#when i look into their eyes n i se e the light in them. i think everythings gonan be ok
perrys-place · 2 years
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^ NUMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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shadowtriovibes · 1 year
maybe i'm too busy bein' yours
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Pairing: Garreth Weasley x f!MC
Rating: E
Word Count: 3.3K
Warnings: 18+, aged-up characters, explicit sexual content, light embarrassment, situational impotence, make-up sex, semi-public sex, riding
Summary: happy weasley wednesday :) inspired by a HL groupchat convo about garreth trying (and failing) to get with anyone else because he's THAT obsessed w/ you xoxo
Constance starts to kiss him and stroke him and it’s great, except… nothing’s happening. Never in his life has Garreth failed to, er… rise to the occasion, so to speak. Sure, sometimes when he’s had some Firewhiskey he’s a bit slow to start, but you’ve always managed to coax him to attention with your filthy whispers and nimble hands. This is unprecedented.
Garreth remembers being fourteen years old, having finally earned the freedom to stay up as late as he’d like during his summer holidays. Sure, he slept with just as many siblings in his room as he had roommates during the school year in his dormitory at Hogwarts, but here he was the youngest boy still living at home, so he could enjoy some well-earned peace and quiet once the smaller ones were marched off to bed.
He’d been reading through one of his sister’s old sixth-year potions books by the fire one night when one of his older brothers, seemingly too inebriated to have forgotten that he’d recently moved into his own flat, stumbled in from the pub down in the village.
He looked miserable, and not just from having consumed too many pints.
Garreth closed his book and skeptically asked him, “Are you alright?”
“Ahhh, little brother,” he’d slurred back at him. “Have I got somethin’ important to tell you.”
Garreth rolled his eyes and nodded for his drunken brother to continue as he wandered his way into the Weasleys’ cozy sitting room.
“Whenever a witch breaks your heart, which will happen,” he’d continued. “The bes’ way to get over one of them birds to get under a new one. Don’t be like me, s’pathetic.”
With a scoff, Garreth stood up and hooked an arm around his brother’s waist to steady him before pouring him onto the couch.
“Florence ‘n me, we’re done,” he stubbornly insists. “For good this time.”
Garreth watched fondly as his brother grabbed a throw pillow and hugged it against his chest before drifting off to sleep right there on the couch, where their mother would inevitably find him in the morning and exasperatedly offer him some breakfast.
As the years had gone by, he’d forgotten his brother’s lapse in judgment – he suspects his brother had as well, given that he and Florence are now happily betrothed.
But Garreth hadn’t forgotten what his brother had told him.
Years later, that advice comes rushing back to him when he finds himself sighing just as pathetically as his brother had. He leans over his cauldron with a  pitiful frown while across the room, you’re chatting with Poppy about your upcoming Potions practical.
He knows he must look visibly miserable, but you? You seem entirely unaffected by the supposed “break” the two of you are meant to be taking. You’re laughing at something Poppy’s just said, smiling that very same smile that’s been plaguing his daydreams for the past week.
(It’s the one that made him fall for you in the first place.)
Nothing has helped to take his mind off of you since you’d sat him down and explained that you needed some time to yourself. He’d tried throwing himself into his studies, which quickly turned boring. Then he started to workshop some new recipes of his own design, but even that failed to capture his attention for very long.
That’s when his brother’s advice had called out to him: the best way to get over a girl is to get under another one.
But there aren’t any other girls Garreth has ever thought about getting underneath, per se.
…Well, Garreth supposes there is one girl.
That Ravenclaw girl who’s in his Arithmancy class – Constance Dagworth. He can’t say he knows all that much about her, but she’s really quite pretty if he’s being honest, and she’s always been nice to him whenever he asked to borrow her notes.
Best of all? She looks nothing like you.
He’s fairly sure she’s blushed at some of his more colorful jokes before – not that he’d been interested back then, of course. But now…
Now he ought to ask Constance down to the Three Broomsticks, he thinks. Try getting to know her a little bit better.
A few days later, he finds himself sitting across from her over a few mugs of foamy Butterbeer, and things are going well. She’s a bit quiet, Garreth thinks, but maybe she’s just a good listener. She’s friendly enough, and she’s got a nice smile.
(Her eyes aren’t quite as bright as yours, perhaps. Her lips aren’t as full, and her nose doesn’t turn up at the end –
No, he thinks. Stop it. She’s a sweet girl.)
As the evening winds down, Constance knocks her foot against Garreth’s underneath the table and rests one of her hands on top of his. She’s got that look on her face that he recognizes from his fifth year, when he and his fellow students had first started to really date each other.
Without saying a word, she asks, Want to go back to the castle? Want to find somewhere private? Want to try getting a bit closer?
Garreth raises an eyebrow and quickly tosses a few Galleons onto the table before offering Constance his arm.
On the way back to the castle, Garreth finds himself lost in thought. By now, there are so few places he hasn’t been with you that even thinking of a place to sneak off to is challenging, but he suddenly remembers that Professor Sharp had finally relented and let him borrow the key to the potions storeroom only a few days earlier.
Obviously, he’d quickly Transfigured a spare bit of metal from his Alchemy class into a copy of the key, which he just so happened to be carrying in his pocket.
“I know a place,” he murmurs, taking Constance’s hand. “Follow me.”
Mercifully the storage room is just off the Bell Tower Courtyard. They encounter few students on their way, though Garreth idly wonders how long it’ll be until someone tells you that he was spotted with his arm around another girl.
He figures he’d better enjoy this while he can.
Garreth uses his key to unlock the heavy wooden door and holds it open for Constance like a gentleman. Once inside, however, things become decidedly ungentlemanly.
She’s the first to kiss him, but he’s the first to put his hands on her body – lightly, on her waist at first, and then down to her hips. She’s a fair kisser, he observes, if not a bit shy. She tastes like Butterbeer and cherry lip salve. (He finds himself missing how you often taste like pumpkin juice, Dittany and whatever he’s been brewing up that week.)
Before long, Garreth’s got his hands inside her shirt and she’s arching her chest against his hands. She’s quite gifted here, he thinks; desperately he tries not to think about how her breasts compare to yours, but he can’t help it.
She’s bigger, perhaps, but… but you’d always felt so lovely in his hands. A perfect handful he’d say to you teasingly, much to your delight.
“Gods, Garreth,” Constance sighs. “Can… can I touch you?”
“Yes,” he growls, quickly reaching for his belt.
Constance giggles and tugs her shirt out of her skirt to let it drop to the floor while Garreth takes a seat on that rickety ladder Sharp keeps inside the storage closet.
She steps between his legs while he tugs open his trousers, offering him a sultry look as she reaches inside and wraps a hand around his cock.
Constance starts to kiss him and stroke him and it’s great, except… nothing’s happening.
Never in his life has Garreth failed to, er… rise to the occasion, so to speak. Sure, sometimes when he’s had some Firewhiskey he’s a bit slow to start, but you’ve always managed to coax him to attention with your filthy whispers and nimble hands.
This is unprecedented.
“Is… is what I’m doing okay?” Constance asks hesitantly.
“Y-yeah, yes,” he insists. “Just – sorry, you can keep going.”
Merlin’s beard, he thinks. This cannot be happening.
So she keeps her hand inside his trousers and he keeps kissing her but nothing is happening.
“I – I swear, this has never happened to me,” he stammers with a nervous laugh. “Um, I… give me a minute, I can–”
“It’s alright,” Constance says, quickly backing off. “M-maybe this was a bad idea.”
“No, no, it’s… I just need a minute,” Garreth says, wincing when he realizes how utterly pathetic he sounds.
“Garreth, it’s okay,” Constance says softly. “I think… maybe tonight just isn’t the right time.”
He watches in miserable silence as Constance redresses and straightens her skirt before gathering her cloak and ducking back out into the hallway. She offers him a sad, pitying sort of smile as she goes.
Garreth remains in that closet for a long while after, wondering if there’s anything on Sharp’s storage shelves that could put him out of his misery right then and there. Eventually, he realizes that word has probably spread by now, and there’s no use avoiding the devastating interrogation he’s going to get back in his common room.
However, when he slips inside behind the Fat Lady’s portrait, there’s just one Gryffindor waiting up for him.
“So,” you drawl as soon as the portrait door slams closed. “Constance Dagworth? Really, Garreth?”
“I – I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he stutters.
You shoot him a withering look. “We both know you’re lying, Weasley. I heard it straight from Astoria, she sent me a note as soon as Constance got back to her dormitory.”
He’s well and truly fucked.
“Look, I… it was just – it didn’t mean anything,” he mutters, avoiding your gaze. “We were at the Three Broomsticks–”
“On a date,” you interject.
“–and we came back to the castle and she had a question about Gillyweed, so I just wanted to show her where Sharp keeps it,” he says, clinging once more to a lie. “I swear, that’s all I was trying to do.”
“And the part where she ended up with her hand down your trousers was what, an accident?” you demand.
Garreth goes pale, but just as quickly his face burns red.
“Why are you even asking me about this?” he counters. “We’re on a break. In fact, we’re on a break because you wanted a break, do you remember that part?”
Your jaw goes tense. “You’re right, this is all my fault. I suppose I should have realized that you’d barely wait a week before going out and finding some new girlfriend.”
“She is not my girlfriend,” he scoffs. “But neither are you, so why do you even care?”
Much to Garreth’s surprise, instead of returning his verbal spar with a cutting jab of your own, you fall silent. Then, to his horror, you start sniffling like you’re about to cry. As he takes a step toward you, you turn your back.
“D-don’t,” you stutter. “...You’re right. It’s not my place.”
“Love,” he says softly. “Do you… should we talk about this?”
“N-no,” you whimper, shoulders hunched. “B-because it was my stupid idea to take a break, and – and I’m not supposed to be mad that you’re moving on, and–”
He cuts you off with a gentle hand on your shoulder. Wordlessly you turn around and let him tug you against his chest, resting his chin against the top of your head while you softly cry into his rumpled collar.
“I want you to listen to me very clearly,” he murmurs into your hair. “I haven’t ‘moved on.’ I was heartbroken, and I missed you so much that I went a little mad, and I made a mistake. But believe you me, I sincerely regret it.”
Underneath his breath, he adds, “My own body didn’t even want me to go through with it.”
You make a funny noise against his chest – he’s not quite sure whether it’s a sob or a laugh, but he suspects the latter.
A few moments later, you admit, “I heard that part, actually. It… perhaps I’m just as mad as you are, but it made me feel a bit better.”
Garreth grimaces. “I suppose if you’ve heard, half the school will have heard by breakfast.”
“I’ll apologize for that,” you whisper. “I was quite angry when Astoria told me, so… I may have told a few people.”
“Right,” he grumbles. “I don’t suppose you’d mind telling them that I never had any ‘problems’ when the two of us went to bed?”
You laugh softly and murmur, “Hmm… no, you never had that problem with me, whether it was a bed, or an armchair, an empty desk or even the odd potions stand.”
Just like that, Garreth’s mind flashes back to the last time the two of you snuck down to the Potions classroom after hours. It can’t have been more than a few weeks ago, but he can still hear your moans echoing off the empty cauldrons while he kneeled between your thighs. You’d had your fingers in his hair, tugging desperately as he’d licked you open with two fingers twisted inside you, pressed up against that spot that sends you into a frenzy.
…Just like that, his ‘problem’ from earlier seems to have resolved itself.
“I think,” you say softly, “that you’d be able to take me right here in the common room, if you ever wanted to.”
He swallows audibly while you press your hand against the front of his trousers.
“Are you – you’re serious?” he asks, his eyes wide.
“Why not?” you ask softly. “No one else is here, they’ve all gone to bed, and… and I miss you. I miss being close to you.”
He skims his hand down the length of your back, letting it rest just above the curve of your ass. “You do, hmm?”
“I miss touching you,” you continue as you grind the heel of your palm against the front of his trousers. “I miss when you’d touch me.”
“Then let me touch you,” he replies, bunching up the back of your skirt so he can get at your bare skin. “Right now, right here.”
You take his arm and walk him over to one of the plush common room couches before shoving him down onto it. Then you straddle one of his thighs and pull him in by the collar for a rough, needy kiss.
This, being here with you, is so much more satisfying than the encounter Garreth had just come from. You kiss him like you know him, because you do. You know just how to wind him up, how to tempt him closer — and how much he loves it when you pull away a bit, just to tease him.
You nip at his bottom lip before you drag your hand down his chest and tug pointedly at his belt.
“Feeling up for it, are we?” you ask him.
He scoffs at your deliberate lewdness and wordlessly undoes his belt.
You hum when he finally pulls his cock out, evidently hard and even a bit wet at the tip already.
“You seem quite satisfied with yourself,” he quips.
With a smirk, you reply, “I’m just happy you seem satisfied this time.”
You move to straddle his lap and reach beneath your skirt to tug your thin undergarments to the side. Then Garreth holds his cock steady as you sink down onto him.
As soon as you’re seated, you let your skirt fall back down and cover where the two of you are joined – any potential onlookers would surely assume you’re merely sitting astride your lover’s lap, sweetly tracing your fingertips across his shoulders.
That is, until you start to ride him in earnest.
The filthy, wet sound of skin on skin is unmistakable as you both start to move — you bouncing on your knees and Garreth thrusting up to meet your eager pace.
“Yes,” you whine. “Garreth, gods, I’ve missed this so much.”
He briefly wonders if he’s merely dreaming this. He’s already spent so many hours in the past week reminiscing about you, your body, your mouth, but this… this is much too good to simply be a daydream.
Garreth groans and reaches for your shirt, wrestling with its buttons until he can tug it open enough to press his lips to your chest.
“Missed you,” he confesses into your skin. “Desperately.”
You plant your hands on your shoulders as you grind down on his lap, which pulls broken moans out of the both of you. You feel like sin around him, just like you always do, but even more than the warm heat of your core around his (occasionally traitorous) cock, he’d missed the heavenly weight of you in his lap and the sweet sounds you make when you’re filled with him.
“Touch me,” you beg him. “Anywhere, I just – I need more of you.”
Garreth would give you all of him if he could, he thinks.
He presses his lips to your neck as he cups his hands against your breasts. Dragging his thumbs across your nipples through your thin chemise elicits a whine and a shiver from you.
“You’re perfect,” he says against your neck. “Perfect, love, s’only you, no one else.”
By now the well-worn common room couch is audibly creaking, and should anyone wander downstairs the two of you would fool absolutely no one. But Garreth thinks he rather likes the idea of getting caught, even if he’d surely earn detention until the end of term.
The truth is he’d like someone to see for themselves that he absolutely can rise to the occasion, thank you very much. And when he does, he thinks he does a proper good job.
To that point, he thinks he’s got you right on the edge already, and he’s determined to bring you to your release before he even entertains the idea of his own.
Garreth slides a hand beneath your skirt and up along your leg until he reaches the apex of your thighs. The heat the two of you have generated here makes him smirk to himself.
“Are you close?” he asks you softly. “Want me to make you come?”
“Please,” you whimper. “Garreth, please.”
He cheekily nips at your jaw while he presses his fingertips against your clit, offering nothing more than exactly what you need – a firm spot to grind on while you chase your climax on his cock.
“Come on love, that’s it,” he murmurs in your ear. “Been too long, hasn’t it?”
“Oh, shut up,” you pant, and he dutifully remains silent while you bury your face against his shoulder and practically hump his hand until you gasp and groan.
He feels your release as it soaks into his trousers and finds it hard to believe he couldn’t even get hard an hour ago. He’s never been harder in his life, he thinks.
“Stay right there,” he grunts. “Just – gods, you’re going to bring me off just like this, aren’t you? You’re so fucking good, love.”
“Yes,” you whine. “Keep going, Garreth.”
Keep going he does, with one hand possessively gripping your thigh and the other shoved up to your hip beneath your skirt to hold you still so he can thrust up inside you. He’s so bloody close, he’s right there, and then you lean in and whisper something to him that nearly knocks the breath out of him.
You sigh into his ear, “I want to be the only one who gets to make you feel like this.”
As if by your command, Garreth comes with a stuttered moan and spills deep inside you. You hum happily and nose at his slightly-sweaty hairline while he catches his breath. As he slowly recovers, he coaxes you into settling your full weight on him with a wordless tug at your hip. He then wraps his arms around your waist to hold you tightly against his chest.
“This ‘break’ of yours is over, by the way,” he tells you cheekily.
“Obviously,” you scoff. “What a rubbish idea.”
“Why did you ask for one, then?” he asks, only half teasing you.
“I think I was just… scared,” you admit to him. “I felt like I was going mad over you. It was too much, all at once. But being without you was so much worse.”
For your honesty, Garreth offers you a soothing kiss. While he holds you like this in his lap, your floral scent in his nose and his fingers tangled in your messy hair, he can’t help but think he might not be the only one of his brothers engaged by the time spring rolls around.
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gumified · 4 months
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pairing: choso kamo x fem!reader
summary: who knew the younger quiet and shy colleague you had a crush on was such a freak in the sheets.
content: 7.8k, office au, fluff, smut, big dick!choso, degradation, praise, dirty talk, overstimulation, breast play, creampie, dumbification, choking, dacryphilia, oral (fem. + male. receiving), fingering, squirting, reader does pass out in the end, choso likes to embarrass you
note: this, i fear, is absolute gold and i just absolutely ADORE this, please show this lots of love, i beg <333 this has not been proof read so very sorry if there's typos!
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It’s the same onslaught of work every single day. Sorting papers, filing documents, arranging meetings. There’s nothing new in your normal 9 to 5 day. You never thought that all your years of education would lead you to a boring office job stuck slaving away but here you are. Despite all the tiring work you had to face paired with overnight stays at the office, you still made sure to put all your effort into it, after all that really was the only way to climb the corporate ladder. 
So when Choso Kamo was newly employed you didn’t think the newly graduated university student would last more than two weeks. He was all cute and meek smiles, innocent eyes that watched everyone in the office as they worked. His voice had been quiet, barely above a whisper when he had introduced himself. You had seen the way he fiddled with his sleeve as if he was too nervous to look up at everyone in the room.
Yet as the weeks passed, Choso stayed. He wasn’t the best worker but he did enough to stop the nagging of the higher ups. He wasn’t hard working per se but he wasn’t lazy. He was just…mediocre. 
“Y/n where do you want these documents again?” Choso’s soft voice pulls you out of your thoughts and you look up at the man. His hair fell into his eyes, a habit that you had noticed. “I’ve finished printing them out, do you want me to sort them for you?”
You offer him a smile. “That’d be great Choso, thank you so much.” You don’t fail to notice how his cheeks dust in a light pink and he hurriedly stutters out an okay before rushing away. 
“The kid’s whipped for you.” Satoru scoffs from beside you and your head whips around to see his face looking over your cubicle wall. His fingers are splayed across the surface, eyeing Choso across the room. “He definitely wants to fuck you.”
“Fuck off ‘toru, not everyone’s like you.” You roll your eyes as you push him back to his desk. “And he definitely does not want to fuck me.”
Your friend snorts as he sits down, leaning back against his chair. “Tell that to those lovesick eyes he constantly gives you, not to mention how he’s only ever helping you out. It’s like he’s your personal assistant.”
Your face heats up. It was true that Choso liked to help you with your work, he would often offer to finish any paperwork you had left and he would always get you your morning coffee. He was helpful, yes of course, but it wasn’t like you didn’t help him back. 
“I can see those gears turning in your head.” Satoru sits up, shoving his face close to yours and you jolt away. “Why? Thinking about a certain someone?” There’s a shit-eating grin on his face and you want nothing more than to slap it off of him.
“Choso’s a sweet kid, just leave him alone Satoru.” You glare at your friend. “Plus he’s younger than me-”
“Yeah by like 3 years Y/n.” Satoru laughs as he sweeps his hair out of his eyes. “And you’re both adults, there’s no shame in dating someone younger than you.”
Once again your body erupts into flames, caught off guard by his bluntness. “Yeah well I know that, it’s just, well I mean.” You pause thinking how you were going to say the next words. There were so many words you could’ve used to describe Choso Kamo, he was kind, caring, and intelligent. “Well ‘toru he just looks so innocent and, you know, pure. I don’t think he’s very experienced in…sexual encounters.”
Satoru guffaws very loudly and you’re immediately on edge, looking around to make sure no one heard the sound that just escaped his lips. 
“You know you can just say you think he’s a virgin Y/n.”
“Well I don’t want to assume-”
“You just did.”
“Shut up Satoru.” 
You groan at his teasing, burying your head in your hands. It’s true that Choso’s only three years younger than you and that definitely isn’t a problem just as Satoru had said. But he was also the same Choso who would stutter when giving you your coffee and would trip over his own feet. Sure, he was really really pretty and you can’t deny that he definitely was attractive.
There’s no problem with being a virgin and you’d never judge someone for being one. It’s just that, well, you were into some kinky shit, not that anyone needed to know. You often found that your previous partners couldn’t exactly satisfy you the way you wanted and it often left you faking orgasms just to get out of the situation. No one really fucked you like you wanted and Choso, who was just so gorgeous, didn’t exactly exude the dominant partner you were after that didn’t stop your heart from pounding whenever you saw him though. 
“When you guys fuck you owe me a drink.” Satoru whispers in your ear and you lift your head, throwing him an annoyed glance.
“We aren’t going to fuck.”
“Sure Y/n sure.”
As the hours continue to drag on you find yourself growing more and more tired. The screen in front of you jumbles in a pixelated mess and you force yourself to redirect your focus to your work. It’s hard to do with Satoru’s constant distractions and your mind tumbling through your own thoughts. It’s not a particularly busy work day and you sort through the same paperwork and do the same jobs you’ve been taught to do for so many years. 
Some reason your mind keeps drifting back to what Satoru had said and then it would drift to Choso. When you had first met him he had seemed nice enough. He would always smile shyly whenever the both of you locked eyes, offering you a small wave to say hello. You knew that Satoru was right, Choso did like you and you would never tell Satoru but you did like Choso back. It’s that thought that plagues your mind for the rest of the day.
Choso returns to your desk a little later with the documents neatly sorted and organised. He hesitates for a moment, and you notice how he glances around, probably ensuring no one else is watching.
"Um, Y/n." He begins softly. "I was wondering if you needed any help with the meeting preparations for tomorrow?"
You look up at him, surprised by his words. "Oh, thank you, Choso. That would be really helpful." 
His eyes light up at your response, and he nods eagerly, moving to your side to assist. As you both work side by side, you can't help but notice the small, almost imperceptible ways he steals glances at you. It’s endearing and slightly amusing, but you brush it off, forcing yourself to focus on the tasks at hand. The meeting preparations take up most of the afternoon, and by the time you’re finished, the office is nearly empty and the sun’s already setting.
"Thanks again, Choso." You say, gathering your things. "You didn’t have to stay this late to help me."
He blushes slightly, looking down at his feet. "It’s no problem, really. I’m happy to help."
You lead the way to the elevator, Choso trailing along behind you. The ride down is silent but certainly not uncomfortable and the question that has been in your head for so long continues to repeat itself over and over again. You sneak a peek at the man beside you and you see the way he’s watching his phone, scrolling through what you assume are messages. Your eyes fixate on his hands. The long fingers that touch the screen, veins travelling up his arms. You find yourself imagining different scenarios that his hands could be in - intertwined with yours, tangled in your hair, stuffed in your-
You shake yourself free from the lewd thoughts, feeling your own cheeks burn at the mere implication. You gulp, feeling your heart racing. This is Choso Kamo, your junior, your colleague. This was the guy who probably has a massive crush on you and here you are, ogling at his hands.
There’s a soft ding as the elevator reaches the ground floor and you straighten yourself up, ready to leave and hop into a very cold shower. You watch as the doors slowly open and Choso lets you get out first, following closely behind you. He looks at you for a second and you wonder if he knows you’ve just been daydreaming about his hands in very inappropriate scenarios. 
"Y/n, I…I wanted to ask you something." His voice is steady but tinged with nervousness. "Would you like to grab a coffee sometime? Outside of work, I mean."
Satoru’s smug grin flashes in your mind and you brush his words out of your head. Hanging out with Choso isn’t something bad or taboo. Plus it didn’t have to be a date, it’s simply two colleagues hanging out. You feel your own heart betray you when it flutters at the thought of being alone with Choso. 
"Sure, Choso. I’d like that." You offer him a soft smile and you immediately notice the way his eyes light up. You can see the tension ease in his shoulders and the relief that washes over him. It’s cute.
"Great! I’ll, um, I’ll text you the details?" He hands you his phone to put your number in and you do. He grins when he gets it back, smiling at the screen adorably. 
“Bye Choso, text me and I’ll let you know when I’m free.” You wave him goodbye before leaving to get back to your home. 
That night as you lie in your bed you force yourself to close your eyes to sleep but it proves to be impossible. You stay up thinking about him, Choso. He was everything you could ask for in a boyfriend and he definitely likes you. There was no harm in going on a date with him. You continue to toss and turn, groaning as you slam your face into your pillow. You know you have to get some sleep otherwise you’d be too tired to go to work the next day. So you will the thoughts to go away, focusing on your breathing until, slowly but surely, you drift off to sleep.
The week goes by quickly, passing in a blur of meetings, deadlines, and the usual office chaos. You notice that Choso’s more of a bumbling mess around you than usual and you can only think that it’s because of your upcoming date that he’s so nervous. At the coffee machine one morning, you catch him staring at you, his eyes wide with a mixture of admiration and anxiety. When you smile at him, he nearly drops his coffee cup, fumbling with it in a way that makes you chuckle softly.
Satoru notices too, not failing to constantly question you about it and you deny everything. There’s no need for him to know your personal business after all.
The weekend comes quicker than expected and now here you are, waiting patiently for Choso to turn up. He had asked you to meet him just outside the station, stating his apartment wasn’t far from it, and you guessed you were a little early considering how he hadn’t shown up yet. You check your phone, noting that you’re still a few minutes ahead of the agreed time.
You can’t seem to stop your pounding heart as it races uncontrollably and you force yourself to calm down. There’s millions of butterflies in your stomach, fluttering about and crashing into every single organ. It’s been a long time since you felt this nervous for a date. 
Just as you’re about to check your phone again, you spot him. His hands in his pockets as he looks around like a lost puppy before breaking into a grin when he sees you. Your brain short circuits when you see what he’s wearing. You had gotten used to the smart clothes and suits he would wear in the office and seeing him in baggy jeans and a graphic tee has your mind spinning. You never thought you would find someone so attractive in casual clothes until now.
