bright with something new
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watchyoubloom · 3 months ago
a mood board for how this chapter made me feel:
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When the Nightingale Sings - Part Eight
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Pairing: Danny Wagner x F!Reader
Synopsis:Medieval AU! In a world where noble alliances dictate futures, you have been betrothed to Prince Emers, a man you barely know and certainly don’t love. As you travel towards the royal palace for your impending wedding, your journey is upended, causing you to run straight into a kind, lonesome hunter. With no choice but to trust him, you embark on a journey together towards the nearest village, navigating through the forest and it’s perils. As the solace you find in his companionship builds will you choose to honor your duty, or will you abandon everything you’ve ever know to follow your heart?
WC: 5742
Warnings: drinking, angst, cursing, smut (oral f!receiving unprotected sex (hey it's medieval times, they didn't have condoms but YOU do, so wrap it up folks))
A/N: hi everyone! thanks so much for your patience with this chapter, i just wanted to make sure this update is everything i can make it. also i just want to say we're suspending historical fact and there was modern slow dancing in medieval times okay this is MY world i'm building lmao. anywho i hope yall enjoy!!!
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When you arrived at the tavern, it was bustling. Fiora and Jake were weaving in between tables filled with men drinking and loudly talking. Baskets of bread and mugs of ale were moving faster than you’d ever seen before. You ran towards the kitchens, following a flustered Fiora. 
“Is something happening?” without thinking you reached for the apron you used in the kitchens, tying it around your waist. You followed her pointing finger to the loaves of bread, piping hot from the oven, and began slicing them. 
“A hunting party is stopping through for the night!” Fiora called over her shoulder, stirring up the large pot of stew ladling out bowls of it. “It’s going to be a bit loud and busy, think you can keep up?”
“I can try!” you called back, feeling the buzz of excitement from her energy. Your fingers were stinging from the hot crust of the bread but you cut as fast and neatly as you could, loading the steaming slices into baskets. Once full, you followed Fiora, placing them on tables and taking the empty baskets back to the kitchen to refill.
Your afternoon was a flurry of serving tables, and you finally found a break, dipping behind the bar where Jake and Danny had been pouring ale in a near-constant stream.
“I feel like I haven’t seen you all day!” Danny grinned, glancing up at you. He paused, taking you in. “Did you get new clothes?”
“I went to Josh’s this morning to check on my gown.” you smiled. “He’d made these for me too,” before you could stop yourself, you spun to show him the full outfit. Danny smiled as you stopped, smoothing down your apron and dress. His hand raised, moving behind your head and to the ribbon Josh had pinned to the base of your braided crown. 
“This blue,” he glanced back at you, his fingers rubbing the ribbons material between them. “It’s my favorite.”
“It is?” your breath caught in your throat, heart fluttering at the information. 
“Yes,” he nodded. Stepping back, he let go of the ribbon, and took in the full outfit. “Josh is a talented man.”
“I’ll be sure to pass on your compliments.” you blushed. Danny swallowed down more praise, taking in the vision of you dressed in his favorite color, the pink blush heating your face complimenting it so well. Yes, Josh was indeed talented in his craft, and even more so in sending messages with his threads. The only thing more perfect could have been forget-me-nots to match and braided into your hair. The two of you just looked at each other for a few moments, stalled in an awkward pause. Both of you wanting to say more but knowing nothing could come of the words. Your name was called and you turned to Fiora, who was beckoning you over to help with the tables. 
“I should get back to helping Fiora,” you smiled up at Danny. He nodded and you stepped back, but stalled. “Do you think we could talk later? There’s something I wish to tell you.”
“Of course,” the words tumbled from Danny’s mouth before you finished your sentence. With one last smile, you turned, whisking off in a light blue streak to aid your friend.  
Danny’s heart couldn’t return to its calm pace from before, the mystery of what you wanted to tell him beginning to drive him up the wall. In his heart he knew it would be something small, but part of him fantasized you were going to confess that you felt for him how he felt for you, and that you wanted to run away back to his cottage with him. His mind swam with his cottage being a home teeming with life again, you and him, and maybe a few babes when the both of you were settled. His heart ached, the want of this future weighing heavily in his body. 
Through the rest of the day, his eyes found you, wherever you were in the sea of hunters. It was hard not to be drawn to you, a bright color amongst the sea of dark furs and light brown animal skins that adorned the men. And you were brighter yet as the sun set in the mid-afternoon and the candles in the tavern were lit, the large fire roaring in the fireplace.  
“Admiring my work, eh?” Josh was leaning against the bar where Danny continued to help pour libations. The older man had to shout over the din of the crowd, and the small troubadour band that had made its way inside. Danny blinked a few times before drawing his eyes away from you, giving Josh a long glance. “What?”
“You knew what you were doing,” Danny shook his head. “That color?”
“I happened to get inspired by the gown,” Josh shrugged. “It suits her very well, if you ask me.”
“I didn’t.” Josh narrowed his eyes at Danny, teeming with frustration.
“I have never seen two people more in love with one another and yet refusing to acknowledge it.” He sighed as Danny rolled his eyes. “Even Jake and Fiora didn’t fight it this hard.” 
“Jake and Fiora had a chance at a life together.” Danny shook his head. Josh’s mouth opened to respond when Sam approached, tossing an arm around him and grinning.
“I hear there’s a party and that the drinks are on the house for handsome men?” he winked at Fiora who was passing behind Danny.
“They are! Let me know when you see any handsome men, will you?” she smirked back as his jaw dropped, and he muttered under his breath something Josh glared at him for. 
“You knew that was coming,” Danny chuckled, pouring Sam a pint of ale and sliding it to him. Sam gladly took the drink in his hand and took a large gulp of it, turning and scoping out the room.
“I don’t think I’ve seen the tavern this busy in years,” Sam mused, watching Jake talking with a table of hunters while Fiora set tables and you cleared them. The din of laughter and rowdy conversations filled the building for a few more hours before the hunters began to grow tired, their voices becoming softer and the troubadours playing became the focus.  Danny was able to leave the bar, taking post at a table with Sam and Josh for a while, finally eating a meal of his own. He scarfed down the venison stew, tearing into the bread, not realizing how hungry he was.
“You’ve been flitting around this place all day, have you had a chance to sit?” Josh’s question piqued Danny’s interest. Josh’s hand was wrapped gently around your forearm, stopping you as you were passing by.
“If I sit down, I don’t think I’ll get back up,” you laughed, your voice tired. “And there’s still so much to do.”
“What about food? Have you eaten?” Sam gave you a look, one Danny furrowed his brow at. 
“I’ve had some bread.” you answered as the band changed to a more mellow, slower song. Sam raised his stein to his lips and took another swig of his ale before standing up.
“Well if you insist on staying on your feet, then would you come dance with me?” Sam held out his hand and you faltered, looking around the room. “Come on, that dress deserves to be danced in.” Danny glanced between the two of you, the bite of stew in his mouth becoming heavy and unappetizing as he waited for your response. After one more glance around the room, you untied your apron strings and took it off, placing the cloth on the table and taking Sam’s hand, letting him lead you to a small opening of space near the large fireplace. 
Danny watched as Sam led you in a dance, trying to ignore the burning jealousy he felt seeing Sam’s hand at your waist. Sniffing, Danny turned his head down to his bowl, shoving another spoonful of stew into his mouth. When he glanced back up, Jake had convinced Fiora to join you and Sam on the dancefloor, both of them swaying alongside you.
“Instead of looking positively green with envy, perhaps you should go cut in.” Josh was staring at Danny, unimpressed with the bitterness on the young man's face. Danny’s glare turned to Josh, who let it roll off his back. “You can glare at me all you wish, but it doesn’t make Sam stop dancing with her.”
“I will go and do it so you leave me alone,” Danny let his spoon drop into the bowl and got up from his seat, rolling his shoulders back and stomping towards the makeshift dance floor. His steps got lighter as he approached you and Sam, hearing your gentle laugh that eased his annoyance. “Do you mind if I cut in?” 
“Not at all,” your smile was all he could focus on as Sam turned you towards him gently, and stepped away. Danny took his place, the feel of his hand on your waist and then your palm against his made his heart flutter. He tried not to notice as you half-stepped closer to him, swallowing down the smile. 
“I bet you’ll sleep well tonight after running around so much.” Danny cleared his throat, filling the small silence between you.
“Oh god yes, I can’t wait to crawl into that bed.” you sighed. “I can practically hear it calling out to me like a siren.” 
“You’ve been up for a long time, I swear I thought I heard you get up while it was still dark.” Danny laughed. Your smile faltered a bit, and you took a breath.
“Well, that’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about.” you swallowed roughly, your truth tugging at your vocal chords to hide away. “I’ve been keeping something from you, and I’m sorry.” Danny’s stomach clenched. His mind led him to start putting things together, Sam flirting with you when he met you, dancing with you. You accepted and played back with him. You were in love with Sam. Danny’s heart began cracking; yet another love lost to Samuel. 
He should have expected it. Far more often than not, Sam’s charm, wit, and good looks won over the women in town. And if those didn’t work, him coming in fresh from smithing, muscles taught and the smell of fire on him would do the trick. It would fit that you too had also fallen to his allure. 
“What is it?” Danny asked softly, bracing for the pain of your answer. You met his eyes and took a deep breath.
“The reason you think I’ve gotten up so early this morning is because I did. Most every morning, I am up before you and the sun, and I get dressed and…I go see Sam.” there it was. Danny closed his eyes, beginning to pull back from you. “It is nothing sordid, I promise! I have only asked him to teach me how to protect myself.”
“Protect yourself?” Danny’s eyebrows furrowed. 
“To teach me to use a sword, to fight.” you explained further. “I didn’t tell you because…well I suppose I didn’t want you to see me as foolish.”
“I don’t think you are foolish at all for wanting to learn these things.” Danny shook his head at you, sad that you would think such a thing of him. 
“Perhaps more that if you saw me fail while learning, you would laugh at me.” your cheeks burned bright from your admission. “I don’t wish to be something of ridicule to you.” Danny’s chest heaved a sigh as his hand left yours and cupped your cheek gently.
“I have never once thought of you in that way,” he assured you. The warmth of his hand made your eyes flutter shut, your body sagging a bit as you finally rested for a moment. His chuckle escaped him as he watched your face relax. “Though at this moment I fear you may make me eat my words.” Opening your eyes, you looked back up at him. “You’re tired, go up to bed.”
“No,” you shook your head, standing up right and removing your face from his palm. His hand felt cold almost instantly. “I need to stay and help Fiora and Jake clean up.” Danny shook his head.
“I will stay and help. You go on and rest.” Danny watched you begin to argue, but your tired body won out, and you used the last of your energy to climb the stairs to your room. 
Danny kept his word, helping Jake and Fiora clean up in your place. He watched Sam and Josh leave, staggering off back to Josh’s for one last nightcap before bed. Only a few stragglers were left in the tavern when Fiora and Jake dismissed Danny, thanking him for his help. 
He had expected you to be asleep, passed out in the bed and possibly snoring. However, you were standing by the mantle in only your nightdress, looking uncomfortable. 
“Is something wrong?” 
“Josh is wonderful, but I cannot figure out how he did these braids and I can’t sleep with them in. I can’t figure out how to undo them and they’re so tight!” Danny closed the door behind him and stepped further in the room. “Could you help me?”
“Of course.” Without another thought, he was standing behind you, tugging the bow on the ribbon and finding the pin it was secured with, and removing it. Already your scalp felt more relaxed. His fingertips found the end of a braid, and he turned to the table, grabbing his smaller knife and carefully cutting the thread Josh had used to secure it. 
As Danny’s fingers unraveled your hair, your head tipped back, relishing in the comfort of his touch. A second braid was being unraveled and Danny, unable to help himself, let his fingers keep brushing through the soft waves, watching how your hair shone in the firelight. 
A soft sigh floated from you as his fingertips passed over your scalp, and he let the fingers continue down behind your ear. He let one of his hands gently brace your waist, something you barely registered as the back of his other hand traveled down to your neck in a delicate caress, before brushing the hair back over your shoulder towards him, and exposing your collarbone. 
He took his time exploring, gently tracing your bone to the hollow at the base of your throat. A shiver traveled down your spine as his fingertips ghosted the front of your throat, cradling your jaw and gently turning your face, to the point you had to turn around and face him. 
Through heavy-lidded eyes you looked up at him, though it was no longer sleep that kept them that way. It was the feeling of temptation coating the air between the two of you, it was almost as if you’d partook in the bottle of whiskey again, but no. Your head was much clearer this time, and as Josh’s voice echoed in your mind, you agreed with him. What could be so bad about letting yourself love Danny? If just for one night?
“I have something else I have wanted to tell you,” you murmured, voice low and quiet as you stared into his hazel green eyes. The flecks of gold danced beautifully as he rubbed his thumb across your jaw.
“That night, when I stitched you up, and we were talking by the fire,” you began, cheeks glowing pink. “And you were talking about how I needed someone to show me how love making could really feel?” Danny felt as if he could burst into flames at any moment.
“What about it?” your eyes dropped momentarily, staring at the tuft of coarse, dark hairs on his chest that peeked through the laces of his shirt. When you met his gaze again, the fire he felt inside himself was reflected in your eyes.
“What if I wanted that? What if I wanted…you to show me?” your question had his breath hitch in his throat. His blood was pumping loudly in his ears all of a sudden, his brain repeating the question you asked over and over again.
“Are you sure you want that?” 
“I am.”
The fire crackled and popped in the heavy silence between yourself and Danny. His eyes left your face and trailed down your neck, his head bowing slightly as they traveled to your shoulder. His movement was slow, his hand coming to the base of your neck again and slowly sliding along the smooth skin of your shoulder until it met the small, ruffled sleeve of the nightdress you wore.
“Your skin,” he whispered, eyes still on your skin as his fingers pushed the sleeve over the round of your shoulder, down your arm, exposing more of yourself to him. “It glows so beautifully in the firelight.” His fingers trailed up and down the new expanse of skin available for him, slow and gentle. The calluses on his fingers were rough, but as they left a trail of goosebumps in their wake, you wanted nothing other than to feel them touch you everywhere, all over your body. 
Danny’s other hand repeated his actions on your right shoulder, exploring and mapping every centimeter of your skin he could touch. Your eyelids fluttered shut, and you heard a small, quiet laugh rumble from his chest, and one of his large hands cupped your face, tilting your head up towards his. 
“My darling,” his lips met yours in a soft but demanding kiss, one that made you trail after him when he pulled back. You slipped your arms through the sleeves, and let the nightdress fall, puddling around your feet. Your eyes never left Danny’s as his flitted all about your body, studying every inch of you before his arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you tight to him, his lips against yours. The kiss grew heated as his fingers gently dug into your skin, feeling you as much as he could. The feeling of his chest against yours lit you on fire, you found yourself nearly clawing at his shoulders to bring yourself closer and closer to him. 
His hands flexed into the skin of your back as they traveled the expanse of skin, gripping you and letting you know Danny also needed to feel every part of you. You felt wild, a hunger you’d never felt before starting to ache inside you. Danny’s lips trailed from yours, across your cheek and to your neck, licking and gently sucking at your skin. Your head lolled back, a shiver running down your spine at the sensation of his thigh coming between your legs, grazing against you. At your quiet moan, Danny’s hands landed on your hips and dragged you along his thigh keeping his knee slightly bent and his head dipped into the space between your neck and shoulders. 
Your nails dug into his shoulders, whimpers falling from your mouth as the friction from his trousers built a delicious sensation in your lower abdomen. Your hips began to try and match the push and pull of his hands, whimpers falling from your lips between Danny’s kisses. The sensation in your stomach was building, your muscles tensing and you became more desperate for whatever the outcome was. 
“Not yet,” Danny’s voice was low, and you groaned frustratedly as his leg left its spot between yours. His lips captured yours again before you looked you in the eyes determinedly. His hands left your back, tracing around to your front and cupping your breasts tenderly and gently swiping his thumbs over your taut nipples. A long whine emitted from your throat, beckoning for him to touch you more, yet his hands continued their path. Danny’s touch mapped the silhouette of your body, lowering himself to his knees in front of you. 
Your breath hitched in your throat as he leaned forward, pressing his pursed lips against the skin of your stomach, just below your belly button. Your muscles tensed behind his lips and they spread into a smile against you. Danny’s hazel eyes glimmered up at you as he trailed his kisses lower and lower, until he was right above the place you were becoming desperate for him to touch. His hand trailed down your thigh, over your knee and to your calf before wrapping around your ankle. You let him move your body the way he wanted, watching as he bent your knee, aiding you in raising your leg and sliding it over his shoulder before he readjusted himself, coming closer to your center. 
“If I were your lover,” Danny murmured softly to you, letting his finger dance along the skin between your thigh and hip. “I would kiss you here. Would you like that?” You began nodding wildly, Danny chuckled under his breath. “I need to hear you say it,” 
“Yes, kiss me there.” 
Slowly, slower than you think anything had ever moved before, Danny leaned forward, parting your lips with his tongue and giving your core a firm lap, tracing the path to your clit and closing his mouth around it in a soft kiss. You gasped at the sensation, the words falling from your mouth before you could stop. 
“Again, do that again,” Danny chuckled against you, the vibration tickling and causing you to moan softly as he fulfilled your request. You didn’t have to ask again. Danny continued tasting you, teasing you, without another moment's hesitancy. His eyes never left your face, watching it contort and flush as he ate you out. “Oh god!” One of your hands shot out to grip the mantle as your knees started to become weak. The other hand tangled into Danny’s curls, tugging gently with every run of his tongue over your clit. 
The tension you started to feel before was beginning to build up again, your breathing became labored as your grip on the mantle and Danny’s hair tightened. Danny’s tongue was circling your clit now, quick, deep circles with the occasional flick over the sensitive bud. The glimmer in his eyes had taken a backseat to a determined darkness as you met them, the feeling in your stomach beginning to crest. 
“Danny! Oh, oh god,” you cried out, a feeling of euphoria flooding your body. You bent at the waist, pulling Danny into your core as much as you could. In response he tightened his grip around your leg, the other on your bottom and holding himself closer as you rode out your orgasm against his face. Your body quaked, and every small thrust of your hips made Danny hum, his tongue lapping up everything you gave him. 
When you could let go, you eased your grip on his hair, smoothing it down as he dropped your leg. In a quick motion, he was on his feet and had you wrapped in his arms again, kissing you and letting you taste yourself on his lips and tongue. As you kissed, you pulled at the fabric of his shirt, tugging it from his pants and trying to lift it off his body without separating your lips. 
“I’ve got it,” Danny smiled as he parted and took the shirt off. He went back in for another kiss but you put a palm flat in his chest, stopping him. You wanted to explore him as much as he did you, and you were going to take the chance to commit his body, the way it felt and moved under your hands, to memory. His eyes trained on your face as yours studied his skin, seeing the smattering of chest hair and letting your fingernails gently scratch into it. Danny’s chest rumbled with a hum in response and your fingers found themselves following the trail over his abdomen. When you got to his waist, your other hand gently grazed over the fresh pink scar there. The stitches had been removed and he was healing nicely. You smiled softly feeling the raised skin under your fingertips. 
Danny was doing his best to keep his breathing even as your fingertips caused goosebumps to ripple across his skin. Your eyes studied him carefully, thoughtfully. Your fingers touched and grazed as if he was a tapestry you were memorizing. Your hands came back to the center of his body, grazing into the finer trail of hair and following it down to the waistline of his trousers. 
It was then your eyes blinked up to his, lips parted, a question on them. He wanted to answer it, put his lips to yours again and consume it. Anything to have his lips on you again.
“And what would you wish for me to do to you?” your whisper was bolder than you had expected, your fingers beginning to creep into the waistband of his trousers. Danny’s hand caught your wrist, bringing your hand up to his mouth and kissing the center of your palm. 
“You do enough to me without even trying,” he admitted. His hand released your wrist, traveling down forearm before he bent, large hands on the backs of your thighs and tugging you up. Your legs moved with his guidance, wrapping around his waist as your arms wrapped around his neck, lips capturing his in another kiss. Your bodies swayed with movement as Danny crossed the room, shins finding the edge of the bed. 
Lowering your body to it, he broke away, standing back and gazing down at you laid on the bed in front of him. He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t thought about this exact image, though the fantasy took place in the furs on his own bed in his cottage, the fire crackling and popping in the background. He had imagined that you would call his name, so softly yet it was like a siren song to him.
