#whatsapp funny puzzles
adi-barda · 2 months
Chapter 4 - Gemini API Developer Competition - Fighting game & Android Export
As planned, I spent the last days on adding fighting game capability to the engine and Android exporting feature. The fighting game has much more details in the puzzle for the AI agent to cope with. There are complex animations for the player and for the opponent, they need to constantly look at each other, you need to be able to demo their kick, punch, block animations, the player needs to be able to move in 3D space etc. Overall I'm very pleased with the results so far. The user can speak freely enough with the AI, get instant results and funny reactions. What's more, I've been able to add Android exporting of the game and automatically open it in Android studio. It was challenging because the Java code worked different on PC and on the mobile device specifically handling of Zip files and all kind of Gradle dependency hell. ChatGPT was on my side all the way, assisting me to resolve configuration issues and coding problems such as selecting the best Zip 3rd party library.
This video clip, demonstrates the current status of the project. It shows a complete story from the user perspective - you have a conversation with the AI, a game is created and finally you export it to Android studio for deployment in Google play store or any other market place.
What's next
Better and shorter presentation
Prepare the installation of all the components as well as SceneMax3D dev studio
Get feedback from the community
Prepare documentation for the architectural strategies, entities diagram etc.
So far I'm getting very good vibes from the game dev. community, and friends on various WhatsApp groups.
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3ntrylevel · 4 months
On Friendships and Friendship Breakups
At first I’d say that life is like a revolving door of people and relationships, though I don’t think that would be a proper metaphor for it. Revolving doors are doors, they’re entrance and exits, a space that solely exists for that purpose. A person, people in general, and thus life, does not exist for the purpose of entrance and exits. It exists as a thing that will continue, a stable object, whatever your definition of object might be. By that I mean whether the stable object be in the physical (body) sense or the metaphysical (soul) sense.
A universal truth that can be acknowledged out of someone’s life is that it sometimes does act as an entrance and exit for others. It’s a truth that we can’t escape or erase. Humans are social creatures, it’s proven time and time again that humans cannot exist without the existence of other humans. In that sense, maybe it could be acknowledged that life itself is other people. If we follow Sartre’s train of thought, of “L’enfer, c’est les autres” or “Hell is other people,” then the equation becomes life → other people → hell, or much simply, life → hell.
But that’s quite a somber thought, one that I ought to not indulge in this piece. I guarantee that there are other who may be able to do so, but I reckon that it’s not me. Instead, I want to talk about les autres, about other people, I want to talk about friendship and friends.
This piece was inspired by the recent friendship breakup that I went through, although “breakup” implies that both sides agreed to the circumstances. It was not. It was a purely one sided attempt of a “breakup.” I joked to my friend that I have already reached the phase of acceptance in the five stages of grief, but as we all know, grief itself is not a linear process. Some pieces of me are still stuck in it. Intellectualising it is my way of processing.
Regardless, I’d like to tell the stories of my own friendship breakups. In the twenty plus years I’ve lived, I can say that there have been three instances where it happened.
In high school, I was in an odd position in the social hierarchy. I wouldn’t call myself an outsider, but I wouldn’t say I was “in” either. I was somewhere in between, limping between the highs and lows of high school friendships. Either way, there was a girl that I was close to. Sometimes, I had the thought that our friendship felt like forcing together two pieces of puzzle that weren’t meant for each other. But maybe it was due to the circumstances—we were two odd pieces that didn’t match the set—so we started to orbit each other.
There were instances that we would butt heads and that I thought, “Oh our friendship isn’t healthy.” But we remained friends through it all. That’s just the woes of a teen going through high school and puberty. On the second year of university, it felt as if our friendship was getting more strained. Though, I thought that was normal. I went to one in a different country, and so did she. Maybe it was just the adjustment or busyness of adapting to a foreign place. That was my reasoning.
Then, she blocked me from all of my accounts. I couldn’t send her a line message, a WhatsApp, or even an Instagram DM. It happened all of a sudden. Coincidentally, it was also the same time as the height of COVID. I was isolated, in a foreign country, and the people who were physically around me acted as if I didn’t exist. (I soon found out the reason for this, it still leaves me bitter.)
I asked a mutual friend of the both of us to ask why she did it, she answered to my friend that it was because “I felt like our friendship is drifting apart, so it’s better to cut things off when it’s all still good.” Bullshit, right?
That was my first ever friendship breakup. It was a slow realisation that, “Oh, she doesn’t want anything to do with me anymore,” that I only found out because at the time I meticulously checked Instagram to see what my friends were doing since I couldn’t see them.
Oh, a funny thing though, I found out that her boyfriend (? I don’t know if they’re still together) still followed me a couple months after she sent that message to my friend. I knew that she had access to his account. So maybe she was still curious enough to know how I’ve been doing. Maybe not. I thought I was over it a year after, though it might also be because a lot of changes happened to my life shortly after.
But recently, I’ve been dreaming about her again. It’s funny, the dreams always begin with me chasing her down and asking her why she did that. They always ends up with us laughing like we used to in high school. It’s been three years since she blocked me.
The second time, it’s a little harder to talk about. Because I still feel guilty over it. There wasn’t some big fight that resulted in the end of our friendship. I didn’t feel like we were two pieces of a puzzle that didn’t fit together. No, nothing like that. Maybe we should start at the beginning.
It was the fault of circumstances again. I was in a bad place, mentally, and she needed someone to be there for her. I wanted to be needed, and she made me feel like I was. That I was good enough for someone to hang out with, to go out with, to eat dinner and go to places with. The year before, I was abandoned by half of my friends. It was easy to see why we both fit together very well.
Then, I started noticing the cracks between our similarities. Like the cracks on the paints of a wall. Sometimes, you can’t just help chipping away at it. I asked myself why I always felt so bad after I hung out with her, why I felt so… inferior to her.
At the end of the day, it was neither her nor mine’s fault. We were just again, two pieces of a puzzle brought together by the thread called circumstance. Maybe out of necessity. She asked me why I haven’t been speaking to her and why I removed her from my “finsta.” I’ve been using the excuse that I was busy with my thesis. Maybe I’ve been looking for an excuse to not say anything and just let our friendship die out. Maybe I acted like my friend did in my first friendship breakup.
I decided to write a long message that I can’t seem to remember anymore. Then I blocked her. I don’t know if she read it. Then I unblocked her again and sent another long message. Then I blocked her again. Maybe I was a coward and didn’t want to see the consequences of my own actions.
During my graduation ceremony, she smiled and waved at me, I was in a hurry but I remembered smiling and waving to her back.
I met a mutual friend of ours a few months ago, they told me that she asked about me. Just simply, how I was doing. I didn’t know if I made the right decision back then, I still don’t, and I don’t think I ever will know. I don’t ever regret being friends with her, and I know someplace in my heart still yearns to be with her. But maybe, in another life, we would still be at her house getting ready to go to bars and talking about boys. Not in this one. What a shame.
The last and third one is probably the one that hurts the most. Because I’m still reeling over it. For the last two friendship breakups, I remember that I’ve cried maybe once or twice after it happened. This one, I cried for two days straight because of it. Even writing it down still makes me feel emotional.
I’m going to start at the beginning. I don’t exactly remember how and when we became best friends. I just knew that at the time I really looked up at them, and I was so proud to become one of their best friends. We were both passionate about academia, we both were spiritual and collected tarot cards, I felt like we were mirroring each other in almost every single way. In the few ways that I’ve looked up to them, they’ve also told me that they do too. Especially in regards to how I look at life. I’ve never felt more comfortable with a person than I did with them, and I was so grateful that they even thought about me as a friend.
This one was a slow tumble towards a deep dark hole. The thing with them is that when they love someone romantically, they love them hard. I’ve never had a problem with it, I’m just glad that they always had someone to love them romantically. Because I knew that to them, being in a relationship is a very big deal.
But then, they moved far away. It wasn’t just a twenty minute walk anymore, or a five minute car ride that their ex would take me on to head to their house. At first it was fine, they would randomly call me and I would be happy to spend some time with them. We would text each other the most mundane things and it was all well and I was happy.
Then, they started being busier. Which at first, I had no problems with. They were achieving their dreams, getting a master’s degree, they had a lot of responsibilities on their shoulders that I couldn’t even imagine. Replies were getting slower, a couple hours, a couple days. Then, they got into a relationship. I was lucky if I got a reply in the same week.
The straw that broke the camel’s back was when they told me they were coming back to our home country. Coincidentally, it was during my birthday too. We talked over the dates and what we wanted to do. By “we,” I meant I was asking questions and they responded, slowly.
Time went on. A few days before our scheduled meet-up, I texted them. They replied a few days later saying that they got too busy with their thesis. I told them it was fine, and that we can reschedule. Then I got dengue fever, and they asked about me a little bit. After I recovered, I told them that even though I was discharged from the hospital I still need to rest, and that we probably couldn’t meet up. After a few days of silence, I got angry and called two of my best friends if I was an asshole for feeling so. One of them said that they were in Bali spending time with their new partner. They were right.
I was devastated. I felt like I was being ignored, like I was replaced. Then I felt stupid, because I knew what type of person they were like when they were in love. On that same day, after the call, they messaged me apologising that they were a bad friend and that they were extending their stay so we would have more chances to meet up. I said “It’s okay,” and “I forgive you.” They responded to me a week later.
Then, a week after they last texted me, they suddenly called me, asking if I could come over and accompany them while they’re doing their thesis. They lived in a different city, but I didn’t care, I wanted to meet them. It would probably be the only chance I could meet them this year. I couldn’t go because of a few circumstances but I messaged them asking if we could reschedule again. They messaged me three days later saying, “sorry I already left the next day.”
At first, I wanted to write a message to her before I blocked them. A big fuck you. Saying “you say that to me after you’ve apologised for being a bad friend. did you really think I would be that understanding?” or just a “you’re a shitty friend. fuck you. don’t contact me again.” But a conversation with a friend, and based on my own previous grievances, made me realise that the biggest fuck you would just be to leave them in complete silence. Not receiving any sort of closure. So I did. It’s the first friendship breakup where I felt like I was completely satisfied with my decision. I already thought that our friendship couldn’t be mended to begin with, after all that. I should give myself space to be selfish too.
