#whatever everyone has to be nice to me forever don't say anything about it...
vulpinesaint · 9 days
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Eddie Brock + Kissing Death by MOTHICA
27 notes · View notes
cupidsdolll · 8 months
For Whatever It’s Worth I Love You (Ain’t That the Worst Thing You Ever Heard?)
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; best friend!Harry x fem!reader
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲; best friends forever or whatever the saying is. how bittersweet it is to love someone that you can’t have how you want.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭; 8.8k
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; angst, drinking, one mention of a sexual encounter, foul language, use of Y/N. date with a college guy who only wants sex and is obvious about it.
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: i did link a playlist in another post, but here it is. this fic is something personal to me so not everyone will relate but if you’ve ever been in love with your best friend, this is for you. you don’t have to listen to the playlist while reading but a few deserve a honorable mention that i feel accurately describe the feelings throughout.
yours - conan gray, it’s nice to have a friend - taylor swift, falling for u - peachy! ft mxmtoon, heather - conan gray, people watching - conan gray.
— — —
Y/N and Harry were friends. They were the absolute best of friends if anyone asked. They grew up near one another but she tended to shy away from him in their early days. During their elementary years, she observed him from a distance. Him and his seemingly always put together outfits, the way he would snicker in class whenever the teacher mentioned anything remotely funny (it never was to the little girl.) She watched as he sometimes decided he wanted to take notes and would write everything down as fast as he could.
She watched as he grew a small circle of friends and would go around the school playing pranks, placing fake bugs inside lockers or on the teachers desk. She couldn’t help but to be curious of the boy as time went, something about him intrigued her. Years go by and eventually Y/N grew the courage to approach the young boy. She was still hesitant, nervous really, she didn't know what to say to him in any sense. But her legs carried her to him, her mind runs a mile a minute the closer she gets to him. She was bound to make a fool of herself, she just couldn’t stop.
Her feet stopped, she stood right in front of him and he’s yet to notice her, too deep into whatever conversation he’s having with his friend to notice the scared girl. She can’t help her gaze from roaming over his face, the soft cheeks and pretty green eyes, his pink lips and long eyelashes. His hair has gotten quite curly over the years, it’s honestly her favorite feature of his. She wishes she could look at him this close every day, just admire him without any fear or doubt and oh- he’s staring at her. When did he stop talking to his friend? Her eyes drop to his lips and they’re moving.. he’s talking to her, oh god he’s talking to her. This is it, she’s gonna make an utter and absolute fool of herself and he’s never going to talk to her again.
“Uh hello? Did y’need something?” He asks and she just stares blankly. She can’t force her brain to say something, anything please.
“Uh- well.. jeez. You see.. I just,” is all that comes out of her mouth when she finally decides to open it. She can feel heat rising to her cheeks, the embarrassment warming her and making her want to hide in her room until the end of time.
Harry’s just staring at her, his lips pulled up into an amused smirk of some sort and she can't help the shame that fills her.
“Go on then, I don't have all day.“ He says with amusement laced in his tone and she nearly melts. She couldn’t think he could get any better but his accent is heavenly. It’s smooth and soft and she wishes she could listen to it all day- no she doesn’t. That’s irrational and oh, he’s still looking at her. She needs to say something, she begs her mind to come up with anything at this point.
“You’re pretty.” His face immediately morphs into a look of disbelief as he shakes his head gently.
“Well thanks I guess.” He laughs gently before looking back at her.
“I don’t think pretty is a term meant for me, maybe for you though.” He smiles gently at her and she swears her heart skips three beats. Her skin flushes with heat at the compliment he gives her, and she can’t help but to smile shyly at the curly haired boy.
“Oh, um thank you.” She can’t help but to giggle and he watches her with a curious gaze.
“What’s your name then?” He asks her and she tells him, he compliments her name and says his own.
“It’s nice to meet you, Harry.” They smile at each other and he invites her to sit with him and his friends.
Just like that, a new friendship begins to bloom between the children. They stay by each other’s side through the years, becoming the best of friends in the seventh grade over their shared disgust for dissecting frogs. Their faces screw up and they just keep complaining about how gross it feels and how they hate the sliminess of the skin. It’s hard to imagine that anything could break them apart, they’re too similar. They’re too close, their friendship is far too strong.
— — —
When high school came around, you never got one without the other. The pair were always attached at the hip. Some students thought the two were dating, and Harry always shot them down by saying she’s just a really close friend, they’re just friends, they couldn’t date. Y/N kept her mouth shut, always had to swallow the big lump that formed in her throat whenever the topic came up. She knew she wouldn’t be able to deny it, or she wouldn’t be able to stop herself from admitting her feelings.
She’s not sure when she started catching feelings for Harry exactly. There’s many moments where it could be possible. It could’ve been all those nights they share a bed, they’re close enough and their parents figured nothing bad will happen. If they were to sneak around, they would’ve done it already. Harry will be over at Y/N’s house, either studying or just hanging out with her and they’ll stay up too late and Anne wouldn’t want to come and pick him up so Harry will pick an outfit or steal some of her bigger clothes to wear (she likes to wear oversized clothing when she’s going to sleep, they’re the only clothes that’ll fit him.) The first night was awkward to say the least, she didn’t own a sleeping bag and wanted him to stay with her. They thought of piling some blankets on the floor, but he said it’d be too uncomfortable and would hurt his back. He offered to sleep on the couch but she fussed and said it wouldn’t be a proper sleepover if they weren’t in the same room.
The last offer was said with hesitation, his cheeks and the tips of his ears turned red and he stared at the floor with a bashful smile.
“We could, maybe if you’re comfortable with it of course, maybe share a bed? We don’t have to. I’m sure your mom could figure something out-” She’s embarrassed at how fast she answers the boy, her skin warmed and shy eyes.
“Yeah! That works.” And just like that, the first initial problem is solved. They lay relatively stiffly in their own sides of the bed, a line of pillows lay in between them acting as a protective barrier, the moonlight filtering through her bedroom window and resting on his face. Casting a soft white hue onto his face, making him look even softer and she can’t help but to keep sneaking glances at her best friend. She doesn’t want to just stare and ogle, she doesn’t want to make this even more awkward for the two of them, so she settles for quick glances. They talk about anything and everything, whatever they learned in class or Harry’s newest favorite song, her current book she’s reading or some gossip one of them overheard.
Time passes, and Y/N can hear his breathing even out. She watches as his chest rises and falls slower signaling the young boy is sleeping. She then turns on her side, slowly and quietly as she pays attention to how much sound she’s making, her gaze landing on the sleeping boy. This should be, this is weird. She shouldn’t be watching him, but she can’t help it. Her eyes roam over his face once more, this time unashamed and more slowly, she wants to memorize every single detail.
She takes in the way his lashes fan his cheeks, she’s always been jealous of how long his eyelashes are. There’s no point in him having them if he doesn’t put them to good use. His eyelids flutter ever so often as he sleeps, his nose and his lips. They’re soft and pink, pillowy as if they’re made from the softest fabric. They’re inviting, but she shouldn’t be thinking like that. They’re best friends, best friends don’t kiss. They don’t think about cuddling up to them, they don’t do what she does.
Besides it’s normal for a young girl to develop a small crush on her best friend, it happens to everyone. At least that’s what her mom had told her weeks after the bed sharing experience.
— — —
She manages to bottle up those measly feelings for him, she doesn’t want to ruin anything and lose him. Years pass and now the two are in college. Freshman, the jokes of the school, the perfect targets for all of the upperclassmen. Y/N and Harry are still as close as ever, in fact some may say they’ve gotten closer. Harry’s always there to protect her from anyone who tries to pick on her, to lend a hand when she needs a study partner. Y/N’s there to support his dreams, to embrace him after a long day, to listen to him ramble about anything and everything.
The two would usually spend their nights sitting side by side as they help the other study, listening to the newest music on their phones, or just chatting happily with each other. The silence that settled over them sometimes never felt uncomfortable in any way, anything that had to do with Harry was warm. It was happy, filled with care and cozy, constantly feeling like she was enveloped in a warm hug. It was always a comforting moment whenever she’s around him, never awkward in any way or a silence so deafening that makes her feel the need to ramble about anything just to fill the silence.
True enough, college was stressful for the girl. She was known to overwork herself and to stack more and more things onto her imaginary plate. A stack so high that she can’t see over or around, and the weight of it only gets heavier as time passes by. It’s not something she can help though, she’s always been one to want to overachieve her own dreams and goals — even if said goals were highly unattainable and unrealistic — but she always had Harry to help her. She’d tack on classes that she may or may not need to take but she thinks it will be easier to take all the classes just in case.
She makes frequent stops to her teacher’s office to ask for help or to check her work (she’s sure the teachers are sick of her at this point), she’s constantly working on homework and studying for her exams and any tests she may have. It’s safe to say Y/N is as good a student as one can get, and she takes great pride in that! As much time as she spends in her dorm room or in the library with her face glued into text books, she makes sure to set time aside to spend time with her best friend.
She always makes time for him, how could she not when he’s the best part of her day? They’ll meet up in the library for an impromptu study session that usually ends up with their studies forgotten as they talk about whatever comes to mind, him sitting beside her on her bed because she doesn’t like visiting the boy’s dormitories simply because they’re loud and the majority of the time it smells unpleasant, or they’ll stroll around the campus because she loves being in nature. They’ll talk about how their classes are doing (hers are good but overwhelming and loud, his are good as well and he quite enjoys them,) or they’ll talk about potential crushes they have.
It usually always just results in Harry talking about whatever girl he thought was pretty as Y/N nodded along. She never had anything to contribute, she never had any crushes other than him and didn’t feel the need to add anything to the conversation. She was always too jealous, too upset to say anything anyways. She wished it was her. She hoped that she could hold his hand and kiss him whenever she wanted, wanted to play with his hair and cuddle up to him whenever she wanted, wanted to show him off and announce to the world that he was hers.
It was silly, she knew that, which was why she never said anything about her feelings. She couldn’t have him the way she wanted him, they were always just gonna be best friends. She was okay with that, to a point, she was glad to have him in her life just the same. She wouldn’t tell him in fear of losing him. She couldn’t bear the thought of not being in his life, to not traveling to his place and hanging out with his family, to not have that one person who meant everything and anything to her.
So she pined, she yearned from a distance while still encouraging him to go on dates. Which is exactly what she’s doing now, sat on his bed with a sad smile as he told her about the current girl he’s interested in.
“No, you don’t understand. She’s so smart, always one of the first to raise her hand, she could honestly give you a run for your money. She always looks so pretty, it’s like she never has bad days. She even volunteers on the weekends!” He goes on and on, not realizing the sadness etched on his friend's face, he never noticed it as he rambled about whatever girl he was interested in.
Y/N nodded along, halfway listening as she felt the small ping of hurt begin to bloom in her chest. She wishes she could be all the way happy for Harry. She hates that she gets jealous of all the girls, she just can’t help it. She wishes she had a chance.
“Why don’t you ask her out then, Harry?” Her voice is quiet, scared of it coming out as shaky as she feels.
“I don’t even know if she likes me! I’d hate to ask her out just to get rejected.” He says as he paces, a habit he does when he’s nervous.
“You won’t know if you try, or you could just try talking to her normally and see how it goes from there.” She says and he nods, a big smile on his face (one she wishes he would give to her) as he thinks it over.
She hates these moments if she’s being honest, it always leads to the same outcome. He’ll listen to her advice, he and whatever girl he’s interested in will start talking, they’ll realize they’re compatible and start hanging out more, he’ll bring her around to meet Y/N and then something happens and they break up. She wishes he would stop, at least for a while, and go back to give all of his attention to her.
— — —
They’re now juniors in college and the two are still relatively close friends. Harry will walk her to class if his own is close enough, they eat lunch together when their schedules line up, Harry still takes her to and from school every day (unless something came up with his soccer schedule.) Harry did get into the party scene though, and Y/N thinks this is where it all got complicated. He would go to parties thrown on the campus and when he first started going, Harry would invite Y/N to come with him and the girl always said no.
Partying wasn’t her thing, she didn't find the whole appeal of it all. Going to someone’s dorm room or house, either way the space is entirely too crowded for her, the smell of cigarettes and weed fill the air and songs she’ll never enjoy blasts through whatever speakers they have. The drinks are usually not that bad after she’s had a couple before heading in, but she doesn’t necessarily like to drink anyways.
This was where her and Harry had begun to drift in a way, Harry enjoyed partying. He enjoyed it a lot, the thrill, and once he had gotten a couple of tattoos and grew his hair out he became quite the ladies man.
He would go on about whatever party was going on, to her it seemed there was a party every week. She didn’t understand why these people aren’t studying and making the most of their time, but she realizes that not everyone’s like her. It was very rare for her to accompany Harry to a party, but when she did, she made him promise to stay by her side as much as he could. He agreed, because why wouldn’t he, and tried to get to enjoy herself as much as she could.
Tonight’s a party, she couldn’t believe someone is throwing a party on a Thursday night, she would be cozied up in her bed with her textbooks laid across as she wrote down notes. Harry had convinced her to come with him, and told her it was going to be a small party and said they were having a pick a music DJ so she could even request a couple of her favorite songs! She reluctantly agreed only after Harry gave her the biggest eyes and pout she ever saw. She’s always had a soft spot for him, mainly because he’s never given her a reason not to trust his word and judgment.
So she sighed as she ushered him out, playfully swatting his butt with whatever she was able to grab and shooed him.
“Go on then, get ready! This better be good otherwise I’m shaving your head while you sleep.” She said with a soft smile on her lips, they both knew she would never do so simply because she enjoyed running her hands through his hair. He shook his head and laughed at her fondly as he allowed her to push him to the door. He then left her dorm with a smile on his lips to get ready for said party, one of his main priorities is to make his best friend begin to like parties so they could go together.
A while later, they’re standing against one another, a plastic solo cup in each of their hands in a somewhat crowded house. Harry was right, it was smaller than the normal party, there’s more room to walk around without the fear of bumping into someone and causing a scene. The music vibrates through the floors and fills the space, the air is stuffy and filled with the smell of weed. There’s so much happening all at once, and Y/N’s glad she doesn’t get overstimulated easily otherwise she’d have to leave.
Y/N sips on her drink, taking just the smallest of drinks simply because whatever Harry gave her smells and tastes bad, burning her throat and leaving a bad aftertaste on her tongue with every drink. Her eyes roam over the kitchen but they always manage to land on Harry. He’s so pretty, and just happy. He looks like he belongs here, long sleeve black shirt partially open, a black tie barely even tied around his neck, a pair of black jeans and a pair of white tennis shoes. He’s let his hair down instead of his usual man bun, and Y/N swears every girl has their eyes trained on him. She doesn’t blame them honestly, she just wishes she wasn’t there to watch as her best friend checks the girls out as well.
It fuels a bubbling in her stomach, a queasy feeling that won’t go away. It’s a feeling she’s grown used to, being friends with Harry always led to her feeling envious of the girls he talked to. She wishes she could just accept the fact that they’ll never be together how she wants them to be, accept the fact that they’ll always just be best friends. She knows that she could treat him better than they can, she knows all the small things they’ll never know. She knows how to make him happy, how to comfort him, knows all of his secrets and ticks and cues.
She hates the painful feeling that resides in her chest, near her heart every time this happens. The horrible feeling of rejection that makes her hate the friendship they have, hates the fact that they’re so close and it’ll never go any further than that. She sighs and takes a bigger sip of her drink, her face screwing up in disgust at the bitter taste left on her tongue. She hopes he’s too busy checking out every girl at the party to notice her discomfort, but of course he has some kind of senses that ties to her as he wraps an arm softly around her shoulders.
He gives her a soft squeeze as he leans down to whisper in her ear, only to make sure she can hear him over the bass of the song.
“Y’okay?” She can’t help the shiver that runs through her at the feeling of his breath fanning across her neck. She only nods her head meekly, she doesn’t trust her voice enough to speak for her. He chuckles and squeezes her shoulder once more before pulling away and Y/N can only sigh quietly at the lack of contact and warmth. It’s moments like these where she wishes she’s back at home, cuddles next to Harry as they do whatever. The music’s getting too loud, she’s getting warmer and her drink doesn’t taste good, that can only mean she’s getting overwhelmed.
They stay alongside each other at the party, her wrapped in his arms as time goes on. She wishes he would say they can leave, but she’s unsure how long they’ve been here and she won’t be the reason Harry leaves a party early. Harry mutters in her ear something about getting another drink and she’s sure he asked if she wanted something different. She nods her head softly and turns her head, her eyes staring into his pretty emerald eyes and she smiles at him before asking if there’s something there that doesn’t taste so bitter and he can only laugh at her. She swears his eyes look so pretty in this light, pupils slightly dilated and the green of his eyes shine in the lighting above the two of them. They stare at each other for what seems like ages, not that Y/N’s complaining any, before Harry pulls back and tells her that he’ll be right back with the drinks and she nods in response. She watches him as he makes his way through the crowd, more than likely saying excuse me and apologizing if he even brushes past someone on his journey because he’s just that polite.
— — —
Y/N hates parties. She’s mentioned this to Harry several times and he’s so persistent on changing her mind, only to be left disappointed by her response the next day or through a text. They always smell bad, it’s hot, there’s no personal space and she just absolutely despises watching Harry get hit on by every girl in the vicinity. She gets it, he’s good looking, funny and an absolute gentleman which is not something she can say applies to any other boy on campus. Harry’s a rare gem and she wishes she could keep him for herself, but alas they’re just friends. That’s all they’ll ever be.
She hates when they go to parties and he leaves her, usually letting her know but sometimes he’s dragged away and never comes back until he’s drunk. Another reason she hates parties is how he acts when he’s drunk. She turns into a babysitter, making sure he’s careful not to throw up on himself, bump into some guy who had too much to drink and wants a fight, and has to drive them home when she doesn’t even like driving. Not to mention, she hates how affectionate he becomes. He’s always cuddling up to her, holding her hand and calling her all sorts of sweet pet names.
She thinks that’s the worst part, because not only does it fill her heart and make it swell, but it also causes her to be the target of all of the nasty glares from the girls at the party. That’s exactly what’s happening right now, he’s managed to bring her to yet another party even though she all but begged and pleaded not to come along. It was bigger, louder, and plain annoying. She just wanted to stay in bed, cozied up underneath her softest blanket with a book and her favorite songs. Harry insisted yet again that she’ll have fun, and it shouldn’t be too big. Insisted that they wouldn’t be there very long, and that was two hours ago. Y/N’s head hurts, her back and feet hurt as well and she doesn’t know any of the songs playing through the speaker. She’s just having a miserable time meanwhile Harry’s having the time of his life, she’s lost count of how many drinks he’s already had including the one currently in his hand. She knows it’s enough to get him to loosen up, to not care about the way he’s pressed against her, one tattooed arm wrapped around her waist and his breath fanning the side of her neck as he sings along to whatever song is blasting through.