“Danny,” your voice was sweet, and he had to remember that it wasn’t his fantasy this time, it was you in front of him, waiting for the next touch. He moved towards the bed, and you sat up, resting on your elbows. “I want to see you…please?” Heat prickled his skin, and he nodded, curls bouncing. His hands found the waistband of his pants, and he slowly lowered them down his legs. He tried not to notice your eyes widen when they saw his cock, but the small smirk couldn’t stop tugging at the corner of his lips. 
You sat up further, scooting to the edge of the bed, only a few inches from his body. Looking up at him, your hand came up on its own, wrapping around the hard length. Danny sucked a harsh breath through his teeth. Your touch was delicate, and he swallowed as his cock twitched in your hand, your fingers tracing the vein underneath.
“If you touch me like that, I fear this will be over far too quickly.” Danny cleared his throat to cover his embarrassment. It had been too long since he’d laid with anyone, and he desired you, loved you so badly that any touch from you could unravel him too fast. His hand took your wrist again, tugging your hand away though every instinct in his body was yelling at him for it. “Lay back on the bed, love.”
Your heart fluttered as you did what he said, resting your head on your pillow. Danny climbed into the bed slowly, positioning himself over you. Your legs fell open for him, letting him rest against your body comfortably. He supported himself with one hand, the other cupping your face and stroking his thumb along your cheek before kissing you again, deep and slow. You could feel his cock on your inner thigh, and without realizing, you wiggled your hips impatiently.
“Patience, darling,” he mumbled against your lips, letting his free hand delve between your bodies. His fingers pressed against your core, feeling how worked up you were. Your gasp at his touch made him grin and he began teasing you, mimicking his tongues earlier movements with his fingers. “You’ll get what you want, I promise.” Soon after his vow, his fingers began prodding at your entrance, slowly pushing two in and out. Your back arched at the sensation, a moan floating out into the room. Danny watched your face, your body and when he felt you were ready, he added a third finger pumping slowly. 
“Danny,” you were panting, hips gyrating against his hand. “Danny, please.”
“Don’t worry, I’m not letting you come again unless it’s on my cock.” The words from Danny had you moaning again as his fingers withdrew and he adjusted his body, rubbing the head of his dick against your slick folds, gathering the wetness and using his hand to slicken the rest of his shaft. Your heart was pounding in your chest as you watched him. He stared at your pussy as his fist pumped his cock, his tongue darting out to lick his lips, no doubt thinking of how he tasted you only moments earlier. Every pass of the head of his cock against your entrance you clenched, feeling more and more needy for him. 
“Danny!” you whined, head falling back on the pillow frustratedly. Hearing his chuckle only made you whine again and before you could say anything, the tip of his cock was finally pressing in. Danny was slow, slower than he was with his fingers, and for good reason. The stretch from his member was slightly painful, but all you wanted was more. You wanted him to sink into you as deeply as possible as soon as possible. 
It was taking every ounce of Danny’s strength to move as slowly as he did. You felt amazing around him, your walls squeezing around him with every pump. Screwing his eyes closed, he focused on his breathing, making sure he didn’t rush this. If he only had this one night with you, he was going to make sure it was something you would remember for the rest of your life. 
Once he was in to his hilt, he paused, letting you adjust fully to the feeling. Your legs came up, squeezing the sides of his hips, as if holding him there. You felt indescribably full, your bodies connecting perfectly and you relished in the feeling as he kissed along your collarbones, down to your breasts. His tongue slowly and languidly swirling around the hardened buds, and you bucked your hips gently when you couldn’t stand the lack of friction anymore.
Danny drew back his hips slowly and began thrusting, setting a slow, deep pace. Already this was unlike your previous experience, it was fathoms better. Danny’s lips found every inch of your skin they could reach, leaving soft, hot kisses. Your back arched as the tip of his cock grazed a spot inside of you you’d never known was there, gasping and letting the sound turn into a moan as he did it again. 
“Do it again,” you sighed, hands coming to his shoulders and bracing against them. Danny smirked up at you, pulling himself out almost entirely before jutting his hips forward, shifting your bodies on the bed but sending a wave of pleasure through you. “More, Danny please,” hearing his name in that whimpering, needy voice was pure heroine to him, and he adjusted his pace as your legs wrapped around his hips, your heels pressing against his buttocks as if you were spurring on a racehorse.  “Yes! Yes!”
Danny watched your eyes flutter shut and your forehead crinkle as you focused on the sensations running through your body. Sensations he was causing. It made him even more eager to bring you to climax, to see you come around his cock, feel it, feel you. It wasn’t long before he could feel your thighs beginning to tense around his hips. Lifting a hand, he brought it to your face, tracing your lips with his thumb before resting the pad on your supple bottom lip. Your eyes opened and looked up at him, and without a thought, you parted your lips, taking his thumb into your mouth and gently sucking on it. 
Danny groaned and snapped his hips, the feeling of his release beginning to build. Your own moans vibrated around his thumb, and he pulled his hand away from your mouth. 
“Wanna hear you,” he gasped. “Need to hear you,” 
“Oh god Danny,” you nodded. “You feel so good, please don’t stop!” Danny’s pace was near animalistic now, causing you to cry out as your hands clawed down his back. He was nearly hunched over, face buried in your neck as he pounded away, lips and teeth nipping at your neck and shoulder.  “Fuck! Danny!” Your climax hit you harder than the first, your body writhing in Danny’s arms. 
Hearing his name on your tongue, called out in the throes of your orgasm was all it took to bring him over the edge, groaning into your neck as he spilled himself into you.  He rested his body’s weight on you fully, and you wrapped yourself around him as much as you could. It was hard to catch your breath but you wouldn’t give up this moment with Danny if your life was at stake. 
After a few moments, he slowly moved back, raising himself back up but not yet disconnecting your bodies. He looked over your body and gazed back into your eyes. 
“Was I too rough at the end there?” he asked, looking concernedly at a love bite on your neck that was beginning to redden. Truth be told, your moans and the feel of you squeezing his cock as you came around it made his entire vision blackout, his only focus on joining you.
“No, not at all,” you shook your head, reaching a hand up and cupping his face. He rested the weight of his head on your palm, gazing up at you. “In fact I quite liked it.”
“Did you?” Danny smiled, turning his head to press a kiss to the heel of your hand.
“I did.” you laughed softly. “Thank you,” Danny didn’t say a word, merely raised himself and brought his lips to yours in a soft, slow kiss. Your body tingled with goosebumps as it awoke again, and you could feel Danny shifting his hips slightly. 
“I didn’t say I was done with you, my darling.”
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watchyoubloom · 5 months ago
yall need to go read this, it’s amazing. writing? FANTASTIC. demon!jake? love him love him LOVEEEEE HIMMMM. 🤌🏻
After Midnight
“‘Cause nothing good comes after midnight…”
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Demon!Jake Kiszka x Reader
Authors Note: Hello lovelies!! This was a special request from our dear @gold-mines-melting to get a better look at how our Hatman!Jake was fairing in the world. This was super fun to write and my first official Jake smut!! I hope you enjoy him as much as I do ❤️
Word count: 8.1K
Warnings: SMUT, 18+, Minors DNI, unprotected sex (but he’s a demon so…wrap it up IRL!), oral sex f!receiving, brief discussions of Hell, swearing, but I think that’s it!
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For Demons, the time around Halloween was a fun one. The veil was thinner, the air crisper, and humans let their guards down for the off chance of experiencing anything “spooky.” Multiple human cultures acknowledged the thinning of the veil, but very few truly understood what it meant. Not only were Spirits at their most active, but other beings were more abundant as well.  Jake was a Demon who fed on fear. Didn’t matter if it was a glimmer of anxiety, or a massive phobia, the energy of fear was everywhere.
Tonight, a full week before Halloween, the Demon was checking out a new apartment building, one he hadn’t been quite familiar with just yet, when a group of giggles echoed through the ether and met his ears. He followed the sound and found himself in a tiny apartment, dimly lit with only a scattering of candles and strings of orange and purple lights that lined the walls and door frames. A group of young women sat on the floor, surrounding the coffee table, all in different Halloween costumes. Jake’s presence was invisible and undetected, which allowed him to lean against the wall and observe. 
His eyes scanned the group, eventually landing on you in the middle of your friends. Your costume wasn’t much, just a thin white nighty with some cheap Angel wings fixed on your back. The human interpretation of Angels was laughable, given the true nature of such creatures. Always decked out in all white, implying purity and piety, soft feathery wings that rivaled a dove’s. It made the Demon roll his eyes. Out of his brothers, he had had the “pleasure” of interacting with such beings the most over the years. If only humans knew that the creatures they perceived as “nurturing” and “protective” didn’t actually care about them as people but as cogs in the machine known as “The Greater Good.”
Angels were geniuses at marketing. 
However, the sight of you with your Party City set of wings was endearing to Jake. He wished he hadn’t had such a sordid history with Angels so that he could appreciate the aesthetic fully, but he couldn’t help that. But the way your hair fell over your shoulders, bare except for the thin spaghetti strap of your “dress”, and the way the candles lit your face from where you sat, had the Demon’s interest peaked. He pushed himself off the wall he had been leaning against and took a few silent steps forward, curious as to what you and your friends were huddled around on the coffee table. 
He almost let out a chuckle when he saw what had the group in such a heated debate: a ouija board. 
“If you even think about using that thing I’m going to leave,” your friend Claire hissed from her spot on the couch while she sipped whatever beverage she had concocted in your kitchen. 
“Bitch please, you are not, it’s a kids game for fucks sake,” your other friend Nora rolled her eyes from the other side of the coffee table while she examined the lid of the box. 
“They just creep me out. Haven’t you heard about them opening doors to things if you’re not careful?” 
“I highly doubt a mass produced piece of cardboard that's sold around the world is a true door to Hell, Claire,” Nora reasoned. 
Claire bristled, “Well you guys can have fun with it, I’m not participating.” 
They were both right in different ways. Inherently the “game” didn’t do much in terms of anything spiritual, but humans had a habit of knocking on doors they aren’t supposed to, and Demons never resisted fucking with them in return. Unfortunately for these girls, a Demon was already in the room with them, and the corners of his mouth were twitching at the thought of giving them a good scare during their party. 
Finally, your wine-induced opinion was heard, “I mean why not? Its October after all. What’s the worst that could happen?”
Very Angelic of you. 
Jake immediately loved the sound of your voice, and sat down in the empty spot across from you and next to Nora. 
His presence didn’t go fully unnoticed, with Nora rubbing her arms through the cheap fabric of her Witches costume, which consisted of a short black dress and a stereotypical pointed hat on her head. 
“Is anyone else cold?” 
She was met with everyone shaking their heads at her. 
Jake could feel the anxiety in the room start to build, and he knew it was only going to get better. 
You set your wine glass down on the end table and joined Nora in placing your fingertips on the planchette. The two of you took turns asking random questions, and it was clear to Jake that Nora was trying to move the planchette herself for shits and giggles. 
But now, it was Jake’s turn to start answering. 
“Is there anyone with us, right now?” Nora dramatically asked with her eyes closed. The Demon to her left took the opportunity to nudge the planchette over the “YES” portion of the board. 
“Oh we’re not alone,” you joked and laughed with the girls. 
You had no idea, Jake thought. 
“Are you a ghost, then?” You asked into the air. 
Amused, Jake guided the planchette to the “NO”. 
At that, he saw your fingertips twitch on the plastic surface, and he heard your heart quicken in your chest. 
“I fucking told you to not mess with-” Claire started to protest. 
“If you’re not a ghost, then what are you?” 
Now the fun would really begin. 
Jake slowly moved the planchette around the board, spelling out,
Nora looked down at the board, “we know that,” she said defiantly. 
“Nora,” you lightly scolded, “don’t be rude to the spirit!”
Nora shrugged, not phased, “Oh spirit of olde, where are you from?”
Jake smirked, 
Your hands paused as the second L was magnified under the planchette, and looked up at Nora. 
“Oh of course the big bad spirit is from Hell,” your friend was openly mocking whoever it was you were speaking to. 
“Is Hell fun?”
You title your head and narrowed your eyes, “it's Hell, Nora.” 
“What? Maybe it's fun for them?” 
Jake silently nudged your hands to the YES. The mounting anxiety that was oozing off of Claire and the other girls was delicious. 
“Come on, Nora you’re just moving it yourself,” one of your other friends voiced from her spot on the couch next to Claire, unimpressed.
“I am not!” she hissed. The accusation appeared to have shifted her mood and she put her hands in her lap, “whatever, I’m bored and I need a refill.”
She got up in a huff and exited into your tiny kitchen. The rest of the girls followed after her, needing refills themselves. That left you all alone with your fingers still resting on the planchette. 
Softly, you murmured, “sorry about her…she can be a lot.” You had no idea if you were even speaking to anyone, and felt a little dumb, but it was Spooky Season, and you needed some whimsy in your life. 
Jake however, was utterly entranced by you across the coffee table. He sat there, eyes traveling around your face and down your body. The flickering light from the candles lit your features in such a delicate way. He watched as you blushed in embarrassment. You shook your head at yourself, mumbling about how stupid that was to say. You reached for your wine glass and gulped down the little you still had. He studied the way your fingers held the stem of the glass, how your lips fit against the rim, how your eyes fluttered shut as the wine hit your tongue, and how your throat bobbed slightly as you swallowed. 
If you could have seen the Demon in front of you, you would have seen how his soft eyes followed your every movement. You would have seen the dark brown irises he always chose when he wanted to look more human, eyelids heavy and dark circles underneath. He couldn’t look away. 
There wasn’t any fear in the room now, only curiosity from Jake himself. 
But you couldn’t see him. You didn’t know he was truly there. In your eyes, you were tipsy and had just played a slumber party game with your friends. You weren’t talking to a Spirit of any kind, it was just Nora fucking with everyone as she always did. You rolled your eyes at yourself and got up off the floor. In silence you put the ouija board back in the box along with the planchette, ready to move on to other activities you had planned. 
In your buzzed state, you forgot one of the rules to using a Ouija board, which was to always say goodbye to whomever you were speaking to. It was a formality to close any ‘doors’. You hadn’t done that. You simply scooped up your glass and headed into the kitchen to join your friends. That left the Demon alone in your living room. 
Jake contemplated staying around, just to see how the night went, but his ears started ringing, and he could tell his talents were needed elsewhere. It was better for his best interest to head out anyway. The Demon sighed and rose off the floor, giving one last glance through the archway into your kitchen. You and your guests had moved on to tequila shots and arguing over what movie you were going to watch next. Tequila after wine? He knew your human body would be regretting that in the morning. 
He smiled at you one last time before disappearing from your apartment, off to see one of his regulars who had a penchant for Benadryl. 
In one the many gardens of Hell, the young Demon found himself wandering down a path lined with thick and tangled rose bushes. The petals ranged from bright red to deep purple, all twisting and growing together in ways they couldn’t naturally on earth. He wasn’t in the gardens much, but it was his twin’s turn to pick the meeting place, and this was one of Josh’s favorite places. 
Jake rounded the corner and caught sight of Josh, perched on a stone bench with his newly gifted wings stretched out behind him, face tilted towards the eternally sunset sky, eyes closed. 
“You’re late,” he said as he flexed his wings. 
“You’re the last person to tell anyone they’re late for anything,” Jake replied warmly before sitting down next to him. 
“Sam and Danny can’t make it. Something to do with business they each had Topside,” Josh opened his eyes and looked over at Jake. 
“You’d know all about Topside business, brother. How is she anyway?” 
A toothy grin formed on his brother’s face, “Amazing, as always.” 
Jake had to admit, the situation with Josh and the human hadn’t turned out too bad in the end. He had only met her a few times but he liked seeing how happy his brother was, and he was comforted knowing she had been a big part of that. 
“What about you? Have you been terrorizing humanity with your threatening presence? Even in that ridiculous hat?” Josh nudged Jake’s shoulder. 
Jake rolled his eyes, “you laugh but this hat and my presence are synonymous with nightmares. They blog about it on the internet.” 
“Memes. The height of Demonic achievement.” 
“Shut up,” Jake said with a soft laugh. His thoughts drifted back to you, and how he spied on your party. It had only been a few days since that night, and he couldn’t get you or your little wings out of his head. He’d close his eyes and the sight of how the candles lit your face would flood his thoughts. He had only seen you for less than an hour but he was enamored, besotted, lovestruck. It was such an unfamiliar feeling he wasn’t sure if he liked it or not. Humans had never particularly caught his eye in his unnaturally long life. But here he was, stewing over the pretty girl in the Angel wings. 
“Who is it?” Josh asked. He knew something was up with Jake. 
“Who is what?” Jake tried to hide the defensiveness in his voice. 
“Whoever has you zoning out that hard. You haven’t been listening to a thing I’ve said in the last two minutes.” 
“Yes I have.”
“What was I saying?”
Jake’s mouth twisted in a frown, “doesn’t matter. It’s nothing.” 
Josh gave him a knowing look, “Jake…” 
“Ijustfindherfascinating,” he mumbled under his breath. 
“You what? You find who fascinating?” 
“Justhisgirl,” he mumbled once more. 
“A girl?” Josh made an educated guess, “a human, girl?”
Jake refused to look up at him but his face reddened at his brother's words. 
Josh’s wings twitched behind him, “you gave me…so much shit…and here you are…” A laugh escaped him and gradually got louder and louder until he leaned over with his elbows on his knees, shoulders shaking from the force. 
“It’s not funny.” 
“Yes…it is,” Josh said after somewhat composing himself. 
“It’s whatever, I’ll probably never see her again.”
“Aww why not?” 
“Like I told you before, humans aren’t a good idea.” 
Josh gave him a look, “you said that and then I ended up having the best year of my life. So…” 
Jake looked down at his watch, “Well I have nightmares to cause, chaos to sew.”
“Yeah, ok,” Josh said with a smile and an eye roll. He couldn’t wait to see how this turned out for his brother. 
Weeks had gone by, and the Demon had tried his best to keep you out of his mind. He kept himself distracted by staying in other cities, soaking up nightmares far away from you. He was being ‘good’, as far as Demons go. Any trouble he got into had nothing to do with the pretty human in the Angel wings. He had only barely heard your name called out to you before he had left your apartment. 
That didn’t mean the temptation wasn’t there. He could be inside your place in the blink of an eye if he wanted, but he needed to keep his distance. The last thing he needed was to get caught up with a human. It might have worked out for his twin, but that was an anomaly. You would be terrified of him, and while he knew your fear would be delicious, a small part of him didn’t want it. He didn’t want to imagine you afraid, or anxious. The possibility didn’t sit right with him. 
But at the end of the day, Jake was a Demon, and Demons are imperfect creatures. After weeks of denying himself another glimpse of you, he found himself standing in your living room. The lights were still strung around on your walls, but now you had some Christmas decor mixed in. To his surprise, the ouija board was on your coffee table, already set up with the planchette resting in the center. 
You were sitting on your couch, staring at the board, trying to psych yourself up into placing your fingertips on the planchette. Against your better judgment, you had tried a few times to “communicate” with the Spirit you thought you had talked to the night of your party. But you never got an answer, not once. It made you feel a little dumb but you kept randomly trying. Something inside you was curious, and fully believed it wasn’t Nora being an asshole that night. 
Jake saw you reach for the board every so often, before returning your hands to your lap or fiddle with your phone. He raised an eyebrow, what were you doing? But then he remembered, you had left the ‘door’ open that night, never saying goodbye. This could be his chance without scaring the shit out of you by suddenly appearing. 
Instead of sitting across from you like the last time, he took his seat next to you on the couch. As a Demon, he could fully shield his presence from humans, which meant you wouldn’t feel a dip on the seat next to you. Jake could be as quiet as a ghost. 
Finally, you built up the nerve to place your fingertips on the planchette. You looked around the room, and quietly said, “Is anyone here?” 
Jake’s breath caught in his throat, and he moved his hand next to yours. The downside of his shielding meant that he couldn’t actually feel your hand, and he found himself wishing he could. He didn’t want you to give up and put the board away, so he began to move the plastic piece. With ease he slid it over to the YES corner of the board. 
You gasped, “holy shit. Umm…” Suddenly your mind had gone blank, and you stammered out, “are you a ghost?”
Jake smiled at the question, the same one you had that first night, and just like before he spelled out,
Taking some measured breaths you continued, “what are you, then?” 
Jake hesitated slightly. He could lie, and tell you he was a completely benevolent being just passing through the ether, but he didn’t want to. But he was worried you’d throw the board if he answered honestly. But fuck it. 
A chill ran up your spine as the word was completed, and your fingers trembled. You could do this. What have you got to lose?
“What kind of Demon?” 
