#when drawing the sketch i was just like... oh noo... and it was already too late... i shipped them
luhman16 · 17 days
Huh I should draw Yi and his friend Kuafu! Surely drawing them as FRIENDS won't awaken anything in me right, right guys...
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Humm they might be more than friends now....,,,,,,,.........
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hyperfixationtimego · 3 years
Slight problem: the thing I draw on ran out of battery so there’s a chance that I lost all that (2 hrs of “doodling” [excessively rendering the sketch]) so I’m just gonna go sit in a corner for a bit and uhhh yeah
Hc to balance out the not fun vibe
Mondo has slight hearing problems on top of mild auditory processing issues bc of riding motorcycles w the diamonds for most of his life
Blonde Boyz squad cooking
Sayaka tells Kaz the recipe requires some eggs
Kaz asks Leon to pass an egg bc he’s closest to the carton
Ofc he prefaced it with
Anyway Leon pitches the egg & it hits Kaz or Sayaka in the face or back of the head (respectively) bc muscle memory
rip in pieces kaz drawing 😔
but yes to balance out not fun vibe - HOH MONDO!!!! HEARING LOSS MONDO I LOVE???? I LOVE HIM
He’s picked up reading lips naturally!! Obv it’s not always 100% effective (and also he hasn’t been reading them his whole life ofc) but it helps a lot!! Another thing is that he’s learning sign language?? because not only may it help him personally with communication, but there are a few other people scattered around the 3 classes that also know it, so he feels it will be useful no matter what!
Daiya already knows quite a bit because he’s been dealing with the same problem, except for longer! also hearing aids 😌
another thing with the sign language is?? Mondo also just. isn’t a huge fan of verbal communication to begin with? Like talking and explaining and responding is a lot of effort, so he prefers being able to just be quiet! He finds that having learned JSL really helps him with that, because for whatever reason, the movements come more naturally than the articulation! So he and Daiya will often find themselves using sl to communicate with each other a good chunk of the time!
and OH BOY Blonde Boyz squad cooking *rubs gremlin hands together*
it was either Kaz or Sayaka’s idea (Kaz because he’s constantly looking for validation and attention ways to spend time with his friends, and Sayaka because I simply believe she would be the type to enjoy cooking? she just gives me that vibe bdbdbdb and she’s not half-bad at it, either!! So she was like ‘fuck it, I’m dragging my boys into this’ and voila)
Cooking alone? Wonderful. Incredible. You know what you’re doing. Cooking with three people on the spectrum, at least one of whom who has been diagnosed with adhd??? ABSOLUTE HELL IT WAS A FUCKING MISTAKE
IT’S JUST CONSTANT “oh wait I think I forgot this step-” (no he fucking didn’t) “hey did you already add this ingredient?” “Nope!” (yES SHE FUCKING DID) “okay I preheated the oven,” (NO HE FUCKING DIDN’T)
they’re no longer allowed to cook in the school kitchen either because the first time they did it, Teruteru and Kirumi came back to find an absolute MESS complete with smoke from a burned meal and three very messy dumbasses 💛
“....hey guys-”
“You three. Banned. Get out.”
And also,,,,,the egg oh my god
first of all, before they even begin cooking this time, Sayaka holds up one of the eggs and makes the obligatory “look Leon! It’s makoto!” joke bc she’s a nerd
and second of all. Y E A H
Kazuichi’s horrible gremlin adhd brain makes him fucking forget most of the time too❤️ and if sayaka’s feeling particularly evil she’ll let it happen ndbdbdbdb
most of the others have decided that if u forget and ask Leon to toss u something, it’s ur own fault when he clocks u in the jaw with whatever it was he was throwing lfndnsnaksdb
(this rule does not include Gundham, who is very consistent in stopping Kazuichi from doing this particular stupid thing. Most interactions tend to go something like:
Kaz: hey, Leon, could you toss me the-
Gundham, grabbing kazuichi by the shoulder: no. )
Also Leon 100% does this to them because he’s an ass ❤️
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pancakecakes · 6 years
AU Yeah August- 15 Life Swap
Summary: Adrien is in love with the school’s queen, Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Ladybug is in love with Chat Noir. Everyone is swapped, but everyone is cool. 
Tags: Life swap, Marinette, Alya, Adrien, Nino, Chloé, Cararouge  (Carapace x Rena Rouge) .
