#whatever makes you happy sugar plum
misathinks · 7 months
what to do when your situationship appears behind you doing dishes to tell you that he killed some important demon that’s thousands of years old wikihow
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icycoldninja · 9 months
Fluffcember #25 (Sparda boys x reader)
Sparda boys spending Christmas with their S/O
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-Dear God, if you think he was a wacky woo hoo weirdo before, he gets even crazier during Christmastime. Gorges himself sick on spiced egg nog and iced sugar cookies, as well as stuffed turkey and mashed potatoes with extra thick gravy.
-To Dante, Christmas is all about eating. That line from "A night before Christmas" has never been applied to someone in real life more accurately than now. "Visions of sugar plums danced in their heads..."
Yeah, that's Dante.
-Plays Christmas rock music (think Jingle Bell Rock) on full volume while jamming along with his guitar in the middle of the living room, wearing naught but a Santa hat.
-Decorates the whole of Devil May Cry with like a thousand knotted Christmas lights because he was way too lazy to untangle them (Figures) and brings in a really cheap, withered looking tree like the one in Charlie Brown. Though, like Charlie Brown, you guys managed to fix it up real nice.
-Drags Vergil and Nero to your place for a fun, family Christmas, but things go south real quick: Nero ends up stealing all the treats and eating dessert before dinner, Vergil and Dante drink too much liquor spiked egg nog and have a drunken brawl in the living room before passing out in the hallway.
-At the end of the night, you had to drag all the boys into the living room and cram them either into sleeping bags or wrangle them onto the couch before exhaustedly trudging back to your own bedroom for a long night's rest. Merry Christmas.
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-The mature and responsible one--also the one who wants to have the least involvement with everything. Just sits in his plastic chair, reading his book, not caring nor acknowledging what is happening around him.
-It is therefore your duty to put up the decorations and cook the Christmas meals, but don't despair. You won't be alone. Nero and Dante have come over for Christmas (Vergil was against it, but they're family) and are more than happy to help--even if all they do is make messes.
-Christmas dinner with the Sparda family are typically a mixture of loud and rambunctious chattering (caused by Dante and Nero joking around) and quiet conversation with Vergil, which can barely be heard over the other two's yammering.
-After dinner has been devoured and the two idiots have left, Vergil lets out a sigh of relief--a sigh only a long suffering eldest sibling can make. Then he heads for his plastic chair, ready to delve back into the world of his book.
-Doesn't mind if you want to sit on his lap and cuddle while he reads. It is cold out, after all. ♡
-Spends the entire night chilling with you, watching movies, reading books, and eventually falling asleep in each other's arms.
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-Takes after his father, in the sense that he likes cuddling and just relaxing, either by himself or with you.
-Unfortunately, he also takes after his uncle, in the sense that he's loud and loves to eat. He loves it so much in fact, that nearly all the cookies vanish before you can get to ice them, and it probably wasn't Santa.
-Has no idea how to hang decorations so he just buys a cheap wreath, throws it on the door, and decides he's done for the day.
-Dresses up as an elf and parades around with a radio blasting Micheal Buble on loop, specifically to get on your nerves and distract you from whatever you were doing.
-When Vergil and Dante come over for dinner, expect absolute chaos. Vergil cannot wrap his head around why his son--his own FLESH AND BLOOD--is prancing about dressed in a green skintight leotard. It's too much for him. He spaces out and just stares at the wall blankly, barely touching his food while wondering what influenced his poor baby boy to be this way.
-Meanwhile, Dante is having the time of his life, laughing his head off while snapping pictures to post online and to show the others so they have more excuses to make fun of poor Nero.
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azure-cherie · 2 years
PAC : Messages from ancestors ✨
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Meditate and choose a pile with your intuition take what resonates and leave the rest since this is a general reading, none of the pictures belong to me , creadits to the original makers ✨ , please don't plagiarize my content, i hope this helps you ✨
Pile 1:
Hello my dear pile 1 💛, your ancestors are urging you to look within yourself for guidance, you are confused about something probably some goals and stuff you should do next year they advise you to sit down in silence and write what you feel , or in a way they could also ask you to channel their advice as you ask for guidence on what is bothering you , they see that you have been taking the lead and trying so hard to keep everything together and everyone together , yes you are chosen to break generational curses but that starts with you, you have done enough for your elders it's their duty to deal with their own shit, you should now move on your path , choose what are your new disciplines what you want to focus on , someone here could get married soon they are sending their love and best wishes and they are very happy about this romantic connection 🥺 , you should also look through the old stuff of your grandmother or some lady who has passed away , you are likely to find a journal or a book either of cooking recipes or spells maybe , they will help you in the continuation of protection and prosperity of your lineage, give gifts to your younger ones . Wear orange and pinks more often and take care and hydrate well . They love you see you and guide you .
Pile 2 :
Hello my dear pile 2 💛, your ancestors want to let you know that you're not alone first of all , they will always be at hand whenever you need something, eat well sweetheart, you don't have to compromise so much, things have been rough, but it was all to teach you , look at you now wiser smarter , but beware who you feed what you have learned, knowledge is a weapon make sure that they don't use it against you , take your pet to walks and spend time with your pet , take care of your mom , plant some plants in your garden , probably petunias or chrysanthemum, if you're worried about the magic you lost it's all yet to be rediscovered, get in touch with your old hobbies , what you liked to do as a child do you still love doing it , then do it , don't let things that you love go . You should start studying little by little , they know you have been facing problems but as you bring more focus and discipline in your life this problem will be solved . And definitely definitely speak up for your needs don't be guilty to take what you deserve, you are here for a beautiful reason , embrace normality and embrace greatness whatever makes you happy.
Pile 3 :
Hello my dear pile 3 💛, your ancestors adore you so much 😭 you're being addressed as a sugar plum babe 😭💛 you guys are definitely so adorable, the life the light everyone finds inspiration from ,you're a muse , you're an artist , they appreciate your creativity and want to see more of it , especially they love it when you do your traditional dance , you look so beautiful, they say you were brought into the family as a blessing a boon and you've been the reason to so much prosperity, you will be blessed with something soon , at times you may feel lost because you have been there for everyone but who has been there for you , you have learnt to stay alone but you can open up to the right people , go out roam around maybe you will find someone or something worth your love , do you guys cook or something do it more you're great at it and even if you're a beginner you will be give it more practice, you could also go watch sunsets near beaches , you feel a deep sense of familiarity with water, someone in your ancestry could know how to work with elemental water to gain knowledge and memory, i get a visual of a women in blue dress very tall , one second she reminds me of African orisha Yemaya and Oya as well maybe someone down your line used to work with them, they will always look after you , 😭💛they wanna say go little rockstar it's so cute ah 🥺💛.
Thank you so much for reading, kindly leave a feedback if you resonate, have a great day / night 🧡🧡
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rockingrobin69 · 7 months
pt. 2
“You always call me that,” Harry Potter said softly. “Full name, like I’m in trouble.”
“It’s your name,” Draco said. “What would you have me call you? Sugar plum? Honeybunch?”
A worrying choking sound filled the room. Harry Potter was… doing something, not smiling but not not-smiling either, something warm and addictive and very pleased.
“No! Nothing like that!”
“Ah. I see. You're more into the whole animal theme. Lambkin? Duckie? Little lion. Or we can go multilingual. Mon petit chou?”
With the beaming, the unfair, unbearable beaming. Wiping his smirk physically, with a hand, “You're right, you're right, cabbage is not an animal, but I'm running out of ideas here, and you’re no help. Snoozypants? Squiddle-dee? Floopsypops?”
Harry Potter laughed so hard he was tearing up. “Is that—is that how you think normal people call each other?”
“Oh,” helplessly, “I’m sorry, High Lord of the Most Esteemed Committee of Naming and Such, is that too far out of the realm of possibility in a world in which Albus Percival Wulfric—”
“Liked that one, sweetheart?”
There was that blush. The top-to-bottom, hair-roots-to-feet. It made something in Draco’s belly clench, or unclench, or, just, react. It drew him closer somehow.