There was only one word he could use for simplicity's sake, 
“Well that makes sense, I guess,” you shrugged, “do you like being a Demon?”
Jake slid the planchette a little quicker to the YES corner. 
“Of course you do. What’s your name?”
Names. Knowing a Demon’s name had power. Humans like to say it means you can control said Demon, but that wasn’t entirely true. It meant that a Demon could hear their name being called by the person through time and space. He could be down in Hell and her even whispering his name would have the sound zinging through the ether and for him it would be as if you had said it right into his ear. Demons don’t have to answer calls, but more often than not they do. It was one of their more narcissistic qualities. 
Did he want to give you that kind of hold over him? To be able to cut through realms just to get his attention? To be able to summon him whenever you wanted? Yes. 
You were expecting some ancient, Biblical-esque name to be spelled out. And while it technically was Biblical, you certainly weren’t expecting, 
This made you purse your lips and tilt your head.
“You’re a Demon…named Jake?” It wasn’t supposed to be funny, but you had to suppress a laugh. 
Jake’s eyebrows knitted together, not understanding why you found that amusing.
The Demon having such a…simple name relaxed you a bit. You didn’t know of many Demonic names, but you were glad the ones you did know weren’t this his. 
You felt a little more bold, “okay, Jake, prove to me you’re actually here.”
Oh, you wanted a show? He still didn’t want to scare you, but he couldn’t help but use one of his usual moves when nightmare hopping. 
The shadows in the room started to move. They grew larger as if they were climbing up the walls, merging together and creeping around the ceiling. The room was suddenly cloaked in darkness. He left the shadows in their altered state for a minute or two before setting them back to where they originally were. 
“Can you show yourself?”
He could, he could and he wanted to. 
You swallowed some air, “then do it.” 
Jake stared at you, knowing that there was no going back now. He had been trying to ignore the anxiety that was coursing through your system, but hanging in front of him like bait on a hook. 
He dropped the shield, letting himself be fully visible and very much right next to you. 
The Demon’s sudden appearance started you so much you recoiled against the arm of the couch, with a few expletives rapidly escaping your mouth. He sat stock still, his large dark brown eyes were locked onto yours. He was dressed in fittingly all black, with a wide brim hat sitting atop his head. Long brown hair fell just past his shoulders. He was gorgeous. Fuck. 
“You’re…really sitting here?” 
He shrugged and rested his arm on the back of the couch, maintaining a comfortable distance from you, “I’ve been sitting here, darling.”
Your bottom lip disappeared between your teeth as you continued to take him in. 
“I just…I just can’t believe it was you at my party.”
The corners of his mouth threatened a smile, “Wasn’t even supposed to be there, honestly. I was just passing through and couldn’t resist crashing the party. I also found your…inaccurate costume amusing.” 
Your nose crinkled, “inaccurate?”
His eyes softened slightly, “Angels aren’t meant to be beautiful.” 
Your heart stuttered, and your voice wobbled to match, “th-they aren’t? What’s wrong with them?”
He leaned his side into the back of the couch, “oh, nothing if you like pompous, arrogant hall monitors who make their lack of free will everyone else’s problem.” 
Your eyebrows slowly raised at his words, “that’s easy to say, for a Demon.” 
His features hardened, “I have stories for days about those pricks that would make you understand my opinion of them, darling.” 
You don’t know why you felt emboldened to talk back to a Demon of all beings, but you were enjoying the adrenaline rush. 
“What exactly do you…do…as a Demon?”
“In general I feed off people's fears, mainly through their nightmares but I can do the same if they’re awake as well.” 
He said it so matter of fact. As if he was telling you what the weather was like outside. 
“I also run favors for any of the higher-ups if they need to get people’s…attention.”
“What do you mean?” 
“I just…make my presence known and usually that means that one,” he started counting with his fingers, “they know they’re being monitored and if they owe anything to anyone that they’re not going to get away with not fulfilling their end of the bargain. And two, it frightens them so much that I get a good meal out of it. Everyone wins.”
“How do you…feed…?”
“It’s not really ‘eating’ in the literal sense. It’s more of a one sided energy exchange. Human emotions have insane amounts of energy.”
You shifted in your seat, facing him more directly, “are you feeding off my fear right now?” 
He tilted his head a little, “but you’re not afraid, are you, darling?”
He was right. Apprehensive? Sure. Fascinated? Very. But afraid? Fearful? You couldn’t understand why, but you almost felt calm in front of him. 
“Do you want me to be afraid?” 
He leaned in closer, giving into his bold nature, “fear is the last thing I want to taste from you.” 
Heat flooded your body at his words. Did he want you? You found yourself leaning closer to him, your mind envisioning all sorts of scenarios at the implication. The air around you seemed to shift, and the Demon’s gaze darkened. 
“Why did you come back tonight?”
He stared at you, “You…fascinate me…”
Your eyebrow twitched in confusion, “fascinated?”
“I don’t have a lot of experience interacting with humans outside of when I visit them at night, but when I happened upon your party…I couldn’t take my eyes off of you. Something about you was different, and it was an unfamiliar feeling to me. I regret not staying longer that night.” 
“But my question for you, darling, is why did you try to communicate again with the board?” He casted a sideways glance at your coffee table, before his dark eyes returned to yours. 
You fiddled with your fingertips, “I don’t know…I had this nagging feeling that what happened that night was actually real, and it wasn’t just typical halloween party bullshit. I tried a few more times, but never got a response until tonight.” 
Something in Jake’s chest tightened at the thought of her trying to reach out but he hadn’t been around to answer, or worse, something with truly malevolent intentions would have been on the other side of that board. 
“I guess we’re both a pair of curious creatures, then,” he said softly. 
He was right, curiosity was all your brain could focus on, besides those brown eyes and velvety-looking lips of his. Because of this, you found yourself scooting closer to the Demon, feeling that the space between you was unnecessarily far. 
  The Demon of course noticed you moving closer, and he shifted in his seat to face you more directly. He silently mapped out your face, taking in every feature, and feeling an itch in his hands to hold your soft cheeks. For once in his long infernal life, the hunger he was feeling wasn’t for fear. 
This wordless communication continued until your faces were inches apart. You fought against the urge to flutter your eyes close and lean in even closer. 
He curled a finger under your chin, “I don’t bite, I promise…” 
You swallowed at his words, shaking off any lasting nerves and leaned forward, brushing your lips with his. 
The Demon nearly froze as you made contact, but he quickly kissed you back, not wanting to risk you pulling away. His hands did as they wanted, and finally slid up your jaw to your cheeks cupping them softly as he tilted his head for a better angle. You melted into the kiss, parting your mouth slightly to allow him access. His tongue swept across your bottom lip, before venturing into your mouth and colliding with your own.
The kiss grew more heated by the second, and you found yourself leaning back on the couch, with your new companion beginning to hover over you. The cool metal from the necklaces he wore grazed your chest as he got closer to you, and you relaxed against the couch cushion, allowing him to get fully on top of you. 
Soon, he was flat on top of you and your hands were buried in his dark locks. The hat that sat upon his head was tilted back from the angle, but it was still getting in the way. You moved your hand up his scalp to fling it out of the way, when your fingers curled around something…hard. As soon as your hand came into contact with the strange texture, the Demon on top of you groaned and bit down on your lower lip. 
Curiosity won and you peeped your eyes open and fully pushed his hat off his head, not caring where it landed on the floor. Your eyes widened when you saw what your fingers were curled around. 
A horn. 
He had a pair of them, fixed parallel with each other and curling backwards slightly into sharp points. They were a deep crimson in color, bordering on oxblood. His thick dark hair parted perfectly around them, making the front pieces of his hair fall beautifully on either side of his face. Your body froze underneath him. 
“Y-you have…horns?”
Through heavy lids, he gazed down at you, “most Demons do, darling.” 
You nodded slightly, of course they did. Your fingertips grazed down the side of one, studying the texture along the way. The more your hand moved, the more his hips squirmed and grinded into yours. You became keenly aware of the growing bulge between you. 
“Does that feel good?” You asked, sliding your fingers up to see how sharp the point was. 
His brown eyes seemed to darken even more, and a low grumble came from his throat, “you have no idea.” Jake couldn’t hold back any longer and crashed his lips back onto yours. You gasped as his tongue lapped at your lips for entrance. He savored and swallowed every sound you made, wanting to memorize them all. His hands reached under the t-shirt you were wearing and you swiftly helped him take it off of you. You hadn’t been wearing a bra, and he immediately cupped both breasts, squeezing and kneading your flesh as you arched up into him. His fingers tweaked your nipples before he lowered his mouth on one, swirling his tongue around the hardened peak.
The Demon’s fingers reached down to the top of your leggings. They slid underneath the fabric slightly before he raised his head and looked to you for permission. You slipped your bottom lip between your teeth and nodded, raising your hips off the couch to help him out. 
You hadn’t bothered with underwear since you were at home,  so when Jake swiftly pulled your leggings down and off your legs, his eyes were immediately met with your core. 
His hands rested on the top of your bent knees, slowly spreading them to get a better look at you. You could feel the heat radiating off of his palms. It wasn’t your typical feeling of body heat. There was a pulse to it that crept up your thighs, and reminded you that he truly wasn’t a human being. 
You remained still, watching him look at you. Your eyes followed his one hand as it traveled along your inner thigh, slowly making its way to where you needed him most. His eyes were locked on your core. Gently, his thumb briefly toyed with some of the curls that resided there, before dipping down into your slit. He dragged it through your arousal, hyper aware of every jump and gasp you made at his touch. 
For a brief moment, you thought you had seen his eyes turn fully black before returning to the dark brown you were familiar with. He started to lower himself down, bringing his face closer and closer to your core. Those same piercing eyes flicked up to your face, silently asking for permission again. Quickly you nodded as your heart started hammering in your chest. 
He licked his lips in anticipation. What he hadn’t revealed to you, was that you were about to be the first human that he’d tasted this way. The Demon knew what fear, anxiety, dread, all of the above tasted like. But this? This was desire, your desire, and he couldn’t stop himself from spreading your swollen lips apart with his fingers lowering his mouth to your flesh. 
The taste had him immediately humming into you, tongue swirling around your folds to gather as much of your arousal onto his tongue as he could. The action had you bucking into his mouth, one hand shaking by your side while the other gripped the back of your couch. 
Jake wrapped his arm around your thigh, resting his hand on your hip bone to hold you in place. His tongue dipped into your entrance before traveling upwards to finally give your clit the attention it desperately needed. You cried out as it made contact, jerking your hips once again towards his mouth. He chuckled slightly against you before taking your clit fully into his mouth and sucking on it harshly enough to elicit a high pitched whine from your throat. 
“Jesus-fucking-Christ,” you gasped into the air. 
The Demon released your clit and gruffly whispered into your core, his lips close enough to brush against you as he spoke “Jesus isn’t the one making you feel like this, darling.” 
You hiccuped a laugh as his lips wrapped around your clit once more. 
His fingers on his unoccupied hand circled your entrance a few times before dipping a single finger inside. Feeling your warmth surround him had the Demon rutting his hips into the couch cushion. 
Your back arched as he added a second finger, and the hand at your side flew to his dark hair, desperate to get him even closer to your core. He groaned into you as your fingernails dug into his scalp.  With every curl of his fingers or swipe of his tongue, you felt your high hurtling towards you. You grinded down onto his fingers while he continued expertly swirling his tongue around your clit. His hair wasn’t enough. You needed something else to hold onto. Blindly, you loosened your grip to move your hand to the left and wrap around the dark ridged horn that grew from his head. 
The second your hand secured itself around his horn, Jake gasped around your clit, breathing out hot hair against your sensitive flesh before he made a low growl in his throat. His teeth nipped at your skin as his mouth closed around your clit, causing you to cry out once again. His fingers sped up inside you, knowing you were close and wanting to desperately know how you felt and what you sounded like when you came. 
With one more harsh curl of his finger against that spot inside you, and the way his tongue flattened out as it swiped up the left side of your clit, the tension in your body broke as your orgasm took over your body. You shouted his name towards your ceiling, not caring if your neighbors heard it through the paper thin walls of your apartment building. 
He worked you through your high, trying to prolong it as long as he could before he slowed his movements to gently guide you back down. 
Eventually, your body went slack underneath him, and your hand left his horn to rub your face as you came back to reality. Jake lightly peppered kisses up your thigh as he slowly withdrew his fingers. You quietly whimpered at the loss, hating how empty you suddenly felt. 
Jake licked his fingers clean, not wanting to waste a drop of you. He couldn’t get enough, and while he wasn’t sure if all humans tasted this good or not, he was certain that none of them could come close to how delicious you were. 
He carefully crawled up your body, admiring how you blissed out you looked with your eyes closed and a small smile on your lips. 
Slowly you opened your eyes, still in disbelief over what had just happened. The two of you stared at each other silently before Jake lowered his mouth onto yours, and you could taste yourself on his tongue. 
The kiss turned heated, and you started to grab at the shirt that he was still wearing. 
He murmured against your lips, “darling, as much fun as we’re having on your couch, if I’m going to have you,” the implication obvious in his tone, “I want to be able to take you properly, on a bed.” 
You stifled a laugh before turning your head towards the open door of your bedroom. Within seconds the Demon had gathered you in his arms as he made his way to the doorway. He crossed the threshold and gently laid you on your bed. 
“You’re wearing far too much,” you boldly observed. 
He smirked at you, “well we can’t have that, can we?” 
You smiled and sat up on your knees and quickly helped him shed the offending layers of clothing, leaving just a pile of black clothing and leather boots next to your bed. Your eyes drank him in, noting every dip and contour of his body. His skin was already glistening slightly with sweat after your activities on the couch. Your gaze lowered and followed the faint trail of hair under his belly button down to thick dark curls that surrounded the base of his cock. 
The way your eyes widened at the sight of him had the Demon fighting back a smirk, and he took his cock in his hand to give himself a few pumps just to tease you even more. Jake crawled up the bed to hover over you. 
If it weren’t for the horns, you wouldn’t have guessed a Demon was looking down at you, with how soft his gaze was. Your chest swelled unexpectedly at the silent emotions swimming behind his dark eyes. You had so many questions for him, and a need to know everything about him and his life. You didn’t want to think about the fact that he’d probably leave after tonight. 
His lips brushed yours with a feather-light softness, as if he was afraid you’d shatter underneath him like glass. The gesture had your heart stuttering in your chest. 
“I know you said you’re not a ghost,” you whispered, calling back to your first interaction, “but promise you won’t disappear like one…afterwards…”
Jake knew what you were asking, and every option weighed heavily on his mind. This was completely uncharted territory for him, and for all of his confidence he was unsure how to navigate it. 
He looked down, focusing on a lone freckle on your stomach before replying, “didn’t anyone tell you that Demons were dangerous?” 
There was a sheepishness to his tone that surprised you, but you countered, “you mean the same people who told me to not fuck with Ouija boards?”
“You never know who you’re talking to…”
“I don’t know you’re not so bad….” you mused. 
His eyes traveled up your body to meet yours, “I’m not an innocent creature, darling.”
Now it was your eyes that darkened, “show me…” 
You felt his thick cock twitch between you in response.
Jake surged forward and captured your lips with his. You wasted no time to return the kiss, cradling his jaw in your hands. Your legs went lax in his hands as he spread them apart to fit himself between them. He reached down to wrap his hand around his cock and dragged it through your slit. You gasped at the contact, and then smiled against his lips. 
“Please…,” you whispered, the need for him taking over your body. 
With a swivel of his hips, his cock plunged inside you, bottoming out as far as he could go. You threw your head back and cried out, relishing how full you felt. 
Jake didn’t even try to hold back the groan in his throat as your velvety heat enveloped him. He tried to give himself a minute to catch his breath. Moreover, he was trying to give you a minute to adjust, but your legs wrapped around his hips, sending the message to move. Happy to oblige you, he reared his hips back nearly all the way, before thrusting forward hard enough that your ankles shook slightly against the small of his back. 
Your mouth hung open and your eyes were screwed shut, and the Demon leaned down to whisper in your ear, “alright there, darling?” 
You tilted your head to reply, “if you don’t start moving…”
He chuckled and whispered something you were sure sounded like a playful, “demanding little thing…” before settling into a steady rhythm. Your nails dug into the skin of his shoulders as he moved, and the feeling of his flesh under your hands sent a sharp jolt of pleasure through your body. 
Jake buried his face in the crook of your neck, planting kisses along your neck as he gained speed. Soon he was all but slamming into you, making your bed creek to the point where the frame was getting closer and closer to hitting the wall behind it. 
There was only one light on in the room, a small desk light in the corner by your laptop, It wasn’t bright enough to fully illuminate the room, but it cast a warm glow from the side of the room it was on. Your eyes fluttered open briefly as you clung to the Demon inside you, and you noticed that the shadows on the walls and the ceilings looked…different. They were moving in ways that weren’t natural, in fact they shouldn’t have been moving at all given the source of light. But they were wobbling and morphing into different abstract shapes around you. It was then you remembered what Jake had done to prove his presence in your apartment: the trick with the shadows and how he used them to cloak all visible light in the room. 
Your attention on the shadows didn’t last however, as he hiked one of your legs higher on his side, pushing it towards you chest and giving him a new angle to work with. This let him hit even deeper, and the head of his cock was rutting against a spot inside you that had you gasping for air. 
Jake felt you squeezing him harder and more frequently as he continued his pace, and he could tell you were getting close. He smirked against the skin of your shoulder and reached down with his other hand to grab your ass cheek and knead the soft flesh as he worked you towards your second orgasm of the night. 
At this point you were a babbling mess underneath him, holding on for dear life as you hurtled towards the edge. He lifted his head up and greedily crashed his lips into yours, wanting to feel every gasp and reedy sigh coming from you. 
It was all too much, and you couldn’t hold back anymore. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head and a cry flew from your mouth as your orgasm took over, shattering beneath him. 
“Yeah…yeah that's it, darling…doing so well,” he encouraged in a low voice as he continued to piston his hips and work you through your high. 
Jake slowed as you began to come down, and your muscles felt like jello from how tense they had been leading up to your orgasm. His lips pressed sweetly into your cheek, as he felt you relax even further onto the bed. He hoped you weren’t too tired, because he wasn’t through with you. 
Before you could register which way was up, the Demon pulled out of you, hissing at the sudden rush of cold air on his cock. Your eyes opened a bit in curiosity, as you knew he hadn’t came yet. The shadows were still flickering on the walls to their own accord, resembling flames with their movements. 
He sat up on his knees, resting on his haunches and taking your hips in his hands. In one swift motion, he had you on your stomach, yanking your hips backwards before he reared back himself and slammed back into you from behind. 
You cried out into the pillow beneath you, your body still sensitive from your last orgasm. All of her nerve endings were on fire, and lightning bolts of pleasure radiated from your core as he rutted into you at a brutal pace. 
It was a struggle to keep yourself properly on your hands and knees, as every thrust had you lurching forward and nearly off balance. Curse words fell from your mouth, harmonizing with the grunts and heavy breathing from the Demon behind you. His thick hands and long finger were squeezing your hips in such a way you were sure there would be marks left behind, but you didn’t care, you loved how rough he was at that moment. A stark contrast to how he had been in the previous round. 
He slowed his pace slightly to these long and deliberate strokes, wanting to really savor how incredible you felt wrapped around him. But while this angle felt amazing not only for you and for him, he felt a little far away from you, and he didn’t like that at all. 
While maintaining his pace he gathered you up in his arms and pulled you upright, securing your back to his front, and his chin on your shoulder. The new angle had him thrusting upwards into you, and it made your head fall back onto his shoulder. Your legs were starting to shake from the excursion, and instinctively you reached up and took one of his horns in your hand to keep yourself balanced. 
This caused the Demon to growl next to your ear. His hips involuntarily swiveled and pushed his aching deeper inside you at the feeling of your hand on one of his horns. The combined sensations had his own high looming in the distance, but he didn’t want to cross the finish line alone. He slid his hand down your torso to your clit, immediately figuring out the pattern that caused the biggest reaction from you. 
“You got one more for me? Hmm? Do you, darling?” He spoke into your ear and pressed his lips on the shell of it. “I know you do; you can do it. You’re already squeezing me so tight.” 
He was whispering pure filth into your ear as he kept rutting into you and working your clit. He didn’t just want to feel you come again, he needed it. Once around his fingers and another around his cock wasn’t enough for him. He needed more. 
