#what the fuck do i pay £200 rent a month for?????
ajokeformur-ray · 1 year
thinking of that poster in doctor kane's office : it's normal to feel trapped
it's normal to feel trapped and one day i will escape, it's normal to feel trapped and one day i will escape, it's normal -
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justonefeather · 2 years
I get packing underwear for myself so I feel better at work mostly. I don't go to a job where i wear sweatpants anymore but it just makes me more comfortable since i see these people nearly every day. But uhh they're a little expensive, relatively, or at least for me. But I'm finally both paying off debt and saving a little money every check, so I bought a 3-pack, since some of the underwear i have are getting holes around the waistband and the.. leg bands? The end bits. Idk i haven't bought myself new underwear in years because it's something I've thought of as kind of frivolous, what i have still lives so I should use it and not waste money on buying something new. But doing laundry today i was like hmm ok yeah i need to replace some of these (to be fair most of the ones in bad shape are not the packing underwear, i will rep this brand forever, $20 a pair is rough but if you can spare it they're great)
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tiggyloo · 7 months
what's your favourite memory from January 2024?
Oh right I forgot about this. Um.
Honestly, I'm not really sure. Not much happened in January. I really just went to work or stayed home. Didn't do much of anything other than play pokemon a lot.
I really wish I could respond with something more than that, but unfortunately that's kind of all I have to offer
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goosecadet · 10 months
2023 is really not doing a good job of making me not want to kill myself lmao
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holyviolence · 11 months
crazy how my dad is critical of literally everything i doooo :)
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delirious-comfort · 19 days
So I know I am privileged fuck. I have a roof over my head. But I also have bills that keep getting more expensive. My rent has been increased, again. This year alone my monthly expenses have grown by 200 euros, just for bills such as rent, health insurance, electricity, etc. And my income has not changed. I am doing my best to keep up with bills but I am drowning. I have canceled every last 'fun' thing I have in order to save money and I just can't make it work. The month has just started and I have 19,50. And about 300 euros in bills that I cannot pay.
I hate doing this. But I also don't really know what else to do. If there's any way that anyone can help...
That's my paypal. If you can't, I understand. If you don't want to, I understand. If you judge me, I judge me too.
If you need to see proof I can DM it to you. This is embarrassing enough as it is.
And if there's anything I can do in return I am more than happy to do it.
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villainartist · 5 months
financial aid needed desperately!!!
hello, i hate that my life has come to this! let me explain my situation: ive been unsuccessfully trying to establish a life in las vegas for 7 months now, and it hasnt been working out. ive had to move into three different houses while ive been out here due to the fact i cannot keep a job long enough to pay my rent at a stable rate. every job ive gotten out here in vegas has typically resulted in poor management, poor scheduling, and quiet firings— they simply stopped scheduling me. i panicked and applied for new jobs immediately, but with the way this world works, they always take their sweet time getting back to you.
ive been trying desperately to hold onto a job for more than two months, but it seems some insane thing out of my control has to happen and throws a wrench in it. my first living situation was with an irresponsible, messy, rude landlord that i had to share a small apartment with. my second living situation was renting a room with four other people in one house, and one of my roommates suddenly got violent one day and screamed at me threatening to hurt me because there was a grain of rice left on the stove, so i had to move quickly. my third and current (soon to be former) situation i was rushed into, moving into an empty room in my landlords house. the rent was too much for me to handle and i cannot pay rent for this month, and im being threatened with eviction. ive been in california for the past week because i managed to get some on-call work out here, but now im essentially stuck here with no clue on what to do next.
i dont know whats wrong with me! ive been able to hold jobs for a whole year, but las vegas has been an utterly miserable, dehumanizing experience. i cant take it anymore. i need ANY sort of help, ANY amount of money to prevent me from going homeless by the end of this month. i dont mean to break out any “buzzwords” here but i am a transgender undiagnosed autistic and morbidly depressed 23 year old who desperately needs some sort of financial and home stability so i have a decent enouh mental health to keep a job. im deathly afraid of becoming homeless, living in my car. there’s not a single person in my life who’s willing to take me in, even if they have empty guest rooms. ive officially become THE black sheep of my family for my constant fuck-ups. they dont want anything to do with me.
for financial aid, here are my venmo and paypal. all donations go straight to my savings account for the sake of rent.
i currently only have 440 in my account (still 200+ short of my rent, and even then, my landlord wants me out and will not talk to me about it further, so i need to find somewhere else to stay.)
if you’re in the las vegas area, PLEASE, please reach out to me ([email protected]) and let me know if you know anyone or anywhere that has rooms for rent, preferably with the maximum being $500-600 a month, i cant go any higher.
that is all for now and thank you so much even for just reading this. i will make sure to reblog with any updates.
