#when do i stop saying that before i start living now?
blindmagdalena · 17 hours
You Let Me Complicate You
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18+ 4k homelander x f!reader. bickering, post-breakup sex, dubcon/coercion, angst, jealousy, emotional manipulation, implied murder, stalking, boundary smashing, breaking and entering, cunnilingus, penetrative sex. read on AO3. written as a follow-up to the breakup, but can be read as a standalone. gif credit.
Breaking up with Homelander is... complicated. After all, it is a god that loves you.
"What do I taste like?" You asked him once, drunk on pleasure and those early honeymoon days of loving him. He’d been slow to answer, thinking it over. "Love," he said at last. "Like you love me." You wonder if that holds true. If he can still taste love in you. If that’s why he’s so eager to devour you, or if the absence of it has made him even hungrier.
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Homelander is an aberration.
Stronger than a hundred men, faster than a bullet and sharp as a tack all paired with a teaspoon’s depth of emotional maturity. He’s volatile, twisted, broken in ways no amount of therapy could ever hope to duct tape back together. He’s no better off than a dog that bites to kill. No matter how he got to this point, the best thing for him–for the world–would be to put him down by any means necessary.
Too bad you can’t seem to stop fucking him.
It’s late when you hear the front door open with a distinct crack. You’re sprawled out on the couch in the living room, one leg draped lazily over the armrest. What comes next is no surprise to you–a shock of primary colors filling the narrow doorway, a handsome face made ghoulish by the haunting light of the television in an otherwise dark room.
“You nailed the door shut,” Homelander says, the inflection of his voice somewhere between a question and a statement.
“Because you broke it,” you throw back, a stale Twizzler balanced between your lips. It had tasted good enough when you started eating it, but now–in his presence–the sweetness of it has turned sour.
“You changed the locks,” he says with a light shrug, cape swaying as he meanders towards you. “My key didn’t work.”
“Your key? Stealing a key to my house does not make it your key,” you say tersely, lifting your foot to press it firmly to his thigh, stopping him in his tracks. 
He glances down, a mirthless smile tugging at the corner of his mouth before he catches your ankle in his gloved hand, yanking you down the couch so suddenly you lose your Twizzler to the floor with a gasp. It’s one thing to know that Homelander has strength enough to throw cars like frisbees. It’s another to feel it. It sends a rush of adrenaline through you like a jolt, followed swiftly by something hotter low in your naval.
“Y’know, I’ve been thinking,” he begins, dropping your ankle. He lifts his knee and slots it between your legs, his opposite boot on the floor, his hand braced on the back of the couch, pinning you in place.
“Don’t hurt yourself,” you cut in dryly, moving to shift up the couch, away from him. He snatches your shoulder, halting you with ease. His thumb strokes your skin idly, goosebumps erupting beneath his touch.
“And I’ve realized that this whole… thing between you and I, this ‘will they, won’t they,’ ” he says, bobbing his head side to side. “It’s getting stale. Don’t you think it’s about time we progressed the plot?” He asks, leaning in close.
You brace your hand against his chest, holding him in place as ineffectually as you did earlier. You both know it’s all a game. It’s all pretense. There had been fondness between you once–love, even–but you’re done with that now. You have to be done with it, or Homelander will swallow you whole. He’s a black pit, a murderer, and his need knows no end. He’ll destroy you and everything you know and love if he thinks it’ll satiate that need.
You’ve lost enough. You can’t afford to lose any more of yourself to him.
“Jesus Christ, you even think in TV script,” you say, pushing on his chest. He leans back, but not by much. It sends a terrible little chill down your spine. “I’m starting to think the only thing that might actually kill you is an original thought.”
His eyes narrow and his bright white teeth flash predatorily in the darkness. “You’re lucky I haven’t broken your neck,” he says, hand slipping from your shoulder to your throat. The sharp press of his thumb into your windpipe steals your breath, makes your thighs tighten on either side of his leg snug between yours. His lips split into an unkind grin. “Or maybe not. You’d probably like that.”
“You’re disgusting,” you spit, gripping his wrist with your other hand. Your pulse is starting to throb against the leather of his glove. He moves his thumb from your windpipe to your jaw and turns your head away, leaning in with a deep, pointed inhale along your neck.
“Is that why your hormones are going haywire? Because I disgust you?” He asks, grinding his thigh between your legs in a way that makes you gasp. “Y’know, given how full of it you are, I was sure I’d smell the bullshit on you. But all I smell… is how fucking wet you are.”
He grabs your hip and the memories come to you like muscle memory. How good it feels to be gripped and fucked and loved by someone beyond your comprehension. To feel as if you’ve stopped the world turning and called the sun itself to shine on you alone.
You twist your chin out of his grip and level him with a heated stare. “I hate you,” you hiss, grasping for the knife you know will twist the deepest. 
It works for a second, his smug expression faltering, but only for an instant. His jaw sets, and his lips curl into that same unkind smile. “C’mon, babe,” he coos, the intimate familiarity woven into that pet name making your skin crawl. “We both know that I can always tell when you’re lying.”
He kisses you like he always has. Like you belong to him. In a way, you suppose you always will. There’s nothing you can do to pry your throat from Homelander’s jaws. Nowhere you can run that he won’t eventually find you. Like quicksand, the more you fight, the tighter he clamps down. Truth be told, though, that isn’t the worst of it. The worst of it is that the tighter he grips you, the less you want to fight him.
His tongue slithers into your mouth like a serpent into the garden and you bite down hard. While pliant between your teeth, the flesh doesn’t yield. It never will. He never will. Instead he moans a little chuckle that fades into a rumble against your lips.
“That how it’s gonna be?” He asks, the words rasped into your mouth. “Y’wanna bite and claw? Play hard to get?” He laughs, the sound of it reedy and light, like it’s all a silly little game of make-believe. “I can do that.”
He reeks of his own desperation for what he says to be true. More than anything, he wants to dress up his desires as yours. He wants to believe he’s giving you what you want. That way, he can trick himself into believing you need him.
He bites the middle tip of his glove and tugs it off with his teeth, tossing it aside. His bare thumb brushes your lip, smearing his spit and yours. “I saw you with that fucking loser,” he says, the airiness suddenly gone from his voice.
Your stomach drops. Two days ago you’d been with a man. You’d been so desperate to forget him that night that anyone would have done the job. You stumbled out with some nobody from the bar who’d been good enough for a sloppy makeout session in the back of his truck, but not good enough to bring home. It hadn’t ended well.
How close of an eye is Homelander keeping on you?
“I’d be angry if it hadn’t been so fuckin’ pathetic,” he says through his teeth.
“Liar,” you say tightly. You feel his fury in the tension of his body. He’s pissed that you’d seek this out anywhere else. As if he still has a claim over your body. Your pleasure.
His eyes flash up to yours. He sneers, pushing his thumb between your lips. “I watched you bite his lip until he bled. I watched him slap you,” he says, dragging the pad of his thumb along the ridges of your bottom teeth. The memories come to you as he speaks them, every moment of it made bleary by alcohol. “You wanted it rough, but he couldn’t handle you, could he? Because you’re used to something better. You’re used to a god.”
You sneer right back at him, yanking your head to the side, his thumb slipping from between your lips. “Could you be any more in love with yourself? Go fuck yours-”
“I still had to kill him, of course,” he continues nonchalantly, grinding your thoughts to a screeching halt. He laughs humorlessly. “For kissing you. And, well–for everything else, obviously. Slapping you,” he says, brushing his knuckles down your cheek. The same one the man had struck. “Humping your leg like a fucking dog.”
“Why are you doing this?” You ask, throat tight. Bile burns at the back of it. All you wanted was to get away from this. The blood, the horror of it. Yet no matter what you do to dissuade him, he brings death to your doorstep. “You have everything. You could have anyone. Why are you–”
“Because I want you,” he hisses, words so sharp his sharp teeth snap together. “Because I love you, and that’s what you do when you love someone,” he says. You can feel the accusation building in his words. “You don’t give up on them. And if that means cleaning up every dirty little mistake you make,” he says softly, lips brushing the shell of your ear. “So be it.” 
A cold shiver rolls down your spine. You stare woundedly at him, lips parted, brows pinched together, the misery of it all etched into every line of your face. He stares at you in turn, and after a beat, his own hard expression softens.
“Hey, hey,” he says, the heat of his breath a ghostly kiss on your lips. “It’s okay,” he says, brushing the tip of your nose with his. “I forgive you.”
He kisses you again, more tender now. Your eyes prickle with tears. His gentleness hurts so much more than his violence. It disarms you, carries you to a time when things were simpler between you. Sweeter and warmer. 
Homelander makes the world feel wonderful and dangerous, like standing in the middle of an electric storm. Being loved by him is the feeling of having your ribs cracked open, your heart cradled in his bare hands, possessive and bloody. What had been thrilling grew stifling, a feeling you realize now never truly went away.
He’s inescapable, literally and figuratively. Even when he isn’t inviting himself into your home or lurking in the periphery of your vision, Vought’s hero is plastered on every billboard and screen in the city. You haven't been able to breathe without inhaling the thick miasma of him.
Tears roll down to your temples as you kiss him back, both hands fisted in his soft hair, tugging. He makes a pleased little sound against your lips, teeth grazing your bottom lip. He’s always kissed like a man possessed–like every brush of your lips is a drop of salvation–but the hunger he’s developed since you tried to leave him is unparalleled. He kisses you like he means to devour you whole.
You bite back a sob, but the hiccuped noise of it catches his attention nonetheless. He breaks from you, looking down at you with a feverish mix of yearning, impatience and something that almost resembles pity, which might be the closest thing he knows to sympathy.
“Hey,” he coos, dusting your jaw with feather light kisses. “Don’t cry.”
“It’s awful,” you choke out.
“What is?”
“Your love.”
“I know,” he says after a prolonged pause. “It’s all I know.”
You look at him, the image of him bleary through your tears. There’s a morose resignation in his ocean-storm eyes, a distance that makes him seem far, far away from you, even as you taste the heat of his breath on your lips.
Focus returns to his gaze, and suddenly he’s present again. “It’s all I know,” he says again, his tone made of wood, stiff and splintering.
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you lift your palm to his cheek, hovering just shy of touching. He’s pulled to it like a magnet, nuzzling into your palm, eyes closing. His hand slides down the familiar slopes of your body, settling at your hip, where his fingertips sink in like claws, the pressure of them shy. For as vicious as things have gotten between you, he’s never hurt you. A fact he lords over you as if he should be applauded for it.
I love you more than anything. You know that, right? That I would never do anything to hurt you? He’d asked you during that first fight. When everything went wrong. 
You’d only been able to nod then, trapped with a man you didn’t recognize wearing the face of the man you loved.
That’s right. Of course you do. Because if I wanted to hurt you, I would have. It would have been easy, huh?
Despite how desperately you’ve tried to fortify yourself against him, it’s still so easy.
Homelander is an aberration, but so too is he a man, and there was a time when the man was all that you saw. When the monster at the core of him reared its head, bloody and unrepentant, that became all you could see in him. Now, the two are so irrevocably tangled in the sinew of the other, you’re never sure which you’re looking at.
“I miss you,” you confess to the man in him, voice so soft only his ears possibly could have discerned the words. As if you can hide the words from the monster lurking behind if you speak them quietly enough. 
He looks as confused as your own aching heart. “I’m here,” he says, everything in his tone willing you to believe it. He doesn’t understand that you miss who he was before you knew what he was.
A mournful noise swells in your chest, but he kisses you before it can escape. “I’m here,” he says again, the hand at your hip turning into a fist in the fabric of your clothes, tearing them at the seams. “I’ll make you feel better,” he says between presses of his lips, hungry and rushing, like he can outspeed your miserable grief. “Let me make you feel good.”
Sex has always been an avenue of redemption for Homelander. Whether he’s frustrated, anxious, wounded or a combination of them all, he’s sought to remedy it through a good orgasm. He treats you as though the notion should hold true for you: the fight doesn’t count so long as he makes you come.
Yet again, you’re left stricken by him. As you have a dozen times before, all you can do is nod. Deep in your core, you know he’s right. He can make you forget this horrible ache in yourself, the grief and the fear. He can take you away to the dream you’d lived before you met the beast in his shadow. 
Coherent thought turns to water slipping between the cracks of your mind as Homelander’s bare fingers brush your inner thigh. You suck in a sharp breath that leaves you as a shudder and you clutch at his collar, twisting the fabric, unsure if you mean to push him away or pull him closer.