Your body started to tremble in his arms, and he knew you were right on the edge. He wasn’t very far behind you as his cock stiffened even more. Within seconds you were clamping down around him again, throwing your head back and crying out towards the ceiling. As your high slammed into you again, the Demon’s own orgasm course through him. He let out a low groan as his hips stuttered a few times before pushing into you one final time, emptying himself completely. In the midst of it all, the shadows closed in on you both briefly before retreating and settling back in their rightful places, looking completely normal now. 
His hand slowly circled your clit, trying to prolong your orgasm as long as he could, but when your body jolted at the sensitivity he stopped and slowly withdrew from you. Your legs started to give out and he quickly caught you and gently laid you back down on the bed, not wanting you to fall. 
The sight of his release slowly rolling down your thigh distracted him for a second, before he remembered it was the gentlemanly thing to do to clean you up. Thankfully, you had a bathroom attached to your room, so he didn’t have to go too far to get a warm washcloth to clean you both up. The whole time you watched him through heavy lidded eyes, exhausted from the whole evening. 
On his way back from throwing the rag in your hamper, he noted his pile of clothes and his hat in the other room. He turned back to your bed, your eyes were nearly shut and you were under the covers. An intrusive thought flashed through his mind, that it would be so easy for him to gather his things and leave, letting you wake up in the morning and chalk it all up to a wine-induced dream. But then your request from earlier filtered through his thoughts, and a pang shot through his chest. No…he couldn’t do that. Most surprisingly, he didn’t want to. 
He shook his head before crawling into your bed, wrapping his arms around you and letting you rest your head on his chest. 
You didn’t want to fall asleep, and you tried real hard to stay awake. But his lips rested on the crown of your head, while his fingers traced little patterns on your lower back. It wasn’t long before you both drifted off into a restful sleep. 
Hours later, when the sun had fully risen and light was streaming through your window, you were awoken by a low snore near your ear. Blinking your eyes open, you looked up to find Jake’s face inches from yours. His arms were around your waist and he was practically sharing your pillow, but you didn’t mind. Carefully you turned over to face him, trying not to wake him up. His features looked so much softer this way, and you could fully admire the slope of his nose and how his dark eyelashes fanned out on his cheeks. He was one of the most beautiful men you had ever seen. 
The Demon began to stir awake, and his eyes slowly opened to find you laying in the crook of his arm, absently fiddling with his necklaces. 
“Morning…,” he murmured, voice nearly an octave lower from sleep. 
“Morning…,” you replied, unable to hide the smile that slid across your face. 
His hand reached up and cupped your face, tilting it up wards so he could slot his mouth over yours in a languid kiss. 
As you pulled away, you whispered a question against his lips.
“Not a ghost?”
His arms tightened around you and pulled you closer to him. 
“Not a ghost, darling.” 
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Tag List:  @dannyandthekiszkas , @readyforthegarden , @sinners-go-to-drink-the-wine , @wideminded-dreamer , @runwayblues , @wildbluesorbit , @llightmyllovee , @rhythm-of-space , @sacredthefran , @writingcold , @alwaysonthemend , @wetkleenex-gvf , @josh-iamyour-mama , @lightsofthe-living-gvf , @gvfcinema, @sacredthethreadgvf , @losfacedevil , @jakekiszkasbuttsweat , @shutupdevvie , @hearts-hunger , @gretavanfleetposts , @ascendingtostardust , @mackalah , @andromeda-raine-gvf , @jake-kiszkas-smirk , @gracev0609 , @sacredjake , @earthlysorrows , @gvfpal , @myownparadise96 , @itsafullmoon , @gvfmelbourne, @twistedmelodies , @that-witchy-pan , @gold-mines-melting , @texas-bbq-pringles , @jakekiszkapunchmeintheface , @childinthegardenn , @char289 , @stardustvanfleet , @sunfl0wer-power , @holdingup-fallingsky , @bladenotblaze , @gretavanlace , @lipstickitty , @jjwasneverhere , @josiee-gvf , @peaceloveunitygvf , @musicislove3389 , @gretavanhockey , @gretavanazula
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watchyoubloom · 5 months ago
Okay I finally had a chance to read this and IM SO IN LOOOOOOOOOVE. Danny’s such a sweetheart 🥺 I obviously don’t want to post spoilers but !!!!!!!!! Everyone needs to go read this fic RIGHT now
When the Nightingale Sings - Part Two
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Pairing: Danny Wagner x F!Reader
Synopsis: Medieval AU! In a world where noble alliances dictate futures, you have been betrothed to Prince Emers, a man you barely know and certainly don't love. As you travel towards the royal palace for your impending wedding, your journey is upended, causing you to run straight into a kind, lonesome hunter. With no choice but to trust him, you embark on a journey together towards the nearest village, navigating through the forest and it's perils. As the solace you find in his companionship builds will you choose to honor your duty, or will you abandon everything you've ever know to follow your heart?
WC: 3424
Warnings: mentions of death, blood, anxiety, funeral/burial
A/N: A big thank you to @earthlysorrows for beta-reading and editing and helping me along the way!
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For the first time in a very long time, sleep did not find Danny easily. The hammock was comfortable enough, and the fur blanket was keeping him warm. It was the noises you made, shuffling around in his bed. Soft sighs and whimpers, undoubtedly reliving your terror from this morning, twitching in the sheets. Danny found his eyes on you most of the night, closing them to a squint when you sat up a few times, panting for breath and clutching your chest. He’d wait until you settled down again, and watch you until your breathing became even again. 
Danny wagered he got only a few hours of sleep, no more than you did, when the sun finally started to rise. The call of the rooster outside his cottage made him realize he couldn’t stay in the hammock any longer. Danny gently rolled out of the cloth, landing on the floor with a soft thud. Watching you, he waited for you to wake, however you were finally out, face buried deep into his pillow. He smiled at the slight snore rumbling from you, glad you were getting rest. 
He puttered around the cottage, doing his usual morning activities, cleaning the kettle out and putting a new one on the hook, pouring in the grains and milk to make a hearty porridge. As it bubbled and cooked, he cut up two of his last few apples into small chunks and tossed them in with some raisins, trying to sweeten the meal. He found his morning tasks around his home more difficult, trying to keep quiet. Danny would freeze when he clattered his knives onto the table, or the chair scraped against the wood of the floor too much. Even the door hinges squeaking sounded like shrieks from banshees in the quiet.  
One of the last times he looked at you, he realized you were still in your day clothes. He had also slept in his day clothes, his usual pajamas of, well, nothing, inappropriate for the present company. However, his usual ensemble did not consist of a boned corset. Going to his hutch, he rifled through it quietly. His sister had left some clothes behind when she married, the outfits not fit for the city life she was moving to. He had kept them, in case of a visit, however no such occasion had arisen. Finding the items he was looking for, he laid them on the table, continuing his chores. 
You woke as he was pulling on his hat and coat again, ready to do his morning rounds on the traps. You sat up, wiping your mouth and eyes, blinking as you remembered your surroundings. 
“Good morning,” Danny greeted you. Replying back, you shifted to the edge of the bed, letting your feet touch the floor as you woke up. “There’s porridge on the fire, when you’re ready to eat. And there’s water in the other, heating up. You’re welcome to use it to bathe, the bath is behind that partition there.” he nodded behind him, and for the first time, you saw in the daylight a dark, tall partition between the fireplace and small kitchen counter along the far wall. Seeing the hesitancy in your eyes, Danny cleared his throat. “I will be gone for a few hours. I’ll be checking my traps. I’m going to try and find your horses as well.”
“What if…” you felt silly, suddenly feeling like this stranger was your protector. But he had protected you, from his animal trap, from the cold. 
“Lock this door behind me. I will knock like this,” he rapped his knuckles on the door frame in a rhythmic fashion. He looked back at you, eyes serious. “And if anything does happen, scream as loud as you can. I will come and find you.”
“Thank you,” you whispered. 
“I found some clothes for you, too.” he pointed to the table. “They were my sisters. I figured if you took a bath, you may not want to wear your dirty clothes.” you nodded, thanking him again. After an awkward silence, Danny cleared his throat again, and moved to the door.
“Daniel,” you called out. He paused, glancing back at you. “Danny, please be careful.”
“I will be. I’ll return in a few hours.” he promised, and with that, was out the door. Moving quickly, you locked the door behind him. The feeling of the iron clanking together made you feel more secure, and you rested your back against the wood. Glancing around the house, you tried to decide what to do: eat or bathe. After a few moments of debate, the bath won out. Taking a handful of rags, you lifted the kettle, almost bowing in half from the weight of the hot water, and side-stepped it to the bathtub, using all your might to lift it to the edge and dump it in. 
The steam was delicious as it rose up around your face in the cool morning air. You struggled for a bit to undo your own corset, but finally succeeded in getting it off, stripping down and stepping into the water. 
It was hot, almost too hot for you, however you sank slowly into it, feeling the warmth seep through your skin and muscles, and into your bones. It was like magic, your stiff body relaxing, going limp in the steaming water. Danny’s bathtub was almost larger than the one at your family's manor, though it would have to be to fit such a large man. The water gathered up to your collarbones as you sank down, dipping your head back to dampen your hair. Danny, ever the forward thinker as you were learning, had left a small rag for you by the tub, a small piece of soap sitting atop it.
 It was a far cry from the baths you’d had all your life. Those were attended, handmaids making sure you were scrubbed properly, dropping scented oils into your water, refreshing it to make sure you didn’t catch cold. Always being prepared in case a suitor would come calling since you were eligible for marriage. You could count on one hand the amount of times you’d been able to have a bath to yourself, and decided to relish in the quiet of the cottage. The birds chirping, chickens clucking outside the windows. You focused on the sounds, catching a breeze rustling through the trees surrounding the cottage as the fireplace crackled and popped.
After your bath, you dressed in the clothes Danny has left, his sister's old things. They were slightly small on you, tight in the shoulders only when you tried to reach up over your head, although the bodice that you struggled to tie in the back yourself, hugged your waist more comfortably than your previous corset. You let your hands slide down the material, the dark green skirt a little short on you but would do. For simple, peasant clothes, they were suitable. 
Your stomach growled, and you remembered the porridge, hastily grabbing a bowl and scooping some in, before settling at the table. 
Danny blew hot air into his hands, holding them close to his mouth. Winter was threatening to come early, it seemed, from the chill in the air. He could feel the chill of his lips through his old, worn gloves. He would have to get new ones soon, and dreaded how many pelts he would need to collect for a pair of good leather ones. His traps this morning only held small game. A raccoon, and two rabbits. Enough for him to make it another week by himself before he would have to dip into some of his scarce winter rations. 
As he tied the game up and slung it over his shoulder, he paused, realizing that he was now to feed you as well. He wondered how you were doing, suddenly, if you were okay alone in the cottage. If he had left enough porridge for you to eat. It had been so long since he had had company of any kind, he realized he didn’t have anything for you to do. 
Shaking his head, he continued on. You were a lady, someone above his station. You were probably used to doing nothing, not having to fight for survival or wonder where your meals would come from. You probably were already back in bed, sleeping the day away like you would in whatever manor you grew up in. 
Guilt formed a hard knot in his stomach, the jealousy he had let loose in his mind fading. It wasn’t your fault you were born into wealth, and him into a life of just hovering above destitution. You had been kind to him, didn’t look down at him for his humble home. You had in fact received it and him gratefully. 
After checking the rest of his traps, finding them empty, he trudged on, heading towards the road where your carriage may be. It took an hour and a half for him to meet the road, stepping onto the dirt path. If you had been heading toward Farrynden’s court, you would have been heading northeast. He followed the beaten path that way a few hundred steps, coming upon a dirty, small scrap of cloth. Leaning down, he noticed it was a silk of some sort, and stood up, carrying on. It wasn’t long before the scene you ran from met his eyes. Your carriage stood still, the horses nowhere to be seen. 
Danny stepped closer, his breath catching in his throat at the scent of copper and death, coming across the bodies of your traveling companions. They are still splayed in the road, spilled blood browned and mixed with the earth below them. A blonde woman, he could only assume was Marta, stared up at him with cold, terrified eyes. Crouching next to her, Danny held his breath as he reached out, closing her eyes, saying a silent prayer. One final act of kindness he could offer her in the moment. 
Glancing around, he saw trunks on the side of the road, their contents strewn about. The bandits must have given up on finding you and decided to ransack your belongings. Linen and silks were torn and ripped apart, seams split as if they were looking for hidden treasure sewn into hems. Danny fought a blush to his cool cheeks as he searched around and spied a frilly, silky negligee among the items, no doubt for your intended wedding night. 
Clearing his throat, he rifled through some of the things laying around, trying to find anything salvageable. A few ribbons he picked up and set them in his pocket. He checked over the larger trunk, dirt and mud seeming to have been poured into it after the bastards couldn’t find anything of use, or took anything they could. 
As he moved the lid to the trunk to close it, a rattling sound graced his ears. His brows knit in the middle and he shook it gently. The rattling was metallic, and Danny laughed out loud. The robbers in their haste must not have heard it, nor spied the small bulge from the tufted top of the trunk. 
Taking one of his knives, Danny cut open the fabric and reached in, finding a small velvet pouch. Holding it in his hands, he squeezed it gently. He couldn’t tell exactly what the contents were, it didn’t feel like coin, but he couldn’t be sure. Perhaps they had wrapped it in a kerchief to disguise it from curious minds like his. 
Danny bit back at his own nosiness and instead tucked the pouch safely into his pockets, picking up his catches for the day and turning to head back to his home. A shovel, he reminded himself. Tomorrow he would venture back and bring a shovel, and give your companions the dignity of graves. 
The rhythmic knock Danny demonstrated for you earlier vibrated through the wood of the cottage. Standing from your seat at the table, you bolted to the door, undoing the iron lock and opening it slowly. Danny smiled at you as you stepped back, letting him inside. 
“It’s near-frigid out there.” He told you, sniffling and dropping the wild game on the table. 
“I kept the fire going,” you replied, knowing it wasn’t much. Danny nodded, peering over at the small flames. You must have ventured outside at least once to get a few split logs off the pile on the side of his home. 
“Thank you.” he smiled warmly at you. He moved to take off his gloves, hat and coat, hanging them by the door. Reaching into his coat pocket, he picked the velvet pouch, holding it in his hand. “The horses were long gone from your carriage, no doubt the thieves took them as a quick getaway once they couldn’t locate you.”
“That figures.” you sighed, hoping the men treated the horses with more dignity than they did you and your companions. 
“It looked as if they ransacked the carriage and your belongings. A lot of it was destroyed.” Danny watched you nod sadly, “but I did find this.” Danny presented the pouch to you, and you stared at it, puzzled. “It was hidden in the top of one of your trunks, in the fabric.” 
Your delicate fingers reached out, sliding across the velvet before grasping it. Opening the mouth of the pouch, you curiously peeked in before dumping the contents into your open palm. Jewelry laid in your hand, pearls, to be exact. Danny had never seen anything as fine and intricate. Earrings and a brooch, a necklace too. 
“There were my grandmothers.” you said, surprise still lacing your voice. “My mother must’ve stashed them away for the wedding.”
“They’re beautiful,” Danny couldn’t hold back the awe in his voice. The two of you stared a bit longer, before you plucked the brooch and held it out to him. 
“Take it,” you insisted, causing him to go wide-eyed. 
“I couldn’t,” Danny shook his head, putting a hand up in front of him. You pushed it closer to his palm. 
“Please, as payment for your help, and shelter.” your eyes were pleading, begging him to take the jewelry you offered. Danny started at it. If he broke apart the pearls, he could make them stretch, and buy enough rations at the village market for at least a few months, maybe more. Slowly, his large hand encircled it, taking it from you. “You can have the rest too, if you like.”
“Then what would you wear to marry the prince?” Danny joked, closing your fist around the earrings and necklace. 
“I’m sure there are things prepared for the day.” you murmured softly, trying to ignore the pit in your stomach. Danny pocketed the brooch, not pressing regarding the forlorn look on your face. Most young ladies would be falling over themselves to marry a prince. The wealth and title and everything that came with it, it was a dream come true. But for you, it seemed like a nightmare. 
“Could you help me prepare supper?” Danny asked, changing the subject as you troubled your bottom lip between your teeth. Your sidelong glance at the rabbits and raccoon on the table made Danny laugh. “I’ll take care of those, but could you cut up some of those parsnips, and potatoes?” 
“Oh, yes, of course.” never mind you’d only lifted a knife to cut through already cooked food, you followed his instruction, using a solid wood slab on the counter as a chopping block. Danny took the game outside, preparing it away from your eyes. After what he saw at the carriage, he didn’t want you to see anything further. 
You were done chopping the vegetables when he came back in, a skinned rabbit in his hand. You avoided looking at it, and let him have the counter space, adding your vegetables to an empty kettle. The two of you shuffled around quietly, making supper in the mid-afternoon sun that flitted in through the windows. It was comfortable, the quiet in which the two of you worked. Danny found himself enjoying the sound of your footsteps as you brought in a new pail of water to add to the kettle, small grunts of effort falling from your lips. 
“I’m going back to the road tomorrow,” Danny mentioned, after eating a spoonful of stew later that night. You glanced up at him, setting your own spoon back into your bowl. “I’m going to dig and give them as proper a burial as I can.” you were silent for a few moments. 
“I would like to go with you.” Danny thought back to the scene he’d come across earlier, the grimace forming on his face. 
“I don’t think-“
“Marta was my friend.” your voice was hard, a small fire blazing behind your eyes. “And the coachmen had been with my family most of my life. I would like to say a final goodbye and prayer for them.” Danny could feel the conviction in your heart, and nodded. 
“Aye, so you will.” he nodded. “I’ll come back after checking my traps in the morning and we’ll go together.”
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The mud was thick after a night full of rain, but Danny persevered, using all his strength to move the heavy dirt just inside the forest off the road. A light mist was still prevailing, making Danny’s coat and hat too heavy to properly dig in. They were discarded under a nearby tree, his white, billowy shirt becoming translucent, sticking to his skin. You had wandered off, collecting the wildflowers to set on the finished graves. The bright yellows and blues, a soft lavender hue and white petals in your hands offering a small, cheerful hue to the dreary day. 
“Stay back there,” Danny called, his voice racked with deep breaths as you approached. “I’m going to move the bodies. I don’t want you to see them,” you replied, turning your back on him. You heard him moving, your ears picking up every sound around you as you tried to focus on anything else. You fought the tears in your eyes, letting them sting and prick at your eyes as you heard the soft thuds, bodies being laid to rest. Turning your head slightly, Danny called out again. “Not yet, I will let you know.”
More time passed, you leaned against the trunk of a tree, busying yourself with the small bouquets, arranging them over and over again. A touch to your shoulder made you jump, and you turned to see Danny, face solemn as he nodded. You weren’t able to tell if it was the mist or sweat on his face, but he was glistening, and you noticed how his shirt clung to his arms and torso, soaked through. A blush crept up on your cheeks as he gestured for you to turn to the graves, pushing away the thoughts that crept in your mind. This was not the time nor place.
Three identical mounds of dirt were in front of you. Your stomach clenched, a sick feeling swirling in it as you looked at each one. Danny kept a hand on your shoulder, a comforting grounding presence. 
“Marta is in the middle,” he told you, his voice soft. Taking a deep breath, you stepped forward, a trembling hand reaching out, placing a bouquet on the two outer graves, pausing and saying a prayer for each man. Moving to the middle, a sob wracked your body. You hadn’t realized just how much you cared for the young girl until she was gone, too late for you to say it to her. 
Danny watched you, the shaking of your body as you clasped a hand over your mouth, whispered goodbyes to your friend. The flowers remaining in your hand fell at your feet, both hands covering your face. Stepping as quietly as he could, Danny knelt down, scooping up the flowers gently. The blisters on his hand from the digging screamed in pain as he clenched his fist gently around the stems, but he stood up, placing an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his side. 
It didn’t matter he was still a perfect stranger to you, comfort was needed. And Danny’s strong arm felt safe, felt warm, despite the chill of the rain. After a few moments, Danny moved and you turned, watching him balance. He kept an arm around you, leaning forward and placing the flowers in his hand on Marta’s grave. 
“Eternal rest grant unto them, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls rest in peace.” Danny’s voice was quiet, the prayer floating on the silence in the woods, and you echoed it in your mind, hoping the souls of the departed in front of you were safe and warm, wherever they were.
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Taglist: (feel free to add yourself!)
