#what's tumblr's upload limit these days.. I have no idea
Akaza and Douma ENG Dub Ai Voice Samples pt. 2
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I'm being a straight menace with voice copying 😭😭😭 I have so many of these that I want to post but tumblr has an audio limit per day so I'll post all of them at some point.
I'm running out of ideas so if there's something you want akaza or Douma to say I can put it together! I've been trying to get a good sample for Rengoku but it's difficult to nail his voice lmao
Douma's voice can be a bit tricky to nail but I think I did pretty good for what it is. I'm so proud of the second one it's my favorite 😭😭😭
Gahhhh I wish I could upload more but I tried to pick out the best ones I had so far. Lemme know what you think! Rengoku is in the works!
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wasawattpadkid · 1 year
Part - 17
Summery: Billy and Stu have been planning these murders for quite some time. Everything is going to plan until you show up. What happens when they meet someone who is just as mentally deluded as they are?
Pairing: Poly! ghostface x fem!reader
Warnings for this series: ⚠️smut 18+⚠️murder, blood, smut (will be more in depth on smut chapters), power dynamics, a dash of sexism, knives, stalking, perverse behavior, cheating, blowjobs, handjob, fingering (fem! receiving) , pet names
A/N: if you saw this chapter when Tumblr decided to mess around and upload it early no you didn't 😌
Part 1
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Billy and Stu would never admit you were right. No arguments, no fights, the dinner was good, and the sex was even better. Separating for a bit did nothing but improve the relationship that so quickly developed. It had been almost two weeks now. Stu came over regularly especially when your dad came home for a couple of days. He spent more time with your father than he did with you honestly. Surprisingly the boys didn't argue about who spent more time with who. They didn't want to mess up the good thing they had going.
Woodsboro High had thankfully calmed down. Of course, your sleeping habits were still being talked about. Some people even connected the dots on who you were prior to your move back. Billy did a good job of scaring people quiet.
As of now, the school knew you were off limits that didn't stop them from whispering though. For once in your life you didn't care. Chase and Linda did sit at the water fountain with you and the boys. It aggravated Billy that he didn't hate the two. Chase looked like a member of some shitty boy band but that's about all the kid had wrong with him.
Stu was happy having friends again. Linda and Stu did not get along. Something about him being too "ostentatious." Lucky for the boy he had no idea what the word meant. Chase enjoyed spending time with you and the guys. He thought Stu was hilarious but he couldn't get comfortable around Billy.
"Are you guys going to be at the party?" Chase asked again. He'd been bothering the three of you all week. "Isn't it a little early to be having a Halloween party?" You asked blocking your eyes from the sun. Stu was on board the moment he heard the word party. You and Billy however were hesitant to go out in such a scene. "I thought it'd be better to have it the last weekend of October." Billy's hand rested on your knee which you promptly removed.
He did stupid things like this anytime Chase was around. For someone who hated PDA, he sure was all over you when another guy was around. "We'll think about it," Billy spoke wanting the couple to leave. "Cool, I'll see you guys there. Y/n you've got my address?" You nodded earning a stern look from your boyfriends. Chase and Linda walked back over to their spot leaving the three of you by the fountain. "Before you say anything he gave me his address on a piece of paper yesterday for the party." You held up your hand keeping Billy quiet.
"We should go. I mean it's a costume party nobody has to know it's us." Stu's smile became somewhat sinister. The boy leaned down next to Billy whispering in his ear. "We could bring back our costumes..." You jumped when Billy pushed his friend back almost landing him in the water. "Are you fucking insane?" Billy asked with utter confusion. "What are you two bitching about now?" You asked before taking a bite of your lunch. "Go ahead tell her your genius plan." Billy held out his arm encouraging his partner. Stu leaned down whispering something similar to you.
"Are you trying to get us caught?" You snapped quietly making Billy smile. "At least someone here has some common sense." Stu huffed thinking you two were overreacting. "Everyone's going to be dressed up as Ghostface. I don't see why I can't have fun." Even if everyone was dressed up as the infamous killer that didn't mean it was a good idea for you to do the same. "That's exactly why we shouldn't go. Aren't we supposed to be traumatized?" Billy asked slightly mocking your overly cautious behavior. "Oh please," You scoffed making the boy laugh. "Stu if you really want to go I'll go with you but no Ghostface costume."
"The case was closed I don't get why you still have your panties up in a bunch. Both of you." Stu looked between you and Billy as his lover flipped him off with a fake smile. You wanted to be as carefree as they were but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. All three of you were criminals. Case closed or not. You couldn't be too careful in a situation like this. "Says the asshole who has literally worn panties." Your face scrunched as you looked over at Stu. "I was curious! There's nothing wrong with a little self-expression man." You opened your mouth to speak but words simply didn't come out.
"As much as this conversation is really turning me on we need to talk about this party." Stu smiled at your sarcasm. "Can I wear a mask?" He asked happily. "With a face like that you need to." Billy muttered making you elbow his side. "Bitch." He mumbled rubbing the now sore spot with a laugh. Stu smiled at his lovers. It really was a miracle things worked out. Billy was slowly becoming the boy he fell in love with in the first place. You seemed to get more comfortable as well. It took awhile but you adapted to the dynamic between the two men. Insults and name calling was a just a cover up for the love the three of you shared.
"Great because I already have a Myers costume I've been dying to wear." Billy looked up with intrigue. Neither of you knew about the outfit. "You bought a Michael Myers costume and didn't show me? Even after you made me watch all the movies?" The offense in your voice was comical to Stu. "It was supposed to be a surprise. What are you going to wear?" Stu gestured over to you with his head. "Well since we like keeping secrets you'll just have to wait. It's a surprise." You flicked the tip of his nose as your finished your sentence.
"What are you wearing?" You turned towards Billy. "Who said I was going?" He spoke already aware that if you and Stu went he was sure to follow. You liked to think you were the smartest person out of the three but if you and Stu were involved nothing good was bound to happen. "I did so what are you wearing?" Billy didn't have a costume. He debated on even wearing one to the party. "You could dress up as Glen from Nightmare On Elm Street." Stu bounced his eyebrows up and down suggestively. "If you think I'm wearing a crop top you're mistaken." Your face lit up at the idea. "Woah woah, what would it take for you to wear that? Asking for a friend." You laughed making Billy smile.
"It would take a lot more than you could give me." Billy tapped your cheek shaking his head. He thought about his closet at home trying to run through the possible costumes. "Do you have face paint?"
He asked seriously making both you and Stu chuckle. "You won't wear a crop top but you'll do yourself up like RuPaul. Got it." You pursed your lips not wanting to encourage Stu. "I said face paint dipshit, not makeup." Slowly you turned towards Stu giving him a look. Before you could figure out anything else the bell rang meaning all three of you were about to be late for class.
With quick goodbyes and see you laters everyone went their separate way. The day was slow mostly because you were counting down the minutes until 7th period. It was nice having a class with Billy. If you didn't want to be bothered he'd leave you alone. If you wanted to ignore the teacher and waste time he was also the guy to go to. You couldn't begin to imagine how a class with Stu would go.
"You'll have an exam Monday. You need to study this weekend or you won't pass." The teacher spoke as she wiped down the chalkboard. Some kids groaned while others just packed up their things. "What time is the party?" Billy asked picking up his notebook and binder. You couldn't remember if Chase said eight or nine. "Eight I think don't quote me on it."
Billy followed you to your locker watching as you put away your things. "I'll meet you and Stu by your car." With a nod from you, he carried his things across the hall.
They gave you space by moving back to their respective houses. School was a different story. By now it didn't matter the whole school knew you three were inseparable. If Billy and Stu weren't together then one of them was with you. It was rare someone saw one of you walking alone. It made you feel safe in a way.
Stu was already leaning on your car waiting for his two favorite people to show up. "Have I told you how beautiful you look today?" He asked popping a piece of candy into his mouth. "You have. Almost four times now." Stu could be repetitive but everyone knew you ate up the attention. "Well, I'll make it five. You look beautiful Mrs. Crocker. When we get married will you take my last name or will I get Crocker?" Your eyes grew wide at the silly question. "What-"
"I'm going to stop by my house and pick up some clothes do either of you need anything while I'm out?" Billy asked ending the conversation between you and Stu. "I'm good." You spoke throwing your purse into your car. "I don't think so. You taking me to my place so I can grab my costume?" Stu asked the boy who constantly drove him around. "You're paying for gas." Stu balled up his fist in celebration. "I guess while you two are gone I'll get my stuff together."
"Are we meeting up at our house afterwards?" The way Stu called your house "ours" never failed to make you smile. "Yeah, we'll have to if I'm doing his makeup." Billy shot you a look. "Sorry sorry, face paint." You made air quotations around the words just to tease him. "We shouldn't be too long." Billy motioned for Stu to start walking toward his car. "Okay drive safe!" You shouted towards both boys. Stu turned around sticking his tongue out at you. A smile played at your lips as you had flashbacks of nights previous.
You drove home listening to a Jackson 5 tape that was obviously well-loved. The watch on your wrist read 3:30 as you stepped out of the car. You had plenty of time to dig up the old outfit crammed in the back of your closet.
Part of you did want to go out and have fun but something told you not to go. You wouldn't have even thought about going if it wasn't for Billy and Stu. In some stupid way, you wanted to show off the boys. You told your boyfriends one thing but secretly you loved when people's eyes were on you. Good or bad you were occupying their minds and with two men by your side you felt safe. Those insignificant assholes couldn't hurt you anymore. Male validation was something you should probably see someone about with how bad it was. It didn't quite make sense to you. Why would you crave something from the people who hurt you the most? You didn't need to be loved by everyone but you couldn't be hated by anyone.
The Halloween costume was never worn. You bought it last year but with your lack of friends, you had nowhere to wear it. At least now you could feel like it was money well spent. Once you laid out every piece of the set you tried it all on. The knee-high fishnets were scandalous but paired with the maid ensemble it was downright sinful. You turned around making sure the dress covered everything it needed to. The fabric fell to the middle of your thighs. However, your chest was more exposed than usual.
It was a startling change but that's what Halloween was for. It was the one night of the year you could be someone completely different. It was five o'clock before the boys pulled into the driveway.
"What's up, Dewey?" Stu called out seeing the deputy sit on his porch. The boy didn't like the way the officer stared at him as if he'd done something wrong. He knew he did but that was for him and his accomplices to know. Not the town deputy. Dewey squinted at the two men. He had seen them both come and go never staying too long to his knowledge. He felt like a creep staring but he was concerned for you. Something was off about those kids. Especially since Stu showed up with a blood-splattered Halloween mask. "Stu come on." Billy scolded pushing the boy towards the door. "Have a good night Deputy." Billy waved with a smile that Dewey could only describe as disturbing.
"You trying to get our asses busted?" Billy spoke knocking on the front door. "Well, he's got a staring problem." Stu shrugged. "Maybe because you're covered in blood?" Billy looked him up and down with a stern expression. "At least it's fake this time." He mumbled before you opened the door. Stu had the plan to yell and scare you but once he saw what you were wearing plans changed. "Sorry it took me a second to get down here I was working on my makeup." Both boys looked at you like they'd never seen you before. "Fuck..." Stu spoke in a low tone but it became even lower due to the mask over his face.
