#what their intro comic would be about
stuffyflowers · 7 months
I have so many edits and art that I haven’t posted for any reason. If this post gets one like I might post my plasma pea pvzh edit lol
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desperatecheesecubes · 3 months
See the mental unwellness in me is telling me that I should combine all the reading guides for the Young Justice crew together to get the true full YJ reading order, but I feel like that would just immediately become overwhelming. But I might do it anyway lmao.
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thedevotionaltour · 4 months
sorry to be insane in the tags of my panel post do you still love me. im sorry. i had feelings in regards to that mattkaren is done just so horribly and bad in dd tv it makes me wish foggy and karen had legit gotten together in that show desperately THEY WERE CUTE. THEY HAD CHEMISTRY. THEY WERE SILLY TOGETHER LIKE IF I HAD TO GO THROUGH A ROMANCE PLOT LINE I WISH IT HAD BEEN THEM INSTEAD. OR JUST ANYONE ELSE. KAREN LITERALLY HAD MORE CHEMISTRY WITH EVERY SINGLE MAN THAN MATT LIKE SHE HAD MORE CHEMISTRY WITH THE DAMN IRISH GANGSTER SHE HAD TO FAKE ROMANCE FOR LIKE AN HOUR THAT DIED IN ONE EPISODE. It never fails to baffle me how insanely bad they fumbled mattkaren romance in that show like how did you manage zero fucking chemistry at all between them like you gave them negative chemistry not one romantic interaction between them felt sweet or sincere despite the attempts bc there was just absolutely ZERO build up on matt's returned desire and attraction. so it felt so out of nowhere. horrible just horrible truly it makes me so disappointed every time. i wish the drama that existed in their love triangle was real in that show i would have loved to see them mildly resent each other bc they both have crushes on karen bc it's funnyyyyyyyyyyy it really is. but they probably would have done it bad too. UGH.
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martenoodles · 7 months
I have been thinking about Tara and her story/what she would be like as a companion a normal amount. Totally.
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3d-wifey · 1 year
This is such a niche ask, but I saw that you do Mortal Kombat. Can I ask for some flirty intro dialogue? You know like the conversation the characters have b4 the fight? But like with a Goddess!reader who's basically Hecate? like a Nyx/Hecate fusion if that makes sense. Oh and can you do what some of her taunts would be? I feel like those and her fatalities would be illusion and tarot based :)))
Flirty Intro Dialogue
Pairings: Johnny Cage x Reader; Noob Saibot x Reader; Erron Black x Reader; Dark Raiden x Reader; Cassie Cage x Reader; Shang Tsung x Reader
A/N: (Back to using gifs for headcanons). This is just for the MK 11 timeline. Once MK 1 comes out, I'll do new ones. Had to do a little research fan fiction-wise for this one, but I got a good amount out (plus some taunts the reader would say during the fight). I put a lot of thought into the reader's backstory in the MK universe, even though it'll never be used lol. Please, feel free to request more of these characters or some intros for different characters. Maybe even request a one-shot? Who knows ;)
Behind the Scenes: You know how when Erron Black shows up in the intro, he's looking at a Wanted poster of his opponent? I feel like Goddess!reader has something like that where she's looking at a tarot card that's different for each character before it disappears into mist. Another opening is the reader strutting in shapeshifted into her opponent, before turning back. Her friendship fatality has her stirring a comically large witch's caldron and Noob Saibot pops out in a cloud of mist.
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You: Jonathan Carlton
Johnny Cage: Sexy witch goddess.
You: I…Hmm.
You: I can feel the magic coursing through your veins. You are one of my Night children, Jonathan.
Johnny Cage: You don’t mean that literally, right? Because it would suck to have the hots for my mom.
You: (sighs)  And what a waste.
Johnny Cage: Somebody pinch me, I must be dreaming.
You: Do you dream of me often, Mortal?
Johnny Cage: Ohho, absolutely.
Johnny Cage: Somebody pinch me, I must be dreaming.
You: (sighs) How many times must you make that joke?
Johnny Cage: You know you love it!
Johnny Cage: So…what are my chances of getting you into my next movie?
You: I’ve told you. I have no desire to appear on your “big screen”.
Johnny Cage: I was thinking we’d make a different kind of movie.
Johnny Cage: Goddess of dreams, huh? Can I call you Sandman?
You: You may call me whatever you please, dear mortal.
Johnny Cage: Oh, you do not wanna give me that kind of power.
Johnny Cage: Heard you and Shinnok had a thing.
You: A…thing?
Johnny Cage: You two boned! Get it? Cuz he’s a skeleton.
Johnny Cage: Tarot, huh? Card tricks are cool and all, but do you got any other witchy gimmicks?
You: I'm particularly fond of palm reading.
Johnny Cage: ...So what I'm hearing is, you're good with your hands?
Johnny Cage: You, Fujin, and Raiden go way back, huh?
You: Since the dawn of time.
Johnny Cage: (grimace) Yeesh, they've been friend zoned that long?
Johnny Cage: Not so fast, Hermonie.
You: Must you always spout such inane drivel?
Johnny Cage: Someone's been using their word-a-day calendar!
Johnny Cage: I've never met a non-evil Eldar God.
You: Evil is quite subjective.
Johnny Cage: I'll remember that next time I'm kicking one's ass.
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Noob Saibot: My Goddess.
You: Bi-Han.
Noob Saibot: The shadows cling to your presence. 
Noob Saibot: Many have wanted me to yield to their command.
You: Oh?
Noob Saibot: Only you have succeeded, My Goddess.
You: You are not touched by the Night, dear Bi-Han. You are shrouded in it.
Noob Saibot: What better way to show that I belong to you?
You: It certainly seems that way, doesn’t it?
Noob Saibot: The shadows whisper your name.
You: (smiles) What do they say about me?
Noob Saibot: That your beauty is combated by no other. They speak only the truth for their Goddess.
You: You have been a steadfast worshiper, Bi-Han. How shall I reward your loyalty?
Noob Saibot: I only ask for one thing: to be your consort.
You: Hmm. That could be arranged.
Noob Saibot: I do not want you to be upset with me, but I will not take back what I said.
You: Your brother cares for you, Bi-Han.
Noob Saibot: Yet, here we are.
You: Why must we fight?
Noob Saibot: I wish to prove to you my might, My Goddess.
You: Oh, dear wraith. For you, my love is freely given. You have already earned it.
Noob Saibot: You're different than the other Eldar Gods. You...care.
You: Do you think me weak?
Noob Saibot: Never.
You: Care to spar?
Noob Saibot: I'd be honored.
You: Then don't take it personally when I beat you.
Noob Saibot: The shadows crave your touch.
You: Only the shadows?
Noob Saibot: I'll always long for you, My Goddess.
You: Do you fear me, dear Bi-Han?
Noob Saibot: I respect you.
You: (sigh) That wasn't a no.
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Erron Black: You've got quite the pretty penny on your head.
You: Are you here to kill me then, Erron Black?
Erron Black: With a face like that, I wouldn’t dream of it.
Erron Black: You got any love spells up your sleeve, witchy? I swear ’m good for it.
You: Love is not something to take lightly. Who do you have in mind?
Erron Black: (smirks)  Look in a mirror, darlin’. 
Erron Black: You the Goddess of lust, by any chance?
You: That is not a purpose I was created to serve.
Erron Black: Pity. You’d certainly suit it.
Erron Black: You had something to ask me, beautiful?
You: Yes. What is “reverse cowgirl”?
Erron Black: (smirks) How ‘bout I show you the ins and outs after this?
Erron Black: ’M not usually one for marriage, darlin’.
You: Neither am I.
Erron Black: I don’t have to be the only one, as long as I’m your favorite.
Erron Black: You ever find out why Shinnok offed you?
You: I believe he wanted to turn me into his revenant bride. He became rather desperate after I declined his proposal.
Erron Black: (chuckle) Well, I guess I can’t blame the guy.
Erron Black: Why don’t you take a peek into ol’ Erron’s dreams? Swear you won’t be disappointed.
You: I’ve seen your dreams. I must say, you give me very generous proportions.
Erron Black: Then you must know I’m a very generous lover.
Erron Black: I've struck gold
You: How so?
Erron Black: Well, you're here, ain'tcha?
Erron Black: You cast a spell on me, Goddess?
You: I have not, Erron Black.
Erron Black: Do you want to?
Erron Black: How 'bout you and I see where the night takes us?
You: Do you think you can keep up?
Erron Black: Trust me. I may be fast on the quick draw, but I don't shoot quick.
Erron Black: You've got the magic touch.
You: A good deal of my powers flow through my hands.
Erron Black: I want 'em on me.
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You: I’ve heard of how you…disposed of Shinnok.
Dark Raiden: After what he did to you, after how I mourned, I would behead him a hundred times over.
You: It isn’t judgment you sense in my voice. I would have killed him myself if you hadn’t beat me to it.
You: Do you still desire me, even as you are now?
Dark Raiden: If you need to ask, then I have failed to show you my devotion.
You: Hmph.
Dark Raiden: Will you abandon me too, my love?
You: It is not in my nature.
Dark Raiden: They do not deserve your blessings.
Dark Raiden: How have you…How are you here?
You: I sensed my presence was needed and returned to my corporal form just in time to be put in Kronika's void.
Dark Raiden: You could not sense how much I needed you, how much I mourned?
You: We are in such uncertain times, my vision is clouded.
Dark Raiden: I’m sorry for the part I play in your duress, my love.
You: You are only doing your duty. It’s how you’re going about it that leaves me weary.
Dark Raiden: How can you find such beauty in their shortcomings?
You: The Night welcomes all into her shadowed embrace.
Dark Raiden: You are wasted on them!
Dark Raiden: I was so lost without your guidance.
You: When I died?
Dark Raiden: When you were taken from me!
Dark Radien: How did Shinnok do it?
You: He lied to me and attacked me when I let my guard down.
