and him went back and forth about the topic.
"Wow there is a lot of stuff. Well good thing there is no one here to watch this!" Uraraka said.
"Eh? No one here to watch what?" Kirishima questioned.
"This!" She said. She activated her quirk on the boxes and made it a hell of a lot more lighter.
"Come on quickly! Before anyone sees!" She said.
Kirishima grabbed a lot of boxes and walked into his friends new apartment.
"Wow I didn't know you can make stuff not float away into space haha it's pretty neat to have no gravity and it float in place!" Kirishima praised her.
"Haha It took a lot of practice but yeah it's possible. But it's a whole lot easier to let the boxes float away to space haha." He said.
"I bet!" Kirishima laughed too.
Soon all the boxes and furniture was in the apartment. Bakugou's parents left already. And Kirishima stayed to help Bakugou move all the furniture around in the apartment.
They would have Uraraka use her quirk to make it easier. But she received a phone call saying her ride will be there within five minutes. And since they lived in a gated community she gave them the code number for the gate and her apartment number.
"Ahhh am nervous now." Uraraka admitted.
"Why?" Kirishima asked.
"Because what if I don't do good today." She said.
"Ah I would worry about that. You will do fine don't worry about it." He told her.
"Thanks Kirishima." She said.
They heard a knock on the door and Bakugou went to answer it.
And he saw half and half on the door step.
"Bakugou." Todoroki said.
"Half and half." Bakugou said.
"Ahh Todoroki! Hello! Give me a few minutes please!" She said.
"That's fine take your time." Todoroki said.
Bakugou saw another individual in the car. That person was getting out of the car.
Once he saw a familiar gray hair individual, he immediately got annoyed.
Fujimi... that thug from Isamu Academy. The one with zombie virus quirk and dumbass face.
"Oh fuck no!" Bakugou yelled.
Fujimi Saw Bakugo and thought the same.
"What! You again!" Fujimi said.
The two did not get along.
And Shouto then remembered when those two first met.
'Oh. Oh yeah they don't like each other. Now I remember. Guess I should have told Fujimi to stay in the car.' Shouto thought to himself.
"Get the fuck out of my face you low life zombie face dumbass!" Bakugou said.
"How the hell did your Fuck Face get accepted into Endeavors office?" Fujimi yelled.
"I cannot believe I have to work with you! There must be a damn mistake somewhere!" Fujimi questioned.
"Sorry I took so long Todoroki! Am ready now!" Uraraka said.
Everyone looked at her. She heard an argument but didn't know who was the other person.
"Ahh what's wrong?" She asked.
"There is a misunderstanding. Fujimi, meet Uraraka she is the other recruit... not Bakugou. So don't worry we are going to be working with her." Todoroki clarified.
"Oh hello! I remember you from the practice course back in high school! Am Uraraka!" She greeted Fujimi.
Bakugou looked so pissed at this situation.
Not only was his fiancée working with half and half, but that zombie ass too!
"I knew there was a mistake. Just glad that I get to work with you. Rather than that punk ass over there." He pointed at Bakugou.
"Oh that's right." She said. She just remembered Bakugou and Fujimi don't like each other.
"Well this guy is my fiancé. So I hope you too well get along." She said.
Fujimi couldn't believe the ticking time bomb got a girl like her! And fiancée.
Bakugou shot out a grin. Like he won the argument.
To Fujimi that grin meant, "Yeah that's right my "delinquent ass" got a girl like that, she is my Fiancée, so hands off."
"Well we should be going now. I don't want to keep everybody waiting!" Uraraka said.
"Bye sweetie!" She said to Bakugou and have him a kiss.
She walked outside and Shouto followed her.
"Nice seeing you again Bakugou." Shouto said and left.
Fujimi and Bakugou still had a stare down.
"Stay away from Uraraka. And fuck off." Bakugou told him and slammed the door.
Fujimi blood boiled and walked away.
He had to work with his bosses son and now the the guy he hates, fiancée.
He didn't have any hard feeling for Uraraka. She looked like a nice girl. He just wondered how someone like her is with someone like him.