“Hi Y/n, sorry am I late? I hope you haven’t been waiting for long.” His voice is still the same soft shy tone and you realise it’s a stark contrast to the dark clothes he wears. “Did you get here okay?”
“Yeah I did.” You smile. “Don’t worry I haven’t been waiting for long, should we get going?”
He nods eagerly and your heart jumps at the gesture. You fall into step beside him as he leads the way, the conversation flowing surprisingly easily. It’s not hard to talk to Choso and you find yourself growing more and more comfortable around him. There are times you catch yourself staring at the way the corners of his lips turn up and how his eyes seem to twinkle. Whenever you talk his eyes are always trained on you, listening attentively to every word you say.
Eventually, you arrive at a charming little café that Choso had mentioned earlier. It’s cosy and inviting, with warm lighting and a comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee and pastries. You both find a table by the window, giving you a perfect view of the street outside.
As you settle into your seats, Choso looks at you with a smile. "I hope you like this place. I thought it had a nice atmosphere."
"I love it.” You reply genuinely touched at his thought in his choice of location. 
You order your drinks and some pastries to share, and the conversation continues to flow effortlessly. He shares stories of his days in university and the both of you laugh at shared experiences at the office. You didn’t think you would have as much fun as you were having and you certainly didn’t expect to fall for him even harder. You catch yourself admiring the way he speaks, the way his hands move as he gestures, and the way his eyes light up when he talks about something he loves.
Choso has always been attractive but as the day progresses you see him in a new light, one that has your heart fluttering and your cheeks heating up whenever he looks at you with those dreamy eyes.
At one point, he leans forward slightly, his expression earnest. "Y/n, I really enjoy spending time with you. You’re so easy to talk to, and I feel like I can be myself around you."
Your heart swells at his words, and you smile warmly. "I feel the same way, Choso. I’m really glad we’re doing this."
The day carries on like normal and though it only consists of the two of you talking it still makes heat rush to your cheeks and your heart pound. The feelings inside of you aren’t deniable and you definitely know that after this you weren’t going to be able to resist going on another date with Choso. 
A light drizzle starts to fall, quickly turning into a heavier rain and you kick yourself for not checking the weather earlier. The both of you look at each other for a second before laughing at the sudden change in weather.
"We should get out of this rain." He says, voice loud enough to be heard over the sound of the raindrops. "My apartment isn’t far from here. Would you like to come over until the rain stops?"
You hesitate for a moment, but the thought of spending more time with him is too tempting to resist. "I'd love to."
He leads the way, and the two of you hurry through the rain. He makes sure that you’re okay every few minutes and you reassure him every time with a smile. By the time you reach his apartment, you're both soaked. Choso fumbles with his keys for a moment before unlocking the door and ushering you inside. His apartment is warm, a stark contrast to the cold atmosphere outside. 
Choso quickly grabs a couple of towels from a nearby closet. "Here, dry off." 
“Thanks.” You take the towel he gives you, wrapping yourself with it so you can feel some heat.
“You can sit down. I’ll go make us something to drink.” He smiles at you as he gestures to the couch.
You nod, taking a seat and watching as he moves around the small kitchen. There’s something incredibly endearing about seeing him in his own space, relaxed and at ease. When he returns with two steaming mugs, he sits down beside you, close enough that your shoulders brush. You take a sip of the drink, letting the warmth spread over your tongue. The two of you continue to talk and seconds turn into minutes turn into hours. When you finally look at the clock on the opposite wall it reads well into the evening. 
Choso locks his eyes with yours and they flicker to your lips for a second before they’re on your eyes again. He leans in closer and you hold your breath, the tension tangible in the air. The room seems to hold its breath as he reaches out, gently taking your hand in his. "Can I kiss you?" He asks softly, his eyes searching yours for permission.
“Yes.” You whisper back as you try to steady your beating heart. “Please.”
He leans in slowly, his hand coming up to cup your cheek. When his lips finally meet yours, the kiss is tender and sweet. You can feel the warmth of his touch, the softness of his lips. It’s gentle and slow and you smile at the shyness of it all. The both of you eventually pull away and he watches as you try to catch your breath. 
“Stay for longer?” Choso’s words are innocent to you but you miss the flicker of desire that passes quickly in his eyes. You nod, heart pounding in your ears.
His lips crash onto yours once more, this time much more powerful and dominant. His hands circle around your waist, pulling you close to his body and you feel your own body heat up at his touch. You let out a yelp when you feel his tongue enter your mouth, tangling with yours and there’s a mixture of salvia as he continues to kiss you vigorously. You’re confused where this is coming from and you force yourself to break away. 
“What is going o-on...” You stutter out, mind reeling from the passionate kiss you just shared. 
There’s a string of saliva at the corner of Choso’s mouth and he smirks, lifting his thumb as he wipes it away. His eyes darken as he pulls you closer, leaning down to whisper in your ear. You feel his hot breath against your neck and you try your best to stop your knees from buckling at the sensation.
“You’re so pretty you know that?” Choso’s voice is deep and it’s different to the shy tone he so normally speaks with. “You’re always so nice to me, always letting me help you, always such a good girl.”
His words aren’t anything too lewd but it has wetness pooling in between your legs. You look up, eyes locking with his and you see something you haven’t ever seen. The usually meek and timid Choso you’re so used to seeing wasn’t there anymore. Instead you see a man oozing with dominance, towering over you and you resist the whimper that begs to escape your lips.
“I want to fuck you so bad Y/n, been trying so hard not to bend you over your desk and fuck you silly in front of everyone.” He whines and for a moment you see the shy man you’re used to but the devilish grin returns on his face and you can’t deny that you love it. “Can I fuck you Y/n?”
The mere idea is so enticing. You know you shouldn’t but Choso’s so addicting. You can still feel the ghost of his lips moving frantically against yours. He leans closer to you, pressing his body to yours and you gasp when you feel the outline of his cock. It’s big, too big even. You look up at him, eyes glossy and hazy. 
“Yes.” You whisper. “Yes please fuck me Choso-”
Your words are cut short when he kisses you again. His hands are everywhere and they find a place on your tits. He gropes your body, hands climbing under your shirt to fondle with your soft skin. He moans into your mouth, tongue invading your own mouth. You try your hardest to keep up but you easily fall behind. His movements are swift and powerful, mouth moving against yours feverishly. 
Choso cups your face with his hand. He pulls away for a second and you pant, breathless. His thumb replaces where his tongue had just been and you see the silent command in his eyes and you suck. He groans at the sight and you feel your panties grow even wetter at the beautiful man. You let your tongue circle around his thumb, sucking harshly as you look up at him with lustful eyes.
“I heard you the other day.” Choso has a smirk on his face and you struggle to remember what he’s referencing. “Thought I was a virgin did you?”
Your eyes widen as you recall the conversation you had with Satoru. You swear no one was close enough to hear what the both of you were talking about but clearly you weren’t careful enough. Embarrassment fills your body and you immediately pull his hand out of your mouth, getting ready to apologise. 
“Nu uh.” Choso pouts mockingly, shoving his fingers into your mouth. “No use apologising now Y/n, you already hurt my feelings.” You feel a bit of your soul die at his words and you can’t help but feel bad at what you were gossiping about. “Don’t worry though, lucky for you, I’m definitely not a virgin.”
His voice is a deep seductive drawl and you can’t say anything, not when his digits were in your mouth. Despite the situation you find your body heating up at what’s to come. This is a side you never thought you would see from your colleague but you aren’t complaining. Choso moans when he sees his saliva coated fingers when he removes them from your mouth. Your mind is already foggy with lust and you continue to pant.
“I’m gonna let you off this once okay Y/n? But you’re gonna have to make it up to me.” His eyes are fixed on yours and you melt under his touch. All you can do is nod, words failing you. He smirks, hands caressing your cheek gently and it’s a contrast to the dirty words that leave his mouth next. “Good, now get on your knees and suck slut.”
You don’t need to be told twice as you drop to the floor, legs sprawled out on the floor as you open your mouth. Choso laughs at your desperate figure, tangling his hands in your hair and he pulls your head back. You moan at the painful feeling as he pulls on your roots. His bottom lip is in between his teeth as he watches you submit so willingly. He pulls out his cock and you almost drool at the sight. It’s so pretty just like Choso. It’s got length as well as girth but your eyes are fixated on the fat mushroom head he has. You didn’t think you would ever be staring at Choso Kamo’s cock yet here you are.
Choso chuckles at your reaction and he brings his cock to your face and you feel its warmth and it shoots desire straight to your pussy. The tip is a flustered pink and you moan at the sight. You open your mouth, letting your tongue glide across his length. You savour the taste of his pre cum. He stares down at you and you see the way his own lust clouds his eyes. 
“Fucking filthy aren’t you?” Choso grins and though it’s a smile you’re used to seeing now you know there’s an underlying meaning to it. He pulls your head back and he forces your jaw to open wider as he slams his cock into your mouth. You scream at the sudden action and your throat constricts around him, causing Choso to let out a low growl. “Go on. Show me how sorry you are.”
You don’t need to be told twice. You feel your eyes roll to the back of your head as you bob your head up and down. Choso watches as you stuff your face full with his cock. You look so pretty and he tilts your head up to look at him, watch as you suck him off. You’re a slobbering mess on his cock, eyes half-lidded as you continue to take him down your warm throat. Choso lets out a choked moan when he feels your tongue swipe over his tip, swirling around the sensitive area. 
“F-Fuck Y/n.” He stutters out breathlessly and you feel your heart pound at the reaction you manage to elicit from him. You repeat the gesture that has him seeing stars and he grips your head. “Nasty fucking mouth you have there.”
His dirty talk fills your ears and all you can do is moan helplessly. Choso thrusts his cock and you gag as it hits the back of your throat. The delicious noises invade your senses and you drool over his cock like a bitch in heat. Your eyes are glossy as tears gather and you blink, letting them fall freely down your face. You mewl as you feel his cock twitch in your mouth. The sound has Choso moaning in approval.
He doesn’t let you rest and before you know it he’s abusing your tight little throat, fucking his cock in and out of you harshly. All you can do is kneel, mouth hanging open as you let him use you. You become a mess, saliva dripping from your lips as you look up with lustful eyes. There’s something so seductive about the man above you, the man who you thought was a shy timid virgin. How wrong you were.
“C-Chosoo!” You make a muffled noise around his cock, panties already soaking. You’re sopping wet and you want nothing more than to get fucked dumb by him. Your hands move down slowly, ghosting over your pussy. You know that you shouldn’t but you can’t help but press against your clit. You rub cricles as your throat gets fucked viciously. 
But before you can continue your own pleasure Choso’s tugging your head back once more and you see the angry glare he sends you. “Touching yourself really? Guess you aren’t that sorry are you?” He snarls and you whimper. Above you he seems so scary and mean but it only turns you on even more. 
He doesn’t warn you as he cums. His cock throbs in your mouth and your eyes can only widen as he spurts hot thick cum down your throat. It’s sticky and you feel it spread across your tongue and you savour the sweet taste. Choso groans at the sight as he dumps his load into your mouth. You look so perfect, saliva and cum trickling out of your mouth, eyes so drowsy and fucked out. You swallow every drop he gives you eagerly and when he pulls out your mouth is still hanging open as if you were asking for more.
“Good for nothing slut.” Choso grabs your body, forcing you to stand up as he kisses you. His tongue pushes against yours and he sucks, tasting himself. You collapse limply against his body, hands gripping his shoulders. “Don’t think I haven’t forgotten, you’re gonna have to prove yourself even more now since you decided to touch yourself. Fucking whore, that’s what you are, a whore, say it.”
“I’m a-a whore, I’m a filthy whore.” You repeat back the words he throws at you and Choso smiles. His lips brush against yours and you stare into his pretty eyes. “Please.” You beg. “Please Choso wan’ you to fuck me, n-need you so baddd.”
You see the way a cocky smirk spreads across his face and you know he likes the words you say. He’s leaning in towards you, licking along your collarbone and up the vast expanse of your neck. You gasp at the feeling of his tongue and his lips as he nips at your skin. He sucks harshly, leaving red marks along your flesh. Choso’s arms grab your thighs and you squeal as he lifts you up. His muscles bulge and you watch as he picks you up with ease, lips still attached to your neck. You grip onto his shoulders as he carries you to the bed before throwing you down. 
You squirm under his gaze and you watch as his eyes trail carefully over every little detail of your body. His hands land on your stomach, warmth seeping through your skin and he drags it up further and further until he reaches your neck. You see something dark snap within him and Choso squeezes around your throat cooing as you let out a strangled moan.
“Remember when we were in that elevator together angel?” You faintly hear his voice as you succumb to the pleasure. “Thought you were being so careful but you were staring at my hands weren’t you, imagining dirty things.”
You whimper at his accusation, glossy eyes looking back at him. You mutter out a breathy apology but Choso smiles wickedly as he leans forward, whispering right by your ear. “No need to apologise baby, my hands are all yours.”
There’s a distinct sound of fabric ripping and you gasp when you feel the cold air hit your pussy. Choso’s hand is still around your throat and you feel the pleasure shooting up to your head. His fingers press against your sopping core, circling your puffy clit slowly. He slides through your wet folds and the feeling has you choking back a sob. You know he’s being a tease and you know he’s doing it on purpose.
“C-Choso, hnghh, please please. Stop t-teasing.” You beg, tears streaming down your face as he pinches your sensitive clit. You feel his fingers edge closer to your hole, narrowly missing the spot you know will have pleasure coursing through your veins. “Wan’ you so bad, need you please please please!”
“Fuck you’re so cute.” Choso’s grip on your throat tightens. He finally slips in two fingers and you throw your head back, letting out the moan you've been holding back. “You’re so so cute, wanna fuck you stupid.”
You writhe under his grip, body convulsing as he thrusts his digits in and out of you. You’re already embarrassingly close and you can’t hold back as you scream his name over and over again like a mind-numbing chant. Choso curls his fingers and he groans when he feels your velvety walls squeeze around him. You whine as he hits the spot you’ve been waiting for, your toes curling at the pleasure that wracks through your body.
“Found it.” Choso murmurs against your skin, hot breathing burning you. His cocky smirk never leaves his face as he continues to abuse your little cunt, hitting the same spot over and over again. “Cum f’me baby, show me how much of a desperate whore you are, c’mon.”
It’s completely humiliating how quickly you release all over his fingers just at his words. He releases his grip on your neck and you heave in a breath. Your pussy spasms around his fingers and Choso grins as he watches liquid squirt from your pussy. He never stops thrusting in and out of you, enjoying the wet noises that mingle with the onslaught of moans that fall from your lips.
“Ah! Ah! Ah! Choso t-too much, ‘s too much nghh.” 
“Baby fuckkk, you’re gorgeous.” Choso pulls his fingers out of your pussy, watching as you lie limply, sprawled out on the bed, trying your hardest to catch your breath. He cups your pussy with his hand feeling the way it throbs. “This cutie’s so loud f’me, who knew you had such a dirty side to you hm Y/n?”
You can’t respond, too fucked out from your orgasm to even formulate a sentence. The Choso Kamo in front of you wasn’t the one you had spent the last couple of months seeing in the office. The Choso Kamo in front of you was an insatiable beast. You blink wearily and you finally manage to focus your eyes. Choso drops a kiss on your nose, hands stroking your body gently. 
“My Y/n’s so cute, so so cute.” He mumbles and you feel your heart race at his words. His body presses up against you and you freeze when you feel his hard cock graze your pussy. Choso notices immediately and he locks his eyes with yours and you see the mischief that lies there. “You didn’t think I was done with you did you? Oh you really are adorable.”
You open your mouth to scream but nothing comes out as he shoves his fat cock into your pussy. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you feel your gummy walls take him in. He’s not slow and he’s definitely not gentle. Each thrust is harsh and unforgiving. Choso fucks into you hard and you grip the sheets tightly, sobbing at the overstimulation. 
“More, p-please more, need you s-so bad, please c-choso.” 
“More?” He grunts at your pathetic pleas. “Such a greedy whore aren’t you? If you want it so bad, take it.” 
Another scream is ripped from your throat as he increases his pace, rigorously pounding into your spent pussy. He moulds you to fit his cock, fucks you open as you cry and sob. Choso loves the sound of you begging, he loves the sound of your dripping cunt as he slams his hips against yours over and over again. He groans as he captures your lips in a kiss, sucking on your tongue as he swallows each and every one of your delicious moans. 
Your hands reach above you, pulling Choso closer to your body and your sharp nails rake his back. You claw at him like some animal in heat and you dig your nails into his skin as he fucks you. Choso hisses at the pain but it only turns him on more. He smirks at your fucked-out state, loving the way your mouth is open, tongue lolling out. He loves the tears that fall from your eyes and he leans forward to kiss them from your face.
“You feel so, hah, feel so good.” Choso pants, cock ploughing into you feverishly. “Do you have any idea how long I’ve wanted you for? Do you have any idea how badly I wanted to split you open on my, hnghh, cock - fuckk!” 
You whimper at his words, your own unable to leave your lips as you continue to moan. Choso lifts your leg, placing it above his shoulder as he snaps his hips to yours. You try to find anything to hold onto as you feel your pussy constrict tightly around his throbbing cock. 
“Ch-Chosooo!” You whine as he stretches you open. Every single slight movement is keening with pleasure and you feel your toes curl as you pant for air. “I-I…Choso ‘m gonna cum!”
The words leave your mouth for a second and everything comes tumbling down as the knot in your stomach explodes and you convulse around his cock. Choso chants your name, urging you to release all over him, to make a mess around his cock as he fucks you. You sob pathetically, pussy gushing as you feel the sheet beneath you grow even wetter. 
Choso doesn’t stop his harsh movements and not even a second after you cum you feel another orgasm build up within you and you squeal as it comes crashing down again. You’re a babbling mess at this point, crying desperately for him to slow down as you’re fucked absolutely stupid on his cock. He flips you around so that you’re on top and you nearly collapse if it isn’t for the tight grip he has on your hips.
Choso’s smirking at you, eyes dazed as he watches you squeeze around him. “You’ve been dying for my cock haven’t you? Look at how pretty we look together?” He gestures to your pussy and you feel your cheeks flare with heat at the erotic sight. “C’mon angel, fuck yourself on my cock f’me.”
You’re taken aback by his words and you feel the heat crawling through your cheeks once more. It’s humiliating the way he makes you bounce on his cock as he watches. His eyes are trained to your pussy as it takes his length, inch by inch. You’re embarrassed beyond belief as you press your hands against his hard muscle, pushing yourself up and down him. Choso only eyes you cockily, loving the way you’ve suddenly turned shy.
“Nghh, h-hah hah, ah!” You squeal as you feel his hands cup the back of your thigh right below your ass. He reaches his other hand to grope your tits, playing with the nipple in between his fingers, pinching and twirling the sensitive bud with practised ease. 
“Woah angel, you’re clinging onto me so tightly.” His words are laced with smugness and you lift your head to see his heart-shaped pupils watching you. He’s admiring every inch of your skin as you fuck yourself on him desperately. “You can do s’much better than this Y/n, c’mon baby, work that ass for me, hm?”
You try your best to bounce on him but your legs are so tired and you’re running out of breath quicker than ever. Your pussy is beyond aching and yet you still feel the desire to be fucked stupid in your body. “C-Can’t- Choso, hnngh, can’t really can’t!” 
“Hmm, you get tired too easily Y/n.” Choso sighs as he settles both his hands on your hips. 
You gasp when he sinks you down onto him. “You’re s-so…so mean-”
“What’s mean is you being so fucking cute and not letting me fuck you in the office.” 
He slams you back down again and this time you throw your head back, screaming with pleasure. His grip is tight and hard and he splits you open perfectly on his cock over and over again until you’re moaning like it’s the only thing you can do. You sob for him to slow down and both of you know that’s truly the last thing you want.
“Slow down?” Choso sits up and you feel him reach deeper inside of you. His fingers play with your clit and you mewl. “Nahhh ‘m not gonna do that baby.”
It’s too quick to process and he’s already got you pressed down into the mattress, ass in the air. His touch is sure to leave bruises as he squeezes your soft skin, loving the way it ripples as he plunges in and out of you. You’re sobbing into the sheets now, pussy sucking him in deeper and deeper. All you can do is let out strangled moans and hiccups as you find every rational thought leaving your head. 
“I love you so much Y/n.” Choso moans as he fucks your harder, his chest pressed agasint your back. “I love you, I love you, I love you.”
It’s addicting. The words that leave his mouth are like poison, tainting you and you only accept them gratefully. You feel your heart flutter at his confession despite his unrelenting fucking. You attempt to turn around and Choso grabs your face to face him, kissing you passionately. 
“I love you so much Y/n, you’re mine, understand?” 
You look at him with foggy eyes, saliva dripping from your chin. “Mhmm! I love you so much t-too Choso, so much hnggh!”
Your words only make him pound into you faster. He’s a feral beast and it’s almost like his cock grows bigger inside you and you feel him throb painfully. He’s so so big and you scream into the mattress unable to do anything else. Your body’s so tired yet Choso picks you up as he grabs your throat, hips slapping against your ass repeatedly. 
“Gonna cum into this slutty pussy yeah? You’re gonna be my nasty cumslut, all mine to use.” You sob out in agreement, pussy convulsing around his cock as you cum again. Choso moans in your ear as you squeeze around him. Thick gooey ropes of cum shoot into your cunt and you feel yourself get filled right to the brim. “G-God Y/n, you’re mine, mine mine mine!”
It’s an overwhelming chant as he keeps his cock inside you, spurting hot cum. You gasp at the warm feeling as you feel him cum inside you. It’s sticky and a mess when he pulls out and you’re left lying on the bed, slumped and exhausted, pussy clenching around nothing. Choso bends down to attach his mouth onto your cunt and you squirm, hands gripping his black locks as you try to push him away as he overstimulates your clit.
“W-Wait n-no hnghh!”
Choso only coos at your cuteness, as he flattens his tongue on your folds before licking you clean. “Don’t worry angel, just making sure everything’s inside you.” It’s dirty and downright embarrassing but you whimper at the lewd sight. 
You find yourself panting for more air and your lungs feel as though they’re burning. Your vision starts to blur and Choso’s calls for your name seem more and more distant as inky black dots come into your sight. Before you know it you’re out like a light.
Choso panics when he sees your unconscious body, fearing that he’s taking it too far but he sees the way you’re comfortable breathing and he makes a mental note to apologise to you in the morning. He picks your body up with ease, guiding the both of you to the bathroom as he turns on the water, making sure you’re all clean before drying you off and tucking you into bed. After a few minutes he joins you, cuddling your body close to his, his head buried in the crook of your neck.
The faint rays of sunshine is what wakes you up in the morning and you blink, trying to adjust to the light shining into the room. You feel arms around your waist and you look to see Choso holding onto you tightly. He’s still asleep but you can’t help but admire his features. His hair is tousled, falling softly over his forehead, giving him an endearing, boyish charm. His long lashes rest gently against his cheeks and you’re jealous of the beauty he holds. 
You notice the small smile at his lips and it only makes you smile wider. His breathing is slow and steady, each rise and fall of his chest a comforting rhythm against your side. You can't help but reach out and gently brush a strand of hair away from his face. The touch is light enough not to wake him, but it allows you to see more of his peaceful expression. Your heart flutters in your chest. 
Your body still feels sore but you notice you’re in a simple t-shirt that you assume is Choso’s. It warms your heart to know he looked after you after you passed out on him. Choso nuzzles closer towards you and you feel your heart swell at the sight and you find yourself liking him even more than you already did. 
“You’re awake.” He mumbles and his voice is groggy. He blinks for a second and you smile at how he looks so cute, bed head and all. His eyes lock with yours and a second goes by before his whole face erupts into heat and he’s blushing, holding the duvet up to cover his face. “I-I’m so sorry Y/n, I took it too far last night and you passed out, I’m so so sorry.”
There’s silence for a minute and Choso definitely thinks you're mad at him, that is before you burst into giggles. He thinks it’s the most beautiful sound he’s ever heard in his life.
“It’s okay Choso, I really enjoyed it.” You say between giggles, raising your hand to brush through his hair and Choso leans into your touch, happy you weren’t angry with him. “But you really have two sides don’t you? What happened to the guy who fucked me dumb last night huh?”
Choso once again turns bright red and he pulls your body close to his, burying his face into your neck. “It’s all your fault, I get really nervous around you.”
His statement only makes you giggle even louder and when you lift his face you see a pout on his lips and you can’t help but think he’s so cute. You give him a small kiss watching as he melts in your grasp. The both of you cuddle for what seems like hours.
“I really do mean it Y/n, you know, that I love you.” The words catch you off guard and Choso notices your surprised expression and he tugs you closer to him. “It’s okay you don’t have to say it back so soon, I’m happy as long as you like me.”
You hear his rapid heartbeat and you smile to yourself. “In that case, I really really like you Choso Kamo.” 
Choso grins, face tinted with a blush as he buries his face into your hair as he hugs you tighter. “I really really like you too Y/n L/n.”
The next day when you go in for work everything’s normal but every once in a while both you and your new boyfriend would steal subtle glances at each other before looking away, cheeks flared with heat. You had both agreed not to mention it to anyone for the time being and you assumed that your colleagues wouldn’t have noticed the change in relationship you had with Choso. 
"I'll have a triple-shot caramel macchiato with extra foam, a dash of cinnamon, two pumps of vanilla, and a drizzle of honey." Satoru’s grin is mocking and you want to punch him more than usual. "Oh, and make sure it’s stirred counterclockwise."
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You try to brush off the topic but you know your friend is way too observant for his own good. “Just get back to work Satoru.”
“Whatever you say boss.” He winks at you before sauntering off.
You glance over at Choso, who looks up just in time to catch your eye. He smiles softly, and you return the gesture, feeling your heart flutter. Forget stupid Satoru Gojo, all you needed was your adorable boyfriend to brighten your day and everything seemed ten times better.
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bratshaws · 2 years
goodness gracious 7. brb x oc
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a/n: *with tears in my eyes* d o n t talk to me okaY??? IM NOT CRYING !!! also y e ah IM POSTING TWO chapters toDaY !!! WHY??? be c a u se i feel like dying of cuteness. also im n ot a mixologist, idk if my weird ass concoction would work in the real world!
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
“Bea!” Shells calls from the living room, looking down at her phone to check the time, “You done, yet? We are going to be late for fashionably late!” 
“Um!Kind of!” 
Shells stopped scratching Jolene’s head, heaving out a sigh while walking up the stairs, she stopped on the final one to see Bea with her armoire open and the brunette wearing her bathrobe and make up, but no outfit in sight,”Bea, what are you doing?”
