#when I get to the final episode in my rewatch I might. actually cry this time
dongslinger--420 · 11 months
BoJack Horseman really came along and gave me 5 leads and made each one of them a perfect foil to the other and each one have such an intriguing and powerful friendship with the next and just expected me to be normal about it. Ok.
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Opening scene and Earth's got vibe-checked by God and I've been gaslit about the dinosaurs
GARDEN OF EDEEEEEN wow his first appearance and Aziraphale's already so prissy and flustered might fuck around and fall in love with him idk
I finally understand who these mf's are hi Hastur and Ligur you're not zombies after all
idk sister mary loquacious is kinda doing it for me rn with that satanic nun's habit and losergirl energy
third crowley scene and he's misplaced THE LITERALLY GODDAMNED ANTICHRIST because he made small talk with a bloke outside without checking for details
mmmmhm yes sister mary wink again your bitchless decisions are sexy y'know what i mean
Gabriel feels like his brain was eviscerated and replaced with one of those youtuber's paid course promos at the end of their how to change your life in 45 days: three simple mindset shifts video
mmmhm yes sure crepes French revolu--Crowley stop eye-fucking Aziraphale you're making everyone at the Ritz horny
Aziraphale don't moan into your food man you can't take these two anywhere
Crowley thanking the driver for slowing down is everything to me
And they're drunk hu-fucking-zzah good thing we'll have 11 year olds saving the world coz these fuckers sure ain't doing shit
What Aziraphale was doing back was definitely kissy faces though that mfer wasn't even trying to say bouillabaisse when Crowley said what sounded suspiciously like baby
kissy kissy from lil miss prissy [i would have made such a great high school bully shame i had no inclinations that way]
oop nun down nun down
i want ya see a wile ya thwart amirite on a t-shirt
"actually i encourage humans to-" just say you're a lazy bitch azi we love you
love crowley fake-manipulating azi into helping like azi wants to be manipulated y'know so it's not technically his fault he was wiled over or whatever and they're both just such ENABLERS
not azi going SOFT at being godfathers with crowley
why is nanny ashtoreth so seductive with that of course dear is it just crowley's inherent disastergirl sex appeal
erIC THE DISPOSABLE DEMON I DIDN'T KNOW THEY COME IN S1 well not come i hope unless being eaten by a hellho--nope
gonna give my roxie a kissy brb she's my angel and all this dog talk makes me miss her (she's a few feet away under the bed)
i asked her for a kissy and she crawled out and gave me a kiss i love her
...roxie's crying to be taken downstairs it's nearly 2 am this is on me for waking her up i crowley'd myself fml
EYYYYY WELCOME TO THE END TIMES don't mind me I'll have to take roxie down yes I know maggots I'm crowley-coded I KNOW THAT I'M A BLOODY DISASTER BYEEEEEEEE
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halliescomut · 11 months
My Personal Weatherman Finale
I don't have anything super deep or insightful to say after doing a rewatch with subtitles so I actually know what was said. But I think I might have figured out what felt so different about My Personal Weatherman. It's a love story 100%, but it wasn't a 'falling in love story'. We saw the moments when they fell for each other in the flashbacks, but the story of the show already had them in love. So it was really about self-acceptance of those feelings for Yoh, and about confidence in their relationship to fully express them for Mizuki. (Maybe I do have something insightful to say.)
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But also, one of my absolute favorite things about this episode was the camera choices. The fact that every time we saw them be fully honest with each other, one of them had their back turned, and then in the very end they're gazing into each other's eyes. Like it's just beautiful and perfect, because we see Yoh avoid eye contact regularly, and Mizuki will make him look him in the eye when he thinks it's important. Mizuki doesn't avoid eye contact though, so him doing so while saying these really important things that he knows have the potential to change everything is really impactful because I think it really shows how afraid he is that Yoh will decide it's too much.
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I've talked some about how I fall on the Yoh side of the D/s dynamic, so I relate the most to him. But find myself most affected emotionally by Mizuki, and I wonder if that's because of that submissive part of me. Like, since we're given insight through his thoughts, the last two episodes especially, I just so much wanted him to say EVERYTHING he was thinking. I felt like he was scared that his intensity would be too much for Yoh, and I just kept wanting to be the Jiminy Cricket on his shoulder telling him that Yoh isn't as delicate as he thinks. That we aren't fragile, we can handle that intensity, we want to see that strength of love, and affection, and passion. And we may be a little nervous, but we also TRUST and have faith.
Either way this episode made me cry, it's making me almost cry as I think about it. I'm sad that it's gone by so quickly, and I hope that we get something else, a special ep, or a movie, or if the gods are with me a second season. But either way I'm 99% sure I'm gonna order the physical copy of this show and it's probably going on my comfort rewatch list.
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(As a side note, I went to pull gifs for this post to add interest, and they are wearing the same tops in the first ep as they do in the finale, the gray thin boatneck top and green hoodie (technically it's a different hoodie, but that's not really the point) so it's like full circle.)
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flameshadowconjuring · 2 months
I am in the middle of my Assassination Classroom reread and rewatch and I am really enjoying it. It might just be that it resonates with me more now than 8 years ago when I originally read and watched it (ironic, given that I was much closer in age to the characters then than now), but it is even more fun than I remember it being. Most anime don't make me perpetually grin while watching them. Korosensei must be rubbing off on me.
The series does what the Japanese do best exceptionally well, which is to mix things that seem incompatible and make it work. Korosensei is the most kind and devoted teacher there is. He is also going to blow up the earth in one year if no-one kills him before then. He is the best teacher ever, can move at Mach 20 and is just generally a badass superbeing, but he is also deeply pathetic. He can destroy the world, but lives paycheck to paycheck. He encourages his students every step of the way in their mission to assassinate him, but does everything he can to survive their attempts. His students love him and depend on him, but also they are doing all they can to assassinate him. The most skilled assassin in the class, Nagisa, is a meek, kind boy who looks like a girl. All of this contrast is the source of most of the comedy of the show, and it works really well.
The thing I find most compelling in my reread/rewatch is how the task of assassinating their teacher unites the class. While the (almost) thirty students don't all get equal screen time/relevance, they all get moments to shine, and all of their successes come from everyone pitching in with their own unique set of skills. So many shonen manga talk about the power of friendship, but Assassination Classroom actually delivers on it. It has this strong message that everyone has talents to be nurtured and can become badass assassins someone awesome if you give them the chance.
The characters, particularly Korosensei, are very likeable and fun to watch. The anime's soundtrack is really good. It suits the series perfectly. The anime is generally a great adaptation. The mangaka actually worked closely together with the studio (at least for season 2, presumably also season 1). The cuts that the anime made were largely scenes from the manga that weren't essential. Exposition scenes whose information content can be inferred from more active scenes and stuff like that. I liked those scenes in the manga, but they were definitely the right scenes to cut so that the anime can conclude within only 47 episodes. The anime is really good. Just try not to look at students in the backgrounds of shots. They are often CG.
Perhaps most notably, Assassination classroom has achieved what most manga fail to do, which is to be neither too long nor too short, and to end in a way that wraps up the main plot in a satisfying, emotionally moving way. You will cry by the end of the story. I don't make the rules. The ridiculous initial premise of 'hey, your new teacher is a superbeing that just blew up the moon, he will do the same thing next year with the earth. It is your task to assassinate him before then.' is actually explained satisfactorily by the end.
