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minimalismdiary · 3 years ago
Gratitude list
repeat after me; focus on what you do have instead of what you don’t have
I’m not homeless
I have a bed and blankets
I have food
I have clean water access
I have a big family
I have nice clothes
I live in a 1st world country
I have internet access
I can excercise in the gym
I do not have a physical impairment
I have all my 5 senses
I have free healthcare services
I have strict safety & security systems in the country
I have a lot of spare time
I have blessed genes (weight, hair, physique, face features)
i have some savings money
I have quality education access
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myhappylistblog · 5 years ago
15th July 2020
Did some exercise with mum today, it was really good but hard.
Almost finished my project at work so that's good.
Still not heard back about my interview 😬 brain is melting
Spent most of the day listening to Dolly ❤️
Had some nice food and stuff today yum yum
Managed to have a nap this afternoon, hopefully I'll be able to sleep at bit better tonight.
Facetimed my bestie... Miss her 😢
Got a few things planned for the next few weeks or so, so that's should be good 👍🏻
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nobodyknows1002 · 5 years ago
Pass the happy!🌻🌿 When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications!
1. My pets
2. Music (especially TØP, MGK, and TxT)
3. Soccer
4. Drums
5. Food (excluding veggies lol)
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justforsmiles · 6 years ago
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Round 25! It has been so long! Who misses these happy lists? I sure did. What are some items on your happy list? Let me know here or comment on this post. Tag a friend and challenge them too :)
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padaaayon · 7 years ago
When did I experience joy this week?
For me, it's always everyday. There's no reason to be sad at all times. Yes, I've been experiencing pain, heartbreaks, and trials too. Yes, there's a lot of problem in this world, and it came to the point that you want to gave up everything and that's not the answer for that. You can enjoy, celebrate, being happy while you're sad; how? Just look around to your surroundings at the in the end of the day, there's always a reason to be happy or having experiencing joy in the midst of our trials or problems. You have a family, friends but most especially YOU HAVE GOD who always there to comfort you. Just reach out to him, pray deeply—continually and you'll receive joy, hope, love to your heart.
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thekingraj · 7 years ago
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When last have you had childish fun? 🤣 I HAD TO SCHEDULE IT! I made a list of 20 things that make me happy. Then decided to do one weekly for at least a half hour. Some, like swinging on a swing, I haven’t done in over a decade. Even though it’s been on my vision board since then because it makes me happy. Doing this in the park reminded me of my childhood with my cousins in The Bronx. The little things that brought so much joy. Ahhhh... they still do. 😝 #happylist #childlike #nature #freedom #kingraj #rajism (at Bayonne Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/BmfGChwnOBA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fjwkxezs4eiq
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gsmcpodcastnetwork · 4 years ago
GSMC Life & Happiness Podcast Episode 127: In the Womb and Into Life!
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illustratoroflittlethings · 7 years ago
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I combined two things from my happy list: spring and good design. I love this AJ table lamp by Arne Jacobson and I LOVE spring. Longer and warmer days make me smile.
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ihaskidgloves · 4 years ago
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2020 has been a weird and tough year for everyone but let's face it, not EVERYTHING was bad. Little things here and there made us smile, may it a midday ice cream break or rewatching an episode of your favorite show. • A few months ago, I started keeping a "happy list" every time I made a joirnal entry. It made me take a closer look into my day. I may be having an incredibly difficult time but... that coffee from Del Taco was pretty awesome lol. • I'm planning out 2021 resolutions and actually picturing myself seeing them through. Is this inspiration? • So go and find those little things that made you smile today... even just for a second. . . . . . #bulletjournal #bujo #bujocommunity #bujolove #instabujo #bulletjournaling #leuchtturm1917 #journal #journaling #SideM #animebujo #animejournaling #animejournal #happylist #memopad #SEM #handwriting #gratitude #gratitudejournal https://www.instagram.com/p/CJKZi4PhO0a/?igshid=5l5jrvfx9xc7
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myhappylistblog · 5 years ago
19th, 20th, 21st & 22nd July 2020
Wow I have not kept up with this for a while!
I didn't get the job I interviewed for last week. Bit crappy but I'm gonna keep trying.