They rock gently together as if it’s not an upbeat pop song, lost in his own drunken world and she just wants to go home.
“Honey, you’re just the sweetest thing. Y’know that?” His voice all but oozed into her bloodstream, warming her skin and making her fight back a smile.
“And you’re drunk, I think we should go home Harry.”’She says, hoping he listens and tells her to take them home. Instead he nuzzles his face into the crook of her neck and squeezes her.
“Don’t wanna leave yet, m’having fun with you.” She can’t help the smile that tugs on her lips at his words.
“I know but we could have so much more fun at home in our pj’s. Doesn’t that sound nice, Harry?” He only hums and squeezes her tighter.
“M’having fun with you baby. S’nice seeing you all pretty. Look so pretty every day.” She can’t help the heat that rushes to her cheeks at his words, the main reason she doesn’t like attending parties with him.
He’s so cuddly and loving, the line they’ve made blurs whenever he’s drunk and makes it hard to differentiate between just friendship or something more. She knows he doesn’t mean any of it though, at least not in the way she hopes he means it. She can feel the nasty glares from all of the other girls, knowing they’re wishing to be her in shoes. Who wouldn’t want to be wrapped in Harry’s arms with him whispering in your ear and a goofy looking smile on his lips?
“Thank you, Harry. We can still have fun at home, I won’t change so I can still be all pretty for you and it’ll just be the two of us. I’m sorry, I wanna go home, Har. It’s getting to be too much.” She says just loud enough for him to hear, her eyes scanning the crowd. He sighs before kissing her neck ever so gently, a kiss so feathery soft that if she weren’t so sober she wouldn’t even feel it.
“Fine, let’s go home then baby. Don’t want my girl to be overwhelmed.” He says before unwrapping her from his embrace only to intertwine their hands together as he leads her to the exit. She’s grateful that he’s taking charge, her brain repeating the same three words over and over again.
My girl, my girl, MY girl, my GIRL, MY GIRL.
Those two words do something to her brain, sending her spiraling into the delusion she only entertains late at night when she’s alone in her bed. The fantasy that they’ve been together for a couple months, every drunken interaction always ends with a kiss and then cuddling in the bed. She follows him outside and to their, his car and he opens the door to the drivers side for her and walks around to the passenger side. She stands by the door, making sure he can get in the car without hurting himself and he huffs, reminding her of when they were kids.
“I can get in the car by myself, love. No need to fret over me.” His accent is deeper because of the alcohol and Y/N can only sigh and roll her eyes affectionately.
“I know H, just don’t want you to hurt yourself is all.” She says softly as she pulls the seatbelt around him.
“Always so sweet for me, baby. Thank you.” He smiles at her, a dopey expression on his face and she can only smile at him in return. She closes the door gently and walks to the other side, getting into the car and starting it, immediately turning on the radio in hopes it’ll distract him from seeing the tears roll down her face.
— — —
If there’s one thing Y/N hates is going on dates. Especially if they’re dates she doesn’t necessarily want to be on, just like the one she’s on now. Harry had insisted that he takes up the majority of the time (he does) and that she needs to go out more, (she doesn’t want to) so she reluctantly agreed to go on this stupid date. She arrived at the restaurant ten minutes early just in case and to prepare herself, waited for ten extra minutes for him to decide to show up smelling strongly of some cheap cologne and cigarettes. Once they were seated, things stayed somewhat relaxed as they made small talk and got to know each other; he had made some remarks she didn’t necessarily agree with but she stayed quiet.
When it came time to order, there was a certain look on his eyes when she ordered. One that felt almost as if he was… judging her? He stayed quiet otherwise though, didn’t let his disgust be known verbally and she’s thankful for that. She’s sure they’ve been at the restaurant for about thirty minutes, give or take, but this is the longest she’s been out with a guy who isn’t Harry. That has to mean something, right? Sure the conversation could be better, maybe he could talk more and maybe seem a little more interested in what she has to say, but she can’t complain too much.
She can’t help but to wonder what Harry is doing right now, probably either sleep or playing on his game system. He might be on a date as well which could explain why he was soo insistent on getting her to go on this date, but she refuses to think that’s why. She’s bored and she misses him. She always misses him though, she’s gotten so used to basically being attached at the hip with him that it feels like years whenever they’re apart (even if it’s only a couple of hours, she’s just dramatic as Harry would say.)
“So are you and Harry together, or…” The guy asks and Y/N shakes her head quickly.
“Oh.. uh no! We’re not together.” He squints his eyes at her like he doesn’t believe her, and honestly she doesn’t blame him.
“So are you guys just screwing around?” Y/N laughs, a sound in between a snort and a scoff bubbles from her lips and her date only to stare at her in confusion.
She’s heard plenty of rumors regarding her and Harry’s friendship, that they’re dating or maybe siblings, one even said she’s secretly someone famous and he’s just her bodyguard. She laughed at that one and when she told Harry he simply smiled at her and said it’s only true; she’s his princess and he vowed to protect her from any and all harm and she smacked his shoulder with a dopey smile on her lips. But to hear that people think that they’re just sleeping around with each other is new, well at least to hear it. She won’t deny the fact that sometimes late at night she’ll daydream scenarios where the two are happily together doing all the couple-y stuff but sometimes those daydreams tend to wander and turn into something filthy.
Dreams of him whispering in her ear, praising her as he rocks against her. Dreams of him maybe catching her reading her smut books and recreating them together, trying new things and exploring each other’s bodies.. She shakes her head, thankful that she can play it off as her denying the rumor.
“No, no! We’re just friends, best friends actually.” She says and laughs gently, hoping her voice doesn’t crack. He stares at her a little while longer before his gaze begins lower and he clears his throat, she knows where this is going. This happens all the time on her dates.
“Well I mean, I wouldn’t blame him if he did.” He smirks afterwards and Y/N has to hold herself back from screwing her face up in disgust.
This is usually the part where she’ll excuse herself or the date begins to head downwards, leaving her with disappointment and the small hole in her chest she’s holding out for the small chance of Harry returning her feelings begins to ache. She clears her throat in response and begins to fidget in her seat.
“Uh, yeah sure. Anyways, are you enjoying your food?” She asks in hope that it’ll detour the conversation back into safer topics.
“I mean.. it’s alright. You look gorgeous, that dress really fits you. Are you enjoying your food?” He asks as he brings his fork to his mouth and the girl has to refrain from frowning at her date.
It’s safe to say that she misses her best friend, misses being cuddled up next to him and the two of them talking about anything and everything. She misses how comfortable they are, she misses his voice, his hugs.
“Yeah, I’m enjoying it so far.” She says, her voice sounding disappointed that once more her date is turning into all of her previous ones.
“I was wondering if maybe I could stay over a little after this is done. I’d love to get to know you more.” She sighs softly before answering him.
“No, I’m sorry. If you excuse me, I'm just gonna go ahead and go. It was nice meeting you, and this should be enough to cover my half.” She says as she puts a couple bills on the table in front of him, she’s sure that it’s more than enough to pay for her meal and she should stick around to get her change; she just wants to leave though, to get away from him and back to her comfort. She immediately heads to the door, her eyes beginning to well up with tears as she walks to her car. The disappointment stinging her heart yet again at the ending of another unsuccessful date.
— — —
Y/N’s managed to find herself at another party but this time Harry’s not glued to her side, he’s gotten dragged off by one of his friends. She’s not sure where he went or how long he’s been gone but she is having a much better time than she usually is. She thinks drinking a little bit before she goes helps, being in the comforting embrace of just her and Harry as they take a couple of shots helps her loosen up.
So she stands in the kitchen, her eyes roaming over the crowd as she attempts to find Harry and her body swaying the music. She nurses a red solo cup filled with some alcohol that tastes better than whatever she had the last time, it doesn’t burn her throat whenever she takes a sip of it and it flows down quite nicely if you ask her. Her body feels loose and overall she feels happy, she doesn’t find herself worrying about anything or overthinking.
A few people bump into her while she stands but she doesn’t mind that much, simply apologizing to them as she steps out of the way. The music is something pleasant and she thinks she maybe knows this song as it plays through the speakers, she finds herself mouthing along to the words as she makes her way through the crowd. She’s sure Harry couldn’t have gotten too far, she just wants to tell him about whatever drink she has and tell him how much she likes it. She just wants to see him. She stumbles as she walks hinting at the fact that she might have had a little too much to drink, bumping into a few people as she passes through. It’s nice to not have to be the one that’s sober like she usually is, although she hopes Harry kept his promise and stayed sober in his role as the designated driver. It’s nice to be able to let loose and honestly, she understands a little why Harry likes to go to these things.
As she passes through the crowd with a content smile on her face, she makes sure to ask a few people if they’ve seen her best friend. Some tell her the last place they’ve seen him while others haven’t seen him, she thanks them all the same with a smile on her face. She continues passing through the crowd until she finds a little glimpse of an opening in the crowd, the people slowly beginning to thin out and the music grows softer. When she makes it all the way through she sees Harry leaning against a wall, one hand nervously fidgeting with his hair and the other wrapped around his phone tightly.
He bites at his bottom lip nervously and she just wants to coo at him, kiss him and hug him forever.
“What’s a matter?” She asks as she steps closer to the boy, and his face immediately lights up and all of the tension seems to melt away.
“Couldn’t find you, honey. I went to the kitchen and you weren’t there, I tried to call you and you didn’t answer. I thought you… I was scared.” He says as he wraps her tight in his arms. She doesn’t try to say anything, she knows how he gets whenever he’s nervous and assuming the worst happened, allows him to take in the moment and to calm him down. They rock gently, his face pressed into her hair as he breathes her scent in.
He pulls away a couple minutes later and they stare at each other, his brow furrowed and lips slicked with spit, jade irises shining under the lights and filled with relief and care. Y/N doesn’t know what came over her, what led her to do what she’s about to do but her in the future better be prepared and absolutely angry at herself for drinking so much. She slowly begins to lean forward, tilt her head and pucker her lips subtly. Of course, Harry doesn’t think much of it or doesn’t care when their lips meet.
Slow and tender, she doesn’t bother to move her lips. She’s content with a peck, doesn't need to be greedy. He just looked so pretty that she couldn’t help herself. Harry’s arms are tight around her, keeping her close to him as if she planned on walking away again. She pulls away with a soft click and she licks her own lips, a goofy smile on her face as she stares at him.
“‘M so lucky.” She says, her words kinda slowed and all Harry can do is stare in shock at the girl.
He’s unsure what to do now although he knows the responsible thing to do is to take her home, get her changed and tucked into bed where there definitely won’t be anymore kisses and she’ll be safe and sound. He just stares at her, her eyes unfocused and her eyelashes wet as she stares back. The music blares but to them it’s simply background music, the two of them seemingly secluded away in their own personal bubble. It’s usually how it always is though, wherever they go but it always happens at these parties Harry drags her to, they’ll isolate themselves somewhere in a corner and just chat away until Harry decides to mingle with the other party goers. Harry thinks she’s pretty like this, well he usually always thinks she’s pretty. He likes to see her dress up though, which is why he invites her to so many of these parties, likes knowing all of the girls there envy Y/N because she’s his best friend.
A couple minutes go by, hours maybe but Harry doubts it, and Harry decides to take a couple steps back and rubs his hands down her arms to interlace their fingers together.
“Hey, love bug. You ready to go home?” He asks gently, wary of the fact that she could be more emotional and isn’t thinking straight in the first place for her to kiss him. The girl simply nods her head and allows the boy to lead her through the party crowd and outside, while Harry makes sure she doesn’t bump into any cars on the way to his own car. The breeze is soft and warm, gently caressing their cheeks as it passes through. The sun is filtering through the clouds, landing on Y/N’s face as they walk.
It doesn’t take very long to reach his car because he almost always parks as close to the entrance to make it easier for the other to escort them to the car when they’re drunk. It usually always ends up being Harry, so it feels weird in a way to have the roles reversed, to have him being the one taking care of her. He unlocks the car when they get close enough, his arm wrapped securely around the drunken girl just in case she stumbles. He listens as she rambles about something he can’t make out, her words slurring together due to excitement and her being drunk. A quality of hers that he’s always found endearing, so he lets her ramble of course, humming along to show he’s listening and only occasionally adding his own input when asked and he’s able to make out what she’s doing.
He opens the door for her, getting her all settled in and closing the door behind him, walking around to the driver’s side and starting the car. Once he starts driving, the radio stays off and the windows down to let in the breeze, Harry tries his best to ignore the feeling of her eyes on him.
— — —
Two weeks have passed since the drunken kiss incident and neither of them have really said much about it. Harry brought it up to her a couple days later and she only laughed and said it’s okay, everyone does stupid stuff when they’re drunk. Nothing has changed between the two necessarily, maybe Harry’s been going out of his way to walk her to her class and yeah maybe they have to be touching in any way. Whether it be holding hands like how they used to do, kisses on the forehead and cheeks, or their arms slung across the other waist or shoulders.
So he assumes that there’s nothing else to make of it, it’s not a big deal and honestly if it hasn’t affected their friendship, then he doesn’t mind ignoring it. He has noticed that she’s been the one to initiate the physical touch now, more open about it whereas before she shied away from it in hopes to not upset any of the girls in school. She doesn’t swat at his chest whenever he calls her the exaggerated pet names he used purposely to annoy her, she even said a few of them back. Sure, sometimes he’ll catch her looking at him with eyes all gooey late at night but that must be because she hasn’t had enough sleep.
They’re still the same two best friends like before, just a smidge different but it’s not a bad difference. Y/N thinks she could be okay with the way they are now, living in her own little imagination where they’re more than friends.
Which is why Y/N’s confused whenever Harry knocks on her door early in the morning. Ten in the morning isn’t super early but it’s definitely earlier than she’d like to be awake on a day where she has absolutely nothing else to do. She rubs the sleep out of her eyes as she gets out of bed and throws on some clothes as she makes her way to the door of her dorm. When she opens it, she sees Harry and a beautiful brunette by his side. She looks familiar to the girl, maybe they’ve shared a class before but all in all Y/N’s confused. Harry usually doesn’t stop by without letting her know (not that it mattered, he was over all the time it seemed) and definitely never brought another girl by.
“Harry? What’s going on?” Y/N asks, a yawn escaping her mouth afterwards and the other girl just smiles at Harry.
“Y/N, this is my girlfriend Liv. Liv, this is my best friend Y/N.” Harry says as he points at the girls, introducing them.
Y/N knows the respectful and proper thing to do is to greet her and welcome them into her to get to know one another, but she can’t wrap her brain around it all. She stares at them, more at the girl than Harry. She can’t bring herself to look at him without wanting to cry, she watches as Liv leans forward to give her a hug and tells her how it’s so great to finally meet her and then Y/N’s slamming the door in their face. She stares at the now closed door and hurries to lock it, she’s sure Harry will just open the door even though deep down she knows he won’t do that unless told otherwise that he can.
Usually, he talks to her about the girls he’s interested in, asks her if it’s okay to bring them over and gives her plenty of time to have her - unknown to him - breakdowns and prepare herself for this moment. She’s not sure when this happened or why he didn’t talk to her about it first, the only thing she’s sure of is the absolute heartache she feels right now. The painful jab in her heart with every beat, the feeling of her stomach falling. The pain that’s beginning to bloom in her head and the feeling of her knees hitting the floor, hard enough to leave a bruise but she can’t bring herself to care about that at the moment.
The immediate sting in her eyes as tears well up and fall from her eyes, the betrayal, the jealousy tearing its way up. The heartache overall is one she’s felt in smaller amounts as she listens to Harry talk about whichever girl he’s interested in asking out, but this.. this is something completely different. It’s intense, it burns and she can’t breathe. She can feel her heart pounding in her chest, beating faster than normal.
She lets out loud sobs, cries she should be embarrassed of but at this moment she can’t bring herself to care. She’s grateful her roommates aren’t here, they kept telling her it’s not worth it to stay best friends with Harry due to how much she liked him. She constantly argued that she knew what she was doing, she could handle her own if something like this happened. She should’ve listened to them, would she have stopped being friends with Harry? She doesn’t think so, might’ve been distant to allow her feelings to dwindle back down.
She’s not sure how long she stayed on the floor as tears streamed down her face when her phone rings. She grabs it and stares at the screen, Harry’s name flashing across the screen and she just sighs as she turns the ringer off and sets the phone on the couch. She can’t talk to him right now. She stares at the floor, memories of their friendship flicking in and out, the memory of their kiss haunts her, she feels stupid. She hoped they were moving towards a relationship, how silly of her to think they could ever be more than just friends.
After a couple hours, she manages to pull herself from the floor and begins to make her way to her bed. Her safe haven, she can wrap herself in her softest blanket and read her silly little romance books or watch her favorite movie, where she can wallow in her own self pity. There’s a knock on the door, whoever’s on the other side knocks one, two, three times before it goes silent. She hopes they’ll go away, her roommates have a key so it can’t be someone she has to open the door for.
“Y/N. It’s me, Harry. I don’t know what I did that upset you so much, she’s gone. It’s just me. Please open the door, let’s talk about this.” He says, somewhat muffled but she can still hear how his voice is watery and shaky, can hear the pain in his voice and she just sniffles as she walks towards the door.
“There’s… nothing to talk about. Go home.” Her voice is just a reflection on how she feels right now, she’s sure he can hear it from the other side.
“Yes there is, Y/N. You slammed the door, the look on your face… I don’t know what all that was about but you looked so hurt. I want to know what happened.” He says and she just frowns.
He’s never paid attention to how her face looked before so why does it matter, she opens the door and stares at him. Fresh tears welling up in the girls’ eyes and she swears she can feel her heart breaking even more. He looks just about how she thinks she looks. His eyes full of tears and eyelashes all clumped together, red cheeks stained with tears and his skin flushed. His lips are wet and he can’t stop pulling his bottom lip between his teeth.
“You happened, Harry. I tried, God I tried so hard to get over it. But I can’t. I’m so in love with you it hurts. It hurts to hear you talk about the girls you like knowing it’s not me, hurts hearing all the girls gossip about you and the things you do for them. It hurts when you’re drunk and treating me like I’m yours, calling me all these sweet fucking pet names and holding me close to you. It hurts that we act like we’re together and we just aren’t, we’ll never be. I love you so much that I’m just hurting myself in the process. I’m so scared to lose you that I tell myself that just being your friend is okay. I don’t want to keep secrets just to keep you” A sob interrupts her, a wet choking sound and she sighs.
“I can’t just keep hoping and praying that something will happen and we’ll finally be together, it hurts too much. I’m so lucky to have you in my life and be your friend, but I don’t know if I can handle just being your friend. I can’t handle hoping that I’ll get my chance. I’m tired of waiting for something that’ll never happen. I’m not cutting you out because I don’t want to lose you, I just need some time alone. I need to get over you and learn how to be okay with just being your friend and nothing more.” She says through her tears and immediately she’s wrapped in a strong hug, his scent filling her nose and she cries even harder.