Homelander makes the choice for you, closing the distance and kissing you too gently, too sweetly. You spur him with your teeth, needing it faster, harder. Needing it to hurt just enough to not feel entirely right. He ignores your prompt, focused wholly on tasting you, on sliding his fingers up into the waiting warmth between your thighs. He presses the pad of his middle finger to your clit, deft and familiar.
You sigh, closing your eyes, ready to lose yourself to the feel of something good. He slides serpentine down your body, kissing you through your shirt, nipping at your skin through the fabric for the way it makes you jump. His lips trail down until they pass the hem of your shirt, finding where he’s stripped you. His mouth is unbearably warm, breath hot huffs on your bare skin, goosebumps erupting everywhere.
He mouths at your hip, sucks the skin dark before trailing further down, leaving a constellation with his lips. The scorching wet heat of his tongue feels like a brand on your clit, replacing his hand with his mouth. 
You thread your fingers into his hair, widening the spread of your legs to allow for the way he shoulders under and between them, lifting your lower half. He nuzzles into the nectary sweetness of you, moaning unabashedly for your familiar taste.
What do I taste like? You asked him once, drunk on pleasure and those early honeymoon days of loving him. Everything about him fascinated you; did his super smell lend itself to super taste? Could he pick out each note of you, dissect your profile into sections?
He’d been slow to answer, thinking it over.
Love, he said at last. Like you love me.
You wonder if that holds true. If he can still taste love in you, if that’s why he’s so eager to devour you, or if the absence of it has made him even hungrier. If he plunges his tongue to the core of you in the hopes he might discover lingering shreds of what the two of you once had.
A moan escapes you. His fingers bite into your thighs, tongue coaxing more. Restraint dissipating, you tighten your grip on his hair and tug, grinding hard against his mouth. He knows the stepping stones of your pleasure as well as you know yourself, knowing just when to suck, when to lick. He’s more relentless than any other man could hope to be, never needing to stop for breath, never succumbing to aching muscles. He maintains a pace that sends you careening so viciously towards release, you give a choking gasp when it hits you, your head thrown back against the couch as euphoric relief rolls through you in waves.
Homelander shrugs out from under your trembling thighs, his mouth slick and shining, eyes predator wide. You’re both panting, silently gauging the other. You’re first to break the standoff, his hunger infectious. You climb onto your knees and grab his shoulders, pushing his back to the couch, straddling him. He keens when you kiss him, an addictive sound that gives you a deceptive sense of power.
He murmurs your name in fervent repetition, dragging his mouth along your skin, inhaling you like a drug. You unbuckle his belt with the ease of experience, unzip his pants and slip your hand inside. Curling your fingers around his cock, you find it already hard and dripping in anticipation.
“Anything you want,” he breathes, the words coming between the prayer-like recitation of your name. “Money, diamonds, anything, I’ll make you a queen,” he says, eyelids fluttering at your touch. He pledges these things like an act of devotion, but you recognize this Faustian bargain for what it is. It will cost you your heart and soul.
“I’ll make you a god,” he moans at a particularly deft twist of your wrist.
Making you come will have to be enough for now.
“Fuck me,” you tell him breathlessly. “The way I like it.”
Like flipping a switch, the dazed pleasure in his eyes sharpens. The corners of his mouth tug, his upper lip twitches, eager tension slipping into his touch as his hands slide up your thighs, grasping your hips. His fingers sink in tight enough to bruise, despite the gentleness of his touch. The immeasurable power lurking within his unassuming frame is a novelty that never wears off, a thrill that shocks you to your core no matter how many times you experience it.
Like a vicious storm, he’s beautiful and terrible in equal measure. Caught in the eye of his maelstrom, the only thing left for you to do is weather him.
He guides you down onto his cock in one slow, agonizing pull. Even with his spit and your orgasm easing the way, it’s too much all at once. Relishing the aching burn of being split apart by him, you make a noise that gives him pause. You don’t let him stop. You brace your hands on his shoulders and lift off of him almost entirely before sinking back down deeper than you had before, wringing a moan from him in turn.
Homelander’s fingers dig securely into your back as your bodies slot together and find an old, familiar rhythm. By now he knows exactly the angle to take to best pleasure you. You let out a shaky sigh at the warmth that spreads through you, the pressure of your climax building, his heat sinking into you like the light of the sun itself.
You’re used to a god.
You cup his face and kiss him. You bite his lip until you should taste blood. You dig your nails into his skin so hard your knuckles ache. If he notices it, he’s only pleased by it.
“I’d move heaven and hell for you,” he swears between kisses, ripping the shirt from your body. The cool air hits your damp, hot skin like a shock. 
“I don’t want them,” you say, voice catching on one of his sharp and sudden thrusts. He’s close. You can feel it in the tightness of his muscles, in the erratic, merciless way he drives into you.
“Doesn’t matter,” he says, voice reedy, tight. He kisses down your chest, scrapes his teeth over the swell of your breasts. “They’re yours. It’s all yours. I’m yours.”
Those words should hit you like a prison sentence, but they don’t.
They make you come.
Homelander holds you tightly as he, too, breaks into pieces, filling you with light and heat. He chokes more promises against your skin, kisses the salt from your skin and licks it greedily from his lips. You spin in place in his arms, dizzy on your own orgasm, riding out the aftershocks with his cock throbbing against the quiver of your cunt.
For a long while there’s nothing but the sound of your breaths and the distant din of the television. The tremors wracking your body gradually fade, and the chill of the open air begins to set in.
Homelander holds you tight as the sweat on your skin cools. He kisses a trail from your neck to your shoulder, nuzzling there before he rests his head down, face tucked into the crook of your neck. You feel wrung dry, eyelids heavy. You card your fingers absently through his hair, body boneless against his. Your eyes ache from crying, but you don’t mind it. Strung out like this, the aches left in the wake of pain and pleasure both feel equally good.
“It’s late,” he says warmly, a smile in his tone. He sounds lovesick, the way you both did once upon a time. Back then, you thought you knew every dark corner of his insatiable heart. “We should sleep.”
“Okay,” you agree, voice frayed. He lifts you gingerly from his lap, adjusting to cradle your naked body to his chest. Despite how Homelander unspools himself before you, you’re always the one left reduced. Bare and vulnerable both physically and emotionally. You slip your arms around his neck as he stands, resting your head on his shoulder.
“I could take you to the tower,” he whispers, sending a chill down your spine. “My bed’s bigger.”
“No,” you say, remembering a door you cannot reach, no matter how many times you grasp for it, and the god’s hands that sent you spinning. He’s already so capable of turning your home into a prison. You’re not sure you’d ever escape his penthouse. “I want mine.”
Perhaps the most terrible fact of all is that Homelander is neither a god nor a monster. 
He is simply a man without limitation.
“Sure,” he says, kissing your cheek. The touch lingers, dripping with his adoration. “Anything you want.”
So long as it includes him.
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wifeyoozi · 2 days
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Lee jihoon - Popsicles for dessert
w.c : 1.5 k ┊ synopsis : jihoon's tired of all the pink underwear teasing and shows you he doesn't wear one┊ content warning : smut , bestfriends to lovers kinda , blowjobs , big dick jihoon , really big dick jihoon
a/n : aka the prompt ask y'all had been waiting for is finally here. Crack and smut.
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 It's all because Soonyoung.
He started it.
The whole pink underwear drama. Jihoon, for the fact, does NOT wear pink underwear. Maybe he wore them once for the sake of one of his ex’s kinks. But he doesn't own pink underwear. There's black and there's dark grey and there's dark blue. A red one for when he's feeling extra freaky. Nothing pink.
And yet all of this fuss and teasing. And it was still bearable when it was just the boys teasing him.
But then you caught on that inner joke. Well, more specifically, soonyoung told you. On purpose. Knowing how big of a crush Jihoon had on you, his best friend. And you found that funny too. And then you started teasing him about it. And he's so embarrassed. 
And today it happened again. You two were just discussing your lives lately, and you told Jihoon about all the new make up you bought recently and how much you love that pink lipstick you got from your favourite brand. A sudden shit-eating grin spread across your face and Jihoon instantly knew where this was headed to. 
“You know, Jihoon, what else is pink”
Jihoon groaned, “oh my god, not you too! Not again!"
You giggled at his reaction, “your underwear Jihoon! You wear pink underwear, don't you? Little pink panties?”
Jihoon groaned, burying his face in the throw pillow on the couch. As you continued teasing him, he snapped. 
“God, y/n, I don't wear pink underwear,” he whined loudly, suddenly standing up, “should I show you or something?”
Your eyebrows quirked. “Why not, show me the proof.” There was a glint of mischief in your eyes. Jihoon should have known this was a bad idea. But he was tired of all the teasing already. He hastily untied the knots of his grey sweatpants and pulled them down to his thighs, revealing his slick black Calvin Klein boxer briefs. 
Your eyes widened. And the colour of his underwear wasn't the reason. It was the big bulge at his crotch which you couldn't take your eyes off. Your mouth watered at the sight. “God, Jihoon,” you were speechless. 
Suddenly shy again, Jihoon attempts to pull his pants back up, but you stop him, your hand on top of his as you move closer. He definitely has a really big dick hidden in there for the bulge to be that big.. And he wasn't even hard. Well, yet.
Your free hand moves and cups his crotch. Jihoon flinches but doesn't push you away. Instead, a soft moan leaves his throat before he could think. “Y/n what are you-”
“What fucking monster kind of dick you have in store here, Hoonie,” you can feel his dick come alive under your hand, the bulge growing as if it wasn't massive already. You palm him through his boxers. His hands fly to hold your wrist, stopping you. He really will just cum already if you keep doing that. You look up at him with a pout. 
“I want it,” you demanded, as if you were a little girl asking for candy or ice cream. Not able to hold himself back, his hand briefly looses over yours and you take the opportunity to instantly pull down his boxers, freeing his cock as it springs up, hard under your attention. 
“Oh my god, hoonie, it's so pretty,” you say, taking Jihoon's cock in your hand, examining it as though it was your first time seeing one. It was a pretty thing indeed, thick and long and only slightly darker than his fair face. It was a pretty shade of pink at the top and the purple veins prodded throughout the length. Its shape was just perfect, not too wonky or long and drippy or ugly. It was the kind of dick every girl sees in her dreams and every artist draws for their characters.
Jihoon, on the other hand, was trembling. Two minutes ago, you two were bickering. Now you had his dick in your hand. A shudder passed through his spine and he let out a whine as your tongue suddenly lapped over his head. “Y/n, you-”
“Shh, baby, sit down on the couch. I cannot stop myself from tasting this cock.” It was like you were hypnotised by his cock and he by you. He sat on the couch, his underwear and sweatpants pooled at his ankles. He opened his legs wide, giving you space to kneel in between as you take hold of his cock again. 
You lick over the length again, dragging your tongue along the veins, making Jihoon moan and groan and grab a fist of your hair. You loved when he pulled, the sting making your panties damp. You take the tip in your mouth whole sucking on it slowly. 
You try to take his dick deeper in your mouth, holding your breath as you do, before his cockhead touches the back of your throat, and it's just half way there. You forced your gag reflex to soften as you took him as deep as you can, wrapping your hand around the rest of it. You suck on it, hollowing your cheeks, feeling encouraged by all of the filthiest noises you head jihoon make. 
His hands grab your head, not pushing or pulling, but just holding it as a support as you commit yourself to giving the best blowjob you might have ever given. Your pussy feels so wet at the thought of taking this monstrosity in it. You can't take him today. You're gonna need training for it. But jihoon will help you stretch out for him. And then he'll fuck you till you can't think about anything other than his dick and how well it's fucking you. Your clit throbs. God, you're so cockdrunk over him.
Your other hands come to play with jihoon's balls, who seem big and heavy from his cum. He's close already, you can tell. So you suck on it till he's cumming down your throat with a whiny shudder, his hips tutting up in your mouth reflexively. You drink in all of his cum, the bitter-sweet malty taste making you only want more. 
Jihoon's panting. He just recieved what would be the best blowjob of his life. God, you should be put in a porn film with skill like that. His head falls back, catching a breath, as you climb on his lap, giggling as you lean in to kiss him. It's messy and wet and filthy, but he loves it. He could still taste himself on you. He wraps his arms around your waist.
It's all because of Soonyoung. 
He started the pink underwear rumours, spread it to you, had you tease him and it led to this. He's thankful to his best friend for it, but he wouldn't say it. He might write a nice song for him though as a thank you.
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thef1diary · 2 days
I absolutely love your writing!!!
Are you able to write something where reader is in a relationship with Max or Carlos or Lando. They sometimes playfight and yn usually wins. But one day the driver has to go somewhere else and uses his real strength to stop playing. And yn is shocked that he used to just pretend. Slightly angsty but mostly fluff.
