#when I told them that the buzzer at my desk was broken they told me I was pressing the button wrong
revelations-mp3 · 2 months
Every supervisor I’ve had so far at this job has been completely useless when it comes to addressing my needs lmao. And it’s not like they had a bunch of people reporting to them, I’m literally the only one they have to manage and I’m not a difficult employee so not sure why it’s been so hard lol
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midwestmade29 · 5 months
Get Well Soon 🚑
To Anonymous: Thanks for sending in your request! I haven't written anything quite like this before, but your request inspired me to try. I really hope you like the story I came up with 🖤
Word Count: 2,046 Divider by: @saradika-graphics *GIF is not mine
Original Anonymous Request: Anyway I can request an Adam Copeland x Female!Reader? (Set when they were younger!) Maybe the reader is Christian’s younger sister and she’s in a relationship with Adam and when she’s in high school/college she ends up in a serious wreck that jostles her up pretty good so Adam essentially moves himself in (not literally but as much as he’s at the Cage home he might as well live there lol) so he can help their parents and Christian take care of his princess?
Disclaimers: Car accident, broken bones, concussion, lacerations, hospital stay, recovery. Read at your own discretion.
This story is written from Adam Copeland's POV 🙂
When Adam gets a phone call in the middle of the night, he rushes to be by his princess' side...
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It was the middle of the night when my phone rang. I was not prepared for what Christian told me, honestly, it’s not something anyone can prepare themselves for. Once I heard the panic and fear in his voice, it instantly woke me up and put me on high alert. “What’s going on man? Did something happen?” I asked nervously. The pause in his voice did nothing for my nerves, and I could tell he was trying to hold back emotion. My heart fell to the floor when he told me about Y/N. “It’s Y/N. She was in a car accident,” Christian choked out. The weight of his words damn near crushed me. My eyes went wide and my mind started racing, I had so many questions I needed answered. “What happened? Is she okay? What hospital is she at?” I rapid fired. Before Christian even had a chance to answer me, I jumped out of bed with the phone pressed to my ear as I grabbed the closest pair of jeans I could find. I slid on a t-shirt and made quick work of my socks, all while trying to remember all the hospital information he was giving me.
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I’m not sure how fast I was driving, but it had to be at least 20mph over the speed limit. I had to get to Y/N. I almost forgot to turn my car off when I pulled into a parking spot at the hospital because I was in such a hurry! I busted through the entrance of the emergency room and ran right to the desk, “Cage, her name is Y/N Cage. She was in a car accident and I’m here to see her,” “I’m sorry sir, only family is allowed in the private waiting area. You’ll have to stay out here until the patient is moved into a regular room,” the receptionist explained. I don’t think I’ve ever been angrier before in my entire life! If Miss Thing here thinks she’s going to keep me from my heart and soul, she’s sadly mistaken. “Either you press your little buzzer and unlock these doors, or I’m going to knock them down. Your choice,” I hissed, but she didn’t budge.
“Sir, I know that you are upset, but I can’t do that. If you’re not a part of the immediate family, you’ll have to wait out here,”
I continued arguing to the point the receptionist had her hand on the phone, ready to call security if I wasn’t going to cut it out. I ran my hands through my hair in utter frustration, letting out a guttural groan at this insufferable woman as I turned away from her. When I felt a hand on my shoulder, I jerked free from it, certain that it was a security officer but that’s not who it was. “Hey! Dude it’s me, relax!” Christian said defensively. He took a step back and shook his head before turning his attention to the receptionist, “He’s with me. Adam is family,”
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The walk back to the waiting room was quiet. Christian kept his eyes facing forward and his lips sealed, I couldn’t bring myself to break the silence. When the two of us walked into the private waiting room, Y/N’s parents jumped to their feet when they saw me. Mrs. Cage instantly had tears in her eyes as she walked over to me and embraced me tightly, her voice a mere whisper as she said my name. “Oh Adam! Thanks for coming honey,” Mr. Cage shook my hand while I was still being held onto for dear life by his wife, Christian was now seated in a side chair propped up against the wall. “Any updates? What exactly happened?” I asked cautiously. “Nothing yet. The doctor should be in shortly,” her mother explained. “All that we know is that Y/N was crossing an intersection when another car blew through their red light and t-boned her. We haven’t seen her car yet, but from what the officers said, there wasn’t much left of it. If Y/N hadn’t been wearing her seatbelt, things would’ve been so much worse. Right now, they’re running tests and scans to check for injuries or any unknown bleeding, things like that. She was unconscious when they brought her here,” My mouth hung open slightly, trying to comprehend everything Mrs. Cage just told me. My brain couldn’t form any words in that moment, so I just nodded my head and took a seat next to my childhood best friend. Time in the waiting room seemed to stand still. The hands on the clock moved painstakingly slow and the air in the room was thick and tense. The way the 4 of us jumped when the doctor tapped his knuckles on the doorway, you would’ve thought we were in a haunted house and a ghost just jumped out at us! “Good evening, everyone,” the doctor greeted. “I’m doctor Sampson and I’ve been looking after Y/N. I don’t have much of an update as we are still waiting on some test results, but I’ll tell you what I do know. First, I just want to say that Ms. Cage is in stable, yet critical condition. She’s still unconscious, but her vitals are good. She has several lacerations that are likely from the broken glass, and an x-ray showed she has 2 broken ribs, and her left wrist is broken. We’re in the process of moving her to her own room and she will be admitted into the hospital until further notice. Once she’s settled there, you all can visit her,”
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After we all asked the doctor our questions and got our answers, he smiled at us warmly before making his way back to Y/N. Another hour went by before we were told we could visit her in her room, the nurse warned us about all the monitors, tubes, and noises we would likely see and hear while in there. Mr. and Mrs. Cage went in first while Christian and I waited in the hallway. “She’s gonna be okay man, I just feel it. She’s in good hands here and I know she’ll have the best care when she gets home too. Y/N is a fighter, it’s gonna take a lot more than this to hold her down,” My voice was full of hope, trying to comfort my best friend, even though the way I was feeling on the inside was the complete opposite.
Minutes later, Christian and I were allowed to go into her room. I offered to stay in the hallway so Christian could have a private moment with his sister, but he insisted I join him. The wind felt like it had been knocked out of me as I took in the sight of Y/N in her hospital bed. My poor precious girl. She looked so broken lying there, which in turn broke me too. The doctor had encouraged everyone to talk with Y/N as if she was awake and alert, but I couldn’t bring myself to speak. I’m not even sure I could make it through a sentence without breaking down completely. Christian initiated small talk with her, teasing his little sister playfully like he always does and talking about anything that came to his mind. I sat in the chair next to her bed, holding onto her hand firmly with her knuckles pressed against my lips. Stray tears spilled from my eyes the longer I sat there wishing I could go back to a few hours ago to prevent the accident from happening.
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After a while, Christian and his parents decided to take a break and went to the cafeteria while I decided to stay with my girl. There was no way I was leaving her side! I rested my forehead on the side of her bed, not daring to let go of her small hand. She was still unconscious, and we were all longing to see her beautiful eyes. I had drifted off into a light sleep when the feeling of my hand being squeezed woke me up. I lifted my head slowly, my eyes readjusting to the light again when I noticed that Y/N was shuffling around on the bed. “Princess?” I croaked out. “Princess, it’s me! I’m here! Let me go get the doctor,” I ran to the nurse’s station and let them know that Y/N was waking up and they paged the doctor to let him know. I quickly typed out a text to Christian to let him know too before rushing back to my girl’s side. My heart soared when I heard her sweet voice call out to me, “A-Adam? What ha-happened?”
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3 weeks had gone by in a flash. Y/N has been at home recovering and I’m so proud of how far she’s come! Broken ribs, a broken wrist, a concussion, and bruises and lacerations couldn’t steal the shine from my girl. The night of the wreck still replays in my mind frequently, especially the moment when Y/N woke up. I’ll never forget the relief that washed over me when I heard her sweet voice or the confusion that covered her beautiful face when I explained the accident to her. Things are still fuzzy for her about that night, but she’s still here and healing and that’s all that matters. Insurance has been a pain in the ass about everything since there was only 1 witness that saw the accident happen. We’re still waiting on the traffic cam footage. It’ll all get sorted out eventually.
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I’ve hardly left Y/N’s side this entire time. There’s no way I can leave my princess. Maybe I’m afraid if I leave her, something else might happen or she might need me for something. I’m not willing to take that risk, even if Christian is tired of seeing my face around his parent’s house. “Go home man, you’re starting to leave an imprint on the couch,” Christian groaned when he walked into the living room. The Cage’s couch had been my makeshift bed ever since the day Y/N came home from the hospital. It’s not very accommodating to my 6’5 body frame, but it was the only free space in the house I could sleep. I rubbed my eyes before flipping Christian off and sitting upright. “I’m sure if I asked, your parents would let me have your bed instead. They’ve always liked me better,” I quipped.
Christian scoffed as he walked past me and into the kitchen. I love poking that spoiled teddy bear’s chest! My attention was pulled in a different direction when I heard my favorite voice speak sweetly, “Good morning handsome,” “Hey, what are you doing getting out of bed by yourself? I was just about to come and wake you. Come, sit,” I smiled. I stood and took Y/N by the hand, but she protested when I gently pulled her towards the couch. “I’m fine Adam, I promise. I’m perfectly capable of getting myself out of bed. You’ve done so much for me already,”
“I know you are princess; I just want to make your recovery as easy as possible. You know your body best and I trust that you won’t overdo it. Just promise me that you’ll ask me for help if you do need it, please?” I begged softly. I kissed my girl on the cheek when she agreed with my small request. She smiled when I pulled my face away and lead us both into the kitchen to join her pain in the ass older brother for breakfast.
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Y/N was fully healed and better than ever now. I’m back to staying at my apartment and my aching back couldn’t be more grateful to be laying on a mattress instead of a couch cushion. Christian nearly threw a goodbye party when I collected the last of my belongings from his parent’s house. Little prick. Nonetheless, the most important thing is my princess is thriving again and this whole ordeal only brought us closer together. Her car accident got me looking at and thinking about the bigger picture, making me realize how much I love her and that I’ll always be by her side. Y/N is it for me, and I’ll be damned if anything tries to take her away from me again.
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finniganmcginnigan · 1 year
Barber's chair
Horror Short Story CW: bodily liquids, disturbing imagery.
Barber's chair
I’m always excited to get my hair cut. Something so strange and so small yet makes such a big impact on your confidence and appearance. I just sat into the slightly used leathery barber's chair feet resting on the foot stool that stays attached to the spinning chair. It’s so fun playing with them when your barber leaves for a moment, I remember as a kid I’d spin all the time till I felt dizzy. This time, not three moments after I sit down, a broad-shouldered mountain of a man walks behind me. Not necessarily tall. But sitting down beside him, he sure seems like he could crush anyone with his bare hands. He turns towards my seat, his aura sending vibrant chills of every colour and shade down my spine. He leans to open his small floating desk of tools, razors, beard balm, and styling spray. The glance at his back gives me a sense of calm. He has no tattoos or facial piercings but a lovely well-presented beard and slightly long hair that passes no further than his mouth, put up into a styled bun. From one glance, you see that he cares for his craft and shows it with himself. My hair is still damp from the wash another hairdresser gave me about seven minutes ago. I still have yet to see his face as a whole. The silence is thick, only broken by my forceful acknowledgement of the other people near me chatting about their day. Nothing I can make out. The words hit my ears as a mash of sentences and sounds. My lips start to open, feeling the chapped top lip clinging to the lower lip until the two sides let loose with more force. I begin a sentence hoping to break the tension, just a casual introduction and a "How are you doing." Before the air could leave my windpipe, he points to the mirror without saying a word. I glance over, seeing my own reflection. The reflection appeared normal. I noticed while attempting to peek at what was behind me, a note. One the size of a pinky. "Quiet zone", the message read to me. I decided to not say a word. I didn't understand why or how I never was told about this "Quiet zone," but I didn't care to intrude and disrupt. Probably sensitive to noise, I make myself believe. The barber picks up his tools, his left hand holding clippers and the right a comb. Luckily I was only coming for a trim as I wanted to grow my hair out after shaving my head last summer. He stands behind me. His presence takes up nearly the entire body-length mirror. Not literally. While he was a big guy. He certainly couldn't take up that much space. His presence there made it near impossible to focus on the surroundings. I forgot to mention the backward cape as my friend liked to refer to, it was already strung around me to allow the hair to slide right off. The barber gently taps me as if to warn me that he is starting. The buzzer turned on ever so quietly as he dug it into my hair. He was gentle. His muscled hands lay firmly around my hair. If I were asleep, I would have mistaken it for a cat's tail. A couple minutes in, I'm a little bored. The silence irritates a little, and it was clear my legs and fingers became restless. Finding anything entertaining to occupy me, I looked through the large reflection only to be greeted by the barber's face. Nothing odd. At first. His eyes were covered. Not by a hat or glasses or anything like it but by the way he is tilting his head down to cut my hair. His beard covered his mouth and most of his cheeks. It was a brilliant black beard. Ink black like the sky on a clear night. No stars, obviously just a clear dark sky. I'm curious as to what he looks like but refrain from moving my head so as to not disrupt his workflow. He looked invested, caring for every hair like a piece of modern art. On his way to get a spray bottle, he  nudged the chair slightly to the right, and it was only then did I realise the noise of the clients stopped. PART ONE OF TWO -Finn
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gotnofucks · 4 years
Special Training
Pairing: dark!Steve x Reader
Summary: Steve takes special interest in your training
Words: 2k
Warning: Non-con, authority abuse, smut, very slight breeding kink, language, 18+ ONLY
A/N: dedicated to the sweet girl who doesn’t want to be named. She wanted some tough love for daddy Steve...hope you like it hon
You ducked at the last moment, rolling under your opponent’s legs and grabbing them as you stood up. The body fell on the mat behind you with a thud, and you panted as the buzzer finally went away. Dropping down next to the fallen comrade you blinked the sweat away from your eyes, hand reaching out to pat his back.
“You alright man?” You asked and he nodded with a strained groan.
“Damn Y/n, you keep getting stronger every day. I bet you’ll be taken in the team very soon.” He commented and you smiled. Getting into Avengers was a dream, but the training for it was a bitch. Hours after hours of slaving away in the gym and field, dodging punches, and bullets until you prove your metal.
“Thanks Nico, I hope you’re right.” You said and helped him stand up.
“Dude, you don’t need to worry. Your punch is as strong as –”
You stopped listening to Nico then, body tensing as you saw him approaching you. The training gear he had on defined every muscle on his body, and you gulped when his eyes locked yours in place. Nico followed your gaze and broke off, pulling off an awkward salute.
“Captain!” He greeted, blushing at his obvious eagerness. Every new trainee wanted to please the Captain, wanted to get noticed to increase their chances of selection. Steve’s face remained emotionless as he regarded you both, nodding once in acknowledgment.
“Agents, done for the day?” He asked and you both nodded, hands behind your backs and shoulders straight. He hummed and handed a sheet of paper to Nico. “You’re being transferred to Sargent Barnes’ training group Agent, you’ll report to him from tomorrow.”
Nico didn’t question the decision, simply agreed. One doesn’t argue with Steve Rogers, not if they wanted to stay on his right side. People may call him the kindest man they had met, but he didn’t accept any cheek on the field. He worked his agents hard, challenged them until they almost dropped dead. He made them sweat until they had shed every last layer of what Steve found problematic before accepting them. Most agents under him didn’t make it very far for they either quit under pressure or asked for a transfer under some other trainer.
Currently, only five people were under Steve’s command, including you. Well, four, now that Nico was being transferred. You had a hunch what prompted this, and you didn’t fancy knowing if your assumptions are correct.
“You’re dismissed. Agent Y/n, stay. We must have a word.”
Nico left the room without a backward glance and you fidgeted under Steve’s gaze until the door shut behind Nico. His eyes were so intense you almost couldn’t meet them, and once you did, they never let you look away.
“Come” He ordered and led you out the back door. It was a silent journey to his office, the sounds of your feet slapping the floor echoing around the hall. His huge form looked so big he seemed to dwarf the whole place and you gulped in nervousness. He let you enter first, shutting the door behind him and locking it securely though you knew no one would dare enter without knocking.
“On the desk” He said but before you could move yourself, he was already picking you up and depositing you over his work desk. Papers crinkled under you, but he gave them no notice, eyes rivetted to you.
“Captain” You whispered, and his hands were in your hair, pulling harshly to tilt your head so he could capture your mouth in a searing kiss. You whimpered, his tongue swirling in your mouth and hands tugging.
“What have I told you about calling me when we’re alone baby?” He asked in a husky voice and you pathetically sniffled.
“Steve” You replied, and his lips moved to your neck.
He took your hand in his, placing a kiss on your palm before moving it to the front of his pants. Squeezing himself through you, he let out a moan in your neck, humping against you.
“That’s right, say it again”
“Daddy, please.” You said and his gaze darkened, lips capturing yours harshly again. It was all teeth and tongue, hands squeezing tight. Your hands were around his arm, useless against his strength. His breath was fanning your cheek and you felt one of his hands pull the drawstrings of your tracks.
“You’re getting so good I think I need to train you exclusively. One on one” He said, and you shook your head, tears brimming in your eyes. You didn’t know how you caught the Captain’s eyes, or why he was so fixated with you. But you couldn’t take anymore of this. This was blatant abuse of authority and you were stuck with it. Who could you complain to? Who would even believe you?
“Please don’t. I want to train with my friends.” You plead and Steve chuckled darkly, hands hooking into the waistband of your tracks and pulling them down. He rubbed his cheek on yours, the slight stubble scratching you and making you quiver.
“Friends, is that what was happening with you and that pathetic boy out there?” He snarked and you squeezed your eyes shut. Your legs were bare, and he stepped between them, gathering you close so his hardness rubbed against your clothed center.
“We were only training. Honest.”
He humped you, leaving open mouthed kisses along your shoulder and covered breasts.
“You can forget about him or any other man from now on. I don’t want any hands touching you unless its me.”
He raised your eyes to meet his, delicately wiping the tears away. You sobbed, eyes anguished and troubled.
“Please Steve, don’t do this. I – I just want to be a good soldier. I don’t want this, I never did”
Your words didn’t even make him bat an eyelid, instead, he dipped his hand between your thighs, pushing aside your damp panty and feeling you. As his fingers probed you, a mortified mewl escaped your lips, your heart breaking at the unwanted sensations forcefully administered.
“You don’t want it? Baby, you’re weeping for me. Why can’t your heart accept what your body did all those months ago?”
You rested your head on his chest, tired and so helpless. The smoothness with which his fingers entered you made you ashamed. How could you be a good agent if you could not control your own body’s reaction. Steve could play you however you want, he could make your howl despite protests flowing from your mouth. He didn’t care if you pushed him away, for he was so much more stronger. He took you without consent, just like he’s doing now.
Holding you around the waist, he carried you to his chair, sitting down. He fumbled with his own pants, finally pulling out his thick cock that he forced into your hands. You stroked, more out of habit than anything. He had trained you well in the ways of pleasure. He taught you what he liked, regardless if you wanted to or not.
“Inside baby, I want to be inside you now.” He hissed as he pushed instinctively in your palm. You positioned him below your entrance, slowly sinking down on him. A broken cry escaped you, the initial stretch still hurting despite how many times he had taken you. Your moans mixed with sniffles, heat surrounding you as you bounced on him, slowly, finding your rhythm. He held you close, intimately close, and extremely possessive.
He rutted into you, meeting you for every thrust, hitting your spot each time. His hands plucked at your nipples, your clit been mashed between a thumb and finger and soon you were falling, crying out around him. He didn’t let up and pushed into your limp body, going almost feral. You could feel every inch of him, sliding in and out of you. You could feel his sweat mixing with yours underneath your butt, you could feel like stench settling in your pores and making you his.
“So good baby girl, so good. Come on, give daddy another one.” He said and you shook your head, too exhausted. He didn’t care about the soft no’s your muttered, he didn’t care about your legs that trembled around him. He rammed into you with abandon, grunts leaving his mouth and hitting your damp skin. He pinched your clit and the coil inside you tightened, you tried to push away, you pleaded, yet he kept up until your sensitive flesh was almost painful. With one hard, almost brutal thrust, you came undone again, falling apart one more time as he followed you.
He weakly pushed up even as he softened, hugging your body to his. The golden hair on his head were plastered to his sweaty forehead, tickling your nose as he kissed you, teeth pulling at your lip and then letting it snap away. His cum was dripping down around you, and yet he didn’t pull out. He would let it cool on your skin, dry into flakes as a symbol of his ownership. You cried, tears streaming down and he bent down to lick them away.
“It doesn’t need to be difficult Y/n. You’re mine, you were mine since the moment you entered the compound. You only need to accept it.” Steve said, his hand rubbing your back to sooth you.
“Please, I can’t take it anymore. This is wrong.”
His hands cupped your face, rubbing your plump and red cheeks softly. The blue in his eyes drowned you, a cesspool from which it was impossible to escape.
“Baby, you don’t need to worry. Daddy is going to take good care of you. You want to be an avenger, don’t you? I’m gonna make you one.” He promised you and you shook your head. You didn’t want to be in the team because you laid on your back and opened you legs for him. Not like this.
“Please Steve, just let me go. You know I won’t tell anyone. Please.”
He sighed as if you were a silly child who was taking too long to understand two plus two made four. He patted your head patronizingly, rubbing his nose to yours and pecking you almost affectionately.
“Y/n, you can be so cute.” He mocked. “It’s amazing how you think I will ever let anyone, or anything take you away from me. You’re mine, now and forever. Nothing will change that, ever.”
He pulled out of you, pulling your soiled panties back into place. He didn’t even need to instruct you now to not wash his essence away. You knew he would be back later tonight, sneaking in your room to inspect and take you again. No matter what you did, you would never be able to shake him off.
You both dressed and he pulled you back into his lap for his customary after-sex cuddle. He was tender, trying to soften you to him but it only sickened you more. He had inserted himself in every part of your life. Everywhere you went, you saw him. Your own body smelled more like him than yours.
“If I see you with that Agent or another man again, I’ll have the doctor remove the hormonal implant from your arm to show everyone you’re mine.” Steve warned, his hand rubbing over your belly. Your heart thudded painfully, the threat of a pregnancy worse than anything else. Not only will you never escape him, but your dreams of being an Avenger would be over. You nodded, letting him know you understand, and he kissed your head.
“Don’t worry baby, you’ll come around. I will fuck the acceptance into you.” He said and you closed your eyes when he started rocking you, resigned to your fate.
Protected : (dark!Peter x reader) literally adding this link everywhere hoping this would work for maybe some of you.
@shooting-star-love @stanmysoul @littlegasps @what-is-your-wish @bluemusickid
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sofwrites · 3 years
for the prompt thing; polin + 41
41: sitting close and knees touching | Also my entry for Polin Week Day 3: Modern AU
A modern twist on Penelope finding out about Colin's journals
Themes: angst, yearning, teasing | Length: 2.3k
Read on ao3 or under the cut | masterlist
Thank you for requesting! xx
He hadn’t planned on telling anyone. He really hadn’t planned on anyone seeing them. And he really really hadn’t planned on anyone ever reading them.
The only reason Colin had even started keeping a journal was to remind himself that he was a real person on his travels- that he had the power to leave something permanent on earth. That he wasn’t completely wasting his time flitting from country to country- desperately trying to find some sort of purpose in his life.
Again, he hadn’t planned on anyone seeing them.
But one day he was painstakingly hiding his journals in a deep, hidden corner of his laptop, and the next, Penelope Featherington had found one. She’d found one then read. And somehow, she thought they were good. Actually good. Not I’m-only-saying-this-to-be-nice good.
And, sure, it had all happened by accident, but after some time, Colin was so incredibly thankful that it did.
He’d been hiding out in Eloise’s flat (Anthony had texted about wanting to meet that afternoon because- well, it didn’t matter really. The fact of the matter was that Colin had no desire to do so) when the buzzer rang.
He ignored it and continued to flip through the book in his hand.
But then it rang again. And again.
And on the fourth ring, Colin finally groaned and forced himself off of the sofa.
It was barely a second after his finger had reached the speaker that a loud, rather familiar-sounding shriek rang out. “Eloise!! Eloise! Please tell me you’re there!”
With a snort, Colin cut the voice off and buzzed them in. And in roughly a minute (an impressive feat considering that Eloise lived on the fifth floor), he saw a bouncing bit of red hair through the peephole and opened the door.
“Thank God, I really need-” Penelope froze mid-step in the frame as her eyes traveled up to reach Colin’s face. For a moment, she just stared, her mouth parted open. And then she swallowed and gave a quick shake of the head.
With a slightly forced smile, she nodded and swept past him, looking around as she went towards the sitting room. “Is Eloise in?”
“She’s not,” Colin answered flatly as he casually leaned against the closed door. He kept an impressively blank expression as Penelope haphazardly rifled through Eloise’s desk, roughly blowing a few loose curls out of her face. “Looking for something?”
Penelope either missed or simply ignored the teasing tone as she frantically moved her search to the sofa cushions. “Did she leave her laptop here?”
“Don’t think so. Though I’m not entirely sure- all she told me was to try not to empty her entire fridge.”
Normally, that would have elicited Colin a laugh or an amused smile, but all Penelope did was let out a groan. A groan that bizarrely caused his stomach to flip. He glanced away from her, clearing his throat. ”Erm- but if you need a laptop, I do have mine.”
Penelope looked up at him with such sharpness that it caught him a bit off guard. “You do? Can I borrow it?”
He blinked at her for a moment, but quickly nodded and motioned to his bag near her feet. He’d barely muttered a “Course” before she’d already retrieved and set it on the table.
“Oh, password’s-” Colin balked for a second, his mouth still open. He’d never told anyone his password before, and it felt… Odd. Unnerving to give away such a private piece of information. But Penelope was looking up at him again, eyes huge and slightly feral, antsy fingers hovering over the keys. He rubbed the back of his neck before mumbling, “GregorySux. With an x.”
The tips of Penelope’s fingers froze as the corner of her mouth twitched, but she bit her lip as she looked down to type.
“He kept hacking into it,” Colin said in an attempt to justify himself.
She seemed so focused on the screen that he thought she hadn’t heard him, but, almost absentmindedly, Penelope said, “Don’t think it’s hacking if your password is literally Password.”
He gaped at her. “I can’t believe Eloise told you!”
This time, Penelope just shrugged in response, her attention completely taken away. The only sounds that filled the room were those of her lightning-quick typing.
He stood there for a moment, feeling uncharacteristically awkward as he watched her fingers work. And then he cracked his neck before nodding. “Right, I’ll give you a minute…”
And as he reached Eloise’s toilet, it occurred to Colin he’d never before been alone with Penelope- not really. He’d known the girl for over a decade, but they’d never really been friends. They were friendly and had spent a decent amount of time together, but there’d never been a real closeness, definitely not one where they could spend a casual afternoon hanging out.
But Colin had never had trouble with finding the right words to say, so it shouldn’t be different with Penelope, right?
He’d asked her about work- that was safe. And maybe how her recent trip with Eloise and Frannie had been- also another safe topic. After that, it’d be no trouble.
But when he reentered the hallway, Colin immediately noticed how quiet it had suddenly gotten- the air completely absent of any hasty typing. Silently, he peered inside the sitting room.
Penelope was still hunched over his laptop, her mouth parted slightly as she stared at the screen. The only movement of her hands was to scroll, but her eyes were running across the screen at an inhuman speed. He watched her for a moment, the corner of his mouth rising unconsciously as her lips mouthed a few words.