That being said, I do have a few criticisms. I don't really like Bitch-sensei. A lot of scenes featuring her feel more like a reminder of 'hey, she still exists'. There are some great scenes with her, but not many, since she really only has one gimmick.
The first big plot twist of the show, which, to describe it in a non-spoilery way, is the big twist surrounding the actress, came out of nowhere. Maybe I am just dumb and missed all the clues (the author did point out that he planted some extremely subtle visual clues), but there were a bunch of scenes where the author could have easily planted some clues that would be subtle enough, but that a reasonably attentive reader would be reminded of during the reveal. The twist right after that one is really good though, so honestly its fine.
I will frame my final criticism as a warning. You might be tempted to let your guard down. To get emotionally attached to any budding romantic subplots that the story is suggesting or outright devoting entire scenes to. Don't. Down that path lies only disappointment and ambiguous open endings.
So, yeah. To close this with something positive, I guess I'll say who my favourite character is. Except I am going to cheat. I love Korosensei and Nagisa, but they are the two characters who get the most screen time. My favourite non-main character is Rinka Hayami. She is the sniper girl who is a steady shot no matter what, and she is just really cool. I ship her with the sniper guy who can shoot from super long distances. They are just a really cool, calm, get-the-job-done-without-a-hint-of-complaint duo. Mild spoilers, but they were responsible for what you could argue was Korosensei's closest brush with death.
Who would have ever thought that a show about middle school students learning the art of assassination to kill their teacher could be so wholesome and touching?
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ltwharfy · 4 months
"Bob's Burgers" Season 14 Episode Ranking Rewatch (long post)
So, I've been rewatching "Bob's Burgers" from the beginning and ranking the episodes using the spreadsheet that @babsvibes created! If you want to know why I'm doing this or how I view the 1-5 rating scale, you can check out my Season 1 post! If you want to check out any of the other seasons, I've been using the "bob's burgers episode ranking rewatch" tag for all of them.
Now, on to Season 14:
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Average (Mean) Score: 4.54
Mean (Most Common) Ranking: 5
Ranking Breakdown: 8 5s 4 4s 1 3
Season as whole thoughts:
I won't call it a comeback...but you can check the previous posts and see that the strike-shortened Season 14 has the highest average score since season 9 and that it's numbers put it right up there with my personal Golden Age of the show. It's possible there is some sort of recency bias with these ratings- with one exception (guess which one...) I've only watched these episodes maybe two or three times now so the jokes might feel a little fresher and make me laugh a bit more than they otherwise would. But, I don't really think that's the case. Rewatching these episodes I think that Season 14, like my beloved Season 7, features a great blend of humor, creativity, and emotional resonance, both within individual episodes and throughout the season as a whole.
I also feel like this was a pretty great season for the show's supporting characters: Rudy becomes the first non-main character to be the focus of an episode, we learn more about Zeke's past, they actually made me feel sympathy for Logan, interesting new characters like Will and Sam were introduced, and we get the long awaited (possibly only by me) return of Downtown Randolph Brackenbrown!
Some thoughts on specific episodes (and feel free to ask if you want my thoughts on an episode I didn't comment on):
"Fight at the Not Okay-Chorer-al": The bedtime story- and the way the telling of it went back and forth between the parents and Louise- was a really fun, unique way to break out of the normal world of the show without doing another anthology episode (even though I love those.) So many of the visual details of the western town were beautiful, compelling, and fun. And I'm a sucker for an emotional Linda and Louise story.
"The Amazing Rudy": I am totally normal about this episode. Writing two fics inspired by an episode within a week of it airing is normal, right? Okay, yeah...this episode emotionally resonated with me more than any piece of entertianment I'd encountered in a while. The way it captured the feelings of being a child of divorce- the stress, the anxiety, the loneliness-hit home for me so hard. I can pause this episode at multiple points and tell you about similar things that happened in my own life. And, while I know it's just a coinceidence, it's so weird for me that this story came out last year. Because when I wrote my first fic about Rudy earlier last year, I foiund myself crying while writing a line mentioning his parents divorce- and that lead me to think about why- and to finally do something to process how my parents' divorce decades ago had affected me in ways I hadn't acknowledged before- and to work to move beyond that. So, maybe it's a coincidence, or maybe the Molyneux sisters are witches who can see into my soul? Really, who's to say?
Okay, sorry to do two paragraphs on one episode, but that kinda turned into a weird autobiographical essay, didn't it? As an episode, I think this is top notch in terms of writing, direction, animation, music, and especially the voice-acting of Brian Huskey and Kristen Schaal. Also, while this might sound like a weird comment coming from Mr. "I've been shipping Louise/Rudy since the first airing of 'Carpe Museum'", I really didn't think about the end of this episode in romantic/shippy way until I came on here and saw some other Roudise folks squeeing over it. Because, while you can view it that way, I also think at its heart this episode is really a story about loneliness and friendship-about how we can all help ease each others pain just by being there for one another. And I hope folks can appreciate this lovely story of friendship even if they don't enjoy Roudise from a shipping perspective.
"The Pickleorette": That was fun! Really, both the A story and B story in this episode are a hoot. TIna immediately forgetting about the board game and scheming about how to see Pickles in the restaurant is one of the funniest moments all season. The lines about big sisters making mistakes so little sisters know its okay not to be perfect are some of the best moments between both Linda & Gayle and Tina & Louise.
"Running Down a Gene": I am always a sucker for weird dreams, and Mr. Ambrose always cracks me up. The Louise and Tina cricket storyline is funny and weirdly sweet. But what ultimately puts this into 5 territory is Gene's sweet song at the end- I always love when they have him write a surprisingly moving song (see also "The Gene and Courtney Show").
"Bully-ieve It or Not": It was great to learn more about Zeke's past and get a new (hopefully recurring) member of the 8th grade class. But the character I really loved the most in this one was Jimmy Jr.- in this story, he is the voice of reason, displays some emotional intelligence, and you see how much his friendship with Zeke means to him. Really, this is an A+ story for both Zeke and J-Ju in my book.
"The (Raccoon) King and I": If I need to choose an episode from the whole series to cheer me up when I'm feeling down, it might be this one. The storylines are all pretty low stakes (except for Little King Trashmouth) but the endings are all super sweet! Tina gets to "woo!"; Arnold, Andy, Ollie, and Rudy dance like the nerdy boys they are; Bob dances like the tired middle-aged man he is; Louise fills up a giant bowl with soft serve ice cream to bring to her friends (this is literally one of my favorite images from the whole series); and Little King Trashmouth and His Husband Gary are reunited!!! It is all so freaking beautiful, man!
"Fraud of the Dead: Zombie-Docu-pocalypse": Just a really fun episode- a great way to break from the show's usual formula while still telling a funny, emotionally resonant story. I kind of wish we could see another episode that was the "behind the scenes" of the movie from this episode- I particularly enjoy wondering about if Louise scripted everybody's lines or if it was more improv (Yes, I am particularly wondering about Rudy's "I don't want to be remembered as a complainer" line). Also, Louise beginning to sing in the documentary was one of the biggest laughs in the season for me just because it was so unexpected.