“I’m sorry I’ve been hurting you and didn’t see it. Take as much time as you need honey, I’ll be waiting for you always.”
“Okay, thank you.” She says as she pulls away and he nods, a sad smile on his face that she wishes wasn’t because of her.
“I love you.” He says before she shuts the door once more, the wall of their friendship being built slowly.
‘I love you’ she thinks is just the worst thing she’s ever heard, just a painful reminder that the love they share has never been on the same page, just another shatter of her already broken heart.
You can’t have love without the pain, and she’s the definition of just how much love can truly hurt you.
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justmemethings · 6 months
Random general RP prompts, without cursing, requested by anon. Feel free to edit pronouns / etc. to make them more fitting !
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“Oh my god, what is that !?”
“You should have seen them. I could hardly breathe with their ego taking up all the space in the room.”
“Hey, hey, stop. I literally have no idea of what you're talking about. How about you start from the beginning? Or at least put a subject in your sentences.”
“C'mon, who never had a ‘spaghetti coming out of the nose’ moment?”
“You insufferable...piece of...rotten lemon pie!”
“Do as I say and not as I do. For real, though. You don't want to do what I do. I don't want to do what I do.”
“I thought I’d never set foot in a place like this, but here we are. Congratulations on making my life a little more miserable.”
“Sometimes I wonder why I even bother. I might as well be talking to myself. I surely listen more to myself than you do.”
“Keep up the cocky act, it’ll only make you lose faster.”
“From where I’m standing, you’re the one who should be worrying.”
“Give me some credit. I know that I’m not a good person, but I like thinking that I can be a decent friend.”
“The only thing I trust humans with is dying when you shoot them.”
“How can you be vulnerable with someone who has shut you out over and over?”
“Yeah, not buying it. What is it that you truly want?”
“You know, now I have to challenge you at a drinking game.”
“Absolutely not. Don’t even think about it.”
“...Maybe I just need a real break.”
“I’d say that it’s nice to meet you, but maybe the circumstances could have been more…ideal.”
“You can’t be serious! Don’t you see what’s at stake here?!”
“Oh Lord, you gotta be kidding me. This will take forever.”
“Have you tried telling them that? It’s easy to forget that not everyone grieves in the same way.”
“Look at you, showing some actual good taste. I’m almost impressed.”
“Let’s skip over you judging me and talk business. Will you or won’t you?”
“Don’t get funny ideas. I’m just choosing the lesser evil.”
“Oh yeah? So, what? Are you saying that my problems will miraculously fix themselves, if I talk about them?”
“Let’s bet on it. The winner gets to make the loser do one thing. Whatever they want, no limits.”
“You must be really bored if this is how you chose to spend your night.”
“Patience, [name]. I thought you liked surprises.”
“I really wouldn't do that, if I were you.”
“Anything you’d like to say to plead your case?”
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luimagines · 11 months
pspspspsps may i have a scenario where the boys receive a kiss from their crush thamks
- bestie anon
You got it, Bestie! o7 :D
Prepare for massive pining.
Content under the cut!
Time was having a hard time coming to grips with himself.
He would watch you from afar. Making sure that you were well taken care of and that all your needs were met. He didn't want to admit that he may have given you special treatment compare to the others but it was something that he didn't how to properly control.
The worse part of it was that he was beginning to suspect that you knew and were thus preparing to use it to your advantage.
"Time." You called to him as a warning before you latched onto his arm. 'I have a request."
Time looks to you, unaware of the soft look he gives you. "What is it?"
You don't miss it either, subconsciously matching it with your own. "I wanted to take a few of the boys down to the river to teach them some tricks of the trade that my father showed me. You're the head of group so I wanted to pass it by you. Is that ok?"
His heart flutters, betraying him over the severity of your questions. But it's light and there's little that needs to be done in the immediate. He sees no problem with it. Besides, how long would it take you to get there and come back? A few hours? The whole day? Either way, it's unlike you stay away past sun down.
"Sure. Thank you for taking it into consideration." He smiles. Although, it's not as if he's their father. They're free to do whatever they wanted for the most part. But it's nice that you thought about him.
You grin and pat his shoulder. "Any time. I suppose you'd like everyone to return before nightfall?"
Time clears his throat for a moment. Yes, that was exactly what he was thinking. How did you know?
With a small nod, he meets you head on. "If possible."
You nod back and lean in to kiss his cheek. "Then we'll be back before dinner."
You turn on your heel, as if nothing has happened and start gather a few of the younger members to take them on the short trip.
Time however can feel the very well crafted and fortified walls of his psyche crack slightly. Admittedly, he was caught off guard. But there was something in such a simple moment that only endeared you more to him.
It was so sweet. You did it so quickly. Were you even aware? Was that planned?
The moment replays in his head and he's forced to cover his face. He's a grown man- surely he would be past this level of fluster and tame the butterflies that tickle the inside of his torso.
His hand comes up and covers his mouth, slowly inching up to cover the rest of his face. That was cute. You're cute. And nice. And pretty. And delightful. And he's doomed.
Hopefully no else saw that.
Twilight was almost certain that he was in love with you. Call him dramatic or exaggerating- but he was about 87% certain that he knew this feeling and that it was going to lead him down a very familiar path.
Part of him wanted to nip it in the bud and cut it off before it became anything larger than he knew he was capable of handling. The other part of him threw a fit at the thought of doing that.
He wants to be by your side and make you smile and laugh and make you pretty things and make sure that you're happy and- and- and-
"Hi Twilight." You hopped right next to him with your hand behind your back. "You seem deep in thought again. Care to share?"
Twilight clears his throat, ignoring the way he wants to blush at being caught. Even fi you have no idea what he was thinking about. "Nothing too bad. Just some things about our next steps. Sorry if I worried you."
You hummed and grabbed his arm, leaning on his without a care in the world. "Apology accepted. Here I thought that you had some dark secret or something that was eating you alive and would inadvertently change your life forever whether you kept it to yourself or told others."
Twilight chokes on his own spit. That's one way to say it.
"It can't be that bad." He tries to brush it off. "I was a little lost in thought, that's all."
"Hm..." You don't seem to believe him. "Alright. Keep your secrets, Mr. Man."
You lean over, kissing the corner of his mouth. "Just don't get too lost in thought anytime soon. Wild is about done with lunch. That's what I wanted to tell you. Anyway- that's all!"
Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute- Twilight tries to reach for you but you dance out of his range. What was that about?
You don't seem to want to acknowledge it but Twilight knows that it's going to be around in his head if he doesn't get any answers!
You laugh under your breath but he hears it. Something clicks in his mind to catch you. To get you to explain yourself. But also- something in him just wants to run.
So he starts to do so but you seem to catch on to what he's doing and also take off running. You take a turn away from the camp, trying to lose him in the surrounding thicket.
It excites him and he pushes himself faster to catch you.
Come back here!
Wild was watching you play a card game with Warrior and Legend, keeping them close to your chest as you looked at your opponent with a mischievous gleam in your eye.
Twilight snickers beside him. "They're going to notice."
"No they won't."
"Yes they will."
Wild rolls his eyes, turning to the other hero to face him head on. "No, they're not going to notice me. I am stealth and secrecy. I am invisible-"
"Wild, do you want to play with us?" You shout, still keeping your cards close even as you wave to him. "This game is really easy to learn if you're interested."
Wild chokes on his own spit as he looks back to you. This could be a chance to get close to you. Physically anyway. He can keep himself in check as he plays a simple game. You don't have to know how much he's been fantasizing about holding your hand or playing with your hair.
Twilight starts snickering a little louder, albeit trying to keep himself quiet. He's fails. But Wild wants to keep in mind that at least he's trying.
"Maybe!" Wild stands, decided to take the chance. "What do I have to do?"
"He can't join yet." Warrior points out. "Not until the match is over. It's too late to deal him in."
"Oh..." Wild tries to not sound too disappointed. "Next round then."
Legend is too focused on the game to comment but he plays down another card, only for you to cheer and place a different one. Legend curses as you take a small pile of acorns in the middle that they had piling up.
"One more and they win, Vet." Warrior hisses.
"I know! Don't remind me!"
You laugh and give a small wink to Wild. "Let me wipe the floor with these two first."
Wild can only smile. "I hope you win."
You grin, hopping up to give him a quick kiss to his cheek. He gasps but you seem none the wiser. "I'll take that as my good luck charm! I'm winning this!"
He coughs again, feeling himself grow a little hot under the collar. "As long as it's painless!"
Warrior places down another card, which Legend seem to take advantage of- but you cheer again and win the game.
"Woo hoo! Let's go again. Thank you Wild!"
"Champion, help us." Warrior groans. "This is the third game in a row."
Wild sits down next to you, struggling to keep his composure. "SuRe. How do I play?"
Four was going to lose his mind.
Here you were, helping him with fixing his tunic, and being incredibly close to his body, while also marginally whispering in his ear through the entire process.
It was maddening.
Four was trying his hardest to keep a straight face as you worked. What had happened was that he was working on sharpening your sword, as a request when you had tried to sit next to him and sliced the embroidery on his tunic.
He thought you were going to start crying with how apologetic you sounded. Between mentioned that he was doing you a favor to ruining something that had taken a lot of time, you had offered to fix it for him in return.
He didn't expect you to run off and come back with a small sewing kit and get to work right then and there.
"Again- I'm so sorry-"
"I know. You've said that ten times already." Four snorts, moving his arm out of the way so that you could reach it better. He doesn't expect you to lean closer, borderline putting your face against his chest as you work with the flayed threads.
Four can feel his cheeks start to burn and he has to look away. He's glad you're not in a position to see him at the moment. He's not sure if he would be able to handle himself in what would be considered the correct and polite way.
He coughs once and slowly moves his arm over your head. "It's not as bad you think it is. It's made in a way where it's easy to fix. It's not the first time this has happened."
"Really?" You seem to calm down. "What happened the first time?"
"I was wearing in the forge because I had a few orders backed up." four admits with a small laugh. Stay cool. Don't worry about your proximity. He's fine. He's totally fine. "I managed to get most of my work down, but at the cost of the treads. The designed has changed after some time."
"Oh thank god." You give a little bow with your head. "Because I had no idea what it looked like so I just planned on winging it and hoping that you didn't notice."
Four laughs and shakes his head. "I mean... I probably would. But knowing you did it would just make it more special."
"Really?" You snap your head up and you're nose to nose with him. "Ah- Sorry."
You pull back, before something comes over you. "Oh, what the hell!"
You kiss his the tip of his nose and grin. "In that case, I have to make this extra special then! Just you wait, Link! It's going to look... mediocre. But with feeling!"
Four has completely checked out at this point, feeling his blush finally push past his defenses.
"I'm glad you're ok with this. I still feel really bad."
"...I think I owe you now."
He knew he was doomed before anyone else did.
It was a quiet thing at first. It usually is. It was just a little look here, a short conversation there and a giggle and a blush the next minute then a blinding smile the next.
Legend knew his patterns better than anyone would have been able to guess. He knew the route he was on. And he a afraid of going any further down the familiar road.
"Good morning, Legend!" You raised your hand in greeting.
Legend ruffled his hair, shoving his hat over his head. With a yawn, he waves back, ignoring the giddy way he feels knowing that you've called out to him specifically. "Good morning."
"Sit next to me! Breakfast is almost ready!"
He nods, making his way over to the log by the fire. He sits and tries to rub the sleep out of his eyes. "What's on the menu?"
"Eggs and bacon." Wild answers easily.
"I've never had bacon." You say absentmindedly. "So I hope it's good."
Wild looks up for a moment before he looks back down into the pan. "These have to be the best bacon I've ever made."
Legend snorts. "It's bacon. That's pretty hard to mess up."
"What do you usually have for breakfast, Legend?" You bump your shoulder with his. "Bacon and eggs."
Legend yawns again, shaking his head. "Just some bread and cheese usually. Nothing fancy."
You nod and rest your head on his shoulder. "I would always have a bowl of oatmeal...but I guess that's a bit harder to find while you're traveling than the rest of it, huh?"
"A bit." Legend rests his head on yours. This is ok, right? If you did it first, then it should be fine. It's safe, platonic, good. It's nice. It's doesn't have to be anything else.
You sigh before you lift yourself off of his, giving a quick kiss to his cheek. "I suppose it's just as good as everything else."
Legend's brain stops working. His eyes widen and all thoughts cease.
Wild had missed it thankfully, but the captain was already awake, along with the Rancher and the Old Man. They all send him knowing looks and smirking smiles.
Legend coughs. Where did that come from? Why did you do that? Why was that so cute?
It was the final nail on the coffin. Legend finds that he's fully embarrassed and unable to keep his head up, even while you're right next to him.
You laugh at his reaction, pulling away slightly. He stops you from getting too far despite his better judgement. You snort. "Too much?"
"The day just started." Warrior snorts. "Go easy on him."
You nod, still smiling. "Alright then. I will. Sorry Legend."
"It's fINe."
More giggles follow, and Legend realizes that he doesn't actually care that much. It's such a lovely sound.
Hyrule didn't know just how soft the world could be, not until he met you. It was hard to explain. One moment it was life or death and the next is was tender touches, feather light whispers and stolen glances.
His heart fluttered at the thought of being by your side. He gets nervous and shy but happy and playful. It was strange to feel a mix of everything soft but good and light.
His life was always full of intensity whether he wanted to acknowledge it or not. He was always on the move and everything was big and bright and bold. Suddenly, when he's next to you, it all comes to a stop and it's quiet. It's sweet and lovely and new and just as exciting as everything else.
"You ok?" You asked him out of the blue. You bumped your hips against his and it's enough for him to struggle to meet your eyes.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Hyrule laughs nervously, ruffling his hair for good measure. He hopes that he doesn't seem too strange or weird. He just wants to have a good time with you today as you all make your way to the town. "Sorry, I'm just thinking about some stuff."
"Must be pretty serious." You nod, putting your hands behind your back. "It has nothing to do with me, does it?"
You're being cheeky but it's closer to the truth than Hyrule wants to admit. He coughs, hitting himself in the chest a few times for good measure. "You'll never know."
"That's a yes." You laugh. "What's it about? I'm not annoying you, am I?"
"Of course not!" He snaps to you, horrified about the implications. "I love hanging out with you! I would never think that!"
You snort, beginning to pink up a little. It's a lovely shade on you, Hyrule realizes. And they way you giggle, hiding your smile behind your hand simply makes it a sweeter image in his mind. "Rulie, I was kidding."
His mind comes to a screeching halt.
"...Oh." Hyrule can feel his face pink up a little as well. Perhaps he came on a little too strong. "Right...I knew that."
You giggle even louder and pat him on the head before you toss your arms around his shoulders. "You're a sweetheart, Traveler. May you never change."
You then give him a big kiss on his cheek, poking it for good measure as you tease. "You're too good for this world. I might just have to take you home with me."
He gulps, biting his lip in an attempt to keep his cool. "CoOl."
He loses it.
With his voice crack, he gives up completely and hides his face behind his own hands. You seem to find it more amusing, laughing louder at his expense.
"Don't worry, Link. I love hanging out with you too."
Bury him, this is embarrassing. He thought he was better than this... At least you seem to be having a good time.
Warrior was about to have a crisis.
Why were you so alluring? How can someone do everything so perfectly? How is it that he makes himself look like an idiot when he so much as opens his mouth when he talks to you?
Warrior knew that this was a dangerous road he was on.
Somewhere in the back of his mind, he tries to keep the idea that he's being watched, either by Lana or by Cia. He can't afford to step out of his place. To be close to you would just put a new target on your back.
Granted, he knows that she's changed... supposedly. He has no reason to trust that Cia would be able to control herself if she couldn't do it the first time around- Ganondorf or no Ganondorf.
And here he was, spending more time trying to impress you and get your attention that he knew it was worth.
"Found a new target, lover boy?" Twilight knocks the side of his head, sitting down by his side. "You know you can ask for a painting of them. It would last longer."
"Shut up." Warrior punches him. "Don't make it weird. They're just... very nice to look at."
"Don't say a word-"
"Hey!" Twilight calls out to you, getting your attention. You wave back and jog over.
"What's up?" You put your hands on your hips. Warrior can't believe this. He so needs to get back at Twilight for this. This is just cruel.
"The Captain and I need a third person opinion." Twilight explains naturally. Warrior has no idea where he's going with this. "Would it be better or worse if we were to compliment you on your hair today?"
You snort and raise an eyebrow. "I beg your pardon?"
"You're pardoned." Twilight smirks. "Warrior wasn't so sure if he should say something but I'm under the idea that he should."
Warrior coughs. Is he being helped or dragged alive? He's lost full control of the situation. What is he supposed to do?"
"Aww!" You grin and lean down to kiss his cheek. "Thank you very much, Captain. Just say so next time."
He makes a choked sound before he nods. He's surely blushing. You're little snicker is all the confirmation he needs.
Twilight gives a lazy salute. "Thank you for clearing that up Darlin'."
"Any time."
Warrior turns to Twilight as you walk away. The Rancher has the most face splitting grin he's ever. "You're welcome."
"You're horrible."
"I believe a thank you is in order."
You were so pretty, Sky sighed into his hand. And so sweet and sassy. It excited him. It caught his attention in more ways than he thought possible. He wanted to know everything you had to say. He wanted you to be happy and he wanted you to be safe.
He wanted to be your friend and he wanted you to like him so bad.
Sky knew that he was a romantic at heart and he knew (at least in some degree) that he was slowly crushing on you.
Not that he had any chance with you. He wouldn't dare be that hopeful. You seemed to get along better with Legend and Four than with him and he was ok with that.
He'd just admire you from a distance.
At least that's what he told himself.
"Hey." He approached you one day. He noticed that you had done something different with your hair and well... no one else commented on it. That's what people like, right? They change something up and get a compliment on it and it's nice, right? He's not overstepping some unspoken rule, right? There's no way he can overthink a simple compliment, right?
You turn to him, all smiles and oblivious to his internal turmoil. "Hey Sky! Good morning!"
He can feel himself flushing. Why is he already embarrassed? He didn't even say anything yet! He can't jump ship now!
"Good morning." He replies back, losing some of his bravado. He shouldn't say it. Oh, but he already has your attention. You're going to ask him if he needs anything. You're going to ask why he called out to them. You're going to ask him what's on his mind and he's going to have nothing to say to any your questions.
"What's up?" You pull some of your hair back and Sky's heart flutters with the movement.
"You changed your hair today." He admits softly. He anticipated your question yet it still managed to catch him off guard. There was no way for him to even remotely change the pathways in his head. He might as well be honest. "I thought that it looked really nice. I wanted to tell you that."
You blink before beaming.
He's aback by your reaction, but at least you seem happy.
"Oh Sky! You're a sweet heart!" You cry, leaning over. You kiss his cheek faster than he can react and poke his nose. "Thank you! I'm really happy with how it came out. I have to go help Time with something real quick, but I'll talk to you later, ok?"
