#when anne goes calamity mode
lellu · 1 year
Anne for blorbo bingo
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shes everything to me.
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Okay but like Amphibia Zombie AU
AKA something I actually might write a fic for unlike every other idea I have
Big warnings: there is serious violence and harm mentioned in this
Anyway, this is long, I’m probably gonna write this when I get the chance
THE BASIS: After watching Marcy get stabbed, Anne and the Plantars jump back through the portal and Anne goes psycho calamity mode
Like her reaction to Sprig getting tossed being amped up 10x, practically tearing the palace apart
She knocks Andrias on his leviathan ass and gives them time to escape with Marcy (who's implied to be actually dead but like ???)
Once they get out of the palace and a ways away they finally stop, Anne's powers are starting to fade but she holds Marcy and she's trying to stop the bleeding but it's not working
Her teardrops fall onto the stab wound Tangled style and Marcy starts glowing, first blue and then green with their own calamity powers
They wake up just long enough for them to say Anne's name, and she notices that their eyes are now neon green before they pass out
But they're alive
Sasha and Grime escape with them and no one is really looking to fight at first
BUT the moment they're sure Marcy's alive, Sasha pounces on Anne basically saying "get away from them, if you hadn't tried to stop us then Andrias would have stayed in that dungeon and this wouldn't have happened"
That fight has to be broken up and they arrest Grime and Sasha right there, mostly because of the toad invasion but also because that's all Anne could think of to make Sasha shut up because she can't bear to hear what Sasha is saying
Sasha wants to freak out and lose it and run but she lets herself be taken prisoner at Wartwood because she still regrets what she did and if she runs, no matter how mad at Marcy she is, she’d be leaving them behind
While things recover and Wartwood starts ramping up for the inevitable war, Anne bounces between reluctantly going to Sasha for military advice (basically “you tried to start a war already, why don’t you help fight this one?”) and standing vigil over Marcy
She trades off with Olivia and Yunan for that, and they mostly let her look over Marcy because she gets riled if she’s apart from them for too long
She’s furious - of course she’s furious - but Marcy died in her arms and somehow she brought them back and that’s what she has to focus on now. Everything else can wait until after Marcy wakes up and she’s knows for a fact that they really are okay
But when they do wake up, it is obvious from the start that there is something decidedly wrong 
To start, the eyes: neon green instead of the dark brown they used to be, seeming to glow eerily in dim light
They move too slow and disjointed, as if they’re slowly learning how to move correctly again but not quite getting the hang of it. They have trouble standing on their own, they’re clumsier than usual, and many times they’ll move against their will or can’t move when they’re trying to, barely clinging to control of their own body
Little streaks in their hair start turning white with a greenish sheen to them
Their voice never quite sounds the same, not like it should: it’s lower and higher all at once and sometimes sounds like there’s multiple overlapping, and even when it’s not that kind of strange, it’s dull and monotone and fatigued and there’s almost nothing Marcy left in it
And then there’s the scar
It’s crystallized - a wide, rough, raised ridge of faceted bluish green glass stretching from the hollow at the bottom of their throat all the way down to the top of their stomach, crudely fused with the skin, and it kind of moves with them like flesh but it’s still fundamentally stone and if they lie or move wrong it’s extremely painful
Almost everything is painful. Their body just seems to be rejecting itself in every possible way
Food is disgusting. They can stomach water but nothing else 
It starts bad and gets rapidly worse, and no one really knows how to help. No one has any idea what’s happening and they have no idea how to stop it
While this progresses, Anne finally goes to see Sasha because she has refused to up until this point - Sprig of all people has been relaying things to Sasha because he thinks Anne is going insane - and she tells Sasha about what’s going on with Marcy
