brightutors · 2 years
What is Computer Science
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What is Computer Science - Computer Science (CS) is the study of computing, programming, and computation in correspondence with computer systems. It involves both theoretical and practical aspects of computer technology and their application in various fields. What is Computer Science - Computer Science involves a wide range of topics, including algorithms, data structures, programming languages, software engineering, computer architecture, operating systems, artificial intelligence, computer networks, databases, computer graphics, and human-computer interaction. The main goal of Computer Science is to develop efficient and effective algorithms, software, and hardware components to solve complex computational problems. This field has significantly impacted various industries such as healthcare, finance, education, transportation, entertainment, and many others. Computer Science also encompasses ethical and societal issues related to the use of technology.   Learn Full Tutorials On brightutors Subscribe Our Channel Read the full article
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ikno-io · 2 months
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Delve into the definition, importance, and future of science. Understand what science is and how the scientific method helps us explore the world. read the full article: https://bit.ly/3SsBPLK #science #scientificmethod #whatisscience #importanceofscience #futureofscience read more: what is science?
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steamcampus · 4 years
Benefits Of Science And Technology
From where should I start the benefits of science and technology in our life. Actually we are surrounded by these benefits of science and technology all around. Wherever we go whatever we do, we are using Science and technology in one of its forms. Today, if we are discussing the benefits of science and technology and sharing our views with each other sitting at a far place with one another is also one of the benefits of science and technology. The smartphone we are using or the laptop or desktop whatever you are using right now to read this article is the gift of Science only. Today we can travel quickly anywhere even 7 seas across in just a few hours. This is one of the benefits of science and technology.
Read More about Benefits Of Science And Tecnology at Steam Campus.
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funktroniclabs · 8 years
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We have a new Waterfall map. This is a simple wave mode for now, with some nice new scenery for you to enjoy. It's much larger than it looks. We'll likely be adding some specific mechanics for this map as time goes on.
Added new chill mode; this is desert wave mode, but at a much lower pace and more relaxed play style. If you want to take it easy, or just experiment, this is the mode for you.
We've changed a ton of balance related stuff, and economy / research related stuff. You'll have to buy the new research buildings to unlock / upgrade tools. The drones are generally much stronger overall. Difficulty curves for waves and strategy 0.5 is smoother at the start but still ramps up well.
The strategy 0.5 mode now has a new enemy builder which flies around and builds (instead of buildings magically appearing). There are also now two building types - each one spawns different enemy types.
If you had any issues with previous balance, please try out the waves mode, waterfall or strategy 0.5 modes and let us know how you feel about the changes! (discord or steam forums)
IMPORTANT: a lot of people had a crash issue - we painstakingly built a repro case and unity managed to get the bug fixed. Thanks everyone who submitted reports, it's super helpful. Thanks to everyone in discord helping test out the builds as we experimented. <3
update to unity 5.5.1p1 (fixes recent crash)
added new waterfall map
added new chill mode
added new enemy building type
added new builder type enemy
added new ship menu icons
added new tool research building types
added audio for slingshot
added control lines between map teleporter nodes
added limit single research building per type
added mini ectoplant patch
added new icons / effects to minimap
added sfx for bomb
added particles when roller enemy hits something
added weak attack for worker drones
added tooltips to game mode selectors
fixed crash in friend bot audio playback
fixed crystal material render issue
fixed drone damage particles stuck on
fixed hit effects on roller enemy when invincible
fixed laser bot drag when pulled soemtimes
fixed various localization isues
fixed audio background loading bug
fixed bubble enemy not taking damage when popped
fixed crash when harvesting depleted crystal
fixed physics so physical collisions can damage
fixed roller enemy taking no damage from assault bot
fixed various leaderboard issues
fixed various map issues
optimized ectoplant area enormously
optimized fabricator particles
optimized world rendering
improved antibody movements / attacks
improved assault drone movement / attacks
improved assault drone orbiting tower
improved friend drone movement
improved drone movement between nodes
improved controller graphics when using minimap
improved death sequence placement / effects
improved plant pot effects in spaceship
improved structure placement check to be less strict
improved wave difficulty curve
improved drone thruster particles
improved strategy0.5 mode general mechanics
improved wave mode general mechanics
changed roller enemy to damage buildings
changed shield to do damage on hitting enemy
increased drone health overall
increased drone damage overall
increased turret damage
increased worker drone efficiency
increased initial bot population cap
reduce assault drone attack range
Report bugs or chat about the game here:
FAQ: http://steamcommunity.com/app/427240/discussions/0/352788917749583687/
Trello: https://trello.com/b/GZIV31BZ/cosmic-trip
Discord: https://discord.gg/013jLi10e03zz346o
Stay funky!
