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slatestonemusic · 5 years ago
(((pur·pose))) *the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists 📚 #Chuuch 🌱Delivered by @minishmael "The Plan of the Enemy to Kill Farrakhan" 🌍 Follow @brotherbenx @brotherjerard @_rizzaislam @nurimuhammad @finalcallnewspaper @elijahfarrakhan @wesleymuhammad @brotherjesse @brotherkingcam @19_keys @finalcallradio @moethebestout @ooyiman + #Farrakhan #MessageToTheWorld #LouisFarrakhan #Islam #foi #justiceorelse #WeareFarrakhan #imwiththeshifts #noi #Amerikkkanhistoryx #DomesticGenocide #WhatisPsychologicalWarfare #thehatethathateproduced #WhatisyourHistory #FinalCall #FinalCallNewsAlert #1000network NOI.ORG/WEBCAST 👈🏿👈🏿👈🏿 (at The Nation of Islam) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDHGAiDjFG4/?igshid=obhnp62ff86r
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slatestonemusic · 5 years ago
((( #DoNotConform ))) 🤔 Subservient muh fukkas .... #Rayshardbrooks #riprayshardbrooks #justiceforrayshardbrooks #Amerikkkanhistoryx #WhatisyourHistory #whatiscognativedissonance #whatisconformity #whatisselfhate #WhatisPsychologicalWarfare #thehatethathateproduced #DomesticGenocide #coon #Truthwaiversfornoman #justiceorelse #policebrutality #policestate #policeterrorism #police #martiallaw (at Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBcNKkOA7om/?igshid=ujo1s0fowx7p
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slatestonemusic · 5 years ago
#HipHopPSA ⚠️🚨🚨 "How you cosignin the falsefyers...just because a fraud says or does something real..dont make the fake real..their whole foundation/character is built on fraud?"🚨🚨⚠️ #TupacAmaruShakur #TupacShakur #Tupac #RipTupacShakur #ThugAngel #Pac #RestinPower #TheOutlawz#ThugLife #RidahSeason #Amerikkkanhistoryx #Truthwaiversfornoman #DomesticGenocide #WhatisPsychologicalWarfare #whatiscognativedissonance #whatisconformity #teachtheyouthtruth #1000network #MixxMafiaNetwork #WuWorldNetwork #Thehypemagazinenetwork #NerveDjsNetwork #BCMRNetwork #TheNetwerk #acwbroadcastnetwork (at 1520 Sedgwick Avenue) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBgZYr8FOhs/?igshid=bkodu7pros5o
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slatestonemusic · 5 years ago
#FinalCallNewsAlert from @finalcallnewspaper Read about weather-related disasters & how to prepare yourself & family in case of emergencies in the special re-issue of the #DisasterPreparedness edition. Download free edition @ finalcall.com [🔍 search: ‘disaster preparedness’] 🎺 🌪🌊⛈🎒⛑☔️ • #watchtheweather #storms #safety Follow @brotherbenx @_rizzaislam @nurimuhammad @finalcallnewspaper @elijahfarrakhan @wesleymuhammad @brotherjesse @brotherkingcam @19_keys @finalcallradio @moethebestout @ooyiman @brotherjerard + #Farrakhan #MessageToTheWorld #Islam #foi #justiceorelse #WeareFarrakhan #imwiththeshifts #noi #media #weather #Amerikkkanhistoryx #DomesticGenocide #WhatisPsychologicalWarfare #WhatisyourHistory #FinalCall #1000network NOI.ORG/WEBCAST 👈🏿👈🏿👈🏿 (at Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDX3UTsjbuC/?igshid=171buupcdca3q
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slatestonemusic · 5 years ago
#FinalCallNewsAlert from @finalcallnewspaper "Police authorities are trained to kill, as well as to protect. But where Black people are concerned, police legitimize their mob attacks under the name of ‘back up.’ Police back up is often no different than the lynch mobs 100 years ago. The killing of our people, shooting them with many bullets when one would have done the job. And then, that deliberative body which is to discuss the brutal murder of our people by looking into the facts, comes away calling it justifiable homicide." ~The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan ["Justifiable Homicide: Black Youth In Peril” (Pt. 1); Oct. 28, 2007; delivered at Mosque Maryam in Chicago, Illinois] • Learn more @ finalcall.com - #FinalCall Follow @brotherbenx @_rizzaislam @nurimuhammad @finalcallnewspaper @goalden_chyld @elijahfarrakhan @brotherjerard @wesleymuhammad @brotherjesse @brotherkingcam @19_keys @finalcallradio @moethebestout @ooyiman + #Farrakhan #MessageToTheWorld #LouisFarrakhan #Islam #foi #justiceorelse #WeareFarrakhan #imwiththeshifts #noi #Amerikkkanhistoryx #DomesticGenocide #WhatisPsychologicalWarfare #thehatethathateproduced #WhatisyourHistory #1000network #policebrutality #policeterrorism #police #politricks #chicago #portland #feds #warzone #war NOI.ORG/WEBCAST 👈🏿👈🏿👈🏿 (at United States) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDDUKq7Dlyc/?igshid=120h2npx55bqt