I doubt that these experiences would be the last time I would ever have a friendship breakup, but so far, those were the ones that I’ve experienced. A slow realisation that another person might not care about you the same way you do, that crumbling loneliness you feel, and pondering over whether or not you’ve made all the right decisions.
It’s a part of life, a cycle, a revolving door, a uroboros. Whatever metaphor you’d like to put it as.
But, even through all this I still don’t believe in Sartre’s words. I don’t think hell is other people. I (oftentimes) don’t regret the decision I make. I don’t regret letting these people in my life, even if we were merely tied together due to circumstances. Everything that has happened is still a part of me. I still dream about my first friend, when I do my makeup I’m reminded of my second friend, and when I listen to Mitski I remember my third friend. Sometimes, I would think, “oh, I should message [first friend],” or “I should get this for [second friend],” and then be hit with the thought that that’s not possible anymore.
There’s no real way of processing the emotions that you have after a friendship breakup, but being hurt over it is a real and completely valid thing to feel. It doesn’t matter if you were “just friends,” it happened and it hurts. It’s saying goodbye or being said goodbye to by a person you shared a lot of your life with. That grief still exists within you.
But the grief that you feel shouldn’t be the only thing you’re feeling as you process your emotions. Weren’t there some parts that were good? Didn’t you have a fun time? Didn’t you laugh and cry and smile together? Sometimes, things are just not meant to be. Right person wrong time, or the opposite, or some remix of the phrase. That’s all true too.
What’s important is that being friends with someone doesn’t make you weak, it doesn’t make you stupid. Putting your walls down and letting someone into your life is probably the bravest thing a person could do. Breakups and goodbyes and farewells are just an inevitable part of your life. Cycles, uroboros.
I wrote this piece to process all the emotions that I felt during those periods of my times, but I also just wanted to say that hell is not other people. If it is, then maybe you’re meeting the wrong people. Because even through all the pain that I went through from those friendships and their endings, I still believe that other people are capable of good. Maybe it’s just circumstances. Maybe it was just time.
But I never regret the friendships I make. With that, I don’t regret the breakups I have to face either. Life is about being brave, being reckless, maybe a bit stupid. If making friends was a crime then I’d probably be jailed for life.
But it wouldn’t stop me. Not then, not now, not ever. Go and make some friends.
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ecogami · 1 year
Poo emoji papercraft sculpture, printable 3D puzzle, papercraft Pdf template to make your poo paper sculpture by EcogamiShop
7.00 EUR
Make your own papercraft poo emoji with our printable PDF pattern! It’s easy! Just follow the instructions & you will be proud of your WhatsApp 3D poo. Isn’t it a funny & unique sculpture for your décor or even a gift for a geek friend? Don’t be afraid, I assembled the sculpture so everybody can do it! You will just need time & precision. Put your music on & enjoy the assemblage! (For me it is a perfect way to relax). «««««« HOW DOES IT WORK? »»»»»» ► Download the ZIP file with the PDF template & the instructions in English. ► Print the template. The paper must be thick (between 200 & 300 GSM). ► Check you have the following tools: scissors, a ruler, white paper glue & a tool to fold the paper. ► Follow the instructions: cut the parts, fold & glue them. It is easy, all the parts of the pattern are identified with edge numbers for easy assembly (just match the numbers). ► Once finished, you can customize the sculpture. The customization options are infinite! «««««« TECHNICALS DETAILS »»»»»» ► Difficulty Level: Easy – Few small parts which require more precision but nothing very complicated. ► 3D paper sculpture: Papercraft poop emoticon ► Approximately size: 20 cm / 8 in (height – wide - deep) ► Use thick paper: A4 or A3 (in the States, the equivalent A4 is Letter - & A3 is Tabloid) ► A3 template (PDF): 5 Sheets - 40 Parts ► A4 template (PDF): 10 Sheets - 40 Parts You are hesitant, not sure which one of our models you like the most; visit our website EcogamiShop.com to see them all.
from Etsy Shop for EcogamiShop https://ift.tt/OoDIBg2
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karix · 2 years
Conversational Design For Whatsapp
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According to research from Gartner, around 70% of the global workforce will have interactions with a conversational system on a daily basis by 2022.
As a designer of such a conversational platform, you must think of it as putting a puzzle together. You must consider the technological limitations of your platform and craft what you want users to do within the space.
Bit by bit, use-case by use-case, you put the puzzle together with the end goal of creating conversations that feel natural, user-friendly, and intuitive.
In this article, we will discuss briefly how you can best use the tools available to you within the WhatsApp  Business API to bring the conversation design to life.
1. Understanding your business requirements and audience
The most important step in designing a great conversational flow is defining a clear problem statement that the bot is intended to solve.
For example – “I need to design an automated customer support bot for my online shoe store.”
Once you have identified the overall problem statement, you should start to fill in the details by asking questions like
What channels are customers currently using for support queries?
What is the percentage of calls/emails/chat that customers currently use?
What are the most common complaints?
How are we generating leads currently?
How well is our website/social media working for conversions?
2. Building a bot persona (researching your buyer)
To create the persona that the bot will communicate as, you must undertake comprehensive research to understand the practical details of what your customers really want. You should go to internet forums, app store reviews, the comments section on your social media and your reviews to understand what language your customers are using and what their questions are.
If you are already using a CRM, you need to know what the average turnaround time is for currently resolving tickets. How many customer agents do you currently have, and when are they active? Once you collate this information, you can start creating a bot persona.
For example, if you are a fitness brand your average customer might be young, financially independent individuals. To cater to them, your brand persona should be that of a young, enthusiastic fitness guru rather than an old, world-weary advisor.
Use this persona to role-play conversations with your customers. You will see that there is a lot of different conversational situations that could come up and the bot must be able to deal with emotions, technical jargon, and even separate languages. It should be able to speak to the angriest and the shyest customer and guide them towards a conversion.
3. Picking the right words (affirmations, ice breakers, sign off phrases)
To keep the conversation flowing and natural, it is important that you pick the right words and phrases to move the user along their journey.
Broadly speaking, your bot persona will fall into one of these three categories
Formal (Professional, minimalistic, and helpful tone)
Casual (Friendly and helpful)
Quirky (Energetic, funny, and niche-specific)
Conversations are inherently very contextual, so consider these as guidelines and not strict rules when you are designing your bot. Let us consider a few use-cases.
1. Acknowledgement of user query
Formal response – “Definitely / Understood” Casual response – “Happy to help / Glad you asked!” Quirky response – “Gotcha / Sure thing”
2. After user information has been collected
Formal response – “Noted / Thank You” Casual response – “Perfect / All set!” Quirky response – “Okay cool / Mission accomplished”
3. When you want to collect information, engage the user and move the conversation along
Formal response – “Before we begin / Next step” Casual response – “We’re almost there / Just one more step” Quirky response – “I’d like to know you better”
4. Asking the user to wait
Formal response – “Give me a minute / One moment” Casual response – “Hang on… / Hold up a second” Quirky response – “Stay right here / On it, boss”
5. Ending the conversation
Formal response – “Happy to have helped / Is there anything else I can help with?” Casual response – “I’ll be here if you need me / You know where to find me if you need help” Quirky response – “Toodles / Twas a pleasure helping you!”
4. Choosing the right elements (QR/Buttons/Carousels/Location picker etc.)
Depending on the context and where you are in the conversation, you might pick a textual or a graphical response such as images or buttons.
Let us take a look at some of the elements you can use while designing your conversation.
1. Quick Replies
These are tappable buttons that the user can use to reply instead of typing out a whole sentence or phrase. These are extremely common and should be used to lead the user into the next phase of the conversation.
For example, for your online shoe store, you might have quick replies like “Browse Products” or “Why do I need special running shoes?”
2. Away messages
Away messages can be used to convey that you are busy or currently out of office. You can set your business hours within the WhatsApp Business API and choose to send the messages either all the time, or outside of your specified business hours.
3. Greeting messages
These are used when a user first initiates a conversation with you. These need to be representative of the vibe you want to project as a brand (business-casual/ friendly/ quirky).
To give the user an optimal experience, make sure these greetings match the overall tone you are going for and convey wit and personality.
4. List Messages
Text-only messages can devolve into a wall of text if you are using them to convey a long list of options. This is where List Messages come in to provide a quick and easy bridge for customers to move to the next step of their journey.
List messages can be used in situations where you want to present the user with several options, such as
They need to book an appointment
They need to choose specific seats for an event they are attending
Menu options depending on user input
They need to locate the closest outlet or store
5. FAQs
Adding the most commonly asked questions to your bot is a great way to ensure that most people will have their questions answered without needing to involve an actual customer service agent.
Make sure that all of the FAQ sections move the user forward naturally in the conversation. If a particular answer is too lengthy, consider creating a video or image that can convey a majority of the information.
Always begin with the end in mind and prioritize the most common use cases. Once you have your brand persona set, you should begin testing and mapping out different variations of user journeys with the bot. By testing the bot in distinct scenarios, you will be able to iron out edge cases and roadblocks.
Designing an intuitive conversational flow can mean the difference between a massively successful campaign and a mediocre one. To learn more about building memorable user experiences with WhatsApp, make sure you bookmark our blog  karix.com/blog and visit regularly!
For more details click on karix.com
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tanlakarix · 2 years
Conversational Design for WhatsApp — WhatsApp for business- Karix
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According to research from Gartner, around 70% of the global workforce will have interactions with a conversational system daily by 2022.
As a designer of such a conversational platform, you must think of it as putting a puzzle together. You must consider the technological limitations of your platform and craft WhatsApp want users to do within the space.
Bit by bit, use-case by use-case, you put the puzzle together with the end goal of creating conversations that feel natural, user-friendly, and intuitive.