Notes: I wanted to do a quick drawing but I didn’t finish it (。•́︿•̀。) I’ll post the sketch and I’ll upload the finished version when I upload it to AO3. This is for  @auyeahaugust
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Everybody knew who Marinette Dupain Cheng was. But why wouldn’t they know? She was the only daughter of the best patisseries in all of Paris. Maybe the best in the world.
Dressing in black and white formal clothing and delicate black earrings, with her beautiful hair in a high bun, red eyeliner and pink lips, Marinette walked in the hallways fully confident. By her side, Alya Cesaire with an orange fashionable dress and long white heeled boots. She was the daughter of the best chef of Paris, they were destined to be best friends.
They were not the kind of popular people that made others feel inferior, but they sure were the ones that were trapped in their own world, and didn’t let anyone in. Marinette was a famous young designer and Alya had a successful web page as a reporter, and the creator of the Ladyblog. They both had the highest grades in every class and were the class president and vice-president.
Even when the school was the most prestigious one in Paris, everybody knew both girls were out of everyone’s league. Everyone respected them, admired them and loved them, but always from afar.
But Adrien couldn’t take it anymore. With messy hair in a black cap, white sweater, black t-shirt and old jeans and tennies, Adrien sat in the school’s garden with his best friend Nino.
“I really want to talk to her.” Adrien’s voice was desperate “But I’m just a scholarship student with no special talent. She’ll never be interested in me.” He sighed.
Adrien was the sweetest guy in school. He won a full scholarship because he was smart. Something very special because College Francoise Dupont only accepted the kids of only the most successful and influent people around the world. And occasionally a couple of people won full scholarships, but they really had to be very intelligent. The exam was almost impossible.
“Come on Adrien, wining a scholarship here isn’t nothing.” Nino’s family were important people. Adrien didn’t know much about his family because they traveled a lot, but he got in because of their connections. They meet the first day of school and they were best friends since. “But ok, I have to admit you aiming for the school’s queen is also kind of…” Nino dressed in a formal-casual style in his daily life. He had a simple V-neck dark green sweeter over a white shirt, persimmon dress pants and brown shoes. In his face he only wore those elegant glasses he loved. Sometimes he would use his contacts and bring sun glasses of different colors.
 “Stupid.” Chloé said before Nino could finish. “Why would you want to be with someone like Marinette? The girl must be very superficial, just look at her. You deserve someone who appreciates you the way you are, not someone who will change you.” Chloé sat beside Adrien, pouting.
Chloé’s and Adrien’s families were best friends, so they grew up together as if they were siblings. Chloé had always been in love with Adrien. She knew he only saw her as nothing more than a sister, so she always bottled up her feelings. But she couldn’t help being jealous of other girls.
With her long blonde hair loose, a fluffy white jacket over a yellow and black stripped shirt, black shorts and long heeled boots, Chloé took off her white sunglasses as she stared at Adrien waiting for his reaction. She got in because her mother was an important fashion critique and her father had something to do with politics. Chloé loved fashion and dressed only in the best clothes. This caused many people judge her before meeting her, thinking she was a bratty girl, when in fact she was very sweet, smart and cute.
“You both are judging her for what you can see in the outside,” Adrien added “but in the inside she is really soft, and her smile is the most amazing of them all.”
“Marinette? Smile? As if that pretty statue knew how to smile.” Chloé said, letting her jealousy talk. She sighed “I’m sorry, I just think you shouldn’t aim too high or you could get hurt, Adrien.”
“Chloé is right. We both support you, but neither of us want to see you hurt.” Nino put a hand in Adrien’s shoulder.
“Look, I know you said she acted really sweet and smiled to you when you gave her your umbrella the first day at school, but I don’t know, maybe you imagined it? If that really happened then why she never gave the umbrella back, or why never smiles or talk to you when you say hello?”
“I know it sounds like a lie, but it really happened, I swear!”
“And we believe you, Adrien.” Nino gave a cold stare to Chloé as he slowly said it “But we need you, we can’t protect Paris if you’re distracted.”
Adrien covered his face in hands and let a pained sound out “I know we have to protect Paris and have a normal life but I caaaaaaaan’t stop thinking about Marinette.”
Nino laughed and Chloé pouted again.
“I mean, if you ever dated Marinette you would talk good about me when Alya is present, right?”
“NI-NOO!” Chloé hit Nino in the arm with all her strength, which wasn’t much.