Dark Raiden: (growls) If I could, I would bring him back to enact justice upon him once more.
You: I have but one wish.
Dark Raiden: Anything.
You: I wish for you to come back to me.
You: Is it true? What you've done?
Dark Radien: It was the only way.
You: You have lost yourself.
You: We've never fought before, have we?
Dark Radien: We never needed to for me to know you're the stronger between us.
You: Flattery will not save you.
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Cassie Cage: You know, I think I’m finally understanding why Raiden lost his marbles.
You: How so?
Cassie Cage: I think I’d lose my shit too if someone like you was taken from me.
Cassie Cage: Are you a good witch or a bad witch?
You: I’m…afraid I do not understand.
Cassie Cage: Oh, you have got to let me take you on a movie date.
Cassie Cage: Who’s your favorite: Fujin or Raiden? Come on. You can tell me.
You: I’m a Goddess. Why would I limit myself to one lover?
Cassie Cage: You dirty girl.
Cassie Cage: What are you the Goddess of again?
You: (hesitates) …It would be easier to list what I am not the Goddess of.
Cassie Cage: (whistles) And I thought my parents expected a lot of me.
Cassie Cage: Come on, just one kiss!
You: I am older than you could possibly imagine.
Cassie Cage: An older woman. What’s not to love?
Cassie Cage: I heard you died. So, how are you standing here in all your godly beauty?
You: I have much power over death and the comings and goings of the Underworld. My soul simply dispersed there.
Cassie Cage: Yep. That’ll do it.
Cassie Cage: So…You didn’t happen to see that one dream, did you?
You: I’ve seen all your dreams, Cassandra. And I’m flattered.
Cassie Cage: (clears throat) …Right.
Cassie Cage: It’s a full moon
You: She calls to me and all who feel her light.
Cassie Cage:…You’re not gonna turn into a werewolf, are you?
Cassie Cage: You gonna turn me into a frog, Goddess?
You: It’s a possibility.
Cassie Cage: (shrugs) As long as you change me back with a kiss.
Cassie Cage: Heard you hung out with Jacqui.
You: Yes, though she didn’t mention you at all.
Cassie Cage: She is the worst wing woman.
You: You’ve come to my crossroads. Do you need my guidance?
Cassie Cage: Just wondering if you could teach me a trick or two.
You: So it’s my protection you seek.
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Shang Tsung: Your beauty entices me
You: My power entices you.
Shang Tsung: Two things can be true at once.
Shang Tsung: Soon, you shall be my bride.
You: You cannot tie down a Goddess; you cannot tie down the Night.
Shang Tsung: I can try.
Shang Tsung: Do my powers impress you, Goddess of magic?
You: They certainly intrigue me, Sorcerer.
Shang Tsung: Allow me to give you a closer look.
Shang Tsung: Every time I invoke my magic, I do so in your name.
You: Your loyalty changes with the moon’s phases.
Shang Tsung: I devote myself to you, my Goddess.
Shang Tsung: I want something more valuable than your soul.
You: Such as?
Shang Tsung: Your love.
Shang Tsung: You forgave Shinnok, but not I?
You: I did not forgive him. He killed me when I refused to be his bride.
Shang Tsung: I will succeed where he has failed.
Shang Tsung: I kneel at your altar, my Goddess.
You: You needn’t prostrate yourself before me.
Shang Tsung: It is never a hardship to be on my knees for you.
You: Do you fear me?
Shang Tsung: I’d be a fool not to.
You: Then why challenge me?
Shang Tsung: You have the godly brothers on quite a tight leash.
You: I demand no loyalty from them.
Shang Tsung: It’s doubtful that they stray far from you.
You: Kronika spared me in hopes of using my powers. When I refused, she cast me into the void.
Shang Tsung: We have been similarly wronged by her.
You: That is why we must aid Luai Kang in defeating her.
Shang Tsung: You are the last Eldar God.
You: Yes. And I shall help Luai Kang in his creation of the new timeline.
Shang Tsung: Then this will be goodbye for now.
You: The Wheel of Fortune comes for us all. You: Your future is uncertain. You: You cannot hide from the Night’s embrace. You: Knell in repentance. You: Your path ends here. You: You are lost. You: It is simply an illusion. You: You challenge an Eldar God? You: Will you make an offering? You: You are forgiven. You: I will lead your spirit through the gates of the Netherrealm. You: You shall not pass. You: Are you seeing double? You: Allow me to guide you.
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unluckilylvcky · 3 months
TMNTherapy Group: Welcome Leonardo!
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From ancient books of ninjitsu to comic books tucked neatly in the shelves, who better to confide in than the Leonardos? After all, the greatest honor a ninja could ever have is a nice cup of tea! Leonardo made sure that his comrades would feel right at home!
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What is TMNTherapy Group about?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Therapy Group, or simply abbreviated to TMNTherapy Group or TMNT Group, is a fun little comic featuring your favorite turtles from all current running cartoon iterations joining together to, well... Get therapy! Or at least, that's what the turtles from the 1987 universe say. In OOC terms, yes, this is basically a crossover au.
Currently, the AU has 5 introduction comics (including this one), 1 filler comic and many more fun and angsty comics to come! Join the '87 verse turtles as they try their best to unite these 3 VERY different turtle iterations with each other! It's gonna be an... Interesting ride, to say the least. Stay tuned!
This AU is strictly for fun and is only meant to explore the dynamic of each turtle iterations with each other! Nothing more, nothing less, just all 4 generations of turtles either venting to each other or having fun. None of this is meant to be reflective of real life scenarios, anything of the latter is completely unintentional.
You're gonna notice a watermark on most of these panels, and I can assure you that that is me; my old user! I unfortunately do not have the original files to these, nor do I have the time to redraw these to my current style. I'm pretty sure I stopped watermarking it with my old user after the Raph group intro :]
This was posted on Instagram during October 15th of last year!
Thought I should mention: The lineart quality for this AU is LARGELY inconsistent. I really just wanna have fun with this au so sometimes you're gonna see some clean and cool lineart, but mostly you're gonna have to deal with my sketchy lineart like in this comic haha
Seeing as Instagram is my main platform, you'll have to keep in mind that this format was made with the square format in mind. Stick with me here hehe :^))
Gonna start introducing Bonus Comics! These are just short disconnected comics that I usually include out of a whim. Just click on Keep Reading and you should see it! This will be the only time I'll mention these on the notes section.
<<< Previous: Teenage Mutant Ninja... Therapy Group?!
Next Up: TMNTherapy Group: Welcome Raphael! >>>
Bonus Comic:
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aouiaa · 4 months
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DISCLAIMERS & WARNINGS — EIGHTEEN PLUS, Mentions of pooping + Cursing (Girl cursing like she just learned) + Mention of hand pics (I think that’s it).
AUTHORS NOTE, took fucking forever to make that image, but i love it. — inspo layout: @andersonfilms :3
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Imagining Youtuber!Ellie who is blatantly honest on youtube. It’s scary.
She’s playing a random indie video game she found on steam, and giving her commentary as usual. Until there’s a sudden cut and she’s now in different clothes than the previous and she goes on to explain why.
“Hey, guys. Sorry, I had to take a massive shit, but guess who survived? This guy!” she says with a comical smile while pointing at herself before unpausing the game and playing as if nothing happened.
But for some reason, Youtuber!Ellie can’t let go that she pooped.
“But yeah, guys, like, shit, that fucker was begging to come out, so I’m sorry if I was acting different. I was clenching my asshole.”
How charming….ANYWAYS.
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie’s videos who have these stupid sound effects or pop-up memes for certain scenes.
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie having a resting bitch face when she’s focused.
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie who cusses too much even in her intro, she’s literally cussing.
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie who got a warning from YouTube themselves for it.
Imaging Youtuber!Ellie who literally said “Fuck that, I’m not following Youtube’s rules.” and continued cussing until she realized that she was getting less ads on her videos to which she decided to do a test. To see if her subscribers would notice if she did a full video, not cursing.
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie who’s laughing while reading the comments on the video.
DarthVaderfan101: “Yo, y’all noticed how Ellie didn’t cuss once?”
Quacketyquack12: “Great vid btw no cussing?! THAT’S A FIRST!”
Elliesprettygirl: Sooo when’s our wedding?
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie who does eventually swallows her pride and abides by Youtube’s rules.
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie whose user is some cringe 2011 based name; Ellieswolfgang.
God, I can just fucking imagine Youtuber!Ellie intro and how it would correlate with the user.
“Yo! What’s up my little wolves! *Queue the wolf howling* We are back with another video and today we’re playing another puppet combo game!”
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie who thinks it’s too hilarious, and doesn’t change the username. And it’s always funny to see people every now and then comment about it.
Iloveellieswolfgang: “Woah, are we apart of your pack or something?”
Ellieswolfgang: Yeah, if you’re subscribed then you’re a part of the gang.
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie who has the most funniest responses when replying to fans.
Wolfgangnation: “Yo, Ellieswolfgang! 👋”
Ellieswolfgang: “Yo, Wolfgangnation!”
Ellieswolfgang: Ma’am, this is a library.
les4elliewilliams: So why is your name, Ellieswolfgang?
Ellieswolfgang: I don’t know, les4elliewilliams. Why is yours, les4elliewilliams?
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie who wakes up at the asscrack of dawn—her words—to make Youtube videos, and edits them before eight am.
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie who is known for her out of pocket humor.
“That isn’t a guy! That’s an ass with eyes!”
“GodDAMN, that bitch can lick three assholes from that tongue.”
Imaging Youtuber!Ellie who asks her followers on twitter to send her funny videos or scary videos to react to.
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie who flinched so hard while watching a scary video a subscriber sent, she fell off her chair.
Gamerpro121: “Surprised she didn’t fall off her chair this time LMAOO
Ellieswolfgang: Literally the lowest point in my life… 💔
Gamerpro121: Oh shit, sorry man.