“I don’t know what to wear!’
“It’s a barbecue, so I don’t think you need a ball gown.” she replies sarcastically, then sighs once more when her friend starts wringing her hands, “Bea…come on,” she steps in front of the armoire, fingering through the clothes in hopes to find anything. She picks out one of her sundresses that rested by the top of her thighs, with tiny little sunflowers drawn on it, the one that had the frilly elastic on the waist, tossing on the bed. Then she grabs the peasant girl top with one of her denim shorts, putting it next to the dress, “There, now you have two options.”
Beatrice widened her eyes when she saw the sundress, the straps thin and hiding nothing of her arms…meanwhile the peasant blouse did hide her arms but the shorts exposed her legs “I–”
Shells picked both outfits, “It’s either” she lifted the dress, “I’m a fairy from the woods or–” she lifted the peasant top and shorts, “I’m a 16h century girl in the big city. Your choice.”
Biting her lower lip, moving her eyes back and forth between the outfits, she sighed heavily, grabbing both and rushing back into her bathroom. Her hands shook as she stared at the two on the edge of the sink. She loved that dress, but she never wore anything that showed her arms whenever she was at the bar. Even yesterday, at Mr.Scoops, her blouse covered them and only exposed part of her shoulder.
She looked at her own reflection, the trusty winged eyeliner and light lipstick this time, then back down to the outfits. She had to make a choice quickly.
Shells waited sitting on the edge of the bed, cleaning her nails to pass the time. Only turning her head when she heard the click of the bathroom door, her mouth parting in a smile, “I knew you’d go fairy from the woods.” Beatrice still looked nervous, rubbing her arms up and down as if she wanted to cover them already “You look so good!”
“What if I’m overdressed?” she runs her hands own to the flowy skirt, biting her lower lip trying to tug it down a bit, “This is a terrible idea,I’m going to change–”
“We don’t have time.” Shells told her, wrapping her arms around Bea’s shoulders, “You look fine and Rooster will fucking lose his shit. Hey, maybe even his pants if you are lucky–”
“SHELLS!” Bea covered her face with both hands, trying to hide how red her cheeks turned, “Don’t say things like that!”
“What? It’s not like you never thought about it.” that earned a jab on the ribs from her brunette friend, Shells wincing while laughing, letting go of Beatrice to rub the sore spot. Bea rushed to the kitchen to grab the tupperware filled with the sandwiches Rooster talked about, so many it seemed that if that container didn’t have a latch, it’d just explode. Shells shook her keys in Bea’s direction “Come on, babes!” she stepped out, waiting for Beatrice to lock her front door, “We look too cute to be standing here.”
Rooster tried to be subtle, he did, but he had a very strategic point of view from Phoenix’s front door from her backyard. It was a huge backyard too, with direct connection to the beach if one wished to walk down the stone steps that lead down to the shore. He leaned on the island counter, nursing himself with Indonesian beer - which he’d suggest to Penny, it was really good - with his eyes not being able to keep still from looking to the entrance.
Phoenix walked up next to him, placing a box of napkins right near his elbow. She arched one eyebrow when he didn’t even look up at her presence. She chuckled to herself and that made him turn her way, “What?” 
“Oh nothing…” Phoenix shrugged with her lips pursed “It’s just you are so whipped Bradshaw. Did you even ask her out on a date yet? With only the two of you?”
Rooster licked his lips, immediately looking down at his beer, turning the bottle on his hand to check the tiger drawn on the label “No, not yet.”
“Honestly,I’m surprised. You are a lot bolder when it comes to girls.” she begins, “I remember Chloe-” he groaned in annoyance, the muscle on his jaw popping “You were very open with what you wanted–”
“Chloe was just a hook up I regret to this day.” he muttered, then sighed, “Bea is…I don’t–I don’t wanna freak her out. You know how she kept scurrying away from me whenever I was at the bar-”
“Maybe she was running away from your fashion sense.” That earned her a glare and she just lifted her hands in defense.
“ Fuck off, my fashion sense is amazing… but I just…”he moved his hands trying to find words, “She’s not a hookup, I don’t want her to be a hookup. I want to know her, talk to her, see what she likes, what she doesn’t. You know?”
Phoenix nodded trying to bite back her smile, “Sure.” she then makes the sound of a whip cracking, “Whiiipppeedd.” he scoffs, shoving her shoulder playfully, which only makes her laugh harder, “Okay,okay, no but really… I think it’s sweet. From what I’ve seen, she seems like a kind girl. She is very pretty.” she tossed the bait, would he take it?
Rooster’s little smile signaled that yes, “She is.” he took the bait. The front door opened and Rooster straightened his back, his shoulders immediately dropping when the one who stepped through was Halo with her motorcycle helmet in hand, just tossing it onto Phoenix’ couch and rushing outside.
“Is she here yet?” Halo asked out of breath, “I came as quickly as I could.”
Rooster frowned, “What? Who?”
“Your girlfriend!” Halo yanked her jacket off, wrapping around her waist, “I haven’t been to the Hard Deck in weeks because of paperwork so I’m just gathering information from everyone else!” 
Rooster’s head slowly turned to Phoenix, who played off she was checking the expiration date of a jar of barbecue sauce. He set his beer down to place his hands on his hips, arching his eyebrows to the dark haired female “Nix.” she hums, inching the jar closer, “What have you been telling people? I know you told Mav about her.”
“That you are whipped, loverboy!” Payback called from behind, carrying a bag of charcoal over his shoulder, “That little thing got you around her finger and she doesn’t even know it.” Rooster parted his lips to protest, but the doorbell rang, breaking his train of thought.
The only people who’d ring the doorbell would be the ones who weren’t used to all of them. So…he figured out who’d be “Coming!” Phoenix calls, stepping around Rooster with Halo not far behind her, the two practically blocking his view from the door. He held back a curse, casually moving forward, tilting his head up.
He saw the top of Shells’ blonde head then he saw Bea’s brown hair, but the two female officers were still blocking his whole view of her. He could hear the girls gushing about ‘oh i love your outfit!’ ‘it seems so breezy!’. Shells was the first one to step out from the two, she was wearing denim shorts and a striped tank top…well that could be considered breezy, right? She looked up seeing him partially inside the living room then smirked knowingly, nodding towards him before going to the backyard.
Halo and Phoenix still surrounded Bea, guiding her to where the kitchen was, disappearing behind a wall. He chewed his lower lip, giving a few more minutes until the two officers walked back, Halo patting him on the shoulder as she walked past him. Rooster rolled his eyes, moving forward to check if she needed help, but paused in front of the round mirror Phoenix had on her living room wall, fixing his hair a little and combing his mustache with his fingers.
He cleared his throat, adjusted the collar of his light blue Hawaiian shirt and continued. He heard the sound of glass clinking. He stepped into the kitchen, seeing a tray filled with sandwiches and Beatrice not far behind, sipping a glass of iced water. He stared, this time he really stared because that outfit was like the beach outfit and the Mr.Scoops outfits combined into a dress.
She was supporting her weight on the counter in front of him, her profile was shown but she hadn’t seen him enter. She was too busy checking the intricate patterns of the kitchen tiles to see him there. So that gave him enough time to admire the way that dress just hugged her in the right places, dragging his eyes down to her thighs then to her feet, where a pair of white sandals could be seen. 
Fuck she’s cute. He thought, She’s so cute. 
She then straightened herself and turned her body towards the sink, a yelp of surprise leaving her lips and the glass almost slipping from her hand as her eyes widened, “Rooster!Oh my god! You scared me!” her voice was higher with shock, her free hand touching above her heart, “Jesus.”
“Shit, sorry.” he quickly approached her after the unintentional startle, “Sorry, you okay? I didn’t mean to scare you.” With her shoulders bare now he could see more tattoos: there was a colored moon on her upper arm, a Japanese cat mask next to it, a spaceship simplified in black lines close to her elbow and tiny black poofy beings with eyes on the inside of her wrist. 
“I’m fine, I didn’t hear anyone come in.” she whispers, closing her eyes as her breathing relaxes, leaning her lower back against the counter, breathing in slowly. Once she was calm enough, she looked up at him, noticing how close he was and immediately dropping her gaze to her toenails, “Um…hi.”
“Hi…you look really nice.” her cheeks painted red and she tried to cover her smile by biting her lower lip. He touched the little strap on her shoulder, then held his hand back before he touched even more “I like your dress…a lot.”
“...really?” she runs her hands down on the skirt part, his eyes immediately moving to where the fabric barely touched her thighs, “Thank you. I really like this dress. Shells says it makes me look like a fairy in the woods.”
He held back the pained groan, because holy shit she was so cute!!! Only being able to hum out an affirmative sound. She smelled so good too, lavender again, with her hair shining and resting on her shoulders, “She’s not wrong.” her big green eyes moved up at him with surprise, but she couldn’t keep her gaze on him for long.
He hesitated, chewing on his own lower lip, scooting closer to Bea, “I’m glad you are here.”
She smiled softly, placing her glass on the sink, “Glad I brought the sandwiches?” she asked him and he blinked in surprise. Wait, what? That wasn’t the reason why he was glad she was there. He parted his lips to reply, but another voice came up from behind him.
“Oh hey, sandwiches!” Coyote smiled, picking one up from the tray, humming to himself, “This is nice! Hey,Bea! What’s this one filled with?”
Rooster felt for a moment he was ready to commit a felony, his tongue rubbing against his lower lip as Beatrice walked around him to greet Coyote. He sucked in a breath, trying to regain as much composure as he could while straightening himself to face Beatrice’s back as she leaned a bit forward to show the fillings each of the sandwiches had. 
Coyote, who either ignored or just was too happy to have fresh sandwiches to eat, did not see the way Rooster’s eyes narrowed. “I’m going to take these outside for you,” Coyote smiled, shoving his own sandwich in his mouth while grabbing the tray with both hands. Rooster cleared his throat once Coyote left, to which Beatrice looked up behind her with a smile and his annoyance melted instantly.
“Come on, everyone is outside already.” and they’d probably never let the fact he was with her live down within his lifetime.  He didn’t place his hand on her lower back, but it hovered close by, a presence there in case she needed a bit of a push. Beatrice stepped out onto the backyard only to be greeted by everyone while Rooster tried his best to ignore the knowing stares coming from his friends.
Payback was the one on the grill right now, while Fanboy and Hangman were the ones responsible to keep the drinks coming. Shells already settled herself next to Bob, the poor man red beyond his dreams, a nervous smile on his face. She wasn’t drinking alcohol, instead there was a glass of cranberry juice in her hand, meaning she’d be the one driving the two of them home tonight.
Since some of them were sitting either on the ground or on Phoenix’s brand new vine benches, Rooster waited until Beatrice chose where to sit after getting herself some beer. He hated he couldn’t wear his sunglasses right now, since it was already past sundown, because his eyes flicked to her legs when she walked to the seat, her hand tucking behind herself to keep the skirt under her body.
Phoenix walked behind him, holding one of Bea’s sandwiches and yet again making the whip cracking noise, but quieter only for him to hear. He narrowed his eyes towards her, grabbing his forgotten beer before moving to the seats, sitting down on the same bench as Bea was seated but at a safe distance that wouldn’t make her uncomfortable.
She seemed a bit nervous at first when she got there, just laughing quietly at some jokes but never really talking much, until the beer - and a few other drinks - loosened a bit to the point where she got giggly.
Her cheeks were flushed red, but she wasn’t slurring her words, she was just happily drunk to a bare minimum. He brought the beer to his lips to cover up his smile, because good God she was probably the cutest inebriated person he’s ever seen. Shells was the one who usually made the conversation reach Bea, bringing up information she knew her friend would like to talk about.
Phoenix and Halo watched from afar Rooster’s eyes just softened whenever the brunette spoke. Halo’s lower lip jutted and she turned to Phoenix, mouthing the word ‘cute’ to the other woman who nodded, placing a hand over her heart as if in pain at how sweet this whole thing was.
“Bea, we should make Demon Droppins!” Shells announced in the middle of conversation, the brunette staring at her with the red cup partially tilted against her lips.
“What are Demon Droppins?” Bob asked, his arm stretched behind Shells on the bench, perhaps the smoothest the glasses wearing officer had ever been.
“Only the best shots you’d ever get.” Shells smiled, gesturing to Bea, “We used to have it in college, remember? It’s strong as shit but so good. What do you say, Bea?”
“Oh, I don’t know… you said you were going to be sober tonight.”
“I am, I’m talking about you.” Shells stands to her feet, grabbing her friend’s wrist to tug her forward, the brunette yelping in surprise and quickly fixing her skirt before anything was seen. The mention of specific named shots called their attention, everyone’s eyes on the two girls as they got on an island bar in the backyard. Rooster could only watch from his seat as Shells grabbed a bottle of tequila and the box of cranberry juice.
Beatrice disappeared back inside with Phoenix for a quick while, returning with a glass jar filled with ice. Shells was the one preparing everything, pouring half a bottle of tequila inside the jar, completing it with cranberry juice then pouring a shot glass of brown rum. Shit that was going to be strong. She mixed everything with a long spoon, giving it for her friend to try.
Bea licked it, then made a face, coughing behind her hand, “Y-Yeah, it’s good.”
“Perfect!” she then grabbed a line of shot glasses, pouring the concoction inside, “Since we all are going to work tomorrow, I suggest we keep it to one glass… or two if you wanna flip some admiral off in the morning.” that earned a laugh from the officers. “Go ahead!”
Everyone approached the bar, each one picking one glass with Rooster being the last. It was…extremely dark red, it looked like blood and it smelled so strong. Beatrice wasn’t looking up at him when he got closer, her own glass raised to her lips, tossing the liquid into her mouth with a loud swallow. She smacked her lips for a few seconds, then her face scrunched up, her whole body shuddering and with what he could only call a soft cry leaving her lips. “Oh!Oh wow! Hmhm, yeah it’s still,” a cough “Very strong. But it has a nice aftertaste…”
“It can’t be that bad, this is like my morning breakfast.” Hangman laughs, tipping the glass into his mouth until it was empty. He’s smiling, holding the empty glass in his hand before his eyes widened, “Woah,woah! Holy f–” he coughs then, clenching his eyes as he tries to keep himself standing up, that little cocktail packed a punch, “Jesus Christ.”
“If it made Hangman shut up, it has to be good.” Coyote said, “Bottoms up!”
It was a domino effect, every single officer rose the Demon Droppins to their lips, swallowed it and then it hit. The collective groaning, swearing and whistling that followed was downright comical. Rooster’s eyes clenched and his teeth gritted as the taste, that was incredibly bitter and strong at first, turned sweet, “Oh fuck.” his voice shook, he could feel tears clinging to his eyelashes, “Oh wow, this is strong.”
“Told ya!” Shells said sipping her own cranberry juice.
Rooster laughed breathlessly, a cough still tickling his throat, when he felt a tiny hand touch his back. He opened his eyes to see Bea’s green irises looking up at him with worry, ‘You okay?”
“Yeah, yeah I–” another cough, “Wow, holy shit this is strong. God damn. How often did you two have this?”
“Um…usually after exams. Three shots would knock us out.”
“I can imagine.” he blinked his eyes, trying to get rid of the blackness on the corner of his vision, placing the empty glass on the bar counter. “It’s not bad, but my God. No wonder it’s called Demon Droppins.” he sent Beatrice a smile and she didn’t look away, instead she giggled, her cheeks now even more flushed and looking just so ripe like apples. In the back of his mind, Phoenix’ whip cracking noise echoed and he just ignored it once more.
The night went by without issues, everyone recovered quickly from the Demon Droppins - amazingly -  so no one fainted in the middle of Phoenix’s backyard. The conversation was going, but Beatrice turned her head to the area where the stone floor turned to sand, not paying attention to what was being said.
Rooster looked in the same direction she was, wondering what exactly she was looking at. He looked forward again, only to see Phoenix widening her eyes then nodding her head to the direction to the beach, doing it more vigorously when he just furrowed his eyebrows. He took one final swig of his beer, getting closer to Beatrice “Hey,” her head whipped to face him, “I’m going to walk on the beach, wanna join me?”
She blinks in silence, before a brilliant smile takes over, “Okay!” she’s already standing up before he could prevent it. Everyone’s eyes are on them now, but the brunette didn’t seem to notice, just walking ahead while Rooster shushed them when a low chorus of ‘ooohs’ began to arise. 
The way down was a bit steep, so Beatrice hesitated on going down first. He stepped around her, offering her his hand to which she took it, cautiously walking down until her sandals touched the sand and Rooster stood by her side, “Wow…” she whispered, “It’s so strange seeing the beach at night without any lights besides the moon.”
It was like a blanket of blue was tossed over the white beach, the waves glinting with the stars, roaring gently onto the shore. Rooster slid his hands in his pockets, chuckling as he got closer to her, “It is a bit weird, when you think about it.” he said, following her when she started walking, the wind making her hair move to the side, strands going up then down when the breeze eased. She crouched down suddenly, making him still and watch as she removed her sandals, holding them up by the back straps with her fingers, digging her toes in the sand. 
They resumed their walking, until Bea pointed up at the sky, “Capricorn.”
She looked at him then back at the sky, “Capricorn, the constellation. See?” she got closer to him, trying to make him see the shape with her finger, “Right there. Then riiiight over there, that’s Virgo.” she smiles, “I think…it’s a bit hard to figure out now.”
“I don’t know much about signs to help you out.” he chuckles, but letting her lean on him however long she wished.
She smiled though, holding onto his bicep for balance, her eyes shining as the two walked along the shore. She didn’t say much, but she hummed happily a tune that seemed to be Panama by Van Halen while they stood together. His stomach flipped the longer he watched, having to bite his lower lip to hold back the chuckle, because again - she’s so cute. 
“Oh!Oh!” she tugs his arm, “Let’s sit here!” she says, pulling him to the spot she pointed at. He just let her do it, the soft fabric of her dress moving as she fell to a kneeling position on the sand. Rooster ran his hand over his face, breathing in, begging God to give him strength because he was about to lose it. “Rooster?” she looks up at him, then pats the patch of sand next to her, “Come on.”
He removes his own shoes to sit cross legged next to her, his shoes next to her sandals while he leaned back on his hands, his palms digging into the sand. She’s with her hands on her lap, but he sees the goosebumps on her skin and the subtle shiver of her shoulders, “You cold?” He's already removing his Hawaiian shirt, leaving him only in his white tank top. It's not much but it’ll help her for a while, placing it around her shoulders, “Here.”
She looks down at the blue fabric, blinking at it for a while before she looks up at him with her eyes shining, “Thank you.” she holds the shirt closed by buttoning the collar, making it look like a cape on her body. He tried not to stare too long at how he liked seeing it on her.
 She looks up to the sky again, narrowing her eyes playfully at nothing, then giggles to herself, “What?” he questions with a half smile, “What’s funny?”
“Nothing…just…” she shrugs, still smiling, “I just remembered something. When I was a kid, I used to stay up all night in hopes to see a shooting star. I never did. Or a comet for that matter.”
“Yeah?” he could see her looking out of the window as a child, eyes full of wonder looking up, “You wanted to make a wish?” she nods and he leans closer, “Do you wanna tell me? I promise not to share with anyone.”
She looks back at him, her eyes moving everywhere on his face, then she pauses on the side of his jaw, “You have scars.” she whispers and her breath hits his lips and it takes him all of his power to not lean closer. His breathing hitches a bit when her smaller hand cups his face, “I never noticed you had scars.” he feels her fingers running over the length of the scar on his jawline and he watches her analyze him.
Her hand then drops back to her lap, her gaze a bit glazed over but not all out of it, her lips curving up in a smile, “You got them while training?”
“Some.” he replies, finally having found his voice back, “Some I got when I was a child.”
She lets out an ‘ah’, nodding to herself, then looks down at her legs, “You were a bit of a troublemaker as a kid?” he chuckles, a soft breath that leaves his mouth as he looks away from her, “I wasn’t.” she says, “Too scared to get into trouble to do anything… I didn’t even tossed tp on my teacher’s house during Halloween ‘cause he knew my dad and I was sure he’d know it was me who did it.”
“Was that the worst you’ve almost done?”
“I think so.” she shrugged, “I don’t remember doing much besides being in my own corner. Safer that way.” he felt she wasn’t talking just about being a troublemaker anymore,”If you keep it to yourself, people won’t hurt you…I mean…you hope they won’t.”
He knew it was the alcohol that eased the words out of her, she’d never say this if it wasn’t because of it. His stomach dropped at how saddened her eyes turned when she said it, her fingers twiddling with her thumb ring before she pulled it out, turning it in her hands. The ring wasn’t as thin as he thought it was, with a tiny gem in the middle that was too dark to see the real color. He saw something inscripted on the outside, then her words returned, this time in a language he couldn’t understand.
He must’ve appeared confused, because she chuckled, “Here,” she scooted closer, so her head almost touched his shoulder, showing the silver ring to him where curved letters he still couldn’t figure out were seen. She repeated the phrase, running her finger over the words, before translating, “May it be a light for you in dark places, when all other lights go out.” she smiles fondly at the ring, “Galadriel said this to Frodo, giving him the phial of  Eärendil’s star as her gift to him.”
“What was that language just now?”
“Elvish?” he repeats “How do you know elvish?”
She shrugs, still holding the ring up “I read all the books. I managed to figure things out.” she slides the ring back on her thumb, “My brother Leo gave it as a gift to me when I turned twenty-three, once he found out the people who made the ring for the movies were open for commissions. The stone in the middle is my birthstone, onyx.” she wiggles her thumb, then slides the ring out, “Gimme your hand.”
“Huh?” but she’s already grabbing him by the wrist, holding it up to her line of sight and trying to slide the ring on his thumb only that it doesn’t even fit. She is focused though, so she tries the other fingers, sighing when there’s no success in her quest. “What was that?”
“Wanted to see if it fit on your finger.” she murmured, still holding his hand up, “Your hands are too big. You need to get smaller hands.” that made a laugh leave his lips, earning a giggle from her, “We could get you a ring too, if you want. With a phrase you liked from the books.”
Rooster’s eyes softened, the smile on his face widening, “You think so?” she nods while still holding his hand, playing with his fingers as if she did so it’d be easier to slide on this time. He couldn’t help it, his stomach just exploded with butterflies over her being so sweet and adorable “Bea.” she hums, lifting her head, some of her hair stuck to her forehead, “You are very cute.”
She stares at him then, her cheeks reddening but she doesn’t look away, instead she leans closer, “I think you are very cute too.” she says almost like a secret,then returns on trying to get the ring to fit his finger, as if that was her mission right now.
Rooster sucked in a breath, his chest expanding, not knowing how to react to how he was feeling right now. He had trysts, one night stands and even short lived relationships, but no one made him feel like Beatrice was right now, he didn’t know why, maybe because she didn’t push him onto opening up or was just genuinely interested in knowing him or because she just blushed whenever he got close.
 She let go of his hand then, the weight of her head hitting his shoulder and she sighed softly. He let out a shaky breath, adjusting himself so she’d be comfortable, thinking she was just using him as support, “Bea…look, I was wondering if you want to go out? You and me, we could get some burgers or whatever you like and–” he stops, seeing he wasn’t getting a reaction out of her. He slowly leaned forward, seeing her eyes slip shut and her breathing get even, chest rising and falling slowly with her mouth parted.
He blinked, then he looked to the ocean as he tried to gather what happened. The smile on his face was of disbelief and he shook his head, “Fuck…” his free hand, after he wiped the grains of sand from his palm, rose to gently tuck her hair behind her ear, “What are you doing to me, huh, pretty girl?” he asked quietly, dropping his hand on his lap when she just snuggled his shoulder, “What are you doing to me?”
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golden-wingseos · 4 years
a secret for two
what’s it like... having a secret relationship with them?
featuring —
✧ childe x gn!reader, scaramouche x f!reader
warnings ―
✧ not proofread
notes ―
✧ once upon a time i despised scaramouche,,, look at me now
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you were no fatui agent, nor a harbinger. you were you. [l/n] [y/n], child of a wealthy businessman and woman
and—perhaps, that was a fatal flaw: falling in love with a man who you knew your parents wouldn’t approve of
but—they wouldn’t understand. childe... he was no bloodthirsty killer when he was with you. he was tartaglia—ajax, a sweet person who loved you for you, not your money or status
however, even with the skeptics of possibilities your family may present, it all fell shy to the problems that would arise if childe revealed his relationship to the eyes of the fatui
his job: debt collection. your family’s business: has a possibility of falling into debt
and not only that—childe loves his family. he’d do anything to keep you as far away from the fatui as possible, fearing that you’d become leverage for more manipulation and lies
and, perhaps, amongst the thrill—you would’ve left. you would’ve stopped seeing a man who could only bestow pain upon your future—
and yet, here you were. holding him in your arms as the moonlight shimmered through the window
The sky—was dark. Showing no remorse for unfortunate merchants in the brink of dusk, lights flickered on, guiding stray travelers home with welcome arms.
[E/C] eyes blinked open, scouring over the sight that lay before them. Orange locks, crystal blue irises that mimicked the waterfalls of Qingce Village—all were sights so familiar to your orbs, a small smile making its way onto your face as you stared at the male before you.
Clad in sleepwear, his hair was devoid of his Fatui mask. His expression—peaceful and serene... so different than the Childe you had first met—a Childe who knew how to kill, not to love.
Mindless warnings from your parents, absent guards that could care less for your safety—they didn’t matter. Love, a love found once in a lifetime, a love found in nobody but him.
You didn’t thrive off of thrill like he did, per se... you were just you. A young person, desperate for some freedom—
And yet, all those nights. All those nights spent running, running to beaches, running from his Fatui underlings—they were everything, more than your parents’ business, more than the bundles of mora you were handed—
Because, because— they had him.
“Haha! You should run faster, love! There’s a really pretty view once we make it to Yaoguang Shoal!” The moon, silent and silver—it watched over the two young lovers, their forms running from the hoards of hilichurls and Fatui agents as they ran for their hearts—their smiles, glimmering like the absent sun...
Cascading waves and eroding stones, starconches sat idly in the palm of their hands as the night went by.
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unlike childe, scaramouche didn’t purposefully hide your relationship with him
you’re a harbinger— just like him. what was there to hide? the blushes that’d cascade over his cheeks? the flustered expressions he hid when you kissed him?
whatever. it wasn’t like it was any of their business (childe and signora) to know—he was just living life, being him... that of which didn’t involve flaunting your relationship
he was content with what he had. and if that meant the other fatui agents and harbingers not knowing about your relationship? so be it. what are they gonna do? cry?