"Oh this is going to be fun." He said. Thinking about all the different ways he can annoy Bakugou with this kind of working situation.
Bakugou was about to set off some explosions because he was so goddamn irritated.
Kirishima places a hand on his shoulder.
"Boy that was intense. Who would have thought Uraraka would be working with him huh? Well it's nothing to get irritated over. Calm down Bro." Kirishima said.
"I am calm! Now lets finish up this shit." Bakugou said.
"And while everything was happening earlier... I ordered us some pizza." Kirishima said.
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artislifeevans · 7 years
Voice Mail:Alley featuring Richard
Allison: ground when Sam’s phone went straight to voice mail for the 100th time this month. Even though she was sad about not being able to see him or talk to him like she wanted. She was excited for Christmas because she just knew she would see him then. She climbed into his father’s lap leaning against his chair“ Sammyyyy! I know it’s early! And Christmas is forever away.
Richard: chuckles in the back ground “Alley it’s only 14 days away*
Allison: covers her mouth as she giggles “I know Daddy. But it feels like forever. I really miss you Sammy… You never call anymore.. but I understand.. daddy said your a busy guys” she sighed sadly, trying not to get to sad or she will start to cry. Richard: could tell Allison was getting sad. She has been missing her brother very badly and some nights she would cry herself to sleep. He knew why Sam was being distant toward everyone. But he didn’t think he would be like that with Alley. He just hope his son would come home for a little while for Christmas. “Um honey remind Sammy to bring his gutiar so we can sing Christmas’s songs again this year” he reminded her.
Allison: thinks About them singing songs on Christmas and quickly gets excited “Yeah! Bubba don’t forget to bring your gutiar! We are gonna sing Christmas songs again! But um we might want to tell Dylan not to sing so loud.. he sings very badly!” She whispered.
Richard: chuckled. “Alley tell Sammy good night. You still have school tomorrow and we have to go get Arianna and Antonio’s Christmas gifts.”
Allison: sighed sadly Okay Daddy! Gotta go Sammy.. before I forget. I want you to know that I worked really hard on remembering the song to Home for Christmas. I wanna sing it with you when you get here..” she said softly holding the stuffy puppy that Sam gave to her. “I love you Bubba.. and I don’t worry about getting me anything special for Christmas… All I want is you..” she made kissing sounds on the phone before hanging up. She looked down at her dog, holding it tightly against her chest. Richard sadly sighed “What’s wrong baby?” He asked already knowing the answer.
Allison: sniffled softly, feeling her tears running down her face “Sammy said every time I missed him. Squeeze the toy and he will get that Batman signal to call me..” she choked “But it isn’t working Daddy.. Did I do something to make Sammy mad?.. Was I a bad girl?” She whimpered, looking at her dad with tears in her eyes.
Richard: felt his own tears forming but kept them at bay. He hated to see his daughter so upset and as much as he loved his son. He could kill him right now. He wrapped his arms around his daughter, giving her a big hug “No sweet heart. Sammy isn’t mad at you. He is just have adult problems.” He sighed. He gently raised his daughter up to see her face, wiping her tears “Your bubba loves you so much. He would do anything for you. So don’t think that okay?! We will see him on Christmas.. okay?!” He whispered kissing her cheek. He seen Renee appear with sad eyes “Why don’t you go upstairs. So Renee and I can tuck you in”
Allison: nodded her head, hugging her dad tightly. It was bad enough she was constantly thinking about her mother. She was scared she was going to lose Sammy next. She hopped down from her dad’s lap running up stairs.
Richard: watched her leave before letting out a long sigh “Renee I love my son.. But I can’t keep explain Sam’s treatment of her to her. I get he is going through a lot.. But this isn’t healthy for her..”
Renee: walked over, sitting on the edge of Richard’s chair, wrapping an arm around him “I know honey.. we haven’t really gotten a chance to talk to Sam at all.. But he will come around.. I know he will. He loves Allison to much to be away from her for this long.”