"Jade in the Shade": Putting this in here for Babs, as her reward for creating the spreadsheet and making it through all these posts, but my biggest laughs in this episode came from Cynthia and Logan's interaction. I think anyone who's ever been a teen boy with a mom can relate to Logan in this one. The Linda and Louise interaction is also great, and I loved the return to some of the settings of the movie.
"Butt Sweat and Fears": The Tina storyline and the way it ends- both with her and Sam dancing and with Jimmy Jr. leaning on her- is just so freaking sweet. It's also a really funny episode throughout (call me immature, but the stuff about Chelsea's potentially sick cat and it's poop really cracked me up). And it was fun to see Dalton again- one of those enjoyable recurring characters who I forget about until he's on screen! Funny, sweet, good supporting chracters- this served as a fitting ending to this short season.
Random thoughts (stuff that doesn't affect the ratings):
-Rudy was in six of the first nine episodes of this season, making me hope he was on track to tie or pass his record for most appearances in a season (seven in both Seasons 5 and 10). Alas, he didn't appear in any of the remaining episodes. Who knows how many episodes he would've appeared in if it was a full length season? Too bad the season was shortened by the strike. Rudy's kind of like the 1994 Montreal Expos in that regard. (This is an incredibly dorky joke put in solely for my own amusement, please feel free to ignore it.)
Is this the end of my Episode Ranking Rewatch Long Posts?!?! Probably not, I'll probably do one or two more with some thoughts on the series as a whole and sharing my writer and director rankings, since those were one of the reasons I found Babs' spreadsheet so exciting to begin with.
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lurkingteapot · 9 months
Last Twilight ภาพนายไม่เคยลืม Ep 9
This episode was a LOT. I found myself thinking "wait, if this is episode nine, what's going to happen in episode 11?!" but then I thought, well, if we compare the structure of Last Twilight to Bad Buddy (which I invariably do because those are the two 12-ep-shows of P'Aof's that I've watched), this is the … hit a snag, get past it, hit a LARGER snag part of the story arc, isn't it. I thoroughly enjoyed myself.
guys, can you not make a scene at someone else's wedding??
so Night, what, caused the accident?
did Day see something he shouldn't have?
okay this is … like. I see why Night would blame himself, and it's convenient for Day to blame Night, but. It's not Night's fault. It's like … sure, this might not have happened if Night hadn't had to throw up, but that doesn't mean it's Night's fault? When he got in that car, I honestly worried he might've drunkenly thought it'd be funny to hold Day's eyes closed or something, but this? Day, I know you were on a toll road or something, but even so I was yelling at my screen for you to pull over from the second Night made the first retchy noise. And for Day to resent him for getting out of it with his sight intact and with, y'know, character growth? that's … unfortunately realistic but also. Oh Day. Oh Night. Boys.
OH wow so Day has that much insight at least?
he said เด็กเดียว there, right?? gotta rewatch and check
wow Day WOW you've got some things to work through here
the "sorry" bit is food for a LOT of "ways in which siajai and sorry aren't identical" commentary and I once again salute GMM's translation team
OHHH good job apologising
oh so she didn't start out rich and famous? sorry for misjudging, P'Mon
love these not-so-subtle "travel to southern Thailand, we have great food" plugs here
oh not AGAIN with the product placement
the way Day looks, I bet this smells the same
a museum?
an ARTIST so that's why the hair?
Day, you're an ass, you realise right?
I mean it does sorta feel like he's just hanging on to all the resentment towards Night so he doesn't have to deal with the fact that it was random and could've happened in a million different ways?
ahaha see! Long hair = artist!
oh I love the angle they shot this from here
is Pla teaching Mawk to make southern food??
is Mawk gonna move on to actually being a chef, too? is there anything he can't do? (for real though I love that Mawk is getting to see that there's options for him)
are they both gonna move South in the end?
you can SEE him thinking about whether to ask if there'll be a next time
… so much for three months, huh
I love the touristy stuff in these few eps
the music is creepy af
random white guy a named David
phuak-you GOD I love neopronouns
Cherry Guest, huh
adfasdfads the MANY FIRSTS convo, what a BBS ep 11 parallel (sobbing)
there we gooooo
you're so far apart, boys, c'mon
(I have many thoughts on the way they set up this scene in regards to Day's agency, none of them coherent, and just. Good job folks.)
I LOVE them oh they're cute
Mawk already trying to start something again 😂
I love how they keep making a point in how there's no knowing the ending before it ends
kinda re: point a few minutes back, but it's wonderful how Mawk has … idk, Mawk has seen he has talents and OPTIONS (which is something I don't feel like he really ever felt he had) which allow him to risk his current job in order to take Day to see the last twilight on Mt Khuha
Mawk is so annoyed by the weather's non-cooperation, I love him so much
honestly I love the view as is, but I also get Mawk's disappointment/upset
oh I love this
it feels very final episode-y though which WORRIES me
is he gonna bring this back to not having seen Mawk's body-- yeah
"last picture" that's a theme song call back
oh Mawk, so touched, huh
ilu Jimmy but you're still not the best at pretending to cry, though I guess the smiling through tears is pretty close
annnd that's it, his sight has gone, huh
I know the blocking probably is done for ~reasons but I still wish they'd moved closer to each other here
oh no, the preview REALLY worries me
I'm so glad my hunch that Night didn't actually actively do anything to make Day resent him that much played out as correct. Now for shit to hit the fan next week when their mum gets involved.
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thatiranianphantom · 1 year
Nancy Drew Rewatch 108: The Path of Shadows
And so we arrive at an episode that Ace is technically in but also not in.
Thank GOD we only have 1 Laura episode left I think.
"It was Ace (and Laura but nobody cares about her)"
This totally not affected face:
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I enjoy Lisbeth. She's also GORGEOUS. I wish she'd lasted longer.
The cops would have absolutely taken Ace's phone but then again, the cops have SO little to do with the solving of any crimes.
This text chain between Nancy and Ace kills me:
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"Can you pick up bleach wipes?" "No."
"Great dress if it's you!" Counting that as a Nace moment.
McGinnis episode -> McGinnis disappears after this episode.
But a shout out for actual Indigenous representation with actual Indigenous actors. And this show being this show, I have no doubt they did their research.
The Bess Bus! Love this Nancy and Bess bonding time
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And also this SUPER subtle Old Navy plug
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This entire exchange where they sum up the last 7 episodes needed to be documented in its entirety:
Bess: Dead Lucy was on Nancy's phone video. We went to a medium to see what she wanted and then the medium freaked and vanished. George: Not like mystical vanished, she just skipped town. Bess: Right. Then there was this 70s throwback lady who applied for a job during the Nor'Easter storm. George: She also might have been dead. Not sure. Bess: But Tiffany Hudson's ghost definitely attacked me in a freezer right before she possessed George. Nick: And there was the antique coins that opened the door to a crowd full of spirits during the seance. Nancy: Yeah, I conducted it, with a crash course from Victoria. George: My mom's a clairvoyant, it's why she's a raging alcoholic.