Harry Potter was still chuckling, tiny little hiccoughs of it making him jump. With another step forward, Draco murmured: “Unless, of course, you have a better idea?”
His eyes were so big. So—startled. Draco, feeling all of a sudden rather predatory, hastily removed himself from Harry Potter’s personal space and launched his overheated body on the sofa. “Well! That’s the matter sorted, then. Snoozlepants it is. I shall make it official upon my next visit to the Ministry. There might be an outcry, at first, but—”
Stopped when Harry Potter was suddenly very close. “Snoozypants,” he said, nonsensically.
“Bless you?”
“No. You said it wrong. You said—something else. I’m Snoozypants, from now on.” Grumpily, almost. Draco, enchanted, was also severely and terribly charmed.
“Well met,” he sputtered, and even put out a hand, like this was a totally sensible thing to do and not, say, a life-or-death situation that required a lot more courage than he ever had. “I’m—” ran out of words.
“Frimpton,” said Harry Potter. “Frimpton Mousipuff Hendersworth. The Third.”
Draco’s eyebrow hiked all the way up. “Mousipuff? That sounds suspiciously close to a certain House in which we both know I was not.”
Harry Potter shrugged. His face was so alight and so impossibly sweet that Draco nearly gagged. “Sorry, nothing for it now. The name’s been decided by the High Lord of Names and So On or whatever it was you said.”
“Hmm,” Draco huffed, oddly happy. “And here I thought I could outrun those stuffy ancestral monikers.”
“You still go by Draco Lucius Abraxas Malfoy?”
Pretending a hex to the chest, staggering backwards, “Point taken. Mousipuff it is.”
“Frimpton Mousipuff. Henderson. The third.”
“Begging your pardon, Snoozles, it was Hendersworth, not—”
“Ah-ha! So you were paying attention! I knew it.”
Somehow, in all this ridiculousness, Harry Potter was now seated next to him, thigh to thigh although the sofa wasn’t that cramped. He was pure ridiculousness in its purest form. Draco’s brain was barely even coming up with syllables anymore.
“Good,” someone said. Harry Potter. He was speaking. “I like it when you pay attention.”
Draco blinked.
“I like it when you—with me,” Harry Potter waved a hand in the very-little space between them. “Like this.”
Ohs kept exploding inside his chest. Highly inconvenient and likely dangerous. “Oh,” Draco said, out loud.
Harry Potter—he—he—lay his head, gently, on Draco’s shoulder. Melted with the biggest, most contended sigh. He was ridiculous and so warm and very real on Draco’s very real body part and none of this made the slightest bit of sense.
Helplessly, obviously, Draco melted too.
(This is not exactly a sequel to this little thing)
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nerdieforpedro · 7 months
Day Three - Petals with Jack Daniels and Reader
Word Count: 412
Warnings: some Southern slang I made up and fluff
Notes: I plucked petals off of the flowers I picked sometimes. I think most of us did it. If not, you're very kind to flowers and I appreciate you. 🥰
Main Masterlist / March Spring Prompts 2024 / Writing Challenge
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On days he was home, Jack would take you for a walk after breakfast. “Stretchin’ our legs always gets the food to settle.” He’d say as you both stepped of the porch and began walking. You cherished the time you were able to spend with him, he could be home for weeks at a time but then he’d be gone for the same amount of time or longer. You known what you were getting into two years ago when he asked you to move to his ranch after a year and a half of courtin’ as he put it.
The soft breeze dances on the air as you lean on the fencing Jack had fixed the other day, the sky barely has any clouds in it. Jack is watching you, his smile growing with the vision before him. He wonders if now would be a good time or if he would wait until after you finish your morning stroll. As you both continue your walk, you’ve plucked buttercup from next to the mailbox. Jack raises an eyebrow as you seem to be plucking the petals while mumbling to yourself.
“Sugar plum, what ya’ got there?” His large hands hold yours as you stop and look up at him. His soft brown eyes make you question if you should ask, it’s been such a pleasant morning. Jack kisses your forehead and walks you over to the porch, knowing you’ll need to be sitting for this.
“Jack I was going to ask if-“ He raises his hand for you to hold onto that thought. He kneels and pulls from his back pocket a small black box. Your eyes go wide, and you clasp your hands over it.
“I’m happy so, so happy you have no idea Jack but that’s not what I was doing with the flower. I was trying to decide between steak or tacos for dinner tonight. You normally tell me whatever I wanna make so petals seemed to be a good idea.” The cowboy’s face scrunches as he laughs, he should have known you’d use a flower for something as simple as that. “Though I guess tonight is definitely a steak night all things considered.”
“Sugar plum you haven’t let me ask you yet. Let me at least do that. I had it planned out and everything sugar.”
The petals are tossed aside as Jack Daniels’ question answers what the rest of your life will look like, together with your cowboy.
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smudgingpumpkins · 3 months
Also known as Midsummer
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When is Litha?
It is celebrated on the summer solstice, which is the 20th of June in 2024. However, it can be celebrated between June 20th-24th, depending on when the solstice is or how it may have traditionally been celebrated.
What does Litha mean?
“Litha” is the celebration of the longest day and the shortest night of the year, welcoming the light, warmth, vitality, and power of the summer sun. The summer solstice offers the longest amount of daylight hours of any day in the calendar year.
Who does Litha celebrate?
Any gods and goddesses in relation to fertility, beauty, and the sun are worshipped, including Lugh, Celtic God of sun and light, Helios, Greek God of the sun, and Freya, Norse Goddess of summer, love, and fertility. Modern pagan practices include honoring the “Oat King” or the personification of summer, who is said to be at his peak strength around Midsummer.
Work with stones that inspire creativity, abundance, and renewed strength, like citrine, sunstone, tiger’s eye, amber, and carnelian.
Utilize mood-boosting, aromatic herbs and flowers such as orange blossoms, sunflowers, ferns, thyme, sage, and St. John’s wart. These plants blossom beautifully in the summertime and symbolize vigor, love, and happiness. The herbs may ease stress, and reduce inflammation; St. John’s wart has been traditionally consumed for relieving symptoms of depression.
Eat an assortment of fruits, like early summer peaches, plums, cherries, and blackberries. These fruits are round like the sun, and are plump and plentiful, symbolizing the wish for abundance and fertility.
Decorate and dress yourself with bright, summery yellows, oranges, golds, and whites.
Incorporate animal imagery (e.g., figurines, photographs, drawings, et cetera) of eagles, sparrows, horses, and bulls, all magnificently free-spirited, powerful, and protective animals.
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Cleanse your face and body. Fill a water basin and leave it under the summer moonlight, mixed with at least one of the seven herbs of St. John (fern, rose, fennel, lemon verbena, rosemary, mallow, gorse, or whatever is available to use). Use this holy water to cleanse yourself.
Write a letter to the fairies. It is said that the veil between the human world and the world of the fae remains thin at this time. Ask for a wish and add gemstones and plants as an offering, and hope that the fairies will grant your wish true.
Take a ritual bath. Add sea salt, sugar, citrus slices and/or essential oils for a calm, refreshing bath time.
Drink refreshing beverages. Lemonade of any flavor, like raspberry or lavender, is a great summer-inspired choice. A traditional Litha tea recipe includes brewed black tea, fresh raspberries, sugar, and mint leaves.
Light a bonfire. Assist the sun with its offerings of warmth and light and safely dance and sing around the fire.
Prepare a Queimada. There is a popular tradition from Galicia where participants would read an incantation whilst preparing the alcoholic "Galicia Fire Drink": made with aguardiente or orujo (or any brandy you can obtain), coffee beans, sugar, and lemon and orange peels. The drink is mixed and prepared in an earthenware pot or hollowed-out pumpkin, kind of like a cauldron.
Here is a link for more information on the Conxuro da Queimada, as well as the English translation for the incantation:
Make a Litha altar. Add an icon or figurine of your preferred Litha God/Goddess in the center of your altar, and surround it with white and yellow candles, abundance crystals, herbs and sunflowers, bird feathers, and gold-colored decorations.