“Oh, [Y/N]? You’re here? I didn’t know The Tsaritsa put you on post!” Childe exclaimed, waving friendly in your direction as you crossed your arms. Ships were arriving, Fatui symbols and signals lighting up every single sail and wooden plank, distant figures that painted the coast of Liyue Harbor.
Frankly—you were not posted here. The Tsaritsa had granted you an off day, so you decided to head over to Liyue Harbor. After all, Scaramouche was expected to arrive today. 
“I suppose,” You responded blankly. Uninterested in talking to the Harbinger, [e/c] eyes narrowed as soon as the grandest Fatui ship came into view—that of which was expected to host Scaramouche.
“Haha! Still not a talker, are you?” Childe laughed, entertaining himself with his own comments. Seriously—if you didn’t know any better, you’d think the eleventh Harbinger was some kind of lonely maniac.
(Which, is partially true.)
“L-Lady [Y/N]! I didn’t know y-you’d be here!” An underling got on one knee, bowing out of respect for you.
“Move it.”
A new voice—sharper and firmer, a sense of authority lingering in its hues.
“Ah, Balladeer. You’ve returned,” A smile, a drastic change from the unreadable gaze you sent the Fatui agent who got in your way from meeting your boyfriend.
“Balladeer?” Scaramouche echoed, raising his eyebrow in distaste as you ignored Childe’s prying eyes.
“Is that not your name?” You grinned, watching his indigo eyes morph into confusion, then irritation.
“. . . Am I missing something?” Childe blinked, question marks surrounding his head like a halo.
“Of course not,” Scaramouche snapped, wasting no time to grab your waist, tugging you along into the streets of Liyue. It had been four weeks since he’d last seen you, and frankly—that was four weeks too many.
“Huh...?” Childe’s jaw dropped, piecing together the clues that had been left cold for far too long.
“Scaramouche and [Y/N] were posted together?!” 
... Okay— kind of pieced together the clues.
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echo-of-sounds · 4 years
smut alphabet - fatgum
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
After sex, Taishiro enjoys a nice, warm bubble bath to unwind and clean up. As you relax, preferably with you resting against his stomach, he’ll run soap all over your sweaty skin then gently massage your lower back. When you’re bent over the bed, your back takes a lot of the stress with him pounding you from behind.
Following your bath, he’ll take as much skin-to-skin contact as he can get. It doesn’t matter if you’re lounging on the couch or laying in bed. He just wants to enjoy you. Feeling your body safe in his arms puts him at ease. And he’s super warm, so he’s the best to cuddle with during chilly nights.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Oh, he adores your tummy. All of it. Any surface, from your collar bones to your hips, he’ll kiss and lick and tickle and worship. Anything you consider a flaw or ugly, he commends. It’s not an exaggeration. You’re an icon. He’d kneel before you, honoring each stretch mark, revering every scar, bumps, or ‘defect,’ whispering into your skin as he kisses the whole of your stomach. If you’re ticklish, be prepared for him to blow raspberries.
On himself, he’s fond of his hands and smile. His smile attracts people. It’s big, friendly, and bright. His hands, though often used for maiming, are delicate and graceful whenever they glide over you. They’re strong, broad, heavy, and thick. Those apply to his fingers as well.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
It’s flavorful, to say the least: rather bitter with salty undertones. Most of the time, he uses condoms as he enjoys cumming inside you, but he also doesn’t want to risk pregnancy when you’re not planning for it. 
It’s thick, and he loves watching it ooze out of you. Once his orgasm builds, he withdraws so only his head remains inside and pumps himself, cumming near your entrance. He’ll stroke your lower tummy, whispering how beautiful you are, singing praise after praise when you push his cum out. He’ll probably lick it up too.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He doesn’t really have a dirty secret. He’s quite open about what he likes and wants, and what he’s done. Regardless, he fantasizes watching you play and suck on a lollipop, occasionally using it to pleasure yourself, then lick your wetness off of it. But he knows that isn’t healthy. Food, as good as it is to eat, shouldn’t be going inside.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
While Tai may not be a Casanova, he knows how to pleasure someone. Oral is where his confidence lies. He can easily move your body around, sucking soft skin, dragging his tongue over wherever you need. He also has enough experience to know how much he needs to prepare you for penetrative sex. Making sure you’re stretched, lubricated, and ready is one thing he does without fail.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He isn’t picky. If he’s having fun and you’re having fun, it’s a splendid position. In doggy-style positions, he fancies the view of your hips wriggling and ass bouncing. And in missionary/right angle positions, your moaning face is a delight to see. Your legs will be held against his stomach as he’s thrusting into you, watching your breasts and mouth. He’ll occasionally open them to fondle more of you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Despite his normal, feel-good, cheerful mood, he becomes a bit serious once in the moment. That doesn’t mean he won’t laugh, joke, or smile. Because he absolutely does! But his general feel is more acute, focusing on your body, praising your mouth and skill to hell and back.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
There’s a tuft of hair down there with a little trail leading up to his belly button. It’s a sandy blond that darkens to dirty blond around his base. He doesn’t shave: it makes him feel weirdly naked. He may trim after a while, but he typically keeps it at a manageable semi-long.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
You won’t have to ask for flowers, a candlelit dinner, and soft music. One random day, you’ll open the door to all of that and more, and your smiling boyfriend holding a present. It’s a cute, new teddy he wants you to wear. After dinner, he whisks you away to the bedroom, continuing the romance for the rest of the night.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
It happens more than Tai cares to admit. A Hero’s job isn’t easy. Masturbating works excess stress off. And he gets more adrenaline boners than others. He doesn’t know why. He’s been that way since he was a teenager. In the wake of a fight, he hurries home, jumps in the shower, and relieves himself. It’s over pretty quickly. However, if you’re home, he’s very willing to receive a blowjob. You know… if you want.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He’s very vocal. Not in the constantly moaning way. He just talks a lot, worshiping and praising your body and everything you do. It’s natural to him. He only wants you to know how good you are at sucking him and how beautiful you look gasping at the sheets and how stunning your slightly teary eyes are each and every thrust.
Going off that, it may not be a kink per se, but it arouses him seeing your eyes water. It’s not sadistic. He’d hate to bring you genuine pain. It’s about seeing you so horny, captivated, passionate, and immersed in all the pleasure to the point you can’t contain it, so it comes out as tears, floods his heart in love and warmth. He’ll do anything to see you like that every time. 
Some softer kinks are anal and toys. He enjoys exploring your body and finding fresh ways to have fun. Anal isn’t one he partakes in a lot because of his size. It’d take much more preparation, and he worries about hurting you. 
Being a Daddy is another thing he enjoys. It’s not his primary interest, and he can certainly live without it. He just likes being a protector, a comforter, keeping you safe from the world as you cuddle on the couch. He’s open to having rules, punishments, and willing to explore the overall lifestyle.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Not only is Taishiro incredibly tall, but he’s also strong and heavy. He’s broken more than his fair share of furniture. And yes, some of that was because he was screwing his partner over a table, putting his entire weight behind each thrust. Considering this issue, he tends to stick to the bed, couch, and sometimes the bathtub (really just any place that he won’t break).
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
When you’re licking a popsicle, slurping the drippings, he’s interested. When you’re sucking on a lollipop, twirling your tongue around it, he’s very interested. He simply approves of you using your mouth in domestic-yet-arousing ways.
Overall, it doesn’t take much to work him up. You can just ask for sex, and he’s down. Lingerie is cute, especially if it’s a simple matching bra and panty set with some frills. It’s basic yet endearing. It also lets him appreciate your tummy. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He’s open to trying most things once. He wants to experience something before deciding his stance on it. 
Sex in public is the main one. He’s a Pro Hero. Public indecency would ruin his career. And he’s a huge guy. He can’t exactly hide. So even if he wanted to, it’d be incredibly hard to fondle each other while in public.
He won’t ever put your or his health in danger. The extreme side of BDSM (blood, CBT [not the therapy], and whips) and any sort of bodily fluid/waste are off-limits. Those hold no interest to him.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Tai eats… everything. You’re no exception to his hunger. He’s a firm believer in going down on his partner. His tongue, like his fingers, is broad, thick, and heavy. Because of his size, he’s become quite proficient at giving oral to prepare others.
He starts with feather-light kisses along your thighs, getting you excited before even touching you. When you’re shaking to his liking, he removes your underwear to continue his kisses, gradually increasing in pressure. His first licks are around where you want them. Only when you’re moaning from that does he finally lick along you, pushing his tongue inside, sucking your clit in between his lips. He likes you orgasming at least once before he fingers you.
To treat him, oral cock warming is the best option. While he’s watching Tv, just plop down between his legs and keep him in your mouth, sipping on all his precum. When it’s time to move, lick under his foreskin. It causes the loudest groans. 
Unlike some guys, he doesn’t like it when you gag on him. It doesn’t make him feel big. He knows he’s big. Because of that and his size, he never grabs your head. He won’t force you any lower than you choose. 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He fluctuates between slow-and-hard and fast-and-flattering. Sometimes he prefers measured thrusts, taking his time pulling out, watching you stretch around him, then intensely sinking inside so hard your whole body shakes. Other times he enjoys holding your hips at the perfect angle, thrusting quick, complimenting how well you’re taking him.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Quickies don’t bother him. They happen. And he certainly won’t turn one down if you happen to get all riled up in the kitchen. Just make sure you’re someplace he won’t break.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Again, Tai will try most things at least once. And he’s game for any experimentation. If you have a new trick or toy, he’s open. But risks? He isn’t as interested. He’s a Hero. He doesn’t want to jeopardize his career for an alleyway blowjob.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
One round is his normal. He isn’t some sex god. Since he focuses so much on preparing and stretching you in the beginning, one session usually lasts a good forty to fifty minutes.
If he’s worked up over something, or it’s just a highly horny day, he can go for two rounds. That easily lasts for over an hour. You’ll definitely need some rest after that. Take three ibuprofen and relax in the bath together.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn’t own any despite enjoying them. He hasn’t been in a relationship long enough to buy sex toys together. If you have any, he’d love to incorporate them. If you want any, he’ll look for some online and surprise you with the toy one day. 
He’s interested in a few BDSM toys to use on you, mostly nipple clamps, furry wrist cuffs, and a paddle with little heart cut-outs so they get imprinted on your ass. Purple is his preferred color, particularly lilac or lavender. No matter your size, skin color, and scars, purple looks downright gorgeous on you. Almost too much so because it gets him riled up and thrusting gasping-bed-creaking-and-toe-curling deep.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Tai will tease you to tears. He just loves the sounds you make when you’re desperate: whining for his fingers, fussing for his mouth, begging for him to finally touch you, and, most importantly, how you cry for his dick, how you whimper when he first fills you, then your gasps from his thrusts. He can’t get enough, and he’ll do damn near anything to hear more.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
His noises are moderate in volume and perfectly handsome. His groans are deep and exciting whenever you suck him just right. Although, if talking counts, he’s on the higher end of the spectrum because his mouth just keeps on moving. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
When people are only attracted to him when he’s skinny, he feels weird. He’s not sure if it’s insecurity, uncertainty, or something else. He hardly recognizes himself when he looks in the mirror and sees a six-pack. That’s not his body. His quirk relies on fat. His body’s supposed to be fat. Those stares and giggles he receives because of his abs don’t flatter him like it may other people. He wants his partner to love his body for everything it is.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Just like the rest of him, Taishiro is big. And thick. And heavy. The corona of glans is the widest part. So much so, his foreskin has trouble retracting past it. Don’t worry. It’s not phimosis, and it doesn’t pain him in any way. 
When he’s entering, his head pops inside suddenly, stretching you for his near 8-inch length. You’ll undeniably feel its weight inside you. The middle of his shaft is quite wide as well, covered in an array of veins. 
Hence why foreplay is always a must. No exception. He needs to stretch you plenty and apply enough lube because it’s a lot. If it’s too painful, or you just don’t want him to push all the way inside, he understands. Halfway is more than enough for him to feel pleasure.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
It fluctuates. Most of it depends on his quirk and work. If his energy/fat is depleted, so is his sex drive. His body mainly focuses on restocking what it’s lost instead of unnecessary matters. During his good weeks, it’s fairly high, especially at the beginning of your sexual relationship. It wants to get as much of you as possible in the shortest amount of time.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
While Tai has built up plenty of endurance from his career, something about sex tires him out. It could be the drained hormones and bliss-filled afterglow. It could be the gentle and loving feeling that floods him after watching you orgasm. It could be seeing you so spent and weak that he wants to do nothing but hold and protect you. It’s probably all three. After cleaning up, he loves laying down, cuddling naked while you both drift off to sleep.
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brendaaaa · 4 years
Bet We’d Be Naked?! (Richie Tozier x fem!Reader)
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“Who wants to play some games?” Beverly asked with a sly grin on her face.
“What kinds of games?” Mike questioned, sitting down on the floor next to her, where she had taken her place moments before.
“I was thinking spin the bottle.”
“Ugh.” Eddie groaned. “What is it with you and that fucking spit swapping fest?”
“Yeah.” Stan said. “I hate spin the bottle. Last time I had to kiss both Eddie and y/n. It was disgusting.”
“Hey!” You protested. “I’m a great kisser!”
“No, no. You’re all right. Spin the bottle sucks ass,” Richie said.
“We could p-play se-seven m-m-min-nutes i-i” Bill struggled to get it out.
“In heaven?” Bev finished for him.
Bill nodded gratefully.
“I like that game.” Ben said, non-so-subtly looking at Beverly.
“Yeah me too,” Stan added, and the rest of the losers all nodded along.
“Then it’s decided!” Bev declared. “Seven minutes in heaven it is!”
Mike went to the kitchen to grab an empty beer bottle and laid it in the middle of the circle. “Who wants to go first?” You asked eagerly. “Uh..not me” Bev laughed. “Me either” Ben immediately said. “Not it…” Eddie touched his nose.
A rushed chorus of not-it's and frantically tapping of noses happened, but it was clear that you were last, and therefore was stuck spinning the bottle first. “Ugh,” you said. “Here we fucking go.” You took a deep breath and gave the bottle an aggressive spin. It went around like five times before decisively landing on Richie.
“Oh Jesus,” he muttered, causing a mini panic inside of you. What does that mean? You thought to yourself as you got up and walked towards the closet. You both walked in and Richie quietly shut the door behind him. You both regarded each other for a moment, before Richie spoke, “Look. I don’t wanna be here any more than you do.” You tried not to look disappointed, but you were. Richie was honestly the person you most wanted to be in this closet with. You didn’t really want him to know that, but then thought, oh what the hell, and you said “Why do you assume that?” He scrunched his eyebrows. “What, you mean you actually want to be stuck in a closet with me where we are supposed to be making out? Is that what you want?” You stuttered, “n-no. Richie what are you talking about?” He rolled his eyes. “Look, I get it. You don’t have to pretend to like me.” You were shocked. “What? No...I, of course I like you,” you said. “Yeah, in a friend way.” Richie said blatantly. “Don’t lie to me.” “Uhm…” you mumbled awkwardly. “Yeah. That’s what I thought. This game is stupid. Why are we even here in a fucking closet anyway?” He turned to leave. You grabbed his arm. “Richie wait. I do like you, but why are you acting like this?” He raised his eyebrows. “You like me? Like that?” You immediately blushed from the roots of your hair down to your toes realizing you had just outed yourself. “Uh...yeah?” He bit his lip. “Um...I was, I was acting like that, because, I thought you didn’t feel like that, I, uh, wow I’m such an idiot, uh, so do you, uh I guess I, I like, um I’m sorry?” You smiled and responded by adjusting his misshapen glasses, “It’s ok, Rich,” and leaned in to kiss his lips. He responded with vigor and deepened the light kiss into something more heated. He pressed your back against the wall and continued to kiss you, getting more intense by the millisecond. ~~ “I wonder what they’re doing in there,” Stan absentmindedly asked, picking at a thread hanging off of his sock. “Sucking face, no doubt,” Eddie snorted. “Really?” Mike asked. “Y/n and Richie?” “Y-yeah,” Bill shrugged. “T-t-hey m-make hea-art eyes at e-each-other.” “They do.” Ben agreed. “I’ve seen it.” “Damn.” Bev said. “I must be blind then.” Mike laughed, “me too.” “T-time’s up” Bill pointed at the clock. “Okay place your bets people,” Bev said. “How many clothes will they have on?” “All,” Mike said, still trying to wrap his brain around the idea of a y/n/Richie romance. “None,” Eddie smirked. “Shirts off” Ben guessed. “Pants off,” Stan laughed. “R-Richie’s gl-lasses on th-the f-f-floor,” Bill added. “Yeah, and knowing Richie, imma go for the birthday suits,” Bev giggled. “Five bucks to whoever gets it right. 2.50 to me and Eddie each of they’re naked.” The gang got up laughing, to open that closet door wide. And when they did, they got a surprise. Y/n and Richie sitting calmly on the floor, fully clothed, holding hands. “The fuck?!?” Eddie exclaimed. “You guys were supposed to be naked!” “What?” Y/n made a grossed-out face. “Yeah,” Bev said. “I wanted money.” “And guess who got it?” Mike smirked, doing a lil dance. Richie laughed. “You guys bet we’d be naked?” He snorted. Some of them shamefully nodded. Richie and y/n looked at each other and burst into laughter. “No no no…” y/n grinned. “But we are dating.” She leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek, to which he responded with a sappy grin. “See?” Ben said. “Heart eyes. Told ya. I should win the money.” “Seven minutes?” Eddie said, exasperated. “We leave you here for seven minutes!”
“Seven minutes is a long time, my dear friend,” Richie said in an old lady voice.
“Let’s play something else,” Bev said, pretending to be disgusted.
“Y-yeah” Bill agreed.
And so they went on with their Friday night, a new couple happily in their midst.
Word Count: 947
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generallynerdy · 4 years
Uncalled they come to me, and told, they still won’t leave me (Din Djarin/Soulmate!Reader)
Spoilers for Chapter 9 (S2E1) of the Mandalorian
Summary: After the ambitious Toro Calican turns on you, his hired mechanic, in hopes of winning favour with the Guild, the mysterious Mandalorian saves your life. Now that you owe him a life debt, he’s stuck with you until you can save him back. It’s not so bad, having a free mechanic and babysitter for the kid, but things take a turn for the worse when both of you realise you might be catching feelings. For someone that might not even be your Soulmate.
Requested by Anon: Hello! How’re you doing? May I please request a Din x reader soulmate au? The one where you don’t see color until you touch your soulmate? It would be very difficult for Din to find his soulmate and I’ve always wanted to see how it played out. If not that’s ok! Thank you and have a wonderful day ❤️
Key: (Y/N) - your name, (h/c) - hair colour, (e/c) - eye colour Translations: vode - siblings, Ret’urcye mhi - goodbye (literally: may we meet again), mirshmure’cya - brain-kiss (Basic term, is Keldabe kiss. This is the soft one as opposed to the literal headbutt term) Asked to be tagged in this disaster: @pearlll09 Word Count: remember when i said this would be 4k? Yeah. It’s 6,478 words. What. The. Fuck.
Author’s Note: this is way longer than I intended it to be but I think u deserve it since u were the only one who saw my post begging for mando requests and actually sent one hksjlfdkj tysm!! I’m so happy I got to write a Soulmate AU for him tbh. Btw, I have it in my head that Yodito would’ve given him the ability to see green, as a familial Soulmate bond, but it wouldn’t work for this if your eyes are green so I just left it out. (Also wtf is up with the Cobb/Din shit, Cobb is clearly in a dedicated relationship with the bartender Weequay. I named them Sala :D) The title is from The Teller of Tales by Gabriela Mistral.
Read On AO3
“Do you wear those gloves all the time?”
The Mando gives you a look—one that you can’t read, obviously, but you get the idea that it’s drier than the desert you’re in.
Calican snorts, but you shoot him a glare and he shuts up. You’re only here because he’s paying well for your mechanical skills, enough that his request of an extra hand on his first bounty seemed reasonable. Finding out that he’s hunting Fennec Shand was...less than pleasing, but now that the Mando is onboard, you’re not quite so worried about the outcome. They’re supposed to be fearsome warriors, after all. And he was smart enough to figure out how to wait out Shand, which is what the three of you have been doing for hours.
“I’m just saying,” you continue, “between the armour and the gloves, it must be damn near impossible to find your Soulmate.”
He shrugs. Sort of. It’s kind of hard to tell, to be honest.
“Haven’t you heard the stories?” Calican asks, flopping back onto the sand. “Mandalorians don’t have Soulmates. They start seeing colour after their first battle; war is their only destiny.”
You roll your eyes. They’re folk tales, really, and ridiculous ones at that. Every sentient has at least one Soulmate, romantic, platonic, familial, or otherwise, and there’s no reason for Mandalorians to be any different. Still, the stories make their rounds. There are specific ones, too, like the one about the Mandalorian Jedi who made the Darksaber; he was said to see colour when he lit his weapon for the first time. Fett, too, was said to have seen a new colour with every clone that was decanted—which is mildly ridiculous.
“Maybe the Mandalorians of old,” Mando comments with a scoff. “Not many of us see battle these days.”
“Well, if you’re looking for it, I know a krayt dragon a few hundred klicks away,” you suggest lightly.
He snorts. “No thanks. I’ll take the assassin.”
“Speaking of,” you said, “you guys know I’m just a mechanic, right?”
There’s a pause. Calican nods, but the Mando is still.
“What?” he asks, displeasure in his voice.
“I mean, I’m pretty good with a blaster, but I’m gonna be useless against Fennec Shand.”
Mando whirls on Calican. “You paid a mechanic to be your back-up? Are you insane?”
He shrugs. “(Y/N) has a mean right hook.”
“That’s not reassuring,” Mando huffs. He looks over at you and you can almost feel him glaring through the visor. “Are you crazy?”
“I’m broke,” you scoff. “Same thing. Oh, hey, do you need repairs on that hunk of junk you pilot? I’ll be more thorough than that lady at the hangar.”
He hesitates. “We’ll see.”
You grin. That’s not a no.
“You’re a prick, did I mention that?” you hiss over your shoulder.
Calican shoves the blaster into your side. “Shut up and keep walking.”
The Mandalorian stands on the other side of the hangar, waiting for Calican to make his move. Seriously, this day could not be going any worse. After killing Shand, Toro Calican, certified dumbass, decided that kidnapping you and the Mandalorian’s—pet? Child?—passenger was the best way to go. Whatever the little weird thing that’s in your arms is, it’s pretty cute, and you’d rather he shoot you than the baby holding tightly onto your shirt. In fact, he probably will, because the kid is his ticket into the Guild—you’re just dead weight.
“Looks like I’m calling the shots now. Huh, partner?” Calican asks the Mando. “Drop your blaster and raise ‘em.”
The Mandalorian puts his hands behind his head. Next to you, Calican pushes Peli forward and instructs her to cuff him. With a huff, she moves behind the Mandalorian with the intent to follow orders.
“You’re a Guild traitor, Mando,” Calican begins. You consider sighing. This sounds like the start of a villain monologue. “And I’m willing to bet that this here is the target you helped escape. Fennec was right. Bringing you in won’t just make me a member of the Guild, it’ll make me legendary.”
In a burst of light, the Mandalorian sets off a flash grenade.
You yelp and tuck the little thing into your arms before tucking yourself over into a roll down the ramp of the ship. You fall into the sand just in front of the Mandalorian, who’s moved to fire a shot at Calican, sending him flying off the other side, smouldering.
Breathing heavily, you sit up, the child still in your arms.
“Are you okay? Is the child?”
You look up. The Mandalorian has his gloved hand held out, offering to help you up. Hesitantly, you take it and pull yourself off the ground.
“We’re both okay—I think,” you say hesitantly, holding the baby out to him. “Is he—?”
“Dead,” the Mando confirms, taking the child from you.
You frown. “Good riddance. Thank you,” you tell him hesitantly, though your tone is genuine.
“It’s nothing,” he murmurs.
He distracts himself by checking on the child, who coos up at him contentedly. You smile a little at the interaction, but put yourself back into focus.
“It’s not nothing,” you say firmly. “I owe you a life debt.”
He freezes. “What?”
“Where I come from, if someone saves your life, you owe it to them. Until I can save your life, I owe you,” you explain.
“That’s—you don’t need to do that,” he says quickly.
You cross your arms. “It’s like your Way. It’s my culture, my honour on the line. You’re stuck with me, Mando.”
“What? No. Can’t you...pay me, or something?”
“I’m broke, remember?”
“You saved the child’s life, doesn’t that count?”
Your eyebrows shoot up. “I rolled with him. You did the work, so, no, it doesn’t count, even though he’s your…” You hesitate, remembering the word. “...foundling.”
“You know, you’re kind of getting the better end of the deal here,” Peli pipes up, directing the thought at the Mandalorian. “A free mechanic, babysitter, and an extra blaster? That’s a bargain.”
“Uh...pre-warning, I don’t know much about child care,” you warn immediately.
He snorts. “Neither do I.” After a moment, he sighs deeply. “Fine. But we’re going to work on those blaster skills before you become a liability.”
“Fair enough.”
Sticking with the Mandalorian is probably the worst decision of your life.
Almost immediately after Tatooine, in need of more funds, he drags you into trouble with another group of bounty hunters and the New Republic, of all groups.
“Who is this?” someone asks, her voice sing-song as she enters the Mandalorian’s ship.
You don’t bother turning around, continuing your repairs on a hull panel. “The mechanic. Don’t touch anything.”
“You have a personal mechanic?”
A few people enter the ship, making you finally turn around. The first speaker is a Twi’lek woman and the second a Human, who squints disdainfully. From behind him, Mando pushes past their little crew—including a protocol droid and a massive Devaronian—to approach you, deciding to stand next to you rather than them, which brings you immense pleasure for some reason.
“No. (Y/N) owes me a life debt and, apparently, credits don’t cut it,” he explains shortly, sounding frustrated and exhausted.
You nudge him companionably—it’s an argument you’ve had a few times, the paying of your debt. He doesn’t want to be free of you, per se, but he doesn’t want you to be in his debt. Having that kind of power or hold over you makes him uncomfortable, you can tell, as every time it comes up he gets twitchy.
“Kinky,” the Twi’lek snickers.
You grimace. That would explain why Mando sounds like he wants to die. “Fun group. What’s the job?”
“One of theirs got caught. We’re getting him out,” he says. “And we’re using our ship.”