I'm with Nick on the work = distraction. When I got the news my grandmother was dying, I walked into my boss' office crying and they told me I could go home, but I chose to stay. Then my tinies came in and covered me with hugs, so much better than going home alone.
Okay a small rant on Carson Drew: THE LIES. He could technically say he's telling the truth but it's like 1/4 truth. The lies by omission are MASSIVE and he spent SIXTEEN EPISODES lying to Nancy. And he only stopped because he got caught! This whole self-righteous "how dare you accuse me of this" doesn't really work when he spent almost an entire season lying to her.
We'll get into this near end of season but the umbrella justification of "I was trying to protect you" he uses to excuse so many of his own lies. Not buying it.
So, so much goes back to Thom for Ace.
But we finally get an age on Ace! He's 21 as of this episode.
Leah Lewis remains underrated, she's a great actress.
Thank you as usual to you, readers, and thank you to @middleagedresidentofriverdale for joining me for 108. See y'all for 109.
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billpottsismygf · 1 year
Okay, rewatch complete and my feelings are just so *mixed*. When I was halfway through, I wrote this whole thing about the weak plot and bad pacing, but having watched episodes 4-6 in one sitting today, I’m now feeling much better about it. In fact, the emotions of the last scene were even more hard hitting this time, and I no longer have as much of a character issue with Aziraphale’s decision as I did my first time through.
To get my bad thoughts, all written yesterday, out of the way:
The plot is so weak and the pacing is all over the place. What is series 2 about? Crowley and Aziraphale take in an angel who has lost his memory, they successfully hide him for a few episodes while trying to set up two shopkeepers, then we find out what was going on. The End. Series 1 works because we get all this amazing character stuff for Aziraphale and Crowley on top of an engaging romp about the end of the world, with a huge cast of characters and lots of moving parts that all come together at the end for a satisfying finale.
I found episode 3 a particular slog, which is a shame because I do actually like the Georgian setting of the flashbacks, but it gets very flimsy very quickly. I just don't believe Elspeth's sudden desire to kill herself (with an apparent sudden change of heart re: bodysnatching, since she says she doesn't want anyone digging her up), then another sudden turnaround once she's been given the money. I liked the general message they were going for wrt poverty and Aziraphale's ignorance of how the world really works, but it just doesn't quite work for me.
I also don’t buy into Nina and Maggie at all. If it was established that they knew each other a little already, then it might work, but Maggie’s deep investment in Nina liking her just reads as either overbearing or unbelievable. They’ve clearly never spoken about anything other than coffee before, and Maggie has a crush fair enough, but after one somewhat awkward evening locked in a shop, she’s crying and declaring herself in love. I like both of the actresses, but I’m not sure they completely sold it either. (I feel bad pointing out particular instances, but when Maggie’s “crying” when Aziraphale goes to ask about the song, she doesn’t even believably read as upset, let alone crying.)
There's also just the, fanfic-ness of it all, especially with Gabriel and Beelzebub. I've always seen that pairing as a bit of a crack one, though I'm glad there are people who enjoy it, and for it to become canon like that... Maybe if they were still bitches at the end? But the mushy lovey dovey 'wherever [they are] is my heaven/hell' stuff just doesn't read as in character for either of them. It's like they switch into totally different characters at the relationship reveal (though on the rewatch, I did appreciate knowing why Beelzebub was so keen on finding Gabriel).
Really the main things this series has going for it is, firstly, that it is often pretty funny, and, secondly, the chemistry between David Tennant and Michael Sheen, on top of their individually brilliant performances. I am deeply invested in their relationship at this point, as well as the wider implications for Heaven and Hell, but if I weren’t I don’t know that I would be all that excited for series 3. 
I do think series 3 will be better, as this was always described as the series that got us to where series 3 needed to start from, but this is so obviously a filler that it’s hard to see why it was made in the first place. I imagine we needed that break up scene at the end to lead into the final series, but I wonder if that couldn’t have been achieved with a special, or honestly if we couldn’t have just found out what happened through flashbacks within series 3 itself.
Now, onto the good, written today:
The second half of the series is actually much more enjoyable. I adore the entire conceit of having a Regency ball, and it works so well alongside the gathering menace of the swarming demons. I also love the entirety of the 1941 flashback, even if it doesn’t have much to do with the main plot - sidenote, but the thing of calling the flashbacks ‘minisodes’ is very odd given that they often take up the vast majority of their respective episodes.
Now that I was expecting the Gabriel and Beelzebub stuff, it wasn't quite as jarring as the first time. I stand by what I said above about the out of character-ness, though.
The Nina and Maggie of episodes 4-6 are also much more believable, because they're actually talking. They're taking part in the main plot, too, and they get to have agency at the end and tell Crowley off for trying to manipulate their love lives.
As said above, this time the entire final scene between Aziraphale and Crowley packed an even bigger punch. I loved it the first time round, though of course I found it devastating, but this time knowing where it was leading, it hit me all the more. It’s a real showcase of both Michael Sheen and David Tennant’s acting chops, as well as the complex relationship between their characters.
Derek Jacobi, master that he is, is of course completely fantastic as the Metatron. I wonder if he’ll have a bigger role in series 3 (if we get it). I really hope so; I’m always delighted to see more of him. Muriel is so adorable as well, and I find the rivalry between Uriel and Michael so enjoyable.
This series is such a mixed bag and I just cannot settle on a consistent opinion. I think perhaps it would have fared better with either a more complex plot, or fewer episodes. I’ll probably do another rewatch soon, but on a much slower episode-by-episode basis.
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livvyofthelake · 3 months
continuing that last one. because i miss her and i loved that show so bad… however watching it will without a doubt make me cry sooooo crazy so. there’s that
pros and cons of each option:
fresh off the boat: pros. constance wu is there. yeah. cons. i don’t remember caring that much about those damn kids. i apologize but jessica huang was alwayssss the star of the show to me…. loved her so bad it’s not even funny
big bang theory: pros. i liked it ok i’ll fucking come out and say I LIKED THE BIG BANG THEORY. goddamn. never got to see sheldon and amy get married. kinda miss penny my old friend penny from the tv. cons. annoying ass men are in there 😐
american housewife: pros. well this show gave us our friend meg donnelly of zombies fame so jot that down. i knew her before you did. she used to have red hair even and i was THERE when she went blonde for zombies there was a subplot about it. my friend gaybutnotgay cunt oliver is there. america’s bitch wife katie otto. woman who sucks soooo bad. miss her. cons. actually can’t think of any. ok
the middle: pros. show i genuinely loved. cons. might cry every single episode therefore defeating the purpose of the low commitment sitcom.
