#what the heck is with all this injuries?
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martianbugsbunny · 1 year
"What would you do if I was dying? Hold me and let me die in your arms or just let me lay there and bleed?"
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citrinesparkles · 2 years
How does it feel being one of the best Jason writers on this app 🎤🎤🎤
the nerve you have to pull into MY inbox being THIS sweet!!! gonna make me cry!!!!!! ridiculous
no comment.
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what-even-is-thiss · 2 months
The reason people don’t want to work is that it’s just normal for them to be in bad work environments.
My issue with working at Walmart wasn’t the work itself I was doing. It was the circumstances around it. The concrete floor, lack of places to sit, having to put up with asshole customers, not getting time off for injuries, and bad pay.
If I had been given shock pads to stand on or a few chairs to rest on sometimes, if they paid me a livable amount of money and I was allowed to yell back at asshole customers, if they had given me any amount of training, I would happily work part time folding clothes all day and telling people where the swimsuit section is.
I’m a creative type. I’m a writer. I’m pretty smart, even. But if I could make a living folding shirts and listening to podcasts in one ear and helping people find the scented candles for 30 hours a week? I would. Leaves some mental space free for me to brainstorm. Lets me catch up on my reading with audiobooks.
But instead I was treated so badly by upper management and customers that I’m like legitimately a little frightened whenever I step into a Walmart now. And I only worked there for three months a few years ago.
I’m a good lower level worker. When I’m treated well. I like finishing tasks. I like being helpful. I like having some time to talk to coworkers and some time alone with my thoughts. I’m a frickin team player. And that’s how I was at my first job. I was treated well by my supervisor. I was trained. They were patient with me. I was so good at being low on the totem pole at that job because I was valued and felt like I was being listened to. I was able to sit still when there was nothing left to do which made it feel less bad when we were on a time crunch. I didn’t mind working hard at that job because it was fun even though I was doing all the low level stuff that the supervisors didn’t want do.
But at Walmart I was like that for all of two days. Then I figured out that nobody appreciated my work and if I worked in my normal people pleasing manner I’d kill myself because their standards were high and the rewards for meeting them were low.
So I slowed down. I started avoiding customers. I started taking a lot longer to get to my breaks and to come back from them. I became worse at my job because no matter how good I was at it there would be no reward, no appreciation, and I’d just be pushed further beyond my limits.
My only level of happiness from that job came from the people who were working with me. The old ladies and my department manager who made sure I wasn’t overextending myself. The one other young man working in the clothing department who always got sent with me to unload the heavy stuff and commiserated with me about the shoulder injuries, the hurting feet we were too young to have.
But none of that was enough to make me stay. We were constantly understaffed. I was constantly abused by customers and not able to do a thing about it. I was not paid much at all. So as soon as I had enough saved up for what I was trying to do and my last semester of college was about to start I handed in my two weeks.
I would have found a way to stay if I liked that job. If I liked that job I would’ve pushed myself to my mental limits to finish college and keep that job at the same time. Heck that job could’ve been a rest from college. A place to get away from it. But I hate that job so I got out as soon as I could.
I want to work. I want enough money to live sort of comfortably. I want to have some tasks to do to give my creativity a rest. I want to be a part of something. But the way that modern corporate run work environments are set up does not give me any of the things I actually want out of a job. And I think that’s the same for millions of people right now. A lot of people would happily spend their lives as a waitress or an Uber driver or a warehouse worker or a farmhand or any other “low skill” job you can possibly think of. But with the way the world works right now those jobs are absolutely miserable. It doesn’t have to be that way. I know because I’ve had a fulfilling part time minimum wage job that I looked forward to going to every week. A job where I was listened to and allowed to sit when I needed to. I miss that job. Especially now since I’ve realized that’s not the standard. It should be. People should look forward to going to work or at the very least not get mild ptsd whenever they set foot into a Walmart.
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Bruce being so done with life because none of his kids treat their medical files on the batcomputer with the importance it deserves. And the worst part is, he can't tell if it's on purpose or if they're all Just Like That.
He loves his eldest son but for some reason, he refuses to do anything but put down estimated recovery times in his injuries folder. It's usually in the range of "2 weeks" to "48 hours" but that just leaves Bruce worrying about what happened.
One time, he put down 3 months and he nearly had a heart attack till his son called and told him Kor'i had dumped him and that this was how long he was going to be wallowing.
Is nice enough to tell him what happened but doesn't add the degree of injury.
So he'll put down "stabbed" but won't elaborate on whether it was a flesh wound or worse. Bruce goes grey very, very early after Jason is on the field.
Gives him just the location of the injury and leaves him to guess what happened.
Could say "arm" or "back of the head" or, on one memorable occasion, "spleen", but won't say what the heck happened to any of those parts.
Was he stabbed?? Shot at?? Who knows. Certainly not Bruce.
Only mentions the retribution he got for any injuries he received.
"It's been handled", "he'll never be able to get the drop on me again" and more often than not, just the word "avenged".
Bruce is surprised he has any of his original hair colour left at all.
By far the worst one. He writes down injuries in terms of his own pain scale.
Could write "OW!" or "Not Gucci" or "Better than that time Jason hit me in the face with a TV remote".
Once wrote "Non-fatal" which sent Bruce into a spiral because "holy shit Duke?? What do you mean non-fatal?? Yeah I sure hope your injuries weren't lethal?!"
Has never been injured on patrol. Often leaves him question marks in her file which...yeah, fair enough.
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bluemari23 · 8 months
hello soulmate | min yoongi
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summary: your first day on the job doesn't turn out the exact way you envisioned
pairing: min yoongi x hype employee reader
genre: soulmate au, soulmarks, fluff,
warnings: running, unhappy coworkers, some injury
word count: 1.7k
Running was not your forte, and neither was breathing apparently as you choke trying to get air into your lungs as you reach the fortunately empty elevator. 
You were running late, and you were seconds away from being fired on your third day of work. You had just gotten the job as one of the content creators for a variety show through one of the big four entertainment companies, and today was the first official day at the company. 
HYBE was bigger than you imagined, and thus, the reason you were late. You had gotten lost on the first floor and then there were issues with your ID card getting past security. But you manage to reach the 12th floor in record time and use the piece of paper you received the last meeting to find the correct room. 
It was slight chaos when you opened the door, unsurprisingly as you now realized who you would be working with for the variety show. Everything was kept top secret until you were approved by HYBE and showed up on the first day, after signing numerous NDA’s of course. 
The BTS boys were having fun and running amuck as they waited for the shoot to start. It was supposed to be just a fun shoot, numerous arcade games set up throughout the room and a table set in the middle where some challenges were going to take place later on. 
You looked around after taking in the room, trying to set eyes on your director. Eventually you find him talking to your fellow creators, going over the different challenges that would be taking place. 
“—After the water bottle challenge, we’re going to move onto the karaoke booth.” You arrive just at the tail end of the run through, but you manage to understand anyways, seeing as you all had a copy of the schedule for the day. 
“Where have you been? Never mind, you’re working on the individual camera today.” Your director questions you but doesn’t give you any time to explain yourself before moving on and assigning you your task. You quickly nod your head, before moving to grab one of the video cameras from the table. 
You would be in charge of taking individual behind the scenes videos and photos for the social media accounts. You had seen episodes of Run BTS before and knew how much moving you would be doing today. 
Again. Running wasn’t your thing. 
“What are you doing?” You turn your head to see a slightly older woman in front of you, her hands on her hips as she looks towards the camera in your hands. 
“I was assigned individual shots today, Ma’am.” You respond as politely as you can, getting bad feelings from the woman in front of you. 
You could almost feel that you would be having problems with her. You tried to be respectful though, not wanting to step on anyone’s toes on your first official day. 
The woman just looked you up and down, her nose crinkling a little before she spoke. “Just don’t get in my way. I’ve been doing this longer than you have and don’t need some inexperienced newbie messing up my photos.” 
You can only nod before she is walking past you, bumping into your shoulder on her way past. 
‘What the heck?’ you think, turning to watch as she steps forward and begins to talk to one of the supervisors who was in the middle of talking to Namjoon. Shaking your head, you move to the edge of the set, close to the basketball arcade shot game. 
You had a good view of the other games from here and felt you could maneuver through the set easier from where you were set up. Bringing your camera up to your eyes, you begin taking some practice shots, making sure the lighting was good and the settings on the camera aligned with what you wanted to photograph.
It took you some time, but eventually you were able to begin taking photos of the boys who had come back to mess around with the games after getting changed and before the actual shoot started. 
You were so focused on the pictures that you didn’t even notice one of the boys moving up to you. 
“Hi! You must be one of the new creators! I’m Taehyung.” The bright eyed man bounced right up to you when he noticed you, hand held in front of you to shake your hand as he introduced himself. 
You put your camera down, smiling softly as you brought your hand to meet his, introducing yourself. As you did, you caught his attention on your wrist, where your soulmark resided. The initials of your soulmate were written in short, quick writing, the gray M and Y staring back up at you since the minute you turned sixteen. 
Taehyung’s smile only seemed to widen once you introduced yourself, a twinkle in his eyes that wasn’t there before. You could barely blink before the director was calling for the boys to get into place; the shoot was about to begin. 
You smile as you watch him bounce away again, his energy levels palpable as you hold your camera up again. 
The next hour was spent moving slowly throughout the edge of the set up game room, trying to get as many good shots as you could. You noticed that Taehyung gravitated towards you and seemed to pull Yoongi with him to play the basketball game, Jungkook following behind to try and battle against the basketball player. 
You moved closer to get a picture of both boys making a basket and scoring a point when someone stepped on your foot causing pain to radiate up your ankle and shin. A gasp leaves your lips as you look towards your left to see the woman from earlier, a glare set on her dark eyes as she almost pushes you aside. 
You end up tripping over the cord to another game and just barely manage to catch yourself on the corner of said game before injuring yourself or ruining the shoot. You were so focused on the pain in your foot you didn’t even notice the burning in your wrist as your soulmark gets darker. 
You didn’t notice the three men witnessing the entire thing, nor the dark looks Taehyung was sending to the older woman. A break was luckily called soon enough and you tried to move away back to the far wall but a hand on your arm stops you.
“What was that? I thought I told you not to get in my way?!” The older woman steps in front of you, her hand still gripping tightly to your forearm. 
“I’m sorry, Ma’am. It won’t happen again.” You grit out as politely as you can, the pain in your ankle making you want to sit down but you knew you needed to just go along with what she was saying, not wanting any trouble. 
“No. Don’t apologize.” You both turn to your right to see Taehyung, Yoongi and Jungkook, all three eyeing the hand gripping onto your forearm. The woman is quick to release you when she realizes what the boys were seeing. 
“Oh boys! Don’t worry about this. I’m just giving some advice to the newbie.” The woman was quick to put on the sweet tone as she speaks to them. You just want to roll your eyes. 
Pulling your arm back to your chest, rubbing against where you knew her grip was going to leave some bruises. Your sleeve had rolled back down and your forearm was on full display, along with your soulmark. 
“Advice? It seemed like you stepped on and pushed someone out of the way. That is not okay nor something we want to see happen between our employees.” Yoongi’s voice was low, each word spoken slowly as if to ensure the woman knew exactly what she had done. 
Jungkook moved to you while Taehyung and Yoongi were talking to the woman, his hand holding onto your own, softly and a huge contrast to the woman as he tilts your forearm around to see the spot where the woman held you.
