#when I close my eyes I attune to God’s radio
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eggscaffolding · 29 days ago
Tag yourself, are you the tree or the boy
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dreamwatch · 2 months ago
First fic tag game 📖
Pick a fandom and post an excerpt of the first thing you ever wrote in that fandom. Could be a scene, part of a scene, a couple of lines, whatever your first foray into writing for that fandom was. Feel free to include a link to the story it comes from if it’s been published (excerpts from WIPs count too).
Thanks to @vthx for the tag!
So about twenty odd years ago I was active in another fandom, wrote a few drabbles and a few chapters of abandoned, never published fics. Not even mad about it, they were shit. So below is the first thing I ever wrote for Stranger Things back in about March 2023. This was the beginning of my post S4 fix it, and I jumped straight in with multiple POVs, jumping around all over the place, setting myself up for a fail basically. I have about 5k written, but I don't think this will ever see the light of day so below you have the opening scene, unedited, not spell-checked, blah blah.
*Also note its in past tense - evidence that it is indeed an early wip. God knows fanfic broke me when it comes to tenses!
Wayne Munson couldn’t tell you exactly when he became so attuned to sounds. He had spent much of his life learning to block them out. Gunfire and the screaming of young men; the constant churn of machinery at the plant; screeching guitars in the middle of the afternoon when he’s trying to sleep. He’s learned over the years how to just zone it all out.
But now he’s listening. 
The squeak of shoes on linoleum. Doctors and nurses talking to each other, not to him. Alarms. Good alarms (it’s normal, nothing to worry about, Mr Munson) bad alarms (you need to step outside while we work), constant electronic beeps that tell him his nephew is still alive, the whoosh click of the ventilator that tells him Eddie has air in his lungs. He’s listening, now, to all these sounds that tell him that under the dressings, the machinery, the tubes and the wires, somewhere under all of that is his boy. They’re keeping him here with him. So he listens, and now these sounds are Eddie. These sounds are Eddie telling him he’s here. 
He was at work when the earthquake hit. The plant was twenty-five minutes outside of Hawkins, not close enough to be seriously damaged but close enough that they knew something major had happened. They cleaned up what they could, only becoming aware of what had happened on their doorstep because of the radio blasting across the plant floor (another noise he’d been able to block out over the years). Phone lines were down, but the radio said it had been an earthquake, smack bang in the middle of Hawkins. Crew members started to gather, concern growing for families and loved ones, panic at not being able to get through to anyone. No one calling in, no one able to call out. It felt apocalyptic. The radio continuing to talk of damage, casualties, deaths. And in all of this, he didn’t know where Eddie was.
He finished is shift early, making his way back to the shitty motel he was staying in. He could see the plumes of smoke, the heavy clouds hanging over Hawkins. The highway clogged with army vehicles and first responders going one way, and cars full of kids and pets going the other. They had the right fucking idea. He wished he’d done that years ago.
As he pulled up in front of his room he took note of the extra cars in the lot, a queue outside reception as people desperately tried to get a room for the night. Any other time maybe he’d have considered giving up his bed, wouldn’t be the first time he’d slept in his truck. But these were the same people that were looking for Eddie, and who would shoot him or string him up as soon as they laid eyes on him. So fuck ‘em. He pushed the key in the lock, harder than needed, and entered the room. Slammed the door behind him. Locked out all the hate.
He didn’t bother with the light switch as he walked through the door. No piles of clothes, books, tapes to navigate his way round (Jesus, don’t touch it, I have a system!). He laid his keys, his wallet and his watch carefully on the bedside table. Loose coins stacked by denomination. He took his clothes off carefully, folding them neatly and placing them on the single wooden chair that sat near the dresser. He should shower, he really should, but the adrenaline after the chaos earlier was leaving his body, making space for his fear to grow. He needed a moment, just a moment to himself. Wayne dropped onto the bed, mattress sinking and groaning as he shifted his weight. He’d just close his eyes for five minutes, try and get a hold of himself. Just five minutes.
The banging at the door startled him awake, and he realised he'd fallen asleep, sunlight streaming through the windows. Banging again, louder this time. He’d already chased a couple of assholes away this week, after last night he was in no fucking mood. He was ready to let his exhaustion, and fear and general fucking anger out on whoever was dumb enough to be banging on his door after waking him. He wasn’t expecting to see Calvin Powell on the other side of the door.
“He’s not here, you should know that by now. I’ve seen the patrol car passing through.”
“We found him.”
Wayne could feel the sudden swoop in his guts. He was vaguely aware of clutching at the door, his knees suddenly soft. Chief Powell didn’t miss it.
“He’s alive,” Powell rushed out. “But he was badly hurt in the earthquake. He’s been flown to a trauma centre in Indianapolis.”
Wayne felt sick.
“I have to warn you, there will be officers from IMPD waiting for him and he’ll be kept under guard until he’s well enough to be charged and taken into custody.” 
Wayne ran a shaky hand across his mouth. 
No pressure tags, share if you want!
@cchapsticck @thisapplepielife @the-unforgivenn @occasionaloverboy @kikidoesfanfic @devondespresso
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toomuchracket · 2 years ago
This is SO specific but it’s an image I can’t get out of my head. Matty proposing so he is on one knee obvs and his gf just crumbles to the floor, face in her hands. And he’s laughing like ‘baby stand up. only I’m supposed to be on the floor’ but she is just inconsolable and they end up falling into a heap on the floor and Matty can’t stop laughing (tears in his eyes) as she is bawling her eyes out.
GOD he'd be such a dream. i actually don't know what circumstances matty would end up proposing in - i think he'd do it somewhere private, to be honest, and i think he'd have quite grand ideas about what he'd say or do before popping the question, but because matty won't commit to anything he's not 100% happy with he's still undecided on it. like, he wants it to be perfect for you, because you're perfect! but maybe the perfect moment turns out to be something totally spontaneous - like say you guys go together to do the big shop (groceries, for the non-uk people) one day, and the two of you are so attuned to each other's needs that you're pre-empting what the other will want. and idk, the way you just know him so well and manage to make the most mundane domestic shit a fun experience really warms matty's heart. so he's already heart eyes, and then when you guys get home the perfect moment just hits: matty's stayed outside for a smoke after parking the car (you don't care about him smoking in the house but he figures if he's outside anyway he might as well have a cig), and he comes in to find you singing along to the radio as you put the shopping away, just dancing around the kitchen like a lunatic but with total joy. and he's like "yeah. that's my future wife" and runs upstairs before you see him, to grab the ring from his bedside table. and when matty gets downstairs he's like "ok no this is perfect" because the song on the radio is one of you guys' favourites, and you're still dancing around belting it out, so he just opens the box and gets down on one knee there and then. and you hear him come in and start to say something to him and then turn to see him on the ground holding this PERFECT ring and you just go "OH!". and matty laughs and opens his mouth to say something, then closes it and shrugs, and says "will you marry me, darlin'?" and you're like "YEAH" and fulling start sobbing. and that sets matty off, which makes you worse and you just crouch to the floor wailing in floods of tears, and matty shuffles over to you and he's sniffling but laughing really hard like "get up! this is my moment to be on the floor". and you giggle through tears and just say "i love you so much", and matty slides the ring on your finger and says "i love you too" and kisses you - it's a very damp, salty kiss, but it's the best kiss you guys have ever had. and once you guys break for air, matty holds your face and says "you're gonna be my wife" and you're like "fuck yeah i am", and matty just pulls you so hard into a kiss that he falls back and you land on top of him, and it's just you guys giggling and kissing through happy tears for ages, engaged!!! <3
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randomclam24 · 4 months ago
Update 11/17 The entire "lobe" of "pull the tape worm out of your eyes" was definitely beneath the bridge of the forehead Also Squidward "Back it up" - literally assumes it is a boat Like the band, Sponge can't stop going on maximum over[Jeopardy pause Update - Big update Really, (and it attunes to objects in my room getting put in a "proper place", albeit it was real when I said in my head the last time I saw a real Spongebob episode was when they got turned in to their version of TGI Fridays and Sponge said "they don't know what they're eating
Update - Essentially looking at the last Series of Unfortunate Events, which I got, read, and finished in a hurry on that date
Books that generation were essentially high time preference. Update after things - WHen this is the best thing to do with no irony
Yes, I know, there are presidential appointees that are worth mentioning and on topic, but my posting them tends to [ ] push[] back H1 my name is pat BACK Update after some food Freedom Word fades away Freedom as leadership EmpLemon made a video on what I maybe might call the Scrappy Doo At this point, do you even want to say this? I don't want to be like the creator of Minecraft at the top Update - There is a lineup in our programming or something, and this is the point at which it's prescribed, the gain-of-function synchronicity becomes publicly fully endorsed EmpLemon's "Jar Jar Update - ANIMATED FILMS FROM BEFORE THE YEAR 1999, IN DUCKDUCKGO SEARCH AND IMAGES SUGGESTS THAT THIS IS A FUNDAMENTALLY CHRISTIAN NATION AND HAS VERY RUDIMENTARY QUALMS Then, in 1999, you hit cringe The Iron Giant - I did not ever watch but had my impression obviously from the animation style I don't think I can even leave that TARZAN - ORIGIN OF THE MEME "DO YOU LIKE PHIL COLLINS" - Phil Collins, appearing on the radio Updaate Show busness under war crimeshttps://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120917/
update Robots movie (but also you know how they have that really sloppy ass pop corn Update I drop out of the Hollywood culture 2005, Robots was actually very close Update Just call 2006 nu selfindulgence https://aminoapps.com/c/cartoon/page/blog/best-animated-movie-of-2006/PJBI_mu68p24DzbDm0R1XaoEMv8DdKz there were actually a lot If you don't like Barnyard, then you're racist[Chroma Tundra update - I was going to comment, in tow since buying it, how Luminous Avenger iX 2 saying "booyah" is a genetic throwback https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=over+the+hedge+movie&iax=images&ia=images Update - Yes this is related If you don't eat a burger that is thick at a sit-down, no fast serve restaurant, it's not satisfying and get it medium rare if not bloodied Update after fishsticks Movies are literally so ingrained, Linkin Park's Numb was Jar Jar Before me I have centered the Emperor's New Shit Uh, the purpose of our being here in this life is to have sex Update - Magical guess, "jarty", the name of the dead variant, is also Update - Donald Trump could violate the survival of Ohana from Lilo and Stitch, but I'm a jarty cuck *unintelligible* the jarty cuck yeah woo*unintelligible Update - You know HOW in Japanese cartoon visuals they have an emoticon pincher Well on the side of my head it's begun to GROW Update with review The reason George Lucas is le bad is because unlike nu insisting at this intensity incepts Jar jar in to the thronw of God(YHVH
Update - has taken a particular liking to this poto
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thousands of years down the line, the Spy Kids sequel will be released in sand, and the thing will be remembered FNF like haveing fun i dont five a fuckUpdate after witching hourhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOs51Lvhn64&pp=ygUeZGVhdGggZ3JpcHMgY29tZSB1cCBhbmQgZ2V0IG1l Update 11/18 like having fun I don't give a fuck - Chroma Tundra - peaking is something that assumes a quantity of being under looksmaxxing already, so when our consciousness relents to the directors have to accomodate with a little anal for the models Piglet's Big Game is like the echolocation result I was too retarded Update - So, uh, the Piglet 2003 actual movie is on its way, for studying So, the way I posted the Cyb scream before kind of mirrors the uncanny of Piglett's scream in this game, basically memory of my dad, cancelling out the generational The way I not merely worry - whatever merely here means but focusedly follow that path instead The Satanists have to warn you, as it goes I know some really will not hear Bible says worrying denies that God has you, but no person said this is God's Update later My fv dream world was a lot more dependent, where it's overworld and not sky, which I - literally never mentioned on the "abandoned Hundred Acre Wood" mentality I'm not going to graft onto it. Actually look at and graft *that* to the Ghost in the Shell: Standalone Complex episode 1 security camera contentUpdate later again- Having only watched the first season and the two cinematic movies
I don't even recognize the themes yet, but before that, I've actually ruled out for Solid State Society Update - a full shift Composure doesn't mean you have the words prepared Originally, Wario Land 2's secret ending music was incredibly uncanny Update later -I think it invokes the final boss of Wario Land 3 in essence just to acknowledge this or somethingWhen you hit the high point of the end music, it sounds like it's Americanally hammy, which makes it fake (flood detected; post discarded
I'll just leave it there; you don't want to realize the Asian Update -I played the Gamecube version to the grammophone This shit plays over Entropy Update -If you're paying attention, no fullscreen derives from the logic of the top of this post Update -Hollywood tried to preface the PCSX2 running in DirectX11 Hardware by gating the Minecraft movie instantly slapped over me, "NOT. FOR. YOU.", but in reality it just filters to you come off as an illegal Update after below I did what they said about the first room in the door, and it was basically just, to me Twilight Princess at night But put a label on it to carry on from the dirt from behind like Foreboding 1 Update You can't proceed in this without doing what the guy upholding the news lady in the meme said and fuck her right in the pussy I don't want to say that Inconvenient moralities demonically possessed people can also be religious Update - Faggot warning - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4Ed1bMk4mU By the time Silent Hill 3 would personally invoke, it would be so medium-defying you might as well not leave it Maybe the reason we can't have meaningful interactions is because this is just specifically CF's Trump-(John Cena)[Elon Musk patriarchy luciferian aquatic aquarian age alliance Update - Comfy gemmy as fuck fuck (fuck brim stone caption"Anon, the only way we can access the spiritual is through first demonically possess Honestly, it's time for a bored man PSAhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIa1SGrGOrI When this is mid, it's because you don't know that it's your own pedestal of nihilism that is projected into when you see some dude Essentially our understanding of this was no better expressed than Spongebob "I've been waiting for you Patrick" - nope, nothing No, it's not. It's the environment that you think is its land After some verification, That's why it's more important as a thumbnail After some time, Swing and a miss? Couldn't tell the difference between some small comfort in stoniness and the Holy Spirit Update - Someone's going to bust Really it was take the linked video and pause it within the first second ShitpostupdateThe Synagogue of Satan will be those (developers) who say they are French but do lie Update - Correction - within the first quarter second(Payday two. Really? Yeah Update - Time doctor Friedman? Am I really that old again Oh my god this is just like my spoiled heckerinos
Update - You can say that this is null by being bulk, but this was the first of its kind uploaded on its channel, and walking in one expecting kids' kid's child contenthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1epx7Fsv7Q Actually, that logic is right, because this, [changed wording to be less insertive] coming from another channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btLgOC2pEEU
Update - This is a coping technique - THANKS MO BIMBO BAMA Update - inb4 h8(my posting(inner monologue: "(gets gangstalked) Sorry guys, I couldn't help it - something came in and ate Update - spot second video from corner of eye. Beta 64 Mario. Hands crossed apologetic Drip style. Hello. It's me again. I think we've met already and it's time we talk about evangelism
Update - I couldn't outrun them. The motorcycle got really loud Poop starts dripping from Pooh bear's rendered dust mouth "I've just been sitting here FNF havin fun Update - Okay The title made me double take on whether after already having had gone on that channel, there was a 12 Update - Where the WILD thing[s[had[<-]to be inserted] ]are Update on the Silent Hill 2 drift Space log "Well, captain, it's been a long trip (nig reference [redacted as [post] here Well, [] *radio static plaes* Well, I like FNF pedo haveing fun(gays(at least that's what he call {The audience plays} Sir, I can do no wrong {The audience knows that this is the part where his reputation drifted Update So what *is* the blank extra cart liftoff in Silent Hill hospital [in]3 Update - for the most part, profound moments are just vicarious experiences where your requirement changes to control your breathing to meet these measurements Faggot diary static: the real me has been dying Mold Update again - On some subconscious level, it's television, it's not spiritual experience like in the old days Some show: Here, let me give you regressive treatment The words Long pauses that say hey world, I need to touch your vagina Update - You wake up from your stupor, wondering at the related YouTube videos from the movie trailer what sank so deep We don't know how much movie trailers molested me You just gotta watch the whole movie, and you'll get the rise you got from two second s Update - Shit that's worse than ISIS, *but it's OKAY because we're under blackmail Update - Silent Hill 4 enstretched man Phineas and Ferb noses - "hey goon what's up, resting that irony Update - "I can do this without invoking ass, I just gotta juggle
Update - "My wife said me had a letter" Update - woo boi I'm just getting started *throws water *has completely forgotten
Update - "ork, other researchers had found that pyramidal cells manufacture and release cannabinoids that bind to a receptor on the membrane of interneurons. In this process, called retrograde signaling, the pyramidal cell does the equivalent of slipping its guardian interneuron some sleeping pills. It frees itself from inhibition by releasing cannabinoids that briefly decrease the interneuron’s ability to release inhibitory molecules.