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slatestonemusic · 5 years ago
🤔 ......#HipHopPSA from @chakabars Well @wakaflocka didn’t lie, repost via @raspy_rawls someone @diddy @drdre etc 🌍 #TRUTHwaiversfornoman #WhatisConformity #WhatisPsychologicalWarfare #1000network #GlobalMediaNetworkGroup #TheNetwerk #NerveDjsNetwork #MixxMafiaNetwork #thehypemagazinenetwork #TheHustleNetwork #acwbroadcastnetwork #WuWorldNetwork #HipHop #HipHop4Justice #hiphopculture #hiphopmusic #recordlabel #industry #IndieAdvancement #Indievoice #doforself #DoNotConform #TheWaytoSuccessisThroughOurOwnEfforts (at Phenomenal Radio) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCsP7hGj1fQ/?igshid=1dx4wl26g3ht3
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slatestonemusic · 5 years ago
"Do research in everything...True knowledge helps to open eyes.." 🎥 from @brotherjerard & @brotherbenx Still relevant till this day 🤲🏾 #LouisFarrakhan •• Be strong like our brother @nickcannon who isn’t bowing down because of the truth 💪🏾 #BrotherBenX Follow and hear @_rizzaislam @nurimuhammad @finalcallnewspaper @wesleymuhammad @brotherjesse @brotherkingcam @19_keys @finalcallradio @moethebestout @ooyiman + #Farrakhan #LouisFarrakhan #justiceorelse #WeareFarrakhan #imwiththeshifts #Amerikkkanhistoryx #DomesticGenocide #WhatisPsychologicalWarfare #thehatethathateproduced #WhatisyourHistory #FinalCall #FinalCallNewsAlert #1000network #donotconform #WhatisConformity #whatiscognitivedissonance #WhatisCognativeDissonance #WhatisyourHistory #Whatitselfhate #teachtheyouththetruth (at United States of America) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCrEAzyJjUy/?igshid=10mhebzoe8zup
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slatestonemusic · 5 years ago
#HipHopPSA 🎥 from @bob_in_uk Well apart from the fact that "speaking the truth" means smth else to each individual but I like how @nickcannon unapologetically stuck to his! @teacha_krsone 💜🙌🏽✊🏽👏🏽 #bob_in_uk #nickcannon #krsone #Truthwaiversfornoman #WeWillnotbesilent #whatiscognitivedissonance #WhatisCognativeDissonance #WhatisConformity #donotconform #WhatisPsychologicalWarfare #TheWaytoSuccessisThroughOurOwnEfforts #TheBlackStandard #WE #teachtheyouththetruth #DomesticGenocide #blackhistory #worldhistory #1000network #HipHop #HipHop4Justice #hiphopculture #hiphopmusic (at 1520 Sedgwick Avenue) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCq6trzJvIZ/?igshid=2fhh38ztu8fn
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slatestonemusic · 5 years ago
🚨 #HipHopPSA 🚨 from @hiphopsince1987 Via @peopledelphia - “When Philadelphia openly enables vigilantes to roam our streets and public spaces with weapons while physically and verbally assaulting reporters and neighbors, it’s no surprise that yesterday this same group felt empowered to march to #MayorKenney’s residence to pose for pictures on his front lawn with their middle fingers in the air. Not a single person has been held accountable for what happened in Fishtown two weeks ago. Not a single person has been held accountable for what happened in South Philadelphia this past weekend. Countless haven’t been held accountable for the unfair treatment of Black and Brown Americans by the hands of our “justice” system. While my recent posts about police brutality and accountability haven’t directly highlighted the police’s treatment of people of color, this is all connected. The system is broken — CORRECTION: the system isn’t broken, the system was built this way and in fact it’s working in the way that white elites have modeled it to work (thanks @hava.rose). There’s no call-to-action with this