#when he properly emotes around you is when you'll know he likes you/is comfortable around you
I can't draw em yet but just know that Benny and Ethan are the embodiment of that new-ish ship meme where one has the beautiful brown eyes (Benny) while the other is staring into your soul (Ethan)
the plot twist of course is that Mr. Gorgeous Brown Eyes over there is the asshole of the relationship while Mr. You'll Feel Like You Just Met Death Because This Guy Stared At You is actually a sweetheart
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starry-nights-garden · 9 months
Ateez and their wordless "I love you"s
✧ Ateez all members x gn!reader ✧ genre: fluff, comfort ✧ warnings: none
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makes time for you
of course, everyone saw it coming - he's living a busy life and no matter how tight his schedule gets, he'll make time to meet you or to at least talk to you on the phone in between
but that's not everything
he'll also take care of you (or try his best to)
we all know he's clumsy, but he still wants to do things for you, you know?
whether that's talking you through a rough period in your life or just offering an open ear and a shoulder for you to lean on
or if it's him actually trying to make something for you!!
without realizing he'll be picking up a new skill as he's making you some accessory he thinks you'll like or maybe he'll even be brave enough to try baking you a cake
even if he doesn't succeed, he knows he can always try again together with you, but even then he won't be able to focus on the task at hand because of how lost he gets in the image of you
takes care of you
in every way - but especially in an acts of service kinda way
will definitely nag you a bit if you're the type to be unorganized and chaotic, because he knows neat surroundings simply make you feel better than clutter everywhere!
reminds you to eat three meals a day, to get enough sleep, etcetc, and yes it gets annoying at times
but he also understands that maybe it's hard for you to stay organized, or maybe you're going through a stressful time in your life where you're too busy to prepare yourself proper meals every day
then he will simply do those tasks for you, and never ask for anything in return
your health and wellbeing are the most important things to him, so he will support you in upkeeping them in whatever way he can!
cheers for you, no matter what
we all know he's the one who does the most to keep a positive energy and to cheer the people around him up
and he'll do the same for you
no matter if you have an important exam coming up, and important interview, or if it's just another day - he'll always be there to have your back and to wish you good luck
you know that no matter how seemingly small or insignificant, you can always tell him about even the tiniest worries you have and he'll take you seriously, calming you down and motivating you at the same time
he's also very social, but another thing that will both make him feel loved and be a way to convey to you how comfortable he is with you is to just sit together in silence
each doing their own thing while still being together so you won't ever feel lonely is another way for him to silently tell you he loves you
learns about you
and I mean not just a few obvious details
I'm talking everything - he picks up on even the smalles of your habits or preferences that even your close friends don't know about
he's very observant and even more so when he loves someone
gives you small gifts that really aren't a big deal for him, but it might just bring you to tears from how thoughtful they are
it takes him a while to warm up to people and to develop trust, so it will also take him a long time to come to properly love you
but in those moments where he realizes just how safe you make him feel, it's like his emotions overwhelm him
might manage to hold back just until after he asks you whether he can kiss you
but as soon as his arms are wrapped around you and his lips brush against yours, he'll sweep you off your feet from how many feelings he pours into just that one kiss
blushes a lot afterwards, and needs you to not let go of his hands to feel reassured that what he's doing is just right
tells you synonyms of "I love you"
tells you that he appreciates you, that he's thankful to you, tells you you have a beautiful heart
of course he's also one who's big on physical affection, but in moments where he realizes once again just how much he loves you, he knows no words and no gesture in the world would be enough to convey his feelings to you
so he makes it a habit to tell you what he feels frequently
tells you you have a pretty smile when he catches you grinning by yourself, or that he admires how diligent you are when you're working on something late at night
it always comes as a surprise when he does this, but this makes it feel just that much more sincere
gives you a space to be sad
no matter how many good times you two have, nothing screams "I love you" quite as much to him as sitting together in silence and giving you a place to go through a hard time safely
will offer you advice or his perspective on things if you want him to, and he will certainly remind you to slow down a bit time and time again
he's actually very good at sensing when you're having a hard time, even when you do everything in your might to hide it
will be the anchor that grounds you at times like those
but even when times aren't as dire, he's like an open book when it comes to showing that he loves you
the way he looks at you alone gives it away, the way he plays with your fingers when he holds your hand or the way he melts against your touch with every single embrace you share
gets protective
he just can't help it okay?
he knows you're an adult and you don't need him to guard you 24/7, but even just not having his arm around you at all times feels off to him
he wants to be there for you at all times - the type to pick up his phone if you call him at 3 in the morning because you have trouble sleeping and you feel like it'd help you to hear his voice
might go a bit overboard at times, it does happen that his urge to protect you and to motivate you to become a better version of yourself ends in a fight
but even then he'll realize rather quickly that he went too far and ought to apologize
your nr 1 hype man, but at the end of the day you know you have a safe place to rest in his arms, and that he'll always accept you exactly as you are
even if you've been complaining about the same thing for weeks, he won't get tired of lending you an open ear and he won't tell you off for it
he knows that sometimes you need to think about the same thing a hundred times until you find a solution for it, and if voicing your thoughts helps he'll be more than happy to listen
sits with you even through the most uncomfortable of feelings and will make sure you know he's not leaving your side even when things get difficult
but he'll also show you his playful side
him joking around with you just really shows how comfortable he is being around you, and you can be sure that your bickering will always end with bright smiles on your faces and sweet kisses as he realizes just how grateful he is to have you in his life
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aliceramblez · 8 months
Dating The BB League Elite Four + Kieran 💕
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Tags: GN! Reader, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Teal Mask & Indigo Disk Spoilers!
A/N: After finally getting dragged into the Pokémon rabbit hole, I honestly couldn't resist in doing one of these for my babies! Scarlet/Violet is my very first Pokémon experience, so hopefully I did these characters justice ^^
Feel free to follow my main @taruchinator & leave a request for future HCs!
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Crispin 🔥
He's such a dork and incredibly quirky but don't you worry, he'll definitely be the one to ask you out first, no matter how many attempts it takes. Not like you'd say no to begin with.
As a partner, he's the kind of guy who would always try to cheer you up and have you in a happy mood, because when you're happy, he's happy! Anything from compliments, to jokes, to just giving you lots of affection.
Which brings us to the fact that he's huge on PDA. And the funny thing is he doesn't even realize he's doing it—he'll lean on you when you're showing him something in your Rotom Phone, rubbing circles on your palm when you're talking about your day, placing his chin on your shoulder while talking to the other club members—this man is all over you.
During your stay at Blueberry Academy, don't you dare spend your precious money on the cafeteria, he's got you covered. He'll ask you and learn about your tastes, creating new recipes and concoctions just for you, hoping to surprise you with something better and nutritious every day!
If you had a long day of training and doing BBQs, Crispin always comes by and makes sure you had a meal. And you better not be lying to him.
“Man, you've been out all day! Did you even have lunch?”
“.... I had a granola bar.”
It's safe to say that Koraidon/Miraidon adores him, and even makes you question whether it's you or your Pokémon who's dating him.
After you started going out, Crispin now makes sure to carry sandwiches with him at all times. Mostly for your oversized lizard boy, but also for you in case you need a quick snack to recharge. The legendary Pokémon is quick to thank him with licks and constant slobbering which always leaves the red-head a mess, but he tries to not let it bother him for your sake.
Whenever you guys aren't training, you'll be in your dorm rooms cooking and having laughs with your Pokémon over how clumsy they can be in the kitchen.
Overall, a sweet and supportive goofball who'll make sure you're always smiling and never have an empty stomach!
Amarys 👓
Obviously Amarys isn't the best at conveying her emotions. It doesn't mean she doesn't care, she just has a hard time figuring them out sometimes! Which is why it's incredibly strange to her when she starts having these weird sensations whenever she's around you.
She feels happier, her stomach gets all jumbled when you compliment her, and her minds always finds a way to drift back to you no matter what she's doing.
She ends up asking Carmine about it, who immediately gets all giddy and explains to her that she might have a crush. Amarys is surprised, but not against the idea. It makes sense in retrospect—cue bestie Carmine giving her pointers and ideas to try and confess to you.
Unfortunately it's all a bit too convoluted or cheesy for the Steel-Type user's liking, so she ends up doing it her own way.
One day after club activities are over, she asks if you can stay a bit longer to talk. “After much deliberation, it would seem that I have caught romantic feelings for you. I propose a casual outing so we can discuss these in further detail. Do you agree?”
It doesn't take long for you two to start going out.
Amarys shows affection through small gestures that may not seem like a lot to others, but you know they're huge steps for her. Sharing her food when you're hungry, giving you advice on how to raise your Pokémon properly, helping you study subjects you aren't that good at—the list goes on.
PDA isn't her strong suit at all. Physical affection in general isn't something she's used to, and she's forever grateful that you don't push her to do things out of her comfort zone. She tries though, and will do things like brush her hand against yours or even give you a hug whenever she's feeling bold.
To an outsider you're both an unconventional couple, but manage to make it work with trust and constant communication. Give her some time and she'll warm up to you.
Lacey 🧚‍♀️
A sweet cutie who doesn't really change her attitude towards you even after you start dating, since she's always loved having you around. The two of you also confess at the same time, which leaves you as a pair of giggling messes at the irony of it.
Is your number one cheerleader when it comes to school academics. You may not be an official Blueberry student, but that doesn't mean you should be slacking in your classes! If you don't understand the material, don't you worry, she's already prepared a slideshow presentation going over it point by point. Will also reward you with kisses if you pay attention!
Lacey isn't huge on PDA either since she thinks it's unnecessary, but when it's just the two of you, she will never let go. You have successfully replaced Granbull as her favorite pillow of choice, since whenever you two have time off and she's tired, you'll probably take a snooze under a tree in the Coastal Biome.
When you get to meet her father, she's actually a bit nervous since she's never thought of dating before finishing school, but you try and be brave and reassure her that you'll try your best to give a good impression. He thinks you're alright, but gives you the good old father talk to make sure you won't hurt his little girl.
Will find ways to dot your Legendary lizard ride with gifts and affection since she thinks he's just too darn stinking cute, but don't worry, she still thinks you're the cutest!
Since Lacey's constantly worrying about things getting done around the League Club, it's your duty as her partner to get her to relax from time to time. You'll do your best by offering to share responsibilities and reminding her that breaks are very much needed.
“Sweetie it's nighttime, you can finish in the morning. I'm tired and need cuddleeeess.”
“Just one more page and I'll be done—”
“Please Ms. Lacey! I need your cuteness to have a good night's sleep!”
“F-Fine, I'm coming! Flattering me to get what you want is just not right, ya know?”
Truly an iconic duo.
Drayton 🐉
Let's get one thing straight: this man doesn't confess—heck, he doesn't even ask you out! One day he just has his arms around you and plants a kiss on your cheek claiming that he'll follow your every command, all with a cheeky grin on his face. You're more than welcome to punch him for it and he'll still come crawling back.
Like most things in his life, Drayton takes your relationship slow and steady, not really wanting to push your boundaries (unless he wants to tease you) and having no rush to progress things. He's just a chill guy who wants to claim you before anyone else does.
Don't be mistaken though, this doesn't mean he doesn't care. You'd be surprised how much he looks out for you, almost borderline overprotective in some cases. After everything that happened with Terapagos in Area Zero, he's constantly making sure you have strong Pokémon, supplies, and good company to survive the crazy adventures you get mixed up in.
You guys' ideal date is spending time together in the dorms after school hours, kicking back and relaxing with a movie or just talking about stuff that happened during the day. He's surprisingly a very good listener.
It's from these laid back conversations that he gets ideas for random gifts to get you. Did you need a new pair of gloves cause the old ones ripped? Some are waiting in the club room. You're running low on potions? A box full of them appears on your doorstep. Want to visit your friends in Paldea but can't find the time? Turns out Drayton took over your assignments for the day so you're free to go!
You're also the only person he'll allow himself to be tutored by. Will literally not listen to anyone unless it's you. Which is why you try to make sure the material is easy for him to digest + it's not boring typical schoolwork, but something he'll actually enjoy.
“Okay! Today we're going over math! Let's have a battle in the Polar Biome so you can see how probability applies in critical hits and such.”
“Aww, my honey is catering to my needs? Aren't you the sweetest thing?”
“No kisses until we're done, Drayton.”
“Alright, aye aye boss!”
He's an idiot, but he's your idiot.
Kieran 🍎
This boy has had a crush on you ever since you first met in Kitakami, but never had the courage to say anything since he was so shy. Now however, he doesn't say anything because he feels like he doesn't have the right to.
After everything he's put you through—from accusing you of stealing Ogerpon, to fighting you in an all out battle, to straight up putting you and everyone else in danger just because he wanted a chance at getting a Legendary Pokémon—Kieran doesn't think he deserves to be your friend, let alone your partner.
Carmine is there as his wingwoman though, cheering him on and telling him how much you appreciate him and clearly return his feelings.
And so, mustering as much courage as he can, he asks if you'll trade Pokémon with him. When you agree, he brings out an Applin, which immediately leaves you blushing but also spreads a huge smile on your face. The two of you officially start dating.
Kieran does is absolute best to try and be the boyfriend you deserve, even though it's his first relationship and he has no idea what he's doing half the time. The members of the League Club are surprised at first, but ultimately support you guys all the way!
You spend time together sharing battle strategies and having your Pokémon playing to try and get along. Turns out Ogerpon and Hydrapple become fast friends by the end of a particular play date, much to your delight.
He's not good at PDA, like, at all. He's still that shy and timid kid from Kitakami underneath it all, so he struggles with initiating affection even when it's just the two of you. You're the one who has to start the hugs and kisses, leaving him like a puddle of goo under your grasp.
Nightmares still plague him occasionally, mostly revolving the journey to Area Zero and how it all could've turned out for the worst if by some chance Terapagos decided to attack someone else. Maybe even you. If you're with him when they happen, you'll hold him tight and whisper sweet nothings into his ear until he calms down, or if he calls you to make sure you're okay, you'll stay on the phone with him until he falls asleep again.
“I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...”
“It's okay Kieran. We're both okay, and that's all that matters.”
You two are the power couple that Blueberry Academy never expected, but deep down, you're just a pair of dorks who fawn over each other on a daily basis.
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meow-meowism · 9 months
BG3 male companions and doing your hair
I had this idea stuck in my head for ages, and I finally have the willpower to write them! I wrote this with a GN! Tav with long hair in mind but if enough people like this I will write for Tavs who have short hair!!!! Also do not worry I will write for the fem companions soon!!! If you find any mistakes pls let me know this is my first non-request post 🥲🥲🥲 (No pronouns other than you)
Gale Dekarios
Gale doesn't know how he got lucky enough to meet you. Whenever he is reminded that his adoration, his devotion, his love for you is reciprocated he feels like the orb in his chest might just blow up from the rush of emotion that hits him. When you ask him to help wash and braid your hair he has to fight the urge to crush you in his embrace, settling instead on a eager yes. He met you by the side of the river close to camp and was met with the sight of you already half submerged in the water, turning to look at him at the sound of his approaching footsteps.
"And here I was starting to think I was being stood up." You teased, turning back to focus again on working some knots in your hair.
"Perish the thought! As if I would ever break a promise to my Polaris." Gale begins to remove his clothes, stepping into the water and immediately reaching out to help you with the knots.
The two of you sat in silence as you both worked to untangle the knots gently from your hair, and once that was done you took turns washing each others hair and bodies (with surprisingly little heated touches). Once you're both dry and clothed back on land you tug him to your tent where you sit down and begin to work oils into your hair, Once you are done you beckon him to sit behind you. He eagerly sits, giddily taking the band you hand him as he gathers your hair.
"Now my love, forgive me if there any imperfections in the braid I'm afraid I haven't had the joy of braiding anyone's hair before. And do tell me if I pull anything!"
After that you two sit in comfortable silence as he slowly and meticulously braids the sections of your hair together, with only a couple sharp intakes of breath and winces. Once he finishes tying the band to the end of your hair he is quick to project an image of you so you can see the braid properly.
"Oh Gale it's wonderful! Are you sure you haven't done this before?" You question as you turn your head from side to side, admiring the braid before turning around to look at the man behind you.
"I assure you, you are my first. In more ways than one." He says as he dismisses the image, raising a hand to your cheek as he places a kiss to your forehead.
Any other time you would take this as an innuendo, but you can feel how innocent the statement is. Knowing that he means such things as giving him the love he pours out back to him, seeing him as the wonderful man he is and not just Mystras chosen, adoring him as Gale Dekarios. You smile sweetly as you press a soft kiss to his cheek, and then his lips.
You'll have to try braiding his hair sometime.
Wyll Ravengard
Wyll thinks that if he could do it all over again, change not his path in life but who had set him on it, he would choose you. If he couldn't have you as a mortal, he would have you as his patron. He would sign the worst contract, everything weighed in your favor, if it meant being able to spend even a moment in your presence. But you are mortal, and you are here with him and he will never take that for granted. When you ask him to help wash and braid your hair he has to stop himself from falling to his knees in worship, opting instead for taking your hand and laying a kiss upon it as a form of agreeance. When he meets you by the river near the camp and finds you already in the water carefully detangling the knots in your hair he is quick to remove his clothes and come to assist.
"Come now my love, I know you have a hard time with the ones in back. Please, allow me." He says softly as his hands join yours in attempting to untangle a particularly stubborn knot.
Working it out of your hair is slow work, but once it is gone he is free to help you wash your hair and vice versa. Throughout the simple and welcomed task of washing yourselves he is always sure to leave a chaste kiss to your cheeks or your lips, never seeking for more than to convey how you make his heart sing. Once you both have washed away all the sweat and blood you make your way to your clothes on dry land, wringing the water out of your hair gently. Wyll grabs your hand and guides you to his tent where he pulls out a small bag of oils, setting them out for you to choose from.
"These are ones I use myself, so I can guarantee that they are only the best." Wyll provides as explanation, moving behind you to begin splitting your hair into sections to make applying the oil easier.
"Wyll, my love, you don't have to-" "I know I don't have to, but I want to. Indulge me and let me be your prince, please?" He says lovingly, placing a kiss to the space between your shoulder blades.
You cannot help but huff fondly and let a small alright fall from your lips as you lift a lavender oil and hand it to him before turning back around. He smiles at your choice.
"Lavender? Good to know we have similar tastes then. Tell me if anything hurts alright?" Wyll then begins to braid your hair, murmuring soft questions and stories to you as he carefully but efficiently works. Through it all you feel him braiding a trinket or two into your hair. Once he's done he hands you a small mirror and picks up one of his own, angling it just right so you could see the beautiful braids and the golden bands he had managed to weave into the strands.