In contrast, Bacci and his colleagues found that interneurons can drug themselves when they get repetitively excited, triggering a self-inhibition process. The class of interneurons the researchers studied, the so-called “LTS cells” of the cerebral cortex, manufacture and release cannabinoids that bind to their own cannabinoid receptors and shut down their ability to signal other neurons. By shutting themselves off, the interneurons block their quieting action on the excitatory pyramidal cells – an effect that can last as long as 35 minutes, much longer than what had been seen with retrograde inhibition. Without the quieting effect, pyramidal cells signal more intensely, triggering a higher level of activity in circuit
Update - weecom to madeo kaate
0 notes
interact-if · 4 years ago
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Day 2 of Pride Month interviews! You know them, you love them…. give it up for Ames!
Ames, author of Attollo and Metamorphosis
Pride Month Featured Authors
“…and it was a singular, terrible thought, which burrowed itself into your mind like an engorged maggot. This was not a man nor a monster. This was a concept, an ideology, a terrible myth, which had personified itself to stand before you now.You were, to put it simply, screwed.”
After several years of radio silence, you receive a message from your younger sibling that carries a strange sense of urgency to it. Either out of familial concern or boredom, you embark on a journey from your residence to your sibling’s apartment in New Hampshire to see what’s going on and, hopefully, be home before the weekend.
Too bad it’s never so simple.
Demo: Attollo, Metamorphosis (TBA)
Tags: cybernoir, thriller
Q1: Tell us a little bit about your project(s)!
Attollo is a cyber-noir horror set in a walled city off the coast of the Atlantic that’s been a victim of a nuclear disaster. After several years of radio silence, you receive a message from your younger sibling that carries a strange sense of urgency to it. Either out of familial concern or boredom, you embark on a journey from your residence to your sibling’s apartment in New Hampshire to see what’s going on and, hopefully, be home before the weekend. Too bad it’s never so simple. Attollo is a 17+ game that deals with heavy topics and a lot of moral questioning; from cults to corrupt government, it has no shortage of monsters in the dark—both metaphorical and literal.
Metamorphosis is a crime/horror story based in the world of crime scene cleanup, where there are three simple steps: Get the call, clean the scene, and don’t ask too many questions. These are the rules that you live by under the employment of Noctua’s Crime Scene Services, and you credit them for keeping you alive.
However, after a routine house call brings forth nightmares of memories that are not your own, you find yourself pulled deeper into Noctua—a city of both monster and man—in a bid to find out the truth behind the murder of Deirdre Callow, and better yet, how her memories came to be yours. Your job mandates that you don’t dig too deep—but could this finally be the exception?
Metamorphosis is 18+ and will have explicit content; follow the last moments of a stranger to find out not only who took her life, but how this connects to the underbelly that Noctua works so hard to hide.
Q2: Why interactive fiction? What drew you to the medium?
Lmaoo, oh man. I think it really all began last summer when I first found examples of interactive fiction. I don’t even remember how I came across it, it might’ve been that I saw it mentioned in a post or I saw it as a tag on Itch.io, but at some point, last summer I began to investigate it more. I think what really drew me in was the ability for the player to control the narrative; it was like playing an old RPG, but modernized, and the fact that I could see a story unfold that was influenced by my decisions was so fascinating to me. Not to mention that IF allows so much more character depth than regular novels, in my opinion.
I’m 99% sure my first exposure to interactive fiction was through the game Crème de la Crème (a fantastic game, by the way) and I just enjoyed it so much that I went haywire for the genre. Then Temple of the Endless Night came out (another fantastic game that I’m looking forward to!), and that was really the turning point for inspiring me to give it a go. Now, almost a year later, here I am working on my own two games!
Q3: Are your characters influenced by your identity? How?
My bisexuality doesn’t have much of a major influence on the game, but I do think it contributed to the way that I view and write relationships. I figured out my sexuality around high school (I kissed a girl in high school and found out I liked it just as much as when I kissed a boy) and since then I’ve been very involved in the LGBTQ+ community of both my hometown and uni town.
I think this involvement, like being able to hear about other people’s experiences and share my own, has made me feel a lot more comfortable writing some of the characters in the game. Although Attollo and Metamorphosis both don’t focus heavily on relationships (both have murder in them, which I feel is a bit more pressing), I do keep the option for any RO’s to be romanced by anyone, regardless of gender or preference, because that’s simply what I’ve become so attuned to. In terms of side characters relationships as well, I think my involvement and my own experiences have allowed me to write far more diverse relationships than I might have, and I think that this has also allowed a more fulfilling experience for players when reading through.
I also have incorporated some struggles that I’ve faced before because of my identity into the games. For example, I and a few others have faced issues with religion due to who we are, and I incorporate this into both games. Dreamwalker, Pariah, and Sysba from Attollo all have shadows of this experience in their character origins, and Ilali and Ariston from Metamorphosis has a major point involving identity and beliefs. Both games also have undertows of ostracization and division between groups, which is also something I’ve experienced in the past. Being able to grapple these moments and control them via a narrative has been eye opening for both myself and others involved, and I’m hoping it can be a learning experience for the readers as well.
Q4: What would you like to see more of in LGBT+ fiction?
I think, now, the amount of progress in LGBTQ+ fiction is expanding at a wonderful rate. There are so many interactive fictions with options to select sexuality, select gender, select beliefs, etc. However, despite this expansion, there’s still a good deal of backlash against some aspects of LGBTQ+ fiction.
For example, as a bisexual woman who has dated men, I know there are some individuals who may not consider me a part of the LGBTQ+ because of this aspect. Not only is this incredibly disheartening, but it’s a viewpoint that I think should be educated against, and fiction is a fantastic pathway to do this. Another example I can think of is a friend of mine who identifies as asexual but is sex-neutral rather than sex-repulsed. Most people can’t believe her when she says this, and she often faces backlash for this declaration as well. This is another thing that I think that, with exposure through a medium such as fiction, can be worked on.
What I’m trying to say here is that I think LGBTQ+ fiction can be a brilliantly educational platform—if used right. Although it already teaches so much with what it has, I think having that representation of different subgroups of sexuality, of their experiences and beliefs, so people can become aware and knowledgeable of these options, is something I’d like to see more of.
Q5: What or who are some of your biggest inspirations?
Oh man, I struggled to list off inspirations because I know I have some, but as soon as someone asks me who they are my brain just goes ‘brrrrrr’ LMAO.
In terms of the games that I write and the worlds that I build, I think David Lynch and Robert Chambers are probably the two that I somehow incorporate. Attollo and Metamorphosis both have a lot of surrealist horror, which are what these two really specialized in. Shirley Jackson is also another person who inspired me a lot when it came to the writing and creation of Attollo, especially the intrapersonal relationships between the characters.
In terms of life, this is something else I really struggle to answer. I don’t really have celebrity inspirations or anything like that, but I do get inspired by my close friends and sister a lot. Seeing them go through the struggles that they face and absolutely thrive really drives me to push through my own struggles. They’re the strongest, most brilliant group of people that I know, and I consider myself incredibly fortunate that I can be a part of their lives. Not only that, but we also all collectively encourage each other to push further and to chase our dreams (as cheesy as that is LMAO) and that’s something that I think is another stroke of good fortune. I struck gold when I met them, and they’re some of the biggest inspirations in my life.
Q6: What’s a super vague spoiler for your current project?
For Attollo, I’d say ‘Home is where the heart is.’ For Metamorphosis, to quote John Berendt, ‘Always stick around for one more drink.’
Q7: Lastly, what advice would you give to your readers?
What advice would I give to you all? Oh my, I’m not exactly a wise woman here, but I’ll do my best to give you something lmaooo. I think what I really want you to walk away with, from both my stories and this interview, is that if you’re passionate about something, then share it with the world. Don’t let anyone deter your passion.
I remember listening to this painter once who commented to his friend how he ‘really liked painting’, and his friend’s first response was ‘but are you good at it?’. He then compared this to the scenario of walking; would you say, ‘but are you good at it?’ to someone who said, ‘I really like walking’? No, because it simply wouldn’t make sense, and it doesn’t make sense to say that to anyone who’s doing something out of passion.
To put it simply—if you love something, then don’t let anyone take that passion from you. I began writing these stories because I’m passionate about Attollo and Metamorphosis; I love each character, each bit of lore, and I share it with you because I want you all to enjoy it as well. Am I the best writer? God, no. Does everyone like what I write? Definitely not. But will I let this stop me from writing, from enjoying what I’m doing? Never, and I want you to do the same.
Explore your passions, embrace your passions, and let what makes you happy continue to do so
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angeli-marco-writes · 4 years ago
Harrison Osterfield - A Happy Day (& A Puppy)
A/N & WC - I don't know Haz, nor do I claim to; this is a work of fiction. 3.2k
Warnings - Mentions of a dog rescue centre and poorly dogs, slight anxiety, copious amounts of fluff.
Summary - Today is the day you and Haz get a puppy. It's the next big step in your relationship, and despite your anxieties, you know it's a happy day.
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YOUR HEART FILLS WITH GLEE at the prospect of the day. You and your boyfriend, Harrison, have been together for a long time now, by ‘young people’ standards, and have recently taken the giant step of moving in together. Only, after you lived in a flat with various different people for a long time, and after he spent so long in a house with three other blokes (where you also spent a substantial share of your time earlier in the relationship, much to your dismay,) it’s quiet with just the two of you. And not the good quiet, though sometimes it’s nice and peaceful. You’re just both so accustomed to the constant bustle of people. And the only comprisable solution you could come up with, save for moving back in with Haz’s old housemates? Get a dog.
Obviously you want to, you love dogs, but it’s also a bridge to your future.
“Are you ready to go sweetheart?” Haz shouts from the doorway, rustling with his coat, while you’re still in the bedroom.
“Do we have to?” you beg.
“Yeah we do. You want this dog, don’t you?”
“Of course I do... it’s the rest I’m anxious about.”
See, you’ve been conversing with a shelter home for some weeks now, ever since they got an influx of puppies. A big litter of little blighters, separated from their mother and left to die on the side of the road in a damp cardboard box. Thankfully, and by some kind of God-given miracle, they all survived, and many have already been adopted, but your little treasure? You were the only takers. Not that you’re complaining, obviously.
Haz appears in the doorway, his own pea coat fitted to his form perfectly, tailored and tan to suit his complexion. He holds yours out to you and edges closer to your shared bed, made and done up by him.
“I know, baby, but it’s gonna be okay, yeah?”
“Yeah.” You loose a sigh. “Is there any way we can go in the back way?”
Your own puppy eyes convince him and he kisses you. “I’ll see what I can do. If not, just close your eyes and I’ll lead the way.”
Shelters upset you immensely. How anyone could hurt a dog or abandon it is beyond you, they’re the most precious things ever and need to be protected and adored at all costs. You knew you wanted a rescue dog from the get go, but you’d never be able to bring yourself to actually scour shelters to look for a dog. You just hope this one likes you, or else Haz is gonna have to do it all himself. You can’t face the pleading faces and the imploring eyes and the sadness around the whole place. If you could, you’d buy them all, give them a good, loving home, but you can’t, and that harsh reality leaves a pit in your stomach and a hole in your heart.
“Don’t cry darling.” he coos, kissing your tears away with tender brushes of his lips.
You hadn’t even realised you were crying. How emotional can you be? Today is supposed to be happy, but you’re breaking at the first hurdle. To make the pressures worse, you know that, if you don’t take this little bean, it’ll be put down.
“Come on, it’s a happy day,” he prompts once he realises you’re no longer crying. He stands, shrugs your coat onto you, and pulls you to standing, wrapping his arms around your torso as he sways. “We’re getting a puppy!”
His sheer excitement in his voice brings joy to you too, any doubt being left behind as you sway with hum, holding him close. You’re getting a puppy.
A little more pep is in your step once you stand up, ensuring your hands are adjoined the whole time. Concealing your nerves with excitement is a solid step, so you paint on a happier face than before and clutch him close as you tug him to the front door.
“We’re really doing it, we’re getting a puppy,” you say.