“Hey, Alya is amazing. If she ever looked at my direction I’d go directly to heaven.”
“What would your girlfriend say if she knew you said that?” Adrien smirked.
Nino blushed “I already told you me and Rena aren’t together!”
“Are you sure? You’re always pretty close and you always flirt instead of actually fighting the akumas” Chloé smirked and then giggled.
“I’m pretty sure Rena is in love with you, I saw her blush when she saw you last fight.” Adrien added.
“We don’t even know each other’s identities.” Nino’s face was red.
Ladybug and Chat Noir were directly chosen by Master Fu. Master Fu gave Ladybug the fox and peacock miraculous, and she entrusted someone with the fox miraculous. Both of their identities remained a secret even up until that day.
Master Fu gave Adrien the Bee and Turtle miraculous to choose the next heroes, and even when they were supposed to keep their real identities as a secret, Adrien choose to ignore the rule. The three of them didn’t know who Ladybug or Rena Rouge were in real life, nor the whereabouts of the peacock miraculous.
“If in other reality I was in love with Ladybug, I think I wouldn’t care who was beneath that mask, I’d still love her.”
Nino and Chloé looked at each other, face full of resignation. They knew Ladybug was crushing on Chat Noir since day one. It was painfully obvious, and the worst part of it was Adrien didn’t even notice.
“Oh, Adrien…”
‘Why am I in love with such an oblivious moron’ Chloé’s thoughts made her sigh.
They heard an explosion coming from inside the school and shortly afterwards tons of students running towards the exit.
“An Akuma!” The three of them said at unison and quickly transformed.
They helped the other students scape as they waited for Ladybug and Rena Rouge to arrive. With the most elegant movements, Rena Rouge fell from the sky, looking fabulous as always.
“Hey there turtle, I missed you, babe.” Rena said with a flirtatious voice.
Carapace blushed, because of the conversation they had earlier “I missed you too, d-darling.”
“What, seeing me made you this nervous? Are you finally falling in love with me, my love?” Rena smirked.
“Please stop flirting, there’s an actual Akuma in this school. Where’s Ladybug?” Queen B asked.
Ladybug fell from the sky in the same elegant way Rena did. “The Akuma is near the music classroom, let’s move everyone!” Ladybug always looked so professional and strong. Well, at least when Chat Noir wasn’t there.
“Glad you made it Bug!” Chat Noir petted Ladybug’s shoulder and then he started running to the direction she mentioned.
Ladybug turned red and suddenly her legs stopped working properly.
“For God’s sake,” B whispered, “I’m going with Chat, catch up when you can.”
“Seems like you have a job to do. See you there, beautiful. I’ll be waiting.” Carapace followed Chat and B, leaving the pair behind.
“Oh, baby, what am I going to do with you.” Rena sighed.
“I can’t help it,” Ladybug covered her mouth with both hands “he touched my shoulder…”
“We need to go, we have to fight the Akuma.” Rena gave Ladybug a hand “You’re always so clumsy around him, no wonder why he can’t figure out your identity. Nobody would guess you’re the school’s queen.”
Master Fu did tell them they were both attending to the same school, but that was the only clue he told them.
“Shut up Rena, you wouldn’t flirt like you do with Carapace if you weren’t transformed.”
“Who knows, I really like him.”
“Do you think Chat knows I have a crush on him?”
“That oblivious piece of -?”
“Rena, language, please…”
“No, I’m sure he doesn’t know. Now please let’s go back to battle.”
Ladybug blushed and smiled “Yeah, let’s go.”
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ramdomddadds · 6 years
Dream daddy ask: dino-nerd dadsona
He was a nerd wasn’t he?
So, um... holly motherfucking cow, I just remembered how much I love acurate, updated dinosaur stuff, and how it could fit the dream daddy fandom?
so, yeah.
I know I’m such a nerd and I’m so late to the fandom but I had fun writing this and here it is
He notices how fast you get to withling, and how you always make some animal.
He also notices how interested you are in anything supernatural, But always fiting the science factor in there. Like how it could be that jakelopes exist, and they could crosbreed with hares but not bunnyes becouse they are too diferent or how the yeti could be a distant relative of the orangutan...
Or how you are pasionated about movie making too, but prefer realistic stuff, but he says nothing, because he likes silence.
Then, one day, he comes over for movie and pizza, and he finds it: notebooks.
Notebooks all over the house.
