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blackmensmile · 3 years ago
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We launched this movement by asking this one (seemingly) simple question. Over the years we’ve been humbled, humored, and heartbroken by the responses. The most common answer we get from Black Men (after a long pause) is, “No one has ever asked me that.” And this itself encapsulates the power and importance of our mission. —- What might it mean to catch the courage to begin to think about the answer to this question? What shifts might happen if we began to believe we were worthy of living a life where joy was central to it? — This isn’t just a rhetorical exercise. We invite you to genuinely think about the answer. We invite you to share. We invite you to join us in working to create sustainable environments…even amongst all that seeks to stand against us doing so…where we can SMILE more often. What makes you smile? 👇🏾👇🏾 . . . #blackmensmile #smile #blackjoy #whatmakesyouhappy #whatmakesyousmile #blackhistorymonth https://www.instagram.com/p/CZz158DJUlz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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catsinthebagdesignposts · 5 years ago
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What made you smile today?
What my Coffee says to me August 2 - drink YOUR life in - Tell me more about what makes you smile. Flowers, finding hearts, seeing squirrels jumping and playing around a tree, running in the rain and so much more. Your turn, what makes you smile? Jennifer R. Cook @catsinthebagdesignposts creates an illustration each day for your mental health.
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waynelvslcy · 5 years ago
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Paul Rodriguez grinning like the Cheshire Cat. I'd STILL be smiling! #lucilleball #lucyball #bobhope #paulrodriguezcomedian #paulrodriguez #cheshirecat #biggrin #eartoear #whatmakesyousmile #myfavoriteredhead #1980s https://www.instagram.com/p/CBD0JgHnglZ/?igshid=1dvjmqpcwwv3j
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The highlight of my stay in Mai Chau. Children are the light of the world. 
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It's pretty simple, show your happiness. I've made cards with this little face on it.
On the back has the #happysocialexperiment, the Instagram page @happysocialexperiment, and www.happysocialexperiment.club (which leads to this blog). I visit 12 or more states a year. My job is I own a traveling geek store and travel to comic/sci-fi/pop culture conventions.
All I want people to do is visit the site, tag pictures that make them happy, and share. Tell us stories, share your thoughts. Please, if you feel comfortable, send me your stories, tips on happiness, and what keeps you going. I'll post them up. You can stay anonymous if wanted.
Hopefully, this blog will bring people together, bring smiles, and one step closer to self awareness of their happiness.
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blanketsafe · 5 years ago
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🤔What is something beautiful you get to see everyday?? . Now that I'm 100% doing all work from home, I needed an office space that wasnt a sewing machine! So, I took up residence in the spare bedroom...lucky for me, my new office space has the best view in the house!! (Excuse the dirty windows lol🤣 ill get to that in my "spare time") . #qotd #tellmewhatyousaw #horselife #farmlove #farmlivingisthelifeforme #equestrianbusiness #bossbabe #whatmakesyousmile (at Maryland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CALYvNtHI0t/?igshid=1qh8sz5vqzrov
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smilesofpeople · 5 years ago
" Seeing others smile I relish in sharing my love and my happiness to everyone around me.When they get these feelings and responses from me, they smile. and when I see them smile, I smile much more! It is as if we keep forwarding Love, Happiness, and positive energy to one another. Making it greater with each response. That’s the power of love. That’s the power of a smile. P.S. No matter how hard your life is , keep smiling. Then, you will see how precious life can be."
- Kronchanok Mine P.⠀⠀
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Photo Credit: Kronchanok M.