"Oh Wyll...it's beautiful, all of it. Thank you for this, truly." You carefully set the mirror to the side, placing an adoring kiss to his lips as you wrap your arms around his neck.
"Of course, anything for the one I adore." He murmurs this lovingly into your hair, wrapping you up in his arms as he lays you both down on his bedroll.
Perhaps you could ask him to let you braid his hair next time.
Astarion Ancunin
Astarion was still getting used to being touched with no ulterior motive. You were always careful to keep your touches in chaste areas, even asking before touching anywhere in general, and it took him a while to become comfortable with it but he was getting better at asking to initiate simple things like holding hands or cuddling. He knew he adored you, no matter how afraid he was to admit that to anyone, and was grateful that you were patient. So when you approached looking shy, quietly asking if he would help wash and braid your hair, how could he say no to you?
When he made his way to the river near camp, he found you already in the water.
"Already naked an in the water, darling? Without me? I'm hurt." He pouted, the playfulness in his tone evident. He chuckled a little as he watched you practically jump out of the water.
"Astarion! I'm already cold don't scare me like that!" You huffed, turning back to face the water as you untangled the knots from your hair.
He laughed at that, beginning to undress and climb into the water with you. He had brought his own basket of oils and soaps (because he wanted to make sure everyone knew it was him who had helped you) and set it on a rock nearby.
You tilted your head towards, but you didn't fully turn around. Your voice was small, yet sincere when you spoke.
"Astarion...you know you don't have to do this right? Don't feel as if you have to." You had paused in untangling the knots to give him your full attention.
Astarions heart swelled, knowing that even when he was practically in the water next you you still made sure he knew he had an out. He moved closer, placing a soft chaste kiss to your shoulder.
"I know my sweet, don't worry your pretty little head over it. I know that if I asked to leave you wouldn't think twice on encouraging me to do so, which is why I want to stay" he turned you around gently to place another kiss to your lips, "now lets get these knots out of your hair. Frankly my dear I am appalled at just how many there are." He teased before grabbing a soap from his basket and getting to work.
It was quiet work after that, relaxing into his touch as he worked the soap through your knots and gently untangled them. He smiled at you and gave you another kiss when you asked him if it was alright to wash his hair in turn. Once the both of you had cleaned up and gotten yourselves dry, he practically dragged you to his tent so he could begin working the oils through your hair.
"Astarion, isn't this your signature scent?" You teased, recognizing his motive with a swell of your heart.
"Of course it is darling, everyone should know that you keep fine company." He replied quickly, but you could hear the warmth hidden in the layers.
You closed your eyes as he worked the oils in, and then began sectioning your hair into smaller braids to form one big one. You felt him braiding in smaller things but you couldn't quite figure out what. With the tying of the band around the end, he handed you a mirror and held one of his own so you could see.
"Oh Astarion, it's like an art piece!" You exclaim joyfully, taking in the sight of the bands and flowers made from gold woven into your hair.
"Please darling, the trinkets pale in comparison to you." He sets his mirror down and carefully, as if you'll say no, wraps his arms around your waist.
You turn in his hold, jostling his hands a bit before they can settle back around your waist as you lay gentle kisses to his cheeks.
Hopefully next time you can find some trinkets for his hair.
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
𝓘𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓼𝓲𝓬 [Drabble]
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He's technically well enough to live on his own and, most of all, live his own life. But he's chosen you as his home- and that means he has to learn more about you.
Tags/Warnings: Alien!Jungkook, Human!Reader, mentions of eating raw meat, suggestive, Jungkook's.. interesting way of flirting, mentions of period, small moment of insecurity, fluff
Length: Short
-> Masterlist
Jungkook has recovered completely at this point.
He's technically allowed to roam free and go live his life again- alone, that is- but he refuses. He's taken on a job at a local supermarket, helping in the warehouses with the heavy goods, and he tells you that it's actually quite fun to him to help the people around him.
He's also still living with you permanently until it's clear whether or not he's gonna stay on earth or go back to his home planet- because It's not all too clear yet, though you're not too worried about the future. If he wants to leave you behind, it'll be sad, sure-
but it's his decision. You've got no right to tie him to your side.
So for now, you'll just enjoy the time you're able to spend with him- from lazy mornings to the routine cuddling session he practically demands every night before bed, like a ritual he has to go through or he just won't sleep at all.
And an odd sight to you is, that you're still catching Jungkook snacking on very much raw meat at your fridge occasionally, just like right now- his sheepishly large eyes all round and caught off guard as he looks from side to side, before he looks at the small cut of red meat in his hand.
He wants to ask you if you'd like to share, but he's learned that humans actually don't eat raw meat at all. It can even make them sick- something that made him worry, so he's since started to look up tutorials on how to properly prepare it so it becomes safe for consumption for humans.
He wants to take care of you properly after all.
So he started learning how to cook proper human meals that have good nutritional value for their bodies. He also began researching how to help you through your monthly cycle, and how to otherwise court you.
Humans apparently really don't court each other- they kind of just send each other messages on their phones, and then they meet up for food or alcohol. They do that once or twice to see if they like each other, and then they start 'going out'- which funnily for some doesn't involve walking anywhere at all.
Where's the proving one's value? He's got to show you how capable he is in providing; whether it be comfort, safety or even physical valuables such as food. How would you know whether or not he'd be a good time investment? It's no wonder so many humans whine and complain about 'wasting time' on the wrong partners when they just choose them on nothing but a 'feel of the moment'.
Humans are truly weird.
Then again, humans are also very emotional beings. They choose a lot of things based on their feelings alone, and they cherish opinions and other people's emotions a lot, even if they don't know each other. They make many friendships quickly, form huge social circles, and some of them even have relationships with multiple partners. Everything a human does is connected to feelings, it seems like. Apparently, they need to check if they're emotionally compatible first before they even think about mating.
Oh god, mating.
Humans are horribly complicated he's come to learn- it takes some of them months and even years of emotionally connecting before they get together for the first time. And when they do, it's sounds so complicated.
Some like certain positions, others have so-called 'kinks', and then some have a favoritism for certain acts that actually have nothing to do with reproduction. Jungkook had been horrified when he read something about 'eating someone out'- until he learned that it had nothing to do with actual cannibalism.
Human beings love pleasure. For Jungkook, that had always been somewhat of a luxury- but here on earth, humans see it as a necessity even. It makes him eager to prove himself as a lover who can match the capabilities of a human one- maybe even exceed them.
"Would you consider me someone you'd mate with?" Jungkook asks as he watches you pout hot water into a cup filled with a little bag. Tea is what you're making.
He doesn't like it- he burned his tongue on it a few days back. Why would you drink something that hurts?
"I- uh, what?" You stammer, having to put the kettle down as you're clearly caught off guard.
"Mating. Sex, is what you call it here right?" Jungkook hums, leaning on the kitchen counter almost innocently. How can he look at you with his stupid round boba-ball eyes while asking you if you'd like to fuck him?!
"I uh- I mean, you're.. really attractive, and I guess we're a couple?" You stammer, a bit caught off guard, and he nods.
"I believe that we are in a partnership at the moment." He agrees, putting the meat away into the fridge, before he washes his hands and dries them off. "And humans regularly participate in intercourse in most partnerships, right?" He wonders, and you shrug, before you nod.
"I mean.. most of the time, yeah." You agree.
"See?" He smiles, looking at you. "We should as well. I heard from a friend that it can strengthen the bond of a relationship significantly." He tells you, and you're caught off guard, as you can't help but stare at his bare arms for a moment, dirty thoughts invading your head as you look at the way his hands move to rest on the kitchen counter behind him.
Great. You're really happy he's making friends, sure- but do his friends have to tell him that he needs to have sex with you to make you like him more?
"Do you not want that with me?" He wonders. "That's fine too. Some only enjoy doing that by themselves.." He shrugs, and you freeze.
"What-" You start, terrified of the truth. "What do you.. mean?" You ask.
"I know you're pleasuring yourself sometimes, mostly at night before you shower. It's hard not to notice it, really- your scent is all over the place." He laughs easily, as if he's just talking about the weather. "I wanted to ask you if you wanted my help sometimes. You seem a little frustrated on occasion." He offers.
So he noticed that. Awesome.
"Yeah I just-.." you cringe at yourself, before you just shut your mouth.
"If you're worried about me not being able to pleasure a human woman, I can assure you- I'm pretty knowledgeable." He prides himself up. "I've only ever received compliments."
"You've had sex with humans before?" You ask, and he nods.
"Yes. Multiple, actually- so I have good experience." He agrees, and now, you feel a bit intimidated. If he has this much experience, what if you bore him? What if you can't provide what he wants? And he clearly seems to sense your distress growing, because he immediately tries to backpaddle his statement. "Though none of those experience involved any actual emotional connection!" He tells you, trying to reassure you that he doesn't want to come off as if sex with you wouldn't be something special to him. "You could almost say that it was practice-" He attempts, but you just sigh, shaking your head.
"You don't have to justify yourself, Jungkook." You say, and he visibly deflates at the fact that you don't use his nickname in your sentence.
"Do my past actions make me undesirable to you now?" He asks a bit softer, and you groan in agony to yourself, shaking your head as you sit down at the small kitchen table.
"No- no that's not it, it's me that's the issue." You huff, laying your head sideways on the cool surface of the plastic tabletop. "I'm just not.. as experienced as you." You shrug, not moving as he sits down across from you. "I'll probably be super lame and disappointing." You mumble.
You can feel his hand reaching out to pet your head, fingers running over your head in a similar way that you tend to do to him. He's probably trying to comfort you, and in a way, it makes you upset at yourself for being upset at him. He did nothing wrong. Why are you being such a bitch?
"You know.." He chuckles softly, and you move your head a little to look at him. "..my friend said that humans can be really confusing and emotional when they're ovulating." He offers, and your eyes widen as your head snaps up. "He was right." He laughs at your shocked expression.
"But I'm not-" You start, because technically, you really aren't. Are you?
"It's really faint but pretty noticeable." He chuckles, and you just sigh, accepting things for now. At the very least, the awkwardness has left for once, so that's a good thing down the line. "Oh!" He suddenly perks up, looking at with excitement.
"I heard that sex helps with cramping though!"
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killedpink · 1 year
한 지성 | a special appearance.
🎧 masterlist !?
📷 synopsis: your very much pined over friend and coworker, jisung, discovers your cam show. luckily for you, all he wants in the world is to be featured on your show as your first guest.
📖 word count: 6.3K
📂 contains: camming reader, unprotected sex, filmmaking, coworker setting, friends to lovers, afab reader, mutual pining, i mention jisung's eyes a lot here let's not acknowledge it please, slight fingering, oral sex, deepthroating, hair pulling, dirty talk, marking, thigh riding, cum consumption, creampie
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when you started your camming business, you didn't expect it to grow in popularity. the website you used just barely scratched top three biggest sites each year, but somehow you still raked in millions of views across your platform. the pay wasn't too bad, either — it was enough to cover the expenses of living and then some, which is especially good once you take into account that camming is only a side hustle. you'd get on once a week at best, keep your identity private and in exchange be generously tipped. not a bad set-up, right?
until one day where your coworker (the only one in your workplace who you think about in detail during your sessions) grows awkward around you, which is even more heartbreaking considering you have good chemistry together. so, you approach him when you finally catch him alone when you're both doing overtime, and you politely demand answers out of his round, plump pink lips. jisung flushed ten different shades of red before his features settle into an anxiousness. "i found your cam show." his voice is quiet, his brown eyes avoid eye contact, his lips uttered the words quickly and with much restraint in his throat. your own brain had stopped working, a million questions in your head and yet you couldn't make sense of one, and instead of asking him a simple, "what?" you were too stunned to properly engage.
jisung cleared his throat, looking up at you with those big, brown, tragically round eyes of his, "i watched your show." his voice was much clearer, still low in sound and barely resisting the urge to mutter it as if it were a curse. although being undeniably embarrassed, you weren't ashamed nor upset with him. "so.. do you not wanna hang out with me anymore?" you felt your voice falter, catching on your emotions.
"what? no! no, not at all!" jisung all but exploded, eyes widening and enunciating every syllable, "i'm sorry, i really am. i just felt a bit awkward because you didn't know and i didn't even realise it was you until it ended — i only figured out it was you from your voice — i swear i am not a creep."
to lighten the mood, you lean into his bubble and mutter into his ear, "how was i?" and the proximity allows you to hear how his breath hitches and how the apples of his cheeks redden as he chuckles.
the both of you finish work and clock out together, and you cant help but notice how jisung hangs around his car, his eyes on you the entire time. "hey, listen, i could give you a ride home if you're up for it?" it's evident in his voice that he's not entirely ready for you to leave his company, and it's always a pleasure to spend time with him. when he starts driving to your residence it's like his brain is on autopilot: he doesn't ask for directions and he doesn't even ask you to clarify where he's going, despite only driving to your home a handful of times. he's attentive — you'll give him that. the palm of jisung's hand rests comfortably on your thigh, his warmth reaching your bare skin as your skirt rides up to make room for his hand, cupping the flesh of your thigh and affectionately squeezing it every so often, usually when you shifted in your seat to satiate the throbbing between your legs.
throughout the car ride, jisung makes little effort to engage in conversation with you. he barely looks at you, his gaze completely fixed onto the roads even when the car had stopped at a traffic light. it worries you — and you start to consider the possibility that he lied about being okay with your side business, or worse; he lied about your relationship still being the same, if there was any relationship left, that is. with a heavy heart and your mind screaming at you to not go through with your idea, you place the palm of your hand above his, completely enveloping his warmth. he's soft, his skin a tanned bronze and easy to caress: and you almost fall into that trap.
"you can tell me, if it's weird for you." you didn't want to hear how little jisung thought of you, but deep down, you knew he had the right to stay away from you if he felt that was best. you just hoped he didn't feel that way.
the first sign you get from him is a sigh, light and airy and the bridging the space between the both of you to his thoughts. "i know we're just coworkers, but, i really like you." jisung cleared his throat, your gaze catching his brown eyes for a moment. but, in that brief period of time, his dark, sharp, soft eyes — paradoxical, yes, — enchant you and whisper every nothing directly into your aching heart.
"and, if you're up for it, i wanted to.." he paused, trying to choose the right words as he drummed his fingers on the wheel, "to.. try it?" he looked at you for validation. "try what?" you turned to the side to watch him properly. as the car started moving again, it took jisung longer to find the words in his throat. "to be on your show."
you knew he pulled onto your driveway, you knew the comforts of your home were waiting for you, and you especially knew this was new territory that you weren't at all sure of how to navigate. regardless, you knew the thrumming in your chest was your heart beginning to flutter and you begin to grow addicted to the way jisung looks at you — it all ends in his eyes. life, death, rebirth, it's all the same to you when those round, furiously tormenting brown eyes stare at you as if you hung the stars from your mouth and let them slip from your tongue like honey. he's pure and he's rare and you fear you could shatter him with this dormant side of your life. but how enthralling that would be? to discover each other and touch him where your hands could never reach?
your fingers weave their way between jisung's, "okay. if you want to, i do, too." his eyebrows rise up in surprise and his pink lips part slightly. "i didn't expect you to answer so soon," you didn't expect to have an answer for him so soon, yet you found the words brimming the inside of your lips just as easily as you could think them.
you shrugged, "do you know when you'd want to..?" you trailed off, assuming jisung could fill in the blank, while he leaned closer to you and unbuckled your seatbelt, his hand deserting your thigh to unbuckle it and the other holding onto the buckle to avoid it colliding with you. from this position, you're taller than jisung, his head bowed down slightly, still momentarily focused on the seatbelt, and when he looks up at you, his lashes thick and his eyes round. the mesmerising, tragic witchery of his dark, onyx-like eyes haunt you so perfectly that you're unable to look away, hypnotised by the dusk night gleaming in his soft, doe eyes.
