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wildlyplanted · 1 year ago
Who Am I When No One's in the Room
Jessie Reyez's song "No One's in the Room" is the inspiration for this blog post. The first time I ever heard this song, I wondered, "Am I the same person when I'm alone, or am I a completely different person when someone else, or other people are around?"
My truth, what I believe, is that at my core, I am the same person when no one's in the room. When I'm alone, I'm pensive, I talk out loud as a way to process my emotions and thoughts, I like to sing (thank God, no one is around), dance, make myself laugh, do fun things, I get excited over the smallest things, I'm creative, and I procrastinate among so many other things.
While at the core, I'm the same, I do however think there are nuances to how we are when other people are around, and how we are with different people, if that makes sense. Who I am with my best friend will be different than who I am with a friend I'm still building a friendship with. Who I am with a romantic partner will be different than who I am with my best friend.
Something I can say for sure about who I am is that, I'm not a person who can mask, pretend or fake it. I can hold back my true emotion when it's crucial, to serve a greater good, etc. but generally speaking, it doesn't feel natural for me. Eventually, how I truly feel ends up spilling out, sometimes. Not all the time. This is especially true when it comes to liking someone. I enjoy showing and expressing affection, and while this won't change, I have however learned how to hold back a bit, while still being authentic. It's a delicate balance. Learning and growing is a lifelong process, and I'm here for it :)
Where you can find me/how to contact me:
IG: wildlyplanted
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kennedyroadau · 2 years ago
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Did you have a happy day? Did you have moments of being happy? I’d love to hear something that made your heart happy today…Pop them in the comments below and let’s share the happiness 💕🥰 #behappyandsmile #findhappiness #findhappy #whatmakesyouhappy (at Redcliffe, Queensland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqAc5lZSAE9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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elitevirtualhealth · 7 months ago
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🫙 Fill the Happy Jar! 🫙 Let’s spread some joy! Add something to the jar that makes you happy, beginning with the first letter of your name. Whether it's a hobby, a favorite food, or a special place, we want to know what brings a smile to your face! 😊✨ For example, "D" could be for "Dancing" or "Dogs." Let’s see what makes you happy! #FillTheHappyJar #SpreadJoy #WhatMakesYouHappy #InteractivePost #ShareHappiness #CommunityJoy #PositiveVibes ✨ We can’t wait to see your happy additions! ✨
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andthesink · 1 year ago
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Are you on the naughty or nice list? c: wititudes.com #santa #christmas2023 #naughtyornice #andthesink #attitude #fun #santascoming #beagoodhuman #naughtyornicelist #floatyourboatdontsinkmine #whatmakesyouhappy #donoharm
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Selfishness does not include the self love you give yourself.
Being sure you have what makes you happy in life and makes your life more enjoyable to be part of is not selfish either 🙅‍♀️
Would you believe me if I told you that you are meant to be your first priority? #💯
#deserving #happiness #love #experience #trust #SELFtrust #selftrustmostimportant #faith #comfort #joy #opportunity #freedom #sunshine #laughter #selflove #whatmakesyouhappy #FEELGOOD #liveyourlife #liveyourbestlife #perspective #mindset #attitude #fearLESS #live #be #free #boba #lifebydesign
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henriettehellstern · 2 years ago
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Keeping up with the norms II
In a world full of norms and unwritten rules on how to be a “real normal person” orderly and polite, it is sometimes frustrating to be an lgbtq person who actually lives up to the rules, but is still not accepted. But it is also a liberation not to fit into the systems, because then you can mold your own world and break out of the sometimes old fashioned traditions.
This series depicts the norms surrounding the home, its interior, and order, and also the society’s rules of romance.