He felt intrigued.
Not intrigued by her- of course. But rather intrigued by what had entranced her so much that she couldn’t dare peel her eyes from the computer.
She didn’t react as he crept behind her, looking over her shoulder to see the screen. The brightness was a bit lowered, but he could see a Word document. He leaned a bit closer, eyes squinting as he read a random line.
Imagine you’re at a party, feeling weightless and invincible-
Wait- he recognized those words.
Colin’s eyes flew to the title of the page, which very clearly read, Italy, 09/03/19.
“What the hell are you doing?”
Penelope yelped at the sudden noise, turning her head so quickly that her forehead made contact with Colin’s nose.
And that was how it had all started. A frantic Penelope, a trip to the toilet, an accidentally minimized Word document, and a (luckily) not broken nose.
He’d been angry at first… Well, really, he’d been fairly livid about the entire thing. Not because he was necessarily mad at Penelope, who had accidentally opened the tab initially, but rather because he felt… Embarrassed. It was embarrassing having one’s little sister’s best friend accidentally come across their greatest secret.
But even though he wanted to forget and pretend it all had never happened, Penelope had been unrelenting. After an assurance that what she read had been good, she’d practically demanded that he let her read through the rest of his work.
And now, weeks later, here they were sitting next to each other at his kitchen table, two cups of tea and a printed-out version of his journal laid out in front of them.
“What was it you were trying to say here?” Penelope asked, her eyes rolling over a highlighted section of an Australia entry.
He looked down at the page, following where her finger rested. Instantly, he felt himself flush a bit. She was pointing out a particularly convoluted metaphor he’d written, one likening the magnificent sunset to the familiarity of reading one’s favorite childhood book for the first time as an adult.
“Erm…” He cringed, unable to say anything else.
It was still so odd- the not knowing what to say. Colin Bridgerton wasn’t someone who ever had trouble figuring out his words, and yet… And yet having Penelope had that effect on him. Or, more likely, having Penelope inspect his work, dissecting every word that had ever come out of his brain, make him feel insecure in a way he never was.
It wasn’t so much that it was Penelope, of course. She was his sister’s best friend, a woman he’d known since they were barely grown. It would have been like that if anyone else had seen his work, he was sure of it.
But even still- he found himself staring at a rogue curl on her cheek, his hand twitching to reach up and tuck it away.
“Colin?” Penelope interrupted his roaming thoughts, abruptly looking up at him. Her lips pinched together once she saw his expression, pulling themselves down into a small frown. “Colin,” she repeated in a softer voice. “I wasn’t lying when I said you were a fantastic writer. It’s just that everyone needs a little editing- even the best of us.”
His head tilted slightly as he looked at her, suddenly caught on her use of the word, us. “Do you write a lot then?”
Penelope’s lips slowly formed a smile as she looked at him, a hint of hesitation on her face. She sighed, taking a moment. “Well, actually-” But then she cut herself off, suddenly resembling the same shy Penelope he hadn’t seen in years.
Colin found himself leaning in, putting both arms on the table in front of them, desperate to hear the end of whatever she’d wanted to say. He could feel his knee bumping into hers, but neither of them moved. “What?” he prompted, surprised to hear how faint his voice was. There was something about the moment that was making it rather difficult to breathe.
Penelope was looking back at him with an intensity, mouth slightly parted as she licked her lips reflexively. There was nothing inherently seductive about the movement, but- But something about the way her tongue flicked out made Colin’s stomach clench uncomfortably.
“Uhm,” she whispered, only hearing the loud beating of her heart. No one knew about her secret, other than her editor. And it would surely be a disaster if anyone ever found out …
But she had found out about Colin’s secret, albeit by accident. It felt only right that he should know hers as well…
But if she were being truly honest, she didn’t care very much about her secret at that present moment. Not when the two green eyes she had spent her entire adolescence (and much of her early adulthood) pining over were staring directly at her, looking as though they could see through her entire soul.
Every breath was an effort, every movement was the most difficult task in history. The spot where their knees were still gently pressed against each other felt like it was on fire, spreading itself across her body. She’d been in so much shock when the contact had happened that she hadn’t moved away. And then she’d been astonished when he hadn’t either.
Penelope couldn’t even remember what they’d been talking about, and it almost appeared that Colin… That Colin shared the same sentiment.
It felt like she was dreaming. Somehow, he was staring at her with just as much intensity as she was to him. She wasn’t sure if anyone had… She was quite certain that no one had ever looked at her like that.
Colin swallowed as he stared at her, taking in every freckle spread across her nose and every loose curl surrounding her face. He could see her eyes clearly for perhaps the first time in his life- a beautiful shade of warm brown with golden flecks throughout the iris. And then his eyes unwillingly moved, flickering to her lips as she licked them again, causing his gut to wrench painfully.
And then he realized that his hands on the table were so close to her own, the one still resting on his forgotten journal excerpt.
Almost without meaning to, his pinky twitched, moving just enough to meet hers. His breath hitched as he looked back up to meet her gaze.
Neither of them moved, as if moving would break something fragile. As if moving would forcibly tear them from the moment they were.
But then- he wasn’t sure how long- Penelope’s soft eyes left his, darting down to rest on their touching fingers. And then her eyes widened, and her entire body jerked backward, and suddenly Colin’s knee was incredibly cold.
Her chair made a loud scraping noise against the floor as she jumped up, startling him out of the hold he’d been under. “Pen-?”
“It’s getting a bit late,” Penelope muttered through a quick breath, quickly stashing away her belongings. “I’ll finish this at home, and we can meet another time to discuss it. Maybe coffee- next week.”
Colin frowned, getting out of his seat, and taking a few steps towards her. Quietly, he said, “Or you could stay here?”
Penelope froze for a moment before slowly retrieving her keys, gaze firmly locked onto the ground. All he could see were her eyelashes as she blinked.
He bent down slightly and reached out to lift her chin. “Or you could stay here,” he repeated with a bit more reverence in his voice. “We could get some dinner and- talk.”
Penelope swallowed as her eyes rested on his face for a fraction of a moment, but soon enough, she pulled away again. Her fingers trembled as she draped the bag over her shoulder, shaking her head as she looked towards the door. “Erm, no, sorry. I really- really need to go, Colin.”
And then she all but sprinted from the flat, leaving a speechless Colin Bridgerton behind.
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sideshowyelling · 4 years
Knocked Down, Dragged Out, pt. 1
I decided I wanted to post this properly here instead of just a link. V meets a ripper, one that’s too good for the slums of Night city...
“That’s not his real name. I refuse to believe that’s his actual name.”
Really it had been the way that Jackie had talked Viktor up as a whole that made him seem too good to be true, like some unobtainable perfect ripper who would be able to patch V up no matter what shit show they had just gone through time and time again. Good work, trustworthy guy, and cheap? The guy might as well have been a walking contradiction if anything Jackie was telling him actually held any weight. Most of the time you were lucky to get two out of three, and finding someone who was the whole package deal… well V had always figured that they would have a better chance at winning one of those rigged fucking lottery pools than finding someone like Jackie was describing.
“Viktor Vektor? Sure fuckin’ is, his mama gave him that name. Think she must have hated him or somethin’… I’m telling you though V, Ol’ Vik’s the best in town, mark my fuckin’ word.” Jackie said, leaning against the food stall that the two had stopped at for a bite to eat just outside of V’s megabuilding.
“Yeah? There’s ripperdocs all over town, what makes this one so special?” V asked, not bothering to look up from their own takeout container that they were doing little more than picking from at this point.
“What can I say? He’s got the magic touch, make you feel better than you have in years, I guarantee.” Jackie said.
It wasn’t hard to see just how excited Jackie was to be able to introduce V to Viktor, to make a connection between an old friend, and his newest partner in crime. He’d been mentioning that he had a guy he wanted to have V meet if they were going to be working together as closely as they were, they needed someone who could put them back together again after a rough job if they were ever going to really make it big in this city after all. This wasn’t just a doctor to Jackie though, no, this guy was so much more and it showed.
“Come on Jack, is he a ripper or a joy-toy? I really can’t tell with the way you’re talking about him...” V asked.
The laughter that got out of Jackie was a bit surprising to V, but it was deep and genuine so it brought a smile to their face all the same. “Oh man, tell that one to his face, he’ll get a good laugh out of it too.” Jackie said, finally finishing up his own food before he tossed his to-go container into a nearby trashcan as he stood up from his seat. V followed suit, crossing their arms over their chest as they followed after him. Jackie may have been just about as excited as V had ever seen him before, but they still had their apprehensions about the whole thing.
“If he’s so good at what he does, and for fuckin’ zilch compared to the prices of some other docs around town, then… why the hell haven’t I heard of him before? I’m no fixer but I still keep a pretty damn good ear to the ground, especially in this part of town.” They said.
“Simple, cause he deals in referrals only for his appointments. Doc’s gotta be able to trust their patient every bit as much as their patient’s gotta trust them, right? I haven’t brought too many chooms to see him before, so consider yourself lucky V, you’re getting the preem slumcare-healthcare today.” Jackie said.
“Low prices and a short patient list, sounds like a good way to go out of business to me.” V said with a shake of their head, staring down at the ground as they made their way through the streets with Jackie at their side. Just a short walk from their apartment was what Jackie had told them. How fucking convenient.
“Trust me, it ain’t about the money for him, V, you’ll see.” Jackie assured, clapping V on the shoulder and dragging them closer until they were walking side to side with Jackie’s arm thrown over them. They looked up at him, and the excited gleam in his eyes was enough to ease their concerns just a little bit.
Their short walk ended with them standing inside one of the last places that V expected to be that day; a shop front that not only dealt in spiritualism, an already niche interest in a city so grounded and built on the bodies of corporate sellouts, but one that was ran by Jackie’s own damn girlfriend. She might have been the last person they expected to see, but V greeted her with a smile all the same, giving a quick look around the eclectic shop at the trinkets and knick-knacks for sale as Jackie went to lean across the front desk to steal a kiss from Misty.
“Hey baby, Vik ready for us yet?” Jackie asked, and Misty shook her head, pointing her thumb towards the back of the shop as she spoke.
“Not yet, he’s got Laurie down there right now. She was running real late today and… well, you know Vik, he’s not gonna turn her away unless he has to, not when she was as haggard looking as she was when she finally got here. Shouldn’t be long now though, I’ll let you know as soon as his chair’s empty and wiped down.” She said, looking between V and Jackie both before motioning to her own empty shop chair. “Maybe while you’re waiting I could offer you some of my services? On the house...”
“Awwe, ain’t that sweet, V? VIP treatment for the both of us.” Jackie said, pushing himself off the counter and making his way over to the chair to have a seat while they waited.
“I can’t say I’m surprised Jackie,” V said, watching as a small smirk spread on Misty’s lips, and her eyes stayed locked on him as she followed Jackie over towards her chair to kneel down beside him. “I think the shopkeep has a bit of a crush on you...”
“Oh yeah? Maybe I ought to see if I can get her number then...” Jackie mused with a playful wink aimed at his girlfriend, already admiring the hit of a flush on her cheeks with his light teasing.
“If you don’t I sure as hell will...” V said, though no sooner than the words left their lips did V lift their hands up in a defensive way when Jackie shot them the nastiest look he could, silently daring them to continue that train of thought. “Kidding, you know I’m kidding. Not about to step on any toes, especially not yours. Besides, you two might as well be pure sugar, gonna make me fuckin’ puke with how sweet guys are…. You better tip her well though, Jackie, I mean it.”
“Oh I tip her real good V, don’t you worry about that.” Jackie said, cackling to himself before grunting as Misty reached out to place her hand in the center of Jackie’s chest and give him a little shove to get him laying back flat in the chair. She may not have been the strongest person ever, but V knew better than to assume she couldn’t handle herself. Once Jackie was laid back in the chair, he gave her a sheepish grin and the best puppy dog eyes he could muster, but she didn’t seem as weak to them as V was.
“Watch what you’re saying, Jackie, or when V heads down I’ll pull out my acupuncture kit.” Misty said lowly.
V watched as Jackie’s expression quickly morphed into a pained grimace, and he jabbed a thumb up towards Misty as he turned towards V to explain. “She’s still learning...” He said grimly, before tilting his head back to look up at Misty again. “Babe, you know I’m more than happy to let you practice on me, but V’s appointment ain’t gonna last long enough for somethin’ like that. Just introducing them to Vik and getting them in his system, you know?”
“Ooh, that’s right,” Misty said, turning her attention over to where V was busy flipping through a little booklet that Misty had set out for sale on star signs. “You haven’t met Viktor before, have you? Are you Nervous, V?” She asked.
For a moment V paused and looked up in thought, because really their anxiety about the appointment had been coming and going since the night before. They couldn’t quite place why, but it would creep up on them at odd moments. Here and now though, when they were watching Jackie and Misty talk about it with excited looks in their eyes… “No? Not really, why? Should I be?” They asked. “With the way Jackie has been talking about the guy, it sounds like I’m about to have a new best friend.”
“I meant more… well, just going to see a new ripper can be a little stressful sometimes, especially one not as well known. He doesn’t get new patients very often, and there’s not a lot of buzz on the street about him, and that can make some people uneasy.” Misty said with a small smile. “Dr. Vektor’s got a bit of a grumpy face, sure, but he’s actually a sweetheart if you’re doing good by him.” She assured.
“Oh-ho Misty you better be careful talking about Vik like that, would hate to get him griping about people thinking he’s ‘going soft’ or something like that.” Jackie said with a deep laugh.
“Where the hell did you even meet this guy, Jack?” V asked.
“Met him in a fight actually, boxing match years ago that was damn near fuckin’ legendary man. Never met someone who’s given me as big a run for my money… I laid him out flat in the end though, had him seeing stars I think.” Jackie said, but even as he boasted there wasn’t really a smug air around him. He looked more like he was fondly reminiscing on the day he punched his friend’s lights out.
“You know, the more you talk about him, the less I actually believe the guy even exists.” V said. No sooner than they had said this though, a green light accompanied by a low buzzer went off on Misty’s desk, drawing everyone in the room’s attention to it. Jackie patted the arms of the chair he was sat in as he pushed himself up, Misty standing beside him to lead them both to the back room.
“Yeah? Well saddle up, V, because you’re about to meet him.”
What V was lead out to was a rather nasty looking back alley, littered with trash, broken down furniture, and what V could only assume might have been a few straggler Piranhas who had pushed themselves too far, as well as the general homeless. They weren’t sure this was really the ideal place to open a good clinic at, but then again this was the Red-light district, and it probably wasn’t much worse than anywhere else Viktor could have set up shop in the area. V couldn’t help but wonder if maybe the fact that Viktor’s clinic was back here might have been one of the reasons these haggard looking city slummers had gathered there in the first place.
“Misty I’ll be back up in just a few minutes, wanna give V a proper introduction instead of just sending them down all on their little lonesome.” Jackie said, and Misty reached up to pat Jackie’s cheek with a smile before she turned to head back inside her own shop.
“Good luck V!” She called out to them, the door closing behind her only a moment later.
There was a set of stairs that lead down to what V could only describe as an underground basement, and the sheer absurdity of such a sketchy location hosting a good doctor was a little baffling to them. They weren’t worried though, especially as Jackie slung an arm over their shoulder and lead them down into the clinic’s dim lighting. They stepped through the door at the bottom of the stairs, only to come face to face with a gate, and before it’s automatics could slide it open for them, V could see the doctor sitting across the room at a desk, tinkering away with what looked like a cybernetic arm.
The gate slid open and the two stepped in as Viktor looked up at the both of them. A warm smile crept onto his face when he saw Jackie, and he tossed the screwdriver he had been using up onto his desk before holding his hand up towards him. Jackie pulled away from V to go and grip it tight, slapping his other hand over the back of Vik’s in greeting as he all but pulled the guy out of his seat.
“Viky! Good to see you’re still alive and kicking down here,” Jackie said. “Brought you a new customer, that new partner of mine I’ve been tellin’ you about? Well they’re finally ready to take the plunge and get involved with a real ripper.”
“That so?” Viktor asked in a voice far deeper, gruffer around the edges than V ever would have expected from him. He leaned around Jackie just a little to get a good look at V, who had stayed behind a couple of steps while the two friends caught up. “I was wondering why I had a new name listed for an appointment for today. Suppose I should have guessed it was you bringing in a stray...”
V wasn’t entirely sure what they had been expecting to see when they first met Viktor, but the man before them certainly wasn’t it. He was an older man who, despite his line of work, didn’t look as though he had an ounce of chrome in him. Now that V was a bit closer, they could see that what they had initially thought was a cyberarm was actually some sort of external tool glove that Viktor was wearing rather than him actually having anything installed.
That… wasn’t to say that Viktor didn’t look like he could go toe to toe with some of Night City’s most dangerous if he needed to. The guy worked out, that much was clear as day, and V only had to take a quick half glance around the clinic to see some of the more personal areas where a couple of weights had been left laying around from whenever Viktor had last put them to use. And even while Viktor was sat down, staring up at Jackie, it was easy to tell that the man had good height to match his build.
The glasses that Viktor had on were dark lensed, and it made it hard to see his eyes behind them, but really V didn’t need to see them in order to know that his eyes were flicking between them and Jackie both. He was probably sizing V up, making judgments on whether or not he could take V in a fight before the two of them could even exchange a word. V didn’t blame him for that, but it still left them feeling just a tad bit on edge.
Before V could introduce themselves or Viktor could even ask about them, Jackie motioned with a wide sweeping arm towards V and waved them over. “V, I want you to meet Viktor Vektor. Vik, this is V, best partner in crime I have had in a long time now.” Jackie said, trailing off just a little as Viktor stood up to meet V halfway as they approached.
“Uh-hu, it’s nice to put a face to the name… first time here and you’re already a tad bit infamous in this clinic, you know that right?” Viktor asked as he extended his bare hand to shake V’s, and even if his tone seemed almost a tad bit hesitant, the nod he gave and the small smile that came with it took the edge off of his words.
“What, Jackie been shit talking me behind my back again?” V asked, giving Jackie a playful side-eye as they took Viktor’s hand and gave it a firm shake.
“Just heard a few of your more recent gigs is all, if not from Jackie then they tend to run up the grapevine through Misty.” Viktor explained, before he stepped back towards his desk after pointing across the room towards the only part of the clinic that actually looked like it was a professional medical set up rather than an underground gym locker. “Why don’t you go and park yourself over there for a minute? I’ll be right with you, just gotta finish tightening up a few loose screws before we get started.”
V shot a quick look to Jackie, who simply nodded and gave them a little nudge forward towards the operation station before he himself went to lean up against the wall near the Clinic’s front gate. The double thumbs up that he gave them was enough to get them rolling their eyes, but it did put them at ease as they made their way over to wait for Viktor.
The clinic really didn’t offer much in the way of comfort for it’s patients, not in it’s visuals anyway. As V took a seat in the chair and had a look around, the place really only gave off the vibes of a joint where you would go expecting to get some shady, illegal cyberware implanted, only to wake up a day or two later in some ice bath, if you were lucky of course. The only real lighting came from the bright surgical lights hanging over head, and a few neon signs that Viktor had laying around more as decoration than anything else. The Kiroshi display looked as though it had been jacked from right off the street somewhere, and as far as V knew, that may have very well been the case.
V continued to let their eyes wander around the clinic and just take everything in while Jackie seemed more than happy to make a bit of small talk with Viktor while he grabbed a few things off of his desk and got his shit together after his last appointment.
“You’re never gonna guess where I picked V up, Vik, really is a wild story.” Jackie said, and Viktor glanced up at him for half a second before giving an amused scoff.
“Do tell? What kind of crazy did you drag in here this time, Jackie?” Viktor asked. It wasn’t meant as an insult by any means, and V didn’t take it as such. No, the way he said it honestly sounded like someone who had seen Jackie get into his fair share of trouble, and if Viktor was anything like Jackie had described to them, then he had probably been the one to put him back into one piece nine times out of ten. “You ever gonna just meet someone casually in the street instead of landing yourself in a heap of trouble with a complete stranger?”
“Vik if you want meet-cute then this is about as good as it gets in Night City. Found ‘em trying to nab the same damn luxury car as me, couldn’t let them get in the way of a stack of eddies though, you know?” Jackie said, a fond grin on his face as he looked over towards V.
“Fucker hadn’t said two words to me before he had the business end of a gun pressed against my head.” V spoke up, leaning back in the chair just a bit as Viktor finally made his way over after kicking his rolling stool over with practiced ease. “We didn’t even have time to fight about it before the cops were stormin’ us, had us face down on the ground…. We… had something of a man on the inside though, so here we are to tell the tale?”
Viktor let out an amused huff at their rather troubling first encounter. “It’s always just that, isn’t it Jackie? Some wild, lucky break that keeps you from being flatlined and dumped off somewhere in the middle of nowhere.” He said, taking a seat beside V before pointing towards the exit. “Now go on up and let me get to work here. I’ll send V along once we’re through, shouldn’t take too long but we gotta get through all the preliminaries first and foremost. How about you tell me the whole story over a drink later this evening?”
“Yeah, I get it, I don’t really wanna sit around and watch V fill out a datapad anyway.” Jackie said, pushing off the wall and turning to make his way out. “Vik if you really want that drink then you’re on, Coyote Cojo tonight.” Jackie said, pointing at V. “V, I’ll be up in Misty’s shop, I ain’t in a hurry but come find me when you’re done. You’re in good hands alright?” He said before stepping out of the clinic.
V nodded and waved Jackie off a bit absentmindedly as Viktor handed them a decent sized datapad with what looked to be a blank medical file pulled up on it, an editable one. Their lips twitched down into a small frown as they looked it over, scrolling to the bottom of the page and then back up again while Viktor pulled up a few scanners on his own data terminal.
It took Viktor a few minutes to actually look up at V as he set things up, but after only a half glance over and seeing that V was just sitting there, staring down at the datapad in their hands with a confused look on their face, he turned towards them. It didn’t actually look like they had made any progress on it, and if they needed help with anything on it, he wanted to make sure they got it.
“What is it? Is something wrong?” Viktor asked.
V didn’t say anything for a moment before shaking their head, holding the datapad up just a little higher before finally beginning to fill it out, starting by typing in their alias. “No it’s just… well, I’ve been to my fair share of rippers before. Never had one hand me paperwork to fill out though.” They said, and Viktor rolled his eyes, barely visible behind his glasses.
“I’m sure Jackie has already told you a bit about what kind of business I run here, right?” Viktor asked, turning his attention back to the screen to finish getting his system all set up. “I’ll take people in off the street when they need it, but that’s not my usual practice. Most of the time when people come in to see me, they’re regulars, and it’s nice to be able to pull up a basic medical file about whoever I have on my table, at the very least.” Viktor said. “Whether or not you ever end up back here again is up to you, but if you do…. Well, lets just say I’d hate to have you wheeled in half dead and not know if the drugs I wanna use to shoot you full of are gonna fucking kill you or not.”
“...And this isn’t gonna leave your hands after I give it back to you, right?” V asked, the first hint of hesitance sneaking into their voice that Viktor had heard, even if they cut it with a small, somewhat forced laugh afterwards. “Know some weirdo fixers and solos who would pay decent eddies for deets’ like this.”
“I just want to know if you’re allergic to penicillin, not all your deepest darkest secrets.” Viktor said, pausing his typing again to point to the datapad. “Listen, you’re asking the right questions and I like that, really, but if I was gonna sell out and hand my patient’s information off to some asshole who would use it against them, or god forbid some fucking corp, do you really think I would still be set up here in the slums of the Red-light district? Been here for years now, V, and I can promise you nothing said or discussed in here gets past that gate.”
“Ok,” V said, holding up a hand to stop Viktor, a sheepish look on their face. “Ok I got it. It’s just… been a while since I’ve been to a clinic that actually does things by the book, you know? I’m a bit more used to the no-questions-asked kinda joints.” V said, and the amused smile that spread across Viktor’s face as he reached out to finish the set up and grab a jack was enough to put them at ease, to know they hadn’t offended him.
“Oh you can rest assured that’s where the ‘by the book’ nature of this clinic ends.” Viktor said, pulling the cord of the jack until it was long enough to offer up to V. “Listen, show me a bit of trust and let me in V, and I’ll do my damned best to make sure you never regret it. Now do me a favor and jack in, we can make sure you’re systems are running clean before we really get started. You can finish up the file while the scanner does it’s job.” He said. “What all are you in here for today?”
“Just a checkup is all...” V mumbled as they reached out for the jack, examining it for half a second before reaching behind their head to slot it into their port. They felt the buzz and rush of electricity course through the port as the scanner connected and began an automatic scan, sorting through the files on their processor and all the tech connected to it. As little as that might have been, it would still take a few minutes for it to go through everything, so V sat back and let their eyes give Viktor as once over before looking back to the file, slowly filling out every section that they could. “….You take an oath?” They asked.
“Hmm?” Viktor didn’t quite look like he understood what V meant at first, so they pointed towards the pouch that was securely strapped to Viktor’s right leg.
“That’s a Trauma Team satchel there, right? Were you on a TT unit?” They asked, and Viktor glanced down at the satchel that he kept a small variety of tools slotted away in. Scalpels, smaller wrenches… he’d left the screwdriver he used to tighten the joints of his exoglove with on his desk, but there was space for that there in the pouch as well. “Don’t see a lot of corporate level doctors ending up as rippers on the street… or did you just happen to pull that off some really unlucky bastard?”
Viktor paused for a moment, seeming to think back on when the pouch had been given to him, but he ended up simply giving a little shrug. “I’ve, ah… well I’ve had a number of jobs over the years, to pay the bills between sponsored fights and whatnot. Let me tell you though, the reason you don’t see a lot of corporate doctors leaving their positions isn’t because they don’t want to. It’s because it’s not that easy to do.” He explained.
“You managed to get out though… gotta ask why you left a nice cushy job like that for?” V asked lowly.
“Something just not right about killing five people for the sake of one, just because the one had more eddies invested in Platinum, you know? That’s what your contract says you have to do if you sign onto a TT unit; if anyone stands in your way of the paying customer even the slightest bit…. Take ‘em out. Couldn’t stomach it, and I don’t really care if that makes people think I’m weak. I know where my line is, and I’m not going to cross it for some eddies.” Viktor said. He was staring down at the scanners as they worked through V’s system, but it didn’t really seem like he was actually watching them. He was lost in thought for a few brief seconds before he shook his head, sitting up a little straighter as he took in a huff of breath. “So yeah, I guess you could say I took an oath. Not the drivel they all but try to brainwash TT medics with, but...”
“I get it.” V said, and they saved the file that they had finished filling out for Viktor before passing it off to him. Viktor took it and gave it a quick skim before looking back at V when they continued. “It’s respectable. Sounds like you’ve got yourself a real good thing going here. I’m glad Jackie brought me by.”
“...Right, well, people don’t just come to me because they know me for being a good guy. Scans are just about done now, and it doesn’t seem like they’re picking up any critters. Sit up, lemmie have a look at you and lets see what we can do...”
The first thing that Viktor did was go over a few of the details on the file that he’d had V fill out for him, asking questions to clarify a few things and get a bit more history on both their basic physical, and the augmentations that they already had in place. He checked their eyes for proper dilation, their reflexes, took their blood pressure, and apologized quietly under his breath as he placed a cold stethoscope against their chest to listen to their heart and lungs. He took notes as they went, adding his own little addenda to the file so he could look back on them at later time. It was care that V almost found a little… surreal. This kind of care wasn’t unheard of, but damn was it rare down in the streets.