"how about now?" he murmured, and you're taken aback by his sudden forwardness. "now?" you echo, his dark hair following his head as he nods. "what's stopping us? what better time than now?" you hear the edge of desperation in his voice; he wants you as bad as you crave him, you're sure of it. his voice is low and rasp and slightly breathy, his words setting something ablaze deep within you and his smoky voice does little to quell the ashes igniting in the cage of your hips, and suddenly, all you can feel is that heat searing into your gut until it aches. your eyes flutter closed and you lean into jisung, his soft lips kissing your jaw; starting out timidly, but each press into your skin leaves him hungrier to taste you. his plump lips kiss your neck and he kisses the gasps that both start and end in your throat; he kisses them through your skin and you're sure he can feel when you swallow nervously.
your hands creep up into his hair before you can stop yourself, and like desperate, exploding stars, your eyes are immediately focused onto his, losing yourself into them as if you see something cosmically different each time. "you want to come inside, or stay in your car the whole time?" you tease, your lips curling into a pleased smile once you see jisung grin, his smile heart shaped and like every other part of him: hypnotic. "you know how to keep someone's attention," he muses, unbuckling his own seatbelt and turning away from you.
after a bit of ground-laying, and a short rehearsal which didn't even go all the way (which jisung insisted be done even more than you), the livestream is finally started.
people swarm into the show almost immediately, the comments moving so fast you can barely make out any coherent words behind your sex-blurred eyes. the tips are insanely generous — and you hadn't even gotten to any action yet. your audience hadn't seen you with a guest before, and despite you teasing it, you had never really intended to ask someone to join you.
all they get of you on their screen is your semi-naked body, your face obscured. jisung sits behind you on the bed, your back pressed firmly to his chest, in his lap. his hands slowly caress your sides, and your body is warmer than usual when he slips his hands into your inner thighs. the camera captures his soft fingers slipping into your underwear in high definition, the screen projecting a brightness your sensual lighting fails to — illuminating the way your knees want to connect like magnets as jisung's breath fans across the mouth-shaped circles of saliva on your neck.
you're pretty sure your soul levitates out of your body when he hums in your ear, his pink lips pressing kisses into your neck that you didn't realise you had been craving — and jisung scratched that itch just right. it was hypnotic and torturous at the same time. your hand fumbled for his, your fingernails digging into his tanned skin to anchor yourself before you reach delirium. and while jisung's index and middle finger circle your swelling clit under the fabric of your underwear, you realise with little to no effort that he touches you in a way you've never felt before. it leaves you carnally sinking into his swoon-worthy, tan build, the same way flesh knits together over a fatal wound.
he is your religion, and this feeling only intensifies as your back arches and your head lolls onto his shoulder the same way the brick of a cathedral is laid in an arch of brick. the most your frenzied audience gets of this is your chest trembling for breath and your hips rising and falling as jisung pulls his fingers away from your sex, glistening with his efforts and roping together in sticky strings.
you pull yourself off of his lap with shaking, trembling legs, and you stumble out of your panties as if you were drunk. maybe you were. you make eye contact with jisung, his brown eyes wide and lovely and deep inside of them you find the lover has replaced the coworker. his cheeks are beginning to flush and his lips start to swell, and he gives you a furiously charming smile that doubles as a smirk when you squint. the audience picks up on this chemistry, despite a large portion of it not being captured on camera.
crawling back onto the soft surface of the bed, you kiss and nip at jisung's neck, dragging your warm tongue over his collarbone. "take these off, ji," you whisper into his ear, careful to not let your viewers hear his name, your teeth grazing the shell of his ear as your hand groped the growing erection under his jeans. with the proximity, you heard the whimper jisung tried to swallow, his pinkish lips parted and his adam's apple bobbing.
you get comfortable in between jisung's bare legs, your hands resting atop his thighs, your nails grazing the exposed skin absentmindedly. the feeling of it melts the iron ball of anxiety in his gut, leaving only the torturous, blazing fire resting in his abdomen. jisung watched you with wide, long-lashed eyes, curiosity and that intoxicating lust-filled look shone down on you like a blessing. claim me, his eyes said, while the peverted grin on his face said temptress.
excitement burned between your legs, chaining you and influencing you. all your reserve was shredding away, your mind foggy and your body yearning, and weeping. you sank into his lap like a priest at a sermon, all devotion and no defiance. carefully, you introduced his cock to the velvety heat of your mouth, your hands guiding the weight of his cock to sit above your wet tongue. slow and experimentally, you sucked and licked his leaking head, just enough to get a taste of his rich, salty precum. it was enough to wet his cock and you slipped more of him into your mouth, greedily chocking down each morsel of jisung's cock. jisung fought to strangle down a single, pornographic whining mewl that sounded so unbelievably filthy that you couldn't help but smile onto his length. it must have looked obscene, or animalistic: your lips in a puffy wet ring around jisung's cock, your half-lidded gaze and your hands sprawled out onto the inside of his thighs and grabbing pathetically at the base of his cock.
all of your fantasies are given to your audience for just a moment. you hollowed out your cheeks and nuzzled his cock further into your warm mouth until his hard, velvety head prodded at your throat and just barely obscured your breath. jisung's sob died with his own breath, his hips rolling into your mouth and his cock twitching. your legs twisted like a sunflower facing the sun in an attempt to stimulate your own sex.
cautiously, you try a few slow bobs on his tastefully sweet length, his precum mixed with your drool coated his entire cock, and clung to your lips like webs. it was sticky and warm and it got between your hands and his base. you found a slow rhythm, tracing the veins on the underside of jisung's cock with your tongue, despite wanting so desperately to feel them somewhere else. you're almost certain that the microphone can pick up the filthy sounds of liquid sloshing around in your mouth and throat. you can hear it echo in your own head as your tongue traces his tip in circular motions. jisung's eyes squeeze shut, and his hands creep into your hair and appreciatively stroke your hair.
the pop of your mouth slipping off of jisung's aching cock almost bounced off of the walls. "i love doing this for you." your voice was low, not daring to let it venture past the bubble you and jisung have created around you. the image of him above you, his doe-eyed look spoke to you as if you were both lips to lips. his heart shaped lips were parted, half from mind-numbing pleasure, and the other from the soul soothing feeling of emotional intimacy. softly, your lips pucker and gently kiss jisung's swollen tip, softly insisting it be drenched in your love.
like the calm waves of the september sea, your hand falls into a pleasing rhythm which strokes jisung's cock so attentively that he revels in it, and in his mind he's sure he's going to re-watch this video over and over, until the entire feat is committed to memory. you rise and let jisung bring you into a kiss; your swollen lips glide over each other smoothly, pressing together with bruising mouths and bitten hearts, yearning for the other. jisung slides and scrapes his palms up your back as you kiss, soaking up every inch of your vulnerable, naked skin that he's allowed. you feel the smirk jisung makes through the kiss, and you realise he's taunting your viewers. he's telling them — daring them to touch you the way he can.
jisung kissed you so intensely that you can't even remember when he unclasped your bra, opening you up fully and laying you out like a delicacy made to be ravaged and worshipped all at the same time. when your clothes are nothing but a memory, jisung uses his teeth to appreciatively roll your top lip that was caught between both of his lips before pulling you off of his mouth.
you're grateful for this; you couldn't muster the inner strength to part from him yourself, but yet you couldn't even stomach being away from his cock for so long. you dipped back down eagerly to whirl your warm tongue around his heavy, leaking head. the corruption, the depravity for jisung always starts with the mouth, the tongue — the sheer, unfiltered wanting that leaves you so desperate that nothing else but him could even begin to be satisfactory.
he sunk down into you, swaying into your warmth and your efficiency. jisung worked his nimble fingers into your mussed hair, groping handfuls and tugging at the crown of your head. he pulled so tautly that it made your head burn, and burn it did; as well as ache. but it and everything else went unnoticed when compared to jisung's mouth watering cock rolling and gliding into your wet mouth. "y'look so pretty, angel, so pretty like this, fuck..."
dear god that's good. that's perfect, you realise. your free hand finds his in a daze, and yours clings onto jisung's so tightly that you feel his hard, unmoving knuckles press firmly into the soft, wavering pads of your fingers. you choke down the rest of jisung's cock in appreciation, your sex slicked lips slotted perfectly against his hilt, sealing and suckling him so that he was even closer to becoming undone by your mouth that evidently wanted nothing more than to be full with his rich, intoxicating taste. you traced the seam of his head, the natural crease in his velvet smooth tip where his body rewarded your efforts, sucking and savouring the taste of him.
jisung had already given himself up to the pleasure — he had already surrendered himself to you. his pelvis seared into your mouth, and jisung cried, a smooth and guttural noise that left goosebumps on your skin and your cunt aching. jisung rocked into you desperately, chasing the unfathomable pleasure you threw yourself into making for him. the sheer neediness of the act set another wave of lust and heat and dazed love to run its course through your naked body, still snug between jisung's legs.
the pull to jisung was buried deep within your skin which seared at his sounds, the heavy gravity of his soul called to you so intensely that you have no choice but to believe there is no heaven waiting in the clouds; there is no paradiso that dante could ever write that could ever make you a worshipper of his work – for your paradiso, your paradise is here: tucked deep away from the world and instead melted and nursed by jisung. you had no choice but to let his praise fall to your ears and his hands grasp at every inch of you he can find with his doe eyes squeezed shut so tightly that it's almost as if he manages to caress your skin in the dark.
you knew jisung was close. you could see it on his face. the way his brows furrowed and his slightly curved nose scrunched up with his boyish smile, all pink and heart shaped. with determination, you relaxed your achingly sore jaw and pushed forward; you fully leaned into jisung’s lap, your nose dug bluntly into the tan skin atop his abs. you were met with two things: the burning intensity of chocking on a mouth-watering cock, and the soundless cry that sprang out from jisung as if he were a stray coil. somehow, his cries and groans and praises were harmonious, unlike his hands. one scrambled to grip your hair even tighter; as if his fingers would never untangle and he accepted his fate, his digits pushing and pulling your head as if you’d miraculously fuse together. while the hand that you held onto clung to you so tightly you could almost feel the pressure of the bones in your hand being pressed taut to themselves. all jisung could comprehend was the hot, impossibly soft, smooth pulse of your throat — it completely surrounded his sensitive, spent cock, swollen and leaking and twitching as it untangled itself and gave its all to you.
every inch of jisung’s pretty, swollen cock stuffed your throat so intensely it left you utterly crazed. you were half sure, that from the sheer stretch your body had to do to accommodate him, that the shape of his cock would be carved into your throat; you could feel every inch, vein and splutter of cum pulse and fade into your throat so deliciously that you’re unsure who is enjoying this more: you or jisung.
you were lost in the rich, salty taste of him. you were swallowed whole by the scent of his sweat mixing with his cologne — cedar wood, and cinnamon, and rosemary, and a note of sweetness perfectly crafted to leave you lost and shivering from the mere suggestion of his presence. but by far, the most rewarding part of devoting the best part of half an hour to sucking jisung off was most definitely his mouth. in true jisung han fashion, he was loud and didn’t know how – or when – to shut up. he purred and whined and gasped, filthily and innocently at the same time — he was a walking paradox. you felt the vibration of his voice through touching him. his eyes, solid and teary, looked at you, cock still stuffed in your mouth, cheeks hollowed and red and your lips in a puffed ring around his base, drool and cum spilling out from the corners of your mouth, and he looked at you with no emotion short of lovesick.
his taste conquered you, and yet something in you wanted more. you couldn't rest. you were so mindless — jisung sung your praises so tirelessly that it left you star-struck, a devoted believer of whatever profound subtleties hid between his pink, pillowy lips. amongst the general mind-whiting pleasure and delectable sounds that seemed to blur your surroundings, your chat was overflowing with comments. you're not sure that the donations in the corner have ever ceased coming.
it was with great difficulty, that you were able to pull yourself off of jisung's spent cock. your surroundings slipped back into place as you did so, your mind untangling itself and your lungs burning with every short, desperate breath you took.
long, thick ropes of jisung’s cum and your drool clung to your mouth, stretching thinner as the distance from his throbbing cock and your sore mouth grew. crudely, it snapped and fell between you, smearing and leaving a semi-opaque memento on jisung’s tasteful length.
you hadn’t planned to go all the way with him. for your first session with a guest, all the way felt like too much. but your chat and the tips begged for it — you had never seen such large numbers on a live video of yours before. you wouldn’t object to fully fucking jisung, either. he was enigmatic in his movements, melodic in his noises and dutiful in the way he touched you. the entirety of the night you spent with him so far was very much like a religious experience: clouds parting, sun shining and angels singing.
you settled on his thigh, both of your legs straddling one of his and unsubtly grinding your bare, aching slit up the length of his muscular, well-carved thigh. jisung’s tanned hands wrapped around your waist, pinky fingers following the swells of your hips, and giving you that much needed stability to fall onto a rhythmic pace that only made you more obsessive over fully fucking jisung on camera. because even if you never get to do this again, you’re sure you would be able to feel the same way he makes you feel by watching the video again. you’re sure jisung’s touch would haunt you in ways no-one could ever fathom, or dream about. because if it feels that good kissing him until your head grows fuzzy, and if it feels that good sucking him off until your lungs burn, it must look even better — and you cannot imagine how it would look if jisung pinned your wrists and fucked you so terribly deep into your mattress that it felt as if he were using his hips to carve you into the bedding.
you wanted to immortalise this exchange. because dear god you might never have this opportunity again.
you kiss — and truly kiss. lips part and teeth clash, scalding tongue meets scalding tongue. your mouths trace each other’s and you feel as if you have become one elaborate person. jisung touches you exactly where you need to be touched without even thinking it, and you moan when he does. it’s both remarkably intimate and terrifying. remarkable, because no-one has ever came close to making you feel this way; terribly because you’re certain no-one can ever make you feel like this again.
your body yearns for him in unfathomable ways, terribly and deeply. you notice that jisung has a way — a talent, even, of simultaneously melting and setting ablaze every part of you. it is maddening and addictive at the same time. jisung put your roaming, explorative hands atop his shoulders, letting you anchor yourself onto him. your fingernails dug into his shoulder blades; your hands wanted to claw themselves into the muscle of jisung's tanned, broad shoulders. you wanted to pry him open and read all his secrets.
you feel jisung's wet cock press against the outside of your thigh, tender and persistent. your sex aches with the weight of an unshed orgasm — all consuming and begging to be released. your body leans into jisung's, your mouth finding the shell of his red flushed ear, your eyes catching on the way he grinned sinfully and leaned his body closer to yours. your teeth graze jisung's skin, your wet tongue prods his jawline, and your mouth scatters all over his neck, leaving no inch of his skin un-worshiped.
his lap is slick with your arousal, your hips rocking yourself onto the hard muscle of his thigh until the movement becomes automatic. your eyes gloss over you and jisung on the camera; his hands are mean in the way that they hold you. it's mean and possessive and his fingers are sure to leave bruises on your dirtily loved skin as he presses you into him as if he wants you to break.
from the proximity, you hear jisung's voice catch on a moan each time your hip bumps his swollen cock, his tip flushed a painful looking hue of pink and his length twitching and thrusting desperately just in case he manages to slide his cock over your sticky skin again. your forehead rests on his wide, steady shoulders and your fingers bury themselves into the curve of his bicep. your lips part to make way for your teeth, which dig into his soft, tan skin. your voice sinks into his body and your fervent mouth finds its home marking jisung's skin with your vicious, possessive love. your face is buried into the warm curve of jisung's neck and you hear how his husky sighs die in his thick throat, his heart shaped adam's apple betraying his otherwise impressive efforts of keeping his cool.
you're almost shocked at jisung. he walks around with an angelic presence, his innocent doe eyes and soft, cherub face is the picture of perfection. he's all softness, curves and sweet smiles. who knew he had a deep, piercing craving to be loved viciously and unforgettably?
your mouth releases jisung's sweat prickled skin with a pop, "no more," you gasp, the cage of your hips burning with filth and obscenity, your cunt still unclaimed by him and sobbing at that fact. "need you so fucking bad.." you let your teeth affectionately nip at his bruising skin. you let your voice fall quieter, "ji.. c'mon." you urge him, your hand falling to his cock and you push your palm against the underside of his sensitive cock, barely rubbing and yet applying so much pressure against his sweet spot that you feel his cock twitch as his hips thrust into your hand to chase your touch, infecting him with your pining for him.
before he gets the chance to flood your hand with his cum, you jerk your hand away and finally let the pads of your fingers sink into the slick, puffiness that is your neglected sex, your touch immediately onto your swollen clit. this time, jisung doesn't try hiding his sounds.
"fuck!" he draws out, almost growling in frustration, his eyes glaring at you. half-lidded and lust blown, brows furrowed and an unbelieving smirk all matched together on his face. all of it made you swoon. you are wicked, his poetically brown eyes say. jisung's groan replays itself in your mind, echoing and fuelling the desperate need for an orgasm in your body further.
jisung's hand finds a firm, cruel grip on your hip. they dig past the flesh and sit adjacent to your hipbone, guiding you off of his thigh while his other hand readies his cock, his hand wrapped around his base as he saws his searing head up and down your slick, ignored sex; it yanked a whine out of your throat when it caught on your puffed, tender clit.
jisung truly makes you suffer at his pretty hands. he lets you claw at his toned, muscular back — and he lets you sob and writhe in his lap, eager to sit on his cockmeat.
you needed his brutish grip on you to leave a bruise; you needed his touch to linger on your skin and you needed him to haunt you, in body and soul. you let his grip shape you into what he needs and you pray he can feel the agonising lust that gnaws through your skin, too.
the sight of his mean, thick cock torturing your raw sex looks better from above. you pity your audience: for all they see is a fixed angle. no video could ever do the feeling of han jisung's leaking cock deciding its invasion of your dripping, lustrously burning sex justice.
the room spins as you realise your positions have changed. your cheek is planted on the bed, head turned to the side to spot where jisung is via the camera. he looms over you, and it sends a genuine shiver down your spine. the most you can see of him; and by proxy, your audience, is a hard-edged jawline and scalding muscle that makes him look legendary. you're sure some wayward poet has written about him. jisung mirrors everything they stand for: strength, mystery and hypnotically good looks.
one of his hands wraps around your ankle, folding your leg in on itself, while the other prods at your wet, warm cunt. your head is dizzy as your sex flutters around his gentle touch — the pads of his fingers collect the slick pooling at your entrance and smear your slit, dragging it down until his fingers brush against your clit. you jerk at the sensation, cooling air on your searingly warm, throbbing cunt. jisung's middle finger finally, finally aides some relief to the white hot pain of neglect that burrows deep within your gut. experimentally, he lets his finger sink deeper into your sex until you feel the knuckles of his index and ring fingers prod at both sides of your cunt.
you struggle to catch your breath as you grow accustomed to the ascending feeling of having some part of jisung as close as you crave it. you tremble and sob into the mattress when he slips his finger out of you and into his mouth, it's audibly vulgar and he's audibly enjoying it. your fingers curl into the sheets and you let out a needy, impatient whine to urge him to touch you once more.
it's surprising when you feel jisung cup the curve of your ass and the swell of your hip in one greedy handful, and slides you onto his hard, delicious cock that soaks up every feeling of loneliness and neglect that was once nestled deep within your sex. the moan that spills out of you pours into the air, your lungs already taking a breathless gulp of air as you cry and wriggle under jisung's grip, your back arching in a desperate attempt to meet his cruelly slow pace. his touch burns into your skin that it's almost archaic. it sends you into a furore of passion, and even sex-mad you think jisung to be lovely. even as he beds you, and rolls his hips deliciously into the globe of your ass and brushes his cock head against your silky warm sex, you still swoon over the way he coos praise at you and lets breathless sighs flutter out from his heart shaped, pink lips.
slowly but surely, like a newborn calf gaining its balance, jisung sheds his coyness. he fucks you, truly fucks you, your arms pinned by him and therefore unable to escape him, and the force of his thrusts scratches that itch inside of you just right. the camera captures your body following the momentum of his thrusts and the way jisung's head tilts back, his throat exposed and his cock quickly gaining both speed and force to bully itself inside of your cunt, sculpting his hips against your skin. you want him to touch you until his palms burn, you want to be tangled and pressed against him so tightly that you cannot remember the feeling of want.
the rippling squeeze of you around him is too good to be real, jisung decides. he's sure he has made you up in a dream. his hand dips under your shoulders to hoist you up, your back arched and your head, like his, tilted back. "y'fuck me so well," you mutter out, your voice raspy from the never-ending onslaught of whimpers and moans and cries. "gonna come, ji." you grin, eyes fluttering closed and lips parting, brows furrowing as you lose yourself in the heavenly sensations jisung generously bestows upon you.
jisung, so mesmerised by the show you've put on for him, cups the dip of your back, nestles his face in the side of your neck and just loses it. his cock is so deep inside of your cunt that you're sure you can never be un-loved by him. the donations and comments flood in, making the need, the chase: the rush to finish come faster and faster. knowing thousands of people were mesmerised by you and jisung that it made his ego swell — and his thrusts adapt to an even more frenzied, brutal pace. you're unsure how you're able to keep up with his energy. jisung's libido is truly all consuming; he had your breasts bouncing and your moans stuttering with each dig of his swollen tip into your hot, drooling cunt.
your sweat tacked skin sticks to jisung: even your bodies were in agreement when your minds thought you wanted to fade into each other. and yet, you were each other's to tame. no part of you was free from jisung. he had claimed every inch of you, body and soul, you were bewitched by him.
you crumble onto him, your vision so blurred you can barely make out the fuzzy sight of the camera repeating the view of jisung fucking you. regardless, it shakes and trembles from the force used by jisung to fuck himself into your sex. the hot, wet silk of your cunt clamps around jisung in quick, frantic bursts of energy, and you sob through your entire orgasm. jisung kisses the edge of your jaw and strokes your side, all the while maintaining his brutally needy pace that made a mess of the both of you, your cum oozing out of him in episodes, and settling in a ring around the base of jisung's cock.
neither of you are sure this feeling can be achieved on earth, and as jisung's thighs finally tense and his hips stutter and a searing heat spreads throughout his body, you're sure you hear his body weep i love you, i love you, i love you, over and over until jisung's chest heaves with breath and your ears stop ringing.
as the both of you regain yourselves in waves, you realise the camera is still recording. you dutifully thank everyone for the tips, comments and for tuning in, and quickly end the session without a second thought.
jisung's eyes search yours for confirmation, and when you nod, his lips morph into a shy grin, his cheeks rosy and his skin shiny from his efforts. both of his hands cup your cheeks, his warmth seeps into your hazy, obsessive mind through the palms of his hands, and with as much tenderness one would summon to cradle a tiny, flushed baby, jisung presses his soft, soft lips onto yours.
with a hum of approval, he parts, and you're once more face to face with his big, round brown eyes, that holds everything your soul yearns for. "i have a free day next thursday. part two? we could spend the whole day planning..."
