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((( #DoNotConform ))) 🤔 Subservient muh fukkas .... #Rayshardbrooks #riprayshardbrooks #justiceforrayshardbrooks #Amerikkkanhistoryx #WhatisyourHistory #whatiscognativedissonance #whatisconformity #whatisselfhate #WhatisPsychologicalWarfare #thehatethathateproduced #DomesticGenocide #coon #Truthwaiversfornoman #justiceorelse #policebrutality #policestate #policeterrorism #police #martiallaw (at Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBcNKkOA7om/?igshid=ujo1s0fowx7p
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#Jewels "A good teacher, like a good entertainer first must hold his audience's attention, then he can teach his lesson. Religion is the organization of spirituality into something that became the hand maiden of conquerors. Nearly all religions were brought to people and imposed on people by conquerors, and used as the framework to control their minds. We have been educated into believing someone else's concept of the deity, and someone else's standard of beauty. You have the right to practice any religion and politics in a way that best suits your freedom, your dignity, and your understanding. And once you do that, you don't apologize." #JohnHenrikClarke #AGreatandMightyWalk #DoResearch #SeekKnowledge #SeekTruth #WhosAfraid #WhatisCognativeDissonance #WhatisConformity #WhatisPsychologicalWarfare #WhatisyourHistory #WeOnDeck
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#HipHopPSA ⚠️🚨🚨 "How you cosignin the falsefyers...just because a fraud says or does something real..dont make the fake real..their whole foundation/character is built on fraud?"🚨🚨⚠️ #TupacAmaruShakur #TupacShakur #Tupac #RipTupacShakur #ThugAngel #Pac #RestinPower #TheOutlawz#ThugLife #RidahSeason #Amerikkkanhistoryx #Truthwaiversfornoman #DomesticGenocide #WhatisPsychologicalWarfare #whatiscognativedissonance #whatisconformity #teachtheyouthtruth #1000network #MixxMafiaNetwork #WuWorldNetwork #Thehypemagazinenetwork #NerveDjsNetwork #BCMRNetwork #TheNetwerk #acwbroadcastnetwork (at 1520 Sedgwick Avenue) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBgZYr8FOhs/?igshid=bkodu7pros5o
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#GroupConciousness ✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽 "The relative powerlessness and nature of Black consciousness as the reactionary product of White-Black power relations is operationally created through the sabotaging and manipulation of the fundaments of Black consciousness through their social and educational conditioning by Whites. Since the power of consciousness is related to its available fund and accuracy of knowledge, Whites have determined the strength and potential of Black consciousness by deliberately supplying it with operational non-knowledge or ignorance, inappropriate, inadequate, or otherwise faulty knowledge. The strength and behavioral character of Black Consciousness depends on its accurate perception of and its willingness to directly confront and come to terms with reality. Consequently, in order to weaken and misdirect Black consciousness, Whites through obscuring and misdefining reality, by associating it's discovery by Blacks with social rejection and with other forms of punitive and painful consequences, have induced in many Blacks a compelling need to also obscure and misdefine reality, to chronically seek to escape from it, and to accept the self-serving depiction of reality by Whites as valid." 🎬 via @blackdetour #DrAmosWilson #drclaudeanderson #MalcolmX #hueypnewton #fredhampton #stokelycarmichael #WhatisyourHistory #whatiscognativedissonance #whatisconformity #whatisselfhate #Amerikkkanhistoryx #Truthwaiversfornoman #SeekKnowledge #seektruth #DoResearch #AskQuestions #questioneverything #imwiththeshifts #RulesofRacism #HiddenColors #skyytribe #GCFC #godschosenfromcreation #youngblackandgold #WhatisPsychologicalWarfare (at Lubbock, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA8D2J2gx47/?igshid=1g47ukjqbngh1