She tells Sasha that she and Grime are no longer prisoners and the rebellion does need their help but if she takes one step out of line, then any bit of probably-misplaced trust Anne has in her is going out the window once and for all
That’s what she says anyway, but Sasha knows her well enough to know that if it was just that then she would have let “the little frog boy” keep carrying messages, and Anne finally admits that she doesn’t know what’s going on with Marcy
Something along the lines of “I’m scared. I don’t know what I did and I don’t know what it did to them but something’s wrong and I don’t know what exactly it is or how to fix it. Please, help me”
When Marcy sees Sasha, they’re elated but also terrified because all they can remember is the outrage and hate that was in her eyes the last time she looked at them, and because of that their hair starts glowing and their eyes go black with just the bright green iris still there and it scares the hell out of everyone who sees it 
Anne and Sasha just try to calm them down and get most of the weird shit to go away
As the story goes on, the war goes on, and Marcy starts getting weird nightmares that, when they’re lucid enough to describe them, seem like visions of both the past and future, visions of other worlds, everywhere that the stones of the box have ever seen and insights into the mind of everyone who has ever used the box 
Andrias also starts sending robots out to find Marcy which forces the trio, the Plantars, and pretty much all of Wartwood and the rest of the rebellion to go on the move to avoid them
Valeriana shows up (out of nowhere just because I don’t know how to introduce her organically) and explains that Marcy is now connected to the box as the complete power of the stone has now fused with them
That brings up some questions concerning the box and its abilities and how both it and Marcy will be changed and no one wants to even bring them up but they all know it needs to be discussed
Marcy’s visions get worse and worse and their physical condition changes even more drastically, but it’s helping the rebellion gain some sort of insight into everything, and Marcy starts to take on this idea of “this has to be my way of paying it all back, this is how I’m going to make up for everything I did”
Anne and Sasha have to start working on the relationship between the two of them because they can’t have that adding to every other horrible thing going on, and because it freaks Marcy out when they fight in front of them
At one point they get into it and Marcy loses it and the calamity powers come out, their voice changes into that weird overlapping speech, they start glowing, things go flying off the shelves and the ground cracks just because they got upset, and these outbursts are only getting more common and more destructive
Anne asks Valeriana why this is affecting Marcy the way it is when Anne’s powers are so different, and she gets the explanation of “The stones use you as a conduit, but they have assimiliated into Marcy. If they were ever parted, it would cost Marcy their life.”
Anne may have saved Marcy from one death, but all she did in the end was resign them to another
Sasha hears about this and confronts her
And by confronts I mean tackles her screaming and crying saying she did this, she got Marcy killed the first time and now she’s doing it all over again but it’s even worse, she connected Marcy to some stupid magic stone and now they’ll never be able to separate them and get Marcy back to normal again
Anne just sits there and lets her yell it out because as much as Sasha blames her, she blames herself a thousand times more, and eventually Sasha can’t keep up the anger and ends up crying while Anne holds her because she’s so scared and she doesn’t know what to do and she was always the protector and look what’s happened now 
While Anne and Sasha are crying together, Marcy walks up
They heard everything
Anne and Sasha try to downplay it, say it’s not as bad as it sounds and they’ll find a way to fix it, but Marcy doesn’t want to hear it. They know how bad it is: “Valeriana told me. She thought I had a right to know, but, I guess I knew before she said it, anyway. I’m not as oblivious as you think, guys.”