Our ship. Maybe it’s a slip of the tongue or maybe he’s making it clear that you’re with him, but either way, it brings a smirk to your face. The Twi’lek looks disgusted.
“Well, at least my hard work won’t be going to waste,” you huff.
“Mando,” the Twi’lek interrupts, “you haven’t introduced us.”
You can feel him rolling his eyes. “(Y/N), meet Mayfeld, Burg, Xi’an. Mayfeld is running point, the droid is flying, and the target is a New Republic transport ship.”
“Ugh. You guys better be good; I’m not getting arrested.”
“Mayfeld’s former Imperial,” Mando says before any of them can answer.
You scoff. “A stormtrooper? My shitty blaster skills would be better than his.”
“I wasn’t a stormtrooper,” Mayfeld spits, annoyed enough that he must’ve said it once already. “Let’s get this show on the road.”
All but the droid stay, scattered around the hull. Mando follows soon after the jump to hyperspace, having hovered over the droid while it set their course. He stops Burg from getting into the weapons cache right after he hops down the ladder and the two look like they want to kill each other.
“Someone tell me why we even need a Mandalorian,” the Devaronian grunts.
Mayfeld huffs. “Well, apparently, they’re the greatest warriors in the galaxy. So they say.”
“Then why are they all dead?”
They all laugh at that—Xi’an with a particularly nasal one, which is irritating beyond belief. You frown deeply, but try not to show how pissed their laughter makes you. That sort of shit isn’t to be made fun of; a dying race. It’s all too familiar these days, what with the death of Alderaan and the crater on Scarif.
When you come back into focus, Xi’an is talking in low tones.
“See, I know who you really are,” she says to the Mando.
You roll your eyes. Unlikely.
(Something in your brain goes: I do, which is stupid. You don’t know who he is, under that helmet, sure, but you’ve seen a lot of him through his actions. He’s reckless, terrifying, and a badass, but he’s also patient and...kind, in his own way. The way he treats the child is like nothing you’ve seen in another bounty hunter. It’s gentle, caring. The kid has really grown on him, you think. And the way he treats you is just straight up polite, even though you’re practically his servant in terms of a life debt. Still, he treats you like a person and doesn’t ask you to do unreasonable favours just because he saved your life. He doesn’t hold it over your head.)
And then they start goading him about the helmet.
Burg actually goes for it, which Mando beats him back for. You jump forward, but just as you do, the door to the sleeping cot flies open, revealing the child.
Instead, you rush to the child, pulling him into your arms.
“What is that?” Mayfeld asks, approaching.
“Back off,” you hiss.
He looks between you and Mando. “Wait, did you two make that?” When you scoff, he frowns. “What is it, like a pet or somethin’?”
“Yeah. Something like that,” Mando says quickly.
Xi’an frowns. “Didn’t take you for the type. Maybe that code of yours has made you soft.”
You snort. Soft. That isn’t a word you’d use to describe him, ever. You haven’t seen very much action since Tatooine, but you saw enough there.
Mayfeld reaches for the child and, without hesitation, you lift your blaster. The way he’s looking at the little guy makes you uneasy.
“Fuck off,” you warn instantly.
“Aw, c’mon, I just wanna hold him,” he teases.
Over the comms, the droid’s voice echoes. “Dropping out of hyperspace. Now.”
The entire ship shudders and shakes, sending everyone flying off their feet. You happen to ram into beskar, your face slamming into the metal, which makes you yelp. The baby wails in your arms as gravity makes to tug you away again. Before it can, Mando grabs your arms and holds you in place against him until the ship is steady once more.
“You okay?” he asks, helping you to your feet—again, you think miserably.
“Ugh, no,” you groan, putting a hand on the left side of your face. “That’s gonna bruise.”
Mando takes the child from you. “Sorry. We’ll deal with it after.”
You wave him off. “I’ve had worse. You worry about the job, I’ll watch the kid,” you say, taking the child back. You can’t help but smile when he coos happily.
“Right,” Mando mutters. For a moment, he watches you both, considering.
“Mando!” calls Mayfeld. “Let’s go!”
Before he goes, he puts a hand on your shoulder. “Be careful. I have a bad feeling about this.” You nod, which seems to appease him, and watch him leave.
Petting the child’s floppy ears, you wonder if he meant that to be as comforting as it was.
I should’ve known, Din thinks when Qin walks out of that cell.
I definitely should’ve known, he decides, returning to the Razor Crest to find a sparking droid corpse and a shaking child in your arms.
He tosses the cuffed Twi’lek to the side and rushes to yours, stepping over Zero’s limp form. You look relatively unfazed, for someone who’s just ripped a droid’s head off with their bare hands, but the child is rather distressed. The kid squeaks at the sight of Din and, much to his surprise, lifts your hand to show him.
It’s bleeding.
“What did you do?” Din questions, crossing the hull for his medical kit.
“I...may have tried to punch the droid,” you admit hesitantly. “It didn’t work.”
He scoffs, returning to kneel in front of you with bacta patches in his hands. “No karking shit.”
Your face falls as he reaches for your hand, pulling it toward him so he can patch it up. “It was gonna hurt the kid.”
“You did good,” he murmurs. “Stupid, but good.”
It never occurred to him that you might save the child again. You’re here out of necessity, after all, because you owe him, because your honour depends on paying that debt. The child is just another being in the vicinity, but you still saved him. Again. You’re either very stupid or very kind and he can’t decide which one is more concerning.
“Maybe you should teach me a bit of hand to hand, too,” you suggest warmly, wincing at the bacta’s sting.
Din makes a noise that’s sort of a laugh. “I’ll add it to the list.”
He moves to put bacta on the bruise his beskar gave you—He feels ridiculously guilty for that; here you are, paying off a life debt to him, and he still manages to hurt you—but with a hand, you stop him.
“Don’t waste it,” you say immediately. “I’ve had worse bruises, seriously.”
He frowns. “It’s not a waste.” Before you can protest, he puts the patch on top of the bruise.
You huff. “You’re a worrier, aren’t you, Mando?”
“Apparently,” he replies dryly. He hadn’t realised it, either.
“Will you stop flirting and get us out of here!?” Qin shouts from the other side of the hull. “The New Republic will be on our asses!”
You roll your eyes. “I hate to say it, but he has a point. Where are the others?”
“Dealt with,” he says simply. “It was a double-cross.”
“Well, I figured,” you shoot back with a knowing look. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”
The drop is easy enough, especially since Din knows that New Republic signal is beeping steadily from Qin’s pocket. He escapes quickly, dipping back into the Razor Crest, where you wait at the top of the ramp, the child hanging onto your boot.
“Let’s go,” he declares, the ramp shutting behind him as he enters.
“Already?” you question with a raised eyebrow. “There are a few repairs I could make out of hyperspace that might be useful.”
He waves you toward the cockpit. “Later. We need to leave.”
“Oookay.” You frown but do as he says, plucking the child from off your foot. “C’mon, little guy,” you mutter to him.
Din waves away all your questions as he starts the take-off. Finally, when the Razor Crest is a safe distance away from the space station and X-Wings appear out of hyperspace, he glances back at you.
“Holy shit!” you cry as they open fire. You look back at him with a slack jaw, which makes him smile underneath the helmet. “That was you, wasn’t it?”
He shrugs half-heartedly, but it’s enough of an answer.
“You’re a maniac, Mando,” you laugh, watching the scene through the transparisteel.
Din thinks over it, staring at you for a long moment. There’s light in your eyes—maybe it’s the reflection of the explosion, but it’s captivating.
“Din,” he says.
You look over. “Hm?”
He clears his throat, trying to shove aside nerves. “My name. It’s Din.”
“Oh. Oh,” you repeat, eyes wide. Then, you smile, more genuine than he’s ever seen from you, he thinks. “You’re crazy, Din. You know that, right?”
He laughs—and that’s the first time you’ve heard a proper one from him. “Yeah. Yeah, I know.”
When Din drops a pair of gloves in front of you, you laugh.
“You’re telling me the gloves are out of convenience?” you ask him disbelievingly.
“The more skin you cover, the less likely you are to get cut up by a vibroblade,” he replies dryly. “Put them on.”
You raise your hands in surrender and take them, slipping them over your fingers. “Surprisingly comfy.”
It occurs to you that this is...sort of a big deal. You’ve kept your hands bare for as long as you can remember, mostly because you’re a romantic and finding your Soulmate has been at the forefront of your mind for a long time. But now, you think, it’s not such a big deal. You have a debt to pay and, besides that, you’re pretty happy with how things are now.
Life isn’t exactly nice with Din and the kid, so to say, but you’re content. You love the child and he adores you. The Razor Crest feels more like home than any planet ever has. And Din is...well, he’s something. Being around him is mildly addicting and whenever he’s gone, something feels incomplete.
“Better?” you ask, lifting your gloved hands.
“Much,” he says. Then, he holds out his own hand. “C’mon, up.”
You take the hand without thought, but before you know it, he’s swinging you around and shoving you to the ground.
“Ow!” you cry. “What the hell, Din?”
He huffs. “Lesson 1: Never take anything for granted.”
“Rude.” You hit his arm meaningfully, but he just rolls his eyes; just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean you can’t tell it’s happening.
“You’ll thank me someday.”
“But not today.”
“Nope. Today, you’re gonna hate my guts.”
He’s dying.
It feels unreal, what with everything you’ve watched him survive so far. A newbie bounty hunter, a group of pissed off bounty hunters, lots of bounty hunters, and the New Republic but a group of stormtroopers is what gets him?
Moff Gideon is what really gets him, though. The bastard that helped destroy his people is going to destroy Din Djarin. Hearing him speak Din’s name makes you nauseous, furious, even. He gave you that name in confidence, trusted it to you, the only one of his handful of friends to even use it, and Gideon decides to declare it to Nevaroo in its entirety. It makes your blood boil, enough that you get out of the initial firefight mostly unscathed.
But Din doesn’t. And now he’s dying in your arms and you feel like you failed.
“Go with them,” he tells you, all croaky and half-assed.
“No. No, I’m not leaving you here,” you declare, carefully leaning him against the rubble.
Flames flicker all around the room and the child is crying. It’s not loud or consistent, but it’s enough to break your heart.
“You have to go,” Din says again. “You’ll die.”
You laugh ruefully. “That’s kind of the point. A life debt means I save your life or I die trying.”
A pause.
“You have got to be fucking kidding me,” he hisses through the pain.
“Afraid not, dumbass. You’re stuck with me, remember?”
He grasps your arm, his hands still gloved. If you’re going to die here, maybe you should ask him to take off the gloves. A part of you has wondered…
“C’mon, tell me it’s transferable—some ‘dying wish’ shit like that.”
You nod, though the action sinks uncomfortably into your chest. Leaving him here...that doesn’t sit well with you. But if he asks, then you’ll do it. “Yeah, you name it, but it’d better be a big one, something equivalent.”
The breath he lets out is one of relief. “Take care of the kid. Go find his people and return him to them. Protect him.”
“With my dying breath,” you swear, the words holding an air of ceremony.
Din grasps your arm tighter and pulls you down, your forehead meeting his helmet. You’re not sure what it means, but it must mean something because he mutters words in his own language, which you’ve never heard him do before.
“Ret’urcye mhi.”
May we meet again.
Din does what little he can in saying goodbye to you, as deeply as that cuts. You’ve grown on him, a little too much maybe, and it kills him to think that you’ll be without him now. You still can’t hit a headshot, he realises, suddenly worried for how you’ll fare.
And so he gives you what he can: a Keldabe kiss and a goodbye, instead of the action he wants to take. He wants to take off his gloves and see if he can figure out the colour of your eyes. On the other hand, though, he doesn’t want to leave you with that, of all things, to leave you seeing the red of his blood and the blue-tinged orange of the flames before any other colours.
You take the child in your arms and, with one last glance at Din, leave the room for the covert’s tunnels underground.
The child whimpers up at you.
You look down, sniffling, and pet his ears gently. “I know, little one. I’m so sorry.” You place a gentle kiss to his forehead.
Cara appears, tugging on your wrist. “C’mon,” she says gently. “We need to get out of here.”
It occurs to you, as the three of you and Greef move on, that Cara might help you with the child. For Din, obviously. She’s a good person and, frankly, she and Din seem pretty friendly. The second she saw you, she’d offered her bare hand and bemoaned the fact that her vision was still black and white, much to your amusement. It was all in good fun, but Din had looked a little uncomfortable, for reasons you didn’t know.
“(Y/N),” Cara says quietly, calling your attention back.
You shake yourself from your thoughts. “Sorry.”
She smiles sadly. “It’s okay. Just keep up.”
The small group turns a few corners before footsteps sound from behind. You immediately place the child in the bag hanging from Cara’s shoulder and draw your blaster, watching her and Greef do the same.
From the distant hall, two figures approach: IG-11 and—
“Din!” you half-cry, half-breathe out. Holstering your blaster, you meet them halfway to take more of Din’s weight from IG. “How—?”
“No living thing can see me without my helmet. IG isn’t alive,” Din says dryly.
You laugh, a partly manic sound. “Thank kark. You’re not getting out of this that easy.”
The noise he makes is both amused and resigned. “Wouldn’t dream of it. Where’s the—?”
“He’s with Cara,” you say, finishing the thought before even he can, in his groggy state.
It’s safe to say that when the Armourer gives him his sigil, Din almost considers correcting the Clan of two to a Clan of three. He doesn’t, reminding himself that you’re here because of a debt and nothing else, but the thought is there.
The months after Nevarro are more peaceful than the first week of your time with Din. 
You finally get to pull a proper sleeping space together for yourself. Well, it’s a hammock in the hull, but it’s better than the seats in the cockpit. The child gets his own hammock, too, though it’s in the cot space with Din. He loves it, so much so that he squeals when he sees it. That’s your proudest moment, for sure.
Most days, you tend to forget that you still owe a life debt. To be honest, it just feels like the three of you are normal. Din takes bounties, you take short mechanic jobs on different planets, and the two of you trade off on child-duty. It’s pretty regular, more than what your life used to be, anyway.
Din is still training you in hand-to-hand and blasters, of course. You’re getting better with the latter, but the first is difficult. On the way to Tatooine, where there’s supposedly another Mandalorian, he decides to have another training session.
“Fists higher, do it again.”
Huffing, you wipe your wrist across your sweaty forehead. It’s easy enough to obey the order—the first part, anyway. Getting into his guard is difficult, though.
One hit, two blocks—there. You slip under his guard and make an abrupt drop to the ground, sweeping his legs out under him with a fierce movement. He goes down in a tumble of beskar, joining you on the floor. As soon as he’s down, you flip over and straddle his hips, an arm over his neck in false threat.
He barks out a laugh. “Much better.”
“I’m not entirely hopeless!” you declare joyfully before bursting into snickers.
Leaning down, you thunk your forehead against his helmet. The gesture is fond, you’ve learned, something shared between close companions—or at least you think. Din told you that it’s called a mirshmure’cya in Mando’a, that it doesn’t have an equivalent word in Basic.
(Which is technically true. Literally, it means brain-kiss, but the outsider term for it is Keldabe kiss. It can be used for close companions—vode in arms, family—but it’s also used for romantic partners, so he’s mildly horrified at the idea of explaining its cultural significance to you and having to face his feelings for someone that may or may not be his Soulmate. He hasn’t gotten up the courage to ask if he can check. Or try to do it discreetly.)
A distant beeping starts up, coming from the cockpit. It’s the approach warning, which means the training session is over.
“I’ll get the kid,” you say, climbing off Din and offering a hand.
He takes it without hesitation, dragging himself up and making a beeline for the cockpit.
Tatooine is about what you remember. That is, it’s dry, sandy, and the worst planet you’ve ever been on. Stepping out of the ship and into the hangar makes you smile, though, at the not-so-distant memory of Din saving your life. It hasn’t been that long, but it feels like it’s been years.
“Oh, hey!” says Peli, after greeting the child—which is fair, he’s adorable. “You’re still with him! Haven’t repaid that debt yet, huh?”
Your face falls. “Uh, no, not really.”
On the way to Mos Pelgo, your thoughts linger on the life debt. One of these days, you’re going to save Din’s life—then where will you be? Will he want you to leave? What will you do if you have to leave? Your old life was nowhere near as interesting as this, nor did you have anyone close to what Din and the child are to you.
The dreary grey slopes of sand only make it easier to think of the worst possible outcomes. Now you remember why you hated Tatooine so much.
You don’t even realise the speeder is approaching the small town until Din taps your arm, which is wrapped around his waist. Jumping at the touch, you loosen your grip sheepishly and glance at the child, who looks like he’s enjoying himself immensely.
After the speeder comes to a stop, you take the kid while Din enters the cantina.
When you enter yourself, you find that he’s about to shoot someone, while the Weequay behind the bar looks rather distressed.
“Perfect timing, as always,” Din remarks without a glance.
You raise your free hand. “You’re the bad luck charm, I’m just here for the ride,” you retort teasingly.
“You brought a kid to a gunfight?” his opponent asks, raising an eyebrow.
Finally, you glance over at him and see why Din looks ready to kill him. He’s in Mandalorian armour but his helmet is off—clearly, he’s not Mandalorian. “You’re wearing beskar and you’re not a Mandalorian, buddy. I think you’re in more trouble than the kid is.”
“He is,” Din gets out, a twinge of viciousness in his voice.
Before they can even reach for their blasters, though, the ground starts to shake.
You grab onto the doorway for support, eyes wide as you grip the child. Din and the Mandalorian poser move toward the door, joining you and staring out at the street outside.
The entire planet feels like it rumbles and chaos reigns outside.
Something is moving the sand—coming toward the town.
“Holy fuck,” you whisper as it goes by, shifting the sand like it’s an ocean rather than earth. It flies out of the ground, sharp teeth the only thing you see as it consumes a bantha whole.
When it’s gone, the poser huffs. “Maybe we can work something out.” He turns to you, offering a hand, which is covered by fingerless gloves. “Cobb Vanth. I’m the Marshal here.”
You take it hesitantly, glad that things are still black and white when you make contact. “(Y/N).”
He notices your hesitation and chuckles. “The Weequay in there is Sala, my Soulmate. I’ll see if they can’t whip up something for the kid; I’m sure he’s starving.”
“Very,” you say, just before he goes to leave.
When it’s just you and Din, you look over at your companion. “Krayt dragon, huh?”
“Yep,” he sighs, already sounding tired.
You laugh. “I know I said I could bring you to one when we met, but I was totally kidding.”
He looks over at you and you can feel the low-level glare behind the visor, but it only makes you snicker. “I hate you.”
“You’re so full of shit,” you retort immediately.
You finally get to repay your debt.
It’s not what you’re thinking about when you shove Din out of the way of the krayt’s projectile venom, but it’s repaid nonetheless.
Din doesn’t think of it immediately, either, as he’s rather more concerned with the fact that you’re sent flying across the desert into a pile of debris and sharp rocks.
Before he can run to you, Cobb grabs his arm. “The dragon!”
To be honest, killing the dragon feels like a bonus when he pulls himself together and figures out a plan. When the great beast explodes, the Tuskens and the villagers cheer, but Din races back to the place he saw you last. He pushes aside the remains of one of those massive weapons they built to find you, laying on the ground. For a moment, panic clutches his heart, but then you groan.
“Am I dead?” you ask.
Din lets out a breath, hardly managing it, as he kneels next to you. “Dumbass.”
“Because it feels like I’m dead.”
“Dumbass,” he repeats, ripping your shirt away to find a deep cut in your side, just above your hip. “Of all the ways to pay your debt—”
You sit up, wincing. “Oh,” you say, as if you hadn’t realised it, “I guess I did that, too.”
Din’s heart is still beating a million klicks a second at how close you were to being dead, but for a second, it flips, realising that you hadn’t saved him just to pay the debt. And then, as he’s helping you off the ground and bringing you toward the others, who have bacta patches ready, his heart sinks.
Your debt is paid. You don’t have any reason to stay with him and the kid. As soon as you get back to the city, he’s going to have to watch you leave.
Shit. He didn’t think this through.
Meanwhile, you’re on the same train of thought. Does he really think you saved him for the debt? Does he want you gone that bad? It makes sense. You’re a pain in the ass, with all the training you need. But...well, you thought he might’ve—
“I’ve changed my mind,” you declare.
Din, terrified, attempts to sound neutral. “About?”
“The worst job we’ve ever taken. This is definitely it,” you huff as he helps you down onto a smoother boulder, taking patches from a Tusken.
He goes to use them, but you raise a hand.
“If you even think about getting near my wound with those nasty gloves, I’m going to skin you,” you threaten.
Frankly, Din is too shaken to even laugh. The silence lays there, stilted, as he removes his gloves and sits somewhat behind you, on another close stone. You’ve taken yours off, too, seeing as one is ripped all the way through.
He’s careful with the bacta patch and his bare hands, making sure not to touch your skin.
Now, of all moments, would be the worst time to find out that you really don’t have a reason to stay.
While he works, he thinks, briefly, that he should say something. “(Y/N),” he starts to say. “I—”
But that happens to be the moment he’s putting the bacta patch on. You suck in a sharp breath through your teeth, wincing. Your hand flies out, reaching for something to ground you. Of course, because something out there has it out for you, you grab his hand, forgetting that his gloves are, for once in his life, not there.
You realise, ridiculously, that his hand is warm.
And then the world around you explodes into colour.
The faded yellow of the surrounding desert is overwhelming with how it burns into your eyes alongside the brilliant blue of the sky. The surrounding Tuskens are in browns and greys, simple things, but so, so beautiful to your new sight. You breathe out, a shaky action.
Behind you, Din comes to see the same, but his gaze is stuck on the back of your head—the (h/c) of your hair and how the light catches in it, despite it being a complete mess.
You barely have the breath to gasp, but you do, whirling around to face him.
His beskar is beyond what you’d pictured: a shining, sparkling silver that could stand out on a star. No wonder rooms fall silent at the sight of him.
Din has the same thought about your eyes. On death’s door, all he’d wanted was to know what colour they are and now he knows, but it feels so useless now. He doesn’t even know what to call them. Sure, (e/c) would work, however weakly. You are...something else. You always have been, but now it’s like he can see it, the beauty of who you are so plainly painted into your features.
Din doesn’t even have the time to be afraid of your reaction before the words are slipping out. “I don’t want you to go.”
You just stare at him for a long moment, words processing.
It...kind of freaks him out.
He jumps when you fling yourself at him, arms wrapped around his shoulders in the tightest hug he’s ever gotten. Immediately, he responds, clutching the back of your shirt like it’ll save his life.
“Thank the Force,” you breathe out, just beside where his ear is under the helmet. “I don’t wanna leave.”
Din lets out a breath of relief and tugs you closer so you’re practically sitting on his lap. It can’t be comfortable, but you don’t seem to mind. When you do finally pull away, it’s to press your forehead against his helmet. It sends a swell of affection through him again, your constant Keldabe kisses. He taught you something important to his culture, to him, and here you are, using it without thought.
“Is it too late to tell you that this is the Mandalorian equivalent of a kiss?” he murmurs, more than a little embarrassed.
You laugh softly, arms reaching to rest around his neck. “And I thought you were so cool.”
“I just blew up a krayt dragon,” he argues.
“Oh, you’re plenty badass, Din,” you tease back, “just...not smooth.”
He huffs. “I’m gonna kick your ass next training session.”
A grin comes over your face and, for a second, he can’t comprehend why that would make you smile—until he realises that he just promised a next time. You’d genuinely believed he wanted you gone and Din thought you wanted to leave, but neither of you were right. 
A whine from below catches both your attention.
The child reaches up from the ground, making grabby hands.
You laugh, a noise Din echoes quietly, and pluck him from the ground, holding him in your careful hands. “Hey, buddy. Feeling left out?”
He squeaks a confirmation, his little hands—green hands, you realise, deeply amused—reaching for Din’s helmet. Once he has a comfortable hand, he bashes his head against the helmet.
Din yelps, not out of pain, but concern, grabbing for the kid, who wobbles dizzily.
“Oh, shit—” Din says.
“Woah, woah,” you get out between wheezing laughs. “Don’t do that! His head is much harder than yours.”
The kid makes a weak huff and curls against Din’s chest stubbornly.
“I think that was an attempted kiss,” you suggest to Din.
Underneath his helmet, he grins. Petting the child’s head with a gentle finger, he looks back up at you. “It was cute.”
“Very,” you agree.
Without prompting, Din reaches for your hand again, a little hesitant. You take his gladly, running your thumb across his knuckles, which makes him shiver.
“Clan of three,” he whispers.
You lift your gaze. “Hm?”
“The Armourer, she said, ‘Clan of two’ when she gave me my sigil,” he explains. “I wanted to correct her then.”
The smile on your face is beyond words. “Clan of three has a ring to it. You’re stuck with me for good now, Din Djarin.”
He snorts and raises your hand to his helmet, touching it briefly to the metal in lieu of kissing it.
Tatooine might be the worst place in the universe, Din thinks that it doesn’t matter so much where he is. Sitting here, with you and the kid, he thinks that this might be home.
River’s Tags: @hahaboop & @mystoragehatesme
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levis-hazelnut · 4 years
Levi x Reader Smile For Me
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Summary: you were found curled up outside HQ, basically on the brink of death. However, Levi finds you and takes you to the infirmary. To his surprise, Erwin enlists you as a scout.
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Levi's POV "Levi, where's your squad?" Commander Eyebro-- I mean, Erwin asked. "I don't know. Probably picking each other's noses or some sh*t like that." "Go get them. We need to go get supplies." I sighed, walking away to look for my squad of idiots, who I didn't want to bring along since they would just mess around. I went into the castle, hearing loud chatter and laughter so I went towards the source. Opening the door to the mess hall, I find them sitting around a table. "What the hell are you guys doing? I told you to be at the stables after breakfast." "We were playing truth or dare." "Get your a*ses outside." They all followed me in silence; I'm guessing it was because they didn't want to irritate me any further. All of us got on our horses, me and Erwin at the front, and we were about to leave until we saw something the size of a human scrunched up in a ball. I jumped off of my horse and crouched down as I frowned. I scrunched my nose up in disgust, brushing the unruly hair from their face and I saw (E/C) eyes half-open, staring up at me. I was able to see the bones under her skin on her face, arms and legs, while the rest of her body was covered by a scruffy dress. She looked as if she was on the brink of death, pale and weak, and she seemed to have trouble to breathe. I didn't think she would be able to walk in this state, or maybe even stay alive for a few more days. 
When I stood up and looked at Erwin, he had just leapt off from his horse and neared me.