In this article, we will discuss briefly how you can best use the tools available to you within the WhatsApp API to bring the conversation design to life.
Understanding your business requirements and audience
The most important step in designing a great conversational flow is defining a clear problem statement that the bot is intended to solve.
For example — “I need to design an automated customer support bot for my online shoe store.”
Once you have identified the overall problem statement, you should start to fill in the details by asking questions like
What channels are customers currently using for support queries?
What percentage of calls/emails/chat customers currently use?
What are the most common complaints?
How are we generating leads currently?
How well is our website/social media working for conversions?
Building a bot persona (researching your buyer)
To create the persona that the bot will communicate as you must undertake comprehensive research to understand the practical details of what your customers really want. You should go to internet forums, app store reviews, the comments section on your social media, and your reviews to understand what language your customers are using and what their questions are.
If you are already using a CRM, you need to know what the average turnaround time is for currently resolving tickets. How many customer agents do you currently have, and when are they active? Once you collate this information, you can start creating a bot persona.
For example, if you are a fitness brand your average customer might be young, financially independent individuals. To cater to them, your brand persona should be that of a young, enthusiastic fitness guru rather than an old, world-weary advisor.
Use this persona to role-play conversations with your customers. You will see that there is a lot of different conversational situations that could come up and the bot must be able to deal with emotions, technical jargon, and even separate languages. It should be able to speak to the angriest and the shyest customer and guide them toward a conversion.
Picking the right words (affirmations, ice breakers, sign-off phrases)
To keep the conversation flowing and natural, it is important that you pick the right words and phrases to move the user along their journey.
Broadly speaking, your bot persona will fall into one of these three categories
Formal (Professional, minimalistic, and helpful tone)
Casual (Friendly and helpful)
Quirky (Energetic, funny, and niche-specific)
Conversations are inherently very contextual, so consider these as guidelines and not strict rules when you are designing your bot. Let us consider a few use cases.
Quick Replies
These are tappable buttons that the user can use to reply instead of typing out a whole sentence or phrase. These are extremely common and should be used to lead the user into the next phase of the conversation.
For example, for your online shoe store, you might have quick replies like “Browse Products” or “Why do I need special running shoes?”
Away messages
Away messages can be used to convey that you are busy or currently out of the office. You can set your business hours within the WhatsApp Business API and choose to send the messages either all the time or outside of your specified business hours.
Greeting messages
These are used when a user first initiates a conversation with you. These need to be representative of the vibe you want to project as a brand (business-casual/ friendly/ quirky).
To give the user an optimal experience, make sure these greetings match the overall tone you are going for and convey wit and personality.
List Messages
Text-only messages can devolve into a wall of text if you are using them to convey a long list of options. This is where List Messages come in to provide a quick and easy bridge for customers to move to the next step of their journey.
List messages can be used in situations where you want to present the user with several options, such as
They need to book an appointment
They need to choose specific seats for an event they are attending
Menu options depending on user input
They need to locate the closest outlet or store
Adding the most asked questions to your bot is a great way to ensure that most people will have their questions answered without needing to involve an actual customer service agent.
Make sure that all the FAQ sections move the user forward naturally in the conversation. If a particular answer is too lengthy, consider creating a video or image that can convey most of the information.
Always begin with the end in mind and prioritize the most common use cases. Once you have your brand persona set, you should begin testing and mapping out different variations of user journeys with the bot. By testing the bot in distinct scenarios, you will be able to iron out edge cases and roadblocks.
Designing an intuitive conversational flow can mean the difference between a massively successful campaign and a mediocre one. To learn more about building memorable user experiences with WhatsApp, make sure you bookmark our blog and visit regularly!
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nessa010863 · 2 years
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Are you a “NERD” On this Christmas Day someone stranger sent me WhatsApp message asking me to be a #Friends ? I replied politely, do know my age! I’m #59Years old Here reply… “Are You a NERD..”???!!! I had not felt great 👍 but was confused 😐 as I can’t recall that I had came across such comments “Nerd” Once I had searched the word, found full of intellectual 🧐 worthiness to share beforehand #HappyNewYear2023 #Nerd 1. You like books more than you like people 2. You take great joy in questioning everything 3. Chemistry jokes are endlessly funny to you 4. You’re very particular about the TV shows you watch  5. You secretly love reading your World History textbook 6. The smell of bookstores is figuratively (not literally) heaven 7. You always Google the lyrics to songs 8. You find SAT vocab questions very entertaining 9. Incorrect grammar usage irks you 10. You love unconventional games and logic puzzles Explore more: 🧩 https://www.admitsee.com/blog/10-signs-youre-secretly-a-nerd Learn and earn locally and internationally inbox 📥 WhatsApp or email 📧 Shah Hadi Pioneer of #DigiDynamicsWorldwde Whatsspp: +44(0)7590733388 E-mail: [email protected] (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmoS-SADwnW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bestmessage · 2 years
Crossword Puzzle Day Messages and Quotes
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Remind your family and friends about this fun day which reminds us all to solve a crossword puzzle game with some funny crossword puzzle quotes. Send across your wishes on this special day with Crossword Puzzle Day jokes and puzzle quotes. Here is the collection of the most fun Crossword Puzzle Day messages to share with everyone around you. With such delightful puzzle quotes and greetings, wish everyone on Facebook, WhatsApp.
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lailababar · 2 years
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I was maid of honor and kind of sort of loved my toast 🙈
Beenish is a household name in my family, when I visit pakistan and we drive by gulberg, her old house, Shahzad (our driver) will say ‘baji beenish kaisi hain?’, how is beenish? when my sister Sassi is talking to me about her friends she’ll say ‘haan lails she’s like beenish to me’. when there’s a lull in my conversation with my mom she’ll ask ‘aur beenie ki sunao’ tell em about beenie, if there’s a brown woman on tv talking about international relations my dad will send a link in our WhatsApp saying ‘I thought it was beenish’ because in my house it is already accepted, that beenish is kufi anan, she is the un and she is the present and future of Pakistani women changing the world.
All this is to say that I’ve known beenish almost as long as I’ve known myself. And I’ve never seen her happier or more content. I was going over our old WhatsApp conversations and she had asked me, a few years back, ‘can I let myself fall deeply for him?‘, I had known then what I’m sure beenie always knew, it was less of a question and more of a confession. Never have two people been more made for each other, more in sync, they fit like two puzzle pieces, like the right sides of a powerful magnet, and it gives me so much joy to see them together, and to see their families together. Alistair is brilliant, he is funny, he is kind, he is smart, and most importantly his love for beenish is worn on his sleeve, you need only to look at them to know just how right they are for each other and how much love is shared between them. He makes her smile wider, her eyes shine brighter, he makes her unconditionally happy and understood, and for all this and more I cannot be happier to see them together.
Love is a tricky feeling to pin down, it is what makes this world worth while, it makes the hard days easy, and it makes the easy days phenomenal,it means you always have a friend, a support, a cheerleader, it means you never have to be lonely even when you are alone. It means there is someone who sees the best in you even at your worst and it helps you be the best you can possibly be. Love is what brings us all here and it is what binds these two families, across these two cultures, languages, countries and continents together. Love may be tricky to pin down, but it’s pretty easy to see it is what is abundant between beenish and Alistair.
So here’s to a love of a lifetime, beenish and alistair, May you always be this happy and may you fall deeper in love everyday❤️
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hindifunnyjokes · 3 years
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funnyjoke-in-blog · 6 years
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Aisa Konsa Pakshi Hai Jiske Sir Par Pair Hote Hai ?
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srkidsfun · 3 years
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paneerlajwanti · 3 years
how do u relate or share with ahaana and ashok?
dude do you know i wrote this answer on a google doc. on my college account. and forgot about it. and i would be like that person on tumblr asked me a question about ahaana and ashok and i got personal about it and their profile photo was bisexual and was it barnesbitch or something and thought that i lost it in tumblr drafts or something
and today i was clearing out google docs and saw this lying there im so sorry lol
also as i pasted and edited this answer, i realized that i went completely off track. so what i will do is paste that answer and then actually answer the question, so as to getting the context of where the characters stem from
so uh this answer is going to be a long one if you dont mind,, i relate to both ahaana and ashok on very different levels, to be honest.
ahaana was the first character i ever created. like all of it originated with her first. the story in my head has come along way since 28th september 2017,, but the core values, the main foundation to what makes their characters them stays strong. i initially began to project my inner feels, ideas and ambitions onto Ahaana. she was all that i cannot be and what i wanted to.
no offense to my lover boy,, ashok,, and none will be taken, but for the longest time all that i thought for him, and he was just like yeah he loves ahaana. she loves him too. he is a kind, creative, funny dumbass.
but as i headcannoned for 2 years in my head and in the whatsapp chats of one friend, just the one,, at a very high speed hehe,, i worked on his personality,, or more like added tiny pieces to his puzzle that kinda gives me an idea of how he would be. i had a frend and still do where i would discuss in great detail timelines of their story, their family trees, their personalities, their habits, everything about them
sometimes regret my stupidity because they had potential and i actually created so much about them and they were on the whatsapp chats of a friend. not on paper, not on my computer, nowhere except my head and it's fuzzy memory cycle
i wasnt confident to ever put them on paper (or document), they would usually remain in my brain or in those whatsapp chats and since my dumbass peaks, i lost three years worth of whatsapp chats when i got the new phone,, lol sadness to that,,
i still i wouldnt say ahaana and ashok complete each other, because thats not how things work. they complement each other to become the best versions of themselves.
i relate to ahaana and ashok on a very personal level. i projected my unfiltered and confused emotions onto them. ahaana's core personality and values originate from something that i wanted to implement in my life (during a time was shitty). she was everything that i would've wanted to be and the projection is high on this one.
ahaana made the best of what life threw at her. she didn't let her grudges influence the way she dealt with people and life. she excelled at what she put her mind to. she found solace by channelizing her energy into something that brought joy to the world and to herself. she is a fucking badass and she has my heart.
i did not make the best of what opportunities were given to me. i held grudges and let that entirely affect my life. i didn't put my mind to things, i did not obviously excel. but i did find solace by channelizing my energy into something that brought joy. (oop)
ashok is me. like 100%. completely periodt. like everything basically all of it. sarvasva.