Only if you can please :)
Playfight | M. Verstappen
warnings: slight angst, mainly fluffy
wc: 800+
© thef1diary 2024. all rights reserved. Do not copy, steal, translate, or repost any of my work
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You and Max have always been close. Long before you started dating, you were best friends, partners in crime, and each other's confidants. Your days were filled with inside jokes, playful banter, and those moments of playfighting that always left you breathless with laughter. You loved the way Max engages in these little tussles, seemingly evenly matched, making it all the more thrilling.
Today was one of those days. The afternoon sun streamed through the windows of your apartment, casting a warm, golden glow across the living room. Lounging on the couch, you and Max are scrolling through your phones and sharing random memes when the playful urge strikes you.
You nudge Max with your foot, a mischievous grin spreading across your face. "Bet I can take you down in under a minute."
He looks up, eyebrows raised, and chuckles. "Oh, really? Is that a challenge?"
You nod, laughing as you leap off the couch and adopt a mock fighting stance. Max follows suit, rising to his feet with a grin that mirrors yours. He's always game for a little fun, no matter how ridiculous.
You start your usual routine of playful attacks, knowing exactly how to make him laugh and stumble. But today, Max seemed a little distracted, glancing at his watch every few seconds. You notice but choose to ignore it, too caught up in the moment to let it break your stride.
"Alright, alright, you win," he says, attempting to end the fight quickly.
But you're not ready to let him off the hook. "Oh no, you don't get off that easy!" you tease, lunging at him again.
"Seriously, schat, I've got—" he starts, but you cut him off with a lighthearted shove.
"Come on, baby, fight back!" you urge, laughing as you goad him into continuing.
He sighs, clearly reluctant. "I really don't have time for this right now," he says, but you're too lost in the moment to listen.
You push him again, harder this time, and his expression changes. Without warning, Max grabs your wrists, twists you around, and gently but firmly pins you face-first to the couch. The sudden display of strength leaves you stunned, your breath catching in your throat.
"There, I win," he mumbles into your ear, before releasing you as he noted the time on his watch.
You lie there for a moment, processing what just happened. Slowly, you push yourself up and turn to face him, your mind racing. "Max... what was that?" you ask, unable to mask the shock in your voice.
He rubs the back of his neck, looking slightly guilty. "I'm sorry. I really have to go. I didn't mean to—"
"You've always let me win, haven't you?" you interrupt, the realization hitting you hard.
Max sighs, his shoulders slumping. "Yeah," he admits softly. "I didn't want to ruin the fun."
You sit up fully, the playful mood evaporated, replaced by a mixture of surprise and a sting of hurt. "Why?"
He shrugs, avoiding your gaze. "I liked seeing you happy. It was never about winning or losing for me."
Your heart clenches, a lump forming in your throat as you process his words. "You've been holding back this whole time," you say, more to yourself than to him.
He nods, finally meeting your eyes. "I didn't want you to feel... I don't know, like you couldn't beat me. It was more important to me that you had fun."
You reach out, taking his hand in yours, squeezing it gently. "You're too sweet for your own good, you know that?"
He chuckles softly, squeezing your hand in return, but the tension between you remains. "I try, and I'm sorry for rushing off like this. I'll make it up to you, I promise."
You shook your head, preventing a smile from forming on your lips as you thought of an idea. "No, don't make it up to me, we'll just have to rematch."
He quirked up an eyebrow, amusement dancing in his eyes. "Are you sure you want to do that again?"
A grin breaks through despite your best efforts to remain serious. "Absolutely. But this time, let's make it more interesting. How about we use Nerf guns or water guns, you name it. Let's see who really comes out on top."
Max laughs, the sound easing the last of the tension between you. "Now that sounds like a challenge I can't refuse. But remember, you asked for it."
You nod, feeling a thrill of excitement. "It's on, baby. Next time, no holding back."
He presses a kiss to your forehead, still smiling as he heads for the door. "I'll be ready. Just don't be too disappointed when you lose."
With a smile, you settle back, imagining the thrill of the next fight. It won't just be about winning or losing—it will be about showing Max that you're ready to match his strength, playfulness, and love, shot for shot.
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Taglist: @nikfigueiredo @wonnou @jointhehunt67 @helenemandl6 @charlesleclercsonlywife @dreamingonbed @heylookwhoitis @67-angelofthelordme-67 @lochnoch @llando4norris @monsieurbacteria6 @namgification @lilymurphy03 @sargeantdumbass @hiireadstuff @racingheartsposts @d3kstar @xjval @namjoonswaifu @isabellewinchester @thedecalcomania-blog @casperlikej @khaylin27 @mlioravanfleet @mehrmonga @tellybearryyyy @wobblymug @bokutos-babyowl
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ihopeiexplode · 2 days
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Streamerboyfriend!Sukuna x Supermodel!Reader
. Mixed of 2 requests!
. A/N: wrote this in class filled w sukuna haters 😞😞 (also I might be flopping chat!!)
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Streamerboyfriend!Sukuna who met you before your modeling career started, but you met him when he was already a trending streamer but of course your relationship was kept private under your request
Streamerboyfriend!Sukuna who's an attractive man, no surprise in that, did half of his followers only follow him because of his looks and voice? Yeah.. hundred percent...
Streamerboyfriend!Sukuna who gets away with saying the most unhinged and outrageous things on stream just because of his good looks..
Streamerboyfriend!Sukuna whose female audience became devastated after they heard he was taken, but do they know he's dating a famous supermodel? Nope, does he want them to know? Yes, but can he tell them? In his dreams
Streamerboyfriend!Sukuna whos surprisingly into reading theories everyone made when he revealed he was dating, seeing how they gathered up every female he interacted with and tried seeing which of them had the most chemistry, he laughed when they all came to the conclusion he was dating uraume
(yes I'm aware uraumes gender is not confirmed but let's just say they're female here!!)
Streamerboyfriend!Sukuna who revealed he was dating you by accident, totally!!
Streamerboyfriend!Sukuna who called you into his room one morning, but you were unaware he was live, you know his schedule on when he's going live so your relationship with him could be avoided from being revealed
"You called?"
"Mhm, just wanted a little kiss,"
"... Are you live right now...?"
"Hm? Oh, whoops,"
Streamerboyfriend!Sukuna who felt like a proud idiot when word got around saying a supermodel was dating him, I mean it was only 5 Minutes after the big reveal he was dating you and word immediately got out that Sukuna was the mystery person you were dating and you were his
Streamerboyfriend!Sukuna who laughs at the "he's only dating her for her money!!" Comments, you both dated before your modeling career, plus he's also rich he has no need to go after your money, not to mention he doesn't even let you spend a dime of your money and insists you should spend his instead....
Streamerboyfriend!Sukuna who secretly watches edits of you on tiktok and has a whole collection of all the edits he found of you
Streamerboyfriend!Sukuna who also has a separate collection for every edit he finds of both you,
Streamerboyfriend!Sukuna who absolutely hates it whenever A guy hits you right in front of him. Sure it's known you're taken by him but does it stop the flirting and stares? On his side yes, but on your side? No, no it does not.
"I must say you rather look gorgeous this evening ms I/n"
"she's taken."
"Hm? I'm aware she is,"
"do I need to—"
"Sukuna enough, were in public..."
"I really don't know what you see in him ms l/n you could do so much better, like me for example,"
"nevermind, Sukuna go."
Woah I wonder how the guy ended up in the hospital the very next day!!! I wonder who caused that!!
Streamerboyfriend!Sukuna who loves it whenever a girl tries hitting on him only to run away and apologize the moment they see you approach him and give him a kiss
Streamerboyfriend!Sukuna who also loves it whenever you bring him up during one of your interviews
Streamerboyfriend!Sukuna who always has to mention you at least more than once during his streams or just mentioning you in general
"you look handsome"
"yeah I know my girlfriend told me that earlier this morning, only her opinions matter to me by the way"
Streamerboyfriend!Sukuna who acts like a lovesick puppy whenever he's with you, surprising everyone who sees your photos with him on your Instagram seeing how Sukuna is known and theorized to be the dominant one in a relationship if it ever came to that (the theory was made before ur relationship w him was revealed), but it seems to be the complete opposite in your photos...
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[⛩️] @: Likes & Reblogs R appreciated! ^^
Permanent Taglist: @cadibearrr
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jeonghunny · 15 hours
— drunken confessions, joshua hong.
hurt, comfort, fluff | 1.8k
[warnings] mentions of cheating but it doesn’t actually happen.
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you never fought with joshua. sure you had a few minor disagreements here and there as every normal couple do, but you can’t think of a time when an argument between you has gotten this big. this time feels different, joshua had to physically remove himself from the situation and told you he had to go for a walk to get some air and clear his head.
a walk shouldn’t take longer than thirty minutes, maybe an hour at most. at least that’s what you thought, but the doorbell rings at close to 2am instead and you jump up from the couch where you had accidentally fallen asleep on while waiting for your boyfriend to come back so you can hopefully talk to him and clear the air before you go to bed.
you open the door to see a very drunk joshua being held up limply against seungcheol’s side and you quickly move aside for them to come in.
“sorry for waking you,” seungcheol says as he helps joshua lie down on the same couch you’d just gotten up from. “i was going to bring him back to mine but he insisted on coming back here.”
you quickly shake your head, “don’t worry about it. sorry for troubling you.”
seungcheol smooths down his t-shirt as he stands back up then looks at you, “i don’t know what happened exactly since he wouldn’t say much, but judging from the way he was drinking earlier he must be pretty upset.”
at the mention of your fight from earlier, you let out a sigh then give seungcheol a reassuring smile. “i’ll talk to him tomorrow morning.”
he doesn’t say anything and only gives you a nod then heads for the door and you see him out with a quick “thank you”.
turning around after shutting the door, you see joshua flip on his side as he tugs roughly on the collar of his button down plaid shirt. he must be uncomfortable. you pick out a t-shirt he often wears to sleep from the closet then go into the bathroom to get a wet wash cloth before coming back out into the living room.
“sit up,” you tell joshua as you tap him on his shoulder lightly.
no response.
you attempt to pull him up into a sitting position and after struggling for what feels like forever, you finally succeed. with one hand, you brush his hair back from his face and start cleaning him up with the other. you’re about to unbutton his shirt when his hand suddenly flies up to stop you.
“what are you doing?” he slurs with his eyes still shut tight, fingers tightly wrapped around your wrist.
“what do you think? i’m cleaning you up.” you try to free your hand from his grasp but even while drunk, joshua was still a lot more stronger than you.
you try to undo his buttons with your other hand and you hear him mumbling something so you lean closer to him and you finally hear what he was saying.
“i’m in a relationship.”
a fit of uncontrollable laughter escapes you at the ridiculousness of the situation once you understood what he thought was happening. you continue unbuttoning his shirt and you’re about to remove it when joshua’s hand shoots up to hold the collars together, preventing you from taking it off him.
“i don’t know who you are or what you’re trying to do,” he struggles to get out between hiccups. “but i’m in a very loving and happy relationship and i hope you can respect that.”
he throws his head back to rest against the cushion as he begins drunkenly rambling about how much he loves his “other half”, how he pictures their future together and how he would never ever do anything to jeopardize that. you would definitely find the scene before you romantic and sweet if you didn’t suddenly recall that right before this was your very first serious fight, the whole reason why joshua even got this drunk in the first place and now his intoxicated self is telling you how much he loves you and wants to potentially spend the rest of his life with you.
you don’t have much time to be lost in your own thoughts and feelings though because joshua is trying to tell you something and he’s signalling you to come closer.
“i can hook you up with a friend of mine though,” he shoots you a cheeky grin and before you can even reject his idea, he’s scrambling for his phone in his back pocket. the action nearly causing him to fall off the couch.
“soonyounggggg,” he calls out loudly once the call gets connected and you roll your eyes. god, he sure is obnoxious when he’s drunk.
he turns the phone over to you and you burst out laughing when you see an equally, if not more, drunk soonyoung looking back at you. his face was red and he can barely keep his eyes open.
“say hi,” joshua instructs softly and you give the camera a half hearted wave. “soonyoung, would you be interested in meeting this person? like for a date?”
soonyoung leans closer to the screen and squints his eyes at you then he leans back with his lips pursed as if he’s seriously considering joshua’s suggestion.
“why are you not asking me if i’m interested in your friend?” you interrupt before soonyoung can answer.
joshua sits up slightly to look at you, “are you interested in meeting soonyoung?”
“no, i’m not.”
“why not?” he whines. “soonyoung is amazing, he’s cute and funny. oh, and he’s a dancer too.” he wiggles his brows at you suggestively.
you shrug, “i have a boyfriend.”
joshua lets out a loud gasp as if you’d just told him something scandalous then he whispers, “why were you trying to undress me then?”