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aroaceconfessions · 2 years
in a woman in my early 20s and i grew up with baby boomer catholic parents and though they aren't as catholic as many other catholics, i still got 0 sex ed and remember asking about periods and not even getting an answer so just being super confused all around. i learned a little in school and it wasn't as bad as it could have been but it was a lot of confusing info at once. until 5th grade, i thought the word sex was a swear because i said it once (not knowing what it was or meant) and my older sister told me not to say it again. i also couldn't believe that private parts were actually for something other than just being there for relieving yourself
to get to my main point: i wish i had known about purity culture and how harmful it is at a much younger age than i learned about it. i remember watching late 90s and early 00s american teen tv shows and the way they often approached sex made me feel so terrible and ashamed to be a young woman and to be an asexual young woman who didn't know there was a term for my experience and this just added to the feeling that something was wrong with me and shame
watching one of these shows was really the first time i had seen sex depicted in any was because my family had shielded me from it until then. if we ever watched something together they would always tell me to look away while they fast forwarded the suggestive scene or whatever. so when i finally saw this very brief tv-14 depiction, it was just so much at once that i closed my computer and started crying. up until 3 years ago, i always skipped sex scenes in things. now it can depend
i don't know if it is but i know that my family infantilizes me for the conditions and disorders i have so maybe this was also some infantilization as well, i'm not sure. i'm the youngest of three sisters so everyone is overprotective of me and it's really damaging
i don't know if anyone remembers but I'm the anon who months ago was talking about this pattern i noticed in these shows where there'd always be a scene where her parental figure looks at her with a puzzled expression, she asks "what?" and the parent says something like "I don't know, you just look...different" after she's had sex for the first time
in contrast to this I want to briefly mention and recommend the show "my so-called life" a show that had the first openly gay actor to play an openly gay teen on primetime tv and covers really important themes and holds up well and is worth watching. there's an episode about the main girl feeling pressured to have sex and she's talking to her friend about it and her friend has had sex and she isn't painted in a bad light for it and the main girl asks her friend if she felt different afterwards and she says "afterward, I looked in the mirror to see if I looked different...do you think i do?" and the main girl said "no." this was 1994, years before the shows I'm thinking of. i wish i had watched this before the other shows
i just think about this a lot. i rewatch some of these late 90s early 00s shows from time to time for nostalgia and comfort and i look at them through a different eye now thank goodness and i'm able to notice just how much they tend to subtly demonize femininity and stuff that went over my head when i was younger. i didn't even know much about misogyny until a couple years ago and after high school—which makes me very upset that no one really talked about it in any way and i had to find out on my own over time. it makes me really sad to think about how much this stuff must have damaged other people watching when they were young and i worry about younger people who might be watching these shows now and maybe feeling similarly to the way i did
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ciaossu-imagines · 6 months
Yeah, also since I read manga weekly, any spoiler that I do see usually isn’t major like that one. It really did. And like I said, I was with extended family and it was so difficult not to cry as much as I wanted to and I only managed to keep myself calm with the thought that there might be more to it, it might not be final beause he really is just such a fun character. That’s so nice to hear and I’m also excited to see you write about them 😃 Yeah, other people also predict autumn at the latest and it would make the most sense considering everything that’s happening in the story. Yeah, same here. Like I do really love the series and am always excited to read a new chapter every Friday evening (when there’s no break), it’s pretty much become my routine to read it after dinner, but even though I love it dearly and will probably at some point rewatch the anime, I wouldn’t say I love it as much as some of the other series out there. And I see. And that might also explain why I don’t love it as much as some other series out there beause of that.
From what I saw after a quick search, both Persona 3 and 4 have less than 100 chapters. Sure thing. Oh, that’s unfortunate to hear. I’m sorry that happened and hope that you’re still able to rest properly at some point. But still glad to hear that you’re doing well ☺ I see. And it is a nice thing that it lets you take a break from things since I feel like for a decent amount of people, it probably is. Thank you for saying that. Since I could look it up, I did a quick search and the manga of D. Gray-Man is still ongoing. Oh that’s a good mood to be in. It’s funny though beause I finished the Swordsmith Village Arc a few days ago so we might’ve been watching the series around the same time or might’ve swapped around. Again, saving you a Google search beause this girl knows it just from what’s in her head. The Mugen Train season isn’t Crunchyroll screwing up beause those 7 episodes actually aired before the actual second season (The Entertainment District Arc which is 11 episodes). It’s the movie’s plot, but with some added scenes, plus the first episode is entirely new stuff, and when I did my rewatch, I watched both because yeah, both are done beautifully in their own ways. That’s also an important thing to do. I see. Yeah, I also really like that character and I do think that I love him and Sanemi equally, at least I said so at some point, beause they’re both just so great in their own ways. And since we’re talking about the movie here, this is the movie that made me upset a few weeks ago that I was talking in our DMs about. And yeah, hopefully now that I’ve explained it, you can go on to watch yet another great season. Yeah, true to what you’re saying about Avatar. Yeah, same. Like Toph is my girl and I was just looking forward to seeing her again when I was doing the rewatch and like I don’t think I have an actual proper favourite beause I love all of the main gang for who they are. They’re just all so great.
Yeah. A part of me wants to say more but I won’t in case of any kind of spoilers but it’s a well-told story until the very end. Yeah. Like the only ‘extra’ stuff we get is those extra scenes from the Mugen Train season and the stuff I was fangirling to you about in our DMs. Yeah, understandable. And after you’ve watched it all, if you still want to hear Genya in Japanese, I could find some of my favourite moments of him. Though there is one scene (apart from his first scene in the Swordsmith Village arc which was just so very Bakugou. Like what he said is something Bakugou says very often) that I’m thinking of so yeah, if you want to hear him in Japanese, I’ll give you the episode and the time stamp after you’ve watched it all. No problem. Yeah, it’s very clear beause even though it’s all clearly the final arc, there’s still a clear division between the two mini-arcs. I hope not. Like as much as I love the movies, I don’t think they’d be able to do those 22 chapters justice. Like the Mugen Train was 13 chapters to give an idea and that movie was almost two hours long so it would have to be a very long movie and considering what happens (not that I remember everything), we do need breathers. But yeah, I do understand your dislike towards the tentacles but I do feel like that’s probably the worst. Yeah, Genya’s first scene isn’t his best moment, like Nemi’s first moments actually, but like with Sanemi you do kind of get to understand why he was being such a dick and was so inpatient at that point when you learn his story. And yay to that. And when you do, just tell me all your thoughts beause he’s just so great and precious and deserves all the love 😭
Yay. That arc takes place a few episodes after the Tenrou Island arc and Sting’s first appearance is the episode after that arc’s done to give you an idea of when it takes place. No problem at all ☺ I see. Will you watch the whole of Beyblade then? Like go from the original to the Metal Saga? Thank you. I finished A Sign of Affection and it was nice. But yeah, even though I liked watching it and the couple was cute, I guess I would have liked more development. Like there’s this one very romance centred anime and it’s just one couple, but there’s still slight misunderstanding that the guy the girl is actually interested in thinks that she’s into his really good looking and all around amazing best friend (who I till this day will headcanon as aro ace) but she’s absolutely into the main guy and it’s just so cute and sweet and sure I haven’t rewatched it sine first seeing it but it definitely left a good impression on me. It’s called Ore Monogatari or My Love Story if you’re interested. But yeah, now it’s onto Tokyo Revengers and then finally Iruma-kun.