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ryttu3k · 3 years
I want to have them all on Tumblr, so. Here are my reaction posts, in order, for Resolution of the Daleks and season 12, part 1!
Resolution of the Daleks
Thoughts on Doctor Who - Resolution! Spoilers, obviously!
Okay, negative first, just to get it out of the way. Doctor Who, I really appreciate that you consistently have queer minor characters and queer couples. Just super casual and all, as it should be. Now can you please stop killing off half of said couples? Angstrom's wife, Frankie, now this young guy? It's really not cool.
Don't think the voiceover worked. I feel the prologue would have worked better with just visuals.
Again, Yaz didn't have much to do. The Doctor got a ton of action, Ryan and Graham both had significant interactions with Aaron, Yaz was... just kind of there. I'm hoping that when the show comes back in a year, now that Ryan has largely dealt with his issues, Yaz will get more attention?
UNIT was killed by Brexit?! Fuckin' rude!
Okay, on to the positive!
The Dalek was, frankly, fucking scary. Despite knowing that the Doctor would beat it, obviously, it caused huge swathes of damage and racked up a... rather high body count. Like it felt like a proper threat. Also, its ability to stop the TARDIS tracking it and stuff. Lin's terror felt extremely genuine and it was just nice and horrific overall, like - if it wasn't for the Doctor, it would feel like a genuine threat to the entire Earth.
(Also, it shut down the wifi. On New Years Day. What a monster!)
Oh man that Dalek laughter. Creepy as fuck. The Doctor dragging it in via hologram to dare it to laugh in her face? Fucking iconic.
"I've learned to think like a Dalek." Oof.
Doctor vs Dalek. Not just the physical aspect, but the mental part - the Doctor recognising the seriousness of it, but also having that element of cockiness ("Oh, mate") because, frankly, she's dealt with bigger threats. She's right when she points out that the biggest problem will be if regular humans try to engage it!
Elements of Dark!Doctor when she asks the team - almost desperately - if she gave it enough chances, if she was nice enough. Because the Doctor can get fucking scary around Daleks and she knows it. She's nice. She's friendly. But she's also the Doctor, and the Doctor has done some really damn questionable things to stop the Daleks, and she knows that. Fantastically done and I still desperately want some proper Dark!Doctor.
Really liked the parallels between the Doctor using scrap to make her sonic screwdriver, vs the Dalek using scrap to make its armour. The Doctor makes a tool, the Dalek makes items of war. Of course, well, the Doctor is probably more dangerous just with a swiss army sonic than a Dalek blaster...
I love how the whole, "Dads are complicated... so I've heard" bit could refer to either the loom thing or the Doctor having actual parents or the Doctor being a shitty dad themself XD
Graham was so excited to show off the TARDIS! Like he's just going, "How cool is this?!"
There were some legitimately funny moments! Graham's chair, "I suppose... we'll have to have a... conversation?", "Junkyard chic"... UNIT was killed by Brexit like that's so awful but. But in a kind of funny way.
Okay, now the unsure. Ryan, Graham, and Aaron. Ryan and Graham have sorted out their issues - but Aaron is still such a big overshadowing part of it that it's a bit of a shock when he comes back in. As someone with a similarly shit biological father, I was completely empathising with Ryan in the coffee shop conversation. And I do understand why they wanted reconciliation, so they showed Aaron as acknowledging his bullshit and Ryan ultimately choosing to forgive and save him.
But it's just... not that easy. It's not all going to be perfect just because they stopped a Dalek together. Aaron's neglect hurt Ryan really badly, and it just felt... too easy? Like it helped that Aaron was genuinely contrite, and that he had that good stepfather talk with Graham, but just... yeah, not sure how I feel about it, honestly.
The Doctor's first words to him being, "You weren't at Grace's funeral. Ryan waited for you, you let him down" were so, so good. Like the Doctor is just going "fuck you I'm his father now". Like tbh I think she was 100% prepared to yeet him off the TARDIS and be done with it. Like damn don't emotionally hurt one of her crew.
Some wonderfully savage lines, though. The Doctor's, "You're almost making up for your parenting deficit!"; Aaron and Ryan's, "Is that how you talk to your dad?" "I don't know, he's not been around"; Graham's fucking smirk when Ryan pointedly calls him 'Gramps'.
I did see a suggestion that would have made it much better - instead of the Dalek capturing Aaron, it captures Ryan. First, it ups the threat in the mind of the Doctor and Team TARDIS - this isn't some dickhead, this is one of them. And instead, it's Aaron who reaches out to Ryan, Aaron who risks his life, Aaron who has to come through for Ryan, instead of the other way around. Also would have tied in beautifully with, "Family isn't about DNA, or a name. It's about what you do, and you haven't done enough."
Also, 'srs tech skillz'. With a Z. Doctor why.
In conclusion, I am going to fight Nigel Farage for killing UNIT.
Spyfall part 1
Current response to Doctor Who: making a near-literal SDKFJHGSDASDKFH sound, grabbing a cushion, nearly throWING THE CUSHION.
More intelligent commentary when my brain comes back online.
Okay. Am calm. Am good! We're good.
MAJOR SPOILERS for Doctor Who: Spyfall, part 1!
So yeah I actually literally screamed (kind of... scream-laugh-holy-shit-yes). Like, even before Dhawan finished speaking the, "Or should I say spy... Master?" line because of the way he had said 'spymaster' in full in the line before and there's nothing that grabs my brain like that one word in that one context. It wasn't quite as mindblowing as the Utopia reveal, since, let's face it, it's only been a season since we last saw that magnificant arsehole, but still.
(Actually, since I didn't watch Twelve's run, the last time I saw them was exactly a decade ago in The End of Time, broadcast New Years Day 2010. And I still fucking cry over, "Get out of the way." So. That may have been why I literally screamed lmao)
I mean. It's the Master. I can't not. They're my favourite jerk. This is probably slightly concerning.
Anyway. Comments!
The good
Episode was just flat-out exciting. It reminded me both of the Three and Ten eras, a bit? Fun gadgets, fancy suits, and what ends up being a giant game! Did start wondering when they were talking about spies and codes and stuff. It's basically a puzzle that's been set up for the Doctor to solve. Plus, the way she was pretty much enlisted into it! Thirteen and Dhawan!Master might end up having a more Pertwee-Delgado-esque dynamic, maybe? I would be down for that!
(My introductory episode to the Master was The Mind of Evil. Let's just put it that way XD)
"I'm her best enemy." <3
I mean, in retrospect, isolated house full of high-tech stuff and a wall full of books about the Doctor... oh honey. Long, looong game of playing Spies and Conspiracies just for, apparently, the sheer funsies of it. Oh, honey. They're such a disaster and I love them.
The reveal scene, Jodie's acting. The way she just... freezes and hunches in on herself. She's been hiding her past more than other Doctors have in the past, and suddenly, here is her past!! Right here!! Laughing and joking and right there in front of her! And she's just like, "Ohhh shit, I was not ready to have this conversation again..."
Yasmin and Ryan's dynamic. I do like that they split up the usual combos of Thirteen-Yasmin and Graham-Ryan for once, because I do like seeing the way they play off each other! It makes them feel more cohesive as a group. I liked Ryan trying to comfort Yasmin after her experience.
Post-reveal, I'm now wondering if the weird zappy forest thing is the Master's TARDIS? Something to do with changing and processing DNA into something else? Something based around neurons, with the electric travelling system? Am also wondering what happened to Yasmin while in there, since she seemed to be processed in some way, and I'm wondering if she had part of her DNA rewritten as well - or maybe if she's been replaced entirely, like she's currently piloting an alien version of her own body while her actual self is still in there. They did already do that with Flesh!Amy, though.
Once this arc is over, I think Thirteen is definitely going to have to sit down and tell the Fam who the hell she actually is. Graham is having some serious questions, and the Master was definitely egging that on, pre-reveal.
How much do I love that even in a tux, the Doctor still has the culottes and boots? A lot, that is how much. Also, how much do I love the Doctor in a suit and on a motorbike? A lot, that is how much.
"I've had an upgrade." <3
Thirteen playing Snap. It's okay, Thirteen, you still win my heart <3
"Worst! Uber! Ever!!"
"Kisses!" Yes, we know ;) They've been texting! Someone write me a WhatsApp chat fic with plenty of subtext and double meaning, I require it. Also, memes. You know it's true. The Master isn't a Time Lord, they're a Meme Lord.
"Everything you think you know is a lie." Season hook? :o
The hmm
Main concern is how they're handling the Master's characterisation? Last we saw, they were so ready to jump the Doctor ship. Now it's back to games. Kind of wondering if that means the Master is just at the point of being resigned that they and the Doctor just don't work and so is going back to games because at least it makes them happy, but I'm happy to wait until next week to see how things play out!
Did see a suggestion that this is the Master from one of the alternate universes (or at least that seems to be the general consensus on why there were multiple maps), so not actually necessarily the same version as Missy. Alternatively, this could actually be a pre-Missy version! Maybe between Simm!Master and Missy, since we never actually see that regeneration?
Actually, if this is the one immediately before Missy and this two-parter ends with the Master regenerating and we actually do get Thirteen and Missy together on screen I may cry.
(Like I'm aro-ace and agender but I'm still so gay for both of them. There is no word other for this emotion other than 'I'm gay'.)
I kind of wish someone had double-checked the name of the company because VOR running the world is. Is. "Right now, VOR is more powerful than most nations." Just. *pinches bridge of nose* Like okay you know how we say 'oh yeah just google it' 'yeah I googled it' are they really gonna say 'yeah I just VO
'I'm going to V
I can't say it. I can't.