“because,” you take his phone from his hand to end the call with soonyoung, “my boyfriend is drunk so i’m trying to get him cleaned up so we can go to sleep.”
he looks at you with furrowed brows and you can almost see the gears in his head turning then he opens his mouth, “what has that got to do with what i asked you?”
“shua,” you sigh as you rest your hands on his shoulders to look him in the eyes and you can see how hard he’s trying to focus. “you’re my boyfriend.”
his mouth forms an ‘o’ before he tells you, “well… y/n isn’t going to like what you just said.”
you figured trying to reason with a drunk man isn’t going to lead anywhere so you give up and make him drink some water then tell him to get some sleep before heading back to the bedroom. you’re nearly at the door when your phone vibrates in your hand and you find a text from joshua that reads: hey.., im nit surw what exavtly happrned bit appatentlt weve brokwn up ans im seeng somwone else mow
joshua wakes up the next morning confused and with a pounding in his head. he looks around to check the surroundings and flashbacks of what happened before he left the house last night comes rushing back to him. he rushes to the bedroom to check if you were there only to find the room empty and the bed was made. did you leave the house after him and spent the night somewhere else? he goes back to the couch to check his phone and sees the last text he’d sent you and panic grows in him, it reads like a break up text and he needs to explain to you that that’s not what he meant. he checks his call log to see if he’d called you last night and finds that his last call was to soonyoung so he calls him to ask if he remembers what they had talked about.
“well, there was someone else there with you…” soonyoung closes his eyes as he tries to remember the details. “you said something about meeting for a date.”
joshua’s eyes widen. he’d brought someone else home? were you home when that happened? was that why you left?
all he can think about is how badly he’d fucked up and how he needs to fix this when he hears the sound of the front door unlocking and he quickly tells soonyoung he’s ending the call.
“oh, you’re awake.” you glance at him briefly before kicking off your shoes.
he gives you a sheepish look then blurts out, “i didn’t mean it.”
you stop in your tracks then turn to him, “what?”
“what i said last night during our fight,” he takes a deep breath to prepare himself for what he’s about to reveal, “…and that text. i’m not breaking up with you and i’m not seeing anyone else.”
the mention of the drunk text made you chuckle and a look of confusion takes over joshua's face.
“i’m not sure what happened last night but i asked soonyoung and he said i might have brought someone home with me,” his gaze drops to the floor because he can’t bear to look at your face and see how hurt by this you’d be but he hears you start laughing even louder and his head snaps up. “you don’t care that i might have cheated on you?”
it’s funny how offended he sounds when he asks you this.
“shua…” you’re breathless from all that laughing, “how can you cheat on me with me?”
“what do you mean?”
“that person soonyoung saw on the call was me.”
you sit down next to him and proceed to explain everything that happened last night including his drunk confessions and ramblings then you both start laughing at the fact that joshua called soonyoung to set you up with him and you stop when you suddenly remember that you were still in the middle of an unresolved fight.
“but i thought we talked it out last night,” he looks up at you with his big, doe eyes and he knows it works like a charm every time, “with my love confessions and all.”
“you couldn’t even recognise me and literally tried to set me up with soonyoung.”
a pout forms on his lips, “i was drunk and also an idiot.”
“yeah, you are.”
“but i’m an idiot who’s very, very sorry.”
“you’d better be.”
“i am,” he says with a firm nod then he reaches for your hands and finally feels reassured when you don’t move away. “and i’m also an idiot who loves you very much.”
you’re quiet and he squeezes your hands gently, “i’m also an idiot who’s begging for your forgiveness and will actually die if you don’t forgive me.”
you pull your hands out from his to hold them firmly in yours instead and you let out a sigh, “i’m also an idiot that’s sorry about what happened.”
joshua smiles at you then leans in to kiss you softly and you feel his smile grow when you kiss him back.
“so i’m guessing you don’t want to date soonyoung?”
“i’m breaking up with you.”
joshua pulls you back down when you try to stand, “so you can date soonyoung?”
you shove him away, “now you’re just pushing it.”
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jlheon · 1 day
03. i’d love to meet you soon
peng’s note. bye this is so couple cringe core + written section under the cut ! ( wc. 444 )
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your phone immediately starts buzzing after you press send on your message.
the contact picture of your boyfriend’s dog flashed upon the screen.
technically you’ve seen him now but you wish he would be comfortable enough to show you his face, especially now that he’s seen yours.
but there’s no rush really.
sure, you’re friends may think he’s a little sketchy but you don’t care. whatever he looks like doesn’t matter because he’s the best boyfriend you’ve had yet. despite never seeing his face and meeting him in person he always finds a way to call you and check up on you throughout the day.
he manages to do all of that with his packed schedule.
though you always wonder what school he goes to that requires the dance team to work in such rigorous conditions.
“hi baby,” riki says when he answers the phone, his voice raspy from the run through before another tour stop.
“hi rik,” you reply, pulling the covers over your body and getting comfortable under your sheets. “how was dance?”
“exhausting,” he groans. “but i’m fine now that i’m talking to you.”
“you’re so cheesy riki,” you giggle, turning over on your side.
“you love it when i’m cheesy,” riki retorts. “i bet your blushing right now.”
“no i’m not!” you say while turning on your camera. “see!”
in a turn of events riki finds himself blushing.
“you’re so cute,” riki whispers as he smiles in his dark hotel room.
“thanks babe,” you shift your phone away from your flustered face.
“i wish i could see you in person,” he sighs.
“i wish so too,” you pout. “nobody ever believes me when i say i have a boyfriend.”
“i’m sorry i can’t bring my self to show you what i look like.”
“it’s okay! i understand!” you panic.
“i’d love to meet you soon,” riki says cautiously. “only if you’re up to it though.”
“of course i want to meet you!” you’re smiling so much it hurts.
“maybe when i’m back,” he says.
“you don’t even know where i live?” you chuckle.
“i’ll get to you regardless.”
“you shouldn’t spend money just to come to me…” you frown.
“we might live closer than we think,” riki says optimistically. “but i’ll have to show you what i look like before then.”
“whenever you’re ready, ki.”
tired from rehearsal riki quickly fall asleep to your soft voice telling him about your week. debriefing him on everything that’s happened during the week that you couldn’t just text him.
you notice he stopped replying and soon fell asleep yourself.
riki hopes you won’t freak out once you find out his real identity.
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SYNOPSIS. it’s been three months since you met your now, online boyfriend, riki. he’s so sweet, matches your humor, but you have yet to see his face. your friends see this as a major red flag but you know riki told you he is just shy. due to this your friends joke that you could very well be dating a catfish. but what happens when riki finally sends you a picture of himself and your friend reverse searches the image to be ni-ki from enhypen?
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sophrosynesworld · 18 hours
Yeah, Best Friends (Pt. 2)
Part One : Katsuki Bakugo calls you during a panic attack seeking comfort. https://www.tumblr.com/sophrosynesworld/753472387882860544/yeah-best-friends?source=share
A movie plays before us, but neither of us are paying attention. Katsuki taps my calf repeatedly while rambling. My legs sprawled out over his as we pass a glass bottle of soju back and forth. Our drunken laughter overpowers the tv audio, each of us savoring the moment.
"Remember that time we snuck into the teachers' lounge?" I tease, leaning back and stretching my arms above my head.
Katsuki chuckles, his eyes shining. "How could I forget? You almost got us caught!"
I stick my tongue out at him. "Weren't you the one who knocked over the vase?"
"Details, details," he waves off my comment with a playful smirk. "We didn't get caught, did we?"
"No, but we had to run for our lives," I remind him, laughing at the memory. "Good times."
Katsuki's expression softens as he looks at me. "Yeah, they were." Katsuki takes a swig of the soju. "Do you remember when we had to jump off that cliff?"
I laugh, almost spilling the drink as I reach for it. "Had to?" I question. "I still think you wanted to jump."
Katsuki grins. "You followed me."
I take a sip, feeling the warmth of the alcohol spread through me. "Till death do us part."
"Yeah, yeah," he mutters, but there's a softness in his voice that wasn't there before. "You're still a nerd, though."
We both laugh again, the sound of our contentment filling the room. The movie continues to play and for a moment, there's a comfortable silence between us. We pass the bottle, enjoying each other's company and the rare moment of peace.
"Thanks for being here," he whispers, almost afraid to admit.
Katsuki's eyes meet mine. "Always," I reply, adjusting a pillow behind my back as I look at him. His eyes are lit up, his hand now tracing my legs absentmindedly.
"Why are you a hero, Kats?" I ask, tilting my head sideways. "I know why you became one as a child, but why now? Why haven't you retired?"
He shifts in his seat, retracting his hand away from me, leaving that spot cooler. He's clearly deep in thought. I sit and wait for his response, watching the characters run around on the screen before us.
"Do you want the real answer?" His expression turns rough, and for once, I think he's scared of something. Opening up.
I nervously nod my head, as his hand runs through his hair.
"I don't know how to…" he mumbles off, causing me to miss the last half of his sentence.
"Can you repeat that?" I ask gently, trying to coax the words out of him.
"I don't know how t…" he starts again but lowers his voice.
"Katsuki, I can't hear you, darling," I say, my hand reaching out to grab his. In response, Bakugo pushes my legs off him and stands up, moving to the other half of the room.
"Are you stupid?" His eyes narrow as he paces back and forth, the frustration evident in his voice.
"Excuse me?" My tone thickens, dropping into something low and slow. Being upset was one thing, but disrespecting me was another.
"Have you lost your hearing?" he jabs, his voice rising to ridicule me.
I stand up, my finger pointing in his direction. "Katsuki Bakugo," I start, his eyes widening slightly as I scold him. "You may not be having the best day mentally, but I am not Kirishima. You may be allowed to disrespect him like that, but if you ever, and I mean ever, talk to me like that again…" I pause, anger radiating off my body. "I will leave this room and we will never speak again."
His pacing stops, and he looks at me, the anger in his eyes replaced by something else—regret, maybe even fear. "I'm sorry," he mutters, still barely audible.
I take a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart. "I'm here for you, Katsuki. But you have to talk to me, not lash out."
He nods, still looking at the floor. "It's hard," he admits, his voice breaking slightly. "Being a hero… it's all I know. It's the only thing I'm good at."
"You don't have to be perfect," I say softly, stepping closer to him. "You just have to be you."
He looks up, meeting my eyes once again. "You're the only person who thinks that," he says quietly, his voice tinged with a mixture of sadness and relief. "You're the only one who doesn't place expectations on me."
I smile softly, reaching out to take his hand. The warmth of his skin is comforting. "Lots of people love you, Katsuki."
He hesitates, his eyes searching mine for something. Then his expression softens, and he murmurs,
"I love you."
My eyes widen at his drunken confession. His hand tightens around mine, pulling me closer. His other arm wraps around my waist, holding me firmly against him. The closeness sends my heart racing.
"Let me love you."
His lips graze the lobe of my ear as he whispers, his breath warm and slightly shaky. Goosebumps spread across my body and down my neck as he blows a small breath of air into the crook of my neck, sending a shiver down my spine.
I place my hands on his chest and gently push him away, though part of me doesn't want to. Heat rushes to my face at the thought of Katsuki loving me back. Joy is quickly replaced by sadness as I see just how glassy his eyes are. I doubt he will even remember this in the morning.
"You're drunk, Suki. We should get you to bed," I say softly, trying to mask the disappointment in my voice.
His only response is to frown, a look of disappointment contorting his face. His grip on my waist loosens, and he sways slightly, the effects of the alcohol more apparent now. I guide him gently toward his bed, my heart aching.
"Will you lay with me, baby?" he crawls into bed and opens his arms up, inviting me in. I accept his offer, and Suki pulls me into his chest.
Bakugo doesn't ask for permission before grabbing my leg and tossing it over him, his hand planted firmly on my upper thigh. He hums in contentment, his eyes closed. I look away from him and lean my head on his chest, listening to his rapid heartbeat that only increases as I lightly trace around the scars on his stomach.
"Don't leave me," he mumbles, his voice barely a whisper.
"I'm not going anywhere," I assure him, reaching up to brush a strand of hair from his forehead. I watch as he drifts off to sleep, soft snores replacing his mumbles, his grip tightening on me each time I shift.
Eventually, I give in and fall asleep beside him.
Part 3?
Tags: @misakik28
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reyadawn · 3 days
Killing Me Slowly
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*image not mine, credit goes to owner*
Summary: Reader has grown up with Noah Sebastian. Been through thick and thin, good days and bad, triumphs and losses, love and heartbreak and the full succession of Bad Omens. During that time, she fell in love with Noah. What comes later will have her experiencing her own bout of heartbreak...but will she survive?