And that’s it. There’s no real fix. Not one straight answer. Not another temple or a spell or a potion that could make it all go away. Marcy has, in a horrible way, accepted it. Anne and Sasha can’t. They break down crying in Marcy’s arms, blaming themselves for doing whatever they did to make Marcy so scared of losing them and for not being able to protect them when it really mattered, unable to cope with the reality that’s settling into place around them
All they can do is have Marcy start spending time with Valeriana, learning everything they can about the stones and hopefully figuring out a way they can break this tie they have to the stones without killing them in the process
As the peak of the war draws closer and closer, they finally come up with a solution: if the trio can connect through the box, it might disperse the power of the stones between them enough to severe Marcy’s lethal link to the box
It’s the only solution they have, so they’ve got to try
Marcy sits Anne and Sasha down and talks to them, trying to prepare them for what will happen if this doesn’t work. Anne and Sasha don’t want to listen, they just keep saying everything’s going to be fine, but Marcy knows better
Basically: “You two need to understand that I might not make it out of this, okay? Things happened, we can’t change them, but I need to know you’re going to move on if this goes wrong”
And of course Anne and Sasha can’t accept that but Marcy makes them, makes them promise that if they don’t survive then Anne and Sasha will go on living their lives and remember the good times and not trap themselves in the bad ones, like Marcy tried to trap them in Amphibia
After another long bout of crying, Anne and Sasha promise
When Marcy’s alone, they also have a little silent moment of having to come to the terms with what might happen, and they just pray that if they do give up their life, it’s going to be in exchange for Anne and Sasha’s safety
Using a plan pretty similar to the one at the end of the show, the trio and everyone sneak into the castle and find the box. Unfortunately, Andrias in turn finds them 
Before any real fighting can break out, Marcy sees his face and loses it. The hurt, the betrayal, the horrific phantom pains they still get that steal the breath from their lungs, it all comes flooding back and they can’t control the way they just snap
While Anne has worked on learning to control her powers, they’ve been trying to hide from their own. Theirs are also way more destructive and unhinged than hers
They nearly kill Andrias before they get control of themself and are able to pull back, leaving him all exposed wires like in the series finale, and they just fall to their knees before him and stare and ask him why he did it
He can’t give them a real answer. All he can do is look away and keep his mouth shut
Calamity box in hand, Anne and Sasha have to grab Marcy and force them to get up so the three of them can go through with their plan, so Marcy leaves him there on the floor in pieces
While they do that, the rest of the rebellion tears the now-disabled robot army to shreds, winning the war and saving Amphibia while the mains try to save Marcy
AAAAAND I’m not gonna say what happens because I actually am gonna write a fic for this, so we’ll see how that goes
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thekingofwinterblog · 3 years
Amphibia Ending Theory - Anne Boonchuy, Queen of Amphibia
When speculating the ending of a series, there are many, many factors that goes into it.
What are the protagonists goals? What is the antagonistic force that opposes them? What does the series foreshadow?
In regards to Amphibia, it is specifically an Isekai story. It is a deconstruction of many, many of the common Isekai tropes, but it is at it's heart an Isekai story nonetheless.
And Isekai stories by their very nature tends to end one of two ways. Either the Main Character goes back home to Earth, to reclaim the lives they were plucked from, or they stay in the fantasy world for whatever reason(Be it because they have to sacrifice their way home over the course of the story, because they like their new lives in their new world, or because circumstances demands they stay).
Amphibia plays with this concept, in that Anne manages to achieve her goal at the end of season 2, managing to get back home and reunite with her parents and reclaim her old life... Only to immediately want to return to Amlhibia because of a variety of reasons(Having to deal with Andrias, reunite with her friends, etc).
In that regard, it's very, very clear that the final conflict of Amphibia will take place in the titular world, and that the series is building up to a return to planet for it's third season.
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While the Core might be the machine behind Andrias, and therefor the true Big Bad of the story, it is Andrias who is the one that the story time and again has set up as Anne's personal nemesis, her counterpart, the mirror of everything she could become.
That Anne and Andrias has deep personal business that's going to be resolved by combat in the finale, isn't exactly hard to guess.
My theory on how her story will end however, goes deeper than that, as I belive that the series is setting Anne up, not just to defeat Andrias and the Core, save the multiverse and free Amphibia from tyranny, but to succeed Andrias himself, as the next Monarch of the continent/world of Amphibia.
In one of my first Amphibia posts, I laid out my theory that the Music Box's original purpose before it became the power source for the entire Amphibian civilization was as a means to choose the next Monarch of the land by selecting a trio of worthy candidates with the potential for kingship.