Sky nods, not trusting his tongue.
"Thank you, Sky!" You call out as you walk away.
Sky takes a shaky breath. He didn't anticipate that reaction. His mind betrays him as it replays the soft touch of your lips against his skin. His hands come to cover his face as he falls into a squat.
That was cute. He's doomed.
Wind (Reader is same age as Wind)
Wind was hiding behind a rock, watching as you fluttered around the camp. You'd spend a little time between each guy, watch what he was doing, ask a few questions about it, then move on the next one.
They all seemed to give you a little bit of time to tell you about themselves, their hobbies, they're hopes, their passions and maybe, if you smiled sweetly enough, they would tell a little story as well.
It was driving Wind crazy.
It was taking too long! Each guy was getting their turn but never once looked around for him! He was cool! He had stories! He could make stuff too!
He huffed and tossed himself on the side of the rock, sliding down his hiding spot with his arms crossed. Some guys seemed to be annoyed when you talked to them, but he wouldn't dare treat you that way. They should feel honored to have your attention.
You were so special. You were wonderful. Incredible. Breath taking.
Wind jumps and pulls his arm away from the rock. He had gotten cut. Great, another disappointment. Wind pokes it, watching as little beads of crimson blink up at him as he shifts. "Ow."
"Are you finally going to come out, scardy cat?" You teased popping your head around the rock.
Wind jumped again, hiding his arm against his side. He says your name, because it's the only thing he can think to do. "H-hi!"
"I've been watching you." You continue to tease. "Just like you've been watching me! What are you doing over here anyway?"
"Um. I...Was..." Wind can't think of a lie fast enough. Given the way you raise an eyebrow, Wind knows that he also has his lying face on. He sighs, suddenly feeling stupid. "Hiding."
"Hiding?" You don't sound impressed. It's another hit to his pride. "Hiding from what? Get up, dork."
You giggle and grab his arm. Wind hiss and you drop him like a hot potato. "Wind?"
He looks back to his cut. There's more blood than before, but it's not the worst cut he's gotten. It just stings.
"Oh...oh my god, when did that happen?" You drop to your knees, taking a rag from your belt, to wipe the blood. "Wind! When did you get hurt?"
"Not long ago." He pouts, letting you do whatever. It's too late for him. There's no coming back from this. "It just happened."
You frown, putting pressure above the cut. Wind hisses again but doesn't move away. "No wonder. If Warrior saw this, you wouldn't get your sword back for a week."
"He acts like my dad." Wind gripes. "Who let him do that?"
"You do."
You laugh again, pulling the rag away. It appears that the bleeding has stopped. "Don't be stupid. Come hang out with the rest of us. It's not the end of the world."
"Why not?"
"I don't wanna."
"Pleeaasee?" You pout back, gesturing to his arm. "I'd even kiss it better."
"No, you wouldn't-"
You reach and take his wrist, pulling his arm away so that you can kiss the spot where he's hurt. Suddenly, it doesn't sting so much anymore.
He flushes a deep red color while you look... not that much better actually. "There. Come on. It's all better now."
You get to your feet and pull him up. Wind follows you without a second thought. Both of your faces are flushed with embaressment.
"What happened to you two?" Time raises an eyebrow.
"I fell." You blurt. "On top of Wind. Not my great moment."
Time hums and turns to Wind. "Is this true sailor?"
Wind curses in his head. Time has some knowing look on his face. He doesn't like it. Not trusting to speak, and only feeling more shame creep up his neck, Wind covers his face and nods.
Let them guess. He won't talk about it.
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alectoperdita · 2 months
I woke up possessed by something this morning and banged out the last parts of some joukai smut from a chapter 3 of Duelist's Pride. Given that I haven't written chapter 2 or published anything else in a while, I'm just gonna dump it here.
And yes, this continues on the theme of more joukai CNC.
Under the cut due to explicit sexual content, purposefully porn-worthy dirty talk, dom/sub overtones, humiliation kink, comeplay, ass to mouth, and light dacryphilia (might be other stuff I've forgotten, sorry I haven't even proofread this thing)
"Your ass' got a nice bounce to it now. Must be 'cuz of the cream I've been pumping into ya."
A hard smack across his butt cheek made him clench fiercely.
"Whaddaya say, Kaiba? Should I keep creaming your ass pussy until you got a nice, round bubble butt?"
Slap. Pummel. Slap. Pummel. Each strike of hand and cock shot his scrambled nerves to hell. Kaiba merely whined, drool flowing over his lips and dripping down the window glass. Not that Jounouchi cared to hear his answer. He was always going to do whatever he wanted. The brute only cared about getting his dick wet inside Kaiba's increasingly spongy hole.
The next spank flipped a switch in Kaiba's head, blanking his thoughts. A switch that made his orgasm go on for seemingly forever as his ass suckled on Jounouchi's cock. His hanging erection jerked and jumped between his splayed legs, shooting semen like a pissing animal.
His stomach gave a funny lurch as heat bloomed inside him. For a maddening moment, he wondered if it was another orgasm right on the tail of his last.
"Fuck yeah, a whore like you can't resist cream pies," grunted Jounouchi in his ear. He was panting like a dog yet Kaiba couldn't muster the brain cells to mock him. "Take it. Feel it? I'm painting your insides white. You're never getting rid of me."
Jounouchi's load made him keen anew. Kaiba trembled. The heat scoured him. It seeped into his furthest nooks and crannies. No matter how deep he tried to reach and scrap it clean, a part of him would always be branded by Jounouchi's claim.
He hadn't realized he was pushing back onto Jounouchi's pulsing cock until a sudden hand on his jaw tilted his chin back. Their eyes, both dark and wild, locked. They mirrored each other's lust and desperation.
Jounouchi's nostrils flared, and he flattened Kaiba against the window again. His wet cock and hard nipples smeared against the glass. The painful drag on his sensitive parts tore another filthy moan from Kaiba.
Jounouchi humped him still. "You're mine, Kaiba." His voice was soft in contrast to the obscene sounds of Kaiba's used ass squelching. "And everyone can see it now too."
Fat tears rolled down his cheeks, mixing with the saliva and semen already staining the glass. Jounouchi had beaten him. Bested his will and broken him with the hammer strikes of his hard cock. Kaiba has lost himself completely to him, and he didn't even care anymore. Not about his pride or his reputation.
"Oh, baby, don't cry," Jounouchi cooed. A thumb wiped away a teardrop but more followed. "It just makes me wanna mess you up some more. Give you something to really cry about."
Against his will, his breath hitched at the hint of menace. His sobs intensified even as they got caught in his throat. His entire body was a livewire, and he couldn't stop shaking.
He couldn't take much more of this. Yet he might have to.
Maybe he deserved it. To have Jounouchi ruin him forever.
When Jounouchi withdrew from him, it felt like his ass was unplugged. There was the fain rustle of clothing as Jounouchi moved to the desk. Cool air rushed in to filled the space vacated by Jounouchi's cock. Gravity raked its fingers along his walls, dragging the cooling come to his entrance and turning it into an open bubbling fountain of depravity.
Kaiba didn't dare move. He barely breathed for fear of everything leaking out of him faster. Messier. The pool of wetness he was kneeling in continued to expand regardless.
A warm current of air heralded Jounouchi's return, settled right behind Kaiba again. Kaiba pre-emptively tensed even before thick fingers dipped into his gaping hole.
"God, you should see how pretty your ass is right now."
Three fingers curled and burrowed into him without mercy. He nearly hyperventilated when short, trimmed nails scraped across his tender walls. The stinging swiftly dulled as Jounouchi transitioned to massaging him. Pleasure sharpened in Kaiba's gut, much to his shame. The lazy thrusts of warm fingers and the slick sounds of himself being opened up again... Kaiba didn't know what to think. What to do.
Out of habit, he craned his head toward Jounouchi, seeking a familiar point of focus. But Jounouchi's attention wasn't on him. Both the camcorder and his gaze were aimed at Kaiba's ass. As if he was nothing more than his hole.
His breath hiccuped out of him. New tears pricked at the corner of his eyes.
Finally, Jounouchi's dark gaze flicked up to his face. His fingers peeled out of Kaiba next, and the recording followed their journey up to Kaiba's mouth. The wet finger pads slid across his lower lip, painting a balm. Kaiba swallowed, knowing very well what came next.
Jounouchi could force his mouth open. He could grab Kaiba's jaw and squeezed, threatening to break or dislocate it until Kaiba capitulated. Or he could hook a finger into the seam between his lips and pry his mouth open.
But he went a far more devastating route.
"Open," he commanded. His eyes twinkled wickedly behind the camcorder lens.
Another switch flipped in Kaiba's broken brain. His jaw yawned as wide as he could, showing off his teeth and tongue and tonsils to the recording.
"Fuck, Seto," Jounouchi swore. A crack in his character forming for the first time. It made him act even rougher as he crammed his fingers into Kaiba's waiting mouth.
Kaiba didn't need another command. He closed his mouth and eyes and sucked, drowning in the unspeakable shame of pleasure in such a humiliating act. He ran his tongue over the length of each finger, not caring if it made him drool. He could taste it. He could taste them, their combined essences—salty and bitter.
A moan rumbled deep in the recesses of his chest. Jounouchi pushed deeper. Kaiba welcomed the gagging sensation.
"You like that?" muttered Jounouchi.
Kaiba's eyelids fluttered open, and the sight of a red-faced Jounouchi greeted him. The camcorder was still running. The little red recording light blinked, but the shine in Jounouchi's eyes had softened, taking on more awe.
"If you want, I can keep you nice and full every damn day for the rest of you life."
In lieu of a verbal response, because Kaiba's verbal facilities were very much offline, he drew his mouth back until his lips kissed Jounouchi's fingertips. A rush swept over him when Jounouchi sucked in a sharp exhale, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed in rapid succession. Contentment tugged at the corner of Kaiba's lips, and he lavished the tips with several kittenish licks before slurping the fingers back into his mouth. He toyed with the shaking fingers, nipping lightly and sucking, as Jounouchi played with his mouth.
He had no idea how long this went on. But eventually, Jounouchi pulled his pruney fingers out of Kaiba's aching mouth. Kaiba shivered and panted as their wet tips trailed over his tacky cheek, before petting his hair gently. Lost, he gazed up at Jounouchi and the camera.
Jounouchi stroked his head again, smiling. "You did good, Seto." He set aside the camcorder and extended both arms.
A shudder ran through him. Clumsily, he peeled himself away from the window and collapsed in his lover's waiting embrace. "Katsuya," he croaked and clung to the man's shirt.
"I'm here. It's okay. I love you, Seto."
Jounouchi and Kaiba faded away, and only Katsuya and Seto remained in their places.
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gwandas · 3 months
Alright, time to elaborate on that other post. Elain by far has had the most free will, the most agency out of the three sisters. Elain stans love to say Nesta coddles her when the reality is Nesta consistently relents to what Elain chooses for herself.
In ACOMAF, Nesta doesn't agree at first to Feyre's request to use their house because she doesn't want to compromise Elain's engagement. Elain is the one to push back, and Nesta relents immediately. What Nesta thinks is best doesn't take precedence over Elain's wants.
We know that Nesta doesn't approve of Greyson. She agrees with Cassian that Elain deserves better, but what Nesta thinks is best doesn't take precedence over Elain's wants.
In ACOWAR, Elain is catatonic. If anything, she should be coddled here. Her and Elain were stuck with these strangers for months. Strangers who were also the people who got them into that mess in the first place. Finally, Feyre shows up to help Nesta figure out how to help their sister. Madja is brought in, who recommends Lucien try to figure it out since they're mates. Nesta pushes back in what might arguably be coddling to keep Lucien from Elain. Feyre tells her to shut the fuck up and let Lucien try. And what do you know? She relents again -- What Nesta thinks is best is ignored because Nesta doesn't have any power in this situation.
In ACOFAS, Nesta has pushed Elain away at this point. She tells her “You have your life, I have mine." That's more or less Nesta saying do whatever tf you want Elain it's not my business. Not coddling!
In ACOSF, ohhh the infamous scene when Elain finally develops a personality starts coming out of her shell. Please try to remember at this point, Nesta has been locked in a house and barely sees Elain. The IC doesn't give a fuck about what Nesta wants for this whole book—Why would they choose now to listen to her? Literally everyone except Azriel agrees that Elain should be able to scry if she wants to. It would literally be easier for the IC to let Elain do it over waiting for Nesta who didn't want to do it.
"Shall I tend to my little garden forever?” When Nesta flinched, Elain said, “You can't have it both ways. You cannot resent my decision to lead a small, quiet life while also refusing to let me do anything greater."
Elain says all this and then... goes back to "tend to her little garden." It's a toothless moment. Elain stans would rather blame Nesta for coddling her than consider that maybe Elain just didn't try very hard to take on some responsibility for her sister who was supposed to be in "rehab." It sounds fucking stupid in the context that Elain hasn't seen Nesta at all between ACOFAS and ACOSF -- Nesta physically isn't around to coddle her. Elain doesn't contribute because she chooses not to or because the IC simply doesn't ask her to. We don't have any context for what she's been up to aside from some vague comments about lying about gardening or whatever Cassian said.
Amren admits that they're using Elain to manipulate Nesta. There was zero practical reason for them to do this other than because they care more about Elain's safety than Nesta's safety. The IC are the ones who have the power to "hold Elain back," not her sister who is locked in a house and never sees her—The IC could easily say fuck you to Nesta and have Elain do it. They didn't even need to bring Nesta into this conversation!! They could've gone to Elain first!!
Some Elain stans want so badly for Nesta to be the thing holding Elain back and it's very transparent to me. I have seen people go so far as to blame Nesta for Elain's uselessness in the cabin and that Nesta abused her too—sorry, what? I mean nice try, but Elain already admitted to being just as neglectful, and not even because she was genuinely remoseful towards Feyre—She said that shit to defend Nesta from Cassian.
I'm not even saying Elain isn't coddled but Nesta sure as fuck isn't the one doing it. Nesta doesn't even have her own free will how the fuck is she supposed to take away someone else's? Nesta choosing to do things so Elain doesn't have to isn't coddling. It's well established that if Nesta couldn't successfully scry, they would've gone to Elain, which means Nesta never had the power to stop Elain from scrying. Nesta has never tried to take away Elain's free will and even if she wanted to, she has no power to do that.
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thefiery-phoenix · 6 months
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Cedric as a yandere would be delusional, soft, clingy, protective and obsessive over the love of his life aka. you. He would always spend time with you no matter what and even if his schedule is packed as hell, he'll still find some time to make for you. For him, not seeing you at least 5 times a day is equivalent to him not breathing. And he won't be able to sleep till he doesn't strike up at least one conversation with you after every class is finished lol
He's polite, charming, handsome and you'd actually be lucky to have this goody two shoes here as a yandere for you. He never wants to see you sad or upset or even have tears in those wonderful eyes of yours for that matter. If you're upset and crying about something it just breaks his heart and he'll start hating himself since he couldn't do anything to protect you and you're suffering because of him. But beware once he does find out the reason as to why you're crying though, I can't see him ACTUALLY murdering someone but he'll put them under the Imperius curse and make them say sorry to you, even if it's Malfoy
The worst this goody two shoes here can do is go as far as manipulation that's it. And using the Imperius curse, but other than that he's not insanely possessive over you when someone talks to you like some other yanderes I know (I'm looking at you ferret boy)
He's also a BIG TIME worshipper for you, he literally worships the ground you walk on. He thinks you're a literal divine angel sent from the heavens above to bless him and grace him with your wonderful presence. You're perfection in his eyes, he can't help but want you all for himself. Of course, he'll understand why other people could also be infatuated with you, you're amazing and so...precious. He literally radiates softness, warmth and love when he's around you, lol I make him sound like the male version of Cupid
As much as he won't ever do anything without your consent, he loves holding your hands, an indication and signal for everyone out there to know that you belong to him and only him, no one else, loves hugging and cuddling with you and will also kiss your hand like a true and fine gentleman. And if you initiate any signs of physical affection with him, he'll feel like he's died and gone to heaven and he'll feel so flustered yet happy at the same time, his heart about to burst from his chest. His darling has finally responded to his love, and now it's time for him to take the next step
Now, he has the idea of asking you out planned very carefully. In case you guys forgot, let me remind you that he's the Golden boy of the Hufflepuff house. Meaning his house is willing to do whatever they can to make him happy and content even if it means getting Cedric closer to you and asking you out no matter which house you're in. I guess you could also say that they might also come off as platonic yanderes for you too since they're going to be helping Cedric planning on how to ask you out. Now, he'll ask you out in a public setting with people around and fancy and nice decorations and stuff like that so you won't be able to reject him. Yep, under that innocent good boy personality of his lies a dark manipulative personality of his
Though he might never hurt you he'll turn out to be a bit scary after a while and sooner or later, he's going to get paranoid about your safety. He's also a paranoid yandere, worrying about your safety constantly and he'll kidnap you faster than you can say 'Merlin's pants'. He can't bring himself to punish you at all, he's too soft with you but don't take his kindness for granted else he'll slip Amorentia in your food/ drink or put you under the Imperius Curse to be in love with him. He'll make sure to spoil you with his love and affection forever and ever and ever till time ends...
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browneyesandhair · 1 month
Non-Exhaustive List of Soulmate Fics: Klaroline Pt 1
Okay, I'm bored so I'm compiling my favorite soulmate fics. Here's the Klaroline edition:
Runaway by Cupcakemolotov
Caroline has been running from her soul mate since she found him standing over her father’s corpse.
Hunt You Slow by Cupcakemolotov
Discovering that the scourge of the supernatural was her soulmate would be enough to send any girl running.
At Horizon's Edge by Cupcakemolotov
Sometimes when a girl goes on a shopping trip to pick up a new pair of boots at the local, and somewhat hostile, human space station, she accidentally aids and abets a prison break instead. What happens in the black really doesn't stay in the black.
The Howling by Cupcakemolotov
Caroline's day goes from bad to worse to insane in a matter of moments.
Written On Your Skin by LaLainaJ
It's a rather boring day, at the flower shop Caroline owns. And then The Original Hybrid walks in, and changes her life by uttering a few small words. They're words Caroline knows, words she sees on her skin, every day in the mirror. She's thought about her soulmate, who wouldn't have? But he's the last thing she ever would have expected, and the last person she should want. But she can't quite bring herself to deny their connection.
The Air We Breathe by slstmaraudersjple
When Caroline learns that her soulmate is the thousand year old Original Hybrid, she cries, because she knows her world is ending. When Klaus learns that his soulmate is a baby vampire, he is intrigued, because he has waited his entire life for her. Soulmates AU.