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x reader, Joakim "Jolly" Karlsson x reader (platonic)
Warnings: 🔞+, Language, Kissing, Angst
Word Count: 🤷‍♀️
Side Note: Based off a dream I had last night and needed to get it off my chest so do not come at me for this...! Apologies for this being so long.
It was cold. The kind of cold that sunk deep into your bones. The chill November air stung my cheeks as I tried and failed to burry myself deeper into my jacket, or should I say Noah's jacket, and scarf. I had lost track of how long I had been walking through the park and I hardly took note of the reddish-brown leaves drifting softly across the grass.
Bzzzz! Bzzzz!
I sighed heavily before stopping to rummage around through the jacket pocket for my phone. I rolled my eyes as Noah's face flashed before me - an image of his Twitch days in cat-ear headphones.
"Hey--", I started to answer but was harshly cut off by Noah's obvious irritated voice.
"Get your fucking ass back home before you get sick. Do you even know what time it is?!", he all but shouted. I rolled my eyes again, glancing at the time on my phone. 9:46 PM.
"You're not my father, Noah, so stop acting like it. I'm fucking grown, in case you haven't noticed", I replied, turning back towards the direction of the house.
"Oh, I've noticed. Just get back here", he said sharply before hanging up.
"Asshat", I mumbled, stuffing my phone back in my pocket.
Upon returning to the house about a quarter after ten, all hell broke loose. I had just finished tossing my keys into the basket on the cradenza and was in the process of hanging my jacket when a set of long, tattooed fingers grabbed my wrist, spinning me around.
"Noah, what-", I started but my words were cut off when I was pushed back against the wall, long muscular arms engulfed in tattoos caging me in.
"You ever leave the house again and not tell anyone, it'll be your ass", Noah hissed, his long hair creating a curtain around his face as his dark eyes glittered angrily. I shoved him off me as hard as I could. By now, the rest of the guys had gathered in the living room to witness the commotion.
"Get off me you overgrown Beowolf!", I yelled back. "You don't own me, Sebastian!".
"The fuck I don't! We all do! You're ours to protect! We can't do that if you don't tell anyone where you're going!", Noah shouted, causing me to flinch. I stared up at him. I could feel his anger and concern but that's not all I wanted to feel. I sighed, my body relaxing from the rigid state it was in. I didn't dare look at the others. Defeated, I simply nodded and walked past Noah, heading towards the stairs.
Once inside the dark confines of my room, I quietly shut and locked the door. I stood in the center of the room, arms wrapped around my middle to seek comfort I wouldn't get. Glancing around, my eyes fell on framed photos of me with the guys over the years. Of course, I had more of Noah and I because we had known each other since grade school. Picture after picture: the beach, hiking, making holiday decorations, gaming, concerts they played in the past to recent. My eyes suddenly fell on a framed one of Noah and I where I stood in front of him and he was crouched over with his head on my shoulder and we were smiling into the camera.
Realization had my knees buckling, sending my body to the floor on all fours. No. It can't be. How did I miss it when I'm the one who feels it? How stupid could I be?
A knock at my door had me scrambling to my feet to unlock it and throw it open. Noah stood there, hand raised in a 'knocking' motion. Before I even had time time to process my own actions, I reached up to grab his face in my hands and pulled his lips down to mine. Noah's body grew stiff before he pulled away from me, hands out in front of him.
I frowned up at him in confusion. Noah stared at me wide eyed before taking a full step back and running his hands through his hair.
"I can't do this...I can't have this with you. It'll ruin everything...I'm sorry", he said softly before turning back down the hallway to his room. Confusion, hurt, disbelief and anger swirled within me. I didn't know it then but Noah was already in love with someone else...
3 Months Later...
Snow blanketed the streets, covered benches and street lamps as it fell sofly from darkened skies. Once again, I was walking late at night but this time I had a tail as I glanced over my shoulder to see Jolly following me in his car.
I turned back around, heading for the park when suddenly Jolly called out to me.
"Wait, karaste", he said, standing on the sidewalk dressed in just jeans and a long sleeved shirt. Always amazed me how he never got cold in the winter here in the U.S. Damn Sweedens. I stopped, studying him momentarily before turning back around again.
"Stop", Jolly said more firmly. I turned to him again. "Please, don't go to the park. Walk somewhere else". I regarded him carefully before it donned on me why he was trying to stop me. Despite the snow, I turned and took off in a run. I could hear Jolly behind me, snow crunching under his boots. The gazeebo was within eyesight. There were two figures sitting on the wooden steps and I halted behind a nearby tree. Noah was one of them. Dressed in a simple black Bad Omens hoodie, black skinny jeans and tennis shoes with one hand in his pocket. His other hand reached for the person sitting next to him. A woman. I couldn't see her face but her hair was a beautiful auburn and was loosely curled. Her small body encased in a hunter green coat, hood lined in faux fur. Her slim legs were encased in black leggings and snow boots. Noah smiled at her befoe pulling a black box from his pocket and opening it.
I brought a hand up over my mouth, my world turning blurry but not before Noah pulled the woman into a heated kiss. The kind of kiss you see in Romantic movies or read about in Romance novels. I couldnt breathe, my body trembling so hard I was afraid I would shatter. My heart sunk into my stomach, finger tips tingling as I sank to the ground. I doubled over, clutching my arms around my stomach as the tears flowed hot down my cheeks.
I wanted to scream; to kick something, punch something. I pressed my nails into my palms behind closed fists, hoping the pain would wake me from this nightmare. No help came. No savior to speak of. I felt as though my chest had been ripped open, heart pulled from my body.
The feeling of arms wrapping themselves around me to haul me to my feet felt distant. Like I was floating. I stared at my feet as they sunk into the snow in step next to Jolly's. Just going through the motions. Half way to Jolly's car, I could hear Noah call my name in the distance behind me. Not daring to look back, I willed my body to run the rest of the way to Jolly's car and threw myself into the front seat. Jolly joined me only seconds later before driving off. Out of the side mirror, I could see Noah stepping into street, hands in his hair before turning to his fiancè.
I leand over the center console to lay my head on Jolly's shoulder, wrapping both arms around his right arm as his hand rested on my thigh to give it a gentle squueze. Sobbs shook my body, the cries that escaped sounding like a gutted animal. I had never experienced this kind of pain. My stomach was in knots, muscles cramping from the force of the gutteral sobbing that I could not control. Go figure, the first man I fall in love with is in love with someone else.
Jolly spoke soft words of comfort in Sweedish, for all the good it did him. Nothing could stop the pain. I finally turned to look up at him through my tears.
"Why Jolly? What did I do wrong? Why wasn't it me? Why am I not good enough for him?", I asked, voice hoarse. I couldn't understand. I had been with Noah all my life. Been through everything with him. All of the up's and down's life brings including the success of Bad Omens and I never left. Never faltered in my loyalty to him or to Jolly, Nick, and Nicholas. Even Matt and Bryan.
I made Jolly drop me off at a hotel instead of the house, much to his disagreement. Giving me his car charger for my phone, I gave him the spare room key, just in case. He pulled me into his arms tightly and my eyes welled up again but I detached myself from him before the tears could fall.
"I'm a big girl, Jolly. I'll be ok. Shower and sleep. I need to clear my head...call my parents", I said trying to reassure him. Jolly scowled.
"In Virginia? No. You can't. You can't leave, karaste", he said firmly, arms crossing in front of his chest.
"I don't belong here anymore, Jolly...I'm not sure I ever did", I replied. "I'll let you know if I leave town".
Jolly reluctantly returned home, heart weighing heavy. He wanted to help her but didn't know how.
Entering the house he met Noah, his fiancè, Nick and Nicholas in the living room. Noah ran over to him, long hair wild about his shouldsrs.
"Jolly? Where is she?", Noah asked, looking over Jolly's shoulder. Jolly could only shake his head.
"Tell me, now! Where. Is. She?", Noah asked again through clenched teeth.
"I can't tell you, man. Right now, she doesn't want to be found", Jolly replied. Noah carded his fingers through his hair and let out a gutteral scream, fisting the long strands to the point his scalp hurt. His fiancè ran over to console him but he all but shoved her away.
"We'll find her, Noah", Nick said, placing a hand on his friends' shoulder.
I sat on the floor of the shower, arms wrapped around my legs, head resting on my knees as the hot water pummeled my skin, tears mixing in.
My heart beat in a body that felt numb, cold, unfeeling. Noah and the rest of the guys were my family. Had been for years. They took me in, gave me a home. Made me feel like I mattered. Gave my life meaning. With them...with Noah...I always felt like I belonged. Now I didnt belong anywhere.
The realization that I had nothing left was killing me but it was killing me slowly...
@concreteemo @concreteangel92 @bluestdai @exitwoundsx @english-fucker @amourtoken @alloraiona @lilhobgobbler @bloodylullaby @lolitasangel @lovexsleepyhead @livingdeceasedgirl @darling-millicent-aubrey @doomhands-jr @flowery-mess @thatchickwiththecamera @thefallennightmare
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atinystaypixie · 2 days
Just something short and based off what I said this morning
It only took you one time to hit Ony with the “I’m grown” line. You had more to say but it never came with how fast he had you bent over with your ass stinging. He respects everything about you and wants the best for you which is why he doesn’t appreciate the unnecessary attitude you were giving him.
He was simply trying to be a loving boyfriend and provide for you, but you got defensive. You aren’t used to being taken care of and it was embarrassing to feel like you were relying on him so much. He already filled your gas tank, gave you money, and now he was questioning you about groceries. It already took all of you to accept his offers the first time, but this is the third month in a row and you can’t handle it.
Ony knew your job paid you enough to get by, but he also knew it wasn’t enough to have your pantry and fridge completely full all month. He wasn’t going to let his girl have to wait for a paycheck as long as he was around. You meant everything to him and if it were up to him you would be living under his roof by now.
He understood you though and didn’t want to cross your boundaries. You weren’t someone who accepted help easily, but he would be damned if he sat back with funds while you lacked something.
Which is how you got here. All he asked was if you had eaten today and if you needed anything from the store. Your eyes swiveled and started targeting other objects to focus, avoiding his question. He didn’t like when you lied and sure as hell didn’t like how you were getting heated.
“Yea, I had some snacks earlier.” You said starting to look past his shoulder instead of his loving stare.
“Okay…,” he tried to let it go, “and what you gon’ eat later?”
“I don’t know yet, maybe some more snacks. I’m not that hungry so I’ll find something.” That made him suck his teeth. He went in your fridge earlier to grab a drink and saw more ingredients than meals, few ingredients at that.
“Bae, y’know you need to eat. You want me to go to the store-”
“I know how to eat, Ony. I don’t need you babying me all the damn time. I’m a grown ass woman,” you raised your voice. Lied, cut him off, and attitude? That wasn’t going to fly, not when all he tried to do was take care of you.
One second you were standing and the next your cheek was squished against the couch cushion. You felt his hand holding you in place by the neck as he kept you bent over the armrest. Before you could even finish your little lash out you felt several stings on your asscheeks.
He had never done this before and it caused you to immediately silence. Your jaw slack from the shock of his actions. You couldn’t tell if you were angry or wanted to melt into a puddle in front of him.
“Y/n,” that puts your attention back on him. His voice lowered and serious as he said your name. “I do my best to respect your boundaries. I understand you don’t take well to receiving, but I’m your man. I won’t let you go hungry just because you don’t want to ask me for anything. Ion like you lying and lashing out at me either. Let’s fix that, igght?”
By now he is rubbing at the skin he made contact with, his chest touching your back as he’s closer to your ear. “Answer me.” A sniffle and nod is all it takes for him to let up. Moving around to sit on the couch, he pulls you into his lap. Seeing you cry is not something he enjoys and he makes quick work to swipe his thumb across your tear streaked, brown cheek.
“Sorry, Pa,” you mumble, wrapping your arms around his neck. The tears weren’t from the pain of the slaps against your ass, but more so from your heart shaking. You knew he loved you and he had torn down the walls you sheltered the fragile muscle in long ago. It was hard letting him love you the way he did.
Your lashes, that he insisted on paying for, fluttered as he pressed a kiss to the corner of your mouth. “It’s fine, baby. I’m here and I ain’t gon’ stop caring for you, so Imma really need you to work with me. Now give me a kiss and let’s go get you some food.”
Pixie’s Flying🧚🏽‍♀️
I knaauurr it’s been a min since i released something. Yall I have been swamped in school and I am even taking summer courses rn. Free me plz😞 I have so many drafts and not enough time.