@joshsindigostreak @sinners-go-to-drink-the-wine @sammysprincess @sammykiszkamyass @belovedsamuel @sunfl0wer-power @indigo-starcatcher @sammyscherub @earthlysorrows @lvnterninthenight @losfacedevil @xserenax-13 @sarakay-gvf @myownparadise96 @watchingovergvff @gretavanfleetposts @josiee-gvf @joshkiszkatoothgap @madneedshelp @gardensgatedaisy @myownparadise96 @demonrat444 @dannyandthekiszkas @tearsofbri @paleshadow-ofadragon @happy-harpy-stuff @like-a-woman-in-a-dream @starshine-wagner @objectsinspvce @josh-iamyour-mama @mountain-in-springtime @cal-a-bungaa @capturethechaos @jankandjonch @gvfpal
@allybjt @hippievanfleet @weightofbrokenbells @joshkiszkasbadussy @malany-gvf @ruby0antlers @samofthedawn @sacredjake @aim4thedoublee @diditallforyouu @gvfmarge @highladyofasgard @sammysvanfeet@gold-mines-melting @earthgrlsreasy @mountain-in-springtime @forcebond301 @stardust-and-shadows @llightmyllovee @gretavangroupie @comesofarsomehow @infinisonicosm @indigofallingsky @hellowgoodbye @hearts-hunger @fwzco @dharma-divine33 @lightsofthe-living-gvf @ascendingtothestarsasone @klarxtr
@musicspeaks @mindastreamofcolours @imleavingyoufornewyork @dammm1256 @jordie-gvf @demonrat444 @misshunnybee @valleydollgvf @brookes-so-done @age0fwagner @starcatcherxstevie @amethystars @jakesguitarsolo @lolidontknowwhat @lyndz2names @godly-sinsx @dannythedog @anthemheatwave @samomf @spark-my-nature @scorpiosunsammy @theindigostre4k @jjwasneverhere @couldbefalling @peaceloveunitygvf @wrldabomination @gretavfreaky @kakejiszkas @brujamagik @miradoralbumwhen
@mar-rein12 @laurynnnn125 @maddie-rae @eraofstardustchords @musicislove3389
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watchyoubloom · 5 months ago
You guys wanna do some cutie little cozy prompts? I’m a little overwhelmed w my WIPs right now but wanna stay in the writing groove. Send me a prompt and a guy and I’ll write you a little ficlet ☺️🫶🏻
cozy and content -prompts for your otp cuddling in bed
prompt list by @novelbear
drawing circles and patterns on their chest
humming/singing their partner to sleep
carefully trying to turn the lamp on the nightstand off without letting go of their partner in their arms
"what's wrong?" "your feet are cold!"
playing with their hair
laying their head on their lover's shoulder, one arm lazily wrapped around their torso and a leg over theirs
taking innocent peeks at their partner's phone every once in a while they're scrolling
"your hair smells nice..."
smiling as they feel their partner lay a firm kiss on the top of their head
"did we fall asleep?" "i think we did.."
not being able to be calm for five minutes as tickle matches ensue
sneaking photos of each other because they're just too cute
laughing when one drops their phone on their face
"we should really get up." "we should....but we won't."
feeding them fruits/other snacks they have
absentmindedly playing with the other's fingers
melting because they just look so cute all bundled up in blankets
^ like i mean they're all curled up and look small, covered up so much that all they can see are big eyes peeking out and innocently blinking at them from the blanket. how do you want them to keep a straight face.
feeling little kisses being placed on their neck, chest, or chin from time to time.
"did you just wash these sheets?" "i did." "they smell nice. and they're still warm."
holding them as if they're protecting the other from the world as they're snuggled up at their side.
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watchyoubloom · 5 months ago
When the Nightingale Sings - Part Two
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Pairing: Danny Wagner x F!Reader
Synopsis: Medieval AU! In a world where noble alliances dictate futures, you have been betrothed to Prince Emers, a man you barely know and certainly don't love. As you travel towards the royal palace for your impending wedding, your journey is upended, causing you to run straight into a kind, lonesome hunter. With no choice but to trust him, you embark on a journey together towards the nearest village, navigating through the forest and it's perils. As the solace you find in his companionship builds will you choose to honor your duty, or will you abandon everything you've ever know to follow your heart?
WC: 3424
Warnings: mentions of death, blood, anxiety, funeral/burial
A/N: A big thank you to @earthlysorrows for beta-reading and editing and helping me along the way!
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For the first time in a very long time, sleep did not find Danny easily. The hammock was comfortable enough, and the fur blanket was keeping him warm. It was the noises you made, shuffling around in his bed. Soft sighs and whimpers, undoubtedly reliving your terror from this morning, twitching in the sheets. Danny found his eyes on you most of the night, closing them to a squint when you sat up a few times, panting for breath and clutching your chest. He’d wait until you settled down again, and watch you until your breathing became even again. 
Danny wagered he got only a few hours of sleep, no more than you did, when the sun finally started to rise. The call of the rooster outside his cottage made him realize he couldn’t stay in the hammock any longer. Danny gently rolled out of the cloth, landing on the floor with a soft thud. Watching you, he waited for you to wake, however you were finally out, face buried deep into his pillow. He smiled at the slight snore rumbling from you, glad you were getting rest. 
He puttered around the cottage, doing his usual morning activities, cleaning the kettle out and putting a new one on the hook, pouring in the grains and milk to make a hearty porridge. As it bubbled and cooked, he cut up two of his last few apples into small chunks and tossed them in with some raisins, trying to sweeten the meal. He found his morning tasks around his home more difficult, trying to keep quiet. Danny would freeze when he clattered his knives onto the table, or the chair scraped against the wood of the floor too much. Even the door hinges squeaking sounded like shrieks from banshees in the quiet.  
One of the last times he looked at you, he realized you were still in your day clothes. He had also slept in his day clothes, his usual pajamas of, well, nothing, inappropriate for the present company. However, his usual ensemble did not consist of a boned corset. Going to his hutch, he rifled through it quietly. His sister had left some clothes behind when she married, the outfits not fit for the city life she was moving to. He had kept them, in case of a visit, however no such occasion had arisen. Finding the items he was looking for, he laid them on the table, continuing his chores. 
You woke as he was pulling on his hat and coat again, ready to do his morning rounds on the traps. You sat up, wiping your mouth and eyes, blinking as you remembered your surroundings. 
“Good morning,” Danny greeted you. Replying back, you shifted to the edge of the bed, letting your feet touch the floor as you woke up. “There’s porridge on the fire, when you’re ready to eat. And there’s water in the other, heating up. You’re welcome to use it to bathe, the bath is behind that partition there.” he nodded behind him, and for the first time, you saw in the daylight a dark, tall partition between the fireplace and small kitchen counter along the far wall. Seeing the hesitancy in your eyes, Danny cleared his throat. “I will be gone for a few hours. I’ll be checking my traps. I’m going to try and find your horses as well.”
“What if…” you felt silly, suddenly feeling like this stranger was your protector. But he had protected you, from his animal trap, from the cold. 
“Lock this door behind me. I will knock like this,” he rapped his knuckles on the door frame in a rhythmic fashion. He looked back at you, eyes serious. “And if anything does happen, scream as loud as you can. I will come and find you.”
“Thank you,” you whispered. 
“I found some clothes for you, too.” he pointed to the table. “They were my sisters. I figured if you took a bath, you may not want to wear your dirty clothes.” you nodded, thanking him again. After an awkward silence, Danny cleared his throat again, and moved to the door.
“Daniel,” you called out. He paused, glancing back at you. “Danny, please be careful.”
“I will be. I’ll return in a few hours.” he promised, and with that, was out the door. Moving quickly, you locked the door behind him. The feeling of the iron clanking together made you feel more secure, and you rested your back against the wood. Glancing around the house, you tried to decide what to do: eat or bathe. After a few moments of debate, the bath won out. Taking a handful of rags, you lifted the kettle, almost bowing in half from the weight of the hot water, and side-stepped it to the bathtub, using all your might to lift it to the edge and dump it in. 
The steam was delicious as it rose up around your face in the cool morning air. You struggled for a bit to undo your own corset, but finally succeeded in getting it off, stripping down and stepping into the water. 
It was hot, almost too hot for you, however you sank slowly into it, feeling the warmth seep through your skin and muscles, and into your bones. It was like magic, your stiff body relaxing, going limp in the steaming water. Danny’s bathtub was almost larger than the one at your family's manor, though it would have to be to fit such a large man. The water gathered up to your collarbones as you sank down, dipping your head back to dampen your hair. Danny, ever the forward thinker as you were learning, had left a small rag for you by the tub, a small piece of soap sitting atop it.
 It was a far cry from the baths you’d had all your life. Those were attended, handmaids making sure you were scrubbed properly, dropping scented oils into your water, refreshing it to make sure you didn’t catch cold. Always being prepared in case a suitor would come calling since you were eligible for marriage. You could count on one hand the amount of times you’d been able to have a bath to yourself, and decided to relish in the quiet of the cottage. The birds chirping, chickens clucking outside the windows. You focused on the sounds, catching a breeze rustling through the trees surrounding the cottage as the fireplace crackled and popped.
After your bath, you dressed in the clothes Danny has left, his sister's old things. They were slightly small on you, tight in the shoulders only when you tried to reach up over your head, although the bodice that you struggled to tie in the back yourself, hugged your waist more comfortably than your previous corset. You let your hands slide down the material, the dark green skirt a little short on you but would do. For simple, peasant clothes, they were suitable. 
Your stomach growled, and you remembered the porridge, hastily grabbing a bowl and scooping some in, before settling at the table. 
Danny blew hot air into his hands, holding them close to his mouth. Winter was threatening to come early, it seemed, from the chill in the air. He could feel the chill of his lips through his old, worn gloves. He would have to get new ones soon, and dreaded how many pelts he would need to collect for a pair of good leather ones. His traps this morning only held small game. A raccoon, and two rabbits. Enough for him to make it another week by himself before he would have to dip into some of his scarce winter rations. 
As he tied the game up and slung it over his shoulder, he paused, realizing that he was now to feed you as well. He wondered how you were doing, suddenly, if you were okay alone in the cottage. If he had left enough porridge for you to eat. It had been so long since he had had company of any kind, he realized he didn’t have anything for you to do. 
Shaking his head, he continued on. You were a lady, someone above his station. You were probably used to doing nothing, not having to fight for survival or wonder where your meals would come from. You probably were already back in bed, sleeping the day away like you would in whatever manor you grew up in. 
Guilt formed a hard knot in his stomach, the jealousy he had let loose in his mind fading. It wasn’t your fault you were born into wealth, and him into a life of just hovering above destitution. You had been kind to him, didn’t look down at him for his humble home. You had in fact received it and him gratefully. 
After checking the rest of his traps, finding them empty, he trudged on, heading towards the road where your carriage may be. It took an hour and a half for him to meet the road, stepping onto the dirt path. If you had been heading toward Farrynden’s court, you would have been heading northeast. He followed the beaten path that way a few hundred steps, coming upon a dirty, small scrap of cloth. Leaning down, he noticed it was a silk of some sort, and stood up, carrying on. It wasn’t long before the scene you ran from met his eyes. Your carriage stood still, the horses nowhere to be seen. 
Danny stepped closer, his breath catching in his throat at the scent of copper and death, coming across the bodies of your traveling companions. They are still splayed in the road, spilled blood browned and mixed with the earth below them. A blonde woman, he could only assume was Marta, stared up at him with cold, terrified eyes. Crouching next to her, Danny held his breath as he reached out, closing her eyes, saying a silent prayer. One final act of kindness he could offer her in the moment. 
Glancing around, he saw trunks on the side of the road, their contents strewn about. The bandits must have given up on finding you and decided to ransack your belongings. Linen and silks were torn and ripped apart, seams split as if they were looking for hidden treasure sewn into hems. Danny fought a blush to his cool cheeks as he searched around and spied a frilly, silky negligee among the items, no doubt for your intended wedding night. 
Clearing his throat, he rifled through some of the things laying around, trying to find anything salvageable. A few ribbons he picked up and set them in his pocket. He checked over the larger trunk, dirt and mud seeming to have been poured into it after the bastards couldn’t find anything of use, or took anything they could. 
As he moved the lid to the trunk to close it, a rattling sound graced his ears. His brows knit in the middle and he shook it gently. The rattling was metallic, and Danny laughed out loud. The robbers in their haste must not have heard it, nor spied the small bulge from the tufted top of the trunk. 
Taking one of his knives, Danny cut open the fabric and reached in, finding a small velvet pouch. Holding it in his hands, he squeezed it gently. He couldn’t tell exactly what the contents were, it didn’t feel like coin, but he couldn’t be sure. Perhaps they had wrapped it in a kerchief to disguise it from curious minds like his. 
Danny bit back at his own nosiness and instead tucked the pouch safely into his pockets, picking up his catches for the day and turning to head back to his home. A shovel, he reminded himself. Tomorrow he would venture back and bring a shovel, and give your companions the dignity of graves. 
The rhythmic knock Danny demonstrated for you earlier vibrated through the wood of the cottage. Standing from your seat at the table, you bolted to the door, undoing the iron lock and opening it slowly. Danny smiled at you as you stepped back, letting him inside. 
“It’s near-frigid out there.” He told you, sniffling and dropping the wild game on the table. 
“I kept the fire going,” you replied, knowing it wasn’t much. Danny nodded, peering over at the small flames. You must have ventured outside at least once to get a few split logs off the pile on the side of his home. 
“Thank you.” he smiled warmly at you. He moved to take off his gloves, hat and coat, hanging them by the door. Reaching into his coat pocket, he picked the velvet pouch, holding it in his hand. “The horses were long gone from your carriage, no doubt the thieves took them as a quick getaway once they couldn’t locate you.”
“That figures.” you sighed, hoping the men treated the horses with more dignity than they did you and your companions. 
“It looked as if they ransacked the carriage and your belongings. A lot of it was destroyed.” Danny watched you nod sadly, “but I did find this.” Danny presented the pouch to you, and you stared at it, puzzled. “It was hidden in the top of one of your trunks, in the fabric.” 
Your delicate fingers reached out, sliding across the velvet before grasping it. Opening the mouth of the pouch, you curiously peeked in before dumping the contents into your open palm. Jewelry laid in your hand, pearls, to be exact. Danny had never seen anything as fine and intricate. Earrings and a brooch, a necklace too. 
“There were my grandmothers.” you said, surprise still lacing your voice. “My mother must’ve stashed them away for the wedding.”
“They’re beautiful,” Danny couldn’t hold back the awe in his voice. The two of you stared a bit longer, before you plucked the brooch and held it out to him. 
“Take it,” you insisted, causing him to go wide-eyed. 
“I couldn’t,” Danny shook his head, putting a hand up in front of him. You pushed it closer to his palm. 
“Please, as payment for your help, and shelter.” your eyes were pleading, begging him to take the jewelry you offered. Danny started at it. If he broke apart the pearls, he could make them stretch, and buy enough rations at the village market for at least a few months, maybe more. Slowly, his large hand encircled it, taking it from you. “You can have the rest too, if you like.”
“Then what would you wear to marry the prince?” Danny joked, closing your fist around the earrings and necklace. 
“I’m sure there are things prepared for the day.” you murmured softly, trying to ignore the pit in your stomach. Danny pocketed the brooch, not pressing regarding the forlorn look on your face. Most young ladies would be falling over themselves to marry a prince. The wealth and title and everything that came with it, it was a dream come true. But for you, it seemed like a nightmare. 
“Could you help me prepare supper?” Danny asked, changing the subject as you troubled your bottom lip between your teeth. Your sidelong glance at the rabbits and raccoon on the table made Danny laugh. “I’ll take care of those, but could you cut up some of those parsnips, and potatoes?” 
“Oh, yes, of course.” never mind you’d only lifted a knife to cut through already cooked food, you followed his instruction, using a solid wood slab on the counter as a chopping block. Danny took the game outside, preparing it away from your eyes. After what he saw at the carriage, he didn’t want you to see anything further. 
You were done chopping the vegetables when he came back in, a skinned rabbit in his hand. You avoided looking at it, and let him have the counter space, adding your vegetables to an empty kettle. The two of you shuffled around quietly, making supper in the mid-afternoon sun that flitted in through the windows. It was comfortable, the quiet in which the two of you worked. Danny found himself enjoying the sound of your footsteps as you brought in a new pail of water to add to the kettle, small grunts of effort falling from your lips. 
“I’m going back to the road tomorrow,” Danny mentioned, after eating a spoonful of stew later that night. You glanced up at him, setting your own spoon back into your bowl. “I’m going to dig and give them as proper a burial as I can.” you were silent for a few moments. 
“I would like to go with you.” Danny thought back to the scene he’d come across earlier, the grimace forming on his face. 
“I don’t think-“
“Marta was my friend.” your voice was hard, a small fire blazing behind your eyes. “And the coachmen had been with my family most of my life. I would like to say a final goodbye and prayer for them.” Danny could feel the conviction in your heart, and nodded. 
“Aye, so you will.” he nodded. “I’ll come back after checking my traps in the morning and we’ll go together.”
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The mud was thick after a night full of rain, but Danny persevered, using all his strength to move the heavy dirt just inside the forest off the road. A light mist was still prevailing, making Danny’s coat and hat too heavy to properly dig in. They were discarded under a nearby tree, his white, billowy shirt becoming translucent, sticking to his skin. You had wandered off, collecting the wildflowers to set on the finished graves. The bright yellows and blues, a soft lavender hue and white petals in your hands offering a small, cheerful hue to the dreary day. 
“Stay back there,” Danny called, his voice racked with deep breaths as you approached. “I’m going to move the bodies. I don’t want you to see them,” you replied, turning your back on him. You heard him moving, your ears picking up every sound around you as you tried to focus on anything else. You fought the tears in your eyes, letting them sting and prick at your eyes as you heard the soft thuds, bodies being laid to rest. Turning your head slightly, Danny called out again. “Not yet, I will let you know.”
More time passed, you leaned against the trunk of a tree, busying yourself with the small bouquets, arranging them over and over again. A touch to your shoulder made you jump, and you turned to see Danny, face solemn as he nodded. You weren’t able to tell if it was the mist or sweat on his face, but he was glistening, and you noticed how his shirt clung to his arms and torso, soaked through. A blush crept up on your cheeks as he gestured for you to turn to the graves, pushing away the thoughts that crept in your mind. This was not the time nor place.
Three identical mounds of dirt were in front of you. Your stomach clenched, a sick feeling swirling in it as you looked at each one. Danny kept a hand on your shoulder, a comforting grounding presence. 
“Marta is in the middle,” he told you, his voice soft. Taking a deep breath, you stepped forward, a trembling hand reaching out, placing a bouquet on the two outer graves, pausing and saying a prayer for each man. Moving to the middle, a sob wracked your body. You hadn’t realized just how much you cared for the young girl until she was gone, too late for you to say it to her. 
Danny watched you, the shaking of your body as you clasped a hand over your mouth, whispered goodbyes to your friend. The flowers remaining in your hand fell at your feet, both hands covering your face. Stepping as quietly as he could, Danny knelt down, scooping up the flowers gently. The blisters on his hand from the digging screamed in pain as he clenched his fist gently around the stems, but he stood up, placing an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his side. 
It didn’t matter he was still a perfect stranger to you, comfort was needed. And Danny’s strong arm felt safe, felt warm, despite the chill of the rain. After a few moments, Danny moved and you turned, watching him balance. He kept an arm around you, leaning forward and placing the flowers in his hand on Marta’s grave. 
“Eternal rest grant unto them, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls rest in peace.” Danny’s voice was quiet, the prayer floating on the silence in the woods, and you echoed it in your mind, hoping the souls of the departed in front of you were safe and warm, wherever they were.
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Taglist: (feel free to add yourself!)