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Tying it all together
           The role of science and technology are an ever-changing part of our everyday lives. While this role may be up for debate, the fact that the two continue to become more and more intertwined with our lives, however, is not. Science and technology to me is the constant search for understanding our world around us, then applying that knowledge to improve our lives inside it. Unconventional oil and gas extraction (UOGE) is an excellent example of this developing understanding and its struggle to be applied effectively into our everyday lives. From a political and economic standpoint, UOGE can be an extremely lucrative, growing technology both within and beyond United States borders. However this energy goldmine is both a blessing and a curse. In order to better understand this process, I will apply three major concepts that help us understand science itself, and attempt to look at UOGE through those perspectives.
           First we need to tackle the fundamental issue of what science is. As Collins and Pinch put it, science is like a golem; a powerful being with the ability to solve complex problems, yet “without control, a golem may destroy its masters with flailing vigor” as well as those around it (Collins and Pinch, 1). In other words, science has great innovative power, however if it falls into the wrong hands or is used for the wrong reasons, it has potentially devastating effects. On one hand, in terms of UOGE, we have developed techniques of extracting millions of tons of natural gas from within the Earth’s surface, providing seemingly limitless amounts of energy to U.S. citizens and beyond. Yet, at the same time destroying local habitats, stripping land owners of their property, and consuming large amounts of unrenewable resources. In order to truly understand the emerging field of UOGE, we must first take a step back and look at the bigger picture of what we are giving up and taking away in order to tap into this energy surplus.
           Next, we need to examine the significance of scientific and technological innovations and go beyond its tangible qualities to discover whether or not these innovations are truly a benefit to our society. Most consumers in our growing technology market do not make this attempt to investigate the consequences of our new inventions, but one group, the Amish, do. As Wetmore explains, most people see the Amish as an outdated cultural group within society who are against all modern technology and reject any change as they continue living the lives of a simpler time. While this explanation may not be entirely untrue, the better explanation as Wetmore explains later is that they are simply more conscious to the effects these new innovations will have on their society. The Amish undergo a very rigorous deliberation process weighing the potential benefits and consequences to a new invention, in an attempt to protect the purity of the moral and ethical values that govern their society and its culture identity. While decision-makers controlling the expansion of UOGE also undergo a deliberation process, the depth of their analysis is no match to that of the Amish. They are more concerned with the physical, economic, and political outcomes rather than the deeper societal and cultural tolls the extraction process can have on the small communities whose opinions often go unheard, yet are the most directly impacted by the pipelines, wells, etc. In order to property decide the fate of the future of UOGE in the United States, more focus needs to be given to the unseen effects the process can have. In other words, UOGE needs to be humanized; reconsidered for its effects on the local, surrounding communities where all levels of the UOGE equation can be content living with both the benefits and the costs of the process.
           Lastly, we need to discuss the physical creation of science and technology. Regardless to how well a design fairs throughout the testing process, no part of science or the natural world it governs can be entirely safe from failure. This was put on display in the Challenger explosion. In the Challenger space-shuttle, each component of the aircraft was put through a rigorous testing process and required to emerge with success rates above a certain pre-determined standard. The O-rings, the component claimed to be the cause of the explosion, had some difficulty yet passed this standard set by NASA, thus was cleared for launch. As the story goes, the rings failed, the ship exploded, millions of dollars and sadly, human lives were lost. However, the main takeaway from this is that science and technology can never be entirely safe from disaster, but as long as we set a precedent, and follow that precedent, there is nothing more we can do to prevent disasters from occurring. In UOGE, well and pipeline safety precedents have been created to ensure the extraction process is safe and reliable, but as we saw in Gasland, these are not always 100% reliable. As the numerous families explained, gas can escape from the wells/pipes and enter local water supplies and pipes can flat out break, but there is nothing engineers/politicians could have done to prevent them all. All in all, we cannot ensure UOGE or any process for that matter will be entirely safe, accidents happen. So, in order to protect the future of UOGE, precedents need to be established and maintained to a tee and skeptics need to remember that risks are a part of life and as long as a high standard was created and properly abided by, there is nothing more we can do to protect against all potential disasters experienced along the way.  
  Works Cited
 Collins and Pinch, The Golem, Introduction (pp. 1-3)
 Wetmore, Jameson, the Amish and Technology, 2007
 Fox, Josh, Gasland, 2010
 Collins and Pinch, The Golem at Large, Chapter 2 “The Naked Launch: assigning blame for the Challenger explosion”, (pp. 30- 56)
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pyneappul · 11 years
how do u
create a data table on an experiment you didnt even undergo.
i will have to pull it out of my ass oh my gosh this entire project is going to be bs-ed so hard hahahaa i hope she doesn't notice
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