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buterccup · 2 years
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A/N: You guys are so sweet!! Thank you for the support on the first part of Gen z! Reader series/ Daffodil series, it seriously means a lot! And since I saw someone ask for König I decided to add him too, our baby deserves some love too! And again if anyone has codename ideas please tell me because I am still considering changing Daffodil to something else!
Warnings: Dark humour, Suicide jokes, simping, swearing, mentions of parents leaving the reader, basically gen z stuff, usual CoD violence, wholesome family stuff,
Character(s): Soap, Gaz, John, Ghost, Price, könig x Gn! reader (Mention of Laswell and Graves)
Codename: Daffodil
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
It had been a couple months since you joined the task force and met your boys and they are happy you are with them, and despite being thick-skinned and having a very fucked humour you can get emotional at times.
One time you got upset over something and hugged the closes person to you.
It was Ghost.
And surprisingly he didn't mind, he understood that you were still young and needed comfort. So he gave you comfort that he never got properly when he was younger.
But once you told Ghost that you loved him which caught him off guard and made him stay away from you for a bit to process what you said.
Of course you told him you loved him through texts but hearing you say it was a whole other story.
The others get this treatment too.
Even if you're not upset you'll randomly say that you love them, which they find sweet but they all were caught off guard at first by the sudden burst of affection.
But they got used to it!
But there was one thing they weren't getting used to, your jokes.
Price swears he can feel himself get grey hair every time he hears one of your 'jokes'.
They even came up with a very...odd name for them: "Dil Humour"
When they first started saying the little inside joke you looked at them like they said something horrible.
"Excuse me?? Dil humour????"
"You know ill but instead of ill it's dil from Daffodil- No?.."
To say the least you were not impressed and you were sure Price came up with it.
But you still loved them anyways.
Even with that ugly hat.
You swear he committed a war crime by just wearing it but he lets you wear it just to spite you. Aw.
You made a Spotify playlist for all your boys and continuously added songs to them until you're ready to share it with them.
One time Gaz caught you adding songs to Soap's playlist and tried to peek over your shoulder.
"What are you doing."
"Your mom"
"Never mind.."
And you may or may not have made one for König.
I mean who could blame you?!
When you first saw the man you were in the mess hall eating with your boys, sitting in between Ghost and Soap, minding your own business until you saw the newest love of your life.
You started to choke while slamming the table with a red ass face.
And you bet that Ghost was the first one to slam his hand onto your back while Soap sat wide-eyed at what just happened.
Before any of your boys could say anything you were looking around like a hawk and getting up to talk to König.
To say the least your boys were in shock and stayed that way until you came back minutes later with a huge smile on your face.
"Shh..." (🧼)
"I got a new bae!"
"Oh yeah?" (🧼)
"Fucking what." (💀)
(that one unas anus moment)
And after a while you started sending König so many heart locket gifs of him and a lot of bear memes.
You don't what it is about the guy but he is GIVING bear.
Anyways you love this man to pieces and will always try your best to control yourself and not say any suicide jokes around him.
But you can control yourself so much.
The first ever time König heard you threaten to shoot yourself his eyes widened.
The poor thing was worried for you since all he's ever seen of you was sunshine and memes.
He would just place his hands on your shoulders and make you look him in the eyes as he asks if you're okay and if you ever need to talk you can always go to him.
You sometimes go training with him too and you couldn't stop fawning over how strong he was in your head.
And speaking of training, you also go train with your boys too.
There was one time, Soap was doing push ups and he thought it would be fun to have you sit on his back.
And who were you to say no to that.
Although sometimes you go to the 141 group chat and send memes.
Gaz is always the first to respond.
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Gaz: Where did you find this??
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Foap: Daffo this isn't funny
Price: Kid
Gaz: Aren't you two supposed to be training
Price: Where are you both
Baby gril: Is that me?
Soap or whoever is training you always end up finding you when you send jokes like those and make you work extra hard during train with him which makes you cry internally.
Speaking AGAIN of your humour one time you were fighting off one of the enemies and he landed quite a hard punch on you, cutting your cheek in the progress, but once the boys showed up the guy was dead and most of his blood was on your hands. Literally and figuratively.
There was no way of telling which one of the boys came up to you first but they definitely kept asking about your cheek.
"Are you sure you're okay soldier?"
"Yeah I'm sure, my dad hit harder anyway-"
They weren't happy with what you said, especially Price
Your boys will never forget the day when they found out that you couldn't drive.
At first everything was a blur, it was during a mission and you all had to fall back, and you somehow got into the driver's seat while Price, Ghost and Soap were in the back while Gaz got in the passenger's seat.
Ghost would have a bullet in his arm while Price and Soap shouted at you to go.
You floored it.
The sudden action made Soap hit his head against the car wall while Gaz and Price were yelling at you to stop.
They vowed they would never let you drive again until someone teaches you.
You were just bored one day so you beelined your way to Gaz's room and slammed yourself onto his bed.
Of course Gaz was shocked once he saw you enter his room but soon got on with whatever he was doing.
And just like Price, he would never tell you to get out of his room unless it was super important and would just talk with you about random things and let you vent to him.
Somehow you always end up getting all sentimental and it's just really sweet in the end.
Soap sings in the shower.
And Lord have mercy if you hear him you will ALWAYS join in and vice versa.
You two are a power duo.
There was this one time you convinced Ghost and Price to go catfishing with you on a dating app with your phone.
Their names were Gina and Fraincesca and it was very chaotic.
One time one of the people that matched with them started texting your phone during a meeting with Laswell and Graves and since it was going nowhere you checked one of the messages to see a voice message and then-
"Hey baby gorl."
"I'm going to actually kill myself, I will shoot myself right now it's not funny, I have a letter under my bed guys Imma go-"
Soap and Gaz still won't let you live properly after that no matter how much Price and Laswell tell them to stop.
Meanwhile Ghost and Grave would just act like nothing happened.
But even after what happened and the relentless teasing Soap and Gaz would do they still cared.
Live, Love, Laugh guys.
Requests: Closed
(Part 3 coming soon and also a one-shot!)
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awkward-tension-art · 3 months
Clones and Your Grief HC's
I’m coping with the fact that a family member died by writing headcanons for copy-paste-men. Yes, this is entirely self indulgent. Yes, I am writing based on what I had felt/gone through in the last 24 hours.
CW: Death of family member, reader is gender neutral, This isn’t proofread at all, grief, mourning, If i miss a tag lmk
Clones: Rex, Fives, Wolffe, Hunter, Echo, Wrecker, Tech, Crosshair
Minors DNI
You got the call this morning. Right before you got ready for work, you got the call of your family member passing away in the night. no warning. all so sudden.
It felt like you were struck with a speeder. Then, you felt nothing. 
Logically, you knew it was shock. Your brain was overloaded, and you were unable to process. You weren't incapacitated yet, so you got up.
You have work to do.
So you went to work, shutting down and doing what you needed to do in order to make it through the day. You were in a daze the entire time. 
Time went by too fast but also too slow.
You don’t even know when you got home. You just know that you clocked out and walked into your apartment. Unsurprisingly, your clone lover, who had a key, wanted to see you that night.
He took one look at you and knew something was seriously wrong.
When you told him, the grief finally hit you. 
Will hold you, remaining silent.
He's lost brothers on the field and was forced to continue as if nothing happened. He knows why you shut down due to shock that morning.
So he understands.
He's just going to hold you tightly, and not let go until you do.
Rex is well aware that sometimes talking about it isn't going to help. So he keeps quiet and lets you speak when your ready.
He's a silent comfort. Let's you come to him if you need him to hug you, listen to you or cuddle you.
Immediately his arms are around you and he's whispering comfort
He might get teary-eyed too out of pure empathy.
He knows grief. he knows pain. and he knows what your feeling. So he wants to help you through it.
He had shut down too before, and only truly felt the emotion afterward. He gets how numbness might hit you in waves.
He'll go with you to the funeral if you want. he just wants to be by your side to help you.
Expect a lot of cuddling, honestly. He just wants to hold you and not let go until he's certain your alright.
He was one of 4 survivors of his entire legion getting killed. Trust me, he knows the feeling of grief.
His brothers and him all leaned on each other through their grief, and he's going to do the same for you.
He'll ask what you need, and act accordingly.
He's a steadfast shoulder to cry on. Like Rex, he doesn't talk much.
You'll have to go to him, he isn't going to push or pry. He knows if he tries to force you to feel what your not ready to feel, it'll do more harm than good.
He'll hold you, keep you close and try to give you everything you need.
He knows something is wrong even before you walk through your door.
He's the type to try and comfort with the usual words of 'It'll be ok' or 'they're in a better place.'
If this doesn't help you much, he's flexible and patient. He'll adapt to what you need from him. Space? you got it. Closeness? he's there.
He's going to catch on very quickly if you don't eat or drink properly, so he's going to be pushy in that regard.
Hunter isn't going to let you abandon yourself because of your grief.
Like I said, he's patient and flexible, he'll do whatever he needs to help you through your grief.
He's the softest out of all of them. He's going to hold you, kiss your face and just be there for you.
Like Fives, he's extremely empathetic. He'll shed a tear just because your crying.
He'll take care of you, honestly. bring you meals, brush your hair (if you want), help you to bed, everything.
Your his heart, and he's in actual pain that your grieving.
Though, if you shut down the same way you did that morning, he's going to worry
He understands how quickly someone can spiral in grief, and he's going to move the entire galaxy to help you.
Like Rex, he's holding you and never letting go.
He's going to try and distract you, make jokes, get you outside into the sun, or get you moving at the very least
He won't allow you to close yourself off. He'll give you space, but he won't let you shut him down completely.
Also wants to attend the funeral with you, if you allow him. He'd be holding your hand the entire time. Though, if it's a family-only event, he understands.
He's pretty quick to pick up on what you need. You need someone to hold you? he's there. You need to get your grief-driven anger out? He's got a pipe ready and some scrap piles that need beating up.
He's going to be by your side through it all.
First thing he asks is 'What happened?'
Admittedly, he gives some standard responses, such as 'I'm sorry for your loss' and other things like that.
If it doesn't help much, he stumbles slightly. He knows your going through mourning. He knows whats happening logically. but he can't logic his way through this.
So, Tech is going to act with his gut feeling, and try his best to help and comfort you.
He does some researching and looks more into how best to help you through your grief. He's fully prepared depending on the stage of grief you've hit.
He'll talk you through the bargaining phase. Help you get your anger out. Make sure your eating and taking care of yourself through the depression phase.
He's with you, to the best of his ability.
He's not going to say a lot. his words are minimal at best, instead opting to physically comfort you.
He becomes...protective. more so than usual.
It's because your at an extremely vulnerable position emotionally and mentally. He'll be damned if he lets something or someone cause you any more pain and grief.
He's going to attend the funeral with you. if its family-only he's going to go anyway and remain at a distance. Practically shadow you.
Crosshair is going to be extremely sweet and soft holding you. He doesn't want you to bottle up your emotions, so he's going to just wrap his arms around you and let you cry.
Again, his comfort is more physical rather than verbal.
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therealmrsgojo · 7 months
I'd lie
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pairing: gojo satoru x reader
summary: throughout your entire existence, gojo satoru has been a constant companion, providing comfort and a sense of belonging. as the days turned into years, you discovered yourself succumbing to an intense affection for him, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. warnings: sfw, fluff, plot-heavy, canon divergence. mentions of injuries, spoilers if you haven't read jjk s2 (gojo's past arc) inspired by i'd lie song. word count: 10.6k "I'm holding every breath for you."
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7th of December, 2000.
"(Y/N)?" Your father's soft knock interrupted your reading. You tore your gaze from the book and carefully placed it on your desk.
You opened the door and looked up at him. "Yes? I was reading, and I was told I'd resume my training in the afternoon."
Your father dismissed your statement as he crouched and placed his hands firmly on your shoulders, face devoid of emotion. "Tonight, we have been invited by the Gojo clan for dinner," he announced. "Their heir, Satoru, who is around your age, will celebrate his birthday today. It's an important occasion, and I expect you to behave properly. Remember the lessons you learned about their clan from your advisor?"
You nodded politely to your father. "Yes."
Despite never meeting your mother in person, you felt her love through the tangible items she left behind for you. As you grew up, you cherished the handmade clothes and plush toys she crafted while carrying you in her womb, knowing that each stitch symbolized her love for you. You could feel her excitement and anticipation for the life she hoped to share in her letters about her dreams for your future together.
These mementos became treasured possessions for both you and your father, providing comfort and connection to the mother who was taken from you too soon.
You are the sole heir of the (L/N) clan, who have been practicing the elusive and powerful Reverse Curse Technique for generations, dating back to the ancient Heian Era; a rare and unique technique that only a select few sorcerers have ever been able to master fully.
As an only child, you are treated with the utmost care, like a precious and delicate flower that could wilt at any moment. Forbidden from leaving the confines of your estate, your education is conducted by a private advisor who visits you within the walls of your home.
Your father, consumed by the grief of losing your mother, has shut out the outside world and left you in the care of the servants. But, having finally overcome his sorrow, he is focused entirely on your training. He speaks in riddles and mysteries, hinting at your potential and the significant responsibilities that come with mastering the Reverse Curse Technique, even though you are still young and inexperienced.
Although you didn't fully understand it, you were grateful that he never replaced your mother.
According to gossip, your mother and the current head wife of the Gojo family were inseparable friends before the latter's untimely demise. Their bond was so strong that people often joked that they might have conspired to conceive simultaneously. However, you only saw her once when you were younger, stealthily peering from behind a pillar.
The memory of her tear-streaked face as she lamented to your father about his prolonged absence from society is etched in your mind. Her beauty was as striking as your mother's, and you couldn't help feeling a twinge of sadness when your father dismissed her.
You feel your servant's gentle hands carefully gathering your hair as she expertly pins it up in preparation for the long-awaited dinner with the Gojo clan. A small smile graces your lips as you realize this is your first time leaving the estate. You can't help but wonder what the night has in store for you - if you'll be able to make new friends and if they'll like you enough to hug you.
As your servant announces that she has put the finishing touches on your hair, you take a deep breath, eagerly anticipating the exciting and unknown adventure ahead.
"It's done," she says, and you know that you're ready for whatever the night may bring.
"Thank you," you replied.
An hour passes, and you and your father walk toward the entrance of the grand estate ahead of you. Seeing the estate's towering gates and intricately designed walls leaves you in awe, but you feel timid as you realize you haven't had many interactions with people other than your loyal servants.
You keep your head down, avoiding the gaze of some people standing at the gate, and clench your fingers tightly. You try to take slow, deep breaths to calm yourself down, but your heart beats faster with each passing second.
As you continued walking, lost in thought, a familiar-faced woman with a serene smile and eyes that shone like glassy beads stood just after the gates approached you. Her voice was gentle and soothing as she said, "My dear, (Y/N)?"
She immediately walked towards you with open arms and embraced you tightly. "I'm so happy you and your father came," she added, her voice reflecting the happiness and sorrow in her heart. "Your mother was my dearest best friend; you can call me Suzuki," she said, her eyes glistening with tears of fond memories.
You hummed and couldn't help but notice the warmth that emanated from her. It wasn't just her physical warmth but the comforting scent that enveloped you. The fragrance was familiar yet unique, making you wonder if your mother had ever exuded this aura. Something that you wouldn't ever know.
Whatever it was, you found yourself drawn to her, feeling a sense of calmness in her presence. Your previous overwhelming nervousness slowly dissipated from your body, and you could feel your eyes moisten - as if you were finally experiencing the long-awaited embrace of a loving mother, the one you had yearned for all your life upon hearing descriptions from your servants.
The feeling was so comforting that made you close your eyes and take a deep breath, savoring the moment of pure bliss.
You glanced at your father, standing nearby, only to see his eyes fixed on his feet. Sensing your sadness, your father suggested that you all go inside, noting that the temperature was dropping rapidly.
The woman's arms gently unfolded as she stared lovingly at you, "Please, come with me, my dear. Allow me to introduce you to my son." She gestured towards a young man you finally noticed, standing under the estate's central porch, having him fully witness your interaction with his mother.
You could tell that his mother, Suzuki, was proud to introduce her son to you. As she made the introduction, his eyes were fixated on yours, curiosity evident. Suzuki spoke in a welcoming tone, "This is Satoru. I've told him about you and your mother. I hope you can become friends."
"Nice to meet you, (Y/N)," Satoru's expression was one of eager anticipation as he waited for you to respond. You could sense he was genuinely interested. You felt a sense of sincerity in his words.
You responded, hoping to mirror his welcoming tone, "It's nice to meet you, too."
Still gazing into his eyes, you can't help but be entirely captivated by their intense shade of blue. It was as if you were staring into the depths of the ocean or the vast expanse of the sky. The color was so vivid and striking that it almost felt like some irresistible force was pulling you in.
You can't look away, and as you continued to stare, hearing his mother order the servants to start preparing the supper, you felt a sense of power emanating from him — the six eyes.