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie who has to explain her jokes from time to time because some boomer doesn’t get it.
Ellieswolfgang: No, not actually. 😭 nvm..
Gamerpro121: Oh…OHHHH
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie who was shocked when her merch quickly sold out after minutes of it just being released.
“Holy fuck, thank you guys for selling out my merch?! Didn’t expect that shit to happen! Man, y’all attacked it like flies attacking shit!”
Charming as always…
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie who sometimes blogs, showing her day to day life, going to the gym, running errands, rating foods from restaurants, etc.
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie who reacts to edits her fans make of her and is also shocked how many people love her hands.
“Woah, fuck youtube, Ima start selling hand pics. Missing the real bag here.”
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie who collabs with her best friend Jesse, playing GTA, Minecraft, cod, and whatever games that her subscribers suggest since they love their dynamic.
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie’s fans who love her dynamic with Jesse because they’re always talking shit to each other.
“You dumbass! That guy was right in front of you!” Ellie yells at Jesse who just got them killed during a 1v1 on Fortnite.
“How is this my fault? It’s not my fault, you suck!”
“Says you! A blind three year old can play better than you.”
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie who makes a video reading hate comments.
Allthegirlslove: “Ellie looks like she smells like shit!”
“Well…Allthegirlslove, new flash, All the girls don’t love you because they’re too busy watching my videos.” She says with a smirk, “And new flash,” she stops and sniffles herself, “I just shower before making this video, thank you very much.”
The video cuts and starts again of her showing the cologne she uses, “This is what I use, buy one and spray it in ya ass!”
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie who actually dresses to impress when she’s about to record a new video.
Imagining Youtuber!Ellie who has her serious moments on the channel and that’s when the true love and support come into light. And she is truly grateful for the fans who can put the joking aside and just be there for her.
Youtuber!Ellie who genuinely loves how far her channel has come since she first started, and genuinely appreciates everyone who helped her meet her milestones.
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TAGLIST ; @dyk3ang3l, @elliesprettygirl, @les4elliewilliams, @ellies2fingers, @r3starttt, @slut4mascss, @marsworlddd, @bready101
ELLIES TAGLIST ; @herelieskrisy, @mikellie, @slaysksmska, @mina-281, @teawithnosugar, @kitkatkittycat111
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thenightling · 5 months
Dead boy Detectives review
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I've watched all eight episodes of Dead Boy Detectives and it was a decent show. It's not something I may obsess over like The Sandman, or The Witcher, but it was decent.
Dead Boy Detectives is the story of Edwin Payne and Charles Rowland. Edwin was killed during a Satanic ritual in 1916. Charles died from hypothermia and internal bleeding after some bullies drove him into an ice-cold lake while throwing rocks at him.
(Note: That was not how Charles actually died in the source material. In the comics, Lucifer had quit and shut down Hell (the basis for the TV show Lucifer) so many evil souls returned to Earth, including the boys that sacrificed poor Edwin. They badly burnt Charles' back on a hot stove and Charles died from his injuries.)
The two ghosts decided to dedicate their afterlife solving mysteries to help other ghosts find peace. They are aided by psychic, Crystal Palace, who is haunted by her abusive ex-boyfriend who happens to be a demon.
Both Edwin Payne and Charles Rowland originated in Neil Gaiman's The Sandman: Season of Mists, The Sandman: Volume 4. Issue 25 of The Sandman comics, and within Act 2 of The Sandman audio drama.
The Dead Boy Detectives made their TV first appearance in Doom Patrol for HBO Max (now Max). During a shakeup at Max the show was moved over to Netflix as to better connect it with The Sandman since that is where they originated.
The show features different actors from the ones that played Charles and Edwin on Doom Patrol.
The Dead Boy Detectives is a decent show but ...it feels a bit like a CW teen drama. I had been told that some of the show's writers were originally writers for the CW... and it shows.
There are some deliberately surreal elements of the show that I think are a callback to their appearance in Doom Patrol.
I love the variety of supernatural entities in the show, including the appearance of two of Morpheus's siblings. Death and Despair. The things I don't like about the show can be considered CW tropes or cliches. The angsty romances and unrequited love. The ham-fisted abusive ex metaphor between Crystal and David The Demon.
And of course the most tedious of CW tropes, the end of the episode pining and angst while a sad pop song plays in the background.
If you look past the CW-ness of it, the show is enjoyable.
The only other things I can complain about is the "connecting thread" subplot of The Afterlife: Lost and Found feels like unnecessary filler. And I wish they would openly establish that Edwin, being an innocent, would NOT return to Hell if collected by Death now. I don't think that should be left hanging over his head. Especially since we're supposed to see Death as a kind entity. Also I think Charles says "Aces" a little too much. It's very distracting and makes me feel like the writers didn't know much late 80s English slang. It would be like if he was an American and they had him say "Radical" all the time. I get that it's kind of his catchphrase but it also got a bit annoying.
The parts I don't like are CW tropes and what I'd consider to be late 90s Vertigo edginess.
The thing I liked were plentiful though. The protagonists were and are likable. The ending is satisfying enough so that if there is only one season this was still good. I liked that it appears that one can ascend out of Hell after some self-reflection as is indicated by the boy Edwin confronted in Hell. The blue light was established to mean ascension, a good afterlife.
I also LOVE the opening credits theme music and animated sequence. It reminds me of the intro to Showtime's Creature Feature movies. (See the trailer for 2001's She Creature, not the 50s version. Watch the trailer at thirteen seconds in, on Youtube, and you'll see what I mean).
That's two Gothic themed shows from Netflix in the last two years with great opening credits sequences. The first being Wednesday. That one won Danny Elfman an Emmy.
It's funny, Wednesday and Dead Boy Detectives (which is a spin-off of The Sandman) have great opening credit intro sequences but The Sandman does not. Apparently Neil Gaiman was told people don't watch the opening credits anymore so The Sandman doesn't have them.
I feel we were cheated out of what could have been a great opening sequence for The Sandman.
Episodes 7 and 8 of Dead Boy Detectives were probably the best of the series. I liked it well enough that if Dead Boy Detectives gets renewed I'll happily watch season 2.
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darlingofdots · 2 months
One of the first things I teach new students in my intro to literary studies class is that there is no definition of "literature" that includes everything you want it to but also excludes the things you don't want, and that no definition is ideologically or intellectually neutral. I use a specific text to teach this because I have to give them an exam at the end of the semester and need specific information for them to recall, but my secret agenda with this lesson is to dismantle the (conscious or unconscious) hierarchy we all have in our heads about what is Good Art. I also find that students tend to have very narrow expectations about what kind of literature they are going to encounter at university, and I don't blame them for that! But it's really important to me that they at least start to understand that every text is worth studying with the same amount of attention you would give to a Shakespeare play. The point of literary studies isn't to make some sort of judgement about quality, it's to understand how we tell stories and process our lives and communicate and how everything we do and experience influences everything else. On this website we sort of make fun of the "his wife has filled his house with chintz" post and of people who read "too much" into kids' TV but we should do this unironically! My main research focus is historical romance novels and people ask me all the time why I think they matter enough to write a book about, and I have to tell them that everything matters. I know a scholar who has worked on Sunday comic strips around the turn of the 19th century and we can learn so much about what people's lives were like from those! Nothing is too small or silly or "bad" to analyse. Understanding how a text works, what it does, where it comes from are all important and incredibly rewarding questions to ask! Every piece of writing is the result of a series of experiences and circumstances and choices that shape it and just being able to understand that is genuinely one of the most important things I hope my students learn from my classes.
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memser · 9 months
mcr blogger dash in 2025
🪳 buggerard
still so much debate about sexualizing gerards moans in Self-Flagellant but no ones talking about why in that muffled intro mikey is asked to leave the studio??
#im telling you something happened #frerard solos dni
🌫️ coquettegee Follow
yes in the new doc lindsey had any pronouns on her intro card but so did gerard. i think they just used his as a template and its some sort of error
🔁 singleangelicnote
all your posts are still using he/him for gerard and this sounds terribly gendercrit get help op
🔁 coquettegee
i see him as more of a femboy type and i have since dd, don't try to police me
🔁 kondemnedkadaver
🐕 omgee
"november 22nd of 2024 right before the teaser dropped" uh oh guys
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Anonymous asked
when will you people address the themes of necrophilia in the limited vinyl comic
🪨 fyeahfoundationsofdecay
sorry i didnt have 200 dollars and i dont care
#the larger mcr conscious has forgotten he jerked it to horror movies
🌄 infectionpiece
a bralette and the comfort flannel
#i hauve
🧘 clergy-xxx
I have some. bad news. Frank did not
🤹‍♀️ cryptclown
✴️ grifties Follow
selling ltd edition frank iero binder!! it still has the skeleton decals and it still glows in most low light. from the first run with that chemical they had to recall so probably don't wear it without a shirt on top or if you don't have insurance lol. 30 bucks just dm me.
🦕 toro-saurus
October 25th 2022
🔁 toro-saurus
omg my old post i was so correct
#meeee when the new single dropped #how does he find the time truly
🤺 singleangelicnote
Guys since why does that new pope follow Gerard's private account on Globeus theres only like 80 people on there she HAS to know
🪳 buggerard
dude i lost my implant magnet 🥲 im using my old touchscreen to post on here
#gawd im having swarm tour livestream flashbacks
🧘 clergy-xxx
I actually went to a few shows during danger days and mikey would often just turn around during the destroya incidents. theres video on youtube if you can get past the ad walls
🤹‍♀️ cryptclown
oh okay super awesome!!! so mikey leaving during antics isnt new. did frank leave too?