See more smiles on www.smilesofpeople.com
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aboyandhismom · 6 years ago
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I could be having a really crappy day and all I need is a hug from my boy to bring back my smile. In celebration of the first day of summer and all the smiles Operation Smile has delivered this year, I am sharing my “what makes me smile” moment in support of @operationsmilecanada and their #longestdayofsmiles movement. I’m tagging @themomrant and @lisainthecity to post their smile moments. Be sure to nominate 2 others and tag #longestdayofsmiles and @operationsmilecanada to keep the smiles going. Want to give the gift of a smile to a child living with a cleft condition this summer? Text SMILE to 45678 to make an immediate life-changing $20 gift today. #smile #whatmakesmesmile #whatmakesyousmile #happiness #shareyourhappiness #shareyoursmile #smileday #summer #firstdayofsummer #summersoltice (at Whitby, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/By-GjdVgqaf/?igshid=1sm8m1c6ao7dh
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blackmensmile · 4 years ago
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As a movement, we’ve committed to inviting brothers to explore the transformative possibilities of one question, MAKES YOU SMILE? — @hiltoncarter : “By the time I was a teenager I realized that so many of my black male family and friends stopped smiling in photos. The new hype was to look “hard” or “tough” in pictures. I believe it still is. You never wanted to appear too soft or a cornball and if you dared to smile in a photo, that said it all. Or that you might be gay. And I was an art kid in an art high school, so trying to play the tough guy was difficult for me. I tried it here and there but knew that wasn’t how I was built. My mother taught me to be confident in the person I was, the individual I was, the creative I was and as her only child, she built me up as if I was God’s gift. That can be a two edge sword for some, but for a young black teenager, it was crucial. Being able to believe in who I was and be my true self, and say fuck what anyone else might think about me, made stronger, made me tough. So I wore a smile on my face in pictures because I wanted people to see the joy in the eyes of a black man that was straight, artistic and proud of who he was. As I got older I maintained that same sense of self. I use my smile as a weapon! 6 years ago I used it to break into the heart of my wife and now to break stereotypes. My name is Hilton Carter and I’m a straight black man that loves plants, works of art and smiling in photos. All of this making me a real badass! While I might not carry this smile on me while I’m walking my dog or through the grocery store, know that if you’ve ever seen this smile IRL, that you’re loved by me. ✨❤️ “ #blackmensmile #iloveyou #blackjoy #blackpower #blacklove #tuesdaymotivation #whatmakesyousmile https://www.instagram.com/p/CNoi2JkAdhE/?igshid=hvbu6n4or7qr
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herbabryan07 · 6 years ago
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Smile, and let the world wonder why! 🤓😁☀️ #Cheesin #Smile #Crest #Albuquerque #SunSets #Gay #Sruff #Mountains #Escape #Living #WhatMakesYouSmile #Photography #Woods #LGBT (at Sandia Crest Peak) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx0ZvNgBvKf/?igshid=vczxkupadncp
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highladyluck · 6 years ago
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Your appeal in a #piechart #surrealistvalentine #valentine #valentines #valentinesdaycard #valentinesday2019 #collage #surreal #whatmakesyousmile https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt322p1g4CN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qbci1et4yd0r
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amandalej · 8 years ago
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I want to make it a point to stop and take a second each and every day to photograph at least one thing that makes me happy in that moment. This is Day One. Thank you, nature, for all of your beauty and what you have brought to my spirit.
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acteon-northamerica · 8 years ago
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ACTEON travelling to CANADA! First stop is Jasper Dental Conference in Alberta 5/26 & 5/27. Then on to Journées dentaires internationales du Québec 5/29 & 5/30. ACTEON will transform your Dental practice. LIVE DEMO’s, show specials, and MORE! #jaspercanada #visitcanada #discoveralberta #quebeccanada #whatmakesyousmile #dental #dentists #acteoncares #iamcaring #acteonproud #dentalequipment #dentistry #acteon #dentaloffice #oralhealth #dentalwork #oralhealth #dentalhygienist
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constantly-fashionistic · 8 years ago
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A perfect red lip goes hand in hand with a perfect smile, don't you think? So excited for the launch of @sydneysmileco website! Grab your perfect teeth whitening kit before they RUN out from the link below and use the promo code to get 10% off your purchase!! www.sydenysmileco.com Promo code: FASHIONISTIC #sydneysmileco #whatmakesyousmile #smileambassador
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monika-mullins · 7 years ago
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Tell me about the things you love 💙 #mylikes #myfavorites #WhatdoIactuallylike #whatdoyoudoforfun #whatmakesyousmile
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teenhelporg · 4 years ago
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Be the reason someone smiles today! Smiling costs nothing and has many health benefits. Tell us what makes you smile in a comment below! #smilepowerday #happymood #behappy #goodday #moodboost #happyvibes #smile #whatmakesyousmile https://www.instagram.com/p/CQJohMkBgwm/?utm_medium=tumblr
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