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🤔 ......#HipHopPSA from @chakabars Well @wakaflocka didn’t lie, repost via @raspy_rawls someone @diddy @drdre etc 🌍 #TRUTHwaiversfornoman #WhatisConformity #WhatisPsychologicalWarfare #1000network #GlobalMediaNetworkGroup #TheNetwerk #NerveDjsNetwork #MixxMafiaNetwork #thehypemagazinenetwork #TheHustleNetwork #acwbroadcastnetwork #WuWorldNetwork #HipHop #HipHop4Justice #hiphopculture #hiphopmusic #recordlabel #industry #IndieAdvancement #Indievoice #doforself #DoNotConform #TheWaytoSuccessisThroughOurOwnEfforts (at Phenomenal Radio) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCsP7hGj1fQ/?igshid=1dx4wl26g3ht3
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"Do research in everything...True knowledge helps to open eyes.." 🎥 from @brotherjerard & @brotherbenx Still relevant till this day 🤲🏾 #LouisFarrakhan •• Be strong like our brother @nickcannon who isn’t bowing down because of the truth 💪🏾 #BrotherBenX Follow and hear @_rizzaislam @nurimuhammad @finalcallnewspaper @wesleymuhammad @brotherjesse @brotherkingcam @19_keys @finalcallradio @moethebestout @ooyiman + #Farrakhan #LouisFarrakhan #justiceorelse #WeareFarrakhan #imwiththeshifts #Amerikkkanhistoryx #DomesticGenocide #WhatisPsychologicalWarfare #thehatethathateproduced #WhatisyourHistory #FinalCall #FinalCallNewsAlert #1000network #donotconform #WhatisConformity #whatiscognitivedissonance #WhatisCognativeDissonance #WhatisyourHistory #Whatitselfhate #teachtheyouththetruth (at United States of America) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCrEAzyJjUy/?igshid=10mhebzoe8zup
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#HipHopPSA 🎥 from @bob_in_uk Well apart from the fact that "speaking the truth" means smth else to each individual but I like how @nickcannon unapologetically stuck to his! @teacha_krsone 💜🙌🏽✊🏽👏🏽 #bob_in_uk #nickcannon #krsone #Truthwaiversfornoman #WeWillnotbesilent #whatiscognitivedissonance #WhatisCognativeDissonance #WhatisConformity #donotconform #WhatisPsychologicalWarfare #TheWaytoSuccessisThroughOurOwnEfforts #TheBlackStandard #WE #teachtheyouththetruth #DomesticGenocide #blackhistory #worldhistory #1000network #HipHop #HipHop4Justice #hiphopculture #hiphopmusic (at 1520 Sedgwick Avenue) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCq6trzJvIZ/?igshid=2fhh38ztu8fn
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🚨 #HipHopPSA 🚨 from @hiphopsince1987 Via @peopledelphia - “When Philadelphia openly enables vigilantes to roam our streets and public spaces with weapons while physically and verbally assaulting reporters and neighbors, it’s no surprise that yesterday this same group felt empowered to march to #MayorKenney’s residence to pose for pictures on his front lawn with their middle fingers in the air. Not a single person has been held accountable for what happened in Fishtown two weeks ago. Not a single person has been held accountable for what happened in South Philadelphia this past weekend. Countless haven’t been held accountable for the unfair treatment of Black and Brown Americans by the hands of our “justice�� system. While my recent posts about police brutality and accountability haven’t directly highlighted the police’s treatment of people of color, this is all connected. The system is broken — CORRECTION: the system isn’t broken, the system was built this way and in fact it’s working in the way that white elites have modeled it to work (thanks @hava.rose). There’s no call-to-action with this post. I just ask you to look at this and reflect and know that our city is openly allowing this type of behavior and that, very soon, when I do outline next steps for how you can help, I hope you’ll take it seriously. #visitphilly #peopledelphia #phillyphilly #phillysupportphilly #howphillyseesphilly #southphilly #phillyprotest #phillycollective @nbcphiladelphia @whyy @wooder_ice @fox29philly @cbs_philly @billy_penn @phillymag @phillyresist @phillychitchat “ - #Amerikkkanhistoryx #Truthwaiversfornoman #DomesticGenocide #WhatisPsychologicalWarfare #whatiscognativedissonance #whatisconformity #AskQuestions #questioneverything #WeWillNotBeSilent #policebrutality #policestate #policeterrorism #police #martiallaw #justiceorelse #trump #1000network #networkdistribution (at Phenomenal Radio) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBhLLkTAnpc/?igshid=1szynkaq5z7ty