Apparently the Australia scenes were filmed in South Africa. Kind of assumed it wasn't really Australia as soon as I saw actually greenery in the background h e h.
Highkey wish I could have seen Missy and Thirteen together. Dhawan!Master is very fun so far but. Missy and Thirteen. See comment above about the Master's characterisation!
...ABC are you really going to keep to Thursday night broadcasts even after the UK switches their Sunday nights / our Monday mornings? Well that's a good way to guarantee I'll be watching them online first! I was happy to wait twelve hours or so so I could watch it with Mum, but like hell I'm going to wait three and a half days!
In conclusion, am dead, send help, is it Monday morning yet?
Spyfall part 2
Thoughts on Doctor Who: Spyfall, part 2!
Oh man I'm hyped. We got a teeny teaser to the Timeless Child way back last decade but now we may actually get to see what the fuck is going on. And hell, if nothing else, at least the discovery is being teased to be so devastating it did undo Missy's characterisation. If this incarnation of the Master is after her, at least. Still not necessarily anything to suggest that. The Master will likely be recurring over this season, so we'll find out more, at least!
God, the Master is so fucked up. Like. He's seen something apparently so massively traumatic that he had to destroy his own planet and legitimately does look broken by it? Unless he was acting, but I did not get that impression from the message at the end. And the only way he can think of to get the Doctor's attention is to start his old tricks? Not sure if it's better or worse for him to be pre-Missy tbh.
It's just... such an interesting dynamic. Also I really want to read into the whole... scene where the Master asks the Doctor to kneel and call him 'Master' in front of everyone - then, when she does (defiantly! Stubbornly!), he... kneels to be at the same level as her. Like, "I'm going to play these BDSM-esque power games with you but when it comes down to it, I still consider us equal."
Anyway the Master is def a service top.
This comment from Tumblr user upslapmeal:
"'why would it stop? I mean how else would I get your attention’ what did I say about the Master being like a cat knocking things off shelves"
I mean. Yeah.
"Contact." Old school.
The Companions! They get a capital C because they were rad as hell. I love them all deciding that what they do next is: carry on to save the world. Like they're all heroic af without the Doctor and it's so good.
"Don't make me do a soft-shoe shuffle!"
And questioning at the end, oooh man. There are some Implications there, yeah. They've found out some surface information, yes, but no real hint at the deeper trauma. And given what this coming season is hinting at, I strongly suspect we will indeed be getting that deeper trauma and maybe even Dark!Doctor. Gallifrey does tend to bring it out of them...
The whole on-the-run thing seemed to definitely be a callback to Sound of Drums. Uh, what's that going to do long-term? Send out a worldwide message saying, "Sorry, our bad, they're fine"? I mean, last time that happened... okay, Jack was already with Torchwood and so is used to Not Really Existing, but Martha definitely couldn't go back to fuckin' medical school. She ended up at UNIT and then went independent. They did not return to their normal lives.
Barton: needs a goddamn punch. He killed his mother what the fuck. On the plus side, at least he seems to have thoroughly destroyed his career? Be interesting to see if he reappears later, you don't go from the most powerful person on the planet to massive pariah overnight without Repercussions.
On to our guest characters! I hate to brag but I guessed who Ada was as soon as I heard her first name and saw her outfit. I mean the computers theme was already there, who else would she be? :D And I admittedly didn't know who Noor Inayat Khan was except in passing, but still. Little upset about the erased memories (Donna ;_; ), but I can see why the Doctor did it and like... this way, I'm glad they were able to avoid the implications of, "Ada only developed computing because she had already seen the future." Like people said that with Rosa Parks even though the Doctor said explicitly to only ensure there were enough seats filled and the act itself was all Rosa, so they may have wanted to play it safe.
I... really want to comment on how Ada definitely was crushing on the Doctor (and really, who wouldn't?), but she was a real person so I shall avoid those implications. (But really though!)
Doctor how many times have you been in someone's liver. This is some Magic School Bus Inside The Human Body bullshit and I love it.
Doctor's recording: "First of all, you're not gonna die! Second of all, don't talk back to the screens, obviously I'm a recording and I can't hear ya. Third, don't panic. Especially you, Graham."
Graham, panicking: "I'M NOT PANICKING!"
Doctor's recording: "Yes, you were! And I did just say, don't talk back to the screens!"
Graham: "????!?!!"
I want an entire series of the Master having a really infuriating seventy-seven years on Earth. Please.
Comments on continuity issues regarding that, "It's worse than Jodrell Bank!" "Did I ever apologise for that?" "No." "Good." exchange XD;; Like people are going, "Continuity error!! It was the Pharos Project, not Jodrell Bank!!" and like. Pharos was a project. Jodrell Bank is an observatory. You can do projects at observatories. Also, you can refer to projects by location, too. Am I referring to the Canberra Deep Space Communication Project or Tidbinbilla Station? Both! They refer to the same thing! In the Whoniverse, they likely did the Pharos Project at Jodrell Bank, and just had some lighthearted bantz about that time where the Master killed the Doctor, no biggie.
So, onwards to... an apparently unrelated episode for next week! Also, the Kassavin? Still there. Like. The Master only gave suggestions. They still have all those agents everywhere! They're still ready to act! And yeah, now they have the Master in their hands, so... I wonder if they'll make the Timeless Child a long, ongoing arc, and have the much more immediate threat of the Kassavin as the season finale?
Orphan 55
Thoughts on Doctor Who - Orphan 55!
First thought: anvilicious, but some anvils need to be dropped, because, uh, have you seen the world lately.
It feels like quite a brittle episode? Even beyond the immediate tension of 'there are large angry creatures trying to kill everyone', there's just this sense of... like, tension. There's the tension between Benni and Vilma, which at first is kind of a sweet tension then becomes a life-threatening and sad tension. There's the tension between Roger Parslow Silas and his dad, with Silas not being taken seriously (although I do think him running out while they're in life-threatening danger is a bit much). The obvious and major tension between Bella and Kane that drives the whole episode, yes.
And there's also the tension amongst Team TARDIS! The episode starts with the Doctor still in Some Kinda Way about last week, and I felt a bit of tension between Yaz and Ryan? She seemed rather unimpressed by Bella, at any rate. I do like how organic the relationship between Ryan and Graham feels, at least. "It ain't the aliens that are gonna kill me, it’s worrying about you!"
Set and costume building, I felt, was kind of... eh? I liked how Tranquility itself looked, but the tunnels looked Very Generic, and some of the looks I felt didn't really work. Silas and his dad's green hair just looked very obviously fake, and I saw a description of Hyph3n-with-a-three looking like a cross between a Jellicle Cat and John Candy in Spaceballs (which... yeah, honestly). And I'm not sure about the Dregs, although I did initially have the thought that whatever the original inhabitants of the planet were, they must have been humanoid was amusingly accurate...
"I just pulled this out of a friend of mine! >:("
"Oh! ...We do not make any judgments on our guests and fully support any way you choose to enjoy yourself here at Tranquility Spa! ^_^;;"
"... ... ...It wasn't recreational! o.O"
God you could feel Hyph3n-with-a-three's embarrassment...
"If I had crayons and half a can of Spam, I could build you from scratch!" Excuse me I am at least Tofurky.
Also a logical issue on the whole journey to find Benni, because frankly, it just wasn't... sensible. Okay, bring a kid. Father of the year right there. Okay, bring an old woman. Granted, she could have insisted because it was her man-friend they were looking for, but surely she would have known she would slow them down? Her 'heroic sacrifice' felt very wasted, because dammit, she could have survived if she had stayed in the Dome where it was at least a bit safer!
"At least three eighths of a plan, right here! ...Two eights. I'll be honest, all I've got is the letter 'P'..."
So the Doctor is almost at the point of passing out from oxygen loss but hang on, let her first indulge her curiosity...
The sheer existence of orphan planets is very depressing. The sheer fact that there's at least fifty-five is very depressing.
There's an interesting comment about how straight after discussion of the reveal, the first shot of the preview is the Statue of Liberty. Very Planet of the Apes! (No apes next time, just Tesla vs Edison!) Also feeling a strong connection to Midnight (stunning resort on dangerous planet with a very personal enemy), and I saw a comment about Thirteen unintentionally The-End-Of-The-World-ing the Fam (and making a connection between 'very angry trees' and the Forests of Cheem). Bit of Ravolox. Bit of... fuck what was it... Curse of Fenric.
Although, we know that the Earth will eventually be consumed by the sun, and it was done in a way that was like... it was its time. This was not its time, was a colossal fuck-up on a planetary scale (and the Doctor continues to be 'eat the rich'), but it's also only one potential future. Which is good, because that got dark. Even more than The End of the World, even more than Utopia, even more than fuckin' Frontios, because this is the near-future. The shots we saw of the destruction were modern day! That was the Dome of the Rock you saw getting bombed!
"Be smarter than what made you." PAGING THE GOVERNMENT...
Going to put it on a solid... maybe 7/10? Some really good elements in there, but also some clunkers, and unfortunately not a patch on the same writer's It Takes You Away, which was one of the strongest of the last season.
Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror
Thoughts on Doctor Who - Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror!
Opinion before episode: man, Tesla's cool. Opinion after episode: man, Tesla is fuckin' cool! :D That was a well-done personality-based historical, absolutely - I think it's my second-favourite personality-based historical only to Rosa (there are other pseudo-historical based ones set in the past that I love, but they're not personality-based; the Human Nature duology is a good example).
But yeah, Tesla just came across as a really, really cool character. Genius and he knew it, yes, and the real Tesla did have some questionable views (sexism, mostly), but otherwise the archetypal Idealistic Genius who wants to change the world for the better. Contrast with Edison, who was... a businessman. With, like, a really punchable face. Still pretty intelligent, but... very, very punchable. I've read about the Tesla-Edison feud before and always sided with Tesla, and let's face it, so did the writer XD
Good mix of character combinations - with a lot of characters, it's easy for someone to get sidelined, but this managed to handle Thirteen and the Fam, and Tesla, Dorothy, and Edison, pretty well. There were some neat combinations, like Ryan and Dorothy bonding over the sense of adventure, and Graham and Edison's confrontation; I also really loved the whole conversation between Thirteen and Tesla on the joy of just... creating. There's actually a very nice overlap between arts and sciences.