Yeah and believe me when I say that I was worried that they wouldn’t properly adapt the main backstory that takes place during this match. And thank you for the understanding. I’m not sure yet to what extent it will be a let down but it really was such an important match, probably the most important math considering it’s been set-up sine the very first season. Really and I hope they don’t beause they teased what the next movie would be about, another important Karasuno match in a different way, but on that same day there’s another match that’s also really important beause my owl boy has such, such amazing moments during that math (and I love what he says before the match even starts) and his backstory is shown in it and I just hope that one day the studio will say ‘Actually we will not only adapt this match properly but also everything that we did in the movies and of course the time-skip’ beause sure, everything is important, but that match showed a glimpse into Bokuto’s development and I really do fear that we’ll never see it animated. Funny thing is also when it comes down to that Bokuto match I sent a screenshot of a moment of him and literally was like ‘I will cry when this is animated’ so maybe the studio saw it and was like “Okay, we’ll never animate it then”. And true. Like I said about the Mugen Train movie, that was 13 chapters and the movie was almost two hours long. Yay 😄 Be excited. And that’s great to hear about you appreciating all their characterisations and be free to say anything you want about it all in our DMs when you get to responding to me. Thank you so much for all of that. Yeah, we definitely do get to see all the Hashira fighting at some point, and some do get to shine more than others and that’s probably why we got that extra scene in the latest movie I went to, to show a bit of two Hashira fighting before the final arc. I see. Yay 😄 Really glad to hear that. I’ve been doing pretty well. Saw some Doctor Who episodes today, the first ones with the Master and he’s such a fun character to watch. Though a few days ago at my latest physio appointment my physiotherapist said something which I didn’t especially like and now it just won’t leave my mind. Like I mentioned while we were talking about stuff that since I’m disabled, I probably won’t be called in to do certain things and first she was shocked that I’d even use that word to describe myself which was yeah, whatever since I don’t generally have any reason to, but then later she said that I’m not as disabled as other people and that’s stuck in my head since since of course I know that, but I’m still much less abled than other people around and I know she never sees me at my worst but it still stings and I know it’d be weird to bring it up again to her so I just wanted to say it here in hopes of it helping in leaving my mind. But yeah, apart from that, been doing pretty well. Have done some more of my diamond painting and put all my Bokuto anime screenshots in order and really do love all the expressions he makes. They’re just so funny and nice. He’s such a gift and I’m really so grateful for him.
I’m glad that most spoilers you see are relatively minor, being a weekly reader. I’m definitely not. I’m usually either rereading series that I’ve read before and forget a lot of what happened in them or I’m reading completed series. There’s only a couple I follow that are still ongoing, and I tend to forget to catch up with them for a couple weeks or such and binge the chapters that I missed. I’m horrible at keeping up with a lot of things. It sucks that you got such a massive spoiler in a situation where you could do nothing about the information. I don’t think I could’ve stayed calm and I would have had to excuse myself to go read real quick and then would’ve been upset the rest of the night, so you handled it really well! And I can definitely see the argument for autumn, so we’re just going to have to wait and see, I guess. I didn’t know the manga updates on Fridays, so that was fun to learn. Thank you for that. It’s also interesting to hear that you kind of see some of my points and feel the same way in some regards. It���s really comforting to hear that and I feel really relieved reading that.
Yeah, both anime and manga wise, Persona isn’t too long. I’m just saving up money so I won’t feel guilty splurging on the Steam versions of the games, because I’ve really gotten interested and want to give the actual games a try! And thank you for that. I’ll admit to getting very little proper rest lately, but on the other hand, I’ve been being really productive and that’s always a great feeling to have. Accomplishment is always a feeling I really enjoy and aim to get, so while I’m trading some rest and relaxation, I still feel good about it. Thank you so much for the saved Google searches and I find it amazing that D. Gray-Man is still ongoing. I’m wondering if the manga went on hiatus or something, because it’s been years since I read it and I remember thinking it had to be pretty close to wrapping up! In terms of Demon Slayer, I’ve finished up to the end of the Swordsmith Village Arc, so all the episodes that Crunchyroll has. I haven’t watched more than the first movie though, because Crunchyroll doesn’t have that but can I just reiterate – I’m so pissed off my manga app doesn’t have the manga because I really want to read it. I want so much more story and hopefully some more character development, since I feel there’s a lot more that is going to happen and I feel like the anime might be cutting out small moments because of pacing and such. I’m just intensely curious as to where everything is heading and why certain characters are the way they are and I always feel I get better handles on that through reading than through watching. That being said, I have a couple minor complaints, but overall, I really enoyed it. Thanks again for the recommendation! I’m mostly just pissed I don’t have more of it, hahaha! I honestly can’t think of any of the Avatar characters I truly hated, because even the villains were largely really well done.
Thank you for avoiding spoilers – unless it was in the movies though, I’m pretty sure I’m caught up on the anime? Now, it’s funny because I was just complaining about fillers, but I enjoyed the little ‘fillers’ at the end of the episodes of Demon Slayer, I just want to put that out there. Also, Haganezuka is now my husband, just saying it. He amuses me so much and I just adore him. I will definitely take hearing Genya in Japanese, if you wanna send me any of your favourite moments through dm’s! Especially if, like you said, there are scenes where you can really connect the voices to the different characters! I hadn’t realized the movies covered so few chapters so I do take back my statement then, because yeah, that was a long movie, covered a lot well, but a movie definitely couldn’t be made out of that many chapters then, since I think most fans are not Lord of the Rings loyal to the point where they’d sit through a four hour long movie. Heck, I don’t think even I would do that for much else besides LotR! I genuinely wish I was learning more about both Genya and Sanemi, and I know more about them has to be uncovered later on and I’m hoping they’ll both get focus on them after this arc as well, because I really feel we’re just barely scraping the surface here! They introduced a lot of characters we’d just barely seen before in the arc and it felt like none of them really got the focus that they should have gotten for us to properly know them, just going anime only.
Oh, that is helpful to know! I’m probably going to speedread through Fairy Tail and then watch the anime, so I’ll meet Sting via manga first, though I’m excited to also hear all the characters since I remember having really strong voice ideas for a few of them when I first read some of it way back when. As for Beyblade, I’ll give each series a try, but I’ll probably skip any series that don’t catch my attention within four episodes – I always try to give animated shows at least two hours before I decide if I’m interested and like them or not. I’m glad you enjoyed A Sign of Affection! I actually know of Ore Monogatari! I keep getting recommended it and honestly, it does seem like a romance I might actually enjoy, so it’s on my watchlist though it’s not the first one I decide to watch any time I’m flicking through that list! We actually might be watching Tokyo Revengers at the same time then, since it’s my next anime! I hope we both enjoy it 😊
Wait, it was that important of a match? Like, there’d been build up for it since that early and they did all the fans dirty by not giving that match a full movie entirely focused on it? That seems really frigging awful, not even going to lie. I hope, if the movie is indeed about that, that the important Karasuno match is the movie and then you get an arc for Bokuto and that match, including episodes showing his backstory. To me, just as a creator, that is the way I’d go – a movie for the big match and then a three to four short arc dedicated to the smaller match with Bokuto’s team. I’m also really glad to hear that we get to see all the Hashira fighting at some point, because I am curious about some of them and kind of really hope for some more Giyu moments, not going to lie.
I’m so, so angry at your physiotherapist though. If you feel, because you know your body best, that you’re disabled in some way, then you are and her treating you that way is inexcusable. Knowing you like I do, I can also safely say that I adore you but yeah, I agree with you, I do also consider you as someone who has a disability. I also think you handle it amazingly well, are gracious in the face of it, and really admire how kind you are even dealing with everything you do. Don’t let that twatface of a physiotherapist get you down. If I could, I would take their kneecaps. I’m sorry my reply came so late and I hope you’re doing as well as can be expected! Hugs!