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☀️ #HipHopPSA 💎Follow hear and build with ((( @hip_hop_motivator ))) 👑 #richardpryor #tupacshakur #77 #trump #chump #hiphopmotivation #thesecrettoballin #culturevultures #Amerikkkanhistoryx #Truthwaiversfornoman #DomesticGenocide #WhatisPsychologicalWarfare #whatiscognativedissonance #whatisconformity #whatisselfhate #FindtheXinyaself #policebrutality #riot #revolt #1000network www.myhiphopmotivation.com - (at Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBGny9QACZe/?igshid=1vuanut6wx9vk
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⛪🌱🌍#DoResearch Any race that accepts the thoughts of another race becomes the slave of that other race. As men think, so they do react above the things around them. When men are taught to think in certain groove they act similarly. It is no wonder that the Negro acts so peculiarly within our present civilization, because he has been trained and taught to accept the thoughts of a race that has made itself by assumption superior. The Negro during the time of slavery accepted his thoughts and opinions from the white race, by so doing he admitted into his system the idea of the superiority of a master in relationship to a slave. #AfricanFundamentalism seeks to emancipate the Negro from the thoughts of others who are encouraging him to act on their opinions and thoughts. Any race that has succeeded in this world- speaking of the ancient world up until the present world, will tell you that they succeeded by thinking and acting for themselves. He must create around him his own philosophy- the semblance of everything that he desires for himself. That is what "African Fundamentalism" seeks to do,- establish a creed, as a guide, so that you will make few mistakes if any in the world. Because if you act on the thoughts of others, so long will they remain your superiors; for no man is so just, because of the sins of the world, to treat his brother as he would that others treat him. Man will not treat his brother with equity. We have one race pulling against the other, so that it has almost become an axiom. "That no man will think equally for his brother and so those who have imposed their thoughts upon you, will give you only that thought to let you serve them as slaves." ���🌱🌍 ▶️ @blackenergyshop 🎬 #AmosWilson #FearNoMan #MarcusGarvey #Garveyism #YoungBlackandGold #Truthwaiversfornoman #Amerikkkanhistoryx #WhatisyourHistory #whatiscognativedissonance #whatisconformity #whatisselfhate #WhatisPsychologicalWarfare #thehatethathateproduced #DomesticGenocide #criminals #criminalminds #criminality #prison #prisonindustrialcomplex #jail #county #detention #tdc #pen #penitentiary #correctionalfacility #1000network (at Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_gb3EqDwav/?igshid=1x5it1d5ywwpc
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Do Research. 🎬 from @dtr360books Click link in bio for #DrKabaKamene *NEW BOOK* 📚 #SpiritualityBeforeReligion [see prior post for #bookcover] #DTR360BOOKS - #youngblackandgold #KnowThyself #loveyaself #imwiththeshifts #SeekKnowledge #seektruth #Truthwaiversfornoman #AskQuestions #questioneverything #Amerikkkanhistoryx #WhatisyourHistory #whatiscognativedissonance #whatisconformity #whatisselfhate #WhatisPsychologicalWarfare #thehatethathateproduced (at Africa) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9ktcs8g2N2/?igshid=1vzti7ziaevpx
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#PSA from @brotherbenx - #rizzaislam Sends a message to all of the supporters and clarify misinformation being presented. Share this! #BrotherBenX - #imwiththeshifts #RulesofRacism #HiddenColors #DoResearch #SeekKnowledge #seektruth #rizzagotfacts #Truthwaiversfornoman #AskQuestions #questioneverything #WeWillNotBeSilent #Amerikkkanhistoryx #WhatisyourHistory #whatiscognativedissonance #whatisconformity #whatisselfhate #WhatisPsychologicalWarfare #thehatethathateproduced #1000network #youngblackandgold #GCFC #godschosenfromcreation (at United States) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3bKBOxpSKY/?igshid=1epsgq9on5j35