The blood-stained mask and coveralls were doing something to you that you couldn't quite describe. He slowly titled his head as his eyes continued to scan every inch of your body. The gesture made heat flood your skin. "What are you supposed to be?" Billy asked his demeanor was softer than you thought it'd be. "I'm Magenta from Rocky Horror!" You chirped spinning around for the men. Your dress rode up just a little when you spun letting them see the bottom of your black lace underwear. Billy couldn't be trusted alone with you right now dressed the way you were. He sure as hell hated the idea of you being around a bunch of other people.
You took a moment to look at Billy's outfit. His tight black shirt was torn with several bullet-shaped holes in the fabric. What really surprised you though were the black leather pants that left almost nothing to the imagination. His abdomen was wrapped with what looked like duct tape. If Stu's outfit hadn't already turned you on then Billy's certainly did.
"Um... What- who are you dressed as? " The words tumbled from your lips making Stu smile. He enjoyed the effect they had on you. Billy was too occupied with his thoughts to hear what you said or how you said it. "He's The Crow. We brought the tape over so you could see how to do his face." Billy handed you the VHS tape never taking his eyes off you. "Oh.." The makeup was bound to make him ten times hotter. "You can't do it?" He asked as he walked into the house with Stu in tow. "No, I can do it. Yeah no not a problem." You cursed yourself for sounding the way you did. Stu was getting a kick out of seeing you so excited. He pulled off his mask sitting it on your couch.
Both men sat their combat boots near the door as you grabbed both of them a drink. You desperately needed anything cold. "Thanks, baby." Stu said but his words were deep. You swallowed what little spit coated your mouth nervously. "Yep." You responded quickly. He raised up smacking your ass with a smile. "Watch it." You scolded playfully. You handed Billy his drink but he sat it on the counter. "You look so... different."
Billy focused on your makeup. Your face was a shade lighter than usual. The red and black eyeshadow that circled your eyes made you almost look dead. Your stained red lips were the focal point of the look. The drastic difference in your normal appearance was erotic but it made him appreciate your joyful everyday attire even more. This wasn't you, he could tell by the way you carried yourself. The gaze the two men held on you made you feel like the sexiest woman on earth but Billy knew once that initial high wore off the revealing clothes would make you self-conscious.
"Do you like it?" You asked the boys holding out your arms. "I love it, Y/n." Stu used your name in a way you hadn't heard before, not from him. He wanted to make a funny comment about how you look better naked but he didn't want to cheapen the moment. "Where'd you get this?" Billy picked at the dress curiously.
"I bought it last year for Halloween but I didn't get the chance to wear it." You kept the pathetic details to yourself. A small smile played on Billy's lips. "So we're the first ones to see you in this?" His eyes looked up to meet yours. "The only ones."
The fact stirred something inside both men. You cleared your throat scared of the sexual tension that fogged up the room. "If we're going to that party I need to do your face." You avoided the word "make-up" the best you could. "Can you do my face too honey?" Stu pouted. You laughed at the action. "What do you want me to do?" The innocent question made him almost chuckle. Before he could say "sit on it" you held up your hand realizing your mistake. "Nevermind don't answer that. Make yourself at home while I work on him." You grabbed Billy's hand pulling him upstairs. He sent Stu a look getting an eye roll in return.
You set the VHS tape on your bathroom sink next to the large bag of makeup. Most of which you rarely ever used. "This isn't going to stain is it?" Billy picked up the tube of white you used on yourself just a while ago. "If it does we're both screwed." You laughed but Billy looked genuinely scared.
"No, it doesn't stain." He didn't seem completely convinced. "You don't have to wear face paint. You look great already." You ran your hand along his arm appreciating the outfit for a second time. He couldn't worry about the makeup if he was too worried about the way your fingers danced across his skin. Distracting a man was easy. "I look great?" He asked the compliment went straight to his head. You leaned up pressing a kiss against his lips. Thankfully you wore transfer-proof lipstick. "You look wonderful." You spoke before setting out the black and white makeup. A smile appeared on his face at your words.
You grabbed some hair clips pinning back the hair that fell over his face. "Now you look adorable." You laughed as he scrunched his nose at his reflection. "Don't say I don't care about you. I wouldn't let anyone else do this to me." Now that you believed. "Ooh, I feel special." You joked squirting out some of the white foundation on the back of your hand. "You are." He said looking into your eyes. You gulped shaking your head.
"Smooth Casanova." You smacked his shoulder before taking a brush to the foundation. "Now stay still I don't want to mess up." He had no intention of following your instructions. "Okay."
You started to smear the cream on his cheek slowly spreading it around. The sensation was odd to Billy. He didn't hate it but it wasn't something he'd willingly do again. His eyes traced your features. The way your tongue stuck out in concentration was more than adorable. Every time you moved a shadow would cover his face making it hard to see. "Hold on." You struggled to position him in a way where you could see. "Here," Billy spoke before lifting you to sit on the sink. There was no way it couldn't support your weight but still, you had a habit of overthinking.
"What if this breaks under me? Are you going to fix it?" His hands gripped your bare thighs keeping you still. "It won't now keep going." He said as he closed his eyes. You fought the urge to chew on your lip. Billy stood between your legs basking in the white light coming from above your mirror. It was an intimate act one that did nothing but make you want to stay home. You continued to paint his face making sure the white stopped at the bottom of his jaw like the picture on the back of the tape. At some point, Billy started to like the feeling. Not of the makeup necessarily but more of the feeling of you touching his face. Your movements were precise and careful he didn't have to open his eyes to know that.
You had seen what he was capable of. How horrible of a person he could be. Yet you were careful not to hurt him. Even with a brush that had passed your skin a million times, you traced his face like it might pierce the cream-covered flesh. You found it cute how he started to subconsciously lean into your touch. It made your job harder but you wouldn't tell him to do any different.
Billy's thumbs started to rub against your fishnets absentmindedly. The simple act didn't bother him any but it made a world of difference to you. No longer could you focus on the task at hand. Once the white covered his face you grabbed a makeup palette that held the darkest black you owned. Billy opened his eyes slightly taken aback by the mime look he had going on. "Jesus-" He said making you laugh. "Don't look yet I'm not done!" He closed his eyes trying to hide his smile. As you caked the black makeup on his eyes he raised his eyebrows almost ruining your progress. "Stop." You poked his side making him laugh. You had found out just a few days ago that he was ticklish. He gave you no choice but to use it against him.
Carefully you ran the brush down his cheek dragging the eyeshadow in a straight line. After that was done you did the same thing upwards. You blew the fallout off his face making his nose twitch.
"I asked you earlier if you needed me to pick up anything while I was out. You could've said you needed breath mints." He almost crumbled when your hand poked harshly at his side. His laughter could be heard all the way downstairs. "Apologize." You commanded smiling at his pained laughs. The only time you considered yourself a sadist is when it came to fucking with Billy. Stu and you shared that hobby. "Kiss my ass." He heaved only making you poke harder. Billy twisted with joyful agony. "I'm sorry!" He breathed making you remove your hand. "Good boy." You patted his head obviously teasing him. It was a joke but your words twisted his stomach more than your assault did.
"Now straighten up so I can finish I'm almost done." His eyes didn't bother looking up at his reflection. He was too busy looking at you wondering why you'd say that to him. He also wondered why the fuck he liked it so much. Makeup and now some strange form of submission, God his dad would kill him if he saw him now. His mother would probably disown him if she hadn't already. "Open your mouth."
You expected a snarky comment but it never came. His lips parted letting you do whatever you had in mind. You picked up your eyeliner lining his lips with the jet-black color. Afterward, you applied chapstick on his lips making sure to get plenty on before grabbing the black eyeshadow once more. With your ring finger, you dabbed the color onto his shiny lips. Once his lips were covered you blended it all together careful not to let it bleed.
"Don't move." You leaned over grabbing a piece of toilet paper. Gingerly you patted the paper against his lips picking up the extra product. The last thing you needed to do was draw a line coming from the corners of his mouth. You looked at each line making sure they were straight. "We're done- oh wait." You pulled the clips from his hair letting it hang defiantly in front of his face. "Look!" You cheered happily proud of your work. Billy finally looked up surprised by the person he saw in the mirror. He looked like a total badass but he felt like the complete opposite.
Stu made his way up the stairs getting lonely and curious once he heard Billy laugh. Swiftly he opened the bathroom door making both you and Billy look up at the man. The intrusion made you think you'd been caught doing something wrong. "God damn..." Stu spoke looking at his boyfriend. The makeup was perfect.
Seeing the two of you there, Billy positioned between your thighs was something he wanted tattooed on him. "How does he look?" You asked knowing exactly what Stu was thinking. Both of you shared a special friendship outside of your relationship. You talk to each other about Billy like he was a crush you both had. He loved to gossip and you loved to talk. It was perfect really.
"Does that stuff stain?" Stu asked stepping into the bathroom walking towards Billy. "Nope." You reassured not knowing if it did or not. "Thank fuck." He said before grabbing the boy forcing his lips on his. One of Billy's hands stayed on your thigh as the other grasped Stu's waist.
Something had to have gotten into him. It was probably the fumes from your makeup. He'd never let Stu just grab him like that. Even on the days when they were both insatiable, he put Stu in his place. You watched as Stu yanked on his lover's hair. Billy's frame stopped you from squeezing your legs together. Something you desperately needed to do. Billy softly moaned into Stu's mouth letting his tongue roam around the makeup-covered boy. You could see the black smearing across Stu's lips. There went your hard work but you couldn't care less. Billy's hand ran down Stu's coveralls quickly finding his growing bulge.
As Billy rubbed against Stu his other hand crept up your thigh rubbing softly against your clothed cunt. For a moment you forgot how to breathe. Stu let go of Billy's hair moving his hands to quickly unfasten the buttons that littered his chest. If he would've known how hard this outfit was to take off he wouldn't have worn it.
He still had his costume from when he and Billy dressed up as Bill and Ted for Halloween. That would've been an easier alternative. Finally, there was enough room for Billy to slip his hand beneath the fabric of his briefs. "You look so hot right now." Stu rasped against his lover's lips. Praise was something Stu loved to give you had learned that very quickly. Although the few times he tried it with Billy the man quickly shut it down.
This time however Billy didn't stop him. If his hand wasn't wrapped around his cock right now Stu would've paid more attention to the change in behavior. Billy pulled his hand away to spit in his palm. His lips quickly returned to Stu's as his hand stroked his partner's cock making sure to cover his shaft with his spit.
You watched their every move trying to focus but Billy's hand between your thighs made it incredibly difficult. His fingers pulled your panties to the side before sliding up and down your folds. He smiled into his kiss at how wet you already were.
Without hesitation, his two fingers pushed into you curling upwards as they moved. "Oh!" You called gripping the man's wrist. Billy's hand sped up as he pumped Stu's cock. Every little moan that left Stu's mouth made Billy throb against his tight leather pants. "That's so good right there." Stu continued to encourage Billy wondering how far he could go until he was forced to his knees. Billy just moaned getting off on his lover's words. "Babe!" Your back lurched as his fingertips prodded a certain spot within you. He poked and massaged that spongy spot feeling you spasm around his fingers.