They would all three be imbued with great and amazing power, but crucially they also had a system where the power wielders were supposed to divest themselves of that power after a long, and deep journey of character building, which seems kinda backwards when the journey is about GIVING UP those godlike powers, unless there was meant to be something more at the end.
Mayhaps one of them being chosen as the most worthy to lead.
This would explain why Andrias, who just so happened to be one of the three who possessed the power of the box, also ended up become king, while having his friends at his side to aid him until their betrayal.
There is a lot that goes into the theory, but one thing I didn't go fully into was the implications this would have for Anne going forward.
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Firstly, there is Anne's Calamity mode, which we thankfully have the concept art for, and from it, we can learn a few things. Firstly there is the fact that Anne's floating hair was intentionally designed to mimic a crown, which suggests a deep royal connection to the form.
Secondly however, and far more blatant, is that before settling on the super saiyan inspired design, apparently one of the previous concepts that never made it beyond the page was that Anne was apparently going to manifest a full on Thai crown for this form, which is just dropping the subtext about this being connected to royalty, and saying it flat out.
And thirdly, there is a blatant spot on this concept sheet where one section was painted over digitally, presumably because whatever was there would be spoilers for something yet to come.
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The crown imagery doesn't just end at the concept art either. In Amdrias mural, Anne is showcased, not surrounded by a blue aura, but instead with a blue fire burning over her head like a crown.
There is also the fact that Anne's colors beyond her blue, are Purple and gold, generally the colors of royalty.
Anne and Andrias
But beyond her connection to the Box and what it's power might mean, there is also Anne's journey through the series, and how her story is all about her coming into her own as the Heart of Amphibia, and by extention clean up the mess Andrias has made of Amphibia.
Anne learns many, many lessons about all the things her power is supposed to represent in season one, but it's not before she comes into direct contact with Andrias feudal system, that she would begin going down arc she would see to the finish in the finale.
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In Toad Tax Anne chooses to stand up to the blatantly unjust Tax Collectors, that are only where they are because Andrias made this corrupt, unjust, and inefficient feudal system long, long ago, and today he refuses to do anything to fix it.
And by doing so, she gets seriously hurt, but also wins the towns true respect for the first time, by doing what is right.
The system Andrias built is a Feudal one that has reached the point where the crown flat out doesn't care anymore about actually upholding it's end of the societal contract, and Anne standing up to that system marks the point where she becomes a true hero.
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This arc continues into Reunion, where Anne finally stands up to Sasha, because it is the right thing to do, despite the fact she thinks that by doing so, she would be sacrificing her friendship with Sasha.
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However, despite this, Anne still refuses to let Sasha fall to her death, risking her own life to try and save her. And by doing so, she proves herself superior to Andrias, who is defined by his vicious anger and resentment over his friends betrayal.
She would do this again in True Colors where even after both her friends betrayed her, she still chooses to give them another chance.
Anne choses to continue to open her heart, despite the pain she risks by doing so, because she deeply, deeply cares about those around her. Andrias is defined(Both as a person, and as a king) by the fact that he is incapable of opening himself up to anyone, and as a result has grown completely, totally emotionally numb inside.
Throughout the entire series Anne is being set up as Andrias foil, and her journey is one where she is going to replace him, one way or another.
Andrias has become unworthy, both as a representation of the Gems power, and as a king. Anne however, is worthy, as proven when she activates her power in full to right a truly monstrous wrong on Andrias part, when the man who is supposed to protect and nurture every citizen of Amphibia, throws a child to his death to spitefuly prove a point to Anne.
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Anne inspires people, be they the ragged band that liberated Newtopia from the toads with a daring plan, Wartwood, or individiual people like Sasha.
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Andrias brings only misery to those around him, having long, long since stopped caring that a king's duty is to his people first, and he must live and rule for them. And so he kills them if they don't comply becoming glorified factory workers, amuses himself by shooting rockets at them, and all in all makes their lives miserable just to entertain himself.