"What's wrong?" "This girl looks like she's going to die anytime soon." "Let's take her to the infirmary." I nodded and went back to the girl, crouching down again and scooping her up to carry her to the infirmary, which wasn't far. I asked them to take my horse back to the stables before they left to get supplies without me. Normal POV You laid on the most comfortable bed you've ever been on. Out of a window, you could see the bright, azure blanket illuminated by the radiant sun.
Before you had slept, for however long, you weren't able to breathe properly but now you were able to with ease. Though you felt a lot better than before, your stomach was still growling for some food. You brushed your hand over your stomach, feeling the soft and clean clothes you had on your body. The door opened, making your eyes to flit there and you gripped the pristine sheets, terrified to find someone walking in. He had blonde hair, blue orbs that radiated a warmth that made you feel comfortable. He gave you a smile and approached you. You've never seen him before, but he's acting so casually around you. "Do you feel better?" You stayed silent, not wanting to talk to this mysterious man even though he seems benign. "I'm guessing you're hungry after sleeping for two days." He passed you a tray of food, your eyes beaming at the amount there was. Almost immediately, you picked up the spoon and popped a bit of food into your mouth. "Do you like it?" he asked to which you shyly nodded. "One of my men made it. And I don't think he'll make it again, so you're lucky." "Thank you..." you trailed off, wanting to know his name. "Erwin." "Thank you, Erwin," you said quietly. "If you can move, there's a room for you. I'm going to let you stay here and enlist you as a scout." As you listened to what he was saying, you scoffed the food down. You had a bit of food on the corner of your mouth which Erwin wiped with a tissue as he subconsciously smiled. "What's your name?" "...I don't have one..." You stopped eating and kept your eyes on the plate. "Where's your family?" "I don't know..." The blonde had a slight crease in between his eyebrows before he asked another question. "Do you have a home?" "No." "Well, you can call this place home now," he grinned, trying to get a smile on your face, but it didn't work. "If you have any questions or uncertainties about anything, come to me." You gave a mere nod as he got up to leave, taking the tray from your lap since it appeared as if you weren't that hungry anymore.
No place has felt like a home to you, but this place does, you felt so comfortable. After a while of staring into space, a knock on the door snapped you out of your trance. A man you recognised came in, but you couldn't remember where you've seen him. "How are you feeling?" Silence. "So, you're just going to ignore the person that rescued you from death?" His tone had a bite to it, however, you seemed unfazed by his sharp character. That's where you saw him; he was the one who picked you up and brought you here before you would slowly die away. His grey orbs before were pooled with concern then, but now, they hold no emotion whatsoever. He took slow steps towards your bed. "Thank you for saving me. I'm in your debt." "Tch. I didn't save you so I could have something in return." He crossed his arms. "Anyway, Erwin asked me to take you to your room." Slowly getting up, you noticed that you weren't feeling weak anymore and you were able to stand properly without feeling dizzy. Your bare feet padded against the floor, following the raven whose name you have yet to learn. Catching up to him, you walked beside him as you fiddled with your fingers. "Why are you nervous?" he suddenly questioned. You slightly shrugged as a small blush crawled onto your cheeks. "You aren't much of a talker, are you? Well, that's a good thing because I don't want another brat giving me a headache." Brat? He's being harsh with the person he saved and someone he barely knows, and he thinks he can call you a brat? Whatever, it's not like you're going to stand up for yourself. And it’s not the worst treatment that you’ve been given. "When we get to your room, have a shower. You smell like sh*t." You understand that you would stink and you aren't in the cleanest state, but does he have to be so critical? Upon reaching your room, he fished a key out of his pocket to unlock the door, allowing you to step inside as he passed you the key, which you took from his hand, your fingers skimming his which he clicked his tongue to. "Be ready in eight minutes. I'm taking you to Erwin's office." And with that, he left. Why was he so specific about the time? ~/~ "Do you have any experience with fighting?" You shook your head meekly as you sat on a chair on the other side of Erwin's desk, fidgeting with your hands which were slightly damp with sweat. You've never seen these people until two days ago, or even an hour ago, so you were afraid of these new people. Can you trust them? "What were you doing before you stumbled across this place?" "I-I was homeless. I w-would eat the leftovers of what people threw out and people b-beat me up for no reason. I wasn't able to make any friends and I n-never knew my family. I d-d-don't even know my name." Erwin stood up with an expression of sympathy and went towards you, crouching by your chair and whispered, "You don't need to be frightened here. None of us will beat you up and you will have your own room. You won't need to eat leftovers. Don't worry. You're safe here." Not able to hold back anymore, he hugged you, leaving you and the other male in the room in surprise. "And I'll give you a name." After being in thought, he spoke, "... How about (Y/N)? Do you like it?" "Yes," you replied, almost as if you mouthed the word. "(Y/N) it is. And I don't know if you already know or not, but this is Levi. You can trust us if you don't trust anyone else." He stood back up. You nodded, getting up to leave. "And whenever you're ready to start training, let me know." "Can I start tomorrow?" "... Sure. But don't you think it's a bit too soon. You just recovered from a severe illness." "It's fine." "If that's what you want." You left his office, gently closing the door behind you as you made your way back to your room. "Erwin?" Levi uttered. "Yes?" "Why are you being so gentle with that girl? This isn't a f*cking fairytale where she gets pampered by you. This is a military base, Erwin. She's a freeloader with you treating her like that. No one here takes it easy." "That's enough, Levi. I'm not going to let her take it easy, all my soldiers are treated the same way." "Explain the way you hugged her then." "I was simply comforting her. And I don't why you're complaining, you're the one who brought her here." "It was just so she could be brought back to health. I didn't think you would enlist her as a scout. She has no experience with fighting. What potential does she have?" "A lot. You are dismissed, Levi." Levi clicked his tongue and exited the office. He didn't want another brat to look out for. He just hoped that Erwin would be in command of you instead of him. You better not cause any trouble for him. ~/~ You thrust your fist forward, attempting to punch Erwin but you never liked hurting people so it was a light blow. He let out a light chuckle, shaking his head. "(Y/N), don't be scared to punch me. This is part of your training." You went into an awkward fighting stance which he fixed for you, telling you what to do. You got ready to punch him again and this time, it was stronger but he could tell you weren't putting all your strength into it. "Again." You took a moment to fix your posture before throwing a surprise punch to his stomach. But unfortunately, he saw it coming and made a cross with his arms, nearly stumbling back but he kept his balance. You lifted your leg, kicking it into his side where he wasn't able to block it. He smirked, seeing how you were able to get a hit on him. "Okay. I'm going to attack you and you need to defend yourself now." You nodded, getting ready for any attacks that would be coming your way. He threw his fist at your jaw, knocking your head back. Straight after, he punched you a couple of times at your stomach, causing you to cough up some spit as you bent down, too weak to stand. "Get up." You got up unsteadily, complying to his order. "Defend yourself." For another hour, you trained with Erwin until you were too exhausted to carry on. By the time you stopped, the sun was setting as a wind blew over you, cooling you down after your training. Your skin was drenched in sweat and stained by mud and dirt which you were going to go wash off. "Same time tomorrow." "Okay." You reached your room, stripping your clothes off your body and stepping into the raining water, steam dispersing from the shower. You scrubbed all the grime from your body and washed out the sweat in your hair before grabbing a towel to dry all the water that remained on your flesh before slipping on a fresh uniform.
After, you went to the mess hall for dinner, getting some food and sitting down on an empty table, silently eating your meal, desiring the food that was specially made for you a few days ago. "Why don't you sit with the others?" You looked up, seeing Erwin holding a plate and a smile on his face. You faced the table again, shaking your head. The blonde sighed and sat down opposite you, joining you for dinner.
Levi looked over at you two, thinking, Why is she so special to Eyebrows? He's acting as if he's her dad or some sh*t like that. Erwin tried to get you to speak but you would only say a few words since you were shy and there wasn't really anything you could talk about - he basically already knows everything about you for your life feels like it didn't even start until you came here.
Apart from Erwin, Levi, and someone else called Hanji, you haven’t spoken to anyone else. She's a bit too energetic for your taste, but she has a friendly nature. And even though you speak to them, it's only a few words like 'yes', 'okay', 'thank you'. You don't speak to them as they would speak to each other. You try to avoid interacting with anyone but Erwin always seems to get you to talk, even if it's one word. ~/~ Pinning Erwin’s arms over his head, you straddled his legs, breathing heavily as you wiped the sweat from your forehead with the back of your hand. He smiled, glad to see that you have improved significantly over the past month. You were one of the best scouts he's seen develop and you could maybe even be one of the best scouts in the regiment after you train some more. Now, he can show Levi the potential he saw in you. "Well done, (Y/N)." "Is this what you call training?" a voice inquired to which you looked up to. Blushing, you abruptly got off of Erwin, allowing him to stand up as he dusted off his clothes. You gazed at the ground as the blonde cleared his throat, facing Levi who had his arms crossed over his chest. "I never knew you were the submissive type, Eyebrows." "We were training and I can tell you that (Y/N) is better than you think." "Better at what exactly?" He arched an eyebrow. "Fighting. Stop thinking like that." "Whatever." The raven walked away with the roll of his eyes. "Have a shower and go to the mess hall." "Okay." "And you're training with me is over. I'm going to put you in a squad." You were just getting comfortable with Erwin and now, you're going to have to join a squad of new people you've never even spoken to. Oh, well, it's better than living on the streets. You gave him a nod and strolled back to your room, getting stopped by two young boys, whose names were Eren and Jean. "You've been here for nearly a month weeks, but you haven't spoken to me or anyone else." "Jean, leave her alone." "Why's she so quiet?" "It's a miracle she is," a monotone voice stated from behind you, and you knew who it was. "Both of you, go. Let her go to her room because she needs a shower." Again, he came with the usual criticism. At least, it got those boys to leave you alone as you carried on your journey to your room. ~/~ Over the year, you have become one of the best scouts, joining Levi's squad who had no objection because you still don't talk much and you won't give him a headache like the others. And maybe there's another reason... "Oh, come on, (Y/N)! Take it easy on me!" Eren complained after you had knocked him to the ground with two punches and a kick. You shook your head, putting your jacket on, which you took off to spar with Eren who thought he could beat you after he made a bet with Jean. You went off into the building, getting stopped as soon as you entered. "Cadet Smith," Levi, who was watching you spar, called. (A/N: btw I chose Smith since Erwin took you in as his daughter and you never had a surname before). You turned around and shyly saluted, avoiding eye contact. It could be true that you may have developed feelings for the Corporal over time. He might have been cruel to you at the start, but then he started to be nice to you, well, it's his version of being nice and you think he's only kind to you because Erwin told him to. "I told you that you don't need to salute. Put your arm down." You let your arm hang by your side, still standing there timidly as you could feel his gaze burn into you. When you felt an arm rest around your shoulders, you averted your eyes from the floor, soon realising who it was, relaxing your tensed shoulders. "Is Levi being rude to you again?" Erwin asked. "I was never rude to her," Levi scowled. "You always seemed to frown whenever she was around." "Tch. Why are you here?" "I need to speak to (Y/N)." "I was going to talk to her." "You can in five minutes." Levi clicked his tongue with a roll of his eyes. Why did Erwin have to ruin the opportunity for him to talk to you? All Levi wants to do is hear you say full sentences, see a smile on your face and make you happy because frankly, you aren't/don't do anything of those things and you deserve to be happy, in Levi's opinion. But that blonde man comes in and lets the chance for that to happen slip. Yeah, Erwin may be trying to get you positive as well, but Levi wants to do that before anyone else does. Somehow, it makes him upset to see you gloomy and he wants to fix that. "I'll talk to Erwin first," you softly spoke. Damn, he just wants to hear more of that delicate voice you own. "You like him, don't you?" the Commander whispered once you were out of hearing distance of Levi. "What?" "You like Levi." "W-w-why would I?" "I don't know. I'm not the one who likes him." He ruffled your hair with a smile. "You can tell me anything, I'll keep it between us. "... Yes, I do," you admitted. "Okay. You can go to him now." With a pink hue stained on your face, you made your way to Levi’s office, accidentally stepping sinde without knocking. But he didn't seem to mind when he saw it was you. "Bring me tea," was the only thing he said before dismissing you. You merely nodded, heading for the kitchen as Levi continued with the paperwork. You boiled the water and reached for a mug before pouring it inside the porcelain that had a teabag. You stirred it and let the flavours of the tea infuse the water before picking it up from the surface and went towards his office, meekly knocking on the wooden door. Upon hearing a 'come in', you opened the door and stepped in, closing the door behind you. You placed the cup on his desk, where there was a space free, and stood there silently. "Why are you just standing there? Sit down." Hesitantly, you sat down in the chair opposite him as he took a sip of the tea and you noticed the slight surprise on his visage. "This tea is really good." "Thank you." You blushed and looked down at your hands. He opened a drawer and pulled out a small jar. He took the lid off, showing some cookies that looked appealing to you. "Help yourself. I made them." You were confused; why was he complimenting you? Why was he giving you his homemade cookies? Why was he making small talk which he hates so much? Why is he being so casual? What did he want to talk to you about? What's going on? "Sir?" "Levi," he corrected you. "I already told you that you don't have to address me formally when you're speaking to me alone." "Why are you doing this?" "Tch. Just appreciate that I'm treating you like this." "But why are you?" "..." Silence settled in the room. You didn't want to ask him any more questions since it may infuriate him and he'll probably kick you out, which you don't want to happen. He continued with his work, acting as if he was ignoring your presence. Tch. Why can't I just say it? It's not like she's one of those people who will shun me out of their life. Why do I hesitate? Do I fear rejection? No, of course not. What is it? I just want to see her smile. See a smile enhance her beauty. See her happy. But how the hell is that possible in this world? "(Y/N)Ilikeyou," he confessed quickly and quietly, making it difficult for you to apprehend what he said.     "Sorry?" "Damn it! I like--!" "Shorty!!!" His door slammed open. "What the f*ck do you want?" "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt your date," the brunette grinned as he rolled his eyes. "It isn't a date," he growled. "What do you want?" "I have some more paperwork for you." This is what you barged in here for, you idiot? "Okay. Get out." "Have fun~!" she creepily smirked and closed the door, leaving you two alone again. "You were saying something...?" you inquired. Levi huffed, running a hand through his charcoal locks. "I've been wanting to tell you that I like you," he muttered. Did you hear him right? "Pardon?" "You heard what I f*cking said." "You... like me?" "Tch. Just get out if you have nothing to say." He never even glanced at you. "... I like you, too," you barely murmured. Slightly surprised, his orbs immediately shot to meet yours. He stood up and tipped your head up with his fingers, placing a kiss on your lips, causing you to become a blushing mess. You could taste the tea he previously had and you had to admit, it did taste pretty good. Levi pulled away and gave you the first smile you've seen. "Can you please smile for me?" he whispered, cupping your cheek and brushing his thumb on your skin. Your eyes fluttered away from his steel ones, now pooling with affection and warmth. He tilted your head so you could look at him again. "A woman like you shouldn't be so downhearted." He pressed his lips against yours again for a more passionate kiss. You lidded your eyes, moulding your lips with his as you felt a smile tug at your lips. Once your lips tore away from his, you were still smiling with gleaming orbs gazing up at him. "Thank you." He leaned his forehead against yours, feeling content to see a smile grace your beautiful features.
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imagineurfavs · 3 years
Nu’est - Baekho A-Z
“I knowww you’re in hiatus but would you consider a Baekho A-Z ??? Your last couple asks have me thinking fr”
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A - Aftercare
Boy gets so cuddly afterwards, he just wants to lay together until the end of time lmao, so it’ll probably take him a minute to even think about aftercare. But he’ll probably run a bath or shower for you
B - Body Part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner)
on himself he likes his arms, they’re big and strong, he loves that he can hold you close to him no matter what position yall are in. On his partner he likes their legs, esp when you wrap them around his waist when he’s on top of you...oof...nice.
C - Cum
Likes the intimacy of cumming inside you, but if that’s not an option, he likes to cum on either your stomach or your chest. He’ll glance at it for a second, looking super proud, then rush off all bashful and shy to go get a towel lmao
D - Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
Sometimes he cries when he cums lol. Not bc he's like overly in his feelings or anything like that, like it's just a reflex that happens sometimes and he has no idea why. He won't be like full on bawling either but like you'll look over at him and just see his eyes all glossy with like a single tear drop on his cheek djdjd
E - Experience
It’s a tricky one lmao. I feel like he’s just got a natural way with people lol, he’s a pro at wooing anyone. However, he doesn’t strike me as much of a one night stand kinda guy. Idk, I’d say he’s got a fair amount of experience, but from relationships, so like...its moreso, he’s done it a lot, rather than he’s done a lot of different stuff...yknow??
F - Favourite Position
Anything where he can keep your face close to his and maintain close eye contact. He likes being able to whisper sweet nothing's in your ear and kiss you freely whenever he wants
G - Goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous etc)
I wouldn't say he's humorous per se, but he's just smiley and sweet lol. He likes to keep the atmosphere warm and loving, the last thing he wants is for you to feel uncomfortable in his company
H - Hair (how well groomed are they)
He’s not like, immaculately clean shaven, but he’s not super wild either lol, he keeps it at a middle ground.
I - Intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect)
Mans a total romantic, even in times when yall are in a rush and it's just a question of chasing that climax, even then he's just got words of love flowing non stop out of his mouth
J - Jack Off (Masturbation)
Almost every day, if not every day lol. It’s something he just kinda does without thinking. Like, he’ll be in bed, winding down, relaxing...then without knowing it his hand is in his pants lmao
K - Kinks (one of more of their kinks)
Now, this is where it gets a lil controversial lmao. I dont think Baekho is a dom. Not at all. Just bc he’s a big guy doesn’t mean he’s dominant lol; Baekho is the truest of switches you could ever see. 100% switch lol. He literally just wants to please, he just wants to make you feel good. As for actual kinks, I dont think he has that many that are that out there. He likes some light marking (giving & receiving), edging (receiving), and maybe a tiny hint of a femdom kink.
L - Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Anywhere where y’all can move about freely, that's literally his only requirement lol. He doesn’t wanna be cramped up in a tiny spice, which also means no car sex lol sorry lads 
M - Motivation (What turns them on)
One of the easiest men to rile up on the planet lol. Three things that get Dongho all hot and flustered lol:
1. tell him how much you love his body. (bonus points if you tell him how hot he looks working out and that you appreciate how hard he works for his body lol)
2. Show the tiniest bit of skin, he loves it when you wear a shirt that sits a tiny bit higher than usual and he can see your lower stomach when you move.
3. Literally just hold his gaze for 0.5 seconds longer than usual lol
N - NO (something they won't do, turn offs)
I feel like literally the only thing he’s unwavering on is his stance on three(or more)somes. He’s really not a sharing kinda guy. He doesn't wanna bring someone else in and potentially mess up y’alls dynamic. It’s something he cant even bear thinking about.
O - Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He can be a bit relentless when it come to giving lol, he'll hold your hips down with all his strength as he just totally feasts on your core. Deliberately makes the most lewd noises tryna get you to blush.
When receiving, boy he is LOUD, he'll be talking you through it like "fuuuuuuck yes baby, I know your throat can take all of me" "your pretty lips take me so well" he'll grab your hair and hold your head still as he cums, gets the fattest smirk on his face is he sees his load dripping out the sides of your mouth too,,,,,ooof. But then once again, he'll get all shy and bashful afterwards lol like he can't believe what he just said to you didjdjd
P - Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc)
I don't really think he has any set pace lol it can vary every time. I feel like it'd depend on the vibe of the day, like, if it's been a while and he's missed you beyond belief then it'd be much more slower and sensual. But if it's like,,,gotta chase that nut, then he can get pretty fast. I don't think he'd ever cross over into being rough, but his thrusts can get like, firm and...sharp lmao
Q - Quickies (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc)
Yes yes yes. Loves them. They usually tend to be a lot more giggly and fun than regular full sessions too lol
R - Risk (are they down to experiment, do they take risks?)
Eeeeeeh, a little bit. He's a bit of a baby in terms of pain so I feel like anything that could maybe hurt, even if it's something as simple as spanking or light restraints, could take a little convincing lol. He is definitely down...mans just needs reassuring he won't like die lol
S - Stamina (how many rounds can they go, how long do they last? etc)
I mean, he’s a healthy guy lol, he’s gonna have super good stamina. I feel like there’d be literally no stopping him, he can go for however long you need him too. You might wanna get as much as you can out of him though bc once he's done, he's done for the night lmao
T - Toy (do they own toys do they use them on a partner or on themselves?)
He doesn’t own any himself, but that’s not to say he’s not open to experimenting with any. He just wont do it of his own volition lol. Hes thought about getting some numerous times though but he just doesn't wanna be the one to bring it up
U - Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Not really a fan, he just doesn’t understand it lol. He’s not big on teasing or being teased; he's not good at holding back when he's the one *trying* to tease you, and he gets so so fidgety and antsy when being teased lol. He’d much rather just get to the main event lmao
V - Volume (how loud are they, what type of sounds they make)
Lots of loud sighs and choked out groans. He can get quite high pitched, which he’s honestly a little embarrassed of lol. He gets louder slowly the closer he gets to climax, he’ll attach his mouth to your neck as he starts to get louder; tryna muffle any sounds bc he doesn't wanna hear himself like that lmao
W - Wild Card (a random headcannon)
Okay. This is where this whole thing started lol. Baekho is not a dom, he’s also not a sub either. BUT, he get’s so unbelievably turned on by watching you take control. Like he just thinks you have this aura to you when you’re the one pinning him down and getting what you want from him. It’s literally the only time he ever enjoys edging too; he'd never do it to himself, nor does he do it to you, but for some reason having you edge him, having himself be totally at your mercy is just...omg
X - X-ray (what's going on inside those pants)
Average/maybe a tiiiny bit below average in terms of length, but pretty veiny and he’s got some nice girth lol
Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive)
I feel like it’s either one extreme or the other lol. It’s either he can’t keep his hands off you at all for days on end, or he’s just busy occupied with other stuff and his mind doesnt even go in that direction...there’s no way of knowing sksks
Z - Zzz... (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
As long as he's happy that you're both fully satisfied, he'll be out like a light almost instantly lmao
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passable-talent · 4 years
part 4 was so so good!!!!! can you make a part 5? i’m in love with your writing and that series!!! you’re feeding my need for zuko content and i love u for that.
it literally took exactly 19 minutes to get a request for part 5
been excited to get back to this one, y’all aren’t ready 😏
| part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 |
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For chapter five, and my five hundred follower special, we will go back to spring of the year 100 AG, right before Azula’s coup succeeded in their destruction of Ba Sing Se . . .
“So what’s happening?” You asked Mushi as the two of you hurried through the streets of the upper ring.
“Come close,” Mushi answered, and your footsteps brought you beside him.
“My nephew and I are more than refugees,” he began, “my name is Iroh, and I am the brother of the Fire Lord. My nephew, Zuko, is the banished prince of the Fire Nation. I’m sorry we lied to you, but we needed to, in order to stay in Ba Sing Se where we were safe from our family.” Your head reeled, but you kept beside him, because still you trusted this man. You were trained to react and to think, thanks to the Dai Li, so you analyzed his words.
“Were?” you questioned, wondering why he seemed to suggest that he was no longer safe.
“My niece, Princess Azula, has infiltrated the city. She tried to capture me- she did capture Zuko.” Your eyes widened, and your speed increased beside Iroh. “I need your help to retrieve him, and the Avatar’s. That’s where we’re headed.” You looked up at the house you were approaching, half caved in from some sort of destruction. What had happened here?
“The Avatar?” you asked, and Iroh nodded, pausing in front of the door to knock politely. You waited beside him, but held your forehead- you were so shocked about everything you were finding out.
Zuko- not Lee. The banished prince of the Fire Nation. You hadn’t even known that the prince of the Fire Nation had been banished! What else didn’t you know about the other nations of the world beyond the walls of Ba Sing Se?
Why had this information been kept from you? You were training to be in the Dai Li, one of the best and most important police forces of the Earth Kingdom, shouldn’t this information be privy to you? Why wasn’t it?
You were pulled from your thoughts as a girl opened the door, and regarded Iroh with friendliness.
“I need your help,” he began, and you watched the reactions of the other two at the door. They seemed frightened by Iroh- what kind of history had they that you weren’t aware of?
Why were you kept in the dark about everything?
“You guys know each other?” demanded the boy you had to assume was the avatar, who didn’t seem much concerned with your presence. Maybe it was the earth kingdom robes?
“I met him in the woods once, and knocked him down,” answered the girl, and with her gaze that didn’t seem focused on the avatar you wondered if maybe she was blind. She, however, seemed like a strong earthbender. It was one of the things you were trained to pick up on in the Dai Li, and relied entirely on how a person carried herself. “Then he gave me tea and some very good advice.”
“May we come in?” Iroh asked sheepishly, and you wondered why there wasn’t more urgency to his tone.
“Who’s your friend?” the clearly water tribe boy demanded, and you lifted your chin, being acknowledged.
“I’m Y/N, a soon-to-be member of the Dai Li,” you answered, “You can trust me.”
“The Dai Li?” Avatar Aang responded, more shock in his face than before.
“That makes us even less likely to trust you!!” the water tribe boy shouted, and your eyebrows knitted together.
“The Dai Li are the protectors of the city!” you said, though you felt doubt gnaw at your spine- they had kept so much from you, their own cadet.
Iroh turned his eyes to you, and something in his gaze told you to hush up.
“Princess Azula is here, in Ba Sing Se,” Iroh told them, his tone stern and serious.
“She must have Katara!” Aang said, and you looked to Iroh. You didn’t know these people- but that Azula would capture both Zuko and a friend of the avatar meant that she was one of two things: insanely brave or insanely stupid.
“She has captured my nephew, as well,” Iroh said.
“Then we’ll work together to fight Azula, and save Katara and Zuko,” the avatar said, and you felt a little lightness crawl into your heart. You’d be able to help save Zuko, and a friend of the avatar? You were about to go on a crazy adventure.
“Whoa there,” said the water tribe boy, walking back into the conversation, “you lost me at ‘Zuko.’ “
“I know how you must feel about my nephew,” Iroh began, and your expression softened. There was definitely history here, and you’d be interested to learn it. “But believe me when I tell you, there is good inside him.” You brought your eyes to the avatar’s, and nodded, trying to fathom something to say that they’d believe. They didn’t know you, didn’t know what you stood for, and it seemed that you didn’t know much of that yourself.