Get creative with recipes! Carlota Santos, who is the author of Magicka, recommends a savory vegetable coca. Here is the recipe below!
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harrywavycurly · 2 years
Does Eddie ever get to drive the truck?😂
Hiii babes!! So I feel like he would get to drive the truck if you absolutely can’t/shouldn’t be driving 😂 but most of the time it’s a hard no, but I’ll give you some examples of when Eddie asks to drive the truck💖
-find all things Eddie’s Southern Belle here✨
*Eddie is just trying to be nice and offer to drive you to work…*
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“Hey baby you want me to drive you?” “Honey bunches the only thing I need you to drive me is wild…now be a sweetheart and hand me my purse please.” “Do…do I drive you wild?…that’s a thing?” “Oh sugar you have no idea..now be good while I’m at work don’t get into any trouble I’m all out of favors over at the police station.” “Out of favors?” “Well yeah…who you think baked them that cake when they tried to arrest you for trespassing that one time?…or the batch of cookies and brownies when you got caught with a little too much of the devil’s lettuce in your van?… oh or the lasagna when you ran that stop sign in a school zone?” “The school zone was you baby….so was the trespassing…”
“Sugar plum where are my keys?” “Oh I have them.” “Now…I may be a little spacey but I sure as shit don’t remember giving you my keys…” “I was going to go fill your tank up for you…I know you hate doing that.” “You are just as sweet as a pitcher of tea in the summertime….but that’s okay puddin I got gas yesterday.” “Baby…” “don’t go poutin sugar it’s not gonna work now put ‘em back in my purse and let’s go cuddle on the couch..I’ll take you for a ride later.” “Just let me drive it one time…please.” “Oh honey..I wasn’t talkin about in the truck.” “Oh…ohhhhhh okay…yeah that’s…I’m fine with that.”
“Don’t even think about it Edward James.” “Baby please…you said one day you’d let me drive her and it’s been like…three months since you said that.” “Sugar that’s just somethin I say so you’ll stop beggin…I’m sorry I thought you knew that.” “That’s mean…” “oh don’t you dare go poutin at me puddin…just get in the truck okay? I’ll let you control the radio.” “Can I play Metallica?” “Sure honey…whatever makes you happy…want me to roll the windows down for you?” “Yes…do you have a hair tie?” “I always keep an extra in my purse just for you sugar…now let’s go home….I love you.” “I love you too even though you won’t let me drive your truck.” “One day honey…one day…”
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iheartchv · 7 months
Hey beautiful!! I was wondering if you could do a COD match-up for me???
I’m a 5’9 girl, very chubby and… well-endowed in the bosom (embarrassing but necessary I believe). 19 years old. I’ve got lots of tattoos. Long brown hair, green eyes, occasionally wear glasses but mainly plain contacts. I’m a musician as well.
I like to wear dresses and skirts, kinda switching between grunge/goth styles?? I love to cook, clean, etc… def wanna be a housewife and stay-at-home-mom someday. I’m working as a nanny right now :)
I’m American but of German/Dutch descent (grandmother was born and raised in the Netherlands). I’m from Louisiana (closer to Texas) so I’ve got a southern accent but can cook some mean cajun food.
I’m pretty shy but get flirty when I’m nervous or scared. Love going to record stores and music shops, especially local!!
You can write whatever you want because it’s adorable, but I’m cool with either N/SFW. Thanks in advance, sugar plum!!!
🤔 I pair you with...
Phillip Graves ♠️
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I think ol' Phil here would be your match
He met you when you both bumped into each other
"Oops, I'm so sorry"
"That's alright, darlin'. No harm done."
"It'll take more than that to knock me over"
When he smirked, you couldn't help to feel your heart skip a beat
He was handsome, no doubt about that
You small smiled and went on your way, your heart pounding in your chest
In random places in town you'd spot him
If he sees you, he'll come up to you and try to talk to you
He really likes you and will be flirty with you
Calling you gorgeous, beautiful, sweetheart, etc.
You soon found out he was quite charming underneath the playful winks and flirts
One time when you went shopping for just a some things to cook with, he saw you carrying bags in hand
"Mind if I help you with those?"
"Oh... uhm... I don't mind."
You felt your cheeks burn rosy pink
Phillip brings a lot of the bags in and follows you to your kitchen
He smells the meat you had slow cooking
He was salivating
"Whew, it smells so good in here!"
You let him stay the evening for dinner and...
Absolutely loves your food
He'll eat till he can't anymore
"You'll be the perfect wife to some lucky man"
You couldn't stop blushing and smiling and giggling
He wanted to be that lucky man...
But he didn't want to jump straight into it, in case you weren't ready
"Do you... have a fella yet?"
"Are you interested in looking for one?"
His arms are crossed against his chest as he's leaning back a little in his chair
"Yeah... It be nice to settle down with someone"
You told him that you wanted to be a house wife...
He was right saying you'd make the perfect wife
You were ready
"Well, I'm sure he'll come knocking when he finds you"
You were so happy and full of joy when he asked you to be his
"We'll take it slow, step by step, honey. Alright?"
"Yeah. Alright."
He gently smiled at you and gave you a soft, slow, lingering kiss as he held a side of your face in his hand and his thumb brushing over your cheek
When he comes home from missions, he finds you waiting for him with open arms
Tight hugs and kisses all over your face
"I've missed you, baby."
He feels like he's in heaven because all of this, and having you, was just too perfect for words
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love asks for katsumi ?🥺💗
Ask Game!
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♥ (01) Is your OC in love? If so, with whom, and for how long?
Katsumi knew almost immediately that Eiji stirred his heart in a way no other person he attached himself to did. So I want to say almost from the beginning of their friendship! ♥ (02) Does another OC love your OC? If so, whom, and does your OC know?
Ehehe, yes he knows! The mere idea of it makes his tails go brrrrrrrr ♥ (03) Are there any romantic gestures that your OC loves?
PETNAMES. HE'S SO WEIRRRD- he loves his insane petnames. "Sugar plum fairy!!" "Hello, Katsumi." TYPE BEAT YOU KNOWWW. But anyways the fact that Eiji cooks for him >>>> fuckin GETS HIM. like you don't NEED to eat and yet... for me?? ♥ (04) Are there any romantic gestures that your OC hates?
Maybe like baby talk? I think it'd annoy him if it was too heavily applied. But in general, Katsumi CRAVES being loved. And will take it in all its forms. ♥ (05) What is the most romantic thing your OC has done for someone else?
Exist. Uhm more seriously, I think the most romantic gesture he ever did was trust someone fully! And be somebody who could be trusted fully too. ♥ (06) What is the most romantic thing that has been done for your OC?
Eiji wraps his hands for him every morning when he gets back home. At first, it surprised Katsumi. But now it reminds him of their love, how normal it is. How safe it is. ♥ (07) How successful is your OC at flirting with others?
HE'S SO EMBARRASSING. He's bold and aNNOYING. He's not very good at flirting but he's so earnest and he MEANS it that it turns out good? ♥ (08) What is your OC’s dream marriage proposal?
I don't think he expects anyone to propose to him, he's never thought about this. ♥ (09) What is your OC’s favorite small way to show their love?
Woe, shiny stones be upon ye. ♥ (10) What is your OC’s favorite big way to show their love?
Physical intimacy. This can be nsfw or just as simple as skin to skin contact cuddling. Again it all boils down to trust and vulnerability! ♥ (11) What do others love most about your OC?
Helpful, happy go lucky, always wants to help! Helps that he's pretty too. ♥ (12) What do you love most about your OC?
This is where genshin and amant Katsumi differ. Genshin Katsumi's storyline is fine, but its really his relationships to others that shine. Eiji and Katsumi, the Traveller and Katsumi, Masuyo and Katsumi. His relationships are everything. As for Amant, his storyline is more set in stone and tangible. He's not just the Impure Discarded Daughter searching for reason. He still is, don't get me wrong. But the separation between him and Masuyo and the way their stories unfold together and apart grips me. I have not written any of it. :) ♥ (13) How does your OC show their love to those that are not their partner(s)?