Billy's thumb began to rub what he thought were circles over your clit. The erratic shapes made your abdomen tighten. Stu started to thrust into Billy's hand forcing his movements to be more aggressive. Stu tugged on Billy's bottom lip earning something similar to a whimper for the usually dominant male.
You were going to warn Billy that you couldn't do this much longer but before you could form the words your whole body convulsed. "That was too easy," Billy said turning his head towards you watching you grip the counter. Your orgasm hit so hard you had to wonder where you were for a moment. It had never been so easy and definitely never that quick.
"Excuse me." You said politely before sliding off the sink counter. Both men watched as you sunk to your knees in front of them. Billy's cock was visible through his leather pants down to the veins. You licked a stipe against the fabric getting a shaky moan in return. Billy continued to pump Stu's cock while you pulled him from his confines. With no prep work, you wrapped your lips around his tip. Billy's head fell back as your tongue circled the warm flesh. A bead of precum sat along his slit before you smeared the liquid with your tongue. Stu watched you greedily take Billy's cock with a little jealousy.
It was like you could read his mind. Your free hand replaced Billy's on Stu's cock. Stu inched closer letting you easily lick both of them. While your mouth covered one your hand would pump the other. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see them holding hands. You tried not to smile given the fact your lips were locked around Stu.
The pigment on the inside of your lips slowly stained the base of each of their cocks. Apparently, transfer-proof lipstick wasn't made to stay on during such an act. The tips of their cocks rubbed against each other as your tongue traced patterns over both of them. Stu tried to hold off but it all quickly became too much for him. Cum slowly spilled from him filling your mouth as some fell to the floor. Billy watched you hold your mouth open for Stu and the sight made his vision blur. With a strained moan he came shooting even more cum into your mouth. At that point, you had no choice but you stand up spitting the mouthful into the sink.
You felt a little bad thinking every woman was supposed to swallow. Neither of them cared. If anything seeing the aftermath running down your chin could easily get them going for a second round. Stu heaved trying to compose himself. Billy kept his eyes closed scared if he opened them he'd fall over. "Was that okay?" You asked looking at your boyfriends. Stu honestly wanted to shake you for asking such a dumb question. "The day I say no I want you to take me out back and shoot me you understand? And take that asshole too because I'm not letting him have you to himself." Stu's breath was labored but it didn't make his statement any less comedic.
"Fuck you." Billy huffed at Stu with a dopey smile on his face. Stu was the first to properly fix his clothes. You were busy trying to clean up your face dreading fixing Billy's.
Stu sat on the lip of the bathtub as you fixed Billy's face. You had to completely wash everything off from his nose down. The whole time Billy had a sated smile on his face. You thought Stu could wash off his face but no, he would rather have you do it. "Me next!" He jumped up like he was chosen for the price is right. Billy admired himself in the mirror. He was aware of the fact he was attractive he quite often used it to his advantage. Having his face covered and looking completely different than usual made him feel better. It was a refreshing change. The look wasn't scary considering you and Stu found it attractive. It was a shame he could only do this once a year.
"There, now I've got to fix my own makeup." You gently pushed Stu out of the way. "Can I do it?" He asked making Billy shake his head with a quiet laugh.
"What, my makeup?" Stu nodded his head up and down eagerly. You looked at your reflection seeing that the only thing that was messed up was your lipstick. "Sure just be careful." Stu grabbed the tube of lipstick you handed to him studying the red color. Stu cupped your face as you parted your lips. He slowly dragged the pigment over your lips making sure to stay between the lines. Stu pulled back looking at his work. "Hand me a piece of toilet paper so I can blot." His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "I have to get the excess off so it doesn't move around and it dries faster." Stu made a noise understanding what you meant. He handed you the paper watching curiously as you pressed your lips against the paper.
"Alright, what time is it?" You asked checking yourself in the mirror one more time. Billy stepped into your bedroom reading the clock out loud. "It's 7:23." The party started at eight so you had plenty of time. "Oh, I need someone to help wrap my arms," Billy said as he went downstairs for his roll of duct tape. "Wrap his arms?"
You turned to Stu. "It's part of the costume. You'll have to watch the movie, he's seen it a million times. I think it's whiny." Stu shrugged before leaving the bathroom. You followed the men downstairs deciding to leave your purse at home.
"You have your wallet right?" Billy nodded. "Never leave without it." He pulled the square from his back pocket. "Okay well, I'm leaving my purse so someone else is driving." Stu turned around quickly. "Not my car." He frowned. "You suck." He spat playfully. "We know that," Billy mumbled earning a laugh from Stu as he pointed towards you. "I'll remember that next time. Let's see whose knees are sore after I stop putting out." Billy looked over at Stu while you mocked the boy's flamboyant behavior. "You know I can't even argue with that. I can say however that my head game is better."
Billy handed you the roll of tape staying out of this conversation. He pointed to where the tape needed to go. As you wrapped his forearm you responded to Stu. "Why is that?" You asked. Billy knew better than to complain or critique anything he was getting for free.
"Cause I'm a man duh. I mean I have a dick so I know my way around one." He threw himself down on the couch next to his mask. "You can't even brush your teeth without gagging." You added running a piece of tape around his thumb. Billy nodded agreeing with that fact. "He's not used to brushing his teeth that's all." You laughed at Billy's joke. "Eat my ass! I brush my teeth almost once a day." Billy pointed at the man with his thumb as you wrapped his other arm. "Almost?" The concern in your voice mixed with fear.
"I get busy." He tried to defend himself but it didn't help. "At least I wash my hair. Billy's got pomade from last week sitting in his hair." Once again he threw his friend under the bus. "You're not supposed to wash your hair every day it make it dry. There's a reason I don't have dandruff." At this point, you wanted to block out their conversation.
"Both of you are mildly disgusting but I prefer greasy hair to bad breath." You finished wrapping Billy's other arm after you spoke. "Hey! I use mouthwash." You almost rubbed your face before you remembered your makeup. With a sigh, you walked to the front door. "Let's just go before I break up with both of you nasty asses."
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Part 18
Taglist (closed): @katie-tibo @agustdeeyaa @bowlofceral @gonnapermashift @tati-the-fangirl @kozumewhore @tatijoestar @illyanam1011 @c4rved-pumpk1n @msghostface @gojosbucket @sammanna @lokigirlszendaya @reneki @fetusharryluvr @kadu-5607 @pumpk1n-writes @lovekeeho @zeysartzone @life-of-music3 @flyestvenustrap @littleblondesoprano @loomiscorpse @nicciekawegosblog @reneemunson @miss-puregotti @ksgsfsgaj @zoleea-exultant @briefwinnerpersonaturtle @mistydreamscape @l4venderia @nex-crowley @ashreblogsnow @brynaa223 @your-desire666 @billyloomiswhore4 @holyladyofsorrows @megluv1 @ellieswifeiya @yoluvrz @forallthstarsinthesky @madsothree @youcantbesirius @lubunnii @captainhowdysseptum @geekygremlin @madneedshelp
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moonstandardtime · 2 months
HALF BODY -- $20
FULL BODY -- $30
Communication will be over Discord, or Tumblr DMs if necessary. DM me here or use Ko-fi to start!
previews + more info under cut (blood/gore warning for one of the previews (its part of a screenshot, so not detailed))
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System alters
NSFW (with limits)
Gore (probably not anatomically accurate)
WONT DO (with exceptions):
Super high detail designs (unless you have a detailed ref/are okay with less detail)
Complex scenes with over 3 characters
Payment via Ko-fi or Cashapp.
Costs are loosely based on an hourly wage. I'm open to minor negotiations, but don't expect discounts.
Payment is up front. If either of us needs to cancel at any point, I will provide (NOT FULL) refunds depending on where I am in the process.
Timeframe is around a week, give or take a few days, depending on the complexity of the ask. My ADHD is awful, so PLEASE pester me!
I need a ref! I'm not great at visualizing from text descriptions, so if you could provide references and a general sketch of what you want, that would be great! It doesn't need to be good at all--what I have in mind is really nothing more than a stick figure scribble. It just needs to get the idea across somehow.
I will work with you and talk back and forth as I work on the sketch! I will also check in throughout the process to make sure everything is going as you wish.
You can ask for a specific style! Simply provide an example of a piece I've done in the past. You can see my art on my tumblr -> https://moonstandardtime.tumblr.com/tagged/my%20art
- If you commission a piece and you cancel it, you will be refunded for what I haven't made significant progress on. For example, if you cancel a full-body with color, simple shading, and a simple background, and I've finished the lineart and started flat colors, you will be refunded $20 out of $55. You will recieve the unfinished piece.
- If you cancel a commission before I start it, you will recieve a full refund.
- If you cancel a commission before the intial sketch is finalized, you will recieve a 90% refund and the sketch.
- You can change as much as you want during the initial sketch. Anything after may come with a fee.
- If you want something changed late into the process, the fee will be increased.
- If it's too late, I may not be able to change it.
- I reserve the right to cancel and refund the order at any time for any reason.
- I retain all copyrights over the commissioned artwork.
- I will NOT claim the intellectual property (IP) of the commissioned artwork (your characters are still yours, etc.)
- I will NOT profit further from the commissioned artwork unless you (the customer) break any of the terms.
- I reserve the right to post the commissioned artwork online and in my portfolio..
- You may upload the commissioned artwork on any website and social channels.
- You may NOT make profits from the commissioned piece (reselling, redistributing, uploading to POD-services, making prints for selling, etc.)
- You may NOT alter the commissioned artwork without my consent.
- You retain the rights to the intellectual property (IP).
- You may NOT use the commissioned artwork for commercial purposes.
- The following is considered copyright infringement:​
- Reproducing/using the copyrighted artwork commercially - means making money off it in any way not excluded from these terms.
- Claiming the artwork as your own.
- Altering the artwork without my consent.
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whoa-myninja · 3 months
✨ 30 Days Of Tiva ✨
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Calling — all Tiva fans!!!
I’m embarking on a project for July 2024 titled: #30DaysOfTiva!!
I was looking at the tag of the new show (NCIS: Tony and Ziva) on A03, and I know it has only been wrangled for a short period of time, but it made me sad to only see a very small number of fics in it — the majority being mine! (I’ve written 9/13 of them!).
Of course, I know that this will increase as time goes on, and people start adding their fics to the tag, but I thought: wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a giant arsenal of fanfiction in the tag, before the show even airs? Not just for lifelong Tiva lovers, but for newcomers to the show who may go in search for new/extra content!
Thus, the idea for 30 Days of Tiva popped into my head, and I invite all Tiva fans to participate! The more the merrier! 🥰
✨ Upload one piece of Tiva fanfiction to A03 every day, between July 1st and July 30th.
✨They can be any length. Ideally, they’ll be one-shots, drabbles, or dialogue-only, and should all be standalones. However, if you have a multi-chapter fanfic you’d like to write, uploading one chapter every day is fine!