The skin was red and he knew it would bruise. This was unacceptable and he would make sure that the woman would be reprimanded for her actions. As Jungkook continued to look over your arm, his attention was caught by your soulmark, his hyungs initials on the inside of your wrist. 
‘No wonder Taehyung kept bringing him to where you were…’ Jungkook mused, a small smile on his lips as the thought of Taehyung trying to bring you two together. 
Well, no time like the present. 
Taehyung agreed, as his next words caught the attention of everyone. 
“You hurt Yoongi’s mate.” Your eyes widened as your head turned quickly to see Yoongi already staring at you, your faces both sharing the expression of shock. Jungkook was still holding your wrist, bringing you the two feet until you were right in front of Yoongi. 
You were silent, trying to process everything as Yoongi looked down at your held out wrist, his initials written in his own handwriting. Slowly, he pulled his own sleeve up, showing you his soulmark. 
Your initials were written in your own soft script, smooth cursive showing on his inner wrist, the same spot as your own. 
You were lost in your own world, oblivious to all of the noise and emotions happened outside the two of you. Yoongi slowly brought his hand to your wrist, his thumb rubbing over the top of your soulmark, gray turning to a dark black as the soulbond snaps into place confirming Taehyung’s suspicions. 
“Hello, soulmate.” A gummy smile burns into your retina, a memory you never want to forget as warmth erupts in your soul.
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probablyintensemuses · 3 months
Dating Armando Aretas Would Include:
Grumpy x Sunshine Edition
🎧- Enchanted: Taylor Swift
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pairing: Armando Aretas x black fem! reader
themes: grumpy x sunshine w/drabble
warnings: mentions of trauma & abuse, strong language, and a bit of gore.
authors note: I saw Bad Boys 4 again last night and it’s really refueled my Armando obsession, so more headcannons, drabbles, and fics on the way.
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✨First Encounters✨
You and Armando meet in the worst of circumstances.
He, his father, and Marcus were on the run as wanted men, and you were the first person Mike thought to turn to after the attack at Tabatha’s.
Which he wasn’t wrong, you’d give your left kidney to Mike he’s saved you so many times.
You had let them into your small apartment, offering them clothes, food, and shelter until they could get in touch with the rest of the Ammo team and sort this shit out.
Armando had taken an interest to you then. Your house was warm and cozy, lived in. A small, plush couch, next to a coffee table littered with medical books. A kitchen stacked with teas and espressos , a dresser with vintage vinyls and a record player beside it. This was the kind of house he’d like to live in if he lead a different life.
You remember walking over to him, a picture of your parents and you when you were young in his hands.
“Those are my parents,’ you say. “I was ten then.”
Armando’s gruff exterior takes over though, and he doesn’t give you as much as a word back, let alone a thank you for feeding and housing literal fugitives.
You figured it was just him though and let it roll off you back like water.
You all got some sleep and the next day Mike asks you to drive them out to Dorn’s house on the dock. You agree and begin to load up the truck with guns, water, food, and extra clothes for the drive.
This is when Armando starts to question who you are and the legitimacy of your actions. Last person Mike trusted fucked them over, and he wasn’t having that shit again.
So he pulls his father aside and confronts him on the situation: you.
“How can we trust her?” Armando says, not far out of earshot of you.
“She’s good for it, trust me.”
“Didn’t you say that the last time and we got sold out. Don’t forget there is fucking five million dollar bounty on our heads. We can’t trust no one!” He whisper-shouted.
Mikes shoulders dropped. “I saved her life when she was younger, and I used to work with her parents. Trust me, she’s not going to pull a fast one. Because if she was, she would have done it already.”
Armando looked over at you, you’re dressed in a tank top, and that’s when he notices the cuts and burns littering your left arm. He sucks in a deep breath eyeing Mike who looks at you with sympathy too. There’s a story there, he’ll piece it together later, but for now he guesses you’re his only hope of getting out alive.
✨Post-fallout ✨
After you didn’t screw them over, and got them safety to Dorn’s, Armando found himself limping towards your apartment, blood trailing behind his feet.
Mike had sent him, and for some reason, at that moment, your place felt like exactly what he needed.
With the last of his energy, he banged on your door. Shortly, you answered and immediately went into panic mode.
The moment you let him inside, Armando crashes to the floor, passing out.
You screech and get every first aide equipment you have on hand and begin to bandage him up and stop the bleeding.
It took two bloody, sweaty hours, but you eventually got him all closed up.
Armando woke the next morning in a bed he didn’t recognize. This sent him into a frenzy. He went to shoot up out of the bed, but the soreness of his injuries knocked him back down.
“Fuck,” he moaned, grabbing at his torso.
From the living room, you turn down your headphones at the sound of movement. Armando must be awake.
Two days of rest, not bad.
You move towards the microwave and reheat the breakfast you had made him, pour some orange juice, and bring a whole heck of a lot of water and pain-pills.
Tray in hand, you kick open the door and slip inside your bedroom.
“Good morning.” You smile, setting the tray on the bed by his side. “How do you feel?”
“What the fuck did you put in this.” Armando asks, eyeing the food.
“Eggs, bacon, and toast.” You snicker.
Armando lifts a piece of toast, taking a bite. “If I die from this, I’ll kill you.”
“Noted, Sarg.” You salute.
You watch Armando eat his food with a smile on your face.
Eventually he looks up at you scowling. “Why are you staring at me.”
You shrug. “I’m just happy you’re okay.” You say truthfully.
“Well,’ Armando takes a swig of water, downing the pills. “Go be happy somewhere else.”
Your shoulders drop and you let out a sigh, you knew Armando was tough, but geez, you practically saved his life. Would it kill him to be a little nice?
But still you smile when you say, “okay, well if you need me, I’ll be out in the living room studying. Feel free to roam around, I don’t mind.”
It was a couple hours before Armando had come out of your room, limping over to the kitchen and rummaging through your fridge.
“I’m making dinner right now,’ you say, pausing your television show. “It’s a roast with veggies.”
“I want a beer.” He grumbles.
“Well I don’t have beer, but I do have wine.” You say, pointing to you collection of reds and whites.
“ I don’t want wine.”
“Okay, so what do you want me to do?”
Armando comes over to you, cornering you into the tiny space between your sink and the counter. “Get me a beer.”
“Let’s start over,’ you stick out your hand for a shake. “I think we’re at a misunderstanding of our situation.”
Armando frowns at your response, grumbling Spanish curses under his breath and walking away, slamming your door like a toddler.
The roast was done, and eventually you got Armando to come and have dinner with you…kind of.
He sat on the couch and watched the news, for updates on the status for his search, and you sat at the table, contemplating what to do with him next.
✨Enemies, Friends, Roomates✨
Mike had told you harboring Armando would only be for a short while until he could figure something out with the D.A’s office….that was three months ago.
Eventually you got your bed back, Armando taking the couch, but not your sanity.
Living with Armando wasn’t easy. He was brash, stand-offish, stubborn, and mean.
You did everything to try and form some kind of bond with him, even buying him gym equipment offline, but it just never clicked for him.
Not until one night when you’re studying late for an exam and happen to fall asleep at the kitchen table, books all around you.
That’s when you fall into a nightmare. The man who ruined your life the star of the show, again.
It always starts the same. You and your parents living happily at the park. Your parents watch you as you swing higher and higher, giggles filling the air. Then a man appears at the edge of the park, beckoning your parents over. You scream and shout for them but they never turn back, they keep going to the man. And when he has your parents in his grip, he brandishes a knife, slicing them open.
You let out a blood curling scream, slamming awake and falling to the group. Sweat sticks your curls to your face as you cry and gasp for breath.
Armando’s up in a second, swarming you.
“Estás bien?’ He pats you down, checking you out. “What’s happened to you?”
You can’t do anything but cry. The man who’s ruined your life, he’ll never leave you…he made sure of that in many ways. His latching to you is so deep that you can’t even escape him when you sleep.
You finally are able to get some words out, tell Armando, “I had a nightmare. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize,’ he helps you stand. “Maybe you should get some sleep in your bed.”
You’re shocked by his response, but you’re even more shocked by the way he helps you to your room.
“What are you doing?” You asks, confused.
“You just flew out your chair from a nightmare, what do you mean what am I doing? I’m helping you.”
“Yeah, I get that…but you never help me.”
Armando sighs, holding his hands at his hips. “You gonna tell me what it was about, or should I leave.”
You sigh. “When I was younger, my parents worked for the Miami Police Department. They were detectives and before I was born they ended up helping catch this serial killer. His name was Gunter Bennett but the media called him “The Gutter” because that’s how he killed. Years later, somehow he escaped prison. That’s when he came for my parents. He killed them in the middle of the night.’ You take an uneasy breath, finding birth relief and shock when Armando’s hand slips into yours. “And I was sure he was going to kill me too, but he didn’t…he did worse. He kidnapped me and kept me at some shithole for three years. Three.”
You rile up your sleeves and show all your burns and cuts. Armando remembers them from the first day he met you.
“It’s how I got these. That sadistic bastard,’ you cry. “He tortured me.”
Armando feels something in him snap hearing your story and seeing the ways it’s effected you, even now. He knows what it’s like to be harmed and loose the people closest to you.
So he shocks even himself with what does next, scooping you up like a wounded bird and nuzzling under the blankets with you.
You whimper and sniffle in his arms and he just hushes you, stroking your curls.
“It’s going to be alright, niña bonita, he’s gone now.”
Slowly, the exhaustion of work, school, and your tears overcome you and you both drift off to sleep in each other’s arms.
✨My Lover✨
Armando was jealous.
You two had just spent the day out shopping, laughing and talking. Hell, you two live together! And yet you’re grinding on another man at the bar?!
The glass in Armando’s hand shakes and chips as he squeezes it further.
“Relax, muscle milk. You’ll break the glass.” Marcus says.
Armando scowls at him.
“I’m just saying, if you love her, tell her.” Marcus shrugs, walking away.
Armando scoffs. Love? Yeah right.
Did he feel close to you, yes.
Want to spend every breathing moment with you, yes.
Touch himself in the shower thinking about you, yes .
Oh fuck…he did love you.
Fuck! He loved you and you’re grinding another man!
Armando pushed out of his chair, it clattering to the ground in his wake.
He stalked over to you, grabbing your wrist and putting room between you and the man you danced on.
“ ‘Mando, what are you doing?” You stumble, clearly drunk.
“Let’s go.” He grabs you, chest heaving.
“Hey, wait!” You swat at him as he drags you through the bar and out the exit. “Why would you do that?” You whine.
“Because you’re drunk.” He rolls his eyes, slinging his leather jacket over your naked shoulders.
“I’m not!’ You whine, stumbling, luckily Armando catches you with ease. “I am.”
“You are. Let’s go.” He says, slinging you and carrying you bridal shower.
“Ah,’ you say, wrapping your arms around Armando’s neck and snuggling into him. “My knight in shining armor always takes such good care of me.’ You lean over, smacking his butt with a giggle.
“Shut up.” Armando says, resisting the urge to crack a smile.
Home, Armando tucks you into bed. He’s just about to walk away when you snatch his wrist, pulling him on top of you.
“Let’s play a game,” you whisper.
Armando rolls his eyes. “What kind of game?”
“Truth for truth. I tell you a truth and you do the same. “I’ll start.” You giggle.
“Tonight went exactly how I planned.”
Armando pulls back. “What do you mean by that?”
You shake your head and pout. “Uh uh. You’re turn.”