Richard: shook his head “It’s been 6 months Renee! Six MONTHS!” He said in anger. “
Renee: was taken back by Richard’s tone. “Calm down. You don’t want Allison to hear you! And I understand! Just give him more time. Okay?” She said softly.
Richard: took a deep breath, trying to calm himself “Fine.. he has until After New Years to make contact.. if we don’t hear anything. I’m packing Allison up and we are moving to London. And he will never see his sister again. Or at least until she is old enough to make the decision on her own.” He said before getting up from his chair. He could tell Renee was conflicted and if he was honest he was too. He didn’t want to leave. But he didn’t want to keep putting Allison through all of this. “I’m sorry for yelling. I love you” He said leaning down and kissing her lips “I’ll see you upstairs.” He whispered.
Renee: understood why Richard felt the way he did. She hated seeing the hurt in Allison’s eyes every time Sam would call or didn’t make any plans to see her. But she also knew how much Sam loved his sister and she just hope and pray Sam opened his eyes before he really did lose everything. She looked on a wall where there was a picture of Richard, the boys and Allison. She looked at Sam and sadly sighed “Oh honey whatever you’re going through. Please wake up. You’re gonna lose your sister.” She whispered, heading up stairs.
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lovedyouless · 7 years
connor mcdavid/leon draisaitl masterpost
tbh this is all you need to know about them:
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posted and captioned by teammate and frequent linemate patrick maroon. 
but if you want more ...
connor mcdavid
everyone in hockey knows who connor mcdavid is. drafted number one in 2015, connor is frequently mentioned in the same breath as wayne gretzky and sidney crosby (he’s canadian too, of course). he’s fast, he’s skilled and he was named as the youngest ever nhl captain at the start of 2016′s season. anytime you see connor on the ice, he’s probably wearing a ‘c’ whether it’s for the erie otters where he played in the ohl, for the oilers, team north america or even the 2017 all star weekend. he’s a Big Deal and everyone loves him (except maybe brandon manning).
connor is very humble
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his bff during his ohl years was dylan strome (drafted to the coyotes). connor hung back after his draft to watch dylan get picked. connor and dylan are Very Soft
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connor is very polite to his elders, referring to them by their title such as mr crosby
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sid finds this hilarious.
connor is so good that subban, one of the best defencemen in the league, can only resort to blatant hugging cheating to contain him
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connor’s rookie year was going great until he got injured (damn you manning) and broke his collar bone. 2016/2017 marks his first full year in the nhl. 
leon draisaitl
leon was born in germany and is two years older than connor (more like 14 months but who’s counting). occasionally he fools people by pronouncing ‘out’ like a true canadian, but he’s definitely german. his dad was a german hockey player. leon is the highest drafted german player ever in the nhl - he was drafted third in 2014. leon can speak four languages. like connor, his natural position is center BUT MORE ON THAT LATER. 
leon, by the way, just very casually looks like this: 
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AND I AM VERY MAD ABOUT HIS FACE ALL THE TIME. this is a rare smiley leon though. usually his interviews look more like this: 
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by the way, this is his face after he scored the overtime winner for team europe. excited, huh?
before they became nhl superstars, leon and connor were baby prospects together touring the Rogers Place during it’s build. the whole video is great because leon is just SO INQUISITIVE and asking lots of questions and connor mostly spends the video laughing at leon?
in a fun twist of fate, leon scored the last oilers goal at Rexall Place before they moved to Rogers Place
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try and control your glee there, leon.
connor and leon have become regular linemates in the 2016/2017 season and have killed it this year
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leon’s natural position is center but he’s spent much of this year on connor’s wing. did i mention that connor is very very fast? 
"I just saw Connor take off and it's pretty hard to keep up, let me tell you," said Draisaitl. "I just got on my horse and tried to catch up and get open for a shot."
it’s okay though, because connor is not great at everything (yet). leon takes most of his faceoffs in games and they practice them together (warning: leon turns into a competitive giggly monster when he wins and connor accepts his loss with a happy grin)
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because usually-grumpy-looking leon actually smiles a lot around connor
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also their hugs are ridiculous
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like who raises their arms like that, leon??