🪨 fyeahfoundationsofdecay
does anyone remember when the heavn photos came out. i had a job then and i saw them literally a year later
🔁 buggerard
november 22nd of 2024 right before the teaser dropped
#wild night to be online tbh
🌬️ mesmer
i got concussed what happened sunday
�� mesmer
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lokorum · 19 days
⋆˚࿔⋆。 ゚ ☁︎。 ⋆。little navigation post!! ฅᨐฅ✧。 ⋆。 ゚ ☾ ゚ 。 ⋆
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°⋆.ೃ࿔*''knee-deep in the water" comic tags! ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
comic pages and aaaall of the art + sketches!
salamath - "mother said im allowed to have this 2 knives"
shas-hara - big bird with a reputation of hunting people for sport
narine - keeps dodging bullets but would prefer to catch them with a head a couple of times
kuyan - avoided responsibilities by pretending to be dead (surprise, it works)  
ayasha - can successfully sell winter jacket in +40C
sino - emo boi who couldnt be fixed
ketla - "bi" in "bipolar"
tiisha - "please lord im only 7" (1/2 main character!)
yata - winks at you but only when you cant notice (2/2 main character!)
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°⋆.ೃ࿔*:little faq + about the blog + fanart tags! °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:
₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎ so, what im doing here?
im working on the ࣪ ִֶָ☾. knee-deep in the water˚ ೀ⋆。˚ comic!!
oc characters you can find in this blog are mostly all from there, and if not - they are tagged by related fandom! 
₍ ᐢ. ̫ .ᐢ ₎ how's the drawing process for comic going?
by now i finished half of chapter one, and finished the intro! as soon as it is done i'll start to post pages here and on the dedicated site once-twice a week! script is already almost finished too!
₍ ᐢ. ̫ .⑅ᐢ ₎ do i still make fanart?
yes of course, just less often than before! 
i was most active in bg3, tes, elden ring, dishonored and tma fandoms, but now im head and shoulders deep in datv!! 
₍ᐢ  ›  ̫ ‹ ᐢ₎ do i take commissions?
​almost throughout the whole year! so feel free to send an email on [email protected] - there's 100% chance i'll be free and able to work with you! 
​₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎ where can you see commission information? 
on my carrrd!
૮₍'˶· . • ⑅ ₎ა am i open to work on an art trade?
♡꒰ᵕ༚ᵕ⑅꒱ can i do drawings from ask-prompts?
very rarely, when im in the mood!
₍ᐢ. ༝ .ᐢ₎ do i make speedpaints?
even more rarely than prompts, but you can find some in the tags!
₍ᵔ.˛.ᵔ₎ what software do i use? which brushes?
photoshop 2020 + kyle t. webster dry media brushes!
₍ᐢ._.ᐢ₎♡༘ do i sell prints?
nope! im that boring zero-waste person + i live in a country where most related us/european sites are blocked or simply not working without paypal!
°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・a little about the artist thingy! °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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if you'd want to support my work - i have boosty (and soon hopefully gonna have a patreon!)  where i post speedpaints, early access to pages, sketches and all that!
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thank you so much for reading and please dont hesitate to ask stuff if you'll have any questions! ♡
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silverzoomies · 8 months
Turkish Delight
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peter maximoff x reader smut
chapter 1: sweet talkin'
link to chapter 2: here
warnings: shameless smut, porn without plot, phone sex, mutual masturbation, best friends, dirty talk
word count: 6,368
a/n: hiyaaa !! i'm back with more filth !! peter speaks russian in this one. i've seen people use russian in place of sokovian language before. and since i've been learning russian for a while, i thought i'd give it a shot !! if you're familiar with the language and anything seems off, please let know asap !! as usual, apologies if peter seems ooc, or if my writing isn't up to par !!
tag list (if i forgot you, please remind me !!): @dewberryobssesed @violetharmonscupcake @kaismanwich @jellyluvr @taintandviolent @ahoyladiesz @scene-and-dandylover @quickandsilvers @luttic @billielourdslays
Chillaxing on the sofa in his mom’s basement, Peter drew out a sigh. His hooded eyes gaped at the TV screen. As he channel surfed, his thumb tapped lazily on the remote. Peter stopped to check each channel in abrupt intervals. Afternoon cable was boring as hell today. It failed to grasp his short lived attention span.
Seinfeld reruns? He saw just about all of ‘em. Soap Operas? Those were more his mom’s thing. Huge pass. Nature documentaries? Could be cool. Guess it depended on which one, though.
Oh. It was the one about the polar bear’s great journey across the arctic! Nifty enough. Except, Peter saw that one three or four times already now. Скучный (boring). Так скучно (So boring).
‘Kay, soooo…TV was kind of a no-go. Instead, Peter popped on the PS1 and settled for a game of Metal Gear Solid. The game’s opening intro was a little too slow for his liking, but Peter forced himself to focus. It sucked he was so antsy today, so fidgety and impatient. He needed some kind of distraction. Any distraction. And he needed one fast.
Peter bounced a leg, half invested in the game’s dialogue. His fingers absentmindedly flicked the controller buttons. Not even five minutes into playing, he found himself frustrated and bored again. This time around, he figured some company might ease his ennui.
He darted across the arm of the couch to a side table. Over a stack of comic books and empty cans of soda, he snatched the receiver to a Garfield phone. Peter dialed a number in less than a second. Too fast, at first. The phone didn’t even register his request. Rolling his eyes, he dialed the number again. Slower this time.
Peter kept the vibrant hunk of orange plastic between his cheek and shoulder. Buzzy ringing echoed on the other end of the line, as he waited for the recipient to pick up. The time it took for a voice to finally respond felt like fifty billion years. Your voice. One of Peter’s closest comrades. The pal he shared most, if not all, of his free time with.
There were days when you visited, and you laid back on the sofa with him. With your legs stretched over his lap and a magazine in your hands, you relaxed. Peter would always do his usual, playing whatever game he ‘bought’ from the local K-Mart. Every time he cursed himself for making a misstep, you giggled. You knew how frustrating it was for him, if he wasn't a hundred leaps ahead of everything. And just to get back at you - but also to hear you laugh again - he’d reach over and dig his fingers into your belly.
He loved that it took such minimal effort to make you laugh. You always had an easygoing warmth about you. And maybe you were also pretty cute too. Sometimes, the crook of your smile made him blush. Oh, and you didn't mind duking it out in Mario Kart sometimes. That was also kinda cool. What more could a lonesome guy ask for? Просто друзья. Ничего больше (Just friends. Nothing more). Yeah. He could be content with that. No problem.
Ten minutes into conversation with you, Peter breathed a yawn into the receiver.
“You know, I’m surprised you have the patience for talking on the phone.” You joked.
The speakers roared with a soft buzz in his ear. Peter didn’t register your words at first. Blinking lazily, he tapped the PS1 controller buttons at rapid speed. In the game, Snake fought off an onslaught of bad guys. Peter faked his offense with a scoff.
“Seriously? Man, what’s up with that? It’s like everyone thinks I can’t do stuff at normal speed without goin’ berserk.” He said, cursing under his breath as Snake got gunned down again.
A small part of him wished you were there, with your legs over his lap, cracking jokes at his expense. Over the phone, you emitted a gentle laugh.
“Because you have? Multiple times, dude!” You said.
Surely you could hear Peter’s eyes roll in his skull.
“Oh, yeah? Name five.” he pressed.
The fast paced clicking of the buttons echoed like a trill in the basement. He overheard the sound of rustling as you shifted in place. If Peter had to guess, he’d bet his left foot you were still lazing around in bed. It was a Saturday, after all. With the hour tipping on the edge of late afternoon. You always moved at the slowest of speeds on your off days.
“I’m just saying! I totally get it. Even I don’t have the patience for chats on the phone sometimes.” You said, and a squeaky yawn followed.
More rustles scuffed from your end, as if you moved to stretch. Keeping his gaze fixed on the flickering, CRT screen; Peter followed flashes of light from each grunt’s gun. His reaction time proved effortless as always. His methods, not so much.
“Nah, it’s cool.” Peter mumbled after a beat, “Doesn’t bother me much if I’m talkin’ to you.  You’re not boring, first of all. And on the off chance I do get bored, I can just say - hey, babe, I’m gonna hang up. And you won’t get-uhhh…” He lingered on his next thought, distracted with gunning down more masked baddies, “You won’t get, like, butt hurt over it."
“Why would I?” You laughed, “Did someone seriously get offended by that?”
“My aunt did once. She got mad pissed ‘cuz I told her I was ‘kinda bored’ on the phone. She made me pass it to my mom, so she could rat me out. Said I showed a ‘lack of consideration'; ‘er whatever.” Peter paused, brows furrowed. In Metal Gear, Snake perished yet again. Peter rolled his eyes once more, “She’s kinda mental, though. это возмутительно (it’s outrageous).”
Your only response was a quiet hum of acknowledgement. Peter broke the silence that followed.
“Hey, you’re not busy today, are you? Wanna do somethin’ later?” He asked, knowing full well you had jack shit to do.
“I don’t know. I’m feeling soooooo lazy today.” You playfully teased.
The soft pattern of your breathing sent electric tingles down Peter’s neck. Shuddering, he shook off those unexpected chills. Another beat, and Peter groaned, as Snake perished over a low poly landscape. You gotta take it slow and stealthy, man - Peter reminded himself.
“Хорошо (okay)? So? Come be lazy over here then.” He replied, “Tell you what. If you do, I’ll go ‘n snag some of those Turkish delights you like. The same ones my mom gotcha for your birthday. Remember? From Sokovia?”
Your voice perked up instantly, bringing a cheesy smile to his face. Homely fondness simmered in his chest, and Peter felt himself blush. He pulled his lip between his teeth, pausing his game to focus more on conversation. Leaving Snake stranded in the middle of the snow.
“Oh my gosh!! No way?? I haven’t had those in forever! Seriously, the ones from Sokovia?” You chimed.
“Hell yeah! But you gotta get outta bed first, dingus. C’monnnn.” Peter whined, “I’m so bored here, babe. Oh! I totally forgot. I finally got my hands on a Gameboy Color too. Swear on my life I paid for it this time. You could come over ‘n try it ouuuuuut.” He teased in a sing-song voice, wiggling his brows.