Also i am changing from “thoughts of a slutty virgin” to “pixie’s flying”
ENJOY! Reblog, like, and comment💜!
Pixie’s Masterlist
Taglist: @un-lawliet @tophamhat-kyo @nobianna @angxlwritez
98 notes · View notes
Me or him (part 3)
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~part 1 & part 2
pairing: felix x afab!reader x hyunjin
genre: angst, smut
word count: 2.6k
warning/s: swearing, brief description of sex, cheating, lots of drama & angst in this chapter, brief description of a panic attack, toxic behaviour, lots of fighting
a/n: i was supposed to work on cult of love but i was in an angsty mood, so enjoy ig and please reblog if you like it🫶🏻 (also this is not the ending of this fic, there will be more)
~check out my: Masterlist
Hyunjin knows that Felix has always been a touchy-feely guy. He knows it's the way his friend expresses love. And he's used to it.
But he couldn't help but notice the lingering touches between his girlfriend and his best friend. Even though all three of you are friends, it seemed that gradually, hugs between you and Felix were tighter and longer.
He told himself that he's just imagining things and that there is no way there would ever be anything like that happening between the two of you.
Not when you're smiling at him so beautifully, bathed in the afternoon sun, wearing your pretty dress as you share a picnic blanket.
Hyunjin's hands itch to take out his sketchbook and fill it with yet another sketch of you, the lines and curves etched into his mind so deep that he could draw you in his sleep.
But he longs more to feel you closer to him so while you bask in the beauty of the nature around you, he sneakily sits behind you, arms around your waist as he pulls you into his embrace.
You shriek in surprise, your back flush against his chest as he leans his chin on your shoulder.
"What are you doing?"- you chuckle.
"I wanna hold you a little while, before I start sketching you."- Hyunjin smiles, gently moving your hair to the other side.
You're about to answer something witty but Hyunjin's lips are pressed into your skin, right over your pulse that reveals your heart beating fast.
"Oh..."- is all that leaves your lips as your boyfriend kisses you gently and holds you tight.
Your eyes are closed and you tilt your head, enjoying the quiet and the warmth.
You're about to lose yourself when Hyunjin suddenly pulls away.
"Why'd you stop?"- you whine and he laughs cutely and annoyingly at your pouty face.
"We can continue this at home."- he smirks and kisses your cheek.
And you don't think about Felix.
Until you do. Until he somehow creeps into your mind while Hyunjin sketches you. And you wonder what he's doing right now and if he's thinking about you too.
And you also wonder why are you thinking about another man when all you need to be happy is right here with you, your sweet boyfriend Hyunjin who always tries his best and loves you more than you know?
You and Hyunjin stumble into your apartment, giddy with the good vibes you shared on your picnic date. You're laughing until you almost choke on your spit when you see Felix standing in your living room.
"Ugh... I let myself in. Hope y'all don't mind."
Right. He knows where the spare key is hidden.
"Lix! Oh my god, I haven't seen you in weeks!"- Hyunjin is quick to greet his friend and you feel like your legs are heavy. Like you've grown roots and you can't move from where you're standing.
"Yeah, sorry, I was working on some projects."- Felix says and looks at you, his arms opening up, silently beckoning you in a hug.
You move towards him automatically and pat him awkwardly. Hyunjin watches the whole interaction.
"Hi, y/n."- Felix smiles like nothing is wrong. "I brought brownies."- he adds, pointing to the kitchen.
"Oh we haven't had those in a long time. I missed them actually."- Hyujin says and almost skips to the kitchen. Little does he know you've had those brownies for breakfast more times than you can count.
You throw daggers at Felix with your eyes while Hyunjin is busy digging into the tupperware his friend brought.
Felix gives you a smug smile before it melts into his innocent one.
"I thought we could hang out today. I'm sorry I didn't call in advance. I just wanted to surprise you guys."- he says.
"Nonsense! You're always welcome here, Lix."- Hyunjin says. "Right, y/n?"
"Yeah, ofcourse."- you nod.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom."- Hyunjin gets up and leaves the kitchen.
You wait and listen for the bathroom door to click.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"- you whisper to Felix, fuming at his presence in your apartment.
"Me? Nothing. I'm here just to hang out with my friends. Is that not allowed?"- he smirks.
"What are you planning?"- you squint, your heart beating fast in anger, hands already starting to shake.
"Nothing. But, I must say. You look really pretty in that dress. How come you never wear dresses for me?"- Felix bites on his lip, giving you the elevator eyes.
"Why would I wear dresses for you?"- you say through gritted teeth.
"You're really hot when you're mad."- he whispers, reaching his hand to touch your face but you grab his wrist mid-air.
"Don't touch me."- you say angrily, and both of you step away from each other as you hear Hyunjin coming back.
Felix just smirks at you again.
And even though you tried to get out of it, make just the two of them hang out or somehow make Felix leave, you ended up sitting on the couch between them.
Hyunjin suggested a movie night, and Felix was ofcourse all for it and that's how you ended up practically cuddled between them.
Your brain is racing, heart beating out of your chest as Hyunjin leans his head on your shoulder and comments on the movie, completely unaware of Felix's wandering hand under the blanket.
You couldn't believe he was this bold. Hyunjin was not even an arm's length away from him and Felix somehow managed to sneak his hand on your thigh.
At first, you jumped a little and Hyunjin asked if you were alright and you made some poor excuse as Felix squeezed your plushy flesh.
You hated how it made you feel, how any touch by him, even if it was feather-like made your core throb. Felix knew exactly what he was doing.
So, you decided to excuse yourself and go to bed.
Hyunjin kept asking if you were alright and you kept answering that you were just tired.
You weren't tired, no far from that. You were turned on by Felix touching you while Hyunjin was right there. What the hell is wrong with you?, you think.
"Baby, you okay?"- Hyunjin peers into your room.
"Did Lix leave?"- you ask.
"He did."- Hyunjin says and comes in, closing the door behind him. "Are you mad at him or something?"- he cautiously asks, kneeling behind you as you lay wrapped up in your blanket.
"No... I just wanted us to have the day to ourselves."- you say.
"Aw baby, I'm all yours now, I promise."- Hyunjin leans over you, kissing your head. "You still tired or you wanna continue where we left off today?"- he smirks, wiggling his eyebrows and you chuckle at him as you turn to look at him.
"Remind me where we left off."- you tease and Hyunjin grips your blanket, slowly pulling it down and leaving you just in a shirt and panties.
He leans in and kisses your neck, his hands splayed on your hips as you spread your legs to make room for him.
You try hard to not think about anything or anyone else, as Hyunjin's gentle hands caress your skin, his lips hot against you, worshipping you with all he has.
You're still trying, when Hyunjin's deep inside you, touching spots no one else has, when he whispers praise and love into your ear. Your head is thrown back, eyes closed and you clench around him.
"Ah- Felix!"- lost in the pleasure, it slips out of your lips and you both freeze.
"What did you just say?"- Hyunjin stops his movement and your eyes snap open.
"What did I say?"- you hope he hasn't heard you. You hope you hadn't said it actually, maybe you just thought of it.
"Why the hell would you moan Felix's name?"- Hyunjin asks, slipping out of you, his face unreadable.
"I- I don't know, Hyun! It slipped out! We were hanging out with him earlier and-" -you scramble to sit up.
"Bullshit! We hung out with him a million times before and you've never moaned his name while were making love."- Hyunjin stands up, clearly mad.
"Hyunjin, it's not what you think-"
"And what is it I'm thinking y/n? Why don't you enlighten me?"
"I can't do this right now."- Hyunjin shakes his head, picking some of his clothes up.
"Where are you going?"- you ask, eyes already welling up with tears.
"To clear my head, before I do shit I'll regret."- he says and leaves the room, slamming the door behind him.
You can't believe you just did that. You can't believe you moaned your lovers name right into your boyfriend's face.
Your heart starts racing as your stomach churns. Your breaths become laboured and your hands shake. You feel like you're slipping into a panicked state, unable to even see because of the tears blurring your vision.
Your hand reaches out for your phone and you shakily manage to go into your contacts and click on his name.
"F-Felix?"- your ears are buzzing.
"Y/n?"- he answers.
"Where a-are you?"- you barely choke out, a sob escaping your lips.
"I'm home. Where are you? What's wrong?!"- he sounds concerned.
"I... I made a mistake. Hyunjin left. Please. Please come see me. I think - I think I'm gonna have a panic attack."- you somehow manage to say.
"Fuck, okay I'll be right there. Just, just stay with me on the phone, okay? Just try and take deep breaths together with me, hm?"- you hear rustling, and him slamming the door of his apartment, you assume.
"Okay, I'll try."- you say, tears now freely streaming down your cheeks as you still sit in bed, clutching the blanket that is wrapped around your shaking body.
"I'll drive as fast as I can, okay?"- he says.
"Be safe."- you say, and Felix's hands grip the wheel harshly as he hits the gas.
"Sure."- he says. "Now, let's try and take those deep breaths in."
Felix arrives in less than twelve minutes, you hear his hurried footsteps running from the door to your room.
"Y/n?"- he calls out as he walks in and you look up at him, still in the same spot you were in when Hyunjin stormed out.
You can't really talk as you sob and hiccup and Felix rushes to your side, grabbing your shaking hands.
"What happened?"- he asks and you shake your head.
"It's okay, I'm here."- Felix sighs sadly, pulling you into his embrace, your hands grip his shirt and you bury your face into his chest and keep crying.
He's caressing your head, shushing you and whispering comforting words like he always does.
You manage to calm down a little after a few minutes.
"Can you tell me what happened now?"- Felix asks quietly, his hands coming up to wipe away your tears.
"I fucked up. I fucked up bad."
"What did you do?"- he asks, taking your hands in his once again.
"I- I accidentally said your name while Hyunjin and I were- you know-"
"Oh. Oh."- Felix looks stunned.
"He was so mad, Lix. Like he already knew something."
"What did he say?"
"He said he needs to clear his head before he does something he'll regret."- you say.
"Look, I'm not gonna lie and say I wouldn't be glad if the two of you broke up. But, I'm also your friend and I don't want you to be hurt."
"It's too late. I already hurt myself, it's all my fault."- you start crying again.
"Shh, I'm at fault too. You're not alone in this, y/n."- Felix says as he holds your face and leans in to kiss you and you let him.
You don't know why but you always let him. Your brain and your body find comfort in Felix, even though it's wrong. Even if he's using you in your fucked up state.
A voice inside you tells you he isn't just using you and that's probably why you can never push him away.
Not even when the bedroom doors open and you hear Hyunjin scoff.
Felix and you practically fly away from each other, startled by the sound.
"Hyunjin!"- you freak out as Felix stands up from the bed.
"I can't believe I was right. After everything, both of you put a knife in my back."- Hyunjin eyes the both of you, something distant and cold in his usually warm eyes.
"Hyunjin it's not-"
"Shut up, you cheating whore!"- he loses it suddenly.
"Don't talk to her like that!"- Felix intervenes.
"Or what? You gonna hit me after you fucked my girlfriend, huh best friend?"
Felix shuts his mouth, guilt finally catching up to him as a lump forms in his throat.
"How long have you two been going behind my back? Just answer me that."- Hyunjin breathes deeply, his ears and neck painted red in rage.
"A year or so."- you answer quietly.
"A year- Okay. Well. I'm done with the both of you. Don't even bother trying to explain or contact me. I'll send someone to pick my stuff up from here cause I don't ever wanna see your faces again. You two are disgusting and you deserve each other. Now you can enjoy together without me being in the way of your happiness."- Hyunjin spits and you can see tears forming in his eyes but he turns around quickly before either of you can react and he's gone.
Hyunjin is gone.
Rage bubbles up inside you, you're mad. You're mad at your poor decision making, at your weakness, you're mad at throwing away a good thing, you're mad at Felix but mostly at yourself.
Still, you take it out on him.
You get up and grab some of your clothes as Felix watches you getting dressed quickly.
"Are you happy now, Felix?"- you say angrily.
"Me? Oh, so now this is all my fault."- he throws his hands up angrily.
"It's not but you said you'd be happy if Hyunjin and I broke up. Are you happy now?"
"I didn't say that exactly. But, I'm also not exactly sad. I'm only worried about you."
"You don't get to worry about me."- you say, shaking with anger.
"W-what do you mean? What about us?"- his voice wavers.
"Us? There is no us, Felix. There never was and there never will be."
"Don't - don't say that. You don't mean that."- Felix looks pained. Your heart hurts because of everything. You can't take it. You can't look at him. Not right now.