post. I just ask you to look at this and reflect and know that our city is openly allowing this type of behavior and that, very soon, when I do outline next steps for how you can help, I hope you’ll take it seriously. #visitphilly #peopledelphia #phillyphilly #phillysupportphilly #howphillyseesphilly #southphilly #phillyprotest #phillycollective @nbcphiladelphia @whyy @wooder_ice @fox29philly @cbs_philly @billy_penn @phillymag @phillyresist @phillychitchat “ - #Amerikkkanhistoryx #Truthwaiversfornoman #DomesticGenocide #WhatisPsychologicalWarfare #whatiscognativedissonance #whatisconformity #AskQuestions #questioneverything #WeWillNotBeSilent #policebrutality #policestate #policeterrorism #police #martiallaw #justiceorelse #trump #1000network #networkdistribution (at Phenomenal Radio) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBhLLkTAnpc/?igshid=1szynkaq5z7ty
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slatestonemusic · 5 years ago
☀️ #HipHopPSA 💎Follow hear and build with ((( @hip_hop_motivator ))) 👑 #richardpryor #tupacshakur #77 #trump #chump #hiphopmotivation #thesecrettoballin #culturevultures #Amerikkkanhistoryx #Truthwaiversfornoman #DomesticGenocide #WhatisPsychologicalWarfare #whatiscognativedissonance #whatisconformity #whatisselfhate #FindtheXinyaself #policebrutality #riot #revolt #1000network www.myhiphopmotivation.com - (at Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBGny9QACZe/?igshid=1vuanut6wx9vk
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slatestonemusic · 5 years ago
⛪🌱🌍#DoResearch Any race that accepts the thoughts of another race becomes the slave of that other race. As men think, so they do react above the things around them. When men are taught to think in certain groove they act similarly. It is no wonder that the Negro acts so peculiarly within our present civilization, because he has been trained and taught to accept the thoughts of a race that has made itself by assumption superior. The Negro during the time of slavery accepted his thoughts and opinions from the white race, by so doing he admitted into his system the idea of the superiority of a master in relationship to a slave. #AfricanFundamentalism seeks to emancipate the Negro from the thoughts of others who are encouraging him to act on their opinions and thoughts. Any race that has succeeded in this world- speaking of the ancient world up until the present world, will tell you that they succeeded by thinking and acting for themselves. He must create around him his own philosophy- the semblance of everything that he desires for himself. That is what "African Fundamentalism" seeks to do,- establish a creed, as a guide, so that you will make few mistakes if any in the world. Because if you act on the thoughts of others, so long will they remain your superiors; for no man is so just, because of the sins of the world, to treat his brother as he would that others treat him. Man will not treat his brother with equity. We have one race pulling against the other, so that it has almost become an axiom. "That no man will think equally for his brother and so those who have imposed their thoughts upon you, will give you only that thought to let you serve them as slaves." ⛪🌱🌍 ▶️ @blackenergyshop 🎬 #AmosWilson #FearNoMan #MarcusGarvey #Garveyism #YoungBlackandGold #Truthwaiversfornoman #Amerikkkanhistoryx #WhatisyourHistory #whatiscognativedissonance #whatisconformity #whatisselfhate #WhatisPsychologicalWarfare #thehatethathateproduced #DomesticGenocide #criminals #criminalminds #criminality #prison #prisonindustrialcomplex #jail #county #detention #tdc #pen #penitentiary #correctionalfacility #1000network (at Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_gb3EqDwav/?igshid=1x5it1d5ywwpc
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slatestonemusic · 5 years ago
Do Research. 🎬 from @dtr360books Click link in bio for #DrKabaKamene *NEW BOOK* 📚 #SpiritualityBeforeReligion [see prior post for #bookcover] #DTR360BOOKS - #youngblackandgold #KnowThyself #loveyaself #imwiththeshifts #SeekKnowledge #seektruth #Truthwaiversfornoman #AskQuestions #questioneverything #Amerikkkanhistoryx #WhatisyourHistory #whatiscognativedissonance #whatisconformity #whatisselfhate #WhatisPsychologicalWarfare #thehatethathateproduced (at Africa) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9ktcs8g2N2/?igshid=1vzti7ziaevpx