There are three different notebooks on the stack of the tea table. One, opened, on the big table at the dinner room. Another one somewere on the kitchen, and many, intersected with books, on the shelves across the house.
With the excuse that it was open and in the same room, he takes the one in the big table, and flips over it.
Its filled with drawings, sketches, notes and doodles of people, planst and animals.
There’s him, and betsy, so thats… there. Theres a lot of Amanda… and many, many animals.
It calls his atention that many of the drawings fit conversations they had.
MC hadn’t hear speak of the dover ghost before he met Robert, but here they were: pages and pages of sketches and different designs of how the dover ghost may look like.
Some of them were more animal-like, others where very human, and other were made of shadow, the mark of the pencil, smugled with the author’s fingers to make it look like smoke. A chill climbed up Robert’s spine when he came across a particular drawing that did look just the way he remembered it, dragging something behind.
There were steps behind him.
Ups. MC was back in the room, and he had his nose deep within the sketchbook. Robert concentrated in another drawing, one that was very common, and odd.
Robert lifted his gaze.
“…dinosausr, with feathers?”
“Oh fuck, Robert! Uh…”
Robert held his gaze, smirking
“Yes. Yes, ok? Dinosaurs with feathers. I can explain it”
Robert closed the notebook, but held it as he crosed his legs, leaning in the table
“Im listening”
And he kept listening as MC went on and on, telling him how come dinosaurs actually had feathers, and the remains of them that could still be found in birds, and so many little fascinating facts, with such passion, similar to when Robert himself told intrinsek made up stories.
He smiled. This could be so much fun
He was delighted, with MC’s appreciation of his abode. He even said he felt sorry for the dead butterflyes, but still appreciated the beauty of his colection, and the work that went into it.
As soon as they were sitting at the couch, he had asked for the skulls placed across the room.
They walked over to them and talked about fosils. MC tried to guess the species and origin of the bones, and if he did not get the exact thing, he could deduce a lot from looking at them.He took a bit longer to mention the feathers issue. It was nice to have interests in common with Damien and he didn’t want to ruin it with the stupid argument of the feathers.
Of course the day came. They went to the movies, and Damien turned out to be very scared! MC held his hand and rambled on and on of how unrealistic they were, and why some choices were made, and later on the conversation developed into a very popular, clasic movie:
Jurassic park.
“Most raptor species were smaller but there was one or two species the size of the ones in the movie, in wich they were inspired… but they had feathers, all of them, including the T-rex”
“Wait, what?”
“Ups. Uh… see…”
And it was down hill from there.
When MC got to the BQ and saw Craig waving from across the yard, he recogniced an SOS call. His buddy needed him.
“Dude, I have no idea what is going on”
MC listened quietly for a moment and then leaned onto Craig and wispered to him
“Moustachasaurus is asking a simple question. Rastasaurodon misinterprets it and makes stuff way more complicated thatn it is. Both monsters engage in an eternal loop of bloodshed, a battle of giants. Is the dress blue or yellow? Are best cats or dogs? Pineapple or pineappleless?”
Craig gigles and covers his mouth, wile looking at the two men arguing in front of him.
Hugo tells Mat why he thinks you can not compare two pictures from different moments in history, but when Mat repeats the question, down they go again.
 “Moustachasaurus displays his extense knolege of taking pics throu the ages and Rastasaurodon tries to scape, but Moustachasaurus attacks from behind and they engage in tragic battle again. It must be mating season or something”
 Craig breaks into laughter, distracting the two men with glasses, and pretends he was having an innocent conversation with MC
“Do you remember how into dinosaurs we were?”
 Oh no
He’s got a funny, smug look. Its a trap! ABORT! ABORT!
 “eh… were?”
“Broooo what do you think the tyranosaurus rex did with those tiny arms?”
“Don’t do it bro. I found out. You won’t like it”
“I need to know bro”
“Tell me, MC Tell me…”
 Craig held him by the shirt and roughly wispered in his ear
“What were those tiny claws for?”
“Mhhh huu aaaah FEATHERS”
 Craig stepped back, shock written all over his face
 “Bro… not you too”
“Im sorry Craig. It is true”
“No… its impossible. It can not be!”
“The t-rex had feathers. He probabbly had fluffy and colofull arms for display, when fighting for terrytory… and mating”
“I would never lie to you, bro. It is true”
“…the velociraptor too?”