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johnwaynegayscene · 6 months
my former boss is refusing to pay me a month's worth of stolen backpay plus my last check and i need to raise another 200 bucks to cover my rent this month while i wait for the labor bureau to do their whole thing, if anyone can help a broke ass trans woman who just got royally fucked over by a shitty libertarian get through a fucked up surprise hurdle i will be so deeply grateful, my c@$h and v3ŋm0 are both punkyrooster and literally just a few dollars can be huge if i can get enough help from people sharing this as well 💜
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this is her response to me being upset that after a month straight of busting my ass to build and open a new shop from the ground up and being her only employee, working every day and long hours at that, that she wanted to "just let you know that if it comes up, i can do your job easily and better, i just don't want to." and that she still has other applicants standing by in case i started thinking i wasn't expendable, after i pissed her off by having the temerity to ask what exactly was going on with my paycheck because i had just learned that she had never actually submitted any of my hours to the payroll service.
so that's been fun
seriously, anything at all will help and i fucking hate that i have to ask like this again but jesus christ this whole thing got so shitty so fast lol so yeah again my c@$h and v3ŋm0 are punkyrooster and just sharing this will help me immensely, thank you thank you thank you 💜
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yowyowyaoi · 4 months
Deidara's Daily Texts from the Akatsuki, Part Two
From Itachi:
I swear I'm not mad just give it back
You're STILL not over that?!
What are you even shaving? You don't have a single hair on your face!
Not my business who you date, just keep them from fighting all the time!
That's funny because Hidan said it was you, asshole.
I never ask you questions like that about Sasori, do I?!
You better hide, Kakuzu's going around collecting rent
God you're a worse gossip than Tobi!
I know it was you my whole room smells like clay!
That's a really lewd thing to say ... are you really hitting on me or are you just drunk off your ass?
Yeah but considering I use nothing in mine and you use like 200 products in yours, I'd say mine is better.
Stop it. You're not a pet person.
Okay can you just come with me? I don't ever ask you for favors do I?!
Pay me back what you owe me first.
From Hidan:
Yeah but I'm hotter. Like WAY hotter.
He loves to say stupid shit like that, he's not being serious.
Bet his dick is bigger tho.
That's literally the most stupid shit I've ever heard. We're MEANT to eat meat, fucker!
Yeah but if shark dick catches us he'll beat our asses and Kakuzu already said he's not putting me back together if it happens again!
I'll pray to Jashin for you, you pathetic atheist.
Let's get the fuck out of here and get something to eat. Kakuzu's sleeping I can swipe his wallet!
Me and you? In your DREAMS, kid. You couldn't handle this immortal dick.
Why tf would I care about that? Tits or not me and you are brothers, man.
No, steak. Rare-rare. Still mooing.
Fuck a vegetable. Load it up with meat.
No wait corn is good but make sure it's seasoned with the meat blood.
That cunt did not beat my ass he caught me by surprise! I'll kill him next time I see his ugly face!
From Konan:
I don't remember my siblings so you all are it for me.
When a girl asks how old you think she is always answer like 10 years younger than you actually think! But seriously, 40?! FORTY??
Did you always know or did it take you a little bit to figure it out?
Rose petal or honeysuckle. Sometimes lilac if it's not too overwhelming.
It's a complicated situation for sure. They both feel something strongly for you but if my opinion counts? I'd stay with Sasori. At least you know what to expect from him, and I think he genuinely loves you.
I've narrowed it down to you or Hidan. If you confess I'll go easy on you. :-)
Please be gentler with him. He may hide it but he's gotten really fragile these last few months and he's in pain almost constantly.
Threatening to "beat people's asses" isn't my style. I go for the silent kill.
Wow, HE did that for YOU? That's interesting.
Take it up with Kakuzu. He's supposed to provide you all with extra money for exactly these types of things.
I would just do it, Dei. Be grateful your punishment is so light compared to what you did.
Are you two serious? You realize we're all trying our hardest NOT to attract negative attention?!
Perkier if it's chilly out ;)
I thought about it but I've had it this length for forever. It'd probably look weird long.