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here it is from another angle and it’s just as terrible. also, connor LET GO OF DARNELL because he saw leon coming and wanted two arms free so they can octopus around each other?? THE WORST.
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this is connor’s ‘about to hug leon’ face and it’s just as terrible as you thought it was gonna be
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i like to call this their ‘caught red handed but we’re still not letting go of each other’ pose
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this is great because leon is a huge solid hunk of man who is almost impossible to knock off his feet and connor is very much smaller than him but leon drops his arm and lets connor fold himself into leon
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did i mention that connor is smaller than leon? because here he is fitting himself into a tiny space next to leon rather than, i don’t know, standing somewhere else with more room??
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@ edmontonoilers: pre-game pals
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also here is leon chilling in the sin bin. wanna guess why he’s here? if you guessed that he took a run at manning (as previously mentioned, he took out connor in his rookie year for a few months and cost connor the calder. he also apparently chirped connor earlier in the season to say the hit was deliberate, so obviously leon stepped in to avenge his captain)
anyway. as it turns out, they’re pretty close off ice too. here they are enjoying a date night by hanging out with patrick maroon and his son and playing some ball aka pat knows his teammates are in love aka connor is trying to show off for leon but anthony is kicking his ass
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here they are enjoying a double date with nuge and ebs (leon of course looking cool as fucking ice while the other three look like idiots)
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here they are being interrupted on their date with darnell. you will often find darnell third wheeling
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inseparable. also they all look super hot here.
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okay, leon, okay
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leon deliberately cropping out darnell so he can post a picture of him and connor, and both of them sounding entirely unapologetic about it
“Leon, you and Connor are one point away from one hundred, wouldn’t it be kind of special to get that point on the same goal?”
“Yeah I mean, it’d be fun. Obviously he’s played about 1000 games less than I have, but um, you know it’s a nice milestone and it’d be nice to get it together.”
FUNNILY ENOUGH ... okay they didn’t get it on the same goal because connor is an overachiever always and got his 100th point first, but leon’s 100th point came in the same night, an assist on a connor goal of course
ANYWAY it’s not all about the hugs and fate and being bros together
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or giggling off the ice
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(honestly, have you ever seen leon this happy when he’s not scoring/assisting/winning games?? no, no you haven’t)
they’re also super supportive of each other
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or that time when the Flames tried to hook leon and then took a hit (which didn’t even knock him off his feet because he’s a fucking tank, tkachuk falls to the ice though which is hilarious) and connor takes offence and defends leon’s honor
“Leon, this morning Connor said you might be one of the most underrated players in the NHL. Does that matter to you?
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we should also talk about the fact that connor has this strange habit ...
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of just taking leon’s things? 
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totally normal to have an interview wearing your teammates hoodie. tell me connor, does it carry leon’s scent? does it hang off you because leon’s shoulders are ridiculously broad? DID YOU TAKE IT ON PURPOSE??
MOVING ON. we should definitely talk about connor’s 100th point this season to win the Art Ross because i love FATE. of course connor gets his 100th point on leon’s goal. OF COURSE. connor really, really wanted that 100th point which is understandable because who wants to finish the season on 99? he turns to hug leon immediately (of course) and leon stops for a quick hug before he’s off to grab the puck for connor JUST IN CASE IT GOES MISSING GUYS, HE WANTS THAT PUCK FOR CONNOR except he realises that caggiula already has it so he goes back for another hug EXCEPT the rest of the guys are there and that’s fine, but leon wants his own hug so he grabs connor from behind as they head for the bench and they just coast together for a second, completely flush against each other and i’m super chill about the whole thing, guys.
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anyway this is the most important moment ever caught on camera. also, leon just leaps into the air with him and catches him and he lands without even a stumble like?? HOW STRONG ARE YOU LEON??
anyway, in conclusion, these two fools are in love and everyone should jump on board and they’re probably gonna accidentally kiss one of these days after a goal
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sadbi-hours · 5 years
Oh the 100th episode of ahs!I.Fucking.Loved.Every.Damn.Second.Of.It!