After Viktor finally set the datapad aside, he looked back to the scanner and quickly read over some of the data that had been pulled from it. V sat patiently waiting for some kind of doctor’s order before they heard Viktor give a small, curious hum to himself before he wheeled himself closer to the chair, motioning to V to sit up and turn to the side just a little.
“You’re runnin’ on an older system, been a good few years since you last upgraded your processor?” Viktor asked. “Tilt your head for me, please? I wanna get a look at the hardware you’ve got installed. Have you had any issues with connection errors between your augmentations and your processor? Any glitches with your optics, might come across as a sort of visual lagging?” He asked.
V tilted their head to the side just a little and reached up to make sure that no hair got in the way of Viktor’s inspection. Viktor stood up from his seat and gave a small sigh as he reached out and gently grabbed V by the chin, guiding their head just a little before he leaned in to get a good look at the serial number etched into the external rim of their port. V fought the urge to hold their breath, clearing their throat instead as they thought about Viktor’s questions. “It’s served me well enough over the years, and I haven’t noticed any issues like that. I just haven’t… well, even processors a year or so old can cost a fuckton of eddies. Getting a new one just hasn’t been enough of a priority for me.” They explained as they felt Viktor lightly feeling the area around their ports as while he listened.
“Installment doesn’t seem too shoddy… doesn’t feel loose...” Viktor said slowly, and V closed their eyes as Viktor brushed a thumb over the old, small incision scar that had been left behind when the processor was first installed. His hands were warm, rough from use, but the hold he had on them was about as soft as could be. Viktor gave another little hum as he seemed to consider something, before muttering a quiet ‘Fuck it’ under his breath as his hands slipped away from V, and he kicked off the ground to wheel himself across the room.
“Now, V, most of the time I’m with you on that if the tech serves you well and you’re happy with it, as long as you keep it well maintained there’s really no need to go out and buy every shiny new upgrade that the tech companies churn out every few months. With processors though it’s actually important to keep them fairly up to date, get a new one fitted in every couple of years or so at least. If you start buying newer augmentations and try connecting them to older processors it can cause… complications.” Viktor said, pushing himself up from his seat so he could dig through a couple of his storage boxes. “Now, I have a couple processors in backstock around here somewhere, nothing terribly fancy, but you should find that they give you a higher quality performance overall, as well as talk to any future tech you get better than what you’re currently packing.”
“Well that’s nice, but I’m kinda strapped for eddies right now. Like I said earlier, I really only came in to meet you and make sure my systems were in good working order. Jack said your prices are good but… can’t be good enough for flat ass broke.” V said, knowing damn well that everything Viktor was saying was right. They may not have had any issues with their tech being incompatible with their systems just yet, partially do to the fact that they could hardly afford to get any to begin with, but really it was just a matter of time before what little they did have would fall subject to forced obsoletion.
V watched as Viktor out of the side of their eye as he continued to dig for a few seconds before he seemed to find what he was looking for. He pulled out a small white case and popped it open to check that it wasn’t empty before snapping it closed once again. With the case in hand, he turned and kicked his chair back over, following after it as he held the processor’s case up to show off to V before he sat down with a small grunt. “Eddies or not, Kid, if you want it then it’s yours. Wouldn’t take long at all to switch it out with your old one.
V turned around to face Viktor fully when he said that, eyeing up the case for half a second before shaking their head. “Can’t take a gift like that.” They said firmly.
“Then we’ll put it on a tab for you, I don’t really care either way.” Viktor said with a shrug.
“A tab?” V asked, brow furrowing in disbelief at such an offer. “Viktor you barely fuckin’ know me and you wanna open a tab for an expensive piece of tech?” They asked.
Viktor nodded, and almost more surprising to V than the offer of a line of credit from the doctor was the utter lack of hesitance from him. “Jackie vouched for you, and if he says you’re good for it then… then you’re good for it.” Viktor said, giving a small shrug as he looked down at the case in his hand, before he held it out towards V. “Look, I’m not about to go mad doctor on you and install a new processor if you really don’t want it, but I also won’t feel very good if you walk out of here without an upgrade that you’re long overdue for just because money’s tight. Choice is yours.”
Nothing in the world was free, V had learned that the tough way years ago. The deals that always came back to bite you in the ass the hardest were always the ones where you went in thinking that the gifts you were given along the way were just that. Gifts. There was always a price though, always a small string attached that would unravel everything into a tangled mess if you didn’t watch your fucking back. There had not been one soul that V had ever met that didn’t at some point come back to make demands after doing even the smallest of favors for V free of charge.
For a split second all V could think of were bloody knuckles, busted noses, broken ribcages and being left in the gutters with their eddies wiped from their account after misunderstanding the intentions behind someone’s generosity one too many times. They swallowed thickly as they stared down at the case that had been extended to them. Every instinct in their body was telling them not to take it, to just finish with the basic check up and get the hell out of there before they got roped into a shitload of trouble taking things they couldn’t afford. When they looked up at Viktor again though, the doctor had a small smile on his face so soft and encouraging that it almost looked out of place in the fucked up world they were in. V wished they could have seen his eyes better right then, but even without them they could feel the anxiety in their chest ebb away as they remembered what Jackie had said to them earlier, his voice all but ringing out in the back of their head.
‘It ain’t about the money for him, V, you’ll see.’
Slowly, so slowly, V reached out for the case and took it from Viktor. They popped it open to get a good look at the processor safely nestled inside as Viktor clapped his hands together in a satisfied manner and wheeled himself around so that he could grab a few of his surgical tools. V leaned back in the chair, reaching a hand up to brush against the ports of their processor as they stared down at the device in their hands.
“You said yourself that you would do your best to make sure I don’t regret trusting you,” V said quietly. “And Jackie vouched for you as much as he apparently vouched for me, you know?”
“Did he now? I’m almost afraid to ask what all he said…” Viktor said, motioning for V to roll over onto their side as he stood to get a better angle, adjusting the lights above them as he did so. “All good thing I’m assuming?”
V reached out to return the new processor back to Viktor and shifted onto their side with their back facing him to give him easy access to their ports. “Made you sound like a damn joy-toy with the way he was talking about you. I almost choked when he mentioned something about you having a magic touch...” They said, and the deep laugh that Viktor let out when he heard that made V want to glance over their shoulder, to see the grin they just knew he had plastered across his face. Before they could though, Viktor placed a gentle hand on the side of their head to keep them still.
“Guess I’ll have to thank Jackie later for such a kind review, but for now I’m gonna inject a bit of anesthetic, OK? Once you’re good and numb I’ll get to work. Let me know if you feel any discomfort at all.” Viktor said between a low chuckle, and as V felt the cold press of an injector against the spot just below their processor ports the anxiety came back for half a second until the pain of needles pricking their skin melted into numbness. The quiet praise that Viktor mumbled had V closing their eyes, relaxing into the chair as much as they possibly could. “Good, just try and stick still for me, alright? I’ll make this quick so you’re not laying here long.” He said.
Honestly V could have fallen asleep there just listening to Viktor talk, if he hadn’t been about to take a scalpel to the back of their head anyway.
For a few minutes after that the only thing that V could hear in the clinic was the quiet beep of machinery, and the soft clicks of Viktor’s exoglove as he worked at carefully disconnecting and extracting the processor from V’s head. As he worked, alerts popped up on V’s rather basic optical display about the missing hardware, but V ignore it as there was nothing that could be done while on the operating table. They kept their mind off of it, and tried to focus on other things.
“So… you and Jackie… he said you two met in a ring?” V asked as the silence droned on for a little too long for their liking. They hadn’t been able to tell if Viktor just wasn’t a doctor who liked to get chatty while they were working, or if he just didn’t have much to say to them in particular, but as Viktor gave a low hum and spoke up, they figured they had their answer.
“12 rounds between the two of us. NC Devils had a few of their best fighters lined up that night, myself included. Jackie came in as an outsider just looking to get in on a few pickup fights and make some quick eddies. Rinsed through some of our best fighters before he ended up in the ring with me.” Viktor said, and V heard a small metallic clink, what they could only assume was their extracted processor being set aside.
“He said he won that fight. That true?” V asked.
“I’ve got the second place certificate to prove it...” Viktor said, and the slight hint of indignation in his voice made V laugh, and Viktor’s grip on them grew just a bit tighter to keep them steady. “And then after I could see straight again, I took him out to get a drink. Ever since then he and I have been fairly close. He gets me, I get him, it just works out.”
“Cold-cocked is a bit better than a getting gun pressed to the side of the head, I suppose. Glad to know Jackie keeps a good track record of making friends.” V snorted, staring ahead at the two little beckoning cat statues resting only a few feet away on top of some of the nearby equipment. They had seen a few on Viktor’s desk as well, and could only assume that Misty was the culprit behind them.
“At least it seems like he’s got decent taste...” Viktor said with a hum as he delicately grabbed the new processor in his exoglove. “Hey, listen, after this is all said and done I want you to feel free to come on by again, OK? Wouldn’t do anyone any good to have you flatlining in some back alley because you don’t think you can afford proper care.” Viktor said. “Seen too many people’s lights go out just because they didn’t have the eddies… I’m always willing to work something out if we need to.”
“Yeah… I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks Viktor.” V said slowly, brows knitting together as they felt the new processor click easily into place. Even with their eyes closed their optical display flashed a warning about the new hardware that had been installed, but it flickered away only a few moments later as the hardware quickly began to synchronize with the rest of their system while Viktor moved to jack V back into his computer system and make sure everything was updating and running smoothly.
“Keep still now, still gotta close you up again.” Viktor said, and V held their breath as V made quick work of closing up the small incision that he’d made behind their ear. They shivered as they felt a cool, wet cloth pass gently over the back of their neck and the freshly sealed would after that, as Viktor carefully wiped up whatever blood their was before finally V was disconnected and helped to sit up straight once again. Viktor stepped away from the operation table to go and grab something off his cart. “The anesthetic will last for a while longer, probably wear off in about half an hour after you leave, so I’m going to send you off with some stim to help the healing process and keep the pain at bay. Two whiffs now, another two in an hour. If you still feel like you need to take the edge off after that you can take an additional one, but keep an eye on it ok? If you feel anything more than mild discomfort then I want you to come right back here.”
V was tempted to reach up and touch the spot that Viktor had just operated on, but they knew that probably wasn’t the best idea they’d ever had. Besides, before they could even begin to reach up, Viktor had turned back and held out a small inhaler towards them. They took and gave it a once over before Viktor nodded down to it, so V lifted it to their lips and too two deep puffs off of it. There was no real relief right away since the back of their head was still numb, but V figured that they would be thankful for it later that evening. As they pushed up from the chair and slipped the inhaler into their pocket, Viktor snagged a fresh rag off his medical station so he could clean and the sanitize his exoglove.
“Hey, listen, Viktor….” V started, only to pause as Viktor looked up from what he was doing, slowing to give them his attention. They were sure that Viktor probably had other people he would be seeing that day for appointments, but there was something about the doctor’s nature that was more laid back than pretty much everyone else they had met in Night City. He didn’t seem to be in a rush at all to see V off, just wiping off his took while patiently waiting for V to continue. “I was pretty hesitant coming in here, I don’t know if you could tell, but Jackie was right to sing such high praise about you. If this is really the way you operate, I’ll be back again, I promise. I’ll bring eddies next time to pay you back for the processor and whatever else I might decide to get.”
“You know, sometimes hearing things like that can be payment enough. I’m no charity, so don’t expect me to waive your costs every time you come in of course, but I try to do what I can you know?” Viktor said with a little shrug. “I’m looking forward to it though, V. Will you do me a favor when you head back up and tell Jackie I still fully expect him to buy me a drink later and tell me all about how the hell you two even met, the details I mean. He’s got my number.” Viktor said.
V gave a small nod at Viktor’s request, and a they shifted from foot to foot a little nervously, stuffing their hands into their pockets. “Well, what about me, Doc? Do I get your number?” They asked. “Or does that require a few more visits?”
The amused smirk that V got the pleasure of watching spread on Viktor’s lips suited him a little too well for his own good. It wasn’t like the smug, cocky grins that V was so used to seeing on anyone who had even the slightest bit of rep to their name these days, there was something far more genuine behind it that V couldn’t quite place. It didn’t make them feel sick to their stomach just seeing it, and really that said way more than it should have.
Viktor set the wipe he had been using aside and he made his way across the room back towards his desk. “I don’t think that’s too much to ask… promise not to make me regret it?” He asked, and V watched as he leaned over to grab his holo off it to offer out to V for a scan. Quick and easy way to transfer numbers, and as soon as V saw the gesture, their face lit up with a smile and they pulled their own holo out to tap it against Viktor’s.
“I’ll do my damned best, how about that?” V asked with a laugh as the quick transfer of information completed and they saw the image and name that autofilled into their device as soon as the connection between them was made. Once they were satisfied, they tucked their holo away back into their pocket and stepped backwards towards the gate, giving a small wave as they did so. “Thanks Viktor. I’ll pass the word onto Jackie, and… and you’ll see me again real soon.” They promised.
“Good. See you later V, and take care...”
* * *
“Alright then, let me see it V,” Jackie said, making a motion for V to turn around and show off, like he would actually be able to see anything other than the small healing cut and V’s processor ports. “Viktor really spoil you and give you some free tech?”
“Not free, I’m gonna pay him back it’s just… I guess he figured I’m more likely to be able to come back and see him again if I have a better system running inside me, you know?” V said as they tilted their head just a little so that Jackie could get a better look.
“Mm… well he’s not wrong, a souped-up you is always gonna be better than a dead you. I’m just a little surprised is all. He’s been known to make a deal or two for someone who needs it, but normally he at least waits to see if he’s even gonna see you a second time before he starts doin’ stuff like this.” Jackie said, reaching out to brush his thumb gently over the port before he dropped his hand to his side and gave a little shrug.
“Guess he just puts a lot of weight on your word then, Jackie.” V said with a snort. “I’ll try and bring you credit, I guess, but it’s not like the guy doesn’t deserve to be paid back… fuck Jack, if he’s being honest, really doesn’t care whether or not I actually pay him back for this… you’ve got a yourself a fuckin’ diamond in the rough there.” V said with an almost dreamy sigh. “… By the way Jackie, he told me to remind you that he still wants to go out for drinks later.”
“Right, like I could forget a promise to go drinking, fuckin’ been a hot second since we’ve had a bit of downtime so I think we all more than deserve to cut loose tonight,” Jackie said, before crossing his arms over his chest. “You are coming with, right? Or are you planning on skipping out as soon as we get out of here?”
“I dunno...” V sucked a hiss of breath through their teeth, considering for a moment whether or not it would be a good idea to join the two, if for no other reason than to take the night off after they and Jackie’s recent flux of work, like Jackie had said. “Kinda seems like he just wants to catch up with you, you know?”
“Ahh don’t worry about that V, if he wanted to hang out one on one with just me, he could. We see each other more often than you think though, even with all the wicked jobs we’ve been getting lately.” Jackie said. “I try and stop in to say hello whenever I pay a visit to my Pretty lady’s joint, as long as he ain’t busy anyway.”
“Jackie, I don’t think that-” V started, but Jackie quickly cut them off as he stepped closer and threw an arm around their shoulders to pull them flush against his side.
“Come on V, Ol’ Vik likes you, I can tell. What with him puttin’ in a piece of hardware like that for you on the first date?” Jackie said, and he got that stupid look on his face that he always did then he thought he knew something that V hadn’t quite caught onto just yet. That was very rarely actually the case. “Just come have a couple of drinks. We’ll tell him all about how you and I ended up face down on the ground after a carjacking gone wrong. It’ll be a good time, V, you’ll make a friend, a real friend, I promise.
V gave a small sigh as Jackie pushed and urged them to join in on the night’s outing, something still not quite setting right about trying to slot themselves in between two old friends when they didn’t know Viktor that well yet. There was something about the way that Jackie could talk something, anything really, up that could melt the heart of the toughest gangers in Night City, and it was making it hard to think of any excuses as to why they couldn’t join. Out of the corner of their eye they could see Misty had a look of utter amusement on her face, though she did hide it fairly well all things considered. All they knew is that she wouldn’t be backing them up on this anytime soon.
“Alright, fine, I’ll come out for a drink or two, but don’t expect me to stick around the whole night, OK?” V finally said, holding their hands up in defeat as they caved, and the way that Jackie’s face absolutely lit up really did make it worthwhile.
“Oh that’s what I’m talking about! I’ll set it up, alright? You just run on home to gussy up, and I’ll send you the deets as soon as Vik and I get them all squared away.” Jackie said, giving V a light shove towards the door as he leaned back against the counter Misty was stood behind. “By the time you get settled in with us tonight, you’ll be wishing the night would never end!” He promised.
“I’m holding you to that!” V said, pointing sharply at Jackie and giving the firmest face they could muster, but it quickly broke as they laughed and waved him off. “I’ll be ready, just keep me up to date. Misty, it was good to see you, don’t let Jackie keep you distracted here alright?” They said as they started towards the door, not seeing the light playful shove that Misty gave Jackie in response. Jackie mumbled something in a playful tone to her that V didn’t quite catch as they stepped out into the loud and busy streets of the Night City Red-light district…
* * *
“There, I see his car, Vik’s already here.” Jackie said, pointing towards a small, dark blue vehicle parked right by the front door. “Probably inside already chattin’ someone up.” He said, and V squinted at the car that Jackie had pointed at before turning to pull in beside it.
“Why the hell does Viktor drive a fucking tiny ass clown car looking thing?” V mumbled as they parked and killed the engine.
“The MaiMai? Can’t blame him for liking to keep it simple, not everyone needs the biggest baddest ride on the street, especially if you don’t actually get out as much.” Jackie said with a shrug, getting out and looking over the top of the car towards the driver’s side, with V doing the same to look back at him. “Why? You really got a problem with it?”
“Just hard to imagine a guy as big as him driving around in a tiny ass car like that.” V said. “Also, like I said before, looks like a fuckin’ clown car.”
“Oh Vik loves it. Trust me, nothing’s better than seeing some poor road-raging asshole’s face go pale when they come to try and pick a fight, only to have Vik step out instead of whatever small spindly fuck they were expecting. He towers over them almost every time.” Jackie said. “Seen it happen first hand, kills me every time.”
Just imagining the scene that Jackie had described was enough to make V laugh. They locked the car up and stepped around towards the entrance of El Coyote Cojo, stopping only to playfully jab Jackie in the center of his chest. “Have a hard time imagining you sitting in a fuckin’ MaiMai too. The two of you crammed in a little two-seater like that? Fuckin’ laughable is what that is.” They said, only to be proven right as Jackie cracked up as he thought back to it, and really it had been just as absurd as V assumed.
Jackie shoved V’s hand away before reaching out to sling an arm around their shoulder, hauling them right up against his side as they stepped in. “Come on, burnin’ daylight here V. We gotta get settled in before the crowds start showing up and we can barely hear ourselves talk.” Jackie said, though really he was hardly complaining. He and V had spent a few good night at the Coyote living it up the best way they knew how, and often left stumbling into the streets with their heads and hearts still pounding to the beat of the music that would blast through the bar during the later hours.
There was a moment of adjustment needed as they stepped in from outside into the neon glow of reds and greens that made up a good portion of the decorative lighting in the joint. Beyond the workers, there were a few early patrons who had already made their way there and settled in at some of their favorite spots for a bite to eat and a good time with friends, but the bar was almost entirely unoccupied yet thankfully. Save for one lone body, anyway. Viktor was sat towards the center, making casual conversation with Pepe as he waited for his friends to arrive. With his back to V and Jackie, he didn’t notice as they approached until Jackie slipped away from V to move to one side of Viktor, while V moved towards his other side and the two caught his attention by sitting down on the stools next to him.
“Been here long Vik?” Jackie asked, and Viktor gave a quick shake of his head, reaching out to pat Jackie on the shoulder to welcome him, and when he looked over to V he saw that Pepe had already stepped over to take their drink order to get them started for the evening. He was a little surprised that V had actually come along with them, but when Jackie first mentioned the fact that they would be there, he hadn’t been disappointed.
“Nah... my last appointment ran a bit long so I just got here maybe ten minutes ago? Customer was about as indecisive as they come and took forever to decide what they wanted. Like I don’t tell my customers to at least have an idea what they fuckin’ want before they come in…. They ended up going for a damn set of rippers of all things.” Viktor said with a heavy sigh and a shake of his head, fatigue clear as day in his voice. “They always assume that just because it’s not a big installation that it will be an easy installation.”
“Rippers? Fuck man, that shit’s old-school, nasty work right?” Jackie asked, far from being a medic but he still knew how rough certain procedures were through word of mouth, and from listening to Viktor bitch about them enough times. Anything involving finger work tended to leave Viktor agitated. “Sorry to hear your day kinda went downstairs after we left. Installation at least go alright?”
“Ahh, it ain’t really worth griping over. I’m here now, ready for a drink. Definitely done thinking about cybernetics for the evening.” Viktor said, clapping his hands together to clear the air between them so they could get things started. Pepe had just handed V’s drink off to them, and he looked between Viktor and Jackie to see what they would be having. “Drinks are on you tonight, right Jack?” Viktor asked.
“Said I was buying, didn’t I?” Jackie said, nodding to Pepe. “Open a tab for me tonight? I’ll pay it off before we head out. Figure we’ll be here a good while though. Gotta catch Viky here up on what V and I have been getting up to, and he’s gonna need somethin’ strong to get him through this one.”
Jackie and Viktor both placed their drink orders and Pepe made quick work of getting them prepped and poured out, and Jackie picked his up as soon as it was ready before turning towards the other two. “Alright how’s about a fuckin’ toast first though, yeah? We’ve all got a lot of good going for us as of late, feels like tonight is the night to celebrate it all.” He said, watching as the other two followed suit in grabbing their drinks to raise up, V leaning forward against the bar just to look around Viktor so they could see.
“I mean, sure, that sounds good Jack,” V said. “What exactly are we toasting to though?”
Jackie thought for half a second before thrusting his drink forward just a bit, sloshing it slightly but none of them cared about the small spill it caused. “Let’s keep it simple; to friends. Old, new, ones we’ll meet in the future.” He said, and to that both V and Viktor held their drinks higher, with V reaching as far as they possibly could to clink their glasses together. It was sloppy, messy, so perfect for the three of them.
“To friendship.” Both V and Viktor said, and the three of them took a generous drink from their glasses before settling back down, V flopping back in their stool so hard it almost rocked a little.
Viktor took a second slow drink from his glass just to really appreciate it a little more, before he looked between Jackie and V both, and he motioned for them to get on with it. He had been promised quite the story several times by Jackie at this point and he expected the man to deliver. “Alright… so let’s hear it,” He said. “What’s the story behind you two?”
“Jackie set his own drink down and shifted in his seat so that he was fully facing Viktor with an excited gleam in his eyes as he began to set the scene. “OK, so I’m out there just doin’ a job for Wakako cause she’s got intel on a high-end, absolutely preem vehicle and she wants me to nab it for her. Apparently she had some client lined up wanting to buy it off her, she just didn’t have it in her possession yet, you know what I mean?” Jackie said, before flicking his wrist towards V, who couldn’t have hid the smirk on their face if they had wanted to. “And I’m all set to grab it right? I get there though and this fucker is sittin’ in the car already, trying to fuckin’ high-jack it with some garbage tech that’s supposed to be a kind of damn skeleton key for super cars I guess?”
V quickly waved their hands, shook their head, and Viktor turned his attention towards them as they began to explain their side of the story. “Listen, you can’t fucking hot-wire a car like that, it was just supposed to get the damn thing up and running for me, I was gonna do the rest.” They said, sighing. “I was trying to help Pepe out with Slimy Kirk ‘cause he was in the hole with him for some money. Kirk said I could do a job for him and Pepe would be squared away, and the job was to grab the car. ‘Course it went belly up like every fucking job from him does...” They said, pinching at the bridge of their nose as they spoke. They were about to carry on with the story, but there was something about the expression on Viktor’s face that gave them pause.
He looked… upset. A little confused, maybe shocked, but mostly just upset as his brow furrowed and he shook his head and turned his gaze down to the table. It was such an abrupt shift from happy and relaxed to this that it was almost jarring to V.
“Wait… wait you mean to tell me that Kirk’s still around? Nobody’s gone and flatlined that little rat yet?” Viktor asked, the disgruntled look on his face only partially obscured by the drink in his hand.
“What can I say? It’s on my to-do list, but bigger things keep pushing him further and further down as priority.” V said with a shrug. “Why? You got beef?”
“Well… hardly these days, doesn’t even matter anymore now that I’ve set up shop behind Misty’s, but the fucker took me for about a grand a few years back while I was still looking for a good place to run my clinic from.” Viktor mumbled, and beside them Jackie nodded with a low whistle as he waved a finger at Viktor.
“Yeeeah, yeah I remember that, god never seen you so pissed Vik. Had every right to be though, I’m still surprised you didn’t knock Kirk into next year...” Jackie said, letting out a low chuckle and shaking his head at the memory of it. “Bastard went into hiding for a bit before you could even get your hands on him or something, right?”
Viktor let out little more than an annoyed grunt in affirmation as he tipped his glass back against his lips and took a long pull from it. When he set it aside the ice clanked loudly against the side of the glass and he raised his hand to motion to Pepe for another. “Something like that...”
V looked between Jackie and Viktor for a moment, but clearly they were missing a bit of history here that neither of them seemed to be in too much of a rush to explain to them, so they cleared their throat and gave Viktor a little nudge with their foot to get his attention. “Hey, I mean he’s back in broad daylight again. If you wanted to send a couple of goons his way to get back at him for you...” V pounded their fist into the palm of their hand a few times for show. “I think Jackie and I could make a bit of time for it.”
Viktor shook his head, waving that idea right off without so much as considering it. “No, not necessary. Like I said, it was years ago and I’m happy with where I’m at right now. Besides, going after fixers doesn’t really do you any favors, even if it’s someone like Kirk… great way to get yourself blacklisted if you’re not careful. Lost eddies ain’t worth it.”
“Yeah… you axe one, all the others tend to get a little twitchy when they hear about it...” V mumbled, slouching in their chair just a little. It was clear to Vik that they were disappointed that they couldn’t help, but he wasn’t going to change his mind on that.
“I swear sometimes they know you’re gonna do somethin’ to piss them off before you even do it, don’t know how though.” Jackie said.
“Well…. Suppose if you ever change your mind, Vik, offer will still be there.” V said.
It was clear that all the talk of Kirk had left a bit of a bad taste in Viktor’s mouth, but he smiled all the same as V assured the offer for support would still be there if he ever changed his mind down the line. “Thanks V, I appreciate it, really. Not a lot of people in this city who would have your back just like that no questions asked.” He said, before muttering a quiet thank you to Pepe as his refill was set in front of him. He held the glass up in a much smaller cheers before taking a sip. “...Anyway, so Kirk sends you out on a job and you just happen to run into Jackie, who just so happens to be looking for the same damn car for Wakako?”
“Should have seen her, Vik, not just any car. Aerondight, ‘bout the sexiest set of wheels I’ve ever seen...” Jackie said, and V couldn’t help but snort at the almost wistful look on his face as he thought back to the car that got away. “PD were on our asses in fuckin’ seconds though, and I’m pretty sure the only reason we walked away from that one alive was because of Stints...”
“Couldn’t let us off without a proper beatdown though, better than ending up at the bottom of a fucking river at least...” V muttered, reaching up and rubbing idly at their nose that hadn’t quite looked like it was supposed to since that last little run in with the cops.