✨ They must be new fanfics — i.e not adding anything on to WIPs. The idea is to create as much new content as possible.
✨ There should be limited editing to each one because we’re aiming for quantity over quality. You can always go back and rewrite and the end of the challenge.
✨ Try and write as many fanfics for the new show (NCIS: Tony and Ziva) tag as possible. Of course, they can be about Tiva at any time — but it would be great to get a large bank of fanfics in the tag before the show airs!
✨ Promote your content with the hashtag #30DaysOfTiva across platforms — twitter, tumblr, and tag in the works, so anybody who wishes to search for it, can find it! 😊
Of course, everybody is welcome, even if you’re not fanfiction writers! Perhaps you make gifs, edits, manips, or artwork?! Come and join in the fun!!! Just make sure to upload one new piece of content every day from 1st to 30th July!!! 🤠
I shall do my best to upload links to each work here every day too, if I remember — but follow my twitter @guiltyastiva, just in case! 😊
If you do choose to take part — have fun, and I can’t wait to see what you choose to create! 🥰
Note: Should this go semi-successfully, I may consider doing something similar again in the future!
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7grandmel · 2 months
Rip of the week: 25/07/2024
The End of HHGregg
Season 6 Featured on: Transmission Archive ~ The SiIvaGunner All-Star Nuclear Winter Festival Collection
Ripped by The Green Spy, CaptainComedy Visuals by Galacksy
(Note: MP3 embed is trimmed at the beginning as to allow it to be posted within Tumblr's file size limits)
I'm sure some of you were worried about where this week's post had gone. Worry not - I was simply biding my time for the day to arrive. Indeed, we have reached the 25th of July, a Thursday for some, and a national holiday for others. For today, we celebrate, grieve and toast to our dearly beloved, HHGregg. Today, it is Christmas in July, and time to at last cover The End of HHGregg.
For being one of my all-time favorite SiIvaGunner channel memes, I'm shocked at myself in how restrained I've been in covering rips using HHGregg's infamous red-tag-sale commercial. Sure, I spilled my soul out for the joke back with Nostalgic Blood of the Gregg ~ Old Source, and Everything Circus remains an all-time classic, yet there's still so much more to cover. In terms of jokes on the SiIvaGunner channel, I feel like HHGregg is one of the most developed ones, one with a legacy cherished by so many people on the team and off - and even a bit of a story to it that's been captured in full glory with today's rip.
Like sure, there's the obvious quirk that makes HHGregg stand out more than many other channel memes - the guy has an outright day-of-the-year holiday dedicated to him. As the infamous Christmas in July ad was what propelled HHGregg's moderately-annoying mascot into becoming a YTPMV star, July 25th on SiIvaGunner has become a sort of understated annual event for fans like myself, much in the same way that April 30th was with It's Gonna Be Me and guess what​?​?​?​?​?​?​?​?. Yet, of course, there's an underlying sort of sadness to HHGregg rips in particular due to the brand its attached to: the company that the ad's many YTPMVs are riffing on filed for bankrupcy in 2017, midway through Season 2 of SiIvaGunner. The store still exists now, bought by a parental company and turned all-digital, but the franchise as it was once known is all gone, with it's ill-fated mascot going down with it.
Of course, we don't really need to feel much remorse for the fall of an electronics boutique - but given the SiIvaGunner channel's way of personifying and giving life to in-jokes and gags the world over, it informs rips using HHGregg in a pretty different way. HHGregg rips on the channel had their biggest stride during the very same year that the chain went bankrupt, as if to suggest that the mascot was desperate to prove his own worth on the one place that still remembered him fondly. In the years since, we got sporadic shots of the guy here and there - and in my eyes, it at one point felt as if it all culminated with the rip エイチエイチグレッグ ホワイトハウスでチョー大変!, a fully-featured edit of Neon Genesis Evangelion's iconic A Cruel Angel's Thesis opening now starring HHGregg himself.
Yet, of course, as I've harped on about with rips like Shiny Smily TALE, Violet Snow Memories and Our Sweet Parsley, one of the most rewarding parts of following the SiIvaGunner channel lies in how the team never seems to forget about any of its zillions of uploads. No matter how much time passes, rippers love one another, the ideas they come up with, and the potential to build further on one another's ideas - it is a core part of YTP and YTPMV culture that's remained strong on SiIvaGunner since its very inception. The A Cruel Angel's Thesis rip above, by excellent rippers Ashley and GramBam36 of The Legend of Cage: Staff Roll fame, was a joyous celebration - a year later, as Season 6's sombre mood results in the Nuclear Winter Festival rolling around, a trio of rippers sees the perfect opportunity to finally put HHGregg to some form of rest. The meme's far from dead today, of course (check the channel right now) - yet, at last, with The End of HHGregg, it felt as if the funny paper roll man was finally ready to accept his fate.
The End of HHGregg, silly of a concept as it may be, executes that concept to a degree I don't think anyone was expecting. Second only to A Cruel Angel's Thesis, Komm, süsser Tod is an iconic piece that serves as the ending theme to the original NGE anime, one tied to feelings of bittersweet-ness, finality - at once able to reference one of the most classic HHGregg rips on SiIva, acknowledging HHGregg's bankruptcy, whilst tying itself directly to the ongoing Nuclear Winter Festival of Season 6. And that's not even getting into the rip itself!
The YTPMV work done here to sentence-mix and pitch-shift HH's various vocals to fit the melody of Komm, süsser Tod is, for lack of a better way to put it, downright remarkable. Despite a seemingly limited pool of voice lines to work with and a rigid framework of a melody, the guy only ever "sings" in complete sentences, with pitch shifting that manages to sound shockingly natural, still as gratingly chipper as HH tends to sound but still seeped in that vibe of bittersweet-ness that I discussed before. It goes through every beat and phase of Komm, süsser Tod without ever having the vocal samples sound forced, including the deeply inspired use of a layered, choir-like HH performance on several segments. Althewhile never forgetting the classic HH lines, the red-tag sales, the HD-TV and Whirlpool appliances, and of course, the Christmas in July. The cherry on top of it all is the intro to the song, before the main melody truly kicks in, as this little interlude sneakily includes a guitar now playing Deck the Halls just as featured in the most infamous Christmas in July ad - a sombre reminder of where it all began.
That aforementioned vibe is, of course, emphasized greatly by Galacksy's incredible illustration for the rip, the literal End of Evangelion depicted as being the fall of HHGregg as a whole, in absolutely spectacular fashion. Like with i love(d) you and so so many other rips, it's so often these seemingly small touches that end up elevating rips to all-time classics for me, and it's a trait that The End of HHGregg's audio also eventually contributes to, in a way I truly don't wish to spoil for you all. Nevertheless, the key takeaway here is one that's evident right upon first listen: This is a DAMN impressive YTPMV effort that at once celebrates and mourns one of the YTPMV world's most cherished sources, yet pulling it off as if it were effortless. In celebration of YTPMV, of SiIvaGunner, of one of the channel's most immaculate of somewhat-too-hidden gems from Season 5, and of the very state of memes coming to an end - The End of HHGregg is everything one could ask for.
Godspeed, you rolled-up brochure cretin. And happy Christmas in July to you.
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tbb-appreciation-week · 3 months
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The Bad Batch Appreciation Week 2024 is HERE!!!
The time for appreciating Clone Force 99 has arrived! Y'know, like the cavalry 😅 Don't mind my bad pun!
What I was saying? Oh, yeah! The prompts have been revealed HERE, so we must refresh the rules. They're the same as last year, but it doesn't hurt to review them again, right? So:
Event Info & Rules
TBB APPRECIATION WEEK is a week-long, prompt-based creation challenge to celebrate our love for the Batchers and the show. There are 7 groups of prompts—one for each day of the week—, which can be used, skipped, or combined in any way you’d like. They are meant to be an inspiration without being taken literally (i.e., you don’t have to include the exact wording of prompts in your work). Feel free to interpret them at your convenience. For example, if the prompt is “anooba”, you can create either something about the animal, use it as a name/mascot of a sports team in your modern-day AU, or as an analogy for someone with a voracious appetite. It’s up to you.
Each group contains a Theme (which is in and on itself a prompt), an AU/Trope, Dialogue, an extra character, NSFW, and a color palette). You can use them in combination or just pick one. The idea is to give everyone as much creative freedom as possible. The participants can create works in any media they choose, including but not limited to: writing, art, edits, gifs, videos, playlists, cosplays, etc. The only restriction is that it needs to be focused on The Bad Batch (can be on a particular Batcher alone).
Also, people can participate as little or as much as they want, meaning that they don’t have to do ALL the days if they can't/don’t want to.
Collaborations are welcome and even encouraged. For example, if an artist and a writer want to work together, or a writer and a podficcer, or two writers, go for it!
When uploading TBB Appreciation Week content to your Tumblr blog, be sure to mention this blog and add the following hashtags:
#the theme of the day and/or #prompt(s) used
#medium (gifset, fic, podcast, fanart, etc.)
#trigger warnings, if applies. (Please do NOT to add “tw” in front or at the end but only use the word/trigger itself, because the way Tumblr tag blocker feature works, it makes it harder for people to block the right tag.) (List of trigger warnings)
#nsfw (only for NSFW content)
#any other relevant tags go here
PLEASE BE DILIGENT WITH YOUR TAGGING (both by mentioning the blog and putting the necessary tags). That'll ensure that your post will be reblogged on this blog.
I'll do my best to reblogged everyone's posts, but if it passes 2–3 days and I haven't posted yours, please let me know.
If you are posting NSFW fics or art on Tumblr, I ask that you use the Keep Reading break to hide the NSFW portion of your work; and please, give the proper warnings. On Ao3, please, use the correct rating and warnings as well.
If you want, you can also add your work to the Ao3 Collection (closed at the moment, but I'll open it in due time). (Use the tags TBB Appreciation Week 2024 and/or TBBAW 2024 when posting.)
There won't be censorship in this event, so everyone is free to create whatever they want. Participants are expected to hold judgment to themselves of others and their works, even if they don't agree with or find it repulsive. That means that harassment of anyone or anything that they post (even if said work is something you personally find morally reprehensible) WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Anyone that breaks this rule will be banned from the event. Curate your own experience by blocking what upsets/squicks/triggers you, and leave everyone else alone. That's the importance of the correct tagging, as it says above.
Important!! Show support to other participants by liking, reblogging, AND commenting. If an author or artist has asked for constructive criticism (not the same as a comment, and with constructive being the keyword) you may give it. However, refrain to give any of the unsolicited kind, as it can be discouraging for the author or artist.
But most of all, HAVE FUN!!! This is meant to be a lay-back event to show love for our favorite characters.
I'm looking forward to seeing what you all come up with!
If you have questions, you can check out the F.A.Q post. But if you don't find there the answer you're looking for, send me a message to the ask box or a DM, either in this blog or my fandom blog @nimata-beroya.
Thanks for reading, and happy creating!
Mare 💜
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sygneth · 1 year
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Echoes of Elysium | Disco Elysium AU ...something?
General warnings for my blog's content applies. Check here.