You suddenly heard your father's voice calling out your name, snapping you back to reality. You quickly went to the grand dining hall, where an opulent feast awaited you. The table was covered with various mouth-watering dishes, each more extravagant than the last. You feel a sense of awe at the sheer amount of food laid out before you.
It was clear that no expense had been spared in preparing this feast, and you can't wait to indulge in the delicious dishes that awaited you.
The only people present were Satoru's parents, you, your father, and the attending servants. It was a small gathering, especially considering the Gojo clan's reputation for throwing lavish parties. You couldn't help but wonder why the birthday celebration of the next head of the clan would be so simple.
Noticing your curious gaze, Suzuki spoke up. "Birthday dinners are a deeply personal and intimate affair for us," she explained. "Traditionally, we only invite our closest family members to these gatherings. It allows us to truly focus on celebrating our loved one's life and accomplishments without any distractions."
It was clear that they valued quality over quantity when it came to their family gatherings, and you admired their dedication to keeping their traditions alive - making you realize that this was more meaningful than any extravagant party could ever be.
Everyone started to settle into their seats around the beautifully decorated table, your father's voice rang out with gratitude and appreciation. "Thank you for inviting us," he said, his words carrying a weight of respect.
You were just about to slide the seat next to your father into a more comfortable position when you heard Satoru's voice calling out to you. "Sit beside me?" Turning your head to see him gesturing towards the empty seat beside him, a tiny smile across his face.
You looked towards your father and saw him nod his head in approval.
As you made your way towards Satoru, you noticed how the light from the window cast a warm glow on his features, highlighting the contours of his face and the softness of his skin. You sat beside him, feeling a sense of comfort and familiarity as you settled.
The plates of aromatic food started being passed around the table, and small talk between your father and the current head of the Gojo clan grew more animated - Satoru turned his attention to you. He leaned in closer, his voice lowered to a gentle whisper, "Are you okay? What do you want to eat?"
It was apparent from how the boy spoke that he deeply understood your situation. It seemed like his mother had informed him about most of the details; evidently, as he looked around the table, gathering some delicious food to fill your plate as if he had been doing it for years.
You were touched by his kindness and felt a warm glow of gratitude spread through you. His actions and gentle inquiry made you think you can finally have a friend.
"(Y/N)?" Satoru called out your name with a hint of concern in his voice. His face was marked with worry, and his eyebrows were furrowed in a frown as he noticed that you were staring at him.
In an unguarded moment, you spoke your thoughts out loud to him, "You have your father's eyes." The words slipped out accidentally, catching you off guard. You felt a sudden rush of embarrassment flood you, causing your eyes to widen in surprise. You quickly realized what you had just said and clamped your hand across your lips, hoping to somehow undo the slip of the tongue.
"Eh?" Satoru was taken aback, their face displaying a clear expression of surprise as they let out a small gasp. However, this was quickly followed by laughter that grew louder by the second.
His hands went straight to his stomach as if trying to contain the mirth, but their efforts were in vain as he continued laughing uncontrollably. Amidst the laughter, he managed to utter a barely coherent "W-h-what?" as he doubled over, his laughter showing no signs of abating anytime soon.
"I apologize. Happy birthday?" you said to him, not expecting your words to make him laugh more. You then noticed that he was repeatedly stomping, and you could see tears streaming down his cheeks.
Not being able to resist the infectious sound of his laughter anymore, soon, you found yourself laughing with him.
Gojo Satoru and (L/N)(Y/N)'s laugh was heard outside the dining room. The two children - aged eleven and soon to be the heads of their respective clans - sat together, laughing without any care.
People around them stopped what they were doing and looked towards the source of the laughter, wondering what could be so amusing, seeing their faces were red and tears streaming down their cheeks.
Despite the curious stares, laughter filled the air and echoed through the room. The questions they asked were barely audible. It was as if the two of you were in your own universe, oblivious to everything else.
The joy you both shared was infectious, and for a moment, it felt like nothing else mattered.
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14th of February 2004
You stood outside your estate, waiting for your best friend, Gojo Satoru, to arrive, when you heard his voice calling out to you, "Hey, doll!" You turned around to see him walking towards you, his signature wide smile lighting up his face.
Standing beside you, your father welcomed him warmly as he entered the gates. Satoru was a frequent visitor to your estate, and you always enjoyed his company.
"Satoru." He looked as dashing as ever, with his striking features and confident demeanor. Your father dismissed both of you to start the day, letting you know you could call him anytime.
Walking side by side, you could feel his infectious energy filling the air, and you can't help but feel grateful for his friendship and the joy he brought into your life ever since he met you.
During your early meal with your father, he suddenly asked, "Is Gojo Satoru courting you?" Shocked by the question, you almost choked on your water. You quickly composed yourself and responded, "What? No. He's just my friend."
Your father continued to stare at you, and after a few moments, he spoke again, "I've noticed the fondness he displays towards you. It's obvious, and I am a man myself. He visits our estate countless times and would rather spend time with you than attend gatherings and meetings with his own father. It's no surprise that rumors have started to spread about your relationship with the holder of the six eyes."
Annoyed, you replied, "Don't call him that. He has a name." You were ready to stand up and leave the conversation, but your father chuckled and added, "Well, it seems like he's not the only one enamored, after all."
You continued towards the gardens where you usually hang out with your friend; you saw that your friend was sporting a massive grin. You felt suspicious since you knew that look of his all too well.
"Why are you smiling like an idiot?" you asked him, trying to mask your amusement. You felt he was up to something but wanted to hear it from him. "Did something happen? Don't tell me you're planning one of your pranks again?" you added as you approached him.
"Oh, no! God no, doll face," he exclaimed, removing his glasses, "Not when I promised to you the last time. Wouldn't want to receive your powerful smacks in my head again."
He quickly bent down and sat on the picnic cloth splayed across the lush green grass, dismissing your glare. "But you can't stop me from calling you doll~"
You let out a defeated sigh and uttered a single word, "Stop." you sat down and noticed his eyes immediately drawn to the basket of sweets near him. You could see a broad smile growing on his face as he assessed it filled with an assortment of treats, cookies, and chocolates each one carefully made with your own hands.
Satoru enthusiastically expressed his admiration as he eagerly proceeded to unwrap one.
"You really are the most amazing person in the world," he exclaimed dramatically, his eyes sparkling with delight. Without wasting any time, he took a bite of the treat, savoring the delicious flavor with a look of sheer pleasure on his face. "This is the only thing I'll ever fall in love with," he added, munching and running his fingers through his hair.
hope not. hope you're wrong.
You reached out for one of the freshly baked cookies, and you marveled at the breathtaking view of the garden. It was a sight that you had grown accustomed to, yet it never failed to take your breath away.
Your gaze drifted towards the dandelions swaying in the gentle breeze, and you smiled at the memory of planting them with your best friend. You recalled how he had complained every other minute, but you both had laughed and enjoyed each other's company nonetheless. 
Satoru reached for another sweet from the basket. "I am thrilled that we are going to attend Jujutsu High together next year," he exclaimed excitedly. "Finally, we can be classmates!"
You playfully teased him, saying, "After all that begging you did to my father to let me enroll, I can't even look at you anymore." You laughed as you saw his shoulders slump in response.
"It's not begging, (Y/N)! It's convincing!" Satoru retorted, pinching your cheeks and ruffling your hair. You giggled as you playfully slapped his hands away from your hair.
"Sounds the same to me," He pouted in response.
"You know, doll. I have decided to follow your advice from last week," he continued, his eyes still fixed on you. He started admiring how the wind softly moved your hair; his eyes widened slightly at how red your cheeks were from his pinching.
"Satoru?" You felt your cheeks grow warm as you realized how closely he was silently looking at you. For a moment, you were lost in his gaze, mesmerized by the different colors you could count in his eyes.
Snapping out of his trance, he cleared his throat, and a slight twinge of red appeared on his cheeks as he avoided your gaze. "I plan to buy guitars for the both of us so we can start learning, as you suggested," he said, still feeling shy.
For a second, Satoru forgot about the sweets and instead focused on the loud thump of his heart, how his hands trembled slightly, admiring the beauty of the person beside him.
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1st of December, 2005
You leaned your head against the cool glass of the car window, closed your eyes, and let out a deep sigh. The engine's hum and the car's soft vibrations, as it moved along the road, were soothing and almost lulling you into a peaceful slumber. However, your reverie was interrupted by the persistent buzzing in your pocket. It was your phone, which had already buzzed for the 19th time from your best friend.
Sitting beside you, Shoko noticed your expression and asked, "It's Satoru again?" She chuckled as she knew that Satoru tended to be clingy to you.
"Seems like he can't keep his eyes off you, huh?" In the passenger seat, Suguru joined in the laughter and commented that he, too, was familiar with Satoru's attachment to you and found it amusing.
You recounted the events from the previous day, "I suppose I am to blame for the whole situation. When he asked me where I intended to go without him this weekend, I knew he would be able to tell if I lied. That's why I ended up avoiding him and his questions altogether." As you spoke, your phone buzzed once again, interrupting the conversation.
Shoko put her arm around you and pinched your left cheek playfully as she spoke, "Well, we can't have him tagging along with us when we plan to buy him gifts for his upcoming day, can we?" You couldn't help but smile at her teasing, knowing she was right.
Then, Suguru interrupted your conversation, saying, "We're here, ladies." As he spoke, the car pulled up in front of the mall where the three of you had planned to go shopping.
The hours spent with your friends seem to have flown by in a blur; you all had a wonderful time browsing through countless stores, chatting and laughing along the way.
After searching for a perfect gift, you finally found a soft, green-colored scarf adorned with intricate details. The green shade of the scarf is just the right hue that your friend likes but rarely talks about. The embroidery on the scarf is meticulously crafted and adds a touch of elegance to the overall design.
You can't resist the thought of Satoru wearing it, and a blush spread across your cheeks as you imagined how handsome he would look in it. The scarf was indeed a work of art, and you're excited to see the look of delight on Satoru's face when he received it.
You find yourself sitting comfortably in the back of the car, feeling relaxed after finishing your lunch just a few minutes ago. Your two friends are still outside, indulging in a smoking break before joining you. With nothing much to do, you reach for your phone and check the last message Satoru sent you an hour ago.
Satoru Hey, can you please tell me where you are at the moment? I'll fetch you. I won't ask for any more details if you want. I'm feeling soooooo bored right now; it feels like there is nothing left to do without you. Suguru and Shoko left the campus, too. Please answer and hang out with me, doll. :(
You laughed at his silliness, typing a quick reply.
I'm on my way and will be there shortly. I can almost see you making a pouty face right now.
Satoru I. am. not. pouting! :P
Your two friends got into the car; Shoko offered to keep the gift you had brought for Satoru safe until the right moment. "Since he hangs out a lot in your room, he might accidentally stumble upon it," she added with a smile. You gratefully handed the gift over to her,
"Thank you, Shoko." You replied, chuckling and handing her the paper bag.
"No need to thank me; just remember what you promised me about teaching me more about your technique." She said as she accepted the bag.
"Are you sure we're not lost sisters or something? I swear you learn too fast. You're too talented," You teased, hearing Suguru's laughter in front of the car.
"It's because I have a great teacher." She winked at you, pulling out her phone to check it.
Suguru was reminded about when they tried learning the Reverse Curse Technique from you. He couldn't help but envy Shoko, who could pick it up quickly, especially since she was learning it directly from an (L/N). The two males were not so lucky and struggled with the technique.
After that, whenever Satoru saw Shoko practicing with you, he would get visibly upset and complain that it wasn't fair. In fact, he even ignored Shoko for a whole month at first, giving her the cold shoulder and grumping every time she was around you. It was clear that Satoru was jealous and frustrated, and Suguru chuckled at his own thoughts.
Anyone in the same room where you and Satoru interact can easily perceive the depth of your affection towards each other. Onlookers would be unable to deny the palpable energy and connection between you two.
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1st of March, 2006.
You softly chuckled as you watched the scene unfold before you. Shoko is sprinting after Satoru, holding the stolen lighter in his hand and waving it teasingly at her. You can hear the girl's colorful curses as she tries to catch up with him, but it's almost impossible.
Finally, she gives up and flops beside you, still panting from the chase, watching as Suguru takes over in chasing Satoru.
You glance at her and smile sympathetically, knowing how frustrating it can be to try and catch Satoru when he's in one of his playful moods. "He does like to argue, doesn't he?" Shoko comments, looking at you with a hint of amusement.
You nod, still watching Satoru as he runs around in circles, winking and waving back at you theatrically. "It's just his way of showing affection, really. He likes to tease and goof around with the people he cares about." You can't help but grin at the sight of your best friend, feeling a warm sense of fondness wash over you.
As you continue to watch Satoru, you find yourself getting lost in his presence. You noticed how his white hair shimmers with every move he makes. His laughter is like music to your ears, and you're completely entranced by him. You liked seeing him happy. Your chest tightens with a fluttering sensation, blushing as you look away.
Unbeknownst to you, Shoko has been watching you the whole time, a sly smirk playing on her lips as she observes your reactions to Satoru. She can tell you're smitten with him, and she can't help but feel amused by it. To her, you look like a child who's been given a treat after a long day.
"Do you love him?" It was Shoko who had asked, and you could feel your heart racing, making you freeze, and you tried to come up with a response that wouldn't give away your true feelings.
You took a deep breath and replied, "Of course I do. He's my friend. I love all of you." You hoped your answer would satisfy her curiosity, but she wasn't done yet.
"You know what I mean, right?" she continued, "It's just the two of us here; no need to be shy about it. Won't tell anyone."
You could feel your cheeks turning red as you realized what she was getting at. You didn't want to admit it, but you couldn't deny your feelings for Satoru to yourself. You tried to ignore them, to push them down and pretend that they didn't exist, afraid that it would destroy your friendship, but they were always there, simmering beneath the surface.
You felt a sense of panic when you saw Satoru and Suguru approaching from across the field. You didn't want them to overhear anything, and you knew that Shoko wouldn't give up until she had her answer.
Finally, you spoke, your voice barely above a whisper. "I don't love him like that."
The bitterness of your words is so intense that it feels like you are tasting poison.
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2nd of April, 2006.
As you held the phone to your ear, you heard Gojo Satoru's voice on the other end, "I miss you, doll." You laughed softly and responded, "It's only been three days since I last saw you, Satoru."
There was a brief pause before Satoru spoke again, his breaths audible on the other end of the line. You started to feel a little worried as he remained silent for a while.
Although your father had allowed you to enroll at the school, it was under the condition that you wouldn't participate in any dangerous missions and would help out as a support during your time there.
"Are you okay?" you asked, aware of his challenges on his current mission with the Star Plasma Vessel. Your best friend had been keeping you updated on the situation, and you had just learned that their day had been extended in Okinawa.
"I'm fine; I just miss you a lot. I think this is the longest we've been apart since we started at Jujutsu High," Satoru replied, shuffling noises audible in the background.
You couldn't help but worry about his well-being. "Have you even rested? When was the last time you slept, Satoru?"
"I'll sleep when I get back, I promise. And don't worry, Suguru is here with me, so everything's fine. I'll see you tomorrow when we get back early in the morning, doll."
You signed, knowing Satoru was persistent and wouldn't listen to you. "I did some appointments with Yaga earlier so I'm going to bed now. I might be still sleeping at that time, so just knock on my door, Okay?"
"Okay. Can we not end the call?" Satoru pleaded, and you felt your heart flutter a little at his words.
"Sure," you tiredly replied, smiling as you put the phone on speaker and closing your eyes as you drifted off to sleep.
"Goodnight, (Y/N)," Satoru said, a smile audible in his voice as he heard your soft breaths indicating that you had already fallen asleep. He can't wait to be reunited with you, having brought you some native sweets and souvenirs from the island.
You were sound asleep when suddenly, you were jolted awake by a powerful tremor that shook the ground beneath you. You immediately sensed the presence of intense and menacing curse energy emanating from somewhere nearby.
Without wasting any time, you tossed aside your covers, swung your legs over the side of the bed, and hurriedly made your way to your closet.
You rummaged through your clothes, quickly grabbing your pants and sweatshirt. You changed out of your nightwear, and within a minute, you stood at your door, pulling it open.
You saw Shoko, still half-asleep and groggy, peeking out to see what was going on. "What's happening, (Y/N)? Wait for me, I'll get dressed," she murmured, rubbing her eyes.
But you were already in a hurry and didn't want to waste any time. "I'll go ahead; you can follow me after," you hollered over your shoulder as you dashed out of the room, ignoring her calls.
You ran as fast as you could, feeling your heart pounding in your chest. You knew that Satoru and Suguru were supposed to return from their mission at this time, and the thought made you even more anxious.
As you sprinted across the school grounds, you could sense the presence of more and more energy curses. You felt your heart rate increase, and your breathing became more labored. And then, when you finally arrived at the school gates, you saw the destruction that lay in front of you.
It was a terrifying sight, and your nerves were on edge. You ran even faster toward the source of the disturbance, and as you got closer, you caught a glimpse of a white-haired man lying on the ground, covered in blood. Your heart skipped a beat, and you felt your breath stop.
Gojo Satoru.
As you arrived at the scene, your eyes widened in shock and disbelief at what you saw. His body was covered in his own blood. Your heart started pounding harder in your chest, and you felt a lump in your throat.
Tears welled up in your eyes and started dropping down your cheeks as you struggled to take deep, shaky breaths.
You knew you had to stay composed and take control of the situation, but your mind was racing, and your hands trembled. You whispered to yourself, "Okay. Okay. Calm down. I- I can- I can do this." You repeated these words like a mantra, trying to steady your nerves and focus.
You attempted to gather your curse energy on your hands, a technique you had practiced for countless hours since childhood; you began to take notice of the true extent of the damage on his body, a vital and ugly stab on his neck, and it follows going down on his chest, covered in more blood, your palms felt warm and tingly as you focused your energy, but the sudden realization caused your breaths to become more rapid, shaky, and uncontrollable.
This was not a time to make any mistakes.
Your body shook with sobs as you tried to focus your mind, knowing that timing was crucial to the success of your technique. The air around you was tense, and you could feel your heart pounding.
Desperately, you reached out to the person lying before you, your breaths coming in shallow gasps. "Please," you whispered, your voice raw with emotion. "Please don't leave me too."
As you spoke, you could feel the cursed energy building in your hands, and you closed your eyes, willing the cursed energy to flow through you. With trembling fingers, you placed your hands on their neck and chest, feeling the warmth of their skin under your touch.
Taking a deep breath, you began to perform the Reverse Curse Technique. Your mind raced, your body stiffening as the red light enveloped his body.