“Ok so… so let me get this straight,” Viktor started, setting his drink down before he leaned back in his seat and he motioned between Jackie and V both. “Somewhere between Jackie putting a gun to your head and getting your shit kicked in by PD, you decided that you two were gonna be best buds from now on?” He asked.
“Well, no, actually I still kinda wanted to kick his ass for a while after all that, but then he went and introduced me to Mama Welles and…. Well she asked me to stay for dinner, what can I say?” V said with a shrug, a sheepish grin spreading on their lips as they spoke. “Can’t say no to her, and can’t hurt her baby boy.”
“Awe, come on V, don’t gotta go breaking my heart by telling me you’re friends with Mama and not me.” Jackie said, and Viktor ducked his head at that, hiding the grin behind his hand. He couldn’t hide the way his shoulders bounced with poorly concealed snickering though, and when Jackie lightly kicked Viktor in the shin for laughing at him, Viktor reached out and gave a small shove right back in return. They really did seem like a couple of best friends, rather than a doctor and his patient.
“Learn to make chili like your mom, then I’ll think about upping you on my list of friends, Jack.” V said.
“Oof nasty words V!” Jackie said, giving the most heartbroken sounding gasp he could muster, hand placed over his heart. “Vik, you’re closer, punch them for me.”
Viktor gave V a bit of a side-eyed glance and a thoughtful hum as he circled the rim of his glass with his thumb. Then he shook his head with the barest hint of a smirk on his face. “Come on now Jackie, I don’t think they deserve to die for that...” He said, ignoring the way that V’s head whipped around and the indignant expression they had plastered to their face. The moment V opened their mouth to spit out some sort of a rebuttal Viktor shot them a look, just daring them to argue against him. “Hmm? Got something to say, Kid?”
There were a few beets between the two that seemed to carry on for an eternity, just Viktor staring V down while V looked like the cogs in their brain were frantically trying to churn out an answer to that challenge they had just been issued, at least in their mind. Finally V sat up a little straighter as the looked Viktor up and down before shrugging. “I don’t know Vik… I’ve been in some pretty decent scraps myself….. I think I could take you.” They said, tone laced with nothing but pure defiance.
Jackie erupted into laughter, while Viktor’s expression seemed caught somewhere between complete awe, and utter befuddlement. He almost seemed like he was waiting for V to take back what they were saying, to realize that if Viktor wanted to, he could have dropped them in an instant with a well placed blow, but they just cross their arms over their chest and looked proud of what they had said. That stunned look on Viktor’s face melted into one of admiration for the gutsy little street punk in front of him.
“Oh… I like this one Jackie.” Viktor said, leaning against the bar just a little as he spoke, and he seemed to be trying to decide whether or not he should make them prove themself or not. Given the fact that there was alcohol involved here, he figured maybe that wasn’t the best idea for them, or potentially anyone else in the bar for that matter. “They’ve got a pair.”
“Ehh, they really do have a wicked arm on them too, for someone who’s untrained anyway. They’re bullshitting hard right now, they know damn well they couldn’t take on a pro like you, but… I’ve seen them throw some nasty punched all the same.” Jackie said with a shrug, and just from his praise alone V felt bolstered, and the look on their face was damn near blinding with pride. The compliments certainly did nothing to quell their ego, and they couldn’t help but puff out their chest just a little. “I think you’d actually be impressed if you saw it, Vik.”
Viktor hadn’t looked away from V since he first began to realize just how daring this little streetpunk actually was, and V was beginning to feel like the man’s eyes were about to burn a damn hole in their skin with how intently he was watching them. The lights from behind the bar had them all cast in a deep green glow, and it hit Viktor just right to let V see his eyes hidden behind the dark lenses of his glasses. They had been locked on their own at first, but it was impossible for V to miss the way they flicked down as he glanced them over.
V wasn’t the toughest, biggest bastard in Night City, not by a long-shot. Their augmentations were a rather pitiful minimum, and with next to no bio-enhancemnts to even begin to compare to some of the cybered up tech heads you could find in the slums, the only person there who was less kitted up was Viktor himself who, as far as V could tell, was tech free. With a painful lack of eddies to their name, all they could really do to even begin to stack against the dangers the city held was to stay in shape, grit their teeth, and give it all they could. They had long since learned that even if you didn’t have the shiniest new implants installed, you had damn well better be willing to walk into a dangerous situation with the confidence of someone who did, or you would get chewed up and spit out in a heartbeat.
But… Viktor wasn’t looking for tech. They could all but feel Viktor’s eyes roaming over them now that their jacket wasn’t in the way like it had been at the clinic. His gaze lingered on their arms, their shoulders and chest, the subtle definition of the muscles hidden under the thin fabric of their T-shirt. V pulled their glass up to take a slow drink from it, the burn of the alcohol distracting them from the nerves the felt itching at the edge of their mind.
“Well, Vik, are you impressed? Like what you see?” They asked lowly, and as soon as they spoke Viktor looked back up at their face.
“Yeah… I mean you look like you’re in pretty good shape, from a glance at least.” Viktor said, clearing his throat as he reached for his glass, quickly bringing it to his lips to take what was really the smallest sip he could. “Next time you come in I’d like to take the time and put you through the wringer, do a full physical and see what we can do to improve on that…” He said, looking down to his glass, and finally V felt like they could breath again. “Not that I really wanna talk business right now, came out to spend time with friends and that’s what I plan on doing.”
“Fair enough, V said, before tapping the back of their hand against Viktor’s shoulder. “Hey, I know Jackie said drinks were on him tonight, but let me get your next one. My way of saying thanks for the work earlier.” They suggested with a lopsided grin on their face, all too charming in their own way.
“I like the way you say thanks, Kid.” Viktor said with a small laugh, not caring if it was a little silly since he wasn’t going to be buying his own drinks either way, but he supposed that it really was the thought that counted. "Last one though, I still gotta work tomorrow so I’m not looking to get drunk tonight.”
“That would be a tall fuckin’ order anyway, getting Viktor drunk. Guy’s got the tolerance of a champ.” Jackie said, before he leaned around Viktor to look at V, and he jabbed a thumb towards the front door of the bar. “V, buy the man his drink and then do me a favor after that, will you? Think my holo slipped out in your car, and you got the key. Fetch it for me?” He asked.
“Yeah, I got you Jack. I gotta step out anyway, I’m expecting deets on a job any minutes really.” V said before waving Pepe down and tapping the spot in front of Viktor. “Another of what he’s having, I’ll send you the eddies in just a second Pepe, I just gotta step out real quick and I’ll be right back. You can keep Jackie as collateral ‘till then.” They said, giving Jackie a playful wink as they passed by, fishing their key out of their pocket before they even reached the door.
Jackie watched them go, leaning back on his stool until he almost looked like he was about ready to topple over backwards until V disappeared from his sight. As soon as they were gone, he leaned forward again and turned towards Vik to smack him on the shoulder a couple of times. It didn’t hurt so much as it just surprised Viktor, making him flinch just a little.
“Viiiik, Viky, come on what was that now?!” Jackie demanded, attempting to smack at Viktor’s arm a few more times before the old ripper pushed his hand away and reached for his freshly refilled glass now that he wasn’t being hit.
“What are you going on about now? Not short circuiting over there, are you?” Viktor asked.
“Damn near thought I was, seeing what I just saw. Was that the one and only Viktor Vektor flirting?” Jackie asked, and the shit eating grin he had on his face made Viktor give a roll of his eyes and shake his head.
“I don’t flirt, Jack, not anymore. Too old for that kinda thing, you know?” Viktor said, waving Jackie off. “V seems… they seem real nice. I don’t know them that well at all of course, but what little I’ve talked to them they at least seem like they’ve got their head on straight, and if you’ve taken a liking to them, then they probably have a good heart buried in there somewhere too I’m guessing...” He said, pausing for a moment in hopes that would be enough to placate Jackie, but that goofy, almost accusatory grin didn’t seem to falter from his face. “Fuckin’ get over it Jackie, you’re seeing things that aren’t even there.”
“What about that fancy new rig you set up in their head earlier? Processors don’t come cheap, even older ones.” Jackie pointed out. “They mentioned that they wanted to pay you back for it… bet you didn’t even ask them to though, did you?”
“I’d just rather make sure I actually get to see them for a second appointment than worry about eddies.” Viktor said. “Wasn’t even the newest model, doubt I would have had anyone coming in looking for it, and I really doubt I’ll miss it.”
“...Well, you sure as hell won them over with that smooth move, I can tell.” Jackie said, the smile finally fading from his lips just a bit as he glanced over his shoulder towards the door. He could see V through one of the cracked front windows, kicking the door to their car shut while looking down at their own holo, responding to some texts by the look of it. They were still looking down at the device when they started back towards the bar entrance.
“Mm...” Viktor glanced over when the door chimed with V’s re-entrance. “Like I said, forget it.”
As soon as V made their way over, they stood between the both of them and sat Jackie’s holo down in front of him, and placed a hand on each of their shoulders. “Hey, listen, hate to bounce already but I just got word from one of my fixers about a sweet gig. Should be easy work for a decent chunk of change. Figure it would probably still be best if I can see straight going into it though.” They said, looking to Jackie. “I warned you that I would probably be dipping earlier than the two of you anyway.” They said. They just narrowly missed the little frown that Viktor had on his face upon hearing that V was heading out, probably to get into some sort of trouble elsewhere. Jackie didn’t
“Fine, fine, you’re free to go. Dunno what you’re up to, but try not to catch a bullet, alright? I kinda need you for this next job, alright?” Jackie said with a little snicker, grunting at the hard swat V gave him on the back. “Hey play nice now! S’what you get for saying you’re better friends with my Mama than you are with me. Now scram, V, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Yeah, of course, we’ll rock it out OK Jackie? I’ll give you a call first thing in the morning.” V said, letting their hands slip away from the two, before pointing at Viktor as they began to walk backwards towards the door. “Soon as we finish this I’m comin’ to give you what you’re owed, Vik, and maybe we can talk shop about getting a few more fancy toys installed?”
Viktor lifted his head just a little when V spoke to him, and he nodded. “Sure thing, V, just call ahead and I’ll be sure to make some time for you as soon as you’re ready.” He promised, giving a little wave before he finished off his glass that had been ordered for him, setting it aside to be cleaned up while he and Jackie caught up.
V turned on heel and headed out after that, with Jackie watching them until they got in their car and drove away, headed off for what he could only hope wasn’t too dangerous of a mission if they were going to tackle it themselves. As soon as V was gone though, Jackie looked back over to Viktor.
“You’ll make some time for them, Vik? Squeeze ‘em in?” Jackie asked, elbowing Viktor lightly, raising his eyebrows in a suggestive manner.
“Shut it, Jackie, before I wire your jaw shut myself.”
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whynotwinnie · 4 years
Timida part 3: Roger Taylor x OC
sorry it took so long college is kicking my ass rn but thank you for all the support y’all have given me i’m going to start writing the next part rn thank y’all - bennie <3
T/w: body dysmorphia, talks of anxiety and depression, cussing
Throughout the night you woke up a total of 4 times getting frustrated you sat up and stared at the clock 4:13 in the afternoon. You flopped back on the bed, you should’ve gone to bed earlier.
You swung your legs to the edge of your bed and hopped down popping your back as you made your way to your shower. You turned on the hot water and let it run while you stripped yourself of your clothes. You turned yourself toward the mirror staring at your body, oh it was going to be one of those days. You turned from side to side checking your figure and felt the tears start to form in your eyes. 
You stepped into your shower and started to cry while the hot water hit your back. You always got these weird mood swings where you felt like shit and wanted to hide from the world, you would say these mood swings happened at least once a week. You know you probably needed some type of help for it but as of right now you didn’t have the time or the funds to deal with that. 
You spent a little extra time in the shower resulting in the hot water running out and turning freezing cold. You groaned and turned it off grabbing a towel to dry your body, when you were leaving the restroom you made sure to avoid looking in the mirror. 
You grabbed a different big t-shirt to use as pajamas and threw on a random pair of house shorts and headed to your work area to finish whatever orders you didn’t start on last night.
Making quick work with the simple alterations you sat bored after folding the last article of clothing nicely. You got up from your desk and walked around your small apartment trying to find something to keep you occupied until it was time to call Roger.
Deciding you should make an early dinner you went to your kitchen area in your flat. The flat itself was small and the only way you could describe it was tolerable. It was one bed, one bathroom flat the only reason why you ended up signing your lease was that it was cheap and had an open living room area so you can set up all your work stuff there. But that also meant that your living room was always a mess with scrap fabric on the floor, 2 working mannequins plus the broken one being propped up by the wall, your huge old sewing machine that was way too loud, and a wardrobe that you found on the street that you cleaned and kept some spare fabric and clothes in.
You decided that you were going to make chicken and rice, you would’ve had beans but you ran out a week ago and never got the time to go get groceries. As you seasoned your chicken you made a promise to yourself that you would go get groceries tomorrow. 
Then your phone rang.
“Shit,” you said while you left your chicken on the stove, quickly checking the time before you answered 6:05 it seemed too early for it to be Roger.
“Hello?” you said to the phone wondering who it could be.
“Oh hey Roger, I wasn’t expecting you to call this early,” 
“Yeah, sorry about that.” he signed into the receiver “Remember when I told you yesterday how we had a really good practice, well today was shit.”
“I’m sorry about that Roger, what happened?”
“Well, Brian and I couldn’t get on the same page to save our lives he kept insisting that there needed to be a guitar solo in every fucking song when there really shouldn’t.” 
He kept his rant going for a few minutes talking about solos and songs you just tried to keep up with the names and strange vocabulary he was using. It wasn’t until you started to smell burning when you remembered your chicken on the stove.
“Fucking shit hold on Roger.” you dropped the phone and ran to the chicken taking the pan off the burner. The chicken was black on the bottom and stuck to the pan.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” you did your best to scrape the chicken in the trash but some stayed stuck you would have to deal with that later. You turned your rice off before that could burn too, you guess rice for dinner would do.
You threw the pan in the sink and turned on the water and watched the steam come off the pan, you never had this happen before you were a pretty good cook it came naturally after your mother made you help her cook for your whole family. But burning something if she could see you now she would be so disappointed, well she’s always disappointed in you nothing you could do to change that.
You turned off the water and went back to the phone.
“Hey sorry about that.” you sighed into the phone
“Is everything okay Mickey? You really had me worried.”
“Everything is fine now I had started making chicken right before you called and I didn’t keep an eye on it but now it’s burnt.” 
“This is all my fault, I bored you with all my stupid problems.”
“No, you didn’t! I should’ve known better.”
“You have to let me make it up to you.” 
You paused for a second. “Don’t be silly it’s just chicken.”
“Let me take you for dinner.”
“I- When?” you said softly
“Right now.”
You didn’t say anything, you weren’t ready or anything like that.
“Unless you don’t want to go that’s okay too.”
You panicked “No, I would love to it’s just that I look like a mess right now.”
“I bet you’re lying, I want to see you Mickey please let me take you for dinner. If not for me then for the poor chicken you just burned.”
You laughed. “Okay then.”
“Great, what’s your address I’ll pick you up.”
You stopped, was it smart to give him your address? No. 
“Or we can meet there Mickey. I’m fine with either.” 
You didn’t have a car, you knew how to drive and all that but after one time where your mom yelled at you for making too sharp of a turn you always got nervous when you got behind the wheel. So you walked or biked everywhere now. 
You decided to give him your address and in the worst-case scenario maybe Dayla would tell the police it was Roger who murdered you. But you doubt that would happen. He said he’ll be there in fifteen and that you didn’t live far from each other.
You rushed to get ready putting on black jeans and another t-shirt much like the same outfit you first saw him in except this time you decided to put on a little mascara and to fill in your eyebrows.
While you were tying your shoes you heard the buzzer “Hey Mick it’s Roger can you buzz me in?”
Your heart fluttered at the new nickname he had for you “Yeah Roger, I’ll meet you down there.” as you buzzed him in.
You practically ran to the elevator cursing it for taking so long and once it opened at the lobby you saw him there looking extremely good and with flowers in hand.
“Roger!” You called him over.
“Hey Mick, these are for you,” he said as he handed you a bouquet of carnation flowers.
“Thank you so much!” you said as you grabbed them he looked down at you and you leaned into him for a short embrace. 
“Would you like to come up for a bit so I can put these in water,” you asked hoping he wouldn’t get the wrong idea.
“Yeah of course.”
You both took the elevator back to your floor in comfortable silence and then you walked him to your door.
“It’s a bit of mess right now and it still smells burnt.” You said as you opened the door.
He took a look around as he walked in “I like it.”
“You don’t have to lie Roger.” you laughed as you filled a vase with water.
“I’m not I like it, it’s cozy even with the burnt smell,” he said as he grinned at you.
“Please don’t remind me.” You groaned as you set the flower vase on the small dining table you had.
He laughed and walked toward your living room “Oh wow.”
“Yeah, that was the mess I was talking about.” you cringed at how it must look.
“This is where you work?” 
You shook your head yes.
He walked to the dress you made last night hanging on the mannequin.
“Did you do this?” he asked eyes wide. 
“Like you made it made it, not like hemmed it or anything,” he said not believing you.
“Yeah, look.” you flipped the back of the dress to show the custom made tags your aunt had made for you when you lived with her. The tag said “Luci’s Attire” it was the best idea you had at the time.
“Wow, this is really good Mickey like for real.”
You grinned at him it felt good being seen. 
“Thank you, Roger.” You smiled at him.
“Hey, before we go is it okay if I use your bathroom before we go?”
“Yeah of course.” You led him to the bathroom and told him you would be in the living room.
You decided to crack open a window to help get rid of the burnt smell feeling less nervous about hanging out with Roger. 
You both left your apartment building shoulders touching feeling the cool September air blow through your hair. He opened the door to his car with a huge smile on his face. You gave a soft thanks and sat in his car. 
The car itself was really nice probably the nicest car you have ever been in. The outside was painted in a sleek black and the inside leather was all red. You were honestly scared to touch anything so you kept your hands on your lap. Roger got in the driver’s seat and turned to you.
“Is it okay if we go to this place I know they serve the best Italian food.”
“The best?” you said with an eyebrow raised.
“Well, the best I had, actually maybe we should go somewhere else.” He said while reversing.
“No, I would like to go actually.” You said laughing
“I don’t think it’s a good idea now Mick-”
“Please Roger.” You said with a pleading voice.
He did a quick double-take at you and gave a small smile.
He turned the dial of his radio to change the channel.
“What kind of music do you like listening to?” he asked
“Can I be honest?” you said low
“Yes please.”
“I like American music.” You said laughing.
“AMERICAN MUSIC! Mickey you have got to be kidding me!”
“I’m sorry Roger I don’t know why I’m just obsessed with America for some reason.”
“Mickey we are probably living in the best era of music in Great Britain and you choose America. It’s simply not patriotic of you.” 
“Well, I’m not from the UK Roger! Also, I could’ve sworn you put on more of an accent than you really have on ” you said laughing
“I did not! Don’t change the subject either!”
“Yes, you did you said ‘Amerikah’ like you were the Queen herself.”
“Ok maybe but come on Mickey!”
“I like music from here too, the first song I heard that was in English was the Beatles.”
“And you think American music is better?!”
“Just purely because I have this fascination with America. And I do like music from here and Spain and Italy it has nothing to do with-”
“Alright alright alright, but I’ll show you some real music.”
He pulled into the Italian restaurant and of course, it was named “Giovanni’s Italian Restaurant” You almost rolled your eyes. 
“Let’s go,” he said with a smile as he opened your door for you.
Taglist <3: @johnricharddeacy
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She [7]
Warnings: non-consent sex (series)
This is dark! Steve and explicit. 18+ only.
Series Synopsis: Steve Rogers’ life is turned upside down by a reporter.
Chapter Summary: The reader finds herself busy.
Note: I have these chapters done so I’ll keep posting till the end.
Thanks to everyone for their patience and feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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You met with Rashida at the beginning of the next week. Only three days after your last encounter. Since then, you’d found yourself watching over your shoulder. As you left your building, walked to the station, passed through the broad doors of the tall tower where Motley’s offices resided... You were overly alert and entirely uncertain. 
Yet you didn’t see anything more than before. The man in the hoodie didn’t catch your eye and in a subway car full of the same dark sweaters, how would you even pick him out? You felt hopeless. Maybe he stopped. Maybe it was one of Fury’s men keeping tabs on you. Maybe he hadn’t been following you at all.
You shook away all those questions as you hit the buzzer and waited for the crackly speaker. Rashida was quick to let you up and welcomed you into an apartment as small as your own. The space was a cluster of children’s toys and mismatched furniture. You sat at the round table as she offered you something to drink. She brought you a glass of water and sat across from you.
“Maya’s at school til three,” She said as she leaned an arm on the table. “I’d rather she not be here.”
“I understand,” You took out your notebook. “Do you mind if I record this?”
She rubbed two fingers along the plastic tablecloth. “Recorded?”
“For me only. The audio won’t be released. And as before, this will all be on record until you say it’s not.” You coaxed. “We stop when you say.”
“Sure,” She nodded. “I do have a real job, you know. I work breakfast down at this diner.” She pointed at the window. “It’s just not cutting it.”
You set your phone down and hit the red button and took your pen.
“Do most of the women have other jobs?” You asked.
“Most, if not all. Some of them only come around when they finish down at the strip joints,” She leaned back, a little more relaxed. “I… Selene said she’d talk to you. If you wanted. I just don’t know how much she’ll talk. She still hasn’t told me everything.”
“Really?” Your lashes fluttered in excitement. “Yeah, anything she has-- Any other girls you know, I could use anything.”
She exhaled and ran her thumb along her middle finger.
“I wanna help them, you know? Not just me. Because I’m just one of a lot. A lot.” She shook her head. “And they get younger and younger. Used to be I worried about protecting the young ones, now we’re all just thinking about ourselves.”
“I heard about Saturday,” You said. “You know her?”
“No, but I found her. Arm broke, face cut,” Her fingers closed to a fist. “She fought him and he fought back but now she’s marked. Forever.”
“If you don’t mind, I’d like to redirect for a little bit.” You said gently. “I don’t want you to think about the attacks. I want to know about you. Tell me about your first night there.”
She squinted. “Why?”
“Because...you matter. And if people see that you’re human, that’s how they’ll see all the rest.” You shifted in your seat. “It won’t just be numbers printed beside some add for dry cleaning. It will be people.”
She thought and swallowed. She pressed her lips together.
“It was only supposed to be the one night,” She began. “Just needed to make up the last of the rent…”
Poppy sat in her usual spot. Her desk was her throne and you were all just her subjects. He ashy hair was pinned up so only a single curl framed her face. Her structured blouse was a rich fuschia and the bow was much too big and tacky. You looked down at your tweed jacket with the three-quarter sleeves and a moment of doubt took you. You didn’t belong here with her.
You took a breath and approached her office. You knocked on the transparent door and she didn’t look up. She flicked two fingers for you to enter as she kept her eyes on the tablet propped up against her desk.
“What is it?” She asked, still scrolling through the black text.
“I’m… supposed to give you my pitch,” You looked at the clock above her head. “It’s noon.”
“Go on then,” She still didn’t look at you.
You glanced at the chair but didn’t sit. You hated the cold, hard seat. You neared her desk and laid down your single sheet. 
“In the last four months, there has been a string of assaults on a block which hosts a slew of prostitutes. The women who have been attacked all bear the same scars; from hairline to chin.” You said evenly. “I intend to write about these women who work there and get their stories and what is being done, or not being done, by the police.”
She slowly looked up through her half-moon glasses. She let the tablet lay flat and sat back in the tall white leather chair.
“Prostitutes? You mean the most common victims of assault? Hardly revolutionary reporting.” She sniffed.
“Think about it. Each woman who has been attacked in this manner has survived but she has been marked. It’s like… Jack the Ripper. He’s circling the block. Don’t you think one day he’ll get bored of just a slice? Saturday, a girl’s arm was broken too. It’s the first major injury beside the cuts.” You slid your printed pitch closer to her. “It’s only a matter of time before this is the new Whitechapel.”
She lifted a brow and reached to take the paper. Her eyes glossed over the text and she looked up at you again.
“This really what you wanna do?” She asked.
“Yeah, I’ve already have interviews lined up.” You assured her. “I think this could be good. It might even help stop these assaults before they cross that line.”
She chuckled and shook her head.
“We’ll see,” She set the page down. “I hope you don’t miss the mail room that bad.”
You withheld a frown and left her as she shooed you with her hand. Her confidence was disheartening. You wondered if maybe you’d taken a wild misstep. If perhaps you had gotten ahead of yourself. 
You sat at your desk and grabbed your phone. You took the folded paper beneath it; the list of names and numbers Rashida had given you the day before. Well, you had to make your shot and if you missed, it could be fatal.
You spent the rest of your day calling the women and trying to arrange further interviews. Selene, though she sounded nervous, agreed and only one other; Tess. It was a start and a better one than you expected. Then you put in your earbuds and listened to the recording of your second meeting with Rashida. You transcribed diligently as you tuned out those around you.
You were spooked by a tap on your shoulder. You tore out your ear bud and glanced at Essie. She smiled as you closed out your work and turned to her. She had her Barbie pink purse on her elbow and her phone in her other hand. It must have been later than you thought.
“Hey, Rima and I are going for a drink. We were wondering if you wanted to come. It’s been a while.” She smiled.
Essie had started at the same time as you; she, an intern as you were relegated to the mail room. Still, you shared a sense of comradery as she had been a constant in your time at Motley. You peeked back at your screen and checked the time in the corner. You shrugged. There wasn’t much else you could do that night.
“I could do a drink.” You stood. “I heard you were doing a piece on some new designer?”
“Yeah,” She chimed proudly as you shut off your computer and grabbed your purse. “I’m hoping it can get me an interview at Elle or Vogue. You know this place isn’t really the height of fashion.”
“No, not at all,” You chuckled. “Surprising, given Poppy’s wardrobe.”
“The devil wears fake prada,” Essie snorted. A taller woman appeared at her side; Rima’s sharp bob highlighted the angles of her jaw.
“Hey,” Rima said as she pouted, her lips smooth beneath a coat of dark lipstick. “We aren’t going to that horrible Pop place again. Those lights give me a headache.”
“It was called Bubble and you didn't mind so much after that shot of tequila.” Essie chided.
“No tequila for me,” You intoned. “I’ve got an interview tomorrow.”
“We’ll see,” Essie said coyly.
You shook your head and even Rima’s dour sneer cracked.
“No dancing,” Rima declared. “It’s not even Friday yet.”
“Then you’ll owe me on Friday,” Essie countered as she led the way between desks. “And a shot.”
You sipped your gin slowly. You didn’t need a hangover on top of everything else and you weren’t really in the mood for alcohol. Or the chatty New York barroom. As always, you regretted your inclination to be social. You’d rather be at home, hypnotized by a screen as you tried to decide what to order on your pizza.
You didn’t talk much, you didn’t really care about the new pop star or onset romance. Rima barely seemed to stomach it herself but indulged Essie in her tabloid dreams. The night wore on as you found your glass empty and hid it behind your arm as you smiled. You were eager to find an excuse to leave before midnight.
“Ugh, I gotta break the seal,” Essie whined. “Damn.”
“Too bad,” Rima said dryly. “Don’t fall in.”
“Wow, love you too,” She huffed. “I thought this was a girls’ night.”