“I’ve known Zuko for a while,” you said, “and he’s never been anything other than a scared and polite refugee.”
“Good inside him isn’t enough!” The water tribe boy insisted, “Why don’t you come back when it’s outside him too, okay?” Your chest deflated further, and you had to wonder: what had Zuko done, what had Zuko been, that they had this strong of a hatred for him?
Did you want to know?
“Katara’s in trouble,” Aang said to his friend, “All of Ba Sing Se’s in trouble. Working together is our best chance.”
On the way toward the catacombs of the city underneath the palace, you learned Sokka and Toph’s names, as well as the true treachery of the Dai Lee. You learned about the war with the Fire Nation, and had a smile on your face as you took in how lucky you were that the two firebenders whom you had come to love were the only two on the right side of this war.
“Well, whaddaya know, there is an ancient city down there,” Toph said, her hand pressed to the stone courtyard, “but it’s deep.” She opened up a large hole in the stone, heading downward.
“How can you tell?” You asked, and she cracked her knuckles in your direction.
“Right, you’re classically trained,” she mocked with a rude laugh, which made you smile. “I can sense seismic activity through stone. Maybe I’ll teach you, when this is over.” You nodded, intrigued, before Sokka grabbed your attention.
“We should split up. Aang, you go with Iroh and Y/N to look for Katara and the angry jerk,” he said. “No offense,” he added in Iroh’s direction, and once again you found yourself confused on the nature of their shared past when Iroh said “none taken.”
“And I’ll go with Toph to warn the Earth King about Azula’s Coup.”
Aang, Iroh, and you began heading down into the tunnel, Iroh holding up fire for light while you and Aang took turns lengthening the tunnel downwards.
“So, Toph thinks you give pretty good advice,” Aang said, seeming to try to make conversation. “And great tea.” A smile came to your face- Iroh’s tea was the reason that you were, apparently, romantically involved with the prince of the Fire Nation.
Imagine that.
“The key to both is proper aging,” Iroh said, and you laughed under your breath. “What’s on your mind?” Aang paused, and took his turn lengthening the tunnel.
“Well, I met with this guru who was supposed to help me master the avatar state and control this great power.” You turned to look at the avatar as you walked, amazed at both his story and his mere stature. You never thought that you’d get to meet the avatar.
“But to do it, I had to let go of someone I love, and I just couldn’t.” You reached the end of the tunnel, and took stance beside Iroh to take your turn lengthening it. However, Iroh began speaking, and you figured it rude to interrupt him.
“Perfection and power are overrated. I think you are very wise to choose happiness, and love.” With a smile on your face you earthbent and opened up the tunnel further, deciding then and there that you would stick with Iroh. Surely you weren’t to stay and train with the Dai Li, and as it seemed he was teaming up with the avatar, maybe you’d get to help fight in the war!
“But what happens if we can’t save everyone and beat Azula?” You didn’t answer, and let Iroh, both because you didn’t know the answer, and because you felt that the scope of your knowledge and importance wasn’t what it needed to be to even participate in this conversation.
“Without the avatar state, what if I’m not powerful enough?”
“I don’t know the answer,” Iroh said, making you gaze to the side at him. “Sometimes life is like this dark tunnel. You can’t always see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you just keep moving...” Iroh paused as Aang took his turn to break through the stone in front of you, revealing light and a wide open new space, “...you will come to a better place.” You paused, standing on the edge of a cliff, to look out over the ancient city. There was a fountain in front of you, making the air smell fresh even though you were so far below ground. It was amazing, and part of you wished you could have stayed. However, you knew that there was much more pressing matters, and so you quickly moved along with Iroh and Aang into another chamber to hopefully find the prisoners you were looking for.
Aang burst through another wall of stone, and quickly disappeared through the hole as you and Iroh followed.
“Aang!” A girl shouted before embracing him, and you barely put it together that this must be ‘Katara’ before your feet had carried you to Zuko, and hugged him tightly. You yielded this, however, to Iroh, who hugged him with just as much relief as you felt in your heart.
“Uncle, I don’t understand,” Zuko said, a malice you didn’t recognize glinting in his eyes. “What are you doing with the avatar?”
“Saving you, that’s what,” Aang said, and Zuko began to lunge before Iroh caught his chest. You flinched- this wasn’t the boy you knew at all.
“Zuko, it’s time we talked,” Iroh told him, then looking at Aang and Katara. “Go help your other friends. We’ll catch up with you.” Aang and Katara turned away while you stood still, but Iroh turned to you. “You as well. It’ll be alright.” You nodded, and raced down the tunnel after Katara.
“We’ve gotta find Sokka and Toph!” Katara shouted, but you couldn’t answer her before you heard roaring behind you. You didn’t recognize the sound, but when you turned and saw blue fire, nothing could’ve prepared you.
This wasn’t in your training. It wasn’t in your index of attacks to react to. You had no idea what to do- if it wasn’t for Aang and the wall that he raised, you would’ve surely been charred on the spot.
You didn’t recognize the girl that had shot it, but you felt that it was safe to assume it must’ve been Azula.
Katara raced around the wall and picked up water, revealing herself as a powerful water bender before your eyes. The fight between her and Azula created a cloud of steam, and you staggered back even further from Aang’s wall, your chest rising and falling quickly.
You were panicking.
All of that training, everything that your instructors had ever done to harden your will and sharpen your reaction time, it stood nothing against this. This, with the sister of the guy you were crushing on shooting blue fire at the avatar, and you weren’t even sure who’s side you should be on.
That was stupid, of course you knew you should be on the avatar’s side. But something in your head whispered doubts- she was Zuko’s sister. She was the leader of the Dai Li, who you belonged to.
Azula appeared from the steam and shot two fireballs at Aang and Katara, who were forty or so feet in front of you. You just watched, dumbfounded, and realized quickly that she wasn’t aiming at you. She wasn’t targeting you at all.
She landed on a column, which Aang rocked beneath her, and she fell down to stand between Aang and Katara, her back to you. She kept her hands pointed at both of them, but suddenly, her attention turned toward you.
“You’re Y/N, right?” She asked, and your eyes widened. “I remember you. You’re a very impressive cadet, you could be an asset to me. I control the Dai Li, now, and so your allegiance is to me.”
Just for a moment, Katara’s gaze turned to you, wondering if there was any truth to that statement.
Was there?
A fireball impacted the ground between Aang and Azula and you staggered backward, looking up for the source of the flame.
Zuko. Relief filled your chest- at least you knew for sure you were on his side.
As though time was frozen, you watched as he turned his ready stance from aiming at Aang, to aiming at Azula, and your tension melted away. You could fight beside Zuko and the avatar and Katara, and surely between the four of you the princess would be defeated.
Then, from your position fifty feet behind Aang, you saw Zuko’s eyes land on the avatar.
The calmness drifted away, and all you saw was rage.
Fire blasted toward Aang, and he couldn’t avoid the plume, his air bending keeping him from harm but also sending him back beside you. Zuko’s fire kept coming, and you threw up a wall in front of you, turning to the side with your body made into a smaller target out of pure fear.
Zuko had turned on Aang. He’d shot fire at Aang- he’d shot fire at you.
Aang leapt away to continue his battle, which left you behind your wall of stone, paralyzed with fear and indecision and betrayal and anger and sadness.
Didn’t you know Zuko at all? That look in his eye... you had never seen that before. There was pure rage inside him, and you couldn’t understand it, you couldn’t comprehend how this was the boy you’d cared for.
You heard fire roaring throughout the cave, and the whooshing of the wind that Aang sent back. Rocks clattered to the floor and water shot around the cavern, and it was all too much, the sounds of martial arts and groaning and impacts, you couldn’t get a clear thought through your mind.
“I thought you had changed!” Katara’s yell echoed off the rocks, and just for a moment your hands lifted from your temple. Was she talking to Zuko?
“I have changed,” he answered, and it was in the silence that followed that you made up your mind, finally.
Zuko was on the wrong side of this war. Not as you’d thought.
You heard a yelp from Katara and brought up a hunk of earth underneath you, launching you across the cave and into a defensive position in front of her with a battle cry. Both Azula and Zuko seemed surprised by this decision, but before any of you could react, the rumbling of Aang’s reemergence interrupted the fight. They turned their attention to him, which gave you the moment to send a hunk of stone into both of their abdomens, knocking them backward. However, your eyes turned up with the sound of Dai Li stone chains, and you couldn’t pull your limbs in tight enough to avoid their sudden grip on you.
“No,” you snarled as Katara woke, and brought a ring of water around the both of you. You stood back to back with her, small finger movements slowly dissembling the stone chains around your wrists so you could help her in the fight.
But there were too many agents- you knew you couldn’t take them all on. Not even with a master waterbender at your back.
A gust of wind surprised you, and you broke free in time to see Aang rise from shattered crystal inside a beam of light. It was amazing- and you were stunned into awe.
Lightning struck the avatar.
Katara nearly drowned you in the wave she created, but you pulled up a slab of stone just in time to surf on it behind her, just like you had on summer days in Lake Laogai. Mowing down Dai Li agents, and the royal siblings, the two of you raced toward the falling avatar, before he was caught by Katara. Soaked, exhausted, and tears blurring your vision, you stood between her and the siblings, who walked toward her, as though they were predators, and she an easy meal.
Though you knew you should be watching them both, your eyes were on Zuko. Maybe, there was some of Lee left in him, and seeing you would bring it back. But his eyes were firmly on the dead-or-dying avatar, hungry, predatory, and your heart shattered.
Fire cut off their path and you looked up to see Iroh, who leapt down in front of even you.
“You’ve got to get out of here!” He shouted, looking back at you. “I’ll hold them off for as long as I can!” Katara stood and you joined her on Aang’s other side, carrying the avatar toward a waterfall, the sound of fire roaring behind you.
It was terrifying.
“Hold onto him!” Katara shouted, her grip tight on the avatar as she used her other hand to bend an upward spiral around the three of you.
You watched Iroh face Zuko until the rock covered your vision, and you closed your eyes.
Back on Appa, you kneeled behind Sokka, one eye keeping a watch on Katara as she attempted to heal Aang. But mostly, you gripped Appa’s fur, and cried.
The Dai Li had lied to you. Zuko and Iroh had lied to you. The Dia Li turned on you. Zuko turned on you. Zuko turned on Iroh, Azula killed the avatar. Everything was so messed up, beyond proportion, skewed beyond belief. The boy you thought you might’ve loved...
He’d never existed in the first place.
And though the avatar lived, you laid your forehead to the bison’s back, and sobbed.
tag list for this series- @furblrwurblr @eridanuswave
oh yeah request for pt 6 /// already been requested y’all are fine
edit: | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 |
-🦌 Roe
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wonderwomanfantasy · 4 years
kinktober day 26
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Corruption w/ Shinsou
I’ve saved the best for last so I hope you all have fun with the last week of Kinktober
warnings: Dubcon, rough sex, virginity kink, oral, drinking, work place harrasment, Crying, power play, breeding kink. Mean Hitsohi.
word count: 1,400(about)
Summary: Shinsou has taken a shine to his new secretary, and after a few shots of liquid courage he claims his cute little kitten.
Working as Shinsou’s secretary wasn’t all that bad of a job. He was easy to please and he didn’t ask too much of you, and he was always polite when he interacted with you. With one notable exception.
Shinsou was the perfect boss, except when he drank a little too much. Office parties or dinner meetings whenever he was offered a glass of wine really, he turned into a completely different person. Louder, always smiling and a lot touchier. If you had been just a little more savvy you would have recognised his behavior for what it was. But never the less you brushed off the multiple times he had grabbed your ass while tippsy as just a slip of the hand.
“Come here,” Shinsou drunkenly slurred pulling you by the hips towards his lap. you let him, not sure what else you could do. you perched lightly on his knee while his large hands circled your hips.
“You’re so soft I should touch you more often,” Shinsou purred low enough that only you could hear. His hands traveled forward rubbing down the side of your tighs.
“you do know that other people are looking at us right?” you asked squirming uncomfortably on his lap.
“Are you asking to go somewhere private? Naughty kitty,” he laughed
“N-No that’s not what I’m saying,” you stammered, pushing against his chest. He didn’t seem to hear, or feel, you He smirked at your blushing face.
“Why don’t you go to my office that way no one watches while you get dirty,” he snarked letting go of your legs and sending you off his lap. you flushed looking around the room at everyone who had witnessed the ordeal.  You were not going to go to his office you were not going to let him grab you like that.
Yet, you were waiting patiently at his desk waiting for him to burst in, which he did, his hungry purple eyes locking on you the second he was in the room.
“do you need something sir?” you asked timidly.
“I need you to bend over that desk and spread your legs,” he slurred instantly your face went ten different shades of red.
“Hitoshi!” you yelped.
“Come on don’t play coy- you know I can feel your emotions right? I can feel how turned on you get when you see me, when I grab you,” He taunted creeping closer to you. it was true that you were somewhat attracted to your boss but there was no way he could really know that. even if he did have better access to your mind than the average person. He pounced, your back hit the desk as he pinned you to the front.
“W-We can’t.” you whimpered, his hands were back on your hips.
“why not? I want you and I can feel how much you want me,” he purred. There was a thousand reasons why you couldn’t, but only one jumped to your mind
“I’ve n-never had sex before ,” you squeaked which seemed to freeze him.
Shinsou’s mind was reeling, How had no one managed to fuck you in the twenty-seven years you had been alive? it didn’t really matter, because he was going to do so now. He laughed and his gaze softened.
“I’ll show you what you’ve been missing baby girl,” he promised pushing you down on the desk. If his prick wasn’t rock solid before he sure was now. He would be the first to eat you out, to taint your soft doughy pussy. Shinsou needed you, now.
“do you like it when I touch you like this?” he breathed his hands ghosting up from your stoumach to your breasts
“yes,” you whimpered and suddenly you were under his spell.
“What do you want? Be honest,” he commanded. your voice floated out in the distance it didn’t sound like you but it was your words floating into the air.
“I want you to fuck me until I cry,” your mind cleared and you suddenly flushed realizing what you had asked him to do. Shinsou grinned wickedly hiking your pencil skirt up to your hips and pushed your legs wide open.
“Until you cry huh? Here I thought you’d want me to be gentle,” he growled yanking your underwear down your legs before attaching his mouth to your cunt.
It was all moving too fast. your head was spinning but you couldn’t seem to ask him to slow down or stop. His tongue dipped into your hole and he sucked on the tender flesh making your hips buck.  
“so sensitive kitty, so fucking wet,” he purred lapping at your folds. “do you like it kitty? do you like Sir sucking on your cunny?”
“y-yes,” you gulped. he continued to nurse on your sex until you came, which took an embarrassingly short amount of time. Shinsou licked his lips standing between your still spread legs.
“Is that the first time someone else had made you cum?” He asked undoing his belt. you dodded sheepishly your eyes fixed on his crotch. you could see his prominent bulge even through the dark slacks. you watched as he slowly pulled out his full cock, heavy and long in his hand. you gulped as you admired it as he slowly palmed himself.
“get on your knees kitty,” he commanded,
“Why?” you asked nervously. obviously, you knew what he wanted but you weren’t sure you could take it in your mouth.
“It’s only fair, come on kitty,” he snapped his fingers making you jump. awkwardly you knelt and took his cock in your hand. He grabbed you by the back of your head pushing your face against his prick. you were surprised how soft the skin was.
“give it a kiss,” he commanded. you looked up at him and pressed your mouth along the shaft until you reached the pink head, this was the most sensitive part of the cock right? you let your tongue peek out and run along the salty skin.
“Fuck,” he cursed, his hips bucked against your face.  He fisted his hand in your hair jerking you roughly to your feet before bending you back over his desk
“I’ll teach you how to suck cock some other time kitten, I need to stretch your pussy out, now,” he growled. thumbing over your folds before spreading them with his hand. His fingers were big, much bigger than yours, you yelped again feeling two of them push and scisor inside of you.
“Such a warm little cunt,” he hummed approvingly. “tight too, tell me princess do you think my cock is going to make this little pussy bleed once it’s inside of you?” he purred. it was hard to form words when your brain was so clouded over with lust.
“I-I don’t want to bleed,” you whimpered, fearing he would laugh at the innocent request. popping the chairy was a normal part of sex right? it had happened to all of your friends, still you couldn’t help but fear it.
Hitoshi did laugh, “ah sweet girl, Don’t worry I’ll streach you out nice and good so this big cock will fit in nice and easy,” he assured, his fingers still working on your insides.
“Is my cock the first one you've ever seen?” he asked.
“n-no I’ve seen e-em in movies,” you admitted.
“Oh? you watch porn do you dirty kitty?” he teased he he leaned down and pressed his chest to your back so he could whisper in your ear.
“what do you watch while you touch this innocent little pussy?” he asked feeling your walls flutter at the words. your mind was reeling and it felt like you were coming close to your second orgasum. but you could tease him right? He had done nothing but bully you.
“I like the ones where the s-slutty secratery f-fucks her boss,” you whispered. his fingers pulled out of you in a flash and he flipped you over so you were looking up at him. his eyes were glowing with anger, and something else, lust? clearly you had hit a nerve.
“you really are a slut huh?” He nudged your legs open aligning his hips with yours. He rutted his cock against your dripping cunt a few times before pushing into you.
You yelped and clamped down halting his progress into you. “Come on Kitten Relax and I’ll make you feel good,” he purred reaching between your legs and stroking your clit.
“Good kitty,” he purred bottoming out inside of you. “Feel that baby, feel how your pussy is taking the shape of my cock, molding around me like that,” he grunted.
“S-Shinsou,” His cock stretched you painfully, your whole body was tense, and tears pooled in your eyes. He placed his hand on your stomach and pressed down lightly.
“feel me here kitty?” he asked. and you nodded, you could feel him press right up against your cervix. it was then you realized he had slid into you bare.
“fuck- Shinsou condom!” you yelped. he seemed to understand you half formed words and shushed you. pressing a surprisingly gentle kiss to the crown of your head.
“let me worry about that kitty, you just sit back and feel good okay?”
Shinsou was losing his mind your virgin cunt was so impossibly tight around him, your velvet walls fluttering around his cock made him light-headed. He had wanted to take you the moment you started working for him but only now was he realized he should have bent his cute little secretary over way sooner.
He started moving slowly, he made sure to push back into you fully, the head of his cock kissing your womb with each thrust.
“oh- Fuck fuck, Shinsou,” you moaned, gripping the lappels of his rumpled suit jacket.
“You like this? You like being a dirty little kitten, a fucking cum dump for your boss?” he growled, his dirty words making your cunt clamp tighter around him.
“Fuck I’m going to cum,” he warned, a similar knot of pleasure was building in your own stomach, you had gotten so close on his fingers, you were going to cum any second. you felt kind of dirty losing your virginity on an office desk with your boss but his cock felt so good pulsing inside of you the shame didn’t run deep.
“Beg for my cum kitten I want you to hear how bad you want me,” he grunted.
“please S-Shinsou cum in me,” you whimpered
“Naughty girl, did you forget that I wasn’t wearing a condom? you want me to fuck a baby into you?” he growled and your eyes went wide.
“I- uhm-,” words failed you. your mind was blank, and you seemed to have lost all control of your hips as the raised to meet his pelvis.
“Dirty bitch,” his finger was fast against your clit as he brought you both to orgasm. You displved around him as you came a second time, and before you could even worry about his cum and where it would land, you felt the hot semem land acros your cheek. you were quick to close your eyes as he finished on your face.
Your body was shaking, the tears clouding your eyes finally spilled over onto your cheeks smudging your makeup.
“Damn kitty I thought I'd have to fuck you a few more times for you to cry,” Shinsou snickered whipping away the tears, and a bit of his cum with his thumb. Hitoshi slid his soft cock back inside of you and started humping your pussy he was hard again.
“don’t think that means I’m going to stop, no no I’m going to fuck you until you’re a perfect little whore, Kitty,” he purred nipping at the flesh of your neck and you knew those weren’t the last tears you would be crying tonight.
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genshinobsession · 4 years
we need more of hogwarts au please👀
Say no more ✋🥰
Switching it up a bit
Hogwarts Au
Everyday a certain Ravenclaw was always caught in the potions class by himself, testing out different potions he’s never heard of, potions he wants to perfect, potions he’s used to just to make sure he knows how to make them.
All day everyday.
This certain Ravenclaw happened to be none other than Albedo. He was a close friend of yours that you had met in first year. You had quickly caught feelings for him and haven’t been able to let go since but you always kept them to yourself.
You normally met him in the potions class after school just to see what he was working on but this time was just a tad bit different.
When you walked in Albedos head had looked towards the door almost immediately, “Ah, just the one I was looking for. Would you like to help me today?” He asked.
Normally Albedo works on the potions alone and you just watch so this took you a bit by surprise but you agreed nonetheless. He smiled at you as he brought you over to his station.
“So today I tried out a love potion.” He explained as he stirred the bubbling potion in the caldron. You looked at him confused.
He wanted you to try a love potion? Is this really what he was asking? You decided to wait for him to continue his explanation.
“And I’ve decided to try them on myself, but I need someone else to record the effects.” He stated nonchalantly as he looked back up at your slightly surprised face.
“Is that okay?” He asked. You nodded as he poured the bubbling potion into a little jar and looked at it. As the potion stopped bubbling it let go of a few heart shaped bubbles that smelled like roses.
“You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, I’m assuming I will have little to no control on what I do and I don’t want to make you uncomfortab-“ He said, as you cut him off.
“Albedo it’s fine just drink it.” And with that he downed it. The pink liquid sweeping past his lips in one smooth motion. He closed his eyes as if in pain as he carefully put the glass that held the potion down.
“Are you alright?” You asked as you lightly touched his shoulder, he looked back up at you as his eyes fluttered open.
When he made eye contact you couldn’t tell but his heart rate sped up greatly, and a light blush appeared on his face. Suddenly he realized the person in front of him. The potion began to take effect as his view of you went from not just beautiful but absolutely ethereal.
You asked if he was okay again, rubbing his shoulder a bit as he looked from you to his shoulder then back at you. His heart rate had sped up once again to a speed he didn’t even know it could reach.
He nodded in return, hesitantly as he looked back up at you. The feeling of your warm touch lingered on his shoulder as you had let go to write down some of the effects.
The feeling he was feeling was fairly new to him but now he actually felt like he wanted to, no he n e e d e d, to act on them. While you were distracted he slowly moved closer to you, his conscious was yelling at him, knowing he’s always wanted to do this but he’s not ready, but it was drowned out by the effects of the potion. When you finally
“Albedo, are you alright?” You asked, practically whispering as he lightly put his hand up to you cheek and lightly caressed it.
He was infatuated with everything that he saw before him, which wasn’t much different than before he had drunken the potion but now he was able to say what he had stayed silent about for so long.
“Your eyes are beautiful.” He said lowly as he leaned in a bit, you instinctively did the same before hesitating.
“Wait, This isn’t right, the hell was I thinking! He only wants to kiss me because of the potion!” You thought to yourself as you backed away from him a bit with a light laugh.
You recorded more of the effects as you went to the book to se me how long the effects last After about 10 minutes of writing down effects, albedo had once again managed to get close to you.
You looked up at him with a smile, he lightly rested his hand hand on your cheek as you looked at him confused. At this point you were sure the effects had warm off.
He closed his eyes as he took a short breath. Your confusion only grew as you looked at the blind haired boy, his robes slightly slipping of his shoulder as we sat in silence for a few seconds.
He eventually finally mustered the courage to say what he wanted to say. When he looked at you all that came from his mouth was a short and simple,
“I love you.”
You were extremely taken aback.
“But, the effects should’ve warn off by now why are you still saying stuff like this.” You asked as you begin to write something only to be stopped by albedo.
“It’s not the potion.” He stated bluntly as he looked at you, surprise evident in your eyes as you looked from him to the potion glass then back at him then back at the potion.
So he meant what he said. The whole time? The whole TIME! This entire time you’ve been denying the advances of the o n e person you love because you thought it was because of the potion, but APPARENTLY NOT.
You didn’t know how to react to this sudden discovery as albedo had once again leaned in close to your face. But this time you didn’t hesitate and leaned in as well accepting his confession with a sweet and long awaited kiss.
(Please note this was literally written at 2 in the morning so it will probably be replaced when I can write a better story)
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sylvie-writes · 4 years
Long Haul
word count: 1694
pairing: harry styles x female reader
summary: just some fluffy moments along Harry and (y/n)’s trip back to England. 
author’s note: this is my first time writing for harry, hopefully it is okay! it’s taken me forever to convince myself to write anything for him! if all goes well, i might write for him more often :)
please excuse any mistakes! 
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Globs of people swarmed the airport carousel, anxiously waiting for the buzz that would signal the first round of luggage. It was already dark out since the flight was what some would call a “long-haul.” A few lonely stars were peeking through the large glass windows and the shuffling of people had started to dwindle down. 
Half an hour had passed since (y/n) and Harry had landed and unfortunately, it was one of those nights where the baggage was taking forever to arrive. Since (y/n) was ridden with sleep, she softly laid her head on Harry’s shoulder that was now clad in a black sweatshirt. The two had just flown back from the States where (y/n)’s cousin had her wedding. It was very clear that the man was handling the sudden time change much better than his girlfriend who hadn’t been on the road as much as him. Her sunken eyes would occasionally peer up at his glasses-covered ones, silently asking if anything had changed. When she noticed that nothing had changed and they were still stuck waiting, she’d just go back to leaning against the slender man as if he were a wall. 
Granted, from the small sum of people that surrounded them, a few still recognized the tall, famous brunette. To shun their stares, he’d just turn his head and look at his phone or place a kiss on (y/n)’s head before anyone could be sure that it was him. Harry was never one to be rude to those who recognized him, but as any normal human, the last thing you want to do at 1 am is take a picture after having sat on a plane for twelve or so hours. 
Finally, close to an hour after the flight had landed, a loud whirring awoke (y/n) from her mini nap on Harry’s shoulder and she looked up to see people crowding the metal carousel. Harry, too, noticed the commotion and looked up from his intense staring at the ground, now snaking his hands from his sweatshirt pocket to grab one of (y/n)’s hands. The two of them then hurriedly made a beeline straight into the crowd where their own bags passed by just in time. 
With their flight having landed at such an early hour, neither (y/n) or Harry wanted to trouble any of his family members by asking to meet them at the airport. Instead, they opted to use a rental car which now led them on their next task. Fortunately, (y/n) had dug out the papers earlier while on the flight which now allowed for them to easily decipher which stand to approach. Luckily, not many people were renting cars at this hour. Looking to make an excuse to run off, Harry quickly excused himself to “run off to the loo,” seeing as (y/n) was capable of handling this herself. 
