#what's a silv
frostbeees · 13 days
"looks good now. nice and long"
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silverameco · 6 months
Summer Camp AU - @wolfstarmicrofic - 839 words
Bullshit. That's what it fucking was. Utter fucking bullshit. He had a plan. A simple one too, with only two steps to follow.
1) Coming home from boarding school for the summer
2) Taking off to James' the next day
Except he didn't anticipate that his mother would send him to some stupid summer camp before James could pick him up. All that because "maybe they will teach you some manners, unlike that heathen friend of yours". Sure, he and James got in a lot of trouble at school, but still. That wasn't fair. And with no phone too !
Now here he was, stuck in the middle of the woods with a bunch of kids younger than 12, with no way to contact James, bored out of his mind. He was 16 ! He should have been able to spend his summer the way he wanted. And it was definitely not building shitty wood cabins with some mean instructors yelling at him. Apparently being the oldest meant he had to help the kids. He wasn't a damn carpenter, for god's sake.
The only one who seemed to be around his age was a broody looking boy whose weird name he didn't remember. He was always aside from the group, reading or even smoking, even though it wasn't allowed. Sirius was a little bit annoyed by that because he was never getting yelled at for it. He supposed the instructors were a little bit scared of him and didn't want to bother. He could look quite scary, with the scar running accross his face and his tall figure. Sirius must have been scared of him. Maybe that was why he didn't dare talk to him until the third day. Maybe that was why he couldn't hold his gaze everytime their eyes met.
But on the third day, Sirius had enough. That boy was only a teenage boy like him after all. So he managed to avoid the attention of the instructors and approached him as he was reading, sitting under a tree.
"So, are you a really useless instructor or do your parents hate you too ?" he said while he sat beside him.
To Sirius' surprise, the boy smiled as he met his eyes. Oh, he thought. He's not scary at all. He's adorable. He pushed the thought away.
"Well I suppose my dad wanted to get rid of me. I'm Remus, by the way."
"That's a weird name, Remus."
"Weirder than being named after a star ?"
Sirius' mind blanked.
"Wha- How did you- ?"
At that, Remus just laughed. And oh, he should stop laughing. Sirius couldn't bear such a pretty sound.
"Some of us actually remember the others' names, Sirius", he smiled.
Sirius ignored the flutter in his chest at hearing his name in that warm voice, and he smirked, "do you know everyone's name, then, Remus ?"
Remus blushed. "Nah, just yours."
For the first time since he arrived in this stupid camp, Sirius felt his lips stir in a genuine smile. Okay then, Remus seemed fun.
They stayed under the tree for almost an hour, mostly chatting about their shared misfortune being here, and sharing a smoke. Stealing glances the other's way too. Surprisingly, nobody disturbed them until the outdoor activity ended and they had to go back to the camp for dinner. They sat together while they ate some very untasty food. Sirius spent his dinner trying to convince Remus that his parents sent him to this camp because he was a true rebel. But Remus kept laughing and looking at him with something like fond disbelief. So Sirius kept insisting. Maybe because he was stubborn and proud. Maybe because he wanted to hear that laugh again.
Overall, Sirius went to bed with a smile, thinking he made a real friend. Maybe that camp wouldn't be so bad, after all. But an hour after bed time, as everyone was already asleep, he heard a whisper shaking him away from his thoughts.
"Sirius, are you sleeping ?"
"Remus ?! What are you doing ?"
"Shh, don't wake them up !"
He sat up in his bed. He could barely make out Remus' amber eyes in the dark. Everyone else was asleep in the big dormitory.
"Couldn't sleep. There's a lake, not far. Thought maybe you'd want to go for a swim."
"Right now ?!"
Remus moved a bit and his face was suddendly bathed in the moonlight seeping through the thin curtains. Sirius could see him better. Mostly, he could see his cheeky smile.
"Come on, Sirius, what happened to being a true rebel ?"
He was standing near Sirius' bed, extending a waiting palm towards him. His smile was equal parts sweet and teasing. Mesmerized, Sirius took the offered hand. He hoped the night was hiding his blushing cheeks. As they sneaked out of the building and into the night, they never let go of each other's hand. Sirius thought that maybe, this summer camp wasn't utter bullshit. Maybe it would be really fucking amazing. 