“You’re a big girl. You can handle it.” Rima teased. “I’m comfortable right here.”
Essie frowned and looked at you. You shrugged. You had been avoiding the smelly bathrooms. She spun around sharply and marched away in defeat. It was quiet for a moment, then Rima’s voice pierced through those around you.
“I read your article. On Captain America,” She said. “Very… interesting. I hear he’s been in hiding.”
“Oh?” You blinked at her. “I haven’t really… been paying attention. Gotta keep up with my new story.”
“New story?” She mused. “You mean… everyone in town is talking about Steve Rogers and you have the scoop and you’re just going to toss it away.”
“What scoop?” You asked.
“Well, what happened off the record?” She snickered. “We are all so curious and our imaginations do get the best of us.”
“It was… I just left,” You said. “Really. It wasn’t that… dramatic.”
“Oh, but we all got a taste of that temper. You must’ve been terrified.” She prodded. “Weren’t you? A man that big--”
“Why are you so curious?” You wondered.
“Just… am.” She grabbed her drink and you glimpsed her phone behind her forearm. She drank and you saw the familiar red dot and ticking timer. “You were right. Those avengers, they need--”
“Are you recording me?” You asked. “What the fuck, Rima?”
“What, oh no?” She looked down. “I must have hit it by accident.”
“Bull shit.” You pushed away your empty glass. “I should’ve… I should go. I have a lot to do tomorrow.”
“Really, it wasn’t--”
“Save it. You can find your own story. I’m not it.” You hissed and saw Essie emerge from the bathrooms. You grabbed your purse and stormed over to her. “I’ll see you at the office.”
“What? Wait? Where are you going?”
“Home. I’m too old for this place,” You stopped on your heel. “Have fun.”
The next day, you chose to forego your check-in at the office. Your pitch was approved, you’d sent your transcription to the cloud, and you weren’t so eager to see Rima again. You would see Selene at noon and hunker down back at your apartment, hopefully with even more to work with.
You left at ten. Enough time to stop and grab a bite between transfers. At midtown, you got a bagel and tea and sat in the cafe that smelled of cinnamon and beans. You spread the cream cheese and the door opened and closed. The line was growing longer and longer and you thanked your luck at getting ahead of it.
As you bit into your bagel and a seed stuck to your lip, you were surprised by an unexpected figure before you. You looked up and nearly choked. Steve Rogers wore a navy tee and jeans; much more casual than the captain presented to the world. You grabbed a napkin and covered your mouth as you chewed and swallowed.
“Steve?” You blinked.
“Hey, I know this is…” He looked around. “Weird. I was just coming in to grab a smoothie and I didn’t think it was you.”
“Oh?” You looked at the green drink in his hand. “Yeah, uh, coincidence.”
“Well, I’ve had to kinda change things up lately. Not gonna lie, I had to outrun a man with a camera a few blocks back.” He raised his brow in exasperation.
“Look, what has happened, the reaction, it’s not what I meant--” You found it hard to speak. You imagined your last week and a half had been much easier than his; even with all the chaos. “I was trying to show that you were more than a shield. That you weren’t just the righteous war hero and I guess…”
“Do you mind if I sit?” He asked. “Just for a second.”
“Uh, yeah,” You said hesitantly. You folded the wrapper over the bagel as he took the chair across from you.
“I got angry. That’s on me.” He said and paused to sip his smoothie. “And you’re right, I’m not perfect. I think the world should see that. I’d… like to do another interview.”
“Steve, look, I understand what you’re trying to do but it’s already out there. It can’t be taken back, people have already decided on what they think. I’m sorry but I can’t undo it.” You said.
“I know,” He was on the edge of his chair. “I’m not looking to clear anything up, I know that can’t be done. I just want a second chance. To paint a clearer, fuller picture of myself.”
“I… I’m real sorry but I’m in the middle of something else and I just think it might be too soon for all that.” You rubbed your neck. “Steve, I really am sorry about how it turned out.”
“For me then. You don’t have to promise a story. If you think it’s garbage, toss it.” He pleaded. “But I’d just like to do it for me. For closure. And if it ends up on the newsstand, all the better. If not, well, I know I tried to fix things.”
“I… guess I could… it would have to be tomorrow at the soonest. I have another interview this afternoon and I’d have to prepare.” You explained.
“Tomorrow,” He nodded and stood. “Perfect.”
“Alright. Does one o’clock work?” You asked.
“It works. Um, come in the back?” He said as a wrinkle deepened in his forehead. “There’s a bit of an issue with the front door. It’s a bit crowded.”
“Ah,” You nodded, “Right.”
“If you’re coming from the subway, you want to turn down the little bike path off the street before. There’s a red ornament on my gate, a little star.”
“Alright. I’ll see ya then.” You tried to smile but found it hard.
“Oh, and…” He grabbed his cup. “I’m sorry too. I wasn’t very nice and I knew you’d ask questions. It’s your job. I’m better than that.”
“It’s really nothing. I’ve dealt with worse.” You assured him.
“Okay. Tomorrow.” He tapped the table top. “Thanks for letting me interrupt your breakfast.”
You watched him go and he passed the window without another glance. There was a pit in your stomach. A sudden guilt. You’d caused him so much trouble and you’d been so concerned with yourself. So bad he was practically begging to talk. 
You had completely misjudged him. He wasn’t an angry man, he was only human. He made mistakes like everyone else. He should, at least, be allowed that one flaw.
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fleckcmscott · 5 years
Watch What Happens - Chapter 6
Chapter links: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Summary: Arthur, an aspiring comedian, has struggled to find normalcy and compassion his entire life. Y/N, a hard-working paralegal and transplant to Gotham, has just been put on a case for the Wayne Foundation. When they meet, unexpected sparks fly.
Chapter warning: None
Words: 3,241
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Y/N tried to avoid looking at her watch as she sat across from Matt, on the other side of his desk, taking dictation in shorthand. The last time she checked, probably five minutes ago, it was only 11:12 AM. Even as she wrote, catching every detail, her mind was willing the clock to go faster. She'd be meeting Arthur in under two hours. Her lips curved upwards at the thought of him.
Shortly after leaving him at the Newkirk station in Otisburg, after they'd gotten donuts, she'd realized the mistake she'd made in not getting his number. While it was true she'd continue to work in his area, she knew the chance she'd run into him a third time had been slim. Sure, he'd told her he lived on Anderson, wherever the hell that was, but that was it. She supposed she could have looked for his name on the buzzers of all the buildings on that street, if she was inclined to be a creep about it.
While she’d dated casually, it had been a long time since she'd experienced any sort of infatuation. She simply hadn't had time for it. In the seven or so years before she'd come to Gotham, she'd done legal work part-time and shared a house with her father, who'd been wasting away with dementia.
That had been the hardest period of her life, more difficult than her marriage amicably falling apart years prior. Her sister hadn’t been able to help much - she had a family of her own. And her mother had passed away shortly after her father’s diagnosis. It had been all on Y/N’s shoulders.
When she hadn't been at work, she'd been stuck in the daily grind of keeping her father calm, clean, and fed. It was never easy. The lack of time for herself had taken a toll on her. There were days when all she'd wanted was to be alone, but what she'd be left with was the same chores as always, and guilt for wishing it would end. When he died, she sold or donated most of her stuff and left.
Since moving, she appreciated not having anyone depend on her. Not having to answer to someone. Being on her own. Arthur had thrown a wrench into that. The feelings he’d stirred in her were unexpected. And lovely. But asking for his number then would have been leading them both on. She hadn't decided if she wanted him to pursue her - yet.
But if fate was going to throw an awkwardly charming, handsome guy at her three times, she wasn't going to argue.
The reason she'd been on that night's late train was the broken roller feed of the office photocopier. Multiple copies of motions that were over fifty pages long had to be made manually. She'd removed the high-heels from her aching feet and copied each page one by one. It had kept her aggravatingly late.
The laughter had gotten her attention, first. She'd assumed someone was having too good of a time. But when she'd seen him there, the clown with his hand over his mouth, it became obvious he was in pain. Once she saw the assholes in suits advancing on him, not helping hadn't been an option.
She'd been relieved to see Arthur again, but the circumstances made it bittersweet. The situation, the laminated card, his condition. It had clicked for her why he was shy and reserved. As soon as he'd taken off that damned wig, she'd known she would give him her business card.
"Y/N?" Matt's voice interrupted her thoughts. "Are you with me?"
She blinked. "Yeah, sorry.” Her knuckles popped as she stretched her fingers. “This letter is going on a little too long. My hand's starting to cramp.”
He leaned back in his chair and stretched his arms. "Yeah, you're right. We'll come back to it later." Spinning around, he grabbed the oversize mug of coffee sitting on the bookshelf behind him. "You look at that Wayne file yet? Sorry we didn't get to it earlier in the week."
"I've actually been trying to figure out how to talk with you about it," she said, furrowing her brow.
"Well, that's an odd thing to say."
She tapped her pen against her legal pad. "I've looked at the file extensively. Mostly, it's motions back and forth for continuances, eminent domain filings, petty bickering...” Her lips twisted in a grimace. “But there wasn't evidence of anything being claimed by either party."
"Evidence?" he asked. "The buildings are deathtraps."
"Only if you read the Wayne Foundation's motions,” she countered. "I went to one of them on Saturday, and-"
Matt put his arms on his desk and leaned forward. "You what?"
Rolling her eyes, she waved his concern off. "No one saw me. Just an old lady getting her paper. It doesn't matter." She watched as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'm not an architect or engineer, but those buildings aren't in the shape the foundation is claiming.
"They’ve also said the buildings are almost empty, but a lot of people still live in the one I visited." She wiggled her foot under the desk before continuing. Matt wouldn’t have a heart attack, right? "They're getting letters telling them they have to leave within ninety days or forfeit their belongings."
He tapped his hand on the desk, looking vacantly at the surface. "Do you have any of these letters?"
Hurriedly, she went to her desk to grab the file. "The woman who saw me gave me this,” she said over her shoulder. “Don't worry. She doesn't know where I work." She dug out the envelope and came back, handing it over.
Glancing at her, he took out the letter. His face remained calm as he read it. "It's not from any Wayne organization," he said. "They all have 'Wayne' in the name. I've never heard of Renew Corp."
"I know, but wouldn't this be a weird coincidence?" she asked.
After a minute or so, he stuffed the document back in the envelope. "You don't know what Renew Corp. is doing. You have one letter from one person."
Slight exasperation entered her voice. "And the fact the buildings aren't as described? I've been going to City Hall on my lunch breaks the last two days to look up code violations. Only one address had them, and that was seven years ago."
Matt nodded, wringing his hands lightly. His voice was low when he eventually spoke. "I need you to stop this inquiry."
She was stunned. "I beg your pardon? Have we met?"
"I'm serious, Y/N." He tossed the envelope in the garbage can under his desk, then looked at her. Despite what he was saying, his eyes were friendly. "We have a duty to our client. That's the Wayne Foundation, not these tenants. We can't go sniffing around on their behalf."
Heat filled her as she clenched her jaw. Disappointing didn't begin to cover how this conversation was turning out. "That wasn't what I was doing," she said, measuring her words. "I was trying to back up the foundation's claims. What do you want me to do? Provide photos of peeling paint and linoleum?"
He gestured dismissively. "You don't need to worry about that. The foundation's big enough. It'll get the land. The whole thing just needs to work its way through the courts."
Y/N flinched. "Why did you put me on this case? To do more paperwork? Why did you want me to go through it?"
"For context. You're good at your job. And, yes, it's paperwork, but it's important." He huffed. "The Wayne Foundation wants to open a medical clinic in that area. It needs to go smoothly. With all the cuts going on right now, unemployment... Think of the jobs it'll provide. The services it'll offer."
She shook her head, not answering. This was beginning to feel like the old boys network in her dinky little hometown.
After some time, Matt stood. "Let's take a break."
Taking the hint, Y/N left his office, closing the door behind her. This was the first time she'd been told to let an investigation go. She knew the Wayne Foundation was their biggest client. But it frustrated her that her firm was willing to look past what she'd found. She had enough experience in the field to witness questionable legal actions. None of them had threatened hundreds of people before.
"Hey," Patricia said from behind her desk, drawing Y/N's attention. "I heard what he said. Don't listen to him. Keep doing what you're doing.”
Y/N arched a brow at her. "I wasn't planning to stop."
“Good. He doesn't have to know." Patricia chuckled. "Well, until he does."
“I’ll remember your wise words when I’m in the unemployment line,” Y/N teased.
Patricia snorted, then folded her arms over her chest. "Now, tell me more about this date you're going on."
"I don't know if it's a date. I think it's a date." Laughing, Y/N shrugged. "I wouldn't mind it being a date." She considered her next words carefully, wanting to protect Arthur's privacy. "Like I said yesterday, I helped an acquaintance on the subway with his bags.” Y/N raised a finger when she saw Patricia’s mouth open. “And yes, before you ask, he’s good-looking. But too skinny for you, I think.” She sat on the corner of Patricia’s desk. “Anyhow, he invited me to pie to thank me. Should I bring you back a slice?"
"Don't worry about me. Just don't forget to come back." Patricia gave her a wink. “Promise?"
Y/N nodded back sharply. "Promise."
Before going outside, Y/N observed Arthur through the lobby windows. He was pacing between the building and the lamp post on the other side of the sidewalk. The expression on his face alternated between excitement and worry. And he was smoking like a man on his way to the gallows. It was sweet, but she wanted he'd be able to relax around her.
Letting her eyes rove over him, she saw he was wearing another loose sweater, gray this time, usual collared shirt peeking out at the top. That tan jacket. Admittedly, she was hoping he'd wear something that accentuated his narrow waist, the way his vest had on the subway. She knew she shouldn't have noticed it, given what had happened. But as they'd strolled down the street together, she hadn’t been able to help herself.
Arthur straightened and flicked away his cigarette when she stepped out, his face lighting up. "Hey." His gaze held hers. "How are you?"
"This morning was trying, but," she grinned, "the day’s much better now." The smile he wore in response was the widest she'd seen on him so far. Still bashful, but enough for her to notice his dimples and one crooked tooth. Get a grip, Y/N. She swallowed hard and pointed him to where they were headed. "There's a diner around the next corner. I've never had their pie, but I'm sure it's good."
They arrived within minutes. Arthur picked a booth for two in the corner next to a window. After removing his jacket and tossing it on the seat, he reached out to help Y/N out of her coat. And she let him.
A waitress came over immediately. "What'll you two be having?"
"Blueberry pie, please," Y/N said.
Arthur cleared his throat. "Just coffee."
When the server was out of sight, Y/N leaned forward. "How are you inviting me for pie and not ordering any?" She swatted his forearm playfully.
He moved his hands to his lap. "Sorry. I'm not usually hungry."
"You'll just have to try mine," she said. The left corner of his mouth lifted at that and he gave a slight nod.
She studied him, the small scar above his upper lip, the laugh lines on his face, the way the sunlight brought out the various tones of his chestnut locks. It was hard not to notice how stiffly he was sitting. He wanted to be there - she could see that in the way his green eyes admired her. But his body still radiated apprehension. How on earth could she ease his mind? Maybe being straightforward would be best. "Don't be anxious around me, Arthur. I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to be."
His shoulders loosened a little. "I don't mean to-" He stopped abruptly when the coffee and slice of pie were delivered. Grabbing the sugar dispenser, he put three servings into his mug, concentrating on his stirring. "I'm glad you came."
It was a small sentence, but Y/N sensed the effort if had taken for him to speak it. How much work had it taken for him to ask her out yesterday? She cut a piece of her pie. "So, I know you like sweets. You're a stand-up. And you work as a clown, I guess?" After tasting it, she offered the fork to Arthur.
There was only a moment’s hesitation before he smirked and took it from her. She wondered if his fingers skimming against hers were intentional. "That's my job. I'm a party clown. But I'm thinking of focusing on my comedy more." He took a bite. "This is good."
"It’s my favorite," she said. "You should tell me a joke. I’d love to hear one."
"All right." His forehead creased in concentration. "Um. Why did the old man like having insomnia?"
Y/N chewed thoughtfully, wondering where this was going. "Hm. I don't know. Why?"
"Because he didn't have to sleep with his wife." Arthur's eyes flicked to hers, his eyebrows raised slightly.
A short, sharp laugh escaped her. The joke hadn't disappointed. And his sudden boldness surprised her. She wanted to see more of it. "That was a good one, Mr. Fleck."
His face softened at that. After a moment, he asked, "What's your job?"
"I'm a paralegal." When she tried to offer the fork to him again, he politely declined.
"What's that?" he asked.
Good. If he didn't know what her job was, he'd probably not been in any legal trouble. "I work at a law firm. Prepare for hearings and trials. Do lots of paperwork. I investigate, too, though I think it annoys my boss." A small snort escaped her. "I go to meetings. It's all very mundane."
Arthur placed another cigarette between his lips. "I don't think I could ever do a desk job."
"It's not for everyone," she said, waving his comment off. "And I work too much. But I love it." She grabbed a napkin from the nearby dispenser and wiped her mouth. "Do you have any hobbies? Besides comedy, I mean."
After lighting up and taking a deep breath, he rubbed the back of his neck. "When I'm not working, I mostly take care of - of my mother,” he said gently.
A tightness entered her chest. "I'm sorry she’s not well."
"She's been sick a long time." He rested his face on his hand. "Her disability isn't enough to cover the rent and everything, so I live with her." His fingers tapped his cheek. "It's easier that way. And with my condition..."
Unsure how to continue, or even if she should, Y/N folded her hands together on the table. "You don't owe me an explanation. I didn't mean to pry."
"No, I don’t mind." He shook his head. "It’s just- I don't talk to people a lot. Outside of work."
She tapped her foot against his under the table. "You're fine," she said. He huffed and ran a hand over his hair, toothy grin spreading across his face. Her heart quickened at that. She lowered her voice, leaning closer. "May I ask you about what was on your card? Your condition?"
“What about it?” he asked softly.
“How long have you had it?”
Arthur straightened, taking a drag off his cigarette. The smoke curled around his face as he frowned at the table. “As long as I can remember.”
She bit her lip. “Is there anyway to help?”
“Changing positions. Breathing exercises. Distraction. They don’t always.” Closing his eyes, he let out a sad chuckle. “It happens at the worst times.”
“Like on the train?”
He pushed his mug away as he signed. “Like on the train.”
Y/N felt like an ass, a well-meaning jerk. She’d been too flippant the other night when she’d told him, simply, that his laughter was “fine.” Sitting here with him, it was obvious his condition caused him distress. And now her genuine attempt at getting to know him had made him uncomfortable. The light mood when he’d picked her up had been replaced with unease. She reached out to touch the back of his left hand as it rested on the table.
His eyes shot to hers; she could hear his sharp intake of breath.
“It’s all right,” she intoned. Smiling, she gave his hand a gentle squeeze. “You don’t have to be embarrassed. It doesn’t bother me.”
A sad, hiccuped laugh left his throat. His thumb caressed the web between her thumb and forefinger. “Sometimes I think I imagined you. That you can’t be real.”
Y/N snickered at that. “Haven’t my questions annoyed you enough to know I’m here?”
He stamped out his cigarette in the table’s built-in ashtray, then got up. “That isn’t the word I’d use.”
After she stood, he helped her with her coat. “What word would you use?” she asked.
The sidelong glance he gave her made her blush profusely.
“Do you have to go back to work already?” The disappointment on his face was plain to see. He pulled out his wallet and placed a few dollar bills on the table.
“No, I have some extra time. Help me walk off the pie,” she said.
He grinned, clearly happy to oblige.
When Y/N returned to work, she leaned back on the lobby door and giggled. Dammit. She needed to pull herself together before going back to her office. Taking the stairs to the third floor would be best.
She’d enjoyed the date (it had definitely been a date) with Arthur even more than expected. After she’d expressly told him his condition wasn’t a black mark, he’d opened up. She liked hearing him speak, wondering what else was hiding under that timidity of his. He’d even tried to crack a couple more jokes. They’d been corny, not particularly funny, and she’d groaned instead of laughed. He’d looked confused at first, but he seemed to understand she was delighted.
He’d pointed out a few of his favorite spots in the district, places she wouldn’t have ever found on her own. A comedy club here, a consignment shop there. Music had come up. Surprisingly, he’d said outright that he was a good dancer. Dancing was a mystery to her. She couldn’t even clap in time. But it helped explained the grace he sometimes displayed.
At the end, when he’d accompanied her back to her firm’s building, he’d looked at her like he wanted to kiss her. He’d either been too shy or respectful to do it, and simply nodded his goodbye. Either way, that was what sealed it for her. She didn’t repeat the mistake of letting him go without getting his address and phone number.
It had been a long time since she wanted to really know someone, to lighten their day and have their presence brighten hers. It felt a little alarming - but mostly wonderful.
Tag list (Let me know if you want to be added!): @harmonioussolve​ @clowndaddyfleck​ @stephieraptorr​
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The Goatman’s Bridge.
Quite a few months ago, @lostinthespeedforce and I were talking about Ava and Gary recruiting Goatman to help them out after we saw a BTS pic of Jes and Adam with the guy who played Tiberius. After seeing him on last week’s episode, I figured I needed to sit down and write it last night so I could get it up before tonight’s episode. So here you go.
“Are you sure about this idea? Because maybe we can do something else that works just as well and then we don’t have to go down to Hell. I can ask John if he knows a-”
“No,” Ava shook her head while she watched Gary prepared the spell. “You said that you had something that could be used to keep in touch, even from Hell. It’s a good idea and we can really use it now that Astra’s no longer in Hell.”
“I’m pretty sure it works. I haven’t really used it beyond another room before, but it’s strong magic.”
“Then I’ll take it,” Ava stood up as Gary finished the circle. “Are you ready?”
He fidgeted a bit. “As ready as I can be to go back to Hell.”
              Ava stepped inside the circle with Gary. Once again, she did have to motivate him to chug the demon blood down. After he had and started chanting the spell, Ava smelled sulfur before the circle surrounding them burst into flames that rose above them. When they fell, the two of them were standing in a dark and dirty alley instead of the clean, pristine Waverider.
“How long do we have down here?” she asked once they found their way onto an actual street.
Gary checked his watch. “Around an hour and a half. I modified the spell so we didn’t have to spend so long down here again. How long can it take to talk to him anyways?”
“If we’re lucky, I should be able to negotiate something quickly,” Ava replied, leading them across the street. “Hey, thanks for doing this with me.”
“You needed a wizard, I needed to not be afraid of doing this, and it’s a good idea,” Gary shrugged. “Kinda weird how a few years ago we were just two Time Agents trying to fix a history broken by the Legends. Now we’re working with them to keep it safe.”
“A lot has changed,” Ava mused before looking back to him. “Do you ever miss it?”
Gary was quiet for a moment, ducking his head as a few denizens of Hell passed them. “Sometimes I do. I liked being part of something bigger, and it was nice to have that cool tech and a desk. Getting paid was great too. But I like being a wizard… or almost a wizard.”
“Yeah, being a Legend turned out to not be so bad after all,” Ava agreed. “I get to travel with my girlfriend. I fight serial killers and Fates. I started a podcast. But I do miss a paycheck. Maybe my office too a little.”
“It was a nice office.”
“Had some good memories there,” Ava smiled wistfully as she remembered her birthday before catching sight of Astra’s club. “We’re here.”
              A determined glint in Gary’s eyes matched the one in her own. They entered the club, weaving in and out of the damned to get to Astra’s office. A few people gave them funny looks, but none of them attacked or tried to stop them. Once they finally made it to the office, Ava shut the door while Gary pressed the buzzer on Astra’s desk. Now all they had to do was wait.
Minutes of their precious time ticked by before the door opened and the horned man entered. However, he stopped short when he saw Gary at the desk.
“Tiberius, right?” Gary asked. “Remember us?”
His lips curled into a snarl. “You’re not Astra.”
“Good eyes,” Ava slammed the door shut and locked it. “Astra’s working with us now. But we need to have a talk.”
“Whatever do you want to discuss?” he leered. “If you’re wasting my time, I’m sure I can find some extra torture cells down here for the two of you.”
Gary gulped. “We’re actually here with a suggestion. Perhaps you’d be interested in forming an alliance with us?”
“What he means is that we can help each other out,” Ava clarified. “Souls from Hell are coming back for revenge and causing chaos. Also, the Fates stole Astra’s soul coins to control them to find pieces of the Loom of Fate. They’ll probably keep using them too until they get their hands on the Loom. Once they have it, they’re going to change things and restore them to the old order.”
“Including Hell,” Gary chimed in. “And how everything gets run down here.”
“Right, and I’m betting that won’t be as much fun as it is now.”
Tiberius growled. “It was awful. Everything was uptight and miserable.”
“Sounds like it would suck to go back to that,” Ava crossed her arms. “But if you help us by letting us know who gets out and what the Fates are up to when they’re down here, we can prevent that from happening. You can keep going about life is Hell doing…whatever you do.”
Tiberius looked between her and Gary, silent as he considered the offer. Ava waited; her hand ready to grab Genghis Khan’s sword if necessary. She had Bonnie Parker’s gun in her coat as well as one of Sara’s knives should things get ugly. Ava had no clue if Gary had any tricks up his sleeve with magic, but now was not the time to find out. All she could hope for was that Tiberius accepted her offer.
“I do like Hell the way it is now,” he mused. “And I’m not eager to let it go back to the ways of old. But if you’d like my full cooperation, the two of you will have to do something for me.”
“Name it. What do you want?”
“Before my confinement to Hell, I spent some time on Earth. I constructed a few gateways that connected Hell and Earth. It wasn’t anything terribly significant and they didn’t get used often, but they were mine. Unfortunately, being away from them has loosened the hold I had on them. Sometimes I can pop up and scare away a human trying to stake a claim. A while back, two fools challenged my claim on one such gateway, I couldn’t make it to the surface to stop them, and I lost a bridge to them as a result.”
Ava frowned as she listened to the story. Something about it sounded familiar. “Was this bridge in North America by any chance?”
“Why, yes. It’s known as the Old Alton Bridge in-”
“Texas,” Ava finished, looking at Tiberius again as the pieces clicked into place. “Wait, you’re THAT Goatman?!”
Gary’s eyes widened. “He’s Goatman? Ava, we’re talking to Goatman?!”
“The humans never stuck around long enough to ask for my name,” Tiberius grumbled. “But they still had to call me something when they told the stories to anyone who would listen. That’s what they came to know me as. Then that lanky buffoon made a mockery of me and took my bridge! You don’t take a demon’s hell gateway without consequences?”
“So…what do you want us to do about it?” Ava asked him. “You want your bridge back from Ryan and Shane?”
“Exactly! And take care of Shane Madej while you’re at it?”
“Oh, that’s all!” Gary looked relieved. “Yeah, we can do that. We can just drop in and make sure he’s doing alright from time to time. You know, it’s really sweet that you care about him even if he did take your-”
“I said take care of him!”
Realization dawned on both of them and the happiness drained out of Gary’s expression. “Oh.”
Ava shook her head. “I’m not going to take care of him.”
“Then no deal.”
“I got this,” she muttered to Gary. “What if I get him to relinquish his claim on the bridge instead? He gives it up, you get it back, and everything works out.”
Tiberius considered it. “I suppose it will suffice. You have a deal. I’ll provide information and updates. The two of you get my bridge back.”
“Great,” Ava shook his hand. “Gary, how much time have we got left?”
“Seven minutes, and I still need to give him the mirror.”
“Oh right. You can take that one.”
Gary stepped towards Tiberius now and pulled a mirror out of one of the pockets of his coat. “So how familiar are you with Harry Potter?”