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and-loth-cat · 1 year
Star Wars Rebels Asks bc idk if anyone would actually do it so im just gonna give the answers
What is your absolute favorite episode of the show? [The Honorable Ones, obviously!! Or Family Reunion - and Farewell, or Shroud of Darkness...]
Which episode did you not like at first, but grew on you after one or more rewatches? [Hm I honestly don't know, possibly Legends of the Lasat? I don't recall not liking it, but I don't think it was my favorite when I first watched, now I love it for sure!]
How do you feel about the Ahsoka show being live-action Rebels season 5? [I CANT WAIT!! I do know though that if Kallus and Zeb aren't in it, I am going to lose my mind]
Who is your favorite one-off character on the show? [Zare for sure! He's in a few episodes, but I have to give credit to my boy]
If you could change one (non-death-related) plot point in the show, what would you change? [I might have to edit this one later, I genuinely cannot think of anything]
What are your two favorite ships from the show (canon or not)? [KALLUZEB AND KANERA!!!]
Who is one character you feel isn't appreciate enough by the fandom? [Probably my boys Jai and Zare]
If you could've added an episode/story arc to the show, what would it be about? [KALLUS AND ZEB ON LIRA-SAN BEING MARRIED AND GAY AND HAPPY]
Obligatory "who's your favorite member of the crew" question. [Chopper, obviously]
Aside from season 4 episode 10, which episode made you cry the most? [Oh my god, probably the finale]
What is one joke/moment from the show that always makes you laugh? [Chopper's reaction to being used as a bet gets me everytime]
Which design for Sabine's hair and armor is your favorite? [Season 4 with the white and purple hair!]
Chopper vs Palpatine- who's making it out alive? [Chopper. Is this even a question?]
What is your favorite moment of the crew being a family? [Probably any episode where they all do something to help one person (The Mandalore Arc, Hera's Kalikori, Ezra's parents, Lira San]
What is your favorite Kanera moment? [I wish..I could see you...]
Who is your favorite villain/antagonist? [Early seasons- Kallus. Late- THRAWN]
What is your opinion on the World Between Worlds? [I love it. I cry every time]
Where do you think Ezra has been all this time? [Somewhere in hyperspace or stuck on a remote planet,,I guess we'll find out soon!]
What is one of your favorite Kanan moments? [This is my excited face :)))]
What is one of your favorite Hera moments? [I DONT CRASH, I HAVE VERY EXCITING LANDINGS!!]
What is one of your favorite Chopper moments? [I am getting this motherfucking leg if it's the last thing I do...and also him holding Hera's hand in Dume and him with Jacen]
What is one of your favorite Zeb moments? [Any moment he's with Kallus]
What is one of your favorite Sabine moments? [Her darksaber training arc]
What is one of your favorite Ezra moments? [I'm in space..AND IM ABOUT TO DIE!!]
Which of Ezra's two lightsabers would you rather have? [His blue one for sure!!]
Would you rather be stuck in an elevator with AP-5 or Lieutenant Lyste? [AP-5 because I'm sure we could find a topic of conversation]
Which plot point do you wish the show had expanded on? [We didn't get enough of Rebel Kallus >:(]
Favorite recurring character? [KALLUS!!!]
Favorite piece of music from the show? [Kallus is really good!]
Most under-rated episode? [A Princess on Lothal and Stealth Strike!]
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hi kay!! i keep telling myself i need to watch mp100 since it’s supposed to be so good, but i watched the first couple of episodes a while back and didn’t love them. does that mean i won’t like the whole show, or does it sort of grow into itself?
Hii Astrid!! 💜💜 I'm actually thrilled to get this question because I usually field it while reccing the show!! (Prepare for, just, so much text.) I promise it isn't (just) my bias talking when it say yes, it absolutely does grow into itself! I think to an uncertain viewer, the first episodes, especially the first one, are best viewed while keeping in mind that they're setting up the characters and world (not to mention showing off their animation chops) in them. I know I certainly wasn't super interested by them either when I first started watching the show, which is why I'm so excited to defend it!!
Personally, I was truly hooked onto the show by episode five! I'm not sure where you left off at, but if you didn't get to five, I think it's the first one which felt so visceral that it was upsetting AND which showcased the real ethos and struggles mob has in the show to me. After there, things start snowballing quickly, so if you haven't hit five, I'd really really urge you to watch it! In my opinion, the action and character stakes pick up right around there too, so it is 100% (hehe) worth sticking around for.
Not to mention: I think the one sad thing about mp100 getting supremely popular (plus, uh, reigensweep) is that people go into the show knowing that reigen is the most character of all time, but part of the fun is starting off FUCKING HATING HIM. I was genuinely convinced the reigen love was an elaborate joke when I started the show, and being proved wrong felt RAPTUROUS. That is not an exaggeration. There's a reason that I've rewatched the s1 finale more times than I care to count. And, just so I can make a sales pitch one more time: mob psycho 100, with no exaggeration, might be the story which has caused me to cry more consistently than any other media, which is HIGH praise coming from me. I've never met a narrative of its kind which handles its themes with more love or care. I mean it
Tl;dr: yes, the first episodes are slow, but that makes the payoff of going through with the show a thousandfold more potent!!! The pacing in the beginning is much slower, and you could say that the characters are still feeling themselves out. I am sure you'll like the show if you give it a chance, and I really really hope you'll grow to love it as much as I do!!!! Happy watching!!!!!!!
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technicalthinker · 11 months
My thoughts on the Loki finale will probably come out as scattered posts on different parts of it but for A SUMMARY under the cut:
That was like good? REALLY GOOD???
For the record: I think Loki as a show has had its ups and downs, like the middles of both seasons are shaky so I went in with the worst of expectations for the ending (also bc of mcu's track record in general with show endings). I was feeling some excitement but toned it down because I didn't want to get disappointed but.
Really from the moment I saw the 1 hour runtime, I was relieved and then it started and it made me laugh? it made me cry? It hit so many points; the groundhog day aspect, the character work etc.
But I think what really made it work that it was about Loki at the end of the day. Our guy. About his journey FROM THE FIRST THOR MOVIE to here.
Ya'll know I've been Lokius truthing on here but most of what I hoped for was them together at the end with maybe some implications, which got more and more likely as the season progressed (even then I went into last episode EXPECTING nothing lmao). This season wasn't really about the romance, they wouldve had to have been more explicit in ep 5 to build it up for the normies if they were going on-screen kiss or something.. But what we got?? Was this super focus on their relationship and dynamic and some implications,and a kind of half-open ending (which did not feel baiting at all to me theyre just utilizing that great relationship ya'll cHILL) but that leads me to
the heartbreak. The bittersweet ending of it all. The sacrifice. I started screaming when I realised but you know what??? IT WORKS. Of course I want a happy ending but the fact that things had consequences, and like, it felt like such a tribute to Loki as a character, his growth, that I feel like it really worked. Sometimes work of art hurts a bit, they make you think, and I think that really worked here. For a show that started with 2012!Loki being dragged there, his lowest and angriest point, to end it like this? Him saving his FRIENDS and being able to see them live out their lives? Just KNOWING that he got to be a hero? EXCUSE ME IF I LOSE MY MIND ABOUT IT.