Armando sighs. “I don’t actually find you that annoying…anymore.”
“Ah, I knew it!” You laugh.
“Knew what?”
“Game over.’ You slump and snore, pretending to sleep.
“Stop it, you knew what?” Armando lifts you.
You bop his nose. “I knew that you loved me.”
Armando’s eyes get big. “What?”
“Me and kelly paid that guy to dance with me. We knew you’d get mad and that was all the proof I needed.”
“You’re a dick.” He starts to walk away, but you grab him by his belt loop.
“Okay, I’m sorry.” You pull him back. “But you don���t have to be shy.” You hiccup.
Armando grumbles, nuzzling his face into your stomach. “And why’s that?”
You lift his head, angling it to face you. “Because I love you too.” You lean forward, placing a firm kiss onto his plump lips.
Armando reciprocates, opening his mouth turning the kiss fierce and hot. He climbs on top of you, mumbling against your lips. “And I thought you were supposed to be the nice one.”
You giggle. “Feels good to be bad for a change.”
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dystopyx-blog · 2 months
"You've been avoiding Floyd."
You had stepped away from your friends for a second, only to be face first with Jade's chest.
Its not like you were unused to being suddenly accosted by a tweel, it just usually wasn't this one.
"I haven't been avoiding him," you told him. "I just have other friends."
"You might not for much longer..." Said Jade, lifting a hand to just barely conceal that sickening pointy-toothed grin on his face. "What I mean to say is that Floyd has been a bit... testy lately. Seems without you he just doesn't know what to do with himself! I'm sure youve been seeing the increase in injury among the student body lately? If not, I suggest you start paying attention...."
The next couple days you started doing just as Jade suggested. Sure enough, there were a startling number of students with various injuries--though most commom was bruises. And some of them even seemed to glare at you--more so than usual, that is.
But surely it couldn't all have been from Floyd... right? The students here weren't known for being particularly merciful, after all. Right?...
One day, after witnessing a freshly battered boy fearfully run through the halls, you decided to investigate yourself. You followed where he had run from, and sure enough, there he was, acting like a perfect stereotypical highschool bully.
At the sight of you, Floyd drops the random student, a big grin spreading across his face.
"Shrimpy!" He exclaimed.
The poor victims immediately took the chance to flee. Floyd approached you. First he grabbed your arms, giving those a light squeeze. Seeing you didn't protest, his face lit up like a kid's on Christmas, and soon your feet were off the ground. He hugged you close to him, even swinging you a bit, though gently (or, at least, as gently as Floyd can be.)
"I missed ya, Shrimpy..." He said in a surprisingly soft voice. But he didn't say anything else, just kept hugging you. You sighed.
Just how in the heck did you become the favored squeaky toy of an overgrown eel???
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bones4thecats · 3 months
Hi hi hello! It's me 🧑‍🧑‍🧒 again, hehe. Your writing always sparks joy! And I have a new idea for a request (^w^)
Could I request Ace, Deuce, and Floyd with a reader who often patches them up or straightens out their hair/clothes for them whenever they get into some sort of mischief or fight? Like, they clean wounds and uses plasters or bandages with cute designs or fix crooked ties or collars. It's their way of showing affection (like a little cleaner shrimp haha)
I hope you have a wonderful day! Remember to stay hydrated (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
When Their S/O Straightens Them Out
Characters: Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, and Floyd Leech Requester: 👪Anon A/N: This is honestly so cute! By the way, like in my other Twisted Wonderland pieces, the reader is not considered to be MC (or Yuu Sei and I have dubbed him in my au) ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Book 1 Chapters 24-28 and Book 3 Chapters 33-39 (not fully-centered - just mentioned) and Mentions of speaking lewdly, fighting, injuries from fights, and physical assault leading to almost-permanent damage ⚠️
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»»———————————-  Ace Trappola  ———————————-««
🪅 Ace has always had a big issue when it comes to relationships. It is literally canon that he had a girlfriend in middle school and when he lost interest he ghosted her till they broke up
🪅 But, when he finally met you, the first year began to seemingly become more mellow around you. Well, he was still a little rascal to others, but he loved to just sneak behind you a spook you instead of dunking buckets full of water on you
🪅 And he was the same until another Heartslabyul student began to get a little close to you. And by close, I mean by stating his care for you loudly during practices, oblivious to the fact that your boyfriend was a mere few feet away from him
🪅 Let's just say the jealousy bubbled over and he threw a basketball at his face, sending the other into anger. And to sum it up, you and the teachers were beyond pissed
"I mean what were you thinking?! You could've gotten suspended, and if you think Riddle would get super angry about a missing tart imagine a suspension!"
🪅 Ace sat there as you began to re-wrap his injuries from the fight, and seeing the fairly deep cuts and scrapes reminded you of when you helped the rest of your dorm and the magicless human and his pet cat against Riddle's overblot
🪅 He watched carefully and pretty much ignored your scoldings in favor of seeing your face flush slightly in anger and contort as you spoke. Ace may not seem like it, but he does love to observe you caring for him. Some would call that slightly creepy, but you found it flattering, he paid you more attention than his homework
🪅 You began to put the bandages away with the cleaning materials when you felt two arms hug you from behind and a man's chin lay on the top of your head
"Thank ya', lovely."
"Anything for the Ace of my Heart."
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»»———————————-  Deuce Spade ———————————-««
♠️ Despite what he wants, Deuce does still have his delinquent urges inside of him. He is severely protective over you to the point where others would think that he was forcing you in the relationship. Thankfully you know better
♠️ He loves to see you happy, even if it means others make you that. But Deuce can tell what someone is really thinking. He spent quite a bit of his childhood around people who hid their true emotions, heck, he was even one of those people!
♠️ So, seeing this random Pomefiore student come up to you constantly and act as if he just wanted friendship, but in reality he was just trying to woo you over. Wanting you to leave Deuce for himself
♠️ Deuce was getting angrier by the day, so it was bound for his anger to finally take over and cause him to act out
♠️ All it took was hearing the other man speak awfully gross things of you in the changing room after Track and Field practice. And he took the first hit
♠️ Next thing he knew you were fixing him up and trying to heal around the collar that came from Riddle earlier that day. The housewarden had found out about the disagreement and yelled his signature spell's name, making you sigh in annoyance
"Dearest, I understand that you love me. But you shouldn't have put yourself through that kind of action, Great Seven knows if he were to press assault charges onto you!"
"Y/N... I'm sorry. I've tried so hard to be the perfect straight-A student for you, my mother, and grandmother and then hearing that- that bastard talk about you that way just made me snap. Y'know?"
♠️ You smiled gently as you laid the extra materials aside and held your boyfriend's face to look at you. You rested your forehead onto his as he sighed and hugged you back
"I love you so much, Deuce. Just the idea of you being minorly hurt, nonetheless severely hurts."
"Understood. I'll try to be a bit better, okay?" Deuce asked, his smile enlarging as you nodded and kissed his cheek.
"Thank you so much for loving me, Y/N."
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»»——————————-  Floyd Leech  ——————————-««
🎭 When you first met Floyd during your first years at Night Raven College, you knew that you would feel sorry for his future one and only. Little did you know that you were that one and only
🎭 Everyone understood the memo when Floyd was around. Do not speak ill of him or someone he was close to, it would only result in the sadistic eel-mer to pop up and practically squeeze you until you had a permanent dent in your ribs
🎭 Unfortunately for a new Octavinelle first year, he viewed the rumors as dumb. He was obviously acting this way to gain attention in that way, there was no way that a puny-looking eel-mer was stronger than the gorgeous and powerful betta-mer that he was!
🎭 Over the passing couple weeks, you have been hiding every interaction close to flirting away from the Octavinelle trio, knowing that either Azul and Jade would tell Floyd in a heartbeat
🎭 But, again, sadly for that new student, Floyd was walking around instead of being on his shift -due to finding it boring- and found the male taking his hair, which was flipped onto one side, and attempting to use dark-red and white colors to attract you. And that was not just going to pass by Floyd like nothing
"Y/N! Who is this you're talkin' too? A new friend?"
🎭 The sharp row of Floyd's teeth poking out from his smile didn't even spook the other male. And when he tried to lay a hand on you, Floyd snapped and began to twist the other male's arm to the point it was on the bridge of breaking. He just smiled as you laid a hand on his shoulder and asked him to put the guy's arm down
🎭 He did and watched with amusement as the other being began to run away in pure fear, gripping his arm as the pain echoed. You just groaned and adjust Floyd's jacket and look over his hands for any kind of scrape from work or being an idiot
🎭 Floyd smiled with wonder in his eyes as you cleaned him up like a little shrimp. Kind of like the magicless guy from Ramshackle!
"Y/N~ Would you ever leave me for that little baby fish?~"
"No. Why, you jealous?"
"Psh! Please. I know that I'm better than all those other bottom feeders."
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me-writes-prompts · 10 months
hi! I was wondering if u have or might be interested in doing couples hurt/injury fic prompts, like, person A gets hurt and person B's feral response to it (in the moment, later, whatever!) thank you <3
Definitely can do!
By @me-writes-prompts
“They hurt you, despite knowing what I would do.”
“It’s fine, I’m okay-“ “No you’re not, you’re injured and it’s all their fault!”
“Look we can settle this matter in peace right?” “Not when it comes to you. They should’ve thought about who exactly they were hurting.”
“Tell me who did this.”
“Name and address.”
“You know what? I shouldn’t have ever trusted them, I knew something was wrong when I first saw them. A gut feeling.”
“I told you not to go, love! Now look what happened!”
When their partner comes from a fight, all injured, with a smile because they won. But they are not happy, because what the actual heck?
^^“Tell me you did not go to a fight without me.” “I don’t need you to protect me.” “It’s not about protection-“ “I don’t want to hear it.” (Angsty🤩🙌🏽)
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riniworld · 5 months
heart stealer
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yandere! crown prince x maid! reader
warning|| mention of an injury+blood, humiliating(not to reader),i guess that's it?
reference|| you,she/her,y/n(one time),maid.
a/n|| i planed on making it longer but i lost motivation to complete it (╯︵╰,)
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you've been raised in this castle,your parents were servants under the royal family,your father was the head butler but your mother was an ordinary maid.
and you inherited this from them,at age 18,after a year from the death of the emperor and his wife,you became a maid working along side with your mother.
month after month you have been chosen by the court to become the personal maid of the crown prince himself.
you don't know if you should be excited or anxious,you've never meet the crown prince but you did hear a few things about him and it wasn't pleasing at all.
plus,it will be more work for you by this time as the royal coronation ceremony is close.
standing nervously outside the crown prince's room,you inhale a deep breath as you knock on the door,after two minute a "come in" was heard from the inside,you step inside and stand by the door waiting for him to notice you.
he was sitting on the edge of the window,his sword in his lap as he wip the blade, he glanced at you for a brief moment.
"who are you?" he asked as he return his attention to the sword.
you bow " I will be your personal maid from now on,your royal highness, i would try my very best to please you."
taron hummed in acknowledge "very well," he walked up to you and threw the sword at you "Clean it well."