“I don’t believe I know anyone down here with that name.”
“Oh, uh, I can explain it without,” Gary passed the mirror to Tiberius. “You look into this and speak to it. We have the other half. If you have something to say, we can see and hear you and talk back. Kind of like Facetime.”
“Like he said, you see us, you hear us, you talk to us, and vice versa,” Ava told him. “Anything happens, then you tell us. And we’ll let you know about the bridge.”
              Charlie had been planning to construct the Loom of Fate before Nate had found the Hell sigil. Now they were camped out by it with the rest of the crew sans Sara. Ava and Gary were missing and unaccounted for, so it was likely they were down there. Gideon had also ratted them out when John asked where Gary had gone. So they were all waiting for the former Time Agents to come back and explain why they’d gone to Hell.
“It’s nearly complete,” Zari pointed to the circle. “So how are they coming back?”
To answer her question, flames surged upward, revealing Gary and Ava when they flickered out.
Gary was the first to notice they had an audience and waved. “Oh hey, guys!”
“What were the two of you doing down there in Hell?” Charlie demanded as Ava stepped out of the circle.
“Gary and I got someone to keep an eye on the Encores coming up to surface,” Ava explained. “Although we have to go scare someone now for claiming Tiberius’s bridge. So we have to do that.”
“You’re what?” Nate frowned.
“We have to get Goatman’s bridge back,” Gary told him.
Zari looked over at them. “Are you serious? He’s real?”
“Who’s Goatman?” John asked.
“It’s a long story that Astra might be able to explain part of, so ask her,” Ava said. “Gary and I used to watch a series on YouTube at the Bureau, we’ll have a viewing party on it later. But we have to go scare someone from it who doesn’t believe in demons or ghosts and I want to get it over with. Let’s go, Gary.”
Everyone watched them leave, not sure what to make of what they’d just heard.
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erosjeon · 5 years
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Part 1|?
⇢ In an age where information can save you or kill you; the concept of wrong place at the wrong time is a funny one. What do you do when you’re accused of stealing the hard-drive that holds restricted information belonging to the government? Particularly when they send a lethal robot to take you down? 
Pairing⍮ Jeon Jungkook x reader, Kim Namjoon x reader Genre⍮ robot!au, angst, slow-burn and eventual smut (no specific warnings in this chapter)  Word-count⍮ 4.6k
A/N: This fic couldn’t have dropped at any other time just as fitting to celebrate the belated birthdays of my loves Jungkook and Namjoon who also happen to be the main two characters. It’s also my birthday hehe! I had not actually planned to drop this now as a celebration at all since I had written it almost a year ago and had edited and gone back a thousand time. I think its safe for me to say that I had not worked any harder on any other fic on this blog so I hope it receives some love 💜
He took slow careful steps down the familiar stairs confined by white sterile walls leading down to his private laboratory. Tonight marks his fifth year anniversary in that building that filled with tranquillity that was anything but pleasant.
A sigh escaped his lips as he lifted the laminated silver card that hung around his neck to grant him entrance to the lab before he moved his hand to the switch by the door to turn on the lights. His fingers tugged at the plastic material and lifted it off his chest and into some place on the counter.
Kim Namjoon  –  robotics and autonomous systems specialist. 25.
At first glance, the place appears abandoned. There were barely any white coats other than his floating in choreographed concentration along the benches, as was usually the case. The smell of the setting agar and the faint humming sound of running machinery – as well as the lack of dust quickly dismissed any ideas. The modernity of the laboratory is showcased by the giant steel frames surrounding soundproof glass that welcome a view of the city where the light further brightens the dull lab, contrasting the black metallic roof above and floor below. 
Everything was the way he left it the night before, it has been a routine for him now after having completed the project of a life time and for someone so young – it was achieved way too early. He had fallen into a slump, he knew he would never be able to re-create what he had any better. He will never feel the same way he did the first time – the time when he laid his eyes on the smooth sun-kissed coloured skin that capsuled anything but natural. The devices he had the honour of being able to craft and create were the easy part of his job, a task that he was able to do by the end of the third semester years ago while he was still learning at college. It was the half nature of his creation that posed potential for the project to fail as nature screamed at the fusion of what should not.
He ran a hand through his hair as he paced to the pile of paper on the end of his desk where his leather chair waited awkwardly, looking through the notes that he compiled through the years that now serve as a reminding memory as if their content were not engraved in every one of his brain cells. He let out a bitter laugh as he looked at the not so innocent words in the initial research and proposal that gave life to what he had made today.
14th of October, 2015.
A concept that has been anciently configured. The fascination with ‘artificial beings’ has been around for thousands of years, evolving recently with the onset of the Industrial Revolution in order to create complex machines powered by electricity with the sole purpose of conducting their allocated tasks -  reducing the need for human assistance.  
Human reliance on artificial intelligence has increased drastically over the years –  first beginning in factories using simple fixed machines programmed to do a single action, over and over again repeatedly. The use of machine for different number of tasks followed right after, extending to the creation of human-sized robots with the capacity for near-human thoughts and movement and so has their purpose.
How to make robots softer or more compliant… less like rigid machines? How can we combine human and artificial intelligence?
Biohybrid robots 
Robotics with tissue engineering. They serve as a promising candidate for improved research investigation by providing biological dynamic system template through biological design. The concept of dual nature seems to have chance of success as although previous studies have shown that using skeletal muscle tissue on metal tend to shrink through the course of the tissue culture, it was not the case when an antagonistic pair were grown.
22nd of April, 2017.
Repurposing project to military (I don’t know how to feel about this, but Seokjin says I can’t do anything about it).
Military Robots
The need for reducing human casualty in war has become increasingly apparent by the public outcry and the great downfall in the number of men enlisting into the army over the years.  The world is evolving at such a rapid pace which forced the need for rapid adjustment to be almost compulsive, maybe that is what has allowed technological advances in the robot industry and invention to highlight the possibility of using robots in warfare which has been once regarded a topic of science fiction. The use of automated weapon systems is now considered the future of modern warfare and has become largely invested in for research and development by many countries.
Another sigh escapes his lips as he piles the scattered papers into their usual folder and away into the second drawer that he’ll open once again this time, next year. Leaning back in his leather seat and dropping his head back, he realised how much of a mess the place was. It was as if the storm outside had moved beyond the walls and into his rather suffocating workplace but he didn’t have time to think about cleaning up when far more important matters were to be done first.
His mind wandered to the stranded bot on the other side of the building who needed to have his microbiology screen completed today. There was an undeniable thrill in the routine tests he was in charge of, he looked forward to every instance where he finds himself a few feet away from his cell, not that anyone can blame him. He has never had actual contact with the robot – no one has before. He was programmed to comply with his assigned schedules, he knew when and where he had to stretch his arm across the metal barrier to sit it on top of a glass plate where they are strapped automatically to lock him in place for specimen collection.
He wished he had more authority when it came to the fate of him – he didn’t wish to have him locked away for all this time with minimal socialisation, all of which he knew were to be of consequence one day, inevitably.
The walk to the confinement was as any usual – the corridors dark and quiet. Not many people opt for night shifts in the field of his speciality for many reasons, some that undeniably reside in the depths of his mind every single day. This job is by no meant not your typical, there was risk in every move you make – especially when the guards are a bit too tired and a bit too unobservant in the late hours of the night. The secrecy of the projects withheld within confinement were much too important than human lives, the consequence of any fault is to be faced.
Two metal doors opened swiftly as he scanned his card by the projecting blue light. His anxiety swam to the surface as he dwelled on the chances of something going wrong. He knew he had to conquer his fears before coming face to face with the bot he gave life to. He knows just how capable he can use that against him -  how he can use anything to manipulate him.
He felt ashamed to admit that despite having built him piece by piece, he almost knows absolutely nothing about what goes in his computer mind. The second nature of Jungkook granted him that liability, the little ability and free will to conceal himself as he wishes from anybody without being coded onto one of these computer screens. Thinking about it now makes the uneasy feeling more difficult to go. There’s endless possibilities of things going wrong, the main concern being the possibility that Jungkook lets loose and decides to use his strength against the metal baring his own nature against his maker.
When the sound of the buzzer resonated in Namjoon’s ears to remind him of the job to be done, an unexpected guard emerges from the side door, he stops his footing a few inches away and inspects Namjoon fully despite the authorisation he received at the gate.
“What? No more naps on the job, Mr. Min?” Namjoon snickers, before giving his old friend a warm embrace, “I didn’t know you were back from suspension, what happened to you anyway?”
“Piss off Kim, one of you has either been a snake or that stupid janitor has ratted me out and told them what happe- anyway it’s nothing, I’m back. There.”
“What? What happened?” 
“I said, it’s nothing”
“Look Yoongi, if this concerns your job which requires you to be alert for a reason then it is something, for god’s sake what happened? Is this concerning the bot?”
Yoongi sighs before he contemplates saying anything, If the higher ups know then Namjoon also has a right to know, “He attacked him, Namjoon.”
Namjoon’s whole world seemed to have paused when he processed the three words, he’s attacked someone. Jungkook, he’s attacked somebody and…. “What did he do?” Namjoon blurts, he needs to find out more. Why would Jungkook do anything like this unstimulated? 
“Well he twisted his wrist till all his bones cracked broken-”
“No, I didn’t mean the bot. What did the Janitor do, did he say anything? Do anything” 
“What?” Yoongi asks confused, “I don’t know? Maybe? I heard him speak but you can’t hear much out here. I promise it’s not because I was asleep, I was actually awake the whole day that day.”
“He must’ve said something to push him into violence. What’s the janitor’s name? details?” 
“Woah, woah! Look I’m just a guard, man. Take your investigation somewhere else, go ask Seokjin or something.”
“Seokjin knows?” Namjoon feels betrayed, Seokjin out of everyone who was meant to support him unconditionally. His supposed best friend. At least he knows where his royalties lie.
“Of course, he was the first respondent. Was walking in the hallway when it happened actually. Great timing”
“And what did Seokjin do?” he looks down at Yoongi with a blank look, he knows that this was no coincidence. Seokjin’s job position has never required him to be on field, since when was he authorised to enter confinement? None of it made sense.
“I don’t know, I guess he talked both of them down or something. All I know is he was here, took the dude out afterwards for medical attention and they were both gone. Bot was still inside. So, as I said, Seokjin is your guy here I won’t be much help.”
“I see. If you remember anything you know who to look for” Namjoon leaves before completing his sentence to enter the sterile room to find the instruments.
He throws a blunt needle, alcohol wipes, fluid container and gloves on a tray after sterilising his hands. All the routine now familiar to him. He couldn’t shake the feeling that something is wrong, something is happening and he knows none of it. Jungkook has been in contact with a human for the first time in his existence, and he just attacks.
Letting the air trapped in his lungs out in a sigh, he puts on the gloves before making it to the double doors leading to the cell. Another buzzer sounded, this time no guard was present. He needed to know when this incident happened, he needed to know more. It was his responsibility if anything else goes terribly wrong, even though he was taken off the assignment.
Jungkook’s arm was already present by the time Namjoon walks to the edge of the cell. A small rectangular glass above allows him to have eye contact with the bot as he wiped his injection site clean, he knew he had to be calm and collected, as if he had no idea what he’d done. Grabbing the needle, he connected the end with the container before injecting it into a vein and drawing out blood.
Blue blood as they call it, it’s the fluid that powers the androids biocomponents, it circulates to provide energy and electrical information as our nerves do. It is an extraordinary finding which has allowed hybrids to exist now as they do. But unlike human blood, it evaporates after a few hours and becomes invisible to the naked eye when it comes into contact with oxygen. Perfect for an erasable terror in war where there won’t be any remains to tell the story if the bot’s purpose fulfilment fails.
He knows he shouldn’t instigate a conversation, there were cameras everywhere. If seokjin hasn’t told him anything about the incident then there is a high likelihood it was only meant for a select few to know about it. They had even suspended Yoongi and he doubts that it was because his inability to do his job properly, this ‘incident’ had been done on purpose. Maybe a test? But he had to say something.
“How are you feeling?” he finds himself asking.
But there was no response. Jungkook was looking straight at him and the answer was clear. He wasn’t feeling anything, his eyes completely vacant. What had they done?
“You know, I’ve been meaning to apologise. I know how uncomfortable it feels to have blood drawn… and here you are getting it done weekly. I wish there was a different way to get your routine tests done. This one is going to be sent for microbial examination.”
Namjoon carefully removes the container from the needle, placing it onto the tray before taking his gloves off. He was not really expecting an answer, he was probably reprogrammed to be silent.
“I am sorry for what’s happened to you” he whispers. Not fully sure Jungkook would understand what he’s referring to. He just has a feeling that he hadn’t just randomly lashed out. He has never done that to him.
“You should not be apologising for getting your job done, sir” he hears the bot’s voice from the other side of the door, the dull eyes he was staring into turning rather soft before his hand was withdrawn and the flap closed shut followed by the sound of automated machinery.
Had he just gotten his un-programmed first sentence?
Has Jungkook spoken like that before? There was so much to find out.
As Namjoon made his way back to his private laboratory, he realised how wrong he was regarding his human capabilities. He might have created him but he knew absolutely nothing about the human side of Jungkook for he still has living tissue within him. His mind wandered to a specific conversation he had with Seokjin months ago.
7th of July, 2018.
“He is ready.” Seokjin speaks before he moves the pipette above a beaker, watching the mixture slowly swirl into hues of pink as he releases the chemical fluid. “He’s trained for a long time, he’s more than ready now. We have kept him thirsty for way too long.” 
Namjoon sighs before turning away from the laboratory’s senior - his senior. 
“Ready to murder every single human on this earth!” he releases a suppressed breath, “He hasn’t even had a single contact with a human before! With zero social skills, we’d be releasing a fucking killing machine!” 
“That’s what he’s designed for, remember? We don’t need him for anything else” the senior replies before taking steps towards his subordinate, “Besides, all we have to do to control him is to log on one of these damn computers. He’s already loaded with all the chips required, everyone who we want safe will be safe.”
“We were told he’d only be used in war, we didn’t sign up for this - all of this risk, millions of dollars for a single girl! They could easily have hired someone to do their dirty work.” 
Namjoon looks down at the stained bench as his senior joins him. 
“He might have cost us millions but I’m sure you can imagine how much more we’d lose if what we know goes out to the rest of the world. This one is out of your hands, I’m afraid”, he patted his shoulder before making eye contact “you seem to be getting too soft for this field of work, Dr. Kim. They wouldn’t be too impressed knowing that, especially not when you’re the creator of something so lethal.”
“You didn’t even witness anything that went down, I’d like to see you act all brave when he’s standing inches away from your face with the intent to kill – for being isolated all these years!”
He had thought so lowly of the bot he’s made from seeing him tackle bodies of plastic and various other instruments as part of his training. Although it is better to be safe rather than sorry he can’t bring himself to think that Jungkook would project his training on someone innocent, why would he harm someone he was not programmed to harm as Seokjin had promised.
Jungkook was to be released next week for his mission, he had received this information on the bulletin the next morning. Namjoon had no regard to time at this point, the night blended into day while he looked through any file he can access on the system, he knew he had to be careful with his investigation to avoid arousing suspicion. He was not stupid after all.
He vaguely remembers the mission Jungkook was set to complete, he had thought it was originally due to fatigue but now that he thinks back, Seokjin had not told him much – and after being removed from the bot’s case, he knows nothing at all. The last training he personally conducted with Jungkook haunted him.
28th of August, 2018.
“Let me run it one more time.” 
“It’s your third time already, he’s got it alright. He’s a machine!” Jin sneers as he fondles with the biohybrid’s file.
“Part machine.” Namjoon throws him a look before turning to meet his creation. “State your mission, again”, he orders. 
“Eliminate target Y/N L/N”, a monotone voice responds back.
“For fucks sake!” A familiar pestering voice behind him speaks again.
“I’m trying to follow the damn safe-conduct instructions here! If you can’t stand it then please, you may leave.”
Namjoon tries to collect his focus onto the robot sat in front of him, hoping that his supervisor won’t run his mouth again for all this is crucial in understanding even the slightest about the way his robot interacts with humans.
He had personally kept an eye on him through his training the past few months since his awakening, gawking from the camera lenses at the way he moves, the way he eats and drink, the way he speaks and conducts human like activities in isolation as after all – the bot was given a schedule to follow for the purpose of serving the scientists knowledge regarding his nature since personal interaction with him was not a viable option.
He was able to witness how he progressively began to speak less like a robot, his voice slowly losing that flat monotone only to flourish into a soft and almost musical one, how he became better at feigning freedom of expression as he recites what was stealthily stored into his system. He learned that just like humans, the robot required to eat and excrete, he’d observed that it had been awkward for him to do at the beginning; he would have been fooled to think of him as a child if it was not for his built body - and the lifelessness that lays between his irises. There was only one issue, he never had the chance to study his interaction with others and he has absolutely no idea what his human side is like, nothing regarding his though process and how much conflict that would bring to prosecuting his commands, there is only one way to truly find that out.
“Alright.” He palmed his face as it crunches in knowing soon regret, this is a terrible idea but what other choice does he have “What’s your name?”
“Jeon Jungkook.”
He had to find out more about Y/N too. He had one week to do all of this, one week to find something solid and halt the mission till he found more time to investigate into Seokjin, and the incident.
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It was that time of the year again, the transition of autumn into winter is not one to be easily recognised when the flakes of snow have started falling ever since early September, just like the way the days have slowly converged into nothing but a stack of passing hours interrupted briefly by doses of sleep. There is no distinct moment where the frost has started chipping away at your skin, you think to yourself.
If you had to describe yourself, you could confidently tell the next person how painstakingly slow-paced your life was. You were nothing but an uneventful person, with an uneventful life. Everything had a schedule, your days began with a morning cup of coffee from your old (almost broken) machine that needed replacement, at 7 in the morning. You’d have not long enough before having to leave the house and attending the unnecessary meeting at your current job at POC where you worked as a reporter. This would typically be when your manager tells your team off for not working your butts hard enough to catch a break. On most days, there would be no one with good news worthy to report after the meeting, which is why Ollie, your manager, ensures the meeting comes first.
You’d spend the rest of your day in your cubicle by Park Jimin, he was your co-worker, and also your close friend. Jimin would usually be one of the few people with a story on the waiting list when the team had not caught anything worthy enough for news and you can’t help but be envious of that sometimes albeit his very hard work. You want to be like him one day, you think.
Work would usually end around 6pm, this is when your forehead is against the table and your eyes are closed shut. You were exhausted, because even though you leave the office at 6, your work never really ends. As soon as you stepped foot out of the intimidating building, you were basically out on field. You try not to get yourself too obsessed with catching a lucky break but you can’t help but feel desperate sometimes. Nevertheless, you usually would grab a takeaway and head home. On a good day, you would be having a barbecue dinner with Jimin and a bunch of other colleagues of yours. Today was not one of those days. It’s also not one of those days where you are enthusiastic to find a celebrity on a date with another to report on.
The way back home was pleasant. You had opted to cook food at home rather than a takeaway to give your body a bit of a break since you remember the groceries you’ve brought home the day prior. You were already thinking of what to make when you locked your apartment door shut, a carbonara sounded absolutely delicious, especially with fresh mushrooms. You left your bag on the sofa by the door where your makeshift living room is. Truth is, you still have not finished renovating your apartment despite having moved here 6 months ago. You were too busy worrying about newspapers to even think about buying a decent coffee table that could be in the centre of the room.
You were letting out a sigh and pulling at the camera that hung around your neck when a figure had moved within the darkness of your flat. You don’t remember inviting anybody over… your nerves shook as you thought of the possibilities anyone you know is inside with you right now. Did you just walk into a robbery of your own home?
“Hello?” you shout out, not knowing where the figure had moved to. You had to think of something.
You managed to grab the tennis racket from the box of all-random-things in attempt to defend yourself, thanking the disorganised part of yourself for having everything sit in the box knowing it’d come handy one day. If this is how you’re going to die then the least you can do is defend yourself.  How pathetic would it be to get killed in a robbery? You could just walk right out but how would you know the person won’t chase after you like a dog.
“I know you’re in there, come out!” you tried to sound strong, knowing full well that you’d shit your pants if whoever it is inside shows themselves. Did they have a weapon?
“Hello?” your hands are now shaking, you decided it’s wise to call the police and have them deal with it. The stillness of your apartment did nothing but install more anxiety and fear in the pit of your stomach.
You were walking to where you had left your bag to reach for your phone when the sound of movement and hurtle had caused you to hurry your movements. Someone was behind you. You could feel the heat emit out of their body and into yours, they were close when the phone was in your hand and all you had to do was dial the emergency but you were too late. You gulped - this is your end.
“Drop the phone.”  you hear the man behind you say, the sentence resonating in your head as you had thought of what could happen if you just tapped the green button. You decided that nothing could be worse than what you are possibly about to experience when you hit dial and the phone rang but before you could even comprehend you were forcefully turned and pushed against the wall, causing you to meet your offender eye to eye.
You couldn’t stop the gasp that escaped your mouth when his fingers wrapped around your neck and started squeezing.
You had imagined the worse when you thought of who would take away your life if you had to leave earth that way. You were expecting perhaps… someone filled with hatred, covered with scars that had driven them to commit such an act against you, or maybe just someone plain crazy and evil. But the person who stood in front of you was anything but. He was young, beautiful even. You couldn’t stop yourself from admiring the long brown locks that separated at the centre of his head at the top, the soft doe-like eyes that were filled with emptiness and his soft pink lips. Why would someone like that -  so innocent looking, a stranger, want to harm you? What had you possibly done to deserve being choked to death?
Your vision was giving away when you finally brought your hand to claw at his skin, your voice not strong enough to make out any word when the panic had finally set in, you were vibrating in sheer panic when you felt the air refuse to leave your lungs and your eyes started filling with tears, “Please, stop!” you wanted to cry out but to no avail when your vision started fading to black.
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chemicalcindercat · 4 years
Frisk freed the monsters from the underground, completing a true-pacifist run. She was living happily on the surface with her monster family. Everything was perfect. Until it wasn't. When Frisk gets hit by a car on her way over to Sans house, everything changes. Not only does Frisk forget herself, her friends, and all of her adventures in the Underground, but something else has changed. Frisk glitches the Multiverse.
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Chapter Summary: Frisk did not expect to have this many “best friends”.
Chapters (8/?): 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Fandom: Undertale
Rating: T (For violence and hints of adult themes)
Relationships: Sans x Frisk, Underfell Sans x Frisk, Underswap Papyrus x Chara, Slight Underswap Sans x Frisk
Additional Tags: Amnesia, Lost memories, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, ...Have I mentioned there is Hurt/Comfort?, Hurt, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Goat Mom is best mom (Undertale), King Fluffy-Buns - Freeform, Sad Asgore (Undertale), Female Frisk (Undertale), Aged up Frisk (Undertale), Like duh she’s an adult i’m not a pedo, gross, Verbal Frisk, Frisk has a voice in her head, Sans is a depressed bean, Papyrus is so innocent, Frisk glitched the multiverse, oh whoops, spoiler alert, more tags will be added as we progress
"Well, Ms. Dreemurr, it would appear you have a mild case of Amnesia." The doctor said, flipping the pages on his clipboard. "You hit your head pretty hard when that car slammed into you. You're lucky it isn't worse." He looked at the worried couple standing in the corner of the room. "Her memories should be back by the end of the week. We'll keep her here for tonight, but tomorrow she can go home. She doesn't have any broken ribs, or really anything wrong except for the memory loss, which is practically unheard of for an incident like this. But anyways," The doctor turned back to the confused girl laying in the hospital bed. "If you need anything, just hit the buzzer on the bed next to you." And with that he left the room.
As soon as the doctor was gone, the couple turned to look at the girl. They were strange, the girl could tell. She couldn't remember anything past 10 minutes ago, when she woke up, but something told her that goats weren't usually able to walk, talk, and be, well, normal people.
"Um...Frisk, are you feeling well?" The woman asked, worried. The girl thought for a moment. Was she feeling fine? She honestly didn't know. How could you know if you were feeling fine, when you didn't know what fine was? She didn't know if fine for her was everything being perfect, or terrible. So instead of answering the question, she answered with a question of her own.
"'Frisk'? Is...Is that my name?"
The woman looked like she was about to break down in tears, so the man took over. "Yes, dear, that's your name. Frisk. Do you really not remember anything?" Frisk shook her head. "Well, uh...I-"
"She's your 'mom', Toriel, who you live with; He's your 'dad', Asgore, who you don't. They're divorced, you're adopted, and I'm Flowey, your 'best friend'." Frisk jumped. She had forgotten about the flower on the desk next to her that could talk.
"N-now, Asriel, that's no way to-"
"My name is Flowey." The flower corrected. Okay, Frisk was confused, to say the least. What in Asgore's name were they talking about? Before she could ask, the door slammed open, a blue fish-woman entering, with a yellow lizard-woman following behind nervously.
"Frisk!" Yelled the fish-girl, running over to the hospital bed. "We heard what happened! Are you okay? How are you feeling? Did you break anything? Because that would be cool and yet suck all at the same time. Did you finish Mew Mew: Kissy Cutie? Are you-"
"U-undyne, M-maybe we shouldn't b-bombard her with s-so many questions at o-once? Her head p-probably hurts." The lizard girl interrupted. Undyne looked at her, before looking back at Frisk.
"Oh my Asgore, I'm sorry! Are you okay? Does your head hurt? Are you-"
"Undyne, Frisk has amnesia." Toriel announced. Both Undyne and Alphys turned to look at her.
"What??" They said in unison.
"Y-you mean… Y-you don't remember us? You d-don't know who we a-are?" Alphys asked, walking over to Frisk. The human girl simply shook her head.
"I...I don't remember anything. And no, I don't know who you are. Who are you?" She asked.
"We're your anime pals!" Undyne said, putting her arm around Alphys' shoulder and grinning. Alphys blushed.
"E-every T-Tuesday you come over t-to our house and w-watch anime with us." Alphys explained. "T-this week, the newest season of M-Mew Mew: Kissy C-Cutie is airing, a-and we were going t-to watch it together. You r-really don't remember?"
Frisk looked down at her hands sadly. "No...I don't...I'm sorry."
Toriel came over and hugged Frisk. "It's okay, my child. There is no need to apologize. Do not blame yourself, child; There is nothing you can do. The doctor said by the end of the week, you'll remember, and I'm sure he is right. All we have to do is wait."
Frisk wasn't sure how she felt about this woman she couldn't remember hugging her, but she decided she kind of liked it. Besides, the lady seemed to need it more than Frisk did. Before Frisk could say anything, the lady stepped back, and the door slammed open again. At this point, Frisk was surprised it hadn't fallen off it's hinges. This time, there were two skeletons who entered the room. One was really tall, as tall as Undyne and Asgore, with a red scarf. He was also carrying what appeared to be a plate of home cooked spaghetti. The other one had a blue hoodie, and was shorter, maybe even shorter than Frisk. Once she thought about it, Frisk realized she didn't know how tall she was; She hadn't stood up yet. Would she even remember how to walk? She started panicking, wondering how she would remember to do normal, everyday stuff.
Calm down, Said a voice in her head. Quit panicking about everything.
Before Frisk could respond, the tall skeleton came over and set the plate down on the desk beside her.