Antagonists - not bad? I feel a lot of people were expecting the Racnoss, and there was such a similarity that I would have liked at least a throwaway line about how the Skithra were related or something. Ooh man she definitely brought out Dark!Doctor, though. Teleporting the queen back to the ship, specifically so she can be fried? I mean, she might have survived it. Might. And just that fantastic little change of expression when the queen asks the Doctor if she's ever seen a dead planet before! Whittaker pulled that one off.
There's a very interesting compare and contrast between the Skithra and Edison, I found. Thirteen has her speech about how once the Skithra are gone, they won't be remembered. Caput. Forgotten. They left nothing behind. Compare and contrast to Edison, who was openly accused of using other people's work, but who's able to learn from his mistakes, end on an even(ish) setting with Tesla, and who does get remembered. Which kind of stings, honestly, if you look at Tesla's actual history.
Like. Apparently that, "The man just didn't understand the American sense of humour," line was an actual historical line, according to Tesla's own records. The absolute main reason for the difference in fame and recognition is that Tesla was a genius who didn't know how to market. Edison was a marketer who could invent a bit. So in conclusion Edison is a dick and Tesla needs more respect, the end.
Favourite lines and scenes:
Tesla: "Is - is this your own design?" Thirteen: "I made it! Mainly out of spoons! :D" Tesla: "You're an inventor! :D" Thirteen: "I have my moments." Tesla: "I knew it! So you... so, you can understand how it feels, you know, when you have an idea, and - and to make it real. I don't think there's any greater thrill!" Thirteen: "I couldn't agree more." Tesla: "You... you spoke of aliens. People here laugh at the very idea." Thirteen: "But not you." Tesla: "Well, apparently I'm not like other people. It can be difficult, you know, to feel no one else sees the world the way you do. It's like you're, uh..." Thirteen: "...out of place."
Graham: "Yeah, still. I bet you'd jump at the chance to have him back working for you, wouldn't ya?" Edison: "Yeah?" Graham: "Yeah!" Edison: "How d'you figure that?" Graham: "'Cause I had a supervisor like you at my old depot. And men like you don't pay a bloke that much attention unless you think there's a payout comin'."
Thirteen: "I wouldn't go killing me and Yaz. 'Cause Yaz... can tell you what this is." Yaz: "It's a camera!" Thirteen: "Bingo!" *FLASH!*
Edison: "I couldn't figure it out either." Tesla: "The internal dimensions transcend the external." Thirteen: *GRIN* Edison: ._.
Thirteen: "You do realise, it's killing Edison that they want you and not him? ;D"
Graham: "Don't worry. This ain't our first rodeo!" Ryan: "We've never been to a rodeo." Graham: "...you're not helping, Ryan..."
Thirteen: "And what are you queen of, exactly? A stolen ship and second-hand guns? A queen of shreds and patches. You're not a ruler, you're a parasite." Queen: "And what are you? So clever, stealing onto my ship, taking what I claim as mine. But where has it got you? No weapons. No armour. No escape. Just the desperate hope you might change my mind." Thirteen: "No, we are way past that. I gave you your chance." Queen: "A chance to be like you?" Thirteen: "A chance to evolve. But you were too stupid to take it. When you die, there'll be nothing left behind - just a trail of blood and other people's brilliance. No one will even know you existed."
(Side note: I love that this speech was actually in front of the companions. They're starting to see that things are Not Okay.)
Thirteen: "Don't give up." Yaz: "Whatever anyone says." Tesla: "Well, let them talk. The present is theirs. I work for the future... and the future is mine."
Favourite incorrect lines:
Thirteen and Tesla, firing at the ship: "VIBE CHECK!"
Fugitive of the Judoon
lmao I'm serious I don't even know where to begin.
Uh, some very disorganised comments on Doctor Who - Fugitive of the Judoon!
I squealed when I heard Jack's voice then saw him in the flesh. I gasped audibly when 'Ruth' broke the glass. I yelped when we saw the buried TARDIS. I MAY HAVE SCREAMED A LITTLE WHEN 'RUTH' INTRODUCED HERSELF.
(Also can we talk about her outfit. That was on point.)
I'm getting a very... very early vibe? She didn't know what the sonic screwdriver was, and that was introduced with Troughton. Since we saw the Hartnell-Troughton regeneration, she must be pre-Hartnell? Maybe a Doctor whose memories were rewritten to the point that they thought the Hartnell incarnation was the earliest? Not to mention that was a pretty old-school-looking TARDIS!
Alternatively, maybe between Troughton and Pertwee? Either option has some inconsistency - if she's post Troughton, she should have known what the sonic was, although it admittedly did look very different. Plus, her TARDIS is already its police box shape, which was implied to have set in the junkyard. Also, we never actually do see the regeneration between Two and Three, and it could explain why Gallifrey was after her - she escaped after her trial after The War Games!
Definitely early, though.
Alternatively alternatively, Thirteen actually does say 'time is swirling around me'. Maybe an alternate timeline. Something to tie back to the Timeless Child?
"I've lived for thousands of years, so long I've lost count. I've had so many faces. How long have you known me? You don't know me. Not even a little bit."
That wasn't just aimed at the companions. I feel that was aimed at the Doctor themself.
(Related: the response from the fam was flat-out beautiful. Doesn't matter who she was or who she'll be. They know her now, and they love her.)
Just. Wow. Wow.
Really cool note from Twitter - disguised name was Ruth Clayton. Ruth = 'friend, companion'. Clayton = 'of the Earth'. She literally named herself 'friend of the Earth'.
"You're probably a bit confused right now."
I mean. Yeah. Confused and intrigued and what.
"Don't do points! I do points! Points are my thing!"
Jack. Jack. Smooching Graham, hitting on all the companions, getting into Shenanigans! The Lone Cyberman - I wonder if that's a totally different crisis that isn't even related to the current Gallifrey-Timeless Child one? The more important part is Jack's presence - the presence of another time traveller with a... unique relationship with the universe. The actual warning could be a red herring, but Jack showing up anywhere in the first place is a sign that something is happening with time?
Orphan 55 had a timeline that may or may not have been the 'real' one. Being only a potential future kind of doesn't work with what we know of established DW continuity, so I'm liking the 'alternate timeline' theory, maybe?
Ryan: "I liked him. Kind of cheesy."
Yaz: "But good cheesy."
Thirteen, smiling: "That's Jack."
Graham just standing there going, "He kissed me tho? ...Wasn't bad, actually."
"Is she safe?" Jack, honestly, is she ever safe?
"When she needs me... I'll be there." Oh yeah, he's so coming back later this season.
Also, Judoon, chameleon arch, the Master, Jack - getting big season 29 vibes here and that's a big thumbs up for me because that's my favourite season. We just need Martha to make an appearance now!
...hehe honestly, between Jodie's entire existence, and now, in the span of five episodes, introducing Dhawan!Master, Gat, and now Jo Martin as the first black female Doctor, and reintroducing Jack, one of the most overtly and openly queer characters on the series, the 'Doctor Who is too PC!' bunch are going to be so mad XD
"A platoon of Judoon... near the moon." / "Look at you, your platoon of Judoon near the... that lagoon..."
Man. The close-up in the very first shot of the watch. Nice tie-in.
"The Doctor never uses weapons!" "I know! Shut up! >.>"
Where do the Kasaavin come into play? Is this something they've done by integrating themselves throughout time and space? Maybe they're fraying the fabric?
My mind is blown. I can't wait for the rest of this season :D
[Part 2 - Praxeus to The Timeless Children]
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ecogami · 2 years
Poo emoji papercraft sculpture, printable 3D puzzle, papercraft Pdf template to make your poo paper sculpture by EcogamiShop
7.00 EUR
Make your own papercraft poo emoji with our printable PDF pattern! It’s easy! Just follow the instructions & you will be proud of your WhatsApp 3D poo. Isn’t it a funny & unique sculpture for your décor or even a gift for a geek friend? Don’t be afraid, I assembled the sculpture so everybody can do it! You will just need time & precision. Put your music on & enjoy the assemblage! (For me it is a perfect way to relax). «««««« HOW DOES IT WORK? »»»»»» ► Download the ZIP file with the PDF template & the instructions in English. ► Print the template. The paper must be thick (between 200 & 300 GSM). ► Check you have the following tools: scissors, a ruler, white paper glue & a tool to fold the paper. ► Follow the instructions: cut the parts, fold & glue them. It is easy, all the parts of the pattern are identified with edge numbers for easy assembly (just match the numbers). ► Once finished, you can customize the sculpture. The customization options are infinite! «««««« TECHNICALS DETAILS »»»»»» ► Difficulty Level: Easy – Few small parts which require more precision but nothing very complicated. ► 3D paper sculpture: Papercraft poop emoticon ► Approximately size: 20 cm / 8 in (height – wide - deep) ► Use thick paper: A4 or A3 (in the States, the equivalent A4 is Letter - & A3 is Tabloid) ► A3 template (PDF): 5 Sheets - 40 Parts ► A4 template (PDF): 10 Sheets - 40 Parts You are hesitant, not sure which one of our models you like the most; visit our website EcogamiShop.com to see them all.
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esotericworld · 5 years
Tumblr media
Holy shit, this is terrifying. An American citizen (who happens to be white) exposes the total abuse of power by the Depatment of Homeland Security’s Customs and Border Protection. LOL at “customs”. The most doublespeak term I can think of after reading this.
Source: https://theintercept.com/2019/06/22/cbp-border-searches-journalists/
“...That was just the beginning. The real abuse of power was a warrantless search of my phone and laptop. This is the part that affects everyone, not just reporters and people who keep journals.