@joshsindigostreak @sinners-go-to-drink-the-wine @sammysprincess @sammykiszkamyass @belovedsamuel @sunfl0wer-power @indigo-starcatcher @sammyscherub @earthlysorrows @lvnterninthenight @losfacedevil @xserenax-13 @sarakay-gvf @myownparadise96 @watchingovergvff @gretavanfleetposts @josiee-gvf @joshkiszkatoothgap @madneedshelp @gardensgatedaisy @myownparadise96 @demonrat444 @dannyandthekiszkas @tearsofbri @paleshadow-ofadragon @happy-harpy-stuff @like-a-woman-in-a-dream @starshine-wagner @objectsinspvce @josh-iamyour-mama @mountain-in-springtime @cal-a-bungaa @capturethechaos @jankandjonch @gvfpal
@allybjt @hippievanfleet @weightofbrokenbells @joshkiszkasbadussy @malany-gvf @ruby0antlers @samofthedawn @sacredjake @aim4thedoublee @diditallforyouu @gvfmarge @highladyofasgard @sammysvanfeet@gold-mines-melting @earthgrlsreasy @mountain-in-springtime @forcebond301 @stardust-and-shadows @llightmyllovee @gretavangroupie @comesofarsomehow @infinisonicosm @indigofallingsky @hellowgoodbye @hearts-hunger @fwzco @dharma-divine33 @lightsofthe-living-gvf @ascendingtothestarsasone @klarxtr
@musicspeaks @mindastreamofcolours @imleavingyoufornewyork @dammm1256 @jordie-gvf @demonrat444 @misshunnybee @valleydollgvf @brookes-so-done @age0fwagner @starcatcherxstevie @amethystars @jakesguitarsolo @lolidontknowwhat @lyndz2names @godly-sinsx @dannythedog @anthemheatwave @samomf @spark-my-nature @scorpiosunsammy @theindigostre4k @jjwasneverhere @couldbefalling @peaceloveunitygvf @wrldabomination @gretavfreaky @kakejiszkas @brujamagik @miradoralbumwhen
@mar-rein12 @laurynnnn125 @maddie-rae @eraofstardustchords @musicislove3389
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watchyoubloom · 5 months ago
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Welcome to the 2024 GVF Fic Writers Halloween Event! Prompts are below the cut, but first, some info about this very spooky affair.
🎃 The rules are simple: pick a prompt from the list below and write a fic about it! The prompts range from particularly Halloween-y to just general autumnal vibes, and you're welcome to riff off any of them in any way you choose. On your post, please note which prompt (or prompts) you picked for your fic!
🎃 This event is open to all GVF writers, whether you're a seasoned vet or a first-time author! If you're a reader, show your love for GVF writers by liking their fics, reblogging them, and commenting (even just in the tags!). All fics for this event will be added to a master list that will be linked in my bio.
🎃 Fics can be written for any and all pairings — x reader, slash, platonic, x oc, multi, whatever you like! It's open to any length (blurbs, one shots, series) and all genres, from vampire sexy to candy sweet to scary movie spooky and everything in between. Please be sure to clearly tag any potential triggers in your fic — we want this event to be accessible and fun for everyone. Please also use a readmore in any fics that are longer than 1k words, just to keep the dash tidy.
🎃 Absolutely no negativity will be tolerated, whether from readers, writers, or onlookers. This is a community-building event, and if you're not here to have fun and be kind, don't be here at all.
🎃 Tag your fics with #gvfhalloweenfics. To make sure I don't miss your fic, please tag me (@hearts-hunger) so I can reblog your fic and add it to the masterlist!
🎃 The deadline is technically October 31, but I'm happy to add fics to the masterlist before or after Halloween if your creative energy is grooving or lagging. You can also write as many fics as you want — the more the merrier!
🎃 Now that I've talked your ear off, let me say one last thing before we get to the prompts: my asks (with anon) and dms are always open for any questions about this event. Please reblog this post to get the word out, and tag any writers you think might be interested! Happy writing, and happy Halloween!
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Prompt list:
carnival haunted house
real haunted house
pumpkin patch
apple orchard
scary movie night
campfire ghost stories
baking halloween treats
pumpkin carving
trick or treating
decorating for halloween
putting on halloween makeup
spooky first date
halloween bar crawl
ghost hunting
monster/witch/ghost au
county fair
halloween party
exploring a graveyard
adopting a black cat
playing with a ouija board
dark magic
a walk through the woods
cosy coffee date
camping trip
hay ride
local oktoberfest
cabin vacation
halloween/autumn wedding
starting a new halloween tradition
a fic based on a halloween song
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watchyoubloom · 6 months ago
“phone” for the ask game please :)
hi ty!!! this one…well. it’s from ANOTHER danny wip 😳🫣🤭 ​(this MAAAAAAY or may not be my take on the ‘you know i respect you, right?’ prompt that was going around awhile ago)
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Send me a word, any word, and if it’s in my WIP I’ll answer your ask with the sentence or line it appears in.
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watchyoubloom · 6 months ago
for the words ask game… smile???
hi hi tysm!! for “smile” i picked from a sleepy morning danny wip:
You can’t resist the temptation of shimmying your hips just a bit, canting your ass further back against his lap, and smile to yourself when Danny groans in his sleep and grinds against you some more.
Send me a word, any word, and if it’s in my WIP I’ll answer your ask with the sentence or line it appears in.
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watchyoubloom · 6 months ago
Let’s play a game! 🫶🏻
I have a few WIPS (and by a few I mean…. A LOT) that I need to buckle down and finish! I’m hoping doing this will get me inspired to get back into the docs and finish them 🙂‍↕️
Fanfic Work-In-Progress Guessing Game
Send me a word, any word, and if it’s in my WIP I’ll answer your ask with the sentence or line it appears in.
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watchyoubloom · 6 months ago
When the Nightingale Sings - Part One
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Pairing: Danny Wagner x F!Reader
Synopsis: Medieval AU! In a world where noble alliances dictate futures, you have been betrothed to Prince Emers, a man you barely know and certainly don't love. As you travel towards the royal palace for your impending wedding, your journey is upended, causing you to run straight into a kind, lonesome hunter. With no choice but to trust him, you embark on a journey together towards the nearest village, navigating through the forest and it's perils. As the solace you find in his companionship builds will you choose to honor your duty, or will you abandon everything you've ever know to follow your heart?
WC: 3424
Warnings: mentions of death, blood, brief depictions of murder, angst, anxiety, fight or flight emotions.
A/N: It's here!! I am insanely proud of this story and all the work I've done on it. It wouldn't be anything like it is without the help of some good friends. A big thank you to @earthlysorrows for beta-reading and editing and helping me along the way! And @joshsindigostreak for always hearing me out when I text her saying 'i have an idea 👀' and always playing dialogue off with me. Love you both so much!
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You had always disliked riding in carriages, the juddering and shaking motions of them as they traveled down worn paths between villages, towns and cities always making you feel ill. Today was no exception. You were currently on day three of a two week trip across the country, and a soft rain had fallen in the early morning, ensuring muddy tracks and sinking holes along your path. You rested your head against the wall next to your seat, closing your eyes and wishing sleep would take you. Perhaps death would even be better than the pounding in your head. 
“I imagine you’ll have much finer carriages after you marry the prince, my lady.” your handmaid smiled, trying to ease your discomfort. “I hear he has one that’s lined with fur.” What a comfort that would be on such a cold journey. The foot warmer between your feet had already begun to grow cold, the embers refusing to be stoked with life again in the late fall air. 
“That would be something to see, Marta.”  the handmaid’s eyes glittered at your response. She was young, only a few years younger than yourself, and the niece of the maid that had helped take care of you most of your childhood. Though there should have been a stronger boundary between lady and servant, you had found a form of friendship in her, though it was stiff and formal. 
“And imagine all the beautiful gowns and jewels, I cannot wait to help you dress for royal banquets.” Marta slipped into a diatribe about how the balls your family had held would pale in comparison to the ones the royal family had, how glittering you would look in the crown jewels. The unease in your stomach grew. Your parents had worked out a strenuous match between you and the sovereign prince of Farrynden. It was an effort you had no part in, nor wanted. Unfortunately, you had no say in the matter, and after exchanging a few letters back and forth, you were summoned to travel across the country and marry the prince. 
It was just you, Marta, and two coachmen making the journey. Your family was well-off for the most part, but could not afford for all to travel to the nuptials. Their presence would not have been a comfort anyway. Your father was too proud of the match he had secured for you, and your mother was far too happy to lose you and gain a title in court. You wished for your older brother, though he had been long gone at this point, to try and talk sense into father. He might have listened to protests coming from him. 
The carriage jostled roughly, making you place a hand over your mouth and groan, preparing for the back wheels to follow suit, however, the carriage was stopped. Sharing a confused look with Marta, you glanced out the window. You were surrounded by woods, the path cutting through a dense, large forest. The confusion set in further until you heard the horses whining, the coachmen shouting. Moving back from the glass you glanced at Marta, who met your wide eyes with her own. 
The door was ripped open by the same large, grimy hands now reaching into the carriage. Your shriek matched Marta’s, both of you pushing away from that side of the carriage as much as you could. You cursed the large foot warmer, it’s bulk making it difficult to move. Marta’s wrist was taken by one of the hands, it pulled her harshly, yanking her screaming figure from the carriage. Another set of hands entered the carriage, grasping at the hem of your dress, your ankles. Kicking you tried to fight them off, but only succeeded in the assailant grasping your ankle and tugging you closer before grabbing your arms. 
You fought against the hands that held you steady, twisting and turning your body, stomping your feet in the mud. Marta’s screams were flooding your ears, and as you looked around for help,  you could see why.
The two coachmen were dead, blood pooling around their bodies. One was lying face up, his throat slit, blood still pouring from the wound. The other was face down in, a dark stain on his light blue coat, the blood mixing with mud beneath him. 
Tears began to run down your face, the inevitability of your own death coming to light. You thrashed further as the man holding you gripped tighter, bringing you towards the front of the carriage. 
“Oi, make that one shut up!” the man’s voice was hard and gruff, sending fear shooting down your spine. He spoke to his accomplice, a younger, greasy looking man, his teeth dark as he grinned. 
Marta’s screams were silenced as your own sobs echoed out into the forest around you, unable to look away from the blade that dragged across her throat. You saw the light fade from her terrified eyes, the image burning itself into your memory. You would be next. Oh god, you would be next. 
With everything you had in you, you braced yourself as the man holding you turned you in his grasp. 
“What a pretty little thing you are.” he smirked, his breath blowing across your face, pungent and sickening. “Maybe we should keep you, have some fun.”
“Lookie here,” the younger man caught both of your attention. One of your trunks was opened, and with his soiled blade he lifted up a nightdress. “She could be our little dolly, dress her up and strip her down.” Bile rose in your throat, and the next thing you knew, you had wrenched your head back, and brought it forward, cracking it against your captor. 
The man dropped you, startled from the impact and you slipped in the mud as you realized your chance to escape. Gathering up your skirts as shooting pain rippled through your skull, you bolted, dashing for the forest. You could hear both the men behind you, shouting and giving chase as you hastened through the dead leaves and twigs on the ground. 
Your lungs were burning with every breath you could take. You cursed the corset you’d been laced up in, knowing you could run faster without its hindrance. Not daring to check behind you, you kept going, not caring if you could hear them or not. Stumbling, you cursed, getting back up, though your legs were screaming at you. Cold tears whipped down your cheeks and from your eyes, the image of the coachmen and Marta flashing every time you thought about stopping. 
Time had escaped you. You knew that at some point you felt a soft flurry of early snow, but didn’t know how long you’d been running. The forest was thicker here, and you began to slow down. It was quiet now, and you glanced around. There was no sign or sound of the men following you any longer. You still kept a quick pace, checking for them behind every tree and branch. Watching over your shoulder, you pressed forward, stumbling but continuing to go. 
“Stop! Stop!!” you froze, whipping your head around to see a tall man standing a few yards from you, his hands thrust out in front of him, palms up. He didn’t look like the men that had chased you, he was clean, his dark, curly hair shining in the sun that broke through the trees. Fear still shot through your veins and you started to run, but he yelled again. “Stop! If you move you’ll step in a trap!” freezing again, you looked down. Right in your path, hidden under a few scattered leaves, was a metal contraption, meant for hunting large beasts and animals. You would have stepped right into it, maiming whichever foot landed in it. 
The man moved towards you, and you moved back. He took in your pale face, the only color your cheeks and nose tinged pink from cold and tears that were sliding down your cheeks. Your wide, scared eyes regarding him like a monster as he regarded you like a feral creature, scared and confused. 
With a breath, you bolted, darting off to your right before he could come closer. You would take your chances with any other traps, refusing to be held captive again. 
You had lost the sun, the trees looming overhead blocking out any of the sunset. You were staggering around, a painful stitch in your side mixing with hunger pangs. The headache you’d had earlier reappeared, and you slumped against a tree. The cold was creeping in, your sweat coated body chilling faster. 
The bark of the tree scratched against your coat, small bits flaking off and catching on the wool. Surely death by cold and hunger was a better fate than what had been in store for you, whether earlier or with the prince. 
The shaking shivers that wracked your body wouldn’t cease as the sky grew darker. Nestling into the tree trunk as best you could, you let your eyes fall closed dreaming of the warm fire in your old bedchambers, and the cozy bed one a few feet away from it. 
The sound of twigs snapping jolted you from sleep. Your eyes looked around, but instead of a dark forest, you were in a small, homely cottage. The sound of twigs was not that exactly, it was larger pieces of chopped wood, crackling in the hearth. And instead of a tree trunk, you were nestled into a large, warm bed. Furs were laid over you, their warmth making you feel slightly delirious. 
Sitting up, you inspected yourself, raising the blankets. Your dress, though dirty, was still intact. The only thing removed had been your shoes, though long, thick wool socks had been put on you in their wake. Glancing around the interior, you saw few items in the small space. A stack of firewood next to the fireplace, a small kettle hanging over the fire. Two wooden chairs and a small table, seemingly handmade from the rough edges of the items. A rack with various pelts draped over it was in the corner, drying. 
Finding you were alone in the cottage, you peeled back the furs on top of you, placing your feet on the wooden floors, you moved to get up from the bed, just as the door opened. A large figure lumbered in, the door slamming shut behind them. They were cloaked in a large coat and hat, both made of dark fur. Scrambling back into the bed, you pulled the blankets over you, clutching them to your chest. Your heart rate spiked as the figure turned toward you, his eyes regarding you anxiously. 
“You’re awake,” he smiled, though it didn’t quite reach his eyes. You backed up, further in the bed when he stepped forward, pausing as he took in your move. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
He watched as your hand shook, clutching the blanket, your eyes darting up and down his tall stature. Sighing softly, he reached up, his movement slow, and took off his hat, allowing his curls to bounce back to life. It was the young man from the forest earlier, that had stopped you from stepping in one of his traps. He put it on the small table, then unfastened his coat, lowering it from his shoulders and draping it over the back of his chair. Glancing at you, he put his hands on his hips. 
“My name is Daniel, by the way.” he paused, waiting for you to reply. When you didn’t, he glanced around the cottage. “This is my home. I found you in the woods while checking my traps. You were turning blue, so I brought you here. Have you been hurt?” This pause was met with an almost imperceptible shake of your head. “Good. Can you tell me why you were running in the woods like that?” Silence. Daniel sighed, watching your eyes cast down to the floor. 
Turning, Daniel moved away from you and to the fire, grabbing a small bowl from the mantle, and opening the lid on the kettle, stirring the stew inside with a ladle that had been hanging from a hook by the hearth. The smell of cooked meat and herbs met your nose, and your stomach growled loudly. Daniel chuckled under his breath and ladled some into the bowl, his own stomach softly rumbling as the aromas wafted up to him. Grabbing one of his few spoons from an old tin on the mantle he walked back over to you. 
He held out the bowl to you, raising his eyebrows, idly twirling the spoon between his fingers on his other hand. You looked from the bowl to him a few times, before shifting on the bed, letting the blankets go and reaching for it. Daniel pulled back slightly, making you gasp softly in surprise. 
“I’d rather not have rabbit stew spilled in my bed,” he explained. “Come sit at the table.” you hesitated, but Daniel moved back, setting the bowl down on the small table by the fire, and plopping the spoon gently in. He sat down on the other side, and waited. 
Feeling a spectacle, you slowly climbed from out of the covers, your feet on the hardwood floor again. The socks slid against the smooth wood as you stood, and you brushed down your skirts. Every step you took toward the table, and the man sitting there, was timid. You were afraid that he would pounce at any moment, finish the job of the other two bastards before him. 
Yet he sat still, his eyes wary but kind as you gripped the back of the chair, pulling it out somewhat before taking a seat. A soft smile tugged at the corner of his lips as you tucked in closer to the table. Eyeing the stew, you spied chunks of lean rabbit, potato and carrot, a beetroot or two also mixed in. Your mouth watered, but what if he did something to it? What if this was all a trick?
Seemingly reading your mind, Daniel shook his head. 
“Go on, eat. I wouldn’t poison my own stew.” he rolled his eyes, but the gentle smile was still present. Still, you hesitated. Daniel moved, his chair scraping the wooden floor, making you jump in your seat. You braced yourself, ready to endure another headache if you had to headbutt your way to freedom again. 
Daniel only moved to the fire, taking another bowl from the mantle and ladling himself a serving, grabbing a spoon and sitting back down. He kept his eyes on you, dipping the spoon into the stew and bringing up a steaming spoonful. Blowing gently on it, he raised the spoon to his lips before taking the bite. He did this a few more times, you were sure the food was still too hot, evident by the wince he did on the last before he spoke. “See?” 
Your hand raised from your lap, grabbing the rustic spoon. It had been worn over the years, no polishing, showing slight grooves where fingers had held it. Yours fit snugly into those grooves, and you stirred the stew a bit, releasing more steam before taking a bite of your own. 
It was delicious. You had to hold yourself back from slurping and sloshing down the meal as your tongue was coated with savory warm broth. The meat was soft but a little stringy, but it was a fine supper. Daniel continued his own meal, the two of you eating in silence until he spoke again, half-chewed bite in his mouth. 
“Do you have a name?” glancing up, you nodded, and supplied it to him quietly. “Are you from around here?”
“Where is here?” you asked. 
“I take that as a no, then.” he sighed. “Here is my home, in Timberhill. Where did you come from?” 
“Indigwall.” you answered. Daniel let out a long, low whistle. 
“You’re a long ways away from home,” he leaned forward, elbows on the table. “What are you doing all the way out here? And running through my hunting grounds?”
“I-I,” you stammered, trying to think of a lie. Just because this man seemed kind, didn’t mean he wouldn’t hold you ransom for money, from your father or the prince. As you glanced up to his eyes, you realized how soft they were. Amber flecks hiding in splashes of green mixed brown sparkled in the firelight. You could see no malice in his eyes, and suddenly the truth spilled from your lips. “I am betrothed to the prince of (country name here). I was traveling to the castle for our wedding.” Daniel stared at you, mouth slightly agape as you continued. “This morning, our carriage was stopped, and these two men-“ you choked on a sob as the images of Marta and the coachmen flashed again in your mind. “They killed them, they killed Marta!” Tears spilled down your cheeks, and Daniel stood, going to a small hutch and rifling through it before coming back with a handkerchief. You accepted it, dabbing your eyes and wiping the tears away. 
“I am sorry,” Daniel murmured. “I understand why you were so afraid of me earlier. You do not need to speak of it, if you do not wish.” nodding you tried to compose yourself as he sat down across from you again. The silence fell between the two of you again, but this time there were fewer questions, fewer anxieties weighing on it. 
Picking up your spoon, your hand trembling after the images, you continued your meal, swallowing down the stew, your appetite still fighting your nerves. 
“I thought from your coat and dress, you must have been a lady of some sort.” Danny cleared his throat. “I have a few things I must do before I can take off, but in a day or so, we can start the journey to the next village, see if we can send word to your prince.”
You knew better than to protest. If your own parents didn’t listen to your pleas not to be shipped off, not to marry the prince, a stranger wouldn’t either. 
“That’s very kind of you, sir,” you gave him the best smile you could muster, feeling it barely raise the corners of your lips. “But I don’t have money to pay you. All of my things were in that carriage and with…them.” Daniel didn’t need you to elaborate on whether your belongings were stolen by the murdering bandits or left behind with the bodies laid across the path. 
“No need for formalities.” Daniel instead chose to break the ice further. “You can call me Danny. My friends call me that.” he had hoped the more casual nickname would help ease the tension of formality.
“Danny, then.” Nodding, you sat back in your chair, a little easier now that your belly was full and you knew the name of the man across from you. “How far are we from the next village?”
“That depends on the method of travel.” he answered. “Tomorrow after I check my traps, I’ll see about finding your carriage, and if the horses are still there, we can ride those and it would only be a few days. Without them, we’ll be on foot, and that could take about a week.” as he finished his sentence, a large yawn stretched your face. “Go on back to bed. You need to rest after all the running you did.”
“No, I can’t take your bed again,” you shook your head. 
“I insist.” Danny got up, walking over to an old, worn cloth that was strung in the corner of the large room. With a jump, he climbed up into it, swinging precariously with a smile. “See? I don’t mind sleeping here.” 
Rising from your seat, you moved to the bed, and took one of the furs from it. Folding it over your arms you walked over to him, smiling as you raised it up. One of his large hands reached down, grasping the soft material and pulled it into his hammock as he returned your smile. 