"HERE YOU GO, HUMAN! THE GREAT PAPYRUS HAS MADE YOU SOME YUMMY SPAGHETTI!! FEEL FREE TO EAT IT WHENEVER YOU FEEL LIKE IT, FOR IT WILL SURELY BE THE BEST! NYEH HEH HEH!" He yelled, and Frisk winced a little, not expecting it. She smiled softly at him, not knowing who he was.
I sure did have a lot of friends. She thought.
Yeah, no kidding. Said the voice in her head.
...I just wish I could remember them…
The smaller skeleton pushed past the bigger one, with a nervous grin on his face. "how ya feelin', kiddo?" He asked, his voice surprisingly deep compared to the other skeleton.
"NONSENSE, BROTHER. WHY ASK HOW SHE IS FEELING WHEN SHE'S IN THE HOSPITAL?" The tall skeleton interrupted. Frisk couldn't believe it. Were they really brothers? They were so different! The skeleton turned towards her. "BUT DON'T WORRY, HUMAN. I'M SURE MY SPAGHETTI WILL MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER IN NO TIME!"
"yeah, kid, eat up. boneappetite." The shorter one said. The bigger one groaned.
"nah, look at her, paps. she likes it, you should know that by now, ya numbskull." Oh, so I like puns? That's good to know. Even as Frisk thought this, she could immediately tell it was true. When Sans (was that his name?) made a pun, she had struggled not to laugh.
"geez, paps, who broke your funny bone?" The shorter one asked, winking at Frisk and stepping closer to her. Something inside of her pulled, and she could tell that he was really close to her. "so anyways, bucko, how're you feeling?" He asked softer, so that only she would hear.
"Well, I just-"
"Heya Papyrus, how're you doing?" Asked Undyne, throwing her arm around the taller skeleton's shoulder. "I know the situation isn't the best, with Frisk and all, but are you still up for some training today?"
"You're right, Papyrus, but I'm her best friend! Remember?" Undyne argued.
"Guys, I-" Frisk was interrupted by Flowey, suddenly defensive.
"Whatever, you idiots can pretend that she likes you better, but I'm obviously her BeSt FrIeNd!" Flowey claimed, in a demonic voice that sent a shiver down Frisk's spine. Suddenly everyone started talking all at once, Undyne and Papyrus still arguing over Frisk, Flowey hissing at everyone, Alphys nervously asking Asgore how he's been, Toriel joining in the conversation. All of the noise, and all of the new information was really giving Frisk a migraine. She sank deeper under her blanket, trying to block everything out.
Someone grabbed Frisk's hand, and she immediately jumped and yanked her hand back, to see Sans with a look of confusion and hurt. It quickly faded back into his normal smile.
"so, kid, what is it you've been trying to say this whole time?" He asked. Frisk gulped nervously as he leaned closer to her, and she leaned away from him a bit. Doesn't this guy know anything about personal space??
"I...Well, uh...Who are you, exactly?" Frisk asked.
Everyone immediately stopped talking and turned to Frisk.
The pupils in Sans' eyes disappeared, leaving two empty eye sockets, a look of pure shock. For a couple of moments, nobody dared to say anything.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN, HUMAN?" Papyrus asked, being the first to break the silence. "'WHO ARE WE?' IT IS I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, AND MY BROTHER SANS, YOUR-"
"frisk, what did the doctor say? what…wh...you...you really don't remember me? remember us? anything?" Sans asked, his pupils returning and studying Frisk closely.
All Frisk could do was shake her head.
"I… I have amnesia."
Before anyone could say anything, Sans was gone.
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onefic-at-atime · 5 years
The Reset (Button)
A/N: this is a very self-indulgent fic. And also the first part of what I hope to make a series! This chapter can be read as a stand-alone. In this fic, the events of endgame never ever happened besides everyone coming back, Tony and Nat are alive and Steve never went back in time. Also thank you to @mattaretto for beta reading this.
Summary: After retiring, Steve wants to give back to the community. And there is no better way to do that than holding babies and falling in love.
Warnings: EXTREME fluff, some angst. BABIES! Lots of babies, lots of baby talk and Steve being very domestic.
Word count: 3619
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You, a doctor, went with the blip. And in the middle of stabilizing the NICU when you and half of the newborns disappeared. It had been lonely and quiet, you were floating. Then you came back as is, in the same scrub uniform with your mask, disposable gown, gloves, and hair bonnet. Some of the isolettes were occupied, but the ones who went with the blip appear in the same units. Quickly, you called for help with the ones in critical condition prior to the snap. When everyone was calm you went and hugged each person on your team and greeted the newcomers.
Weeks after the blip, all except one newborn who blipped were ready to go home with their families if they had a home. You had a beautiful home in the suburbs and when you showed up someone else's dog was playing in your yard and the lock had been changed. Turns out your belongings sent to a charity because no one thought those who left would ever return. Somehow, you kept your job as a NICU doctor, but only because a couple of staff members had to return to families and have time to grieve.
You were on a sixteen-hour shift with only an hour remaining. You had done everything to find any remaining family for the only newborn you had left in the unit. The mother died giving birth, the father was in a head-on collision with a car going nearly 80 down the freeway when the driver turned to dust. Grandparents were in assisted living and too old to care for a newborn needing constant attention. With no other option, the child would stay in the hospital. The child was born 2 months premature and has congenital heart disease. He was way too small to perform any surgeries on his heart, so he is under constant care. 
He was named Benjamin, it was a classic name, you thought. While taking care of him you ended up nicknaming him Benny. He was sweet and whenever you fed him or changed his diaper he wasn’t fussy or crying and he always smiled up at you. When you held him he would never squirm or cry, for once a baby liked you. It was two in the afternoon when you got a call from the hospital's front desk, someone was being escorted to visit Benjamin. You choke out a thank you to the receptionist and hang up, you walk over to Benny and let his tiny fingers grasp your bigger index finger. You pray that this is a relative that can care and have a home for him. 
Your daze is broken when the buzzer sounds notifying you that someone is waiting for you to let them in. You grab all the necessary items a person must wear when handling Benjamin, the disposable gown, gloves, a mask, gloves and hair bonnet. Through the glass, you see a tall, broad-shouldered man with his back turned to the door. Opening the door, you clear your throat.
“Mister?” you say softly, the large man turns and looks to you with a broad smile, his face, a face you recognize from the tv and comics you read as a kid.
“Mister Rogers,” he answers you. “And you must be Doctor Williams the nice receptionist told me I would be meeting.” He reaches out to shake your hand. You quickly remove both of your gloves and shake his hand.
“I thought it would be ‘Captain Rogers’?” you joke lightly. He smiles softly and it doesn't quite reach his eyes. 
“I’ve passed down the mantel to someone I trust, just Mr. Rogers now, but you can call me Steve.” he realizes he had been shaking your hand for too long and retracts his arm.
“Well Steve,” you sigh gently. “I am assuming that you are in no way, shape, or form related to Benjamin in there.” You look at the tiny baby who is now sleeping, letting concern cross your face you look at Steve again.
“Unfortunately not… I’m here to help socialize him. At least that's what the volunteer form said. So, feeding, holding… that kind of thing, yeah?” He looks for your approval and you nod your head in response.
“So a little protocol before we meet him, we have to wash our hands to make sure we prevent the transfer any germs, and then you’ll wear this disposable uniform any time you will be handling any newborns.” You explain the procedure to him as you start to wash your hands with soap and as warm of water you can handle. You slip new gloves as you guide him which pieces should be put on in which order. Once Steve is ready for the first meeting you guide him inside to meet Benjamin.
Leading him inside, he stops short. You hear Steve gasp softly when he notices Benjamin is the only newborn in the NICU.
You sigh and nod your head, “I guess people decided against having children fearing they would disappear too, we have had a couple more newborns, they were healthy and didn’t need to stay here. Benjamin… he’s the only one we couldn’t find any remaining biological family…”
He looks at you with a sympathetic smile and you return the smile. You open the incubator and lift Benjamin into Steve's arms.
“He’s big enough to be outside of the incubator for certain periods, but he has to reach a certain weight before we can give him medicine to help his CHD and if that medicine doesn’t help we’ll have to take action with a surgical procedure. I'm not a surgeon so I don't know what that will be...” Your sentence trails off as you look at Steve cuddling and cooing down at Benjamin.
Steve was in his own little world, he could hear you talking but didn’t pay any attention to what you were saying. He knew this wasn’t ending well for his poor old heart and his hopeless romantic attitude he had developed in his support groups, hearing stories of people finding love in their new world. Steve doesn’t quite know what his mother went through with him being a weak and fragile newborn, but he was confident Benjamin would live long and healthy. Benjamin had a tight grip on Steve's finger and the man felt his chest tighten up with pride, it was a new feeling, but he very much enjoyed it.
He broke out of his thoughts when he felt your hand rest gently on his upper arm. When Steve looked down at you by his side, you were smiling down at Benjamin in his arms. 
“I… I Uhm. I nicknamed him Benny, I know it doesn’t make a difference to him, but for me it makes me feel like I'm more than just a doctor.” The cracking of your voice didn't go unnoticed by Steve. Clearing your throat, tears had clouded your eyes. All this had been too much in the recent months following your return to existence. You had no immediate family and anyone who was related… you can't say you ever knew them. So you kept to yourself, focusing on work, and that wasn’t helping considering Benjamin was your only patient until another baby came. And you didn't see that happening soon.
“My shift is almost over for the day, Steve. You are more than welcome to stay for as long as you like, but visiting hours end at 8 pm. I have to clean up and get everything ready for the next person. If Benny gets hungry we have bottle formula in the blue cabinet,” You point to the cabinet he will have access to, then pointing to the rocking chair, “and there you can sit and rock him. By the time my shift is over, we will probably have to put him back in the incubator.” Steve is lightly rocking Benny all while nodding along to your instructions.
While you mill about organizing important files and cleaning tools and instruments, Steve slowly waltz around the room with the baby in his arms. He stops by the heating cabinet to grab a warmed bottle of formula. Testing the warmth on his inner wrist, it seemed perfect for the sweet little boy in his arms. Everything seems perfect at the moment that the child's dark eyes stare up at the tall blonde man. The man then makes his way to the rocking chair and adjusts Benjamin as needed. The baby seemed so tiny compared to the enhanced man’s stature, like the ragdoll's girls had when he was younger. Steve lifts the bottle to the baby’s face and he greedily pulls it closer to his mouth, making a pleased little grunt when he starts to suckle. 
That makes Steve chuckle, and a soft smile takes over his features as he watches the formula drip and slides down the baby’s face. He carefully brings a bit of Benjamins blanket up to wipe up the mess. The baby giggles like the action tickled him and Steve lets his hand caress the chubby cheek resting against his forearm. Steve can feel his chest tighten with pride again, at this moment… he gained an experience he never thought he would have. That of a father, holding their newborn, the machines beeping and whirring fading away, the hustle and bustle of the hallway outside the delivery room becoming a whisper. All Steve can hear… all he wants to hear… is the child. His child. Cooing softly, the grunting and winded breath… trying to take in all the milk he can.
That is what Steve dreamed of once upon a time, a time before he went down with that plane, even when girls didn’t give him the time of day he still dreamed that the right person would come along and have with him… everything they wanted or ever needed.
That dream is in the past now, Steves thoughts interrupted the daydream. The feeling that washed over him in that moment of being interrupted was cold, brittle and mean. A feeling all too often he had when he felt envious. But once again he is interrupted, Benjamin has grabbed on to the collar of his disposable gown and tugging it towards his face. Steve quickly stops the tiny fist from pulling anymore.
“I know bud, it is annoying and not soft but it's for your safety,” Steve says sternly with a soft face.
Steve looks around and notices you’re packing away some personal belongings into a small tote. He stands with Benjamin who has now finished most of his bottle, Steve removes the bottle and places it on a counter unsure of where to clean it or if he can clean it. He makes his way towards you, still bouncing Benny in his arms.
“All done boys, how much did he drink, I have to mark down his progress.” You question while brushing the formula from Benny’s chin. Steve then points to the nearly empty bottle and watches as you rush to measure how much is left. When you squeal and jump while clapping your hands excitedly Steve is a bit confused. Seeing his look you go on to explain.
“The more he eats the more weight he gains and the closer he gets to being able to be adopted. As long as he is big enough and the medicine we give him can stabilize his heart, he’ll be ready,” you're nearly vibrating with excitement while telling Steve this and you can see the grin on his face when he learns this information.
“This is the most he's ever had in one sitting, if you come back more often to be with him I'm sure he will reach the goal we have set,” You notice Benny is asleep and gently take him from Steve’s arms and settle him into his incubator. After you quickly pull Steve into a short hug and then push yourself away when you hear the buzzer sound as the next doctor comes in for their shift. You gesture to Steve to follow you as you demonstrate the correct way to dispose of the used uniform, you wave your goodbyes to Benny and the doctor and show Steve the way out.
You were exhausted but at this point, you didn’t even want to leave, adrenaline was rushing through your veins at the thought of Benny being adopted. It had honestly given you your last wind to make it on the walk home. Considering all your belongings had been donated, that meant your car too… there were so many court things to work out with that, unfortunately.
“Where are ya headed?” the voice interrupted your thoughts, you noticed yourself leaving the entrance to the hospital. You had clocked off without even paying attention. Soon you had your senses back and attached the voice to the face of none other than Steve rogers, the man you had spent the last hour with while he took care of Benjamin.
“Home,” you sighed. “I had a sixteen-hour shift and I'm exhausted.” You tried to say this as politely as possible, the short-lived adrenaline left you slightly irritated.
“Uhm.. well. Do you need a lift? Aha, I just noticed you ignored the staff parking lot.” He asked nervously while he lifted his hand to rub the back of his neck. You hadn’t particularly noticed... Men… after you returned to existence, you even tried to ignore them. But something about the way his one size too small shirt that rode up to show a sliver of skin between the top of his pants and the hem of his shirt, the way his strong biceps flexed and pulled the fabric of the sleeve sure did make you notice something.
 You quickly shook that thought from your head and smiled up at Steve.
“I'm not that far but a ride would be greatly appreciated.” With that Steve led you to his basic black SUV. Something you feel like he would never buy for himself. He opened the door for you and made sure you were settled before he closed it and went around to the driver's side. Steve climbed in and made sure everything was in working order before driving in the direction of your apartment complex.
“They donated my car when I disappeared,” you said with a sort of a scoff. “I don’t know how long they waited, but the family now living in my house had moved in months after I was gone.” Steve was paying attention to your story all while keeping his eyes on the road.
“They didn’t even try to keep personal items in case I came back..” At this point, you were close to crying. “I mean, I had no living family before this and… now I can't even look at a picture to try to remember what they looked like.”
Steve quickly looked over with an empathetic smile. He nodded slightly and then hesitated, he reached for your hand and gave it a bit of a squeeze. He continued to hold your hand as he drove. He then spoke very softly to you.
“That's… very similar to what happened to me. Going under the ice in the 40s, waking up in a new century, I never thought I would live to see. I thought I didn’t have Bucky waking up because he died then. I'll admit, everything seemed pretty ass-backward in this world and you woke up to a very different world.” As he explained this to you, no matter how many support groups you went to, you never felt closer to someone than at this moment.
The drive was short-lived, you had made sure to be within bussing or walking distance of the hospital. But ensuring that meant you ended up with the tiniest, crappiest one-bedroom apartment with the mean landlord to match. As Steve pulled up to the curb he let go of your hand. The next moment Steve was around the passenger side and opening the door for you to get out. You jump out of the SUV and land on the warm pavement. Making your way to the main entrance door and Steve was right following you, you turn to thank him.
“I appreciated the ride, sometimes I miss the buses.” You're looking down at your blue scrub pants and the white tennis shoes you are wearing. One is a little more scuffed than the other.
“It's no problem, honestly this area doesn't look the best for you to be living in. But ya work with what you have…” Steves smile lights up the space between you and him, and you smile back at him. He then pulls out a smartphone, once again… nothing he would ever buy for himself.
“Let's exchange numbers? So I can keep up with Benny? I'll try to come as often as possible but just because I'm ‘retired’ doesn't mean they'll let me be, ya know?” he hands over his phone for you to put your number in, and you do. Then you hand it back to him, he slipped the phone back into his pocket.
“Well, I guess I'll see you next time, okay?” He stepped back a little, seeming a little shy now.
“Yep, if you have any questions or just want an update, give me a call or text.” you turn to open the door to let yourself in. Steve makes his way to his SUV but then turns around.
“Hey!” Steve calls to you, and you turn to look at him. “See ya later, Doc!” you smile and wave.
“See ya later, Mr. Rogers!” After saying your goodbyes Steve hauls himself into the vehicle and pulls away from the curve. You watch him drive to the end of your block, turning inside to climb the stairs to your apartment. Sighing happily as you settle into your routine before bed.
It was about a thirty-minute drive to Steve’s cottage on the edge of the city. That gave him time to think about the short hour he had with the tiny baby, Benjamin. And of course, you. He took the time during this ride to reflect on the month after returning everyone to existence. He had traveled back in time to return the stones, left with an extra Pym particle he went back to visit Peggy. This was eye-opening for him… of course Peggy still loved Steve, but this wasn’t his world anymore. She had moved on, as bad as it hurt, but at that time Steve was dead. She married one of the men Steve had saved and went on to have children with this man. She was happy, and Steve was happy for her. He knew if he changed anything, it might take away the happiness she had now. So after finally getting that dance, he left… he went back to the familiar but cold world that he had been so carelessly thrown into by fate. At least Steve thought it was fate.
Even then, if it were fate, it had brought him to Benjamin. Fate had brought him to you. That lit up a warm fire in this cold world, in his cold heart. Well, Steve had never been cold-hearted, he thought. But that was a matter of opinion, he felt now that would be a thing of the past if anyone ever felt that way.
All the thinking he did got him through the drive home, home for him was a turn of the century cottage, two bedrooms, and one bathroom. A nice kitchen, a dining room, and a living room. Simple, just the way he liked it. He had someone pick out the furniture for him, it was something he couldn’t do himself otherwise he would have a lawn chair in the living room. Tony took care of that, an interior designer, but he had given specific instructions to make it family proof, leather seatings, throw rugs for the cold mornings, a large bed. The second room had been turned into a guest room and Bucky usually took up that spot whenever he stayed over too late watching whatever game was playing that night. Steve kept his fridge and pantry stocked reasonably for himself and only bought more food when he knew he would have his friends over. He had taken up cooking, Wanda had given him a couple of family recipes that were fairly beginner, but oh so delicious.
He entered his front door and locked it behind him. The lights flicked on by themselves, thanks, Tony. He went about checking out all the rooms before he could settle, a force of habit if you will. And when the house was clear he made his way to the kitchen, setting his phone and wallet on the counter, and opening the fridge to see what he wanted to make that night. He decided on a baked salsa chicken recipe that was easily for a family of 4. With an extra side of veggies.
After he set out the chicken to thaw, he picked up his phone, he scrolled through his contacts to find you. Fairly easy to find since you added emojis to the end of your name. He smiled down at the phone, you had added one of the female doctor and a baby head. Steve had very rarely used emojis, opting out to use the thumbs up and the smiley face. He then opened the message thread for your contact, empty considering neither of you had sent a message. So he decides to send a short text.
The text read, “Hey, its Steve. Thank you, for today. See you soon.” He kept it short and sweet, he hit send.
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statementends · 5 years
Okay that cousins au thing was The Cutest Shit and if you’re still taking prompts... more of that? In whatever way you wana interpret that
So this story happens in a universe that is sort of a blend of By the Seashore and Broken Web.
By the Seashore involves Gerard on vacation with his little cousin Martin who he takes to the beach and helps him win the attentions of his crush, Jon. 
Broken Web takes place a few years later. Gerard saves Jon from A Guest for Mr. Spider and comforts him. He promises to remain Jon’s pen pal and tell him more about the supernatural. Jon and Gerry do not recognize each other from the events of By the Seashore
This story takes place when Jon and Martin are thirteen and Gerard is about twenty. The timeline is a bit shaken up since Mary doesn’t bind herself to the book until 2008 when Jon and Martin would be twenty-one. In this universe it happens earlier. 
Characters: Gerard Keay, Martin Blackwood, Jonathan Sims
Pairings: Minor Jon/Martin background in this chapter
Rating: T
Warnings: Parental neglect, homophobia. The story starts out sad, but I do plan for warmer feelings in the later chapters. 
Summary: Gerard opens the door of Pinhole Books the summer after his acquittal. Standing in front of him is his younger cousin asking if he can stay with him. 
AO3: Link
Gerard almost didn’t get the door.
It wasn’t like he got any customers for the dingy old bookstore by appointment or otherwise. When there was a ring it meant the paparazzi or some busy body wanting to see ‘where it happened.’ He wanted to sell it, but his mother wouldn’t let him. It was tempting to burn the place down when she was weakened.
After the mistrial he had tried for normal as he had done in the past. It hadn’t lasted long. Didn’t help that people recognised him. He considered cutting his hair short and bleaching it, but the thought of it made him wince. He’d rather be miserable as himself rather than miserable as someone else.
The buzzer rung again. He sighed, but decided to shoo off whoever it was bothering him. Last time he had left it someone had tried climbing through the window not knowing they were already nailed shut.
He opened the door. His scowl switched to confusion.
He had grown a lot. He would still be one of the tallest boys in his class, he already overtook Gerry. The chubbiness hadn’t faded any and the freckles had multiplied. He was big, and if it wasn’t for his babyface he might be mistake for a full grown man, as it was Gerard recognised him as his thirteen year old cousin, Martin Blackwood.
“Why…” The answer was probably Gerard’s luck honesty. It had been… a very bad year. Not that he disliked Martin, but…
Well, whatever this was it was going to complicate his already complicated life, he could feel it.
Martin was trying very hard to smile, but there was a watery look to him. Brittle. He opened his mouth to speak, but inhaled suddenly, as if realizing he couldn’t bring himself to start the sentence.
Gerard frowned. “Martin?”
“I–” Martin’s voice cracked. “Could I maybe stay with you for a little while? I… I don’t have anywhere to…” He crumpled and quickly wiped tears from his eyes.
Oh shit.
Gerard looked wildly around. He couldn’t bring him upstairs. He couldn’t slam the door and say no, which was tempting only because if Martin thought he would find safe shelter here, he was very much mistaken.
“I…” Gerard said slowly. “You… you know about the…” He gestured. Surely his Aunt had told him. Not that she had kept in touch for more than the occasional Christmas card, especially in the last few years, but she had been pretty clear about him staying the fuck away from her. She rung him up the night he got out of prison.
Martin nodded miserable and hesitant. “I don’t–they wouldn’t have let you go if you had done it.” He offered weakly.
Gerard shrugged. Honestly they would have jailed him. He knew he didn’t do it and knew there wasn’t much of a chance of convincing anyone otherwise unless he wanted to show them his mother’s ghost. Martin’s uncertainty did hurt a little though.
“You must be desperate then…” Gerard sighed. He still had Martin on the doorway. He quickly glanced around. No one seemed to be watching, but that didn’t mean someone with a camera wasn’t around the corner. He relented and pulled back.
“Close the door behind you and lock it,” He told Martin.
“Y-Yes of course, thank you Gerard.”
“Don’t thank me yet, we need to talk about this.” Gerard led him up the stairs. He felt the usual claustrophobia of all the books stacked around him. He lead Martin to his room. It was the only place free of clutter and the stench of paper and the crawl of silverfish. He sat on his chair at his desk and Martin sat on his bed. Martin looked amazed in the way someone is amazed by a house fire. There was no way he could let him live here even if his mother wasn’t literally haunting him.
“So.” Gerard said. No use beating around the bush. “What happened? Why are you here?”
Martin bowed his head. He played with the hem of his shirt. “Do I… do I have to say, Gerard? I… Mum kicked me out and I … there’s no one else…”
“She kicked you out?” Gerard asked. His Aunt had never struck him as a warm woman. He had only spent a long length of time with her once, a summer vacation in Bournesmouth. She didn’t seem to be a particularly tolerant woman, but Martin did his best to be obedient. Only a kid but he was well behaved… maybe… maybe too well behaved…
Martin was nodding still playing with his hem, not meeting Gerard’s eyes.
Gerard almost asked what he did, but caught himself. He doubted it had anything to do with what Martin had done and more to do with the fact that she was a terrible woman.
Must run in the esteemed Von Closen line.
“What happened,” he asked instead. “I won’t hold any of it against you.”
“I… you can’t know that you won’t.”
“Martin I was suspected of murdering my own mother,” Gerard said bluntly. Maybe to shock Martin out of it. “There’s not a whole lot worse than that.”
“You didn’t do it though.” Martin said, more certain this time.
Gerard sighed. “Right, but I’ve had a lot of people hold things against me, so I’m not inclined to do that… especially not to family.” Not that family inspired anything in him really, Martin was probably the only exception.
“I’m … I…” Martin took a deep breath. “I’m gay.”
“Right.” Gerard couldn’t be less surprised by the revelation considering he facilitated Martin getting to spend time with his first summer crush. He felt a weird sort of emptiness though. Mary Keay wasn’t a good mother, but he had a cold comfort certainty she would never abandon him.
There was a long pause. Gerard shrugged.
“I… already knew,” He said thinking it might put Martin more at ease. Martin looked terrified.
“You can tell?” He squeaked.
“Oh–no. I mean… you and your friend that you played with that summer. Jack? Josh? You were obviously smitten.”
Martin’s cheeks heated. “Oh…” He said softly. “I… I never thought of it like that… but… yeah…” He looked down. “I guess it’s weird to want to marry a boy you just met.”
“It’s not weird,” Gerard said. He felt tired all of the sudden. He can only imagine what Martin’s Mother said to him before throwing him out of the house. “It’s just… love.” he shrugged. He didn’t really have any sort of experience with that sort of thing, but he knew it was stupid for people to get offended over it.
Martin still had an ashamed look on his face.
Gerard wasn’t sure how to comfort him. He had embraced a very alternative lifestyle at the age of eleven. Was used to sneers and jeers and assumptions about his personal life. Had the shit kicked out of him a few times for it. He had never slept with anyone to make either side of the argument true, but he considered beautiful people beautiful, and the idea of masculinity incomplete and shortsighted. Gay probably wasn’t quite what he was, but he was certainly queer. It had just… it hadn’t mattered. It wasn’t a worry, it was just… part of him. Like liking oranges and getting sunburned easily.
But for Martin this was probably the most afraid he had been in his life.
“You’re fine,” Gerard said. “Hey.”
Martin looked up.
“You’re fine,” He repeated.
Tears spilled down Martin’s face.
“Th–Thank you. Gerard.”
Gerard got up and sat beside him on the bed. He squeezed his shoulder awkwardly. Martin instantly pressed in quietly shaking on his shoulder. He gave his back a few pats, but let him cry it out. It was uncomfortable. So uncomfortable, but the kid needed it, and Gerard was emotionally distant for his own sake, but he wasn’t emotionally dead.
His crying subsided eventually.
“Why don’t you rest in here for a bit, I’ll get us some food. That alright?”
Martin nodded. “Y-yes. You really don’t mind me staying?”
Gerard knew he should kick him out. Give him to child services and let the government sort him out because keeping him here was a bad idea.
Maybe he was lonely… or maybe it was because he wanted to believe family did matter in the good ways. Maybe it was just Martin’s lost look. Whatever it was he nodded.
“Long as you like,” He told him.
Gerard left the room and headed upstairs to his mother’s old office. He dug around and found a plain brown box, packing tape, and a sharpy, as well as enough stampage. He stared at the book he had avoided touching knowing she might pop out at any moment.
“Right.” He inhaled slowly. Slipped the book into the box and wrapped it. Carefully wrote out the address of the Magnus Institute.