This AU is (rather) not very alternative. I am just trying to develop further events and some background for the characters, but even though I'm making research and I try to stay canon-compliant, only to fill in the gaps, I cannot guarantee it will never happen. Especially in this fandom, where many interpretations and paths are equally canon, we may not agree on some things, I hope you'll enjoy my point of view nevertheless. Some episodical OCs will appear too.
EOE on ComicFury!
EOE on Tumblr:
Chapter 1: New Beggings -> START
EOE on AO3:
Main plot (uhh still in the process of uploading!)
Ficlet series (additional content)
Precinct 41 plans and explanation
Plot outline
After Martinaise things are slowly getting back to normal, but the general atmosphere in the city gets thickens every day, La Retour is hanging in the air. Despite this, Harry is trying to stay sober and make amends. It's hard to say if Kim's appearance on the 41st is making things easier or harder between Harry and his old friends.
The Return happens. In the after-revolutionary mess, everybody tries to move on, but things are changing in almost every aspect of life. And on top of this, a particularly hard case drops and somebody has to take care of it.
The start of the project is directly after Martinaise, so forgive me this vague description, but I would hate to spoil the plot haha.
Okay, from now on additional info, still important but not crushial.
I want to focus on the relationship between the people of Precinct 41 and their internal experiences. Impactful events and thicker action will happen too, but mostly in the later chapters of this.
There are also some important premises of this AU I would like to highlight:
Kim was raised in an orphanage, presumably held by some Dolorian organisation (order?). Some of his old-fashioned manners and vocabulary are remainings after growing up in a religious environment (even if he's not very religious himself).
Eyes died around 9 months before the events from the game. Since then, Kim has been willingly working alone. His superiors were not very fond of that but somehow he managed not to get partnered with anyone.
Harry has no known family members left. At least as far as he and his friends know.
Jean and Harry's partnership started four, maybe five years ago. According to the game, it was "two years minimum" but personally I think those losers were stuck with each other for much longer.
Jean's years-long, unexplained depression has roots in some sort of personality disorder. Also, he is codependent on Harry, probably co-addicted too. He had problem with speed himself, however it's not nearly as serious as Harry's. I see him as more of a weekend/party drug user, as for now.
I assume that since the communist revolution gay relationships were technically legal in Revachol. Technically, because there are still no rights for same-sex couples and the social recognition is poor and rather negative (I got inspired by my own country in that matter)
That's all I can think of now. I will probably just add new information in the description of he pages.
Okay, cool, one last thing. What do you mean by "...something?"? Is this a comic? A fanfiction series? What am I looking at?
The answer is: I don't yet know. I am planning this to be mostly a comic, but I cannot say there won't be some written as fanfics parts or some kind of in-between media. I don't really want to limit myself to one medium only, but at this point, I have no idea what this will evolve into. I honestly just want to have fun lol
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xxscarletxrosexx · 3 months
I spent 6 grueling hours researching how to protect one's photos/scans so you wouldn't have to--And these are my findings:
As the title states, I spent 6 grueling hours researching how to protect one's photos/scans in case other collectors want to protect and/or receive credit for their photos.
Once more let me emphasize THEIR PHOTOS.
It's not a secret that I'm quite a big collector of official Spy x Family merchandise, specifically clear file folders, stationery, and acrylic stands. I own so much, in fact, I have a tendency to own a handful of duplicates and had the crazy idea to start a small business selling these duplicates via Ko-Fi. A thought came to me that since I had already invested in a light box and a scanner for selling my merch, why not also use them to share pictures of my collection for other fans to view and appreciate?
And that was when I had sought the opinions from my good friend, @yumeka-sxf. Yumeka has been kindly posting high-resolution scans of her SxF merch (clear files, pages, etc.) on Tumblr. She is someone I also deemed as an expert when it came to uploading merch on the internet. She gave me incredible advice with awesome foresight when it came to watermarking high-resolution pictures and scans. She easily predicted what disrespectful people would do if I hadn't moved my watermarks to certain (albeit not really appealing) spots. And, just like she said, someone did attempt to remove my watermark using AI. You can read about it here. @yumeka-sxf also provided her own insight to watermarking merch here--if ya'll are interested to read.
I won't go into too much detail, but essentially they're long posts meant to educate people on why fans, who own the official merch, put watermarks on their pictures. The bottom line is, we're claiming the picture for ownership, NOT the merch.
Second, did you know that people have found ways to remove watermarks?
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That gives me enough incentive as to why I want to take it a step further to protect my photos/scans.
"If I take a picture of something do I own the picture that I took?":
Yes and no. Yes as in, the picture is yours. No, because depending on your subject, it falls under numerous jurisdictions of copyright. You can find all the details in this insightful post from veteran photographers.
But since we're focusing on the topic of photos and scans of merchandise, I'd like to provide these screenshots:
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And so, to re-iterate, the only thing you'll get out of copyrighting your photo is just the right to the photo--which is all I want.
The Findings:
6 grueling hours of research for protecting one's picture led me to several insightful directions--one of them amusingly brought me down a rabbit hole of how to protect one's real estate pictures. They did have some wonderful tips if you guys would like to read them!
Unfortunately, I do not own Photoshop so I could not make any edits on the metadata or create a layer that will prevent downloading the content of the picture. Preventing screenshots/right-clicking is limited to control on a website and/or can easily be canceled by plug-ins. So that just leaves me with finding something creative solutions the only tool I have: Canva (more on this later).
I spent some more time reading more journals and visited USCO (United States Copyright Office) and, finally, Pixsy.
I'm gonna be honest, USCO is THE BEST way to protect your media (merchandise, art, etc.) IF you have the money to support it.
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Not only do I not have the funding for this type of service, but my photos don't exactly meet "originality" especially when the subject of the photo is copyright-protected merchandise, which means there are severe punishments for those who pursue any commercial purposes (such as selling my photos to make money rather than directing people to purchase the official work from the licensing site). And at the end of the day, I just care about the photo, itself, and receiving credit and source.
It's ridiculously simple to just credit and source a picture, and yet, it'll surprise you how many people just can't do that. This is why, I must take these extra precautions to ensure credit and sourcing.
So, I opted for Pixsy for its free plan that includes 500 images being monitored.
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There's no doubt that I'll most likely invest in a monthly subscription if ever I amass beyond 500 pictures for monitoring.
Currently, it has already done an impressive job of identifying pictures I've posted with my watermarks on Ko-Fi, Twitter, and Tumblr. It has even identified reblogs/retweets.
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For some odd reason, it uploads my pictures horizontally when it's normally vertical ^^; but it still gets the job done. Interestingly, it hasn't picked up my pictures from Mercari yet. I assume that if I were to upgrade to the subscription plan, Pixsy might be able to find it by then.
I'm sharing my procedures for protecting one's photo (and content, if applicable of course).
Step 1: Register on Pixsy. As I've addressed earlier, it's free.
Step 2: Upload HIGH-RESOLUTION pictures (no watermark) to Pixsy's database. This is probably the most accurate way for Pixsy to identify pictures of the same (or similar) "blueprint". In the picture below, I provided a screenshot of my picture without the watermark (left) with a picture they found of my picture with my watermark on it from my ko-fi shop (right).
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Step 3: If you plan to upload a photo/scan with or without watermark, it is recommended to upload your image at 550 pixel image and at 72 dpi. This makes it good for the internet (see first image below). But once you zoom in, you can tell the difference in quality (see second image below).
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I mentioned before that I don't have photoshop, so I experimented with what I do have: Canva.
Since I have a premium membership (indicated by crown icons), I just use the following settings:
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and it gets the job done.
I am planning to upload my photos without watermarks to the Spy x Family wiki quite soon, so I did all this research to prepare for possible theft and/or the lack of crediting and sourcing--just in case. A friend of mine told me that s/he can try to ensure crediting through the file name, which is a ridiculously kind gesture, but I'm not ignorant of people who change/completely ignore file names. That's unfortunately just the way it is on the internet.
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Hopefully, I've curated enough research to help protect photos/scans from possible theft (if reposting is not allowed by the owner).
I don't mind if my photos are used for reference AS LONG AS they credit me and link the source directly to the image itself (not one of those cut-corner kind of way and just link my Ko-Fi gallery). I won't tolerate laziness when it comes to sourcing considering I invested a lot of money to purchase merch and invested hours--even days--to get the best photo/scan + researched information on the merch for public access.
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aniamra · 2 months
If FurAffinity Goes Down
Last night it was announced that Dragoneer has passed away. For those not in the know, Dragoneer was legally the sole owner of FurAffinity. I'm not really here to talk about his passing, instead, I'm here to talk about the reality that many of those that use FurAffinity, may have to consider: FurAffinity could very well go down.
Personally, I do not really use or care for FurAffinity, but I have many friends and colleagues that do and I wanted to write this up so that they could have a reference of options available to them. Even if FA turns out fine, I think now is a good time to remember that it is always a good idea to have mirrors of your work as well as maybe consider establishing a personal website for yourself. I'm going to try to provide a rough rundown of the options that will be available to those looking for another home in addition to FurAffinity so that if the worst does happen, they won't completely loose years of archives.
(a lot of links have been stripped from this version so that Tumblr hopefully won't think this post is Spam =_= )
How To Get The Files
furarchiver.net If for whatever reason you do not have your own archives on your computer, this can be used to grab files off of FA, easily. (also useful if you want to archive someone else's work) This also makes copies of descriptions for all the images. Right now their queue for new archive requests is getting hammered but they will remain online even if FA goes down and still have whatever archives have already been made.
github.com/BruceDone/awesome-crawler cyotek.com/cyotek-webcopy httrack.com There are also a huge selection of crawlers out there you can use to personally crawl FA and capture the whole page if you want to keep anything like notes and comments.
Where To Put Those Files
Now that you have the archive, if you want to put your own work online you have 3 decent choices. Art Galleries, Blogs, and Self-Hosting.
Art Galleries
I am only listing galleries that will accept EVERYTHING that can be posted to FA. If a service wouldn't allow something FA hosts, it is not going on this list.
anthro.art - Despite the name they do allow humans. This is currently invite-only, you'll have to joint Kameoh's server in order to gain access to it. I haven't used it, I just know it exists and it seems to be comparable to what FA allows but if that changes for the more restrictive I'll remove it from the list.
buzzly.art - Eeehh it exists but I honestly cannot recommend it after all the mess that has gone on with the owner. I'm only listing it in anticipating someone else suggesting it.
hentai-foundry - It exists, people use it, but I think it's garbage. It's juried which means every submission has to be approved before it goes live which can take anywhere from days to over a month. Take that as you will.
itaku.ee - This will be BY FAR the easiest service to archive to. They allow for mass uploads, I don't even know what the upper limit is, but I've uploaded as much as 50 images at a time. When doing batch uploads it auto-fills the title and description with the name of the file for the title and date of the file for description. From there you have to choose 5 tags which can seem daunting but if you pile up the meta tags like style and type, it helps. Tags can be applied to the whole batch, which can make it go faster. There are also three access options: Public, Gallery View Only, and Unlisted (can only be accessed via direct-link only). It also offers folders within folders for organization and you can submit the same image to multiple folders.
newgrounds.com - They have changed A LOT since they came on the scene and if you haven't checked it out in a long time there is no harm in doing so now. Uploading is a lot easier and they have support for image stacks (posting multiple images in the same submission) but they limit tags to only 12 per submission which is frustrating.
pixiv.net - You'd have to censor things according to Japanese censorship laws, but it's use-able.
sofurry - Mostly associated with writing but they allow art. I genuinely don't know much about this service other than it exists.
weasyl.com - I know the the owners and like them but the service has not had updates to the functions in a while. It is stable at least, has functional tag filtering, also has a friends-only post feature. There is a misconception that it doesn't allow humans, but it allows all subjects, it's not restricted to furries-only.