"What, you thought I'd jump into your arms the moment Hyunjin steps out?"
"You don't have a problem jumping into my arms any time you feel like it."- Felix crosses his arms.
"What does that mean?"
"What I said. You call me. I always answer. You invite yourself to my apartment. I always let you in. You need a shoulder to cry on, you always lean on me. You need someone to fuck your sadness away, so I let you use me. Did you ever ask if I needed support? A shoulder to cry on? Did you ever ask how I feel?"- he's angry now, his lips trembling.
"Don't make this about you."- you say.
"No, because everything is about you. And I still want to stay next to you. Even if you're being selfish, I'd take it. I'd take any crumb you give me, like a fucking stray dog."- Felix says angrily.
"That sounds like your problem and not mine. I don't want you here. Not anymore. I want you to leave."- you say coldly.
"Really? You don't... You don't care about me at all?"
You don't answer, turning your back to him as your eyes water again.
"Goodbye, Felix."
Taglist: @moonchild9350 @janepg @velvetmoonlght @yongbokkiesworld @selinia86 @xxkhxndlelitexx @hash2013
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poppy-metal · 24 hours
Sperm donor au
Tashi sleeping with Patrick when her wife is at home
:(((((((( I can't the painnnnnn
She's already insecure. Already feeling less than herself, almost like a single parent some nights. Maybe Art is still the one who sees Tashi in Atlanta (or sooner). And that's another kind of anger because how dare she. She's taking everything from him, and won't even treat you right. Isn't there for *his* daughter. Isn't there for the mother of *his* baby. How dare she.
And if you were to stumble upon a photo of them together... Or something... Well, that wouldn't be his fault. Even if he's the one sending the 'anonymous' message. She's the one cheating on her wife.
stop this is sick (I'm the one doing it) tashi saying she's going on a business trip. you don't even fight her on it because you're used to taking care your baby alone now anyway (we'll call annabella) tashi almost pauses before she leaves, her hand on the door - she sees you with your baby and realizes she doesn't see her as her own - she's tried to feel a connection with anna, but she simply doesn't. and everythings about her - everything you talk about, everything you do, is about the baby. its like you dont have a life or plan on having a life outside of.... this. being a mother. and maybe that's what you signed up for but she's starting to feel like its not what she wants.
she leaves to go on a weekend trip in atlanta with patrick. refuses to let herself think too long about it - the guilt will crush her if he does. and she just wants to feel something selfish.
art probably finds out when he calls patrick - still close friends, after all - and hears a familiar giggle in the background. he knows that giggle. he may have fallen out of love with tashi - but he still remembers everything about her - the sound of her laugh, for one. he used to live for being the reason behind it. now hearing it, now, makes him sick.
"is she with you?" he cuts straight to the point.
"huh?" patrick says and there's rustling like hes getting up from a bed - art imagines them in a hotel somewhere and his gut twists. "is who with me?"
"you know damn well who, patrick."
the other end of the line is silent for a time. and then patrick says, softly so tashi wont overhear - "she's not happy, man."
art already knew - but the confirmation just makes it worse. he closes his eyes. grits his teeth. imagines you at home right now with annabella, none the wiser.
"her wife is at home with their child."
a door clicks. patricks probably locked himself in the bathroom.
"your child." he corrects.
and art inhales. tries to ignore the way that makes his heart jump. his child. his baby. yes, it sounds so right to have it acknowledged. to hear it. to not have to pretend.
but its still not right. he grips the phone.
"this would kill her. you know that? this would devastate her. i thought you cared about her too, christ, patrick, i thought she was your friend. you're fucking her wife?"
he hears patricks shaky breath. he wants to punch him. remembers all the times the four of you hung out and how good natured patrick was with you. how he called himself uncle patty and lifted annabella over his shoulders and grinned. had he been fucking tashi behind your back the whole time?
"i know." he says it plainly. like its something he's already accepted long ago. "i dont feel good about that. neither does tash. but shit - i love her, art -"
art hangs up.
stares at his phone screen - his screen saver a picture of him holding newborn annabella in his arms - you're in the frame too, exhausted in the hospital bed but smiling all the same. he traced his little baby's face, and then yours. could imagine if things were different and he wasn't blinded by his love for tashi for so long - if he'd fallen for you instead, first. had dated you first. had stolen you away for himself. in that future, it would be so easy to believe this was any normal family picture. a proud mother and father. husband and wife.
should he tell you? he imagined the look of heartbreak and struggled with the decision. its not like you'd jump into his arms anyway. selfishly, if that was the case, he'd tell you in a heartbeat. but you loved tashi - genuinely. you'd raised annabella like she had two mothers and no father. you wouldn't just disrupt that just because you were scorned.
maybe he could spend time showing you - what a life with him could be like. so by the time the cards came crashing down you'd have his embrace to fall into.
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caustinen · 19 hours
little drabble for this au — red carpet event and gale is wearing this:
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Bucky is so busy looking at his phone that he only seems to realize Gale has finally rejoined him in their hotel suite living room when he walks up to the full body mirror John’s team has propped there to help with preparations. The moment he tears his eyes from the screen is marked with a loud gasp that Gale pointedly ignores in the interest of checking everything is in place.
“Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my GO-” Gale throws a quick glance his way. “Would you calm down?” John throws his hand dramatically over his eyes and gasps again. “I can’t. I can’t. My brain has malfunctioned.” Gale rolls his eyes. “If you’d prefer for me to stay home-” “NO! The world needs to see this, I’m just. Oh. Oh, doll.”
Gale sighs dramatically and mutters under his breath as he turns to Bucky and starts fixing his tie. With how generally uncaring Bucky is for details like this it took him surprisingly long to realize he keeps doing it wrong on purpose to get Buck to do it for him. He can feel John’s intense gaze on himself but he refuses to blush after doing this dance hundreds of times as he works quick delicate fingers over the knot.
When he’s done and about to pull away Bucky takes his hands into his and presses them to his chest. Buck finally looks up to him and finds his eyes not only fond but heated. “You look really good, Buck,” he says with that low voice of his, and this time he can’t stop the blush from coloring his cheeks. “Thank you,” he responds quietly, as evenly as he can, after all these years finding himself a bit breathless when all that attention from John is on him.
Bucky licks his lips, and Gale shakes his head. “We need to go in like, ten minutes.” “I know, I know,” Bucky says innocently, lifting their joined hands a bit and guiding Gale to turn around, wrapping his arms around his waist lazily and placing his chin on Gale’s shoulder, “I’m not starting anything. I’m just admiring.” Gale makes an unimpressed sound but he softens as he takes in the sight of them in the mirror. The black they are both wearing makes them look like modern royalty, the simple but elegant suit John’s wearing really bringing out his hard lines and physical broadness. Gale has always been proud of his own strength and independence, but one of the things he never expected to love so much is feeling small and secure for small moments when he can be pressed against John like this.
He sighs and leans back further into the embrace, the hands around his waist tightening their hold as he lifts one of his own hands to caress over John’s big hand, absentmindedly playing with the new engagement ring propped there that matches the one in his own finger. He’ll probably never not be nervous before these things – granted, it’s only been two months out in the open and a couple of public events, but despite having seen thousands of those in the background by now he never expected how nerve-wracking and overwhelming it was to be the subject of the hundreds of cameras. He lets himself enjoy this final moment of calmness, feeling Bucky’s steady breath against his back as he leans his forehead to rest against John’s mop of hair. He smiles as John instantly turns to nuzzle his cheek with his nose. Unfortunately for Bucky though, he knows his man too well by now, and catches his wrist before a runaway hand can get the chance to venture deeper into his crop topped jacket.
“Nice try. You can’t distract me.” John humms as an answer, smiling against his cheek as the hand still draped around his waist lazily slides down to cup his thigh and squeezing lightly as he opens the palm of the other hand to trace his fingertips longingly on the skin over his ribs, underneath the jacket, leaving sparks at their wake. “Wanna bet?” he breathes against his ear lowly, and Gale groans, annoyed, when he presses him away by his face, Bucky laughing and then attempting to bite his palm before Gale can yank it away and then immediately running away from the swatting hand that tries to get revenge.
Gale shakes his head, trying to fight an endeared smile despite himself as he checks to see he’s not too dishevelled from the mirror. “You’re impossible.” John stretches his arms lazily by the door, checking the time and opening the door for Gale as he walks to him. “Nah, just crazy about you,” he says with a syrupy tone, getting another eyeroll for his troubles.
“You really do look so good,” he says with a final pat on Gale’s ass as he walks by to get out of the door to the car, and the blond reaches behind himself to take his hands to his before he manages another smack. “Later,” he promises, pulling his arms around his own shoulders that time, and Bucky follows after him with a million-dollar-grin plastered on his face for the rest of the night.
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razorblade180 · 2 days
In the midst of going over blueprints for their future home, Jaune’s concentration gets interrupted by flowing petals. He cracks a smile before turning around to see Ruby completely obscured by her cloak.
Jaune:Have you come for my soul?
Ruby:Might as well. Already have your heart.
Jaune:Heh, then I kindly ask for you wait. Your payment will be paid in full down the aisle.
Ruby:How stingy. I’ve already given you both of mine; and a little extra~
Jaune:*red* How was work, you gremlin?
Ruby:Patrol duty was fine. Starting to think crooks know my schedule.
Jaune:Or you threw most in jail.
Ruby:Organized crime calls for chaotic heroism. Anywho, house plans going well?
Jaune:More or less. If all goes well then we’ll be living outside Vacou before our anniversary.
Ruby:Always thinking ahead. Meanwhile I’m struggling with awesome vows.
Jaune:You brought a world together. I’m sure you’ll think of something.
Ruby:Feelings are a little harder than a battle cry or call to arms. Speaking of feelings, I have a little something for you.
Jaune:*looks at cloak* Is that so~
Ruby:*blushes* It’s not what you think! Not this time. This gift is way better!
Jaune:I don’t know Rubes. Last gift that started like this was pretty amazing. *smiles*
Ruby:Just close your eyes and hold your hands out!
The knight chuckles as he does what he’s told. Immediately something weighted and cool to the touch lands in hands. Jaune opens his eyes and stars at a white scabbard. Somehow, this took him by surprise. It had his symbol in the middle and was surrounded by red thorns.
The grip of the hilt was this dark blue with a spiral of fierce red that went up and outlined the golden hand guard that was modeled in the shape of his symbol. He pulled out the gift from the scabbard to reveal cold, shining white steel that had its double edge and tip run red like hilt. If Jaune was being honest, he’s never seen a sword look more like a work of fantasy. Ruby stood right in front of him and put her left hand in the hilt, showing that his symbol had subtle thorn and rose engravings that matched her gold and red on her engagement ring.
The accomplished and proud Huntress then took a step back and started twiddling her thumbs while swaying, finding it hard to meet Jaune’s gaze; so she pulled her hood over her head. At this point it probably matched her face.
Ruby Rose:So uh yeah, that’s a Ruby Rose Original.
Jaune:You made this!?
Ruby:*nods* I’ll be honest. I spent so long shopping for wedding bands with Weiss helping. I’m still definitely getting one! But none of them really… felt like they were saying how I feel. There’s not a moment I want you feel like you’re fighting alone; even when we’re far apart. With this, I’m always by your side ready to help. The scabbard is a shield too but if I’m being honest I’m still a rookie when it comes to that kind of smithing. Consider this my own form of engagement to you.
Jaune:Ruby this is…I don’t even know what to say.
Ruby:*trembly* I uh..it’s fine if you treat this as a ceremonial blade too. After all…there’s history in Crocea Mors and I don’t want to step on that or make you feel like you have to stop wielding it because of m-
Two hands gentle hands pull back her hood and reveal teary, anxious eyes. Honestly, Ruby felt so ridiculous right now. All this effort into a heart felt token of affection and yet anxiety gripped her mind on how he’d take the jester. His thumbs run across her cheeks to catch a few stray tears.
Jaune:Hey, talk to me. What’s with the tears? This is an amazing.
Ruby:I just…Crocea Mors is its own vow. It has been for years and I know I shouldn’t be feeling guilty or nervous but I do. Gods, it’s so dumb hehe. Pyrrha would totally give me an earful for being so-
Jaune:Thoughtful? *smiles*
Ruby:..Heh, yeah. Yeah she would.
Jaune:Well, I don’t know if your beautiful brain and smithing skills have noticed, but you’ve really gotten good at knowing my style.
He briefly lets go of her and grabs his sword along with the new gift. Jaune pulls out both and puts them against one another. Yeah the hilt is different but it’s wide enough to work. Without hesitation, Jaune took the scabbard of Crocea Mors and slid it on the new sword easily; right down to the satisfying click in place that took Ruby by surprise.