The imagery is quite clear. Andrias is the Aerys of Amphibia. The cruel tyrant that has long, long since overstayed his welcome, that brings only suffering and misery to everyone he is sworn to protect. Anne is the burning star that has come to cleanse Andrias and the Core from the face Amphibia, and restore order once more.
And as the prophecy notes, she is not alone in that.
Post Andrias
With, Heart, Strength
Three Stars Burning Bright, Come for Beyond to expel the night, should they fight or embrace the Fall, their choice will determine all.
While all 3 girls will undoubtedly have a role to play in saving Amphibia from it's mad tyrant, Assuming this theory ends up happening, Anne would not be alone as Monarch.
She would be the Heart, the one that can bring people together, the obvious Hero that the entire country can rally behind as the defeater of the hated Andrias, the figurehead who nonetheless is capable of making the right decisions.
Sasha would be Strength, the muscle, the general that in this new world(And post her character development) has grown enough as a person to be willing to subordinate herself to someone else, someone she is 100% loyal to, that has both the skills, the strength and the charisma to crush any opposition to Anne, be it revolts, enemy factions or rebellions against her reforms.
Marcy would be Wit, the brains, the great minister who would be responsible for implementing the technology that Newtopia always had so that every single part of the recovering country will be able to enjoy it.
Strength, Heart and Wit, united and working together, as they were always meant to be.
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robbyrobinson · 3 years
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Voiced by: Keith David
First Appearance: Marcy at the Gates
Admittedly, Amphibia didn't instantly hook me in ways that Gravity Falls or the Owl House had. The first season was okay what with the worldbuilding and stuff. But Season 2 definitely improved especially because of this guy.
Thousands of years ago, he was the ruler of Newtopia who was in charge of the Calamity Box, an interdimensional device that could allow people to travel to other worlds. From there, he claimed that his ancestors were peaceful explorers who used the box to communicate. One day, the box was stolen with him believing his two former friends betrayed him. From there, Newtopia lost a bit of its greatness....
At least until the day Anne Boonchuy, Marcy Wu, and Sasha Waybright inadvertently end up in Amphibia after Anne is peer pressured into stealing the box from an antique store. From there, in his own words, the game could finally begin.
Keith David does a brilliant job portraying the king of Amphibia. At first glance, Andrias comes off as being a jovial, childish monarch who comes across as a "kewl grandpa", not spelled "cool," but "K-E-W-L." He comes off as delighted with helping Anne and the girls find a way back home...maybe a bit too eager. Honestly, the first time that I have seen him, I already mentally worked it out that he would be a bad guy because a lot of those kings in cartoons turn out as such. Not to say that it really takes away from the overall performance, it is just kind of obvious.
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Yet, there are several subtle hints of his true nature just at the surface such as when he and Marcy conduct research on the Calamity Box and find a secret passageway that he "did not know about." If you notice, he has a smug smile across his face before joining Marcy in the passage.
But it's once his true colors are exposed where he truly shines. To make it short and simple, Andrias is evil. Purely and simply evil. So far, he has all the cards as likely becoming one of the most evil of the Disney animated television shows, possibly competing with the heavier hitters like Lunaris, Bulba, or Bill freaking Cipher.
He is ruthless: he wants to rule over all worlds with an iron fist and will absolutely NOT let anything come in between him and his schemes. He can kill a sapient robot without batting an eye and then the next moment smoothly try to batter a baby frog with his fist. If you have a best friend, he'd think nothing of dangling them over a window and threaten to drop them if his demands are not met. And then do so anyway because he is a dick.
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Make no mistakes: Andrias passes the criteria for a sociopath with glowing colors. He is manipulative. He puts on the superficial charm of a grandfather-like figure while secretly stringing people along and manipulating them like chess pieces. What he does to Marcy is the dickish cherry on top of the douchebag sundae. He exploits a 13-year-old's desperation of wanting to stay with her two best friends and pretends to empathize with her even offering her a deal that he knew was like sweet nectar to her: when he invades other worlds, she and her friends will travel the worlds together having several amazing adventures.