He wants to be useful. And he WILL be. and that is how he shows love. ♥ (14) Does your OC have any romantic traditions?
He doesn't know any.. Someone would have to teach him. ♥ (15) What is your OC’s favorite type of Valentine’s Day candy?
In a modern world I think he'd fuck with cinnamon hearts. ♥ (16) What is your OC’s ideal first date?
Whatever his partner wants. Katsumi wants them to be happy! But also a nice walk in the forest really is perfect.. ♥ (17) Could your OC fall in love with someone they’ve never met in person?
Probably lol ♥ (18) Does your OC have a “type”?
Yeah "Eiji" ♥ (19) How highly does your OC value love (platonic, romantic, or otherwise)?
Love is very important to Katsumi. It keeps him going tbh ♥ (20) How does your OC feel about public displays of affection?
LOVES EM! MOREEEE. ♥ (21) Does your OC believe in love at first sight?
WELL HE DIDN'T. THEN HE DID. ♥ (22) How often does your OC read romantic literature?
If the book he picks up has romance in it, he'll read it. But he doesn't seek it out. He'll just read whatever. ♥ (23) What is your OC’s favorite nice thing to do for themselves?
Buy way too much inarizushi. ♥ (24) How does your OC determine that they’re attracted to someone?
If they make his tails go wild... He's a simple guy. ♥ (25) Does your OC believe in soulmates?
Katsumi would like to :) ♥ (26) Is your OC ever the first to say “I love you”?
He says it all the time now.. ♥ (27) How does your OC typically spend their Valentine’s Day?
I don't think that exists in GI, but hey who knows. He'd probably spend it doting on Eiji and watching AWFUL romcoms. ♥ (28) What is something unconventional that your OC thinks is romantic?
Sleeping together in the moss. ♥ (29) What is your OC’s favorite love song?
I don't think he has one? ♥ (30) What is your OC’s favorite romantic movie?
Enchanted! (2007)
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mishy-mashy · 3 months
The same fic as Hasta la Vista baby, but going a bit more back in time to focus on En's wacky marriage with his best friend (Hima. An OC) when he was actually alive
In which two ace people marry into a QP relationship, because one (Hima) wouldn't shut up about marriage
Tall woman + short man = PROFIT?
"Ah! Ow! I'm sorry OW!! Hey!!!"
En hmphed, leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed.
"Just so you know, I've grown another inch."
She rubbed her head, relieved of his pulling her hair for her slight. "Congratulations on hitting 5'2, then."
En deals with spontaneous proposals everyday until he agrees
[Day 1]
"Let's get married!" she seemed to decide, planting her fists on her hips.
"What's with that look?!"
En had stopped midstep and stared at her, eyes slightly wide in confusion, brows crinkled, not sure what to say or if she really meant it. Much like the face of one seeing a drug addict suddenly burst in front of them, butt naked, and running off. She was absolutely the equivalent to that right now.
".... We- We're 19," En tried to reason, not understanding why she decided that. "We just graduated, and we're too young-"
"Age is just a number," she deadpanned. "Jail is just a room. Marriage is just an agreement."
"How does jail tie into this conversation?!"
"Clearly, you deserve it, for breaking my heart," she sniffed. "Jail! Jail for a thousand years!"
Banjo squinted. Because did En just sprint by in a panic, with Hima-san on his heels with a rolled newspaper, shouting "JAIL!!!"?
"... Was that En?"
"He probably deserved whatever it was," Torino dismissed. He kept his gaze ahead, taiyaki between two fingers. "You don't argue with girls. They'll rain hell when you do."
Banjo didn't look convinced. His brow scrunched, turned in the direction the pair ran off.
"Would you'd like to get in Hima-san's warpath?" Torino quirked a brow. "Once she makes up her mind, she doesn't stop. I don't doubt her Quirk influences that."
"Welp! Good luck, En!" Banjo threw him under the bus, turning away immediately to continue a happy march down the ruined pavement.
[Day 2]
"Please please please please please!"
En stared blankly at her. Then his gaze went down to the distance between them. His paused yellow tape measure was pointedly stretched in front of him.
"Didn't I say five meters?"
She slumped in her dogeza. "Come on, En! I didn't mean to knock you out! I'm sorry! Marry me!"
"En, it was only for a few seconds," Nana said, exchanging paper bills with Torino in a silent bet over the pair. "And to be fair, you're the one that ran into the pole."
"I wouldn't have been running if she wasn't chasing me," En kept on, arms crossed.
[Day 3]
En didn't look away from the hamburger menu he was pointedly keeping his attention on, gaze up at the shining neon.
Very obviously so, to avoid looking at his friend, who currently bended down on one knee to his left, waiting for his attention to propose.
"Oh, honeybunch? Sugar plum?" No way was she starting to sing-song for his attention. "Pumpy-umpy-umpkin?"
"Hey, my sweetie pie-"
En speedruns the marriage process because his friend wants to (divorce included?)
"Sorahiko-senpai, give me the marriage certificate," En nearly hissed over their burgers.
Sorahiko chewed slowly. "Why?"
"I'm about to set the world record for fastest divorce—!!!"
Sorahiko is the worst person to go to for relationship advice.
[Case 1]
"Gran Torino, you should really keep your nose out of their business," Crimson Riot said, after watching Hima walk off after a quick conversation with Torino.
"I didn't say anything bad," Torino said.
"You just told Hima-san to fill Smoke Eater's shoes with pie filling and bake for 20 minutes?"
"If she can't find Smokey, he'll eventually come looking for her as the culprit," Torino defended.
Then his phone started blowing up with panicked texts from said Smokey.
"See? She found him."
"Actually," Crimson glanced at his own phone, receiving similar messages, "he's asking why you told her to do that. She just texted him the new plan you told her to do."
Couldn't she have just texted him for his location? Crimson thought.
Truly, she was not the sharpest person there was.
"Her phone was 1%, so it's probably dead now... he can't reach her cell either," Crimson read, taking in the new information pouring through his texts in even more of a frenzy. "Straight to voicemail. And he's two districts over, so he's not gonna make it home in time to stop her. Oh, wow."
He chewed. "Sounds like a skill issue."
[Case 2]
"I'm just saying, naming a kid Butter Stick isn't a bad name," Torino defended over his mochi. That he stole from En's pantry, but no one really cared to stop him at the time. They already learned to stop buying taiyaki, because Torino was a rat who kept breaking into their apartment for it.
It still didn't stop them from waking up and finding him eating their cereal in the kitchen. He'd broken 3 windows – always the same one – before Hima finally explained how to open it.
En currently laid on the couch he was kicked to sleep on tonight, back facing them and angry steam wafting from his head.
Nana pulled the container of mochi away from him. After he egged on En's wife, leading to her original "intellectual debate" over what foods would work as human names becoming too heated, Torino didn't deserve his sweet cravings fulfilled. Especially when it was out of En's pocket.
[Case 3]
"Divorce her," Torino declared immediately, after bearing witness to Hima blue shelling En on the TV.
"It's just a video game," Nana said from her spot on the couch. "Stop telling him that every time something happens."
"She took the last taiyaki earlier, she deserves it," Torino decided.
"Right," Nana mumbled into her hot chocolate. "Tell me that again when she's strung you up on a flag pole with her Quirk."
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brown-little-robin · 7 months
48: Neutral Territory
part one | previous | next | masterlist | ao3 version
On the first Monday of September, Thad will start college at Metropolis University. That leaves him one week to, as Joseph puts it, “settle in”. One in-between week where Joseph is working and Thad is free to wander around as he chooses.
He doesn’t feel like he’s “settling in”. He feels like he’s split in half. He’s half happy, half… something else.
When he’s with Joseph, he’s happy. Simple as that. He hangs around Joseph whenever he can and only leaves him when he has to.