“Gameboys and Turkish delights? You’re spoiling me today, Peter! What’s the occasion?” You joked over the line.
He shrugged, forgetting you couldn’t see him, “Bored outta my friggin’ skull. That’s what.” After a beat, he awkwardly added, “And maybe I like hangin’ with you? Do I even need a reason?”
“Well, I gotta admit…you had me at Turkish delights.” You feigned a dreamy tone.
Peter chuckled again. Under his breath, he muttered softly, “ Это все, что тебе нужно, да (That’s all you need, huh)?”
“Huh?” You asked, oblivious to his comment, “What’d you say? I didn’t catch that last part.”
Peter ran a hand through his silver locks, leaving his hair loose and messy. Cradling the phone in his other hand, he knitted his lips to one side.
“Nothin’. Don’t worry about it. You want me to come get you? ‘Cuz I can.” He checked his digital watch, decked out in a Star Wars theme, “I can right now, if you-”
“It’s fine. I love going out with you, but I really don’t wanna deal with motion sickness today. I just had lunch too. No offense!” Another yawn rang over the phone, hitching into a squeal at the end. Peter didn’t realize he was smiling so big until his cheeks started to hurt, “I’ll just drive over. Sound good?”
Peter rolled his eyes, sarcastically groaning. He threw his head back into the sofa cushions, playing up his fake frustrations.
“Auuuuuuugh! But that’ll take years.” He dragged a hand down his face, pulling his cheeks under his fingertips, “Is this ‘cuz you blew chunks last time?? You know that doesn’t bother me, right? Everyone does it, babe.”
You made a noise of disgust. Something like an eugh , “Please, don’t remind me. That sucked so much. Yeah, no, I’d rather not. I really need a break from it.” You sighed again. Kind of a bummer, but he could deal.
“It’s whatever you want, I guess. So, when are you gonna head out?” Peter asked, sitting up on the sofa and putting the controller aside.
He bounced a leg at rapid speed, his knee moving in a flesh tone blur of motion. Less from agitation, more due to anticipation.
“I’ll leave soon. Just give me a few minutes. Think you can wait?” You chuckled in that sweet, quirky way again. The melody gave Peter butterflies. Ignoring the fluttering in his belly, he pushed himself off the couch. Grabbing the base of the Garfield phone, Peter cradled the lil guy in an arm. He figured he may as well get dressed, and freshen up before you arrived, “It’s so cold today. I haven’t even gotten out of bed yet! I’m still bundled up in my undies. Got your jacket on too. You left a Game n Watch in the pocket, by the way. I didn’t even know they still made those!”
“Yeah. I totally called that one. Get up already, ya slacker.” Peter joked trapping the phone between his cheek and shoulder again. He scratched his bare chest. His fingertips grazed the sparse covering of white hairs there. Yawning, he nodded, “Okay. Okay. Okay. Sure, just-”
Something about your last statement finally clicked in Peter’s brain. He rapidly blinked, shaking his head fast enough to give himself whiplash. Peter did a quadruple take.
“Подожди (wait)! Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, waiiiiiit …hold on a sec.” He narrowed his eyes, “Say that again?”
“Say what again? The part about the Game n Watch?” You asked, and Peter’s brows furrowed.
“N-Nah. The…did you just…have you been lyin’ around in your underwear this whole time?”
“Uh, yeah? Why? Is this revolutionary information?” You chuckled.
“In my jacket? Like, I didn’t hear that wrong? What’d you like…sleep in it ‘er somethin’?” Peter arched a silver brow, pressing the phone handset closer to his cheek. As if doing so might somehow help him hear you more clearly.
It really wasn’t that big of a deal either way. You borrowed his jackets all the time. Peter never thought anything of it before this conversation. Aside from the fact that - when you did return them, he loved the sweet scent you left behind. The smell of your perfume, with the added bonus of your natural pheromones…
Ебать (Fuck)! Why was he even thinking about this? The two of you had such a casual thing goin’ on. But now, Peter thought of you in a different light. Something friskier. Not that he meant to. Maybe killer boredom + cute friend = horny speedster. Or perhaps the planets aligned in some totally off-the-wall way.
Whatever the case, Peter’s mind raced on autopilot. He pictured the way you might look right now. In your room, spread across your bed in nothing but your underwear and - Ебена мать (Holy shit) - his jacket. With your long legs bare, your knees bumping together as you squeezed your thighs shut. Tummy exposed. And your tits-
Woooooooah there! Slow down, casanova! Peter shouldn’t be…nah, he really shouldn’t be wondering what your breasts looked like. Ppfffbbbbt …’kay, so, maybe in the past he thought about it once or twice. But what dude wouldn't contemplate the hidden mystery of a pal's titties sometimes, ah?
“Well, so what if I did? That doesn’t weird you out, does it?” You asked, a careful waver in your voice.
“Uhhhh…nahhh, babe. Just…” Peter shifted in place, rerouting his thoughts, “Just…got one hell of an image in my head. Might’ve pictured you like that for no particular reason at all.”
Lucky for him, you didn’t seem to think anything of his confession.
“Not much to imagine…” You replied. Сомнительно (Doubtful).
“I mean…pffbbbttt…sure, yeah. Maybe not.” Peter awkwardly laughed, scratching the back of his neck. His voice dropped, a little more hushed, “Unless…you’re wearin’ some really cute panties over there.” Again, he laughed, rushing out a quick, “I’m kiddin’. I’m kiddin’. I’m kiddin’. I’m totally messin’. Just bustin’ your balls, babe.”
Except…he sorta wasn’t. Peter found himself oh-so curious. Twisting the phone's orange wire around his finger, he anticipated your reaction. Anxious you might think him weird for pushing things too far. Never had the two of you charted this kind of territory. It was a minefield, with a 95% chance neither one would make it out unscathed.
“I guess? I think they’re kind of cute.” You added, innocent as ever. Awesome. You weren’t peeved at him, at least. Peter brought the phone to his chest, exhaling an anxious breath to calm his racing heart. When he put the phone to his ear again, he figured you’d moved on. But your cadence shifted. To test the boundaries of your friendship, you teased, “They’re pretty small on me, though.”
Ah. Ah. Интересно. Очень интересно (Interesting. Very interesting). What an unexpected but totally wicked development. Peter lowered himself slowly onto the couch, setting the phone's base on the side table. He eased backwards into the cushions, and tightened his twisting of the phone wire. Swallowing hard, Peter found he had difficulty focusing. Especially with his imagination running so goddamn wild.
“Yeah? …How small is pretty small?” He dared to ask.
Long seconds of silence ticked by at the pace of a narcoleptic sloth. If Peter weren’t so eager to hear what you had to say, he may have torn his hair out. Over the line, you laughed.
“Small enough they barely cover my ass? Why are you so curious all of a sudden?” You cooed.
Peter fluttered his inky eyes, nibbling chapped skin on his lip. Fuzzy pink swarmed the rest of his face, as his mind conjured images of you so effortlessly. Clear as day. Heat stirred to life in his groin, and Peter pictured the way your plush cheeks might hold in tight painties. His breath hitched.
“I-uh…” Peter felt the heat in his cheeks creep down his neck, flustered at lightspeed, “Just thinkin’...maybe you should do somethin’ about that?” He gritted his teeth, pinching the bridge of his nose. What a lame response, “Черт возьми (damn it)!” He huffed under his breath, too quiet for you to hear.
Toying with this newly discovered sexual tension, Peter humorously asked-
“Sooooooo…what color?”
You giggled into the receiver, airy and light. His body registered the noise somewhere , down south of his belly. He wondered if you were as flustered as him. And the visual of your bashful face and shy smile had his heartbeat ramping up to mach 10.
“What? A-Are you for real asking me…oh my god, dude!” Your giggles turned into goofy snorts. Which he found so endearing. Once you composed yourself, you spoke again. Though, your tone came off as more flirtatious, “If you really wanna know so bad…then fine. They’re black. Lacy. With a little bow on the front.”
Дерьмо (Shit)...
His silver brows soared high, disappearing under his bangs. Paying little attention to his instinctive actions, Peter guided his free hand between his thighs. Inwardly, he told himself he was only adjusting his uncomfortable hard-on. ‘Cuz it’d be totally weird if he did anything else…right? Best to ignore the movement of his thumb, as it absentmindedly circled his bulge.
“Huh…that’s so…” Peter blinked, clearing his throat and masking his nerves with a chuckle, “‘Kay, I’ll be up front with you, babe. That sounds cute as hell. Very nice.”
“Really? Oh, please, Peter. They’d be cute on anybody.” You scoffed.
“Uh huh…” He smirked, dropping his tone even lower, “‘Cept, now that I’m really thinkin’ about it? I’m bettin’ they look criminally cute on you.” Peter lazily smirked.
You laughed, breathless like you ran a thousand miles, “Wh-...what are we even doing right now? Seriously, why am I talking to you about my-” The uneasiness in your voice bled through the line.
Your concern was for good reason. Nevertheless, Peter interrupted you mid-sentence.
“Easy there, chuckles. We’re just chatting. Nothin’ too unusual, right? We’ve had some seriously raunchy conversations before. Remember? That time I got laid on a golf course? You told me about that time some dude shot a load in your eye. What’s the difference, anyway?” Peter grimaced, as he recalled your story from eons ago.
You giggled yet again, “Peter, you know damn well what the difference is!” You clarified with a sigh, still playful. The phone wire went slack around his finger, as Peter second guessed himself. He parted his lips, on the cusp of apologizing. Bringing one hand up to the phone, he held it loosely. Your sugary voice chimed again, “I’m kinda wondering, though…what would you think if I told you I’m topless right now?”
His grip compressed around the handset.
“Topless, huh?” Peter cast a quick glance at his hard-on, twitching painfully under his boxers. His mind jumped straight to sinful places again. Peter thought about what your tits probably look like, embraced in his jacket. Nipples hard, grazing the inner-lining. He swallowed, “What’re you tryna tell me? You gonna drive over here in nothin’ but that?” Peter quipped.