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He lacks empathy or emotional attachments. Already you have some people going off the trailer for season 3 saying that Andrias definitely was fond of Marcy because she was shown in a rejuvenation machine. Sure, I can totally see where people are coming from. I mean, it's not like it was his own fault for putting her there to begin with. That's a crazy thought. In all seriousness, he only sees Marcy as a pawn in his schemes and his only response to stabbing her is an irritated "Now look what you made me do." Way to blame the victim for your own acts, Andrias.
He had two friends thousands of years ago that even now it is apparent he holds resentment towards them for "betraying" him. Him deciding to drop Sprig was him basically wanting Anne to go through the same pain he felt when he was "wronged." But that does nothing to EXPLAIN why he is such a sociopathic megalomaniac. If anything, how the episode plays it off is that his "friends" betrayed him because he was a psychotic salamander with delusions of grandeur. Given how much of a bully he was once he was revealed to be evil, I am really wondering if that could have also played into it. But it looks like the show is doing this to make Andrias more of a foil for Anne and her two friends.
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And, currently, he has absolutely no remorse for any of his actions. He giddily reveals Marcy's secret that she was the one who deliberately stranded herself and her friends in Amphibia in the first place even when he knew that she told him that in confidence. He then mockingly apologizes for "spilling the tea."
And what is a sociopath if not egotistical? Andrias believes that he alone should rule over not just Amphibia, but the Earth, and other worlds. He doesn't care whether or not people will bow to his rule as the tapestry itself shows. He is standing over a pile of bones making it very explicit what his invasions will result in should Anne and her team fail to stop him.
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But I will not deny that he is a scarily competent threat who doesn't mess around.
He has lived for 1,000+ years. It is not confirmed if it has to do with the particular breed of salamander he is, or if his longevity comes in part due to his 13-eyed master whom he is helping accomplish this "revenge" by subverting a prophecy having to do with the three human girls.
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Besides his manipulation and charisma, Andrias is a competent fighter. Despite being colossal and a bit on the chunky side, he is surprisingly agile and wields a flaming sword. He is also insanely stout. Even when Anne goes Super Saiyan mode on his ass, he could still hold his ground with the use of his shield.
He also has knowledge over machinery and can command his robo-frog army with ease.
Biography: 6
Abilities: 7
Overall: 7/10
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mochuelovelli · 3 years
Hey. Hey what's the Overgrowth AU, you have piqued my interest ;0- IDFS Anon
It's something I came up w/ some time ago while speculating on @fermented-writers-block 's theories in my discord (lol link in my description btw).
This AU is basically where Anne slowly loses control of her Calamity Powers due to teen angst/trauma lol. The more she uses her powers and goes "berserk" (meaning full on super say-anne mode), she will start to grow branches and leaves outside of her Calamity form. This process is exacerbated when she's actively upset about something. At the start of s3 she can usually keep her anger in check (and when she can't, it's justified) but over the course of the season, her over-use of her powers leads to her running hot and cold with people.
She's motivated to continue to use her powers because it's the easiest way to deal with the invasion and protect her family. However, like she described in the sketch, she constantly be on edge. It creates a feedback loop of her using her powers and justifying their use by stating it's her "responsibility" to use them to protect people she cares about. She definitely attempts to hide it for a while. On top of all that, the "overgrowth" is a painful consequence for misusing her powers, and it's something Marcy and Sasha have to deal with too (I'm not certain about their consequences, but I do have a few ideas, likely based on their motifs).
I didn't want the resolution to this AU to be "you should never get angry, ever", but rather communicate and don't be afraid to rely on others for help.
Sksksk but yeah man I didn't expect that post would get much feedback, since it's been sitting in my drafts since September 😅.
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