Honorary mentions to picarto.tv and piczel.tv, as they have their own gallery services, but most people associate them with their streaming. Both of their galleries also support image stacks.
For this I am covering what amounts to 'Social Media' but specifically I am using the category of Blog to indicate a post system that favors long-format. I will not be listing microblog services.
pillowfort.social - You can upload like 50 images at a time so being able to make posts with large chunks of images at a time can be helpful if that is something you're keen on. It has tags and tag filtering, and it also truncates your feed so if multiple people reblog the same thing, you only see it once in your feed. It offers a lot of privacy options if that's important to you, including Public, Logged-In Only, Followers-Only, Mutuals-Only, and Private post options. It has communities and the ability to re-blog posts which can help for discovery.
cohost.org - Currently, their editor only allows for 4 images to upload at a time, adding any more requires off-site hosting and using HTML or BBcode to link to it. But it has the best tag and content warning filtering system of the social media services out there.
I guess Plemora and Pixelfed instances could fall under this but you'll have to do your own searching for these. I'm not going to be listing them.
This option always seems intimidating to people, but now more than ever it is important to consider making your own website. This isn't a whole and complete guide on how to upload and host things but rather a list of options of what you could be looking at if you want to get started hosting yourself.
The Hosts
Free: neocities.org - Static websites only, but it's low commitment since you don't need a domain and you'd be surprised how much you can store on 1 gig with properly compressed files.
nekoweb.org - Pretty much the same as Neocities
leprd.space - They are application-based only and not always available, but they allow PHP
netlify.com - This is more of an advanced user service for people using deployment services like Git, but they do offer a free tier.
Paid: nearlyfreespeech.net - Pay as needed service. If your site is small you can get it for pretty cheap. But if you plan on having any databases or a lot of websites, it might not be as good of a deal. But the owner seems pretty dedicated to protecting all forms of expression.
hostwinds.com - By far the most straight forward adult content policy. If it's illegal according to US law, it's not permitted. That's it.
amscomputer.com/deals.php - Pretty average adult content policy, will be good for anything that was hosted on FA. But this is by far the cheapest plan I've found for shared hosting that also provides multiple domains and email.
webhostingpad.com - Pretty permissible adult content policy, average prices.
greengeeks.com - Popular with a lot of cam services so it'll host furry just fine. Also pretty average prices.
There are certainly hundreds of hosts that allow sexually explicit content, but the ones I have listed have some of the most straight-forward and flexible policies that I've found thus far.
The Domains
For any self-hosting I recommend registering your domain separate from your host, my personal preference is namecheap.com or porkbun.com You can also get a free subdomain here: freedns.afraid.org
But a side-note, if you're looking for no fuss and cheap SSL options, cloudflare.com you can use to register your domain and manage your DNS, or purchase your domain with another service and manage the DNS with Cloudflare.
The Files
If you downloaded your stuff from The furarchiver, you could just upload those files whole to any of the static site services. You'd have to make a directory page to link to every page but it would be functional. Otherwise you'd have to create everything from the ground-up. https://discourse.32bit.cafe/t/resources-list-for-the-personal-web/49 This has a massive collection of help and options and templates to help guide you through making a website.
If you have access to PHP hosting, one of the easiest, and fastest methods of creating an archive you can use that only takes FTP access is this PHP-Powered image dumper, which is what I use for my art gallery.
HeckScraper's Image Dumper https://mega.nz/file/Fa8lQbZS#hnh6dc4YYx7v611oiV_pWCx5rY3g43DxCZUzHnGNRDY In it includes both the OG image dumper as well as my edits to detect more file types and display in chronological order. To use it, all you have to do is drop the index.php and image.php into the same directory as the images you want to display. Like so:
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How it works is the index file looks for all the images in the folder it is sharing space with and then displays those as a thumbnail. The image file is the one that displays the large version. All you have to do is upload images to that folder and the index file will automatically detect and display the new images.
There is also a With Text version that pulls text from a corresponding text file to display with the image.
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If you would like something a little bit more Robust than that, and also allows you to make webpages, I recommend this CMS named Kirby. getkirby.com It requires PHP 8, which shouldn't be a problem for most hosts, but something to keep an eye on when setting up a new hosting account. But it's a very simple system that uses all text and image files, while also giving you an interface to work with for uploading and editing if you need it.
Website Builder Notice: I don't want to recommend these, but I know some people are terrified of doing anything else so if you HAD to pick one, Wix is the only one that allows sexually explicit content. And Hostinger has a website builder I guess. slashpage.com also doesn't seem to have anything in its TOS that restricts sexually explicit content.
I hope this has been helpful to someone as well as maybe provided some options/perspective to those interested in creating mirrors for other gallery services.
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AgneKari Week 2024 Official Prompts and Rules
Hello friends! Thank you to everyone who showed interest in AgneKari Week 2024! We are excited to announce the prompts and rules for AgneKari Week 2024!
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Join us from August 11-17!
We are so pleased to announce the first annual AgneKari Week, a full seven days dedicated to the adorableness that is Agnea Bristarni/Hikari Ku from Octopath Traveler II. All are welcomed to participate in this event with fanart, fanfiction, poetry, musical compositions, crafts, and any other creative outlet of your choice.
Please see below for full event information!
How to participate:
During the week of August 11-17, share your creative works related to Agnea/Hikari! You can participate as little or as much as you would like – no need to come up with something for every day. Check out the prompt list below to inspire you, and help us spread the word by liking, resharing, giving kudos, and commenting on other participants’ work.
When uploading works to Archive of our Own (AO3), please drop them in the “AgneKariWeek2024” collection: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/AgneKariWeek2024 
When posting works to social media, please use the #AgneKariWeek2024 tag so that others can easily reshare!
For each day, we are providing two prompts to choose from. You can pick your favorite or try to combine them. Don’t be afraid to get creative – all potential interpretations of the prompts are welcomed! And if the prompts aren’t speaking to you, no worries. Thursday is a free day, when you can write, draw, or produce anything you’d like, as long as it relates to Agnea/Hikari.
Full prompt list:
Sunday, August 11: Home | Path
Monday, August 12: Music | Hot
Tuesday, August 13: Travel | Rest
Wednesday, August 14: First | Fall
Thursday, August 15: Bewildering Grace (Free Day)
Friday, August 16: Joy | Sorrow
Saturday, August 17: Shadow | Dawn
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Where to go for more information:
Follow the official AgneKari Week twitter/X account @AgneKariWeek
Join the official AgneKari discord: discord.gg/ppQFjwnX
Or email any questions to [email protected]
Who’s steering this ship?
We have two moderators, myself and Ivy!
You can find Ivy on Twitter (@Ivy_WritesYall), Discord (@pomegranate_leaves) and AO3 (@azuki_porridge).
You can find me on Tumblr (@hylaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa), Discord (@hygirl), and AO3 (@hiya_girlie).
Other questions and answers:
I want to participate, but I don’t want to write or draw. Is there anything I can do?
There are plenty of ways you can participate! Tell an artist or writer what you like about their work, repost some of your favorites, or get creative – compile a playlist, make a mood board, or bake themed cupcakes! All ideas are welcome.
Can I share information about AgneKari Week on my social media channels?
Absolutely – in fact, we would love it if you did! Feel free to direct folks to the official channels for more information.
Can I include background ships?
Sure! Just make sure they are tagged appropriately.
Can I write/draw explicit content?
We ask that all previews be non-explicit so that we can share freely, but as long as your work is tagged appropriately, there are no rating limits!
I like Agnea and Hikari but want to depict them as friends. Is that okay?
We agree that friendship is a great ship! Feel free to depict them as friends – we just ask that you don’t pair them romantically with anyone else if you tag your work as part of AgneKari week. And please bear in mind that folks may still interpret it as romantic.
Why is the free day called Bewildering Grace?
Because we’re wondering what will happen!
I have a prompt idea for AgneKari week. Where can I submit it?
Please send any ideas to the email address listed above! The prompts for this year are finalized, but we would love to hear your thoughts on prompts for future weeks.
I have a question that’s not listed here. What should I do?Reach out to the mods on any of the channels listed above, and we’ll do our best to get back to you with an answer as soon as possible.
Thanks for joining us for our inaugural AgneKari week, and we hope you have a wonderful time!
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-Mod Hy♥️
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dear-alex-chill · 11 months
An update
Lately I haven't been active and it's spanned much longer than I intended. I originally thought it was the Team Science Zine sucking up all my energy (that zine was awesome but a beast to make) but I now realize that may have been me trying to convince myself of an untrue reality. I've been exhausted all the time with no time for me. I'm also dealing with more personal issues and being in a period of transition uses a lot of spoons. Hopefully I'll resolve some issues through therapy or other means but it's a lot to balance and I don't necessarily have the resources to take on everything. Unfortunately, art and writing has taken a backseat for the time due to everything going on. It is what it is, I hope to create again one day. However, the end of DAC as an account may be nearing.
I know I've been silent/quiet for months. I know I've not finished anything. I have few WIPs but they're limited in development and not something I want to post. Overall the Dear-Alex-Chill account is fading on all fronts and I'm not sure I want it to revive. I know my stuff rarely shows up in places, in part because of the niche I drew myself into, but also a lack of relevancy in what I produce. I honestly haven't touched digital art in a while, I do miss it. However, I'm exhausted constantly or I'm under the perception I'm too busy to do it, carving time is hard right now. I am considering leaving everything up and just sorta orphaning my account, I would never delete my writing and I don't like the prospect of deleting my art, but actively maintaining a social media like that is taxing and not something I can do right now. DAC might turn into an archive of sorts and when I'm ready I'll start anew entirely with a new name and page. Or maybe I'll come back in a while ready to get going again, I'm not sure.
Some of the lack of desire to revive was a slightly toxic culture. When things blew up around me (not really at me though but like Tumblr? Yk) I felt the need to step back and a part of me just never wanted to return. Moots, I love you guys, you're the reason I stayed so long. But sometimes it's hard to want to engage in a community of people that dislike you and that you generally dislike, it's tiresome. Wacky and Sikyu especially, you guys were awesome to talk to (I'm just mentioning you two specifically because I feel really bad for leaving you guys with no context after months of hyper-dumping hcs and ideas. Anyone I've repeatedly dmed or shared my hcs with and talked to, I do miss you all. Everyone is owed an apology but that's a lot of names to write.) It's hard to stay in a place you don't want to be, especially when you feel you're leaving those close to you, but I think it's of my best interest to step away from DT and TtS/RTA.