"oh...ah! as you wish your highness!." you bow and run to clean it.
the next few days went the same, weird requests, trying to please him, and on above of all of that is the preparation for the royal coronation ceremony.
he wasn't interested in anything of it, not the choice of the clothes nor the food that has to be served, the food problem can easily be solved but the clothes, the accessories that all have to be his choice and you,as his personal maid, need to help him with these things but if you can't see him how can you help him??
you know he spend most of his time on the training ground, but it's forbidden for servants to go to this ground so you can't do anything but wait.
one day you stayed in his room after the work hours, you were determined to make him do what he has to.
but to your surprise he returns with an injury, you couldn't see how serious it is but you rush to his side, it was involuntary reaction (i don't know if that's true)
"your highness!,what happened?." you stops close to him but you don't dare to touch him.
taron glares at you clearly pissed "what the heck are you doing here until now?" you can hear the tireness in his voice.
"your highness,let me patch i-" "i do not like to repeat myself."
"i-i was waiting for you to return..." you back away a little in obedience.
taron heads to the bed with a groan and sits on the edge "you can go now then."
"let me patch your wound first."
"what did i say?."
"i know, but your highness...you are bleeding and it is my duty to help you.." you mumble the last part.
taron sighed "how annoying." he say under his breath.
you took this as an approval and take a closer steps to him, you sit down beside him and looks at him asking for approval to touch him, he turn to his side.
you couldn't help the faint smile that plays on your lips when he shows that side of him, he was always putting the tough face but in the few hours you got to spend with him through the days you've worked in under him you've come to know that he has a soft spot but he doesn't show it.
you hesitantly lift his clothes off and takes it to his bathroom and searched for few things that could help him until a doctor comes to him tomorrow.
finally you found alcohol and a white rag that you think it's clean. you return to him quickly putting the alcohol on the rag.
"This might sting,your highness, tell me if i hurt you."
taron scoff "you think something like that is going to hurt me?"
"oh-uh i did not mean to offense you in any way,your hi-!."
"just do your job."
you shut your mouth and begin wrapping the rag around his wound carefully, it was pretty awkward, taron didn't move nor talked, he was just looking in the space in front of him.
you couldn't help stealing glances from time to time, his body isn't that muscular, but his skill in sword is incredible, or that what you've heard.
you were lost in thought that you didn't notice your hand still laying on taron's body when you've finished.
taron moved your hands away jolting you out of your thoughts "are you done?"
your face redned in embarrassment and you stand up quickly taking a step away "i-yes, i wish you a quick recovery, now if you will excuse me, your highness."
taron nodded and you get out the room heading to the servants' suite. taron groan and lay down on the bed, putting his hand where was yours, the only thing he didn't get as an soon-to-be-emperor is affection wich you gave just now, and it's a foreign feelings to him.
the next day you make your day to the crown prince to check on him and to call a doctor, but when you entre the room you see at least eight of nurses and a doctor around him, you hurry to his side asking one of the nurses.
"what happening? is his highness okay?"
"oh miss, who are you?"
"I'm-..I'm his personal maid."
"ah very well you might give information....when did his highness get injured?."
"yesterday he came covered in blood, and i, myself,treated his injury."
"....oh no miss, so you are the one who bandaged it with this rag?" the nurse holded the rag to you.
"i am, it was clean, as i saw it."
"well, it was not, and his injury got effected."
"what?! is he okay now?!"
"i do not know what will happen after, but for now he has a high fever."
you gasped in horror, what if something happened to him?? then you'll be the killer of the only royal blood, your life will end there.
the next three days, taron didn't wake up, and you didn't leave him, yes there was always a nurse beside him, but you couldn't bring yourself to leave him, one because you need to make sure he'll stay alive for your life, and second there's just this feeling that toging you to stay by his side, so you stayed either working in the room or taking the nurse's place while they rest.
he sometimes would call names, like his brother's or some foreign names to you, but he never called his parents name,weird, is it a sin that you wanted to be one of these names?
rumors spreaded quickly within the castle, and everyone was talking about 'how the soon-to-be-emperor maid tried to kill him' you couldn't walk comfortably in the castle, everyone was giving you the nasty star and worse sometimes they talk shit to you or even hurt you, and what are you going to do to stop all that? everything scream that you tried to kill taron.
the forth day, exactly at noon, you were cleaning the desks when you heard a groan from taron, you hurried to his side thinking he got worse or uncomfortable, but when you got to his side, his eyes were opening, you didn't waste a time to call for the nurse as they were eating.
"thank god you woke up, your highness, we do not know what we would have done if you did not wake up." the nurse says as she checks on his temperature
"how many days have i been asleep?" taron asks, he closed his eyes from the sun, and you run to close the curtain.
"for three and a half now, your highness."
you can hear taron curses under his breath when he hear that, he turn his head and looked at you, raising his eyebrow as 'what are you doing here?'.
the nurse cleared their throat, and you knew where was that going to, you looked down in shame.
"your highness, this maid is the reason you are in this state, her dumb mistake to bandage your injury with a rag put you in danger." the nurse explained with a harsh tone
you started to tear up, you don't want to die nor you want taron to think bad of you, "your highness, i-i was too worried i wanted to stop the bleeding quickly i did not know it would....get to this." your voice cracked at the last sentence as you looked in taron's eyes, you know this is not an enough excuse, but how can you defend yourself in any other way? telling the truth is the only thing you can do.
taron stared intensely at you for a moment before a smile cracked his face, why is he smiling? have you said something funny?
"that's just an unbelie-"
"enough" taron cut the nurse off in annoyance,turning his his head to the selling "your yapping make my head hurt get out." you didn't quite know who he was talking to, but it was obvious wasn't it?
"well? what are you waiting for?" the nurse shouted at you.
"not her, you." taron point at the nurse
"...m-me? as you wish your highness." the nurse bow and left.
you start getting anxious, wondering why did he kept you here, are you in a problem? what a stupid question of course you are, taron isn't a forgiving person that for sure.
taron tried to sit up with a groan and you rush to his side to help him, after his sit comfortably he speak "trying to kill me, are we?." he joked.
"i swear i did not mean to,your highness!" you said quickly in fear.
taron only giggled softly, his dimple showing up, you stared mesmeraisedly at him, it was rare to see him smile or laugh that what you learned from the old servants, but to see this sight it was worth everything, "i know you would not dare do it." taron say.
"really? you believe me, your highness?!" you asked in relief.
"of course, a weak coward and naive maid like you would not even kill a fly."
"oh-at least you could have said it more kindly.." you thought. "i appreciate that you believe me, your highness." you say in happiness, after all if the soon-to-be-emperor believes you that's enough.
taron's smile fades away, did he lost himself with a mere maid? he can't believe what he's doing, you're really starting to get to him. he laid down back and cover his head with the blanket "close the curtain and get out." he ordered.
you did what he told you, despite his tone, nothing can change your mood now, before you can set your foot outside the room taron speaks again "and come tomorrow by the evening to complete the preparation for the ceremony.", your face lit up "gladly!" you say a bit loud.
"she is adorable." taron thought as you made your way out
you were heading to your mother to tell her that you've finally made the heir prince do what he has to.
the next morning you were too excited to prepare for the ceremony with taron that no one could change your happy mood not even the shitty talk around and about you.
you were heading to taron's room holding breakfast for him when suddenly a maid stopped you, she looks old.
"is that for his royal highness?" she asks firmly.
you nod "it is."
"get it back to the kitchen, no one can trust what you have put in it." she demanded like she's your boss.
"what? are you implying that i poisoned it?" you start to get angry, that's starting to get too much.
"you are not trustworthy, i do not know why the curt kept you untill now."
"that just prove that they see me more trusting than anyone here, even than the old ones!" you raised your voice a bit.
"you already tried to get rid of his royal highness once."
"that-! i did not-..." your voice trail on the end, what will you say? no one will believe you.
"now take it back to the kitchen if you may." she said coldly
you lower your head and went back to the kitchen putting the breakfast on the table frustrating, you've had enough of all of this, should you tell taron about that? maybe he'll help you...
other maids has cooked a new break and escort you to taron's room so they'll make sure your wouldn't "put something in it".
taron noticed your fallen face when you put his breakfast, you usually have a smile on your face whenever you're around him, you start rambling around in the room, getting outfits ready or organizing things in the room, taron couldn't help glancing in your direction ever so often, you just seemed...off?.
"what got into you? why do you even care? focus taron! " taron thought with himself,his eyes darting to you again "....there is no wrong in asking though, i have the right to do."
with that he grabbed your wrist when you walked closer to his reach "what is with you?" he sounded angry rather than concerning "i did not want it to sound like that! "
you hesitated to tell him about what happened earlier "no it is noth-" you cut yourself off, why would you cover their act up? if the crown prince himself is asking what is wrong, you should take this to your advantage "...your highness...the servants and the maids are treating me badly, they call me...names, and earlier before i bring the breakfast to you, one of the old maid stopped me and she forced me to go throw the food that i made.." you explained.
taron didn't say a thing but you could feel his grip on your wrist tighten, a second later taron was dragging you along with him heading to the hall, he stopped by your father, the head butler and told him to announce that he want every single servant and maid to come to the main hall, your father looked at you worriedly, you shrugged mouthing "i don not know" he seems to relax a bit when he sees that you're not scared or seem in trouble, your father bow in respect and went to do what taron told him.
taron dragged you to the main hall, where the throne was he climbed near it, and tugged on you to get up there with him, but you refused you couldn't just go near the throne could you?
"your highness, i do not think this is a proper thing to do!"
"you are going to teach me what is proper and what is not?" he says a bit mockingly.
"no..that is not what i meant.." you mutter.
taron sigh and roll his eyes before he pulls you over to him, you stumble into him and he wrap his hand around your shoulders, you tried to get away a little bit but taron squeezed your shoulder when he felt you slip, for a moment he only star at you before he exhale sharply and say something under his breath that you couldn't quite catch then he let go of you and sit on his throne.
before you can ask anything the room start to be filled with the servants, you catch your mother eyes looking at you worriedly, you smile at her in reassure.
taron clear his throat to get everyone's attention.
"..I have heard...there is someone who have been harassing my maid." he pauseed for a second, "do you all have a problem with her?" he suddenly took your hand and put it near his lips as he looked at you "Because from my side, I don't mind if she is the one who wants to kill me." you were so in shock to respond or do anything, taron then looked at the crowd without letting your hand "do you have something to say?" when no one said anything taron continue "If I hear that anyone bothered her again, they will meet the blade of my sword....everyone may leave now but the maids that on the kitchen."
the crowd start to leave,leaving the ones who work in the kitchen and the woman tha- "tell me who bothered you earlier." taron demanded
"...your highness it is not necessary anymore-" "did i stutter? tell me who is she."
you pointed hesitantly at the woman and she looked at you with wide eyes filled with fear, the next thing you knew, taron made her apologize on her knees in front of you.
what have you got yourself into?
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have a nice day/night♡
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magicdefendorwolf · 1 year
Injuries pt2
Description:you come back from your travels injured,how do they react?
Warnings:injuries obviously but its vague
He was seriously trying to have a calm and nice night,but then you walked in,all injured
"Where were you?"pauses and eyes you up and down"what happened?who did that?"