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Peace Family ask yourselves..are you #Trained or are you #Educated ? “The lion,” explains Dr. #NaimAkbar “that will jump through a fiery hoop because on the other side you have a big fat steak for him, is a trained lion, not an educated lion.”He goes on to explain: “… education is a process by which you are actively capable of manifesting what you are. When you increasingly manifest what somebody else wants you to be—which may or may not be critical to your survival as a life form—you are trained.” In the case of the trained lion, it is no longer king of the jungle. It has been domesticated (i.e., trained as a circus pet). Thereby, it has lost its ability to take to the jungle and hunt to fulfill its rightful place in nature. #Akbar (1984) #FromMiseducationtoEducation #policebrutality #ClaudeAnderson #Powernomics #DomesticGenocide #imwiththeshifts #DoNotConform #DoResearch #SeekKnowledge #SeekTruth #WhatisCognativeDissonance #political #WhatisConformity #WhatisSelfHate #WhatisyourHistory #1000Network #MalcolmX #BlackNationalism #BlackConsciousness #KnowThyself #loveyaself #youngblackandgold #AskQuestions #questioneverything #Amerikkkanhistoryx #WhatisPsychologicalWarfare (at United States) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0v-SDGHZI4/?igshid=1hrnnj8oag1iq
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#HiddenColors Ask yourselves..are you #Trained or are you #Educated ? “The lion,” explains Dr. #NaimAkbar “that will jump through a fiery hoop because on the other side you have a big fat steak for him, is a trained lion, not an educated lion.”He goes on to explain: “… education is a process by which you are actively capable of manifesting what you are. When you increasingly manifest what somebody else wants you to be—which may or may not be critical to your survival as a life form—you are trained.” In the case of the trained lion, it is no longer king of the jungle. It has been domesticated (i.e., trained as a circus pet). Thereby, it has lost its ability to take to the jungle and hunt to fulfill its rightful place in nature. #Akbar (1984) #FromMiseducationtoEducation #Amerikkkanhistoryx #WhatisConformity #truthwaiversfornoman #WhatisyourHistory #rulesofracism #whitesupremacy #reparations #WhatisPsychologicalWarfare #whatiscognitivedissonance #whatiscognativedissonance #youngblackandgold #WeWillnotbesilent #policeterrorism #policebrutality #police #politricks #community #BlackFamily #blackhistory #worldhistory #1000Network (at United States) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCG6Y6vDQFc/?igshid=1740hukiovbb8
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Do Research. #PSA from @_rizzaislam #Tuskegee experiment, American Eugenics society, forced sterilization programs and covert sterilization programs, vaccines sent to Mexico, the islands, all throughout America, the needles sent to Africa damaging MILLIONS! The CURRENT EXPERIMENTATION (testing) of #covid19 vaccines in Africa and MUCH! MUCH! MORE! The #cdc has been a devil where Black people are concerned and of course other people as well. #rizzaislam #cdctruth #cdcwhistleblower #vaccines #intellectualxtremist #WEAREFARRAKHAN #separationordeath - #Amerikkkanhistoryx #Truthwaiversfornoman #DomesticGenocide #WhatisPsychologicalWarfare #whatiscognativedissonance #whatisconformity #whatiscognitivedissonance #1000network (at Phenomenal Radio) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCFFFOtDX7z/?igshid=xtvname6xfgs
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🤔 #NegropeanPSA from @_rizzaislam I will die LONG BEFORE i BOW DOWN to this ENEMY!!! It will be broadcasted at WWW.NOI.ORG/WEBCAST and other networks as well but i will announce them in a few days! Be READY! It's about to get real 🔥 and this enemy is afraid & scared as he SHOULD! BE! Your world is coming to an END and we are TIRED of living under WICKED!!! RULE!!!!! it is OUR TIME NOW and we DESERVE TO BE FREE!!!🔥🔥✊🏿✊🏿 I stand with FARRAKHAN! And NOTHING YOU SAY will change THAT! #rizzaislam #Farrakhanjuly4th #rizzawithfacts #intellectualxtremist #nationofislam #NATIONBEENWOKE #WEAREFARRAKHAN #separationordeath #1000network #WeWillnotbesilent #amerikkkanhistoryx #whatisconformity #donotconform (at United States) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCCL9kyj_yM/?igshid=shipbawhzioy
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