To my followers, I'm sorry you haven't gotten what you followed for.
To the anons and haters, cool. Have fun with your lives, I believe in karma but don't act on it, it's not my job to enforce karma, that's the universe's job.
To my mutuals/friends, I haven't forgotten you all and I do think about you. It's just hard to reply or I feel bad reaching out after so much silence. Hopefully I'll be chatty again or return to some normalcy later and I'm sorry I didn't tell any of you earlier.
Overall this just serves as a message/wellness check. I'm still here, I still lurk, but I don't really know if I want to stay active. When I decide to either orphan or revive, I'll let you all know in a new post, but for now here's what's been happening. I love y'all.
See ya later.
(yes this was on insta in slides form, Tumblr hates me uploading more than 3 photos at a time)
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stellahikaru · 8 months
State of The Starry Path Hotel #1 (February 9th, 2024)
Hello everyone! Stella Hikaru here! Welcome to my first Tumblr blog post! In order to hold myself accountable and document my content creation journey, I decided to make a weekly long form post on Tumblr about my path on becoming a Vtuber. Why Tumblr? Well it’s because a) I can’t afford a custom website at the moment, plus I would have to use another site to direct traffic to it anyway, b) Twitter, the main hub for Vtubers, has a character limit and I don’t want to make like 50 tweets in a row once per week, my ADHD ass can’t handle that, and c) I just want to do it on Tumblr okay? Weekly posts will be every Friday and I might do roundups at the end of the month and year (I haven’t fully decided yet). My main goal is to look back on these posts someday and see how far I’ve come in bringing up The Starry Path Hotel.
Anyway, here’s what the general format is going to be:
Mini Life Update
This is where I’m going to touch on a little bit of what’s going on in my life when I’m not running the hotel and how it impacts my content creation process. 
Content Creation Progress Update
This is where I’ll post any updates about what I am up to content wise and what goals I accomplished. This could be anything from Youtube videos to updates on commissions I requested to the creation of new accounts. 
This Week’s Goals
The goals that I’ll have for the week. These will be smaller, more achievable goals that will either build up to the monthly goals or be standalone 
This Month’s Goals 
The goals that I’ll have for the month. The weekly goals will mainly build up to these. 
This Year’s Goals 
These are the goals that I have for the year. These will be longer term goals that most of the weekly and monthly goals will build up to.
Final Thoughts
Basically going to be a final roundup on this week’s post and how I’m feeling about what I want to do this week. 
I may add or change stuff depending on what works and what doesn’t but this is what I’m going to stick with for now. With that bit of housekeeping on the way, here’s the first week’s blog post!
Mini Life Update
I’m currently in my final semester of college and I am taking SIX classes this semester including a very time consuming capstone class plus I have to stay on top of my extracurriculars. One might say that trying to become a Vtuber was a bad idea but I’m too stubborn to give up now! We’re starting to get into the busy point of the semester and schoolwork is taking up a LOT of my time. I don’t even have time to play FFXIV anymore. ;-; Hopefully I can get the Valentine’s Day event emote though! Anyway with school taking priority, I don’t have a lot of time for Vtuber activities. So far I’m only able to stream once a week but since Twitch’s discoverability is crap and my VODs are only saved for seven days, your girl isn’t growing as much as she would like. But hopefully that changes soon!
Content Creation Progress Update
Since this is my first post, I’m going to include some stuff that I have been up to for the past few weeks. First, I have been streaming every Saturday at 2 PM EST on Twitch. You can find the link for my Twitch on the Social Media Page of my Tumblr blog. So far I have been doing coworking/chatting for part of the stream and then playing games after a couple of hours. I’ve been playing Cult of the Lamb on stream and having a lot of fun! 
The next major update is that I commissioned a chibi Vtuber model! While my current model looks fine, I want to upgrade from a Vroid model. However, as a college student with basically no income, there’s no way I can spend a few thousand dollars on an updated character design and full Live2D model. So I managed to find an artist doing chibi Live2D models and commissioned them using the I don’t know when I will have it but I hopefully should be ready to reveal it in mid-March.
Now onto the goals!
This Week’s Goals
Make a VOD channel for my Twitch VODs and upload my VODs to that channel: I was on the fence of if I wanted to simply upload my Twitch VODs on my main channel or create a separate channel just for Twitch VODs and upload them there. After weighing the pros and cons of each option, I decided to make a separate channel. This week, I will make a different channel and upload all of my past VODs on there as well as any Twitch VODs going forward.
Make a Carrd for Twitter and Bluesky: While I can easily link all of my social media on Twitch, YouTube, and Tumblr, I can’t do the same for Twitter and Bluesky due to the character limit. I want to make a Carrd for myself to use for those two sites and put the links in my bio this week.
Brainstorm for YouTube videos and choose an idea for the 1st one: I’m hoping to make one YouTube video this month and this week I need to choose an idea so I can start scripting. I’m also going to brainstorm ideas that I can use for future YouTube videos this week.
 This Month’s Goals 
Make 1 YouTube video: I want to make YouTube content that isn’t just Twitch highlights (nothing wrong with that kind of content, I just want to make something different) so this is one of the main goals I have for myself this month! I don’t know what it will be about but I’ll post more about it in future blog posts.
Look into ways to take donations: While I am waiting to get monetized on YouTube and Twitch, I would like to have a way for people to financially support me if they choose to do so. This month, I will be comparing different sites for one time donations (i.e. PayPal, Ko-Fi) and choosing which one would suit my needs.
Continue streaming once per week and try to do guerilla streams: As I stated, I currently stream once per week on Saturdays and I want to maintain this consistency. However, I want to see if I can do some guerilla streams during the week since I will need to stream on 7 different days in a 30 day period to get Affiliate on Twitch and with my current schedule, I fall short of the requirements. 
This Year’s Goals 
Get monetized on YouTube: I want to eventually make money off of my content so I’m hoping to get monetized on YouTube this year. This is going to be a tall order, but I hope I can keep working towards this with my weekly and monthly goals!
Become an Affiliate on Twitch: I think this goal is a bit more achievable compared to getting monetized on YouTube but I still need to meet the requirements. I will also be working towards this with my weekly and monthly goals! 
Gain 100 followers on any social media besides YouTube or Twitch: I actually am over halfway to 100 followers on Twitter as of writing this, but I still don’t get a ton of engagement on my post. In addition, most of the followers I have gotten are those annoying GFX bots and it’s a little bit disheartening. I also want to build up a following on Tumblr and Bluesky as well! 
Make a community Discord server: Once I build up a community, I want to create a Discord server for people to hang out in. However, I want to wait until there is a demand for a Discord server. This goal is lower priority compared to the other goals but I hope that this does end up happening this year!
Final Thoughts
If you read through the entirety of this post, THANK YOU! Future posts will hopefully be more concise (I spent WAY too long writing this) but I am making no promises. I hope that I finish all of the goals that I set out this week! Now I gotta finish the assignment that’s due tonight that I definitely did not put off doing to write this post, haha.
If you like what you see, make sure to reblog this post and follow me! I would also appreciate it if you follow me on my other social media, especially on Twitch and YouTube! I will be streaming on Twitch tomorrow at 2 PM EST! I hope your stay was bright and your journey is filled with light!
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korolife · 6 months
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Blog No.000🧺 24年4月5日
『KoroLife』 : (I wish for) A Colorful Life
in hindsight I probably should've started with this introduction but ah well
Hello! I go by Aki Shourikawa, also known as TheAwesomeAki-kun from DeviantArt. Ever since dA "died" in 2019, I felt like I lost a place where creativity and the fun aspects of making art was celebrated and utilized. With the character-limiting, trend-chasing, confusing censorshipping, popularity-prioritizing algorithms and systems most social media sites use, I lost an outlet for expressing my scattered thoughts and experiences throughout my art journey.
Even though talking to the void for not having a following was normal to me even from my dA days, it felt especially lonely the past few years trying to move everything and start anew to cold, uncaring websites who valued clicks more than integrity or ingenuity. So much so that I just felt like I shouldn't even try doing anything apart from quietly feeling inadequate and too incompetent for anyone else outside my own head.
Outside of being a creator, I can hardly find artists I'd like to follow as a viewer in these sites now compared to before; when all the recommended recommendations tend to be the hundred-thousand-eyeball-popular artists that usually ➀cater to a younger demographic for profit, or just ➁follow along with whatever is currently trending and mirror what other artists already made. Not that there's anything bad about understanding your market and making profit off of it! It's just... art, to me, has always been an escape from ridiculous societal standings, hierarchies, or denomination prejudices present in day-to-day lifeーEveryone is capable of drawing or making art, and that's something I've always liked about it. But even if bad apples with bad takes are probably just a minority to an otherwise wholesome majority of artists out there... the idea of transforming the creation of art into a pure competitive market, or even some kind of 'content' generator somehow leaves a bad taste in my mouth, personally.
I want to see more of artists who create their own art as a showcase of how they perceive the world in their unique sense and style, just because! But those types (especially ones without a following) seem to keep getting shadowbanned, stunted, and pushed away by unquenchable zombie algorithms that push and normalize this trend.
There's a lot of laughably bad things to say about DeviantArt's online reputation, but I found that a lot of like-minded lurkers were easier to find back then + genuinely interact with beyond one-word compliments and befriend over a common interest (art!) regardless of following size, skill level, or what have you...compared to how it is these days where it's a ridiculous..."looking for art moots, but I will be picky❤"-kinda world. It was probably because it was focused as an art website and not just a really broad scope of 'social media' site where everything non-art also goes down the hatch...that was the case for old dA, at least.
Now, enter Tumblr!ーa site that I've been extremely familiar with even before I started uploading my stuff online, even though I haven't used it myself mostly because of DRAMAtical Murder memes ngl- and while I understand it still contains most of the flaws I've listed of other social media websites... it's meant to be a blogging site! With multiple blogs for multiple different things! That'll work great for me!... with my category-varied 2.4k submissions on old dA...I think!!
So instead of moping around for halcyon days as I did the past 4 years or so now, through Tumblr's platform... I wanted to get back to being productive again and document an aspect of my life that I wish to be filled with different colors and flavors. Through this nonsensical ramblingy, longass tangent about not liking other social media sites in comparison to old dAーalreadyーI'm doing it now!!
I want to learn all sorts of things when it comes to drawing, so I want to share all the failed experiments, confusing experiences, and silly things that generally makes me a little happy when I'm drawing. Even though I'll probably still be talking to the void...I think even the void will appreciate having more than 280 characters to use without sounding like an incoherent, shattered fortune cookie prophecy.