He sighs,gets up and carries you to your bed and then goes to get medicine and bandages
He swears to himself he is not panicking,if someone where to say he's panicking right now he'd deny it until his dying breath and in the afterlife,but the way he rummages through the medicine cabinets and searches for bandages says a different story
Truly,his actions betray his words,he says he's all calm but just look at the way his movements seem agitated,brows just a tad furrowed together,you'd have to squint so hard to actually see it on his face
But once he's got you all patched you better expect a lecture,but it doesnt sound like a lecture if you dont know him,if you didnt know anything about him at all it'd just sound as if he was listing off all of the things you did wrong that got you into this situation,but you know thats his way of telling you that you werent careful enough and giving advice
If you cant walk or move around much while your injuries heal he'll drop by your room during meal times with food and eat together with you and then leave,if you ask him nicely maybe he'll stay to keep you company,but otherwise dont expect him to stick around too long
But if you can walk and move around well,no you cant if he considers your injuries to be too grave,then you are staying in bed whether you have the ability to move or not,no questions asked
Once you're all healed up even if you wont see it Blade becomes overprotective,as i said you wont be seeing it since it'll be very subtle things,you'd have to pick up the hints off the floor
Overall 7/10 because you'll be confined to your bed and he wont have any idea of how to keep you company,plus the sass
Jing Yuan
He was worried the moment he realized you were late
"Where were you?"pauses and looks at you"Forget it lets just get you a doctor"
He doesnt even let you respond before he swoops you up bridal style and brings you to a doctor
Once the doctor is done patching you up he takes you back home,and lays you in bed,obviously he's not panicked or alarmed,just stressed about your state
Why didnt you call him? How did this happen? Why wasnt he there?
Nethier way he'll brush all that aside to take care of you
If you have to be bedridden he'll be at your beck and call until your injuries are fully healed,keeping you entertained with stories,jokes,mindless talks and even board games
If you can move around and dont have to stay in bed then great,you're still not moving too much,because he's carrying you almost everywhere due to the fact that he's worried over you physical condition
Once you're all recovered he'll have a serious talk with you about your safety and how you can rely on him
9/10 only because of the way he's blame himself for what happened to you
He was happy to finally use what little time he had to spend with you,but then you walked in
"Huh?! Love what happened?!"
He'd rush to your side and carry you to lay down,and despite being initially alarmed he calms down and gets his priorities in order and gets you to a doctor
After you're all patched up he'll carry you back home and do whatever he can to help you. He sees silvermane guards get injured due to monsters almost daily so he's used to injuries,but even so,seeing his partner injured like this still worries him to no end
And he wont try to hide his worries about you
He's an experienced and strong silvermane guard,heck he"s even the head of the silvermane guards,why didnt you take him along with you? He could've prevented this,the situation definetly frustrates him and he's not afraid to show it
If you cant move around much and have to stay in bed he becomes your personal butler when he's around,bringing you food,doing chores and doing his best to keep you entertained and healing
And during times when he's on duty and cant be near you he'll ask his sister for help
If you arent bedridden then you have full mama bear Gepard because, oh boy the overprotectiveness that you never knew he had comes out
You want to cook by yourself? Oh no way is he letting you on your own,he's coming to help and he'll do most of it. You want to take a walk? Sure but you only get to walk for a bit before he's carrying you
Overall 10/10,do i need to explain?
He was so excited for you to come back,he was basically beaming knowing you were on your way
"Ah you're finally back!"he pauses and takes a good look at you"Huh?! Are you alright?! Come lets get you to a doctor!"
Initially he'll be panicked,very,until after the doctor is done bandaging your wounds and everything,thats when he finally relaxes after he's been pacing around like a headless chicken
And you better expect a full blown lecture,dont even think you can escape this lecture through any ways
As much as he loves you,he worried so much and still is seeing you in such a state,of course he'll be scolding you about not taking care of yourself and about being reckless
When he's finally calmed down he'll be placing his arms on your bedside and place his head onto his crossed arms right at the edge of your bed and just talk to you,he'll even play with your hand while talking to you,playing with your hand and vice versa or holding hands calms him down so
If you have to be bedridden then prepare for a full alert mode Yanqing because this man right here has your whole entire treatement memorized by heart if you have one(changing bandages,medicine for the wounds,pain killers,etc.),and since he has to leave the house due to his duties he'll leave everything prepared in a way that gives you easy acces to food,board games,books,snacks,anything you'd need
If you dont have to stay in bed then great,he'll get you to move around with him hoping it'll make your wounds better,of course he wont push you beyond your limit but still,he'll also be extra careful with you asking you quite often how you're feeling and if you're alright
9/10 only because he'd be so stressed and worried over you
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sunniskyies · 21 days
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 || 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 || 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟒
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: A small installment about reader reacting to Stan and Ford’s swap, without her knowing the truth. 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Ford Pines x fem!reader 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Show-Typical injury and death, angst 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬: The usual fluffy romance stuff, marriage! 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.4k 𝐀/𝐍: I wasn’t going to write anymore, so consider this short a 3.5! I had to rewatch Weirdmageddon again, so it’s accurate albeit overdramatic.
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏 > 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐 > 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟑 > 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟒
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Ford’s timing couldn’t be more perfect. Your lips have just parted, eyes still heavy-lidded, when your figures become silhouetted against a large, glowing red eye.
Bill is huge, his body crimson with rage; it’s only a matter of time until he discovers the Mystery Shack’s weakness.
“Quickly, Ford! Do something!” You say, drawing back from the warmth of his touch. His eyes linger on you for a second, before jumping to action. You watch, nail tip between anxious teeth, as Ford paints a large, almost cuneiform, circle reminiscent of a séance. You patiently listen to him as he instructs each of you your task (ignoring your lingering bitterness that you didn’t know he knew this). You frantically help the twins pull Stanley and Ford apart from trying to rip out each other’s throats.
And you watch as Bill Cipher looms above you, trapping you and the kids in a blue luminescent cage while the two most important men in your life are suspended in his grasp.
“Quickly, Dipper, grow the cage with your flashlight. The height-altering crystals!” You hiss under your breath.
“It’s really weird hearing you not deny the paranormal, Great Aunt ____,” he replies, pointing the magical flashlight at the bars, the cage growing until you can slip right through.
Mabel’s still helping you over the bars when Dipper calls to Ford and Stanley, “Save yourselves! Run, we’ll take care of Bill!”
“What?!” Ford cries, “That’s a suicide mission!” His eyes dart to yours, pleading. You only steel your expression further, trying to project something into that magnificent brain of his. It’ll all be fine, just get out of here.
“We’ll be okay,” Dipper replies, turning to his sister. “We’ve beat him before.”
“And we’ll beat him again!” She whoops. “Let’s go!”
You try to hurry out of the chamber quickly, but the kids refuse to go without taunting Bill further. Luckily, the demon does eventually give chase— but not before ensnaring the Pines boys once more when they try to follow you, Ford calling out a plea to you. You only look over your shoulder pained, reminding yourself that this will save them.
“When I get my hands on you I’m going to disassemble your molecules!” Cipher howls as his pyramid form hunts you down endless corridors. You pull the kids along, your heart racing with fear and adrenaline. You’re escaping, hope of safety within sight. But even after a daring ascent via grappling hook, and a smashed wall, the wretched entity still manages to seize you.
“Let us down!” You growl, trying to wriggle from his grasp as he smugly carries you back to Ford and Stan. “Please, let the kids down!”
Bill ignores you, all too eager to torment your fiancé. “Time’s up Fordsy! Look what I’ve got!” He coos down to the man. “It’s your family! I think I’m going to kill one of them, just for the heck of it!”
His eye scours over the three of you, squirming in his clutch. “Eeny, meeny, miny… you,” Cipher’s massive red locks onto you, and you're overcome by the hatred and jealousy that it instils.
You take a shuddering breath, trying to prepare yourself for what's to come. Your eyes flutter closed. Stanley, kids, I love you. Ford—
“Wait!” A small voice calls from the ground. From in the cage. “I surrender!”
You twist around to see a distant Ford gripping the walls of the cage, staring defiantly up at Bill.
“NO!” You cry, well, you try to. The air is stolen from your chest as you plummet from the sky, hitting the ground with a sickening sound.
Head and vision fuzzy, you look up to see Bill Cipher dismantling his cage, reaching out a flame-engulfed hand to the love of your life. And he… takes it.
Words knot uselessly in your mouth as you watch Ford sign away his life. “No Grunkle Ford, don’t trust him!” Dipper yells. But fate continues, the world rippling as a triangular shadow sinks into Ford’s hair, his knees buckling beneath him.
The knot unravels.
“STANLEY PINES DON’T YOU DO IT!” You shriek as the horrible man has the audacity to pull the memory gun from his interior pocket. “Please, Stanley! I just got him back! Don’t you kill him, goddammit!”
You think he’s just going to shoot, the steely man never one for hesitation. Yet, his head tilts, eyes catching yours. You’re taken aback; even from here, you sink into their endless sympathy. His warm gaze holds yours for a second.
His finger twitches, then pulls hard. A stream connects the gun to Ford’s head, a laser sinking into his mind and evaporating everything inside.
The scream that bubbles up within you is borderline demonic. As soon as Stanley drops the gun, you scramble over to Ford’s crumpled form. Your body falls into him, quivering hands clutching his face.
Almost instantly you're scrambling away again, perhaps shoving the body a bit too hard. Your back presses into ‘Stanley’s’ legs in your retreat. Your chest heaves, another pained sound peeling from within you.
“Ford?!” You garble. “What’s wrong with Ford that’s not Ford—”
A warm hand on your shoulder cuts you off. Still horrified, you glance up to see a tragically beautiful face looking down at you. The man crouches down behind you, wrapping two strong arms around your shaking form.
“Ford?” You whisper, disbelieving. Ford doesn’t reply, just tucking his head into the crook between your head and shoulder, looking over at Stanley.
Oh. Stanley.
“You horrid boys,” you whisper, a tear rolling down your cheek as you stare over at your best friend, Ford’s overcoat pooling around him. You reach a hand up to cup Ford’s face from its perch, the two of you resting in silence for a moment.
It’s almost poetic, Bill Cipher’s demise. The chaos around you returns to lush green valleys, bricks rebuilding themselves, demons disintegrating, all while your bodies stay pressed together.
“You’re okay,” you murmur to your beloved in this gap in time before you have to make your way over to Stan, before you have to be there for the kids.
“We made it,” he replies, so quiet you could miss it.
“How are we going to go on? What does the future look like for us now?” You ask, Stan’s form flickering in visibility before you as the chamber containing you dismantles itself. Your eyes watch him between the blocks of black stone and hellish artefacts.
“I don’t know, my love.” Ford’s hands have taken yours, rolling your engagement ring between finger and thumb.
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In the middle of the Arctic Ocean, atop a bobbing grey-hulled ship, two lovers exchange rings. Their words are swept away by icy winds, waves folding them up and sinking their vows deep into the ocean’s heart. Salty spray makes the silver bands slide on, hands slick as they hold each other, an extra finger on each side.
You're bundled up in an old blue coat, borrowed from a man with a tan line on his temple from a lifetime sporting a fez. A new pair of sturdy black boots supports you from the ocean’s sway, a gift from your doting husband. You made an effort to wear a white blouse beneath your cold weather clothes, your silver hair a long veil swept out behind you, toiling in the wind.
Your face is flushed from the biting cold, but the man in front of you knows your ears are pink from the way he stares at you while he recites those honeyed words. In turn, you know his pupils are not dilated from the darkness of the storm clouds above, rather the way you clutch his face and press cool lips against his the second Stanley proclaims you can.
The warmth between your flush bodies is a sacred bubble from the arctic air, the sound of your twin heartbeats drowning out the creaks and groans of the ship. Ford’s lips taste like salt and biscuity rations, but when your nose buries into his face as you kiss you swear you can smell the tang of pine and ink. His hands against your skin are large and rugged and perfect for life on deck, yet you feel their calluses come from a lifetime adventuring a forested town rather than a life at sea.