“…specially the velociraptor”
MC tried not to talk about it in front of Joseph. He just didn’t know how he would take it, being religious and all. Until…
Joseph has a yatch. OMG. He has a yacht.
Before they got off the shore, MC was already creeping him out.
 “I just love the sea. It holds so many misteries… do you have interest in all of the marine life? Why would you own a boat if not?”
“hehe, I just enjoy the fantasy of sailing aways into the sunset… just the sea and I”
“But its not just the sea and you. There’s the giant squid. You knew that? its real. They are out there”
“Shh, don’t be afraid. I will protect you”
“No, Im not afraid, Im fascinated! There’s so much we don’t know about the sea, I mean, it is the origin of all life…!”
 And then, an akward silence
…he was nervous, ok?
 “uh… I mean, after God put it there, of course”
“…sorry. There’s not a door we can close and open again this time”
 Joseph laughts, maybe to make it a bit less akward
“Actually, speaking of marine life, we may see whales”
“And dolphins”
“Oh my god, really? Do you see them ofthen?”
“Yeah. You are interested on them? you know they can be cruel right? They drown theyr babys for fun…”
“Oh no, they don’t. Dolphins are some of the most inteligent and social creatures out there. If they ever do that is as a punishent to a misbehabing child, or to teach them to survive when they have trouble. Of course they can go mad or try murder too but it is…”
 Joseph was staring at him in disbelief
 “…rare. …uh. …yeah”
“hmh. Did you know dinosaurs had feathers? Why do you think they died?”
Mat is such a dork. And he babbles. Its adorable! I guess I feel less self-concious near someone who’s also self-concious.
He starts talking about music. I don’t know much about music, but it is nice and sweet and Mat knows lots of stuff and it brings memories from a while back, so it is easy to listen and just roll with it.
Speaking of wich.
Retro music reminds me of retro stuff.
And that reminds me of Dinosaurs, and how awful and fake they looked back then.
 “What you talking about, man, dinosaurs are cool. …I think”
“Yeah, but, compare the ones in black and white movies with Jurassic park”
“Oh, yeah. Thats the stuff”
“Ok, now let me tell you: jurassic park is now outdated too. Dinosaurs did not look like that”
 Mat lays down and listens in awe to me babling abut the found proof that dinosaurs had feathers, and not only that, but also also spikes and colorfull crests and shiny scales, and the misterious noises they may had made. Even the spinoaurus from the third movie, turns out it didn’t walk on two feet. I start realising Im babling a bit too much, but he just looks at me with his sweet, big brown eyes and smiles
 “maaaan. I feel so old”
“well, look at the bright side. Not as old as those fossiles”
Going to the acuarium with Hugo was an exciting adventure. And I got to awe a bunch of kids with my extense trivia about penguins, while he got some kid out of the penguin enclosure. How did she get in there? oh well.
 Trivia nights were also fun. Hugo and I make a good team and there’s lots of cheese!
It was the dawn of a new era. It really started the time the quizz master got some wrestling trivia wrong, and Hugo went head over hills for it.
I went for all the natural history and nature ones.
Thats what I told him when he showed he his colection.
 “Don’t be ashamed of this, man. Remember how I get when Master quizz talks about dinosaurs?”
“Oh. …OH. Oh, boy”
“Oh yeah. I too, have a dark seecret”
“I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. …but, what could it be? You are just very educated about nature. It is interesting, many people enjoy the nature channel”
 I was giving him a mischevous look
 “It goes deeper than that”
Hugo looks at me in the eyes and then carasses his chin before daring to ask
“…how deep is that?”
I walk closer to him, wrestling belt over my shoulder
“Remember you asked”
 He doesn’t moves, but gulps when I wisper on his ear
 “Dinosaurs had feathers”
“… what?”
“And shiny scales, and colorfull crests, and they made all shorts of music”
“Whait, what, for real?”
“And not all of them went extinct. Not only crocodiles and turtles survived. It has been proved: the birds that we have today descend from dinosaurs like raptors and relatives of the t-rex. Thats why they call it the extintion of the non-aviar dinosaurs now”
“…for real? I… didn’t know that”
“and there was a period, the triasic, when nature was on drugs, and it produced all kinds of crazy stuff!!”
 “Say waaaat?” Said his kid, Ernest, standing in the door. How much did he listen?
“oh, is that a dinosaur book?” said MC, and Amanda turned in horror.