Joseph has taken to braiding Thad’s hair every night before bed, so that it stays out of his face at night, he says. In actuality, Thad thinks Joseph just likes braiding Thad’s hair. It’s embarrassing. It’s horrible. It makes Thad purr.
He likes it.
Thad always takes the braid out in the morning. He leaves his hair long and wild in the daytime, like Bart’s, only not, because, in this house, no one but himself thinks of him as a clone of Bart. It makes him smile sometimes, knowing that Joseph doesn’t think of his hair as like Bart. To Joseph, Bart's hair would be like Thad. Sometimes the long hair bothers him, but Thad can live with that. You win some, you lose some, as Joseph says sometimes.
Thad learns things about Joseph. Bit by bit. Joseph likes orange muffins in the mornings, and he has an assortment of ridiculous robes to sleep in that he changes out of before he leaves his room in the morning, maybe because they expose so much of his chest. Thad doesn’t mind; he lost his capacity to react emotionally to nudity a long time ago. Thad’s favorite of Joseph’s robes so far is a yellow one with blue dragons on it. It clashes with Joseph’s hair and his skin. The first time he saw the yellow robe, it nearly made Thad give himself up by laughing.
Thad spies on Joseph sometimes, vibrating himself into the attic space above Joseph’s room’s ceiling. It’s a dark little habit; he’ll break it one of these days, maybe, when he stops feeling like Joseph stops existing when Thad’s not watching him.
It does occur to Thad to ask Joseph if he can sleep in the same room. Luckily, he’s not insane, so he immediately banishes the thought from his mind.
When he’s not with Joseph… when he’s not with Joseph, he’s back to being Thaddeus Thawne again.
The Plum Room is his territory, and the rest of the house is… neutral territory. Adeline’s suite is enemy grounds. Maybe he shouldn’t think of her as an enemy, but he can’t seem to help it. That sort of thing is built into his DNA.
Joey assures Thad that Adeline tolerates him, likes him, even, but every time she speaks to him it’s so brusque Thad can’t help but think of her as a President Thawne, a looming figure with all the power. He avoids her, and he avoids her rooms.
The great room and the kitchen and pantry are neutral zones. Thad doesn’t like them. They’re too open. They make his back itch. The pantry is better—it’s small. He feels safe there, surrounded by bread and peanut butter and sacks of flour and sugar and a virtual colony of snacks. It’s stupid. It’s stupid how safe it makes him feel, all that food, available for him at any time.
He takes advantage of the food at random times, testing the promise, and when Joseph notices, it just makes him smile, which makes Thad happy. So maybe it’s not entirely stupid.
The east side of the mansion is neutral territory. The pool room is beautiful, alluring, tempting… dangerous. It would be too easy to relax into that water and just—lose himself. He might dissociate in there, and he’s had Adeline’s warning that he could drown that way running through his head since she said it. No, the pool room is wonderful, but he doesn’t use it. The closest he comes is sitting on the edge of the pools, thinking. Just… thinking. Swirling his feet in the water, sometimes.
The water feels like CRAYDL.
He thinks maybe he’s mourning, or whatever twisted semblance of that emotion he’s capable of.
He doesn’t talk about CRAYDL to Joseph. Not much. Just bits and pieces, here and there. Facts. Not feelings.
The music room is Joseph’s room. Thad loves it the same way he loves Joseph—in a shockingly uncomplicated way. It’s a good room, it has beautiful things in it, and it’s full of strange knowledge. It’s a puzzle Thad wants to figure out. It’s a refuge when he gets tired of the rest of the house.
The exercise room—
Thad went in there once, when Joseph was gone. He was bored and feeling vaguely guilty for existing; he wanted to work out.
He got as far as resting his hand on a treadmill and suddenly had an urge to vomit so strong that he had to run away.
The next day, he’d gradually worked around to asking Joseph if, hypothetically, if Thad wanted to, which he doesn’t, if he could go for a run, just for fun, just to keep himself in shape or whatever, and if that would be terrible, or selfish, since he can’t be a vigilante like the rest of Flash’s little cadre.
Joseph said yes, of course Thad could go for a run, whenever he wanted to. He looked away from Thad as he signed, a mercy Thad didn’t realize he needed until it became a lifeline.
Joseph said, “You don’t have to put your powers to use as a hero, Thad. It’s okay to just let them out for fun.”
Thad had been silent a little too long. Joseph had added, “Go be a kid if you want to. Run around.”
So. Thad tried.
And failed.
The Flash is out there somewhere. The idea of running into him paralyzed Thad before he took a single step. All he could do was stand in the yard watching the frozen landscape and trying to let the world speed back up around him.
So. Thad is half happy, half unhappy, and he’s still useless.
Upstairs is mostly good, apart from Adeline’s study and the Green Room. Thad likes his room. He likes Joseph’s room, too, when Joseph is there. He feels safe with him. The upstairs hallways, though… well. They’re the maid May’s property, and Thad doesn’t really know what that means.
He’d met her on Monday. He tried to ignore her like he used to ignore the servants who occasionally invaded CRAYDL to bring parts for repair, but she’d said hello to him directly. Thad had frozen, recalculating, and then said hello back. She’d asked how he liked the mansion. He’d stayed silent for a moment, calculating. What did she mean by that? What did she want? What kind of power did she have here? She was a servant, so surely not much. But a trusted servant, so he has to be cautious.
Thad hates not having all the information so, so much. He feels like Bart.
Finally, he’d said, “Where I grew up, servants don’t talk like that.”
It was a gamble. If she was like CRAYDL, trusted and valued, almost a friend to Adeline, she could complain. Thad would be in trouble then.
May had stared at him for a moment.
“…Sorry to hear that,” she’d said. “Where did you grow up?”
Another question. Grife. How much was Thad allowed to tell her?
The maid added, “I know about everything Adeline does, so don’t worry about that. I tell you, the non-disclosure agreements I had to sign when I got this job… that was decades ago, but I still remember like it was yesterday!”
Oh, great. So she is like CRAYDL. That makes her approximately equal with Thad, power-wise. Thad recalculated his approach again. They’re going to have to establish a hierarchy here somehow. Better sooner than later.
He took a deep breath, wishing he had the armor of his Inertia costume.
“I’m from the future,” he’d said. “I’m the genetically engineered clone of Bartholomew Allen the Second, also known as Impulse, and I used to be what you might call a supervillain.”
He paused out of habit, waiting for the reaction.
“Nice to meet you,” May said. “Your name’s Thad, isn’t it?”
“Thad Thaw—”
Thad cut himself off. He wanted to throw up.
He found his cheeks hot, eyes averted—when did he break eye contact? When did he back up as if the maid could hurt him? He bit his lip savagely, then looked her in the eye and enunciated, “Sophos. Thaddeus. Anacletus. Free.”
The maid looked at him and her expression reminded him of Helen. It was—it was—it burned him. She said, “You’ll get used to it.”
And Thad fled.
On Tuesday morning, Thad opened the door of the Plum Room and found a plate of cookies on the floor. Instantly suspicious, he’d immediately gone and asked Joey what they were and who they were from.
“Just cookies, nothing bad,” Joey had signed. “From May, probably.”
Joey shrugged. “A housewarming gift?”
Thad scowled. “A what?”
“A welcome gift,” Joey had explained patiently.
A welcome gift.
As in, a gift from someone who belongs here, to someone who just joined, as a sign of peace and also a way to express the disparity in their resources. May is showing that she can afford to give him a gift.
Yeah, Thad is definitely second in this hierarchy.
He’s tentatively alright with how things are going with May, though. She doesn’t talk to him after that first time. When their paths cross, she just says hello and nods at him, and she doesn’t seem to expect anything of Thad in return.
After so long as a tool, it’s wonderful to not be expected to do anything.
Two more days left. Saturday and Sunday. And Saturday won’t be boring. Joseph is having some of his Titans friends over for “a get-together”. Strictly non-hero-work-related, Joseph assured Thad. Generously, Thad has agreed to let Joseph present him to his friends, even though they all know Wally West.