If anyone could hold her it was them.
He went out and threw the book in the post, then grabbed some curry and headed back. He opened the door and stepped on the junkmail. There was a letter among it all in familiar and precise handwriting. He dipped and picked it up, slipping it in his pocket. He knocked on the door.
“Come in!” Martin said. His voice sounded a lot stronger.
“So, it’s actually good timing if you don’t mind the work,” Gerard said as if Martin was just here to visit him. “I need to pack up and sell this place.”
“You’re moving?”
“Yeah,” Gerard nodded. There was a strange lift inside him saying it out loud. “I mean… we are…”
Martin nodded eagerly. “Right. I can help!”
“We don’t have to start right now, eat your curry.”
“In here?”
“The place is a disaster,” Gerard said. “I’m almost tempted to burn it all and save some time.”
Martin laughed. The first time he heard since he got here. Small and a bit timid, but there all the same.
He gave Martin his bedroom and made do on an old couch in a room Gerard couldn’t have put a name to. It was full of books like the rest. So more of the store. He remembered the letter and pulled it out. Neatly written in Jon’s handwriting:
Dear Gerry,
You haven’t written back since my last letter and I’ve lost patience with you which is why I’m writing now. If you’re trying to protect me, or think that I might think the worst of you for what I’ve read in the papers you’ll find yourself very much mistaken. All you’re doing is being stubborn and thickheaded.
I know that you didn’t kill your mother, and if you did, you probably had a good reason for it and she probably wouldn’t have been considered anyone’s mother anymore, so you need to write me back, or I’ll break the promise we made and come straight to this address and make you talk to me.
Gerry snorted at that. He’d like to see Jon try. He hadn’t seen the weedy boy in years, but he had the feeling he hadn’t grown all that much.
So. Write back to me. You said you would. I know whatever happened you did what you had to. And I’m sorry for your loss. I hope you’re okay.
Jonathan Sims, Bournemouth  
P. S. I think I’m right about the docks.
Gerard scowled at the post script. That little… he sighed. Two thirteen year old boys he had no business looking after. He shook his head.
The ending was nice. Through all of his bluster Jon was worried about him, but if he thought Gerard wouldn’t go down to Bornemouth and kick his arse for going anywhere near the docks after he had explicitly told him not to…
He got up and grabbed a pen and paper.
Do. Not. Go. To. The. Docks.
I’ll look into it.
P.S. I’m fine.
He stared at the letter. He should go into it a bit more, but he was too tired for it. He put it in an envelope and addressed it, planning to send it the next day. For now he’d sleep. Try to figure out what to do with Martin.
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weirdlyokaywithit · 5 years
Soldier? Part Two
A/N: I kinda loved this
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, definite smut, angst, violence
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I inhaled deeply and rolled my shoulders before I hit the button and scanned my iris to enter containment room C. I’d brought breakfast with me and when I slid the door open he was back in his position against the back wall.
His cerulean eyes flicked over me and landed on the food in my hands.
“Breakfast,” I said, raising the plate.
And it was a good breakfast too, eggs and bacon, biscuits and gravy, toast, and sausage.
“Do I need to take a bite still?” I asked softly.
His eyes flicked back and forth before he gave a curt nod. I took a bite of everything and even a sip of the coffee, once I’d done that I placed the plate on the middle of the floor.
He waited five minutes, watching me intently before he grabbed the plate and started eating. He took a bite of the biscuits and gravy, his face pinched a little but he kept chewing.
“Bucky, you don’t have to eat it if you don’t like it,” I said and his eyes flicked up to mine.
He swallowed hard and then ate everything else on the plate. I let him put the plate back in the middle before I moved for it. I pushed it against the wall by the door and sat criss cross on the floor.
“So, no biscuits and gravy huh?” I said with a small smile.
He shook his head, staying silent.
“You can sit, if you want,” I spoke softly.
Bucky looked at the floor and then at me, he slowly crouched down and mimicked the way I sat. His eyes slowly traveled down my body, I could have sworn they lingered on my breasts. I wasn’t in my full uniform but I was in a suit, no Kevlar and no straps and holsters.
When his eyes reached my face again, he opened his mouth like he wanted to say something but then shut it again.
“You can ask me whatever you want,” I said, my head cocked slightly.
“What did- what did they do to you?” His eyes looked strained and he looked almost in pain for me.
“They took my DNA sequence and altered it, combined it with some form of radiation and injected me with it. They tested what it did to me many times, essentially I regenerate, I’m strong, and fast.”
He nodded and took in what I said for several moments, like he was feeling what happened.
“Did they... did they try to kill you?” His voice was gruff and like he couldn’t stand to say the words.
“A few times,” I said with a nod.
He grimaced and then looked down at his arm, the metal one.
“Do you remember what they made you do?” He wouldn’t meet my eyes, he looked everywhere but there.
“Yes,” I said my voice thick.
His eyes met mine and whatever he saw there he understood.
“There was this one mission, they told me that I needed to wipe out an entire village. I remember not questioning it until I got to this one house, and there were two little girls crouched under the stairs. I called in to tell them that there were children, that I wouldn’t do that. And... I remember my superior saying that if I didn’t get my mission completed by sunrise that he would skin me and them alive. ‘Eyelids and all’...” I trailed off, reliving the memory.
Their large brown eyes staring up at me, tears streaked down their cheeks as I paced back and forth. Cocking and uncocking my gun, punching the wall and screaming. That was the night I gave myself over to the darkness. It was thirty minutes until sunrise and I could see the sky starting to lighten when I fired my gun.
“I did it. I shot two little girls in the head... I dissociated after that. I can remember doing things but never specifics and never with clarity. Just like the rest was a dream. I know I did much worse than that later but I don’t recall it. Not like I do that night,” I spoke softly.
When I looked at him, his face was blank. His lips mashed into a thin line, his eyes were hauntingly cold.
“At least you remember,” he said chillingly.
“Do you want to remember?” I asked.
His eyes looked bleak and gray instead of blue, almost as if they were mirroring his aura. His nod was hesistant at first until he nodded firmly at me.
I hit the com button on my collar and spoke, “I need a monitor brought to containment room C. Subject Winter Soldier, all footage and reports.”
“Copy,” Jason responded into my com.
My eyes snapped back to Bucky, his face screwed in disgust.
“They call me a soldier... they couldn’t be more wrong, I’m a weapon,” His voice was grave.
“Well, headcase was in the running but it was already taken by yours truly,” my smile not meeting my eyes.
I found out what they called me after I overheard someone complaining about being put on a mission with me.
“They call you headcase?” Bucky sounded disbelieving.
“Well, not to my face,” I said with a small smirk.
He seemed mildly amused until the buzzer sounded and the door clicked. He was on his feet, back to the wall before I could blink. I sprung to my feet and snatched the monitor cart from the guard and slid the door shut quickly.
The last thing I needed was someone pissing him off, I turned the monitor on and put in my credentials. I pulled up a video queue of all the footage we had on him. Some of it was old, like really old.
“Are you sure?” I asked, turning to him.
He was closer than I had anticipated, just a few feet behind me. His eyes scanned my face before nodding, I pressed play and turned my attention to the monitor.
The first few minutes weren’t bad, just some missions where he did some hand to hand and a few shots fired. It was the next ten minutes of watching him torture several people and smiling whilst doing it. It was bloody and gory and vividly horrifying. I tore my eyes away to look at his face, he was watching with his mouth slightly agape with tears pricking his eyes.
“I think that’s enough-“ I started to turn it off when his hand stopped mine. I forced myself not to react at the tingles that spread from where he touched me.
When I looked up at his face, he shook his head at me.
“I need to know.”
I lowered my hand back to my side and returned my eyes to the monitor. The footage only got worse, him wiping out entire crowds of people. Using people as human shields, slaughtering children in front of their mothers, all the while his face was blank.
When the queue finally ended, and the monitor went blank I didn’t want to look at him. Not because he’d done those things but because I knew what it felt like to know what you’d done.
“Do they.... do they know how many...” His voice was low.
“Upwards of a thousand.” I responded quietly.
When I turned to look at him, I nearly lost it. He looked so ashamed and broken.
His breathing was haggard and heavy, his muscles tense as he clenched and unclenched his fists. His body stilled suddenly and I thought he might have started calming when he launched his fist into the wall.
He threw punch after punch into wall, yelling all the while. It only escalated from there, he started kicking the wall. I backed myself against the door, minimizing myself to the threat.
He grabbed the chair from the desk and launched it at the wall, it snapped under the pressure. He launched his fist through the metal desk, and then ripped the rest of it in half.
“You need to get out of there, now,” Steve sounded in my ear.
I very calmly responded, “No.”
Bucky grabbed the monitor and crushed it between his hands, and smashed the cart with one hand. He flipped the bed, screaming out in anguish.
When he turned on me, his eyes were molten blue fire, I didn’t move a muscle. He stalked toward me and towered over me, his arms caging me between him and the door. His breathing was labored and I could feel his breath on my cheek. I stared calmly up at him, waiting for his next move.
“Kill me.”
Now that I was not expecting.
“I’m a monster. Kill me,” he bit out.
I shook my head.
“KILL ME!” He yelled slamming his fists on either side of my head.
His face twisted and he screwed his eyes shut, I slowly reached up and touched his cheek. Bucky’s eyes flew open in surprise and he didn’t pull away.
“You didn’t choose those things, you were made to do them.”
His eyes were filled with pain, he whispered, “But I enjoyed them. I was smiling.”
I shook my head and stroked his cheek softly, “No, the soldier did. Not you. That is not you. You did not choose that.”
He scanned my face and lingered on my lips, was I imagining that?? I could feel the heat coming off of his body, and my hand was tingling from touching his cheek.
“Why are you like this with me?” He whispered.
“Like what?”
He looked so hurt and lost when he responded, “Nice.”
His eyes were focused on the ground so I slowly raised my other hand and brought his face up to look at me.
“Because you’re still breathing. Which means you have a chance to make things right. To change. To grow. Because I felt the same way. I should have been killed on sight, but I wasn’t,” I said, searching his baby blue eyes.
“I don’t deserve a second chance. I don’t know- I don’t know if I can change.”
He was so beautiful and broken like a haunted angel, it was almost too much to look at.
“Of course you can change. Anyone can,” I whispered.
His head tilted like he was debating something and he leaned in his nose brushing my cheek. My breath hitched and I stayed completely still, his lips danced along my jaw and I stifled a moan. He paused, pulling back to look me in the eyes and whatever he saw there made those blue irises darken.
Bucky pressed his lips to mine and I moaned in response, when he moved them I almost lost it. My hands made their way to his hair, curling around his dark stands. He licked the seam of my lips as if begging entrance and I parted them, my body melted when he flicked his tongue against mine.
His metal arm slid and wrapped around my waist, drawing me flush against his body. I could feel his arousal and I nipped his bottom lip with my teeth. He groaned in response and started kissing me with such urgency. He used his other hand to cup my neck, smoothing his thumb along my jawline setting my nerves ablaze.
I rolled my hips, trying to get closer to him and he let out a gutteral sound that made me shudder. He slid his hand down and stroked between my legs, lighting my core on fire.
“Pleaseeee,” I whined against his mouth.
His teeth captured my bottom lip and I ground my hips into his hand, begging for more. I could feel every small movement he made, it was like it streamlined straight to my pussy. Bucky pulled back for a second, mouth agape and pupils so large they left no blue in sight. He seemed to be trying to get a read on me, I’m sure I looked like a hot mess and considering I was still squirming on his hand that wasn’t a bad thing.
“Tell me what you want,” he growled, his metal hand stilling all movements with a vice-like grip on my hips.
“I want your dick inside me. Now,” I snapped.
At my words, he let out a groan and immediately yanked the zipper down on my suit. I hurriedly stepped out of it and he lifted me with his metal arm, the coolness making my shiver. He caught the movement and started to open his mouth but I slammed my lips to his, kissing him hungrily. I clawed at his shirt before finally ripping it in two, my hands grasping at the red hot flesh.
He fumbled with his scrubs before pulling them down far enough to release his cock, I grasped the velvety skin and guided him to my entrance. I rubbed the head along the folds and reveled in his reaction: his head falling back, eyes completely shut, teeth clenched. I circled my clit with it and moaned, my hips rocking involuntarily with the movement.
His head snapped back down, his ice blue irises found mine and he bared his teeth. He yanked me down onto his dick and I almost came instantaneously, my hands flew to his hair and I writhed against him.
“Fuuuuck,” I cried against his ear as he drove into me over and over.
His hips creating the most delicious rhythm, my nails clawed at his shoulders and neck as I clung onto him for dear life. His teeth nipped at my neck before his tongue laved over the spot soothingly, I mewled helplessly against him.
“You like that?” He teased in my ear, slowing his pace and stirring his hips.
“Oh fu-fuuuuuck, yes I fucking LOVE THAT,” I keened as he snapped his hips up full force.
I flattened my palm against the wall and pushed off, Bucky still holding me up and inside of me stumbled backwards. His flesh hand tangled in my hair, he tugged my head back hard and slammed us onto the bed which had collapsed to the floor.
His metal arm whirred and clicked as he brought it up to pinch my nipples, I felt my pussy clench desperately on his cock at the stimulation. He pulled his head back, eyes dark and wide as he rolled my nipple again. I cried out as he slammed his hips harder while my walls clenched uncontrollably.
“Fuck, I can feel your pussy clenching me,” he groaned.
I nodded desperately as I rocked to meet his thrusts, begging for him not to stop.
“I’m not gonna stop, can’t stop fucking this sweet pussy,” he growled filthily as he seemed to do the impossible and fuck me harder.
I screamed as my release hit, the waves of pleasure knocking through me violently as I thrashed under him. He praised me and I could feel his thrusts getting choppy as I came around him. I felt him erupt when I raked my nails down his chest, he yelled hoarsely and his cum spurted wave after wave inside of me.
I tried to calm my breathing as I came down from my orgasm, my eyes still blurry from watering at the intensity. Bucky pulled out of me and my pussy clenched at the loss, I made a sound and his blue eyes shot to mine.
“Are you- did I... Did I hurt you?” He asked softly.
I shook my head, a soft smile spreading on my face as I smiled at him.
“Not at all. Did I hurt you? I didn’t- I didn’t mean to scratch you like that,” I said sheepishly.
He glanced down at his chest and seemed surprised to find glaring red lines on his skin. He shrugged and pulled his pants over his magnificent member, I almost pouted but refrained. I glanced over at my suit and that’s when it hit me, cameras. I shot up from the bed and scrambled for my suit, yanking it on as fast as I could.
Bucky misinterpreted the movement and flushed and turned away from me, he ran his fingers through his hair.
“It’s not what you think, Bucky-“ I started but he cut me off with a wave of his hand.
“I get it, the winter soldier isn’t exactly a suitable bedmate,” he snapped bitterly.
“No, actually, I forgot there are cameras in here and we just gave Steve Rogers a hell of a show.” I spat adjusting my suit.
He spun on his feet to face me, his full pink lips forming an O. Those ice blue eyes finding the camera in the back right corner, he picked up a piece of debris. He launched it into the camera, shattering it before turning back to me.
“I’m so sorry, I forgot, I mean you were... exposed and I- they probably saw...” he trailed off awkwardly rubbing his neck.
Bucky looked so apologetic I wanted to giggle, however I refrained and stepped towards him. My hand settling on his right shoulder, I squeezed it.
“It’s fine, just don’t think he needed anything extra.”
I glanced around the destroyed room around us and grinned.
“We’re gonna need to get you a new room.”
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mosylufanfic · 7 years
I request prompt 22nd; Happy birthday month!
Thank you! Also requested by a nonny, although you might see another reply for that, nonny! I keep thinking these are going to be short and cute and I look up four pages later and go, “. . . shit.”
Best Laid Plans
Caitlin heaved a sigh, dropped her head back, and told the ceiling, "I'm trying very hard not to see all this as a metaphor for my life."
The smoke alarm shrieked. The lasagna that she'd worked on all afternoon was a scorched-black lump. Her pan was probably ruined too.
She sniffed and wiped away tears. "It's just a lasagna," she scolded herself.
But it wasn't, and she knew it. The lasagna had been a single but critical cog in a carefully crafted plan, and now it was trash.
Cisco was due any minute, and she was still in her robe, with no makeup and her hair barely blow-dried. Her main dish was completely ruined and there was no time to throw together something new.
She sniffed again and then pulled a chair over and climbed up on it to turn off the smoke alarm. When it had been silenced, with a last surprised tweet, she rested her head against the top of the door frame and mourned briefly for her ruined evening, which was supposed to end with her in Cisco's arms.
Sometimes it seemed like her dating life since Ronnie's death had been nothing but trying to feel more than she did, or disastrous breakups. Or both. Often both. But Cisco had always had a place in her heart. Sometime after he'd first gotten together with Cynthia, she'd realized that the place he occupied had transformed from platonic to romantic without her noticing.
She'd told herself then that it was hopeless. He had a girlfriend, one he was madly in love with. She'd hated herself for the ember of hope that had blossomed when he'd told her that they'd broken up. "Too different," he'd said, sagging in her comfy armchair with his third or fourth stiff drink. "We love each other, but we don't want the same things. And the things we want - they’re kind of all or nothing."
"I'm sorry," she'd said, and gotten more ice cream out of the freezer.
She'd counseled herself to wait, to let him heal, to watch for signs that he was ready to risk his heart again.
In the past month, she'd been seeing those signs, and more, signs that he might be already willing to risk it with her. Casual touches that lingered longer than usual. Banter that leaned toward flirtation. Small, thoughtful gestures, that wouldn't have seemed out of place in Cisco's history of thoughtful gestures except for the smiles he gave her along with the cup of tea he brought to her desk, or the candy bar he picked up when he was out. Long text conversations about nothing in the middle of the night.
But if they were ever going to be anything more than text buddies, one of them was going to have to move things along, and she'd decided it was going to be her. Except that her meticulous plan had gone off the rails the moment she turned on her hair-dryer and missed hearing the over timer go off.
She looked over and saw the wine on the counter. She hopped off the chair, grabbed a corkscrew, jammed it into the cork, and worked it out of the bottle with a pop. Without bothering with a glass, she took a deep chug straight out of the bottle.
It was a nice red wine, and it would have been really nice with her burned lasagna.
She was considering another chug when the doorbell rang. With a gasp, she stuck the bottle back on the counter and bolted for the door.
"Hey - what burned?" were the first words out of his mouth when she opened it.
"Lasagna," she said, letting him in. "I was drying my hair and I didn't hear the buzzer."
"Awww," he said. "I’ve been there. Sorry." He gave her a quick hug and she told herself to let go when he did, not to cling to him, not to snuggle close and bask in the smell of his shampoo and the feel of his body against hers. "You didn't have to make dinner. I told you I'd bring something over."
"I wanted to," she said. "But I screwed it up."
He squeezed her upper arms to comfort. "Look," he said. "Why don't I go get a pizza? Will that work with the rest of your menu?"
"Sure," she sighed. "Go for it."
"Be right back," he said, and opened up a breach in the middle of her entryway.
When it sucked itself closed, she went back into her bedroom to put on clothes. Half her closet was scattered over her bed - pretty ruffled skirts that showed off her legs, low cut tops that showed off her decolletage, dresses in a fine-gauge knit that clung to her curves. They'd all seemed not quite perfect for the intimate dinner she'd had planned.
They definitely wouldn't work over pizza.
She put on a soft, drapey t-shirt and a pair of yoga pants, then pulled her hair into a ponytail and put on basic makeup. She started to put on a simple, sheer pink lipstick, then paused, wiped it off, and selected a redder shade.
Even if she couldn't seduce him tonight like she'd planned, that was no reason not to make him think about her lips if she had the chance.
She shut her bedroom door behind her and went to see what else could be salvaged.
By the time he knocked again, she was feeling more cheerful. Yes, the charred lasagna was occupying a place of dishonor on the back of her stove, but that wasn’t the only thing she’d prepared. She did swap out her table settings, though. Thick-crusted, cheesy, greasy pizza just didn't go with her fine china. She let him in with a smile.
"All right," Cisco said, bearing a heavenly-smelling cardboard box toward her table and setting it down in the center. He plopped two twenty-ounce bottles next to the box, one orange soda and one iced tea. “We’ve got a large sausage and mushroom, because I ain’t looking at pineapple on pizza tonight, you Hawaiian-loving weirdo.”
Although sausage and mushroom did go better with the rest of the meal, she scowled playfully at him. He always gave her grief for her taste in pizza. “Keep talking like that and you won't get any caprese salad.”
“Any what now?” he asked, transferring slices onto her red Fiestaware plates.
She shifted the box and showed him the plate. Fat chunks of mozzarella alternated with tomato slices, garnished with basil leaves, and all of it drizzled in olive oil and balsamic vinegar. She’d assembled it and put in the fridge before jumping in the shower earlier.
His eyes lit up. “Fancy!” He nudged his two slices of pizza aside to make room on his plate.
“Okay,” she said after serving herself. “Are you ready to plan?”
“Born ready,” he said, twisting the cap off the orange soda. “Hit me. What are you thinking?”
She pulled out her notebook. “I’ve jotted down some ideas. This is Iris’s thirtieth birthday. It’s a milestone. We want it to be special.”
He cut up a slice of mozzarella and swabbed up balsamic vinegar before popping it in his mouth. “Remind me why we’re planning this and Barry isn’t?”
“Because it’s supposed to stay a surprise for more than thirty seconds,” Caitlin said.
“And he folds like a cheap suit when she cocks her eyebrow. Right.”
She should feel guilty, using a party planning session as a pretense for luring Cisco into her clutches. But Iris, who’d listened to her agonize a few times, would more than understand. Anyway, Caitlin had ditched that plan.
She watched Cisco lick pizza grease off his lips and grin at her as he suggested a country western theme (which she shot down with a quickness) and reminded herself that she wasn’t going to jump him.
Which was too bad, because in that shirt and those pants, he was looking really good. And he was having an incredible hair day.
They settled on a private room at Iris’s favorite restaurant the Saturday after her birthday. Caitlin wrote herself a note to check availability, and to figure out backup restaurants if that one didn’t pan out.
“We should have a decoy celebration,” Cisco suggested. “Like, tell her to meet us for lunch on Sunday.”
“Right! If we all just pretend to have forgotten, she’ll know something’s up. A decoy sounds perfect. Now, who are we inviting to the real thing?”
Cisco pulled up Facebook on his phone and went trawling through Iris’s friend list. “I’ll take care of contacting everybody,” he said, scribbling names down. “Hey, have you got contact info for Linda Park?”
“I can get it,” Caitlin said, writing herself another note. “Iris would love it if she made it from Coast City for this.”
By the time they’d eaten half the pizza and all the caprese salad, they had the beginnings of a really nice party. Cisco closed the box. "Want to keep the rest of this?"
"You take it home," she said, hopping up. "But I do have a new recipe that I tried for dessert."
"I'm going to get fat if you keep making me all your finds," Cisco said, not sounding terribly worried about the prospect. "They're gonna start calling me Jello instead of Vibe."
She grinned at him. "Maybe it's awful. I did burn the lasagna."
"Yikes," he said, and loaded her dishwasher while she pulled the dessert out.
He tilted his head to study the mound of white dessert that she set in front of him. "Is this flan? Because I have to tell you, it’s on the pale side."
"No," she said. "It's panna cotta. Taste it."
He did, and made a noise in his throat that made her skin buzz. "Holy shit. What's it called again?"
"Panna cotta. I made it last night." She tasted it herself and almost sighed. It had really turned out well. Good choice to garnish with raspberries. Next time, she would have to do the mint chocolate variation she'd found.
"Just for funsies?"
"Well, I found the recipe and I really wanted to try it out."
"And you knew I'd be here to help you eat it," he said, taking another bite. "So how did you make it?"
She launched into an explanation of the recipe, how the cream had to just simmer, not fully boil. How you had to let the gelatin dissolve just right, why you had to warm the mixture and let it cool in a particular pattern so the chemical reaction could happen properly. How you could add vanilla or almond or tea or anything, really, to flavor it and then add even more things on top when it had chilled overnight, and then - if you chose - unmold it onto a plate before garnishing. It was her favorite kind of recipe - scientific precision on the one hand, endless flavor choices on the other.
He watched her, smiling as he ate his panna cotta. “Maybe you should make it for Iris’s party,” he suggested.
She wrinkled her nose. “I don’t think I’m up to making this for that many people, and the restaurant might have something to say about it.”
“Okay,” he said with a laugh. “You’ll just have to make it for me again.”
She looked up to see him smiling at her, and her heart skipped a beat. “Okay,” she said, telling herself that her voice wasn’t breathier than Jessica Rabbit’s. “Sure. Anytime.”
Their gazes locked and held until her heart fluttered again, and his lips parted. He blinked, breaking the spell, and set his spoon in his empty dish. “I’m gonna - “ He gestured vaguely in the direction of her bathroom. “Um.”
“Sure,” she said, and had to sit for another five or ten seconds, catching her breath, before she could get up and take the panna cotta dishes to the sink. They had to be hand-washed, but she couldn’t do it now. She’d probably break one.
She cleaned up the rest of the table, checked that Cisco had loaded the dishwasher properly (he had) and was considering how salvageable the lasagna pan was when Cisco called out, “Hey, Caitlin?”
“Can you come here a minute?”
She went to the living room to see him studying her coffee table. “So, what’s this?” he asked.
She swallowed hard. She’d forgotten about that setup. “Um, candles. And wine glasses.”
“Fancy candles,” he said. “And your good wine glasses. And I couldn't help but notice there was a pretty nice red wine breathing on the counter all through dinner.”
“Oh,” she said. “I forgot about that. Yes.”
“And I know you’ll probably be mad and I’m sorry, but I may have slightly snooped in your bedroom on my way to the bathroom and I noticed your closet had exploded.”
She felt herself go red to the hairline. “. . . Yes,” she admitted. “It did, kind of.”
He tilted his head. “Did you have a plan for tonight?”
She nodded slowly. Her face felt hot enough to cook an egg. “But I burned the lasagna and spent too much time looking for the right outfit and ruined it.”
He smushed his lips together. “That’s an easily ruined plan.”
“You know how I am about my plans,” she said.
“Yeah,” he admitted, and picked up one of the wine glasses. “Too bad. This looks like it would have been pretty nice.”
She stood looking at him twisting the wineglass in his fingers, and thought, I’m on Team Flash. Plans going wrong is where we live. I should be able to improvise.
She curled her toes against the carpet. “Do you want to know what end I was planning toward?” she asked.
He looked up at her. “Kinda would. Yeah.”
“Okay,” she said. Whispered, really. “Okay.”
She reached out and took the wineglass from his hand. Setting it down on the coffee table, she rested her hands on his shoulders and leaned forward to kiss him.
He went still, and she thought, Oh, oh no, I’ve misread everything, I -
Then his arms slipped around her waist and he kissed her back. Cautious at first, learning how they fit together, what she liked, what he liked. Then the kiss became more confident, hungrier. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed up against him, and he hummed in his throat the way he had when he’d tasted the panna cotta. This time, the sound thrilled her right down to the marrow.
They had to break for air eventually, and leaned together, panting. “So,” he said, his thumb rubbing against her rib cage through her thin shirt. “That was the end of the evening? In your plan?”
“Well,” she said, stroking her fingers through the baby-fine hairs on his neck. “No. Not necessarily.”
He smiled at her, his big joyful Cisco smile that she’d always loved to see, and said, “I was hoping you’d say that.”
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