Ford bends to you; arms ever supporting your weight, lips endlessly worshipping of yours. He smiles against you as he feels the coolness of your ring brush past him, excitement bubbling up at the idea that you are his wife. He is yours, and you get to call him as such.
Stanford Pines has traversed thousands of light years, slipped through countless dimensions and fought monsters well beyond our imaginations. But his favourite place in the whole universe, along every time continuum, is half a centimetre away from a woman, floating in the middle of the vast ocean.
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𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @sleeplessdreamer14 @2hiigh2cry @taffycandyqt @papi-machucha @muffin1304
 @space1crow @fries11 @yasuuuudere @shadowsandswords @darling-eos
 @bloodspatteredprincess @snake-in-a-flower-crown
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© sunniskyies 2024, do not repost or translate my work
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grapefives · 13 days
did it or not ?
hoshina + gen oneshots! (separately) x gn!reader
arranged marriaged au! + hurt/cormfort + injuries + denial of feelings + platoon leader reader! + enemies to lovers (?)
warnings; it’s gender neutral reader but… lowkey lenient to male readers, but obviously only if you think hard jajaj, that’s all, also, change of work format! not proof read.
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⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ hoshina soshiro
— he wanted NOTHING to do with you! not even as entertainment to see what could become of you both, NADA
— it’s not that he would argue with you or anything, but he’d speak a little harsher when it comes to you
— constantly asks why did he have to be married when both of you were in the defense force and could die any day
— at least he acknowledges your hard work
— mina actually likes you for him, so she always tells him he should show you affection, to which he gags at.
“ah, hoshina, don’t you think l/n looks good like that? sweaty, covered in monster fluids, look at how badass l/n looks, took down so many monsters…”
“what, are you saying you want l/n to take my spot as vice captain? since your praising l/n so much.” hoshina asks darkly while placing his hands on his hips.
mina shakes her head, expression neutral, “no, of course not, but maybe you should give l/n a nice reward-“
“ugh!” he groans, immediately walking away from her. he knows her expression wouldn’t show much, but he knew her true feelings. she was probably laughing in her head, mentally patting her back for ticking him off.
it didn’t help that you had defeated so many monsters, a few more than him. he eyes you as you flick some monster grub off of your shoulder, looking around to step aside, away from the scene. he hated going back “home” with you, you took the longest showers.
“good job today,” your voice snaps him out of his thoughts, like he said, you took long showers, so he sometimes zones out waiting for you to get out. “i wish i knew how to use blades,” you comment.
he stares at you, fresh out of the shower. your cheeks have a rosy color, definitely from the warm shower you had taken. your eyes weren’t on him, but with the way you said that, it felt like you were looking directly at him. you don’t talk much to him either.
“for a platoon leader your skills are too inadequate,” he bites before going to the restroom. “train more and you’ll be better suited.”
— honestly, you wish he’d at least make fun of you or something, not nag or insult your honed skills.
— you two lived more like strangers that shared a room, little talk yet always around
one day, you two had to face a group of honju. it wasn’t something either of you couldn’t manage, but for some reason, hoshina was having a bit of a hard time. especially with the way you kept missing your shots.
“the heck is wrong with you?” he ask as he slices the honju’s joints.
“the heck is wrong with you? you keep cutting off limbs and letting them fall on me! makes me miss my shots!” you argue as you hop off a wall.
“if we don’t take this one down we can’t help out with the other ones!”
“well if you weren’t all up on the honju then i would’ve shot it down already!”
mind you, you two were still honing your new, growing skills. hoshina was recently risen to vice captain and you as platoon leader.
“and i can’t slice it down because you keep shooting at the wrong areas!”
in the end, the honju got a good hit in you and him. minor injuries of course, but the next day you were sent off in a mission where plenty of platoon leaders were called to assist. hoshina was recently getting inside the house when you trudge up to him, looking absolutely worse than the day before from the honju.
your yored expression was one he’d never seen, mostly because he barely looks at you.
“woah there, did you age in the span of a day?” he finds himself joking.
yet you walk past him and go inside your home.
“nice talk.” he grumbles as he follows.
after your shower, you sit at the vanity, with a sleeveless shirt. there are fresh scrapes on your shoulders, your cheek is bruised and your hand are wrapped in bandages. he notices, because you hum softly as you put ointment on the scrapes.
“a mission?” he asks, surprising himself at his worry.
“broke my guns, had to use that blade.” you reply, closing the bottle.
“i told you to practice more close combat.”
“you didn’t say anything, you commented on my bad skills.”
“same difference.”
“if i die one day it’s your fault.”
he frowns, “how would it be my fault?”
and your eyes fell on him. and they gave him an answer he couldn’t hear. you’ll have pushed me so far away that you won’t make it in time when i need you.
— fighting beside you turns to be like fighting alongside mina. he carves a way and you hit, except only on those missions that aren’t nation threatening.
— at some point, he enjoys the teamwork.
— doesn’t show interest head on, he does it in silent ways. (like placing a cold water on your night stand. putting your books back in place when you’re too much in a rush to organize before leaving.)
— your determination for constant growth impresses him, he notices it when you beat him one day on slicing down a small kaiju
and just when he starts to appreciate you, something happens.
“hoshina,” your voice surprises him as he slices through the kaiju.
“l/n, what is it? kinda busy here-“
“uh,” you chuckle, “so are my vitals, have you said that?”
“what-?” he gasps as he dodges an attack, he’s in a tight spot right now.
“yeah!” he hops off a rooftop and slices down the middle, causing a hit, but it’s bot enough yet. “someone back platoon leader! where is everyone?” he barks.
“we’re sending more reinforcements! the kaijus had overwhelmed our troops and many are severely injured! platoon leader l/n please hold out until back up comes!”
“we’re too shorthanded for backup!” hoshina argues. “i’ll finish this and head over!” he grunts as he attacks once more.
“so like, i’m bleeding out,” you say softly.
“how bad is it?” hoshina asks as he finally takes down the kaiju. he’s out of breath.
“VICE CAPTAIN HOSHINA HAS ELIMINATED THE KAIJU IN THE SECTOR!” okonogi shouts, “if anyone can go back up platoon leader, we’ll have victory soon!”
“just how bad is it?”
“the honju is a plant based type! it’s core keeps shifting!”
“and so are my organs, i wanna throw up,” you say.
“you idiot! hide! you can’t keep facing it! how far away am i okonogi!?”
“I FOUND IT’S CORE!” you yell before going silent.
“okonogi? what is it? l/n?” he calls out as he dashed inside the building your squad had been.
the sight was ugly, many officers thrown about, blood and kaiju fluids everywhere.
“where is it?” he asks as he runs across, slicing the vines coming at him.
“uh, go to the control room far back, full of vines and living plants, literally they’ll attack you,” you slur into his ear. “hurry before i get digested.”
“WHAT!?” okonogi cries.
he sees red. no wonder your life force was dwindling. “YOU’RE SO RECKLESS!”
slice after slice, he makes it through and strikes the core. it’s disregarded by him as he searches for you. soon, he stands before you.
he stares at your body, laid there on the floor surrounded by kaiju fluids, in your own blood. you’re breaths are too shallow, too painful.
“you want something…” you say lightly between breaths, “to do with me now?”
“what are you talking about-“
“platoon leader please don’t use your energy! it keeps dwinDLING! MEDICS! MEDICS!” okonogi screeches.
“you… you never look at me… never accepted me,” you smile tiredly, looking at him through half lidded eyes.
the gash on your side is seeping blood. your suit had given up from over exertion.
“can you stop?” he’s kneeling over you, trying to lift you out of the puddle. “if you don’t come back home with me, then i don’t want to go home.”
you close your eyes, there’s commotion far away. medics maybe? “we live like strangers under a roof…”
hoshina grips you, “i’m… sorry,” he bows his head, pulling you close but still so gentle to your wounds. “please know that i am grateful for you… all these years, you’ve also pushed me to extend my potential…”
“platoon leader! vice captain!” a medic calls out as they bring a stretcher.
“well…” you give a shaky breath, eyes closing, “guess i was… bound to… be in your arms…”
“WE’RE LOSING THE PLATOON LEADER!” and everything become white noise to hoshina.
was he going to go home to an empty house? was he going to lose you, after finally accepting that you’re now a part of his life routine, a routine he doesn’t want to exclude? what’s this ache in his heart? he feels cold.
“-out of danger zone,” okonogi’s voice brings him back.
— seeing you frail was never something he expected to see
— you were always standing, as badly as you were always injured, you never showed signs of injury until you two got home or he found you at the hospital
hence, seeing you on the hospital bed wasn’t ever in his mind. you just woke up, smiling at him. your smile is wonderful, he felt like that warmth radiating from you finally brought him back to life. after days of feeling lost, cold and alone, he felt like he was back on track.
“what? wanna be in my arms?” you grin, joking.
and neither of you expected him to take up the offer.
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⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ gen narumi
— literally did NOT ACKNOWLEDGE YOU
— the audacity! you were so annoyed but you understood too, why would anyone want an arranged marriage?
— he’s cute, you loved looking at him even if he was just yelling at his screen when you were both on stand by
— he ARGUES. ALWAYS. just to get a rise out of you but you PISS HIM OFF when you don’t give him the reactions he wants.
“i want to sleep on the left side today.” he huffs, glaring down at your sleeping figure.
you had literally just managed to fall asleep after all his yelling and that bright ass tv. you glared at the wall, your back facing him as he looms over you.
“move,” he demands, shaking you with so much force you want to flip over and punch him.
yet, you close your eyes and roll over. literally rolling OVER him as you make your way to the right side, squishing him and making him yells and fight. still, you let that shove throw you off of him and settle on the right side. you fall back asleep, smiling at his grumpy remarks.
— as pay back he makes you go through brutal training. yet you always get back at him somehow back in the “comfort” of your shared room.
— you’re more serious about the things you have to accomplish outside of the battlefield, he’s not.
— he constantly berates you for your fighting style, just to piss you off
— at some point you lose confidence in yourself. had had been extremely harsh that day and the kaiju managed to make a good example of you. and gen had laughed at you for it.
“have you changed the bandages?” he asks, looming over you when you were trying to fall asleep.
you say nothing, ignoring his presence. yet, he cages you, practically on top of you with both arms to your sides as he glares down.
your eyes snap open. that is the first time he’s ever called you by your name and it had to be your first name? his nerve!
“get off me,” you grunt.
“have you changed your-“ he’s easily thrown off of you by your action, he didn’t expect you to move.
“why do you care?” you growl.
he frowns, “i don’t want you messing up our bed sheets!”
you end up leaving the room, crashing somewhere else. he obviously didn’t chase after you, you aren’t that important to him. yet, he couldn’t sleep, remembering the way you left; angry, hurt. he had gotten used to you sleeping next to him, to you waking him up when the two of you had to assist morning duties.
he honestly felt like he couldn’t breathe well, until you came in the morning to change into your attire. he immediately sat up on the bed, staring at you as you move about. not a hello, not a “good morning captain, gotta wake up now” to be followed by his complaints. not even an acknowledgment, you got ready, freshened up and left. he didn’t like that.
— he lives for attention. for recognition. there should always be someone that gives it to him, yet that was the day he realized you don’t.
— it made him feel like he had to prove himself to you.
“lower the sound to the tv, it’s late,” you day dryly.