Instead of actually running to the bathroom, the man took a slight detour and rather made his way to a small coffee stand that seemed to be open. He knew that (y/n) hadn’t eaten anything in a couple of hours and also knew that cinnamon rolls were one of the many ways to bring a smile upon her face. Oh how he loved seeing that gorgeous smile. It always made his day, albeit even if it was currently nighttime. 
The exchange was quick, but not quick enough as (y/n) apparently had the same plan in mind. Harry turned to see the woman approaching his way and he couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle underneath his breath. She was halfway to the stand when she noticed her boyfriend, along with a coffee and cinnamon roll in his hands, causing her eyes to light up. 
(Y/n) smiled brightly as she handed the large luggage to Harry and he exchanged with her the two goodies. While the woman indulged in the snacks that would hopefully give her energy, Harry leaned down to softly kiss the crown of her head before throwing an arm around her shoulders, guiding them both to the parking garage. 
Once a second wind had hit Harry, he was a piper as a tiny dog while (y/n) struggled to keep her eyes open behind the wheel. She had been driving for some time now having convinced Harry to let her drive first, once they had left the airport. After some time of his own pleading, Harry was able to get the woman to switch seats with him at this gas station, ignoring her stubborn remarks. Normally on long drives, the two would take different “shifts” and technically it was now his turn to drive, despite (y/n) protesting that it wasn’t. The minute the man was in the driver’s seat and they were out in the road, (y/n) was more than alert. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Harry and his driving because he wasn’t a bad driver per se, but he was just a bit…too confident when he drove. Maybe it was the fact that he had a lead foot that made (y/n) physically push herself to keep her eyes open. For whatever reason, she just wanted to be awake, in case of anything that could suddenly occur. She’d much rather arrive at Anne’s in one piece and she was sure Harry would concur on the matter. 
To stay awake himself, Harry had turned up the stereo and teasingly sang off key to some 90’s pop song, giving (y/n) a bit of a laugh (and minor heart attack, as he kept looking away from the road.) She’d uneasily laugh to shake his gaze off and he knew very well what she was doing, having been with her so long that he knew her actions (and thoughts on his driving) like a second nature. So, being the man of humor that he is, Harry would purposely do little things to get on her nerves while knowing very well she wasn’t actually angry and rather playing along with the charade. 
“You alright there, (y/n/n)?” Harry, one hand on the wheel, placed his free hand on her thigh. He couldn’t help but slyly smile when (y/n) cut her eyes at him, the moonlight making them sparkle the slightest. “Just keep your eyes on the road, Styles.” (y/n)’s facade then broke, causing her to chortle a bit while a smile broke onto her lips. Harry noticed and his shoulders raised up in some laughter of his own. Eyes back on the road, the man blindly dragged his hand up her thigh and now into her lap, searching for her hand. Having found it, he intertwined their fingers, bringing the back of her hand to his lips. Needless to say, they stayed that way for the rest of the trip. Occasionally, the sleep deprived pair would participate in some off-key car karaoke of their own thanks to their current clouded judgement.
It was getting closer and closer to early morning by the time they had arrived. At this point there really was no point in sleeping as the day was about to begin anyway. Regardless of the time, Harry and (y/n) practically rushed out of the car wanting nothing more than some sleep. Leaving their unnecessary bags in the car, Harry fished out a key for the house, resting his hand on the small of (y/n)’s back, quietly ushering her inside. 
Like teenagers sneaking back in after a night out, (y/n) and Harry tip-toed up the stairs, careful of the creaking, and safely made it into his childhood room without waking anyone. 
In no time, (y/n) and Harry, arms wrapped around each other, were zonked out in the twin size bed. To save space, (y/n) pretty much threw a leg over the man’s hips while his own legs kinda fell off the side of the bed. It was very much comical and something out of a movie, but most of all, something they’d both feel later in the morning. 
10 am. 
The twinkling sound of Harry’s alarm went off, waking only him seeing as (y/n) was like a log to his side. Muttering a raspy “damn,” Harry quieted the annoying (and apparently forgotten) alarm. Never able to fall back asleep after waking, he opened an e-book that he had been dying to finish after months not having been able to, now relishing in the sun peeking into the room while his love peacefully dreamt beside him. 
Not too far into his book, Harry noticed the door slowly opening to reveal his mother, a small smile on her face. Finding the best way to get out without waking (y/n), Harry padded across the floor, meeting his mom in the hallway where she stood with a breakfast tray. 
“I saw your car out front and figured you two might want something.” Anne lifted the tray to show an assortment of breakfast goods. Scanning the tray, Harry noticed two lonely cups to the side, one of tea for him and one of coffee for (y/n). He gently chuckled at his mom’s attention to detail and thanked her with a kiss to the cheek, the two of them exchanging words of delight.  
Going back into the room, tray balanced in his arms, Harry noticed (y/n), now sitting up in the bed and sleepily rubbing her eyes. A cheesy grin was on the man’s face as he climbed into the fluffed up quilt, setting the tray in the woman’s lap. Leaning across, he quickly pecked her lips, “Good morning, m’darling girl.” 
“Morning, H.” She smiled at him, sounding well rested and chipper. (Y/n) gasped in excitement at the breakfast before her, going on about how Anne always thought of them and that they needed to repay her somehow. 
Harry just nodded, listening to her every word as if it was gospel, an uncontrollable smile on his face the whole time. As the two shared breakfast in bed, both Harry and (y/n) thought to themselves, “This couldn’t get much better.”
✰ hi! i just want to say thank you if you made it to the end of this haha! lemme know what you thought! i know there wasn’t much dialogue or loads of fluff, but hopefully it was still up to par! 
✰ if you guys ever have any ideas, feel free to send them my way and i will try to use them! xo. 
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ahkaahshi · 4 years
11:00 PM [kita shinsuke]
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pairing: kita shinsuke x fem reader
genre: fluff
warning(s): just a hint of cursing
word count: 2.1k
overview: you learn more about kita with every evening stroll the two of you take together
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At 11:00 PM on the dot, Kita arrives at your front door with a knock for the evening walk he said he wanted to take with you. Of course, he’s always right on time, whereas you’re tripping over the sweats you're pulling up as you rush to the door to answer it.
“Hey Shin,” you greet him a bit more breathlessly than you would’ve liked. His dark gaze meets your own (e/c) one before drifting down to where your hands are still adjusting the waistband of your pants. A small chuckle bubbles in his throat once he’s gathered that, as per usual, you’ve gotten prepared at the last possible second.
Swooping down to press a gentle kiss to your forehead, he asks, “Ready to go now, sweetheart?” Your body flushes with warmth at the tender pet name that leaves his lips, though it’s been spoken before many, many times, and you nod. “Don’t forget yer jacket.” He grabs it from the coat rack near the doorway and slides it over your arms for you in another one of his kind gestures before you bend down to tie the shoelaces of the sneakers you’ve stepped into.
After shoving your keys into your pocket and locking up, you wonder, “So, where do you wanna go?”
His warm palm slides against yours, prompting your fingers to weave themselves between his as he shrugs. “Not sure.”
“Kita Shinsuke? Not sure? Who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend?” you tease, mocking surprise in a way that brings another smile to his face.
“How’s the park up the street sound?”
“Ah, there he is.” You give his hand a playful squeeze and move closer to him as the two of you make your way out of your apartment complex, into the cool, dark night.
In spite of your earlier teasing and urge to grill your boyfriend about his intentions behind suggesting that the two of you go on a walk at a time when he’d usually want to be settled down in bed, you find comfort in the silence that fills the air. In between the whistles of chilly gusts that sweep over your cheeks and past your ears, you can hear the leaves of the trees above you whispering as they brush against each other and the gentle hum of the still bustling city in the distance.
Due to your housing situations and busy schedules, the times when the two of you get to fully enjoy each other’s company without any distractions are relatively few and far between. He understands and appreciates the value of the time he’s spending with you now, as he always does, by walking with a slow and relaxed pace rather than a quick, rushed one. It’s refreshing, you think, to simply stroll down the sidewalk with a destination in mind but no scheduled time for when you have to arrive, and Kita seems to feel the same way.
There’s an ease to his demeanor that you can sense, and which quiets your own thoughts for a few minutes. You enjoy seeing him this way since you understand the mostly self-inflicted burdens Kita likes to place on himself with his ideals and expectations of the way his life should be.
Beneath the pale, fluorescent lights in the park, his hair glows a haunting shade of white that makes you wonder, for a moment, if this whole experience is just some fever dream. If you’re really just fast asleep in your bed, so desiring of your boyfriend’s company that your subconscious has manifested him. But a glance he sends down towards you accompanied by the sensation of his warm lips against your temple reminds you that—thankfully—everything you’re experiencing just happens to be a pleasant part of your reality. A tender moment that will soon become a fond memory in time.
His hand unclasps yours for a moment as the two of you gravitate towards the swings hanging in the middle of a sand pit nearby to sit down. The cool plastic of the seat seeping through the rear of your sweatpants makes you shiver slightly, and you use your legs to rock yourself forward and back as your hands wrap around the chains keeping it suspended.
When you turn your attention to your boyfriend once more, you find that his gaze is glued to the playground nearby, as if he’s trying to find his thoughts hiding somewhere amongst the metal structure. Before you can ask him what’s on his mind, he gives you the answer. “Remember our high school team’s motto?”
With a small chuckle that sends a small cloud of steam into the air in front of you, you answer, “Ironically enough, yeah. Why?”
“Remember how I always disagreed with it?”
“Of course.”
He sighs a deep and heavy sigh, as if there’s a giant weight on his back pushing all the air in his lungs out at once. Dark brown eyes turn away from the play structure to focus on yours instead as he mentions, “I remember thinkin’ how disrespectful, in a sense, it was to ask a question like that. Who needs memories?” His light hair shifts against his forehead as he shakes his head in a self-deprecating manner. “But now, I kinda wish that I’d appreciated it a bit more. Memories help you grow, shape ya into the person you wanna be, ‘nd all, but they make it impossible to live a life without regrets.”
Your heart sinks in your chest at his words, and you somewhat instinctively reach across the gap separating your swings to latch onto his hand. He shows his appreciation towards your action by ensconcing yours in both of his, surrounding it in warmth. “Is there something you regret?” you wonder softly, voice barely above a whisper.
A low, contemplative hum echoes behind his lips as he presses them to your knuckles. “Not regret, per se, but wish I did differently,” he admits, “I wish I’d allowed myself a bit more freedom back when I was a teenager. I mean, I appreciate havin’ routines, of course, since they help give my actions a sense of purpose and meaning, but I really don’t think my life woulda turned out much different if I’d’ve let myself go a bit more ‘nd been less concerned about makin’ some of those stupid, teenage mistakes, ya know?”
“Stupidity doesn’t have to be limited to your teenage years. Just look around you. It’s everywhere, at all ages. You still have a chance.”
He snickers. “I know, sweetheart. But what I’m sayin’ is that a little bit of spontaneity wouldn’t’ve hurt me back then. Wouldn’t hurt me now, either.”
“Well,” you say with a devilish smirk as you scoot out of the swing, your shoes sinking into the sand when you stand up once more, “it’s a good thing I’m here, then, ain’t it?” Maintaining eye contact with him, you saunter over to him and slide your hand out of his before moving your head towards his. Placing your palms on his shoulders prompts him to lean down closer to you, and you murmur, “What do you say to a friendly game of tag, huh? Because—” you turn on your heels quickly and shout over your shoulder—“you’re it!”
Without turning to look behind you again, you sprint through the sand towards the grass field nearby to put as much distance between the two of you as you can. Over the sound of your own breathing and the wind whipping past you, you’re sure you can hear the clinking of metal indicating he’s left his seat on the swings to pursue you. Sure enough, a few moments later, you feel a firm tap against your shoulder that marks a switch in your roles. When you whirl around to find him, he’s already jogging away, a small smile playing on his lips as he casts a sneaky glance over at you.
“You’re too damn fast, Shin!” you whine breathily as you run after him.
He replies, “You’re the one who wanted to play, (f/n).”
Eventually, after a series of fake outs and narrow escapes, you manage to tag him again and sprint away. However, while you bolt across the grass, you feel droplets of water splashing against your skin that start out small, but soon grow larger and larger. “It’s raining!” you squeal, abandoning your mission of running away from your boyfriend to make a beeline for the gazebo you spot not too far away.
As you speed through the field, you feel Kita’s hand wrap around yours, keeping you close to him while he runs with you. Upon reaching one of the tables tucked beneath the metal roof of the small structure, you plop down onto a bench and try to recover from your sudden stint of exercise. Clearly, as a result of the spontaneity, you hadn’t thought the entire thing through; because if you had, you might’ve decided on a different game given how spry Kita is.
“Truce!” you breathe heavily, waving a packet of tissues from your pocket up in the air as a white flag.
He laughs at your quick surrender but accepts it, nonetheless, and seats himself beside you. As he watches you flash a bright smile at him while you work on slowing down your breathing once more, he feels heat rush through his body in a wave that radiates from his chest. His heart thumps quickly, but not just with exertion, and the sound echoes in his ears over that of the rain hitting the earth as the heavens open above the two of you.
“What’re you looking at me like that for, huh?” you ask, cocking an eyebrow at him rather teasingly in spite of the butterflies flitting around in your stomach.
Placing one arm over your shoulders to bring your warm body closer to his while his other hand comes to rest on your cheek, tilting your chin up towards his face, he makes a simple yet powerful proclamation: “I love you.”
He kisses you harder than you think he ever has before you can respond. It’s searing, the sensation of his lips on yours, and you’re robbed of your breath in what feels to be an instant. The quiet gasps of air you take each time your lips part for a few, painstaking seconds is lost beneath the downpour of rain pounding on the metal roof and the pavement surrounding the gazebo. You melt into his arms and drape yours around his neck to keep the distance separating your faces to a minimum. It’s been too long since you’ve shared a kiss this intense and passionate, and you both lose yourselves in the moment, choosing to focus on the now rather than the then or the next.
However, just as quickly as the sudden torrent of rain comes and goes, his kisses grow gentler and softer until his lips disconnect from yours entirely to trail along your cheek while he pulls you into a tight hug. Breathlessly, you tell him, “I love you too,” as you nestle your face in the crook of his neck and relish in the familiar comfort he always brings. “What brought that on, though, baby?”
“Just felt like kissin’ my girlfriend, is all.”
You chuckle against his skin before moving your head away from him so you can plant another, tender kiss on his lips that he reciprocates without hesitation. When you pull away again, you both take a quick look at your surroundings to see droplets of rain still pattering against the now soaked pavement. Its sudden arrival seems to be an unspoken invitation for the two of you to stay out longer and enjoy each other’s company, so you suggest, “Wanna wait it out?”
“Yeah,” Kita answers with a nod, raising his hand to brush a few strands of dampened hair away from his eyes. Shooting him a small smile, you rest your head on his shoulder and allow him to welcome you back into his arms.
“Do you have any other regrets, Shin?” you ask as you watch the rain form patterns of ripples across the puddles pooling on the paths.
“I think sayin’ I wished I did things differently earlier was a bit harsh.” The hand he has around your waist gives you a gentle, affectionate squeeze. “At the end of the day, I don’t regret how I lived my life because all the things I did somehow led me to you.” 
His lips meet the crown of your head before he continues, “And all of my favorite memories are the ones I’ve made with you.”
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when night falls masterlist ⭐︎ treat me to a coffee!
taglists (send an ask to be added to the when night falls taglist!)
when night falls: @aoyukai, @why-aminot-dead, @yamagucji, @toutorii, @shibayamasbae, @tsukkisbean, @devlovesiwa-channn, @captain-shittykawa, @ghblh, @postsfromthe6, @omibaby, @deerixiie
general: @dinablossom, @newfriendjen, @ohbyunhunn, @aftcrlust, @mister-future, @kyleclxin, @kac-chowsballs, @osamusmiya, @nit-sir-hc, @arixtsukki, @shinsurou, @ichorizaki, @dominikmagnus, @tendo-sxtori, @krynnza​
kita: @pretty-setters​, @misora-msby​, @heyhinata​, @caxsthetic​
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gangrenados · 4 years
A-z for vampire jason? Please
•Could you do all the AU!Vampire alphabet with Jason, please?
I wanted to use a more vampire-ish gif BUT I can't say no to a shirtless gif of this dude, sorry
Warning: blood, death and murder mentions
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A - Accident - would they turn someone to save their life?
I don't think so, that person has to be really important to Jason for him to consider turning them into a vampire. Like you, one of his siblings (cuz batkids care about each other idgaf), Alfred or his close friends...maybe even Bruce but I'm not so sure about that one...
B - Bite - how do they bite? Sensually, aggressively? Do they make it hurt or try to be gentle?
When Jason bites you he tries to be gentle and not apply so much pressure. He doesn't want to hurt you too much, so he prefers to take things slow.
Of course, if he comes to bite you in privacy then he will do it in a sensual way, doing everything possible to give them hickeys since they like to see them afterwards.
Now, if he is feeding on someone unimportant then he doesn't care that much if it hurts or not. Of course, it all depends on who this person is, because if it is someone who made him angry then he could even tear the skin so that more blood comes out.
C - Control - do they take advantage of their powers?
Of course! He uses every one of his abilities when he has to fight, it would be very foolish if he didn't.
Besides, he uses them for extremely normal things, like not turning on the lights at night to go to eat something, using his cloaking ability to scare you a little and flying around when he feels very overwhelmed and wants to be alone for a while...
D - Dangerous - how scary they can get? How bad things can they do? What’s their ethics?
When Jason is mad it's better to stay away and let him deal with it. Anger is not an unknown emotion to him, but he truly prefers for you to not see him when he's about to rip someone's head.
His eyes turn blood red and his fangs come out, in this scenario his fully strength comes to light and he's not afraid to use it. Jason is an agile and stoic fighter, so you wouldn't know what happened before you're death.
He's capable of killing or injuring someone pretty fucking badly (or even dismembering if he's feeling playful)
E - Exchange - do they opt for blood bags or animal blood, if possible?
He prefers human blood as it is easier to get and tastes a little bit better as well. However, I think that in a life and death situation he wouldn't pay much attention to that detail.
F - First bite - on what occasion would they bite you for the first time?
Jason is really unsure weather biting you is a good thing or not, he doesn't want to put you in pain and he's really sure a small bite will lead to him sucking your blood. He tries really hard to avoid biting you.
The only way Jason will bite you if he's starving really bad. He would just go where you are and bite down on your arm without much care
Jason is too hungry to be polite and after you see part of his face covered in blood and a little grin because now he's not at the verge of dying, Jason will apologize for almost drying you.
G - Growl - are they more on the “civilized” side or do they enjoy hunting their prey down?
Jason absolutely loves haunting his prey, the thrill of the chase gives this man joy. He will do anything to make this situation enjoyable for himself, he doesn't care that much about the pray because, well, they're gonna die either way, right?
The only "prey" Jason is careful with is you. He still scares you in a joking way when he's about to suck your blood, but he doesn't torture you...
H - Hate - how do they feel about their kind? About themselves?
He feels like a monster in every way possible. It sickens him to the core the fact that he has to hurt you to be with you, he hates himself for all the horrible things he has done in the past.
It's an neverending torment, but Jason stills hope he can change.
I - Intimacy - how fast would they let you close to them? Would they want to share with you what they are?
It took you YEARS to get closer in an emotional level with this man and yet it's hard to understand him sometimes.
Jason is a complicated person, he believes that if someone gets close enough to him something bad will happen to them. That's the reason he tends to avoid you.
He told you the vampire part when you found him in a compromising position: Jason's entire face was covered in blood along side his hands.
He was standing next to a corpse, whipping away the blood from his chin as he licked it eagerly. It has been so long since he has eaten something, living with a human was surely a hard task.
"Oh shit..." he turned around at the sound of your voice, his panicked eyes meeting your scared ones. " Is that you J-jay?"
Jason took a few steps away from the corpse,spreading his arms fearfully."I can explain, babe..." he said slowly. This is the end, he fucked up and there's no way you can forgive him this time.
"Fuck!" He shouted when you fainted, speeding up to catch you. Jason's fingers brushed your face lightly, smearing blood on your skin." Damn, I fucked up..."
J - Joke - would they do pranks on other people with the use of their powers?
You can bet you life he would.
His family is used to dealing with Jason's stupid pranks, so are the Outlaws. In fact, everyone who has a decent relationship with him will be a victim of his pranks.
L - Life - do they wish they were human?
Yes, that thought tends to cross his mind every time he sees the simple life the humans have or when you're asleep on top of him.
He knows your life is a lot shorter than his and it scares him to know you one day will die and leave him. Jason wants to spend his life with you for the eternity, maybe he will need to use other methods to make his wish come true.
K - Key - what’s the way of making them open up to you?
Acceptance, love and a lot of patience.
Jason feels like a burden every time you put se effort in trying to connect with him, however, it warms his heart since it's always a surprise when someone is kind and sweet towards him.
M - Murder - would they kill someone while feeding? Have they ever done so?
Jason has murdered people before, so yeah, but he usually tries to avoid drinking blood from criminals because you don't know where this people have been.
That why he prefers to buy some clean blood or just ask one of the people he trusts for some of theirs. But if the thing gets extremely bad, Jason is not opposed to just feed off a random civilian...
If Jason feeds of normal people, then he tries to be gentle and not suck them dry, even when he's starving really bad.
He once accidentally killed a civilian while feeding on his early vampire years. Jason didn't even asked them if it was okay if he drank some of their blood, he was beyond hungry and too altered to be polite...he still feels guilty of it.
N - Nature - do they justify their doings? Do they consider them natural?
Of course he doesn't! Jason thinks he's a freak, as well as the rest of his kind but maybe his way of thinking has to do with the fact that he wasn't born a vampire.
This is his new life so he has to keep up if he still wants to live. But there's no way someone can convince him that drinking blood, having sharp fangs, the ability to fly, among other weird things like being able to camouflage.
O - Odd - do they have any specific hobbies or habits?
Jason wanted the whole vampire aesthetic, so he learned how to sleep upside down as well as levitating. It's weird having a normal human day and then finding your boyfriend taking a nap in the rooftop.
But Jason has been trying to convince you to buy a coffin.
" You said you're tired of the footprints in the rooftop, if we had a coffin you wouldn't have to worry about that!" He says so confident it makes you roll your eyes ." Besides it would look dope."
He also as deployed a love for bloody milkshakes with extra whipped cream (he has been speeding too much time with Dick lately)
P - Pain - are they sadistic? Do they enjoy what they do?
Jason is not sadistic with you, he hates the thought of inflicting your pain on purpose. But if you're on the freaky side then you can convince him to be a little mean with you during the nasty, and even then Jason will always ask how you doing and if you want him to stop.
Taking that apart, he can be sadistic with the people he doesn't like. During fights Jason will mock them as he crushes them without blinking, what if he's confronting someone who harmed you? Well, Jason is gonna make that person feel pain ,he wants their suffering to last.
R - Roles - do they enjoy pretending to be normal people? How do they feel about leaving their life behind to start a new one?
He had to leave his life behind even if he wanted to, coming back from death is not a normal thing to do and it gets even weirder when you find out you're blood sucking creature.
Jason tries his best to pretend to be a normal human when you go out, he doesn't want to draw too much attention. It annoys him and he doesn't want you to be exposed to be uncomfortable.
S - Scars - do they leave marks or try to make the wounds small and invisible?
Jason doesn't understand why, but it makes him so happy to see his bite marks on your skin, for him they're like hickeys in a twisted way.
He also like to leave the normal hickeys when you're doing the dirty.
T - Turned - how were they turned?
(This apply more with this Arkham Knight version cuz yeah)
Jason was turned after a few days after being locked in Arkham. He remembers vaguely what happened since his mind was still off in that time.
Jason just knows he was in one of the many cells with one or two goonies of the Joker and high pitched voice of Harly complaining about the Joker leaving her alone.
Then Jason felt a sharp pain on his neck, blood running down his cleavage and staining part of shirt and the weird thought of "why is this taking so long?" That filled his mind.
Next thing he knew was that he had to feed of blood for the rest of the eternity.
U - Universe - what’s their biggest wish that they can’t achieve as immortals?
A decent mental stability and a good relationship with his family.
Jason has been through many things that he does not wish on anyone, the negative things he thinks about himself are embedded in his brain and it is difficult for him to ignore them sometimes.
As hard as he works to overcome all his insecurities and traumas, he feels that he will never be able to escape these demons. Still, he tries to be better...
Now, we all know that batfam is somewhat complex and no matter how much they support each other, there is always that tension present. Jason looks like he doesn't care, but that's a lie.
He cares about them even if it is hard for him to show it, and he wishes that the relationship they have was more stable and not so chaotic.
V - Vampire - would they turn you?
Yes and without hesitation if you were at the verge of dying or after he had a crisis because he became suddenly aware of the short lifespan humans have.
Jason can't bare the fact of living without you, it sickens him to think about the day of your death...he just can't let you go.
He doesn't care if it's selfish, he will transform you into a vampire so the two of you can be together for the eternity. Jason is aware he might feel extremely awful after, but again, he dosen't give a fuck as long as you're alive.
W - War - would they engage in fighting their own kind for the humanity’s sake?
Well, he goes out every night to fight crime...I guess that's a yes, but it has to be a really serious fight for him to fight against his own kind.
Y - Yandere - would they become dangerous to you (their lover)?
Jason can be pretty obsessive and extremely protective, he just wants you to be safe and that's sweet, but he can get suffocating really fast.
Because of this Jason doesn't hesitate about killing those who harmed you in cold blood, as well as keeping you safe from the horrible things the world has to offer.
Jason would not abuse you by any means, but if he has to scare you to make you understand why you have to be careful, then he will. However, it takes a lot for him to do that.
Z - Zombie - are they on their way to losing sanity?
Jason has made a lot of progress since the pit days, but I don't think it takes much to make this man go insane.
It's not gonna be a cute thing if he loses his mind. Jason would turn into a cold hearted man with prominent sadistic tendencies and little to no care about other people's lives. However, the last point is just for criminals, Jason still has a soft spot for those who can't protect themselves...he doesn't cross that line.
If he reach this point there's a big chance Jason will try to make you leave, since he doesn't want you to get in trouble OR in the other hand, he will basically make you stay with him even if you don't want to cuz he truly believes he's the only one in this world that can protect you.
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