#what this blog is for
melancholicw · 1 month
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bugbuoyx · 4 months
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i made tumblr pride flags! feel free to ask for more edits
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plaguedpriest · 4 months
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despazito · 1 year
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Adult website and period tracker
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livingisboring · 17 days
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spr0utsies · 1 year
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oneluckygoose · 10 days
Hi! I’m Lucky! Use any and all pronouns for this blog, it doesn't have a gender at all.
I’m a panromantic, asexual writer, potter, and architect. I've been doing pottery since I was 7, and I set my life to become an architect around the same time. I read my absolute favorite series EVER (Percy Jackson and the Olympians), which has radically shaped my life, when.... I was also 7. Guess that was a big year for me.
I'm a huge fandom enthusiast who gets way too into the things that I enjoy. I'm in many o' fandom, but you'll mainly find me interacting in the Percy Jackson + Riordenverse, The Marauders (occasionally the normal Harry Potter), and the Dimension 20 fandoms.
I'm currently writing a Marauders era fic! You can go to this post (which is extremely long fair warning) to learn more about it, but it follows the characters' journey through Hogwarts and the first Wizarding War (so 1971-1981). I don't know yet if it's cannon compliment, but right now it can be read as one.
I do not support any type of oppression. I'm a very moral person, and I don't like it when people are getting hurt. I don't care if it's a government who's doing it, or a group of otherwise good people. If they're hurting people, I don't support it and will go to lengths to go against it, fuck whatever rules are set in place. I'll happily throw hands and get in trouble for it, I don't care.
More about me under the cut!
My favorite artists as of the current moment are Barns Courtney, Skid Row, Hozier, and Queen. I have a very wide range of music that I listen to, but whenever one of their songs comes on, I just get really happy.
I am a proud user of the block button on here. If I don't like/whatever a blog is doing doesn't sit with me right, I'll block it. Curating content is a very important thing, and my mental health is bad enough without a dash full of things that make it worse. Same thing goes with the content I make: if you have something to say about it and aren't being respectful about it, your comments will be removed and your blog will be blocked. I don't take shit.
I figured out I was asexual when I was very young. When I was in fifth grade my friend told me how sex worked and I fully didn't understand wtf was going on with that. Being sexualized and talking about sex in an explicit way makes me extremely uncomfortable, it always has. I don't like a lot of things in a lot of fandoms because it is hyper-sexualized and just makes me want to curl up and die (Yes I'm looking at you Jegulus, but I'm planning on writing it different because I do enjoy the ship). If you sexualize any part of this blog or me, we're going to have a serious issue.
I love writing, but I'm still in school, so I don't have the time very often to do so. I try and do the best with what little time I do have, though. If you want any writing advice of any sort, feel free to ask. I love helping people, and if I can do that with something I love, it's even better.
I play video games! My favorites are Minecraft, LoK Breath of the Wild, and Brawlhalla. You won't typically see this type of content on my blog, I just kinda wanted to throw it out there.
I'm open to asks! I love talking about the things I enjoy, just please don't make them sexual!
My name is because I find like a seriously ridiculous amount of four leaf clovers. I'm not kidding, sometimes I'll be walking down the street and just look down and find one randomly. I think some Irish god blessed me or something, I'm not quite sure.
Remember to drink water and get enough sleep (Promise you, this is advice for me, too. We're in this unhealthy spiral together.)
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rrinnna · 8 months
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the realization this brought me made me cry actual tears.. [not mine]
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astatuessong · 28 days
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as most girls do
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sweethysteria · 3 months
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roseforviolet · 1 month
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ohmanareyoucereal69 · 1 month
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aybuketheblogger · 2 months
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this is how i flirt
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cinnamongirlsdiary · 2 months
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like it’s so awkward :|
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sashayed · 26 days
i've been making a lot of bad art lately which is one of the world's most healing activities but if you have perfectionist tendencies you really have to commit to volume (if you make ONE bad painting it's just a bad painting whereas if you make 20 it's a meditative practice!). unfortunately we live in a one bedroom apartment and now we have to commit a significant portion of our storage to bad paintings. i would recycle them but unfortunately i need spare bad paintings to weave together into bad papercraft!!
anyway so i decided to move my bad artmaking into a new, smaller sphere and make bad linocuts. and let me tell you. if you are trying to get past thinking "my art should be good," linocut is a wonderful teacher. everything can be going great and then you exert slightly too much palm pressure and WHOOPS! sliced the face off. luckily the craft is so niche that negative self-talk can't really stick to it. i'll think something like "everybody else's linocuts are perfect. nobody else fucked up their linocut of a hot lady sphinx." and this is such a patently bananas sentence that i can simply laugh fondly at it and continue hacking away at my little rubber square. recommend
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celestialhypomaniac · 22 days
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