Even When We're Ghosts by LaLainaJ
He'd just been planning to collect his doppelganger, hadn't anticipated such strong resistance. Now, trapped in his wolf form, until he meets his soulmate, Klaus seeks alternative solutions. He doesn't believe in soulmates. Until Caroline Forbes crosses his path. Caroline thinks she's hallucinating (note to self, don't accept moonshine from old ladies) until her life starts getting... weird. The Mikaelsons aren't great at subtle.
the fate makes for a lousy poet. by for_darkness_shows_the_stars
It is not unheard of. Soulmates born too far apart to ever meet. Caroline did her research thoroughly. It’s just rare. And for all that she’d known her entire life that her fated other half was dead long, long before she was even a gleam in her mother’s eye … it’s unfair. . Everyone is born with a soulmate. It just so happens that a millennium divides Caroline from hers.
I Wish I Was (I Wish I Was) by dressedupasmyself
“I think that even if you find your soulmate, there’s some measure of choice involved. Maybe some people just make the wrong choices.” “Good,” Caroline said. “What if my soulmate is, like, the worst? I wouldn’t want to be stuck with him forever. I want some kind of choice.” “But that’s the beauty of it,” Elena sounded wistful, “Your soulmate might be awful to everyone else, but they’re the best for you.” Caroline scoffed. “Okay, whatever.”
Passing Notes in Secrecy by perfectpro
Caroline doesn’t remember not having a soulmate. Her mom says that the drawings started when she was small, just a baby. So he’s clearly older than her. She doesn’t mind, thinks that it will probably be nice to be with someone who has a little more life experience. She thinks she's one of the lucky ones.
The Raven Hunter by LynyrdLionheart
There is a killer hunting frat boys on campus. The Raven Hunter is a terrible name... not that Caroline has a reason to care or anything.
a part of something that’s bigger (than me) by Issay
In the beginning she's a plaything, the mean girl brought low, made and unmade by decisions of others and Caroline never receives apologies for most of it. Elena fights for her happy ending and through all of her losses and dark despair she is never alone. Bonnie wins her freedom, powerful in her own right. Caroline is left with uncertainty and obligations. No, the story isn't kind to Caroline. So let's change the story.
oh there you are (i've been looking for you) by breakfasttako
Caroline was born a fated one, which means two things: 1) She has a soulmate 2) She's going to die tragically young
What's a Little Ink? by Writerwithagoal
What would you get as a tattoo if you knew it would appear on your soulmate?
Hallowed Ground by KiryTheStitchWitch
Caroline's trip to Ireland was not going the way it was supposed to. She was expecting stories and myths, and instead finds that some legends are a lot more real than she could have imagined. And hot. Really hot.
Inadvisable by MissNMikaelsonSummary:Everyone has soul words. The first thing your soulmate will ever say etched somewhere on your body. Caroline always dreaded meeting hers. She had never imagined this though; she had never imagined him. He had all but given up. Just a one shot for one of my favorite pairings.
Midnattsol by BelleMorte180
The man laying before her was her soulmate, someone who should have died a thousand years ago. Written for AU-Season week three
Ship of Bones by Cupcakemolotov
When humanity struggles to maintain its racial identity in the cold reaches of space, Caroline Forbes has hidden the gifts her alien mother left her. But secrets aren't secrets forever.
Familiar Taste of Poison by Cupcakemolotov
A great love isn't always a blessing.
Holding Out for a Hero by slstmaraudersjple
Klaus would totally be able to focus on his plans for world domination… if only his soulmate would stop singing that thrice-damned song. But then there's silence, and Klaus grows worried. Soulmate AU where songs that one’s soulmate sings gets stuck in one’s head. CW/TW: descriptions of Caroline being abused by Damon but nothing graphic/explicit.
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everythingmustbechaos · 8 months
David “Deacon” Kay x reader
Warnings: Not smut, but it is a bit steamy, slapping, age gap
English it is NOT my first language, so don't judge me :]
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It is hard to be an anti cop, and be a child of one. Right now I'm on his birthday party, and I'm surrounded by cops, friends of my father, I know they hate me as much as I hate them. Well, almost all of them. My dad have this friend, Deacon, looks like he likes me, if he doesn't… he hides his hate pretty well. I have to say, I just was waiting for him to arrive, I wanted to see him again. He was late as fuck, but I could see why when he entered still in his swat uniform. He talked with my dad and then came to me.
“Hello, punk.”
He said and I smiled.
“Hi, dick.”
I hugged him, and he did the same to me.
“Missed me?”
“I always do. How was work?”
“Pretty intense, but everything is fine now, so don't need to worry about me.”
“ I wouldn't, to be honest, sometimes I think you're hotter all beat up.”
He laughed off, and before he could reply, one of my dad's friends came and hugged him.
“Deacon, I haven't seen you since forever!”
I smiled and walked away, already saw who I wanted, now I'm going to my bedroom. I couldn't listen to this old men playlist any more. I walked to my room, sat on my bed, put my headphones and picked up a book, finally peace. Or it should be, after a little time I saw my door opening, and Deacon came in. I took off my headphones and looked at him.
“Your dad is pissed, he wants you down there.”
“Yeah, whatever, I don't have much to do there. I know two people, one being my dad and one being you, and I don't think you two old men will just be my company.”
“I'm not that old, little girl.”
“Of course, and I'm not a little girl.”
He closed the door, took a couple steps and sat on my bed In front of me.
“Yes, you're.”
“And you're old enough to be my dad, but I mean, DiCaprio could be the dad of almost all of his girlfriends.”
“You know your dad would hate to see you saying this to me.”
“He hates when I do pretty much everything.”
“You should stop flirting with me and try to do that with someone your age.”
“Oh no, I couldn't. First, no one is hot as you're, second, they're just fuck boys, I won't give my time to them.”
I put my book in the bedside table, with my headphones and my phone.
“Not all of them are like this.”
I laid down my head in his lap.
“Yeah, sure.”
He brushed his fingers in my tattoo.
“Do you still agree with this?”
“Kinda, all cops are bastards but you.”
“You should just go down, your father will notice that I never came back.”
“He won't, I'm pretty sure now he's too drunk to think straight.”
“But I will go anyway.”
I sat down and agreed.
“Yes, sir, but I won't.”
“Yes, what?”
“You're really trying.”
“I pretty sure everyone calls cops like that. But I could change if you want, I got: darling, sweetheart, master, daddy. You can choose.”
“If you don't choose, I will.”
He got up and pushed me back into my bed, more aggressive than he ever has been with me, and it made me smile.
“You couldn't shut it for your life, can you?”
“Oh definitely not, and I have to say, if this is you trying to make me hate you, well, you're making me horny as fuck.”
He laughed at me.
“Fuck, you can't say that to me.”
“I definitely can.” I put his hand on my neck. “You could squeeze that shit if you want, or beat me black and blue, and I would say thank you on my knees.”
The hand that was in my neck squeezed a little, he looked hesitant, but when he saw my smile getting bigger as he did it, he just did harder.
“How can you be like this?”
“Like a slut?”
“Exactly. Never thought of you like this. I mean I know you're a brat, loves to talk back, but… I mean, you got me.”
“Feel free to do whatever you want to me.”
“That's not very safe.”
I rolled my eyes back and laughed.
“I forgot you're too nice, if I don't like anything I can say… I don't know… purple, but I know you're too vanilla, I will not need that.”
I like to challenge people, that's fun, and always ends pretty good for me. Deacon looked a little angry with my observation, and that's when the fun begins.
“Don't be sad, I really love vanilla ice cream.”
He gave a slap across my face and squeezed my neck tighter.
“You know nothing about me, little girl.”
He kissed me so hard that my lip started bleeding. That's what I'm talking about! That's fun.
“Show me what I don't know.”
Deacon looked into my eyes, maybe trying to read me, maybe trying to warn me, but all I could think was how much I wanted him to slap my face once again.
“I could, but I don't think we have the time, baby.” He smiled at me, almost laughing at my frustration. “But I promise you, that on your birthday, you will have an amazing gift.”
“Do you really promise?”
He nodded.
“I do.”
“You still didn't choose what I should call you…”
“That I will let you choose.”
“OK, sir.”
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dandylovesturtles · 1 year
okay okay so can I ask for a treat with imbi leo and a future leo :3
This is about to be extremely self-indulgent lol. And maybe a little OOC but at this point in IMBI Leo's not really feeling up to his normal jokester schtick.
CW: brief talk of "giving up" and becoming a ghost forever, mention of family being dead but in a non-traumatic sense
set in the first part of chapter 14
The place he lands is warm and quiet, well-lit but not bright, formless but still small and cozy. Leo feels calmer than he has in weeks, a deep, soft peace washing over him.
He knows he's not alone; looking around, he spots the other occupant. Head and shoulders taller than Leo, face creased by trials but also laughter, missing an arm but still looking at him with a bright spark in his eye.
Himself, over twenty years older.
Leo comes closer, and his doppelganger smiles at him, calm and reassuring.
"You're... Master Leonardo."
The older turtle chuckles. "I'm not your sensei; just Leonardo is fine. Maybe Leon, if you want."
Leo comes closer, until he's standing within arm's reach of Leonardo. "Sooo... is this a dream, or what?"
Leonardo's smile flickers, but doesn't go away. "You took a little bit of a break from consciousness; you're dissociating pretty hard, champ." He shakes his head. "But no, I'm not a dream. Turns out, Hamato "ancestor" is defined pretty loosely."
He holds his only hand out for Leo, who hesitates. "I can't..."
"Hey, it's okay." Leonardo beckons with his finger. "I can see you. We're talking. You don't think this will work, too?"
That's some logic he can't deny. Still, he's hesitant as he reaches out and puts his hand in Leonardo's palm. It's even bigger than Raph's, he thinks, and he wonders how huge his brother will get in the future.
Leonardo wraps his fingers around Leo's hand and gives a light tug, pulling him closer; the shock of it, that he actually can be touched, makes Leo jump. "Hey, it's alright," says Leonardo soothingly. He urges Leo to settle down in his lap, but Leo hesitates. If he does, it'll be obvious how bad he wants a hug.
Unsurprisingly, Leonardo sees right through him. "Who are you trying to be cool for?" he asks, his voice lightly teasing. "It's just us here."
Again, he can't argue with that logic.
Leo sits in Leonardo's lap, and immediately his older counterpart wraps his one arm around him. Leo can't help the full body shiver that runs over him at the touch, nor can he help but nuzzle into Leonardo's plastron. Leonardo chuckles again, voice warm and kind, and rubs Leo's arm and shoulder. The calm that's been present since he arrived here grows deeper, stronger, and Leo lets out a long, content sigh.
He loves and appreciates Donnie from the bottom of his heart, but there's something about being totally wrapped up in a hug like this that makes him feel safer than anything.
"We've all been watching you, you know," says Leonardo after he's let Leo sit and soak up the contact for a few minutes.
"Oh." Leo grimaces. "That's... kinda embarrassing."
"Don't be embarrassed. Everyone's so proud of you."
Leo presses his face into Leonardo's chest, hiding from whatever stares he may be getting. "Haven't done much to be proud of."
"Hey, hey, no." Leonardo takes him by the shoulders and pulls him back, enough to look in his face. "You're doing so good, champ. You're doing so good."
"According to you," says Leo. "And we've always been kinda full of ourselves."
"Okay, one, you know that's not entirely true." Leonardo pulls him in close again, rubbing his shell. It feels nice. "And two, it's not just me. I meant it; the whole family is proud of you. The ones on my side, and the ones taking care of you right now."
There's a sudden lump in his throat, and Leo swallows harshly around it.
"...I gave up," he admits softly, his voice ragged. "I gave up in there. I wanted to... wanted to stay like this."
"Ah, kid..." Leonardo pulled him closer, wrapping him as securely as one arm could hold him. "You were being hurt. You just wanted the pain to stop. That's not giving up."
"But I did. I really... really thought I was just going to..."
"No you didn't. You thought about it, then you got back up." Leonardo gives him a light squeeze. "That's all we want, Leo. For you to get back up."
"Getting up's hard."
"I know. But you did it."
"How'd you do it?" Leo shifts so he can look up at Leonardo. "All those years. How'd you get back up every time?"
Leonardo tilts his head. "It was hard for me, too. But I think you already know why. I didn't want to be without them." He smiles encouragingly. "And they didn't want to be without me."
Leo sniffs. Curls himself back up against Leonardo.
"Thought it wasn't supposed to be about me."
"Some things are about you, champ," Leonardo assures him. "This? This is very much about you. And that's okay."
Leo sniffs again. Feels his eyes burn.
"I should... probably go back, huh?"
"Don't push yourself. I'm here for you, and they're taking good care of you out there."
Leo nods. Shifts to get more comfortable.
"...Maybe I'll hang out a little longer."
"Sure thing, champ. As long as you need."
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mayajadewrites · 7 months
For Me (Levi Ackerman x Reader)
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You're on your 3rd glass of wine. You haven't been able to truly unwind in what seems like forever. Levi's company seems to be filled with the most fun people you've ever met. You bonded with Mikasa first, almost taking on the role of big sister. You and her chatted about both of your favorite books, and she praised your writing. You even gave her a sneak peek at your upcoming novel.
You start to move your hips to the music as you talk to Mikasa, glancing over at Levi who is already staring at you. You pout your lips as if you were waiting for a kiss before you let out a giggle. Levi shook his head and took a sip of his whiskey, turning his attention back to Erwin. 
"Hey!! You made it!" You hear Connie yell after someone enters the bar. "Finally, took you long enough!" You look up to see Jean. He's dressed in a suit, nothing like any of Levi's suits, but a suit none the less. You give him a half smile and wave as he entered. 
"Sorry I had to work late, but I'm here. Congrats Ackerman Inc!" Jean hugged Connie, Sasha, and Mikasa. He wrapped one arm around you and gave you a half hug. 
"Kirstein." Levi's voice was behind you now. You felt his hand snake around your waist, pulling you closer to him using your belt loop. "Nice to see you." 
Jean looked at Levi's hand placement, then to Levi, then to you. "So you were seeing someone else." 
"Not when we went out, no. Levi and I started seeing each other after." You glance at Levi before looking back at Jean. "Actually, I don't need to explain myself to you." 
Levi seemed satisfied with your answer, sipping his whiskey slowly. "Do we have a problem, Kirstein?"
"No, sir." Jean looked down and walked towards the bar. He looks upset, but you told him you didn't feel any romantic feelings for him. Also, you really weren't seeing Levi at the time. You shake your head, letting those thoughts go. It's not your fault. 
"Hey," Levi grabs your chin gently, bringing your eyes in line with his. "Whatever thoughts you have in your head, think about something else. You're here with me." 
You nod, pushing a piece of hair behind your ear. Your eyes fall to your feet when Levi tugs at your chin again. "Look at me." Levi's tone was stern. "Tell me you're okay." 
"I'm okay." You nod again, giving Levi a half smile. "I just didn't expect him to be here is all. Last time I saw him I told him I didn't feel anything romantic for him and that I wasn't seeing anyone else." 
"Ok, so you have no reason to feel bad. You were telling the truth. You didn't feel anything romantic for him. And you weren't seeing anyone else."
"You're right." You take another sip of your wine as Levi brings his glass of whiskey to his lips. You notice he's not the biggest fan of public displays of affection, but touches are okay. Just not kisses. You tilt your head to the side and smile at him, the whiskey creating a shine on his lips. 
"You're so damn beautiful." Levi said just low enough for only you to hear him. You meet his gaze and his eyes are half lidded, the grey in his eyes almost shining.
"Thank you for coming." Erwin put a hand on your shoulder. "I would love to go out to dinner, the 3 of us one night." 
"Absolutely." You nod, pulling Erwin in for a hug. "Levi seems the most happy when he's around you out of everyone."
"I think I just annoy him the least." Erwin chuckles. "Hange! Our ride is here."
"Coming!" Hange waves at everyone. "It was nice meeting you! Levi has amazing taste, if I do say so myself." Hange pushed her glasses to the bottom of the bridge of her nose, winking.
"Relax, four eyes." Levi grabs your purse off the chair you were sitting on. "Are you ready?" 
"Yes." You nod. Levi's hand finds yours as he leads you out of the building. "Bye everyone!" You wave at the group that's still there (arguably the younger people). You spot Jean, who's doing shots with Connie and Sasha. He doesn't look up when you say bye.
You watched Levi as he drove, wondering if it's your hormones or the wine that's making you want him more than you ever have. Your eyes trail to his arms, then his large hands and long fingers. You unknowingly lick your bottom lip and turn your attention to the window. 
Pulling up to Levi's home is like entering a different tax bracket. He owns a beautiful two story home - the outside is painted a dark grey with a black roof. His lawn is very well kept and the numbers next to his door look brand new. When you go in, it almost doesn't feel like someone lives there. It doesn't feel cozy, it feels more... cold. 
"Welcome." Levi took your purse and hung it in the hallway closet. "I'll grab us some snacks and drinks and I'll meet you in my room. It's the 2nd door on the right upstairs." 
Your heart starts to beat a bit faster when you realize you're going into Levi's room. Where he sleeps. Probably the most private place for him. You glance at his bed - made perfectly. The pillows look like they've never been touched. They're perfectly fluffed. Walking towards one of the nightstands, you see a photo of you and Levi that you took on his phone. He printed it out and had it put in a frame that sits next to a dish that presumably holds his watch and rings. You drag your index finger along the frame, smiling at the memory.
In the photo, You're kissing Levi's cheek and he's making his usual side eye face. 
"Make yourself at home." Levi's voice entered the room before his body did. "I'm gonna change into more comfortable clothes, you're welcome to do the same." Levi turned to his dresser, pulling out perfectly folded clothes. A white t-shirt and black sweatpants. "I'll change in the bathroom, you can change in here." 
Levi might have trouble controlling himself he sees you change, too. 
You slip on the low-cut tank top and pajamas shorts you packed in your bag. You glance at yourself in the mirror and look at your full curves in your clothes. Your hand glides over your hips and then your stomach, a sigh releasing from your lips. "You can come out, Levi. I'm done changing." You sit on his bed.
Levi emerges from the bathroom looking as sexy as ever. His muscles line his shirt and his pants give him a relaxed look that you've never seen on him. His eyes swallow your figure on the bed, darting from your chest, to your thighs, your hips...
He walks over to the side of the bed that you're on, pressing his index finger to your chin to lift your head to look into his eyes. "You are so damn sexy." Levi plants his hands on both sides of you, inching his face closer to yours. Your breath hitches when his lips finally touch yours and you swear you feel a spark. You taste the last glass of whiskey he had on his lips. You drag your hands from his chest to wrap around his neck, bringing him closer to you.
"God, you taste amazing too." Levi pulls away for a moment before kissing you again. This time, his tongue pushes against your bottom lip, begging for entry. You oblige, opening your mouth slightly to let him in. You hear him let out a breath as he deepens the kiss, bringing his right hand to the front of your neck gently. Your skin shivers at his touch, his thumb pressing against the side of your neck. 