“Thank you Daniel-Danny,” you corrected. He merely nodded at you, fluffing out the blanket over his long body, settling in. As you crawled back into the bed, you pulled the blankets back over you, finding its warmth and your full belly already lulling you into sleep. 
“Goodnight, princess,”
“I am not yet a princess,” you mumbled, slightly offended by the unwanted title. 
“Goodnight, all the same.”
“Goodnight, Daniel.”
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Taglist: (feel free to add yourself!)
@joshsindigostreak @sinners-go-to-drink-the-wine @sammysprincess @sammykiszkamyass @belovedsamuel @sunfl0wer-power @indigo-starcatcher @sammyscherub @earthlysorrows @losfacedevil @xserenax-13 @myownparadise96 @watchingovergvff @gretavanfleetposts @josiee-gvf @joshkiszkatoothgap @madneedshelp @myownparadise96 @demonrat444 @dannyandthekiszkas @tearsofbri @paleshadow-ofadragon @happy-harpy-stuff @like-a-woman-in-a-dream @starshine-wagner @objectsinspvce @josh-iamyour-mama @mountain-in-springtime @cal-a-bungaa @capturethechaos @holdingup-fallingsky @gvfpal
@allybjt @hippievanfleet @weightofbrokenbells @joshkiszkasbadussy @malany-gvf @ruby0antlers @samofthedawn @sacredjake @aim4thedoublee @diditallforyouu @gvfmarge @highladyofasgard @sammysvanfeet @gold-mines-melting @earthgrlsreasy @mountain-in-springtime @forcebond301 @stardust-and-shadows @llightmyllovee @gretavangroupie @comesofarsomehow @infinisonicosm @indigofallingsky @hellowgoodbye @hearts-hunger @fwzco @dharma-divine33 @lightsofthe-living-gvf @ascendingtothestarsasone @klarxtr
@musicspeaks @mindastreamofcolours @imleavingyoufornewyork @dammm1256 @jordie-gvf @misshunnybee @valleydollgvf @brookes-so-done @age0fwagner @starcatcherxstevie @amethystars @jakesguitarsolo @lolidontknowwhat @lyndz2names @godly-sinsx @dannythedog @anthemheatwave @samomf @spark-my-nature @scorpiosunsammy @theindigostre4k @jjwasneverhere @couldbefalling @peaceloveunitygvf @wrldabomination @gretavfreaky @kakejiszkas @brujamagik @miradoralbumwhen
@mar-rein12 @laurynnnn125 @maddie-rae @eraofstardustchords @musicislove3389 @starsinmyeyes00
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watchyoubloom · 6 months ago
When the Nightingale Sings - Part One
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Pairing: Danny Wagner x F!Reader
Synopsis: Medieval AU! In a world where noble alliances dictate futures, you have been betrothed to Prince Emers, a man you barely know and certainly don't love. As you travel towards the royal palace for your impending wedding, your journey is upended, causing you to run straight into a kind, lonesome hunter. With no choice but to trust him, you embark on a journey together towards the nearest village, navigating through the forest and it's perils. As the solace you find in his companionship builds will you choose to honor your duty, or will you abandon everything you've ever know to follow your heart?
WC: 3424
Warnings: mentions of death, blood, brief depictions of murder, angst, anxiety, fight or flight emotions.
A/N: It's here!! I am insanely proud of this story and all the work I've done on it. It wouldn't be anything like it is without the help of some good friends. A big thank you to @earthlysorrows for beta-reading and editing and helping me along the way! And @joshsindigostreak for always hearing me out when I text her saying 'i have an idea 👀' and always playing dialogue off with me. Love you both so much!
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You had always disliked riding in carriages, the juddering and shaking motions of them as they traveled down worn paths between villages, towns and cities always making you feel ill. Today was no exception. You were currently on day three of a two week trip across the country, and a soft rain had fallen in the early morning, ensuring muddy tracks and sinking holes along your path. You rested your head against the wall next to your seat, closing your eyes and wishing sleep would take you. Perhaps death would even be better than the pounding in your head. 
“I imagine you’ll have much finer carriages after you marry the prince, my lady.” your handmaid smiled, trying to ease your discomfort. “I hear he has one that’s lined with fur.” What a comfort that would be on such a cold journey. The foot warmer between your feet had already begun to grow cold, the embers refusing to be stoked with life again in the late fall air. 
“That would be something to see, Marta.”  the handmaid’s eyes glittered at your response. She was young, only a few years younger than yourself, and the niece of the maid that had helped take care of you most of your childhood. Though there should have been a stronger boundary between lady and servant, you had found a form of friendship in her, though it was stiff and formal. 
“And imagine all the beautiful gowns and jewels, I cannot wait to help you dress for royal banquets.” Marta slipped into a diatribe about how the balls your family had held would pale in comparison to the ones the royal family had, how glittering you would look in the crown jewels. The unease in your stomach grew. Your parents had worked out a strenuous match between you and the sovereign prince of Farrynden. It was an effort you had no part in, nor wanted. Unfortunately, you had no say in the matter, and after exchanging a few letters back and forth, you were summoned to travel across the country and marry the prince. 
It was just you, Marta, and two coachmen making the journey. Your family was well-off for the most part, but could not afford for all to travel to the nuptials. Their presence would not have been a comfort anyway. Your father was too proud of the match he had secured for you, and your mother was far too happy to lose you and gain a title in court. You wished for your older brother, though he had been long gone at this point, to try and talk sense into father. He might have listened to protests coming from him. 
The carriage jostled roughly, making you place a hand over your mouth and groan, preparing for the back wheels to follow suit, however, the carriage was stopped. Sharing a confused look with Marta, you glanced out the window. You were surrounded by woods, the path cutting through a dense, large forest. The confusion set in further until you heard the horses whining, the coachmen shouting. Moving back from the glass you glanced at Marta, who met your wide eyes with her own. 
The door was ripped open by the same large, grimy hands now reaching into the carriage. Your shriek matched Marta’s, both of you pushing away from that side of the carriage as much as you could. You cursed the large foot warmer, it’s bulk making it difficult to move. Marta’s wrist was taken by one of the hands, it pulled her harshly, yanking her screaming figure from the carriage. Another set of hands entered the carriage, grasping at the hem of your dress, your ankles. Kicking you tried to fight them off, but only succeeded in the assailant grasping your ankle and tugging you closer before grabbing your arms. 
You fought against the hands that held you steady, twisting and turning your body, stomping your feet in the mud. Marta’s screams were flooding your ears, and as you looked around for help,  you could see why.
The two coachmen were dead, blood pooling around their bodies. One was lying face up, his throat slit, blood still pouring from the wound. The other was face down in, a dark stain on his light blue coat, the blood mixing with mud beneath him. 
Tears began to run down your face, the inevitability of your own death coming to light. You thrashed further as the man holding you gripped tighter, bringing you towards the front of the carriage. 
“Oi, make that one shut up!” the man’s voice was hard and gruff, sending fear shooting down your spine. He spoke to his accomplice, a younger, greasy looking man, his teeth dark as he grinned. 
Marta’s screams were silenced as your own sobs echoed out into the forest around you, unable to look away from the blade that dragged across her throat. You saw the light fade from her terrified eyes, the image burning itself into your memory. You would be next. Oh god, you would be next. 
With everything you had in you, you braced yourself as the man holding you turned you in his grasp. 
“What a pretty little thing you are.” he smirked, his breath blowing across your face, pungent and sickening. “Maybe we should keep you, have some fun.”
“Lookie here,” the younger man caught both of your attention. One of your trunks was opened, and with his soiled blade he lifted up a nightdress. “She could be our little dolly, dress her up and strip her down.” Bile rose in your throat, and the next thing you knew, you had wrenched your head back, and brought it forward, cracking it against your captor. 
The man dropped you, startled from the impact and you slipped in the mud as you realized your chance to escape. Gathering up your skirts as shooting pain rippled through your skull, you bolted, dashing for the forest. You could hear both the men behind you, shouting and giving chase as you hastened through the dead leaves and twigs on the ground. 
Your lungs were burning with every breath you could take. You cursed the corset you’d been laced up in, knowing you could run faster without its hindrance. Not daring to check behind you, you kept going, not caring if you could hear them or not. Stumbling, you cursed, getting back up, though your legs were screaming at you. Cold tears whipped down your cheeks and from your eyes, the image of the coachmen and Marta flashing every time you thought about stopping. 
Time had escaped you. You knew that at some point you felt a soft flurry of early snow, but didn’t know how long you’d been running. The forest was thicker here, and you began to slow down. It was quiet now, and you glanced around. There was no sign or sound of the men following you any longer. You still kept a quick pace, checking for them behind every tree and branch. Watching over your shoulder, you pressed forward, stumbling but continuing to go. 
“Stop! Stop!!” you froze, whipping your head around to see a tall man standing a few yards from you, his hands thrust out in front of him, palms up. He didn’t look like the men that had chased you, he was clean, his dark, curly hair shining in the sun that broke through the trees. Fear still shot through your veins and you started to run, but he yelled again. “Stop! If you move you’ll step in a trap!” freezing again, you looked down. Right in your path, hidden under a few scattered leaves, was a metal contraption, meant for hunting large beasts and animals. You would have stepped right into it, maiming whichever foot landed in it. 
The man moved towards you, and you moved back. He took in your pale face, the only color your cheeks and nose tinged pink from cold and tears that were sliding down your cheeks. Your wide, scared eyes regarding him like a monster as he regarded you like a feral creature, scared and confused. 
With a breath, you bolted, darting off to your right before he could come closer. You would take your chances with any other traps, refusing to be held captive again. 
You had lost the sun, the trees looming overhead blocking out any of the sunset. You were staggering around, a painful stitch in your side mixing with hunger pangs. The headache you’d had earlier reappeared, and you slumped against a tree. The cold was creeping in, your sweat coated body chilling faster. 
The bark of the tree scratched against your coat, small bits flaking off and catching on the wool. Surely death by cold and hunger was a better fate than what had been in store for you, whether earlier or with the prince. 
The shaking shivers that wracked your body wouldn’t cease as the sky grew darker. Nestling into the tree trunk as best you could, you let your eyes fall closed dreaming of the warm fire in your old bedchambers, and the cozy bed one a few feet away from it. 
The sound of twigs snapping jolted you from sleep. Your eyes looked around, but instead of a dark forest, you were in a small, homely cottage. The sound of twigs was not that exactly, it was larger pieces of chopped wood, crackling in the hearth. And instead of a tree trunk, you were nestled into a large, warm bed. Furs were laid over you, their warmth making you feel slightly delirious. 
Sitting up, you inspected yourself, raising the blankets. Your dress, though dirty, was still intact. The only thing removed had been your shoes, though long, thick wool socks had been put on you in their wake. Glancing around the interior, you saw few items in the small space. A stack of firewood next to the fireplace, a small kettle hanging over the fire. Two wooden chairs and a small table, seemingly handmade from the rough edges of the items. A rack with various pelts draped over it was in the corner, drying. 
Finding you were alone in the cottage, you peeled back the furs on top of you, placing your feet on the wooden floors, you moved to get up from the bed, just as the door opened. A large figure lumbered in, the door slamming shut behind them. They were cloaked in a large coat and hat, both made of dark fur. Scrambling back into the bed, you pulled the blankets over you, clutching them to your chest. Your heart rate spiked as the figure turned toward you, his eyes regarding you anxiously. 
“You’re awake,” he smiled, though it didn’t quite reach his eyes. You backed up, further in the bed when he stepped forward, pausing as he took in your move. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
He watched as your hand shook, clutching the blanket, your eyes darting up and down his tall stature. Sighing softly, he reached up, his movement slow, and took off his hat, allowing his curls to bounce back to life. It was the young man from the forest earlier, that had stopped you from stepping in one of his traps. He put it on the small table, then unfastened his coat, lowering it from his shoulders and draping it over the back of his chair. Glancing at you, he put his hands on his hips. 
“My name is Daniel, by the way.” he paused, waiting for you to reply. When you didn’t, he glanced around the cottage. “This is my home. I found you in the woods while checking my traps. You were turning blue, so I brought you here. Have you been hurt?” This pause was met with an almost imperceptible shake of your head. “Good. Can you tell me why you were running in the woods like that?” Silence. Daniel sighed, watching your eyes cast down to the floor. 
Turning, Daniel moved away from you and to the fire, grabbing a small bowl from the mantle, and opening the lid on the kettle, stirring the stew inside with a ladle that had been hanging from a hook by the hearth. The smell of cooked meat and herbs met your nose, and your stomach growled loudly. Daniel chuckled under his breath and ladled some into the bowl, his own stomach softly rumbling as the aromas wafted up to him. Grabbing one of his few spoons from an old tin on the mantle he walked back over to you. 
He held out the bowl to you, raising his eyebrows, idly twirling the spoon between his fingers on his other hand. You looked from the bowl to him a few times, before shifting on the bed, letting the blankets go and reaching for it. Daniel pulled back slightly, making you gasp softly in surprise. 
“I’d rather not have rabbit stew spilled in my bed,” he explained. “Come sit at the table.” you hesitated, but Daniel moved back, setting the bowl down on the small table by the fire, and plopping the spoon gently in. He sat down on the other side, and waited. 
Feeling a spectacle, you slowly climbed from out of the covers, your feet on the hardwood floor again. The socks slid against the smooth wood as you stood, and you brushed down your skirts. Every step you took toward the table, and the man sitting there, was timid. You were afraid that he would pounce at any moment, finish the job of the other two bastards before him. 
Yet he sat still, his eyes wary but kind as you gripped the back of the chair, pulling it out somewhat before taking a seat. A soft smile tugged at the corner of his lips as you tucked in closer to the table. Eyeing the stew, you spied chunks of lean rabbit, potato and carrot, a beetroot or two also mixed in. Your mouth watered, but what if he did something to it? What if this was all a trick?
Seemingly reading your mind, Daniel shook his head. 
“Go on, eat. I wouldn’t poison my own stew.” he rolled his eyes, but the gentle smile was still present. Still, you hesitated. Daniel moved, his chair scraping the wooden floor, making you jump in your seat. You braced yourself, ready to endure another headache if you had to headbutt your way to freedom again. 
Daniel only moved to the fire, taking another bowl from the mantle and ladling himself a serving, grabbing a spoon and sitting back down. He kept his eyes on you, dipping the spoon into the stew and bringing up a steaming spoonful. Blowing gently on it, he raised the spoon to his lips before taking the bite. He did this a few more times, you were sure the food was still too hot, evident by the wince he did on the last before he spoke. “See?” 
Your hand raised from your lap, grabbing the rustic spoon. It had been worn over the years, no polishing, showing slight grooves where fingers had held it. Yours fit snugly into those grooves, and you stirred the stew a bit, releasing more steam before taking a bite of your own. 
It was delicious. You had to hold yourself back from slurping and sloshing down the meal as your tongue was coated with savory warm broth. The meat was soft but a little stringy, but it was a fine supper. Daniel continued his own meal, the two of you eating in silence until he spoke again, half-chewed bite in his mouth. 
“Do you have a name?” glancing up, you nodded, and supplied it to him quietly. “Are you from around here?”
“Where is here?” you asked. 
“I take that as a no, then.” he sighed. “Here is my home, in Timberhill. Where did you come from?” 
“Indigwall.” you answered. Daniel let out a long, low whistle. 
“You’re a long ways away from home,” he leaned forward, elbows on the table. “What are you doing all the way out here? And running through my hunting grounds?”
“I-I,” you stammered, trying to think of a lie. Just because this man seemed kind, didn’t mean he wouldn’t hold you ransom for money, from your father or the prince. As you glanced up to his eyes, you realized how soft they were. Amber flecks hiding in splashes of green mixed brown sparkled in the firelight. You could see no malice in his eyes, and suddenly the truth spilled from your lips. “I am betrothed to the prince of (country name here). I was traveling to the castle for our wedding.” Daniel stared at you, mouth slightly agape as you continued. “This morning, our carriage was stopped, and these two men-“ you choked on a sob as the images of Marta and the coachmen flashed again in your mind. “They killed them, they killed Marta!” Tears spilled down your cheeks, and Daniel stood, going to a small hutch and rifling through it before coming back with a handkerchief. You accepted it, dabbing your eyes and wiping the tears away. 
“I am sorry,” Daniel murmured. “I understand why you were so afraid of me earlier. You do not need to speak of it, if you do not wish.” nodding you tried to compose yourself as he sat down across from you again. The silence fell between the two of you again, but this time there were fewer questions, fewer anxieties weighing on it. 
Picking up your spoon, your hand trembling after the images, you continued your meal, swallowing down the stew, your appetite still fighting your nerves. 
“I thought from your coat and dress, you must have been a lady of some sort.” Danny cleared his throat. “I have a few things I must do before I can take off, but in a day or so, we can start the journey to the next village, see if we can send word to your prince.”
You knew better than to protest. If your own parents didn’t listen to your pleas not to be shipped off, not to marry the prince, a stranger wouldn’t either. 
“That’s very kind of you, sir,” you gave him the best smile you could muster, feeling it barely raise the corners of your lips. “But I don’t have money to pay you. All of my things were in that carriage and with…them.” Daniel didn’t need you to elaborate on whether your belongings were stolen by the murdering bandits or left behind with the bodies laid across the path. 
“No need for formalities.” Daniel instead chose to break the ice further. “You can call me Danny. My friends call me that.” he had hoped the more casual nickname would help ease the tension of formality.
“Danny, then.” Nodding, you sat back in your chair, a little easier now that your belly was full and you knew the name of the man across from you. “How far are we from the next village?”
“That depends on the method of travel.” he answered. “Tomorrow after I check my traps, I’ll see about finding your carriage, and if the horses are still there, we can ride those and it would only be a few days. Without them, we’ll be on foot, and that could take about a week.” as he finished his sentence, a large yawn stretched your face. “Go on back to bed. You need to rest after all the running you did.”
“No, I can’t take your bed again,” you shook your head. 
“I insist.” Danny got up, walking over to an old, worn cloth that was strung in the corner of the large room. With a jump, he climbed up into it, swinging precariously with a smile. “See? I don’t mind sleeping here.” 
Rising from your seat, you moved to the bed, and took one of the furs from it. Folding it over your arms you walked over to him, smiling as you raised it up. One of his large hands reached down, grasping the soft material and pulled it into his hammock as he returned your smile. 
“Thank you Daniel-Danny,” you corrected. He merely nodded at you, fluffing out the blanket over his long body, settling in. As you crawled back into the bed, you pulled the blankets back over you, finding its warmth and your full belly already lulling you into sleep. 
“Goodnight, princess,”
“I am not yet a princess,” you mumbled, slightly offended by the unwanted title. 
“Goodnight, all the same.”
“Goodnight, Daniel.”
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Taglist: (feel free to add yourself!)
@joshsindigostreak @sinners-go-to-drink-the-wine @sammysprincess @sammykiszkamyass @belovedsamuel @sunfl0wer-power @indigo-starcatcher @sammyscherub @earthlysorrows @losfacedevil @xserenax-13 @myownparadise96 @watchingovergvff @gretavanfleetposts @josiee-gvf @joshkiszkatoothgap @madneedshelp @myownparadise96 @demonrat444 @dannyandthekiszkas @tearsofbri @paleshadow-ofadragon @happy-harpy-stuff @like-a-woman-in-a-dream @starshine-wagner @objectsinspvce @josh-iamyour-mama @mountain-in-springtime @cal-a-bungaa @capturethechaos @holdingup-fallingsky @gvfpal
@allybjt @hippievanfleet @weightofbrokenbells @joshkiszkasbadussy @malany-gvf @ruby0antlers @samofthedawn @sacredjake @aim4thedoublee @diditallforyouu @gvfmarge @highladyofasgard @sammysvanfeet @gold-mines-melting @earthgrlsreasy @mountain-in-springtime @forcebond301 @stardust-and-shadows @llightmyllovee @gretavangroupie @comesofarsomehow @infinisonicosm @indigofallingsky @hellowgoodbye @hearts-hunger @fwzco @dharma-divine33 @lightsofthe-living-gvf @ascendingtothestarsasone @klarxtr
@musicspeaks @mindastreamofcolours @imleavingyoufornewyork @dammm1256 @jordie-gvf @misshunnybee @valleydollgvf @brookes-so-done @age0fwagner @starcatcherxstevie @amethystars @jakesguitarsolo @lolidontknowwhat @lyndz2names @godly-sinsx @dannythedog @anthemheatwave @samomf @spark-my-nature @scorpiosunsammy @theindigostre4k @jjwasneverhere @couldbefalling @peaceloveunitygvf @wrldabomination @gretavfreaky @kakejiszkas @brujamagik @miradoralbumwhen
@mar-rein12 @laurynnnn125 @maddie-rae @eraofstardustchords @musicislove3389 @starsinmyeyes00
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watchyoubloom · 6 months ago
16 with Sam pleaaassseee 👉🏻👈🏻
16. all over face
EEEEEEE hi kait hi! Thank you for this 🥺 I love this prompt and was hoping someone would send it to me! (The whole snippet is for you obv but the ending is ESPECIALLY you coded)
send me prompts and i’ll write you a little snippet!