Only if you promise to sit still this time. I'm not gonna have you complain if it gets smudged again.
From Kakuzu
Brat. Stop.
I don't give a shit if you don't like him. He's valuable and this organization can't afford to lose him. So SUCK IT UP.
The waxing poetic was one thing but the actual poetry was nauseating.
That's coming out of your paycheck.
How is that an "emergency expense"?!
I don't care what you feel it is, "unfair" or not EVERYONE is expected to contribute to the bills. You use the lights? You pay. You take showers? You pay. You eat the food? You. PAY.
I know you two are friends. You have fairly good ideas about what he likes. Help me and I'll take off that debt you owe me from last month.
Sasori can do that for you, can't he??
Nice try, kid, but you still owe me. And you couldn’t handle my immortal love anyway.
From Tobi
I'd ask you to come with but Itachi thinks you'll try and blow him up while he's asleep.
Diabetes was just made up by assholes who don't want us to eat all the good sugar!
He's really so selfish he wouldn't let me borrow you for one night?
Hidan said it was you ...
I KNOW you like older men! Hey what if I told you I was 31, what then??
Of all the things that could be under this mask, why would "sharingan" be one of your guesses? That's ridiculous Senpai!
Come on Senpai! Leader would be mad at first but I think everyone would like a puppy!
Just tell him that you were only home 10 days this month so you should only have to pay 1/3 of the rent
If you want to but Hidan would probably call you a lot of names for wearing it
Marry me and I'll carry you everywhere all the time. It's a good deal!
Let's see if one of the others will trade with us, I hate going to really cold places
Try if you want to but Konan hit me so hard last time I saw stars for three days
Can you make me a bomb shaped like a scythe? Hidan is getting on my nerves.
From Zetsu
It's complicated, but everybody's blood has a distinct scent. Your's smells like lava and ash. It's very unique.
"Love" or not I'd watch my back, child. You'd make a prettier puppet for him than anyone else.
The years don't go by but centuries do.
Come now, you could have left SOME of those bodies in-tact for me!
I can't imagine that it would matter in the long run.
If you three don't stop attracting so much attention we'll have to pick up and move yet again!
I can tolerate human food but it doesn't compare to humans as food.
Neither. Neither of them is a suitable match for you. I'd run as far as I could from both of them.
Thank you for the offer but I don't believe your moisturizer would be effective on my plant skin.
No, not especially. Things are much the same to me.
If Kakuzu said no then there's no point in asking Leader. Kakuzu holds the money with an iron fist and Nagato has never once interfered with his decisions.
A bit more rest and some decent food would do you a world of good.
From Nagato
Then I must not understand true art because all I can see is property damage and unwanted negative attention being drawn towards our organization.
I understand your frustration but please continue to work with him. I need Sasori to stay here and you're the only one Tobi will listen to.
Oh? It seems it may be time I had a talk with you young ones then.
I see no need for further recruits.
Yes, thank you. Konan used it on my hair and it worked wonderfully.
I'm aware you don't like him but please endeavor to coexist in this group with him. Also remember how precarious his health is before you pull another stunt like the one you and Hidan did yesterday.
I won't stand in the way of your personal goals but surely you realize how extreme self-detonation sounds?
I got you all these phones as a way to communicate efficiently with your partners and with the entire group over long distances. NOT to play games. Kakuzu tells me the phone bill is $200 over it's usual amount due to unathorized games and extra features. If this keeps up I'll take them back.
Next time please be sure you're checking who you're sending explicit pictures to. I assume that was meant only for Sasori's eyes? Now I have Tobi and two others ready to kill him to be your partner.
From Kisame
I shouldn't admit it but it WAS very funny.
But what would be the purpose? Samehada steals chakra, aesthetics don't matter.
I can't tell the future but I can guess that if he's stayed this long, then he probably means to stay with you for life.
Yeah well if one more "accidentally" goes off under his window while he's napping I'm going to make a sandwich of your fingers, kid.
I suppose that would be fun but good luck getting the money from Kakuzu.
I can't even imagine the lives they live. It's really more merciful for them that we extract their demon and send them to the afterlife.
Our relationship is so much more than that but all you immature brats ever ask about is the sex aspect. Shameful.
There's no way he bought that fresh, I can smell it all the way back in my room!
Wear your cloak and perhaps borrow Sasori's as well, it's extremely windy and chilly.
Have you considered a haircut, maybe? Or to dye it black like my Itachi's?