A more sultry laugh melted through the receiver. Peter trembled, as your smooth voice coaxed him like a tempting song. His free palm squeezed his bulge, putting pressure to his length over fabric. Peter’s brows turned inward, and he fluttered his eyes shut.
“I guess that wouldn’t be so bad, if it wasn’t so cold outside. It’s freezing today. I don’t know how you can run as fast as you do when the weather’s like this.” Your tone disguised itself with lighthearted innocence again, “It’s not any warmer in my room either. My nipples could cut glass. They’re, like, soooo hard.”
Peter adjusted himself on the sofa, giving the swell of his bulge another teasing squeeze.
“ Ты маленькая соблазнительница (you little temptress)...”  His hot breath fanned the phone.
“I love it when you talk like that…” You replied, “Even if I have no idea what you’re saying. It sounds really hot, to be totally honest.”
“Oh, yeah?” Peter teased his lip with his teeth, speaking in a more flirtatious voice; buttery smooth, “ Я забыл вынести мусор (I forgot to take out the trash)...” For added effect - just to embarrass you more - he tacked on a husky moan.
Peter made himself blush, as the sound came out far more pornagraphic than he intended. The rasp of his voice scraped through the line in a hushed, “ Oh, yeah, baby. ”
The erotic tension you felt from his teasing was palpable, even over the phone. Peter could sense the shift in the way you gasped. So faint, so shy, so cute.
“Oh…oh, wow...uhm…” You tried concealing your bashfulness with more of those candy coated giggles. But Peter could practically hear the blood racing to your cheeks, “What’s that mean? Something good, I hope.”
Peter bit his tongue, lips turning in a cheeky grin.
“It means you’re really turnin’ me on…”
Another hesitant pause fell between the two of you, before you scoffed.
“Oh my god, no it doesn’t! I can hear you laughing!” You griped, snickering along with Peter. A few more tension heavy beats pulsed over the line. You spoke again, “Hey…I’m sorry. Can I put things on pause for a sec? I just wanted to ask…are you okay with this?”
“Are you?” Peter gently asked, giving you ample time to think about it.
“I don’t know…maybe…” You whispered, “Isn’t this, like, super weird for you?”
“I mean…suuuuuuure. It’s totally weird. If you kept goin', I wouldn't be into it...at all...” He bullied you with a playful edge, hoping you could read the flirtatious undertone in his voice.
“Ohhhhh…you wouldn't be?” Judging by the saucy lilt in your voice, you most definitely caught on, “You know what would be even weirder?”
Peter adjusted on the sofa again. Getting comfortable, he laid on his back. His taut legs stretched across the cushions, and Peter propped his head on the couch’s arm.
“Whazzat? Enlighten me, babe. I’m listenin’. You got my full attention.” He teased.
“Your full attention, huh? I must be doing something right.” You snickered, “So…you know how I said I love it when you talk…like that?” Your voice wavered, “What I really meant was-uhm…when you do that on the phone…it makes me kind of horny.”
His brown hues burst open, wider than ever. Peter’s pupils dilated, expanding as far as the universe itself. He swallowed again, his mouth falling open. Your filthy confession set his arousal ablaze, making his dick twitch. As heated desire took over, Peter couldn’t restrain himself. He snuck his fingers under the waistband of his boxers, fingertips gliding over silver hairs. A small piece of him almost felt guilty for doing so.
“It does, huh? Хорошо знать (Good to know).” Peter whispered, tenderly grasping his shaft.
You made a naughty squeak of a noise in response, “Y-Yeah, Peter, I’m serious. You really have to stop doing that.”
“Почему (Why)? Are you soakin’ yourself over it? Gettin’ a lil wet? It’s cool. You can tell me…” Peter heckled, expelling a breath as he gave his dick a single tug.
“Oh, I bet you wanna know all about that, huh? You’re so bad, Quickie...” You teased, clicking your tongue.
Peter’s ears burned, turning pink as he took in the coquettish nature of your voice. Scoffing, he feigned his indignance.
“What?! Hey, nah nah nah! You started this! Это несправедливо, черт возьми (it’s not fair. Dammit)!” Peter laughed, carefree with you as always, “You can’t seriously drop a bombshell like that and expect me not to-”
“Not to come running?” You hummed, sweet tempered, “I’m just messing with you, baby. But since we’re on the topic…I made such a mess of these little panties. Just from listening to your voice.”
Peter couldn’t even pretend he didn’t like the sound of ‘baby’ on your tongue.
“Oh, man…anything but the panties…” He joked, “You should-uh…you should save yourself some trouble. Y’know…take ‘em off, maybe? Might be more comfortable.” Peter hinted, playing nonchalant, “Just tryna be a good friend. Give you some advice. You should for sure take it.”
“But I’m already so cold…” You whimpered, “Your jacket’s so warm. Smells good too. Really good. But it’s not enough to keep me covered.” You spoke with flirtatious innocence, and Peter played along.
“No harm done, принцесса (princess). I’ll warm you up if you need me to.” He reassured, sweet talking you over the phone, “Ты думаешь, что я не позабочусь о тебе? (Do you think I won't take care of you)?" Peter mumbled again. He listened to your sickly sweet laughs, before asking, “So…do you get like this every time we talk on the phone?”
“Mmmm…maybe.” You hummed, “What if I said yes?” You shuffled around again, and Peter’s mind jumped elsewhere. He imagined you shed yourself of damp, black lace. Leaving you wanton and needy in nothing but his jacket, “You know…we’ve been talking about me a lot this whole time. You wanna tell me what you’re wearing? I don’t really have a visual.”
“Oh…me?” Your request caught Peter off guard.
“Yeah, you. Who else, blockhead?” You playfully quipped, smoothing your voice to say, “You don’t have to be shy. I just wanna know, so I can think about taking it off of you.”
Peter didn’t know he could blush this much. Puffing a bashful laugh, he looked down at his body. Mostly nude and toned enough. He had his x-gene to thank for his pecs and hard abs. A fluffy bouquet of silver hairs peeked out from his boxers. Underneath, his dick throbbed, pressing eagerly into fabric.
“Uhm…I’m not wearin’ a lot? Nothin’ special. Just some black, boxer briefs, I guess. Wait, no-” Peter lifted a foot, his lips curling in a goofy smile, “Got my Star Wars socks on too.”
A sensual moan graced his ears, “That’s so hot.” You softly whined, “Star Wars socks? Peter, just take me now.”
Despite the fact you were totally messing with him, that playful comment made his chest tight. 
“Nothing else though?” You pressed.
“Nnnnnnnnnnope.” He drew out the word, popping the P, “Just the-uh…yeah. Boxers ‘n sexy socks. Not much to take off.”
“And you’re pretty fit, aren’t you? You always looked really jacked to me, so-” You said.
Peter cocked a brow, snickering to cover his embarrassment.
“Wooooahhh…you been checkin’ me out, babe?” He asked, darting his dark hues across his athletic bod. Peter flexed an arm, “Sure, I guess I’m in decent shape.” He found he couldn’t dismiss your compliments. Peter looked good, and he knew it. But he preferred hearing it from you, “Hey, you wanna know somethin’, like, way crazy?”
“This? What we’re doing right now is so crazy, right?” You laughed, sounding as bashful as him.
Peter snickered, “True. Truuuue. But, uh…” He shrank in his spot on the couch, pressing the vibrant handset closer into his cheek. Pre-cum seeped through his boxers, as Peter tugged his dick steady and slow. Careful not to stimulate himself too much yet. He dropped his voice to a hushed rasp, “I’m kinda in the same spot you are right now. If you-uh…if you catch my drift.”
The two of you knew each other for a long time. Several years, in fact. But never once did Peter think he’d hear his closest pal say-
“Ohhhh. Are you hard right now, baby?”
Oh. Yeah, this buddy-buddy friendship was in major trouble. Doomed to crash and burn. As soon as the words fell from your lips, spoken in your honeyed voice; Peter’s breath hitched in his throat. He sank his teeth so hard into his lip, he almost broke skin.
“Y-Yeah. Since you-uh…started talkin’ about your panties. I’m sorry, babe. Just been kinda bored and worked up all day.” He sheepishly chuckled.
“You poor baby…” You coddled him over the phone. And while he should’ve been embarrassed, Peter had no problem with you talking like that, “Can I ask how big you are?”
Peter stalled for a moment, before pulling the front of his boxers down. His hardness flopped against his belly, pulsating and ruddy from his teasing. Taking his aching length in his hand, he rubbed the underside with his thumb.
“You mean my dick? It’s-uhhhh…like six, maybe seven inches almost?” He squeezed his cock, milking beads of pre-cum, “But size doesn’t matter, yeah? It’s the motion of the ocean, babe.”
“Noooooo, baby. You’re so perfect. Wish I could see how good you look like that…” You cooed over the phone.
Your kindly words and airy tone made the veins in his dick throb with electric heat. Peter clutched his cock tight, pumping the velvet skin a touch faster. Giving himself just a simple taste of relief. His stomach clenched, hardening his abs.
“Не так идеально, как ты выглядишь (Not as perfect as you look)...” Peter muttered, drawing in a shallow breath, “Babe, I gotta tell ya, I’m really feelin’ this. I’m so into you right now. W-Want you to keep talkin’ like-uh...”
His imagination took his depravity to the next level. Now, Peter thought about joining you in your room. He wondered how soft and smooth your skin would feel. Supple and hot under his fingertips. What might you look like writhing under him, whimpering as he played with you? As he teased you? Man, you were both so screwed.
“Never thought dirty talking with me would turn you on so much…” You giggled.
Peter secured the handset between his cheek and shoulder. With both hands free, he raised his palm to his lips. He drew a long stripe with his tongue, bringing his damp hand to his cock. The slick lubrication pulled a gentle moan from his throat.