And it still leaves things a bit open for future Loki appearances if they want to. I think the Mobius ending was specifically to open that door for the two of them to appear in future projects if they want to. BUT ALSO ABSOLUTELY CLOSES THE BOOK ON THIS AND JUST.
Man. Loki was a good show in the end, actually. A bumpy ride full of flaws but I'm glad I watched it Might go and rewatch last episode even.
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theowritesfiction · 2 years
‘The Runaway’
This episode upon rewatch feels kind of odd, because after the tensions of Toph joining the group had passed, her relationship with Katara became very good, but for some reason we are now going to re-visit these tensions? Well... I guess Toph has to somehow score her first Jerk Points for the season, am I right?
Alright, right off the bat we have an escalating practice session incident. Normally, I wouldn't give either of the girls Jerk Points for kicking the crap out of one another, but Toph starts this by hitting Katara with a massive boulder (honestly, that should have hurt a lot more than it did), but what I hate the most is Toph and the entire group just unanimously deciding that Katara is the one who's going to clean up the mess, and they all just run off to have fun. Toph gets 50 Jerk Points for this episode, Aang and Sokka get 20 for going along with it.
But okay, I'll admit that Toph scamming the scammers is a seriously cool moment for her. Okay, it's not a smart move to attract attention, but it's true that they needed the money. If they had stopped there, I would have said: good on you, Toph. And some of the trio's scams are super fun and creative - and I love the reappearance of Wang Fire! - but they totally get out of control, because there is just no need for them to have this much money. Katara is 100% entitled to call Toph out on spiraling out of control and starting to endanger the group.
Also, shut up Toph - does this look like a girl who hates fun? Come on, she's a riot. :)
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Okay, I have to say something about Aang again, and I hate to sound like a hater, but honestly he makes it so easy. In the previous few episodes Aang has: made fun of Katara's hair, mocked her sense of humor and here made a promise to her and broken it immediately. So, he wants to date her, but does he at ALL respect her??? 30 more Jerk Points, and I feel like I'm going easy here.
I suppose I should say something about the first and only appearance of the least celebrated member of the Gaang's pet group: Hawky! Umm well... that happened, I guess.
I feel like Toph is off the mark when saying that Katara is acting bossy and motherly, I'm trying to think of all the previous Book 3 episodes and she hasn't acted bossy in any of them. If her being the one who cooks, cleans, etc, is her being motherly... well, you kind of forced her in that role, even earlier in this very episode, when you all strode off and told Katara to clean up! Sure, Katara is the voice of reason and common sense in the group, and I guess that makes her come off parental? And I guess the way she is with Aang... the moment right here in this episode, ouch, RIP Kataang, I'm looking at your grave.
Sokka and Aang trying to mend the relationship between the girls was hilariously terrible. I remember keeping track of all of Sokka's plans and judging their success rate. He actually did really well in Book 1 (4 out of 6), but in Book 2 Sokka was used way too much as a comic relief, so I could only identify 2 solid plans throughout the entire season, and only one of them worked. Here in Book 3... it's getting hard to judge. I guess Sokka is in charge of charting their journey through the Fire Nation, and he's doing well with that? I can't think of anything else. And here, forgetting that Toph can't write... that is some serious brain rot, Sokka. Not doing so well, buddy.
okay, my favorite moment of the episode is definitely Katara overhearing Sokka talking about her with Toph. <3 I might have said before that I love the Water siblings and their relationship. Also, I think a lot of people don't like to remember what Sokka said regarding their mother in the later context when discussing the Southern Raiders, but I think it's incredibly important. Anyway, Katara overhearing it all and crying is such a soft and touching moment. <3
I think Katara and Toph's ultimate scam was actually a really cool idea. And I think it's so unfair that everything goes wrong just as Katara finally decides to let her hair down and have a bit of fun. Poor girl can't catch a break. Katara and Toph hashing out their differences in the cell and ending up hugging is another sweet moment, though. Also, Katara's discovery of sweatbending... this girl doesn't get enough credit for how clever she is.
Anyway, a very interesting episode and... hey, where did Hawky go?
Jerk Points for Book 3:
Zuko - 410 Aang – 170  Roku - 100 Hide, Sokka - 80 King Kuei - 60 Toph - 50
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kramercafe · 2 years
Just finished watching What We Do In The Shadows (And rewatching it, like, three separate times in the two weeks since I first finished it. Not an exaggeration and might actually be low-balling the numbers a little) and I just wanted to share my thoughts on it:
Favorite main character is definitely Laszlo, but favorite character overall is a toss-up between Doll Nadja and the Guide.
Kristen Schaal literally kills it in every role she’s given and ngl after seeing her play the Guide I wanna see a fanfic that’s a crossover between WWDITS and Gravity Falls where Mabel gets turned into a vampire (Probably by Nadja, knowing her) and maybe meets the Guide. They’d get along so well. I just know it. Mabel could give her problematic romantic advice from bad 80s movies about her crush on Guillermo, the Guide could give Mabel command of her wraiths for the night only for them to lay waste to New York City, it’d just be nonstop fun for those two!
Fave episode is by and far the witch one. Is it wrong that I really want to see a spin-off that’s a mockumentary about witches now? They could set it in the same universe, we could have plenty of jokes about semen and its many uses (Magnets or otherwise), one of the main characters could see Laszlo walking around wearing his hat and just say something like “So, that’s why Beverly stopped returning my letters.” I’m telling you it writes itself.
Favorite season is season three. Love the whole vampiric council storyline, plus seeing Laszlo and Colin Robinson bond is really wholesome to watch.
I absolutely looooove the Simon The Devious and Laszlo’s witch skin hat storyline. I mean, if the man is willing to make a 150 episode home renovation show just so he can steal a cursed hat, honestly he probably deserves to keep it (But I’d be lying if I said I wanted that storyline to end)
I love how in this show everyone in the main cast is at least a little bit gay. We never get shows like that and frankly I am THERE for it!
I really wish they didn’t just dump Jenna as a character after season one. Granted, for all we know she could still be there with the main cast and we just don’t see her lol.
I really really reeeeaaally want Nandor and Guillermo to just admit they love each other! We all know it! Guillermo was crushing on Nandor for a good portion of season three, Nandor clearly prematurely ejaculated with his wife because the djinn made him think about Guillermo (At least I assume that’s why she was comforting him afterwards. It certainly sounded like the kinds of things you’d say to your partner if they did that), and then Marwa got all lovey dovey with Guillermo at the wedding because SHE LIKES WHATEVER NANDOR LIKES! AAAAAAH!!! Just kiss already, you two!
Final thoughts: I wish we had more shows like this. It’s original, it’s hilarious, it’s gay and gender as all hell, I just want more! Can anyone tell me when the next season is scheduled to come out, assuming we have that information already? If I need to wait a whole fucking year or whatever to see more of these fools, I will scream so loud it will make Nadja cry tears of pride! Seriously, can’t wait for more of these fucking guys!
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