Lol relax it was a joke, no need for threats.
From Sasori
I did get them. Beautiful, but Kakuzu would kill you if he knew you were using these phones for such lewd purposes.
A "magic cure" doesn't beat eating right, going to bed at a decent hour, and exercising once in a while, brat.
Funny how they all think I'M the pervert here when YOU'RE the one who came at ME so aggressively. Brat.
I can think of a much better use for all of those pretty mouths of yours, Dei. Come see me and I'll show you what I mean.
Maybe I need to get you a dictionary for Christmas. Because you STILL don't seem to understand what "covert" and "stealth" mean.
Yeah well you nearly dying because of your own carelessness isn't what I'd call fun. So stop it before I end you myself.
I would never.
"<3" is not a heart. I don't care what idiots say. A real human heart is NOT shaped like that. I'll bring you one of my anatomy textbooks so you can see for yourself.
Yes, I suppose. But don't make it a habit please.
Your breathing sounded strange. Come see me for a checkup. Now.
I don't care for when he sends us on missions to cold places. Bad for you and puts a lot of wear on Hiroku.
Trust me, you DO snore. Like a steam engine.
Why you can't simply ignore him, I'll never understand.
Your eating habits are atrocious, brat.
You're quite the silly one, aren't you?
Mm. You know it's not in me to be jealous. But. If I *ever* see him touch you like that again it'll be the last time his fucking hand is attached to his body. You're MINE.
It's just baffling to me that you won't do it. You'd be the centerpiece of the entire collection! Come on I KNOW you love attention!
I wouldn't trust Hidan around something like that.
Goodnight, my sweet prince. See you in the morning ... if the poison doesn't take you out :-)
As per the Inbox request of @tulipunainenruusu 😊
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magiarec · 2 years
We moved across Canada last year to escape severe medical abuse, but our living situation rapidly degraded. Our next door neighbour is a violent racist homophobe who has dedicated the last year of my life to harrassing us. More details will be under the cut. After months of searching we finally found a new apartment an hour away, and can have it any time in the next two weeks as long as we have the money. We do not have that much money. We can cover moving costs, the remainder of rent on our current place, and all our normal medical/etc bills. We've asked family for help and gotten a resounding "bootstraps" from them. Mutual aid is my only hope.
Our triad is LGBT (what, all at once? yes!), severely mentally ill, two of us are disabled, and one of us is latina. I'm currently still trapped waiting on a reply from immigration, legally can't work yet, and I don't feel safe doing sex work here when an arrest could mean deportation.
🌈 ♿ £0/2000
total cost: deposit (600), rent (1200), eating this month (200)
Here’s what we’ve been trying to get away from for a year. TW for racism, homophobia, slurs, child abuse, assault, graphic violent/sexual threats, sexual harrassment, fatphobia, the police having to get involved, and anything else that I can add if you need. I’m going to list these in the order they happened.
• Tried to break into our house during a four hour long extended breakdown. Hammered on the door til it dented. Threatened all of our lives multiple times. This went on until 2am. First police report.
• Spent a week hammering on our door or window and screaming “WAKE UP” at any time between 4-6am if she heard us using the kitchen the night before.
• Followed me up and down the road when I ran errands calling me a disgusting pig, the d slur, and a pedophile. Followed all of us down the road more than once screaming at us for being worthless [d slur]s while she was a mother.
• Told her children I was a pedophile, and that I might kidnap them one day. Loudly. In front of their friends. Described in graphic detail what she assumed I would do to them if I did.
• Waited on our doorstep for me and pulled out a fistful of my hair when I tried to push past her to get inside. I have not left the house alone since. Second police report.
• Multiple months of her waiting until after midnight to begin blasting religious sermons or the same fucking eminem song six times through our conjoining walls.
• Began weighing our fire escape grates down while screaming at us that she’d burn us alive to ready us for hell.
• Waited until I was home alone and then came up to the door and began calmly telling me that she’d, quote, “cut my clit off” before offering to bring her guy friends over to rape me straight.
• Taped naked photos of herself to our bedroom window.
• Brought a fucking ant infestation into the basement apartments we split and tried to punch me in the face when I told the inspector we’d been putting down traps and all of the bugs came from her side of the building.
• Chased my husband down the side of our house, spat on his face, and tried (almost succeeded before we both tackled it shut) to kick the door open. Third police report that they actually bothered to come out for, and the first one where the officer who arrived took the genuine threats and physical assault seriously.