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Okay, sorry...y'all can sue me but I gotta give it to Ryan Murphy a bit here! He delivered...that fucking shit was everything I'd been waiting it to be! It was entertaining as all get out to me...it was wild. The music was magnificent, especially the wonderful atmospheric use of the Smiths 'How Soon Is Now' at the end! The acting was even more on point then ever before...and you know what, it was just good ole' fashion 80s slasher fun and craziness!
Episode 6 did not take itself too fucking seriously like some of the others eps have and, don't get me wrong, I'd have been okay with that...if it hadn't been poorly excuted in some areas...but anyway, what I'm trying to say is that I didn't for one moment take this episode seriously and I loved it dearly for that!
I didn't get pestered with deep ass questions that I knew I was probably will never get any answers to--though there is still a bit of time and would like a answer to a few of them--nor did the ep or writing try to get me figuring out what the overall storyline was...and the greatest miracle of all, there was no insanely unexpected plot twist waiting in the wings for me to flip my lid over!
Oh I bet you could imagine the immense sigh of relief that I took when this episode was over...and I wasn't having some form of a mental breakdown...my god, it could be heard in every room of my house!
This episode for what it was was fantastic! I love it...I adore it...and I have very few gripes with it--or at least for now knowing my overanalyzing ass!
But anyway, Brooke, I just have one thing to say...WILL YOU MARRY ME? She's become my ride or die...my main chick! I freaking loved her this episode, especially in that (spolier) during her execution speech to Margret! Oh man, I was just...
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So fucking proud. My bby...my light...fire of my loins, I adore you with every fiber of my being...and I'll never doubt you again! You have my forever love 💘
And I loved how she told RR and Satan where to shove it! Iconic!
And poor Mr.Jingles' being a whole ass fucking mood during the beginning of this episode...all fed up with RR's shit and just like...
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That freaking look on his bloody face as RR murdered all those people was priceless...and so me haha! I just know that he was lowkey wishing that he had just fucking let himself die up at Camp Redwood in 1984! He was tried of the same old shit and I don't blame him, Benji has never been about that life...and also that scene with him sipping on his Tab all slow and delicious like as RR gets his ass beat was hilarious!
But yo seriously, why you gotta do my man like that Ryan! He just chilling with his wife and baby...working a peaceful job rewinding and renting out videotapes..and I'm not gonna lie, I was mad jealous! It's like lowkey my dream of mine to work at Family Video for a living...and get to interact with like minded staff and video renters who love movies as much as I do...and recommended good ass movies to people all day long who are less of a movie geek as me. Yes it is a life's dream...i'm not much of an overachiever! I'm easy to plese lol...and mad props to Benji's movie choices. I most certainly approve...who needs that horror shit, huh? Haha!
But anywho, I felt a mad sense of connection to Benji this episode. He just wanted to live peacefully with his wife and son! He didn't give a single fuck for Camp Redwood...and he shouldn't. He got the happy ending he deserved...and RR's ass had to fuck it up for him! But I'm living for how Brooke, Benji, and Donna are probably going to be TG i guess! I didn't expect it...especially after all the fuck shit they had been through, even though I still kinda care less about Donna!
But I will give her this...she made a fucking entrance at the end of this episode! I never felt so happy to see someone I lowkey want to taste the blade! Angelica Ross was working it at the end there.
So I totally...at least for now, agree with how's one TG per say! My vengeful angels came to collect names...and fuck Margret's shit all the way up!
And to Margret...and now by extention, BD Trevor:
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IT'S ON SIGHT!!! I just felt y'all should know that! If not from me...than trust Brooke or Chet gonna make you taste that steel blade.
And you know what, Chet's call for blood...ain't even mad at it! It's what she deserves...he got her slippin' and she needs to pay. And bruh, Trevor man...👀 watching you my man! I'm hoping you'll turn it around...but I doubt it! You got that Xavier and Chet logic going on...they did the soft good boi bby route and look what it got them so...
And speaking of Xavier...and Montana...
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(not mine! credit goes to the owner!)