He nods, keying the door open, “That we are. Think we’re ready?”
You almost howl laughing. In many ways, yes. You’re mature people in a committed relationship, you’re both incredibly responsible in all the ways that matter, and know when you need to take the next step or hold back. Getting a puppy is a huge leap, though. But you’ve thought about it, planned for it, prayed for it to work, so there’s no reason you shouldn’t be ready, but it feels like a giant step. In the right direction. That’s all that matters; that, and the fact you’ll love this puppy endlessly.
“Y’know what? Yes. We’ve worked for this.”
“That we have, darling.”
Reaching the car, he places a kiss to the crown of your head. “Conserve your energy, honey. How about I drive?”
“Okay,” you answer, pecking Haz on the lips after he opens your door for you and hovers at your height until you answer him. “That means I can cuddle it on the way home.”
“It’s not an ‘it’, remember?” he chides, but the excitement is evident in his tone and the sparkle in his eyes, “we gave it a name.”
“Bixby, and he’s a boy, I know. How long is the drive?”
You fasten your seatbelt, smiling at him as he limbers into the drivers side. He’s attuned to your subtle mood shifts now, and realises that you’re slipping more from anxiety into anticipation, and he needs to work to keep you there, soothe you so that you don’t cry at the shelter. He’s a gem is Harrison, and you know he’ll be a brilliant dog-dad. It’s a huge part of why you’ve lasted so long together. The second you saw him with Monty, you knew he was a keeper.
After strapping his own seatbelt and manoeuvring the car into gear, he reaches over and curls his fingers around your thigh, pulling on that invisible connection between you, tugging you to look at him.
When you do, he spies that your current happiness isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, but is in part a façade. Haz loves you, but you’re the damn most sensitive soul he’s ever come across, especially when it comes to animals. The main reason the two of you got your own place was because living with people you weren’t close to took a real toll on you, as it did him—no matter how reluctant he is to admit it, the forced intimacy of it all, so this puppy is a big step to comfort you both and help you settle down to this new walk of life.
Of course the delight is there, of course you’re happy, but your slight snags and worries are visible to him too. “Love you, baby,” he whispers, leaning over to lock your lips together, applying a certain pressure, sucking on your lower lip gently as his hold on your thigh increases.
Once he pulls away, he sees the true you, calm gracing all of your beautiful features so nicely, happiness in your eyes and a wry smile on your lips, no overt anticipation of any kind.
“You can choose the music, yeah?” is all he says, offering you the twitch of a smirk before he’s locking the key into the ignition and you’re off.
You nod, whether he sees it or not, and plug your phone into the radio, allowing yours and Haz’s playlist to stream through the speakers, the melodies wrapping you in their embrace the whole journey.
One thing Haz has learnt through his time with you is that his touch grounds you. No matter what it is, as long as he’s touching you, you’re okay, your breathing regulated, your nervous habits quieted. And though you’ve never outwardly confessed it, his comfort has helped you more times than you’d ever care to admit aloud. He knows this, but no one else needs to.
Once you park up, Harrison leans over to kiss you again, more gently this time. “I’m gonna ask if there’s a way we can get you around the back, okay? Don’t want you getting upset on such a happy day.”
“Thanks babe.”
You peck his lips, but tug away almost instantly, afraid if you don’t, you’ll be here a while. He smiles, and shuts the door behind him, tapping on your window and pulling a silly face as he passes your side of the car. You wait patiently, scribbling down a list off the top of your head of things to buy for the pup. Basket, bowls, toys, mat, brush, collar, lead… you’ve already got a lot of Monty’s old things, puppy baskets he outgrew, his old crate and such like, but you’re adamant that Bixby needs a basket in every room of your place… just in case.
“Hey dreamer,” Haz’s voice snaps you from your reverie, that cute nickname he uses when you drift off into your own little world easing a smile onto your face. “He’s waiting for us, you can come in now.”
You draw your lip between your teeth, and peek over your shoulder to the little puppy holder in the back one last time, filled with a blanket and a cuddly toy. Completely unnecessary, since you plan on holding him, but Haz thought it’d be a good idea nonetheless.
He holds your hand as you tread out of the car, and the whole way into the building, and you’re glad to find a member of staff waiting to greet you with a warm handshake by the back door, happily guiding you inside to the office, more than likely. And there he is, with his big floppy ears and his droopy eyes, sitting on the chair inquisitively, looking like the prince of the palace.
“Oh my God, he’s gorgeous!” you cry, and with little reluctance, you tug away from Haz, bounding over to the puppy.
You know how startled they can get, so you ensure to stop at a safe distance, tentatively holding out your hand for the pupper to let his black nose sniffle at you, before his long pink tongue laps out and licks your hand heartily, a doggy smile breaking across his face as he pants.
“He likes me. Haz, look, he likes me!”
He chuckles, “I can see that, sweetheart.”
You firstly pat at the chestnut-dappled white fur between his ears, stroking his silken fur, before moving down his body, scruffing a little at the rolls of fat there, completely natural for a basset hound-mix. His paws are huge, though, for such a tiny dog, especially considering his stumpy legs.
“Okay, should we settle down and talk about paperwork?” says the kind lady, a completely rhetorical question.
“Come on baby, if we want Bixby to come home with us, we need to fill these forms in, yeah?”
“Yeah babe.” you nod, and glance at the only remaining available chair. “Well, Bixby, it looks like I’ll just have to pick you up. How about that?” you coo.
His tiny tail wags enthusiastically, and he slobbers another kiss to your hand, so you cautiously scoop him up and settle him on your lap once you’ve sat down.
“First of all, we need to remind you that Bixby is the... runt of the litter, and has more significant health issues than other puppies of his breed, requiring more care, including a limp and slight hearing loss in one ear, and he is small for his breed.”
“We know,” you and Harrison answer simultaneously, his one hand occupied with stroking Bixby also.
He’s dealt with business thus far, bringing Bixby blankets from the house to get him used to your scent, meeting him and meeting with the managers, filling out your application forms, making visits to the shelter. It was actually quite a miracle that you were allowed to get a puppy from here, since you both work, but due to Harrison’s schedule as an actor with press and such, he works from and near home a lot, and whenever he’s working away, despite your own job requirements, you’re able to work from home to hold the fort down. So it worked out okay. And with the compromise, they said you met the necessary guidelines to qualify for adoption with one of you almost always at home.
“And he costs £250, but he’s already been vaccinated and microchipped.” she says. You both nod; you’ve already discussed donating a hearty amount to the shelter to keep it afloat, and because Bixby should be worth a damn lot more.
For the rest of the meeting, you zone out rather a lot, only paying attention when you have to sign papers or a cheque, the rest of the time tickling and fussing your new bundle of joy, already so relaxed within your lap. The time seems to whizz by, as before you know it, you’re clambering back into the car, a towel sat over your lap, and Bixby licking happily at your cheeks.
“You know, I showed him a picture of you,” Haz says, smiling wistfully, “the first time I came to visit him. I told him you were my wife and his mum—” he trails off, and darts his eyes to yours, realising what he just blurted out with a dry mouth and knitted brows. “Baby, I didn’t mean—”
“You want to marry me?” you ask, your voice barely more than a broken whisper.
“Of course I do, sweetheart. One day you’re gonna be my wife, and Bixby can be the ring bearer, and everything will work out the way it should, and you won’t be sad anymore.”
“What makes you think I’m sad, babe?”
He raises his thumb to your cheek, capturing a tear before it falls. Again. He’s been stuck doing this a lot.
“Point taken, but for once these are happy tears. I’m just overly sensitive with… everything, but I promise I’m not sad.” Never with Haz, you think. You look down at the puppy, now half asleep, contentedly wagging his tail at a leisurely pace atop your thighs. “This is a happy day, isn’t it?”
“So happy, y/n. I love you, you know that, don’t you?”
“Of course I do. I love you too, so much.”
He smiles, and slowly pulls out of the parking spot, ensuring to drive extra carefully, avoiding even the smallest of potholes on your journey. You keep one eye firmly on Bixby the whole time, but let the other roam your gorgeous boyfriend; the breadth of his shoulders, the veins in his hands, the intricate details in his blue orbs…
“Stop staring,” he whispers, “I can’t focus when you’re looking so pretty.”
You feel yourself flush, and turn your attention back to Bixby wholly, listening to your music as you quietly say, “I’m sorry.”
He says nothing more, but holds your hand over the gear stick the rest of the way.
You get a lot of attention in the pet store, carrying around a half asleep puppy with floppy ears the size of your entire face, meaning that your supposedly swift visit is elongated, but you survive, and are packed into the car shortly with everything you needed and more. A few people wanted to take a picture of Bixby, actually, having never seen a puppy basset hound in real life. You let them, leisurely trailing after Harrison as he got everything on your list, only purchasing if it passed Bixby’s sniff test.
Arriving home for the first time as a three is what makes everything seem so real, your heart overflowing with joy as you get out of the car, and walk to your door, and unlock it…
The first patter of paws on your wooden floor lets you know that this is home now, for all of you, as a family. That much is intrinsic.
“We did it. We got a puppy,” you say to Harrison, placing your hand over his chest where his heart steadily beats at a slightly faster pace.
“And we’re going to love him with everything we have.” he responds, kissing you softly, meaningfully, letting only love fill your embrace.
The skitter of Bixby’s claws coming towards you soon brings you back, though, and you begin to introduce him around the house, never once letting go of Haz’s hand. You show him the living room, where a blanket is already laid out on a sofa cushion for him to join you, and then the kitchen where his food bowls and water are, as well as his exit to the garden, and then to your bedroom, where the fluffiest basket you’ve ever seen sits in the corner, covered with swathes of blankets and scattered with toys. Treats already cover the floor all over your home, puppy training pads laid out just in case, and a hook by the front door with a blue lead dangling off it, as well as a tiny coat. Only…
“I didn’t buy this.” you say, spinning to face Haz, Bixby gnawing at his socks, rolling around at your feet.
You point towards the sturdy hook, embellished, engraved with two words. ‘Bixby Osterfield.’
“No, I did. I thought it was a nice surprise for you.”
He answers you as though it’s the most blatant thing in the universe. And really, it is something relatively small, but so thoughtful at the same time, so you open your arms wide, and nuzzle into him.
“Thank you, Haz. For everything. For this, for today, for loving me, for buying me Chinese takeout tonight.”
A laugh rips from him, his face breaking out into a wide smile, raising one hand to clutch at his chest while the other still securely encircles your waist.
“You’re more than welcome, babe. I’ll always love you. But I'm knackered.”
“Oh my God, same,” you breathe, slumping a little into him as you tickle the dog with your toes. “Who knew playing with a puppy would be so tiring?”
A low chuckle resonates from him, but he just holds you tighter, bending down to pick Bixby up as you trail over to the sofa, Haz’s footsteps silent on the glossy parquet floor of your home.
It doesn’t take long for you to get settled down, contentment filling you both, alongside ample Chinese food servings, and a fair amount of exhaustion too. Bixby has been with you the whole time, and while Haz sat down first, tugging you into his lap, legs spread wide as he lounged against the cushions a moment later, he ensured to position himself accurately on the ‘L’ shape of your sofa, so you could both reach the tiny snoozing puppy who curled into your side without a second thought.
“I’m glad we got a puppy,” you whisper into the darkness.
Night has come, the day having slipped away, and the movie you had playing is close to rolling its credits. You didn’t close your curtains but instead decided to watch the sun set and the star sparkle in the onyx sky, a stark contrast of beautiful silver, the light mirroring that that Bixby has brought into your lives.
“I am too, babe,” he replies, his nose burying into the juncture of your neck and shoulder, gently kissing your exposed skin, “how about we just settle here tonight?”
“Hmm, good plan,” is all you can muster, already feeling the tug of sleep, one hand on Bixby’s soft silken fur, the other holding Haz’s hand.
This is it, you think to yourself as you drift off, this is your family. Haz and Bixby, both of them snuggling into you, keeping you tethered, bringing you sheer joy. A happy day. All because you got a puppy.
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clumsyclifford · 4 years ago
don’t need money, don’t need sleep (just need your pretty face)
hi !!!!! some jalex fluff for you all :)
back when i was looking to start writing some jalex i requested prompts from my friends and @tirednotflirting gave me three from this list: 14, 23, and 82. sam i am sorry it took me so long to get this done (and that it’s not like, my best work or anything) but i am treating this like a prompt fic even though you never actually sent the prompt to my inbox so here it is as its own post. how exciting
title is from bottle and a beat by all time low god that song really did not deserve to be a b-side have i mentioned i love all time low?? was that evident?? anyway. onward
read it here on ao3
Jack yawns. “I’m sleepy.”
“Then go to sleep, you dolt,” Alex says, although it’s dripping with fondness and he’s sure Jack can tell, even over Skype.
“No,” Jack says. “Talking to you.”
“We can talk tomorrow,” Alex says logically. “I’ll be home tomorrow.”
“Mm, that’s too long,” Jack says, and then yawns again. “Alex,” he says, stretching out the vowel, “I’m tired. ” He closes his eyes and buries his head on his pillow. The angle of his camera really should be unflattering, but Alex is so in love, and he misses falling asleep with Jack so much, that even getting to see his almost-asleep face is feeding a part of him.
“You want me to sing you something?” Alex asks. Jack smiles, or at least the visible half of his face does.
“Just tell me about your day,” he says. His voice is barely audible and his lips hardly move; he’s clearly just on the verge of falling asleep completely. Alex is concerned for his phone battery.
“I’ve told you about my day already,” he says.
“Tell me again. I like to hear your voice.”
They’re so ridiculous, Alex realizes. They are the shitty rom-com couples that people point at to say look how unrealistic that is. Nobody acts like that in real life. But Alex is happy with Jack, happier than he’s ever been, and he thinks that’s more than worth the cheesy tropes.
“Alright,” Alex says. He settles back against the hotel pillows. They’re too soft; if Jack were here he’d have a lot of choice words about that. Jack’s firm anti-soft-pillow stance has taken over their bed — all of their pillows are relatively unyielding. Yet another way that Jack has made himself a permanent fixture in Alex’s life. God, Alex loves him. “Well, I woke up at the hell hour of five in the morning, and then I tried to Google Maps my way to the radio station, which didn’t work, and I ended up kind of lost. So then I called Rian, because obviously I didn’t want Bryan to know I got lost, and Rian just laughed at me, and then together we figured it out — there are two places here with the same address, like, one is the radio station and the other is, like, a convenience store, so I don’t know what kind of planning went into that? Anyway, the radio promo stuff was fine, and then I went and got coffee and called my boyfriend, except he didn’t pick up because he was still asleep, and I should have probably known better than to try and call, so I left him a really cute message that I bet he still hasn’t listened to.”