It’s going on trial tomorrow. Our landlord has had months to evict her for the assults, or not paying rent, or the harrassment, or the way she keeps threatening to shoot his family and calling them the N word. He has told her instead that we’re “probably” moving out soon for the past year and she insists she’s staying until that point - a thing we found out this week when confronting him about her still being here. We also found out that his plan to rent us her bigger unit is contingent on us furnishing it and leaving it for two months when his family comes to stay for a wedding in August.
We also also found out that when the baliffs said they can’t evict her until he does [basic legal step that she could contest] [... that he could have done last year] he decided it wasn’t worth it. So he’s going to illegally evict her. By waiting u til she leaves next week, unlocking her unit, loading her belongings into a van, changing the locks, and installing a gate. His plan is to have her arrested for tresspassing when she tries to come back to her house.
This is insane. It is not legal, it’s deeply unethical even if I hate her ass, and there is no way in hell that she will not just blame us for it when it happens. My husband leaves for work at 4am. She knows this. I am dead fucking certain she will attack him or us before the week is out if we remain here. I am terrified and traumatized and need your help. Please, please help.
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millenniumdueled · 1 year
hey I know there's already so many posts going around d asking for help so I feel really disgusting doing this again, I feel like I don't deserve it when other people are suffering too but im
I had to call in to work Wednesday and call our emoloyee help line because I was feeling so suicidal over financial stress and now I'm once again unable to stop crying. I just got the paycheck that I was leeching off of during my time off and
I can't afford to pay my rent. I'm $200 short even after taking my savings down to the minimum of $300 I have to maintain to not get charged a fee. I have less than $2 in my emergency checking.
I don't really expect anyone to help. it's my own fault for using time off work as an excuse to go to the bar one night and to eat out twice and I knew damn well I had no business doing either of them I just got caught up wanting to go out since my mental health has been really, really bad and I've been really, painfully unhappy every single day. I hadn't gone out since emo night in February and I don't know how to make irl friends without going places that cost money. I'm so lonely and depressed I just really wanted a chance to make a friend and get to spend time with someone in person again. and I did, I had a great night and played pool and made a friend and we're planning to meet up again but
it feels so much like it wasn't worth it and I knew I didn't deserve to go out and have that fun and I did it anyway
I'm rambling but owning my own mistakes and actions is important to me. I want to be honest that I didn't get fucked over with bills, I did something stupid and selfish and ungrateful and spent almost $100 during a week off work just for funsies. it's why I hate hate hate HATE myself for having to ask for help. I should have to suffer the consequences of my actions so I don't do it again
I have a hair appointment this month I'm already going to have to cancel because I can't afford it. and that's fine, even though it means risking being blacklisted by the only hair salon I've ever not been disappointed or traumatized by
but with student loan repayment starting up again very soon, I can't. empty my savings. I can't lose my entire next paycheck transferring it early to pay my rent.
I can't take any commissions. I have one big one I've been putting off since January bc I'm scared of starting it and it never being good enough. I've been working on another "simple" commission for a month. I don't want to make promises that I can't keep. maybe in the future I can take some more, but I'm not even entertaining the option until I finish what I started.
my pay pal is @MRheuble and venmo is @jupitertrash, or I have tips set up on my personal blog
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crazybishthoughts · 3 months
What living in America looks like..
Some days i wish i lived in another country, one that has their people in mind.. Were like the only country that literally charges an arm an a leg for EVERYTHING that is needed to be successful an thriving.
Min wage - between $7.25- $15 (depending on the state, some states have increased to $19 )
(Only allowed to work certain amount of hours)
Now let's do some math ...
Daycare costs - $800+ (a week per child)
Groceries - $160+ a week (organic add an extra $50-100)
Gas - $4+ a gallon
Health insurance- $300+ (wanna add family member add an extra couple $100)
Car insurance - $200+ (want to add a person, add a vehicle $200+)
Home insurance - $200+ (wanna add storm coverage, fire coverage, water damage $100+)
Life insurance - $100+ (want a higher sum , pay more)
Rent / mortgage - $1600+ for a 1 bd / $2000+ for a 2bd or higher
Electric / gas - $200 +
W/s/g - $80+
Phone service - $100+ (add a line 20-40+)
Internet - $80+
Wanna move somewhere - $5000+ (deposit, last, security, must have good credit)
And then they wonder why us as Americans are STRUGGLING to make ends meet. Why so many are homeless. Why so many are starving. Why so many barley scrape by each week.. why so many choose one bill over the other to pay some months, why some can only afford rent. 🤔 because THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT DOESNT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT ITS PEOPLE.