He won’t be expected to stay with Joseph’s friends long. All he has to do is go say hello and leave. It will be fine.
And then—on Monday—he’ll start college. His official excuse to get out of hero work.
Joseph’s fingers comb through Thad’s hair. Thad leans back into his hand with a sigh. It’s Friday night, and Joseph is braiding his hair before bed.
Joseph stops for a moment, then picks up the actual comb and gives Thad’s hair one last comb-through. He tugs gently, and Thad tilts his head back, giving Joseph access to the hair at his forehead.
This also gives Joseph access to Thad’s throat, of course. Thad thinks of that, head tilted back, eyes closed, feeling Joseph’s fingers tracing firm lines through his hair, gathering logical chunks of his hair for a braid. His throat is totally exposed. A month ago, Thad couldn’t have endured this. He’d have vibrated out of his skin rather than let anyone hold his head by the hair for a prolonged period of time.
Now… Thad thinks of it, and he is deeply, deeply disturbed that he fails to fear properly.
The pressure on his hair lulls him into a trance. He remembers being a very, very young clone rocking himself to sleep in the liquid of the nutrient womb, not even educated enough yet to know what he was instinctively mimicking—human connection.
With a start, Thad remembers his throat tipped up, exposed. He remembers to be afraid. He remembers that he can’t be fully afraid anymore. Not of Joseph, not all the time; he can’t keep it up. Fear, his only lifelong companion, which outlived even CRAYDL, comes and goes.
What is he, without his fear?
Thaddeus tries. He gathers fear in his chest, concentrates hard, feels his heartbeat in his throat.
He is afraid.
Joseph pushes Thad’s head forward so he can reach the hair at the back. Thad puts his chin down obediently. Then he remembers to be afraid.
Something is not right.
He’s happy.
Something isn’t right.
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stolenslumber · 1 year
pas de deux (psh) (preview)
Fresh off of an ankle injury and all too cognizant of the time you have left in your professional ballet career, the last thing you want to do this Nutcracker season is dance opposite some boy band idol sensation who can't even do a split. You're sure Park Sunghoon can serve no purpose in your life other than being a nuisance and standing around looking pretty to bring in more ticket sales, but there are 10 weeks of rehearsals ahead of you, and he's determined to change your mind.
PAIRING: park sunghoon x female reader GENRE: one-sided professional annoyance to lovers, pining (sunghoon falls fast and hard lol my guy is chomping at the bit), some angst but mostly of the career malaise flavor, romance as always but trust me there's an Actual Plot this time i swear WARNINGS: swearing, kms/kys jokes, kissing and suggestive content/sexual themes WORD COUNT: ~2.8k preview (final wc... who knows? that's between me and god)
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When you get the news, you’re just leaving a physical therapy session that went worse than you had expected, so you’re already in a bad mood. 
Kazuha calls you as she’s making dinner; you can hear pots and pans clattering in the background as she attempts some new pasta sauce she saw on Instagram. You let her chatter on for a while as you stew in your thundercloud of frustration about your PT session and your anxiety about the upcoming Nutcracker rehearsals, so you’re barely paying attention when she starts saying something about idols and boy bands.
“... can you believe it? Oh my god, I hope it’s like… Jimin, or Taemin! I would probably pass out if I saw them at rehearsal, though.”
“Huh? What’s this about passing out at rehearsal?” 
Kazuha tsks. “Were you not listening to me? I just told you the company has invited a male idol to feature in a couple of Nutcracker performances this year! It’s part of an effort to spread more appreciation for ballet among the general public, or something.”
You scoff. “The general public coming out to see the same show for a month straight doesn’t show enough appreciation for ballet?”
“Oh, come on, you know our Nutcracker sales have been down lately. I’m sure this idol thing is going to shoot them through the roof, though.” Kazuha sighs dreamily. “I hope I get his signature, whoever it is.”
“Whatever. As long as he doesn’t drag our rehearsals down,” you mutter.
“It’s supposed to be someone with at least a little bit of a ballet background, and all idols dance, so he can’t be that bad.”
“What is he even going to do? Dance with the studio company kids? He’s going to look so out of place.” You laugh to yourself, picturing some fully grown man amongst a throng of young ballet students. “Not my problem, I guess. Hey, I’m going to get on the train, but I’ll see you on Monday for rehearsals, yeah?”
“Happy Nutcracker season!” Kazuha sings gleefully.
“Happy Nutcracker season,” you echo, though you’re much more subdued. It’s not like you can really complain— you’re lucky enough to be one of two ballerinas in the role of the Sugar Plum Fairy this Nutcracker season. Lucky, because you tore an ankle ligament six months ago, and the company still entrusted you with the role. It’s your third time dancing it, but the pressure feels more intense than ever; Nutcracker sales have been down lately, and more than that, you know everyone is watching to see how you’ll perform after your injury.
Your phone vibrates in your hand, pulling you out of your mental checklist of things you need to bring to rehearsal on Monday. An email from your ballet company’s assistant manager sits at the top of your screen; probably a reminder to shut the doors properly when entering and exiting the building as the weather gets colder. You tap at the notification just to get rid of it, but you’re surprised to see your name pop up near the top of the email.
Looking forward to Nutcracker rehearsals… blah blah blah… something about an exciting collaboration…. ah, there it is. “This year, we are pleased to welcome Park Sunghoon from ENHYPEN as a special guest in The Nutcracker,” you read under your breath. “He will dance the part of the Sugar Plum Fairy’s Cavalier, alongside— motherfucker. You’ve gotta be kidding me.” That’s your name. 
Visions of a perfect Nutcracker season leading to your dream role as Odette/Odile in next year’s production of Swan Lake come crashing down on you in an instant. The only thing you can think of is: Who the fuck is Park Sunghoon?
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find my friends: don’t leave xx break version (heeseung, jay, jake, sunghoon, sunoo, jungwon, and niki)
heeseung: kys
sunoo: jeez what crawled into your bed and died
heeseung: i did. i am.
jake: don’t mind him he was gaming until like 5am lmao
jungwon: what’s up sunghoon? usually u only call urself beautiful…
sunghoon: how is that getting wrecked? i AM beautiful
jay: okay anyways! is this about that press release about you doing ballet
sunghoon: jay MY ONE AND ONLY UNIT yes that is exactly what this is about
jungwon: we’re thrilled for you
sunghoon: you don’t sound very thrilled…
sunghoon: okay that’s not exactly what i was hoping for but i’ll take it
sunghoon: rehearsals start on monday i’m so EXCITED
sunoo: ur kind of cheating on us if u think about it… rehearsing with other people </3
sunghoon: first of all i see you guys like all the time 
jake: right like we’re supposed to be on a break sunghoon get out of my apartment
sunghoon: i’m literally cleaning your living room rn you ungrateful whore i can’t watch you live like this anymore
jake: that’s jay’s mess not mine
sunghoon: whatever. second of all these are BALLET dancers!!! refined elegant sophisticated ballet dancers. they are not remotely in the same league as you smelly stinky gross losers 
niki: dude they’re just regular people they probably sweat and stink just as much as we do
jay: yo i’ve seen pictures of sunghoon’s ballet teacher from when he took lessons for ice skating… she’s a milf if i’ve ever seen one. maybe he’s still hung up on her and he’s projecting that onto all ballet dancers everywhere
sunghoon: wtf don’t put miss tatiana’s name in your dirty mouth
sunghoon: also i’m ngl the dancer who’s going to be my partner is a hottie lol
sunoo: never say the word hottie ever again
heeseung: please god LET ME SLEEEEEEEEP
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Against your will, Monday arrives exactly on time. So, too, does Park Sunghoon, whom you don’t even notice in the middle of your stretches.
He notices you, of course. He had looked you up as soon as he heard the news, but all he could find was a perfunctory biography of you on the ballet company’s website and a private Instagram account. In your headshot on the website, you had appeared dignified and serious in black-and-white. In person, you seem… frustrated. A grunt escapes you when you go on pointe for the first time in a few days, and your eyebrows seem permanently furrowed as you go through the motions of various stretches. 