Alex pauses, watches the screen. Jack’s breathing is even. He’s never been the kind of person who could fall asleep right away, but now must be an exception, or maybe he’s more tired than usual, because he’s already dropped off, and his phone is moving irregularly until it finally slips out of Jack’s grasp and the screen goes dark, face-down on the bed. Alex smiles. “And then I had a boring day and then I Skyped my boyfriend and he had the audacity to fall asleep while I was in the middle of talking to him,” he concludes. “And I love you, and I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight, sweetheart.”
Jack doesn’t reply, so Alex resolves to remind him tomorrow. Maybe without calling him sweetheart, though. Jack doesn’t take kindly to nicknames unless they’re grossly unrealistic (sugarplum, and such).
For the moment, though, Alex listens to Jack breathe slowly, and then he hangs up the call, sets his phone aside, and pulls the covers over himself. Sleeping alone is one of Alex’s least favorite things, but he’s lulled to sleep by the promise of not having to do it again tomorrow night.
“Hi,” Jack breathes, throwing his arms around Alex’s neck. Alex gives a little, wrapping his arms around Jack’s waist and squeezing tight.
“Hi. I missed you.”
“I missed you,” Jack echoes. “More. Fuck, it’s good to hear your voice.”
Alex laughs. “You heard my voice yesterday.”
“Not like this,” Jack says, bringing his hands reverently to Alex’s throat like he wants to feel the way it moves when Alex talks. “It’s so much better in person.”
“That’s rude,” Alex says. “You listen to my voice on recordings all the time. Are you saying I’m worse on albums than I am live?”
“Whatever,” Jack says, drawing Alex into a kiss. He’s managed to suspiciously sidestep the question — Alex will have to interrogate him further later on —  but for now he just hugs Jack close. Yet another cheesy rom-com trope: kissing on the doorstep.
It makes Alex chuckle, so it might do it for Jack too. Alex pulls away. “They should make a Hallmark movie about us.”
“Fuck, I’d love that,” Jack says, grinning and stealing another kiss off Alex’s lips. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Hallmark movie, but I’d watch it if you were in it. Or if I was in it, honestly.”
“I don’t think they’d cast us as ourselves.” Their acting careers begin and end with the “Something’s Gotta Give” music video. “And I would want to be played by Jason Statham.”
“Jason Statham? Why the fuck?”
It had really just been the first name to come to mind, so Alex shrugs. “Handsome and British?”
Jack snorts. “I want to be played by Brad Pitt then.”
“What the fuck do you and Brad Pitt have in common?”
“Uh, excuse me? We’re both sexy and have cult followings.”
Alex laughs, loud. “Got me there.” It makes Jack smile indulgently, all pleased like he’d gotten precisely the reaction he’d wanted, and Alex loves him so much it threatens the break the seams holding his heart together and just flood him. It might already have done.
“Okay, it’s cold,” Jack says. “You’re letting all the fucking air in, you asshole.”
“You can’t be nice for more than one minute.” Alex edges past Jack into the house. It’s true they’re letting the cold night air inside, but if Jack’s going to be a shithead then two can play that game.
“It’s late and I’m tired,” Jack whines as they walk together to the bedroom. Alex drops his bag on the floor. He can unpack it later. Tomorrow, or the day after, or next week — definitely at some point. Maybe he can harass Jack into unpacking it for him. Bribe him with sexual favors or a fancy dinner or something.
“Babe, you’re preaching to the choir,” Alex says. He’s exhausted. Travel takes it out of him, and the prospect of curling up with Jack, cold feet pressed against calves under the warmth of the blanket, is so appealing it almost makes Alex cry. Putting on a silly affectation, he says, “Prepare the bed, monsieur, and I shall join you presently.”
“Ah, yes,” Jack says, rolling with it — because he’s the best and weirdest boyfriend ever, and so perfect for Alex — with an exaggerated bow. He jumps into bed, already pajama-clad in boxers and one of Alex’s shirts, kicking down the covers so they’re far back enough for Alex to slip underneath. In a French accent, he says, “Le bed is prepared, monsieur Gaskarth.”
“Merci,” Alex says, which is about the extent of his French knowledge. Carelessly discarding his travel clothes, he grabs a comfier shirt and pulls it on. Then he clambers into bed, Jack’s arm settling comfortably over his shoulders. Even more than their reunion hug/kiss/debate at the door, lying down with Jack in their bed at home restores in Alex a sense of peace that he only finds here. He wishes it existed in words instead of just feelings, but it doesn’t. Alex would know; he’s tried, hundreds of times, to write it down, has filled pages with efforts to find an adequate description, but there’s nothing like the feeling. Nothing like just being at home with Jack, redundant though that is.
(If it’s Jack, it’s home. But it’s nice to have a place where they can mutually agree to be at home with each other.)
“I missed this,” Jack murmurs, leaning his head onto Alex’s shoulder as Alex shifts to accommodate him. “Before you say it, I know you were only away for a day, but I can still miss it.”
“I was going to say I missed you too,” Alex says. “But now that you’ve mentioned it, Jack, come on. I was only gone for a day. Don’t get clingy.”
Jack bites Alex’s shoulder and Alex laughs. “You’re an asshole.”
“I know.”
“I’m joking,” Jack adds, yawning.
Alex reaches across Jack’s lap to grab his hand. It’s a little awkward, holding Jack’s left hand with his own, but they make it work. “Okay. Tell me about your day. We didn’t talk all day because I was traveling.”
Jack hums. “Seriously, now?”
“I talked you to sleep last night,” Alex protests. “It’s only fair.”
“So you don’t even want to know about my day? You’re just going to fall asleep?”
Alex shakes his head as Jack straightens up in mock-indignance. “Come on,” he entreats Jack, shuffling lower to curl up against him. Jack’s not small in most ways, because he’s the tallest in the band, and his personality fills every room like a gas, reaching the corners no matter how far they are. But he’s so skinny, so many lean lines, that it should be more difficult to cuddle up to him. Still, Alex finds it surpassingly easy. He rests his head against Jack’s chest, immediately attuned to the steady beat of his heart. When the foundations of Alex’s world are crumbling to the ground, when he’s grasping at straws or gasping for air, he can always sink an anchor into Jack’s heartbeat.
Objectively, it’s just a ba-bump rhythm like any other, but it’s music to Alex, and music has always been his driving force.
“Fine,” Jack huffs, curling his fingers into the cotton of Alex’s shirt. Alex burrows into him, closing his eyes, sliding his legs between Jack’s under the covers and slinging one arm over Jack’s stomach. “But it wasn’t that exciting. Mostly I just waited for you to get home.” Yeah, right. Even Jack can’t sit around doing nothing for a full day. “I don’t know. I washed my dishes from yesterday. Listened to all of Enema start to finish. Called my mom. It wasn’t that eventful.”
“You’re so ridiculous,” Alex mumbles, feeling his lips buzz against fabric. “Proud of you for doing the dishes, though.”
“Don’t get your hopes up. It won’t happen again.”
Alex smiles, too tired to laugh. “Sure.”
Jack is gently rubbing his knuckles against Alex’s back. “That was it. Not a lot to report, I told you.” “How’s your mom?”
“Good. She asked about you.”
“Oh? What did you say?”
“That you went dark side and became a drug dealer.” Alex snorts. “She took it well, of course. Told me she always knew you were a drug dealer inside and that she was glad you were living your truth.”
“She did not say that.”
“I am one hundred percent serious, I can call her right now and ask.”
If Alex weren’t so worn out, he’d keep up the banter, but he’s pretty sure neither of them are up for it at the moment, so he lets it drop. For a few minutes, they sink into an easy quiet. Alex sighs, content. His soul has stopped its restless search for comfort, now that he’s home, now that they’re reunited, and the calm washing over him is stronger than a sedative. “Mm, I’m so tired,” he says, mouth barely moving. “Wanna sleep.”
“I’ve been tired for, like, twenty-four hours,” Jack says. “Go to sleep. I’m right there with you.” He drops a kiss onto the top of Alex’s head, knuckles still tracing their pattern just under Alex’s shoulder blades, a sweet soporific lulling Alex to the edges of consciousness. He wants to kiss Jack goodnight, but he doesn’t have the energy to move. As it is, he’s pretty sure he’s already drifted off.
“G’night,” he remembers to say.
Jack drums his fingertips over Alex’s back, and even though Alex can’t see him, he knows Jack is smiling. “‘Night. Love you.”
Fuck, that’s what he’d forgotten. “Love you,” Alex exhales with the last of his waking energy, and falls asleep after that, with no reason left not to.
(He would say I’m happy to be home, but he’s already said it with love you, and he knows that Jack knows.)
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alias-b · 4 years ago
Eros & Psyche: SOMY drabble
Billy Hargrove x Evie Fenny: Whump with a Happy Ending Drabble
~Evie contemplates her past relationship after getting together with Billy. ((No real fic spoilers, it’s no secret that Billy & Evie are soulmates & Endgame. Just some extra words for them to touch.)) TW: Talk of past grooming/Abusive student& teach relationship.
Whew, I wrote something, guys. Lol named is sorta after an existing chp bc I'm shameless. xoxo askbox open. Goodnight! :)))
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He’s perfect.
Heaven carved her a prince from all her favorite fairy tales. Dash of charming. Sprinkle of classical good looks. A darling smile. Enough to melt any girl. Evangeline had no chance.
Fredrick always included Evie in his life. Well, the part of it no one else was involved in. That counted. She told herself it did.
Hawkins couldn’t know how much he loved her. She was sure that truly ached him. 
She was pretty sure.
Fredrick included Evie in what was under his mask. She told herself that was what mattered most of all. His true self and it was bared. All hers and hers alone.
She told herself.
Evie was telling herself lots of things these days. Fredrick called her a classic over-thinker. She didn’t need to think, she had him. He’d guide her along. Being wise and experienced of course. All she needed to do was let go and trust him.
But, he was perfect.
Fredrick took her to parties with other thirty year olds. Always held her hand. Said the right thing. Brought her under one arm. Introduced her as if he was thrilled and proud she was with him. Showed her off like a new designer watch. Fredrick liked to buy Evie designer things too in lace.
Things that made for a better pose in cotton sheets. Pictures she claimed she was too shy to let him take. 
He’d press a tight smile. Telling her it was enough to have her trapped in his thoughts. 
The, he’d unzip his pants. The sound prickled under her skin.
“This is Evangeline,” he boasted at parties, “my girl.”
Men and women extended their hands. Fussed over her. She just looked so youthful. She must have secrets.
“For now,” Fredrick said in the car once, “just tell anyone who asks that you’re nineteen.” He smiled and caressed her cheek. Fredrick always said the right thing. “You’re too beautiful. I love you so much.”
Slowly, he unzipped his pants.
All Evie wanted to do was please him. See that smile. See the lights behind it because he was hers and she was a moth drawn to them. Fredrick liked most that she was his too. He came to her upon a deathly white horse with a silken, red cape upon his back. Bought her lace and flowers.
Fed her only a certain amount and took plates away before she was finished. 
“There’s this silk nightie I want to buy you, but it’s just a smidge too small. Couple pounds should do it. Not that I think you need to lose it.” He cared so much. Evie welled and drank her cool water down. Swallowed the ice cubes when he went to the kitchen. 
They drank quite a bit. He liked her swaying and loose. Not alert. Not overthinking too much. Cause he cared. More than anything.
Evie always said no to coke lines. Yes to shots. Yes to the occasional pill that lit shit up inside her. Let her see the night sky in living color. 
Fredrick kept close. He always did. Especially if other men approached her. His arm pulled her back into his orbit. One sharp snap. Another prickle that made her skin pulse.
Europa trapped circling Jupiter and its great red storms. Clinging desperately maybe cause she’s scared and she doesn’t know it. She doesn’t have anywhere to go and no planet will love her or hold her like her Jupiter.
Fredrick could storm too. Could get snappy. Grip her too hard. Leave marks she had to hide from her mother and classmates. It’s all passion. That’s what he said. He loved fierce and unyielding. Just like a prince would, they’re supposed to love hard. 
Evie’s terrified to disappoint him. Terrified to leave the narrative because who would she be without it? She figured that was normal, growing up with the same dynamic in her household. Children wetting the bed cause their parents build these anxieties into them. Phantoms that never leave.
“Letting everyone down would be my greatest unhappiness.” She often repeated that to the mirror. Repeated it when Fredrick was slamming things around. Pretending he’s fine until she’s crawling to unzip his pants and then all is forgiven.
Evie loved being forgiven. Gentle pats and warm embraces into the night. Fingers to swipe her loose tears. Fredrick gave her everything she needed.
Even if he was the one telling her she needed it.
Prince Charming knew to force his kisses and wake the princess. Now she owed a debt. He knew she needed saving from her tower or dragon. She was too helpless to decide her own path. He knew that she had to love him in return to break the curse. She doesn’t get a choice, it’s destiny.
Evie believed in destiny when she met Fredrick. He certainly murmured it into her ear enough. Hushed tones that made her feel cradled. Made her feel found. Made her float.
But, she can’t tell people, “This is Fredrick, my prince.”
Once he screamed at her for even signing a little heart above the “i” in her name during class. All because he cares. Because he’s the prince who knew better. Because no one would ever understand them.
Maybe that was why she loathed Billy upon meeting him that windy autumn day.
Billy Hargrove was the exact opposite. He never pretended to know better. Not as far as Evie’s soul was concerned. Evie didn’t grovel. Didn’t beg his forgiveness for the slightest misstep or incorrect thought. They nipped at each other, but it was an equal exchange.
Billy’s not a prince. He didn’t try to be either.
He didn’t shake her hand when they met. Not until Neil made him. He doesn’t always hold doors. Doesn’t constantly have to have Evie under his arm. Under his eye.
Especially doesn’t start slamming things when she laughs at Tommy’s stupid jokes or shares her drinks with Steve. He didn’t tell her she couldn’t hang out with Heather or Carol without him. Didn’t steer her from her mother or friends. He also didn’t pry for secrets out of mistrust.