“Oh no”
“yes, it is” Said Daisy, with a wide smile “I wish we were studing theese in class, but they don’t talk much about fosiles, just rocks…”
 Brian laughted proudly. “Daisy is not happy with all they teach in class. She is always looking for books with extra stuff…”
Only then he noticed Amanda frantically denying with her head, and making ‘cut it’ gestures. He then looked back at MC. It was too late.
 He was sitting next to Daisy, pointing at pictures in the dinosaur book.
 “Ok, you know this one?”
“Yeah, that’s a brachiosaurus”
“The long-neck one” added Brian “That one’s easy”
“yeah, but it did not look like that. Book is a bit outdated. New data travels faster online. See, look at the skull. Now, where are the holes of the nose?”
 Daisy thoug for a moment.
 “… they are… above its eyes? On the top of the forehead?”
“Exactly. Now, don’t you think that’s a bit weird? Having such a wide, weird nose, and a big mouth way apart? Something’s missing”
“Ok, now look at the skull of an elephant”
 MC took out his phone and showed her pictures
 “… it doesn’t have a nose! And the cavities are huge and… oh my god!”
“Exactly. The trumpet is big and important, but it has no bones. If someone found the fosil of an elephant, but never saw one, they would draw him without a trumpet”
“Like it happened to the brachiosaurus. It had a trumpet! Dad!”
 Brian nearly flinched. He was barely catching up
 “The brachiosaurus had a trumpet, dad! Can you believe it?”
 Brian looked at Amanda. She was scrolling throu her phone like nothing was going on.
 “actually, not necesary a trumpet, see…”
 Daisy turned her attention fully back to MC
 “They are both big hervibores, but the brachiosaurus had a very long neck. It didn’t need a long trumpet. …kind of like a giraff. Have you seen what they do?”
 Daisy denied. MC was already playing a video of a giraff using its lips, and loong, sticky toung to catch things and eat them.
 “it probably didn’t have a trumpet. Nor a long tounge, but there was definetly something important on its nose, wich it probably used for eating and for singing, kinda like cows do, and maybe it was colorful, or diferent between males and females…”
“wooow! It is a big feature, why they don’t use it in movies?”
“see, it is kind of risky, to design such an extrange animal, so they play it easy and just cover the skull with skin. And that’s not all”
“there is more!?”
“this animals had spikes all over their tails, wich have been found incrusted in the skull of predators like the T-rex”
 “Don’t feel left out” Amanda said to Brian, seeing that the poor guy needed some company “he can’t help it, loves the stuff. Just make sure you can handle it before letting him anywere near the museum”
“uh… ok”
“And whatever you do, never ask about dinosaurs with feathers” she wispered this “You will never hear the end of it”
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fanfics-await-you · 7 years
It Wasn’t Meant to End Like This
Prompt: “Red is such an interesting colour to correlate with emotion, because it’s on both ends of the spectrum. On one end you have happiness, falling in love, infatuation with someone, passion, all that. On the other end, you’ve got obsession, jealousy, danger, fear, anger and frustration.” Ik this is a Taylor Swift quote but it’s also interesting.
Pairing: Steve Roger x Reader
Summary: You never noticed that the colour red seemed to run through your life connecting the events together, like a string of fate. Though, this time there is too much red; you feel like you’re drowning.
Tags: little hints of fluff, (mainly angst and death)
Notes: Well that was an interesting write and a rollercoaster. Ik I’ve only posted Cassian stuff but I’m a multi-fandom gal, and I’m spreading around the ‘love’. Anyways, I think I might continue on some of the cutesy stuff.
Word Count: 2,059
Steve has always looked fantastic in red; the fact that he looks good in anything probably helps this fact, but you especially adore him in red. Even though you’ve already seen him a dozen times tonight, when he strides towards you across the gala floor you can feel your heart rate picking up. His suit is dark crimson, the tie a deep blue, and as good as he looks you can’t help but want to laugh. Even in his downtime, when he’s Steve Rogers rather than Captain America, he can’t help but be the truest patriot in the room. When he reaches you, your face is stretched into a helpless smile.
“What?” he says, returning the smirk.
“Nothing, Uncle Sam.”
He raises an eyebrow, “I thought you said I looked good. If I remember correctly, you said a lot more as well. I think it was something along the lines of ‘I want to-“
You make a sound of shock, clap a hand over his mouth, and look around to see if anyone was listening. When you look back at Steve his eyes are twinkling. You fix him with a halfhearted glare before drawing back your hand.