The minutes ticked by, each second feeling like an eternity as you fought to save the life of the person you held most dear. Sweat dripped down your forehead, your muscles straining to maintain the curse energy. But you refused to give up. You refused to lose them.
And finally, after what felt like an eternity, you felt the curse energy dissipate, leaving your body drained and exhausted. But as you opened your eyes, you saw him take deep, shuddering, fast breaths, his eyes flickering open.
You suddenly shouted, "Satoru!" as you watched his body start to heal before your eyes, and you felt a sense of relief wash over you as you knew you were successful.
Your hands remained on his neck and chest as you gained eye contact. He recognized you immediately.
"(Y/N)," he uttered, his voice hoarse from the recent events. He lifted his right hand to cup your cheek and wipe the tears away. "I'm okay now, thank you, doll," he said with a small smile, staring at you with gratitude.
You were pulled into his chest when he sat, his arms circling around you gently, and you felt him bury his face in your hair and breathe in. You could feel his heartbeat against your chest, and after a few moments, he spoke again.
"I need to go to Amanai and Suguru. Someone infiltrated, and it's dangerous," he said, his voice full of concern. He placed a small kiss on the top of your head. You nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation.
"Okay. I'll wait here," you replied, giving him a reassuring, shaky smile. You watched as he stood up and felt a pang of worry as he gave you one last look, nodding before leaving.
You spent hours sitting anxiously on the edge of your bed, hands tightly clasped on your knees. The minutes dragged on like hours, and suddenly, there was a knock on your bedroom door, and your heart leaped with anticipation. You jumped from the bed and quickly made your way, eager to see who was on the other side.
As you opened the door, your eyes widened with surprise to see Satoru standing before you. He was still dressed in the same clothes as before, blood on the clothes, and it was evident as soon he was done he went straight to your room.
His eyes were downcast as he stood before you, his lips pursed in a thin line.
You invited him in with a soft, gentle voice, closing the door behind him. You placed your hands on his shoulders to get him to look up at you. "What happened?" you asked, your voice soft and caring.
Satoru's breaths were shaky and unstable as he reached out to grab your hands. When he finally looked up at you, you could see his eyes were glossy with unshed tears. "She's gone. I failed," he said, his voice choked with emotion.
You knew how much Riko Amanai grew to Satoru and Suguru in a short period. You remembered when Satoru told you they would offer to release her from assimilation, as they had empathized with her situation. He had been so confident that you would love her and get along with each other.
"I'm sorry," you said, pulling him into a comforting hug and resting your head on his shoulders.
Satoru buried his face in your neck, letting out a shaky breath as he finally let the tears flow. Even as a child, he had been the goofy and confident boy who never took anything seriously.
He was always expected to never cry, having the potential of being the strongest sorcerer alive. And yet, there he was, seeking solace in your embrace as he grew weak in your arms.
You felt his arms encircle your waist, gripping your back tightly as he steadied himself with your support. He mumbled your name and an apology, his voice still choked with emotion.
Gojo Satoru had never let anyone see him cry; it was a weakness in the eyes of others. But tonight, he finally found solace with your gentle, loving, and reassuring presence, letting his emotions flow freely without any care, as if you were his safe haven; the only beacon of light he could rely on.
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6th of July, 2007.
The year flew by, and news about your actions spread like wildfire throughout the sorcery world.
It was not long before it was widely known that you, (L/N)(Y/N), the next head of your clan, brought back the legendary Gojo Satoru to life.
Suzuki, Satoru's mother, decided to visit you and express her gratitude in person. She arrived at your school grounds with teary eyes and a heart full of appreciation for what you had done.
Your father was thrilled upon hearing this news and was boastful about your accomplishment.
Then, the passing of Yu Haibara, a dear junior of yours at Jujutsu High, had left a lasting impact on your life. The memory of his sweet smile and kind nature had kept you up at night, making your days at the school more uneasy than ever before.
Amidst the grief and turmoil, something unexpected occurred that would change your life forever. Your close friend, Geto Suguru, had defected.
"Like hell he did!" Satoru erupted in anger, shouting at the mention of Suguru's alleged actions.
The principal, Yaga, visibly stressed, struggled to explain the situation to the two of you. "Satoru, I don't understand what's going on, either," he said, trying to soothe the problem.
As you reached out to try and hold onto Satoru's bleeding and trembling hands, tears streamed down your face. It was clear that both of you were in disbelief at the accusations against Suguru, and the panic in Satoru's breath only added to the tense atmosphere.
It had been several days since you last had a moment to catch your breath. You had been keeping yourself busy with intensive practice sessions with Shoko.
When Satoru was not away on solo missions, he spent his time with you and Shoko, and you felt a sense of fear and anxiety from him that you might slip away from his grasp, just like his other friend did.
During one of the days you were away with your own agenda, he told you about his last talk with Suguru.
Suguru had shared his ideals with Satoru, explaining what he wanted the world to become. The world to be free of non-sorcerers.
The guilt of finally hearing the reasons for his deflection weighs heavily on your chest. You wonder if there was something you could have done differently to prevent this from happening.
The pain of seeing someone you care about so much become unrecognizable is almost too much to bear.
As you sat beside Satoru, your head leaning on his shoulder, both of you gazed across the field that had once been a haunting reminder of the tragedy that had befallen your school.
The once-bustling space, where you and your classmates used to spend your afternoons, now lay empty and silent, as if frozen in time.
Breaking the silence, you said, "I have talked with my father." Your voice was soft, barely a whisper. "He's scared after what happened to him, and he wants me to drop out of school." You paused for a moment, avoiding the mention of Suguru's name, knowing it would only make you both sad.
Satoru shifted his gaze toward you, jaw tightening, and you could sense nervousness in his demeanor. "What did you say?" he asked, his voice betraying a hint of uncertainty.
You sat up straight, meeting his eyes, "I will finish my studies here," you replied, "I am an adult now, and I assured him that I have you." You smiled reassuringly at Satoru, sensing his unease beginning to dissipate. His shoulders relaxed, and he gave you a small smile.
"Thank you, doll."
"For what?"
He gently tucked a few strands of hair behind your ear as his gaze lingered on you, a small smile on his lips. "For always being with me," he began, his voice slightly shaky, "I feel like I can't ever live without you. These days, It's as if I'm holding my breath for you." He cupped your cheeks with his hands, his eyes searching yours for any sign of hesitation as he continued speaking.
"If something goes wrong, tell me immediately, okay? I don't care if it's in the middle of the night, if I'm away, or even if I'm sleeping. Just tell me, and we'll work it out together, I promise." he said, his fingers gently tracing the contours of your face, and you could see his lips quivering slightly.
Overwhelmed by his words, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and kissed him gently. It was a brief, chaste peck, and you pulled away immediately, unsure of how he would react.
As you peeked at him, you realized that he was flustered, his eyes wide with surprise, and his cheeks and ears tinged with red. You had caught him off guard, but you could see the undeniable adoration in his eyes as he stared at you.
"I love you," his voice barely above a whisper, hands now caressing your hair.
"I love you too, Satoru," you replied, promising yourself that you won't ever lie again, that you loved him.
You felt your heart race as he pulled you in for a tender, slow kiss. He savored every moment, memorizing the feel of your lips, the sweetness of your taste, and the scent he had always found so intoxicating.
He can't stop smiling, can't stop smiling as he feels you kiss him back.
Gojo Satoru's voice carried a firm conviction as he exclaimed, "No. A hundred percent no. I can say that with certainty." Megumi Fushiguro, who had been standing in front of him, took a step back, fear etched on his face.
He shifted his gaze from Satoru to you, seeking confirmation in your eyes. Seeing his distress, you nodded your head in reassurance, reflecting your concern for him. You noticed him clutching his backpack tightly as if seeking comfort from it.
Your boyfriend, Satoru, confided in you about the last wishes of Toji Fushiguro, Megumi's father. Toji had wanted his son to be saved from the clutches of the notorious zenin clan, known for their ruthless ways.
Knowing how dangerous the situation was, you had convinced Satoru to take action and do something about it.
Satoru laughed heartily, his eyes lighting up with joy as he spoke. "Okay! Leave the rest to us then," he said, his voice confident and warm. With a gentle hand, he affectionately ruffled the kid's hair, a big smile on his face.
"But I might need you to push yourself a bit, though. So do your best. Get stronger. Strong enough to keep up with us."
As he stood up, Satoru turned to you, his eyes bright and playful. He gave you a quick wink before grabbing your hands and pulling you up with him. "We'll take care of things first, then we'll come back, Megumi," you reassured the child with a sweet smile, pinching his cheek lightly. You noticed the blush on his face, making you chuckle softly.
You and Satoru began to walk away, he removed his hands from yours, instead placing them on your shoulders. The two of you walked side by side, your steps in perfect sync with each other. You turned your head sideways and saw his soft smile, his skin almost golden as the warm sun shone around him.
"Let's go home, (Y/N)," Satoru said, his voice soft and gentle, giving a quick peck on your forehead.
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2nd of January, 2013
As you slowly stirred from your slumber, you felt the warmth of another person's breath tickling your ears. You realized there was an arm wrapped tightly around your waist and a broad chest pressed up against your back.
You felt a pair of large hands, with long, nimble fingers, begin to dance playfully around your bare stomach, sending shivers down your spine. Feeling the safety and comfort, you find yourself relaxing into the moment's warmth.
"You awake, doll?" a groggy voice asked; you feel a light pressure on the back of your neck as he begins to pepper it with delicate butterfly kisses, making you chuckle.
The room was filled with a hazy ambiance, as if the remnants of sleep lingered in the air. The sun had just risen, casting its early morning rays inside the room, revealing the intricate details of the surroundings.
As you turned your body, your eyes met with a familiar face. A smile spread across his face as he looked at you, and you couldn't help but smile back. "Toru,"
You extended your hand and gently cupped his cheek, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath your fingers.
He turned his head slightly to gently kiss your warm palms. His eyes never left yours, blue eyes looking at you as if you were his whole world, filled with love and adoration, and nothing else mattered but the two of you at that moment.
The silence was broken only by the sound of slow kisses made with each other and slow, measured steps as one person moved towards another.
Bare skin to skin, the intensity of their gaze was such that it seemed as if they were trying to communicate a thousand things with just one look. Each step taken, each breath drawn, was infused with a raw emotion that was impossible to ignore.
Even though no words were being spoken, it was a defining moment; it was clear that actions truly did speak louder than words.
An hour had passed, and you found yourself talking with Satoru as you recounted some recent events that had transpired with your former classmate, who had now become your colleague Shoko. You laughed as you shared some of the amusing and interesting incidents that had occurred between you and Shoko at work.
You and Satoru recently received a well-deserved holiday break from your daily routines in the Jujutsu community.
He chuckles softly; he reaches down to gently shift your head to rest against his chest. His arms wrap around your shoulders, holding you close. The soft blanket that you both share is adjusted to ensure that you are both comfortable and snug, cocooned in a cozy embrace.
You playfully pinched the cheek of the man holding you and said, "I think we should head out now before your Mom thinks I've stolen you truly." you smiled, "I'm getting pretty hungry too," you added, hoping to entice him to move along with you.
Satoru responded to the request with a slight nod, "Alright, but can you give me a second? I'll dress first. I need to go to the bathroom." he removes himself to his bed you two share.
"Okay." You replied, admiring his bare back muscles flexed as he picked up his new clothes and made his way towards the bathroom.
You slowly lifted yourself from the bed, and the cozy sheets clung to your skin. You grabbed your phone from the nightstand, hoping to pass some time. As you scrolled through your notifications, you heard the sound of the bathroom door opening.
You were surprised at how quickly Toru had finished in there. You turn your head in their direction, "That was fast, Toru-"
He approached you with a small box in his hand. Suddenly, he dropped down on one knee, and with trembling hands, he opened the box, revealing a magnificent diamond ring brighter than any jewelry he had ever given you as a present.
The sparkle of the diamond was so intense that it caught your eye and made you gasp in amazement.
You were so taken aback that you dropped your phone, and it clattered to the ground. Your eyes widened with shock, and your hands instinctively flew to your mouth as you gazed into his eyes, trying to make sense of what was happening.
"Some people might choose to do this with a fancy dinner, or on a yacht under the fireworks, or even on the highest building in the world with all the people they know," he began, his voice quivering with nervousness. "And I can do that too. I'll do that for you, too," he laughed softly,
"But, doll, (Y/N)," he paused, taking a deep breath. " I've chosen this place, right here, because waking up with you every morning is the best thing I have ever experienced in my entire life. The way you smile at me every morning and make me feel loved and wanted is a feeling unlike any other." His voice trailed off as he looked deeply into your eyes.
"And I want to do that every day with you," he continued, his voice gaining strength. "I want to be a constant in your life, partner, friend, and your lover. I want to wake up next to you every morning, until my last breath, as your husband." Tears welled up in his eyes as he uttered the next words.
"Will you marry me?" the words left his lips, and your heart raced with disbelief and joy.
Overwhelmed by emotions, you couldn't hold back the tears as you replied with a breathless "Yes." You launched into his arms, feeling his warm embrace and hearing his comforting words as he slipped the ring on your finger.
You looked at the ring, it sparkled in the light; the moment was perfect, and you could hardly believe it was real.
Satoru's kisses on your face made your heart swell with happiness. You knew you had found your soulmate, and were ready to spend the rest of your life with him.
"I love you so much doll," Satoru whispered, his eyes never leaving your face as you stared at the ring.
"I love you too, Satoru," you replied, your tears still flowing freely. "This is the most magnificent thing I have ever seen."
As you both stepped out of the room, fully freshened up and dressed, you held hands and walked towards the dining room. The aroma of freshly cooked food wafted through the air, making your stomach rumble.
Entering the room, Satoru's mom was the first to notice the beautiful ring on your finger. She let out a joyful squeal, her hands flying to her chest as her eyes widened in delight. She rushed over to you, enveloping you tightly and congratulating you on finally becoming her daughter. She expressed her happiness and even mentioned that your mom must be beaming with pride in heaven.
Satoru's father was more subdued in his reaction but no less welcoming. He calmly congratulated you, shook your hand, and welcomed you to the family.
The atmosphere was filled with warmth, joy, and love as everyone settled in for a delicious meal together.
The day had been filled with joy and laughter with the Gojo clan. You had spent the entire day with them, chatting, eating, and having fun. But now it was time to say goodbye, albeit temporarily, as you were to join your father for dinner at your own estate.
Satoru's parents bid you farewell, expressing their happiness again for your engagement to their son.
"Ready?" Satoru asked, making sure you were comfortable and adjusting your safety car belt, ensuring it was latched correctly.
"Yes. Kind of nervous though, with our engagement news and all to my father." You tried to lighten the mood by adding a joke and glanced at Satoru, sitting beside you in the driver's seat, looking calm and composed.
"Sweetheart, I'm the one who should be nervous," he replied, laughing, and started driving, his hands on your thighs, holding you and keeping you close,
You reached out to hold his hand, intertwining your fingers together, enjoying the quiet peace and the warmth of each other's presence as the journey to your estate started.
During the dinner with your father, you were utterly taken aback by his calm demeanor. It was as if he already knew what was coming and was prepared for it.
At first, you found it hard to believe that Satoru had already asked your father for permission, but as the evening progressed, everything began to make sense. How your father reacted to Satoru's presence and how he conversed with him made it clear that he was happy with the match.
It was a heartwarming moment for you to see your father happy.
Your father brought up an important topic that had been on his mind for a while. "When you both had children, one should still be appointed as the heir of our clan," he stated, his voice firm and resolute.
You nodded in agreement but added, "Let's cross the bridge once we get there. We're not even married yet, Father."
As the meal progressed, you noticed Satoru stealing glances at you, a small smile on his lips. His eyes were warm and tender, and you can't help but feel your heart flutter.
The dinner ended peacefully, with your father giving you a kiss on your cheeks and patting Satoru's shoulder before retiring to his quarters, bidding you both goodnight. As you were about to walk to your room, you noticed Satoru was not behind you.
You stepped back and saw him gazing at the big portrait of your mother, lost in thought.
"She's a complete replica of you. I can see why you're so beautiful and why your father has cherished you so much," he stated, his voice soft and full of admiration. "Do you think she'll approve of me?" he said, reaching to hold your hand and feel the ring on your finger.
You smiled warmly, feeling a surge of love and affection for him. "I think she'll love you," you uttered emotionally, your heart swelling with joy.
Satoru cupped your cheeks, pressing his lips on your forehead as he whispered, "She does not need to worry. I'll love you, care for you, and protect you with my life."
Going back to your room, your night was spent tenderly, with sweet words lingering in the air between you and Satoru.
The moonlight bore witness as you made love with each other, lost in your own world of passion and intimacy.
Early in the morning, Shoko was sitting at her desk when you walked in to give her the exciting news. She jumped up in surprise and snatched your hand to see your ring. "What?" she exclaimed in surprise, her eyes widening in disbelief. "Oh my god, (Y/N)!"
With a nervous look on your face, you took a deep breath and said, "I also wanted to ask if you would be okay with being my maid of honor once the wedding date is set." You bit your lower lip apprehensively, fearing she might reject your request. You knew that Shoko was the best person to ask for this important role in your wedding.
"Of course I will," Shoko replied quickly, smiling warmly at you. "I knew this would happen sooner or later, but I'm still in shock. It feels like it was just yesterday when we were all classmates, and I can still remember teasing you about your feelings back then." She laughed, pulling you into a tight embrace.
You reciprocated the hug, feeling grateful to have such a supportive friend. You joked, "I lied back then because I was still afraid, but now I think I'm much braver than before."
The two of you marveled at the expensive-looking engagement ring, with Shoko estimating its cost and joking that Satoru could buy thousands if you wanted to.
The news of your engagement quickly spread throughout the sorcery community, replacing your previous reputation as the woman who brought Gojo Satoru back to life; You were now known as the most powerful woman, the head of the (L/N) clan, and the next female head of the Gojo clan - soon to be Gojo Satoru's wife.
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15th of August, 2018
You find yourself in the kitchen, humming softly to the music playing in the background. The aroma of the spices and herbs fills the air as you chop the vegetables for tonight's dinner.
A small smile adorns your lips as you hear the servants of your home offer to do the chopping instead. "No, thank you. I find myself enjoying these lately," you politely decline.
The servants bow to you in return, watching in admiration, their eyes fixed on the elegant and glowing woman in front of them, the head wife of the Gojo clan.
As you continue your tasks, your phone rings, breaking your concentration. You wipe your hands on the tablecloth and answer the phone.
"How's my pretty wife doing, hm?" Satoru's voice greets you from the other end of the line.
"I'm doing well," you reply, looking back at the pot and stirring its contents. "I'm cooking our favorite dish. It's almost done, honey."