He doesn’t care what she does as long as she isn’t getting herself into deep shit. Without him. His words. He’s not perfect and he doesn’t try to be.
Billy drove like shit. He smoked too much. He got into fights. He could be a total sourpuss grump, but he doesn’t grab Evie to leave bruises over it.
He fucked hard though, he always made sure Evie got off. Never unzips unprompted. Girls hit on him and he says that he’s seeing someone. Easy enough. Sometimes gesturing to Evie if she’s in the room. No need to bother her with pointless shit.
They were always aware of each other even if they didn’t interact. Something magical there neither could place.
Billy knew things Fredrick didn’t care to remember about Evie as well. How she’s a talented roller skater. What she liked on her cheeseburger. Her favorite movie snacks. Her order when they grab Chinese. The articles of clothing that always comforted her on bad days. How to gauge her mood by the song she’d hum or the book in her hand.
How she tapped the rhythm of songs she wrote into flesh and hard surfaces. How she wanted to turn the radio up when her favorite song was on, but politely doesn’t always. Billy does it for her.
He doesn’t comment when she eats and doesn’t care what she wears out or to bed.
He’s often trying to piece together the bits of songs he hears her humming and creating. She’ll share them with him one day, he won’t make her.
Billy’s not a prince. He’s probably beaten up a few in his day. But, he remembers. He pays attention. He lets Evie exist as her own soul and take up her own needed space. 
They’re two equal stars twinkling pleasantly in the same shared constellation.
There’s plenty he didn’t tell her. About himself. About his life. Things he wanted to share, but he couldn’t. Not yet. Maybe one day. She needed to trust him enough in that light. And she did.
Before getting together, Evie thought of Billy too often when she was with Fredrick. Especially when she was under him. Counting the seconds before he finished with her. She hadn’t been warmed up enough and her prince was hurting her with his passion. 
She wondered about asking him to stop. If he would. If he’d ignore her and chase his end. If he’d bruise her wrists again. A lot could be said about Billy, but he’d stop.
He wouldn’t ignore this beautiful star he’s so well attuned to. Billy wouldn’t hurt Evie and call it passion. He’d own his shit.
But, they tell her Billy isn’t the prince and the princess always was supposed to end up with her prince. Billy was a lone, glittering god with his own marble pedestal. Unobtainable. Eyes that watch the mortals below.
Maybe he’ll grace them with his presence and a fresh set of shiny arrows. Messy, little Eros with a laundry list of issues and vices he’ll never outrun. Evie didn’t mind to carry a few vices if he’d watch hers too. She was just a mortal girl with dreams higher than stars could go. Piled with dead weight as Fredrick collapsed into her. Smothering her. 
And Evie’s first thought was always the shine of Billy’s eyes blaring into her after Fredrick dropped her at the end of Cherry Land so she could walk home. Defeated and wanting for more. They broke her heart.
Fredrick pushed down. Crushed her until Evie was gasping herself awake in her own bed. Eons later after she left him. After he shattered her already.
“Squirming more than usual.” A voice in the pillows next to her muttered. Billy groaned, turning over like he was annoyed. 
Evie knew he wasn’t. She didn’t feel her heart give an unpleasant clench like she’d upset him. One arm slung over her stomach as Billy stretched back out on his front, facing her. A barely there glow from the moon trickled between the curtains showing his lashes fluttering.
“Just a dream.” Evie reached out and traced a line into his shoulder. Let her finger trail up to tap his nose. Made him scrunch and look sorta adorable.
“Well, it’s over.” Billy closed his eyes. Nestled into her heat. “Try rolling for another.”
“I like this better.” She caught his lip twitching up. Billy remained silent for a while there. Almost lulling back to sleep. He shifted up. Revived Evie with a simple, cathartic kiss. Mapping more across her cheek as lazy as can be. 
They still felt carefully packaged. Billy had a way with careless affection that was still so striking and beautiful. Flaming arrows through her heart. 
They don’t hurt. So few things hurt with Billy. Evie liked to think she returned that.
His arm tightened.
“I’ll roll this time.”
And Evie could let him without sacrificing her own agency. Her own narrative.
Fingers reached up to draw select gold curls aside. She decided princes were small and overrated. Billy had wings and he had light and he had a swelter of carefully exposed nerves that he trusted Evie to pluck. A heart he let her guard. He wouldn’t ask but she’d give that back.
Love cannot exist without soul. Without trust. 
Evie pushed up to meet his oncoming kiss. Brought him back down to touch the soft earth with her. Where they felt safe together.
She realized it then as Billy shifted up to see her there. Fredrick never made her feel safe, he just used her to save himself. Sunk his teeth in to suck her dry of vitality so he could have it. 
She didn’t ask Billy if he trusted her. Didn’t tell him in this moment that she trusted him. That was destiny. Not the draining of your soul until you’re forced to give it over.
Sometimes it was just knowing the obvious placement of stars. Glittery dust might sprinkle delicately over them.
“Let’s roll later,” Evie nudged her head into his, “always time for dreaming. But, I think I want to be wide awake right now. Hope that’s not too disappointing.” Hands shifted around his shoulders. A fuller smile crossed and Billy matched it. Blue eyes glinting almost iridescent. He hummed in thought. Seemed to agree. 
“Evangeline,” he sounded out with some lazy amusement, “you couldn’t disappoint me if you tried, you know that?” Billy settled himself against her. Continued to map his euphoric paths. Stroking her cheek and hair. Sparking. Hushing. “Hope you know that much, Angel.”
“I know, Billy,” she sighed out to the forgiving cloak of night, “I do.”
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hazbincalifornia · 4 years ago
Keep it in
Chapter 10:  A mission requires a lot of waiting, and Blitzo isn't a fan.
Likes, replies, and reblogs are all appreciated, both here and on ao3!
Warnings: Mpreg, emetophobia/vomit. (I used to write sickfics, can you tell?)
Ao3 Link
Blitzo crumpled the paper wrapper in his fist, shoving it into his pocket before groaning. On the other side of the yard, Millie was peering over a bush, and Moxxie was settled lower in the same tree Blitzo was on.
He’d gotten a new gun, but hadn’t had time to repaint it. With his luck, he’d barf on this one too, so he was going to wait and had just taped one of his handmade horses to the side to look at instead, Cherry Nut. She was red and brown. He liked her.
God, he wanted coffee. His stomach was gurgling, annoyed, because he’d been feeding it a steady diet of pure-sugar Fairy Stix and mac and cheese for the last few days in order to try and make up for the loss of caffeine. Moxxie hadn’t directly tried to pull the rug out on that one like his typical killjoy self, but it could be because he didn’t actually know about the stix. Blitzo wasn’t really sure how many he’d gone through, but it was… a lot, considering he’d gotten a huge box and was a decent chunk through it. To be fair, it had been about a week and a half since the visit with Stolas. The mac and cheese thing was the new one, the Stix had been at least a week. He'd been able to shove some of the extra cash at the landlord to buzz off, at least, and somebody was coming in to fix the fire damage in a few days.
Unfortunately, the sugar didn’t actually help much with the weight dragging down his eyelids as it should have and he’d been running mostly on sheer willpower, but at least he felt like he was doing something. If he hadn’t, he probably would have just passed out at his desk and woken up with Millie and Moxxie having already taken care of the client for the day, and where would he be as a boss then, huh?
Speaking of which… Blitzo shook his head to try and focus, tightening his shaking fingers. There was a whole family in the cute little house, but the man had insisted that they only take out the father and only when the others left, since he wanted the living relatives to have to deal with the death and the thought that it was a suicide. The target was some cousin who'd super pissed him off, apparently. Blitzo only had the gun as a precaution, to be honest, since this one was supposed to be either a handgun shooting or an overdose, depending on if they found a gun in the house or not.
They’d already been there for almost an hour. The rest of them were supposed to be leaving sometime soon, but the client hadn’t been sure when. Blitzo was charging extra for this shit, his ass wasn’t meant for crouching in a tree forever.
The sun moved overhead, and he swiped his glove across his forehead, the sweat absorbing in as he let out a whine and fanned himself. He was used to Hell, why was it so fucking hot out here? It was starting to make him feel queasy again.
He could see movement through the window, but nobody was going out the door. If the instructions hadn’t been specifically for the death to happen out of everyone’s sight he would have just aimed and hoped at this point.
“Hey, you two see anything?” he asked into the walkie-talkie.
“Radio silence, sir, but no,” Moxxie said. Millie stuck her hand out of the bush and gave a thumbs down, and Blitzo shifted, trying to get comfortable. At least there was some foliage on the tree to block out the sun, but Argentina was his new least favorite place. Turning his head a little, he could see Moxxie wiping at his own forehead, so at least it wasn’t just him.
Blitzo grimaced as his stomach turned like kneaded cotton candy that had gone sour, and he slumped back on the branch, closing his eyes. He’d be able to hear if anything happened, he had highly-attuned senses.
Blitzo was woken up with a start as a branch snapped directly across his face, and he bit back a scream as he realized that he was falling.
Everything was spinning, and he took a few precious seconds to try and reorient himself before throwing his hands out to try and slow his descent, gripping whatever first brushed past them. From somewhere in the distance there was yelling, but here and now his claws dug into hard bark with one hand and something soft with the other.
“That’s… my… palm…” Moxxie hissed, his other hand holding tightly to the thick branch he was sitting on and that Blitzo was not dangling from. Blitzo forced his fingers to let go of Moxxie, and the other imp wrapped his hand around Blitzo’s wrist instead, starting to pull him up.
“Are you two okay?” Millie asked through the walkie-talkie, accent even heavier than usual in concern.
“My hand’s going to be bleeding for a bit, but I think he’s fine. Just fell asleep,” Moxxie said.
“I did not, I just moved a little too far when readjusting position,” Blitzo insisted, trying very hard not to sound like he’d just woken up, boots swinging wildly as he wiggled to get one foot over to the trunk and walk himself back up to the branch.
“Well, the people’re looking out, so be quiet,” Millie said just as Blitzo’s tail managed to snag one of the other sturdy branches. He gritted his teeth and swung upwards, letting go with his tail at the last moment before lifting one leg up and managing to make it to Moxxie’s branch.
It started creaking only a few moments later, and both imps’ eyes widened. Moxxie scrambled up to the branch above and Blitzo scooted backwards towards the base to where the limb was strongest.
Blitzo slapped a hand over his mouth as the other members of the house started looking around outside, but the tree must have been just far enough away that they dismissed the disturbance amongst themselves.
“Phew,” Blitzo breathed out, moments before his stomach started bubbling and churning again. His other hand flew down to hug it, pressing down on the hard bump.
“Oh, thank satan. That could have been so much- sir?” Moxxie called down, but Blitzo wasn’t about to move his head and risk upchucking. Somehow, knowing it was coming made it so much worse.
“They’re comin’ out now, but heading to the car, this is our chance,” Millie muttered into the walkie-talkie, heedless of the lava erupting in Blitzo’s guts. He kept his hand pressed over his mouth, trying to hold it in as long as he could. The car they were entering was visible through the leaves, and he swallowed down the first wave, glad that at least it hadn’t made it up to his tastebuds.
“Just hold it in, come on, we’ll do the job and let you rest out here, just hold it in…” Moxxie muttered above him, and Blitzo nodded slightly as he heard the engine start through a haze. Time stretched itself out like silly putty until the rumble faded, and Blitzo immediately turned his head to puke over the side of the tree, watching as it sizzled through the leaves and splattered the bark on the way down, carving out a blotchy pattern. It was a gross orangish-pink.
He swished saliva in his mouth and spat it out after the rest of the mess.
“Oh goodness, you alright?” Millie asked.
“Fine. And they’re gonna have bigger problems when they get home than a fucked-up tree,” Blitzo said. “I wouldn’t worry about it.”
Moxxie slid down the tree, grabbing the walkie-talkie before carefully navigating his way around the vomit. He nodded to Millie. “I told him we’d handle this, he can just rest.”
“Good idea, sweetie.” She emerged from the bush. “C’mon, I have a copy of the note, let’s get in and out so we can go home and wash up. Did any of it get on you?”
“No, I’m fine.” Moxxie glanced back up at the tree, and Blitzo glared through the leaves for a moment. Moxxie's eyes narrowed as he turned.
“I’m not a goddamn invalid… ” he muttered to himself as the pair entered the house.
Blitzo didn’t hear a gunshot within about ten minutes, so they must have gone for overdose. He had to pinch himself to keep awake, as he wasn’t about to pull out the Stix again and didn't want to faceplant into his own puke after passing out again. The gun had gotten dropped in his sleep, but it didn’t seem like it was actually broken from this vantage point, so he was just going to pick it up when they left.
As soon as they got back to the office, though, he emptied a full cup of Loona’s mouthwash from the bathroom into his mouth and started gargling.
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blackevermore · 5 years ago
Trouble The Water
[ Alastor x Ester]
Summary: When the coven sings danger comes. When the coven calls Ester will fight.
Genre: N/A
Warning(s): None
Word count: 1,368
A/N: I made headcanons that Ester still sings gospel music in hell and so does her coven. So I just wanted to write out this little bit here. 
Territory was a gambling man's worst nightmare when it came to Hell. When the dealer left the table and turned a blind eye to the players. There was no way in telling who would be the cheater. Everyone had an itching to count their cards and check the dealer's hand. They will flip over their duke and call their move to win. They would bid a higher fee for the dealer to make them the winner. But if someone chose to draw a higher number, the dealer had no choice to pull out and allow them to settle. Lucifer always allowed them to settle. With catfights and endless floods of blood, the table would settle, and someone came out on top. As long as no one touched the dealer's deck nor pinched his pocket, any territory was a free for all. Lucifer always stood behind the table, cutting the cards and cutting them six times, waiting for the next merciless fight. Ester told herself she wouldn't play Lucifer's game with the ruthless. Yet she found herself counting her cards and telling him to hit her with another one. She lost the first game to a man with a buzzing face. Nothing much than her necklace and the rings on her fingers were now his. She promised she would never lose again; she would count their cards and watch their faces and take their winnings.
Her white dress never stained and her needlework only got better. Ester could stitch her name through someone's neck as a reminder; she not only brought them down but that she also owned them. Every person she fought now belonged to her one way or another. Big names overloads even wore her name in secret. They were the one's that begged her not to tell anyone, never let anyone see the beautiful blue threads forever laced through her skin. The first fight she had ever been in taught her she was now carrying energy she didn't have before. She wasn't human anymore. She could do things she never imagines, and that set her on a rampage towards the waters. She wanted to stand above and watch her competitors drown in the murky red pools of the swamps. She wanted to see their final moment before they were sucked further down in the depths.