And if somehow, somewhere, someone finds and reads through them.... I hope they can give some form of motivation, inspiration, entertainment, or a cautionary tale for your own artistic endeavors, maybe? like, underestimating your deadlines and procrastinating at the last day, then panic upon the realization that you should've started like a wholeass year ago to finish the task at hand, then proceed with praying to a god (of your choice) and cramming until the very last minute til you nearly break your hands! Me and my 7-, 11-, 14-, 19- and 23-year-old selves do not recommend this at all! Tune in next week for more wild experiences that will summon forth bombasticeth side-eyes!!-
See you around, and for now, I hope you have a nice day ahead! 'v')/
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・Art Gallery・Commission Info・Ko-fi shop・
Main blog・Art blog・Non-chatterbox drawing process (KoroLite)
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leftistscum · 1 year
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All this effort and it doesn't even work. I'm not mad, just disappointed. Current theory is that I didn't include an important part of it in the while loop. The bot scans new posts, and I'm not gonna re-post this for the second time. It's only been actually tested two or three times including this try, and I'm keeping this as a sort of devlog. Update 2:
I restarted the OAuth apps that I made earlier today (an OAuth callback server to catch the keys, and another OAuth thing to generate the Authorization verifier). I worked almost all day to get these two to work together. The API ended up sending this error, and I don't know what it means, but it doesn't throw any errors client-side. Here's the error it throws. {'meta': {'status': 429, 'msg': 'Limit Exceeded'}, 'response': [], 'errors': [{'title': 'Limit Exceeded', 'code': 0, 'detail': 'Minor hiccup. Try again.'}]} Like, okay, great. Now I gotta actually look at the documentation and find out what this magic gibberish means, because this could relate to all those times I tried to authenticate, OR I hit the daily limit on posts seen by my bot, which I highly doubt. Update 2.5 after some research, I've learned absolutely nothing. That error code is a giant ball of nothing that basically says I exceeded a rate limit, but doesn't give any explanation as to which rate I exceeded. Thanks, Tumblr. At least Reddit threw client side errors that you didn't have to go to a broken API console to see. Fuck all of you, and I'll see you tomorrow.
Side note: I am surviving off one breakfast pizza from Casey's, one Pipeline Punch, one grape flavored 3D, 4mg Estradiol, 50mg Spironolactone, and I currently have 100mg Progesterone dissolving in my stomach, which at this point, might actually kill me. It's only 9:36 at the time of writing this, but it feels like I've been working on this for days. This is to say that I may have missed something super obvious, and if that's the case, well, I'll leave tomorrows problems to tomorrow's me.
Update 3
Just woke up and re-ran all the assorted programs just to get a fresh start. I'm still getting that error code, but more importantly, my access token and secret changed? I'm not expert when it comes to stuff like this, but I though tokens and secrets are constant and specific to apps. I can't actually test this thing until the API lets me through. Update 3.5
Found the error code. It wasn't way too hard, but it means my bot probably did something way too much yesterday and I have no idea what. It works on the server's clock and goes by callendar day. This means that if a bot hits the error code at 11:59 PM, it can hit it again at 12:00 AM. For an error 429 to happen, any one of the following has to trigger it.
300 API calls per minute, per IP address.
18,000 API calls per hour, per IP address.
432,000 API calls per day, per IP address.
1,000 API calls per hour, per consumer key.
5,000 API calls per day, per consumer key.
250 new published posts (including reblogs) per day, per user.
250 images uploaded per day, per user.
200 follows per day, per user.
1,000 likes per day, per user.
10 new blogs per day, per user.
20 videos uploaded per day, per user.
60 minutes of total video uploaded per day, per user.
So I can't test this until the server's calendar deems it a new day Update 4
It still doesn't work, but I am one step closer. Because of Tumblr's broken-ass console, I've had to find an alternate way to get an OAuth key. It turns out I was using a temporary access key, which is why it changed when I re-ran everything. I had to do this by using two other scripts. One of them is Tumblr's interactive console on Github , and the other one was a Yaml parser because boy do they like to encrypt. This has been my morning so far. Day two and 5 scripts later, just to finally have something that I should've had at the start.
Update 4.5
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Update 4.5.5
I have implemented a feature that makes the thing wait for a second then search for any comments with a timestamp older than the last time it waited and has the right keyword in the 196 tag. I have obviously accidentally wasted all my API tries today, but testing begins again tomorrow. You will fear my wrath soon enough. Update 5
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Decided to check up on the bot, and ran straight into this wall of text. It looks like blog info? Some of those links take me to profile headers. This isn't a static thing either, it updates every 20 seconds like clockwork. Because I made it update every 20 seconds like clockwork. I think this means it's testing time. Wish me luck. Breaking News. Didn't work, but we're a lil bit closer. Again.
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audreyscribes · 5 months
Alright, here's another Scribe's notes! I have a bunch of stuff that I want to tell you guys so keeping it all in one place will make it easier:
Just to reiterate, this is a blog where I write whatever I want. I just so happen to be riding that PJO energy train so if it seems like I stopped writing and posting, or start posting outside of PJO, then that's why. That said, I am open to suggestions but whether if I will write it or not, depends on me. Continue sending me asks if you so choose to do so, whether they are questions, thoughts, or whatever may find your fancy. All asks and notes will me under the tags #ask the scribe || #scribe's note
FRIDAYS are my usual posting days and finished works have been uploaded, edited, and have been queued up to be posted on that day. Some of you might have picked up on that but just want to confirm.
I have two more works for MISCELLANEOUS GODS and that'll be it for {WAVE 1}. I have some ideas for which gods to write for {WAVE 2} but there is no definite time when it'll be written so don't expect it. What the {Wave 2} gods will be, I won't say cause in case I'm not feeling it or not.
Remember some of you asking me if I will write a next part for CRYPTID DEMIGODS? It's finished! It'll be split into [PART 2] and [PART 3] cause altogether, Tumblr will not let me upload it because of the limit reach. I figured why I couldn't edit or put the "Read-more" link and subject all of you to that Line Block of Text. Yeah that was the limit and surprisingly was able to upload it. So yeah.
I might be crazy or the muses and Apollo and Athena are giving me so much creative energy cause not only I have finished writing the Cryptid Demigods, I have also finished the PRIMORDIAL DEMIGODS (which will be posted after the CRYPTIDS) but I am also giving a crack at the ROMAN DEMIGODS. To that one anon that asked, I'm trying it out for you.
I'll be taking breaks or just not write at all cause I need to rest, even if I'm writing this out of pleasure, it's still takes a lot of energy. I also want to spend some time writing my original stories too.
If you guys prefer Ao3's interface better, I have been uploading my works up there that I have linked to in the masterlists. I have also uploaded any noteworthy asks that contain content and context right here as "audreyscribes {PJO TUMBLR ASKS}". I have also figured out how to upload stuff on Wattpad to beat anyone from uploading my works without credits. It'll be under the name ➡"WATTPAD PJO DEMIGOD HEADCANONS: MAJOR" ⬅ slowly but surely I'm getting at it bit by bit. So if anyone starts panicking, don't worry, it's me.
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seahdalune · 9 months
Seana's 2023 art highlights
(surprisingly, not a reupload this time!)
January: i drew nothing! we're off to a great start.
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February: i drew something! i love Champ even if i haven't drawn anything tf2 related since April. i think it was this piece where i decided to give Champ RED coloring. [link]
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also, this is the month i made my second Moldy plush.... i wasn't very happy with this one, though. [link]
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March: uhhhh. more of my tf2 ocs but i think those aren't that interesting. just go to my tf2 oc blog @brokenbrainstormbulb if you wanna see them honestly, i have an image limit to keep ffs. that said, this was around the time i got into TC2, so i drew a lot of that kind of stuff... i'm never drawing stuff for it ever again, sorry. [link]
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April: look at the cool thing i drew for a fellow tf2 robot fan! now, this is the point in time where i start drawing more because of a certain interest, so look forward to all the art that'll come up here.....
May: wow, this really was my first public piece of Papa Louie art, huh. i was so proud of it when i showed it off on tumblr the first time... i don't like it as much anymore. for one, the office wall color is wrong.... i still can't believe Papa Louie was what got me out of art block, but god, i'm glad it did. i don't think i've drawn this much before, and even though the community's tiny, i'm glad to give back as much as i can. anyways, i said something like "it's so funny that people think they're either super married or divorced as hell" on the same post. i still think that, and it's defos funny as hell, but i've grown a kind of appreciation towards the ship as well. like yeah, you go girls, we love that extra slow burn with so many road bumps on the way! [link]
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June: how the hell did i pump this out. this was also like a few days before i had to leave for the airport too... i don't know myself sometimes. i swear i still love Boigashipping! i just... i'm just busy with other ships okkkk [link]
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July: i didn't draw anything...? i was in Bali. and i was busy selling adopt designs to draw anything substantial, oopsie! actually, i DID draw the first part of WDB... it's uh, still the only part. i'm sorry!!!! i'm sorry!!!! i swear i have the whole thing outlined!!! can you just give me anons about the story instead so you won't have to wonder what comes next!! [link]
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August: TOSI fixation. it had not gone past it's conceptual stage, i must note. i do wish i would do something about it though. [link]
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September: the art trade i did with my friend! actually, i was a few weeks late with my part, so it was supposed to be finished by August. oops. i like the textures tbh. my Chuseok drawings.... i need to draw more characters in hanbok, hee hee. [link]
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October: (breaths in) ...this is the month i finally gave into the JoGotcha wantings. LOOK. ever since someone put the idea into my brain i couldn't get enough of it, and like,, nobody draws the ship anymore so i had to take matters into my own hands. this is the first ship i'm this obsessed with. i usually leave ship stuff to other people but this time that wasn't enough and i... i had to do SOMETHING, y'know? [link]
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Cringetober? who's that? haha;; i stopped feeling like doing the whole list after less than a week. impressive.
November: oh look, Plushy Power League. Quinn didn't win, but i do like the thing i drew as propaganda, so whateves. the first Papa Louie character i ever drew (minus Chuck and Taylor)... did i change how i draw her? uhh. maybe? i'm not too sure. [link]
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also look! the keychain drawing... i need to talk about my Gods and Monsters au again at some point. actually, since i last uploaded the image of my keychain, i revised it tons... it's kinda different now, and i defos think it looks better. this is actually the time i finally fixed the stupid display setting thing that was really messing up my coloring! [link 1] [link 2]
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December: ...oops! tablet broke. and i got my 3ds back so i just didn't draw that much even after exams were over. didn't stop me from drawing though, and in fact i think i made something pretty neat with my christmas art.... even if it did come one day late. [link]
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wow. that's a whole year of stuff... and that's defos a lot! i think i'm really happy with what i drew this year.... i don't know what was in my water the last few years but my art highlights felt really.... miserable? for some reason. i mean, yeah, i didn't do a lot of what i had planned (GOE ANIMATIC IM SORRY) but i can see that i've done just as much with my hands anyways, so like, who cares? plus, i always have next year... that's coming in 3 hours, oh god- so, maybe i won't be too hard on myself for not fulfilling my goals... like, i kinda glossed over it, but i did sell my designs for money, and that's like, really impressive! so many people around me buy and sell their art stuff already, so i guess i didn't really register it as something to be proud of... but doing that shit (making, and marketing) is hard!! so like, it's a wow moment for me!
anyways, i'm tired, i only came back home a few hours ago, and i need to get up again for church in a few hours.... mrphgdjd. lets stop being sentimental, and i'll see you people next year. that's a long way off! hope you don't miss me.
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