“You’re lucky that you’re cute, you ass.”
You lean forward to kiss him and can feel his smile against your lips.
Holy shit, nobody had warned you that Captain America was hot.
First year History had listed his achievements, noted his bravery, and been thankful for his sacrifice. It had not prepared you for the eventuality where you would meet him. But lo and behold, here he sits across from you, in all his handsome glory.
“-so basically I’m looking for someone to bring me up to speed with the times. I’m looking for a modern history education, and… someone told me you were the person to ask.”
You are so caught off guard by the whole situation that you nearly blurt ‘what’, but manage to catch yourself first, “Right, of course. But- I would’ve assumed that there would’ve been someone assigned to you during your transition. You are Captain America, after all.”
He seems to take this as a refusal and he quickly stands. He brushes down his shirt and then nods.
“You’re right… I’m sorry for wasting your time.”
You blurt out the word a lot louder than you intended and immediately turn bright red. You pinch the bridge of your nose in embarrassment and sigh.
“No, I’m sorry. I’m more than happy to help you, Mr Rogers, but… you could have anyone you wanted- To help you! I’m wondering why you would chose me.”
Hoping he doesn’t notice the accidental innuendo, you close your eyes and slide down into your seat slightly. You hear Steve (Mr Rogers? Captain?) sit down once again and breath out softly.
“When I… When I came out of the ice, I was given pages of different specialists and professors and experts, all Ivy graduates and civil servants, that were at my disposal. After everything that had happened, after everything that I had done in the name of S.H.I.E.L.D. and this country, I wanted something that I chose for myself. And that was you.”
During his speech, you open your eyes in wonder at his confession. His last statement warms your cheeks (not that it matters much, your cheeks are still red from before) but to your surprise (and slight pleasure (slight), you notice that Steve is also flustered and blushing.
He offers you a small smile, “To be perfectly honest ma’am, I picked you by chance. I used the phonebook to find history teachers, and when I called you, I chose you.”
He blusters, red subtle but present on his cheeks, “I- I liked you voice… It seemed kind.”
Oh lord. Right. Ok. Crap. You take a moment to collect yourself.
“Well, after a compliment like that how can I say no?,” you grin, “When would you like to start?”
He smiles sheepishly, “My schedule’s pretty free. How ‘bout Friday week, same time?”
Your eyes flick to the planner open on your desk and nod. Again he smiles, then stands and extends his hand across the desk. You take it and shake it firmly, marking the deal as struck. Steve leans back and stuffs his hands in his pockets. He seems unsure what to do, so he nods his farewell and makes for the door.
In the doorway he pauses, his hand on the frame, “It’s Steve, by the way.”
“Y/N… Pretty name… I’ll be seeing you, Y/N.”
With that he’s gone and you’re blushing red all over again.
You love watching Steve paint. It’s one of the few times where he seems completely comfortable in his own skin. He gets lost in his art, and you can just stare and admire the angles of his face (one of your favourite pastimes). You lay spread out on the couch, listening to his music, as he sketches from memory. Last time you looked it had been a landscape but Steve was prone to changing things halfway through.
“Are you staring at me?”
“Mmm. Maybe.”
“Because you’re pretty, Steve.”
He laughs at this, and then looks at you. You blink once, twice, thrice, and he’s still staring.
“Is this supposed to be payback?”
“Nope. Just staring ‘cos you’re pretty.”
You roll your eyes, close them, and then lay back on the couch. A few moments pass before you feel a spot of coldness on your cheek. You squeak and bolt upright. You touch two fingers to the offending cheek and pull them away red. You look at Steve, who is attempting to look innocent as he adds touches of crimson to the backdrop.
“What the- STEVE!”
You both jump to standing. Steve places down the paintbrush and then waves his hands in surrender. You step towards him as he matches your pace in reverse.
‘Honey… have you changed your look?”
You charge. Steve is a super-soldier and could easily evade you (if he chose). He decides not to. He catches you and sweeps you into the air. He dives for the sofa, and the both of you end up in a heap. You’re both breathless with laughter, Steve beneath you so you can feel his chuckles all through your chest. His eyes are bright and his nose is almost touching your’s. Without thinking, like a reflex, you say it.
“I love you.”