“i’m winning! listen to me win!”
you just turn over and go to sleep. when he shouts at his victory, his immediate response is to turn to you. yet, since you’re sleeping, you don’t acknowledge him.
he stomps over to you and forces you awake, sitting you up and practically trying to open your eyelids.
“I WON AGAIN!” he roars, shaking you.
— honestly the relationship is more like child and guardian despite how old you two are.
— he has no plans for a family, said that loud and clear
— same way he tries to get a rise out of you, you do it to him when you catch him training late at night
“this is the third night in a row, captain,” you tease as he freezes mid air attack.
“at one in the morning?”
you laugh, setting down a cold water bottle on the floor. “don’t over do it, or else they’ll notice you’re doing this again.”
— you’re literally always tidying up behind him. he never tidies up.
“l/n, where are my clothes?” he argues one morning.
“have you washed them?” you ask, annoyed.
he pauses. ever since you two married, he’s never really lifted a finger. well, even when he lived alone, the defense force would sometimes always send someone in to clean up. he’s tidy up once a month but it wasn’t often. now that he thinks hard, as he stares at you in the kitchen, it’s always been you doing almost everything.
“why haven’t you washed them-“
“gen narumi i will throw this knife at you, how about you prove you’re good at surviving in your own home the way you survive out in the battlefield?” you bark as you turn back to face him.
you never snap at him like that, it’s always a silent glare or a petty action. never verbal.
fine, he’ll prove he’s good without you.
— he’s never felt like he’s had a place to belong, no matter how much he proved himself worthy
— captain isao was a clear example of his first time feeling a sense of accomplished belonging
and now, coming home to an empty cleaned out house, he wonders why he feels out of place. it freaks him out, it’s been years since he felt like this. he’s proven himself more than capable of being the best at defending the nation from threats… yet.. why hasn’t he done the same to keep a home.
you didn’t give a divorce, simply asked to be elsewhere for a while, off on a mission that even you don’t know how long will last. yet, coming home to this isn’t… normal… anymore. time and time again, he was rejected from homes and hoped orphanages, that desire to have a home long gone after years or not being enough no matter how much he proved himself.
and now, he’s alone in these four walls again. where you had tried to make a home out of. where he, unknowingly, didn’t even have to prove himself worthy of having. of belonging.
“captain gen! how can we help you?”
“i wanna see how platoon leader l/n’s mission is going.” he says dryly.
everyone in the room turns to him, like he lost his mind.
“uh, i-if you don’t mind captain, why would that be?”
“i don’t have to explain anything to you!”
he doesn’t get to watch or hear how your mission is going. captain isao kicks him out, he put up a fight of course, but it was embarrassing to even try to come up with a valid reason. he doesn’t like you, always in his business, in his commodity, in every mission, every training. always cleaning ip after him, always telling him to go to bed early, always telling him to file out reports- always breathing down his neck!
you’re weak. strong enough to be platoon leader but still so weak! always coming home hurt. always needing medicine. always taking breaks during training.
yet, when he finally gets to see you in action again, after weeks of being denied your whereabouts, he finds himself seeing you. actually seeing you in action. you’re different here than in training, than when you had last fought beside him. yet, you could do better. he knows that, so he grows frustrated when he sees you take a hit and miss the perfect opportunity to subjugate the kaiju.
going against the rules, like always, he does it for you. you’re eyes are wide as you see him do just what you were trying to do. so easily. they superiors are barking in your in ears. they’re doing the same in gen’s. yet, you couldn’t hear them, only your anger and your frustration, you’re insecurity eating at you again.
“was i ever, even for one second, enough for you?” you yell, stomping over towards him.
“you had a chance and you didn’t take it!” he barks.
“GEN NARUMI! YOU WILL BE SUSPENDED!” captain isao roars in the in ear.
“for always making everything about yourself!” you jab your gun at him, shoving him a step back. “where’s your teamwork? why do you keep making me feel like i don’t belong here!”
he stares at you, wide eyed.
he… he made you feel like you don’t belong? you, l/n y/n who always did better throughout every mission. you, who always messed with him when he didn’t get along with you. you, who was always levelheaded even to nag at him.
“only the strong survive here! i know!” you seethe, “if you want me out so bad just tell me! don’t insult my skills! my efforts!”
“hey, i’m your captain-“ his argument is weak in his ears too.
hence, he feels, for the first time, like he actually is in the wrong when you growl and walk past him. you stomp off, fuming. are you about to leave the defense force? give him the divorce?
“just so you know-“ he yells, making sure no one else is listening in. “you’re the best thing that’s happened to me.”
you stop in your tracks.
“i’m prideful, i don’t play nice,” he chokes out, “but… don’t leave me.”
you turn around, anger long gone. but you’re still distraught. you’re just dissatisfied. “gen… not now.”
and he watches you leave.
— screw all his kaiju missions. he has to win you back, because just now he’s realizing he had you.
“gen, what are you doing.”
“i need money.” he says as he kneels before you when you finally return home.
you nudge his head with your boot, “get up. how embarrassing, you sure you’re my captain?”
you walk past him, leaving him alone. he huffs, watching you set your belongings back.
“don’t move those boxes!”
“you ordered a bunch of stuff from yamazon for what!?”
“it’s stuff we could need!” he argues.
you sigh and turn around, “like what, gen?”
“uh,” he scratches his head, then gives you an accusatory look, “i don’t have to explain myself to you!”
“uh, yes you do! have you forgotten we’re married!?”
he looks away, unable to form an argument. it’s a surprise, normally he’s quick to fire back at you, but he seems so at bay. it’s…
“disgusting,” you grimace, “what’s wrong with you? aren’t you used to being suspended? what’s with this change?” you look around, “hey, it’s even clean in here, despite all these boxes.”
“yeah so what?” he huffs, crossing his arms. “i’m way better at cleaning than you are, i just don’t like doing slave work often.”
“plus, we’re married,” he puckers his lips as he looks away from you, “aren’t chores like,, shared or something?”
you stare at him wide eyed. is he… for real? he glances at you and you’re heart skips a beat at the blush that crawls on his face. he’s for real. ah, what a darn cute knuckle head.
“this is only going to last a day isn’t it,” you chuckle to yourself.
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redocity · 19 days
Could you ever do a fic were reader is a firefighter and works in the station but her specialty is being an emt. And whenever buck gets hurt he only lets her patch him up. And basically this is one of this situations and she treats his wounds (at her place idk what could be the reason but it doesn't work if it's a public place) and then he starts to get flirty and offers to "repay her" and it's alude to that him and reader have hooked up before.
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when buck gets injured on the job, he always goes back to his favourite paramedic.
evan buckley x gn!reader | 1.7k | fluff | masterlist.
a/n — now this is the type of request i can get behind 🙂‍↕️
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“Again, Buck? Seriously?”
Buck gave a boyish smile as he leaned against the rescue rig, hand pressed to his side. He shrugged sheepishly, trying to look less injured than he was. It clearly didn’t work. As usual.
“What can I say, I get excited.”
“What did you do this time?” You sigh exasperatedly as you climb into the back of the parked ambulance, something from Chimney about him ‘refusing to leave’ until you checked him over.
Buck looked away almost guiltily, avoiding your gaze. He had a bad habit of running into dangerous situations on calls, and an even worse habit of getting injured because of that fact.
“I, uh, fell out of a window.” He mumbled, wincing as he lifted his hand from where it was pressed against his side.
“You fell out of a window,” You could almost be surprised, but it was Evan Buckley you were talking to here.
“And you didn’t get it check out whilst still on the call why?”
Buck shifted on the ambulance gurney as you began to examine his wound. He could feel the lecture coming and he really didn't want to hear it.
But he also knew he deserved it.
“I was fine!” He protested, then hissed as you prod him. “Ow, ow, ow, okay, maybe I wasn’t completely fine.”
He hums as you sigh. “But like, why should I bother Hen and Chim when I can bother you?”
“Maybe because it’s their job to help injured people?”
Buck shrugged, wincing as the motion made his injury flare. “It’s your job, too. And you’re a lot prettier than they are.”
He smirked, earning an eye roll from you.
“I wasn’t on that call with you, so if we’re being semantic, it’s technically not my job in this instance,”
Buck chuckled at that, raising an eyebrow. “Semantic. I like that word. It’s sexy.”
“You are a strange man Evan Buckley, I’ll give you that. Take your shirt off,”
He smirked as you rolled your eyes again, but obediently lifted his shirt over his head. “Yes ma’am,”
You roll your eyes as you kneel down in front of him to get a proper look at the bruising spreading across his torso, not sparing him a response.
Buck couldn’t help the way his gaze lingered as he watched you drop down in front of him. He wasn’t going to deny it—you looked good in your uniform. And you looked even better on your knees. He made a mental note to get hurt more often, just for this view.
But then you pressed a little too hard against the injured spot, earning a painful grimace.
“Hey, gentle with the goods. They’re expensive.”
“And damaged— what the heck did you do to yourself?” You furrow your eyebrows as you prod gently against the lower half of his ribs. “Did you fall onto a fence or something?”
If you didn’t have genuine reason to be concerned about a rib fracture, you might’ve taken a second to note that he’d definitely been doing more abdominal workouts recently.
Buck grumbled, wincing as you pressed against the injury. His skin was mottled in various shades of purple and blue, an obvious sign of heavy bruising. It didn’t look good. No time to focus on his abs today.
“A table—” Another wince. “Nothing a few drinks and a good night’s sleep can’t fix.” He tried, eyes squeezed shut momentarily as you looked up at him with an unimpressed expression.
“Or maybe I just need some of that good paramedic magic and I’ll be all better.” You’re still looking at him when his eyes open again.
“You fell onto a table,” You deadpan his explanation back to him with a resigned sigh, choosing to ignore his additional comment for the time being.
Buck shifted under your gaze. The way your eyebrow was raised in disbelief made him feel like he was being scolded. It was a look you wore well.
“A garden table, yes.” He tried to explain, wincing again as you pressed against the dark bruise on his side. “A table with weird… metal, spikey-like things sticking out of it. Ow— ow, ow,”
“And I’m guessing the table did not survive,”
"No, the table did not survive," Buck agreed with a wince.
He grumbled as you continued your examination, shifting slightly on the uncomfortable gurney. He was starting to regret making you do this inside the ambulance.
Maybe he should’ve waited and paid you a visit at your apartment instead. At least then he could crash on your bed after.
“Well, good news, you will,” You groan as you push yourself back to your feet, rifling through one of the overhead shelves of the ambulance. “No fractures or breaks, just bruises,”
Buck couldn’t help but let out a small sigh. He tried to hide it, but he was relieved at your words. He wasn’t keen on going to the hospital.
“So no hospital?” He asked, watching as you pulled out some supplies. “Just some of that fancy paramedic magic and I’ll be good to go?”
“More like an ice pack and 3 weeks station-bound,” You recover one of the ice packs from a portable cooler on the ambulance, holding out to him.
Buck groaned at your answer. “Three weeks off? You’re joking—“
He stopped as you handed him the ice pack, immediately placing it against the bruised skin. It was instant relief. He sighed at the cold sensation, trying to keep the ice pressed again his skin.
“You’re really going to make me take 3 weeks off?”
“I should make you take off five,”
“Five?!” Buck protested loudly, pulling a face at that. “No. No, I’ll take three. Three weeks,” He didn’t sound very happy about it. Or look very happy about it.
He looked a lot like a petulant child, pouting as he held the ice pack against his bruised ribs.