Still, your mastery of your profession is undeniable. Sunghoon watches from a corner of the cavernous studio as you and at least fifty other dancers are led through a series of warm-ups by someone who he thinks is the ballet mistress, accompanied by a live pianist hidden from sight by the tall back of the piano. Sunghoon’s eyes meticulously follow the lines of your arms and legs through tendus and jeté rond de jambes; the repetitive movements draw him into something of a trance, and he’s reminded of adjusting the tilt of his head over and over again to match his members, and even further back in his memory, he thinks of endless circles around the ice skating rink. Truthfully, he’s not sure if he has ever made the motion of his body look as beautiful as you do.
He feels like he hardly blinks before thirty minutes have gone by, and then everyone is dispersing for a short break. He spots a petite ballerina approach you and whisper something in your ear; that’s Sieun, he thinks, based on his deep dive into the company’s website. He doesn’t have much time to continue matching faces to pictures and names, though, because your eyes meet his for the first time just then, and he can feel himself shrinking underneath your steely gaze.
By the time you’ve approached him and greeted him and his manager, you’ve gotten your expression under control. You are no longer looking at him like the dirt beneath your shoe, so that’s progress. He hopes.
After the customary round of introductions, Sunghoon bows to you again. “Thank you in advance for your guidance and support,” he says robotically. 
“Of course,” you respond, equally as robotic. 
The ballet mistress comes over at that point, so it’s another round of introductions. Sunghoon takes the time to peek at you out of the corner of his eye, flitting his gaze over the neutral set of your mouth, which belies the impatient tapping of your right index finger against your left wrist behind your back. 
Sunghoon tunes back in when the ballet mistress begins talking about his schedule for the day. “You will watch us complete the morning class, so that you may get a feeling for the movements you will need to learn. Afterwards, I will assess you in a personal session, and I will pair you with one of our studio company students to start you on the basics. At the end of the day, you will meet us back here, where you can watch one of our Cavaliers demonstrate the pas de deux with the other Sugar Plum Fairy, as that is what you will be doing in ten weeks’ time.” The ballet mistress claps her hands. “Any questions?”
Sunghoon resists the urge to raise his hand; that would be so dorky. “Um, yeah— where’s the bathroom?”
The look you give him could wilt flowers.
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Sunghoon barely sees you for the rest of the week, although he’s not sure if that’s due to your schedule or his. Some teenage kids from the ballet school who remind him of Riki when they first met are putting him through his paces; Sunghoon re-learns basic ballet steps five hours a day, every day. An additional hour every day is spent stretching and strengthening his muscles to a level of flexibility he has never approached before, and the final hour of every day is spent in a personal teaching session with the ballet mistress. It’s the most exhausting thing he has done in a long, long time.
In the hour that he gets off for lunch, he tries to look for you in the various hallways and studios in the building. Sometimes, he spots the back of your head as you’re entering or exiting the building, but so far, he hasn’t found a good opportunity to actually talk to you.
He gets lucky on Friday afternoon, just as he’s about to leave for the day. It’s technically after hours, but you’re still in the big studio where he met you on the first day. Sunghoon has watched enough videos and actual rehearsals of The Nutcracker to know that you are not dancing any of your Sugar Plum Fairy parts in it. In fact, he’s certain that you are dancing something entirely otherworldly.
The song is hauntingly beautiful, as are your movements. He watches as you fold forward on the floor, one leg extended in front of you and the other tucked underneath you. Your arms flutter down to your extended leg, which then sweeps behind you as you rise to straighten your torso, and then your back arches so that you fold backwards. Notwithstanding the physical prowess of it all, he’s more shocked by the look of exquisite joy on your face, and the way it transforms into wrenching sorrow as you bend forward again and sweep your arms across the floor. He continues watching until the very end, transfixed by the intense emotion in your expression and in each of your movements; he doesn’t realize he’s crying until it’s over, and you’re folding forward on the ground again, arms quivering to a stop at your toes.
It feels like watching a dying thing; some creature far too magnificent for this world leaving it, at last.
The applause that bursts from his hands is instinctual. Your head jerks toward his direction immediately, so he waves awkwardly. Somewhere in between him wiping at his eyes and trying to figure out what he’s going to say to you, you make your way to stand in front of him with your arms crossed and your eyes narrowed.
“What are you doing here? Wait— are you crying?” You come in much closer to see for yourself, which certainly does not help him feel less nervous.
“I, uh, yeah… It’s been a long week,” he offers weakly.
You uncross your arms as you pat his shoulder, also a little awkwardly. “It’s always hardest when you start again after not having danced in a long time,” you say. The words are generic, but you’re not sure what else to say to him. The last thing you expected to see today was Park Sunghoon tearing up in front of you. 
“Yeah, for sure.” He clears his throat. “But, um, to be honest… I was just watching you dance, and I guess I was, like, moved to tears?” He laughs at himself. “You’re really good. I’ve never seen anything like that before.”
You flush from the unexpected praise. “Oh, well, thanks. The dance is called The Dying Swan; you can look it up on Youtube if you’re interested. It’s supposed to portray a swan in its last moments, so it can be quite… emotional.” You have to look away from his admiring gaze. “I’m… glad you liked it.”
“Liked it?” He scoffs. “I literally cried because of it. Seriously, I didn’t even know anything about it, and I could tell that it was incredible.”
You make a face at him. “Thank you, but you’re kinda freaking me out right now.” When he tilts his head at you in confusion, you’re surprised to find the sight a little bit cute. “I’m not really good at accepting compliments,” you explain. “Comes with the territory, I think.”
“Always expecting critiques instead, right?” He chuckles at your surprised look. “I was a professional ice skater before I became an idol trainee, so I know a little bit about the endless pursuit of perfection.”
You nod thoughtfully. “Is that where your ballet background comes from? Ice skating?”
“Yeah, but this week has made me question whether I really deserve to call it a ballet background.” He frowns in the form of a pout; cute, again. “These kids who are, like, maybe 15 years old are absolutely kicking my ass.” 
Unexpectedly, that makes you laugh, and he smiles automatically in return. “The studio company kids will do that to you,” you say as you start to untie your pointe shoes. “The advantages of being young, I guess.”
“Tell me about it. I don’t think I’ve ever been this sore in my entire life.” He winces when he hears your hip pop in a stretch. “Yep, I’ve heard that too many times this week.”
It’s silent as you finish your stretches. He takes the time to work out his next move in his head— what’s the best way to express to someone that you want to have a good working relationship with them, but you also think they’re really cool and pretty, and you’re also a little terrified by them, and you also want to learn from them? 
He ends up going with, “So, do you have any dinner plans?” 
You pause in the middle of zipping your bag. “I’m going to PT for my ankle right now.”
“Oh god, I’m so sorry, I didn’t know you were hurt!”
“Relax, Sunghoon. Injuries are fairly common in ballet, as they were in skating, I’m sure.” You sigh. He looks so forlorn and apologetic that you find yourself adding, “But I could have dinner afterwards, if you don’t mind a later start. And as long as you’re paying with that idol money, pretty boy.” You wink at him to let him know you’re just teasing, in the hopes that it’ll get him to loosen up, but he seems to only get more flustered as a result. 
“No problem,” he ekes out. He’s just glad he didn’t stutter. “I’ll text you a place, then?”
You raise an eyebrow. “You don’t have my number.”
“Riiiight.” Sunghoon smiles sheepishly. “Uh, do you want me to, like, email you instead…?”
“Oh my god, who knew you were such a dork.” You roll your eyes and hand him your phone. “Just put in your contact info. What would your fans think if they could see you now?”
Sunghoon huffs. “I don’t give my number out to just anyone, you know.” He squints at you. “Wait, you’re not secretly a sasaeng or something, right?”