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schroedingerscryptid · 3 months
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omgkalyppso · 10 months
word of god* isn't canon**!!!
*something a writer, developer, author, or other creative says
**found in a published or otherwise officially released material
canon doesn't even mean "true," it just means in the source material.
stop going to creatives for their drafts and opinions and build fandom with your bare hands and beating hearts again!!!
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silveredsticks · 1 month
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when the sun shines we'll shine together
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silvermizuki · 2 years
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drunken doodle of an interaction I had telling AI moon my drunken woes 
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perelka-l · 10 months
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tug tug
idk why tracksuit I just didn't want to make him wear usual stuff (and there is a crop top version so)
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tildeathiwillwrite · 4 months
There's a Thief! Loose! In the Draigo Stronghold!
(The Watcher and the Thief, Chapter 2 Scene 1)
June of Doom Day 5: "It's not as bad as it looks." / Bite / Swelling / Disfiguration
Prompts List | Event Masterpost
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Fandom: Original Work
Words: 900
Tag List:@juneofdoom @fourwingedsnake @whumperofworlds @pigeonwhumps @mr-orion
CW: deception, sabotage, arguing, bruises, swelling
A/N: No one knows what the thief is going to do next! Least of all the thief! (parodied from comedian John Mulaney) Comedy aside, we're actually getting to the "thief" part of TWatT. You have no idea how long I've been waiting to make that horse loose in a hospital joke.
It was surprisingly easy to get close to the Draigo stronghold unseen. Sure, his employer had said they wouldn’t be paying much attention to the east entrance with the Council meeting in session, but Rift had to admit that he’d had his reservations about just… walking up to the building. He’d even gone to the trouble of putting on the disguise and getting into character hours before drawing near the stronghold, for fear of running into some far-flung patrol.
His employer had been correct, though. Nobody was paying much attention to the east entrance. The solitary guard minding it even wished him good morning as he went past! The Draigo truly were confident that their reputation would keep would-be thieves and assassins away.
The smart ones, anyway.
Rift absently palmed a small, round, flat metal object from one of the many hidden pockets on his person. A number of these strange objects had been gifted to him by his employer, with instructions that he place all of them around the stronghold before the Council meeting ended. He had not asked what the purpose of the objects was, and his employer had not elaborated, only given a stern reminder before they parted ways.
He flicked his wrist, and the object skipped across the ground, stopping against the wall near the guard. The guard didn’t notice, and Rift continued walking, consciously putting a purposeful bounce in his step.
Loop around the north side of the stronghold first, make a pass at the Council chambers—and if possible, get one of the objects under the door—plant the remaining objects as close to the chambers as possible, and keep one on hand for outside the archives. The idea was to concentrate the Draigo at the Council chambers and fool them into thinking they were under attack.
Those particular instructions had piqued Rift’s curiosity as to what, exactly, the objects would do. He supposed as he made his way towards the north side of the stronghold, that he would find out soon enough.
He dropped another object into a fancy-looking vase as he passed. The clicking sound it made echoed strangely through the mouth, and he winced, hurrying on his way. Not many Draigo around to notice, but still…
As Rift drew close to the west side of the stronghold, to the building where the Council chambers lay, the sounds of arguing drew his attention. He paused, head cocked, trying to locate the source of the voices. Up ahead… around the side of the building, maybe?
The voices grew louder and more heated as he drew closer.
“…not Marcella. Let me speak to Maelyn, then!”
“Miss Sorro is accompanying the Justice Head in the meeting. You will simply have to wait.”
A muffled thud, followed by a muttered curse.
“De Silv, if you do not compose yourself, I will have to see you out.”
“You can’t—!”
“…is everything alright over here?” Rift rounded the corner and paused, a carefully crafted look of concern on his face. Two elves, both facing away from him, flinched and whirled around, twin looks of surprise on their faces.
The elf furthest from him, with silvery hair, exhausted eyes and what appeared to be a bruise on the side of his face, recovered first. “Yes, of course,” he said softly, running a hand through his hair and wincing as he brushed the bruise. “I apologize for my outburst. It… it has been a long few days without rest. I am simply… frustrated. My message is incredibly urgent.”
“So you’ve made clear,” the other elf muttered. Raising his voice, he addressed Rift. “Thank you for your concern, lord…?”