“Three weeks it is,” You remain indifferent, and it only makes his self-pity more prominent.
Buck slumped back against the gurney, grumbling. He hated being told to sit out of work. He was a firefighter, goddamn it. He was meant to be on the front lines.
But as much as he hated it, he knew you were right. He needed to stop getting hurt. And three weeks was actually a pretty good deal.
Didn’t stop him from complaining though.
“I’m gonna be so bored,” He groaned, pressing the ice pack to his skin with a wince. “What am I supposed to do for three weeks?”
“Clean the engines? Mop the floor? Learn to cook?”
Buck groaned again, mumbling. “All of those things sound boring.”
He glanced over at you, a familiar look in his eyes. It was the look he always got when he was about to do something stupid. Or flirt.
“I know something that won’t be boring….” He drawled, raising his eyebrows suggestively. “A thank you for my favourite paramedic perhaps?”
“You’re not doing anything with that rib, Buckley,” You shake your head at him almost amusedly.
Buck had to bite back a snarky comment. He always forgot how stubborn you could be. Which, he knew, was ironic because he was equally, if not more, stubborn himself.
“Can’t even entertain the idea?” He pushed lightly, wincing as he tried to shift to get a better view of you. “Maybe it’ll help speed up the healing process. A little physical therapy, you know? It worked last time,”
“Last time, you had a bruised jaw, not bruised ribs,” You give him another small shake of your head, rolling your eyes.
Buck grumbled. He knew it was futile to argue with you. No matter what he said, you’d win this one.
“Fine,” he finally admitted begrudgingly. “Maybe a bruised jaw and bruised ribs work a little differently, but still,”
He was pouting again. If it wasn’t for his ribs, he’d have crossed his arms over his chest too.
Your acknowledgment is a hum. “You should sleep sitting up if possible for the next few days,”
Buck groaned again. First an ice pack, then three weeks off work, now he had to sleep sitting up? He was really not feeling this no-physical-activity thing.
“Why do I have to sleep sitting up?” He grumbled, shifting awkwardly on the gurney. “Can’t I at least lay down?”
“Try,” You nod towards the gurney he’s sat on. “Go on,”
Buck rolled his eyes at your response, he was too stubborn to immediately admit that you were right.
So, with a lot of grumbling and a small sigh, he carefully lowered himself onto his back.
And almost immediately, he groaned as pain radiated through his side. “Point… made,” he grumbled.
He put his weight on his arm, pushing himself right back up again, shooting daggers at you.
“Mhm,” You roll your eyes, helping him upright. “That’s what I thought,”
Buck grumbled under his breath as you helped him, still annoyed that you were right. He hated the way he could see the slight smile on your lips as you lifted him up, a small hint of triumph in your eyes.
It was a good thing he was into that, otherwise he might just be tempted to wipe it off your face.
“I hate you,” Buck mumbled sulkily. “Stop being right all the time.”
“Can’t I’m afraid, it’s hard-wired into my brain,”
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ryescapades · 18 days
dandelions | kaiju no. 8
"maybe it’s the way you say my name, maybe it’s the way you play your game,"
genre/warning: narumi gen x gn platoon leader!reader, fluff, mutual pining, confession, reader is kinda oblivious and in denial, ooc? idk
a/n: back at it again with my 'narumi but he's not always the loser everyone thinks he is' agenda... also this is very much self indulgent 1.8k wc
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"you're blind as fuck."
your body recoils, genuinely hurt from the insult. "excuse me? what the heck is that supposed to mean?" you pout, brows furrowed in offense and confusion.
shinonome rolls her eyes. "i stand by what i said. you're blind, y/n. if your vision is as good as ours here, you would've seen the way captain narumi looks at you."
you let out a groan. "not this again! i told you guys he doesn't like me that way. this is the captain we're talking about. he's not even the type to be into that romance stuff anyway," you say, suddenly finding more interest in pushing around the food in your tray.
at the table where you're sitting with your fellow platoon leaders, tachibana throws a calculating glance from beside you. "she's right, you know? i think everyone in our division already noticed how fond he is of you. why do you think he's been coming to our training sessions lately?" he questions.
"because it's his job...?" you say with a deadpan, and it makes shinonome let out a sympathetic laugh. "it is but that didn't stop him from skipping group trainings ever since he became the captain. look, you got injured during our last operation. captain narumi started overseeing our trainings right after the day you were discharged, even though you haven't fully recovered yet. can you see what we're seeing here?"
you can. but that still doesn't mean anything right?
wanting to put an end to the conversation, you shake your head in refusal. "you guys are overthinking this. besides, can we stop already? we shouldn't be talking about our superior behind his back in the first place." you say before making a move to leave, your comrades shaking their heads exasperatedly at how oblivious you are.
on the way back to your quarters, you manage to dispel all that you had just talked about lest you start getting your sad little hopes up.
there's no way that narumi gen, of all people, would be into someone like you. no way in hell that he would return the feelings you've long harbored for him... right?
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
you hold in the curse from spilling out when your clumsy self nearly dropped the ceramic bottle. sighing in relief, you push the medicine further back into the shelf, not wanting another mishap to occur.
the infirmary is quiet at these late hours, save for the few patients resting behind their respective ward doors. here in the poorly lit backroom where most of the medicines are stored, you just finished rewrapping your wound when a soft click of the door catches your attention.
you freeze when your eyes connect with a pair of sharp, rosy ones.
"s-sir," you make a move to salute, but the low "at ease, y/n," muttered into the air has you relaxing in your position, though the way he says your name tugs at your heartstrings in a certain way.
you don't say anything next, back straightening as you watch your captain walks further into the room, his hands buried in the pockets of his pants.
once in a blue moon do you ever get the same off-duty hours as him, so it's rare to see him out of his uniform as he's clad in a white worn out t-shirt and a pair of comfy-looking sweats. your traitorous mind wanders to how oversized the shirt would look on you, given how big it is draped over his figure.
narumi casts a briefing look down at the bandage around your forearm. surprisingly, he's the one to break the silence. "how's it faring?" he asks, nodding towards your injury. you send him a small, polite smile. "it's healing well. just a few more days of redressing and it'll be as good as new,"
an uncomfortable silence then fills the room.
"you've been avoiding me these days,"
the sudden and curt statement makes you wince slightly. but of course, he'd straight away aim for the weakest point...
you softly exhale in defeat and avoid his gaze. being the realist that you are, you quietly admit, "i have." as if you could deny his claim anyway. it'd only make you look more stupid if you do.
your not-so-subtle efforts at steering clear of him were too obvious, even those around you have been questioning why you haven't been talking to the captain recently.
in your defense, what other explanation could you have given? that you were avoiding him because you like him? because his silent but attentive gestures have been getting to your head these days? because your own heart was overzealous, wanting to keep him for itself? because you were so overwhelmed almost to the point of confessing this pitifully unrequited sentiment? because you were afraid of rejection?
his forehead creases, alarm bells ringing in your mind when he steps closer to you. he hums lowly, "care to elaborate?"
shivers run down your back as you fidget with your newly wrapped arm. shrinking under his gaze, you feel like a tiny bug being observed under a microscope. "it's really nothing. you don't have to worry about it, captain." you try to convince but who were you kidding, really? he's too smart for something like that.
once again, a moment of silence blankets the atmosphere. and then his next set of words sends your head reeling into the abysmal depth of shame.
"you like me, don't you?"
your body tenses, hands clenching into fists as you feel the mild trepidation rolls off you in waves. you squeeze your eyes shut to gather your bearings first before reopening them.
"i... did rin tell you?" you try to swerve his attention away from the obvious answer. narumi shrugs his shoulders, "no. i found out myself. you should've done better at hiding it if you didn't want me to find out."
oh, at that point you wish a sinkhole could just open up and swallow you whole. this is beyond embarrassing, it's downright humiliating.
in the end you just silently curse under your breath. "it's whatever, i guess. can we just get it over with already?" you grumble, not bothering with formalities anymore. you'll deal with the punishments for that later, right now you just want this conversation to end already.
"huh? get over what?" narumi lifts an eyebrow, and you throw him a flat look. "you're going to turn me down, right?"
his expression turns to that of a bafflement, and then incredulous. he starts to approach even closer, causing you to panic and sputter nervously, your hands coming up in a weak attempt at fending yourself. "did i say something wrong? my bad, i— captain, w-wait, why are you coming closer—"
"i'm not gonna reject you, y/n," he claims, crossing his arms.
the statement stops you short, your face contorting into an incomprehensible look, "wait, what?" the man is nothing if not persistent, invading into your proximity even further.
your heartrate surges up, your head beginning to spin when there's less than a meter separating you. your arms swiftly shoot out to his shoulders to distance yourselves, ignoring the feeling of his lean, broad muscles beneath your touch. "sir, please—"
narumi grabs your wrists while clicking his tongue in the process. "hey, i just said i'm not rejecting you," he grunts as he feels your strength straining under his hold.
when his words fully register in your head, you falter for a moment. "what, does that mean you like me then?" you ask skeptically. with his face slightly twisted, he answers, "yes."
you blink, and your next response comes almost instantly. "no, you don't." narumi jerks back, surprised and a tiny bit offended. "why do you get a say in who i like?"
you shift uncomfortably on your feet. "well, you're you. and i'm... me," you vaguely says, your arms flop a little bit but still acting as a boundary separating the two of you.
"hah? the hell with that— oi, stop pushing me already!" somehow, someway, the two of you engage in a push-and-pull situation, with narumi trying to get closer and you scrambling to stop his advance with an arm shoved against his chest.
it would've been hilarious if someone were to walk in right now, for the situation you're in is way too comical to not laugh at. like two cats angrily pawing at each other, probably.
narumi has had enough of your bullshit eventually, so he snatches your wrists again, pinning them firmly to your front. the action leads to you being forced to retreat a step or two, your back pressing to the cabinet wall behind you.
the hitch in your breath is audible as narumi unknowingly leans in, the space between you decreasing to less than a span now. "agh, you're so stubborn! how many times do i have confess for you to believe me?" he groans, a free hand ruffling his two-toned hair in frustration as he glares at nothing in particular.
there is barely any light in the room, but it still doesn't hide the pinkish hues tinting your captain's cheeks. the endearing sight causes your own cheeks to redden as well, feeling your body heats up as you realize how affected he seems, how real everything is.
you give him no reply, but that only drives him to do more. he glances down to your lips, pupils dilating in the dark as you come to realize his intention.
the space between you shrinks. narumi loosens his hold so that he can trail a finger gently down the side of your jaw, his other hand setting itself on the surface beside your head to cage you in, just as your ribs are caging in your wildly thundering heart.
not knowing what to do with your hands, you end up tugging at the front of his shirt. with only a hairs breadth away between you two, his lips lightly brush against yours in a whisper.
he's about to finally close the distance when a faint crashing noise from outside of the door snaps you out of your lovesick haze. sucking in a sharp breath, you immediately push him away as he does the same, stepping back to separate yourselves again. both of you are suddenly reminded that you're not alone in the infirmary.
the air turns awkward, but you can't help the small smile from growing on your face when you notice narumi's irritated face, his gaze turning softer when it locks on to yours.
you never asked what he’s doing in the infirmary to begin with. though even if you did, narumi would never tell you that he has been secretly frequenting the place, occasionally asking the medical staffs to keep up with your condition and in hopes that he would run into you.
well, at least now you know your feelings are not one-sided anymore. or perhaps they never have been...
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