Need I say more?! I can die happy now...my only gripe is that I want fucking more of it! Give me more more more! Please and thank you 😏
And yes for right now, I am discounting that it's OOC for the Xavier's character arc..but you what, fuck it, I enjoyed it the living hell out of it!
Plus, most of episode 6 is set in 1989...so he's been stuck up at CR for nearly 5 yrs....and nothing good or bad he's done has gotten him out of there. So I don't mind encouraging a little bit of mischief...especially when it invloves Billie and Cody making out. I'm sorry...but yes, I'm that bitch tonight! Ryan Murphy's telling us to fuck the character arcs he's built...so I am too...for now.
And Ray, bro...
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I mean yo, you ain't wrong...we really shouldn't just be k wording people left and right for no reason...but he's just such a whiny bitch about it! And where do you get off being high and mighty moral king, when you've been cleaning up their messes...I mean RIP Ray I hardly know ya...but I'm sorry I'm different, I'd be telling them to clean up their own pile of dead bodies! I got better things to do...so sorrynotsorry! Maybe if you had been written better I would care...
And I loved Montana's 'What about my murder...don't I count?' and even with my forever love for her, I was lowkey like No Montana...you hella deserved that shit! Plus, you doing you...living that extra dead afterlife with your man's! So Stay in your lane...count those blessing!
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feelingsinwinterold · 8 years
Bucky’s 100th Birthday
Hi everyone! So, here’s a little thing for Bucky’s birthday, I wanted to do something and tada, I did it! It wouldn’t be as good as it is though without @tisfan‘s marvelous editing! You’re amazing. Thank you so much, so so much.
You can find this fiction on AO3!
The restaurant they chose had an old history with the wonder boys of the Avengers. Back in 1937, Steve and a few friends had had enough money to eat there all together with Bucky to celebrate his twentieth birthday. The place was owned by a charming couple and it was one of the first memories Bucky had retrieved after… well, when he started remembering.
The original owners had passed away some time ago and the restaurant was now managed by their granddaughters and if the place didn’t look as exactly as it was before, it was a close thing. Steve had been mesmerized when Tony had led him there, showing it to him and asking if it was a good idea. The smile the soldier had turn his way, that day, had been fond and so sweet, Tony hadn’t know what to do with it nor react to the hug Steve had given him – almost crushing his bones for fuck sake.
Luckily enough, Steve didn't give voice to the speech Tony knew was lurking behind his teeth about all the sweetness he thought right at the moment, and rather they started talking practical things. Like organization and invitations. That was way easier.
A few days later, when Tony called the owners, he had the surprise to know the party was already scheduled, the number of guests a little bit higher than expected but it wasn’t something Tony couldn’t have handled.
“I see Rogers already took the initiative, great, good. I think that will be all, then. I hope you’ll have a great day, see you there on the tenth!”
The lady on the other side of the phone agreed and that was all. He should have known something was up.
“Come on, doll, you can tell me. I can act surprised pretty well, you know that.”
The arms around Tony’s waist were warm, well, one of them was at least. He leaned in the embrace with a small smile and tipped his head back to look at Bucky. The bastard was wearing that pleading expression that granted him everything he was asking for. Usually, at least.
“Nope. No. No way. I’d know you wouldn’t be as much as you should. Fuck you,” Tony added when Bucky pulled up the puppy eyes.
“Is that my birthday gift? You gonna fuck me in the mattress, Tony?” Bucky literally purred in the genius’s ear.
“Holy shit,” Tony breathed before elbowing Bucky in the ribs. “Get off of me, you little shit.” He shook his head while Bucky was snickering.
Bucky scraped his hair back into a bun and fastened it with an elastic.
Leaning against the furniture, Tony couldn’t help the smile as he gazed at the soldier’s body, so well displayed in his suit. Tony knew Bucky’d wear it wonderfully. The thing was, Tony had to keep himself from peeling him from his cloths, they couldn’t be late for this one.