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tittyinfinity · 1 year
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Went ahead and had to take out a loan since donations aren't coming in – this is the only place that would approve me bc I used them before.
My KNOWN expenses right now are $635. $300 for car insurance and $335 for this bullshit charge from my apartment complex (they COMPLETELY changed everything they told me).
I make $760/mo on disability and all the money I had put back for moving had to be spent on a $150 set of new car keys and $80 to take my cat to the vet.
I need to pay off this loan ASAP because it will be $2867 if I pay the minimum monthly payment.
Please help if you can!
P*ypal: yanidork
C*shapp: $yourdestinymae
V*nmo: nicework_bonedaddy
More info on my apartment situation under the cut
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I have argued with them that none of this is correct. I never signed anything that said that my rent would be set up this way.
I'm currently trying to find my own paperwork and waiting on more calls back. I'm going to be bringing this up with a lawyer.
First off, my rent was $635 ($665 with pet fees) and my portion of it was $210 with the rental assistance.
They said if I signed another lease, my rent would be $765 a month, or $965 a month if I did month-to-month.
I called a couple of months ago and we got it worked out to where I'd pay the same amount for this month without any increase. Apparently they didn't keep documentation of it, but I have a paper that says something about it, I just can't find the damn thing.
As you see here, it says the rent paid by section 8 was $775. My portion (minus the pet fee) being $155, this would put my rent at $930 for this month, meaning they DID charge me the extra $300 for month-to-month while also decreasing my portion of the rent. (???????)
However, it also says that there is an EXTRA $100 charge for month-to-month, bringing the rent to $1,030 + the $50 late fee for a grand total of $1,080.
Another thing that makes no sense is that the section 8 office said they only paid $620 of my rent. Which is about $200 more than they usually do, but still not $775.
I have to pay the 355 by the 10th or I get another $75 late fee. I'm trying to get it fixed before then, but if I don't, I have to bite the bullet and pay it off anyway.
If anyone else can make sense of this shit I am totally open for advice because I don't know what the FUCK is going on.
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itspyon · 8 months
This is also kind of off topic but why the fuck is pricing commissions so goddamn difficult like. I know I'm not popular enough to get anything if I highball it but seeing what other people charge (175 for a headshot⁉️) I feel almost as if I'm shooting too low with my amounts (headshot in full color is . 30 euro)
i will tell you all my prices per piece. my headshot comms are around 30$. the carnival piece ? around 80$. i'm working on a 150$ comm right now, full bg render two characters 4k canvas
a commission that takes me a month to make should pay for a month's rent, for me, because 1. i live on a country where the exchange rate is huge and 2. because it GENUINELY took a month. i have not worked on any other commission for the past 3 weeks, only this one
price your effort
and i understand 175$ a headhshot because they are a big big artist who doesn't want their queue to be a trillion people. but don't complain people expect ? the product ??? at some point ?????? they gave you 200$ what are we doing
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aceontheline · 1 year
Mass Angst (Pt 2)
Mass had been moved in with New York for quite some time. About a few weeks to be precise. He got a job lined up for him at the pizza place that New York worked at as a Delivery Driver. Once he got the "Out of State" license + license plate situations out of the way, things seemed to be looking up for him... Until he discovered something horrific. One day, Mass was looking for his paycheck in his bank account. He knew he already paid New York for his first month of rent so it may look a bit low right now, but he'd pick himself back up. Mass was initially at about $9,400 at the moment, but he knew he was getting a paycheck of at least $200, so that would help bring the total up...
Account Balance: $4,700
Shit. SHIT. No way in Hell was that right! Mass had paid rent recently, but he knew he didn't give New York THAT much money. He looked for anything to clarify some sort of answer, then got his bank statement up. His account withdrew $4,700 this morning...
Mass's chest got tight and his vision became tunneled. The world around him felt like it was spinning and he didn't know what he could do to stop it. He just screamed for help, thinking he was about to die. Luckily, New York was just getting home from a quick work meeting. He rushed to Mass's aid, picking him up off the floor and asking what was wrong. Mass explained the situation, emphasizing that he had no clue how the money disappeared like that. New York thought for a moment, then his face went pale white.