"Shouldn't you be resting?" Satoru's voice inquires with concern. "You just got off from work. If you're going to do the cooking instead of letting the helpers do it, why don't you quit your job for now and just wait for me every day with your pretty little face?"
"That's not going to happen, Gojo Satoru," your tone was stern and resolute. You continued by confessing, "I hate doing nothing. Simple things like cooking make me happy." He could hear the passion in your voice as you spoke about your newfound love for cooking.
On the other end of the line, he sighed deeply, realizing he couldn't argue with you. He knew that you were a determined and independent person and that it was hard to change once you set your mind on something.
Imagining your pouty lips, pleading eyes, and even a soft, simple "please" from you would make his knees buckle in defeat. He, the strongest sorcerer, was no match for you.
"And also, I wanted to give you a heads up that Megumi will be joining us for dinner tonight," he said, pausing a moment before adding, "Oh, and a new student of mine, too, if that's alright with you."
"Of course it's okay," you replied with a smile, "I appreciate you telling me beforehand so I can prepare. Do you remember the last time you brought Maki, Panda, Yuuta, and Megumi all at once? I was caught off guard and unprepared."
"I remember. Especially how you didn't kiss me for a whole day afterward because you were so upset." Satoru laughed, adding, "We'll be there soon. Love you ~ "
As the call ended, you turned to one of the servants standing nearby, ready to assist you at a moment's notice.
"Hana, please prepare some guest rooms for tonight," you said, trying to keep the excitement out of your voice. "We might need them later for our visitors. Thank you." You patted her shoulder, seeing her nod, before she turned around to follow your orders.
After your engagement, the wedding came soon after, taking place a few months later. You and Satoru had decided to have a simple ceremony with only the most important people in your lives present. You wanted to honor the traditions of the Gojo clan that had fascinated you since you first met Satoru.
Following your honeymoon, you were named the new head wife of the Gojo clan. Satoru's parents had decided to move out, passing on the responsibility of running the family estate to you and your husband. This was a significant moment for you both, as it was a tradition that had been passed down through generations.
The other servants had kindly taken care of wrapping up your cooking and set the table for dinner. You stood in the kitchen, washing your hands; you couldn't help but feel satisfied with your small accomplishment.
Lost in thought, you suddenly felt a pair of soft hands tenderly caressing your stomach, a body pressing up against your back, and nose slowly breathing in the scent of your neck. The unexpected touch sends a shiver down your spine, but you quickly recognize the familiar touch of your husband.
As you turned around, you saw your husband's warm smile that lit up his face. He quickly bent down to one knee and nuzzled his face into your stomach, murmuring, "I missed the both of you." You laughed at his affectionate gesture as you lovingly caressed his hair in response.
"I'm not sure they can hear you yet, love," you conveyed with a gentle smile. "I'm just barely two months pregnant, 'Toru."
Your husband looked up at you with a pout on his face, making you giggle like a teenager. He then stood up, took your face in his hands, and pressed soft kisses to your forehead, nose, and lips. The warmth of his embrace and his scent enveloped you completely.
He then turned to you and said, "Hi, my wife," looking at your face with a loving gaze, as if he was seeing you for the hundredth time but still couldn't get enough of you.
You both heard voices from the dining room, and your husband took your hand, pulling you and leading you toward the two students you had been expecting.
As you entered the room, a pink-haired boy with a curious look on his face muttered, "Wow, it's so big here, Fushiguro," his eyes scanned the delicate features around the room in amazement.
"(Y/N)-san," Megumi noticed you first and walked towards you with a small smile. You embraced him, feeling happy to see him doing well, patting his back and giving him a quick peck on the cheek before letting go. "How are you, Megumi?" you asked him.
"I'm doing well, thank you, for all that food you sent to the dorms, too," he replied, his cheeks turning slightly red at your affection.
As you stood there, your husband caressed your hair and introduced you to the other student. "Yuji, this is my wife (Y/N)," he said, turning towards the boy staring at you in awe, his mouth slightly apart.
"Itadori Yuji, nice to meet you," he said, bowing profoundly and complimenting you on your beauty that made you and your husband laugh.
"Nice to meet you too, Yuji. Let's go eat now, shall we?" you said softly, patting his shoulders as you led him to one of the dinner chairs.
The dinner was filled with laughter and stories as you all caught up with each other. You felt happy to see Megumi and Yuji bonding so well, as they were a perfect mix. You also learned about Nobara, another student you wanted to meet soon. As supper ended, every one commended your cooking, and you suggested that the two students stay for the night, offering rooms that were ready for them. They agreed happily.
As you both retired to your quarters, your husband's face was pressed up against your stomach, his hands caressing your hips as he mumbled sweet nothings to your unborn child.
You ran your fingers through his hair, smiling at the sight of the strongest sorcerer alive baby-talking to your pregnant stomach.
"I love you, (Y/N)," your husband said, his voice filled with love and affection.
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Note: Aaaaaaand, I'm done with my first ever fic! Writing this had been my comfort. Crying when I realized reader will be 3-4 months pregnant during the Shibuya incident (I might write about it too wink wink)
Thank you, I'm planning to upload a new fic next week.
Love, Aurora.
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ginevrapng · 10 months
Hiii<3 im sorry, can you write something about george? I dont know, something sweet? I feel like he is like that, and i miss him so much and i love your writing so i kinda wanted to ask for that, it is totally okay if you dont do it!! Just want to say i love your writings<3 they made me feel like im living your stories, its just soo good<3 oh and sorry for my english it's not my first language
hi<33 hopefully you like this! i decided to write a sweet best friend to lovers with george. i love him so much and i feel like this trope fits him really well. {contains slight angst but blink and you'll miss it
i'm really glad you like my writing, i love to hear that it! your english is really good by the way<3
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george weasley is your best friend. you met at hogwarts in your second year and by your fifth year your feelings for your best friend were less than platonic. it's frustrating being in love with your best friend, you know it's wrong and he doesn't think of you that way but at the same time you don't really blame yourself george is amazing and it's no wonder you fell for him.
george loves you and it's so obvious to everyone, at least everyone that isn't you. george is sweet and kind but with you he takes it to another level yet you're so oblivious. he's your best friend of course he's going to be more touchy with you, right?
george always pulls you towards when you're walking down corridors together, he puts his arms around you and brings you to his side when you're sitting next to each other but in your eyes it's just george being comfortable around you. he even kisses you cheek and forehead and you brush it off. george is incredibly tender with you, holding your hand gently and complimenting you everyday. "you look very pretty today love" and "another o? you're so clever sweetheart." you think those affectionate nicknames are just between best friends though, you do call him georgie when the only other person who does so is fred.
he spends his spare time with you and makes time for you between pranking. george loves it when you help him with his pranks by giving him ideas, he knows you typically try to stay away from getting properly involved worried that you'll get into trouble but he loves when you praise him about how brilliant his pranks are and how creative he is. george always makes sure that fred doesn't prank you, the last time fred pranked you was in their third year and george was pissed off, not wanting to talk to him for days. it was a harmless prank but he didn't want you to be the target of their pranks.
george comforts you whenever you need it, sometimes you can get emotional and he'll be your support. if classes are getting you down he'll be there next to you, holding you in his arms after class while you lay on his bed while he tells you about how rubbish the teacher is and how stupid the subject is, "don't let it get you down sweetheart, so what if you got a d in astronomy? sinistra is just terrible, she's even worse than snape." you knew he didn't think that but it still brought you comfort.
if someone says something mean to you they'll suffer with some harsher prank. when he overheard zacharias smith talk bad about you he made him pay the next quidditch match the gryffindors had with hufflepuffs, george focuses more on aiming any bludgers towards smith than any other hufflepuff.
george knew you'd always be friends, no matter how many hints he gave, you'd only see him as your best friend. sometimes he thinks he has a shot when he swears he sees you look at him the way he looks at you but he dismisses it. he's happy to be your best friend and he hopes that however you end up will treat you well, just as long as you don't end up liking... "i can't help it, i know i should be trying to get over him but i love him so much." he hears your voice. "he's just perfect, he's so sweet and always looks after me. he's so good at quidditch and he's so popular... i know i don't have a chance. his red hair is so hot and i lay in bed at night thinking about his lips." george hears the laughter of your friends and his heart breaks.
you deserve to be happy, you do, but the one person he wishes you didn't fall for was his twin. george feels like everyone prefers fred, george has felt second best all his life and at the end of the day george is insecure and you're one of the only person who knows this. he goes to leave not wanting to hear anything else you have to say. "he's my best friend." george immediately stops, "i mean it's george bloody weasley. he's amazing and i'm just me." george grins and he's so glad he took his time walking away before you carried on speaking.
at dinner that night he comes up to you and whispers in your ear, "come to the room of the requirement later love." you nod your head and later on you're worried that you'll get caught out of your common room after hours but you trust george and you'll risk getting into trouble if it meant spending time with him. when you arrive to the room of requirements you're shocked by the display. george has set up a midnight feast with hot chocolate for you both to warm you up, a blazing fire, a big comfy sofa and big bed. basically a big room where you can relax for the night with george. "this is amazing georgie."
george's heart is beating incredibly fast as goes to stand next to you. "i'm so glad you think so." you see pink dusting his cheeks and wonder if the room is too warm for him. he gently picks up your hand and places it on his chest where you can feel his racing heartbeat. your eyes widen as you get worried but before you can ask him if he's okay he starts speaking. he cups your cheek in his his hand, "i love you," he presses a soft kiss on your lips causing you to gasp at his confession.
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Hi can you do headcanons for Levi, Eren, and Armin with a reader who has cardiophobia and gets really panicky/emotional after sex ^^. I would really appreciate it.
Disclaimer/Reminder: NSFW works with the 104th will always be set after the times timeskip where they are adults. With that being said, Eren is... post timeskip Eren, so not the most 'adjusted' or the romantic as you might've liked. You know, tragic hero falls and knowingly becomes the thing he hated most and becomes the villain and dwells on it shenanigans.
(General neutral reader)
(Very light NSFW contents given subject matter below the cut)
Levi Ackerman
Like mentioned here, Levi has complications feelings with sex in general for the longest time until after he gets into a comfortable place doing it a couple times with you so he knows the feeling. However, during those first few times it's moreso during than after with him that you have to ease him more into relaxing when he gets cagey or overwhelmed with the feels™ you can be his rock to ground and comfort him through it. So if you get similar feels post sex it's only fair for him to do the same for you, right?
You will have to thoroughly explain it to him exactly what you're feeling it going through though - even if in the moment it might be a bit hard, so maybe bring it up beforehand? If not in the moment that first time he's going to automatically assume the worst and think he's hurt you and bad past shit is going to flare back up - again, sex is a complicated subject for Levi - and he's going to insist you two never do this again unless you can properly explain that it's nothing but just an anxiety thing and that you're fine, it's nothing to do with him and he didn't hurt you and you would actually like to do it again. He's going to hesitate a bit but he trusts you - he wouldn't be here with you right now if he didn't - if you really say you're okay and everything's fine he'll believe you. He's careful with you, especially like this an emotional wreck on his bed, but he'll still believe you and try to focus on what you need now.
It takes a couple attempts to get into a steady rhythm and healthy pattern, while during sex Levi learns more about how to be more vulnerable loosing himself with you after you both learn what it takes for you to be as comfortable as possible afterwards.
Do you need space? After collecting himself - kissing you one last time if you're comfortable - he'll completely vacate your space and drift off a bit somewhere else. Depending on how much space you need, he can either retreat to a corner of the room and talk with (or at if that helps) you there or he can get completely dressed and go shower - if he comes back out and you're still in need of space, he can then go back out to his office and make himself busy with some of the hundreds of piles of busy work shit Erwin has him to do until whenever you are comfortable enough to go out and seek him again. Either way he's always respectful of you maybe wanting to be alone to recollect yourself.
Do you need constant affection? Or reassuring comfort? He can do that. He doesn't think he's very good at it (he very much is) but he'll try. Once you've made it clear by eloping your arms and/or legs around him like you'll never let go and bury your face in the crook of his neck, he'll slightly return it by having a stern grip around you - once he's more comfortable with the dynamic even coming up to trace his fingers along your body or even play with your hair if you're comfortable. You need kisses? He'll give them. You need to just hear him talk about anything? He can pull the most random shit out of his ass to complain about. More specific but you want to hear a story from him? He's limited because half the shit isn't very comforting or appropriate for this setting to try and calm you down, plus given how you're here in the first place he's told you all of it, but he does manage to come up with a couple 'fun' stories, usually involving Isabel - she was a fun person, his fun kid sister.
Like the time in the small apartment he used to live in with Kenny before he left and then lived in with her and Farlan, he went to go discover the source of a smell in the attic that overlooked Isabel's room one night and discovered the source was a leaking wine barrel and not even five seconds after making the discover and was he about to move it to assess the floor damage did an ODM wire break through from up the floor and through the barrel and shot up past his ear until everything fell around him and he crashed to the floor below covered head to toe in wine and where Isabel loudly spewed off about some kind of 'monster' while wielding her blades in her nightwear until the dust settled and the 'monster' was revealed to be Levi. He remembers it was just as Farlan stepped in to see what the hell was going on that he got so mad at her, which looking back now on he definitely wishes he didn't yell at her the way he did but they didn't have the money to make such the repairs to the house now with the giant gaping hole in Isabel's bedroom... but they ended up pinning down a large blanket to the hole as their 'solution', it definitely didn't help during winter nights or when rats from the attic would fall through the cracks and onto Isabel while she slept giving her nightmares for weeks... and here he was making the story depressing again, he hates when he always does that without realizing - but cuddled up next to him you tell him it's fine, in a way it shows how much he cared about his adopted family even despite all the depressing hardships they went through.
No matter what he's always willing to make changes and adjustments for you to suit and help with your current needs, after all you do the same for him when he needs it so besides him genuinely wanting to it's only fair as he sees it. He loves you, like actually genuinely loves you and you mean the world to him, you two wouldn't even be here to experience this dilemma in the first place if he didn't. If you can make adjustments and changes for him to deal with his whole complicated struggles he's more than happy to do the same for you.
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Eren Jeager
Already somewhat aware of it before you two even fuck in the first place. Being said, Eren at this point in time is aware of a lot of things but always chooses to keep them to himself. He has to. After all, there's no point. Everything is leading to one place. No matter what. There's no point. He's going to hell in less than year anyway for the tragedy he's going to make occur. You're nothing but a temporary distraction from that. Hell he doesn't even know if you're going to survive it. You might. Or might not. Either way he's going to be dead before he can even figure that fact out. Mikasa is going to kill him in the end - he knows that much. Nothing he does now matters, that diplomacy meeting just proved that. They are going to one future. No matter what. Eighty percent. Eighty damn percent. He's going to hell and he's going to rot there, he knows that.
You're a temporary distraction. He tells himself that over and over. He'll fuck you and leave. Not even taking the time to really watch your emotional reaction afterwards, if you need space and need to be alone then it's not much of an issue - hell, he's actually helping you but it still hurts with how cold-hearted he forces himself to be. If you need comfort and affection you're completely shit out of luck. You are a temporary distraction. Over and over he reminds himself. Will you be a part of that eighty percent? He doesn't want to think about it. So he doesn't think about it so he doesn't pit your emotions in consideration... at least for awhile.
His younger version of himself still in him is very stubborn. His old emotions he use to feel are very stubborn - biting him at the worst possible times. He ignores it - tries to. But it's at the absolute worst when it's around you.
If he were that dumb kid - hell himself a year or two ago - he would've taken immediate action to comfort you in the best way he could. He would've stayed and been there for you, comforted you if you needed it. If he were that same puppy lovesick kid he would've done anything for you, he would mold and do anything for your needs. He would put all your emotions and feelings into consideration and in account. You mean so much to him, if only he had the courage to tell you that before the Truth hit him all in the face with that one Touch of That hand. Maybe a sick twisted part of him wishes that connection moment seeing the horrific future He would create never would've happened and he could have lived in ignorant bliss, he could've been happy with you and all his friends. But the future leads all one way, he reminds himself. No matter what. Eighty percent.
But as time get closer, he looses up a bit. Let's himself have a moment of respite and selfishness he knows he doesn't deserve. The one time he either doesn't immediate leave or goes only far enough of a comfortable distance from you but still able to speak to you as he sits across the room. He doesn't talk, even if you want him to. But he'll sit there either next to you on the bed for you to hesitantly cling onto him or he'll sit by the windowsill and just stare outside. But he'll stay there. Unlike before.
You can talk if you want, he won't stop you. Talk about whatever through choked out sobs and struggled breaths and he'll listen. He doesn't know why he's letting himself but he does, even still he likes hearing your voice.
If you're beside him you can touch him if you want, his longer hair is very soft and his hands are surprisingly very smooth and delicate against your skin - probably from the constant new layers of molded over skin from his transformations. He'll let you do whatever you want except he won't outright touch you in return. He won't let himself.
If he's across the room staring out the window however, he will actually speak. But he does so without ever looking at you. He'll tell you stories about his childhood, tales about Mikasa and Armin, how really important they are to him, how he liked you for so long but was a coward to never be able to say it until too late, and how it fucking hurts him knowing what all you and them are going to be put through when he's finally gone past the point of no return - but you never for some reason remember that part. Not until after the dust has settled after the Battle of Heaven and Earth. There's a lot of things you don't remember him saying to you until after he's gone.
Then rationality sets back in. He wants you to find someone else, someone else you can properly attune and care for your complex needs - someone that's not him. You do mean too much to him. He's not deserving of that. He's not deserving of having you share such vulnerabilities with him. He's not deserving of your tender emotions. You two can't do this anymore. He wants you to hate him for the evil he's going to do. The future only leads one way. And he's not going to be a part of yours.
Eighty percent.
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Armin Arlert
Literally so understanding and accommodating. Once you tell him about your anxieties and with up to date medical knowledge books from Marley he's actually able to find the scientific term for it and uses those books as somewhat of a blueprint to try and maneuver through it the best way possible.
However, he actually overwhelms himself however overlyworrying that you're uncomfortable with talks a mile a minute asking suggestions of the things he's read to a point it actually distracts you for a brief moment that it's actually cute seeing him like this and you'll have to flat out tell him exactly what you need or he'll go on and on for hours without even realizing he's doing so and that could potentially overwhelm you too and make things worse and you obviously don't want that. So it's best to be blunt and forward about it, he'll do anything you suggest and give you as much space as you want or as much less space as you want if you need to be held.