Levi's tongue snakes into your mouth once again as his hand just so subtly tightens around your neck. You can't help but moan against the sensation. Your core is throbbing with need for Levi and you both still have all of your clothes on.
His free hand slides down the front of your body, gently kneading your chest on top of your tank top before making its way to your shorts. His long fingers find the elastic of your waistband, then go past them to your needy core. Levi's middle finger slides gently down your slit, your slick covering the tip of his finger. "So wet for me already." Levi brings the finger to his nose, almost inhaling your scent. You bite your bottom lip as he wraps his lips around his finger, tasting you. You watch as his hands go back down to your pants, this time pushing a finger through. Your body jumps with the arrival as Levi kneels down on the floor in front of you. 
"Levi." You breathe deeply as he adds another finger, curling them to reach your g-spot. You look down at him and his attention is entirely on your pussy. His other hand pulls your shorts off and throws them to the side. Levi pushes your legs apart to give him the perfect view of you. He stares at your arousal coating your skin. 
Without a word, Levi pushes your body back on the bed, picking your legs up to bring you to the pillows. Levi lays down on his stomach in front of you, his nose grazing your entrance. "Levi." You moan as he kisses your slit, his tongue pushing into you. His fingers find their way back into you while Levis mouth focuses on your clit. You place your hand on the top of his head, watching him go to work. He's devouring you with every suck, every lick, every touch. 
Your moans are like music to his ears. He doesn't acknowledge you when they escape your lips, but his mouth move faster. He can feel your climax coming as your walls wrap around his fingers tightly, but he keeps sucking on your clit as his fingers curl. 
"Levi, talk to me." You throw your head back as you feel your orgasm approaching. "Say something."
"You taste so fucking good." Levi says against your pussy. The vibrations of his words only accelerate your orgasm. "I want you to come on my fingers. Can you do that for me, pretty girl?"
Your orgasm comes to the forefront and you let your body feel the high, your walls pulsating around Levi's fingers. You gasp at the sensation as he keeps his fingers inside of you until you've come down from your high. When you look at Levi, his lips are red and puffy, and your arousal is coating his lips and nose. You watch his storm colored eyes lock with yours, his cock pressing against the fabric of his sweatpants. He brings his lips to your thighs, biting the skin. He sucks on it after, making sure you feel all types of pleasure. He leaves a trail of bruises down your right thigh before bringing his face to yours.
"Do you want to use a condom? Are you on birth control?" Levi looks at you as he presses his fingers tot he elastic on his pants. 
"I'm on birth control. I'm not sleeping with anyone else, are you?"
"Absolutely not." Levi throws his pants to where your shorts are. 
Levi's now hovering on top of you, the tip of his cock grazing your slit. "Are you okay?" 
You nod, wanting to cover your chest. Levi notices, pulling your hands away from your skin. "Enough of that. Let me see you. Let me feel you."
He slowly slipped your shirt over your head, freeing your tits from the top. They bounced as the top was thrown on the floor. Levi looked mesmerized as his mouth latched onto your right nipple, his hand kneading your left tit. He bites down on the skin gently, leaving marks around both of your tits. His lips venture to your neck, were he sucks on your skin roughly. He's definitely marking his territory.
"Levi, I need you." You whine as you still feel just the tip of him.
"Say please." He looks up at you. You raise your eyebrow, not sure if he's serious or not.
"Please, Levi. I need you inside of me." Your tone is just above a whisper. Those words were the only ones he needed before he places one of his hands on your waist, while the over one caresses your face. His cock sinks into you, spreading your walls around him. You moan at the contact, immediately pulsating around his cock. Levi's head fell backwards, his eyes sealed shut. 
He soon gained his rhythm, pulling your knee onto his shoulder as he sank his entire length into you. His thrusts were slow and deliberate. It wasn't like he was just fucking you. He was making love.
"Use your words, Levi." You moan, begging for him to talk to you. 
"You feel so good." Levi winced as he quickened his pace. "Do you feel me right here?" Levi stares at you as you swear you can feel his cock in your stomach.
"Yes, Levi. Yes." You moan, hooking your leg around Levi's shoulder. For once, you don't feel self conscious of your stomach, your thighs, or chest. Levi would devour each and every inch of you. 
As Levi thrusts into you, he wraps his hand around your foot that's on his shoulder, gently planting a kiss on your ankle.
He's fucking you senseless but still being gently at the same time.
You can tell he's close when his rhythm gets messy and his eyes are shut. "I'm so close, Princess. Are you?"
"Yes." You barely say before you moan his name once more, unraveling around him. Your pussy was warm and gummy against Levi's cock, his length twitching from your walls. 
"Where should I come?" He asks almost innocently. 
"Inside." You grip the sheets as Levi fills you with his cum. He stays in that same spot for what felt like hours, emptying himself.
Levi's breathing heavily when he finally pulls out of you. You whine from the newfound emptiness. "You're so pretty when you whine for me." Levi kisses your lips gently. "Let me get a towel for you and then you can shower." Levi slips his sweatpants on before grabbing a towel for you to clean yourself with. He grabbed a strawberry off of the tray of snacks he brought in, pressing it against your lips. "Eat this, I know you're tired." Levi smirked. "I'm gonna shower quick while you eat."
This man just rearranged your organs and is now taking care of you. You watch as he disappears into the bathroom and you replay the last hour of your life as you eat the strawberries. Your heart finally comes to a normal pace as you finish the fruit. 
This man might be the death of you.
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yullsmb · 2 years
I shall say something about the Secret History? Sure as hell, I shall. And I shall base this ramble on my thesis.
So, we all know how important the Greek allusions are in this book. Literally, Ancient Greece is a motive of the book. We can definitely look into something here. Say, don't you think that the guys are the mirrorings of the Olympians? Because I do.
First of all, they're very secluded group of people. They literally don't have the external contacts, or this contacts are very limited. The classroom is not even in the literal class. Doesn't it look like the Mount Olympus?
Every one of them has, let's say, "a godly parent" who gave them certain qualities and allows to better understand the character.
Camilla is Artemis. We all gather, that she is that perfect girl in the eyes of Richard. But she is so much more than that. As Artemis, she is gorge, she is smart. But let's not forget that Artemis didn't like when someone disturbed her, and the only person who unwillingly did this ended up dead. So, if Camilla is Artemis, we can make a conclusion that she could be pretty harsh and even violent.
Charles is Apollo. Everything about him screams Apollo. He's that sunshine boy, but even the boys with the sun in their hair do know the tragedy of the sadness and despair. Apollo's loved one was turned into a laurel tree, and as a sign of remembrance he wears the laurel crown. Charles, who pretty much lost his hope, has an alcoholism as his laurel tree.
Bunny. I said it once, I'll say it forever. He is a litteral embodiment of Dionysus. He's driven by his pleasure, he would do anything to get it. And he is the total opposite of Henry.
Francis is a tough one. I see him as Hermes. He is a trickster sometimes. He knows how to get on the right side of the person, but he will never truly open up. Also, Hermes is know for being the gods' messenger. Literally most of the time he's the one to whom Henry comes. Having a chat after casually killing a friend? Francis is a nice person for it. He is usually the one to whom Richard talks on the phone, and then Francis could pass that information. Not to mention, that sometimes both, Hermes and Francis have to be creative about doing something.
Henry. The toughest choice for me. Well, if take into account the fact that the original title of the book is God of Illusions, then Henry could be Morpheus. He could also be Ananke - the personification of inevitability. He is the one behind every scheme, controlling its pace and turns. He also could be Zeus. Everyone just listens to him and does whatever he says. Just pure obedience to the God of the gods.
Richard, our little Californian boy. He is a human. He is a watcher, a bystander. He aspires to be like the gods, but will never get there. That's another reason for him and Camilla not being together.
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ladythornofrivia · 1 year
Bane in my Bones
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Pair: Toji x Reader x Nanami
Warning: Spice is nice. Toxic Drama. Toxic Family Issues. Fluff at the end. Smut included.
A/N: Sorry for not writing this series. I should’ve have done it sooner, but there are times when I feel like I don’t want to do anything at all, and yet I feel guilty about not writing the series that I promised here on my blog MONTHS AGO. I should’ve been better, and that I wish for my love writing will return, but I was afraid my love of writing will never come back, at all. Even if I do wish it, even if I do write, I’m still afraid it won’t return, or that I’ll be forever guilty about this whole ordeal. And I’m so happy that I get to see animated version of Toji Fushiguro in Jujutsu Kaisen!!! Thanks to the animated Toji, I now have the inspiration. Here’s chapter 2–the moment for Toji’s fangirls all been waiting for. And there’s a special guest in this series—so I decided to make as a love triangle. Hope you enjoy.
Toji hadn't been doing well with his current money on his bank account. Despite having the normalcy of a stable job, he desired for a quicker earnings. His life was at stake, low budget, low upgrade and low treatment from the great Zenin family. Nothing has ever come good from a Zenin clan. Everyone thought they're prestigiously intelligent and exuded with grace and wisdom. If only Toji could see how they truly are.
In the midday, he was making another bet for boat racing, he bet on boat 7, which is his favorite number. Anyone who chose number 4 is stupid. 4 is considered related to the word 'death' and bad luck. No hotels or apartments are contained with the numbers 4.
Duration of the boat race, Toji watched until he grew bored and ordered some salty snacks to eat up his boredom. Nothing was enough. But his wallet is empty, and his credit card has been declined.
Nothing was easy anymore. Especially the economy has struck disaster.
This morning, he had found a random woman sleeping in his bed, which made him pissed off at the last night's activities and kicked her out with no mercy. He hates being called as "Daddy". It's already grating enough for him for his memories to randomly conjure up in his head whenever he's busy.
Daddy this, Daddy that. He's not their father, and doesn't have a son.
Not that he's debating if he had one or not.
Boat number 7 broke down in the middle of the race and sank along the racer. Frustrated, Toji crumpled the paper and tossed it carelessly onto the ground.
"Betting on something stupid is stupid," a voice said behind Toji.
The man in a black suit and clean haircut, blew a smoke from a cigarette, shoving his hands into his pockets.
"Shui Kong," Toji said, groaning. "What do you want?'
"Got bored with teaching students? I'm surprised you survived that college life for so long. I thought you'd bail out on the first day."
"Fuck off, I'm trying to watch the boat race," Toji grunted.
"The race is over, though," Shui said, smirking at Toji's displeased face. "Anyway, it's not the only reason why I'm here."
"Oh, do tell, but first buy me a box of yakisoba," Toji said, disinterested.
"It's regarding to your family," his companion informed.
"The great Zenin family, yada, yada, yada," Toji's hand waved. "I don't care about what they say. Their words always came from their shitty asses. Go buy the yakisoba; I'll pay you back later."
"With what money? You spent the last of the money on boat racing and a snack."
"Tch," Toji disgruntled. "Go, say whatever you say."
Shui cleared his throat. "It's rather urgent. Your father wants to see you."
"Again, I know what he's going to say. He's going to say that I'm the most disappointing son ever existed in his eyes. Thank god I'm adopted."
"This is about your son, Megumi," Shui mentioned. "He'll be taking over the clan in the near future. Your adopted father will kick you out the moment Megumi reach his potential on becoming an heir to his fortune."
"He never shared a slight of money," Toji groaned.
"He doesn't, which is why I'll be making a proposition--without letting them know, of course. This might be involve with hefty sum of fortune."
Toji's eyes snapped wide open. "I mean," Shui resumed, "if you still want to mope about the Zenin family, chances are your future is going to be bleak. Though I will say that rumor has it your not-so blood brother, is taking over the company in the future. Meaning, your last role to fill is not to become an obedient man, but becoming a family man in your adopted father's stead."
"Toji's teeth gritted. "That fucking bastard." Meeting Shui's twinkled eyes, Toji leaned back at his seat. "So, what kind of deal you want me to do? It better be worth it."
Reaching to your sanctuary, the weight has been lifted off of your shoulders. Spotting you son asleep on his bed, clutching the sketcbook in hand and a pencil on the floor.
You tucked your son in with a blanket sheet, recently washed from laundry--contained in endless stacks of one clothing after another, then there's the bed sheets and pillow cases. None of which are helping you to get started since your college days have been nothing but torture.
Endless studies and notes in your major courses has been hell for your body and mind. This is the only time you'll be able to recharge is when coming home seeing your precious son, spritely and benign, something that you've never gifted with since born. Anything your son does, you support is fully needed, and needed badly. Not children should face their struggles and dreams alone without a proper kindness and support.
He has made drawings, already at a young age, he's curious and experiment with colors and art brushes and pencils alike. Each day, he drew something on a little piece of a sketchbook you bought. But since he wants his creativity to be expanded, you gathered a big sketchbook and a coloring book for him to fill with joy. The days of him occupying his thoughts, whether on painting or sketching, his mind has kept in occupying thoughts, a happy distraction. One day, he decided to fill an empty page of you and him, and despite the family picture is lacking, your son drew a picture what considered to be a tall man beside him.
Your heart race each time your son asks you about the whereabouts of his unknown father. Truth be told, it's better left unsaid.
Tucking his sketchbook aside on a desk lamp, you turned off the lights after you gave him a goodnight kiss on the forehead.
Stepping out from the room, you prepare to make a cup of green tea and heat a frozen bread pizza in the microwave, then set it on the oven, ticking as the toaster heats up. You sat back down at the dining chair, not bothering to do the assignments to hand in for decent grade.
If only you could drop out from Professor Fushiguro's class. He has been nothing but a condescending soul seeping to you as the girls are there to kiss his ass. They didn't bother to consider that Professor Toj could possibly be married or have a girlfriend. He must have hidden it for a reason, however, you felt as if Toji would ever commit to a person that make themselves appear as a burden to him, maybe that's why he didn't mind girls throwing themselves at him.
Both parties are pathetic.
Thank God you reached home where are no typical noises of squealing that you can't stand. As you head lulled back down on the dining table, forehead pressing against the cold surface, you wonder if it's all worth it. It maybe all worth for your son's sake, your son's future, but, at the very moment, you felt stupid to choose a course that is somehow difficult for you to catch up due to your boredom and the ability to misunderstand the lecture--taking the wrong notes or missing the important ones, and somehow your grades went downhill.
At this moment, you wanted nothing more but to sleep.
"Forget to turn off the toaster," a voice said.
As you didn't open your eyes, lulling to deep sleep, the alarm went off. Not the toaster, your phone.
You woke up with fright, shutting the alarm off. You decided to take a day off from your early reminders.
"Miss (y/n)," a sornous voice called.
You said nothing.
"Miss (y/n)," a man voice's became louder and bolder.
Thinking it was Professor Toji, you sat up straight with wakeful eyes, but it turns out to be a dream.
The doorbell rang.
And with that, you set of running to unlock the doors without peeping through the peep hole, revealing a tall man with cheekbones is as fine as a blade.
"Nanami," you greeted, hugging him.
His hug returned quite awkwardly. Knowing he's not a people-person, you still managed to greet him with a friendly smile.
Beckoning to enter, the smell of pizza has caught Nanami's attention. He rushed into the kitchen and coughed.
Your pizza is over burnt. So he turned on the vents to blow the burning smell away as he opened the kitchen window.
Nanami, who turned your pizza bread off from the toaster.
"Thank god my kitchen isn't on fire," you said in relief, your back slouching, your arm propped over the chair frame.
"I take it that you aren't okay with anything's happening right now?' Nanami poured himself a cup of fresh tea
You sighed. "Yeah, it's been a real bother. I don't even want to go tomorrow. Ever since I attend college, I thought it would be good for the sake of my son, but it turns I've been pathetic. I can't even do anything right."
"You'll get the hang of it," Nanami said calmly, sipping.
"It's not office work," you said, exhausted. "I just want a good life. That' why I took upon educating myself, but this one..."
Nanami stopped lifting his cup halfway. "This one?"
You shook your head. "Nothing. Everyone has been a real bother. Everyone is easily distracted, which makes me easily distracted and overwhelmed."
"Why not take online classes?'
"Online classes is another thing. I just don't trust internet that much. Besides, I don't want to coop myself up in one room. I have to get out to meet new people, maybe something to take my mind off of. I just don't want to do another mistake. So what have you been up to?"
Nanami drank his tea. "Nothing much. Just work, and more co-workers being dumbasses as ever."
"You mean like Gojo?'
"Not that kind of dumbass," he answered.
"Is the co-worker loud and obnoxious?"
"Guess you could say that," he said, tossing your burnt pizza out in the trash bin.
"You and me both."
Then silence prevailed. No exchanged looks, no sudden drop of noise. Nothing. Just the AC rumbling.
"I hope you're doing okay," you began. "I mean, I've seen you of not having a decent sleep. Your eyes says it all."
"I'm doing fine," he denied.
You scoffed. "Liar. Come sit down, I'll prepare something for you. You know, Daichi would be happy to see you if he's awake."
"Where is he now?'
"Sleeping. He kept busy with his drawings! He's my little Michelangelo! Ah, if you could see how far he has gotten with drawings. Everything is perfect. My little Daichi is gifted. I bought more sketchbooks and coloring pencils for him to try if he's up for a challenge, but he settled his experimentations on color pencils sooner than I thought."
Nanami chortled. "You really love your son, don't you?'
"Why not? A mother's love should NEVER suffocates a child with their selfish and hypocritical ideals that make the child hates the mother. My mom does a terrible job of being one. She said to me, "When you have a child, you should control EVERYTHING at what your child says and does, and how the child feels and opinions. She's such a fucking annoyance."
“You didn’t stay,” he concluded.
"I didn't," you said, sipping a second refill. "That's why I got up and left from that household. There's nothing for me there. And I don't want Daichi to be in their life. I just want them to be out of Daichi's sight. He'll cry if he meets them, but I made sure I won't let it happen. Same thing goes with my dad and my relatives, and even my “saintly” sister who's way better at everything than me. I mean, who the hell do they think they are?"
"A mother's love cannot be bested by someone's boasting in accomplishments," Nanami said. "Nor does the ignorance of a family tradition."
"I don't want to become like them," you said, reminding yourself. "Or end up saying the hurtful words to Daichi the way my so-called family did. What they did to me was at its worst, and I feel as if I'm not doing good enough. They thought of me as a threat...just because I think and feel different from the rest of them. Even if they didn't accept me, why can't they just leave me alone, instead of interfere at every personal choices I make for myself? They could've just ignore me, pretend I don't exist so that I could leave without them remembering me. Even now, my family wants me to reconnect with them, but I refused. I didn't want to be open to them, I didn't want to give the closure they wanted. I changed my phone number, my address, my surname, everything. I just hope that they...they don't..."
Tears fell down, your sobs grew louder. You couldn't help it.
Large hands placed on your back, massaging your shoulder blades, circling them. When you're at your worst, nobody was there for you. Your dad mocked your cries, calling your voice 'ugly', then your mom's denial of claiming rude words against you, and your sister's cold-heartedness whenever you see her, she doesn't want to look up to see your "disgusting" face. That's why she moved out with her friends.