IN GENERAL, LAW enforcement agents have to get a warrant to search your electronic devices. That’s the gist of the 2014 Supreme Court case Riley v. California. But the Riley ruling only applies when the police arrest you. The Supreme Court has not yet decided whether the same protections apply to American citizens reentering the United States from abroad, and federal appeals courts have issued contradictory opinions. In the absence of a controlling legal authority, CBP goes by its own rules, namely CBP Directive No. 3340-049A, pursuant to which CBP can search any person’s device, at any time, for any reason, or for no reason at all. If you refuse to give up your password, CBP’s policy is to seize the device. The agency may use “external equipment” to crack the passcode, “not merely to gain access to the device, but to review, copy, and/or analyze its contents,” according to the directive. CBP can look for any kind of evidence, any kind of information, and can share what it finds with any other federal agency, so long as doing so is “consistent with applicable law and policy.”
Sophia Cope, an attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation, which has sued CBP over its warrantless device searches, told me that the agency “has for sure said no” as to whether there is a right to counsel during secondary screening. “They’ve been pretty consistent. You don’t get a lawyer. A lot of people have tried to push back, particularly after the Muslim ban. People were like, ‘I have a green card, and you’re putting me back on a plane to Iran. I need a lawyer to come down to the airport.’”
CBP has been doing warrantless device searches since the advent of the modern smartphone, Cope said, but the practice has increased by some 300 percent since Trump took office. In late 2017, EFF teamed up w with the American Civil Liberties Union and filed a case alleging the unconstitutionality of the administration’s blitz of warrantless searches. Anecdotally, CBP appears to be targeting typical Trumpian scapegoats, including Muslims, Latinos, and journalists, but anyone reentering the United States can be subject to these searches. The 11 plaintiffs in the EFF and ACLU case are a computer programmer, a filmmaker, a graduate student, a nursing student, a limousine driver, a businessman, an engineer, a professor, an artist, and two journalists. All are U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents who had experiences similar to mine.
“The secondary inspection environment is inherently coercive,” the complaint says. “Travelers are not free to exit those areas until officers permit them to leave.” Travelers are usually exhausted, sometimes ill, and may be under pressure to catch a connecting flight, anxious to get home to kids, or needed at work. Forcing travelers who are not suspected of any wrongdoing to cough up their passwords, on pain of having their devices seized, violates the Fourth Amendment right to be free of unreasonable searches and seizures, the plaintiffs argue, and also infringes the First Amendment right to free expression and association by means of government intimidation and surveillance. “Regardless of whether you have embarrassing information on your device,” Cope said, “it’s about personal autonomy and living in a free society and not a police state.”
... I DIDN’T KNOW all of this when I was being held by CBP. When the officers told me they only wanted to check my devices for child pornography, links to terrorism, and so forth, I believed them. I was completely unprepared for the digital ransacking that came next.
After I gave him the password to my iPhone, Moncivias spent three hours reviewing hundreds of photos and videos and emails and calls and texts, including encrypted messages on WhatsApp, Signal, and Telegram. It was the digital equivalent of tossing someone’s house: opening cabinets, pulling out drawers, and overturning furniture in hopes of finding something — anything — illegal. He read my communications with friends, family, and loved ones. He went through my correspondence with colleagues, editors, and sources. He asked about the identities of people who have worked with me in war zones. He also went through my personal photos, which I resented. Consider everything on your phone right now. Nothing on mine was spared.
Pomeroy, meanwhile, searched my laptop. He browsed my emails and my internet history. He looked through financial spreadsheets and property records and business correspondence. He was able to see all the same photos and videos as Moncivias and then some, including photos I thought I had deleted.
At one point, Pomeroy was standing over my laptop on the desk. I couldn’t see the screen, and he had such a puzzled expression on his face that I stood up to see what he was looking at. “Get back,” he said, clapping a hand on his sidearm. “I don’t know if you’re going for my gun.”... I thought I heard him call for me to come over, so I did. “Stand back from my gun,” he said... Pomeroy pronounced words to the effect that he was subjectively forming a reasonable belief that I might grab his service weapon.
It was an implicit death threat and a rhetorical move on part of the police that will be familiar to people of color: I’ve got a gun on you, ergo, you’re a threat to me. Speaking of which, I’m certain this whole experience would have been worse had I been black or brown instead of white. And that is to say nothing of migrants and refugees, whose treatment at the hands of CBP on the U.S.-Mexico border is another matter altogether. But it does go to show that you can’t contain a culture of aggression to one part of an armed agency...
It was around 4 p.m. when Moncivias finally finished up and informed me, anticlimactically, that I was free to go. I couldn’t wait to get outside because the detention area was freezing. No wonder Spanish-speaking migrants call CBP detention la hielera — the icebox. I took my phone and laptop and silently packed up my luggage, which still lay disemboweled on the desk, underwear and all. Pomeroy was gone by this time. As I was walking out, I said to Moncivias and Villarreal, “It’s funny, of all the countries I’ve been to, the border guards have never treated me worse than here, in the one country I’m a citizen of, in the town where I was born.”
“Welcome back to the USA,” Moncivias said.
Update: June 24, 2019
After publication, The Intercept learned that a CBP supervisor was incorrect when he told a reporter that a U.S. citizen may be forbidden from entering the country for refusing to answer a CBP officer’s questions. The piece has been updated to clarify that CBP does not have the power to stop American citizens from entering the U.S.
Source: https://theintercept.com/2019/06/22/cbp-border-searches-journalists/
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sandalwoodhusbands · 6 years
for him.
Lucas posts music covers on youtube and there’s a guy who keeps sending him the most original photos he’s ever seen.
(also on ao3) // previous
A year and a half later
Way Down We Go // Kaleo (Cover) – by turnupthelucas
Oh my god so fucking goooood! Your voice keeps getting better and better <3
  + turnupthelucas: thank you!
that wink at the end??? ended the world’s problems
my wig is on the floor, my skin is clean and my ears cry with glee
Mr. Lucas Lallemant really out there changing the music industry uh
When are we going to get original content?
  + turnupthelucas: soon ;)
     + malectrash: JE SUIS DEAD
     (View other 5097 responses)      
we need more videos with lucas playing the guitar. so hot
Lucas locks his phone, smiling to himself.
It all started as a joke, as most things do. In the beginning, it had just been him and Yann, a viral shitty 15second recording and a guitar.
Yann had been messing around with some strumming patterns on Lucas’ bed, playing some famous tunes at random.
Lucas had been unaware of the phone against the headboard filming him spin around the room with his desk chair, so when he heard the first notes of the acoustic version of Break up with your girlfriend, I’m bored, he didn’t hesitate to belt out the lyrics like there was no tomorrow.
Yann had posted it on his Instagram story without Lucas knowing.
When Lucas logged on his own Instagram account a couple hours later, he felt very confused at the rising number of followers and odd requests to ‘post more videos’ he got, to say the least.
He hadn’t really thought about his voice before that day, but he had to admit the clip sounded pretty fucking good. So he said to himself, why not? - worst case scenario, the video is a complete flop and his friends mock him for a week.
Needless to say, it was the furthest thing from a flop. In the span of a month his first ‘official’ video hit 700k views on YouTube, and so many people begged for more covers in the comment section that he filmed another one. And then another one. And then, well - then he never really stopped.
Which brings him to this day. With over 300k followers on Instagram and more than a couple of millions views on YouTube, he is one of the most popular artists in France at the moment.
He has viewers all over the globe, people send him letters (and the occasional gift) almost daily, and he's sometimes recognized when he goes out for drinks with the gang.
He’s living his best life, basically.
“Lucas” Yann groans from the sit next to him. “Can you please concentrate on the screen?”
Lucas lifts his head up and looks at the tv screen just in time to witness a geared up man appear out of nowhere, shooting his character in the head.
The game’s menu glares at him in colors of red and black as Yann chucks the controller at his stomach half heartedly.
Lucas grins at him sheepishly, scratching his head.
“C’mon, restart the game. No distractions this time, I promise.”
His best friend raises an eyebrow.
“If I catch you looking at your phone even once,” Lucas raises his hands in mock surrender. “I swear I will choke you with my own hands. And not in the kinky way.”
Lucas snorts, putting his phone down on the table. He readjusts himself on the sofa, back pressed against the cushions, and sits with his feet tucked under his legs.
“Okay, I’m ready.” He clasps his hands together. “Press play.”
The sound of Yann pressing the controller’s button and Lucas’ phone going off intertwine in time.
“Really?” Yann complains as he pauses the game.
Lucas shrugs apologetically, bending forwards to check his phone.
He turned every channel - related notifications off after almost going crazy one afternoon with the constant pinging, so now his phone only notifies him when a friends texts him.
If they got interrupted by Basile pestering him again about getting them into that party next Friday, Lucas is going to kill him.
He runs the pad of his index finger over the back of his phone, unlocking it. His eyebrows shoot up in confusion when an Instagram notification pops up.
Who communicates through direct messages with their friends when you can use whatsapp?
He slides down the notifications bar, frowning when he reads the username.
“Is it Baz?” Yann questions from the kitchen, sticking his head in the door. “If he’s asking about the party again, tell him to go buy the tickets himself.”
“Eh, not exactly?” Lucas trails off, his confused tone making it sound like a question.
Yann walks back into the room with a sandwich in his hand and a bottle of water. Despite his confusion, Lucas gives him an unimpressed look.
Yann shrugs.
“Who is it, then?”
Lucas proceeds to show him the screen in silence.
@srodulv shared a picture with you
“Okay.” Yann looks at Lucas with an equally puzzled expression. “Who the hell is this ‘sroduluv’ person, or whatever?”
“I… don't know.”
“But you're following them.” Yann states.
“And they sent you a picture.”
“Apparently?” Lucas asks in a high pitched voice, throwing his hands up in the air. “Shit, I don't know!”
That's all it takes for Yann to burst out laughing, falling on the couch and rolling over himself as he tries to control his chuckles.
“What's so funny?” Lucas whines.