“Do I look—”
He surprises you by laughing. “Relax,” he repeats. “Just teasing.” He winks, too, for good measure. It’s more charming than you had expected; that, combined with having your actions thrown back at you, is how you justify the sudden heat creeping up your neck.
“Whatever. Bring your wallet!”
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mrschampionsblog · 1 year
Here is a chapter I posted on Wattpad
She had also become an actor later in her life, mostly amateur. Ballet was her true passion though. However this acting was what introduced her to her current boyfriend Jack. She had been OBSESSED with him from the moment she first auditioned but was too shy to ever admit it. However luckily, Jack didn't have that fear; he would do anything to make this graceful girl his. And that's exactly what he did
Fast forward to today, Jack and y/n are a happy couple.
Tonight was the night of my big break. Not for acting (I think it's safe to say Avatar is kind of a big break), but for ballet. You had become the principal ballerina for the New York ballet and were performing the role of sugar plum fairy in the Nutcracker this Christmas.
You were beyond nervous and were at home trying to hype yourself up. "Hey princess how are you feeling", Jack said walking into the room where you were stretching "I've been better. But I'm still excited, just worried I will mess up". You watched as it snowed outside of your apartment thinking how perfect it looked and almost forgot about tonight for a moment.
Jack brought you back to reality when he said "Angel, I've watched you dance a million times, your time to shine is here and your not going to mess it up. Plus what if... I gave you a little bit of bribery?" You were so confused "what do you mean" you said laughing slightly. "I mean what if I promise to...treat you real nice tonight. All about you, whatever you want" he said smirking. Your eyes went wide slightly blushing as you guys have never had sex before with anyone meaning your both virgins. "I-I mean I guess so" "ok but you have to promise not to worry so much, have confidence in yourself", "yes yes of course I promise". You then realised how unintentionally and embarrassingly giddy you sounded. "Sounds like a plan then"
You were dancing away on stage like you had never before. The bribe had motivated you like never before. You weren't even paying attention to the thousands of people in the crowd, solely focusing on the steps and techniques. Your dance then ended and you exited the stage to be met by Jack waiting with flowers. "Aw sweetie your so thoughtful", "anything for my little ballerina" he smiled. You guys headed home and even though it was snowing you were sweating balls because of what was coming when you got home.
As Jack held the door to your apartment open you walked in taking off your coat and putting your belongings down on the entrance table. As this happened you felt hands slide up your waist. You shivered at his touch and leaned back. He slowly undid your hair as it flowed down behind you. He then moved it out the way of your neck and lightly kissed it making you sigh.
You decided to turn around and look at him. "Your eyes hypnotise me, beautiful" you smiled and passionately kissed him, gripping his biceps. "he pulled you as close as humanly possible and kissed you back walking you backwards towards your bedroom. Your back but your closed door and he pulled away for a moment to say something "is this something your sure you want to do babygirl? I know you've never done this before so I completely understand if your not ready?", you smiled realising how sweet he truly was and you responded saying "Yes. There's no one else I'd trust this with than you".
"Alright then my sugar plum fairy. Let's go."
I hope my writing is getting slightly better 😭 super random but has anyone watched the new miraculous movie? I honestly might write a ladynoir fanfic 💀.
- A.R.G
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enchanted-keys · 2 years
If it isn't too much to ask I'd love to hear your favourite roles of the ROH principals. As many or as few as you like
Hello! First of all, happy new year, I hope you had a lovely start; and also thanks for the ask :D Let's see...
Lauren Cuthbertson: hands down Juliet; but another role where I really, really like her is The Young Girl in The Two Pigeons.
Francesca Hayward: she's my favorite Juliet, probably of all time, and she always seems to excel in anything Ashton. I've also heard amazing things about her Manon for years, but unfortunately, I've never had the privilege of seeing it.
Fumi Kaneko: from what I've seen in person when she was in Bologna, both her Odette/Odile were nothing short of superb. 
Sarah Lamb: Manon by a long shot. I'd definitely call it her signature role. She's also generally amazing in anything Macmillan.
Mayara Magri: hard for me to say because there isn't much footage of her in principal roles, out there. There are some clips of her Odile (old and very recent) but I just don't feel her interpretation. The roles I've liked her in the most so far are Mercedes in DQ and the Rose Fairy in Nutcracker.
Yasmine Naghdi: I think Sugar Plum Fairy and the Concerto Adagio.
Marianela Nuñez: she absolutely owns most roles, it's ridiculous, honestly. But the ones she's the absolute best in for me are Odette/Odile, Aurora and Kitri. 
Natalia Osipova: I'd say Swanilda (ironic, because she said she hates this role), and Kitri. 
Anna Rose O’Sullivan: she's honestly a great Juliet. The role comes so naturally to her, and I'm kind of obsessed with her acting in it.
Akane Takada: definitely Odette/Odile and Titania in The Dream.
Matthew Ball: Romeo, Romeo, Romeo...did I mention Romeo? He's also an extremely believable, solid, absolutely hate-inspiring Albrecht. Special mention to Apollo and the little I saw from him as Rudolph. Also...his Tybalt!!!
William Bracewell: another great Romeo. And I was very impressed with his Hamlet as well.
Alexander Campbell: I think he makes a wonderful Basilio.
Reece Clarke: whatever
Cesar Corrales: the latin lover he plays every time he's on stage, as every possible character, I guess? 
Ryoichi Hirano: I absolutely love his Leonte.
Steven McRae: definitely Rudolph and Oberon. 
Vadim Muntagirov: best Siegfried and De Grieux out there, for me 
Marcelino Sambé: I really love both his Romeo and his Mercutio.
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lagomort · 1 year
Do you think you’ll ever update Sugar Plums? Me and my partner absolutely love it, and I just wanted to ask.
The short answer is no. I'm really sorry, I've just moved on past my Lazytown fandom era and don't really feel connected enough to it to keep writing for it.
However: I would be entirely open to people writing their own continuations of it. Honestly, feel free if you feel inspired, and that goes for everyone! I want anyone who loves the story to be able to put their own spin on it if they want to, and I'd be more than happy to reblog or promote something like that too.
You can make works based on other works on ao3 which I think is wonderful, and those works will be linked to from the original.
Feel free to send me asks about where the story was going, what you got out of it, your thoughts, whatever you like. I don't mind talking about it at all, it's not a sore spot or anything, I just have negative motivation to continue it as a fully fleshed out story.
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tough-girl9 · 2 years
Ultimate crack!fic crossover? Star Trek/Strange Magic/ Lord of the Rings? Data getting uber-invested in the culture of some tiny winged people with big attitudes. A certain imp stealing shiny rings? Sauron on the brink of throwing hands at the universe? Getting way too invested in alien technology? Decides he wants an Enterprise of his own? Makes something even better? I'm not requesting anything or even asking a question, really. I just wanted to share this with you.
That is quite the idea, lol. I actually somewhere in the depths of my drafts have a Lord of the Rings/Inkheart/Norse Mythology crossover that I never finished.
My (very random) thoughts:
Data and Dawn would be Very Good Friends. They would probably sit and make flower chains together and Data would ask endless questions about fairy culture which Dawn would be oh-so-happy to endlessly answer. They'd be making friendship bracelets out of daisies in no time.
Sauron would indeed go delirious with excitement and delusions of grandeur at being exposed to all the futuristic alien tech. He would assimilate the Borg. He and Lore are very uneasy frenemies.
Sunny would join the Fellowship of the Ring.
Marianne and Bog would be fascinated by Klingon culture (you mean there's ANOTHER culture that finds mates by fighting?!?!) and they would join him on the holodeck for mini versions of his calisthenics programs. Afterwards, they'd raucously all drink Klingon bloodwine together and Worf would declare them honorable.
Geordi would convince the dwarves, the Engineers of Middle-earth, to help him create magical tech to counter whatever horrors Sauron, Lore, and the Borg are creating together.
Q decides the Imp is a cool, little dude, and they spread chaos together.
Galadriel, Sugar Plum, and Guinan share drinks and talk about how They Are Too Old For This.
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