“M-Maybe a little bit. Ебать (Fuck), maybe a lot.” Peter groaned, labored in his breathing, “Can you - Ебать (fuck) - you wanna do somethin’ for me? Just a little favor between friends? S’all I’m askin’, baby.”
“Anything you want, Peter.” You mewled.
“Can you- mmmmohgod -” Peter choked up. He almost chickened out, but pushed himself to ask, “Can you touch yourself for me? Please? Пожалуйста, моя маленькая принцесса (Please, my little princess)...” His foreign whispers weaved pretty whimpers from your lips.
“Yeah. Yeah, I can do that, if you want me to. But you have to do the same for me too. It’s only fair, right? Equal exchange?” You whispered, acting playful again.
Peter breathed a guilty chuckle, “Uhm…yeahhhhh…about that…”
You softly gasped, “Have you been-”
“Playin’ with my dick this whole time? Maybe.” Peter admitted. His thumb caught another pearl of pre, spreading the slickness over his sensitive head, “But I’m not, like, totally jerkin’ it yet…” He lied, pressing you to encourage him.
“Oh, you’re not, huh? What are you doing then?” You asked, “Are you being a bad boy, Pietro?” The abrupt drop of his given name shocked him into silence.
Peter felt his groin tighten, and an exhilarating rush electrified his nerves. For the thousandth time, you giggled. And for the thousandth time, Peter’s heart leapt. Dumbfounded, he gathered his composure and played along again.
“Y-Yeah. So bad. You gotta help me, babe. I’m just-...I’m so hard. Don’t think I can stop myself if you keep talkin’ like that.”
Through the receiver, Peter’s ears caught wind of a needy mewl. He gripped his cock hard, guiding his fist in firmer strokes. His legs quivered, and the heels of his Star Wars socks slid across the couch.
“Does it feel good when you touch your pretty cock like that, sweetheart?” You cooed.
Peter almost went straight into cardiac arrest. He jolted in place, feeling his cock stiffen in his grasp.
“Святой трах (Holy fuck)..." Peter suffocated on his own groans. For an instant, his words failed him, “Uhmmm…hah…wow-uh…Ебать (fuck). Feels good, yeah. Don’t think it’s enough. I need-...uhm…I want-uh…”
“Yeah? What do you want, baby. It’s okay.” You spoke so sugary sweet again.
“I-...Я просто хочу увидеть тебя (I just want to see you)...” Peter’s veins tingled under his touch, as he tugged his dick with more urgency, “Shit! I-...how come I never knew you could be like this-” And to Peter’s ultimate humiliation, he whimpered your name. Along with another whiny, “ Ебать (Fuck). ”
“Like what?” Your coy voice teased him over the line.
“I dunno…so-uh…so damn nasty.” He joked, and even through the phone; he knew he had you flustered again.
“I guess we all have our secrets, hmm? Tell me more, Pietro. When you touch yourself like that. With those big, strong hands…how’s it feel?” You asked, driving him to keep going.
Peter snorted a laugh, “Strong hands? What??” His endearing playfulness took a backseat, as he grunted into the receiver, “God…feels like my strong hand’s not enough. Мне реально тебе нужно прямо сейчас. Нужна так сильно (I really need you right now. I need you so much).” His voice fell to a whisper. Pumping his slick, crimson cock through his fist, he breathlessly pleaded, “Talk to me, baby. Please. Tell me-ohhh…tell me what you’re doin’ over there.”
You squealed a sultry giggle, further igniting Peter’s pleasured frenzy. He squirmed in his spot on the sofa, forcing himself to stay put. Battling the forces of the universe, it was all Peter could do not to race to your room. Just to spread your legs and hump you like a speedy bunny.
“Mmmm…I’m just doing what you asked me to…I’m being so good for you right now.” You whimpered.
“Oh. Okay…uhm…far out. Uh…wanna gimme the steamy details?” He heckled again, fumbling his words in his nervousness, “Please, don’t hold off on me, baby.”
“I’m…” Your precious voice wavered, teeming with awkwardness as your confidence dwindled, “I’m playing with my little pussy. Just for you. And I’m so wet. I can’t stop thinking about your hands…so big…”
“Боже мой (my god).” Peter muttered. Combating impatience brought upon by his genes, he willed himself to take things slow. His strokes became steady and teasing, as he edged his aching cock, “Holy shit, babe. Yeah? Keep goin’...”
You moaned soft squeals into the receiver, “I want you so bad, Quickie. Please, baby, don’t make me beg. Can you touch this little pussy for me? Please? Your fingers are so big. I don’t think they’d fit all at once. It’s been a while, and I’m so tight.” Your naughty voice pleaded.
“God, I wanna touch you so bad. Я хочу прикоснуться к этой сладкой киске (I want to touch that sweet pussy).” Peter’s impatience got the better of him, and he quickly gave in. He grasped his cock hard, wringing himself fast enough to make his balls bounce. Creasing his brows, he groaned, “Ohhh..What’re you tryna to do to me, babe? Talkin’ about how tight you are…Ебать…”
“But I ammmm.” You whined again, “I’m squeezing my tiny fingers so tight. It’s so soft and hot for you. Bet it’d feel really good if you stretched me. With your fingers, with your cock - fuck, Pietro. I just need you, baby.”
“Please, baby, oh, please? Wanna be inside you. Wanna feel you. I promise I won’t go too fast. Я обещаю (I promise).” Peter whimpered. But as you mewled again, another forceful wave of carnal heat crashed over Peter. In a quieter tone, he choked, “Нет, я могу. Я пойду так быстро (No, I can. I’ll go so fast).”
“Pietro, you can go as fast as you want, baby. I won’t stop you.” You pleaded, your broken voice so kittenish and wanton, “F-Fuck. I’m rubbing my clit. So sensitive. Thinking about you. Thinking about your mouth on me.”
“Ебать!!” Peter moaned through clenched teeth. His self control rapidly abandoned him. Speedily rutting his sore cock through the squeeze of his fist, his body refused to slow down, “Говоря о скорости (Speaking of speed)...” Peter craned his neck back, raising a hand to keep the handset to his ear, “You gotta stop makin’ all those cute noises, baby. Please…I can’t-”
As surges of horny pleasure circulated through his body, Peter thought of you again. He imagined you on your bed, caged under him between his arms. In his daydreams, he kissed you intimately, touching your pretty, naked body. Peter wanted to feel how wet you were for himself. And hell, the danger of pushing your friendship past its limits made you more tempting. Such a lewd, risky thought pushed him closer to the edge of something righteous.
“Baby, I wanna see you. Can I? Can I see you stroke that thick cock? Would you let me? Ohh, fuck, Pietro.” You whimpered. And your noises were so shamelessly lecherous, you could’ve made a pornstar blush, “Can I kiss it, please? Can I kiss your big cock?” You whimpered.
“О боже мой, пожалуйста (Oh my god, please)!” Peter choked, every word hitching in his throat, “Baby…babe, you can’t do this. Ya really can’t be-” He laughed lazily, his dark eyes falling half lidded. His cock throbbed, bright red and turning purple at the tip. He rutted in a speedy blur, “Stop. Stop. Stop. I’m gonna…babe, I’m gonna bust-” He slurred.
You squealed his name as loudly as your hushed voice would allow. And Peter swore he could hear the slick sound of your fingers. As they played with your pretty, little cunt.
“I’m gonna cum, baby. Please cum with me. Please? Pietro, OH~!”
“я кончаю, я кончаю (I’m cumming, I’m cumming)! ‘M Gonna-” Peter’s moans seeped through the receiver, his wet lips parting and mouth hanging open.
His swollen cock erupted in white-hot jets, coating his pecs and belly. With all his muscles tensed, Peter’s legs trembled. He rode out those lusty waves in tandem with you. The pleasure of orgasm sounded leagues more intense on your side. You took longer to cruise through it, whimpering and moaning Peter’s name. As you did, Peter basked in his momentary afterglow. Keeping the phone pressed to his ear, his head resting on the arm of the sofa; he listened to you with a smirk on his lips. At the end of your journey in ecstasy, your moans turned into flustered giggles.
Peter's thoughts reeled him in again. Imagining you, looking so sheepish and fine in his jacket. Now, he desperately wanted the real deal. To see you in all your post-nut glory. Mere seconds later, his sore cock pulsed to life again. As his hardness squirmed on his belly, Peter breathed another sigh.
On his end, you heard nothing but silence. You kept calling his name, your tired voice infused with anxiety.
“Uhm…Peter? Hey…are you there?” You asked.
And he didn't say a single word more.
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somepinkthing · 3 months
Since I'm getting back into comics, ig this is where I admit that I didn't get the tim drake hype until I read jason's return arc and damian's intro to the family? As in, it wasn't his own content that caught my eye but instead the way he was treated when seen through someone else's pov. Because ppl were always talking abt how much he was asked to put up with and I didn't not believe it but I was like well yeah but that's being robin for ya. BUT THEN the guy literally has two people try to kill him??? Only for his own family to essentially expect him to get over it?? And the general fandom agreement is that he should??? AND THEN HE JUST DOES?? And then I read Red Robin(2009), where we find out that he still considers damian dangerous and isn't totally over the whole almost-being-assasinated thing...and the response from both canon and fandom is that he should have gotten over it harder??? That he should apologize for not doing so?????
Not to mention, dick and jason both lost their minds when they found out that robin had been picked up by someone else only for dick to give it away right in front of tim's face, while he was still using the title!!! And his reason was "tim will be fine" and was super shocked when he wasn't!!! Dick babe ilu but im ngl, I would be lacing ur shit with arsenic. In fact, if I almost died multiple times only for my own family to focus more on the emotional wellbeing of my would-be-murderer than me? I'm blowing the whole place up idgaf what the circumstances were (hi jason). But tim just. Doesn't? Like he's majorly understanding and that's treated as normal.