Once you're all situated and on the verge of be more calmer now (or at least on the road to be) Armin becomes less stressed about worrying over you now that he sees you bit by bit slowly easing out. He's either as far or close as you want him but he still makes sure to check on you, asking simple yes or no questions you can answer with a simple head nod or shake until he's completely satisfied that you're okay.
If you need it quiet, he can stay quiet, either petting along the small of your back and/or pressing a couple kisses to the top of your head as you still lay naked on top him if comfortable and if close enough. Or - and he can do this both is farther away in the set aside chair at his desk or right next to you in bed - he can read to you, he loves reading to you. His voice is so calming when he reads and it can settle as a very good distraction to help shove away any remainder nerves and uneased emotions.
He'll read your favorite books but also from a couple his parents left behind to him as a kid that he still keeps, he loves reading those to you especially given how much they mean to him. His grandpa use to read them to him before bed too, but he tries not to think about even in the dead of night while he stared aimlessly at the ceiling still (sleep was a very hard thing to do after Maria fell) he could hear his Grandpa's cries from downstairs in the shotty house they rented. The book was the only thing he had left of his daughter - Armin's mother - after all, so they obviously meant a lot to him too, increasing their value more. To read them to you means a lot, even in a situation like these.
He can also talk about other things though if you want, Armin is a busy guy with all sorts of future things potentially planned and honestly he'll appreciate it if you're comfortable and willing to let him ramble on about his plans and ideas for the Peace Diplomacy and other important Commander things of the sort to pick at his brain for a bit. You don't have to pitch in or offer anything to it but if you do it's always considered and appreciated. And it doesn't just have to be about strictly professional stuff either, it can be about anything you want it to be. But things can tend to dampen the mood if the past gets brought of given... everything. Speaking of you two really need to go visit Mikasa soon...
It doesn't matter how much of a mess you're in Armin will always pick back up your pieces, no matter how long or how much time it takes to pick them back up. He'll kiss away your tears and ease your stress away time and time again however you need it. No matter what or however long, he'll do it until death takes him and he reunites with Eren in hell. That's a promise.
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If you like what you read please consider reblogging! It means the world for writers and artists!
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offical-ouroboros · 6 months
Hi, could you do more of the unknown HC or fanfic?
Unknown x Reader HCs - An Unhealthy Obsession
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CW: creep unknown, unwanted touches, UVX 'drugging'??, general horror warnings idfk, yandere/manipulative unknown
this may become a mini series
※ He just wouldn't leave you alone!
※ It didn't matter if you were in a match, or at camp. You always felt like you were being watched.
※ When you tried talking to others, they made you feel even crazier.
※ At least... That's how you heard things.
※ Truth was, you were probably just intensely disoriented from the Unknown's UVX.
※ If she talked, it seemed so clear... So pleasant.
※ When anyone else did, it just made you feel small and scared.
※ His own way of getting you comfortable near him.
※ It's not like it entirely wanted to- Just hasn't been...
※ In love is a strong word.
"I will not be... Denied my... Happiness."
※ Depending on how you respond... Won't really matter.
※ It'll get what it wants in the end- With someone, at least.
※ You make it feel something nice. A warm feeling that soothes its aching form.
※ With enough time it may even put more effort into fixing its body up to look a bit more human, if that's what you want.
※ Or, if you'd prefer the opposite, it'll relax itself more and look more warped and... Wrong.
※ Anything for you, "Tiny mouse."
※ It could take a few more days of meeting you, weeks, months... Or, immediately after the first trial before she decides it's been enough and just tries to take you.
※ Entity allowing, it works.
※ The Unknown is fast. Precise. And while part of him enjoys the hunt, he also knows what he wants. He wants you. He wants to feel human. He wants humans to think he's human.
※ What's more human; more alive and well than having a partner?
※ To it, not much. It was likely someone's fault, maybe even your own that she got the idea.
"Love is a core human emotion."
※ It'll sneak up behind you, axe discarding on the ground so it can hold you properly, twisting its limbs around your entire body and clinging.
"I missed... You."
※ Try to pull away all you want, he doesn't even notice.
※ Sometimes it had on different outfits- Different forms. If you had a preference, it would try to stick to them around you. Find anyone you might have a crush on and kill them. Take their form.
※ It looks just like them! Don't you love it now?
※ It... Vaguely resembled whoever it killed.
※ If you're at the point where he's taken you, you probably won't have much of a chance at getting away again.
※ They don't understand why it's a problem. Don't understand why you might be scared. Why you cry, and shake, and kick, and fight, and run.
※ But it never gets upset. Just confused.
※ Arms once more wrap around you, keeping you trapped both in its own personal place in the Entity's realm, and in its arms until you either calm down or tire out.
※ Just like how it weakened you before, if the Unknown can't get you to settle it might have to... Eugh... UVX you again.
※ The strange fumes make it hard to focus on anything.
※ Anything but him, that is.
※ Soon enough, you'll just have to look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him.
※ Please.
※ Look at him.
※ Just relax. Curl up into their grasp. It'll weaken, and feel nice. Warm. Inviting.
※ She genuinely wants to love you. She's trying.
※ They just need a little help understanding boundaries.
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phantasmiafxndom · 1 year
Ooo the hantengu clones in heat. Especially karaku... the poor babies
He's miserable, and not doing anything to help himself. Sekido absolutely despises everything his body is trying to do. The sudden sensitivity and urges to seek comfort are humiliating, and worse, they make him much too vulnerable. Finding some isolated corner to hide in doesn't make anything better for himself, though, nor does snarling at anyone who gets near him. It's an ordeal just to get Sekido to let you sit nearby, and he's resisting any of your attempts "help" like he thinks you're trying to trick him.
A lot of the cause for this is that he hurts. When he's this sensitive, all of his old, poorly healed wounds and self-induced stress aches go from unpleasant to agonizing, and that makes Sekido desperately defensive. He instinctively fears being hurt while he's like this, while he's unable to defend himself properly... even though the slightest relief would have him melting in seconds.
Heats make him desperate, to the point where his usual pleasure-seeking behavior turns frantic. When he feels like this, Karaku would do anything to avoid pain or discomfort. He wants to be held and touched and treated softly so badly it hurts, but that's not an option. It's never been an option, outside of when humans had another use for him that he could be rewarded for. He's pliant enough that he won't lash out even if you approach him, too limp and uncomfortable to do anything but accept what happens.
Any kind of touch you offer is highly effective. Effective in the sense that Karaku's brain shuts off even more than usual. He can't remember why he shouldn't just crawl halfway into your lap and press his face against your shirt until everything stops feeling so awful. There's not a thought left in his head about the possibility of being hurt— just desperation for anything that feels good.
As soon as he starts feeling weird, Aizetsu tries to hide. After spending so long contained with the other three and their more violent habits, his instinctive response to feeling vulnerable is to avoid any unwanted attention for fear of it turning violent. Regardless of if it's comfortable or not, he's curled up in the smallest, darkest place he can find, muffling sobs into his hands because every part of him feels wrong. The oversensitivity makes his usually fragile emotional state much, much worse.
The combination of fear, stress, and his body's overreaction to every stimuli makes him actually sick, more often than not. Aizetsu is prone to being affected by his emotional state anyway; like this it only gets worse. Even though he knows that proper care would make him feel vastly better, he's stuck in a miserable state of believing he deserves to suffer through the heat alone.
Heats wreck his energy levels, making him lethargic, dazed, and barely aware of what's going on around him. Instead of constantly fidgeting and moving around, Urogi can barely get himself to sit up on his own. The most reaction you'll get out of him, most of the time, is twitching wings and maybe a miserable whine. He wants attention so badly when he's like this, anything so he's not just lying there and spacing out for hours at a time— it's unnerving for time to disappear like it does when his brain is barely functional.
He's too weak and limp to lash out at you, though so it's safe to get close. With his whole body oversensitive and so very responsive to anything that feels good, any kind of petting results in whimpers and full-body trembling as it gets even harder to think clearly. Especially when that restless energy shifts into arousal, he's soon desperate for more and more of your touch.
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yuri-is-online · 1 year
Another Beautiful Day (First Years x Yuu)
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(gif taken from google, originally uploaded to tumblr but user apparently deleted)
You have been having strange dreams lately. Every time you go to sleep you se the same set of flashing images, a carriage ride, a crumbling castle under a ink stained sky, ending in the jaws of a monster. The pain you feel from the flames makes you wonder, on nights when you are alone in Ramshackle with Grim, if those dreams are less fiction and more of a memory.
You are not the only one who has those dreams. There's another, laying awake in his bed, hand clutched tightly over his frantically beating heart trying desperately to hold the fraying edges of his sanity together. How many times has he done this? How many times has he tried to hold onto the last fleeting traces of warmth in you with his cold, unworthy hands.
Again. He loves you, that is the one thing that refuses to change no matter how many times the world is reset. He loves you, he has no choice but to try again.
notes: they/them pronouns used for Yuu, hurt almost no comfort, borderline yandere behavior. If this made you feel something you can check out the other parts on my masterlist.
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There was, perhaps still is, a pretty viral theory about Ace being a traitor involved in resetting time. While I can't ever see Ace purposefully causing Yuu's death ever, I can see him deciding that if he has to play the villain to get the outcome that he wants, well then, that's just what he's going to have to do. Ace knows how to annoy people, comes with the youngest child territory, more specifically he knows how to annoy you. He can stand having no one if it means everyone's focus is on keeping you safe, it's easier to admit that he loves you when no one's around to hear it. It occurs to you that he might, it even crosses your mind that the strange dreams your time-loop troubled subconscious is so desperate to hang onto, ones where you are with someone you love dearly, could be about him. How else would he know how to push all your buttons, why else does he always know when and where you'll be in trouble. If Ace doesn't love you, why does he know all the things you like about this world before you do? It's a painful thing to be known, even more so if the person who knows you refuses to let themselves be vulnerable with you. The more things change the more they stay the same... huh?
Ever watched Tokyo Revenges? I know some of you have, I can see you. Anyway Deuce might not be a crybaby but he is loyal, determined, and stuck on desperately trying to save you. Well not just you, Deuce realizes that Overblot Grim spells doom for a lot more people that just those inside NRC. Sage's island might be remote, but people still live there, if the monster got out who knows what sort of damage it will do? He tries his best to be normal around you, to befriend you and protect you in just the same way he did before, but he's a much more serious and moody person than he was the first loop around. How is he supposed to explain to you he couldn't save you, that he's watched you die countless times and only had ashes to hold and cry over? Not just you either, he's seen Ace and Epel and Jack, hell even Sebek, Die over and over again because he wasn't smart enough to stop it. Ace manages to pick up on something being wrong, and Deuce being Deuce he fails to lie properly, "dragging him into his mess." But he can tell Ace doesn't mind. He takes his impending doom as a challenge, encouraging Deuce to do so as well. He's stupid, he should just give up and let someone smarter save you. But he's your stupid, kind of crybaby hero. He'll save you, just you see.
Trying to save you is as much an instinct to Jack as it is raw emotion. You are his soulmate, there is nothing casual about his investment in your relationship, nothing short of divine intervention that will keep him from trying to save you. But he will admit he feels rather unprepared for this... development. It's all well and good to say you will break reality before he lets it take you from him, but actually being strong enough to do that? Jack's a good boy, but no matter how smart he is he's a bit of a muscle head. He throws himself into problems fist first, without any back up unless someone yanks him by the scruff and forces him to look at it. Usually that's you, sometimes it's Ruggie or Leona, but in the past it was you. He knows he can't keep himself from you, even if that could make you safer. Unlike the first timeline, he makes sure to introduce himself as early as possible, makes sure to be with you for every overblot. You might find it annoying but he'll push you to train just enough so that you'll have the speed to run when the final monster comes. Maybe this time, he'll be strong enough to kill it before it catches up to you.
Sleep Kiss cannot put you to sleep forever. Yet. Yes yet, Malleus isn't the only one who thinks letting you nap forever is a good idea. Great minds think alike, and unlike Malleus's, Epel has an added bonus. He can encase you in a glass cage that is literally meant to protect you from anything that wants to hurt you. Not that you would ever expect this plan from Epel. He's cute, kind, non-threatening when you're paying attention, the most you see of his temper as the loops continue is the slightly bratty glare he focuses on pre-overblot housewardens. And the headmage, but hey any anger at him always gets a pass from him. Not that you need to worry about that, once Epel masters his spell you won't have to worry about anything. He does wonder if you'll be able to dream, the first time he cast his spell on you it was like you didn't realize anything had happened at all. Maybe he won't tell you anything, maybe he'll wake you up every once and a while to convince you that you were never asleep at all. But that's not a concern for now, all you need to do is close your eyes and sleep. Sleep and wait for your Prince to return from the war.
Following the current timeline, events aside, Sebek is on the outside of your friend group. No one likes him, he can't sit with you. The only real reason Sebek has to pay attention to you is because Malleus does. And he has to admit he doesn't exactly hate what he sees, he just- doesn't want to give credit to a human. When time is re-set though, he goes out of his way to befriend you, convinced he needs to keep an eye on you to save his lord. After all, how could he not find it suspicious that Malleus befriends some random human from not-Twisted Wonderland and then suddenly overblots? He is ready to strike at the first sign of betrayal, but he does not find it. He finds a human, weak and flawed, but paitent and kind with him, unwilling to let him talk down to them but still willing to talk. You die, but you never stop trying. You refuse to let the flaws he picks at stop you from trying to live. You refuse, no matter how many times he yells about the amount of times he has lost his lord, lost you, to let him do all the work alone. There is beauty in your struggle, in your life. He can't betray this for his lord, even if it was the cause of his plight. It's Silver he turns to for help, begging him for guidance through tears as he desperately clings to you. He finds it of course, he never had to do any of this alone, but he should know by now that doesn't guarantee success, no matter how much he wants it to.
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7ndipity · 1 year
Taking care of you
Jungkook x Reader
Summary: Jungkook taking care of his s/o after a rough day
Warnings: a lil bit of crying, but it's mostly just comfort & fluff
A/N: first off, we just 300 followers?! Thank you all so much! This was another lovely request from @tpiliper, I hope y'all like it! I'll also be trying to post several other requests this weekend.
Requests are open
You dragged yourself through the door of your apartment, movements slow and brain hazy from another exhausting day. The only coherent thought in your mind being the desire to crawl into bed and forget about everything for a few hours.
You'd barely kicked your shoes off before you felt two strong arms wrap around your waist.
"Hi." Jungkook mumbled, planting a small kiss against you neck. When you only hummed in response, he pulled back to look at you properly.
"Long day?" He asked, taking note of your tired eyes, to which you only nodded, too fatigued to elaborate at the moment.
"My poor baby." He cooed, taking your face in his hands and pressing a kiss to your lips before pulling you into a tight hug. Jungkook gave the best hugs; if it were up to you, you would never never leave his arms, forever wrapped in the sense of warmth and safety that only he could convey.
"How about you go grab a shower and I'll order us some food, okay?" He suggested.
"I'm too tired to wash up." You groaned against his shoulder.
"You'll only feel worse if you don't." He said pulling back and taking your hand, tugging you towards the bathroom. "C'mon."
He sat you down on the edge of the tub and carefully removed your makeup for you before gently helping you into the shower.
You don't know how long you stood under the warm stream from the shower, but by the time you finally emerged, now in pajamas, he already had food set up and waiting in the living room. He was quick to pull you to the couch, giving your hand a little squeeze before moving to sit on the floor in front of you.
"What are you doing? There's plenty of room up here." You said.
"I like sitting here." He defended.
"You like it because I play with your hair." You teased.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." He lied, flopping his head back as he spoke, so his hair brushed against you.
You weren't too far off with your comment, he did love it when you played with his hair, but also knew you loved it even more, having said before that you found it soothing to just sit and run your fingers through it, something he thought you might need at the moment.
The two of you slipped into a comfortable silence as you watched TV, with him coaxing you to eat a few bites of food here and there, when you began to feel all the emotions of the day that you'd been trying to push down starting to catch up to you.
At the sound of the first sniffle from you, Jungkook immediately whipped around.
"Baby? No no no, why are you crying?" He quickly moved to hold you as you cried. "It's okay, I've got you."
After a couple minutes, you calmed down. "I'm sorry." You said quietly.
"Don't apologize, everyone need to let it out sometimes." He said gently, wiping under your eyes. "You feel better?"
You nodded. "Thank you, for always taking care of me."
"Of course." He pressed another kiss to your temple. "Anytime."
You suddenly let out a yawn, making him chuckle.
"You wanna go to bed now?" He asked with a smile.
"Yes, please."
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Ok so, I personally feel like Donnie would be the hardest to manage of all his brothers.
It's well known that he struggles with properly showing his emotions.
So alot of the time, it would be hard to accurately guess his feelings.
But I also feel that after you get over the speedbump of confessions,
He'd try his hardest to actually talk to you about how he's feeling.
So don't get too frustrated, he is trying his best,
It's just so new to him.
We also know that he's not big on physical contact.
So you two will probably have to start out small. (Whenever he feels comfortable with it obvi.)
You'll most likely just be holding hands here or there.
He enjoys spending time with you.
No matter how you two are spending said time,
He loves it.
And one of his favorite things ever is showing you his finished projects.
He deserves it, and if you do,
It will quite literally make his week.
Donnie doesn't really do PDA.
Like, at all.
He is perfectly fine with showing you verbal affection in private,
But around people, it's not likely to anymore than a simple "Darling."
He does have a Bad-Boy-Slash-Mad-Scientist image to uphold after all.
Donnie has offically appointed you as "Assistant Scientist"
He absolutley LOVES it when you help him with his work.
Especially if you're able to understand the complexity of it all.
He loves listening to you talk while he works.
Wether its about your day, school, work, home etc.
For some reason it just helps him focus.
Raph has taken to calling you if he's ever worried about Donnie.
Obviously, you can't be in the Lair 24/7/365,
So sometimes, Donnie will coup himself up in the Lab for days at a time with zero sleep.
None of his brothers are able to get him out.
So they call you.
When you arrive on the scene, their worried faces ALWAYS switch to relief.
You'll walk into the Lab,
And with a little coaxing,
Alot of, "Please, Dear?" 's
And just a little bit of puppy eyes,
You always manage to get the scientist out of the Lab,
Into the kitchen for some much needed sustenence,
And eventually to bed.
Everytime this happens,
Donnie always falls asleep with his head in your lap,
and you WILL NOT MOVE until he wakes up.
He builds you things.
It's kinda like his love language.
He'll just show up at your apartment randomly, and give you something he made for you.
He made you a music box that plays your favorite song.
It was a gift he gave you a couple days after you two were official.
Overall, Donnie is definetly the brother who requires the most patience and understanding.
So you better try your goddamn best to give him those things.
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