There is one point where you wanted to become deaf, so that they couldn't hear what they say and how they said it, with their actions as a contradiction.
You couldn't handle it anymore. You just wanted to start a new life with newfound family.
"(y/n)," Nanami cooed, his mouth leaning towards at the back of your ear shell. "The pain will be over soon. You've done well as a young mother."
Your heart jumped.
What you didn't expect was the subtle kiss he placed on your ear shell.
"Nanami--" The hot tea spilled onto his uniform. Nanami sighed with alert.
"Oh no, I'm so sorry, Nanami. I'll go get some ice!"
Nanami reached for your wrist as you tried to run past him in the kitchen to fetch the ice from the freezer.
He said nothing but darting his unreadable eyes onto yours. With your stilled body, your dry throat scrunched up more, bobbing with anxiety. The AC resumed on making the thrumming noise from the roof.
"It'll leave a scar if you don't heal the burns hurry," you reminded, though whispered.
Heart pounded against your rib cage. Your hands coated in sweat. This has never happened to you before. Before Daichi, you suggested and insisted the idea of romance comes from books, but since Daichi is born in your stomach, reality hits too hard for you to handle. Not even your family's unnecessary commentary of how you become heavy and zombie-like, more stale looking and less bless with glow. In nine months, your dear family predetermine for you to be as a punching bag at every chance they get as their way of outlet of their horrible life.
Thank god your dearest friend, your most trusted friend, Nanami, bailed you out of the situation.
But what you felt for him, is he really a friend to begin with?
"What is it, Nanami?" Your face reddened, your quiet voice squeaked with concern.
Without given a warning, Nanami grasped your other arm before he pulled you in for an enticing kiss. Slipping his tongue to your opening, his arms encircled around your dainty body, pulling you closer even when the gap space is closed. Your hands suddenly have a mind of its own; slithered and ran down on Nanami's back, the boiling touch of his dousing office shirt entangled to yours
"(y/n)," he moaned, suddenly shoving you apart for him to discard his office suit off. However, his pants are intact, leaving your hands seizing and undo the belt. Nanami stopped you, plucking your neckline, trailing down on your engorged nipple with his nibbling kisses on the thin straps of your pastel pink tank top.
"I don't mind being as Daichi's Father," Nanami said, chuckling. "But," he said, inching his face closer to yours. "I don't mind you calling me. Wherever you go, whenever you need help, I'll always be there at your side, especially when I’m busy.”
Your sobs are about to appear again. You tried not to show it again, afraid of getting sick and tired by him.
"Nanami..." is all you could utter.
"Say "Yes, Daddy," he murmured.
Your heart bounced.
His fingers hooked your chin and lifted up to meet his commanding look in his cryptic gaze. "Say, "Yes, Daddy."
Nanami stayed quiet, eyes coaxing you.
"Yes, Daddy," you whimpered.
With a slight smirk on his face, his face plunged in for another kiss. His hands roamed freely on your body, flowing with soft cotton nightgown. He took off his working glasses before implying a passionate kiss for the third time. Tucking his left hand in your night gown's skirt, his fingers hooked the lined fabric of your panties and slipped the undergarment downwards to your thighs, then your knees. Knowing what he was implying, your pussy is smothered in heat. By the time your pants came undone, he caught the material, stopping.
His phone had ring.
Groaning in frustration, Nanami took the call, but didn't let you go with the other hand.
"Nanami speaking. What is it this time?"
With a ragged breath, your head leaned in against his right breast, your hand pressed against the center of his chest, his heart pounding loudly as it can. It seems like you aren't the only one who's dealing with excitement.
"Fine, I'll be there. Just give a moment or two...It doesn't where I am. I'll be there." Then clicked his phone shut, his other hand attached to your waist again, his forehead pressed against yours.
"Work?' you uttered.
Nanami hummed.
"You don't have to go if you don't want to," you suggested, rubbing his back. "I'll make the futon in my bedroom."
Nanami shook his head, leaning his head back to give a longing gaze at you. "If I didn't leave, how will I be able to give Daichi's future career in art and your dreams of gaining a life you deserve away from your family, by becoming as a truest moment of your happiest self?"
"I'll find a job. That's why I'm here, to start over."
Nanami's hand tucked into your long hair. "It doesn't have to be that way. I can help you, just like I've always been. You don't have to worry about your life anymore."
Your brows scrunched. "What are you saying?'
"Once I get back, please let me know of your answer."
Nanami wore his doused suit and fetched his things before approaching the entrance door. Chasing after him by the grab on his forearm, Nanami turned and gave you a longing kiss. "Will you please be my wife?"
He gave a peck on your cheek, then your eyelids, and his lips finally landing onto your mouth. "Daddy's going to take care of you better than before. Wait for me, my sweet (y/n)," he said, then left, disappear from your sight, leaving you breathless at the previous events unfolded.
Taglist: @galactict3a @colored-tr-panels
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pierswife · 5 months
Hey guuuuuys
As a heads up, I'm going to be converting this blog to be mostly my main/pokemon blog. I've been thinking about it for a while tbh and when it comes down to it, I've been feeling a huge disconnect from selfshipping as a whole for a while. It was nice and a great way for me to cope before I was able to get mental health care, but it's definitely more of a hobby now more than anything. Don't get me wrong, I still love my funky little gals and guys and it's fun to think about them in different scenarios! I'm still going to always lose my shit over Piers! But honestly? All of my "inserts" have basically come into their own, if that makes sense. They are not me. They may share a name with me sometimes but that's definitely an OC, that and I'm too lazy to rename the various Mandas and Jeannes across franchises cause that shit is a lot of work. And besides, literally everyone who has made a character has put some of themself into it and I know that I'm not wrong--
Now, what does this mean for me/the blog?
I'm still gonna post how I feel like posting. Things are going to be a lot less selfship focused. If anything, I'm leaning more on the side of oc x canon and oc x oc cause that's where I'm finding more enjoyment. No more fancy carrd with f/os and all that happy stuff, it's just going to be an about. No long ass dni honestly who the hell even takes the time to read them anymore (I mean, I do, but not the point I'm trying to make here). Granted my dni was never long in the first place but kgjwjdjejejjfayhs still. I'm still deciding if I'm going to go through the blogs I follow and trim things up. If I unfollow you, by no means is it anything against you and there are no hard feelings on my end. And if you'd like to unfollow me due to my focus shift, I encourage that.
Honestly over all, I haven't had a lot of energy to be publicly online in a while, anyway. It's what happens when you work full time, go to school part time, and have some mental disorders and a chronic illness that's been fucking you over since you were 2. The burnout is real lmao. I'd rather enjoy myself when I'm on tumblr than be all bleh, ya know?
I mean this when I say I did enjoy my time when I was selfship focused, but I think that part of my life is... Not quite behind me, but not a major part of my future anymore. In some aspects, it made my mental health worse, if I'm being honest, and I should have never let it get to that point. Granted that was before I was able to get diagnosed and start my mental health journey, but still. Should have stopped as soon as I felt myself not doing okay. I'm not going to dumb down or sugar coat myself anymore (granted I haven't been for a while but eh is what it is). I'm probably going to be leaving most servers I've been a part of and clean up my discord as well.
I'll still post self ship stuff here occasionally cause I mean, c'mon it's my blog I can do whatever the hell I want with it forever.
But I do think it's time to finally start finishing up this chapter. I'll forever and always be Amanda Pierswife though, you can pry this url from my cold, dead hands <3
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weridpersonhelp · 2 years
Description: Y/n tries to find the best gift to give to Kyle for his birthday, getting help from her best friend butters. Y/n becomes a little closer to the gang. :)
Warning: Swearing, Fluff, Sad, color coded a little.
"guy's I need help." I ask sitting down at the girl lunch table and just like that I had all of their attention on me.
" what's up Y/n?" Wendy asks.
"okay so I was invited to Kyle's birthday for Casa Bonita.-"
the girls gawk at this information, this was a shock. I had only moved to America a couple month ago so was still getting use to some cultural norms.
"What is Casa Bonita and what do I get Kyle for his birthday?" I ask the girls.
"Casa Bonita a super awesome mexican resturant" Bebe started
"Yeah! they have cliff divers, puppet shows, forever lasting food!" Nichole continues
"and they even have photoshoots you can do with friends. it's the best!" Hidi finishes I nod but sigh again.
"Okay that's done but what do I get Kyle for his birthday? he told me not to get him anything, but It would be way too weird!" I explain they all hum in agreement and we all start thinking.
"What were you thinking of getting him Y/n?" Wendy asks me I feel my cheeks heat up for some odd reason when she asked.
"Umm I was going it knit him a scarf with his favioute-" "Kyle probably already has a lot of stuff like that! Plus, he's loaded Y/n he could buy one whenever he wants" Hidi says.
"yeah, he took me too a basketball game in another town for a date!" Nichole says they all agree.
"he's loaded?"
"Yeah, all Jew's are! aren't there any jews in Australia?" Bebe asks me.
"Well of course there are, but their quite rare I've actually never met a Jew before Kyle. I wasn't really taught about it."
"don't worry about its Y/n, you can't make him a scarf do you know what he likes?" Bebe asks me, it took me minute to think...
"Umm, Terriance and Philp but everyone likes that! wait! he loves video games like guitar hero!"
"Nice why not get him something like that then?"
"Okay, then. thanks guys!" And like that the topic changed instantly but the question was still on my mind, should I get him something with video games? he probably already has stuff like that.
"You alright Y/n?" Wendy asks I nod my head and sigh.
"You know, personally I feel like Kyle would like the scarf better." this catches my attention.
"How so?"
"OH, just a feeling" She winks at me giggles and goes back to eating, we all catch up and soon enough it was class time.
I walk onto the bus and make my way down Kyle waves back I sit across from his ale next to butters. Butters and I got along well, apparently, we have familiar attuites to life or that's what craigs say. Butters was a cool dude we play video games together at his sometimes.
"Butter's, I need your help."
"Well, whatever you need I'm here!" He says, I glance to Kyle who was talking to Kenny and Stan, he almost catches my eyes before I turn my back to him to face. butters.
"I don't know what to get Kyle for his birthday, I was going to knit him a scarf. But then the girls said he's rich and won't want that and to get him a video game."
"Oh boy that is a tough one!"
"Yeah! So, I wanted to know what you're getting him!" I ask my friend.
"Well, I was just going to get him. something with Philp and Terriance, like a T-shirt or a plush maybe I'm still thinking about it. But I mean Kyle already has a lot of winter clothes, so I think the video games are a good idea!" Butters explains I nod but then he starts talking again.
"But then again, I love the mittens you made me, I wear them all the time! there in my bag right now! So, Kyle might like the scarf better! oh man this is a hard one. I'm sorry Y/n." Butter apologies, you pat you friends shoulder a little and give him a reassuring smile.
"Don't worry butters, but thanks anyways I'll probably just ask craig if he's not too busy."
"I though you where g-going the Kyles tonight too play games?"
"Oh fuck-" I quickly turn around to Kyle and see if the bus driver is paying. attention.
I jump seats to Kyles quickly, as soon as a speed bump came. Kyle jumps slightly at this.
"Y/n? You shouldn't move seats the bus drivers going to get mad!"
"I know, sorry Kyle but I need to cancel our plans! just for today can we move it too tomorrow?" I ask him he seemed shocked but gives me a nod.
"Thanks Kyle! I know you love your schedules and I'm super sorry for cancelling last minute. seriously dude."
"Yeah, it's fine, but is it okay if I ask why?"
I freeze I can't tell him the reason I am cancelling is go to shopping with Craig for a gift for him.
"Oh, Craige needs help with something- it's a family thing you know! anyway, thank dude" I go sit on the very edge of the seat and wave the butters, who smiles back. but Kyle pulls me back to him by the back of my jumper.
"Umm, you shouldn't move because you'll get in trouble..." the boys cheeks where a little red and mine where heating up a little at this for some reason.
"I guess." silence appeared and was very hard not to feel Awkard by it,
"Kyle what's your favioute video game?"
"I love guitar hero, but I really want this game called Minecraft I'm hoping my parents get it for my birthday.!" we started to talk of video games, then our grades and how our day was and soon enough it was mine and Craigs stop.
"Bye Tweek, come on Y/n!" Craig says catching my attention.
"Okay Bye Kyle! see ya tomorrow.!" I say and grab my bag from butter seat.
"bye butters!"
"bye, Y/n be safe!"
I walk pass Tweek and wave bye to the boy with a smile, he smiles and waves back. and we get of the buss.
"Craig how was your day?"
"It was good, why arn't you going to kyles again?" he asks me as we enter his house.
"Hey kids how were school?!" Aunty asks.
"Good thanks Aunty!" I call entering the house.
"Craige, I need your help! what do I get Kyle for his birthday?" I ask him.
"I don't know, what were you thinking" Craig could read me like a book, and I follow him up to his room as we continue talking.
"I was going to Knit something for him, but the girls said he probably won't like it and I should play it safe and get him this video game called Minecraft or something! But Wendy said I should knit him something! and Butter couldn't help me! And I'm slightly freaking out!" I blurted it all out, he just stands there...
"Just take a deep breath, Your gonna be fine. Kyle will be happy with whatever you get him, don't start stressing over something silly." he walks me to his bed I sigh and I sit on it and breath like Craige told me.
"Okay, thank you Craig. but what do you think?" craig sits next to me and thinks, I wait patiently for my cousin.
"I think you should knit him that scarf you're really talented at that, when's the party?"
"This Saturday, 5:30 I already texted Aunty about it."
"Yeah, that should be enough time to knit him a scarf, He's going to like it Y/n. I mean I love the hat you gave me; I wear it everywhere." he points to his hat which makes me smile thinking of when I made him it. his old one was wearying out and getting too small so I made him one so the next time we came to America he could have it. It's weird to think I live in it and with him now. Waiting for my parents to finish the move before and buy a house in south park.
"Thanks, Craige You're the best cousin I could have asked for."
Y/n was 15 minutes early when they pulled up to Kyles house. Y/n waves goodbye to her Aunty after dropping her off. She walks up to the door and knock. A woman with big red hair and a blue dress opens the door.
'So, this is Kyles mum?'
"Ooh hello their! you must be one of Kyles friends! I'm Sheila nice to meet you. Your here early! KYLE YOUR FRIENDS HERE EARLY!"
"It's nice to meet you ma'am, I apologies if I'm late- "No, no. your fine come in! Your actually early! it's lovely to meet you.
"Oh, what a polite young girl! it's lovely to meet you Y/n!" when she got in she saw stan and Kenny their as well.
"Y/n! Glade you made it!" "Happy birthday Kyle! hey guys!" I greet them.
"hey Y/n"
"hey Y/n, how you going?"
"excited I've never been to Casa Bonita before!"
"what they don't have a Casa Bonita in Australia?"
"No, so I'm excited to see one. All the girls told me it's fun."
"You'll love it! it's fucking cool!" I chuckle a little at kenny.
"hey I said not to get me anything!" kyle says notcing the small box I was holding it was so tiny compared to the other boys gifts.
"Sorry! I couldn't help it. It would be werid if I didn't get you a gift kyle. It's your birthday after all."
"Seriously you didn't have too." their was a small silence Kyle looked handsome in his suit, though his green hat stood out. You didn't question it.
"bu-bu-bu-bu" Ike voice was heard from down the hall as the little boy walks down the hall when he enters the room, he enters and made his way to the boy's and Y/n though no one had noticed yet.
"So Y/n do you go to the same school as the boys?" Sheila asks you.
"Yeah I only joined like a month or two ago- huh?" you feel something wrap around your legs and see a tiny little boy their hugging your leg.
"IKE GET BACK HERE! SORRY SHEILA HE GOT AWAY!" a man with a jewish hat on his head.
"IS this your brother kyle?" Y/n asks kyle who sighs at his little brother.
"Yeah, Ike come here-" "NO!" he shouts, Kyle eye brows cross.
"Ike come on-" "NOOOO!" he screams Y/n chuckles at how frusterated kyle was getting.
"Kyle your brother got a crush on Y/n!" Stan teases, making kenny burst out laughing.
"hi Ike could you let go of me for a second please? just a second." And like that Ike obeys your request you kneel down to his hight and pick the boy up.
"Your brother adorable Kyle!" "NONONONONONONONO!" Ike shouts making Kenny laugh harder and stan chuckle. even Kyles mum joined in a little.
"isn't that adorable Kyle! Your brother likes your little friend!" Kyle bit his tongue at the scene as his father tried to take back ike, but he gripped onto your dress tightly hidding his face in your neck.
"I'm so sorry about this?"
" Y/n nice to meet you sir." the mans eyes widden slightly.
"You have very good manners young lady, but I am sorry about Ike Shelia could you?"
"come on Ike let the poor girl go!" Ike lets go of your and heads to his mother, You give an awkard smile at this. as Ike is passes off to Kyle's dad.
"It was lovely meeting you Y/n," "you too sir." "oh just Gerald! anyway have fun boys!"
by now everyone was there, Kenny, stan me, Kyle. Everyone but butters. which was weird, butters were normally on time for these things.
Kyle was pacing the room while waiting for butters.
"so, what did you guys get Kyle?" I ask
"A new video game Minecraft the one he wanted and some other games."
"I got him a controller for his Xbox."
Y/n thinks about their gift they were pricier than mine they probably thought about it longer. Maybe I shouldn't give him the gist? no that would look rude now!
"what did you get him?"
"Where are butters? we were supposed to leave 40 minutes ago!" Kyle asks looking down at his watch.
"Well, I think we just go without him Kyle! it's getting late!" his mum says.
"Yeah, screw him let's go." Kyle says We quickly get ready to leave, when the doorbell rang.
"Oh, there he is!" Kyle goes to open the door, and none other than Cartman appears. to be honest I was not impressed.
"Happy birthday Kyle I just wanted to stop by and give you your present." cartman says Kyle took his present and I couldn't help but role my eyes at this. he obviously did something to come. it's cartman were talking about here! the whole scene I was just giving him a side eye. then butter parents came looking for him. I was shocked, and scared for my friend Butters. Where could he of gone?! I only just saw him friday!
"Dude I can't have a part while butters are missing that weird." Kyle
cartman tries to convince him otherwise almost slipping up.
"How about we go looking for him?"
"Yeah, he always by starks pound he's always over their!" stan add we all cheer and Sheila says she will drive us.
"I hope butters okay." I mutter under my breath as we get into the car
"I'm sure he's fine Y/n, w-we'll just keep. looking.
"don't worry Y/n we'll find him." the guy's words make you smile a little, you didn't hang out with this gang much normally with your cousin craig and his gang or with Wendy's. You and butters being super close thanks to your similar personality's.
You sure hope he is okay. :(
okay i'm tired night comment if you want a part 3
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whitexwolfxx310 · 1 year
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Total Eclipse of the heart
Pairing: Bucky x female reader
Summary: After an encounter where Bucky seems to not know who you are, you start to find out answers. Not one's that you were expecting either.