"Mass. That withdrawal. Does it say where it went or anything? See if you can check the info on the transaction" New York asked. Mass checks it as told, and his face too goes a pale white.
"My parents... My parents took my fucking money" Mass said, his chest still tight.
New York sighed loudly, grabbing a cold glass of water for Mass to grip onto and drink from and sat next to him. New York took him through some guided breathing exercises and grounding skill type ones to bring Mass down from his anxiety. Mass eventually calmed down, looking all around the room. He was now angry more than anything, trying to decipher why his parents would make such a bold decision... Rent. Mass remembered that his parents said that if he didn't pay rent, then he didn't really have use for being in the house. Thing is, they actually went to a friend who was a lawyer to draft up that contract. But Mass didn't remember the clause that he had to pay them rent being included anywhere in that contract... He pulled up a copy of it that his parents gave him and read it over dozens of times. Nope. Nothing about owing them rent.
"So they just stole money from me? It's my OWN bank account, isn't that illegal? Couldn't I sue them?" Mass asked angrily.
"Probably for identity theft or something. I'd ask if you could get that money back first" New York stated.
"Fair. I'll start there" Mass replied, grabbing his phone to make the call.
About 3 hours of explanations and transfers later, Mass was told that he could expect the money back into his account in a matter of 5-7 business days. He had another panic attack just before he attempted to contact his parents, to which New York helped him relax. After all that madness & to rub a little salt in the wound, Mass took a screenshot of the email his bank sent him regarding the claim, and sent it to his parents. "Nice try, fuckers" Mass wrote. His parents basically had nothing left. They were backed into a corner as Mass demanded an explanation.
"Look, you turned 18 before your High School graduation. It was only fair that you paid us some rent to help us out. We calculated the average cost of rent in our town for a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment. It costed about $2,350 a month. So that's what you owed us. For not doing chores and not going to work" his dad stated.
"But NOWHERE in that contract did it state that I owed you rent, or did I have to go to school and to work at the same time while under that 4 month temporary housing situation-"
"It was implied" his dad interrupted.
"That is not legally binding. You had the contract drafted up by a lawyer" Mass replied.
His parents were stuttering and stammering, looking for any legal loophole, but Mass was right. And they knew it. Mass drew up something else for them after that phone call: Another contract. New York had a friend who's dad was a lawyer, so they all drafted up a contract for Mass's parents. It basically demanded that they hand him over the money, as well as paying New York 3 months rent. They signed in agreement, handing over $1,350 to Mass.
"I already have the bank claiming that money you stole from me, as you saw. So, after the $1,350 processes, I won't be saying anything more to you. I'm cutting yous off" Mass stated.
"Fine. So be it" his parents both said.
All of this was done over phone calls and emails, and now it was finally over. Mass could breathe normally again and stop being so antsy & on edge all the time.
-----------------------TimeSkip: A Few Months Later------------------
Mass and New York had been living peacefully with no other issues for a while. Mass always paid rent on time and was doing really well in his job. He was even promoted to Assistant Manager overtime, and New York was replacing the manager who had worked there for years, because he was retiring. He was a family friend of New York's and offered him the job. New York graciously accepted and was to start the managerial duties soon.
The two ran the pizza place fairly well together and it was a beloved spot by all those who visited. However, what no one else knew or expected? New York developing feelings for Mass. They had been around each other so often and seemed to share almost everything in common. So, it made sense for New York in his mind to ask Mass out.
Mass... Denied New York.
"I'm sorry. I just think that with you being both my manager and my roommate that it sets up a weird dynamic. Also, I'm pretty sure I'm Ace anyway" Mass replied.
"Oh, it's okay. I'm sorry if I made things weird now" New York apologized.
"Oh no way, dude. It just meant that you liked me enough to try going up the next level, if you will. I'm flattered, but I don't think I'd be able to satisfy your needs. Also, yeah. The whole relationship dynamic we've already got is nice. I'd like to just stay friends" Mass insisted.
"Okay. I appreciate you being honest with me rather than being like 'Oh, let's see where this goes', only for it to go absolutely nowhere" New York said, scratching the back of his neck.
Mass insisted that he could never do that to New York and that they were close enough friends that he didn't want anything like that to happen to him. He was protective of his friend, for sure. However, Mass knew someone that may be a good fit for New York. Mass showed New York someone's Instagram and NY was hooked... California. He looked like a sweet boy, and New York immediately went to follow California's Instagram and DM him.