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮
“Sam,” you manage through a gasping wheeze, barely able to catch your breath from how hard you’ve been laughing. “Sam, you have to stop—“
“Can’t,” Sam answers you simply, his fingers digging into your sides again as he nuzzles against the side of your neck. His beard scratches against your skin lightly, tickling you, and no matter how hard you try to push his face away from you, you’re laughing too hard to really accomplish anything. “Have to do this forever, sorry.”
He’s got you pinned between the kitchen counter and his own body, caging you in, and had lured you in under the pretense of what you thought would be some sweet kisses. How wrong you had been- not long after you’d reached up to wrap your arms around his shoulders, pulling him in, he’d started to poke at you, tickling your sides and your hips first before breaking out the big guns and burying his face in the crook of your neck.
“Noooo, not forever,” you say through your laughter, still pushing futilely at his forehead, his chest, his shoulder. “Think of- ah, stop- ha- think of the beard burn, baby.”
That’s the thing that finally does it, and Sam lifts his head from your neck and immediately starts apologizing. He lifts your hair off of your shoulder to assess the damage, wincing when he sees that your skin is indeed already kind of irritated. “Shit, honey, I got carried away-“
“Sam, it’s fine-“
“I think we have some aloe? Let me go get-“
“Sam, it doesn’t even hurt, I was just saying that if you did that for forever, I’d have perma-beard burn.”
He takes your face in his hands, then, leaning in to pepper kisses over your face, your nose, your forehead. “Still sorry,” he says, and leans back in to drop more kisses all over your face. Your lips even catch a few of them this time, and he lingers as he presses a kiss to your mouth. “Want me to shave it? I’ll get rid of it-“
“Don’t you dare,” you say immediately, cutting him off, and he laughs, knowing of your affinity for - and attachment to- his facial hair. “I’ll risk the beard burn.”
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
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watchyoubloom · 6 months ago
from kiss roulette
A kiss on the forehead
A kiss to the top of the head
but stealing the idea of two characters and proposing danny + sammy🙂‍↕️
hiiiiii hi! this got away from me (as expected 🙂‍↕️) but thank you first of all for the prompt and second of all for making it a sanny x reader oneeeeee 🫶🏻
feel free to send me prompts and i’ll write you a snippet!
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮
“Hi, honey,” you hear from somewhere beyond the sleep you’re currently wrapped up in. “We’re home.”
“In here,” you manage to call out a moment later, once you finally recognize Sam’s voice as real and not part of a dream. You’d come home from work early after coming down with an awful end of summer head cold, and had been laid up on the couch in your comfy clothes ever since. Your voice cracks a little and you have to work double time to make it loud enough for Sam and Danny to hear from the entryway. “Living-“ You break off to cough and clear your throat. “Living room.”
“Why are all the lights off?” Danny asks as he walks in, toeing off his shoes and walking over to you. You’re cuddled in your favorite throw blanket, and he sits on the edge of the couch beside you. “What’s wrong, sweetheart? Are you sick?”
“Just a cold,” you respond, but your traitorous voice gives out at that exact moment. “It’s okay.”
“Did you come home early?” Sam has joined the two of you in the living room now, and drapes himself over the back of the couch to peer down at you. “You should have called us.”
“It’s nothing,” you try again to lessen the ordeal you’re in. It’s just a cold, you’re sure.
Sam reaches down to rest the back of his hand on your forehead. “Baby, you’re burning up.”
“Really? M’freezing.”
Sam and Danny’s eyes meet over top of you, and Danny nods his affirmation to whatever wordless conversation they just had. “I’m gonna go get you some medicine from upstairs. Have you taken anything?” You shake your head, and Danny clicks his tongue. “Just wanted to sit in your suffering?”
You manage a hoarse laugh at that. “No, I just barely made it home and out of my work clothes before I passed out. M’sorry—“
“No apologies,” Sam says, cutting you off. He comes around the side of the couch and leans down to press a kiss to the top of your head. “I’m gonna go make soup. Want some tea?”
You nod and reach out to squeeze his hand. “Thanks, Sammy.”
Danny squeezes his hand where it’s been resting on your hip. “What hurts? Head, ears, throat? Any congestion?”
“Yes,” you reply miserably. “All of the above.”
“I’ll be right back,” Danny says. He leans over and kisses your forehead. “Jesus, you are burning up.”
He returns a minute later with what looks like the entirety of your medicine cabinet, handing you pills and your water bottle and watching as you dutifully swallow them down. “Still cold?” He asks, and you nod, wincing as the motion makes your head hurt.
He stands up and grabs another blanket to tuck you under, but has you sit up first so he can slide in behind you. You sit in between his legs, your back to his chest, and the warmth from his body helps more than the two blankets and hoodie of Sam’s that you have piled on. Danny grabs the remote and puts on reruns of an old sitcom, just to have something on, and turns the volume down low. You’re already feeling tired again, cozy and warm and comfortable for the first time all day in his arms, and start to doze off a little as he runs his fingers through your hair.
Sam brings you your tea not long after that, also toting one for Danny, and bestows kisses on both of your foreheads before returning to the kitchen. “Italian penicillin, coming right up!”
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
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watchyoubloom · 6 months ago
Let’s do this! Send me a number and a guy and I’ll write a little snippet 🤗
22 kisses: send a number and two characters for a quick snippet
back of hand
nape of neck
outer thighs
inner thighs
all over face
behind/under ear
along jaw
in hair
along spine
all over body
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watchyoubloom · 6 months ago
kiss roulette
inspired by the infamous "i want the k" meme by deactivated tumblr user tastcful. send 🎲 to generate a kiss! potential suggestive/nsf.w themes may appear
A kiss on the cheek
A kiss on the nose
A kiss on the forehead
A kiss to the top of the head
A firm kiss
A gentle peck
A romantic kiss
A platonic kiss
A kiss to the eyelid
A kiss along the jawline
A kiss to the neck
A kiss along the collar bone
A kiss on the chest
A kiss to the stomach
A kiss along the hips
A kiss in the rain
An upside-down "Spider-Man" kiss
A kiss while laughing
A kiss underwater
A rough kiss
WILDCARD! Dealer's choice :)
A french kiss/kiss with tongue
A kiss influenced by alcohol/other substances
A sleepy kiss
A kiss that's an accident
A kiss while one or both parties are crying
A kiss in greeting
A kiss in parting
A kiss to the back of the hand
A kiss to the palm of the hand
A kiss to the inner thigh
A kiss while someone watches
A kiss to a scar, birthmark, injury, or other marking
A kiss after a bite
A kiss against a wall
A kiss to the shoulder
A kiss to the back of the neck
A kiss while one party is carried
A tentative kiss
An impulsive kiss
A kiss out of spite
A clumsy kiss
A bloody kiss
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watchyoubloom · 6 months ago
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Series Summary: This ‘verse is home to Danny and Kitkat and their favorite Kiszkas. All companion fics can be read as standalone fics, but they follow the story of the Danny and Kitkat through their autumnal love story over the years.
Taglist Form | Playlist ♫ | Read series on Archive | Full Greta Van Fleet Masterlist
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♡ → fluff || ❀ → smut || ✧ → angst || ☽ → drabble || ☆ → multipart fic
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Kitkat ♡
You don’t like haunted houses. When you get scared by a big huge werewolf, you find you like the man behind the mask.
Peep this fanart made by @spark-my-nature ♡
Honeyglow ♡
Back at the haunted house in the off-season, Danny and the boys are working on repairs to the set. You’re still a scaredy-cat, and Danny’s still your biggest fan.
Violet Hour  ♡
Under the soft glow of the purple Halloween lights, Danny is sweet to you like he always is.
Dance Magic ♡
Danny's having a rough day, and sometimes all you need is love and a little magic to make it better.
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watchyoubloom · 6 months ago
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i haven’t read this yet bc I’ve been away but maddie wrote it so i already know it’s amazing!!! i can’t wait to read it and come back and leave a barely coherent comment about every thought i have while i read it 🤗
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Read on AO3 | Masterlist
Summary: Under the soft glow of the purple Halloween lights, Danny is sweet to you like he always is. || Sequel to Kitkat and Honeyglow
Pairings: Danny x Reader | Genre: fluff, hurt/comfort | Word Count: 2.4k | Warnings: drinking, smoking, mentions of wacky tobaccy, me not knowing anything actually about tarot cards (sorry)
A/N: Everyone say thank you to @spark-my-nature and go look lovingly upon this Kitkat 'verse Danny fanart she made that made me cry!!! Every Danny and Kitkat fic is dedicated especially to Miranda now :) I have at least one more fic for these two sweeties up my sleeve this spooky season, and I hope you like this short little fic! ♡
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“Damn, Jake, how much tequila did you put in this?”
Jake laughed when you winced after the first sip of your drink, clinking his solo cup against yours.
“Beats me, kitkat,” he said. “You know I measure liquor with my heart.”
“Should start measuring with your liver,” you said, taking another drink anyway. “Lordy. I'm gonna be slap-out drunk after one drink.”
He cackled. “Slap out? That's weird. You're funny, honey.”
You grinned at the sloppy kiss he bestowed on your cheek as he went to rejoin the party, knowing Jake was well on his way to being slap-out drunk already. Most of the partygoers were in various states of intoxication, whether from the counter littered with half-empty bottles of booze or the weed that was being “discreetly” smoked in the back yard. One of the boys' friends had planned this bash to celebrate the beginning of the season at the haunted house attraction they worked for; this was sort of their last hoorah before nights and weekends became dedicated to scaring the bejeezus out of people for the next two months. You knew your boys were looking forward to getting back to work, and even though you weren't the biggest fan of haunted houses, you were happy to come and celebrate this year's reign of terror on the folks of your small town. 
You fished a Corona out of the cooler and went in search of your boyfriend, weaving through rooms filled with people talking and laughing and singing along to the Ghostbusters theme song playing at a blinding volume. Some were dressed in their costumes for work, getting in the spirit of things, and you politely sidestepped a ghoul and an undead nurse making out in the hallway. You spotted Danny in the living room, sporting a black hoodie and a backwards ball cap that somehow managed to tame his thick head of curls. He was talking animatedly to Sam, who was giving him a vaguely drunk but comically serious look of attention and consideration.
You'd almost made it to them when somebody in a clown mask started razzing the crowd, hollering and getting up in their faces. They all seemed to like it — it was just another day at the office for them, after all — but you stumbled back a little when he turned to you and held his hands up as if to snatch you.
“Hey, Bri, easy on the fright night with my kitkat.”
Your boyfriend’s kind reminder from behind you had Brian backing off with an applogetic laugh.
“Sorry, kid,” he said, muffled through his mask. “Forgot you weren't into all this. My bad.”
“That’s okay,” you said with a smile, thankful for the quick response. The actors who worked at the haunted house were very good about keeping things light and fun for all thresholds of thrill-seeking, even those as low as yours. Still, Danny's hand on your waist was a welcome comfort as Brian went off to scare somebody else.
“Thanks,” you said, turning to Danny. “I guess I should be used to this sort of thing by now.”
He smiled. “No sweat, kitkat. Brian's just funning you, but it's okay if you don't like it.”
You handed him his beer, and he accepted it with a word of thanks.
“This is my last one tonight, though,” he said, looking at your cup with a wry smile. “Somebody’s gotta drive us home, and if you're drinking some shit Jake made, no way should you be behind the wheel.”
Sam held out his hand for a taste of his brother's concoction, and when you let him have some, he coughed and spluttered.
“God damn, kitkat,” he said as you and Danny laughed. “You’re gonna be on the floor after that.”
“That’s the plan, Sammy boy,” you said cheerfully. You knocked back another swig and shuddered with the acrid taste. “Goes down real smooth.”
Danny chuckled and hugged you close to his side. “Having fun, kitkat?”
“Yeah,” you said with a smile. “Are you?”
He hummed in agreement around a sip of his beer. “It’s fun to be back with everybody. It's gonna be a good season, I think.”
The music crescendoed, almost rattling the windows with the volume of the synth.
“Do you know who you are yet?” you asked.
Danny leaned closer to hear you over the noise. “Do I know what?”
You stood on tiptoe and leaned on his arm. “Do you know what part you're playing yet? At work?”
He nodded. “Ah. Yeah. Werewolf again. It was such a big hit last year that they want to keep it around.”
You gave him a cheeky smile and a kiss. “It was a big hit for me too.”
He pinked a little, liking the compliment and the reminder of how you'd met. 
“Glad you're happy, sweetheart,” he said, a little bashful. 
Some of his friend wanted him to play a game of darts with them, and you stole one last kiss before you sent him on his way. You knew enough of his coworkers to hang out on your own, and the Kiszkas were milling around somewhere; you went to mingle and talk to some of the friends you'd made over the last year as you'd frequented the haunted house in the off season of repairs and updates.
Cindy, one of the girls who’d worked the zombie maze last year, took you by the arm and let you to where she and a couple other girls were messing around with tarot cards in the dining room.
“Your turn, kitkat,” she said, ushering you into the chair at the table laid with cards and fairy lights. “Time to seek your fortune.”
The girl telling fortunes shuffled the cards and fumbled a few with tipsy hands, and you laughed.
“Off to a good start, I see,” you teased.
“Just you wait,” she said with a grin. She laid three cards in front of you, and you watched curiously as she presented the lovers upside down, the tower, and the moon.
Your draw earned a low chorus of “oohs” from the girls around you. You didn't have the slightest idea what the cards meant and looked around at their faces to see what you could glean from their expressions.
“Bad news?” you asked.
Cindy gave you an uncertain gesture with her cup. “Dunno, kitkat. Looks like your love life is gonna get fucked up, your carefully laid plans are gonna get blown to shit, and you're in for some fear and confusion.”
“Aw, what the fuck?” you protested with a laugh. “Gimme some new ones. I don't like those.”
She waggled her fingers at you. “The cards tell all, babe. Better get with it.”
You let someone else have a turn, and though you enjoyed spending time with your friends, you couldn't help thinking about the cards you'd been given. You didn't want your love life to implode; you liked it just the way it was. 
When the girls pulled out a Ouija board, you declined being haunted and excused yourself to find Danny again. He was out on the porch, smoking a cigarette and finishing off his beer; you snuggled close to him in the chilly night air, thankful for his warmth.
“Saw you in there with Cindy,” he said. His handsome features were sharp in the purple lights strung overhead. “What were y’all getting into?”
“The future,” you said mysteriously.
He smiled. “Oh yeah? What'd you find out?”
You downed the last of your drink. “Well, we're about to break up, and then I'm gonna explode and die, probably.”
He laughed. “Well damn, honey. Is that all?”
“That’s all she wrote,” you agreed. 
He leaned his elbows on the railing, looking out at the spooky decorations in the yard, and you hugged his arm.
“I don't wanna break up and explode and die.”
He turned his face to yours, nudging the bridge of his nose against your cheek. “We’re not gonna break up, kitkat.”
“Are you sure?” you asked, half-serious. Maybe — certainly — it was the alcohol making your head fuzzy and your emotions wobbly, and you knew you were worried way too much about some drunken tarot reading that none of you had done correctly anyway. But you still wanted reassurance, and as he always did, Danny gave of his kindness and patience very generously.
“Kitkat,” he said gently. He brushed his thumb over your cheek. “I’m sure, sweetheart. I'd have to tear my heart out to ever live without you. You hear me?”
You blossomed under his touch, leaning close. “I hear you. I love you, Danny.”
He kissed you, and you felt his smile. “I love you, my sweet kitkat.”
You shared a cigarette under the soft violet lights, talking about the upcoming season and your plans for your anniversary that was only a few weeks away. 
“I think we should make it official and start a family,” he said.
You blushed, partly out of surprise and partly out of some insane pleasure at the idea. Of course you weren't ready for kids and he was only messing with you, but you didn't mind the thought of starting a family with him one day.
“Little Danny junior, huh?” you teased gently.
He grinned. “Later, kitkat. Let me marry you first. But maybe we could get a puppy and start practicing.”
You laughed. “Okay, honey. I like that idea. And the one about you marrying me.”
He pulled you snug against him. “I’m working on it. But, you know, rings that a haunted house actor and part time drummer can afford are kinda scarce.”
You slipped your hand under the purple lights on the railing and showed him a light resting on your ring finger.
“There,” you said. “Found a free one.”
He chuckled and kissed you. “You sure are silly, kitkat. I love you. And your free ring. It's very generous of you to find one.”
“Just doing my part,” you said, smiling up at him. You untangled your hand from the lights to brush your fingers over the curls that peeked out from his ball cap. “I love you too.”
When you ventured back to the party, you found that most everybody had settled out in the back yard for a showing of some horror movie on the projector. You and Danny found a spot on the grass to watch, and the Kiszkas joined you. You hoped it would turn out to be a slasher, since you were getting braver with that kind of scary flick, but you quickly found out it was something about ghosts or demons; you didn't watch it closely enough to find out. You hadn't quite gotten over your innate scaredy-cat nature to handle that kind of movie yet. Danny was absorbed in the movie and talking to the boys about it as they all enjoyed it, so he didn't notice that you were hiding behind your hands for a large portion of it.
Halfway through, when the movie was paused to let people refill drinks and snacks, Danny did lean over to check on you.
“How’s it going?” he asked. “This one’s not so bad, is it?”
“Um...” You didn't want to spoil something he was obviously enjoying, but you’d just about reached your limit for terror, even on a movie he thought was tame.
His expression softened with chagrin and worry. “Aw, honey. You don't like it, do you?”
His understanding made you brave enough to tell him the truth. “Not... not really,” you said apologetically. “I’m sorry, Danny.”
He shook his head. “You don't have to apologize, kitkat. I'm sorry I didn't notice earlier. We can go home if you want.”
You looked up as he stood. “Are you sure? I don't mind staying if you want to finish the movie.”
He offered you a hand up. “I don't want to stay if it's scaring you, honey. I'm happy to go home if you're ready.”
You took his hand, grateful for his kindness to you, and you said your goodbyes to the Kiszkas and the rest of your friends. The boys gave you some ribbing about still being a scaredy-cat, but you knew it was in good fun.
On the way home, you and Danny stopped to get something to eat and ended up camped out in the living room at the house he shared with the Kiszkas. You divvied up your Taco Bell orders as Danny queued something up on the tv.
“I think this one's a little more your speed, kitkat,” he said. “But you let me know if it’s too scary.”
The opening to Halloweentown started to play, and you nudged your elbow against his ribs and earned a sweet little giggle.
“Sorry, kitkat. I’m only teasing.”
He consoled you with a kiss, and as you sat together and enjoyed the movie that was indeed much more your taste, you found yourself watching him more than your were watching the movie. 
He chewed on his straw. “What?” He offered you his Baja Blast. “You want some?”
You smiled. “No, but thank you. I’m just admiring my lovely boyfriend.”
He grinned. “Yeah, I'm a real hunk eatin’ my weight in tacos and nacho fries.”
You patted his shoulder. “I like a man with a healthy appetite.”
He laughed and gave you a goofy smooch. “Good to know, baby.”
You broke out the candy after a while, grabbing a bag of the fun-sized Skittles and Hershey bars you’d been planning to save for trick or treaters in your more proactive moments. But you could buy more, and the boyish smile on Danny’s face when you tossed the bag in his lap was priceless.
“See, this is why I keep you around,” he said. He fished out a candy for you. “Your special candy, my sweetheart.”
You smiled when you took the Kit-Kat that looked impossibly small in his big hand. “Thanks, honey. I guess it is my special candy, isn't it?”
You broke off half of it and gave it back to him. 
“I didn't mean for you to share it with me,” he said, amused and kind. “But thank you.”
You gave him a quick kiss, candy-sweet and full of the easy love you shared, and he smiled as he pulled you close and deepened it.
“I love you, kitkat,” he said. “You know that, don't you?”
There was no way for you not to know. In his kindness and patience, his selflessness and sweet nature, Danny showed you he loved you until you thought your heart would burst with it.
“Yeah,” you said softly. You smiled. “I know it. I love you too.”
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