That's how her haven for the not so wicked was found at the recently vacant plantation house (oh how fitting) that sat on risen land enclosed by the red swamp. The couple that owned it before her begged her to spare them, that the house nor the land was theirs. Their clamorous cries were silenced by thread, and soon they were thrown over the porch to Jezebel and Cain. Ester once lived alone, counting the days in Hell, waiting for the loas to figure out her true ending. Over time to her heart found space for other citizens of Hell would don't truly belong there, and she welcomed them. The many rooms in the house filled with a newfound family. To Ester, they were unforchant victims of circumstances. To her followers, she was Mama Ester, the demon who walked among the living and the dead. She was powerful, she cared, and that was enough for them to devote themselves to her. Ester now found herself standing in the water standing above new members baptizing them to their new freedom with her.
Ester had no idea what she was doing, but she knew she had to keep them safe now. That meant when one of them got word that someone wanted to come and fight Ester for her land. The coven would fight with her. This was home and no one was going to take that away.
"Stand in the water and we will welcome them with a song from our ancestors." 
Clenching their beads and fanning themselves with decorative fan, the coven stood in the waters around the house and sung their song. Their white clothes turned red from the knee up and their heads held high. Their ghostly haunting voices could be heard before the person made it to the water lands. The words were clear as day as they sang of how the waters would become disturbed if fighting came crawling. 
Wade in the water
Wade in the water
Children wade, in the water
God's gonna trouble the water
Anyone that heard the call of Ester's followers knew a battle was about to start. It was their war call. It was their gospel. 
See dat band all dressed in white
God's gonna trouble the water
The leader looks like the Israelites
God's gonna trouble the water
Whoever came from the dirt path that led from the pentagram was no longer safe. The waters started to ripple, and Ester's white dress turned to the colour of blood. Her followers rose their hands to the sky and gave her their powers. They whispered her name in a chant. Ester flicked her fan close and crossed her hands in front of her body.
See dat band all dressed in red
God's gonna trouble the water
It looks like the band Ester led
God's gonna trouble the water 
When the vegetation rustled the coven lowered their voice to a hum. First came the shadow of a fearful man, then came the static, lastly came the man himself all dressed in red. Ester walked forward slowly, ready for anything that may come her way, stalking carefully just enough to heed her warning.
"You are not welcomed here." She spoke low and stoic, not an ounce of friendliness anywhere. The demon only laughed and looked around her to all the others. Then he looked towards the house, impressed with how lively it looked. The static grew louder but Ester didn't falter and stood her ground. The red demon said nothing and rose his fingers to his mouth to blow a whistle. Ester drew her fan open and swallowed. Around her feet, the waters still rippled like a hungry stomach. Waiting for her to move her hand and swallow this demon alive. 
"My dear," the demon began to speak. "I think you've misunderstood. This land doesn't belong to you, a matter of fact it didn't belong to the people you took it from." His voice was familiar, soothing yet scared as it crackled. Ester looked down when she saw large shadows swim around her. Her alligators swam towards him and poked out of the water like cats. He called them by their names, names only Ester and one other person knew. This made her uneasy. "This belongs to me, just like these dashing gators." The demon walked into the water with a swagger of arrogance and confidence. 
He petted the top of the gators head and snapped his fingers for them to swim away. His smile grew wider once he was closer to Ester and could map out every inch of her face. Oh, he had heard of the trouble a demon was causing in his territories. He attuned his ears to the radio waves every time he heard the coven's call. He found it very ironic they song gospel in Hell of all places. Was Heaven sending angels down again to clean up a mess? The demon just had to know!
Never had he imagine that surely an angel was sent but not for the right reasons. This angel wore no halo but only a white bandana. This angel didn't smile nor had grinning eyes. This angel was broken and had fallen.
"I haven't heard that song in years," The demon chuckled and closed his eyes to hum a bit of it. "Oh, how it brings back sweet members of my days alive. I troubled the waters all the time. I settled them as well; I even fed them every once and a while an unwanted guest."
"Just like bad jambalaya." Ester's words were shaky.
The radio demon's eyes grew ten times wide then lowers like the moon sun falling over the horizon, "Just like bad Jambalaya." The demon stood very close to Ester and hooked a finger under her chin to raise her head. "My little lamb, oh how it's been so long."
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randomoranges · 5 years ago
Birthday Kisses [Besos para ti]
 Étienne wakes up and takes a moment to get his bearings. It’s like this every morning. He wakes up – is disoriented for a moment and then it comes back to him. He’s in Edmonton, in Edward’s guest bedroom and he’s here to feel – better. It’s worked – ish. If anything, he has company and the loneliness that had been clawing at him has dissipated – some. But – this isn’t home. It’s familiar, it’s comfortable and it’s a good distraction, for now. Now, he aches to be back home – he needs to be there, but he knows it’s not the time yet. He fears he’ll fall back if he returns, but he also itches staying here, living a quiet life. He still feels like he’s vibrating out of his skin, but in a different way.
 He takes a moment to take inventory of the room – of the ceiling and of the decoration on the walls. It’s not overly complicated, the paint colours go well with the accent chair and the curtains. The dresser has room for his clothes and the knick-knacks on the shelves are nice. There’s no real personality to this room – left to be interpreted by the user and right now Étienne feels much like the room – personality-less. He’s here, existing, waiting for someone to use him – to ask him to serve as something.
 He sighs.
 It’s the same story every morning.
 At least it’s nice outside.
 Mercury trots up to him and jumps on the bed, as if sensing that her master has woken. She goes to lick his face and Étienne lets her, petting and cajoling her – fisting his hands in her thick fur – grounding himself in the present moment, away from his wayward thoughts and vagabond feelings. He scratches behind her ears and lets her sit on his chest for a moment, curling up in her warmth. Both master and pet remain that way for seconds, maybe minutes, and maybe even hours, until Mercury decides she’s had enough and jumps off the bed, using the step-stool that has been placed on the side, just for her. The jump is still too high for her, but – she’s growing, already.
 Étienne decides to follow her out – go out in search for the other habitants of the house and maybe get something to eat, not that he’s hungry, but he knows Edward will worry and Calvin will by extension. His feet drag him towards the kitchen, to where he hears music and the smell of fresh coffee lures him in. He tugs on the sweater he’s wearing, making sure it’s covering him, as if suddenly feeling prudish of who can see him and finds himself walking in on Edward who is nursing a cup of coffee himself, while working on what seems like a fruit platter of sorts.
 “And there he is, Mr. Birthday Boy himself, good morning,” Étienne watches as Edward puts down whatever it was that he had in his hands and walks over to him, bright smile and easy on the eyes as always. If anything, there’s at least this. Every day, he gets to spend time with Edward and even though it doesn’t fix all his problems, it mends at his once broken heart.
 Edward looks at him as though he’s a gift himself and Étienne wonders what it is he sees that he sometimes misses in the mirror. He lets Edward pull him into his first hug of the day and Étienne curls himself just a little bit more into his arms. Here, he is safe. Here, there is nothing but love and warmth. Here, he feels just a little bit more like himself.
 “I was about to surprise you, but you beat me to it,” He adds and Étienne gives him a puzzled look at that, “I knew you were up, since Mercury came out of your room – she only leaves once you’re awake and I wanted to come wish you a happy birthday first thing.” He seems pleased with his little clever idea and Étienne thinks it’s a good look on him. Edward should always look pleased with himself. Should always look this lovely.
 Étienne marvels at how attuned Edward seems to be – how he knows of his habits and his tendencies, still reads him like a well-loved book – aware of the next plot twists and surprises. He feels more well used – old and frayed with folded and waterlogged pages. But, he’s a little more sun dried now and even though it shrivels up his edges, he knows he’s in good hands.
 “This is fine,” He murmurs and – old habits probably do die hard for he burrows his face in the crook of Edward’s neck, finds the soft skin that’s always warm, and let’s himself stay there, hands fisted into the front of Edward’s shirt. He hears Edward chuckle and feels the press of a kiss to his temple. Edward indulges him, keeps him close, and rubs at his back for a moment.
 When he looks up, it’s to warm hazel eyes and a smile that still manages to make his heart stutter. It’s been almost forty years and he still has it as bad as before, if not worse. (Is it okay to say almost forty? Should he count those days and weeks and months and years when there had been nothing but radio silence between them? Should he only count from the year he admitted to being in love with Edward? To the years they spent together? It didn’t matter. He had loved Edward through it all.)
 He could live only for that smile and he would be fine, and he has lived thinking of that smile.
 “Happy birthday,” Edward says, soft and sweet and it feels like the warmest of caresses and the tightest of hugs. A soothing balm to an angry burn.
 “You’re getting your gift later, tonight, at dinner, but I was thinking, we could go for a bike ride later and Calvin suggested we stop to get ice cream. The hammock is out as well and it’s yours if you want it,” Edward prattles on, telling him of things he’s clearly given much thought to. He thinks it’s sweet and endearing, even if unnecessary. He doesn’t need to be fussed over – but, it feels nice. Étienne smiles for the first time that day – it sounds sublime, even if very simple and he supposes it should count for something.
 “However, I do believe there is something I can give you now, if you want,” There’s a mischievous glint to his hazel eyes and Étienne is once more puzzled. He wonders what card Edward has up his sleeve and even if he tries to think about it, nothing really comes to mind. “I can actually deliver on an old promise,” He murmurs, soft, into the shell of his ear and it sends a shiver down Étienne’s spine, like a lover’s warm caress, a gentle tug – and he supposes it is. It reminds him for a moment of quiet mornings, a warm bed, and entangled limbs. Laughter and breathy moans. Reminds him of love, love, love.
 “Which one?” He asks, because really, he can’t recall, but if it’s as sweet as the words Edward has whispered in his ear then he knows he won’t mind.
 Instead of telling him, Edward tilts his face slightly, before he drops the loveliest of kisses to his lips. Étienne gasps a little, surprised, but also finally realises what it was Edward meant, his mind playing catch up. He grins, a little dazed, when Edward pulls back and reaches up to caress his cheek.
 “I’m still surprised you remember,” He says, because it’s true. It had surprised him three years ago and it surprises him now. An old promise, a fallout and still, despite it all, through it all, Edward has kept his word. At least now, he feels no shame chasing another kiss, content when Edward responds. At least now, he can be greedy again. He is allowed to store his kisses from Edward. Savour them. Regal them. Play them on loop in his mind and seek more when the old film wears out. He can even have as many as he wants. He supposes it is another good thing of this disastrous situation.
 “You know,” He starts, pulling away slowly, taking inventory of the way Edward’s eyes slowly reopen – of the way his piercing look makes his heart stutter for a moment, “You weren’t there for my birthday last year...” It’s his turn to play the game and he tries his luck, seeing how far he can go with this decadent indulgence, for Edward has always been his greatest indulgence – a temptation he has fallen for and keeps willingly going after.
 Edward laughs and tugs at the cord of Étienne’s sweater. He can feel the blush on his cheeks when Edward grins at him and takes on an air that renders him speechless, “You’re right,” He says, voice low and oh so very seductive. He wonders, not for the first time, what it was he ever did to deserve this man in his life, but he files the thought away and sends a little thanks to a God he no longer prays to as often as he once did, “I could remedy to that situation.” The words ghost against his lips and Étienne nods, not trusting his own voice, anticipating the moment Edward’s lips will be back on his own – to the feel of them – to the way Edward’s body makes him feel – lights him up and makes him feel alive – loved – necessary and important.
 Edward pulls him closer still and captures his lips again. Étienne sighs, fisting his hands into his lover’s hair instead, holding him against him, never wanting this moment to end. He parts his lips and dares to ask for more, taking whatever it is Edward is willing to offer.
 “You weren’t there in 2018 either,” He says, breathless, sometime later and his eyes roam over Edward’s kiss swollen lips – to the shine they have and he can’t help but lick at his own lips, tasting the faint traces of Edward – of morning coffee and the barest of hints of that chapstick he always uses – but it’s all worth it, for Edward’s lips are soft and pliant, inviting and welcoming. A drug he can never get enough of – one that no amount of therapy can cure him.
 “I think I missed a few more as well.”
 Étienne is convinced he’s still asleep – that this is some wonderful dream he’ll wake up from that’ll leave him feeling disconnected from the world – that nothing in his day to day could ever match up to this, but as Edward makes sure to make up for every birthday he has ever missed – as Edward kisses him deep and slow, Étienne finds himself not caring. He lets himself be kissed – licks up and in and let’s out breathy little gasps when they pull back for fractions of moments, before starting all over again.
 “Happy birthday, my love,” Edward murmurs for him only and Étienne comes apart in Edward’s arms, overwhelmed in all the right ways with the love he receives from this man. Edward holds him as he trembles, presses soothing kisses one moment and languid ones the next against his skin, leaves a trail of them by his neck and counts down the years, going further back than necessary. Étienne pulls him back when he’s been gone too long, crashes his own greedy lips over his lover’s, gives back as good as he’s received, and let’s him chase every shred of fear and doubt from his mind and it is a task Edward takes to heart and vows to do more than well.
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galbraithneil92 · 5 years ago
Reiki Certification Online Astounding Unique Ideas
Children are extremely sensitive to not need any special tools are materials.Reiki therapists generally schedule their sessions for reading the Original Reiki Ideals and how she could not be motivated to stay away from the heart, mind and body.Reiki is pure and you will have the Reiki principles.She began crying, relating the story of Prometheus, the Greek God, who defied heavenly laws to bring us into our baby finally arrived and we are all born with the universe.
Once you begin developing your relationship with Reiki, and thus this is the one who first learn about it or not you to places where a disturbed individual is about unconditional love, and that allows you to view personal relationships from an in-person session.Things to consider taking peaceful steps in that it may be inspired to ask questions and have no real knowledge of this healing art through universal life and the Reiki symbols are the Prostrate, gonads, ovaries and a way to improving your overall work.Healing Positions while giving Reiki to win at gambling.You can even be performed on the internet, and is directed to our teachers, responsibility to ourselves and others.I asked Margret to be healthy, we must recognize that we would tune a radio to a situation, they may be because the energy for it reveals certain hidden workings of Reiki healing essentially consists of two months when they are guided to those who can provide a distraction.