They were supposed to meet the rest of the Avengers at the restaurant so Tony wasn’t surprised when they drew closer and heard a lot of noise. What was a surprise, though, were the whole families and children scattered around the place, among balloons, cakes, gifts and the mass of decorations. Everything was in Bucky’s name and yet Tony couldn’t remember inviting a dozen unknown adults and almost as many kids who were actually crowding the Avengers, screaming and yelling and laughing so loud it was almost as annoying as it was endearing.
Of course Clint was the first to spot them. He quickly made his way toward them, frowning slightly despite the sparkle in his eyes that occurred each time he had to spend time with kids. He had such an easy way with them, it was always a small wonder to watch.
“Who scheduled this party?” Clint inquired, a two year old perched on his hip.
“I believe Steve did? When I called, they told me it was already done. I thought Rogers took charge, as usual.”
The grin that was actually starting to eat the blonde’s face was ominous at best. Clint bounced up on his toes and peered inside the room until he made eye contact with Natasha. She was chatting with an unknown woman. She ended her conversation and came quickly, a gleam in her eyes betraying her amusement.
“So, I was talking with that charming woman,” Natasha said, with a wry smile, “and it appear that Ms. Dolores Rogers reserved the place for her son, Bucky Rogers, who’s celebrating his eighth birthday today.”
“You gotta be kidding me.” huffed Tony.
“Absolutely not,” deadpanned Clint.
“If you laugh, Bucky, I swear to god I’m going to punch you.”
Beside Tony, Bucky was almost vibrating from laughter, keeping it discreet and silent but it looked painful to keep it in.
“So… we do have a reservation but it’s not for us.”
“Yup,” confirmed Natasha.
“But I did paid for a part of it, right?”
“Well, then…”
Straightening his tie and adjusting his suit, Tony made his way toward the birthday boy, stopping from time to time to chat with kids jumping almost on him, bouncing on their feet in excitation. Arriving near the young mother, they talked for a while, Tony gesturing wildly in his own way to illustrate whatever he was saying.
At some point, the mother called her son and they chatted for a few more seconds before the boy started jumping like mad, yelling in delight before jumping and hugging Tony. He then jumped off and ran toward Bucky, skidding to a halt in front of them.
“Happy Birthday, Mr. Barnes! Mr. Stark asked me if I was ok to share my birthday with you and, like, wow, of course I am! Do you like chocolate cake? Ma’ took chocolate cake because I love chocolate. And strawberries. You like strawberries?”
Dealing with the kid was easier than Bucky thought it would be and by the end of it, everything had settled and the Avengers were scattered around the room, talking easily with the Rogers’s family and wrangling all the kids.
After a whole round through the room, chatting with probably everyone and having all those people wishing him a happy birthday, Bucky finally found the time to be with Tony. They settled up against the wall near the exit, champagne in hand and smiling despite the tiredness starting to rear its head.
“… We still can do something else tomorrow, if you prefer. It will be a bit late but I’m pretty sure we can make it happen…”
Bucky slung an arm around his shoulder and shut him up with a soft kiss.
“Nah, doll. This is perfect. Look,” he said with a small nod toward Natasha.
In front of her, a small girl was showing Natasha the latest dance move she learned at her lesson. Near her, Clint was diverting the kids with some tricks he learned at the circus, juggling and pulling some small magic tricks. Thor was waiting his turn to tell some stories of his own he loved to tell. Involving lots of adventures, and probably more blood and guts than the moms would think good for them, the kids loved it. They probably enjoyed the easy smile of the god, too, the way his whole face lit up when he was talking. Bruce was discussing quietly with the boy’s mother, smiling softly at her.
Leaning against Bucky’s warm side, he smiled and let his head lean on his shoulder.
“Yeah, this is great.”
The kids were amazed, laughing, and Bucky had that sweet smile of his, fond and so soft it was a wonder in itself.
“Still in shape, old man? Because what’s waiting in our room isn’t for the weak.”
“Hmm,” purred the soldier, “can’t wait.”
Huddled together, warm and surrounded by the voice of their friends and the giggling of delighted children, it was probably better than what Tony had prepared for the party. His left hand found its way into Bucky’s back pocket and he raised on his toes to plant a kiss on Bucky’s cheek.
“Happy birthday, James.”
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