To top it all off, the entirety of damian's and jason's arcs gives tim like two sentences even though their early interactions with him were major stepping stones for the start of both of their arcs! Which, when you think about it, mirrors how his stint as robin both started and ended—like he was just some stepping stone until the "real" robin came around and picked it back up. And you can't expect me to not be facinated by a dude getting the "girl getting in the way of the canon couple" treatment.
The majorly gay and about one canon event from losing the plot thing was just the cherry on top.
TLDR tim drake is my girliepop and will have my full support whenever he decides to finally lose it
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116t98 · 2 months
Ok, so here's what I gathered from the 40th anniversary ROTTMNT comic:
This isn't the original apocalyptic timeline; this is either a timeline where they succeeded in beating the Krang during the apocalypse (aka the Good Future), or the canon future timeline after the end of the movie (that will inevitably change bc of this intervention)
Everyone still dresses in their apocalypse fits in a non-apocalyptic future for some reason
Mikey's expedited aging due to his magic must be an inevitability no matter what's going on in the future 😔
If the movie takes place in 2020, then Splinter canonically dies of some illness 4 years after the movie (would be have died in later seasons??)
Renet is canon in rise, and she's Mikey's mentor?? Or maybe just an ally they met that helped him with his magic?? (why isn't Barry teaching him? He's alive)
Piebald's back! Todd is here, and apparently part of the family!
Draxum... doesn't look like his concept for the scrapped movie intro
A glimpse of the season 3 we were robbed of with that Frida panel 😭
Also they have a secret brother and sister?? Is he talking about Frida? bc if he's not then that means there's 7 turtle siblings in total 👀
The comic ends with "Hard Pause" instead of the typical "The End"; this story gave us closure for what we lost and for what could've been, jic this really is the last time we see these guys, but the show's not technically over so there's always hope that it could return some day
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timdoubleyou · 10 months
i found jay’s black jacket (an ID guide)
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This black jacket is worn by Jay about 9 times throughout Marble Hornets, including his final appearance. And after some weeks of on-and-off research, I think I know the exact make and model.
This post will detail exactly how I found it, and serve as a guide for anyone that wants to find the jacket, whether that's for cosplay purposes, or if you're just keen on collecting items related to MH.
Main post under the cut
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The first step to identifying the jacket was to gather as many references as possible.
I went back to the web series and took screenshots from any entries the jacket makes an appearance. (shoutout to mg549′s very comprehensive MH wardrobe guide, without it this would’ve been much more of a pain)
Jay's jacket is, for the most part, very plain. It's a solid color, full-zip jacket, without any particularly eye-catching logos or other details. I had to look for moments where even the slightest distinction appeared clear on camera, at least as distinct as it can be. Even if it was just close-ups to get the shape of a zipper, or how many buttons are on a sleeve, it was the best I got. While I did manage to find a decent amount of these, there was just one crucial detail that would've made finding it near-impossible; the brand is never shown. Thankfully, I had another resource.
In 2018 Troy Sold a Lot of Stuff
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In early 2018, Troy officially announced that MH would be continued in a comic series. To fund the first issue, he held a number of auctions for production items used during the web series on Ebay.
These included items such as Jay’s camera, Brian’s hoodie, A Masky mask, and Jay’s black jacket.
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Lo and behold, the jacket listing includes a picture with the brand in clear view. It's from Gap.
Ebay does not archive sold listings older than 90 days. However, Worthpoint, a website for valuing and pricing collectibles, does. Using Worthpoint I was able to find all of these items, (and a lot more, which can be found in this doc I submitted to Archive Hornets)
With the picture from the listing and the series screencaps, I had a complete ID list.
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(Top image is from the Ebay listing, with the contrast adjusted a little for easier viewing. The bottom two images are from Entry #79)
The Gap logo (This specific logo dates the jacket being made anywhere between 1986 and 2009, when it first appears).
Front Zipper (Note the shape)
The two front pockets
The two buttons and pointed cuffs on each sleeve (Second one is a little hard to see but it's jusstt peeping out at the side)
The blue piping in the inner lining
The zipper in the right side inner lining
The gray mesh inner lining
With these in mind, I could now go to the next and longest step-
Finding the Jacket
I combed three resell sites; Ebay, Depop, and Poshmark. My main goal wasn't to actually purchase the jacket, (although, I would like to at some point) but to find a jacket listing that had every identifier, and have a more definite baseline for finding others. I needed to be sure what I had was enough to properly ID the jacket. The references I had stitched together were decent enough, but I wanted to see if there was something better out there.
After tons of page scrolling and tab-switching and comparing and contrasting, I finally got lucky.
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(first two images are from crashthecloset's listing on poshmark, last six are from shannfo-76 on ebay)
I haven't bought one myself as of posting, but I feel pretty confident this is it. The jackets were already sold, but every marker seemed to be accounted for. It also revealed new ones, like the reflective pattern and pockets on the inner lining, (zipper on the right side pocket, button on the left pocket) and the materials tag.
With that, here's some final notes that may be helpful if you try looking for the jacket yourself:
Online sellers often describe it as a light jacket, a windbreaker, a 2-in-1, or 3-in-1.
"Gap Mens Black Jacket" is the search phrase I used the most since it yielded a (very) broad result pool.
Most of the jackets I found came from Poshmark or Ebay.
The exact size of Jay’s jacket is unclear. My best guesses are either a US Men’s S or M, since Jay was pretty skinny and of average height. I’ve only been able to find maybe 2 jackets that are a size M, one of which is the first pic in the photoset above.
Gap has sold other black jackets that look remarkably similar to Jay’s, and they do pop up on resell sites. One of these was so similar, the only discernible difference was the style of the logo. I highly recommend making sure it matches the exact one Jay had before purchasing. (It's also more than fine to ask/msg me if you have any doubts!) As long as you know what to look for, you shouldn’t have a problem finding at least one.
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One detail that confounded me was this sleeve poking out of Jay's jacket. At first I thought he was wearing a long sleeve underneath, making this shot a continuity error since he appeared to Only be wearing the green short sleeve under the jacket.
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@hivemite pointed out that this might be a two-in-one jacket, which has multiple layers for different types of weather. While I have not been able to see the sleeve outside of two shots in entry #79 and #80, one listing I found did describe it as a 3-in-1.
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that's about it! hope this helps :)
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gremlinscomics · 4 months
No comic today y'all, Crow and I are still getting chapter 2 put together, HOWEVER-
Would y'all like some more Big Mama's Assistant content...?
Just a quick intro to who she is at this point in SOOP, read it on AO3 or just continue reading down below, enjoy!
Big Mama's assistant has been given many, many names throughout her life.
A champion, a work of art, Big Mama’s finest masterpiece.
She is everything that is to be expected from someone brought up by the most powerful Yokai in all of the Hidden City. A sharp-witted young woman and the perfect extension of power.
Outsiders may say she’s barely more than a pet, never out of her owner's sight, a product of a flamboyant businesswoman's flights of fancy. 
She’s an echo, who’s voice is nothing more than myth to those around her, whose face is concealed by a well designed muzzle.
Big Mama’s loyal assistant, with not a thought of her own, merely a vessel for a higher power.
The older Yokai at the hotel, the ones that have been there since its beginning, who witnessed her sudden appearance, will deny that she’s simply just Big Mama’s assistant.
To them she is known as Venus DeMilo.
Sole heir to the Nexus and all the glory surrounding it, a child born with a silver spoon in her mouth. They say that her loyalty to Big Mama is nothing new, not something that simply appeared one day. Even from a young age, she was more than willing to obey every order. It’s not uncommon knowledge that she was raised knowing her status was high above those around her, second only to her Mother’s.
She and Big Mama once attended human galas together; Their carefully crafted cloaking brooches allowing them to seamlessly blend with the crowds of New York  elites. Venus was an endless source of bragging, with Big Mama never passing up an opportunity to talk about her dearest daughter's latest achievements or praises.
Even as the years went on and, despite her social appearances becoming fewer and further between, her reputation remained intact.
Venus DeMilo is a loyal daughter who preens at the praise of her elders and puffs out her chest when Big Mama mentions her latest accomplishments.
Venus DeMilo comes from a high pedigree, she’s a debutante. 
But, there’s an air around her, one that sets others on edge. She is something more than just a ward blinded by their admiration for their provider.
She is a soldier who will gladly spill blood if her commander tells her to.
And she does.
Venus grows up in the arena, with millions watching.
She goes from a child to a champion nearly overnight, to the surprise of few and the cheers of many. Her first match for the title of top fighter in the Battle Nexus drew in droves of Yokai, all more than eager to watch a young Venus crush opponents ten times her size under her heel.
In the arena she is untethered, no one there to hold her to the etiquette and rules of high society. She breaks bones, maims without a second thought, competitors beg for mercy when they see their fleeting lives in the reflection of her tessen and she always, always, emerges victorious.
Venus looks up after every match, like clockwork, not towards the roaring crowds who adore her every breath, but at Big Mama's private box high above them; always asking a silent question, waiting almost hesitantly for a few moments, before bowing her head and making her exit; a trail of destruction left in her wake.
Big Mama brags about her creation, her crown jewel, always praising Venus on how close she is to succeeding; Lamenting on how she’s nearly caught up to her reputation.
Over the years, Venus has never wavered, never questioned her place. She loves her mother and her mother loves her, wants what's best for her, and that is enough.
She is content with her role, she is happy to blend into the shadows until Big Mama asks her to step into the spotlight, to show what years of an upbringing under proper conditions can yield.
There’s a power behind Venus, a constant brand, reminding her who she owes her success to. It whispers and instructs, never leading her astray.
If it tells her to jump, she jumps, if it tells her to win, she snatches victory up from her competitors' cold, stiff hands.
When it tells her to live up to the statuesque legacy she’s been given, she gladly chips and chisels away every single inadequacy; always just out of perfection's grasp but nearing it more and more with each attempt.
Because she is Venus DeMilo, soon she will be Big Mama’s pièce de résistance.
Soon she won’t just be a champion.
She will be a victor.
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