Speaking of being Asexual, Mass was sure that his parents would be disappointed in him for this too. Implying that he would be "broken" for not following status quo and giving them grandchildren. Mass sighed as he twirled a pen around in his hand, looking at numbers for the pizza place. After a while, Mass looked up at his Asexual flag themed tapestry and just traced a line in the air with his finger over it. He was still unsure of his own sexuality, things wavering around and he felt... Incomplete. Mass knew he was right about rejecting New York, because it could lead to muddied and complex feelings & whatnot. Instead though, he wanted to try his hand at romance with someone else. Although... Guy? Girl? Both? Neither? He had no clue.
Mass Angst, Part 1: ( Here )
Mass Angst, Part 3: ( Here )
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incarnateirony · 2 years
My roommate is convinced I'm a non confrontational personality. This is so very funny.
He takes the text as evasion or something. I had to sit him down like. No, there's three things going on here. One, I am autistic. I already have trouble speaking and was nonverbal until seven. It is an effort to speak, it requires energy. Two, I am trans. I am like a duck going through puberty. I open my mouth and I don't know what godawful honk came out. Three, you are tenants, and having written communication record is important. I am confronting you in text because I am a confrontational personality, and I know what I'm doing.
Well I just think--I don't care what you think dude. Well you spend so much time in your room you lazy. That one isn't your business, we had a rental agreement and you're going to fulfill it. Two, you don't know what I do for a living, or don't do. You already know I have unconventional income. You already know I'm freelance. You already know what's why I wanted roommates to help to begin with.
"Well the bathroom's dirty." I don't know about you fam, but I've cleaned it many times, I don't know who's soda cans and shit keeps ending up in there. I am not your maid, your mother, or your wife. I can clean up within reason but you guys still have to do some shit. The rental agreement is space, and utilities. Not me being your mother because you perceive me with boobs. I am not the maid service. If you guys pay your shit on time, maybe I can even afford one, and nobody even has to clean up their own bullshit soda cans, see how that works?
Oh. Huh. Yeah, huh. Huh is I applied for rental assistance months ago while Derek fucked around not taking this seriously and you kept telling me to give him more time so now he owes me like 1500$. That ain't his credit line getting raw dogged, it's mine, you asshat. And you owe me 550 for the month now too. That's $2000 of hits I have soaked for you assholes WHILE not getting the rental assistance because it ran out of funding. Meaning you think I'm being lazy in my room, I'm taking on independent video commissions at 200-500 a pop where I can because someone else isn't handling their bullshit, and I'm over it.
...Well I didn't think about that.
Yeah, perspective, motherfucker. So now you got me out here putting two grown men in their place because you projected some bullshit and wanted to pack attack and pressure and play dominance and I don't care what you think I look like out here, because in here, we're about to fucking throw down. No, you made an agreement, you pay your fucking agreement, you don't make excuses for him to run up another 2 months of bills before he might fucking pay me, that's not how this fucking works. Pay the rent or get the fuck out.
He's had not one but two 30 day notices at this point, the locks are changing on the given terms and you guys aren't going to change my fucking mind. He has over $50,000 in an ESOP account he's just opting to Not Give Me because he'll take fee hits. Yeah, so is my credit, asshole. Pull $2K and be good through April until you start your new job and get a check, it's not fucking rocket science. Christ on a cracker. I had to pull from my 401k too when life crashed.
So anyway, Guy 1 apologized and sent his 550 immediately. Guy 2 I'd already had a blowout with about this 2 days ago since he's the one with the giant tab. He's like I CALLED ESOP LAST TIME THEY DEPOSITING IT THEY SAID IT SHOULD BE NEXT WEEK.
Fuckin okay, dude. I told you by the 15th. I ain't having some rando smoke dope in my attic rent free for months swearing he's gonna pay.
Anyway that's how I just threw two cis men that thought they could Pull Some Bullshit as a unit they justified to themselves and they, too, had the come to jesus bus pull up on them, and by that, basically by next week all my debts should be cleared, thank god, and everything back on track.
Perspective, motherfucker. Told him rather than projecting his own bullshit criminal psychology courses from prison at me if he really wants to do recon on how I think my soul is airing on TV a finale tuesday 7PM otherwise get off my dick. Cuz boy don't cite psychology to me, you're like the witch citing the old magic to aslan, I have Junged you over and through and you do not even know it.
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