“Theodoric Graves,” Rift supplied, giving a small bow. “From the far east stronghold on business. And I must apologize for intruding on your discussion, but I’ve only just arrived myself… is the Council in session?”
The silver-haired elf grimaced. “Correct.”
Rift nodded. “That would explain why the place is all but deserted.” He crossed his arms and glanced around the corner to the entrance of the building. “Any clue when the meeting’s ending?”
The elves glanced at each other before the other elf, who appeared to have some authority, answered. “I’m afraid I do not know, Lord Graves.”
“Ah. Well, thanks anyway.” Rift turned as if to leave before pausing and glancing back. “By the way… de Silv, was it?” He tapped the side of his face, mirroring the location of the silver-haired elf’s bruise. “You might want to get that looked at. It’s beginning to swell.”
De Silv blinked, his hand automatically reaching up and probing the wound. “I…” he stammered, “Thank you for your concern, sir, but it’s not as bad as it looks.”
Rift shrugged. “I’ll take your word for it. It’s your wound after all.” He turned away, another object discretely slipping out of his hand. “I think I’ll head over to the archives, in case someone comes along looking for me.” It landed on the ground with barely a sound, and Rift casually walked off, leaving the elves to continue their heated discussion.
By the time he finally began making his way south, towards the archives, he only had one object left on his person, with plenty of time to find his target. Celestials willing, anyway.
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silverjirachi · 5 months
I just saw your gluten post and tbh as tragic as losing bread(sincerely) would be, I also remember you posting a while back about how much you miss your younger selfs energy levels and how sad you are that you can't write the way you used to and I'm kind of happy that maybe you may have found out what may have been causing those problems and could soon be feeling better and happier with yourself
Thank you anon, I have very mixed feelings about it. On the one hand trying to change over my whole diet and eating habits after having grown up on bread and gluten products is scary and overwhelming, on the other hand, even after ~2 weeks of cutting gluten, I've noticed a big difference in my body and energy levels. I can go eat a meal now without feeling like I need to pass out for 3 hours afterward and also my insides feel a lot healthier now.
I think I have to start eating gluten again before I go get tested, which I don't really want to do considering I'm 90% certain gluten is what's doing this to my body, and knowing how it makes me feel, I don't want to have to do that to myself intentionally. Because it sucks. I felt so weak and sick after meals when I was eating gluten, and now that I'm eating gluten free it's hardly ever happened.
I wish there was like a lactose equivalent gluten pill, but alas, there is not. I'll just cheat sometimes and have a breadstick with dinner as a treat. As long as I have nowhere to be afterwards or the next day even.
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silvesi · 1 year
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teehee lol *lunges at your throat* 💜
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girlshadowthehedgehog · 7 months
also, smth about trans amy just fits really well with aro amy? like, trans and aro headcanons just slay every time, everyone knows this. and i can see amy's fascination with the idea of love being tied to how she presents her gender identity.
ik when i was growing up, the whole idea that girls love romance and crushes and boys and whatever was soooooo prevalent, so i could definitely see her internalising that and thinking that she has a quota to fill. everyone else is doing that, so i should join in, right? (amy voice) sonic is a hero that saved me, so clearly he and i were meant to be, yaaaay ^_^ that's how the story is supposed to go!!
except it doesn't, and she realises that she doesn't like playing that role. the idea of amy rose is for her to choose, and no one else
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sometimes I think abt the time that I recced tgwdlm to an acquaintance of mine that is well meaning but has some. Very backwards thinking. Especially towards queer ppl. And also v much conservative in terms of purity culture. and I giggle a little bit
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words-are-trivial · 1 year
reblog and add in the tags what your f/o is like when they cum 💦
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silveredwood · 10 months
Are we going to have another year without new birthday card for solomon... again?
😔💔 the new nightmare is Christmas, and there isn't even him as UR nor SSR. I've been saving up specifically (again) for his birthday and yes the dev choose to do this again?
Gosh they're so funny
Or the nightmare supposed to be release the day on his birthday????
Srsly? But as far as i remember, even the other character's birthday had been announced like way before it.
😔 i mean even on their official page.
Ok.. let's wait for another two days ..
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silvsilvysilver · 25 days
A series of events
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May you all be blessed in your pulling endeavours in whatever game you play✨
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silveredsticks · 25 days
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