Mum's birthday on Sunday which was lovely. We had a few visitors so it was a really fun day. I also did a little Frozen gag for my neice and nephew which they found hilarious so that was 👌🏻
Had a full on nap when I was supposed to be working on Monday 😂
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Tuesday was a bit crappy, feel like the day was very blurrr. But I talked to my friend about potentially living together which is exciting. I also had some jokes with another friend so that was a good end to the day.
Today I did no work 😂 I had my therapy session and it was good to get some things off my chest. It's nice to talk to someone. If you are reading this and not sure if therapy is for you.... My friend, it is for you.
Went to the park and had a nice chat with my bestie. Again, good to talk things through and have a laugh.
Also did some painting. I am no artist but I'm actually Hella proud of this!!! There are things I would do differently but overall I think it looks dank!
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I've been doing some stargazing this week, I'm hoping to catch sight of the Neowise comet at some point! But I have seen Jupiter and Saturn which is kinda cool 🌌
Been getting out of my good habits but did some resetting today so hopefully I can get back on track but be a bit less demanding of myself which would be good.
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bruiseswayne · 7 years ago
happy list - september
2017-09-12 - went to group therapy and had dialogue i do not regret so that’s a start gfdnjg - i ate sushis and they were VERY good - i accompanied my sis to the dentist and she thanked me for it and i felt good for being helpful - i actually got my sister’s christmas gift and it’s really cool looking!!! it’s a rare feeling because im like........ i KNOW this will make her happy. usually im always doubting. i love picking up gifts because i feel like im not bad at it - two times today i paid 10 hourglasses to call V and BOTH TIMES HE ANSWERED.......... THANK YOU GOD - dad made milkshakes again which is Yes - it was actually sunny today so i’m grateful. @ the sun thank you i love you
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padaaayon · 7 years ago
What do I love about myself?
I've been thinking what should I put right words or to describe about myself. My answer for this, I love about myself for being kind or generous to others. I wasn't born rich nor typical kind of cool kid as you can see in this generation. I really don't know it's just I do love giving gifts or simple letter to the people I love and sometimes, some of them were too abusive and use your kindness just to fulfill what they want(s). But I didn't get mad nor angry, in fact I forgave them if people are toxic it's time to make a move and disappear on their sight forever. Another thing that I love about myself is I'm a jolly person. My friends always tell me that I'm a jolly because of my laugh, I laugh hard so bad so if you are with me please bare with my laugh hehe it's because I don't want everybody's sad. Last thing about I love about myself are I'm sweet and lovable person, because I will give everything just my loved ones are happy. I didn't expect in return because I know God will fulfill that for me and He will make sure that I am satisfied and be happy always.
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bsecretlife5012 · 7 years ago
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Tea is on my happy list
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kuhmeel · 8 years ago
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Thank God! I finally had time to update my blog. There are a lot of things that happened for the past few months, and I don't know how or where should I start. Anyway, I've got five crazy things to share with you.
1. School Year is totally over! However, vacation for us means internship. We're already planning to apply in NEDA (National Economic and Development Authority), Manila or Pampanga. 2. A final grade of 1011/1000 (1.0/A+) on a Major Subject.This professor is very passionate and indeed, one of a kind. I've learned that the key to a good grade is to read - not just read, but also to understand. To read a hundred articles and papers are worth it. I enjoyed writing minor thesis paper and journals, running regression and analyzing data which are the reason why I loved the subject. 3. Bride's Maid in my Boyfriend's Sister's Wedding. Of course, partnered with my boyfriend. Along with that; 4. I lost weight. The 'Bride's Maid' thing got me motivated to lose some fat. Still have 3 more weeks to achieve my desired waistline. Hehe. But for now, I've lost 1 inch in just one week! I'll make seperate blog entry if my workout works (or if I did achieve the miraculous waistline) 5. New Business. Aside from my truffles, I started to make pastries. I'm planning to start candy/dessert buffet for events and parties. But I'm still on the process of raising capital. Huhu
Hopefully, I can continue to update my blog even for once in a while. I already made a list for what to post for my following entries.
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neon-spandex · 8 years ago
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New mini zen spot at home: kitchen window plant ledge. #happylist
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raw-musing · 8 years ago
2.3.17 Happy list
shopping with Dad good company chinese food dates! dose of siblings clear skin genuine laughter being of service to people driving alone the rain
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