Warnings: Y/N, cursing, super angst.
Word Count: 4K
A/Ns: Sorry for the long pause between chapters. I had to take some time to deal with my mental health. But I am back! I finished this and will be posting the next chapter ASAP because I wrote that one already as well. If you would like to be added to my taglist, please let me know! I love hearing from y'all so please feel free!
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Previous Part
An entire month has gone by but it feels like an eternity. Aside from the one encounter when everyone arrived home from the Soviet Union, the two of you have been kept separate from one another. Tony and Bruce had both agreed that the emotional response from Bucky when he saw you could be triggering, to us both.
It was difficult to try and go through the regular day to day motions when life seemed to have done a complete 180. Everything changed. Sections of The Compound were now 'off limits'. Anytime you asked about Bucky, no one seemed to 'know anything'. It wasn't until Nat 'accidentally' slipped that he had been taken to Wakanda for treatment did you know anything.
'Our' home turned into your home. Bucky's clothes and belongings were taken from the apartment day by day as they worked diligently on treatment. His scent gradually dissipated from the bedsheets with each passing day. Nothing of him was left except one photograph- not even Alpine was left behind.
Which is understandable...But, God I miss them both- more than I let on.
Sitting at the kitchen island, which is normally decorated with cheerful, bright sunflowers and whatever sweet concoction Bucky cooked that morning, felt so bleak and lonely. Each passing day turned one of your favorite places within the home into a very dark one.
The soft tone from your cell is accompanied with a text notification pops up. It's Steve.
"Hey y/n... Can you meet me in the conference room?"
Your thumbs hover over the screen, twitching slightly as each response and scenario collide with one another in your head.
"Um..." You say aloud.
"Sure. See you in a few." Is the response you decided to go with.
You're torn. Part of you wants to run as fast as you possibly can to hear what Steve has to say. The other wants to walk at a snails pace- afraid of what he's going to say. You quickly decide on the median between the two. Not too eager either way.
The walk seemed as though it took forever, like awaiting to cross the finish line of a marathon. Stepping out of the elevator, the glass enclosed conference room came into view. Standing in the corner was Steve, arms instinctively crossed over his chest. He was having what seemed like an easygoing conversation with Tony who stood opposite of him and adjacent to Bruce. Their body language seemed somewhat relaxed, which is good? I think.
Lightly knocking on the glass you catch the attention of all three men. Giving a nervous and awkward wave, Tony motions for you to come in and join them. Hesitantly, you walk in.
"Hey y/n..." Steve immediately greets, bringing his arms down to his sides to seem more relaxed.
"Hey guys..." You answer, meekly. "What's going on?"
It's impossible to force out the casual and polite 'how are you?' 'nice weather we're having today' 'how has work been?' bullshit. I need to know.
"We..." Tony lets out a deep breath as he folds one arm across his chest and the palm of his hand under his chin. "We want to discuss Barnes."
"Okay...?" You reply reluctantly as you look between the three men.
"Why don't you have a seat?" Bruce suggests, looking to Steve and Tony as he politely pulls out one of the wheeled office chairs for you.
Taking a deep breath you oblige, scooting in closer to the conference table and laying your hands flat on the cool surface. It's depressing how any iced cold touch reminds you of Bucky.
The men follow suit, sitting down as well. All four of you collected on one side of the meeting table. The air was stiff, almost as if this were an intervention and each one waited to see who would be the first to speak.
Well it's not going to be me...
"Buck's doing better. A lot better actually!" Steve says optimistically, being the one to break the silence.
"True..." Tony interjects. "But this is unknown territory. While I have all the faith in the world in T'Challa, we've been down this road before-"
"We've made huge strides, Tony." Bruce says, trying to acknowledge both men's opinions but remaining as Switzerland.
"What we're trying to say..." Steve gives you a small nod and half smile, "Is that Buck's back. And...he's asked to see you."
Everyone is looking to you for some sort of answer. But what is the proper way to handle this? There isn't any self help books for 'what to do when your boyfriend's mind resorts back to being an assassin and may not remember you'.
"He... wants to see me?" It comes out as surprised as you feel and yet the only thing you can focus on is the frigidness under your palms.
"Don't worry, it's safe. He's safe. I mean-you'll be safe." Bruce stutters over his words as he tries to sound reassuring.
"Has anyone told you that you are great at giving preparation speeches, Banner?" Tony rolls his eyes and sighs.
"Y/n..." He starts, leaning in more. "We have been working diligently with Barnes. It seems as though pretty much everything is back to normal but..."
Again with the hesitations. Just fucking spit it out already.
"There's holes." Bruce says. Steve and Tony both give him an annoyed look.
I swear he's just in here for comic relief at this point.
"Holes?" You reiterate.
"It's like..." Steve breathes out, long and heavy. "It's like Buck's got all the pieces to the puzzle but can't put them all together just yet. Certain pieces fit and some he's still trying to figure out." He says, hopeful.
"And...he asked to see me?"
After not seeing him for a month since that horrifying interaction, the idea seems so foreign. The men all nod their heads slightly in agreement.
“I can take you to see him now if you would like?” Steve offers. Always the gentleman.
Your eyes instantly drop to look at your oversized grey Iron Maiden t-shirt, black leggings and white slip on's.
“Um...” You look back up at Steve starting to feel self conscious. “Can I clean up and then we care go together?”
“Sure, y/n.” He replies, with his famous warm side smile.
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What is the perfect outfit to wear to go see your boyfriend/would have been fiancé for the first time since a once thought dissipated paramilitary terrorist organization that has come back and might be an almost robotic assassin who might not entirely remember your relationship existed?
I mean, is this going to be like meeting him for the first time? Again? Is everything going to go back to the way it was before? Can that even happen?
The thoughts swirled around your mind like a confused cow in a tornado.
Stepping out of the elevator, Steve is waiting with a familiar smile.
“Come on… someone’s waiting for you.” He cordially holds out his arm for you to link onto. Faking the smile in return, you lock arms.
“Thanks, Steve.”
For so many things. For making sure Bucky came home (and not in a body bag), for supporting both of us, for everything in between and including up to this very moment where he is physically keeping you stable.
"I...really appreciate you." There was no way that you could possibly express your gratitude, even if it feels as though your stomach will drop any second.
Steve had led you to the common area; a relaxing spot with a small café. (The one with shitty coffee, according to Bucky). There is a few small tables set up, all of them empty accept for one. Bucky sits alone, his back facing you. Thanks for the dramatic affect. Giving you a small, encouraging squeeze on your shoulder, Steve let's you go.
One step at a time.
It's simple enough and yet you can't move your legs. The nervousness of now having to be on your own almost has completely taken you over. Looking down at your feet, you will them with all of your might to make a move.
One foot. Just one.
Glancing up through hooded eyes, Bucky is still in the same seat- same position. You notice that he is sitting completely upright, tense, nervous. He is as just as fearful of the situation...and you.
Being focused on him, you instinctively take a step. Just that one step turns into every single cell in your body being drawn to him. To run up, him scoop you in his arms and swing you around for the most memorable reunion. You know he'll catch you- and yet you're holding back.
But you decide to play it carefully, respectfully. He hears your faint, delicate footsteps and froze. I've never seen anyone become so suddenly still. Your heart is pounding like a monster trying to break free from it's cage; Pulse whooshing like a relentless wave refusing to ease. Within a single blink of an eye, he was standing- waiting for me.
There was a look of bewilderment on his face, one I have never seen before. Your feet come to a screeching halt, feeling as though they had abruptly encased in cement. Your eyes meet, instantaneously diving into his glacier blue eyes- An unbreakable metal cable connecting your hearts as you begin to move once more. Each step closing the distance you have felt for what felt like ages. That over encompassing feeling of being stuck in a cold, dark, black void.
His mouth opens, taking in a shallow breath as his eyes dart frantically dance between your features.
"You're..." Bucky begins, finally being able to hold his gaze steadily into your eyes. "...real." Relief spilled from the word as he breathed it out. You didn't realize that you had been holding in the air within your lungs.
He doesn't remember? To him it was all...just a dream? I have been begging, pleading with the universe to have him back. I got what I wanted, just not in the way I expected.
Your mouth goes dry- keeping the ability to swallow the large, insufferable lump in your throat.
"Um..." It was hard to keep your voice from cracking, to keep it from mirroring the shattering of your heart. "Last time I checked?" You say, managing a small, fake laugh. The anxiety lodged in your throat travels down your body, now making its appearance in the form of white knuckled fists- Which you quickly move behind your back to hide.
The awkwardness between us felt like a glass wall. You could see him, hear him- but there is a part of him tucked away again.
Bucky's gloved hands froan in the pockets of his black leather jacket he's wearing. A tall tale sign of his insecurity; the gloves a form of comfortability and protection.
His eyes flashed briefly behind your shoulder, a small smirk on his face.
"So..." The grin stayed as his eyes honed in on yours once again. "Would you want to go for a walk?" His torso twisted slightly, using his bent right elbow to point towards the door.
Frozen. Your lips part and yet nothing comes out. He's waiting for some kind of reply but still, nothing. Bucky leans in closer, the smokiness of his campfire smell completely intoxicating.
"Somewhere private?" This time he stares at something over your shoulder. Curiosity gets the better of you- looking over your shoulder, it reveals Sam and Steve huddled in a corner. They abruptly bump into one another, failing to act casual.
Turning back to meet each others gaze once again, a small laugh escapes in unison at the silliness of your eavesdropping friends.
That smile, the laugh. God, that laugh. The saying 'music to my ears' would do it such an injustice.
Nodding in agreement, you bite on the edge of your tongue. Those overwhelming, missing words are now dying to be shouted out.
"Lead the way." He says, gently.
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The Compound was surrounded by lively Summer scenery. It had plush, full green trees. The birds chirping their love songs to one another- the smell of dense humidity delicately mixed with citrus and bloomed flowers.
Small white dwarf clovers swish against your feet as you walk through the grass. You'd swear you were alone if you didn't keep sneaking glances at Bucky to make sure it wasn't a dream. His stride was feline- deliberately light and practically soundless.
Stopping on a small hilltop overlooking a field of lavender, you can't bring yourself to look at him. Your body pulses with electricity over the physical closeness of his body to yours. There is only the sound of the whisp of the wind as you stare out into the abyss of purple.
The silence was aching to your soul. Thoughts are whirling around your brain, trying to find the perfect words to convey just how much he means to you. That love, our love, could defy any odds thrown our way.
You know the scene in the romance movies when one person breaks down and emotionally confesses all of their hopes and dreams? It's me, hi.
You don't have to propose, you already know what my answer would be. Let's buy a house and make it a home, just the two of us. Or not. I want Bucky babies- as many as you want. I want to wake up to their laughter ringing through the house- knowing because you wake up so early that you'll be the first thing that they see. Send you to the gas station at 2am for an ice cream and loaded cheese fries craving. The endless laughs I know we'll share as a family. I want to argue about not getting everything on the shopping list. There isn't anything in this universe or the next that could tear us-
"I don't know why this is so difficult." He starts in a soft tone.
Oh no.
"I know you. I know that I know you." He's nervous, rambling. "I feel it in my bones when I look at you. Just being in your presence is soothing to me. You're extremely important to me, y/n." He pauses.
I don't like pauses.
"But..." Bucky exhales a deep breath, as if trying to calm himself. He turns to you and you mirror the movement, now facing each other. You hold the air in your lungs, hanging onto every word. "The best way that I can explain it is..." His hands move in a small circular motion as he tries to find his own words. "It's like reading a book. You can see it in your mind, but it's not physical, realistic."
A wave of cold washed over your body from head to toe, as if someone dumped a bucket of ice water over your head. Your eyes burn from the refusal to blink and let the tears fall. It still must have conveyed on your face, because Bucky's eyes search within yours- a sincere expression replacing his concern.
"Are..." Your voice cracks. Clearing your throat, you fight to get the words out. "Are you...saying that we're" You hesitate, almost choking on the word that feels like bile rising in your esophagus "...over?"
"God, no!" You can feel your eyes roll back slightly at the comfort of those words. Bucky gently takes your hand and places it over his chest; both of his hands enclosing them over his. It's hard not to stare when you can feel the accelerated beating of his heart under the scarring where skin meets metal.
"I'm just asking for us to take it slow. As long as that's okay with you?" His tone is soft but hopeful as he paired it with puppy dog eyes.
"Of course." You lie- your teeth clasped painfully down on the edges of your tongue to keep from saying anything else. His sigh of alleviation along with the instant release of tension in his shoulders shows you made the right decision.
"Thank you, y/n." Bucky whispers as he leans in, leaving behind the faintest kiss on your cheek. If your eyes weren't open to see the physical contact, you would swear it was from the tame breeze.
There was a time not so long ago that we would have taken advantage of being alone on this hill. Laying down in the plush grass surrounded by flowers, the petals getting stuck to the sweat on our bodies. Bucky moaning your name into the crook of your neck as you intertwined and moved as one. Your entire body so sensitive to his delicate, but firm touch, to the point it was almost painful- and yet you couldn't help but beg for more.
Yet, here we are now- resorting back to elementary school hand holding. Selfishly, you wanted more, but didn't have the heart to ask for more. He just seemed... so happy with the idea.
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"Well then, I guess it would be okay to resume our sessions for the time being." You say jokingly walking into your office with him closely behind. Bucky lets out a small, genuine laugh as he takes a sits on the sofa across from your desk.
"Anything noteworthy happen while I was gone?"
"Well," You start, grinning as you walk to lean back on the edge of the desk to face him. "There have been quite a bit of complaints about the coffee. I guess you aren't the only one who hates The Compounds brand of choice. I think Rocket misses you- or, at the very least, messing with you. And if I'm being honest..." You place a hand on your belly, rubbing it slightly. "I've lost a few pounds without my personal chef/baker around."
A flicker of wholesome playfulness flashes in those crystal eyes; contagious enough to for it to reach his smile. The fluttering of butterfly wings caress against the lining inside your stomach. Nothing could keep from that infectious ray of light from tugging at your very soul.
"I promise to rectify that as soon as possible, Sunshine." The emphasis of your nickname blanketed around your bones like warm honey. The giddiness made you look away- but only for a moment. You're transfixed on him; Afraid that if he wasn't in your line of sight, he would disappear.
"I know that you're too polite to ask..." Bucky starts, his expression changing. "But I want to tell you about what happened overseas."
Oh shit.
Your fingers tighten around the edge of your desk in preparation. Giving him a small, understanding nod- he continues.
"Russia was... eventful to say the least." He says, almost baffled. "To make a long story short: We got there, followed a few leads that wound up being dead ends and were getting ready to head back home." Bucky is slumped back in his seat on the couch, eyes focused on his pointer finger lazily tapping against his knee; completely zoned out at the recollection.
You now painfully sit in silence, waiting for him to tell you what happened in his own words and in his own time. Biting your tongue to not blurt out all of your questions, needing answers.
"The entire time that we thought this mission was a bust- we were being watched. Studied."
"Studied?" You repeat. "By who?"
"If a head is cut off, two more shall take it's place." He says cryptically and barely audible as he looks up from the floor.
"What?" You ask, becoming more confused. The more in depth Bucky goes, the more distant he seems to get.
"Hydra will never be gone." His tone sounds like an admission to defeat. "There are still people out there who believe in 'their cause'." This came out more as disgust. "They've...replaced me. Created a new 'me'." He's disappointed; thinking that it had just been him all along to discover that there is more.
"Steve and I got separated from the rest of the team. We had each others backs, just as we always have. But..." He sighs, hesitating before he speaks again. "As we tried to make our way out, we found ourselves in some kind of detaining room? It felt familiar." Bucky stares straight forward, looking through some unseen void. "I-... I pushed Steve back through where entered before it closed but someone else was in there with me. I don't remember if I passed out or what. But when I woke up, I had a difficult time recalling anything, anyone. As if I had amnesia."
His whole body is tense as he recalls the memory. It must be difficult for him, living his whole life trying to distinguish what is real and what's not.
"Bucky..." You take a few steps closer; hand impulsively reaching out, placing it on top of his gloved hand as you knelt on the floor in front of him.
He didn't flinch- Not in the way he used to when you first met. There was familiar hint of pain and nervousness behind his eyes.
"And all I could see, was you. Flashes of you smiling, laughing..."
Bucky leans forward, somewhat onto his knees, turning your hand over and gently holding onto it as he intensely looks in your eyes.
"But I... couldn't remember. I thought that maybe it had all been a dream. But when I saw you in person at the medical bay, I knew that it hadn’t been just a fantasy, it was actual memories. I am just so....fucked up." He says in revulsion.
He'll never forgive himself.
"We're all a little fucked up." You admit.
There is something to be said for losing yourself. Sometimes being lost is the only way to be found. You may find a strength you never knew that you had, or see others painted in a different light; will they disappear or help you find your way out of the dark? And if we get out of that darkness, does a piece come back with us?
Bucky's face suddenly hardened, solely focused on something. A switch flipped- the light had gotten ripped away from his eyes. He was staring so intensely that it was uncomfortable. Feeling self conscious, you look down- trying to seek what had exclusively had his attention. In shifting slightly, you see that he isn't concentrating on you; but something behind you.
With unintentional slowness you start to turn around, goosebumps taking over the entire top layer of your skin. Your mind is racing trying to fathom what could be in your office to have him triggered like this. But nothing was there. No person, no being, nothing out place.
Your lungs let out every last bit of air that they held onto in relief. And yet, nothing changed. There was a mysterious uneasiness gripping onto the room.
"Bucky...?" You hesitantly ask; still looking between him and whatever still had him in an almost trance.
Carefully, he moved you out of the way and in four strides, Bucky’s at the bookcase behind your desk.
Standing up, you take a step forward. “Bucky…?” You ask again.
Grabbing a framed picture that was standing in the bookshelf, he starts to look over the picture- taking in every small detail. His head whips around to look back at you, his eyes frantic as his eyes bounce between the picture and you.
“What?!” You can’t hide the urgency of needing to know any longer.
“It’s him.” Barely audible.
Taking a few steps closer, you see that Bucky is holding the picture of you with your brother, Luke. You let an exhale of relief out. But he’s still looking over the picture obviously feeling uneasy.
“You’ve seen this picture a hundred times… what’s wrong?”
“It’s him” He repeats “My replacement. The newest super soldier… is Luke.” His voice is low, exacerbated. You roll your eyes.
"C'mon, Bucky. You know that my brother has been dead for two years. That would be impossible!" I get that he's been through a lot lately, but this? Bringing my dead family member into it?
"What I'm saying is..." His eyes are intensely locked on yours, "He isn't dead. Never was. And your brother..." Bucky doesn't breathe as his expression tries convey the seriousness of his next words, "He's alive. And...he's the new face of Hydra."
Next Part
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