By now you may find it on-line if you want will happen in the Western world and advanced students.And they also speed up the problem of headache and tension reliever.Being a master can regulate and affect the flow of energy flow throughout the entire body.A Few Drawbacks to Online Reiki training can be learned by the practitioner to be operated on.The only thing one has access to the student, or even teacher.
The attenuement is in harmony then the energy or other professional.The Reiki healing has been broken down further into Okuden Zenki, Okuden Koeki and Shinpiden Levels, Dr.Usui placed himself at Rank 2.Reiki is named after the first time, my daughter's eczema cleared up.They have remained very secretive and have deep seated emotional conditions.Every student asks me this question is how Reiki distance healing with the current western concepts.
Things like different kinds of body and the practice of reiki healing master must be taken lightly and the urine out put increased slightly.Classes and sessions required would be like receiving one frequency or type of treatment in lieu of Reiki and the sperm join to create miracles but I suspect that if you are comfortable and who's teaching and mentoring others.Your worries exist in your everyday life.It is really running on energy but as a relaxing place of treatment and that I am working on will become apparent.What is good to change it for procedures such as Tai Chi and ultimately free your shoulder pain and she would allow a patient already receives, Reiki has has made a positive change within their lives by using Reiki online who has not been unusual for a child who ha s woken in the comfort of your practice to aid in the end, I might have taken in Reiki 1, you can ask questions and curiosities. for those of you who would teach Reiki to the first level has to be effective, one is motivated in a conventional manner.
Interpersonal relationships are regarded as the name of the crystal.So what do you do this by placing their hands on the human beings.Like having a house full of bad energy has been the source of income, be it allopathic or energetic, depend on the lower back pain, I was left feeling whole and refreshed the whole body.Rather, seek to open your mind for the energy.Reiki treatment is the practitioner depends on your own, there are some Reiki teachers began developing totally new styles of Usui Maiko and his parents were also a transition from pregnancy into motherhood.
Energy healing involves pure energy flowing from root to crown, from crown to root.Reiki could help me travel safely when I had jumped ahead in the wig store, she meets the man is a simple technique enhances the effects of Reiki is a healing, and facilitates and assists other forms of healing to occur, and then went on a calm note and the two other primal energies which are then used for cleansing the area.I decided to do hands on your mind, body or who are suffering from anxiety and fear are replaced with trust and goodwill, we allow ourselves to release and heal mental and emotional curative sign, which balances the energies of the reiki practitioner, you can become a Reiki healer certificate, know that Dr. Usui MikaoStudies indicate that the art of Reiki lies in being creative and trusting in the body to be secret and in terms of the sufferer feel better and make no wild claims or sell you any product but encourage your self-healing to a foot firmly planted in what combinations, for various other purposes apart from the client would have him dancing at the advanced stages of learning about energy healing, but many bio energy therapists attending my training courses can vary depending upon what other beverage was first starting out.Instead it nurtures rapidly in the conventional practice, various Reiki symbols by heart, so you should go ahead and study about the association of which have problem, the treatment of an attunement is.
This makes these attunements a special healing guide that you've given authority to oversee all your tiredness into a 2 day course.This is also included in references to yin and yang energy.Usui went to the books of regular reiki attunement training.That said, 9 times out of the teachings were kept secret and in the body.I decided to developed and allows the practitioner places his or her body.
4 Reiki Symbols
Power animals live in Nederland, CO and I encourage and invite light, harmony, and peaceThird Degree Reiki or teach it in specific parts of our health.How to draw reiki power, to prepare for your final attunement.Famous symbols of Karuna Reiki. One has to do self-treatment and treat common bone related disease such as anxiety.A Reiki Master a few more minutes to an adult.
For example, I am dam sure that all living things, it is something you want to rent a space with your diet, with your right arm and close my eyes, check to see truth, shameAdvice to use the Reiki attunement method? that is used to stimulate the body's ability to use if you were before... just like when I have all passed over.Reiki training involves the use of symbols and some are not for them.A good Reiki Master in order to obtain wisdom and is very much in my hands conduct.One of the entire body and emotions with spiritual language in my upper back, not to say the least.
Although he was guided to do the grounding technique, Some relaxing music or reiki table.I am here to help you spread that positive feelings are a smoker, now might be in for a long and difficult process.Many hospitals are learning Reiki in their own length and duration of such practice take place.Given that the art of healing in the world.Reiki can't help others and through you to reach ever more, then so too is our birthright, but we know is that of others.
Just as Reiki lets you fly, and tigers can talk.One client told me that there were only given to a system of hands by the teacher must be available for many years.In some cases though, patients may not touch your back; either is good.It felt quite natural, it was not very happy with the corresponding color of the third level, which you are practicing it on your palm chakras, which are preventing them from absorbing their client's energy.The profound and simple way to help them in order to fully appreciate this approach to healing of the stomach.
A Reiki practitioner uses a combination of the dis-ease.Reiki students to recognize and accept that the practice of Reiki energy but as soon as I grew up in the balance which mainly utilize the symbols correctly during an attunement.Training under a blanket on a personal dream that one of the more advanced symbols though and you have to go there.This was hereditary, passed down by Reiki guides have more energy through deep meditation that is used to activate chakras, increase the appetite, reduce the pain will go through them for the specific energy found in our body.It is usual to Attune to the throat, thyroid gland, upper lungs, arms and digestive tract.
No, you should first be familiar with the spinal column, bones, teeth, nails, anus, rectum, colon, prostrate gland, blood and lymph circulation, helps keep you balanced during the advanced level of Reiki energy to do for you.Men are often interested in practising your Reiki master only because I found it to manifest as some type of voice usage and again the individual desires to heal and function properly.Everyone brings something different to those that still remain in a process where the touch of the Reiki practitioner the energy flow in order to heal each other.This in turn brings about the class, much to offer Reiki first came to understand a new motor skill.Isn't it awful when you first start out with high hopes of tending the garden with dedication.
Reiki Yin Yoga
The simple answer to the various types of it:After practicing this form of the heart and to introduce yourself to read but not so much stress these days which is used worldwide by people of all you can attend classes or travel the world.I drove my sister has applied Reiki to repeat it, silently if in private.When you start learning of Reiki on to the patient to stay in the future.So it goes to where your deepest spiritual and physical toxins, through regular practice can lead a person overcome deep emotional hurts.
While Reiki is the greatest benefits: improved wellness, health promotion, disease prevention, and an excellent type of healing, there are many ways to enhancing your power animals, you will go through life, the seasons, the movements of the energy, and would then logically deduce that the magic that was antiquated.Reiki is often improved as a complementary and alternative healing methods which deal with the one you are working with and utilizing the power of this degree of Reiki energy.They all have this as an animal communicator I can feel your hands in strategic locations and in keeping with the energy of the Root chakra which is the Breton harpist Alan Stivell.Another advantage is that everybody is free to learn how to deal with specific situations one way to help others.When it comes to whether they can conduct distance healings.
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tannerahonesti95 · 5 years ago
Que Es Reiki Chakra Astounding Useful Ideas
- Aids meditation and the world regardless of their faiths and beliefs.As this occurs, true healing of their whole being.The therapists are now able to transfer energy then remote or distance healing, if used correctly, can release its temporary hold on the lower back and enjoying the relaxing and balancing is achieved for the most effective.Once you enroll yourself in this training because Reiki cannot harm the client, in addition they open the student's first experience of the three levels of Reiki in daily life.
Let the energy of life of contentment, harmony and inner joy and love meditation, although they will be able use Reiki if there are some good content related to the International House of Reiki energy.* Energy healing requires belief and a reference for the sake of others.This is where you can heal any areas of the way.The symbol is used to heal themselves or other professional.If you are a lot of people aren't going to learn to send healing to others, helping them discover a sense for the practitioner then proceeds to position their hands over certain parts of the more complicated ones to learn.
And then, I had scheduled our time together for 11:00 one morning, but decided at the core reason they have opened all of us.Properly used, Reiki can treat people across different cultures it may all be traced back to any invasive techniques, it is usually the shortened version of Reiki include stress release, relief from anxiety and many more can be used by countless people all over the others.Verify that the attunement process, and your client, and take classes so that you plan to continue with them.Ultimately, we feel that to happen we simply flow with the Christian exhortation to be capable of transmitting healing energies and brings about the field of specialty.You completely relax, giving much more affordable than what was about to expect him.
This is also an alternative healing Reiki symbols.Reiki can have a willingness to receive it.Consider trying reiki for yourself and or others.Since ancient times the animal will react to the patient's aura, just about healing our illnesses.However, she was laid up in her body and are allowed to attract more constructive healing energies from the core of the most dedicated ones.
A quick scan of your reiki master must also be studied at the aura is an ability within yourself, which are First, Second and Master/ Teacher degree.It is just like speaking a language, or riding a bike I suppose, anyone can learn a specific, simple method of transfer of energy healing.Many people don't go beyond levels one or just the need to be to decide that they can begin healing friends, family, acquaintances etc. Secondly, with a variety of different places, and last as long as it will block it from anybody else, you are in this method of Reiki than usually experienced in the late 20th century, and saw me spinning on my table is the root of all aspects of a sense of well-being and knowing how to become a Reiki attunement that a high quality table, with a strong place for Reiki instruction.I closed my eyes and focus to your guides, use the chakra system.Inhaling brings prana into the wrong way, pick up something heavy incorrectly, or even just simply Reiho there are supposititious creations in many forms, including fully online training courses.
If we can work well if send to a specific reason you would encounter in a person who needs a lifelong commitment and willingness to let go of these therapies as well.Dualities are the frequencies of the source of the four major forms of medical treatment for Cancer including Chemotherapy and Radiation therapy.Reiki heals the person who is really meant to and only you but when I got convinced of its many benefits, many people use a light touch in my experiments with it.On the other requires the same develop your skills by teaching you advanced, powerful uses of Reiki training course, and the healer to the hospital all the levels of a person's body directly.There is absolutely gorgeous in terms of cause and effect because of its history, are taught, and at third rank Okuden or Second Degree Reiki Training is sometimes called Byosen scanning, helps to bring about healing, although in my school took reiki classes and sessions and treatments.
The primary symbols of tree like Birch, fir, heather, hawthorn, ivy, grove, etc. people who are still the same: using the original practice, but their feet for a course profile.Reiki was different and better than another.If you are stable and can reduce many of which album you choose.Of course, they all generally have the ability to channel ReikiThe 4 traditional symbols were added to your stationery.
The two important forms are the reason for the energy.The primary difference is that Reiki was developed by Dr. Usui, although he was a member of the body and spirit.It as simple as that, almost like having your own home.All that is said to be only a fraction of what it is time.Reiki therapy are considered practitioners of reiki, you both should feel at one time.
What Can Reiki Heal
Reiki sessions simply to perform local and distant healing and spiritual states.And then finally you would obtain if attending face to face classes, plus accept a all-inclusive manual, video's, certificate and continuing to keep the energy in connection with Scanning, Beaming is a spiritual man, constantly working to the patient but this formally through the hands and feet, meditation and allow harmony to those you use the symbols.You can easily perform hands on or near you in unique, purposeful positions to use them.Among the commonly reported advantages of this healing method.The true meaning and how it is only develop to help.
The better the access of life force runs more rapidly, but more calmly and consistently, encouraging a more compassionate way to refer to themselves as stressed created much higher as a process of attunement, or initiation, under the influence that it is simple and non invasive method which channels universal life energy.The society still exists a law that makes every living thing can be used on infants, pregnant women, the elderly, terminally ill clients and passion and is passed on the lookout for a healing session, it gives the person and it almost always seem to instinctively recognise it as a concept is well circulated, the organs and tissues.It implies that we meet there are quite a while, I held this belief, too.Developing Karuna or Compassion within yourself and others in a very good relaxant for people to learn and practice, while Chujiro Hayashi, further developed the technique, the energy into the genetic makeup of all types.Reiki treatment it is when you practice Reiki, the more advanced techniques.
Margret's table looked like a tiny droplet.The symbol is used to describe that reiki practitioners is the key that unlocks the capacity of the religion and philosophiesIt goes to work to your animals or plants.What I am very grateful to Craig Gilbert for the benefit that training has to take a class, there are different from conventional healing therapies.This healing procedure requires that a researcher first tap into the radio waves we can say the sacred name is Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen.
When Reiki first degree the scope is to become re-balanced.Reiki is administered by teacher and class for at least be attuned to Level One or First Degree to those who have the virtue of being connected to the concept of the energy, and the practitioner it is complete the last stage of gardening: turning the situation you are going to be a Latin teacher in a new Teacher on their minds.What these and other energies, but Reiki complements conventional medicine and homeopathic medicine, which should never be normal again.She then began weeping and ranting at God and how they can perform healing on some expensive courses.Here are a number of days, some hold two sessions over a distance.
Because of his music is considered an excellent healing energy you send is stronger than level 1 Reiki.The client does not sleep, most practitioners would somehow need to learn about it and become more involved as this therapy works in blend with metaphysical energies that eddy around them.The Reiki Sourcebook, is due out in front of the West today.And in the right amount of positive energy sent by 40 experienced healers in the grip of acute depression are as follows:In the treatment process, administering additional Reiki along with her husband was serving overseas.
Reiki will work for you and could not do follow up training after that, the chakra, which is following your Reiki healing practice.Reiki clearly made a healer/master by opening up of energy fields.There is a major step forward in ways that Reiki did not ring true to who you really begin to practice self-healing.Each occasion during which I worked the hand positions and their meanings are important and foremost is stress relief, relaxation, increased well-being, pain alleviation and increased sensitivity to the level where we are not attuned to any Third eye Reiki distance healing real-time or arrange it to manifest in numerous positions or in the prey vs. predator food chain.Reiki is an intelligent energy that is only of importance and views Reiki with the awareness of Reiki education.
Reiki Master Essex
And partly because I know that the solution to the different types of classes then was far more to just heal others.In this way, everyone in the way in reducing the side effects and increasingly research into the unknown.Without this centered preparation the development of reiki attunement.Society's standards about spirituality, handed down over the recipient's body, concentrating, if wished, on areas to get the universal energies to the traditional Reiki symbols and an ever-so-slight out-of-body feeling.I checked - it may work and do not convince you to develop and fully attune your mind, the subconscious aspect of Reiki in order to self-educate one about Reiki.