#breakthenorms #lgbtqart #contemporarypainting #contemporaryart #fineart #whatmakesyouhappy #yellow #interior #skeleton #orderormess #flowers #romance #skeleton #samtidskunst #malerei #henriettehellstern #femaleartist #painter #series #artcollector #newartwork #imissannaancher #thankyoukatharinagrosse
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notalkmarketer · 3 years ago
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For those who say, “Money doesn’t buy happiness!” but it sure buys delicious #Cortado so, money does buy #MyHappiness 😂☕️🤎 #Caffeinating @thereverseorangutan #LittleThingsInLife #WhatMakesYouHappy #Coffee #Espresso #CoffeeRoaster #MyKindOfBeans (at The Reverse Orangutan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdBZER5F9VU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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blackmensmile · 3 years ago
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We launched this movement by asking this one (seemingly) simple question. Over the years we’ve been humbled, humored, and heartbroken by the responses. The most common answer we get from Black Men (after a long pause) is, “No one has ever asked me that.” And this itself encapsulates the power and importance of our mission. —- What might it mean to catch the courage to begin to think about the answer to this question? What shifts might happen if we began to believe we were worthy of living a life where joy was central to it? — This isn’t just a rhetorical exercise. We invite you to genuinely think about the answer. We invite you to share. We invite you to join us in working to create sustainable environments…even amongst all that seeks to stand against us doing so…where we can SMILE more often. What makes you smile? 👇🏾👇🏾 . . . #blackmensmile #smile #blackjoy #whatmakesyouhappy #whatmakesyousmile #blackhistorymonth https://www.instagram.com/p/CZz158DJUlz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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asweetlittlething · 4 years ago
Never feel guilty about doing what you need to recharge your batteries. You can’t pour from an empty cup.
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vemancer · 4 years ago
What makes me happy? Well, there’s...
Bees 🐝
🍓Strawberry Finches
🪐Pluto and Charon
🧺Picnics with my sister
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lavasprinkles · 4 years ago
looking for ways to enjoy life? me too. i’m making a list of things that make me happy/that i look forward to, here’s what i’ve got:
taking my dog for a walk
caring for a plant (my new cactus, be jealous)
having a clean room
making people laugh
making myself laugh
getting in shape
eating tasty food
finding new music
making music
reading good books
the way the sunlight lights up my room when i open the blinds
how my dream kitchen/room/bathroom will look
how i’ll fall in love one day
all the interesting conversations i’m bound to have in my lifetime
all the beautiful people i’ll get to meet and love
accomplishments like graduating and writing a book
learning new ways of life
making people happy
being around people who make you happy
carving initials into trees
picking those weeds that look like flowers
when puppies are excited to see me
when old people think i’m ~so kind~ for helping them with something
making art and getting better at it
watching new shows
finding what i’m passionate about
making a positive impact on the world/people
listening to touching lyrics
going on roller coasters
baking cookies
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palmsupsisters · 5 years ago
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“When you get excited about something, when you feel that something contains passion, the reason to act upon it is because passion and excitement is your physical body’s translation of the vibrational energy that actually represents who you really are, what your true core vibration is. So acting on that thing, is like aligning with a compass needle that points to your true magnetic north. And any other deviation from that is going to actually create more effort, more struggle, more strife.” - Bashar, Darryl Anka
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nobodyknows1002 · 5 years ago
Pass the happy!🌻🌿 When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications!
1. My pets
2. Music (especially TØP, MGK, and TxT)
3. Soccer
4. Drums
5. Food (excluding veggies lol)
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elitevirtualhealth · 9 months ago
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🫙 Fill the Happy Jar! 🫙 Let’s spread some joy! Add something to the jar that makes you happy, beginning with the first letter of your name. Whether it's a hobby, a favorite food, or a special place, we want to know what brings a smile to your face! 😊✨ For example, "D" could be for "Dancing" or "Dogs." Let’s see what makes you happy! #FillTheHappyJar #SpreadJoy #WhatMakesYouHappy #InteractivePost #ShareHappiness #CommunityJoy #PositiveVibes ✨ We can’t wait to see your happy additions! ✨
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mjeseec · 5 years ago
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petite-sunset-lover · 6 years ago
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Dear reader,
I am sure you have heard this quote in the past... Maybe, this will be your first time.
"Take time to do what makes your soul happy."
For me, photography is that hobby that makes my soul happy. I enjoy this hobby so very much... Thus, I created this Tumblr account in order to share a little of my passion. I would say my specialty is landscape/nature photography. I love flowers enough to not cut them... When stressed, photography is my go to stress reliever.
What about you? What makes your soul happy? Music, painting, shopping, writing etc.
Let me know below.. 👇📩
Regardless, I hope you can continue to cherish it. ✨
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