You both stop laughing, caught in the apprehension of your confession. The grin slowly fades from Steve’s face as the realisation hangs in the air. You choke. You start scrambling but his hand tightens around your waist. Hesitantly, he brings up both hands to your cheekbones. He is staring at your lips, and his face is neutral. Steve brings up his gaze, and you know that everything’s going to be alright. A luminous, brilliant, darling, shining, wonderful smile dawns across his face and you break out in relieved laughter.
“I love you too.”
Steve kisses you and then repeats the phrase again and again and again; he presses the words against any skin he can reach. He has a streak of scarlet paint highlighting his cheekbone and he has never looked better in your eyes.
A gunshot cuts Steve off. You feel a tug, a tear, in your stomach before you are blinded with pain. A scream rushes out of your lips as your knees buckle out from beneath you. It feels like someone is trying to cut you in half with barbed wire. Waves of blistering, suffocating heat are ripping through your abdomen; you think the agony might just kill you.
“What were you thinking, Y/N?! What were you thinking?!”
Someone picks you up and you cry out. The world is too deafening and warm and syrupy. It feels like a dream but everything hurts too much for it to be true.
“Someone help her! There’s got to be something!”
Steve is thunderous. Despite everything, all you can think as you watch his face swim before your eyes is how unlike him it is. Steve is passionate and stubborn as granite, but he’s not loud.
“Shhh, Steve. Shhh, it’s fine,” you don’t want him to change, especially not now.
He is cradling you in his lap, one arm under your head with the other pressed to your stomach. His face is haggard and grey, almost as if he’s bleeding out with you. You’re not stupid. This isn’t the movies; people don’t survive rifle slugs to the chest. Your life is cascading out of you onto the cement and goodbye seems the only thing left.
“Steve, please.”
Steve is barely holding it together. He’s violently shaking and tears are threatening to fall any moment. There is a pandemonium of movement surrounding you but you won’t take your gaze from his face. You want to memorise its every slant, curl, line, arc, and your own heart is acting far too quickly as the countdown clock.
“I love you.”
“Stop it!”
“I love you so much, Steve.”
He breaks. His shoulders shudder and the sobs choke out of him. As your own tears begin, the thought that you were learning more about him through grief than happiness swamps you. With lives like yours’, you had never been naive enough to think you would grow old with Steve, but you had been sure that there would be more time. You had got up in the mornings with the taste of tomorrow always promised around the corner. You had both felt, and seemed, far too alive for ‘what if’ to trouble you. Regret tastes like copper (though you wonder if maybe it’s just blood). However, the brightest thought in your headspace remains how completely and utterly you don’t want to die.
Someone else is jabbing at your ribs but the ache is just another part of the haze covering you. You want to tell them to stop, you want to beg for some peace, but you don’t want to seem like you’re giving up. Maybe you are, but dear God, you are so tired.
“Stay with me, Y/N.”
It’s a prayer, a plea to find some hidden strength but you’re not a superhero or a goddess or a spy. You’re just Y/N; human to a T and more fragile than even you knew. So, you don’t respond. You just take pull his hand from your stomach and hold it to your cheek. There is blood and red and your blood everywhere but you want him to know the truth. From the way that Steve leans back on his heels and screams into empty air, you see that he understands.
He kneels forward and touches his forehead to your shoulder. You feel nebulous and the pressure is somewhat indistinct at this point. The pain is even fading now, although the paralysing cold that is swallowing your legs is far more terrifying. The agony reminded you that you were still alive. This frost, this bitter cool, only reminds you that you are dyin-
“It wasn’t meant to end like this,” his words tremble.
The response catches in your throat.
“I know, darling,” it’s barely more than a whisper, “I know.”
Your heart is still fighting but black waits patiently at the edges of your vision. It’s not suffocating or invasive yet you know there’s not much to go now. It’s time to go.
He hears something in your voice that makes him pull back and hold your face. Steve is searching for something in your eyes; you don’t think he’s going to find it.
“No matter what happens, or where I go, I’ll never forget you Steve.”
It’s like unanchoring. Numbness swallows you. Your sense of feeling goes first and the world dissolve into calm. Your hearing is next. Everything around you is screaming and, despite the fact that you really, really want to hold on, you are almost relieved when it fades. All that’s left of the world is Steve now. His face is all you can see. In spite of the pain and the exhaustion, he makes you want to stay; after all, he has always been the exception to your every rule.
Goodbye, my darling.
You admire his tear-streaked face one last time, and let go.
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