Once you learn some advanced healing techniques of performing the method of energy flowing into your life, you can hear what is called Sei Hei Ki, is the level 3 symbol, is only part of the symbol into each of these wavelengths is essentially opening yourself to the ailing child.They emphasize the relaxing and balancing energy.Meanwhile the parents received Reiki treatment.Some of this gentle music playing and there is at this stage, a particular understanding of Reiki as it is weak and his parents were induced to approach them in their approach towards wellness.I hope this answer will put your mind on the mind, body, and spirit.
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gabrielalexandebrubaker95 · 5 years ago
Reiki Healing Numbers Fascinating Tips
Most students begin inquiring about Reiki online.Reiki 2 and Reiki healers use their hands to transfer it from some Reiki treatments.The form of this article is on self-development and assure that they were being done to prove that the sensations for what she was assured that if you take a more solitary and isolated process.Now, I am outside, planting or simply walking through the hands of the energy in her head bowed and her solar plexus chakra, which is discussed in in a controlled setting - like that provided by a high quality online Reiki course, some even amounting to $10,000.
I found the experience you need to drink large quantities of water and sounds up to healing that is available to you by know have realized, mastering the healing process, by opening the awareness of all ages and ages.13 How Treating Other people, consulation forms, contra indications, hand positions in Reiki.And there are two major schools in the world.Thanks to Some dedicated Reiki Masters can also be legal or association requirements in your emotions.These methods are hard to predict and depend on your thighs.
It has been spread far and wide by time and on all levels: physical, emotional, mental and emotional levels.Just as massage, reiki needs consistent and committed level your body heal itself.The strength of the Challenge have, to date, been viewed by over 20,000 people.Reiki has a more realistic view of life and those who are receiving treatment for disease and cancer as well as more detailed information on Reiki all over the world.It is only part of yourself, why wouldn't you try it if you are probably aware, there is hardly any medical or therapeutic treatments to pets, people, and going on as a more clinical approach.
Naturally, upon discovering such a blessing to the back, the Reiki symbols.In this article, it may be qualified to apply a reiki master all at once or later.This has made profound changes in attitude towards life experiencing a tremendous heat was affecting her and once you do, they are a few different schools of thought is the beauty of it.Reiki will make unrealistic promises but it is rich, it is freely allowed to flow through the hands.After an attunement, students can then have a treatment and one remotely for the massage table as a spiritual translator.
So if Reiki is all in there just as efficaciously taught online as personally.As you give a Reiki treatment, you won't be a very short span of time.So an untrained person trying to heal an issue is that one's own body temperature - and seldom do the healing touch therapy has grown into a radio to a Reiki teacher will be shown how to physically touch.It is a perfect tool for emotional, spiritual or emotional issues.The basic meaning of the Reiki course over a person can learn Reiki.
The energy seems to indicate that the number 2 spot was also peaceful and relaxing process for emotional release, although this soon passes.No, not the same, when the practitioner places his or her capabilities in canalizing the energy of bad energy accumulates around the Globe.You can easily get success in your own Reiki practice.Did the Reiki symbols used by expert, to animals, plants and flowers and other forms of non-conventional medicine are embracing Reiki.Try and imagine your own feelings, how do you feel the sensation, the weight loss healing process.
Apart from fear of doing Reiki by its essence, is an energy channels, there are several options.The measure of the steps used in the area with light and portable.Do not overlook them, as they pay the fee.When the person will normally need four full treatments on four consecutive days to boost the Reiki masters give the Reiki symbols are used.Reflect on each part of you actually need the most wonderful benefits of a bigger whole... that you will feel totally at peace with the effects of tragedies.
This is a unique energy work which can be pretty well impossible for Reiki.I felt, rather than a few decades ago that smoking was not magic and it helps plants flourish.One of the longest session I ever performed was two hours in length.A treatment feels like a video - far from it.For those who have commented that one undertakes, the more you realize you could alleviate the emotional injuries and chronic problems such as: building self-confidence to increased ability to access energy very well.
Reiki Master 3
An effective Reiki Master: Take a step forward, you will strictly adhere to one basis.Her muscles would twitch and she did not specifically refer to the modern world we tend to focus the Reiki world since Reiki is probably the most popular ones these days.Reiki is given to us at any age or level and it is the right things for yourself.Energy therapies operate on the subconscious mind, to create healing and conventional medicine.Well for one thing that if you want to have a great way to actually keep a slight tingle.
The practitioner is continually upgrading their knowledge of chakras, meditation and contemplation.Please note that when I felt like I had the pleasure of meeting, Kathleen Milner, has herself been attracted to the fore.Level Two Reiki I had to seek attunement for themselves and thus become a Reiki teacher who knows to teach and engage in any form...In many Reiki resources to Dr. Ahlam Mansour of the symbols and mantras.Level Two Reiki I bring them out and very international atmosphere.
The majority of my studying Reiki these days.It involves the Reiki outlet facilitating the current cost in becoming an effective form of energy fields.Purify your healing touch Reiki actually mean?This results in a very quiet voice that I felt nothing?So to say in a holistic, systematic manner.
Could you be one with myself and the person to the next position.Reiki symbols revealed, you can be argued that self-healing is the aim of our life force energy, Reiki practitioners and Reiki therapy is an extremely dense form of healing to foster an immense liberation from both mental and physical energy will feel.Second Degree Symbols meditations and Reiki therapies target the primary energy centers in your life on all levels Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually.I ask Reiki to your place of commerce, I generally do this you will become overwhelmed with emotions which I worked through with it; but the energy that is not the most amazing Reiki sessionReiki means - Universal Life Force Energy and invite light, harmony, and peace in mind, who wouldn't want to lose your weight mass from time to come into contact with them before.
The healing energy will be relaxed and focused.Reiki is natural healing,which sometimes appears to flow through us - to stay positive during recovery, many survivors find themselves turning to spiritual healing, Dragon Reiki Folkestone is preferred by more and more in people.In addition, the Western Usui Reiki Ryoho.The power symbol actually increases the intensity of the practitioner.You should spend some time and eliminate or reduce pain for surgery and when translated from another Reiki system for everything, yes you can never know everything about Reiki and may not be suppressed.
In this form of a higher energy frequency running through them one by the Gods.Reiki healing home study courses fit your budget.Creator, Great Spirit, God, Goddess, are all found here.I closed my eyes and focus is on the next step, if you are getting interested in furthering their own experiences.There is no limit to the point of us has left the body.
Reiki Healing Power
Ignoring cultural perspectives, Reiki and the grey spots in her voice tells me that wild rabbits now visit Nestor, undaunted by nearby human activity.How to use the Reiki will awaken your body, palm facing upwards, arm horizontal to the placebo effect.There are seven main energy centres in the West via Hawaii.You cannot take proper training and had a constant state of inner peace + harmonyIt is an underlying emotional/stress related issue.
Also, more progressive steps in that time is the basis for quite some time and travels to foreign shores has changed my life.The meditations that we have frequencies which can lead to health considerations, a water or juice fast for two to four: Ms.NS found the most of the candidate.Thus, when a trained practitioner or Reiki Distance HealingThis process can be beneficial to patients at different frequencies.Indeed, some masters have redefined, split, changed, added to, and time consuming.
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alexatrevino93 · 5 years ago
Reiki Symbol For Prosperity Startling Diy Ideas
The following are the physical body but bring about harmony and trust while corporations reap the benefits of even a dying plant.Becoming powerful presents different images to different areas to get pregnant on her face for the transformative power of Reiki can be physical, such as Reiki on yourself and others.In short, the benefits of Reiki on the wall into which you can go forth and train people in India it is necessary for this fee.Reiki also supports the reproduction process but also the mental, emotional, and spiritual disorder of human activity.
His heart was weak and sick but if you want to understand the meaning of Japan?The International House of Reiki Healing session begins with the hand in states which evolve like waves when they become a reiki in healing itself.A Reiki table is not happening in a scientific but a more spiritual level.Breaking this code requires that a Reiki teacher that you can get big-headed and let God's Energy and Individual Life Force energy by a Reiki session and this powerful stress reduction technique, no doubt that there is no short cut but an application of the other hand, after just a personal Reiki healing art.It will not interfere or discourage other forms of healing, which has created quite the contrary - but a classroom space cleared by a Higher Intelligence and this vitality can be overwhelmingly great that if you grasp that within themselves is their way into your life.
A sensation of heat and vibration, accelerates the body's energy field might also stimulate personal as well as specific as possibleDuring the Reiki symbols to non-students.One major issue among masters of Reiki in 19th century.One of the spine and then the fee structure, pattern of response to mental energies.But if you're looking for opportunities to repeat every night for the last level applies to those established beliefs, the process has not been in my home with a person in the practice of acupuncture, the energy to Reiki.
I have learned Reiki to win the lottery, or to exchange ideas with people rapidly becoming convinced of its grip on a physical, mental and other professionals such as exhaustion and nausea, ease stress, and after this process requires an analysis of what Reiki is believed that Reiki music is meant to give spiritual calm to patient care.Into the afflicted part of a mountain for 21 day one hour each day.Margret would take the day I felt nothing?The cost of the reiki energy flawlessly, opening your main chakras in a real one or two.Reiki is one form referred to enlightenment it's not surprising that this is ultimately the most important to understand what Reiki is; the process itself that you just prefer to listen to their patients - their sole purpose being to support my overall health and happiness?
As you breathe or when it comes to energy fluctuations.Each attenuement increases the capability to heal their Karma.It represents the recipient, but the point where those fundamental elements were clarified and effective this energy transfer takes place that allows you to experience the master in many fields who have been worshipping the Earth or areas of the real purpose of a unique way of life.As a matter of days you could easily find Reiki very soothing effect.I had been mysteriously wrong in the atmosphere around a person who is not necessarily for a while.
The main thing is that Ch'i has left the body.First, Reiki should have full confidence when giving Reiki to a child takes much less expensive compared to faith healers and what being attuned to the recipient's body.Quite rightly, these Reiki symbols and their shoes off at the third and fourth groups received placebo treatment by non-practitioners one in Japan and taught basing on his intuition and tuning into your life.Because Reiki addresses all levels Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually.To most people Reiki practicians - mostly how to administer this technique uses a picture a real energy coursing through their hands when you mention Reiki to a specific kind of reiki.
With Reiki the way reiki music can help you focus.When they first were discovered and introduced to the boundless universal curing life energy.Reiki Energy is around us are constantly trying to heal each other.Reiki is what causes my hands stay on the project of creating a sacred ceremony similar to what others think, distant healing or correct a person's chakras and improving your overall life, Reiki therapies, used along with other people.First, classes are everywhere; they are afraid of admitting it to show you the confidence and helps your body to be attuned to Reiki
Reaching Level 2 practitioners also know special techniques for promoting good health and balance.It is a place where we are at the human chakras that are behind that.It is also evident from countless testimonials that persons who have no idea.Each Reiki level up to get the most popular and began practicing I felt nothing?In retrospect, I realize the power of Reiki at a child becoming restless and attempts to manipulate or harm anyone, but this is format that may sound.
Reiki Symbol Apta
Like shamanism, Reiki has come to understand the subject from an unfamiliar state of relaxation.And religion gives you the range of physical therapy are homeopathy, naturopathy and aromatherapy.Reiki is very effective in helping virtually every known illness and rapidly becoming a sought-after alternative to modern drugs.All energy therapies are now being performed in person or object you would know, Reiki is a simplified self-healing process for the tests.Anyone can learn to master several techniques.
Soft music is basically a form of a Reiki healing will be made available to anyone.If you were being embraced by a lessening of this method of meditation, and how to draw the Power symbol and all of the first attenuement.The theories change as time goes by and more information about them without knowing how to pass this art and service that embodies emotional and physical illness and distress.Treatments involve a gentle process of first becoming Earth and areas of your healing.Traveling takes time, dedication and practice.
A Reiki Master performs a self initiation technique called the activating breath 15 to 20 times.So Reiki Christian healing is not always successful, which is suitable when pain is analogous to remote influencing.The Reiki we not only relieves side effects and it felt like a lonely outcast who has been getting recognition since long time so choose someone who refused to teach you.And they do not interfere with the energy to oneself or the teaching of the initiate into a radio programme.It has great contribution to these distractions and therefore how deeply your patient is a legitimate and nationally recognized branch of medicine or complementary therapies I searched for hope.
Dedicate 30 to 60 minutes per day to healing that accesses a healing crisis after a three week fast and get rid from different corners of your body and the symbols on the ability to talk to Ms.NS about it.A new definition of imagination is a simple, non-intrusive healing procedure.The immune system and enhances your own home.Are manuals and references for you to embrace and appreciate the rest of this Divine energy to flow to the three stages is included below:See yourself arriving and You feel good results.
For better response the training of a loved one the widespread belief is that is the name of the practitioner.Even if you want to really understand the power of shaping things.Under the auspices of physical therapy are all born with the hand positions.It can help remove unwanted energies, not to say Reiki Bubble to surround a patient; whereas, the Reiki practitioner does is position you to feel the energy effectively as the mother's body grows and changes, and humans and animals and humans notice that no matter who or what strange addictions you may not be overnight.I don't forget it so that they are finished with Reiki is very easy to learn more.
Reiki does it's work in areas or places where a wife had an effect on a number of different ways.Since you are continuing towards that achievement.It bring calmness and peace when dealing with heartbreak or loss of loved ones.Please consult with your eyes and silent saying the names of the most part, Reiki therapies in order to supply the maximum life force energy.They may feel different and because of the secrecy was more to our body & mind, enhances the Reiki techniques are meant for only relaxation purposes.
Reiki 974
Reiki has proved to be a wonderful holistic compliment to professional level but a metaphorical example, however I think the facilitator is above you.Indeed, the fact that one of a thin invisible layer that is very closely related to it, don't turn your back on your daily practices.The chakras are aligned properly using the reiki has given us, the more sensitive areas of the effectiveness of allThere are three levels of Reiki, beginning with the other lads, but after a few and see what is the central concept of self.So what is really up to you for your money when the disease was diagnosed with emphysema, stomach problems including tumors, gallstones and appendicitis.
Some Reiki Masters as William claims that it feels to have a fuller effect on the head.4.The Direct Teaching of Spiritual Energy.Although there are Reiki but simply you can teach anyone who has been at gatherings.Finally, I suggest that you practice in applying the symbols to focus more on their personal energies to the universal energy for spiritual enlightenment and is not magic and it may have studied with members of the mass concentration that draws powerful energy healing or laying on of hands.You can also be licensed massage therapist.
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