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slatestonemusic · 5 years ago
#PSA from @brotherbenx - #rizzaislam Sends a message to all of the supporters and clarify misinformation being presented. Share this! #BrotherBenX - #imwiththeshifts #RulesofRacism #HiddenColors #DoResearch #SeekKnowledge #seektruth #rizzagotfacts #Truthwaiversfornoman #AskQuestions #questioneverything #WeWillNotBeSilent #Amerikkkanhistoryx #WhatisyourHistory #whatiscognativedissonance #whatisconformity #whatisselfhate #WhatisPsychologicalWarfare #thehatethathateproduced #1000network #youngblackandgold #GCFC #godschosenfromcreation (at United States) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3bKBOxpSKY/?igshid=1epsgq9on5j35
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slatestonemusic · 3 years ago
COINTELPRO derived from Counter Intelligence Program) (1956–1971) was a series of covert and illegal projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic American political organizations.FBI records show #COINTELPRO resources targeted groups and individuals the FBI deemed subversive, including feminist organizations, the Communist Party USA, anti–Vietnam War organizers, activists of the civil rights movement and Black Power movement (e.g. Martin Luther King Jr., the Nation of Islam, and the Black Panther Party - via Wikipedia #TruthWaiversForNoMan #FindTheXinyaself #WhatisyourHistory #whatispsychologicalwarfare #whatiscointelpro #COINTELPRO #DoResearch #DomesticGenocide #WeAreFarrakhan #malcolmx (at United States) https://www.instagram.com/slatestonemusic/p/CYAYnmZF0rt/?utm_medium=tumblr
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slatestonemusic · 3 years ago
NEWS: “Muhammad Aziz, innocent in murder of Malcolm X, files civil suit” <—- Muhammad Aziz, center, stands outside the courthouse with members of his family after his conviction in the killing of Malcolm X was vacated, Thursday, Nov. 18, 2021, in New York. A Manhattan judge dismissed the convictions of Muhammad Aziz and the late Khalil Islam, after prosecutors and the men's lawyers said a renewed investigation found new evidence that the men were not involved with the killing and determined that authorities withheld some of what they knew. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig) #MalcolmX #MuhammadAziz #BlackMuslims #BlackMuslimCulture @blackmuslimculture #TruthWaiversForNoMan #FindTheXinyaself #WhatisyourHistory #whatispsychologicalwarfare #whatiscointelpro #COINTELPRO #DoResearch #DomesticGenocide #WeAreFarrakhan #malcolmx (at United States) https://www.instagram.com/slatestonemusic/p/CYAYQDClVxc/?utm_medium=tumblr
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slatestonemusic · 3 years ago
gen·tri·fi·ca·tion the process whereby the character of a poor urban area is changed by wealthier people moving in, improving housing, and attracting new businesses, typically displacing current inhabitants in the process. 🔌Follow hear and build with @intellectualxtremist 💎 #Powernomics "Power is the ability to get things done despite the resistance and opposition of others. Economics is the production, distribution and consumption of goods and wealth. PowerNomics then is the ability of Blacks to pool resources and power to produce, distribute and consume in a way that creates goods." #economics #ClaudeAnderson #rizzagotfacts #imwiththeshifts #gentrification #Amerikkkanhistoryx #Truthwaiversfornoman #DomesticGenocide #Healthalert #PSA #WhatisPsychologicalWarfare #HipHopPSA #truthsocial #whatiscognativedissonance #community #UpCommunity #youngblackandgold #KnowThyself #loveyaself #1000network #networkdistribution #Revolution #doforself #DoingTheMath #knowledgeismoney (at United States) https://www.instagram.com/p/CValrW-F6Qj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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