#when maeglin gets taken by morgoth in *this* specific au
cosmic-walkers · 2 years
but what if short haired trans masc/gnc idril in armor or whatever wielding Anguirel, and pretending to be a gondolin scout so she can find and rescue maeglin. 
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adoseoftrees · 2 years
I am doing whatever self indulgent crazy shit I like to see for the specific au in this side blog so
Yeah I’ll have Morgoth splitting Maeglin’s soul in two, keeping one half in Angband and sending the other back to Gondolin
To solve the “how did Maeglin make weapons for Morgoth if he had to be sent back quick enough to not cause suspicion” issue
All Children’s minds were protected. Nobody could break in their mind and alter their souls without their permission.
But it didn’t matter for Morgoth; he always got the permission.
What Maeglin did not know is there were reasons that you did not open your mind to the Enemy. Even under torture.
Any Ainu experienced Melkor’s horror could tell you that No, you do not open your mind to Melkor because the consequences would be worse than anything else.
But Maeglin did not know. He just wanted the pain to stop.
And even more than that, in the end, he swore to serve Morgoth.
Which was BAD. That was basically giving out all the consents you could give.
Maeglin went back to Gondolin with Sauron hiding in his mind.
It was uncomfortable to share his body with someone else. But Sauron said he would leave once the task was successful. Then Maeglin would have his kingdom and Idril, and everything would be good.
And Sauron was charming if he wanted to, so the arrangement was not that intolerable after all. (Also when in good mood, the Maia occasionally showed Maeglin terrifying and beautiful visions no elf had ever seen.)
Everything was fine, or will be fine.
Somehow he could not create things anymore, but he told himself it must be the stress. And it won’t matter; he will get his kingdom and his wife and he needed nothing more.
There was an orc in Angband’s forge.
It had no name; it had no memory.
It did not care.
It made things, shaping metal according to its will, and its masters in the forge praised its work and said they were very proud.
That was enough. Someone was proud for it and praised its work. That was everything it ever wanted.
It was happy.
(Yeah and Turgon absolutely got taken to Angband and got tortured by an orc and had no idea why all the Umaiar around found it so amusing.)
(Then noticed Fuck that orc feels familiar that orc sometimes moves its hands the same way like his nephew did WTF WTF)
(No good ending for anyone)
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