“Bet you 10 bucks it’s another dick pic.” Yann laughs, looking at Lucas pointedly.
Lucas blushes profusely at the reminder, tucking his chin on his neck. It’s been known to happen, alright. He can't help that he looks like a twink most of the time - Yann says it's the hair. Arthur argues that it's his mouth.
“That happened once.”   Lucas retorts. “Maybe twice.”
Yann looks at him with a face that has whatever helps you sleep at night, buddy written all over it. So maybe it's happened more times than he’d care to admit.
“So? Open it!” Yann urges Lucas, nudging him when the latter just stays still.
Lucas braces himself and taps on the notification.
He opens the picture.
“Wait,” He blurts out. “What?”
“Is it a dick pic?” Yann asks curiously. When Lucas only blinks, he gasps. “Is it worse?”
Lucas blinks again, half expecting to see the picture before his eyes turn into an actual dick pic. When he opens his eyes again, the picture is still there, looking exactly like it did seconds ago.
He passes the phone wordlessly to Yann.
“What the- is that a fucking dog lying on an inflatable popsicle pool toy?” Yann laughs incredulously. “Holy shit. That’s what I call a plot twist.”
“Who the hell is this person and why are they sending me dog pics? What is going on?”
“I have absolutely no idea,” Yann says distractedly, still looking at the screen in wonder. “but you have to marry them.”
“What the fuck, Yann?”
“They sent you a picture of a bulldog laying around a pool, Lucas. That's the epitome of true romance.”
“We don't know who it is. We don't even know if it’s a dude.” Lucas hisses. “For all we know, they could be a serial killer trying to lure handsome young men with pictures of insanely cute puppies.”
“It is a cute puppy.” Yann concedes. “But you can, and call me crazy here, maybe look at their profile? Just a suggestion, though.”
Lucas withdraws his phone from between Yann’s hands immediately, tapping on this mysterious person’s profile with no hesitation.
And, holy shit. He definitely remembers now, alright.
It’s the guy . The one with the soft hair and sparkling eyes.
His eyes land on a recent picture - it’s in black and white. He’s supporting his head with his hand as he looks at the lenses with captivating eyes. He has a bit of stubble, and the black sweater he’s wearing makes him look so cozy, and Lucas wants to die.
“I definitely need to marry him.” Lucas murmurs dazzled, his heart going fast against his ribcage, as he scrolls through the guy’s posts. His lips actually tingle with how bad he wants to brush his mouth against those cheekbones.
Lucas hadn't even noticed he had followed him back.
His eyes find his bio again, and he's surprised it's still the same one from a year ago. Model. Then, another detail catches his eye, and his breath hitches. Eliott.
That’s his name. It fits him perfectly, Lucas thinks.
“I’m guessing he’s hot, then?” Yann snorts from the other side of the couch. Lucas had kind of forgotten he was still there, to be honest.
He looks up from his phone.
“He’s gorgeous.”
Yann smirks with knowing eyes.
“Are you going to answer him?” He asks innocently. As if he doesn't know already, the bastard.
Lucas doesn't dignify him with an answer. Instead, he looks back at his phone, fingers looming over the keyboard as he thinks of a good answer.
In the end, he settles with a simple text.
hi? haha
He waits for a beat, then two, and tries not to feel disappointed when he doesn't get a text back.
He’s probably busy, he tells himself, or maybe he's sleeping? Lucas doesn't even know where he's from. He might be living in fucking California, for all he knows - although he really hopes that's not the case.
Noting his distress, Yann takes the phone from his grip and turns the volume off, tossing it to the other couch. He puts the controller in Lucas’ hands and squeezes his shoulder.
“C’mon. It's best friend quality time.” Yann gives him a gentle smile. “I demand attention now.”
Lucas bursts into a laugh - just like that, he forgets all about his phone and possible unanswered texts.
The hours fly by, and before he knows it, Lucas is saying goodbye to a freshly - beaten, grumpy Yann.
“I totally kicked your ass.” Lucas brags as they walk to the door.
“I totally let you win.” Yann fires back.
“You wish.” Lucas laughs before pulling Yann into a half-hug, patting him on the back. “See you tomorrow, dude.”
“Tomorrow.” Yann salutes and flashes him a smile, closing the door.
Lucas shakes his head, still smiling, and makes his way to the couch. His bed for the last few months, actually. It's a long story.
He sprawls himself on the sofa with his hands under his head, sighing. He should go shower.
He smells himself discreetly, pleased when he doesn't get the need to fill his nostrils with soap. He’ll shower tomorrow, then.
He’s starting to relax when his eyes land on his phone, still discarded on the other couch, and he swears. He'd completely forgotten about it.
With his heart in his throat, he pushes himself forward as he reaches for the phone.
It’s just a guy. I didn't even really know of his existence before today. He tells himself like a mantra. So what if he doesn't answer back? There's plenty more guys out there. Although maybe not as beautiful, or mesmerizing, or - okay, not helping.
He breaths through his nose before unlocking his phone.
A little sound leaves his mouth.
Hello :)
Okay. So they're really doing this, then. Cool. Totally cool. He's so not freaking out right now.
He types out an answer.
what's up with the dog pic?
He locks the phone again, holding it against his chest as he wills his heart to calm down. This time, he doesn't have to wait a second before his phone pings again.
With all the messages you must get, I though I should try to make an impression haha
Did it work?
So the guy isn't afraid to double text, then? Interesting.
it definitely left an impression alright
A good one, I hope?
Lucas grins. He turns off the lights and gets himself comfortable on the couch, getting rid of the t-shirt he’s wearing.
It’s July, and he’s in the heart of Paris. Also, despite the good views this apartment might have, the air system would do with some fixing.
sure :)
I’m Eliott
i know
it says on your profile
That makes sense haha
Lucas flushes. He can't believe he went with the ‘I know’ trope. He groans internally.
Did he fuck up?
i’m lucas
When Eliott doesn't answer back, Lucas feels his heart fall to the floor. He definitely fucked up.
Fuck. This is why he never gets a date. He's so fucking awkward, God-
I know ;)
Lucas sighs with relief. He didn't fuck up yet, then.
He even sent him a winky face. That's good, right?
i liked it, btw. the picture
I knew you would
Lucas bites his bottom lip, grinning from ear to ear.
you did? what else do you know, then?
Lucas grins even harder. This sounds so much like flirting. Are they flirting? Lucas is trying to, at least.
I know that you are very nice. You like singing, too. And you like guys who send you ridiculous pictures with dogs and pool toys, now.
a bit pretentious with the last one
Am I wrong?
Lucas blushes. Not at all. He's not going to tell him that yet, though.
wait you've seen my videos?
A couple of them
If Eliott notices the change of subject, he doesn't comment on it. Lucas is thankful.
and what did you think?
Oh they're awful
Just kidding. I think you have an amazing voice, actually
omg thank u
Should he do it?
Fuck it, he's going to do it.
i’m kinda blushing over here haha
Double texting his crush. Yann would be proud.
Aww shame I can't see it. Where’s over here?
Paris (:
Cool! I live there, too
Lucas tries not to freak out at the newfound information. He’s not doing a very good job, but he's certainly trying.
His fingers hoover over the keyboard, deciding whether he should type the text or not.
What he wants to say is, maybe we could go out for a drink, then?
What he types in instead, is
weird we haven't bumped into each other yet lol
Well I’m not in Paris right now, actually
where are you then??
London, for a job :) I’m staying here for a couple more weeks
What are you studying?
that must be so cool!! i’ve never been to london, but i want to go so badly
and i’m studying biophysics. sounds boring, i know. and it takes so much time off my daily life i barely have time to post covers. thank god it's summer now
I would love to take you there sometime, then. If you want to
I want to. He wants to scream at his phone. I really fucking want to.
He resists the need to chuck his phone out the window in pure ecstatic.
And that sounds so interesting! Maybe one day you can give me one or two classes on the topic? Damn, you really have everything
everything? i don't think so lol
You are super cute and nice. You have a killer voice. And now you are really fucking clever, too? That, sir, is having everything as far as I'm concerned
i’m certainly not cute enough to be a model. Unlike *others*
and who are u calling sir omg I’m 19, not 90
You're a baby :o you would make the cutest baby model
how old are u??
what the fuck are you calling me baby for omg you’re literally two years older
Nope, sorry. You’re a baby
A BABY, Lucas
Lucas feels like his heart is going to burst. He doesn’t think he’s smiled for so long in years – maybe ever.
Eliott is doing things to his head. It’s not just that he is, admittedly, really attractive – Lucas won’t lie, it doesn’t hurt -, he’s also charming as hell. He’s making Lucas feel so special right now, and Lucas loves it.
He glances at the clock on his phone from the corner of his eye, mouth hanging open when his brain registers the time.
It's 3 a.m.
Have they really been talking for the past 2 hours?
it’s 3 a.m. already, what?? how did this happen?
i should go to bed :/
You’re leaving me already? :(
nooo i will be back, promise
i just have to get up really early tomorrow morning
Lucas smiles. He’s so cute.
i promise
Okay, then :)
Sleep well, Lucas ♡
goodnight eliott
He debates with himself for a momet before making up his mind. Eliott did it first anyway, technically.
He locks his phone and leaves it on the table. Rolling himself over, he exhales, hiding his grin against the makeshift pillow.
Sleep comes to him fast, glimpses of smokey grey eyes and bright smiles painting his dreams with vivid colors.
When he wakes up, the sun coming through the big windows shines on his skin comfortably. He feels warm all over with the memories of last night, his dreams still present in his mind.
And when he sees Eliott’s new post, the caption //way down we go// glaring at him through the screen, he convinces himself it’s just a coincidence - despite having posted a cover of the same song less than 24 hours ago, and Eliott admitted he’d seen some of his videos. It’s a coincidence .
Nonetheless, when his friends ask if he forgot grumpy Lucas at home for the 4th time that morning, he just flips them off with a soaring heart.
He's still smiling.
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