Jaune:If you really feel guilty, then I can do this! Not gonna lie, I’d feel like shit getting that scabbard dirty in the future. It’s my first Ruby Rose original! Also gives you time to hyper fixate on shield crafting. As for the blade, I know this bad boy will keep me safe and sou-
Once again, petals flowed. Each one danced around him while the rose itself pressed her lips against his with gratitude and overflowing joy that dispelled fears like magic.
Ruby:Jaune Arc, you truly are my fairytale ending. My happily ever after.
Jaune:Hehe, And you said your vows would be hard? C’mere.
He pulled his loving fiancée into a deeper kiss before matching her smile. She was right. This present was the best.
Jaune:Does this engagement sword have a name?
Ruby:The deepest part of my soul wants to call it Bloody Moon but that doesn’t inspire luck as wedding gift.
Jaune:I kinda like what you said a few moments ago.
Ruby:Oh, so Ever After?
Jaune: Tale’s End
Ruby:That’s so- damn I’m marrying the right person. That’s such I good name! When our house is done I think my first order of business is mounting the scabbard with Crocea Mors somewhere nice and proud. Gonna need your height though.
Jaune:Naturally. And who knows. Maybe it’ll protect the both of us in a new way someday?
Several years later
Jaune:Alright squirt, ready for your first real sword sparring!?
A foolish question for a young girl waiting to dives out the front door and slide across a sand dune into a wide battle stance, her grin in full bloom with Crocea Mor ready to aid her first step towards greatness.
Carmine:Born ready!
Ruby:Do your best! Show him who’s boss!
Carmine:Ha! With this by my side, I might as well be invincible.
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watchyoubloom · 3 days
distraction | drw x f!reader
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I saw this tiktok and immediately had thoughts about how Danny would react if you came home w nipple piercings.
This was going to be a blurb but uh. Here we are. Enjoy???
A/N: I am someone who does not have (nor will probably ever have) nipple piercings, so I tried to be vague about details 😅
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Danny is in the middle of a video game when you get home that evening. He had the afternoon off, for once, and though you’d wished you’d been able to spend it with him, you had an appointment you didn’t want to miss.
“Hey, baby,” he says when you walk into the living room. You’re in his peripheral, leaning against the doorframe, and he flashes you a quick grin when he sees you. He presses a few keys on his controller and speaks into his headset. “Guys, I’m going AFK.”
“No, you keep playing,” you say, waving at him to tell him to keep his seat on the floor. “I gotta go put some stuff up and then I’ll come join you.”
He hesitates for a second but then nods, tilting his head up and asking silently for a kiss. You oblige, walking over to him and bend at the waist, kissing him quickly and dodging when he tries to reach up to grab you and pull you to him. “I’ll be right back.”
You go set down your things, your work bag from your half day that morning and the stuff you’d grabbed at the store on your way home, and then pop up to your bedroom to change into comfy clothes. You’d worn a hoodie home to cover up your surprise, and after you change out of your jeans and into a pair of sleep shorts and one of Danny’s t-shirts, loose fitting and soft, you head back downstairs.
The t-shirt is loose enough that you think you’ll get away without the hoodie, and Danny winks at you when you appear back in the living room door. He pats at the floor beside him, and you see he’s already grabbed another controller for you. When you don’t immediately join him, his brow furrows, and you can’t hide the little smile that tugs at your lips.
Whatever is happening in game must be distracting, because it draws his attention before he can pause it, and you seize your opportunity while you have it, drawing the hem of the t-shirt up slowly until your chest is exposed and waiting for Danny to turn his attention back to you.
It doesn’t take long- some part of Danny’s focus is always on you- and his gaze flits back to you within about two seconds of you flashing him. He curses and drops his controller, then pauses his game again and says “Bye, guys,” before taking his headset off.
“You-“ He says, and starts to get up, so you walk over to him. By the time you cross the room, he’s on his knees, and you’re pretty sure he’s about to start drooling. “You did it today?”
His eyes haven’t left the piercings in your nipples, and you’d make a joke about your eyes being a little further up, but this is the exact reaction you wanted. “Mhmm,” you say, and step closer. He’s eye level with your chest now, and his hands raise automatically. “Not yet,” you stop him, gently, and he settles his big hands at your waist. “What do you think?”
“I think my brain is melting,” he says, and you laugh, reaching out to cup his face in your hand. “Holy shit.”
“It hurt so bad,” you admit, and you swoon a little when he presses a kiss to your stomach.
“I would have come with you,” Danny says, kissing your midriff again before he shifts so he’s sitting back down, his back against the bottom of the couch. He isn’t willing to let you go far, hooks a finger into your waistband and tugs you along, prompting you to sit atop him, straddling his legs. He immediately pulls your shirt back up, you having let it go in the transition, and his eyes drift back to the piercings, taking in the way the metal sits against your still swollen, sensitive skin. You let him guide the t-shirt over your head, laughing when he balls it up and throws it out of reach. “God, you’re so hot. I can’t wait to be able to touch.”
“I know,” you reply, and it’s in response to both things he’s said. “I almost called you, but I wanted them to be a surprise. And you’ll be the first to know when they’re not sore. Trust me.”
Danny quirks an eyebrow up at you. “Oh yeah?” His hands skirt up your body and he cups the sides of your breasts, and him even slightly relieving you of the weight of them actually feels great. You nod, giving him permission to keep doing it, and can’t help but smile at how soft, how gentle, he’s being.
You nod. “The artist said hers made her nipples so much more sensitive,” and a laugh escapes you when Danny groans and drops his head back against the couch. His hands are at your waist again, his thumbs stroking along your ribcage, and you can feel him half-hard in his jeans. He loves playing with your nipples, loves how you respond to him, how sensitive you are, and you know he’s thinking of all the ways he’ll be able to torment you oh so deliciously now.
He sits up suddenly, jostling you a little, and you squint your eyes at him. “What?”
“I just realized I gotta figure out how I can convince you to never wear a shirt at home ever again.”
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naturesapphic · 2 days
Have you seen Claudia's YouTube channel? I absolutely love it lol. Maybe a fluffy fic of us being all cute and cuddly on the sofa and claudia secretly films us for one of her YouTube videos lol.
-thanl you!!
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Claudia’s Youtube
Billie eilish x fem!reader
Warnings: fluff! :)
“Billie stop that tickles!” You squeal as Billie’s lips are attached to your neck and her fingers are in your sides. “You said you wanted cuddles and kisses, so…that’s what I’m trying to do!” Billie say playfully as a smirk grows on her face. You smile and pull Billie closer to you so she’s laying on top of you. It was just the two of you in the living room just spending time with each other, so you thought.
Claudia came in the living room looking for finn until her eyes spotted the two of you. She smiled at the cute scene before her and went to go grab her phone. She came back and started recording the cute interaction between the two of you. “Billie…” you called your girlfriend and she let out a hm. “Would you still love me if I was a bean burrito.” You asked and she raised her head from your chest and gave you a shocked face, trying not to let out a laugh at your ridiculous question.
“Yes I would still love you if you were a bean burrito baby.” She laughed out, not being able to contain her laughter. You pouted and playfully shoved her off of you which made her laugh harder. “I’m sorry! I just…w-where did that come from?” She said cackling more and you eventually let out a little giggle. “I was being serious! I know how much you love your bean burritos so I was wondering what you were going to say if I was a bean burrito and if you would still love me.” You explained and your girlfriend gave you a big smile that made your heart melt.
“Yes baby I will love you even if you got turned into a can of beans.” She admitted then the two of you started laughing together which made Claudia smile big. She turned off the video and went back to search for her boyfriend.
~ a month later ~
It was now July and Claudia thought she would go ahead and upload her video on her channel. When she did, she made sure to send you and Billie a quick text to let y’all know that it’s uploaded and to watch it. Which she didn’t have to tell y’all twice since you and Billie watch her videos every time she posts. You both checked your phone and immediately turned on Billie’s tv in her room. It was in the middle of there video where you saw Claudia secretly film y’all on the couch having your moment and being goofy. You turned to look at your girlfriend who had a shit eating grin on her face as she watched the moment between you two.
You finished Claudia’s June vlog and turned to face your girlfriend who was already looking at you. “Maybe we should get Claudia to film us more often. I like looking back at moments like that.” You confessed and Billie’s smile grew wider. “I agree. I love watching back old videos of us and photos.” She said and you nodded your head in agreement. Billie looked at your eyes then they drifted off to your lips, making you blush at the look she was giving you. You leaned forward and captured Billie’s lip in yours. You both pulled away after a few minutes and looked deep in each others eyes, feeling the love in them. “I love you bills…” you whisper as you caress her face with her soft fingertips. “I love you most mamas…” she whispered back as she pulled you closer by your waist so your forehead were against hers. You have to thank Claudia later.
A/n: sorry this was so short guys but I hope y’all enjoyed! And thank you anon for the cute request! Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! More fics will be posted, I’ll be posting a Lorraine Warren fic soon and a Tiffany valentine one so keep an eye out ;) I love y’all!
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thatmexisaurusrex · 3 days
Man (gn), I have this idea for a breakup/makeup story for Buck and Tommy that I'll probably place in the Denial-Verse.
I think it's going to happen after Gerrard has taken over the 118. And for weeks, Buck's been coming home and decompressing. He's been talking about the experience of it, and Tommy's been there for him. He's been listening. He understands just how bad it can be to work under Gerrard. And it's draining for both of them to work through it, especially as it becomes a facet of their lives.
But sometimes in a relationship, one partner needs more love and care than the other for a period of time. It's a balance of giving, and you support who you love. So, Tommy can do that. He can be there for Buck.
But living with that constant low-level to high-level trauma isn't good for anyone.
Slowly but surely, they both become a little raw and stressed and prickly because dealing with that sort of stuff for a long period of time can get to people.
Then, Tommy has the worst shift. One of the worst shifts in his life. It was genuinely terrible and there were some horrible moments not just because of how bad the shift went, but because people didn't treat Tommy particularly well either.
And so he comes home to Buck's apartment, and he tries to start talking about the shift. And Buck talks about his own shift, but this hits Tommy the wrong way. Because they're always talking about how bad Buck's shifts are now. And sometimes, maybe Tommy's shift was bad and he wants to talk about it. And Tommy's feeling insecure about how it feels like this is some sort of "my shift was worse" competition with how Buck framed his response to Tommy talking about his shift from hell.
And they get into an argument.
Not because either of them feels like they don't deserve to have space to talk about what's happened to them, but from a clear misunderstanding and a tiredness from both having horrible shifts and a rawness from the last few weeks that has made them both a little less patient than they usually are. And neither of them are exactly expressing themselves in a way that makes them feel like they're actually getting anywhere with this fight, their first big fight.
And Tommy decides to go home to his apartment. To calm down. To clear his head. To try not to be mad about this because maybe he gets to have a moment to talk about bad shit, even if Buck's going through it too.
And Buck's not happy about it, he says as much, but he doesn't stop Tommy from leaving. And for Tommy's part, Tommy expressly tells Buck this isn't him leaving leaving, he's not abandoning Buck, but he needs the space, and Buck concedes to that. And respects Tommy when Tommy asks Buck to let Tommy be the one to reach out when he's ready to finish this conversation.
And Buck's confused and annoyed and frustrated and mad at himself for not understanding what went wrong with the conversation; at Tommy for putting a pause button on the argument. He starts going around asking for advice to figure out what to do because he wants to work through this, he just doesn't know how.
And Tommy becomes insular. He places back that distance he used to have before he started to open up with Evan's influence, but through prodding from his friends - from Lucy and Melton and Chimney and Eddie - Tommy concedes and starts to actually work through why he reacted like that; tries to figure out how he can talk to Buck about this.
And after another shift, Tommy meets up with Buck at the 118 to pick him up from work because Tommy always picks Buck up from work on his second shift of the week, that's just what they do. Which is tense more because of Gerrard, but they walk out together. Tommy drives them.
And the drive is a little aimless. And the silence they start with - it isn't uncomfortable, it's actually very comfortable. There's a love there that hasn't gone away; hasn't disappeared because of one giant fight. They love each other's company.
And they start to actually talk things through. With some time and clearer heads and advice from friends, they explain how they feel to one another. How Buck hadn't meant to bring up what happened to him that day to minimize what happened to Tommy. How Tommy didn't mean to lash out, but he's always had problems opening up about how he's felt, about putting his own negative feelings out there for someone to judge. And he needed the support too. Which, of course he knows Evan will give him, but he was in such a bad headspace after that shift.
They make up. Stronger than before. Aimlessly driving around together for a while before going back home to Buck's loft.
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